Wednesday, April 27, 2022

 Requesting Prayer

First and foremost, I am asking for prayers for Constance.  She continues to run a low grade fever which is well into its second week.  She believes this to be a reaction after receiving a Covid booster.  I know right now she is feeling pretty lousy.  Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.


The Shaping of a New Economic Order

I had planned to write more in-depth about the following articles.  Unfortunately time does not permit so I’ll let the articles speak for themselves.

Recently I noticed an article about microchip implants for use for contactless payments. Considering the  geopolitical realignment currently underway as well as the competition for who will redefine the existing economic rules-based order, Windows Central’s statement comes more into focus:  “who will govern this evolving global community and economy becomes relevant. Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods or services. 

A digital Bretton Woods or something different?  Whichever way it goes I expect this contactless payment system will integrate with a Social Value Rewards System.


Former EU diplomat Alastair Crooke writes that the West’s expulsion of Russia from the SWIFT payment system was “an act of self-mutilation.” 


"The current military operation in Ukraine will, in due course, be relegated to the status of little more than a footnote in global history, although the all-out financial war that has erupted in Russia will be instrumental in shaping the coming new world order."


"US hegemony over the so-called “rules-based order” has been much more financial (rather than military). That is, an order imposed by the US threat to 'sanction' any and all offenders with a 'neutron bomb' of US Treasury bills...And on February 26, this system began to die..."

"...They act only on impulse. We know this because both the Fed and the ECB reported that they were not consulted about the confiscation of gold or the expulsion of seven Russian banks from the SWIFT financial clearing system. And they clarified that, if consulted, they would have opposed both movements."


The International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies writes the Ukraine war is a prelude to the emergence of a new international order.

“It is important to emphasize that this is not a traditional war, nor a conflict between two states over disputed territory, nor a pre-election propaganda, but a war of an entirely different kind. This war is a first step on the path to establishment of a new order in international relations, that is a new division of spheres of influence at the global level.”


“The developments in Ukraine represent the beginning of the end of the existing world order…Put succinctly, the current developments are a prelude to the emergence of a new international order.”


The EU is flexing its muscle to dissuade China from siding with Russia. Meanwhile Russia and China profess to speak with “one voice.”

All of this is consistent with new age expectations that the forces of the old age would clash and from it would rise the new. But we know that’s not how things pan out.


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RayB said...

J @ 10:03 AM ...

It was Hamilton that did the banksters bidding with his creation of the First Bank of the United States, America's central bank. Hamilton had enormous sway over George Washington. Washington never had children. Hamilton served as Washington's chief staff aide during the Revolutionary War, and the two developed a 'father/son' bond. Unfortunately, Washington trusted Hamilton completely.

Thomas Jefferson was Sec. of State under Washington and desperately fought against the banking interests, which Hamilton represented. Most of the famous quotes of Jefferson regarding the danger of bankers gaining political power were stated during the heat of battle with Hamilton. One (paraphrase) that always stuck with me:

"Bankers are more to be feared than standing armies." There are a few more.

Unfortunately, Hamilton won the battle against Jefferson and the First Bank of the United States (a private banking institution, much like our Federal Reserve) was created (with a 20 year charter). When Pres. Andrew Jackson refused to renew the bank charter, the banksters closed down credit and created one of the worst depressions in U. S. history. However, Jackson never relented, even though the bank and their bought and paid for print media attacked him, and particularly, his wife Rachael, 24/7.

After the bank was dismantled, for the first and only time in U. S. history, the federal government paid off all of their debt obligations and actually had a true surplus of funds. When the charter was later 'renewed' after Jackson left office, America again became 'slaves to their lenders.' We have been heavily in debt ever since.

Anonymous said...

X @ 6:18 AM - Fuck off X, you lying, New Age, NWO, racist, pile of dog shit.

Anonymous said...

Rayb promoting more KNOWN lies - this is republished misinformation.

Maga Qanon promoter JD Rucker in the article Ray posted above said:

It sounds like science fiction until you realize it was just announced by Albert Bourla, CEO for Pfizer, to the World Economic Forum at their globalist Davos gathering.

This wasn't "just announced" and wasn't related to covid at all. This speech was given in 2018 and was discussing new technology that could be used by mental health professionals to ensure individuals, like schizophrenics, take their medication properly.

Here's what the FDA said in Nov. 2017...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first drug in the U.S. with a digital ingestion tracking system. Abilify MyCite (aripiprazole tablets with sensor) has an ingestible sensor embedded in the pill that records that the medication was taken. The product is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia, acute treatment of manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder and for use as an add-on treatment for depression in adults.

The system works by sending a message from the pill’s sensor to a wearable patch. The patch transmits the information to a mobile application so that patients can track the ingestion of the medication on their smart phone. Patients can also permit their caregivers and physician to access the information through a web-based portal.

“Being able to track ingestion of medications prescribed for mental illness may be useful for some patients,” said Mitchell Mathis, M.D., director of the Division of Psychiatry Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “The FDA supports the development and use of new technology in prescription drugs and is committed to working with companies to understand how technology might benefit patients and prescribers.”

Anonymous said...

X did not condemn the 9:30 PM racist post last evening. He did not call that post out directly but instead he very directly equated it to RayB's posts that are actual news reports.

X made his "point", that his point is to slam RayB for disagreeing with him.
X's point is to stalk RayB as has been duly noted above. Very unchristian, unkind, uncivil of anonymous poster X. His timestamped posts are all we need to know of who this person is, and what guile and bile he seethes.

He won't directly confront anyone but Conservatives because he hates them maliciously. The bias coming from him is palpable. His trolling and antics are leaning (even more) extreme.
All others get a sideways pass or flat ignored by him.
He proves himself over and over to be the troll we all know he is.

For sure, it's not okay.

And 10:43 AM is extremely out of bounds for the vulgarity directed at X. Sick and wrong 10:43AM! Sick and wrong as racist 9:30 PM is!
As much as I think X is wrong, and that doesn't matter, as much I see his tone is pretty vicious, still, he did not deserve that posted at him.

People need to step back and get a grip. Beyond Ridiculous!

RayB said...

Just a few thoughts on 'X' ...

First, I believe X is a created persona by a certain someone that wants to convey X's radical beliefs, but wants to do so under the cloak of secrecy, hence, the created persona.

Second, I don't believe X is a man.

Third, X is NOT a Bible believing, God fearing Christian, as evidenced by X's support for radical abortionists, terrorist Marxist organizations, etc. X's hatred towards true Christians on this blog is legendary, as evidenced by X's constant personal attacks and by falsely labeling anyone that disagrees with X as "racists," "Anti-Semites," "Q-Anon followers," "Trump worshippers," "insurrectionists," "followers of a false Jesus," etc., etc.

Forth, X is a VERY bitter person that is full of hate. Why that is, who can know? But it is very obvious that X is not a happy, contented person. X is not at peace with the Lord.

Fifth, X is obsessed with 'being somebody,' and suffers under 'delusions of grandeur.' X is full of pride and cannot suffer any opposing view. In this created persona, X is 'highly educated,' as evidenced by the "Doctorate" claim. This puts X in an intellectually superior position. X's persona is also a 'morally superior' business person. X's 'moral superiority' explains X's incessant need to PERSONALLY attack others (it's a means of elevating X's own MORAL value by lowering others, typically by using false, picayune accusations). The superior X even attacks Medical professionals, Doctors, Epidemiologists, Registered Nurses, Scientists, etc. ... and typically uses demeaning labels such as "quacks," "New Agers," "liars," etc. in order to discredit them personally.

In short, X hates the TRUTH. Not only is X a deceiver, X has been deceived by the Master of Deception. That's my take. If I thought more about it, I'm sure I could add more.

Anonymous said...


Where in the heck did you get that history lesson.

That's not an exact Jefferson quote...

Jefferson wrote to John Taylor in 1816 about bank borrowing...

And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.

But I guess you were close enough that it's not actually a lie.

Thomas Jefferson was afraid that a national bank would create a financial monopoly that might undermine state banks and adopt policies that favored financiers and merchants, who tended to be creditors, over plantation owners and family farmers, who tended to be debtors. Such an institution clashed with Jefferson’s vision of the United States as a chiefly agrarian society, not one based on banking, commerce, and industry. Jefferson also argued that the Constitution did not grant the government the authority to establish corporations, including a national bank. Despite the opposing voices, Hamilton’s bill cleared both the House and the Senate after much debate. President Washington signed the bill into law in February 1791.

What's odd about all of this is that republicans are the ones that did the bidding for the bankers and elites for so long and to such a degree that, now, the bankers and elites control both political partys. Where was this anti-banking agrianian society notions when Citizens United was decided or when Bush nearly eliminated estate taxes in 2001?

It's sad to see Maga republicans shred this country and then try to invoke the names of it's founders as if they are in alignment with it's creation.


RayB said...

Anon @ 11:22 AM ...

I agree with you.

And yes, I too do not condone vulgarity in any form.

Regarding your statement: "His trolling and antics are leaning (even more) extreme."

Imagine being duped into taking the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' along with booster shots, and then finding out later that you've been deceived, and, that your God-given, sophisticated immune system has now been compromised? THAT in itself would make just about anyone an extremist against those that have NOT been duped!

Anonymous said...

Again...instead of debating and trying to substantiate that he wasn't actually lying, or apologizing for making a mistatement of fact....RayB just goes on the offensive attacking and inappropriately labeling me ala the best defense is a good offense.

Just stop lying and posting lies.

Stop sharing Maga Qanon disinformation.

It is very unChristlike.


RayB said...

On top of everything else, X has diminishing remedial skills. This is what I wrote:

"One (paraphrase) that always stuck with me:

"Bankers are more to be feared than standing armies." There are a few more."

NOTE: X took me to task for PARAPHRASING by posting:

X stated to RayB: "Where in the heck did you get that history lesson."

"That's not an exact Jefferson quote..."

Yes X, when one paraphrases, one is NOT providing an EXACT QUOTE ! ROFL !!!

Another fine example of the wild-eyed fanatic that watches this blog screen all day long waiting to pounce on some imagined infraction so that X can pull out the label "LIAR." In this case, X actually admits this does't quite qualify as a "lie." ROFL

RayB said...

Instead of going to the liberal misinformation wasteland, i.e., "Snopes," here's a truthful site for quotes by Thomas Jefferson regarding his beliefs on banks:


PS: Worthwhile reading to see what Jefferson really thought of the Banksters. Contains verbatim, written statements by Jefferson.

RayB said...


I sincerely hope that you are on the road to recovery.

Anonymous said...

You lose X @ 11:35 AM.

People can post whatever they want to, even you.
People can determine if lies or not, to believe what's posted, or not, including your posts.
You should count it a privilege that you can post here at all, and leave it at that.


What is unChristlike is your deliberate attempts to mischaracterize people, put words in others mouths, and attitudes, opinions, you determine of them, your projections going to extremes, but not their own. You do this to many folks here and you have been called out for this routinely. But you won't stop.

Your vicious and self-righteous displays here are VERY ungracious because you try to virtue signal and pretend you hold all truth. But you don't hold all truth. There is room for the rest of us. This not your blog by the way.
If you're a Christian, then simply post your stuff and agree to disagree.

And APOLOGIZE for your horrible attempt to equate RayB with the vile racist poster of last night at 9:30 PM that has since been deleted.
You need to stop!
Shame on you for your extremes against others simply because they disagree with you. You grieve the Lord repeatedly for your nasty behavior here so I just can't help but wonder why that does not bother you...

Anonymous said...


What makes you think is a "truthful" website?

They are just an accounting firm that filled some space on their website with some inaccurate historical stuff they gleaned from the internet or some quote book.

The very snopes article I provided...

debunked the very first "top 10" quote on whitlock's list.

Here's the excerpt:

According to the Jefferson Encyclopedia, the earliest printed reference to this quotation found so far appeared in a 1937 Congressional subcommittee report, which means there is no known record of these words having been attached to Jefferson’s name until well more than a century after his death (1826). And even

though this quotation has bedeviled historians for several decades now, no one has yet turned up any Jeffersonian speeches or writings or other documentation demonstrating that Thomas Jefferson ever uttered or wrote these words.

This quotation is commonly cited as originating with one of several sources, primarily an 1802 letter to Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, an 1809 publication entitled The Debate Over the Recharter of the Bank Bill, and a 1 January 1815 letter to James Monroe. However, no such words appear in any extant correspondence between Jefferson and Albert Gallatin, no publication entitled The Debate Over the Recharter of the Bank Bill has yet been found, and Jefferson’s 1 January 1815 letter to James Monroe, although it touches on the subject of banks and paper money in its second paragraph, does not include anything resembling the quotation in question.

In addition to the lack of documentation, an entry in Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations labels this quotation as “obviously spurious” for contextual reasons, noting that the Oxford English Dictionary‘s (OED) earliest citation for the word “deflation” (as related to currency) dates only to 1920. (The OED’s earliest citation for the word “inflation” used in a financial sense dates to 1838, which means that usage might have been known during Jefferson’s lifetime.)


Anonymous said...

at 11:45 AM...another underhanded passive aggressive attempt there, buddy.

You're creepy!

Oozing denial and deflection, another redirect away from what he just did to RayB's post again..
...getting ready again for the "attack"..

..from the TROLL.

Frustrated much, X?

Anonymous said...

11:58 am

I know it's hard to have your political cognitive dissonance challenged by a fellow conservative Christian brother.

You've been filled with Rush Limbaugh and other new age right-wing extremist lies since the 1980's and you are now surrounded by like minded persons too afraid to question any of it. I don't claim to know all truth but I am done with the ecumenical lie of the republican Christian supposed partnership.

I've been golfing in a men's league at our new church and my wife warned me not to talk politics but, of course, several of men brought it up and I was surprised by how many of them voted against trump too. I'm new so I mostly listened. But it's funny how it's such a whisper thing. Don't want to appear to be liberal, God forbid, around church people. My feeling is that opposing crazy maga qanon liars is NOT a liberal thing. It IS a Godly thing.

You can post "your truth" all you want, as for me I'll just stick with the truth. Be honest, even in your opinions and debate, and we won't have an issue -- we may even agree to disagree but you're still wrong! (LOL - a joke).


Anonymous said...

Once again x molested your post RayB!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:30 pm - why would I be? Raycist just keeps throwing up lobs.

J said...

X said at 11:29 AM,

What's odd about all of this is that republicans are the ones that did the bidding for the bankers and elites for so long and to such a degree that, now, the bankers and elites control both political partys. Where was this anti-banking agrianian society notions when Citizens United was decided or when Bush nearly eliminated estate taxes in 2001?

It's sad to see Maga republicans shred this country and then try to invoke the names of it's founders as if they are in alignment with it's creation.


Hence the term RINO.

Populism has been anti bankster before. William Jennings Bryan was a Democrat populist candidate twice. He ran on a populist message and talked about financial servitude to British capital. Even though Teddy Roosevelt won, he still had to take some cues from the populism sweeping America during those times.

A worthwhile question to ask may be why populists turned to the Republican candidate this time instead of the Democrat candidate.

Now if we would insist on more than political theatre and emotional satisfaction, and refuse to sit back contented because of "trusting the plan."

J said...

RayB 10:27 AM,

Thanks for reminding me about Jefferson's struggles with Hamilton. It is a good time for Americans to revisit that early history of the founding fathers, now that a play called Hamilton is popular on Broadway. (Why now?)

Anonymous said...

Question: "A worthwhile question to ask may be why populists turned to the Republican candidate this time instead of the Democrat candidate?"

Because neither candidate represented a real change in the status quo but one did a much better job pretending otherwise?

and/or...they weren't really "populists" but merely uneducated white tribalists sick of being outperformed and outcompeted by immigrants and hard working educated black women who were ready to get on board with anyone that seemed to drive the elites and minorities crazy.

Meanwhile...once in power and control of both houses of Congress they do nothing but fight over an ineffective unuseful border wall and try to take away the healthcare of millions of americans while appointing roman catholics and unqualified cronnies to every federal government position they can in their quest to destroy Protestant America.

It is not a new republican thing either. George Bush used his stupid grass roots jean wearing texan balderdash as a nod to his populist constituency. Reagan did the same thing. Trump was just the ulitmate degredation of that banker controlled elite pretending to be anti-elite.

I mean -- they all looked to Opus Dei's Federalist Society and Leonard Leo for who to nominate to the Supreme Court. That's a pretty clear non-populist connection to elites and their money.

Also..I'm not defending Democrats. I'd prefer a third party representing Christians honestly devoid of roman catholic control and influence. It wouldn't need to control 50% but rather be a buffer and negotiator between the two party's with neither party having a controlling percentage and having to get the agreement of the minority middle Christian party to legislate.


J said...

You won't find this on Natural News.


J said...

I may have been wrong about the aim4truth site. I saw this in the comments section:

"We don’t post Q – nonsense here. OK for low information patriots, but not for this very savvy community. Perhaps you should read more before pronouncing Q as all that. It is a psyop. No evidence. Refers to fake news headlines all the time. You don’t know its identity. Total waste of time for folks in this truth community."

Anonymous said...

I always say watch what republicans accuse others of as that’s what they are likely doing. Here’s another example from Philly.

Republicans respond to potential South Philly ‘ballot harvesting’ by GOP operative with firings, campaign attacks


“….The news organization found that dozens of Republican mail ballots for the May 17 primary were being diverted to a P.O. box registered to the Republican Registration Coalition. The committee’s chairman — Billy Lanzilotti, a onetime Republican ward leader in Philadelphia and former campaign staffer for U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R., Bucks) — said he’d helped the voters fill out their ballot applications, inserting his P.O. box on the form where voters would typically write their home addresses.

Though Lanzilotti maintained he was doing this as a “service to the voters” and intended to hand-deliver the ballots once they arrived, many of the affected voters said they did not remember applying to vote by mail and had no idea why their ballots were going to Lanzilotti instead of directly to them. One said Lanzilotti had delivered his ballot back to the city once it had been filled out — which would violate state law.

Of the top 10 mailing addresses for Philadelphia ballots, Lanzilotti’s P.O. box was the only one that was not an elections office or a nursing home.

Philadelphia’s fellow GOP ward leaders voted Saturday to oust Lanzilotti from his position as the leader of South Philadelphia’s 39th Ward, calling the situation troubling at a time when Republican lawmakers and candidates have attacked mail voting and falsely characterized it as rife with abuse by their Democrat rivals.


J said...

Alex Jones is a member of the Knights of Malta. He will be okay in spite of being "persecuted" by liberals and declaring bankruptcy. Don't worry about him.

Those citizens languishing in jails in Washington DC, well, they're not going to fare quite so well.

Alex Jones, the Knights of Malta, and the Jesuits [and don't forget the Queen, too]

J said...

X 2:11 PM,

and/or...they weren't really "populists" but merely uneducated white tribalists sick of being outperformed and outcompeted by immigrants and hard working educated black women who were ready to get on board with anyone that seemed to drive the elites and minorities crazy.


That is pure meanness and spite. No empathy for millions upon millions of your fellow Americans, including your own cousins - supposedly. You don't even want to understand.

Both of my great-grandfathers were alcoholics with scrubby midwestern farms. One had lost a chain of gas stations in the great depression. The other had just arrived in America from Berlin, after having left Ukraine.

In the very next generation, on one side, two out of the three youngest sons were millionaires.

My paternal grandfather was not one of the millionaires. He was smart, but he wanted to work with his hands. The military wanted to recruit him into intelligence during WW II after his IQ test, but he would have none of it. So they made him an airplane mechanic instead. He did skilled metal work in a factory his whole life after getting out of the army.

In spite of only being a blue collar man, he lived very well, with a beautiful ranch house sitting on a manicured lawn of about two acres, and a very nice organic garden, with woods in the back. He had a pontoon boat, he had a speed boat, he had a mobile home, the union benefits gave him logs of vacation time in the summer at the same campground with the same friends summer after summer ...

My father was upwardly mobile but had a lower standard of living. We barely got by with our family of four children. We ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day. We snacked on bread and butter. We had a fifty dollar clothes budget per kid per school year. All that, in spite of my father having obtained a degree and doing upper middle class work. It was because my mother did not work. It was similar for many of my aunts, whose husbands were all middle class, and who didn't work, either. Everybody who had kids had no money. Everybody. The only people with money had two people working and no kids. Those were the infertile aunts. They had the money. They were the fun aunts to visit.

Now with my generation, the only way I got by as an autism mom, able to devote hundreds of hours to various therapies, was because my husband went into management. He didn't want to do it when I was working. He didn't want to deal with the office politics. When my son was a baby, he did it, and it ruined his work-life balance ever since. He is always plugged in, always. He doesn't get true holidays. He gets called at night. He doesn't get true vacations. On his way to a concert he was working in the back seat on his phone, talking, so the other friends in the car had to be quite much of the time. He gets no breaks, ever, and he's afraid to take a vacation. When he does, he is always bothered on it, always, every time. He has worked on Christmas day. He has worked on the 4th of July. He has worked on pretty much every single holiday there is.

We don't have all the toys my blue collar grandfather had. We don't have a speed boat, a pontoon boat, a mobile home, any of that. My grandfather didn't get emails at 11:30 at night making him so mad that he couldn't sleep at night and went downstairs to type replies until 2:00 in the morning.

But he's lucky, because at least he works, and at least he gets paid enough money.

Anonymous said...


So why vote for the political party that, much moreso than the other party, did that to you and your family?

You know...the party that would just tell you to get another job, like it's easy.

And what's more "mean" spirited...explaining and off the cuff theory about why some white tribalists voted the way they did or the fact they voted that way because they got off on the idea of the "others" being put in their place?

white uneducated and unskilled (so not your hard working always voting blue-collar union grandfather types) showed up to vote in 2016 for the first time to vote in unexpected numbers to vote for Trump and really swung the election. It is those men I was referring to. Those men weren't populists.

You're not a victim because you didn't get a pontoon boat.


J said...

Hey, I never said I was a victim because I didn't get a pontoon boat. That was never the point. The point was the generational worsening in what you get in return for your hard work.

I'll have more to say later.

It's too exhausting and time consuming to respond to each of your bad faith responses. I should have known better than to engage you. Every response leads to a multi-prong fork in the road of four more red herrings.

Anonymous said...

Best thing that ever happened to the negro is the white man.

Worst thing that ever happened to the white man is the negro.

That is not racist. It is the truth!

The worst thing that ever happened to X's "new pastor" is X.

Unless X's "new pastor" is a negro. Then the "new pastor" can have some good laughs, because X is a dumb ass white bitch!


RayB said...

J @ 2:58 PM ...

I found your post VERY interesting. The type of lives lived that helped make America great. I found this post to be inspirational and up-lifting.

Regarding your comments about your husband:

"But he's lucky, because at least he works, and at least he gets paid enough money."

I'll add this; he's VERY lucky to have a supportive, wise, and understanding wife like you. (On the flip side, there is almost nothing worse than having an unsupportive spouse).

I know how incredibly important a spouse can be because my wife has always supported me as well through thick and thin. We certainly had our share of thin times, but looking back, it made us much stronger in not only our individual lives, but in our relationship as well. In turn, I've supported and encouraged my wife, who has been able to reach far beyond the horizon of our perceived limitations ... all by the Grace of God.

J said...


Thank you, your words made me feel better. I don't feel down, exactly. It's a bittersweet life at times. But not a bitter life.

All kinds of employees at my husband's workplace are quitting in every department. Management talked about it, and somebody in HR said it's the direct manager's fault. Then my husband spoke up and said two examples in his department are directly related to getting more pay elsewhere. That opened a floodgate and everybody started saying, "Yeah, the same thing happened to me."

I really hope the "great resignation" will result in better work-life balance. So many people so desperately need it. Nobody takes lunch breaks. Many take vacations, but many are afraid to.

RayB said...

X states (in part) @ 12:28 PM ...

"I've been golfing in a men's league at our new church and my wife warned me not to talk politics but, of course, several of men brought it up and I was surprised by how many of them voted against trump too. I'm new so I mostly listened. But it's funny how it's such a whisper thing. Don't want to appear to be liberal, God forbid, around church people."

NOTE: I'm shocked beyond belief that X is attending a LIBERAL church in which "many of them voted against Trump." Translation: THEY VOTED FOR THE MOST PRO-ABORTION Presidential ticket in U. S. History! X should fit right in with this baby killing congregation.

RayB said...

Imagine attending an NBA basketball game with your 15 year old daughter and she gets kidnapped by human traffickers ...

Teen girl trafficked from Mavericks game found 10 days later in Oklahoma, 8 people arrested

Biden's Two Amerikas ...

Charges Dropped Against Teen Rapper Accused of Shooting Police Officer

Brooklyn drill rapper "C Blu" reportedly shot an NYPD officer in the leg during a scuffle

RayB said...

Don't you worry yourself one little bit ... Big Pharma is already working on their brand new MonkeyPox 'vaccines.'

Plandemic II Launched to Keep Pandemic Funds Flowing to Big Pharma: MonkeyPox

PS: I wonder if there's a SheepPox coming down the road? Wouldn't it be cool to have a Sheeple 'vaccine?'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi X,
You, the liberal rich bitch type.
Mouthing off in a condescending fashion to J and downright hateful to RayB.

Both of whom you do not know, have no idea about them, but just sit in judgment of them anyway..because your rich bitch attitude can. No doubt they are much finer people than you will ever be.
Yeah. Bad faith and then some, J called it, once again.

And elitist and then some too, aren't you ingrate hypocrite, X?


RayB said...

I was shocked to find out that X 'plays' golf ... a stunning revelation.

Isn't golf kinda like a snobby elitist game that has all of those snooty rich 'Country Clubs' where Blacks & Jews need not apply? That's what I've been told. I'll bet Snopes says so too. (Of course, I've heard that there are Jewish clubs too where Gentiles & Blacks need not apply, but I digress).

Regardless, golf sounds terribly racist to me. I'm shocked ... SHOCKED that our Race Czar X would play such a game that is associated with so much racism. Sounds like his new golfing church members are racists that also like to vote into office baby killers. You know the old saying; birds of a feather flock together. Nice to see X has found a 'home.'

Also, I found it interesting that X's fellow racist golfing church goers go around "whispering" things in secret. Of course, they don't want everyone to know that they are a bunch of racists. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that they all wear white hoods ... that's what racists do.

Craig said...

Golf sure suits X, "fore" certainly he's a Titleist, and I'd wager he dresses the part, as he disdainfully sneers at those less 'fortunate'.

But beware. Golf courses can be dangerous places:

Falling Down - Golf Course Scene (1080p)

RayB said...

Young Boy DIES After Receiving COVID Vaccine... Had Heart Inflammation

"The CDC Revealed that a young boy who died after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 was suffering from heart inflammation"

"A young boy tragically died after having the Pfizer vaccine pushed on him. He suffered from fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, and heart inflammation."

“Histopathological evidence of myocarditis was present on autopsy, and that was resolved to be the cause of death,”

RayB said...

Hilarious: Watch Death Cult Leader Biden wear his mask as he walks alone all the way down the steps of Air Force 1, only to take it off to greet everyone face to face

RayB said...

‘There’s No Exception In My Mind’: GA Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Supports A Total Ban On Abortion

(Keep Herschel Walker in your prayers as he prepares to run against the Democrat Death Cult candidate for U. S. Senate)

RayB said...


It's abundantly clear ... X is a Top Flite Racist playing a racist game. Even the ball is white. Amazing!

And no doubt, X dresses for the part to the nines. ROFL !

Craig said...


I’d say, at root, X is a classist. He exposed himself when he denigrated Tim Pool as not being a ‘real’ journalist because he didn’t have a degree, particularly no degree in anything related to journalism. Never mind that Pool had actually done in-the-trenches journalism, on-the-scene reporting for Vice.

X made it clear that college degrees are important to him. In his view, apparently, one must have a degree to have any sort of real clout in the particular field in which s/he is involved. And around that same time X had proudly proclaimed that he had a PhD—if I recall correctly, from some Ivy League school, but I could be wrong on that.

Somewhere along the way, X mentioned that he and his wife performed some sort of counseling services at one of the churches they were formerly involved in. He expressed disappointment that his counselees were apparently reluctant to implement the strategies they suggested. I wondered if it may have had anything to do with said counselees perceiving a superior attitude from the counselor(s).


All this makes me think of [not for the faint of heart]…


(a cover of a ’77 song by The Dils, from Carlsbad, CA)

And the current administration reminds me of this:

Mission Of Burma, "Unsound" Album (The Semi-Pseudo-Sort-of Plan)

All hail the New Direction: The Semi-Pseudo-Sort-of Plan. Beware of fast (vast?) “improvements”. Be on the terms of “progress”—every woman, every man. A change of circumstance: The Semi-Pseudo-Sort-of Plan.

God’s gift to all creation: The Semi-Pseudo-Sort-of Plan.

[In an earlier song (‘Progress’) lyric, the same writer sarcastically wrote, “Progress, progress, pleasant myth that makes our life worthwhile”.]

Anonymous said...

"I wondered if it may have had anything to do with said counselees perceiving a superior attitude from the counselor(s)."

Me thinks you could definitely be in the ballpark.
I think it was at his business with his employees that he was snooping on (counselling).
Who would want their boss all up in their personal life like that? That creeps me out.

We hold the same opinion of his "counsel" here. That is one divisive dude always looking to pull some kind of rank on people. He sure can leave a lot of stank in a room!

Looking down his long nose, with that ultra ego thing going on (he needs to get that unsightly sore lanced) he may have been that tad too much for the Church and asked to leave?? Don't know and don't care.
But goodness knows he makes himself unwelcome here.

Anonymous said...

Are the Globalists trying to muzzle Tucker Carlson?

Anonymous said...

I always KNEW there was a connection!!!

This Is What The DNA Swab Collection Swabs And 5G Is For

J said...

I purchased my human Ivermectin tablets from They were lost in shipping but then re-shipped at no charge to me after I called the 1-800 number. Relatives also ordered Ivermectin from this same source with no issues.

Ivermectin may be a clinically useful anti-inflammatory agent for late-stage COVID-19

J said...

To Constance, if you are reading this, for what it is worth. You could take this to a doctor.

It's possible a COVID vaccine reaction could be similar to Long COVID.

I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS)

One of the first line therapies is Ivermectin. Other first line therapies include Prednisone, Low Dose Naltrexone, Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), and Vitamin D.

The document shows second and third line therapies as well as herbal adjunctive therapies.

The focus is on anti-inflammatories. That makes perfect sense if the condition is auto-inflammatory or auto-immune in nature.

You don't want the body to get stuck in an inflammatory vicious cycle too long. The body will get trained to see it as a new normal.

J said...

Plan A didn't start WW III (the War on Terror). Plan B hasn't yet started WW III (Russia invasion of Ukraine). Is it on to Plan C now?

US military will defend Taiwan 'if it comes to that,' Biden says

J said...

This report is from 2021 but remains just as relevant today.

Reuters Investigates T-DAY: The Battle for Taiwan
Taiwan chip industry emerges as battlefront in U.S.-China showdown

The island dominates production of the chips that power almost all advanced civilian and military technologies. That leaves the U.S. and Chinese economies extremely reliant on plants that would be in the line of fire in an attack on Taiwan. It's a vulnerability stoking alarm in Washington.

Anonymous said...

The Prophetic Monkeypox Simulation
First-ever global Monkeypox outbreak happens in exact week predicted in biosecurity simulation a year prior

Michael P Senger
May 20

Elite media outlets around the world are on red alert over the world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox in mid-May 2022—just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a “global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox” beginning in mid-May 2022.

Monkeypox was first identified in 1958, but there’s never been a global Monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa until now—in the exact week of the exact month predicted by the biosecurity folks in their pandemic simulation. Take these guys to Vegas!

Ed Yong, who’s penned dozens of hysterical articles on Covid for The Atlantic including such gems as COVID-19 Long-Haulers Are Fighting for Their Future, Even Health-Care Workers With Long COVID Are Being Dismissed, How Did This Many Deaths Become Normal? and The Final Pandemic Betrayal is hot on the scene of the new Monkeypox outbreak.

Eric Feigl-Ding is on the scene.

Twitter avatar
📍BREAKING—The first confirmed case of #monkeypox in the United States this year just confirmed in a Boston individual who recently travelled to Canada, officials said, as concern rises over the spread of the infectious virus in multiple countries, now US.…
May 18th 2022

1,376 Retweets2,549 Likes
Twitter epidemiologists Jennifer Nuzzo and Bill Hanage are on the scene—but still no word from them as to whether they see anything strange about the first-ever global Monkeypox outbreak occurring in mid-May 2022, a year after they acted as advisers on an international biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak occurring in mid-May 2022.

The US Government is hot on the scene with an order of 13 million Monkeypox vaccine doses from Bavarian Nordic.

The WHO is on the scene.

The global Monkeypox outbreak—occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior—bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19. Event 201 was hosted in October 2019—just two months before the coronavirus was first revealed in Wuhan—by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg, and Johns Hopkins. As with Event 201, the participants at the Monkeypox simulation have thus far been stone silent as to their having participated in a pandemic simulation the facts of which happened to come true in real life just months later.

One person who was present at both Event 201 and the Monkeypox simulation is George Fu Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control. At event 201, Gao specifically raised the point of countering “misinformation” during a “hypothetical” coronavirus pandemic.

Twitter avatar for @lladany
Never forget. 37/
March 29th 2022

13 Retweets77 Likes
Here’s Gao at Event 201 right next to our very own Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence—technically the highest-level intelligence official in the United States. Look at these cuties. Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Phew. Making Kim Philby jealous.

That said, I won’t sit here and debate wild conspiracy theories that there might be anything unusual about a global pandemic occurring just months after a simulation of a global pandemic of exactly that kind, followed shortly after by the first-ever global outbreak of an even-more-obscure virus just months after a simulation of an outbreak of exactly that kind. If you want to be a good American and make a six-figure salary—or be friends with people who make six-figure salaries—then do as your government tells you: Sit down, shut up, stay home, save lives, take your shots, show your papers, and muzzle your kids.

Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World.

China, totalitarianism, and COVID-19

Anonymous said...

Biden Democrats did not cheat yall....

No wonder he said you don't have to vote for him to get elected.

Anonymous said...

Madison Cawthorn Calls For Rise Of ‘Dark MAGA’ In Wild Rant After Loss


TOPLINE Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) is calling for vengeance against Republicans who didn't support his failed reelection effort, saying on Instagram Thursday afternoon that it's "time for Dark MAGA to truly take command," referencing a growing far-right community that endorses former President Donald Trump punishing his political enemies.

"Dark Maga" - seen a lot of that here the last couple days.


Anonymous said...


Interesting to see you speculate so.

Tim Pool is a roman catholic middle school dropout who became a 'journalist' by rigging toy helicopters with cameras and live-streaming Operation Occupy protests. His opinions on international relations, politics and covid are hackneyed.

Degrees and expertise obviously do matter. In biblical matters you trust John McArthur more than Sid Roth, Greg Locke, or even RayB, right? Why?

I don't recall how I mentioned my doctorate exactly here. It was I think once and not boastfully. I was probably saying exactly what you are saying...a doctorate doesn't make you special or an expert at everything (like that woman with a doctorate in literature the other day pretending to be a covid vaccine expert).

Christian marriage triage is hard. We were good at it as volunteer laymen. You try "fixing" dysfunctional incompatible marriages ten to thirty years later in today's culture of hate, promiscuity and disposability where truth is relative.

One thing is universal - every unrepentant adulterer we met with loved Trump. He represents the salve to their conscience. Probably true for a lot of sinners, even educated golfers that FEEL cleansed by the "dark maga" mindfulness.


Anonymous said...

The Uber Pharisee zone---X in his echo chamber (with padded walls).

Anonymous said...

Monkeypox vs. Monkey Business

Oh, what a relief (and how 'lucky' are we) that there are 'vaccines' suddenly available for this new MONKEYPOX planned-demic 2.0 (eye roll).

Now, when can we expect a 'vaccine' to protect us from the MONKEY BUSINESS... caused by the persons who are controlling the teleprompter that Joe reads from... in order to indoctrinate the American people???

I'm waiting... but, all I hear are crickets.

Anonymous said...


The monkeypox vaccine was approved in 2019. It's not a mRNA vaccine. It's like the smallpox vaccine most of us born before 1970 got anyway (and still protect us to some degree from Monkeypox).

This isn't a new or novel virus but the eradication of smallpox via inoculation created an opportunity for monkeypox to spread among the growing un-pox vaccinated herd.

It's not that transmissible nor is it alarming right now. Lots of virus's pop up only to disappear shortly thereaafter. The hope is that it doesn't mutute.

Stop being led by fears and conspiracy theories.


J said...

Dark MAGA is only accelerating the dialectic.

Many people online are tying Dark MAGA in with the Antichrist Trump theme - which is probably also only accelerating the dialectic.

RayB said...

My opinion of X has drastically changed. All this time I had him pegged for being very proud 'lover' of himself. Now, I have absolutely changed my opinion, all based upon the following factual information that was graciously provided by X himself/herself:

X only mentioned his "Doctorate" out of an act of self-deprecating humility. He doesn't even recall what the context was that prompted his/her proclamation. Doesn't matter. I was an act of humility.

In fact, X is the epitome of humility. Forgive me X for always thinking the polar opposite.

RayB said...

But BLM is really not a racist, Marxist, Violent, Terrorist organization at all ...

REVEALED: Black Lives Matter gave 'cash grant' to radical Chicago group supporting cop killers, burning down cities

The group's leader has said that police, or "pigs" as he calls them, are "hunting" down black people and "use any excuse to up a pole and end our life."

Black Lives Matter donated $200,000 last year to an extremist black group in Chicago that has public aims at defunding the police and has called cops "pigs."

Anonymous said...


Find the context. Guaranteed it was a bigger deal to you than to me. I don't even use the title "Dr." in real life.

and $20 senior rounds of golf don't make me an elitist like Trump.

But, again, I'd be happy to meet up with you to discuss all this in person.


J said...

To distinguish dark MAGA from MAGA.

MAGA is the moniker for a populist movement.

Dark MAGA so far is only some memes on the internet that hint at revenge fantasies.

Some call it QAnon 2.0, but that might be premature.

Anonymous said...

Says the fearmonger himself @ 6:17 PM.


It is hard cold fact that he supports global elitists whose business it is to experiment on people. X is likely to be one who has some "skin in the game" through his own business as part of the huge network (government and non-government) that enables elites to do just that. He defends them and their foul "business" like his bread and butter depends on it.

That, or he is wholesale right off the rack MarXist, bought in because he likes to play race games and class others beneath himself, and promote and support every humanism-ism coming down the pike.
Either way, he traffics tons of fear and loathing right here at WCT it's his own.

Anonymous said...

x needs dark maga, just like CNN, MSNBC, etc, MSM trash sites need Trump to be their forever heavy.

Anonymous said...

Ray at 6:50

oooh $200,000

Last year accused Pedophile Matt Gaetz alone raised over $4,000,000 and the Patriot Fund raised nearly a Million dollars to help defend terroristic insurrectionists.

Does that make every white person who ever supported Trump and his Dark Maga Klan a pedophile loving terroristic insurrection sympthizing collaborator?

Follow the money, right? One broad stroke deserves another.


p.s. - I'm not defending BLM or Mr. Wallace. I, like millions of others both black, white and whatever color have no idea who these people are. I merely oppose your blanket racist implications

Anonymous said...

"I merely oppose your blanket racist implications"

You do defend BLM, and racism against any is racism regardless, because your own personal blanket of racism is what couples you to the "poet" here...overt like him in your racial bias against particular people, just not as foul in expression, but it's the blankey you cuddle in..

Own it....just admit it, that your posts trumpet those extremes for you. You've flooded this blog with them.

Anonymous said...


In case you weren't aware...the study from 2020 suggesting Ivermectin MAY be helpful is now moot since large, more current, observational studies have demonstrated Ivermectin is ineffective.

Effect of Early Treatment with Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19

Further, absent real corroborating evidence Ivermectin truly works (which COULD happen) your advice this morning to Mrs. Cumbey to unnecessarily medicate with unsubstantiated medicines could have deadly implications.

New Mexico reports two deaths from ivermectin

Not to mention Ivermectin has the following list of KNOWN adverse side effects.

Headache, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, or diarrhea may occur. Less likely symptoms including joint pain, tender/swollen lymph nodes, eye swelling/redness/pain, weakness, vision changes, itching, rash, and fever.

Perhaps Ivermectin was a Dark Maga plot all along. Why would they be pushing medicine that causes so much death and illness?

No...Ivermectin is not a cure for monkeypox either.


Anonymous said...

What Constance and her friend X Thinks

J said...

The FLCCC has found that anti-inflammatories help people who have Long COVID. It's possible that these same anti-inflammatories could help those with vaccine reactions. Many anti-inflammatories besides Ivermectin are on the FLCCC I-RECOVER protocol. It's a document people can take to their doctors.

I have had those (mild) side effects from Ivermectin. It knocked out my cold symptoms immediately. It probably wasn't COVID, since I tested negative. It happens to work on cold and flu viruses, too. Side effects only happened at three tablets, but not at two tablets. I felt great on two tablets, with no side effects. Those two Ivermectin tablets daily stopped my swollen glands cold. I had no further symptoms other than very, very mild congestion and very occasional dry coughing. The point is that in my case, the side effects were dose dependent.

BUT, as I said, it's something to talk to a doctor about, and there are many anti-inflammatory choices, not just Ivermectin.

Other than that, people can just rot in the closet, getting no help, either for their Long COVID or for their vaccine reactions.

There are options. The risks and benefits of each option need to be weighed by each individual in consultation with a doctor. It's an individual choice.

Ever heard of the right to try?

Anonymous said...

Same hate, different day.

"X" the bigot posts only the stank of hate here.
His godless humanism and marXism are why he hates.
And no amount of 'christian-eze' can cover it.

RayB said...


Dr. Vladmir Zelenko was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on COVID-19.

Dr. Zelenko highly recommends *Ivermectin in one of his "Protocols" for the treatment of COVID. Dr. Zelenko has successfully treated countless COVID cases. (My wife & I both used the Zelenko Protocol (for low-risk patients) and both of us fully recovered as a result).

However, conflicting with the much acclaimed Dr. Zelenko is none other than our very own Dr. X. (I'm not sure, but I think X has been nominated for some kind of award for being a world class know it all).

Decisions, decisions. Who should we trust? Dr. Zelenko or Dr. X ?? (IMO, it's kind of like having to choose between getting hit by a little cotton ball or by a runaway high speed train).

* Ivermectin has a VERY long, safe and successful history, as evidenced from a 2011 article that appeared in The National Library of Medicine:

"There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of ‘Wonder drug’, penicillin and aspirin being two that have perhaps had greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of Mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety and the beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide—especially on hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people."

Read the PRE-PANDEMIC article here:

PS: Thanks for the link J ... I'll be stocking up on Ivermectin as a precaution.

J said...

Awesome post, RayB. LOL, you have a way with words sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I sure would like to know what x thinks about everything.
Please x tell us more and more and more and more and more.

Anonymous said...

Rayb said: "Dr. Vladmir Zelenko was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on COVID-19."

This is hilarious...

1. You must mean Nobel Prize for Medicine???

2. The Nobel foundation keeps the nominee's lists in secret so no one can really confirm or know if this is true;

3. Every name suggested by eligible people are accepted so getting "nominated" isn't all that special, just gotta find another quack or perhaps an eligible person with dementia to nominate a well known murderer and vaccine disinformation propagandist like Dr. Zelenko (if he's "nominated" at all - I'm guessing nobody really was stupid enough to do this).

A friend of mine, let's call him Matt, told me the worst part about catching covid for him was his reaction to the ivermectin. He wishes he never took it.

Ivermectin also didn't work out for these two persons in New Mexico --- it KILLED them.

New Mexico reports two deaths from ivermectin

Not to mention Ivermectin has the following list of KNOWN adverse side effects.

Headache, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, or diarrhea may occur. Less likely symptoms including joint pain, tender/swollen lymph nodes, eye swelling/redness/pain, weakness, vision changes, itching, rash, and fever.

Perhaps Ivermectin was always a Dark Maga plot all along. Why would "they" be pushing medicine that causes so much death and illness? Why would you risk death taking ivermectin but not take a life-saving covid vaccine prior to risking a covid infection and likely passing it on and killing others? Rayb are you trying to murder more people?


Anonymous said...

9:09 pm - Look at dark maga qanonymous deflecting from her love and support for pedophiles.

What a shock (she loves terrorists too)


Anonymous said...

J said "Other than that, people can just rot in the closet, getting no help, either for their Long COVID or for their vaccine reactions."

The article you linked was before the covid vaccine campaign even started.

Why would anyone risk such side effects over a mild adverse reaction to the vaccines?

I don't know anyone that's had a long covid reaction that wasn't infected with covid at some point. I'm sure it's happened but I interact with a lot of people and not one vaccinated person I know has lingering complaints about the vaccine. Sure there were sore arms and ill feelings the following day, but I never heard anyone complain past day three or four about any concerns whatsover. Meanwhile...i know many that had near covid-19 near death experiences and 3 deaths (my cousin, a guy in my men's bible study and a woman early on in my wife's bible study).

By now...if the vaccines were that deadly...the numbers should have started evening out, right? Guess I have to wait until, what was it, September until we all start dying off.


RayB said...

Isn't it remarkable how easily X accuses completely innocent people of being a "murderer," simply for the 'crime' of disagreeing with him/her?" (I still think he's a her, or a she ... whatever the pronoun it wants me to use, I'm alright with that).

X states:

"...just gotta find another quack or perhaps an eligible person with dementia to nominate a WELL KNOWN MURDERER and vaccine disinformation propagandist like Dr. Zelenko..."

"Why would you risk death taking ivermectin but not take a life-saving covid vaccine prior to risking a covid infection and likely passing it on and killing others? Rayb are you trying to MURDER MORE PEOPLE?"

NOTICE how X never refers to Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer, et all as "MURDERERS" for enthusiastically killing innocent babies? Why would he? If he did, he'd be referring to HIMSELF as a 'murderer.'

It's becoming increasingly obvious that one of the many side effects of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' and the never ending booster shots is an ongoing, ever increasing, intense mental derangement. How else can X's continuous slide into severe mental illness be adequately explained? Poor, poor X has obviously gone from the medical status of the 'possibly insane,' to 'ABSOLUTELY INSANE.' In layman's terms, X is flat out nuts.

Anonymous said...


Biden must get credit for overturning Roe v Wade. How can you not say his election made this possible? There will certainly be less abortions during his term than Trump's (or had Trump won reelection by some stretch of the imagination)

I think you must have long Covid as you've gone from insane to 'coo-coo for cocoa puffs' nuts.


Craig said...


Here’s the original context in a post from 1.5 years ago—just search “doctorate”, and you’ll find your comment:

I'm in my 50's and hold a doctorate degree. It's been a long time since I got indoctrinated in college but I know a racist duck [referring to Trump] when I see one…

This was in response to my comment that in my experience those thinking Trump is racist were young Whites who had been recently indoctrinated by our post-secondary education system. So, your point was that you had been to college longer ago. But rather than state something like “I finished my studies ~20 years ago”, you had to throw in there that you “hold a doctorate degree”.

My original comment included audio from Brandon Tatum, which showed Trump was not being racist in his comments re: Charlottesville (the media had selectively taken him out of context).

Following this you disparaged Tim Pool (whom we both kept misspelling as “Poole” at the time) and then, without any sort of checking, you disparaged Tony Heller—not knowing Heller is quite educated in a variety of science-related subjects. This prompted my comment (all italics are quoting you, bold for emphasis):


x/+ @ 12:05 PM,

As regards the "climate change" issue, why bring it up, libel Heller as "very dumb", especially when there's been very little discussion on this subject of late? My impression is you were doing so in a passive-aggressive attempt to characterize anyone promoting or believing Heller's material as similarly 'even dumber' than the 'dumb' Poole. That’s what the overall context of your two posts on this reveal to me.

If, as you write, you are not a climate expert so an "intelligent" discussion about climate change and proper analysis on it wouldn't be determinable by watching a few videos and clicking a few links, why would you deride Heller—and by implied extension me—as 'even dumber' than Poole? Either do the required research—and agree or disagree, debunk anything that should be debunked—or remain “dumb”, as in mute, on the subject.

Cut the BS and either discuss the issues both with integrity and some knowledge on the subjects or refrain from these particular discussions altogether. It just makes you look foolish and troll-like.

I don't expect anyone to have "perfect sentence structure or spelling". Yet when an individual flashes his doctorate as some means by which to imply some elevated perception and intelligence level, especially when placed in larger context of implying one [Poole] is dumb in their comparison with another [Heller] they deem “even dumber” (and now your recent 12:37 PM comment), I will challenge said individual when they use unintelligible words in their attempts to demean said individuals.

Your self-proclamation can be found here in your statement (12:32 AM in the 201—400 comments [just search “doctorate”]) in your response to me re ‘very fine people on both sides’ in which you wrongly attributed my original post to RayB:

Trump's disclaimer doesn't count when everyone .... I mean EVERYONE on one of the two sides that Trump referred to as "having good people among them" were made up completely of white supremacists (and militia's geared up to fight in support of them)…

I'm in my 50's and hold a doctorate degree. It's been a long time since I got indoctrinated in college but I know a racist duck when I see one…

This reminds me of a former coworker who jokingly said he’d get out of jury duty by saying, “I can tell a guilty MF a mile away.”


And see Who is Tony Heller?

Anonymous said...

Craig said: This was in response to my comment that in my experience those thinking Trump is racist were young Whites who had been recently indoctrinated by our post-secondary education system.

As I predicted, I didn't throw it out there as "I'm smarter than you and you have to listen to me bc I'm a doctor". I really don't care much to go read the entire context but I think part of my point (and maybe your misunderstanding) was that I may be not one of those idiotic twenty something with 'just' a college degree that you thought to be so dumb, but I was "indoctrinated" for longer than just 4 years and, yet, I can still know a racist when I see one.

My doctorate isn't "racist studies" or even "political science" and I didn't label it or claim my "doctorate" expertise gave me special insight over you or anyone knowing/identifying racists. I haven't used it like that ever here or really anywhere. I've been in my family's businesses pretty much since so there's no reason to mention it as I don't "use" it professionally either in my real life.

It's kind of a sad commentary for our country when anyone having a post-graduate or even college degree is viewed with contempt, fear and with conspiratorial suspicion. It is also ironic to be called a marxist seeing that communists tend to conscript armies to kill off the highly educated first.

Education doesn't have to be formal. There are brilliant mechanics and tradesman that acquire their expertise through training and experience. But knowledge, education and even licensing matter to all of us everytime we see a doctor, go to our pharmicist, fly on a plane trusting the pilots and aircraft engineers and maintence personnel...even your barber had to get trained and licensed. Same thing with journalists. An "independent" journalist that didn't finish middle school is suspect. Doesn't mean he can't string words together but when discussing geo-political relations, the opinions and insight are likely uninformed and trite. Same thing with Heller. He's just a professional sceptic with a little scientific background who has found a grift making money being a famous naysayer. In my limited observation of him, his true skills are more argumentative and debate versus actual science. He doesn't have to "win" the debate (which he never has) but simply conjure up some small piece of doubt (which there is in all science or it wouldn't be science -- it'd just be fact) and let the politicians and big oil marketing & lobbying firms sell the rest.


p.s.- Craig -- you have a college degree yourself, no?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
at 11:45 AM...another underhanded passive aggressive attempt there, buddy.

You're creepy!

Oozing denial and deflection, another redirect away from what he just did to RayB's post again..
...getting ready again for the "attack"..

..from the TROLL.

Frustrated much, X?

What X did (does) to RayB, he is also doing to Craig.
The same manure spreading approach of deep denial, deflection, with a mouth full of marbles comebacks, because he is a freaking over the top passive aggressive slandering cretin absolutely brim full of malice.

He FRUSTRATED that he can not coerce the blog discussions to his "more righteous" way of thinking because this chicken$#!+ can't stand up to a challenge, any challenge to his "superior" self.

You're going over the edge QuaXanon fake, phony, "educated" X. You're on a slippery slope.
The devil's got you where he wants you in your arrogance and pride, his very invitation, to help himself to your mind, and he's running with it. Because he's running you---in circles. So it's back to you once again because it's alllll about you,
You bludgeon every single topic here with your negativity on amphetamines. You abuse common discourse by your extreme rudeness and impunity toward others, not to mention probably 90% of what you post here is your socialist/marxist trolling narratives.

The brazen clanging sound coming out of your religious ass posts is sheer brass...nothing about you comes near the gold of truth as you roundly disobey the golden rule.

Here's your report card: D-

You should be expelled.
Isn't it high time to educate yourself in the ways of civility since you claim you are a believer in Christ?

P.S. I have my utmost pity.

RayB said...

Don't miss this one ... Tucker is talking about YOU:

Tucker: This should make you nervous

PS: The VERY same tactics that the leftist-Marxists are using are the very same that
X uses on this blog ...

Anonymous said...

12:15 - Thank you for the etiquette lesson. I will strive to continue being more positive and less abusive than you.

p.s. - Don't pity yourself. It's unbecoming.

RayB said...

In his typically hate filled attack, X said the following about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, (who happens to be a man with an impeccable reputation and is admired and respected world wide):

X viciously states:

"...just gotta find another quack or perhaps an eligible person with dementia to nominate a WELL KNOWN MURDERER and vaccine disinformation propagandist like Dr. Zelenko..." (Google Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. You will NEVER find anything about him being a "WELL KNOWN MURDERER." What a disgusting hit piece by our mentally deranged Dr. X).

NOTE: However, this goes much deeper. Dr. Zelenko happens to be Jewish. Why does X express such vitriol against a Dr. that enjoys such wide spread acclaim?

The 'elephant in the room' question begs to be asked; could it be that X's intense hatred for Dr. Zelenko is centered upon the fact that Dr. Zelenko is Jewish? What else could it possibly be??? Hmmmmmmm. Like X says: "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck."

So to sum it all up; based upon the obvious evidence, on top of everything else, X is an Anti-Semitic, racist bigot.

Anonymous said...


RayB said...

Death Cult Dear Leader's illegal immigration policies on full display ...
(ironic view of Trump's unused Border wall rusting away)

Federal government doesn't want us to know what's going on

'Fox & Friends Weekend' co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy details her trip to the U.S. southern border to view the crisis firsthand after a judge blocked the Biden administration from ending Title 42.

Anonymous said...

Last year, Dr. Zelenko authored and published The Vaccine Death Report containing 52 pages of murderous misinformation pretending the vaccines were killing people.

Including claims like transhuman babies are being born with all black eyes in Mexico to vaccinated mothers. As evidence, Zalenko presented a picture of one premature; but, otherwise normal baby with dark eyes born to an unvaccinated mother.

No, the Covid-19 vaccine did not make this baby ‘transhuman’

Be sure to watch the video. Zelenko was foolish enough to fall for a voiced over tik-tok and not only include it but exaggerate therefrom like there were a plethora of new black-eyed transhuman babies being born in Mexico.

I'm sure I could take a debunking gish gallop through the rest of his 52 pages "medical" opinion piece discouraging people in September 2021 from taking the life-saving covid vaccine as the Delta variant was killing swaths of protestants in red counties across the US (including my very own cousin).

His 'protocol' wasn't special or Maga-Magic since Zinc and Vitamin D have long been known as effective treatments versus coronaviruses and HQC and Ivermectin have been demonstrated to be ineffective.


Anonymous said...


Tucker Carlson is infotainment. It's not meant to be serious. It's just creative writing packaged to engage and provide salve to the racists, like you, who motivated (with disinformation) and celebrated the Buffalo killer.

Do you really think only liberals were outraged about what happened in Buffalo last week?


Anonymous said...

12:51 PM

My boo-boo.

The phone rang and distracted me for a moment. lol

It was to say I have my utmost pity...for you.
Definitely for you.
I can admit my mistakes. Can you?
You make blanket statements about how you are not thinking, saying you are better than others----but your disdainful tone and frequent mentions of your "education" belies that. You are always schooling us, so I slapped that right back at you because you have it coming, every day, every time, you comment.

No one is more abusive than you (and the other hater here).
You are the one who is unbecoming.

Get off the golf course and go back to Sunday School and really listen this time.

Anonymous said...


I didn't know this but border expulsions under Title 42 often means more interactions, arrests and expulsions again of the same individuals.

Under Bush II there were about 8,500 border patrol agents whereas Biden employs over 16,000.

The "crisis" is being exaggerated politically because we are simply catching more of them and the nature of those crossing has changed to minors and families seeking asylum versus single Mexican men seeking employment.

The "crisis" is processing and handling all these men, women AND children compassionately like Christians or with fear and contempt like Dark Maga.

The lie is the attempted implication that liberals and independents don't want secure borders. What we really NEED is Congress to update immigration laws in a bipartisn manner versus just gaslighting each other with half-truths and disinformtion about every aspect of the horrible immigration policies currently in place (as though the President can individually do all that much about it).

Executive orders are simply filling potholes.


Anonymous said...

3 or 4 brand new comments from x!
Please please give us more, x!
I'm personally hanging on every word that you say.
I'm so glad that you seem to have nothing but time to comment here.
Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

x has an unclean spirit in him.
His posts are full of denials of truth, his bondages are his pride and unforgiveness.

He needs this blog to come and spew that stuff.
He's not well.

Anonymous said...

2:53 pm said: "and frequent mentions of your "education" belies that"

Other than the one time to Craig, I don't think I've posted about my education since (other than to defend myself - like above).

It has been brought up by others. I typically evoke that respons when others try to use it as an insult to deflect from being wrong.

It's fine.

Do YOU give Biden's election credit for seemingly accomplishing the impossible by overturning Roe v. Wade?


p.s. - You're typo was funny, right? Mistakes like that are a sign of intelligence. Your brain just gets ahead of your fingers. It's a discussion forum, not a precision forum. I'm not sure so I didn't say it before (cause I'm not sure what I was thinking 1.5 years ago); but, I MAY have quickly just assumed Craig was insulting "post-graduate" students when he said "post-secondary". I don't think of high school as "secondary school". It's possible I thought he meant people with Doctorates, Graduate and/or Masters degrees, etc --- when I made my off-the-cuff snap response. So to answer your question --- yes, I can admit mistakes. I'm not sure of that one but in the context Craig shared it makes sense I might have done that seeing as I don't typically share it nor do I like sharing details about myself online.

Anonymous said...

3:29 pm said: "His posts are full of denials of truth, his bondages are his pride and unforgiveness."

Can you name some specific truths I denied in my posts?

Did anyone here apologize to me and I came off as unforgiving? Please direct me to such post. I'm not some unforgiving atheist. I stand ready to forgive. I don't think Rayb has conceded or apologized for single piece of misinformation he's shared here. To him disinformation appears politically justified so why apologize. I really should nominate Rayb for the Nobel Prize for unrepentant liars due to the ease and vastness of his mistakes, disinformation and deliberate lies he shares here.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

A difference of opinion does not make somebody a liar because they don't agree with your pet topics/issues/agendas. Fairness is not in your playbook apparently...but unforgiveness and hate sure are, the way you come out swinging. Everything according to you is not how real life works. Get over yourself!

You are making those pet things the standard and they are not. The Gospel is the One True thing we can know here. All else is somewhat up for grabs. But by giving other issues equal footing to it, it causes your wrath to flare in accusation and innuendo and false mischaracterizations. Dangerous and unkind of you to go there. And you draw fire from others for it. Me included. Shoe on the other foot, we find your information questionable at best...and have seen your worst.

“In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”

This is what you are abusing here and in it, you abuse others. This is angering as it should be. It is you that needs to apologize for going against right and reason for what amounts to your opinion. Perhaps if you apologized other s could feel free for the same toward you. There is no trust built in the way you present yourself and your topics.
And in the attitude you display, you completely leave out the charity that's for sure.

The science on some of your topics is still not settled (I don't care what lord Fauci/CDC/Gov says) they certainly don't hold all truth. Far from it. It's been changing every 10 minutes so it's not settled. I think it's somehow your bread and butter to put such wholesale stock in what they say and do. That's problematic right there. But it's your problem, however you shouldn't make it the blog's problem if people beg to differ.

You should be agreeing with Bible believers on the Gospel and be able to call sin sin regardless of Who is guilty, but you offend constantly by making some out to be totally guilty, receiving all blame according to you, while others get a pass from you. We can all go there in some degree....but you live there. Your way or the highway.

You aren't God. And this is why you are always at odds with others here when you could at least try to find common ground...but you can't manage it. Won't go there. Ever. Nope. Argue and fight dirty are what you're here for. That spells - AGENDA..with a trolling chaser built in.
It's no wonder you are viewed as an enemy by your tactics and antics here---that are truly uncivil and unkind.

I don't hate you. But I really dislike your way to keep this blog company. You have a bad reputation here..that you earned all on your own.

Anonymous said...

"Do YOU give Biden's election credit for seemingly accomplishing the impossible by overturning Roe v. Wade?"


As in HELL NO.

What is wrong with you?
God arranges these things, the timing of these things, for such a time as this, in His way, to accomplish His Will. And HE has prompted those Conservatives Justices on the Supreme Court to do it or it would not be getting accomplished (though we're all still waiting to see this outcome). Because you detest Conservatives you give the credit to Biden God, and them too.

Common decency would acknowledge where the credit goes.
As duly noted again and again, you struggle against being decent, fair, civil, kind, forgiving, as evidenced every single time and day you post. Your toxic wrath wins you. An unclean spirit owns you right now until you repent.
So you do this for attention, you do this to be disagreeable, and push your self, your self-aggrandizing self to be 'the be all end all' the final say in what is right and good.

Epic fail "bro" !!!

Anonymous said...

6:09 pm

So if "God arranges these things, the timing of these things, for such a time as this" then why does my voting for the lesser of two evils, President Biden make my not a Christian and/or death cult abortionist? If the President has nothing to do with it than all this vote Pro-life stuff in Presidential campaigns is nonsense and it's like I said all along -- the "conservative justices on the supreme court had to do it or it would not get accomplished".

The supposed "Conservative Justices" have controlled the Supreme Court since the 1950's. They gave us abortion in 1972 and kept it going for nearly 50 years. They never had to wait until now. Why now? Might they be pushing buttons and trying to provoke a war and more distabling effect?

Not a single "liberal" made Roe. It's ALL on the right. They wanted minority babies dead. Did everything thing possible to shut down rural and suburban clinics but keep those abortion mills in urban areas. Now they need more cannon fodder so they outlaw it again.

Common decency would acknowledge where the blame goes.


Anonymous said...

God works through people and circumstances, often works in spite of them (like your favorite Prez Biden).

Say their names, phony, biased to the gills, x.
Say them!
Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

They voted to overturn it.
They did that.
That is something they were prompted to do and God is ultimately the prompt for anything good, by anybody.
But you stubbornly refuse to go there.
Because blame and unforgiveness is your forte''s why your hatefulness is blasted all across this blog.
According to you credit goes to Butcher Biden, he's proud of his stand against life, and you then, excusing him and enabling him, play your position in this "game" that is no game at all.

You do you. Stick to supporting evil and leave righteousness to those who really know where that comes from. At it's root is the bitter root of unforgiveness and you are swimming in it.
You've made it all too clear, so we definitely know, that evil called good and good called evil is your theme...for such a time as this..

Anonymous said...

So you acknowledge God worked through Biden's election to make that happen. Finally. Biden is our Cyrus King.

It's all so clear now, hindsight being 20/20 that a vote for death cult Trump was a vote against God's will.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

3 or 4 more comments from the amazing x!!!
The comments come at all times of day and night. The xbot has plenty of time for sitting and arguing and correcting everyone. Yay x!!!
Please please keep on commenting and throwing boring old logic into reverse. I just love x because x is so brilliant and so well informed and so full of comments, and pushback, and refutations, and disagreements, and kinds of higher wisdom. X knows all about the "deeper things of Satan", the enemy of christians. Hooray x!
I particularly like the way that x has digested christian vernacular and christian thinking and christian words and phrases and is able to sound exactly like a christian, and thereby turn everything they say around and refute everything they stand for. It's all so smart on the part of x, the genius.
I'll be waiting for the next 3 or 4 comments from x, always replete with a long "P.S." which makes x sound so worldly wise.

Anonymous said...

God uses Biden, like the tool of evil he is, and brought something good (from those Supreme Court Justices) in very spite of Biden, not because of him, so you really are twisted to think that. By the way, He used Trump too and some good came from that time that has come and gone.
But, you do you. Just like you do your stupidity and what is godless in your heart believes to do, to reward evil that "good" may come.

But that is not what God does. He never rewards evil, but...He doesn't let it get in His Way.

The Lord has set before us all the way of life and the way of death that we may choose Him, or simply choose to remain in our sin and darkness.
And we know that evil is of the devil, that God, of course, has mastery over....but He does allow evil to siphon off the dross.
Biden has chosen the way of death, chosen to be dross, (though Jesus could save him too if he turned to Him) that will be one day discarded into hellfire. You chose Biden. You keep choosing to stand with evil. You should have been careful what you asked for.

God is the Judge.

So while you are still drawing breath you need to go to Jesus and be forgiven. And then you'll be a person who can forgive, and stop lending yourself to wickedness.
And the confusion you now suffer and the accusing spirit of the devil will cease in you.

Anonymous said...

Nice deflection 8:21

I simply mock Dark Maga logic.

The same logic RayB and others try to use on me. Rayb did it expressly at 1:04 pm today and nobody said anything about it. He does the same thing more innocuously all the time by mixing up his politics and religion, whatever religion that might be. Ray doesn't go to church. Church isn't a requirement so many times he appears to really just worship Trump/Maga/Qanon. You just can't bold face lie and/or be wrong all the time or say offensive things about Blacks, Jews and even handicapped people and never correct yourself or apologize for it.

I welcome being factchecked. Truth is more important than politics.


Anonymous said...

The darkness you actually need to be concerned about is found in you X.

And since when did you ever honor and accepts facts??
Your posts do not qualify as truth...

...and your god-complex keeps you from getting near it.

Anonymous said...

x can't bring himself to say those justices names can he?


Because Biden is his standard of righteousness!

I told yall he worships the government gods!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"PS: The VERY same tactics that the leftist-Marxists are using are the very same that
X uses on this blog ...

12:41 PM"

Thanks for the link to Tucker Carlson's program.
He sure hit the nail on the head.

Extremists gonna extreme.

J said...

Shills in Alternative Media Protect the Pilgrims Society

Ever wonder why so many alternative media platforms and personalities don’t report on the theft of social media, the Pilgrims, Senior Executive Service, Pirbright, and the origins of coronavirus and now monkeypox?

Sure looks like they are beholden to paymasters who control how far they go in telling their communities the deep truths about the centuries’ old British Imperial Empire control over humanity. If alternative media personalities like Alex Jones and Mike Adams really cared about TRUTH HISTORY, they would expose this research to you in a big and powerful way.

But for now, these shills seem to be more interested in reporting on snake venom hocus-pocus and stale John Durham news about the very corrupt swamp, totally ignoring the biggest revelations of the day, like what is shown in this video below:


J said...

It's quite possible that when Prince Charles gave his COP26 speech and kept referring to somebody in the third person, he was speaking about himself. The Queen often says "one" instead of "I." Usually the royal "we" is used when royals don't want to say "I." But who really knows.

In case you haven't delved into the research I've linked to, you should be aware of something called Golden Shares. It means the Queen's shares of holding companies. You really should research it if you haven't yet.

Prince Charles will soon be inheriting all of those Golden Shares.

Craig said...


You sure do have a way with words. Twisting them, that is.

You can claim whatever you want as regards your reason for posting your 'I have a doctorate degree' statement; however, like I said, when placed in the larger context of your words here--where you disparage folks like Tim Pool who don't have, in your view, the requisite education--you did it to show your superior position over others who don't have your level of education, or your Ivy League pedigree. (I saw again in that thread your statement of having friends and family “from Yale to jail”.)

Those with whom you disagree politically or ideologically, such as Tony Heller (and even Dr. Judith Curry), you portray as having hidden agendas driving their positions (bought by Big Oil, e.g.), with absolutely no evidence provided for such assertions. It's so much simpler than actually refuting their statements point by point.

You wrote: It's kind of a sad commentary for our country when anyone having a post-graduate or even college degree is viewed with contempt, fear and with conspiratorial suspicion.

Is your Masters in self-victimology?

X, it’s your statements here that are viewed with contempt. Nowhere have I—or anyone else as far as I can tell—viewed those having post-graduate degrees with contempt. That’s your own fanciful fabrication.

Craig said...


By the way, the reason it's called "post-secondary education" (sometimes without the dash) is because elementary is known as "primary" and high school is known as "secondary". You didn't learn this in the course of your Ivy League education?

J said...

Andrew Torba [Gab Founder] - Cardboard Cutout for Pilgrims Society to Round Up Dissidents?

RayB said...

Let's not neglect to acknowledge that we have ONE source, and ONE source only, regarding X's higher educational accomplishments, and that of course is none other than X. This same X tells us that he/she holds a Doctorate (but, for some odd, inexplicable reason, he/she refuses to tell us the field in which he/she earned her/his Doctorate in. Strange).

Count me a skeptic, and it has nothing to do with the vast array of X's mentally deranged, convoluted posts. LOL

RayB said...

Somehow, this story just slipped under the radar of the Mainstream media:

Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money

"Joe Biden and Democrats weren’t kidding about their pledge to transform public institutions into gender dysphoria contagion zones."

PS: Any thoughts on how X's liberal, whispering, church golfing, death cult voting, pro-abortionists, think about this one? My guess; they're ecstatic!

Anonymous said...

The Woke X still can't, and won't, acknowledge the Justices who are Conservative, who felt the need to uphold what God upholds, life itself, and all prompted by Whom is Higher.

It is they who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade on the Federal level sending the issue back to the States. I pray more States ban abortion...but time is running out, too many opportunities have been squandered, by those that are leading this country, regardless of party, people who are actually us, sent by us, and to our shame.
And that vote to overturn it will have nothing whatsoever to do with Joe Biden, who actively opposes life for the unborn. That is some very twisted thinking to expect what is right, a good result from people swearing against God and His Word.
True Christianity, it's life changing Gospel, (thank God for the few of that remnant the Church that is there worldwide), is the one and only known and effective poison to kill the wickedness we allowed, chose, but it seems many more people would rather trust the powers that be, let them have the sway, and have summarily chosen to worship the State. And churches in America are about to see persecution come as never before, what other nations have already been living. And America still would not listen, or turn...

So Biden doesn't care about babies getting their formula.
America is headed for the history books. Past the point on no return. The broken election system is not fixed, in Biden's America nothing will ever again be fixed. And truly, if the weakest among us are threatened, disposed of, then we all are, and that choice to "prosper" on the deaths of our babies, our young, the dismantling of our families, schools, our churches, then these choices became the choosing of our own demise, settling for empty promises from Uncle Sugar. The battle is raging over these things in some degree, some are seeing what needs to be done---but the frog in the pan, is on the front burner now and the heat cranked high, is now about to go into a rolling boil. Biden, and the governing he represents, is making sure that our American daily lives and daily supplies are interrupted and forfeited to hand over to non-citizens and foreign peoples, invading with our governments permission, not invited-into this country, is only another proof that this nation has been torn into a million pieces by wicked hands, by what? by choice, and the horrific choice, that put men like him into power, has disrupted, is destroying, cancelling us, as we speak, sovereignty gone, absolutely everything-on purpose-to satisfy what is coming next: Evil Santa Klaus. Having made the way for One World Government, One World Religion, all belief and allegiance to the State, regardless of creed---we are there.
And Anti-Christ will follow shortly thereafter.....

But be careful not to look back like Lot's wife.
Instead, be sure today, that your reservation is made in heaven, salvation under the Name, and by the Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord.
The only future and hope with a guarantee for good, Eternal Good.

Anonymous said...


I disagree with such, which is why I'm not a democrat.

As horrible as it is, it's small potatoes (really just deflection) to the deception and destruction brought upon our nation by dark Maga.

If more Christians had stuck with the Democrats versus abandoning them for the dark maga deception perhaps they wouldn't be supporting the trivial political causes they support to appease a small constituency (a constituency that was also supported and courted by Trump too).

As sad as this is to say and despite all that gay agenda crap, the Democrats right now remain the more Christian party of the two. The country is falling apart. Kids and senior citizens are being gun downed and all you care about is one or two kids per state playing dress up using some bathroom. Sure I don't like it but it's not as concerning as gunmen entering schools.

The administrative order probably won't stand up in court but it sure got a huge boost from the 2020 "republican" & "Opus Dei" Supreme Court decision Bostock v. Clayton County, a ruling that gives this extremist sexual agenda legal justification (i.e. - the republican court permits these things then politicizes the consequences of its own policies). That 5-4 decision was clinched by President Donald Trump-appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Finally, the federalist is an opus dei rag just trying to get parents to send their $$$ and kids to roman catholic schools (where they can be molested by "celebate" priests nad indoctrinated with heretical theology, CRT and all sorts of other evils too...different buildings same demons)


Anonymous said...

Thoughts on the Uvalde school shooting...

Question of the day: How does an 18 year old being CHASED by Border Patrol end up with that same 18 year old's 'premeditated' PLAN to slaughter his grandmother and then children in a nearby grade school??? (Much of this story just doesn't pass the 'smell' test.)

And... how 'convenient' that Trump is planning to speak to the NRA in Houston, TEXAS on Friday!!!

And to go a step further... how can China carry out their much talked about future 'plan' to invade the USA... when the average family in 'redneck Texas' owns a gun???

Let's make the state of Texas an 'example' and disarm them first... while the entire country is united in outrage (and raw with emotion) that GUNS are the ONLY 'problem' here... and disarming the American people is the ONLY 'solution'.

Yeah... that'll work (sarcastic eye roll).

Anonymous said...

12:29 - Those justices aren't conservatives ...they are roman catholics beholden to opus dei and the pope. These decisions are about the further consolidation of power for the pope and their eventual ecumenical one-world false religion (which you seem eager to adopt).

While I applaud their decision, via God's providence, to repeal Roe v Wade, why did "conservatives" grant Roe v Wade in 72 in the first place, then affirm it time and time again for 50 years and choose now to overturn such a hot political issue thereby turning it back to the states (along with potentially and eventully all our "privacy" rights)?

The baby formula issue has nothing to do with Biden. It's the end result of ineffective execution of anti-trust laws which have allowed just 4 companies to monopolize 90% of the baby formula marketplace, followed by Trump repealing the NAFTA agreement and thereby making the importation of baby formula from Canada and Mexico illegal (a protectionist gift to those 4 corporate baby forumula manufacturers), followed by the shut down of a large Abbott Labs baby formula manufacturing plant in Sturgis, Michigan back in February after the Food and Drug Administration found contamination at the facility from the bacteria Cronobacter sakazakii. Four infants who ate powered formula from the plant were hospitalized with Cronobacter, two of whom died.


Anonymous said...

That was then, this is now. Different people, different time. Well past time...but nonetheless, they showed courage you cannot muster.
You speak an agenda, not out of stupidity. No, this is markedly evil what you intend in your arrogant comebacks, the phony in you is flaming out as you grant your blessing to the narrative and plans of the woke.

All you want is an excuse the blame someone else besides the liberal progressive policies and practices of both sides by the way, that you voted for knowing where this was headed because you want what's coming. You want a powerful government breathing down the necks of those you despise.
So you still call evil good and good evil. Because hate moves you against others who are more righteous than you. I think you are horribly unforgiving and jealous besides. Your words are spite, your motives are not hidden, they're despicable. Biden's rolled out an agenda you approve and look at the devastation you have encouraged in supporting that.

Own your tribe x. The godless humanist tribe you applaud.
You excuse and enable them to the max--decency and righteousness are not on your radar. If it was you would get the hell far far away from them (and I don't mean vote for Trump either as you stupidly-yes this is your folly too--to think you have to be a carbon copy in politics).

Go ahead, gloat all you want at the tragedies that you gladly helped by your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

"choose now to overturn such a hot political issue thereby turning it back to the states (along with potentially and eventully all our "privacy" rights)?"

You are for it, BUT...

Reading you loud and clear fake x.
You sneaky creep.

Anonymous said...

Something to ponder...

Are the Globalists using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome???

Anonymous said...

Craig said: "Nowhere have I—or anyone else as far as I can tell—viewed those having post-graduate degrees with contempt. That’s your own fanciful fabrication."

Sure...then why does it come up and get thrown in with other generic meaningless labels all the time. I haven't mentioned it myself in 1.5 years.

There's obviously something contemptuous about being well-educated here. It's not like you or they are agreeing with me or bringing it up respectfully (that I never requested). It's being used to discredit my opinions and analysis. Sure they can dislike me...but how is disparaging my doctorate that I never bring up somehow an insult unless they feel contempt and/or fear of the supposed "elite" (anyone educated)?


p.s. - I think I did post proof of Tony Heller's fabrications and bias years ago when you requested such. Here's a conservative publication (right biased just for you) that is very critical of Tony Heller which includes Heller's friend, Anthony Watts (who also has ties to the petroleum industry disinformation machine) discussing Tony Heller's errors he pre-warned Heller not to make prior to publication.

Did NASA/NOAA Dramatically Alter U.S. Temperatures After 2000?

Excerpt: Watts was quoted:

"Goddard made two major errors in his analysis, which produced results showing a large bias due to infilling that doesn't really exist. First, he is simply averaging absolute temperatures rather than using anomalies. Absolute temperatures work fine if and only if the composition of the station network remains unchanged over time. If the composition does change, you will often find that stations dropping out will result in climatological biases in the network due to differences in elevation and average temperatures that don't necessarily reflect any real information on month-to-month or year-to-year variability...

His second error is to not use any form of spatial weighting (e.g. gridding) when combining station records. While the USHCN network is fairly well distributed across the U.S., its not perfectly so, and some areas of the country have considerably more stations than others. Not gridding also can exacerbate the effect of station drop-out when the stations that drop out are not randomly distributed."

Anonymous said...

2:04 - I'm fine with it because I'm aware of it and willing to pay that cost. The state is now roman catholic and their ecumenical dominionist maga partners in new age 'churches' across the country. I was warned to expect persecution as a Christian.

Are you ready for when the pope starts telling us how to live our private lives by dictate, including which shots to take, what we can say about the roman catholic church online, what birth control married women can't use, and declaring Reformed and/or Baptist churches illegal hate organizations that are no longer permitted in the US and our Supreme Court backs up that up --- just remember, you signed up for this.


Anonymous said...

2:02 As a conservative independent, I don't have either a new age liberal or new age Dark Maga "woke" agenda.

I don't agree with every position the man has taken but I'd strongly endorse and proudly vote for republican Adam Kinzinger for President.

Kinzinger says he "would love" to run against Trump in 2024

Anonymous said...

Texas school shooting: Beto O'Rourke derails Gov. Greg Abbott update on Uvalde shooting

Beto O'Rourke tells Gov. Abbott: "This is on you!!!"

Anonymous said...

Reason has some nice articles. This is just republican sabotage.

Here's a piece about how just prior to the pandemic at the beginning of 2020, the Trump administration via the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)—part of the Department of Transportation (DOT)—implemented new rules for trucking companies and state regulatory agencies that increased the rate of random drug and alcohol testing for drivers and requiring all drivers who fail a test (and get dismissed) to be entered into the FMCSA's Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, a searchable online database, where their records are retained for at least five years. Additionally, employers are required to check all new hires against the database, as well as annually re-checking every one of their employees. A failed drug test can lead to either a mandatory substance abuse evaluation or termination.

The Drug War Is Keeping Truckers Off the Road: Federal regulations make it more likely that a driver can be suspended or fired for drug use, regardless of whether they ever drove unsafely.

Excerpt: "While it makes intuitive sense to screen long-haul truck drivers for drunkenness and other substance abuse problems, conflating alcohol with drugs is deceptive. For example, the FMCSA classifies a violation as driving "with alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater or while using any drug specified in the regulations…other than those prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner." But alcohol is cleared from a person's system within about 12 hours; marijuana, on the other hand, can be detectable days or even weeks after use. Even if somebody used marijuana in a state where it's legal to do so, and allowed plenty of time to make sure they could safely drive, they could still fail a random drug test and be deprived of their livelihood.

And that's exactly what has happened: According to the FMCSA Clearinghouse's monthly report covering through the end of March, drivers tested positive for marijuana more than 10,000 times just this year. From the beginning of 2020, the number of positive tests is over 70,000. That constitutes 70,000 instances in which a driver was taken off the road, with no distinction between whether they were unsafe to drive or had merely used marijuana recently."

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk backs ‘tight’ background checks for all gun sales in wake of mass shooting in Texas

He said in emails to CNBC on Wednesday that he supports “tight background checks” for all gun sales and limiting sales of assault weapons to people in special circumstances, like gun range owners, or people who live in a “high risk location, like gang warfare.”

Anonymous said...


I forgot to mention earlier. I used "from Yale to Jail" a sorta colloquialism I picked up from my father in law. I did not actually go to Yale. It's not bragging....just saying I have all sorts of friends at various occupational, educational and income levels.

Where I went to university is nobody's business. They are just pieces of paper in a frame in a box since we moved.

It doesn't bother or upset me, I just find it interesting how it always comes up and how it's used derogatorily and with contempt.


Anonymous said...

5:56 PM
Only because you are so arrogant. Otherwise no big deal. You like to rub everyone's nose in how superior you think you are, and in every way, according to you. That's what all your pontificating, is about---because you play up all division between people you can--even when not there you will bring that into the dialogue to force it into discussion, so it's not about your education or anyone's else's or lack of it for that matter. You are the problem.

To me you are just another "educated fool" the way you post and conduct yourself here.

I don't care who you are, you make you the issue every time.
A trolling woke attention whore sums you up well.
Your supposed to be running a business and you're here to stir up and hopefully piss off a blog instead? Well, you're boring as hell as well as an egomaniac.
Ha. Yeah...trolling, trolling trolling, keep the pissing going....rawhide.

Anonymous said...

Your "Where I went to university is nobody's business. They are just pieces of paper in a frame in a box since we moved..."

Why should anyone in their right mind believe a single word you say regarding your life, lifestyle or background?
I know I don't.
You might be a million other things than what you say, and there is no reason for anyone here to take you at your word.
They shouldn't.
You are an anonymous poser, poster and relentless over-commenter in this blog. That's all anyone knows about you. You might be American, you might be Chinese. You might be educated and you might be only indoctrinated. You might be male you might be female and you might just be a "bot".
You seem to want to check all the hot topic buttons, so does that mean that you're gay or trans or socialist or atheist, or just desperately trying to make a few bucks? Who knows? You pass yourself off as affluent and educated but there is no evidence. Maybe you're just so important that we aren't allowed to identify you. That must be it, because every little thing about you is a secret.
And who cares?

Anonymous said...

Uvalde school shooting...

So, are we to accept the belief that only ONE lone shooter had the capability to cause all of that damage... 21 dead (19 students, 2 teachers)... plus at least a dozen injured??? Bullets didn't come from any OTHER gun (whether accidental or otherwise)? Are there any gun experts who can verify that ONE PERSON can mow down a total of 33 persons without any help?

Anonymous said...

at 7:28 PM


But he needs told off so you and I obliged.

He's some kind of creep..creeping around this blog for the sake of some trouble.
So I think you made a really good point. Nobody but the creepy (and perverted) types you mentioned want to come around day and night and randomly stab at people with their relentless inflamed words. Nobody does it better...

I hope he goes hungry if he (?) is being paid for this..

Anonymous said...


Drama Kings or Queens on the troll every day...
They copy and paste their way into every crack and corner to stir a pot, any pot, anywhere..

Worthless way to be, hateful, this is their no reason to live.
Sad ain't it?

Anonymous said...

7:52 PM

Automatic weapons can pound out a lot of rounds of ammo in a very short amount of time.

RayB said...

How would you feel if your government ORDERED you to take an EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' that was NOT approved by the FDA and also has numerous dangerous side effects?

EXCLUSIVE: Over 500 Military Service Members Sue the Government for Mandating a Vaccine that Was Not FDA Approved and Should Not Have Been Administered

RayB said...

Race Baiter in Chief speaks ...

Barack Obama Uses Texas Shooting to Memorialize George Floyd

Anonymous said...

I saw that. No opportunity should be wasted to cause more strife, right?
That's on their white paper bullet points list.
The Soros plant is still doing his master's bidding for the open society,
open borders, the free for the expense of everyone's freedoms.

Because globalism.

Hell gonna be hot.

Anonymous said...

Possible conspiracy?

Ex-cop killed in Buffalo shooting had just invented a powerful “water powered engine”

Aaron Salter Jr., a security guard at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo who was killed in the recent mass shooting, had reportedly just patented a new type of vehicle engine that runs on water instead of gasoline.
Describing his invention as a “newly discovered energy source,” Salter, just prior to his death, had been working on and speaking publicly about environmentally sustainable vehicles that have the potential to replace existing ones that rely on either internal combustion (gas) or battery-powered (electric) engines.
Salter’s LinkedIn profile reveals that one of his main passions in life was coming up with a free energy transportation solution. In a YouTube video, he demonstrated how his 2010 Ford F-150 truck operated using an AWS Hydrogen Fuel System, which is based on water.
“So we’re going to do four experiments today for the patent examiners,” Salter, an ex-cop, said in the video while proudly displaying his Police Benevolent Association shirt.
“What my system has done is take advantage of the residue that’s produced by electrolysis,” he further explained. “So we’re going to actually start this vehicle without electrolysis... I’m a jack of all trades and a master of none.”
Was Aaron Salter Jr. targeted by the deep state for coming up with a free energy solution to gas- and electric-powered vehicles?
Back in 2016, Salter uploaded a post to Facebook explaining his position at AWS Hydrogen Technologies, LLC. It modestly read that Salter was excited to have started this company, believing that it is fully possible to power vehicles with water.
I believe that Salter’s biggest mistake was filing for a patent on his technology. It was not long after this occurred that he turned up dead in a mass shooting.

Anonymous said...

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was endorsed by Trump, wins Republican primary over George P. Bush (Jeb's son)


Bush Dynasty Ends with Whimper as Jeb’s Son Squashed by Trump-backed Ken Paxton

RayB said...

More Bush Family news ... Former Pres. Bush thinks he's talking to Ukraine President Zelensky, instead it's the two Russian pranksters. LOL !

Bush gets very edgy when "Zelensky" refers to Colin Powell's phony 'anthrax' presentation to the United Nations, used to justify the invasion of Iraq ...

Russian Prank Call Duo Trick George W Bush into Talking About Ukraine [FULL]

"The phony phone call was conducted by a Russian prankster duo known as Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexei Stoliarov). They have made a name for themselves calling Western and Ukrainian politicians disguised as other officials to hear what they really think about various issues."

Anonymous said...

X’s credentials are only an online persona. People who own businesses don’t have time to sit and blog all day unless THAT is what they’re being paid to do. Don’t waste any more time on his crud.

J said...

He sure has been waiting a long time to be the king. I would feel sorry for the guy if I didn't know the damage he is planning to do (Great Reset). When he was four years old, he extended his arms to his mother after she returned from a long tour. She shook his hand! Can you imagine having such a COLD mother? He was apparently bullied at his school in Scotland, too. I couldn't imagine waiting until old age to be able to finally do what I was raised to do my whole life. He looks like such a sad man. It makes it more understandable why he felt the need to cling to Camilla. It's hard to hate or fear the guy, but his COP26 speech tells me he is dangerous. Imagine how much he will feel the need to prove once he FINALLY becomes the king. Don't underestimate the quiet, unpopular or geeky ones. They can be the biggest dreamers.

Should the Queen abdicate after the Jubilee? Have your say as Prince Charles takes her place

Anonymous said...

Review of Gate's Book. He breaks that tripe down for us....

In “The Corbett Report” above,1 independent journalist James Corbett reviews the contents of Bill Gates’ book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.”

“It’s every bit as infuriating, nauseating, ridiculous, laughable and risible as you would expect,” he says. “This is a ridiculous book … There’s certainly nothing of medical or scientific value in here … It’s a baffling book even from a propagandistic perspective …

Gates’ goal in writing the book is to disarm the public and prepare us to accept the agenda that Gates and his allies would like to impose on the world. Ultimately, what this is about is drumming up general public support — or at least general public understanding — of the unfolding biosecurity agenda.”

Another reviewer of Gates’ book, economist Jeffrey Tucker, offered similarly negative feedback:2

“Imagine yourself sidled up to a bar. A talkative guy sits down on the stool next to you. He has decided that there is one thing wrong with the world. It can be literally anything. Regardless, he has the solution.

It’s interesting and weird for a few minutes. But you gradually come to realize that he is actually crazy. His main point is wrong and so his solutions are wrong too. But the drinks are good, and he is buying. So you put up with it. In any case, you will forget the whole thing in the morning.

In the morning, however, you realize that he is one of the world’s richest men and he is pulling the strings of many of the world’s most powerful people. Now you are alarmed. In a nutshell, that’s what it’s like to read Bill Gates’s new book ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.’”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Salvador Ramos: Everything we know about Texas school mass shooter

Anonymous said...

We interrupt Word War III to bring you a message.

Now showing on this blog 24/7: The RayB vs. X Show.

The devil tempts RayB to engage (rather than ignore) X, and RayB gives into that temptation.

X may or may not be a professional troll. Either way, X is never going to change his 'modus operandi' of stirring the pot in his delusional attempt to divide and conquer.

The only solution for RayB is to ignore, ignore, ignore. But, that's evidently not going to happen.

The result is that this blog has deteriorated beyond all hope.

Those who come here, searching for serious discussions, wade through the muck to either post or read something worthwhile.

Many become frustrated and just give up and leave.

The result is a win-win for Globalists and New Agers... but, a loss for Christians.

Now, the rest of us are left to deeply mourn the loss of this once great (one of a kind) blog.

Anonymous said...

7:52, and 8:59;
You sound like a complete jackass.
We're talking about eighteen SIX YEAR OLDs, all in the ONE barricaded classroom, with the gunman.
He didn't even need to fire off rounds rapidly. None of them could escape or defend themselves.
It's not the gun, it's the demon-possessed sinner; the fool with no fear of God.

You stupid heartless snowflake, jumping to the "it's the gun" reaction.
Your conclusion is brainless. People like you should remain silent, but they are always the ones with a vapid opinion at the worst possible time.
You have nothing to offer.

Anonymous said...

The shooter had semi-automatic weapons and they spray bullets very quickly.

However..the gun or gun type, is Not the problem.

Sick and twisted young man from a pretty sick homelife apparently.
Destruction there in a micro form taken to macro in a school day holocaust.

Gut wrenching!

There are no words for the horror those children experienced. This pain will last a very long time.
Dear God please ease and comfort these poor families. Let this be the wake up call to truly seek the Lord all across this country.

Anonymous said...

One-Time Trump Backers Now Say, "Trump Is THE ANTICHRIST!"

J said...

Hmmm, I watched the video about halfway through. The testimonies are all very smoothly written, with good English grammar and composition. I'm not so sure they are authentic. They are all too perfect and too smooth.

Craig said...

This is quite sad:

Why I Stopped Teaching


For fifteen years, Kali Fontanilla taught middle and high school students in California public schools. Then she abruptly left it behind. Why would a teacher who loves teaching quit her job? Her answer should alarm us all.

Anonymous said...

Uvalde police 'stood down' and did nothing for one hour!!!

Anonymous said...

If only the teachers were armed.

Anonymous said...

The 6 critical questions Uvalde cops need to answer . .

1) Why didn't school resource officer stop Ramos at school entrance when he first arrived?
2) Who were the two cops who encountered him first and why weren't they able to stop him either?
3) How was the shooter able to barricade himself inside classroom with kids?
4) What took so long to get into the classroom here he was barricaded?
5) Did cops call out telling kids to yell for help if they needed it?
6) What were the 150 police officers at the scene doing other than holding back parents?

Craig said...

Do These Conservative And Liberal Women Agree On MY BODY, MY CHOICE?

The Babylon Bee

These two women come from different political parties. But at least they can agree on "my body, my choice" - or do they?

Anonymous said...

Uvalde Shooter Fired Gun For 12 Minutes Outside School Before Entering

Anonymous said...

Globalists have entered the kill phase of Great Reset; Remember the Deagal population forecast? It now makes total sense

Anonymous said...

J., Satan is the accuser of the brethren, until you back up your claims on more than supposition, it must be presumed you are bearing false witness.

The voices of the testimonies may be smoothly written, however, the authorial voices the testimonies hold, differ very much so from each other, giving immense weight to their individual authenticities, i.e., evidencing each testimony originates from a distinct and separate individual person. James Key may even have tidied up the grammar - if he has, it is a neutral act when determining the authorial voices there in

Anonymous said...

7:46 AM

Thanks for the link.

It reads like what I have already been thinking and feeling..
By year end I feel we will see a huge shift--I think of it as a final phase of what is to be the "new normal".
Thinning the masses in a variety of ways, stripping people of the remainder of their freedoms, at some point, taking out the 'no-accounts' who believe archaic things (thank You God I do) will become prime targets.

It's goin' by The Book......
Ephesians 3:
13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.

14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,

16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

J said...

9:40 AM,

Nice try at twisting my expression of skepticism into purported false accusation.

By your own standards, until you can prove that Trump is the Antichrist and MAGA Republicans are followers of the Antichrist, you must be presumed to bear false witness.

J said...

P.S. I'm not a latecomer to this issue. I've been thinking about this for a while. Early on I had a funny feeling about Trump after seeing the title of Ann Coulter's 2016 book, In Trump We Trust. That and his name, Trump, like trumpet, like "little horn." I sincerely brought up my concerns to my parents, who were both planning to vote for Trump. They became quite indignant. Afterwards, I had the feeling that I had gone wrong somewhere and somehow, and I had somehow at least mildly crossed God, but I didn't know what my mistake was. I felt like I was sincere in taking exception to the title of Ann Coulter's book and pointing out how unChrist-like Trump was.

The problem was, I knew nothing about Bible prophecy. Since then I've studied it. Now I know it's not a mystery with interpretations up for grabs. I know apocalyptic language has common meanings that can be discerned in the Old Testament and compared to real historical events that already transpired. By this means, I have parameters for Revelation.

Now I realize the harm that comes from misinterpretation of prophecy. Historically so much harm has been done by it.

Frankly I've always been skeptical of Trump, and if the other side had not become so extremely obnoxious, I may possibly have gone over to the other side. Because their behavior made it seem quite reasonable to regard them as being worse, I got over my initial repulsion towards Trump, and I turned my attention to trying to figure out all the weirdness.

At this point, five years later, I have done enough study to argue about this topic all day long, if only I had sufficient time. After sensing I had done and said something wrong, I prayed about it, and I tried to understand why I felt a separation from God in the aftermath of the argument with my parents. It took quite some time to unravel it all, theologically and prophetically.

But two things I know now:

1) Telling the truth is good, but telling the truth in love is best, and telling the truth in anger can be bad

2) 90% of Christians do not understand Bible prophecy, but it's not their fault. It's the fault of their teachers and leaders, like the Dallas Theological Seminary.

3) It's only by the grace of God that I have attained whatever understanding I've managed. I've prayed for guidance from the Holy Spirit. I've put in my time studying. No doubt I have many gaps in my understanding still, but I at least feel firm about certain parameters. I feel confident ruling out a great many things, even if I don't know the exact answer for every single detail.

J said...

Lately I've been considering the possibility that Trump has been scripted to be the Antichrist in some kind of Reality TV villain casting for political theatre and religious theatre.

A Simpson's episode showed a cartoon Trump coming down a cartoon Trump Tower escalator and announcing his candidacy and then winning. See:

Ann Coulter, or her editor, titled her 2016 book, In Trump We Trust. She may have had nothing to do with the title. An editor at her publishing house would have been likely to title her book. She has been a New York Times bestseller for years.

Cambridge Analytica - a British company - helped Trump win in some of the key districts in key swing states. The early news that leaked out about it pretty quickly went dark. All the attention became focused on Russia, Russia, Russia. Who was responsible for the fake dossier, the pee pee dossier? It was a former British spy, Christopher Steele. Do you see the British fingerprints?

Jared Kushner has attended a Bilderberg meeting. He has made the cover of Time Magazine. Steve Bannon also made the cover of Time.

British Israelism has become more subtle in our day and age. It used to be more obvious in American history. In the early decades of the 20th century, some American magazines openly predicted that the abdicated King Edward VIII would stand on the Mount of Olives and rule from David's throne in Jerusalem.

A Yankee businessman celebrity Reality TV villain anti-globalist Antichrist could possibly be regarded as a perfect foil to the real Planned Deception.

Could Mossad know the plans of the British royals? Could that be why Epstein compromised Prince Andrew? Could that be why it has recently leaked out that Queen Elizabeth was taught a Nazi salute at age seven, and pictures and videos surfaced?

J said...

Melania played a president in a commercial in 1993.

All of these "predictive programming" type things could be mere coincidence. But they are sure uncanny.

Anonymous said...

There is no “nice try” about it. That is exactly what you have done.

Brother James Key and Brother Paul illustrate without doubt the Antichrist nature of Donald “J.” Trump. I refer you back to their videos and suggest UNTIL and UNLESS you can honestly refute what either of those men of God show, and UNLESS and UNTIL you have evidence or a shred of academic merit to back up your unsupported insinuation-cum-accusation, then you should cease and desist from spreading malicious rumor about Brother James’s credibility and honesty. The Lord rebuke you - even if your chosen lord, Donald J. Trump would not. Heaven forbid, you might even be mocking paraplegics as we speak - who knows what depths of depravity you’re willing to sink to, J., after all, the psycho-monster you sycophantically worship, i.e., Trump, does exactly that.

J said...

The elites all wanted Hillary to win, right? Right?

This is one of Hillary emails that didn't get relentless media attention.

In this email, she apparently alluded to having done something to piss off the Rothschilds. She asked them to let her know what penance she owed them.

Hillary Clinton Begs Forgiveness From Rothschilds In Leaked Email

J said...

2:07 PM,

Sorry, but the burden of proof is upon Brother Paul and Brother James Key.

J said...

Do you think a long history of being a debt slave to the Rothschilds could possibly have had any bearing on Donald Trump's presidency?

Wilbur Ross was the head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team. He became Trump's commerce secretary.

This is Forbes, so yes, it is mainstream media; but that probably only means it's a limited hang out, and that the full truth is much deeper.

Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross

Anonymous said...


Even the little it quoted by the Trueaactivist article, it fully appears to be sarcasm for having "stolen" Tony Blair to accompany her to an important meeting and interrupting or causing Mr. Blair's to cancel his prior social (or charitable) scheduled visit with the Rothschilds in Aspen, Colorado.

Trueactivist even gave the link to the full email...

excerpt: Lynn,

I was trying to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going. He told me that he had a commitment in Aspen w you two and the conference, but after we talked, he decided to go and asked me to tell you. He is very sorry, obviously, but I'm grateful that he accepted my request. I hope you all understand and give him a raincheck. If you were interested, he might be able to satellite in if you have the technology available. He should land around Sam Aspen time. Let me know what penance I owe you. And pls explain to Teddy. As ever, H

How anyone can read nefariousness into that email is beyond me. If Mr. and Mrs. Rothschild were so vitally important as the leaders of a vast world conspiracy as being implied, do you think Tony Blair would let Hillary handle canceling his commitment on her behalf? Why would they divert Blair at all in the first place if Rothschilds are the most imporant persons in the world worthy of requiring true penance towards? It's just being polite, apologizing and saying "I owe you one --- socially, but duty calls both Tony and I".

Your mileage may vary....(assuming there isn't more context to this somewhere else in the vastness of Hillary's professional and personal hacked emails.


Anonymous said...

They have already proved it, J.,

I’m sorry you’re too pigheaded to see it.

Anonymous said...

Your talk of the dangers of interpretation is an absolute joke. What discernment is there in you thinking Prince Charles of England is the Antichrist? He is not exactly a man of “fierce countenance”, nor is he boastful- even though he’s a bit new agey.

You’re not exactly a font of academic wisdom who backs up what she says, are you now?

Something about you doesn’t quite sit right, J.

J said...

3:01 PM,

Not exactly. I never said I think Prince Charles is the Antichrist of Dispensationalism. I don't believe in Dispensationalism. I think it's possible he could be - or a future heir could be - a Planned Deception to fulfill the British Israelism dream of sitting on the throne of David and ruling the world from Jerusalem.

I believe in classical Protestant Covenant Theology. I believe Jesus Christ is sitting on His throne now, ruling His kingdom now, in heaven. I don't anticipate Jesus Christ ruling the world from Jerusalem in future millennium that takes place within a kingdom of God on earth.

J said...

X 2:55 PM,

Look at some of the more subtle clues. Tony Blair didn't want to tell the Rothschilds himself that he was going to be with Hillary instead of them. He asked Hillary to tell them. Why would he be reluctant to tell them?

If the Rothschilds had wanted Tony Blair to be there with Hillary, they would have told him to be there with Hillary. Could she have been "cowboying" (or "cowgirling") her actions just a little? Could she have failed to be enough of a "yes woman?"

I worked in the corporate world for quite some time. Most of the action is sharks below the water. It's not on the surface.

I never said I thought that the Rothschilds are the only powerful family in the world. There are about ten powerful families that own shares in holding companies like Vanguard, which control most of the corporate world. These families include the Rothschilds, the British royal family, the Italian Orsini family, the Rockefeller family, the Carnegie family and more. I don't have a complete list of all of them.

Rich businessman celebrities are only front men. That goes for Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and others. They are very rich, yes, but they're not at the level of the Rothschilds, the Orsinis, the British royal family with the Queen's Golden Shares, and other families that own majority shares in Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street.

Anonymous said...


If you were correct...have you seen movement within the Royals toward ecumenicism?

I think you mentioned Knights of Malta.

In my idea...the Royals are just useful puppets who will gladly jump back into power and authority over lands and peoples on behalf of Rome (the puppeteer).

I'd see Charles abdicating to the much more loved William who still has a Robert Kennedy Jr.-type hold over the world as Diana's son.


p.s.- I think you are aware but those other posts aren't me. I don't get the aggressive defense of Keyes at all. Keyes is speculating nor more or less than the rest of us. None of us are "prophetic".

J said...

X 4:22 PM,

Yes to moves toward ecumenicism. Prince Charles has made it known that he wishes to be known as Defender of Faiths, not Defender of the Faith.

You may not realize it, but Queen Elizabeth can't just decide to skip over Charles and make William the King. It would be against the law - the 1701 Act of Settlement.

J said...

Regarding the relationship of the British royal family to the Catholic church, the more I researched it, the more I realized how inter-networked they are.

The Rothschilds became the Vatican bankers. Many other things happened. It's an involved history.

Anonymous said...

Why would he be reluctant to tell them?

Maybe he was already on a plane headed for the US. She said it was landing at 5 am Aspen time and her email was sent at 10:30 pm (maybe Washington Time where some of those talks seemed to be taking place - )

Did you see in the email chain Lynn Rothschild's response at 11:58 pm that evening?

Hillary, We of course understand and thank you for personally reaching out to us. It is a big loss for the weekend but as we know it does not add up to a hill of beans. You are the best, and we remain your biggest fans. Sweet dreams and Godspeed with everything you are doing. Oxoxo Lynn.

Then at 5:16 am on that Friday Morning Hillary emailed Tony...


Message delivered. Pls read all the way down....

No fanfare. No big deal.

Can you imagine the planning that went into all the events in Aspen with the prime minister of England coming into town? It's a big deal and probably was disappointing for many people involved. Mr. Blair wanted to be sure Hillary apoligized to his hosts. These americans are and were likely closer friends with Hillary than Mr. Blair. I don't know but Hillary and her aspirations to get a peace deal accomplished apparently trumped even the Rothschilds (who didn't take any opportunity to say anything on the subject other than graciously accept her apology).

There ARE things that go on under the water but this exchange, to me, doesn't corroborate any such thing other than friendship.


Anonymous said...

4:41 Yes, my understanding is Charles would have to abdicate.

He'll never be loved married to a horror. Maybe he'll kill her first?


Anonymous said...

The Rothschilds became the vatican bankers...that involved Opus Dei as I recall but not sure.

Defender of the a$$ (sorry).


RayB said...

Watch: Klaus Schwab Cosies Up With Head Of Pfizer As They Condemn ‘Conspiracy People’ And ‘Anti-vaxxers’

“There is a very fanatic group that would go after us no matter what.”

CEO of Pfizer justifies why they CANNOT be, and why they shouldn't be, sued:

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told Klaus Schwab that his company has ensured governments in Europe and the U.S. will continue to protect pharmaceutical companies against lawsuits if vaccines they sell are “not working out well.”

RayB said...

Videos: Davos Elites Warn ‘Painful Global Transition’ Should Not Be Resisted By Nation States

Elitists drool over possibilities of their ‘Great Reset’

'Painful Transition' = _________________ (fill in the blanks ... hint ... the pain will be inflicted upon US and not THEM.

Anonymous said...

FYI re: Summit News -

Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency.

Launched in March 2019, Summit News is a far-right conspiracy website. Like most questionable sources this website does not have an about page nor disclosure of ownership. The primary writer appears to be Paul Joseph Watson, who is a former editor for the conspiracy website Infowars. Although not disclosed, Paul Joseph Watson appears to be the owner and editor of this website. Further, Summit News has been banned on Facebook.

In review, Summit News publishes extreme right biased content that consistently uses loaded language such as Public Banned From Seeing School Shooting Case Involving Transgender Anti-Trump Culprit and Feminist Says Family Must Be “Abolished” to ‘Dismantle Capitalism’. Although Summit News occasionally sources to credible outlets they often link to Youtube videos and social media posts and then react with shock and outrage against the left, Muslims, and Feminists. They frequently promote conspiracy theories such as the Notre Dame Cathedral fire being set by arsonists. The source of this came from a Time journalist tweet, who then deleted the tweet within minutes, however, Summit News did not change their story. In other stories, they promote white nationalism through their fear that Whites are being replaced in countries like Canada.

No surprise RayB shares links and info from a racist antisemite like Paul Joseph Watson who was recently caught on a hot mike saying: “I care about white people and not sand [n-word] Paki Jew f****t c****s, yeah?” He continued, “I really think that you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.” According to the Byline Times investigation, Watson made the comments recently at a party in the U.K."


Anonymous said...

Uvalde school district police chief, Pete Arredondo, who ordered cops NOT to engage Texas gunman, is a former 911 dispatcher with an unremarkable career... who was elected to city council just DAYS before massacre!!!

J said...

X 7:15 PM,

The SPLC is notorious for looking for hate groups around every corner so that it can continue to justify its existence.

Paul Joseph Watson could possibly be one of those gay men who want to be in the hater club instead of the hated club. Whatever the case, RayB isn't somehow responsible for whatever Paul Joseph Watson may or may not have said at a party.

It's weak journalism to attribute a quote to somebody on the basis of hearsay. It would be much stronger if the quote were directly from Paul Joseph Watson on the record in an interview.

It doesn't matter what SPLC says about Summit News. It matters what Davos elites really said. It's not conspiracy theory when they're openly telling you what they are planning.

Go take a look at the WEF web site one of these days instead of a fact checker web site or SPLC or some other second hand source telling you what to think about another second hand source.

Craig said...

This is kinda like what Yuri Bezmenov warned of years ago, no? Brett and Heather getting passed the YT suppressors in their 'ponderings' about how to do such [language warning]:

What would it look like if an enemy wanted to defeat America from within? (from Livestream Q&A #126)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips


As a diversion from our 'novel' living nightmare (Brave New World), I suggest the beautifully evocative title track to one of the very best modern avant garde Jazz releases (my subjective opinion, of course, though shared by many):

Dave Holland Quartet – Conference of the Birds (Reissued on 180g Vinyl) | ECM Records

ECM Records

Dave Holland Quartet
Conference of the Birds

Sam Rivers: reeds, flute
Anthony Braxton: reeds, flute
Dave Holland: double bass
Barry Altschul: percussion

Here we have my favorite bass player of any genre leading his first record date and writing all the tunes. Listen to Rivers' lithe flute (right channel) interact with Braxton's supple soprano sax (left channel). At times they play in unison, at others they either play off each other or as counterpoint.

This tune isn't as 'adventurous' as the rest of the album, so to get an idea of that here's three of the members, as being led by Braxton. Kenny Wheeler (Canadian expat) is in place of Rivers:

Anthony Braxton Quartet, Montreux 1975

Note that Wheeler plays trumpet in the beginning and at the end for the 'head' (basic tune) of the piece, while he switches to his flugelhorn--his preferred instrument--for his solo (3:45).

[This is sort of my way of furthering Charles Mingus' desire as stated in one of his album titles: Let My Children Hear Music.]

Anonymous said...

"It's not conspiracy theory when they're openly telling you what they are planning.

Go take a look at the WEF web site one of these days instead of a fact checker web site or SPLC or some other second hand source telling you what to think about another second hand source."

Spot on, J.
He seems to really love to find excuses for globalists and elitists.
x's mind is closed shut and his ears and mouth is wide open...for gossip.
And a whole lot of why his credibility is toast.

Anonymous said...

I wish Rich of Medford would update us about Constance.
I hope and pray she is recovering.
This sure has drug her down and it's quite concerning.

RayB said...

Globalists have entered the kill phase of Great Reset; Remember the Deagel population forecast? It now makes total sense

Seemingly endless global 'Pandemics' followed by mandated dangerous EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines,' unnecessary conflicts between powerful nuclear nations that may lead to World War III, global food shortages, skyrocketing inflation, designed energy shortages, out of control illegal immigration, dramatic increases in violence, faltering economies, etc., etc. ALL of this, and more, is designed to lead to intense chaos, which will be followed by their planned solution; the "Great Reset."

We are living in a combination nightmare of Huxley's Brave New World and Orwell's 1984.

Anonymous said...

11:01 PM

Last we heard here is Constance has recovered from her bad reaction to the satanic booster shot. Her mental and spiritual illness is perhaps still raging?

Pray for her deliverance from the Luciferic spirit that has her bound in deep psychosis.

Anonymous said...

Police Botched the Uvalde Standoff – Now Gun Controllers Want to Give Police MORE Power

Anonymous said...

'A first responder unwilling to place the lives of the innocent above their own safety should consider another career': Rule book shows how Texas cops IGNORED their own guidelines to let active shooter kill 19 children

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, due to the defunding of the police throughout our country, the end result is that we are now left with substandard police covereage and protection of our citizens.

Anonymous said...

8:51 AM

Your comments about our dear Constance (on her very own blog) are highly inappropriate and judgemental. Only Our Father in Heaven can judge the state of our souls.

Furthermore, many innocent people received the Covid vaccine... trusting their own personal physicians that they were being given sound medical advice at the time.

I pray for all of them (and the rest of us) every single day.

Your cruel comments serve no purpose here.

J said...

RayB 11:37 PM,

I don't think the globalists will have the control they want or attain all their goals. I think they will do damage trying.

Right alongside what they build, alternatives always grow up from the grassroots. They want to give us GMO food, but organic food is popular. Even Costco and Walmart have organic food. The Rockefellers gave us the AMA and suppressed herbalism. But people keep right on taking herbs.

A search through PumMed will show all the studies of herbs and nutritional supplements. Ironically China produces so many good herbal studies, being less dominated by Big Pharma historically, and having such a long classical Chinese herbal tradition.

Kids are being indoctrinated, but very quietly, about half of the members of generation Z have figured out that their indoctrination is cultural suicide. They are viewing relationships and family in a more traditional way, but they are not vocal about it.

The COVID pandemic led to the Great Resignation. One result is more job openings for the young. They sure need it.

The pandemic and lock downs also led to more home schooling. I've finally committed to long term homeschooling, myself.

And so it goes.

I've been pondering an idea lately as I've been making deep dives into hidden history. None of this is new. It's just that we know more about it than ever before.

American history has never been idyllic except maybe during the 50s. We've been through the Civil War, the Robber Barrons, the Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, the New Deal, and on and on it goes. On and on it will go.

Cults get founded, but their members often read the Bible and become guided by the Holy Spirit, anyway. Even the Worldwide Church of God that was founded by Herbert Armstrong is now teaching a message of grace instead of legalism.

Through it all, can we be the good Christians our ancestors were, during their hard times?

You know history as well as I do. You know the Protestants almost came back from the dead in a way after it seemed as if the Popes had won a final victory. Now Protestants are half of the Christians in the world.

You know FDR was at least as bad as Obama and Hillary, if not more so. You know Pearl Harbor was a lot like 9/11.

One reason why it looks so bad right now is that we are so much more aware than ever before. That, plus I think it is getting worse, accelerating and intensifying. But how much of that is reality versus perception? How much of it is just knowing more?

I wouldn't even know about LGBTQ madness if I didn't have an internet connection. My town doesn't get the pride parades.

Anonymous said...

10:05 am

If the local cops couldn't do it, imagine how ineffective armed teachers would be.

Senators and congressmen that allow 18-year-olds to buy assault-styled rifles and shoot innocent children should likewise consider another career.

The NRA is a death cult.

Where is the "well-REGULATED" part of the 2nd Amendment?

J said...

One of America's great song writers was Tom Petty. He told stories about Americans. One of lyrics goes, "I don't mind working...I'm scared to suffer." I think that pretty much sums up most Americans.

The chorus of the song goes, "You want it all. You want it ah, ah, ah, ah, all. All or nothing. Nothing. Nothing. You want it ah, ah, ah, ah, all."

I think that's sort of where our mentality is at, with wishing for the end of the world to come.

Anonymous said...

J said: "I've been pondering an idea lately as I've been making deep dives into hidden history. None of this is new. It's just that we know more about it than ever before."

Here's a little history on Monkeypox.

Although the portrayal of monkeypox as “Covid 2.0” has spread particularly quickly within pandemic conspiracy circles because it lines up with many elements of COVID-19 they’ve fixated on over the last two years, doesn't mean this is some new globalist strategy. Sure some nations are talking about isolating affected people and vaccinating those at risk of transmissions, however, these are tried-and-true localized containment tactics that have been employed by health experts for decades. For example, America employed them to contain a major monkeypox outbreak that hit the Midwest in 2003. And they don't come anywhere near the sorts of measures instituted to control COVID-19. They even utilized PCR testing.

Update: Multistate Outbreak of Monkeypox --- Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, 2003

It's also helpful to know that smallpox vaccine was only 85% effective and caused severe adverse side effects including death.

In the 1960s, serious adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States included death (1/million vaccinations), progressive vaccinia (1.5/million vaccinations), eczema vaccinatum (39/million vaccinations), postvaccinial encephalitis (12/million vaccinations), and generalized vaccinia (241/million vaccinations).20 Adverse events were approximately ten times more common among those vaccinated for the first time compared to revaccinees.20 Fatality rates were also four times higher for primary vaccinees compared to revaccinees.,%2C%20and%20generalized%20vaccinia%20(241%2F


P.S. - Perhaps the greatest achievement of the 20th Century was the doubling of life expectancy. Herbs and nutritional supplements didn't accomplish that. It was a lot of factors including sanitation, homogenization, vaccinations, etc. This was a great listen. The resistance to homogenization was particularly interesting. Steven Johnson: How humanity doubled life expectancy in a century

RayB said...

J @ 10:18 AM ...

I agree with pretty much everything that you posted. While the New World Order schemes to conquer the world for their master Satan (whether they realize it or not), obviously, God always has the final say. I often think of how God dealt with Sodom & Gomorrah. Had there been only 10 righteous, He would not have destroyed those cities. Being the 'salt of the earth' is an incredibly important calling for every Christian, because God blesses societies and nations as a result of His love for His faithful people. I firmly believe that God has not dropped His hand of judgment upon America because of that very reason. Satan knows this, and will do anything in his power to remove the savour of that preserving salt.

Also, I believe that we are missing huge opportunities to thwart the spread of evil by NOT praying for God's judgment to fall upon HIS enemies (not to be confused with OUR personal enemies). There are quite a few 'prayers' in Psalms that express that very principle. (This statement has been attributed to Mary, the Catholic Queen of Scots, regarding the Scottish Reformer: “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” Mary's life did not end very well. She was convicted of leading a Catholic plot to overthrow the Protestant Queen Elizabeth of England and lost her head in the process).

One thing to consider; although the 'count' of Protestants may have reached 50%, or more, most of the 'Protestant' denominations have unfortunately morphed into apostasy, or, are at least knocking on its door, and that includes much of 'Evangelicalism'. (I'm sure you know this; God still works with individuals, one at a time. Being a member of any denomination earns no merit with Him).

Also, while the WWCG has moved away from some of Armstrong's legalism, they still maintain many of his heretical teachings and practices. (You probably are aware of this site. It has a lot of very interesting info on the WWCG and its offshoots). Here is a brief, but informative history regarding their 'changes,' etc.

Name Changed to Grace Communion International

By the way, I believe the Pope (and the all powerful Papacy) received a 'head wound' as a result of the Reformation. While they have regained some of their power, via the New World Order, it is currently not even close to the rule that they once had over the monarchies of Europe, which lasted for over 1,000 years.

RayB said...

Sen. Rand Paul speaks the obvious ...

Rand Paul Slams WEF:'Elites Want World Government, It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory'

RayB said...

Liz Cheney Sinks 30 Points Below Her Trump-Endorsed Opponent

"The month of May has not been kind to never-Trump Rep. Liz Cheney. The double vaxxed and boosted RINO from Wyoming has tested positive for COVID." (Those EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' and their boosters sure seem to work).

Anonymous said...

To 10:22 AM
Re: "If the local cops couldn't do it, imagine how ineffective armed teachers would be"


Evidently, the problem wasn't COPS (plural)... it was the orders from one particular police chief (who should be FIRED)!!!

Uvalde school district police chief, Pete Arredondo, who ordered cops NOT to engage Texas gunman, is a former 911 dispatcher with an unremarkable career... who was elected to city council just DAYS before massacre!!!

Craig said...

Anon 2:37 PM,

Don't confuse X with facts in this regard. He has an agenda to follow.

RayB said...

None of this has anything to do with the NWO's depopulation plan ...

Shocking Pfizer Study Data Reveals 82% of Jabbed Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages, So They Stopped Counting

"When the data is so bad that it betrays the desired narrative, honest companies will adjust to the numbers. Dishonest companies like Pfizer will simply manipulate the numbers to match the goal."

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