Saturday, May 31, 2008


"Now all the resonating core groups with outwardly different purposes are merging and blending and coming together to do the One Work . . ." Barbara Marx Hubbard, Spring 1988, To Seattle Unity Church, Seattle, Washington
"There are several folders on CORE, which is the name given to the group of fellowship leaders that got together regularly to pray and plan the fellowship's activities Similarly, several files with "Group' or "Groups" in the title are brought together under "G," these contain information on the early days of the fellowship and the formation of prayer groups around the country. Except for Vereide, Halverson and Douglas Coe (for each of whom, there is a series) all the people involved prominently in the fellowship at one time or another, such as James Bell, Frank Carlson, Church Colson, Billy Graham, Wallace Haines, Mark Hatfield, Fred Heyn, Karlis Leyasmeyer, Albert Quie, and Paul Temple have one or more folders of material in this section."

TOTAL NUMBERS 1998 THROUGH 2006: $640,080 paid by Three Swallows Foundation to Institute of Noetic Sciences. $1,777,650 to "INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION" which is the name under which "The Family" aka "Fellowship Foundation" aka "The Fellowship" aka "Ivanwald" does business. This explains why key evangelical leaders were so very anxious to silence my work on sounding alarms on the New Age Movement. When you consider this along with the vast sums given by Rev. Moon, much taken from 1982-through the present time now makes disturbing sense. May the Lord help us all! The figures were gleaned from the 990 forms filed by THREE SWALLOWS FOUNDATION. It appears that the New Age community obviously bought and owned this allegedly Christian operation. How much deeper does it go?

Reading this, you might want to jump back to an earlier article (April 29, 2007) by me, "Story in Pictures." To read the information first published and then buried by World Business Academy, you will need to click on each picture individually to blow it up to full page. It will be well worth the reading! You might also want to read information copied from a 1988 newsletter. I wrote it in 1988, but the players, to the best of my present knowledge, have never repented! The researchers abridging my material added valuable work of their own. They documented the Paul N. Temple connection!

October 5, 1987
Name withheld
Stanford CA, 94025


We are writing to invite you to join us for the gathering we are hosting at Gold Lake on October 24-27, entitled “Bridging Through Christ.” The conference will be held at Gold Lake Ranch, an executive retreat conference center, educational foundation, and community initiative located in the mountains outside Boulder, Colorado.

We plan to meet in dialogue and prayer, with our daily roles and titles, to form deep personal bonds that will last beyond this weekend. We hope to come out of this meeting with a clearer sense of direction and set a course for further contact and dialogue. The meeting will be structured so that it can change according to the needs and interests of the group. We have asked two close friends, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe to serve as co-hosts for this event, as well as Robin’s parents, Paul and Diane Temple. All of them are deeply dedicated and have each, in their own way, become powerful catalysts for bringing people around the globe together in the Spirit of Christ. More about them is enclosed. We are planning to limit the participants to about 30 lay people in order to create the opportunity for deeper communication and sharing.

We are eagerly looking forward to being with you at Gold Lake in October and getting to know you in person. Enclosed is the logistics sheet and registration form which we would appreciate you filling out and returning it [sic] as soon as

Robin and Logan Kline

As a new book has recently appeared on the market -- a NavPress (the Navigators) release from another Fellowship participant, Michael Timmis, who may or may not be innocent of the obvious New Age agenda of Coe and Paul N. Temple, it appears that the Fellowship Foundation is attempting to strengthen its public relations. I tried recently to reach Timmis' Detroit law office with no success. I suspect that as he in his book indicates he was discipled by Douglas Coe, he has been cautioned to stay strictly away from Yours Truly! Timmis is now heading the group that Charles (Chuck) Colson founded: Prison Fellowship. Here's hoping that the two of them are honestly motivated -- I would hate to think of people with Watergate level skills training prisoners for service in a New Age army! Hopefully, that is not the case. Interestingly, Paul N. Temple often loaned Chuck Colson and wife Patti his Spanish villa when they needed a place to retreat.
Now, more than 20 years since this was held, internet information is available that shows the breadth and depth of the funding laid out by Paul N. Temple. It is difficult to say whether the money prompted the theological compromise and/or nobody wanted to oppose the New Age meaningfully there because they didn't want to uninspire Paul Temple's generosity. I am attaching a picture of one of the more colorful recipients of this largesse: "All Seasons Chalice Church." Its neo-pagan, earth-worshipping character could hardly be more obvious!

What do these groups have in common? Global Family, Fellowship Foundation d/b/a International Foundation, Campus Crusade, All Seasons Chalice Church, Young Life, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Steiner schools, Unitarian churches?

The answer is that they are among the recipients of funding from Three Swallows Foundation. What is Three Swallows Foundation? It is headed by Paul N. Temple. He is a long time activist with Doug Coe's Fellowship Foundation. He also is the very prominent co-founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Are these groups different? Or are they "outwardly different resonating core groups now blending and merging to do the 'one work' as Barbara Marx Hubbard reported in Spring, 2008.
Paul Temple's Three Swallows Foundation gave nearly a half million in grants in 2007 ($459,615 to be precise). Its declared worth per its 2006 IRS form was $3,755,861.00. These were among its recipients and some of the moneys they received from that source over the past few years:

All Seasons Chalice Church ($10,000 + $8700 + $6715); Campus Crusade ($8700 + 6500+13,000); Global Family ($6,900); International Foundation (Fellowship Foundation) $203,000 plus $148,000; Institute of Noetic Sciences ( $ 31,350+$30,700 +$90,000) ; Shining Mountain Waldorf School ($17,475) Longmont, Colorado;
8700 + 6715+
Campus Crusade
Orlando, Florida
Endowment for the Neurosciences
N. Bellmore, NY
FCA LaCrosse
Hunt Valley, Maryland
First Unitarian
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Friends of the British Primary School
Boulder, Colorado
Global Family
Santa Barbara, CA
International Foundation
Washington, D.C.
$203,000 + $148,000
Kaleida Health Foundation
Buffalo, NY
Maha Bere Ethiopian Church
Arlington, VA
Marin Academy
San Rafael, CA
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Paonia, CO
Shining Mountain Waldorf School
Boulder, Colorado
Stop Hunger Now
Raleigh, North Carolina
Susan Perez Porter Foundation
Camillus, NY
University of Denver
Denver, CO
Widows & Orphans Network
Fort Worth, TX
YMCA Development Office
Young Life
Child & Development Advocacy
Sustainable Development
Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center
Institute of Noetic Sciences
College of St. Elizabeth
Common Ground
Deerfield, IL
Rockwood Leadership Foundation
Berkeley, CA
Known Associations:
Willis Harmon
Edgar Mitchell
Former Senator Harold Hughes
Doug Coe
Barbara Marx Hubbard
David Spangler
Billy Graham

Moneys were given to Global Family. That organization, as I recall it from the late 1980s was organized and maintained by Barbara Marx Hubbard. One of its current directors, co-authored THE BOOK OF REVELATION - THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION along with Barbara Marx Hubbard. Quoting from Hubbard’s current front, THE CENTER FOR CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION, we read Hubbard’s list of major efforts by herself:

“She has been instrumental in the founding of many future-oriented organizations, including the World Future Society, New Dimensions Radio, Global Family, Women of Vision In Action, The Foundation for the Future, and the Association for Global New Thought.”
It was Barbara Marx Hubbard who chaired the October 1987 Gold Lake meeting at the invitation of “evangelicals” To see where Ms. Hubbard is coming from and her absolute deception -- “deceiving and being deceived,” view her website -- be sure to watch her video -- provided that once again, the game of “now you see us, now you don’t” isn’t in active motion!
It is interesting to note also that when Mark Hatfield sold his Washington, D.C. home back in the 1980s an ethics investigation was opened as to his finances. Paul N. Temple was the one who bought his house at an obviously artifically inflated price.
My Questions: Did Paul Temple know what he was doing? Did he know the spiritual ramifications of mixing the worst of the New Age with Christianity?

Alternative Question: Did these supposedly Christian people protect the New Age Movement and give it cover because they felt it would offend Paul N. Temple and stop his largesse if they did not?

To be continued. STAY TUNED!!!


Constance Cumbey said...

You may read all about the Paul N. Temple - Mark Hatfield deal by clicking on this tiny url. When I get a little more steam (now 3 in morning), I will add it as a hyperlink to the story. Sorry!


Anonymous said...

To see the recipients for three swallows, go to guidestar's information:

Anonymous said...

Why is Three Swallows funding International Foundation, an employee benefit program?

Anonymous said...

Why is Three Swallows funding International Foundation, an employee benefit program?

Anonymous said...

JD said: “What I can't understand is how though corruption in the form of lobbying and other even more obvious (if there is one) forms are blatantly obvious, and the perspective of the media is obviously tainted. How can so much of the populace be so apathetic?”

Earlier I said: “I think the tipping point is to be found in the “love of money” and the persuasion of the Islamic world that they mean no harm to the West; of which the cultural shift of monism, material or spiritual, has become the bedrock. We can continue to see the “extremist” (those who have the TRUTH) to be made an example of.”

Now Constance said: “The answer is that they are among the recipients of funding from Three Swallows Foundation.”

“The love of money” is here, but now we see a third group, the TEAM pitting one religion against another; make no mistake, but that MATERIALISM is a religion. “The best laid plans of mice and men” will fail, Islam is buying more votes in this game, and the price will, as always, be in blood.


Anonymous said...

It's disturbing but not surprising to see all these connections. Of course Jay Gary, is a founding member of the World Future Society too, and has played a big role in the Missions movement. I mentioned in an earlier blog, he teaches at Pat Robertson's school, Regent's University. He's also involved with Campus Crusade.

He is also involved in Caleb Project, who recommends going into mosques and inviting imams to your church, in order to reach Muslims with the gospel....very problematic. He's been a consultant to the Holy Land Trust.

He's also involved with Brian McLaren:

It's interesting to note that McLaren and Deepak Chopra have the same slogans. When we look at Alliance for a New Humanity, you see the slogans of Change, Shift etc. McLaren and Chopra must have the same marketing firm.

Of course Chopra's expression" Be the Change" sounds like Obama's. Should we be concerned about all of these folks using the same mantra?

Some more interesting connections sponsored by Three Sparrows. Included in the list is a representative from Damanhur.

I've posted some of these before, but in light of the new blog, I thought it was worth repeating. Sorry for the repetition.

Mystery Babylon is not only a religious system, but a financial one as well.

Anonymous said...

for a definition of D. Chopra

fa-kir' n 1 a. a Muslim medicant : DERVISH b : an itinerate Hindu ascetic or wonder worker 2 : imposter esp : SWINDLER


Dawn said...

Question: How deep do you think the Navigators are involved in this? Are they just publishers or is there something more?

There are quite a few churches around here that support the Navigators so I was just wondering.

Constance Cumbey said...

"INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION" is N-O-T an employee benefit program. Neither is it the handwritten form for the missionary group from Tennessee. It is the name under which FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION of DOUG COE does business. Here is a link to a story revealing that:


Constance Cumbey said...

In 1986, one of the Navigator's biggest local donors attempted to take me on a tour of their grounds -- as soon as they learned who she had in the car -- Yours Truly -- she was ordered to leave the grounds and not come back if I were along, The Navigators had extremely large and spacious grounds -- it was part of the network. I could not help but notice that the grounds name, which as I recall was "Eagle's Nest" was frightfully close to what Hitler called his grounds.


Constance Cumbey said...

About the only place on line where you can hear large amounts of Doug Coe's voice is the Navigator's. He got his start there, according to one of the speeches I am listening to . . .


Constance Cumbey said...

NOTE CAREFULLY: 133 C Street, SE, Washington, DC is the mailing address to Doug Coe. That is the address listed on the 990 IRS returns of Three Swallows Foundation for "International Foundation." Pull down ALL 990's from link supplied on caption of this story -- hurry -- it may soon disappear. Records from the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton have per some stories!


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...


I couldn't agree more! Man is happy to live in their isolated bubble so long as no one dares touch their cookie cutter homes or their shin new lexus. Unfortunately the TEAM you reffer to is not a new one. The world has been playing divide and conquer against the people of faith for centuries. In fact Lucifer has employed this strategy many times through history. In the days of Abraham it was over which son had the true blessing of the Lord, and while He promised to bless them both in different ways they continue to fight to this very day over who has favor and given rights to property. This is not a new tactic, just one that is currently being used so we won't stand together against this coming reign of evil! A house divided truly cannot stand!

I believe it is no coincidence that we are seeing similarities between what the new age leaders and the current aspiring leaders of our country are saying. These are messages that in the general context appeal to the masses. I believe that these aspiring leaders are coining the same phrases because all of them at some point or another have voiced pro-global opinions. Our government is begining to prepare its people for this "new age", just as the menia is in full force to promote it. As is the UN, just the same as the catholic church as well as many protestants have begun to. If you listened to Benedicts address to the UN during his visit last month, he basically stopped just short of out right promoting the new age. In that he rolled through all the same buzz words, asking for interdependence and global unity as if they were catholic in concept.

As a side note, I attended a few Young Life meetings when I was in high school between 95-98. I actually stopped going because of some of the things being taught such as other faith tolerance. They often talked of judgemental attitudes regarding these being directly against the Word. It is interesting for me to see they are among those being donated to.


Constance Cumbey said...

All Seasons Chalice Church has received a great deal of money from Paul N. Temple and company over the years. During their funding year 2002-2003, according to the 990 report (you may download all those from the Guidestar page), they received over $38,000 in that one year alone. It appears that Coe's group received during the 10 year span that reports are available upwards of $1 million. Be sure to archive the reports -- I suspect governmental pressure may soon be applied to dictate their removal!!!!!


Anonymous said...

More about that "change" slogan...Remember I posted about the Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Florida "outpouring" or "revival" thing? I've checked it out online, decided after the last episode I had better not watch it again. (They were claiming to have resurrected 16 people from the dead at that point, wonder what it's up to now?) That Bentley has eyes that are just plain scary!

Anyway, it's all connected, the "change" thing, seems like everyone is gathering around the same thing, and they sure do like their little code words and catch phrases, eh? You know, before I found Constance's material, I had a feeling that new agers and occultists were somehow being gathered together and I was looking for evidence of that, and I just keep finding more and more.:

Anonymous said...

Alice Bailey said that this was part of The Plan. Anyone who doesn't believe these things are being orchestrated may not be reading all of the information out there. The snake knows his time is short, so he's working fast and furiously. It hasn't gotten as bad as it will get though..

Dan. 12:1 ¶ “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.

Rev. 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

I always think of Yeshua's words:

Matt. 24:24 “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

It's good to know who we belong to.

Anonymous said...

Constance, you came through.

I knew if people put "International Foundation" into a web search because it received major money from Three Swallows they would get confused because International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans comes up with International Foundation underlined at the top.

It's a very good lesson on how careful researchers need to be about details and how devious our opponents are.

All of the information provided makes this look like a Christian conspiracy, but Christians can clearly say "Hold on there" about such a conclusion. Conspiracy theories about Jews are also done up in the same way, making it seem as if all members of a labeled group are involved to the detriment of the "victim" group.

There will always be power seekers in any monotheistic community who don't let their religion stand in their way. Thanks heavens they are only a small minority. - more information.

Constance Cumbey said...

All Seasons Chalice received over $97,550 from Paul Temple's foundation between 1998 and 2006! I gleaned that from totaling the individual years.


Anonymous said...

International Foundation
Washington, DC
2006 $203,500 International Foundation
Washington, DC

International Foundation
Washington, DC
2004 $148,000
International Foundation
2004 $28,000

International Foundation
Washington, DC
2003 $220,750

International Foundation
Washington, DC
2001 $224,000

2000 $199,500

1999 $105,000

Great find Constance.

Constance Cumbey said...

It appears that Paul N. Temple was tight even with Lucis Trust activists Corrine McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson. Check this all-star IONS gatherin out. Sure wish I could obtain those tapes


Constance Cumbey said...

Check the credentials of Lynn Twist, another IONS board members as she writes a story about Robert Muller.

The "Pachamama" reference irritates me the most -- that is a reference to the earth being a female living goddess entity!


Constance Cumbey said...

Here's one abroad for IONS:

Ms Marlene de Beer
PhD Student
View Publications
Dissertation Title: Social Cohesion Perspectives, Conceptual Developments & Models Emerging.

Marlene de Beer is a South African national and researcher; qualified in Social Worker (BA Soc.Sc. honours), specialised in Community Development (MA Soc.Sc.), lectured in Community Policing (1994-2000) and has a Diploma in Disaster Management. She is the co-founder and facilitator of a Soul at Play, Meditation - & IONS Community Group at Ulster (a self-organising & self-directing voluntary association of the Institute of Noetic Sciences ).She also conducts part-time contract research for the Pushkin Trust. Research title/focus: The emergence of an evolving Pushkin Model - promoting well-being, harmony and wholeness through creativity and imagination (the seed of potential): past, present and (shared) future - moving beyond conflict and building real, sustained relationships with each other.

Supervisors: Professor Alan Smith & Dr Jackie Reilly(88)

Constance Cumbey said...

Here's one abroad for IONS:

Ms Marlene de Beer
PhD Student
View Publications
Dissertation Title: Social Cohesion Perspectives, Conceptual Developments & Models Emerging.

Marlene de Beer is a South African national and researcher; qualified in Social Worker (BA Soc.Sc. honours), specialised in Community Development (MA Soc.Sc.), lectured in Community Policing (1994-2000) and has a Diploma in Disaster Management. She is the co-founder and facilitator of a Soul at Play, Meditation - & IONS Community Group at Ulster (a self-organising & self-directing voluntary association of the Institute of Noetic Sciences ).She also conducts part-time contract research for the Pushkin Trust. Research title/focus: The emergence of an evolving Pushkin Model - promoting well-being, harmony and wholeness through creativity and imagination (the seed of potential): past, present and (shared) future - moving beyond conflict and building real, sustained relationships with each other.

Supervisors: Professor Alan Smith & Dr Jackie Reilly(88)

Anonymous said...

I think everybody should look at this. Isn't Sam Nunn tight with EU's Solana?

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to that thinktank report on the North American Union!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The actual quote of Pope Benedict XVI is "At the same time, the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights all serve as guarantees safeguarding human dignity". His statements also stressed individual national sovreignty, the individual and family, protection of life, the problems looming from globalization on the Third World, and the need to sustain the principals inherent in the Declaration of Human Rights that are God-given. This is NOT the agenda for a NWO one world.

Anonymous said...

Any relation to the DeBeers mining family, which owns one of the biggest diamond mining companies in the world?


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

I personally think we are starting to see so many "could be" leaders come to the fore front as a way to throw us off. No matter who it is or which way it goes down, all mentioned, i.e. Obama, Solana, Blair, or whoever else may come about will serve us up on a platter! Satan surely has a lot of irons in this proverbial fire. Daily it seems another name of a possible player gets added, as it appears with all the current news today that Obama is going to get the nod from the democrats. I wonder what role exactly he has to play. Blair, Solana and others are a bit more obvious even if only for the next year or so. But Barack is still an unknown as we are a little more uncertain exactly where the US will stand in all this. How ever it is beginning to look more and more daily as if it will be a willing participant, maybe even the UN's muscle as has been the case in the past. I guess only time can tell, I am just glad I know which side I'm on!
Speaking of the US, Constance, did you get the email I sent to your yahoo address?


Anonymous said...

Good morning,

Voila Todd Bentley.


Anonymous said...

Ah, Paul, I have a whole folder of bookmarks about Monsieur Bentley et al. I'm adding your link to it. I'll have to get reading, just from a quick skim it looks like an excellent article. Thanks! :-)

Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Hey thought you guys might find this interesting. Its everyones favorite dictator Ahmadinejad. He talks about a coming destruction of Israel as if the plans already in motion. As well as the coming Mahdi alongside Jesus and other religous leaders!


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

If this guy gets his way we could see prophecy fulfilled at anytime!

Anonymous said...

Friends, this is off topic, but I need to say this to you.

First I want to say again how happy I am that I found this blog. I have learned so much, and it is a great comfort to know that there are other people out there who see what’s going on in this world. It is also a comfort to know that there are people to talk to if I have any questions. You guys are a real blessing.

On a previous post, I mentioned a blog I had been reading, the author of which has been described by other readers here as an “East Bay rapper”. The blog is The Macho Response, written by someone who calls himself Crack Emcee. After having had his marriage destroyed by his wife’s involvement with new age and the occult, he has gone on a mission to expose the new age and occult movement and is an outspoken critic of it. Which is great. He is also an atheist.

Well, I mentioned his blog here as part of another discussion (related to Hillary…Crack Emcee also blogs a lot about Hillary, Obama, and their occult connections). I also thought he would enjoy Constance’s books and I mentioned that as well.

Someone else from here e-mailed him and told him about Constance’s website. Crack Emcee posted one of Constance’s talks on his website and spoke favorably about her, and a couple of us from here commented on one of his blog postings at his blog. I told him about the Green Agenda website as well.

The next thing you know, seemingly out of the blue, on Friday, Crack wrote a scathing post (called “Talking through the hole in my neck) in which he basically went on a rant, about how ‘there-is-no-god’, HE is right and everyone else is wrong. He ends the diatribe with “leave me the f*** alone. I’m working here.” As part of that post, he attacked Constance and made a statement about her which I found to be totally unjustified. He said,

“Constance Cumbey, you're a lawyer, and the fact you waste your time chasing NewAge nonsense to justify "Biblical scripture" is below you, and everyone who hears you. You're no different than that silly woman who "facilitates recovered memories" and claimed John Bolton (the U.S. Ambassador, not the treacly musician) yelled at her 20-something years ago. You all need to stop. Now. Get a life. Get a real one. Jesus doesn't need you anymore.”

Quite frankly, I think Crack Emcee knows better than that and I just couldn’t understand where this was coming from. How does he go from speaking of Constance favorably one day to THIS the next day? He writes about new age all the time and exposes it for the evil it is. And yet he is only looking at the tip of the iceberg. I don’t think he realizes the full extent of the new age movement and how deeply intertwined it is with large international and political organizations, or how it is actually bringing its groups together these days. Constance is the one who has brought this to light and continues to bring it to light. Does it 'justify Biblical scripture'? YES, it does! This stuff is real and it’s verifiable and it’s happening, whether or not one ties in the fact that it is ALSO fulfilling Bible prophecy. People need to know. Both of those facts. That it's happening, and that it DOES fulfill Bible prophecy.

When Crack was told about Constance’s work, I had hoped that he would learn more about the international and political connections both for his own sake and that he would also do the research and expose what HE found. I get the impression, however, that his atheism has him working from the premise that ‘if the Bible says it, it’s not true’, and ergo if a Christian says it, it’s questionable. Hence this knee jerk reaction on his part, including this attack on Constance.

Over the weekend, I’ve prayed on the subject of what, if anything, I should do or say about this.

I feel like I had a part in putting Constance in the crosshairs of this man’s criticism, and I feel bad about that. However, I still do hope that he will do more research and learn something that will benefit him down the road. This information DID reach areas and people it otherwise may not have, and that is a good thing, and who knows what wonderful things may eventually come of that?

I wanted to mention on this site what has happened because The Macho Response blog has been mentioned favorably in previous comments sections of this blog, and I wanted you folks to be aware of what has happened in case you do go over there and receive an unpleasant surprise. I think I left the impression that Crack Emcee would be friendly to us, and that isn’t necessarily so, so I want to clarify that.

Sorry about all this, Constance.

And this Florida Outpouring thing and Bentley is a huge, ugly mess...when I read about Bentley and "a spirit named Wind of Change' , I thought, "Aha, this is where Bentley and his crew is taking his followers." I mean, I KNEW that anyway, but that little buzzword 'change' is just so obvious.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bentley is interesting -- I suspect from viewing his you Tube that he will need to visit a personal trainer before being taken seriously. It looks like he gets LOTS of those good church dinners -- he is seriously obese!

Constance Cumbey said...

Dear Lynn:

I'm happy you found my blog and that you invited your atheist friend to it. I can take some criticism -- in my opinion, God is still dealing with him and he is wrestling with the evidence. I've seen many an atheist turn course in the 27 years I have been working on these issues. Everybody is entitled to at least one kind warning and after that I'm not going to beat them over the head with evidence. He will continue to mull over what he has learned. You keep praying for him and so will I.


Anonymous said...

Lynn for the warning on Crack Emcee, I did head over there on your recommendation. At least the Crack Emcee has some self-awareness and honesty about what he believes.

The Cumbey blog may appear at first glance to be one relatively religious and happy family. It is an excellent source of information on New Age but in terms of the ethics, techniques and high self-regard of some of the posters, if you are looking for a bulwark of Christian charity, believe me this blog ain't it. Stick around for awhile or read through some of the archives and you will see what I mean.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Constance,

I can't take credit for issuing the invitation to Crack Emcee. I just mentioned him and someone else posting anonymously on your blog apparently sent him an e-mail, but I'm glad he or she did so, too. :-)It was a really good idea.

Yes, I, too, think Crack is still wrestling with the evidence. It's quite compelling and simply cannot be denied. I'll pray for him. If he knew that, it would probably irritate him, but I'll do it anyway. ;-)

By the way, is anyone else getting a lot of google 'server errors' when they try to get on any blogger pages this morning? It's not just this one, it's all blogger pages that this happens to. I sit here and hit the refresh button repeatedly until the page comes through. Wonder what's going on? I know sometimes these big servers get hit with Denial of Service hacker attacks.

I'm going to leave off with the preview and go straight to 'publish' from here, just in case...

Dawn said...

Could this be the "emergency" that could trigger that which is definde in Recommendation 666?

Keep in mind we are fast approaching July 14th, Solana's birthday. He normally gets some sort of "diplomatic birthday present" on or around his birthday.

Anonymous said...

Know this that in the last days disastrous times will come.
2 And men shall be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, proud, conceited, blasphemers, disobedient to their own people, ungrateful, wicked,
3 False accusers, addicts to lust, brutal, haters of good things,
4 Traitors, hasty, boasters, lovers of pleasures more that lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but far from the power of God; from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are those who creep into houses and captivate women sunken in sin, led away by divers lusts,
7 Ever striving to learn and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
Thanks for the scathing commentary on the day to day discourse here in Mrs Cumby's blog.
Thanks for the anonymous criticism of Christianity by way of your apparently not receiving enough love on this blogsite. Somehow here in cyberspace there should be more love flowing in every direction; kind of like what you might feel in a church.
On the one hand Christian folks have been portrayed in countless books, Hollywood movies, TV shows, cartoons, and comic books as simple minded and naiive at best. Often, the characterization is much worse.
And on the other hand when Christians have something to say to engage in the discourse and point out what The Holy Scriptures clearly say about this New Age, then there's not enough love going around in YOUR direction, anonymous, presumably because you don't believe in the Holy Scriptures which haven't changed through the years in spite of what you've been told.
Have you ever disproved one word of the Bible, prophesy or otherwise, anonymous ?


Constance Cumbey said...

Love bombing can be very much a cult characteristic -- on the other hand, we don't want to drive people away with a spirit of self-righteousness. Here's hoping we can all practice civility towards those online -- they are right and wrong ways to say something is wrong -- on the other hand, there are times, i will confess, when only sarcasm seems to cut through such things as effete snobbery . . .
Forgive my rambling -- I think the anonymous was probably hurt on this site and if so, I've had to develop a thick skin.
When I did the radio program on WMUZ for years, I told my audiences that they had better develop thick skins and prepare to be marginalized. That still holds.


Constance Cumbey said...

Love bombing can be very much a cult characteristic -- on the other hand, we don't want to drive people away with a spirit of self-righteousness. Here's hoping we can all practice civility towards those online -- they are right and wrong ways to say something is wrong -- on the other hand, there are times, i will confess, when only sarcasm seems to cut through such things as effete snobbery . . .
Forgive my rambling -- I think the anonymous was probably hurt on this site and if so, I've had to develop a thick skin.
When I did the radio program on WMUZ for years, I told my audiences that they had better develop thick skins and prepare to be marginalized. That still holds.


Anonymous said...

Some how I see Focus on the Family as being connected to the New Age. Chuck Colson has been on their board and is personal and up tight with Dr. Keep in mind the Queen and Prince Charles connections also.

Went to a couple of Billy Graham Crusade nights in KC a few years back and the people at the stage were not repenting it was a party.

There were a very, very few who seemed serious, friends were joking and laughing with each other, I could barely watch.

There was a spirit there but I don't think it was the one people think. You could feel the 'drawing' to the stage, isn't that amazing and I'm born again! I've had the same jeebies when I've gone into a New Age store not realizing what it was.

All the above people mentioned, you just know something isn't right, then you find out what it is. Thanks guys.


Constance Cumbey said...

Dear JD:

Please send nothing you care about to my Yahoo! address. That box has obviously and repeatedly been tampered with and emptied. Please send to my gmail account:



Dawn said...


You have to remember that there are ties with Graham and Campus Crusades.

As for Focus, if you have been here long enough this is not a surprise. They have had Newt Gingrich on as well as some promotion of products that have the roots in the New Age movement.
Here is a link to an e-book on the connection between the four temperaments, astrology, and personality testing.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to send you this LiveLeak video...

Alf Cengia said...

Christian preachers face arrest in Birmingham

Anonymous said...

Paul, you couldn’t be more right.
“Somehow here in cyberspace there should be more love flowing in every direction; kind of like what you might feel in a church.”
Love was what woke me. “We love Him because He first loved us.” Too bad the carnal mind struggles with the BEST in life. I was reading that Deepak Chopra said: “It is about, in fact, love being the ultimate truth.” Too bad Chopra hasn’t yet found the ultimate love; The Son of God on the Cross.
Mac, we saw this coming; anyone who sees a Darwin fish on a car or truck but never sees any offense to the most offensive expression of faith, Islamic intolerance, knows what cowards move through our society. Does anyone know if the murderers of the Coptic Christian family has been caught?
Anyone see the picture going around of D.C. NUKED?
But don’t you dare hand ou that track saying John 3:16

Anonymous said...

Thanks Setterman,
My point was that if a website or anything else is a substitute house of worship for a person, that person has a serious problem.
Think of all the substitutes: Sports, Art, Dogs, Cats,
Martial Arts, The Garden Club, The Lodge, etc etc.
Pseudo religions by the dozens.
That was my point but I'm not sure I got to it.


Anonymous said...

Yes I'm getting "server not responding" type messages all over the place.
And just as Constance said, some things get taken down very quickly when exposed to the light of day.
For instance the "" link above.


Anonymous said...

science/noetic science


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with the statement below. We have to learn to practice "discernment" and pray for guidance in knowing the difference between what is God's plan for how people should live and treat other people in the world vs. the New Age Movement's goals and agenda!!!

Anonymous said...
The actual quote of Pope Benedict XVI is "At the same time, the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights all serve as guarantees safeguarding human dignity". His statements also stressed individual national sovreignty, the individual and family, protection of life, the problems looming from globalization on the Third World, and the need to sustain the principals inherent in the Declaration of Human Rights that are God-given. This is NOT the agenda for a NWO one world.

3:02 AM

Anonymous said...

Hey Paul, You seem to be saying that
standards of behavior for a Christian are set higher in a house of worship than they are in day to day discourse. If this is a case you have a serious problem. You sound like a real "Sunday Christian" to me. Time to crack the scriptures I say.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
Once again thank you for your assessment and ready judgement. The standards you are holding me up to
don't apply to you, apparently, so your anonymous
advice to read the Bible is hollow, but true anyway.
I will, thanks.
Have you ever read the Bible ? Does it say I should, as a Christian, knuckle under to liars and subversives who can't/ won't/ wouldn't even identify themselves, but only hand out criticism of
those who believe?
Could you be any more of a hypocrite ?
Hypo=overly so
Critic= one who judges and accuses others.


Anonymous said...

At the beginning of Constance's blog entry, reference is made to 'CORE'. Could someone please kindly tell me who/what this is.

Is it in any way linked to the IFYC;
that Tony Blair's Faith Foundation is working with to provide mosquito nets and 'forge ties between faiths' in Africa this year?


Anonymous said...

Wow the World Wisdom Council!
Did anyone elect or even suggest these people?
Wisdom huh? Imagine the hubris.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, yet it seems not one of these people wants to acknowledge the Creator who gives us life and sustains it.
Not to mention that by his word any problem on earth can be reversed and every problem on earth has been at some point reversed according to His will.
Wisdom would dictate that we repent and get on our knees and pray to the God of creation to help us, but these fools want to do it their own way,
without mentioning God.
Wisdom indeed. The World Wisdom Council is a council of fools.


Anonymous said...

Ervin Laslo's itinerary

Mon: Meet with Club of Budapest people to hammer out new ways to frighten people into our corner.
Impart wisdom. Pass the hat.

Tues: Meet with AoC people to devise new ways to frighten people into our corner. Accept donations

Wed: Give speech at WW Council meeting in Tokyo to impart wisdom and warnings. Theme: "Herding frightened people into our corner." Accept donations and accolades.

Thurs: Rest and meditate on the power of mass fear. Begin working on writing for a new grant.
Ask for more !

Fri: Meet with Marianne Williamson to discuss
World Tax and the power of fear. Storyboard a new video with dire music throughout.

Sat: No rest for the weary. Must contact Al Gore and keep this momentum going. Post fresh new web video telling everyone to shift their consciousness.

Sun: Call Javier Solana just to say Hi. Begin new article entitled "Why Christianity is a failed Paradigm", repeat Shift mantra over and over.
Check the mail for donations, etc.


Anonymous said...

For those Christians on this blog, check out Slice of Laodicea for interesting comments on Rick Warren accepting an advisory position on Tony Blair'sFaith Foundation. Also, check Berit's site for comments on the evangelical manifesto.

I hope you're all well.


Anonymous said...

Lots more videos from WWC dating from 2006;


Anonymous said... or

Obama wants America to disarm. Does he intend to put the UN in charge of nuclear weapons as suggested in the Bailey writings?

Constance Cumbey said...

Here's what's on the current calendar for one of Paul N. Temple's other ventures: All Season's Chalice

May/June Events at The StarHouse
FULL MOON RITUALS. Monday May 19th and Wednesday June 18th (Members Only) at 7:30pm.
NEW MOON RITUALS FOR WOMEN. Monday May 5th and Monday June 2nd at 5:30pm.
DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE. Saturdays, May 10th and June 14th at 7:15pm.
GENTLE THUNDER IN CONCERT. Thursday May 15th at 7:30pm.
FIFTH WORLD IN CONCERT. Sunday May 18th at 8:00pm.
R J STEWART CROSSROADS AND FAERY MAGIC. Saturday, May 24th 10am-5pm.
PATH HOME SCHOOL OF SHAMANIC STUDIES. Saturday, May 31st from 1:00-6:00pm.
SOUND HEALING WITH DAVID HICKEY. Friday, June 6th at 7:30pm.
5TH ANNUAL THE GODDESS EXCHANGE. Thursday, June. 12th 6:00-9:00 pm.
AN EVENING OF DEVOTIONAL CHANTING (Kirtan). Sunday, June 15th at 7:30pm.
SUMMER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION. Saturday, June 21st from 6:00 – 7:30pm.

Maybe he's funding both sides so no matter who wins, he thinks he'll be safe! More likely, he's bought and paid for Christian silence on this . . .

Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

May 24, 2008 LA Times article about the formation of UNASUR - the South American Union. One article said they hoped to become the South American "EU".


Constance Cumbey said...

Detail on the All Season's Chalice Events:

All Seasons Chalice Event Details
FULL MOON RITUALS. On Monday, May 19th join us for the Fertile Creative moon with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Virgo. On Wednesday, June 18th we will host our first Deeper Ceremony for ASC Members only; led by David & Lila Tresemer. Full Moons begin at 7:30pm, admission is free for members and $10 for guests.

NEW MOON RITUALS FOR WOMEN. Our next Women’s New Moon will embrace the seasonal cycle of rebirth with the Planting Moon on Monday, May 5th at 5:30pm. Join Sally Nurney, Deb Boire, Madhavii Shirman and friends for an evening high ritual in honor of the fiery energy of rebirth! The Women’s New Moon program seeks to create a rhythmic pattern throughout the year for women to gather, that we each may connect more deeply to ourselves, our wisdom and the wisdom of the Divine Feminine. We hope you will join us ~ free for ASC members, $10 suggested donation for guests. The next New Moon is Monday, June 2nd at 5:30pm.

DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE Join us on the second Saturdays of each month: May 10th and June 14th at 7:15pm as we continue the rhythm of monthly Deeper Dances at The StarHouse. The dances begin at 7:15pm. Cost for the Deeper Dance is $10 or $8 to A.S.C. members. For more information, call Timothy Dobson (303) 440-5714.

SOUND HEALING w/ DAVID HICKEY Friday, June 6th at 7:30pm. Each produces a pure note or tone, the purest there is, you have to hear them to believe it. I play them in combination with 8 Paiste Gongs and Chimes. The intent of the performance is to create beautiful improvised, meditative and healing music. Each of my performances are totally improvised and unique. My concerts are in two sets, each lasting about an hour. I have been touring Canada coast to coast the past five years and have performed over 400 shows and have released 5 CD's. Crystal Journey has dedicated its intention for the music to help raise awareness to our environment and such social causes as Tibet and Burma and has raised funds for various charities as well - The Monks of the Gomang Monastery, Indonesian Tsunami Relief, churches and more. Cost $15, payable at the door.

5TH ANNUAL THE GODDESS EXCHANGE Thursday, June 12th, 6:00-9:00 pm at The StarHouse. If you’re on the lookout for new clothing to reinvigorate your wardrobe in a manner that promotes the “reduce, reuse, recycle” ethic AND that ensures the company of several sisterly shopping companions. Come to the 5th Annual Goddess clothing & jewelry exchange! Cost: $20, a fundraiser for the Path of the Ceremonial Arts for Women. 6:00-7:30 pm Clothing & Jewelry Swap * 7:30-8:00pm Desserts Galore * 8:00-9:00pm Divine Storytelling.

P U R E P A G A N A N D B E Y O N D!!

Constance Cumbey said...


THE FOOD THING IS ONE OF THEIR EMERGENCIES. The woman heading the program, nominated by the Bush Administration is Josette Sheeran Shiner. She was (and probably still very much is) a high ranking MOONIE. The Moonies (Unification Church) are working with the "Christ is now here crowd. Most definitely they are part of the New Age Movement in all of its ugly manifestations.


oran deli said...

Paul: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
(E.L. week) too funny - great piece - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,
If I'd taken the time to research P Temples/ AllSeasons Chalice schedule it would have been better. Truth is funnier than fiction.
I love the D. Hickey stuff where he's bragging about his Paiste gongs and chimes. I'll bet that's a real musical treat. Tinkling brass is so crucial to enhance
pagan rituals. Harmony and melody are so overrated.
And the women doing new moon dances; it doesn't get any better than that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bjorn,
Your site has been a fountain of info and particularly lately. Amazing!


Rudi said...

Great post Paul! Laughter doeth the heart good like medicine and I needed a dose this morning! It is wonderful to read all the info loaded comments. Thanks for another brilliant and thought provoking article Constance. -Rudi

Anonymous said...

Off topic for this post, but on topic for our interests:

Just broadcast on CNN, a lengthy speech by Obama at the AIPAC conference. I think you all should try to see it on rebroadcast and/or read a transcript from it. He spoke of a dual Palestinian and Jewish state, and also said that Jerusalem must remain the capital of Israel and that it must remain undivided.

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...


Not sure which was funnier the post itself (which was priceless), or the fact his itenerary is propably not too far off! In this time we live we all could use more laughter. Keep it up!


Constance Cumbey said...


LOVED IT! (The Itinerary)


Dawn said...

For those who are interested Oprah is going to have Wayne Dyer on her "Soul Series" webcast next week.

This week she also has a feature on Jill Bolte Taylor

Anonymous said...

Transcript of Obama's speech to AIPAC earlier today:


Anonymous said...

Oh for....(at a loss for words...for a change ;-) )

(heavy sigh)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn - that's totally bizarre! But then this entire Todd Bentley thing seems to be that way! It all saddens my heart too - thank goodness we are able to go our Father in prayer.


Does anyone know if Ervin Laszlo is a kabbalist? He seems to have pretty strong links with Michael Laitman.


Anonymous said...

It crossed my mind a few weeks ago whether the New Agers might be strutting their stuff in 'Second Life' ... yep, they are! I came across this on Kabbalah for Women's blog;


Anonymous said...

Well, very interesting developments with the Obama victory...

Obama's statement at the AIPAC conference that "Jerusalem remain the undivided capital of Israel" is interesting to say the least. He also said that the Palestinians deserve a state side by side with contiguous land..Could this ultimately lead to Jerusalem being a capital of the three religions?

Thanks for the link on Tony Blair's new foundation. I was waiting to see who would be on his board. It is interesting to see Rick W on it. The chronology of events for those who aren't aware.

We had the UN Alliance of Civilizations Madrid Forum January 2008. Roughly one week latter, Davos Economic Forum with Tony Blair mc, Rick Warren and Islam and Judaism represented. Karen Armstrong's talk kicks off the panel discussion. Karen has a new book out called "The Bible" which I haven't picked up yet, but Karen undermines the inerrancy of the Scriptures.

Let's remember that Tony Blair is Mideast was appointed Mideast envoy for the Quartet after stepping down as Prime Minister, he converted to Catholicism and joined JPMorgan as an advisor. Just an aside, Britain has sharia-law banking..

Prior to all of these things the evangelical leaders signed a letter to Bush agreeing that there should be a two-state solution, then A Common Word was written by about 380 Muslim scholars and signed by Christians and Jews.

Wonder if Obama will be the one to help divide the land and make Jerusalem an international capital with the three "Abrahamic religions"?


Anonymous said...

Here's a video of Ervin Laszlo talking about many things, including UFOs:

He's talking about the year 2012, an important year in New Age thinking. This is only part of the interview, but he says UFOs have been seen over the Mediterranean.

He thinks "contact has been made".

Those who watch this, look at this in light of his other activities.

Anonymous said...

Here Laszlo is telling people how to talk to the dead. He visited a medium:

Is. 8:19 ¶ When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?


Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the great Karen Armstrong has done
what no one in history has ever done; to refute and disprove the Bible. Who would have thought that a superstitious drop-out nun with a limited IQ could have been the one ?


Anonymous said...

Fret not because of evil doers, neither be envious of the workers of iniquity,
2 For they shall soon wither like grass, and fade away as the green herbs.
3 Trust in God, and do good; dwell in the land, and seek after faithfulness.
4 Trust in the Lord; and he shall give you the desires of your heart.

Anonymous said...

Karen Armstrong's obviously limited IQ prevents her from seeing the whole picture as well as her own limitations. Everybody else's limited IQ prevents them from seeing Karen Armstrong's limitations.


Anonymous said...

A Hitleresque state (Iran) seeks nuclear weapons and Senator Obama wishes to disarm, even "extend a hand" for talks? Either he hasn't a clue or is in league with the enemy of our souls.

Also, apparently Mr. Blair is the financial advisor to "several" financial institutions (not just J.P. Morgan):

What a plateful: Quartet Envoy for the M.E., financial advisor to "several" financial institutions, educator of America's brightest and best (Yale's global economy & interfaith course), multiple interfaith activities, etc.
Anything left out?

He may only be surpassed by multi-hatted Dr. Solana.

Constance Cumbey said...

Some observations on viewing the videos of Ervin Laszlo:

1. He is hardly originally -- he is presenting old occultism (Akashic Record, et al) as "science."

2. He is a very sad case -- he is obviously an old man. He is also a highly deceived man. He well may have been raised in a Theosophical and/or other European Rosicrucian etc system. He may deeply believe what he is saying . . . S A D!!!

3. We need to pray for this man -- and we need to pray for those he is leading into deception.



Anonymous said...

Anon 2:23
It isn't IQ; it is sin, and the flesh, and the Devil.

Anonymous said...

I used "IQ" here in the biblical sense of "the FOOL hath said in his heart, there is no God" -- not the test measurement sense!

Anonymous said...

The Kabbalah teachings are that there were two revelations on Mount Sinai:

1) What God told Moses to write on the tablets, and
2) A secret teaching; what the Infinite whispered to the Finite (which was then passed down from father to son).

They believe that there are two levels of understanding - one for the masses and one for the elite.

They believe there is neither good nor evil and no right or wrong. All such distinctions are merely artificial. Ultimately, everything is good; even bad is good.

Therefore, what you should learn is that the worse things that happen to you are always the best things that happen. What happened that made you strong, or that made you grow? The problem is with things you always perceived as bad.

It's so difficult to imagine that anyone would fall for this garbage!

Anonymous said...

Your point is well taken. It's true that these people, Laszlo, Karen Armstrong, Barbara Marx Hubbards and the like are deceivers, but they are also deceived themselves and none are beyond redemption.

We should also pray for Obama, or whoever becomes our President because in 2Tmothy, the Bible calls us to. When we look at the prophet Daniel or Joseph or Esther, all people who lived in pagan empires, we can learn much from their example, their integrity and their intercession. Esther called for a three day fast and saved her people, all the Jews. Daniel fasted also and as a result received prophetic visions from God for the future. He was miraculous preserved when he refused to stop worshipping the one and true God. We are not told that Joseph fasted, but he had integrity and clearly had faith in the midst of very difficult examples. He testified to God's help in the interpretation of dreams and was promoted to no.2 in the kingdom and as a result saved his whole family.

All of these three had amazing impact on the rulers of Egypt, Babylon and Persia. The Apostles, stood before the rulers of the Roman Empire and "did not love their life unto death" as a testimony to their faith in Yeshua. Strangely the faith spread rapidly under the persecution of the new believers in Yeshua.

We are probably looking at the last empire coming to fruition, which the Bible describes as one of the worst, but we should not have a spirit of fear, but a "spirit of power and love and sound mind" and we should also remember that we do identify with Yeshua in His sufferings..not a popular message these days, I grant you.

For those who believe in Yeshua, on this forum, I wonder what kind of difference we could make if we began interceding for some of these New Age types and government leaders. We might not get to give the word of our testimony before them, but then again, we might....The forum could not only be a place for strategic information, but a prayer list..

Just a thought.


Constance Cumbey said...

I have known of MANY New Agers repenting and turning from it -- some are active on this very blogspot. EVERYBODY is entitled to one kind warning.


Anonymous said...

I have known of MANY New Agers repenting and turning from it -- some are active on this very blogspot. EVERYBODY is entitled to one kind warning.

AGREED Constance - after all but for HIS grace and mercy - there go I


Anonymous said...

2Pet. 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

As we are living in this fallen world wondering, "how much longer until Yeshua comes back" it's good to remember what God's timeline is and why He is waiting...One day the gates will close, but let's work while there is still daylight. We probably don't have much longer. As bad as things are we are living in amazing days and there are great testimonies about people being pulled out of ALL kinds of darkness. I agree Doug, there but for His grace go all of us.


Anonymous said...

Good article and source of info on how the "new age movement" has infiltrated the churches. It is part of the Globalism movement that Dr. Stan of Radio Liberty talks about. God Bless you in your work.

Derek Gilbert said...

Thank you for your research and your courage. Here's a thought: This puts Edgar Mitchell's recent claim that UFOs and aliens are real and have been visiting us for years into a different light. Is it possible that his interest in "aliens" is more spiritual than scientific? Could this evangelical/New Age convergence be about creating a false eschatology -- perhaps, "Mankind is on the verge of apotheosis", or, "Look in the sky! It's Jesus -- and he's an alien!"

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