Friday, January 27, 2023

Please pray for Auckland, New Zealand and its residents there

 To all:

I just saw a television clip about devastating floods in Auckland, New Zealand.  That might sound like a far, far away place for most, but we have readers and blog participants there.  Grant Sutton, his wife, daughter and son-in-law live in Auckland.  I was rushing to my computer to post a request for prayers for their safety.   As I got to the computer, I heard my phone ring in the opposite end of the house I had left to do the computer messaging.  I rushed back to the phone, but the ringing had stopped.  On my caller ID was the number Grant Sutton has called me from the past few years.  I always pray for weather mercy on my region of the country.  I believe that many times God has shown weather mercy on Southeast Michigan, USA.  Now, I am praying for weather mercy on New Zealand and I ask you to join me on that.  



Anonymous said...

May the Lord's grace cover the Grant Sutton family and his home country New Zealand.

Constance Cumbey said...

Amen, Amen!


Anonymous said...

Selah. Amen, Amen

I too pray Grant in NZ and his family are protected by God. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

Anonymous said...

The Antichrist is Gay! DEBUNKED - Here's What the Bible REALLY Says In This Misinterpreted Verse

Antichrist 45

There is a mistaken belief that the bible teaches us that the Antichrist will be gay. This is NOT true, and here is why.

Does the bible REALLY teach that the Antichrist is gay? Or are people misinterpreting a verse in Daniel? If you're not sure, here's a quick and easy explanation to clear things up.


The Antichrist is Gay! DEBUNKED - Here's What the Bible REALLY Says In This Misinterpreted Verse

.15 Sept, 2020
There is a mistaken belief that the bible teaches us that the Antichrist will be gay. This is NOT true, and here is why. SUMMARY Does the bible REALLY teach that the Antichrist is gay? Or are people misinterpreting a verse in Daniel? If you're not sure, here's a quick and easy explanation to clear things up. CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro music 0:30 The Antichrist is Gay! 1:30 What is this idea based on? 1:59 What things are being talked about? 2:27 Why is this verse misinterpreted? 3:01 What is the desire of women? 4:12 What are the gods that women desire? 5:02 Does a "gay" interpretation make sense? 6:13 Why do people repeat this false teaching? 7:10 Thank you for watching ABOUT My channel covers current events and bible prophecy, especially as they relate to the Antichrist. The bible gives us specific descriptions of this Man of Sin, and each and every one of those descriptions points directly at Donald J. Trump.

Trump is far more Antiochus than Cyrus and the similarities between the unloving adulterous and violent natured Trump and Antiochus cannot be ignored in terms of Daniel 11:37

Anonymous said...

I join with you in effectual fervent prayer for New Zealand, and most especially Grant Sutton and family. May God give them all they need and all they ask of Him in Jesus' name.


Anonymous said...

If the Antichrist isn't gay, then that rules out Obama.

If Trump is the Antichrist, then why did the most corrupt, and sleaziest members of our government, and the media, viciously attack Trump? And they still do!

Why does the Antichrist element hate Trump. Your hypothesis makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

The weather all over the earth is bonkers!

It will continue to get even worse. Prepare accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Prophecy Alert: Major Confirmation of the 2020 to 2027 Chronology of the End Times?

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM,

Your premises are ill-founded.

You do know what happens to anyone who REALLY stands up to the Deep State, don't you? Or do you still believe a lone gunman took out JFK?

It is smoke and mirrors: Joe Biden and Trump are both willingly a part of that swamp Trump mocked he would drain. Have you not heard of the Hwgelian Dialectic or thw Grand Chess Game, etc.?

Trump fulfils all the criteria for him to be identified as the Antichrist. No other supposed contender comes close.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Trump cultist, but I try to see with my eyes open.

Like Trump doesn't understand the CIA, etc., took out JFK. Of course he does. The Deep State hates him because he is a thorn in the side of the Globalists desires. They are chomping at the bit, and Trump set them back a bit. Can't have that happening again!

There are numerous candidates for the AC. Trump is low on the list!

Obama has a charismatic anointing that is greater than Trump's. He is a master of craft. He has been well groomed for the position.

I spent the summer that Obama spoke in Berlin, in Europe. The Europeans were completely gaga over him! When the people I met there asked me where I was from(U.S.), their responses were nearly always an enthusiastic smile, and thumbs up, with one word, OBAMA!

The next summer I went back to Europe, and also the Middle East, + North Africa. I did not meet one person anywhere I went, who wasn't crazy about Obama!

Personal experience trumps whatever myopic trip you're on!

The current raging Negrophilia is part of the psyop to prepare the masses to worship Obama!


Anonymous said...

Bad history on repeat.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Cori Bush Blames 'White Supremacy' For Police Killing of Tyre Nichols, Calls for 'Civilian Traffic Enforcement'

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:37 AM,

Firstly, unlike Trump, Obama does not fulfil all the criteria with which to identify the Antichrist.

For example, it is Trump who has had coins minted by the Sanhrdrin in Israel. It is Trump who is behind the Abraham Accords and, as a side note, it is Trump who has declared he is running for President in 2024.

Trump is a vile man who comes in his own name. It is he who people professing to be Christians and Jews are following, yet both such groups have given in to fables suited to their itching ears and lust for Dominionism, rather than trust in words of our Lord and only Savior, Jesus Christ, Who states clearly that His kingdom is not of this World. Let God be trie and every man a liar.

Secondly, Don't you realize Jan 6th was an " allowed" event? Do you really think it would be so easy for a bunch of ne'er-do-wells to take over Congress? Don't you think the place would have been swarming with SWAT teams immediately?

Trump is part of the Deep State, along with his close friends, the Clintons, the Bidens, the Bushes, and Obama, etc.

I sincerely suggest you read and listen to the following: if you really want to form a point here, look at and then sincerely critique the information evidencing Trump as fulfilling the criteria with which to identify the Antichrist, rather than making unfounded claims about Obama (who is antichrist in nature, but does not fit all the criteria to be the Antichrist, unlike Trump) and without having first considered and rationally critiqued the points showing Trump to be the exact match for the Antichrist.

I shall post such evidence here again, which I had earlier posted on the previous thread, in case you may have missed such.

Anonymous said...

Rise of the Little Horn unlocks the mystery surrounding one enigmatic man and his whirlwind rise to power ― a man who has sent the entire world spiraling into a state of shock. Who is this man? Opinions abound from the masses groping in darkness. But no answers will come from them. Nor will they come from "experts,” political or otherwise. Humanity stands at a precipice; a truth so profound and all-encompassing that our very existence, indeed, our eternity, lies within its grasp. But why now? And for what end game? Is there a purpose behind this accelerating state of change? Most people operate within a compartmentalized and encapsulated framework of existence. Consequently, few are aware that a door to the spirit world has swung open. In the days ahead, many will look back at the present time, longing for the “normalcy” it offered. Ultimately, this book brings a message of hope. But night cometh before the dawn.

Anonymous said...

His ascension comes at a time of worldwide financial, social, religious, military and civil upheaval. But he will promise to restore law and order, and to soon put an end to crime and violence; a few of many extravagant promises he will never keep. He will establish an extreme vetting process to prevent illegals from gaining access. He will seek the wealth of Iraq as Russia shows signs of escalating military aggression towards the Middle East. Known for his ability to make deals, he promises to make a peace deal between Israel and her surrounding enemies. He plans a restructure of the balance of power in Europe in order to fight terror. The earth will be in global flux.

Who do these paragraphs describe? This portrait was penned thousands of years ago. It is a biblical word picture of the most evil, ruthless killer of all time; a tyrant who will draw the world into the last great mega-battle known as Armageddon. The Bible refers to this man as the Son of Perdition, the Man of Sin, the Wicked One, the Worthless Shepherd, the Beast, the LIE, the Adversary, the Spoiler, the Willful King, the Lawless One, the Desolator, and more. This man’s wickedness grows until, eventually, Satan himself will possess him. He is known to most as the Antichrist.

Rise of the Little Horn, by Jonathan Dane: An Essential Book for Every Christian | Bible Prophecy

Rise of the Little Horn Paperback – January 20, 2018
by Jonathan Dane (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars 90 ratings
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$7.95 to buy

2 Used from $9.90
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President Donald Trump is a man of mystery and intrigue whose destiny remains veiled. Horizontal relationships, be they associates, friends or even family members, are essentially unaware of his true ambitions. Opinions of the “experts”, political or otherwise, are of little value -- the blind leading the blind. Trump may have thin skin, but the real person lies beneath an impenetrable veneer. With thought-provoking eloquence, this book divests the man of his mask to uncover who or “what” he truly is.

Thousands of years ago, prophets foretold of a coming ruler -- the Man of Sin, the Wicked One. Scripture provides a swath of knowledge detailing his life and character. Inside, the reader will discover an exhaustive treatment of the Bible’s prophecies concerning this coming Evil One. With no stone left unturned, the conclusion is clear for those with eyes to see. Unequivocally, President Trump is, indeed, THE ANTICHRIST; the world ruler foretold in the Bible to bring about Armageddon.

RISE OF THE LITTLE HORN is not a work of fiction. As the first horseman of The Apocalypse prepares his triumphal entry, a time of reckoning is fast-approaching. This is neither a drill...nor a dream. This is happening.

Regardless of whether you choose to believe, your life will, in fact, change. The coming cosmic shift will be independent of your belief in its validity. While unbelief will not alter its course, it may alter yours.

As scary as these times are -- fear not, there’s hope.

(Please note: This book was revised in 2021 to include, among other things, a Scripture index.)
15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J Trump as the Antichrist

Anonymous said...

Is Trump a Christian?

Anonymous said...

Psalm 111:10
King James Version
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

John 18:36
King James Version
36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Of course, the Holy Bible also speaks of Jesus Christ's own, born again Christians living according to the spirit and not to the flesh, as being sejourners here.

In Leviticus, Numbers and elsewhere in Holy Biblical Writ we are shown how we should treat the foreigner sejourning amongst us. Yet Trump separated children from their mothers at the southern border and all with the cheers of his followers, many of whom claiming and (wrongly) believing themselves to be true Christians, rather than ravenous wolves as the content of their hearts would suggest.

If Trump is so willing to persecute the stranger that belongs to a different physical land, how much more will he persecute the saints when his time comes to do so!

Anonymous said...

Your posts don't add up 12:55 PM.

Quoting scripture didn't help you make your "point".

Anonymous said...

Berean Standard Bible
Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message [word] with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true.

John 14:25-26
King James Version
25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

1 Corinthians 2:9-14
King James Version
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

John 14:15-31
King James Version
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

Leviticus 19:33-34
King James Version
33 And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.

34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Anonymous said...

ames 2, KJV

12] So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
[13] For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
[14] What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
[15] If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
[16] And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
[17] Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
[18] Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
[19] Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
[20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
[21] Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
[22] Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
[23] And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
[24] Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
[25] Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?
[26] For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Deuteronomy 10:16-19
King James Version
16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.

17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:

18 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment.

19 Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Your Content
Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 25
King James Version
25 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.

19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 25
King James Version

24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Anonymous said...

Romans 3
King James Version
3 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?

2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

5 But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man)

6 God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?

7 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?

8 And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.

9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;

10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:

14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:

15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:

16 Destruction and misery are in their ways:

17 And the way of peace have they not known:

18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

29 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also:

30 Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith.

31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

Anonymous said...

1:13 PM,

Citing (not quoting) Holy Scripture certainly is invaluable regarding identifying the Antichrist.

I am following Jesus Christ in Whom I have my blessed hope in truth.

What about you? Are you sincerely not putting your hope in a false messiah, an unrepentant liar, a blasphemer and a lover of self and worldly things, Donald J. Trump, a cruel man uttering boastful and vile words, who comes in his own name, calling himself, 'the chosen one', saying he doesn't bring God into the picture regarding asking for forgiveness.

Trump has NEVER asked God for Forgiveness. Which is the 1st step of being a Christian.

Anonymous said...


"ames 2" in my 1:31 PM post should, of course, read, "James 2".

Anonymous said...

To clarify, 1:13 PM,

Quoting Holy Scripture is certainly also invaluable, as is citing, when identifying who the Antichrist is. My point at 1:55 PM, however, is that I was citing Holy Scripture, rather than quoting as you claim.

Anonymous said...

Trump calls himself 'the chosen one' during erratic rant

Anonymous said...

Rather the Megan vs Kate style war, or the Michelle vs Melania speech affair, one thing's fer sure: the rise of the White Euro-babe and World War III

P.S. Kiwi folk will survive

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with 1:13 PM, you fail to make your point! Not convincing at all.

You keep saying Trump is "vile" but I dare say he is a small fraction vile compared to Bush Jr., Clinton, Obama, and now Biden. If you cannot see, or understand that, then I feel sorry for you!

The Bible says rulers are not given to good works, but rather evil! You cannot hold the office of President of the U.S. unless you sold out to the Devil. Trump may have been one exception to that? He is very worldly, but his self interest, and narcissism, made him one of the best Presidents, and an enemy of the NWO Globalists.

Biden is disgusting. He is filthy. I hate him massively. I pray regularly that his days be few, and another takes his place. I pray for Trump that he will come to know the Lord, and for his and Melania's protection against their enemies, who are all truly vile!

Frankly, I hope he doesn't run for President, and that he just remains a thorn in the side of the liberal Dems, and RINOS.

I don't think we have to worry over much about politics, as this nation's days are running out fast! But those who support lying liars, perverts, and warmongers, will have a dark painful eternity!

GrantNZ said...

Thanks to those who prayed Gods protection and provision for us... God answered those prayers.
We all were untouched but the flooding was the worst in recorded history for Auckland.
We literally have never experienced anything like this so many were caught completely unprepared.
Video footage showed some crazy behavior from people like driving cars into deep water etc .
Anyway thanks again we value the prayers of the Saints in these turbulent times where the reality of "Emmanuel... God with us" our Lord and Saviour must be first and foremost in all the we are, say and do.

God bless,
Grant and Lorraine

Anonymous said...


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases and His mercy never ends. Trusting God for more of the same for you and your family


GrantNZ said...

Just now all Auckland residents have just received Orange Alert warning on every cellphone from Civil Defence Emergency to stay of roads and indoors to prepare for mutiple storm fronts to strike over the next 24 hours of flash flooding etc with possible 40mm of rain per hr .

Anonymous said...

In New Zealand, LGBTQ rights are among the most progressive in the world.

New Zealand was the 13th country in the world to enact same sex marriage.

That could have something to do with New Zealand's current problem?

Anonymous said...

Let's hope a natural disaster doesn't strike your home or community. Judge not so that you will not be likewise judged. Your pride is an abomination.

Craig said...


I'm very thankful you and yours are OK. Very unfortunate that more heavy rains are predicted.

Are you familiar with Andrew Strom? He's from West Auckland. I hope he and his family made it through OK.

Anonymous said...

BOOM! First Lawsuit Filed Against FDA for Withholding Dreadful Vaccine Safety Data

The nonprofit Children’s Health Defense sued the US Food and Drug Administration for withholding the results of key COVID-19 vaccine safety analyses.

Since the start of the COVID pandemic, the FDA has acted like a proxy for Big Pharma and blocked effective treatments for the virus while at the same time approving dangerous and ineffective COVID vaccines.

Anonymous said...

11:27 AM

You are obviously NOT very bright! It has nothing whatsoever to do with my pride!

It has a lot to do with LGBTQ Pride however.

Have you ever read the bible, or are you just religious?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beware the Pharisees walk among us. No heart of compassion to see there at 6 pm. Don't bother to pray. God doesn't hear your prayers anyway.

Anonymous said...
Hmmm Congress has taken over the national prayer breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Many questions still left unanswered following the release of disturbing footage showing the violent attack on Tyre Nichols: Why DID police pull him over? Did they know him? And what was his cause of death?

Five officers from the Memphis Police Department have been fired and charged with second-degree murder and other crimes in connection with Nichols' death

Anonymous said...

Grant, we are happy to hear that you are safe.

I have friends in NZ too... and they have also let me know they are safe.

Prayers continue . . .

Anonymous said...

Climate Change or Geoengineering?

Geoengineering Winter: The untold story of Hurricane Nicole

Hurricane Manipulation

The draining of Lake Meade (our country's largest reservoir)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is why globalism, WEF, by it's many tentacles, are aligned with big government/big corporations/big tech/big media for massive overreach because they "need" control.

Controlling 3rd world to do the bidding for, and continuation of, their personal 1st world status.
Bend the knee and sign their dotted line, or else..

Anonymous said...

DEAD LAST: "Ridin with Biden" Comes In Dead Last at 2023 Pegasus World Cup at Gulfstream Park-VIDEO

Anonymous said...

Renowned MIT Professor and Drug Safety Analytics Specialist Calls for Immediate Suspension of all mRNA COVID Vaccines

Prof. Retsef Levi from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) warned about the risks associated with experimental mRNA COVID vaccines. Prof. Levi has been a faculty member at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts since 2006. MIT is one of the top private universities in the United States. It is ranked #1 in QS World University Rankings 2023.

“They should stop because they completely failed to fulfill any of their advertised promise regarding efficacy. And more importantly, they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children.”

Prof. Levi has been a faculty member at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts since 2006. MIT is one of the top private universities in Cambridge, United States. It is ranked #1 in QS World University Rankings 2023.

“I have more than 30 years of experience as a practitioner and an academic in using data and analytics to assess and manage risk, particularly in the context of health systems health policies, as well as the management of safety and quality of manufacturing of biologic drugs,” said Levi.

Levi presented some damning information from a variety of studies showing that the vaccine is both unsafe and ineffective.

“I believe that the cumulative evidence is conclusive and confirms our concern that the mRNA vaccines indeed cause sudden cardiac arrest as a sequel of vaccine-induced myocarditis. And this is potentially only one mechanism by which they cause harm,” he said.

He continued, “Another study from the Harvard Medical School detected in the blood of children with vaccine-induced myocarditis, an entire spike, which is another indication of the underlying mechanism of harm, but in fact has even broader implications about the safety of the vaccine given the repeated evidence that we have that the mRNA and the lipids are actually penetrating the blood system.”

“And finally, autopsies of people that died closely after they received the vaccine indicate that in a large number of cases, there is strong evidence that the death was caused by vaccine-induced myocarditis. So presented with all of this evidence, I think there is no other ethical or scientific choice but to pull out of the market these medical products and stop all the mRNA vaccination programs. This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety,” he said.

Anonymous said...

4:42 pm

Interesting opinion from a professor of operations management in the MIT Business School and 'former' Israeli intelligence officer.

I have to question his motivations and qualifications to call the vaccines that saved approximately 20 million lives worldwide "CLEARLY....the most failing medical product in history of medical products" based upon expanded importance and loose interpretations of a couple of small studies on several people that died that might be related to several covid vaccines (or covid infections themselves).

For's a study of just 18 people that died shortly after receiving covid vaccines by various manufacturers (Vaxzevria was vaccinated in nine, Comirnaty in five, Spikevax in three, and Janssen in one person). In 13 deceased, the cause of death was attributed to preexisting diseases while postmortem investigations did not indicate a causal relationship to the vaccination. In one case after vaccination with Comirnaty, myocarditis was found to be the cause of death.


I'm no MIT professor but even I can assess that 20 million lives saved to even a handful of extreme adverse events (on persons who likely would have been extra susceptible to the full wild virus anyway) does not a "failing medical product" make.


Anonymous said...

Thanks X for taking the time to bring clarity on issues us small fry struggle with!

I'm so at peace with the universe now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, X at 10:27 PM

Re: I have to question his motivations and qualifications to call the vaccines that saved approximately 20 million lives worldwide(???) "CLEARLY....the most failing medical product in history of medical products"


Well, when you decide to pull your head out of your a-- and 'see the light'...
maybe then, you will begin to notice all of the people 'dropping like flies' all over the world... who are 'dying suddenly'.

GrantNZ said...

Hi Craig, Andrew and Jacqui are friends for nearly 30 years, I collaborated with him on research etc with the Kundilini warnig series and we talk weekly ... they are all safe..
The road to their house at one end was cut off with flood waters but they could go around the block a reach home.
He had not been long back from trip to

Anonymous said...

The war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Ukrainian citizens, and everything to do with Deep State assets/secrets in Ukraine

Anonymous said...

MIT Professor calls for immediate end to Covid Vaccines…

Retsef Levi
The evidence is mounting and indisputable that MRNA vaccines cause serious harm including death, especially among young people. We have to stop giving them immediately!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What Does "Woke" Mean?... Here's The REAL Definition The Left Doesn't Want You To See

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson Examines The Strange Destruction Of Food Processing Plants Across The Country (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

11:19 AM
Thank you.
I have posted regarding all of this before. In detail.
And no one was interested here (otherwise distracted you could say).
The Deep State is not a Q invention. Deep State elites across the political spectrum have been in operation long before that (and Q is just another useful idiot for the Deep State too).

This is the filthy truth TPTB want to keep under wraps and have gone to very great lengths to insure won't come out in full (thanks to Big Tech, Big Media, Big Pharma, and Big Everything else with a finger in this pie) while casting complete dispersion on anyone snooping around the "territory" of very deep corruption in very high places there, here, many places with similar hats in this ring, and horribly, all at the bloody expense of the poor Ukrainian people, but also the American taxpayer being used, swindled, and lied to to keep the evils afloat.

Putin is a cold-hearted thug, no doubt about it, and has been very smart to take his clear advantage in this political shell game ("genius" to use his bad upper hand in this matter) to push the envelope against those working against his nation, and not his only but all the nations, to help TPTB global goals for controlling the masses via bioweapons (of which Covid is an integral part and they have an extensive tool belt of other means for such).

So enemy Putin gets the blame (because he is wrong with evil intent) but worse yet, the Potent Common Enemy that goes unchecked, is our very own Government and other complicit self-appointed powers who will not let their powerhouse ploys topple. They are very advanced in evil.
They've gotten too good at this because people have been, and remain, DISTRACTED.

Anonymous said...

Biden just put Obama in a delightfully serious bind

Anonymous said...

RuZZia was behind Q, IMNSHO

Anonymous said...

"It's Time For The Scientific Community To Admit We Were Wrong About COVID & It Cost Lives"

Anonymous said...

Deep State DOJ Will Not Comply with Jim Jordan's Request for Biden Classified Documents Due to "Ongoing Investigation"

GrantNZ said...

Hi all,

I know many are have been occupied with the CV, RC, Qanon debate etc but have you considered the unfolding events with Isreal which may or may not be considered of Biblical proportion given we are told to watch from a Prophetic point of view.

Just some points to consider.

1)Spotless 1 year old Red Heffers were found and imported to Isreal last year and when they reach 2years old will be sacrificed and their ashes used for ritual cleansing .

2)The push for rebuilding of the Temple is gaining momentum politically and with the help of the Temple Institute.

3)Many Rabbis are venerateing a 32year young Rabbi they call the Yanuka for his incredible knowledge of the Torah, Kaballah and other writings and attributeing miracles to him as well.
He's also known for his musical abilities.
Some Rabbis have said a "Messiah" will be revealed soon.

 Permission for the Pool of Siloam to be fully excavated has been given, predicted completion in 2 years).
According to the Jerusalem Talmud (Hagigah), the Pool of Siloam was the starting point for pilgrims who made the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and where they ascended by foot to the inner court of the Temple Mount to bring an offering to the Temple Court. The Pool of Siloam (perhaps referring to the Lower Pool) was used by pilgrims for ritual purification before visiting the Temple enclosure.

5)The river Euphrates is drying up.

Perhaps you all could add some other events to this list.

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Always liked this story and having known quite a few Adventists it rings true, and if so, the implications are enormous

Adventist Adventurer Claimed to Have Found Ark of the Covenant Beneath Crucifixion Site (Here)

Those Adventists boys don't always know what they're doing which is why they always seem to pull off the impossible.

Ron Wyatt's boys Donnie & Ronnie back in Israel (YouTube)

(To bad Israel treated them so poorly but it is what it is) - :

Anonymous said...

HTML goof

Craig said...


Thanks for providing an update on the Strom's. I recall when Kundalini Warning first came out. He had some sort of forum (blog?) on which I commented.

Craig said...

Providing the needed comedic relief is Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson: This is the cruelest thing any president has ever done

President Joe Biden, Gaslighter-in-Chief, said (as translated by Tucker Carlson and his excellent writers):

(beginning @ 2:38): “…If you don’t want to take an untested, experimental mRNA shot from a company that has bought immunity from Congress against future lawsuits, you are a selfish Neanderthal. Worse, you are a killer, literally—LITERALLY—killing your own neighbors! The only good news is you will soon die yourself, because you deserve it.”

(@ 3:33): “…And, by the way, no one has ever explained how it was immoral somehow to treat COVID before patients would wind up on respirators. Why? What was so bad about ivermectin? And monoclonal antibody therapy? We still don’t know.”

Anonymous said...

8:13 AM

(beginning @ 2:38) is the sermon dr X has been fervently preaching here from the start

dr X seems to be running out of steam lately! Hallelujah!!!!

Anonymous said...

X won't troll for free ya know!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Remember the leaked phone call from Biden to Poroshenko in November 2016?

Anonymous said...

Trump reveals a plan to combat 'chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation, of our youth'


Anonymous said...

Prestigious Liberal Watchdog Condemns New York Times' Russiagate Coverage

Craig said...

More weaponization of alphabet agencies (non-elected). Roman and his researcher do an EXCELLENT job in this:

Emails EXPOSE a New ‘Science-Based' Gun Control Scheme at CDC

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Yeah, it’s all about “THE SCIENCE”.

To preempt any more of X’s ridiculous, unfounded, and ad nauseum attacks on Epoch Times, here’s a preview of a documentary: EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY–The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America

An unprecedented combination of personal story and geopolitical struggle, history, and present, “The Final War” follows Epoch Times reporters and top China watchers through their journeys of awakening to the CCP threat.

Anonymous said...


Left-wing activists demand NYC migrants be let back into $450-a-night hotel or be given access to vacant apartments on 'Billionaire's Row' - instead of housing them in Brooklyn ferry terminal

Anonymous said...

Yes, 12:59 PM

Re: "It's Time For The Scientific Community To Admit We Were Wrong About COVID & It Cost Lives"


(Still waiting for 'the woke' to WAKE UP!!!)

Anonymous said...

Seal 5 and the end of the World?

Anonymous said...


My criticism of Epoch times is neither ridiculous nor unfounded. What IS ridiculous is a supposed Christian man offering up such propaganda, cultish fulan gong ideology and misinformation source as a honest relevant source.

They will say and spin anything to keep you Maga's reading and watching their infotainment.

The emails reveal gun control advocates lobbying for such made up statistics regarding gun use for protection statistics which were likely placed there by the gun lobby and their friends in the GOP anyway.

Saying guns in the US were used between 60,000 to 2,500,000 times for defensive purposes is complete nonsense. There's nothing precise or accurate about such statistic and removing it isn't a denial that guns can and have been used by citizens to defend themselves but, rather, that inclusion of this supposed broad statistic doesn't really add anything to the debate. It's just gun lobby bullcrap as is this entire piece of journalism.

Plenty of Democrats own guns too. This piece is pretending there is a conspiracy afoot to eliminate all guns entirely is ridiculous. Sensible gun control is not abolition. I'd just like to see assault rifles and automatic weapons off the streets and all guns kept away from children (age 21 and under). It's still likely never going to happen despite the "science" demonstrating how many lives would be spared because gun advocates, the gun industry and various cult religions including Fulan Gong are protected by a GOP placed Opus Dei roman catholic USSC that wants us all shooting and killing each other as they continue to undermine our Protestant nation.

The gun lobby and U.S.-undermining GOP marriage prefers guns over lives -- another example of their pro-death advocacy (including Roe v Wade).

As a moderate libertarian -- I think each state and the local cities therein should have control over their own gun laws...not our USSC and then people can choose where they want to live.


Anonymous said...

Oh..that 2,500,000 statistic is bunk too. It's not based in reality or "science".

It's from an old outdated and repudiated 1993 survey study by gun lobby researcher Gary Kleck.

Defensive Gun Use: Gary Kleck Misfires Again

Excerpts: ...Rather than confront the significant, multidisciplinary research showing that the false-positive problem is ubiquitous when measuring rare events, Kleck pretends the problem is negligible, and links us to a 1998 “rebuttal” where he references surveys that have nothing to do with rare events. As Dr. Hemenway has extensively detailed, suggesting that false negatives could somehow outweigh false positives is indulging in fantasy.

Kleck also ignores the fact that his results repeatedly fail tests of external validity. In our original article, we mention that Kleck’s data would require, impossibly, that gun owners use their gun in self-defense in more than 100 percent of burglaries. Kleck’s data also suggests that every year hundreds of thousands of criminals are shot by law-abiding citizens. But where are the hospital records to validate this claim? Kleck insists, with no medical knowledge and without citing a single study, that the vast majority of these criminals never seek hospital treatment, a claim scoffed at by medical professionals.


Here are the facts Kleck missed: According to his own survey more than 50 percent of respondents claim to have reported their defensive gun use to the police. This means we should find at least half of his 2.5 million annual Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs) in police reports alone. Instead, the most comprehensive nonpartisan effort to catalog police and media reports on DGUs by The Gun Violence Archive was barely able to find 1,600 in 2014. Where are the remaining 99.94 percent of Kleck’s supposed DGUs hiding?

It would be disappointing to see any professor relegated to using falsehoods and ad hominem attacks in a desperate attempt to preserve the tattered remains of his thoroughly repudiated research. Yet, such tactics are particularly deplorable when they are used in service of a gun-worshipping culture that regularly generates tragedy on a massive scale.


Craig said...


Define "assault rifle".

Anonymous said...


Tucker is just reading a script for your entertainment to keep you watching him and their network. He doesn't care about truth. It's not journalism or reporting of any kind and, if anything, he's projecting his own survivor's guilt as the evidence supporting the vaccine efficacy and safety continues to mount (over 20 million lives saved).

It might be humourous had so many not died unnecessarily due to political anti-vax lies and disinformation, like my cousin and hundreds of thousands of others. Selfishness isn't funny, guilt isn't becoming and the unvaccinated covid dead aren't laughing at all at anything.

It's OK to be wrong...just don't get the need to double down on wrongness.


Craig said...

X @ 9:21 PM,

You live in a parallel universe. How can you possibly prove "20 million lives saved"?

From a comment I made a while back in response to your unprovable claim:

There is no doubt 20 million lives were saved by the jabs. We KNOW this. How? Because THE SCIENCE™ has perfected cloning, and just before all 20 million were jabbed, each was cloned. Post-jab all 20 million cloned/un-jabbed died of CV-19. And all 20 million jabbed lived on. Of course, any of the 20 million jabbed who died (or got sick) within 14 days post-jab were not counted, for they were still considered ‘un-jabbed’ at that point. And any of the 20 million who died after the 14 days were not counted as deaths “of/from CV-19”, for we all know that ‘correlation does not mean causation’. Therefore, all these deaths were COMPLETELY unrelated—they had to be. This is ESPECIALLY true for any cardiac events.

Anonymous said...

I'll let persons with far more experience and knowledge define such when it gets down to drafting legislation....

Generally Webster's does a decent job:

Assault Rifle: any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as the AK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire. also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire

Where assualt-style weapons become specifically situations like Uvalde where everyday police officers can't just barge in an confidently retake a classroom of children because they are completely out-gunned and to do so is largely a suicide mission as even an untrained gunman can weild superious fire when carrying what should be an illegal weapon.

It's not like citizens can buy tanks, armed aircraft, Howitzers, or building their own nuclear devices. Limits on weapons ownership have a long history. The current debate is completely political and self-serving the GOP versus rationality.

I don't even care that much. I prefer fists and Krav Maga. Guns are pretty gay.


Anonymous said...

Before another one of your ad nauseum grammar and typo lectures.....(I'm joking)

I know "superious" isn't a word and it's not what I thought I

I obviously don't proofread. It's just not that important to me. Plus, "felling" be fun sometimes.


Craig said...


So what do we call a knife used to assault someone? "Assault knife"? How about using a motorized vehicle to assault someone: "assault vehicle"?

"Assault rifle" is loaded language used by gun control lobbyists.


You wrote: The current debate is completely political and self-serving the GOP versus rationality.

You also wrote: Plenty of Democrats own guns too.

I see...

Craig said...


You wrote: I prefer fists and Krav Maga.

Try punching a mugger's bullet.

Anonymous said...

All of the sudden x is interested in state's right's? He didn't like it one bit when Roe v Wade decision last year turned that issue back to individual states.

And frankly, for all of this beta male's pretense and hypocrisy, he deserves to be repeatedly bitch slapped.

His windbag posts are nothing but vain and empty words just as his principles are unprincipled because his keyboard only produces steaming piles.

Besides that, x can't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Anonymous said...

And x has a fixation on homosexuality. I remember that guy in American Beauty who was so against gays but turned out to be in the closet. Maybe that's the case here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Here is a pretty good new Bill from Senator Feinstein. I've only just perused it but if you aren't sure what an "assualt rifle" or "assault weapon" or why such legislation is necessary maybe check out the definitions in this new legilative proposal.


Assault weapons lead to far deadlier mass casualty events than shootings with other firearms. In fact, in shootings where assault weapons or high-capacity magazines are used, 155% more people are shot and 47% more people are killed. These firearms are designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time — they are weapons of war, and do not belong on our streets or in our communities.

In 1994, Congress took steps to address this issue by enacting a federal assault weapons ban as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. Our namesakes, Jim and Sarah Brady, were instrumental in passing this life-saving law, working hand-in-hand with legislators every step of the way. However, the ban expired in 2004 and was not renewed. Congress’ failure to renew the bill had dire consequences. During the decade that the federal assault weapons ban was in effect, 89 people died in 12 massacres. In the decade after the ban expired, over 300 people were shot and killed in 34 mass shootings, representing a 183% increase in massacres and a 239% increase in fatalities. In just a two-month span, assault weapons were used to kill 38 people in Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park. It’s well past time to renew the assault weapons ban to keep communities safe.

WHAT ARE SEMI-AUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS?: Semi-automatic assault weapons are firearms with tactical designs developed for military use that automatically fire and reload a new bullet every time the trigger is pulled. These characteristics make these weapons exponentially more lethal than traditional rifles, because they accept detachable magazines, including large-capacity magazines, and have additional features that increase accuracy and concealability.

During the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, the shooter used an assault rifle to fire 154 bullets, murdering 20 children and six adults in just four minutes. Since the bill sunsetted in 2004, sales of these weapons have increased drastically, which has resulted in countless preventable deaths. In 2004, the year the bill expired, only 100,000 assault rifles were manufactured in the country; in 2013, less than ten years later, nearly 2 million were manufactured. As of 2020, there were 20 million AR-style firearms in the United States. Today, they are the preferred style of weapons for any would-be mass shooter.


Constance Cumbey said...

To x, 11:46 pm

I have to agree with Senator Feinstein's position on the assault weapons bill. The carnage from them is too frequent and too close.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Craig: My grandsons attend Oxford High School, Oxford, Michigan. My oldest grandson made the first call to 911. My grandsons were on that football team and Tate Myre was one of their closest friends. Sorry, there are too many guns out there. I have unfortunately noticed that too many of my Republican friends and cohorts seem to believe that there is only the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. There is also a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I will confess that on my father's side of the house, I am descended from a fairly long list of Quakers. I believe that my real safety comes from God -- not from gold, guns, and groceries as another old acquaintance of mine, Gary North, used to say. Biblically, they overcame the Beast by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, AND they loved their lives not to the death.


Anonymous said...

Live coverage by CBN of National Prayer Breakfast 2023 going on now. YouTube / cbnnewsonline. To be clear, I'm not shilling for the breakfast. It might be interesting to see what's up.

Anonymous said...

How about simply and fairly enforcing the good laws that have been on the books for a long time?
It is a slippery slope to penalize gun owners who merely want to protect their family and property.
The Constitution gave us that. That has been good law until woke liberalism became trendy.
What a misapplication of addressing the root causes of violence which goes way beyond guns of any kind. Many other things are used as weapons to commit lawlessness, so what about those? Is the butter knife I buttered my toast with this morning next?

What kind of person is one who does not uphold good and fair common law to favor of the lawless??

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

a constant refrain is protectlife nd property or sim,ilar phrasing. NO STATE EXCEP[T TEXAS AND A COUPLE OF OTHERS ALLOW YOU TO DEFEND PROPERTY. you surprise a burglr you have to claim you were afraid for your physical safety not for your tv set or whatever.

a retreat state requires you retreat till literally or metaphorically back to the wall before using lethal force. except if in your home or place of work unless the attcker has a right to be there, then its back to retreat.

a no retreat state allows immedite defense if attacked even on the street.

opponents to this inflammatorially call it 'stand your ground' laws.

the right of self defense nd defending property has been erodied over the decades or generations. many go to jail on common sense moves that are illegal.

This situation needs to be changed gets laws changed. and get some people out of jail.

Anonymous said...

Property includes your livestock and your water and mineral rights.
That is how the west was won.

I know people who still defend their livestock with guns. Predators come in other forms besides coyotes.

Anonymous said...

In late August 2001 I had to 'go to the mountain' but was nervous to leave my wife alone due a nasty internet coven so our neighbor Rafael loaned us a .38 revolver but it felt obscene so I took it back it to Rafael (God rest his soul). I don't necessarily feel that way now about self-defense being a whole lot less scrupulous now days but I have to say all this business about bikinis, beer and black rifles going together is reckless in a most un-American way.

Anonymous said...

This kind of fits right here in this discussion about defending property with guns. I saw Kyle Rittenhouse is trending on Twitter as he unashamedly reaches out for donors to support him again against a civil rights lawsuit brought by the family of one of the young adults he killed.

Wrongful death lawsuit upheld after 100-hour search to serve Rittenhouse

Excerpt: The lawsuit was filed by John Huber, the father of one of the two victims, and also includes city officials and police officers. U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman dismissed motions from the city officials, police officers and Rittenhouse to dismiss the civil rights case in its entirety.

Huber's lawsuit states that Rittenhouse conspired with police officers to intentionally cause harm to the protesters who were marching in reaction to the shooting of Jacob Blake, who was injured by a Wisconsin police officer.

Rittenhouse, an Illinois resident, drove to the demonstrations in Wisconsin and was a minor at age 17 at the time.

In the ruling Adelman said Huber's death "could plausibly be regarded as having been proximately caused by the actions of the government defendants. Huber was killed after Rittenhouse was running after he shot and killed his first victim in the parking lot of a car dealership and Huber hit Rittenhouse with a skateboard to disarm him. After falling to the ground Rittenhouse fatally shot Huber and wounded another protester Gaige Grosskreutz, who also has filed a civil lawsuit against Rittenhouse.


Anonymous said...

The Man Who Wants 'Cities to Fall Apart'

It very well could be that x is taking money for his business from Soros operations since he defends this rat's actions repeatedly here. He works at the behest of someone since he defends globalists so much. Soros's money works here and all over the world to social engineer radical change in governments and culture with proof of that posted here for years as Constance herself has done. Soros gives generously to corrupt both sides of the aisle and beyond.

It is evident that x defends globalists such as Soros (and Gates etc) in their many pronged approach to destroy our institutions from stem to stern and posts that rot here at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrite Cumbey doesn't ALWAYS agree with X. But most of the time perhaps?

Death Cult Cumbey doesn't seem to mind the war in Ukraine too much, but automatic weapons to defend our families here is unkosher. Remember RUBY RIDGE! It's protection from the government that we need arms. Not just protection from the thugs.

Constance please stop claiming you are a Republican. The party has enough scumbags as it is. It does not need you.

Anonymous said...

A 20 gauge shotgun loaded with buckshot is a great home defence tool.

What ultra left wing Cumbey fails to understand, cuz her mom raised her to be a dummy, is that once her Democrats take the assault weapons, they will come for the shotguns next!

I have lived in Arizona since the early 70s. With illegal immigration increasing home invasion crime has risen exponentially. We must have the ability to defend our homes, and families.

I read about a ten year old girl in Montana, who was trained by her father to handle guns, and hit the target. She was home alone when her father had gone out to run an errand, and three mexican men kicked the door down. She ran and grabbed a pistol and put all three in the dirt. If she had not had that weapon available, and her training, those savages probably would have raped her, killed her, and made off with the spoils.

Anonymous said...

The Real Anthony Fauci is a Serial Killer

Anonymous said...

Threat to the United States? The Commie Squad or Q Anon Shaman? You be the Judge?(VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Zelensky calls for preemptive strike against Russia.

Anonymous said...

12:54 pm -

Unless you can find corroboration evidence beyond these old fact-checks below you are posting lies dating back to 2007. Further, such lie doesn't even support your conspiracy theory that "once her Democrats take the assault weapons, they will come for the shotguns next!".

It's almost like you agree assault weapons (like the AR-15) should be banned but-for the fear that allowing such would lead to the banning of shotguns and other guns. Do not fear. Why not pursue that fight later and just agree on the assault rifle issue a thus saving the lives of many children? Shotguns are far less deadly and accurate when used in a killing spree suicide-type event. There is no reason to ban long-barrel shotguns and your fictional 11 year old girl will remain safe.

No, the story about 11-year-old girl who shot two ‘illegal aliens’ in Montana is fake

Sept. 2019

Is the '11 Yr Old Who Shot Illegals' Story True?
According to Facebook posts, an 11-year-old girl named Patricia Harrington was home alone when two armed "illegal aliens" broke in to her Montana home.

July 2022

Excerpt: There's no evidence that this ever happened. We found no record of Fox News having reported the story. It also didn't show up in any newspaper archives or historical records of any kind.

Did an 11-Year-Old Girl Shoot and Kill 'Illegal Aliens' Burglarizing Her Home?: The fake story of two undocumented immigrants burglarizing a home and being killed by a little girl with a shotgun is more than a decade old.

May 2007


Anonymous said...

The story I read was much much more recent dr X. Maybe it was scrubbed?

How much does Satanist Soros pay for trolling? Just curious?

Anonymous said...

Video shows 9-year-old-Florida girl savagely beaten by two boys in school bus attack

Craig said...


Why are you defending drug-addled domestic abuser/batterer, convicted felon (strangulation), Anthony Huber?

Criminal history (see this link for incarceration history):

Huber had a disorderly conduct conviction from 2018 as a domestic abuse repeater, which is a misdemeanor. He gave a Kenosha address. Here are the charges in that case.

940.19(1) Battery Misd. A Dismissed on Prosecutor’s Motion
Modifier: 939.62(1)(a) Repeater
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse

2 947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct Misd. B Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.62(1)(a) Repeater

He also had a forfeiture case for possessing drug paraphernalia.

He also had a case from 2012 with these charges:

1 941.30(2) 2nd-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety Felony G Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 939.63(1)(c) Use of a Dangerous Weapon
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse

2 940.235(1) Strangulation and Suffocation Felony H Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse

3 940.30 False Imprisonment Felony H Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.63(1)(b) Use of a Dangerous Weapon

4 940.19(1) Battery Misd. A Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.63(1)(a) Use of a Dangerous Weapon

5 947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct Misd. B Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse
Modifier: 939.63(1)(a) Use of a Dangerous Weapon

6 947.01(1) Disorderly Conduct Misd. B Charge Dismissed but Read In
Modifier: 968.075(1)(a) Domestic Abuse

There are no contact orders in those cases and he was ordered not to possess weapons.

Huber’s criminal history came up in court; the prosecutors presented a relative as a character witness, but the defense said if the prosecution continued down that path they would reveal the other side to Huber.

“[Anthony] Huber told his brother that if he didn’t start cleaning a room in his house he was going to gut him like a pig,” Rittenhouse’s lawyer Corey Chirafisi said in court adding, according to The New York Post that Huber “did this while holding a 6-inch butcher’s knife to the brother’s stomach.”

“Huber grabbed his brother by the neck, dug his nails in and choked him for approximately ten seconds,” Chirafisi said. “He put a knife to his brother’s left ear and his brother felt it cut.”

He said: “I’m going to burn the house down with all you f—kers in it,” that defense attorney said.


Swell guy.

Anonymous said...

3:47 pm

You "read" a recycled lie. It's the exact same story you just told. If it's actually true...please provide verification.

I don't need Soros's money nor funding to ascertain lies. I don't even support Soros or Gates...I just question and/or debunk conspiracy theories and lies regarding them. There is a huge difference. I don't see them as the boogeymen they are deliberately made out to be to stoke fear, upset and anger among the uninformed by the GOP/Industrial complex/corporate puppeteers.

You can have your own opinions without offering up lies. The superfluous fake story of the 10 (or 11) year old Montana girl wasn't necessary and it should have sounded fake to you when you first read it before putting it in your long-term "gun-lobby controlled"-memory.

...Where is your discernment?


p.s.- Do we agree that 18-21 year old non-military citizens should not be permitted to walk in and walk out of any gun-selling facility with an AR-15 rifle and AR-15 large capacity magazine(s)?

It's really that simple. If you agree with that...then the politicians can work out the rest and MAYBE expand that and just ban them altogether but to act like it's an attack on ALL guns is political rhetoric & hyperbole.

Craig said...

Food for thought. From 4 years ago:

Gun Debate - Bill Maher, Colion Noir, Michael Pollan, Josh Barro, Michael Smerconish & Neera Tanden

Colion Noir

Not coming for your (all) your guns?:

Wow, 80-year-old Chicago Man Shoots Home Intruders Thanks To Supreme Court Overturning Handgun Ban

Colion Noir


When seconds count, the police are minutes (or more) away...

Anonymous said...

Like we can count on the politicians to work it all out! LOL

X, You live in a fake world where Lucifer is the king. Your Dems are subversives by their nature. They can't be reasonable. They serve the Prince of this World like you do! The kingdoms of this world are not currently the Kingdoms of our Lord + of HIS Christ!

Your future looks bleak.

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 4:14 pm

If I did criminal background checks on all the people killed on 9/11 I'd surely find some incriminating and damaging material...would that in any way justify Bin Laden and his hijacking crew of misfits?

On that day, Huber was a hero trying to stop and subdue a young man gone mad shooting and brandishing an assault rifle (of some make and model) among a crowd of people with a skateboard.

On that day...he didn't deserve to die any more than the current and former 'criminals' who died in tower one or tower two (or in the planes) on 9/11. that same you think Ashli Babbit deserved to die, Craig?. Not only was she in the ongoing process of actually committing a felony when she was shot; but, she was an unrepentant adulterer living with her adulterous 2nd unGodly "husband" in a poly-amorous relationship with another live-in 'girl-friend' when she was legally killed by a federal LEO doing his duty.

I said this long ago...Rittenhouse should have disappeared to a quiet place somewhere remote and quietly changed his name and moved on with his life versus trying to continue to bask in his fame and commence profiteering over his unGodly behavior. I think the claim of "self-defense" is only viable after it's determined it was an illegal taking of human life. It's just an exception to criminal's still wrong/sinful by God. He should have repented and disappeared counting his blessings he's not rotting in some prison where he belongs (IMO).


p.s. - Kyle is a good example of how little training and expertise is needed to "get lucky" and execute would-be heroes, targets, bystanders and LEO's attempting to subdue any school shooting or public space terrorist on a killing spree where the untrained shooter is carrying an Assault-style rifle. If Kyle had just a hand-gun he likely defends himself against Rosenbaum with a lethal or non-lethal shot or two and odds are no one else dies that day at all. I did not and do not agree with his acquittal regarding Huber and the other guy he shot that didn't die.

Craig said...


How's that medicine taste?

Anonymous said...


I forgot to mention...

your Huber post above included straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks.

I never defended Huber's criminal history or vouched for his integrity. I wasn't talking about Kyle's behavior and Huber's past has nothing to do with Kyle's behavior. It's not like Kyle KNEW he was executing a former domestic abuser.

You also presented a "false dilemma". If Huber is bad, that makes Kyle good. They can both be bad, wrong, sinful horrible human beings (like all of us).

The real tragedy is Huber probably wasn't a Christian. His actions that day appeared altruistic. Putting himself in the line of fire to stop a menacing terrorist brandishing an assault rifle (of some kind) may be indicative of repentance. May he rest in peace and be left alone by Maga extremists and their logical fallacies and lack of reasoning.


Craig said...


Again I ask: How's that medicine taste?

Craig said...

Why We Actually Do Need "50 Round Clips" - Joe Rogan & Alonzo Bodden Talk Gun Laws

Colion Noir

Let's correct the "Clip" misconception because they are not called clips they are called "Magazines". However, the answer is actually pretty simple. People need 50 round magazines because bullets aren’t zapping death rays. In the movies, people fly back 50 feet and die immediately from a single shot in the leg. In the movies, 10 bullets equates to 10 deaths.

However, in real life, people don’t always stop what they’re doing much less die immediately when they’re shot once, twice, or even seven times.

The act of Shooting is easy, shooting accurately is hard, shooting accurately under pressure is even harder.

In a self-defense situation, things are chaotic and there’s more pressure than you can imagine.

So yes, we want as many bullets as possible because we might miss and I don’t deserve to die just because I couldn’t stop my attacker with the number of bullets you arbitrarily feel I should have.

When someone wants to commit a shooting, they have all the advantages of bringing as much ammo as they want.

Most importantly, I need a 50 round magazine because I have a right to. Before you say you don’t have a right to own a magazine you own a right to own a gun, if you can ban 50 rounds in my magazine, then you can ban 20, 10, or even 2 rounds in my magazine.

The second amendment preserves the right of my ability to own a firearm in order to preserve the freedom of this country and myself. A gun without bullets is useless, so yes, I do have a right to 50 rounds magazines.


Rittenhouse showed remarkable restraint and cool under immense pressure. Only the immediate threats were neutralized. His AR-15--the "AR" meaning Armalite Rifle--was used expertly on that day.

Anonymous said...


If you don't trust or favor "politicians working things out" what form a government do you trust or desire?

Are you the Marxist? or do you favor anarchy or a monarchy with King Trump in charge?

Your "right to bear any and all arms you want" is loosely held together right now by a hyper-partisan politicized supreme court and it's very liberal reading of the 2nd Amendment. Against that backstop, it's highly unlikely "the dems" are going to be able to run buck wild banning broad swaths of guns anytime soon. Such laws would hurt them politically attracking back level-headed Christian working class voters as well as being unfruitful as the USSC would just strike it down. The fear of any regulation leading to total regulation is unfounded. I do get that your Lucifer friends would prefer everyone open-carrying assault rifles.

Anonymous said...

"...Where is your discernment?


I ask you: Where is your conscience?
Is it dead?

I don't know if you are on some underground Soros payroll or not but you make every attempt to excuse and explain away his crimes that are verified being well and widely known, and posted here also, so you definitely give others pause to wonder.
Soros no longer hides the things he is doing yet you run cover for him?

Anonymous said...


The 2nd Amendment doesn't really protect your right to 50 clip magazines anymore than it protects your right to own a tank or a armed jet fighter and it's certainly not a natural right provided by the Bible (yes the right to defend yourself using weapons is discussed but Guns/bullets aren't proscribed specifically as inherent rights).

It's all up to the interpretation of the US Constitution by the fallible and political men/women of the USSC.

Right remains a loose/liberal interpretation favoring the Gun manufacturers and their benefactors (the GOP politicians). I am prayerful that civility and reason shall prevail via the democratic process and some extra limits are legally enacted to try and curb some of this recent gun violence and school shootings. "Thoughts and prayers" are empty while fear-mongering and lobbying persist.

Christians are called to submit to governing authorities, and they are to obey the laws of the land (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17). This would have to apply to gun laws, too. If American gun laws change, American Christians should submit to these changes and work through democratic means toward any desired alternatives. The Bible does not forbid the possession of weapons, and neither does it command such possession. Laws may come and go, but the goal of the believer in Jesus Christ remains the same: to glorify the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31).



Craig said...

X @ 5:24 PM,

View the two clips I posted at 4:27 PM,


Anyone without some sort of agenda can see by the context what 4:28 meant by Like we can count on the politicians to work it all out! It's a slippery slope--one that leads to further gun regulations/confiscations. And these confiscations only affect legal gun owners, not criminals.

To see how this works, just look at Australia:

Australia’s Gun Ban and Its Effect on Crime

Since the bill "the use of firearms in crimes may have gone down but violent crime overall has either stayed the same or increased."

However, most search results yield that the Aussie "National Firearms Agreement" 'worked'. These are, of course, Big Media sources.

When I wrote above that "assault rifles" is loaded language, I should have completed the sentence with "...used by gun confiscation activists, with an end goal to attempt to disarm the entire populace." Biden is already headed in that direction with his '2A is not absolute' stance.

Craig said...

X @ 5:37 PM,

And the 2A does not rule out "protect[ing] your right to 50 clip magazines".

Anonymous said...

5:33 pm

Way to be specific.

What crimes?

Promoting policies and donating money to liberal and/or progressive causes isn't illegal.

It also isn't conspiratory absent real evidence to the contrary.

Having seen and experienced the devastating effects of fascism firsthand, I don't really blame him for opposing the seeds of nazi-like white nationalism/populism/fascism wherever its ugly head arises (like within Maga and the Dominionists for longer time within the GOP).

I'm sure I don't agree with every donee person or organization his foundation gives/gave to; but, it's not inherently evil or wrong to be liberal/progressive politically like our patriotic founding fathers and Abraham Lincoln were.


p.s. - I find/found it interesting Mrs. Cumbey called Dominionist Gary North an acquaintance versus "a friend".

Craig said...


Define "fascism".

Anonymous said...

x refuses to know anything about the Soros track record here and where he came from.

Why so unwilling to know of his criminal intrusions into ours and other societies, how he made his billions to begin with? The information is available and yet not curious at all huh?
Must be your worldview is the same as his, globalist.
Are you part of his network?

Anonymous said...

6:01 pm

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Source: Wikipedia

6:40 pm

What crimes? If Soros committed crimes...indict him.

Are you a nazi? Are you part of Hitler's network?

Why would Soros care what 10 people talking on a blog think?

Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues


Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues

Well, I was feelin’ sad and feelin’ blue

I didn’t know what in the world I wus gonna do

Them Communists they wus comin’ around

They wus in the air

They wus on the ground

They wouldn’t gimme no peace . . .

So I run down most hurriedly

And joined up with the John Birch Society

I got me a secret membership card

And started off a-walkin’ down the road

Yee-hoo, I’m a real John Bircher now!

Look out you Commies!

Now we all agree with Hitler’s views

Although he killed six million Jews

It don’t matter too much that he was a Fascist

At least you can’t say he was a Communist!

That’s to say like if you got a cold you take a shot of malaria

Well, I wus lookin’ everywhere for them gol-darned Reds

I got up in the mornin’ ’n’ looked under my bed

Looked in the sink, behind the door

Looked in the glove compartment of my car

Couldn’t find ’em . . .


Well, I investigated all the books in the library

Ninety percent of ’em gotta be burned away

I investigated all the people that I knowed

Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go

The other two percent are fellow Birchers . . . just like me

Now Eisenhower, he’s a Russian spy

Lincoln, Jefferson and that Roosevelt guy

To my knowledge there’s just one man

That’s really a true American: George Lincoln Rockwell

I know for a fact he hates Commies cus he picketed the movie Exodus

Well, I fin’ly started thinkin’ straight

When I run outa things to investigate

Couldn’t imagine doin’ anything else

So now I’m sittin’ home investigatin’ myself!

Hope I don’t find out anything . . . hmm, great God!


Anonymous said...

Ok then x. Perish in your ignorance or complicity with evil people because if not against them you are for them.
Meanwhile have a nice life.

Anonymous said...

Aurora: AR-15
Poway: AR-15
Uvalde: AR-15
Buffalo: AR-15
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Pittsburgh: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
Highland Park: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15

Anonymous said...

7:20 pm

Who are the good people?


"No one is good, but God alone"

Lies, unfounded conspiracies and innuendo are of the devil. If Soror is a criminal what are his crimes.

If you are ignorant of his crimes than it is you that is complicit in the evil of gossip, lies and speculation.

I am not "for them" but rather oppose lying --- especially political propaganda projecting godliness with an unloving and uncaring pro-death maga conservatism.

If you are not against lying, than you are for it.


Craig said...

X @ 6:58 PM,

Now that you've defined "fascism", would you mind explaining what you mean by "having seen and experienced the devastating effects of fascism firsthand"?

I'm not exactly sure why you posted the Dylan lyrics. It's a sarcastic protest song against seeing "Red" everywhere.

Craig said...

Laying it out:

Debunking Joe Biden's Anti-Gun Conversation With Young Gun Control Activist

Colion Noir

Joe Biden recently had a sit down gun control conversation with who NowThisNews described as young change-makers. On a side not, if you ask me, they were more like the American Red guard (google it), but I digress.

The Gun Control portion of it was riddled with nonsense, so I am going to break down and debunk the gun control portion so people can learn the truth.

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 9:01

Soros was in Nazi Germany as a boy and escaped. He witnessed evil nazi fascism with his own young eyes.

Doesn't make him a saint or someone I even support. I'm willing to believe he is evil (and I know he did some shady business stuff no worse than most billionairs or even Trump) but I find most of the conspiracies around him and his "open society" foundation just political rhetoric and scapegoating. His influence via his foundation is much more diluted and spread across the world than say the Koch brothers or that new chicago donor that donated his electronic surge protector company worth billions to opus dei (under the direction of Leonard Leo). Those men and their money are much more a threat to in America than some 92-year-old Hungarian American who detests fascism (as do I). In other words -- the baseless empty Soros meme, like the Gates memes, and the Marxist memes are the conspiracy --- the actual distraction - pacifying the so-called conservative masses leading them away from the actual boogeymen.

I cited Bob Dylan to the factless 6:40 pm conspiratorial poster who keeps trying to insinuate I'm being paid by Soros somehow. He's always looking for or stating some conspiracy as fact.
I thought he might could investigate himself. Maybe he's a communist or being paid by opus dei or something. Hope he doesn't find anything.


Anonymous said...

Somebody pays x to troll here.

x how is it that you run 2 businesses but still have time to haunt a blog?

Anonymous said...

John Birchers were considered of rhe Lunatic Fringe in the 50/60s being against vaccines and fluoride and in my opinion The John Birch Society was the secret society JFK referenced in his speech and later, in my opinion, the JBS did those horrible treason posters in Dallas days before Kennedys murder.

Though there is good and bad in there's beliefs overall not a great bunch of lads.

By the way: Dylan was only a lad when he penned that song.

Anonymous said...

That's my mess^up there. I meant to say the Dallas 'Kennedy Wanted for Treason' posters were revenge for Kennedy referencing JBS in his speech. They knew who he was talking about.

Here's a blast from the past (2014)

Foxes & Lions

Anonymous said...

X, Soros at 92 doesn't bother you. His son is actively involved in WEF. Chelsea Clinton is married to his nephew. I don't think Soros influence will be going away anytime soon

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Soros was in Nazi Germany as a boy and escaped. He witnessed evil nazi fascism with his own young eyes."

I hve received permission fom Constnce on the phone to post more often. here goes. there is a video interview with soros, which i hve seen, in which he describes being 12 yers old and going about with his adoptive father turning in Jews and taking their stuff, and said these were the happiest dys of his life.

And he sys a bit later he feels like he is god.

i am no expert on Soros deleterious influence, but two things came to my ttention, he seems to have somehow been using the iOCC orthodox chrity to create problems, and his money was back of lots of prosecutors' elections. Guess wht/ these re the same people who are soft on crime and let rioters antifa and bLM go free easily enough even without bail being demnded t all.

Anonymous said...


Please take some time to run your posts through a spell checker, I write mine in Wordpad then copy and paste into the blog.

Anonymous said...

Looks more like a keyboard issue. No 'A'

Anonymous said...

Thanks Christine.

I saw the same program. I think it was a 60 minutes interview. He plays every side and issue to create chaos. A god complex and he doesn't try to hide it.
Soros is part and parcel of the Globalist evil.

His social projects to undermine to overthrow governments and cultures is reaping what he has being sowing. The decay has been going on for quite a while. He has had a lot of help at grass roots level and above, way above, from those he buys with his billions.

The chickens are coming home to roost now. He has fostered, funded, and fueled disorder and anarchy (still does) every chance he gets, everywhere.
(and x approves because he is a Globalist himself)

Anonymous said...

Pelosi coverup.

Anonymous said...


Sounds like a alt-right history rewrite of what was actually said. Please provide a link to such interview as I doubt anyone would tell their own story in that manner.

This is how Wikipedia tells the story of his youth in Nazi-occupied Hungary. Use the footnotes therein to see the sources. He may be an awful man and he's probably a narcissist and/or bi-polar maniac like Trump and many billionnaires; but, it's still not accurate or Christian to misportray his youth as "turning in Jews was the happiest days of his life". Truthfulness matters and that's why I'd like to see this supposed interview.

Wikipedia: Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary.[44] The Nazis barred Jewish children from attending school, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation. Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis: "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, 'You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported.' I'm not sure to what extent he knew they were going to be gassed. I did what my father said."[45][46]

Soros did not return to that job; his family survived the war by purchasing documents to say that they were Christians. Later that year at age 14, Soros posed as the Christian godson of an official of the collaborationist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture, who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding. On one occasion, rather than leave the 14-year-old alone, the official took Soros with him while completing an inventory of a Jewish family's confiscated estate. Tivadar saved not only his immediate family but also many other Hungarian Jews, and Soros later wrote that 1944 had been "the happiest [year] of his life," for it had given him the opportunity to witness his father's heroism.[47][48] In 1945, Soros survived the Siege of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house-to-house through the city. George and his mother also spent some time hiding with the family of Elza Brandeisz and even attended their Lutheran church with them.[49]



p.s. - Great word: Bugaboo: "an imaginary object of fear"

George Soros is CERTAINLY to the left of me but still much closer than those on the far right who simply use Soros as a Bugaboo and anti-Semitic dog whistle.

Craig said...


You wrote: ...and anti-Semitic dog whistle

Once again you race-bait and straw man.

Criticism of Soros is NOT tantamount to antisemitism.

Cut it out.

Anonymous said...

11:33 AM

You are welcome to try. Post your name and address and in my travels around the country I'll stop by and we can have a chat.

If you think the red state murder problem is "bogus" and/or "biased" do you have anything supporting such feeling or belief? Maybe you should double-check your indoctrination bias which has been feeding you the nonsense that the GOP party is tough on crime and its blue areas that have the biggest crime and homicide issues.

I've said this before...democrats run most big cities because Republicans simply can't. They live in an illusory world where like Trump did with covid, they think the power of positive thinking will make problems just disappear like magic (or like the cripple standing up at a Benny Hinn faux-revival). The GOP has become solely the party of fear, unfounded conspiracies and unfruitful investigations absent any solution other than lies, magical thinking and empty promises.

As a registered Republican -- it's hard to say that.


Anonymous said...


YOU cut it out.

There is no denying a big reason Soros made/makes such a great bugaboo is, in part, because he's a do-gooder rich banker of Jewish descent.

I saw a video this morning looking for what Christine might have seen where the right accused Soros of paying actors to show up in Charlottesville posing as Nazi's to make the Nazi's there look bad. Does that even sound remotely possible?

I'm NOT defending the man. I just want to see truthful evidence he deserves to be "bugabood". It can't just be that he thinks himself a God because so does Trump and many of his heretical faux-church leaders that supported and enabled him and that didn't bother the right.


Craig said...


You wrote: There is no denying a big reason Soros made/makes such a great bugaboo is, in part, because he's a do-gooder rich banker of Jewish descent.

Evidence, please.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

time stamp 6:45 but the exact quote seems to be in another interview, but this one is bad enough. Like I said I SAW THE VIDEO, it was not an alt-right rewrite and before deep fke was developed

Anonymous said...

If X "cut it out", he would only be a pile of decaying skin.

Anonymous said...

X + Soros are both decaying skin!

These evil Satanist jews live seemingly forever! Long after they should have died!

Anonymous said...

Oh SH*T, Something TERRIFYING Is Happening

Anonymous said...

This is insultingly ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Must watch video, link @ 12:37 PM

Brain chips are ready now!

Anonymous said...

Black Supremacy! White doctors ran over, stabbed to death, because "White Privilege".

Anonymous said...

More proof that the reparations hustle is all about greed and inciting race war

Craig said...

Christine @ 12:26,

The video link doesn't work. Please repost.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Anonymous said...

Over 20 years ago, a black client of mine let me watch a video he had, which he referred to as an "underground video". It was of a man who called himself Reverend Valentine. He claimed he was the "spiritual advisor" for the Matrix Films. I looked for this video, but never found it. I did type in his name today, and found this video. I'm not a lawyer, so I can't speak about what he says in this video. He has seemed to mellow out a bit. In the first 'underground' video I watched, he had some Black Panthers there with him. In that video, he made it quite clear, that Blacks are the master race. He said that if black men want to "save souls" they can by "jumping white women". Raping them! That way the offspring might have enough melanin to process cosmic "light information", and the offspring can make the transformation to homo-universalis. I think readers here would be very surprised how many blacks believe some version of this New Age spirituality. If you recall, it was more recently that black men were referring to themselves as "melanated men". I haven't heard it lately. The reality is that blacks have perhaps been indoctrinated into New Age spirituality more deeply than the other races. Although that isn't spoken of here. Perhaps too politically incorrect? Anyway, here is the link to the video I found today. Constance as a lawyer could offer insight into his interpretation of law?


Craig said...

Here's a good place to start in the video Christine supplied:

Infamous George Soros 60 Minutes Interview

Soros, as a child, posed as a Christian and he helped confiscate property of Hungarian Jews and, seemingly, assisted in their departures to the death camps. This, as he claims God is a human invention.

I recall seeing that same video years ago.


Soros takes his wealth and plays around in various world markets, to his advantage and everyone else be damned:

Forbes Flashback: How George Soros Broke The British Pound And Why Hedge Funds Probably Can't Crack The Euro

Anonymous said...

His departure will be cause for celebration. Just as RBGs was!

Anonymous said...

Once fancied myself a King yet even failed at Yeomanry so forever am the peasant (not as bad as all that if under a Jolly King : - )

The Death of Queen Elizabeth and Why Monarchy Matters
Caution: Catholic Content

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

SaleemKirban seems to be the start of efforts to see Revelation explained by modern technology, misunderstood by John who saw the visions. (Not to mention efforts to dismiss it as figurative.)

The stinging locusts or whatever with women's hair and so forth were supposedly Apache helicopters, which do not in fact resemble the description. discusses his nonsense and that of some others.

That doesn't mean that some who will try to bring the ntichrist won't try to use high tech to doit, or that something demonic cn
t be involved in some way with some of this stuff.

But God will not allow the antichrist to appear until God is ready to do so, and the Restrainer isn't taken away but out of the way, whatever or whoever the restrainer is.

God will rise up people to fight these efforts, or act directly Himself, or both.

Whether Kirban qualifies as a false prophet in claiming to hear from God or not I don't know, since i never followed his stuff.But he is certinly a major waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 12:13 pm

As though you didn't's some evidence. And...your 3:24 post reads to me as though you blame Soros for his father figuring out how to hide him from the Nazi's posing as a Christian. Do you think he should have just died versus lying? Should he not have warned other jews they were being deported? Should he have turned in his "Godfather" who was also hiding his Jewish wife? I know you can't conceive of such as a fascist supporter yourself but the Nazi's weren't a pleasant or easy bunch to hide from. Hungarians could be just as thorough as Germans. Plus, the 60 minutes video didn't contradict the more detailed and nuanced story from wikipedia. Nazism was not his fault.

Here's that "evidence"...

The Unbelievable Story Of The Plot Against George Soros
How two Jewish American political consultants helped create the world’s largest anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

Excerpt: ...Orbán’s campaign against Soros never actually used the word Jew, but it was often implicit. Orbán told his people they would have to fight against an “enemy” who was “different,” who didn’t have a “home.” It was common to see anti-Semitic graffiti on the “Stop Soros” ads — voters knew what they were being told.

Finkelstein and Birnbaum created a Frankenstein monster that found a new life on the internet. In that stew are the resentments for his assault on communism, and allegations that he’s a communist; anti-Jewish slurs and charges he’s a Nazi; and above all the old mix of European anti-Semitism.

If you search today for Soros, you will immediately find images of his head with octopus tentacles, another classic anti-Semitic motif. Even Netanyahu’s son Yair posted an anti-Semitic meme in 2017 showing Soros and reptilians controlling the world.


Craig said...


No, you didn’t supply proper evidence, mainly because your proposition was pretty ridiculous: … because he's a do-gooder rich banker of Jewish descent. But it exemplifies your typical over-the-top hyperbolic straw man statements.

You’d have to be omniscient to know that this is the reason for others’ “conspiracy theories” about Soros.

This whole “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” in Buzzfeed is just as ridiculous. Its premise is that two Jews concocted an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory”, which is in all actuality a ‘conspiracy theory’ against exactly ONE JEW named George Soros.
Let’s start with basics. By definition, an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” would be against ALL “Semites” (which can include non-Jews, e.g., in linguistics), in this case understood to be ALL Jews. Since the subject is Soros, might we better call it “anti-Soros”? Wouldn’t that be a better name for this supposed “conspiracy theory”?

You ended your comment, quoting Buzzfeed: Even Netanyahu’s son Yair posted an anti-Semitic meme in 2017 showing Soros and reptilians controlling the world

Now just pause and think about that for a minute. Once again, we have a Jew—Netanyahu’s son Yair—posting a meme about another Jew, Soros. How in the world can that meme in this context be construed as “anti-Semitic” when Yair himself is a “Semite”?

Here’s a much better explanation of the meme, in short. The octopus tentacles represent Soros figuratively having his hands (“tentacles”, because there are 4 times as many tentacles as human hands—effective hyperbole) all over the globe, affecting world affairs (such as shorting the British pound) in his endeavors towards globalism.

You wrote: your 3:24 post reads to me as though you blame Soros for his father figuring out how to hide him from the Nazi's posing as a Christian.

Another straw man. This is not about George Soros’ father or the younger Soros’ plight at that time. It’s about his REACTION to the situation then and later.

George Soros himself frames his actions as either “amoral” or “moral”. His reaction to the reporter’s questions here shows exactly NO REMORSE for his role in the deaths of others. That’s psychopathic. His business dealings are, well, ‘just business’, “amoral”. It matters not that he hurts real people—and even entire governments—and he can play by his own rules (skirting SEC, while claiming others must abide by SEC!).

To reiterate: Criticism of George Soros is NOT tantamount to “anti-Semitism”, anti-Semitism, or anti-Jewish sentiment. Criticizing one man is NOT necessarily tantamount to criticizing an entire group.

Anonymous said...

On my dad's side I'm Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, and Ashkenazi. Much of my mothers side of the family is Jewish. I live north of Jew York city. Non tribe semites should not fear criticizing Jews. They are the worst people, and some of them are the best of people! If you look at modern history, they are the gold standard for evil! They can't get along with each other. Many of them constantly argue, and fight with each other 24/7/365! The liberal ones express hatred, and contempt against conservative Jews in Israel. And of course vice versa.

Thank the Good Lord for Jews! If his grace covers them, it covers everyone!!!

Craig said...

See this fairly objective video on George Soros, posted 5 years ago:

15 Things You Didn't Know About George Soros

The final comment (in 15) about his desire to donate his estate to charity, the clue is in the further comment that “his wife and children will generously be taking care of [this charity]”. In other words, they will continue in Soros’ current ‘charitable work’. What might that be exactly? We can speculate, but it may not be too dissimilar to what was noted about the Clinton Foundation and Gates Foundation, as from my quote posted in Constance’s last blog post from the New Age source below (undated, but 2008 or ’09?):

The Christ, His Reappearance, and the Avatar of Synthesis
Joleen Dianne DuBois
White Mountain Education Association

… We are slowly seeing the influence of synthesis in the world and the disturbances it is causing; for example, the global financial crisis. Unity though is becoming more visible. We see these things through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the William J. Clinton Foundation, established by former President Clinton, former President Carter, and others. This union slowly will demonstrate; outer cleavages [will] be gone. Many are working for unity because the Avatar of Synthesis is opening the synthesizing centers in every human being. Those who oppose this idea of unity will be slowly eliminated from life’s arena.

What is the Avatar of Synthesis doing? He is trying to impress on humanity that the only salvation that humanity can have is through synthesis—through harmony, understanding, unity, brotherhood, and cooperation. He is on the mental plane and He is inspiring us.

If you carefully observe, you will recognize the writings of people who are in tune with the Avatar of Synthesis; those enlightened politicians, educators and psychologists, doctors, and scientists—they speak that language. They speak in terms of “unity.” You see it in groups, such as our group, the World Service Intergroup. But these groups are still in embryonic form.

One must also understand the above through the contextual lens of Alice Bailey’s conceptions re ‘advanced humanity’: these groups consist of those who’ve ‘expanded their consciousness’.

Anonymous said...

I live in a blue state where crime has increased dramatically. My city is not recognizable compared to 20 years ago. Lately we've had a noticeable increase in crime committed by women, either acting alone or in groups with no males involved. Burglary, knife attacks, stealing auto parts off from vehicles in owner's driveway and plenty of drug related crime are top crimes by women here. I don't know if it's a national problem yet, but something to watch.

Anonymous said...

Democrat run cities are overrun with criminals

Anonymous said...

Right on target, Craig, in your posts about Soros.
As you well know he has been a topic of discussion many times here over the years so it is well documented how far reaching his "tentacles" are spread across the world from before and since.

x doesn't skip a beat to defend and excuse every bit of globalism Soros and others are forcing upon the world. He might even be part of that agenda for all we know. He acts like an agent provocateur.

Anonymous said...

Travel Rage: Wigs Fly in Fight at Philly Airport Over Baggage Fees

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous! Another highly doubtful from Gateway Pundit.

Craig said...

Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni is the most popular head of State in Europe:

Italy's PM STUNS European Elite

She even quotes G. K. Chesterton—the bold below is the portion she selected:

“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”

Anonymous said...

Koch, Soros Operatives Host Secret Meeting To Plot Iran Nuke Deal Revival
Inside the activists' backroom plan to revive the Obama-era deal

Billionaire and Government Elites and their plans to undo us.

Anonymous said...

9:00 am

Because Soros played no role in the deaths of others, he merely survived an intolerable period of senseless deaths brought about by the inevitable result of a successful alt right nationalist fascist movement.

The fact Jews also use Soros as a bugaboo isn't surprising at all since he is and always has been a non-practicing Jew. There's also the fact that Soros has supported humanitarian efforts and liberal organizations in both Palestine AND Israeli and he doesn't toe the requirement that all Jews are somehow supposed to unconditionally support Israeli governments. Soros has compared Israel to Nazi Germany, amateurishly contending that the victim has become the victimizer. I don't pretend to know the extent of dislike or distrust between all these middle east factions, nations and political leaders with regards to Soros but it obviously isn't rooted in anti-Semeticism in their regard. I never said ALL criticism of Soros is automatically anti-Semetic.

Finally...that's not what the video said....they said he was donating NEARLY all his wealth ...meaning there was a portion remaining for his wife and family. The rest of your post is admitted "speculation". Lots of wealthy people die leaving foundations. The tax code incentivizes such (as it was designed by wealthy donors via Reagan's new tax code of 1986). Instead of 1/2 of their estate going to the federal til, they "donate" up to half of it, take charitable tax deductions today and set their kids up with charitable jobs in the foundation as well as the remaining estate for the rest of their lives.

It's what you'd probably do if you had that kind of wealth too.

Soros is more involved and the targets of his charitable giving more offensive to white nationalist and staunch conservatives everywhere ...which is open to criticism.

But HOW exactly does that really make him a monster or agent of the devil?

That video even talked about how badly he opposed George Bush winning a second term. Isn't that a position widely agreed upon among Maga republicans...that Bush was horrible, leading us into expensive unwise wars and represented the deep state more than any other president ever??

Soros lost billions trying to support Russia's currency when it was trying to escape it's totalitarian past and years later he ran in helf and offer humitarian support in Ukraine as Russia invaded. He's an ally of ours against Putin and Russia (another reason he's the subject of so many conspiracy theories --- Russian Trolls)

I'm not nominating the man for sainthood. There ARE reasons he's a good bugaboo as he's a self-admitted Godless heathen and a narcissist; but, then, so was Trump.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't the have to winsome and charming and loved by all. How does so many hating fit with that???

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