Senator Ted Kennedy died very early this morning. His sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, preceded him in death only a few short weeks ago. I once met the Senator and his son Ted Kennedy, Jr. at Cobo Hall. His son Ted Kennedy, Jr. was a teenager then. I chatted at some length with young Patrick Kennedy and was introduced to Senator Kennedy in a private meeting room where I was privileged to be invited into a high level Democratic Party cloistered meeting. I was active in the Michigan Democratic Party in those days. His son had lost a leg to cancer. He was a nice, polite young man. His father seemed to connect with all in the room.
Certainly, as with us all, myself included, Ted Kennedy had his human flaws and imperfections. His attitude on what he called "narrowness" referring to "Christian fundamentalism" or "narrowness of any type" distressed me. Nevertheless, his sponsorship of the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and many other legislative endeavors made a change in many peoples lives, ours included for the better. (My husband lost both legs above the knees in an October 15, 1979 accident.)
Jesus said that the commandments were summed as follows:
Too many liberals forget the first half of that equation. Too many conservatives the second.
Where Ted Kennedy at the hour of his death stood with the Lord, I do not know. I do suspect, however, that come Judgment Day, he will have relatively high marks on LOVING HIS NEIGHBOR AS HIMSELF.
May he rest in peace.
Jesus said. "I am the way, the truth and the light. No man" (not even ted kennedy with his high marks) "comes to the Father but by me." This is the sword that devides it is not soft and nice and warm. It cuts to the heart of all truth. Sorry Constance but Teds works mean nothing unles Jesus "Knew" him.
Meanness of spirit is uncalled for here, Ejiles and your quote is an unworthy use of scripture - without works a thousand protestations of faith are empty words...
In the end only God knows the heart - rest in peace TK...Thank you
Constance for your honest and thoughtful remembrance.
Constance ,
You are spot on!. Faith and works cannot be separated in Christianity. It's like a marriage. The church is the bride of Christ. A marriage only works if you're committed to it. Love needs to be put into action.
“unworthy use of scripture” ?? Tell that to Jesus, not me. His words stand on their own. What you have here is exactly what this blog is supposed to be fighting against. Apostasy!!
"Meanness of spirit" ??
It is THAT mentality that will be fuelling the coming apostasy. The spirit of anti Christ can not stand to hear "Christ Alone". If works in any way can take precedence over or add to "Christ Alone" then Jesus dying on the cross was a waste. You might as well be hindu and just practice good works. If you want to tell God that his son dying for you was a waste, that your good deeds and kind heart are enough to get you into the His presence.. you are mistaken.
Ted Kennedy had a nice public face but he did a lot of things other than sponsor legislation.
I doubt God has forgotten about what happened to Mary Jo Kopechne and the aftermath. According to her parents, Kennedy remained brazenly unrepentant.
I wonder if your high opinion of Kennedy would change had your own child suffered the fate that Mary Jo did, trapped under the water.
Whatever your opinion is of Mr. Kennedy - he went on to meet his reward - or lack of it - whatever the Righteous Judge the Lord God Almighty decides -
You've convinced me not to be judgmental. No longer will I see what is being done by the leaders of the New Age movement as something to be exposed and fought. What a shame, all of those years wasted. I'll bet they are all nice guys and gals when one meets them in person. They all just want to bring peace, love and justice to the world and they do a lot of good things too.
Sin? There is no such thing. As the New Agers say everything done is just a learning experience, and I'll bet Kennedy really did learn a lot at Chappaquiddick and afterwards too.
Saint or sinner, they're all the same. We're all just nice people with a different set of experiences.
People on this blog, pretend like there's no middle ground between Pat Robertson and Bill Maher. Christianity is not a works only religion, I agree. But, it's also not a faith only religion. Anyone can claim to have faith. How do you test it ? Faith and works do not have to be in conflict with each other. If some of you, know Ted Kennedy personally and know what his sins are, then you have a case, but if you don't. Then you're wasting your time, playing does he go to heaven or doesn't he. That's God's work not ours.
I am a parent, my kids are safe and living, thank you God, but I will never get these facts about Chappaquiddick out of my head.
I guess some people aren't bothered by things that happen to "other people's children" so long as it doesn't happen to their own.
I have learned a great deal about Constance from reading this eulogy of such a brazen, unrepentant bastard as Ted Kennedy who happened to be nice to her at a political event.
I never saw anything to admire about him in his public life. I'm sure his friends and family liked him part of the time. I doubt his first wife was entirely pleased with his behavior. How about the people Teddy interacted with at bars and on beaches. With his nephew. Really. I did not expect to read praises to Teddy at this blog.
anon 1:15
Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder if Constance were to bump into Javier Solana at a political meeting, and he was charming to her -- would she praise him as well?
Is there any public record to indicate Solana has done anything as evil to a family as what Kennedy did to the Kopechne family?
By what standards does she judge Solana dangerous, but Kennedy some kind of model Christian?
I'm very confused.
Dear Ejiles:
Only Jesus the Son and God the Father knows who knew who. I'll leave Ted Kennedy's judging up to God and so should you. But thanks for your opinion. Hopefully, God will be merciful to us too.
I agree, Ted Kennedy's stand vis a vis abortion that was against his own church's very clear teachings. HOWEVER, I do not know where he was on this at the time he died, was it a sin he confessed?
The judging is to be left to God his father and God OUR FATHER,
Interesting statement about meeting Javier Solana. I've talked with people who did (Joan Veon) and that's precisely why I don't want to meet him and why I turned down meetings with Pat Robertson. It is harder once you've met folks and Solana does seem to connect well with folks. I'm sure he's charming. He wouldn't have gotten that far as he did,
Kennedy did not even come close to arrogating to himself the powers which Javier Solana holds.
I did not say I had a HIGH OPINION of Kennedy -- in fact I mentioned one extremely troubling thing about him. You need to read the TOTALITY of my remarks.
May we all know the Lord at the moment of our death and may we all enjoy His mercy then.
I read all your remarks. One of them was:
I do suspect, however, that come Judgment Day, he will have relatively high marks on LOVING HIS NEIGHBOR AS HIMSELF.
Was this a misprint?
Would you have the courage to say these to the face of Mr. and Mrs. Kopechne if they were to walk into your office tomorrow morning?
As I asked before, if your own son had died trapped under the water and this death was later covered up by a powerful political family, would you have words of praise for those who did the covering up?
Or do you not see this as "evil?"
You certainly have no problem pointing out evil actions in other arenas, including how badly you have been treated over the years by people wishing to suppress your work.
Why don't you extend the same sense of outrage to the Kopechne family? I'm not a member of the Kopechne family, but I am a parent, and I see the faces of my own children in the story of Mary Jo Kopechne. Why can't you see the faces of yours?
really ... now we have an open confession of the people and organizations connie "hung out" with and the people she admires...
Definition of a Liberal or What God thinks of liberals
God himself gave the definition of a liberal when he said in an Old Testament prophecy, “The vile person shall be no more called liberal.” He was speaking of a time to come when vile people will no longer be allowed to hide behind the label of liberal--thinking themselves sophisticated and modern and open minded. But they will be shown for what they really are--vile.
Isaiah 32:5-8
5. The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 6. For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail 7. The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right. 8. But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand.
The word Liberal by itself when looked up in dictionaries has mostly a desirable definition. But the scripture is clear that vile people are being referred to as liberal. God said there would come a time when the vile would no more be called liberal. This shows that right now vile people are being called liberal and God says he will stop this practice some time in the future. He also said the churl (rude and stingy) are being called bountiful.
There is another scripture in Isaiah 5:20 that addresses this. It says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
In Isaiah 32:8 (quoted above) it says "But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand." He is saying that the truly liberal or noble person will do truly noble things and stand. You only have to examine the behavior of the liberals today to see that they are not noble or princely. They are the people who want abortion on demand which is gruesome and horrid--not noble. So we know the scripture is true that vile people are being called liberal.
Some English Definitions:
Liberal - marked by generosity; given or provided in a generous and openhanded way; broadminded; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms. Also: lacking moral restraint, licentious
Vile - Morally base, shamefully wicked, despicable, vicious, loathsome, disgusting.
Villainy - Conduct characteristic of a villain.
From Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries by James Strong
H5081 Liberal
From H5068; properly voluntary, that is, generous; hence, magnanimous; as noun, a grandee (sometimes a tyrant):—translated to English as--free, liberal (things), noble, prince, willing ([hearted]).
H5036 Vile
From H5034; stupid; wicked (especially impious):—translated to English as--fool, foolish, foolish man, foolish woman, vile person.
The next time you hear anyone is a liberal, show them Isaiah 32:5 and tell them, "This is what God thinks of liberals."
The anger, and lack of simple mercy coming from folk who call themselves christian on here is really sad...your anger towards Constance is completely out of line and your condemnation of Ted Kennedy is in direct violation of Scripture - you do not have the authority - only God has the authority and you are NOT God..I am ashamed of you all.
The anger, and lack of simple mercy coming from folk who call themselves christian on here is really sad...your anger towards Constance is completely out of line and your condemnation of Ted Kennedy is in direct violation of Scripture - you do not have the authority - only God has the authority and you are NOT God..I am ashamed of you all.
Your condemnation of writers at this blog who have condemned the ACTIONS of Ted Kennedy are in direct violation of scripture.
By your own terms, only GOD has that authority and you, Melinda, are not God!!
Where did I judge??
As you judged Bjorn?
I said "unless Jesus "Knew" him."
I’m calling to the floor Your statement about TK’s works.. Which mean nothing IF he was not saved.
Notice the word “IF”
Your statement gives his works weight regardless of his position in Christ.
Why is this so important? Because if you (Constance) truly suspect
“ that come Judgment Day, he will have relatively high marks on LOVING HIS NEIGHBOR AS HIMSELF.”
Then just how are you different from “The New Age Movement”.
You got upset because you felt you had been duped by Bjorn.
How are we to feel?
"Your condemnation of writers at this blog who have condemned the ACTIONS of Ted Kennedy are in direct violation of scripture.
By your own terms, only GOD has that authority and you, Melinda, are not God!!"
But I have not in fact condemned anyone - and was not a fan of Ted Kennedy - in my post I expresed my sadness and shame that people find the need to condemn a man who has died and will go to his final accounting...you need to read the post again - I observed the lack of mercy and that has made you once again - angry...Sometimes I am too critical as well and that can offend - my shortcoming - but my observation stands. And I will say no more on the subject
Dear Constance:
If we chose to be judged based on the law then we must keep the WHOLE law and Christ died in vain. That is why Christ came, so by faith we could stand before God clothed in the Righteusness of Christ.Our righteousness is as filthy rags before a Holy God.
"Where Ted Kennedy at the hour of his death stood with the Lord, I do not know. I do suspect, however, that come Judgment Day, he will have relatively high marks on LOVING HIS NEIGHBOR AS HIMSELF."
Ted Kennedy will be judged by the words of Jesus, not based on keeping the law. Christians are not under law, but under Grace. Grace and Truth are found by faith in the redemptive work Christ Jesus only.His Death for our sin according to Scripture, burial, and resurrection,all according to Scripture.
44 And Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, does not believe in Me but in Him who sent Me. 45 “He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me. 46 “I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness. 47 “If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 “He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. 49 “For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak. 50 “I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.”
"If" Ted Kennedy was trusting in the Catholic Church for salvation, then he will not have any rewards and will not have eternal life, only condemnation for seeking to estalbish his own rigtheousness, and rejecting the righteousness that comes by faith.
Dear Constance, You said:
"Where Ted Kennedy at the hour of his death stood with the Lord, I do not know. I do suspect, however, that come Judgment Day, he will have relatively high marks on LOVING HIS NEIGHBOR AS HIMSELF."
I understand the desire to honor someone important to you at his passing. However, I think your remarks about Mr. Kennedy might need to be clarified as it seems to me that you have confused law and gospel in them. Surely you didn't mean that any of Mr. Kennedy's attempts to love neighbor(obey the law) without being in Christ would save him??
You actually said it all when you said:
Jesus said that the COMMANDMENTS were summed up as follows:
Notice that Jesus said the COMMANDMENTS were summed up as follows. That is the law. The scriptures tell us that the law does not save us. The law condemns us. Without faith it is impossible to please God. No amount of our attempts at loving our neighbor will get us "high marks with God" if we do not have faith in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross for us. This is a HUGE error. Only Jesus' PERFECT obedience to the law, loving God and neighbor, will get high marks with God. I don't know about you, but I want Jesus's marks, not my own. I pray that Ted Kennedy did have Jesus' 'perfect marks' credited to him. I pray that he did indeed have saving faith in Jesus Christ.
I respect you a lot and look up to you as I know many others who come to this site do. I hope you will clarify your statement as I simply cannot believe you meant it as it came out.
Thank you. I'm sorry this was so long.
"that's precisely why I don't want to meet him and why I turned down meetings with Pat Robertson. It is harder once you've met folks and Solana does seem to connect well with folks."
"I once met the Senator and his son Patrick at Cobo Hall. His son Patrick was a teenager then. I chatted at some length with young Patrick Kennedy and was introduced to Senator Kennedy .... His father seemed to connect with all in the room."
I remember something about an Apostle called Paul saying that unless we had CHARITY we had nothing. Now that does not refer to charitable donations because he referred to somebody giving all their goods to the poor and still lacking charity.
Ted Kennedy did have faults in abundance and he was DEAD WRONG on his RIGHT TO LIFE issues, BUT he did have compassion on people in the working class, the poor, and the handicapped/disabled (of which my husband is one).
What would you like Constance to say:
"God made a big mistake creating Ted Kennedy" and NOTHING he ever did in his whole life was good."
Supposing there was a death in your family, would you want those words uttered at the time of grieving by family members?
Are you saying that if Ted Kennedy believed on Jesus Christ (which Catholics at least profess to do) BUT was a member of the CATHOLIC CHURCH he cannot be saved?
That's an interesting false gospel!
I don't know where Ted Kennedy was with God at the hour of his death and I suspect neither do you, but if he had a priest hear his confession and give him last rites, I rather suspect that will not make him automatically hellbound, Bro Eric and Jack Chick Alberto Rivera tracts not withstanding.
As regards my last post, I have long commented on what I believe are POPULAR false gospels:
1. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be a member of the ABC Church and thou shalt be saved.
2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be a member of the NBC Church and thou shalt be saved.
Ted Kennedy did not purport to be fighting the New Age Movement while simultaneously publishing and promoting a clearly Satanic blogspot. Bjorn was. Wolves in sheep's clothing are far more dangerous than wolves in wolves' clothing.
I think this bickering over Ted Kennedy could be cleared up if you could just share with us what the Gospel is. Nothing else matters.
Don't tell us what the Gospel is not.
Also, as you have said, we don't know what happened during Ted Kennedy's final moments . Like the thief on the cross, let us hope that at some point he had heard the true gospel and cried out to God for mercy.
Salvation is not in the church, the church is the saved people who belong to Christ.
Someone wanted to know where everyone was. It appears they disappeared until the topic of religion came up again. Everybody has an opinion about religion, but New Age research takes effort.
Kennedy was a pig who came from a moneyed family. Without money he would have been selling bad used cars and seducing females in bars. Given his opportunities in life he did little a good and a lot bad. That's a secular take on the matter.
Frankly I could care less whether he is being saved by God. That's God's business and I can't claim to speak for God.
UNESCO/UNFPA Report calls for Explicit Sex Ed for All World's Children over Five
Thanks, Savvy, for that Uganda / UNESCO story. There is an ominous parallel. Mexico between 1926-1935 actively persecuting and murdering Christians also made explicit sexual instruction of small children mandatory in public schools. In the same schools the children were obliged to deny the existence of God. Now it appears that a major similar thrust is underway -- WORLDWIDE -- between AOC and global sexual education.
An interesting and disturbing article from a Venezuelan (pro-Chavez) perspective, but nevertheless, valid points are made.
A Professor Jutta Schmitt is author and she appears to be critical of both the EU and the USA/Obama agendas.
Speaking of Bjorn, I hate to admit it, but he's got an important new article up over at his blogspot on current Solana activities.
I am not sure if you've seen the trailer for the movie 2012. There's a shot of the Vatican collapsing. I think by 2012, Global Government will be a reality. In Spain doctors are being told they don't have a choice to refust to erform abortions. So much for "choice". It won't be long before it happens elsewhere. The good news is that people are speaking up. A new documentary coming out "Blood Money" seeks to expose the abortion industry.
Constance Cumbey said:
"...HOWEVER, I do not know where he was on this at the time he died, was it a sin he confessed?"
And again, "...but if he had a priest hear his confession and give him last rites, I rather suspect that will not make him automatically hellbound."
Catholicism is a false system of works.
What Constance is describing is the sacrament of forgiveness to a priest, which Catholics teach is necessary for salvation. In I Tim. 2:5, there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. In Acts 4:12, there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Repentance is a necessary component for salvation. Repentance means turning from a life of willfully sinning to go in a new direction, one where we put to death our old self and its desires daily and live our new lives in Christ. It produces the fruit of the Spirit.
We read in II Cor. 7:9-l0:
Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.
Constance believes the lie that the plan is to pit us one against another. But is this what the Bible says? In II Thess. 2:3 & 11, apostasy comes first, God sends strong delusion so they should believe the lie of Romans 1:25, and the world worships antichrist, Rev. 13:12.
Off subject, but Rick Warren’s chief apologist, Richard Abanes, has written a book exposing the New Age Movement. Yet, Rick Warren is advancing the movement, and Richard Abanes is blinded to this truth. Do not be deceived - II Cor. 6:14:
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?
To the anonymous posters who are busy judging Constance for finding nice things to say about Teddy Kennedy . . .
Did you ever stop to think that maybe Teddy asked God for forgiveness - and WAS forgiven long ago - for what transpired at
Although he was a flawed and complex man who battled his share of private "demons" - he was also an unsung hero in stepping up to the plate as Patriarch to his many nieces and nephews who had lost their fathers (Jack & Bobby) 40 plus years ago. And he was also known for his countless acts of kindness.
So, let's start by concentrating on that "spec" in our own eye . . . and leave the rest up to God.
--"Judge not lest ye be judged."
To Chattikathi @ 11:52 PM:
Are you for REAL, dear?
Your post is laughable!!!
To Anonymous (1:15 PM):
Who called Ted Kennedy "a brazen, unrepentant bastard" . . .
2 Timothy 2:16-19:
16But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
17And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
18Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
19Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
All of this back and forth bickering takes away from the meat of the journal. It gives those who calls themselves "christian" a bad name.
I am saddened to see that we pick each other apart in public, where those who may be standing on the brink of salvation come to learn more.
Jesus was not the author of such behavior.
He loves us all, sinner, christian alike. He is the final authority in saying who enters into His kingdom and who was not saved.
Only He knows who will choose to follow Him.
Our opinions, beliefs, and distase for others have no place in such matters.
For we all have sinned.
It is not okay to speak ill of the dead. We are instructed to speak the truth in love, not in judgement:
Jude 1:9:
9Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
If Michael did not curse out the devil, the very personification of evil...what gives us the right?
Let us put aside our bickering, and finger-pointing and get back to what the Lord would have us do. Don't be so quick to judge the intent of others, unless you are completely sure you know what's in their heart.
We need not feel as though we needed to defend our every thought, as long as God knows what you mean, He will relay the message to those who have ears to hear.
Dear Constance,
As a Catholic from Massachusetts, I have never been a Kennedy supporter.
In good conscience, I could not support him because of his pro-abortion voting record - which was an especially horrendous scandal given the fact that he professed to be a Roman Catholic.
However, it has been suggested by certain Catholic leaders that the late politicking priest Father Robert Drinan bears the heavier responsibility for turning the Democratic Party into the "party of abortion" with his "personally opposed but....." rhetoric by which he successfully anesthetized his own conscience as well as the consciences of other Catholic politicians sufficiently to enable them to vote in favor of abortion along with the atheists, New Agers, radicals, revolutionaries, socialists, Communists and other "long leggety beasties" that have come to populate the Democratic Party since "Camelot" and the Vietnam War.
Having said that, I must in all fairness point out that the reason why people here in Massachusetts kept voting for the late Senator Kennedy was because unlike certain other politicians here, Senator Kennedy did not blow off and/or ignore his constituents when they called upon him for help. Senator Kennedy had a reputation for "looking out for the little guy."
In fact, Kennedy's office was renowned here in the state of Massachusetts for its constituent services and he often took a personal interest in those who went to his office for help.
One story about the personal interest Senator Kennedy took in his constituents has to do with a conservative gentleman - a pro-life conservative - who reportedly has little use for Senator John Kerry and is never known to have voted for a Democrat for governor.
Yet, as the story goes, he's been an enthusiastic supporter of Kennedy.
Years ago, when he was trying to adopt a child from abroad, he ran into bureaucratic red tape that nearly killed the process (heart-breakingly, at a point after he and his wife had already bonded with the child). They called around looking for help from anyone they could get hold of, but only Ted Kennedy's office was willing to throw its weight around for them. In the big picture, they're nobodies, but they got they kind of attention from Kennedy's staff that they'd have expected for big campaign donors, and the adoption went through. So, in a very real sense, my coworker feels he has his kid because of Ted Kennedy's help, and so he voted for Kennedy, despite his being a liberal Democrat.
On NPR, this morning, they had story after story reflecting a similar local impact of Ted Kennedy on the individuals of Massachusetts. One story was from one of the directors of the Boston Children's Museum, who told about a cell phone message he still had saved. Ted Kennedy had called him excitedly to tell him about some federal money that was being made available for a Children's Museum program. He wasn't trying to claim credit or anything... his office didn't even put out a press release. He was just excited because the men had talked about the program during a shuttle ride together. As NPR pointed out, the state is full of people who have saved phone messages from Ted Kennedy like that.......
At the end of the day, only God can know the state of Senator Kennedy's soul at the moment of his death.
In terms of the way the world operates, I recall the lines of Shakespeare's JULIUS CAESAR in which Marc Antony eulogizes Caesar saying:
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.
In terms of the way God operates, I also recall the proverb which says:
"Our God is a God who can draw straight with crooked lines,"
The Protestant right attacks the Catholic church over Theology, the Protestant left attacks the Catholic church over moral issues. Either way they just can't leave us alone.
"The Protestant right attacks the Catholic church over Theology, the Protestant left attacks the Catholic church over moral issues. Either way they just can't leave us alone."
You unjustly group everyone together - which makes your statemant just as bad.
No one here has suggested Ted Kennedy did nothing good during his lifetime. In fact, that he accomplished much good seems to be the consensus here.
What would I have liked Constance Cumbey to say about Kennedy? Silence would have probably been the best option I think.
If she felt compelled to say something and sought my advice, I would have suggested she say something equally respectful to BOTH the Kennedy family and the Kopeche family.
This vile statement is certainly NOT respectful of the Kennedy family:
God made a big mistake creating Ted Kennedy" and NOTHING he ever did in his whole life was good.
Similarly, THIS statement is certainly NOT respectful of the Kopechne family:
I do suspect, however, that come Judgment Day, he will have relatively high marks on LOVING HIS NEIGHBOR AS HIMSELF.
We are ALL made in the image of likeness of God. This includes the unborn and persons with profound disabilities, and it MOST CERTAINLY includes a forgotten young woman, who suffered so much and for whom justice was never done, named Mary Jo Kopechne.
Look at the tens of millions of aborted babies who had no voice in Ted Kennedy! He used his influence to insure babies could be brutally murdered under the law.
Constance, your remarks about Ted are profoundly dissapointing! He did much harm to this country. Many times I have seen him stand on the wrong side of justice, liberty, truth and righteousness. It's amazing how good people become after they die.
He has gone to his reward.
Actually, thinking and praying about response to Ted Kennedy's death, really it comes down to only God knows the truth. Yes, the man murdered. Yes the man was pro-abortion. Yes, the man embraced liberal politics. However, I have also heard that Teddy made a clear turn around and was good friends with Jery Falwell. Fact is for all TEds faults, if he had in fact turned to Jesus as Messiah, his sins are forgiven. This is the heart of the matter. It is all about what he did with Jesus and how Jesus has touched his life. I don't like things in his life. I don't like things in mine. We are all sinners before God. There is none righteous, not one. We all need redemtion from sin and the ongoing process of santification. Teddy Kennedy next step is judgement. God's judgement will be sure and if he did in fact turn to Messiah, then he is part of the kingdom of God. His sins of no account.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that "the party of death" is trying to hitch its un-American socialist "Health Care Bill" - which no one in Congress seems to have even read - to the late Senator Kennedy's casket.
I would LOVE nothing more than to see it hitched to ANY casket if such an attachment heralded its DEATH AND BURIAL!
In the "Do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do" dept., it certainly appears that the rationed health care/anti-choice legislation that the government - including the late Senator Kennedy - has been trying to impose on the American people, was NOT the kind of health care that Senator Kennedy chose for himself while he was battling brain cancer.
First of all Kennedy chose his health care, NOT the government. It does not appear to have been "rationed." Any "end of life" discussions were between Kennedy, his family and his doctors. No government sponsored "end of life counselors" are reported to have graced Kennedy's bedside while he was still lucid.
In fact, it was Kennedy who was trying to give "end of life counseling" to the Massachusetts legislature in terms of trying to hypocritically change a law that he himself sponsored during the Romney administration in order to preserve his senate seat after his demise.
I am not criticizing Senator Kennedy for asking his doctors to do all they could in order to try to beat a deadly disease.
I am criticizing him - and his cronies - for attempting to impose a "health care" plan on others that they would be unwilling to sign up for themselves.
If it is not good enough for members of Congress, then why are they trying to convince uas that it is somehow "good enough" for us??? - especially when WE the taxpayers are paying for all or part of THEIR healthcare as well as our own.
So when we hear all the inevitable twaddle about "winning one for Teddy," let's just keep in mind that Kennedy was not "the Gipper" and that "winning one for Teddy" will, in the case of the so-called "health care bill" NOT be synonymous with "winning one for the American people!"
Today Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary Chapel Alb. Speaks of New World Order.
1) Hey, Anonymous (or "Disgusted") who posted at 7:52 AM:
"Silence would have probably been the best option I think" for YOU!!!
You are still on here judging - when that is GOD's job - and not YOURS.
2) To Anonymous (8:22 AM):
"He has gone to his reward."???
Those of you who sit back in judgement of Ted Kennedy's soul are giving "Christianity" a bad name. Did you ever stop to think that YOU may be the ones who are judged one day for doing just that?
Thank you, Sapphire for your beautifiul words of wisdom at 1:20 AM:
"I am saddened to see that we pick each other apart in public, where those who may be standing on the brink of salvation come to learn more.
Jesus was not the author of such behavior.
He loves us all, sinner, christian alike. He is the final authority in saying who enters into His kingdom and who was not saved.
Only He knows who will choose to follow Him.
Our opinions, beliefs, and distase for others have no place in such matters.
For we all have sinned.
It is not okay to speak ill of the dead. We are instructed to speak the truth in love, not in judgement."
"It is not okay to speak ill of the dead. We are instructed to speak the truth in love, not in judgement."
Does this mean that in speaking, for instance, about the Holocaust we can no longer talk about the evil deeds of Hitler, Himmler, etc. because they are now dead?
What about the evil deeds of Stalin?
What about the evil deeds of Ted Bundy? He is also dead.
Marilyn Ferguson is dead. Is it judgemental for Constance to talk about her role in promoting the New Age movement?
None of us knows the eternal fate of ANY of these people. It is within the realm of possibility that every single one of them had a conversion prior to death and are now in heaven. (I kind of doubt it though).
Does this mean we can talk about evil acts of people who are living, but once those people die, we can no longer speak about the connection of the dead individual and the evil acts, but can only talk about the evil acts in a "disembodied way"?
"Those of you who sit back in judgement of Ted Kennedy's soul are giving "Christianity" a bad name. "
I haven't seen anyone at this board claim special knowledge about the fate of Ted Kennedy's soul.
Did I miss something?
All this reminds me of a parable Jesus told.
[Luke 13:1-5]:
"Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them--do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."
No one here said Ted Kennedy was like Hitler or Stalin.
The question was how to correctly apply the maxim "Do not speak ill of the dead" to all dead human beings - to Mother Theresa, to Hitler, and to everyone in between.
I don't believe one's status as a Christian believer should be judged by one's acceptance or rejection of this particular maxim, although there are posters here who presume to do exactly that.
ugh! all of this "Christian" bickering about Sen. Kennedy. If I wasn't deeply convinced of the love of Jesus Christ and my eternal salvation through Him, I surely wouldn't be drawn to Him through this sort of judgemental dialogue. Forgive, love and let God do the rest. Thank you, Constance!
Re. Senator Kennedy:
Only God sees all - Justice, and Mercy, are in His hands.
To Anonymous (11:27):
"I haven't seen anyone at this board claim special knowledge about the fate of Ted Kennedy's soul. Did I miss something?"
Duh. Yes, you certainly did "miss something." Go back and READ:
1) Anonymous (8:22 AM said:
"He has gone to his reward." (and that poster was NOT referring to Heaven.)
2) Anonymous (11:22 AM) said:
"It is within the realm of possibility that every single one of them had a conversion prior to death and are now in heaven. (I kind of doubt it though)."
All who don't understand that salvation is in the work and person of Jesus Christ and not by membership or non-membership in any denomination are in serious trouble eternally.
The blind trying to lead the blind.
Being a member of any church does not guarantee salvation, nor does membership guarantee damnation.
It does not matter that Mother Theresa was Catholic or not. What matters is whether she was trusting in her good works to save her, or the righteous blood of Christ.
The gospel is offensive, that is why they crucified the Lord Jesus. Man wants his good works to count. The Jews hated the message of Jesus because they wanted to be justified by obedience to the law.
God is opposed to the proud, but gives Grace to the humble.
I will only boast in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, my only hope of righteousness.
Christians will have their works judged and the ones that were not done in faith will burn up, but they will be saved as through fire.
Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.
The reality is that many on this blog would judge Ted Kennedy more favorably and less harshly if he had been a "flawed" Protestant Evangelical rather than a "flawed" Catholic!!!
Everyone on this blog is hung up on denominations.
God is not for or against any denomination.
The true body has only one head... Christ!
The Beast is the one who will have more than one head.
It was never much of a secret that as a young woman I was
1. Active in the Michigan Democratic Party.
2. Was a national officer of the National Association of Women Lawyers.
Yes, I did hang out in those circles when I was a young woman and many of my earliest supporters on my work against the New Age Movement used to hang out in those circles also.,
What have you to say about THE WASHINGTON TIMES. So many of you consider it a "good Conservative newspapers." Bet you don't know it was and is 100% owned and controlled by Rev. Moon, the "Lord of the Second Advent."
I was not yet in law school when I met Senator Kennedy and his young, amputated leg from cancer son.
Because of those associations, I was able to sit down and talk with people in them. When my own minister (Joseph Stowell) refused to pay attention to the evidence against the New Age Movement and the dangers it posed to us, some of what you would call "liberal" friends came to my defense saying they had known me for years and had never known me to go off "half-cocked" on anything -- that they had never heard me speak unless I absolutely knew what I was talking about. Because of some of those people (City Council President Maryanne Mahaffey, et al) coming ardently to my defense, I had credible treatment from the media at the crucial, incubator stages of my earliest work exposing the New Age Movement. Do I agree with those folks on everything? NO! Do I remember them with gratitude for the kindnesses and opportunities they did bestow on me? YES! Do I pray that God will have mercy on their souls? YES!
I'm an attorney and an advocate. Maybe some of the rest of you should consider leaving a little more of the ultimate judging of a dead person to God. There is grieving family left behind, I rather suspect.
And I would remind some of the rest of you:
1. EVERYBODY deserves at least one KIND warning.
2. We are not insensitive to people at the hour of their grief.
3. Self-righteousness is as evil a demon as any other type.
Constance and anyone else who may have input,
I have been offline for a short period and am trying to get back up to speed. Is anyone aware of whether or not the allegations against Mr. Mizsei have any merit? Not to say the blatant attempt at cencorship is passable by any means, I am however curious as to whether or not they are attempting to bury a secret here, or if Javier is simply watching the back of someone helping pull strings for him.
I think you have said before that this isn't necessarily a Christian blog as much as an Anti- New Age blog.
Is this true?
To Anonymous (2:07 PM):
Well, one thing is for sure -- this is NOT an ABC or NBC blog (contrary to some posters' opinions).
Once again I've got to say that anyone who posts
as Anonymous should be ignored.
Anonymous plays the game of ask the question and then answer it, and then answer to that, and
on and on.
Who cares about Anonymous ?
Anonymous is usually a trouble maker.
1) Hey, Anonymous (or "Disgusted") who posted at 7:52 AM:
"Silence would have probably been the best option I think" for YOU!!!
Anonymous 10:46,
Play the ball and not the man.
"Since I disagree with what you say and think you are full of sh*t" is not a response to the arguments the OP has raised.
Awww, Paul - and we always thought YOU were the trouble maker.
To Constance (1:56 PM):
I absolutely agree with you when you state: "Self-righteousness is as evil a demon as any other type."
FYI - it was NOT an "anonymous" poster who was the "trouble maker" here.
The very first poster on this thread @ 10:47 AM EJILES said:
Jesus said. "I am the way, the truth and the light. No man" (not even ted kennedy with his high marks) "comes to the Father but by me." This is the sword that devides it is not soft and nice and warm. It cuts to the heart of all truth. Sorry Constance but Teds works mean nothing unles Jesus "Knew" him.
What self-righteous person would ever DARE to ASSUME to KNOW the relationship between Ted Kennedy and His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ??? Yet, that poster did assume to know. NONE of us knows what was in Ted Kennedy's heart and soul. No one . . . ONLY God.
As long as we have a breath left in our bodies, there is always a chance for reconciliation and redemption.
That first poster started the 'firestorm' on the blog - not the anonymous posters.
Do your homework first, Paul BEFORE you decide to go running off at the mouth / or blog.
So, you're saying it's American to allow health care corporations to bilk millions of Americans out of decent health care because of some preexisting condition? To allow health care to eat up more and more of our paychecks? To get to the point that employers will no longer afford to offer health care as a benefit?
Yes, let's keep with the same health care system we have now. Let's continue to bilk ourselves with greedy health care corporations. The only reason health care corporations hate the public option is because they'll actually have to improve their own services. Is this unfair? The U.S. Postal Service has exclusive rights to first class mail, is a public delivery service company, but they can't compete at all with UPS or FedEx. Have you seen the financial mess the U.S. Postal Service is in?
I think health care corporations will do just fine under health care reform.
"I think health care corporations will do just fine under health care reform."
Its not the health care corporations that are of concern - it is the persons seeking medical care.It is also the over reaching identification system that is built into it also, which was buried in part of the "bail outs".
By the way - are you being paid by the Obama administartion to drop in and give a sales shpeal?
If not - just go to craigs list in your area and sign up since you have appeared to already have drunk the kool aide.
By the way - I have already turned myself into the white house.
Anonymous 2:07
You heard from Dorothy, not Constance, to that effect.
Anonymous also
Why does it matter when we make nice about a man like Kennedy after he dies? Because we are setting the standards for the community in which we will live. Those we honor become the role models for the younger generation.
Make no mistake. For some it is just the polite, politically correct, thing to do. For others, it is the standard by which it is fine to live. Corruption overtakes a community when the standards change. Kennedy life was a model of corruption.
Savvy passed on a youtube presentation showing how Obama's plans are in conflict with those of the call it fundamentalist Catholic church.
That led me to the following:
Priest arrested at Notre Dame, 80 year old Father Weslin
Father Weslin, founder of The Lambs of Christ, which is a movement in the Catholic Church to get people to pray in front of clinics all over the country.
"He has been arrested numerous times for blocking abortion clinics all over the country. He has had both arms ripped out of socket, beaten beyond recognition, handcuffed and dragged downstairs with the skin peeled off his face from the steps and sprayed with tainted urine. Site source: aipnews"
He truly believes, as I do, that taking a human life is evil.
This priest will never get a motorcade. He will never make headlines. He will not be a role model for the country.
There is no one the press will make a role model for fighting the corruption of the ugly, evil New Age movement, and believe me abortion and euthanasia that are a big part of the movement.
We are not living in the afterlife where we can have major discussions about who God should have let into heaven.
We are living here in real time on a planet called earth. What we do here affects our future and the future of the children who follow. Love they neighbor means do for your fellow man what you wish they would do for you. It means if you see a car that might hit another that they don't see, yell out. It doesn't mean a verse in a Hallmark card.
I'm not Catholic, but to me the priest is a role model. Kennedy was not a role model whose standard I think people should live by.
A friend asked a question I couldn't answer. She said if the health insurance companies are forced out of business, who would provide the supplemental to Medicare. But then again would Medicare and Medicaid even exist?
And did you catch this story now on Drudge?
Democratic Health Care Bill Divulges IRS Tax Data
"We are living here in real time on a planet called earth. What we do here affects our future and the future of the children who follow. Love they neighbor means do for your fellow man what you wish they would do for you. It means if you see a car that might hit another that they don't see, yell out. It doesn't mean a verse in a Hallmark card."
here - here
let us be mindful and make the most of that we are able to
Experts from the book Conversations with God.
Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply 'I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is ''judge not lest ye be judged'
He says there is no right or wrong, and then says that people have done something wrong by judging one another.
dorothy i agree with you, this gladhanding of someone who lived a life of public scandal like Ted Kennedy is something I would expect to find on the Daily Kos but not a blog like this.
It makes a mockery of people who live real lives of heroism and sacrifice like the prolife priest you named.
All families suffer when a loved one dies even if the loved one lived a life of scandal....George Tiller(abortion doctor) was mourned by his church family and neighbors and if you believe the comments about him touched many people in Kansas in a positive way, was compassionate and charitable.
Is Constance going to write about the great things George Tiller did too, how he helped friens and neighbors, and say how we should not judge him out of respect for his mourning family? After all he was murdered only a few months ago.
"do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is ''judge not lest ye be judged'"
If you read through this thread it sounds like a lot of people at this blog have been reading "Converations with God." The few people who have mentioned Kopechne have been driven off as "judgmental" and un-Christian...and accused of claiming to judge someone's soul (absurd!)
Don't know much one way or the other about the allegations of Mr. Miszei -- what was interesting to me were the apparent high handed demands of Cristina Gallach (spokesperson for Dr. Solana) that the paper delete and or retract.
I may not like much of what is said, but like my example on this board, I will fight to the death for one's right to say it, which is why I exercise so little censorship (some of you call it 'moderating') here.
I will be on my own radio program from 8 to 9 (nearly an hour from now) and then on LIFE, LIBERTY & CONSERVATISM thereafter. You may continue the public stoning of me over there.
If you read through this thread it sounds like a lot of people at this blog have been reading "Converations with God." The few people who have mentioned Kopechne have been driven off as "judgmental" and un-Christian...and accused of claiming to judge someone's soul (absurd!)
Love the sinner, hate the sin. Conversations with God, claims there is no such thing as sin. Nobody on this blog has said this.
It's disappointing to see you characterize the very real moral challenges posed on this thread as a "public stoning."
You have spent your career holding others to account yet apparently people who hold principled disagreements with you on certain vital issues and dare voice them are, well, just big bullies.
SOME of you people on this blog evidently can't READ.
No one is glorifying Ted Kennedy. He was a flawed, complex human being, who battled and overcame his share of "demons" - but he also happened to have a strong faith in God.
Some of us are, however, objecting to those who claim they KNOW where he is spending eternity.
No one KNOWS the answer to that - except Almighty God.
Please get over yourselves, people and try to get a life!!!
To Anonymous 7:15
Not only do you have a strong spirit of Self-Righteousness, you also have a distinct lack of a sense of humor, making a most unattractive combination.
If you read me carefully, I NEVER praised Ted Kennedy on the Chappaquidick/Mary Jo Kopechne issue, nor on his abortion, nor on his gay rights stand, nor on his public statements about "religious fundamentalism."
HOWEVER, his constituent work (as capably summarized by Suzanne), his work on behalf of the handicapped, his work on behalf of racial minorities and others marginalized in our society, and his not acting like he was more important than others in political circles did deserve kind mentions. I had the background of working in government and saw many puffed up people and then I saw others with a "common touch." As a general rule, we want the "common touch" reinforced, not put off.
I've also seen judges who enjoyed Right to Life endorsements, but treated nearly everybody from the bench in such a fashion that those before them wished they were dead. I saw people with endorsements from Right to Life order women to have mandatory sterilizations (Judge Michael Higgins of Lapeer, Michigan).
Praise the good, condemn the bad . . . but we don't throw stones at a time when people are grieving -- at least that's how I was raised.
I NEVER praised Ted Kennedy on the Chappaquidick/Mary Jo Kopechne issue
She (Mary Jo Kopechne) was a person, not an "issue."
Dear Constance and friends,
I've been completely offline for about a month due to a family emergency.
I didn't have the heart to go online while going through this difficult situation.
Praise the Almighty God that He is in control of my life and that I trust Him completely, for this crisis would not have been bearable without His comforting Word.
I just wanted to reach out and let you all know that I'm still here.
Sorry I needed to step out for a little while.
I couldn't possibly catch up with all of the posts over the last month, but if there is something that I really should go back and read, will you let me know?
I've missed you guys, and I'm glad that you are faithfully posting valuable information.
I'll try to get back into the "groove", so to speak.
By His mercy and Grace,
Mary Jo Kopechne was clearly a person. The situation was clearly a LARGE AND VERY DISTRUBING ISSUE. I made as many jokes as anybody about "sell you a bridge- Brooklyn or Chappaquidick, take your pick."
I will say this -- neither of them were probably innocent. She was out with what she had to know was a very married man.
Dear SV:
Please know that whatever difficult family situation you are going through, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
We miss you - along with your gentle wisdom.
Meanwhile, take care.
Are you aware of the reports about Ted Kennedy's KGB connections?
Reading those reports makes one realize that Joe Kennedy II's business dealings with Hugo Chavez (importing oil to Massachusetts from Venezuela) has something of a precedent.
That was many years ago and there was still a lot of innocence in younger people. They trusted too much. If I'm not mistaken, it was supposed to be an office type party. If she had been a tramp, it would have come out. Nothing along those lines was ever written about her.
Dear SV,
I am so very sorry to here of your family situation. From what I remember, you had a disabled child. I pray to God your children are safe and well.
You are missed.
I pray for the soul of Ted Kennedy and I think we must all practice forgiveness. But I think Pro-Lifers are happy he is finally out of the U.S. Senate. I AM.
Well, I came here to see what people were saying. I was impressed by Constance's comments.
I did not agree with Kennedy or most of his policies, thought he was guilty as all hell at Chappaquiddick, etc., however as for all the fucking bigots who felt the need to spew their bullshit:
Next time someone you agree with croaks I will make sure to show up and comment on what a degenerate fucking slime ball and freak they are and how wonderful it is is that the shit sucker in question is burning in hell.
For instance that miserable fraud fuck Walter Martin. I emailed Jill on the anniversary of her father's death to let her know how much the thought of the stench of his burning in hell filling her hateful nostrils filled me with joy.
It is after all, the Christian thing to do.
Susanna, I'm taking the liberty of posting here the information you are referring to.
Download the mp3
Outside the Sebastian article and Kengor’s book, there is independent confirmation that Sen. Kennedy made yet another overture to the Soviets. In 2002, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, chaired by former Sen. Lee Hamilton (D-IN) and which can hardly be regarded as a Republican shill, published Working Paper #40. That paper is online at this link, and contains about a dozen references to Sen. Kennedy. On page 167 it refers to Kennedy’s intent to work with the Soviets to free the hostages in Tehran–in order to bolster Kennedy’s prospects against President Jimmy Carter, against whom Kennedy was running for the Democrat nomination for president in 1980. Kennedy was also hoping to work with the Soviet leadership to keep detente on track, even as Carter was castigating the USSR for its invasion of Afghanistan. Working Paper #40 goes into some detail about Kennedy’s efforts against President Carter’s anti-Soviet policies in 1980. As in the 1983 overture, Kennedy enlisted Tunney to be his agent in Moscow against a sitting US president’s foreign policy. Taken together, it seems that Sen. Kennedy was equally ready to undermine a Democrat or Republican president.
Update: In the interview, Dr. Kengor mentions an article written by one of his sources, Herb Romerstein, regarding the Kennedy KGB document. Here is the article. It’s very much worth your time. (h/t A Blog For All)
Susanna, I'm taking the liberty of posting here the information you are referring to.
Download the mp3
Outside the Sebastian article and Kengor’s book, there is independent confirmation that Sen. Kennedy made yet another overture to the Soviets. In 2002, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, chaired by former Sen. Lee Hamilton (D-IN) and which can hardly be regarded as a Republican shill, published Working Paper #40. That paper is online at this link, and contains about a dozen references to Sen. Kennedy. On page 167 it refers to Kennedy’s intent to work with the Soviets to free the hostages in Tehran–in order to bolster Kennedy’s prospects against President Jimmy Carter, against whom Kennedy was running for the Democrat nomination for president in 1980. Kennedy was also hoping to work with the Soviet leadership to keep detente on track, even as Carter was castigating the USSR for its invasion of Afghanistan. Working Paper #40 goes into some detail about Kennedy’s efforts against President Carter’s anti-Soviet policies in 1980. As in the 1983 overture, Kennedy enlisted Tunney to be his agent in Moscow against a sitting US president’s foreign policy. Taken together, it seems that Sen. Kennedy was equally ready to undermine a Democrat or Republican president.
Update: In the interview, Dr. Kengor mentions an article written by one of his sources, Herb Romerstein, regarding the Kennedy KGB document. Here is the article. It’s very much worth your time. (h/t A Blog For All)
More from Susanna
ED KENNEDY AND THE KGB (This article focuses on the incredible media bias that has prevented this story from getting the kind of attention it should have gotten.)
Connie Hair
Remembering Teddy’s KGB Connection
by Connie Hair
The death of Sen. Edward M. “Teddy” Kennedy this week marks the end of an American political era colored in crayon by the media-generated notion of American royalty. Ted Kennedy will be laid to rest at Arlington Cemetery, the last of the three Kennedy brothers who once dominated the American political landscape, and the only one of the four Kennedy brothers to live to see his fifties.
As his fellow liberals attempt to shove the national takeover of health care through Congress, even suggesting renaming the bill after Kennedy in a memorial tribute, it becomes urgent to set aside the perfunctory kind words one usually says about the departed -- regardless of truth. A whitewash of Kennedy’s history cannot be used as an emotional power play to push through government-run health care in his “honor.”
I will not belabor the story of Mary Jo Kopechne, the young woman left behind in her own water torture at the hands of the late senator. That particular miscarriage of justice has come to mind for many as we all heard of Kennedy’s death this week and has even been reported as part of his sordid legacy by a few media outlets.
More from Susanna
But Kennedy’s private outreach to the KGB Soviet intelligence agency in attempts to undermine first President Jimmy Carter then President Ronald Reagan say as much as Chappaquiddick did about the man who appeared to have no moral restraints whatsoever on his personal pursuit of raw political power.
Documents found in Soviet archives after the fall of the Iron Curtain revealed a great deal about the character of Ted Kennedy.
As HUMAN EVENTS first reported on December 8, 2003:
One of the documents, a KGB report to bosses in the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee, revealed that “In 1978, American Sen. Edward Kennedy requested the assistance of the KGB to establish a relationship” between the Soviet apparatus and a firm owned by former Sen. John Tunney (D-Ca.). KGB recommended that they be permitted to do this because Tunney's firm was already connected with a KGB agent in France named David Karr. This document was found by the knowledgeable Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats and published in Moscow's Izvestia in June 1992.
Another KGB report to their bosses revealed that on March 5, 1980, John Tunney met with the KGB in Moscow on behalf of Sen. Kennedy. Tunney expressed Kennedy’s opinion that “nonsense about ‘the Soviet military threat’ and Soviet ambitions for military expansion in the Persian Gulf… was being fueled by [President Jimmy] Carter, [National Security Advisor Zbigniew] Brzezinski, the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.”
Kennedy offered to speak out against President Carter on Afghanistan. Shortly thereafter he made public speeches opposing President Carter on this issue. This document was found in KGB archives by Vasiliy Mitrokhin, a courageous KGB officer, who copied documents from the files and then defected to the West. He wrote about this document in a February 2002 paper on Afghanistan that he released through the Cold War International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson Center.
Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, found contemporaneous KGB documentation and published a story in February of 1992 of an additional communiqué by Ted Kennedy to the Soviet intelligence agency through Tunney. Full text of the letter from the appendix of Paul Kengor’s book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism can be found here.
This time it was President Reagan in Kennedy’s crosshairs as he attempted to arrange a meeting between Kennedy and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Yuri Andropov.
In this May 14, 1983, letter written by underling Viktor Chebrikov to Andropov, he relayed Kennedy’s offer to meet, Chebrikov explaining that Kennedy blamed poor American-Soviet relations not on the Communist country, but on President Reagan. According to Chebrikov’s letter, Kennedy said he wanted to stop Reagan’s re-election effort in 1984.
Chebrikov’s letter also claimed that Kennedy was “very impressed” with Andropov and that Kennedy was reaching out to the Soviets to thwart Reagan’s forceful defense policies. Kennedy suggested the Soviets reach out specifically to Barbara Walters and Walter Cronkite to counter in the American media what he said Kennedy considered Reagan “propaganda.”
Chebrikov's letter to Andropov also stated that Kennedy himself had offered to travel to Moscow to meet with Andropov if he would extend an invitation.
These revelations reported in 1992 suggest insight into a man so obsessed with the acquisition of personal political power that he would reach out to the communist Soviet Union for help in undermining not one but two American presidents, one from his own political party.
Kennedy’s strong support for the government takeover of health care and the effort to pass this legislation in memorial tribute fails to warrant a second glance.
FYI All of this research was done by Susanna.
Surprise Baal, while Constance wouldn't like what you did, she would agree with you that Walter Martin was bad news.
Ironic, a nation full of 'Christians' and the one issue to cause so many to finally rise up-'health-care'. Hmmm. So, who is their hope in? Christ, or the system? Seems to me this ought to have a lot less significance-again things were status quo when the issue was 'the neighbor'(love?), but now it might effect 'ME'- they come out to the townhalls.
Death has no sting for those in Christ, what have we to fear? Certainly not health-care reform-sure it stinks in the flesh, it robs one to care for another; not even God forces righteousness or caring for others, but we are only pilgrims of another land, this is NOT our home.
Baal, I am too tired to find the delete button. You are welcome to post your opinions here, but please leave the offensive words such as the F one and the Sh one out.
Thank you,
Anonymous, you wrote @ 2:55am:
Ironic, a nation full of 'Christians' and the one issue to cause so many to finally rise up-'health-care'. Hmmm. So, who is their hope in? Christ, or the system? Seems to me this ought to have a lot less significance-again things were status quo when the issue was 'the neighbor'(love?), but now it might effect 'ME'- they come out to the townhalls.
I vehemently oppose this issue; but, frankly, it doesn't affect 'ME' much. I'm relatively healthy; and, I'm early middle age. From my perspective there are a NUMBER of things wrong with this; and, one of them is the obvious slight on those of retirement age - a push toward rationing.
One other is the very likely outcome of 'single-payer' system with the US government as sole provider. This is socialism; and, I want no part of it.
Death has no sting for those in Christ, what have we to fear? Certainly not health-care reform-sure it stinks in the flesh, it robs one to care for another...
So, since you agree the proposed legislation 'robs one to care for another' why do you assume - as in your 1st paragraph - that we on here are being 'ME' centered?
I am all for health care reform. But, I don't think we have to have a government option. We just need to make changes within our current system.
James Chaprer 4:11-17 kjv
004:011 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
004:012 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
004:013 Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
004:014 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
004:015 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
004:016 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
004:017 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Thank you for posting the Kennedy articles.
You are free to share anything I send. The reports I found came from reputable sources.
This from Farah's column at WND on Kennedy:
Ted Kennedy always was a socialist – and he actually admitted it on the floor of the Senate Jan. 20, 1995.
I've never seen this revelation before, though it has been a matter of public record all these years – published, as it were, in the Congressional Record. I was amazed to find it in a book by Republican political consultant Marc Nuttle called "Moment of Truth."
Here is how the Kennedy admission came about.
Economist Milton Friedman was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of a national constitutional amendment for a balanced budget. Kennedy argued that a requirement for a balanced budget would restrict the federal government's power and its ability to spend – thus, he said, Washington's role in more fairly and equitably distributing wealth, goods and services.
"Senator, socialism hasn't worked in 6,000 years of recorded history," explained Friedman. "Why won't you give up on it?"
Kennedy rose to his feet, according to Nuttle, who attended the hearing, and replied: "It hasn't worked in 6,000 years of recorded history because it didn't have me to run it."
Anonymous 7:41 am
It would be helpful if you showed how following that advice makes the world a better place. We do not live in a Protestant theocracy where everyone is commanded to obey the words in a particular translation of the New Testament.
Funny punch line constance I laughed especially at rotton tomatoes.
Eagle eyes
Dear friends,
Thanks for your encouragement and prayers.
I do have an autistic son, thanks for remembering, and my children are doing very well.
It involved another close family member, but not my immediate family, thanks be to the Lord.
I realize that I've just returned to the conversing here after a small hiatus, but may I say first of all, that is an unfortunate avatar that you've chosen, baal, and second of all, your language reminds me of a lousy comedian... when they can think of nothing clever to say, they fill the empty spaces with filth as though that compensates for intelligent dialogue.
By His Grace and Mercy,
welcome back SV
Dear DouginMI,
Thanks. :-)
By His Grace,
Wow, I am SHOCKED by this post. I guess I had a very different idea of where you stood and what you stood for. I am very glad you wrote it.
I am sure that Obama feels he is loving his neighbor too. Gee, who else can we apply to too, was anyone else nice to you when you met them one time?
GoodNESS! I don't get why you "fight" apostasy...but then you go and say this.
Anna Marie
Anna Marie, this is not the first time. I will break this into two parts because of the length.
Constance has recently referenced Obama’s faith. By his own words below, he became active in church when he moved to Chicago. That does not equate with salvation.
From this interview from Beliefnet, http://blog.beliefnet.com/stevenwaldman/2008/11/obamas-interview-with-cathleen.html
we see Obama saying there are many paths to God.
As EJILES correctly stated from John 3:l6, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH HIM.
Charles Finney opened the door to the rampant, pragmatic “easy believism” we are now seeing in the apostate church. The fact that Obama claims to have gone forward for an altar call is negated by his own words:
“And I'd say, probably, intellectually I've drawn as much from Judaism as any other faith.
...So, I'm rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people. That there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and there's an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived.
...So I don't think as a child we were, or I had a structured religious education. But my mother was deeply spiritual person, and would spend a lot of time talking about values and give me books about the world's religions, and talk to me about them. And I think always, her view always was that underlying these religions were a common set of beliefs about how you treat other people and how you aspire to act, not just for yourself but also for the greater good.
And, so that, I think, was what I carried with me through college. I probably didn't get started getting active in church activities until I moved to Chicago.
... I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell.
I can't imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity.
That's just not part of my religious makeup.
What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, that I will be rewarded. I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.”
By his own admonition, he is trusting in his good works and values.
From Constance’s book, we read:
“For example, New Agers are told that Christianity is a repressive religion and that its Bible teaches that all who have never heard of God and Jesus Christ are automatically condemned. While this representation is both inaccurate and unfair, ...
...Many New Agers - particularly would-be Jewish New Agers - are told that Christianity is antisemitic as it represents the Jews as being blanketly condemned unless they have converted to Christianity.
Again this is a misrepresentation of plain scriptural language: ...”
So, is God unfair? Scripture says we all deserve death. The fact that anyone is saved is the focus, not that everyone is saved.
Salvation is offered to all through Christ’s sacrifice, but Scripture says few receive it, and narrow is the path to eternal life.
So what of those who never hear?
God tells us in Romans 2:13-16 that their conscience will be a witness to accuse or defend them. However, we read in John 3:19-21:
And this is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.
See my post about a third of the way down to see how cunning the enemy to our souls is.
The Emerging Church is taking the Protestant Reformation and reversing it, making all roads lead back to Catholicism. It is the false Eucharistic Jesus and Mary apparitions that will be part of the coming deception.
Anne Marie:
Kennedy had glaring faults, demons, BUT he was not pretending to be a great saint and deliverer of theology to the church. He was not advocating a "New World Religion" and apart from his distressing "gay rights" advocacy, I had no personal knowledge of him pushing the New Age Movement. We are all sinners, coming far short of the glory of God. We all need Jesus and the salvation that comes only from him.
How do the New Agers put things over? They are sometimes better than we are in reaching out to people in the hours of their distress. Let's not push people that direction by these attitudes of non-forgiveness self-righteousness that leaves them in their hour of grief nowhere to go but to the New Agers and their various cults.
I am watching the Kennedy funeral. The priest speaking just said something that struck me:
"Most of us have a strong suit and gaps . . ."
Kennedy was dead wrong on the abortion and homosexuality issues. HOWEVER, married to a disabled person, I cannot help but be grateful for his advocacy of accomodations for Americans with Disabilities, e.g. the wheelchair ramps and Family Leave acts.
Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy . . .
11:32 AM
(I posted this to the newer spot, but since all comment efforts seem to be pursued here, I am reprinting it here.)
Before we give economist Milton Friedman more credence than he actually deserves, I was taken by the Baptist church in Virginia where I spoke in early December 1982 to see the Edgar Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia. There, prominently posted on the wall was a large poster HOW I MADE MY SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION an upcoming event to be held at the ARE (Association for Research and Enlightment) headquarters. The speaker was MILTON FRIEDMAN. Up until then, I didn't realize why almost every New Age bookstore I entered in my researching carried a book by Milton and Rose Friedman. Friedman was a most enthusiastic New Age convert.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh yesterday and he said that Ted Kennedy admitted to engaging in joking about his Chappaquidick accident. That is nothing to joke about.
Re: all the political do-goodism that TK is being credited for...much of that was unconstitutional stuff anyway.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh yesterday and he said that Ted Kennedy admitted to engaging in joking about his Chappaquidick accident. That is nothing to joke about.
Yeah well, who cares what he did off the Senate floor when the cameras weren't around?
He was nice to Constance and sponsored some good legislation. This is far more important.
Besides, you are being awfully self-righteous and it's most distasteful. "Judge not lest ye be judged" and all.
I meant to say with DouginMI welcome back SV from me too!
I can never forget that the Kennedy fortune came because Joseph Kennedy
took advantage of others in a depression. Or so we are told. We admire the Kennedy lifestyle, which is based on having lots of money. This is poor taste on our part, but nothing new! We love to ogle the rich and famous. If sometimes these same rich and fanous do some decent things, as Kennedys sometimes did, then we are even more ecstatic in our praise. These were just people like you and me who happened to have a lot more money. Sure they worked hard at worthy projects, but so did lots of us, without the huge paycheck. We cannot afford the same level of glamour.
Mariel, thanks for posting an understanding of what is occurring. Constance may not have the the background on Kennedy others have surfaced. That's what working together to cover a very complex understanding of what is occurring is about.
If the Bible says that the saints will "judge" angels, seems there's a lot of catching up to do with being ready for that act to happen based on the watered down gospel that is seeping in here on this site. Also, the Bible DOES say that we are to judge righteous judgment-- so this, "stop judging" weak mindedness smells like a sickly disease.
If Ted Kennedy was not Born-again, he is not in heaven. He never confessed or claimed to be Born-again. And if he repented as a killer, shouldn't he have turned himself into the local authorities? (like that would ever happen) This site seems to be turning into the exact monster it has been "trying" to fight off. Shame, shame.
Most catholics (myself included before my conversion) do good works according to how much hypocrisy they need cover up. Ted Kennedy wore that crown.
Politicians deserve much less for what they force the public to give or do for others as compared to what they do and are in their private lives.
Greater is he that rules his own spirit than he who rules a city. Psalms
Ted Kennedy AT BEST deserves "no comment" as to where he stands before God and man.
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