Monday, February 15, 2021

Duane Elgin & Fetzer Institute vision for our future

Duane Elgin is a New Ager who has been on my personal radar since discovering the Movement and its direction in 1981. John Earl Fetzer was then the owner of the Detroit Tigers and a vast network of radio and television stations in mid-size cities such as Kalamazoo, Michigan where he was headquartered. Fetzer was a former Seventh Day Adventist who completely apostatized from any semblance of orthodox forms of Christianity. He was one of the New Agers of whom Marilyn Ferguson wrote in The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980). Duane Elgin was the author of Voluntary Simplicity and has been a continuous and contiguous force in the "Sustainable Development" and environmental movements, including but not limited to "overpopulation" concerns. John Earl Fetzer may have very well been a primary financier of the April 25,1982 newspaper ads run globally proclaiming "The Christ is Now Here."
At any rate, Fetzer was thoroughly on board for the "cleansing action" the 1980 through 1982 era when New Agers were prophesying doom for their Christian opposition. Files I have downloaded from the Fetzer websites conclusively prove that and I have them multiply backed up in many places in case they go back to their usual game of "now you see us, now you don't" is again played, There has been a close working relationship between the Fetzer Institute and Duane Elgin for a very long time. Also,interesting to my research and wonderings why Hitler's mysticism was so long concealed from all is the fact that John Earl Fetzer was in charge of media censorship during World War II. He was, per his writings, one of the first persons to enter Joseph Goebbels office after the allies took Berlin. Duane Elgin has made two of his books available for free download from his website. I took full advantage and downloaded Awakening Earth (1992) and Choosing Earth (2020). I suggest you read the following from his Awakening Earth (pages) very carefully and with prayerful reflection on what it means to our future should the Fetzer Institute and Elgin forces get their way:
Religious Fanaticism—Because so many of humankind’s wars have been fought between people with differing religious views and because the world is entering a time of growing compression and proximity among people, religious differences will present enormous challenges for humanity. Under conditions of great planetary stress, different historical religions could coalesce around charismatic spiritual leaders and come into conflict. The planet could then descend into religious wars, perhaps with a new era of crusades intended to liberate the world from unbelieving infidels. Religious fanaticism could lead to spiritual tyranny and undermine trust in a compassionate and broadly shared spiritual ethic that can bind humanity into a single family. Another possibility is that a significant fraction of the world may view extreme planetary distress as a sure indication of a coming apocalypse and feel relatively little concern for starvation, pollution, and resource depletion. If these are seen as the last days before a miraculous spiritual transformation, then people may assume that “God” will intervene and clean up the mess. Instead of mounting a vigorous and creative response to the challenge of sustainability, people may simply wait for the apocalyptic end, or abrupt transformation, of the world
Stay tuned! Constance


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Anonymous said...

We are called to answer to God. Not some self appointed narcissist, blog hog

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here's another lesson for the MAGA hate crowd that tries to disassociate themselves from their White Nationalist rhetoric and hatred toward Asian (and other personas of color) Americans by pointing out black attacks on Asians as a diversionary tactic. I think another reason you see these isolated attacks being pointed out more and more in alt-right media is they come with the added bonus of a free shot at disparaging black Americans as if it's all or mostly being perpetrated by those rotten black lives matter folks and MAGA has nothing to do with it.

MAGA wants a race war. The shame of Jan 6th should have silenced the white nationalists once and for all but such evil festers like cockroaches. I can envision an escalation within the movement hoping to achieve a take over much like Hitler provided the salve to German shame after WWI. Hopefully this time God-fearing Christians, won't stand by and take it.

At MAGA political theology: "The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace". Isaiah 59:8

love - X

Jennifer Ho, Professor of Asian American Studies, University of Colorado Boulder

"Although white people are the main perpetrators of Anti-Asian racism, amid the disturbing rise in attacks on Asian Americans since March 2020 is a troubling category of these assaults: Black people are also attacking Asian Americans.


"The point I’ve made through all of those experiences is that anti-Asian racism has the same source as anti-Black racism: white supremacy. So when a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled perhaps by racism, but very specifically by white supremacy. White supremacy does not require a white person to perpetuate it.

It’s not just white people

White supremacy is an ideology, a pattern of values and beliefs that are ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S. It is a belief that to be white is to be human and invested with inalienable universal rights and that to be not-white means you are less than human – a disposable object for others to abuse and misuse.

The dehumanization of Asian people by U.S. society is driven by white supremacy and not by any Black person who may or may not hate Asians.


Understanding the depth and reach of this ideology of racism can be challenging, but doing so brings each person, and the nation as a whole, closer to addressing systemic inequity. It’s not Black people whom Asian Americans need to fear. It’s white supremacy."

"White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US"

Anonymous said...

persons not personas - lol

Anonymous said...

I recently read stories of MAGA operatives in South Carolina and elsewhere overtaking and purging long-standing and faithful Republicans from any and all administration and political positions within the Republican Party apparatus. If you are not loyal and outspoken in your support/worship of MAGA, you will be cast aside. The domnionists are taking over. God save us.

"Epiphany calls us to light and truth. It reminds us that the promise of Isaiah is fulfilled in Christ: “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn” (60:3). Light is beautiful, and it is also revelatory. The word epiphany comes from the word reveal and gestures toward a realization of the truth. To have an epiphany is to grasp reality, to receive insight. In these gospel stories, followers of Jesus begin to slowly understand who he is. They glimpse the truth: The light of the world has come to all people and all ethnic groups.

The violence wrought by Trump supporters storming the Capitol is anti-epiphany. It is dark and based in untruth. The symbols of faith—Jesus’ name, cross, and message—have been co-opted to serve the cultish end of Trumpism."

Excerpt from: "We Worship with the Magi, Not MAGA"

Here's one of the stories about crazy Lin Wood blasting Republicans in South Carolina. They'll be coming for your lifelong republican officials too.


Anonymous said...

Flamethrower x neglects to see and deal with the true racists that very largely populate and manipulate his dear left progressive agenda of hate and division.
Can there be extremes on the right? Of course. I, and others do not deny that, have not denied that, but is in fact, so much smaller, and not nearly as organized and funded and backed by globalists as the flaming out of control left (Antifa and BLM etc etc to foster hate) that x supports and promotes at every turn and excuses and even praises.
What condemnation does x have for that well documented night after night news coverage of destruction and mayhem that this country has endured and literally the entire world has witnessed? And what guns and ammo were taken into the Capitol by that bunch in January? That was pitiful if it was going to be a true Insurrection (not inflamed by President Trump but by political malcontents from mainly left and also some far right wing types). Those riding the tide for their 15 minutes of fame (those very few among the multiplied 1000's in DC at the rally) that day were met with guns inside the capitol building though they had none. It was a very stupid stunt gone wrong much more than an actual serious insurrection. Who is paying the hush money to keep the truth quiet about how insecure that building was that day? Because they should have not been able to enter it like that. Bill Ayers and Weather Underground in 1971 pulled off much more of an insurrection than those on Jan 6th 2021.
But x needs this entire scenario to be hyper-inflamed so the division he wants to bring on the radical changes he voted to happen instead of actually healing in this country. That explains his vote for Biden Regime going after every one of the Constitutional freedoms they want dismantled in time for the globalist reset coming shortly.

The hypocrisy (as well as the severe lack of grace) in poor, bitter, x, is truly astounding.

x must draw a paycheck from his high dollar progressive extremist friends he found in low places. That nasty underbelly reeks from his posts.

Anonymous said...

MAGA and Trumpism is the new New Age movement.

"Why some New Age influencers believe Trump is a "lightworker": The New Age philosophy-Trump connection has concerning parallels to the role mysticism played in Nazi Germany"


"Lorie Ladd gazes into the camera with glossy eyes, a look that mimics the long stare one gets after meditating. She's about to give one of her sermons, one of the "most challenging" ones she's ever had to make, she explains. Ladd says she's received a message that needs to be shared from "higher dimensional consciousnesses," what she refers to as the "Galactic Federation of Light." But before revealing the message, Ladd, a self-described "ascension teacher," advises her viewers to shed the stereotypes that have been "programmed" into them — "polarities," she calls them, like "Democrat" and "Republican" — and listen to her message: Donald Trump is a "massive and powerful lightworker."

This rhetoric might sound cultish, but these phrases don't belong to any one specific religious sect. Indeed, such belief systems are part of a larger, more diffuse New Age culture embraced by the ever-increasing number of Americans leaving organized religion in droves — or who were never religious in the first place — and turning to conspirituality by way of many self-described spiritual and wellness influencers online.

Conspirituality, the term that defines this movement, was coined by researcher Charlotte Ward. She describes conspirituality as "a rapidly growing web movement expressing an ideology fueled by political disillusionment and the popularity of alternative worldviews." There is no official indoctrination video, no book to read; the hundreds of thousands of people who embrace these New Age-like beliefs find them on YouTube vlogs like Ladd's, as well as Instagram and Facebook. Recently, conspiritualists have begun to overlap with the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon.

This notion that Trump is a lightworker shares obvious parallels with the belief, held by some evangelicals, that Trump is comparable to Jesus; similarly, some QAnon followers believe that Trump is the "world leader" whose mission is to "save the children."


Anonymous said...

BRUTAL: Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten in Flint, Michigan, Over Delayed Stimulus Checks (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

That crazy Trump wanting to save children!

Biden wants to sniff them, and snuff them!

Biden is X's moral superior to Trump!

Biden, and X, both critically brain diseased!

Anonymous said...

Boston hospital set to offer 'preferential care based on race'


Anonymous said...


The Progressive Liberal Left is not New Age?

Are you stone cold crazy?

The social justice crowd inside and outside of "christendom", secular and religious alike, use the Bible all wrong and a fake "jesus" for their idea of justice because their New Age worldview depends of falsifying everything, especially the Gospel to attempt to legitimize itself. That is what you do. And how I know you are a persecutor of the Lord's Church because that agenda won't stop because intending to kill off true Christianity. What you do with words they are doing with actions, actions you approve (and maybe you help fund them). I ought to know...I have a son caught up in the same progressive and liberal views as you and expresses the same idea of "justice" and "jesus". He does not hold on to the Gospel he was taught as a child. Your new and improved version of progressive Christianity is bogus.

The Trump supporters I know (like myself) believe in the Bible Gospel and the only Savior is Jesus...the real One. Their worldview is not what you want desperately to believe. Trump, is and was, only what all governmental figures are, the rare halfway good ones, and putrid bad ones like your hero Biden...they mere tools in the Almighty's hand.
You sure need us to be what you determine we alllll are so you can justify your unbiblical New Age leanings.
Often people are smaller than what they hide behind.
Your "limitations" are really showing.
And as pointed out already you're really lacking (quite small) in Truth and Grace like Christ Jesus though you claim you believe.

Craig said...

Sesame Street Introduces 'Todd', A White Male Muppet Who Is Blamed For Everything

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative Christian who firmly opposes abortions. I am pro-life. There are 7 Roman Catholic baptized justices on USSC so I lack the belief they care at all. I believe God is the only one that is going to change/outlaw abortion. I do not support incremental opposition and compromised positions while the killing continues. If Trump really cared about aborted babies, as Commander in Chief he could have stationed troops at the doors and abortion mills and let the chips fall where they may thereafter. He didn't, so he's no better than any other abortion facilitating politician.

I am also pro-respect, pro-dignity, and pro-equality while also affirming complementarianism orthodoxy. I strongly disagree with the practice of abortions, in the same way in which I disagree with dehumanizing children by separating them from their parents and placing them indefinitely and purposefully in inadequate detention facilities in a misguided effort to discourage other desperate refugees. I disagree with the sexual objectification and exploitation of women. I disagree with the condescension of minorities. I disagree with state abuse of peaceful demonstrators.

I believe we are all called to be peacemakers, and “not fake Christians” incensed to seemingly violent defense of cultural norms that lack biblical foundations. God doesn't lose culture wars and His gospel can thrive under any condition.

I acknowledge "Critical Race Theory" as a form of godless Marxism and an unworthy substitute for the gospel of Jesus Christ and oppose it no matter which extreme political group claiming victimhood is attempting to assert it. However, speaking out against hate, dominion theory, Rome, the prosperity gospel and discussing some aspects of social justice/race relations is in no way embracing Critical Race Theory and intersectionality nor is it an indication I have jettisoned a firm belief in the inerrancy and sufficiency of scripture.

I'm mostly a Calvinist. I am more aligned with R. Albert Mohler, who referred to Trump as “the great evangelical embarrassment” and stated “continued public arguments that offer cover for Donald Trump are now not only implausible but excruciating" than either the more liberal Russell Moore or, conservative Tom Ascol. Mix in some John Piper and Paul Washer who both claim to be "cautious cessationists" to some degree or another and you'll find my belief that we can seek and pray for the gifts in the hope they may still be in service to us while knowing the Charismatics, Pentecostals and especially NAR ministries are all false ministries/gospels. There are no legitimate "signs and wonders" nor "healing" ministries. I lean towards Craig's views in that long battle here but the opinion of his views herein doesn't seem to align with all I've read on Craig's blog.

Finally, I don't hate anyone. The Holy Spirit of God leads me to scripture which teaches me to be righteous, just, and truthful, which for me, it means I am not, and could never be, a MAGA Republican.


Craig said...


You wrote: Mix in some John Piper and Paul Washer who both claim to be "cautious cessationists" to some degree or another and you'll find my belief that we can seek and pray for the gifts in the hope they may still be in service to us while knowing the Charismatics, Pentecostals and especially NAR ministries are all false ministries/gospels. There are no legitimate "signs and wonders" nor "healing" ministries. I lean towards Craig's views in that long battle here but the opinion of his views herein doesn't seem to align with all I've read on Craig's blog.

Please explain your final conclusion.

To be clear, I see no disunity between my Biblical stance as a 'cautious continuationist' and my writings against charismatic excesses in the NAR, etc.

Anonymous said...

Craig --- that link was great. Love Babylon Bee. Satire is such a great way to address difficult issues.

Anonymous said...

Craig -- I lean TOWARDS your views...meaning I agree with you for the most part without completely affirming all that I don't seem to know. It's just not a matter of "1st importance" to me.

I was a little surprised by the level of animosity towards your views herein as well as the seeming unfamiliarity with your position. A lot of sideline animosity.

I see no "disunity" either. Was I clear enough?

Anonymous said...

Righteous, Just, and Truthful.

X, I guess, is finding these qualities in the Democratic party?


Anonymous said...

The corrupt, and perverted democrats, and their demented puppet Creepy Joe are expediting the Antichrist Beast System. But hey, X is ok with that. Or he's just nuts!?

Craig said...

X (10:58 PM),

I think I see what you mean. If I now understand you, you mean OTHERs' opinions (misunderstandings/mischaracterizations) here of my 'cautious continuationist' view I presented here is straw-manned into my presumed belief in all or most of the 'hyper-charismaticism' out there, i.e., the obviously false charismatic praxis?

You wrote: I was a little surprised by the level of animosity towards your views herein as well as the seeming unfamiliarity with your position. A lot of sideline animosity.

So was I. On both counts.

I think we should ALL endeavor to look to what Scripture states about a given position, as opposed to reading our own presuppositions/prejudices INTO Scripture (eisegesis instead of exegesis).

And, to reiterate: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Do you hear me Speaking of which, I find it odd that the "recommended resource" the site provides after their cessationism article is one edited by Wayne Grudem, who himself is a continuationist.

Anonymous said...

X had said "Vote for Biden/Harris!"

And today SAYS "I am a conservative Christian who firmly opposes abortions. I am pro-life." ​
However CHRIST says "By their FRUITS you will know them!"

Anonymous said...

X had said "Vote for Biden/Harris!"

And today SAYS "I am a conservative Christian who firmly opposes abortions. I am pro-life." ​

However CHRIST says "By their FRUITS you will know them!"

Matthew 7:16-20

King James Version

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Anonymous said...


God Condemns Idolatry

3 "But come here, You sons of the sorceress, You offspring of the adulterer and the harlot! 4 Whom do you ridicule? Against whom do you make a wide mouth And stick out the tongue? Are you not children of transgression, Offspring of falsehood, 5 Inflaming yourselves with gods under every green tree, Slaying the children in the valleys, Under the clefts of the rocks? 6 Among the smooth stones of the stream Is your portion; They, they, are your lot! Even to them you have poured a drink offering, You have offered a grain offering. Should I receive comfort in these? 7 "On a lofty and high mountain You have set your bed; Even there you went up To offer sacrifice. 8 Also behind the doors and their posts You have set up your remembrance; For you have uncovered yourself to those other than Me, And have gone up to them; You have enlarged your bed And made a covenant with them; You have loved their bed, Where you saw their nudity. 9 You went to the king with ointment, And increased your perfumes; You sent your messengers far off, And even descended to Sheol. 10 You are wearied in the length of your way; Yet you did not say, 'There is no hope.' You have found the life of your hand; Therefore you were not grieved.

11 "And of whom have you been afraid, or feared, That you have lied And not remembered Me, Nor taken it to your heart? Is it not because I have held My peace from of old That you do not fear Me? 12 I will declare your righteousness And your works, For they will not profit you.

13 When you cry out, Let your collection of idols deliver you. But the wind will carry them all away, A breath will take them. But he who puts his trust in Me shall possess the land, And shall inherit My holy mountain." Isaiah 57:3-13 NKJV

Anonymous said...

Craig: "I think we should ALL endeavor to look to what Scripture states about a given position, as opposed to reading our own presuppositions/prejudices INTO Scripture (eisegesis instead of exegesis)."

Well...there are huge stacks of books on both sides of the cessation debate that render resolution of such pointless. Besides, there's no consensus-seeking here whatsoever.

IMO, there is so much more error on the continuation side I don't see much profit defending it in any manner.

For example, Michael Brown drives me nuts pretending to correct a charismatic "teacher" one day and the next day he's in a video dancing in prayer tunnels.

btw...there's a marriage conference that featured Wayne and Margaret Grudem prominently --- Family Life's "The Art of Marriage". He left a prestigious position to move to Arizona due to his wife's health and I've never heard the end of it from my wife who wants to go back to her home state).


Anonymous said...

The devil is adept at distorting Scripture and using it for his own purposes...

The Devil is a Master Scripture Twister

Anonymous said...

Diseased brain, pontificating, master debater X said:

"IMO, there is so much more error on the continuation side I don't see much profit defending it in any manner."

If X possessed normal reasoning skills and cared about things that were quadrillion times more important than continuationism, he could state instead.

"IMO, there is so much more error on the Democrats side I don't see much profit defending it in any manner."


Anonymous said...


If all you align yourself with is true, then why have you found no common ground & come alongside for me (and many others here also), who has called it out (often) that I do not, repeat, do not, espouse a view that places our former president Trump (God did allow him to serve as our President) in some "Messiah" capacity, but you insist, repeatedly insist that I do? Likely are people who do think of Trump in that way, that is on them, & God can correct their error, can He not? Because I voted for him being enough aligned with righteous beliefs of our Judeo-Christian ethics as Christ followers, & Constitutional, stood in need of defending & restoration to push for (with much opposition from almost exclusively left & sadly some right wing) so his tenure as President was fraught with massive opposition, underhanded ploys, to undo his duly elected administration..for such a time as this, mind you.

His time as president was a trial period to see into the heart of this country, to either stand with righteous causes, to seek to turn direction back toward our founding principles, right governing as God gave the Institution of our American Sovereignty under the banner as a Republic, not a Democracy, but far..better a Republic ruled under ethics that God's Word delineated for us, & when operated by God-fearing (never perfect) men, it was coming alongside the Lord to represent that His Word & Name had place among the nations in how it behaved among the cultures that make up the world.

The left has completely, totally abandoned that precept, yet you aligned yourself with it, totally. Making much excuse for this godless lack, a complete dearth of of morals & ethics from God's decreed & established teaching of how men should be governed, where God has made way previously, excused it time and time again while it is very far from what God first established as our history. All because you hate, literally hate, the man, Donald Trump. And apparently, me as well, who just quite simply voted him as my choice. No largess or grace in your thinking, for such as myself, as you took not one word of my openly expressed reasonings into account as a believer, called it idolatry instead, rather than my answerable conscience before God..not yourself. You are not God's Spirit & you do not know my heart before my Maker & yours. So I question: why did you vote at all then, since you are so against what Biden clearly represents and enables??? A non vote for Trump is a stand I can understand & acknowledge for conscience sake, matter of principle & let God choose the outcome that way. You have been very untoward with other believers. Nothing to identify you as one who has love for the brethren, that God has said from His word that we should have so how could I possibly call you a brother in turn? You twist God's Word with a very horizontal approach by your social endgame and game playing, not in the veracity of the vertical aim of the Bible (that affords God's horizontal grace). You seem Kingdom Now to me (through a progressive stance) though you decry it. Like the mixed wine of Moab, the dregs not poured out (Jeremiah 48).... a New Age mixed bag.

Anonymous said...

continued from 12:17 PM...

We, as a nation, like a parallel to Israel of the Scriptures, in a spiritual sense only, because the God of the Scriptures was Who we took our the premise of our beliefs from...was..I am sad to say. So you throw everything under the bus because Trump was totally disqualified in your mind (along with my Christian beliefs) because somehow unusable by God in your estimation? Yet Biden fits the bill for one to be respected and followed in his godless policies? He got into office by very clouded, suspicious means, & yes God has allowed it to be, because America has shown her true colors as a nation, just like I read just this morning of God telling Samuel that the nation of Israel had rejected Him as their king, seeking a man after their own heart to be king over them instead of the Lord and they got a "Saul" as their choice. There is no "King David" in the heart of "religious" Biden as you have tried to make us believe in posts you wrote. Exactly what you accuse others of doing with our former President Trump! You pushed & pushed to uphold him, before election & since, to be worthy as the duly elected president of the "Untied States" (I wrote that on purpose). Every thing has it's time & season, this season is one of godlessness & your man, your spoken & upheld choice, Biden oversees a horrific time for the entire world, seeing to it, the very death of this nation, among the many other nations of these times. And God has decreed this so.
I am not against God's will for this, do make note of that (again I say it), I am only opposing standing with the ones who bring even & much further offense, who make sure that godlessness rules the day..rules the globe...because that is the directed aim of globalist socialist godless Obama/Biden..exactly what you voted for, aligned yourself with. So how can you be anything but a "brother in name only"??? Perhaps a right head (going by what you posted above), but a very wrong heart, I say that as a believer in my Lord Jesus, because His word assures we know by fruit, not mere words, where a heart stands. And why I consider you a bitter person.
Where's the Love, x?
That makes you one who does not, willfully will not, stand in Christian brotherhood, by your line drawn in the sand.
I am sorry for you, but that is hypocritical beyond words & beliefs, and un-Christlike in action and practice.

Anonymous said...

12:18 - I apologize if I do not discuss all your points. You're right in that there's not a lot of love either way in our discussion. You may or may not be a Christian in real life. Your view that everyone that voted for Biden (including just about every black person in the US) can't be a Christian seems extreme. Even though I don't see how a Christian can support a reprobate like Trump I do not, likewise, make any blanket claims about every Trump voter.

You wrote: "His time as president was a trial period to see into the heart of this country, to either stand with righteous causes, to seek to turn direction back toward our founding principles, right governing as God gave the Institution of our American Sovereignty under the banner as a Republic, not a Democracy, but far..better a Republic ruled under ethics that God's Word delineated for us, & when operated by God-fearing (never perfect) men, it was coming alongside the Lord to represent that His Word & Name had place among the nations in how it behaved among the cultures that make up the world."

Chapter and Verse - Sure sounds like Rushdoony Christian Reconstructionist political theology?

Do you attest to the sufficiency of scripture because neither the US Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence is scripture nor "God-breathed"?

Unlike Rushdoony, who exhorted Christians to take over the world for Christ through political means, I do have some affinity for Francis Schaeffer, who called for a return to true Christian spirituality through social activism. At no time did Schaeffer advocate a Christian theocracy. In fact, Schaeffer's book A Christian Manifesto embraced the idea of "freedom for all and especially freedom for all religion as the original purpose of the First Amendment."

Although Schaeffer's writings were later misused by heretics like Robertson and Falwell, he had rightly pointed out that even though the separation of church and state in America is often used to silence the Christian church, he disagreed with Rushdoony's dominionist ideas. Schaeffer wrote:"[A]s we stand for religious freedom today, we need to realize that this must include a general religious freedom from the control of the state for all religion. It will not mean just freedom for those who are Christians. It is then up to Christians to show that Christianity is the Truth of total reality in the open marketplace of freedom."

Thus, it was my prayerful determination that a Biden presidency would be less UN-Godly than another disastrous "post-millennial", pretending to be biblical while entirely misrepresenting Jesus Christ "in the open marketplace of freedom" Trump presidential term.

Finally, you mention the non-vote alternative. If there had been a wave of Jesus Christ believing Christians pledging, seriously, to non-vote in the 2020 election I may have joined them and "let God choose the outcome". Unfortunately, for those who seek political power and dominionism OVER the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only lesson they seem to understand is political defeat. Perhaps had YOU withheld your vote for Trump, you may yourself have had a more viable argument against me.

“All voting is a sort of gaming, like checkers or backgammon, with a slight moral tinge to it, a playing with right and wrong, with moral questions; and betting naturally accompanies it. The character of the voters is not staked. I cast my vote, perchance, as I think right; but I am not vitally concerned that that right should prevail. I am willing to leave it to the majority. Its obli­gation, therefore, never exceeds that of expediency. Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail. A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority.” - ― Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Anonymous said...

12:17 + 12:18 PM,

Are you a Rushdoony Christian Reconstructionist?

I'm sorry you have wasted your time with someone so conflicted! It's really not worth the effort. The man is twisted, and only the Good Lord can help him at this time. He may just leave him as he is?

X should fear that he will be one of the foolish virgins. He is obviously foolish! If you think Biden is the best choice to see the end of abortion, then your blind, and ignorant. He already took the vaccine, that really isn't a vaccine. With his sick mind, he may take the Mark of the Breast, and reason away any possible consequence.

X, why do you bother posting here? Please tell us why?

Anonymous said...

"Your view that everyone that voted for Biden (including just about every black person in the US) can't be a Christian seems extreme"

What? Never ever said that. Never implied it either. Some Black folks did vote for Trump, many did. Why does that bother you?

"I do not, likewise, make any blanket claims about every Trump voter."
You have repeatedly treated my posts in just that fashion. (not just mine)

"Sure sounds like Rushdoony Christian Reconstructionist political theology?"
Went right over your head...I was bringing up the very points of how this is above..ABOVE..way above politics!!!
Good grief man, how did you miss that??? Must be an entire forest in your eyes to miss that.

Only the Bible is God-breathed and our ethics and laws as a nation were modeled from it. I was clear but you desperately need me to be of an "ism" of your deciding. Wrong again, x.

Batting zero, you are.

I have had no problem with Frances Schaffer, not real read up that much on him, but his son another matter..

Robertson is off the wall, Falwell was too political, I did not agree with his method. Awareness is good so started out with good things but went too far, set a wrong premise, but not all Christian voters differing from you go by that premise as you surmise.

Maybe your prayers?..don't know how you pray, but where in heck was your discernment with O'Biden??? Wow talk about off the mark!

No, I prayed and went with my conscience that I believe God moved because I almost did not vote in 2016 but read my Bible to seek the answer and felt that conviction in my heart. God directed those things for me. Trump got my vote after all. I was glad later.

God only lends some power to men on the earth, all kinds of men, but always they go the way of men because finite, because all power is still the Lord's. I live my life in the light of that kept not hearing that reiterated, too.

Your social justice premise is anti-Gospel. A flatline because man-pleasing horizontal only way to speak the Bible is wrong at the gate. Only men, when swayed, moved outside of themselves (people of all races, creeds and cultures) by God, can get social issues/questions/matters right according to the Lord's way, and all fall short somewhere, some fall way worse than short. We all have filters in our thinking understanding that God needs to break through. You included. This temporal life isn't heaven. Quit trying to make it that way. You are the one guilty of that.

So you see, point for point you missed much...over several posts and still your broad brush came out to judge unrighteous judgment.
But that is your choice to do. So be it.
I think you are way less than gracious, I believe you are not truly letting the truth touch you in many places because you have a real spiritual blockage somewhere. A prejudice that limits you, severely.
Lacking in love for the brethren is still reeking from your post.
You read nothing I wrote to look for commonality though spoken plainly so something is wrong with your spiritual hearing/understanding.
I know this much..bitter people are divisive and why you appear very much a "christian in name only".
Identity politics is anti-Jesus poison (Marxists swear by it) and you have drunk deep from that cup. You may deny it but you post it. Jesus Christ died for all men, it is level at the foot of the cross. Maybe you forgot that...or..maybe you never knew.
Sorry, that post was lame as an apology. Too much pontifical clang,clang,clang in your guessing type questions and statements.....

Anonymous said...

7:35 PM,
Actually, I'm done. I defended my position because he loves to splinter my/our words and keep things off track so he can pretend he's got someone on the ropes, quoting this that the other thing and still gets the context and text all wrong. His yea isn't yea, and his nay isn't nay, as the Bible calls upon us to present ourselves so a forked tongue is his manner of speech.
And still can't see daylight.

A blind Pharisee he remains.....

Craig said...

X @ 2:09 AM,

To clarify, I’m not asking you to join in this ‘debate’ on cessationism vs. continuationism; my blanket suggestion above was meant individually, such that each search out his/her own answer to satisfaction, in private. And, as I noted more than once above, the key is the identification of the ‘perfect/complete’ in 13:10, which, when it comes will allow one to see ‘face to face’ and will make one ‘know fully as one is fully known’ (13:12). (Can the completion of the Apostolic age or the Biblical canon do that?). The cessationist must also account for the two witnesses in Revelation 11.

You wrote: IMO, there is so much more error on the continuation side I don't see much profit defending it in any manner. I can understand that position to an extent. There is SO much error/falsehood in the ‘Christendom’ expressed in what I call hyper-charismaticism. However, if one concludes continuationism is the Biblical position, then one should judge any charismata against the Biblical standard. On the other hand, if one determines that cessationism is the true Biblical stance—and, if so, I’d appreciate a challenge to the stance for continuationism I made above (perfect/complete is Christ’s return and/or the next age)—then one can just immediately discount ANY instance of charismaticism.

I’m absolutely with you regarding Dr. Michael Brown! I’ve criticized him here (alongside MacArthur for different reasons):

Thoughts on Craig Keener’s Review of MacArthur’s ‘Strange Fire’

Keener provides a synopsis of his critique of MacArthur near the beginning of his review:

While offering some very needed points, John MacArthur’s ‘Strange Fire’ unfortunately extrapolates from those points to an entire “movement.” As I note below, I also believe that MacArthur suppresses some biblical truth on the basis of a postbiblical doctrine, the very offense with which he charges others.

Anonymous said...

7:52 -

I don't care who black people choose to vote for.

I also understand that "equality" is a difficult goalpost in that the closer you get to it the more objectionable and offensive any perceived "un-equal" behavior becomes as well as that that I possess/harbor bias and prejudices myself as a fallen man. That doesn't mean we can't try harder and keep trying.

You said: "Went right over your head...I was bringing up the very points of how this is above..ABOVE..way above politics!!!"

I've tried to understand how you appear to be saying your politics are not theology yet, also then theological. Maybe it's that you are trying to say your faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible supersede or transcend politics? That it's not a political theology but just a theology....period? Which doesn't make sense to me when you turn around and judge my politics based on your non-political theology.

I don't really know anything about your theology or which posts are yours on this forum going back how many years. But IF I'm more right this time -- isn't this the same as applying your theology politically making it a political ideology? Isn't making one party/candidate "good" and the other "evil" a "religious political ideology"? You think I'm twisting words but I perceive you as doing the same. To me - neither the republican party nor the democratic party are a church. Neither are "good" - (only He is good). They are both wordly and, lately, way too much of my/our focus.

I believe you may be the "blind Pharisee" (to the extent I can identify and understand your posts) whereas you see me as one. We're both fallen either way.

When I say "I don't see how a Christian can support Trump", it presupposes there ARE Christians that did. It certainly isn't a litmus test by itself. I do know some Trump supporters in real life and besides the silly lingering covid denial and occasionally vaccine defiance, they're fine people mostly. I don't have any Qanon friends -- thankfully.

I am sorry we didn't seem to be able to communicate and understand each other better. The written word makes it hard sometimes. I'm a pretty easy-going guy in real life. Godspeed to you.

Anonymous said...

vaccine defiance? WTH? The grave sin of vaccine defiance!

Oh I repent for my sinful vaccine defiance!

Still working for the devil is little god x

But he's an easy going guy!

Anonymous said...

Whatever you say, x.
You have purposely and repeatedly lumped me with all kinds of "isms" but none apply.
I don't appreciate that. Our discourse is edgy because I run counter to the things you try hard to pin on me.

My worldview is a Biblical one, Jesus Christ is Lord. God raises up kings and removes them too, at His discretion. Biden, doing the devil's work, is now in that spot (with your blessing) because God is giving America (the world actually) what it asked for (instead of Him).
And God is not mocked. He rules above it, all and every bit.

I don't hate you, I disagree (much) with you. I find your posts convoluted and why is easy to arrive at these perceptions of you as deeply hypocritical and quite prejudiced. I speak plainly, you mince words and ideas until they are goo. Is this a purposeful game or just conflict in your own mind..the way you roll? That I can't know, won't bother, so that puzzle is for yourself.

Can two walk together except they be agreed?, the Bible asks.
You made this complicated when it is not.
I said my piece. You can figure out why you leave such messes you pretend are discussions, in your wake.

Anonymous said...

As I run counter to the things you try hard to pin on me.

My worldview is a Biblical one, Jesus Christ is Lord. God raises up leaders and removes them too, at His decretion. Trump was doing the devil's work. Trump was in that spot (with your blessing) because maybe God was giving America what it asked for (instead of Him) and God is not mocked. Now, God raises up Biden, we'll see what God has in store for us through him. It may not be great, but it's already looking a lot better than where we were heading. He rules above it, all and every bit.


p.s. - Craig, I've read that all previously. Speaking of John Piper, did you happen to see that Desiring God's, Paul Maxwell is "deconstructing" or whatever they call it. He's claiming he's no longer a Christian which is usually code for, I'm leaving my wife and/or I'm gay. He just finished his Ph.D. in Theology in 2018 too. Hopefully, he's just backsliding and he makes it back in time. Keep him and Molly in your prayers.

RayB said...


J said...

I've been following the continuing threads of regarding continuationism vs cessationism. It's helped me to attain greater clarity. I appreciate the discussion points that have been made by all parties.

As I have studied this subject further, I have come to understand that empowering His people to perform miracles has been a way that God has authenticated new revelations for His people. This is why Jesus and the Apostles could perform miracles, to authenticate Jesus and to authenticate the ministry and New Testament scriptures of the Apostles. This is why Moses could perform miracles, to authenticate God's new revelations through Moses.

J said...

I've been reflecting about Trump and the relationship of Christians to Trump, and I have come to agree with John Piper about it; insofar as Piper warned that no matter which way we vote we shouldn't be drawn into justifying Trump's sins. Voting is one thing. Justifying Trump's obvious sins hurts our witness for the authenticity of our religion.

It might not do anything to those whose hearts were already hardened, but what about the young? The young are abandoning Christianity. Is that only because God decided that each successive generation in America would have fewer elect being called by Him? I don't believe in the fatalism that claims a falling away from Christianity was pre-ordained for our time. My father told me he hates Millennials because they have an Antichrist spirit. I don't think that is a Biblical attitude for elders to have toward the young.

If the young are lost, America is lost; no matter who is President, now or in the future.

J said...

P.S. It should go without saying that justifying the sins of Biden is just as wrong.

Why doesn't it hurt Christian witness of liberal Christians? Could it be everybody implicitly understands they are not really Christians?

This seems like a rhetorical question, but I mean it as a logical question.

Could it be we all know what the game is? Do our reactions betray that?

Being held to a higher standard in good faith is the price to pay for actually having a higher standard in good faith. I say that knowing that many people will call my thinking sanctimonious and knowing that many people will do what it takes to win, believing that the end justifies the means.

Anonymous said...

No one here has, or is justifying Trump's obvious sins. We have all stated that. It seems you just love to stir the pot J. Trump is yesterday. Now we have perhaps the worse president in our history, helping along the most vile perverted, and corrupt liars, and decievers to cement a satanic global government, which will bring about the greatest human misery in history. But no big deal, it's more fun to pin every imaginable evil on the orange man!

Anonymous said...

I'm more inclined to side with your father J. This is the great apostasy. How can our children fear God when they see how phony, and worldly their parents are? We pay no price for our faith here in the west. We are living our best life now, and we assume a rapture will keep us from tribulation, and it's all bliss. We are pissed that we are losing our liberty, and being censored from speaking. We have compromised truth for so long that the enemies of righteousness are doing as they will to do. This is end time prophecy being fulfilled right now. We will pay a heavy price for maintaining or testimony until the Day of the Lord. Put we have the assurance that our persecutors will suffer much worse.

Parents have a very superficial relationship with their children. We are all too busy with our worldly lives to have serious heart to heart conversations with out kids. My ex wife coddled her handsome intelligent worldly son. He was intent on making lots of money, which he did, and having the most beautiful women he could get his hands on, which he did! She never spoke to him heart to heart, never! Never warned him. He's dead now from living hard and fast! He was raised in the church, and his mother put him on a pedestal, from which he fell.

Are there any parents warning their children that we may now be living in, or on the edge of the tribulation? And that to take the Mark of the Beast is spiritually fatal? I thinks it less that one percent.

J said...

Our American founders did not believe in futurism (Dispensationalism). It is why they were bold and optimistic. It is why their faith gave them courage. I beg of you to study Revelation in a way that allows scripture to interpret scripture, understanding New Testament prophetic language by first understanding Old Testament prophetic language.

A planned deception fulfills NOT God's prophecy. It attempts to force false fulfillment of false prophecy.

Craig said...


As a partial preterist, who were the two witnesses of Revelation 11?

J said...

Craig 11:03 AM,

I can't answer it, but I believe it's appropriate to decide on the basis of the most clear and plain scripture first and not clear things hang in the balance depending on difficult things. Clear things -- as you have noticed -- include the time stamps.

I also think it is appropriate for scripture to interpret scripture. To a shocking extent this basic of exegesis has been neglected with the book of Revelation.

Anonymous said...

Here's an Historicist perspective of who the two witnesses are.

The Meaning of the "Two Witnesses"
by J. L. Haynes, 1999

Many Christian teachers argue that the Two Witnesses are the Church and the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, or two individual prophets. The evidence of Scripture is against this kind of interpretation. Consider the following:
a. the vision is "signified" to John (Rev 1:1), or "communicated", from the Greek word "semaino" meaning a sign. The language of the Revelation is one of signs, or symbols, that represent actual realities. This can be thought of like the ancient writing found on the walls of caves, etc., or like Egyptian hieroglyphics.
b. in the same chapter (1) Jesus explains the symbols of "lampstands" and "stars" as representing "churches" and "angels" respectively (at least these can be understood to be churches in some sense of the word, and angels in some sense of the word, e.g., "bodies of believers" and "spiritual beings").
c. Rev. 11:4 explains the signs by pointing back to Zechariah's vision of the lampstands and olive trees, but the explanation given to John that the two witnesses are "two lampstands" would indicate that Jesus' application of the sign still holds true: the two witnesses/ two lampstands are two "churches" or,
d. the symbol of "two witnesses" signifies a minimum number of "witnesses" (or in this case the smallest remnant of true believers) in order to have legal and valid testimony. This is a common and clear teaching in the Scripture, and one which would be naturally understood by Jewish Christians familiar with the Old Testament:

Numbers 35:30 ‘If anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death at the {1} evidence of witnesses, but no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness.
Deuteronomy 17:6 "On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness.
Deuteronomy 19:15 "A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed.

Matthew 18:16 "But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that BY THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES EVERY FACT MAY BE CONFIRMED.

2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. EVERY FACT IS TO BE CONFIRMED BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES.

1 Timothy 5:19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.

Hebrews 10:28 Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Revelation 11:3 "And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."

Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. When I saw her, I wondered greatly.

The Biblical evidence strongly suggests that the Two Witnesses simply refer to a protesting, true Church of faithful believers, nearing extinction and scattered throughout the Roman world. It is a symbol that represents a minimal number of believers, or a small remnant of the faithful saints, the Bride of Christ, the remnant Church.

Anonymous said...

Russia is testing a nuclear torpedo in the Arctic that has the power to trigger radioactive tsunamis off the US coast.

Russia is planning to deploy a nuclear-powered missile to the Arctic next summer that's designed to detonate off the coastlines of enemy countries, CNN reported.

Satellite images provided this week to CNN by Maxar, a satellite company, indicated that Russia is testing weapons in the region and building significant military infrastructure in the Arctic — which is increasingly free of ice because of climate change.

CNN reported that Russia would deploy the Poseidon 2M39 missile to its Arctic region next summer. The missile has been referred to in reports as a "doomsday" device because of its devastating power.

The device — images of which first surfaced on Russian state television in 2015 — is an underwater nuclear torpedo designed to hit the ocean floor, kicking up a radioactive tsunami that could spread deadly radiation over thousands of miles of land, rendering it uninhabitable.

Russian President Vladimir Putin requested an update on a "key stage" of the tests in February from his defense minister, and more tests are expected later this year, the Times of London reported.

Russia and NATO countries with a presence in the Arctic region have been increasing their activity there in recent years as rising sea temperatures make it more accessible, Insider's Christopher Woody reported.

Russia has the world's longest Arctic coastline and derives about a quarter of its GDP from the region, and the Northern Sea Route is a valuable shipping corridor for Moscow.

The Pentagon on Monday said it was watching reports of Russian military activities and infrastructure build-ups in the Arctic "very closely."

"Without getting into specific intelligence assessments, obviously we're monitoring it very closely," said Pentagon press secretary John F. Kirby at a briefing Monday.

"Obviously we're watching this, and, as I said before, we have national-security interests there that we know ... we need to protect and defend," Kirby said.

"And as I said, nobody's interested in seeing the Arctic become militarized."

J said...

Russia's 100-Megaton Doomsday Torpedo: Trump's Worst Military Nightmare?

Russia is not playing to win, just not to lose.

How useful such a weapon would be is debatable. Poseidon is too slow, compared to ICBMs and bombers, to be useful in a first strike or an immediate retaliatory strike. Moving at high speeds may make it so noisy that anti-submarine can detect it, and its autonomous nature brings up all the questions about armed robots (especially ones carrying mega-bombs).

Nonetheless, as a psychological weapon, it's brilliant. There is something frightening, like a Hollywood monster movie, about the thought of a robot tsunami-bomb creeping along the sea floor.

Anonymous said...


Don't kid yourself.

Poseidon is untraceable when launched.

By the time the Pentagon realized there was trouble, the missiles would have detonated and the radioactive tsunami would be hitting America's shores.

Anonymous said...

@ 3PM, with 100 megatons worth of nukes do you really need to make tsunamis?

They could erase a state if they hit close to the shore.

Anonymous said...

The first serial produced super-heavy thermonuclear-armed RS-28 Sarmat (NATO designation: SS-X-29 Satan 2), Russia’s latest silo-based intercontinental-range ballistic missile (ICBM), is slated to enter service in 2021, according to country’s Deputy Defense Minister, Alexei Krivoruchko.

In an article for a trade publication published last month, the minister stated that “the first serial missiles will enter service in 2021.”

A regiment of the Strategic Rocket Force’s 62nd Missile Division, deployed in Uzhur, part of the 33rd Guards Missile Army, headquartered in Omsk in southwestern Siberia, will reportedly receive two silo-based RS-28 ICBMs in 2021 with four more ICBMs delivered in 2022.

“In total, seven regiments – with six missiles in a regiment plus one ten-missile regiment for a total count of 46 RS-28s – will be deployed and split up between two missile divisions based in Dombarovskiy and Uzhur,” I explained in October 2018. The RS-28 will slowly replace Soviet-era RS-36M2 Voyevoda (NATO designation: SS-18 Satan) ICBMs.

Other sources have claimed that a total of twenty Strategic Rocket Force regiments will receive the new ICBM.

To date, Russia has not made public any flight tests of the Sarmat ICBM, although in April, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that “the final tests of the missile Sarmat are proceeding successfully.”

Russia conducted the third and last ejection test of the RS-28 in May 2018. Two other ejection tests took place in March 2018 and December 2017. They involved the ignition of the ICBM’s first-stage and booster engine. The RS-28’s first stage engine is likely the PDU-99 — a modified version of the RD-274 liquid rocket engine used on the RS-36M2.

Flight trials would specifically seek to test the RS-28s second- and third-stage engines and take place at the at the Plesetsk space center, located in Arkhangelsk Oblast approximately 800 kilometers north of Moscow. At least five flight tests have been planned, according to Russian media reports.

The RS-28 is reportedly housed in a modified 15P718M silo launching system. The maximum range of the RS-28 is 18,000 kilometers. With a launch weight of over 200 tons, it can carry up to 10 multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV), each carrying a thermonuclear warhead.

The RS-28, with a total length of 35.5 meters and a diameter of 3 meters, is also reportedly capable of carrying hypersonic weapons, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The operational deployment of the RS-28 is already over three years behind schedule. Putin had expressed his desire for the new ICBM to enter service this year already.

In early 2020, Russia was estimated to have 532 strategic launchers capable of carrying approximately 2,100 nuclear warheads.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how effective a tsunami torpedo would be when you can buy open source Tsunami dampening technology right on Ebay your car or home for only $45.

Anonymous said...

10:01 AM
I sure agree with you.
Trump did America a good turn. Perfect? Long way from it...but he honored our founding principles and that was doing good work. Minorities were seeing better opportunities for themselves under his administration, freedoms were being shored up, for everyone, our country was being respected again in the world, holding the takers and troublers out there accountable. Abortion as a fixed law was finally getting challenged like it had not been in a long long time. The swamp was getting exposed and all because Trump was not playing the usual political games...the politicians of the swamp were taking hit after hit from him and those few who were fighting for us with him, and all while rampant lies and plots against him were having a heyday. They had to cheat to win. And now we are left with Biden the Obama puppet and the Obama puppet Obama himself is continuing to do the work of the globalists. The pope has a role he is fulfilling too. The global system is very close to fully operational and Biden is handing us all over to them on a silver platter.
This is the apostate time that is making way for Anti-christ. Dispensation or no dispensation is not important to me. The times are desperate, more so everyday, and on a world scale. Scripture is being fulfilled, the prophecy needle is moving again and the world is readied for the final push as the times of the Gentiles and the finish of the transgression the Bible told us of are taking shape. Biden is a major factor to finally totally disable the American powerhouse economy of Trump that was helping the world economy as well so they need his unplug accomplished for the global reset. Trump in office was the only pushback there was against it.
And God is allowing it.....for such a time as this.
Christ Jesus is soon coming, the Word of God (as always) the only 100% source of truth and light in this closing darkness as the lies and deception of the pit are going off the charts now. But woe to those who hurry evil along in it's path. Hell's fire with wailing and gnashing of teeth is coming for them.

Craig said...

Text messages reveal Hunter pleaded with Joe Biden to run for president

Sky News Australia

Hunter Biden reportedly begged his father in 2019 to run for president partially to salvage his own reputation.

In text messages dated February, according to The Daily Mail, Hunter said if Joe Biden didn’t take a shot he would “never have a chance at redemption”.

Craig said...

Dozens in Central Florida contract COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated

WKMG News 6 ClickOrlando

They’re called COVID-19 breakthrough cases -- people who have been fully vaccinated yet still contract the virus more than 14 days after their second shot.

J said...

4:40 PM,

The Great Reset, or any other plans, can only be implemented if God allows them to be implemented.

If God doesn't change, it is possible God through his providence used Trump to judge globalism but then God judged Trump. That would be consistent with God's way of operating in the Old Testament.

But I can't know what God is thinking and planning. I as a little earthling Christian must always follow the same simple rules and let what happens, happen -- whether I understand God's ultimate purpose in it, or not.

Somebody asked who here has ever justified Trump. Well, I have, for one. That breaks my simple rules. Why did I break them? Because I thought it was in accordance to what I guessed God's intentions for the political world probably are. But that is not my job to think that way. That is God's job. My job never changes.

People with hubris don't always accomplish what they seek to implement even without God to disallow their plans from coming to fruition. Why, because they are not omniscient and are not all powerful.

Power is with the people. But not as a mob.

A small group of people turned the world upside down 2,000 years ago. They were called the Apostles. How did they do it? What of their example applies to us now? What about their example is not applicable to us now?

If they could be so outnumbered and do it, what could we do if 80,000,000 Americans followed their example even by 10%?

What if Satan wants us scared and fatalistic?

J said...

10:35 AM,

We are agreed that apostasy is widespread, but it had also became widespread in the Roman Catholic Church historically. Yet that was not yet the end of the world.

Apostasy was widespread in Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. And that was the apostasy of the "last days" ... of the Old Covenant.

Anonymous said...

What God cannot humble, judgment must befall.

God judged America, J. Is much bigger than one man. Why must trump have that kind of attention for some people? Their eyes are not on the ball, their eyes are not even looking in the ballpark for that matter to narrow things to one man.
I never had hopes in Trump though I found his policies were for the most part right and helpful to this country to take back some right ground and with less opposition he may have gotten even further down that road, but not how it happened and that time is for the history books. So it was never about the man, our former president Trump. Given more time and with the Lord's help, because America was seeking the Lord, having a change of heart toward Him, then perhaps more could have turned around back toward our Biblically based founding and see the bane of abortion and divorce etc, etc, reversed, but is not the case. Not. the. case. Wholesale, the world is not seeking God, though God is still in the saving business and some individually are finding Him at this late date, praise God! God already knows those that are His and His door is still open to receive them. The Lord is moving in prophecy but if He chooses to hit the pause button again He certainly will since it is His all-powerful prerogative. Those right things will not at all happen under Biden, he is set up for a finish and bring a bad end and why he is in office right this moment. He (and those who propped him up to stand in this place in history) is furthering things toward even more fully out Sodom and Gomorrah so this is a time for God to no longer hit the pause button if this is truly what I think I am seeing..for the world, as well as America. I hold to that for a host of scriptural reasons and so what if others don't have to hold to it, I will. The rotten fruit is ripe in it's rotten now. Tribulation mounting and the Great Tribulation on it's way.....
It is time for You to act, o Lord, for they have made void Your Law. Psalm 119:126 fits America..fits the world. And before He does (in returning with His rod of iron), He will allow the anti-christ rule to take the entire world down the path His Word has already established. The verse in 2 Thess that speaks of the falling away (going into full swing shortly-has already begun), the the reveal of the man of sin is connected to it. Look at the grammar and see the 2 things connected. By a comma and the word and. First the one happens setting that up and then the other ushers in on it's heels.
Everyone who names the name of Christ as Lord and Savior should just keep doing as Jesus said: watch. There is much to see....this is about soon, not later.

My understanding now has much more urgency to it to be the salt and light and pray for wisdom and truth in our hearts to keep the lies away from us where we can trip and fall, the devil is an angel of light and subtle beyond what we can comprehend so we need the Spirit to illumine this for us, we need humble hearts so we can hear the Spirit's direction and be strengthened by His Presence. And share the reason for the hope that is in us (with words or even sometimes without) and love our neighbors as ourselves...

Anonymous said...

The Acts Of Moses, Elijah And The Two Witnesses

Your Bible reveals there will be two witnesses in the end time who will turn the world upside down, testifying for Christ against sin and sinners. Some of the miracles they will perform will parallel those of Moses and Elijah. There’s an enlightening lesson in these similarities.

The two witnesses in Revelation 11:3 are enigmatic to many. Some view them as a
return of Moses and Elijah, while others see them as the Church or martyrs of the Church, or even a return of Peter and Paul or Enoch and Elijah. Some think they are simply two prophets, two groups or two principles (The Expositor's Bible Commentary, 1981, Vol. 12, p. 504).

God describes these two witnesses as representative of two olive trees and two lamps or lampstands that stand before the God of the earth (Revelation 11:3-4).

Each of God's symbols of them is significant and communicates to the reader characteristics of God and His two representatives. Christ sent His disciples out two by two. Witnessing is giving testimony. Olive trees refer to God's Spirit and, by extension, God's truth (compare John 4:23-24). Lamps give light to a dark world. Putting together all of these symbols in the context of Revelation 11, God's two witnesses give testimony of how God's Spirit gives light to and illuminates humanity in a darkened world (Matthew 5:14-16; Hebrews 6:4-5; John 1:4-9; Isaiah 9:2).

These two witnesses are closely connected to the two olive trees and the two lampstands of Zechariah's vision. There, God indicates a primary allusion to Joshua and Zerubbabel, who are also said to serve the Lord of all the earth (Zechariah 4:1-6, 10-14). They are, in some ways, types of the two witnesses.

The two witnesses of Revelation 11 warn Babylon the great one last time, as human instruments of God have always done through the ages.

It's all about Babylon

The book of Revelation, in general, addresses the progression of and, in particular, the consummation of mankind's failings brought on by the corruptive influences of Babylon the great. That's a great overall key to Revelation, if one stands back from the various seals, trumpets and plagues and observes its underlying theme and purpose. Revelation shows two great polar opposites: mankind's self-destructive way of life and God's constructive way of life. Knowing this great key helps one to better understand the catastrophes prophesied in this unique book.

Remarkably, in the book of Revelation there is a guarantee that God will stop humanity from destroying itself, through Christ Jesus' intervention and sovereignty (Revelation 11:18; 19:11-21).

As God's representatives, the two witnesses will conduct themselves, at least in part, in the ways of Moses and Elijah.

Anonymous said...

Moses and the two witnesses

Moses is sometimes described as a lawgiver. He was called by God to deliver His laws to Israel (Malachi 4:4).

God also used Moses as Israel's physical leader, a type of deliverer and a representative of God (Exodus 4:16). God used him to confront the king of Egypt and demand that Pharaoh let His people go. When Pharaoh refused, God performed miraculous deeds through Moses. The 10 plagues are now legendary acts that God conducted to make His point of freeing His people from sin and sinners: "Let my people go" (Exodus 5:1).

In the New Testament, Jesus was transfigured and appeared in vision along with both Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:1-5). Here God made the point to show that Jesus was much greater than Moses and Elijah: "Hear Him!" (verse 5).

The prophet Malachi addressed both Moses' and Elijah's service. "Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Malachi 4:4-5).

The two witnesses of Revelation 11 perform miraculous acts similar to those Moses did, especially by bringing plagues on those who would not heed God's demands. "And they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire" (Revelation 11:6; compare this with Moses in Exodus 7:17-21). God is consistent.

Elijah and the two witnesses

Elijah is often considered the most important prophet of the Old Testament, and with good reason (Malachi 4:5). He was a no-nonsense, direct-to-the-point prophet who simply laid it all on the line. His antagonists could not kill him (2 Kings 2:11).

Elijah prayed and God shut up the heavens for 3 1/2 years (1 Kings 17:1; James 5:17). God also devoured with fire those who commanded Elijah to appear before King Ahaziah (2 Kings 1:10).

The two witnesses of Revelation 11 replicate Elijah's miracles against those who refuse God's will. They will also have the power to stop any rainfall for 3 1/2 years (Revelation 11:3, 5-6). Whenever they are threatened, fire will proceed from their mouths to devour their enemies, a symbol of God's judgment (Hebrews 12:29).

Two witnesses act as did Moses and Elijah

For 3 1/2 years God will warn all mankind, especially the warring nations and their tyrannical leaders, of their evil ways through His representatives, the two witnesses. God loves all human beings because He created them to one day have the opportunity to repent, be converted and become children of God (2 Peter 3:9; 2 Corinthians 6:18). Yet He will judge the recalcitrant with a rod of iron (Revelation 2:27). Sometimes this is the only way mankind will be receptive enough to listen to and learn from God (Malachi 3:5-6).

The book of Revelation reveals how God will both warn and punish Babylon (Revelation 17), the False Prophet and the Beast (Revelation 19). The False Prophet and the Beast will set themselves to kill the two witnesses, which they will do at the end of the two witnesses' testimony (Revelation 11:7). After 3 1/2 days they will be resurrected to life (Revelation 11:11-12).

Anonymous said...

There are undeniable similarities between the two witnesses and Moses and Elijah:

"'And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.' These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire" (Revelation 11:3-6).

God's punishment of sinners is timeless

God's testimonies and judgments against sinners never change. This is a significant lesson and loving instruction from God.

When God delivered a captive Israel from Egypt through Moses, God used Moses to demand that Pharaoh release Israel. With each demand came a consequence. Ultimately, God leveled Egypt with 10 great plagues in order to convince Pharaoh to let His people go.

God used the great and dedicated prophet Elijah to warn Israel to mend its sinning ways against God. When the king did not comply, Elijah was given the power to prophesy that Israel would have no rain (1 Kings 17:1). When Elijah was challenged by the king's demand that he come down from a hill to answer to his army, Elijah responded that if he were indeed a man of God, then let fire come down and devour the squad of 50 men. After the first two squads were burned up, the third officer was much more respectful (2 Kings 1:12-14).

God is indeed patient. He waits for Babylon's "golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication" (Revelation 17:4) to fill all the way to the top. Then He steps in, for if He didn't, humankind would destroy itself (Matthew 24:22). Christ will "destroy those who [attempt to] destroy the earth" (Revelation 11:18).

Plagues, drought and fire get attention

The two end-time witnesses will have the power to provide plagues, drought and fire as testimonies and judgments against all sinners who would try to destroy them and mankind. These will help open the eyes and ears of the spiritually blind and deaf.

The acts of the two witnesses are as the acts of Moses and Elijah. They show that God remains the same when acting against sin and sinners, to show Himself strong and loving in reconciling mankind to God. Christ is our Savior, not our destroyer; destroying people is what Satan does.

God will not allow humanity to self-destruct; He will save and deliver us, giving all human beings an opportunity to know God and live His way of peace and prosperity (Hebrews 8:10-12; Isaiah 11:1-10).

J said...

8:30 PM,

I didn't mean to imply that Trump individually was being judged more so than America. I don't know who or what is being judged at any given time, or why (when it comes to how God wills to work His providence in the world, in this life, in a national or a corporate way). Sometimes I try to speculate, but it's probably best if I don't.

Your last paragraph is beautifully written, and you can't go wrong with it!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All right!!!

Pope Francis Calls For “Global Governance” And Vaccines For All!

Anonymous said...

Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along

Sunday, April 11, 2021
by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) CNN revealed the sinister plot behind the government’s continuous lock down policies. The tyrannical, controlling intent behind government lockdowns was revealed for all to see in a recent broadcast that featured disgraced anchor, Chris Cuomo, and former Planned Parenthood president, Dr. Leana Wen.

“We need to make it clear to them (Americans) that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life,” said Wen. “And the window to do that is really narrowing. You were mentioning about how all these states are reopening. They’re reopening at 100%.”

“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status,” she continued. “Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?” Vaccine Passports were the secret plan all along.

Government lockdowns are being used to usher in total slavery, segregation and discrimination via Vaccine Passports
The government lock downs are part of a plan to terrorize and coerce people to give up their body autonomy and critical thinking skills, so the vaccine and tech industry can enforce bodily requirements on all people and set up a digital surveillance system as a prerequisite to “freedom.” These digital surveillance systems will enslave the world to vaccine permission scans, DNA surveillance and medical mandates, while segregating and isolating anyone who doesn’t follow along. The ongoing tyranny of lockdowns and medical edicts is simply a behavioral training program that coerces people to seek permission for their freedom and live in fear of false authorities.

These Vaccine Passports train everyone to give up their inherent freedoms, forcing people to seek permission from false authorities in order to gather, travel, buy, sell and participate in democracy. Freedom will be completely forgotten if this system is put in place. Medical fascists and central planners have been plotting to control people’s lives for years, and they are joining forces with big tech, corporations and big government policy makers to accomplish their goals.

Back in December 2020, these vaccine passport systems were already in the advanced stages of development in the United Kingdom. The London Guardian Today documented several accounts in 2020 where health ministers lied to the public about the existence of Vaccine Passports. Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove told the public there were no plans to issue “vaccination passports” that would require people to inoculate in order to enter bars, restaurants and other venues. Now, UK vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi is coming clean about the “track and trace” app by the NHS, which records information on vaccine status and applies it to government lock down policy. The UK’s vaccine passport infrastructure includes facial recognition scans that tie bio-metrics and vaccine status together to restrict and control people throughout society.

Anonymous said...

Vaccine Passports, once considered a conspiracy theory, have been in development for over a year

A Swiss-based consulting firm, Zühlke Engineering, got involved with the NHS track and tracing app on December 17, 2020. The Guardian leaked the plan, which “details research into possible public attitudes to a Covid certificate, sometimes called a domestic Covid passport.” This passport system “would use vaccination status, a recent negative Covid test or proof of coronavirus antibodies to allow people into potentially packed places when the country opens up.”

The covid-19 testing requirements were one of the first steps toward implementing these totalitarian passports. These DNA-swabbing mandates slowly trained individuals to give up their rights, brainwashing them to believe that they are guilty subjects who have to prove their innocence in order to travel. The abusive swabbing of healthy people is now being replaced by vaccine requirements.

The app-based covid certificates include QR codes that are connected to the NHS app. These QR codes are used to grant vaccine-compliant people exclusive access to certain venues. The official Covid pass is a digital ID card that essentially creates a two-tiered society that discriminates and segregates against innocent people, stripping them of due process, accusing them of spreading diseases they do not have, and barring them from the rest of society. In nations governed by the rule of law, this Vaccine Passport should be dead on arrival because it violates the medical privacy of individuals upfront and turns people into property, subject to bodily requirements. Vaccine passports, once considered a conspiracy theory, are now being pushed onto people as a mark of the beast system.

The British government contracted with multiple firms last year to develop Covid “freedom passports.” When Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that pubs would be able to use the vaccine passes at their discretion, backlash quickly ensued. Boris appeared generous when he threw a bone to the people and announced that pubs and restaurants would be exempt from the requirements. The Vaccine Passport is being sold to the public in its most draconian form, so that populations can be slowly weakened into accepting bits and pieces of its oppression. The deceit and oppression of the Vaccine Passport is the kind of attack on freedom that warrants tribunals and quite possibly, a...

Anonymous said...


Why stir a cold turd? ��

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

IMO - Vaccine documentation has been around a long time and when you get right down to it, I don't think anyone has the absolute right to be out in public, infectious and a danger to the community. There's no constitutional right to remain infectious and be permitted in public. What you do on your own property is up to you. If you want to remain vaccine-free, live at home, have everything delivered to your house, use drive-thrus, maybe move to a more infectious-permissive state and/or home school your kids, I fully support that right.

I also kind of think it's not a matter of if we need vaccine passports but how we implement the program ethically.

International and domestic air & rail travel for sure. Nobody wants to sit next to an infectious person for hours in a cramped closed-in travel compartment. States can probably choose how to do things at the state and local level and the public can choose to remain or visit those more or less infectious states as they choose. Maybe it might start out like smoking laws in the 80's where sections in the back of venues and restaurants were set aside for smokers which will allow the unvaccinated to dine out without any fanfare but, in time, that would surely be phased out.

Maybe a strict vaccine waiver process can be developed for those medically unable to receive the vaccine. Such might include a religious waiver/exemption which would allow those persons to obtain a special passport entitling them to enter grocery stores and places of worship.

As a Christian, I fully reject that this vaccine is or could in any way be the Mark of the Beast. Such "Mark" is not going to sneak up on us. I don't "worship the beast nor his image" and there's not any discussion of such a passport being a "mark on his forehead or his hand" and surely the religious could choose to be exempt from any process like that if they wanted while still choosing to be vaccinated. The Mark of the Beast’s main purpose is to show one’s loyalty to the Antichrist (and thereby declare the person an enemy of God). Therefore, it makes no sense for the authorities at that time to force a person to take the Mark of the Beast or have people take the Mark of the Beast without knowing it. Otherwise, you would have people who oppose the Antichrist gaining access to food, water, and other resources at a time when those items will be scarce. A vaccine could be used by evil men to achieve evil purposes but it's certainly not the "Mark of the Beast".

I have faith vaccines were developed by God-given human ingenuity and scientific knowledge allowed to us by God. Scientists can't know anything without God. God provided us this vaccine. We are nearing 600,000 dead many more have to die before you believe it?. Refusal to take it, in due time (perhaps another year and a billion "safe" vaccinations later when the benefits and risks are fully verified), absent a genuine medical issue, seems to me to be just obstinance based upon New-Age pseudo-science, "conspirituality" and/or politics. It's not much different from taking ANY medication whatsoever. Better throw out all those prescriptions too and refuse antibiotics next time you get an infection. As far as altering your DNA, exercising or exposure to UV-Light alters your DNA too. It's how our bodies are designed to operate by God.

In the end it's your choice. I'm in no way suggesting I support forced vaccinations at all, but, it seems to me the majority does have the right to restrict your access to public buildings just like they have with smokers who were potentially harming others and vaccine cards for school-age children for generations.


Anonymous said...


That whole Two Witnesses post was copied from the United Church of God's website. Isn't that the Armstrongian church (Worldwide Church of God) that you came out of?

Are they stalking you?

Here's the source:

What tipped me off was the last paragraph that you commented upon as beautiful.

"God will not allow humanity to self-destruct; He will save and deliver us, giving all human beings their one opportunity to know God and live His way of peace and prosperity (Hebrews 8:10-12; Isaiah 11:1-10)."

I was like... "one opportunity"??? What is that about??? That doesn't sound right and then I don't really see how those verses supported such. Besides, "we" are not Israel. Plus, my interest in presuppositional apologetics points me to Roman 1:18-21 where it is clear that "what may be known about God is plain" to all "so that men are without excuse". So everyone already knows God, but many suppress such in their unrighteousness. Finally, Jesus's way of LIVING wasn't peaceful or prosperous here on earth. Are they saying the two witnesses will bring the Kingdom down before Jesus? I think they may be overstating the power of these two witnesses but don't really want to deep-dive on these verses. Maybe Ray and Craig will come along and correct these Armstrong errors???

Anonymous said...

that was me....X

Anonymous said...

Mister 'X' strikes again! LMAO


"That whole Two Witnesses post was copied from the United Church of God's website. Isn't that the Armstrongian church (Worldwide Church of God) that you came out of?

"Are they stalking you?" [J was NEITHER addressed NOR was a link was given for further information from the source material website, but X gave it, LOL!]

"What tipped me off was the last paragraph that you commented upon as beautiful." [J did NOT comment on it. She'd commented on a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT poster's post!]

"'God will not allow humanity to self-destruct; He will save and deliver us, giving all human beings their one opportunity to know God and live His way of peace and prosperity (Hebrews 8:10-12; Isaiah 11:1-10).'

"I was like... 'one opportunity'??? What is that about???' [Only problem is that's NOT what was posted, please READ IT FOR YOURSELF above (reproduced here¥:

"God will not allow humanity to self-destruct; He will save and deliver us, giving all human beings AN opportunity to know God and live His way of peace and prosperity (Hebrews 8:10-12; Isaiah 11:1-10)."

John 10:10b "I have come so that they may have life, and may have it ABUNDANTLY."

Job 36:11a “If they listen and obey God, they will be blessed with prosperity"

Ecclesiastes 7:14 "Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life."

Anonymous said...

Maybe the entire blogspot readership will come along and correct X's long history of innumerable social, religious and political errors???

Anonymous said... will live stream the upcoming Tulsa event on April 16th and 17th, featuring Lin Wood, Andy Wakefield, Gen. Flynn, Dr. Simone Gold and many more!

The Thrivetime Show

Awakening America and the world to the truth related to the COVID-19 / 2020 chaos.

(Natural News) The Thrivetime Show LIVE conference from Tulsa is happening this Friday and Saturday, starting at 11 am on both days. The entire event will be streamed for free at, using Brighteon’s new streaming engine which is currently in beta.

Over 4,500 people will be in attendance at the live event, and 50,000 people called to get tickets. We are live streaming the event and covering all the costs as a way to say “Thank you!” for your support and to help spread the word of truth, healing, liberty and faith (the event is taking place at a large Bible school).

You will be able to watch the event at

As this is our first large-scale live streaming event, there may be glitches in the streaming. We built a new, multi-server streaming engine with peer-to-peer data sharing capabilities, and we have Brighteon engineers standing by to address any issues that may occur. If the live stream is interrupted on your computer, just refresh the page and restart the stream. (We do not yet have live chat features, so there’s no interaction with the live stream at this point.) If you miss any speakers, standalone videos will be posted later.

You can see who’s speaking at this page and you should expect the later scheduled times to shift later into the evening, as it’s nearly impossible to keep such events on schedule. The event features a new speaker every 30 minutes, starting at 11 am and running through at least 9 pm central time, both on Friday and Saturday. (My guess is that speakers may continue until well past 10 pm…)

After the event, we will post the video of each speaker on, so if you missed any of the speakers, you can still catch their 30 minute presentation later on Brighteon. We don’t yet know the exact schedule of when those videos will be posted, but it should be within a few days after the event.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event Watch the full, free live stream from Tulsa and watch for the individual presenters’ speeches to be posted on Brighteon over the next week or so.

Additional media coverage will be provided by: One America News, Epoch Times, Wester Journal, HIS Glory, Flashpoint, and more!

Anonymous said...

You will be able to watch the event at

J said...

X 2:10 AM,

I haven't been an adult member of any hard core sect or cult that would be stalking me. The original WW Church of God changed and now emphasizes grace in a more orthodox way. The splinter groups retained similar teachings but didn't retain the cult-like organizational practices -- except for the one splinter group that was led by Armstrong's second man in command (Rod Meredith) and his adult children. That most dysfunctional of all splinter groups is very small, and nobody I am acquainted with has ever been involved in it.

The scandals of the 1970s took down Herbert Armstrong's WW Church of God.

As to the two witnesses, the interpretation that was offered was not an unreasonable exegesis. But the fact that the two witnesses seem to be able to perform miracles would need to be explained. I'm not convinced the performance of miracles is accommodated by the offered interpretation. Some people think the two witnesses were Peter and Paul during the time of Nero. Peter and Paul were, in fact, able to perform miracles and did so on occasion. The authentic Apostles of the Apostolic Age could perform miracles, and it was a way to tell a true Apostle from a false apostle.

What was wonderful about the Apostles is that they led by example. They didn't demand respect; they earned it. They didn't insist on authority; they authenticated their authority. They didn't try to deceive, flatter or manipulate their way into being loved; they inspired love because of they great love -- love as a very strongly and very actively lived principle. As we know as Christians, love is active; not just a feeling.

All of us are able to emulate the Apostles in every regard except for the ability to perform miracles and the very great authority. We are able to lead by example in some way in our own lives.

Our inner freedom can be in bondage to nobody. Even the slave in chains has the inner freedom to voluntarily be actively loving from the heart, and to do the right thing without any fear if necessary, even if it means to die as a martyr and obtain a very great reward for it.

This is the reason why the Apostle Paul was happy even while he was cold, naked and hungry in jail, although he did not suffer for the sake of asceticism. When he could escape from his suffering, he did so. He was lowered down in a basket over a city wall once. No hair shirts, no beds of nails, no suffering for its own sake. But he had no fear of suffering if it was something that was brought onto him in the process of carrying out his mission.

Such was the very great faith, enthusiasm and charisma of those who saw Jesus face to face (in Paul's case, he saw Jesus after His transfiguration, of course).

This is why the Apostles could move mountains with their faith. What is a mountain? It is a kingdom. That is what it means in Old Testament language. It doesn't mean Luke Skywalker using his brain to move his space ship out of the swamp but failing and saying, "I don't believe it," and Yoda responding, "That is why you fail."

What do you suppose the American revolutionaries often said during the Revolutionary War? They said, "No king but King Jesus." They, too, moved mountains -- although I feel ambivalent about the ethics as providing an example that is directly applicable to any situation of today.

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter And Climate Change Replacing Religion, Establishment Reporter Admits

Anonymous said...

That is x's problem alright...misquote and/or read into what others are saying with his own bias and conflicted filters blazing so he can go skewspeak all over it. Not just once in a while misunderstanding...but so often it is a pattern for how he is looking to make his labels and brackets and uninformed limitations and schstick, apply to everyone else because he is a know-it-all with an agenda hiding behind something, while others are speaking openly and honestly.

A divider, an accuser of the brethren, speaking with a double tongue from a double mind and what the Bible warns us of in the book of James....and why x is reduced to troll status.
Who needs an enemy when you have a friendly-fire troll amongst you?

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis Calls For "Global Governance" And Vaccines For All

Anonymous said...

White Folks Looting in Minneapolis After Police Shooting

J said...

Further thoughts regarding Apostles and following their example to the appropriate extent -- when dealing with any false prophets / false apostles / antichrists.

Never forget that Constance handled Benjamin Creme when he came to Detroit, just as easily as the Apostle Paul handled Simon Magus of Samaria. She didn't need to perform miracles; she only needed to say the Lord's Prayer out loud in the audience while Benjamin Creme was attempting to channel his entity for the crowd.

Another example for us comes from the Apostle Paul, and it is regarding a false apostle who behaved abusively -- yet charismatically -- with the brethren in the church in Corinthia.

Notice here that Paul did not commend the brethren for enabling abuse. Enabling abuse cannot be considered a valid part of Biblical submission to anybody who is in a position of authority or leadership. What Paul describes below is what not to do when there is a wolf in sheep's clothing in the midst. If one is trapped, then one is martyred and receives a reward. (Salvation is never earned; rewards after salvation can still be merited, and martyrdom is greatly rewarded. But martyrdom is not to be confused with penance or with asceticism. Nor is to be confused with enabling abuse -- as long as there is an option not to voluntarily accommodate abuse -- an option not always available to the many slaves of the ancient Roman empire and who comprised many of the early Christians.)

2 Corinthians 11:19-20
King James Version

19 For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.

20 For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.

Anonymous said...


Hi. You said "As to the two witnesses, the interpretation that was offered was not an unreasonable exegesis. But the fact that the two witnesses seem to be able to perform miracles would need to be explained. I'm not convinced the performance of miracles is accommodated by the offered interpretation. Some people think the two witnesses were Peter and Paul during the time of Nero."

Please note the tense in Revelation 11:3-6 which was written (95-96 AD) long after Peter and Paul were both dead:

"'I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.' These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands, standing before the Lord of the earth. If anyone desires to harm them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. If anyone desires to harm them, he must be killed in this way. These have the power to shut up the sky, that it may not rain during the days of their prophecy. They have power over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire."

Anonymous said...

X @ 1:29 AM,

X is virtue signaling heavily in this post of his. He and his wife like good christians went and received their "so called" Vaccine. Which in X's diseased mind has no connection to the mark of the beast. Isn't synthetic DNA, and aborted fetal cells kinda beastly? Isn't the forced compliance to the 'state' kinda beastly? Isn't your shaming of the unvaccinated similar to the future tattling to authorities, on those who will refuse the mark of the beast?

X, you are no christian! Your subversive of christian values, virtue, hope, and faith! You embrace corruption, murderers, liars, and everything opposite of good, and wholesome. You really are a great asset of satan! Please go away!

Anonymous said...

X is that type of person who will rat out believers who refuse the Mark of the Beast! He will tell the authorities were to find us. Maybe he will get his food ration that way. Maybe satan loving Joe will pin a medal on him?

J said...

12:07 PM,

There is strong evidence for a pre-70 AD dating for the writing of the book of Revelation. It is easily available if you look. This is controversial but when I looked, the evidence for a post-70 AD dating was weaker than I expected; while the evidence for a pre-70 AD dating was stronger than I expected.

One resource for research is Kenneth Gentry.

Kenneth Gentry has overtones of Dominionism that go hand-in-hand with his post-millenialism, and I'm not necessarily endorsing any Dominionism. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God."

But every Christian owes it to himself or herself to review the pros and cons of futurism vs. preterism (whether full preterism or partial preterism).

There are debates out there that one can watch. Futurism has billions of dollars spent on promoting it, and it rakes in billions of dollars in book, movie and video sales and Youtube subscibers and ad revenue. Preterism is not so well-funded nor so lucrative. To the extent that it is spreading, it is due to word of mouth and debates.

If it is God's Truth, it will prevail against Mammon, eventually.

Then we can face our little antichrists and abusers with some faith and courage rather than cowering before their enormous shadows in fatalism.

Anonymous said...

Professor endures 9 months of investigation for objecting to segregated diversity training: report

RayB said...

VIDEO: 200 Armed Riot Police Break Up Rampaging Rioters & Looters ?? No!

Actually they were sent in to break up a church service in Communist China ... uh, sorry ... I meant to say Canada !

PS: In case you've been asleep, there is a very organized, well-planned GLOBAL effort to eliminate all vestiges of BIBLICAL Christianity (not the week kneed, compromising type that "X" professes ... that works just fine for the Globalist Elites). Liberal, apostate "christianity" suits the elitists just fine. The Globalists also LOVE the Marxist, "climate change," pro-LGBTQ, Antichrist positions promulgated by the Vatican and their puppet "pope."

Speaking of which, if you think this "pope" is bad, just wait until you see the next one! Why do I say that? Because the "trend is your friend," and it serves as an aide to project into the future. And for years, the Vatican has been trending more and more into the sphere of political and religious radicalism.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what is happening now RayB!

On this blog it is evident the religionists here do not want any part of the red pill. It's blatantly obvious that they would much rather past time straining at a gnat!

RayB said...


There is nothing that indicates that the Vatican's trend into political and religious radicalism will suddenly abate. Keep in mind, that, in spite of the Vatican's claims, when it comes to choosing a "pope," their method more reflects that of the Mafia when choosing their "godfather," than it does "relying upon the Holy Spirit," etc.

In short, the Vatican has been eliminating "conservatives" from the ranks of their ruling class hierarchy and replacing them with liberal radicals. The next "pope" will be selected by a "college of cardinals" that is even more radical than the group that put Francis into office. Hence, a far more radical pope is in the works.

Also, there can be little doubt that the "pope" is the main spokesman when it comes to the "christian" religion in the world, albeit a false one. No one even comes close to his media-made influence that has been manufactured by the elite. They love him because he SPEAKS, not for the God of the Bible, but, for the elite that seek to create their despotic One World Government.

PF is old and will soon pass from the scene, so, IMO, this move into more aggressive, anti-Biblical radicalism will coincide with his passing.

Anonymous said...

Ex-Clinton Advisor Naomi Wolf Says America Will Become A Totalitarian Nightmare State Under Biden

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death'


Anonymous said...

should read source, not soururce

Anonymous said...

If this former Pfizer VP is telling the truth, then this is a big part of the death toll during this Apocalypse!

Anonymous said...

President Jo(k)e Biden put Camel Harris in charge of the border so nothing would change. She won't show her face down there.. So the massive flood can keeping pouring over the border. Business as usual for the Socialist/Communist social engineering project to further compromise America's populace with every ill coming across our border to bring us down with the Global knee on the neck.

And the Pope of the gropes has his blessing on it too...

J said...

Don't Be Caught in a Conspiracy Trap

What’s the effect of conspiracy theories on a worldview that’s supposed to be culturally transformational? As I have mentioned, there are conspiracies and conspirators. The historical record is filled with them. Psalm 2 confirms this. But the modern-day Christian view of conspiracies is that the conspirators win because they are the ones who control history. Satan was the grand conspirator, and even he couldn’t pull it off. But there are millions of Christians today who believe he can and will pull it off. They live in fear of his conspiracy and wait in misguided hope that God will remove them before the conspiracy takes effect. God has His own conspiracy, and it’s time that we acknowledge and act on it.

Anonymous said...


My wife and I got the Pfizer vaccine. I suggest if you desire to avoid the J&J vaccine due to concerns over fetal cell issues, make your vaccine appointment at your local hospital as they have the necessary extra refrigeration equipment to maintain the Pfizer vaccine so that is what is primarily distributed at hospital locations.

"When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for emergency use, neither the Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines used fetal cell lines during the development or production phases. (So, no fetal cell lines were used to manufacture the vaccine, and they are not inside the injection you receive from your doctor.) However, both companies used the fetal cell line HEK 293 in the confirmation phase to ensure the vaccines work. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 elective abortion that took place in the Netherlands."

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a bit different. It is an adenovirus vector vaccine. (Adenovirus is the virus that causes the common cold. The virus in this vaccine has been changed so that it does NOT cause illness.) With this type of vaccine, a carrier, in this case adenovirus, acts as a delivery vehicle. The adenovirus has had the coronavirus spike protein added to its DNA. The adenovirus carries that genetic material into your body, delivering its modified DNA to your cells. Your cells will then make the spike protein, activating your immune system. Once activated, your immune system creates antibodies to fight off the spike protein."


Anonymous said...

J @ 12:47 PM,

Thank you, I find that to be a very interesting thing to consider! (I had not happened to be aware of much controversy about the writing date of the book of Revelation.) However personally I haven't so far found the early writing arguments as convincing as the late writing arguments. In any event there are no historical records of Peter and Paul (or anyone) in the first century combatting evildoers thus "If anyone desires to harm them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. If anyone desires to harm them, he must be killed in this way. These have the power to shut up the sky, that it may not rain during the days of their prophecy. They have power over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire."

Also there seems to be at the least a definite possibility that the temple will be rebuilt before Christ's return:

Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem?

Anonymous said...

In any event IMO these two particular articles proved most illuminating on the topic:

When Was the Book of Revelation Written?

Anonymous said...

When Was the Book of Revelation Written?

J said...

Thanks, and good points about the two witnesses. I learned a lot from this blog. It is well organized and humbly written with extensive documentation and careful consideration. I regard it not as the last, authoritative word .. but as a good reference to provide a springboard for further research. I've seldom encountered a treatment that has been so thorough. I don't agree with everything. The author has an active comments section, and he graciously and thoughtfully responds to commenters.

The author introduces himself like this:

In 2009 I was part of a study group in Minneapolis with four other guys (Dave, Mike, Paul, and Rod). We spent almost a year studying the book of Revelation, so I set up this site to archive our studies online. Until early 2016, the name of the blog ( consisted of the first two letters of each of our last names, as shown here. In 2012 my beautiful wife, Jasmine, joined as an occasional author. In early 2016 the URL was redirected to, as I’m the only original group member who continues to post here.

In addition to our series on the book of Revelation, there is also now a series on the Olivet Discourse, a series about Christian Zionism, another on the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, a listing of all Bible studies, and more is to come. All pages are located in the top bar beneath the header. Blessings to you, and please feel free to comment under any post or page.

Adam Maarschalk

J said...

Regarding the two witnesses, I just became aware of one stunning exegesis that Jesus Himself was the two witnesses -- with God the Father always being a witness along with Jesus, since Jesus always submitted to God the Father.

That exegesis is based on several passages including John 12:49-50 and John 8:13-18, among other scriptures.

John 12:49-50
King James Version

49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

John 8:13-18
King James Version

13 The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.

14 Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go.

15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.

16 And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.

17 It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.

18 I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

Anonymous said...

Well, again there are no historical records of Jesus Christ (or anyone) in the first century combatting evildoers thus "If anyone desires to harm them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. If anyone desires to harm them, he must be killed in this way. These have the power to shut up the sky, that it may not rain during the days of their prophecy. They have power over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire."

Not to mention that the first century was clearly not the time for such things anyway:

When the disciples James and John asked Jesus "‘Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?’” (Luke 9:54) He REBUKED them!

J said...

7:00 PM,

In the exegesis I described, the events of Revelation are actually being recapitulated and attributed to the power of the two witnesses. The events are happening in judgement after the transfiguration of Jesus, not during His human ministry before His crucifixion.

Several times during Revelation the transfigured Jesus Christ is called a witness.

It is just something to consider studying thoughtfully and prayerfully. I just became aware of it, so I'm not confident about it just yet.

The power of the two witnesses really does seem to me like the power that would only belong to God.

But I need to think about it and study it some more.

Anonymous said...

And (as an aside) let us all not forget to beware of future lying wonders:

"He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast"

Revelation 13:13-14a

Anonymous said...

J @ 7:11 PM,

There are a number of tremendous miracles mentioned in the Bible that were indeed done by the incredible power of Almighty God but through human beings.

Anonymous said...

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.

Craig said...


With respect, while I give Maarschalk credit for the work he has done, he could have dived a bit deeper by sourcing more specialists. I expected to and did find John A. T. Robinson (though he omits “John” in the reference section) as a source—Robinson advocated for an early dating for both Revelation and John’s Gospel—and, though I was delighted to find a work by F. F. Bruce listed, I thought the author would have used more Christian origins specialists. Moreover, there are a number of Revelation commentaries from the 19th and 20th centuries now in the public domain that should have been sourced (esp, R. H. Charles, Swete).

As regards the dating, let me quote from David Aune (emeritus Walter Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the University of Notre Dame), in the first volume (of three) of his Word Book Commentary (pp lvii—lviii):


There are two different major opinions concerning the date when Revelation was written. From the late second century A.D. until the nineteenth century, and again (after the interval of a century of criticism) in the twentieth century, the prevailing opinion has been that Revelation was written toward the end of the reign of Domitian (A.D 81-96), i.e., ca. A.D. 95 . . . During much of the nineteenth century, however, the prevailing view held that [it] was written A.D. 64 (in response to Neronian persecution) and A.D. 70, i.e., the destruction of Jerusalem . . . The critical tide turned toward the beginning of the twentieth century, when major commentators began to date Revelation toward the end of the reign of Domitian (Swete, Beckwith, Charles). During the last half of the twentieth century, most scholars concerned with the question expressed support for the Domitianic date . . .

Though most ancient Christian authors, apparently dependent on Irenaeus, thought that Revelation was written toward the end of the reign of Domitian, a few thought it was written earlier, during the reign of Claudius, Nero, or Galba, while others thought it was written after the death of Domitian, during the reign of Trajan (the ancient evidence is summarized in Swete, xcix—c; Charles, 1:xci—xcii).

Anonymous said...

LifeSiteNews is a garbage new-age MAGA Conspirituality website. Talk to your spouse, your family, your doctor and/or your pastor before you rely on these alt-right conspiracy political websites overcome by evil lying spirits.

Here's more hopeful information from Russell Moore, SBC President and Walter Kim, President of Nat'l Assn of Evangelicals in their joint article entitled:

"Not the mark of the beast: Evangelicals should fight conspiracy theories and welcome the vaccines"


Still, some are reluctant to be vaccinated because they have read or heard conspiracy theories about the dangers of the vaccines. Some have found on their social media feeds or in their email inboxes articles by anti-vaccine activists making wild and unsubstantiated claims about the dangers of the coronavirus vaccines. Others have seen even more bizarre claims, such as that Bill Gates is seeking to implant microchips of the Book of Revelation’s mark of the beast into our bloodstreams. The net result is often that even those who are not given to conspiracy theorizing can just assume that seeing so many alarms about vaccines ought to make one wary. After all, most people do not have medical expertise to answer every floated claim.

These conspiracy theories, however, are not rooted in reality. Indeed, many of them come from the same sources that previously told us that the coronavirus itself was a hoax or, even worse, a “plandemic” mapped out by the government for some purpose or another. These sources told us that no more would die from covid than from the seasonal flu or that after the presidential election we would hear no more about covid or social distancing or masking. These claims were demonstrated to be false, and the dark claims about the vaccines are, too.

Indeed, the vaccines are a cause for Christians to rejoice and to give glory to God. The Bible, after all, speaks of medicine as a common grace, discovered by human beings but given by God. The Apostle Paul prescribed wine for Timothy’s stomach ailments (1 Timothy 5:23), probably recognizing the disinfecting properties of wine in settling the stomach and preventing dysentery. Vaccination, likewise, is a preventive measure, except that in this case the prevention is not simply for the one taking the vaccine but for the entire community.

We have all lost much during this pandemic. For Christians, one of the most awful aspects, apart from the deaths of those we love, is the isolation we have had from one another, along with our feelings of powerlessness to change the situation. The vaccines change that equation. By getting vaccinated as soon as our time is called, we can actively work for what we have been praying for — churches filled with people, hugs in the church foyer, and singing loudly together the hymns we love.

And, at the same time, we can express our love for neighbor — especially the sick and elderly — by reducing the chance that we might inadvertently pass along a virus that could kill them. The men on the rooftop took a risk of, at best, looking like fools or, at worst, falling through an unstable roof. But they loved their friend and wanted to get him to Jesus. We don’t need to make ropes or tear up roof tiles to love our friends and neighbors. All we are asked to do is to get a shot.

As evangelical Christians, we should all hear that challenge and say “Amen.”

Craig said...

X @ 8:25 PM,

You wrote: LifeSiteNews is a garbage new-age MAGA Conspirituality website. Talk to your spouse, your family, your doctor and/or your pastor before you rely on these alt-right conspiracy political websites overcome by evil lying spirits.

This is the sort of the over-the-top hyperbolic broad-brushed rhetoric, that gives you a bad name here.

Anonymous said...


If anyone believes anything you wrote @ 8:25 PM, then they are under the same spirit of antichrist that you indeed are!

Anonymous said...

9:31 -


So Russell Moore and Walter Kim are under the spirit of anti-christ?

I gave the link to the article I quote their words from.


Anonymous said...


Vaccine Dangers, Etc. Informational Videos by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM

J said...

Something doesn't have to be the mark of the beast to be bad, right?

When a new Windows version comes out, I don't want to run out and buy it. I prefer to wait.

I feel much the same about the vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

X @9:42 PM

Their quotes you posted, I completely disagree with. Liberal, worldly, quasi christian propaganda.

The stuff you like to believe.

Anonymous said...


Is John MacArthur conservative enough for you? (he's fine with it)

BTWN News discusses: John MacArthur | Should Christians Get The Covid-19 Vaccine?

How about Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore over at Founders Ministries? Here's a much longer thoughtful discussion of the subject.

"TS&TT: COVID-19 Vaccine | Lordship of Christ, Moral Obligation & Loving Your Neighbor"

*Near the end Tom and Jared mention the Supreme Court case re: Vaccine Laws

In 1905, the Supreme Court ruled that a state can mandate vaccines, and accompany those vaccine mandates with a criminal fine for those not in compliance. More broadly, the court ruled that the state can impose “reasonable regulations” to protect the public health, even when such regulations interfere with individual rights.

The case – Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), has since been a staple of public health law.

In Jacobson, the state of Massachusetts delegated to local authorities the power to mandate smallpox vaccines. Faced with a smallpox outbreak, the city of Cambridge passed an ordinance requiring all people not vaccinated within a certain time frame to be vaccinated (or re-vaccinated, if they were vaccinated too long ago), with a criminal fine of $5 for refusers. Minister Jacobson refused to vaccinate (apparently because of concerns about the vaccine’s safety), but also did not want to pay the fine. He challenged his conviction all the way to the Supreme Court. The Court upheld his conviction on the grounds that individual rights are not absolute, and states can interfere with rights to protect the public health, as long as it’s reasonable."

*J - I'm not saying anyone has to get the vaccine. I agree with the pastors listed above that believe it to be a religious liberty, not a moral obligation or sin to refuse. Maybe we reach a tipping point with herd immunity and the virus disappears before those more hesitant ever really NEED to get the shots. Maybe there will be earthy consequences to such refusals? Time will tell, but I think you'd agree it's not an issue of 1st order that should divide us.

Anonymous said...

DuckDuckGo’s Chrome Extension Blocks Google’s Controversial New FLoC Tracking Technique

April 11, 2021 • By Mark Sofia WyciÅ›lik-Wilson •

That Google tracks internet usage is hardly news — it how the company has operated for years, and it is central to its business model. But the search giant recently started testing a new technique for delivering targeted ads to people called Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), and it’s now enabled for millions of users by default.

While Google is insistent that FLoC is “privacy-preserving mechanism” and one that ” enables ad selection without sharing the browsing behavior of individual users”, the algorithm remains controversial for many. The cookie-free technique uses fingerprinting which the likes of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other privacy groups have expressed great concern about. For anyone who would like to block Google’s new tracking method, DuckDuckGo’s Chrome extension is here to help.

What is particularly concerning about FLoC is the opacity of what it does, how it works, and the difficulty of opting out of it. Google has already enabled the new technique for millions of people without either informing them or giving them a choice in the matter. DuckDuckGo points out that FLoC is bad for privacy because “it puts you in a group based on your browsing history, and any website can get that group FLoC ID to target and fingerprint you”.

But with the privacy-focused search engine’s DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials extension for Chrome, it is possible to block FLoC. The company explains some of the concerns about the new method:

With FLoC, by simply browsing the web, you are automatically placed into a group based on your browsing history (“cohort”). Websites you visit will immediately be able to access this group FLoC ID and use it to target ads or content at you. It’s like walking into a store where they already know all about you! In addition, while FLoC is purported to be more private because it is a group, combined with your IP address (which also gets automatically sent to websites) you can continue to be tracked easily as an individual.

Google itself maintains detailed profiles of users, built up over time from what they’ve learned about users (including through passive trackers lurking on most websites), but with FLoC they’re now exposing your derived interests and demographics from this profile to the websites you visit via FLoC IDs. Although the cohorts you belong to over time are non-descriptive and represented by an anonymous-looking number, it won’t be long before people or organizations work out what FLoC IDs really mean, e.g. what interests and demographic information they are likely correlated with.

Version 2021.4.8 of DuckDuckGo’s extension is the first to include FLoC blocking, and you can download this from the Chrome Web Store, or update if you already have it installed. This is the solution for anyone using Chrome, but this is something that DuckDuckGo (and others) recommend against anyway.

Anonymous said...

The company offers up the following extra tips to help avoid FLoC:

Stay logged out of your Google account:

Don’t sync your history data with Chrome, or create a sync passphrase;
In Google Activity Controls, disable “Web & App Activity” or “Include Chrome history and activity from sites, apps, and devices that use Google services;”
In Google Ad Settings disable “Ad Personalization” or “Also use your activity & information from Google services to personalize ads on websites and apps that partner with Google to show ads.”

In a blog post, DuckDuckGo also has some advice for website owners who are keen to protect the privacy of their visitors:

Websites can take steps to protect the privacy of their users by opting out of FLoC, which would be applicable to all their visitors. It’s done by simply sending the following Permissions-Policy HTTP response header:

Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=()

Some publishers like The Markup and The Guardian have already done so, as have we at DuckDuckGo Search, and we encourage others to follow.

Anonymous said...

Time will tell, but I think you'd agree it's not an issue of 1st order that should divide us. That's why I had said LifeSiteNews is a garbage new-age MAGA Conspirituality website. Talk to your spouse, your family, your doctor and/or your pastor before you rely on these alt-right conspiracy political websites overcome by evil lying spirits.

J said...

We will reach herd immunity with or without a vaccine. A pandemic in a state of nature would last two years or so.

I'm not a doctor, but my son's doctor explained it to me. He used to work in labs. He has an undergraduate degree in microbiology.

I can't say exactly what he said to me exactly how he put it. But he was totally confident about it. He said it would happen with any virus. It would keep mutating until it became harmless.

Or the virus could possibly become incorporated into us. That's not ominous; it happens all the time. We have silenced retroviruses in our genes. Our genes are messy. There is no such thing as perfect genes. Adam and Eve had them. Nobody today does.

What saddens me is the though that we are paying a heavy price while things still take the course they were going to take no matter what we did.

The original idea was to prevent a surge in hospitals. Remember?

J said...

10:29 PM,

Thanks for the link to

1 out of every 2 children will have autism by 2030 if the we don't "flatten the curve" of the autism epidemic. That is the main theme of the article for those who didn't visit the link. Whether true or not, it is is true that the autism epidemic has not "flattened the curve" yet.

I hope in this context it is not being presented as evidence that we are near the end of history and can't solve any problems and have to wait to be raptured.

Maybe I contributed to a similar thought when I observed there is another childhood epidemic called PANS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and that the PANS kids have gender dysphoria during PANS flares to a far greater extent than their neurotypical peers display symptoms of gender dysphoria.

The fact is, both autism and PANS are treatable -- just not easily treatable yet. It's not as easy as popping a pill -- not yet.

In 2016 two clinical trials will have completed. They are both winding their way toward FDA approval of two treatments of autism. Those treatments are Suramin and MTT (microbiota transplant therapy). MTT means purified, standardized human gut bacteria along with a safe and effective protocol for transplanting it. The gut has been called the second brain, there is such a thing as a gut-brain-immune axis, and we living through an era of human microbiome mapping that is comparable to the previous era of human genome mapping.

PANS is routinely treated with antibiotics, Ibuprofen and Benadryl! It has also been successfully treated using essential oils, helminthic therapy (worms that are not capable of colonizing but affect the host immune system as they are passing through), and other methods.

We used to walk around with some worms in us, and apparently it had an effect on our immune systems, so that we didn't have so much autoimmune disease and allergy. Our immune systems need something to focus on. That is why it is beneficial for babies to eat dirt and put things in their mouths. It helps to train their immune systems. If we are presenting our immune systems with a hyper hygienic world, our immune system may find things to freak out about, because the immune system needs something to focus on. So maybe it will freak out about strep bacteria. Maybe it will freak out about pollen. Maybe pet dander. Maybe almost anything. Immune tolerance is learned. A lot of people don't know that. But once the immune system learns to attack anything, it does not like to forget.

The point is: this is not the end of our kids' health! God is not so cruel! Jesus suffered the little children to come unto Him and warned not to harm them.

I don't believe for the minute that God doesn't want us healed, but the miracle healings of the Apostolic Age were to authenticate the true Apostles. I believe God wants to work through people using His Providence.

I have prayed myself for God to help, not for miracles, but to help me to problem solve. And God has answered me.

J said...

Oh my goodness, I typed a major blooper. The two clinical trials for autism treatments aren't being completed in a time warp in 2016! I wish!

They are scheduled to be completed in 2024. The FDA has expressed an intention to fast track both treatments once the clinical trials have completed.

J said...

Craig 8:21 PM,

Thanks for taking a look at those sources. I'll have to look up some of the sources you mentioned as I have time. I remain convinced that the Bible can't be understood in an internally consistent way without an at least mostly 1st century AD fulfillment. The fact that Revelation was not sealed like Daniel...the fact it was addressed to seven 1st century AD churches...the fact that words such as "soon" were used repeatedly...

Nonetheless if there are important scholars and important exegesis that I'm missing, I'd like to know about it and remedy it. I remain open to changing my mind if I encounter convincing exegesis.

J said...

X 4:08 AM,

What you said is a little bit chilling, even though I already knew about the SC ruling:

*Near the end Tom and Jared mention the Supreme Court case re: Vaccine Laws

In 1905, the Supreme Court ruled that a state can mandate vaccines, and accompany those vaccine mandates with a criminal fine for those not in compliance. More broadly, the court ruled that the state can impose “reasonable regulations” to protect the public health, even when such regulations interfere with individual rights.

You should know us argumentative folks here in this blog comments section well enough by now. We aren't going to play follow the leader with Christian conservatives. Not until after we have first subjected them to Berean style testing.

You should know the same Holy Spirit that inspired the words to be written: "Come, let us reason together," is not an authoritarian spirit -- at least, not as fallen human nature would understand authoritarianism.

Anonymous said...

J @ 7:51 AM,

You're very welcome!

FYI I was later looking further at the "SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES" link I had posted when I noticed that article headline and remembered your interest in Autism research findings and so I posted that link then also, and so, no, it was certainly NOT "being presented as evidence that we are near the end of history and can't solve any problems and have to wait to be raptured."(!)

And I believe that you'll find these articles and videos of great interest too:

Have a great day!

J said...

9:35 AM,

Thanks, I hadn't heard of Joel Wallach, which is strange. I'll definitely take a look!

Anonymous said...

J at 8:42 AM

You're right about the right.
I, and many like me, follow Jesus and led by the Spirit so sources outside of the Lord's Word still need scrutiny even though we may agree with much that is printed by several good conservative sites.
People are people but God is God...and He alone owns the Truth.
Progressives have abandoned so much truth to cling to their own biased agendas and filter info through that liberal progressive lens so the truth is washed nearly away, left in shreds, and they are not hard to spot, but my guard stays up regardless, even with the best sites that seemingly share my Bible worldview, and my conservative leanings.
The devil's craft is lies, and truth half told is still a lie. Truth that has been twisted into shapes to fit man pleasing ways is no longer the truth and I don't care who said it. The more subtle, the more we need to shine the light of God's Word upon things.
Being a berean is a must!

Anonymous said...



Be sure to click on the 'Videos' tab under the DuckDuckGo search bar when you use that link.

Also, since you've not heard of him:

RayB said...

Now ... after months of trials using human beings as guinea pigs ...

FDA and CDC call for 'pause' on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine after blood clot reports

And this is what they are admitting to. What else are they not telling us?

RayB said...

Do you REALLY want to know how COVID-19 is playing a major part in the infamous GREAT RESET?

READ, in their own words, what they have planned for us:



In case you are still undecided as to whether or not to get the "jab," you might want to consider listening to this interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:


RayB said...


Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Buys $1.4 Million Home in Area With Just 1.6% Black Population

She chose to live in one of the whitest areas possible.

J said...

9:41 AM,

I agree with everything you said!

To me, the Left is Babylon. The Right isn't, but sometimes it's Pharisees (sometimes).

J said...

American Vision: Getting to Know Your Church-State Jurisdictions

I was listening to an interview with Ken Starr on his new book Religious Liberty in Crisis: Exercising Your Faith in an Age of Uncertainty. I have not read the book, but I did agree with Starr’s assessment that most Americans lack a basic knowledge of the First Amendment. Most likely Mr. Starr does not deal with the First Amendment and its relationship with civil government in terms of biblical law. To supplement Starr’s book and that of many other similar attempts to understand the biblical approach to church-state relationships, I’ve put together a short series titled “THE BIBLE, THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.”

For a more comprehensive study of this topic, I suggest my books _God and Government _and Restoring the Foundation of Civilization available at There is a great deal of confusion since the phrase “separation of church and state” is purposefully used as a substitute for the actual words of the First Amendment. The words “separation,” “church,” and “state” do not appear in the Constitution.

Also, many people, Christians included, believe the Bible merged Church and State. This is not the case. The Bible describes a jurisdictional separation of Church and State that does not mean separating God from civil government. As we will see, our nation’s founding documents agree with this assessment.

Anonymous said...

Reporter LOCKED OUT OF TWITTER after sharing story about BLM founder buying FOURTH home ($1.4 million L.A. home)!

Anonymous said...

Masked men ransack Epoch Times office, x ejaculates

Anonymous said...

Google Shadow Ban — Thou shalt not search for ‘Minneapolis riots’

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Mr. X preaches "woke works" of social justice by his virtue signaling, etc, rather than the true Gospel which is free because Jesus Christ already did all the work on the cross by His righteous blood payment, so our faith in Him would make us righteous, and be saved.
X's gospel is the gospel of woke, by the church of woke.
But dream on X, whose love has waxed cold....

Anonymous said...

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccines used in the U.S. and abroad cause autoimmune diseases or death.

Her claim:

"Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly," Tenpenny said in the video, which has nearly 1 million views. "But a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases, 42 days to maybe a year out."

The Factcheck:


In that article, Tenpenny linked to a study about a phenomenon in other coronaviruses, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, in which certain antibodies can actually worsen the disease. The study does not support her claim that COVID-19 vaccines cause autoimmune diseases, which include conditions like type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis that cause the body to mistakenly attack healthy cells and organs.

Millions of Americans have received the coronavirus vaccines. If they caused widespread autoimmune diseases, those instances would be documented in the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. But the system indicates only a handful of self-reported autoimmune diseases, and even that data is unverified.

Her claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire"


Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting article pointing out most of the anti-vaxx info circulating online is being put out by just a few profiteers.

"The 'disinformation dozen': Two-thirds of anti-vaxx content circulating on Facebook and Twitter can be traced back to just 12 people including Robert F Kennedy Jr, report claims"

From the article:

"...In the midst of a global pandemic, the anti-vaccine industry has executed a targeted campaign to mislead the public about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines."


J said...

Hmmm, everybody is not yet 42 days to one year out from their vaccines, so it's too soon to say she must be wrong.

Not that I think Tenpenny could possibly have any way to know for certain that lots of people will die or get autoimmune diseases from their COVID vaccines.

But ... isn't there a reason why we have double blind, placebo controlled trials? Isn't there a reason why I and every autism parent has to wait until 2024 for the clinical trials for Suramin and MTT to be completed?

Why are we being treated as unreasonable for wanting the same standards for vaccines as for other medical products?

J said...

Dark, Cold Years Are Coming, So You’d Better Get Ready

We are about to enter some dark and cold years in 2028 that last for four or more years, as part of a grand solar minimum cycle of the sun.

Coincidentally, there appears to be a correlation between significant solar minimums and increased volcanic activity. Violent eruptions put cubic miles of material up into the atmosphere. Kuwei (Sporer Minimum) and Tambora (Dalton Minimum) had darkening, chilling global impacts as their particles blocked the sun and augmented cloud formation. There were 90 eruptions in one year of the Maunder Minimum.

These darker colder years are predicted to bring interrupted vegetation, crop failures, limited efficacy of solar power, and increased electricity demand for lighting, heating, and growing.

What are our betters doing about this? Bill Gates is working with Harvard to shade and supercharge the cooling of the earth just before it naturally darkens and cools. Interestingly, he’s a proponent of increasing electricity demand for electric cars and lab meat.

Michael Bloomberg has pledged $500,000,000 to close all our coal plants by 2030, just as the demand for increased power can be expected to peak and plateau for years.

And foolish Joe, with his throng of short-sighted advisors, suspended the Keystone XL pipeline project, a blow to both the United States and Canada. In the face of the failure of “green energy” generators during a cold snap in Texas, he put forth a plan to go to 100% “carbon free” energy by 2035. The Institute for Energy has a lot to say about that. Never mind the excessive amount of carbon it would take to get and maintain us there; the mere cost of his plans will beggar us for generations.

And for those puny human-aggrandizing science-denying numskull climate SJWs out there, I have this to say: Get a grip. Do the math.

Anonymous said...


AllSides Media Bias Rating: Lean Left

How we determined this rating:

Community Feedback: 9,753 ratings

Independent Research

AllSides Media Bias RatingsTM are based on multi-partisan, scientific analysis. Unless otherwise noted, this bias rating refers only to online news coverage, not TV, print, or radio content.

PolitiFact has a Lean Left bias.

Fact checking sites often display bias because selecting what gets fact-checked and how it will be checked is subjective in nature. Independent reviews by AllSides has found that Politifact's bias is Lean Left.

In July 2018, 18% of Politifact's "fact" checks were actually checks of opinions, reports Investor's Business Daily, citing RealClearPolitics' Fact Check Review (a site that fact checks fact checkers).

In widely-criticized piece published April 2016, Politifact said it is false to describe a person by their biological sex if that person identifies with another sex. Assessing a presidential campaign ad by Ted Cruz, Politifact wrote that “it’s not accurate to say that transgender women are men.” Following criticism, the website issued an editor's note and then changed the article to state, "“it’s not entirely accurate for Cruz to define a transgender woman as ‘a grown man pretending to be a woman.’”

Third-Party Accusations of Bias

A Capital Research Center piece about "Dishonest Fact Checkers" claims, "A Media Research Center analysis in June found that Trump received the “False”/“Mostly False”/ “Pants on Fire” label from PolitiFact’s Truth-O-Meter 77 percent of the time. Clinton received just “False”/“Mostly False” for 26 percent of her statements (Investors Business Daily, June 30, 2016)."

RayB said...

Here is the Warrant for the Arrest of Daunte Wright on the charge of AGGRAVATED ROBBERY. Wright allegedly pulled a gun on the victim, a woman, in an attempt to rob her of $820 in cash.

Notice how the main stream media did not report on this? Instead, they concentrated their efforts on falsely reporting that Wright was pulled over because of "air fresheners hanging from the rear view mirror." He wasn't. He was pulled over for expired license tags.

Once again, just as true in the case of George Floyd, had Wright complied with the Officers' commands, he most certainly would be alive today.

Anonymous said...

Unstable X,

I‘d trust Robert J. Kennedy Jr. over you any day. Even MCE is more grounded than you.

Anonymous said...

Hey RayB,
That warrant is wrong. Yes, it's a warrant but Mr. Wright appeared in court, posted a $40,000 bond & was granted a "Conditional Release" in December 2019. On July 30, 2020, the conditional release was revoked and a bench warrant was issued due to his "failure not to possess a firearm or ammunition and failure to maintain contact with his probation officer. He was detained at some point then posted another surety bond and appears to have been released again on Sept 9th pending a Jury Trial on the original charges which has been delayed time and time again until August 2nd, 2021. Right now I don't see a new warrant on this file or any other file in Minnesota (but the last Notice to Appear came back undeliverable so I assume he's not in compliance or there is some other case dealing with the firearm charge that I didn't see that got him a bench warrant as reported by the AP News:

If you want to see the MN court records search go here and input the case # 27-CR-19-29850

On Wikipedia it appears the press was reporting the expired registration tag as they indicated:

"At around 2:00 p.m. local time on April 11, 2021, Brooklyn Center police pulled over Daunte Wright for a traffic violation as the vehicle's registration tag had expired. Officers ran Wright's name through a police database, determined that he had an outstanding warrant, and tried to arrest him."

Wikipedia also reports a phone call as described by the victim's mother which appears to be where the whole "air freshener" story came from, Duante and his girlfriend probably had not got to the point in the traffic stop to even know why they were pulled over:

"Wright's mother spoke with reporters and said her son had phoned her during the traffic stop. She said she had overheard what sounded like a scuffle and an officer saying, "Daunte, don't run" before the phone hung up and that her son had been pulled over for having an air freshener hanging from his rear-view mirror. In Minnesota, it is illegal to drive with objects hanging on the rear-view mirror."

NBC News reported a much more sensational headline:

"Daunte Wright was stopped for expired plates, but driving while Black may have been his 'crime'

But the "air freshener" appears to have been added to the NBC story by the Chief of Police:

"He was pulled over for having an expired registration on the vehicle," Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon said Monday. "When the officer went over, an item hanging from the rearview mirror was spotted."

Tragic story. Sure LOOKS like an accident to me but she DID have to flip the safety off on the weapon?? Mohammed Noor "accidentally" shot that Australian woman and got convicted for it, so I wonder if this officer will get charged, stand trial or do time? I doubt she will. Kid was non-compliant and attempting to take control of his automobile putting the police officers, his girlfriend and the public in danger. He was actually in the midst of a felony. I wish she tazzed him instead but it's a long way from a defenseless innocent victim like the Australian Woman Noor shot.

J said...

I hope this is true. The author thinks chances are good that SB1 will not pass as it is. He is saying that Republicans are more united in their opposition to Biden than they were in their support of Trump. That, plus two Democrats -- Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema -- have publicly pledged their determination not to support the end of the filibuster. SB1, if passed as it is, would give the Democrats power in perpetuity because of enabling voting fraud in perpetuity.

Stupid is as Stupid Votes

"As the Biden administration continues to spend money willy-nilly with an economically destructive and globalist wish list driven by Sanders’ Marxists, Republican chances are looking better and better to take back the House in 2022."

J said...

The more I think about it, the more I think that the Left is in for a massive discrediting among the population.

Global warming presumptuousness and fraud will be exposed as the grand solar minimum can not be hidden from people.

Joe Biden's dementia can't be kept hidden forever.

COVID-19 overreaching is losing hearts and minds. We live it in tedium every day. It can't be kept hidden from us. We can't be fooled forever.

The Left has overreached in their hubris, just as surely as George W. Bush overreached when they tried to force a "Pax Americana" upon the world and only ended up making the neo-con name into mud.

If we can be steadfast in speaking truth in love (it may frequently need to be tough love), I don't think we will ultimately be in for defeat. I think we are just going to have to play the long game. There will be no leaders doing all the work for us.

J said...

"If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman

Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum Could Wipe Out Global Warming for Decades

Unknown to most people except those with an interest in solar science, the sun is about to shut down. Well, not completely – we’ll still have plenty of sunlight and heat, but the small dark blotches on the sun’s surface called sunspots, visible in the figure below, are on the verge of disappearing. According to some climate scientists, this heralds a prolonged cold stretch of maybe 35 years starting in 2020, despite global warming.

How could that happen? Because sunspots, which are caused by magnetic turbulence in the sun’s interior, signal subtle changes in solar output or activity – changes that can have a significant effect on the earth’s climate. Together with the sun’s heat and light, the monthly or yearly number of sunspots goes up and down during the approximately 11-year solar cycle. For several decades now, the maximum number of sunspots seen in a cycle has been declining.

The last time sunspots disappeared altogether was during the so-called Maunder Minimum, a 70-year cool period in the 17th and 18th centuries forming part of the Little Ice Age, and illustrated in the next figure showing the sunspot number over time. The Maunder Minimum from approximately 1645 to 1710 was the most recent occurrence of what are known as grand solar minima, or periods of very low solar activity, that recur every 350 to 400 years. So we’re due for another minimum.

(Many more details in the blog.)

Anonymous said...


April 2021
Christian Elliot

A few friends have asked my thoughts on the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic.

All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them.

Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would rather just write about something else, but I feel like the discussion/news is so one-sided that I should speak up.

As I always strive to do, I promise to do my best to be level-headed and non-hysterical.

I'm not here to pick a fight with anyone, just to walk you through some of what I've read, my lingering questions, and explain why I can't make sense of these covid vaccines.

I don't know everything, but so far no one has been able to answer the objections below.

So here are the reasons I'm opting out of the covid vaccine:


The only industry in the world that bears no liability for injuries or deaths resulting from their products, are vaccine makers.

First established in 1986 with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and reinforced by the PREP Act, vaccine makers cannot be sued, even if they are shown to be negligent.

The covid-vaccine makers are allowed to create a one-size-fits-all product, with no testing on sub-populations (i.e. people with specific health conditions), and yet they are unwilling to accept any responsibility for any adverse events or deaths their products cause.

If a company is not willing to stand behind their product as safe, especially one they rushed to market and skipped animal trials on, I am not willing to take a chance on their product.

No liability. No trust.

Here's why...


The four major companies who are making these covid vaccines are/have either:

Never brought a vaccine to market before covid (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson).

Are serial felons (Pfizer, and Astra Zeneca).

Are both (Johnson & Johnson).

Moderna had been trying to "Modernize our RNA" (thus the company name)--for years, but had never successfully brought ANY product to market--how nice for them to get a major cash infusion from the government to keep trying.

In fact, all major vaccine makers (save Moderna) have paid out tens of billions of dollars in damages for other products they brought to market when they knew those products would cause injuries and death--see Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex, Thalidomide, and Opioids as a few examples.

If drug companies willfully choose to put harmful products in the market, when they can be sued, why would we trust any product where they have NO liability?

Anonymous said...

In case it hasn't sunk in, let me reiterate...3 of the 4 covid vaccine makers have been sued for products they brought to market even though they knew injuries and deaths would result.

Johnson & Johnson has lost major lawsuits in 1995, 1996, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2019 (For what it's worth, J&J's vaccine also contains tissues from aborted fetal cells, perhaps a topic for another discussion)

Pfizer has the distinction of the biggest criminal payout in history. They have lost so many lawsuits it's hard to count. You can check out their rap sheet here. Maybe that's why they are demanding that countries where they don't have liability protection put up collateral to cover vaccine-injury lawsuits.

Astra Zeneca has similarly lost so many lawsuits it's hard to count. Here's one. Here's get the point. And in case you missed it, the company had their covid vaccine suspended in at least 18 countries over concerns of blood clots, and they completely botched their meeting with the FDA with numbers from their study that didn't match.

Oh, and apparently J&J (whose vaccine is approved for "Emergency Use" in the US) and Astrazenca (whose vaccine is not approved for "Emergency Use" in the US), had a little mix up in their 15 million doses.


Let me reiterate this point:

Given the free pass from liability, and the checkered past of these companies, why would we assume that all their vaccines are safe and made completely above board?

Where else in life would we trust someone with that kind of reputation?

To me that makes as much sense as expecting a remorseless, abusive, unfaithful lover to become a different person because a judge said deep down they are a good person.

No. I don't trust them.

No liability. No trust.

Here's [SIXTEEN MORE reasons] why I don't trust them:

Anonymous said...


Here's another reason why I don't trust them [plus FIFTEEN MORE reasons why I won't be getting a Covid vaccine]...

RayB said...

NO JUSTICE for Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed woman that was shot inside the US Capitol building. No questions about "excessive force" and the identity of the shooter has never been released.

"Biden DOJ Closes Investigation of Police Shooting Death of Ashli Babbitt With No Charges Filed"

Just try to imagine if a Black Lives Matter "protestor" was shot inside a State Capitol building and NO CHARGES were filed against the shooter.

Talk about two Americas.

Anonymous said...

Two Americas summed up...

Comparatively speaking...



Anonymous said...

Evil Wins If Christians Do Nothing

When good men do nothing, evil wins every time. In the endless battle between good and evil, it is seldom the numbers that determine the outcome of each skirmish. Many times, the side for the right has beaten overwhelming odds. More often than not, evil wins simply because the good men are not willing to stand up and fight for what they know is right.

When Good Men do Nothing, They Get Nothing Good Done

To be good, one must do good. They must do good, expecting nothing in return (Luke 6:35). We were created to do good works (Eph 2:10). Christ gave himself to gain a people zealous of good works (Tit 2:14).

In the parable of the one talent man he took what the Lord gave and hid it (Matt 25:18). He was condemned for returning only what his Lord gave (Matt 25:25). He did not do any outright evil. He did not steal the money. Neither did he do anything good with the money. Simply put, he did nothing at all (Matt 25:26).

The church at Sardis seemed to be alive, but it was dead (Rev 3:1). Too many churches and too many Christians do nothing. They are standing idly by. They are mere spectators, sitting on the sidelines instead of actively participating in the good work of the Lord. If good wins, they join in the celebration, though they did nothing to produce the victory. If evil wins, they complain long and loud, though their own apathy produced the undesirable result.

Learn from the parable of the fig tree. “Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, ‘Let no fruit grow on you ever again.’ Immediately the fig tree withered away” (Matt 21:18,19). What will the great Judge do with those who claim to be good and yet do nothing? Heed the warning of John, the baptizer. “And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matt 3:10). Jesus too, gives the same warning. “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. (Jn 15:1-2).

When Good Men do Nothing, Evil Triumphs

Evilness, sin, and sinful men must be opposed. God commands that the good are not to just avoid evil, but to actively oppose it. Christians are to have no fellowship with evil, but rather they are to reprove them. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” (Eph 5:11). Those who do nothing about sin and evil help sin and evil to prevail. When one is silent before the evil, we become a partaker with them (Ezek 3:18).

Elijah challenged the people to decide between God and the evil of Ahab and Jezebeel, yet the people remained silent (1 Kings 18:21).

In the parable of the good Samaritan, wicked men had robbed and beaten a man, leaving him half dead. The men who did this were very evil. The priest and the Levite, who passed on the other side (Luke 10:31-32) were willing to let evil triumph by not doing anything. Only the Samaritan stood up for what was right. In the fight against evil there is no middle ground, no gray area, no neutrality (Matt 12:30).

Anonymous said...

When Good Men do Nothing, They are no Longer Good

Too many have the mistaken notion that good is merely the absence of doing wrong. A person is not good merely because he has done no evil. A good person is one who is actively working for what is good (1 Pet 3:11). When we don’t do good, we are sinning. “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (Jam 4:17).

There are Christians today who fail to face the real foe of error and fight the enemy. Instead, they turn inwardly upon their own brethren and brutally attack out of bitterness and hatred. Well did Paul warn about these spiritual cannibals: “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another” (Gal 5:15). Some in their envy of others will provoke Christians, taunting them to misstep so they may feel justified (Gal 5:26). While the actions of these Christians are shameful, what about those who stand by and do nothing? If you stand aside and do nothing while your brothers are being slandered, are you any better?

Conclusion: Those who fail to do the works of God are sowing dangerous seeds. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Gal 6:7). Do not allow evil to triumph by your inaction. Stand up and be counted. Speak up against evil, rebuke evil men and their wicked ways. These are those who are set for the defense of the gospel (Philip 1:15-17); Those who are ready to give an answer (1 Pet 3:15); Those who are prepared to prove all things (1 Thess 5:21); Those who contend for the faith (Jude 3). Put on the whole armor of God (Eph 6:11-18) and fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12).

If you are truly a Christian, it is your calling.

It is your duty.

Anonymous said...

2:25 AM,
I agree. As many times as I have disagreed with MCE, I still find her more credible than X.
Now that's saying something.
His leading guesses, questions, and presumptions to poke and prod (not to understand someone else's view), means there is an agenda he's pushing then proceeds to tell everyone how virtuous he is, and others are not.
Blowhard trolls are a dime a dozen.

Craig said...

Heard of herd immunity and non-efficacy of blanket 'lock-downs'?

Dr. Fauci Admits That Knut Wittkowski Was Right - The Vaccine is USELESS

Anonymous said...

Some Cautious optimism:

"The mRNA Vaccines Are Looking Better and Better"

"Covid: 'Israel may be reaching herd immunity'"

"In Israel, more than half (5.3 million) its residents have been vaccinated and an additional 830,000 people have tested positive for the virus in the past, which should give them some natural immunity. That works out as roughly 68% of the population who are likely to have antibodies in their blood which can fight off the virus.

Prof Eyal Leshem, a director at Israel's largest hospital, the Sheba Medical Center, said herd immunity was the "only explanation" for the fact that cases continued to fall even as more restrictions were lifted."


Anonymous said...


Neither of us are epidemiologists nor biostatistician like Knut but that doesn't sound all that right to me.

If the infection were just permitted to run rampant and unimpeded the deaths would have risen exponentially like they did early on in New York when hospitals were overrun and treatment for even mild cases was unavailable. There's a tipping point where the healthcare system is overrun that would precipitate a much larger and unnecessary mortality rate. The dead would line the streets outside hospitals.

Absent abatement, more infection would seem to me to result in more variants more quickly than we've seen. The presumption we'd all get natural immunity quickly to just one variant and be done with it sounds like rubbish to me.

It appears the vaccine immuno-response to the original Covid 19 is much stronger than any natural immuno-response. So after everyone got infected and had a natural immunity to the original common variant --- the same cycle waves of new variants would have just come faster and sooner again finding a population unprotected to that strain either way.

I don't think the clips of Fauci actually confirm Knutt's proposition but it's an interesting exercise in epidemiological thinking.

God gave us epidemiology. Lockdowns gave us time to develop effective treatments, vaccines and information. More immediate and effective leadership at the federal level in Jan-Aug 2020 might have made a much larger impact. Piecemeal shutdowns were not super effective in the US (as they were in many other countries) due to other states NOT shutting down or taking the virus seriously. Had it been contained better, less strains would have developed this early on.

The next pandemic could be something much more deadly, like Ebola. We (and our enemies) have learned how vulnerable we are in our pride and idolatrous political loyalties. Changes are needed so we don't mess up again like this. I hope and pray the Israeli's obtains "herd immunity" at around 70% because we are not gonna get beyond that vaccination rate in the US anytime soon (maybe after a couple waves of variants everyone will have lost a family member and be more willing to finally start getting vaccinated with the most proven vaccine). Covid is a horrible way to die. I wouldn't even wish it upon my stalker here. lol.


Anonymous said...


A troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet. This is typically done by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion.[3] This is typically for the troll's amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival's online activities or manipulating a political process.

Anonymous said...

What Would George Carlin Say About The Coronavirus Hysteria And Related Propaganda Promoted And Restrictions Being Imposed?

Anonymous said...

Here's a video where Physician Marty Makary vs. epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski debated on whether "the lockdown saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives."

It took place June 8th, 2020 on libertarian's own ReasonTV.

It appears to me Knut made some really bad calls like claiming we'd already achieved herd immunity and that there wouldn't be a second wave. His claims that the shutdown was a mistake were because he believed at that time (June 8th last Spring)-- the covid virus was no longer circulating in the population.

"Did the Lockdowns Save Thousands of Lives? A Soho Forum Debate"

*note: Knut appears to be overstating his experience. The Rockefeller University releases statement concerning Knut Wittkowski on April 13, 2020:

"The opinions that have been expressed by Knut Wittkowski, discouraging social distancing in order to hasten the development of herd immunity to the novel coronavirus, do not represent the views of The Rockefeller University, its leadership, or its faculty. Wittkowski was previously employed by Rockefeller as a biostatistician. He has never held the title of professor at Rockefeller."

Here he is in Jan, 2021 making more outrageous claims:

On another note:

ReasonTV recently published a video I'm sure many of you will enjoy.

Libertarian PBS - Starts off with Mister Rogers tying his shoes saying "Oh hello, do you have a warrant to be here?"


Anonymous said...


a verb:

1. raise objections or show reluctance.

"Normally she would have accepted the challenge, but she demurred"

synonyms: raise objections, object, take exception, divert, take issue, protest, lodge a protest, cavil, dissent; a demurrer.


Anonymous said...

You have to give our mysterious 'x' credit as he does try hard to use the "velvet condom" technique to insert his agenda. If only we would bend over.

J said...

Progressive white women are crazy because the left makes them that way

One of the things I couldn’t help but notice during the BLM protests last year was the fact that deeply distraught, hysterically angry white women seemed to be taking the lead in many of the protests. It turns out that I may have been on to something. A women’s publication called Evie has caught up with the fact that a study from last year found that over half of white, Democrat women have been diagnosed at one time or another with a mental health problem. I’m not at all surprised.

To quote myself, in July, after sharing several videos of crazed white women during the height of the BLM marches, I wrote:

The root problem is that these women are receiving mixed messages that would make even the strongest person go crazy. Beginning in high school, or even earlier, they're told endlessly that they're both victim and oppressor.

These mixed messages make straight white girls distinct from other students. White boys are told they're evil, toxic oppressors of both women and minorities. It's an ugly message, but a consistent one. Boys lucky enough to have countervailing influences shake it off and become the men they should be. The boys who don't have better influences, interestingly enough, become feminized, even if they're not gay, as if trying to escape that awful toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile, everyone who is non-white and/or non-straight, whether male or female, or something else, is told that he, she, or it is a victim. White privilege, racism, homophobia, transgenderism, misogyny — all of them define how non-white and/or non-straight people suffer endlessly at the hands of straight whites.

And then there are the straight, white girls. On the one hand, they're...well, white and straight. That means they are evil oppressors who have benefited unfairly from white privilege. In the morality play that is leftism, they owe the world big-time. On the other hand, they're women, which means men have victimized them from time immemorial to the present.


J said...

It’s not just the BLM phenomenon that highlighted crazy women in the past year. COVID took revealed numerous white women who were incapable of staying silent if people didn’t wear masks. (See here and here.) These white women were the ones who acted as the voluntary civilian brigade to enforce every jot and tittle of the new fascists’ lock-up and mask dictums. They enjoyed their power and were obnoxious all over America.

It turns out that I was on to something. The article in Evie notes that a Pew Research study has found that more than 50% of white women who identify as politically “liberal” (or, as I more accurately say, “leftist”) have some form of mental health problem. What makes the article interesting is that, after noting real hormonal issues (periods, post-partum depression) and women’s propensity for depression, it got to the nitty-gritty, which is that leftist women’s mental health issues transcend merely biology:

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.

And then, showing that Evie is not your ordinary hard-left women’s magazine, the article points its finger at Progressivism itself:

But at the heart of the matter is this: Progressivism is an ideology that supposedly demands equality for all, and one that keeps score to an exhausting degree. The privilege between social classes, between races, between men and women, between religious and non-religious, and more, all have to be constantly monitored, and “inequality” has to be exposed for the purposes of “accountability.” That kind of behavior isn’t just unrealistic, it’s unsustainable. In all honesty, it’s understandable that anxiety and depression thrive in these kinds of environments when we’re focusing on every minute, problematic issue in our world and not able to take comprehensive, productive action to solve all these problems.

I’ll throw in one more factor, which is leftist white women’s college attendance. Colleges today are disproportionately female, making normal male-female relationships unusual. In addition, as I noticed when I took my daughter to college a few years ago, the colleges seem deliberately structured to make young women crazy. Certainly, many of the cheerful, normal young women I met her freshman year were angry, neurotic harridans by senior year.

If you can’t keep your daughter from attending college, at least try to get her to join Turning Point or some other campus conservative group. Her life will be much happier.

Anonymous said...

The world according to x disinfo series drones on.

The tripe he deposits here make MCE posts preferable in comparison.

RayB said...

To Anonymous @ 2:16 PM ...

Regarding your post:


April 2021
Christian Elliot

Thank you for posting this. I've already passed it on to "fence sitters." I urge everyone to take the time to thoughtfully read what this man has to say. See it here:

Anonymous said...

On and on you go.

You‘d have done well to have listened to Craig‘s words:"This is the sort of the over-the-top hyperbolic broad-brushed rhetoric, that gives you a bad name here."

I find it bizzare that when Thomas Dahlheimer stopped posting here you appeared.

"The tripe he deposits here make MCE posts preferable in comparison."

Doesn‘t it just, 9:04 AM!

Anonymous said...

X @ 11:01 PM posted: "We (and our enemies) have learned how vulnerable we are in our pride and idolatrous political loyalties."

It takes massive pride, and idolatry to place your 'christian' faith in a baby murdering, senile, old pervert, who can't even function with a teleprompter, and notes with pictures on them. Namely YOUR president Joe Biden. Not to mention Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the democrat scum in congress! The largest assembly of disgusting and corrupt perverts in the history of politics! But of course that was your logical christian choice!

Anonymous said...

So what to make of X's political loyalties then?
He sounds lock step to his fuhrer, O'Biden.

And he thinks he is the one being stalked lol!
He has been stalking this blog for a while now.

Anonymous said...

"And he thinks he is the one being stalked lol!
He has been stalking this blog for a while now."

Spot-on, 11:46 AM!

He prowls this blog demagoguing in favor of his demagogue, Psycho Joe, who is roaming the streets at night seeking out the blood of the innocent.

If a police car were to pull up on such a bloodthirsty serial killer due to a spate of recent baby murders, how credible would that serial killer be when he turns to the judge and says the Police were stalking him?

So, X, just as you supported such slaughter via the ballot box makes you as guilty as the slaughterer himself, any claims you make of people stalking you here are devoid of any credibility at all. You are without merit here and many of us are sick to the back teeth of reading your Dahlheimeresque trash at this blog. You may try to throw a few sweeteners in your posts to make them appear as blackberries, but we can see them for the bubonic style puss-filled boils they clearly are.

J said...

When Will Christianity Today Evaluate Biden by the Ten Commandments?

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 9:59 AM,

You're very welcome!

Anonymous said...

"The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists
Forensic psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee explains the outgoing president’s pathological appeal and how to wean people from it"

Scientific American asked Lee, a forensic psychiatrist and president of the World Mental Health Coalition, to comment on the psychology behind Trump’s destructive behavior, what drives some of his followers—and how to free people from his grip when this damaging presidency ends.

What attracts people to Trump?

Lee: "The reasons are multiple and varied, but in my recent public-service book, Profile of a Nation, I have outlined two major emotional drives: narcissistic symbiosis and shared psychosis. Narcissistic symbiosis refers to the developmental wounds that make the leader-follower relationship magnetically attractive. The leader, hungry for adulation to compensate for an inner lack of self-worth, projects grandiose omnipotence—while the followers, rendered needy by societal stress or developmental injury, yearn for a parental figure. When such wounded individuals are given positions of power, they arouse similar pathology in the population that creates a “lock and key” relationship."

“Shared psychosis”—which is also called “folie à millions” [“madness for millions”] when occurring at the national level or “induced delusions”—refers to the infectiousness of severe symptoms that goes beyond ordinary group psychology. When a highly symptomatic individual is placed in an influential position, the person’s symptoms can spread through the population through emotional bonds, heightening existing pathologies and inducing delusions, paranoia and propensity for violence—even in previously healthy individuals. The treatment is removal of exposure."

What do you think will happen to his supporters?

Lee: "If we handle the situation appropriately, there will be a lot of disillusionment and trauma. And this is all right—they are healthy reactions to an abnormal situation. We must provide emotional support for healing, and this includes societal support, such as sources of belonging and dignity. Cult members and victims of abuse are often emotionally bonded to the relationship, unable to see the harm that is being done to them. After a while, the magnitude of the deception conspires with their own psychological protections against pain and disappointment. This causes them to avoid seeing the truth. And the situation with Trump supporters is very similar. The danger is that another pathological figure will come around and entice them with a false “solution” that is really a harnessing of this resistance."

I'm here for your emotional support for healing and injecting "truth" and/or counterpoints for consideration and discernment as that last sentence above points out how primes the right has become for deception (religious and political).


Anonymous said...

Yet another puss-filled projection from X and the baby murdering brigade at 1:52 PM

You really should stop skipping your appointments, X, the good doctor's couch awaits you.

Anonymous said...

LIES About COVID-19 That At Least Half Of All Americans Believe

April 15, 2021
by: S.D. Wells
Natural News

There’s nothing wrong with being patriotic, but...

The China Flu has been nothing less than an onslaught of mass propaganda, lies, scare tactics, and brainwashing so intense that Americans want to kill each other for not wearing masks or not social distancing.

What most Americans don’t know is that in the beginning of the plandemic scandal, the CDC had partnered with the Confucious Institute, a key propaganda arm of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party. One of the Directors of the CDC announced, in February of 2020, that the CCP propaganda arm could be an “asset” to our Covid response for formulating our language we all communicate to our communities. In other words, this pandemic is planned and scripted by communists who collaborated with the CDC before and during the release and spread to America of the Chinese Flu Virus called COVID-19. That’s how Americans are about to find out the hard way what dirty vaccines actually mean.

Meanwhile, people are making grave mistakes (pun intended) believing these Chinese Communist rules, guidelines, advice and laws that Democrats have put in place, never to be lifted again in America...

There will be NO return to “normal” ever for Blue States – not even close.

Let that sink in.

Masks do not help. First off, nearly every mask every American is wearing right now has material holes that are 3 to 5 microns in size, where the COVID-19 virus fragments and particles average 2 microns in size. So masks are not protecting you or the people around you from anything. What’s worse is that bacteria in your throat and mouth is collecting and can lead to pneumonia, while your mask limits oxygen intake, severely restricting nutrients from flowing throughout your body, thus damaging your immune system.

Social distancing doesn’t help. Currently, people are not building antibodies to anything because they’re not being exposed to bad bacteria at all. All these antibacterial wipes and sprays and hand gels are killing all the bacteria, including good gut flora. Disinfectants are chemical-based usually and cause respiratory malfunctions and distress, not to mention cancer of the cleansing organs as you breathe it all in all day at home and work...

This is what the CDC wants you to believe it’s like that if you go outside without a mask on, anywhere:

Tune your internet frequency to for updates on more Covid-19 lies that are being pedaled.

J said...

Explaining the Narcissistic Rage of the Left

How to account for the scorched-earth hatred of Donald Trump?

He inspires a darkly fanatical dislike, disapproval, and disgust in his most ardent detractors. He is a distillation for millions of unhappy Americans of all things repugnant, repulsive, and wretched. The fever pitch at which he has been mocked, ridiculed, condemned, and threatened is beyond anything anyone in living memory has been subject to – let alone a sitting American president. From Colbert's "holster" to Madonna's fantasy of blowing up the White House to Kathy Griffin's decapitation stunt, and De Niro's thug life wish to "punch him in the face," the gloves are most certainly off – if only to better grasp a bludgeon. And that's just the celebrities. Even a state senator from Missouri hoped for Trump's assassination on Facebook.

Why such unabated arch-loathing? One possibility is that Trump's triumph dealt the progressive left a narcissistic injury from which they are still reeling. Is there another explanation for why previously sober, thoughtful Americans have abandoned the rational in such numbers?

The elite see their virtue, rectitude, and moral superiority reflected back to them in the films, newspapers, advertisements, TV shows, and magazines they themselves create, and it is intoxicating – a gauzy reverie of self-ratifying congratulation. Is it any wonder, after such unmitigated success, that the left is apoplectic about having its echo chamber shattered by a barbarian like Trump?

The belief system of the progressive left includes the shared understanding that leftists have been anointed to determine what is good and right in American life and what is not. Their candidate was ordained to hold the highest office in the land as the inevitable consequence of this orthodoxy. That belief system was shattered at 2:30 AM on November 3, 2016, when the Associated Press called the election for Trump.

Read more:
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Anonymous said...

I have supported nothing that Dalheimer has written here. If my support in this election for the Democratic candidate somehow makes me as "guilty as the slaughterer himself" then everyone that voted Republican the last 50 years is responsible for the decisions of the USSC and must accept the guilt of Roe v Wade and the guilt of thousands of abortion doctors enable thereby.

"You will know them by their fruits" indeed.

Every year since 1970, the majority of Supreme Court justices have been Republican appointees. Since the beginning of Chief Justice Warren Burger’s court until the death of Justice Ruth B. Ginsberg, there have been 17 Republican appointed-justices and 8 Democratic appointed-justices sitting on the Supreme Court.
At no time was there a majority of Democratic justices on the court to write its majority decision.”

In addition, the last four Supreme Court chief justices have been politically active Republicans appointed by Republican presidents:

• Chief Justice Earl Warren (1953 to 1969), was the Republican governor of California and Thomas Dewey’s vice-presidential running mate.

• Chief Justice Warren Burger (1969 to 1986), played a crucial role at the 1952 Republican National Convention to get Dwight D. Eisenhower the presidential nomination. However, it was Burger’s court with its Roe v. Wade decision that recognized a broad right to privacy that prohibited states from banning abortions with 5 of the 6 Republican Appointed Justices supporting the decision.

• Chief Justice William Rehnquist (1986 to 2005), was legal advisor to Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater. He was the lone Republican dissenter (along with Democrat Justice White) in Roe v. Wade. On the liberal side, the Rehnquist court overturned a prior court decision by ruling that intimate consensual sexual conduct was protected under the Fourteenth Amendment.

• Chief Justice John Roberts (2005 to current) served in Ronald Reagan’s and George H. W. Bush’s administrations in the Office of the White House Counsel. The Robert's court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, gave same-sex couples the right to marry and decided that businesses cannot discriminate against LGBT people in matters of employment.


Anonymous said...

X, did you vote for George Bush # 43 when he ran for President?
Did you vote for # 44 Barack Obama when he ran for president?
Did you vote for Hillary Clinton when she ran against Donald Trump in 2016?
We know you voted for Biden last November but have you previously voted for Democrats for President and other offices?

Anonymous said...

All 50 states have paused the Johnson & Johnson vaccine . . .

The CDC panel adjourns without a vote on extending the Covid vaccine pause . . .

Another theory is that vaccine deaths period!!! are RISING... and that the CDC is running scared... and possibly attempting to make J&J a convenient scapegoat in this... as no one wants to admit that the vaccines are not only to blame for these deaths... but that vaccines are not effective!!! (In other words, the CDC is in 'cover our ass' mode.)

Must see video . . .

Situation Update, April 14th, 2021 - Vaccine Death Wave Now Unstoppable! 122 Million Americans Join Fatal Medical Experiment! - Mike Adams Must Video

Anonymous said...

"This Is Insanity": Twitter Suspends James O'Keefe Hours After CNN Expose

Anonymous said...

The Biggest Threat to America Is Black Supremacy

Anonymous said...

Hello X,

No one has said your content is identical to that of Thomas Dahlheimer. I think what the 12:20 p.m. poster is implying by terming your posts as 'Dahlheimeresque' is the spirit of your posts remains the same as those of Thomas Dahlheimer.

There is something very New Agey about your posts. They are filled with the SJW mantra of 'it's all so unfair' whilst simultaneously championing someone who is furthering the agenda of murdering unborn children. Quite frankly, I am surprised you're not openly declaring Molech worship because that is what Biden's policies amount to.

Also, there is truth in the claim that as soon as the agent provocateur Thomas Dahlheimer ceased posting here, youra immediately began in earnest.

Why is that, X?

Anonymous said...

Now, this is absolute Bull S - - - !!!

Pfizer CEO says a THIRD Covid vaccine dose will be needed as soon as six months after someone receives two shots - and then people will be vaccinated annually

Anonymous said...

9:56 PM,

You betcha!

That's exactly why I called x's posts Dahlheimeresque trash. X has taken over as the number one troll here. Sad isn't it, yet he clearly remains unrepentant and instead grows ever bolder in his baying for the blood of unborn children. X knew Biden's baby slaughtering agenda yet still mercilessly voted for him. How New Age can he get! Here he is throwing his pacifier in anger at having been called out for his Dahlheimeresque trash, oozing through the bursting boils of his posts.

Anonymous said...

Read this and weep.

Read this x and see what your President and the Democrat party you endorsed are all about, and the then President Trump halted the practice that our tax dollars was funding, but is resumed under Biden. His first day order of business for his regime.

Shame on your constant excuses and endorsements of those responsible for such horror and pretend you have such a tender good conscience. If you were truly interested in justice, you would not have voted for the atrocious murderers to gain control to ramp up the grisly practice of abortion and trafficking those little dismembered bodies.

Get real and quit trying to tell the rest of us how to do human, when you are in severe need of a heart checkup.

Anonymous said...

Why is that, X?

Maybe it's your desire to put me in a far-left box with all the other "libs"?

Maybe you've never met a politically independent conservative Christian?

I was posting long before Dahlheimer left. I never really read his new age junk so I have no idea when or why he left. He didn't proclaim to be a Christian that I recall. It was my estimation he may have been here to thwart Mrs. Cumbey's message and her opposition to the new age. I see a lot of that here.

I support biblical justice which includes compassion and empathy for the poor, oppressed and downtrodden, not extra-biblical "social justice". As a Christian white male...I am not a victim nor am I a victimizer. Other than my dad's health right now -, things are pretty good and I've had a tremendously blessed life thus far (and I'm not talking prosperity gospel non-sense). Sadly, it appears to me that MAGA is made up of a lot of white social justice warriors or MAGA-SJW. If you were not appalled by the events in D.C. on Jan 6th as they were might just be a MAGA-SJW yourself.

Thankfully, God had a solution to the injustices of humanity. By sending Christ, who was deemed to be fully righteous and just, to take the punishment for the sins of the guilty, God has made it so that all people or the elect can stand righteous before Him. Having been given this gift, it is now our commission to go out into the world and give this same gift to others by showing them the righteousness and justice that God has shown us all.

Anonymous said...

11:02 pm

If only some [Republican-dominated] federal court would overturn Roe v Wade and allow state legislatures to make elective abortion illegal. In the alternate, maybe the Republican Congress from 2012-2019 should have passed legislation outlawing it (which is a heck of a lot harder to overturn or reverse than a presidential executive order but that's kind of the plan anyway). It's awful that Trump funded such his first 3 years in office. His Dept of HHS waited until Jan 15th this year (6 days left in office) to "propose" new guidelines/rules re: Human Fetal Tissue.
Obviously, just a political stunt. His supporters must feel so betrayed.

Shame on your constant excuses and endorsements of those responsible for such horror and pretend you have such a tender good conscience. If you were truly interested in justice, you would abandon the atrocious Republican murderers and traffickers of those little dismembered bodies.


p.s.- Are mothers/parents of legitimate miscarriages allowed to donate their baby to science?

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, hadn't "x" previously described himself as a "person of color"?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was as "a person of cola"?: he keeps drinking Joe's cool-aid, so it wouldn't surprise me.

RayB said...

Joe Biden/CommieLa Harris's Amerika:

Mexican-American woman, 70, 'is battered on LA bus by racist black woman, 23, who thought she was 'Asian-American'

RayB said...

Pro-Abort Chelsea Clinton to Address Vatican Conference on ‘Health’

Anonymous said...

x the word twister with no cahones to own his choices! I utterly detest (and vote out where I can) what the Rino Republican roll overs did to lose the battles against your favorites the Democrat crime syndicate who offered no real pushback or consequences when they had every opportunity so I agree with and your progressives took what little help there was in true conservative circles away by throwing it all headlong to the Biden murdering regime. You did that willingly, so blood is on your hands as well as those who compromised the few chances for gaining ground against the murdering that America (it's citizenry) has allowed by voting (and not voting against) for it to continue. That is on your hands also!!!!!!!!!!!!

You threw all chance of decency away by giving your blessing to the butcherers of the left. You did not stand against evil, (woe to them through whom offenses come!) you furthered it and now you pontificate and cram your hypocrisy on this blog!!

You, too, are a swamp dweller if ever there was because you are deeply compromised yourself pointing at others who have done the very same. You have no room to talk, you have no place in conversation to take any high ground. None.

You are a vasillating weasel at best and a full throated socialist progressive liberal nazi at worst, attempting to talk God's words and ethics when you can't back yourself up in righteous standings. Enough of your flaming phony "christianity"! You live a lie and expect us to believe you. Not a chance. Bitter haters like yourself are responsible for what we have now.

Trump did begin overturning abortion policy---immediately--you need to get some facts in your head--in his tenure and you lie that he didn't. You need him to be on the wrong side of things like you are, because for all his faults he is more righteous than you are! So his record proves he was doing his part. Too bad many many more didn't come alongside him (people like you) who say they hate abortion and the billion dollar industry it is. The coalition of Black pastors that came alongside President Trump like Dr Alveda King know how much they were working (tirelessy with Trump for that issue and prison reforms and employment opportunities etc etc etc ) to turn that all around and were making strides but people like undercut them.

Own it! You are on the wrong side of the Bible--you cut the Bible to ribbons in your despicable fake brand of righteous anger. You are like your joke president, Joke Biden.

RayB said...

Recall when ABC "news" edited George Zimmerman's 911 call to police to make it sound like Zimmerman was saying that Trayvon Martin was "up to no good" because he was "Black?" AND, when they purposely edited out Zimmerman's head wounds, in order to create the false narrative that Martin did not attack Zimmerman?

Well, predictably, they are at it again. This time, it's CBS that offers up their version of propaganda:

CBS splices gun in Adam Toledo’s hand out of police shooting video

Recall as well when virtually the entire media constantly referred to Minn. Police Officer Chauvin as "George Floyd's MURDERER, or KILLER?" AND, in spite of all the other videos and photos available, the MSM only showed those that seemed to incriminate the Police Officers. It was also the same media that falsely painted the picture that George Floyd was a "saint," instead of the drug using, career criminal thug that he actually was.

The mainstream media is purposely attempting to stir up racial tensions in this country. The question is, why? I have my own personal theories, but, here is a rather quick, but good, synopsis by Dr. Steve Turley:

New Details EMERGE About Daunte Wright as Mainstream Media ENFLAMES Racial Tensions!!!

RayB said...

Have anyone of you ever read John Bunyon's "Pilgrim's Progress?"

"X" reminds me an awful lot about the character "Talkative." Talkative likes to spout off all that he "knows" about "religion" (his favorite topic is just to hear himself talk), but his actions are well known to contradict his "message." Sound familiar? All of the town people that know Talkative hate him, because they know him to be a hypocrite. In the book, "Faithful" finally confronts him by pointing out his hypocrisy, just as we are confronting and exposing the false posts of "X."

If you have never read this classic, you should. Charles Spurgeon read this book "at least 50 times" because of its deep spiritual insight. That should tell you something about the book's value.

Here is a FREE PDF download, if interested:

Anonymous said...


I did find the warrant on Duante Wright.

Search case # 27-CR-21-4400

It was a warrant on the gun possession and fleeing police officer case.

He failed to appear on April 2nd for a hearing on the matter (1st Appearance) and aa warrant was issued that same day.

Facts per police report:

"That on June 30, 2020, at approximately 1604 hours, Officers Boldo and Depies, Minneapolis Police, responded to a person with gun call near 51st and Bryant Avenue North, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota. The caller indicated that a light-complexed 17-year-old black male, wearing black shirt and shorts and white shoes, was waiving a black handgun. The male then got into a white Toyota Camry,
occupied by 4 people with the driver wearing a red shirt. Officers located the car nearby, with a person, Defendant herein, Daunte Demetrius Wright, d.o.b. 10/27/2020, matching the person with the gun's description sitting in the back seat. Once out of the vehicle, Defendant took off running with Officers in pursuit and managed to evade officers. Officers at the scene positively identified Defendant from prior
interactions. A loaded Ruger .45 caliber handgun matching the caller's description was found on the floor of the vehicle where Defendant had been sitting. Another occupant of the vehicle verified it was Defendant's gun. Defendant does not have a permit to carry a firearm."


Anonymous said...

Love Spurgeon.

Funny how we all see ourselves as the good guys in that story. Such a human characteristic. It was all a dream --- so Christian, and all of us by allegory are really ALL the characters in our own dream as we each struggle with the flesh.

I pray I'm more like Hopeful or Valiant-for-Truth,

You ...maybe By-ends??

or Much-afraid. lol

The others, the bible-less scroll-less roman catholics, Ignorance.


Anonymous said...


April 2021
Christian Elliot


There have been many attempts to make viral vaccines in the past that ended in utter failure, which is why we did not have a coronavirus vaccine in 2020.

In the 1960's, scientists attempted to make an RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine for infants.

In that study, they skipped animal trials because they weren't necessary back then.

In the end, the vaccinated infants got much sicker than the unvaccinated infants when exposed to the virus in nature, with 80% of the vaccinated infants requiring hospitalization, and two of them died.

After 2000, scientists made many attempts to create coronavirus vaccines.

For the past 20 years, all ended in failure because the animals in the clinical trials got very sick and many died, just like the children in the 1960's.

You can read a summary of this history/science here:

Or if you want to read the individual studies you can check out these links:

·In 2004 attempted vaccine produced hepatitis in ferrets

·In 2005 mice and civets became sick and more susceptible to coronaviruses after being vaccinated

·In 2012 the ferrets became sick and died. And in this study mice and ferrets developed lung disease.

In 2016 this study also produce lung disease in mice.

The typical pattern in the studies mentioned above is that the children and the animals produced beautiful antibody responses after being vaccinated.

The manufacturers thought they hit the jackpot.

The problem came when the children and animals were exposed to the wild version of the virus.

When that happened, an unexplained phenomenon called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) also known as Vaccine Enhanced Disease (VED) occurred where the immune system produced a "cytokine storm" (i.e. overwhelmingly attacked the body), and the children/animals died.

Here's the lingering issue...

The vaccine makers have no data to suggest their rushed vaccines have overcome that problem.

In other words, never before has any attempt to make a coronavirus vaccine been successful, nor has the gene-therapy technology that is mRNA "vaccines" been safely brought to market, but hey, since they had billions of dollars in government funding, I'm sure they figured that out.

Except they don't know if they have...

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