Tuesday, January 11, 2022

John Earl Fetzer, The Fetzer Institute, Benjamin Creme, the 1980s and NOW

Some of you blogspot readers and participants have thought the activities of the richly endowed, financed and highly networked activities of the Fetzer Foundation are now irrelevant.  That is hardly the case.  Those who received the disinformation of some Evangelical circles such as Walter Martin and Tal Brooke believe that few of importance had real plans during the 1980s and have them for now to take out the Christian world.  Again, clearly not true.  There is now a highly public campaign of which the Fetzer Institute is now a major player to make the very ugliest plans of "The Christ is Now Here" proponents of the 1980s happen now.  They are so very confident that they will now succeed whereas in May 1982 they had a major disappointment because now, "a majority of people are SBNR -- 'spiritual but not religious.'"

The Fetzer Institute and its components, including the John B. Fetzer Memorial Trust Fund, have freely published and are extolling as good and necessary just about everything of which I warned starting in 1981, Benjamin Creme and all.  For example, here is one they now have on their "Spiritual Library" in the form of an interview by Fetzer Institute Executive, Bruce Fetzer, a former Baptist Christian from Raleigh, North Carolina, who is the nephew of founder John Earl Fetzer (1901-1991).  For the record, John Earl Fetzer, a former Seventh Day Adventist, was the person in charge of censorship for World War II and post events surrounding Nazism -- probably the one who kept news of Hitler's occultism so long bottled up; the enormously wealthy owner of many radio, tv, and cable stations.  He left his entire huge fortune and the income it would engender from investments to making his dream of the New Age, complete with a new world financial system, a new world religion, and a new "Christ" who admittedly was not Jesus to happen as quickly as possible.

Even this past Sunday, the CBS 60 Minute program had a segment on one of these "feel good" everybody love everybody across political lines.  It had a look and a feel to it, encouraging "facilitation," and I promptly googled it along with "Fetzer Institute" and bingo -- it was a Fetzer Institute funded program.  It is in the workshops, the 'facilitation,' the 'meditations', where people go into their altered states that cause the New Age desired 'paradigm shifts' that cause the shifts in world view that they hope will lead to the acceptance of a "new gospel" that very clearly isn't.   What is really being done with 'facilitation' is "initiation" -- hoped for initiation into their 'occult mysteries' that could well cost participants their very souls, as it most likely cost John Earl Fetzer his own soul.

Here is what I just found in the Fetzer archives this morning (copyrighted 2018 material) vis a vis even the extremes of Benjamin Creme and 'The Reappearance of the Christ" in statements by Bruce Fetzer himself:

The other thing I think needs to be elaborated on is that, in the history, at least in the archives as well as in some of the oral histories, there’s a fair amount of discounting of the 80’s and that John was trying to build in terms of creating a direct relationship between the upper and the lower. By that I mean the hierarchy and the physical, the inner life and the outer life. Here is a book, I brought a couple of selections here. Not all of the library that John gave me to read, but this is one of the books from Benjamin Creme called The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. It’s an interesting book because it’s one that John read as well. What it does is describe the relationship between the Masters and the hierarchy and the Christ Consciousness, and its application in the physical realm. The manifestation in this physical presence. It’s important as an independent reference, because the channelings with Jim Gordon talk very directly about the White Brotherhood, which is a council of Masters working with the Institute in the early days. John very much believed that there was a higher order to the universe that was giving direction to him to inspire the Institute, to carry on this inspiration in dynamic ways in the future, without creating a religion, by the way.''

This interview was not ancient history.  It was recorded by Bruce  Fetzer on July 6, 2011 and considered signficant enough to the Institute's aggressive work to be there now.

Reading and listening (a handy feature of Microsoft's EDGE Browser to read documents out loud) to other Fetzer library on live archived and searchable interviews,  I learn that on March 10, 1982 John Earl Fetzer was eagerly awaiting the 'cleansing action' where many of us would 'disappear' or be sent to 'another dimension'.  On April 25, 1982, his channeler, Jim Gordon, sent Fetzer a letter of congratulations -- the very day the world wide ads ran saying 'the Christ is now here.'  May 20, 1982 was their day of great disappointment, but still their work to implement this anti-God vision continues with force as they strive to honor John Earl Fetzer's vision.  I have learned that Michigan judges have been placed in Fetzer funded 'facilitation operations' and I'm sure it is a very small step towards forcing all us Michigan lawyers into same as part of "Continuing Legal Education."

So much is happening on so many fronts, but the Fetzer operation is a very important front.

Stay tuned!



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Anonymous said...

FDA executive officer is caught on hidden camera admitting Biden will force an ANNUAL COVID shot that would be a recurring fountain of revenue for drug firms


RayB said...

BREAKING: Pastor Artur Pawlowski denied bail


"Pawlowski was arrested on February 8 at his home in another high-profile takedown as the first person charged under Alberta’s new Critical Infrastructure Defence Act for allegedly abetting the Coutts, Alberta trucker blockade. That law was created to target eco-radicals who blow up pipelines, but instead, it's been rolled out to deal with a pastor who won't kneel before the government."

NOTE: Christian Pastor Pawlowski was arrested for the 'crime' of speaking, in public, in favor of the Trucker's Freedom Convoy. Pastor Pawlowski has also opposed the LGBTQ+ Agenda.

RayB said...

Murder: Two Young Boys Found Dead in Bed after Second Pfizer Shot

"Two teenage American boys have died after receiving the Covid “vaccine,” according to an article in the journal Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. The children were found dead in bed three and four days after their second Pfizer injections. The boys were pronounced dead at home and never given a chance to be resuscitated."

Read the entire article here:


RayB said...

In case you missed it ...

Black Lives Matter Media Darling Who Allegedly Shot Politician Campaigned Against Gun Violence

"Was named as a “rising face” by Barack Obama’s foundation."

"The 21-year-old student activist was named as a “rising face” by Barack Obama’s foundation in 2019 and previously featured as a venerated BLM speaker on numerous mainstream news outlets, including the BBC."


RayB said...

POWERFUL Archbishop Viganò message to Truckers…

Speaks specifically against the Establishment's plan for the New World Order.


NOTE: If this doesn't move you, check your pulse to see if you are alive.

Anonymous said...

Justin Trudeau sparks outrage after accusing Jewish conservatives of supporting swastikas


Anonymous said...

Exclusive: 98-year-old investing legend Charlie Munger 'appalled by the fear of vaccination' in the U.S.



"Legendary investor Charlie Munger, in an exclusive interview with Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer, spoke bluntly about vaccine hesitancy in the U.S.

“I have been appalled by the fear of vaccination by a big chunk of the nation,” the Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman said when asked about the COVID-19 pandemic. “Speaking for myself, I couldn’t wait to be vaccinated. And I think the risks of being vaccinated are way less than the risk of not being vaccinated.

According to the CDC, there’s a minuscule 0.002% chance of the vaccine causing death while approximately 5 people per one million vaccinated in the U.S. have gone into anaphylactic shock. In comparison, according to the CDC, unvaccinated individuals are at least 14 times more likely to die from COVID than someone who is fully vaccinated and 68 times more likely to die from the virus than someone who has received their booster shot.

About 64.5% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, according to the CDC, meaning that about 35.5% of the population is not fully vaccinated.

“It’s really, massively stupid not to welcome vaccination,” the 98-year-old Munger said. “We probably have 30% of the people in the country that think vaccination is evil and [is] coming after them like the hobgoblins. It’s not good that there’s that much ignorance left.

When I was in World War Two... they didn't ask me'
To boost vaccination rates, some parts of the country and businesses have implemented vaccine mandates. President Biden tried a similar measure for all companies with more than 100 employees, but the Supreme Court ruled that Biden overstepped his authority.

“If I were running the world, of course it would be mandatory,” Munger said. “When I was in World War Two’s army, they didn’t ask me if I wanted a vaccination. They just vaccinated me. It didn’t hurt me or anybody else in that world. We all just submitted to whatever the government told us to submit to. And it was no big deal. I don’t like big chunks of the country going crazy. And I would argue the anti-vaxxers are somewhat crazy.””

Anonymous said...

COVID Won’t End Up Like the Flu. It Will Be Like Smoking:
Hundreds of thousands of deaths, from either tobacco or the pandemic, could be prevented with a single behavioral change



"... The pandemic’s greatest source of danger has transformed from a pathogen into a behavior. Choosing not to get vaccinated against COVID is, right now, a modifiable health risk on par with smoking, which kills more than 400,000 people each year in the United States. Andrew Noymer, a public-health professor at UC Irvine, told me that if COVID continues to account for a few hundred thousand American deaths every year—“a realistic worst-case scenario,” he calls it—that would wipe out all of the life-expectancy gains we’ve accrued from the past two decades’ worth of smoking-prevention efforts.

The COVID vaccines are, without exaggeration, among the safest and most effective therapies in all of modern medicine. An unvaccinated adult is an astonishing 68 times more likely to die from COVID than a boosted one. Yet widespread vaccine hesitancy in the United States has caused more than 163,000 preventable deaths and counting. Because too few people are vaccinated, COVID surges still overwhelm hospitals—interfering with routine medical services and leading to thousands of lives lost from other conditions. If everyone who is eligible were triply vaccinated, our health-care system would be functioning normally again. (We do have other methods of protection—antiviral pills and monoclonal antibodies—but these remain in short supply and often fail to make their way to the highest-risk patients.) Countries such as Denmark and Sweden have already declared themselves broken up with COVID. They are confidently doing so not because the virus is no longer circulating or because they’ve achieved mythical herd immunity from natural infection; they’ve simply inoculated enough people.

President Joe Biden said in January that “this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and vaccine holdouts are indeed prolonging our crisis. The data suggest that most of the unvaccinated hold that status voluntarily at this point. Last month, only 1 percent of adults told the Kaiser Family Foundation that they wanted to get vaccinated soon, and just 4 percent suggested that they were taking a “wait-and-see” approach. Seventeen percent of respondents, however, said they definitely don’t want to get vaccinated or would do so only if required (and 41 percent of vaccinated adults say the same thing about boosters). Among the vaccine-hesitant, a mere 2 percent say it would be hard for them to access the shots if they wanted them. We can acknowledge that some people have faced structural barriers to getting immunized while also listening to the many others who have simply told us how they feel, sometimes from the very beginning.

The same arguments apply to tobacco: Smokers are 15 to 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Quitting the habit is akin to receiving a staggeringly powerful medicine, one that wipes out most of this excess risk. Yet smokers, like those who now refuse vaccines, often continue their dangerous lifestyle in the face of aggressive attempts to persuade them otherwise. Even in absolute numbers, America’s unvaccinated and current-smoker populations seem to match up rather well: Right now, the CDC pegs them at 13 percent and 14 percent of all U.S. adults, respectively, and both groups are likely to be poorer and less educated.
Long-term actions for COVID might include charging the unvaccinated a premium on their health insurance, just as we do for smokers, or distributing frightening health warnings about the perils of remaining uninoculated. And once the political furor dies down, COVID shots will probably be added to the lists of required vaccinations for many more schools and workplaces."

Anonymous said...

Just a few words into the last two posts and it’s obvious who posted them.

I simply hit collapse to X those out..

Anonymous said...

"massively stupid" says 98 year old dimwit with nothing much to loose at this point!

X, why don't you start your own blogspot? For you, www.satanislord.blogspot.com would well identify you and your ilk.

Anonymous said...

Or, www.lucifersbitch.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Swamp creature at 10:49 PM,

You lie. Continually. Is your conscience dead?
You supported Antifa and BLM. You were loud and long about not coming down on those looting, rioting, burning and pilaging, destruction and deaths occurred (say his name out loud and remember David Dorn as only one victi-and others, many others, the many who lost their livelihoods in struggling neighborhoods, yet you said nothing against those who harmed and robbed them). You support violence, not rightful lawful protest. Your anti-social "social justice" views are destructive. The New Age lack of sacredness for life is characteristic of your approach with abortion and honoring self defense in Big Brother tactics to undermine and destroy our society (you do not hold a Biblical worldview no matter how often you have tried to say you do--the opposite--you side with evil--time after time).
You support killing the unborn...and beagles too. Cha-ching cha-ching--somebody is lining your pockets to troll it here but make repeated excuses for the murder machine of abortion and "science" "cures" that are maiming people instead. Maybe your business is in in some form selling medical services of some kind since covid has made a lot of money off the backs of guinea pigs and you advocate we all line up for the jab, mask us to silence us and distance us to divide us, as you advocated over and over, all to make ourselves living sacrifices to the government god you bow to. You love--love--the government tit. So you must be capitalizing on that in some way.
You support statist overreaches and those who demand others be penalized for non-compliance to the strictures (there's your Nazi heel clicking again) you want placed on people who are only trying to live in the freedoms God gave them.
Government did not give us our inalienable rights, they came from higher than man.
United States Governing was established in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and Bill of Rights, written and ratified to show the government's only actual business is to serve it's citizens...not the other way around as you promote by policy and policymakers who serve themselves instead.

You lie to say you are here to stand up for others when you are here supporting the very things that undo what this country was founded upon.
PhariNazi x you have lain with evil dogs and you're covered in their fleas.

Anonymous said...

Ray the "B"utcher

While you carry water for Vigano, the roman catholic church and that band of pedophiles and anti-American heretics you should be aware of their history.

PBS: "Secrets of the Vatican"



Anonymous said...

@ 3:17 PM

Xcellent! Xcellent!!!

Craig said...

Legendary investor Charlie Munger...“It’s really, massively stupid not to welcome vaccination,” the 98-year-old Munger said...

As a "legendary investor", I'm curious how much of his holdings include Big Pharma stock. And as a 98-year-old, he is certainly in a position to hedge his bets on any long-term effects these vaccinations may have. This is the one thing no proponent of the vaxxes talks about: potential long-term effects. We've no idea. I prefer my own immune system, which works quite well, thank the LORD.

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 6:12 PM

That's both of us. My natural immunity has done well by me all these years, thank the LORD is exactly right.
Long term effects of this social engineering experiment, for who knows how many, may be chancy, but for others it may prove to be quite debilitating. Not worth the risk, especially since natural immunity and the herd immunity it achieves are far and wide, much better. I think the devil is in the details over time.
The "cure" is worse than the virus, but the controls the global minded experimenters are pushing are life altering, long term, downturn results on society.

Anonymous said...


That's fine BUT...

1. Why the need to incessantly lie about the vaccines you simply choose not to take? At this point, there's no question the covid vaccines have saved millions of lives already albeit with a very small now mostly known risks so why the need to spread every bit of misinformation you can muster to bad mouth a life-saving vaccine? Why not just shut up and be selfish all you want?

2. Why the unwillingness to accept responsibility for your choices and pay for the extra risk you are placing yourselves AND your community in? Smokers pay extra insurance premiums whether they believe smoking causes cancer or they FEEL they are immune to smoking-caused cancer or not. Again, if you choose to remain a willing covid virus incubator & potential super spreader you should just shut up and accept the bill for the costs of such anti-social unloving choice, right?

3. Why are all the anti-covid vaxxers MAGA? Is it really a concern about big pharma (who, I think pay republicans way more money than democrats) or is this strictly political gamesmanship? God forbid Biden resolve covid. Can't have him looking effective, can we? Having Covid linger as an anchor on our country is straight out of Newt Gingrich's 1990's anti-American playbook. Zero compliance. Total resistance. Anyone who compromises and helps the democrats in any way is a marxist libtard. Ignore the fact we all fully vaccinated our children and were vaccinated ourselves and came out stronger because of it. Ignore the fact dominion & rebellion theology and idol worship are unbiblical as long as "we" win.

It's lunacy. Crazy, indeed.


p.s. I'll leave it to the scientists to determine how long natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity is good for and when and whether or not to exempt persons from such "responsibility".

Craig said...


LOL. I think you may need to take your meds in order to calm down.

Your attempt as gaslighting me has fallen flat (I’m ‘lying’, eh?). Your post is full of straw men and red herrings—some of which I’d addressed previously (especially the political angle), so I won’t bother to waste my time commenting on any of them.

The CDC HAS recognized naturally acquired immunity on their website. A number of vloggers have pointed to the graph, including Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Prasad. Get up to speed.

Here are the facts with respect to these vaxxes:

-1 None of the vaxxes are FDA approved, except under the limited scope of EUA, which means Big Pharma has some shielding from vax injury (the max payout for injuries is higher on items fully FDA approved).

-2 The vaxxes were fast-tracked, undergoing far less scrutiny (time, primarily) as is usual for vaccines. Thus, we’ve no idea what long-term effects the vaxxes may or may not be.

-3 The mRNA vaxxes are not even vaccines in the traditional sense of the word. The mechanism is new, experimental—on humans most especially.

-4 Vaccine ‘immunity’ wanes over a short period of time.

Craig said...

Major Big Tech company DELETES top US Prof’s Natural Immunity study

Dr. Suneel Dhand - MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine

In yet another incident involving Big Tech having issues with scientific studies and data, here’s what happened to a top US TV academic doctor (a famed surgeon at a major US institution)…

Pre-print abstract:

Prevalence and Durability of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among Unvaccinated US Adults by History of COVID-19

(see links at bottom for full study.)

Anonymous said...

Amazing the lengths they'll go to to control this.
Thanks for the post, Craig.

Craig said...

Anon 10:35 PM,

The mere fact that there has been an ongoing and a concerted effort by Big Tech (and Big Media) to censor data not amenable to the vaccine-as-one-size-fits-all-solution narrative should be a HUGE red flag to anyone with even a minimal amount of discernment--and I'm speaking of a secular kind of discernment, not a Biblical one.

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 10:59 PM

What are they so afraid for us to know is what I keep asking.....

You don't have to be Einstein to figure something is terribly wrong with that picture.

Anonymous said...

The Truth Is Like A Lion You Don't Have To Defend It. Let It Loose; It Will Defend Itself.

The hyperventilating strawman/red herring poster is afraid of posts here that counter his bias so resorts to distractions to hide what is lacking in his material-most generally, appropriate context. Sounds big, but no, it is vapor.
Big fish like big tech or small fry like the morbid nutcase of this blog, must use sleight of hand, and by all means never tell the whole story, to sell their wares.
One day they will completely weary themselves running on that course, meanwhile the truth is in it's easy chair.....it isn't running at all.

Anonymous said...


Jean Leguay (29 November 1909 – 2 July 1989) was the second-in-command of the French National Police during the Nazi Occupation of France. He was complicit in the 1942 roundup of Jews in Paris and their deportation from France to Nazi extermination camps, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, both adults and children.

World War II
During Vichy France, Leguay was second-in-command to René Bousquet, the general secretary of the National Police in Paris. Leguay participated in organising the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup (Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv), the mass arrest of more than 13,000 Jews on 16 and 17 July 1942 in Paris. They were deported to extermination camps in Eastern Europe, where most were killed.

After the war, Leguay became president of Warner-Lambert, Inc. of London, which is now merged with Pfizer.) Later, he became president of Substantia Laboratories in Paris.

Anonymous said...

Since when is linked-in “big-media”..

Sure it’s owned by Microsoft but it’s not exactly a go to news source for covid information and there has been a lot of covid misinformation and outright lies posted on various medians that I’m glad someone is monitoring and trying to protect the less discerning among you all.

Plus the information was put back up on appeal so it was likely a bit edit.

I also wasn’t saying I doubted natural immunity existed or that it was measurable but, rather, the extent that it’s measurable and considered to reduce sanctions or premium hikes is up to our elected officials. Even the study you cited shows how variable natural immunity can be. It also appears the more sick you get the more natural immunity you maintain. That’s not a very promising way of obtaining & maintaining natural immunity.

Like I said before just because natural immunity can be robust doesn’t make it worth the risk to oneself and one’s community. If you don’t want to be a part of the community, Delta is ready when you are.


Craig said...

X @ 4:04 AM,

Dhand called Linked-In "Big Tech", not "Big Media". The info was placed back on when someone, apparently 'connected' in some way, contacted the CEO of L-I. Stop lying.

As to the rest of your post: whatever...

Anonymous said...

X at 4:04 AM said "If you don’t want to be a part of the community, Delta is ready when you are." Alpha and Omega is also ready. Are you ready, X?

Anonymous said...

X @ 4:04 AM

"Like I said before just because natural immunity can be robust doesn't make it worth the risk to oneself and one's community"

The doctor X commie-unity indoctrination is 24/7/365. It is a tireless New Age mantra. Makes no difference what so ever if it is true, or false! It just has to be broadcast constantly.

X is "part of the community" of Globalist, New Age Nazis, who hates the liberty Christ offers. He trusts in medical witchcraft, no matter how evil! Virtue signaling, shaming, bullying the week minded into compliance. His daily sacrament, is the suffering, and death of children, that his hero, souless, sniffer Joe, will keep providing with great zeal.

As a New Age zealot X, your heaping up a lot of bad karma.

J said...

Watching what is happening in Canada, it reminds me of the Berlin Wall coming down. I think one reason it came down so easily is that people quietly didn't feel very supportive about it anymore, in very large numbers.

I think even most of those Canadian politicians don't like to go on and on with the post-COVID dystopia and feel relief at a political excuse to end it. That's just my reading. I hope it's correct. Support may be so much less than it had appeared. The politicians are human, too, and some of them may be getting sick and tired of "the new normal" just like we are. I hope I'm right.

Anonymous said...

"If you don’t want to be a part of the community, Delta is ready when you are.


Clever this one, is not.
What he is, is chaff.

In this information age he has to resort to antics to make his "point"--the truth itself can't be taken at face value because it outs his version as bogus so his grimy hands need to man handle it first, hoping like the devil to spoon feed it to everyone here..
Good grief that is just dumb.
But it gets worse..because Big Tech has money to make and people to enslave to their global agenda--they need morons en masse to carry their water buckets of disinfo for them.

You are a dime a dozen, moron. Your message and virtue signaling are mere chaff.
Sorry, but the rest of us have real lives to get on with.

If the virus was extremely dangerous as the "experts" want us to believe why did they prevent treatments (other than what they alone prescribed)...why not pull out all the stops to get ahead of the "killer virus"? But of course that was not allowed in our country, though there is demonstrable success in other parts of the world not steered by the self-important Big Whatevers.
And if the vaxx was so good, so effective, why does it needs such a hard sell 24/7? Something is wrong if you have to push it that hard. and then keep up the cycle of rinse and repeat.
Something is wrong, truly messed up--with arguments of people who need smear, intimidation, cherry picked narratives, and trolling to "get 'er done".

RayB said...

After Trudeau Freezes Protesters’ Bank Accounts a Run on Canadian Banks Shuts Down Services


Five major banks went 'off line' yesterday as customers were told their funds were "unavailable."

RayB said...

Vatican’s support for vaccines and mandates makes it COMPLICIT in vaccine deaths


"Dr. Peter McCullough warned that the Vatican must drop its support for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and mandates because this makes it complicit in vaccine deaths. Likewise, it is in direct violation of a critical code of bioethics."

"The Vatican started its mandate in October, when it began requiring a “green pass” or an equivalent vaccine passport for all employees. The passport verified an employee’s status as fully vaccinated or recently recovered from a COVID-19 infection."

NOTE: X and the Vatican are in complete agreement on EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' mandates. According to X's logic, that makes X an agent for the Vatican ... and possibly even Opus Dei ? Very, VERY interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hydrogen Peroxide zaps COVID and all other respiratory infections

As I discuss in my interview with Dr. David Brownstein above, he has successfully treated hundreds of COVID-19 patients using immune boosting strategies such as intravenous or nebulized hydrogen peroxide, iodine, oral vitamins A, C and D, and intramuscular ozone. In a case report of 107 confirmed COVID-19 patients that he treated, 91 (85%) used nebulized peroxide diluted with normal saline, plus Lugol’s iodine.


Anonymous said...

The Pope and X are on the same page with vaccines mandates? Yes, X's lips are pressed up against the Pope's behind.

Anonymous said...

Ray the Butcher said: "NOTE: X and the Vatican are in complete agreement on EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' mandates. According to X's logic, that makes X an agent for the Vatican ... and possibly even Opus Dei ? Very, VERY interesting."

I don't take my orders or quote the Pope as an authority in the Covide debate quite like you do when you hit all the opus dei talking points. Opus Dei is the Pope's personal prelate that, via the Pope are trying to use disinformation and lies to kill as many conservative Protestants as they can while the pope himself remains in the background making sure roman catholics take the life-saving vaccines and survive in greater numbers.


p.s. - Have you and your wife checked the local obituaries the last month or so to see how many people in your community you might have spread Covid to and needlessly killed? How many died?

Anonymous said...

Will They Know Christians by Their Love or Reckless Obsession with Liberty? : Amidst polarizing views, here is a challenge to reground ourselves in truth, love, and Christ’s heart for others



"...But sometimes identities can lead us astray. Our recent study shows that during the pandemic in the U.S., political identity has literally become a matter of life and death. We estimate that the number of Americans who have died from COVID, for reasons relating to social and political identity, exceeds the number of American lives lost in Vietnam and likely approaches the number of lives lost in World War II. It is almost too many deaths to fathom, but we need to understand the magnitude of this loss. We need to allow it to help reshape our identity as Christians.

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul teaches that the Christian identity is to supersede all others. We are to be marked as people of love, joy, and peace, among other qualities. Many in the U.S. have adopted a socio-political identity that has prescribed a set of behaviors within the pandemic that have inflicted an enormous cost to American health and lives. Part of the prescription for this identity has been a tragic indifference—even contempt—towards the basic health-safety behaviors advocated by leading scientists and public health officials.

In our recent research paper, Berkeley doctoral student Sahiba Chopra and I use econometric analysis to estimate the extent to which political identity in the U.S. has affected COVID-safety behaviors during the pandemic along with the resulting impact on cases and deaths. We find this impact to be heartbreakingly high....

These reduced COVID-safety behaviors have exacted a disproportionate and devastating toll on human health and life in Trump-supporting counties. In the first year of the pandemic (which roughly paralleled widespread U.S. introduction of the vaccine) every 10 percentage point increase in county-level vote for President Trump saw an increase of 789 COVID-19 cases and 12 additional COVID deaths per 100,000 county residents. After the introduction of vaccines, these totals actually accelerated to 1,394 additional cases and 28 additional deaths per 100,000 county residents in the first 20 months of the pandemic.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right as he tries to damage others to pin blame on them, it's to cover his own complicity.
That is what he does with the abortion issue and his "social justice" narratives, also.
Smoke and mirrors. A toothless tiger that only wins by intimidation.
Like everything he says he is not, he really is.

Surely there are plenty of places to peddle his wares that would be receptive.
So why is he here?
He has some benefit coming to him from that camp or he wouldn't waste his time here.

Anonymous said...

The unvaxxed do not spread Covid to any greater degree than the vaxxed. Possibly less, as the unvaxxed are healthier, and smarter.

So stop your lying Butcher X!

X, you voted for The Butcher Biden! That makes you the Butcher's Bitch.


Anonymous said...

I think you're right 1:04 PM. He looks to be a paid troll. His businesses being to troll blog "X" and blog "Y".

Anonymous said...

1:03 P M

That's a convoluted, pharisaical, hot steaming pile of dog doo!

Shame on you!

Hutch said...

RayB, I agree with you in regard to your statement about X, 12:06 PM.

NOTE: X and the Vatican are in complete agreement on EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' mandates. According to X's logic, that makes X an agent for the Vatican ... and possibly even Opus Dei ?

My thoughts have been that X is trolling here as Opus Dei/Vatican controlled disinformation. X has never exposed anything about Opus Dei or informed us of anything that we might want to look into further. When X wants to smear someone, he names them as Opus Dei, and at the same time, ignores Dr. FauXi' Vatican/Jesuit connections. That's a Big red flag to me!

Anonymous said...

Agree fully! X is a big RED flag indeed.

Anonymous said...

"Warmonger" Biden Wants Russia To Invade Ukraine To Start New Cold War, Benefit Military-Industrial Complex


Anonymous said...


That makes absolutely no sense.

Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta and, to a seemingly lesser extent, the Knights of Columbus are all arms OF the Vatican/Jesuit connections.

Just like good cop/bad cop can be part of the same police force.

Roman Catholic Agents of Opus Dei couldn't openly run for political office, seek political positions of power and get Protestants to partner with their influence, especially back in the 60's, - 90's so they had to use secret organizations to accumulate the wealth to then partner with Big Oil and Big Tobacco and Big Insurance and Big Pharma as well as every "religious right" false teacher they could buy in their effort and ultimate desire to use "liberty" to destroy America from the inside out.

Despite their objections to this pope, Opus Dei and these other subversive political & theological organizations within the roman catholic church still answer to the office of the pope. They are NOT Protestants and shouldn't be confused as such just because they conveniently agree with MAGA ideology (which they have been feeding you more and more of non-stop now for 50 years).

Anti Covid Vaccine disinformation is killing largely those that think they are Protestants.


P.S. - Hutch - you are in New Zealand, right? New Zealand vaccinated 75% of your population this past fall despite very low numbers of covid cases (26,935 total) and covid deaths (53 total) throughout the entire pandemic. If it's vaccines killing people in huge numbers where's the excess mortality due to the vaccines? https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker

Taiwan, Singapore and Australia -- same thing. Massive and fast vaccination efforts with no spikes in excess deaths.

Anonymous said...

X just loves to argue. He-she-it deposits all sorts of nonsense on here then when you apply exactly the same logic towards his posts he spins in circles like a dog chasing its tail. No, no, no, he exclaims, that doesn't make sense.

RayB said...

X has been outed ...

He's an Opus Dei/Vatican disinformation agent. IF you read his posts, keep that in mind.

Personally, I use the "collapse" function on all of X's posts. THANKS AGAIN HUTCH.

Anonymous said...

I also use the collapse feature. Occasionally I will read X's post to see what another person is responding to.

Anonymous said...

This expensive story has to give one pause. Prayers to Diana.

This Texas couple was anti-vaccine. Now the pregnant wife had COVID, and her husband faced a terrible choice.



KINGWOOD, Texas - Chris Crouch had had low expectations for online dating. He was a police officer in his 30s, almost a year out from a painful divorce and, he said, the women he had met had been “playing games” in ways that left him dispirited.

Then he met her.

Diana Garcia Martinez was 24 and a busy single mom whose sister had set up her profile without her knowing. She was intelligent, empathetic and upfront, and by the third date, he was in love. “It was just a feeling. … I felt like I knew her my whole life,” he recalled explaining to his cousin Gilbert, knowing it was a cliche but also true.

Now, four years later, he was in a hospital intensive care room remembering their courtship as his wife lay unconscious, hooked up to a tangle of machines keeping her alive. Diana was 20 weeks pregnant, and he had a decision to make.

If doctors delivered the baby now, they told him, she would have the best shot at surviving. But the baby was so premature that it would almost certainly die. If Chris waited, he could lose them both.

As the pandemic enters its third year, untold numbers of Americans have agonized over such treatment questions that might mean life or death for their loved ones. Confronting the possible loss of a spouse or life partner is invariably painful, but with COVID-19, the severity and suddenness of the illness and the isolation from friends and family have compounded the torment.

The choice in front of Chris was a deeply personal one that only he could make.

Diana was on a ventilator, but her condition was spiraling downward. The coronavirus had thrown her body wildly off balance, and doctors told Chris they needed to move her to a treatment of last resort, in which they would pump her blood through a machine outside her body to take pressure off her heart and lungs. The odds were scary to begin with - an estimated 40 to 50% of people going on that machine die - and the baby was putting an additional load on her body that she might not be able to handle.

The family was young, healthy and happy, and when the pandemic hit, they were worried like everyone else. Before long, though, they started feeling the dangers of the virus had been exaggerated and they wanted to get back to their lives.

Anonymous said...

(excerpt cont)

"When the vaccines came along, Chris became outspoken against them, espousing views that were common in his workplace and much of Texas, but that put him at odds with his mother, sister and the close friends who had grown up with him in the Heights, a liberal bastion in Houston. Despite his family’s pleading, Chris and Diana were adamant they did not need to be vaccinated. They did wear masks, but only when required.

Chris felt vaccine mandates infringed on personal liberties, a perspective promoted by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other prominent Republicans. And he and Diana also worried that the shots had been developed too quickly. As Chris liked to say, “God gave us our immune system and we could fight the viruses with our own immune system.” Diana, meanwhile, was leery of anything that might hurt the developing baby she carried. She knew that early stories linking the vaccines to miscarriage and infertility were false, but thought avoiding them was the prudent thing to do, like skipping wine, raw fish and unpasteurized cheese - especially given some of the medical community’s early hesitation. The World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommend that all pregnant individuals get vaccinated.

In the summer of 2021, soon after President Joe Biden declared the pandemic almost over, their two-year anniversary was approaching and the couple decided to go to Las Vegas to celebrate. They stayed at the Trump hotel, walked along the Strip and caught a showing of Cirque du Soleil. Diana had a headache, but it didn’t keep them from going out and having fun.

As soon as they returned, however, she developed a low-grade fever and exhaustion unlike anything she had known. Late on Aug. 6, she cried out that she was having trouble breathing. Chris called 911, reminding himself that in his line of work, he’d seen a lot of people go to the hospital for COVID - with most recovering fine after a little oxygen.

Diana’s case would turn out to be far less simple.

Doctors are optimistic Diana will make a full recovery, but "things I used to do before, I can't do anymore," she says. "And so it's hard for the kids and it's hard for me." (Photo for The Washington Post by Mark Felix)
The emergency doctors at the local hospital immediately transferred her to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, which had created a special unit for pregnant people with COVID. Chris remembers Diana screaming when doctors told them she needed a ventilator: “I have kids. I can’t die.” He held her and made a promise he wasn’t sure he could keep: “You are not going to die,” he vowed.

From the start, Diana’s case weighed on Cameron Dezfulian, a critical-care specialist supervising or consulting on dozens of pregnancies. “She was unusual,” he recalled."


Anonymous said...

(excerpt cont)
Most of his other patients had preexisting conditions such as obesity and were close to full-term at 36 to 40 weeks. Diana had been healthy, about 110 pounds, and at 18 weeks when she first arrived at the hospital, still in the second trimester of her pregnancy. She had at least a month before the fetus would be considered viable.

Pregnancy does extraordinary things to the body, and the interaction of those changes with COVID is something scientists are only beginning to understand. From the beginning of the pandemic until this month, 27,854 pregnant women with COVID have been hospitalized out of 167,000 cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many, like Diana, were young and unvaccinated. More than 267 of them have died, making COVID-19 a top cause of maternal mortality.

A study of nearly 2,700 pregnant women funded by the National Institutes of Health and published Feb. 7 in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that pregnant women with COVID-19 are at greater risk of pregnancy complications - in addition to risks from the virus itself.

Doctors are still baffled about why they get so sick. It could be that pregnancy causes a person’s immune system to be in a heightened state of alert to protect the baby, so when exposed to a virus, it may overreact. Another theory suggests the opposite - that pregnant people are immunosuppressed so that their bodies don’t reject the developing fetuses. Fetuses also pull oxygen and blood to the placenta. When combined with a virus like COVID that can cause lung damage and blood clotting, the body’s balance may be upset.

Whatever the cause, Dezfulian said, “there is no doubt pregnancy and the coronavirus are a setup for more illness.”

Anonymous said...

(Cont excerpt)
'For Chris, the next 10 days blurred together. He wasn’t allowed to leave the room because he was also assumed to have coronavirus. He’d joke to the doctors and nurses every morning, “I bet you’re tired of seeing me …”

Chris had never lost anyone close to him. And as he stared at his wife and saw her suffering, he couldn’t shake the question that kept popping into his head: “Was this my fault?”

During those long hours alone, he struggled with how strongly he had held to beliefs about the vaccines without really examining them. Increasingly, he felt a responsibility to warn others about his mistakes, so he began writing to friends, family and even strangers on Facebook, urging them to get the shots. Somewhere along the way, he got vaccinated himself.

“When you sit there and you see your wife on life support because of COVID, you throw out politics,” he said later. “None of that matters anymore.” “Every day we were losing a little bit of ground,” he said.

Fourteen days after she arrived at the hospital, the group concluded it was time to move Diana to another machine called ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, in which the blood is pumped outside the body to give the lungs and heart a chance to rest. The decision to put a patient on ECMO is not taken lightly. The therapy, developed in the 1970s, is lifesaving in the right circumstances. But it can also lead to bleeding, stroke, seizure, blood clots and infection. Moreover, the equipment is scarce, the staffing intensive, and the treatment can run up hospital bills in the millions. “That is the tough part nobody wants to talk about,” Dezfulian said. “There are a limited number of pumps and you make some decisions on the likelihood they will have a long life and a good life.”

On the day his team recommended ECMO for Diana, a somber trio of staff members appeared in her room to visit Chris. He doesn’t remember the exact words they used, but they seemed to speak in euphemisms. “They would ask how you were” and then throw in a question, like what would he want done if his wife’s heart stopped. “They were giving you hints,” he said.

Chris didn’t fully understand it then, but the staff members were part of the medical center’s palliative care team trained to support very ill patients and their families, especially with end-of-life decisions and care. He said he came to dread seeing them in the hallways: “When you see those people, you pray they avoid your room.” Chris was worried about putting Diana on the new machine. When he Googled ECMO, he said, he found “it’s a bad, bad deal.”

Using ECMO during pregnancy is extremely rare. One study from the University of North Carolina detailed what happened in nine cases from 2008 to 2017: Only three of the women lived and only five of the babies, for a survival rate of 33% and 55%, respectively.

He remembers asking a ton of “what if” questions that no one could answer. He kept coming back to something Diana had told him as they shared their childhood dreams. “All I ever wanted to do was be a mom. As a kid, that’s all I ever wanted,” she had said.

So he decided he had to try to save them both. “I didn’t know if one or the other was going to live, or both were going to die,” he said. “I didn’t know if I was going to go back home without anybody.”

Anonymous said...

(excerpt cont) Doctors had expected Diana to be on the machine for up to about 21 days. When that marker came and went, Chris told himself to be patient as he stared at the tubes of blood swirling around his wife’s body.

On day 30, it seemed like their ordeal might be over. Diana woke up and was even able to get on her phone and text her family hello. Chris remembers the whole staff smiling and making plans for next steps.

The happy moment was all too brief. It wasn’t long before Diana started seeming confused. Soon, she could no longer see even though she was still talking to Chris. An hour later, she slipped into a coma, and the somber three walked to the room again.

Diana was suffering from “an embolic shower,” in which blood clots burst and scatter, the doctors explained. Three had gone to her brain, causing strokes, and another had lodged in a wall of her heart, resulting in a heart attack. It was a known complication of ECMO, but they had not been able to put her on blood thinners because she had had bleeding in her gastrointestinal tract and in her throat, where doctors had cut a hole for the ventilator.

Now, the doctors told Chris that even if Diana woke up, she might “not be the same,” that she might not remember him or the children. Chris crumpled into the chair next to her and wept. Dezfulian came by and prayed with him.

“That’s when I prayed the most,” Chris said, “because at that point, even the doctors were like, ‘We don’t really know what to do next.’”

Diana went back on ECMO and as the days slowly passed, Chris could see her belly growing. Through everything, the baby’s heart rate held steady and was growing nicely. On Nov. 10, when Diana had been in the hospital more than three months and the baby was 31 weeks along, doctors delivered a baby boy by C-section. He was 4 pounds and 12 ounces.

The infant was healthy. But Diana’s body seemed exhausted from the ordeal: She developed an infection, an air leak in her lungs, and one eventually collapsed. Doctors began preparing for a lung transplant.

It was in this dark moment that things began to shift. Without the added stress of carrying the baby, Diana’s body began to repair itself, and by the end of November, doctors were able to wake her up. She was tremendously weak and at first, didn’t know Chris. His heart felt like it was disintegrating. But then, when a nurse told Diana he was her husband, she pointed to a picture of them on the beach that Chris had posted on the wall and said, “No, that’s my husband.”

Slowly, against all odds, Diana’s memories came back and she began asking about her two other children and wondering how it could be that she was no longer pregnant. She asked Chris, “Why didn’t anybody tell me I was going to have a C-section?”

Shortly before Christmas, on Dec. 23, Diana was able to return home. Chris rattled off the numbers to her: 139 days at the hospital, 101 on a ventilator, 51 of those also on ECMO. She was still attached to an oxygen tank and had three chest tubes in her lungs to keep them inflated, which were pretty painful. But she couldn’t wait to be home.

As soon as they arrived, Chris scooped her up and put her in a bed he and Diana’s father had set up downstairs and Cain, 1, and their daughter, Miranda, 7, piled onto the blankets. Chris cradled their newborn Cameron, plump and healthy, whom they had named after Dezfulian, Diana’s doctor.

One day after they were safely home, Chris finally told her about the choice he had had to make.

She replied that even if things had not worked out the way they did, “I wouldn’t change anything.” He felt relief, but also sadness for all the others who had been in the same spot as him - or would be in the future.

Anonymous said...

Physically, doctors are optimistic Diana will make a full recovery, but it will take time, and she’s still weak on her left side because of the strokes. Emotionally, she’s struggling. She has anxiety about seeing people and leaving her home for fear of her or her loved ones being infected with the virus.

“Things I used to do before, I can’t do anymore. … And so it’s hard for the kids and it’s hard for me, because you want to do so much more. And they want you to do so much more,” she said."

End Excerpt

Anonymous said...

Collapse. Collapse. Collapse. Collapse. Collapse.

Anonymous said...

I didn't read the long dirge of posts above.

Saw how long and drawn out it was and knew just more copy and paste from a troll.

Yes, collapsed.

There are much worse stories out there that do not involve covid and the drama types like to keep swirling around it, to the exclusion of information really needing posted instead.
So those get no notice. But a callous opportunist makes sure this kind of story gets pushed.

Covid is a diva among the many many maladies out there.
Drama queens gotta drama. (morons gotta moron)

Hutch said...

Well, X at 2:00 PM, you've got my head spinning on that one! If I recover from the whiplash, I'm not sure if I'll land in New Zealand or not!

According to your statement, Roman Catholic agents of Opus Dei secretly partner with Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Insurance, Big Pharma and "religious right" false teachers. In your mind, are these secret agents the good cops or the bad cops? and what of the beloved Dr. FauXi? In your mind, is he a good cop, or a bad cop? You're saying that Opus Dei agents are playing both sides against the middle? kind of like you're doing here? How about Franklin Graham? He's religious right, pro vaccine, even got a vaccine - and had surgery for an enlarged heart shortly thereafter. Is he a good cop or a bad cap? or does he only think he's a Protestant? Thank you in advance for your expose of Opus Dei and setting us straight on all of this.

And you're tipping a few at the local pub ... right?

Anonymous said...

‘Everyone has to speak in code:’ Utahns with reported COVID vaccine injuries say they’re being silenced on social media


Anonymous said...


The ecumenical goals of the One World Religion means attracting all to her....so they "play" good cop/bad cop to opposing ideologies. I'm not calling either side the "good" side, they are both, equally bad UNLESS and UNTIL those purporting to be opposed to Pope Francis ACTUALLY leave the roman catholic church and become saved "Protestants" themselves. Until then, they remain untrusty agents of her.

What I see is the progressive social justice left and center leaning religious folks mistakenly attracted to the nice guy open-minded seeming Jesuit pope Francis while the far right leaning conservatives get comfort from the words and propaganda promulgated and paid for by "orthodox" roman catholics of Opus Dei, Legatus and the Knights of Malta. These agents of rome on the right will speak of freedom, ethics, morality and liberty while promoting themselves to power (See Leonard Leo Federalist Soceity) and sowing the distrust and destruction of our institutions and government (Evidence MAGA insurrection and deaths in Red States)

Either way, the roman catholic church has the ears and attention of the unsuspecting and not biblically grounded "faithful" as she continues on her ecumenical one world religion endeavor.

Yes, Franklin Graham is certainly a false teacher. It appears he was vaccinated in early 2021 and didn't have such heart surgery until November 2021 so it's a little disingenuous to group the two events together as though they are definitely related. Franklin Graham was not wrong about everything though when he said "“Based on the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, I would have to say—yes, I think Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines to treat suffering and save lives.”

If you are interested in learning more about opus dei...

Check out: "The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America Paperback" by Betty Clermont


*This book examines how hawks and neo-conservatives in the Republican Party forged a nexus with powerful right wing Catholics that would change the face of American Catholicism, the structuring of social policy in the United States, and the American agenda in the world. At the start of the 1980s, the Church's social justice agenda had been committed to alleviating poverty, to demilitarization, to affirmative action,and to ending capital punishment-an agenda antipathetic to the Republican platform. By the end of the nineties, its justice agenda was marginalized, and political action was mobilized around concern for the dying and the unborn. Clermont's rigorous and extensively documented research examines how it was done.

Anonymous said...


Check this out while you’re at it.


RayB said...

Ottawa Police on horseback trample elderly GRANDMOTHER … Turn their horses into a small crowd of PEACEFUL protestors (Video)

Reports are circulating that the elderly grandmother was taken to the hospital where she DIED of her injuries


NOTE: I don't recall anything even remotely close to this happening when BLM & ANTIFA anarchists were Burning Looting Murdering their way through the "Summer of Love."

Anonymous said...

Here's the raw video on youtube

Police officer on horseback trampling on protester

The comments are atrocious:

"Who else laughed so hard when they watched this?"

"It was obviously an accident because her was blowing his whistle to make her move, she didn't listen/pay attention and the horse could not stop"

"Oh well ! That happens when you act like child disrespecting the Cops ."

Anonymous said...

RayB said: "NOTE: I don't recall anything even remotely close to this happening when BLM & ANTIFA anarchists were Burning Looting Murdering their way through the "Summer of Love.""

Your racism is showing. Of course there were many injuries when police and federal agents broke up actual peaceful protests (and a few not so peaceful) throughout the summer of 2020. Horses have been used all the time to disperse crowds throughout the continent for decades. You surely are familiar with the concept or maybe it's the first time you've seen it used on white people? Anyone remaining unlawfully in Ottawa at the time took their own life and health into their own hands. Trudeau ain't messing around now but unlike Trump in Washington, they were given weeks of warnings and courtesies.

Oh...and you're being played. The "grandma" can be seen getting up and being helped by police in the background. The rumored victims name, Roberta Paulson, is the alt right/4 chan play on the name Robert Paulson as used in fight club. Initial rumors about insurrectionist Ashley Babbitt also named her "Roberta Paulson".

In the movie, the character Robert Paulson is shot and killed which leads his fellow “Project Mayhem” supporters to chant “his name was Robert Paulson” as a rallying cry for their cause.


Anonymous said...

Blackrock Whistleblower Who Predicted the Crash of Moderna Breaks NEW Bombshell Info — 'You Do Not Want to be the Bag Holder'

Must see video...


Unknown said...

Klaus Schwab has a school for grooming globalist dictators ready to usher in The Great Reset. Go take a look at it’s list of graduates. https://rairfoundation.com/exposed-klaus-schwabs-school-for-covid-dictators-plan-for-great-reset-videos/

Anonymous said...

Only a Satanist like X would push the vaccine so fervently. They want little children, and babies to be vaccinated! Enjoy your ride to the bottom of the sea X! It's fitting for you. It's your just deserts for the wickedness you zealously promote!

They All Died Suddenly


J said...

Last night I was watching a show about Nazi occultism because nothing else was on. Towards the end, British counter-occultism was mentioned, and not disapprovingly. For example, Aleister Crowley was said to have been recruited by British intelligence during WW II to counter the Nazi occultism. It was claimed that the V for victory hand sign that Churchill used, was given to Churchill by Crowley, to counter the Nazi use of the runes that they incorporated into the swastika and the SS logo.

This morning it occurred to me to wonder how X would characterize this. Would he say that the British side in WW II was the bad side, citing the example of Aleister Crowley?

Aleister Crowley was evil, but I'm sure glad the Nazis were defeated and that we're not currently living in the world depicted in The Man in the High Castle.

Aleister Crowley can't be taken to stand in for the whole Allied side in WW II and paint that whole side as evil.

I don't know if X is right or wrong about his claims about the woman knocked down by the horse in Ottawa, her name, or the significance of her name.

If he is, that's interesting, but I don't think it supports the overall narrative that it is intended to support.

Who knows anymore what shenanigans are really going on. I don't even know anymore what to really think about Russia and Ukraine. I wouldn't even put it past the CIA + NATO countries' intelligence staging a false flag attack in Ukraine and claiming it was Russia's false flag attack. I wouldn't even put it past Russia blaming it on the CIA + NATO, when really Russia did it. I don't work in intelligence. How should I know?

God only knows the deviousness of the human heart and the evils justified to fight evils. Evils were done in the name of fighting communism during the cold war. But communism was still evil. Evils may be done to fight the NWO, but the NWO is still evil.

It's one thing not to be naive. It's another to purposely attempt to confuse issues and narratives.

Anonymous said...

If nothing else it gives rise to a new sort of phenomenon that might be called a "rumor of a war".

Anonymous said...

"Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.
Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread." (Isaiah 8:12-13)

Craig said...


Though I had no idea about the Crowley connection, I've had the same basic thoughts as you express.

Certainly, one anomalous person does not characterize a whole group. And what if the opposition plants someone in an attempt at discrediting said group?

And who provides a pseudonym? Is it the pro or the con side, and for what purpose?

I've stayed out of commenting on the Kuwait situation for the very reasons you cite. Who knows what the Military Industrial Complex might have up its sleeve?

Anonymous said...

The conversation between you both, J and Craig, has been on my mind also. To throw the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong..sure let's evil win in so many instances because the otherwise good that is in grass roots movements are not to be wholly and completely characterized by a select few bad apples in the bushel.
But X doesn't operate that way--and he is not by any means a purist for truth himself. He sides with evil and openly, resolutely, and quite often, so who is he to arrogantly dare push his version of "virtue" on to others?...unless he is a paid provocateur -- benefiting somehow in the scenarios that side with known evils in Big Gov, Big Business, Big Everything that hates grass roots common folk and the real concerns they have because they have become in their estimation "too big to fail".
The trend is on the side of the big entities that presume and assume to force people into a corner for an outcome they have devised, fully intend to carry out.
This is no time to roll over and play dead, though I do not advocate violence, but an easy thoughtless compliance is already an evil, to further more evil on the way, as we speak.

Trust nobody but Jesus..the Word of God is 100% truth 100% of the time and God will reveal the wisdom we need when we need it if we will but ask--simply trust Him for it. His Word is Light in the darkness and we sure need it right now in this time of rumors of wars and the other many things coming down the pike that God has warned us of. That's a promise (James 1:5)

Craig said...

Interesting conversation here regarding perceived effectiveness of vaccines and how this may correlate with share prices:

What the Moderna share price reveals about vaccines


Freddie Sayers meets Louis-Vincent Gave.

Read the Post article: Louis Gave: What the Moderna share price reveals about vaccines

Listen to the podcast version: What the Moderna share price reveals about vaccines

Since the end of November 2021, Moderna's share price has been falling dramatically, from $368 to $147 at the time of writing.

Why might this be? And what does it tell us about the vaccines more generally?

Freddie Sayers sat down with Louis Gave, a financial analyst and co-founder of Gavekal, a financial services firm based in Hong Kong. Gave noted that the markets had been ahead of politicians and even epidemiologists on the Omicron variant in terms of its lethality, but also evidently they had determined that vaccines were not the ‘silver bullet’ solution they were initially sold as. What may be taboo to say in political circles is more bluntly put when people are betting their money on the outcome.

RayB said...

Black father rocks the house at North Carolina school board meeting…
Strongly speaks against Critical Race Theory

Brian Echevarria is running for NC House District 73

”In America, I can do anything I want and I teach that to my children. And the person who teaches my kids that they’re somehow oppressed based on the color of their skin would be absolutely at war with me.”


Anonymous said...

There has been 2 racists come to this blog.
One is the nasty poet, the other, even more prolific, and paid troll is marXXXist x.

RayB said...

Jeffrey Epstein’s Close Friend and ‘Pimp’ Jean-Luc Brunel Found Dead in Apparent Prison ‘Suicide’ – He Allegedly Hanged Himself, Prison Cameras Were Not Working at the Time

Just try to imagine the amount of dirt this creep had on very powerful pedophiles, many of whom were politicians.


Procured over 1,000 young girls and women for the Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. He was awaiting trial for which he was accused of raping young girls.

Funny isn't it, how these creeps die by hanging themselves in their cells, while the camera just seem to malfunction at just the right time? (Side bar: when the FBI raided Epstein's NY mansion, vast amounts of sex videos were found, all of which were labeled. Unbelievably, the FBI left without securing that evidence, whereby Epstein's attorney removed them, and turned them over to the FBI four days later. Do you think that any of this evidence was destroyed?)

Anonymous said...


How creepy all of this is. And how convenient that the cameras had such a timely malfunction..just like Epstein's circumstances.
The skullduggery and clandestine nature of what surrounds Epstein and his high profile "friends" in high places behaving like the lowest forms of life (and so many names well known to us) to prevent anything coming to light of what is going on, is proof that the coverups are at every level and going full throttle to keep the public in the dark...while they continue to participate in many dark enterprises.
And these are elites who tell the rest of us how to come and go, no less.
You and I can't even imagine it or make this stuff up it's so over the top.

Anonymous said...

The only Justice the assassins will suffer, is when they meet the Lord! His security camera never fails!

Anonymous said...

Epstein Associate Found Dead in French Prison Cell


Anonymous said...

Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots! CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in "The Healthiest Athletes"


RayB said...

Triple-Jabbed Queen Elizabeth II, 95, Positive for Coronavirus


Anonymous said...

Wow...just on CPAC now an MP asked why Klaus Schwab was bragging he owns half of Canada's parliament and who are the MP's he owns...the speaker cut him off and said the audio was bad and moved on...the whole system needs to come down Canada isn't ours anymore...Video: Canadian MP CENSORED For Pointing Out WEF's Corrupt Influence Over Trudeau's Gov't


Anonymous said...

10:29 AM

Canadas problem is it's New Age Truckers!

Anonymous said...

"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"

David Horowitz

Anonymous said...

Mark Steyn and Maxime Bernier Discuss the Current Totalitarian State of Canada


Anonymous said...

Or perhaps inside every progressive is a demon screaming to stay in?

Anonymous said...

Public Health Scotland will no longer publish Covid-19 Data because it shows the Fully Vaccinated are developing AIDS


Anonymous said...

Trampling The Truckers - The Great Reset Becomes The Great Awakening


Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to believe the second seal has been broken. Maybe the third as well??

Does anyone else see peace being taken from the world? Hyper inflation?

If so, things will escalate in a big way!

There will be little to no help from our slave masters. They largely serve the price of this world.

So faith, and prayer is the greatest hope!

And the knowledge that Soros, Schwab, The Clintons, Biden, Francis, Pelosi, Trudeau, Macron, and all their ilk, and all their foot soldiers, will suffer perfectly.

RayB said...

“Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!” – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in “The Healthiest Athletes”


NOTE: Please repeat after me ... "Blood Clots have absolutely (shout) NOTHING to do with these 'vaccines,' and I do mean (REALLY shout) NOTHING."

RayB said...

Can you trust the mainstream media for your news source?

Paul Craig Roberts: The Washington Post Is CIA's "Propaganda Service For The Military/Security/Pharma Complex"


This has been a well known fact 'inside the beltway' since the days of Watergate, and coincides with my recent post regarding the 'true story' of Watergate, etc.

RayB said...

The latest 'official' statistics from Europe (it's actually WAY WORSE, this is what they are admitting to):

40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket

Go here for DETAILED statistics associated with the various EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines':


Anonymous said...

10:29 AM

Absolutely believe this to be true. Haven't we seen this coming?
Between WEF and China we are all owned.
The Global games will begin shortly..

And Bible prophecy is happening right on cue.

Trust Jesus and His Word. No one else has the lockdown on truth.
Only God.

Craig said...

UN planes in Canada. Does this explain the police with no identification earlier?


Feb 20, 2022


Anonymous said...

Capitol perimeter fence erected after January 6 riot will be REINSTALLED ahead of Biden's State of the Union address on March 1 as the truckers' Freedom Convoy heads for Washington


Craig said...

I had not seen this before:

The idea that everything from spoons to stones are conscious is gaining academic credibility

Olivia Goldhill · Jan 27, 2018 Quartz

Consciousness permeates reality. Rather than being just a unique feature of human subjective experience, it’s the foundation of the universe, present in every particle and all physical matter.

This sounds like easily-dismissible bunkum, but as traditional attempts to explain consciousness continue to fail, the “panpsychist” view is increasingly being taken seriously by credible philosophers, neuroscientists, and physicists, including figures such as neuroscientist Christof Koch and physicist Roger Penrose.

“Why should we think common sense is a good guide to what the universe is like?” says Philip Goff, a philosophy professor at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. “Einstein tells us weird things about the nature of time that counters common sense; quantum mechanics runs counter to common sense. Our intuitive reaction isn’t necessarily a good guide to the nature of reality.”

David Chalmers, a philosophy of mind professor at New York University, laid out the “hard problem of consciousness” in 1995, demonstrating that there was still no answer to the question of what causes consciousness. Traditionally, two dominant perspectives, materialism and dualism, have provided a framework for solving this problem. Both lead to seemingly intractable complications...

This is the thesis of Alice A. Bailey's The Consciousness of the Atom.

RayB said...

A BIG step to the creation of a possible Dictatorship ... all based upon providing 'security' for the people.

After a big show of force against truckers, Trudeau's regime bruits making its new powers permanent


NOTE: Again, is history is rhyming? Hitler's Dictatorship began in 1933 after the Reichstag fire, which the Nazis defined as 'an attack upon the State.' The Nazis blamed the arson attack on the German Bolsheviks (Communists), which represented a major force in Germany at that time. In order to deal with the 'security crisis,' Hitler asked the Reichstag for 'emergency, TEMPORARY (5 years), dictatorial powers," which was granted (with the help of the violent SA, aka, Brownshirts standing menacingly in the aisles as the members cast their votes). Once the Enabling Act was passed, Hitler never relinquished his 'temporary' powers.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if this guy was triple stabbed?

Surprised to see deep state media report this.

Reporter’s sudden death raised deep vein thrombosis awareness


RayB said...

New Ottawa Police Chief makes criminal threat…


New Ottawa police chief Steve Bell — “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely. This investigation will go on for months to come.”

Question: Did the Police apply this to the violent anarchist rioters and looters of BLM & ANTIFA, or, are they just singling out PEACEFUL FREEDOM PROTESTERS?

RayB said...

Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent


"Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture."

"There is nothing more permanent than a temporary Government program."

Again, did the Government do this to the VIOLENT anarchists BLM & ANTIFA when they were Burning, Looting & Murdering?

RayB said...

The Next Step For The World Economic Forum

Read this VERY revealing, and important, article in its entirety here:


"It has been obvious since early 2020 that there has been an organized cult outreach that has permeated the world as a whole. It’s possible that this formed out of a gigantic error, rooted in a sudden ignorance of cell biology and long experience of public health. IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE THAT A SEASONAL RESPIRATORY VIRUS WAS DEPLOYED by some people AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEIZE POWER FOR SOME OTHER PURPOSE."


NOTE: In case you haven't noticed ... more and more people are catching on to the fact that this whole thing has been CREATED in order to use it as a means for obtaining POWER over the peoples of the world. The CLUE from the very beginning is that the survival rate for this 'killer' virus is incredibly high, with even 'at risk' age categories, such as ages 60-69, 99.41%. Consider adding the 'co-morbidity' factor, and the survival rates are even HIGHER !

Anonymous said...

No they didn't.

The New World Order Nazis LIKE subversives. Subversives are good for their Luciferian cause.

Freedom loving people are dangerous!

RayB said...

Uber Driver Mom Begged for Her Life Before Fatal Shooting


"I'm begging you, I have 4 kids." These are some of the last words Christi Spicuzza said to the man who murdered her. Police say her Uber dash cam (found dumped in Penn Hills) shows Calvin Crew holding a gun to her head and telling her to do everything he says before she was murdered.

“The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was FILLED WITH VIOLENCE.” – (the “earth” of Noah’s day) – Genesis 6:11

“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

“For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,”

“And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” – Matthew 24: 37-39

Anonymous said...

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism


Anonymous said...

RayB @ 8:59 AM

So sorry that happened to that woman, and her family.

When I drove a cab from the mid 80s to the mid 90s there was a young woman with children, who was shot in the head and killed. She worked for the same company I did. I loved her. Everyone in the company did. She was this skinny, funny, kind, sweet, full of life, young woman. She was killed about three blocks from the hospital her sister was an RN at. Her sister was there when she was brought into the ER. Brings tears to my eyes recalling that tragedy all these years later.

Anonymous said...

P.O.S. Wind-up toy Biden, can not stop talking up imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the U.S.


Anonymous said...

The hope for just governance was lost long ago. When TPTB are permitted to meet in secret, with no scrutiny, it's just a matter of time until full enslavement. That's why the plandemic enforcement was so ubiquitous. Things will escalate rapidly. The Lord is allowing all this to take place. Prophecy is being fulfilled. Won't be long now, until true justice arrives! Until then, let go of this world, it's going down like the Titanic. There is no reward for clinging to what will die very soon.

Anonymous said...

Amen, 10:35 AM.

RayB said...

Anon @ 10:21 AM ...

I read the entire Dr. Wolf article and found it to be very accurate and informative and HIGHLY recommend reading it!

Just a few somewhat related thoughts ...

This article also provides an illustration that a person CAN be in agreement on a PARTICULAR SUBJECT that happens to be written by an author with whom one may have serious disagreements with on OTHER subjects. Knowing that going in, that didn't prevent me from reading this excellent article.

I take the same approach with RFK Jr. and his book "The Real Anthony Fauci." There are many items that RFK Jr. and I would not agree upon. However, that does not prevent me from listening to what he has to say on a subject in which he has dutifully researched, and knows an awful lot more on this subject than I do.

The same is true for Archbishop Vigano. I listen to what he has to say regarding the New World Order, etc. He is WORTH LISTENING TO ! I simply disregard religious statements that he occasionally makes that are in conflict with the Bible.

The lesson is this; if we only listen to others in which we are in complete agreement with on all subject matter, we will be doing an awful lot of talking to ourselves, and not listening to anyone else.

Are you listening X ?

Anonymous said...

-----Original Message-----
From: Rita Lotspeich
To: Rita Lotspeich
Sent: Mon, Feb 21, 2022 1:28 pm
Subject: Canadian single mom has bank account frozen for donatng $50 to Freedom Convoy

Outrage as Briane, a Canadian single mom on minimum wage has bank account frozen for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy: Trudeau is blasted for draconian law that 'would never have been imposed on BLM'

Also, Canadian trucker Derek Brouwer told Fox News that his accounts have been frozen since Friday, and his truck was seized.


RayB said...

Anon @ 10:35 AM ...

I would caution you regarding your statement that "the hope for governance was lost long ago." That is exactly the negative type of sentiment that the despots want to hear. In short, it represents a defeatist attitude, and, it is not Biblical.

As long as people are alive, they should strive for, and PRAY for the advancement of righteousness, and that includes, prayers for the DESTRUCTION of God's enemies (something that is seldom done ... yet the Psalmists did).

We are also admonished to pray for His "will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven." A person without hope cannot utter that prayer with any faith or sincerity.

This is one of the major problems of Dispensationalism and its spawn, the doctrine of the pre-tribulational rapture. I have witnessed this for many years. An emphasis on the false pre-trib rapture doctrine leads to faithless, inactivity. And it has born this type of 'fruit' since the beginning of the 20th. Century.

God is sovereign. He alone will decide whether or not to "heal our land." Our DUTY, as long as we are alive, is this:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2nd. Chronicles 7:14

Anonymous said...

I feel the same as 10:35 AM.

I think the handwriting is on the wall and not because of "dispensationalism".

My thought is prepare for the worst yet hope for the best--yes because God is Sovereign.
He has hit the pause button on fulfilling the rest of prophecy before and He has that discretion. It may be the time of the Gentiles winding down and I see plenty to steer that thinking. Israel is back in the land after 2000 years and the time to "finish the transgression" is on the horizon. That is my thinking at the moment and so far I have only seen progression toward OWG - the finale...the end of the age. I look for the Lord's Appearing (in the clouds) in the rapture (and I am not pre-trib-i used to be but see too much that refutes that scenario) and I feel an urgency with the Gospel and praying for the persecuted church as I believe we should as believer's. Looking for "my best life now" (or continuation of it in this country that God graced us with) is not how I feel the Spirit of God wants me to focus or pray. I watch because Jesus said to and He said that a number of times so the cares f this world shouldn't be so much on my radar screen.
Just my thoughts and good people can disagree with me. But I will focus this way as long as I believe God wants me to. He's free to change my mind because I am trusting Him for that. I pray and ask for wisdom and God promised us that in James 1:5 so the Lord can cue me as He sees fit.
More will be revealed with time---and I think it's pretty short now. Prophecy is moving quickly.
What I see every day is the more things fall apart, the more they are falling into place.....

Craig said...

New Mexico lawmaker backs Canadian truckers with bill providing asylum

Fox News

Rep. Yvette Herrell, R-N.M., on introducing bill that would temporarily grant asylum to Canadian protesters.


Let's see where this goes.

Anonymous said...

Are you listening X ?

Yes, Ray, you are so open-minded your brains have apparently fallen out.

1. RFK, jr. wasn't "dutifully" researched...just stuffed full of incorrectly and misinterpreted citations, opinion and innuendo. That little that was shared here was complete rubbish.

2. Vigano is an agent of the New World Religion hell bent on destroying Protestant America. It is unChristian and unAmerican/patriotic to espouse his views at all.

It's just so surreal to be communicating with Republicans trying to act like they are a or the blue collar, grassroots Americans. You destroy the middle class and now act like MAGA republicanism is the only way to save it versus the path to further destruction and dismantling of this country.

Haven't you done enough?

Privatized everything, destroy the unions, cut taxes for wealthy, give corporations the right to free speech and unfettered ability to donate money to compromised big tobacco, big oil and big pharma controlled right wing politicians?

Dominionist heretics - YOU are the problem


p.s. - J, never heard of Crowley. Wars do tend to reduce populations to resorting to a lot of superstitions as fear grips nations...others turn towards God.

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers - YouTube

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:13 PM is deluded.

And in deep denial..

....because everything he can only accuse others of is exactly what he is actually found guilty of supporting himself.

paul said...

"Uber Driver Mom Begged for Her Life Before Fatal Shooting"

Why not say that another (!) Negro butchered another innocent?

Your wife puts her hands
right up Neegrah shirt,
she pull the strings
that make him work....

Her jaw shall drop,
her tongue comes out....
like Black Boys.....
with Bong in mouth!

Anonymous said...


Bugs and bods fill mountains full of sleaze....

Vomit from Joe's nostrils catch the breeze....

Falling Fog!
The mustard gas brings Goblins to their knees.....

Fauci steals your corpse and jumps the cliff to Hell!

lyrics by RayB, Richard

Anonymous said...

Just copied and now pasting this here - from a commenter on ABC channel on YouTube, regarding Putin's goals.

"I’m fairly convinced that’s his ultimate goal. He won’t go west into Europe, he’ll turn his attention south…"

RayB said...

Tyranny becomes the law of the land in Canada ... all nice and legal like:

Tyranny: Canadian Parliament Votes for Emergencies Act Motion


Anonymous said...

What an ASSinine statement from 4:13 PM

J said...

3:28 PM,

I feel the same as 10:35 AM.

I think the handwriting is on the wall and not because of "dispensationalism".

My thought is prepare for the worst yet hope for the best--yes because God is Sovereign.


I agree with your basic orientation of preparing for the worst yet hoping for the best. I agree with what you've said several times, too, about watching yet not figuring it all out. We can't figure it all out. The Apostles were not given to know everything. We will certainly not be given to know it all, either.

But I think the instruction to watch was given to the generation that saw the temple burn, the veil to the Holy of Holies rent, the church escape Jerusalem, and the Jews taken into captivity by the Romans.

As a believer in PPA (partial preterist amillenialism), that leaves me very little to watch for, except for the vague "Gog and Magog" surrounding the "city without walls" which is the "camp of the saints" after Satan has been loosed again for a little while.

One thought occurs to me. Jesus told us what it meant for Satan to be bound. It meant that he could enter the strong man's house and plunder his goods by casting out demons. It meant the nations of the world didn't need to live in darkness and the great commission could freely go forth to spread the gospel message to them.

Therefore, one sign that Satan has been loosed, will be if the gospel message is no longer spreading. I don't believe that can possibly regarded as being true. The gospel message is even spreading in the Middle East and Africa and among former Muslims. Jesus is appearing in dreams and visions, and in their culture, they believe in dreams. There's nothing their authorities can do about it.

I was taught in my childhood that Satan would be put inside of a black hole somewhere in the universe, but that is not what the Bible says is meant by Satan being "bound." It means Satan can't prevent people from hearing the gospel and becoming converted, not in any nation of the world.

Even China has house churches as I sit here and type. House churches are an old and honorable tradition, appearing in early Christianity and in early American colonial history.

China can't completely control the house churches, and the Muslim world can't control what their people dream about.

By this logic I don't believe that Gog and Magog will truly surround the city without walls any day now.

In fact I don't think a Gog wanna-be like Bill Gates has all the control he wants. Bill Gates seemed disappointed in a recent interview that Omicron spread across the world faster than the vaccine did.

Anonymous said...

Of course Gog and Magog won't suround the city without walls any day now. But two years from now?

J said...

X 4:13 PM,

You've never heard of Crowley? Really? He's the topic of the Ozzy Osbourne song, "Mr. Crowley." Jimmy Page bought his former house next to Loch Ness. His face appeared on the cover of the Beatles album, "Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band."

His famous saying, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," influenced rock n' roll and counter culture. "Do your own thing" is a version of it.

Crowley called himself, "The Beast, 666." He really had delusions of grandeur about being the beast of Revelation. It's what he wanted to be and what he imagined he was, although I think he ended up dying disappointed that he was not really the Beast of Revelation.

He was a strong influence on Kinsey, who was a strong influence on Hugh Hefner, Playboy and Cosmopolitan and the "Cosmo Girl." I.e. Crowley had a whole lot of influence on the sexual revolution, but not just that.

Crowley influenced Timothy Leary very strongly. You know, the Harvard professor who influenced the hippies to "tune in, turn on, drop out."

Crowley supposedly helped British Intelligence win WW II. It's debatable. I doubt if Churchill's V for Victory sign is the reason why the Americans entered the war. Pearl Harbor was the reason. Did Crowley make the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor with voodoo magic, too? I doubt it.

Obama wore a T-shirt while he was campaigning for president. There's a picture of him grinning in it. Crowley's face is on it. It says jokingly, "Crowley for President." It may not be on the internet anymore.

J said...

I haven't looked all over this whole web site and don't necessarily endorse all the content on it. I hope it's a joke site and not favorable about Aleister Crowley. I honestly haven't looked enough to know. I'm just interested in this picture right now. Here is a picture of Obama wearing the Aleister Crowley T-shirt.


Oh, and X, it looks like the fact checkers couldn't debunk it, but the link is dead now, so it can't be examined what the fact checker found out.

"For those of you who think this is a hoax or fake, and have looked in vain for some mention of it on Snopes, it looks like someone has done some research and found possible evidence that this is a real photo of Obama wearing an Aleister Crowley t-shirt."

Craig said...


The dead link comes alive on the Wayback Machine, aka Internet Archive:

Obama's Aleister Crowley T-shirt

RayB said...

It Can’t Be a Coincidence That So Many Things Have Gone So Wrong in So Little

Read this very informative article in its entirety here:


"Lenin said that in chaos, there is opportunity. The opportunity for Communism was to wreck the existing Government (in that case in Russia, a monarchy) so that they could swoop in and take over. Power is what was sought, and Power is what he and his fellow travelers got."

"They are creating the problem and have their solutions waiting in the wings. This is the Hegelian Dialectic:

Hegelian dialectic is ‘PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION’ and how it works is like this:

The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others.
The people react by asking the government for protection and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem.
Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occurred.
What’s the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help."

J said...

8:32 PM,

Anything is possible, but as long as the gospel can be spread and people can be converted, then it shows Satan is still bound, and not loosed. Before Gog and Magog surround the city without walls, Satan is loosed for a little while.

I considered maybe the demons posing as aliens could possibly be Gog and Magog, maybe working with Share International and maybe even with Sacha Stone, but that's just speculation, and I've decided not to go too far down that road. It's best not to trifle with God's Word, I've done it before, and all I could do was feel wretched and pray.

But yes, we just don't know what could happen and when, and PPA is just my belief. End times beliefs have to be regarded as debatable, and they aren't core gospel. The core gospel is what is most important. (Any end times belief that undermines core gospel needs to be regarded as very suspect, though.)

J said...

Craig 8:59 AM,

Thanks, good detective work. Very interesting.

Craig said...


If you're unfamiliar with the Wayback Machine site, all you need to do is copy the dead url and then paste into the box at the top. Once it populates, click on a date (sometimes older is better), then click on the hyperlinked timestamp that comes up in the balloon.

Craig said...

^...at archive.org.

Anonymous said...

So once again X utilizes PROJECTION! Hasn't he and his ilk done enough?

Anonymous said...

"Therefore, one sign that Satan has been loosed, will be if the gospel message is no longer spreading. I don't believe that can possibly regarded as being true. The gospel message is even spreading in the Middle East and Africa and among former Muslims. Jesus is appearing in dreams and visions, and in their culture, they believe in dreams. There's nothing their authorities can do about it."
Yes! I support a ministry that smuggles Bibles into countries that are closed and the accounts of how God moves in those places, among those people is beyond awesome--things only He can enable and carry out and like you describe also. God's hands are never tied.

J, I believe there is plenty to watch, like a chess game of sorts, watching the political moves that garner power helping along the prophecies to take more shape-of note it is like things have many times since the Bible canon was written that seemed to be bringing things down to the wire, yet there were always pieces of the puzzle missing, but I believe all the players are lining up for the great showdowns the Bible speaks of when looking at the modern names of the ancient peoples..they are coming into focus--some things still fuzzy, yes, but even shapes that are not sharply in focus yet can give us clues of what is coming..Jesus said "I have told you all things beforehand". There, awaiting fulfillment, and watching eyes to see and that is what dependence upon God does and will continue to do. My bet is you know the Word of God has it all for us to trust Him for wisdom and discernment, and the Spirit illumines it for us when we need to know it, so much certainly bears watching as God has many twisting, turning surprises yet. We can't feel exactly certain of just what in all this to date--but certain of WHO is working HIS Plan (and of course the devil is allowed his mechanics to let evil do it's own work--he, being a mere tool in God's hand for His beautiful purpose to use evil for Good instead--yes, the devil will skim off the many who refuse to trust the Lord Almighty Jesus Christ--but God's remnant (He has always had one) will see God fulfill His Word - whether we live through it (amazingly so) or die in the happenings of the times--God has His firm, unshakeable hold on His Own.
Ezekiel 38-39 - Russian, Chinese, Iranian superpower moves have been going on under our noses for many decades, (like the evil in past events always seemed to have a few roots unplucked to grow again in the right conditions to bear evil fruit) and though we have seen it is some regards, the spirit of the age (deception/blindness) is for people to be lulled and dulled into the blindness about these things in all the other distractions and hot spots the devil stokes to attempt to take us off track. All happening in real time--these are things on our plates. Do we still simply go back, and back again and again, to the Word to understand? I'm sure you agree, we better!

And still the Gospel and the Lord's prophetic word gets His work done because not one of us can undo what God has said.
America is dulled alright, has been led by the nose into a spiritual stupor. Other believers in the world are looking for Jesus..reports from ministries such as I described earlier..but America is too taken with her own cares to really notice. Prosperity, and easier more "peaceful" times, and the relentless pursuit of them, provide many distractions and attractions, so often proving a curse to the spiritual life.
But believers should set their minds on things above as God tells us too.
I say of this beloved land and my earthy home--Lord, You give and take away..blessed be the Name of the Lord.
I am pretty much convinced there is much to unfold just ahead of us..with no turning back. I am not altogether right--I am fallible, but I am right to keep my heart and mind at the ready...and if not happening that soon, it remains, is there ever a time to be slack in the things of the Lord?

J said...

RayB 9:00 AM,

The same thing happened with George W. Bush's War on Terror and then with TARP and "too big to fail." It keeps happening in various ways. And it keeps working. With COVID I don't think it worked quite as well as TPTB wanted. I don't think they can really control and predict nature as well as they can manipulate the media, politics, economics, etc. They are used to lying. Lying doesn't really go together with science, real science, that is.

RayB said...


IMO, for what it's worth, is that the lab created virus was not the end goal, it was the dangerous EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine," along with the draconian measures that Governments would use to enforce the 'jab,' along with the 'emergency' plans enacted to shut down the economies of the world, whereby, the One World Government would be established. This follows the Hegelian dialectic, as in, ‘PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION.'

As I posted above this excerpt from that article:

"The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others."

"The people react by asking the government for protection and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem."

"Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occurred."

"What’s the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help."

RayB said...

I don't have the time to do this now, but I did want to quickly clarify something regarding my post @ 2:48 PM ...

Briefly, I was not making the claim that "Dispensationalism," in any way, CAUSES prophecy to occur, but rather, that FOLLOWERS of this system will be influenced to live out their lives in accordance to their BELIEF SYSTEM. I'll have more to say on that later ... but, my position is along the lines of what Craig was alluding to when he wrote his posts regarding the impact that the belief in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory has upon the lives of believers. I have had a lot of experience with this, and hope to write about it when I have the time.

Anonymous said...

RayB 11:13 AM

I agree with everything you wrote.

And when they say "peace and safety" -- the global PTB mantra if you will -- the world is basically falling all over itself to believe them and what I see large scale happening. Will this turn back in all the populist moves right about now? They do seem to be catching fire..but for how long? Though I might hope so on one hand, I don't think so on the other.

What's the outcome, indeed. Global enslavement, like Pharaoh of old..
Klaus Schwab could not be happier, Solana has to be chomping at the bit as this is his dream for the world. Will certainly bring all globalist efforts all out of the woodwork and into the light of day even more. Will people really care--is this too far gone?
The answer to that is coming soon one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

"Dominionist heretics - YOU are the problem


Another stupid undiscerning statement from woeful scorner, x.
Do you get anything right? Ever?
You are a blind leader of the blind. I hope and pray you don't have many followers.

Anonymous said...

8:48 am


I think you may be trolling me but I'll bite. Did you notice the picture of Obama wearing the AC2012 tshirt is an April Fool's day joke and you can see a blurred nike swoosh logo on the shirt?

It was photoshopped. Here's the original picture archived on the web:


But I think it's true that Crowley was Barbara Bush's father. Even spoof websites get things right once in awhile. lol


p.s. - As far as the Gospel being freely spread...are you familiar with the C5 contextualization debate whereby "missionaries" are going into the Muslim world with "bibles" that have the Gospel removed or altered so they can then pretend to save Muslims who simply remain Muslim yet sometimes read a "bible" that's been edited so as not to offend, by making the Gospel as Islamic as possible.


Apparently, it's illegal to spread/preach the real Gospel in many parts of that world so this is the alternative. Is it effective or just procuring sound bites alluding to another jesus by Muslims?

Anonymous said...

whoever said: "Yes! I support a ministry that smuggles Bibles into countries that are closed and the accounts of how God moves in those places, among those people is beyond awesome--things only He can enable and carry out and like you describe also. God's hands are never tied."

Always check the Bibles these organizations are smuggling. They are not always as they seem.

Unveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 1): Defining Terms



"Between 2011 and 2012, the missiological world began buzzing about a number of translation efforts that aimed at creating Muslim-sensitive renditions of the Bible. The groundwork for this endeavor traces its roots back to the mid-1970s, through the anthropological work of Eugene Nida and Charles Kraft. Nida and Kraft were involved in advancing the translation theory known as “dynamic equivalence.” This theory proposed that translation efforts much seek to achieve the same impact on the receptor culture as they would have had on the original audience.

Dynamic equivalence translation theory has resulted in the production of Muslim Idiom Translations (MIT) of the Bible. On the surface, this concept appears rather benign. Since we recognize distinct languages as candidates for translation of the Bible’s message, we might also consider the micro-cultural distinctives that shape the form of the Arabic language utilized by Muslim Arabic speakers. The principle of MIT does not immediately appear to be out of bounds.

However, the problem with MIT as an acronym and philosophy is that such an articulation of the translation principle obscures the particulars of the product. A missiologist who does not know Arabic or Turkish is bound to take the philosophy at face value without being able to assess the translation it produces. However, when the language choices made by MITs in Arabic and Turkish are investigated, the product becomes much less palatable.

For instance, Muslims are convinced that it is impossible—even reprehensible—to suggest that God would sire a son. Therefore, some MITs choose to omit Divine Filial Language (DFL). Stated differently, MITs exchange DFL for less offensive terminology. At this point, it would not be unreasonable for a reader to criticize these acronyms for being obtuse and unnecessary. In reality, DFL is an acronym developed by some MIT advocates to refer to the biblical references to God as Father and Son. If one were to simply come out and say what they mean—that Muslim sensitive translations of Scripture need to avoid referring to Jesus as the Son of God—the philosophy would be more likely to be rejected.

Yet this is precisely what many IM advocates demand as a part of their strategy. John Travis states this clearly, writing, “It is crucial to have an appropriately contextualized Bible . . . that intentionally uses affectively and cognitively meaningful vocabulary for Muslim readers.”8 Some of this contextualized vocabulary is relegated to using to the Qur’an’s preferred names for various biblical figures. While such a choice involves smuggling qur’anic baggage into the biblical character, it may be argued that this is not necessarily an infringement upon the biblical testimony. Lest we think Travis’s suggestion is limited to exchanging names, however, in a footnote Travis urges translators to find “culturally appropriate ways to translate ‘Holy Spirit,’ ‘Son of God,’ ‘Lord,’ ‘Christian,’ and ‘church.’”9"

Anonymous said...

12:57 PM
Like you would know.
And you don't.

Anonymous said...

At 1:06 PM

I personally know a good number these people and they have done this for over 20 years.

They save women and children from red light districts, they bring seeds, food, medicines (I have helped package seeds and clothes etc--have seen first hand how this works in all levels of this ministry which runs on a shoe string administratively), Bible materials, (I have cut out many flannels of Bible pictures for the lessons they teach), house orphans, equip pastors that they have personally led to Christ. I, and the church I attend, who know people not only in this ministry but also some have come from over seas and ministered in churches all over America. The fruit is beautiful unto God. We are privileged to know them and give them every kind of support and we are a small church. Many others help out and we are thankful when we get back the pictures and updates of the work going on. We take their prayer requests, they ask in turn ask for ours. Lives are changed and that is proof it is of the Lord.
The dedication and sacrifice is unparalleled.
We have the Spirit's wisdom to guide us and know what is real and of the Lord.
From the negativity I sense coming from your "concern" I say can save your "advice" for yourself.

Anonymous said...


The problem with PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION is that it can be applied nefariously to any reactions or solutions offered up for any problem.

One of the basic functions of government is handling "problems" collectively.

If Covid was as deadly and gruesome as Ebola, you'd have welcomed government "reactions and solutions".

But so much for this all being "their" plan...

All legal restrictions in England ending Thursday, 24th February



p.s. - the REAL conspiracy is the alt-rights dialing up fake conspiracies, misinformation and mistrust of government funded and promulgated by the opus dei ultra orthodox roman catholic church as well as the big oil mega corporation-backed "Family Fellowship" heretics.

J said...

1:25 PM,

I'm glad you spoke up.

I'm most of the way through a book called, I Dared Call Him Father, written by a former Muslim Pakistani woman. She was very clear in her book that she learned to believe Jesus is the son of God. She learned from missionaries to accept the Trinity as being similar to three aspects of the sun: heat rays, light rays and chemical rays, but still just one sun.

She mentioned in her book having access to a King James Bible, along with more modern and easier-to-read translations that she didn't specify.

No doubt the adversary tries to sow confusion with compromised bible translations, just like he tries to do in America with some of our bible translations. But since he's bound, he won't prevent all the believers in the Islamic world from reading good Bible translations and hearing the true gospel.

He can deceive all those who love lies and don't love truth, but he can't prevent salvation.

Anonymous said...


I have read that book also.
God will always find ways, beyond our ways, to bring His truth to hearts that are longing for it.
That is part of why I am so happy to support the ministry I spoke of because these instances are still happening in places where people cannot get through with Bibles, but God can.

J said...

10:43 AM,

America is dulled alright, has been led by the nose into a spiritual stupor. Other believers in the world are looking for Jesus..reports from ministries such as I described earlier..but America is too taken with her own cares to really notice. Prosperity, and easier more "peaceful" times, and the relentless pursuit of them, provide many distractions and attractions, so often proving a curse to the spiritual life.
But believers should set their minds on things above as God tells us too.


I completely agree. I agree, too, with what RayB wrote a day or two ago, that God is sovereign and He alone can heal this land if we first repent.

This verse comes to mind from Matthew 6:33:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Anonymous said...

Ain't it the truth?

Woeful, scornful, X, and his gift of discouragement...

that unholy unction he spreads widely here is given by the anti-christ spirit in him.

Anonymous said...


Everything x has advocated, virtue signaled, brow beat, blatantly smeared as lies and accusation has been shown to be bunk. Unsupported by science, common sense, not in favor of the common good, while he has supported what is propaganda by globalist elites that demand their way or the highway, their version of social justice, what is not good for upbuilding any society, is what that loudmouth spreads here.


Knock yourself out to keep on pulling on the door that says push to open x!

J said...

X 8:48 AM,

The link that Craig found, had information that the image of Obama in the Crowley T-shirt, first appeared on the web in November of 2011, long before April Fool's Day.

I see the Nike logo, but it doesn't prove anything, since it's easy to take a plain Nike T shirt and have any picture put on it.

Nike could have even been involved. After all, Nike recently promoted Lil Nas X Satan shoes.

Anonymous said...

Dan Bongino's shocking video about The Great Reset


Anonymous said...

Just a reminder...

TWOday is TWOsday, 02/22/22... Mother of all TACO TWOsdays!!!

Anonymous said...


It's a T-shirt so either way it's not that big a deal. I migh have worn that shirt with Crowley on it if my wife or one of my kids got it for me trying to be funny or ironic. I doubt the President of the US would be caught so unwares, but it's not the biggest deal. I mean Trump was actually Jeffrey Epstein's wingman, in real life, and still got elected. An ironic t-shirt, not the end of the world.

That said, perhaps the photo was doctored/photoshopped prior to that April Fool's Day entry but the link I provided you was the original picture PRIOR to being doctored at all posted by the kid in the picture, Michael Foster, talking about him and his father running around Decorah, Iowa trying to meet President Obama and share with him his National History Day Project regarding the story of the USS Kirk.

Here's what Michael Foster (and/or his dad) posted on August 16, 2011 courtesy of the wayback machine:


If you think because the wayback machine didn't archive it until 2013 that it was made up or back dated:

Obama did go through Decorah, Iowa on August 16, 2011:


Here's a tweet about it with the picture sanes Crowley image from Sept 23, 2011


Here's a local story from Oct 26th, 2011 talking about an upcoming Veteran's Day event wherein the same Michael Foster would be publicly sharing his National History Day project regarding the USS Kirk with a retired US Naval Commander.


Deep fakes are going to get better and better. There are whole fake videos now making it pretty much impossible for any of us to tell. We're ALL going to be bombarded with multiple videos of the same events showing 3, 4 or more different versions making it impossible to know for sure. Try not to be so easily deceived and step outside your silo's a time or two if only to be aware that there may be differing images & video claiming to be depicting the same event telling different stories.


Anonymous said...

1:25 pm and J at 2:17

I agree. Just making you aware of an issue I stumbled upon a few years ago with a missionary coming back and spinning tales at our former church. Something was off. My wife noticed it first and looked into it. It happens. I'm glad it's not happening at your church.

I'm not a King James only guy myself but as with "the toilet paper translation" and other not so near equivalent translations things/the Gospel can get really twisted.

I tend to stick with the NASB, ESV, and KJV whenever quoting the Bible. I've got a large print BSB next to me for quick reference and access to commentary. My MacArthur ESV Study Bible goes to church and Bible study with me. Don't know what to make of the new Legacy Standard Bible yet. Several Reformed leaders seem to be saying good things about it.


Anonymous said...

Pentagon is considering sending the National Guard to DC ahead of US Freedom Convoy protest as thousands of truckers aim to shut down 64-mile Capital Beltway


Anonymous said...

3:31 pm

You're funny.

Steven Kirsch is the elitist. He is not a scientist. He cherry picked the Bangladesh study that made a claim FOR masks being effective by pulling out the weaker data on cloth masks. I'm not sure but just not getting into it.

Masks work most effectively when everyone wears one and also follows good hygiene and social distancing. They aren't 100% but they aren't zero percent effective either. It's a swiss cheese defense system which just makes it harder for a respiratory virus to be transmited from person to person while also dissipating the airborn projection of virus and thereby reducing viral loads. They also work to keep people more self-aware out in public and conscious of their surroundings being careful not to get infected or infect others.

Perhaps the CDC did miss opportunities to do large studies but that doesn't mean there isn't evidence mask mandates helped. Large populations in certain states were masked while other states not so much or not at all.

It's fine. The pandemic is essentially over. I'm not wearing a mask anymore. I've yet to be infected. Triple jabbed. I've surely been exposed but between the vaccine and my Vitamin D levels over or around 55 consistently I've either survived my infection without symptoms or just been one of the fortunate few to have evaded infection altogether via following wise government guidance as that has evolved given the evidence.

Enjoy your day.


Anonymous said...

anon said: "Pentagon is considering sending the National Guard to DC ahead of US Freedom Convoy protest as thousands of truckers aim to shut down 64-mile Capital Beltway"

Since when is restoring the rule of law a bad thing. You were all for it when Trump did it to pedestrian protestors in DC prior to the D.C. Mayor's curfew when they were legally required to disperse.

Especially when facing down insurrectionists that want to further destroy America and interrupt trade and commerce on our highways while we are facing threats of international war and Russian destabilization efforts. These people are not patriotic.

Blockading highways and streets with a vehicle is illegal. It's would progress to terroristic when done lone term to highways. It was wrong when any BLM and other protestors did it briefly in 2020 and it's wrong now. Stopping terrorism is a function of our government. An elected representative government of a country you CLAIM to love.

Plus, it's better than hiding in a bunker, right?


Anonymous said...

The trolling Judas, X, proclaiming things he can't back up.

Obama knew then and still knows all the ends and outs of rebellion. Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn his partners, after all.
And you, knowingly, would wear that very t-shirt proudly because you are rebellious and seditious yourself.

Deep fake is your game. Are you having fun yet?
God knows you don't have anything worthwhile to do.

Anonymous said...

From the obvious department:

Candace Owens just lost her appeal to the Supreme Court of Delaware affirming the Judges ruling from July 20, 2021 (described in the article below) which set aside her claims against Lead Stories and USA Today.

February 22, 2022 Delaware Supreme Court Order: https://twitter.com/LeadStoriesCom/status/1496216668355366917/photo/1

Judge tosses suit by Candace Owens over Facebook fact checks: July 22, 2021



"DOVER, Del. (AP) — A Delaware judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by conservative political commentator Candace Owens against USA Today and another media organization over fact-checking coronavirus posts she made on Facebook.

The judge ruled earlier this week that Owens had failed to state an actionable claim against USA Today or Lead Stories LLC, a Colorado-based entity. Lead Stories, like USA Today, is paid by Facebook to publish fact-check articles examining whether certain posts contain false information, according to the court ruling. Dozens of outside organizations, including The Associated Press, participate in Facebook’s fact-checking program.

Lead Stories published an article in April 2020 fact-checking a Facebook post in which Owens claimed that the way U.S. government officials counted COVID-19 deaths overstated the scope and dangers of the pandemic. The Lead Stories article labeled Owens’ post with the terms “Hoax Alert” and “False” and prompted Facebook to place a false information warning label on Owens’ post.

Similarly, USA Today published a fact check later that month concluding that a post in which Owens questioned the relationship between the counting of COVID-19 deaths and flu deaths in early 2020 contained false information. Owens cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports and argued sarcastically in her post that the number of flu deaths had decreased drastically in early 2020.

As a result of the USA Today article, Facebook put a false information warning label on Owens’ second post.

Owens claimed that the defendants’ articles harmed her by preventing her from deriving advertising revenue from her Facebook page and promoting her book “Blackout” on Facebook. She sued USA Today and Lead Stories for intentional interference with contractual relations, tortious interference with prospective business relations, and unfair competition. She also filed two separate claims against Lead Stories accusing it of defamation.

“The political aspects of this case are manifest but must be ignored in favor of application of the law,” Superior Court Judge Craig Karsnitz noted in his ruling.

While rejecting arguments that he lacked jurisdiction over Lead Stories, Karsnitz ruled that Owens had failed to show that statements made by Lead Stories regarding her Facebook post were false under a “reasonable conceivability” standard.

The judge also ruled that the term “Hoax Alert” in the Lead Stories article was used as “loose, figurative, or hyperbolic language” and readers would not understand it to mean that Owens was intentionally spreading a lie.

Karsnitz also said Owens, a public figure, failed to show that Lead Stories had published a false statement and did so with actual malice."

Anonymous said...

"I agree. Just making you aware of an issue.."

Don't go there with me.
I don't believe you.
Your reputation here is mud.

You shot from the hip with immediate negative post(s) before inquiring one thing to know anything about it. Why did you do that?

Because that's your style. It isn't concern, caring, brotherhood, even slight interest. It is your innate penchant for looking for something to criticize, you don't need context, just another occasion to spout, with that being another example of your antics around here.

You are a bible thumper who loves to whack people over the head hoping to find fault, pushing something you think superior about yourself, and your big opinions about what you had no clue about (not needed or asked for), while you non-stop comment about everything.
Looking for what next to whack.

Why are you not convicted about how uncivil you are?

Anonymous said...

"Try not to be so easily deceived and step outside your silo's a time or two if only to be aware that there may be differing images & video claiming to be depicting the same event telling different stories.


4:31 PM"

You need some fresh air.

No doubt your very 1st step should be to pull your head out of your own behind.

Anonymous said...


Is that YOUR uncivil opinion?

At least I have a reputation around here because I'm not too afraid to put a signature and lay claim to my opinions.

Further, I didn't shoot from the hip and claim the missionaries from your church or you were behaving nefariously. I was merely bringing to your attention to be careful not to get involved with fake ministries that are and have been popping up all over the world preaching another Jesus and sharing fake "contextualized" bibles.

You've obviously fallen for MAGA heresies and supported a lifelong reprobate for President so it's not a stretch.

Have a nice day.


RayB said...

Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

"We are looking at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes, Whoopi Goldberg is on the list. She called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. She went on to still say that, and there's others," said Rittenhouse, adding that Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks 'continues to call me a murderer.'


NOTE: I hope this kid wins a boat load of money. He deserves it, for all that these people put him through.

Anonymous said...

“At least I have a reputation around here because I'm not too afraid to put a signature and lay claim to my opinions.”

Not afraid to provide a signature.

Definition of signature
1a : the act of signing one's name to something
b : the name of a person written with his or her own hand

Are you really so stupid as to argue that.? WOW!

Anonymous said...

7:11 PM

You are caught being nasty. That's my point.
And your reputation. You've earned it.

You assume others aren't up to your speed so you assume we need you. I don't. Nobody here does.
Uncivility makes you automatically negative. Don't need your "counsel". You've proven it is worldly "wisdom" or straight from hell.
Advise yourself, and tend to your own knittin'.

Anonymous said...

7:28 PM

He is. LOL

Anonymous said...

Lol. If you need a name and not just an identifying mark then call me Christian.

You do need me.


Anonymous said...

More stupidity from x professing to be a cut above anonymous posters. Lol

Anonymous said...

at 8:27 PM

Thanks for affirming again that you are a gas bag.

And you have no christian credibility.
Or credibility of any sort.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lol. If you need a name and not just an identifying mark then call me Christian.

You do need me.


8:27 PM"

Dear "X",
All I hear coming from your boastful and arrogant posts is clang, clang, clang.
You are made in God's image.
Shouldn't you act like it since you say you are a Christian?

Anonymous said...


You may have some Christian beliefs, but what is alive in you, is worldly. It doesn't flow from a heart of flesh. It doesn't flow from The Holy Spirit. Your diabolic nature is seated in your heart of stone. It's been fed by years of indulging your narcissism, and need for worldly acceptance/friendship. It's now full blown psychosis. Your psychosis manifests in your incessant contrary views. Your not a radical 'christian'. Your a full blown New Age, Globalist, Nazi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Russia recognizes breakaway republics of Ukraine as U.S. tries to exploit the region for global war


J said...

X 4:31 PM,

You've proved with your findings that Obama's visit with the kid in the gym was real.

It's a lot of evidence that you dug up to debunk the picture of Obama wearing the Crowley T-shirt, but it actually doesn't debunk that picture.

Being skeptical is a reasonable stance. I don't regard it as being either debunked or proved.

But I want to point out something.

You've said over and over again that you're a conservative, a moderate conservative. If that were true, it would have made you a Romney supporter, right? Not an Obama supporter.

You said right off the bat that you thought I might be trolling you with the Obama Crowley T-shirt picture. What sense would it make to troll you that way if you were the moderate conservative you say you are?

J said...

And just like that, we're so over COVID, and we're on the brink of war. What do you think about it? RayB?

J said...

China will not be far behind. It would make complete sense, because the two war doctrine has become kind of not well maintained anymore. It used to be that the thinking was that America had to be ready to fight two wars at any given time, as a deterrence. Since we're not ready to fight two wars any longer, Xi has the opportunity, and his opportunity may be even better if he doesn't wait until after the mid terms.

Anonymous said...

Justin Trudeau's Fake "Liberal Democracy"


Anonymous said...

How the Election Was Rigged, and How the Nation Was Stolen


Anonymous said...

How Far Will the Left Go to Keep Criminals Out of Jail?


Anonymous said...

8:39 AM @ J

He is the great pretender. Must be making a career out of lying but he's not very good sounding legit. He is a liberal globalist through and through. He stands against everything a conservative stands for...and hates us with a passion. We stand with sacredness of life, and individual freedoms and the common good. That is why he pounces every time someone posts favorably on conservative issues.

That, and he is a bloated gas bag, so that tremendous amount of exhaust needs a place to vent.
Nobody gives a rip what he thinks.
The funny part is he thinks we do.
He's very needy.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

https://www.blacklistednews @ 10:36 AM

J said...

10:23 AM,

If X were a real person, and he were a Christian of color, who represented himself and his ideas honestly and argued honestly, I wouldn't mind that he disagreed.

I just don't know who he is, and he does not seem to represent anything or anybody honestly, including himself.

I think we could have room for a southern black Methodist attending a church that might be socially conservative but still be traditionally aligned with the Democratic party.

I've spoken before with a southern black Baptist minister who was a Democrat and was anti-Trump. But he was a very nice man even if I thought he was misled at times. It was different talking to him than to X. He just wasn't nasty. He was just a good person for the most part.

Anonymous said...

X isn't black. He does use a tanning bed though.

X wants to be "melanated man", but so far has only managed to be a melon headed man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:53 AM @ J

And I think you have said what we all pretty much think.

I don't mind disagreement per say..but I despise the mischaracterizations and slanders, the sheer negativism merely for the sake of negativism, of x. He's useless toward anything productive.
Uncivil, unfair, unfounded, unchristian. That's why he draws fire..he has it coming, here just for argument's sake-true trolling style-doesn't care how he gets it.

He's very needy that way.
Attention whores like this cat will gladly take bad press over none at all.

He is disproven so often yet arrogantly roars back. No civil discourse will come from him.

A typical alligator mouth with a canary behind keyboarding wokester..
(maybe he's lonely...)

Anonymous said...

Walkaway Joe


RayB said...


We may be somewhat over COVID, but it appears more 'pandemics' are on the horizon:

Bill Gates Says COVID-19 Risks Have Decreased But ANOTHER Pandemic Is Certain

"On Friday, co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates stated that the dangers of serious disease from COVID-19 have decreased but a new pandemic is certain." (Translation: MORE EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' will be needed in order to fight this "new pandemic," and they will probably be universally mandated).


Also, one of my favorite quotes is from Gerald Celente: "When all else fails, they take us to war." Unfortunately, this is looking more and more like the 1930s when the world continued, incrementally, on its long march towards total war. The hot spots now obviously being Russia/Europe, China/Taiwan and possibly Japan (which would involve us), Israel attack on Iran, which would involve the USA against Iran's allies; China & Russia, also if Israel does a land invasion of Syria, could pull in Russia, which most certainly involve the USA. A dangerous mess no matter how you look at it.

By the way, I agree with your excellent assessment as expressed in your 10:53 AM post.

Anonymous said...

WWIII in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1???

US warns Ukraine there will be a full-scale invasion in 48 hours and 80% of 190,000 Russia troops are 'ready to go': Kremlin promises 'painful' response to Biden's sanctions and Kiev's banks and government are hit with massive cyberattacks


RayB said...

World Economic Forum pushes digital ID system that will determine access to services

"The digital ID system proposes monitoring online behavior, purchases, biometrics, and more."


"The World Economic Forum (WEF), an international organization that works to “shape global, regional and industry agendas,” recently published its latest dystopian proposal – a far-reaching digital ID system that will collect as much data as possible on individuals and then USE THIS DATA TO DETERMINE THEIR LEVEL OF ACCESS TO VARIOUS SYSTEMS."

RayB said...

Use some mature discernment and toss out what you may find objectionable. Having said that, this segment of TruNews is quite informative, as it covers the news media's propaganda efforts in the past, beginning with the 'war' in Yugoslavia, Libya, etc.

The mainstream media is the propaganda mechanism that is used to sell the American people on the wars that the Military Industrial Complex desire to wage.



Anonymous said...

Join in X's quest to leave our nation upturned,
stinking our 'hoods with his fumes.....

Spewing out Barf with the Sh*t that he churns,
awaken his hubby from his tomb!

Splash in the blood, sensations he's felt,
loving the pleasures of sin!

Doing the best with the boys he's been dealth......
cheating the devil so he wins!

Anonymous said...

x unleashes all his menstrual wrath,
potential sucking machine....

he takes down cops who blocks his path,
rejoicing in all things obscene!!!!

Anonymous said...

Self-hating much, Gutter Poet?

As much as I disagree with x and his many uncivil antics,
I think you are a low life coward, more uncivil than he even thinks of being.

In the well of your heart is complete poison.
That stuff resides in you...and it's really sick.
Only Jesus can fix you.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Self-hating much, Gutter Poet?"

Nice try! Clever girl!

We all know it's you 'x' tryin' to a-hoodwink'em.

And here's an afternoon snack just for you ---

Insane with lust, x starts to creep....
Addicted to your wives, at dawn the neegra sleeps!

Craig said...

From the Vancouver Sun:

Justin Trudeau revokes Emergencies Act

OTTAWA — Controversial emergency measures invoked by the Trudeau Liberals last week have been revoked.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the news Wednesday afternoon, just nine days after the Emergencies Act was invoked on Feb. 14 to end crippling blockades and occupations both in downtown Ottawa and at land border crossings across Canada.

Trudeau credited the end of the downtown Ottawa protests with cabinet’s decision to revoke the measures, a move he said was needed to end the illegal occupation and clear streets from dozens of parked vehicles and big rigs.

“We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe,” Trudeau said during the press conference, adding Ottawa will continue supporting local police and authorities

Critics and opposition leaders criticized the measures, particularly those meant to target money and bank accounts allegedly connected to those who either organized or took part in the weeks of protests.

The House of Commons passed a motion to approve the measures under the act Monday evening, with the NDP voting in favour alongside the minority Liberal government.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh had warned that his party would pull its support for the Emergencies Act as soon as it decided the measures are no longer necessary.

The Senate began debating a motion on the act Tuesday, but adjourned the discussion Wednesday after the prime minister’s announcement.

Justice Minister David Lametti said the emergency powers, which were set to expire mid-March at the latest, will officially end when the Governor General signs a proclamation to revoke the act.

A statement from Ontario Premier Doug Ford said the province would follow suit and lift its state of emergency. The premier’s office said “emergency tools” provided to law enforcement will stay in place for now to address ongoing activities...


But did his invoking it pass the requisite legal test to begin with. THAT's the question.

Craig said...

CDC CAUGHT Hiding Troves Of Booster Shot Data | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

Breaking Points

Krystal and Saagar give the story of the CDC's deliberate cover up of data on covid booster shots that they feared would go against official narratives


Well, whaddya know...

Anonymous said...


Well, whaddya know, here too...

Craig said...

An inconvenient truth:

Google pulls ads on meteorologist tracking climate for ‘unreliable and harmful claims’

Sky News Australia

A meteorologist who worked on climate studies at NASA says satellite observations show the Earth is warming at the “bottom end” of climate models – but Google has demonetised his website.

Dr Roy Spencer said Google was "not specific about what claims" led to the decision.

“What their website tells me is that all of my whole website basically is unreliable and harmful claims,” he said.

“If people like myself don’t buy into the narrative that global warming is not only occurring but it’s going on at a catastrophic rate and we have to do something about it, if you don’t go along with that narrative, you get thrown under the bus.”

Dr Spencer, formerly a senior scientist for climate studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre, told Sky News Australia his global temperature dataset started with John Christy over 30 years ago is unlike any other because it’s from satellites and “covers the whole Earth”.

“If we do an apples-to-apples comparison between the satellite measurements and what over two dozen climate models have predicted since 1979, for that same layer (troposphere) we, our measurements, are actually at the bottom end of all those models,” he said.

“In other words, the warming we see is lower than most if not all of those models, so there is a discrepancy between what the observations are showing, which shows about an average of 0.13 degrees Celsius per decade warming, which is a very small number compared to the climate models which are generally twice that at least.”

RayB said...

Anon @ 8:57 PM ...

As I recall, Constance did not believe there was any significant election fraud. I wonder what she would have to say about this?

More on this blockbuster news story:

DR SHIVA REPORT — Signature matching in Arizona proves massive election fraud…

A whopping 229,430 early ballots were JUDGED to be "clearly mismatched signatures."


NOTE: Just 44,000 votes separated Biden and Trump in the key states of Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. These three wins broke the tie in Electoral Votes and gave the election to Biden. Enormous election fraud was also uncovered in Wisconsin and Georgia.

I have been around elections my entire life. I knew by 10:30 PM that Trump had won, but then, the 'counting of votes' suddenly stopped in Democrat controlled counties in key states. At that time, I KNEW that they were manufacturing the necessary 'votes' needed for a Biden win. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. The 2020 election was clearly stolen, as the 'clearly mismatched signatures' prove.

Anonymous said...

9:37 PM @ RayB

Yes, when I posted that link I then went back to look again at the many anomalies that have been sited in several particular counties in other states too.
Too much to ignore, yet, by and large, big media's lockdown on talking about election fraud continues.
I am thankful for Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters, and few others. I have not listened to Hannity or Brett Baier, hardly anyone, on Fox for years, and with good reason...

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