Monday, September 04, 2023

Rod of Iron Ministries & MAGA - Another compelling reason to be wary of Trump cultism

This is a sleepless night for me -- fortunately, I keep a computer bedside just in case.  If the night leg pains get too intense, I can sit up and research until sleepiness might set in.  That is what is happening with me now.  I have been paying attention recently to the continued spread of the Moonie cults and former President Donald Trump and company's relationship to it.  I have found something extremely disturbing -- Huang Jin Sean Moon founded "Sanctuary Church" a/k/a "Rod of Iron Ministries."  I ordered his book, ROD OF IRON KINGDOM and perused it tonight.  

Rod of Iron Ministries Church is founded by Huang Jin Sean Moon, one of Reverend Sun Myung Moon's 12 "  Look carefully at the crown on his head -- it is formed of bullets.  

This variation of Moon's "True Parents" calls for members to be armed with AR Automatic Assault rifles.  The Church believes that January 6, 2021 will be remembered as a sacred and holy day in American history.  It also believes it is preparing its people for war.  As I showed in an earlier post, Donald Trump went to Korea last year and thanked Unification Church and the Moon founders for vastly improving the planet.  The Pennsylvania based Rod of Iron Church has been visited and spoken to by Steve Bannon, Eric Trump, Doug Matriano and other members of the Trump establishment.

They believe they are preparing our country for civil war and they intend to be "God's instruments" fighting it.  They take out of context a verse from Revelation (Revelation 2:27) that Jesus will rule us with a "Rod of Iron" -- and of course, since the Moon family think they are the ones completing "Jesus' unfinished work" they are standing in for Him!

They have bought a large compound near Waco, Texas and another in Grainger County, Tennessee.  

For the record, Rev. Moon's "new gospel" was that Jesus failed in his mission which was to succeed and replace the race of Adam by marrying and having children.  His crucifixion represented "a failure".  Rev. Moon says he was called by God to fulfill that mission which he and his wife Jak Ha Moon (currently the head of the international church) did by having their 12 children.  Huang Jin Sean Moon tries to sound like a Christian in his book ROD OF IRON KINGDOM.  His theology is that his parents are the "True Parents" and their message the "true gospel."  If you don't believe me, take a peek at their websites for "Rod of Iron Ministries" and "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church". 

The Moonies are an important component of the New Age Movement of which I have warned for the past 42 years.  One of their important spokesman admitted to me that they were working with Benjamin Creme and Tara Center (January 1983 - Joe Tully).  Tully is the same person who assaulted Josette Sheeran's father when he tried to extricate his daughter in 1979 from the Moon cult.  

This cult hooked up with the MAGA Movement, with a goal of restoring Donald Trump to the Presidency, treating January 6, 2021's assault on the United States Capitol as sacred, is armed and dangerous.  Most certainly, there is no room there for any TRUE Christian.  Donald Trump and his close supporters have done nothing to discourage it -- but to encourage it.  I submit, that if you are in MAGA and/or Qanon, it is 'time to come out of her, my people."

Another example of NAR Trump idolatry -- this one in my email box from Elijah list this morning!

Stay tuned -- I will be writing more on this later.



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Anonymous said...

But besides all that, the problem is that Trump plays on xenophobic prejudices whenever he can, his misogyny is well documented even if now visibly inactive, he is pathologically narcissistic, and he operates in a mode of malice and spite that I find simply unimaginable for a US President. He is good to evangelicals because and only because it is to his advantage. Should Trump no longer need evangelicals, should they have nothing to offer him, Trump will ignore them or dispense with them.

Given all that, I’m astounded that Grudem wrote, “My response is that I see nothing wrong with the president doing things that will bring him personal, political benefit.” Sure, seeking political advantage is normal, but never if it is unethical or illegal. No president gets a moral carte blanche or immunity card so that they can engage in whatever deviousness, duplicity, or mendacity that is to their advantage. Even more astounding, Grudem believes that Trump’s good policies derive from his good character: “Such accomplishments are morally good benefits for the nation as a whole, and they have been accomplished by Trump in the face of relentless opposition from Democrats. Far from being ‘morally lost and confused,’ Trump seems to me to have a strong sense of justice and fair play, and he is (I think rightfully) upset that the impeachment process in the House was anything but just and fair.” Grudem repeatedly refers to Jesus’s words about how a good tree produces good fruit.

Now I understand how pro-Trumpers can say, “Hey, he’s no Mother Theresa, but he’s effective, he’s appointed conservatives to SCOTUS, and he’s our bodyguard protecting us against the pathologically Christian hating types in the Democratic party.” I get it, I don’t agree, but I get it. But for Grudem to say in effect that Good Policies = Good Man is morally blindsided and sets a dangerous precedent.

I’ve never liked liberal theology because it produces a God without wrath who brings men and women without sin to a kingdom without judgment thanks to the ministrations of a Christ without a cross [that’s from Niebuhr]. Yet I fear Grudem’s Trumpology because it presents a God with partisan mercy, who expects men and women to ignore their moral compasses, to call the wicked good and the good wicked, in order to keep themselves positioned in the court of earthly power.

Anonymous said...

4:58 PM

You and Constance are the ones drumming up violence. Of all the people I know that are Trump supporters, I have never heard any of them say anything about using violence against his enemies.

But keep imagining that there is this huge underground army of Evangelicals that are just waiting for the order to take up arms and take over Washington.

Like Biden has rightly said; they don't have tanks, F-16s, B-52s. How could they possibly win? They can't, and they know it.

Anonymous said...

Building 7: The 9/11 Conspiracy Evidence Even Normies Can’t Deny

(A small fire in the corner of the building brought down this 47 story skyscraper right down in its own footprint. RIGHT!)

Anonymous said...

More about Joe Biden's increasingly bizarre behavior at that Hanoi press conference...

In a series of non sequiturs and tangents that grew increasingly bizarre toward the tail end of a global press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, which had been scheduled to cap off the G20 summit in New Delhi, President Joe Biden made the pronouncement that he's "going to go to bed." Moments later, press aides called an end to the conference, seemingly in an effort to usher him off stage.

It was unclear — between Biden's tiring demeanor or, according to Mediaite, his response to a question about the U.S. placing strategic interests above human rights — what drove White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to close out the presser.

After speaking about for 20 minutes in a series of tangents featuring mentions of "John Wayne," "cowboys," "Indians," "dog-face pony soldiers," or in bizarre comments such as "even more frightening than a- than a nuclear war is global warming going above 1.5 degrees in the next 20 [to] 10 years," Biden at the end of the press conference proclaimed, "But I tell you what, I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to bed."

Moments later, the president was asked what his thoughts were about Chinese Premier Li Qiang, who attended the G20 summit on Chinese leader Xi Jinping's behalf.

Biden responded saying: "We talked about what we talked about at the conference overall. We talked about stability. We talked about making sure that the Third World — the — excuse me — 'Third World' — the — the — the Southern Hemisphere had access to change, it had access — We — it wasn't confrontational at all. He came up to me. He said (inaudible) —"
Just then, Jean-Pierre cut off Biden, speaking over the speaker system, "Thank — thank you, everybody."

Anonymous said...

On this 22nd anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11... we must never forget WTC Building 7.

What has been ignored for the past 22 years is the FACT that WTC Building 7 is the 'smoking gun'.

Watch & share this monumental analysis that shatters the official narrative on what really happened to Building 7 on September 11, 2001.

Anonymous said...

The Twin Towers were asbestos laden

analog buildings. Outdated, not Smart.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant comment 11:38 AM ... brilliant.

The Twin Towers were the strongest high rise structures ever made. They were built around an inner core that was designed specifically to withstand a direct hit from an airliner. Why? Because they were so tall, the concern was that an airliner could possibly hit one.

Furthermore, IF they were "asbestos laden" as you foolishly claim, that would have PROTECTED them from the fires that were generated by the jet fuel that the government claims brought down the towers.

So how is it, genius, that Building 7, 47 stories high, which was not struck by a plane, and suffered only minor damage, just suddenly "collapsed?"

Anonymous said...

And I was shocked at their insistence on building a new tower before the dust had even settled. To me this was scared ground, but they had to show the terrorist (they said).

Anonymous said...

Over the past 22 years, LOGIC has prevailed with the silent majority.

As many have pointed out, it would be impossible for...

"An aluminum plane to cut through a steel building, like a knife through butter."

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM

A few more 'smoking guns':

A lot of molten metal was found DAYS after the Twin Towers' collapse. Nano-thermite, a substance often used in building demolition, causes long term molten metal to occur among oxygen starved debris. Where did the molten metal come from, when jet fuel's burn temperature isn't hot enough to melt metal?

All of the Pentagon's security cameras malfunctioned that day. There is only a small hole in the Pentagon's building, no damage from the wings, which held two titanium jet engines. Trained pilots have stated that even experienced pilots could not have manually flown a plane into the Pentagon, the required flight pattern would have made it impossible. The so called 9/11 terrorist pilots did not have anywhere near the training that was required to manually fly ANY of those jet planes on 9/11.

The plane in Shankland, PA. Where or where is the plane debris? It just magically disappeared ... an impossibility.

Anonymous said...

When the World Trade Center buildings FELL into their own footprints 22 years ago... what did that remind you of?

Of course, whenever a famous Las Vegas hotel & casino is scheduled for controlled demolition (to make way for building a brand NEW hotel & casino to take its place)... this became a national news story shown on TV.

The famous Desert Inn Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas is one that immediately comes to mind... and also the Sands, the New Frontier, etc.

Anonymous said...

Drats, I just told the wife somebody on Cumbey called me brilliant. She said, really? It's usually the opposite; then I reread it ) - :

PS: I'll take the scorpion sting as and indication of Dr x

paul said...

Incompetence in ministry,
Eating away at civility;

Infested with Talmudic laws......
Watch a rotting pervert crawl!!!

Anonymous said...

In 1945 (78 years ago), a plane crashed into the Empire State Building... and the building remained STANDING!!!

On Saturday, July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber of the United States Army Air Forces crashed into the Empire State Building in New York City, while flying in thick fog. The accident caused the deaths of 14 people (3 crewmen and 11 people in the building). Damage was limited to the area of impact... and the building's structural integrity was never compromised.

Anonymous said...

All the 9/11 conspiracy stuff is bunk to me, but the illogical comparison of a B25 bomber striking the concrete Empire State Building in 1945 with the 9/11 attacks wherein Boeing 767's weighing 15 times more than a B25 (150,000 kg to 9,760 kg) which were flying at twice the speed (750 km/hr versus 320 km/hr) with the later carrying 20,000 gallons of Jet Fuel is absolutely over the top and stupid implication that there is more to the story. See:

The Twin Towers apparently was designed to withstand a potential accidental strike by an largely level airplane and it was designed to handle fire...even substantial fires...but a catestophic combination of the two pitched and angled to strike many floors and/or compromise a corner and the core it's a miracle they stood as long as they did.

I'm not against advancing evidence based scientific theories on how and what such micro engineering and construction failures resulted in or contributed to such failures such as the molten Aluminum bomb theory.

New theory explains collapse of World Trade Center's Twin Towers

September 21, 2011

Summary: According to a theory advanced by a materials scientist in Norway, a mixture of water from sprinkler systems and molten aluminum from melted aircraft hulls created explosions that led to the collapse of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001.


p.s.- I understand the fascination with the unreal like space aliens and what not but I always question why common men (engineers speculating is one thing -- they are supposed to examine facts critically) feel the need to spread this kind of propaganda as if it's fact. Who benefits from spreading such conspiracies? Is it just GOP fear marketing?

Anonymous said...

Sean Davis: Was 9/11 The Day America Started To Fall?

Anonymous said...

Prior to 9/11, and since, never in the history of the world has a skyscraper collapsed due to the following:

A fire.

A plane hitting the building.

On 9/11, THREE buildings collapsed, one due to a very minor fire, in their very own footprint.

Anonymous said...

FLASHBACK: Trump Calls in LIVE on 9/11/01: 'How Could It (a Plane) Possibly Go Through the Steel?'

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Calls Into WWOR/UPN 9 News on 9/11

Trump estimates tens of thousands killed.

Where were all the people at?

Anonymous said...

A September Pope

Anonymous said...

4:24 pm


Likewise.... never in the history of the world has a skyscraper withstood being hit by a fully fueled Boeing 150,000 Kg Jetliner at maximum speed, at a deliberate angle, carrying 20,000 gallons of jet-fuel AND the fires caused thereby over multiple floors.

at 4:43 pm and 5:01 pm: Who cares what the rapist and layperson, Donald Trump had to say on the day of 9/11? I recall thinking myself there were possibly tens of thousands in the building that day. I'm glad there wasn't that many in the buildings yet and that so many were able to escape prior to the collapse.

It appears there were 8,965 confirmed "survivors", 2,152 confirmed casualties and another approximately 4,435 "survivors" who were present at, in, or near the trade centers.

The people were there.

Estimating the World Trade Center Tower Population on September 11, 2001: A Capture–Recapture Approach


p.s. - You are disrespecting the dead and traumatized with this unsubstantiated juvenile conspiracy crap - go back to Russia troll

Anonymous said...

Willie Nelson - Time of the Preacher

Anonymous said...

[Graphic Content] New Angle of 2nd Plane Attack on 9/11

Anonymous said...

Full Length version of 7:51 PM post

Anonymous said...

To X (+ anyone else lacking LOGIC & common sense):

"An aluminum plane can NOT cut through a steel building, like a knife through butter."

"An aluminum plane can NOT cut through a steel building, like a knife through butter."

"An aluminum plane can NOT cut through a steel building, like a knife through butter."

Anonymous said...

8:07 PM

You are so right. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, jet airplanes are not very strong structurally. They are actually built to be as lightweight as possible. If anything, the titanium jet engines always survive plane crashes, which is why it is so strange that they didn't survive at the Pentagon and Flight 93 in Shankland, PA.

Anonymous said...

Serious adverse events
Dr. John Campbell

Anonymous said...

Hologram technology was used on September 11, 2001.

What is a HOLOGRAM?

Anonymous said...

Biden begins his 9/11 remarks with a joke that he "could have been an all-American" in his "high school ball club."

The damage is done, as in--it's over.
That he even got into the highest office of the land tells us all how far we have fallen.

Pride goes before a fall the Bible says. The arrogance of this devil operated tool is beyond the pale. His handlers have perpetrated this upon this nation because has placed America under judgment.

Anonymous said...

Controlled ECONOMIC demolition of America is now under way

Anonymous said...

8:16 pm -- Nurse Campbell's continuous lies and obfuscations have been so widely documented you really must assume everything he's saying now is simply to make money off the naive and cognitive dissonant.

You should follow Dr. (a real medical doctor) Susan Oliver as she debunks Nurse Campbell regularly. After a little while you'll tire of even trying to trust or believe Campbell.

Here's her most recent video uncovering the Antivax conspiracy wherein antivaxxers are hiding truths they don't want you to know about.

A favourite claim by ANTIVAXXERS is that scientists, governments, and mainstream media don’t want you to know the truth and are hiding important data from you. And they often make this claim when they are talking about excess deaths.

Well it turns out that there is quite a bit of mortality data that ANTIVAXXERS aren’t talking about and are hiding from their followers. In particular, they are hiding the fact that the unvaccinated are dying at a higher rate than the vaccinated. In this video, Dr Susan Oliver will go back to the science and cover some of this mortality data that ANTIVAXXERS are hiding from you.

Anonymous said...

8:07 pm ---

From my understanding...the aluminum planes DIDN'T cut through the metal like a knife.

The planes can go through glass and through concrete and such would have damaged and/or compromised the insulation on the steel supports and weaken many beams as well as damaging the inner cores.

Holograms are damaging ; eyeroll ;

Don't you ever feel stupid repeating all that crap conjured up by Luciferians that you present casually like you did the research. Sadly, 9/11 conspiracy theories appear to be the gateway drugs for all the qanon stolen election and covid conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

8:25 PM

I don't think so, Tim.

That is just stupid.

Too many real people accounts from that day would say your "information" is crap.

2 planes flew directly into those buildings and nobody can pretend that away.

You need a better, more fulfilling hobby.

Anonymous said...

BTW, you are the only one who is stupidly believing crap.

x needs to get a life himself instead of peddling government bull$#!+.

Anonymous said...

Meant aren't @ 10:20 PM

It's getting late LOL

Anonymous said...

Holograms used on 9/11 is just plain silly, and, detracts from the truth, which is well documented for those that have "eyes to see."

Look no further than the 47 story skyscraper Building 7, which was not hit by any plane, suffered only minimal damage to a fire located on a corner of the building, and yet, fell, just like the Twin Towers, in its own footprint.

You can try to argue away everything else, but you just can't get around Building 7!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever wondered where the 315 floors of all 7 buildings in the WTC prefix disappear to? That's 1.2 million tons that never hit the ground.

It's true alot of scrap steel was hauled off but something isn't adding up.
And, much of the steel that was removed was done so on the sly, and as quickly as possible, hindering a thorough investigation (in my opinion) causing further confusion. Maybe it's just the way they do things in New York city.

PS: no disrespect to the New York city firemen, but they were, in my view, paid off, I guess, to play nice ) - :

Anonymous said...


Daniel 2:35

35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer.

Anonymous said...

11:39 PM
Re: "No disrespect to the New York city firemen, but they were, in my view, paid off, I guess, to play nice."


Those 343 selfless New York City firefighters (without hesitation or a thought to their OWN safety) MARCHED UP THE STAIRS TO THEIR CERTAIN DEATH... in order to TRY to save just ONE person still trapped on those upper floors.

No... those 343 firefighters were the only HEROES that horrific day!!!

("No greater love has a man who would give up his own life for his fellow man.")

However, you can still google old videos of first responders (police, firefighters, etc.) who can be heard saying out loud... that they heard EXPLOSIONS coming from the basement. Not one of them mentioned anything about a plane.

Anonymous said...

Is this the TRUTH about exactly what happened that day on September 11, 2001?

Anonymous said...

The real truth of 9/11 is that the Saudis should have been investigated and perhaps held accountable in some way, but they were not. The reasons why appear to be all about oil and money--the same reasons why the war in Iraq was fought.

Everything else is just a distraction.

Don't you realize "they" are smart enough to create the conspiracy theories that distract you from the real conspiracies, which are often hiding in plain sight and simpler than the convoluted and elaborate obsessions that occupy so many?

Anonymous said...

America was never the same again after the presidency of George W. Bush. That's when 9/11 happened. That's when "Too Big to Fail" happened.

Then COVID-19 happened during Trump's presidency.

Every event that happens can't just be blamed on the president who was in office when it happened, but...why does it seem like the most terrible things happen when a Republican president is in office?

When Clinton was the president during the 90s, life was good. The Monica Lewinsky scandal compared to 9/11, "Too Big to Fail," and COVID-19...I'd rather laugh than cry.

What has Biden done to you? What has he done to America that's so terrible? I don't get it. Sure criticize his policies and ethics, and that's valid, but he's actually a pretty average kitchen-table economics type of Democrat politician.

Anonymous said...

Breitbart rarely has good articles anymore, but this one is good. But I'm confused. Shouldn't Eric Adams be too busy with his adrenochrome addiction to be worried about the border? After all, he is a Democrat. Could it be possible that we could have a conversation with a Democrat? NOOOO! That would be like talking to Satan!

Eric Adams, Mugged by Reality, Echoes Populist Right

Fix Border or We Could Have Another 9/11

Anonymous said...

6:30 AM

I can imagine each and every fireman that was there has a story/theory yet do you recall any books being written?

The hero thing was a bit over blown for political purposes, looking back. All of a sudden all fire & policemen were heroes (until 2020 - blowback?). We had a couple of NYPD officers come visit here in our state. One of them knocked-up a 15 year old pupil. They married and they let it go at that but looking at him you could sure tell he wasn't from around here.

Anonymous said...

"I can imagine each and every fireman that was there has a story/theory yet do you recall any books being written?"

Ordinary Heroes: A Memoir of 9/11

102 Minutes

The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11

Anonymous said...

MTG says 'states should consider seceding from the union' over border security

MTG Receives Flak: Fellow Representative Robert Garcia (D-CA) came down hard on Greene. “There's nothing like this insane and treasonous member of Congress advocating for states to secede from the union on 9/11,” he said. “She should be stripped of all her committees and resign immediately.”

In another scathing attack, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said, “If this lady was in Congress when September 11 happened she would have asked for a moment of silence for the hijackers. Unreal to tweet this on such a solemn day.”

Anonymous said...

"I can imagine each and every fireman that was there has a story/theory yet do you recall any books being written?"

The immediate reaction of the firemen on 9/11 was that they heard a series of explosions in ALL THREE BUILDINGS! They were the professionals that were on the scene, and that is exactly what they saw and heard.

Anonymous said...

However, you can still google old videos of first responders (police, firefighters, etc.) who can be heard saying out loud... that they heard EXPLOSIONS coming from the basement. Not one of them mentioned anything about a plane.

6:30 AM

That's because the planes had already hit. There is no doubt about this. What the firemen heard were explosions in all three buildings, which is exactly what brought all three down that day.

One more thing; on that day, ALL of the Pentagon's security cameras malfunctioned. The hole in the Pentagon was relatively small and did not show any signs of the wings hitting the building. Both wings had one titanium jet engine, the hardest object on the plane. No sign of engine damage and amazingly, no sign of the engines!

Anonymous said...

You need to do some serious research 11:39 PM.

The crime scene was taken over by the Federal Government. The Firemen were heroes that day and to make the ridiculous statement that they were somehow 'paid off' is really sleazy. Their entire purpose on 9/11 was to find bodies, alive or dead.

I hate to say it, but I will. You sound like you have serious mental problems.

Anonymous said...

Biden should get this kind of launch ;)

Anonymous said...

CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM

And so does Mitch MCConnell.

Seriously, perhaps even 9 out of 10 politicians entrenched in Washington D.C., too.

Anonymous said...

8:35 AM
Re: "What has Biden done to you? What has he done to America that's so terrible? I don't get it. Sure criticize his policies and ethics, and that's valid, but he's actually a pretty average kitchen-table economics type of Democrat politician."


The fact that you would even ASK such an outrageous question means only one thing... that you have your head stuck so FAR UP where the sun doesn't shine... that you may never "see the light of day" (the TRUTH) ever again. (LOL)

Anonymous said...

I don't see how ANYONE can watch & listen to this video... and not SEE how we, the American people, have had 'the wool pulled over our eyes' for the past 22 years!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is Jethro? I miss the x & Jethro Show LOL

Anonymous said...

Good and Bad Theology – and Why They Matter

by Richard Clutterbuck.

It’s fifty years since I first ‘caught’ theology. In 1972 I failed some university exams, dropped out of my biology course and began the journey that would lead to ordained ministry and a lifetime as a student and teacher of theology. I can still remember the buzz from first reading John Macquarrie’s Principles of Christian Theology. I settled on systematic theology and Christian doctrine as my main areas of study and teaching. In other words, I’ve been interested in reflecting on the main affirmations of Christian faith, the ways we hand these on from generation to generation and the connections we can make between different affirmations and the world we live in.

This means that I see things rather differently from Andrew Pratt (The illogicality of faith, March 28th). He worries that an over-emphasis on creeds and faith-as-affirmation has blunted Christianity as a way of living out the lordship of Christ in the world. I think I see what he means, but from my perspective, creeds and doctrines do matter, not least because they have a profound effect on the way we understand the world and act within it. Bad theology is one element in the perversion of human behaviour, prompting and underpinning evil deeds with divine sanction. By contrast, good theology, sound Christian doctrine, helps to underwrite a way of life that models itself on Christ. Two contemporary examples illustrate this.

The first is very close to home. In an essay in The Guardian[i], to mark the recent Netflix documentary on Jimmy Savile, Mark Lawson wrote about Savile’s distorted theology of salvation and its part in his horrendous catalogue of sexual abuse. Savile, a life-long committed Roman Catholic, believed in a God who judges us according to the balance of our behavioural accounts. We are admitted to heaven if our tally of good deeds is longer than our list of sins. His frantic charity work, fund-raising, sponsored runs and cycle rides, were all part of a desperate attempt to compensate for the abusive actions that he knew were wrong. He really seemed to believe that he could earn his place in heaven by – as it were – bribing God to ignore the many sins he had committed. Repentance, mercy and grace do not seem to have been part of his theological vocabulary.

The second example is even more current. Several observers have noted that Vladimir Putin’s hostility towards Ukraine is at least partly driven by a theology and spirituality that legitimises aggression. According to the Religious Information Service of Ukraine[ii], this theology combines a belief in the divine inspiration and vocation of the Russian nation with a Manichaean mindset, setting a virtuous, godly Russia in opposition to the dark and evil West. While there may be an element of political expediency in Putin’s religiosity, it does seem that this mystical nationalism is a genuine conviction. Once again, bad theology is linked in with disastrously immoral and destructive action.

Anonymous said...

Now, I don’t want to argue that believing in the traditional creeds will guarantee a life of righteousness and responsibility – there are far too many counter-examples for me to do that. But they are part of the story of faith, which is always a combination of belief and action. Last Saturday – Easter Eve – I joined the congregation in my local parish church for the Easter vigil. As part of the service we re-affirmed our baptismal vows, confessing our faith in the words of the historic creeds, and at the same time we renounced evil and promised to follow Christ.

Let me briefly mention two authors who can help us see the relevance of doctrinal affirmations. The first is the American theologian, Ellen Charry. In By the Renewing of Your Minds [iii](one of my all-time favourite books on doctrine) she takes examples of doctrinal controversy and developments in each stage of Christian history, from the New Testament to the present. In each case (for example, the trinitarian theology of St Augustine) she shows how doctrine is presented in order to promote a vision of the Christian life, not simply as a form of abstract speculation.

My other example is a contemporary British Methodist theologian, David Clough. Clough (a fellow contributor to Theology Everywhere) has made the focus of his work the Christian approach to non-human creation, particularly animals. In On Animals[iv], he takes some of the central affirmations of Christian doctrine, creation, reconciliation and redemption, and helps us see how they can direct our attitudes and behaviour towards animals.

So, let’s not abandon the creeds, or water down the key affirmation of Christian faith. Instead, let’s make sure that we don’t separate doctrine from discipleship. They really do belong together.

Anonymous said...

The architects, engineers, and facilities people at my company knew immediately that 9-11 didn't happen as we were told. We had a steady stream of professionals and building tradesmen in the office for months for behind closed door meetings. I'll never forget that uncertain time. The guys were all watching their backs, looking over their shoulders, afraid to speak openly. When 'Popular Mechanics' magazine carried an article on the design of the WTC towers and what happened, it was obvious they were part of the cover up. The subscription was cancelled and at least five years of 'Popular Mechanics' magazines went in the trash.

Anonymous said...

X is Jethro.
He's still squatting here.

Anonymous said...

I only hope that the putrid running sore called Joe Biden's long senate "career" and installed presidency (Obama 3) will be completely exposed.

Not that I think anything much will happen to get justice for his crimes against this country because most of DC is complicit with him. They have killed freedom here in America (and America very easily caved to let them).
In Proverbs 14:34, we read, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

It's power-crazed corruption and so bad and so deep it will be God (not anyone else) who gets to the bottom of it. I think sooner than people think.
It's coming.
Get the popcorn ready.

It's goin' by The Book.

Anonymous said...

A rare occasion when CNN actually reported what is true.

Anonymous said...

The planes penetrating the towers is a big sticking point for many. Seems far fetched. Sort of like the story we heard as children about a piece of straw penetrating a board in a hurricane. I try not to get hung up on details I don't understand (like physics) but just as a general observer and conspiracy buff I find it a fascinating subject.

PS: If that gets stuck in your craw, I apologize.

Anonymous said...

The trade center's security company on 9/11 was owned by Neil Bush. Prescott Bush was a board member of the fidelity company and approved the 9/11 insurance claim and payout. Learned after voting for George W twice.

Anonymous said...

McCarthy launches Biden Impeachment Impeachment Inquiry

Anonymous said...

Head Of "9/11 Families United" Calls Biden Handshake With Saudi King "A Slap In The Face"

Anonymous said...

McCarthy Launches Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Anonymous said...

Senators demand unredacted 9/11 documents on Saudi role in attacks

Anonymous said...


McCarthy Launches Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day it will be, if, Congress grows a pair, and rids us of this disgusting evil, perverted criminal!

Worse, most corrupt, evil, criminal, 'president' in U.S. history!

Right up there with lil Bush, The Clintonistas, and Barry Soetoro

Anonymous said...

"Isaac is seeking to dismiss the countersuit and his motion reveals the convoluted and conflicted effort of Hunter to maintain his position in court. Hunter continues to refuse to even confirm that he visited the shop twice and signed the standard form that waived any rights to the computer if it were not collected within the stated period. These refusals continued despite the fact that the Isaac team forced the disclosure of “frequent uses of Wells Fargo ATMs within a few miles of Mac Isaac’s shop.”

For most people, these arguments seem . . . well crazy. An FBI computer expert reportedly assessed the laptop and found that it “was not manipulated in any way.” The authenticity of the information was further confirmed “by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID.” Emails and messages have been confirmed by third parties who were the recipients."

The lack of fairness in the face of honest to God breaches to our Democracy, anywhere from election interference to many assorted abuses of power and others free speech by the Biden Crime Cartel, exposed by the infamous laptop from hell of Hunter Biden, is breathtaking.
The blog owner of WCT also one turning a blind eye. Scrounging spurious sources to strain for dirt even if proven untrue (very often half truths used to the hilt by the TDS crowd as well as frenemies of DJT) are the norm here now.

No credibility remains in this entire lack of integrity, by TPTB and their lackies here at this site.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

David Vs Goliath In New York

There is a battle going on for our freedom this week, and very few Americans are even aware of what is at stake...

Anonymous said...

Matt Gaetz Launches An All-Out Assault On Kevin McCarthy's Time As Speaker

Anonymous said...

"I have long criticized the misrepresentation of the two Georgia calls by the Washington Post, which later issued a correction in its reporting. Although it recently made a startling contradictory statement on the truth of its original claims, the transcript of the calls shows that Trump did not tell officials to simply add more than 11,000 votes.

I still disagree with his claims, but I have maintained that Trump was making a predictable argument in a settlement negotiation that he only needed that number of votes and that a new recount or continued investigation would find them."

The “Why Not” Culture: Why the Georgia Final Report Should Worry Us All

One would think this would at least somewhat bother Constance Cumbey but evidently it does not. She's not given any indication she has really seen or even intends to look into all sides of this argument.

Much respect for her has been forfeited for her insisting on holding on to such deep bias.

Anonymous said...

1:12 PM
Re: "The trade center's security company on 9/11 was owned by Neil Bush. Prescott Bush was a board member of the fidelity company and approved the 9/11 insurance claim and payout. Learned after voting for George W twice."


AMEN... and they ALL have BLOOD on their hands!!!

Looking back, many are now gaining a new perspective...

George Herbert Walker Bush was denied a second term in 1992... when Bill Clinton was elected President.

GHWB then talked his son, George W. Bush (then-Governor of Texas) to run for President in 2000. Between the controversy in the state of Florida of 'hanging chads' plus having another Bush son as Florida Governor... Dubbya managed to slide into the Oval Office... and be re-elected in 2004.

I always believed that Daddy Bush was actually 'running' the show for Dubbya during those 8 years... making sure that his old cronies (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld & Jim Baker) were appointed to give Dubbya advice & guidance.

I also believed that 9/11 was "our 21st Century PEARL HARBOR"... a reason to get the American 'behind' (and on board with) DECLARING WAR IN IRAQ.

At the time, of course, it all made sense. But now (22 years later), when so MANY believe that 9/11 was actually an 'INSIDE JOB'... it no longer makes sense, does it?

Now, it just makes me sick to my stomach... at the EVIL that has been committed on the American people.

Anonymous said...

"Family says they saved dad’s life by sneaking him ivermectin during 200-day hospitalization

“The day after we gave him ivermectin, [my stepmom] got a call and the doctor said she could not believe the progress that he was making. The very next day,” Shannon Fletcher said."

Anonymous said...

Compare Biden the career politician who works against the people of the country and a man who is not a politician, but simply an American, that really does act presidential.

Anonymous said...

Crickets from Constance ~ while this dandy New Age New World Order implementation is going on right now..

cm said...

Not a comment, but an invitation to watch a beautiful, kind of end-of-days videomontage. I hope you'll enjoy and reflect on it.
At Google drive:
On Vimeo:
God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Crickets 5:43 PM Big deal. There's bigger fish to fry than that.

Anonymous said...

If you vote Democrat, you support giving gay pornography to 10 year-olds…

Anonymous said...

Brazen Biden now wants to control our free press!!!

Biden's White House will send letter to CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding probe into 'lies' behind GOP's plan to impeach president

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the inquiry on Tuesday over allegations of corruption

Ian Sams, a special assistant to the president and senior advisor to the White House Counsel's Office, penned the letter

'It's time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies,' Sams wrote

Anonymous said...

The American people just didn't get the memo that we now live in a third world country!!!

Anonymous said...

Full List of Capitol Rioters Jailed So Far and the Sentences They Are Serving

Did someone say 'peaceful demonstration'? This was not a riot. It was an insurrection. To date, more than 1,146 people from all 50 states have been charged. The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Washington D.C. office said in its latest update that 623 people had received sentences—though not all had been handed periods of incarceration—while around 657 individuals had pleaded guilty to federal charges, "many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing."

For most of already sentenced, they got a lot less than what they deserved after plea deals.

This was the largest criminal investigation in American history. Approximately 140 members of law enforcement suffered injuries in the attack, many at the hands of rioters wielding pepper spray, lasers, metal pipes and American flag poles fashioned into clubs. They attacked news photographers and journalists, sometimes stealing their equipment and using it as a weapon. They broke into Nancy Pelosi's office, stole laptops and personal belongings. They took selfies and posted on social media, bragging about what they did. Injuries that day included brain damage and crushed spinal discs. One woman was shot and killed by Capitol police. More than $2.5M of damage was done to the US Capitol. (Newsweek)


Anonymous said...

Why A Government with “Christian Values” Might Not Be So Good

On Twitter, I sometimes get dragged into the occasional debate about why we need a government with “Christian values.”

Now, at one level, yes, I like the idea of an elected government that promotes ideals and values congruent with the Christian religion. Let me say too, that I believe Christians can serve in elected office and in public service. Also, Christians can and should advocate for things they believe in and value as it pertains to creating a better society.

But … be careful what you wish for. Because it might not turn out the way you think!

Remember this, secularism, the separation of church and state, was created to protect a minority of Christians from the majority of Christians.

Accordingly, the separation of church and state meant that a Catholic monarch could not force his Protestant subjects to attend Mass, Anglicans could not discriminate against Baptists when it came to getting a rental property, and Lutherans could not prohibit a Methodist from serving as a city councilor.

The problem is who gets to decide what Christian values are, what areas of life they matter in, and how they are to be applied or enforced. It is not only messy, it can lead to some dark places.

Anonymous said...

A commenter said:
The president didn’t go to the memorial but GOD did. Amazing Grace!

God is still in the saving business, He saves souls from the guttermost to the uttermost, don't let anybody tell you He has forgotten that.
But save America?
We must think higher, much higher. God saves the souls of sinful people, sheep without a Shepherd. He gifts them with repentance toward God and faith in Jesus the Son, that they may be saved (Acts 20:21). Those who trust Him to be forgiven by His atoning sacrifice will never be ashamed of His great grace and mercy!
There's no other way to be saved than trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray people are coming the the end of themselves and their lives beginning, in His wisdom, in the fear of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM
You are going by old (force fed) info that has since been shown to be only highly selective and slanted bits and pieces, because the fuller picture shows that there is much more to it than what you presented...

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM

I agree.

We need to go back in history to see that America was founded, primarily, by those seeking religious freedom. They were fleeing the religious tyranny of Rome, along with it's twin, the Anglican church.

Freedom to practice your religion of choice, while being free from the tyranny of a tyrannical religious system, that is sanctioned by the Government. That does not preclude a free people voting for moral laws and representatives that reflect their beliefs.

Anonymous said...

7:24 PM

Constance would disagree with you. She thinks banning these porno books from children is the equivalent to the Nazis burning books.

Anonymous said...

11:34 am yesterday said: Where is Jethro? I miss the x & Jethro Show LOL

Jethro's sole purpose here is to stalk me with eristic criticism. He's obsessed with me with a complete disregard to truth (biblical or otherwise)

Even you noticed when I don't post he has nothing to say.


Anonymous said...

I challenged Constance Cumbey a number of times to spend some time investigating the thoroughly corrupt, and, dangerous, Biden Administration and Biden Crime Family.

She steadfastly refused. Instead, she has devoted all of her energies in attacking Donald Trump in her threads and comments 24/7, while the dangerous Biden was given a free 'see no evil, hear no evil' pass. SHAME!

Now, all the sordid truth is about to come out about this career crook, and, in comparison, Biden will make Donald Trump, the most investigated politician in American history, look like a saint.

Anonymous said...

12:11 pm yesterday said: X is Jethro.
He's still squatting here.

As I indicated many times before, I am not duplicitous. I don't post fake support. I sometimes forget to put the "x" signature on my posts and other times I just don't care enough to include my signature and just share stuff anonymously. I have never posted as Jethro. I think Jethro has been here awhile stalking me; but, may have just accidentally included his name signing a post on the last thread here about a month ago.


Anonymous said...

12:24 pm

Mrs. Cumbey didn't vote for Biden and would look at any evidence of Biden actually being a real criminal were there any such evidence available.

What "sorbid truth"?

Talking points are worthless....evidence please.

However..I'm glad you see the point that our leaders should be investigated and held liable for actual criminality. For example, you've surely read through the 91 indictments against Trump and determined you won't support Trump because he's an actual verified "career crook" as well as a civilly-liable "rapist", right?


Anonymous said...

Why is Constance silent on this? Surely she knows that the system is totally rigged!

Even if RFK Jr. won 80% of the votes during the primaries, Biden would STILL get the nomination!

But really folks, disregard all that, you can trust and believe Constance when she claims that there is no such thing as a conspiracy and that our election process is totally above board!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts DNC's 'Rigged Process,' Slams Biden In New Forbes Interview

Anonymous said...

Judge in E. Jean Carroll Case: Yes, Donald Trump Is a Rapist:
A judge rejected Trump’s semantic attempt to throw out the case.

Excerpt: ... Trump’s team had requested a new trial in the case, arguing that the $5 million in damages he was ordered to pay Carroll was excessive, because he was only charged with sexual abuse. The jury had not found that Trump “raped” Carroll, a talking point Trump’s team often parroted.

But Judge Lewis Kaplan called Trump’s semantic argument “entirely unpersuasive.” He clarified that the jury found that the former president did indeed “rape” Carroll based on the common definition of the word.


“A United States District Judge has now formally held, in a lengthy written opinion, that it is perfectly appropriate, and, indeed, entirely accurate, to call a certain former President of the United States a rapist,” noted George Conway, lawyer and husband to former Trump aide Kellyanne Conway.

All that to say, based on the legal language, a rapist—for the third presidential cycle in a row—is leading the 2024 Republican primary.


Anonymous said...

10:47 Anonymous The list of capitol rioters is dated yesterday 9/12/2023. The rioters were arrested and sentenced for their crimes, most of them pled guilty. If any bits and pieces are missing, it would be the crimes they committed and weren't prosecuted for due to plea bargaining. Plus, the poster didn't mention 5 people died that day, and 1 police officer the next day. Nothing force fed, more like you're drinking the kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

'The hypocrisy is eye watering': Adam Schiff mocked over response to Biden impeachment

Anonymous said...

Trump, bloated ego and all, is still a better human being than you are, "X".

Quit your whining.

You know you love the attention.

Anonymous said...

Touche, Dr x (@12:20), but, I miss you guy's steel on steel jousts because Jethro's (sorry dude, no disrespect meant) repertoire of dissing was brought out beautifully by buttoned-downed x.

It's a shame, really) - :

Anonymous said...

PS: I know what stalking is, and that ain't stalking

Anonymous said...

1:37 pm

Let's just call it Jethro's dismissable obsession. Ha.


Anonymous said...

Zero Reserve System

Anonymous said...

X talkin "obsession"! LOL

X is 'obsessed' with serving Lucifer

He is contrary to all that is just, and true!

A new fangled christian is he.

Anonymous said...

New Age FANGled X

Anonymous said...

Let's just call it x's narcissicism on steroids being called exactly what it is.

X, you attention hound, you. Dude, you know you love it since your self-aggrandizing discord sowing self is here to troll and gossip. Your favorite pasttime.
Your info is dissed and your persona dismissed so easily. Fun stuff.
See ya in the funny papers, bro.

Anonymous said...

Notice all of the diversionary tactics being deployed by our Master Deceiver X.

Not one word from X regarding Biden and his crimes. Why? Because X would have to fess up to being a member of the Biden Death Cult. Come to think of it, Constance & Linda have suddenly gone silent. I can't imagine why?

Anonymous said...

Bears repeating.

Let's just call it x's narcissicism on steroids being called exactly what it is.

X, you attention hound, you. Dude, you know you love it since your self-aggrandizing discord sowing self is here to troll and gossip. Your favorite pasttime.
Your info is dissed and your persona dismissed so easily. Fun stuff.
See ya in the funny papers, bro.

Anonymous said...

Keep those illegal migrants coming. They're great!

More Than a Third of Chicago’s 2024 $538 Million Budget Shortfall Tied to Migrant Crisis

Chicago has spent over $100M to care for the illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border.

Despite the millions in taxpayer dollars, the city remains so overwhelmed that migrants are being housed in police stations and turning O’Hare airport into a dangerous, filthy and unsanitary encampment.

And now, Chicago is facing a $538 million budget shortfall for 2024 with more than a third of that shortfall tied to Biden’s illegal crisis, according to The Chicago Sun-Times.

Remember when Constance was telling us that we need to accept these migrants, because the Holy Family (wrongly) were migrants? The Pope and Constance were wrong on that one. They went to Bethlehem in order to register for taxes.

Anonymous said...

Joseph and Mary were running from King Herod... who was killing all new born baby BOYS.

Matthew 2:13
13 And after they were departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and fly into Egypt: and be there until I shall tell thee. For it will come to pass that Herod will seek the child to destroy him.

Anonymous said...

x is the Meghan Markle of this blog. The resident "Me-again Markle", who hovers over this site like stink on you know what.

Anonymous said...

I would never refer to Joseph & Mary as 'migrants.' They were PROTECTING Jesus from being slaughtered by King Herod ~ who FEARED that this new 'king' was going to replace HIM!!!

If you notice the news photos: MOST of the real migrants who have been crossing our Southern Border for a long now... are MILITARY AGED MALES.

Dismiss this if you wish: Many think that, when the s--- hits the fan, THEY will be like 'soldiers in waiting'... going up against US ~ the American people.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks.

Anonymous said...

Tip for the day:

Did you ever stop to think that just maybe if we IGNORE X... he will go away???

Stop feeding the troll!!!

(And, if he doesn't go away... just keep on IGNORING him anyway.)

Anonymous said...

But, the big question is: WHO is going to protect US, the American people???

Anonymous said...

As a 4 decade resident of Phoenix AZ. This invasion has been going on for a long time! It has brought nothing good. Just more drugs, rapes, thefts, murders, and more.

But our politicians work for us, and they care about us!

Anonymous said...

History lesson (for those of us who KNOW THE TRUTH):

COUP (stolen election): November 3, 2020

OBJECTION (to that coup & stolen election): January 6, 2021

Anonymous said...

3:17 pm

Perhaps a GOP-organized army of roman catholics + their ecumenical partners in the NAR.

Democrats have tried for years to usher in a new era of immigration reform and throw away the old outdated immigration laws to no avail. The Republicants have blocked all such attempts for 40 years now.

While the Knights of Malta provide all the logistical support for the invasion of roman catholics from the south while collecting federal dollars to provide such support.

Most do not walk across the border....they simply visit and stay.


Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to look into Biden's supposed crimes.

Has there been any indictments or even direct evidence of such?

Please provide evidence.


Anonymous said...

Facing sure defeat, another RINO Trump hater turns tail and runs off into the sunset:

Mitt Romney to retire from US Senate after wild ride through Republican politics

Don't let the door hit your magic underwear bottoms on the way out!

Anonymous said...

Ukraine The Devil's War

Anonymous said...

2:44 PM said, "Remember when Constance was telling us that we need to accept these migrants, because the Holy Family (wrongly) were migrants? The Pope and Constance were wrong on that one. They went to Bethlehem in order to register for taxes."

No, I don't remember. Where's your proof? Provide date and exact quote.

The 'He Gets Us' ads by the evangelicals misrepresent Mary, Joseph, and Jesus as migrants.

Anonymous said...

Obvious when the truth hits home, ya'll create distractions by insulting X.

Anonymous said...

It's was fortuitous that The Three Wise Men brought gold frankincense and myrrh to finance the escape and roof over Their Heads when They got to Egypt.

PS: Jorge Bergoglio isn't known for his wisdom

Anonymous said...

Romney Sent Shocking Unanswered Text Warning Mitch McConnell Of Trump-Fueled Violence On Jan. 6th, Per New Book Excerpt

Everyone knew Trump was inciting violence prior to January 6th.

Anonymous said...

3:00 PM said:

"Joseph and Mary were running from King Herod... who was killing all new born baby BOYS."

The order from King Herod was to kill all male children from the age of two years old and under, not "new born baby boys."

Anonymous said...

6:26 PM

Trump was President and the Pope was saying that Trump could not "be a Christian" because "Christians do not build walls" and that the Holy Family were "migrants, just as these people are." I distinctly recall that Constance sided with the Pope against Trump's plan to build a border wall, ignoring of course the hypocrisy of the Papacy, which has at least a 40 Ft. wall surrounding Vatican City.

Anonymous said...

6:46 PM

WAAAAAAAAHHH! Poor crybaby.

So what day was that that he actually posted some truth? In what year?
Nothing he says hits home because he can't talk truth. He hasn't landed a glove.

Anonymous said...

Bitterly jealous Mittens Romney is a coward and afraid of his own shadow.

Come on man! Pierre Delecto sees a boogey man when there isn't one.

Anonymous said...

Y'all voted for Mitt and the Bushes and Ronald Reagan too...

It's just so odd how fixated and sure about your votes for Trump you remain and your willingness to continue supporting the "career crook", insurrectionist and confirmed rapist.

How can you be so confident you were wrong about Mitt, the Bushes and Reagan without questioning your support for Trump.

Isn't Romney, Bush & Reagan Derangement Syndrome an indication you are easily manipulated or, perhaps, mentally ill?


p.s.- Utah could see its first Democratic Senator since 1977 if the Maga qanon crazies primary some uneducated degenerate dominionist candidate for the GOP nomination. The Mormon Church has been dodgy about being seen as just Republican-supporting lately and could back a Mormon Democrat candidate very easily in what was a very red state. It's unlikely but in a presidential election year with what is bound to be a very awful candidate at the top of the ticket (no matter who it is) ...anything can happen.


Anonymous said...

X's world of corrupt, pro-death Democrats like Biden/Harris/Obama is crumbling.

Now, Neo-Con warmonger RINOs like Cheney, Kinsinger, Romney, etc. are fleeing the corrupt clubhouse.

This is really fun to watch!

Anonymous said...


As an aside:
x voted Republican back in the day..
And x is onboard with every globalist program out there too.
He has stated more than once he is registered Republican, but claims he's Libertarian, while he votes Democrat.
A triple loser, doubly double-minded, unstable in all of his ways according to the book of James.

And begs our attention to virtue signal everyone to be as good as he thinks he is.

Thanks for the laughs Mittens and comrade x!

Anonymous said...

Is this the most powerful room ever assembled?

America's 20 top tech titans with a combined net worth of $400bn and untold influence are summoned to US Senate to devise war plan to stop AI

Anonymous said...

What does the pope think, I wonder, that Mary and Joseph were going to Egypt to get jobs? They were fleeing a murderous government and we have the most murderous government ever. It's so bad that If, Holy Jesus, Holy Mary and Holy Joseph were here in the United States they would be fleeing to protect The Holy Family from the sex changing sodomites abortionists feminists mercy killing crowd running things today. Come on pope dude where are your priorities?

PS: last week the farmer put a bull in with the heifers and today when I was trying to shoo the heifers out of the corral so the calves could eat I tried shooing the bull. I don't know nothing but I do now, I know we have a bunch of heifers in Rome.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, pope dudette, one more thing, how about promoting holiness instead of lawlessness

Anonymous said...

If only the Trumpsters would get to know the real Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Jethro has painted his roof blue yet?


Anonymous said...

I'm no longer using Dove soap. The entire country has gone completely nuts. Now, obnoxious fat people are being celebrated! Obesity is a direct link to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a whole host of other death causing diseases. But, here in America, we celebrate FAT!

Dove Hires BLM Activist to Promote ‘Fat Liberation’ Who Ruined UVA Student’s Life over ‘Misheard’ Remark

Anonymous said...


All the signs point to Joe Biden, the installed fake President, being pushed aside for the 2024 election. When you see pro-Democrat outlets such as the Morning Joe show saying "all the Democrats, not 99%, I mean all, when asked about Joe Biden, they all say he's too old to run." Now, the powers that be are finally allowing the Biden Crime Family corruption see the light of day. What took so long? What took so long is this; they were using Biden before, and now they are through with him. The question is: who will the puppet masters choose to replace him?

Anonymous said...

11:43 AM

I wonder when x would get to know the real Jesus..

That was quick. He's one of the worst examples of a real believer I've seen here, so I wonder no longer as I finish typing this.

Only thing left to say, may God give that pathetic soul mercy.

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on the pathetic Trumpsters who will say, "but Lord, I voted for Donald Trump and supported everything he did, all in your name."

Anonymous said...

x! Here's your party! Globalist Romney is a man after your own heart!

Anonymous said...

At 2:51 PM
Said no one I ever heard (and I live in a predominately Red State).
Putting words in people's mouths again??

Anonymous said...

Daughter of Randy and Vickie Weaver

The Untold Story of Ruby Ridge with Survivor Sara Weaver

Herself wanted me to listen to this with her and I did. It's mostly 2 women talking for 2 1/2 hours about the Clinton era FBI. The part about the agents playing baseball with their boomboxes playing while a dead women and child laid in a cabin for 11 days reminds me of...well let's just say, nobody in the right mind misses Slick Willy, except. . .?

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on climate change

Anonymous said...

"File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

As usual, the comments section @ ZH is where you find the raw truth

And yes MTG is a turncoat!

Anonymous said...

Natural immunity wins

13x better.

x and his over the top approvals of all government overreaches is wrong again.
God's built in gifts to us are always better than man's way. People were free not to take their "medicine" or receive it if they wished but how many were coerced? I never looked down on those who chose to. But people like him were awful about it.
Glad we didn't let the virtue signaling jerks get to me and mine.

Anonymous said...

7:32 pm

I'm sure my dead cousin and everyone who lost an unvaccinated loved one to covid in 2021 will be overjoyed to learn their dead relative won the natural immunity games.

Not to mention your video link was from Nurse Campbell who has been intentionally and knowingly disinforming his listeners for profit for quite a long time now. It's not even worth debunking his anymore. He's a known liar.


Anonymous said...

X has the blood of millions of innocent aborted babies on his dark soul. By his own admission, X voted for Obama, Hillary Clinton and Biden ... all three are radical, evil proponents of abortion on demand.

How could anyone that has even an ounce of righteousness in them, willingly vote for candidates that support the murder of innocent life?

Anonymous said...

Guess you won’t be “willingly” voting or supporting Trump then…

“Anti-abortion group blasts Trump over federal ban comments”

“A major anti-abortion group blasted former President Donald Trump on the issue Thursday, saying his contention that abortion restrictions should be left up to individual states, not the federal government, is a “morally indefensible position for a self-proclaimed pro-life presidential candidate.”

The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group was responding to a statement by Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung for a Washington Post story about division among the 2024 GOP presidential field on abortion-related issues. The group has said it would not support any White House candidate who did not at a minimum support a 15-week federal abortion ban.….”

Anonymous said...

Propaganda is extremely important in a modern society, as proven by the emphasis that the Nazis and Communists put on it. Somehow, Americans are duped into believing that our mainstream media outlets are not promulgating a political and business agenda. The media can make politicians, and just as quickly, break them. This is exactly what is going on right now in regards to Joe Biden.

The Deep State propped up the thoroughly corrupt Joe Biden and then stole the election for him. As a reward, the DP got complete control of the Executive Branch by maintaining a grip on Biden (precisely why they hated Trump). Now, they need to replace the stumbling walking corpse with someone else. Who will that be?

For a clear illustration as to how the Deep State media can suddenly turn on a politician, watch this:

The Deep State "news" Channel CNN Turns on Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

“It’s conspicuous, as you’ve noted, as Chairman Comer noted, as to what was not charged. They were giving out FARA charges against Trump officials with great speed and alacrity. You know, they hit Paul Manafort with charges based on the same facts,” Turley told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “What the media is ignoring is these uncharged crimes do have one common possible motive. When you don’t declare yourself a foreign agent, when you don’t declare income, when you create these questionable international transfers, all of them can be effectively succeed in hiding that trail.”

“If you declare income, you got to say where the income came from. If you declare yourself a foreign agent, you have to explain what you’re doing for foreign governments and if you create this labyrinth of accounts through different shell companies and through different banks, it makes it hard for people to see those transfers,” Turley continued. “All of that fits a unified theory of an influence peddling scheme that involved potential criminal acts so I think it’s rather obvious that the one outlier, the gun charge, is the only thing that has been charged.”

They've got Hunter and Daddy Joe by the gonads in evidence.
Will anything come of it? Not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

10:47 PM

So why did you if not worth the time?

Quit your whining.

You know you (the known liar) love the attention.

Anonymous said...

Funny how really important things such as this just somehow escapes Constance's radar screen. Probably, because the only image on her screen is Donald Trump!

WATCH: Arrogant Executives of Radical Non-Profit Group Reveal How They Are Sneaking Woke LGBTQ+ Curriculum Into Elementary Schools and Indoctrinating Children WITHOUT Parental Knowledge

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Constance, when is she ever going to do a thread on the Biden Crime Family?

Anonymous said...

x's dead cousin is a mere talking point for him.

Shamefully using another's death to "beat others to death" to force an agenda is the way the way his death mindset works. That's what worshiping government idols will do to ya.

But here? Your plan backfires on you, so no workee, Jethro.

Anonymous said...

Even more slipping past WCT radar.

Anonymous said...

Not in my book.

Celebrities. Whether socio-political issues, religion, every facet of life they have to weigh in. (Eyeroll)

Loudmouths everywhere from every corner.

Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Fourteen men were charged over the plot to kidnap the governor from her Antrim County vacation home in 2020. Eric Molitor, along with twin brothers William Null and Michael Null, were found not guilty on all charges by a jury Friday after a three-week trial, ABC News reported.

The FBI has been heavily criticized over its role in the plot, with several defendants arguing that FBI agents actively encouraged alleged participants to engage in illegal activity. Moreover, a jury previously acquitted two men alleged to have been involved in the plot after the defense argued that the FBI’s encouragement of the plan constituted entrapment.

Government agents work absolutely everywhere everyday don't they?

No situation left unmolested by them apparently.

Anonymous said...

More from the Trump Cult . . .

Actor Jim Caviezel proclaims Trump ‘the new Moses’ after visiting him at Bedminster

'Sound of Freedom' Star Jim Caviezel Compares Donald Trump to King David,by%20God%2C%22%20he%20said.

Jim Caviezel Says Donald Trump Is The ‘New Moses’ Leading Mormons And Roman Catholics To The Promised

Donald Trump as the ‘new Moses’ is being ushered forward into the ‘promised land’ on the backs of shadowy and powerful Mormons and Roman Catholics, the question is why?

Anonymous said...

12:52 pm

You are leaving out a lot of context. These 3 were charged with giving aid to the 9 other CONVICTED conspirators, but they had apparently back out of the conspiracy at some point.

You can criticize the FBI all you want but we'd all be criticizing the FBI if they hadn't thwarted this planned attack on Gov Whitmer. The FBI is supposed to infiltrate and expose criminal minded people and organizations. They can't do that without seemingly going along with the conspiracy.

The FBI also infiltrate BLM, various antifa groups, gangs, etc -- you can't just complain when they infiltrate violent factions of your particular Maga cult.

3 men cleared in last Whitmer kidnapping plot trial

Excerpt: ....The Null brothers and Molitor were the last of the 14 to stand trial; nine other men who had connections to the plan were previously convicted.

They were found not guilty of providing support for a terrorist act and a weapon charge, The Associated Press reported. They were accused of supporting leaders of the kidnapping plan by participating in military-style drills and visiting Whitmer’s vacation home in northern Michigan.

The jury in Antrim County, where Whitmer’s vacation home is located, heard 14 days of testimony. Molitor and William Null testified in their own defense. They admitted they attended gun drills and took rides to check Whitmer’s property.

William Null said he and his brother broke away when talk turned to getting explosives. Michael Null did not testify, and his lawyer declined to question witnesses.

The key players in the kidnapping plot, Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr., were convicted of a kidnapping conspiracy last year, AP reported.


p.s.- I'm not complaining about them infiltrating any group suspected of possibly implementing or engaging in criminal doings.

Anonymous said...

1:18 pm

I know, right? He's lost his mind into maga qanon.

With Mormons as ecumenical partners no less.

Anonymous said...

Paula White-Cain, a former advisor to Donald Trump, claims that she worked with Nelson Mandela to bring an end to Apartheid in South Africa but no evidence has been discovered, the Christian Post reports.

White-Cain made the statement during a presentation she gave at the Universal Peace Federation’s Peace Summit in May where she spoke about her conversion to Christianity and her advocacy work around the world.

“Little did I know that God would take me [to] over 100 nations, multitudes all over the place to bring forth true transformation, ultimately bringing my path with Mother Moon (co-founder of the controversial Unification Church with Sun Myung Moon her late husband) and being a part of this great organization.

Anonymous said...

To 2:51 PM

Re: May God have mercy on the pathetic Trumpsters who will say, "but Lord, I voted for Donald Trump and supported everything he did, all in your name."


Better take a break from your arrogance & self-righteousness... to ask God to FORGIVE YOU AND ANYONE ELSE who voted for a PRO-ABORTION President ~ who also supports & profits from worldwide underground child sex trafficking... and money laundering central (in Ukraine).

Anonymous said...

Official Worldwide Gov. Reports prove COVID Vaccination is causing Depopulation at a frightening rate

Indisputable evidence Covid-19 injections are killing people with over 193,000 extra excess deaths across Europe this year.

Anonymous said...

2:28 pm

1. So Covid, the virus, had nothing to do with excess deaths this year?

2. Why are more unvaccinated countries experiencing higher excess deaths? (I assume this is why they are attempting to focus on the whole versus cherry picking the countries skewing this statistic)

3. Even assuming you are correct --- it's not anywhere near a "frightening rate" considering millions of lives were SAVED by vaccines back in 2021 when covid remained novel and more deadly AND considering just 193,000 among a European population of 750 million only represents a 0.0257% excess death rate throughout all of Europe. I'd say that is nowhere NEAR a "frightening level of depopulation"...."concerning", "of interest" and/or "not to be ignored" statistic (the the extent it's even true); but, not really "frightening".

4. We should all be very thankful that lingering excess death rates due to covid are not substantially higher.


Anonymous said...

2:28 pm

I just looked at your link and it ridiculously attributes non-covid death rates in children to the vaccines they received when any child dying of any long-term illness or catestrophic injury the last few years had to be vaccinated to get medical treatment via hospitals.

It's also from Expose -- which is written by some welder on his laptop with no real expertise in anything. It is deliberate disinformation.

From Wikipedia

The Exposé (formerly known as The Daily Exposé)[3] is a British conspiracist and fake news website created in 2020 by Jonathan Allen-Walker.[1][2] It is known for publishing COVID-19 and anti-vaccine misinformation.[7]

The website became known internationally after Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro cited one of its articles in a speech falsely claiming that COVID-19 vaccines could cause AIDS,[3][2] and after Chinese state media outlets republished one of its articles which falsely claimed that COVID-19 was created by Moderna.[2][6]

History: The Exposé was created in November 2020 by Jonathan Allen-Walker, a welder from Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire.[1] In March 2021, Twitter suspended the site's main account, but it created several alt accounts to evade its ban. Following its second ban, the site relied on pairs of alt accounts to avoid losing all of its followers or the ability to tweet, and accused Twitter of censorship. As of July 2021, two of the site's alt accounts had approximately 14,000 and 18,000 followers respectively, with 65% of the site's referrals coming from Twitter.[1] As of March 2023, the site's main account had approximately 5,600 followers.[8]

Content: Ernie Piper of Logically, a British anti-disinformation research organisation, said that The Exposé "was unique both for producing a high volume of original content" and for "[trying] to make it look like they were doing hard-hitting investigative journalism" instead of "twisting the facts to suit conspiracy theories."[2] Piper wrote in July 2021 that the website "has promoted a standard portfolio of COVID-denialist, anti-vaxxer, and Great Reset myths framed as breaking news" since its establishment, noting that the site's writers "often distort or misinterpret the information within the snapshots of the documents they use to push a number of conspiratorial narratives". The website has interviewed fringe figures such as anti-vaccine activist Michael Yeadon.

Anonymous said...

Bumbling Idiot-in-Chief does it again!

Nolte: Joe Biden Links Hispanic, Black People to Those ‘Without High School Diplomas’

This is what Biden said:

"We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas."

The lying White House then stepped in and fraudulently changed what Biden ACTUALLY said.

Here’s what the fake White House transcript says:

"We’ve seen record lows in unemployment, particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high-school diplomas. The lowest unemployment rate in 70 years for women now."

You see the difference?

Although a vast majority of people over age 25 in all ethnic groups have completed high school, Biden singled out black and Hispanic Americans as those “you know, the workers without high school diplomas.”

To cover up Biden’s latest act of ignorant racism (that is not based on facts), the White House rigged the transcript with the word “and” to make it appear Biden separated minorities (and veterans) from those without high school diplomas.

Anonymous said...

3:35 pm

1. How is a bumble evidence of "ignorant racism"?

2. If you listen to the clip ... I think he said "and" anyway.

I didn't tell my wife what the controversy was and she had supported Trump and without my influence I let her tell me what the clip said and she definitely heard the word "and" too.


I'm shocked they didn't even bother to edit the clip to remove it.

Here's the clip in it's original form where you can hear the "and" for yourself:

You really should watch the whole video to hear for yourself all the Biden has accomplished the last 3 years in spite of the wake of destruction Trump left behind


Anonymous said...

3:35 PM

Yes. Apparently Joe Biden really is a racist. Remember the "everyone that works at a 7/11 is an Indian" comment by Biden? I do.

And, Kamala Harris accused Joe Biden of being a racist during the Primary debates, based upon his voting record. Kamala Harris would know. After all, she was that "Little Girl" that was deeply effected by Biden's racist voting record.

Anonymous said...

Sen. Tim Scott: Democrat Party, Progressive Left Are ‘Stuck in Jim Crow 1920s and ’30s’

(Apparently, the pro-abortionist X feels right at home voting for the racist Jim Crow Democratic Party. Here's the laugh of the day: Don't forget that X claims to be a 'conservative pro-life Christian')

Scott called the remarks a product of Democrats and the so-called progressive left being stuck in the Jim Crow era of the previous century.

“So, here you have Justice Thomas, a black, Ginni Thomas who is white, and oh, he might marry a Ginni Thomas,” host Sean Hannity said. “Is that not playing the race card?”

“Absolutely, Sean. The Democrat Party and the progressive left they are stuck in Jim Crow 1920s and ’30s. What they do not want is a black man who thinks for himself,” Tim Scott replied. “You can be anything in America if you’re black except for conservative. That’s why Sunny is so radical and so disgusting with her comments.”

“They don’t want my life story to be told because it difficulties results the lies of the radical left,” he continued. “I can’t think of anything more disgusting and more disheartening to watch the Democrat Party descend down into the 1920s. Unbelievable.”

Anonymous said...

Just a random observation. . .

Who gets elected president anymore matters very little to me. Nothing changes where I live (though getting a reprieve from roits is nice). Politics all seems a bit like rooting for a superbowl team, except way more virulent. Over in Britain they don't have presidential election to get virulent over just soccer matches - but they're all wussies anyway.

Anonymous said...

Getting your racism information from the New Age Romans at Breitbart is kind of ironic & funny.

and...I'd hardly call Tim Scott conservative...he fully supports abortion up to 20 weeks.

Sen. Scott struggles to explain stance on abortion ban

Anonymous said...

Republican family's so on brand

SD Gov. Kristi Noem having ‘absurdly blatant and public’ affair with ‘handsy’ Trump aide Corey Lewandowski, sources say

Married Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has engaged in a years-long affair with longtime Donald Trump adviser Corey Lewandowski, multiple sources told The Post Friday.

Though no images of the two getting frisky are known to exist, the pair have been less than discreet about their relationship, with one source recalling them making out at a hotel bar during the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla.

“I remember it was so absurdly blatant and public,” said the person, who recalled Noem and Lewandowski getting “handsy” at the bar of the Hyatt Regency Orlando with between 100 and 200 others around.

“It wasn’t like 2 a.m.,” the source said. “It isn’t like we caught them at some dive bar miles away. It’s a lobby bar where everyone is staying and so there’s a bajillion political operatives and journalists and electeds around. I remember I saw it with my own eyes and a couple other people saw it and the blatantness was absurd.”

“This has been a known, open thing and we’ve all been waiting for it to blow up at some point,” the person added....

Anonymous said...


If you are around, you (and others, I presume) might be interested in the new movie that recently came out.

Here is the trailer...

Cessationist | Official Trailer

Summary: From Director Les Lanphere - Creator of Calvinist and Spirit & Truth

Deluxe Edition:


On any given week, countless Christians gather and participate in strange practices they believe are true expressions of the power of God. From speaking in tongues to attempting to raise the dead, Charismatic Christians believe they are participating in modern miracles. But are these miracles real? Are the Apostolic sign gifts in operation today? Cessationist lovingly and carefully answers this important question by exposing the errors of the Charismatic movement and builds a positive case for the real work of the Holy Spirit today.

The true gift of the Spirit is far more necessary and powerful than many imagine.

I look forward to watching this soon.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

x's dead cousin is a mere talking point for him.

Shamefully using another's death to "beat others to death" to force an agenda is the way the way his death mindset works. That's what worshiping government idols will do to ya.

But here? Your plan backfires on you, so no workee, Jethro.

12:10 PM"

Anonymous said...

An impeachment inquiry does not mean that an impeachment itself is inevitable. But it dramatically increases the chances of finally forcing answers to troubling questions of influence-peddling and corruption.

"As expected, many House Democrats — who impeached Donald Trump after only one hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, based on his phone call to Ukraine’s president — oppose any such inquiry into President Biden. House Republicans could have chosen to forego any hearings and use what I called a “snap impeachment,” as then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) did with the second Trump impeachment in January 2021.

Instead, they have methodically investigated the corruption scandal for months and only now are moving to a heightened inquiry. The House has established a labyrinth of dozens of shell companies and accounts allegedly used to transfer millions of dollars to Biden family members. There is now undeniable evidence to support influence-peddling by Hunter Biden and some of his associates — with Joe Biden, to quote Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer, being “the brand” they were selling."

Anonymous said...

While Constance spends endless hours attacking those that voted for Donald Trump as members of a "cult" (her term), she misses the much bigger picture. The spiritual leader of over 1.2 Billion deluded Catholics sides with pro-abortion globalists:

Globalist Pope Francis Joins Forces with the Clintons, Yellen, Whitmer, Newsom, and Others for Global Initiative 2023

The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2023, scheduled for September 18-19 in New York City, has announced that Pope Francis will be attending the summit together with other globalists to discuss topics like climate change, gender-based violence, and long-term reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

Pope Francis will kick off the event with a special conversation with Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

9:02 PM


Anonymous said...

Still looking for the Mother Angelica/Constance Cumbey video

Attention Pope Francis:

"Intermediate goals of the Movement

Although the New Age Movement's ultimate goal is world domination, there are numerous intermediate goals of a political, social, and economic nature. These include the following:
- a universal credit card system;
- a world food authority which would control the world's food supply;
-a a universal tax;
-a a universal draft, in spite of the Movement's pacifist ideas. After the Movement presented itself to the public in 1975, further details came forth: -the establishment of a world economic system;
- the replacement of private ownership of credit, transport and staple production with ownership by a world directorate;
- the recognition of biological controls on a worldwide basis of population and disease;
- a minimum standard of freedom and welfare throughout the world;
- a duty of subordinating personal life to that of a world directorate. Professing peace and love, the Movement has succeeded in blinding many of its adherents to its real goals and deceiving them in supporting the following: -Aryanisim, i.e., the domination of the Western races; as with Hitler, this is linked with anti-Semitism;
- mass planetary initiation, also called "Luciferic initiation,"i.e., an act of consecration to Lucifer.
- cleansing action, i.e., the extermination of all those who disagree with the Movement's goals;
- abortion and artificial insemination; - forced limitation of family size;
- genetic control;
- death control, whereby a cult is made of death, which is regarded as a euphoric experience and the transition to continuously new life cycles."

Anonymous said...

How our government will trigger deadly Marburg Pandemic using 5G technology

Anonymous said...

HTH 9:35 PM There are so many interesting things to read in the Cumbey blogspot archives. Thank you for posting.

Anonymous said...

Mugshots are trending in the GOP!

Lauren Boebert trying to prove she's a hot date to somebody - her immaturity is astounding!

Anonymous said...

Where is Constance? Biden's, not Trump's, Department of Justice at work. You had better not oppose the Democrat Death CULT if you know what's good for you!

Three More Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty of Violating FACE Act in Abortion Clinic Blockade

Face up to 11 years in prison.

Pro-life activists Joan Andrews Bell, 74; Jonathan Darnel, 40; and Jean Marshall, 72, were found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and conspiracy against rights for blocking access to the Washington Surgi-Clinic, a clinic infamous for late-term abortions. The guilty verdict comes after five other pro-life activists involved in the same blockade were found guilty on all charges in late August.

“This overreaching of power and authority by Biden’s DOJ is egregious and must be stopped. Nonviolent pro-life actions should not be a federal crime, and peaceful people with a desire to save lives should not be jailed for over a decade. Some of these Rescuers could be facing death by incarceration. We must repeal the FACE Act now!” said Caroline Taylor Smith, executive director of PAAU (Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising), a leftwing pro-life group.

Anonymous said...

You mean President Satans DOJ

Anonymous said...

cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls. NIV

The Human Industrial Complex

Anonymous said...

And the scumbag that we have as a 'president' refuses to provide RFK Jr. with Secret Service protection!

Deep State Assassination Plot Thwarted? Heavily Armed Man With U.S. Marshals Badge Tried to Infiltrate RFK Jr’s Detail

Biden wants RFK Jr. out of the way. Big Pharma wants him silenced. Ukrainian oligarchs want him to stay away from their gravy train. The DNC wants him to move along. Therefore, the Deep State wants to solve all of their problems by eliminating him forever.

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants are everywhere, and increasing in number by the day.

Liberals (like the pope) want you to believe that they are really here to find work and better their lives. Living off the U. S. taxpayers never even entered their mind! REALLY? Here's what's really happening:

Only 800 of New York's tens of thousands of illegal immigrants have applied for work authorization

The city's illegal immigration crisis is "showing that government — no matter what level, city, state and federal — isn't cut out to handle this."

It has been revealed that out of the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants that have taken over New York City within the past 18 months, less than two percent have applied for work visas. Democrats at every level of government continue to say that getting more work visas will solve the illegal immigration problem in New York.

Anonymous said...

Watch: Tiny Italian Island Overwhelmed By 7,000 Migrants Arriving In Small Boats Within 24 Hours

Over 120 small boats hit the island's shores within the span of a single day, and the its infrastructure has quickly been overwhelmed.

EUROPE is FINISHED. It's being overrun by illegal immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Sound like a chastisement 12:43 & 1:23 PM

Both the Primate of Belgium, Cardinal Mercier and the Primate of England, Cardinal Bourne helped Berthe, the latter writing two pastorals on devotion to the Sorrowful Heart; he went further, consecrating England to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. He then prescribed prayers to be said on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which was on a Friday of that year, 1916. That same day was a turning point in the War and England had a great victory.

Nowhere in Christendom should honor be paid more readily to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary than here in England. In the days of united faith (that is, before the Reformation), her purity and her sorrows were ever held in loving veneration. Throughout the realm, Our Blessed Lady, God’s Mother, were terms and titles dear to every English heart. England was, in very truth, Our Lady’s dowry. It is, therefore, not with the idea of introducing any new devotion, but rather in order to give fresh meaning and greater force to thoughts long cherished by us all and deep-rooted in the history of our race that we desire to consecrate with renewed effort the prayer, which the special circumstances of the moment so urgently demand, to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary…

That day, September 15, 1916, marked the greatest success of the British. In fact, each time public devotions were performed in England, the British armies swept forward to unexpected victories, so much so that Marshal Ferdinand Foch, the Commander in Chief of the Allied forces in France, observed in his “Memoires” that, strangely enough, the English seemed scarcely aware of how those successes could have come about. “I will never repeat it too often,” he wrote, “that the English fought in a most extraordinary way. They won victory upon victory. At the beginning of October they had broken the formidable Hindenburg line at its strongest point. But still more wonderful, these victories were won almost unknown to themselves.”

Anonymous said...

"Illegal immigrants are everywhere, and increasing in number by the day."

This is your Empire of the Talmud. Inundate "Edom", or Western Christendom nations, with millions of destroyers, all so that the Moschiach can come and rule the world from Jerusalem. Mass migration? Trans Filth? Homo parades? Porn? Many genders? Abortion?
Like Ragu' sauce, "it's in there!"

And you ain't gonna hear it from Hannity or Trump.

It all ends at the toilet flushing at Armageddon, not with Trump or Vivek. Thank God.

paul said...

Blood-suckin' Bidet of the night,
Nocturnal pedos hiding from the lights,
Screams blasting from the bathroom fights,
Watch your nanny die of fright.....

Anonymous said...

Phantom preeverts from the White House hell,
A life of hatred is in which they dwell,
Insane with lust, up your window he does creep,
Addicted to your dawn the sleepy sleep!

Anonymous said...

Saturday, September 16, 2023


Texas Senate acquits Ken Paxton on impeachment charges, reinstating him as attorney general

Anonymous said...

Why was Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton targeted with this 'political witch hunt' in the first place?

Was the Biden Administration RETALIATING (via powerful 'connections' in Austin, TX) against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton... for filing a lawsuit against the Biden Administration four months ago on May 23, 2023?


Just 4 months ago (May 23, 2023)...

Texas Sues Biden Administration for ‘Illegally Pre-Approving’ Migrants Through Mobile AP

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s administration on Tuesday, May 23rd for “illegally pre-approving” migrants to enter the United States through a mobile app that Paxton argues encourages illegal immigration.

Paxton said the Biden administration “deliberately conceived of this phone app with the goal of illegally pre-approving more foreign aliens to enter the country and go where they please once they arrive.”

Paxton said in a statement: "Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, and the entire Biden Administration have prioritized creating and protecting new ways for illegal aliens to stream into this country, no matter the cost or consequence to struggling American citizens. Time after time, my office has shown that we will fight back in court to defeat their unlawful open-borders policies. We intend to stop this rule from wreaking further havoc on the people of Texas."


Consider this: NY Senator Chuck Schumer once said...
"Intelligence agencies have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you."

(Politics is a DIRTY game!!!)

Anonymous said...

Trump Decries 'Double Standard' In Documents Case, Pointing To Treatment Of Hilary Clinton

"Our country's in trouble..."

Anonymous said...

FDA has Gone Rogue

Craig said...


Regarding the forthcoming movie Cessationist, I have no intention of viewing it. I viewed the trailer and read the accompanying description.

Since I'd been considering writing a blog post on this issue, I did just that:

Cessationism or Continuationism?

Bottom line: I don't find cessationism Biblical.

Anonymous said...

Texas AG Ken Paxton's lawyer, Tony Buzbee had the best line last week...

Former Paxton chief of staff Katherine Cary testified about the toll Paxton's alleged affair took on the AG's staff: "I told General Paxton quite bluntly it wasn't my business who he was sleeping with; but when things bleed over into the office and into the state work, it becomes my business."

"Just because somebody has an affair doesn't mean they're a quote 'criminal' does it?" Paxton lawyer Tony Buzbee asked in response to her testimony.

"Imagine if we impeached everyone in Austin who had an affair," Buzbee added. "We'd be impeaching people for the next 100 years."

Anonymous said...

Good article, Craig, and I don't think you are wrong because Scripture shows it is the correct position so I completely agree with you.

Abuses of some do not negate God's administering His gifts of the Holy Spirit, at His discretion, in any era. I know of ministeries that are seeing these gifts manifest in countries closed to the Gospel.

Craig said...

Anon 7:52 PM,

Thanks for reading and thanks for your comment. I'd read about missionaries witnessing the Spiritual gifts in operation--in service of the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

This is from Constance's favorite news source!

Is the US headed for another Great Depression?

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