Monday, June 14, 2021

Please watch the HBO Series on Qanon "Into the Storm"

I have been watching many videos and doing much reading about Qanon. The more I read, the more alarmed I become. QANON is NOT OF GOD and it is DANGEROUS. A very informative video illustrating Qanon origins and direction is HBO's current series ON THE STORM. If you have access to HBO documentaries, please make every effort to watch it. Friends of mine came back from Antrim County, Michigan. They told me that they were making statements there that Donald Trump would be reinstated as President of the USA in August 2021. Both high unlikely, not to mention delusional! Michael Lindell, MY PILLOW owner and CEO spoke, I'm told at the Antrim County, Michigan rally. My friends tell me the book LOVE JOY TRUMP was being actively marketed and sold there. Lindell wrote the foreword for that book. The book is one of the worst combinations of New Apostolic Reform and outright NEW AGE occultism I have seen together in one place. I am hearing statistics that many Evangelicals believe Qanon is correct. This lack of discernment is distressing! Stay tuned! CONSTANCE '


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Anonymous said...

Watch: Biden Gives Answer So Unintelligible It Sounds Like He's Speaking a Foreign Language

Anonymous said...

In 1979 a COVID-Like Scenario Played Out Complete with Communists, Bioweapons, a Cover-Up & US Scientists Believing the Lies

Anonymous said...

Government Training Radical Leftist Activists to Spearhead Door-to-Door Operations Across the County

Anonymous said...

The Left Is Spreading Misinformation About Misinformation

Anonymous said...

Fact Check: NPR Caught BLATANTLY LYING About Daily Wire In Hit Piece On Conservative News

July 20, 2021
Michael Austin
The Western Journal

Do right-wing media outlets use "outrage as a business model" to spread misinformation?

NPR's latest report, published on Monday, claims as much.

According to NPR, the success of conservative outlets -- namely The Daily Wire, The Blaze, Breitbart and The Western Journal -- can be attributed to questionable journalistic practices, i.e. publishing "aggregated and opinion content aimed at invoking outrage" after removing important context.

In comments provided exclusively to The Western Journal, The Daily Wire's CEO, Jeremy Boreing, responded to the report.

"The difference between The Daily Wire and NPR is that we're transparent about our biases and we don't depend on the public dole. Their bulls**t hit piece against us was intellectually shoddy and riddled with inaccuracies, but hey, at least I get to pay for their insults with my tax money," Boreing told The Western Journal.

Indeed, a closer look at the report reveals a number of inaccuracies.

Even more notably, it appears that, in its own coverage, NPR is guilty of its own criticisms -- omitting important context, forwarding false claims and failing to communicate its own political bias.

NPR's False and Misleading Claims

In its Monday story, NPR repeatedly boasts of its own reporting, referring to "an NPR analysis" and "an NPR review of stories on The Daily Wire."

These analyses may not have been as extensive as the partially publicly-funded outlet has lead its readers to believe, however.

Among the findings from NPR's "review of stories on The Daily Wire" was "numerous stories about potential side effects from COVID-19 vaccines, but none that portrayed the scientifically demonstrated efficacy of the vaccines or that focused explicitly on the hesitancy that has slowed the U.S. rollout."

While it may sound much less glamorous, a quick search on Google of "Daily Wire Vaccine Effectiveness" proved to be more accurate than NPR's supposed "review."

Contrary to NPR's claim, The Western Journal found multiple stories published by The Daily Wire that "portrayed the scientifically demonstrated efficacy of the vaccines" by reporting the exact percent effectiveness of available vaccines.

In yet another attempt to portray right-wing news as dishonest, NPR spoke with Judd Legum, a former Democratic campaign operative.

Examining The Daily Wire's coverage of a May 20 Chicago Tribune article, Legun claimed that "The Daily Wire's headline used a quote out of context to spice up the story." However, it does not appear that the article's title -- "'Slap In The Face': Chicago Cops Vote 'No-Confidence' In Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Police Chief David Brown" -- took anything out of context.

The full quote reads as follows -- “It was a slap in the face to every member, especially the Gold Star Families who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, and deserve that respect annually, period, no excuses," and was given by FOP president John Catanzara as he explained why Chicago officers were upset enough to vote "no-confidence" in the city's mayor and police chief, just as the title suggested.

Anonymous said...

NPR's misleading claims don't stop there.

In a bid to further discredit conservative outlets, NPR performs a deceptive bait-and-switch. After first naming The Daily Wire, The Blaze, Breitbart and The Western Journal, NPR then discredits all conservative outlets as generally misleading by sharing The Daily Wire's relatively low NewsGuard score.

"NewsGuard, a company started by journalists that rates the credibility of news sites based on a number of factors, scores The Daily Wire a 57/100," NPR reported.

What the outlet fails to mention, however, is the fact that The Blaze currently holds a green checkmark of approval from NewsGuard and the last recorded score for The Western Journal was 100/100, showing that The Daily Wire's lower score is far from representative of the industry at large.

Disclosing Bias

NPR goes on to distinguish "legacy media" outlets -- itself, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Fox News -- as more "reliable" than their conservative counterparts.

The reason given? According to NPR, legacy outlets are devoid of political bias while conservative outlets omit context in order to further the conservative agenda.

"It's not clear that the millions of people engaging with the site's news stories every month recognize that. The Daily Wire's content looks no different in Facebook's newsfeed than an article from a local newspaper, making it potentially difficult to distinguish between more and less reliable or biased information sources," NPR reported.

Absent from NPR's coverage, however, is the fact that all articles published by The Daily Wire include a disclaimer -- "The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment."

Moreover, while The Daily Wire, The Western Journal and like-minded news sources are open about their biases, legacy media outlets such as NPR are anything but.

And, according to the company's former CEO, NPR's coverage leans heavily towards the political left.

"Most reporters and editors are liberal -- a now-dated Pew Research Center poll found that liberals outnumber conservatives in the media by some 5 to 1, and that comports with my own anecdotal experience at National Public Radio," former NPR CEO Ken Stern wrote in a 2017 Op-Ed for the New York Post. "When you are liberal, and everyone else around you is as well, it is easy to fall into groupthink on what stories are important, what sources are legitimate and what the narrative of the day will be."

NPR "Invoking Outrage" With Trump Coverage

Unlike most conservative news sources, NPR does not admit to the political slant of its coverage.

There are many examples of this, including the outlet's coverage of former President Donald Trump.

Said coverage often characterized the former president as openly racist.

One might describe this sort of reporting as meant to invoke outrage.

Examples include an interview transcript comparing Trump's supposed racism with the racism of past presidents, a story accusing Trump of publishing "racist tweets" and multiple stories supporting the "very fine people" hoax.

Anonymous said...

NPR's coverage of President Joe Biden was much more favorable.

In fact, in a blatant example of misleading story selection (which NPR's experts claim conservative outlets are guilty of) NPR refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop scandal -- the efficacy of which was subsequently confirmed by the FBI and a DOJ investigation -- only weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions,” said NPR Managing Editor Terence Samuel at the time.

Three months later, the outlet opted to run an exposé on then-President-elect Joe Biden's adopted dog.

NPR's Left-Wing Stances

Examples of NPR's partisan coverage don't stop there.

When it comes to social issues with clear partisan divides -- LGBT rights, social justice issues and abortion -- NPR's coverage consistently parrots left-wing talking points.

For instance, one NPR story from June 2 was published simply as "a guide to gender identity terms."

Additionally, in a March 3 tweet that received harsh backlash from critics of the trans-movement, NPR claimed that "detransition narratives" -- stories of formerly-transgender individuals who regret having undergone permanent sex-change procedures -- "are often weaponized against trans people."

NPR also appeared to be highly selective in its coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Even the outlet's style guide is riddled with various examples of favoring leftism over conservatism.

For example, NPR does not consider the use of the term pro-life to be acceptable. Rather, NPR refers to abortion supporters as "abortion-rights supporters or abortion-rights advocates" and pro-life activists as "anti-abortion rights or abortion-rights opponents." Also, NPR refuses to use the terms "partial-birth abortion" or "illegal immigrant."

Furthermore, in a clearly partisan move, NPR uses transgender individuals' preferred pronouns rather than those that align with their biological sex.

NPR Is Guilty of its Own Criticisms

In summary, while NPR's report attempts to uncover the illicit journalistic practices of right-wing journalism, it only serves to highlight NPR's own questionable practices.

A close examination of the evidence provided by NPR to support their claim proves it to be, in and of itself, misleading, missing context and, in some cases, completely false.

Furthermore, the publicly-funded outlet accuses said news sources of "invoking outrage" and allowing political bias to compromise factual reporting when the NPR's very own coverage appears to be guilty of all of the above.

Perhaps NPR would be better served to set its own house in order.

The Western Journal reached out to NPR for comment but did not receive a reply in time for publication.

Anonymous said...

House Sergeant-At-Arms Repeatedly Refused To Provide Urgently Requested Military Protection On January 6th (Requester subsequently FIRED by Pelosi)


Anonymous said...

X STILL hasn't 'taken notice' of this:

UT Bioweapons Dept. Study: Do Not Take The Covid Shots


Anonymous said...

The mystery of 9/11 solved... the greatest illusion of all time!

I first heard Rebekah speak back in 2015 (6 years ago).

After doing exhaustive research on what really happened on the morning of September 11, 2001... Rebekah Roth wrote 3 bombshell books on what she discovered while 'traveling down the rabbit hole': "Methodical Illusion," "Methodical Deception" and "Methodical Conclusion."

Must see video / interview (04/06/17)...

Anonymous said...

The REAL Reason Google is Directly Engaged in Pushing Ubiquitous ‘Vaccinations’
What do transhumanism, globalism, and Neo-Marxism have in common? Well, a lot actually, but one common tie that binds at the very top of the dastardly pyramid is Google, or more specifically their parent company, Alphabet. And what else do these things have in common? Yes, the Covid-19 “vaccines” that every “arbiter of truth” in the world right now is pushing onto the masses. There are plenty of conspiracy theories about what exactly drives this push. What’s the endgame? Whatever the path that these “vaccines” take the world down, we know with an absolute certainty that it’s not going to be good for any of us whether we’re persecuted for not getting vaxxed or if we suffer through the eventual repercussions of the shots themselves.

As usual, I do not agree 100% with everything that Dr. Mercola and Webb expose about Google and others in the video and article below. But I’m not seeking purity through absolute agreement; we’re individualists, not collectivists. We can all take slightly different paths in our pursuits of the truth. As long as the bulk of what is being shared is correct, the nuances are secondary. With all that said, here’s the good doctor and journalist to tell the story…

The Latest Google Censorship Due to Their Vaccine Investment


YouTube’s parent company, Google, is directly invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine.” This is why YouTube censors anything that threatens the rollout and future profits of COVID-19 gene modification therapies

Silicon Valley has been pushing to transform the health care system into a system based on telemedicine and personalized care through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Google is heavily involved in this movement
Google is also partnered directly with the U.S. military, which is increasingly working on a transhumanist agenda

DARPA is heavily invested in transhumanist technologies for the use in soldiers, including brain-machine interfaces and other even more extreme ideas. They recently teamed up with the Wellcome Trust to create something called “Wellcome Leap,” a movement to usher in transhumanism

Normally, there are very strict rules and regulations surrounding the testing and use of gene modification technology in humans. It’s only because they’re calling the COVID shots “vaccines” that they were able to get the EUA, which allows some standard safety regulations to be bypassed

In the video above, German attorney and co-founder of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss1),2,3 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,4 interviews Whitney Webb, an independent investigative reporter, about who’s really behind YouTube’s censorship of medical researchers and their published works.

He recounts how a medical doctor who after a great deal of trouble managed to get a risk-benefit analysis of mask mandates published in the Journal of Pediatrics. He created a short video about his findings, and within MINUTES of posting it to YouTube, the video was REMOVED.

What is actually going on here? Who is behind the censoring of peer-reviewed science? Who is trying to influence what?

Google Is Invested in the COVID ‘Vaccine’
Article continues in-depth at...

Craig said...

Parent Brings the Cold Hard Evidence to School Board that “Doesn’t Teach CRT”

Charlie Kirk

When she says "D E and I" I assume she means Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Most here will understand "equity" as meaning '"equality" based outcomes'.

Yeah, when something starts to get a bad reputation, just change its name, so you can claim, "We don't teach ___________________ (CRT, e.g.) ." We constantly need an updated lexicon!

Anonymous said...

Former host Rebekah Roth exposed as possible government plant sent to infiltrate 'truth movement'

Regular listeners of may remember host Rebekah Roth. She was recently dropped from the network after it became apparent that, frankly, she was not who she said she was and, in fact, may even have been an agent provocateur whose mission is to disrupt and discredit the "truth movement."

"Although we work hard to protect the identities of hosts on TalkNetwork, when we attempted to communicate with Rebekah Roth about claims that her entire back story was fraudulent and her name wasn't real, she became belligerent and attacked me for even asking for clarification," said Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Heath Ranger and co-founder of, in a statement.

"Observing her behavior, we came to find that she's an expert in infiltration and provocateur-type operations, getting groups of people to turn on each other and causing chaos inside the truth movement," Adams continued. "She's done it with other networks before, and she'll no doubt try to repeat the same scheme somewhere else in the alternative media."

'Whistleblower mask fell off'

Upon further investigation, Natural News discovered that Roth has been outed by others. In a video report posted on YouTube on Christmas Day, researchers at Truth Frequency Radio reported:

When Rebekah Roth first came on the scene several months ago, we all applauded: Who wouldn't? There aren't nearly enough women in the 9/11 Truth community, and certainly not very many knowledgeable ones. Throughout the next several months, the whistleblower mask began to fall off and she began displaying many character traits that are undesirable to TFR as a talk radio network based on a "NO HATE, HYPE OR FEAR" mentality.

TFR went on to note that Roth became increasingly bigoted and hateful in her speech, but that she eventually left the network on her own. After she departed, the network says, she began a campaign of slander against talk host Pete Santilli – now on – and others using the name "Monika Gainor."

TFR noted further:

Realizing that this person was a fraud, other researchers such as former U.S. Attorney Kurt Haskell and journalist Jim Fetzer started doing independent research on this Rebekah Roth/Monika Gainor personality. What they found was shocking, and revealed more than a simple multi-level marketing pyramid scheme. In fact, it could even go as deep as the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

Anonymous said...

'Infiltrated the 9/11 truth movement'

"Her behavior was a red flag for me, as I've seen this before with government operatives whose mission is to create maximum chaos and dissent among truthers while claiming to be 'victims' of those who out them as fakes," Adams noted. "Based on the information I've seen over the last few days, it is my belief that Rebekah Roth is, at minimum, a dangerous sociopath who feeds on getting people to turn against each other. She may even be a paid operative whose marching orders are to infiltrate and destroy any group that challenges the status quo."

Roth initially gained notoriety and acceptance within the truth movement after the release of two books she allegedly wrote, Methodical Illusion and Methodical Deception, both of which attempted to debunk the "official explanation" for what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. She had made a number of appearances on various talk radio programs within the alternative media, serving as an "authority" on the subject.

But her act quickly grew thin.

"I want to congratulate the truth movement for rooting out this nefarious person and exposing the truth about her to the entire community," said Adams. "Now that her fake persona of Rebekah Roth has been exposed, she will no doubt don a new wig and new moniker to try to re-infiltrate other organizations, posing as yet another new person who claims to represent the 'truth.'

"My advice to the entire truth movement is to steer clear of this dangerous, sociopathic personality and save yourself the trouble of dealing with her lies and false accusations," he said.

Anonymous said...

To 11:11 AM

Rebekah Roth is gifted at making logical deductions. Her ideas are collaborated by others, many within the airline industry. One example in particular was when she deduced the phone calls from the hijacked passengers were made from the ground, not airborne. She then thought, they must have had to land within 20 minutes of Boston, and since the jets were recently fueled, they would need a runway that was at least 10,000 feet long. Her prediction for this was answered by a military person who worked at the reserve in that location (Westover Airforce Base near Springfield, MA). One the morning of 9/11/01, the employee went to work there, only to be told it was evacuated and all personnel were given hotel rooms for three days. Another witness in that area saw a large passenger jet flying low nearby.

Anonymous said...

8:46 AM from J,

Such a thoughtful post in response J. Great comeback you did.

These quick thoughts came to mind.

Truth without Grace is brutal.
Grace without Truth is hypocrisy.
The world has suffered both so much at given times.
Jesus was and is completely both according to John's Gospel.

And this thought too regarding another point you also made.
God's love is a perfecting love, not a pampering love.
Watching young kids be brought up to be ungrateful and spoiled is a cruelty in and of itself because love that is the true kind upholds what is right above all, and does it in a manner that edifies and grows a good outcome. Very costly and the self-sacrificing kind.
Don't see it very much in this day and age in many instances.

"Can't we all just get along" was what came out of the Rodney King sad saga and highlights the very hypocrisy that is what drives so many progressive movements (that go downhill further and further as you go into "political correctness"). As pointed out in another post, these "ideas" (and born of the flip side called humanism) are getting people killed, literally. Defending your home and beyond is an act of love and differently motivated than moving against somebody offensively.
Wisdom sees and knows the difference. Sentimentality should not drive the bus...

Anonymous said...

11:26 AM

If someone is going to refute Rebekah Roth (or any other truth seeker)... they need to go point by point and explain WHY she is wrong. No one has done that... not Mike Adams (of Natural News) or anyone else!!!

Until, someone can tell me EXACTLY why Rebekah is wrong... she has presented the most LOGICAL arguments (nearly 20 years later) as to what happened on that horrific morning of September 11, 2001.

Everything she has stated makes perfect sense to many people out there (especially insiders within the airline industry and the military).

Also, many on this blog tell us not to trust Mike Adams. So, which is it? You can't have it both ways!!!

Anonymous said...

11:40 AM,

FYI: If one is a serious enquirer into a matter they don't 'trust' ANYONE!

They judge information on its OWN merits (or lack thereof)!

Joel Skousen credits Kurt Haskell for exposing 'Rebekah Roth'

Last year I ran a story about the claims of a retired flight attendant, going by the name of Rebekah Roth, who made the case (correctly) that none of the flight attendant or cell phone calls from hijacked passengers could have been made from altitude. She said they had to have been faked, as I have claimed for many years before. Sadly, it turns out that Roth is not her real name; In fact, she has numerous aliases. She was a fugitive from justice and probably has ties to the dark side of the CIA. Kurt Haskell, the former US attorney who blew the whistle on the “underwear bomber” being escorted onto the US bound plane by an intelligence operative, has become a full time 9/11 researcher. In this 4 part video (about an hour total) he documents his investigation into the questionable background and multiple identities of of KoriAnn Ashley (aka Rebekah Roth).

Haskell confirms that she was a flight attendant for 30 years, and that what she says on her 9/11 posts and book are mostly true. I agree, but it’s a common tactic of the Deep State to induce a compromised individual to play the role of a 9/11 truther, who can later be discredited as a fraud. In that manner, or other conspiracy debunkers can say that the substance of her claims must also be false—which doesn’t necessarily follow.

Final Report on ‘Rebekah Roth’ – Real Investigations

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure... George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill & Hillary Clinton, etc. did not want to read Rebekah Roth's 3 books and all the dots she connected to expose all of THEM. LOL

Follow the money from weapons and drugs through the Mena, Arkansas airport... to Iran Conta... to the White House... plus Enron... plus the $2.3 TRILLION that Donald Rumsfeld declared in a press conference was 'missing' on the DAY BEFORE 9/11... and how all of that EVIDENCE (contained in the offices of the World Trade Center), which would have pointed right back to everyone of them, miraculously disappeared on the morning of 9/11... were suddenly reduced to ASHES!!!

Yes, I would have sent out all of my 'goons' to discredit Rebekah too.

Anonymous said...

If I was a courageous as Rebekah Roth... I might choose NOT use my real name either!

No one has yet to discredit her arguments (point by point) as to the real story of what happened on that horrific morning of 9/11.

Until they DO, I choose to believe HER over her detractors.

Anonymous said...

12:03 PM,

Yes obviously you have read both the articles and viewed all 4 of the investigative videos in the 10 minutes since they were posted to come to your unbiased conclusion.

Don't bother to lecture others about proofs when you already have your mind made up and wouldn't look at the proofs when they're presented!

Anonymous said...

11:11 AM,


Anonymous said...

12:11 PM

Anonymous said...

RayB - "It's coming folks. When you see both sides of the aisle converge, MANDATORY VACCINES are just around the corner"

Unfortunately, it looks like DeSantis has empowered his Florida State Health Officials, and the police thereunder, to do just that, by "ANY MEANS NECESSARY".

The recently signed Senate Bill 2006, that Desantis sold as "legislation to ban vaccine passports and stem government overreach" actually lays out the powers for the Florida State Health Officer to unilaterally declare a public health emergency and, upon such State Health Officers orders, to empower police and even volunteers to test, examine, vaccinate, treat, isolate, and/or quarantine citizens with or without consent as they deem fit.

Section 17 (d)(4) of SB 2006 states:

(d) The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health. Such actions include, but are not limited to:
4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.

a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer

b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.

c. Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under s. 381.0012.

e. Individuals who assist the State Health Officer at his or her request on a volunteer basis during a public health emergency are entitled to the benefits specified in s.110.504(2), (3), (4), and (5).

--Section 4 (2)(e) also requires the State Health Officer to cooperate and coordinate with the US President, Military and Federal Emergency Managers and agencies.

J said...

Canadian Doctor: 62% of His Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage. “Microscopic Blood Clots”

J said...

Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community

Anonymous said...


Aren't you tired of the same old covid-19 vaccination health damage emergency being trotted out again and again?


RayB said...

Regarding: Anon's post @ 12:20 PM along with J's @ 12:33 PM & 12:37 PM ...

This is getting very, very ominous. And keep in mind that these draconian measures will be used to eventually force us all to take a dangerous, life-threatening, experimental "vaccine." The fact that DeSantis would sign such a freedom killing, dangerous bill speaks volumes about him. He certainly is not one to be trusted.

What's really going on here? The entire global economy was virtually shut down, businesses ruined, countless lives wrecked, and, lost, all because of a man-made virus that isn't even all that dangerous. And now, they are rolling out the Delta Variant, which will undoubtably be used to further their dictatorial agenda.

Make no mistake about it; the Lord is the only one we can fully trust!

“Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.” Psalms 40:4

Anonymous said...

11:52 AM

Hey, Kurt Haskell... who CARES what names that Rebekah Roth uses! All you have managed to do is trash her personally. Is that all you've got?

She may very well BE connected with CIA Intelligence. (They do have GOOD guys, as well as bad guys in the CIA!). If I were walking around with all of the INFORMATION that she has, I would be using aliases and wearing wigs and disguising myself (to keep from being 'suicided'). So what?

By her own admission, her search for the truth regarding what happened on 9/11, BEGAN when she decided to write a fictional novel about 9/11. Much to her shock, she discovered that those 9/11 hijackers (supposedly 'armed with box cutters') were still very much ALIVE... and were NOT on that plane out of Boston. On her trip down 'the rabbit hole' (and armed with her 25 years of experience working in the airline industry)... she discovered so many more LIES that were told my our own government and the mainstream news media. All of this led to her writing 3 books: "Methodical Illusion," "Methodical Deception" and "Methodical Conclusion."

I am going to say this AGAIN... no one has been able to DEBATE her point by point... or show that she is wrong about her theory as to what happened on that horrific morning of September 11, 2001. Until they do, I choose to believe HER... and not her detractors!

Anonymous said...

The 'cults' are those who still believe the 'official' narrative on 9/11.

J said...

RayB 12:58,

Yes, it is ominous, but if they will hurt you if you don't let them hurt you, then...

J said...

Let's not forget laws on the books are one thing. Enforced laws are another. It requires the police and military to go along with it, and we already saw sherrifs in California defy Gavin Newsom. I think we need to be concerned but not yet scared. Certainly not too scared to resist.

Anonymous said...

12:21 PM

What is really 'pathetic' is that you don't have what it takes to DEBATE Rebekah Roth point by point. Yet, you don't believe her... based on WHAT exactly? Actually, YOU sound like a cult member (to get this angry over a difference of opinion).

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM,

Your mind being already made up, you didn't pay attention to what the POINT is:

Last year I ran a story about the claims of a retired flight attendant, going by the name of Rebekah Roth, who made the case (correctly) that none of the flight attendant or cell phone calls from hijacked passengers could have been made from altitude. She said they had to have been faked, as I have claimed for many years before. Sadly, it turns out that Roth is not her real name; In fact, she has numerous aliases. She was a fugitive from justice and probably has ties to the dark side of the CIA. Kurt Haskell, the former US attorney who blew the whistle on the “underwear bomber” being escorted onto the US bound plane by an intelligence operative, has become a full time 9/11 researcher. In this 4 part video (about an hour total) he documents his investigation into the questionable background and multiple identities of of KoriAnn Ashley (aka Rebekah Roth).

Haskell confirms that she was a flight attendant for 30 years, and that what she says on her 9/11 posts and book are mostly true. I agree, but it’s a common tactic of the Deep State to induce a compromised individual to play the role of a 9/11 truther, who can later be discredited as a fraud. In that manner, or other conspiracy debunkers can say that the substance of her claims must also be false—which doesn’t necessarily follow<>.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Major outage hits websites of UPS, Costco, Airbnb, US Bank and airlines as 911 services go down in multiple East Coast cities

- Major service disruption hit many key websites at around noon on Thursday
- Backbone provider Akamai Technologies appeared to be the source of the issue
- It comes a month after Akamai's competitor Fastly experiences similar outage
- A 911 outage in Virginia appears to be related to a cut fiber optic cable

Anonymous said...

Get it?

In that manner, or other conspiracy debunkers can say that the substance of her claims must also be false—which doesn’t necessarily follow<.

Anonymous said...

It’s a common tactic of the Deep State to induce a compromised individual to play the role of a 9/11 truther, who can later be discredited as a fraud. In that manner, or other conspiracy debunkers can say that the substance of her claims must also be false—which doesn’t necessarily follow.

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM

Rebekah Roth is either telling the truth or she is not telling the truth. You have failed to prove that she is wrong.

Also, I have watched Kurt Haskell's videos and I am not impressed with him... or anything that he has to say.

So... is that all you've got?

Anonymous said...


FYI I have posted many 9/11 Truth items here over the years.

1:50 PM

Anonymous said...

All we want is the TRUTH... and is the LAST place we will be looking. LOL

Anonymous said...

1:54 PM,




Anonymous said...

1:55 PM

It's so nice to know that you are an expert in matters of truth around here.

I challenge you to prove that Rebekah Roth is WRONG... not tell me that you believe she has been compromised.

Anonymous said...

I JUST GOT THROUGH TELLING YOU SHE ISN'T WRONG (at least mostly, about 9/11)!

Are you compos mentis?

Anonymous said...

To 1:59 PM

Oh, I 'get it' alright... and I don't care if she is using other names, wearing wigs, trying to keep from being 'suicided.' That doesn't matter to me. She may be working for CIA Intelligence (on the 'light side' of truth, rather than the 'dark side' of the Globalists).

ALL I care about is the TRUTH about what happened on 9/11.

Anonymous said...

2:06 PM,

Alright good. So do I. Let's bury the hatchet!

Anonymous said...

To 'nasty' at 2:05 PM

You are the one who is angry and argumentative.

Anonymous said...

2:06 PM

Consider the hatchet BURIED (just not in my back).

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately I think we're both guilty of cultural appropriation, maybe we'd better bury the edged weapon.

Anonymous said...

2:11 PM,

You may find these of interest (if not familiar):

9/11 Truth

2:15 PM

J said...

Dr Mike Spaulding: It’s Time to Bring Back the Well-Trained State Militias

This is interesting. I'm not sure I agree with it, since I just became familiar with it, and we live in a different time. But I didn't know this history, and I find it interesting.

It seems like God used to bless America more than He does now. So does that mean God approved more of the Black Robe Brigade than He does of the Rainbow flag brigade? It's just an open question.

We also discussed the sorry state of much of the country’s Protestant clergy. Pastor Mike noted that the Protestant clergy were an essential force in winning the American Revolution through its support for overthrowing governments that no longer protected the citizenry’s best interests.

Collectively, the revolutionary Protestant clergy were called the Black Robe Brigade, and both General Washington and his British enemies recognized the powerful influence the brigade had on the final American victory. Today, most of the Protestant (and Catholic) clergy can best be described as the Rainbow flag brigade.

Craig said...

"Stay safe!"

"Be safe!"

As the narrator states, we are living in age of cowardice. Thus, we are ripe for an authoritarian overtaking.

Why an Obsession with Safety creates Sick Minds and a Sick Society

Academy of Ideas

LSWA said...

8:46 AM from Craig.

Isn't that the truth?
Obsessed with "peace and safety"..chicken littles everywhere.
They must be looking for the one who is going to "bring it". After all Covid needs a global answer. Climate change the same. Race relations, wars and the rumors of them, economic disaster, etc, etc.. etc. That person will have "god status".
That's what fools believe instead of trusting God, believing those fear mongering know-it-alls who use these very things and more, to mandate and manipulate, threaten and force, trap and enslave.
We are standing at the very edge of that cliff now, IMO, and it reads like what the Bible says, people will be very fearful, of everything, the very thought of things ("because science" and such).
At some point someone is going to "bring it".

1 Thessalonians 5:3
New King James Version
3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
An amazing time to be alive on the earth.
I'm so thankful the Lord Jesus Christ gave us His escape route!

LSWA said...

3:09 PM from Craig, excuse me.

Anonymous said...

George Carlin on Staying 'Safe'

Anonymous said...

The Constitutional Militia: What It Is & How We Can Restore It

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


I think I agree, when it comes to the church and my dealings with brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm fine with love in truth and I've gotten in some trouble for lacking grace at times. I've spoken truth at the great personal cost. However, I am not a Reconstructionist or 2nd Reformationist nor do I think theonomy is a good idea when it comes to politics. I think such ends up being its own brand of "progressivism" with its own "collective" groups of believers and non-believers wherein the Christian (or God) is the oppressed and thereafter anything done to His/our oppressors becomes justified. "We" become "them" before "they" can oppress "us". As we all know, Marxism is unbiblical (I joke...this transcends Karl Marx).

Perhaps Paul had the best rebuke of theonomy:

Galatian 3:1-3 (ESV): "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?"

Paul continues by reminding us that we are no better than "them" but for the grace of God and telling us we are not to grow weary for the Kingdom is to come "in due season"...

Galatians 6:1-16 (ESV): "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load."

Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God."


ps - Preventing all evil is not my undertaking. Nor is my political engagement meant to precipitate or establish Christ's Kingdom here on earth, rather it is in obedience to participate in caring for His creation, it is love for the neighbor, it is joy at participating in God’s unknown purposes and whatever our role could be in that (though not everyone is David), it's the pleasure of debate, wisdom and collaboration with others in the sure knowledge that we are forgiven our past, present and inevitable failures, it is membership in the community of faith that anticipates the consummation of biblical revelation, it is the assurance that the principalities of darkness do not have the last word, it is the confidence of victory over the radical evil within ourselves and the world of which we are a part, it is the hope of final vindication in which nothing that is done for Jesus Christ will be in vain. It is enough.

J said...

X 4:53 PM,

No, our political engagement shouldn't seek to establish Christ's kingdom on Earth.

But neither should our political engagement seek to establish Satan's kingdom on Earth.

Anonymous said...


X just got BURNED

Anonymous said...

J 8:15 PM
Perfect reply.

8:17 PM
Veritably torched!

Craig said...

just here 3:35/37:

Yes, that's the Scripture I had in mind (I'd posted it on here previously).

The other day, in response to a "be safe" comment I added, "but daring", which caused pause.

It looks like I essentially agree with your post, except perhaps the "escape route" comment. That is, if you are referring to a pre-trib 'Rapture', I disagree, for I find it unbiblical on multiple fronts. I'm currently working on an article to refute it. Now, if that's not what you meant, ignore this.

RayB said...


Are you also going to cover the origin of the Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine? It reads like a crime novel.

When you finish your article, make sure you post the link here ... I'd like to read it.

LSWA said...

Craig at 9:26 PM,
I am referring to the Cross of Christ--the true escape of the penalty of sin and the way opened to heaven.
I actually used to believe pre-trib but my own studying and prayer tells me that is not correct. I don't condemn others who do believe that but I believe the Rapture could happen more like mid-trib-sometime after the man of sin appears. I know believer's will escape the wrath of God revealed in the book of Revelation that will to come because that is what the unrepented wicked will be facing. I am not resolved entirely on the Rapture question but definitely no longer pre-trib.
The New testament is full of admonition to be strong, to be able to endure, with patience and as good soldiers..though the battle is the Lord's, but we do have to wage 'war' by faith in spiritual battles..pretty much on our knees (as in 2 Corthinians 10:3-6).
I thought your post to be very timely.

LSWA said...

And since J's post about self-defense, etc in fighting evil, I've been thinking about how does love, what would be described as God's love, "fight"?

I thought about Jesus fighting sin He saw with a whip of cords.
He did not arm Himself, He carried no sword.
His Sword was the Word of God that He spoke, but when He cleansed the Temple He got downright "western" with a whip, and He was in the will of God.
Righteous anger has it's place and expression and God can direct us in that.
Ecclesiastes 3 helps us see a clearer picture too, I think.

Craig said...

just here:

Glad to see I was mistaken, and delighted you've rejected the pre-trib 'Rapture' view after initially accepting it (as did I at one time).



I won't be covering its origins, because I want to focus on how it fails Biblically, in order to keep the article relatively short.

Relatedly, I did very recently post an article on a novel position by Dr. J. Vernon McGee of Thru the Bible Radio fame. I very much enjoy listening to him, even when I disagree on debatable doctrinal points, but he's really off on this one:

Pre-Tribulation “Apostasy” as ‘Rapture’?

Anonymous said...

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory

Addressing the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory (1830 to 1878). The history and evidence up until this time verifies that there were no faithful and sound Christians that taught a pre-tribulation rapture doctrine.

This is a very, very long article.

Note: This is not to be construed as either an endorsement or non-endorsement of the website. I know nothing of it other than it has this article.

Craig said...

Wuhan Flu-positive migrants released into the interior of the US. Coming to a red state/city near you! Fox News' title is a misnomer; when an administration is doing things purposefully, we shouldn't think of it as 'losing control'.

Tucker: Biden has lost control of southern border

Fox News

Uvalde, Texas mayor Don McLaughlin joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the president's response to the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

This is just like the European invasion of a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day — Caught by Internet Sleuths (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Out of the 8 Ivy League Universities, 7 have Jewish presidents

1.89% of the population but 80% of Biden's cabinet. The Biden administration needs to be more diverse

Scroll for photo charts

Anonymous said...

On average, out of 8 randomly selected bigots, 7 are anti-Semitic.

RayB said...

More of Biden's Amerika ...

Border with Mexico, the gateway for the world's ILLEGALS coming to Amerika ... OPEN

Border with Canada, where LEGALs seek to visit the USA ... CLOSED Until Further Edict

See story here:

Bipartisan Anger as Biden Administration Keeps Border with Canada Closed

"... ongoing border closure costs the U.S. economy an estimated $340 million per week."

Being that Constance resides in a border state with Canada, I wonder how she feels about this?

Anonymous said...

"Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people."


"Of the 8,787 people who have died in Texas due to COVID-19 since early February, at least 43 were fully vaccinated, the Texas Department of State Health Services said.

The agency said nearly 75% of the 43 vaccinated people who died were fighting a serious underlying condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer or chronic lung disease.

Additionally, it said 95% of the 43 vaccinated people who died were 60 or older, and that a majority of them were white and a majority were men.

DSHS noted that these are preliminary numbers, which could change because each case must be confirmed through public health investigations. Statewide, more than 50,000 people have died of COVID-19 since March 2020, but the rate of deaths has slowed dramatically since vaccines became widely available in April.

Dr. David Lakey, the chief medical officer of the University of Texas System, said people succumbing to the coronavirus despite being vaccinated was “not unexpected.”

“No vaccine is 100%,” said Lakey, who is also a member of the Texas Medical Association’s COVID-19 task force. “And we’ve known for a long while that the vaccines aren’t 100%, but they’re really really good at preventing severe disease and hospitalizations. … There will always be some individuals that will succumb to the illness in the absence of full herd immunity.”

He added that 0.5% is “a very low number of individuals in a state of 30 million. … In the grand perspective of everything, that’s not a large number that would call into question at all the use of this vaccine."


Anonymous said...

I wonder what Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is thinking when she said ===>

"Time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks"

"It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down"

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM

Truth is truth no matter what you label it

Anonymous said...


You mean THIS University of Texas Center for Biodefense and Emerging Disease (not Utah as reported by beforeitsnews) study testing several live (non-mrna) covid vaccine candidates that was done on about 50 mice over the course of 60 days TEN YEARS AGO in 2011/2012????

Completely irrelevant, unless you are, in fact, a rodent being tested with old school live vaccines.

Just because Alex Jones waves pieces of stapled paper at a camera making crass claims about what it contains doesn't make it accurate pertinent relevant information.

These purveyors of misinformation are LITERALLY (not figuratively)...literally killing individuals, families, and society.


Anonymous said...

Well, SOMETHING is LITERALLY (not figuratively)...literally killing individuals, families, and society:

'Coronavirus Vaccine DEATHS Total At Least 45,000'

Anonymous said...

And SOMETHING is LITERALLY (not figuratively)...literally NOT killing individuals, families, and society:

COVID deaths in no-lockdown Sweden hit ZERO

Anonymous said...

Video: Cubans warn students about Marxist indoctrination

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of someone (can't recall who)...

Person who supports murdering babies says get the vaccine

Anonymous said...

If YOU'RE not teaching values to your children, then someone else IS

Anonymous said...

SOMETHING is LITERALLY (not figuratively)...literally killing individuals, families, and society:

Alarming New Study Shows COVID Lockdowns LED to Five Times More Suicides Among Children Than Died of the Virus

Anonymous said...

Situation Update, July 23rd, 2021 - The "PINGDEMIC" will unleash mass starvation across the UK as food supply lines collapse

Anonymous said...

As Crime Skyrocketed Across the Nation, George Soros Gave $1 MILLION to an Organization Working to Defund the Police

Anonymous said...

Do these vaccines even work?

"The C-19 Symptom Study...showed how COVID-19 infections are rising in the vaccinated and, at one point, overtook infections among the unvaccinated"

Anonymous said...

Suppression Plans Straight From CCP Play Book

Last week US President Joe Biden said Facebook was “killing people” with misinformation, following comments by his Surgeon-General that social media giants weren’t doing enough to censor “serious threats to public health”.

Biden was referring to online critics of Covid-19 vaccines, among whom there are plenty of cranks, to be sure. But heavying digital tech platforms to censor voices the government doesn’t like, even if it’s “for the public good”, is part of a worrying global trend towards more authoritarian government. There’s more at stake than public health.

A few days ago Jacinda Ardern urged New Zealanders to take all non-government information with a “grain of salt”. “Dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth,” she said in remarks that would have been considered bizarre in the era Before Covid. “We will provide information frequently and share everything we can.”

Everything, however, didn’t extend to a health ministry report on the country’s elimination strategy that vanished online on June 24, a day after Atlanta-based attorney Michael Senger revealed its complimentary references to China on social media.

The report was embarrassing because it illustrated the pioneer of our novel response to the pandemic: the Chinese Communist Party, for whom controlling information is par for the course.

“The lockdown of 11 million people is unprecedented in public health history, so it is certainly not a recommendation the WHO has made,” the World Health Organisation’s Beijing representative said in January last year, referring to the Wuhan lockdown. The people of Wuhan became trailblazers for the 11 million Australians locked down across Victoria and NSW, and the hundreds of millions of others in between.

Eighteen months on, all the features of the Wuhan response – lockdowns, mandatory masks, surveillance and border closures – have become standard practice, despite each specifically being ruled out by the WHO in 2019.

The WHO understood such extreme measures in free societies would have profound and enduring economic, social, constitu­tional and political ramifications. Real life wasn’t a game of SimCity, where elite public servants, largely immune from the costs of their own decisions, could dial restrictions up and down.

Why the West junked all its pre-2020 disease management advice remains the most concerning and unanswered question of our time. In 2017, the US government updated its pandemic plan, spelling out clearly what governments should do based on the severity of any pandemic. It’s not surprising the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention hasn’t yet declared the severity level for Covid-19 because it would fall around category three based on its own criteria: in other words, not nearly severe enough to justify the measures used to contain it.

Even if another Spanish flu-type pandemic (magnitudes worse than Covid-19) emerged, schools should be shut for only 12 weeks at most, the plan said – certainly not for a year, as has been the case in California and some other states. Forcing businesses to close and well people to stay home and controlling information weren’t even canvassed.

Public health has always had an authoritarian streak, the idea the government knows what’s best for people.
Perhaps we have advanced as a society since those pandemic plans of 2019? If so, it’s towards a more authoritarian, controlling future. As part of its 100th anniversary celebrations this year, the Chinese Communist Party might count the successful export of disease management.

Anonymous said...

The hits, they keep on a-happenin'!

The Senate Armed Services Committee just voted to force your daughters to register for the draft

Anonymous said...

Nice attempt to pick out a single-day death rate in Sweden as somehow evidence that "lockdowns" didn't matter. Sweden did take some mandated precautions and provided voluntary guidance to its much more compliant and government trusting population. Despite that, Sweden's "experiment" still resulted in many more cases and deaths per capita (as of about a month ago last I looked) than any of its comarable Scandinavian neighbors.

Further, according to Reuters, that ZERO Covid Death number is actually further testimony of Covid Vaccine success as 75% of Swedish citizens have received at least one dose of covid vaccine. So good job bolstering my observations and God bless those that died in Sweden as control group study participants.

"COVID-19 on the rise in Swedish cities as Delta outbreaks dominate":

Article in Full:

"STOCKHOLM, July 23 (Reuters) - Cases of COVID-19 have increased in Sweden's main cities with the more contagious Delta having emerged as the dominant variant in the country, health authorities said on Friday, though it added infection levels nationally remained low.

Sweden reported 1,855 new cases of COVID-19 last week, a 24% increase compared to the previous week. Around a quarter of new cases were linked to travel abroad, the health authority said.

"The number of cases nationally of Covid-19 continues to be at a low level, but an increase is seen in all metropolitan regions," the authority said in a statement, adding that 75% of Sweden's adult population had now received at least one dose of vaccine.

After suffering a third wave during the spring, infection rates, hospitalisations and deaths in the disease fell rapidly during the early summer with the vaccine roll-out and warmer weather seen having helped bring down the spread.

Sweden pressed ahead last week with easing pandemic restrictions, though, faced by the spread of new variants of the virus, the government also urged citizens to keep to social distancing recommendations. read more

The Nordic country has relied mainly on voluntary measures to stem the spread of infections, though curbs on opening hours for restaurants and limits on crowds at venues such as shopping malls have also been periodically enforced."


Anonymous said...

Cleveland Indians have a new name… And it’s awful…

The Cleveland Vikings? No.

The Cleveland Celtics? No.

Anonymous said...

Nice attempts to promote taking Covid vaccines as really the only thing to do...

50 fully Vaccinated adults have died from ‘Covid breakthrough’ in New Jersey

Anonymous said...

Delta Variant fear mongering gone wild

Anonymous said...

White House declares war on conservative media

Anonymous said...

Julian Assange must be set free!

Anonymous said...

Biden Says He Wants To Ban 'Some' Handguns

Anonymous said...

CNN: Segregate Unvaccinated, Make Them Pay For Tests Every Day

Anonymous said...

Watch Biden Spread Harmful Disinformation: "You're Not Gonna Get COVID If You Have These Vaccinations"

Anonymous said...

Ben Stein's Eulogy To The USA - "Goodbye America"

Anonymous said...

Shock: Doctor Warns That Majority Of Vaccinated Patients Could Have Permanent Heart Damage, Some May Die Within Three Years

Anonymous said...

Minnesota Woman Loses BOTH LEGS and BoOTH HANDS Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Anonymous said...

Minnesota Woman Loses BOTH LEGS and BOTH HANDS Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot!

Anonymous said...

FDA Wants to Ban ANOTHER Natural Supplement with Success in Treating Symptoms of COVID-19

Anonymous said...

SOMETHING is LITERALLY (not figuratively)...literally killing individuals, families, and society:

Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland

RayB said...

Who are we to believe?

X says the "vaccines" are perfectly safe, and he has a lot of credibility on this blog.

Yet all these reports about vaccinated people dying and/or being maimed for life following their getting the jab.

RayB said...

But Biden says you can't get COVID if you are vaccinated ...

‘Vast majority’ of Covid-19 cluster in Cape Cod were vaccinated

"In Cape Cod, a geographic cape extending into the Atlantic Ocean in Massachusetts, the vaccinated are falling ill with Covid-19. The American town with one of the highest vaccination rates in the state, now has the highest rate of new cases."

RayB said...

Why most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination

(Don't worry ... that's a good thing)

"Don’t think of this as a bad sign, it’s exactly what’s expected from an effective but imperfect jab"

Hutch said...

This is my friend's experience with Covid and the vaccine. John attended a Bible Camp meeting in upstate NY a couple of weeks ago. He was fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vax earlier this year. When he got home from camp, he had "the sniffles" and then learned that there was an outbreak of Covid at the camp. He went to his doctor and was told that fully vaccinated people are not getting Covid and there was no need for him to be tested. He was told he had a sinus infection and sent home with a prescription. Of course, he didn't quarantine and he continued his life as normal. A couple of days later, he noticed that he had lost his sense of taste and smell, called the doctor and was tested. Test result was positive. John's wife has not been vaccinated, she developed mild symptoms, with positive test. John's parents, both in their 80's tested positive. One of them had the Moderna vaccine and the other had the Johnson & Johnson. John's brother had Covid last year, he has not been vaccinated, and he also tested positive. John's family has mild symptoms, but some who attended camp meeting are in hospital on respirators. From their experience, John believes that what we're being told about the benefits of vaccination are misleading. My opinion is this is biowarfare. Covid 19 seems to pick and choose where it lands.

Anonymous said...

Sounds similar to things I know of in my family and surround too, Hutch.
A bio-weapon used for political means--with global ramifications (still morphing and increasing).
Covid itself was not that horrible (except in certain cases but overall the numbers are small even at that--somebody posted the percentages and the math tells us everything) comparable to the Spanish Flu 0f 100 years ago, so it sure looks to me the vaccine seems to help people get it that otherwise may not have, or if they did mildly so, because herd immunity would be a factor and certain cheap and available drugs and treatments could have handled it (but of course were not allowable, made available) were given negative press.

My Dad was always the one that got the flu shots over the years--and by golly, he was the one in the family that would get it.
He quit taking the shots a decade ago, hasn't the flu since. A couple of years ago our hospital here reported that we had seen elevated flu cases in the 2 previous flu seasons before that. He didn't get that either. He is in his 90's.
He has a few health issues but goes maskless anywhere and everywhere, and Covid has come into his home twice through caregivers last year. He has not gotten sick. My sister got it (she has some pretty significant ongoing health problems), took all the precautions, mask, distancing, etc and Covid turned into pneumonia for her. She had to be hospitalized for a week.
It's a hit and miss but the impact on our society has been very targeted. And so is the blasted vaccine. By the way, my sister is not going to take the vaccine. She is not impressed and Covid did a very good job setting her up to get sick.

Covid (like farcical Climate Change) is doing the heavy lifting for those with long term global plans for us peons..

Anonymous said...

The woman in Minnesota who lost her arms and legs....I think they found them.

"Body Parts Found In Northeast Minneapolis Prompt Homicide Investigation"

RayB - I never said "perfectly safe" observation is the probabilities right now support them as the more beneficial individual and patriotic choice. Unfortunately, to be the most effective some percentage of the community around 50,60,70, 80% ???? have to be inoculated to obtain real herd immunity. Thus, to the extent, the misinformation is causing Identifiable Victim, Omission and Probability Neglect bias where reader will reconsider their position like Sean Hannity and Mitch McConnell and other right-wingers have. It's not that people believe the bullcrap posted here, it's to obviously biased to believe, but it does make some fearful to make the choice to vaccinate. Maybe I can help move them along to the real world. Plus, at our ages, I'd much rather the 10%-20% of persons that don't have to get inoculated be young persons...our future generations and grandchildren. If there are long-term costs let them fall on me/us rather than them. But that's just me...I'm a Christian.

I don't personally care what you choose. Just don't claim to be a Christian concerned about human life and then deliberately post lies. If you've got proof, show it.

Just because there COULD BE something nefarious about this whole covid and covid vaccine thing (which would have involved such a grand conspiracy of players including, necessarily, Andrew Lloyd Webber, to pull off designing such an obtuse, long and dramatic way to cull the world's population) doesn't mean there is. At least my wife and kids all took the same vaccine so I can be assured none of them will be around for the anti-christ arrival and populist-like world theocracy that would necessarily follow such an evil global conspiracy. Not to mention the world would crumble apart instantly since every educated person, like real doctors, engineers (nuclear, structural, electrical, etc), nurses, educators, government officials, accountants, pilots, electronics, computer experts, generals, soldiers, and generally everyone in the world with IQ's over 110 maybe (except for the inside conspirators, I guess and a few MAGA idiots) would be dead.

Finally, don't you find it fishy that all these opus dei websites are feeding Maga trolls all this misinformation, yet Roman Catholics (along with Jews, incidentally) are the most inoculated religious groups in the world (or US, I forget what the stat said)? Are they seeding political unrest, instability or just counting on the odds Covid will kill more foolishly unvaccinated (by choice) Protestants than Catholics? The US government is shipping off our unused vaccine orders to countries full of roman catholics.


Anonymous said...

There ya go hatin' again, x.

Is there ever an off switch for the bile that comes from you?

Anonymous said...

Hutch...sorry about your friend. I had a summer cold last week and my experience was different with everyone pushing me to test immediately just to be sure, including the doctors. Considering Covid is such a leading cause of death I would find it crazy, malpractice-wise, for any doctor to forego testing any cold. The standard of care is certainly to test them all right now. I'm obviously not questioning your story but "John's" story.

RayB mentioned the article --"Why most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination". What's so difficult to understand about that article? The percentage of persons over the age of 60 or so in the US and England is huge right now so not that many persons should be dying unvaccinated from Covid right now since younger people are more resilient. That's not really advertising for being unvaccinated. If you have more questions, just let me know and I'll explain further.


Craig said...

I am the driver of an underground train
Claim aboard, just climb aboard, your loss is my eternal gain
Squeeze your precious body in before I quickly close the door
Riding in the smoky dark, your life is mine, my life is yours

King Crimson - Doctor Diamond - Gottingen (1974) SBD

Anonymous said...

It's not that people believe the bullcrap posted here, it's too obviously biased to believe: A VOTE FOR BIDEN IS A VOTE AGAINST ABORTION!

Just because there COULD BE something nefarious about this whole covid and covid vaccine thing (which would have involved such a grand conspiracy of players that it's ridiculous) doesn't mean that there IS! Now don't you find it fishy that all these opus dei websites are feeding Maga trolls all this misinformation, yet Roman Catholics (along with Jews, incidentally) are the most inoculated religious groups in the world (or US, I forget what the stat said)? Are they seeding political unrest, instability or just counting on the odds Covid will kill more foolishly unvaccinated (by choice) Protestants than Catholics? The US government is shipping off our unused vaccine orders to countries full of roman catholics. It's what I've been saying all along: IT'S A GRAND CONSPIRACY!

And finally, the woman in Minnesota who lost her arms and legs....I think they found them.

"Body Parts Found In Northeast Minneapolis Prompt Homicide Investigation"

Wasn't that hysterical?

You see? The woman LOST HER ARMS AND LEGS and the way she did doesn't fit in with my agenda so I'm casually dismissing it (as usual) but this time I'm dismissing by sadistically LAUGHING AT HER LOSS! You can clearly see my true character plainly now by just that alone! I'm no counterfeit Christian!

Craig said...

Anon 8:32 PM,

It's called TROLLING.

J said...

X says the same types of things about COVID vaccines that the "Science Based Medicine" web site says. I was curious as to what the "Science Based Medicine" writers would say about childhood transitions to the opposite sex. I found this article.

Spoiler alert: the author of this critical book review is in full agreement with the LGBTQ+ party line -- that is, it is considered best for kids to transition to the opposite sex if they feel like it.

What does this prove? Well, if a know-it-all impresses you, but you just don't know if you can rely on them, one trick is to ask him or her a question about something that you know a lot about, and see how much they really know about that topic. This is similar.

Irreversible Damage to the Trans Community: A Critical Review of Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters (Part Two)

J said...

House Dems Reject GOP Effort To Compel Probe Into COVID Origins

Anonymous said...











Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Vaccines: A ‘Cure’ Worse Than the Disease? |

July 22, 2021
By Gary Benoit
Beyond the Cover

In Episode #3 of Beyond the Cover, Gary Benoit interviews Dr. Lee Merritt about her cover story in the July 5, 2021 issue of The New American headlined “COVID-19 Vaccines: A ‘Cure’ Worse Than the Disease?” The effects of those experimental drugs, which were released on an emergency basis before being properly tested, look increasingly dismal, she reports. Dr. Merritt, who has been in the private practice of orthopedic and spinal surgery since 1995, is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and a member of America’s Frontline Doctors.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I had a summer cold about a week and a half ago X.
I'm sure I passed on to you because my posts were posted real close to yours.

Anonymous said...

“Back Away From “America’s Frontline Doctors:
Dr. Lee Merritt may be a fine orthopedic surgeon, but when it comes to the science of COVID-19, she is way out on a limb. Let’s start sawing.“

In this article below the Alex Newman, the supposed SENIOR editor of “The New American” refers to the semi-retired orthopedic surgeon Dr Lee Merritt who does liposuction and laser hair & tattoo removal now in some tiny town in the middle of Iowa as a “celebrated military doctor & Bioweapons expert”. She was a military trained surgeon for ten years but that doesn’t make her a bioweapons expert. Note also, dr Merritt had written a few unsuccessful books claiming government conspiracies and what not over the years so she just needed a new shadow to keep spinning her yarn.

When u finish reading those unevidenced opinions, please be sure to visits dr merits store buy some $41 dr Merritt vitamin d pills. Her grift only works as long as people pay her.


Anonymous said...

"semi-retired orthopedic surgeon Dr Lee Merritt who does liposuction and laser hair & tattoo removal now in some tiny town in the middle of Iowa"

X makes yet another scummy attempt at discrediting a doctor he disagrees with...



Anonymous said...

The woman in Minnesota who lost her arms and legs....I think they found them.

"Body Parts Found In Northeast Minneapolis Prompt Homicide Investigation"

Wasn't that hysterical?

You see? The woman LOST HER ARMS AND LEGS and the way she did doesn't fit in with my agenda so I'm casually dismissing it (as usual) but this time I'm dismissing by sadistically MAKING FUN OF HER INCONCEIVABLY TERRIBLE LOSS!

You can plainly see my true character by just that alone!

I CLEARLY have people's best interests at heart.

I'm NO 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' Phony Christian Socialist Troll, that's for SURE!


Anonymous said...

I was just making a joke of the ridiculousness of all the attempts to put a face and fake stories promoting misinformation about Covid vaccines. I didn’t even read the actual story as it was one in a series of obvious lies from devoted misinformation websites.

Now that I’ve read it, what’s ACTUALLY disgusting is grifters and liars spinning the tragic story of a medical technician, Jummea, who lost her limbs due to a serious bout with Covid 19 as fake evidence against getting vaccinated. Jummea was diagnosed with Covid and MIS-A (adult). Her husband reported 80 doctors or so reviewed her case carefully and concurred with the diagnosis. The fact she just happened to get sick a couple days after her second vaccine shot did create questions, initially, but it did not cause this and should NOT be propagandized to scare others from being vaccinated and thereby potentially risking their lives (or limbs) to Covid as well.

In other words, this story is actually another reason to get vaccinated.

Unfamiliar with MIS-A…. Here’s a study. It has been happening all along to Covid patients long before the vaccines arrived on the scene.

Im not making this stuff up. Here’s another woman who lost her limbs in 2020 due to Covid.

“Bedford woman 'lost hands and feet' as Covid led to sepsis”

Bedford woman 'lost hands and feet' as Covid led to sepsis
A woman who had her hands and feet amputated after coronavirus led to pneumonia, which then caused sepsis, says she is looking forward to her "second life" despite the challenges.
Caroline Coster, 58, from Bedford, said she was put into a medically-induced coma for a month and nearly died twice after catching the virus in March, 2020”

OR this story of little boy getting MIS-C (children) with Covid.

“ 10-year-old faces ‘long road’ after amputation due to severe case of COVID-19 linked syndrome”

“ GRAND RAPIDS, MI – After testing positive for COVID-19 in December, Dae’shun Jamison “did not have one symptom,” his mother Brittney Autman said. But a few weeks later, the 10-year-old Shelby boy was hospitalized and doctors amputated his right leg because of a rare syndrome linked to the novel coronavirus.”


Anonymous said...

The woman in Minnesota who lost her arms and legs....I think they found them.

"Body Parts Found In Northeast Minneapolis Prompt Homicide Investigation"

Wasn't that hysterical?

I was just making a joke. And believe me, I did NOT really understand the English language at the time that I made that joke and so I, I assure you, HAD NO IDEA WHATSOEVER that this woman had suffered any such horrible tragedy as I NOW understand it to have been! And I'm NOT now desperately trying to backpedal at all! NOR am I trying to cover up what I said by using similar examples to make it seem that (all of a sudden now) I'm really a caring, compassionate Christian who has great sympathy for any such folks!

Not at all!


Anonymous said...

Nice Ad Hominem, but if u were really serious about people’s lives and struggles you’d be getting vaccinated for yourself, your family and your community despite the small unknown as of yet risk to yourself versus making up & spreading fake narratives about crippled persons. Then faux pretending to take offense when I ironically do the same. If u don’t like mimicry, then leave the debate.

More somber news:

“Delta variant is one of the most infectious respiratory diseases known, CDC director says“

The variant is highly contagious, largely because people infected with the delta strain can carry up to 1,000 times more virus in their nasal passages than those infected with the original strain, according to new data.

“The delta variant is more aggressive and much more transmissible than previously circulating strains,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told reporters at a briefing Thursday. “It is one of the most infectious respiratory viruses we know of, and that I have seen in my 20-year career.”

The delta variant has spread quickly through the U.S., accounting for more than 83% of sequenced cases in the U.S. right now, up from 50% the week of July 3.

The seven-day average of new cases is up about 53% from last week, currently at 37,674 new cases per day. Hospitalizations are up 32% from last week at about 3,500 per day and deaths have also increased 19% in the same time frame to about 240 per day.

“This virus has no incentive to let up, and it remains in search of the next vulnerable person to infect,” Walensky said.

The virus is ripping through U.S. counties with low vaccination rates, while counties with high vaccination rates are seeing lower rates of new cases.”


J said...

Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus

J said...

A report yesterday from the Boston Globe, regarding breakthrough infections in Massachusetts. Seventy-nine vaccinated people died of COVID in a recent outbreak in the Cape Cod area.

Keep an eye on severe COVID cases among breakthrough infections, experts say

J said...

What do you think of these numbers? If 92% of the infections in vaccinated residents did not require hospitalizations, then 8% of the breakthrough infections required hospitalizations. Actually the number 6.8% is being reported, so does that mean 1.2% died before they could be hospitalized? Those numbers seem very high.

I thought of trying to compare it with the statistics from 2020, but then I thought about the over-representation of positive COVID cases on the basis of nothing but PCR tests that were using very high cycles and likely producing false positives. So wouldn't that make any sort of 2020 COVID statistical baseline kind of useless?

Dozens of Vaccinated Residents Have Died of COVID in Mass.: What to Know About Breakthrough Cases

Public health officials have tracked 4,450 "breakthrough" cases of COVID-19 among Massachusetts residents fully vaccinated against the disease, representing about one-tenth of 1% of the roughly 4.2 million people immunized.

About 92% of the infections in vaccinated residents did not require hospitalizations, while 303 people, or 6.8%, were hospitalized, according to state Department of Public Health data through July 10.

Hutch said...

X said "Considering Covid is such a leading cause of death I would find it crazy, malpractice-wise, for any doctor to forego testing any cold. The standard of care is certainly to test them all right now. I'm obviously not questioning your story but "John's" story."

John's testimony is true. Covid tests are not readily available in rural areas like they are in the cities. The doctors here tend to be more cautious in ordering tests.

J said...

When Trump had COVID, he was treated by Regeneron, which is an antibody drug.

This was from January. It reported antibody drugs being developed to target and bind with multiple antigens on the COVID-19 virus. (Not just the spike protein or a portion of the spike protein.)

Lilly allies with Vir, GSK as coronavirus variants raise worries about antibody drugs

This is from June.

Dual-antibody drugs effective against COVID-19 variants in animal study

This says it's a mixture of two antibodies. Again it's not just one antibody binding to the spike protein or a subunit of the spike protein.

Yet the vaccines only trigger the production of antibodies that bind to a subunit of the spike protein.

What do they know, what are we not being told, what is being held back?

Hutch said...

"Democrats are confounded by what they see as the GOP's shifting rhetoric on vaccines, which in their view has changed as the delta variant has swept through unvaccinated populations in disproportionately Republican areas. ... Many of the states with the largest COVID-19 spikes over the last month backed Trump for president during the 2020 election."

J said...

Hutch 9:40 AM,

The narrative in the article makes sense in a narrow frame. The narrow frame would leave out the following and more:

1) The possibility of any alternative to vaccines, such as therapeutics, whether those would be Ivermectin, Regeneron or something else

2) What happened in the UK, where most of the population has been vaccinated, yet they are locked down due to their current "pingdemic" that is causing massive shortages across their economy

3) Massachusetts recent Cape Cod outbreak of infections in vaccinated people

4) The fact that we still don't have publicly available data on the true extent of adverse events suffered by vaccine recpients.

5) The many problems with COVID statistics, too complicated to detail in this short list.

6) The combined effect of #4 and #5 is that therefore, how can we truly compare vaccine risk to COVID risk and make an informed decision?

7) Making an informed decision is the bedrock of medical ethics.

J said...

Here is the narrative again about breakthrough infections being much milder. BUT it is summer. Summer colds are much milder than winter colds. Is it possible that something as simple as *what season it is right now* could be a significant variable that is not being factored into the is rather shallow, single-variable analysis with remarkable lack of curiosity and discussion being displayed?

Almost half of UK COVID infections are in people who are at least partly vaccinated, study suggests. But the cases were much milder.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Arians coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to fine each Covid-19 infraction 14,000. Includes not having the mask on!

Now I'm a big football fan, and these guys don't wear masks when they are out of breath! You do get out of breath playing football. I have tried this myself while jogging. It's like suffocating! It takes time catching your breath after a lengthy play. You see these guys taking oxygen on the sidelines. This is total bullshit! Im giving up football anyway, now that it's Gay, and Trans

Hutch said...

J 10:19 My purpose in sharing that article was mainly to point out that the virus is spiking in Republican areas. As I've stated before, it seems that the virus picks and chooses. I live in a Democrat state. Tourism is the backbone of our local economy. It's odd that outbreaks and surges are in Bible camps and churches, high school graduation parties.

With so much censoring going on, it's hard to have enough information to make an informed decision. I read as much as possible. It's troubling that the "whistleblowers and truthtellers" are all New Age adherents. I wonder if they're the controlled other side to the Hegelian dialectic. If so, that could be a possible explanation for the many mysterious deaths of holistic doctors in recent years. They may not have been willing to go along with the plan.

Anonymous said...

5:42 AM,

Nice Ad Hominem, but u were really serious about people’s lives and struggles you’d NOT HAVE MADE A 'JOKE' OUT OF A WOMAN WHO'D TRAGICALLY LOST BOTH ARMS AND LEGS IN THE FIRST PLACE. THAT is the point. And the rush to post amputee-related stories in reply amounting to 'closing the barn door after the horse is gone' attempts at trying to gloss that disgustingly sadistic action over.

Anonymous said...

"the 'whistleblowers and truthtellers' are all New Age adherents."

Where is your proof of such a wild claim?

Anonymous said...

X is a shill for the elitist activist class so his linked sources, as well as his own post's biased and redundant opined narratives, reflect the half truths or full lies of the Chinese bought Socialist politico's heavy handed approach to every single issue. Throwing those who dare to question the way mega government, mega media/tech, mega science, is handling every single issue of our lives these days, without thorough research into the claims made against the "official" side of Covid etc, go under the bus in short order.
This is why, he, and they, cannot be believed because it is the truth they are trying desperately to prevent being aired. That would be healing for this nation. They will have none of it.
Social progressivism (permeated throughout our entire culture), in it's overt activism that is no longer clandestinely underside, is what has made this country sick, much more than even an engineered weaponized virus, pushing it's engineered "fear to force" tactics they are so bent on.
Fear is the real sickness.
Fear of the kind you spread, X, is the very opposite of faith you claim as a believer.
I think your posts obvious slants are credible evidence you are a make believer instead.

Anonymous said...


Those are good questions.

A couple thoughts I had about conflating factors when it comes to analyzing breakthrough Covid & Covid variants

1. Delta is, to some unknown extent, apparently more virulent

2. Comparing alpha variant hospitalization/death rates of Alpha last spring/summer spread thru unvaccinated populations isn’t as easy now with so many vaccinated

3. Even comparing largely unvaccinated populations in foreign countries is problematic due to many other confounding factors

4. Did England and/or others put populations that only got one jab as of yet into the “vaccinated” pool

5. Astra Zeneca is a pretty fair amount less effective than Pfizer

“Wednesday's study found that two doses of Pfizer's shot was 88% effective at preventing symptomatic disease from the Delta variant, compared to 93.7% against the Alpha variant, broadly the same as previously reported.

Two shots of AstraZeneca vaccine were 67% effective against the Delta variant, up from 60% originally reported, and 74.5% effective against the Alpha variant, compared to an original estimate of 66% effectiveness.”

6. IMO if u r vitamin D deficient when u get vaccinated, your not gonna get a good immune reaction and the jab isn’t gonna be that effective for you, then u come up on delta and your still vitamin d deficient & the vaccine barely if at all gave u protection, therefore you’re the “breakthrough” case with a bad outcome. Is that the vaccines fault? I heard a report yesterday that immunocompromised persons are getting 3rd jabs on their own and it’s being studied. Summertime when Vit d is generally higher might be a good time to do that.

I pray it doesn’t get worse this fall and winter. I hope it’s just scare tactics to convince people while trying to achieve herd immunity and it doesn’t end up all that bad.


Hutch, I would think the demographics of the already dead would clearly indicate if this was somehow targeted at Christians in any way. I know my Opus Dei suspicions get ridiculed sometimes but they are the only big enough world wide secret cult that could pull off any kind of conspiracy approaching this order of magnitude. I’m not saying they already anyone did, I think they are just looking to exploit the virus and push the largely Protestant US into chaos and bankruptcy (which explains why republicans since they got Reagan in office, have abandoned any sense of fiscal responsibility).

RayB said...

In other non-COVID news ...

This is what happens when a Communist, Jesuit Pope appoints a fellow Communist to a very important position:

D.C. Archbishop: Americans Must ‘Share Our Abundance’ with Illegal Aliens

"The archbishop of Washington, DC, Cardinal Wilton Gregory says Americans must welcome, protect, and share the United States with illegal aliens while urging Congress to pass amnesty."

Anonymous said...

All this Covid bullshit never stops.

(And never WILL stop BTW.)

All that was necessary was for it to be treated like the onset of the flu season.


And when vaccines were made available AFTER FULL TESTING then people could get them or not as they so chose, with NO stigma attached to not getting a shot any more than if they hadn't gotten a flu shot in previous years.

(And totalitarian state enabling fear-mongers can go f themselves.)

RayB said...

Too busy investigating, PERSECUTING and prosecuting, the mostly *peaceful protestors that were photographed for merely walking through open doors into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th.? I guess so.



So what if thousands of people needlessly died due to the inept, dictatorial policies of State Governors?

LONG AGO, the blindfold of Lady Justice was removed. She is now a prejudicial radical that implements 'justice' in accordance to her biased, political whims. Lately, this political bias has increased dramatically. Without an unbiased judicial system, the dream of creating a despotic totalitarian government becomes a certainty.

* Nancy Pelosi immediately tagged Jan. 6th. as an "ARMED INSURRECTION." The FBI, when questioned by the Senate, admitted that NOT ONE GUN was confiscated, nor USED on Jan. 6th. The ONLY actual "gunfire" that day was when a yet to be identified U. S. Capitol officer, who, while using excessive force, shot and killed Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol.

Hutch said...

11:40 AM Anonymous Not a wild claim. You can do the research and look into each individual yourself, just like I did. I always do that, like Constance Cumbey wrote in both of her books.

Hutch said...

X 12:55 PM You don't think Anthony Fauci, a graduate of Fordham, is a part of that, X?

RayB said...

I'm confused. I was led to believe that Blacks cannot be racists ...

Black woman, 25, is charged with hate crimes for four anti-Asian assaults in NYC since March - including unprovoked attack on a 75-year-old woman with a HAMMER

Maybe "X" will set up a Go-Fund-Me for Ms. Bell?

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM,

No buddy, you have it bass ackwards:

YOU made the heretofore unsubstantiated claim that "the 'whistleblowers and truthtellers' are all New Age adherents."

Therefore it is inherently incumbent upon YOU to provide such evidence!

Why complain? According to your very own words you've "look(ed) into each individual yourself".

So then share all your research here.

Show us how every single whistleblower and truthteller is a New Age adherent.

J said...

Hutch 11:17 AM,

Some of those New Agers are definitely provocateurs who are part of the dialectic. I've posted a few things about Sacha Stone many of the people he associates with, including Vigano, who is said to be Opus Dei. It's scattered across at least two or three previous threads. It's probably a waste. It's hard to find later. It would be easier to find if it were gathered in a topic heading in a discussion forum.

Anonymous said...


I don't get the impression at all that Fauci has much of anything to do with it. Even if it is/was "gain of function" research, such research was out in the open generally and being debated ethically. Fauci is just a scapegoat for Trump's failure to take this situation seriously and contain the Alpha variant...."lost month" and denial trying to use "power of positive thinking" new age spirituality nonsense to defeat a pestilance.

If anyone is really involved in some real conspiracy I'd rather suspect NIH Director Francis Collins. He is much more the opus dei type.

Here's his 55 page CV ----

He won the Templeton Award a couple years ago...which is a Fund set up by John Templeton in 1972 and involves the blending of Religion and Science. I think Dr Collins also has a masters in philosophy from Yale.

I'm not saying it's true about Dr. Collins at all. I think they were all just doing their jobs and some idiot in China might have exposed himself/herself and knowingly or unknowningly (didn't even know they were sick) it spread from there. That was a known risk of this type of research. Human stupidity isn't new and it's a much more "keep it simple stupid" explanation than a multi-continent multi-nation conspiracy to long-term cull the population they themselves all live in with their friends and families. God is sovereign so this isn't a surprise to Him. Humans have been creatively killing themselves for centuries.


Hutch said...

Anonymous 1:42 PM That's my point. There's a long list of them. I did share some things a while back regarding this, probably on another thread. I'm not going to spoon feed you. If you're interested, check it out for yourself. Otherwise, let it go.

Anonymous said...

Heed The Warnings Of The Chaos That’s Coming! Time is running out...

J said...

I realized one of my sentences wasn't clear. I wasn't trying to say many of the people Sacha Stone associates with are Opus Dei. He does associate with Vigano, who is said to be Opus Dei; and with Pepe Orsini, the man who is said to be the "gray pope." He associates with many Scientologists and ex-Scientologists. Robert David Steele, who is practically joined at the hip with Sacha Stone, is a QAnon influencer.

Anonymous said...

Others may not but I would definitely include Mike Adams and anyone associated with Clay Clark in that group of "new age" provocateurs.

But is a grifter...someone out to capitalize on trauma and pain for profit and/or fame the same as a provocateur, who might just be out to undermine capitalism, destabilize society or have other broader political or economic goals or purposes than just their pocketbook and individual narcissism???

hmmmm. Fear does seem to create a lot of "theys" and "thems" which seems to me to be more and more impossible or unlikely in a society that's become more and more isolated, skeptical and indifferent.

We must, as Christians remain hopeful, right?


Hutch said...

J, Yes, I've read the posts regarding Sacha Stone and others. Like you said, there is no topic heading to sort them all out.

X, I don't believe targeting is about culling the population as much as it is about fear mongering and scaring them into submission. A few months back, Biden announced that the preachers would have the biggest effect on convincing the skeptical to be vaccinated. This was followed up by evangelical leaders preaching the benefits of vaccination. Outbreaks in churches, church camps, weddings all play a part in local pastors getting on the bandwagon, most who happen to be conservative republicans. Conversely, illegal immigrants, tourists, protests that fit the agenda, liberal democrat meetings have no effect on spreading the virus.

X, Constance Cumbey has spent many years warning about the hidden dangers of the new age and planned global deception. Don't you think it's possible that more than one scientist is involved? Do you really think this all happened because of "some idiot" in China? God does not control this world like we're all a bunch of puppets. He is allowing evil to come to fullness, the wheat growing up with the tares, and then the judgment day.

Hutch said...

X 2:45 PM

"Others may not but I would definitely include Mike Adams and anyone associated with Clay Clark in that group of "new age" provocateurs." I agree with you, X. I'm always amazed by the number of Mike Adams' videos and articles that are shared as "truth" on this blog.

I would also add, in my opinion, anyone who is getting the fame and notoriety is a provcateur. The genuinely concerned are being censored and silenced if they're not submitted to the plan.

Anonymous said...

x's posts are like drive shootings trying to murder reputations with no credible sources.
Then he drives around the block afterwards as if to say well I'm not really trying to run them down, cuz "christian", some kind of lame excuse...
Can ya spell double-minded, x?
You post with forked tongue.

@ 3:16 PM last paragraph should make you want to put on your thinking cap, but since trolling is your bag, it's not necessary to be correct, credibly resourced, but make sure you clog the blog down with your narrative. That you obviously have not bothered to read Constance Cumbey's much work and credible findings is very evident, yet here you are clinging like a butt barnacle at her blog.

Somebody needs to get a life (and hopefully bump into the truth).

Anonymous said...

2:40 PM

If you won't back up your ridiculous on the face of it claim that every single "whistleblower and truthteller is a New Age adherent" then you are recklessly irresponsible at best and mentally unsound in your iron clad belief system at worst.

And anyway, for example, Mike Adams is New Age as I myself pointed out posting his relevant post along with a '100 Monkeys' hoax exposé post. That does NOT however automatically delegitimize everything else he may speak about.

So if you refuse to back up your outlandishly all-encompassing claim:

Let it go.

LSWA said...

"The genuinely concerned are being censored and silenced if they're not submitted to the plan."

Or knocked off like many up and coming Naturopathic Doctor's and others of Alternative medicine.

Medicine/Science is a vast field. Should be room for everyone. The marketplace of ideas should be wide and let real results prove their veracity in those fields that better everyone's options for good health. And we don't need oppressive Government regs for that in reality, oversight that is reasonable and respectable will work out the bugs, let things coexist positively.
So who wants the monopoly????.............

Anonymous said...

"The genuinely concerned are being censored and silenced if they're not submitted to the plan."

I try to read and read and read what I can because I can sit back and say "if I were a medical doctor myself with real concerns how would I go about warning people that every medical doctor isn't on board with this"? I certainly wouldn't align myself with a political group like Frontline Doctors but then how would I get heard above all the rhetoric and persuasion already out there?

I'd probably research like mad and ask questions of fellow doctors where I work or who I went to school with. Try to find like-minded experts in fields I'm not familiar with who might answer questions or help me/us come up with actual problems that need further research and study BEFORE spouting off my general opinions on subjects I'm not an expert on. But how do I find like-minded experts while avoiding anyone labeled already as crazy or toxic, thereby, by inference, making my opinion crazy by association?

Then the problem do I get heard if I, indeed, feel the need to sound an alarm bell without associating in any way with already discredited psuedo-science "professionals"?

Fortunately, lots of medical doctors have God complexes and find a way to spout out about lots of things all the time. I don't really feel like medical doctors with expertise are being completely silenced or scared to speak out. They speak their mind. I think most all are vaccinated themselves and I think they probably think it's ridiculous anyone is jeopardizing herd immunity by remaining unvaccinated..again, "generally".


p.s. - ha, looked it up. Article June 11th, 2021: "CHICAGO — The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated."

Anonymous said...

Ha. I looked it up too. Article June 18th 2021:

SURVEY: Most Doctors Are SKIPPING Covid-19 Vaccine

By Sharyl Attkisson

Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID.

This contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. This was based on 300 respondents.

Neither survey represents a random sample of all American physicians, but the AAPS survey shows that physician support for the mass injection campaign is far from unanimous.

“It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an ‘anti-vaxxer,’” states AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D. “Virtually no physicians are ‘anti-antibiotics’ or ‘anti-surgery,’ whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.”

The AAPS survey also showed that 54 percent of physician respondents were aware of patients suffering a “significant adverse reaction.” Of the unvaccinated physicians, 80 percent said “I believe risk of shots exceeds risk of disease,” and 30% said “I already had COVID.”

About Sharyl Attkisson

Emmy-Award Winning Investigative Journalist, New York Times Best Selling Author, Host of Sinclair's Full Measure

RayB said...

Another example illustrating the insanity of the "woke" left:

Meet Louis Sockalexis, the First Native American Pro Baseball Player Said to be Inspiration for ‘Cleveland Indians’

NOTE: It's interesting to note that the team was unofficially nicknamed the "Indians" by Cleveland sports writers in HONOR of their star player at that time, Louis Sockalexis, a member of the Penobscot tribe. THERE WAS NOTHING DEGRADING in referring to the Cleveland Spiders as the "Indians," it was meant as a compliment to Sockalexis. After Sockalexis died at a relatively young age after leaving baseball, the team's name was officially changed to the Indians as an act to HONOR HIM and his memory.

Truth and history means NOTHING to the woke mob. They will mindlessly attack anyone and everything that they imagine to be "racist," etc. Yet, they will also demand that career criminal thugs like George Floyd be honored ... or else! What a world we live in.

Hutch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RayB said...

I nearly had a heart attack when I suddenly realized all of the remaining 'offensive' names out there:

Chicago Blackhawks ... I can hardly breathe

Florida State Seminoles ... call 911

Atlanta Braves ... what's Ted Turner's phone number?

Illinois Fighting Illini ... "Illini" were a group of ... I can hardly say it ... INDIAN TRIBES

Golden State Warriors ... don't let them fool you ... these are INDIAN WARRIORS

Kansas City Chiefs ... they play in ARROWHEAD STADIUM ... case closed

The Fighting IRISH of Notre Dame ... depicting drunken fightin Irish

Chicago WHITE Sox ... anything that is WHITE has to be bad

Pittsburg Pirates ... the way they play, they give Pirates a bad name

San Francisco Giants & New York Giants .... makes short people feel inferior

Philadelphia '76 ers ... everybody owned slaves in '76

Denver Nuggets ... could be offensive to chickens

Kansas City Royals ... might offend Prince Harry and Megan Markle

Cincinnati Reds ... who are they kidding ... this has to be referring to people with red skin ... whoever heard of "red legs?"

RayB said...


I happen to live in an area that has a lot of "Indian" history. Not far from my home are a series of high bluffs that are located overlooking a river. The *Whittelsey were an early people who lived on these bluffs, which they chose for protection, from 900 AD to 1650 AD. They were a non-warrior people that sought to live out their lives in peace, when, in 1650, their culture suddenly disappeared. What happened to these peaceful people?

Here is what happened; the Wittelesies were exterminated by the Iroquois, which were also known as the Five Nations, comprising the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, and Seneca.

Did the White race commit atrocities against the indigenous people? YES. Did certain warrior tribes commit atrocities against the white European settlers? YES.
But what is often missing is this narrative; WARRIOR tribes often committed unspeakable atrocities against their OWN KIND. The above is just one example, many, many more can be cited. Why is it that we only hear of the sins of the white race, to the exclusion of all others?

* Because they had no contact with settlers from Europe, their actual name is unknown, therefore, they are named after the archaeologist who discovered the tribe.

RayB said...


Let me add this; way back in the 1970's, I visited the Seminole Reservation in Florida. What I saw shocked, and deeply saddened me. Although this was 'official' U. S. Government property, these people were living in intense poverty. I'll never forget the mountain of empty beer cans that I saw ... evidence that they were drinking away their abject misery. The reservation store's shelves were barren of essential goods. The entire place had an aura of lifelessness about it.

I was not a Christian back then, but I was nevertheless, deeply effected.

We live in a very sinful, fallen world, whereby "ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Christ is the only answer to truly heal wounds and change lives.
In contrast, changing a meaningless sports team's name will heal no wounds and change no one's life.

J said...

Bioengineering Company Ginkgo Bioworks Ties Together DARPA, Bill Gates, WEF, Transhumanism, and The Great Reset

Without a doubt, the Great Reset is intended to transform our world, shifting it further into an AI-driven, Internet of Bodies, where human life can be altered (or ended) as simply as pressing the power button on a computer. Companies like Ginkgo hope to “hack” the genetic code so they can bend organic life to their will. Whatever positives may be gleaned from these efforts, the end result is the same: humanity aims to play God. Now, should we be playing God in this fashion?

The answer to that question will shape the future of humanity and the planet.

J said...

The Various Lies About the Delta Variant Set the Stage for Draconian Vaccine Mandates

How are they able to do this? Because Covid-19 “vaccinations” are conspicuously left off of medical records. Why? So that there’s no way to cross-reference. It’s being sold as a “privacy issue” but in reality it’s done to allow doctors to honestly claim on death certificates that there was no indication of Covid-19 vaccinations available. That does NOT mean that those who die from Covid-19 are not vaccinated. It simply means that for the sake of record-keeping, doctors cannot say definitively that the deceased had been vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

"We live in a very sinful, fallen world, whereby "ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Christ is the only answer to truly heal wounds and change lives.
In contrast, changing a meaningless sports team's name will heal no wounds and change no one's life.

7:18 PM"

Well said RayB.

Identity politics is killing us, everything off.
Political correctness is not correcting one stinking thing.
Progressives have not brought enlightenment, they have delivered a neighborhood near you.

It is a fallen world, we've all peed in that pool if I may speak so frankly, but the answer is not in man's humanistic lording over other men the way the progressive socialist mind works this out on paper and then miserably, horribly, fails in real time with real people.
Didn't work before and won't work now.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I think Jan 6th was a set up against the Trump supporters to make them look bad. I'm not part of Q don't even know anything about them. I dont trust Mitch,or Liz Cheney, I believe Trump when he said he doesn't know anything about Q. If Trump was part of NWO, why was he attacked by everyone. My bible sayes look at the fruit, well trumps tree was Energy Independence for America, against abortion, protecting freedom of religion, protecting our boarders, strong military. He was very pro church,God, and freedom. What about this is bad. What about Biden is so great, he wants open boarders, taxes, abortion, CONTROL SPEECH THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS, hes working with Facebook and twitter. There has been reports that gov,agents were involve Jan 6, not proven but reported even mentioned in congress. I don't know much, but I have eyes and common sense. Again if Trump is part of the evil, please tell me what part has he played, what has he done, I need more than just a book that sayes a cult call Q thinks hes god.

Anonymous said...

Remember these are newly updated at least every day or sooner!




And this is newly updated at least every (regular) weekday or sooner:












Anonymous said...

Must Read: Ben Stein’s Eulogy To The USA – “Goodbye America”

Economist and noted actor Ben Stein recently published a piece eulogizing our great nation in his weekly online diary.

Titled, “Goodbye America,” the farewell letter to the Republic condemns the modern corporate-run government and its authoritarian censorship.

“We have no Constitution,” Stein announced in his subheadline. “July 2021. A month that will live in infamy. If there is such a thing as ‘history’ in the Biden–Orwell–Soros omni-dictatorship, July 2021 will mark the month that the Constitution, the ‘greatest work ever thrown off by the hand and mind of man,’ as Gladstone put it, was thrown into the Ministry of Truth Memory Hole.”

The well-known lawyer explained that July marks the month the “superpowers of the tech world, Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo, admitted to working with the Biden/NKVD administration to suppress free speech.”

NKVD was the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs in Soviet Russia, which was essentially a secret police agency Stalin used to purge society of dissenters.

Stein continued to describe how many people argued over the past few years that Big Tech companies can silence whoever they want because they are private businesses and “that the First Amendment to the Constitution protected us only against Congress and the executive branch suppressing free speech.”

He did reference one popular historical example of the Supreme Court ruling against a large U.S. steel company suppressing the free speech of its workers while they were on company property.

“Now, in the year 2021, the iron curtain has come down hard,” Stein continued. “With Big Internet Tech and the White House now admittedly colluding to identify and suppress dissidents, even completely nonviolent dissidents, we no longer have a Constitution.”

“There is just one big corporate–government–IngSoc superstate running everything. Goodbye, America. The GOP, with 50 senators, does nothing. The state legislatures, by far a majority GOP, and the spineless Supreme Court do nothing. And so goodbye to the greatest experiment in the history of the world,” Stein elegantly stated.

Closing his public diary entry, Stein recounted the historical anecdote of Ben Franklin telling an onlooker who asked if America is a Republic or a Monarchy that we have “A republic. If you can keep it.”

“God help us,” he somberly concluded the piece.

Every patriot in America can likely sympathize with Ben Stein’s sentiment.

Stein made headlines in March after he told the world about the severe adverse reaction he suffered following the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination.

Stein described, “wild side effects. Like I had the worst flu in the world, extreme shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, extremely irrational thinking. It has just been devastating.”

Social media sites and other Big Tech platforms censored Stein’s personal testimony at the time, which could have opened his eyes to the draconian dam the establishment has built to stop the free flow of information.

“It has just got to be told to the people that this booster is very, very strong. Beware.” A word of warning from Ben Stein. “This booster is a killer!”

J said...

Hutch 3:16 PM,

J, Yes, I've read the posts regarding Sacha Stone and others. Like you said, there is no topic heading to sort them all out.

What might be going on, do you think? Some options are:

1) Controlled opposition and gatekeeping

2) Hijacking

3) Seeding disinformation to make it easier to discredit

4) Trust operation (named after the Soviet "Operation Trust")

5) Simple grifting

6) Dividing and conquering

7) Maybe our own government has a national security establishment that is trying to resist the NWO by manipulating even patriots with domestic psy ops rather than simply being honest with us and respecting us. Maybe they think we are dumb.

8) It's just all discredited. This last option seems the most shallow to me, but sometimes people and ideas and trends do deserve to simply be discredited

J said...

Well, Russia's agenda to divide Americans is apparently working, so now what?

An example is this RAIR article from this morning.

Know Your Enemy: Who is Behind the Communist Revolution?

There is currently a strong left “internationalism” movement across the globe, but if there is a head in the subversive snake that has penetrated the West, it is the leadership of China and Russia.

The Chinese Communist Party CCP has been incredibly effective in infiltrating all aspects of American life, from the government, to academia, to local politics and activism to Hollywood. They are even the puppet masters of the Black Lives Matter movement. China smuggles massive amounts of fentanyl through the porous southern border.

The Kremlin has aggressively sought to pit Americans against one another using divisive issues and has taken a shockingly active role in training Islamic dictators. Vladimir Putin has compared Christianity to Communism, and fought to hold the communist World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, which he personally introduced.

These countries and many others work closely with American communists to infiltrate America’s institutions.

Anonymous said...

I am X.


Anonymous said...

Slavery Is Our 'Original Sin' ?!

RayB said...

You've been 'vaccinated' and you are happy because you are now "protected." Congratulations!

But wait ... your future could very well be to "mask-up."
You may be wondering why you would need to wear a mask if you've been immunized?

Are you starting to get that funny feeling that you've been conned?

Fauci: Bringing Back Mask Mandates Is ‘Under Active Consideration’

"National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that MASK MANDATES for VACCINATED Americans was “under active consideration.”

It's all about CONTROL ... control what you do ... control where you go ... control what you can say ... control what you think .... it's 1984 folks, it just took a little longer to get there.

RayB said...

I wonder how BLM & ANTIFA terrorists are treated in jail? Oh wait, I forgot, they don't do jail time.

Joe Biggs’ Letter From Jail Describes The Life Of A January 6 Political Prisoner

RayB said...

New Israeli Government Goes Full-Orwell, Makes Covid ‘Vaccines’ Compulsory for All Citizens Over 12

"Dear citizens, those who refuse vaccines are endangering their health, those around them and the freedom of every Israeli citizen. They are endangering our freedom to work, the freedom of our children to learn and the freedom to hold celebrations with the family."

Anonymous said...


By: Ariyana Love

Here’s a compilation of evidence from peer-reviewed scientific journals, medical experts, and media explicitly proving that masks are not only ineffective at containing the spread of infectious diseases, viruses, and influenza but masks are also extremely dangerous to your health and worn long enough, can be fatal. There is no such study that has proven the efficacy of masks in stopping viral or influenza infectious spread. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Large meta-analyses, and all the RCT, prove that there is no such relative benefit. Masks and respirators do not work. Mandating masks constitutes Crime Against Humanity and it’s child abuse. Masks weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to all pathogens including the big bad flu, the Coronavirus. Masks deprive your body of vital oxygen too, resulting in hypoxic injuries (deprivation of oxygen in the brain), and in other cases, prolonged mask-wearing will result in permanent brain damage or death.

Timeline 2020


Here is a WILEY study released in February: “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” The conclusion was: “A total of six RCTs involving 9,171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical Masks. Meta-analysis indicated a protective effect of N95 respirators against laboratory-confirmed bacterial colonization (RR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.43-0.78). The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” Essentially, neither N95 or surgical masks are effective in protecting against influenza.


The Independent published a story where one of England’s most senior doctors warned that members of the public could be putting themselves more at risk of contracting coronavirus by wearing face masks: “Coronavirus: Face masks could increase risk of infection, medical chief warns”.


Denis G. Rancourt, Ph.D. Researcher for Ontario Civil Liberties Association produced an abstract summary providing a list of Medical Literature proving that Masks and respirators do not work: “Masks Don’t Work A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy”. Dr. Rashid Buttar was one of the very first medical experts to speak up with medical facts in the face of a sea of mainstream media disinformation. I highly recommend watching this London Reel interview where Dr. Buttar explains in depth what Coronavirus is, based on sound science. Dr. Buttar also dives into the harms of mask-wearing: “THE CORONAVIRUS AGENDA – WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW”.


Governments were clear from the start of this Event 201 Coronavirus training exercise for a live simulated pandemic drill, that nobody should be wearing a mask but by June they did an about-face and began coercing the public to muzzle up. See this short video here. Note that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) openly states on its website that there is little evidence that wearing a mask will protect you when you are healthy from disease when you are healthy. Essentially, healthy individuals should never wear masks. CDC released this report in May saying that wearing face masks, washing hands, and sanitizing surfaces are useless in preventing one’s susceptibility to Covid-19.
This isa alengthy article and continues at...

RayB said...

Bombshell lawsuit: Gov’t whistleblower says coronavirus vaccine deaths at least 45,000

‘I queried data … and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5. This would indicate the true number of vaccine-related deaths was at least 45,000.’

Anonymous said...

The PsyOp of FaceMasks

By Simone M. Matthews

This study published on in January 2021, concludes emphatically that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

This will be my LAST post of FaceMasks, to be honest I am quite over the discussion of a topic which common sense can establish limits your intake of oxygen, raises your carbon dioxide and over-all severely hampers your innate immunity. It’s not rocket science, and now the latest science proves it!

Medical mandates have locked us up (limiting the diversity of our microbiome hence our immunity), limited our important exposure to the Sun hence our production of Vit D (again, limiting our immunity), and tried to enforce the wearing of masks, even double or triple masking, which have now been shown to not only be ineffective but also detrimental to our immunity! And as humans thrive through connection, we have been kept separate from each other, and then deplatformed if we speak up against Govt/BigPharma propaganda. What on Earth happened to critical thinking and open & transparent communication ?

And with the latest announcement that ‘moist masks’ are recommend, I think the stupidity index has now gone off the rails – moisture becomes a BREEDING ground for PATHOGENS. The propaganda now is becoming so absurd, I feel that there is no point in wasting any more bandwidth on a topic that is bridging upon insanity.

I personally will NEVER wear a mask (see exemptions here in Australia). I will not be shamed or coerced into hampering my ability to be healthy or belittled by the misleading psyop comments that I am putting others in danger. This dark agenda does not frighten me. Right from the beginning I have published ways for the vulnerable to improve their innate immunity and support themselves body, mind & soul. Why hasn’t our Governments or Medical Establishments (bolstered by the Media) even bothered to do the same ?

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis

Regarding the Published Study mentioned above, here is the Concluding summary:

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks.

Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immuno-suppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression.

Long-term consequences of wearing facemasks can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

Anonymous said...

The Social Cult of FaceMasks

As Dr Sherri Tenpenny writes: Wearing a mask has almost become nearly a cult-like participation and for some, masking seems to be a new fashion statement. There’s even a name given to those who refuse to wear a mask: bare face. Many governors have made masks mandatory, even if they have no legislative authority to do so.

Dr Tenpenny has researched the medical literature, searching for scientific proof that masks do what we are told they do: stop the spread of infection and protect the person who wears the mask from becoming ill. After reviewing more than 50 articles, here’s what she discovered:

There are NO randomized, controlled trials (RCT) with verified outcomes that show a benefit to healthcare workers or community members for wearing a mask or a respirator. There is no such definitive study. Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (documented below).

Furthermore, if there were any benefits to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask. There is not. Neither masks nor respirators protect; cloth coverings are essentially worthless.

It should be noted that the surgical masks are primarily designed to protect the environment from the wearer, whereas the respirators are supposed to protect the wearer from the environment. (Balazy, et al).

Coronavirus are <0.125 microns in size. Masks and respirators filter particles 0.30 to 0.80 microns in size. Masks cannot possibly work. No bias-free study has ever found a benefit from wearing a mask or respirator in this application.

The pdf document found Here: Masks-Final has detailed references to back up these assertions. It’s time for us to revolt against the tyranny of our “rulers” with science that supports our decision to breathe oxygen, eliminate carbon dioxide and support a healthy immune system.

As Kelly Brogan writes: For generations, children the world over have been raised in authoritarian households, defined by hierarchical power dynamics, punished for deviant individual expression, and rewarded for sheepish compliance, ultimately disconnected from their own drives, interests, and intuition.

This is how we learned to experience obedience and rule–following as a virtue. In our survival-based programming, we abandon ourselves, our needs, and even the investigation of our beliefs in a flight toward “doing the right thing.”

The vast majority of us are still operating with our power center externalized from our being — traumatized and imprinted — and terrified of death, so we are easily controlled. We are also easily controlled because we are empathic and couldn’t possibly fathom a reality where those so disconnected from their heart centers might be decades into agendas that require our essential dehumanization, oppression, and enslavement.

We are controllable because we care, we want to be loved, we want to be protected, and we want approval.

Psychological operations (or “psyops”), which include the selective presentation of emotionally-provocative information for behavioral manipulation, have been employed by governments for decades to retain and advance population-based control and financial servitude. Project Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip, and MK-Ultra are but a few of the publicly acknowledged secret programs that included human experimentation that utilize brainwashing techniques to deceive, program, and manipulate behavior.

Often, these operations seed our consciousness with divisiveness while overtly appearing to support societal victims. I call it coddling the victim, which appears altruistic, but ultimately reifies the disempowerment of factions of society that serves the divide-and-conquer agenda.

Anonymous said...

As Keven Ryan writes, in his article 'Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?',

Governments have used psychological warfare throughout history to manipulate public opinion, gain political advantage, and generate profits. Western governments have engaged in such tactics in the war on terrorism as well as in its predecessor, the war on communism.

In both cases, state-sponsored terrorism and propaganda were used to distort the public’s perception of the threats, leading to increased governmental control of society and huge financial benefits for corporations. It appears that the same kinds of effects are being seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What does this Global COVID experience have to do with Psyops. Here’s how this ‘pandemic’ equates with previous Psyops:


Fear-based and globally directed

Media saturation with bias toward fear

Data manipulation and propaganda

Censorship of opposing views

Intelligence agency control of information

Preceded by exercises mimicking the threat

Series of claims made that are later proven false

Response threatens democracy

Large increase in wealth and power for a few

Increase in social inequality

Increased government control of the public and reduced individual freedoms

Response kills far more than the original threat

Evidence for manufactured events

It’s time to Own Your Self

As Kelly Brogan writes: It’s time to own your self!

The first step to reclaiming your power from a system that does not reflect your values or serve your interests is to take responsibility for your health. With whistleblowers, dissenting physicians, and citizen activists speaking out, it’s clear that there is not a consensus around this unprecedented medical intervention.

And wherever there is polarization, there must be choice.

There is no place for mandated medicine in a free country.

There’s a better way, and it’s time for us to claim it.

MUCH More:

Anonymous said...

‘Do NOT tell your parents about our CRT curriculum’

Anonymous said...

Chlorine Dioxide to Treat COVID? YES, Says Dr. Manuel Aparicio

Anonymous said...

"It is the habit of illegitimate regimes to fear their own people and to invite in foreign troops to act as mercenaries to help them retain power."

Foreign Armies on U.S. Soil

By Daniel Natal
July 23, 2021

Why has the Biden administration just invited U.N. troops onto American soil?

Incidentally, the largest single contributor to U.N. forces is China.

The same China that is quietly amassing troops on U.S. Indian reservations . . . with NO media scrutiny whatsoever.

What is going on?

Anonymous said...

Protests Rage Across Europe as Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Start

Anonymous said...

Mass Anti-Lockdown Protests Erupt In Australia

Craig said...

Ben Carson’s opinion:

…We need to take a look at what we know already, what has happened over the last year, year and a half. If you’ve been vaccinated, or if you’ve had the disease and you have natural immunity, you are protected. And if you’re protected, you’re unlikely to give it to anyone else, you’re unlikely to get it from anyone else. And we need to deal with that and stop just tryin’ to control people…

Ben Carson slams growing debate over reinstating mask mandates

Fox Business

Putting aside any comments about the efficacy/danger of any of the CV19 vaccines, why isn't the CDC, WHO, etc. looking at data regarding natural immunity as a result of having had it? For me, this is the biggest red flag.

Anonymous said...


That 45,000 deaths claim is just made up nonsense by some anonymous woman and some attorney related to new age business coach Clay Clarke. It might be interesting someday when the actual way she went about overstating Covid vaccine related VEARS death count and coming up with a factor of 5 but these numbers right now are meaningless without solid evidence backing them up. Plus, just think about it a second, for months now right wing misinformation websites have been pumping out every story around the world they can in any way CLAIM might be related to a vaccine caused death…if even 1000 of such stories existed where vaccine recipients were dying within just 3 days of getting the jab I’m certain it would have been seen reported all over social media. Further, approximately 8000 people die in the us everyday and most of those people are likely elderly and, now, most are likely fully vaccinated. Doesn’t mean the vaccine killed all or a lot of them even if it might appear to have killed or contributed to death of even 1or 2 of them.

I know u don’t trust snopes either but it might assist u with noticing the holes in their “evidence” now and/or in the future as they continue with their pretend legal claims while shopping for sympathetic political allied Federal judges.

“ Did 45K People Die Within 3 Days of Getting COVID Vaccine?
Allegations were said to have come from a “government insider.”
Madison Dapcevich
Published 22 July 2021

X (my first post today -earlier post linking to YouTube wasn’t me)

Craig said...

In the included short clip of Don Lemon and AOC, she sure sounds a lot like comments made here by X. Leo Terrell dispels those faulty ideas:

Leo Terrell: Attack on white children, teachers should be met with lawsuits

CRT by any other name is still CRT. Changing lexicons...

As someone noted in the comments, "Anti-racism" is de facto racism.

Anonymous said...

"Few Facts, Millions Of Clicks: Fearmongering Vaccine Stories Go Viral Online"

The odds of dying after getting a COVID-19 vaccine are virtually nonexistent. According to recent data from the CDC, you're three times more likely to get struck by lightning. But you might not know that from looking at your social media feed.

A new NPR analysis finds that articles connecting vaccines and death have been among the most highly engaged with content online this year, going viral in a way that could hinder people's ability to judge the true risk in getting a shot. The findings also illustrate a broader trend in online misinformation: With social media platforms making more of an effort to take down patently false health claims, bad actors are turning to cherry-picked truths to drive misleading narratives.

Experts say these storylines are much harder for companies to moderate, though they can have the same net effect of creating a distorted and false view of the world. "It's a really insidious problem," said Deen Freelon, a communications professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "The social media companies have taken a hard line against disinformation; they have not taken a similarly hard line against fallacies." To date, the CDC's reporting system has not received evidence linking any deaths directly to vaccines. And yet, on almost half of all the days so far in 2021, a story about someone dying after receiving a vaccine shot has been among the most popular vaccine-related articles on social media, according to data from the media intelligence company NewsWhip.

By just about any metric, it's clear stories linking deaths to vaccines have spread in such a way that wildly overstates real numbers. Among the more than 85 million people in the U.S. who have now received at least one vaccination shot, less than .0018% of shot recipients have died sometime afterward. Even that small number includes people who were vaccinated while also suffering from other health conditions. Whether they have a vaccine or not, roughly 8,000 people die in the U.S. every day. And as more people get vaccinated, more vaccinated people will continue to die from unrelated causes, which the pharmaceutical company Pfizer alluded to in a statement earlier this year. "It is important to note that serious adverse events, including deaths that are unrelated to the vaccine, are unfortunately likely to occur at a similar rate as they would in the general population," the statement said. But UNC's Freelon said when it comes to conspiratorial thinking, stats and nuance often don't matter as much as tragic stories. "This is something that we see repeatedly with human cognition," Freelon said. "It's the emphasis on the breathless anecdote and then the discounting of statistics that are much more representative.

Anonymous said...


The difficulty in moderating these sorts of stories comes from their truthfulness. A woman did die four days after receiving the vaccine in Utah. But there wasn't any causal relationship, according to the state's medical examiner. Social media companies have made it clear that when it comes to sharing true-but-misleading information, they don't want to wade in.

But peddlers of misinformation, and even American adversaries, have discovered this gap in content moderation. Russian state media such as RT and Sputnik News shared more than 100 stories linking the Pfizer vaccine to subsequent deaths of recipients, according to a recent report by the Alliance for Securing Democracy. It's a phenomenon dubbed "lying through truth" by Bret Schafer, who wrote the report. "The platforms look at an individual tweet from RT saying 23 people died in a nursing home after taking the Pfizer vaccine, and they can't do anything about it because it is technically true, while being wildly misleading," Schafer said. "That seems to be the new strategy."


Craig said...

Social media companies have made it clear that when it comes to sharing true-but-misleading information, they don't want to wade in.

Yes, the anti-social media monopolies consult the Ministry of Truth, er, uh "fact checkers" to determine what the real truth is.

Anonymous said...


Oh, wait...

NPR Smears Daily Wire in Article Accusing Them of Misinformation

By Jackson Richman
Jul 20th, 2021

An NPR segment cast The Daily Wire as a peddler of “misinformation,” a smear that has particular sting just as the Biden administration and mainstream media push for the censorship of any content deemed verboten.

In a segment on All Things Considered on Monday, NPR took pains to highlight the success of The Daily Wire, specifically on Facebook. The fact that Joe Biden just called for Facebook to crack down on “misinformation” is telling: you can read this as a signal flare to make sure no one leaves The Daily Wire or its founder Ben Shapiro out of the ban mix.

The particular and peculiar way that NPR segment chose to define “misinformation” is so clumsy and odd it caused its own Twitter swarm. The piece attempts to argue that the proudly conservative site, with its outspoken, nationally recognized figurehead, doesn’t sufficiently identify itself as conservative. And even more bizarrely, that even in stories that report facts without bias, The Daily Wire is evincing bias, under the tortured logic that the site has chosen to write about certain facts.

An NPR analysis found that The Daily Wire has more engagement on Facebook than any other outlet and that other conservative publications, namely TheBlaze, Breitbart and The Western Journal, “that publish aggregated and opinion content aimed at invoking outrage have also generally been more successful at generating engagement than legacy news outlets over the past year.”

Many if not most outlets do the same with either a liberal or conservative angle. From CNN to Fox News to MSNBC to NPR, rantings and ratings are all the rage (pun intended), while publications from The New York Times to The New York Post to The Washington Post to HuffPost to The Daily Caller produce clickbait as well.

It’s particularly rich for NPR to accuse The Daily Wire of bias on the basis of its conservative story selection, as the mainstream media’s own liberal bias is exposed by the stories it chooses to cover and omit.

Recent examples of that bias have included relentlessly accusing former President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia during the 2016 election; initially dismissing the possibility that Covid-19 originated in a lab in China; dismissing the legitimate Hunter Biden laptop story as “Russian disinformation”; and being demonstrably biased in favor of the violent riots of 2020, which were laughably referred to as “fiery but mostly peaceful.”

Anonymous said...

So not only is the NPR segment an overt hit piece coinciding with a ban-everything panic, with its “misinformation” claim based upon on the thinnest of gruel, but it is also engaging in blatant double standards.

Even the NPR report exemplified this double standard by mentioning a column that Shapiro wrote in which he denounced what happened on January 6, but also criticized Democrats for turning a blind eye to the 2020 riots.

In NPR’s words, Shapiro criticized “their support of the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests last summer, which many conservatives have falsely sought to paint broadly as riots.”

For one, Shapiro did not mention “protests” in his column. He argued that “Democratic Party officials made light of riots spreading across the nation in the name of yet another lie — the lie that America is systemically racist, rooted in slavery and Jim Crow, and replete with bigoted police dedicated to endangering Black lives.” There is a difference between peaceful protests and riots. NPR, like its peers in the mainstream media, obfuscate between the two, in this case to cast Shapiro as extreme.

It’s hard not to sense a bit of envy in the mainstream media coverage of The Daily Wire’s success on Facebook. The NPR report is simply part of another smear campaign by the mainstream media to delegitimize right-wing outlets. And it misses the crucial point: news from an ideological perspective, which has been around for centuries, is still news, not misinformation.

(This is an opinion piece. The views expressed in this article are those of just the author.)

Anonymous said...

Vicious mob of 100 attacks firefighter walking his dog (because he asked them to stop setting off fireworks). "Police parked in view did nothing" -Sliwa.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo off the hook: DOJ says it will NOT investigate Covid-19 nursing home deaths in New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan

DOJ sent a letter Friday to several Republican Congress members saying it will not probe whether the state violated the civil rights of nursing home residents

Under Trump in August, the DOJ requested COVID-19 data in nursing homes from four Democrat states - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan

Cuomo had issued a directive on March 25 2020 ordering nursing homes to readmit COVID-positive patients because of a lack of space in hospitals

The move was slammed for costing many lives and was reversed that May

Cuomo's office has been accused of covering up the extent of nursing home deaths and hiding the data from the DOJ

Anonymous said...

Billionaire George Soros donates $1 million to racial justice organization seeking to defund the police

The Hungarian-born American philanthropist donated $1 million to the Color Of Change PAC on May 14, according Federal Election Commission records

The PAC refers to itself as the 'nation's largest online racial justice organization

The amount Soros donated was his most generous in 2021, and supported the organization's efforts to minimize police budgets

It is his latest donation among a cluster of financial contributions toward groups or candidates that advocate for defunding the police

In February, Soros donated $2 million to Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon's campaign

Craig said...

There may be hope for CA:

Larry Elder on leading new poll

Anonymous said...

CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic

The use of PCR tests for covid illness diagnosis is a global scientific fraud, since no PCR instrument can produce quantitative results that might indicate a specific viral load. Yet this CDC-approved testing protocol was relied on to fabricate the “casedemic” illusion which pretended that hundreds of millions of people around the world were infected with covid.

paul said...

I love how people like Soros and Gates refer to themselves as philanthropists.
Philanthropy used to mean giving to the poor. Now it means reshape the world in your own eugenic plan, no matter how many people have to die. It's all for the betterment of the elite planners and the visionary billionaires.
Under Agenda 21, the rest of us will "Have nothing and be happy."

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