Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Apocalyptic events way too close to home -- my grandsons' high school - Oxford, Michigan

 This will be brief and not to distract attention from the very acute WiseKey "Transhuman Code" plans for individual digital identities to be governmentally issued to all world residents to participate in the planned Internet of Things and Internet of Bodies.   But something happened so very close to me and my family today, I feel I should inform you of it here.  There was a shooting at Oxford High School at 12:51 to 12:56 pm today.  The first shot was filed at 12:51 pm.  It was my oldest grandson, Zander Cumbey, a student at the school who heard the shot and made the immediate first call to 911.  The authorities arrived within five minutes.  During that five minutes the 15 year old sophomore student shot 11 people.  Three died, another three are in critical condition and the others, save one, a teacher, had serious injuries.  The deputy sheriffs went right into the crime scene, encountered the student who immediately raised his hands in surrender and gave up his semi-automatic pistol.  The weapon had been purchased by his father on November 26, per investigating authorities.  

Needless to say, my three grandsons in the Oxford School District are deeply traumatized.  These shootings have become far too frequent and less random.  Ditto for Department store flash mob breakins.

This one was too close to home for comfort.  I live in Lake Orion.  Oxford, Michigan is the next town to our immediate north.  My grandsons play football and have been on the honor roll for upwards of three consecutive years.  

The descrtiption of the pre-flood world was that it was full of violence and no longer covered its dead.  Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.

P;ease Lord, come quickly! 



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Anonymous said...

8As for you, Jerusalem,

the citadel of God’s people,

your royal might and power

will come back to you again.

The kingship will be restored

to my precious Jerusalem.

9But why are you now screaming in terror?

Have you no king to lead you?

Have your wise people all died?

Pain has gripped you like a woman in childbirth.

10Writhe and groan like a woman in labor,

you people of Jerusalem,

for now you must leave this city

to live in the open country.

You will soon be sent in exile

to distant Babylon.

But the LORD will rescue you there;

he will redeem you from the grip of your enemies.

11Now many nations have gathered against you.

“Let her be desecrated,” they say.

“Let us see the destruction of Jerusalem.”

12But they do not know the LORD’s thoughts

or understand his plan.

These nations don’t know

that he is gathering them together

to be beaten and trampled

like sheaves of grain on a threshing floor.

13“Rise up and crush the nations, O Jerusalem!”

says the LORD.

“For I will give you iron horns and bronze hooves,

so you can trample many nations to pieces.

You will present their stolen riches to the LORD,

their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.”

9The people of Israel will stand up to their foes,

and all their enemies will be wiped out.

10“In that day,” says the LORD,

“I will slaughter your horses

and destroy your chariots.

11I will tear down your walls

and demolish your defenses.

12I will put an end to all witchcraft,

and there will be no more fortune-tellers.

13I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars,

so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.

14I will abolish your idol shrines with their Asherah poles

and destroy your pagan cities.

15I will pour out my vengeance

on all the nations that refuse to obey me.”

Anonymous said...

O people, the LORD has told you what is good,

and this is what he requires of you:

to do what is right, to love mercy,

and to walk humbly with your God.

Israel’s Guilt and Punishment

9Fear the LORD if you are wise!

His voice calls to everyone in Jerusalem:

“The armies of destruction are coming;

the LORD is sending them.

10What shall I say about the homes of the wicked

filled with treasures gained by cheating?

What about the disgusting practice

of measuring out grain with dishonest measures?

11How can I tolerate your merchants

who use dishonest scales and weights?

12The rich among you have become wealthy

through extortion and violence.

Your citizens are so used to lying

that their tongues can no longer tell the truth.

13“Therefore, I will wound you!

I will bring you to ruin for all your sins.

14You will eat but never have enough.

Your hunger pangs and emptiness will remain.

And though you try to save your money,

it will come to nothing in the end.

You will save a little,

but I will give it to those who conquer you.

15You will plant crops

but not harvest them.

You will press your olives

but not get enough oil to anoint yourselves.

You will trample the grapes

but get no juice to make your wine.

16You keep only the laws of evil King Omri;

you follow only the example of wicked King Ahab!

Therefore, I will make an example of you,

bringing you to complete ruin.

You will be treated with contempt,

mocked by all who see you.”

Anonymous said...

Misery Turned to Hope

1How miserable I am!

I feel like the fruit picker after the harvest

who can find nothing to eat.

Not a cluster of grapes or a single early fig

can be found to satisfy my hunger.

2The godly people have all disappeared;

not one honest person is left on the earth.

They are all murderers,

setting traps even for their own brothers.

3Both their hands are equally skilled at doing evil!

Officials and judges alike demand bribes.

The people with influence get what they want,

and together they scheme to twist justice.

4Even the best of them is like a brier;

the most honest is as dangerous as a hedge of thorns.

But your judgment day is coming swiftly now.

Your time of punishment is here, a time of confusion.

5Don’t trust anyone—

not your best friend or even your wife!

6For the son despises his father.

The daughter defies her mother.

The daughter-in-law defies her mother-in-law.

Your enemies are right in your own household!

7As for me, I look to the LORD for help.

I wait confidently for God to save me,

and my God will certainly hear me.

8Do not gloat over me, my enemies!

For though I fall, I will rise again.

Though I sit in darkness,

the LORD will be my light.

9I will be patient as the LORD punishes me,

for I have sinned against him.

But after that, he will take up my case

and give me justice for all I have suffered from my enemies.

The LORD will bring me into the light,

and I will see his righteousness.

10Then my enemies will see that the LORD is on my side.

They will be ashamed that they taunted me, saying,

“So where is the LORD—

that God of yours?”

With my own eyes I will see their downfall;

they will be trampled like mud in the streets.

Anonymous said...

The LORD’s Compassion on Israel

15“Yes,” says the LORD,

“I will do mighty miracles for you,

like those I did when I rescued you

from slavery in Egypt.”

16All the nations of the world will stand amazed

at what the LORD will do for you.

They will be embarrassed

at their feeble power.

They will cover their mouths in silent awe,

deaf to everything around them.

17Like snakes crawling from their holes,

they will come out to meet the LORD our God.

They will fear him greatly,

trembling in terror at his presence.

18Where is another God like you,

who pardons the guilt of the remnant,

overlooking the sins of his special people?

You will not stay angry with your people forever,

because you delight in showing unfailing love.

19Once again you will have compassion on us.

You will trample our sins under your feet

and throw them into the depths of the ocean!

20You will show us your faithfulness and unfailing love

as you promised to our ancestors Abraham and Jacob long ago.

Read the entire book today at:

The Book Of Micah

The Book Of Micah - NKJV

The Audiobook Of Micah - NKJV

Anonymous said...

"Biden is beyond being criticized. Biden just doesn't whine about it."

More of X's leftist BS. 1) Most of the left wing media goes light on Biden with soft ball questions. Remember the one about his favorite ice cream flavor. 2) When Biden does receive a tough question, he DOES whine with complaints such as to be a good reporter "you have to have a negative view of life" followed up by "don't you ever have a positive question."

X predictably is here to regurgitate what he is spoon fed by CNN, MSNBC and other left-wing media outlets.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Instead of reading Natural News sensationalizing the Pfizer 90 day findings, read the report for yourself...


While Natural news tries to indicate the most common and serious vaccine side effects reported started with Myocardiitis, the report actually reports "only" 89 cases of Myocardial infraction, 41 of which were reported to be acute. Even the chart Natural news copied showed "serious general disorders" to be the biggest category. The overwhelming most reported cardiac-related adverse event that may have been related to vaccine was Tachycardia, which is the medical term for a heart rate over 100 beats per minute. There are many heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias) that can cause tachycardia. Sometimes, it's normal for you to have a fast heartbeat, especially while experiencing {a prompted} immuno-stimulating event.

The next category natural news reported as "so" significant was "New Nervous System Disorders". Sounds ominous, doesn't it? Until you read the actual report indicating:

10,151 reported Headaches
3,720 reported dizziness
1,500 reported Paraesthesia (tingling - "pins and needles")
999 reported Hypoaesthesia (numbness)

In all, out of 42,000 reported adverse events, very few of them were serious or out of the ordinary to be expected for such an older cohort receiving vaccines first. For example, there were only 275 strokes reported over 3 months, worldwide.

All this is to say, despite Naturalnews trying to hype the information (which was reported to the Government, as required, and disclosed to the public via a legal foia request) was that it was largely determined at that time that there was no new significant or alarming safety information or signals indicating the vaccine lacking efficacy had emerged based on a review of these cases.

I know it's a difficult read but try to understand it yourself, in the context of 800,000 or so covid virus deaths world-wide over the same 90 day period. That 800,000 number is just an estimate of the number of deaths, millions more endured significant "adverse events" just surviving a covid infection aw well as their families and communities burdened by the deaths and illness. To real epidemioligists and vaccine experts, this Pfizer report is demonstrating the vaccine was, at that time, performing very well (not perfect - and the report indicated they would continue to monitor for safety).


Anonymous said...

2:46 am

Nice job splicing my quote.

In full context, I did not say "Biden is beyond being criticized"

It is easier to avoid "tough questions" gracefully when you aren't constantly making mistakes nor doing everything you can to try to dominate every news cycle.

Even Trump supporters here have expressed their wish he would just shut up and do his job. Trump focused way too much energy on getting attention and watching the news. The press was always seemingly the tail wagging the dog.


Anonymous said...

12:31 pm

Craig wasn't "debating me". Pointing out logical fallacies isn't, itself, an argument or debate. It's just ANOTHER logical fallacy itself (the Fallacy Fallacy).

I mocked Craig's over-reliance on passive-aggressively labelling fallacies within my posts to demonstrate how silly it is to dismiss an entire post as fallacious because it contains opinions, arguments and logic he doesn't agree with. I have yet to see him do so to any post or poster he sides with politically. It's just hypocritical for a poster that has long criticized my approach and demeanour as aggressive.

Perhaps the written word fails us here. I believe RayB, Craig and I would get along well in an actual room of peers at a bible study. I know there are (or were) Maga supporters in my men's group, but they don't share their lies and propaganda in group so I have no reason or desire to fact check and correct them, or simply debate them. I'm fine with Republicans, Democrats and people differing from me politically and theologically, to a degree (I'm not in a bible study with theonomists, charismatics nor prosperity gospel). My wife WAS even a Trump supporter at one time too. It's the lies, entitlement and cognitive dissonance on top of this crazy notion that Christianity and MAGA (or even Republican) go hand in hand or is somehow a test of your faith that aggravates/motivates me to speak up.


Anonymous said...

Bad dodge made by leftist X.

The part of the quote which was addressed was "Biden just doesn't whine about it."

Split hairs much? Not making "Constant mistakes," really? Oh, I forget, you find the Afghanistan debacle "refreshing."


Anonymous said...



Preppers Daily News

Life Site News

The Epoch Times


News Wars


Not The Bee

The New American

The New American Video Channel

Anonymous said...

Constance: Time to get a backup website!

🚩 U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship


Anonymous said...

Australia Has Fallen. Is Our Nation Next?


Anonymous said...

COVID-19 a Pandemic of Fear ‘Manufactured’ by Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist


Anonymous said...

In case with global implications, Finland puts christians on trial for their faith


Normally moderate Roberts savages Roe v Wade, becomes hero for saying what everyone else is thinking


People long drowning in a sea of misinformation are slowly awakening as ‘cognitive dissonance’ strikes hard & the globalist ‘Orwellian doublethink’ masks melt away


Australia’s ‘quarantine camps’ and manhunts for ‘quarantine prison escapees’ are showing the world the globalists tyrannical hand


People around the world protest tyrannical COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates


Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Hysteria Is A Psychological Warfare Weapon Launched By The Davos Group


Anonymous said...

Health officials say Christian beliefs 'incompatible with human dignity'
'Not worthy of respect in democratic society'


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden suddenly talking about a Third Temple in Jerusalem


Anonymous said...

Migrants from all over world crossing southern border in record numbers


Removing illegals from the nation: Ike showed us the way


America's fateful choice: Restore elections or kill the republic


Trump raises $1 billion to launch new social-media platform


Anonymous said...

'You feel like you're in PRISON': Aussie recounts ordeal in COVID camp


Anonymous said...

Many truths revealed, as this bombshell video explains: who is really running China (at the 38 minute mark); how elections are controlled; Space Force; what really happened on January 6th; and much more...


Anonymous said...

It looks like Christine posted following a month-long binger.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if YOU were so hung up on mental stuff like avoiding looking at any posts (or posting any posts) numbering 666 and beyond here, YOU'D be on month-long binges too! 👻

Anonymous said...

Point well taken - and to emerge from it horny to boot.

Anonymous said...

"Despite your foolishness and unnecessary risk taking for political purposes, I pray your personal r-value remains zero.


Fake as his heroes the despicable pair, Biden and Harris, X is the one all about political endgames as he prays to his government god.
Nobody needs his prayers anyway...they don't go any higher than his ceiling.

Anonymous said...

"I believe RayB, Craig and I would get along well in an actual room of peers at a bible study. "

But your uberfake disqualifies you as a Bible student and their peer, comrade clown x.
There is no chapter and verse for what you believe except what's found in a Communist manifesto.

Anonymous said...

"I know it's a difficult read but try to understand it yourself, in the context of 800,000 or so covid virus deaths world-wide"

Well, that is getting close to 1 million. Worldwide.

Um...so not quite to the 1st million yet...in the whole world...and it takes 1000 millions to add up to get to the 1st billion.
And there are very nearly 8 billion people on the earth at present.

Well Covid is going to have to be a lot more sca-wee than this to be a true threat then.
Especially to keep up with the hype. Most especially if someone(s) need to corral and control the masses.
Unless you watch CNN and MSNBC and other socialist news outlets to keep the sca-wee factor up.

Trading herd mentality for herd immunity is quite the ploy for playing people.

RayB said...

X states @ 3:40 AM (in part):

"My wife WAS even a Trump supporter at one time too. It's the lies, entitlement and cognitive dissonance on top of this crazy notion that Christianity and MAGA (or even Republican) go hand in hand or is somehow a test of your faith that aggravates/motivates me to speak up."

NOTE: I don't know of any CREDIBLE Christian that advocates the "notion" that you proclaim that they do. However, I will say this; you seem to think only REPUBLICAN politicians LIE, while you ignore the LIES of the Democrats, while NEVER holding them to account. My position has always been, if you are going to vote, vote for the one that at least expresses your values, while NEVER equating ANY 'politician' to Christianity. Furthermore, the very nature of politics is based upon lies ... I've personally been in it and around it for far too long not to know that that statement is true to the extreme. You, X, seem to take the position to vote for the candidates that express the OPPOSITE of the values that you claim to believe in; i.e., supporting the radical pro-abortion candidacy of Biden/Harris. As a side note, you also consistently defend and support the anarchy of the Marxist, extremely violent groups ANTIFA & BLM. Does that come from your "Christian" perspective to do so?

I, along with many others on this blog, have NEVER expressed any lasting 'hope' in MAGA or Trump. I knew from the very start that the Deep State would defeat Trump's efforts to "drain the swamp." Why? Because the swamp is way to vast and deep, and far too powerful. It simply cannot be drained. About the best that can be expected is to pump a little water out. But that water will be replaced immediately by the next corrupt administration; i.e. Biden/Harris.

I stated in my post @ 11:28 AM ...

"Another glaring example as to why our 'hope' should never rest upon politicians."

"I've said this before and I'll say it again; with the Democrats, you get a Bullet Train, with the Republicans, you get a Diesel Locomotive. But in the end, they both arrive at the very same train station."

Anonymous said...


The 800,000 was just a really rough guestimate of mine for the number of Covid deaths over the 90 days in the 60 or so countries studied and analyzed by Pfizer as they released and followed up on the safety of their vaccines (Dec 1, 2020-February 29, 2021).

As of today, 5.6 million Covid related deaths have been recorded. Millions more deaths likely went unrecorded, especially in authoritarian and 3rd world countries; and, then some multiple of that illusive actual death count are suffering from on-going consequences of recovering from Covid.

Trading herd immunity for disinformation is quite the ploy for killing people

RayB said...

X states @ 3:40 AM (in part):

"Perhaps the written word fails us here. I believe RayB, Craig and I would get along well in an actual room of peers at a bible study."

NOTE: Craig can speak for himself, but, trust me on this, you and I, X, would be in stark disagreement in a "bible study." We simply do not share the same beliefs ... I wish we did, but we don't. And I don't think it would be 'peaceful.' The reason? Truth is a DIVIDER (whereas compromise is a UNITER).

"Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.

The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
- Luke 12:51-53

Anonymous said...

But RayB ;) --- x really "needs" to believe we---(who are a number of us at this blog that feel as you do about where our faith really lies and it is not in Trump or the right, or conservative views)---because he wants it to be that we believe in a political god, the social gospel--aka--"another jesus" as he does so he can try to justify himself as he name drops the Lord's Holy Name in on his unholy alliances with the government gods of this world, pretending to fend for the Christian faith. That way he can call himself your "peer"...

x is quite the fake ain't he?
You see through him, I do too...it's not hard to spot the fake when rooted and grounded in the Lord's Word.
He is a divider but not from the standpoint of Christ. He wants to unite people to sign on with worldly alliances for the ultimate "peace and safety" crowd, just like Pope (Poop) Francis and his crap beliefs wants people everywhere to do--that same globalist mindset--the Scripture warns us about.
Indeed, woe to those through whom offences come..

Richard said...

Join in Christine's quest, to leave this nation upturned,
Spreading her nation-wide doom;

Spewing out turds from the evil she churns,
Awaken ole Joe from his tomb!

Her hate turns to lust, the sensations she's felt,
She rejoices in pleasures of sin....
She makes the best of the cards she's been dealt,
Cheating you blind so she wins!

She lets loose all her stink stench wrath,
Ridiculous babbling machine....

Using Joe to take down those who block her path,
Delighting in all that's obscene...THRONE OF FIRE!!!!

lyrics by paul, Richard, RayB

Anonymous said...


Queen of all darkness, cursing the nation,
She ritually baptizes in flames,
Joe steals her throne, her Obamanation,
Spreads terror throughout his domain!

She masters the art that rules the impure,
Inherits the Coat of the Bees,
Thousands of eons this witch will endure,
Medusa of all prophecies!

lyrics by RayB

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:13 PM"

I'll make you EAT these lyrics.

All voters dead will rise again
When twilight's curtain falls;
Crimson=-red you'll find her den,
Blood splattered on her walls!

Love, hate, full desire
Shaped and molded, in the fire
Sick, warped, deranged she seeks,
This nation's blog's insanity!

paul said...

Her dreams, so full of nightmarish figures,
Burning! He can't escape the embers,
Doomed are those who trust that liar........
Nancy's boy, Joe's Throne of Fire!

RayB said...

If the LUNATIC LEFT, and their Fear Fuherer Fauci, gets their way, this will be coming to Amerika:

Italy Bans Unvaccinated From Public Life With ‘Super Green Pass’


"Italy is rolling out its ‘Super Green Pass’ today, barring the unvaccinated from a variety of events and amenities, even if they have a negative COVID test."

"Unvaccinated individuals are now barred from eating indoors at restaurants, attending sports events, concerts, theatres, and other public events, regardless of whether or not they have tested negative for the Chinese Coronavirus, reports Italian newspaper Il Giornale."

RayB said...

CNN Fires Chris Cuomo (i.e., X loses major news source)


Fredo's lies were so egregious (didn't bother X), he even offended the MEGA-LIARS at CNN, OR, perhaps the New York Mob bosses decided to get rid of Fredo in a public way, instead of their usual method of fitting the victim with cement shoes and thereby make a deposit in a nice body of deep water? Maybe Fredo's value was diminished when the Cuomo crime family could no longer deliver the goods? Who knows? I'm only guessing.

RayB said...

And now for the latest VAERS statistics ...

666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots – Less than 2 Cases Per Year Following All Vaccines for Past 30+ Years


Craig said...

Woke guy SCHOOLS the unvaxxxed

tyler fischer

GrantNZ said...

Watch "Elon Musk & Microsoft's insane Partnership Will Change Everything" on YouTube link below.
Another huge step towards the Internet of things as they partner Worldwide internet satellite coverage through Starlink and worldwide storage (via the sat linked Microsoft portable containerised cloud servers).


Anonymous said...

Already happened in New Zealand

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, I should've said:


YOUR religion is yourself,
your faith is your disease.....

Your misfortune's Joe's enjoyment
And he thrives on your disease!

Joe don't care about your feelings,
Pain and chaos is what you get,
He'll eat your heart in love,
And he'll make YOU.......lick his Blip!

paul said...

"Sorry, I should've said:


Paul, give this cuckold a good lyric-lick.....

Barry piss on your grave!
Utter desecration;

Black boys spit in your face,
when they see your menstruation!

You sick and depraved!
Society's garbage is of what you made.....

In love with Joe's hatred...........
Endless war and ugly ways......

Anonymous said...

Rayb said: "And I don't think it would be 'peaceful.'"

Well, I know I'd come in peace. If you didn't that would be on you. I would never hit a, I presume, older man with AFIB. Even defending myself I would do everything in my power not to injure you.

I don't think our political ideologies would come up in most Bible studies so you'd likely never know I was a moderate. There would be no reason to discuss it while discussing the Bible. I'm guessing; but, I bet your unpatriotic alt-right white nationalism would show up a lot more than my independentness.

Christ already won the war on the Cross. There may be division and fear and sin in this world but, as spoken by the Army of God....those that believe CAN have peace in Him.

Luke 10-14 ESV

"And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”


RayB said...

X states (in part) @ 3:54 PM ...

Rayb said: "And I don't think it would be 'peaceful.'"

"Well, I know I'd come in peace. If you didn't that would be on you. I would never hit a, I presume, older man with AFIB. Even defending myself I would do everything in my power not to injure you."

ROFL !!! Who said anything about physical violence??? It is the TRUTH, as in SPIRITUAL TRUTH, that Christ spoke about that would naturally cause DIVISION and that is precisely the "peace" that He stated was NOT His mission to bring!

As far as me being an "older man with A-Fib," don't feel sorry for me. I have very, very few A-Fib events, due to God's grace, a very healthy diet along with exercise every day. I have an 'athletic" build with a 31 inch waist, and can out work just about everyone I come across that is half my age. As far as you "injuring me" in an implied physical "fight," one which I would NEVER initiate ... you'd be in for the shock of your lifetime. LOL !!!

Anonymous said...

"Well, I know I'd come in peace."
Says the flaming hypocrite who does not come here in peace to post. Ever.

The blatant manipulation you constantly employ is anti-social, your hyperbolic posts are very subjective as you have much trouble with being objective (no matter the topic) and your overall attitude of superiority since you are "just ahead of the curve" and prone to boasting and virtue signaling, makes you one who cannot possibly come in peace.

You are not in the least humble enough to pull that off, but brag on, barnacle on the butt of a blog, x.
That is what the attention hound in you is after..a place to tout your self-aggrandizing, pharinazi self.

Anonymous said...

X the pugilist leads with his left jab Jesus, but his right hand Lucifer is ready to strike.

Your a goat through and through Commie New Age X

Anonymous said...

3:54 PM needs to read James Chapters 3 & 4 since speaking with a double tongue posting Scripture and spouting off the way he does in his posts.

And perhaps (X) better go to the Cross and linger there until he gets his hard heart and his huge head right before the Lord.

Craig said...

NO to Merck's new COVID pill

Tulsa Gabbard

The FDA absolutely should not approve Merck's experimental COVID pill molnupiravir. The drug works by encouraging VIRUS MUTATIONS which could result in "escape mutations" being unleashed on the world—i.e. a new pandemic. Proponents claiming that the benefit outweighs the risk are self-serving and shortsighted. Remember, they gave similar reassurance regarding “gain of function” research—which may very well have led to present pandemic. There are already more effective treatments like monoclonal antibodies that don’t pose such risk.

Gotta keep that pandemic goin'.

Anonymous said...

Such lame gothic adolescent spoiled brat anger!
Not a lyric to be found, only infantile rage.

Trouble at birth?
Trouble with mommy?
Did someone get abused or more likely imagine they got abused ?
Aww, poor thing.

Anonymous said...

CNN Fires Chris Cuomo (i.e., X loses major news source)

This is clearly a case of Russian disinformation.

Anonymous said...

James 4, indeed. I've seen a lot of this directed at me.

James 4:11-12 (ESV): Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

As far as James 3...I do not portend to be anyone's teacher. I'm still learning myself. I have not cussed here unless quoting others. Debating and contradicting lies is not evil. I have always remained "open to reason", impartial and sincere, etc. I find it "boastful" to imply being uber-conservative is, in any way, a measure of someone's faith.

I'm confident in my salvation (doctrine of assurance); but, I remain human, I make mistakes, sin and get things wrong.


p.s. - So we agree RayB. I wouldn't initiate a physical fight and neither would you. So I have no idea how our interactions at such imagary Bible study would be "un-peaceable"? Surely there are persons that voted for Biden or some other Democrat in your Bible Study that you get along with fine in real life. We only interact like this because we're anonymous and online. You don't propagandize your Bible Study with obvious lies so anyone like me would have no reason to contradict or factcheck you verbally. They might leave your group or church if such were allowed or customary; but, I recall you saying you didn't have a church right now (you're between churches - not a criticism and if I'm wrong, I apologize... my wife and I were between churches for a bit too - it's hard changing such, and finding a new place in a new city you really don't know and starting over is challenging.). IMO, the world needs progressives and conservatives. Like a marriage needs a man and a woman, both perspectives are vital to a prosperous community. I just miss the days when conservatives behaved more honorably and truly Christ-like.

Anonymous said...

"I just miss the days when conservatives behaved more honorably and truly Christ-like."

And I see you only mention the conservative side again...
You create discord by prejudicial statements just like that, you create discord because you find nothing--nothing to agree with--like ever so you are the one on the fight more than anyone else.
This is why you are regarded as unChrist-like by people here.
You just have to go there.
I think your behavior is bad for the consistent ugly swipes you take at people..
..while you are supposedly being apologetic.
And makes you the phony after all.

Anonymous said...

"your overall attitude of superiority since you are "just ahead of the curve" and prone to boasting and virtue signaling, makes you one who cannot possibly come in peace."

Repeat. This is why you are considered boastful.
Get a clue.."brother"

Anonymous said...

"I just miss the days when conservatives behaved more honorably and truly Christ-like."

Don'tcha love how this serpentine 'x' tries to lure us into accepting what he's peddling? "Oh, just show me where I'm wrong and I'll accept it." This attempt at sounding like a reasonable person is designed to make one say "Oh. Well X certainly seems like an unbiased, reasonable person. I should (therefore) pay close attention to what he says!" It's a blatant attempt at a mind-f*ck including because X finds 'fault' with virtually (if not literally) every single article or source posted here in opposition to his position(s). And to top it off, our 'Centrist' 'Christian' 'distinguished' scholar (of deliberately unstated degree type) habitually resorts to launch any kind of smear he can contrive at the sources in opposition to his positions, from 'idiot' to 'quack' to 'grifter', etc., to even laughably desperately try to discredit someone by saying such things as they're a 'small town in Montana' resident!

What a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Trust HIM. LOL

Sure thing!

Anonymous said...

Friendship of this world is the enemy of God

X enthusiastically cheerleads for the most vile worldly leaders, and false scientists. And wants punishment for those who won't follow!

According to Satanist X, those who chose the lesser evil political leaders, or supports those who risk great loss to expose false science are New Agers etc etc.

Any Christ follower, with understanding, would find you vile, X! You persecute the brethren X. Your a false accuser!

Your blinded by your hate filled radical leftist religion.

Anonymous said...

X is disingenuous, ungracious.
If he is such a peacemaker why is he so implacable?
I think he is here to argue and cause division.
His posts are pretty much like this:
For as the churning of milk produces butter, And wringing the nose produces blood, So the forcing of wrath produces strife. Proverbs 30:33

Always--always finding fault--with hard edges even in supposed apologies just don't cut it. And backfires on him every time. What a loving, forgiving brother X is..
Has been said: where love is thin, faults are thick.
Some here have tried to reach out civilly to him to only get burned, completely misrepresented, disparaged for the effort then he complains the gloves came off.

Anonymous said...

I only mention the far-right conservative side because the far left is pretty much devoid of anyone claiming to be Christian, thus, they have an excuse why they don't act "Christ-like".

Or, better put, maybe a good reason I wouldn't expect them to act "Christ-like".

The far-left is wrong too, just not hypocritically...Biblically.


Anonymous said...


1This message concerning Nineveh came as a vision to Nahum, who lived in Elkosh.

The LORD’s Anger against Nineveh

2The LORD is a jealous God,

filled with vengeance and rage.

He takes revenge on all who oppose him

and continues to rage against his enemies!

3The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great,

and he never lets the guilty go unpunished.

He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm.

The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet.

4At his command the oceans dry up,

and the rivers disappear.

The lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade,

and the green forests of Lebanon wither.

5In his presence the mountains quake,

and the hills melt away;

the earth trembles,

and its people are destroyed.

6Who can stand before his fierce anger?

Who can survive his burning fury?

His rage blazes forth like fire,

and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence.

7The LORD is good,

a strong refuge when trouble comes.

He is close to those who trust in him.

8But he will sweep away his enemies

in an overwhelming flood.

He will pursue his foes

into the darkness of night.

9Why are you scheming against the LORD?

He will destroy you with one blow;

he won’t need to strike twice!

10His enemies, tangled like thornbushes

and staggering like drunks,

will be burned up like dry stubble in a field.

11Who is this wicked counselor of yours

who plots evil against the LORD?

12This is what the LORD says:

“Though the Assyrians have many allies,

they will be destroyed and disappear.

O my people, I have punished you before,

but I will not punish you again.

13Now I will break the yoke of bondage from your neck

and tear off the chains of Assyrian oppression.”

Anonymous said...

14And this is what the LORD says concerning the Assyrians in Nineveh:

“You will have no more children to carry on your name.

I will destroy all the idols in the temples of your gods.

I am preparing a grave for you

because you are despicable!”

15Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news!

He is bringing a message of peace.

Celebrate your festivals, O people of Judah,

and fulfill all your vows,

for your wicked enemies will never invade your land again.

They will be completely destroyed!

The Fall of Nineveh

1Your enemy is coming to crush you, Nineveh.

Man the ramparts! Watch the roads!

Prepare your defenses! Call out your forces!

2Even though the destroyer has destroyed Judah,

the LORD will restore its honor.

Israel’s vine has been stripped of branches,

but he will restore its splendor.

3Shields flash red in the sunlight!

See the scarlet uniforms of the valiant troops!

Watch as their glittering chariots move into position,

with a forest of spears waving above them.

4The chariots race recklessly along the streets

and rush wildly through the squares.

They flash like firelight

and move as swiftly as lightning.

5The king shouts to his officers;

they stumble in their haste,

rushing to the walls to set up their defenses.

6The river gates have been torn open!

The palace is about to collapse!

7Nineveh’s exile has been decreed,

and all the servant girls mourn its capture.

They moan like doves

and beat their breasts in sorrow.

8Nineveh is like a leaking water reservoir!

The people are slipping away.

“Stop, stop!” someone shouts,

but no one even looks back.

9Loot the silver!

Plunder the gold!

There’s no end to Nineveh’s treasures—

its vast, uncounted wealth.

10Soon the city is plundered, empty, and ruined.

Hearts melt and knees shake.

The people stand aghast,

their faces pale and trembling.

11Where now is that great Nineveh,

that den filled with young lions?

It was a place where people—like lions and their cubs—

walked freely and without fear.

12The lion tore up meat for his cubs

and strangled prey for his mate.

He filled his den with prey,

his caverns with his plunder.

Anonymous said...

13“I am your enemy!”

says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

“Your chariots will soon go up in smoke.

Your young men will be killed in battle.

Never again will you plunder conquered nations.

The voices of your proud messengers will be heard no more.”

The LORD’s Judgment against Nineveh

1What sorrow awaits Nineveh,

the city of murder and lies!

She is crammed with wealth

and is never without victims.

2Hear the crack of whips,

the rumble of wheels!

Horses’ hooves pound,

and chariots clatter wildly.

3See the flashing swords and glittering spears

as the charioteers charge past!

There are countless casualties,

heaps of bodies—

so many bodies that

people stumble over them.

4All this because Nineveh,

the beautiful and faithless city,

mistress of deadly charms,

enticed the nations with her beauty.

She taught them all her magic,

enchanting people everywhere.

5“I am your enemy!”

says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

“And now I will lift your skirts

and show all the earth your nakedness and shame.

6I will cover you with filth

and show the world how vile you really are.

7All who see you will shrink back and say,

‘Nineveh lies in ruins.

Where are the mourners?’

Does anyone regret your destruction?”

Anonymous said...

8Are you any better than the city of Thebes,

situated on the Nile River, surrounded by water?

She was protected by the river on all sides,

walled in by water.

9Ethiopia and the land of Egypt

gave unlimited assistance.

The nations of Put and Libya

were among her allies.

10Yet Thebes fell,

and her people were led away as captives.

Her babies were dashed to death

against the stones of the streets.

Soldiers threw dice to get Egyptian officers as servants.

All their leaders were bound in chains.

11And you, Nineveh, will also stagger like a drunkard.

You will hide for fear of the attacking enemy.

12All your fortresses will fall.

They will be devoured like the ripe figs

that fall into the mouths

of those who shake the trees.

13Your troops will be as weak

and helpless as women.

The gates of your land will be opened wide to the enemy

and set on fire and burned.

14Get ready for the siege!

Store up water!

Strengthen the defenses!

Go into the pits to trample clay,

and pack it into molds,

making bricks to repair the walls.

15But the fire will devour you;

the sword will cut you down.

The enemy will consume you like locusts,

devouring everything they see.

There will be no escape,

even if you multiply like swarming locusts.

16Your merchants have multiplied

until they outnumber the stars.

But like a swarm of locusts,

they strip the land and fly away.

17Your guards and officials are also like swarming locusts

that crowd together in the hedges on a cold day.

But like locusts that fly away when the sun comes up,

all of them will fly away and disappear.

18Your shepherds are asleep, O Assyrian king;

your princes lie dead in the dust.

Your people are scattered across the mountains

with no one to gather them together.

19There is no healing for your wound;

your injury is fatal.

All who hear of your destruction

will clap their hands for joy.

Where can anyone be found

who has not suffered from your continual cruelty?

Reread the entire book today at:

The Book Of Nahum

The Book Of Nahum - NKJV

The Audiobook Of Nahum - NKJV

Anonymous said...

"The far-left is wrong too, just not hypocritically"

They most certainly are. X is not even in the ball park on that one.

Since this is in the context of politics, one need only look at Nancy Pelosi who argues God agrees with abortion. Anyone who believed Pelosi's "I pray for Trump every day" has a screw loose in their head. She clearly knew the Russian collusion narrative was bogus as she professed her "concern" and daily prayers.

At one time I thought X sounded moderate. Now I think he sounds like an idiot and keeps digging the trench deeper.



Anonymous said...

Pelosi is not a Christian.

I’m also not proclaiming every democrat, moderate Christian is perfect and/or incapable of hypocriticalness.

Politicians, generally, all regularly bargain in hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

"Pelosi is not a Christian." And neither are you.

Anonymous said...

I would agree that X does sound an awful lot like Pelosi on this discussion board. The more I read his posts, the more they sounded like a regurgitation of far left-wing propaganda.

Anonymous said...

For at least the past 3 years, scientists have been warning about the dangers of 5G exposure.

Adding 2 plus 2: Is it just a 'coincidence' that the 5G rollout AND the coronavirus (now called covid) began at the same time in Wuhan, China in the Fall of 2019???

How 5G exposure alters the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus/covid patients to die from oxygen deprivation.


From October, 2018...


The Oxygen Connection to 5G and Coronavirus/Covid

(6 page report on 5G from February 19, 2020 ~ less than one month before the March 13, 2020 lookdown.)


RayB said...

Dr. Robert Malone: 500,000 American COVID patients didn't have to die

Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology decries blocking of treatments

"Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, believes more than 500,000 American lives could have been saved if Dr. Anthony Fauci and the government health establishment did not undermine effective COVID-19 early treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine."


RayB said...

In addition to the post above @ 11:31 AM ...

Yesterday was the 7th. and final day of my taking the Zelinko Protocol for "low risk COVID patients." All of the ingredients are easy to purchase and are 'over the counter' items. (I bought mine via Swansons Vitamins online).

I am completely cured. ALL of the symptoms are gone. My wife, who is not easily impressed, is completely amazed at how fast I recovered, particularly since I had a horrible, deep guttural cough ... but that only lasted for a little over 2 days. (As a precaution, my wife began taking the 'protocol' on my 2nd. day of the virus).

Dr. Zelinko is a wonderful Dr. that has dedicated his life to helping people. He is recognized the world over as an expert in his field of medicine.

Check him out. Here is his website:


To all those that prayed for my family and I ... THANK YOU! God does hear the prayers of His people!

Anonymous said...

Wrong just following more wrong is just wrong-er, x.

You make zero sense trying to justify yourself.

Are you a hypocrite in some area of your life? Does that cancel absolutely everything else about you? No one is able to see that deep in you to really know, but God does. How hypocritical are you here in your mistreatment of others? God sees, and others here have experienced this by you.
Perhaps you do some right things in a wrong way.
Of course it's better to do the right thing the right way, but wrong things done in the wrong way is the worst of all where all is spoiled then. This is true if it's you or it's me.
Besides God will take care of the heart where the hypocrisy lives in anybody. That's coming later.
We will all answer for our actions hypocritical or not.
Seriously, your brain is rotting in your liberalism.
It's made your heart hard too with each hard unjustified word you post against people you don't begin to know, but you post on freely anyway. Your recent justification and excuses for the Wausheka BLM militant terrorist killing innocent people with his car continues. You have not called what he did what it is. This is but one example of you not calling something what is is. Why? Because hate has filled your heart against us for disagreeing with you that this is murderous behavior, while you act as the judge, jury, and executioner in this episode too.

Without hypocrisy I call you a fake to say you believe in the Bible worldview because that is played out in the here and now for all to see so your attempts to call evil good and good evil right along with your leftist elites is well known, you identify with them, you have proudly said so...so I really mean it--I don't take it back. Your posts have spoken for themselves, this is why I can make that call, because you are wearing the wrong and shame of the leftists and their egregious behaviors and intents, their extremes in every realm, by your association, excuses, and open full throated support of them.
Call a spade a spade and say what we conservatives have right since you are a christian and impartial, not a fake according to you--because credit goes where credit belongs regardless.

BTW, Craig has always treated you respectfully here...yet you treat him despicably and disrespectfully in return.

Anonymous said...

Black Woman goes nuts tries to plow down kids with minivan near Silvestri Middle School


Anonymous said...

3D-printed suicide pods are now legal in Switzerland


Anonymous said...

'They Were Releasing Spells Over the Viewers:' Ex-Witch Warns Witchcraft Everywhere from Hollywood to Church


Anonymous said...

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities, Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership


Richard said...

Lyrics by RayB, paul

Blasting their way through the gates of Ghetto Hell,
No one can stop them tonight;
In the mist of the suburbs they chase down White Wives,
Raping, the reason they fight!

Enjoying the slaughters and killing with lust,
Then they come back from the dead;

Looting once more now with 3 times as as much strength,
Thugs conquer then charge on ahead!


Our guns defy

Mask's no disguise

We steal your souls

Rape's truth be told!

Anonymous said...

Satan's Joe's master in wicked mayhem,
Guides us with every Black step;

Our AK's are shining with hatred and fury,
Soon shops will have nothingness left;

Midnight is here and our bling bling's strapped on,
Newsome is at our command;

We clash with White fathers and subdue them all.......
..........Consuming all that we can!

Anonymous said...

Amazon grinds to a halt - and takes huge swathes of the internet with it! Alexa, Ring, Disney+, Tinder, Venmo, DoorDash and Prime Video all crash in Cloud server outage: Xmas Amazon deliveries are now expected to take even LONGER

Amazon's website and app crashed after 10:30am ET on Tuesday for thousands of users worldwide

Amazon Web Services is also down across the globe, along with Amazon Prime Music and Video and Alexa

Amazon Web Services provides cloud computing services to individuals, universities, governments and companies

Amazon officials stated they have identified 'root cause' of the problem and were working to fix it

Outage was likely due to issues related to application programming interface (API), Amazon said, which is a set of protocols for building and integrating application software

Users have experienced 27 outages over the past 12 months on Amazon


Craig said...

Scary stuff...

Decentralized authoritarianism & Australian camps (from Livestream Q&A #106)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1

This Pivotal Moment

The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It's time to stop this plan in its tracks.

Subtitles are now available in Brazilian and European Portuguese, Catalan, Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Vietnamese. Thank you to all those who have independently decided to translate the text of this video so that it can reach a wider audience.

If you'd like to provide subtitles for this video or do a voiceover in your own language, please join the Telegram channel @ThisPivotalMoment where you'll find the necessary resources.

Craig said...

Trevor Noah is Not Completely Dumb for 30 Seconds | Louder With Crowder

Every once in a while...

Anonymous said...

My wife just read me an article indicating the Pope Francis may be on his death bed and not expected to make it to the new year???

Due to the number of Cardinals he was able to appoint, it's assured another Jesuit should be elevated...but expect political fireworks as the Opus Dei mafia attempts to take over the roman catholic church and possibly appoint the forthcoming "one world religion" leader designate.

They'd probably need to kill a good number of Cardinals to accomplish this.


p.s. - 12:56 pm - Red Herrings and assorted other fallacies

Anonymous said...

5:13 PM

p.s. - You don't deserve a response.

RayB said...

The 'Man of Sin" Speaks ...

Don’t sweat about sins of flesh, says Pope Francis

(The blind leader of the blind leading them into the pit)

"Catholics who believe they need to abstain from sex outside marriage or face the fires of hell have been told by Pope Francis it is time to relax and instead worry about more serious sins."


“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” - I Corinthians 6:9

Anonymous said...

"So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Matthew 5:19

GrantNZ said...



Anonymous said...


I believe that we'd all here like to see your response to 10:01 PM.

Anonymous said...

Will Petrus Romanus soon replace Pope Francis?

Quoth The Joker: "And - Here - We - Go!"

Papal Source:


Vatican prepares for Conclave


Anonymous said...

My wife said her source was Newsmax (from a December 5th article) and now citizen free press is reporting it ... so I'm guessing it's not real since both those sources are tremendously unreliable fake news.

It appears the Pope has been travelling and visiting Greece and Cyprus the last few days. He's been pretty busy for a guy supposedly on his death bed.


p.s.- 5:24 pm - you seem triggered by my respectful response to you at 5:13 pm

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis’s Successor

On November 28th, Pope Francis appointed new cardinals who will end up picking his successor. Cardinals bishops are the second-highest ranking officials within the Catholic church, and make up the 128 electors. For a cardinal to be allowed to vote, they have to be under eighty years of age. Archbishops are promoted to cardinals by the Pope at a special ceremony called a consistory.

Many of the cardinals Pope Francis recently appointed are representing regions who never had a cardinal representative before on the electoral list. Rwanda saw its first cardinal with the appointment of Antoine Kambanda. Rural Central Philippines also saw Cardinal Bishop Jose F. Advincula appointed to the cardinal list by Pope Francis.

These new cardinal appointments imply Francis is trying to protect the work he’s done during his papacy.


Anonymous said...

10:54 PM,

Just so you know, asswipe:

You may have congratulated yourself on your self-believed "accomplishments" here at this blogspot in smearing conservative information sources posted here in your widespread attempts to discredit what they are saying.

Guess what, buttercup? Not to burst your little bubble but...

We have long ago learned to automatically turn whatever such thing that you claim 180° around, so for example your above attempt to smear and discredit both NewsMax and Citizen Free Press we translate thus to arrive at the ACTUAL truth:

"Newsmax (from a December 5th article) and now citizen free press is reporting it ... so I'm guessing it's real since both those sources are tremendously reliable news."

Anonymous said...

Interesting if the next pope takes the (available) name:

SIXTUS VI (that is to say: Sixtus The Sixth).

Should the new pope choose this name, then he, as Sixtus VI, will be literally 'the sixth Sixth'.


Anonymous said...


1This is the message that the prophet Habakkuk received in a vision.

Habakkuk’s Complaint

2How long, O LORD, must I call for help?

But you do not listen!

“Violence is everywhere!” I cry,

but you do not come to save.

3Must I forever see these evil deeds?

Why must I watch all this misery?

Wherever I look,

I see destruction and violence.

I am surrounded by people

who love to argue and fight.

4The law has become paralyzed,

and there is no justice in the courts.

The wicked far outnumber the righteous,

so that justice has become perverted.

The LORD’s Reply

5The LORD replied,

“Look around at the nations;

look and be amazed!

For I am doing something in your own day,

something you wouldn’t believe

even if someone told you about it.

6I am raising up the Babylonians,

a cruel and violent people.

They will march across the world

and conquer other lands.

7They are notorious for their cruelty

and do whatever they like.

8Their horses are swifter than cheetahs

and fiercer than wolves at dusk.

Their charioteers charge from far away.

Like eagles, they swoop down to devour their prey.

9“On they come, all bent on violence.

Their hordes advance like a desert wind,

sweeping captives ahead of them like sand.

10They scoff at kings and princes

and scorn all their fortresses.

They simply pile ramps of earth

against their walls and capture them!

11They sweep past like the wind

and are gone.

But they are deeply guilty,

for their own strength is their god.”

Anonymous said...

Habakkuk’s Second Complaint

12O LORD my God, my Holy One, you who are eternal—

surely you do not plan to wipe us out?

O LORD, our Rock, you have sent these Babylonians to correct us,

to punish us for our many sins.

13But you are pure and cannot stand the sight of evil.

Will you wink at their treachery?

Should you be silent while the wicked

swallow up people more righteous than they?

14Are we only fish to be caught and killed?

Are we only sea creatures that have no leader?

15Must we be strung up on their hooks

and caught in their nets while they rejoice and celebrate?

16Then they will worship their nets

and burn incense in front of them.

“These nets are the gods who have made us rich!”

they will claim.

17Will you let them get away with this forever?

Will they succeed forever in their heartless conquests?

1I will climb up to my watchtower

and stand at my guardpost.

There I will wait to see what the LORD says

and how He will answer my complaint.

The LORD’s Second Reply

2Then the LORD said to me,

“Write my answer plainly on tablets,

so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.

3This vision is for a future time.

It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.

If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,

for it will surely take place.

It will not be delayed.

4“Look at the proud!

They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked.

But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.

5Wealthc is treacherous,

and the arrogant are never at rest.

They open their mouths as wide as the grave,

and like death, they are never satisfied.

In their greed they have gathered up many nations

and swallowed many peoples.

6“But soon their captives will taunt them.

They will mock them, saying,

‘What sorrow awaits you thieves!

Now you will get what you deserve!

You’ve become rich by extortion,

but how much longer can this go on?’

7Suddenly, your debtors will take action.

They will turn on you and take all you have,

while you stand trembling and helpless.

8Because you have plundered many nations,

now all the survivors will plunder you.

You committed murder throughout the countryside

and filled the towns with violence.

9“What sorrow awaits you who build big houses

with money gained dishonestly!

You believe your wealth will buy security,

putting your family’s nest beyond the reach of danger.

10But by the murders you committed,

you have shamed your name and forfeited your lives.

11The very stones in the walls cry out against you,

and the beams in the ceilings echo the complaint.

12“What sorrow awaits you who build cities

with money gained through murder and corruption!

13Has not the LORD of Heaven’s Armies promised

that the wealth of nations will turn to ashes?

They work so hard,

but all in vain!

14For as the waters fill the sea,

the earth will be filled with an awareness

of the glory of the LORD.

15“What sorrow awaits you who make your neighbors drunk!

You force your cup on them

so you can gloat over their shameful nakedness.

16But soon it will be your turn to be disgraced.

Come, drink and be exposed!

Drink from the cup of the LORD’s judgment,

and all your glory will be turned to shame.

17You cut down the forests of Lebanon.

Now you will be cut down.

You destroyed the wild animals,

so now their terror will be yours.

You committed murder throughout the countryside

and filled the towns with violence.

18“What good is an idol carved by man,

or a cast image that deceives you?

How foolish to trust in your own creation—

a god that can’t even talk!

19What sorrow awaits you who say to wooden idols,

‘Wake up and save us!’

To speechless stone images you say,

‘Rise up and teach us!’

Can an idol tell you what to do?

They may be overlaid with gold and silver,

but they are lifeless inside.

20But the LORD is in His holy Temple.

Let all the earth be silent before Him.”

Anonymous said...

Habakkuk’s Prayer

1This prayer was sung by the prophet Habakkuk:

2I have heard all about you, LORD.

I am filled with awe by your amazing works.

In this time of our deep need,

help us again as you did in years gone by.

And in your anger,

remember your mercy.

3I see God moving across the deserts from Edom,

the Holy One coming from Mount Paran.

His brilliant splendor fills the heavens,

and the earth is filled with his praise.

4His coming is as brilliant as the sunrise.

Rays of light flash from his hands,

where his awesome power is hidden.

5Pestilence marches before him;

plague follows close behind.

6When he stops, the earth shakes.

When he looks, the nations tremble.

He shatters the everlasting mountains

and levels the eternal hills.

He is the Eternal One!

7I see the people of Cushan in distress,

and the nation of Midian trembling in terror.

8Was it in anger, LORD, that you struck the rivers

and parted the sea?

Were you displeased with them?

No, you were sending your chariots of salvation!

9You brandished your bow

and your quiver of arrows.

You split open the earth with flowing rivers.

10The mountains watched and trembled.

Onward swept the raging waters.

The mighty deep cried out,

lifting its hands in submission.

11The sun and moon stood still in the sky

as your brilliant arrows flew

and your glittering spear flashed.

12You marched across the land in anger

and trampled the nations in your fury.

13You went out to rescue your chosen people,

to save your anointed ones.

You crushed the heads of the wicked

and stripped their bones from head to toe.

14With his own weapons,

you destroyed the chief of those

who rushed out like a whirlwind,

thinking Israel would be easy prey.

15You trampled the sea with your horses,

and the mighty waters piled high.

16I trembled inside when I heard this;

my lips quivered with fear.

My legs gave way beneath me,

and I shook in terror.

I will wait quietly for the coming day

when disaster will strike the people who invade us.

17Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,

and there are no grapes on the vines;

even though the olive crop fails,

and the fields lie empty and barren;

even though the flocks die in the fields,

and the cattle barns are empty,

18yet I will rejoice in the LORD!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

19The Sovereign LORD is my strength!

He makes me as surefooted as a deer,

able to tread upon the heights.

(For the choir director: This prayer is to be accompanied by stringed instruments.)

Reread the entire book today at:

The Book Of Habakkuk

The Book Of Habakkuk - NKJV

The Audiobook Of Habakkuk - NKJV

Anonymous said...

Vatican Historical past of Obfuscation Clouds Information on Francis’ Well being

The day after Pope John Paul II underwent a tracheotomy to alleviate respiratory issues in 2005, the Vatican’s then spokesman informed reporters that he had loved a breakfast of 10 cookies...

He died quickly after.

Anonymous said...

Just exactly HOW toxic are Joe Biden's farts?

Anonymous said...

11:10 PM

Maam, I'm a happily married man so flirting with me is not only highly inappropriate, it's kind of a pointless endeavor on an anonymous forum.

You're probably really an effeminate male with an athletic build and 31" waist that is just trying to catfish me. Please stop hitting on me. I am not flattered.


p.s. - Proverbs 26:5

Anonymous said...

"Republicans blame Biden for Covid response they're undermining
It's breathtaking in its brazenness"


"It's a multifaceted strategy that includes trying to gut the Biden administration's vaccine policies, filing lawsuits to block implementation of Biden's policies, and in some red states, effectively paying people not to get vaccinated. At the same time, many Republicans are undermining public confidence in vaccines and mask protections, while promoting ineffective treatments and dangerous ideas about "natural immunity."

All of which leads to the second angle: While Republicans undermine the response to the public health crisis, the party also blames the president for the fact that the crisis isn't yet over.

"I took President Biden at his word; I took him at his word when he said he was going to get Covid under control," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy recently said. "Unfortunately, more Americans have died this year than last year under Covid." A great many leading GOP voices have spent the last few weeks pushing the same line.

Even by 2021 standards, the argument is breathtaking in its brazenness: Republicans are doing what they can to undermine Biden's efforts, while simultaneously complaining about the efficacy of those efforts.

Finally, let's not overlook the policy asymmetry: The Democratic president has unveiled a series of sound strategies, each of which are designed to save lives and curtail the crisis. It's hard not to notice that the post-policy GOP is offering plenty of complaints about the White House's agenda, but the party doesn't have an agenda of its own."


Anonymous said...

"Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden. That's according to a new analysis by NPR that examines how political polarization and misinformation are driving a significant share of the deaths in the pandemic.

NPR looked at deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which vaccinations widely became available. People living in counties that went 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.78 times the death rates of those that went for Biden. Counties with an even higher share of the vote for Trump saw higher COVID-19 mortality rates.

In October, the reddest tenth of the country saw death rates that were six times higher than the bluest tenth, according to Charles Gaba, an independent health care analyst who's been tracking partisanship trends during the pandemic and helped to review NPR's methodology. Those numbers have dropped slightly in recent weeks, Gaba says: "It's back down to around 5.5 times higher."

"Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame"

Updated December 5, 2021


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:50 PM and her wishful thinking! LOL

What does buttercup mean?

Buttercup Definition. Meaning of...

buttercup: a sensitive female. 'Don't cry, my little buttercup!'


Anonymous said...

A friend of mine sent out a prayer request around 4 a.m. this morning. Her mother is in rough shape from COVID. The family asked the doctor about prescribing ivermectin. His response: "quit reading that nonsense." I'm left to wonder why the medical community has gone completely insane allowing left wing political hysteria to dictate their medical practice. Today she will be printing the materials from the Journal of American Therapeutics to once again try to get her mother ivermectin. Her mother has declined to the point there is no reason to not try giving her the treatment as requested.


Anonymous said...

Triggered x @ 2:50 AM.

Anonymous said...

Ok..so now x thinks somebody "wants" him.

Is there no end to his self-absorption???

Anonymous said...

@ 10:38 AM PM

Isn't that sad, but now so typical?
Constant media sensationalism and disinfo, like a bombardment but also as a constant drip, drip, drip, has brought so many people to this.
And with the help of media sycophant shills who troll any and everywhere.

The "Karen" we have here is definitely working it. Morbid, fear peddling
parasites, in "bible" studies, and manipulating and/or bludgeoning topics on blogs are often "educated" fools, or just plain loud mouths with major bones to pick all day long, seem to always have bents toward statist extremes, and love the attention that this gives them.
People really need to wise up because they are being played--big time, but people get what they choose after all. The truth is still available, God sees to that, but they'll have to choose to see it. We need to pray for your neighbors, family, and friends caught up in this cycle. The age of deception is the right description of our times.

Anonymous said...

after brief interruption cont at 12:02 PM

And doctors who are coerced or brainwashed by the Fauci's out there are capitalizing on it all so much. The fallout is on folks like your friends mother.
Too many doctors/scientists have been given "god status" in these days as well.

Anonymous said...

'Will Petrus Romanus soon replace Pope Francis?'

What does that have to do with Bible prophecy?

The Jews wait for Elijah to come just before the Messiah arrives. They even put a place at their Passover table for him each year. But what if there is a false Elijah prophet that comes first?

I see a 'fake' Elijah arriving, and pulling down fires from the heavens, as the original one did in his battle with the pagan priests on the hill.

That is your false prophet. The Jews wouldn't care of a Catholic pope from "Edom", their enemy faith.

The popes of Rome have nothing to do with the 70th week, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

"Omicron, global exposure"


Dr. John Campbell, in England, discussed his expecting to be exposed to Omicron by Christmas. Maybe that means by the new year in the US most of us will end up exposed to it. It's looking that contagious.

Hopefully it is and remains as mild as initially seen in South Africa (where it's summer) because with everyone getting it all at once even the slightest % of hospitalization and death will cause massive issues in understaffed hospitals further made worse as they have to quarantine even more employees who test positive for a quickly spreading Omicron too.

Sure it MAY just be a massive scare or overhype but it's getting to be "last call" at the vaccine bar which may protect you to some extent only if you get it at least two weeks prior to such infection.

At least make an appointment today for next week because IF indications continue to make it clearer and clearer it is blowing up by next week and the information is more conclusive, you won't be able to likely find an appointment anywhere as the laggers scramble to protect themselves.

If it's an over hype -- cancel the appointment.

Kroger, Food Lion, Publix, Stop and Shop all have online appointments available weeks in advance.

For example:


Doubt all you want. Just be informed and ready to protect and care for you and yours. In highly unvaccinated areas where there is not a lot of natural immunity from prior waves either, things could get weird with everyone quarantining at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Fuck off Nazi bitch X

Anonymous said...

2:14 pm

Again, please stop flirting with me.



RayB said...

Explosion in New Heart Conditions Explained as “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”

(i.e., It couldn't possibly be due to the "explosion" of experimental 'vaccines').

"Experts in the UK say that an explosion in new heart illnesses in younger patients can be explained by a new condition called “post-pandemic stress disorder.”

"Yes, really."


Anonymous said...

Perfectly sane X no doubt would think that the standing gentleman is flirting with the man in the chair:


Anonymous said...


You should always go to the source when reviewing these things versus alt-right propaganda website or grifters like Candace Owens.

The article speculates there appears to be 4.5% increase in ages 30-45 and 300,000 is not a huge number compared to 7.6 million in England living with cardiovascular disease. Wasn't one of the anti-lockdown arguments that these kind of things were to be expected as a result of such? Think of all the people that put on the Covid 15 lbs? Or the people that actually caught Covid and recovered, are they behind the speculated increase?

I'm just saying the implication it's partially or entirely the vaccine's fault isn't founded in logic, reason or science. You're reaching...again.

Here's the article: "Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians"


Up to 300,000 people in the UK are facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD), two London physicians have warned. This could result in a 4.5% rise in cardiovascular cases nationally because of the effects of PPSD, with those aged between 30 to 45 most at-risk, they claim.
Mark Rayner, a former senior NHS psychological therapist and founder of EASE Wellbeing CIC, said that as many as three million people in Britain are already suffering from PPSD, thanks to stress and anxiety caused by the effects of Covid-19. He fears this could result in a dramatic rise in physical health issues, such as coronary heart failure, if cases are not detected or treated early. Mr Rayner said: “PPSD is a very real problem on a massive scale. As well as the condition itself with all its immediate problems, one of the biggest collateral issues is the affect it can have on heart health. It is widely recognised that reducing stress and mental health problems is crucial to the prevention and recovery of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes. We're talking about as many as 300,000 new patients with heart issues.”
“I believe many of these cases are a direct result of the increased stress and anxiety levels caused from the effects of PPSD. We also have evidence that some patients have died at home from conditions such as pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction. I believe this is related to many people self-isolating at home with no contact with the outside world and dying without getting the help they needed.”
Research suggests that patients with symptoms of depression are at 64% greater risk of developing coronary artery disease and 59% more likely to have a future adverse cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or cardiac death.

Heart and circulatory diseases account for a quarter of all deaths in the UK - equating to more than 160,000 deaths each year. Figures show there are around 7.6 million people living with a heart or circulatory disease in the UK.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jab issues!

Damn spell checker!

Anonymous said...

Scumbags like X say things like 'grifters like Candace Owens', it's a given.

Anonymous said...

If he's breathing he's slandering, libeling and spreading falsehoods...
It's that inner Nazi and the many isms in x that can't resist the unholy spirit within.

Anonymous said...

6:12 pm

Not that college degrees necessarily make someone smarter; but, Maga grifter Candace Owens isn't "educated" as you say. She attended party school, University of Rhode Island but never graduated.

Well informed? Hardly, she's just found a fame niche by being one of a short list of black persons willing to hang out with Trump and read MAGA talking points and appear on stage with MAGA creepy Charlie Kirk of Turning Point, USA.

She's not really gracious either. Her debate-style tends to be to talk louder and over everyone in the room.

Her husband, who she married at 6 or 7 months pregnant on August 31st, 2019 at the Trump Winery in Virginia, she met just months before in London where she was employed to speak at an event to launch the U.K. chapter of Turning Point USA that he was to head. Unbelievably, this was the same even where Owens' argued that Hitler was an “OK” leader until he tried to take his message of genocide global. “If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK fine,” she said in response to a question about nationalism. “The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize … he wanted everyone to be German.”

After that comment, several Turning Point campus chapters fired off a letter calling for her to resign and by May 1, 2019 she was out. She was then pregnant and no longer the director of Communications at Turning Point, USA.

Turning Point, her husband's employer even turned on Candace saying: “Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue,” they wrote in a statement. “We don’t believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise."

But Aug 31st, 2019 - such "leaders" were all at her/their wedding. So none of them were that appalled.


She's a flip-flopper too. In May of 2018, BuzzFeed reported that Candace Owens was the CEO of an anti-Trump, liberal-leaning website called Degree180. Owens wrote in 2015 that it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party … will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope).”

Degree180 also talked about Trump’s penis size and him being racist with an immigrant wife.

The site reportedly shut down by the end of 2016 and Owens magically “came out” as a conservative on YouTube a few months later.

"The Newest Star Of The Trump Movement Ran A Trump-Bashing Publication — Less Than Two Years Ago: A rising star on the right, Owens was CEO of a site that compared Trump to Hitler and speculated that he has a small penis."


Just a few things I presume you never saw reported in alt-right fake news.


Anonymous said...

lyrics by GrantNZ, RayB, paul

Lurking in the fog,
Hungry for blood,
Thugs from the bog,
Face-colored mud...

Schizophrenic lunatic,
Unrestrained desire,
Rape and ravage children fair,
x kindles the fire.....

Joe has no real good motive,
Kill and kill again!
Their backs are whipped with thrashing,
He'll hunt you till the end;

His life's a constant struggle,
The screech of many gulls,
Joe's grindin' bones,
he's crackin' skulls
of kids from broken homes;
Decay to powder, ashes lime,
Children jarred inside his slime!

Anonymous said...

Joe's grindin' bones,
he's crackin' skulls
of kids from broken homes;
Decay to powder, ashes lime,
Children jarred inside his slime!

Anonymous said...

lyrics by everyone else to Richard/fake paul

Roses are colored red

Violets are on the shelf

Kindly take a hike

And go f*ck yourself

Anonymous said...

Hate just pours from X.

What a miserable wretch this guy is.

Anonymous said...

Yes. What an unholy spirit in that guy.

Anonymous said...

Dedicated to Anonymous's home.....

Panicked minds are terrified,
running through the graves...
Silent death flies high above,
Can anything be saved?

Raining death from chemicals,
Joe's arrogance has won,
Obliteration, it comes swift,
Death without destruction!

Urban Warfare!

Anonymous cries 'F*ck me up!'

Anonymous said...

Funeral Director Describes “Alarming Rise” in Blood Clot Deaths Since Covid Vaccine Rollout

Posting an update to social media, the director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, John, described seeing an “unnatural” rise in the deaths since the vaccine rollout.

“What we’re seeing is an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places thus causing these deaths. And these are well documented across the country,” the funeral director said.


Anonymous said...

12:00 am

Exactly, more reasons to get vaccinated. Even those "recovered" from covid are having lingering symptoms and illnesses including heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms.

The delta variant was more deadly plus lingering effects on recoveries from 2020.


Anonymous said...


1The LORD gave this message to Zephaniah when Josiah son of Amon was king of Judah. Zephaniah was the son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah.

Coming Judgment against Judah

2“I will sweep away everything

from the face of the earth,” says the LORD.

3“I will sweep away people and animals alike.

I will sweep away the birds of the sky and the fish in the sea.

I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble,

and I will wipe humanity from the face of the earth,” says the LORD.

4“I will crush Judah and Jerusalem with my fist

and destroy every last trace of their Baal worship.

I will put an end to all the idolatrous priests,

so that even the memory of them will disappear.

5For they go up to their roofs

and bow down to the sun, moon, and stars.

They claim to follow the LORD,

but then they worship Molech, too.

6And I will destroy those who used to worship me

but now no longer do.

They no longer ask for the LORD’s guidance

or seek my blessings.”

7Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign LORD,

for the awesome day of the LORD’s judgment is near.

The LORD has prepared his people for a great slaughter

and has chosen their executioners.

8“On that day of judgment,”

says the LORD,

“I will punish the leaders and princes of Judah

and all those following pagan customs.

9Yes, I will punish those who participate in pagan worship ceremonies,

and those who fill their masters’ houses with violence and deceit.

10“On that day,” says the LORD,

“a cry of alarm will come from the Fish Gate

and echo throughout the New Quarter of the city.

And a great crash will sound from the hills.

11Wail in sorrow, all you who live in the market area,

for all the merchants and traders will be destroyed.

12“I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem’s darkest corners

to punish those who sit complacent in their sins.

They think the LORD will do nothing to them,

either good or bad.

13So their property will be plundered,

their homes will be ransacked.

They will build new homes

but never live in them.

They will plant vineyards

but never drink wine from them.

14“That terrible day of the LORD is near.

Swiftly it comes—

a day of bitter tears,

a day when even strong men will cry out.

15It will be a day when the LORD’s anger is poured out—

a day of terrible distress and anguish,

a day of ruin and desolation,

a day of darkness and gloom,

a day of clouds and blackness,

16a day of trumpet calls and battle cries.

Down go the walled cities

and the strongest battlements!

17“Because you have sinned against the LORD,

I will make you grope around like the blind.

Your blood will be poured into the dust,

and your bodies will lie rotting on the ground.”

18Your silver and gold will not save you

on that day of the LORD’s anger.

For the whole land will be devoured

by the fire of his jealousy.

He will make a terrifying end

of all the people on earth.

Anonymous said...

A Call to Repentance

1Gather together—yes, gather together,

you shameless nation.

2Gather before judgment begins,

before your time to repent is blown away like chaff.

Act now, before the fierce fury of the LORD falls

and the terrible day of the LORD’s anger begins.

3Seek the LORD, all who are humble,

and follow his commands.

Seek to do what is right

and to live humbly.

Perhaps even yet the LORD will protect you—

protect you from his anger on that day of destruction.

Judgment against Philistia

4Gaza and Ashkelon will be abandoned,

Ashdod and Ekron torn down.

5And what sorrow awaits you Philistines

who live along the coast and in the land of Canaan,

for this judgment is against you, too!

The LORD will destroy you

until not one of you is left.

6The Philistine coast will become a wilderness pasture,

a place of shepherd camps

and enclosures for sheep and goats.

7The remnant of the tribe of Judah will pasture there.

They will rest at night in the abandoned houses in Ashkelon.

For the LORD their God will visit his people in kindness

and restore their prosperity again.

Judgment against Moab and Ammon

8“I have heard the taunts of the Moabites

and the insults of the Ammonites,

mocking my people

and invading their borders.

9Now, as surely as I live,”

says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel,

“Moab and Ammon will be destroyed—

destroyed as completely as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Their land will become a place of stinging nettles,

salt pits, and eternal desolation.

The remnant of my people will plunder them

and take their land.”

10They will receive the wages of their pride,

for they have scoffed at the people of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

11The LORD will terrify them

as he destroys all the gods in the land.

Then nations around the world will worship the LORD,

each in their own land.

Judgment against Ethiopia and Assyria

12“You Ethiopians will also be slaughtered

by my sword,” says the LORD.

13And the LORD will strike the lands of the north with his fist,

destroying the land of Assyria.

He will make its great capital, Nineveh, a desolate wasteland,

parched like a desert.

14The proud city will become a pasture for flocks and herds,

and all sorts of wild animals will settle there.

The desert owl and screech owl will roost on its ruined columns,

their calls echoing through the gaping windows.

Rubble will block all the doorways,

and the cedar paneling will be exposed to the weather.

15This is the boisterous city,

once so secure.

“I am the greatest!” it boasted.

“No other city can compare with me!”

But now, look how it has become an utter ruin,

a haven for wild animals.

Everyone passing by will laugh in derision

and shake a defiant fist.

Anonymous said...

Jerusalem’s Rebellion and Redemption

1What sorrow awaits rebellious, polluted Jerusalem,

the city of violence and crime!

2No one can tell it anything;

it refuses all correction.

It does not trust in the LORD

or draw near to its God.

3Its leaders are like roaring lions

hunting for their victims.

Its judges are like ravenous wolves at evening time,

who by dawn have left no trace of their prey.

4Its prophets are arrogant liars seeking their own gain.

Its priests defile the Temple by disobeying God’s instructions.

5But the LORD is still there in the city,

and he does no wrong.

Day by day he hands down justice,

and he does not fail.

But the wicked know no shame.

6“I have wiped out many nations,

devastating their fortress walls and towers.

Their streets are now deserted;

their cities lie in silent ruin.

There are no survivors—

none at all.

7I thought, ‘Surely they will have reverence for me now!

Surely they will listen to my warnings.

Then I won’t need to strike again,

destroying their homes.’

But no, they get up early

to continue their evil deeds.

8Therefore, be patient,” says the LORD.

“Soon I will stand and accuse these evil nations.

For I have decided to gather the kingdoms of the earth

and pour out my fiercest anger and fury on them.

All the earth will be devoured

by the fire of my jealousy.

9“Then I will purify the speech of all people,

so that everyone can worship the LORD together.

10My scattered people who live beyond the rivers of Ethiopia

will come to present their offerings.

11On that day you will no longer need to be ashamed,

for you will no longer be rebels against me.

I will remove all proud and arrogant people from among you.

There will be no more haughtiness on my holy mountain.

12Those who are left will be the lowly and humble,

for it is they who trust in the name of the LORD.

13The remnant of Israel will do no wrong;

they will never tell lies or deceive one another.

They will eat and sleep in safety,

and no one will make them afraid.”

14Sing, O daughter of Zion;

shout aloud, O Israel!

Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,

O daughter of Jerusalem!

15For the LORD will remove his hand of judgment

and will disperse the armies of your enemy.

And the LORD himself, the King of Israel,

will live among you!

At last your troubles will be over,

and you will never again fear disaster.

16On that day the announcement to Jerusalem will be,

“Cheer up, Zion! Don’t be afraid!

17For the LORD your God is living among you.

He is a mighty savior.

He will take delight in you with gladness.

With his love, he will calm all your fears.

He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

18“I will gather you who mourn for the appointed festivals;

you will be disgraced no more.

19And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you.

I will save the weak and helpless ones;

I will bring together

those who were chased away.

I will give glory and fame to my former exiles,

wherever they have been mocked and shamed.

20On that day I will gather you together

and bring you home again.

I will give you a good name, a name of distinction,

among all the nations of the earth,

as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes.

I, the LORD, have spoken!”

Reread the entire book today at:

The Book Of Zephaniah

The Book Of Zephaniah - NKJV

The Audiobook Of Zephaniah - NKJV

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

X's response about Owens is typical leftist debate style. Rather than debate content, it is one of personal smear. Nothing substantial offered. But then that is X's style.

Anonymous said...

So vaccines are reportedly causing blood clot deaths since vaccine rollout. Dr. X's answer: a good reason to be vaccinated. What a whack job. Liberalism IS a mental disorder as proven by X's comments on this blog.

Anonymous said...



RayB said...

Operation Extermination--the Plan to DECIMATE the Human Immune System with a LAB-GENERATED PATHOGEN

“If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President


Anonymous said...

America's deadly year: Philadelphia now has more murders than NYC and LA and a DOZEN major US cities smash annual homicide records (and they are ALL Democrat)


RayB said...

This is the kind of stuff that is so maddening about "X." He ALWAYS trashes a person's character, and typically does so with LIES. Here is just one example regarding Candace Owens:

X stated @ 9:40 PM (in part):

"Her husband, who she married at 6 or 7 months pregnant on August 31st, 2019 at the Trump Winery in Virginia, she met just months before in London where she was employed to speak at an event to launch the U.K. chapter of Turning Point USA that he was to head."

Here is the TRUTH. Notice that she married her husband on August 31, 2019 and gave birth to their son in January of 2021 ... a full 14 MONTHS AFTER THEY WERE MARRIED !

"In early 2019, three weeks after they met, Owens became engaged to George Farmer, an Englishman and former chairman of Turning Point UK. On August 31, 2019, she and Farmer married at the Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia. Owens gave birth to a boy in January 2021." Wikipedia

Yet, "X" claims to be a "christian," while he recklessly trashes the characters of people who's message he wants to attack. Owens has been highly critical of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, "Saint" George Floyd, etc., etc. Perhaps THAT is the reason for his blind hatred?

RayB said...

X also trashes Owens as a "flip-flopper." Why? Because Owens started out in her young life as a liberal Democrat. She then began to THINK and do research ... on her own, and came to the conclusion that the left's policies are built upon a foundation of lies, that are designed to keep poor people (especially Blacks) on their political slave Plantation.

In other words, Candace Owens GREW UP ! And for that, X attacks her for 'changing her mind.' But that is the predictable pattern for X. He ALWAYS takes that opposite side of truth and righteousness. He'll have an awful lot to answer for on that Day when we will all give an account for every idle word that was said in secret, which will be shouted from the mountain top.

Anonymous said...

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS):

"We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely."


RayB said...

Will X retract his SLANDEROUS LIES regarding the marriage, and subsequent pregnancy 14 MONTHS later of Candace Owens?

DO NOT HOLD YOUR PROVERBIAL BREATH ! LIARS almost NEVER admit their LIES, they just invent new ones in order to divert attention from their old lies.

What does the Bible say about "ALL LIARS" in the final chapter of God's Word:

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. ​
- Revelation 21:8

Anonymous said...

Looks like X gets all his information from fake news.

RayB said...

Is this what Fear Fuhrer Fauci, Biden et all have planned for America?

Austrians Beg For Help: 'Unvaccinated' to Face 1 Year in Prison (Video)

"The inmate will have to bear all the costs incurred during their prison stay."

"Austrian’s are pleading for the world to help end their rapidly emerging police state. The country’s vaccine mandate law will take effect on February 1, 2022. Unvaccinated people, including children as young as 14-years-old, can be fined up to 2000 euros each time they are caught. In addition, the government can ticket the same individuals several times a day. If you refuse to pay your fine, offenders will be thrown in a special prison for unvaccinated people for up to one year."


And news from 'down under' Australia:

Shocking: Quarantine Camp Prisoner Shares Details from Her 14-day Detention (Video)


NOTE: This is what Australians are facing: State backed incarceration with NO TRIAL, NO HEARING, NO MEANS OF APPEAL, etc. AND, any arbitrary 'infraction' inside the concentration camp, such as being caught while not wearing a mask, incurs an irrevocable $5,000 fine!

Anonymous said...

X levels allegations of "fake news" at Newsmax then with a straight face posts materials from fake news publisher Buzzfeed. A political pawn, Buzzfeed was on the lying edge of publishing the debunked Steele dossier. I suspect X still fully believes that narrative.


Discredited ‘Steele Dossier’ Flags Important Lessons for Media

"First published by the news website Buzzfeed, details from the dossier contained explosive allegations of conspiracy between then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russia, and it became a focus of heavy news coverage in the closing days of the 2016 presidential election.

"But several of its damning claims were later found to be unsubstantiated and a federal indictment unsealed in early November revealed charges against the analyst, Igor Danchenko, who allegedly collected some parts of the dossier, for lying to the FBI.

"Now, several U.S. news outlets have updated or corrected past reporting on the story."

Anonymous said...

11:20 AM

Doubling down into stupid.

"BuzzFeed, meanwhile, has stood by its original decision to publish the dossier. The article is still available online, along with a note at the top informing readers that, ‘the allegations are unverified, and the report contain errors.”"

Richard said...

Urban Warfare!



Mounds of bodies fill the alleyways with sleaze...


Vomit from Joe's nostrils rides the breeze...

Falling Fog!

The lethal gas brings Nig-Nogs to their knees.....


Nancy steals x's soul and sends his corpse to Ghetto Hell!

Anonymous said...

Technocracy Was Born In US, Grew Up In China, Now Conquering The World


Propaganda and high-tech weapons of suppression are used in the U.S. to obscure the rise of Technocracy-based authoritarianism. As the world’s first and largest model of Technocracy, China is guiding the narrative every step of the way. Columbia University originally crystallized early Technocracy in the 1930s, the Trilateral Commission fed it to China in the 1970s and now it is dominating us in the 2020s.

The only natural and effective enemy of propaganda is free speech. Without it, the entire world would look like the massacre of Tiananmen Square in 1989.

In short and in every sense of the word, humanity is at war with Technocracy and its evil twin, Transhumanism. Until this enemy is clearly seen and identified, there can be no effective resistance against it. ⁃ TN Editor

Anonymous said...

x's news sources are as reliable as his nonstop smears of people (who differ from him) are true.

He is totally uncivil.
Glad he isn't in my family.
My family gets along in spite of our many differences..because we keep it civil.
But not this jerk.

Anonymous said...

Ephesians 6:10-18

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.

RayB said...

I have to 'fess up.' I was wrong. I WAS WRONG! I was in error.

I stated that Candace Owens gave birth 14 months AFTER she was married. I WAS WRONG!

I did not purposely provide this false information, but, I need to correct my error.

Here is the correction:

Candace Owens did not give birth to her son "14 months" after her marriage ... it was 16 months ... not 14. I was wrong.

Now, let's see if X mans up by admitting his error as I have just done !

RayB said...

U. S. Government Authorized VAERS Data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 Americans


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I figured out last night that I made a mistake. Good thing I’m not a journalist or pretending to be a journalist. I’m traveling so little time today so far to correct my error so I left it to see if who, if anyone, fact checks anything. I find it amazing THAT is what you fact check and apologize over your own error for versus the litany of lies and obvious mistakes you’ve posted over the last few years here.

I stand by everything else I posted about the mentally ill Candace Owens, including how weird it is that her husband met and fell I. Love with her at first sight while she gave a nazi/Hitler sympathy speech.

They apparently got engaged in just a few weeks and married just a few months after that. I apologize for mixing up the dates and presuming it was a quickie shotgun wedding which is way more correction/apology than ms Owens ever provides the victims of her lies.

Another thing to note, the inference that a quickie wedding was undertaken due to a pregnancy is not completely debunked. She indeed may have been pregnant and miscarried or aborted the child. The woman does have a Lucifarian spirit about her so there’s no telling what she’s capable of doing for fame and fortune. Such a pregnancy might be why they got married outside and not in a church. The fuzzy details over when she actually had a baby, was it 14 months or 16/16 1/2 month, just adds mystery to the conspiracy and possible cover up. I’m sure if Candace were still a democrat, there’s more than enough questions for alt-right fake news to through her under the bus.

But until we know more, I remain apologetic for getting my years and timing of her fruitful pregnancy and marriage wrong.

Gotta run,


Anonymous said...

Again, name calling, smear, innuendo, lies. Nothing substantive from X.

Anonymous said...


Family of student shot in Oxford High School attack files lawsuit against school district and employees

The family of a student who was shot during the Oxford High School shooting last week filed a lawsuit on Thursday against the school district, officials and employees that argues they "willfully misrepresented the dangers" of a potential shooting and acted recklessly.
The lawsuit was filed by Jeffrey Franz and Brandi Franz, the parents of students Riley Franz, who was shot and wounded in the neck, and Bella Franz. The suit seeks damages in excess of $100,000,000 and requests a jury trial.

Anonymous said...

“Throw” not through.

I didn’t smear Owens, she does that herself. Her mental illness is self admitted and she’s talked about it openly. But that may have been just before she converted to MAGA grifter.

You should Google that on your Owens Freedom branded IPhone.

I don’t hate Owens, I just find her brand of selling out & disinformation for fame and fortune because white nationalists are always on the look out for young articulate white sounding black spokespersons they can pay to deliver their messaging. It pays well for her. Inner city girl without even a college degree struggling with mental illness sold her soul to the devil but she’s married her a “Count” and got her some infamy now. It’s sad to see, really. What people will do for fame.


Anonymous said...


When you stop your self-justified ad hominem attacking of sources and limit your posts to what they said, that will be your first step on the path to making legitimate comments.

Until then you waste your time here.

Anonymous said...

A nazi/Hitler sympathy speech.

Please provide a link to this speech. Until then it is what is called projection.

Anonymous said...

Well said: "Jussie Smollett can rest easy now that his attacker has been convicted!"

Anonymous said...

"What people will do for..."
..attention. Exorbitant amounts of attention such as you demand here.

Negative to the gills, and your misery is "shared" here daily--you never run out of it.
It's that Westboro Baptist streak--with huge swaths of liberal socialist insanity mixed in.

MCE is a literal mess, but she has a human side we can't see in you.
Honestly, X you are like a puss filled sore.
You won't lance it (own up and repent of your hypocrisy and anti-social behavior) and let the rotten out...
..no, you just continue to let your foul hate and hellish lies ooze.
Don't say you don't hate when you are so patently unkind--deeply unkind.
You are one sick hombre. A Nazi and Pharisee combo on steroids.
You have much to be ashamed about, but apparently that's above your pay grade, freak.

Anonymous said...

“ Throw” not through.”

Hmmm. Looks like X’s smug attempt to exert superiority.

Anonymous said...

“ Hmmm. Looks like X’s smug attempt to exert superiority”

How? I was correcting my own typo?


P.s. - I quoted the nazi/Hitler comments Owens got terminated for (forced resignation) yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Here is a YouTube video that includes the video clip of Candace herself celebrating Hitler.


Anonymous said...

Provide a link to the speech and your source.

Hutch said...

I miss your presence here, Constance Cumbey. Hope all is well.

RayB said...

X is truly an incredible liar.

First, Candace Owens did not "celebrate" Hitler. Anyone with even half of a brain knows what she was saying. She was defending his "nationalism," (a little history lesson for the simple minded "X"), that is, his stated desire to revive Germany after it was ravaged by the First World War, along with the disastrously punitive Treaty of Versailles which completely wrecked Germany's economy and industry. Owens clearly stated that there is "nothing wrong with nationalism," "that is, promoting the advancement of one's nation." However, she went on to say, "Hitler went far beyond that" by exporting his "nationalism" and by "wanting everyone to be German," by conquering the surrounding European nations.

Throughout its entire history, going back to Roman times, the European continent was one of constant conflict and wars, with one group of people or another (including the Barbarians) wanting to conquer other lands and people. Hitler envisioned himself as one of these conquerors, as did Alexander the Great, as did Julius Caesar, as did Napoleon, as did the British Empire, as did Joseph Stalin, etc.

Clearly, Owens's statement regarding Hitler was completely taken out of context, as she in no way, shape or form was she "celebrating" Hitler.

I'll give X a pass on this one though as he obviously is not very schooled when it comes to history.

RayB said...

I usually don't respond to such utter nonsense, but this one I simply must:

X states this about me: "I find it amazing THAT is what you fact check and apologize over your own error for versus the litany of lies and obvious mistakes you’ve posted over the last few years here."

NOTE: With God as my witness, I have NEVER knowingly posted a single lie on this blog. Yet, X states that I have posted a "litany of lies."

X, COPY AND PASTE examples of my "litany of lies." It should be very easy to do, being that they are so numerous, according to you. If you don't, it will only illustrate once again what everyone knows about you. You sir are the LIAR here, and not me.

RayB said...

More bad news for the Ministry of Propaganda Mainstream Media, Left wing radicals, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and our friend Dr. X:

Jussie Smollett Found Guilty in Hate Crime Hoax Trial

GUILTY on 5 of 6 Counts


RayB said...

This is what "X" describes as a "mistake." Notice the DETAILS of his fabrication:

X stated @ 9:40 PM (in part):

"Her husband, who she married at 6 or 7 months pregnant on August 31st, 2019 at the Trump Winery in Virginia, she met just months before in London where she was employed to speak at an event to launch the U.K. chapter of Turning Point USA that he was to head."

THEN, he LIES AGAIN by saying this about Owens: "she gave a nazi/Hitler sympathy speech."

As if that wasn't enough, X goes on with his slander, with absolutely nothing to back up his bizarre claim:

"Another thing to note, the inference that a quickie wedding was undertaken due to a pregnancy is not completely debunked. She indeed may have been pregnant and miscarried or aborted the child."

X is truly one sick individual, and I don't say that lightly. He needs help, and QUICK, before he injures himself or others.

Anonymous said...

RayB said...

"NOTE: With God as my witness, I have NEVER knowingly posted a single lie on this blog. Yet, X states that I have posted a 'litany of lies.'

"X, COPY AND PASTE examples of my 'litany of lies.' It should be very easy to do, being that they are so numerous, according to you. If you don't, it will only illustrate once again what everyone knows about you. You sir are the LIAR here, and not me."

Not in the least to commend what X stands for but RayB has the incredible gall to say that, thinking that our memories are so short that we've forgotten that when RAYB was confronted with evil surmising, false accusing baldfaced LIES that HE REPEATEDLY MADE about a poster, who then finally told RayB to copy and paste proof of what he was claiming or apologize, RayB did NEITHER.

He who live in glass houses...

Anonymous said...


Remember that phrase?

RayB said...

Challenge to anyone on this blog:

Copy and paste a provable lie that I knowingly posted.

Anonymous said...

This is all a game to him.
And how we know X is not genuinely after the truth.

If he was serious about truth he would truly seek some common ground somewhere, we would already have seen it, something, a meeting of the minds on at least one topic, but he doesn't do that. He goes out of his way to be insolent, instantly takes a divisive stance, rudely, aggressively, and proudly.
His cherry picks are constantly biased no matter how repeatedly debunked his material is, and even worse, full of malice.
Malice is the devil's signature.
Where is the Spirit's conviction in him by now if he believes in the Lord?
He seems to be utterly devoid of it.
Not a good sign. His apologies are not even apologies. They're set ups for more of same from him, so all he presents thus far is a Judas spirit to all things decent, honorable, honest and fair.
Poor guy doesn't realize what he's fallen for.

paul said...

lyrics by Hutch

Emerging from their Ghetto Tombs,
Taking flight in the middle of the night,
The twilight skies, the sound of booms,
Descending horror, thugs bring the fight....

Swooping down from darkened skies,
Goblins growl, Goblins fly,
Shed their wings, fall on the 'burbs,
x shits himself, blows out turds....

Anonymous said...


They lock their jaws in-to his veins,
Satanic hosts, they snap the reins!
Leaving White men in their wake,
Blood's in the gutter, your babies baked....

Ooze dripping now from the jaws of Joe,
"You're one of us, Joe", here comes the woe,
Never enough to satisfy,
Lock and load, Red Caps to die!

Anonymous said...

Tweaked lyrics by paul

Blood-sucking Negroes of the night!
Nocturnal Goblins hiding from cops' lights,
Screams blast from the graveyard fights,
Eagerly awaiting bites......

Thieves and looters from the Ghetto Hell,
Death hits the streets in which they dwell,
Up your bedroom, the orc starts to creep,
Addicted to your 'burbs, at dawn the Negro sleeps....

Anonymous said...

X's disciples, those Satanic fools,
Pentagrams of blood
filling Barry's pool;

Searching for the answer
X says Christ hasn't come;
Await the final moment,
The birth of Nancy's son....

Richard said...

Worked on this for two nights.....

Children of 'burbs, please spread your wings,
As Joe penetrates your holes,
Feel the magma shoot through your body
As x slips into your bones...

Throw aside, do as he wills
He don't care how you plead;
Barry's child now stalks the earth
Born from Joe's demon seed...

Anonymous said...

Eternal slaves of Joe's adulation,
Captive of his vice;

Abandon God, he tells the kids,
To save them from their plight;

Resistant fights will not help
It only emboldens me;

X sees no hope in her every move.....
Death your final plea!

Anonymous said...


I'll keep calling out your lies, er, mistakes as I read them but here are a few recent ones I recall::

1. You claimed something I never said or implied when you, RayB, said: "I distinctly recall "X" heavily inferring that Ashli Babbitt deserved to be killed because she was, in his words, a "pervert" and an "adulterer." Her tragic death was, in my opinion, a justified peace officer shooting as she was in the act of committing a serious felony whereas George Floyd's murder was not, he was passed out on the ground, completely subdued. Both of their sins are irrelevant, we're all sinners and Ashli's sinful life wasn't worth more or less than George Floyd's sinful life -- THAT was the implication. I'd explained this to you several times; and, yet you keep saying it like it's true as a frustrated "go to" seemingly when you can't overcome my reasoned arguments on the merits.

2. I have explained over and over again that Adverse Events reported on VAERS and its European counterpart are not "CAUSED" by the vaccine but merely reports of health events that occurred at any time after vaccination that could be related to vaccination. All reports, no matter how remote or abstract are encouraged as epidemiologists and other health experts look for signals and anomalies that may indicate an actual safety concern. You KNOW this yet you continue to deliberately misstate, overstate and LIE about such Adverse Events.

3. I believe it was you who posted an overstatement about covid in Illinois a month or so ago. I'm not going to look for it but it was some article implying vaccines were unsafe and somehow more vaccinated persons were being hospitalized or dying in Illinois. I painstakingly used the actual Illinois Department of Health statistics which the fake alt-right journalist you linked to used to demonstrate the statistics clearly indicated vaccine effectiveness and safety and that the author of your article was being deliberately obtuse (lying) and, as I recall, you simply reposted the same article KNOWING it was a lie.

4. Pretty much the same thing for your little heart injury abstract. I posted several articles and experts discussing the actual abstract indicating it's not evidence until, one, it's actually printed and peer-reviewed, and two, not a single actual heart attack in a human had been documented via such abstract. I explained how the immune "markers" their new "naturalpath" cardiac test claimed to measure actually showed the vaccines doing exactly what vaccines are supposed to do...stimulate an immune response to a simulated controlled mild infection such that your body is prepared to defend itself when exposed to the actual virus. You again reposted the abstract and articles claiming the abstract is proof of injury. The cardiac test itself doesn't "prove" injury so both you and the abstract you rode in on are liars. The study, even if it's ever printed, may provide an argument and discussion, but further "evidence" the vaccine is worse than the infection we're all in line to catch is necessary.

Speaking of which. Make an appointment with your cardiologist. It may take a bit to get in with them. They are short-staffed, spacing out their clients, and over-booked up seriously because of all the covid patients and covid recovered with lingering heart and health issues they are treating. The virus itself is the vaccine PLUS a whole lot more than just the vaccine.

Take care. It's ok. This is just a debate. Politics is war. Jesus already won the real war so we're just squabbling over the rest of His story.


Anonymous said...

I meant to add...

Will RayB correct or acknowledge these lies I have called out, AGAIN?

DO NOT HOLD YOUR PROVERBIAL BREATH! LIARS almost NEVER admit their LIES, they just invent new ones in order to divert attention from their old lies.

What does the Bible say about "ALL LIARS" in the final chapter of God's Word:

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. ​
- Revelation 21:8


Anonymous said...

Whoever it was that ripped on my linking buzzfeed news reporting and comparing it to me calling places like Newmax and, worse, natural news and other alt right fake news.

Just plug in the names buzzfeed news, newsmax and natural news into this media bias chart and you'll see that, although Buzzfeed News leans left, it is still largely in the green "most reliable for news" box, whereas the newsmax is in the low end of the "reliable for news but high in opinions" box...skirting on the "some reliability issues and/or extremism" box. NaturalNews is soundly in the "serious reliability issues and/or extremism" box.



Anonymous said...


A Call to Rebuild the Temple

1 On the first day of the sixth month of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the LORD gave a message through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Jeshuak son of Jehozadak, the high priest.

2“This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: The people are saying, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the LORD.’”

3Then the LORD sent this message through the prophet Haggai: 4“Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? 5This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 6You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!

7“This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 8Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house. Then I will take pleasure in it and be honored, says the LORD. 9You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses. 10It’s because of you that the heavens withhold the dew and the earth produces no crops. 11I have called for a drought on your fields and hills—a drought to wither the grain and grapes and olive trees and all your other crops, a drought to starve you and your livestock and to ruin everything you have worked so hard to get.”

Obedience to God’s Call

12Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of God’s people began to obey the message from the LORD their God. When they heard the words of the prophet Haggai, whom the LORD their God had sent, the people feared the LORD. 13Then Haggai, the LORD’s messenger, gave the people this message from the LORD: “I am with you, says the LORD!”

14So the LORD sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the enthusiasm of Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the enthusiasm of the whole remnant of God’s people. They began to work on the house of their God, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, 15on on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month of the second year of King Darius’s reign.

The New Temple’s Diminished Splendor

1Then on on the twenty-first day of the seventh month of that same year, the LORD sent another message through the prophet Haggai. 2“Say this to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of God’s people there in the land: 3‘Does anyone remember this house—this Temple—in its former splendor? How, in comparison, does it look to you now? It must seem like nothing at all! 4But now the LORD says: Be strong, Zerubbabel. Be strong, Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people still left in the land. And now get to work, for I am with you, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. 5My Spirit remains among you, just as I promised when you came out of Egypt. So do not be afraid.’

6“For this is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: In just a little while I will again shake the heavens and the earth, the oceans and the dry land. 7I will shake all the nations, and the treasures of all the nations will be brought to this Temple. I will fill this place with glory, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. 8The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. 9The future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. And in this place I will bring peace. I, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!”

Anonymous said...

Blessings Promised for Obedience

10On On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the LORD sent this message to the prophet Haggai: 11“This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says. Ask the priests this question about the law: 12‘If one of you is carrying some meat from a holy sacrifice in his robes and his robe happens to brush against some bread or stew, wine or olive oil, or any other kind of food, will it also become holy?’”

The priests replied, “No.”

13Then Haggai asked, “If someone becomes ceremonially unclean by touching a dead person and then touches any of these foods, will the food be defiled?”

And the priests answered, “Yes.”

14Then Haggai responded, “That is how it is with this people and this nation, says the LORD. Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin. 15Look at what was happening to you before you began to lay the foundation of the LORD’s Temple. 16When you hoped for a twenty-bushel crop, you harvested only ten. When you expected to draw fifty gallons from the winepress, you found only twenty. 17I sent blight and mildew and hail to destroy everything you worked so hard to produce. Even so, you refused to return to me, says the LORD.

18“Think about this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, the day when the foundation of the LORD’s Temple was laid. Think carefully. 19I am giving you a promise now while the seed is still in the barn. You have not yet harvested your grain, and your grapevines, fig trees, pomegranates, and olive trees have not yet produced their crops. But from this day onward I will bless you.”

Promises for Zerubbabel

20On that same day, the twenty-fourth day of the [ninth] month, the LORD sent this second message to Haggai: 21“Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, that I am about to shake the heavens and the earth. 22I will overthrow royal thrones and destroy the power of foreign kingdoms. I will overturn their chariots and riders. The horses will fall, and their riders will kill each other.

23“But when this happens, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, I will honor you, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, my servant. I will make you like a signet ring on my finger, says the LORD, for I have chosen you. I, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!”

Reread the entire book today at:

The Book Of Haggai

The Book Of Haggai - NKJV

The Audiobook Of Haggai - NKJV

Anonymous said...

That media bias chart (which is bias) makes you feel good X, doesn’t it? Now slide CNN over to the left where it rightfully belongs and observe where it places others.

RayB said...

Dr. X,

Thanks for your 11:41 PM post in which you attempted to answer my challenge to "copy and paste" any purposeful, provable lies that I have posted on this blog.

Not surprisingly, your gun was loaded, but you came up shooting nothing but blanks. Lots of noise, but no substance.

Your attempt to label me as a "liar," based upon the CONTENT of the news stories that I have posted here is laughable. You continue to attack everyone, including real Drs., as "liars," simply because they disagree with your biased, pro-experimental 'vaccine' narrative. But it doesn't end there. I'm not going to bother rehashing, in depth, how you provided, at length, FALSE, imaginative (i.e., made up) narratives in order to provide cover for the evil violence of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and other like minded radicals during the 'summer of love' and beyond.

I'm dead serious when I say this; you need to make a serious examination of yourself, before it is too late.

"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"
- II Corinthians 13:5

Anonymous said...


Technocracy and the Great Reset

In the video above, James Delingpole interviews Patrick Wood, an economist, financial analyst and American constitutionalist who has devoted a lifetime to researching and understanding technocracy — a resource-based economic system created from scratch that really has no equal in terms of what the average person has any understanding of.
Murder in the Mews: Fo... Christie, Agatha Best Price: $3.95 Buy New $7.59 (as of 06:51 EST - Details)

Wood has written two fascinating books on this topic: “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation”1 and “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.”2

As explained by Wood, this new economic system — which is not a natural one — is not based on common pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand or free commerce. Instead, the economy of technocracy is based on energy resources, which then dictates the types of products being produced, bought, sold and consumed. In essence, energy replaces the concept of money as a commodity.

Anonymous said...


As a resource-based economic system, Sustainable Development intends to take control of all resources, all production and all consumption on planet earth, leaving all of its inhabitants to be micro-managed by a Scientific Dictatorship.

While the technocratic plan has been underway for decades, things have been rolled out in rapid succession this year. If you’ve formed the impression that we’re all suffering from some sort of “boiled frog” syndrome, you’d probably be right.

Self-evident rights have been stripped from us and people have more or less grown to accept situations that would have been unthinkable a year ago. We’ve been told to work from home and avoid going anywhere. Our businesses have been shuttered “to protect public health.”

We’ve been told to wear face coverings even while outdoors, while eating and in our own homes. We’re now told we’ll have to have vaccine passports if we want to get on a flight in the future, and world leaders are openly talking about the Great Reset.

Now, the central banks were obviously part of this plan too, from the very beginning. The central bank system is crashing as we speak, having reached the end of its functional life as the global debt burden exceeds countries’ ability to pay the interest, but the reset they’re talking about is not another central bank system.

It will be centralized, yes, but again, the very basis of the global economy will shift away from the commodity of money to the commodity of energy. In the interview, Wood explains how the technocratic elite, members of the Trilateral Commission in particular, have influenced and manipulated economic regulations to ensure their success.

Anonymous said...

Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 — It’s All Technocracy

As explained by Wood, many of the terms we’ve heard more and more of in recent years refer to technocracy under a different name. Examples include sustainable development, Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, the New Urban Agenda, green economy, the green new deal and the global warming movement in general.

They all refer to and are part of technocracy and resource-based economics. Other terms that are synonymous with technocracy include the Great Reset,4 the Fourth Industrial Revolution5 and the slogan Build Back Better.6 The Paris Climate Agreement is also part and parcel of the technocratic agenda.

The common goal of all these movements and agendas is to capture all of the resources of the world — the ownership of them — for a small global elite group that has the know-how to program the computer systems that will ultimately dictate the lives of everyone. It’s really the ultimate form of totalitarianism.

When they talk about “wealth redistribution,” what they’re really referring to, Wood notes, is the redistribution of resources from us to them.

RayB said...

I already answered 9:43 PM & 9:46 PM long ago when the same demands were made for an "apology" that had no merit. Here is the answer I provided then:

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."
- Proverbs 26:4

PS: I make no apologies for "earnestly" contending "for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3)

A brief background; a certain "anonymous" individual had posted, as in multiple times, links to Armstrong sites, lengthy "copy & pasted" Armstrong material. This information was designed to ensnare individuals into the Armstrong cult. Whenever I detected this, to the obvious dismay of the poster, I warned the blog. On a number of occasions, I also provided information as to why Armstrongism is a cult. I also provided documentation that proved the perversion (13 YEARS incest/pedophilia sin against his own daughter) of its founder, Herbert W. Armstrong. Obviously, the "anonymous" poster took personal offense regarding my efforts.

I owe no one an "apology" for doing my duty to "contend for the faith."

RayB said...

It is far more common than you might think:

Jussie Smollett's Race Hoax Joins a List of HUNDREDS of Other Fake 'Hate Crimes.' Here Are Just 8...


RayB said...

You would not know this if your news source is the Ministry of Propaganda (aka, the Mainstream Media):

30 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES, INCLUDING A MOTHER READING the BIBLE to HER BABY GIRL: Another Month In the Death of White America (And Canada)


"The killings of six whites by a Black Lives Matter supporter who drove his car into a Waukesha, WI Christmas parade made national news in November—briefly. (The New York Times relegated it to page A22.) But many more whites than that are killed by blacks in each and every month without any national media attention at all. Below, what I could find by scouring local sources."

Anonymous said...


When will you apologize to all the children murdered by your fellow satanist friend Joe Biden?

The goal of your New Age Globalist friends is to destroy. They are going after children with the depopulation 'vax'. That, and much worse to come!

Somewhere in creation there's a millstone fitted just for you X.

Anonymous said...


RayB said...

I already answered 9:43 PM & 9:46 PM long ago when the same demands were made for an "apology" that had no merit [LIE]. Here is the [DEFLECTING INAPROPOS] answer I provided then:

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."
- Proverbs 26:4

PS: I make no apologies for "earnestly" contending "for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." [LIE. HE CONTENDS FOR RAYB'S FAITH, REGARDLESS OF HOW FACETS OF IT ARE IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY].

A brief background; a certain "anonymous" individual had posted, as in multiple times, links to Armstrong sites[LIE. THEY WERE CHURCH OF GOD SITES THAT RAYB TRIED (AND TRIES EVEN NOW) LIKE THE DEVIL TO CONFLATE WITH A DEAD MAN], lengthy "copy & pasted" Armstrong material [LIE. THEY WERE CHURCH OF GOD MATERIALS THAT RAYB TRIED (AND TRIES EVEN NOW) LIKE THE DEVIL TO CONFLATE WITH A DEAD MAN]. This information was designed to ensnare individuals into the Armstrong cult [LIE]. Whenever I detected this, to the obvious dismay of the poster [LIE], I warned the blog [TO BELIEVE LIKE RAYB DOES AND NOT HAVE AN OPEN MIND LIKE THE BEREANS]. On a number of occasions, I also provided information as to why Armstrongism is a cult [DEFLECTION BECAUSE RAYB COULDN'T DISPROVE DOCTRINES HE DIDN'T LIKE SO HE CONTRIVED AN ATTACK ON THE SOURCE INSTEAD AND RAYB IS ACTUALLY MORE OF A WOULD-BE CULT LEADER HIMSELF THAN ARMSTRONG EVER WAS]. I also provided documentation that proved the perversion (13 YEARS incest/pedophilia sin against his own daughter) of its founder, Herbert W. Armstrong [AGAIN DEFLECTION: ATTACKED A LONG DEAD MAN BECAUSE RAYB COULDN'T DISPROVE DOCTRINES HE DIDN'T LIKE]. Obviously, the "anonymous" poster took personal offense regarding my efforts [LIE. HE SAID THAT BECAUSE HE ONCE CROWED ABOUT AN ANONYMOUS POSTER WHO HAD SAID HE GOT TIRED OF DEALING WITH THE LIKES OF RAYB SO RAYB SAID THAT HAD BEEN ME. WITH NO EVIDENCE. AND IT WASN'T].


Mike T said...

X wrote at 2:50,

"You're probably really an effeminate male with an athletic build and 31" waist that is just trying to catfish me. Please stop hitting on me. I am not flattered."

That explains why paul was "cuddling up" to RayB, when he used to post here (before he was dragged out the closet from none other than Christine and then others following up on her research).

Anonymous said...

But WHAT was (and what still is) RayB SO determined to try to KEEP from the readers here?

Good Question!

FAITH Is It ALL That God Requires for Salvation?

ARTICLE: Martin Luther: The Unfinished Reformation

VIDEO: Martin Luther: The Unfinished Reformation

More information:


Anonymous said...

RayB said: "Your attempt to label me as a "liar," based upon the CONTENT of the news stories that I have posted here is laughable"

Exodus 23:1 — The New King James Version (NKJV): “You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness."

You knew they were false reports. If you didn't know the first time, you certainly did when you repeated them AFTER I investigated, analyzed and demonstrated the claims to be false.

You don't care because it suits your political agenda.

I don't know why I get hopeful you'll own up to this crap. You were the one that predicted I shouldn't hold my "PROVERBIAL BREATH! LIARS almost NEVER admit their LIES, they just invent new ones in order to divert attention from their old lies."


p.s. - Why would you think I'm on Smollet's side? He's just another prolific liar, like you. He was tried and convicted in Chicago, of all places, by a jury of his peers. Justice prevails...in Chicago? Imagine that. I think you've been reading too much hate stuff on unz dot com. Smollet's conviction doesn't prove 100's of hate crimes were made up hoaxes anymore than the following story "proves" every time a white woman claims rape/harassment, it didn't happen or never happens. At least Jussie's story didn't get anyone killed.

"From Emmett Till to Pervis Payne — Black Men in America Are Still Killed for Crimes They Didn’t Commit"



"Emmett Till, a young Black boy in Mississippi, turned 14 on July 25, 1955. Almost exactly one month later, he was brutally murdered after being accused of sexually harassing Carolyn Bryant, a white woman, in a grocery store.

Till would have turned 79 today had he not been killed. The two white men accused of his murder were later found “not guilty” by an all-white, all-male jury. Four months after the trial, which took place in a segregated courtroom, the two men admitted to kidnapping and murdering Till in an interview with Look magazine. Because they had already been acquitted, they could not be tried again. Neither ever served time for Till’s death.

Six decades later, Bryant admitted that she had lied and that the parts of her accusation considered most incendiary at the time — that Till had grabbed her and made verbal and physical advances on her — were untrue. Bryant has never faced any legal consequences for her accusations against Till. The FBI opened a reinvestigation into his murder three years ago."

Anonymous said...

P.S. to my 10:59 AM post:

Faith and Doctrines of the Early Church

Anonymous said...

Faith and Doctrines of the Early Church

Anonymous said...

Use this link:


Anonymous said...


I promised to point out your lies. Here's some more.

The tragic story of the intentional killing of 6 persons by a mentally ill black man manically trying to evade police in Waukesha, Wisconsin, who like 98% of all African Americans had a few social media posts over the last 5 to 10 years supporting various black and minority rights campaigns and organizations he was not directly affiliated with and never financially supported or organized....WAS actually reported on the front page of the New York Times on November 22, 2021.


I warned you about unz dot com


Anonymous said...

It's evident that your speaking through RayB. Your really pissing off the New Age Luciferian, false prophets here!

Keep up the good work, and thanks to all the other posters here who speak the truth about New Age X.

Anonymous said...

Speaking truth, not speaking through @ 11:46 AM

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