Thursday, February 24, 2022

Has World War III Begun? It looks ominously as it has. "Eve of Destruction" over and over again . . .

 Today is a very grave day in the history of our world.  Frankly, I wasn't as upset about the two Russian speaking territories in the Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk) -- the inhabitants of those regions appeared to be celebrating on Youtube clips I watched yesterday.  Inhabitants were walking in their city appearing perfectly relaxed -- or at least they gave that impression.  But, the full scale bombings, air strafing, and destruction that went into the rest of the Ukraine, including its Capitol city, Kiev, was clearly an exercise in barbarity of the worst sort.

My prayers are with all those adversely affected by these actions.  I'm also sharing with you an old Barry McGuire youtube video song -- Eve of Destruction,  It seems very pertinent today. 

I fear that this could well be the start of World War III.  Putin has threatened swift retaliation against any foreign power interfering with his invasion.  There are those inside Russia who were also horrified and bravely demonstrating against it.  I've been watching Al Jazeera's Youtube channel which has had fairly extensive coverage of the events.  Rich of Medford recommended it as a somewhat better source of relatively unbiased coverage.  There was reporting there that anti-war protestors in Russia had been arrested.

Often I have suspected we might be in the time of the Biblical seals of Revelation opening.  The 4th seal was the Rider on the Pale Horse.  Disease, fightings killings were shown there as taking many lives on Earth.  The pandemic has remained upon us with still many, many serious illnesses and deaths since early 2020.  New variants of that disease continue to appear.  Recently, it was announced there was a serious new and highly contagious variant plaguing Denmark.  All the other forms and variants quickly spread.  This one will probably do  so likewise here and abroad.

Such a sobering time and so many things happening.  We need to remember what time it is and to put our trust in the Lord.

Stay in prayer and stay tuned!



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Anonymous said...

There is an awful lot of women with 'man boobs'

Anonymous said...

Yawn at 5:52PM.

Anonymous said...

Divine feminine x at 6:30 PM is...collapsed.

Anonymous said...

To X at 6:30 PM

There are no 'Russian propaganda bots' here.

Do they pay well?

I figure that YOU would know what the going rate is for trolls. LOL

P.S. Just want to pass along some advice to you. Your phrase 'the divine feminine' is very New Age... and I KNOW that Mrs. Cumbey would NOT approve.

Anonymous said...

I saw where Russia spoke against Israel recently about holding the Golan saying they think it belongs to Syria.
I always watch Israel in the news.
It is God's prophetic timeclock.


Anonymous said...

I do find it just fascinating that an anti-Christian, child murderer and New Ager, that posts as X, trolls this tiny little blog incessantly.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that too, at 6:36 PM. X has no credibility, just arguments he can't win.

It's a pastime.

That, and his head is full of straw apparently, so that must be where all the strawmen come from.

Anonymous said...

Bombshell!!! Ukraine Press Release About Joe Biden! - Must See Video

(Follow the money and the corruption.)

Anonymous said...

The heretical Russian Orthodox Church was infiltrated and run by the KGB during the Soviet era. That is perhaps one big reason Putin, a former KGB boss, is so close to the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Kirill I. The Russians have used the Orthodox Church since Soviet times as an instrument of power and espionage and their ambitions, like Rome, have always been global. This unholy alliance between Church and State is easier to justify in Orthodoxy because in their theology, the Emperors - not the Popes or Patriarchs - were the representatives of Christ on earth. The Patriarchs were to be submissive to the will of the Byzantine Emperor, who resided in Constantinople - the new Rome.

Putin simply needs Ukraine, in its entirety, for her Grand New Rome Eurasian Strategy. They foresee an eternal world conflict between land and sea, and hence, the United States and Russia. In principle, Eurasia and the "motherland" (Russia), will be the eventual the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution.

J said...

Latin America’s Communist Axis Rallies Around Vladimir Putin

Anonymous said...

7:15 PM
Just halfway through the video and WoW.

Anonymous said...

6:51 pm

Yeah, I know. I don't approve of the divine feminine either.

The rise in the divine feminine is a shift from the biblical worldview to the occultic worldview.

To me it includes Mary worship.

Check out Spencer Smith

Third Adam 3: Rise of The Divine Feminine


J said...

I'm a Protestant, but I need to point out, that Ukrainians are mostly Orthodox Christians, too. I don't see the relevance to the war.

J said...

I would be interested in what Constance and Rich would have to say about Pat Robertson, who just said on the 700 Club today that God is compelling Putin to attack Ukraine. He believes God will next compel Putin to join with Turkey to attack Israel.

I recall reading something Constance wrote about Pat Robertson years ago, discerning that he wrote about New Age ideas dressed up in Christianized language in one of his books.

'God Is Getting Ready to Do Something Amazing': CBN Founder Pat Robertson on Russia and Prophecy

Anonymous said...

Tidbit of the day:
The word Nicolaitans is a compound word. Nico means 'power over" and laitans refers to the laity, or the people in the pews; the common people.
In the RC Church and in the Orthodox churches, the leadership has total power over the people, right down to how they are expected to think and talk.
The Pope is a NIcolaitan.
The Orthodox leaders, just like the leaders of the Sanhedrin in Jesus' time,(the ones who insisted that He be crucified), are and were Nicolaitans.
The Protestant denominations don't have this problem to anywhere near the degree as the others.
_Just in case anyone out there happens to be reading the Book of the Revelations of Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 8:37 PM.

I do happen to have read it recently.
And I think what I read there reads like the headline news more and more.

J said...

Rich and Constance, I just tried to search for Pat Robertson on this blog. Several posts came up. I couldn't click on the titles to go to the original blog articles. Instead the titles were linked to outside web sites.

For example, "What was Pat Robertson's Real Agenda?" links to

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cumbey is no fan of Pat Robertson...


J said...

Thank you, X. You know, you just said something similar to what Pat Robertson said on the 700 Club. You called Russia the land of Gog and Magog. Juxtaposed to the Gog and Magog reference, in the same post, you mentioned something about Putin pointing missiles at Israel from Syria.

Do you agree with Pat Robertson or not? Which is it?

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Constance and I have been discussing the Gog-Magog war and the various theological interpretations for its time frame. We both believe there is a strong possibility we may witnesses this in our lifetimes. I suspect Constance's response regarding Pat Robertson would be even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Anonymous said...


I don't anticipate it in my lifetime but maybe.

I believe Putin believes himself to be Gog whereas Magog includes all of the "stans" territories (the descendants of David) and the eventual effort against Israel will be a united army including Libya and many others in the middle east (Lands of Ham) closer to Israel that Putin has yet to conquer/assemble against God/Israel. (see Ezekiel 38)

We know Magog fails in the end but I think Putin will fail way before that. His country is in rebellion right now and a movement for true democracy is afoot there. I pray he does succeed and become the true Magog but realize, at some point (tomorrow or 1000 years from today), things are going to get worser and worser for us and that we are supposed to anticipate/observe such without fear. When things are bad...things are actually good.

Craig probably knows a lot more about this than me. But I agree with the poster above that mentioned watching Israel at all times for any clues and/or revelation of biblical prophecy.


Anonymous said...

Ukrainian MP: “We Are Fighting for the New World Order”

A Ukrainian member of parliament accidentally said the quiet part out loud when she told Fox News she was fighting for the New World Order.

Ukraine MP Kira Rudik used the term during a Fox segment where she admitted she and her fellow countrymen were engaged in a war to maintain the liberal global order.

“I’m not surprised,” Rudik responded. “We have been fighting Putin for the last eight years and we’ve had three revolutions in our country when we did not agree with what was going on with the direction of where we’re moving in; but right now it’s a critical time because we know that we not only fight for Ukraine, we fight for this New World Order for the Democratic countries.”

The Ukraine MP’s choice of words were not lost on social media users, who quickly latched on to the term as an admission the globalists have tremendous stake in controlling Ukraine and keeping Russia out.

Anonymous said...

Yes, trust X's discernment! LOL

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't trust Rich, or Constance's discernment anymore than X's. They give their opinions on politics/religion etc. And they are no more able to teach, or direct than Uncle Fester, and Grandmama

Anonymous said...

Dear J:

Back in the 1980s... I remember that Pat Robertson, in discussing the return of Jesus, clearly misinterpreted the words in Scripture: "ALL EYES SHALL SEE HIM"... to mean that the world would 'view' the Second Coming on television!!!

And I remember Constance making a valid argument... when she said something to the effect (don't remember her exact words)... that she was sure that Jesus would return 'IN the air' (not 'ON the air').

The point here is: Are we to expect that the poor people of Calcutta (for example) will be DENIED viewing the Second Coming... simply because they don't own a television set?

(So, I would take anything Pat Robertson says with a large grain of salt.)

Anonymous said...

A little upset over Q-ANON criticism 10:46 PM?

J said...

It's been said that truth is the first casualty of war. I'll be the first to admit I've been getting a little excitable. I've decided to take a step back lest I be manipulated in my excitement.

With every day of news, there is always another news cycle to follow. With every interpretation, there is always another interpretation.

But the book of Revelation still stands. Its words about Gog and Magog are very few.

Gog and Magog are said to surround a city without walls. Jerusalem has walls.

Before Gog and Magog surround the city without walls, Satan is let loose again for a little while.

What could loose mean? It is the opposite of bound. Allowing the Bible to interpret the Bible, Jesus said that when Satan is bound he can no longer deceive the nations. This is why the Apostles were able to spread the gospel.

A sign that Satan is unbound would be that nobody is being converted anymore. While conversions continue in the world, Satan being loosed can't be a sign of the times.

I'm an amateur, these are my thoughts, and I welcome other thoughts. I am particularly interested in anybody who can disagree with me, not with their opinion, but by letting the Bible interpret the Bible. I'm always trying to improve my comprehension of the Bible.

Anonymous said...

J - Here is a link to consider Hal Lindsey's teachings on the topic.

J said...

Thanks 7:41 AM. Respectfully, I have observed that Hal Lindsey has a record of failed predictions. The Old Testament said that you would know a false prophet by the simple fact that his predictions would not come true.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

firstly, Hal Lindsey wasn't claiming to hear from God or angels so was not a prophet. merely an interpreter of Scripture and a bad one at that.

Secondly, the devil isn't bound so much as crippled which is a kind of binding, but the full binding that happens AFTER THE SECOND COMING for a thousand years. There is not a millennial reign but a forever reign of Christ on earth. Everybody is not being converted and parnormal wierdness and occasional possession happen and much lesser prelests or deceptions, so clearly the devil is not fully bound.

It seems to me, J that you are reading Revelation a bit sloppily.

Gog Magog is NOT about Russia. That was from a mistranslation or misinterpretation that got taken up and repeated by Christian writers. Those are locations in what is now Turkey, which does not in itself prove the islamic antichrist theory.

Eastern Orthodoxy does NOT worship the divine feminine, we worship God (iaweh) The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Special honor is given to Mary. the "divine feminine" was dragged in by Soloviev (who got freaked out and perhaps repudiated this when a woman turned up supposedly the incarnation of same and wanted him. And a bishop (one of two) named Bulgakov. This is not Orthodoxy. Sophia means wisdom, and is often stated when the Gospels are to be read in The Holy Liturgy, other times the word wisdom is used. There was some other serious nonsense about satanic symbolism because of a skull at the base of an altar cross - that is the skull of Adam on which fell the Blood of Christ.

The comandment about not having "graven" images - graven means carved as in 3D as in statues, which lend themselves to delusion and so forth more easily than flat pictures do.

J said...

I invite everybody to look up the references to the devil being bound in the New Testament and see the way the Bible itself uses the word "bound."

The subject of North American futurist writers using words out of their linguistic meaning, history and context to suggest that Russia is Magog ... that ought to be discussed here.

J said...

Briefly, while Jesus was alive, He said that Satan was bound at that time. That was why he was able to cast out demons. The Apostles learned to their joy that He gave them authority to do the same.

Another reference to "bound" made it clear that it meant the nations could no longer be deceived. The context was about spreading the gospel.

It wasn't a "white magic" type of Wicca understanding. We should let the Bible interpret the Bible.

It's very easy to look it up.

J said...

Gary DeMar podcast discussing how the Bible is using the word "Rosh," a word that was pronounced and spelled in various ways in Semitic languages in the Middle East. He points out that there was no nation or people group named "Rosh" in the Bible.

Russia, Ukraine, and Ezekiel 38-39

Anonymous said...

Hal Lindsey is more on target than Christine's interpretation.

Revelation 20 blows her interpretation to pieces.

20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3 and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

Anonymous said...


Although the Ukrainian PEOPLE are Orthodox Christians... their government LEADERS have a New World Order goal and agenda.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian MP: We are fighting for the New World Order...

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like we (America & the world) are being 'played' folks... by the Globalists' controlled media.

The Deep State Woke the Sleeping Giant! Evil Is Embedded Globally!

The [DS]/fake news is pushing everything they have, but there is no war in Ukraine, Putin is removing the [DS] players. Globalism, marxism, communism is coming to an end. The [DS] woke the sleeping giant. Evil is not just here in the US, it is embedded globally. The [DS] players are panicking, they know if Ukraine falls their funding dries up and its the end for them. The US is the first domino to fall, the storm is coming.

Vladimir Putin vs The New World Order? Could this really be true? Here's proof that it is...

Anonymous said...

And y'all wonder where any qanon believers are here besides Rayb....just read 9:12 and 9:40 am

When a Ukrainian standing with their machine gun defending their apartment in a war zone says they're fighting for a new world order, they're talking about stopping the murderous expansionism of Putin and the continued freedom of ex-Soviet states. Not lizard people trying to turn frogs gay.

Putin believes himself to be the center of a new world order and leader of a one world "Domninionist" movement. Consider also his administration's commitments and personal investments in cultivating relationships with American Dominionists in "the family". He THINKS he's Magog - like. He also probably hopes for deep state smokescreen cover from qanon types he's spent years cultivating as well as opus dei and other dominionist leaders worldwide who seek chaos preceding a ecumenical religious take-over.


J said...

That's not an https link. It's not secured. Consider not clicking on it. Likely this same story is repeated elsewhere for those who want to read it.

J said...

This link. I didn't know X was posting at the same time as I was:

Not secure. Search for the story on a secure web site. I would bet it's not unique but will be repeated and amplified a lot in the coming days.

Anonymous said...

X's post is just as crazy. He sounds like Eric Jon Phelps.

Anonymous said...

J said...

X's red herrings continue to pile up as he juggles and drops them.

J said...

I was thinking that we need to go back and read Rich's post about the two extremes eventually eliminating the middle until they converge.

RayB said...

J @ 7:23 AM ...

I think you are on the right track. I think we all need to have a spirit of humility when it comes to assigning 'meaning' to Bible prophecy. Example: Gog & Magog. The Bible is silent when it comes to the specific identification of what Gog & Magog actually is. Back when Hal Lindsey wrote his incredibly popular "The Late, Great Planet Earth," I recall that, among many other items of prophetic interest, Lindsey assigned SPECIFIC meanings to Gog & Magog. I firmly believed then, and do now, that he was committing what the Bible warns us against, and that is private interpretation. Where the Bible is silent, we should be silent. All else results in speculation.

Just something to consider in reference to Satan being "bound." In the parable of the Sower and the Seeds, Jesus went on and explained its meaning to the disciples:

"The sower soweth the word."

"And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts." - Mark 4:14,15

Of course, this is clearly stating that Satan has the power to literally remove the word, (which is necessary for the PROCESS leading to salvation), from their hearts. IMO, the "hearts" here is referring to those of the non-elect.

Also, regarding Satan's power over un-regenerated mankind:

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

In meekness instructing those that OPPOSE themselves; IF God peradventure WILL GIVE THEM REPENTANCE TO THE ACKNOWLEDGING OF THE TRUTH;


Obviously, the above are referring to INDIVIDUALS, whereas the reference to Satan being bound is regarding his being "bound" in such a way as to not being able to "deceive nations." What exactly does this mean? In what way is he not deceiving nations? Is it referring to some degree of limitation?

One more thought; over my Christian life span, I have come in contact with a number of different cults, both organizational, and, individuals. ALL cults have a peculiar thing in common; they put a great deal of emphasis on their own peculiar interpretations of end times prophecy, and use their dogmatic 'interpretations' in order to snare their victims. There is something about the nature of fallen man that seems to be obsessed with the "future events." They know this to be true, and use their 'prophecy' bait in order to catch their victims.

I've known people that are obsessed over prophecy, and have been for years. They've seen every "Left Behind" movie, bought all of the books, and even after their favorite prophecy authors have been proven almost completely wrong (Hal Lindsey for one), they continue to spout off about their 'latest interpretation.'

IMO, Christians need to pay far more attention to the rest of the Bible that deals with how we are to live our lives righteously, and, honorably, for Christ, learn doctrines that are clearly stated, learn how to "defend the faith that was once delivered unto the saints," etc. Speculation on the meaning of often vague references to prophetic events, particularly in the book of Revelation (which is replete with symbolic language and meaning), is, IMO, a very slippery slope.

Anonymous said...


Going back to our boring discussing about oil wells a while back (with regards to politics, gas prices and not global warming - assuming you care at all but I didn't know this)

I wasn't aware how important new wells are. That the first & second year a well is drilled and put into service are its most productive years and the production rates dramatically diminish after that depending on the field. These rates can vary tremendously. In year two conventional oil well production drops around 50% and another 30% in year two. Shale wells and horizontal drilling do not diminish as fast but they have kept diminishing faster than the oil industry anticipated (which caused further asset valuation and consolidation pressures in the oil industry aside from politics in 2017-2019). What this means is even cutting back on oil still means you have to drill some new wells every year or production will drop off a cliff.
With war breaking out, I'd anticipate "emergency measures" authorizing even more new drilling leases as barrel prices increase and Russia is pushed out of our allies oil markets and US big oil sees the opportunity to cash in on another global crisis. Democrat politicians will likely be more motivated to curb inflation than cut back emissions. I'd also anticipate no cooperation from Republicants who aren't interested in curbing inflation right now.

Life After 5: How Tight-Oil Wells Grow Old

Excerpt: "Tight-oil production in the US set new records in 2019, but the banner year ended with an important caveat: more than two-thirds of crude production from shale plays flowed from wells drilled in the past 2 years. The figure reflects the fast-paced life of horizontal wells while also highlighting that older assets are not contributing as originally expected.

Wells brought online since the start of 2019 represented 45% of total US tight-oil production—3.5 million B/D out of an all-time high 7.74 million B/D. As more late-year production data flows in, the 2019 wells might represent closer to 50% of the total, according to information from ShaleProfile Analytics, a firm that aggregates public data from US oil and gas regulators. Another 25%, or about 1.9 million B/D, came from wells that started producing in 2018."

For a longer history of oil drilling permits issued back to the year 2001 see...


Constance Cumbey said...

My friend Grant Sutton of New Zealand has expressed many of his fears to me vis a vis Elon Musk and some of them I sjare == JPWEVER. Elon Musk did do something very nice and critical for Ukraine which we should all applaus: He opened his Satellite link to them so that Russia could not cut off their broad band coverage and they could communicate and use their cell phones, computers. He was very modest about it, but it has do doubt saved probably thousands of Ukrainian lives and frustrated Russia's plans for immediate conquest.

For this action, thank you, Elon Musk! We should all pray for him that God will guide him correctly in his other areas of genius so that they will be used for good and not evil control.


Constance Cumbey said...

Rich of Medford (Richard Peterson) and I have had some long discussions about current events and how they may be a prelude to the Ezekiel 38 prophecies re an invader from the North occupying the Holy Land and meeting their Waterloo there. Bears watching.


Anonymous said...

Satan was bound for a time when Jesus was alive. You said: "That was why he was able to cast out demons." I don't think that was why. Bound or not, it was because Jesus spoke God's Word in it's power to cast out demons. When Jesus was fasting in the wilderness for 40 days the tempter was answered, how? in Matt 4: But he answered, “It is written,

“ ‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”
An inLuke 4:10-13 ESV
for it is written, “‘He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,’ and “‘On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’” And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’” And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.

In the original Greek "devil left him" was in the historic present tense. This indicates that the devil had not left for good and would later return to further tempt Jesus. Luke 4:13 makes this explicit stating that the devil left only to await a more opportune time.

The opportune time that came later was Gethsemane. The devil picked a most opportune time to come roaring back didn't he? Jesus is God, but in a human body for that time by then the cross was looming in front of Him, and as the Son of Man, He had to endure that most difficult of all temptations, again Jesus, given to the Father's Will, spoke to His Father that His Will be done for Jesus the Logos, was there to fulfill every bit of what God had said. God gave Him the overcoming power to go to the cross and say "it is finished" in our behalf...praise the Lord.

In the interim Jesus had "bound" (restrained) the devil by quoting God's Word. God created the world by His Word, and the devil is also a created being but Jesus - God - was not created, so His Word (that endures forever) had, still has the power--He restrained the devil for a time of God's purpose and choosing.
We have that same opportunity to trust God's Word and let that very power change us and our circumstances according to God's will.
Being bound happened to the devil by spiritual power and there comes a time when the devil will be bound by his body and his spirit for a 1000 years when Christ is reigning as the Prince of Peace here on the earth. Before that, Satan will be no longer be kept back (restrained) by Michael the archangel and the angel forces, but rather be unleashed when he enters the "man of sin" to "finish the transgression" and the world system as we know it now will be dealt with by Jesus, Who comes as Revelation 19 expressly says He will return.

Glad you brought this up, J. Is becoming increasingly amazing to ponder these days.

J said...

12:03 PM,

Thank you for your thoughts. One thing I had in mind was the Parable of the Strong Man.

You've brought up a number of things that are worth discussion.

In the context, I was limiting my study to the word "bound" and how it is used, so I can consider what the word "loose" should be taken to mean.

Anonymous said...

A more historical and strategic analysis of Moscow's intent with Ukraine

He answers why, perhaps, Putin is creating pretenses and invading all of Ukraine versus "liberating" just the break-away lands.

Besides oil discoveries in Ukraine and protection from oil competition in Europe motivating Putin, there is an interesting take nearer the end of this video indicating this to be one of the first water wars. To some degree, whether a result of climate change or just natural weather cycles, there has been extreme drought in the Crimean Penisula and Ukraine has shut down the old USSR waterworks that had previously provided almost all the fresh water to the peninsula resulting in a water crisis costing Russia billions of dollars to support Crimea. Reopening those canals requires invasion of Ukraine and control of the river. (On Feb 26 - the same day this video was released Russian invasion forces blasted the Ukrainian dam blocking these canals see -

Why Russia is Invading Ukraine

J said...

RayB 11:34 AM,

I agree with you, but I'm not certain if we're talking about exactly the same thing.

I think we Christians tend to neglect the significance of the transition from Old Covenant to New Covenant. This was taking place during the New Testament. The Apostles lived during this time of transition.

The nations besides Israel had not known God and that was the case until after the New Covenant. Israel adopted some people from other nations, so individuals from other nations were able to join if they chose to.

We take it for granted that the gospel may now be preached to all the nations that before had been deceived by Satan.

I'm really just trying to say something very simple and basic. It's just that we take it for granted.

I'm just looking at the Bible verses that say make Satan's binding equivalent with the nations no longer being deceived.

I'm just considering what the Bible does and does not say when it uses the words about binding Satan. It doesn't really have anything to do with Calvinism in my mind.

I didn't take it to mean that individuals of any nation could not still be tempted and did not still need individual salvation.

I took it to mean that Paul could bring the gospel to the Gentiles, along with other people he taught and led.

I'm sure my understanding needs some more work. But I was not trying to undermine Calvinism, and I'm not naive about Calvinism vs. Arminianism.

J said...

All I'm saying is that it might behoove us to understand exactly what binding and loosing mean Biblically. Revelation specifically states that before the battle of Gog and Magog take place, Satan is "loosed for a little season." Loosed is the opposite of bound. Let the Bible tell us what it means by "bound." Loosed would then be the opposite of whatever we determine "bound" means.

Anonymous said...

12:38 PM @ J (I'm 12:03 PM)

I am very much appreciating your thoughts and diligence to keep going back and back again to the Word and leave the "isms" - good ones or not as good (and no one but God has it all fully and correctly understood yet) - out of the mix so the Word Itself can speak.
Good on ya, sister.
I also appreciate RayB's take many times. While I'm at it also Craig.
And paul's wise words are missed since he rarely posts now.
Much to ponder....with our Bibles open and our minds surrendered to the Spirit of the Lord, our Teacher, Counselor, Helper.
He will supply our lack in these times so hard to witness and understand, and give us what we need to keep on keepin' on..
Iron sharpens iron--such a good thing!

J said...

12:58 PM,

Thank you, your encouragement means a lot. Yes, indeed. Iron sharpens iron.

Anonymous said...

How does Revelation 20:6 and Ezekiel 38:23 square up? Ezekiel says that the nations shall know that God is the Lord. Since Jesus is already ruling during the millennium in Revelation 20, wouldn't the earth already know that?

Anonymous said...

That is needs exploring, and I want to understand that more too, but does it mean that during the 1000 year earthly reign of Jesus, Who will reign with a rod of iron, and of course be here as the Lord-there will be no denying that, but even with the devil bound in that 1000 year time frame, men still have sinful natures and will have to learn to give up their will to know the the Lord as we have had to learn that surrender to know Him as Lord??
Won't they will still need faith to believe, still need to see their own sinfulness to repent and learn to obey Him? Every human soul has a freewill. It will be their opportunity to surrender themselves in faith in their lifetime and the test for them (since they will live long long lives compared to our "120 year limitations") will be when Satan is released again, unbound, to see if their faith is saving faith or not, with the same consequences, good or bad depending on who has their allegiance.
When Jesus was on the earth before men believed Him, men denied Him, that was the question then, as is the question of our own allegiance to the Lord (or not) today, that being their time to choose.

Maybe I have this in the ballpark, maybe missing something, but maybe others can clarify?

Anonymous said...

It's refreshing to see a billionaire like Elon, put himself, and his wealth at stake, to save lives. Indeed pray for his protection, and guidance etc.

Anonymous said...

and salvation (Elon Musk is not a believer...yet)


Anonymous said...

How about instead of worrying about how Blacks feel and worshiping Homos here, why not prepare in case Putin sends an EMP on America? If it happens, it's lights out FOREVER.
I hear the Ruskies have bunkers for their people.

What about us?

Anonymous said...

I am NOT a Q-Anon follower!!!

However, what seems to be getting LOST in the pro-Ukraine sympathy is the fact that.Globalists like Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and George Soros have 'special interests' in Ukraine.

AND Ukraine has become a base for money laundering and human trafficking.

AND the Globalists CONTROL the narrative of the mainstream news media...and the SPIN that the world 'hears' 24/7 is never objective.


Please check out this article below...

UKRAINE: Globalist Deep State Cabal are staging this entire story... erasing evidence of their corruption ie human trafficking, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering schemes.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: We all need to pray, pray, pray!!!

Only God sees 'the big picture'... we humans are very limited.

Let go; let God.

Anonymous said...

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board

Even as the omicron variant loosens its grip on the world, destinations continue to require travelers to show proof of vaccination. And, increasingly, a paper CDC vaccination card is not cutting it.

While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights.

And very soon, at least four more states will be rolling out access to SMART Health Cards. “We've seen a notable uptick in states that have officially launched public portals where individuals can get verifiable vaccination credentials in the form of SMART Health Cards with a QR code,” says Dr. Brian Anderson, co-founder of the VCI and chief digital health physician at MITRE.

Anonymous said...

My prayer here on this blog...

Dear Heavenly Father: As the days, weeks and months go by... please give each of us the wisdom to understand and interpret world events correctly... according to YOUR will (not ours).


Anonymous said...

The shots are not because the Military Medical Industrial Complex cares about people. It is because the MMIC serves the devil , and they serve him faithfully. It's to kill you. Either through compliance, or because of your disobedience.

Chose wisely. If your compliant now, you will probably be compliant when it will cost you horrifically.

Anonymous said...

Breaking: Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws

Nearly $9 million in Zuckerberg grant funds directed solely to five Democratic strongholds in Wisconsin violated the state’s election code’s prohibition on bribery. That conclusion represents but one of the many troubling findings detailed in the report submitted today by a state-appointed special counsel to the Wisconsin Assembly.

Anonymous said...

One realistic concern here in the U.S. is CYBER WARFARE.

How to survive a cyber attack TAKEDOWN of America

With the covid narrative having collapsed — and with vaccines now widely rejected by the informed public — the next phase of the globalist war is escalating to a planned “lights out” scenario. This will involve deep state-run cyber attacks on financial institutions, telecommunications and the power grid, all to be blamed on Russia.

J said...

Very significant if true: "Ukrainian authorities had been tipped off about the plot by members of Russia's Federal Security Service who do not support the war, he added."

Zelensky assassination plot foiled, Ukrainian authorities say

Anonymous said...

Bombshell! Ukraine Press Release About Joe Biden! - Must Video

J said...

This is good news. I hope these kids are treated well by the Ukrainians.

Some Russian troops are surrendering to Ukrainian forces without a fight as morale drops, US defense official says

J said...

Remember BRICS? (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

In Ukraine response, Asia struggles to balance relations with U.S., Russia, China

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Backs Neutral View on Russia Invading Ukraine

Why is South Africa not condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

J said...

17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech

J said...

China warns US of 'heavy price' for backing Taiwan's independence as Biden's defence team lands in Taipei

Anonymous said...

Thank you J.

J said...

You're welcome, 8:07 AM.

The WEF wants WW III, a hot war with nuclear powers, with high chances of the use of nukes?

The ‘Crying Journalist’ Demanding Boris Drags Britain to War is a Biden-Linked World Economic Forum Global Leader.

She's not a journalist, she's an activist for the same interests who started the conflict in 2014.

Anonymous said...

8:52 AM @ J

One really has to be careful of what is coming out as "news".
Agendas are in a free flow and we need not knee jerk to these types.
I saw that article also and thought "they're coming out of the woodwork to get the globalist's show on the road"...and these circumstances, some staged, but some also really off the radar, are going to prove useful for TPTB to implement extreme measures upon everyone to "fix" this giant mess.

Thanks for posting that link. As much exposure as possible on the "players" attempting to keep pumping out their narrative is needed because they deserve to be shown up as the liars and opportunists they are.

Anonymous said...

What a freaky reaction. That ole bag is seen enjoying the thought of what our troops are needlessly put through.

And no mention of the sacrifice of 13 of our troops who died in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan....

Freaks, liars, and sickos have the stage right now.

Come Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Klaus Schwab intends to hideout when the nuclear bombs start to fly?

Constance Cumbey said...

Re Ketanji Jackson Brown:

I think some of the criticisms here of her are unfair and probably even racist. I had my own apprehensions initially, however, having learned of her academic past and family history, I do not have them now. She is a relative by marriage to former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan who has only kind words to say about her. He is unquestionably pro-life and quite frankly, his endorsement of her is good enough for me. She clearly is not a white-hating black racist as she is long time and happily married to a white physician and they have children who would obviously be bi-racial. I have ran into reverse racism in my life and one form of it is no better than the other form of white racism. I'm convinced she would be a fair jurist.


Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constance Cumbey said...

Through their marriage, during which they’ve welcomed two daughters together, Judge Jackson has a distant relation to Paul Ryan. Patrick Jackson is the twin brother of former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s brother-in-law William Jackson. When Judge Jackson was nominated to the district court in 2012, Ryan commended her publicly. “Our politics may differ, but my praise for Ketanji’s intellect, for her character, for her integrity is unequivocal,” he said, as reported by ABC News. “She’s an amazing person, and I favorably recommend her consideration. We’re family, by marriage.”



Constance Cumbey said...

The preceding quote from the Washington Post may be found at

Anonymous said...

They contracted COVID more than a year ago. How 4 SC residents are fighting lasting effects

J said...

Constance 11:03,

With respect but also with dismay, I disagree.

I value the legacy of your life work, but you are at this point undermining it yourself, and it makes me feel disappointed.

RayB said...

Constance @ 11:03 AM ...

Amazing, revealing post. Did X somehow hijack Constance's screen name and write this? Or, is this the real Constance?

Constance basically states that if you criticize Justice Jackson, you are doing so "probably" because you are a "racist."

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who is "pro-life," had "only kind words" to say about Judge Brown, and that folks, is "good enough" for Constance !

Constance ignores the fact that the Judge herself is VERY Pro-Abortion (i.e., the legal protection granted to those that want to murder innocent life in the womb), is VERY much favorably biased towards the evil LGBTQ+ Agenda, believes the U. S. Constitution is a "living, breathing document," nice way of saying that she denies the ORIGINAL INTENT of the Framers, making it open to whimsical, leftist interpretations, etc.

Make sure you understand this: Biden would have NEVER chosen a nominee that did not reflect his own, and the Democrat Party's, positions. Paul Ryan or no Paul Ryan, you can take that one to the proverbial bank.

Anonymous said...

The war phase of the plandemic will usher in a global financial reset

We are now being told that in order to stop Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine, all cryptocurrency must be swept under the control of central governments.

Because decentralized cryptocurrency is a threat to the global central banking cartel, the globalists appear to have launched another false flag operation to create a reason for seizing control of the crypto-sphere.

At best, they are capitalizing on another foreign war to push the goals and agendas of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which wants all cash to go away and for everyone to be forced into a new digital paradigm.

Neil Parmenter, president and CEO of the Canadian Bankers Association, says the new system being ushered in as you are reading this will do away with all paper and coin money, credit cards and identification cards.

“Under the Great Reset, your entire financial portfolio will be controlled by the central bank and your assets relegated to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that can be turned off in a split second by the tyrannical regime you dare to criticize,” warns Matt Agorist from Activist Post.
Federal Reserve governor calls for cashless society
The Canadian government’s recent seizure of cryptocurrency wallets tied to the Freedom Convoy trucker protest was just a trial run for this new paradigm.

Justin Trudeau, invoking Canada’s Emergencies Act in order to do it, called on the state to cut off all payment transfers from identified wallets linked to the protests. This went on for a short time before Trudeau ultimately revoked the act.

Now, just a few weeks later, Putin has invaded Ukraine and the global mafia “elite” are calling for the entire world’s crypto wallets to be “regulated” in order to stop Putin from receiving monetary support.

“We just witnessed Canada seize the assets of its citizens for peaceful protest, and now they are pushing a new system in which the state and central banks literally control everything,” Agorist says. “And it’s spreading – to America.”

Earlier this month, Federal Reserve Board Governor Lael Brainerd laid out that central bank’s plans moving forward:

“It is essential that policymakers, including the Federal Reserve, plan for the future of the payment system and consider the full range of possible options to bring forward the potential benefits of new technologies, while safeguarding stability,” Brainard said in remarks he prepared for the U.S Monetary Policy Forum in New York.

“A U.S. CBDC may be one potential way to ensure that people around the world who use the dollar can continue to rely on the strength and safety of U.S. currency to transact and conduct business in the digital financial system.”


Anonymous said...

To RayB at 12:42 PM
Re: "Did X somehow hijack Constance's screen name and write this? Or, is this the real Constance?"


I absolutely AGREE with you, Ray B.

The very latest posts by Constance do not 'sound' like her normal way of expressing herself... or her writing style.

To whom it may concern: Where is OUR Constance and what have you done with her?

Anonymous said...

When I read this post from Constance at 11:38 AM yesterday...

Re: "My friend Grant Sutton of New Zealand has expressed many of his fears to me vis a vis Elon Musk and some of them I sjare == JPWEVER. Elon Musk did do something very nice and critical for Ukraine which we should all applaus: He opened his Satellite link to them so that Russia could not cut off their broad band coverage and they could communicate and use their cell phones, computers. He was very modest about it, but it has do doubt saved probably thousands of Ukrainian lives and frustrated Russia's plans for immediate conquest."


I couldn't help but wonder if this was really posted by OUR Constance... because it's very unlike her to have mistakes like this in her posts.

J said...

It wouldn't hurt for somebody to call her up and ask her. "What have you done with her" wouldn't have been my thought. My first thought would have been that somebody guessed her Blogger password.

Anonymous said...


"What have you done with her" was just my attempt at sarcasm... like "Blink twice if you need help", etc.

Since Constance wrote the DEFINITIVE books exposing the New Age Movement... her screen name could be vulnerable to being hijacked.

RayB said...

Regarding whether or not these posts were really Constance's ... Rich could very easily clear this up, because he has a lot of contact with her.

How about it Rich?

Anonymous said...

It looks like her fingers may have been on the wrong keys. "I share, however". Move your right index finger onto the k key. sjare & jpwever.

RayB said...

Bombshell Study — Pfizer Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA…

"The messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA, according to Swedish researchers at Lund University."

"The researchers found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it triggers the cell’s DNA, which is inside the nucleus, to increase the production of the LINE-1 gene expression to make mRNA."

"The mRNA then leaves the nucleus and enters the cell’s cytoplasm, where it translates into LINE-1 protein. A segment of the protein called the open reading frame-1, or ORF-1, then goes back into the nucleus, where it attaches to the vaccine’s mRNA and reverse transcribes into spike DNA."

Read more by going here:

Anonymous said...

The Deep State Woke the Sleeping Giant! Evil Is Embedded Globally! US Is the First Domino!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 2:02 PM
Re: "It looks like her fingers may have been on the wrong keys."


While I agree that may be the case... 'OUR' Constance would normally proofread her comment before posting it.

(We all make errors from time to time... but, not SEVERAL within one paragraph.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rich... please contact Constance for us.

Thank you!

RayB said...

Was it the real Constance, or, the "X Constance" that called all Trump supporters
"Q-Anon Cult" members that were following a false Christ?

Please clear this up Rich.

Anonymous said...

There have been some real about face moves by Constance of the last little while now.

I understand some differences among conservatives in operatives and methods, but not in focus and I do not understand an about face. It's duplicitous to say one thing, declaring one's stance as Christian, and then cast it aside to put yourself politically behind those who are going completely the opposite direction in their policy making and practice, away from a Bible worldview.

Going along with a Biden pick for the Supreme Court, obviously a real progressive liberal and questionable with the Constitution, who is already guilty of overreach on more than one occasion no less--called out as such--and overturned, is very concerning when we consider the stands Constance had always maintained that represented her Christian worldview.
She does sound like a lot more like "X". What a slippery slope.
Not to mention that Paul Ryan, himself, was so duplicitous to help the other side of the aisle gain much liberal progressive momentum during his tenure, because was betraying the right continually with his milk-toast way to govern. His legacy is having participated in, and set the stage for, throwing away our freedoms he had in the past, upheld. When he and Romney teamed up I was appalled at the gruesome twosome those two swamp rats were. There was no way I could vote for them.
I haven't lost respect for Constance, but I am sure that for a while now I have not felt she has been following a good compass, and this only confirms what I, and others of you, are seeing, too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To 2:42 PM
Re: "There have been some real about face moves by Constance of the last little while now."

It's just that I miss the 'old' Constance... who always shared her wisdom here on the blog... and was the 'calm' in the middle of any storm.

Anonymous said...

RayB said: "Constance ignores the fact that the Judge herself...believes the U. S. Constitution is a "living, breathing document," nice way of saying that she denies the ORIGINAL INTENT of the Framers, making it open to whimsical, leftist interpretations, etc."

So do you. You continue to support those that accomplished your whimsical rightist interpretations of the Constitutions like the Republican activist justices (and their presidential appointors) that came up with Roe V Wade in 1973 as part of a right to privacy gleaned from the original text under the term "liberty" in a series of "privacy" cases dating back years as well as the rights whimsical decisions granting gay marriage and defining corporations as persons (thereby giving corporations the right to free speech and unfettered political donations).

Unless you think states should be allowed to discriminate against women or that they can outlaw interracial marriage, shut down private schools, forbid homeshooling and you think all birth control, even for married couples, can be state regulated or even fully denied and many other court decisions that went beyond the letters of the US Constitution including the wide expansion of gun rights, freedom of speech beyond just persons, how and who anyone can have sexual relations within your own home, etc. then you are also NOT an "originalist".

Everyone is a living’s just a question of whether they admit it.


p.s.- I'm just glad Judge Jackson isn't another roman catholic beholden to the pope. Unlike Mrs. Cumbey, I'm actually troubled by her relation to Paul Ryan who IS roman catholic and was long suspected of having ties to opus dei. I can't say for sure she isn't opus dei as many Harvard graduate students are fast-tracked to leadership opportunities orchestrated by opus dei. But I'm rest assured because I see insurrectionist and opus dei member Josh Hawley is adamantly opposed to Judge Jackson and opus dei cancun boy Ted Cruz (who went to Law School with Judge Jackson where if she were opus dei they would have joined the cult together yet he also opposed her) so she's probably not all bad.

Anonymous said...

Abortion, Gay Marriage, Citizens United are republican-controlled supreme court decisions.

7 of 9 Justices were baptized roman catholic and 6 of those have apparent ties to the roman catholic opus dei cult that doesn't care one bit about abortion as much as they care about power, money and destabilizing American institutions and Protestantism (the western way of life).

6 of 9 Justices are Republican and Republicans have controlled the US Supreme Court since the 1950's.

If you oppose abortion like I do personally, until the US Supreme reverse Roe V Wade, the blood of every abortion remains on the hands of republicans. They already have the votes to reverse it and simply don't/won't.

You, as with many protestant leaders, have been hoodwinked into a mystical ecumenical new age unchristian roman catholic movement to destroy America.

They've even got you thinking Putin is on your team.


p.s. - The current US Supreme Court MAY reverse roe v wade in the next couple years as they come to see that the single issue voters aren't responding any longer to such fake pro-life propaganda anymore and they (opus dei) are losing their grip on power. Loss of power is the only thing they seem to care about or understand. Take it away and they MAY actually do something about all the babies being murdered in the US. They may also do it to further promote class warfare and chaos. The pope is in charge so we'll just have to wait and see what the anti-christ decides.

Anonymous said...

x, again, you like to divide. It takes two to do the tango.

Moderate on the fence compromised republicans and liberal (and now more than ever socialist) democrats are a match made in hell. Voila.

You also like to resurrect incomplete history so the "facts" you present generally don't have the context (half-truth and sometimes not even that) to fully make you point---which is usually only meant to reflect your extreme BIAS.
And many times while you want to talk "tango" your really doing the "cha cha".
Get your damn act together will ya? You clown yourself with your half-baked "information" and fully whacked attitude. This is not kindergarten as you do your drama queen act here relentlessly.

So you are not really interested in the truth--just your spin on it...and why your credibility is basically zilch.

I think you need to get a real life.

Anonymous said...

"while you want to talk "tango" your really doing the "cha cha"."

Excuse me it's you're not your.

Nonetheless, and on second thought, you're trying to dance the hokey pokey. The cha cha is too complicated for you.

Anonymous said...

Several months ago I stated here that Constance, and X, are not far apart. I repeated that several times, and stand by it.

Iv been reading posts here for at least 20 YEARS, and there is no "old Constance". She has not changed in any way.

She lost at least one valuable contributor here many years ago when she stated that Muslims worship the same God as Christians.

Same Constance , left wing religionist.

RayB said...

We've all been played folks. Some fell for it, thankfully, others didn't.

Check this short, but revealing video out:


Anonymous said...

Do you know the difference between Ukrainians and Republicans?

Ukrainians DEFEND their Capital.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 8:22 PM
Re: "Do you know the difference between Ukrainians and Republicans? Ukrainians DEFEND their Capital."


YES... especially when those Ukrainian LEADERS are linked to powerful Deep State Globalists like Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros... who have been using Ukraine as their base of operations for money laundering!!! Yes, they better defend Ukraine... because there is a LOT at stake here!!!

Anonymous said...


ULRAINE: Globalist Deep State Cabal Are Staging This Entire Story. Erasing Evidence Of Their Corruption ie Human Trafficking, Arms Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering Schemes.

This is all Biden and the Democrats doing. They're provoking Russia with NATO. How would we respond if Communist China was at our border with Canada? Then imagine if Communist China was planning to install ballistic missiles at our Canadian border that could easily be exchanged for nuclear warheads? Wouldn't you consider that a threat to our nation? Well, we would have moved our forces to the border with Canada in defense of any unwarranted provocation. This is all being staged to cover something bigger up in Ukraine by the Commie globalists usurping our government right now. All of the deep state players have ties with the corruption in Ukraine to funnel money, drugs, weapons, and human trafficking. Even Iran has ties to this same corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine.

I mean come on, Biden's Secretary of State is Blinken who has been good friends with Ghislaine Maxwell since childhood. Blinken's step-father was Ghislaine Maxwell's wealthy father's attorney and confidant. Hence, Human trafficking cabal being protected.

"Blinken family history is troubling. His stepfather Samuel Pisar was the lawyer and very close friend of Robert Maxwell, the Mossad agent/Russian mafia associate who is the father of Ghislaine Maxwell. Pisar was also Jeffrey Epstein's liaison to France."

Remember Epstein’s pimp Jean-Luc Brunel was just found supposedly committed suicide in a prison in France.

CIA deep state cabal are wiping data clean. Deep state covering their tracks. Erasing evidence of corruption. Human trafficking, arms trafficking, drug trafficking.

The Communist globalist deep state cabal are staging this entire story. They are provoking Russia with NATO at their border. It's all theatre. The media are co-conspirators too. Watch the Live Feed from Kiev cam at the bottom of this post. (emphasis mine)

J said...

12:27 AM,

The corrupt elite are in every country.

It seems to me that nobody cares very much about Epstein unless they can blame the partisan opposition side and score points.

We have lost our simplicity. We want to be on the side of the correct politics, the correct discernment of the true conspiracy, the correct foreign policy, the winning media talking points for that side, etc.

We are nothing like our Protestant founding ancestors. They weren't primarily occupied with "fighting" by "trolling." In colonial America, Epstein would have been publicly shamed and then run out of town for doing .001% of what he did in Palm Springs. Nobody would have cared which political party the rhetorical fallout would help.

That's one reason why the Ukrainian people fascinate me. I'm not used to white Western socially conservative people who are simple. Well, I guess they're not Western. They're Eastern European.

The Middle Eastern converts to Christianity likewise fascinate me for a similar reason.

No doubt I can learn from them as well as anybody else can.

None of this means I want a hot war between nuclear powers.

J said...

P.S. It's sad that the choice of the Ukrainians is to either become a vassal of Putin or of the EU.

But as Christians in our hearts we don't need to be vassals of either one. Who do we serve?

In the time of the Apostles Jerusalem was a vassal of the Roman Empire. The early Christians did not join in the battle to fight the Roman armies that surrounded Jerusalem. Instead they left Jerusalem before being trapped.

The ones who stayed and fought were following another messiah. And many years later Jews in Israel followed another false messiah and were slaughtered again in the Bar Kokhba Revolt.

The Christians who left Jerusalem rather than staying and fighting had a bona fide prophecy. They knew what to do. They didn't have to wonder. They were told. They were warned clearly. They were led.

Can we say the same? If not, shouldn't we be prioritizing the instructions that are found throughout the Bible, rather than trying to conform our behavior to guess work about the last book of the Bible?

The big issue during the time of the Apostles was believing that Jesus really was the son of God. Not only that, but choosing Him instead of the wealth bound up with the corrupt temple, through which lots of money flowed. Even some of those who knew who He was rejected Him because they didn't want his form of salvation. They wanted a Messiah who would help them fight Rome.

I don't believe in heretical full preterism. I believe Jesus will return bodily at an undisclosed time. I believe in a final judgement. I believe Jesus wants us to love the truth. But when the word "truth" is used in the Bible, remember that Jesus said, "I am the way, the life and the truth."

But there is not truth to be found in the news cycles. There are facts. There are narratives. There are selective spectrums of data.

There isn't one good media empire and one evil media empire. There are only various choices of manipulative media empires.

Anonymous said...

To J at 7:15 AM

With all due respect...

While the 'corrupt elite may be in every country'... it should be of MAJOR concern to the American people that some of those 'elite' (like former President Obama, current President Biden, former Secretary of State Clinton) have their base of operations (money laundering) in UKRAINE!!!

AND...there should also be MAJOR concern that former President Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein once had a very CLOSE relationship (with countless trips on Epstein's private plane to and from Epstein's private island (known as 'Lolita Island') in the Caribbean... along with the possible LINK (co-mingling?) of any Clinton Foundation funds with Jeffrey Epstein's funds.

AND... let's not confuse the beautiful ordinary PEOPLE of Ukraine with their LEADERS... any more than we, the American people should be judged by OUR own 'leaders'... since the PEOPLE don't 'sign up' for WAR, do they?

AND... finally, since the Global Elite CONTROL the mainstream news media's narrative 24/7, we need to take a closer, hard cold look at the possible reasons WHY these particular 'elite' want Putin to stay the hell out of their business!!!

AND... this IS the business of the American people and the world.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful world we would live in (just think, NO WARS!!!)... if every human being would follow the teachings of Jesus: "TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF"!!!

Oh well... we can always dream, can't we?

Anonymous said...

During His 33 years spent living on Earth, it is believed that the only time the apostles saw Jesus get angry was when he threw the money changers out of the temple in Jerusalem.

John 2:13-16
13 And the pasch of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14 And he found in the temple them that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting.
15 And when he had made, as it were, a scourge of little cords, he drove them all out of the temple, the sheep also and the oxen, and the money of the changers he poured out, and the tables he overthrew.
16 And to them that sold doves he said: Take these things hence, and make not the house of my Father a house of traffic.

Anonymous said...

The back of the U.S. dollar bill depicts the ONE God the U.S. government serves. It isn't the God of the bible.

The world's central banks run the militaries, industries, and governments of the whole planet.

Anonymous said...

Santa Klaus is coming.

Anonymous said...

10:13 AM

And is the reason for the Ukraine boondoogle.

Price being paid by the regular people, there...and here, and the world over, so the elites can play Santa Klaus.

There was a diplomatic way to take care of this but elites don't make their money or gain power that way.
Their games are just getting started...
Anti-Christ will be waiting to enter stage left before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Severe economic sanctions against Russia will END the dollar as the global reserve currency...

Must see video:

Anonymous said...

The goal and agenda of this war between Russia and Ukraine may be THE GREAT RESET!!!

Anonymous said...

QAnon's Deadly Price: Church-loving surf instructor Matthew Taylor Coleman fell into online conspiracy theories, then allegedly admitted to killing his kids to save the world. How did no one see it coming?


"This is the wreckage that Santa Barbara, California, surf instructor Matthew Taylor Coleman, the father of these two children, admitted to leaving behind in one of the most inexplicable and gruesome crimes in recent memory. Coleman, 40, was a staple of his community, an evangelical Christian who ran a surfing school and tutored Spanish, the kind of person who was known to comfort those who’d lost their own children. But when he was arrested at the U.S.-Mexico border just hours after the bodies were found, another side of him emerged. According to a federal criminal complaint, Coleman told an FBI agent he’d recently been “enlightened” by QAnon — the satanic panic that helped fuel the January 6th insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. His children, he said, had “serpent DNA” they’d inherited from his wife, and he was “saving the world from monsters.”

Coleman has since pleaded not guilty to two counts of foreign first-degree murder, setting up the deaths of these two children — and the basis for Coleman’s beliefs — to the scrutiny of prosecutors and internet conspiracy theorists alike. Already, online trolls have sought to undermine the story about Coleman’s history as a false flag, a planted piece of fake news by the powers that be to discredit a movement. But deeper concerns lay ahead. A third of Americans had once been open to believing that cabals of devil-worshipping elites, aided by “deep state” government officials, steal children and kill them for their blood, the basis of QAnon’s belief system — that has some eerie similarities to the crimes Coleman stands accused of.

Now, looming over Coleman’s prosecution is a bigger question of QAnon’s place in the American political order. Has the U.S. populace drifted so far from reality that QAnon is just another ideology, and Coleman was a true Q believer fully in command of his faculties? Or would only the criminally insane believe in the conspiracy so deeply that they’d act on it?"...

...Still, Coleman is a case study in how enmeshed QAnon has become into the fabric of American life during the pandemic — and how it can be more insidious than other kinds of conspiracies. “QAnon is really interesting because it serves as a master conspiracy-theory belief into which lots of other beliefs can feed,” says Philip Corlett, an associate professor at Yale University’s Department of Psychology, and an expert on paranoia and conspiracy theories. The conspiracy’s adherents easily incorporate related theories, like the anti-Semitic belief that elites are secretly lizard people from space, or that 9/11 was an inside job, because of how wide-ranging they are, he says. It’s also spurred a growing number of murders. Earlier this year, one Kentucky woman allegedly killed a man who was giving her legal advice, after believing he had joined forces with the government in a custody battle; in 2020, a Q-obsessed Staten Island man was charged with killing a reputed Gambino-family crime boss to reportedly “save the American way of life.” And in a case that more closely resembles Coleman’s, one California mother admitted to drowning her three children because she felt powerless to stop them from being sex-trafficking victims....

In the wake of the killings, there has been a sense of reckoning, with pastors at some of the more conservative churches coming out in force against QAnon. “It’s a betrayal of God’s goodness, and God’s hope, and God’s hope for families,” Pastor Tommy Schneider of the Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara said in a sermon after Coleman was arrested."

Anonymous said...

To 12:44 PM

Thanks for the update (since most of us here do NOT keep up with Q-Anon).

Speaking of conspiracy theories...

Now, that people are DYING from various reactions to that covid 'vaccine' (according to FUNERAL HOMES all over the world!!!)... no one seems to be in any hurry to get that BOOSTER shot, do they? Although many may be too proud to admit it... there are regrets.

Do you know what the difference is between many so-called conspiracy theories and REALITY?


Anonymous said...

Yeah... but I'm sure all of those Funeral Directors all over the world are just bat s--t crazy conspiracy theorists!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

You mean like these Funeral Directors in DeathSantis's Florida just a couple months ago.

Florida’s Funeral Directors Are Working 24/7 Because of COVID-19

*Florida has one of the worst coronavirus death rates in the US and the death care industry is being pushed to the limit. Funeral homes across the state are working around the clock and bringing in freezer trucks just to keep up with the demand.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:44 PM and 2:00 PM

Somebody is sca-wwed of the boogyman again!

Distract distract distract, fingers in your ears, to keep from hearing good news ;)

You are a scream morbid troll x ;)

Keep these antics up and the paddywagon will come for you..

Anonymous said...

There are crazies everywhere.
Pray for them and move. Next!
Poster at 12:44 and 2:00 PM needs constant crazy to keep his drama level at fever pitch.
Attention whores need that kind of attention..has no life otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 3:02 PM (he needs prayers and possibly an exorcist)...

The anonymous poster at 12:44 & 2:00 PM is full of crazy and drama.

If he is still sound 'asleep' that the Globalist-controlled news media is LYING to the American people, he is NOT 'normal' in any way, shape or form.

(Hey, maybe he's a shape-shifter. LOL)

Anonymous said...

When Melinda Gates realized her marriage 'just wasn't healthy'...

Melinda Gates told host Gayle King. “There just came a point in time where there was enough there where I realized it just wasn’t healthy, and I couldn’t trust what we had.”

However, French Gates acknowledged that her ex-husband’s connection to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein was a point of contention in their relationship.

“I did not like that he’d had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, no,” she said. “I made that clear to him. ... [Epstein] was abhorrent. He was evil personified. I had nightmares about it afterward.”

Epstein died by suicide in 2019 while awaiting trial on charges of sex trafficking underage girls. When contacted by CBS ahead of his ex-wife’s interview, Gates released a statement in which he called his ties to Epstein “a mistake that I regret deeply” and “a substantial error in judgement.”

Watch the “CBS This Morning” interview here...

Anonymous said...

“ Epstein died by suicide in 2019”


RayB said...


Did you ever get a chance to talk to Constance regarding the posts that were made in her name?

Was it really her, or, was it an imposter?

Anonymous said...

I figured Rayb and all the others here still neck-deep in the multitude of Q conspiracies, such as "The Big Lie" 2020 election, child sex trafficking in Ukraine and all the anti-vaxx disinformation among others might benefit from reading the story of someone that got out of Qanon. Not all of you have parents still around to help deprogram you, but try to lean on and into other family members as you extract yourself from the grip of new age belief.

Escape from QAnon: How Jan. 6 changed one person’s path
Unlike so many fellow conspiracy theorists, Justin would ultimately crawl out of the dark place his own mind had taken him. His first steps began at the U.S. Capitol.


"QAnon is often spoken of as a political conspiracy theory, but for Justin it wasn’t really about Trump. And while the core conspiracy theories that underpin the QAnon movement are inherently antisemitic and violent — a modern blood libel and the promise of public executions — many followers consider themselves part of a peaceful movement. Justin leaned toward this softer side of the QAnon spectrum, known for its Yoga moms, anti-vaccine proponents and New Agey adherents, which focuses on a spiritual awakening."

By 2020, Justin was seeing conspiracies everywhere. QAnon is an umbrella conspiracy theory, one that covers a host of disjointed theories, and Justin entertained them all.

Part of what he called private study — known in the QAnon world as “doing your own research” — was collecting screenshots of memes, posts from Q, and analysis from image board sites he found mainly through Twitter and Facebook. Hundreds of images in a folder on his computer acted as evidence for beliefs that included the illuminati, the deep state, Covid as a bioweapon, false flags and election rigging, just to name a few."

What Justin did reject early on is the blanket distrust that QAnon engenders.

“I don’t believe that the world is part of one big conspiracy anymore,” Justin said. “One of the key tenets of the Q narrative was that the world is this evil place where everyone at the top is coordinating to bring the downfall of humanity. I no longer subscribe to that.”

A year after he stood at the Capitol steps, Justin has moved back into his parents’ home in Massachusetts. He doesn’t watch the news, stays off Twitter, is going to weekly therapy sessions and is trying to imagine his place in this new world. He’s interested in media literacy and thinks maybe his experience falling down the QAnon rabbit hole could somehow help others."

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich.

Someone asked you a question

Anonymous said...

And this moron thinks he's qualified to be President?

First, he bullies children and attempts to override parental prerogatives by demanding such students take off their masks among his group of murderous unvaccinated politicians and staff.

'Stop bullying kids': Students, parents respond to Gov. DeSantis telling students to take off their

Then he denigrates one of our longest-lasting strategic allies who assisted us in our victory over King George as well as Hitler....

DeSantis sparks outrage by suggesting France would not resist Russian invasion


Anonymous said...

Jesus said: Woe to you through whom offenses some.
That would be you, x.
You picked the wrong mission field.
No one here is fixated on Qanon--but you are.
DeSantis is an epic leader and stands with parents and children who have been abused by those who did the abusing of this nation--that's your tribe. Florida is doing great under his guidance. Parents that let the system abuse their kids are abusers themselves.

You are a walking, talking, violation of all things decent and moral, because you trust and enable murderers, because you trust in evil people and practices (guilty at the very least by association). Being on the wrong side of the Bible has made you a source of confusion, of offences, of lies you believe from your master, Satan.

Anonymous said...

The person who keeps writing about Q-Anon must be 'our resident Q-Anon follower' here.

He or she seems obsessed... and keeps trying to 'explain' what Q-Anon is. Meanwhile, the rest of us don't CARE!!!

It must be LONELY for you... that you can't find anyone who is 'on the same page' with you.

I'm sure there is a Q-Anon blog out there somewhere, where you can find a home.

Anonymous said...

8:34 PM,

And that woke joke, X, needs us ;) ......

Anonymous said...

Florida Governor DeSantis for President in 2024!!!

(May God and His angels continue to protect him.)

Anonymous said...

Those are exactly the things a new age qanon cult idealogue would say.


Anonymous said...

Says the marXist globalist idealogue at 9:03 PM..

Anonymous said...

Shocking study finds covid vaccines REWRITE your DNA… criminal CDC proven to have repeatedly LIED about this very issue to deceive and harm the public

As The Epoch Times and other media outlets reported yesterday, a shocking new study conducted at Lund University in Sweden has confirmed that mRNA nanoparticles from Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine enter human cells and are reverse-transcripted into DNA, achieving a permanent alteration of the person’s genetic code.

This is something that the CDC lied about for the last several years, claiming it was impossible.

The study is published in the journal Molecular Biology. It’s entitled, “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line.”

The study concludes that, “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after BNT162b2 exposure.”

This means the vaccine alters your genetic code in mere hours after being injected. This may help explain why cancer rates are exploding in people who take covid vaccines. The integrity of their DNA is being destroyed.

It is also yet more proof that the mRNA particles from the vaccine do, indeed, circulate throughout the body and don’t stay restricted to the injection site. That’s another lie told to the world by the CDC, Big Tech and the pharma-funded corporate media which has been caught in lie after lie when it comes to covid origins and vaccine safety.

The CDC continues to lie and deceive the public about mRNA vaccines altering your DNA.

March 3, 2022...

RayB said...

Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? 60,000+ ILLEGAL ALIENS are crossing our southern border PER MONTH. Yet ...

Biden Wants $10 BILLION to Protect Ukraine’s Border After Spending $6 MILLION Every Day to NOT Build U.S.-Mexico Border Wall

PS: This country has been taken over by a band of dangerous psychopaths! Our land is cursed. IMO, our destruction is close, because our foundations have been removed and cast to the wind. We are now reaping the whirlwind !

RayB said...

Anon @ 9:35 PM ...

"It is far easier to fool someone, than it is to convince someone that they have been fooled."

How many MILLIONS of people put their FULL faith and trust in the GOVERNMENT and ended up taking the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine'? And did so for a 'virus' that has a 99.7% survival rate !

Amazing, isn't it?

RayB said...

George Soros Helped Zelensky Become President of Ukraine Through Massive Propaganda Campaign — Now He Backs Puppet Regime He Installed

NOTE: Kind of strange, don't you think, that ALL of the Globalist Elites are backing their puppet President Zelensky?

Also, did you know that as an actor and comedian prior to becoming President, Zelensky was VERY involved in promoting the LGBTQ+ Agenda, and he did so on his TV show? Did you know that Zelensky himself portrayed himself as a homosexual on his show? If the Mainstream Media is your news source, you wouldn't know that, just as you wouldn't have guessed that George Soros is a Zelensky backer and enabler.

Anonymous said...

To X at 9:03 PM
Re: "Those are exactly the things a new age qanon cult idealogue would say."


Well, X... since YOU are the 'expert' (more like OBSESSED with all things Q-Anon), what does this say about YOU???

The rest of us don't FOLLOW Q-Anon; are not interested; and don't care!!!

You just can't seem to wrap your SMALL brain around the fact that individuals here have their OWN opinions and thoughts... based on doing exhaustive research on particular issues.

For exaample, it has taken many of us nearly 2 years to connect all of the dots on the dangers of the covid vaccines. It's been a slow learning process... and an often isolating experience (with close relatives and friends we care about getting vaccinated). This is PROOF that studying these issues is certainly NOT being part of any 'cult' (regardless of YOUR wishful thinking). Life would have been much easier to go along with the majority.

Your attempt to place each person on this blog in a 'box' (a category) is laughable. Based on your very narrow thinking... you probably think that ALL Democrats are Communists or BLM... and ALL Republicans are Nazis or racists.

GROW UP, X... and, while you're at it, please get a LIFE (for your sake anyway).

RayB said...


Have you had any communication with Constance regarding her posts above?

Was her screen name hijacked, or, are these really her posts?

I'm sure we all would appreciate some clarification.

Anonymous said...

Yes RayB, "And did so for a 'virus' that has a 99.7% survival rate !"

And with the link I posted we know they did so they could easily manipulate and steal an election, and the many further controls that the Democrat socialists (with RINO help) had "designed" for the nation. TPTB are on a roll in a many pronged approach.

Thanks for the posts. Soros is happy for the Ukraine morass, he wants us preoccupied, not to try to actually stop this war because Biden (at his behest as with other globalists) is doing many things to keep it going, by the media coverage to make it sound like aid and support from his administration, while he works to continue to shut us down in this country, and sends in Kommie-la Harris there, of all people. As he continues to cripple to shut down our energy sector while he is still buying Russian and Iranian oil--money and power still extended to them and totally destabilize us. He is doing all he can right this moment to help "de dollar" the world economy--ruin our energy supply--to tank us--as someone aptly said it---paving the way because "Santa Klaus is coming". All very devious and timely isn't it?

So what will be done to reverse all these terrible things?
The NWO is here.

Anonymous said...

More Qanon anti-vax nonsense from surfer girl, Jessica Rose who is affiliated with James Lyons-Weiler's new age anti-vaccine "Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge".

... "Let’s just say that neither Rose’s cited study from Lund University in Sweden about the supposed reverse transcription of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA-based vaccine into the DNA of human cells nor the study by Ambati et al about MSH3 homology support these hysterical claims."

The return of the revenge of “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines permanently alter your DNA” and “lab leak”: Claims that COVID-19 vaccines “permanently alter your DNA” or that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a lab were resurrected last week based on two dubious studies. No matter how many times you think these myths have been debunked, they always come back for another installment of the same misinformation franchise.

February 28, 2022

Anonymous said...

False Flags are REAL / the U.S. has a long history of lying to start wars


Who is Volodymyr Zelenskyy?

He's the slapstick comedian with the physicality of a young Dudley Moore. He's the much-loved actor in a hit show about a teacher who becomes president. He's the Ukrainian voice of Paddington Bear in the recent movie series.

And now he's playing the role of a lifetime as president of his country, leading the nation with a certain dogged resolve in the face of the Russian invasion.


Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy[a] (Ukrainian: Володимир Олександрович Зеленський, pronounced [woloˈdɪmɪr olekˈsɑndrowɪdʒ zeˈlɛnʲsʲkɪj]; born 25 January 1978) is a Ukrainian politician, former actor and comedian who is the sixth and current president of Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Anti-VAX nonsense"...

You mean... like people DYING all over the world from 'vaccine' INJURIES (since it was never designed to 'protect' anyone in the first place)???

(Sounds like someone has already 'altered' YOUR DNA... or maybe just removed your brain.)

Anonymous said...


More things a new age qanon’er would say.

There is no evidence that “cancer rates are exploding” due to covid vaccinations.


Anonymous said...

Evidently, X believes FUNERAL DIRECTORS all over the world are Q-Anon conspiracy nuts.

Who would have ever suspected a funeral director??? LOL

Anonymous said...

The more X posts his wild and crazy theories...

The more X reveals about HIMSELF (and it's not pretty).

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous (alias 'X'?) at 7:08 PM
Re: "I figured Rayb and all the others here still neck-deep in the multitude of Q conspiracies... Not all of you have parents still around to help deprogram you, but try to lean on other family members as you extract yourself from the grip of new age belief"


Thank you so much for your 'concern'... but sadly, we have legitimate concerns that certain 'family members' (who have been vaccinated 3 times, plus taken the booster shot) MAY NOT BE AROUND FOR US TO 'LEAN ON' IN THE FUTURE DUE TO VARIOUS COVID 'VACCINE' INJURIES!!!

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I have no reason to believe Constance's blogger account has been hijacked.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Rich. That's good to hear!!!

J said...

I don't know what I'm doing here anymore. I disagree with Constance almost all the time now. I have to wonder if she has decided to place her nearly complete trust in any and every Republican who has spoken out against Trump. This is the only reason I can think of why she would support Biden's supreme court nominee solely on the basis of Paul Ryan's endorsement.

But I appreciate that the blog archives are available for research. Constance's previous research about Pat Robertson was helpful to me. Good fruit doesn't come from a bad tree. I don't believe him that Putin will fulfill the prophecies in Ezekiel or that Russia is the land of Magog.

Israel's enemies had to attack from the north historically. Even Babylon, located to the east, attacked from the north. It's due to the terrain.

The Old Testament prophets, when they said "north" were talking about the direction of attack, not the enemy's place of origin.

Some of Ezekiel prophecies could potentially have been fulfilled in the Book of Esther. There's a case to be made for it, but it's inconclusive.

I'm going to take another long break from the blog comments section.

For the record, I don't mind the other side of the story being told, even in disagreement with me. It's good to resist being overpowered by wartime emotion and propaganda. You will be vilified for it. But you already knew that.

Anonymous said...

J at 10:11 AM,

Same struggle here.
And here and there disagreeing is not even the issue because we can count on that to be the case in all these many topics discussed here. We have found much more to agree on than not...
...but the direction Constance is heading lately has me somewhat baffled because the things she is saying anymore seem to have a certain spite attached to them, and I feel it very much skews her perspective. Some compromises with those who are definitely steering everything the wrong direction.
Her old archives have been so good-and I have recommended them for others, but I can't honestly say I want to recommend this blog anymore.

Do touch base here and there as you are a good commenter. You bring to this blog some fresh air when you post. I feel like dropping back too. (and X is another issue because of his non-stop toxicity).

RayB said...

J @ 10:11 AM & Anon @ 11:09 AM ...

My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand the upset at Mrs. Cumbey...

She indicated she had reservations about Judge Jackson. Mrs. Cumbey didn't vote for Biden but Biden won and is our God-given leader right now. Biden nominated Judge Jackson. Mrs. Cumbey did not indicate Judge Jackson was HER choice for nomination or her preferred Judge. Mrs. Cumbey just indicated that if Paul Ryan thought highly of her, that was good enough for her to be OK with this nomination. She probably understands the appointment process better than you all...that's all. She has no patience for simply trying to score political points by going after Judge Jackson who should have little problem getting confirmed.

Mrs. Cumbey also has more discernment than many here. As a lawyer she likely knows that Judges can surprise you and change sides, or vote for or against the rights of individuals or even fetuses no matter what side of the aisle they come from. Once they are on the bench, they are (supposedly) independents.

Remember, Roe v. Wade was decided in a 7-to-2 vote by a court with a 6-to-3 Republican majority; five of the six Republican appointees voted to legalize abortion. By 1992, pro-life presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush had appointed five justices, giving the Republicans an 8-to-1 advantage, and the lone Democratic appointee, Byron White, was one of two justices who voted against the Roe decision. If ever Roe v. Wade was going to be overturned, this was the time. But when Planned Parenthood v. Casey came before the court that year, it not only failed to overturn Roe v. Wade, but also outlawed restrictions that put an “undue burden” on women seeking abortions.

I don't anticipate this opus dei roman catholic dominated court will actually overturn roe v. wade. They may surprise me; however, I would still not concede they did so for any other purposes than political power and to further the destruction of Protestant institutions. Republican leaders and justices don't actually care about aborted babies (that's not saying Democrat leaders DO - only that there is no political difference between the leadership of both parties on the issue).

It's worth the lives of babies; but, imagine how overturning roe v wade might unite the new age "divine feminine" cults.


Anonymous said...

Why have Republican leaders failed to achieve the reversal of Roe v. Wade

Because they do not really want to?

This is the most plausible explanation.

Republicans in power have been remarkably good at realizing their top priorities: cutting taxes for corporations and the elite, increasing military spending, cutting food stamps and other safety-net programs, eliminating limits on election spending by corporations, gerrymandering and limiting the rights of minority voters, gutting environmental protection laws, maintaining a preferential option for nationalism over refugees and immigrants, supporting the easy availability of assault weapons, keeping health care a largely private and for-profit industry, greenlighting the Contras, the Iraq War, Afghanistan war, torture, the death penalty and a host of other policies that run counter to Christian teaching. On ending abortion, however—arguably their main selling point to religious voters—they have been strangely ineffectual.

Do the Republicans really want Roe v. Wade to be overturned, thus sending the issue back to the states, where it will be debated in political hand-to-hand combat? I doubt it. What they really want is votes. If Republicans can get them from pro-life voters without having to deliver anything substantial in return, what incentive do they have to rock the boat?

Thus -- IF they actually do get it done this year, probably after losing more at's because Biden and democrats won and they feel now incentivized to "rock the boat". In my estimation, a vote this fall for republicans will likely hurt the chances roe v wade gets overturned.


Anonymous said...


You may be interested to read this criticism of Dr. Prassad's analysis of masks we discussed several weeks ago. The author points out some of the same criticisms I think I espoused about Prassad's video. It doesn't matter all that much anymore due to omicrons' extreme contagiousness and mildness for the vaccinated; but, it's good to be critical of even our favored information providers.

Dr. Vinay Prasad: “Public Health’s (Mis)Truth Problem”
Dr. Vinay Prasad continues to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the government response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

February 27, 2022


"Prasad’s commentary gives the impression of a powerful entity either implementing a hidden agenda designed to control our every move or bungling every decision. You know what I’m afraid of? Choking to death over days or weeks in the hospital without getting a chance to say goodbye to my family. Did that fear originate from the government or big Pharma? No, it came from working in a hospital and talking with physicians who take care of patients with COVID-19."


Constance Cumbey said...

For the record: "Natural News" is an obviously New Age oriented website.


Anonymous said...

Well, it is hard for you to understand much, x, since you are extremely biased, downright prejudiced, hard-hearted, and blinded by deep resentments apparently, unable to do any true critical thinking so you have zero capacity to see any other angle, and a total phony to say you are after truth when you deny it here openly and hope we won't notice your right hand has no idea what your left one is doing. Your right brain and left brain need a long and deep chat.
Your dots don't connect.
Are you on bipolar meds? Maybe you should double up on your dosage.
Show me where just one of your dots connect and we'll have a discussion. But that won't happen because thus far you are the conversation killer around here, like none other.
And, of course, you're too proud to admit that and step back for a review of why.

You hate like a nazi and your worldview is decidedly new age marXist globalist. You vote like it and defend all those indefensibles that hallmark your allegiance to the globalism gods of the age.
You can't pretend your way out of it.

You, yourself, reflect what is exactly wrong with both sides of the aisle running this country into the ground and part of the global blight against your fellowman. So toxic and uncivil you are an overachiever as a one man plague of disinformation and disorder both.

Constance Cumbey said...

I don't always agree with "x", but I just read his 1:27 post and mnd most of that I do concur with.


J said...

X can be 75% coherent once in a while. Pray for him to have a true conversion. Thanks for the books and the archives.

Anonymous said...

We don't disagree with it that much either Constance but that he forever and only blames one side--never calls out the abuses of the left is undeniable BIAS so he hates-and I mean hates the rest of us when we do.

RayB said...

The Pfizer Vaccine Only Has 1,291 Side Effects!

"A judge forced the FDA to release Pfizer's clinical data and it's worse than you can possibly imagine"

"Hiding out in one appendix is the clinical data for Pfizer’s vaccine — which lists 1,291 adverse side effects in alphabetical order. Let’s give you just the bad things that can happen to people who took the Pfizer vaccine that start with the letter “a” to enjoy:"

Go here to see the complete list !

RayB said...

Constance strikes again. This time, she labels "Natural News" as an "obviously New Age oriented web site."

Hey Constance, why don't you give us some SPECIFIC details as to why you have concluded that this site is NEW AGE ??? Use this as a teaching moment ... we're all willing to learn.

RayB said...

I noticed that in Constance's post @ 2:10 PM that she offered no humble apology for LABELING those on this blog of being "probably racist" for merely voicing their concern over the PRO-ABORTION nominee to the USSC, Judge Brown-Jackson.

Also, IMO, why I believe people of Constance's ilk do not REALLY believe that killing babies in the womb is MURDER. Allow me to illustrate this point:

Let's just say that a nominee to the USSC happened to have a history, and that history included the nominee's ongoing support for the *KKK. While not being a member, the nominee nevertheless fully supports the "values" of the KKK. Now along comes a well known, 'anti KKK politician' that steadfastly declares nothing but "kind words" for the pro-KKK nominee and even goes so far as to "vouch for their character."

In such a case, what would Constance's reaction be? Would she PUBLICLY declare her support for the pro-KKK nominee? We ALL know the answer to this question; Constance would be dead set against this nominee, and would be quite vocal about it! But, if MURDERING babies is the issue ... well, let's not be too judgmental here.

Think about this; 3,000 babies ... THREE THOUSAND BABIES ... are MURDERED 'legally' in this country every single day. Regardless of the eventual outcome as to whether or not Roe v Wade is EVER overturned, the Christian's duty is to ALWAYS stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH against EVIL, regardless of whether or not there is a positive outcome. To do anything else makes one complicit in this evil.

While ignoring the record of Judge Jackson, and, by TRUSTING the highly dubious 'word' of a POLITICIAN as the "character" of this Judge is NOT STANDING AGAINST EVIL. It is making one complicit. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

* Even worse, imagine the nominee being a "Trump supporter" or "Q-Anon cult member,"
or a New Ager.

RayB said...

J @ 2:30 PM ...

Very, very well put ...

"X CAN be 75% coherent ONCE IN AWHILE." ROFL !

Anonymous said...

Dear J:

I think that many of us here on this blog share your frustrations. It's very sad what is happening here.

Whether we are discussing the war in Ukraine or covid 'vaccines'... we are comforted in the knowledge that God sees 'the big picture'... and that HE is still very much in charge.

Meanwhile... all we can do is TRY and 'connect the dots' in a search for the TRUTH.

It is very CLEAR that the mainstream news media is being CONTROLLED and doesn't ALLOW the masses to hear the whole story. So, we are left to do our own research to try and find answers. More often than not... the alternative media fills in those 'missing pieces of the puzzle'... while our own government suppresses the TRUTH about what is really going on.

And then to have someone say: "Oh, you can't trust that website, etc." Well, since we can't trust the mainstream news media either... exactly what options do we have left?

Anonymous said...

Well RayB...

Perhaps Mrs. Cumbey is aware you did criticize Biden for saying he was going to fulfill his campaign promise and nominate a black woman for US Supreme Court should the opportunity arise whereas you didn't criticize Trump for saying he intended to seat a woman to replace RBG a few years ago.

The word "black" was the only difference between the two.

You've also linked articles and shared information here from the white nationalist and Putin-loving website on several occasions, you've persistently posted and shared random articles of black crime as if to characterize all blacks as monsters, criminals and less than, and/or perhaps Mrs. Cumbey has seen you incessantly criticize and lump anyone sympathetic or vaguely supportive of BLM into one generic supposedly unamerican basket.

I know I've noticed that.


p.s. - All nine supreme court justices were vaccinated against Covid-19 last March and the cases they heard (or denied hearing) seem to indicate they didn't believe anything about "the big lie" had any merit either so it doesn't look like qanon has too much support on the high court. None of them are MAGA either except maybe Clarence Thomas's wife. Leonard Leo and his Opus Dei friends just used Trump.

Anonymous said...


What is beyond IRONIC to me is that we all KNOW that you yourself have been called a 'conspiracy theorist' 40+ years ago... while doing your own research for your best selling books "The Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow" and "A Planned Deception." (And weren't these 'tactics' used by New Agers to try and shut you down?)

Yet, as we sincerely dig deeper to try and uncover the TRUTH and obtain answers about events happening in the world today (which directly affect our family members and ourselves!)... WHY are you not provding leadership and support to those of us who have posted here on this blog for many years?

This makes me feel very sad and disappointed.

Anonymous said...

4:38 PM thank you.

You said it--what is the difference between a New Age site that has some material that can be regarded as true (if you are doing your homework you can know this), while other material from the same source is not at all reliable and can be proven as such, because we have the very same issue with mainstream media where we encounter this also, some good information, and a lot is not. We have to educate ourselves to think critically and discern the difference don't we?
As I recall, Constance defended herself against Dorothy who was upset at her for participating at a site that Dorothy felt had antisemitic persons/material there (though Constance is certainly not) but Constance maintained that that site needed the material she could bring to it in spite of that, to counter that. She did not think Dorothy criticizing her was fair. I didn't either, but now Constance is doing what Dorothy did?

So why is Constance discrediting certain places for information in such a petty, picayune, way yet gives a pass to other sources that need just as much checking for verification?
I'm sorry, this may be her blog, but she needs to sit back and work through that if she is going to maintain the integrity this blog has had in the past but appears to be losing at this rate.

Her rushes to judgment with very broad negative brushes are highlighting how petty she may be becoming since she doesn't do this fairly, not using better discernment to regard other sources (often reflecting progressive views) as critically.
Lately she been taking decided aim turning friendly fire on so many of her readers.
She was so gracious before...sadly this has changed.

Anonymous said...

Trump was carrying water for Russia/Putin way back in 2016 while republican delegates were devising the 2016 Republican Party Election Platform, Trump's singular priority was seeing to it that providing arms to Ukraine was deprioritized. It's also probably why he tried to recall all our troops from overseas just prior to leaving office in January 2021. I think Putin owned Trump.

From 2016:

Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine

(Sorry it's a cache link I'm not a Washington Post subscriber)


"The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has been dismissive of calls for supporting the Ukraine government as it fights an ongoing Russian-led intervention. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, worked as a lobbyist for the Russian-backed former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych for more than a decade.

Still, Republican delegates at last week’s national security committee platform meeting in Cleveland were surprised when the Trump campaign orchestrated a set of events to make sure that the GOP would not pledge to give Ukraine the weapons it has been asking for from the United States"


p.s. - If you believe the singular new age conspiracy is powerful enough to control, to some extent, numerous long-standing journalistic institutions (mainstream media), wouldn't setting up fake political & religious disinformation websites really be comparitively easy? At least the mainstream media has to pretend most of the time to relay facts that are factchecked and accurate. Alt-right media does not likewise pretend at all. They are largely, deliberately and opaqualy set out to report and twist facts and disinformation based upon an unbiblical ideology (blindly supporting a political party).

Solution: read more Bible and when you do read media avoid sticking to silos. When you only read one side, the algorithms will ensure that's all you'll get thereafter as the software attempts to keeps your attention. Further...cable news is much MORE biased than print.

Anonymous said...

Typical Biden--50 yr career of not getting anything right---like ever.
Jonathan Turley is taking issue with that, as man versed in law, should be.

"X" it is your racism showing here...again.

RayB said...

Notice what Constance said regarding X @ 2:10 PM:

"I don't ALWAYS agree with "x", but I just read his 1:27 post and mnd most of that I do concur with.

Notice that Constance DID NOT say "I SELDOM agree with "X," which is a world of difference!

X is, by far, the most demonstrably, outlandish liar I have ever encountered in my life, yet Constance meekly states that she doesn't "ALWAYS agree with X."

Incredible, absolutely incredible.

Anonymous said...

"I think Putin owned Trump."

x, I think satan owns you.

"Solution: read more Bible and when you do read media avoid sticking to silos."

Your solution is to read it yourself and then obey it, turning away from your worldy gods and "lean not on your own understanding" because you are led repeatedly to bow your knees to your own stuck places.

I don't see how you could possibly be more phony than you are right here, right now, in this moment of life. I once gave you some credit that you could humble yourself. Those days are gone.

Do you not hear your ridiculous self preaching to others what you, yourself, have no intention of doing?

Anonymous said...

As TOUGH as Constance has been over the past 40 years ~ in standing up to, and debating New Agers ~ a little known fact is that she appears to have a very fraigile ego when it comes to critisism... from those who dare to disagree with her on certain political issues.

In aligning herself with X (who NO ONE one here agrees with)... and, therefore, against those of us who have been posting here for years... Constance is revealing a bit of a vindictive side.

I am both sad and disappointed.

Anonymous said...

4:32 and 5:38

Again, you are criticizing Mrs. Cumbey for being critical of naturalnews, really?

Being discerning and critical of, say, the New York Times, is not equivalent to or the same as being discerning and/or critical of naturalnews. Natural News is owned by Mike Adams, a complete new age, former? Scientologist, and proponent of "The Contagious Mind" and "Divine Technology" nonsense (see: Nothing Can Compete With This & It's In Our Hands | MIKE ADAMS on youtube =


There's also the fascinating story of how Mike Adams/Natural News hired Robert Willis aka "Hacker X" to set up and run countless websites and facebook groups that deliberately spread bogus stories, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. It's been revealled there was a whole dedicated team of writers and editors paid to produce deceptive content—from outright hoaxes to political propaganda—with the supreme goal of tipping the 2016 election to Donald Trump.

“Hacker X”—the American who built a pro-Trump fake news empire—unmasks himself: He was hired to build a fake news op but now wants to put things right.

October 14, 2021


Anonymous said...

RayB said:

"X is, by far, the most demonstrably, outlandish liar I have ever encountered in my life"

Not that I care much what a disrespectful liar such as yourself utters....Other than the error I made about Candace Owens's pregnancy, I challenge you to reveal one such "demonstrably, outlandish" lie I have uttered here.

You're the lying former politician willing to repeat any MAGA/Qanon talking point regardless of its obvious, easily gleaned inaccuracy.

You've even repeated lies after I showed you how it was inaccurate disinformation.

Your guilty conscience be tripping.


Anonymous said...

6:43 pm said:

"In aligning herself with X (who NO ONE one here agrees with)... and, therefore, against those of us who have been posting here for years... Constance is revealing a bit of a vindictive side."

She, I presume, like myself, pursues truth and biblical understanding. Not blindly supporting every qanon conspiracy her "friends" here promote. Your notion of "loyalties" has been misplaced.

On the other hand, it would make sense that promoters of new age ideologies would surreptitiously maintain a constant presence here for years hoping to monitor, distract, misinform and otherwise neutralize Mrs. Cumbey's incredible gift of discernment. She doesn't know you know you really.

Finally, she agreed with ONE post of mine in the 3 years or so I've posted stuff here. That is not an endorsement. Mrs. Cumbey has certainly not read everything I've written here and I've had some bad days where I've let my emotions get the best of me.


Anonymous said...

anonymous said: "As TOUGH as Constance has been over the past 40 years ~ in standing up to, and debating New Agers ~ a little known fact is that she appears to have a very fraigile ego when it comes to critisism... from those who dare to disagree with her on certain political issues."

Y'all have known her longer than I but I've read a lot of history here and this doesn't ring true to me. You guys seem to be much more fragile than her when it comes to those not willing to walk your maga/qanon party line.

Also, wasn't her husband a life-long Democrat?

My wife voted twice for Trump and we get along great. (but it's nice now that my wife, like Mrs. Cumbey will not vote for Trump or MAGA ever again.


Anonymous said...

"Again, you are criticizing Mrs. Cumbey for being critical of naturalnews, really?"

No, and not as you are trying to make that seem. You just cherry picked what I said.
Antics again.
She should be equally critical of sources coming from multiple views, that is fair and discerning. What people should do.
Something you preach and can't, or won't, do yourself.

Are you purposefully bringing that up to air your prejudicial view, as a show of your arrogance in the assumption because you seem to have much trouble to nuance with discernment to separate things or compare differences, especially when you go completely out of context?

You are beyond petty in your anti-social antics will not err on the side of grace with any of us here. You routinely pull out that bag of tricks--it's your selfish brutish way of shoving yourself around on a blog, and people are on to you.
Weren't you raised better than that? (Perhaps not)

Anonymous said...

@7:27 PM

Nobody cares.
Air your dirt elsewhere.

Tend to your own knittin'.
Oh wait, that's right, you are up everybody's behinds like a good nazi, so it is your business..
(But any of us can or won't vote for him as we choose, so what?).

People you voted for have run this country into the ground, trashed our freedoms to hell, so there won't be voting again anyway.
But whatever your political gods have decreed, that you will settle for..for a cheating system anyway--as long as your globalist goals are reached. Enjoy your marXist life, moron.

RayB said...

Now that it has been thoroughly established that Constance was in fact the author of the posts in question, I think it is incumbent upon her to offer up some rock solid evidence in order to validate her claim that posters that criticized Biden's USSC's nominee's position on abortion are "probably racists."

How about it Constance? WHERE IS YOUR PROOF??? Or, are you and X one and the same while making outlandish, baseless claims, while attacking the character of the posters on your blog?

Which is it Constance?

RayB said...

Even Rich has taken " X " to task for his insane, lying, worthless posts.

However, it now appears that " X " and Constance are a team ! ROFL !!!

Anonymous said...

Grease slick x 7:15 PM

What a butter up, oh ye of much smarm.
So Biden offers online courses to learn from his savvy, eh?

You are on an antic roll tonight.

Anonymous said...

I did not know until now that Constance is socially progressive in her politics.

I knew she favors many of the RINO wing of the Republican party (who have proven they're for their own big government bottom line to protect their status, not our Constitution) but aside from her feelings on former President Trump, I thought our values were much closer together.
I am unapologetically pro-life. I thought she was too.

RayB said...

"Profiles in Courage" award winner Adam Kinzinger Agrees with the Warmonger Lindsey Graham in Wanting Putin's Assassination (No doubt, Liz Cheney of the Cheney Warmonger Family, will soon declare the same)

There's just one slight problem. Like it or not, Vladimir Putin happens to be EXTREMELY popular in Russia. If the USA is involved in assassinating him, NO DOUBT, this will result in a hot war between the USA and Russia, with China possibly allying itself with Russia. There isn't any possible way that the USA could successfully wage a war with Russia (we couldn't even win against 85,000 Taliban in Afghanistan), let alone one that involved both Russia AND China. And, with the worst President in our lifetime, don't think for one second they are not considering that this "might be the time to act against America." Weak leadership ALWAYS encourages aggression!

With our idiot warmongering politicians OPENLY calling for Putin's assassination, IF Putin is attacked, America will be held responsible, whether or not we were even involved. IDIOTS !

Anonymous said...

To X:

1) First of all, Mike Adams is no longer a Scientologist.

(MANY people have left the Church of Scientology over the years... but, evidently in your world, people aren't allowed to make mistakes in their younger years?)

2) Also, Mike Adams would probably be very 'flattered' that you think that HE had the 'power' to "tip' the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump.

(Wow!!! So, did Mike 'lose' his power... rendering him unable to 'tip' the 2020 election to Donald Trump? Did his magic wand break? LOL)

So we, the American people, don't get any CREDIT for our individual decision to vote for Trump TWICE... in both the November, 2016 election AND the November, 2020 election?

(Oh, that's right... we were probably 'under the spell of a cult'... WOW, talk about your 'conspiracy theories'!!!)

3) Also, why shouldn't Mike Adams be encouraging people to eat 'natural foods'?

Do you honestly believe that Jesus would be happy with the greedy Pharmaceutical Industry... pushing their prescription drugs, along with their dangerous side effects?

Jesus would no doubt be encouraging us to eat LOTS of fresh fruits and vegetables. As a matter of fact... those who were lucky enough to recover from Covid have been giving credit to the fact that they took HIGH doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D... thus giving credit to 'God's Pharmacy' OVER 'Man's Pharmacy.'

4) And finally... those of us who voted for Trump TWICE have moved on.

It's time for you to move on, too. You're still talking about Trump... even though he's been out of office for ONE YEAR AND 2 MONTHS!!! Time to stop the OBSESSION with Trump... it's just not mentally healthy.

And, since you are the only one who is OBSESSED with Q-Anon... you need to move on from that, too.

You can't keep LABELING everyone who voted for Trump as Q-Anon. Well, you can...but, it makes you sound bat s---t CRAZY!!!

I mean... we don't go around calling you 'BLM' do we?

Anonymous said...

10:22 PM

1. Mike Adamas was 43 years old when he was given and accepted an award from the Scientology organization Citizens Commission on Human Rights and 44-45 years old while making movies and documentaries with other Scientology affiliated persons such as Randal Stith and Gary Null. Mike Adams from Natural News, World Order Propagandist - Part 1 :

2. The youtube video I linked in my previous posts and again below of Mike Adams is indefensible new age nonsense from a talk he gave in January 2022.

Mike Adams unbiblical quotes/paraphrased...

"Improving your divinity"
"the mind and the spirit can receive information from God AND OTHER SOURCES"
"Listening to God speak to you"
"Morphic Resonance" - (apparently it's a system in the cosmos created and amplified by joy and positivity)
"Get in alignment with God and experience the contagious mind"

Nothing Can Compete With This & It's In Our Hands | MIKE ADAMS


p.s. = I don't label everyone that voted for Trump as Qanon. My wife isn't and neither is Mrs. Cumbey obviously. I don't necessarily think everyone that believes or investigating a conspiracy theory is Q-anon; however, when a person who voted for and still holds Trump in high regard despite his disasterous presidency and/or Jan 6th and who also has stacked up multiple conspiracy theories, without any real evidence whatsoever and for purely political convenience to the point they are willing to promote and spread even obvious misinformation, without question, seeming discernment or concern for the truth...well, then, the label just kind of sticks even if they don't still believe in pizzagate, 1000's of kids living under central park or that JFK, Jr might still be alive somewhere.

If you called me a BLM libertarian it really wouldn't bother me. I'm not black but I'm much more sympathetic to their plight than all the maga/qanon fabricated fears. At least they were protesting real persecution of real people versus maga/qanon attempting a coup based upon the outlandish completely unsubstantiated lies of a known lifelong reprobate.

J said...

9:47 PM,

"I did not know until now that Constance is socially progressive in her politics."

She voted for Trump twice, and she supported Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

When she was a Democrat in her youth, the Democrat she worked for was very pro-life. The Democrat party has changed over the years.

I understood her to say that she believes Biden's nominee is pro-life because Paul Ryan is pro-life. She couldn't believe Paul Ryan would support any nominee who isn't pro-life.

I did a little more research about Ketanji Brown Jackson. She is supported by the pro-abortion organizations. But so far she has refused to say exactly how she would decide on Roe v Wade.

She said this:

"As a sitting federal judge, all of the Supreme Court’s pronouncements are binding on me, and under the Code of Conduct for United States Judges, I have a duty to refrain from critiquing the law that governs my decisions, because doing so creates the impression that the judge would have difficulty applying binding law to their own rulings. Consistent with the positions taken by other pending judicial nominees, it is my testimony that it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the merits or demerits of the Supreme Court’s binding precedents"

Just as Constance can't seem to imagine Paul Ryan supporting a pro-choice nominee, I can't imagine Biden nominating a pro-life nominee.

I was more upset about Constance saying the only reason one would oppose Biden's nominee would probably be racism. I couldn't believe she would say that. The blind trust of Paul Ryan and Biden's nominee seemed stunning to me as well.

But I still don't see Constance as progressive. Her archives here contain numerous examples of her lamenting violent and/or emotional mobs. She was horrified as the LGBTQ agenda began to be implemented.

I see Constance as being closer to somebody like Joe Manchin, who is more like a 1950s era Democrat. It's a politics from yesteryear.

J said...

Constance was not wrong in the subject of her latest post. We are at risk of WW III. Her discernment is not off when it comes to the major events.

France might start patrolling the border of Ukraine's no fly zone. If a France aircraft is shot down, that could bring NATO into the war.

I'm not too sure it's accurate that Putin is anti-NWO. Check out Brandon Smith's articles on the NOQ Report web site. Consider Brandon Smith predicted the Ukraine war in one of his articles in 2021.

If you're looking for the media signals in the media noise, Brandon Smith's articles on the NOQ Report may be helpful.

Look it up and make up your own mind. Consider this:

Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network

As you try to evaluate who is worth trusting, consider looking back at the people whose fear mongering got them lots of clicks but didn't come true. And consider looking at the people who called it. Brandon Smith is one of those who called it. Use that metric to help guide you in who to trust.

J said...

Correction. I mis-stated "Ukraine's no fly zone." I should have said "Ukraine's air space." There isn't yet a "no fly zone."

Reuters had an article yesterday that most Americans in a survey, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, want the U.S. to enforce a no fly zone over Ukraine!

I suspect we're getting prepped in baby steps.

J said...

This may or may not be true. Sometimes manipulating polling is used to shape opinions, kind of like peer pressure, I guess. I have no idea how reliable the survey was. I haven't dug into it at all.

EXCLUSIVE Americans broadly support Ukraine no-fly zone, Russia oil ban -poll

J said...

French Aircraft Carrier Now Supporting NATO

The French Navy (Marine Natiionale) aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its air wing has started supporting NATO's enhanced Vigilance Activities in the Black Sea region following a short logistical stop in Cyprus.

J said...

Brandon Smith thinks that when Putin threatened consequences like the West has never seen, he was not threatening nuclear war, but cyber attacks. He thinks the cyber attacks have been planned, as the pandemic was planned. He thinks the globalists are playing both sides of the war in Ukraine. It's not outlandish. It has historical precedent. We get caught up in the present have a hard time seeing things as the dust is flying.

A Large Scale False Flag Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent

Anonymous said...

Are Americans so stupid they do not equate a no fly zone as direct involvement in the war? A CNN poll shows most Americans don’t favor direct involvement. Maybe a follow up question to the no fly zone poll should have been which American city would be your choice to be nuked.

J said...

Look up Cyber Polygon. It is the cyber attack equivalent of Event 201 that scripted the Plandemic just before it happened.

J said...

8:13 AM,

Good questions.

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