The Great Depression in Germany, marked by widespread unemployment and economic hardship, created an environment ripe for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, who promised to restore Germany's economic and political standing.
Does this sound like what is happening to us in USA now? It does to me.
How did I find this? A Google search using the phrase "Hitler and the German Depression."
Don't say I didn't warn you! I have been under the weather for past week so I'm behind in reading and answering your comments.
It's quite possible that American Christians are facing a "Bonhoeffer moment."
Present hardships are nothing. The Antichrist is going to emerge from the smoke and radioactivity of World War 3, promising no further conflict if he is let rule the whole world; and the world's peoples, sick of cataclysm, accept the deal. But he proves to be an iron dictator who makes Stalin and Mao look like pussycats. He viciously persecutes God's covenant peoples, Christians and Jews. In World War 4, he sends an army against the last holdout against him, Israel. But there has been a revival of faith there and the Jewish nation at last calls on Jesus Christ to save them. He has been waiting 2000 years for that ("O Jerusalem... you will not see me again until you say 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord' ") and he comes down in glory and destroys Antichrist's army. This scenario has an echo in World War 1, so dreadful that it was naively held to be the "war to end wars", then the rise of a charismatic dictator who persecutes God's peoples, then another war in which the dictator is destroyted. Tremble at the magnitude of events for which World Wars 1 and 2 were merely a small-scale rehearsal!
"The war to end all war" - likely a recruiting slogan... A Noble Cause, The War To End All Wars, Uncle Sam Needs You!*
*expect more of this nonsense
There is a case to be made that we are in the 6th bowl judgement, and the US is modern day Assyria, and the US are the Euphrates waters that are receding. Once the US is forced to pull back from its international military obligations, particularly in the Middle East and Europe, the antiChrist can arise.
Silly analysis as usual from our superstar Attorney at Law. But of course, she totally ignores (as usual) these types of stories that prove who the real hate filled Nazis are:
Seattle Arsonist Pours Gasoline on Tesla EV Before Setting It on Fire
Apparently Constance thinks that eliminating waste and corruption in government is somehow being a Nazi. She's an amazing lady folks. They only come around like her once in a lifetime .... thankfully!
Jesus, Herod, and Donald Trump: What might Jesus have said about Trump and the MAGA movement?
Constance 'thinks' the following:
"The Great Depression in Germany, marked by widespread unemployment and economic hardship, created an environment ripe for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, who promised to restore Germany's economic and political standing."
"Does this sound like what is happening to us in USA now? It does to me."
What planet does this lady live on? She actually thinks that the USA under Trump is comparable to Hitler's Germany? Does it get any nuttier than this?
I wonder what this 'retired evangelical pastor' would think that Jesus might say about Biden/Harris and the Democrats that push for the murder of innocent life in the womb of the 'mother,' along with genital mutilation of mentally ill children that want to 'transgender,' AND, the enthusiastic support of Drag Queen shows for young children, along with the entire promotion of the LGBTQ+ agenda?
Interesting that he refers to Trump rallies as rallies of "hate by a bunch of white people." I attended one such rally, and guess what? I saw Blacks, Hispanics, even some liberals that were all treated with respect. I didn't see (and I looked for it) not one single instance of HATE!
I guarantee that this so called retired pastor has NEVER attacked the Democrats for any of the above. Yet, he hates Trump and his voters. Really quite amazing!
4:47 PM
That's a very dangerous thing to do, plus if caught it's now considered a terrorist act. If I had a Tesla I might think about keeping watch hidden nearby with a camera and a x products flamethrower ) - :
FINALLY a judge with sense! Denial of The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops motion for stay/injunction
A fit pope would throw out this band of thieves instead of putting religious sisters out on the street.
Amen ! A woman whom I used to greatly admire when she was on script publishing the books she wrote in the past has now completely lost her bearings in a surge of derangement, not mention that her eschatology is now completely off the rails. Oh well, I still pray for her.
Honor-Shame and Relativism: What Evangelicals Don’t Get about Donald Trump
No culture is pure honor-shame, pure guilt-forgiveness, or pure power-fear. All are mixes and all change over time. American culture is a guilt-forgiveness culture in the process of drifting toward honor-shame.
American evangelicals typically perceive the cultural change as a drift into godless relativism, promoted by the political left. They therefore lean to the political right, intending to stand for absolute truth and to keep guilt-forgiveness as the dominant pattern in our culture. They welcome Trump’s position on abortion and gay rights, which seems to value God’s absolutes in Scripture.
They do not realize that Donald Trump has a much more accurate intuitive sense about the culture’s drift than they do. He sees that it is too late to fight this cultural tidal wave of honor-shame thinking, and he is surfing it like he was born to take advantage of it. He lives, campaigns, and leads as if America already is an honor-shame culture.
Consider the list of ten honor-shame characteristics (from Mischke’s Global Gospel), and how Trump manifests each one.
Love of honor
The driving force in his own psyche (not money or power, which are only means to his goal—honor)
The force he has correctly sensed in his political base—the people who feel ignored and shamed by the liberal media and the Washington establishment
“Make America Great Again” is an honor slogan
Two sources of honor
“Achieved honor”—winning the 2016 election against all odds, notoriety as an entrepreneur, TV success, trophy wife, Florida mansion
“Ascribed honor”—scolding a reporter, “You are a lightweight. Don’t ever talk to the President of the United States that way.”
Image of limited good
Everything is win-lose in his world, so “wise” tactics must promote polarization not collaboration, sharing, or negotiation
“America First” is a competitive slogan; multi-national deals are highly suspect; other NATO countries have to “pay their share”
Challenge & riposte
The barrage of court challenges to the election, plus the January 6th rally calling loyalists to challenge the legal process of making the election results official
His tweets were challenges and his opponents did not have enough followers on Twitter to make an effective riposte
Constant quick interruptions (ripostes) in first Biden debate
Concept of face
To lose an election is to lose face, which is not acceptable
Saving face and snubbing the new president by not attending the inauguration
Name-calling and ridicule to reduce the “face” of any opponent, such as, “Lock her up!”
Never apologizing and never laughing at himself
Body language
Facial expressions of contempt and disdain
Applauding the crowd that is applauding him
Unquestioning loyalty of his political base because he honors them without questioning their beliefs (even QAnon and white supremacists)
Vicious attacks on any staff members who cross him; pardons for some who broke the law to remain loyal
Hinting to Supreme Court justices that they should “have courage” to do what is “right,” which is to repay your patron by favoring his election lawsuit
Putting his name on buildings
Regarding his name as his most valuable financial asset
Putting family members in his inner circle of power holders, advisers, and agents
The Wall needed to keep America pure from invasion by outsiders
“Purity” is group purity defined by loyalty to the group leader; it has nothing to do with moral purity
Honor-status reversal
Refusal to accept the election results, which reverse him from a political winner to a political loser
Dropping all other issues such as COVID, budget, and transition in order to promote dozens of lawsuits, raise money for his defense fund, and rally his loyalists in Congress
Donald Trump epitomizes the honor-shame approach to life. All we have to do is ask, “WWTD” (What Would Trump Do) and we understand how honor-shame works. If he were wrong about the cultural shift, he would not have had the successes he has had, climaxing in the 2016 election.
Are we then to resign to the shift toward relativism in our culture? Is there no godly hope for America any more if honor-shame dominates the political right just as much as the left?
There is hope, and we will discover it as soon as we stop equating honor-shame thinking with relativism and equating guilt-forgiveness thinking with godliness. As Scripture clearly shows, either cultural pattern can be godly or ungodly, depending how cultural insiders factor God into the pattern.
The current shift to honor-shame is dangerous because all we see in front of us is two ungodly versions of it, a leftist version and a Trump version. The biblical way to handle this is not to dig in our heels against the shift, trying to pull the culture back toward guilt-forgiveness. The solution is to discover in the Bible the godly version of honor-shame.
If we continue to assume that sinners need to be converted from an honor-shame outlook to a guilt-forgiveness outlook in order to convert from ungodly to godly, we muffle the gospel. We make the gospel look like a cultural throwback to the guilt-forgiveness framework of the 1950s. We make the same ethnocentric mistake that missionaries have made in other cultures for centuries, assuming that our cultural perspective is the only “right” one and that sinners in another culture must adopt it before they can comprehend and welcome the gospel.
The alternative is to do in our own culture what missionaries are learning to do elsewhere—contextualize. We look at the Bible again, discover what God put into the biblical story to connect with people of a different cultural perspective (such as honor-shame), and help them see Christ from that biblical angle instead of from the guilt-forgiveness angle that our churches prefer.
Unfortunately, the price we must pay to contextualize is very high. We have to accept what Trump knows is true—the culture has already shifted to honor-shame. That means that we are no longer the cultural owners who can treat honor-shame people as invaders or trespassers. We are the foreigners who have to learn the language of the local people.
Of course, that does not mean we become like them in their relativism, but we learn how to express the absolute truth of Jesus in honor-shame language. If we manage that, we could be a step ahead of the culture, welcoming it to an honor-shame future where Christ already is present.
A decade of dissent: Zionism and the criminocracy
Right. And then the AC Emanuel Macron can 'arise' and declare himself to be 'god' while commanding the French military which consists of a few thousand pacifists that haven't fought a battle for 8 decades.
Actually Hitler was doing a good job of turning the German economy around until the Synagogue of Satan betrayed him. Now Trump, is in bed with the Synagogue of Satan. So yeah, something to ponder!
I agree with Mrs. 2-29. Everything can be found in the Denver Murals. d.j.t. Is pounding the (plowshare-knife) into a V shape. Vaccinations. The very top of the pyramid has been under obligation to reveal everything they plan to do all along.
The Bank of America building, headquarters in North Carolina, has a very nice mural of d.j.t. as well.
Tried of the puerile? Try Catholic Unscripted / Katherine Bennett and Gavin Ashenden
Is TRUMP the HERO we need? Trump, Tribalism and Transformation
A song by the Innocence Mission, performed on the Cajun accordion
Lakes of Canada
Canada, your government hates you
U.S. Transhumanist Party and The Transhumanist Bill of Rights - Ties To Club Of Rome One World Order And Silicon Valley Technocrats
I've noticed our local DMV office no longer has lines outside the doors. Thanks Pres. Trump
Joe Biden: this ^ blood is on your head, bro
12:20 PM
Transhumanist Bill of Rights sounds like something out of GUNDAM. Naturals hated of the Coordinators is portrayed as lynching.
Pres. Trumps IVF policy is being compromised by Elon Musk, I believe.
Good idea, this topic shows an important knowledge that’s perfect
Thank You President Trump!
Good message for this time of TDS
Couple other lady's perspectives
"The plaza of St. Mary Major. Relatively tiny. Pray that antipope Bergoglio is removed and banished from Rome before he dies and can stain Our Lady’s basilica."
Our Real Anthem: St Patrick’s Breastplate
I arise today
Through the strength of heaven;
Light of the sun, Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning, Swiftness of the wind,
Depth of the sea, Stability of the earth,
Firmness of the rock.
I arise today
Through God’s strength to pilot me;
God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard me,
God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect me,
God’s hosts to save me, Afar and anear,
Alone or in a mulitude.
Christ shield me today
Against wounding,
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in the eye that sees me,
Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today
Through the mighty strength
Of the Lord of creation.
St Patrick! Pray for Ireland and the Irish people.
I still think world events are still too fluid. I agree there are some things definitely taking shape (and probably sooner than we may think) that will bring on the anti-Christ reign of terror but there is too much speculation to attempt to draw that direct of a line to Trump as the one to fulfill the role of the man of perdition. It all bears watching, because we don't know, not just yet, but I think staying in God's Word and praying always for wisdom is where the real clues, in real time, will present themselves. That's how to watch most effectively, I believe, by leaving the mostly speculation out of it. We shouldn't be taking anybody's word (sorry Ms Cumbey) but the Lord's and He's not done letting everything gel.
President Trump set to overturn Joe Biden's pardons
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