UPDATE: Click here for a link to the program site. Tonight, I am privileged to be the inaugural guest on Fr. Tim Ashcraft, a priest of the Orthodox Church confession discussing the New Age Movement. The program is called SPIRIT WARS.
I am chagrined that I don't currently have the link or radio dial spots, but I have emailed Fr. Ashcraft for them and will post them here immediately and in the comments section as well as I have them.
Tune in and stay tuned!
hi constance, i can hardly believe i'm the first one to comment on this one. this is tony in VT. and i don't know what to say. i like what you said about ted kennedy being held high w/ respect for his kind/sincere concern for people. nicely said... i'm looking forward to this radio interview. Blessings...Tony Hope Berry is well
From the Associated Press (08/29/09):
The father of Terri Schiavo, who became a national symbol in a closely watched right-to-die fight, has died, his son said Saturday. Robert Schindler was 71.
Schindler, a tireless activist through years of legal wrangling, died from heart failure at a hospital in St. Petersburg. Terri Schiavo, who courts ruled was in a "persistent vegetative state," died in 2005 after the feeding tube that had nourished her for years was removed according to her husband's wishes.
"I am heartbroken over the loss of my father and yet I know at this moment he is rejoicing with my sister, Terri," his son, Bobby Schindler, said Saturday in a statement.
From the Washington Post (08/28/09):
Bush's Search Policy For Travelers Is Kept
Obama Officials Say Oversight Will Grow
The Obama administration will largely preserve Bush-era procedures allowing the government to search -- without suspicion of wrongdoing -- the contents of a traveler's laptop computer, cellphone or other electronic device, although officials said new policies would expand oversight of such inspections.
The policy, disclosed Thursday in a pair of Department of Homeland Security directives, describes more fully than did the Bush administration the procedures by which travelers' laptops, iPods, cameras and other digital devices can be searched and seized when they cross a U.S. border. And it sets time limits for completing searches.
But representatives of civil liberties and travelers groups say they see little substantive difference between the Bush-era policy, which prompted controversy, and this one.
"It's a disappointing ratification of the suspicionless search policy put in place by the Bush administration," said Catherine Crump, staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union. "It provides a lot of procedural safeguards, but it doesn't deal with the fundamental problem, which is that under the policy, government officials are free to search people's laptops and cellphones for any reason whatsoever."
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano yesterday framed the new policy as an enhancement of oversight. "Keeping Americans safe in an increasingly digital world depends on our ability to lawfully screen materials entering the United States," she said in a statement. "The new directives announced today strike the balance between respecting the civil liberties and privacy of all travelers while ensuring DHS can take the lawful actions necessary to secure our borders."
For instance, searches conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers should now generally take no more than 5 days, and no more than 30 days for searches by Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agents. The directives also require for the first time that automated tools be developed to ensure the reliable tracking of statistics relating to searches, and that audits be conducted periodically to ensure the guidelines are being followed, officials said.
Such measures drew praise from House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), who called the new policy "a major step forward," and from Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.), who introduced legislation this year to strengthen protections for travelers whose devices are searched.
But the civil liberties community was disappointed.
"Under the policy begun by Bush and now continued by Obama, the government can open your laptop and read your medical records, financial records, e-mails, work product and personal correspondence -- all without any suspicion of illegal activity," said Elizabeth Goitein, who leads the liberty and national security project at the nonprofit Brennan Center for Justice.
Goitein, formerly a counsel to Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), said the Bush policy itself "broke sharply" with previous Customs directives, which required reasonable suspicion before agents could read the contents of documents. Feingold last year introduced legislation to restore the requirement.
Jack Riepe, spokesman for the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, said the guidelines "still have many of the inherent weaknesses" of the Bush-era policy.
Between October 2008 and Aug. 11, more than 221 million travelers passed through CBP checkpoints. About 1,000 laptop searches were performed, only 46 in-depth, the DHS said.
Tonight, I am privileged to be the inaugural guest on Fr. Tim Ashcraft, a priest of the Orthodox Church confession discussing the New Age Movement. The program is called SPIRIT WARS.
Hi Tony!
Wonderful to hear from you again and I so very much appreciate your kind words. Hope all is well in Vermont. I believe the last time I saw you was in Detroit when Herb Peters was here.
Hi Constance
Tried to join you but could not figure out how to find program or
even get anything to play.
very nice blog , thank u
add my url
Hi, Constance. Nice seeing you on the web. I heard you speak in the Seattle area back in the late 80's and it's nice to see that you're still at it. Things have slipped considerably and the agenda presses on. Strange times.
Show came out of Kentucky -- went very well in my opinion. Chatroom was busy during program as well.
Fr. Ashcraft covered both the New Age Movement and the Solana ones.
Thanks, Walt, for trying!
شام برس
EU Foreign Policy Chief Solana arrives in Syria for peace talks
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By DPA EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana arrived on Sunday in Damascus for talks with Syrian President Bashar al Assad and Foreign Minister Walid al ...
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Assad: Syria has "direct interest" in Iraq's security, stability Xinhua
European Jewish Press
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Assad meets Solana; two discuss resuming Mideast negotiations
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Syrian President Bashar Assad met with European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana and the two discussed the possibility of resuming Middle East ...
Solana to visit Beirut during Middle East tour
Daily Star - Lebanon - Aug 28, 2009
BEIRUT: The European Union's foreign minister, Javier Solana, will arrive in Beirut on Monday as part of a tour of the region. A statement issued on Friday ...
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Jordan Times
'No decision made yet on Israel settlement freeze'
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... on implementation of UN resolutions, Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Sunday at a meeting in Damascus with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana. ...
Qassam rocket fired at Israel
Ynetnews - Ilana Curiel - Aug 28, 2009
Meanwhile, it was reported that EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana will travel to the region at the beginning of next week. Solana is scheduled to visit ...
Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Solana: Situation on Ground Remains Calm
Civil Georgia - Aug 7, 2009
Javier Solana, EU foreign policy chief, said he had been reassured by EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) on the ground in Georgia that situation remains “broadly ...
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Syria backs peace with Israel
The News International - 15 minutes ago
... implementation of UN resolutions, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Sunday at a meeting in Damascus with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana. ...
Keep snoring away! 2010 is just about upon us! So's the Alliance of Civilizations and its machinery!
Isn't 2012 the year the "planetary shift" takes place, on earth?
Iran supreme leader tells Muslims worldwide to prepare for the coming of the "Saviour"
IF the ENP is of any significance at all, there should be more alertness at these events, even more than the New Age Mayan calendars!
Saturday night during my broadcast I was surprised to see how many who consider themselves Christians are actually involved in New Age thought. Several people in the chat room were shocked to learn that the founders and current leaders of the movement advocate Eugenics, racial cleansing, and a fascist world government. This demonstrates the cunning behind the New Age movement. With its thousands upon thousands of seemingly autonomous groups and organizations it is able to draw in those who are sincerely seeking and of good intention. The efforts of these individuals in promoting the ideas, organizations, literature, etc. is overwhelmingly successful and these individuals unknowingly advance the socio-political agenda of fascism which is what the founders and current leaders of the movement want! Despite the protests that "well..these people can't be real lightworkers!", these people, Blavatsky, Spangler, et al, founded and set the goals of the movement and its purposes. They define what a lightbearer/lightworker is. It brings to mind how many good Germans protested that they weren't like their fellow Nazi leaders. "This isn't National Socialism!", they protested. But it was. And the New Age Movement is what the founders and leaders says it is, whether that challenges the New Ager's beliefs or not. I guess the point is if you find the truth behind this movement so appalling that you want to distance yourself from it then leave it completely and turn to Christ with your whole being. Christ didn't ask us to be "lightbearers" nor "lightworkers". He asked us to be His disciples and follow Him. The lines are clearly drawn. Which side are you on? Christ or the Lightbearer (Lucifer)?
What ambitions for European defence in 2020
Institute for Security Studies
Preface by Javier Solana
I leave this for those of you who better understand these things.
Dear Constance, have you tried searching 'maitreya' on the noetic sciences website?
There are a couple of interesting leads. I then googled, "Wayne S. Peterson", and looked at his website, on which he praises and promotes the devil Maitreya.
Peterson states he was a diplomat, who met with Maitreya and his entourage of devils ("ascended masters"). Anyway, please check Peterson's website at: www.waynepeterson.com
there's quite a lot out there on Gorbachev and his connections to Maitreya, what do you think about this please, and can you tell me if Solana has supposedly met this Maitreya thing? Thank you, Rob.
"i like what you said about ted kennedy being held high w/ respect for his kind/sincere concern for people. nicely said"
if ted kennedy was really concerned with people and not just some poser ...
he would have given every dime he had away....
how many times do i have to tell you deeds are fruit and words are leaves???
or that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle that for a rich man to enter heaven???
ted was not saved... he was a murderer that we know about (who knows what else he hid) and made light of it... repentant murderers talk about never being able to wash the blood off their hands and to bring their old crime up never gave them guffaws, it sent them to remorseful tears, post traumatic shock for the thought of taking another hum an life off the planet and a humble waiting for God to punish them on the planet so they can go to heaven...
i don't see how teddy was that kind of a remorseful guy, he didn't go around lecturing people not to drink and fornicate and drive ...
very nice blog,
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