Monday, September 04, 2023

Rod of Iron Ministries & MAGA - Another compelling reason to be wary of Trump cultism

This is a sleepless night for me -- fortunately, I keep a computer bedside just in case.  If the night leg pains get too intense, I can sit up and research until sleepiness might set in.  That is what is happening with me now.  I have been paying attention recently to the continued spread of the Moonie cults and former President Donald Trump and company's relationship to it.  I have found something extremely disturbing -- Huang Jin Sean Moon founded "Sanctuary Church" a/k/a "Rod of Iron Ministries."  I ordered his book, ROD OF IRON KINGDOM and perused it tonight.  

Rod of Iron Ministries Church is founded by Huang Jin Sean Moon, one of Reverend Sun Myung Moon's 12 "  Look carefully at the crown on his head -- it is formed of bullets.  

This variation of Moon's "True Parents" calls for members to be armed with AR Automatic Assault rifles.  The Church believes that January 6, 2021 will be remembered as a sacred and holy day in American history.  It also believes it is preparing its people for war.  As I showed in an earlier post, Donald Trump went to Korea last year and thanked Unification Church and the Moon founders for vastly improving the planet.  The Pennsylvania based Rod of Iron Church has been visited and spoken to by Steve Bannon, Eric Trump, Doug Matriano and other members of the Trump establishment.

They believe they are preparing our country for civil war and they intend to be "God's instruments" fighting it.  They take out of context a verse from Revelation (Revelation 2:27) that Jesus will rule us with a "Rod of Iron" -- and of course, since the Moon family think they are the ones completing "Jesus' unfinished work" they are standing in for Him!

They have bought a large compound near Waco, Texas and another in Grainger County, Tennessee.  

For the record, Rev. Moon's "new gospel" was that Jesus failed in his mission which was to succeed and replace the race of Adam by marrying and having children.  His crucifixion represented "a failure".  Rev. Moon says he was called by God to fulfill that mission which he and his wife Jak Ha Moon (currently the head of the international church) did by having their 12 children.  Huang Jin Sean Moon tries to sound like a Christian in his book ROD OF IRON KINGDOM.  His theology is that his parents are the "True Parents" and their message the "true gospel."  If you don't believe me, take a peek at their websites for "Rod of Iron Ministries" and "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church". 

The Moonies are an important component of the New Age Movement of which I have warned for the past 42 years.  One of their important spokesman admitted to me that they were working with Benjamin Creme and Tara Center (January 1983 - Joe Tully).  Tully is the same person who assaulted Josette Sheeran's father when he tried to extricate his daughter in 1979 from the Moon cult.  

This cult hooked up with the MAGA Movement, with a goal of restoring Donald Trump to the Presidency, treating January 6, 2021's assault on the United States Capitol as sacred, is armed and dangerous.  Most certainly, there is no room there for any TRUE Christian.  Donald Trump and his close supporters have done nothing to discourage it -- but to encourage it.  I submit, that if you are in MAGA and/or Qanon, it is 'time to come out of her, my people."

Another example of NAR Trump idolatry -- this one in my email box from Elijah list this morning!

Stay tuned -- I will be writing more on this later.



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Anonymous said...

This paper was shared on the last comment thread. In it you can trace the origin of the memes on the internet about Donald Trump being the Antichrist. You can see how they were influenced more by the Omen horror movie and less by the Bible. Ever since the memes started showing up, an astonishing number of left-leaning sources have linked Donald Trump to the Antichrist - with varying degrees, seriousness, sincerity or literal meaning. These facts should lend some perspective and caution IMO. (The NAR and QAnon play right into the hands of the sources writing these types of articles and papers, but could it be that's just what our biblical adversary wants?)

Antichrist in the Oval Office:
The Rhetoric of ‘Antichrist’ in Online Discourse Surrounding Donald Trump

Anonymous said...

In addition, progressive Christianity is gaining more credibility in the eyes of the public, and this includes Pope Francis's brand of Catholic faith.

In fact, if you read the paper, you'll see that the meme first appeared after Pope Francis said that Donald Trump is not a Christian.

The article that Craig and I saw the billboard pictures in, Constance, was written by a TikTok pastor who is openly gay and who literally says that "heresy isn't the enemy."

Won't the discrediting of orthodox, "conservative" Christianity - and the corresponding and inevitable credence gained by liberal and New Age Christianity in the eyes of the world - ultimately serve to make it easier to persecute true believers and elevate a one world religion that is New Age?

The world doesn't see NAR, Baptists, etc. The world sees "Evangelicals."

Anonymous said...

"In fact, if you read the paper, you'll see that the meme first appeared after Pope Francis said that Donald Trump is not a Christian."

By this I mean the first Donald Trump Antichrist meme to appear on Twitter and first documented reference to this on the internet.

Constance Cumbey said...

Speaking of NAR, Elijah's list has a Rumble video interview with ROGER STONE who was a known Trump and Proud Boys/Oathkeepers collaborater.


Anonymous said...

Why Emmanuel Macron 'checks off more boxes' than Donald Trump EVER could!!!

Why Emmanuel Macron could be the anti-christ . . .

Constance Cumbey said...

I know the OMEN anti-christ (Damien) series well. I have to disagree. Is Trump the anti-christ? Is Solana the antichrist? Is Prince Charles? I DON'T KNOW, but with Trump's failure to denounce the sites virtually pronouncing his divinity, I have to conclude that for now (until maybe repentance from Trump for same) -- Trump is clearly AN ANTICHRIST. Solana for other factors (Recommendation 666. etc. etc.) could be an educated guess which is all I have personally ever said. Interesting arguments have been made by many videos some of which I have cited here and on past comment sections. Of deeper concern to me is Trump's very obvious parallels to Hitler.


Anonymous said...

Proud Boys/Oathkeepers: never really payed much attention to them, or Antifa*/Black Lives Matter, but, when I heard about the election protests I distinctly remember thinking none of this would be happening if the police would of stopped the rioters terrorizing the populous. But, when you make the laws you can prosecute whom you please. Just my take.

borrowed from German Antifa, short for antifaschistisch "anti-fascist," in Antifaschistische Aktion (multiparty front initiated by the German Communist Party in 1932 to counter Nazism) and in other collocations

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 8:21 PM
Re: "It IS interesting that the results of ‘Trump the Antichrist’ yields more Left-leaning sources than Christian (or ‘Christian’), or Right."


Yes, that makes sense that 'Trump the Antichrist' SOURCES would be coming from the LEFT.

The LEFT prefers their occupants of the Oval Office to be Globalist-controlled 'puppets on a string'... as most presidents in our lifetime have been (with the exception of JFK and Donald Trump).

When a President decides to be 'his own man' ~ and refuses to be CONTROLLED ~ the Globalists have various ways of handling matters. With JFK, it was a bullet to the head; with Donald Trump, it was POLITICAL assassination (a stolen election).

(Even NY Senator Chuck Schumer once warned Trump: "They have 6 ways from Sunday of getting back at you." How very TRUE!!!)

Anonymous said...

Constance said at 1:15 PM:

"I think for myself and constantly pray for wisdom. Deception needs to be spoken out against."

I wonder when Constance is going to do a thread on the "deception" of the Marxist Jesuit Pope Francis, along with the "deception" of the RCC's utterly false gospel?

Anonymous said...

Of deeper concern to me is Trump's very obvious parallels to Hitler.


2:44 PM

Enlighten us Constance. What exactly are the "very OBVIOUS parallels" between Trump and Hitler.

Constance Cumbey said...

Just too much on the Steve Shultz Elijah list -- Roger Stone -- THE TRICKSTER -- now claims he is a born again Christian at Coral Ridge Church. He claims that Miss Cassady who gave extensive testimony UNDER OATH to the Senate Committee. For the record, what Stone says is NOT UNDER OATH and most likely another example of his tricksterism. I would definitely buy a used car from Ms. Therese Cassidy before I would buy one from Roger Stone.



Anonymous said...

Constance said at 12:52 PM:

Bad as Antifa and BlM often were, they didn't invade the Capitol, sack Capitol offices, etc.

Right Constance. They didn't invade the Capitol. But they did their brand of insurrection against innocent people and businesses by raping, murdering, burning, attacking people in their cars.

You have absolutely zero discernment.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Constance Cumbey said...

To 2:44 pm -- one excellent source is this book: TRUMP AND HITLER: A RESPONSIBLE CONSIDERAITON by Horace Bloom. It is inexpensive and you my purchase it from sources such as Amazon, Thrift books and other places. Mine came from Amazon. There are literally reams of material on this subject. Do your own Googling.


Anonymous said...


You made a statement linking Trump to Hitler. I challenged you to support your claim.

Be a brave lady and give us the factual reasons to support your claim.

Sending me off to read a book is nothing short of obfuscation on your part. Shame.

Anonymous said...

3:05 PM

I think you are being too harsh. She did tell you to "do your own Googling."

How's that for backing up her claims!

ROFL !!!

Anonymous said...

Craig can nitpik all he wants. If Trump didn't agree with the billboard, we all know there would be a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

The billboard article was written by Jack Beresford.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP AND HITLER: A RESPONSIBLE CONSIDERAITON by Horace Bloom is a good resource. ROLF comes from those who have nothing but ridicule and expect to be spoon fed. Can only lead a horse to water.

Anonymous said...


As yet, no one KNOWS THE IDENTITY of the Antichrist. However, we know that whoever that person is will need extensive KNOWLEDGE OF SCRIPTURE to 'deceive the very elect'... in order to FOOL Christians to follow him.

More than likely, everyone within Donald Trump's inner circle (especially his own extended family) would unanimously AGREE that Donald Trump is NOT a 'religious person'... and therefore not knowledgeable about Scripture.

During the entire year of 2020, when Trump was campaigning for re-election, he was PACKING IN STANDING-ROOM-ONLY CROWDS in large cities and small towns... in every state all over the U.S.

No doubt this made him feel really 'puffed up'... and FULL OF HIMSELF. However, it would be quite a stretch to say that this translates to Donald Trump thinking of himself as a 'god' (or that any of us think of him as a 'god'). No, Trump just has a HUGE ('yuge') ego!!!.

So, we will just have to agree to disagree about Trump seeing himself as a 'god'... plus, I don't know ANYONE who 'worships' him!!! If he or she does... that person needs an 'intervention' (and the sooner, the better).

Anonymous said...

4:16 PM
Re: "If Trump didn't agree with the billboard, we all know there would be a lawsuit."


Uh, I would imagine that Trump has more than enough to deal with these days... and no time or desire to sue anyone.

(e.g. All of his legal problems... plus dodging bullets from the lamestream news media determined to destroy him.)

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 1:15 PM
Re: "I think for myself and constantly pray for wisdom. Deception needs to be spoken out against. I have no intention of fronting for another Trump cult! Again, you need Jesus -- not Donald -- as your ultimate hope and Savior."


I also pray for wisdom against deception, Constance. (You & I are in agreement there.)

Maybe I just need to ask God to help EVERYONE with what I regard as A MATH PROBLEM.

The reason why so MANY people BELIEVE that the 2020 election was STOLEN is this...

1) All though the year 2020, Trump campaigned for re-election in large cities and small towns in every state all over the U.S. to STANDING-ROOM-ONLY-CROWDS.

2) Meanwhile, 'sleepy Joe' hid out in his basement for most of the year 2020. When he did make appearances, the TV camera operators were instructed to keep the camera focused on Joe on stage... but not to PAN AROUND to reveal to the viewing public just how FEW actually turned up to see and hear Joe speak in person.

Now, MY MATH (2 + 2 = 4), not to mention my logic & common sense TELLS ME that there is NO WAY on God's green earth that this could or would EVER TRANSLATE into a WIN for Joe Biden on November 3, 2020!!!


P.S. Donald Trump has NEVER been 'my savior' period.

Anonymous said...

5:20 PM WOW! You are way behind the times. Trump and Melania are the King and Queen of lawsuits. They will sue over anything, including each other if one of them breaks the nuptial agreement. The Trumps thrive on this stuff.

Anonymous said...

5:48 PM 'sleepy Joe hid out in his basement' and you don't pay attention to QAnon. ROFL

Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:02 PM -- Are you telling me you have not heard about Trump retweeting and praising others saying similar things, including those by Allyn Wayne Root?


Constance Cumbey said...

Hillary Clinton was polarizing. Trump was polarizing. Trump insulted much of the traditional Republican base, calling them "RINO's". If Trump could have kept a civil tongue in his mouth, he probably would have one -- but too many people remembered the vast multitude of insults ranging from John McCain (probably costing Trump Arizona) to deceased veterans buried overseas. Starting with the first debate in 2015, Trump's behavior was rude and insulting.

Trump didn't win as much as Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 -- at that she had 3 million more in popular votes than Trump. Trump's televised rallies with his bullying of dissident attendees and what he called "fake media" (interestinlgly, Hillary probably first coined that phrase to refer to Russian media activity agsinst her in the 2016 election.

Trump's insulting of most Hispanics cost him dearly among that constituency, his characterizing the CovidVirus as "China Virus" probably cost him dearly among Orientals, he alienated most of the Arabic descended constituency, etc., etc. Blacks recognized his failure to condemn white supremacy, etc., etc.

Biden didn't as much "win" as Trump lost.



Constance Cumbey said...

to 8:35 - "Who actually thinks Trump is Christlike".

Well, watch the Rumble videocast of Elijah Streams (big NAR operation) today -- you will hear famed self-proclaimed Dirty Trickster of old, Roger Stone, make that claim today!

Excuse me, but was very hard to keep a straight face watching that one.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Crack-Fueled Gay Tryst Accuser Talks To Tucker

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Craig said...

Anon 8:53 (and 9:42) AM,

First off, I was being a bit hyperbolic. I’m sure there are some undiscerners (or, perhaps even non-Christians) who think Trump a Christian. However, anyone with any lick of discernment can plainly see he’s not. As I noted before, even the NAR calls him ‘a King Cyrus’, that is, a PAGAN king. I even provided an article by Dr. Michael Brown—an NAR apologist—who said the same, and claimed Trump is not a Christian.

Nevertheless, I looked at the photo. While I’m surely not going to try to track down each one’s words re: Trump, I’ll make statements about two.

First, James Dobson. I specifically heard him on a radio show stating that he knows Trump is not a Christian (or something to that effect). I don’t recall the context.

Second, Paula White. White herself is not a Christian. She’s on record as saying, “Jesus is not the only begotten Son” (among other blasphemies). [As X correctly noted (paraphrasing), these types elevate man at the expense of Jesus.] That’s about as heretical as one can get. She said it on a TV segment (on TBN, I think) with Larry Huch[ster]. So, anything she says can be taken with a proverbial grain of salt.

Now, back to you: Can you provide quotes from any in the photo you referenced who’ve claimed Trump is a Christian?

Anonymous said...

I think Trump calling out RINO dirtbags is perfectly acceptable, being that the nation is going straight down the toilet at this time.

But if being completely irrelevant, out of touch with reality, nasty, and hypocritical, is your cup of tea, then sip away.

Craig said...


You wrote: to 11:51 am -- You are wrong -- Trump's actions are giving lots of excuse for the One Worlders to move in against Christians. When are you going to realize that the New Age and related crowds work both sides against the middle. They used to refer to it as Hegelian dialectics.

EXACTLY. Now, is it possible that that billboard you just posted was paid for by a Globalist in order to malign Trump, Trump supporters and Christians in general? This is well-captured by Anon 1:51 PM, who referred to our (this Anon’s and my) exchange in the comments of the last thread:

The article that Craig and I saw the billboard pictures in, Constance, was written by a TikTok pastor who is openly gay and who literally says that "heresy isn't the enemy."

Won't the discrediting of orthodox, "conservative" Christianity - and the corresponding and inevitable credence gained by liberal and New Age Christianity in the eyes of the world - ultimately serve to make it easier to persecute true believers and elevate a one world religion that is New Age?

The world doesn't see NAR, Baptists, etc. The world sees "Evangelicals."

Regarding the bold: YES! This is one of the reasons I was annoyed with the Rick Joyner piece (and attempts to tie him to Rod of Iron, sans any evidence). That is, the piece referred to him as an “Evangelical”. No. No, he isn’t.

Anonymous said...

"Pope Francis said that Donald Trump is not a Christian"

Yes, lets just take Francis's word for it!


Anonymous said...

What took so long?

Surely Constance will be happy that true insurrectionists are being brought to justice, or will she? After all, they didn't storm the Capitol!

Republican AG Announces RICO Charges on 61 Leftists After Violent Insurrection

Republican Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr has indicted dozens of people on racketeering charges over years of riots and protests in opposition to the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, which is under construction.

Anonymous said...

Now is it possible that that billboard you just posted was paid for by a Globalist in order to malign Trump?

ROFL I swear to God you Trumpsters get dumber every day.

Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constance Cumbey said...

To 7:37 pm -- how low can Tucker Carlson go? Here's what one responder to that tweet had to say:

This story was litigated in the court of public opinion in 2008. Larry Sinclair failed to pass a polygraph test, he proved that he was dishonest and a fraud over a 27-year span where he was convicted of multiple felonies involving his lack of honesty.

Why are we relitigating it now when it doesn't matter one bit? Is this Tucker or X or "Tabloid on X"


Constance Cumbey said...

Name correction on one of my previous posts:

The brave young woman who was an aide to Mark Meadow was "Cassidy Hutchinson" and NOT "Theresa Cassidy" as I mistakenly wrote.


Anonymous said...

Your obviously lagging behind on your info front about Obama, CC at 8:45 PM.

How he lives is what he turned into national policy, making acceptable what should never have been made acceptable, and this country has been rocking and reeling from it ever since. The downhill slide picked the pace exponentially on his watch. And furthered it all the more from behind the scenes to the disaster upon us today.
So it does matter.

You really need to get up to speed @ WCT

Anonymous said...

"The Secret Service is doubling down on its denial of an alleged altercation between former President Trump and his security detail on Jan. 6 of last year, providing a rare defense of Trump’s actions that day amid mounting evidence that he tried to orchestrate a coup from the White House.

The extraordinary anecdote of a clash in the presidential SUV — recounted last week in public testimony from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson — has received outsized attention in the days since then."

Your LSM sources are lousy, Constance.

Anonymous said...

Well this is weird.

Scoop: Trump privately urged to support Biden's Saudi mega-deal

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Axios he has urged former President Trump to support the mega-deal President Biden is negotiating with Saudi Arabia, which could pave the way for a historic peace agreement between the kingdom and Israel."

"Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, the chief architect of the Abraham Accords, also urged the former president to support Biden's potential deal with Saudi Arabia, two sources with knowledge of the issue told Axios."

Anonymous said...

Constance has definitely gone off the deep end on practically everything.

It seems her strange turn against truth occurred right around the time that Dorothy Margraf passed away. You may recall that Constance relied on Dorothy for most of her research material, etc. for her books on the NAM. It seems that once Dorothy was no longer around to guide her, Constance just plain lost it.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Constance to keep digging a deeper hole for herself with practically everything she posts. Her credibility meter is reaching the point of implosion.

It's hilarious that Constance actually gives credence to Cassidy Hutchinson.

You may recall, it was Cassidy Hutchinson that LIED to the U. S. Senate Committee, stating that Trump had "grabbed the steering wheel of the Presidential SUV," and "lunged at a Secret Service agent in the SUV" in an attempt to go to the Capitol and lead the insurrection.

While the media went nuts over this "damaging" account, Hutchinson later was forced to admit that she LIED about her wild account. Also, Secret Service agents testified that not only did it not happen, her account was an impossibility!

Here's a story on this fraud:

Cassidy Hutchinson says she initially lied to the January 6 committee about a claim that Trump grabbed the steering wheel of his SUV and lunged at a Secret Service agent

Cassidy Hutchinson said she lied in her original deposition to the House Capitol-riot committee.

She said she initially told the panel she hadn't heard of Trump lunging at a Secret Service agent.

But soon after her deposition, she said she told her attorney, "I lied, I lied, I lied."

Anonymous said...

More slanderous lies from Constance Cumbey. Sinclair had a criminal past that he admitted to during a period of about 5 years in the 1980's. He admits to having spent time in prison for the crimes that he was convicted of. It's public record.
Constance is repeating the lies of the mainstream media, which, in an effort to discredit Sinclair's account involving Obama, lied by saying he had a criminal record that spanned 27 years.

To 7:37 pm -- how low can Tucker Carlson go? Here's what one responder to that tweet had to say:

This story was litigated in the court of public opinion in 2008. Larry Sinclair failed to pass a polygraph test, he proved that he was dishonest and a fraud over a 27-year span where he was convicted of multiple felonies involving his lack of honesty.

Why are we relitigating it now when it doesn't matter one bit? Is this Tucker or X or "Tabloid on X"


Anonymous said...

The comments are telling. . .

Trump DOJ Official Condemns Neal Katyal for Attending ‘Neopagan’ Ritual: ‘Only Path is Through and to Our Lord’

. . . choose your side, wisely

Anonymous said...

10:32 pm appear to be the one "digging a deeper hole" for yourself with practically everything you post & your credibility meter imploded a very long ago.

It seems you've misread the story you linked about Cassidy Hutchinson.

Apparently, as the story claims, relying on the advice of her Trump sponsored attorney, she initially told the J6 panel she hadn't heard of Trump lunging at a Secret Service agent when in fact she had. She felt awful about that and recanted her initially testimony. She subsequently, and in front of the world told the truth of what she learned and heard about Trump's behavior on that dreadful day from her secret service friend.

You make it sound like she recanted and self-confessed that she lied about Trump grabbing the wheel and/or scuffling with the Secret Service agent(s).

That businessinsider story does not make that claim.

Apparently, a few anonymous secret service agents did publicly dispute Ms Hutchinsons story (not on the record or under oath) and the actual agent she claimed she spoke with had claimed to not remember talking to her about it which does not prove that it didn't happen. Despite that, the vast majority of witnesses who testified before the J6 Select Committee about that topic, including multiple members of the Secret Service, a member of the Metropolitan police, and national security officials in the White House, described President Trump’s behavior as ‘irate,’ ‘furious,’ ‘insistent,’ ‘profane’ and ‘heated.’

I also find the whole story to be consistent with the bunker Trump story where he cried like a baby after the secret service hurried him away to the bunker supposedly against his will.

The Secret Service were likely doing their jobs according to their oaths to uphold the constitution versus participating themselves in any kind of soft or constitutional coup attempt. It's no wonder to me at all that all the Secret Service messages from January 5th and 6th were erased and that Pence knew not to get in the limo and leave the Capitol Building that day.


Anonymous said...

She is sure the media darling now

But like old Tully said just before they cut off his head. . .

Men of good will, mindful therefore of the Law laid down by God, will oppose governments whose rule is by men, and if they wish to survive as a nation they will destroy the government which attempts to adjudicate by the whim of venal judges.

Craig said...

Kennedy: Nobody believes the CDC anymore

Senator John Kennedy

Anonymous said...

The honest musings of a Republican from 2021 on why he thought Cheney needed to be sacrificed for the greater good of defeating the left in the midterms (how'd that work out?). He's kind of wishy-washy but makes a better argument for a pragmatic case for sacrificing Cheney with only a little bit of moral squeamishness evident. Maybe the Wyoming resident perspective is different, but that perspective is NOT the reason why Cheney became toast politically, no matter how much merit it may have.

Regarding Liz Cheney
Erick-Woods Erickson
May 5, 2021

The GOP stood up for Liz Cheney just a few short months ago and suddenly it has gone south. It has gone south at about the same time census numbers have come out giving the GOP a real advantage to taking back the House. It also concurrently comes as Kevin McCarthy has made several trips to Florida to engage in performative leg humping of former President Donald Trump. Now, suddenly, McCarthy is caught on a hot mic bashing Cheney.

My educated hypothesis is that a great deal of the sudden antagonism towards Cheney has to do with placating President Trump in the run up to the 2022 election cycle. My guess is that it has less to do with Cheney in charge of the House GOP Conference — something the GOP was perfectly fine to defend even after her impeachment vote.

By any measure not related to Trump, the daughter of Darth Cheney is a conservative. Her father was the man conservatives went to in the early 2000’s to help scuttle scores of liberal initiatives coming out of squishy “big government conservative” Bush White House employees. Her mother fought the precursor to the Woke Left for years on the cultural front. Liz Cheney has been pretty strong on defense, a reliable Republican team player, and a conservative votes on both fiscal and social issues. She is just having none of the “stolen election” nonsense and has been forcefully, aggressively pushing back on it.

Anonymous said...

Cheney also helms the part of the House GOP Conference in charge of a unifying message. The GOP has a unified message against the Biden agenda. While the media is fixated on the internal GOP squabbling, if you’re paying attention you’d find the GOP is united from Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney to Marjorie Taylor Green and Rand Paul on a host of issues from being anti-woke to opposing the Biden infrastructure plan.

Cheney has little she needs to do on the united messaging front other than stamp out the crazy, of which there is a lot in the GOP. Republicans just lost the Senate in part because the crazies convinced the base the Georgia runoff would be stolen no matter what and the two candidates did nothing but attack their opponents with claims of socialism while never saying what they themselves would positively do.

It is impossible, however, for Cheney to function if she has lost the confidence of her colleagues who are more interested in allegiance to a man than fidelity to ideas or even truth. I just continue to believe this is less about Cheney pushing back against the stolen election lies and more to do with Republican leaders fearful Trump might undermine their advances next year unless they dispatch Cheney.

To that end, every day the media is focused on the GOP squabbling about Cheney, the GOP and the nation is distracted from a focus on the wokes, the left, and the Biden agenda that has otherwise united the GOP. I’m not sure why this needs to get to a vote unless Cheney thinks she has a majority of the conference. But even if she does, a large and vocal minority that includes the House GOP Leader is out to get her. That puts her in an obviously untenable position and I see no reason she should hang on and force a vote to maintain a position that focuses on unity when she’s the focus of disunity.

Sometimes the greater good of beating the left requires stepping back to avoid distractions. But if Cheney does step back or loses, we all should note she lost in large part because she wouldn’t bend a knee to a lie and the GOP leadership in the House still feels like it needs President Trump to help them win.

Anonymous said...

First confirmed Russian attack on NATO territory. 09/07/2023 Translate page to English.

Night of Terror for Romanians: They watch in horror a barrage of fire and explosions at the border - Russians pound the port of Kilija for the first time

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

6:48 PM Obama's Crack-Fueled Gay Tryst Accuser Talks To Tucker

Trumpsters didn't believe Christine Blasey Ford or E Jean Carroll, but this guy you believe???

Anonymous said...

Well yeah!

Anonymous said...

Russia attacks NATO territory, a port in Romania. Commenters don't care. One is too busy attacking the blog owner. Another is caught up in arguing about Obama's sex life gossip.

Twenty hours ago the Associated Press ran with a different story. I wonder what the real story is? Does anybody care? A night of terror is a little bit different than drone pieces being found. But who cares? All that matters is the emotional satisfaction (or pay?) found in trolling (or distracting?)

NATO member Romania says it has found drone pieces from Russian attacks in Ukraine on its territory

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

10:12 AM

That is fake, hyper exaggerated news,


Anonymous said...

10:27 AM,

You prove you didn't read anything or think about anything.

The AP minimized the story compared to the Romanian news article that was shared by the other commenter.

Anonymous said...

Romania says it has found drone pieces from Russian attacks on its territory!

Oh dear me, the poor(pun) Romanians!

I want to know more about the 'installed' Kenyan!

Constance had little to say during those 8 years of subversive HELL! Why was that???

Oh, and Bathhouse Barry was a 'christian' too!

But let's not go into that.

Anonymous said...

9:29 AM shared a link to an article in the Greek language. It's a Greek news source because it has a .gr extension.

You can see the picture and the video.

A translation of Greek to English yields:

For three hours, kamikaze drones struck port infrastructure in the Odessa region. The strongest explosions occurred in the Danube ports of Izmail, Kiliya and Reni. Eyewitnesses noticed the weak work of Ukrainian air defense.

Among other things, fuel storage facilities and storage facilities used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine for transshipment of various cargoes were hit.

The Odessa Region Administration reported that loading systems, office buildings and other port and agricultural infrastructure items were damaged.

Particularly important targets were hit in the port of Kiliya. The targets of Geran 2 were the unmanned marine vessel assembly industry and oil storage facilities.

The night raid also involved Tu-95MS strategic bombers, which fired cruise missiles at targets in the Ukrainian capital. Kiev's air defenses were unable to prevent strikes on designated targets. Eyewitnesses reported a powerful explosion in the Obolon area.

According to preliminary data, the attack was carried out against an S-300 air defense system.

Watch video of the Russian attack on Odessa and the Donabe. The Ukrainians are firing anti-aircraft fire at Russian drones.

Watch video of the explosion

Video: Second powerful explosion

Romanian citizens publish videos of explosions from Russian attack
Residents of Romanian villages near the border with Ukraine post videos of explosions during the Russian offensive in southern Ukraine on the night of September 6.

According to Romanian media outlet G4Media, the night attacks lasted three hours and targeted Ukrainian Danube ports.

Earlier, Romania admitted to finding wreckage of a Russian drone on its territory.

Watch videos of Romanian citizens

Anonymous said...

I need to start reading foreign language news sources and translating them more often.

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM

I did read that. But either way, it is just another pro Ukrainian big fat nothing burger!

Anonymous said...

Americans are perhaps the most gullible people on the planet. They actually believed the utter nonsense that Ukraine would defeat Russia, which from the very start, was fighting a very limited military operation. Had Russia waged a true all out war, Kiev would have disappeared within the first two weeks.

But, we keep sending boatloads of money for this lost cause. WHY?

Watch a real expert explain what is happening right now in Ukraine:

This Counter-offensive Is A Complete Utter Failure

PS: the mainstream media is part of the cabal that is pushing this hopeless cause which could very easily lead to WW III.

Anonymous said...

While Constance has spent the last couple of years focusing on Donald Trump 24/7, ask yourself this question:

Has Constance ever criticized, in detail, Marxist Jesuit Pope Francis? Has she ever done a thread exposing the dangerous cult of Mormonism? Has she spent any time speaking out about Joe Biden, the most radical pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ President in history? Does she EVER say ANYTHING that is critical of any Democrat or RINO? EVER?
Why is she completely silent on the threat of Communism, which has the blood of over 100 million innocent victims on their collective hands?

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is just being used as a demonic sacrifice by the West, who is the 'dark side' of this whole tragedy!

But if you are into Death, blood and suffering, like the Death Cult, then grab some popcorn. The show will go on!

Until God wipes Babylon off the surface of the earth.

Anonymous said...

Shutdown Theater

McCarthy Faces House Revolt Over Biden's Latest Multi-Billion Slush Fund For Ukraine, Stonewalled Impeachment Inquiry billion-slush-fund-ukraine

Anonymous said...

10:43 AM I read foreign news sources almost daily. The American press regurgitates the same lies ad nauseum.

Anonymous said...

"By any measure not related to Trump, the daughter of Darth Cheney is a conservative."


She changed her stance to support same-sex marriage and abstained on a crucial vote on abortion. She did not defend her State in the throes of Government onslaught against the energy industry that Wyoming literally lives or dies by. Her protected Washington DC not her constituents.

Her husband's law firm is protecting Hunter Biden and and if that isn't enough, his firm does business with Communist Chinese.

Oh sure. That's conservative alright.
Wyoming didn't buy those damaged goods again.
She needs to rot in DC with the Democrats and other RINO's she votes with now.

My family knows her RINOcity first hand.
I don't care what the devil Constance Cumbey thinks about "Saint Liz".

Anonymous said...

1:07 AM

Knuckle dragger you are, you will stick with the Swamp version of events.

I find you consistent with the lying LSM and that is the swamp reek you present here.

That's because you always lap up anything that smacks of gossip which is what that opportunist Hutchison presented. You sow the discord of gossip and slander because that is all you've got.

Have a nice day, jethro, if and while you can, living to lie 24/7 for the New Age/NWO darkside.

Anonymous said...

PIROLA = LIAR OP = LAIR OP | COVID variant BA.2.86 nicknamed "PIROLA"

Anonymous said...

"But, we keep sending boatloads of money for this lost cause. WHY?"

It's a good little earner and the way things are looking we may be sending boatloads of people next ) - :

Anonymous said...

PS: on the syndical side it looks like another Ukrainian land clearance. I heard blackrock has their sights in it. God help the poor chums on the ground.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ENRIQUE TARRIO TELLS ALL AFTER SENTENCING - "The Feds Asked Me To Lie About President Trump In Order To Indict Him!"

Constance Cumbey said...

Well, refresh your browser, if you need to, and look toward the bottom on this blogpost. I received the pictured TriUMPh (TRUMP) in my email box about half an hour ago. Mr. Shults says he wears one personally and wants the rest of us to have it. ANOTHER BLATANT EXAMPLE of cultism and what I call "Trump idolatry."


Constance Cumbey said...

To what was 9:30 AM this morning -- I am deleting your blatantly dishonest and lying post and if I could find a way to ban you without jeopardizing the ability of others to access this site, I would!


Anonymous said...

Well you're entitled to your opinion Constance.

The conservative Christians Idolized Bush, even though he was a snake, terrorist, and an International Criminal + 'fake christian'!

The left, and many on the right MASSIVELY IDOLIZED Obama, even though he was not eligible to run for office, was married to a dude + 'fake christian'!

So, nothing "new under the sun".

But if it relieves the pressure on your reptilian brain, then good for you!

Anonymous said...

Yes Constance, good for you!

Follow suit with your fellow media censors!

The opposition cannot be given a place to speak!

Couldn't have been too mean spirited, because you already set the bar here for false accusation, meanness, and lyingly accusing the brethren!

Well, not your brethren, who worship a false christ.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:02 PM -- Thank you for identifying the dishonest yourself as a David Icke follower -- he is a blatant English New Ager who shamelessly promotes many degrees of anti-Semitism. For the record, the Mayflower Bookstore in Berkley, Michigan, the big New Age Theosophical David Spangler operator here brought Icke here to speak in the 1990s. It is Icke who talks in terms of "Reptilian Brain"!


Anonymous said...

I have read many of David Icke's books, but he is one of your Tribe, not mine. He has created his Matrix Religion. NO THANK YOU, NONE FOR ME.

The reptilian brain thing seemed to fit you though. You exhibit zero true discernment.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 10:17 PM - For the record, I neither received my work nor research from Dorothy Margraf. W While Dorothy and I were friends, brought together by her call to an Illinois TV station that I had to be anti-Semitic because an actual anti--Semitic site she had discovered was citing Alice Bailey as evil (for very different reasons than I cited her). The station personnel told me what she had said and I made an angry phone call to her in 1983. I cited my evidence and she said, I'm going to check out what you said and if you told me the truth, I'll be the best friend you ever had. If you lied, I'll be your worst enemy. Well, fortunately, we became friends and did often collaborate on research -- most of which was instigated by me, but Dorothy made suggestions too. We started to differ over her insistence that Obama was born in Kenya and her demands that I promote that theory which I refused to do. I respected and loved Dorothy, even though towards the end she turned on me for the Obama / Corsini issues. We also differed over some New Age issues -- she defended Cabalistic New Age theories and astrology -- also, she had renounced Christianity for Judaism at the time of her marriage. She characterized Jews for Jesus as evil and New Age to me -- although I did not agree with everything of them, we disagreed on that issue. We also disagreed on her insistence that we end any discussion of "End Times." I have prayed fervently that God would be forgiving to Dorothy and recompense her good works in helpibg to inform the Jewish community of New Age threats. I gave Dorothy a very good Desktop cmoputer and many books.=, just as she shared some of her research findings and document copies with me.


Anonymous said...

All figures of speech and sound bites are analyzed by Commandant Cumbey. You must have approved "credentials", and proper 'approved speech', or you are a Trump Worshiper!

Or david Icke worshiper.

Paranoia is a real bummer.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 10:17 PM - For the record, I neither received my work nor research from Dorothy Margraf. W While Dorothy and I were friends, brought together by her call to an Illinois TV station that I had to be anti-Semitic because an actual anti--Semitic site she had discovered was citing Alice Bailey as evil (for very different reasons than I cited her). The station personnel told me what she had said and I made an angry phone call to her in 1983. I cited my evidence and she said, I'm going to check out what you said and if you told me the truth, I'll be the best friend you ever had. If you lied, I'll be your worst enemy. Well, fortunately, we became friends and did often collaborate on research -- most of which was instigated by me, but Dorothy made suggestions too. We started to differ over her insistence that Obama was born in Kenya and her demands that I promote that theory which I refused to do. I respected and loved Dorothy, even though towards the end she turned on me for the Obama / Corsini issues. We also differed over some New Age issues -- she defended Cabalistic New Age theories and astrology -- also, she had renounced Christianity for Judaism at the time of her marriage. She characterized Jews for Jesus as evil and New Age to me -- although I did not agree with everything of them, we disagreed on that issue. We also disagreed on her insistence that we end any discussion of "End Times." I have prayed fervently that God would be forgiving to Dorothy and recompense her good works in helping to inform the Jewish community of New Age threats. I gave Dorothy a very good Desktop computer and many books. just as she shared some of her research findings and document copies with me. Dorothy never steered my research nor acted as any type of a researcher for me -- we shared information mutually for many years.


Anonymous said...

I don't know Elon Musk's heart. Only God does, but I admire his courage in speaking his mind.

Elon Musk Reveals "Extremely Powerful" ADL CEO Sought To Shake Him Down For Donations

Constance Cumbey said...



Constance Cumbey said...

And, by the way, Dorothy Margraf also had grave doubts about Donald Trump and did express them to me and others.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 1:52 pm -- So "Alphabet Soup" conspirators set up the January 6 riots??? You will buy any story -- especially if it defies fact and/or logic.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:02 PM -- You think Trump may not been aware nor did he believe on the poster? Well, maybe not. There is no telling what Trump BELIEVES other than that he is above just about everybody else and that he wants his own agenda advanced. His record shows he will just about anybody and anyone to get there. Does Trump accept NAR doctrine -- about the only thing I know is that Trump did deeply study Hitler and professed admiration for him. He studied Hitler's book MY NEW ORDER that his wife Ivana said he kept bedside and read nightly. I seriously doubt that he ever tackled the Bible and serious Christian writings. What Trump believes is that what is GOOD FOR TRUMP is necessary for the world!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you called out NAR idolatry of Trump in the latest picture you added to your article, Constance.

It's the specificity and context that help.

The world lumps in Republicans and Christians as all the same -- as fascists, racists, Donald Trump cultists, and Dominionists.

It would be good not to help them by actually being any of those things. But it would also be good not to help them by overly generalizing to the point of guilt by association.

Anonymous said...

Yes Constance, the world was a dystopian hell hole when Trump was in office. Why I paid 1.90 a gallon for gas, and my lust for war blood and death went unfulfilled! Why those uppity Blacks were even getting the crazy notion that Democrats had used them as political leverage for years, and that they could be successful without them! Tens of thousands of undesirable people were not dying of overdoses from fentanyl! There was hope in the land then, and that must be quashed!

Well, thankfully President Satan is fixing all that crap!

Have a very nice day

Anonymous said...

So Trump Idolatry, if it exists outside of CCs rabbit hole, it is only found in NAR?

Where exactly were the Barry Soetoro Idolaters found?

Remember that Barry's spiritual anointing had a hypnotic effect, that made Beetle manina pale(pun).

But lets not delve into that even a teensy weensy lil bit! Ain't politically correct! And it could trigger someone.


Anonymous said...

I've watched Icke videos and read Icke articles. I enjoy them to an extent. The man is brilliant, to an extent, loopy. Now I hear in his lastest book he claims to be possessed by something that lets him foresee the future, or something. I think I may give Mr Icke a rest in case he's catchy ) - :

PS we ran into a demonic at the Laundromat the other day. We had just come from the store where we were looking for winter socks. When this lunatic first set down beside us he started talking about new shoes and socks.

Constance Cumbey said...

Very informative Wikipedia article on Roger Stone:


Constance Cumbey said...

Hate to sound uninformed, but who is BARRY SOETORO?


Anonymous said...

Barrack Obama

Life on the ground in Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Footage appears to show British Challenger 2 tank...

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey 3:29 PM Barry Sotoro is a/k/a Barack Obama. When they mention Big Mike, they mean Michelle Obama. The cults have a huge conspiracy going that Michelle is a man. Obamas had Joan Rivers assassinated for blabbing about their dirty little secret.

Anonymous said...

A youngblood still wet behind the ears

Archaeologist going against mainstream searching for Giants

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson's BOMBSHELL interview with Larry Sinclair (August, 2023)

Back in 2007, the name Larry Sinclair was well known to those in Barack Obama's inner circle, since Obama was planning to run for President the following year in November, 2008.

On this recent video (August, 2023) -- you see and hear 4 young black men 'narrating' Tucker Carlson's bombshell interview with Larry Sinclair. One painfully admits that "This one hurts bad" (as it's clear that these young men greatly admired former President Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 1:41 PM

Yes, that is TRUE. Dorothy Margraf DID have 'grave doubts' about Donald Trump.

I was on her email list for about 12 years... from 2007 until shortly before she passed away on September 3, 2019.

I especially treasure two of the last emails I received from Dorothy: one regarding a discussion on eugenics (May 27, 2019) we had been having... and another on Jeffrey Epstein (August 19, 2019) ~ which I have kept in my 'saved' folder.

Anonymous said...

I thought Constance didn't trust Wikipedia.
I seem to recall she made note of research she was aware of (I think about Solana) that was noted in Wikipedia then altered.
I guess they're okay if writing against people she doesn't like.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe CC doesnt know about the J 6 CIA and govt operations that faked an

Anonymous said...

The Maui ops is also evident and telling.

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 3:29 PM
Re: "Hate to sound uninformed, but who is BARRY SOETORO?"


Barry Soetero is Barack Obama. Soetero was his indonesian stepfather's last name.

Anonymous said...

How Joan Rivers exposed Michelle Obama before her sudden death in September, 2014

Anonymous said...

6:04 AM

The story on Joan Rivers is one that is NOT going away... and Joan has been gone for 9 years now!!!

Anonymous said...

Although this MUST SEE video is 2 hours 9 minutes long... please scroll over to the 1 hour 25 minute mark to hear highly respected Juan O'Savin tell what he believes happened in Lahaina, Maui on August 8, 2023: 'This was not a NORMAL fire' / 'there is something else going on here'

Anonymous said...

Cry me a river, Eric Adams!!!

Texas slams Mayor Eric Adams as a 'hypocrite' over his New York City migrant apocalypse warning and says that the Big Apple is dealing with only a FRACTION of what the Lone Star state has faced (MILLIONS just since Biden has been President)

Adams warned the Big Apple is nearing breaking point due to the migrant crisis

But he has been branded a 'hypocrite' after previously welcoming the influx to his sanctuary city

Texas Governor Greg Abbott's press secretary slammed his approach as 'astounding'

Anonymous said...

Send them more 'help', they're going to need it after Lee (clean-up help, that is) - ;


PS: not that I wish ill on anyone, it's just that they have a bad habit of returning evil for good

Anonymous said...

Qanon influencer, Jaun O'Savin, really?

and you guys claim there isn't anyone posting Qanon crap here.

"highly respected" by whom???


Anonymous said...

9:41 am was brought to you by the highly respected X

Anonymous said...

Well, then, X obviously has more credibility than you 9:42.

Jaun O'Savin (real name Wayne Willett) openly admits to being Qanon in his book Kid by the Side of the Road. He strongly hints he is JFK Jr. returned from the dead to help Trump fight against the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

7:40 AM

"Nobody believes the CDC anymore." Ha! Nothing to see here. Just Brother Craig proving his "facts" with Faux News.

Anonymous said...

10:45 AM

FYI: The REAL faux news is the Lamestream News Media 24/7.

The next time you are watching the evening news (Monday thru Friday)... just stop and compare the coverage on NBC, CBS, ABC.

They 'vomit' the same headlines (almost verbatim)... and in the same order of 'importance'....which equals the same Globalist-controlled 'official narrative' du jour (and not an original thought in their 'talking heads').

It would almost be funny... if it wasn't so scary.

We would expect this from a Communist country, but not from the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

9:41 AM

Those who dare to speak up and tell the TRUTH are ALWAYS highly respected by everyone (e.g. those who aren't walking around with their heads up their rectums).

Those who dare to SPEAK OUT about the difference between a NORMAL fire... and the ABNORMAL fire that occurred on August 8th in Lahaina, Maui.

Most INTELLIGENT people have plenty of questions... when they NOTICE burned-out CARS (with liquid metal running down the street)... while TREES are still standing.

(But, why bother? Look who I'm talking to... LOL)

P.S. I have friends living in Lahaina, Maui... and they are ALL just heartbroken. Currently, the only help the citizens are getting is from ordinary 'people helping people'... because help is NOT coming from their local authorities.

Anonymous said...

Many believe that the UNnatural disaster that happened in Lahaina, Maui on August 8th was a LAND GRAB.

Time will tell, won't it?

Anonymous said...

The Mask Mandate Compliance Scam

Anonymous said...

Catholic Priest Who Says "You Can't Be Catholic and Democrat" Says "Pope Francis Is Not the Pope"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

DNC Cheating Robert Kennedy Jr. in Primaries to Favor Biden

Anonymous said...

10:45 AM
Ha! It's ALL faux news And admitted to by the LIAR Trumper Carlson. FAUX spreads the vomit from Washington Times, owned by the Moonies. Brother Craig is more than happy to help with spreading "the facts."

Constance Cumbey said...

I'm sorry, I was not an Obama fan -- BUT all the CRAP about him not having been born in the USA (in Kenya) and Michelle being "trans" are just plain that -- or as the Apostle Paul might have expressed it "dung to me". Joan Rivers was a comedienne -- not one possessing credible evidence. I frankly think that all this "Barry Soetoro", Sinclair, and Michelle as "trans" is racist. Both of them were shamelessly pushing the LGBTQ movement, but let's not advance that movement by repeating unproven stories and/or lies.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 8:51 AM - Regardless of what people think now of Liz Cheney, she will go down in history as a brave, courageous, and conscientious person. She indeed was and is a true profile in courage! So was Adam Kinzinger, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, and others brave enough to call a spade a spade as to the untenable events of January 6, 2021!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks X & Anonymous 9:41 9:42 10:43

QAnon troll and "consummate bulls**tter" Juan O Savin somehow assembled a coalition of GOP election-deniers

Anonymous said...

Nope. She goes down in history as a wimp, a sell out, and very contentious person. Not a fair and reasonable bone in her body. And she is joined by the pack of other self-serving, self-aggrandizing, thoroughly compromised and unprincipled elites.

You've been sold a bill of goods, you bought your own rickety bridge, Constance.

Untenable, of these idols of yours, is how they have shredded our Constitution over the course of years. For years they did not hold the line to protect it and joined hip and shoulder to the extremists of the left.
J6 just brought it to a head.

Anonymous said...

Quell rebellion before it spreads

Vespasian, famous Sabine dude

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey said...

Regardless of what people think now of Liz Cheney, she will go down in history as a brave, courageous, and conscientious person. She indeed was and is a true profile in courage! So was Adam Kinzinger...

12:52 PM

This a shout from the mountain top statement from Constance. Apparently, Constance is NOT pro-life. Otherwise, she wouldn't be praising these two charlatans. When a vote came up in Congress to protect innocent life, Kinzinger voted against it, and the candidate Liz Cheney voted "present." Courageous Liz didn't cast a vote because she was encouraging Democrats to cross party lines and vote for her as declared Republicans and didn't want to offend them. So for Liz Cheney, HER POLITICAL CAREER was more important than casting a vote FOR the LIFE OF the INNOCENT UNBORN!


Anonymous said...

I'll bet 2:37 voted for Ronald Reagan.

Anonymous said...

"because she was encouraging Democrats to cross party lines and vote for her".

That is exactly what she did in Wyoming. She got liberal Jackson Hole to vote for her because she "lives there" with them. It's one globalist party gathering after the next in that highest high end joint. Joe Schmoe regular guy Wyoming couldn't stand her.

Harriet Hageman stomped the hell outta sell out Liz Cheney.

Anonymous said...

A British writer penned the best description of Donald Trump I’ve ever read:

“Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?”

A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down.

So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:

• Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.

• You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.

This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.

And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: ‘My God… what… have… I… created?' If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set.”

-Nate White

Anonymous said...

1:14 PM

HOW do you explain the MILLIONS of election deniers who are NOT Q-anons???

Oh, wait... you can't. (LOL)

Anonymous said...

Yeah... that's like someone posting 'all Black Lives Matters members' voted for Joe Biden.

When you make 'blanket statements'... you lose all credibility.

Anonymous said...

HOW do you explain the MILLIONS of election deniers who are NOT Q-anons???


Anonymous said...

Gullible - Very funny. You must be British.

Anonymous said...

HOW do you explain the MILLIONS of election deniers who are NOT Q-anons???

Is this from an actual poll somewhere? Perhaps they are Democrats still upset about the documented stolen election stolen in 2000 and suspected stolen election in 2016??

There are certainly not MILLIONS that still question the 2020 landslide Biden victory outside of q-anon. It's not like it was close and unlike 2000, they fully recounted and scrutinized just about every swing city, county and state.


Anonymous said...

NATE WHITE, To be fair to The Donald, he does get funny once in a while.

'My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure; it's not your fault.' - He was trying to be kind.

'My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth.' - Yeah, they all said 'LOST: NOT STOLEN!'

'I had some beautiful pictures taken in which I had a big smile on my face. I looked happy, I looked content, I looked like a very nice person, which in theory I am. The beauty of me is that I'm very rich.'

Anonymous said...

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) used HIDDEN MICROPHONES to spy on Americans in their own homes in search of “toxic speech”

Anonymous said...

X @ 6:27 PM
Re: 'Biden landslide'??? LOL (Thanks, I needed to laugh out loud.)


Actually, there ARE "MILLIONS" who do in fact question HOW so many votes were stolen and handed to 'Basement Joe' on a silver platter.

The average person believes that Biden's election was a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY.

No, Biden was not 'elected' so much as he was drop-kicked into the Oval Office by many CORRUPT individuals... working overtime in several KEY states.

(But, look who I am wasting my time arguing with... another 'corrupt' individual who gets off on posting LIES here on this blog for his own entertainment.)

Anonymous said...

Pelosi absolutely hates Donald Trump, which makes her a great candidate for Constance's Profiles in Courage Award.

83-Year-Old Pelosi Announces Reelection Bid with Ridiculous Statement

"Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.…"

— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) September 8, 2023

Pelosi is one of the most wicked women to ever serve in Congress. She was first elected to Congress in 1987.

She served two terms as House Speaker, shredded the Constitution, and spearheaded the slap-dash Trump impeachment scam.

Anonymous said...

RFK Jr. Slams DNC For “Fixing” Primaries, Says “I Need To Look At Other Alternatives” If Dems “Going To Rig It”

Anonymous said...

Trumper Florida Congressman and guy who has sex with teenagers Matt Gaetz threatens that there will be “bloodshed” and “violence” if Donald Trump is thrown in prison and banned from running for office ever again.

Matt Gaetz started his shockingly fascist rant by falsely claiming that Democrats are the ones who want to want to steal elections, declaring, “It turns out they'll let anybody who gets the most votes have these jobs. Now, Democrats are trying to change that. Like with secretaries of state trying to decide that Trump can't even be on the ballot."

Then, Gaetz went full-fascist, gaslighting the American public while making thinly-veiled threats of violence if Trump is held accountable for his insurrection and theft of highly classified documents, declaring that “this type of action could lead to violence” and that “you could see bloodshed in this country.”

Gaetz knows full-well what he’s doing. He’s the public face of the alt-right and the “white nationalist” Trumper contingency — and he appears to be hell-bent on inciting his supporters to deadly violence. In true Trumpian fashion, Gaetz frames his threats as warnings, claiming that he doesn’t “want” bloodshed — but we all know that he’s going by the fascist playbook. The threat is implicit: let Trump off the hook — or Trumpers will unleash violence.

Unfortunately for Gaetz, the wheels of Justice are steamrolling Trump, and there is nothing that he can do about it but gaslight the public with violent threats.

Anonymous said...

Steamrolling? Is that like railroading? Toot toot!

Anonymous said...

11:33 is the definition of a crank: someone who is bent in such a way that every single thing said is taken wrongly due to an hateful spirit.

Anonymous said...

Trump's Indictment With Judge Joe Brown - YouTube

PS: The Judge would probably think I'm a dweeb but I'm posting his video anyway

Anonymous said...

When you can't prove an election was stolen, you have a meltdown and throw temper tantrums. We can see how well that works for Mike Lindell.

Anonymous said...

Cumbey's, I meant to say, Biden's Amerika (I guess there's not real difference):

Man Who Ran Down and KILLED a Teenager for Being a Republican in 2022 Sentenced to Only Five Years in Prison

In September of last year, a North Dakota man named Shannon Brandt ran down and killed a teenager named Cayler Ellingson because he supposedly suspected him of being a Republican extremist.

Brandt was allowed to plea to the charge of manslaughter and was just sentenced to only five years in prison, followed by three years of probation.

This is outrageous. J6 Defendants are getting longer sentences than this man and he killed someone.

A slap on the wrist for MURDER, while people that merely WALKED inside the Capitol on Jan. 6th. are either awaiting trial under miserable, draconian conditions, or, they're receiving ridiculously long sentences.

Anonymous said...

The LIAR at 11:33 PM said:

"Trumper Florida Congressman and guy who has sex with teenagers Matt Gaetz ..."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the allegations of sex with a minor, along with the ridiculous charge of sex trafficking, was thoroughly investigated as a witch hunt by Biden's Department of Justice. Had there been a sliver of truth to the slander, no doubt they would have prosecuted him. So what was the result? The charges dropped.

I don't expect you to recant, because liars do what liars do; they just continue to lie.

Anonymous said...

Such a "clean" election in 2020 was it??

Why are people like Constance so unwilling to look deeper at the long list of anomalies and outright fabrications that occurred with it?

What's wrong with people????????????

Anonymous said...

Dear Sower of discord and smear (and of course gaslighting) at 11:33 PM,

Trump, bloated ego and all, is still a better person than you are.
Gaetz too.
Deal with it.

Your "no facts" post is just you here to troll. Since it takes no intelligence to post as you do then it is easy to understand you are only capable of malice.

You are summarily dismissed-again.

Anonymous said...

What are you so worried about Trump for @ WCT?

The Obama-Biden cult has ended America as we knew it.
Trump can't fix the destruction they caused.
The Globalists, foreign and domestic, that you used to write and warn about have won the day.
And, get this, they did it under your nose using a lot of the very people you ferociously defend.

Folks will choose which "god" they will trust in.
You can lead horses to water but can't make them drink.

Quit fighting with people, Ms. Cumbey. Time is too short for that anyway.
All of our lives are about to change drastically. Your favorite Republicans can't fix anything either. They had their chance and completely blew it.

Besides, God saves souls, not countries.

Anonymous said...

I said “teenagers”…

The age of consent in the Bahamas is 16 where Gaetz and his buddies travelled with their group of sugar daddy’ed 17-19 year old girls who they believed all were over 18 for fun, sex and drugs in the sun.

I think that might be what complicated the possibility of prosecution as these weren’t technically “hookers” and sex with 17 year olds in the Bahamas isn’t illegal.

Gaetz was about 36 at the time.

I don’t care if he was prosecuted or not…grown men having sex with teenagers is creepy and vile.

Lack of prosecution also doesn’t make the claim untrue or a “lie”. Gaetz’s sex with teenagers has been widely corroborated and his defense has always been he never paid for sex with those girls, not that he didn’t have sex with them.


Ps- for someone so opposed to sex trafficking, I’m surprised you are ok with this. So you approve of 36 year old men with even 18-19 year olds? No wonder the gop tries to role back minor consent laws & permit older men to marry teenagers.

Anonymous said...

X has seen the depths of Ghetto Hell....
Witchcraft FAR beyond his grandma's spells....

Inside the crypt he gloats so gleefully....
Joe eats the babes and laughs out endlessly....

Anonymous said...

X has seen the depths of Ghetto Hell....
Witchcraft FAR beyond his grandma's spells....

Inside the crypt he gloats so gleefully....
Joe eats the babes and laughs out endlessly....

lyrics by Richard

Anonymous said...

Look at Qanon Richard defending the pedophil'ish behavior of Gaetz.

Q-A-Richard, exactly when did you stop sex trafficking girls?


Anonymous said...

Biden Officials Likely Violated First Amendment On Social Media: 5th Circuit Court

Anonymous said...

Serpent Alert @ 1:39 PM

Anonymous said...

Government Gave Millions To Top Reproductive Health Org To Promote COVID-19 Vaccines To Pregnant Women

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The COVID-19 "Crisis" Is Back... Until It Rebrands Into Something Else

"If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services, we could lower (population) by perhaps 10 or 15%"

Bill Gates

Anonymous said...

Blood-suckin' Matt Gaetz of the night,
Nocturnal goblins hiding from cops' lights,
Screams blasting from the grave-yard fights.....
Watch your neighbor die of fright!

Anonymous said...

A misty night,
a perfect night,
a freezing night,
the nights of fright...

Nights of terror,
a night of sin,
Joe counts the ballots....
For he shall win!

Anonymous said...

Phantom thugs from the White House Hell,
Careers of hatred is with which they dwell....

Insane with lust, up your window he does creep,
Addicted to your Dawn the Matt Gaetz Sleeps!

Anonymous said...

Trump: 'COVID Hysteria' Back Because 'Election Coming Up'

Anonymous said...

9:37 AM

The entire world KNOWS that the 2020 election was STOLEN. Proof is no longer needed.

Especially the ones who actually DID the STEALING (who are looking forward to STEALING the election again in November, 2024).

Why else do you think that 'Cruella' -- I mean Kamala -- laughs like a 'loon' (Oh, because she IS a loon? Well yes... that too.)

Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:30 pm -- I definitely would not offer your post as an answer on a law school EVIDENCE course Exam!!


Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:15 pm -- How many people does he want to die of the disease this time?


Constance Cumbey said...

To 2:44 PM

This says that although Bill Gates had mentioned population growth reduction as a maybe solution to "global warming", the statement had no relationship to vaccines.


Constance Cumbey said...

To x at 4:03 pm -- if you are not Johnny Cirucci, very, very good.

Vis a vis Michael Voris -- we are acquaintances, not close friends. He did invite me to speak about the New Age Movement at a conference he held many years ago (when unfortunately for the video, I was considerably heavier than I am right now.) I far from agree with him on everything -- I do on some things.


Constance Cumbey said...

And for the record, Voris is also unfortunately, a Trump supporter. I clearly am not.


Anonymous said...

X is stricken to live,
in Joe's Hell on Earth,
shackled and bound he lies.....

His song of death,
sung in the nights.....
Injecting good dogs 'til they die!

Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:26 PM -- So Harriet Hageman "stomped the hell out of Liz Cheney" -- Liz Cheney will go down in history as a brave and courageous woman. Harriet Hageman (who once opposed Trump) will go down as a sell-out. Harriet Hageman was as able to see what transpired on January 6, 2021, the gallows and ranting against Mike Pence as the rest of us were.


Constance Cumbey said...

Re Harriet Hageman:


Anonymous said...

Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo warns Americans NOT to take latest COVID booster and claims there are 'red flags' over its safety

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo made the claims at event on Thursday

Advised against new COVID booster that is awaiting FDA approval

DeSantis joined him on stage and vowed no mandates or lockdowns

Anonymous said...

Constance said:

"Liz Cheney will go down in history as a brave and courageous woman."

Constance must be pro-abortion. She continues to praise Cheney, knowing that during the primary campaign, Cheney refused to cast a pro-life vote. She did so in an attempt to encourage pro-death Democrats to cross over and declare themselves a Republican in order to vote for her.

Her evil plot failed and backfired, as Republicans overwhelmingly voted against her.

Apparently, Constance doesn't believe that abortion is murder. Otherwise, she would not continue to heap praise upon Cheney (and Kinzinger, who voted AGAINST that anti-abortion bill).

Anonymous said...

4:30 PM

Of course the 2020 election was stolen, as was Kari Lake's in 2022.

Only an uninformed idiot would believe otherwise.

Anonymous said...

"The entire world KNOWS that the 2020 election was STOLEN. Proof is no longer needed."

4:30 PM There's NO PROOF that the election was stolen. You've been brainwashed by the Trump/MAGA cult.

The One Way History Shows Trump’s Personality Cult Will End

Please God, let it end.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I' ve seen one video where the speaker seems to think og Trump as semi divine. Most Trumpers don't.

Constance's ideas seem to be run by Brother Paul, who has a 45 in a circle all of flames as his channel's logo. what's up with that?

brother Paul lists antichrist charactericis that could be said of most politicians anyway. THE BIGGST BIBLICAL SCREW UP IS WHEN HE SAYS THT LITTLE HORN IN DANIEL 7 IS A TRUMPET SO TRUMP IS A LITTLE HORN.

those horns were the kind that grow on animals, not musical instruments. on that ground alon, he should be ignored.

Comstance, I still don't know if you forgot you allwed me on the phone to post more often, or rescinded that allowing please clarify I am posting once a week in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

Trust The Science

Scientists Create Human "Entity" That Has No Mother Or Father

Anonymous said...


those horns were the kind that grow on animals, not musical instruments. on that ground alon, he should be ignored."

Yes. It's no better than a secular approach to Nostradamus. There was a brief flurry of excitement after Trump won the election in 2016 and a few people claimed his victory fulfilled this prediction of Nostradamus:

Man with a false trumpet claiming he’s right,

Will rise from the tower’s of the New World

On dames he will spew tangerine venom

But victorious he will be, despite allegations being hurled.

Craig said...

To be fair to "Brother Paul", it was customary for Jews to 'blow the shofar', the shofar being a ram's horn. In Jewish apocalyptic literature, of which the book of Daniel is an example, "horn" was used to indicate power or strength. The depiction of 'the Lamb having been slain' in Rev 5:6 as having "seven horns" indicates full/perfect strength, since seven is the number of perfection.

But, as I've noted earlier, there are many ways in which the "Antichrist 45" vlog and blog strain at gnats and grasp at straws in order to shoehorn his 'Trump-is-the-Antichrist' nonsense.

And, since he's boldly declared that Trump will fulfill the words of 2Thess 2:3-4, time will tell whether or not "Brother Paul" is a bona fide false prophet.

Anonymous said...

An American president

Anonymous said...

Daniel 7:24
New International Version

24 The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.

Daniel 8:22
New International Version

22 The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power.

Revelation 17:12-13
New International Version

12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.

Daniel 7:7-8
New International Version

7 “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.

8 “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

Daniel 7:23-25
New International Version

23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. 24 The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. 25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.[a]

Anonymous said...

6:o8 PM @ CC

That's a ridiculous question.

Why have you become so hateful?

Anonymous said...

"Who Is Biden Working For?" Admin Under Fire For "Illegal, Reckless Cancellation of Alaska Oil Leases"

Did someone pay Bidens to weaken the United States?

Anonymous said...

The NAR and right-wing groups are continuing to ramp up their talk to incite violence. Links below are just a few examples.

In June, multiple Trump allies warned that his criminal indictment could lead to civil war, a possibility suggested by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in the interview with Trump that was posted online just before the Republican presidential debate that Trump skipped. As I noted in a blog post after the debate, “Trump supporters have threatened civil war over the lost 2020 election, his impeachments, and the FBI carrying out a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago. Speakers at the religious-right Road to Majority conference in June, at which Trump spoke, declared that the country is ‘at war’ and rallied people to ‘the battlefield of the spiritual civil war.’”

In the second video below, published on September 6th, Mike Huckabee says “Here’s the problem, if these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.”

and Sarah Palin


Anonymous said...

Young voters angry with baby boomers

Pettifog Bob seems confused from watching to much television

Anonymous said...

Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds

Anonymous said...

Watch Joe Biden's staff cut off a rambling Joe Biden mid-sentence and abruptly end his news conference

Anonymous said...

5:11 PM

Joe has really lost it...

Tactless Joe Biden says 'Good Evening, Vietnam!' while in Hanoi - as he mistakes Robin Williams' anti-war movie for a SONG - during ANOTHER bizarre press conference where he rants about 'Indians' and John Wayne

President Joe Biden held a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam Sunday night

He whispered, walked about the stage and used the phrase: 'lying dog faced pony soldier,' telling a tale about 'Indians' and John Wayne

The president spent two days in India for the G20 Leaders' Summit and will depart Vietnam Monday for Alaska, circumnavigating the globe

Anonymous said...

‘Future Is Digital’: EU Chief Calls for Global Digital IDs and UN Control of AI.

"Many of you are familiar with the COVID-19 digital certificate. The EU developed it for itself. The model was so functional and so trusted that 51 countries on 4 continents adopted it for free," says Ursula von der Leyen.

Anonymous said...

Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Says DOJ Told Him to Lie To FRAME Trump.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Fauci "Reverse Speech" - "evil sees slave state"

Anonymous said...

Too late and no apologies: Hospital begs fired workers who refused mRNA vaccines to come back to work 2 years later

Nurses and other healthcare workers who were unceremoniously laid off by MaineGeneral Health, because they refused to submit to the experimental Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines, recently received messages that the medical institution wants them back at work.

According to the Maine Wire, the hospital, which is one of Maine's largest healthcare providers, did not honor requests for religious exemptions, instead, it fired the workers and slapped them with misconduct charges for refusing to comply with Maine Governor Janet Mill's public health mandate two years ago. Many were even later denied unemployment insurance benefits.

"You were once a proud member of the MaineGeneral team. Would you consider rejoining us? We would be pleased to discuss options with you," the MaineGeneral Health Recruitment team said in a text message. "As you know, nearly two years ago MaineGeneral had to comply with a state mandate for COVID-19 vaccination. We lost a number of great employees as a result, including you."

The former employees were exasperated, including former registered nurse Terry Poland, who shared the message she received from the employer that booted her. She lives in Augusta and has worked as a registered nurse for 33 years. Her career included employment with MaineGeneral, Central Maine Medical Center, Pen Bay Medical Center and the Aroostook Medical Center. She is in disbelief that the hospital would contact her in such a manner after casting her life into chaos for nearly two years. She made about $75,000 a year before being fired and now, despite her economic challenges, she did not take the offer.

Some nurses who were fired and later fought back in court have scored victories. (Related:
VINDICATED: School district agrees to REINSTATE and PAY teachers fired for refusing COVID-19 shots.)

Anonymous said...

Why the Ruling Elite Is Anti-American | Constitution 101 Highlight

Anonymous said...

Nurse Poland cast her own life into chaos by expecting a job in healthcare while demonstrating little care fore herself and others by remaining unvaccinated in the middle of a novel viral epidemic.

Entitlement much?

Anonymous said...

Linda 4:58 PM,

"The NAR and right-wing groups are continuing to ramp up their talk to incite violence. Links below are just a few examples.

In June, multiple Trump allies warned that his criminal indictment could lead to civil war..."

This is very sad news for American Evangelical Christian culture, because there is NO LOVE IN WAR.

Anonymous said...

Greeks rally against biometric ID card plan

ATHENS: Thousands of Greeks rallied in Athens on Sunday against the impending introduction of biometric ID cards, denouncing what they see as a move towards a surveillance society.

“No to electronic slavery” and “democracy has referendums, fascism decrees,” were two common slogans at a rally which police put at 2,500 strong.

“We don´t want our personal data to be used,”, said one marcher, Dionysis Alexopoulos. “Perhaps with this new card they´ll be able to control our access to hospitals or other public places if for example we aren´t vaccinated,” he mused.

“This serious subject should be put to a referendum and not decided anti-democratically by the government,” said another marcher, Sofia Kanelopoulou.

The Greek government announced last week that the procedure for obtaining new identity cards would begin on September 25, noting Greece´s obligation to comply with European regulations on “strengthening the security” of ID documents.

Last Sunday, more than 2,000 people rallied in Thessaloniki, despite assurances from Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that the new cards had “neither a chip nor a camera”. The head of the Orthodox Church of Greece, Archbishop Ieronymos, last week urged “prudence and wisdom”, and said the holy synod, the church´s supreme ecclesiastical body, would be pronouncing on this subject.

Anonymous said...

So frequently in America it's hard to find Christian voices that offer an alternative to the false dichotomies of progressive vs. conservative Christians. Maybe this is why Constance took interest in the voice of Jim Wallis (with the disclaimer that she doesn't agree with him most of the time but a stopped clock is right twice a day).

It interested me to find the Australian Evangelical voice of Michael Bird. His writings may interest Constance and one or two of her blog followers or commenters. At the end of the below article, this quote is poignant and succinct:

"I’ve never liked liberal theology because it produces a God without wrath who brings men and women without sin to a kingdom without judgment thanks to the ministrations of a Christ without a cross [that’s from Niebuhr]. Yet I fear Grudem’s Trumpology because it presents a God with partisan mercy, who expects men and women to ignore their moral compasses, to call the wicked good and the good wicked, in order to keep themselves positioned in the court of earthly power." YES!

Trump, Grudem, and Hermeneutics

After Christianity Today’s call for the removal of Donald Trump from office a number of evangelical leaders have rushed to Trump’s defense including Franklin Graham and now theologian Wayne Grudem.

Grudem is a well-known theologian in evangelical circles, having written a popular theology textbook, he helped found the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and has written helpful books on 1 Peter and spiritual gifts. I once had breakfast with him at Tyndale house about ten years ago where he gave a cracking good lecture on the clarity of Scripture. I saw him walking about at ETS in San Diego, he is looking older, and the effects of Parkinson’s are sadly beginning to take their toll on him (so pray for him!). Grudem’s book Politics According to the Bible is a volume I have little good to say about, while his Systematic Theology can be commended for being biblically robust even while it is historically and hermeneutically deficient. That said, I wrote my own Evangelical Theology largely to be a global and evangelical counter-point to Grudem’s parochial and partisan American conservatism (second edition of EvTh will be out in July!)

In fact, in EvTh I argue as follows:

Grudem’s approach is robustly biblical, which is both its strength and weakness. His method is rooted in Scripture and so exemplifies the application of biblical theology to systematic theology, but it is little more than theology derived from a concordance. There is minimal interaction with perspectives from church history (precisely why Grudem’s Systematic Theology must be read in tandem with its sibling volume Gregg Allison’s Historical Theology to balance out this shortcoming). There is no interaction with nonevangelical theologians like Karl Barth (love him or hate, one cannot ignore Barth’s towering contribution to modern theology). There is no self-reflection on how sociocultural factors have shaped Grudem’s theology, which is quite pronounced in his book Politics according to the Bible where he basically presents God in the image of the Republican Party and not necessarily the best part of that party (which is precisely why Barth would be so useful here, since Barth knew all too well the dangers of using theology to bankroll one’s sociopolitical beliefs).

Anonymous said...

We should all heed the warning of Kevin J. Vanhoozer (“Exegesis and Hermeneutics,” in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, ed. T. D. Alexander and B. S. Rosner [Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000], 52): “To attempt biblical theology apart from reflection on hermeneutics and exegesis—the theory and practice of interpretation, respectively—is to risk a potentially idolatrous identification of one’s own doctrine with that of the text.” The “Bible and me” approach to theology is the recipe for a theology that is dangerously naive, without historical depth, entirely lacking hermeneutical self-reflection, devoid of catholicity, open to being press-ganged to justify political agendas of the far left or far right, and missing the theological sophistication that derives from engaging from those in other theological traditions. All new theologians should repeat this mantra: Anyone who knows only the Bible does not really know it. It takes a village, or more properly an entire church body with biblical language tutors, biblical exegetes, church historians, philosophers, liturgists, and cultural critics, to raise a theologian (See Kevin J. Vanhoozer, “Analytics, Poetics, and the Mission of Dogmatic Discourse,” in The Task of Dogmatics: Explorations in Theological Method, ed. O. Crisp and F. Sanders [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017], 46).

I’m no Trump fan as my readers should know, but even I freely admit that Trump has done some good things for the US economy, for industrial and agricultural workers, for religious freedom, given a world class speech about political freedom, made some good judicious appointments, and even efforts to effect the global decriminalization of homosexuality (Grudem lists even more in his article, some I’d accept as good, others I’d baulk at). What is more, the US Dems need to understand why Donald Trump was elected without recourse to Russia, Fox News, and the so-called cancer of heterosexual white males. Alas, the progressive elites are disengaged from and despised by the white rural poor and even the multi-cultural working class.

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