To my Readers:
I was impressed by the following article that was sent to me by Dr. Don Boys. I originally hail from Indiana and Dr. Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives and ran a Christian school in Indianapolis for years. I have been very concerned that a spirit of mob violence has been unleashed from both right wing and from left wing circles. Qanon on the "Right" and "Antifa" and other forms of anarchy on the left. I am currently concerned that the violence that transpired in Washington, D.C. last week will give abundant excuses to the left wing elements as well as globalist "reset" agenda forces to work to even further curtail Christian rights than what has already transpired with the transgender, same-sex marriage agendas. I asked Dr. Boyd for permission to reprint his article and he graciously gave it. I would appreciate your feedback and I am sure Dr. Boyd would as well. There is an old saying: "All revolutions eat their children." That goes for the Christian Reconstruction" elements as well who believe they will undergo no persecution and "take the kingdom by force and violence."
Stay tuned,
Constance E. Cumbey
by Don Boys, Ph.D.
Revolutions in France, Russia, or Cuba didn’t happen by accident because they were planned, preached, and promoted by leftist thugs. Those thugs did not know that all revolutions devour their own.
In the eighteenth century, some eloquent, highborn French wanted a national makeover that stemmed from their hatred of Christ and the Bible, Christian morality, property rights, orderly government, and strong father-led homes. There were some legitimate complaints against the government but none that justified anarchy and wholesale executions without a trial.
The promoters of the French resistance, rebellion, and revolution were willing to wait for the time to strike. It took decades, but it came.
It took decades in America, but it is here.
Waiting gives revolutionaries time to organize and gather their cadre of conspirators. The French were led to the guillotine by suave, sophisticated, and often sincere spokesmen such as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and other brilliant, immoral, but arrogant conspirators who detested revelation and deified reason. With the passing years, the leaders who replaced Voltaire and Rousseau were more vicious and deadly. They spoke about liberty, equality, and fraternity while they mocked their essence.
Voltaire and Rousseau would have been horrified if they had lived to see the Reign of Terror—heads rolling hour after hour in the middle of Paris; thousands of innocent people killed, usually without trial; climaxing in the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte. Voltaire was known for freedom, independence, and defense of the little guy as expressed in his alleged comment, “I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” He would not have approved of the revolution that became a repulsive river of blood emanating from the guillotine in the center of Paris.
Rousseau famously wrote, “Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains,” so he would have vetoed the revolution. Both men would have been aghast, even ashamed with the destruction, deception, and death. However, their humanism, secularism, and distrust, distaste, and disdain for the crown, the church, and the cottage set the stage for what followed decades after their initial attack.
But they started it and are stuck with it. That’s what happens when a nation rejects heavenly revelation and snuggles up to human reasoning.
I wonder what Voltaire and Rousseau would have thought of present-day America where one is condemned for what he did, wrote, or said 30 years ago! Where you can’t say, “All lives matter” or “Blue Lives Matter,” but must say, “Black lives matter.” Where historical monuments are being destroyed, and history is being rewritten to resemble a fairy tale.
The French should have seen it coming over the decades as critics of the crown, the church, and the cottage became progressively louder, bolder, and shriller.
Local and clandestine Jacobin clubs (consisting of Philosophers, Freemasons, and Illuminati) were the workhorses of the Reign of Terror in 1793 during the dictatorship of the revolution. At the time, there were up to 8,000 clubs in France consisting of about 500,000 members. They were no longer merely civic or social clubs but instruments of terror.
Their ostensible responsibility was to help with the running of local governments, policing the local markets, and raising supplies for the military and local police departments. They presented themselves as the epitome of public virtue and were quick to point out anyone suspected of disloyalty to the cause. And, with missionary zeal, they helped destroy all vestiges of Christianity. They became the tool of terrorist leader Robespierre whom he manipulated to his advantage.
Members of the Jacobin clubs were “snake in the grass” Frenchmen who had been radicalized over decades and were waiting for the signal to rebel, resist, riot, and revolt. All leaders of the plot had secret names for one another in their private correspondence. It was arranged so that no one knew many members.
Most historians smile at the suggestion that the French Revolution was promoted by conspirators decades before the streets exploded and the guillotine blade became dull with constant use. Just another conspiracy theory.
Those historians are wrong.
Yale President Timothy Dwight was an American educator, Congregational minister, and President of Yale from 1886–1898. He documented the origin of the revolutionary Jacobin organizers who agitated for a brutal revolution. He declared, “About the year 1728, Voltaire, so celebrated for his wit and brilliancy and not less distinguished for his hatred of Christianity and his abandonment of principle, formed a systematical design to destroy Christianity and to introduce in its stead a general diffusion of irreligion and atheism. … With great art and insidiousness the doctrines of … Christian theology were rendered absurd and ridiculous; and the mind of the reader was insensibly steeled against conviction and duty.”
Dwight continued, “The fabrication of books of all kinds against Christianity, especially such as excite doubt and generate contempt and derision. … The being of God was denied and ridiculed … The possession of property was pronounced robbery. Chastity and natural affection were declared to be nothing more than groundless prejudices. Adultery, assassination, poisoning, and other crimes of the like infernal nature, were taught as lawful…provided the end was good. … The good ends proposed … are the overthrow of religion, government, and human society, civil and domestic. These they pronounce to be so good that murder, butchery, and war, however extended and dreadful, are declared by them to be completely justifiable.”
Note the similarities: There was a design to destroy, as today. There was an attack on Christ and the Bible, as today. There was an attack on property, as today. Horrible crimes were permitted if they were for a good cause, as today. If the end was desirable (to them), then the means were justified, like today. The worst crimes, even murder, were acceptable, as today.
The slow but sure erosion of the foundations of France began with Voltaire and was continued by the self-righteous philosophers and anti-crown, anti-church, anti-family fanatics over the following decades.
They dispensed with the corrupt Roman Catholic Church and installed the Cult of Reason. A prostitute was enthroned at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris as the goddess of the French people. France was renamed The Republic of Virtue! The press and theaters were turned into tools for state propaganda. More than 2,000 churches were renamed Temples of Reason and became the voice of this cult. Crosses offended some people, so they were outlawed; religious monuments and statues were destroyed; public and private worship and education outlawed; Christian graves were desecrated. Churches were closed or used for immoral, lurid, licentious, scandalous depravities; and priests and ministers (along with those who harbored them) were executed on sight for a while.
What was their theme again? Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.
The Apostle Peter warned about this in II Peter 2:19 when he wrote, “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.”
All secret societies are dishonest, deceptive, and dangerous to any society, whether it be the KKK, the Freemasons, or the elitist Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. All sober people should flee such groups as if their hair was on fire. However, insecure elitists gravitate to such groups where they wallow in supposed superiority and delight in awarding and receiving honors. They spend much time patting each other on the back and stroking each other’s egos.
The secretive Jacobins (who met on Jacob Street in Paris) were sensitive to public virtue but thought personal virtue repugnant. They reported people who were suspects or who were not sufficiently pro-terror. It was an ideal time to take revenge on someone by suggesting to others about his or her suspicious political positions.
Many top-level aristocrats who had suspicious political views were beheaded or imprisoned, while those who remained alive lost all special treatment and privileges. The middle class took control following the much-touted program of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. That was great for a while, but when Robespierre took control, terror reigned. Civil war followed as believers of the monarchy (upper class) fought the revolutionaries (mainly lower-class except for leaders) for control. About half a million people were imprisoned between 1793 and 1794, and up to 300,000 were killed by firing squad and drowning. The bloody guillotine claimed 40,000 lives (without trial) in Paris, most of them because they held the wrong political views.
The basic philosophy behind and driving the Revolution was an attack on all authority—the church, the crown, the cottage. It was a deliberate conspiracy or plot to overthrow the throne, altar, and authoritarian family structure in Europe. The motive was the dissolution of all civil society. They would not need government because they believed in man's perfectibility; consequently, no government would be necessary. This belief resulted from the influence of the Illuminati, who became leaders in the Jacobin clubs.
America stands at the crossroads. Revolutionary leaders in the U.S. make their destructive contributions to national disruption as Robespierre and Denis Diderot did in France. All revolutionaries plan change, control, and chaos in their nation.
They must be stopped, but revolutions, once started, are almost impossible to stop.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 721 Newer› Newest»Where the two of them in Rome at the time?
Paul said...
"I keep hearing how Jesus instituted the Roman Catholic Church in 33 AD.
That's amazing.
"_I just wish I could find it in the Bible somewhere"
Just go to 1st Anon. 1:42
To Paul @ 8:07 PM:
Uhhh... the last time I checked, Matthew 16:18 is in the BIBLE.
Since Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of ALL mankind on the cross on Golgotha on Mount Calvary in Jerusalem... Jesus and His 12 carefully CHOSEN Disciples (one of whom was Peter, later to become the first Pope Peter I, then St. Peter ~ as in the one guarding the Gates of Heaven ~ were obviously NOT living in Rome (although, I am sure that Jesus will remember your very arrogant sarcastic remark).
Golgotha, (Aramaic: “Skull,”) also called Calvary, (from Latin calva: “bald head,” or “skull”), skull-shaped hill in Jerusalem, the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is referred to in all four Gospels. The hill of execution was outside the city walls of Jerusalem, apparently near a road and not far from the sepulchre where Jesus was buried. Its exact location is uncertain, but most scholars prefer either the spot now covered by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre or a hillock called Gordon’s Calvary just north of the Damascus Gate.
FYI: In 33 AD, Jesus instituted the Catholic Church for ALL Christians. Over the centuries, it is obvious that some of YOUR Protestant ancestors were led astray by FORMER Catholic leaders (for example, such as Martin Luther, Henry VIII, etc.) and became influenced by those who decided to start their OWN 'spin off' religions... and ultimately, you (and a few others on this blog) ended up 'inheriting' those beliefs of your ancestors... and have now passed down those same beliefs to your children and grandchildren.
First of all, we Catholics do not believe in sola scriptura (by scripture ALONE)... but, rather we believe in both Scripture AND Tradition... handed down by Jesus Himself and his 12 carefully CHOSEN disciples (apostles).
QUESTION: WHERE in the Bible does it say (or even suggest) 'bible ONLY' teaching???
Sola scriptura (by scripture alone in English) is a theological doctrine held by some Protestant Christian denominations that the Christian scriptures are the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.
The Britannica acknowledges that Peter was the first Pope... although Paul (on this blog) does not. LOL
St. Peter the Apostle, original name Simeon or Simon, (died 64 CE, Rome [Italy]), disciple of Jesus Christ, recognized in the early Christian church as the leader of the 12 disciples and by the Roman Catholic Church as the first of its unbroken succession of popes. Peter, a Jewish fisherman, was called to be a disciple of Jesus at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. He received from Jesus the name Cephas (from Aramaic Kepa [“Rock”]; hence Peter, from Petros, a Greek translation of Kepa).
The sources of information concerning the life of Peter are limited to the New Testament: the four Gospels, Acts, the letters of Paul, and the two letters that bear the name of Peter. He probably was known originally by the Hebrew name Simeon or the Greek form of that name, Simon. The former appears only twice in the New Testament, the latter 49 times. At solemn moments (Gospel According to John 21:15), he was called “Simon, son of John.” The Gospel According to John prefers Simon (17 times) or the compound, rarely found elsewhere, of Simon Peter. Though Paul has a distinct preference (8 times out of 10) for the Greek transliteration Kēphas (Latinized as Cephas) of the Aramaic name or title Kepa, meaning “Rock,” the Gospels and Acts use the Greek translation Petros approximately 150 times. From the Synoptic Gospels (Gospel According to Matthew 8:14) and Paul (First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 9:5), there is indirect evidence that Peter was the son of John and was married. His family originally came from Bethsaida in Galilee (John 1:44), but during the period of Jesus’ ministry Peter lived in Capernaum, at the northwest end of the Sea of Galilee, where he and his brother St. Andrew were in partnership as fishermen with St. James and St. John, the sons of Zebedee (Gospel According to Luke 5:10).
Dear 9:23 PM
Matthew 4:4 is clear and concise.
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Please don't miss that. It is Jesus speaking. His direct authority on this is do not add to what God said and do not take away from what God said. He is the highest Authority on all things God, isn't that correct? We cannot go higher than Jesus, so that verse is The Lord Jesus Himself talking about the Bible, God's inspired word.
And the Holy Spirit spoke this and Apostle Paul had these words recorded.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Look at how clearly this is teaching us that all that is needed to teach us this Holy faith is God's Holy Word the Bible. The buck stops with God.
Not men's traditions and added teachings, or teaching out of context, because these could only be after that fact, but some did do that, thinking they had preeminence and rejected the apostolic teaching and developed their own. The result led some astray with apostate ideas that were a mix of Judaism and Christianity as Apostle Paul warned the Galatians, and other Apostles also wrote in the New Testament canon, also inspired by God's Spirit.
I address your question, not to argue, but simply to state what the Lord Himself has taught us.
May God bless you with this from Ephesians Chapter 1:
17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,
21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
One last reply to Paul . . .
The first pope started out his ministry in a central hub of the ancient world.
While St. Peter is widely known as the first bishop of Rome, the “prince of the apostles” started out his ministry in the “Rome of the East,” the ancient city of Antioch.
The Roman Empire at the time of Christ hailed Antioch as the new capital of the East over that of Alexandria. It became a pivotal city, one favored by the emperors of Rome and a vital part of the Empire.
The Catholic Church, from which Protestants broke away, and against which they directed these arguments, did not see scripture and the sacred tradition of the faith as different sources of authority, but that scripture was handed down as part of sacred tradition (see 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2).
The Catholic Church holds that the gospel was transmitted by the apostles by their oral preaching, by example, and by observances handed on what they had received from the lips of Christ, from living with Him, and from what He did, or what they had learned through the prompting of the Holy Spirit; as well as by those apostles and apostolic men who under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit committed the message of salvation to writing.[47] "This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely connected to it."[48] "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God."[49]
The Tradition here in question comes from the apostles and hands on what they received from Jesus' teaching and example and what they learned from the Holy Spirit. (The Catholic Church distinguishes Sacred Tradition from local customs that may be retained, modified or even abandoned.) As explained by Athanasius of Alexandria, "Let us look at the very tradition, teaching, and faith of the catholic church from the very beginning, which the Logos gave (edoken), the Apostles preached (ekeryxan), and the Fathers preserved (ephylaxan). Upon this the Church is founded (tethemeliotai)"(St. Athanasius, "First Letter to Serapion", 28)[50]
Accepted traditions were also perceived by the church as cohesive in nature. The proper interpretation of the scriptures was seen as part of the faith of the church and seen indeed as the manner in which biblical authority was upheld (see Book of Acts 15:28–29). The meaning of scripture was seen as proven from the faith universally held in the churches (see Phil. 2:1, Acts 4:32), and the correctness of that universal faith was seen as proven from the scriptures and apostolic sacred tradition (see 2 Thes. 2:15, 2 Thes. 3:6, 1 Corinthians 11:2). The Biblical canon itself was thus viewed by the church as part of the church's tradition, as defined by its leadership and acknowledged by its laity. The first generation of Christians did not yet have a written New Testament, and the New Testament itself demonstrates the process of living Tradition.[51]
The Catholic Dei verbum and the papal encyclicals Providentissimus Deus by Pope Leo XIII and Divino afflante Spiritu by Pope Pius XII set out Catholic teaching on tradition versus individual interpretation.[52][53]
The Catholic Church teaches that Christ entrusted the preaching of the Gospel to the apostles, who handed it on orally and in writing, and according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession until the end of time. "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God in which, as in a mirror, the pilgrim Church contemplates God, the source of all her riches."[54] For the Eastern Orthodox too, "the Holy Bible forms a part of Holy Tradition, but does not lie outside of it. One would be in error to suppose that Scripture and Tradition are two separate and distinct sources of Christian Faith, as some do, since there is, in reality, only one source; and the Holy Bible exists and found its formulation within Tradition".[55]
Catholics apply to apostolic tradition many of the qualities that evangelicals and other Protestants apply to scripture alone. For example, the 1978 Evangelical declaration Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, states: "We affirm that inspiration was the work in which God by His Spirit, through human writers, gave us His Word. The origin of Scripture is divine. The mode of divine inspiration remains largely a mystery to us. We deny that inspiration can be reduced to human insight, or to heightened states of consciousness of any kind."[56]
Since the Catholic Church professes that apostolic tradition and scripture are both the word of God, Catholics can affirm that many of these propositions apply equally well to tradition: It is the work of the Holy Spirit, which cannot be reduced to human insight or heightened consciousness.
This ties in with the question of what constitutes apostolic tradition. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this tradition is given "by the apostles who handed on, by the spoken word of their preaching, by the example they gave, by the institutions they established, what they themselves had received - whether from the lips of Christ, from his way of life and his works, or whether they had learned it at the prompting of the Holy Spirit".[57]
There remains some confusion on the matter among both Catholics and non-Catholics. This confusion can be seen in those who interpret Catholic researcher James Keenan to claim that the doctrines given by apostolic tradition have changed. Keenan reviewed the history of moral theology, and in particular a change in the approach of moral theologians, specifically in the twentieth century. Keenan noted that Mark D. Jordan said that medieval texts he had reviewed appeared to be inconsistent. This refers to medieval traditions and not to apostolic tradition or doctrine. Keenan, however, says that John T. Noonan Jr. demonstrated that, "despite claims to the contrary, manualists were co-operators in the necessary historical development of the moral tradition". According to Noonan, "history cannot leave a principle or a teaching untouched; every application to a situation affects our understanding of the principle itself."[58]
the northern invasion won't happen until after we've bombed ourselves back into the stone age. Notice that after it is repelled, the weapons they leave behind are firewood for 7 months. Modern weapons don't burn well.
Trump can't be the antichrist, because there is no one world government created by violent conquest that is ruled by a triumvirate that he has pushed out of power by flattery first then probably assassination. Notice the 11th horn displaces three.
the death penalty is exactly about sanctity of life, avenging a life with a life. i read once that "pro life" was adopted instead of "anti abortion" to sound more "positive." Bad idea. All kinds of irrelevant stuff gets incl.
lisa Montgomery - no excuse for her killing a woman and cutting her child which thank God survived out of the womb. killing her family or various irrelevant men would make more sense. I notice two major problems - she beat her sister with a board on orders from these abusers, and she was threatened with being sent away to a home if she made any noise under some circumstances, you would think she would jump at this option. So at some point, she started identifying with her abusers, making her feel powerful like they were compared to her. Likely too bonded to her family no sense of self or life without them. The victim became a victimizer. I don't sympathize much with her.
BIDEN SHAMELESSLY PANDERS TO AND EXPLOITS EMOTION. Trump tried to encourage fearlessness and wanted things normalized quick. Failures to do all his promises due to intense opposition.
beforeitsnews trump thing - more "Q" garbage. I hate the evasive indirect stuff they put out its a psych game and psyop its fake. I notice on a second video on that page, that gens. mcinerny and vallely are involved in an alleged conference with Trump. Didn't listen.
Vallely was involved with Michael Aquino and probably is a closet satanist. McInerny and he and another were involved the American Spring an effort for a violent revolt in the cqpitol, most saw through it and it was a flop.
"The Group" Mike Tinge knew always wanted to figure how to break the country down into chaos they could use and into small segments. Hmmm.Their big fish could rule little ponds easier. Lesser Black Magic (manipulation) would keep the besotted public in line.
I think we can guarantee this is the latest garbage to make us politically inactive and/or do something stupid.
"Catholic" meqans universal, same faith same God everywhere. When Arius started his heresy, we called ourselves Orthodox, right faith right praise. Rome developed pretensions and deviations and eventually broke from us. I did the research and chose Orthodoxy when I converted from protestantism. Rome had status as place of TWO Apostolic martyrs, and the only Apostolic founded church in the west, such were a dime a dozen as one writer put it in the east.
Tradition has to be supported by Scripture or not at odds with. Some local traditions of a lesser sort got strange.
Yes, Christine @ 3:16 AM . . .
The term 'catholic' simply means 'universal' and, in those early days of Peter I as the first Pope, was already 'everywhere' (to be distinguished from any sects, schisms or splinter groups which would later grow in opposition to the one true Church of Jesus).
The term was already understood because the Catholic Church was for everyone... and 'universal' because it applied to the PROMISE that Jesus made to Peter and His other apostles in the year 33 AD that "the gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18).
In other words, nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus KNEW that Satan would attempt to destroy HIS Church from within... and He made the PROMISE in 33 AD that Satan would NOT WIN!!!
Thus, there are millions of TRADITIONAL Catholics (like myself and several others who post on this blog)... who will continue to have FAITH in the PROMISE of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. AMEN.
7:50 AM said
"In other words, nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus KNEW that Satan would attempt to destroy HIS Church from within... and He made the PROMISE in 33 AD that Satan would NOT WIN!!!"
Yes, there will be a people that remain faithful to Christ until the end. These are the children of The Most High. Not members of a man made religious system!
Satan has attempted to destroy the church of Christ. He has had success in the Catholic cult. It's a pig sty! It's filled with abominations too numerous to mention in this post. If the Spirit of the living God were present in Catholicism, the Pope(if he were a Christian), would strongly rebuke catholic leaders like Joe Biden for being pro abortion. Seems to me that Jesus had some thing to say about those who would harm children! The Pope, in issues of gender, abortion,etc. speaks as a dragon! He's the poster boy for "lukewarm". He's a shameless Marxist, Globalist.
The problem with Catholics is that they will rage against anyone threatening their vain religion. They love their phony church more than they love the Savior.
Back in the mid 80s I attended a church in Arizona were there was a man who had been into the New Age. He would go to the Indian reservations to listen to the shamans teach, and he participated in their rituals. He told me the most difficult thing to overcome after he became a Christian was to defeat the 'religious spirit'.
To 10:04 AM
Sometimes, it's a 'pig sty' on this blog... when so-called 'christian evangelicals' are filled with more HATE than love.
The average Catholic is NOT into the New Age at all. (That's why we have been posting on this blog for the past 15 years... as we have read all of Constance's books.)
So, it is unfair and WRONG to label 1.2 BILLION Catholics as 'New Age.'
Maye if you remove that 'spec' from your OWN eye... you will stop obsessively going after Catholics.
Satan is alive and well in the WORLD (period)... in every area of the world (including YOUR own churches).
Well, Trump did incite the erection of the border wall.
Anonymous said (in part) @ 10:04 AM:
"Sometimes, it's a 'pig sty' on this blog... when so-called 'christian evangelicals' are filled with more HATE than love."
Is it "hateful" to point out that the Pope has NEVER *excommunicated any Catholic for promoting abortion via their political position? Is it "hateful" to point out that the Vatican is now actively advancing the LGBTQ agenda?
* Add Francis to the list along with the "sainted" John Paul II and Benedict of "popes" that never excommunicated a single Catholic politician for the "mortal sin" of supporting the barbarism known as abortion.
.... another thought:
Try to imagine a "Catholic" politician that openly declared that they favored "Nazism.'
Do you think that the "pope" might step in and excommunicate that politician for the sin of advocating evil? I think the chances are very good that he would, and, would make a very public display in doing so.
Yet, Catholic politicians that openly advocate the MURDER of the innocent unborn (under the lying guise of being "pro-choice") gets a free pass???
Again, is it "hateful" to point this truth out?
RayB said...
Try to imagine a "Catholic" politician that openly declared that they favored "Nazism.'
Do you think that the "pope" might step in and excommunicate that politician for the sin of advocating evil?
Long-buried Vatican files reveal a new and shocking indictment of World War II's Pope Pius XII: that in pursuit of absolute power he helped Adolf Hitler
Newly Unsealed Vatican Archives Lay Out Evidence of Pope Pius XII’s Knowledge of the Holocaust
How the Catholic Church Sheltered Nazi War Criminals ...
The Catholic priests and prelates who helped spring the Nazi bolt-hole were part of an organization called the Vatican Relief Commission (Pontificia Commissione di Assistenza, or PCA). They supplied invaluable, indeed crucial aid in sheltering Nazi war criminals, SS men, and ordinary Nazis.
The Vatican helped THOUSANDS of Nazis to escape ...
Anon @ 12:47 PM ...
I am not naive regarding the well documented past relations the Vatican had with Nazi Germany, or, with the fascist government of Benito Mussolini for that matter.
I was referring specifically as to what the "pope" would do IN THIS CURRENT POLITICAL environment. Nazism is dead and gone, so it would be easy to excommunicate a "Catholic" that praised Nazism.
On the other hand, the Vatican is very heavily allied with the Communist Chinese. When it comes to the human rights violations of the Chi-Coms, the Vatican sees, hears, speaks no evil. According to a Billionaire Chinese businessman, the Vatican receives $2 BILLION per year from the Chi-Coms. The Vatican's end of this deal is to never speak out against what the Chi-Coms are doing to innocent people.
International Communism has the blood of over 100 MILLION innocent people on their collective hands. Yet, the Vatican is cozying up to the Chi-Coms. AMAZING !
Sorry for the misunderstanding as that was not a comment about any supposed ignorance on your part nor anything to do with you whatsoever other than to point out to any uninformed reader(s) that regardless of what a current or future pontiff might do in such a HYPOTHETICAL situation, the papacy/vatican/etc. HAS ALREADY gotten HEAVILY involved in REAL LIFE with the question of Nazism.
You can 'point out' anything you want.
Out of 1.2 BILLION Catholics... I am a conservative TRADITIONAL Catholic, who is neither a NAZI or in favor of abortion.
God will deal with ALL SINNERS (past and present)... whether Catholic or Protestant.
What I am not going to do is get into a 'pissing contest' (ad nauseum) here on this blog.
So, continue your obsession with the Catholic Church... as it seems to entertain you to point out other people's sins.
""The Group" Mike Tinge knew always wanted to figure how to break the country down into chaos they could use and into small segments. Hmmm.Their big fish could rule little ponds easier. Lesser Black Magic (manipulation) would keep the besotted public in line."
Mike Tinge.
Your live-in boyfriend correct, MCE?
His name and black magic reference both in the same post.
Yes, things that make you go hmm..
(Shhh... OK, I get it; 'we' are speaking in code now and 'punishing' Christine for daring to agree with the Catholic posters that the word 'catholic' means universal.)
9:19 PM
No. I did not even read her post. I skimmed and saw the reference to Mike Tinge, her live-in boyfriend.
And yes that is what the word means. So what?
At least this time her post was swiftly seen and replied to before she had time to quickly remove it, albeit not an ad for his "talents" here.
Yes, Old Mike Tingle, with whom MCE is shacked and shackled in sin - even though his dodgy "ticker" has taken some of the tingle out of Mike, the "'ex' Satanist", another title she proudly bestowed on her dabbling "Resident Seer" (her capitals, not mine) as she shamelessly talked about tantric sex magic here and elsewhere.
Anon @ 1:45 PM ...
I was hoping you might provide some explanation as to why John Paul II, Benedict, and Francis never excommunicated any Catholic politician for the sin of publicly supporting infanticide. Not only that, none of them ever so much as even uttered such a threat in an attempt to change their treacherous policies.
Your the one that claims that the RCC is the "true church" founded in "A. D. 33" and that the Papacy is the, continuous, apostolic head of said church. Yet, it appears that you have no problem with the last 3 popes, none of which ever excommunicated any abortion/murder supporting Catholic politician.
Hey, RayB:
God will handle those Popes... just like he will handle people like YOU!!!
(It is really sad that you don't have anything MORE going on in your life than your obsession with Catholics.)
11:17 PM,
Disarray B. is someone who cannot distinguish between a contraction and a determiner.
His confusion knows no bounds.
RayB (aka Disarray B.) sure is a rabid old devil!
11:58 PM and 12:34 AM:
Well, I have been able to 'determine' that there is a definite 'contradiction' between those of you who pass yourselves off as 'christian evangelicals'... while having no LOVE in your hearts... and are really the ones who are doing 'evil' on this blog... when you self righteously sit back in daily judgement of others on this blog.
1:29 AM,
Methinks you don't know your, "diction", from your, "traction", however, you know all about being a big con.
You wrote, " ... self righteously sit back in daily judgement", and showed yourself to be both a liar and a hypocrite. I don't post here daily and therefore there is no basis for your claim. Secondly, you're self-righteous (albeit you are oh so wrong) and sitting in judgment yourself here. I see nothing loving about you whatsoever.
You're a British Protestant I guess? Well, I am a Roman Catholic with Irish blood in my veins and we know all about your self-righteous heartlessness and wanton hatred: no wonder you're defending that Anti-Catholic ogre of old, Ray B.
NOTE - The MORE one automatically trusts and relies on MEN'S TEACHINGS over GOD'S TEACHINGS, the MORE division is caused: Catholic vs Protestant (ETC) = MY man vs YOUR man! Of COURSE there's going to be bad blood following THAT path!
(Incidentally, quoting the article below is by no means meant to imply that Protestants don't do this also.)
It's time that we ALL prayerfully got down on our knees and humbly asked God Almighty to show us the unvarnished Truth in His Holy Word! And thus have less division and more unity!
Does The Bible Teach Sola Scriptura?
There have always been those who have refused to give the Scriptures their proper place. There have always been those who wished to add to Scripture their own authority and the unique teachings that set them apart. Indeed, Basil of Caesarea ran into some of the same problems long ago in replying to his opponents who appealed to their customs and traditions as relevant and authoritative. He said, “If custom is to be taken in proof of what is right, then it is certainly competent for me to put forward on my side the custom which obtains here. If they reject this we are clearly not bound to follow them. Therefore, let God-inspired Scripture decide between us, and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the Word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth.”
And so we [ask here] the same question. Is the Bible the sole and infallible rule of faith for the Church? Or must we have other revelation from God? Do we need the Book of Mormon, or the writings of the Watchtower, or Mary Baker Eddy, or the so-called Apostolic unwritten traditions of Rome? Does the Bible teach its own sufficiency to function as the sole rule of faith for the Church?
Well, we must begin by defining the doctrine under discussion this evening. And let me begin by defining what the doctrine of sola scriptura does NOT say.
First of all, it is NOT a claim that the Bible contains all knowledge. The Bible is not exhaustive in every detail. John 21:25 speaks to the fact that there are many things that Jesus said and did that are not recorded in John, or in fact in any book in the world because the whole books of the world could not contain it. But the Bible does not have to be exhaustive to function as the sole rule of faith for the Church. We do not need to know the color of Thomas’ eyes. We do not need to know the menu of each meal of the Apostolic band for the Scriptures to function as the sole rule of faith for the Church.
Secondly, it is NOT a denial of the Church’s authority to teach God’s truth. I Timothy 3:15 describes the Church as “the pillar and foundation of the truth.” The truth is in Jesus Christ and in His Word. The Church teaches truth and calls men to Christ and, in so doing, functions as the pillar and foundation thereof. The Church does not add revelation or rule over Scripture. The Church being the bride of Christ, listens to the Word of Christ, which is found in God-breathed Scripture.
Thirdly, it is NOT a denial that God’s Word has been spoken. Apostolic preaching was authoritative in and of itself. Yet, the Apostles proved their message from Scripture, as we see in Acts 17:2, and 18:28, and John commended those in Ephesus for testing those who claimed to be Apostles, Revelation 2:2. The Apostles were not afraid to demonstrate the consistency between their teaching and the Old Testament.
And, finally, sola scriptura is NOT a denial of the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and enlightening the Church.
What then is sola scriptura?
The doctrine of sola scriptura, simply stated, is that the Scriptures and the Scriptures alone are sufficient to function as the regula fide, the “rule of faith” for the Church. All that one must believe to be a Christian is found in Scripture and in no other source. That which is not found in Scripture is not binding upon the Christian conscience. To be more specific, I provide the following definition:
The Bible claims to be the sole and sufficient rule of faith for the Christian Church. The Scriptures are not in need of any supplement. Their authority comes from their nature as God-breathed revelation. Their authority is not dependent upon man, Church or council. The Scriptures are self-consistent, self-interpreting, and self-authenticating. The Christian Church looks at the Scriptures as the only and sufficient rule of faith and the Church is always subject to the Word, and is constantly reformed thereby.
Sola scriptura is both a positive and a negative statement.
Positively, the doctrine teaches that the Bible is sufficient to function as the sole, infallible rule of faith for the Church. Negatively, it denies the existence of any other rule of faith as being necessary for the man of God. Hence, logically, I must do the following things:
First, I must demonstrate that the Bible teaches that it is a rule of faith for the Church.
Secondly, I must demonstrate that the Bible is sufficient to function as the sole rule of faith for the Church, that is, I must demonstrate its sufficiency, or in the language used in the New Testament itself, that the Bible is artios.
And, thirdly, I must demonstrate that the Bible as a sufficient rule of faith does not refer us to any other rule of faith.
Absent the demonstration on [someone’s] part of some other rule of faith, the preceding is sufficient to establish the fact that the Bible teaches the doctrine of sola scriptura.
Now, some opponents of sola scriptura have engaged in what can only be called cheap debating tricks in attempting to force the defender of Scriptural sufficiency to prove a “universal negative.” That is, the less honest debater might attempt to force me to prove the non-existence of another rule of faith. Since I am saying that Scripture is unique in its function as the rule of faith for the Church, some might challenge me to demonstrate that no other rule of faith could possibly exist. To illustrate this, I call your attention to my pen. Yes, to my pen!
If our debate this evening was that I was going to stand here and say that this is the only pen of its kind in all the universe, how would I go about proving it? Well, the only way I could prove the statement “there is no other pen like this in all the universe,” is if I looked in all of your purses, and all of your shirt pockets, and in all the stores in the world that carry pens, and look through all the houses, and all over the planet Earth, and the Moon, and the planets in the Solar System, and in the entire universe, looking for another pen like this. And, of course, I could not do that. But it would be very easy for [someone] to win that debate. All he needs to do is go out, get a Cross Medallist pen, walk up here, hold it right next to mine, and say, “See! Another pen, just like yours!” and he’s won the debate.
In light of this, I would assert that [someone] must either recognize this reality, and not attempt to win this debate by doing nothing more than depending upon an illogical demand; or, he must demonstrate the existence of “the other pen.” That is, he must prove to us what the Council of Trent said was true. I quote, “It also clearly perceives that these truths and rules are contained in the written books and in the unwritten traditions, which, received by the Apostles from the mouth of Christ Himself, or from the Apostles themselves, the Holy Ghost dictating, have come down to us, transmitted as it were, from hand to hand.”
Hence, I shall demonstrate that the Bible teaches its sufficiency to function as the sole rule of faith for the Church and, if [someone] wishes to attempt to show us some other rule of faith, I will gladly respond to such an attempt.
Now, the doctrine of sola scriptura is based upon the inspiration of Scripture. Our primary passage this evening, I hope you have your Bibles with you, will be found in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. The gentlemen from Catholic Answers have made it a practice for years to assert that Protestants cannot provide a single verse that teaches sola scriptura. Yet, they are quite mistaken in this, though they have been corrected a number of times in the past, and let us examine the passage to see if this is the case. II Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction, for training in righteousness, in order that the man of God might be complete, fully equipped for every good work.”
We begin by noting that Scripture is theopneustos, “God-breathed.” The term is very strong. I refer anyone who wishes a full discussion of this term to B.B. Warfield’s excellent treatment of it. That which is theopneustos has ultimate authority, for there can be no higher authority than God’s very speaking. “All Scripture is God-breathed.”
[Continued in-depth at...]
Well, the hair trigger catholic is back.
Well, the tiring old protestant bastard without anything useful to say is back at 10:41 AM.
Anon @ 10:41 AM ...
Notice how our "Irish Catholic" friend completely ignores the fact that NONE of the "popes," as in zero, have ever excommunicated a Catholic politician that openly supports the infanticide of abortion?
Instead, he goes into a tireless rant (where he obviously posts back and forth to HIMSELF), and then turns to the age old "they just hate Catholics" deflection.
ON A PERSONAL NOTE: I have had many Catholic friends throughout my lifetime. My "argument" has NEVER been with THEM. My argument has always been against the false teachings of the Catholic church, PERIOD. The RCC proudly declares that their Dogmas and Doctrines are PERFECT, so much so, that if any Catholic denies ANY of the D & Ds, they enter into a state of Mortal Sin, whereby, if they should die in such a state, they will spend ALL OF ETERNITY in Hell.
Case in point as to the damage of the RCC's false teachings: A week before this past Thanksgiving, a very good Catholic friend of mine died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 59. He left behind two sons in their late teens and his very devoted wife. He was a great family man. His wife wrote to me after the funeral that he was "truly the very best husband and father anyone could have ever hoped for." Knowing Dan the way I did, I believe it. Dan I talked about spiritual matters. I believe Dan is in heaven, yet, the Catholic Church emphatically declares that he is now spending an unspecified amount of time in the "fires of Purgatory" in order to "pay for his unconfessed and unforgiven Venial sins." The family will be burdened with this horrible thought. However, the FALSE teachings of the RCC offers an answer; PAY for "Masses for the Dead" in order to lessen their loved one's time in Purgatory. A period of "time" incidentally, that KNOW ONE can determine. Is it 1 year, 2 years, 10 years, 100 years ... ad infinitum?
I ask you; is this the true Gospel, or, is it a false "gospel" that happens to be the bedrock doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church? Without the false doctrine of Purgatory, the entire rotten system collapses!
The Bible clearly declares in MANY verses and passages that Purgatory is a LIE. Yet, in contrast, the Catholic Magisterium (fallen men) has declared Purgatory to be true. Again, to deny the doctrine of Purgatory is a Mortal Sin for a Catholic.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to "set the captives free." In response, many religions, either invented by men or severely distorted by men, have set out to make the captives slaves ... to THEIR religious systems, for THEIR own benefit.
Jesus promised:
"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31,32
It is YOUR individual choice ... do you want to be spiritually FREE in Christ, or, do you want to be a spiritual SLAVE to your religious masters?
"Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way."
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119: 104,105
As one of 1.2 BILLION Catholics... I will remain faithful to the Catholic FAITH as it was set up by Jesus Christ in 33 AD. However, my strong faith also includes the belief that Jesus will handle any evil (in His time, not ours!!!) that has transpired since then... because, we have the PROMISE from Jesus Himself that Satan will NOT win in the end.
What if someone from a small foreign country demanded that YOU do something about the Globalists and Socialists who run the United States of America? Or, demanded that you MOVE out of the United States of America? You would respond that you love your country and plan to remain living here... while you continue to PRAY for your country!!! You might also tell that person that, although Satan appears to be 'in charge of the whole world' right now... you KNOW that God is ALWAYS in control... and that HE is more powerful than Satan... and that we have HIS WORD and PROMISE that God will WIN in the end.
"ON A PERSONAL NOTE: I have had many Catholic friends throughout my lifetime. My "argument" has NEVER been with THEM. My argument has always been against the false teachings of the Catholic church, PERIOD."
Agreed. The same here.
The screeches who screech for their unbiblical leadership that lead people away from Jesus, not to Him, have always been what and who should be targeted. I feel the very same way about some things taught and "leaders" among protestants too.
This blog has exposed many a new age infiltrated protestant ministry but the catholics seem to get more of a pass around here, yet the new age doctrines that are leavened throughout catholicism (from their outset), have nearly completely leavened the whole lump. Of course, they don't have everything wrong, but a lot. Many protestants have the same issue in this deceptive age.
Church is a mixed bag and God will sort it all out.
So I think people should go to the Lord Jesus and stay put, and leave religious baggage out on the curb to be hauled away.
No church saves. Jesus does.
He has no hoops to jump through, but He does accept the ones who kneel at His cross in repentance and believe He is Lord. Ask the repentant thief on a cross next to His. Just hanging there, but repenting and asking for Jesus to save him, calling Jesus Lord as He said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" (it's all of us in that boat). His answer to that man settled it.
Plain and crystal clear, that was enough for Jesus.
Paul the apostle said for us to note very carefully, and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he said this in 1 Corinthians 2:2 -- For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
No hoops and loops dear people.
No bells and whistles.
Surely the Perfect Lord's sacrifice is perfectly enough to make a heart and soul want to live and follow Him in the grace He paid for, if they are humble, that is....
Anything and everything else is religious humbug.
Believe and follow Jesus will get us all through the times we are now, as in this very moment, right up to our necks in.
Scripture supports the Catholic Church's teaching on Purgatory:
Scripture is very clear in Rev. 21:27 (Douay-Rheims)
27 There shall not enter into it any thing DEFILED, or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie, but they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb.
As Jesus said in Matthew 12:32 (Douay-Rheims)
32 "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come."
In Matthew 5:24-25 (Douay-Rheims), Jesus said:
24 Leave there thy offering before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to thy brother: and then coming thou shalt offer thy gift.
25 Be at agreement with thy adversary betimes, whilst thou art in the way with him: lest perhaps the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.
26 Amen I say to thee, thou shalt not go out from thence till thou repay the last farthing.
Where in the world is "Purgatory" taught in those verses?
Answer: IT IS NOT!
The false doctrine of Purgatory DENIES the all sufficiency of Christ's suffering and shed blood on the cross. In fact, Scripture clearly declares that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission for sin.
"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." Hebrews 9:22
Christ shed His blood ONCE, in a NEVER TO BE REPEATED SACRIFICE FOR SIN. An individual SOUL, suffering the torments of Purgatory will not earn ANY forgiveness for their sins.
Purgatory is a Christ-denying LIE from the very pit of Hell.
Well, RayB... after you die, you will find out for CERTAIN whether there is a Purgatory or not, won't you.
Matthew 12:31-32 tells us that “whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come,” which implies that there is a place where forgiveness can still be obtained AFTER death.
By the same token, 1 Corinthians 3:15 and 1 Peter 1:7 speak of a “CLEANSING fire.”
In every religious system, except that of the Holy Bible, the doctrine of purgatory after death and prayers for the dead have always found a place. In ancient and modern times, we find that paganism leaves hope after death for sinners, who, at the time of their departure, are unrepentant, and consciously unfit for heaven. For this purpose a "middle state" was invented in which guilt could be removed in the future world by means of purgatorial pains.
In Greece the doctrine of a purgatory was taught by the very chief of the philosophers. Thus Plato, speaking of the future judgment of the dead, holds out the hope of final deliverance for all, but maintains that, of "those who are judged," some must first "proceed to a subterranean place of judgment, where they shall sustain the punishment they have deserved." In pagan Rome, purgatory was also held up before the minds of men. Virgil, celebrated poet of pagan Rome, describing its different tortures, puts it thus:
"Nor can the groveling mind, in the dark dungeon of the limbs confined, assert the native skies, or own its heavenly kind. Nor death itself can wholly wash their stains; but long-contacted filth, even in the soul, remains the relics of inveterate vice they wear and spots of sin obscene in every face appear. For this are various penances enjoined; and some are hung to bleach upon the wind, some plunged in water, others purged in fires, till all the dregs are drained, and all the rust expires. All have their Manes, and those Manes bear. The few so cleansed to these abodes repair, and breathe in ample fields the soft Elysian air. Then are they happy, when by length of time the scurf is worn away of each committed crime, no speck is left of their habitual stains, but the pure ether of the soul remains."
In Egypt, substantially the same doctrine of purgatory was taught. But once this doctrine of purgatory was admitted into the popular mind, then the door was opened to all manner of priestly extortions. Prayers for the dead can be completely efficacious without the priest as intermediary and no priestly functions can be rendered unless there be special pay for them. Therefore, in every land we find the pagan priesthood "devouring widow's houses," and making merchandise of the tender feelings of sorrowing relatives sensitively alive to the immortal happiness of their be loved dead.
From all quarters there is the same testimony as to the burdensome character and the expense of these posthumous devotions. One of the oppressions under which people in Roman Catholic countries groan, is the periodical nature of special devotions, for which they are required to pay, when death has carried away a member of a Catholic family. Not only are there funeral services and funeral dues for the repose of the departed at time of burial, but the priest pays repeated visits afterwards to the family for the same purpose, which entail heavy expense, beginning with what is called "the month's mind" mass, that is, a service in behalf of the deceased when a month after death has elapsed.
A similar practice was in vogue in ancient Greece: "There the Argives sacrificed on the thirteenth day (after death) to Mercury as the conductor of the dead." In India there are many burdensome services of the Sradd'ha, or funeral obsequies for the repose of the dead, and for securing the due efficacy of these it is taught that "donations of cattle, land, gold, silver, and other things," should be made by the man himself at the approach of death, or, if he be too weak, by another in his name."
In all pagan religions the case is the same. In Tartary, "The Gurjumi, or prayers for the dead," says the ASIATIC JOURNAL, "are very expensive." In Greece, says Suidas, "the greatest and most expensive sacrifice was the mysterious sacrifice called the Telete," a sacrifice which, according to Plato, "was offered for the living and the dead, and was supposed to free them from all the evils to which the wicked are liable when they have left this world." In Egypt the exactions of the priests for funeral dues and masses for the dead were equally burdensome. "The priests," says Wilkinson, "induced the people to expend large sums on the celebration of funeral rites; and many who had barely sufficient to obtain the necessaries of life were anxious to save something for the expenses of their death. For, beside the embalming process, which sometimes cost a talent of silver, about $1,000, the tomb itself was purchased at an immense expense; and numerous demands were made upon the estate of the deceased for the celebration of prayer and other services for the soul."
"The ceremonies," he tells us elsewhere, "consisted of a sacrifice similar to those offered in the temples, vowed for the deceased to one or more gods (as Osiris, Anubis, and others connected with Amenti); incense and libations were also presented; and a prayer was some times read, the relations and friends being present as mourners. They even joined their prayers to those of a priest. The priest who officiated at the burial service was selected from the grade of Pontiffs who wore the leopard skin; but various other rites were performed by one of the minor priests to the mummies, previous to their being lowered into the pit of the tomb after that ceremony. Indeed, they continued to be administered at intervals, as long as the family paid for their performance."
Such was the operation of the doctrine of purgatory and prayers for the dead among avowed and acknowledged pagans, and it differs in no way from the operation of the same doctrine as taught by the Roman Catholic Church. There are the same extortions in both. The doctrine of purgatory is purely pagan, and cannot for a moment stand in the light of Scripture. For those who die in Christ NO PURGATORY IS. CAN BE NEEDED; for "the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth from all sin." If this be true, where can there be the need for any other cleansing? On the other hand, for those who die without personal union with Christ, and consequently unwashed, unjustified, unsaved, there can be no other cleansing; for, while "he that hath the Son hath life, he that hath not the Son hath not life," and never can have it. Search the Scripture through, and it will be found that, in regard to all who "die in their sins." The decree of God is irreversible: "Let him that is unjust be unjust still, and let him that is filthy be filthy still."
Thus the whole doctrine of purgatory is a system of plain pagan imposture, dishonoring God, atoning for it after death and cheating them at once out of their property and their salvation. In the pagan purgatory, fire, water, wind, were represented (as may be seen from the lines of Virgil) as combining to purge away the stain of sin. In the purgatory of the Roman Catholic Church, ever since the days of Pope Gregory, fire itself has been the grand means of purgation. Thus, while the purgatorial fires of the future world are just the carrying out of the principle embodied in the blazing and purifying Baal-fires of the eve of St. John, they form another link in identifying the system of Rome with the system of Tammuz or Zoroaster, the great God of the ancient fire-worshippers.
The Pagan Origin Of Purgatory.
For those who die in Christ NO PURGATORY IS OR CAN BE NEEDED; for "the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth from all sin."
Words, words, and more words (blah blah blah) . . .
Bottom line: After we die, we will ALL find out the TRUTH about PURGATORY won't we?
How out of context can you get, 3:17 PM?
Well, 4:02 PM...
That is YOUR 'Protestant' version... but, I do not happen to agree with you!!!
No one has an 'automatic insurance policy' into Heaven.
If that was true, born again Christians wouldn't think twice about stealing from their neighbor; bearing false witness against their neighbor; lashing out in anger against their neighbor, etc.... CONFIDENT in the knowledge that Christ has already PAID for those (and ALL future) sins!!!
We Catholics consider ourselves 'a work in progress'... often needing to ask for forgiveness until the day we draw our last breath. We are ALL flawed human beings.
4:04 PM
That's why YOU obviously need more Bible STUDY!!!
Dear 4:17 PM
Well, I guess you will go on ahead and knock yourself trying to pay for your shortfall to atone for yourself, while I praise God in surrender to Him every day in love and devotion, thankfulness, enjoying my great salvation, in praying, worshipping, following and growing in His grace, because He has already paid for mine. It is why I keep short accounts with Him and let Him change my will to become His. Salvation is instant the moment we repent and believe Him but sanctification is the work in progress and I think you have those 2 aspects of that 2 sided coin cross-wired.
I truly mean no offense, nothing against you in the least--but I am sorry for the lack in your faith in our Pure and Holy Savior and Lord since He has totally paid for yours too, and I find it sad you don't trust Him that far.
John 20: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
So by placing our faith in HIM for our salvation it is a done deal because Jesus said "it is finished".
And He meant what He said. Jesus will cast out no one who comes to Him.
The choice is trust Jesus or trust ourselves.
I trust Jesus.
I also trust Jesus... but, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree about the rest.
To 4:51 PM
God had sent Jesus to forgive sins, but after his resurrection Jesus told the apostles, “‘As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’” (John 20:21–23). (This is one of only two times we are told that God breathed on man, the other being in Genesis 2:7, when he made man a living soul. It emphasizes how important the establishment of the sacrament of penance was.)
Christ told the apostles to follow his example: “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you” (John 20:21). Just as the apostles were to carry Christ’s message to the whole world, so they were to carry his forgiveness: “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 18:18).
Ok 5:29 PM.
Will leave it at that.
I believe you when you say you trust him.
I take that at face value and leave it as is.
He knows those that are His, and what I know is--a day is coming when we will see Jesus.
Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to Face....
God bless.
x here with an interesting video and quoted text from a link. It made me cry seeing people destroy their lives so easily on a lie. The violence is senseless on both sides but insurrection is worse than vandalism and these are full-grown adults who portend to love this country and should know better. The last blurb really says everything about the whole ordeal. Trump was reported as giddy as it was happening.
"It would be difficult to convict Trump in a criminal court because of the high level of proof required but the standard for impeachment is different. The circumstantial evidence, including Trump’s bellicose words, his reported glee at the invasion of the Capitol, and his failure to immediately speak out against the violence, and his ultimate stunningly weak admonition to the insurrectionists to “go home” should persuade most Senators that he was either intentional or extremely reckless. His culpability is enhanced because the stakes were so high – Trump seemed willing to risk people’s lives and our democracy in service of a lie about the integrity of the election.
At minimum, the video makes a strong case that everyone who illegally occupied the Capitol should be prosecuted – no member of that angry mob was an innocent bystander (plus the idea that prosecuting roughly 800 people would overwhelm the courts is ludicrous in a country where more than 10 million people are arrested each year)."
Here's the shocking video compiled from Parlor accounts, since deleted. If you see anyone you recognize please report the criminal(s) to the FBI.
God bless you too, 7:34 PM.
A great deal of what Catholic basher and White supremicist RayB says is pregnant with deceit, boiling with all the foulness and darkness of the very bowels of Hell.
Next you'll be telling us you've black friends too, RayB (aka Rabid Disarray Be).
@3:55-3:56-3:59 PM and RayB (aka Rabid Disarray Be),
There is something of the Jordan Maxwell and David Duke about both of you.
The word, ”Trinity”, is not in the Bible after. Lots of New Agers say the Triune concept of God was taken from paganism. Would you agree with them on that too?
The Devil and his minions (such as yourselves) has always love cointerfeiting anything of God's.
Another thing, Martin Luther called the Letter of James a book of straw.
Martin Luther, ipso facto, was neither Sola Scriptura nor did he believe the Holy Scriptures to be divinely infallible. He took away from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Bible tells us his name shall be blotted out of the Book of Life for doing so.
I would be hardly surprised to find both your names have been blotted out of the Book of life, and I'd not be surprised at all to learn it had never been written in in the first place.
You have persecuted the Church for long enough. Purgatory is your next stop and I don't believe either of you will be getting out anytime soon.
Now, I hadn't posted for a while till I saw your latest diatribe against the faithful of the Mother Church established in 33 Anno Domini. If you think I will sit back while you persecute my fellow Catholic Christians here, you've got another think coming.
@3:55-3:56-3:59 PM and RayB (aka Rabid Disarray Be),
There is something of the Jordan Maxwell and David Duke about both of you.
The word, ”Trinity”, is not in the Bible after all. Lots of New Agers say the Triune concept of God was taken from paganism. Would you agree with them on that too?
The concept of the Holy Trinity, however, is in the Holy Scriptures, as is the concept of Purgatory, as my Christian brethren have already pointed out to you both with examples.
The Devil and his minions (such as yourselves) has always love cointerfeiting anything of God's.
Another thing, Martin Luther called the Letter of James a book of straw.
Martin Luther, ipso facto, was neither Sola Scriptura nor did he believe the Holy Scriptures to be divinely infallible. He took away from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Bible tells us his name shall be blotted out of the Book of Life for doing so.
I would be hardly surprised to find both your names have been blotted out of the Book of life, and I'd not be surprised at all to learn it had never been written in in the first place.
You have persecuted the Church for long enough. Purgatory is your next stop and I don't believe either of you will be getting out anytime soon.
Now, I hadn't posted for a while till I saw your latest diatribe against the faithful of the Mother Church established in 33 Anno Domini. If you think I will sit back while you persecute my fellow Catholic Christians here, you've got another think coming
@3:55-3:56-3:59 PM and RayB (aka Rabid Disarray Be),
There is something of the Jordan Maxwell and David Duke about both of you.
The word, ”Trinity”, is not in the Bible after all. Lots of New Agers say the Triune concept of God was taken from paganism. Would you agree with them on that too?
The concept of the Holy Trinity, however, is in the Holy Scriptures, as is the concept of Purgatory (as my Christian brethren have already pointed out to you both with examples).
The Devil and his minions (such as yourselves) have always loved cointerfeiting anything of God's.
Another thing, Martin Luther called the Letter of James a book of straw.
Martin Luther, ipso facto, was neither Sola Scriptura nor did he believe the Holy Scriptures to be divinely infallible. He took away from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Bible tells us his name shall be blotted out of the Book of Life for doing so.
I would hardly be surprised to find both your names have been blotted out of the Book of life, and I'd not be surprised at all to learn they had never been written in it in the first place.
You have persecuted the Church for long enough. Purgatory is your next stop and I don't believe either of you will be getting out anytime soon.
Now, I hadn't posted for a while till I saw your latest diatribe against the faithful of the Mother Church established in 33 Anno Domini. If you think I will sit back while you persecute my fellow Catholic Christians here, then you've got another think coming!
11:37 pm / 11:40 pm
You are a sick bastard operating under the guise of a defender of Roman Catholicism and you need to see a psychiatrist, PRONTO.
@11:53 PM,
There is nothing sick nor illegitimate about me or my posts and no guise is needed. You see, unlike you, I am a child of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the Mother Church, and my Father is God in Heaven.
Now, you can't quite say the same thing, can you, 11:53 PM? You irreverent Protestant bastard!
By the way, 11:53 PM,
You're the one who needs to see a psychiatrist and a priest, immediately: you stand against the Mother Church railing against her and spitting hatred over her congregation, yet you claim to be of Jesus Christ our Lord's flock. Don't you know a double minded "person" like yourself is unstable in all his ways? Your nonsense of faith without works, where you think you can behave licentiously, mocking grace, is a sure ticket to the Everlasting Bonfire for you. Read Matthew 25!
As St. James wrote: [14] What shall it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but hath not works? Shall faith be able to save him? [15] And if a brother or sister be naked, and want daily food:
[16] And one of you say to them: Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; yet give them not those things that are necessary for the body, what shall it profit? [17] So faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself. [18] But some man will say: Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without works; and I will shew thee, by works, my faith. [19] Thou believest that there is one God. Thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble. [20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
[21] Was not Abraham our father justified by works, offering up Isaac his son upon the altar? [22] Seest thou, that faith did co-operate with his works; and by works faith was made perfect? [23] And the scripture was fulfilled, saying: Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him to justice, and he was called the friend of God. [24] Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only? [25] And in like manner also Rahab the harlot, was not she justified by works, receiving the messengers, and sending them out another way?
[26] For even as the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead.
A Christian should not boast of his or her works for he or she is saved by grace, yet we Christians should do them in the manner St. Matthew records in chapter 6, " ... when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee", and you should therefore should, "... with fear and trembling work out your salvation", as we read in Philippians 2, 12.
Now, I suggest you go and find that shrink, 11:53 PM, though what he can do for a psycho and a narcissist such as yourself, who knows. Better still, find a Roman Catholic priest, repent and be baptized into the very Church established 2000 years ago.
By the way, 11:53 PM,
You're the one who needs to see a psychiatrist and a priest, immediately: you stand against the Mother Church, railing against her and spitting hatred over her congregation, yet you claim to be of Jesus Christ our Lord's flock. Don't you know a double minded "person" like yourself is unstable in all his ways? Your nonsense of faith without works, where you think you can behave licentiously, mocking grace, is a sure ticket to the Everlasting Bonfire for you. Read Matthew 25!
As St. James wrote: [14] What shall it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but hath not works? Shall faith be able to save him? [15] And if a brother or sister be naked, and want daily food:
[16] And one of you say to them: Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; yet give them not those things that are necessary for the body, what shall it profit? [17] So faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself. [18] But some man will say: Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without works; and I will shew thee, by works, my faith. [19] Thou believest that there is one God. Thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble. [20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
[21] Was not Abraham our father justified by works, offering up Isaac his son upon the altar? [22] Seest thou, that faith did co-operate with his works; and by works faith was made perfect? [23] And the scripture was fulfilled, saying: Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him to justice, and he was called the friend of God. [24] Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only? [25] And in like manner also Rahab the harlot, was not she justified by works, receiving the messengers, and sending them out another way?
[26] For even as the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead.
A Christian should not boast of his or her works for he or she is saved by grace, yet we Christians should do them in the manner St. Matthew records in chapter 6, " ... when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee", and you should therefore should, "... with fear and trembling work out your salvation", as we read in Philippians 2, 12.
Now, I suggest you go and find that shrink, 11:53 PM, though what he can do for a psycho and a narcissist such as yourself, who knows. Better still, find a Roman Catholic priest, repent and be baptized into the very Church established 2000 years ago.
I won't be surprised to hear one of you thoughtless idiots tell me I am a Communist for what I have just posted at 12:55 AM.
It's late, and with that, GOOD NIGHT!
1:09 am
You're in need of a psychiatrist because you blithely made definitive statements about what my beliefs are when you haven't a clue. And not to mention you were WAY off base.
Well, 2:48 AM,
I guess I have upset your snowflake little ego. I don't believe you and you've provided me no reason to do so. I believe you're a Sassenach Protestant bastard.
You're not Roman Catholic, you're not Orthodox, so if you're not a Prod then you're a member of some unchristian and therefore antichristian Jesus Christ denying sect, is that it?
You rail against any implication you're a heretic, so I guess you're proud to be a Hell bound heathen.
Where does the Bible call the Church a "mother"?
I can't find it. There are of course hundreds of mentions of mothers from Genesis all the way through, but
I can't even find a reference to the word mother being used symbolically, except in Revelations where it describes a Mother of Harlots.
@Paul the withering fig tree that bears no good fruit,
Real Christians refer to the Roman Catholic Church as the Holy Mother Church because the Church is the bride of Christ and therefore symbolically mother to the congregation. Also, she is the first church established, her first bishop being Peter himself, she is the mother to all true churches therefore.
Now, if you want to find a mother of harlots then go and speak to your wife. You can hardly blame her, living with an ogre like yourself. Still, I am not out to cast stones at her, she should go and sin no more.
If you don't like my comment, tough! You should not defame the bride of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which is the Roman Catholic Church.
Now what would that harlot of old, mother Farrar be called? Jean Farrar looks like a rough old hooker for 78 and Margaret Farrar isn't fairing much better either.
46 Deering Avenue, #2, Portland, ME 04101, sounds like a house of ill-repute indeed. I wouldn't pay 810 dollars for it, let alone double.
Tonia sounds like a bit of a slapper too. The sort to wait around in the alcove of the Eastland Park hotel doorway all those years ago (its new owners wanted to get far away from those notorious days when it was Jean's haunt, that they renamed it the Westin). Margaret no doubt put in a sinful appearance at the theater on Congress Street in those times of harlotry gone by. Dunkin Donuts at the corner of High and Congress was no doubt an old favorite of Margaret's too.
Learn more: (207) 775-2159
It is, after all, only over the block from Deering Street. How not endearing to take them over to Deering Street Park in the early morning hours before sneaking back into number 46.
Your family sexual perversions have no limits, it seems:
Maine Sex Offender Registry
Individual Profile
Name: Christopher Farrar
Aliases: Christopher George Farrar
Date of Birth: 07/20/1989
273 Cumberland Ave
Apt 1 - 7
Portland, ME 04101 Cumberland County
Last Complete Verification Received: 11/23/2020
Verification Requirement: 3 Months
Next Verification Date: 02/28/2021
Statute: 17-A MRSA (253)(1)(B)
Offense: Gross sexual assault
How is your old lodger friend doing? You know, the guy you once shared a room with? Actually, I'd rather not know.
To my 'Irish Catholic'(?) defender . . .
While I certainly appreciate input defending our Catholic faith... I strongly urge you to TONE IT DOWN... and especially to STOP any and all personal attacks on others who post here on this blog.
I know NOTHING about the personal lives of these posters. Even if I did, I would NEVER attack them personally... and their family members are absolutely OFF LIMITS!!!
Please pray and ask God to help you 'debate' others here on this blog... without becoming overly emotional, or personal. When you allow our emotions to get in the way, you 'lose' the argument.
"Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." (Romans 12:19)
Thank you.
I understand your point, 10:30 AM.
I have read Anti-Catholic rants coming from Paul Zimble, who also goes by the name Paul Farrar, (paul) for many years. I have had it up to the hilt with the hypocrite.
Looking back, I have noticed 122 Anti-Catholic attacks by him so far and counting. He should perhaps wind them in now and stop fishing for further trouble. I will lay down the gauntlet when he does and not before. We Irish know all too well about being persecuted because of our faith by reprobates such as RayB and paul.
I shall not be the first to post more on the subject, I can assure you of that. I will not, however, allow such self-righteous individuals to attack my faith and its adherents anymore without speaking up.
Amen 10:30 AM -
There's no sense in the heretic buying more time in purgatory ;)
Appears Paul and his family are under demonic attack...again. I don't know you or care to follow the trail laid out above...just keep doing whatever it is you are doing Paul in the name of Jesus Christ, His all-sufficient savior.
Paul calls out behaviors within an institution and you outright smear a man's person.
A person made in the image of God.
Out of the mouth spills the heart. With your tongue you are pronouncing yourself guilty of this behavior--very uncivil and unchristian behavior. Yet you claim you love God...
10:57 AM,
James 3:9-10 has you pegged for it says about the tongue:
With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
I hope and pray you do not begin every day this hate filled. May God help those within your circle!
Defend church all you want, but smearing a man personally crosses the line.
Quit doing the devil's bidding, Mister "claims he loves God".
Biden and therefore infanticide supporting X,
It is no more demonic than the words coming out of paul's mouth at 7:51 AM.
You are stirring trouble.
10:57 AM
You remind me of someone.
Someone named Frank....
11:36 AM,
I have watched paul bully Dorothy, a Jewish lady, because she didn't bow to his every opinion, attack different Roman Catholic individuals many times here over the years, as well as get on the old bully bandwagon going after Christine Erikson (the Eastern Orthodox poster) in the most cruel of ways. Paul has just defamed the Roman Catholic Church here as being the Harlot of Revelation. The Vatican does NOT sit on seven hills; Washington DC, however, does.
Your comment is deceptive and therefore untruthful. We all know who the father of lies is, and you are following him by your deception.
You are judging me, an individual.
My name is not Frank, 11:39 AM
You remind me of someone too ...
Ok, you answered my question.
And to Frank's credit, he did openly repent here of some behavior that was less than civil.
Be like frank.
10:57 AM
My main concern for you is that you don't want Constance (the blog owner) to banish you from from posting on this blog. All blogs have rules... and we need to remember that.
There are ways to debate those who disagree with us... without letting our emotions overtake us. We must remain civil.
Meanwhile, hang in there and keep the faith.
Listen, 11:50 AM,
If you or the likes of you think you're going to railroad me, you're not. So far, I have offered to not strike first. I will not, however, be browbeaten by you or anyone, got that?
You are like Frank before his repentance. Now go away and play with the cars at the nearest highway.
Thank you.
11:45 AM
Re: "The Vatican does NOT sit on seven hills; Washington DC, however, does."
Yes... and Seattle, Washington also sits on seven hills (home of Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Amazon, where we may one day be forced to 'buy' everything... after all of the other stores shut down!!!)
Alright, thank you, 11:52 AM.
Now the Lord of peace himself give you everlasting peace in every place. The Lord be with you.
I will listen to you. Thank you for your peaceful reply. Why is it people who identify as Protestants such as Ray B and paul are given a free reign to attack Roman Catholics and our faith at every turn? We do not see Roman Catholics doing the same except in retaliation, often after years of frustration and receiving abuse.
I know there are Protestants who don't behave in the appalling manner they do. I shall tone it down (and am trying to do so), but I will not let our faith be trampled on without answer. Sorry.
"Yes... and Seattle, Washington also sits on seven hills (home of Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Amazon, where we may one day be forced to 'buy' everything... after all of the other stores shut down!!!)"
Exactly, 12:04 PM, thank you.
OK, after all of that ...
And by the way, ROME (where the Vatican is located) has always been known, throughout history, as the "city of seven hills." Ancient writers referred to it as such. It is the Papacy that has the blood of countless martyrs dripping from its hands, ruling by proxy over the Catholic monarchies of Europe for over 1,000 years.
It is the Papacy that took over the SPIRITUAL reign of the Roman Empire after its PHYSICAL collapse. It is the Pope, and he alone, that "sits in the temple" declaring himself to have god-like powers, declaring himself "god" over the souls of ALL PEOPLE, of every nation, in the world. More could be said, but I'll stop here.
Take the time to read this free PDF downloadable book for a VERY in depth study of Daniel's prophecies along with a great expository on the book of Revelation:
The Approaching End of the Age by H. Grattan Guinness, 1878 Written prior to all of the Jesuit inspired Futurism, which inspired Hal Lindsey, "Left Behind" Tim LaHaye, Dispensationalism, the false pre-trib rapture theory, etc.
If you really want to know the truth ... here it is:
Agreeing with 11:52 about 11:55 statements.
Dear 11:55 AM, Ye know not what spirit ye are of..said Jesus to His disciples when they behaved, spoke too harshly.
I say this to you in the Spirit of the Lord. Iron sharpens iron is biblical. We hold feet to the fire according to God's word, guarding the Lord's reputation. Grace and truth walk together.
We call out behavior when unseemly for a christian. That is a gracious truth when done in concern and love, yet doesn't penalize a truth needing to be told. There are times when we all need this word from the Lord through each other.
Your display is not out of love for the brethren but is the accusing of the enemy of us all and why I hope it will stop.
Calling out the kind of fruit-fruit that can be good or bad--the behavior and result is different than smearing individual persons in their personality-in their personhood. Don't you have that discernment?
It looks at the moment like you don't so please learn it.
Learn of ME is what Jesus said. We hear you (in some form of bitterness), not Him, in your words.
We are here for you. Be for us, too.
In case you think that Catholic support for abortion is limited to Catholic politicians, or, is just a hierarchy problem, whereby, numerous Priests, Nuns, Bishops, Cardinals, support "pro-choice" (along with homosexual marriage):
Pew: 77 Percent of Catholic Democrats Support Legal Abortion
On a personal note, the vast majority of Catholics that I have known in my lifetime vote "Democrat," even though they KNOW that the Democratic Platform is PRO-ABORTION.
Dear 12:04 PM
Believe me... I understand. I, too, have been on the receiving end of that anti-Catholic abuse... for the past 15 years!!! It has been both frustrating and exasperating... because, there was (and still is) so much MISINFORMATION about what we Catholics actually believe.
I would often react in an emotional way... until I realized that I have no control over the behavior of individuals like Paul or RayB, I can only control my OWN behavior.
Also, Jesus would expect us Catholics to set a good example.
If you want to 'hit' them with something... hit them with the FACTS about what we Catholics truly believe (not what they THINK we believe). We both KNOW that there is plenty of 'ammunition' ;)
My God bless you... and keep you strong.
~ Your friend in Christ
Well, RayB... I guess I am one of the 23% of Catholics who do NOT support abortion.
I joined the Right To Life group back in the 1970s... and have fought against abortion since the Roe v Wade decision of January, 1973. That's when I became a big fan of Dr. Ron Paul.
Doesn't it stand to reason that the regular Catholics, who have been posting on this blog for many years now, would be AGAINST abortion and the New Age???
In other words, stop ASSUMING (making an 'a-- out of you and me').
Also, ALL of my Catholic friends and I voted for Trump... and are Republicans!!!
Let us all learn to separate criticism or attacks of the POLICIES, PRACTICES and DOCTRINAL POSITIONS of a church or religious organization from criticism or attacks on said church or religious organization ITSELF.
You will quickly see that learning to separate those things all out will be a profound reliever of undue stress!
I posted PEW's study that indicated that 77% of Catholic DEMOCRATS supported Abortion, not that 77% of CATHOLICS did. In my own sphere, I have known a few staunch pro-life Catholics, but they have been outnumbered, by a lot, by Catholics that openly support PRO-ABORTION Democratic candidates.
1:00 PM said...
"Also, Jesus would expect us Catholics to set a good example"
I really don't think Jesus would expect anything from Catholics in general, (there is a remnant there I'm sure), other than hatred, violence, and lies. Why, because the Holy Spirit isn't in the Mother of Harlots cult!
You Catholics squeal like stuck pigs! Catholic bashing! Anti Catholic attacks! etc etc. It's you Catholics who have the blood of tens of millions on your hands! We challenge the doctrines of your Luciferian religion, and you scream bloody murder. When it's you that are the murders!
Act like men, instead of sissies! That may not be possible for you, as your so called 'church' fully supports, and produces sissies, and perverts!
Good for you and thank you for not standing with the 77%, 1:06 PM.
That shoe does not fit you.
RayB's post is about those catholics who do not have your conscience about it.
I know a few christians of regular protestant churches who vote democrat, too. Sad to say the percentage is high among many claiming to be christians all across the board.
I cannot for the life of me, understand the disconnect going on between their mind and conscience to support that open and proud stance against the unborn by voting in people who fund, fuel, and foster barbarism against the most helpless among us. They spent money and make policy aimed directly against children, then it goes beyond into every issue and segment of society so the politicians voted in to do that, are horrendous. Something is wrong with that on a fundamental level. Per capita among them, in our halls of governing, there is so little good conscience displayed in Washington D.C. and in many state houses, too.
If our innocent and weakest among us are not valued and protected then there is no value and protection anywhere else. Life is becoming more and more meaningless in the hands of such empty hearted souls.
Money never actually fixes problems, good conscience does, and acts accordingly, so I appreciate yours, 1:06 PM.
1:29 PM
Enjoy ranting all by yourself... in your post that is so full of hatred and venom.
Meanwhile, God is watching and listening... and you need to remember that while you are condemning and mocking the Catholic Church, that Jesus Christ Himself created in 33 AD... we Catholics have His PROMISE that 'the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it." In the end, Satan will not win... period.
Sadly... you Protestants are under the mistaken ILLUSION that you are 'superior' to Catholics... and are above reproach.
Satan knows his time is short. He is very busy these days (corrupting the hearts and minds of many)... and evil has infiltrated ALL of the churches.
There are hundreds of thousands of Protestants who are Liberal Democrats, voted for Biden, hated Trump, and support abortion and gay marriage, too.
And your point is???
Dear anonymous,
"I have watched paul bully Dorothy, a Jewish lady, because she didn't bow to his every opinion,..."
You obviously were close to Dorothy, because you seem to be in possession of all of her ammunition that she used to lob at me.
It's the result of her doing an "in depth" profile of me, or at least someone she thought must be me, since we share a last name.
That was Dorothy's idea of research and investigative hard work. Oh well.
Unfortunately she was barking up the wrong tree. It didn't matter to her whether she was right or wrong in her slander, only that the arrows hit the target and hurt a lot. She was just like our illustrious Democrat contingency in Washington who aren't really even trying to find actual crimes or misdemeanors, but only to spread vicious lies and accusations in order to cancel Donald Trump.
So just so you know, I've never met anyone named George or Christopher Farrar. They aren't relatives of mine. Nor do I recognize any of the women's names that you spit out there. I do remember hearing about a Farrar family in Portland who had a well-known family Roofing business. I heard about them more than once when customers of mine would ask me if that was my family. No, I'd say, because it wasn't and still isn't any relation.
Of course Dorothy went straight for the police records, obviously. That may have been her first mistake. I've never been arrested and never been to jail, or even accused of a crime.
Your seething hatred for me is well noted. We get it.
Anonymous said @ 3:03 PM:
"There are hundreds of thousands of Protestants who are Liberal Democrats, voted for Biden, hated Trump, and support abortion and gay marriage, too."
"And your point is???"
The POINT is that the Popes have the power to EXCOMMUNICATE Catholic politicians that support the MURDER of the INNOCENT UNBORN via their policies. And yet, not a single "pope" has ever done that.
Supporting this evil makes one implicit in the crime. So why hasn't ANY "pope" ever taken action?
Do you now get the "point?"
"There is no record that Peter was ever Bishop of Rome, and therefore no Bishop of Rome could possibly be his successor. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon (178-200), provided a list of the first 12 Bishops of Rome. Linus was the first. Peter's name does not appear.
Eusebius of Caesaria, the Father of Church History, never mentions Peter as Bishop of Rome. He simply says that Peter came to Rome "about the end of his days" and was crucified there. Paul, when writing his epistle to the Romans, greets many people by name, but not Peter. That would be a strange omission if Peter had been living in Rome, and especially if he were its bishop!"
_ from A Woman Rides The Beast, by Dave Hunt pages 99 & 100
To RayB @ 4:10 PM
FYI: No pronouncement needs to be declared by any Pope, since Canon Law is very clear:
Canon Number 1398 states, in Latin and English, Qui abortum procurat, effectu secuto, in excommunicationem, latae sententiae, incurrat (Those who successfully abort a living human fetus bring on themselves instant excommunication).6
Any Catholic politician who casts a vote with the intention of legalizing abortion, or of
protecting laws allowing abortion, or of widening access to abortion, commits a mortal sin.
When such a vote indicates that the Catholic politician believes that abortion is not always gravely immoral, such a politician incurs a sentence of automatic excommunication, under canons 751 and 1364, because of heresy.
When such a vote is intended to have the effect of making abortion legal, or more easily obtainable, or more widely available, such a politician incurs a sentence of automatic excommunication, under canon 1398, as someone who is attempting to provide substantial or essential means for women to obtain abortions. Catholic politicians who pass laws which legalize, protect, or widen access to abortion, are providing essential assistance to women who want to obtain abortions.
It is not sufficient for Catholic politicians to claim that they are 'personally opposed' to abortion. If any Catholic politician favors legalized abortion, despite a claim of personal opposition, such a politician commits a mortal sin by promoting abortion and by voting in favor of abortion.
Paul, your needle is stuck on that old long playing record of yours!!! Yawn . . .
Christianity Got You Down?
We exist as ultrasonic energy.
This life is nothing short of a flowering metamorphosis of ancient gratitude.
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is hope.
If you have never experienced this wellspring inherent in nature, it can be difficult to vibrate.
Wanderer, look within and bless yourself.
We are being called to explore the quantum cycle itself as an interface between empathy and peace.
Soon there will be an awakening of intuition the likes of which the quantum matrix has never seen.
Consciousness consists of frequencies of quantum energy.
“Quantum” means an awakening of the infinite.
Being requires exploration.
Potential is a constant.
The nexus is radiating superpositions of possibilities.
Although you may not realize it, you are sensual.
The cosmos is calling to you via chaos-driven reactions.
Can you hear it?
It is a sign of things to come.
How should you navigate this sentient solar system?
It can be difficult to know where to begin.
Have YOU found YOUR circuit?
Why are the Marines snubbing Joe Biden?
Last week we saw the National Guard disrespect the Biden Motorcade by turning their back’s on it as the cars drove by their patrol area. Then a strange video appeared of Joe Biden walking past two Marine’s who were holding doors open for him and he failed to salute the Marine’s who did not salute him with their free hand and he is heard mumbling ‘salute the Marine’s’ as he is walking by. Now another video popped up of Jill Biden reaching out to shake an Airman’s hand who is on Honour Guard and he does not even flinch and she has to draw her extended hand back to her side. I truly believe that the Marine’s (military in general are NOT recognizing the Biden’s as the First Family and therefore are disrespecting them. Finally, what the heck is going on with Joe Biden and these Oval Office pictures of different scenes showing up in the windows behind Biden? Is he even in the White House?
Nancy & Paul Pelosi Bought More Than $1 Million In Tesla, Disney And Apple Calls In December
WHO finally admits PCR tests produce false coronavirus positives
Amazon offers to assist President Joe Biden with coronavirus vaccine distribution, even as more Americans die after receiving vaccines
"God's holy providence has provided that in a decisive hour he (Hitler) be entrusted with the leadership of the zGerman people."
_from an article in Klerusblatt, organ of Diocesan Priests, honoring Hitler on his fiftieth birthday in 1939
"The Nazi movement for freeing the world from the Jews is a movement for the renaissance of human dignity. The all-wise and almighty God is behind this movement."
_Fr. Franjo Kralik in a Zagreb Catholic newspaper in 1941
When Pope Benedict XVI was asked what the greatest threat to the Church was, he replied, “It is Freemasonry.” Mary revealed through the locutionist Fr. Gobbi (a personal friend of Pope St. John Paul) that Freemasonry is the beast “like a leopard” in the Book of Revelation: “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, its feet were like a bears, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority” (13:1-2).
Texas Sues Biden Administration For Opening Up Southern Border As He Sells U.S. Out To China
Big Tech Censorship Marches On!
YouTube strips rising media company Epoch Times of ability to monetize video content
"This is the latest example of big tech suppression of free speech, a step on the road to communist-style censorship' - publisher Stephen Gregory.
By Carrie Sheffield
Just The News
YouTube, the video platform service that is a Google subsidiary, has banned The Epoch Times, a rising, conservative-leaning media outlet, from earning money off its videos.
"YouTube demonetized the Epoch Times and related accounts last week," Stephen Gregory, publisher of The Epoch Times confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday in an email. "This is the latest example of big tech suppression of free speech, a step on the road to communist-style censorship."
A YouTube spokesperson acknowledged Tuesday in an email to Just the News that the company had demonetized the publication's channel and affiliated channels and had suspended them from the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) – over issues related to harmful or sensitive content.
"All channels on YouTube need to comply with our Community Guidelines, and in order to monetize, channels must comply with the YouTube Partner Program policies, which include our Advertiser-Friendly Guidelines," the spokesperson also said. "Channels that repeatedly violate these policies are suspended from our partner program."
The spokesperson noted that channels removed from its partner program are able to appeal the decision or reapply to YPP in 30 days, provided the underlying issues that led to suspension have been addressed to YouTube's liking.
The move by YouTube follows Twitter earlier this month de-platforming former President Trump and some conservative users, and the app Parler being denied web hosting services by Amazon.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Jan. 13 issued civil investigative demands to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon Web Services, and Apple, asking the companies for their policies and practices regarding content moderation and, more specifically, for information related to Parler, a social media application popular among conservatives that was recently terminated or blocked by Google, Amazon, and Apple.
On Thursday, a federal judge denied Parler's request to have Amazon immediately restore its web service, saying she rejects "any suggestion that the public interest favors requiring AWS to host the incendiary speech."
Larry Elder, a prominent, African-American conservative filmmaker who hosts a video series for The Epoch Times, confirmed during an interview with the "Just the News AM" television program that the de-monetization hit him personally, reducing his income.
"We have to build our own infrastructure, our own social media platforms," Elder said, pointing to alternative social platforms like and video service "The only answer is not to bitch, moan and whine about how how unfairly we're being treated, not to run to the government to pass more regulations. The answer is to build our own platforms. And we have been asleep at the switch."
(On a related note: a man only identified as "X" was found violently masturbating to this article in public and arrested. A police spokesperson was unavailable for comment.)
God bless those 45 Republicans (and that cooler heads have prevailed)...
'It's over, let's move on': Republican senators blast Trump's second impeachment as 'dead on arrival' - after 45 of them effectively signaled ex-president will be acquitted by voting the trial 'unconstitutional'
A majority of Republicans voted on Tuesday that Donald Trump's second impeachment is unconstitutional.
It's a sign the former president will likely be acquitted in his upcoming trial which is due to begin February 8.
On Tuesday night Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News.
All three spoke out against the impeachment, describing it as 'a clown show' and 'vindictive' and illegal.
Republican Senator Rand Paul on Tuesday night accused Democrats of double standards.
He said Democrats had 'appeared to incite violence' when one of Bernie Sanders' supporters shot Steve Scalise, and said Maxine Waters and Cory Booker urged people to 'get up in the face' of Republicans.
Paul earlier on Tuesday had forced the Senate to vote on the matter, asking whether the impeachment should proceed.
'I think it'll be enough to show that, you know, more than a third of the Senate thinks that the whole proceeding is unconstitutional, which will show that ultimately they don't have the votes to do an impeachment,' Paul said.
A total of 45 Republicans voted that the trial was unconstitutional, while five sided with the Democrats.
Paul said the vote meant 'the impeachment trial is dead on arrival.'
'It's one of the few times in Washington where a loss is actually a victory,' he said.
To Anonymous @ 5:13 PM ...
Thanks for a reasonable answer along with your link, which I read in its entirety.
Just a few comments ...
I understand where you are coming from, but, I think this is the paramount issue facing our world today. Without the sanctity of life, all life becomes severely devalued. Abortion is a world-wide holocaust that is being perpetrated upon the most innocent among us. Its evil continuation will lead the world further and further into the abyss.
I find it very unsettling that the Papacy remains pretty much disengaged from this issue. For example, when Ireland had their national election in order to determine whether or not abortion would be legalized, "pope" Francis remained completely silent, merely stating that he didn't want to "get involved in politics." That inaction is abysmal, to say the least. "Politics" didn't stop PF from attacking Donald Trump's "immigration policies" along with Trump's then stated desire to "build a wall" on our border. PF went so far as to say Trump "could not be a Christian." PF continues to be "engaged" in the "politics" that advances the New World Order. Apparently, protecting innocent life doesn't fit in with their plans.
In the recent Pres. 2020 election, I personally read of numerous accounts where professing Catholics were giving their support for the "abortion" team of Biden/Harris. Exit polls indicated that Biden received 51% to Trump's 47% of the Catholic vote. Why is that? Because, far too often, with no correction from Rome, their church hierarchy is leading the way. Here is just one example:
"Catholic Bishop Claims Catholics Can Vote for Pro-Abortion Joe Biden “in Good Conscience”
Tobin is not some renegade little priest; Tobin is a Cardinal ! Thanks to Tobin, Catholics were encouraged to vote for Biden, a candidate that has a long history of supporting infanticide. Under Biden's 47 year watch, over 62 MILLION babies have lost their lives.
Did PF admonish Tobin? Does PF admonish outspoken, pro-gay Jesuit Priests like James Martin? You know the answer.
If a Catholic can vote for such an evil man as Biden, they have NO CONSCIENCE, and, are themselves complicit in the murder of innocent life.
Catholic Nun Praises Joe Biden’s ‘Very Developed Approach’ to Abortion
From the article linked below:
"Social activist Sister Simone Campbell has praised President Joe Biden’s “very developed approach” to abortion, where he can be personally opposed but publicly favorable to the practice."
"Sister Campbell, executive director of the Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, said at a January 21 panel discussion hosted by the National Catholic Reporter that the pro-life “obsession” with the abortion issue has torn the Church apart."
“One last piece is on this issue, this blessed issue, that has broken our Church apart, this political obsession with the criminalization of abortion on the part of a few,” she said.
Man Claiming to Be CNA in Nursing Home: Seniors, "Dying Like Flies" After Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine
You are right only in that I threw the name Margaret in there without real aim. I am, however, very confident about the other information I have thus provided about you.
I don't think Andrea would be happy to learn of the various pornographic and dating websites you have been harloting on, would she? Ava and Eric would be most upset.
I know all your known addresses (I have only openly disclosed one so far), or would you like to push me to disclose others? Or would you rather play the ignorant angler shooting from the weeds round Pettingill Pond in Windham?
Now, just so you know, I am not merely, fishing', you have lived in:
South Portland, ME
Portland, ME
Windham, ME
Hyattsville, MD
Penbroke Pines, FL
Rochester, NY
I also have a list of your business associates. I wonder what they would think not only of your lying here, but also of your vile use of pornographic dating sites. I have not disclosed in detail, in respect of my fellow Catholics here, however, I hope you realize what trouble you're in. Tone it down, paul.
Tone it down!
So in other words don't speak truth!
To RayB @ 4:04 PM & 4:11 PM...
The only person I have control over is ME. I voted for Donald Trump TWICE... and I believe that abortion is an abomination.
However, I have no control over the opinions or public statements of a nun, bishop or cardinal. They KNOW right from wrong... and that each one of them WILL have to answer to God some day.
There are days when the evil in this entire WORLD seems so out of control... that all I can do is take deep breaths, count to 10 and PRAY... and just 'let go; let God'... confident in the knowledge that HE is always in control.
10:07 PM
How shameful your behavior is.
I hope Constance bans you forever from her blog.
You deserve to be because this is the most hateful stuff I have ever seen here.
There has been plenty at times, but you win the prize as the most despicable poster...ever.
You claim you are a christian, but there is no evidence here to convict you of being one.
It is easy to see that 10:07 PM is in a very dark place.
@10:49 PM,
Tone it down means to address issues with respect, as gentle as a dove, to discuss doctrinal differences, etc., with respect. One should not go out of one's way to target people because of their faith and attack the Church.
This blog's Resident Bigots are none other than RayB, who you'll note spread unsubstantiated rumors about Christine Erikson and attacked her personally on many occasions, and Paul C. Farrar (aka Zimble) is no oracle of truth, indeed in his very post attempting to dismiss ALL I had written, he was deceptive, that is, he lied.
He is no oracle of truth at all and by his claims of faith without works, he sets out to make the word of God of no effect.
My point is to reprove paul. I understand he is harboring narcissistic wounds and wishes to inflict pain or Catholics or anyone who disagrees with him here. You'll never see a post from me which may be regarded as rude towards RESPECTFUL Protestants here. I have had years of reading Paul's and then Ray B.'s bullying of whomsoever they chose to be their victims, whomsoever dared to disagree with anything they believed.
Paul should turn from his ways of harlotry in repentance (for he is in a very dark place indeed) and you should not be encouraging him to do otherwise, 10:41, 11:21 and 11:24 PM.
11:21 PM,
It is not libelous at all. The information is out there. Yet it is shameful to even publicly post links to those vile pornographic sites Paul has frequented, however, it may prove necessary to let Andrea know all about them.
Perhaps you are Paul, incognito? In which case, you are not helping yourself at all. Let it rest, stop your YEARS of shameful abuse, and I will let it rest, which is what I would dearly like to be able to do.
There is only one Holy Spirit, 12:02 AM.
You are not Him.
Your behavior against another is terrible.
This is Paul, nothing libelous at all:
Office Phone: (207) 775-2159
You'll note the same phone number for his home address and that of his business is used. This is all written by him or with his consent and is in the public domain. No libel whatsoever here.
46 Deering St, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 775-2159
Paul's hardly the, "love thy neighbor", type himself, as his face clearly shows and so does his behavior towards those lovely people at number 48:
(Title to Real Estate Involved)
Plaintiff and defendants are owners of adjacent parcels at 46 and 48 Deering
Street in Portland.
The clerk shall make the following entries as the Decision and Judgment of the
A. Judgment for plaintiff on her complaint that she has acquired full
rights, title and interest, by adverse possession and acquiescence to that
portion of the property at 46 Deering Street as described herein and
consistent with the plan of Owen Haskell, Inc. dated February 5,2002.
Therefore, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that 0. Arline
Waecker is the owner of and is vested with full right title and interest in
the area at 46 Deering Street, in the City of Portland, as described herein
and is set out on the plan of Owen Haskell, Inc. dated February 5,2002.
B. Judgment for defendants on plaintiffs claims for trespass and
C. Whereas the court has found in favor of the plaintiff on the claim for
adverse possession, Count VI of the complaint for prescriptive easement is
moot and no ruling is required.
D. Judgment for plaintiff on defendants' counterclaim.
E. On plaintiff's demand for injunctive relief, it is Ordered that
defendants shall not enter on plaintiff's property as described herein for
the purpose of parking or storing any vehicles or other chattels or
personal property, except however, all parties and their tenants, guests
and assigns are allowed reasonable and necessary access through the gate
for entrance to the area behind the houses. It is further Ordered that
defendants shall take no action to prevent or interfere with plaintiff's
ingress, egress or use of the driveway as defined herein.
The gate shall not be locked at any time unless all parties and persons who
have lawful access to the area are provided with a key or combination to
any lock or device used to secure the gate.
F. No costs or attorneys' fees are awarded.
Thankfully, the court saw sense in this case.
132 Marginal Way #105 Portland, Maine 04101
By the way, Arline is a wonderful lady who has done a great deal of good in the Portland community to help the disabled, before retiring. She is well remembered and well respected by the congregation of the Sacred Heart on Mellen St, Portland. They inform me you'd be hard-pressed to meet a nicer person.
I hope Constance bans the nasty poster(s). It is her blog, but these malcontents like to do a hostile takeover with the uncalled for nastiness on display in this thread.
And it's from people who should know better, but apparently too bitter to see how bitter they are.
A Devil of a Scandal
You can see in the last paragraph how the worldly NY Times scrapes off the filth of the romish cult onto the Christian Church in general. Anyone who is a true disciple of Christ, must make known the difference between the romish cult, and the true followers of The lord.
Zuckerberg wants more censorship
To Anonymous @ 11:00 PM ...
I respect your responses to me and know that you are sincere in your expressed convictions.
Allow me to clarify where I am coming from ...
I have stated on numerous occasions that my contention is with the HIERARCHY of the RCC, along with a number of specific doctrines, dogmas & practices that are designed to make spiritual slaves out of their followers, precisely why I have emphasized the false teaching, in particular, of the doctrine of Purgatory. I also am a firm believer in the TRUTH, because it is only through the truth, through Christ and His word alone, can we truly be set free.
The question is; does the hierarchy of the RCC truly want the unadulterated truth to be proclaimed? Here are a couple of illustrations to consider for the sake of comparison (I'll try to be as concise as possible):
As you recall, Archbishop Carlo Vigano first made global news because of his honest critique of the Vatican's official, 460 page report entitled "The McCarrick Report."
Vigano had first hand knowledge regarding McCarrick's well known homosexual proclivities, which he carried out over the span of his long clerical career. Furthermore, Vigano provided evidence that the Vatican was well aware of McCarrick's activities, and took no action to stop him. Yet, the Vatican report stated that they were "completely unaware" and were "never informed" regarding McCarrick. Vigano countered the report by stating that he personally hand delivered his own report on McCarrick to the Vatican YEARS AGO, proving that the Vatican did in fact know that McCarrick was in fact a practicing homosexual. Vigano also states emphatically that the "McCarrick faction" inside the RCC was largely responsible in the selection of Bergoglio as pope.
Archbishop Vigano also has been outspoken regarding the "Gay Mafia" that has taken over control of much of the Vatican, and has been outspoken and passionate about, what he describes to be "the homosexual network that is responsible, in large part, for the ongoing pedophile/clerical scandals." Vigano has been attacked by many of his fellow Catholics. To this day, Vigano has felt it necessary to remain in hiding for his own safety.
Regarding Vigano's critique of the Vatican's whitewashed "McCarrick Report," Vigano stated: "I invoked God as my witness to the truth of my claims, and none has been shown to be false."
Mark Goring is a Catholic Priest that was converted from atheism. He is a young, passionate man of faith that has been very outspoken regarding the truth as he sees it. Goring has a Youtube channel and has strongly spoken out against the same "homosexual network" that Vigano refers to. Goring was very supportive of Vigano's efforts to proclaim the truth. Goring is also a student of the Scriptures, as is evident by the fact that he often refers to passages and verses from both the OT & NT. I watched numerous (he was posting almost daily) Youtube videos of Goring's and was very impressed by this young man's sincerity. (See one of his latest videos re: Biden's Inauguration entitled "Here We Go!) here:
During the height of the Vigano/McCarrick controversy, one day, it all ended. Goring appeared and stated that he had been "ordered into silence" regarding everything relating to the homoesexual/pedophile/clerical scandals and all references to Vigano. ALL of his PREVIOUS videos that had covered these topics were scrubbed from Youtube! Lately, Goring is back proclaiming the truth about the New World Order, etc. How long he will last, time will only tell.
Here is my point: the Hierarchy has the power to "order into silence" those clerics that are advocating "pro-choice," "pro-LGBTQ agendas" (such as Jesuit Priest James Martin, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of Chicago, Cardinal Tobin, Sister Simone Campbell along with many, many more of their ilk ... AND YET THEY DON'T. In contrast, they single out truth warriors such as Vigano and Goring !
God always has his people that are His "voices in the wilderness." The world's system, controlled by Satan, marks these as his enemies and seeks to silence them. Instead of receiving accolades from the world, these types usually end up like the martyrs before them, who too persecuted for the "crime" of declaring the truth.
Dear anonymous,
That photo isn't me either.
You're a riot.
You keep missing the mark in your quest to invite people to hate me as much as you do.
And that court case is hardly a matter of bad behavior on either parties part. It looks like a simple property dispute. They happen all the time. It doesn't look like anyone was charged with any kind of crime. What's your point?
You're regurgitating Dorothys rampage against me. But you should get it straight; she attacked me. I apparently didn't kow-tow to her majesty the self proclaimed "Researcher", who was continually moaning about how Constance hadn't given her enough credit for all her amazing in-depth "research".
If this "evidence" that you have against me is an example of her tireless work, I'd say it's a good thing for Constance that she gently and respectfully kept her distance.
Maybe you should apply for a job working as a researcher for Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler or Nancy Pelosi.
You might really find your niche there.
Just a thought...You seem to need something to do.
Not that it matters, what I or any of us think, but glad you continue to post, paul, in spite of hateful, bitter, vindictive, behavior of malcontents, now, or in the past.
I think you hit the nail on the head about how that went on a few years back, and have the current hating poster pegged too.
How wrong to use this venue for such, and wrong to post what could amount to libel, what we cannot substantiate, have no desire to know in any case, but it looks to me that nasty knows no bounds in some people. So much for being a concerned christian (but a religious phony) to "reprove" you. The games people play........
What is GameStop?
Founded in 1984, GameStop operates some 5,000 retail stores nationwide, selling and renting video games.
Harvard Business School classmates James McCurry and Gary Kusin opened the first store in Texas with the help of Dallas billionaire Ross Perot.
Like other brick-and-mortar retailers, the company has been looked down upon and belittled by Wall Street investors as commerce shifts online.
When Chewy founder Ryan Cohen joined the GameStop board, it led many to feel the company's stock was undervalued.
He pushed for the company to try and expand into the online markets.
Cohen is now at least $3 billion richer because of the surge in stock prices, but the gains could be wiped out when the bubble bursts.
Robinhood starts SELLING users' shares without permission: Trading platform is hit with massive class-action after restricting trades on stocks including GameStop, Nokia, AMC and Blackberry
Robinhood on Thursday halted the ability to purchase new shares of GameStop
Also stopped purchase for AMC, Nokia, Bed Bath & Beyond, BlackBerry, Express
In some cases Robinhood sold off shares without permission from the user
The move drew outrage from Reddit users who had driven share prices up
Both parties in Congress joined the outcry, as well as Dave Portnoy and Ja Rule
Senate Banking Committee planned hearings to investigate the matter
GameStop had surged more than 1,700% percent this month in short squeeze
But shares sank 44% on Thursday after Robinhood banned buying shares
The struggling company runs a chain of video game stores across the country
Group WallStreetBets is leading charge to inflate stock and punish hedge funds
Hedge funds Citron and Melvin Capital likely lost billions as the shares rose
Wall Street investors express alarm and say they have never seen anything like it
When the bubble collapses all of the shareholder gains could be wiped out
Biden's press secretary says that his team is 'monitoring the situation
Thanks 4:39
Wall Street: Rules for thee, but not for me!!! LOL
Biden hands control of power grid over to Communist China
The Biden globalist agenda of extermination
Joe Biden pledges allegiance to the New World Order in a 1992 article...
Oh Saul,
The link with the photo provides anyone with all the information they need to know you are an arborist and reside as stated with Andrea Zimble.
[ 132 Marginal Way #105 Portland, Maine 04101 ]
Location of This Business
PO Box 3312, Portland, ME 04104-3312
Email this Business
BBB File Opened: 12/31/1998
Years in Business: 22
Business Started: 12/31/1998
Type of Entity: Sole Proprietorship
Number of Employees: 1
Business Management
Mr. Paul Farrar, Owner
Contact Information
Mr. Paul Farrar, Owner
Customer Contact
Mr. Paul Farrar, Owner
Phone Numbers. (207) 671-8320, (207) 775-2159, (317) 867-5309, (910) 737-9669.
Business Name: Paul Farrar Tree Service
Contact Person: Paul Farrar
Office Phone: (207) 775-2159
Year Founded: 1999
Web Address: -
Service: Tree Service
Served Areas: Southern and coastal Maine, and north into Oxford County and beyond as far as Rangeley, etc depending on the job.
Warranty: Yes
Licensed? Yes
Free Estimate? YES
Senior Discount? NO
Known as:
Paul Farrar Paul Zimble
Related to:
Emily Keyes, Andrea J Zimble, 59 Susan C Farrar, 103 Stephen J Zulkosky, 51 Linda Farrar Keyes, ~71 Emily B Keyes, 48 Michelle F Keyes, 71less
Stephanie Weaver, ~61 Andrew Gibbons, ~36 Sara Cyr, ~58 Aimee Chapman, ~41
I hope Christine Erikson or others you have libeled and bullied in the past here, keep these details safe so they can prosecute you.
You have got away with far too much here, aided by your braindead sycophants, for so long.
Even though Dorothy has passed away, you are determined to bad-mouth her.
Imagine if her sons were reading your comments. You are disgraceful and a narcissist. This is precisely why I have exposed you, you thoroughly evil excuse of a man.
Still not me.
When a person can't debate against the truth, they always resort to slander.
That is precisely what you do RayB, yes. You resort to slander, or rather, libel, to be more specific.
This is the very same "fine born again christian" that steadfastly refused Trump's request to conduct an audit of Fulton County, where the election was stolen for Biden. Atlanta makes up 90% of Fulton County. It also happens to be the stomping grounds where the Marxist Stacy Adams yields an undue amount of political power and influence.
Instead of auditing Fulton County where most of Georgia's fraud occurred, Raffensperger audited Cobb County ... a staunch GOP voting county! During the time leading up to the election certification, Raffensperger continued to delay, deflect and ignore any and all evidence that was presented to him.
Here's the story:
"Georgia’s Sec. of State Ben Raffensperger Caught in Another Scandal – After His Claims that “Audits” of Georgia’s Voting Machines and Election Were Performed by a Certified Auditor Come into Question"
When a person is a slave to the Harlot, nothing is too sleazy.
Paul, 10:39 AM's posts have an underlying sadistic homoeroticism to them, so it seems that they're substituting you for a man they lost or could never get. YOU could be that man if you play your cards right! "Oh Saul. give it to me again! But HARDER!!!" LMAO
4:26 PM,
God help you, whoever you are.
God sees and knows what is motivating you, and it is sick.
A very dark place is where you are.
Health freedom advocates file informed consent lawsuit to exempt all persons from mandatory vaccination
Attorneys Greg Glaser and Ray Flores are taking on the vaccine industry with a new lawsuit. If successful, all Americans will have the right to exempt themselves from forced vaccination if they so choose, regardless of the reason.
While Americans are already protected under the Constitution from unsolicited invasion of bodily autonomy by the government, the suit seeks to reiterate and reestablish this in the specific context of vaccines.
Getting back to the Constance's original theme of this thread ...
When you listen to (or read the transcript), this compilation of dangers that are being proposed by Biden, Inc. should alarm you.
FNC’s Carlson: ‘This Is the Most Sweeping and Audacious Assault on Civil Liberties in American History’
"Trust the Plan"
The question is; which plan?
Very good, short video by Reallygraceful that covers the coming "Vaccine Passport," etc.
PS: On the previous thread, Constance covered the Q-Anon phenomenon, in which the "trust the plan" phrase was used extensively by "Q" and his/her followers. Personally, I never bought into Q-Anon. I checked into it very briefly in its early stages and felt Q's meanderings were far too ambiguous to be taken seriously.
However, is there a "plan" by the Globalist Elites? You bet there is, and they are using the Plandemic, or, Pandemic as a major means to advance that plan. I'm reading more and more accounts, whereby the proponents of the "Great Reset" are proclaiming that COVID is with us "forever." What other strains or viruses will confront us in the future, and to what extent will their freedom denying, nefarious responses be? So far, IMO, COVID 19 has been just a test run for more of the same, only worse. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
Now we can add one more ...
"Black Lives Matter nominated for the Nobel peace prize"
PS: at our local Target yesterday, our young cashier was wearing a "Target" company t-shirt that proclaimed in bold lettering "At TARGET, BLACK FAMILIES MATTER."
It didn't really bother me much because I already know where Target Corp. stands. But, from a strictly business perspective, I couldn't help but sense the stupidity of such a statement, whereby, for no reason whatsoever, Target has decided to go out of its way to alienate a significant segment of its customer base. Do not White Families Matter to Target? What about Hispanic Families, Asian Families, Indian Families ... etc., etc., or, is it only Black Families? Why couldn't they just state "At Target, FAMILIES MATTER?" Weird.
Your assessment is correct.
Covid and climate change are the impetus for all the "emergency" action.
Ole John "Lurch" Kerry says there is only 9 years left to avert catastrophe done to the planet
and with the huge numbers of the dying from covid 19 there has to be extra measures taken now.
Time is of the essence in the global reset time like the present.
The U.S. "had to" get Biden (Obama regime sequel) into the White House to insure that an "America First" plan was disabled because that would get squarely in the way of "healing" the planet and the people. Mainstreet America stood in the way of "progress" therefore had to go..
By hook and by crook, using masks, distancing, mail-in voting, fuzzy math, and stacked courts to keep it from being a fair election and hijacked America from her people to enslave us to the global dream (soon nightmare). They have worked tirelessly and underhandedly on how to short circuit America since the big loss in 2016. Obama the Divider-in-chief (bar none) had the plan well on it's way, his puppet Biden (and Harris will be useful) will finish the task.
Trump was the "fly in their ointment", God bless him!
QAnon was bogus to me from the moment I caught a whiff.
I wonder if Soros money helped build the major distraction of that scaffolding too...
To 7:37 near top of comments
Qanon is a mishmash of a little truth greatly or mostly misplaced and with far more than a little leaven. There were plenty of "patriots", militia, anarchists, and yes MAGA in that Capitol invading crowd.
The spirit of mob violence is equally ugly no matter who/what invokes it.
QANON is what it always has been -- A DIVERSION!
You get it. Great post.
Also, prior to the Plandemic, populist movements, to the dismay of the globalist elite, had sprung up all over the world. Paris Yellow Vest, Hong Kong, Hungary, etc. BREXIT won (which the mainstream media in Britain said would lose by 11- 12%), Trump in 2016, etc. set the globalist planners into a complete panic. COVID shut down, literally overnight, the worldwide demonstrations by populists. COVID also enabled massive voter fraud via unverifiable "mail in balloting," which threw the election to Biden.
This is all about control and it will only get worse. Now, we are being pressured into taking dangerous "vaccines" that has one of the biggest population proponents in history behind it all; none other than Bill Gates. BOTH of Gates' parents sat on the National Board for Planned Parenthood. Gates has always trumpeted the cause of population control. Gates himself has a very evil background in the experimentation of vaccines in 3rd. world nations and India. Both Fauci and the "scarf lady" Dr. Birx have deep seeded connections with Gates.
Let's not forget that the Globalists view the vast majority of the world's population as "useless eaters." They strongly believe that the world's population needs to be SEVERELY reduced. Could it be thru ever increasingly dangerous "vaccines?" RFK, Jr. seems to think so.
We are slipping into a monstrous age in which vast numbers of "undesirables" will be eliminated. The Georgia Guidestones declare the ideal population to be 500 MILLION. Could that really be the number that these evil elitists are shooting for?
I agree that Q-Anon has been a diversion, but by whom and for what purpose?
Any thoughts?
PS: hope you are doing reasonably well.
The magnitude of hypocrisy is staggering when it comes to the capital invasion. BLM, and Antifa hold areas of out once peaceful cities hostage for a good portion of the summer, murdering, raping, and pillaging. But to progressives, it was a blip on the radar screen compared to the disrespect of our national idols!
Dear Constance & everyone:
Here is a fact check about which radical fringe group members may / or may not have been present in the rioting / storming of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on January 6th.
I noticed 2 interesting comments to the Newsweek 'fact check':
I CAN NOT be more Critical of the Invasion of the Capitol in Washington DC. But the Time Line Does NOT add up. 1. Confirmed by NPR, NOT a Conservative Publication, Confirms Trumps Speech 1-6-2021 ENDED at 1:11pm, 2 Miles Away from the Capitol. 2. Confirmed by the Washington Post, NOT a conservative Publication, the Invasion of the Capitol BEGAN at 12:40pm, 31 Minutes BEFORE Trump's speech Ended. With all the roads around the Mall being Shut down. If one leaves the White House and Walks to the Capitol, one would arrive at 1:45pm to 2:00pm. That's an Hour to an Hour and a half AFTER the Invasion began? Capitol Officers report that the Invaders were using 'Riot Gear.' If they were Ever at the President's speech they would have had to leave around 12:00 Noon to get their 'Riot Gear' to show up to Begin the Invasion at 12:40pm and would have Missed a HOUR of the President's speech. How can the President be Blamed, when the Invasion BEGAN While he was Still SPEAKING? I do NOT know Who they were. But they Were NOT Trump supporters.
No mention of John Sullivan? He is an Antifa activist who proudly recorded himself breaking windows, inciting the crowd to attack and telling people to burn down the building.
He has been arrested for rioting in the past and was arrested again in connection to the Jan 6 Capital storming.
His helping to break a window arguably contributed to the frightened police officer (who was standing behind it) shooting the unarmed woman who died shortly afterward.
He was also a guest on national news channels shortly after the event.
Just yesterday, it was discovered that Aaron Mostofsky, the guy in the round glasses with a "police" vest seen in several widely circulated photos inside the Capital, is a registered Democrat and the son of a New York judge.
The John Sullivan case alone demonstrates the claim that Antifa were present and rioting is either somewhat true or confirmed. Some have claimed John Sullivan is not an Antifa activist despite his liking Antifa social media posts, dressing in "black bloc", attending their events and advocating for their ideology. Whatever you want to believe, he is NOT a Trump supporter.
What a breakdown of the mechanics, political, as well as biological, of Covid.
Screenshots from ‘Insurrection USA’ BLM activist John Sullivan’s discord claim police let him in!!!
Health freedom advocates file informed consent lawsuit to exempt all persons from mandatory vaccination
Attorneys Greg Glaser and Ray Flores are taking on the vaccine industry with a new lawsuit. If successful, all Americans will have the right to exempt themselves from forced vaccination if they so choose, regardless of the reason.
While Americans are already protected under the Constitution from unsolicited invasion of bodily autonomy by the government, the suit seeks to reiterate and reestablish this in the specific context of vaccines.
Anon @ 2:29 PM & 4:27 PM ...
The day of the Capitol "invasion," I watched TruNews, where they had two reporters that were broadcasting live from the Capitol grounds. As the two TruNews reporters approached the front door, they filmed Capitol police allowing numerous people to casually walk right in, while others were leaving the building in equal numbers ... hardly what constitutes an "insurrection."
I also watched several videos where Capitol police opened doors in the back of the building as well and were allowing people to walk right into the building without any hinderance whatsoever. Everyone on those videos appeared to be peaceful and had nothing to indicate at all that it was "mob" that was committed to "insurrection."
Yet, if you happened to be one of those that were let in by police, and were identified via video, you could face being ARRESTED and CHARGED for just "being there"! (I don't know about anyone else, but if I was there on that day, and the police were opening doors to allow people to enter, I probably would have gone in just like the others did).
Obviously, there were some that acted unruly, and they should be punished (just as BLM & ATIFA should be for the damage to both property and people that they have done for almost ONE YEAR). Others (ANTIFA/BLM provocateurs?) inside the Capitol were not Trump 'people,' and were inciting others to do damage, etc. BLM/ANTIFA activist John Sullivan, was standing right next to the woman that was shot and killed inside the Capitol. He filmed the actual shooting. He also filmed himself provoking the crowd everywhere he went.
For months, BLM & ATIFA stormed police stations and Federal buildings, looted, raped, set fires, broke windows, even committed murders, etc. in Portland & Seattle, and in other cities. The chaos continues to this day. If ANY are "arrested," they are typically detained over night and released (some over and over again) the next day without charges.
This is precisely how totalitarian societies operate, whereby justice systems become extremely prejudicial with assured outcomes for their "favored" side. Whereas, the full arm of the law, with no holds barred on abuse, becomes common place for their opposition. We now live in two Americas, and the corrupt justice system reaches all the way to the very top. Look no further than how "justice" treated Donald Trump, and continues to treat him, while turning a blind eye to the crimes of the Bidens. While they claim "disenfranchising voters," the same justice department actively trivializes rampant voter fraud in 5 key states that literally gave the election to Biden.
Without free and honest elections ... without an impartial, equal justice system for all ... without border security ... without an independent, impartial, investigative media ... how are we any different from a 3rd. world country?
It gets curiouser and curiouser every dang day doesn't it 6:12 PM ?
RayB @ 6:17 PM
Re: "Without free and honest elections ... without an impartial, equal justice system for all ... without border security ... without an independent, impartial, investigative media ... how are we any different from a 3rd world country?"
Sadly, we are NO different at all from a third world country. This is the tragedy.
Now, our newly 'elected' President Biden has to have an earpiece (to receive his daily instructions). The other day, someone whispered to him: "Salute the military" (as Joe walked past the military). So, Joe repeats the words he hears in his earpiece: "SALUTE THE MILITARY"... but, he not only does NOT salute them... he continues to walk right past them!!! (We are in DEEPER trouble than we could ever imagine... and it is only going to get worse!!!)
The vatican is OUTSIDE of Roman city limits. not one of the 7 hills an old dump site chosen for humility for the Roman bishop's residence.
automatic self excommunication if pro abortion - priests and bishops should be in trouble but aren't.
anon 7:50 am you apply everything to the ROMAN section of the Church. When you see "Catholic" you think ROMAN Catholic. Jesus didn't found the Roman Catholic church, He founded the church period IN JERUSALEM.
Rome was NOT the first but one of the last to be estblished, Paul wanted to give them a gift that they be established i.e., have a bishop.
First off, GATES ARE DEFENSIVE, NOT OFFENSIVE. the classic example of the church on the offense is missionary work and exorcism,major and minor.
Secondly, pope (ital. pron. "poh peh") doesn't mean supreme ruler but father. oncebvapplied to all bishops then to patriarchs and metropolitans only and finally only Alexandria and Rome used it. does not imply authority outside of the Roman or Alexandrian jurisdiction which was never the whole church.
Thirdly, the patriarchate system all were from PEter or his brother Andrew or his son Mark. Think distributed network like the Internet, one node goes down others remain. Lineages narrowing down to Peter fulfill your view of the statement in Matthew. WITHOUT ROME. There is Antioch and others.
Fourthly, Paul says church foundation is Christ the chief cornerstone and the Apostles the rest of the foundation stones, no mention of Peter as distinct. Peter was the first to recognize just Who and What Jesus is. Later after the Resurrection, the same function of the keys loosing and binding or locking and unlocking, was given to all the Apostles.
I suggest you read Guyotte's book linked earlier. I am Orthodox convert not protestant.
what RC says is Scripture on purgatory is about the last judgement and/or irrelevant, but unrepented of sin one persisted in could result in punishment. MATT. 24 last several verses MATT 25.
And if a pope of Rome as distinct from a pope of Alexandria is supreme, why would a pope of Rome say he had no authority to change the Creed (adding filioque) until a more Frankish dominated pope later did so?
"It is finished" doesn't mean you won't get punished for something, in this life or the next, a backsliding or whatever, it is the finish of all Jesus needed to do on the Cross.
Jesus speaks of judgement of believers in MAtt. 24 last several verses and MAtt 25.
"Mike Tinge. Your live-in boyfriend correct, MCE?" In some few states (used to be all 100 or so years ago) my common law husband I would have to legally divorce to marry another and not be legally chargeable with bigamy.
there was NEVER any ad for his abilities (which have faded drastically)
all this hatred and lies started when I showed how a concept in some new age writer could be used to aid apologetics to them. As i attacked certain evils done to me I got more flak so I guess I'm over the target - some pervert narcisisstic abusive and/or witch and/or energy feed vampire evil mother types are on board here.
Someone here is glad if we moan and bitch about the new age movement, but perish the thought any tools for going out and trying to convert any of them be shared!
My putting quotes around ex was a snipe at someone's remark.
The protestant churches caved to Hitler also. Reinhold Niebuhr was unusual.
12:12 PM
You give us a weekly headache.
Do everybody a favor and take a course in English Composition:
English Composition I is a class intended to help students develop better writing skills. In this course, you'll study several types of writing, examine proper grammar usage, including punctuation and spelling – and you'll spend time focusing on editing and revision.
7:33 PM that is.
Christine Erikson (aka Justina aka 7:33 AM)
Now even the editorial board of the New York Times is begging Biden to "ease up."
In just his first week as president, Biden signed 37 executive actions, including a record-breaking 24 executive orders — despite having said during the 2020 campaign that dictators rule by executive order.
(If Trump had done that in his first week in office, the media would be calling him a dictator.)
To Christine and everyone:
When JESUS Himself said these WORDS to Peter: "And I say to you, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)... it was JESUS HIMSELF who used the word 'gates'!!!
The word 'Catholic' means 'universal'... and was intended for us ALL. No, it was some of YOU (and your ancestors) over the centuries who rejected the CHURCH that Jesus created, not the other way around (e.g. Martin Luther, King Henry VIII... just to name TWO former Catholics who got angry and LEFT the Catholic Church, because they didn't get their way.) Thus, many 'spin offs' came about, which were formed within the Protestant sect.
This long UNBROKEN line of 266 Popes of the Catholic Church (from Peter all the way up to the present day Francis) is HISTORICAL FACT (as in HISTORY). It is not an OPINION that can be argued or debated by people on this blog!!! Have there been good popes and bad popes? Yes... but, that is for Jesus to judge (in HIS time, not ours!!!)
Even Wikipedia recognizes this disputable FACT of HISTORY / the unbroken line of 266 Popes:
P.S. ~
The term 'the Bishop of Rome' applies to ALL Popes.
It is true that Peter did not begin his reign as Pope in the city of ROME. He began in the city of ANTIOCH.
What is NOT true is the persistent LIE that the Catholic Church began under Constantine in 317 AD. The Catholic Church began under Jesus (the Son of God) in 33 AD... period!!!
If 'the smoke of Satan' has entered the Catholic Church in recent decades... it has ALSO entered ALL of the churches and the world in general. The battle between good vs. evil (God vs. Satan) will continue until the end of time.
Out of 1.2 BILLION Catholics... you are going to have some 'bad apples' (just like there are 'bad apples' right here on this blog).
So, my suggestion is that you clean up your OWN churches... and tone down the arrogance while you're at it.
(After all, PRIDE is one of the 7 deadly sins!!! Try adopting a little humility; you might even enjoy it.)
ANYONE can edit Wikipedia, even YOU. So to keep citing THAT as a solid basis to back your assertion is laughable.
Wikipedia Is Untrustworthy
Wikipedia is a classic example of an imperfect resource that is...hopelessly flawed by its very nature.
Dear 'doubting Thomas' @ 12:32 PM:
There are other websites that also reveal the documented HISTORY of the 266 Popes of the Catholic Church . . .
Yes, actually... it is Anonymous @ 12:32 PM who is both 'laughable AND partisan'. LOL
(If Jesus Christ HIMSELF told him there were 266 Popes, he wouldn't believe it. So sad...)
Notice I DIDN'T say that YOU were laughable but the practice was but you took it as if it WAS there to say it about ME. Very sad. Sorry that you took it personally.
And those other sources are based on what the Roman Catholic church officially claims about ITSELF. Any reputable publication would therefore so repeat it verbatim (as THEIR, the Roman church's, list).
If the Church Of Dahlheimer was prominent enough and had an "official" history that showed a supposedly legitimate and supposedly unbroken line of previous heads of THAT church all the way back to, say Judas, THAT list would be thusly so published ALSO.
Doesn't make it true.
That's all I'm saying.
To 2:28...
Anyone who denies documented HISTORY is clearly delusional.
(That's all I'm saying . . .)
the way to use wikipedia is check their sources at the bottom of the article.
Yes Jesus used the word gates and that changes nothing. what do gates do? THEY DEFEND they are part of a walled city. the church on the offensive will prevail gates are attacked. in general, gates defend a city.
Unbroken line of Roman bishops SO WHAT? do you not know there are unbrokenlines of bishops for the other patriarchates? e.g., All patriarchates have an unbroken line of bishops e.g., Russia, Serbia, Romania going to the lineage of the jurisdiction that gave them autocephaly and through that to an Apostle. the only exception is Jerusalem, to James, the bishop there instead of Peter. Note James in Acts 15 says he gives HIS decision.
Of course Bishop of Rome applies to all popes, or daddies of the Roman jurisdiction. The bishop of Antioch or any other patriarchate is the patriarch or ruling father of that city and its jurisdiction beyond the city.
POPE is title of the chief bishop of the Coptic church, always has been.
yes, Constantine didn't found anything. Merely ordered a council to sort out disputes that were affecting the empire.
As I said, pope is familiar "father" like daddy, used by all priests and bishops early on, then only bishops then only metropolitans etc. finally Alexandria and Rome alone still use the title.
Peter was father in antioch and father later in Rome or more likely appointed the bishop Linus there. Antioch is also called the See of Peter.
by the way in the Roman lineage is I forget the name, Rovero? NO RECORD of his consecration maybe that line isn't unbroken after all. Someone speculated the cozying up to Orthodoxy by Rome is they know this and want to eventually get a certain lineage from us.
Dorothy wanted some kind of social experience, not truth.
As for pride, I did the research when I was a protestant, Orthodoxy won. RC is in semi heresy and schism. period. that doesn't mean you have no grace, just less.
Please read Guyotte's book it might help you a bit.
The episcopal lineages are shown in various church historians from Irenaeus on, as well as old documents.
I post weekly because limited to that by Constance, my writing style is a result, since the system allows only 4000 plus characters. have to trim.
To 3:27 PM...
Yet AGAIN you resort to name-calling so you lose the debate.
To Christine @ 3:52 PM
"So what?" That documented HISTORY can not be dismissed or ignored. That's so what.
"So what?" A few of you clueless people on this blog seem to need a CONSTANT reminder (for the past 15 years!) that the Catholic Church BEGAN with Jesus in 33 AD. That's so what.
(But you may need Jesus Christ HIMSELF to tell you that... after you pass 'beyond the veil.')
News flash, Christine: YOU are NOT the final 'authority' on the Catholic Church or anything else, for that matter!!! Please get over yourself.
4:04 PM
Awww... so sorry to hear that the word 'delusional' struck a sensitive nerve with you.
(However, if the shoe fits etc.)
For further study for those who are above resorting to juvenile name-calling when they can't well rebut a debate point:
How Convincing Is the Roman Catholic View That Peter Was the First Pope?
The battle between good vs. evil (God vs. Satan) will last until the end of time.
Satan is spreading his evil in the Protestant churches as well. But, of course, you won't notice... until you remove that 'spec' (now the size of a boulder) out of your OWN eye!!!
One thing is or sure... Satan and his minions are clearly working overtime in the minds and hearts of the Catholic HATERS on this blog.
You so-called 'Christian evangelicals' need a reminder to 'love thy neighbor as thyself"... but, you continue to FAIL Lesson #101 on a daily basis, here on this blog.
Go and clean up the evil in your OWN churches... and then, get back to me.
If the words of Jesus HIMSELF don't 'convince' you... then you are absolutely HOPELESS!!!
I never knew that the word 'delusional' was considered to be 'juvenile name-calling' LOL.
Yeah... let's hit the Catholics with some off the wall website to 'prove our point' LOL.
(Now, "THAT should give us credibility"... NOT!!!)
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