The linked EUROPEAN VOICE article by Ben Hayes includes opinions that Israel has received more in EU subsidizing than other nations. Its sub-headline blares:
"The inclusion of Israel in the European Security Research Programme undermines the EU's commitment to even-handedness in the Middle East."
Since incorporating Israel into the ‘European research area', the Commission has signed off on dozens of lucrative EU research contracts to the likes of Israel Aerospace Industries (a state-owned manufacturer of drones), Motorola Israel (producer of ‘virtual fences' around Israeli settlements) and Elbit Systems (one of Israel's largest private military technology firms, responsible for segments around Jerusalem of, to use the United Nation's term, the separation wall constructed between Jewish and Palestinian communities).
Some 58 EU ‘security research' projects have now also been funded under the new €1.4bn ‘security research' component of FP7. Israeli companies and institutions are participating in 12 of these, leading and co-ordinating five of them. Only the UK, Germany, France and Italy lead more projects.
Among this latest tranche of contracts is a €9.1 million project led by Verint Systems that will deliver “field-derived data” to “crisis managers” in “command-and-control centres”. (These contracts tend to avoid phrases such as ‘surveillance' and ‘homeland security', substituting less emotive terms.)
Verint describes itself as “a leader in enterprise workforce optimisation and security intelligence solutions, including video intelligence, public safety and communication intelligence and investigative solutions”. What it primarily provides is workplace surveillance, CCTV and wire-tapping facilities. Verint is now effectively being subsidised by the EU to develop surveillance and communication systems that may ultimately be sold back to the member states.
The raison d'être for establishing the EU security research programme was to enhance the ‘industrial competitiveness' of the nascent European ‘homeland security' industry. The Commission argues that funding for Israeli ‘homeland security' is wholly consistent with this aim (insofar as it will enhance Europe's “knowledge base”).
But should the Commission be giving more money to Israel's flourishing security sector than to its counterparts in most of the EU states?
More importantly, should it be subsidising it at all? Israel's control of what remains of the Palestinian territories now depends as much upon the hardware and software provided by its ‘homeland security' industry as its traditional military supremacy.
The midpoint of the current European Neighbourhood Project is this summer. This might be VERY SIGNIFICANT!
That's it for your friendly Monday morning wakeup call! Have a good and WATCHFUL day!
Stay tuned!
Please pass this warning on to all of the young people you know: how movies like 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' can open a 'door' to the devil . . .
Here is an article speaking about everything JD and company are researching about plus more.
Within the article is a link that everyone should go to regarding the Smart Grid and much more....
This would be funny if it was not so sad!
Now you can follow US&EU relationship including economic integration on Facebook!
The U.S. Mission to the European Union - USEU Brussels
Where is everyone? I have seen lows in participation around here before but the last week or so has been puzzling. I hope everyone is well, but would not be suprised to find everyone is dealing with their own personal problems. As I know I have had more than my fair share of late.
JD, perhaps they are all in DC fighting Obamacare.
JD, perhaps they are all in DC fighting Obamacare.
What I put up today was VERY important!
Interesting that there are more comments than showing. This is interesting - SPAIN now professes to be eager to upgrade EU relations with Israel during its presidency for which Javier Solana's alter ego, Cristina Gallach is spokesperson:
"MIDEAST: EU Boosts Israel Ties, Ignores Illegal Settlements
By David Cronin
BRUSSELS, Mar 22, 2010 (IPS) - Diplomats representing the European Union (EU) have drawn up a new plan for strengthening their relations with Israel despite the expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Spain, the current holder of the EU’s rotating presidency, is eager that work proceeds on formally upgrading the Union’s political and commercial ties with Israel over the next few months.
Although both the EU and Israel had agreed in 2008 to undertake steps designed to integrate Israel into the Union’s economy, work on this dossier has partly stalled because of the subsequent war in Gaza. But a confidential paper written by Spanish officials suggests that fresh discussions should soon be opened with Israel so that the upgrading process can regain its momentum. "
More from same article . . . operative quote "I can't even begin to imagine motivations . . ."
"He underscored that the association agreement between the EU and Israel that came into effect in 2000 requires that both sides respect human rights. So far the EU has refused to suspend the agreement or revoke the trade preferences it has granted to Israel in protest at the cruelty meted out to the Palestinians. "The impunity enjoyed by Israel is mindboggling," Barat added.
Maysa Zorob, a spokeswoman for the Palestinian human rights group Al Haq, said that Spain’s willingness to approve Israeli investigations into the war on Gaza was "very dangerous for the EU’s credibility and commitment to human rights".
"Spain is very keen about putting the upgrade [in EU-Israel relations] back on the table," she added. "Why Spain is so keen is really something incomprehensible for me. I cannot even imagine the motivation behind this."
Some observers feel that once the upgrade is completed, Israel would be a de facto member state of the EU. In a farewell visit to the Middle East before stepping down as the EU’s first foreign policy chief last year, Javier Solana said that Israel enjoys closer relations with the Union than any other country outside the European continent. Israel already participates in a wide variety of EU programmes, ranging from archaeology to satellite navigation.
Raji Sourani, director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights in Gaza, called on the EU to rethink its policy of responding to Israel’s violations of international law with what he termed "quiet diplomacy".
You and your family continue to be in my prayers. Thank you again for your work, as well as Susanna, Dorothy, and many other contributors on Constance's valuable website.
I haven't contributed due to personal issues that have burdened me, but so very much appreciate the important information provided.
There is good news in these difficult times .."lift up your heads, your redemption draweth near".
Cuba just suffered a 5.6 earthquake on the eastern side of the Island.
It is interesting that while the EU is consolidating power through economic meltdowns and integrations that there is a division rearing it's head over Israel. I believe the plans to make Jerusalem a shared capital for the monotheistic faiths may be swaying more influence here than any actual desire for a relationship with Israel. They may be trying to sucker Israel in so that they can impose their will later. It's not like the EU doesn't already have a history of bullying their own member nations.
Thank you, you have my prayers as well. It seems many of us are dealing with our own problems of late, coincidental?
Glad to see farmer has been redeemed back on connie's links. Smartmove. Bjorn has repented and turned from his ways, yeah:)
Not so certain Bjorn has turned from his ways and repented. My news from reliable EU / Hungarian sources is that he clearly has not; however, his information is IMPORTANT, subject to independent verification. I continue to be disturbed about the obvious synchronicity (an important New Age belief) aspects of Bjorn's postings. I urge all to read everything with prayer and discernment.
I would suggest that the lack of commentary is due to the fact that we're all becoming less and less enchanted with what's happening in Europe (not to reduce the significance of it)and more and more concerned with what's happening here in the good ole USA.
Most of us sensed that the election of Obama was monumental for some reason...like 911 was when it happened. They were troubling days for Christians for whatever reason.
Now we have experienced a fundamental shift that we're all aware of. I think most of us still wonder exactly what it means and what's next.
Two things stand out in my mind:
1. Something just happened that never should have.
2. What's next?
We're living in sobering times and it's a little uncomfortable but a great plan is being foisted upon us, we all know what it is and the question is looming...is this really what we think it is?
I believe the answer is yes, it is. Now it's on our doorstep and things are moving at an unbeliveable pace in our own country in our time.
Europe has been entertaining to watch and speculate about over the years but evil has now reached what we all consider to be the last bastion of good and something worth defending.
I think the big question is 'what do we do now?'. The answer is pray and thank God that we live in the most fascinating times mankind has ever known. To be more concrete, prepare spiritually for what's to come...because it's coming quickly and it won't be easy.
God has promised us something greater than we can comprehend on the other side of this.
And of course, pray that it isn't what we think it is. Pray for time to bring salvation to the lost and times that will bring the lost to salvation.
What's next is the national id card which will be brought in on the immigration bill. All those here will probably be granted citizenship.
Don't take me the wrong way but it really doesn't matter. What matters is who we are as the body of Christ. We are guaranteed victory....glorious victory.
Steve & Agie,
I can empathize with the sentiment concerning Europe and the current state of the US. It is easy to understand why the obvious focus on the EU, but for Americans this had not hit as close to home as it has recently. Now a lot of people are left wondering why the transformation of this nation is a neccesity. I could speculate but that isn't my style.
For now what I can say is, the US has agreed to integrating economies with the EU. This has been expanded on with Hillary Clinton's trips to the EU. The EU model of global governance has been touted by the State Department since this administration has taken office. Now with the Health Care Bill, the coming immigration bill and jobs bill, we can see the US is partnering with major corporations to produce a interconnected system where everyone and every thing is identified and traceable. When you add this to the fact that the US is the muscle that the UN relies on, and the pantheistic ideals of sustainable development that the UN is pushing, it is easy to draw your own conclusions.
While I agree that we need to have a understanding of what is happening here in the US, it is imperative to understand the movements of the EU, as at this point they are related.
We've been dealing with a death in the family. My father-in-law lost his battle with cancer March 9th. It's been hard on my wife and kids.
Sunday night I could not sleep. I know God wins in the end, but it's hard for me not to anguish over the events that I believe are soon to take place. Jesus knew he would rise victoriously, but anguished in the garden while his friends were fast asleep.
Dear David in Battle Creek:
Our very deepest sympathies for the loss of your father-in-law. It is good to have the comfort we have in the promises of God for those who rise again in Him.
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