" Specifically Jerusalem bearingthe root of world conflict as well as the key to its salvation, has increasingly become the focus of world interest and international diplomacy, as well as a place for inter-religious conferences and encounters. Time is ripe to take action towards initiating a process of deliberate transformation thus opening a new area of peace and well-being for entire mankind."[1]
My thanks to Joyce for drawing my attention to this initiative of the Global Marshall Plan / Club of Budapest / Ervin Laszlo / Cultural Creatives initiative. I will be adding to this article later, but you should all be doing independent research on this.
A first step is to look into the conditions for peace and coexistence between
Israel and Palestine on a national level – disregarding the specific
situation and demands ofJerusalem and the Old City. As stated in A I. 2 we
will proceed step by step until reaching the core – the Old City and its
Temple Mount. (page 49)
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Joyce, thanks for the links you provided. One of my major concerns is the cultural effects that the theory of evolution has had on Western thought. Ervin pushes the inevitable conclusion to its logical end. Expelled No Intelligence Allowed is being predictably ridiculed by the media. My understanding is as scripture makes clear: “The heart of man is desperately wicked. . . the carnal mind is enmity with God.” Thanks again.
Message from Ervin Laszlo
“We want to strengthen the cultural creative movement all over the planet in order to bring about the “soulful civil revolution” so many people are longing for—which in fact is nothing less than a deliberate evolutionary step towards unity in every respect we as humankind have to make.”
"Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you."
2 Chronicles 20:17
"Cultural Creative" is one more and one of the most popular inside names New Agers call themselves after the essence of the New Age Movement was outed. They then started calling themselves "Cultural Creatives" after a book by that name: The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World: Paul H. Phd Ray,Sherry Ruth Anderson
wooaah! thanks Joyce and Constance!
"Countless national and international associations, like the Club of Rome, the Club of Budapest or the World Wisdom Council have not only analyzed the roots and manifestations of these crisis’, but have also presented proposals and solutions drawn from a higher source of wisdom" (on Jerusalem)
please look the photos there,
after page 2 just with
the founder of the site and VIZE of Club of Budapest, Germany, looks he is playing the (false)Messiah role...
"Finally – as fulfillment of the promise – a structure for the Temple will be set up, the
Holy Ark be brought in and the Sh’khinah descend and take possession of it as in the
days of old. The Messianic King will establish the Table Round in the likeness of the
knights of the Grail and the apostles of Christ; he will complete the restoration of the
original sacrament represented by the symbol of the Tree of Life, whose fruits will be
spent as an ultimate reward and seal of eternal life and holiness to those who have
attained the highest perfection and purity." p.160.
"In order to find a solution which is desirable for all parties and stakeholders the goal has
to be a re-dedication of the Temple Mount to the Name of God so again become the
moral and spiritual center of Israel and Palestine, of the Jewish and Muslim people and of
the entire world according to the words of the prophets." p.162.
(pdf-file "diplo" from their site)
Heinrich Benedikt and Ervin Laszlo are also together in another spurious joint venture: THE WORLD PARLIAMENT OF CLOWNS. I found this tidbit on the internet:
Thursday Mai 31st
20:00 World Parliament of Clowns
The C 8 summit
featuring Global Marshall Plan Initiative.
Bestowal of the clown's immunity to the participants of the G 8 summit
Show-Talk with:
Stiftung Nord-Süd Brücken / Andrea Krönert (Mitglied des Vorstandes)
Global Marshall Plan Initiative / Prof. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher
The Club of Budapest Worldshift Network / N.N.
Die Grauen – Graue Panther / Norbert Räder (Vors. GP Berlin)
Special Guest
Quotes of the Clown d’Honneur & Member of World Parliament of Clowns
U.a.: Desmond Tutu, David Larible, Ervin Laszlo, Heinrich Benedikt, Clown PIC,
H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Patch Adams u.v.a.
(per Video oder zitierte Statements)
Show of Antoschka, Clown & Founder of World Parliament of Clowns
(f.e. with the song ‘Schwarz oder Weiss’)
Friday, June 1st
16:00 Worldparliament of Clowns
Show, Talk and Statements
20:00 World Premmier
summit music, Christian von Borries
21:00 6. Poetry Slam of the Literaturhaus Rostock at the
live coverage to the Kurhaus at SILVER PEARL
Saturday June 2nd
KEIN TV production day, Screenings & Interviews
22:00 Beatz and text from Berlin
From: Thursday Mai 31st
20:00 World Parliament of Clowns
The C 8 summit
featuring Global Marshall Plan Initiative.
Bestowal of the clown's immunity to the participants of the G 8 summit
Show-Talk with:
Stiftung Nord-Süd Brücken / Andrea Krönert (Mitglied des Vorstandes)
Global Marshall Plan Initiative / Prof. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher
The Club of Budapest Worldshift Network / N.N.
Die Grauen – Graue Panther / Norbert Räder (Vors. GP Berlin)
Special Guest
Quotes of the Clown d’Honneur & Member of World Parliament of Clowns
U.a.: Desmond Tutu, David Larible, Ervin Laszlo, Heinrich Benedikt, Clown PIC,
H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Patch Adams u.v.a.
(per Video oder zitierte Statements)
Show of Antoschka, Clown & Founder of World Parliament of Clowns
(f.e. with the song ‘Schwarz oder Weiss’)
Friday, June 1st
16:00 Worldparliament of Clowns
Show, Talk and Statements
20:00 World Premmier
summit music, Christian von Borries
21:00 6. Poetry Slam of the Literaturhaus Rostock at the
live coverage to the Kurhaus at SILVER PEARL
Saturday June 2nd
KEIN TV production day, Screenings & Interviews
22:00 Beatz and text from Berlin
Yes, Setterman.. He wants to bring about "the Shift".
Check this event of his out:
especially this page:
watch Deepak Chopra on this same theme..spiritual evolution, quantum leap...shift, change etc.
Here's another from Lazlo:
What I find so very interesting is that all of these people are using the same buzz words, which are very similar to what we hear from some Christian leaders today like McLaren, Warren, Willowcreek and also from Obama, Oprah etc, etc., interesting and disturbing at the same time.
When they began bring this same kind of thinking or spirituality to solve the problems of Jerusalem...
we REALLY need to take notice.
This group which you find on Chopra's ANH site, is also a supporter of the Abraham's Path Initiative out of Harvard, which is a MAJOR initiative decided on by the AoC at the Madrid meeting in 2008. It includes Jews, Christians and Muslims visiting one another's places of worship, but also walking the actual paths where Abraham walked. I could say much more about this, but I'll save it for another time.
Be the Change, is also the theme of the Obama campaign, so pay attention to that on Chopra's site. If we could get the "critical mass" and make this "quantum leap" or this "Deep shift" then we would "evolve" into these evolved spiritual beings....yeah right!! Then we will all be demon possessed.
This is the guy who did the Moses Code and the Secret..
That's the warfare part that we need to watch. Like Paul said:
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
1 tim 4:1.
We know this "paradigm shift" is nothing more than people opening themselves up to deceiving spirits, by believing in the humanistic message of "Change". As if we could change one hair on our own heads..
We need to watch and listen very carefully.. and yes Ruth, we know who the battle belongs to! Amen, and amen!
Haven't researched the term, Cultural Creatives carefully, but I think there are shades of that in showing up in churches. This is not Christian, but check out "the Light Party' 7 point plan" looks a little kabbalistic:
His view of "peace"
them on spirituality:
From his site I linked to this. I don't think this is the 144,000 that is mentioned in Revelations somehow:
Lots and lots of dots to connect, but one thing leads to another and another.
and Bjorn,
Yes, that's the "plan" that they would like to implement. As you would say.."stay tuned".
p.s. Bjorn.. Yes, he looks like the devil, himself..
again "grow up"!!
whoever said
"The Jew and the Catholic appear to have disappeared. Thank God, now only posts that praise the lord are appearing."
true watchmen...
what does that mean?
true watchmen...
is this group really doing a watchmen's job?
You might note the blasphemous scene captured in this photo. I suppose if Bill Clinton can reinterpret scripture then Ahmed Ifthikar Khwaja can sit THERE with his (CONTINGENT) feet in the lotus position.
“Teaching in Last Supper on Mount Zion.”
“I (God) know the blasphemy of them which. . . are the synagogue of Satan.”
Constance, thank you so much for your very informative, but often scary blog!
It breaks my heart to see the Club of Rome/Budapest/Madrid sinking their talons into Israel. As if they don't have enough problems already!! My wife and I spent four months there last year. Very sad to see the growing influence of Kabbalah and Bahai.
The Club of Rome & Co are really starting to push their 'Global Consciousness' delusion. I encourage readers to research the Institute of Noetic Sciences (advisory board: Maurice Strong, Deepak Chopra, Desmond Tutu etc) and the Global Consciousness Project. Interesting stuff!
One Christian blogger whom I recently
read but who I can't remember his name,
made a good case for the idea that
the "city of seven hills" of prophesy is
not Rome but Jerusalem. He mentioned
that even Israeli schoolchildren are
taught the
names of the seven hills and that Rome
has many more than seven hills around
it. This makes sense to me. Thus the
Whore of Babylon will sit on Jerusalem,
not Rome.
Does this make sense to anyone else here?
Constantanople (2nd vatican for a while) also has 7 hills Paul
thanks for the booklink!
Already minutes BEFORE you posted
the "Wiederkunft"-book of
I had already ordered it...
good for me it is in German...
bought it second hand as I don't like the author or publisher to benefit from it.
Isn't it twisted that Tutu and Gorbatschev are honorary Clowns
in that Clown's Club?
Thanks Doug.
The plot thickens...
Or the thought thickens.
Is there a chance the vatican could be moved to Jerusalem? Sounds far fetched but still...
"Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them." Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them."
M. Peters
A MOST interesting post this is!
Jerusalem being a most important focus in evaluating the currency and immediacy of the times, this is "tip of the spear" type of information! Excellent!
Thanks for the "diplo" pdf-file, I scanned all 209 pages late last night until my head was buzzed into the roof... woke up this morning with a cerebral "hangover"...As I read it last night I thought how thorough the plan was constructed and kept getting the sense of how well coordinated the presentation is considering the recent state of development of of the AoC's agenda and status enhancement, thanks Rich of Medford, and the heavy political pressure being brought to bear, time frame wise, by the Bush Administration for a solution to the "Middle East" peace solution before his current Presidential term expires.
The political momentum being exerted by all the players, EU, UAE, US, and the "World's Religious Community", seems to have been accelerated, and publicized by the mass media, have served , essentially, to create the right "climate" for the hidden but prepared "players" such as Heinrich Benedikt to suddenly burst into the forefront with apparent well thought out "pragmatically workable" "solutions".
The final "key" to everything,in my opinion, has always been the Temple . While reading Benedikt last night and trying to think like the "world players" in an anguishing moment for my poor little brain, I could see the practicality of their acceptance of the idea.
It, the pdf presentation has it all, i.e. the "Historical" "Scholarly" foundation, the "Theologically" "Scholarly" "foundation" and the "spiritual" foundation. All with huge financial support.
It would not surprise me to wake up tomorrow morning to CNN headlines that the construction of the Temple has just begun, and all the major networks providing 24/7 coverage of it.
Indeed we live in exciting times. My hope is that we all can be redeeming the time in service to the cause of Christ towards the soul's of men. Grace to all.
To all,
I encourage you to read this link when you have time from the Jerusalem Academy (200+ pages), but here's one of the most important parts:
"I. 7. 2 Jerusalem – the City of God (a Peace Proposal)
Jerusalem, the Holy City and Center from which knowledge of the one God spread
throughout the world; the city of the prophets and kings – David, Solomon, Jesus,
Mohammed; the city where Judaism, Christianity and Islam come together in reverence
for God, as the Qur’an states, is not only the heart of the Jewish nation and one of the
three most holy sites for the Muslim world, but moreover the central focus of global
awareness and interest. A solution cannot be found on grounds of thinking in terms of
one-sided, partial claims of “possession” and sovereignty, but only from a perspective,
which is transcending our transient petty human interests in the awareness of the eternal
and universal Lordship of God.
But also as facts of realities, we need to clearly take into consideration the needed natural
conditions for co-existence and good livelihood of its residents as well as the unbiased
interests of the different religious, national and international stakeholders as to be seen on
the grounds of universal principles and human rights.
From this point of view we can pose old questions in a new light. In doing so, we can
ask: who owns Jerusalem? Then our reply will simply be: God. Who should govern
Jerusalem? The reply is: The (universal-minded, spiritually emancipated) leaders of the
three religions for which it is holy! …
How might that governance work out in practice?
Firstly, Jerusalem, God’s city, will be a separate entity, a ‘corpus separatum’, like the
Vatican City, which is surrounded by Rome, but is itself a separate unity.
Secondly, Jerusalem administration will be run by an administrator appointed by the
religious leaders of the three religions (henceforth called the Judeo-Christian-Islamic
Council). The administrator will consult with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Council on all
subjects: tax rates, building projects, citizenship for non-Israeli or non-Palestinian
religious peoples, the use of tax revenues, maintaining the mosques and their schools, the
churches and their schools, and the synagogues and their schools.
Thirdly, since the Knesset is located in Jerusalem it will pay property taxes to Jerusalem
as it continues to govern Israel. Comparably, the capital building of Palestine will be in
Jerusalem, its president will govern Palestine from there, and Palestine will pay property
taxes to Jerusalem.
Fourth, the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Council will determine other matters such as making
Jerusalem a place of God’s peace with no deadly weapons present, even for crime
prevention. Moreover, crime prevention patrols will expel prostitution, obscenity, and
immorality while emphasizing modest dress in God’s city.
Fifth, the religious leaders will come to an agreement about rebuilding Solomon’s
Temple, which will be located on or near its original site, which is not the site of the
Dome of the Rock. Then each of the religions will have a beautiful building on its ancient
holy site. Moreover, Solomon’s Temple will symbolize the convergence of the three
religions to spread God’s truth around the world.
Sixth, the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Council will consider building a great library in
Jerusalem to house the holy writings and scholarship of the three religions, if funds are
When the religious leaders govern Jerusalem, then God’s city truly will be a place of
God, a light to the nations, and a center from which holiness can radiate to the world and
inspire all to live according to God’s law and God’s peace.
Then the three religions will fulfill their prophecies of bringing peace to the earth, and
Jerusalem then truly will be the city of righteous peace"
Cutting Edge had an article about a Theosophy Seminar a number of years ago. This sounds quite similar to what their site talked about. Here's the article:
Yes, it does like they are trying to deal with "core" issues in the "peace process" like the Temple..
With regards to an earlier question, it's kind of interesting in that excerpt that it talks about modeling this plan for Jerusalem after the Vatican in Rome...wow!
Rev. 17:9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits,
More food for thought!
Thanks Joyce. Excellent find! WOW, this is getting interesting.
God bless.
Ancient Babylon, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Rome, Brussels and Moscow all have 7 hills. It was often planned by city founders to use the mystical number 7, so when searching out sites for a city, those areas with 7 "hills" (sometimes they are not much of hills) were chosen to enclose within the city walls. the 7 hills were supposed to bring power and so called mystical energy.
Modern cities on the original locations have been so paved over, that the original hills are hard to detect. (like Moscow)
I don't think Jerusalem is mystery Babylon, as Jerusalem has it's own role to play in the book of Revelation. There are some good arguments for it, and many more good arguments against it. I found when looking into it that the arguments for Jerusalem being mystery Babylon required the reader to believe in a version of replacement theology.
It depends on your version of the book of Revelation as to how you can interpret the passage about the 7 hills. Some versions state:
The 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits, and they are 7 kings.
Some versions use this:
The 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits. They are 7 kings.
Some versions use this:
The 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits. And they are 7 kings.
The connotation is subtle and different. I am not an English major, nor am I a scholar in the Greek to understand which way it should be translated, but perhaps the 7 hills/mountains just points to the kings and has nothing to do with physical hills. It could also be relating to (mountains) as a symbol for kingdoms that occupied that physical area (God's kingdom is often referred to as a mountain)
Just my thoughts,
This whole post is one big WOW. Thanks everyone for all your contributions.
to 7:31 a.m.
You mentioned the Institute of Noetic Sciences and that is accurate -- what is even more frightening is the strong link between IONS and the Fellowship Foundation aka "The Family" of Washington, D.C. headed by Doug Coe -- Paul N. Temple close to Charles Colson and Doug Coe, a former director (if not still one -- they are secretive) was a co-founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and always active in same -- he was part of the Goldlake scene which I helped uncover in 1987-1988. Close to Vereide, the founder of the Fellowship Foundation was Norman Grubb who did MUCH to interject theosophy into Christian circles promoting such figures as William Law, Jacob Boehme, and P.D. Ouspensky. His brother, Sir Kenneth Grubb, was a founder of the World Council of Churches and had close working ties to the Tavistock Institute and was a co-founder of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) a major think tank for Javier Solana and his Western European Union (one of Solana's many hats) . . . it is all very intertwined . . . and almost like a bottomless pit!
Very interesting material, Joyce. I'm going to pass this on. Thanks.
Another piece of the puzzle Constance is Chuck Colson and his role in Evangelical and Catholics Together (ECT). http://www.leaderu.com/ect/ectmenu.html
Many orthodox Catholics and Evangelicals are deeply suspicious of these efforts at ecumenism.
It's amazing how busy some of these key people are. Their fingers are in many pies.
On more reflection, the letter of evangelical leaders to the Muslims is of the same ecumenical stripe. We're all being prepared to worship together.....perhaps in Jerusalem? And who better to condition us, both "Protestants" and Catholics than by own popular leaders. Check out the leaders who signed both documents.
From Joyce's excerpt at 12:37:
Who should govern
Jerusalem? The reply is: The (universal-minded, spiritually emancipated) leaders of the
three religions for which it is holy! …
How might that governance work out in practice?
Firstly, Jerusalem, God’s city, will be a separate entity, a ‘corpus separatum’, like the
Vatican City, which is surrounded by Rome, but is itself a separate unity.
Secondly, Jerusalem administration will be run by an administrator appointed by the
religious leaders of the three religions (henceforth called the Judeo-Christian-Islamic
Maybe the leaders who have signed these documents (ECT and the letters from the Muslims to the Christians and the letter of Christians to the Muslims) are positioning themselves to be these leaders. This points again to why I have said doctrine has to be compromised for the NWO. Those who refuse to compromise are not "spritually emancipated" believers and you won't make the Shift.
'Death was the least she deserved,' said Abdel-Qader. 'I don't regret it. I had the support of all my friends who are fathers, like me, and know what she did was unacceptable to any Muslim that honours his religion,' he said.
This is the culture that we are led to believe will live in harmony with Jews and Christians in Jerusalem!
The article begins with the grusome details: “The Observer revealed the shocking story of Rand Abdel-Qader, 17, murdered because of her infatuation with a British solider in Basra, southern Iraq, her father is defiant. Sitting in the front garden of his well-kept home in the city's Al-Fursi district, he remains a free man, despite having stamped on, suffocated and then stabbed his student daughter to death. “
Should be interesting to hear the so called women’s rights movement demand an end to this barbarism , or to hear G.W tell us how freedom is sweeping Iraq.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked,. . .”
Deannie & Joyce:
They think that they're spiritually
emancipated when they're in fact
spiritually emaciated.
My church opened up it's eyes and
ears to II Chronicles 20:17 today
and the sermon came from there.
Our pastor showed us how the Lord
told them to set themselves in order
and prepare themselves, even though
the battle would belong to Him.
They had their armor on, they were
in their rank and file and they were
ready to fight.
Five people came forward to be
saved today: Young, old, male &
female. Actually six since the young
lady was pregnant. Four or five others
came forward to join our church. Now
that's a paradigm shift.
What a wonderful awesome God !
He's still in the salvation business.
Bjorn & HK
I mean, WOW.
Is this really happening ?
Does anyone know how those
massive stones were brought
there and cut and placed when
they built the original Temple?
Have you seen the size of those
stones ?
Thank you!
Just to make it even more interesting,
remember Ovi saying the "city"
was the whole world. There are seven
continents. Hmmmm.
Here is another Jerusalem area "campus" for the Jerusalem Peace Academy. It obviously is a conference center as well as generously swimming pool equipped. My educated guess is that Jerusalem real estate is not cheap.
I haven't got to look at everything. Just poking around here and there I noticed a few things. First there was a message from the Dali Lama. Second, under the "branches" section of the menu, there is a subcategory called "Self-Realization". In just scanning the article this caught my eye,
"As for our inner progress and attainment of higher dimensions there are no other limits than those we create ourselves. We ourselves are the fabric of our emotions, the creator of our happiness and the smith of our own destiny. It is we who create our own hell or heaven inside. "
I will have to do some more digging when it is not so late.
I guess you all also notice that The Club of Budapest is a partner organization?
June 16th to 20th 2008: "Inter-religious Peace Summit" in Jerusalem (download Summit);
darn, we missed the 2 day yoga retreat that was April 10-12.
When we put this in context of all the other initiatives going on recently, just to keep our eyes on the big picture..here's a few:
This was the letter to Bush from denominational leaders who want to split the land of Israel in two states:
There is the letter from the Muslim leaders to the Christians which has been mentioned before:
There is Tony Blair's interfaith diaologue, who is heading up the Quartet efforts. Davos talk this year on Religion and Modernization.
There is the Pope's meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia:
Not to mention the numerous initiatives that include the more New Agey aspects of this unity like URI and all the organizations listed on the Jerusalem Academy that including using New Age techiniques of meditation etc. Sufi Islam does have this element as people twirl themselves into trances, but is not so widespread.. Also let's not forget what AoC is doing, which sounds cultural and political for the moment...but then their is the Abraham's Path out of Harvard, backed by Prince AlWaleed bin Talal and some New Age sponsors.
True Islam will never accept the JA proposal because their goal is to have everyone "in the house of Islam" or be at war with them. Orthodox Judaism will not accept this either because the presence of the the Mosque near the Temple, even though Heinrich Eliyahu Benedikt has supposedly come up with a way to deal with the purity issues of having the mosque and Temple together. Bible-believing Christians, Messianics, will see it for what it is too, but there are so many others who could buy into it..
Check out Temple Institutes site, an Orthodox organization dedicated to the rebuilding of the Temple:
Two important players behind the big initiatives with the Muslims, like AoC is the Prince AlWaleed bin Talal, who has invested 20Million USD in Harvard and Georgetown respectively, owns over 5% voting shares of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp and over 5% of Citibank stock. He keeps a low profile but has said his idea is to control things through his business dealings. By the way Newscorp owns Zondervan publishing ( a Christian Bible and book publisher) and Fox News.
The Jordanian Royal family is a big player in AoC. The Uncle of the King was President of Club of Rome. Queen Rania has pledged 100million USD to the media initiative of AoC and the Royal family is behind the Common Word initiative above.
What is the role in the decline of USD in permitting more foreign ownership of strategic US assets? i.e. our money center banks....The euro as a viable alternative to the USD, increasing Europe's influence on the world stage.
The winner of US election and decisions about Iraq. If Obama wins and pulls out troops, there are natural alliances between the Shiite population of Iraq ( 65% apx) and Iran's Shiites. How does this affect balance of power in ME, since Iran is supporting Syria, Hizb'allah and Hamas?
Later on I'll have more to say about the Muslim role, but we need to keep an eye on what these players are doing. Their thinking is not consistent with the philosophy of Nassarellah, Hamas, Amadinajed, etc. Hamas will never, ever accept a rebuilt Temple on Temple Mount. Jihad is to bring Islam by ANY means.. Political, economic, military, so bear this in mind. We have a tendency to think it is ONLY the radicals who are using suicide bombings, but that's not true. Islam's goal is to Islamize the world by any means.
We probably also want to be aware also of the role of Russia, in funding Iran and Syria, giving them weapons, which helps Hizb'allah and Hamas too. Keep in mind, Obama and the CFR want to talk to these folks...What will this produce if he gets elected? I don't know, but these groups are supportive of him. We need to keep our eyes on this political aspect. Brezezinsky, Carter's ex advisor, CFR, is advising Obama. Their sister institute is Royal Istitute of International Studies, or Chatam House.
Russia and China's huge economic, military influence on the world state and reverting back to some of the old "communist style dictatorial tactics".
I'm not drawing any conclusions from all of this, just saying we need to be watching and listening.
Ezekiel 38-39 is helpful in understand endtimes role of Gog and Magog, but I especially like this verse:
“My holy name I will make known in the midst of My people Israel; and I will not let My holy name be profaned anymore. And the nations will know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel. Eze 39:7
12:43 by the way was from me..
You mentioned the Saudi's support of Harvard. People affiliated with Harvard Divinity participated in drafting the ECT and the letter to the Muslims. They love ecumenism. Interesting that Blair would find a home there.
Yes, it is interesting. Isn't it? The Saudi Prince wants to see a more "modern Islam" i.e. women can drive and don't have to where veils. In his headquarters in Saudi Arabia, they showed footage of the women not veiled.. On the streets in SA women get beaten by the Religious police if their veil even slips a little.
You can see where a fellow like this can bridge the divide. He was US educated as many of the high level Muslims are.
Wanna help planet? 'Let's all just die!'
Group pushes to improve Earth's ecosystem by ensuring human species does not survive
Article in WND
Paul, you gave us the Good news today; the angels rejoice in heaven at the salvation of just a single soul saved; six is surely a great blessing.
Thanks for refocusing my attention.
It doesn't happen every week but it does
often enough.
Our Reverend is a wonderful man of God
who preaches the Word with POWER.
I think it was a comment you made recently
which made me realize that that kind of old
fashioned preaching has become rare these
days. So sad...
We must be in the "Great falling away"
Just want to point you all to Bjorn's blog today. Very interesting and seems to fit the theme of the 3 monotheistic religions joining efforts for "peace"..
Yes! Thanks Joyce- I was just ready
myself to point everyone over to read farmers latest. -Rudi
Prince Charles of Arabia
by Ronni L. Gordon and David M. Stillman
Middle East Quarterly
September 1997
The future Charles III has made several strong public statements endorsing Islam as the solution to the spiritual and cultural ills of Britain and the West.
"Did you know that Prince Charles has converted to Islam. Yes, yes. He is a Muslim. I can't say more. But it happened in Turkey... In addition, he has visited mosques in the United Kingdom, for example, dropping in on one at the end of Ramadan in April 1996.
Is Prince Charles a Convert to Islam?
by Daniel Pipes
Sun, 9 Nov 2003
updated Fri, 14 Mar 2008
HUGE Conference begins in Jerusalem
tomorrow. Entitled:
"Facing Tomorrow",
"the conference that opens tomorrow in Jerusalem will be the largest ever held in Israel, with the presence of 13 heads of state or government and 3,500 participants."
"Over one hundred and twenty leaders, policy-planners and prominent thinkers of the Jewish People will meet and engage in a series of deep discussions centering on major challenges for the future of the State of Israel, the Jewish People and the whole of humanity." (Israel News Agency)
I can't comment too much yet as I just became aware of this.
The pdf below has the entire schedule and speakers. I will be doing more research on this. Several hours of reading this morning has already produced names
of participants who are also listed on the board of the Jeruselem Academy, or listed as a cooperating organization with them. Many topics will be covered. Two areas of the conference I have
so far examined are titled,
" Jews and Muslims, Is Religion At The Heart of The Problem
Or The Heart Of The Solution" (page 36) and
"Clash of Civilizations or Clashes Within Civilizations?"
(page 49) -Rudi
"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." Psalm 46
I will be on Dr. Stanley Monteith's radio program live in approximately 38 minutes. I apologize for the last minute notice -- his other guest cancelled and I am a last minute replacement. I will hopefully talk about the subject of this present blog. You might want to check his website to find out where it can be heard.
To all, what an incredible labor of love you guys are pouring out here. Thanks to all. There are many who read what's up on this site who don't have either the time or the investigative talent to dublicate in kind, but who are warned and equipped by your information.
Hey Setterman- I'm listening to Constance with Dr. Stan right now.
Here is the link for Radio Liberty
Click listen on line. Then left column bottom Media Player. Started 15 minutes ago 4pm west coast. -Rudi
I'm listening too. I heard Constance talk about Laszlo's connection to Gorbachev, Strong and the Earth Summit. Gore was there too. He now is partner in Kleiner Perkins venture capitalist firm in CA. They funded the biggies like, Yahoo, Ebay and I think also Google. Gore is setting up a section to invest in green companies. Another piece. Gore is also a big fan of the NA according to Erwin McManus.
Hi Deannie- Jerusalem is more than ever on my top of list to watch everything related. -Rudi
Found recent article on Royals and Phillips mindset, can we assume the Prince agrees? Highly likely.
Hi All,
The author of this site has recently posted on this blog. I encourage you all to check out his/her work. It is done very well and it's a site you can forward to skeptical family and friends to introduce them to these ideas. I highly recommend it.
Since you're focusing on Jerusalem:
Fun Hollywood link:
Michael & Kirk Douglas are funding a museum opposite the Western Wall with a huge replica of the Temple.
Michael Douglas also sits on the Global Council on Awakening Arts & Entertainment at the THE WORLD COMMISSION ON
I guess he is a spiritually emancipated Jew. Maybe he could save his money and fund a real Temple soon.
Colson is on Dobson's board I'm almost sure or has been. I did a search and couldn't find names. They go way back, talk frequently, and "one of my best friends."
Deceased Pastor Adrian Rogers said Dobson was one of the "Goodliest men I have ever known", really? I believe he served on Focus's board for years.
Jerusalem does have the blood of the saints in it's soil one criteria for Babylon. It is not an economic power house, yet?
Why does China attack Israel? What do they have China would want? Females, maybe some of Solomon's gold is still buried there?
Harvard is angst over maybe having to pay more taxes on their 35 Billion dollar fund which now pays 2.1%, argh. And you?
Dubai is tax free to businesses and whole new cities from the ground up are being built in area. Halliburtons new headquarters, Cheney, Trump, have homes there. It is becoming the "capital" of the Middle East complete with brothels of kidnapped women and children from Europe's poorest countries. Blonde's preferred. They ship people from the states also.
Israel is known to be the other brothel headquarters. When the children are worn out sexually some are put to work in chains, others are snuffed for films or rituals. Where is the "Christian" out cry?
Look up "Ring Worm Children" and weep.
Bilderberg/NWO see area as hub for hungry for everything worlds population and 'good for business.' Say good night America, they're moving on.
http://www.rense. com/general81/ googon.htm
Christians are being prepared for the one world religion at amazing speed. Check out this upcoming conference (which includes Kay Warren, Rick Warren's wife):
When you check out a few of the sponsors,you will see they are full of fuzzy ecumenism. For example: Evangelicals for Social Action have articles such as:
Following Christ on Eastern Roads
Loving our global neighbors starts when we recognize God’s image—and presence—in them, be they Buddhist, Hindu, or Muslim.
and others on Creation Care.
There is another conference that just ended (April) called Q.
No other gathering exists that attracts pioneers of the church and the most innovative thinkers into one space for conversation, learning, invention and collaboration. Q brings together key voices in the church and exposes them to the fundamental cultural, social and environmental shifts taking place in the world. By exposing church leaders to current realities about our culture, they can re-imagine how the gospel can be expressed in this context – forever changing their approach in their cities and communities.
No surprise both Chuck Colson and Eboo Patel (the Muslim Rick Warren) were speakers. Sadly, so was Os Guiness.
The Real Rick Warren was there too.
I am most disturbed at Dorothy and Rose being made to feel unwelcome on my blogspot. I erased the message posted Sunday that now "the Jew and the Catholic are gone" or words to that effect, but I would like to see a concerted effort by somebody other than myself not to discourage THEIR valuable contributions, just as I have welcomed valuable contributions from those here who have disagreed with them.
Dorothy has worked with me since 1982 and she almost singlehandedly and effectively warned the Jewish world about the New Age Movement. She is needed here!
Ervin Laszlo has also obviously worked with Lucis Trust and Benjamin Creme. I found MANY hits to both when I googled same. He is obviously what Benjamin Creme calls "initiate."
Re the interlocking directorate between Doug Coe's Fellowship Foundation (Washington, D.C.) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. See this excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on IONS:
Institute of Noetic Sciences
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) was co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell and industrialist Paul N. Temple[11] to encourage and conduct research and education programs on mind-body relationships for the purpose of expanding "human possibility by investigating aspects of reality—mind, consciousness, and spirit."[1] Institute programs include research in what they call "extended human capacities," "integral health and healing," and "emerging worldviews". This includes research into spiritual energy, meditation, consciousness, alternative healing, spirituality, human potential, psychic abilities and life after death, among others.[2]
Headquartered in Petaluma, California, the Institute's membership is approximately 35,000.[3] The organization is situated on a 200-acre (80 hectare) campus housing an active retreat and learning center. [4]
The institutes name is derrived from noetic theory, which is concerned with intellectual or rational activity, and proposes the idea of an evolutionary shift in humans to a new species called Homo noeticus, possessing paranormal abilities.
Here is a bit on his work with Fellowship Foundation. You can read even more interesting bits by clicking on my archived article, "A Story in Pictures." Click on each picture individually to blow it up to page reading size.
My radio program tomorrow will be me focusing on Ervin Laszlo: his career and his confederates. If anybody would like to join me for an on-air discussion, email me at cumbey@gmail.com
Laszlo is fascinating: Club of Rome, Concert pianist, "systems theory," Lucis Trust, Share International (Benjamin Creme/Maitreya), United Nations, etc., etc. The Jerusalem Connection which Joyce brought to our attention is a new but very telling layer to me.
Lots of interesting posts everyone. Just want to share a little more about Islam. The god of Islam is not the God of Israel, the God of the Bible. This may be obvious to some of you, but it's not obvious to a lot of people. The origins of the god of Islam who is called "Allah" is the pre-Islamic moon god, who was one of 360 dieties on the kabbah in Saudi Arabia. In those days tribes had their own personal deities. Mohamed was married to a woman many years older than himself, a Catholic. As the story goes, he had a lot of interactions with Jews because he traded and a renegade priest.
His tradition was to meditate in caves and one day he came home trembling and told his wife he saw a "demon". She and his uncle convinced him it was the angel Gabriel, and thus the revelation of the Quran.
Today many people think that Allah is the same god as the God of the Bible. It's confusing because the name Allah is just the word god in Arabic, just as Elohim is the name god in the Bible. YHVH is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Why is this important? The Muslims believe and try to have us believe that Allah is the same god as YHVH. This is not true. Allah told Abraham to bring Ishmael to sacrifice, not Isaac. In the Quran, Isa is not the Jesus or Yeshua of the Bible because he was not crucifed, nor was he resuscitated. The histories are not in the same chronology as the Bible, the characters are in mixed order out of place, etc, etc.
Most believers in the Bible do not know this. When a proposal like JA comes out, people who do not understand the Biblical plan for the restoration of Israel, are confused and actually think, why not? Why not just spit the capital, divide the Land, etc.?
Among many verses, here's one that clearly explains, why not:
Joel 3:2 I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.
God and God alone has the right to punish Israel for their sins. Sometimes He uses the nations to chasten His children, but then He enters into judgement with those who have touched "the apple of His eye".
Albert Pike, a famous Mason, said there would be 3 world wars, and the third, a religious war, would lead to the NWO. Is it possible that this "Clash of Civilizations" to qoute Samuel Huntington of the CFR, is another element being used to "unite everyone" under the umbrella of the anti-messiah?
Why doesn't the US for example, drill for oil, develop independent energy sources. They send men to the moon, but can't get it together to do this? I submit to you this "war on terror" and the resulting desire to "unite everyone" in peace is part of the Plan, that Alice Bailey dreamed of that would bring about planetary unity.
I'm not saying that Muslims don't hate Israel. It's clear that they are raised this way. This hatred has a spiritual basis probably going back as far as Isaac and Ishmael or Jacob and Esau, but it is also exploited for the purpose of bringing about the Alliance of Civilizations.
Politics alone, will not "unite" us. There has to be a spiritual component. Hitler not only exploited the political situation. He was deeply into the occult. He took the Scriptures out of the churches and had state run churches that could not proclaim the truth.
Today, don't we see the same thing happening, but in a different way? Scripture is under fire. Karen Armstrong putting Scripture next to ancient myths, treating the two with equal weight. If we can undermine what God says, then we are back to Genesis, "did God really say....?" There is nothing new under the sun. If we don't have a Scriptural understanding of who is Israel and what is God's plan for restoration, then we are in big trouble.
I may be stating the obvious to this group, but I wanted to give you a little ammunition, the next time someone says, "the three monotheistic religions serve the same God". This is NOT true. Remember, the best lie is one that has a little truth running through it, but there is no such thing as partial truth, when we speak of the Bible.
Jerusalem Academy's plan may not be the exact plan of antimessiah, well see, but if someone is able to pull off the plan of JA or something similar, I don't think God will allow His name to be desecrated for very long, before Yeshua's reign is established:
Rev. 19:15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
Wow, the Muslims would be okay as long as we don't say "Jesus is the Son of God". very interesting. Yes, I've heard you talk about the National Prayer Breakfast in an interview on radio.
That is the spirit of antimessiah to quote John:
1John 2:22 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
Muslims believe that Isa who is not at all the Yeshua/Jesus of the Bible is a great prophet. If you read carefully "A Common Word" in their Christmas greetings, they call Him "a servant" like Mohamed and many, many Christian leaders signed the document without realizing they were being duped!
This desire to see the gospel go to all the nations is causing many to compromise Biblical truth. This is the beginning of the slide downhill.
By the way, my last post is not my words, but direct from the mouth of a former Muslim who knows Yeshua and loves Israel. Call it impossible. Nothing is impossible with God!
Sorry, one last point that I left out. I believe that all of these efforts which include praying together, doing meditation, and many things like the Olympics were the gods Zeus and others are ushered in through ancient rituals are all part of what Alice Bailey would have called "the Plan".
This mixing of spirits, which is being accomplished today in the name of interfaith, tolerance & peace is initiation to quote AB, who taught people to usher in demons. The mixing becomes not only political, but spiritual. It's very important to understand this and it's why God tells Israel:
Lev. 18:24 ¶ ‘Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled.
He repeats this over and over throughout the Bible, because His people are a "called out assembly" set apart to honor the true God.
Yoga, where you open up spiritual pathways to the snake in the base of your back...is not okay. Sacrificing your children to Allah or to Molech is not okay, etc, etc. Referring to Moses and Ancient Israel Paul says:
1Cor. 10:11 Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
Thanks for the encouraging comments about my site Deannie :)
Ervin Laszlo will be a fascinating topic for your radio show Constance. If you haven't already done one on Robert Muller he would also make for a great topic!
Dr Robert Muller:
- 55 years as a UN bureaucrat
- 16 years as Assistant Secretary General
- cofounder of UNESCO
- UN 'Director of the Budget' overseeing all 32 UN Programmes
- founder and Chancellor of the UN University of Peace
- author of the World Core Curriculum
- co-Chairman of the World Commission for Global Consciousness and Spirituality
- co-Chairman of the World Wisdom Council
- founding member of the Club of Budapest
- board member of the Gorbachev Foundation
- originator of the United Religions Initiative
- disciple of Alice Bailey
some of his websites:
Interesting fellow!
Sorry to bombard you all, but here's a little more about the interfaith plans for Jerusalem:
Here's their study project:
By the way, the Quran doesn't mention Jerusalem...
From the IEA links:
You find this:
check out these links and the players.
I thought I'd throw out this thought for consideration/speculation.
Islamic terrorism has been propagandized as an all consuming threat to the world at large.
Islamism a.k.a. "Fundamentalist Islam" is being portrayed as a "hijacking" of the "Religion of Peace" i.e. Islam.
The current response of the NA/NWO crowd is to deal with "Religious Fundamentalism" as the "real" threat.
It seems to me that I am sensing that as this push for the "Holy City" of Jerusalem as the final stage in the "solution" to peace in the Middle East is revealing the method of the NA'gers that is providing the stimulus for the establishment of a One World Religion, a pattern of how they will deal with all Religions.
I'm thinking that if we see a move to "marginalize" Islamic Fundamentalism as an obstacle to "World Peace" and a propaganda campaign ensues to create world opinion against them we will see a dynamic being developed to address a "how" of a pattern to do so to ALL "Fundamentalists" in the interest of World Peace.
In sum I'm thinking that we will see what is in store for us by watching how they deal with them.
For the "One World Religionists" it will provide: 1) an opportunity to display the proficiency of their plans thus far established; 2)an opportunity to display their power to implement the plan; 3) a track record of accomplishments to support the promotion of their cooperation and momentum to press on.
I watch with great interest how and or if they do this.
What do you all think?
First, Dorothy and Rose both have had great contributions to this blog. Dorothy has a perspective that a lot of us don't have.
Second, KCK I don't know if you are aware, but infowars.com , is owned by Alex Jones. I think he has had anti semitic guest on his program. I think there has been suspicion in the past that he himself may be an anti semitic. At any rate, I don't trust anything from his site without double checking it with other sources.
I agree with you. Anyone who is too extreme i.e. believes in the literal commandments of the Bible will also be considered extremist. The Orthodox Jewish will be considered extremist. We will all oppose the plan based on convictions of our faith. That will not fly. We will oppose homosexual marriage because the Bible opposes it, not because we hate homosexuals and yet that has now been twisted and is it considered a "hate crime" in many countries, etc.
That's exactly where we're heading. The tolerance that is spoken of today, is intolerant against those with convictions and eventually, we will have to be dealt with. I think Alice Bailey talks about this in her books too. I had one, but threw it out it was so dark and demonic. What I read though convinced me that her demonically channeled plan is being implemented in our world today. I don't want to give her too much credit. She was just a conduit for the devil himself.
Don't misunderstand me, I don't like fundamental Islam, in fact I don't like Islam at all because it is in opposition to my beliefs in the Bible, but that is the pretext to have this "Alliance of Civilizations"..to stop the Clash of Civilizations. How many times have we heard politicians say, there will be no peace until the problem in the Mideast crisis is resolved? How many times have we been told, it won't be resolved until Jerusalem is dealth with?
All the proposals will be humanistic, pragmatic or quasi-spiritual....as if kundalini yoga or meditation or, xyz is going to transform the hearts of man. The only thing that can take our heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh is the Prince of Peace Himself, but all of these other things will be proposed and because people will come under a strong delusion they will accept them. Those of us who don't are just the trouble makers, the radicals..but our faith is not in vain.
Zech. 14:4 In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south.
Like Daniel when he refused to stop worshipping the God of Israel, he was thrown to the lions. Maybe our faith will be tested in the last generation .
1Pet. 1:7 so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
Wanted to let all of you know that Constance did a show with Sarah Leslie, Warren Smith, and another couple on John Leoffler's program that was great. You can listen if you go to www.herescope.blogspot.com
It was entitled 'New Age Morphing' and they tell you how to get the program.
Hi Deanna,
I've kept up with Robert Muller from the very earliest days of my work. There is a possibility we may be distantly related -- he is from Alsace Lorraine where an important segment of my ancestry is from -- all named Muller and Miller. I have material about Muller and his book NEW GENESIS: SHAPING A GLOBAL SPIRITUALITY in my book, A PLANNED DECEPTION. One chapter in his book is actually entitled THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST. He indicated it was "a transcript" of a talk he had given to an Arcane School (Lucis Trust) conference.
BTW, I opened my email hoping to see applicants to join me on the program today -- so far none.
I can only tell you where I am. I'm in the pasture repairing fences so the cows and horses don't get out.
I re installed PalTalk so I can be in chat for the program today. I figured it's a good use of a floating vacation day. See you later, I need to pound a few more nails...
Not a fan of Jones, but I have checked out news at his site which is main stream news artcles except for some his staff writes.
If you look at his former guest list and his appearances on CNN, Geraldo, CSPAN, regular guest of Coast to Coast etc. you will find he could not survive to the extent he has with false information or anti Israel.
Personally I'm very leery of him as I am of everyone giving out information and not keen on his personality.
I do not think he is antisemitic as he is accused/attacked for not talking about them enough.
It would be great if Connie were on his show and would like to see it happen as it's a million plus I think. ?
The article was true and factual which is what matters.
We are all forwarned and alerted.
I am here but I know nothing about the man you are talking about today.
I look forward to learning a lot from todays program.
I fear that Dorothy and Rose were driven away -- there is no excuse for that -- we all have valuable information to contribute, but we don't need to trade insults.
It appears to me the insults have finally stopped.
S. Daniel Abraham
Sold Slim Fast for 1.8 Billion
last decade supporting Israel and the troubled Middle East peace process. He has helped fund Birthright Israel,...
...co-founded the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, a group based in Washington that has supported the Oslo peace accords...
forged himself a private role in America's Middle East diplomacy with Palestinian leaders, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Shimon Peres, the late King Hussein of Jordan, and former President Bill Clinton.
home / The Mother Jones 400 / S. Daniel Abraham (with Ewa) profile
He has funneled money to Olmert under table who is Mafia...Olmert may get sick...per Guest Berry ?...Dr. Deagle's show today.
Olmert is big time adulter, daughter and wife pro Pal. 3 out of 4 children are gay. Despises ANY religion.
Berry Chamish 904 502 7605 I think.
Took info from radio last few minutes of show, that's all I know.
Berry might be worth talking to as he seems to know what's going on in Israel.
He was also on Dr. Stan today.
Wow look at all the 4.9 and 5.0 aftershocks in Sechuan region of China.
5.0 is no small tremblor.
Joyce said: “How many times have we heard politicians say, there will be no peace until the problem in the Mideast crisis is resolved?” You could ask the 200,000 some odd who have been slain in Algeria, in the last ten years, for not being Islamic enough, many of whom were little girls; what does that have to do with Jerusalem?
“A St. Cloud State University student in a teacher-training program at Technical High School left the school in late April because he says he feared for the safety of his service dog. A Somali student who is Muslim” is reported to have threatened his dog. What does this have to do with Jerusalem?
Some time ago, some may remember, a thought came to me that as it was written: “Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” Give me some liberty to express it this way: Nor consider that it is expedient for the WORLD, that one nation (Israel) should die for the WORLD.
The sad part is that we see this as more true today than ever. But God has different plans, but oh, the suffering.
To Green Agenda:
WELCOME! I discovered your blogspot on a search for something else the other night and was impressed enough to archive everything. I would love to talk personally with you sometime soon. I recognize you will need discretion given your sensitive position.
Long day -- it was your WEBSITE I discovered and I thought it was beautifully and accurately done.
Hi Constance - Hey! I tuned in at the right time and have managed to hear your last two shows - thanks for doing these, I really appreciate being able to listen to your research rather than just reading here on blog - thanks. :) Rudi it was good to hear what you had to say too - shame the clock timed out on you - looking forward to hearing more on Friday. :)
Does anyone know if there might be a firm connection between;
Universal Peace Federation - Rev Dr Moon;
AND WorldShift Network - Ervin Laszlo;
who link to GOI -
Both UPF and GOI sites link to the 'World Peace Prayer Society' who do the 'Peace Poles' and are a sister organization of GOI.
Also a UPF 'partner' is NALA - Native American Leadership Alliance
"NALA is working in Jerusalem to build a peace park. They've contracted with two totem pole carvers to make an archway for the park. The archway will be 18-feet high and 32 feet wide covered with Israeli and Palestinian national flags and symbols.
If I'm barking up the wrong peace poles could someone kindly let me know please. :) All these poles and the Reiki Peace Grids is weirdo stuff but an interesting little trail to follow. :)
There is absolutely a connection. It's the spirit behind Islam, which is the same spirit as that of antimessiah. They deny the diety and sonship, death and resurrection of Yeshua.
By the way, 200,000 is the official figure. I have heard figures of more like a million in Algeria. By the way, Algeria had a thriving "above ground" church which is being persecuted right now. I also know a woman whose mother and sister were killed by a bomb. She's a Muslim, so yes, they were killing their own. Look at Lebanon...same thing, Muslims killing Muslims.
Usually Muslims who don't read the Quran are more "moderate". The Quran is filled with hatred. It does say to "kill Jews and Christians" but Muslims try to explain that away. The problem isn't the Muslims, but the spirit behind Islam. They are just people who are under the control of the spirit behind Islam. Many are very nice people and are not all terrorists, contrary to popular belief.
I think all of those things are connected. As far as seeing a direct connection to GOI, I don't know, but again it's the same spirit of deception. Sun Myung Moon was representing UN for reconciliation, which is a big joke. Everyone knows that he's ties are anything but peaceful. The false reconciliation that UN and others are behind is based on the idea that we put our differences aside and all meld together into one big happy family.
I think the "War on Terror" is creating the excuse to get everyone talking about it, but is not the real issue. The harmonic convergence, the quantum leap, all of these so called peace plans are leading towards one thing along, NWO, NWR. Bible says there is a false prophet and an antimessiah, so there are two components spiritual and political. The financial ties right in with the rest. Read Norm Franz on the world economic scene. He's very good, very biblical:
You remember the Coca cola commercial, "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony...." It is not the reality, but it is the agenda. God help us who don't want to compromise our faith!!
This is unrelated, but not really from IHT:
"In unexpected ways, science and mysticism are joining hands and reinforcing each other. That's bound to lead to new movements that emphasize self-transcendence but put little stock in divine law or revelation. Orthodox believers are going to have to defend particular doctrines and particular biblical teachings. They're going to have to defend the idea of a personal God, and explain why specific theologies are true guides for behavior day to day.
I'm not qualified to take sides, believe me. I'm just trying to anticipate which way the debate is headed. We're in the middle of a scientific revolution. It's going to have big cultural effects."
Here's the link, don't know how long it will be up:
not so coincidently..I was reading JP and look what I found. Links disappear quickly, so I'll paste it.
"Jewish Meditation & Neuro-Psychology
Meorot Events:
Introductory Lecture to a Seven Session Workshop.
Topics: Joy, Love & Healing; Rambam & Ramban Devekut Meditations; Quieting the Mind - the Admor of Piaseczner; The Neshama's song - Rav Kook; Color Visualizations; Elevating Alien Thoughts - the Besht; Innovations of Gerona & Tzefat Kabbalists. Neurofeedback, Right Hemisphere Training, Theta & Alpha brain waves.
Instructor: Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir (Offenbacher), MA and PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he served as Rabbi from 1982-1998.
Further details: natan21@zahav.net.il; http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Meorot Tel. 072-2326630, 052-2408822"
Life with Obama:
That's off of Holly Pivic's site.
Hi Constance,
Thanks for your comments about my site. You can email me anytime at greenagenda@gmail.com
Whois webservice:
Domain ID:D3070152-LROR
Created On:26-Nov-1996 05:00:00 UTC
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Registrant Name:Academy of Jerusalem
Registrant Organization:Academy of Jerusalem
So much for peace in the Mideast.
“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”
“Ahmadinejad: Israel to be 'swept away soon'
Referring to worldwide celebrations for the 60th anniversary of Israel's foundation, he said that "it would be futile to hold a birthday ceremony for something which is already dead."
"As far as the regional countries are concerned, this regime does not exist," Ahmadinejad added.”
We’ve heard this before, but culturally, how is the NWO going get this type of Nazi to go along? I think not. I’ve said sometime ago that this Frankenstein monster will come back and haunt the NWO.
A follow-up to my previous posting should give increased credence to my position; the saddest part is that what Obama means is the death of Israel, and that from a man who is a heart-beat from the White house.
“Asked if he thought Israel represented a drag on America's reputation overseas, Obama said: "No, no, no. But what I think is that this constant wound, that this constant sore, does infect all of our foreign policy. The lack of a resolution to this problem provides an excuse for anti-American militant jihadists to engage in inexcusable actions, and so we have a national-security interest in solving this, and I also believe that Israel has a security interest in solving this because I believe that the status quo is unsustainable. I am absolutely convinced of that, and some of the tensions that might arise between me and some of the more hawkish elements in the Jewish community in the United States might stem from the fact that I’m not going to blindly adhere to whatever the most hawkish position is just because that’s the safest ground politically."
Militant jihadists don’t need an excuse to engage in inexcusable actions.
Interesting news video regarding Iron Mountain. You can let your mind run wild with speculation about what might be in there.
Sad to see this blog has driven off Dorothy and Rose. Shame on you folks here who did this.
Agreed. I miss them.
I'm with you on your last comment. It's ludicrous for anyone to think that Israel giving up land and having non-defensible boarders is going to stop the radical Muslims. That kind of thinking would bring about the destruction of Israel, if God would allow it, which He won't.
Joel 2:27 “Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, And that I am the LORD your God,And there is no other; And My people will never be put to shame.
Can anyone explain why some people believe the Jewish people of today are "not really God's People of Israel". You hear things like Zionists, and similar. They connect them to the media mogals and wealthy world influential crowd that are helping usher in NWO (whether they are or not). It has always been my understanding of OT and NT that the nation of Israel is always God's people, even when rebelling. Throughout the bible, book after book shows examples of rebellion. We are all "man" and rebel/sin against God. What makes some think that the current Israel is suppose to be God fearing perfect people (we all should, but like us the are "man")? Look what happened when Moses spent to much time on the Mountain. God chose these people out of the world, and they will always be God's chosen people, otherwise He would go from one group of "better men" to the next. I read watchman websites and alex jones, etc. and just don't understand why they would think Jewish people are suppose to be more Godly and more perfect than the rest of us- we are all "man". They seem to give this implication that Jewish/Israel world influencers are "more" horrible than the rest of the elites in the NWO and state "these are not the Jewish people of the bible". I believe they are the exact chosen people and descendents of Abraham. IMHO they should be respected as God's chosen, we should keep them in our prayers, and thank God continuously for the work/life/and death they have put on this earth through Jesus, and that they have led a path to Him Who we should give Praise and Worship. All things come together for good, and these things shall be revealed.
I look forward to meeting all of you some day. Fight the good fight.
-JB in Colorado
The insults against Rose and Dorothy have stopped only because both of them have refused to stay around here in order to be repeatedly verbally abused because of their religion by so many of the people here.
Everything that racists hate about Jews is
true about them ( the racists ) and all
Everything about their rebellion against
God as well as their loving relationship
with him, can be true about Gentiles
because of Jesus the Christ and
Savior of mankind.
Everything that God kept telling Israel
and teaching Judah, he is teaching and
telling the whole world.
All the wicked idolatry of Israel is the
wicked idolatry of the world.
The Law of God was given to Moses
first but also the whole world.
Racism and bigotry is the failure to
connect the plight of Israel and Judah
with the plight of ones' own soul in
this world, whether one is Jewish
or Gentile.
When we read about Israel having
a long period of peace and prosperity
and then descending back into magic
and witchcraft and paganism, we see
the United States here and now.
Peace on Jerusalem,
Anoymous 2:31am- Please note that
"The Jerusalem Academy" (The Jerusalem Peace Academy-Center for Education, Personal Development and Peace) and "The Academy of Jerusalem" you mention in your comments are NOT the same organization.
"The Jerusalem Academy" has listed highly influential board members who are involved with many International Inter-faith, peace
and global governance organizations. The "Academy of Jerusalem", although sharing similar goals does not hold the same position of international influence. Very interesting though, thanks for the info.
Sorry, here is the link for "The Jerusalem Academy" being discussed in Constance's front page article.
Anonymous 10:51 & 12:34,
I agree that we Christians have not always posted with the love that we should. For my part, I apologize to Rose, RL and Dorothy. When they have been defensive, I have responded emotionally and sarcastically. That is not to God's glory. The only time Jesus used sarcasm was against the pharisees and the only time the Apostle Paul used it was against false teachers. Rose, RL and Dorothy do not fall into either of those categories. I am ashamed when I have failed to turn the other cheek and have responded in that manner. Having said that, not all the Christians here have followed my bad example. Some have contended for the faith in a Scriptural and loving manner. I see no problem with that. We don't want to fall prey to the Hegelian dialectic that is so prevalent in our society. Yet neither do we want to discredit Jesus Christ by clouding the waters with snide remarks and sarcasm. Sometimes it is difficult to walk this line. I know I have failed numerous times. I hope to get it right in the future.
Well said. As a christian I have a love for the jewish people and their country. I think the majority of christians feel the same, but, of course we can't agree about doctrine. It makes me sad to think that Dorothy thinks that any of us are antisemitic. But, maybe if there is someone out there who is...just identify yourself...then we can pray for you. Dorothy, as a long time lurker here, I can't tell you how much I ache for Isreal and love her people.
from Holly Pivic's site, 140 Christian leaders sign a document for peace on the occasion of Israel's 60 anniversary. Some of the familiar names like Desmond Tutu are included..
Jer. 6:14 “They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace, peace, But there is no peace.
I think we all understand that true restoration and true peace cannot be had without the Prince of Peace Himself. All of these humanistic efforts at having peace will do nothing to change the hearts of man.
One day there will be true everlasting peace, the covenant of peace, but it won't be forged with man made agreements. I can only happen when God changes the heart of man.
In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth,
whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” Isaiah19:24-25
As for the plan of JA and all the similar man-made plans, it will fail because the true peace will come only when it comes from God Himself:
Ezek. 37:26 “I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever.
Zech. 2:11 “Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you.
Could it be that the Prophets Ezekiel and Zechariah are talking about the same thing as the Apostle John?
Rev. 21:22-26 ¶ I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed; and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it;
There is no peace because men's hearts are filled with hatred. Islam is not a religion of "peace". The Quran says to slay Jews and Christians, even though it calls them "the people of the book". They believe that they have the final and true revelation. They will not accept anyone who is not Muslim. They believe all the prophets were Muslims and that Mohamed had the final revelation from God. Many are willing to live with others and not impose the laws of Islam, but many are not. If a Muslim is honest with you, they will tell you that the Bible has been corrupted. This is what they believe. Here's what God says:
Psa. 83:3-8 They make shrewd plans against Your people,And conspire together against Your treasured ones. They have said, “Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation. That the name of Israel be remembered no more.” For they have conspired together with one mind; Against You they make a covenant The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites; Gebal and Ammon and Amalek,Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them;They have become a help to the children of Lot. Selah.
An old Latin version of this Psalm was discovered in Ireland when Hizb'allah attacked Israel. Do you think there are any accidents?
By the way, religion doesn't change anyone, only a relationship with the Living God. Relationship is not what we can do for God, but what He has already done for us.
It is naive to think that Muslims will live in peace with Israel, unless Abba Himself changes their hearts. By the way, the newspapers don't talk about this but it is happening in our day, and those who are being transformed accept the Biblical plans for Israel. We won't hear about this in the newspapers, but in every Muslim country on earth, their are people who are having dreams and visions and revelations and coming to know Yeshua. This is the only true hope for peace.
Shalom in Yeshua,
As for Constance's message a while back, NO ONE should feel unwelcome to make comments on the board and we can all learn from each other I hope, even if we disagree. If everyone agrees on the board, I would be shocked, so differences in opinions, faith etc should not scare any of us off. By the same token, unlike the NWO people we want to make sure that if we should not feel obliged to merge with everyone else's opinions.
Everyone here has different life experience, different faith etc. We may not agree, but we can live with these differences. This is what makes us different from Saudi Arabia where people get their heads cut off if they don't agree to be a Muslim or share another faith with others.
I'm off for a while traveling, so if you don't hear from me....I haven't gone away.
Hi Everyone.
I will say this with all conviction to all If Jesus was standing next to you as you post on this blog … What t would He say to you? I have said once before, there are many slices in a loaf of bread and we are the same and all different. God knows the hearts of man and it’s up to the Holy Spirit to show and correct us when we are wrong. If we just read the Ten Commandments and take the first” two” Commandments and apply them only… the rest of the “eight “ automatically comes in the first two.
Then Jesus gives us another one, Love each other in spite of differences between us come what may… If we truly Love one another then Love covers a multitude of sin including the bickering in these last few weeks on this blog .. I ask myself what would Jesus be thinking.
We know He will return very soon lets not get caught up in Satan’s wiles to take us away from what’s important … Give no rest to the Devil as to finger pointing or distention’s. We all need to stand together and not make this personal remember that God loves the sinner not the sin and I for one, sin and fall short of the Glory of God but Jesus paid that price for us when He went to the Cross. Right!
At times we need to sit back and think why we doing this, is it to help each other and to bring the revelations out in the open regardless what back ground we come from. I would hope so other wise Satan has won and the readers of the elite sit back and watch.
Forgive me for my pittance only I truly love reading what you all have to say and the knowledge you bring to this site. Constance I’m proud of you for your commitment to your family and your work you do…. Grace to you hun… and everyone else God Bless you all.
Hi again
Gosh I can’t believe I’m doing this, as I’m one, for sitting in and not posting comments but I have to say this, you are all doing a fantastic job for the Lord. Your time and energy in finding the research on topics that this blog is doing and exposing the truth and light to the people like me and a whole lot more who stumble across on it..
And He holds the future in His hands:
In You, O Lord do I put my trust
When all around is sinking sand on Christ the solid Rock I STAND
As Constance said: We need to bring life and the fullness there off and have a light Heart sometimes and uphold each other as at times you do..
This is a blog village from around the globe, I for one live in Aussie Land; we don’t get this stuff on the news or in the papers. I could properly tell you that only 2% would know who Javier Solana is at a rough Guess or there abouts… Aussies think they are safe from the entire calamity that is going on in the world. Well I got news for them and I tell them out right they just laugh and snicker … no matter God is Sovereign.
Peace to you
Thanks Anon 11:19 -K- ?
for the NALA info.
This totem pole garbage and NALA’s demonic timing appears to me to be the devil’s way of countering the WCGIP, the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People coming up in Jerusalem Sept. 9-18, 2008.
WCGIP in Jersualem is sponsored by three good seed organizations:
1. Keren HaShlichut - an Israeli association of Messianic Jewish emissaries that was founded in 1999. Keren HaShlichut sends emissaries throughout the world in various educational and humanitarian relief efforts, in particular among indigenous tribal peoples. This includes bringing the message of Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) both in words and in actions.
2. Tribal Mission Foundation
3. Wiconi International- which is a ministry I have supported in the past. (I have emailed Richard Twiss at Wiconi to get his take on the NALA activities. Richard is currently in Jerusalem helping plan the WCGIP. If/when he replies I will post again.)
NALA is bad seed.
You're very blessed. I used to live just north of Perth. One of the hardest decisions I've ever made was to move back to the US. I don't know that the percentage of Americans who know his name would be any higher. Our former pastor has told us how the emergent church is growing quickly in WA. Do you know much of it, see it where you are?
I am horrified. My pastor is going to speak at 'Compassion Unleashed' in San Jose CA. Another speaker is Leonard Sweet at that event. My pastor is from Westgate church and his sermons are free on line and I 'dare'(just an expression) you to find any NA in them. just a month ago he had an old fashion alter call. I am going to have to do/say something...please pray for me......But, at least I am forewarned as I read the steps to take against people like me in Rick Warren's material! But, it is not going to be fun...especiallly based on the reactions I get from everyone I try to warn/inform on this stuff. Let's have a day of prayer for each other! Especially for Constance!
You might find this article interesting:
I'll pray for you. I have written in the past about having to leave our church when the New Age crept in. Everyone who refused to accept the changes were told to find another church. This was just prior to the 40 days of purpose. The changes had begun long before that and initially were subtle. We were all made to feel intransigent and divisive.
JS' website announces the man in charge of civilian crisis management operations... Kees Klomenhouwer... a list of his accomplishments is given then
Kees is connected with the Matra Programme, which is to help transform societies of other countries, from what I gather, and to help those get ready to try to join the EU. I think the program also is involved with some of the Barcelona Process countries somehow. I am not sure how the programs help to transform the culture...
Thank you, I just ordered all of his books and wrote an Email asking for advise. It would be so easy for me to switch churches if not for a 13 year old with (finally) several good friends at church! My son is a senior in High School so he is transitioning anyway so not so bad.But, it is quite sad for my daughter when it took so long to get established. God be with us. Amen
I thank God for you all
EU says Google map images could be a problem
And this coming from a union that has the Schengen system which has the ability to track people's mobility right to their homes.
Just the name Westgate church isn't specific enough. I did a search and there's one in Tx,Ma and a whole lot of other places. Could you be more specific please. I'm curious to listen to some of your pastor's sermons. Thanks and good luck. All I can say to you is it is your responsibility to have your 13 year old daughter in a doctrinally sound church regardless of the social adjustment. Her spiritual welfare comes first, not to mention the opportunity for you to teach her the need to make hard decisions in life sometimes. Christ is either first, or He isn't.
Glad you posted from the Crossroads web site. I read it often and have found much good material there, well researched and well written, from a doctrinally sound perspective.
The home page lead articles about Ravi Zacharias and the National Prayer Breakfast was a good one. I was going to post the link to it but your link accomplishes the same purpose.
Oh my!!!! Has anyone come across this 'Golden Goose' before?
"Barbara L. Valocore co-founded The Lifebridge Foundation with her father, Paul M. Hancock, in 1992. She has been President of the Board of Directors since that time."
"Barbara is a long-time student of the Alice Bailey teachings. She spent most of her life as a performing artist in New York and Los Angeles until the early 1990's when she had the opportunity in 1992 to found The Lifebridge Foundation with her father, Paul Hancock, an early cable television pioneer."
Lifebridge used to publish their own magazines. The first issue I've clicked on is; 10 Years of Lifebridge;
To be honest this organization is just too much for my brain cell to comprehend so I'm just 'throwing it at ya'll' in case it's 'news' to someone with a bit more savvy than me ... I don't understand it but keep tripping over names like Findhorn, Lucis and oddles more!
Good one 'K'! Lots of well known
listings in the links. I'll spend some time this weekend taking a closer look. Thanks! -Rudi
Old man of the ski and K,
here's an interesting link. This comes off the links on
Lifebridge's website, under" global spirituality ".
One of the things many occult organizations have in common, including freemasons, is their desire to tap into secret knowledge. The site seems to have other Native American links like this one:
Constance mentioned Cultural Creatives on this blog. Here's one of their links marked "cultural creatives with some familiar names"
Wondering if anyone has studied the mayan calendar and how this fits into with all the other occult activity?
Back to Jerusalem..I wrote a few days ago about Prince Al Waleed bin Talal. I'm going to paste an excerpt from a Jerusalem Post article, and the linke JP's articles don't stay for very long, so take a look before it goes offline:
"The project could create work for a million Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians, draw eight million tourists a year to Israel, and produce a billion cubic meters of desalinated water.
Jordan's King Abdullah and Saudi Prince Walid bin-Talal have already given their enthusiastic endorsement of the project, according to its initiators."
Here's the link to the article:
What I find interesting is that the Jordanian royal family is involved in AoC, A Common Word, Club of Rome, and this..They seem to be leading the way in the reconciliation, so we need to keep an eye on them. Then there is Prince Al Waleed bin Talal. He was interviewed by a European reporter.
He said that he is not interested in being directly in politics, even though he is a member of the Saudi royal family, but he can do more by his business dealings. He is on the list of the world's richest people, so he's not talking hypothetically. He has a lot of influence.
He is interested in spreading Islam. He does it under the guise of being moderate, because he's lived in the West enough to know what it will take to influence Westerners, but make no mistake, he is interested in spreading Islam.
One more post:
Again this is more bit of news today:
2Pet. 2:6 and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter;
“It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Luke 17:28-29
I got of a plane, and opened the internet to find the headline article about the ruling in California on gay marriages. Several months back I watched closely as the fires in California burned out of control. The week earlier, their govenor, Arnold Schwarzenegger passed a bill taking the name "mother and father" out of school textbooks because it was discriminatory. Were the fires directly related to this? I don't honestly knonw, but I confess, that I wondered.
During the fires he said, "we need to ask God to help". I thought, which god he was referring to because the God I serve made mothers and fathers i.e. male and female, according to the Genesis account.
Then several months later, CA attacked home schooling which is big there, and said that only Californians with CA teachers credentials could do this, affecting over 160,000 children. For years the public school curriculum has been filled with same sex marriage and pro-homosexual propaganda and the lobby in CA is probably one of the strongest in the country, I'm sure the idea is to "brainwash" these kids in the classrooms.
The gays have been pushing to have a full-blown gay pride parade in Jerusalem for a number of years and managed to do a scaled down version of what they hoped to do, this past year.
This is not simply a matter of private sin. It has become a matter of securing the right to sin in almost every country now and punish those who believe in the Bible, by accusing them of "hate crimes". I don't hate homosexuals. I just happen to believe it's a behavior, a free choice, not an identity. This lie has been sold to an unsuspecting public who doesn't use the Scriptures as their guide, so once again we see how ignoring truth, whether it concern Jerusalem or marriage ( which by the way are quite related, since those who believe will be at the wedding supper of the Lamb).
The judgement for those who sin against kids is really severe. I'm just thinking of all those poor children, who through no fault of their own are being raised by gay couples.
Mark 9:42 ¶ “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.
I don't hate people that claim to be gay, but we have to recognize that this plan to undermine God's plan for man and women is part of a fulfillment too of end times prophecy.
A couple of years ago, I heard a gay man from California being interviewed on EU television, saying arrogantly, "it will just be a matter of time before we have gay marriage, just a matter of time".
Maybe this seems unrelated, but I don't think so.
1Kings 11:36 ‘But to his son I will give one tribe, that My servant David may have a lamp always before Me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen for Myself to put My name.
Jerusalem is where God chose to put His Name and..
Gen. 2:22 The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
May He preserve us in these days as we intercede for those who are lost and blind.
check out Bjorn's blog today. Interesting photo.
Just an aside:
The Fed is handing out rebates this year.
How nice that the checks will be
deposited directly in your account.
Since when do they have the
authority to do that ?
Amen Joyce,
Arnold Schwarzeneggar is a vile
and deceitful human being who
has posed for a well known
sodomite photographer ( R.
Mapplethorpe ) in a
well known sodomite magazine,
in disgusting positions with
numerous other sodomites.
He's also managed to push
legislation against home
schooling, often Christian
parents, as has been documented
I'm sure that someday soon
he'll be among the Terminated.
Joyce, twenty five years ago I kept pestering my traditional Lakota friend to explain the Hopi, Lakota, Mayan and other native American prophecies...
His reply was,
"Why you keep asking me all these things? You have everything written down for you, in the Bible. We don't have a written language, that's why we carve pictures on stones, sing songs and paint symbols to remember our history and teach the next generation. You have everything you need to know already written down."
Okey, my above comment regarding
Der Governator is perhaps not very
tactful and perhaps too graphic.
But this is the man who has seen to
it that every child in school and even
every homeschooled child MUST be
taught that "gay" is good, and that
there's nothing wrong with it.
So I'm using the word that the Bible
uses; "sodomite", to describe them.
The relentless propaganda since 1990
has confused everyone thoroughly
as to the definition of what we're
talking about.
When you hear the word "gay" what
do you think ? We've all been
programmed to think "fun",
"lovable", "sweet", "gentle", "stylish"
"smart" and don't forget "helpful"
"caring" and "wise".
We're programmed to think of
anything and everything except
perverse, sick and unnatural, but
that's what they are, and what they
actually do is called sodomy.
It's too disgusting to speak about
in detail and that's part of the reason
why they've been able to succeed
with their propaganda coup d'etat.
Royal Institute for Inter faith studies
Jordanian Interfaith Coexistence Research Center
Both are tied to Harvard's Religious Pluralism Project. Eboo Patel, AoC forum speaker, is also affiliated with Harvard's project. He is a person to watch too. He is young, handsome and puts people at ease about Islam. I wrote before about how he spoke at a "Christian" conference recently. Here is an article about his warm reception by evangelicals.
Anonymous 1:37 and 2:07,
Good choice for JS. From what I can tell, the Matra Programme began under the auspices of the Dutch Embassies. They give out grants to help grow NGOs in specific areas (environment, human rights, etc.) They want all those Barcelona Process countries to have the same mind set and to use the people of those countries to achieve it. The US has a progam called the USAEP. It's an environmental aid and trade program. Our government uses it to convince other countries to think like we do environmentally so they'll buy US environmental technologies. The Dutch and now the EU seem to be taking that concept a bit further towards a more total cultural transformation. We used to called this subversive. Now, it seems, it's all good.
Interesting. I've seen both of those separately but didn't tie them to the Harvard Pluralism Project. The dots are all connecting, that's why we really have to keep watching.
The Q conference is very, very revealing. It's interesting to think about the impact of marketing on the Christian world today. It looks like marketing is more important than content. It's very slick.
Could it be that the Jerusalem Academy Project, including their proposed peace villages and industries (see architect's illustration p.4);
are in some way connected to the Temple of Understanding (see artist's sketch on web page);
I came across the Temple of Understanding link from the Lifebridge list of grantees.
Lifebridge President Barbara L. Valocore is married to Steve Nation. He has been a student of the Alice Bailey teachings for over 30 years. He and his late wife, Jan, worked for almost 20 years with the Lucis Trust in London.
"K" asked, "Could it be that the Jerusalem Academy Project, including their proposed peace villages and industries are in some way connected to the Temple of Understanding"
The Temple of Understanding (TOU)founded in 1960 is a NGO (Non-Government Organization) in Consultative Status with the "United Nations Economic and Social Council" and as such is an active player working on the inside of the UN. ECOSOC assists the General Assembly in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development at the UN. "ECOSOC will assess progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals, and also the implementation of the other goals and targets agreed at the major UN conferences and summits over the past 15 years."
The TOU (from their website)"supports the aims, principles and activities of the United Nations by participating to world summit meetings, sponsoring programs for NGOs, and joining committees and coalitions of NGOs with similar values. Since 1997 they have co-hosted an inter-faith service marking the opening of the UN General Assembly. They work in concert with innumerable others , some classified as NGO’s some not." See the list of resources on the Temple of Understanding website.
The connection between The Temple of Understanding, The Jerusalem Academy,
The Alliance of Civilizations, The United Religions Initiative, The World Parliament of Religions,
The Council for the World Parliament of the World Religions. Is the “Common Ground” they share, when it comes to the spiritual foundation supporting them all. It begins with “No One Has The Truth”. "We Are All On The Same Path” … PEACE AT ALL COSTS …
I’ve given links to all of the above in past comments. Much of the history and inter-connectedness of all the groups can be researched
and traced. The “explore” feature alone at The Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions reveals
extensive history back to the late 1800’s when it had it’s birth. A book could be written, many (like Constance) have written books long ago. All I can do is provide links and encourage each individual to do the homework. The more you read, the more you will understand. I’m sorry, to not be able to give a clear 1, 2, 3, detailed answer. It is much too late in the game and not enough space in the comments to do it. Even if you research every
“religious”organization and individual with UN connected initiatives up for consideration, you still wouldn’t have a clear picture, because many, many, “non-religious” environmental, “peace” NGO’s share the same identical
“spiritual” “all is one”
“sustainable development” initiatives as the religious groups do. That is "The Plan"
No wonder Constance wrote back in 1983 of, “her sense of mounting horror” she found while piecing the mounting data together.” -Rudi
"So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."
Matthew 24
Thank you Rudi.
The only big surprise is that
so many otherwise intelligent
people are buying into this
global brainwashing.
Thanks Constance, Rudi, Roma and md for a beautiful evening!
"When the model was presented at the UN, ...
suggestion made by Bouillon: sooner or later the Quartet or any other international
organization will have to work out a new proposal (roadmap): before that our proposal
should be introduced to and known by them; bridge/access through Terja R. Larsen"
benedict paper, page 180 -thanks rudi!
Terje Roed-Larsen
secret negotiator:
His wife was able to facilitate high-level contacts with the Norwegian foreign minister, Johan Jorgen Holst, who was instrumental in reaching the Oslo Accords in 1993. In the course of this work, Rod-Larsen made contacts that proved to be useful in secret negotiations between Israel and the PLO. before he made detailed sociological study of living conditions in the West Bank, Gaza and Eastern Jerusalem.Terje Rod Larsen, offered in September 1992 to serve as a bridge between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
After the offer was accepted by the Labor Government in Israel, the Norwegians were the hosts of 14 meetings that moved from hotels to country estates to a labor union hall north of Oslo.
Terje Roed-LArsen is
President of the International
Peace Academy,
the link to Benedicts Jerusalem peace club is his assistant,
Dr. Markus E. Bouillon, Senior Associate, Director Middle East &
Special Programs, International Peace Academy (IPA) New York
also there:
"In October 2007. the two groups also organized a seminar in MONT-PELERIN, Switzerland for the Secretary-General’s Special Representatives and Special Envoys from around the world, as well as top officials from New York headquarters."
on 2008 July 5 he will speak in Montreal, folllowed by a Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Alternative Perspectives : Conflict-Resolution in the Middle East (cont.) on 6th:
and a tv interview with roed-larsen:
Thank You Rudi :)
It's under a year that I've been looking into this NA 'interconnected' stuff that it just muddles me most of the time so I really appreciate your letting me know that I'm not wasting my time and efforts. :)
When I first came across Constance's blog I couldn't begin to imagine how 'serious' the NA motives were - I rather naively thought they were just a bunch of harmless 'tree huggers' and 'crystal arrangers' and 'wishful thinkers'!
I'm not a reasearcher or an academic - I am a graphic designer/artist. I'm primarily a 'visual learner and communicator' so I struggle tremendously with all this 'reading without pictures' (probably why the visual peace poles grab my interest as I can see them)!!! :) :) :)
Does anyone know if a designer/artist has managed to simplify some of this NA data/heirachies into an easily understandable graphic flow, bar or pie charts illustration format/s? If so could you direct me to it/them ... if not do you think some of the data might benefit from being presented this way? If so would Constance or Rudi, like me to try (no charge :) ) to do so (if you feed me the basic facts) in the hope that a few graphics might help other visual learners get a head start and understand some of this stuff just a teensy bit more clearly.
From what I have been learning here the NA stuff seems to be a 'pyramidical' influence system with claws that stretch out, scratch into and infect others. Plus their financial grant programs to nurture and support new set-ups. All this going on tax free in the name of 'charity' - yuck!
One more thing where can I buy Constance's books online - I'd like to buy new copies for royalty reasons.
Thank You ALL for your patience with me. :)
Oh, my goodness, I am so glad I found this website!
I don’t know how to make a long story short, but I’ll just say for now that I am recently out of the new age movement after about 8 years, off and on. I happened to be doing some research on Oprah Winfrey and her involvement with NA, and that’s how I ended up here.
I continue to observe Oprah’s actions because from what I can see, she is making a concerted effort to brainwash people, to get them to cease belief in current reality and then whatever she says can be inserted in its place. Not to mention the fact that she is promoting a belief system that is so un-Biblical, and from her message boards, I see that Christians are getting drawn into that.
You’ve all heard of “The Secret”, which Oprah promoted heavily? (Of course, you all probably know Oprah is also a follower of Abraham-Hicks and that she spoke to “Abraham” on a radio interview—said the TV public wasn’t ready for this yet. I wondered if, with the Course in Miracles and Tolle’s material where people are encouraged not to engage in critical thinking, this is an effort to soften up the public for “Abraham”, who is either an imaginary friend of Esther and Jerry Hicks or a demon.) Well, I sometimes get newsletters from The Secret organization, and the latest one had “Planet Earth” as the subject line. The newsletter said this:
“A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.
There is no limit to how high you can increase your vibration, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can do. Other than transforming your own life through lifting your vibration, you lift others' lives too. The positive vibration of your energy emanates out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it. As you rise higher, you take the world with you.
The Secret Team has created a gift for you. This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth. As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.
The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.
From The Secret to you, here is Planet Earth - our home.
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions “
The link included there goes to a web page showing a video clip with various nature scenes which reminded me of the BBC “Planet Earth” DVD set. At the end of the video was a shot from space of the planet, with the words “Planet Earth Forever” superimposed on it.
I wondered about this message, I figured there was more to it than The Secret team just providing some nice little gift for the followers. There are hints of another book and movie set set. From a letter on The Secret message boards:
“…There is only one thing I want in my life and that is to help lift humanity to joy and freedom. It can only be done in one way and that is through giving the wisdom of Truth. As I continue to study within and without, the mightiest picture of the Truth of Life unfolds…..and I will share all of this wisdom with humanity in the future. The more you know, the more you will be free and move into a state of bliss.
In the meantime, before the next book and film, live the law. Do not violate it. Master your thoughts and emotions and do not be the slave of them. Watch your thoughts. When you become aware that you are thinking a negative thought, destroy it immediately by thinking the opposite of it, using your will. Your thoughts are energy and once thought they have left you. Cancel them out, by sending the equal and opposite thought energy. Be careful of your words………speak less……..speak deliberately knowing the law that is underneath every word you utter. Make sure your actions are what you want to receive back. Sow the seeds of greatness in your thoughts, words and actions. To think a negative thought, speak a negative word and take negative action are in violation of the law and you cannot escape their consequences. However you also cannot escape the consequences of kind thoughts, kind words and kind actions. Become the Master of your being! This is your work and as you do this, you will open a pathway for the light of bliss, wisdom and truth to reach you. You must become the Master of you before you can become the Master of all the powers of the Universe. And a Master of the Universe you will be because that is your evolutionary path. The question is, do you want to become a Master in this lifetime, or do you want to do it over 200 hundred lifetimes?
So much love to each and every one of you,
Rhonda Byrne, The Secret”
I couldn’t help but think there is something significant to this focus on “planet earth”, which was something I hadn’t seen from “The Secret” team before, and I thought of Oprah pushing Eckhart Tolle’s teaching about “A New Earth”, and then I found Constance’s material and it just all seems connected. The Green Agenda website also just blew me away. I actually ended up printing out the entire content of that website, I felt it was that important. That just tied everything together…the so-called spiritual practices I had allowed myself to be drawn into over the past several years, the new age stuff that Oprah seems to be amalgamating and presenting as a package these days, and the material on Constance’s website…I had had no idea of all the political connections.
K 7:19 PM
oldman gave a pretty graphic picture using the spider web - sorry I don't have the exact local or link but he reads this blog alot and may be able to repeat it for you.
anom (otherwise your ignored)
I also want to extend a huge thank you to Constance for all your work. I listened this morning to your talk at the link from your home page about how you found all of this. I often had chills and I kept saying to myself "What was I thinking?", "What on earth was I getting myself into?" I think today I realized fully and completely the danger that I had been in. And how did I get myself out of it? Well...I didn't. Obviously God was watching out for me the whole time, even while I was so busy denying Him and denying Jesus. You know, it was strange because one day I just realized I didn't believe it anymore. The New Age stuff I mean. I just didn't believe it.
I went through a brief time of atheism after I left the NA movement, read Dawkins and Hitchens and Harris...and it didn't feel right...And one day I prayed, "God, if you're there...I'm right here, if you're there, you've got me, I'm with you...But I'm gonna need some proof. Show me you're here. Show me you're real." I was terrible confused, disillusioned. Well, nothing happened immediately, no big light from the sky, no big miracle. Just me doing cult research and finding things on the internet and following links and ending up...here. I had always had an interest in Bible prophecy from my former days as a Christian, and what I was reading here was very familiar. It just rang true. Here was my proof.
So thank you, Constance. :-) Thank you so much.
And I also want to thank the author of Green Agenda website. Your information just blew me away.
It's been a fascinating journey, reading all of your comments. I had been looking at things from a more local level, not realizing how it all ties in globally.
I am also learning about this "emergent church" thing...I could see even when I was in the NA thing that traditional Christianity was being attacked and eroded from different levels, but I had no idea of the extent of it and how careful one must be about getting involved in a church. However, I have felt like I am "allergic" to new age stuff...When I first left I really felt like I had to be so firm about keeping any hint of it out of my life because I was so very vulnerable. Then I realized how all pervasive it really is, right down to such a ridiculous thing as a bread commercial on TV making a comment that one of the essential things to a healthy life is "positive energy". I think if I encountered new age in a church, it would hit me right between the eyes immediately.
anom (otherwise your ignored)
8:28 PM :
I thought of the same thing. Oldmanoftheski and the spider web
analogy has got to be the best I've heard. I hope he will write it out again. Otherwise I went back to find the web story and there are several of his in Saturday, December 29, 2007 archives listed on the main page.
Anom and Rudi - thank you I found 'Oldman's' spider's web writing and it's as you say, very good. Here's the link for anyone else to find it quickly;
Oldman - it was interesting to read a little bit about you - thanks. And thanks too for the feedback earlier - I hope all is going well for your friend and his preparations in Jerusalem. I personally have no direct connection with any Native Americans but I am tickled that here I am on a remote Scottish island and yet when I lived in England and personally came to know our Lord the two most influential Christians who helped me 'grow in the Lord' (they are English too) had been missionaries in Canada and lived and worked amongst the native Americans (have I expressed that correctly?). I don't know much about the work they did because, bless them, they primarily sought to see me grow in the faith.
My offer still stands if Constance or Rudi ever need any graphics drawn. :)
Thank You Jesus that you give us parables. :)
What do the Saudis Want?
You've made lots of interesting connections with all these organizations. What's so interesting is to watch the political scene, with all this as a backdrop and see that logically it makes NO sense. Blair is talking about having better trained Palestinians, Bush is begging the Saudis for more oil, but at the same time offering to help them with nuclear power. Last time he went begging he gave them high level weapons. Israeli is being pressured more and more while Hizb'allah is gaining more and more power. Iran and Syria's military ambitions are being aided by Russia.
Obama wants to talk to Iran, etc, etc. Insanity is doing the same things over and over, knowing that they won't work. EU is very very confident that when US fails because of the credibility problems that they will have better crack at solving the ME peace crisis, through their EuroMed plans using full economic pressure and incentives.
To add insult to injury Osama ( not Obama) was in the news again claiming there would be no peace until the Palestinians receive the land in Israel. He always shows up at the most convenient times. You can take that remark any way you like...but the "War on Terror" and Iraq, according to the Baker Hamilton papers would only be resolved when the Mideast problem was dealt with. If you recall, they wanted to talk to Syria and Iran too...This war on terror has provided such a good excuse to divide God's land.
Albert Pike, a famous freemason predicted this too. How would he have known that?
Those of us who read the Bible just shake our heads in amazement as we see all of these things taking place.
There are a handful of people in Europe that do understand the Biblical mandate for Israel, but they are a small minority and their voice is barely being heard.
Interesting while all this talk is going on, the Torah portion( Lev 25) that Jews read in synagogues all over the world is about the land going back to its proper owner. Within the portion is the idea that God is the owner of land. God has given all the tribes their heritage and one day the land will revert according to the original Biblical land divisions( Ezekiel 47) , so just want to remind us all of that, as we see this taking place.
As we can see, none of these negotiations take into account who is the owner of this land, and as such are bound to end in failure. The other aspect of all of this that we should remember, is that the Land is where God's name is placed. That God is the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not Allah. The kinsman redeemer is Yeshua, who will put His feet on the Mount of Olives one day soon, there is a great earthquake and then the world will know who land belongs to as the Dead Sea opens and living waters flow out.
The Muslims have blocked the East Gate, where Messiah is going to enter, believing that they could actually stop Him. As we read all of man's human efforts to interfere with God's redemption plan for the world. As we see the nations conspire against the Holy One of Israel, I just wanted to take a minute to remind us all, including me that because of Yeshua's completed work we can truly REST In HIm, knowing that His hour to return on the earth and reign is drawing near. Shabbat is all about ceasing from our labors and focusing on our Creator. So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God Hebrews 4:9.
Shabbat shalom,
If you have been researching long you probably know all this information but I am repeating for those who may not.
Abraham hicks had a "law of attraction" book that was published in 1996.
The Law of Attraction was mentioned in several books around the same time in the early 1900s. William Walker Atkinson had a book in 1906 titled "Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World"
There is also mention of the "Law" in Helena Blavasky's first book.
This shows that all these things have a Hindu basis.
This is also true of Scientology (they are big on Karma), which Oprah loves.
I have been researching this too and I would love to colaborate with you on some things.
On the day that you "just didn't
believe it anymore", ( the NA
movement ), the angels
in heaven were rejoicing for you.
Everything about this New Age
pack of lies is a phony version
of something in the Bible.
The Christian life is wholistic.
The Christian life is spiritual,
miraculous and global.
The Christian life is interconnected.
The Christian life involves a
paradigm shift.
Yet for all the mimicry of the
NA movement, it couldn't be
further from the truth of the Bible.
The New Age movement mocks
the Gospels in order to draw
people away from Jesus Christ and
towards these men and women
who are self-proclaimed seers
and prophets. They are liars.
Eckart Tolle and Ophrah Winfrey
and Doug Coe and Paul Temple and
Ervin Lazlo etc etc are anti Christ,
clearly by their own admission.
The one thing they all agree on is
that basic Christianity is THE
Watch and see what happens to them.
Their day in the limelight is now
but it won't last any more than a few
years at most.
Read the Bible, pray and cling to
Jesus. He'll prepare a table for you
right in the presence of your
Hello Dawn,
I have many of the Abraham-Hicks books as well as some of their recordings. I also have The Secret, both the book and the DVD. And I have the Kybalion, which is said to be authored by Atkinson and others under the name "The Three Initiates". I actually ended up with the Kybalion before The Secret came out, and that was via Doreen Virtue, of "Angel Therapy" fame. (I have a few of her books, as well as a slew of oracle card decks published by her.) Doreen had published her own version of The Kybalion which she entitled "Divine Magic" and was, for the most part true to the original, but I wanted the original Kybalion so I purchased a copy of that as well as Doreen's version of it--hers was glossier, prettier, and came with a CD. ;-) So I could listen to it on my mp3 player. [In her "Archangels and Ascended Masters" book, as well as her "Archangels" oracle deck, I think, if memory serves, Doreen speaks to and channels a "Maitreya" (sp?) I have all that material packed away, so I can't verify that, but when Constance mentioned that name in her talk, it rang a bell with me.]
I was QUITE entrenched, as you can see.
By the time The Secret came out, I already had a lot of material about "The Law of Attraction", including "The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn". Florence quotes the Bible throughout her works, BTW. I am seeing an element of this 'your word has power thing' within Christianity. I was recently looking into the work of Joyce Meyer (trying to find some doctrinally sound Christian sources of info), and I came across some mention of a book called "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word"...I dropped that avenue of pursuit like a hot rock. Reminded me too much of Florence's stuff.
The only reason I purchased The Secret was because I saw a trailer on TV and I was curious. Basically, as far as I'm concerned, The Secret is just a glossy, pretty, attractive repackaging of Hermeticism. It's a version that the public seemed to like, and of course it helped that Oprah was so enthusiastic about it. I think Oprah lent it, if not an aura of credibility, at least an aura of harmlessness.
There is an interesting little book out called "The Secret Source: The Law of Attraction is one of Seven Hermetic Laws. Here are the other six" by Maja D'Aoust.
The Wikipedia entry on William Walker Atkinson has a lot of information.
From what I can see, Hermeticism is at the root of the New Thought movement, although the Science of Mind and Christian Scientist people probably wouldn't like to admit that...that their beliefs are based on teachings surrounding the Egyptian god "Thoth". I don't understand the Hindu connection (other than, maybe incorporating yoga and meditation into the mix), although Atkinson did write under a pseudonym in which he claimed to be Hindu.
Interesting that Aleister Crowley (utterly evil man) was a Thoth fan as well. And Ron L. Hubbard, founder of Scientology, was also interested in this stuff. Lermanet.com has some background on this.
Yes, if you go digging around, there is a huge wealth of information out there about all of this, isn't there?
Lighthouse Trails Publishing has several excellent books about the New Age creeping into the church. Any of the books by Roger Oakland, Warren Smith or Ray Yungen are excellent. I've ready most of them and sent them out to friends. Their blog is also excellent, you can get to it through the link above. You might also check out Slice of Laodicea (Contance has a link) and Kjos ministries at
All of these sites are directed to the Body of Christ. I hope this helps.
"On the day that you "just didn't
believe it anymore", ( the NA
movement ), the angels
in heaven were rejoicing for you."
Oh, I am so thankful to be out of that. I still can't explain what happened by any "logical" means, I can only attribute it to divine intervention. It's like God grabbed me by the collar and said, "OK, that's enough, time to get out of there now." :-) I came away with a lot of insider information about the New Age movement, though.
I was going through a lot of these thoughts yesterday as in, "Why didn't I see what I was getting involved with?"
Did you know that the word "Lightworker" is very popular with the NA-ers? Doreen Virtue uses that term, her followers use that term. There are a lot of guided meditations involving light of various colors. Light. Lucifer. Satan disguising himself as an "angel of light". I knew all that stuff, I had enough Biblical background to know that.
Since I was out of Christianity for so long, I wasn't aware of what was happening within the Christian movement, as far as New Age teachings creeping in, at least not to the extent that it apparently has been. Unity Church is fairly obvious...But my inlaws and husband's siblings are what I would have called fundamentalist Christians (they had NO idea about what I was into)and my sister in law recently lent me a book which had a lot of Rick Warren stuff in it. I worry about her, yet I can't imagine her church going for this.
There is a TV program on here called 100 Huntley Street, and they had advertised an "eBible", which I ordered a couple of months ago...haven't installed it yet. Yesterday or the day before I caught a bit of the show and the host was enthusiastically interviewing a fellow named Todd Bentley. I went to the website to find out what that was all about and I was horrified, but he's getting a lot of followers, some big "revival" down in Florida. The word "supernatural" is used a lot on his website (freshfire.ca). I'm reading a lot of warnings about him on a Christian message forum as well.
Funny, you know, while I was still an NA-er, I felt compelled to get a new Bible, although we already do have Bibles in the house. I spent hours online looking at Bibles and I finally got myself one, which was a compact version. That Bible, and a copy of Tolle's "A New Earth" (which I found I simply couldn't read, as much as I tried) came with us on a vacation. For some reason I had felt it vitally important that I have that Bible with me during our trip. I think we were back for about a week when I just up and quit the whole NA thing.
I have since ordered and received a great big gorgeous study Bible and I am happily getting into that.
And I pray. A lot. Years ago, when I was in my late teens, I was a Jehovah's Witness (yup, I ran the whole 'cult' gamut there, didn't I, LOL!), and we learned that a one world government would turn on organized religion and do away with it. Now I see a kind of different version of events going on...I never expected a 'one world religion' that would turn on what I've been calling 'traditional' Christianity, but I can see that that is where things are heading. I've seen the steady erosion of belief in the accuracy and truthfulness of the Bible and I've seen what is called 'fundamentalist' Christianity being demonized in the world of public opinion, and this other sort of "Christianity" is taking its place. It looks good, it looks all nicey-nice on the surface, but it is based on falsehood. And that just shakes me up.
I have read your posts and enjoyed them immensely.
You have it seems a healthy hunger for and respect for sound biblical doctrine.
Might I recommend these for your personal library as study aids:
"The Interlinear KJV" a parallel New Testement in Greek and English, by George Ricker Berry.
"The Complete Word Study New Testament" by Spiros Zodhiates, Th.D.
"Vines Expository Dictionary" of Old and New Testament words.
"Strongs Exhaustive Concordance"
"Godman" by James Kirkwood, available at www.gracebeliever.com
I believe they would provide you with quality and quantity study material for your spiritual growth.
May I close with a most pertinent verse: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, dividing the word of truth aright."...the emphasis is on study...
May your spiritual growth in Christ be a fulfilling and profitable journey.
The above verse is II Tim.2:15.
You are exactly right about "your word has power". This is through out most of the TBN teachers.
There is some of this coming in through the "power of a Positive _____ (fill in the blank"
I saw a few children's "christian videos" that had these same thoughts as well.
Once you know the language, you see these things everywhere in our culture.
You should talk to constance about doing a show about the secret. You could be the guest! I'll call in and talk about what I have been seeing as far as in television shows.
Deannie, HK:
Thank you both. I am more aware now than ever of the importance of sound and correct doctrine. Back when I was a JW, all other religions professing to be "Christian" were just referred to as "Christendom"..and JW's think ALL other religions are in error except their own, of course. Later on, in the time period between when I left the JW religion and when I got completely involved with NA teachings (a time frame of about 15 years or so), I didn't think there was much in the way of doctrinal differences between various denominations, other than the Catholic religion vs "Protestant". And now NA teachings are creeping into various Christian churches, so I see the need to take great care.
I was reading the blog of a fellow who is a rather unusual combination of very right wing conservative and an atheist and is also extremely anti-new age (after having been sorely mistreated by his new-age and now ex-wife) and he had posted the YouTube "church of Oprah" video published by csteelonline.com.
That got me going, looking up more information because I was concerned about Oprah's activities. I figured she was doing a pretty heavy duty job of brainwashing people. I was still thinking I was a soft core atheist at that point, but reluctant on the 'atheist' part. I don't know, does anyone "decide" to be an atheist? I certainly didn't want to be. I don't see how anyone would want to be. I had come to the atheist conclusion with a sad and heavy heart. But I had a willingness to face the truth, whatever that was and whether it was 'nice' or not.
I came upon some of Warren Smith's articles when I was researching Oprah's activities, and that's how I found the crossroads web site as well.(I'm pleased to see an endorsement of that website here.) And I also found Constance's blog. :-) Probably not the effect Oprah was hoping for, LOL! Amazing what you can come up with when you google "Oprah, cult" and/or "Oprah, antichrist".
And the rest I've already written, how I surrendered and prayed to God and asked for proof of His existence and then found it. :-)
Hi Dawn,
I was listening to the radio the other day and the head of an employment agency--I think it was government run--was giving tips on steps to take to get a job. She could have been reading straight out of The Secret. She probably was quoting from it or at least paraphrasing it. It gave me chills listening to it. There's some type of healing place in the community, too, and I heard one of their ads on the same radio station a while back, and what caught my attention were the words "angel reading" as being one of the services they were offering. The ad ended with the words "You have the power to heal yourself."
As for the radio show, I'm not ready to go public with this in a non-anonymous sense just yet...and I'm rather phobic of cameras and radio stuff anyway. :-) It's a big leap for me to even post here, but I do feel safe, since I can do so anonymously.
Interesting article about Cherie Blair's NA practices.
about the east gate, there is a prophecy : Ezekiel 44 1-2. I believe it is fulfilled. Jesus entered the east gate on Palm Sunday. Sulieman walled it in 1543. I've read about it before and now I just goggled it to help my memory.
I find it ironic how the most important countries to Javier are now being ran or soon will be by woman that are close to him.
I read a previous post and didn't fully see how terribly instulting and vicious it was intended to be until I read through some previous threads.
To both Dorothy and Rose. I appreciate you both and would hate to lose your valuable contributions. You are both important to me.
Anonymous 1:06. When you stand on the Mt of Olives, as Yeshua will, you see that you are facing the East Gate, so I do believe that when He comes again, He will enter when He comes again from the East.
Jewish tradition also says that Messiah will enter from the East.
WND headline:
“John McCain funded by Soros since 2001
Candidate's Reform Institute also accepted funds from Teresa Kerry”
I must have missed this; a number of contributors might remember, but I see this as the Hegelian dialectic in pure form. No matter who wins, Americans will loose. I for one will write-in someone; I have been so disappointed with the current White House occupant, who I helped to get there, because I’ve been duped and lied to again.
L, thanks for being brave enough to join what is happening here. My mother was JW which was “interesting” until out of her lips she cried: “In the name of Jesus.”
Three scriptures, side by side say it all, if scripture is your authority: Isa. 43:11 “I, even I, am the LORD, and beside me there is no savior.” Titus 1:3 “But hath in due times manifested His Word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our savior . . . 1:4b Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our savior.” Of course there are many others like this, but this was enough.
Rich wrote "To both Dorothy and Rose. I appreciate you both and would hate to lose your valuable contributions. You are both important to me."
Well said and of course dito!
WILL THE STATUE OF ABOMINATION BE THE 13 SCHULLSPLACED ON JEWISH SIOL,FOR THEY ARE GODS CHURCH AND TEMPLE,OR WILL IT BE THE FLAG OF THE SCHULLS AoC flag at that ,are these schulls the gate way for the anti christ ?????????????parpcofriends says: If the new age christain are prepare the way for the beast ,and the dragon is to be defeated and kicked out of heaven.Could these 12 plus 1 scull be a type of gate way that is to allow the antichrist ,which is the beast out of the bootom less pit.And is it possiabile for Judas to be to be the antichrist .For the bible says the beast was,and was not ,and shall be again.Judas was,and then he was not(when he went to his own special place)and willbe when he ascends out of the bottom less pitt,and slays the two wittness of Jesus that walk the earth during the tribulation period.That would then make the rapture then take place soon ,for i think the 2 wittnesses walk the earth for 4 years then they are killed ,but rise after 3 days ,after they have lain in the streets dismembered ,could this aso be the time that dragon satin sends a flood of his armies after the church ,who are the decendants of abraham,who will take refuge in the tenple of old king Solomon,in the mountains who will flee through the parted mountains ,that were parted by the earth quake,they will survive there for 3 and a half years by God feeding them.And could these 13 sculls be a gate way that will releaes the 2000000 horse men ,who will be satans army that will battle in heaven,the are the Anunniki(fallen angels that bread withe the women of earth and made the Nephiliums ,whom the bible talks of as were ledgens come from.These Anunniki are angels that did not depart with satan when he was kicked out and dissrobed of his bells and musical garmand ,they are the ancient Anunniki that felt heaven before satan .Could they have been responibile for the alians which are the greys (human like blond),the riptilians(snake like human ,grey-green scaly skin with yellow snake like eyes)the Hybrides(child like with white -grey skin and huge egge like eyes)and ?decendants of nephiliums bread with alians and could possibily be the luuminarty controling all world goverments that are preparing the way for the dragon.And when the bible refferrs in genisus to other beings and poeple when cain was afraid to go out into the wilderness and again rev:14.3 the four liveing beings are they alians????
7:17 PM
2:16 AM
Anonymous said...
parpcofriends say :If the world is to be a cashless,barbaric,tasered society.Could it then be that due to one world one currency and already we got credit cards that scane products of barcode selling system we already have.No need for cash in hand just credit and the mark of the beast then beeing a micro chip which is scanned,and if the poeple are going to kill the poeple who dont want to believe in one world new religion ,and thought ,then the poeple of the world will have become barbaric.There are already chips that are inserted into children to located them if they are lost,what else is in the microchip ,can it be used to scan for a value of credit that indivdual has ??
2:25 AM
Dorothy Margraf called to my attention yesterday a distressing development at THEMICROEFFECT.COM. Kingdom Identity is "a sponsor." They represent everything I have been fighting in its worse sense since 1981. I have spoken to Joe about it and sent an email today. Joe has had a financial struggle which I know and appreciate, but I cannot afford ethically or professionally to have my name associated with the Kingdom Identity Movement. If you are on the Microeffect and click on that ad it will take you to the website and you should instantly understand why. If it does not stop, I will need to look immediately for an alternative radio outlet.
To L:
You made my day with your wonderful post -- perhaps my year!
God bless you!
Lots of fringe groups have bizarre ideas about who is Israel. When I first started writing on your blog a couple of weeks ago I pointed people to some verses about the restoration of all Israel, which sometimes gets confused with the British-Israel movement, which is racists. I encourage all readers to go to the verses in the Bible which talk about the plan that God has for ALL Israel. I'm talking about the physical descendants. This is a yet to be fulfilled prophecy that is key in the restoration of ALL Israel. Many fringe groups, including Mormons will distort what Scripture has to say about this.
The gist is that God has a plan for the physical descendants of Jacob, who are not all Jews. The word Jew was a post Babylonian expression which identified the Southern Kingdom and a perhaps a few from the Northern Kingdom who might have joined them. CORPORATELY and that word is key, Northern Kingdom didn't come back after the Assyrian exile.
I suspect, without reading carefully, this Kingdom Identity Ministry is related to the racist British Israel teachings. This is VERY different from the actual plan God has for all the sons of Jacob. When Ephraim was blessed he was promised to become the "fullness of the nations" or the multitude of nations. There is a division in the family after Solomon's death. You have to go back to the tribal blessings which start in Gen 48 to understand the exact nature of the split.
All I want to see is this Biblical theme of the reuniting of the divided kingdom HAS not happened yet. There were some attempts at reconciliation under Josiah and Hezekiah, but there has never been full reconciliation and tribal reidentification. Orthodox Jews know this, which is why there are people in Israel that go looking for the "lost tribes".
All I can say is the physical descendants of Israel are scattered in the nations and don't even know themselves who they are. This is an end times prophecy. They must be reunited, Ezekiel 37 is probably the clearest passage on this, but there are so many more. I encourage all of you prophecy folks to study this. God showed it to me as I was praying and asking Him questions. It's not hidden, but sometimes we overlook it. All that to say, God said that He would make Israel more numerous than the sands of the sea, and I personally believe there are many more than 15 million Israelites on earth. Do not confuse the real Biblical passages with the fringe groups who distort this teaching. I think Bjorn's blog had one of those groups mentioned in a link too.
The blessings given to Judah were different from those given to Ephraim, who was only a grandson, but elevated to level of firstborn, when Israel adopted him as a son. He received a double portion. Joshua was an Ephraimite and so was Jeroboam who led the Northern rebellion.
It is important for those of us who love truth to understand what Scripture said, because as evidenced by the info on Bjorn's blog and the item Dorothy pointed out, people are distorting this teaching of the Scriptures. I discussed this with a theologian who wrote hundreds of textbooks on Dispensational theology. He admitted it this theme has always troubled him and it didn't fit into his theology. I tried to walk through the verses on your blog a couple of weeks ago, but unfortunately, the conversation took a different direction. Was not my intention. I just wanted to point something out that I was very excited about in the Bible which relates to endtime prophecy.
Satan is the father of lies, so undoubtedly, if God is really doing something, he will distort to bring confusion, so we should be super alert in these last days.
Anyone who wants to read what I said, I started writing on the blog April 18, at 1:56 anonymously. I go through the passages on the teaching. Later someone asked me for identification which I started as
"J". Later on I put my first name.
I am writing this to say, if Rich or anyone else wants to go back and read what is written, they can start from there, and this way you will see what the teaching on Israel is all about. It's not racist at all. Whether you agree with it or not is another subject.
I've studied it now for a number of years and was trying to share it with people on the blog who I consider more enlightened than most. I don't mean that in the new agey sense..
As I was trying to point out, we have information today from things like the Dead Sea Scrolls and other documents which have given us more information on people like Paul.
There are hidden Israelites being discovered all the time. Recently a group in India was identified. There are mixed opinions about whether they are Manassah or someone else. The scholars can't agree so I'm not going to tackle that here.
All that to say, God said, the New ( or Newer) Covenant was with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. It's in Jeremiah 31:31-33 if you want to read it. We have lumped everyone together and called them Jews, but the Northern Kingdom, at least in the Bible, was never called Jews. They were called Israelites, Hebrews, but never Jews. This is an important point that requires further study.
If Orthodox rabbis believe this it's because they know the history. Josephus the historian used to say they were beyond the mythical river, the Sambayton . What was he saying? I think he was saying, we don't really know exactly where they went.
If you read the first couple of chapters of Hosea carefully, you will see a clear distinction between God's dealings with Judah and Ephraim ( who is the Northern Kingdom).
I have discussed this teaching with a number of people who have a lot more knowledge than I do and they haven't been able to dispute my findings when I walk them through the Scriptures that point to this....all I can say is take a look for yourselves and see what God shows you. Beware if something is true, Satan will always create a good lie to mirror the truth. Those of us who are aware of his schemes see this all the time.
Blessings in Yeshua.
I just want to bring this fact to everyone's attention. I'm not saying it has been planned to be so by anyone or any group. You draw your own conclusions please.
President Bush has now been to Israel twice in six months this year. In all his time in office he had never been before. It is widely accepted that these visits by himself and his administration are part of the push for a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestinian problem.
His first visit was on 1/9/2008 and his second was on 5/14/2008.
The number of weeks between these two visits is exactly 18 and 18 = 6+6+6. This is not numerology - just plain mathematical fact.
Many “temples” already built and operating in Israel….
Check out photos of the planned "Freemasons International Center in Jerusalem"
by architect Arie Lynn…
Re; Kingdom Identity Movement new sponsors at MicroEffect.
Has this been resolved as I can't find them on the site.
Dear K and others,
After reading K's posting, I went to theMicroeffect.com and poked the sponsor's tab. Hallelujah! It's GONE! I feel much better now. Joe McNeil is a good man and I am happy he responded to our expressed concerns on this.
If the Laszlo / Heinrich Benedikt / report is to be believed, "final solution" is not two state solution, but one state solution with everybody facilitated into "new mind" cum "New World Religion" and a new temple unifying all.
Perhaps the "paradigm shift" includes the new view that "Jerusalem the Holy City" is the "One State" final solution a.k.a. the new "International City/State" independent of the world states, like the Vatican is , and the Palestinian, Israeli territorial issue becomes a matter of drawing lines of "legal" boundaries.
Jerusalem thus becomes the "spiritual center" of the world, shared by the "sacred view" of a "spiritual" one world common spirituality.
Just and initial impression of Constance's post.
-there is also a version were Benedikt wants two governments (of two states) and Jerusalem as capital for both governments,later to become world capital, the Old City to be declared a special international area, at least that's what their "best case" scenario (pages 11,12) from 2005 suggested,
-Indiana Jones screenings at Cannes showed that Lucas/Spielberg really included the "Alien-part" of the crystal sculls into the film, the film critics write already about 2012 and "Second Coming". New Age Lucas brings the story to the masses. ( more on my blog http://freiberg.blogspot.com )
HK-91 - I'm getting the same impression.
I've been nosey-ing around on Ervin Lazslo's Global Commons/Global Marshall Plan site today and reading their 'Global Consultancy Plan' document.
It looks like it's 'all systems go' for them - on p.30 of this plan they have a 'request' out for web designers, graphics designers, proofreaders, PR consultants, translators, editors. Sure looks like these guys have some urgent message/agenda they wanna get boundied around!
From the 'bottom up' they appear to have many books and other media stuff planned.
From the 'top down' they are busy getting their Global Marshall plan put on the G8 and EU agenda.
pps. 51 and 54 of their powerpoint presentation.
It was a joy to see their references to 'bottom-up' and 'top-down' - I had been thinking that this was what I had been seeing with their 'recruitment' methodology and it was encouraging to see it confirmed. :)
Just getting into that Diplomacy for Peace document from the Jerusalem Academy. Actually, I've copied it to a .doc file so I can insert my own comments and highlight it. So far--and I'm only at the 'universal principles' and 'cosmic moral law' parts, but my personal comments have the word "Kybalion" in them a LOT. It's very familiar to me. I used to be quite enthusiastic about the Kybalion, and that's Hermeticism. So this is where these people are coming from then? "Thought", "Polarity", "unity" (The Kybalion says the universe is mental, everything is The All, which is what we would call "God". Which is what the New Agers believe. Polarity is mentioned. Cause and effect is mentioned in this document--all in the Kybalion.) I noticed as well the statements that more than imply that Judaism and Islam are 'false religious beliefs'. That's interesting that they would start labelling certain religious beliefs as "false".
Little note, I also see Ghandi's "be the change" phrase is used in this document. Oprah likes that one as well, she was quite emphatic about that phrase in her last Tolle webinar just toward the end. (No, I did not partake of the webinars, but I did read part of the transcript of the final one because I was wondering how she was going to keep the momentum going with her followers.)
I appreciate your comments about the distinction between Ephraim and Judah. I was reading Isaiah and Hosea this past week and had come to a similar conclusion.
I was trying to diagram which scriptures related to which kingdom. I think we have the misconception today to lump all Israel together, since the modern state is called "Israel" which in itself is a fulfillment of Ezekiel 37, to be called Israel.
There does seem to be a calling out of understanding Hebraic roots of the Christian faith.
Thank you for the encouragement for further study. I think I will do just that. I am though, having difficulty understanding which parts of Isaiah have been fulfilled, and which are yet future. Do you have a good historical resource for this?
I studied the document for two hours yesterday morning -- I really wish I had a translated version of Heinrich Benedikt's book!
Thanks to "K" for brochure reference. Yes, it looks as though they think all systems are go -- they got a little bit of a set back today from one of their "global warming / extreme weather" climate change experts who just declared that global warming didn't cause hurricanes and in fact might help lessen their occurrences.
I am so very anxious that everybody be aware of the Ervin Laszlo - WorldShift Network - Club of Rome - Jerusalem etc. ties here that I have not hastened to start a new page yet for fear that this will divert attention from these issues! I have had so many people say to me that nothing can be happening because of no move for a temple in Jerusalem -- if this much is showing (and I have never known the New Agers to show more cards than they really have -- usually they show only a few -- there is MUCH MORE going on that we don't see!
Further thoughts after reading the 'Global Consultancy Plan' document.
And also droppingknowledge.org Principles of Communication document (a partner of Club of Rome's 'young group' tt30)
Could it be possible that the 2015 UN Millennium Goals target is being used in an attempt to 'rush' these things through?
If so, then are we possibly seeing an outworking of the 'Delphi Technique' as decribed here at Illuminati Conspiracy Archive;
I don't have one specific source for the book of Isaiah, but I use Accordance which is the Mac version of Bible works which has numerous tools. I understand Bibleworks is quite good too.
I read Messianic commentaries as well as well as more traditional Christian ones, but here are some that have helpful information:
There's Torah Resources International.
This is a completely Jewish source:
Here's a helpful resource on the Hebrew language:
One example in Isaiah of a prophecy that is not yet fulfilled is this:
¶ In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” Is 19:23-25
It's hard for us to imagine that one day there will be TRUE and lasting peace in the Middle East, but it's clear that this has not yet been fulfilled. I think you just have to search for context very carefully by doing inductive study. There isn't one resource I can recommend for that. Maybe someone else here knows?
We know in the Last Days, Israel is the focal point of prophecy, so I think it is really important to understand. It's as important to understand WHO is Israel. There are some churches that think they are Israel now, but this is replacement theology.
My definition of Israel, is the Jews from the house of Judah, the house of Israel which for all intensive purposes look like Gentiles because of the mixing with the nations, and ALSO, those who attach themselves to the olive tree because they love the God of Israel and HIs people, like Ruth.
I believe God's plan is for ONE called out assembly, but one that believes in Him and in Yeshua. Today many Jews are coming to believe in their Messiah. It's very exciting. We know stories about rabbis in Israel that KNOW Yeshua is the one who was spoken of through the prophets. Many have not yet come out publically. We also know Muslims who are being called out of Islam and coming to know Yeshua too, so with all the bad stuff going on, God IS at work. We must not forget that even though Satan is very busy, God is sovereign and much, much more powerful than Satan.
A lot of people are scared of eschatology, but we need to pay attention to prophecy so that when things unfold, we won't be surprised.
My biggest resource is prayer. If we really seek wisdom God promises to give it to us..James 1:5, so I just have confidence that He'll lead us.
Blessings to you in Yeshua,
A few items in the various papers, I scan on line today.. Bush is not considered an honest broker. Obama is stirring people against the Arab leaders and to fight for Temple Mount. Abbas is threatening to resign if their is no deal before the end of 2008 ( to which I say...let him). Olmert is still in trouble on corruption scandals. Bush who was groveling before the Arab leaders is now giving them advice. A Jew was criticizing AIPAC the Israel lobby. etc.
Israel has become the focal point of world attention. Everyone believes that there will be no peace unless we have a Palestinian State, but everyone agrees without a solution for Jerusalem, no deal will come.
There is a stalemate. I do agree, that either the Jerusalem Academy's solution or some variation on that theme, will be presented at one point.
This is the PARADIGM SHIFT. The Quantum leap, that everyone is aiming for...Christian leaders are calling for justice, Muslim leaders are calling for understanding. Jews want to get along. True Bible believers are being drowned out by these other voices shouting for a "just solution".
In the same way, the "homosexual marriage" issue is being shoved down everyone's throats, this will be too. The Hegelian dialectic is being used to move people to consensus.
So much expectation has been built up that if something doesn't happen, we will have a real explosion in the Middle East. This will make the last intifada look like a joke. I think we here can all see that failure is not an option.
This is why it is so important for us to be really grounded in God's reconciliation plan for the Middle East. Our generation and that of our kids are going to see amazing things, but we need to be well prepared so we can give everyone a reason for the hope that lies in us...
Now it will come about that
In the last days
The mountain of the house of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains,
And will be raised above the hills;
And all the nations will stream to it.
And many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
That He may teach us concerning His ways
And that we may walk in His paths.”
For the torah (law) will go forth from Zion
And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:2-3
Shalom in Yeshua,
One more book that I found interesting, which also explains some of the prejudice in Bible interpretation is by a Messianic Jewish believer Daniel Gruber. It's called "Copernicus and the Jews". You should be able to find it on Amazon.
parpcotriends sayes : Hi Contstance i agree with you that there is mch more going on with new age ,could i ask you in bojorn(farmer)blog he has a post about 13 cyrstal schulls,if these are inportant to the ew age who are paveing they way for satan ,as everyone on this blogs comments talk about ,then why as watchers do you show no interest in the schulls.Are not the watchers supposes to look foe signs .do you thik they have any revelance as worthy of a sign?
Dear Constance,
the Benedikt book did not arrive yet, but I will try to be fast with it when it arrives...good to hear also that Joe reacted on the link!
Am I supposed to care about some
glass skulls because it helps G. Lucas
and S. Spielberg sell movies ?
It's called a media blitz, okey ?
It's called hype of the highest kind.
Revelations chapter 22:
14 "Blessed are those who do his
commandments, that they may
have the right to the tree of life,
and may enter in through the
gates into the city.
15 For without are the vicious and
magicians and murderers and
idolaters and whoever loves to
tell lies."
Thank you for your thoughtful response, I appreciate the links. I am working right now on an inductive Bible study (a two year commitment) for the book of Revelation. During our summer break, I was trying to read through Isaiah, but I am just having difficulty.
I will use your links to see if I can help it along.
Again, Thanks!
Some interesting facts about Isaiah;
_paraphrased from "What the Bible
Is All About" ( by Henrietta C. Mears )
Isaiah is a miniature Bible in structure.
The book has 66 chapters, just as
the Bible has 66 books. There are
two great divisions just like the Bible,
with 39 chapters in the first ( like
the OT ) and 27 in the second ( like
the NT ).
The Old Testament opens with God's
case against man because of his sin.
Isaiah opens the same way ( Is 1:18 )
The first section closes with the
prophesy of the coming King of
Righteousness and the redemption
of Israel just as the prophets close
the OT with the prediction of his
coming Kingdom.
The second part of Isaiah ( chap.40 )
opens with "the voice of one crying
in the wilderness ( John the Baptist )
and is concerned with the person and
work of Jesus Christ. The NT opens in
exact accord with this.
Isaiah ends with a vision of a "new
heaven and a new earth wherein
dwelleth righteousness". The NT closes
with this same view in Revelations.
Isaiah is like a jewel case and the fifty-
third chapter is the jewel. This has a
central position in the division to
which it belongs. This is the chapter
that tells of the Savior who has "borne
our griefs and carried our sorrows."
The book of Isaiah has so many
messianic prophesies that all point
to Jesus the Christ: his unique birth
his unique life, his death and his
resurrection. Here's just one from
Isaiah 7:14 : "Therefore the Lord
himself shall give you a sign; Behold,
a virgin shall conceive and bear a son
and shall call his name Immanuel "
see also Isaiah 9:6&7, and Isaiah 53:5
"He was wounded for our transgressions,
bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon
him; and with his stripes we are healed."
That's Precepts I'm guessing?
One of the software programs, could be helpful for the Precepts or any other inductive study you might be doing if you don't have one already.
With Isaiah, it would be helpful to have a good handle on Kings and Chronicles. That will help understanding the chronology of the two exiles (Babylon and Assyria) and should also help you to see when he's talking about future events.
Another think that is really helpful is to do it with others in a group. God will allow different people to see different aspects of the same text.
I always ask for wisdom too( James 1:5). God's faithful to show you.
Blessings as you study,
...and I totally agree about the Messianic prophecies with Paul's post. One very interesting thing about Isaiah 53 which is the most obvious one about Yeshua, is that the rabbis usually pass over this when they read the haftorah portions ( the texts which correspond with the Torah portions). When they do address it they say that the suffering servant refers to Israel. In a sense you could say that Israel has suffered,so you can see where they get this from, but the language of the text is clearly talking about an individual. I find it helpful to understand the Jewish perspective, even though I might see this differently.
Interestingly Jews do believe that there is Messiah ben Joseph ( the suffering servant) and Messiah ben David ( the victorious king). A famous Kabbalist rabbi who died over a year ago in Israel at 106, identified Yeshua and verses from Isaiah as pointing to him in a letter he left to be opened a year after his death.
Don’t be disheartened if no one here specifically focuses on the crystal skulls. I had heard of these skulls when I was in new age (and looking into the work of Jamie Sams, a Native American new ager)…Other than that, I didn’t pay much attention to it, so many other things to focus on.
Part of the whole New Age movement—mystery, magic…
The whole new age thing is all connected to Laszlo’s work, this Jerusalem Academy thing, all with the objective of forming that ‘one world religion’, I can see that now. It just all came together for me within the past week or so…Read my post about The Secret on this blog. Even before I found Constance’s work, I was looking at Oprah Winfrey’s cult and brainwashing activities, and then this video with The Secret (“Planet Earth Forever”) and researching Scientology’s possible connection with what Oprah is pushing. I get the sense that Oprah is doing a gathering of sorts. And now we have this crystal skull thing coming on the scene, and here comes the new Indiana Jones movie which is catching public attention…It’s all very subtle, this mass conditioning that NA foists on the public. It is all to soften up society, to make the ultimate agenda of what will take place in Jerusalem more palatable to the public. It is presented in media first as being benign, harmless, positive…It becomes a part of culture, interwoven in our language…it just becomes a part of what is “normal”.
The public’s interest in this is the introduction of interest in what is yet one more thing involving mysticism and magical thinking, and that is what NA wants. The folks behind the “New World Order” are never going to get rid of the desire people have for religion or spiritual belief of some sort, so they’re thinking, “Let’s introduce something that satisfies that craving for some sort of connection to the sacred, and let’s make it something that can involve EVERYONE world wide.” New Age is constantly coming up with different things to use to ‘hook’ people into their whole system, and in my opinion, interest in the crystal skulls is just one more thing. New Age turns its followers into addicts, the followers constantly need to be fed more, more, more—more magic, more stories, more magical systems and teachings and mystical beings and channeled information, and objects and talismans, more seminars, workshops, books, DVD’s, CD’s, meditation…Gimme more!…The followers crave and crave and crave, and the New Age leaders are more than happy to keep supplying the kool aid of all different flavors, whatever flavor the public wants, it’s there.
And all to pave the way for the AntiChrist.
I went back and re-read Bjorn’s blog about the crystal skulls….My take is, if it’s important to the New Agers, then sure, there’s something to it. There are occult elements, it’s connected to what the Jerusalem Academy folks are trying to accomplish. I think since the goal of the whole NA outfit is to unite people into one world religion, they are going to use whatever it takes to hook people. Different people will be hooked by different things. The idea is to hook everyone and bring them in. Crystal skulls will interest a certain segment of the population, so that will be used.
Are there magical properties to them, anything supernatural? Maybe, maybe not. Whatever power people manage to invoke to them, I guess. Whatever power the forces of Satan decide to assign to it in order to hook people.
There is a lot of deception in the New Age movement, and people fool themselves, too. They see what they want to see. Whether there is any sort of supernatural power to the skulls or not, it’s all part and parcel of the same thing: The massive spiritual deception that is going on around the globe. People are being steadily softened up mentally and spiritually. Their ability to perceive reality is being destroyed with teachings like A Course in Miracles and Eckhart Tolle and more. The ability to think critically and with discernment is being eroded. Individuality is being steadily broken down, and with that, the ability to think for ourselves and to ask questions…and those who insist on doing so will be seen as the bad guys. (Even many atheists, who normally pride themselves on their ability to think clearly and critically, are getting drawn in via the 'global warming' ‘environmental' movements.)
Satan et al are watching us constantly. They know our weaknesses and they know our strengths and they will use ANYTHING to hook us. They’ll prey on our weaknesses and use our own strengths to draw us into the occult, into New Age stuff, to trick us.
I just thought of something…Oprah Winfrey says there are many paths to God. Ironically…I think she’s got it backwards. There are many paths to the Antichrist. Whatever mystical thing the crystal skulls stuff involves is just one of them.
There’s only ONE way to God, and that is through Jesus. I think even I, being the Biblical scholar infant that I am, can see that.
Hi ~L~ I have found your comments very interesting. Thanks for
sharing with us about your involvement in new age activities, and how the Lord has opened your eyes to its dangers and deceptions. You wrote in your comments at 8:38 pm about what you were finding as you were reading the Jerusalem Peace Academy Diplomacy for Peace pdf. I can see very easily why you would recognize similar concepts as found in Hermeticism ect. The “new” spirituality has its roots in the ancient mystery religions. In your comments you said:
“I noticed as well the statements that more than imply that Judaism and Islam are 'false religious beliefs'. That's interesting that they would start labelling certain religious beliefs as "false".
Could you direct me to the portion of the pdf. that brought you to that conclusion? I’m asking because I read the entire proposal myself, and did not reach the same conclusion as you did. I agree that the author of the proposal, and founder of JPA, Heinrich Eliyahu Benedict , (according to his bio)
Is a practitioner of, “practical (non-orthodox) and prophetic Kabbalah and Vedanta, he adheres to the unity of all religions as well as to a universal brotherhood of mankind and all living creatures. However, at least half of the proposal focuses on his recognition
of both Hebrew and Islamic Scripture equally.
“1) Peace talks between Israel and Palestine shall proceed on the basis of mutual
recognition of the Holy Scriptures as a guiding light toward peace and prosperity and that
of the independence and self-determination of each based on the 1967 borders.” (pg 47)
The way I read the proposal, Benedict, far from suggesting that one or the other religion is “false” (That wouldn’t encourage “inclusiveness” required in the New Age) he goes out of his way to emphasize the “truthfulness” encompassing both religions. He finds and presents “common ground” where the two can agree, from their own religious texts.
The area of dispute comes down to the what each of these two faith’s sacred texts say about Jerusalem. Rather than divide Jerusalem JPA proposes a sharing of the city by the three monotheistic faiths, with a future rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple located on or near its original site, The link below is Benedicts bio. (English translated)
It is so good you found Constance’s blog,and to see you taking the time to read the proposal and educating yourself. So many areas to look into, Thanks again for sharing with us. -Rudi
Hello Rudy,
The sentence was on page 9:
"Also remembering the frustrating experience of Camp David and Taba and analyzing
their drastic failure, we clearly find the cause in the insurmountable gap between the two
parties in their unsubstantiated and false belief systems and unjust religious claims over
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount."
It does appear, however, that I was taking it out of context, that the author was referring to certain belief systems regarding "religious claims over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount" as being "false belief systems", rather than to Judaism and Islam being false belief systems in their entirety.
Forgive me if I have misunderstood. I think I was overly zealous to find fault with the document, kind of a knee jerk self protective reaction to what I saw as having that little ring of the spirituality that I've left behind. I haven't finished reading it yet. Actually, it is bothering me somewhat...reading it, I mean. I'm trying to stay "critical" so I don't get sucked back into 'new age'think, but I could tend to go a little overboard with that. :-)
I read a portion this evening a little more lightly, without trying to pore over it and analyze it and pull it to pieces, and that was much better.
Oops, I'm sorry, I misspelled your name, Rudi!
Rudi and L,
I just want to say that I found Benedikt approving Islam, which is very interesting because the Quran really doesn't mention Jerusalem . In fact Mohamed got mad at 3 Jewish tribes living in Medina because they would not help him attack Mecca and at this point he began facing Mecca and praying and then began to attack the Jews caravans.
HE only was successful in getting followers, when he attacked the Jews because they became wealthy. This attracted many more followers to Islam. He was also mad at the Jews, that they would not accept him as another of their prophets. He expected that they would see him as part of the lineage of prophets of the Bible.
Many today are making the mistake of calling the Quran a holy book like the Bible. This is false and misleading. The book is off in terms of chronology and the characters. I don't think it is possible for the two religions to get along, unless there is an occult element that will unify them. There is too much hatred, too many differences.
If you add some mystical, occult practices, like in N. Africa, they have more in common. In N. Africa the Jews and Muslims both go to maribous and have many of the same superstitions like hand of Fatima, the evil eye, etc. In this case you see more unity, although with extremist Islam there's a lot of hatred of Jews there too.
The glue will be some occult practice, or true unity in Messiah. I think there's a great difference in these two kinds of unity. One is based on genuine biblical forgiveness and reconciliation first to God Himself and then to one another. The other is based on a lie and as such will not hold.
I'm always intrigued by the fact that Daniel's statue has the feet with clay and iron. Clay and iron don't stick, so I think the last empire that will rise up has elements that will not allow it to sustain the false unity and then the true kingdom will crush it, when Yeshua comes back.
parpcofriends say :ok will just wait and see,but i thought it was quiet interesting though ,but anyway we will watch and see if anythink delevopes and just because they are suppose to be of alain origin ,does not make it a fact that satisium does exsist ,but i dont see or hear the main public flocking into satanism.But then again emphasiseing the purpose of the watchmen ,which is clearly evident in this blog and all the information that they have found and letting us descuss and learn more is great.Kinda like makeing us aware so that we dont get lead astay,but there is alread enough info here for anybody to see what the new age is all about.The only one you will anounce the AGES OF AGES .and that is Jesus ,WHEN THE God becomes ALL,meaning the trinity is one again ,God ,Jesus,Holiy Spirit.The way it was meantr to be from the begining
Hi Joyce-
You brought out some excellent points in your comments. In particular, the point about the necessity of an occult element in order for the unification to take place. And the proposal leaves no doubt that the element is already present. I'd like your opinion about something on page 30 from the pdf. Below the quote where the original Talmudic version is sited, and it says the statement was later on adopted by Muslim imams, I find puzzling. Why would an imam adopt anything from the Talmud? I don't know a whole lot about who uses which book
exclusively or are there mutual holy books shared by both?
Thanks ~L~ for your response. I understand your point much better now!
Thank you for that tiny URL 12:37
That can give a strong explanation of the chemtrail ops. I don't know about any of you but my skies above have a cloudy layer that can be potentially a screen that can reflect images. I youtubed a video on laser technology and in China they introduced a film done by smoke and lazer that created a life size dinosuar.
I will try to post the link.
Just an interesting little thing I noticed...I've seen how new age loves their little slogans and code phrases, and I think certain words and phrases can trigger people who have been unknowingly conditioned and hypnotized. I commented previously on how the Jerusalem Academy document mentioned Ghandi's "be the change" phrase and how Oprah was stressing that during her last Tolle webinar. Well, I also noticed that that phrase is connected to Barack Obama. Google obama, "be the change" and see what you come up with. A variation of this phraseology is catching on in Britain as well, apparently:
What the heck are you talking about ?
..."when the trinity becomes one again
the way it was supposed to be"..??
God has not changed and isn't about
to change.
I must share with you all about ex-mason
Charles Finney and his revival lectures in America.
He goes into great detail about the history of America.
The reason I bring this up is that it is not the sleepy little religion from the distant past, it is very well and alive today and embraced by many powerful.
If you go to Wikipedia and search, "List of Freemasons"
you will find some very prominent figures although their are some exclusions like Tony Blair and the Bush family.
Bohemian Grove
Oprah Winfrey Denies Jesus Christ
Pass it on
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