Thursday, September 02, 2021

The Major New Age / New World Order / Cashless Society thrust is with the World Economic Forum!

 Very recently, it was announced that the World Economic Center would open a, "Global Centre for Urban Transformation" in downtown Detroit, Michigan -- my own "stomping grounds" for so many years.s   The Detroit center will, per the WEF press release:  "Detroit will serve as the Centre’s global headquarters, providing a model for more inclusive and sustainable urban development."

 “Around the globe, cities are facing unprecedented challenges from COVID-19 to climate change, exposing deep systemic inequities,” said Jeff Merritt, Head of Urban Transformation, World Economic Forum. “As we chart a course towards a more sustainable and equitable future, government cannot carry this burden alone; increased public-private cooperation is essential. Detroit is uniquely positioned to serve as the epicenter for this work – a hub for urban transformation and innovation that the world can look to for guidance and inspiration.”  [World Economic Forum Press Release 08/19/2021]

Jeff Merritt himself will be coming to Detroit to run this Centre.  An ominous quote from Mr. Merritt incorporated in the Detroit Free Press article about the Detroit Center which is to be THE global center for urban transformation" for WEF is "MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT -- THIS IS NOT A THINK TANK -- IT IS ABOUT 'ON-THE-GROUND IMPLEMENTATION!

Well, what are they about implementing?  Check the following:Glob

    - The Great Reset

    - Cashless Society

    - End to superstition (i.e. religion per Chinese Prime Minister Xi whom Klaus Schwab acknowledges is a pivotal player in the "Great Reset" soon coming.


What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?  Per Klaus Schwab, it will come over us very quickly, like a tsunami and will change our identity, our biology, our interaction with machines.  It will incorporate human beings with machines -- and not just the computer I sit here using -- human implants  -- first in our clothing and then implanted in our bodies.  Watch the video I posted the blog article before last.

The information I just imputed to Klaus Schwab came from his own mouth at the Lee Kuan  Yew School of Public Policy and was delivered five years ago on July 13, 2016, just about the same time as the video I posted on the post before last when he said the chips would be bodily implanted within  10 years.  We are now five years into that cycle he predicted.  The video is fully watchable on YouTube.  Give the search command of "Klaus Schwab" AND "Fourth Industrial Revolution.

I discovered tonight on a google search for "World Goodwill" AND "World Economic forum" that World Goodwill (a forum of  Lucis Trust) that the World Economic Forum's agenda is a major focus for this current year - 2021.

Javier Solana, whom I have deeply researched starting on November 22, 1995, is a major player and contributor to the World Economic Forum.  

There is so much happening with the WEF, it is almost difficult to summarize, but I am becoming increasingly convinced that this is that of which I have reported and spoke since discovering the events leading to writing the HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW, a book that I started in 1981.  

It looks like so much is now coming into focus.  The WEF has its tentacles into much -- but now they in my own neighborhood for the past 50 years for ON THE GROUND IMPLEMENTATION>

Work for the time is coming, when you can work no more as the old hymn goes.  

I am am considering holding at least a zoom, if not a live physical conference on this subject and I am hoping I can get our Rich (Peterson) of Medford, Hugh McCallie of Oregon and other research stalwarts over the years to help.

Stay tuned!







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RayB said...

These two obese Canadian women are thrilled with Nazi Vaccine Passports…

“We wouldn’t have come if you didn’t have to have a passport to come in.”

NOTE: Obesity is directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. ... all leading to a severely shortened life span for MILLIONS of Americans. In short, these two obese women, and all others like them, are in a much higher risk category than people that are infected with COVID, which has a 99.02% recovery rate.

Why isn't the Government, which is obsessed with 'saving lives,' waging an all out war, as it has on COVID, against obesity?

Every year, 20% of all deaths in America are directly related to obesity! Check this out, as reported in USNEWS & WORLD REPORT:

Obesity in America: A Public Health Crisis

"Obesity is a public health issue that impacts more than 100 million adults and children in the U.S."

RayB said...

In case you are wondering why there isn't an 'all out effort' by the Government against the alarming impacts of obesity ...


RayB said...

When you don't have a truthful, independent, non-corporate owned media, consummate LIARS of the ilk of Joe Biden can operate with impunity:

Biden Walks Away AGAIN without Taking Questions After Falsely Claiming Vaccine Mandates Had Nothing to do with Southwest Airlines’ Flight Cancelations (VIDEO)

RayB said...

Report about what is REALLY happening from Ground Zero:

BOMBSHELL: British Funeral Director John O'Looney: Deaths Skyrocketed '300%' After Covid Vaccine (Video)

"John O’Looney, director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, continues to crush the narrative in an exclusive RAIR Foundation USA interview. After O’Looney spoke out last month, “about 65 professionals from within the industry in various positions” have approached him with similar stories about the nature of the dead arriving at funeral homes."

"After the vaccine was introduced to his area in January, O’Looney said that the calls made to his funeral home soared, going up “300 percent”. “I’ve never seen a death rate like it in 15 years,”

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info regarding various issues that you are posting, RayB.

Anonymous said...


It's not just CBS/corporate mega media attacking the bible.

From the Fellowship Foundation website (Doe Coe former president of the Heritage Foundation and creator, in part, of the 'religious right')

"When the person of Jesus is examined apart from all the history and trappings of religion, people who would otherwise be alienated from religion in general and from each other in particular find common ground to build understanding, friendships and commitments."

"Incorporated in 1949, The Fellowship Foundation, Inc., is a faith-based, non-profit organization established for the purpose of providing fiduciary oversight and accountability to a wide range of ministries. These ministries are conducted primarily by an ecumenical, bi-partisan fellowship of laypeople of all ages, ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds. As followers of Jesus, we seek relationally to introduce the all-consuming, transforming and reconciling person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth to people from all walks of life and every nation of the world."

As Constance Cumbey wrote years ago, "the family" is worshipping another Jesus. A Jesus they think best as ecumenical one world religion type 'leaders', be detached from the bible (which they redefine as "history and trappings of religion").

Corporations and organizations, despite what the Supreme Court says, aren't people. They are a collection of people and people are awful. Lowly rags. Capable of all sorts of evil --- especially collectively. Even politically.


p.s. -- The O'leary funeral home director story is a recycled story from September that was already debunked by leadstories. I know you don't trust or think leadstories is honest and that's OK, just notice the number of cases was already decreasing when the first shots starting going in arms early January 2021 and deaths lag behind cases by about 3 weeks so if vaccines really caused more Covid deaths they would have first had to cause more covid cases. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

Fact Check: British Funeral Director O'Looney Does NOT Make Case That COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Real

Anonymous said...

Dr. RayB

We all know that your support for FORCED MANDATES regarding obesity is all about your desire to "save lives," because that's the "Christian" thing to do. Right? With that in mind ...

Please answer the following simple questions.

1. Every year, thousands of Americans die due to obesity. Do you favor massive regulation of the food industry and MANDATING nutrition for everyone? If not, why not?

2. Every year, over hundreds of farmers maintain activities in non-compliance with FDA USDA guidelines risking the lives of consumers. Do you favor the complete elimination of "farm fresh" meats through MANDATES? If not, why not?

3. The non-medical (or sometimes medical) Health and Wellness industry is valued at an astounding $4.5 trillion. Of that mass of wealth, $702 billion is dedicated to healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss and $48 billion to workplace wellness, according to a report by the Global Wellness Institute. These so-called “wellness” trends are masking and perpetuating serious mental health issues. A vast number of Americans have experienced disordered eating, 30 million will have a diagnosed eating disorder at some point in their lives, and second to deaths spurred by the opioid crisis, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric diagnosis. This is a public health crisis. Are you in favor of serious regulation and mandating real educations for such health and wellness grifters, like Mercola, Tenpenney, "Dr" Popper, Mike Adams at "natural" news who prey upon the addictions, desperation, fears and mental illnesses of others for profit?

"The wellness industry is a wolf in sheep’s clothing"

RayB said...

Anonymous @ 12:35 PM stated (in part):

"We all know that your support for FORCED MANDATES regarding obesity is all about your desire to "save lives," because that's the "Christian" thing to do. Right? With that in mind ..."

NOTE: I NEVER said that I support "FORCED MANDATES regarding obesity," so your entire argument begins, and ends, on a false premise.

I obviously have touched a sensitive, personal nerve on "Anonymous."

RayB said...

Death Cult Dear Leader Joe Biden's Amerika:

Pete Buttigieg Enjoys 2nd Month Of Paternity Leave As Supply Chain Crisis Worsens

NOTE: No God fearing nation would ever put up with this type of mental & moral illness. This is just another illustration as to how far America has turned away from God. He won't be mocked. There is a day of reckoning coming, perhaps we are in it right now.

Anonymous said...

No nerve...just mocking you doing the same thing to me.

It is ironic the US obesity problem has a lot to do with the 'health and wellness industry' who are largely behind and profiting from selling fear via anti-vax lies as well as advertising revenue at all media.

Someday check out Orin Hatch's involvement in the deregulation of the health and wellness industry. I think Utah/mormons are behind many/most health and wellness pyramid schemes.


Anonymous said...

Whoever has been treating you x, has most certainly contributed to your mental unwellness.
How does your opinion guarantee whatever you think and say is 100% correct, 100% of the time?
That is gross self-aggrandizement, narcissism on steroids.

My Naturopathic Doctor has literally saved lives. She turned around some pretty big health issues for me personally with the direction my health was going, because she was treating root causes, not symptoms only, that I was dealing with--as an aside she helped me lose 35 lbs naturally, without pills--(that a Medical Doctor prescribed) and I know of many others with more troubling issues (cancer included) than I was experiencing who got real help, real health returning to them, but she comes under the heading of your definition of a "quack". She didn't use hocus pocus methods but according to your type to smear and jeer, she takes the money and runs.

There are good professionals out there in the varied fields of Medicine and Research, but it doesn't ruin everyone else's work because of the bad ones. And there is lots of room in the market for alternative medicine, therapies, unless the $$$ people in the field throw their weight around.
But the route you are going with all this is what the distrust of Medical is becoming, because it is their way or no way.

There is no such thing as a good globalist (of any stripe and there are many types) but your brand of globalist is the, hands down, worst of all.

RayB said...

Control ... Control ... CONTROL

YOU are the enemy and YOU are being targeted by your despotic, all-powerful Federal Government:

Kim Iversen: Dems Want IRS To SPY On Bank Accounts With Transactions Over $600

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree RayB.
The very ones X gets behind and cheers on against the regular American working man and his family.

Big Brother X is an abortion super spreader who cheers on the globalist aims at controlling us. In Medicine and of course, otherwise too. In Government he trusts...
He won't mind them snooping to get rid of fraud. But, of course, fraud within the political realm and ranks, those in power, will not be pursued and he will find an excuse for them as he does already...does that consistently for O'Biden/Harris all the time. God help you (and God will) if you go against his party, his people and ungodly practices.
Controlling every aspect of life is their goal and useful idiots such as he is, are helping them get to that goal.
And why X's posts are despised here.

Anonymous said...

2:16 PM


Conservatives have long supported and are actively seeking to tread upon citizens' privacy rights. They don't like the 4th Amendment much.

The Republican Supreme Court long ago held that you had no expectation of privacy over your banking records. I think it was the Miller decision in 1973 ( was). So what Yellon is proposing is completely legal and permitted by US law as interpreted by the US Supreme Court.

I don't mind the current proposal by the IRS that much because it's gonna be used by the IRS to go after tax cheats. If you aren't cheating on your taxes then you don't have anything to worry about. Most people have their wages reported to the state and federal government every single paycheck, no matter how small that check is, anyway so most wage earners are already monitored by the feds and way below this $600 level. Cash-based businesses, illegal businessmen and drug dealers now will be more effectively targeted and caught; hopefully, reducing everyone's tax burden in the long run.

What's interesting about your gov overreach concerns is how the Opus Dei roman catholic republican supreme court may be ruling in the future.

In 2018, the Carpenter case was narrowly decided when Chief Justice Roberts switched sides and joined the court’s most civil liberties–oriented justices (Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan) making it illegal for the government to seek cell-site location information about individuals without proving to a judge that they have probable cause to believe that information will provide evidence related to a crime.

The case was about government access to your cell-site location information, which your telephone service may collect about the location of your mobile phone—and not so incidentally, about your location if, like most of us, you tend to keep your mobile phone close and that location data can stretch back weeks, months and even years.

A victory for privacy....BUUUUT

It got really interesting reading what the four remaining (and more law enforcement–friendly) associate justices (Kennedy, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch) wrote in response that challenged not merely the outcome in Carpenter, but also the Fourth Amendment framework that grew out of a 51-year-old court case called Katz v. United States.

Why is that is that a big deal? The Katz decision is what gave us the basis for the entire statutory framework for lawful wiretapping by the government (you have to get a court order, generally, to wiretap), and also for more modern communications issues like email privacy. So it’s troubling that the NOW SUPER MAJORITY republican conservative justices are quite likely to roll back Katz either partially or completely, and to limit the Fourth Amendment’s scope to just some version of property rights or the law of trespass the next chance they get. It could come down to Amy Cohen Barrit whether the government can just wiretap at will and snoop on any bank or business transactions they want including listening in on any past or present phone conversation or email or text message without a warrant.

Republicans will stop at nothing to CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL

Anonymous said...

"United CEO weighs in on Texas mandate, employee firings: "This is in the rearview mirror for us""


"United Airlines was the first major airline in the United States to announce a vaccine mandate for all its employees in August. Weeks later, 99.7% of its 67,000 U.S. employees are vaccinated, United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby told "CBS Mornings."

"We believe in safety. It's the right thing to do. We all know it's the right thing to do. Know it will be difficult, know that not everyone will agree but we're doing it from the principle of just doing the right thing for safety," he said.

Kirby said that 232 United employees who did not meet the September vaccination deadline are going through a "termination process."

As Rayb would say: "I wonder what those 66,768 employees knew that those 232 didn't?"


Anonymous said...

This whole Republican vs Democrat back and forth is getting very tiresome.

(And not just here at this blogspot.)

We need to hold INDIVIDUALS accountable.

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty."

-John Adams

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

JESSE VENTURA: Abolish All Political Parties

"Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally."

-George Washington in 1796 by Gilbert Stewart

"This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism.

"The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty."

-George Washington
1796 Farewell Address

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

-John Adams

Governor Jesse Ventura (Independence Party of Minnesota) wants us to return to a non-partisan Republic.

Anonymous said...

A Non-Partisan Republic?

In a new interview the great Jesse "The Body" Ventura addresses the insanity of our current corrupt system of elections and political parties.

Ventura wants to abolish political parties. In this he is marching in lockstep with our Federalist Founding Fathers. A non-partisan government is possible. The state legislature of Nebraska is non-partisan. The cities and counties of California are non-partisan.

SYSTEM FAILURE: The current partisan political system has brought us the bankruptcy of America, attacks on the Bill of Rights, the government confiscation of private property at the death of the owner, the Marxist re-distribution of wealth and the cradle-to-grave Welfare State. All of this to buy votes and elect one party over another.

With a track record like that I will stand with Washington, Adams and Ventura for a non-partisan government.

New words of wisdom from Jesse Ventura:

"The only way to do it is what I advocate for now. I don’t support the third party movement anymore. I support the abolishment of all these political parties.

"The world is set up today so that you don’t vote for the person, you vote for the party. And it’s the parties that control the government. We were warned by John Adams that that would be the downfall of America.

"I would turn the political parties into what they are, political action committees. The first thing I would do is change all election laws to where only names go on the ballot. No political parties are set on a ballot, that way the electorate has to educate themselves.

"Also on all ballots should be the option at the bottom 'none of the above,' which is a vote of no confidence for the government. Imagine if you won the election but lost to 'none of the above.' It might make you rethink your position.

"Those are two simple things we could accomplish right now that could help bring integrity back to the United States of America.

"Vote for anyone but Democrats and Republicans and you’ll get a change in government."

Our Federalist Founding Fathers created a non-partisan Republic.

The Founders did not envision a party system that would steal money from the Treasury to line the pockets of party supporters and to buy votes every two years from the general public.

Anonymous said...


RayB said...

Anon @ 5:18 PM ...

Both *parties are controlled by the same Establishment, i.e., the Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, Mega Bankers, Globalists, the CIA, Mega Corporations, the Federal Reserve, Corporate Media, Lobbyists, etc., etc. All of these work in conjunction with extremely powerful influencers of policies, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, Establishment Academia, etc.

It's been said before and it remains true: "America's political parties are two wings flapping on the same bird."

I've been saying this for many years now; With the Democrats, you get a high speed Bullet Train. With the Republicans, you get a slower moving diesel locomotive. But in the end, both trains arrive at the same destination.

* Here and there, you will find INDIVIDUAL exceptions, but they are rare. Individuals don't stand a chance in fighting against the likes of McConnell, McCarthy, Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, Obama, the Bushes, Romney, McCain, etc., etc.

RayB said...

I should have added the corrupt, biased Judicial system to the above ...

Anonymous said...

Well said at 5:46 PM, RayB.

Those that have followed along here for a while know this has been exposed multiple times before.

The absolute decay of "woke" crowd on the left and the irreparably compromised sold out on the right, are all bringing it down upon us all quickly now.
Voting, for all practical purposes, is done.
Liberties we have lived and enjoyed (and frankly ungratefully abused) are done.
America is done.
Sovereign nations are done.
It's a global world now, the stage is being set now for the finale.
The hour of power for the man of sin is not far out at all..coming soon, not later.
Reading my Bible, I can see this world system will crash terribly, horrifically. The groaning and dying of the earth is getting louder by the day.

I'm so glad and thankful for my Savior, King Jesus.

RayB said...

X states:

As Rayb would say: "I wonder what those 66,768 employees knew that those 232 didn't?"

First, the bulk of the 66,768 were coerced into getting the 'vaccine' with the threat of losing their job. The typical American is "one paycheck away" from losing everything due to the heavy debt load most Americans carry. Losing one's income is a frightening prospect for people in such a situation.

Second, history has proven over and over again that the "majority" is often wrong. Ever read "The Madness of Crowds?" Just one example; once Hitler and the Nazis gained power, and particularly, after Germany had early military victories, their "support" from the people was astronomical. Those that saw the Nazis for what they really were, represented a very small minority. Who turned out to be right?

We are far from seeing the "end" results of these EXPERIMENTAL, ongoing, 'vaccines.' Time will only tell who was right, and who was wrong.

RayB said...

Anon @ 6:12 PM ...


I agree. We are winding down towards the end ...

This thought came to me the other day, and it literally gave me a thrill:

"I am actually a son of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!"

Whatever our future holds, that can never be taken away.

RayB said...

Update from Europe along with News from Taiwan:

27,247 Deaths 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus

"The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 27,247 fatalities, and 2,563,768 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.

The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)

So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here."

Read the entire report here:

Craig said...

PFIZER’S BAIT AND SWITCH! – Why you still can’t get an FDA approved COVID vaccine

Only one company, Pfizer, has been granted a license to manufacture and distribute an FDA approved COVID vaccine. Pfizer’s FDA licensed vaccine must be labelled “Comirnaty” and include licensing information. To date, Pfizer has not allowed distribution of “Comirnaty” in the United States.

Liability is not the issue. Regardless of whether or not a vaccine is distributed under full FDA license or Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), the manufacturer still enjoys liability immunity thanks to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 as well as subsequent legislation further strengthening protections for drug makers. Yet there are very important differences when it comes to compensation programs for vaccine related injuries between EUA and [US]FDA licensed products

Here’s what everyone should know:

There are two distinct government administered programs that can pay compensation to [American] individuals for vaccine related injuries or death. The program that administers claims/compensation for an EUA vax is called the “Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program” (CICP).

The CICP is a fully government funded program. Drug manufacturers are required to pay nothing into this fund. Claims for medical expenses sustained by a vaccine administered under EUA are evaluated by the Health Resources & Services Administration. Benefits are limited to the “un-insured” and/or certain medical expenses not covered by other insurance and/or lost employment. (See eligibility requirements for filing claims on the CICP website)....

When it comes to an injury from an FDA licensed vaccine, compensation is provided through the “Vaccine Injury Compensation Program” (VICP). The VICP is a public Trust Fund under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Treasury and is funded by an excise tax of $.75 cents per dose for any FDA licensed vaccine as required by the aforementioned National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. This per dose tax is collected from the vaccine manufacturer and paid to the U.S. Treasury....

If it doesn’t say “Comirnaty” on the label, it is not an FDA licensed COVID vaccine. If it is not an FDA licensed vaccine, individuals cannot file an injury claim with the VICP. The differences in eligibility requirements and compensation between CICP and VICP are substantial.

Individuals injured by a fully approved FDA licensed vax, or their family members or legal representatives, can file a petition to the VICP resulting in an award of up to $250,000 for a vaccine related injury or death. The VICP is also known as “Vaccine Court” because plaintiffs may actually bring in witnesses and present testimony before a judge to substantiate or validate their claims. The VICP allows claims to be filed up to 2 to 4 years after vaccination and is not dependent on employment or insurance status. Whereas, the CICP has a one year filing deadline and only covers lost wages and medical expenses AFTER ALL OTHER INSURANCE AND/OR EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ARE EXHAUSTED!

Craig said...

This guy is a wealth of information related to cars and car repair--and he's quite entertaining (and if you tied his hands he'd certainly be unable to talk)--so, I have no reason to think he doesn't know what he's talking about here. The first two minutes will suffice:

Here's Why the Chip Shortage is a Bunch of Crap

Scotty Kilmer

Car chip crisis. No One is Telling You the Truth About the Car Crisis, So I Have to...

"...It just shows if you have a business, and you farmed things out—-maybe you shouldn’t farm all that stuff out. Maybe you should built it yourself."

Anonymous said...


I'm not going to investigate it fully but that article on covid vaccine liability I believe is misleading.

FDA approval of Comirnaty doesn't make it automatically covered under VICP. Covid vaccines, whether Comirnaty, the EAU authorized "Pfizer vaccine" and any other Covid vaccine for now and hereafter will remain on the CICP list of vaccines until, the CDC recommends the category of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant women, AND it is subjected to an excise tax by federal law. At that point only would the VICP attach.

Due to the deal Trump appointee, Alex Alazar signed with these companies and federal declarations he made back in Spring, 2020 [ ], I'd anticipate these Covid vaccines might all remain under the CICP for quite some time.

A countermeasure (under CICP) is a vaccination, medication, device, or other item recommended to diagnose, prevent or treat a declared pandemic, epidemic or security threat. On the rare chance you suffered a serious injury, or the death of a loved one, from the administration or use of a covered countermeasure, you may qualify for benefits.

These Federal declarations are issued and updated by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and specify the countermeasures are covered by the Program. It is true the program has different rules and covers less and that Biden HHS appointee, Xavier Becerra, has reissued/re-declared this continuing status.

Essentially, the deal with all these companies was make and distribute the vaccines and the government will be footing the bill for any Covid Vaccine-related injuries, if any...for now under the CICP.

It appears to me the name on the bottle matters not (except we are likely to see advertising soon too as they brand the Pfizer vaccine).

But I could be wrong.


Craig said...

Hey Bro, Can I Copy Your Homework?

Memology 102

Joe Biden tweet, March 11, 2020:
“Donald Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy is dangerous, inhumane, and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants. My administration will end it.”

10/15/21 piece:
Biden to reimplement Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy in November

Anonymous said...

9:56 pm Misleading --

the Biden administration is simply complying with a Trump-appointed federal judge who confusingly sided with the states of Texas and Missouri by ordering the Biden administration in August to reinstate the policy “in good faith.”

Fortunately, the Biden administration is working with Mexico officials in an attempt to humanize the process.

Anonymous said...

"5 Kids Have Their Family 'Annihilated' After Unvaccinated Parents Die From COVID Two Weeks Apart: In the hospital fighting for his life, Kevin Mitchem apologized for not getting the vaccine."


"A Virginia father has died after a weeks-long battle with COVID-19. His wife passed away from the virus just two weeks earlier, and together they leave behind five children and an extended family deep in grief.

Kevin Mitchem, 48, a heavy equipment operator who "treasured" spending time with his kids, lost his battle with COVID on October 8, according to his obituary. His wife, Misty, 46, a medical transcriptionist, died on September 23.

Their four youngest children—11-year-old twins, as well as two teenagers, ages 14 and 17—have since moved in with an aunt and uncle, Fredericksburg, Virginia, newspaper The Free Lance-Star reported. The oldest child, 22, has a toddler-age son. "I'm sure she wanted him to get close with his grandfather and that's not gonna happen now," Mitchem's brother, Mike, told the paper.

Mike Mitchem has set up a GoFundMe "to provide a bit of relief for [the] kids who just had their family annihilated," he wrote on the site.

...While Misty had diabetes—which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers a condition that puts someone at higher risk for developing severe COVID-19—her husband had no underlying health conditions or comorbidities, his brother added."

Anonymous said...

"Mother of 8 Dies From COVID in Ohio Hospital: 'They Keep Asking for Mom': Her grieving husband shared updates and then the tragic news on Facebook: 'I would never want anyone to go through what I'm going through.'"

"An Ohio mom of eight, Amber Feltner, 37, has died of COVID-19 after being hospitalized with the virus. She passed away from the virus on September 21, her grieving family shared.

Anonymous said... Documents Heartbreaking Stories Of Vaccine Injuries, Deaths

Monday, September 27, 2021

(Natural News) If Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are really “safe and effective” as the government claims, then why are there hundreds of stories about people who were seriously injured or killed by them documented in detail at

Founded in January 2021 on Telegram, is a new resource where you can read all about the many people whose lives were destroyed by Fauci Flu shots. It is a sobering experience to look through them all, but it is also an important one that might help to bring positive change to the current trajectory.

Since we are constantly being told by the “authorities” that there is no reason not to get jabbed with a Wuhan Flu shot, is a powerful rebuttal to that unsubstantiated claim.

“President” Joe Biden, for instance, whined recently that there is no good reason for anyone who is “unvaccinated” to wait any longer. He then proceeded to whisper in the ear of America that everyone needs to “get vaccinated” promptly – what are you waiting for?

The answer to that question, Pedo Joe, is that people who are actually doing their homework know that Chinese Virus injections are not safe, nor are they effective. They are harming more people than any other jab ever has.

Anonymous said...

How many more people need to DIE before the covid vaccine genocide comes to an end?

One of the victims shown on the site is Erica Kay Darr, 40, who “passed away unexpectedly following a Covid-19 vaccine.” Another is 56-year-old Fernando Katukina, an indigenous American who suffered fatal cardiac arrest after his injection.

Forty-four-year-old Stefano Paternò from Italy died just 16 hours after getting injected with the AstraZeneca vaccine. His brain began to bleed until he eventually passed away, leaving behind a wife and two children.

A young woman from Israel by the name of Shirel Hilel, 22, developed severe inflammation of the heart after receiving a Pfizer injection. She later died of cardiac arrest.

Rapper DMX (born Earl Simmons) is also listed as a victim, as he, too, died from cardiac arrest not long after receiving his injection.

Davide Bristot, an 18-year-old from Italy, was also reported dead not long after receiving his Chinese Flu shot. He and many other young people listed on the site were healthy and normal prior to their injections.

All ages, races and body types are depicted in the archive, suggesting that Chinese Virus jabs do not necessarily discriminate based on pre-existing health conditions or body fat content.

One of the victims shown was a 26-year-old doctor from India who took the jab and began to feel unwell. Her husband, who is also a doctor, quickly administered pain medication but the woman passed just hours later while at the hospital. is another site where you will find stories about people whose lives were ruined or ended by Wuhan Flu shots. These are presented more as blog articles, while the stories at are displayed as picture tiles where you can see the victims’ faces. also has a podcast section where you can listen to a series called “Voices of the Victims.” Each episode features interviews with people who have either experienced or witnessed an injury or death caused by covid injections.

(A quick note: It has come to our attention that some shared Wi-Fi networks will not allow access to An erroneous pop-up message claims that the site poses “phishing” risks. If you experience this, let us know about it in the comment section. It would seem as though the powers that be really do not want this information to get out there.)

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Chinese Virus injections can be found at

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This change in policy by Biden to Remain in Mexico, is only a ploy to close the flood gate behind the flood.
A PR stunt while the polling says this jackass is really tanking. He doesn't govern for the good of the nation, he schemes with other globalists, to force America, the world, to comply by overwhelming societies systems to that end.

Biden and the left have made sure enough illegals have come through to effect the demographics they are going for to complete the wholesale social project they have thrust upon this country. Nothing humanitarian about it. Not one thing. God help the little innocents being used and abused in this "process". There is a huge difference between actual refugees and invaders. Using children in that sense, like human shields, is nothing but a ploy to crash our economy and crash our societies structure, which they also saw to it, that it was so bloated it couldn't effectually work anymore, anyway. No wonder the left lividly hated Trump's attempts to clean up government agencies and departments, stem to stern.

Soros, among others, have funded this and pushed through myriad outlets, channels, political means as well as private sector, to do as his Open Society Foundation has planned to do, all along, first in Europe and here too.

The fox has been in the henhouse a long time.
And both parties have complied. The left is the arm holding the hammer for it, the right, the ones who gave the all clear to proceed, to hammer this home.
America was suffering death by a 1000 paper cuts as it was, but now with the left at the helm, is being bludgeoned to death.

Anonymous said...

Rapper's TikTok Account Frozen After Chart-Topping Anti-Biden Song "Let's Go Brandon" Went Viral

Craig said...

I took my car to my usual auto repair shop this past week. A number of the mechanics took advantage of the Columbus day three-day weekend to go to Vegas. But they all flew Southwest. And they were all stranded. The guy I spoke with (President of company), who is vaccinated, applauded the pilots' stance, even though he had to pay over $300 out of pocket for a hotel. And he stressed that despite what the news and Southwest may spin, the problem they encountered was due to a lack of pilots to pilot the planes. No ATC problem. No weather problem. Other flights from other airlines were coming and going.

What Southwest DOESN’T Want You to Know…


Anonymous said...

Thank God for those rare individuals as RayB called them in his 5:46 PM post, that actually intentionally tried to turn this country around, but by then was way too late, way too daunting to unseat the elitist globalist flood of ills that they were using to bring this situation about..
It is a global world now, no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Craig at 11:26 AM

This (President of company) must be a liar!

Cuz doctor X said it was weather related, and doctor X is never wrong!


Anonymous said...

"And he stressed that despite what the news and Southwest may spin"

The spin in non-stop. Anything to keep things clouded instead of clear.
That is how politics works. The global hand in the glove is getting it done to push us to the edge (of everything), but thankfully there is some real resistance! God bless those who are risking much to do that.
And here, we have a certain poster who "works it", who doesn't care to really know the truth, so keeps the spin going here too. Glad for the pushback Craig, and others!

Craig said...

@ Anon 11:26,

I'd bet it's this line that cause TikTok to freeze the account:

Don’t nobody want this commie ‘cause we’re not in China

Anonymous said...

Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID vaccination an 'unacceptable mistake'

Craig said...

More US pushback on the 'vaccine mandate':

Newport News Shipyard employees protest vaccine mandate

WTKR News 3

Tucker: What is the point of having a government?

Fox News

Tucker Carlson and Maine State Sen. Lisa Keim, R-Oxford, sound off on vaccine mandates causing mass job shortages among first responders.

RayB said...

Again, the purpose of getting the experimental jab is ...?

100% ‘Vaccinated’ NFL Team Loses Their Head Coach, Two Assistants, the GM, and Two Players Due to Covid

"All players and coaches on the team are “fully vaccinated,” which brings into question (as it seems to do every week) what the point of total vaccination is if it doesn’t protect them from infections?"

Anonymous said...


I'd really like to know the truth. But I don't. And neither do you and neither does your auto mechanic. Is it true there was simply a lack of pilots? Is it true the lack of pilots was due to upset over the vaccine mandate? It's possible. Is it fact? I dunno. What I know for sure is that we are routinely given inaccurate information at least some of the time in order to serve various agendas.

My own opinion... Southwest over extended their schedule on a holiday weekend with very little margin for error. The union was upset about the airline just announcing a mandate and not discussing/bargaining over the terms like religious and medical accommodations/exemptions, furloughs, retirements, terminations etc. When the weekend schedule got just slightly messed up on Friday night, it threw the schedule out of whack with pilots and equipment out of position and over their fly times. NORMALLY, the airline puts out a call to pilots and crews for overtime and the pilots and crews respond, pick up shifts and save the schedule. They simply didn't. It wasn't a strike (because technically airline pilots can't really strike) nor was it an official "sick out" because, really, there's not enough unvaccinated pilots/crew to really care all that much and the vaccinated weren't willing to risk their jobs illegally striking to support foolish unvaccinated pilots/ they did this to sent this intercompany message about messing with the union.

It's a nod to their fellow unvaccinated pilots and crew that they kind of support them and don't like a mandate either but we're not willing to burn it down over this. The industry is still reeling and the last thing the pilots or anyone at SW want is customers not buying tickets thinking SW might not be reliable right now.

Even this is probably reaching. My second thought is that it was just a messed up too tight schedule and when things fell apart the available pilots and crew were simply overworked, didn't pick up shifts in sufficient number to save the schedule because, maybe, they wanted to go to Vegas themselves for the long weekend. After 5 days or so, if this were really coordinated, someone would have leaked real evidence of such beyond speculation by airport personnel and customers.

Either way, the rumors, despite denials are just good advertising. They get to do the mandate AND appear supportive of unvaccinated consumers and their most inconvenienced customers, like your mechanics, aren't even mad at them.


Anonymous said...

Obama campaigned on the "Change" mantra. O'Biden is furthering that "Change" and the necessary chaos, that the blessed "Change" enables. Those Executive Orders right at the start of the pedo/murders regime will destroy many! The U.S., and the world are in a death spiral. That won't CHANGE, until Christ returns!

Craig said...


"good advertising"? These mechanics applauded the pilots for taking their stance against the 'mandates', they didn't applaud Southwest. In my conversation with the President he was very UNHAPPY with Southwest (he'd like his $300 and compensation for his time away from the shop), saying, "It's about time people stand up to this sort of tyranny." Southwest lost a LOT of PR over this. Time will tell what will happen.

Anonymous said...

Your post @ high noon X, is too FK**** to even bother with.

You just basically suck at the highest sleezbag level dr X

X never stops giving his contrarian opinions. Which are always subversive, dark, and antichrist. And always support globalist objectives.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream media covering up vaccine deaths of Black people...while paying Black celebrities to keep pushing genocidal jabs

Anonymous said...

The Mark of the Beast

Hutch said...

"Southwest lost a LOT of PR over this. Time will tell what will happen." Craig 12:10 PM, I agree with you 100 percent.

Anonymous said...

"X never stops giving his contrarian opinions. Which are always subversive, dark, and antichrist. And always support globalist objectives."

Copy that @ 12:19 PM


RayB said...

The amazing Chameleon Dr. X ...

"X" @ 5:36 PM expertly determined what the problem was at Southwest Airlines. Notice how assertive "X" is, all based on his own theories which has no correlation with the facts:

"What did happen Friday at JAX, where there were staff shortages at JAX Air Traffic Control due to scheduled time off and some number of employees who were ineligible due to recent vaccination, appears to have uniquely affected Southwest Airlines in combination with weather and overbooking and a computer scheduling system with very little margin for error."

Notice too how different "X's" post is from the one he posted @ 12:00 PM and that, unlike his 5:36 PM post, he doesn't even mention SW's own excuse for the cancelations; the WEATHER !

RayB said...

Anon @ 1:16 PM ...

One thing is constant in here. If there is a truthful post, "X" will show up to debunk it !

RayB said...

But, But BUT ... Death Cult Dear Leader Biden says vaccines are "completely safe." Who is right? The FDA, the Nordic countries, or Dear Leader's Teleprompter?

FDA will delay Moderna shot for adolescents as it studies potential adverse heart reaction

"Nordic countries have already issued directives to withhold specific vax from younger patients."

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week announced that it would delay the authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents while it studies reports of an adverse heart reaction to the drug in younger patients."

"Sources told the Wall Street Journal that “the FDA has been taking another look at the risk of the condition, known as myocarditis, among younger men who took Moderna’s vaccine,” especially compared to those who received other brands of the vaccine.”

RayB said...

The question begs to be asked; is the infamous Dr. X actually Jen Psaki?

Tapper Grills Psaki on Troubling WH Position on Inflation and Ethics Complaint Against Her

Psaki said that inflation was a "good thing, because people are back to work and buying things again."

NOTE: So it's a "good thing" that we are paying 65% more for gas at the pump, food prices are skyrocketing, housing market is in an artificial bubble, natural gas bills will double this winter, electricity will dramatically increase, etc., etc.

RayB said...

The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week
By Thomas T. Siler, M.D.

Craig said...

This is an interesting clip on two levels. First, note how it seems possible the new Merck drug may have been delayed for political reasons. Second, beginning at about 6:50 see how Brand is looking for a new age uniting of 'both sides'. I do think the latter will occur as/before the AC appears on the scene (and woe to the pre-trib Rapture adherents who may get caught up in this; see 2Thess 2:9-12):

Was Trump Right About The Covid Pill All Along?!

Russell Brand

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Pretty interesting the biggest liar on the blog lies about my 3 carefully worded posts on the subject of SW airlines and JAX air control while actually quoting a part of my post mentioning SW indicating it was, to some extent, about the weather in Florida Friday evening (I may have even been quoting from the article I linked versus it being my own words) when he said:

RayB -“ he doesn't even mention SW's own excuse for the cancelations; the WEATHER”

Go look—The quote RayB provided, presuming he hasn’t edited it, includes the weather excuse. The first sentences of that post werent entirely about SW but, as I recall, air traffic control at JAX.

I also welcomed any and all evidence that I what I was relaying, statements by the union, southwest and JAX air traffic control were actually factual wrong.


PS - It’s kind funny to see conservatives supporting unions in any manner all the sudden.

Anonymous said...

First supporting unions and now referencing Hollywood.

Is this the upside down?


RayB said...

Duh, X, I quoted your post @ 5:36 PM VERBATIM in order to illustrate that you DID blame the "weather," albeit in part, for the "cancelations."

Then, in your post to Craig @ 12:00 PM, you no longer blamed the "weather," perhaps because that assertion by SW has been thoroughly debunked as a cause for the THOUSANDS of cancelations.

The "weather" excuse by SW, and you, showed incredible Chutzpah, because the weather had nothing to do with the cancelations, proven by the fact that the other airlines flights continued throughout the weekend.

You really are a trip.

As I stated before, we can count on you appearing to debunk any truthful statement that is posted on this blog.

Anonymous said...

To: All

Re: X's purpose in being here and staying here

It is simply his appointed (or self-appointed) task to promote 'mainstream' views by being this blogspot's resident version of this:

YouTube has implemented Wikipedia into its platform to weed out “fake news” and “misinformation.” ... And, of course, Facebook is also relying on Wikipedia to provide disclaimers on content that Facebook deems as “questionable” or “untrue.”

Anonymous said...

Not to mention worried about an abundance of caution approving an experimental therapeutic medicine with the potential for serious side effects. Why so desperate go take this and other nonFDA approved therapeutics?

Even if this med reduces deaths dramatically there are still huge costly issues with this virus that would necessitate the vaccination protocols population wide.

The scramble for various narratives and flat out dishonesty to defend anti vaccine cognitive dissonance has become alarming.


Craig said...

Once again "X" is reframing positions, thereby creating straw men, and baiting his hook with red herrings.

Anonymous said...


Sorry I’m interfering with your ability to post a social Maga gospel including lies and deliberate disinformation while claiming to be of Jesus Christ.

I may make a mistake from time to time, a misstatement, typo or mock a dishonest post here or there but provide evidence that I’ve deliberately lied about anything I’ve posted here.

The only thing destroying hope in America today is MAGA and this heretical kingdom now seemingly willing to justify burning it all down to somehow save white America.

Frankly, i much prefer immigrants and minorities to anti-pluralists. Other groups and religions provide a mission field for the true Gospel, not a division and group you can just hate or eliminate. There but for the grace of God go I.


Craig said...

^^^^^ Even more of the same I mentioned in my 4:21 PM post.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^And x thinks those tactics work for him is the hilarious part.

Anonymous said...


I was mocking you putting words in my mouth. I didn’t mention weather this am to Craig because i was using his words that he nor his mechanic could really could possibly know it had to do with the vaccine mandate.

You claimed I purposefully left out weather “perhaps because that assertion by SW has been thoroughly debunked as a cause for the THOUSANDS of cancelations.”

That is another lie. Perhaps u lied simply so u could imply the Southwest weather claims were actually thoroughly debunked?

I would presume weather played no DIRECT part in Craig’s mechanic’s flight from the Vegas dessert being cancelled but weather at JAX on October 8th is still claimed by the airline and the union to have precipitated the cascading issues SW experienced Saturday thru Tuesday with its schedule along with the other factors it listed such as military training, staffing issues at JAX air control as well as their own staffing issues.

I confirmed there were strong thunderstorms at JAX on October 8th. The Jax staffing issues were addressed by the airport and I have no indication those statements were retracted. I have no way to verify whether their were military operations that effected air traffic control at JAX or elsewhere or Southwest operations at JAX or elsewhere.

One airlines schedule falling apart isn’t new. I read delta and American also had cancellations Friday perhaps due to weather. Apparently JAX is critical as a control tower as a pivot point for most east coast aircraft coming down the coast into Florida.

My narrative is corroborated. My opinion was labeled. My sources were provided. I wasn’t there so I’m not claiming to know. I’m not muddying the waters either. It could be related and airlines are motivated to blame non-reimbursable weather problems versus scheduling failures. Looks like SW is trying to now make amends. See below.

Please provide evidence of this “thorough debunking” or any other evidence of the SW vaccine mandate walkout conspiracy theory beyond speculation.

“Southwest Airlines offering ‘goodwill’ gesture to customers affected by cancellations: What does that mean?”
October 16, 2021 (3 hours ago - SW and Union story hasn’t changed)


Anonymous said...

Sure Craig.

Criticize me without anyone ever pointing out a single lie Ive ever stated here while u and others completely avoid criticizing the anti-Semitic posts above let alone all the words and positions attributed to me that I’ve never stated or taken.

I get that you don’t approve of the manner in which I defend the faith, and I welcome your wise counsel when it comes to that but defending and promulgating gossip and rumor (like “other media reports” state xyz) isn’t wise either.

506 pm - Proverbs 26:4-5 – Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. ... “Do not answer him according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself,” that is, do not engage him on his own terms.

MAGA nationalism and the Republican false gospel is folly.


Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
"X never stops giving his contrarian opinions. Which are always subversive, dark, and antichrist. And always support globalist objectives."

X's govspeak is constant.
His talking points consistently belong to the socialist globalist woke.

RayB said...

What I ACTUALLY posted @ 2:08 PM:

"Notice too how different "X's" post is from the one he posted @ 12:00 PM and that, unlike his 5:36 PM post, he doesn't even mention SW's own excuse for the cancelations; the WEATHER !

What "X" claims I posted:

"You claimed I purposefully left out weather “perhaps because that assertion by SW has been thoroughly debunked as a cause for the THOUSANDS of cancelations.”

NOTE: Nowhere did I "claim" that X "PURPOSEFULLY" left out the weather, but he makes the claim anyways.

An added word here and there, others left out here and there, and "X" accomplishes his goal; paint a false picture that suits his agenda.

He plays the same game by calling people in here "racists" and "anti-semites," but when asked to provide specific examples, he can't.

He's just like the Pharisees, always attempting to trip someone up, and will use any false means to accomplish his goal.

Craig said...

X @ 5:37 PM,

I never said you "lied" (that's one straw man). But, let me challenge you on just one of your assertions: which comments are "the anti-Semitic posts above"?

Anonymous said...

New Age Satanist X said

"The only thing destroying hope in America today is MAGA and this heretical kingdom now seemingly willing to justify burning it all down to somehow save white America"

That's the only thing! You see it non stop, day in and day out! The deadly MAGA! The deadly kingdom now! The world according to expert dr X.

Well X, all Israel shall be saved. God isn't about multiculturalism. Babylon will be destroyed. If it wasn't for White America, feeding all the heathen of this world, including self loathing, 'tanning bed' whites, you would all be running around biting the heads off chickens, and drinking their blood! So God's chosen white people are hated for the great favor bestowed upon us by God!

If it wasn't for White farmers feeding blacks in Africa, there would be much starvation. So kill the White farmers?

Pull your hollow head out of your dirty bitch ass X.

Anonymous said...

Craig, I think it’s posts 1405 and 1406 above linking the daily crow and blaming Covid on Jews and mentioning “small hats” as a euphemism for yarmulkes.

I’m not saying anyone is obligated to call such out…I didn’t call it out either this time but I have in the past been critical of John Birch Society anti Semitic rhetoric. It’s just interesting how my Christianity offends and racist/anti-Semitic comments hardly ever do (unless Mrs Cumberland is around).


Craig said...

X @ 6:35 PM,

As for me, I disregard garbage like those posts. They're obviously trolls. As regards John Birch Society, whether one member/founder or what-have-you said this or that, the JBS should only be labeled "anti-Semitic" if that's the core of what their stance is. From what I've seen, that's not the case. It comes down to the genetic fallacy. Let's judge content on its own merits. Even CNN occasionally has actual news that isn't spun.

And this statement of yours:

The only thing destroying hope in America today is MAGA and this heretical kingdom now seemingly willing to justify burning it all down to somehow save white America.

I don't see posts exemplifying this straw man position--except maybe that conspicuous-by-its-timing-post @ 6:29 PM. So we MIGHT have one person here exemplifying something like what I think you're trying to say, but this hardly represents the overwhelming majority of the content here.

Let's stick with specifics instead of these vague MAGA assertions devoid of any factual basis.

I can say that I've run into a lot of folks who identify as (former) Trump supporters, but exactly ZERO express any kind of 'White nationalist' sentiment.

Anonymous said...

6:29 PM isn't MAGA, and has never been kingdom now!

So bugger off Craig, you pompous, lukewarm a-hole

Anonymous said...

X takes his extreme contrarian stance because he has a bitter hatred of White people.

Anonymous said...

To: All

Re: X's purpose in being here and staying here (more precisely)

It is simply his appointed (or self-appointed) task to promote 'mainstream media'-type views and narratives (and/or denigrating 'alternative media') by being this blogspot's resident (more hostilely aggressive) version of this:

YouTube has implemented Wikipedia into its platform to weed out “fake news” and “misinformation.” ... And, of course, Facebook is also relying on Wikipedia to provide disclaimers on content that Facebook deems as “questionable” or “untrue.”

Anonymous said...

To: All

Re: X's purpose in being here and staying here (more precisely)

It is simply his appointed (or self-appointed) task to promote 'mainstream media'-type views and narratives (and/or to denigrate 'alternative media') by being this blogspot's resident (more hostilely aggressive) version of this:

YouTube has implemented Wikipedia into its platform to weed out “fake news” and “misinformation.” ... And, of course, Facebook is also relying on Wikipedia to provide disclaimers on content that Facebook deems as “questionable” or “untrue.”

Anonymous said...


I had put 'and/or' to mean one or the other depending on any particular post of his, but on second thought: promote 'mainstream media'-type views and narratives (and to denigrate 'alternative media')...

Craig said...

Obama and Fauci as Prophets:

How did they know all this!?

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, Craig.

I posted a link about this probably 3 threads ago and to me it was though Obama predicted what would be coming. I remember J commented about it finding it interesting that I thought he was predicting the virus.
This is all as though it was in the works already--because of the things that Rand Paul challenged and exposed Fauci on about gain of function research and how Obama dropped that just before Trump came into office so the timing was meant to cover something--Fauci never skipped a beat making sure the funding was still shoveled to Wuhan lab so it continued the ugly behind the scenes with big names and big money in on it too, to help that cause and others along. Bill Gates was working on saving us as he was preparing Event 201 in 2019. These people in their think tanks go on to make these things happen. Mega-Government, Mega-Science, Mega Money and Mega Media all in bed together.
So it all looked like a set up to me. All very convenient and I think diabolical because the smooth talk to say things such as this while sounding like a thoughtful warning then, sounds like more typical hide the truth in plain sight way of pulling your punch (tell it as something almost in passing so no one will realize you are really telling them what you will do). Slick that one isn't he? No wonder his sidekick was Biden. Sure made Obama look and sound better didn't it?
Obama did that on the campaign trail too with Joe the Plumber in his talk about spread the reality meaning reparations as we found out.
So he told us so, but who was listening? Not many.
But I was. (and I suspected back then because I smelled the reek of globalism on that rat) It stuck me then and I see him behind the scenes today pulling the strings to make the dummy Biden talk, so in many ways doing what he wants to do, said he would do---to bring CHANGE--change everything--exactly what the globalists (Soros et all) got him into politics to accomplish.
Get us over a barrel, hog tie us and hand us over.

Craig said...

Yet another thought-provoking vlog:

Social Media - Why it Sickens the Self and Divides Society

Academy of Ideas

Anonymous said...
Craig, maybe you have seen this before? If not.....
Mighty interesting from this site:
The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.

WEF right there before the pandemic kicked off.
And prepared now for the "Reset". What timing. Was predicted, was planned.
Covid and Climate Change the impetus.....

Craig said...

Anon 11:35 PM,

I've no doubt aspects of this pandemic, or perhaps all of it, was pre-planned. As you mentioned, things like Event 201 are indications of 'hiding in plain sight'.

I'm impressed by how awake (not "woke") some people are, such as Jaz Coleman of the post-punk band Killing Joke. The 2015 release Pylon contains lyrics illustrating the extent to which he understands the globalists' plans. In the song "I Am the Virus" are the lyrics (British spelling)

Death, misery and tears
Calculated waves of fear
Drawn up by think tanks
There's a darkness in the West
...False flags and Black Ops
Tavistock manufactured shocks
Something's gone horribly wrong
Hot flashes for the Neo-con
A population
In deep denial
Contagion released
From a Phial

Craig said...

Anon 11:50 PM,

Yes I saw that. And regarding your "Covid and Climate Change the impetus", I stated same on this very thread in response to Constance (@ 9:44 PM in first 200 comments):


"Climate Change" and now Covid19 are being used to bring about 'The Great Reset'. The way I see it, forced vaccinations and lockdowns are but a precursor to a forced 'mark' to buy and sell.

Anonymous said...

This seems like a relatively balanced article about the SW Airlines situation:

Did Labor Action Over Vaccine Mandates Compel Southwest to Cancel Thousands of Flights?

Anonymous said...







How To Use A News Aggregator to Stay On Top of What’s Going On



Latest LSN COVID Articles

Note: These double posts are (one or both) being deleted.

Anonymous said...

Woman Raped On Philly Train As Bystanders Did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING To Help Her

Philly Police Now Required To First Politely Ask Criminals To Please Stop Doing Certain Crimes

'On the whole, I'd rather not be in Philadelphia.'

W.C. Fields' new epitaph

Anonymous said...

Was January 6 Capitol setup part of FBI sting named ‘Operation Cold Snap’?

Anonymous said...

Judicial Watch — Documents PROVE Ashli Babbitt was MURDERED

Anonymous said...

Blockbuster Ivermectin success in Mexico!

Anonymous said...

American Airlines cancels 230 flights, delays 600+… Sickout is spreading…

Anonymous said...

America: Land of the Slaves and Home of the Cowards – The Entitlement Majority Call Themselves “Victims”

October 16, 2021
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Francis Scott Key penned the words to the song “The Star-Spangled Banner” in the 1800s that would go on to become the “National Anthem” of the United States, and it ends with the words:

The land of the free, and the home of the brave.

I am not sure these words have ever been a true description of life in the United States, but today, here in 2021, those words should read:

The land of the slaves, and the home of the cowards.

I never thought I would live to see the day where most Americans would willingly choose slavery over freedom, and then when their choices did not work out the way they thought, rather than own up to their mistake in making the wrong choice, blame the “opposition” party in government instead, all the while raising their voices to claim “I’m a victim!” believing that somehow they are entitled to certain things from their slave masters.

But that characterizes the United States of America today.

For example, a couple of weeks ago several readers brought to my attention the tragic story of a young mother who took one of the COVID shots and then ended up dying, leaving her small children behind.

It was a tragic, but typical story of the kind we have covered hundreds of times now since the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization back in December of 2020.

But the reason this story gained so much traction and actually made it even into some corporate news sites, is because the obituary was written in such a way to completely blame the COVID-19 shot, and to politicize what happened.

Here is what was written in the obituary of this young mother who was in her 30s:

[The mother’s] greatest passion was to be the best mother possible for [her two children.] Nothing would stand in her way to be present in their lives.

During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom.

She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat.

But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children’s education—which included being a Room Mom—was, once again, blocked by government mandate.

Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed. It cost [this mom] her life.

Anonymous said...

I do not mean to be disrespectful at all to this family’s tragic loss, and there are certainly enough criminals to be tried and executed for these horrible crimes in allowing these shots to be made available to the public.

But the government did not cost this woman her life.

The text here makes it very clear that this woman knew the risks, knew that she did not need this shot, but chose to get it anyway, because she wanted to keep using the educational system to educate her children.

THAT choice cost her her life, and now her family is suffering as a result of that choice.

Did she have other choices that she could have made to prevent this from happening?

Yes, she did. She could have pulled her children out of the Satanic school system mandating these shots, and made the choice not to participate.

It may have been the more difficult choice, it may have caused her to be ostracized and criticized by those around her, including maybe some of her own family members. It may have caused her a lot of problems and inconveniences to walk away from the world system that provides education, medical care, and many other “benefits.” It may have even completely changed her life, and left her in poverty.

But ultimately it was her choice, and she rolled the dice and LOST, because she valued the lifestyle that her slave masters were offering her more than refusing the shot.

You ALWAYS have a choice!

Even if things get worse and the military or law enforcement begins going door to door by gun point to force people to get these shots, you still would have a choice: You would have the choice to die free, or live as a slave.

But as we can see with this tragic story, and many thousands of others like her, people are choosing to live as slaves by complying, and then many of them end up dying anyway.

True Freedom Comes at a Cost – It is not Free

Anonymous said...

17-year-old boy dies of heart attack after taking COVID jab so he could play hockey

'Horrific' vaccine mandate nears in The Dominican Republic

National security laws may suggest that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic 'exercise'

Anonymous said...

Delta Airlines CEO Announces Company Will REJECT Biden's 'Divisive' Vaccine Mandates

Exclusive: 60% of TSA Employees Refusing COVID Injection, Says Insider Source

EXTORTION? US Treasury Deputy Sec Warns Unvaxxed Americans That Shortages Will Continue Until EVERYONE is Jabbed

Anonymous said...

Walmart has been training executives and staffers in Critical Race Theory for several years

Walmart to White Employees: You’re Internally Racist, Check Your Privilege at the Front Door.

Craig said...

Dershowitz’ Counsel is filing a RICO suit against Dominion:

Dominion Voting Getting Sued Under RICO! Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT

Poll workers are suing Dominion Voting Systems under RICO. Here is the breakdown highlight with Barnes.

Anonymous said...

Was January 6 Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’?
It’s only a matter of time before we learn how many “Big Dans” or Stephen Robesons were part of January 6.

October 14, 2021
By Julie Kelly
American Greatness

The tony, bucolic town of Dublin, Ohio would be one of the last places in America expected to host a convention of white supremacist militiamen. Nestled along the Scioto River, the Columbus suburb’s biggest claim to fame is hosting the PGA’s annual Memorial Golf tournament every summer.

But in June 2020, days after the nation was roiled by Black Lives Matter looting and rioting, a man from Wisconsin named Stephen Robeson sponsored a “National Militia Conference” at a Dublin hotel. (Yes, that was the real name of the event.)

According to BuzzFeed’s exceptional July 2021 investigative report on the FBI-led plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, Robeson “helped organize the national meeting, and he was enthusiastically pushing people he knew to attend.” The purpose of the conference was to recruit people who ultimately would stoke “political violence” against governors who refused to reopen their states after lockdowns supposedly necessitated by COVID.

Some participants said Robeson, known as “Robey,” relentlessly pestered them until they agreed to show up; people came from as far as Maryland and Kansas City, BuzzFeed’s Ken Bensinger and Jessica Garrison reported. One member of the Three Percenters, an alleged militia group on the FBI’s naughty list, observed people taking photos from discreet locations in the hotel. “The feds are everywhere,” he thought to himself.

Indeed. One of the feds was Robeson himself.

In a motion filed in July by a defense lawyer in the Whitmer kidnapping prosecution, Robeson is described as having a long record “of cooperating with the government in exchange for personal benefits. Basically, this [confidential human source] has a decades-long history of acting as a professional snitch for the government.”

Robeson also—and there’s nothing at all sketchy about this—founded the Wisconsin Patriot Three Percenters, BuzzFeed reported. Three Percenters, along with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, are considered right-wing extremist militias by the FBI. Dozens of members from the three groups have been arrested and charged in connection with the January 6 protest at the Capitol.

Anonymous said...

But there’s more to Robeson’s background than just acting as government-paid flypaper to lure right-wingers to join a so-called “militia” group; he’s compiled a rap sheet a mile long including sex with a minor, battery, car theft, insurance fraud, and forgery. And in 2020, this convicted felon was working for Christopher Wray’s FBI to entrap alleged “militia men,” presumably loyal to Donald Trump, to pull a stunt before the 2020 election.

Which is exactly what happened. In yet another example of the FBI interfering in a presidential election, Robeson and at least a dozen other FBI agents and informants orchestrated the shocking scheme—the feds paid for and organized “surveillance” trips as well as weapons training camps, all for the hidden cameras to capture on film—to produce major headlines as early voting was underway in the crucial swing state of Michigan.

Whitmer held a dramatic press conference the day the Justice Department announced the arrest of six men on federal conspiracy charges, blaming Trump for encouraging “domestic terrorists.” Joe Biden weighed in, too. “There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one. He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country,” he said on October 8, 2020.

Turns out, the “oxygen” that gave the plot life came from inside the house. BuzzFeed, after reviewing numerous court records and conducting interviews with those involved, concluded the FBI assets “had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception.” Without the FBIs involvement, it’s unclear “whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.” For now, the federal trial has been delayed until next spring after defense counsel asked for a 90-day continuance to investigate misconduct by FBI agents and informants. (I reported on that here.)

It also appears that the Whitmer operation was only part of the FBI’s overall plan to infiltrate and perhaps direct the conduct of unsuspecting “militia” men in 2020.

Operation Cold Snap, according to BuzzFeed, was an undercover “far-reaching, multi-state domestic terrorism investigation” to surveil—or more likely entrap, as defense lawyers in the Whitmer case now argue—people tied to the FBI’s hit list of right-wing militias. The Justice Department vaguely referred to the operation in its press release announcing the arrests in the Whitmer case. “[The] FBI began an investigation earlier this year after becoming aware through social media that a group of individuals was discussing the violent overthrow of certain government and law enforcement components.”

Testimony by one of the lead FBI special agents in the Whitmer case verified the multi-state probe. Henrik Impola, who worked with the FBI’s biggest informant in the case, an Iraq War vet known as “Big Dan,” told a judge he was handling “Big Dan” and acting as a case agent in Operation Cold Snap at the same time. “From the FBI through the domestic terrorism operation center, I was aware of other FBI investigations in Baltimore and Milwaukee and Cincinnati and Indiana involving other militia members . . . who were attending the national conference in Dublin,” Impola testified in March.

Anonymous said...

“Big Dan,” who was paid at least $54,000 by the FBI for seven months’ work on the Whitmer caper, and a separate FBI special agent had another target: Virginia. FBI Special Agent Jayson Chambers in September urged “Big Dan” to convince a man in Virginia to participate in a sinister plan against Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. “The mission is to kill the governor specifically,” the text between handler and informant read. And just like in the Whitmer plot, “Big Dan” advised his target how to build an explosive device and urged him to attend a training camp in Wisconsin. “Like all the others, [the Wisconsin event] was conceived, planned, and conducted by the federal investigative team of agents and undercover informants working together to provide a stage upon which to manipulate their targets into acting out ostensibly incriminating behavior the government hoped to elicit in its bid to develop then “interrupt” the operation of a “domestic terrorist organization.”

Sound familiar?

And there is another glaring connection between January 6 and the Whitmer case that cannot be dismissed as coincidence. One week after the charges were announced in the kidnapping plot, the man in charge of the Detroit FBI Field office was promoted to head of the D.C. FBI Field office. Steven M. D’Antuono took over the D.C. shop, described as “a coveted post in the bureau,” on October 13, 2020. Was D’Antuono promoted for a job well done or to continue the undercover operation, blaming any post-election chaos on right-wing militia groups as they did with the Whitmer plot?

Several unanswered questions about the FBI’s possible involvement remain, as Darren Beattie has detailed at Revolver News. One mystery is the whereabouts of FBI Director Chris Wray before and during the protest. Kash Patel, who held several high-level posts in the waning months of Trump’s presidency, was in communication with top administration officials on January 5 and 6. “I was on the phone on January fourth, fifth, and sixth with the president, with the chief of staff, with the Attorney General, with the Department of Homeland Security, and the only person missing from those phone calls was the Director of the FBI.” Patel said in a recent interview. “He was nowhere to be found.”

Further, the New York Times bombshell last month confirmed that at least one informant inside the Proud Boys started working with the agency in July 2020 and “appears to have been close to several other members of his Proud Boys chapter, including some who have been charged in the attack.” The Times report can only be seen as the start of a slow drip of information about the extent of the FBI’s role in January 6.

For now, it’s hard to imagine Operation Cold Snap ended with the arrest of Whitmer’s would-be abductors. A more likely scenario is that Wray moved D’Antuono from Michigan to the nation’s capital just in time for what everyone knew would be a highly fraught period after Election Day. It’s only a matter of time before we learn how many “Big Dans” or Stephen Robesons were part of January 6.

Anonymous said...

Judicial Watch — Documents PROVE Ashli Babbitt was MURDERED

Babbitt shooting internal police docs reveal 'no good reason for shooting,' according to Judicial Watch

The documents show witnesses recount they did not see Babbitt holding a weapon

By Emma Colton | Fox News | 10/14/21

Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt Jan. 6 is still unknown to public:

Babbitt's husband Aaron Babbitt and family attorney Terrell Roberts explain their frustration on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

More than 500 pages of internal documents from DC Metropolitan Police concerning the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol on Jan. 6 reveal witness accounts stating she was not holding a weapon at the time of her death and how "upset" the officer was after shooting her.

"These previously secret records show there was no good reason to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt," stated Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents through a May 2021 FOIA lawsuit. "The Biden-Garland Justice Department and the Pelosi Congress have much to answer for the over the mishandling and cover-up of this scandalous killing of an American citizen by the U.S. Capitol Police."

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot and killed during the storming of the Capitol by a bullet fired by Capitol Police officer ​​Lt. Michael Byrd. The documents from the DC Metropolitan Police department show that witnesses did not see Babbitt holding a weapon prior to her being shot, and reveal conflicting accounts of whether Byrd verbally warned Babbitt before shooting her.


A Capitol Police sergeant, whose name is redacted, described seeing Babbitt climbing through a broken window, but did not witness her holding a weapon, according to a portion of the documents received by Judicial Watch.

"Sergeant [redacted] observed a white, female protester was climbing through an opened area where the glass pane had been knocked out. He heard a gunshot and this female fell backwards through the opening. The crowd on the other side of the barricaded east doors, began to step back and some put their hands in the air. Sergeant [redacted] observed Lieutenant Byrd step back just after hearing the gunshot. He did not see anything in the female protester’s hands prior to the gunshot," the Internal Affairs Division report stated.

"Sergeant [redacted] never went on the other side of the barricaded east door. He also did not know that it was Lieutenant Byrd who shot his gun until he talked to him moments after it occurred. Lieutenant Byrd looked upset and stated, ‘I was the one who took the shot,’" the report continued.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson reacts to Capitol Police officer speaking out about shooting Ashli Babbitt:

Judicial Watch noted that in a written transcript of the interview with the sergeant, he detailed he was not sure "if something happened to" Byrd that "caused him to take the shot or not."

"Uh, I saw Lieutenant Byrd kinda. I don’t know if it was before or after. Cause I was trying to figure this out of, but there was at one point where I remember seeing him and he kind of went like this and then came back up again. Uh, I don’t know if that was from him taking the shot and then stepping back from that shot or if it was before that, I can’t, no matter how I tried to rack my brain, I can’t, I can’t figure out when that happened, but uh, so I don’t know if something happened to him where [sic] caused him to take the shot or not," the written transcript states.

The sergeant went onto describe that Byrd was "visibly upset" after shooting Babbitt.

"No, his eyes were red. He was, you could see he was visibly upset and he just, you know, kind of comfort him and told him, you know, we gotta get outta here," the transcript of the interview states.

The interviewer asked the sergeant if he approached Babbitt after the shot, and he responded, "No, no, no. I maintained my position."

He added that Byrd directed him and other officers to go down "into the subway" following the shooting.

The interviewer also asked: "This was not a typical day, was it?"

"Definitely not my craziest day there," the sergeant replied, saying the closest event to compare it to was "the shots fired back in 2004, 2005 in the Rayburn building ...."

The interview asked the sergeant if Jan. 6 was a "frightening experience," to which the sergeant responded: "Oh yeah. I’m not afraid to say I was, I was scared s--t."

The Internal Affairs Division also conducted a different interview with another Capitol Police officer on Jan. 6, who was positioned directly behind Byrd in the Speaker’s Lobby during the shooting of Babbitt.

"He did not see Ms. McEntee [Babbitt] in possession of any potential weapons," the summary report states.

"He reiterated that he did not observe that she was armed."

That interviewee also described Byrd as "upset" following the shooting.

"Lieutenant Byrd was shaking, he did not say anything…. Byrd was nervous, teary-eyed, and appeared very upset. His voice [was] also shaky when he called for medical assistance over the radio. Lieutenant Byrd was still very upset," the report continued.

That interviewee also said that a man with a beard wearing a suit attended to Babbitt, according to transcripts of the interview. Neither he nor the sergeant interviewed were able to prove the identity of the bearded man in the suit, but said they believe he was with the House Sergeant-at-Arms office.

Anonymous said...

Yet another report also stated that a sergeant did not see a weapon in Babbitt’s hands before hearing a gunshot. That report added that investigators "recovered 'a para force’ folding knife in Ms. Babbitt’s pants pocket."

"The crowd on the outside of the previously barricaded east doors began to step back, and some raised their hands in the air. Sergeant [redacted] did not see anything in Ms. Babbitt’s hands prior to hearing the gunshot."

Another report on an interview with a Capitol Police officer on Feb. 4 stated, "He did not hear any verbal commands" before Babbitt was shot.

A separate Jan. 6 phone interview with a man who "reached out" to the Metro PD, who claimed to have been in the House Chambers at the time of the shooting, contradicted the officer’s Feb. 4 interview.

He said he did in fact hear Byrd shout "loud verbal commands" that he would "shoot" before firing at Babbitt. That interviewee also claimed Byrd fired twice, not once.

"He was yelling, he was giving commands. Um, he was saying, I will shoot. Uh, he was saying some other stuff. I couldn’t clearly make out what he was saying, but he was definitely, uh, giving commands, no question about it," the interviewee said, according to transcripts.

"He [Byrd], uh, did everything he could do…. He was by himself, we were defending the front door and they were shaking it."

A DC Department of Forensic Sciences crime scene examination report also noted that Byrd’s service weapon was turned over to the department. A crime scene examination report also states that police saw a trail of blood from the hallway outside the Speaker’s Lobby doors, that led down to the first floor of the House.

The documents come after Byrd gave his first public interview in August, recounting the events leading up to the shooting, and said firing his weapon was a "last resort option."

"I tried to wait as long as I could," Byrd said. "I hoped and prayed no one tried to enter through those doors. But their failure to comply required me to take the appropriate action to save the lives of members of Congress and myself and my fellow officers."

The U.S. Capitol Police concluded its internal investigation seven months after the shooting and declared it was "lawful and within Department policy." The policy states that the officer can use deadly force if he "reasonably believes that the action is in defense of human life."

"If the doors were breached, the rioters would have immediate access to the House Chambers," the U.S. Capitol Police said on August 23. "The actions of the officer in this case potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death from a large crowd of rioters who forced their way into the U.S. Capitol and to the House Chamber where Members and staff were steps away."

"I know that day I saved countless lives," Byrd said in his interview. "I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that’s my job."

Anonymous said...

Notice this:

"a man who 'reached out' to the Metro PD, who claimed to have been in the House Chambers at the time of the shooting, contradicted the officer’s Feb. 4 interview."

How very, very, very convenient.

Anonymous said...

Vaccinated infection rate is 2X times the Unvaccinated

RayB said...

This should send Dr. X over the Moon with joy ...

Kamala Harris Records Video to Be Played at Over 300 Black Churches Calling on Worshippers to Vote for Democrat Virginia Governor Candidate Terry McAuliffe

NOTE: Think about this; in violation of tax exempt laws governing churches, Harris's video will play, encouraging people not just to vote, but VOTE for the Democrat, radical, Pro-ABORTIONIST candidate!

Try to imagine the outrage if "politics" were to be played in "conservative" churches in like manner of the above. Calls would be trumpeted by the corporate media to remove the "tax exempt status" of every one of the offending churches, and the IRS would be working overtime.

We live in "Two Americas," and this is just another illustration that proves it.

RayB said...


I'm sure I speak for the majority in here when I say a sincere "thank you" for being so diligent, and consistent, in posting the truth regarding the "election" of 2020, along with all of your excellent info on the "pandemic" and "vaccines." Also, you've done a stellar job in negating the massive amounts of disinformation that has been posted, for so long, here by "X."

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

Anonymous said...

"The unvaccinated should be more afraid of the vaccinated actually" says Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University

Anonymous said...


Once again Craig is reframing positions (out of context sound clips), thereby creating straw men, and baiting his hook with red herrings. Let's stick with specifics instead of these vague conspiracy assertions devoid of any factual basis.

Here's the full clip of Obama publicly addressing scientists at the NIH about the Ebola virus and pushing for legislation to combat Ebola and prepare for any and all 'inevitable' future challenges and/or pandemics.

"On December 2, 2014, President Obama visited the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to discuss the progress we’ve made and the work we still need to do to contain and combat the Ebola outbreak."

In full context, it shouldn't raise conspiracy suspicions at all. Instead, it's rather informative and it really has to make you wonder how many US lives would have been saved if Obama was still president in 2020. From his experiences squashing the Ebola outbreak alone, he would have had a huge advantage over any inexperienced administration. Consider that if "their" plan was really to cull populations why would "they" work so hard and for so long to contain Ebola (a 40% killer) and its vaccine solution in favor of some "preplanned" Covid (a 1% killer) and its vaccine solution?

Here's Fauci's entire speech at Georgetown University on January 10th, 2017 just as Trump was preparing to assume office in a room full of scientists who know Trump was a science denier. Recent history simply proves "science" was right to raise the alarms bells.

"Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration: Keynote Address by Anthony S. Fauci"

I know, especially in the limited interactions here, that I couldn't possibly convey enough evidence to overcome your confirmation bias; but, please at least listen to the conspiracy evidence you spread in its full context such that maybe someday you might glean some connection to, or hope of, rationality.

Neither Obama or Fauci were "prophets" nor did they predict or manifest a future outside of what years and years (a millennia, really) of the study of infectious diseases, history, public health and medical interventions including treatments and vaccines pointed to. They were both just competently doing their jobs. They both explain this in full context but still, people right now will hear what they want to hear and just fail to understand how incredible it actually is that our great nation, under God, has/had such great abilities and knowledge, limited as it remains. All knowledge is revealed through Him, in His time, including science. Evil may utilize knowledge, but the doesn't make the knowledge itself evil.


RayB said...

Imagine the worst, then be prepared for much worse than that:

Greta Thunberg Dance Off | Fridays for Future | Never gonna give you up - Song | Climate Live 2021

Anonymous said...


Simply labeling a part of my arguments as ad hominem or red herrings doesn't make the entire refutation fallacious and by itself, as often utilized by Craig, IS actually a fallacious argument. A "fallacy fallacy" or "argument from fallacy" is the formal fallacy of analyzing an argument and inferring that, since it contains a fallacy, its conclusion must be false.

However, me pointing that out, could then be called a fallacy fallacy fallacy and so on. That said, I am not the one pretending that simply pointing out a fallacy "negates massive amounts of disinformation". Not a single piece of evidence I have shared here has been shown to be a lie or disinformation with credible supporting evidence. Rarely is my central point or argument even addressed.

So RayB, how about you stick with specifics instead of these vague conspiracy assertions devoid of any factual basis?


Anonymous said...

It's getting tiresome arguing and anyway it's long since past time that you people at this blogspot realized the general superiority of me and anything I say or do.

Open your eyes and open your ears to...

The Wonderful World Of X

Craig said...


Thanks. I try to provide relevant and useful information. Some has a humorous bent, some very serious. Upon further investigation and more evidence, some of the info may or may not prove useful. Yet I think most all here are trying to put out useful information. As I think you are.

As to “X”, it’s a shame that many of his posts are so slanted, for he does sometimes present good information and some useful correctives. But these are far overshadowed by his over-the-top rhetoric and distortion of positions of commenters (straw men). An example of the former is his characterization of Ashli Babbit in the immediate aftermath of her murder/(wo)manslaughter. What does her personal character have to do with the fact that she was shot and killed while unarmed? Should we forgo an investigation because aspects of her life may be objectionable from a Christian point of view? But by the grace of God go I—and “X”, as he has stated here.

Anonymous said...

10:50 AM @ RayB

Re Craig:
Same. You spoke for me too.

And I have appreciated your posts very much as well.

Craig said...

X @ 1:50 PM,

Nice try.

You wrote:…I know, especially in the limited interactions here, that I couldn't possibly convey enough evidence to overcome your confirmation bias…

Yeah, because {a} the limited context of that short video provided ample context for the point made (and didn’t negate anything in the larger context), and {b} you’ve neglected to factor in the evidence of “gain of function” research, which was active under the Obama administration (and note his reference to the Spanish flu) with Fauci behind it (disguised as a ‘subsidiary’ of the NIH).

And if somehow Obama were still President, we’d be so much further down the globalism path—something you appear to support, given the overall tenor of your comments.


Now let me go back to your response to me regarding the post on Pfizer’s Comirnaty. You wrote:

I'm not going to investigate it fully but that article on covid vaccine liability I believe is misleading.

FDA approval of Comirnaty doesn't make it automatically covered under VICP.

But it’s an important prerequisite. But, then again, if it’s only marketed overseas, then the CDC would have no reason to “recommend the category of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant women, and it must be subject to an excise tax by federal law” (from the link you supplied) in order to receive the VICP benefit. But that’s hardly the main point of his piece. One must ask onself: Why market Comirnaty overseas when there’s a ready supply of the other here? And why ISN’T Comirnaty used in the US market [yet?]?

You ended your comment with:

It appears to me the name on the bottle matters not (except we are likely to see advertising soon too as they brand the Pfizer vaccine).

But I could be wrong.

Yeah, you could well be. And I'd bet this is a distinction with a difference. If the name doesn’t matter, then reread my two questions above.

Craig said...

“Wuhan Lab Wanted to Genetically Bat Viruses to Study Human Risks, Documents Show”

Meghan Roos

Less than two years before the COVID-19 pandemic began, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology planned to genetically alter viruses to make them more infectious for humans and release them into bat caves.

The research proposal was part of a trove of documents released this week by a group of scientists and activists who are trying to determine the origins of the pandemic, which has killed 4.7 million people around the world, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The Wuhan scientists were listed as partners on a funding proposal the environmental health nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance made to the U.S. government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

DARPA rejected the proposal and it is not clear what happened to the research project, which the documents described as having "a good running start".

The proposal promises to fuel the controversy around the Wuhan lab's role in the pandemic. The Chinese government maintains that the outbreak began at a wet market and bristles at suggestions that experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology led to a leak of dangerous pathogens.

A growing number of scientists and governments around the world including the Biden administration, have refused to rule out the lab leak theory and demanded that China cooperate fully in a global scientific investigation.

The growing suspicion of China's official version has been driven in large measure by the Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19 or DRASTIC, which released the documents this week. The documents could not be verified by Newsweek.

Throughout the pandemic, about two dozen DRASTIC researchers and correspondents, many anonymous, working independently from many different countries, have uncovered obscure documents, pieced together the information, and explained it all in long threads on Twitter. Gradually, the quality of their research has gained the acclaim of professional scientists and journalists.

Richard Ebright, board of governors professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University and laboratory and director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, tweeted out the findings of the latest DRASTIC document dump and said the world should be furious at the news.

The documents showed researchers aspired to genetically alter coronaviruses and monitor their release and transmission in bat caves to determine the risks those viruses posed to humans.

In a Monday post on DRASTIC Research's website, the group said documents shared by an unnamed whistleblower showed the EcoHealth Alliance "collaborated" with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to "carry out advanced and dangerous human pathogenicity Bat Coronavirus research" through a grant proposal EcoHealth Alliance filed with DARPA.

DARPA is a research agency within the U.S. Department of Defense which aims to "preserve military readiness by protecting against the infectious disease threat" through its PREEMPT program.

In its funding request, EcoHealth Alliance "proposed injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanised and 'batified' mice," DRASTIC Research said.


Craig said...


A copy of EcoHealth Alliance's proposal shared by DRASTIC Research said the proposed project aimed to "defuse the potential for spillover of novel bat-origin high-zoonotic risk SARS-related coronaviruses in Asia." The proposal's executive summary said researchers would "intensively sample bats" in field locations where scientists "identified high spillover risk" for coronaviruses.

EcoHealth Alliance wrote in the document shared by DRASTIC Research that it planned to work with researchers at the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, the University of North Carolina, the Palo Alto Research Center in California, U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. It requested $14 million from DARPA to conduct its research, which was estimated to take three and a half years.

The proposal was dated March 2018, less than two years before SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, began spreading around the world. The virus is believed to have begun spreading among humans in Wuhan, where the first wave of infections was reported.

Thanks to DRASTIC, the world now knows that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had an extensive collection of coronaviruses gathered over many years of foraging in the bat caves, and that many of them—including the closest known relative to the pandemic virus, SARS-CoV-2—came from a mineshaft where three men died from a suspected SARS-like disease in 2012. It knows that the Institute was actively working with these viruses, using inadequate safety protocols, in ways that could have triggered the pandemic, and that the lab and Chinese authorities have gone to great lengths to conceal these activities. It is also clear the first cases appeared weeks before the outbreak at the Huanan wet market that was once thought to be ground zero. None of that is conclusive proof that a lab leak caused the virus.

As the DRASTIC revelations swayed a once skeptical Western media and scientific community, President Joe Biden ordered a U.S. intelligence investigation to determine the origins of the pandemic. The intelligence agencies issued an inconclusive report last month.

While DARPA said the project had "a good running start" since field locations had already been identified, it noted "several weaknesses" within the proposal, including DARPA's "concern that vaccine approaches may lack sufficient epitope coverage to effectively protect against the diverse and evolving quasi species of the many coronaviruses found in the bat caves."

When contacted for comment about the documents released by DRASTIC Research, DARPA told Newsweek that it could not share identifying information about individuals or organizations that submit grant proposals. Even so, DARPA said it "has never funded directly, nor indirectly as a subcontractor, any activity or researcher associated with the EcoHealth Alliance or Wuhan Institute of Virology."

Newsweek reached out to EcoHealth Alliance for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

RayB said...

Kamala Harris breaks Virginia law… (actually, it is a FEDERAL Law):

"Harris recorded a partisan video message endorsing Terry McAuliffe that will play in over 300 black churches throughout Virginia before Election Day on November 2nd. Churches are not allowed to engage in the endorsement of candidates or they risk losing their tax exempt status."

501 (C) (3) ... strictly prohibits charities and churches from participating in, or, intervening on behalf of, or against, any political campaign of any candidate for public office.

Clearly, VP Harris is in direct violation of this law. Will there be any repercussions for her, and the "300" Black churches? Don't hold your breath!

Just try to imagine then VP Mike Pence doing the same ... the outrage would have been overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

If you happen to be feeling very depressed watch this:

RayB said...

Biden/Harris's Amerika ...

EXCLUSIVE: 16 Thousand COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE, Says Whistleblower

"More than 16,000 migrants who tested positive for COVID-19 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody were released into the United States, according to an agency law enforcement source. The Biden administration did not mandate any of the migrants to be vaccinated before their release. The source informs Breitbart Texas that the figures only include those migrants who were tested by ICE.z'

GrantNZ said...

Re the Vax.. there is so much ignorance and straight out lies being pushed from both sides of the debate on its effects and purpose etc.
Whilst everyone concentrates on the Vax  more laws and systems are being put in place that can be used for the Globalist NWO agenda with very little notice.
Influencers have and are being sidetracked and therefore now minimalised, discredited and needlessly censored for some of the false info they have propagated. 
Has anyone considered this has now become a "Weapon of Mass Distraction".
Deception takes many forms.
All I see is less Gospel more Conspiracy from people.
My Wife's Uncle Barry was a famous end times preacher and he said " I use the End Times message as bait on the hook to get people to my meetings and hear the Gospel".
He spoke in detail about End Times but always preached the message of the Cross... there would be hardly a dry eye in his meetings all over the World.
Thousands came to the Lord.
Here's some links below where he talks about the end times in a interview back in 2000.
But don't forget in his public meetings he never neglected preaching a strong message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, repentance and salvation for the lost as the most important message of all.

Barry Smith End Times (New World Order, Cashless Society,AntiChrist etc) ... Parts 1 to 3 below from interview in 2000.

RayB said...

Pope Francis Compares George Floyd To Biblical ‘Good Samaritan,’ Praises Black Lives Matter Rioters For Being ‘Social Poets’

"Catholic figurehead explicitly praised left-wing racial extremists"

"Pope Francis released a video message advocating more left-wing politics on Saturday, in the latest attempt by the Vatican to reassure the world that Catholicism is on the side of social justice. The pope praised deceased felon George Floyd as a “Good Samaritan,” and provided a moral endorsement of violent Black Lives Matter rioters."

“Do you know what comes to mind now when, together with popular movements, I think of the Good Samaritan?” the Pope declared. “Do you know what comes to mind? The protests over the death of George Floyd. It is clear that this type of reaction against social, racial or macho injustice can be manipulated or exploited by political machinations or whatever, but the main thing is that, in that protest against this death, there was the Collective Samaritan who is no fool!”

“This movement did not pass by on the other side of the road when it saw the injury to human dignity caused by an abuse of power,” the Catholic figurehead continued. “The popular movements are not only social poets but also collective Samaritans.”

The pope went on to repeatedly invoke the term “social justice,” and proclaimed that “In my experience, when people, men and women, have suffered injustice, inequality, abuse of power, deprivations, and xenophobia in their own flesh – in my experience, I can see that they understand much better what others are experiencing and are able to help them realistically to open up paths of hope. How important it is that your voice be heard, represented in all the places where decisions are made. Offer your voice in a collaborative spirit; speak with moral certainty of what must be done.”

NOTE: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall the "Good Samaritan" using violence, looting, committing arson, committing violent crimes against innocent business owners, randomly attacking innocent people, committing rape and even murder.

GrantNZ said...

Hi RayB,

For decades people have said a Pope would push for One World Religion and this latest Pope seems to be talking it up.

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to accept The Holy & Blessed Twitter into your lives!

Vatican offers 'time off purgatory' to followers of Pope Francis tweets

Papal court handling pardons for sins says contrite Catholics may win 'indulgences' by following...on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis speaks!

Craig said...

Though this is largely off-topic, prediction 5 is relevant:

12 Predictions for the Future of Music
Ted Gioia

"Dead musicians will start showing up everywhere—via holograms, biopics, deepfake vocals, and other technology-driven interfaces. These resurrected performers will capture an increasing share of industry revenues, and put a squeeze on living artists. (This will eventually happen with dead movie stars and other celebrities too, but deceased musicians will lead this trend because it’s simpler and cheaper to fake an audio than, for example, a commercial film.)"

Rev 13:3: I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast

RayB said...

This should tell you something ...

Australian ANTIFA March in Support of Vaccine Government Mandates

RayB said...

Australia started out as a penal colony.

They've morphed into a Police State.

10 cops needed to arrest one woman…

RayB said...

Hi Grant,

In case you missed this "Pope Video" from 2016 ... I think it is very revealing. The clear "many paths to God" message of this video is in direct conflict with the Lord Jesus Christ

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

NOTE: This did not start with Francis. Both JP II and Benedict promulgated the very same message. According to an abundance of dogmatic declarations throughout history, the Pope is the absolute ruler, not only of "religion," but also of the entire world.

For centuries, the words that were used when popes were crowned were: "Accipe tiaram tribus coronis ornatam, et scias te esse patrem principum et regum, rectorem orbis in terra vicarium Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, cui est honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum" ("Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art father of princes and kings, RULER OF THE WORLD, vicar on earth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom is honour and glory for ever and ever").

Again, this did not begin with Francis. It is a bi-product of the "change in policy" as reflected in Vatican II.

Pope John Paul II leads ecumenical movement

Anonymous said...

Craig said:

"As to “X”, it’s a shame that many of his posts are so slanted, for he does sometimes present good information and some useful correctives. But these are far overshadowed by his over-the-top rhetoric and distortion of positions of commenters (straw men). An example of the former is his characterization of Ashli Babbit in the immediate aftermath of her murder/(wo)manslaughter. What does her personal character have to do with the fact that she was shot and killed while unarmed? "

Exactly Craig. You now almost entirely understand the subtext of my posts about Ashli Babbit in response to RayB's character attacks on George Floyd.

What does George Floyd's personal character have to do with the fact that he was murdered by a police officer while unarmed and completely subdued? Should we forgo an investigation because aspects of his life were certainly objectionable from a Christian point of view? But by the grace of God go I...and Craig and RayB.

Further, RayB back then was trying to juxtapose Ashli Babbitt as a Maga Martyr to that of George Floyd a BLM Martyr. I'm not going back to get exactly what he said when this first came up but as I recall he shared some or many of the personal failings of George Floyd versus the illusion of patriot former military WHITE female Ashli Babbitt implying directly or by inference that her death and/or life was more tragic and/or valuable/superior.

I don't think Ashli's adulterous polyamorous lifestyle made her death justifiable at all. However, Ashli's actions on Jan 6th did. She remained in the act of committing a felony which potentially, even if very remotely, threatened the lives of OUR government officials. They DID DO an investigation and the officer was exonerated. The circumstances of her death are not, in any way, comparable to the situation where George Floyd was murdered. Floyd was no longer in the process of committing any crimes, including resisting arrest.

Floyd was a pretty bad guy in his prior life but his struggles with life may be, in part, what made him so relatable to a disenfranchised community. It's unlikely some rich black young man with an impeccable past, from the suburbs, would have made a better martyr. You really don't get to pick your martyr's... they generally just happen. Based upon what I revealed about Ashi Babbit is evidence of that on the other side too. MAGA protestors are not superior people or superior citizens. She, also and LIKE MOST PEOPLE, led a complicated life in conflict with God's design for us.

Finally, the juxtaposition was the only way for me to make this point without seemingly defending Floyd's past or making it entirely about race (which is often a subtext with RayB). RayB would have just fallaciously ad hominem'ed me with that over and over. He still does that anyway like when I juxtaposed Kyle Rittenhouse and the Mike R? shooter in Portland. It’s a shame that many of RayB posts are so slanted, for he does sometimes present good information and some useful biblical information.


Anonymous said...

X @ 12:08 PM

RayB's posts are indeed slanted!

They are slanted toward truth, and grounded in Christ

While you posts are slanted far to the left, and are not grounded in truth.

Your doctorate is in half truths, and confusion.

You serve you god, and RayB, and Craig serve the Most High God.

But you will foolishly go on in your corrupt, and perverted world view. It's your nature. Can a leopard change it's spots?

Anonymous said...


The full context of those Obama and Fauci public speeches certainly negated the implications of the sound-bites you previously offered which implied that Obama and Fauci somehow knew Covid 19, specifically, was on it's way as if it were part of some plandemic they and their globalist friends had conspired about already in 2014 and 2017.

A buddy of mine has 4 daughters over 8 years. A prediction that he and his wife were going to have struggles, challenges and "surprises" when they were largely all teenagers isn't a prophesy or even a prediction. It also isn't an indication of a conspiracy underfoot to somehow make those teenagers behave crazy. Nobody put "crazy" in their well --- hormones are just a natural process of torturing parents.

Probably a bad example -- Point is, in full context, Fauci, as the Director of NIAID, who is in charge of overseeing all research to prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious diseases, immune-related illnesses, and allergies had/has the job of keeping the US ready to fight any "surprises" the US will face. Anticipating pandemics is/was his job. In full context there is absolutely zero hint therein that either of these men had anything to do with a "plandemic conspiracy". In fact, IF there was such a conspiracy, sure you could confirmation bias yourself through it claiming it was in your face boldness but why implicate themselves? Why fight ebola or fight for legislation and funds to fight future pandemics and ready the country for some supposed clandestine intentional pandemic versus tearing agencies apart and draining the executive administration of our scientific "swamps"?

Separately, all that underlying DRASTIC information you posted the Newsweek story about was fascinating. It certainly moves the timeline to 2018 and 2019 into the Trump administration. To me it's a further indication that it doesn't matter if it was a natural cause or lab leak while in pursuit of potential vaccine remdies. The questions raised by DRASTIC regarding the gaps and errors and implications in the DARPA application are a demonstration of ineptitudes in scientific research which, in context, overall point away from any deliberate plan to create this virus (or it's correlated vaccine) as part of some plandemic.

I wasn't there...I don't know...but these people are not criminal masterminds. Scientists who think they are Gods impervious to mistakes and errors in judgment, perhaps, but that's just like half the surgeons I know along with many politicians and corporate executives.


Anonymous said...

"I wasn't there...I don't know...but these people are not criminal masterminds."

Thanks X, now I can relax, and not worry! They are all just very concerned with our welfare.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...







How To Use A News Aggregator to Stay On Top of What’s Going On



Latest LSN COVID Articles

Anonymous said...

P.S from my 12:40 PM post:

Roughly 5 weeks ago a friend of mine and I decided to try this barbecue place that is in a larger town than the one we live in, here in Vermont. While just finishing up our meal, an older woman asked us if she could ask us some questions. She said her son, and his girlfriend had just purchased the business, and she wanted some feedback from customers. She asked us how important it was to us that everyone associated with the business were fully vaccinated? I told her I would be more comfortable if they were not vaccinated. After a short rant from me on the safety, and effectiveness of the vaccine, I asked if I could ask her a question? She said sure. I asked her if she thought that advocates of the vaccines, like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and all the owners, and CEOs of big pharma were the kind of people who lay in bed unable to sleep, wringing their hands because they care so deeply about our well being? Her reply was, "well ya".

From my conversations with other Vermonters that's the way they seem to largely feel! Gates, Fauci etc. are these wonderful saviors of mankind, and we all owe them a big debt of gratitude!

Anonymous said...

X's purpose in being here (and staying here):

It is nothing less than his appointed (or self-appointed) task to be this blogspot's resident (more hostilely aggressive) version of THIS:

YouTube has implemented Wikipedia into its platform to 'weed out' what it proclaims as “fake news” and “misinformation.” ... And, of course, Facebook is ALSO relying on Wikipedia to provide 'disclaimers' on content that Facebook labels as supposedly “questionable” or “untrue.”

And so likewise THIS BLOGSPOT is 'relying' on Brand 'X' to provide 'disclaimers' on content that he labels as supposedly “questionable” or “untrue.”

Couldn't have an NWO agent-free forum keep going without one.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have an NWO agent-free forum keep going without one (an NWO agent) being added.

Anonymous said...

Colin Powell has died from COVID 19 complications despite being vaccinated. Now experts are advising booster shots to prevent any other cases of such.

Anonymous said...

Your very welcome, 12:40 PM.



Anonymous said...

I should've put this line in a separate post immediately after the double posts (in case both were deleted):

Note: These double posts are (one or both) being deleted.

However please scroll up this very section of this thread to 12:08 AM and see for yourselves that (in addition to all of the previous deletions) the second part of THAT double post has now ALSO been DELETED!

Anonymous said...

"Thanks X, now I can relax, and not worry! They are all just very concerned with our welfare."

I didn't claim they were simply concerned for our welfare Scientists are competitive too and have self-interests in contributing to the next big breakthrough. They make mistakes too. We don't know if it was or wasn't a lab leak; but what the DRASTIC disclosures do indicate is that if it was a lab leak, it was ineptitude and failure to understand/comprehend and account for the underlying risks of their work on coronavirus's versus some deliberate plandemic.

This scientific work is not a fun job and the rewards are seldom seen by the hundreds of individuals that contribute bits and pieces to the knowledge and experience glean in order to actually make a contribution to humanity ... or not.

Please take the time to read this interesting story about the development of the Ebola Vaccine. It includes years of promising work, non-starters and even mistakes by many scientists around the world on a very dangerous pathogen that had only killed about 1,300 people over the 30 years since it had been discovered.

Some of these doctors committed years of their lives to this virus never knowing if it would result in saving a single person.

"Against all odds’: The inside story of how scientists across three continents produced an Ebola vaccine"
Jan 7, 2020

*note too...the Ebola work was kept alive using bioterrorism defense funding in Canada for many years. Defense departement spending on such under some conspiracy theory that if the military and defense department is involved means they are developing weapons (i.e. - weaponizing covid) isn't necessarily the only inference to be drawn. In the DRASTIC disclosure, note the hastily thrown together DARPA application was rejected. Such application itself, were it part of a massive global conspiracy, you'd suspect to be unquestionable, wouldn't you?

Anonymous said...

fyi -- the post at 1:59 pm was not made by me. X

I agree there are likely NWO agents here. They appear to post links to purveyors of alt-right disinformation, stir the pot and make attempts to limit discussion by shutting down conflicting views.

I don't claim to post "truth" or prophesy here, rather, I seek to understand the world factually through conversations taking into consideration history, politics, common-sense and biases, including my own.

The only thing that is "truth" is the Bible. We can believe the Bible not because it always makes sense (though it usually does) but because God wrote it; and, He bypassed the natural misunderstandings, biases, and agendas of its human authors because they didn’t write it of their own accord or by their own ability instead, men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture becomes a matter of someone’s own interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. 2 Peter 1:20-21 NASB


Anonymous said...

"Colin Powell was vaccinated against Covid, but suffered from a cancer that makes the shots less effective"


"Colin Powell, 84, died Monday morning due to complications from Covid-19 even though he was fully vaccinated, his family said in a statement.

The former secretary of State’s death has led some to ask why they should bother getting vaccinated when there is still a chance they could get severely ill or die.

Health experts say it’s important to note that no vaccine is 100% effective. In addition, Powell was elderly, a known risk for severe Covid, and suffered from multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that studies show can make the shots less effective.

“The goal of the vaccine is to dramatically reduce your chance of suffering or being hospitalized or dying but it doesn’t eliminate it,” said Dr. Paul Offit, who advises the Food and Drug Administration on Covid vaccines.

In Powell’s case, he was over 80 and had a cancer that put him at higher risk for severe Covid, Offit said.

People with weakened immune systems, including cancer and HIV patients or those who have had organ transplants, represent only about 2.7% of the U.S. adult population but make up about 44% of hospitalized Covid breakthrough cases, according to data presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July. A breakthrough case is when a fully vaccinated individual becomes infected.

A study published in late July found that only 45% of patients with active multiple myeloma developed an “adequate” immune response after getting vaccinated with either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. Just 22% had a “partial” response.

Unfortunately, the same mechanisms that impede multiple myeloma patients’ “ability to fend off infections also reduce their capability to generate immunity from vaccination,” the researchers wrote."

Anonymous said...

My bad, I inadvertently left out an important part (and Agent X got confused):

X's purpose in being here and staying here:

It is simply his appointed (or self-appointed) task to promote 'mainstream media'-type views and narratives (and to denigrate 'alternative media') including by being this blogspot's resident (more hostilely aggressive) version of THIS:

YouTube has implemented Wikipedia into its platform to 'weed out' what it proclaims as “fake news” and “misinformation.” ... And, of course, Facebook is ALSO relying on Wikipedia to provide 'disclaimers' on content that Facebook labels as supposedly “questionable” or “untrue.”

And so likewise THIS BLOGSPOT is 'relying' on Brand 'X' to provide 'disclaimers' on content that he labels as supposedly “questionable” or “untrue.”

Couldn't have an NWO agent-free forum keep going without one (an NWO agent) being added.

Anonymous said...

There is still hope for those who regret taking the covid vaccine...

Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate & Neutralize Graphene Oxide

Anonymous said...

Like I said: x is a bot

Anonymous said...

For those that were overly concerned with overcounts of Covid deaths in the US here's some interesting news out of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma just completed their 2020 annual review process and reconciliation and "discovered" an additional 1.053 covid deaths in 2020.

"OSDH Weekly Briefing Recap"

Here's a news story on the update:

Of course Oklahoma, a republican dominated state isn't exactly shining lights on this update even delaying the announcement to a saturday and outside the regular news cycle....but this represents a 42% increase in Oklahoma Covid deaths.

Here's the OK State Department of Healths official 2020 count as of December 31, 2020 indicating just 2,489 covid deaths. There were indications this number was lagging, but a 42% undercount is boarding on a cover-up at the state department of health level (or above).

Every state is required to go through this "reconciliation process" so it would be interesting to see where the biggest undercounts took place and by how much.

I searched a little and don't see other states updates yet so maybe Oklahoma is the first or one of the first to update. The CDC typically doesn't finalize it's "Provisional" numbers for the prior year for about 11 months so over the coming weeks these updates and reconciliations must be due.

Provisional Mortality Data — United States, 2020

In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths occurred in the United States (Table). The age-adjusted rate was 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population, an increase of 15.9% from 715.2 in 2019. The highest overall numbers of deaths occurred during the weeks ending April 11, 2020, (78,917) and December 26, 2020 (80,656) (Figure 1). Death rates were lowest among persons aged 5–14 years (13.6) and highest among persons aged ≥85 years (15,007.4); age-adjusted death rates were higher among males (990.5) than among females (689.2).

During 2020, COVID-19 was listed as the underlying or contributing cause of 377,883 deaths (91.5 per 100,000 population). COVID-19 death rates were lowest among children aged 1–4 years (0.2) and 5–14 years (0.2) and highest among those aged ≥85 years (1,797.8). Similar to the rate of overall deaths, the age-adjusted COVID-19–associated death rate among males (115.0) was higher than that among females (72.5).

Anonymous said...

And for all that, Covid is still well over 90% survivable by the most vulnerable of our population!

Death, death, and more death, keep it comin' says 5:54 who is enthralled with death.
Happy, easy going guy, ain't he?

5:54 PM is a freak.
Wait, let me rephrase that...

5:54 PM is a FREAK.

Anonymous said...

Good point, 6:04 PM.

...but let me add that Covid is less survivable for...the vaccinated!!!

Anonymous said...

Countdown to ZERO IMMUNITY… vaccine victims are seeing their immune response drop by about 5% each week, with long-term consequences mirroring AIDS

Anonymous said...

Waterford, Ireland's 99% fully vaccinated population seeing massive covid outbreak

RayB said...

X's pro-abortion candidate, Joe Biden, has done it again:

Biden Justice Dept. tries AGAIN to get Supreme Court to block Texas Heartbeat Act
The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to let the law take effect last month.

NOTE: Recall "X" claiming that Biden would do more to end abortion than Trump? I can't imagine Trump filing cases in order to ADVANCE abortion, as Biden has, can you?

Anonymous said...

All of x's posts promote the evils of leftist governance (who have been greatly helped by the compromised of the right or they would not get nearly this far) but the left has the power and they are going for it--every abuse in the book is in their agenda.
Without fail x backs every thing Biden and globalism is doing to go directly against God.

A true Christian would be very sorry for their vote given to Biden at this point, would be sorrowful over these outcomes.
There is simply no way to excuse the evil they are doing and they are just getting started...yet x continues to back Biden and his administration's extremes.

Hate has blinded x.

GrantNZ said...

I am waiting for a New Age magazine to do articles titled like A and B...

(A)"Vax debate disinformation is successful at qwelling the spread of the Gospel"

(B)"Countless proselytisers now fully indoctrinated on both ends of the Vax debate that nothing else matters"

The obsession people have with this verges on possession.
Many people are with out a doubt suffering from psychosis induced by the current covid19 crisis, what's going to happen when the financial, food, water, oil and supply crisis's come.
I can only now appreciate the fortitude of past generations that faced the 2 world wars, famine and plagues of their generations.
One thing of note though was that there had been revivals prior to those events.
There was a base of faith and believers which perhaps we may not have in these times quite the same.
The Bible tells us that deception will be a feature of the End Times so we need to keep our wits about us and get on with what God calls us to do.

God bless

Anonymous said...

Yet, even after shopping the world for the best statistics possible to support the losing proposition, that vaccines are not saving lives, in Ireland, it remains that around 70% of the 73 or 74 patients in Irish hospital ICU's are not fully vaccinated individuals and Ireland overall has HALF the death rate of 31 US states (1059/1 million death rate vs 31 US states over 2,000/1m including 4 states over 3,000/1M.

Since June, Ireland has had just 258 ICU admissions, of which 149 were unvaccinated and 57 deaths.

Compare Ireland numbers to say Kentucky or South Carolina who I chose simply because they have populations around 5,000,000 persons also

Ireland 416,690 cases; +1,576 new cases today; 5,306 deaths; +0 deaths today (their 7 day average is less than 4 deaths)

Kentucky 727,125 cases; +676 new cases today; 9,396 deaths; +31 deaths today (their 7 day death average is around 45 today)

S. Carolina 887,535 cases; +937 new cases today; 13,319 deaths; +49 deaths today (Coming off a peak of over 70 deaths per day)

Below are some resources to confirm my numbers if you wish. Vaccine Immunity may be waning, but it's still largely preventing ICU admissions and deaths around the world. In September the CDC calculated the Unvaccinated cases were 11 times more likely to die of covid than vaccinated persons and in Wisconsin, they have witnessed the Unvaccinated dying at 19 times the rate of fully vaccinated.

"COVID-19 in Wisconsin: Unvaccinated were 19 times more likely to die in September" :

Excerpt: "...people who were fully vaccinated by the end of September were 4 1/2 times less likely to test positive, almost 9 times more likely to stay out of the hospital and 19 times more likely to be alive at the end of the month."

"ICU Covid cases up 20% in a week, with 67% unvaccinated
Updated / Sunday, 10 Oct 2021:

Excerpt: "The Department of Health today reported 1,384 new cases of Covid-19. As of this morning, there were 382 patients being treated in hospital for Covid-19, an increase of 29 on the same time yesterday. Of these, 74 patients are in ICUs with the virus. Mr Reid said that 67% of the patients in ICU have not been vaccinated for Covid-19, while 3% are partially vaccinated"

"Covid-19: 1,578 new cases reported with 484 people in hospital
Updated / Monday, 18 Oct 2021"

Excerpt: The Department of Health has confirmed 1,578 new cases of Covid-19. There are 484 people in hospital who have tested positive for the virus, up 25 since yesterday. 73 of these are in intensive care, down one over the past 24 hours

Richard said...

Hiding in darkness from Nig Nogs unseen,
Cry for victory building Joe's dream,
Crushed are the bodies who defy his will,
All of which are tortured and killed,
Blitzkrieg tactics of the High command,
Born with the power of Death in his hand,
Shocking the Earth with his great devastation.....
Joe puts all his power in the trust of our nation!

paul said...

At the crack of dawn they run again,
Hunting, laughing and killing all men;

The end is near the is time so short,
Joe's kingdom will rise, now hear the court.....

paul said...

Cuckold of the Night - dedicated to x

He's afraid to walk the streets
In the chilled air all alone;

The blackness of Joe's nights,
Consumes his flesh and bones;

Pray for rescue,
From the fear x feels inside;

Losing all hopes
for the Predators in the night....


x runs from shadows
Blinded by fear
The horror of night
always so near
Joe slowly surrounds him
As lust sets in
Are you afraid?
Let my tongue swim.....

Anonymous said...

Your puke poetry is second in undesirability only to x and Biden.

Anonymous said...


Oh no, not an appeal to the Supreme Court.

And you acknowledge Trump wouldn’t have accomplished the same thing Biden is, getting an abortion rights case before the Supreme Court conservatives have built over decades promising this day would come.

Could it be that you’d rather win the Texas battle than winning the Roe v Wade war?


Anonymous said...

To the new paul at 9:50 PM,
The old paul at 9:54 PM doesn't appreciate your vile poetry, and neither do I.

Anonymous said...

Nah, even the most pukey of that poetry is massively better than X and Biden!

Anonymous said...

10:42 PM @ X

Something is seriously wrong with you.

Hate pours out of you.

Anonymous said...

And filth pours out of the "poet" like hate pours out of X.

Anonymous said...

X, your thinking is f**kt. It is always f**kt

Anonymous said...

The 'filth' that pours out of the poet is like a fine wine, compared to the sewer sludge that issues forth from X.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right, real paul? @ 11:06 PM

Anonymous said...

11:35 PM,

(Whether I am or not please do us both a favor and kindly do not attempt to assign authorship to anonymous posts, thank you.)

Anonymous said...

No problem, 12:58 AM.

If you are paul, however, or if paul is reading this, please come back and post again here as you used to do. I really miss your insight and believe I speak for many here in saying so.

Please come back and help rid this site of the scurge of psycho Rich aka the false paul.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ivermectin gets a big win!

Anonymous said...

Big Brother ups the ante | Global Covid Pass

STILL plan to use 'Quarantine' Camps!

Anonymous said...

Note: These double posts are (one or both) being DELETED.

Anonymous said...

It was 1946 and this lost educational film on despotism was required curriculum at every high school in America.

The associated test, 11 pages quizzed students on the concepts.

By 1967, this film was removed from all libraries.

The term despotism has since become unfashionable!



Anonymous said...

X will no doubt be very, very thrilled for his favorite "small town in Indiana basement dweller"...

Citizen Free Press passes WSJ, Politico, Huffington Post and Breitbart
in September internet news traffic race!

Anonymous said...

CFP moves from #11 in May to #5 in September with continued spectacular growth.

This is the first time Breitbart has finished in 2nd place for monthly pageviews since 2012.

Directly measured by Cloudflare, CFP had 161 million global pageviews in September.

Anonymous said...


And it begins...

Home Secretary Wants To BAN Online Anonymity

Anonymous said...

Whistleblower — 90% of hospital admissions are VACCINATED

Anonymous said...

Southwest pilot speaks out… Large protest outside corporate headquarters

Anonymous said...

Proof the Vax Tracks the Vaccinated. Karen Kingston Former Pfizer Employee and Biotech Analyst Exposes the Vaccine Bio-Weapon, What's In It that Harms Us & How It Tracks Humans.

Anonymous said...

George Soros Drops $1M To Stop City of Austin Hiring Police to Combat Rising Crime

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Remembering the genocider: Colin Powell

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your puke poetry is second in undesirability only to x and Biden.

9:54 PM"

Are you also a cuckold for x now? I think they've the gift of gab with those.

Anonymous said...

From "Tyrone the Crypt-keeper"

x has seen the depths of Ghetto Hell,
Witchcraft far beyond his mother's spell;

From the crypts he shouts up endlessly......
He kills the babes and boinks them aimlessly!

Anonymous said...


The Ghouls surround x, they speak his name in tongues!

RayB said...

Joe Biden's Amerika:

Transgender HHS Official Rachel Levine Named ‘First-Ever Female Four-Star Admiral’ in Public Health Corps

By the way, is Transportation Sec. "Mayor" Pete (of America's 310th. largest city) back from "maternity" leave yet?

Anonymous said...

It's the 'Last DAYS FREAK SHOW'

Anonymous said...

Puppeteer Obama, with his arm up Joe's ass, destroying wonderfully.

Anonymous said...

The master of deceit amplifying the spell

Anonymous said...

Buttigieg Fires Back at Critics of Parental Leave: Biden Administration "Is Actually Pro-Family"

paul said...

Joe's excitement of dissection's so sweet,
His skin creeps with orgasmic speed,
he takes control of his prized possession,
anal probing is X's life obsession;

Primal instincts, his passion for flesh,
Hungrily feeding on his many soldiers' deaths;

Anonymous said...

Sadistic fun, his gagging reflex so true,
As x masticates a PART OF YOU!

Anonymous said...

“To those who disagree with my position on our current situation... One of us is right,” he wrote. “Unless YHWH miraculously intervenes, based on what I’m seeing/hearing, the one scenario that really does appear to be coming into focus is the likelihood that within I’d say 2 to 3 years or so... one of us will probably be dead. Truly, I take no joy in saying this, nor will I if I'm the one still standing.”

Rob Skiba, Hebrew Roots heretic & prominent flat earth and anti-vaccine advocate
Needlessly Dies unvaccinated on October 15th of Covid after being on a vent since Sept 8th. He was age 52 and left behind a wife and children

Something to consider:

Yesterday there were about 800 reported U.S. Covid death and 5000 reported Covid deaths worldwide and 0 deaths from Covid vaccines.

RayB said...

CENSORSHIP Pope Demands Silicon Valley “In the Name of God” Censor “Hate Speech,” “Conspiracy Theories”

Pope Francis thinks empowering giant corporations to silence free speech is Godly.

The Darkness ALWAYS fears the Light!

WARNING: Paul Joseph Watson uses vulgarity in his video, of which I do not endorse or condone.

Pope wants censorship of "conspiracy theories." Question: WHO will define what a "conspiracy theory" is? Would criticism of the Roman Catholic Church, based upon the authority of God's Word be classified as "Hate Speech," and therefore silenced?

Virtually ALL of the Reformers firmly believed that the the long history of the Papacy fulfilled, and continue to fulfill, the Biblical prophesies concerning the Anti-Christ. (For over 350 years, this also was the stated belief of Protestantism up until the early 20th. Century, when the false system of Dispensationalism took root). Wouldn't this qualify as a "conspiracy theory," and therefore be silenced by the "censors?" Would Bible passages that conflict with RCC doctrine & dogma be considered "hate speech?"

Anonymous said...

"paul said...

"Joe's excitement of dissection's so sweet,
His skin creeps with orgasmic speed,
he takes control of his prized possession,
anal probing is X's life obsession;

"Primal instincts, his passion for flesh,
Hungrily feeding on his many soldiers' deaths;"

4:19 PM

"Sadistic fun, his gagging reflex so true,
As x masticates a PART OF YOU!"

4:20 PM


Will you continue to put up with this mentally retarded tripe such as the mentally retarded hypocrite 5:31 PM has conveniently not bothered to mention?

RayB said...

DON'T THINK YOUR VOICE DOES NOT COUNT ! After a tremendous backlash ...

Yellen Backs Down on IRS Snooping on Americans’ Bank Accounts

Under her (and Biden's) proposal, the Government would make YOU accountable for every transaction in the amount exceeding the paltry sum of $600. Imagine this scenario:

The IRS begins an "investigation" of you based upon your banking activities (perhaps as a means of political harassment). ALL deposits and withdrawals in excess of $600 will have to be accounted for, WITH DOCUMENTATION, going back to the the date of the implementation of this law. If you do not have documented records for such bank activity, it will be assumed that you have done something ILLEGALLY!

You can only imagine the nightmare of abuse that would naturally result from such a draconian law!

Note too, that under "asset forfeiture," having cash that cannot specifically be accounted for is considered to have been obtained ILLEGALLY, and therefore qualifies for confiscation, WITHOUT a court trial. Although this law is completely un-constitutional, it remains as "law," and is fully enforced all over the country!

Anonymous said...

The Biden administration is rolling back its awful bank-account-monitoring proposal but the new plan is pretty bad too

Oct 19th, 2021

We all know that for months now the Biden administration has had grand designs for closely monitoring pretty much every single private bank account in the United States.

Well, the backlash to that plan was so strong that Washington Democrats have retreated to an alternative proposal, but frankly that one stinks too:

Democrats are trying to salvage the Biden administration's proposal to expand annual bank-account reporting to the Internal Revenue Service, fighting uphill against mounting opposition from the financial-services industry and Republicans.

Sens. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) will detail an updated version of the tax-compliance plan on Tuesday that will include a $10,000 annual threshold before reports are required, according to prepared remarks from Mr. Wyden. That is an increase from the administration's broader floor, which would include accounts with at least $600 in inflows, outflows or transactions.

A "$10,000 annual threshold" is certainly better than a $600 one—sort of. The problem is, in either case, countless American citizens are still being treated as if privacy does not exist and as if the government has the right to surveil their finances without a warrant, indefinitely,.

That's not how our country works.

You are a citizen, not a subject. We are a limited constitutional government, not a monarchy or a dictatorship.

The "annual threshold" for this regulation should be $0, because it shouldn't exist in the first place.

Advocates should keep the pressure on Washington until they scrap it.

P.S. Now check out our latest video: What the heck is wrong with Kamala Harris?

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