I was through a very difficult period of time, medically speaking. I'm much better now. While in a severely weakened condition due to an untreated stomach abscess problem, I had a terrible fall. What saved my life was the smart watch my health insurer, PRIORITY, had sent me. I did not realize that the watch could be worn in the shower and I had removed it from my wrist. Fortunately, I put it on a stool and not on the counter. Had it been left on the counter, I would have died on that bathroom floor. My head was gashed open and blood was everywhere. Miraculously, I managed to slide down my bathroom floor and retrieve the watch. I pressed the call button and they summoned my son and an ambulance. I spent a week in the hospital and was discharged on condition that I receive a PICC line and receive intravenous injections for infection through mid October. I am now able to drive again -- night driving excluded. Thank you for your prayers and well-wishes. The election is this coming Tuesday. You know my concerns. I am very concerned about the "retribution" and "obliteration" that Trump is threatening. I believe he intends to carry out his threats and General Kelly's warning was a serious one we should all heed. Today, it was announced that he had sued CBS for 10 billion dollars over their 60 Minutes interview of Kamala Harris. He had refused to avail himself of his own opportunity to appear on that program. He is making threats of sending the US Military against the "enemy within" meaning anybody who crosses or disagrees with him. I request that you pray fervently over your decision how to vote. It is my opinion that Trump has been pandering to the Christian community and not out of conviction nor sincerity. I have already voted by absentee ballot and it was not for Trump/Vance.
Stay tuned!
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 848 of 848Once You Know This, Every PSYOP Becomes Obvious
Remember Dr. X was admired by Constance, and he unbiblically used PSYOP techniques to sell his radical beliefs!
A new Silicon Valley manifesto reveals the bleak, dangerous philosophy driving the tech industry
Note the list of enemies in the manifesto:
Remarkably, these include “sustainability”, “trust and safety”, “tech ethics” and “social responsibility”. According to Andreessen, who describes himself as an “accelerationist”, such ideas are holding back the advance of technology and therefore human progress.
Maybe you don't trust "sustainability" or "social responsibility," but how do you feel about trust, safety, or ethics?
Serious question: if you trade ethical hypocrisy for ethical nihilism, is it an upgrade or a downgrade?
The manifesto argues for technocracy based on strength and dominance. Sound familiar yet? Look familiar yet?
If the government wanted to put a chip in your head, you'd resist. But if Elon Musk -- who's cool and from the private sector and pretends to hate the same people you hate and maybe really does hate Joe Biden after being snubbed by him over unions -- now is it cool to get a chip in your head?
One more time, this time with the italics fixed, to distinguish between what I quoted and what I wrote myself.
A new Silicon Valley manifesto reveals the bleak, dangerous philosophy driving the tech industry
Note the list of enemies in the manifesto:
Remarkably, these include “sustainability”, “trust and safety”, “tech ethics” and “social responsibility”. According to Andreessen, who describes himself as an “accelerationist”, such ideas are holding back the advance of technology and therefore human progress.
Maybe you don't trust "sustainability" or "social responsibility," but how do you feel about trust, safety, or ethics?
Serious question: if you trade ethical hypocrisy for ethical nihilism, is it an upgrade or a downgrade?
The manifesto argues for technocracy based on strength and dominance. Sound familiar yet? Look familiar yet?
If the government wanted to put a chip in your head, you'd resist. But if Elon Musk -- who's cool and from the private sector and pretends to hate the same people you hate and maybe really does hate Joe Biden after being snubbed by him over unions -- now is it cool to get a chip in your head?
"Suppose I told you that in 10 years, the world as you know it will be over. You will live in a sort of paradise. You won’t get sick, or age, or die. Eternal life will be yours! Even better, your mind will be blissfully free of uncertainty — you’ll have access to perfect knowledge. Oh, and you’ll no longer be stuck on Earth. Instead, you can live up in the heavens.
If I told you all this, would you assume that I was a religious preacher or an AI researcher?
Either one would be a pretty solid guess."
Silicon Valley’s vision for AI? It’s religion, repackaged.
It’s no accident — the intertwining of religion and technology is centuries old.
This guy is a professor who studies the intersection of AI with religion. Here's the Cliff Notes version of his recent blog article: AI may not be God yet, but it can make you richer than King Solomon. (And you can still pretend to worship god as much as any idol worshiper ever has historically, including King Solomon.)
"We might manage to build something I’d consider AGI (which would look an awful lot like human equivalence), but we’re not there yet, we do not know what it would look like to get there, and Sam Altman is living in his own universe. Functionally, that universe is a religious one. The dream of godlike machines (and humanity’s transition into that state) has been the subject of my work since I published a paper and a book on mind uploading and other versions of religious transformation through artificial intelligence. I think that explanation still holds. It’s not that Altman is crazy or anything, he is just a man of faith. And faith can determine a how we see and act in the world."
On Sam Altman, GPT, and the reversion of AGI
This blog article by the same professor is also worth a read. Cliff Notes version: He's waiting for devout claims that Jesus and Mahdi (the Islamic messiah) will return as a robot. Already he's noticed people in India believe the god Kalki will come as AI, and a cottage industry of a small and growing group of Buddhists believes a robot could some day become a Buddha. I don't share his atheism, but I can still learn from his study of the topic of prophetic hopes being pinned on AI.
He writes, "Well, I still haven’t heard that Christians await a robot Jesus to inaugurate the Kingdom. But a church in Lucerne ran a two month experiment in which a confessional booth got transformed into a private conversation room where visitors could chat with a large language model Jesus. The Guardian ran a nice piece about it just this week."
Mechanical messiah
This is a very interesting podcast from 2021.
Interview 1650 – Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism
This is good background reading on recent history of AI and its intersection with the national security states of Israel, UK and USA. It is from 2020.
Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity
Meet two power cybersecurity companies riddled with American, British, and Israeli intelligence agents who plan on using AI technology to target foreign populations as well as their own.
Don't worry, I'm sure Trump will fix it, and only he can fix it. (More like, the fix is in.)
Maybe Trump will become the first POTUS to receive a Neuralink implant so that he'll be able to serve two more consecutive terms in his old age. Elon Musk was talking about a future AI president some time in the 2030s. This would be a halfway step, the first Neuarlink president.
This sounds very much like political Insurrection. I'd very much like to know what Big Sister Constance has to say about this one:
Durbin: We Should ‘Encourage’ Government Agencies to Defy Trump DEI Order
Translation: if you think you should get a job based on your merit, go somewhere else, because America needs to be weakened via 'diversity.'
The AI Power Play: Elon Musk and Donald Trump's Vision for 2025
Donald Trump gives 'jaw-dropping' response after being told how much his cryptocoin is worth after one week
'During his first full day back in office, one reporter asked: "Do you intend to continue selling products that benefit yourself personally while you’re President?"
Trump apparently responded: "Well, I don’t know if it benefited. I don't know where it is. I don’t know much about it other than I launched it.
“I heard it was very successful. I haven’t checked it, where is it today?"
The reporter revealed that the POTUS has made 'billions', with Trump concluding: "Several billion? That’s peanuts for these guys."
It was originally unclear who he was referring to, but it's confirmed that those in the room included OpenAI's Sam Altman, Oracle's Larry Ellison, and SoftBank's Masayoshi Son.'
TikTok: Forcing and Brainwashing Western Youths into Race Mixing; Kissinger Friends of the CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg and U.S.-China Relations Committee Always Owned TikTok; not China; Cato- and Putin-Oligarch-Ties As Well
From backing a ban to being hailed as a savior: Inside Trump’s TikTok shift
Gen Z influencers thank President-elect Trump for saving TikTok
12:31 PM
I can't wrap my head around a million much less several billion and with the trillionaire in the works how would one manage without help?
1st Epistle of St Paul to Timothy Chapter 6
Duties of servants. The danger of covetousness. Lessons for the rich.
1 Whosoever are servants under the yoke, let them count their masters worthy of all honour; lest the name of the Lord and his doctrine be blasphemed. 2 But they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but serve them the rather, because they are faithful and beloved, who are partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort. 3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to that doctrine which is according to godliness, 4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but sick about questions and strifes of words; from which arise envies, contentions, blasphemies, evil suspicions, 5 Conflicts of men corrupted in mind, and who are destitute of the truth, supposing gain to be godliness.
6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world: and certainly we can carry nothing out. 8 But having food, and wherewith to be covered, with these we are content. 9 For they that will become rich, fall into temptation, and into the snare of the devil, and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition. 10 For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.
11 But thou, O man of God, fly these things: and pursue justice, godliness, faith, charity, patience, mildness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses. 13 I charge thee before God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who gave testimony under Pontius Pilate, a good confession, 14 That thou keep the commandment without spot, blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Which in his times he shall shew who is the Blessed and only Mighty, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
16 Who only hath immortality, and inhabiteth light inaccessible, whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and empire everlasting. Amen. 17 Charge the rich of this world not to be highminded, nor to trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God, (who giveth us abundantly all things to enjoy,) 18 To do good, to be rich in good works, to give easily, to communicate to others, 19 To lay up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on the true life. 20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding the profane novelties of words, and oppositions of knowledge falsely so called.
21 Which some promising, have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen
Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg, Fool for Christ (The Reliquary)
I didn't know Constance was interviewed in October by Courtenay Turner & John Klyczek.
John Klyczek wrote a very interesting article series about Barbara Marx Hubbard for Whitney Webb's Unlimited Hangout investigative journalism web site.
Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Malthusian-Transhumanist Riders of the Pale Horse
'In my previous article in this series on Barbara Marx Hubbard, I had been unable to trace the provenance of the unpublished manuscript. Since then, I conducted some further sleuthing, and I was able to track down a copy of the manuscript in the possession of attorney Constance Cumbey, who is the acclaimed author of the The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism. Cumbey purchased several copies of the manuscript on multiple occasions, including once from Hubbard personally and once from Rama Vernon, who orchestrated a series of Soviet-American Citizens Summits that Hubbard attended along with Doug Coe, who was the figurehead of the Christian Fellowship Foundation, and Paul Temple, who funded the Fellowship and founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences where Hubbard preached her Malthusian gospel of “conscious” transhuman evolution. For the full backstory on Cumbey’s exposé of Hubbard’s manuscript, watch the interview Courtenay Turner and I conducted at Cumbey’s estate.'
What manuscript? The one that says this:
'Across the internet, there has been wide circulation of an excerpt from an unpublished manuscript in which Hubbard declared that “one-fourth” of humanity will need to be culled in order to usher in a utopian New Age Order:
“[o]ut of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is elected to transcend . . . One-fourth is destructive. . . . They are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ . . .
Now, as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. . . .
Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.” '
Trump floats reversing decision to leave WHO
Already the biosecurity apparatus has adjusted to and learned from the COVID-19 lockdowns. Now they want a more targeted approach next time so the economic impact is lessened.
By coincidence, this is just what Jay Battacharya wants, too. He was yesterday's contrarian, but he isn't today's contrarian.
A very brief and sketchy history: After 9/11, the CIA's TIA (total information awareness) program was shut down, sort of, but not really. It just transferred to the private sector. Palantir, Peter Thiel's company, took it over.
TIA involves using AI to monitor signals in the external and internal environments. When errant signals are found then plans can go into action, like stockpiled vaccines for potential pandemics. Or maybe it would involve preventing terrorism before it happens. It could in the future even involve stopping a school shooter before they shoot. In this way terrorism, crime and disease can be prevented.
Total surveillance is necessary in both the human body and in the external environment. This is where the internet of things comes in. And it's where bio-sensors and Neuralink come in. It's where genome mapping comes in, like 23andme and other DNA databases.
The CDC, Palantir and the AI-Healthcare Revolution
Trump doesn't need fascism, he has no opposition | Norman Finkelstein | The Big Picture
'Norman Finkelstein says that fascism arose in Germany as a way to contain a powerful left that threatened capitalism.
He says the United States there is no one to oppose Donald Trump - he controls all the institutions, and the powerful elites of the country have all fallen in line.'
Trump calls to "clean out" Gaza and move Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan
CHRIS HEDGES on Trump, Musk, Gaza, the rise of totalitarianism and the end of the US Empire.
It's not so much that Trump will slay democracy, he says. It's more like the pretense of democracy is gone. He says Trump is just the symptom of a disease that has been decades in the making. Thirty-six million Americans have lost their jobs in mass layoffs since 1996. It was due to neo-liberalism (NAFTA, etc.). The consequences of mass misery, going chronically unaddressed, allowed a demagogue to arise: Trump.
Matt Taibbi's "HATE INC" - How the Media "Manufactured Fake Dissent, to Prevent Real Dissent"
Thank You President: Two Billion vs. 52 Billion Dollar Mistake
YouTube Short
I am a bit taken aback by Trump throwing in with these weirdos - I thought breaking up monopolies would better suit the average citizen then joining all the them all together into a mega-maga-monopoly.
Who is "X"? Make your allegations plain.
Major Study Confirms Covid 'Vaccines' Change Peoples Personalities, Emotions.
A resolution has been placed before Congress condemning Bishop Budde's request for the President to show mercy in her message at the Inaugural Prayer Service. The resolution condemns her message as "political activism." This is a violation of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Well here's one out of left field...‘I stopped going to church years ago, but what I heard yesterday has made me rethink that decision,’
I wonder if the bishopess would approve of my middle-east peace plan of 15 minute missile strikes on Tel Aviv daily until the illegal aliens leave so the Palestinians can move in since their cities are leveled
Probably only take a couple days to achieve peace for a fraction of the cost of sending billions over there monthly
I'm interested in filing a Missing Persons Report for Constance Cumbey and Rich from Medford. Any ideas as to how I can go about this?
In one article so many topics here of the past few years are brought into convergence.
Ukraine’s Future Lies in the Great Reset
What I learned from reading this article is how close we already are to "global governance" and that "global governance" does not mean that there will be a "one world government" like the UN with no more "sovereign nations" or even that Ukraine will lose national sovereignty to the EU. "Global governance" means to Klaus Schwab "public private partnerships" involving "stakeholder capitalism." Big Tech plays a key role because digital currency plays a key role.
Read this and you'll see how important it is that an "everything app" was downloaded to Ukrainian smart phones. On this "everything app" they can interface with the government, have a digital vaccine passport, a digital drivers license, and do their banking with digital currency.
Read it and you'll see that Zelensky had a conversation with Christine Lagarde in which she said, "There will be control," in response to his telling her that the people will not like being controlled.
Think of cancel culture and now think of it being completely systematic and digital. That's social credit, and it doesn't have to be called social credit. It can be called by a cute, cool app name. It can save time. You can be paid money in digital currency to download it. You can feel like you are on the cutting edge to have it. You don't need to feel oppressed at all. It may even be not only convenient, but also fun.
It's being rolled out in Ukraine but not only there. South America and other places, too.
Donald Trump says "America First" and then you think he just has to be putting a monkey wrench in the plan to build a pyramid to the sky and call it the NWO, with no more nations, and a one world government.
Well Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution is not intended to work that way. He wants public private partnerships with Big Tech. Of course BlackRock is heavily involved.
It's not about the UN or the EU ruling the world, although the UN "sustainable development goals" are integrated into the "green new deal" that is being implemented in Ukraine and elsewhere. But it's not about doing good for nature or people. It's about getting control of resources.
It's not even capitalism, it's oligarchy. The difference is that an oligarch controls a necessity that you need, then sets up a toll booth, and has no competition. It can be as small as privatizing the parking meters and then jacking up the prices, or it can be as large as privatizing utilities. It could mean buying up the farm land, which is happening in Ukraine. 30% of the farmland in Ukraine is now in owned by agribusinesses that have swooped in since the war started.
I feel nearly hopeless to wake up the people I know who hate the NWO but like Elon Musk and love Trump. I do believe in God so at least I'm not in complete despair. And I still feel there is a place to make moral choices, if you know a policy will do a great deal of harm to other people if you support it. You could and should stand against it just for the sake of maintaining your sanity and integrity and shining a candle in the dark and helping other people to avoid being gas lighted.
In other words maybe Trump by some small chance might still listen to his base and we won't end up with an AI mRNA vaccine mandate every six months or else not be able to participate in the digital economy. He's crazy and his base is crazy, but sometimes the "truthiness" actually gets close to the real truth. How do you like that? Not too flattering, right? But this is so big and complicated and sneaky that I doubt any single person really fully grasps it as it emerges in real time.
The question is, not how much truth do you know, but how much truth do you want to know, if you have the chance? We all need some grace and patience for not being omniscient as we navigate not just the Information Age but the BS Age. Information is bought and sold and harvested from us and weaponized against us. It is not freely and transparently given to us. So it's not all our fault.
I think Trump will say "America First" but accelerate the very public private partnerships that will usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in America. I would love to be wrong about this. Will you help to make it come true or will you help to make it false, and I don't mean just by calling me names on this site.
11:43 AM We all need to be better informed on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in America. Keep the information coming and I will research as well.
Many, many of the 2016 anti-Trump BS believers are coming around to Trump 2.0 because of the hitherto unbelievable results they're seen. Yeah he's thrown in with some who I'd deem weirdos, (like I have room to talk), but we're in a war and like it or not Trump's at the helm and has already made America stronger.
PS: keep the Faith
Surviving Without The Mark, What Jesus Revealed To Me and.... | Near Death Experience
Sounds like an AI generated video and as usual the Irish are sceptical
3:17 PM
Don't forget that Klaus Schwab wants to deregulate so that Big Tech can innovate faster to usher in his Fourth Industrial Revolution.
For example, with mRNA vaccines, the FDA historically didn't approve them except for emergency use. Why, because the safer they are, the less effective they are. The more effective they are, the less safe they are.
Who wants that changed? Klaus Schwab, Big Pharma, the Pentagon, the DOD, the CIA, Peter Thiel, any Big Tech Bro who is in bed with Big Pharma and the DOD and the Pentagon. It's all merging. It's the merging of the biological, techie and warfare and defense worlds.
So don't imagine that just because liberals squeal when deregulation happens, that's going to make Klaus Schwab unhappy, too.
And don't think that the same Trump who pushed Operation Warp Speed can't be a WEF boy and only the likes of Trudeau can be a WEF boy. I know Trump makes globalists unhappy by withdrawing from the Paris Climate accords and opposing the Green New Deal. But look at what they have in common.
Remember, the Green New Deal and the UN's sustainable development goals is not about making the world a better place. It's about owning the world. So if Libertarians and Big Oil are influencing Trump to oppose the Green New Deal. Maybe even Big Tech because they wanted to be able to power their AI data centers with oil and coal and perhaps nuclear reactors or whatever it takes. They want to move fast and break things.
But look at how it all works out. It's all just another name for oligarchy. Maybe it's oligarchy of Big Oil or maybe it's the hypocrites getting control of farmland and natural resources under the guise of coming as a wolf in sheep clothing and saying its all about the Green New Deal and sustainable development and climate goals.
But still look what happens. It's the same. It's just different people getting power and calling it different names. But they always have Big Tech in common.
Well, well. She is doing her best to persuade the Senate not to confirm her cousin, RFK, Jr. Sure he is a flawed Kennedy man. Charismatic and risk taking. That sounds like a Kennedy. Putting mice and chicks in a blender to feed his hawks, as he laughed ghoulishly to his watching friends, after doling out drugs to them.
But he's an old man now, and his policy would not involve the government putting mice and chicks in a blender to feed hawks. It would not be about whale heads or bears or brain worms. His big thing is to counter conflicts of interest so that the fox isn't watching the hens. That's the main thing! It's not that hard to understand, is it? If he's disqualified because of his personal life, particularly as a drug addict youth who lost his father at a very young age, no matter that his public and political life would still be beneficial, then his uncle and father are similarly disqualified from being well thought of as historical figures.
Lookie who Caroline doesn't criticize or expose. Ya think they have any stories in their past, since so many were connected to Epstein?
An inclusive digital future with US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy
It's okay though, because the Google execs are polite to the other elite people like her. They're nice guys, they're nice guys. Yeah, if you're Caroline Kennedy, not a teen on Epstein island.
A recent Slay News article cited evidence of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients statistically experiencing an exploding rate of cancers.
Operation Stargate, along with AI data centers, somehow will use AI to fight cancer, maybe even by targeting cancer with an mRNA vaccine that was created with the help of AI, if I got that right.
The WHO wants mRNA vaccines to be preventively dispensed to populations every six months.
This isn't different than what Peter Theil and many other Big Tech execs and gurus have been working toward. They've been working toward biological surveillance being used to prevent both disease and crime, with the help of AI. Data and surveillance go together. You can't have one without the other. AI and data go together. You can't have one without the other. The same AI that can predict terrorism can predict crime and be used for racial profiling, and I'm aware that sounds like leftist bias, but I'm simply stating a fact. This same AI can be used to predict disease and to rapidly develop mRNA vaccines that will target that disease or prevent that infection.
This is the same mRNA that has been proven to be effective only to the extent that it is unsafe, and safe only to the extent that it is ineffective.
Do I have this right? We will be protected by inflicting disease on us but then curing the disease while inflicting more disease? And it will be highly profitable. For some.
Sounds like somebody got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning...please remember..."God writes straight with crooked lines." St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa, it is said, fell from her horse one cold rainy night while tending to the poor destitute villagers and landed in the mud then angrily declared; 'if this is the way you treat your friends no wonder you have so many enemies '.
St. Teresa, it is said, fell from her horse one cold rainy night while tending to the poor destitute villagers and landed in the mud then angrily declared; 'if this is the way you treat your friends no wonder you have so many enemies '.
All I want is for people to figure out what is happening fast enough to have a chance to make a difference if Trump will still, by chance, listen to his base - the way he did when they booed the vaccine at his rallies.
The last mentality we need is some version of "Trust the Plan." I hope that's not where you are going with your response. Forgive me if that misrepresents your intentions, but you are rather cryptic.
I almost added 'God wins' but that phrase has been spoiled.
I do worry about what I've seen on the Internet of the rise of Nazism.
Whether it's real or concocted I can't tell but I will say this; while visiting the store the other day there was a remarkable absent of Latinos but on the other hand there was a couple of local dudes glowering about gloating.
God will win in the end. But first RFK, Jr may not get confirmed to the HHS cabinet position. If that happens, watch for Jim O’Neill, the nominee for deputy HHS, get the spot that RFK, Jr would have held.
Jim O-Neill is not famous. But just know that he would be poised to deregulate mRNA vaccines - in the name of innovation and efficiency, of course. It might be Operation Warp Speed every day at HHS.
RFK, Jr is getting hit harder than any other nominee so far, even Pete Hegseth. Senators are coming at him from so many angles at the same time, and he doesn't always have good replies immediately. He's looking bad. He is getting hit over Medicaid, abortion, vaccines, and whatever else they can hit him with.
Could it be he was set up to fail, after siphoning his voters? Not necessarily by Trump, but possibly by Peter Thiel through JD Vance, or who knows who? I dunno, but watch to see what happens. Look out.
So many things are moving so fast on so many fronts. As always, the source may be biased, and it probably is. And yet the facts on the ground do have a way of speaking for themselves to some extent.
Israel Isn't Leaving Syria: Settlement Plans Signal a Permanent Land Grab
It's hard to pay attention to this and everything else, too. But Marco Rubio is worth keeping an eye on. During his Senate confirmation, Rubio received 45 Democratic votes, 52 Republican votes and two independent votes. He received a total of 99 votes. He received 0 "no" votes.
Marco Rubio: From Perfect Little Puppet to Most Dangerous Man Alive
'With the appointment of Marco Rubio to the post of Secretary of State, the Trump administration has elevated one of the most pro-war extremists ever to serve in the cabinet of the United States of America. In this article, MintPress highlights Rubio’s history as one of the most reliable warmongering voices in Washington, an individual who has led or supported many of America’s most aggressive foreign policy decisions, including military interventions, coups, and sanctions.'
Orchestrated against the American people, paid for by the American people..
Charity begins at home
But if any provide not for his owne, & specially for those of his owne house, hee hath denied the faith, and is worse then an infidel. 1 Timothy 5:8
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