Post EU Constitution Rejection -- Our man in Baghdad? – Just What exactly is Javier Solana doing there? Why are we supporting it or is he supporting us? Is 'Barcelona' the payback?Many of you have my educational, public domain CD Rom on Javier Solana. I opened it with commentary on the three pivotal meetings held in June of 2004 which would firm the role of the EU’s Barcelona Process in the Middle Peace Process. I wrote that the reason for this was that the USA was obviously in trouble over Iraq. The EU would lend us its support – but for a price. The price was USA concurrence in the EU’s Barcelona Process using its various Treaties of Association between the Mideast countries. The one with Israel was signed in Brussels by the EU’s Javier Solana and Israel’s Shimon Peres. This happened on November 20, 1995. Two days later, the largest earthquake in Israel’s history rocked that region. Epicentered at Eilat, it registered, per the US Geological Service, 7.2 on their measuring scale. Those of you who have my disk have viewed the actual S and P waves for that quake with an even larger 7.3 mw reading from the Ontario Earthquake Research Center. Only one week after the treaty with Israel was signed and five days after that momentous quake, Javier Solana opened the Barcelona Conference. His opening words targeted Catholics and the 1095 crusade called by Pope Urban II.
The Barcelona Conference had three agenda items per the preliminary news releases: (1) Battle religious fundamentalism – worldwide; (2) Favorable mutual trading terms for the basin “partners;” and (3) Get the USA out of the Mediterranean.
Two days after Solana achieved his treaty and the Barcelona Conference ended, he was unanimously, to the utter surprise of the Spanish press, made the new Secretary General of NATO. He was best known back home as the country’s leading opponent to NATO! He stayed on the NATO job approximately 3 years and 9 months. He left his 4 year NATO appointment a little early -- to take new posts as the Secretary General of the European Union, and the Office of the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Approximately 6 weeks after taking the new posts he was also handed whatever military command of Europe was not handed him in the CFSP post -- by being given control of the ten nation Western European Union, a military federation.
While still at NATO, Solana was given unusual powers by its constituent nations. He was given the sole say-so over whether Yugoslavia would be bombed or not. "Solana has the power and has had it since January 30th [1999] said Madeleine Albright. We are speaking with one voice through Javier Solana." When President Clinton went on American television the night of March 21, 1999 to tell the American public the bombing was about to begin, he said, "I agree with Javier Solana's decision to do this." Nobody, to my knowledge, in the popular media, ever asked, "who's Javier Solana." Pope John Paul II and Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Alexiye were rebuffed in their requests to have the bombing halt 'between the two Easters' so that they could mediate a settlement. Instead, a civilian train was bombed during that same time frame.
Now we fast forward to 2005 -- and we are coming up on the tenth anniversary of Barcelona.
We heard a lot in the past year about the EU’s role in the Middle East Peace Process. We heard relatively little about its role in Iraq. Now that is coming out of the closet as well. So is “global governance”. 2005 is planned as its make or break year. The UN’s 60th anniversary is per Gareth Evans a perfect time to act.
As in June 2004, there were significant conferences, the situation is likewise for 2005. The G-8 appears to be firming up a global redistribution process at the strong urging of co-Progressive Governance member, Tony Blair.
[1] The European Union is hosting a “Donor’s Conference for Iraq.” Javier Solana was in Iraq this weekend meeting with Iraqi officials. Looking cynically at the situation, under the guise of “rescuing the USA in Iraq” with a quid pro quo of USA deferral to EU aims in the “Greater European Neighbourhood” which includes Israel, the Palestinian Union and Jordan, it appears that the EU just might pick up the oil we coveted as well. This would take it a long way towards achieving Jacques Santer’s adopted urging the EU to dislodge the USA as a global superpower in the 21st struggle for resources. I suspect Javier Solana’s recent call for merging of all EU military resources immediately won’t hurt that cause either.
Javier Solana looked so depressed after the EU constitution was voted down in France and Holland in the past two weeks that I almost felt sorry for him. A day or two later he was shown in jubilant mood with James Wolfensohn, outgoing World Bank president. Wolfensohn will now be serving as a special envoy to the Middle East by the “United States and its major allies.” He is to oversee the Israeli transfer to Palestinian Union. Troubled times are expected. I was especially concerned to see announcements that a known First Earth Battalion
[2] tactic was possibly set for use against Israeli settlers reluctant to surrender their homes and property: “The Screamer.” Its proponents admit its long terms effects on victims are unknown. For current information on the First Earth Battalion and its current influence in government, read Jon Ronson's THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS.
Now Solana's dejection appears to be short lived. He appears to be recovered and back in full gear. Moreover, it looks as though the French rejection may have been advantageous to Solana's long term plans. A European Union think tank, TEPSA Friends Report
[3] contains a statement from a self-confident observer, one Cécile Barbier that Tony Blair was the first to say he would hold a referendum. It was to Tony Blair’s advantage to have the French go first as Blair was certain the constitutional issue would be defeated in any British referendum. By having the French go first, Blair was off an embarrassing hook. The observers said Tony Blair was hoping the French would vote NO so he could suspend the referendum in the UK.
[4]Now for the Iraq part. Quoting a recent CNN story:
Thursday, a group of European Union members was in Baghdad, marking the first such high-level delegation visit to the country since the ouster of dictator Saddam Hussein. Javier Solana, the EU's top foreign policy official, and Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw met with Iraqi officials to prepare for an international conference on Iraq. The EU and the United States are co-sponsors of the conference that will have "three main issues -- one that is related to politics in general. The second related to security, and the third related to what we may call rule of law," Solana said. The conference will be in Brussels, Belgium, on June 22. Solana said the delegation was meeting with "everybody," including government leaders and Sunni officials who "are not part of the mainstream of the political system." "We would like very much to see them incorporated. It will not be a successful transition without the participation of everybody," he said.[5]
A few days ago on Public Broadcast Television, a leading financial commentator came forward and warned the American public that they should not gloat over the voting down of the EU constitution by France and Holland. “The United States government needs and supports a strong Europe,” the speaker said. “Although the constitution is going down, there are parts that must and will be salvaged. They are the external diplomatic corps and the Foreign Minister.”
Now the Donor’s Conference is being held. Horrible weapons are being planned for use against reluctant to leave Israeli Gaza Strip residents. Javier Solana is making plans for the seven year renewal from 2007 to 2013 of his Treaty of Association with Israel and other “Greater European Neighbourhood” parties. The G-8 is doing what Benjamin Crème’s Share International has called for years – global redistribution – with strings attached, of course. The European Space Agency and USA “Homeland Security” are on track for radical changes in personal identification and personal tracking – by 2008.
It doesn’t appear to me that Javier Solana is going down. It looks to me like he might just be getting started – and so far, unfortunately, it appears that the USA is his partner, albeit a sucker one.
As usual, I hope I have read the situation wrong. As usual, I value your comments.
[1] The Progressive Governance Movement appears to be working closely with two institutes of higher learning: The New York University School of Law which provided the forum for “Progressive Governance in the 21st Century.” Interestingly recorded on page 666 of Sidney Blumenthal’s The Clinton Wars, the party held in their Villa La Pietra on November 20th, 1999, the same day Javier Solana was handed control of the 10 nation Western European Union. The other institute of higher learning is the London School of Economics. The Centre for the Study of Global Governance’s Study Group are usually chaired by Professor Mary Kaldor, clearly for the benefit and at the request of Javier Solana. A Brussels International Crisis Group director, Gareth Evans (also a former Australian foreign minister and now head of a Brussels centered think tank) , released a widely publicized paper, 2005: MAKE OR BREAK FOR GLOBAL GOVERNANCE. You may download it here:[2] As part of my research on the New Age Movement which started in 1981, I discovered Jim Channon and his First Earth Battalion. An openly "New Age operation with planned allegiances to "Person/Planet" rather than to Nation State, they pioneered a number of bizarre techniques that were employed per Jon Ronson, author of the new THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS, in such diverse operations as Waco and Abu Ghraib. Now it appears that hapless Israeli settlers in the Gaza strip are about to be the recipients of their planetary pioneering!
[3] TEPSA is an acronym for TransEuropean Policy Study Association. Its website is[4] Go to There is an option to download the report “The ratification process of the Constitutional Treaty: the cases of France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.” It is available both in French and English.