Friday, January 04, 2019

Everything I warned of in HIDDEN DANGERS is included in book about JOHN E. FETZER

I'm reading both the Kindle and hard copy editions of an astounding new book about the life of the former Detroit Tigers owner John E. Fetzer (1901-1991).  Reading that book is almost like reading a mirror image opposite of my 1983 book THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW:  THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT AND OUR COMING AGE OF BARBARISM.

I'm working on a major review of that book which will be published here and at NewswithViews when finished.  In the meantime, I prepared these comments to a request for comments that I'm certain will never be published at that New Age "Wisdom" site.  For the record, here they are:

I'm the author of probably the first major book from a critical Christian perspective on the New Age Movement: THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. I detailed in that book the very things that Brian Wilson notes about Mr. Fetzer. Ironically, Fetzer and I both came from 7th Day Adventist backgrounds. I, too, had to reject some of their teachings and much from their prophetess, Ellen G. White. However, Mr. Fetzer unfortunately threw the baby out with the bathwater. He either rejected Jesus and/or threw him into a type of Roman pantheon of one deity among many. Ironically, it was a concept of "forces" that led him to first deviate from SDA doctrines. Too bad the SDA teachings on Daniel failed to emphasize Daniel 11:38 a prophecy many ascribe as one about the future end-time dictator who would persecute God's people:

"He shall honor in his estate the god of forces, a god whom his people knew not." Also, somebody failed to ask him which part of "thou shalt have no other gods before me" did he not understand Further, his religious education should have had greater emphasis on Deuteronomy chapter 18 which contains a list of spiritual practices forbidden to the Jews as the reason why God was removing the previous occupants from the lands he was giving them. Virtually every one of those forbidden practices was adopted by Mr. Fetzer. That is very sad!

Perhaps all here need to know that Lucis Press had an earlier name and I have three books in my personal library that prove it: "Lucifer Publishing Company."

There was a profile in 2d Thessalonians, chapter 2 as to who was and who was not taken in by the anti-Christ: "the love of the truth." None of us probably have perfect truth. We all see through glass darkly. BUT, we must cherish and protect the words God gave us through his word, unfashionable as it now may seem.

Mr. Fetzer was into Benjamin Creme, a "Course in Miracles," psychic readings, bowed down to Buddha (watch the video of Mr. Fetzer meditating -- the image of Buddha is before him as he does -- it is up on the Fetzer Institute's website and I have downloaded same).

Mr. Fetzer should not take all the blame for this deception. The 7th Day Adventists who awarded him a 1980 honorary doctorate should take some -- evidently his generous contributions to Andrew University were more important to them than Mr. Fetzer's soul. The Presbyterian minister of his should take blame as well. Both could have done more for that man.

John E. Fetzer receiving an honorary doctorate in 1980 from Andrews University.  They
had to have been very well aware of his departure from Christianity to some of the deepest
forms of spiritualism and occultism.  He had reportedly been a
generous donor to that Seventh Day Adventist institution from which he graduated
as class valedictorian when it was then named "Emmanuel Missionary College".

May the Lord help us all!



Constance Cumbey said...

Mr. Fetzer was openly into Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, and donated his fortune to perpetuating those causes. He was closely allied with the Institute of Noetic Sciences. That links him to Paul N. Temple and you should review my old articles on the Gold Lake Conference of October 1987 (downloadable for free at as to my old newsletters) and my NewswithViews and this blogspot's articles on "THE HI-JACKING OF EVANGELICALISM."


Anonymous said...

Thank you 3:22 AM Spambot, for those profound insights.

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Good read on long time NA origin infiltration of modern 'church'.

Attractive Deception Part 4 - Conclusion

Thursday, January 3,2019

Anonymous said...


Elementary School Program in Australia Has Students CROSS-DRESSING to 'Explore Gender'
What Can a Christian Do When Up is Down, Right is Wrong, and Boys are Girls?

God's message to us today is the same as it was to those living in the equally depraved culture of Rome:


Anonymous said...

Imprisoned journalists show China is NOT improving under Vatican agreement!

Anonymous said...

Here Are The Top 10 Times Liberals ENDORSED CHILD ABUSE In 2018, AND They’re HORRIFYING!!!

Linda Harvey / LSN
Here are some of last year’s worst examples, although this article could go on and on:

10. Colleges are now recommending 4-year-olds engage in sexual activity.
9. Sixth graders in Washington state were asked as a class if any of them questioned their gender identity.
8. “Get ready for Desmond, this trailblazing 11-year-old drag kid…”
7. The Thanksgiving Macy’s parade tried to normalize teen lesbianism to the millions of children in its television audience, with a female-female kiss introduced enthusiastically by NBC announcers...
6. More teens can’t receive counseling to overcome homosexual feelings, even if caused by sexual abuse.
5. A liberal federal judge in Chicago dismissed a suit against doctors who performed female genital mutilation on little girls.
4. More clinics opened in children’s hospitals to facilitate body mutilation of confused minors.
3. There’s a dramatic increase in the number of teens who claim a “gay, lesbian, bisexual” or “questioning” identity.
2. A movement called “Shout Your Abortion” is gaining popularity, with  Oprah as one of its champions.
1. Satan’s army is coming out of the closet as witches openly cast spells against conservatives, Christians, and pro-lifers.

At one Ohio abortion clinic, apostate ministers held a “sacred blessing” ceremony inside the facility on November 9. Pro-life demonstrators gathered outside, despite sorcerers openly hexing them. Later, a bizarre YouTube videosurfaced of what happened inside at that “blessing.” A post-abortive mom sang a song she believed came from the spirit of the baby she chose to sacrifice.

One cannot overstate the moral spiritual depravity reflected in this celebration of a child’s death.

There is good news. Ohio passed the “Heartbeat Bill,” outlawing an abortion if a beating heart is detected (even though Governor Kasich vetoed it). Kentucky just introduced similar legislation and there are “heartbeat” bills in several other states as well as Congress.

So, Americans do still have a heart for children. In 2019, let’s start to show it again!

Anonymous said...

The Top Ten Pro-Life Gains Of 2018!

Anonymous said...


You wrote:

"It was obvious that they had borrowed part of the title of (my book) 'Hidden Dangers (Of The Rainbow)'"

Maybe you're being too hard on them?

Maybe their book's title was actually inspired by Dr. Oz's:


Anonymous said...



In a press conference in Salem, Massachusetts today, a group of prominent 'New Age' adherents forcefully denounced Constance Cumbey's statements about the late John E. Fetzer (as summarized by her saying) that "Mr. Fetzer unfortunately threw the baby out with the bathwater." They said that Mr. Fetzer is appalled at her negative comments about his New Age spiritual beliefs. When asked if they meant he WOULD'VE been appalled, they said "No. He IS appalled! Most assuredly." Asked if they were not simply just SPECULATING on his views from an afterlife existence they thought he was enjoying, they replied "Absolutely NOT. We contacted him DIRECTLY through his favorite Ouija board!"

Anonymous said...

Dancing with the Dark Side

The occult is in the midst of society. The Bible says to AVOID AND RESIST IT!

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

re Rick Wiles and TruNews sure he might be part of the deception,
but his viewers will still benefit from Constance's information
and probing more may reject the whole mess that Wiles has hosted.
The typical wrong type show has a lot of viewers, the better ones
fewer and likely she would be preaching to the choir. Whether she
knew about Wiles' previous indiscretions or not, getting on his
show brought the truth to those who would not otherwise hear it,
or give it any time unless it was on Wiles' show.

anon 9:08 and 10:58 ah yes, the likely part of all this, has spoken, wanting to condemn exposure of this very rarely mentioned, so therefore very secret fact.

A critical bit of information to show victims that this is
not RC but satanism relevant. People have run from Christianity
in general and anything liturgical style on account of this. Or caved in thinking they had to obey a man of God and a secret doctrine when in fact it is heresy and apostasy that is preached secretly and is the motivation.

BUT NO, YOU WANT IT SILENCED. Just like you want any other critical piece of information that can ID something silenced.
Oh yeah, just put a link, which means some who need to see this won't.
very clever. hide your evil under cover of daintyness.

you who also made a big stink about my exposing evil women who
happen to be mothers. my, my. I guess you are a witch of the worst
order aren't you? or for some reason towing the line of such.
I think you are some sort of child molesting or at least
mentally invading witch who is scared you will be exposed, that
your victim will see my posts, recognize what his or her problem is,
and cut you loose. maybe its happened already, and you, lacking your
narcisistic supply and psy vamp supply are mad.

As for your later remarks, they are as usual mostly falsehood and the semi truth has a falsehood spin.

the devil is a liar and slanderer. take heed to the company you are keeping and repent.

Anonymous said...

I think we've had about enough of MCE's off-the-rails rantings in defense of her bouts of graphic vileness as well as the nasty sexually graphic descriptions themselves.

Simply altering her banishment to once per month would at least be better than the current once per week.

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...

The first part of a new article of mine is presented below.

New Age Hippie 'Antichrist': Ushering In The 'New World Order'

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

In her 1983 #1 best-selling book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" Constance Cumbey offered the first major criticism of the New Age Movement from a Christian perspective. She has also discussed the contents of this book of hers on the EWTN global Catholic TV network. She believes that the New Age Movement is the Bible prophesied "End-Time" movement-ushering in the New World Order of the "Antichrist." I occasionally correspond with her and often post on her blog.

In Cumbey's blog post about me she wrote: Lee Penn and I have both wondered out loud if Mr. Dahlheimer had read our respective books and took everything we warned against as something positive and wonderful for the world. She later wrote: Lee Penn and I were correct: Dahlheimer has inverted everything! The revelations on Dahlheimer just keep coming! Lee Penn will be on air with me tomorrow night. We will be talking about Thomas Dahlheimer.

I am an Indigenous Peoples' rights advocate. I have received support for my advocacy/activist initiatives from John Scott, United Nations' Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape) and several other internationally renowned Indigenous activists, a Roman Catholic Archbishop and Bishop, the Tekakwitha Conference, the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, two MN state Legislators, two Minnesota Dakota communities, the Mdewakanton Dakota Chief Leonard E. Wabasha and many other prominent people and organizations. I have also received a supportive letter of recognition from the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Because of (1.) my Indigenous Peoples' rights advocacy accomplishments and (2.) my related collaboration with the internationally renowned Indigenous activist Steven Newcomb-who is the leading exposer of genocidal papal bulls, and (3.) my positive dialogue with Jason Adkins, Executive Director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference, Archbishop John Nienstedt [granted me] a meeting with Father Erick Rutten, Head of the St. Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocesan Commission on Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs. During the meeting we talked about Indigenous Peoples' rights and the New Age.

In respect to the New Age topic, Father Rutten and I talked about Constance Cumbey and a former supposedly "New Age" famous Roman Catholic priest-who is now an internationally renowned, according to Cumbey, "New Age apostate" Episcopalian priest named Reverend Matthew Fox, a person who has supported my most important activist and advocacy initiatives, and a person who Cumbey once prophesied to be, mostly likely, the Antichrist of the End-Times.

The rest of the article can be found and read at:

Anonymous said...

Fasten Your Seat Belts!

Anonymous said...

Christine Erikson wrote:

"BUT NO, YOU WANT IT SILENCED. Just like you want any other critical piece of information that can ID something silenced.
Oh yeah, just put a link, which means some who need to see this won't.
very clever. hide your evil under cover of daintyness."

"you who also made a big stink about my exposing evil women who
happen to be mothers. my, my. I guess you are a witch of the worst
order aren't you? or for some reason towing the line of such.
I think you are some sort of child molesting or at least
mentally invading witch who is scared you will be exposed, that
your victim will see my posts, recognize what his or her problem is,
and cut you loose. maybe its happened already, and you, lacking your
narcisistic supply and psy vamp supply are mad."

Christine, I am concerned. Are you under the supervision of a psychiatrist and / or are you taking any medication to alleviate any possible chemical imbalances? If not, I sincerely urge you to see a doctor and explain any such difficulties as appear evident in your post and others.

Take good care.

SaraZ said...

I belong to the CoG7 (Church of God (Seventh Day) -- ) which began with the same group as the SDA (before Ellen White).

CoG7 separated from them during the time of Ms. White because of obvious theological differences.

Sadly, I see little effort from the pastors and congregations to really prepare us for what is to come. There is a veil of silence and indifference that squashes any real dialogue. I am not surprised this poor man was so ignored and used. No one cared for his soul, just his money.

I find it interesting that Daniel 11:38 in Spanish uses the Hebrew plural form of "maoz" which is Mauzim which can mean strengths, fortresses, towers, or sanctuaries.

Daniel 11:38 Reina-Valera Antigua (RVA)

"Mas honrará en su lugar al dios Mauzim, dios que sus padres no conocieron: honrarálo con oro, y plata, y piedras preciosas, y con cosas de gran precio."

Anonymous said...

Mauzzim (fortresses).

The marginal note to the Authorized Version of (Daniel 11:38) "the god of forces," gives as the equivalent of the last word "Mauzzim, or gods protectors, or munitions." There can be little doubt that mauzzim is to be taken in its literal sense of "fortresses," just as in (Daniel 11:19 Daniel 11:39) "the god of fortresses" being then the deity who presided over strongholds. The opinion of Gesenius is that "the god of fortresses" was Jupiter Capitolinus, for whom Antiochus built a temple at Antioch. Liv. xli. 20.

Anonymous said...

Strong's Number: H4581

Usage: Force, fort(-ress), rock, strength(-en), (× most) strong (hold)

Definition: A fortified place; figuratively, a defense.

Detailed definition:

1) Place or means of safety, protection, refuge, stronghold.

A) Place of safety, fastness, harbor, stronghold.

B) Refuge (of God) (figuratively).

C) Human protection (figuratively).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Vatican Congratulates Cuba on 60th Anniversary of COMMUNISM...

Anonymous said...

It’s Time: Trump Should Declare A National Emergency, Build The Border Wall, Activate The Military Police And Arrest The Deep State Traitors

Anonymous said...

It Is The Absence Of God That Is Our Greatest Problem Today

Anonymous said...


Jan 6, 2019

The New York Post reports – The leader of an international child porn ring was killed in a Michigan prison beating this week...

Anonymous said...

An Incredible Solution To Building The Border Wall!

By Chuck Norris / WND

I have written many articles over the years, but I have never written an article more important than this one. While Democrat and Republican leaders in Washington are polarized and in gridlock over how to pay for a wall on the U.S. southern border with Mexico, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is a Lone Ranger with a Tonto-sized idea riding into town to get the job done in a way that would cost taxpayers nothing at all.

Because I live in the border state of Texas, it has made this issue even more personal to me. I also have many black belts that live in Mexico that are hindered by this crisis to even be able to visit the U.S. legally in order to attend our annual United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF) Convention in Las Vegas.

On Thursday, a press release went out from Sen. Cruz’s office that was titled: “Sen. Cruz Reintroduces EL CHAPO Act.”

EL CHAPO is the nickname (“Shorty”) for the infamous Mexican mafia kingpin who is the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel and was extradited to the U.S. to face criminal prosecution for numerous drug-related crimes, including conspiracy to commit murder and money laundering. He is presently on trial in New York for all these charges, where the son of the cartel’s co-founder just testified for hours against the drug lord.

EL CHAPO is also an acrostic for Sen. Cruz’s bill that stands for the Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (EL CHAPO) Act. The full bill text may be viewed here:

The PR explained: “The bill would reserve any amounts forfeited to the U.S. Government as a result of the criminal prosecution of ‘El Chapo’ (formally named Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Lorea) and other drug lords for border security assets and the completion of the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.”

Sally Q. Yates, who served as U.S. Attorney General (2017) and U.S. Deputy Attorney General (2015–2017) during El Chapo’s capture, explained: “Guzmán Loera is the alleged leader of a multi-billion dollar, multi-national criminal enterprise that funneled drugs onto our streets and violence and misery into our communities.”

If you didn’t know, El Chapo is almost entirely responsible for the majority of drugs that come up through the U.S. southern border. As the co-founder and head of the Sinaloa Cartel, he is the #1 supplier of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines into the U.S. If you or your loved ones have ever tried or been addicted to illegal drugs, odds are they originated from the Sinaloa Cartel.

Consider that in just four shipments of drugs, Assistant U.S. Attorney Adam Fels said in his opening argument that El Chapo had sent “more than a line of cocaine for every single person in the United States.” That amounts to over 328 million lines of cocaine in just four shipments.

Consider the proliferation of El Chapo’s drug industry in communities across the U.S. compared to other cartels through this colored map:

Time magazine summarized: “[El Chapo’s cartel carnage] has left a trail of victims to rival any conventional war. In the U.S., there were more than 15,000 heroin-related deaths in 2016, a fivefold increase since 2010. In Mexico, the clash between rival cartels fighting one another and security forces over billion-dollar trafficking routes and other rackets is estimated to have killed more than 119,000 people over a decade. If the war on drugs were classified as a military conflict, it would be one of the world’s deadliest.”

That is why the U.S. government is presently pursuing the criminal forfeiture of more than $14 billion from El Chapo’s narcotic sales and other illicit profits.

Anonymous said...

So, does El Chapo have the money to fund our U.S. southern border wall?

Dolia Estevez, who covers Mexico’s billionaires, politics and U.S.-Mexico relations, wrote in Forbes: “The 33-page indictment against El Chapo, filed in 2016 at the U.S. Eastern District of New York, does not dissect the $14 billion. It simply says that upon conviction, the U.S. will seek forfeiture of any property or contractual rights derived from the continuing criminal enterprise, ‘including but not limited to at least approximately a sum of money equal to $14 billion in United States currency.'”

But David Gaddis, a former chief of enforcement operations at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), explained that the $14 billion “is a cumulative figure and based on his drug trafficking enterprise.” Gaddis said that between DEA and the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), “many companies associated with it are implicated in the money laundering aspect and will be targeted. …”

In 2011, El Chapo was ranked the 10th-richest man in Mexico and 1,140th in the world, with a personal net worth of roughly $1 billion. However, as head of the Sinaloa Cartel, an international criminal organization with billions of dollars in revenues that are laundered through over 288 companies and a shipping and transport empire to traffic drugs, El Chapo still has access to astronomical amounts of money from a plethora of illegal resources. The fact is, $14 billion is chump change from that El chumpo!

What would $14 billion of El Chapo’s dirty money get us? Even CNN had to confess that a concrete slab that stretched the full length of the border and was 25 feet high (five feet underground and 20 feet above it) and steel reinforced would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $12 billion dollars and could be completed during a single term of a president. So, Washington would have $2 billion leftover from El Chapo’s money for border personnel, drones and other electronic surveillance and securities.

Is Sen. Cruz’s EL CHAPO Act not a brilliant idea to fund the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico? And guess what? A Mexican pays for it after all – one evil hombre who has repeatedly raped America’s communities and the souls of precious millions through narcotics and other criminalities for the past three decades.

Think of the impact passing the EL CHAPO Act could have. First, El Chapo’s drug monies could fund the completion of the entire U.S. southern border wall. Second, simultaneously the majority of El Chapo’s own drug trafficking into our country would be greatly diminished using his own monies. Third, president Trump could fulfill his primary campaign promise. Fourth, the Democrats would be able to open their government the same day the EL CHAPO Act passed.

Let it be clear: Passing that single bill could be the compromise they all are looking for, and it is the best win-win-win-win solution the Congress and president could ever enact!
Read more at:

Anonymous said...

MCE, with regards to 11:42PM's post, I wouldn't be surprised if someone were to allege the "Resident Seer" is no longer with you. Michigan? That's his neck of the woods. isn't it? Still, at least the kids are safe!

RayB said...

Argentine Priest that Francis promoted to Bishop has been accused of abusing seminarians.

In other news, the Vatican "congratulates Cuba" on its 60th. Anniversary of the Communist Revolution !

How many of these stories have to come out (they wouldn't if it weren't for the Internet) before people begin to realize this is not a church that represents Jesus Christ, but is instead, His enemy?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Aw! You got a name drop and some attention so feeling quite useful and significant aren't you?
Running with the big dogs to have a global impact,eh?

This, like everything else you have run after your whole life (while running from something else), is just piling it higher, of the trash heap of things that will never truly matter nor make an real (good) difference in the world you supposedly care for, for all your trying.
Does this crap pay well?
Are you paid a lifetime supply of peyote?

paul said...

Mr Dulheimer says, @9:30 above: "...Episcopalian priest named Reverend Matthew Fox, a person who has supported my most important activist and advocacy initiatives, and a person who Cumbey once prophesied to be, mostly likely, the Antichrist of the End-Times."

I've personally never heard you make a claim that Matthew Fox or anyone else for that matter, is the Antichrist.
Yes you've speculated, but as far as I can remember you've always pointed out that no one knows for sure, (at least not yet.)

Also Anon. 10:50 above.
Yes I'd say peyote is a good guess.

Anonymous said...

That article is more sophisticated than Thomas's usual writings. I bet he was put up to it. The intention is to discredit Constance by the false assertion that she thinks Fox is the hippie antichrist. Anybody who follows her knows her prime suspect for years has been Solana. Thomas as a long time blog commenter must be aware of this. His article is aimed at an audience who knows nothing of Constance. Some people are probably threatened by Constance's interviews on TruNews, is my guess. It's to be expected. It's interesting that Thomas has been revealed to be a probable tool.

Anonymous said...

One of the tools of the devil is distraction, in addition to confusion.
That is about all Dahlheimer is good for.

Anonymous said...

He's like a left-handed widget salesman at a right-handed people convention.

Anonymous said...


A STUBBORN left-handed widget salesman at a right-handed people convention.

Anonymous said...

Pope warns against nationalism -- AGAIN...

Anonymous said...

Abortion propagandists to release CHILDREN’S book that promotes children being killed before they’re born!

Constance Cumbey said...

From so many of the comments. Thank you for the information, but they depressingly prove that our times -- they are sick indeed.


Anonymous said...

What will the Earth be like AFTER Christ returns?

What does the Bible say about the Millennium?

The word “millennium” is not found in the Bible, but it simply means “one thousand years.” What will the Earth be like for a thousand years after Christ arrives to judge mankind? The Scriptures are actually quite clear on this subject.

According to the prophets Micah and Isaiah, the millennium will be a time of unfettered JOY and PEACE!

Anonymous said...

September 4, 2017
An Intersex Christian responds to the Nashville Statement
by Lianne Simon

The recently published Nashville Statement represents the beliefs of a coalition of conservative evangelical leaders regarding same-sex marriage, gender identity, and even intersex.
Although their position regarding intersex may seem innocuous enough, I want to take a closer look at its implications.
I’m a Christian housewife. My husband and I are long-standing members of conservative Presbyterian churches. We’re familiar with quite a few of the signatories of the Nashville Statement and acknowledge them to be learned Christian men.
I’m intersex. My body’s not entirely female or male. I was raised for a time as a boy. In 1974, after prayerful consideration, and with the consent of my doctors and mother, I switched to living as a girl.
The Nashville Statement repeatedly stresses a male-female sex binary and the connection between what they call biological sex and one’s self-conception as male or female (What most of us would call gender identity.)
Although "intersex" is not directly mentioned, Article VI says:

Intersex is, to the signatories, a disorder. Note that Merriam-Webster defines a disorder as a physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy. By specifying ‘physical disorder of sex development,’ the Statement effectively eliminates any mental differences resulting from intersex, including gender identity.
How should one interpret the last line of the affirmation? How does an intersex Christian embrace their biological sex insofar as it may be known?
I struggled for a long time to embrace my intersex condition as God’s particular Providence in my life rather than constantly longing to be entirely female or male. By His Grace, I’m reasonably content with my body now. Embrace my status as a Matthew 19:12 from-my-mother’s-womb eunuch? You bet. But is that what they meant?
With their emphasis on the male-female binary, it’s more reasonable to assume that they don’t consider intersex a sex category. They seem to think that an intersex person is still either male or female, but the DSD has obscured or confused their true sex. It is that so-called true sex (i.e. male or female) that the signatories want an intersex person to embrace.
Medical studies of intersex suggest that the most reliable way of determining the gender of an intersex child is to wait until they’re old enough to speak and ask them. But with the signatories’ refusal to recognize the biological roots of gender identity (i.e. self-conception), I must assume that the sex they wishthat child to embrace would be based on some subset of their physical attributes—a reduction of the diversity of the child’s biology to fit a male-female binary.
Should we look to Chromosomes for the “true sex”?
I’ve often heard that boys are XY, and girls are XX. It’s as simple as that. My chromosomes are mixed, though—some of my cells have a Y chromosome; others don’t.
If you consider a woman with the complete form of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome—who has XY chromosomes as well as internal testes, but typical external female genitalia—the Bible would consider her a barren woman rather than a man. So the Bible doesn’t care about XY or XX.

Anonymous said...

Should we look to gonads for the “true sex”?
Most boys have testes and most girls ovaries. I had a mix of tissue types. So I guess that doesn’t help much. And, again, the Bible considers our lady with CAIS and internal testes to be a woman.
Should we look to genitals for the “true sex”?
Quite a few people will say it’s all between the legs. And one could argue that the Bible agrees. But Deuteronomy 23:1 tells us that if a male cuts off his penis and testes, he’s no longer male in the eyes of the law, but a eunuch. Let me repeat that in another way—he just changed his legal sex category surgically. And in Matthew 19:12, Jesus says that some people who do that do so for the sake of the Kingdom. He also goes on to say that a lot of people just won’t understand the changing your legal sex thing.
Did I have a penis? Suffice it to say that I wasn’t capable of vaginal intercourse without surgery—as a man or a woman. I’ve had that surgery. So I’m pretty much female-typical down there now.
What then is the sex I should embrace? And who should decide?
So why did I switch from living as a boy to living as a girl? Did I one day decide to rebel against God’s clear plan? No. I prayed about it. A lot. Did I have a desperate need to be a girl? Um. No. At times being a girl sucks. Like when a man won’t listen to me because I’m a woman.
So why did my gender matter so much? Because I was close enough to death to smell the lilies at my funeral. My life revolved around my inability to function socially as a boy to the satisfaction of those around me.
I wanted a life. I wanted peace. I wanted to live for Jesus rather than die by my own foolishness. I wanted to honor God with the hand he’d dealt me.
I liked my feminine body. And—most of all—I wanted people to leave me alone.
My doctor said that with my face and demeanor I wouldn’t have any trouble being accepted as a girl. He was right. The bullying stopped.
For more than forty years I’ve been able to focus on things other than my gender, to be a productive member of society, or as Article VI says, to “live a fruitful life in joyful obedience to Christ.”
Who then should decide the “true sex”? Based on which sex markers?
The assumption of a true binary sex in the Nashville Statement ignores the complexity of human biology, the variety of the experiences of intersex people, and the damage done to intersex people by a medical establishment that enforces a binary sex on them.
I’m grateful that the Nashville Statement says that we who intersex are “created in the image of God and have dignity and worth equal to all other image-bearers.” But I’m troubled that this affirmation appears to require us to give up our bodily integrity and embrace some doctor’s guess at what sex God meant us to be.
Understand this—your Nashville Statement drives intersex people away from the Gospel. Historically, doctors have castrated us, surgically assigned us a sex, given us hormones, told us lies, kept secrets from us, and caused us to live in shame all in the name of your precious binary vision of sex.
It’s time you stood up for us rather than telling us to embrace what’s being done to us.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Gender identity compared and contrasted with intersex body: are they quintessentially always the same?

"I must assume that the sex they wish that child to embrace would be based on some subset of their physical attributes—a reduction of the diversity of the child’s biology to fit a male-female binary.
Should we look to Chromosomes for the “true sex”?
I’ve often heard that boys are XY, and girls are XX. It’s as simple as that. My chromosomes are mixed, though—some of my cells have a Y chromosome; others don’t."

Anonymous said...

Intersexual nature obviously has inherent within it (at least sociologically speaking) aspects of gender identity. However, gender identity is not limited to and does not limit the scope of intersexuality, the latter being a single individual being born with the genitalia of both male and female, as well as often possessing a mixture of XY and XX genes ... often seen as XXY.

paul said...

What the heck does the last five Anonymous comments have to do with anything being discussed here?

Anonymous said...

Somebody called Lianne Simon, paul.
As in "Lie"anne?

Has nothing to do with anything here, just somebody's emotional vomit looking for a blog to upchuck on is what I'm detecting.

paul said...

Thanks 2:36, that must be it.
I'm watching a second one of the interviews, and they are wonderful. You are concise, eloquent and any number of other
adjectives that I could think of, but won't because then I'd sound like a complete wonk.
My only problem is a minor one: why does the interviewer insist on calling you Miss Constance and Miss Cumby, every time?
Is that supposed to be cute on his part? I don't think it's cute at all.

Anonymous said...

Also thanks 2:36 PM

That unfortunately is my conclusion as well.

I had thought that I'd put a brief comment in the form of a link to provide a bit of perspective but I didn't know that person's posts would thusly subsequently continue afterwards as they have.


11:01 AM

Anonymous said...

Paul 3:27 PM,

"I grew up down South (N.C.), and most of the time, people would refer to a woman with the title 'Miss' and her first name, even if the woman was married. So, I would refer to my father’s friend’s wife as 'Miss Violet' and my friend’s mother as 'Miss Jeaninne.'"

paul said...

Okey 3:56
I get it. It's a down-homey thing.
I still think it's in poor taste. What about the husband? How should he feel?
Oh that's right I forgot, men don't have feelings that need to be considered, unless of course if they're gay.
People used to refer to Negros by a certain name that eventually got dropped for good reason.
And we've all been sensitivity trained through the "Don't call her a girl" and the "Ms" label, and just today my own daughter said that I "sound like a bigot" because I used the term "Trannie", which I thought was what they were supposed to be called
since that's what they call themselves. Not that I said it in a derogatory way either.
I keep forgetting that since I'm a white male, everything I say is suspect and that only we white males are ever guilty of
racism, or sexism. It's impossible for a person of color to be racist or sexist. Oh I get it: only white straight males are ever guilty of those things.

paul said...

I'm sorry I'm not sorry.
My mother was a teacher and one day her gay friend, who used to come over and sit and drink coffee with my mom, and tear down my father; (he didn't think I was listening), one day he gave my mom a nickname; Miss Sue. It caught on in a big way and within a year or so everyone from her students to their parents referred to her as Miss Sue. Isn't that cute?
It's the same kind of wedge driving that all these gay hairdressers apply as they butter up their customers and cater to their vanity.
" Oh honey you don't need him, he's a creep. You're way better than he'll ever know" etc etc.
Even as a little kid I could see and hear how sodomites have systematically and patiently torn down the nuclear family.
Am I angry?

Anonymous said...

Keep on keepin' on, paul.
They are abnormal, unnatural, against nature itself.
That is why they can't reproduce (naturally, normally). They must "recruit" (molest) going after the vulnerable, the very young, with stealth, using seeming good manners in bad ways.

You are right because you stand by what the Bible says and it pulls no punches calling things what they are, and with no malice, just the facts. The devil has always preyed upon and set his sights upon the nuclear family because the greatest damage happening there spreads through whole societies.
But God, through His Son Jesus Christ, has the remedy for all, for all time, for what is sick and wrong in people.

Constance Cumbey said...

Regards the "Miss Constance" thing, it's a common thing in some areas of Southern Society -- considered a form of respect and politeness. Next, I've got far more important things to worry about. Doc Burkhart was very nice to me as was Rick Wiles. I have disagreements with them on some issues (Israel for one), but they did not censor me and allowed me to fully state my opinions. That's more than many other places did over the years.

Next, and more humorously: As my late father would quip, "CALL ME ANYTHING BUT LATE TO DINNER!"


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yellow Vest BANK RUN Protest - They're Going For The ROTHSCHILD'S, This Could Be HUGE!!!

Anonymous said...

None of you who have posted in response to my posts on intersexuality have even attempted to address the points made therein. Caustic Paul with your diversions talking about homosexuality, which has nothing to do with the posts on intersexuality and nothing to do with the main post of this topic, so your point, "What the heck does the last five Anonymous comments have to do with anything being discussed here?", is made redundant by your blatant hypocrisy. These posters are cowards and weak in their faith that they need to build walls of hatred to hide their fear and lack of love therefore. I believe Christianity is strong enough to honestly address such enquiries and it is Berean to do so. Why imply there is something inherently sinful in any particular given individual whose lot in life is to be born with the genitalia and chromosome make-up of both male and female? Answer this and address it in honesty ... or will you remain Pharisaical cowards all your lives, devoid of love and the spirit which gives life?

Anonymous said...

2:48 PM,

If you are already a Berean you have your answer, and don't need anyone here.
But I'm sure you'll find an audience somewhere for all the attention your "discussion"

Anonymous said...

I think 2:48 Pm should contact Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer.

At his prestigious blog and Facebook page there should be a willing ear to chat it all up.

He desperately wants to take care of the confused and disgruntled, etc,..

He is quite the advocate, so answers for 2:48 PM are forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:48 PM

You posted lengthily at 10:29 AM and 10:31 AM: with your 'Nashville Statement' 'intersexual' material.

Then at 11:32 AM:

Your post was about 75% a RE-posting of what you HAD JUST POSTED hardly an HOUR BEFORE.


(Or did you think we are THAT forgetful?)

AND you put things like...

"Understand this—your Nashville Statement drives intersex people away from the Gospel."

Guess what?





Anonymous said...

Google caught secretly recording conversations through your mobile device!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

REPORT: Trump’s Border Wall Could Easily Pay for Itself in Savings!

January 10, 2019
By Michael Barnes
Liberty Headlines

‘The key questions are the cost of each illegal immigrant, and the number of illegal crossers, vs. the cost of a wall…’
A new analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies, a pro-legal immigration research institute, shows that a wall along the Mexican–American border would actually pay for itself.

Steve Camarota, the director of research at the Center and the author of the recent analysis, said, “While it is true that more illegal immigrants come through overstayed visas than through our southern border, the reality is that even if a border wall reduced just a tiny fraction of illegal crossings, it would pay for itself.”

Anonymous said...

Following my responses to others replies to my posts regarding intersexuality, and understanding such as a Christian, the following posters wrote:

2:48 PM wrote:

"If you are already a Berean you have your answer, and don't need anyone here.
But I'm sure you'll find an audience somewhere for all the attention your "discussion"

No, 2:48 PM, a Berean does not immediately have his or her answers yet aims to find it through searching a matter out thoroughly. Anyone that claims to have the answers without fully searching is either fortunate to have stumbled upon it or have such revealed to them by someone else, or is naïve and ignorant, unwilling to truly understand a matter or budge from unsubstantiated prejudices or assumptions (whether theirs or someone else's), or is a deluded gnostic. Which one are you, 2:48 PM?

3:36 PM wrote:

"I think 2:48 Pm should contact Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer.

At his prestigious blog and Facebook page there should be a willing ear to chat it all up.

He desperately wants to take care of the confused and disgruntled, etc,..

He is quite the advocate, so answers for 2:48 PM are forthcoming."

Why would you suggest such, 3:36 PM? Is one to assume you recommend him because of you yourself see him as a good source of knowledge or help? If so, why? Are you confused and disgruntled? I for one am not. Or, are you attempting to push me that way, serious or not, regardless of any danger there may be to my soul or others reading and mistaking any possible sarcastic disingenuousness for sincerity? There is nothing deluded or 'New Age' about my post. The phenomenon of intersexuality (that is, real given individual human beings born with both female and male genitalia and both male and female chromosomes) exist, whether you like it or not. Have you ever considered that the most wretched, poor and blind are the Pharisees, such as perhaps yourself? Just wretched and lost as Thomas Dahlheimer! For such Pharisees, in the Words of Jesus Christ are liars and vipers and are children of the Devil!

4:08PM, your lengthy and dismissive post is not worthy of a re-posting. Many things are posted here which have not originated with Constance Cumbey. This site would be full of lengthy re-postings of Constance's writings if it were so. The point of the posts on intersexuality here is to bring this to people's awareness here, hopefully find others who are willing to accept the truth of the existence of people born biologically intersexual and search the Holy Scriptures how to understand such, and in so doing, or via others continuing dismissal and insults, often filled with implied or expressed false accusation and deception, expose the nonsensicality of the Pharisaical and unloving attitudes which far too many here carry, therefore getting them to hopefully reassess their claims to being Christians, hopefully getting them to see that without love their faith is dead!

If I do not respond further then it is because I have wiped the dust off my feet with you all (although I retain the right to do so if I choose, even if my posts were to be removed so as to impede that right). I have sown no discord here but have replied in truth to those here intent on sowing discord and whose words drip with the poison of a proud and haughty spirit. Those whose words are full of malice, deception, dismissal and cowardice!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of any childish and unloving replies from others which may result from my mistake for writing, 2:48 PM, in the first instance where I should have written, 3:05 PM, I shall repost my last post with the corrections made.

Following my responses to others replies to my posts regarding intersexuality, and understanding such as a Christian, the following posters wrote:

3:05 PM wrote:

"2:48 PM,
If you are already a Berean you have your answer, and don't need anyone here.
But I'm sure you'll find an audience somewhere for all the attention your "discussion"

No, 3:05 PM, a Berean does not immediately have his or her answers yet aims to find it through searching a matter out thoroughly. Anyone that claims to have the answers without fully searching is either fortunate to have stumbled upon it or have such revealed to them by someone else, or is naïve and ignorant, unwilling to truly understand a matter or budge from unsubstantiated prejudices or assumptions (whether theirs or someone else's), or is a deluded gnostic. Which one are you, 3:05 PM?

3:36 PM wrote:

"I think 2:48 Pm should contact Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer.

At his prestigious blog and Facebook page there should be a willing ear to chat it all up.

He desperately wants to take care of the confused and disgruntled, etc,..

He is quite the advocate, so answers for 2:48 PM are forthcoming."

Why would you suggest such, 3:36 PM? Is one to assume you recommend him because of you yourself see him as a good source of knowledge or help? If so, why? Are you confused and disgruntled? I for one am not. Or, are you attempting to push me that way, serious or not, regardless of any danger there may be to my soul or others reading and mistaking any possible sarcastic disingenuousness for sincerity? There is nothing deluded or 'New Age' about my post. The phenomenon of intersexuality (that is, real given individual human beings born with both female and male genitalia and both male and female chromosomes) exist, whether you like it or not. Have you ever considered that the most wretched, poor and blind are the Pharisees, such as perhaps yourself? Just wretched and lost as Thomas Dahlheimer! For such Pharisees, in the Words of Jesus Christ are liars and vipers and are children of the Devil!

4:08PM, your lengthy and dismissive post is not worthy of a re-posting. Many things are posted here which have not originated with Constance Cumbey. This site would be full of lengthy re-postings of Constance's writings if it were so. The point of the posts on intersexuality here is to bring this to people's awareness here, hopefully find others who are willing to accept the truth of the existence of people born biologically intersexual and search the Holy Scriptures how to understand such, and in so doing, or via others continuing dismissal and insults, often filled with implied or expressed false accusation and deception, expose the nonsensicality of the Pharisaical and unloving attitudes which far too many here carry, therefore getting them to hopefully reassess their claims to being Christians, hopefully getting them to see that without love their faith is dead!

If I do not respond further then it is because I have wiped the dust off my feet with you all (although I retain the right to do so if I choose, even if my posts were to be removed so as to impede that right). I have sown no discord here but have replied in truth to those here intent on sowing discord and whose words drip with the poison of a proud and haughty spirit. Those whose words are full of malice, deception, dismissal and cowardice!

Anonymous said...

To the aforementioned posters critical of my posts on intersexuality: you would do well to remember the letter kills but the spirit gives life.

Yet, I would not be surprised if your responses are furtherly unloving, deceptive and dismissive or a disingenuous twist of anything I have written.

May the Lord have mercy on you, in Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

paul said...

I'm very sure that no one in this comments section has any feelings of hatred for anyone who may have been born with a physical defect. The idea that anyone here that calls themselves a Christian would hate someone else on that basis is preposterous and is totally YOUR idea, and your fantasy alone. You're an answer looking for a problem. Nobody hates you or the unfortunate souls that you are trying to defend.
Thankfully birth defects are relatively rare. There are many kinds of birth defects. Probably the most common type in the world is Spina Bifida, which can be devastating.
I have a very mild form of spina bifida myself. It is an ongoing challenge and can be discouraging. One of the bones in my lower spine is incompletely formed. I don't think of it as just a variation or an example of the "beauty of creation in it's many variations", or any other such bleeding heart nonsense. Nor is it necessarily a punishment, as Jesus pointed out and demonstrated.
It's a birth defect. It's something I will have to struggle with and try to overcome all my life. I thank The Lord and praise him every day, that in spite of it I enjoy a very active life.
"False accusation", "non-sensical", "insulting", "deceptive", "Pharasaical", "unloving", "dead faith", "poison", "proud and haughty", "malice", "dismissive", "cowardice"_ all these terms can be found in just your last post! These are all your accusations, directly above. And then you have the gaul to say; "I have sown no discord here". How rich is that?
Your tactics and underhanded name calling are so typical these days. It's a very effective tool in your divide and conquer toolbox. You seem to know all the right things to say that prove that you're a Christian. But it doesn't really matter what we think of you. It only matters what God thinks of you.
Your need to accuse Christians is a tell. I can't even imagine a Christian hating someone as you say they do.
I don't hate anyone and it's disturbing and frustrating to be told that I do.

Anonymous said...

Paul, you are in denial of your earlier posts. I suggest you go back and read the comments section. Your earlier posts in response to the post on intersexuality were an unloving and wrong diversion perhaps as an attempt to dismiss any real discussion on the subject. I stand by what I have written and in no way see you as a real Christian or a person filled with the love of Jesus Christ. You are the one with false assumptions and false accusations. Nothing you wrote had the spirit of love in it and your further post proves nothing other than a blatant attempt at obfuscation, carried through via projecting. The posters I have addressed were in no way loving in their responses and neither have you been, as the previous posts show. Your deceptive post at 1:15 PM proves nothing other than further exposing you as a liar in this instance. I have sown no discord here, I have merely responded to it with the vigor it merited!

RayB said...

Paul @ 1:15 PM ...

Very well articulated ... AND TRUE!

RayB said...

With 10 + million followers, Mormonism is the fastest growing cult in the world. How much do you know about it?

Here is a link to just one of many in a series that exposes the connection that Mormonism has to the Occult and Free Masonry. What's interesting is that you'll learn that the "New Age" is nothing new at all ... it all comes from the same poisoned well of the Occult.

From the start, Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, was a complete charlatan and fraud. He was also a serial adulterer throughout his life. Up until recently, the Mormon hierarchy has refused to admit this fact ... now due entirely to pending lawsuits, they have been forced to admit what they have always officially denied; that Joseph Smith did in fact practice "plural marriage," and that included "marrying" women that were ALREADY MARRIED ! However, amazingly, they claim that God forced Smith into these adulterous relations! Utter, complete blasphemy at the highest level ... all performed under the cloak of "religion."

Anonymous said...

Right on, Paul.

That is why some of the responses are what they are--not hateful, but certainly knowing that at face value the person who has come here with a bone to pick and a straw man argument is getting what they have coming, not going to be treated seriously.
No one is hateful-----but not putting up with any of this BULL (from the "serious" 12:15 PM poster who is seriously disingenuous).

And by the way, if (that supposed serious poster) truly is a Berean would know, would detect in their own heart, that they just presented a very proud angry way to approach such a subject. There is no humility in this person--just blaming and shaming (and name calling as you pointed out, Paul).

Ye know not what manner of poster thou art, 12:28 PM!

"If I do not respond further" ...
Get to wiping that dust, you gave away the cards you're holding already.

Anonymous said...

10:29 AM

10:31 AM

11:32 AM

11:39 AM

2:48 PM

12:07 PM

12:15 PM

12:28 PM

1:47 PM

...Seems to quite possibly be a person with a serious compulsive disorder &/or a troll who happens to be very much familiar with Christian vernacular, etc.

Frankly, if I were Constance I would limit these particular 'intersex' related postings by that person to once a week (otherwise it seems we'll have another MCE clogging the blog...)

Anonymous said...

Spina Bifida

Anonymous said...

The Millenium!

RayB said...

Please Note: The post above @ 8:56 PM is another that is a link to the Herbert W. Armstrong CULT.

Anonymous said...

This comment IS NOT what Deuteronomy says:

"But Deuteronomy 23:1 tells us that if a male cuts off his penis and testes, he’s no longer male in the eyes of the law, but a eunuch."

You've applied an interpretation to what the verse actually says. This is what is written:

Deuteronomy 23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

What does the congregation of the Lord in context of the tabernacle mean to you? You need to back up and read Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy all together to understand the context of this verse.

Regardless, why is this a topic of conversation on a blog which pertains to the New Age Movement?

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like 12:15 PM is just another malcontent looking for a bottomless pit of attention, looking for justification for choices they have made (buyer's remorse is rampant in the post and why there is blame cast upon others) hoping someone can or will assuage (tranquilize) deep feelings of discontent.
People hooked on gaining approval from others paint themselves into hellacious corners don't they? And a dime a dozen and coming out of the woodwork these days.....
Too often these pitiful people don't even want relief. Constantly on the fight is their M.O.
Lovers of themselves the Bible calls them.
Posts of that kind don't belong here.

Anonymous said...

Please Note: The post above @ 8:57 AM is by the RayB Cult "MY Way Or The HIGHWAY" which promotes the SATANIC doctrine of LAWLESSNESS and ALSO teaches:





And keep in mind, one of Satan's favorite tricks is to provide SOME truth ... often a lot of truth ... that is used as a smokescreen to help provide cover for his lies. Christ stated "the TRUTH shall set you free," not "some" truth, but THE TRUTH as found only in His Word!

1John 3:4

"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth ALSO the LAW: for SIN is the TRANSGRESSION of the LAW."

"Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the SAME as breaking God's law."

Matt 7:22-23

"When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!'"

"But I will reply, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, YOU WHO BREAK GOD'S LAWS!'"

"And then I will tell them, 'I never knew you. DEPART FROM ME, you who practice LAWLESSNESS!'"

James 2:26

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD also."

Anonymous said...

"However, I admit to you that in accordance with the Way, which they call a 'HERESY', I worship the God of our ancestors and believe in EVERYTHING written in the LAW and the Prophets!"

"I admit that I follow the Way, which they call a 'CULT'."


Is It ALL That God Requires for Salvation?

Martin Luther was correct in rejecting the teaching and practice that one could essentially “buy” salvation through donations to a church or physical acts. But his belief in “faith alone” is a serious theological error with lasting impact to this day!

As the apostle James, Jesus’ half brother, points out, belief is POINTLESS unless it is backed up by action and obedience.
Luther’s most lasting legacy is his teaching that justification, being made right before a righteous God, is through faith alone.

One passage that was foundational to his teaching is Romans 3:23-26, where the apostle Paul writes: “…  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”

Here Paul presents the good news that our sins are forgiven because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins as our substitute. Since no human works can earn God’s forgiveness, then we are justified when we have faith in God’s promise and embrace Christ’s sacrifice for us.

Luther concluded that to be justified, all one has to do is believe in Christ without any corresponding works. He pointed to Paul’s writings in Romans where God promised Abraham descendants in number like the stars in heaven even though Abraham and his wife Sarah were childless and beyond childbearing years. Luther noted that Paul quoted from a passage in Genesis stating, “And he [Abraham] believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness” (Genesis 15:6; quoted in Romans 4:3).

For Luther this was an open-and-shut case: Believe and you are justified. Once justified you are saved. Once you are saved, you remain saved without any influence of works—good or bad.

But Luther had a problem. The New Testament book of James teaches that more is needed for justification than mere belief. James, the half brother of Jesus Christ, wrote: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you WANT to know, O FOOLISH MAN, that FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD?” (James 2:17-20).

In his Preface to the Epistles of St. James and St. Jude, Luther claimed that the writer of James’ letter is “in direct opposition to St. Paul, and all the rest of the Bible, it ascribes justification to works …” (Martin Luther: Selections from His Writings, John Dillenberger, ed., 1962, p. 35).

And that’s not all James penned that bothered Luther. James wrote: “Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and NOT BY FAITH ONLY” (James 2:21-24).

Anonymous said...

Luther saw Paul and James as incompatible. “Scripture alone” was one of Luther’s guiding principles, but now he struggled with Scripture when it didn’t meet his understanding. He ultimately branded the epistle of James “an epistle of straw” that he felt like “throwing … into the stove” and wrote that he doubted that it truly belonged in the Bible at all.

(Luther’s Works, E.T. Bachmann, ed., 1960, vol. 35, p. 362, and vol. 34, p. 317)

Are Paul And James Incompatible?

Luther believed that Paul and James were promoting two different and incompatible ways to be justified. But are they really?

The answer lies in the way both writers used the example of Abraham. Paul was writing to the church in Rome to explain how both Jews and gentiles can come into a relationship with God. Both are justified by God’s grace and faith in the work of Christ. Paul clearly teaches that no one can earn God’s favor because of their good works. Abraham was justified because he believed in God’s promises.

James, however, was dealing with a somewhat different problem. James was addressing the wrong idea that mere belief constitutes living faith. Remember, he wrote that Satan and the demons believe in God and fear His awesome power and glory. James made it clear that our faith must be much more than Satan’s belief! Faith involves completely trusting God, and trusting God is a motivation for obedience.

Think about James’ argument. Abraham believed God’s promise that his son Isaac would give him descendants. Then God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son. God’s promise and command for obedience seemed inconsistent to say the least.

What if Abraham would have said to God: “I believe your promise to give me descendants through Isaac, and since that can’t happen if I sacrifice him, I have decided to disobey you. But I still believe in your promise!”

James argued that if Abraham had refused to obey God, his belief would not have been real faith. If a person truly trusts God, then his actions will be rooted in that trust.

We can’t erase our own sins or impress God enough to earn salvation. We must also not fall into the trap of thinking that belief is all God requires. Faith must submit to God’s working in us. In this submission, real living faith produces works. Paul is correct in teaching that human beings can’t earn justification but must have faith in Christ. James is also correct in teaching that faith without works is dead—useless and empty because it doesn’t really change the person.

Moreover, Paul himself said that “the doers of the law will be justified” (Romans 2:13) —that is, made right before God. We must understand that we receive initial justification from God whenever we repent, apart from any deeds of obedience (Romans 3:28). But remaining justified before God is conditioned upon continuing to actively obey Him. There is NO contradiction!

Martin Luther: The Unfinished Reformation

RayB said...

Dear Constance,

I've been meaning to write to you about this subject for some time.

You may or may not have noticed, but there are posters on your blog that continue to post information, links, etc. that promulgates the false teachings of a particular cult that was founded by the infamous heretic Herbert W. Armstrong. Generally speaking, I am not in favor of censorship, and I don't believe you are either. However, I sincerely doubt that you are in favor of allowing your site to be used in such a manner in which some may unwittingly be sucked into the grips of a cult. Without censorship, this presents a problem as to how to warn people of the dangers of these clandestine posts.

Here is a solution that I hope you will consider:

I believe you should do away with the ability to post under "Anonymous." By requiring a particular screen name, that person would be at least consistently identifiable as the person that posts on behalf of this cult. By allowing numerous people to post under "Anonymous," I believe it, at the very least, helps sew confusion because it is much more difficult to keep track as to WHO it is saying what.



Anonymous said...

Notice when RayB can't rebut he avoids or he tries to circumvent.

HIS version of the truth is now threatened!

(And we can't have THAT!)


Anonymous said...


All that being said...

It is good in a way that RayB wrote because I DO want to mention this caution:

Although materials they produce may be very beneficial for studying, do NOT just jump in and join a church group EVEN if it may have more Biblically-correct doctrines than some others IF (and I stress IF) it ALSO exhibits serious mind-control behavior or other such cult-like traits!

Find a BETTER group!

Constance Cumbey said...

I just discovered what appears to me to be an excellent researcher and writer on New Age and apostasy related issues. His name is JOE SZIMHART. I found him on a google search using the terms "COURSE IN MIRACLES" AND "THEOSOPHY". That brought up a 2012 article. I'm certain he must have much more of value at his site and I intend to explore it more.


Constance Cumbey said...

To RayB:

I've been known to answer my telephone. You should be able to find my number easily on line.


GrantNZ said...

Constance .... I would not be recommending Joe Szimharts blog at all.

Here's some quotes from him....

"the Bible like tradition is not inerrant and never was, even in its original utterance"

"He prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” He prayed that on the cross as he faced death. He did not pray, “I forgive them for what they do to me.” He no longer claimed to be that God. He was yet a Jew and Mary’s son in every way, albeit a Jew who made blasphemous faith statements that in the end he let go."

GrantNZ said...

Another dubious quote from Joe Szimhart

"The Jews were right to condemn Jesus for even hinting that he was “one” with the Father, in effect claiming to be the “I am that I am.” Jesus had to be stripped of all such notions for he had not proved his faith to anyone, much less to him self. From all early accounts, Jesus knew he had to pay for his great sin—he still had something to prove after he challenged the Jewish blasphemy law and it was the law that made him sinful. Like Socrates, Jesus could have avoided death but chose to obey the consequences of the law."

All the above quotes were taken from just one of his posted articles.
It brings at the very least doubt of the sinless and Divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ and authority of Gods Word.

GrantNZ said...

All of those quotes are in his article "I am God".
Its astounding that he proports to be against the new age and yet his article is full of heretical false teaching positioning regarding the most foundation doctrines of Christianity.

GrantNZ said...

Constance... I think you must have been super tired and missed read whag he was saying.

RayB said...

I have watched a number of Youtube videos put out by a Catholic Priest by the name of Mark Goring. An outspoken supporter of AB Vigano, Goring is a very brave young man that has been posting just about a video per day, mostly involving issues related to the pedophile/priest scandals along with his critical analysis of the ongoing homosexual agenda being perpetrated by certain members of the Catholic clergy. On several videos, Goring stated that he had received threats, but did not go into details. On one particular occasion, Goring stated that "if something happens to me, know this; I WOULD NEVER COMMIT SUICIDE!" Obviously, Goring fears for his life. AB Vigano, to this day, remains in hiding out of likeminded fear.

Last week, a very interesting development occurred regarding Mark Goring. He was ORDERED by his "superiors" to "cease and desist" regarding any further comments on the sex abuse scandals. In other words, he has been officially silenced. All of his videos on Youtube relating to the scandals have been taken down.

While Goring's moral outrage has been silenced, heretical pro-homosexual Priests, Bishops and Cardinals are given the official go ahead from the Vatican to continue their efforts in promoting the radical gay agenda. If you doubt that statement, that is exactly what the radical pro-homosexual Jesuit Priest James Martin said. Martin claims that his pro-homosexual actions have "the full backing of the Vatican."

RayB said...

Over the past several years, I have been a periodical visitor to the Youtube channel "Israeli News Live." This site was founded by a husband and wife, both of which are Jewish believers in Jesus as their Messiah. Over the years, I have watched as Stephen has grown, by God's infinite grace, in knowledge and understanding.

This particular video covers a very important topic that very few Christians even consider, and that is, what exactly does Judaism teach and what is its foundation for faith? Most that I know will immediately state "the Old Testament." Is it?

Watch this video, as Stephen's wife, Jewish believer, explains in detail the beliefs and foundation of Judaism:

Anonymous said...


Agents study Scripture to infiltrate churches in South and China

(International Business Times) In an attempt to keep an eye on defectors, North Korean secret police agents from the Ministry of State Security (MSS) are studying the Bible. The move was designed by the secretive state to also extract information from South Korean citizens, pertaining to developments in the latter’s country and to find the whereabouts of North Korean defectors in China and South Korea.

According to Daily NK, agents who study the Bible target South Korean churchgoers in China and get close with them. They would then strike up a conversation and eventually get the required information.

Constance Cumbey said...


The particular article I read came against Catholic apostate teacher Richard Rohr and most fervently upheld the faith. I wasn't familiar with him before. It was 2012 column I found looking for something else. Well, either I tired when I read it, or he shifted after he wrote that particular column. Sounds like another one "bites the dust." Sorry!


GrantNZ said...

Hi Constance,

Unfortunately it's becoming more difficult to assess some people simply due to the amount of reading needed etc.
It was fortuitous that I read that one article with the bad doctrine first up.
Would have phoned you but have changed our phone company recently and need to work out a calling plan to the USA.

God bless

Anonymous said...

MSM Version:

The Actuality:

"DO NOT BELIEVE the FAKE NEWS! The Gofundme campaign is NOT cancelled, It's still going, and everyone is NOT being refunded! 

"If you want to continue with our NEW Mission to BUILD THE WALL click opt in right here:

"Help spread the word!"

(If You Donate To Border Wall, Do It Anonymously. Leftists Doxing, Endangering Donors)

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

re Abraham trusting God re sacrificing Isaac - he likely thought Isaac was "the seed of the woman" prophesied after the fall since God made
a point of Sarah having to be the mother. so resurrection was expected
note that her seed would crush the snake's head and it would bite his heel, irrelevant unless poisonous.

intersex - THERE IS NOTHING INHERENTLY SINFUL in being born with both sex genital and chromosomal features. it is probably a part of the degeneration of nature after the Fall, such as genetic and other diseases, poisonous plants, dangerous type animals, but not sinful in itself.

that you have some cells with a Y and some without sounds like you are a chimera, that you absorbed a fraternal twin in the womb embryo or earlier stage. no fault of yours, it just sometimes happens. In animal experiments chopping up and joining real early embryos result is a mix doesn't reproduce as a mix but as which ever was the source of the gonads. it is not a hybrid.

PAUL - your posts were on the attack mode. intersex is reacting to nasty posts the lead one being yours. you led the pack.
Though if you hadn't the snotty church lady probably would have.

YOU CAN'T IMAGINE CHRISTIANS HATING? grow up. YOU ARE FRUSTRATED BEING ACCUSED OF THIS? then wise up your definiton of hatred or rephrase yourself. as it is you look like a two faced posturing hypocrite.

you may have thought this was a wedge move for the LGBTQ alphabet soup of perverts. A lot of people don't know about hermaphrodites outside of alchemical art (usually an androgyne, a mythical thing female on oen side male on the other from gnostic notions that before Eve was taken out of Adam he was an androgyne).

your usual twofacedness shows with the post, which intersex is nice enough to say shows you are in denial about the other posts. To me, it looks like gaslighting her and deceiving us. you and ANON 2:33 LOOK TO YOURSELVES.

intersex person now female, if guys won't listen to you because you are female, prove them wrong in public, cite men writers who say same as you, when he fails in something publicly remind him that you warned him and he wouldn't listen, and WHILE YOU ARE AT IT learn to fight dirty if someone tries to bitchslap you. IN GENERAL, CUT MEN LIKE THAT OFF, AND THE WOMEN WHO SIDE WITH THEM AGAINST WOMEN BEING GROWN UP AND NOT MEALY MOUTHED "SUBMISSIVE" MANIPULATIVE COWARDS AND PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WEAKLLINGS. Prov. 31 virtuous or valorous better translation woman business activities are the main income and bragged of. Consider Deborah, and Abigail.

praying about something isn't a guarantee you made the right choice, but you clearly have intersex physical issues.

the second post has barely anything of the first post, certainly not 75% as for TAKE IT ELSEWHERE perhaps the poster is challenging some perceived hypocrisy.

"MCE, with regards to 11:42PM's post, I wouldn't be surprised if someone were to allege the "Resident Seer" is no longer with you. Michigan? That's his neck of the woods. isn't it? Still, at least the kids are safe!"

nope. he's not the one got beaten to death thank God that one was
beaten to death. hopefully he didn't die with useful information about other evil people still secret with him.

Reiki demon energy worker approached a narcisism resister who was NOT amused. from about TIME STAMP 7:00 on you can hear she has elite clients in government, UN and so forth. more occult infiltration described by the infiltrator.

Templeton Foundation is at it again.

whatever problems this website owner has, there are useful articles.

Anonymous said...

Yet another 'gem'-studded delight.

Anonymous said...

March For Life Celebrates Science Revealing ‘Humanity Of Child In Earliest Stages In Womb’

By Dr. Susan Berry / Breitbart

The president of the March for Life says next week’s annual event featuring thousands of pro-life activists is celebrating that babies are “unique” from the first moment of conception — as science and technology have revealed.

“As we know, advancements in science and technology really support revealing the humanity of the child in the earliest stages in the womb,” Jeanne Mancini told Breitbart News in a phone interview.

She explained the reason why the theme of this year’s March for Life — the world’s largest pro-life event — is “Unique from Day One: Pro-Life is Pro-Science.”

“Years ago, the other side claimed developing babies were ‘lifeless blobs of tissue,’” Mancini said. “They don’t even try that anymore. Ultrasound advances allow us to hear and see heartbeats now at six weeks, and a blood test can tell a baby’s sex by seven weeks now.”

“There have also been so many advances in prenatal surgery — just remarkable advances,” she added.

The 46th annual March for Life is taking place on Friday, January 18, in Washington, DC. Each year, the March is held on or about the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, in which the high court invented a right to abortion, though none ever existed in the Constitution...

Anonymous said...


The Origins Of Political Correctness

By Bill Lind / Accuracy in Academia

Where does all this stuff that you’ve heard about - the victim feminism, the gay rights movement, the invented statistics, the rewritten history, the lies, the demands, all the rest of it – where does it come from? For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or homophobic.

We have seen other countries, particularly (since the 20th) century, where this has been the case. And we have always regarded them with a mixture of pity, and to be truthful, some amusement, because it has struck us as so strange that people would allow a situation to develop where they would be afraid of what words they used. But we now have this situation in this country. We have it primarily on college campuses, but it is spreading throughout the whole society. Were does it come from? What is it?

We call it “Political Correctness.” The name originated as something of a joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as only half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious. It is the great disease of our time, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.

If we look at it analytically, if we look at it historically, we quickly find out exactly what it is. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. It is an effort that goes back not to the 1960s and the hippies and the peace movement, but back to World War I. If we compare the basic tenets of Political Correctness with classical Marxism the parallels are very obvious.

First of all, both are totalitarian ideologies. The totalitarian nature of Political Correctness is revealed nowhere more clearly than on college campuses, many of which at this point are small ivy covered North Koreas, where the student or faculty member who dares to cross any of the lines set up by the gender feminist or the homosexual-rights activists, or the local black or Hispanic group, or any of the other sainted “victims” groups that PC revolves around, quickly find themselves in judicial trouble. Within the small legal system of the college, they face formal charges – some star-chamber proceeding – and punishment. That is a little look into the future that Political Correctness intends for the nation as a whole.

Anonymous said...

A substitute teacher in Detroit has been hospitalized after a student viciously attacked her because she informed the administration he had brought drugs to school.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District says it’s “terribly disappointed” in the student...

Anonymous said...

paul said...

Dear Dr Erickson,
Thank you so much for the free diagnosis.
Without your insights I never would have known that I have "intersex physical issues", since I had never even heard the word intersex before the above post in question, and without your deep analysis, I wouldn't even have known that my comment was intentionally cruel or offensive.
Even now as I review the comments that I made, I fail to see the offense. I have to admit I'm still too uneducated and dull of wit to see how a birth defect is actually a third gender, rather than a one in a million aberration.
Again thank you for your deep understanding in all things sexual. We can always depend on you to explain anything that comes up regarding genitalia, witchcraft, demons, and vampires, etc.

Anonymous said...

"We can always depend on you to explain anything that comes up regarding genitalia, witchcraft, demons, and vampires, etc."
Ah, the MCE specialtys....and don't forget mother-hating as she knows it like the back of her hand and hates like none other.

12:15 PM, you have found your counselor and doctor all rolled up in one. Dr. Quack @ 10:42 AM is open for business at her blog and will help you out.

The wolf den is open 24/7 over there but alas her "gems" are only available upon restriction to once a week here so don't delay, since we can see your urge for resolve of your issue/s is urgent.

Anonymous said...


You wrote "Without your insights I never would have known that I have 'intersex physical issues'" however I believe she was addressing the person she has dubbed 'intersex' there.

If I were you I'd be FAR more concerned with where she wrote

"female on one side male on the other from gnostic notions that before Eve was taken out of Adam he was an androgyne.

your usual twofacedness shows"


Anonymous said...


On second thought, is it possible you had mentioned in a prior post somewhere that you were planning a vacation driving cross-country and wanted to include Hawaii, and she got mixed up?

Because in THAT case of course,

You WOULD have


paul said...

Ahhh That must be it!

paul said...

I just read the article.
Really really important and pertinent.

Ray B
I watched the talk by the Israeli woman last night. Thanks for the link.
I had heard/read most of those insights into modern Judaism and in particular some of the things that are found in the Talmud,
a number of years ago. I had even brought them up a few times here and there but always got immediately shot down.
I let it go because I don't read or speak Hebrew, so I couldn't be sure. It's nice to know that I wasn't crazy to believe them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

to the intersex lady ... the caustic poster known here as paul, is Paul Farrar. if you need to take any legal action find him at 132 Marginal Way #105, Portland, ME 04104
Paul Farrar (207) 671-8320

just let imply that here and i will find a way to contact you and support you ... let's just say i have my own reasons to sue him too. i bet if she could old Arlene ... nigh on nine years dead, would be turning in her grave! if you would prefer a chat with family member first, then contact Anthony Ferrar, (207) 774-5107, 35 Toronita St, Portland, ME.
i can provide more info if needed.

Anonymous said...

By Dawn Gagnon, BDN Staff • September 9, 2013 6:51 pm
BUXTON, Maine — Law enforcement officers from Buxton, Portland, the Maine State Police and the Maine Warden Service have located and arrested a Portland man they describe as a “dangerous burglar.”
David Michael Ferrar, 23, was arrested Saturday morning after an investigation that involved all four agencies, according to a news release issued Monday by Assistant Chief Vern Malloch of the Portland Police Department.

Ferrar was taken into custody in Buxton about 6:30 a.m., Malloch said. He said police had received information on Friday night that Ferrar was in the area and had committed a burglary and stolen a handgun. read more of this stuff at link

Anonymous said...

yes, the ferrar family seems to have that familiar spirit known as the criminal gene. easy to see paul is a narcissist by those sunglasses hes wearing in his linked in pic .. no smile too. clinicaly classified narcs are known to rarely smile in pics. this convict stuff just keeps on coming ...

Posted November 8, 2006
increase font size

Two men plead guilty to beating policeman

PORTLAND (AP) – Two Portland men chose the wrong man to hold up. The man who was robbed at gunpoint was an undercover police detective.

Ryan Hunt, 25, and Harold Ferrar, 27, face lengthy prison sentences after pleading guilty Monday to armed robbery and aggravated drug trafficking in the April 20 holdup of drug agent Erik Larsen from the South Portland Police Department. read more about it at

there's heaps more of this stuff if needed ... the rabbit hole runs deep!

Anonymous said...

erm ... ferrar and farrar are variants of the same surname and same family no doubt. by the way if you need an alternate address for paul then here it is. 46 Deering St, Portland, ME 04101. phone 207-775-2159.

this criminal gene stuff in the farrar family just gets sicker! no doubt paul is projecting going on about sodomites when intersex has nothing to do with that. paul once owned up that he was once shacked up with a homosexual lodger... just friends he claimed. i wonder if more went on than hes telling? this here is the lowest ... notice the farrar with an a spelling this time ...

Maine Sex Offenders Registry

Database last updated on: 1/14/2019
Registry Search
Individual Profile
Name: Christopher Farrar
Aliases: Christopher George Farrar
Date of Birth: 07/20/1989

273 Cumberland Ave
Apt 1 - 7
Portland, ME 04101 Cumberland County

Last Complete Verification Received: 11/30/2018
Verification Requirement: 3 Months
Next Verification Date: 02/28/2019
Statute: 17-A MRSA (253)(1)(B)
Offense: Gross sexual assault

in the pic there you can see the family resemblance to that sunglasses pic ...

maybe if they could dorris, Margaret, cecil and marjorie would turn in their graves if they knew.

a different chris farrar to contact?

Anonymous said...

theres loads more of this stuff if needed ...

Anonymous said...

Is Christine posting anonymously?
She has threatened Paul before and wanting to advocate and support the person who posted here with several posts above that are caustic in and of themselves.
And of course, Christine has the personality and demeanor of battery acid.
Christine certainly has the time and opportunity (living as a parasite off of others while sitting on her arse), to stalk others.
If not her, it is her clone.
She is driven to to tamper and manipulate wherever and whenever possible.

Foul birds of the same foul feather want to stick (and stick it to others) together..

Anonymous said...

lets see what this Statute 17-A MRSA (253)(1)(B) is

§253. Gross sexual assault
1. A person is guilty of gross sexual assault if that person engages in a sexual act with another person and:
A. The other person submits as a result of compulsion, as defined in section 251, subsection 1, paragraph E. Violation of this paragraph is a Class A crime; [2003, c. 711, Pt. B, §2 (AMD).]
B. The other person, not the actor's spouse, has not in fact attained the age of 14 years. Violation of this paragraph is a Class A crime; or [2003, c. 711, Pt. B, §2 (AMD).]

did you catch that?

B. The other person, not the actor's spouse, has NOT in fact attained the age of 14 years!

Anonymous said...

is paul posting anonymously or is that his clone @2:17 PM? hes been known to post and deny it before ... CANT TRUST A DAMN THING HE SAYS!

Anonymous said...

Enter Rod Serling...

paul said...

Whoever is doing this,,,well, I don't know what to say to you or about you.
How did you get so mad at me? And for such a long time!
I kind of doubt that it's Christine despite our numerous verbal jabs here.

I don't know any of the people, in the shotgun blasts above, and I don't live at any of the above addresses.
I have never been arrested, period. The reason is because I don't break the law.
I have no criminal record. I've gotten a couple speeding tickets, years ago now. Sorry to disappoint.
I have narrowed down the possibilities of who this could be though, still carrying around a hissy
fit from quite a few years ago now on this blog.
Constance can, as the blog Administrator, see that this is the paul that generally makes comments here.
Not that anyone should bother her for the sake of their personal vendetta against me.

GrantNZ said...

Is it to much to ask that posters stick to the agenda of this site.

This is about the New Age and Globalist agenda etc.

I think people forget that Constance is a practicing Lawyer and has little tolerance for slanderous and libelist remarks.

Anonymous said...

Despicable Farrars, Ferrars AND


Anonymous said...

And don't get me started on the FOUL practice of HORSESHOEING!

Ferrar (first-person singular present indicative ferro, past participle ferrado) to horseshoe (to apply horseshoes to a horse or other hooved animal).

Anonymous said...


I'm thinking that that wacko is maybe erupting all of a sudden now because they've either just gotten on new meds or off their old meds.

Possibly they even have gone through a number of the older blogspots to either refresh their memory or to try to get "ammo" against you or both.

And they may actually be a new(er) "visitor" to this blogspot (hence no prior such attacks) but the details they thus got and used from old files gave that impression.

On The Bright Side

If you've happened to have been already on the prowl for a highly dysfunctional relationship...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kinda remember MCE saying Paul had posted some things over at her site. Don't know if that is why someone has gone ballistic here.

Anonymous said...

BTW 6:50 PM & 7:11 PM were intended as humorous parodies.

Anonymous said...

... and the other posts were intended as satire.

Anonymous said...

reminds me ...

Anonymous said...

I didn't write 12:53 AM nor 1:27 AM

11:50 AM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U.S. proposes to allow drone operation at NIGHT, over people

Anonymous said...

I didn't write 8:30 AM nor 11:50 AM

12:53 AM

1:27 AM

Anonymous said...

Religious Bigotry Beta Tested By Radical Liberals Called Out By Fellow Democrat Causes Internal War As Media Jumps In...

Anonymous said...

I think "Anonymous" posting feature should be cancelled

Anonymous said...

Dear 5:09 PM
I don't think so.

Look what happens when some people know a name and target them, like someone is doing to Paul.
Besides it should be about information, and not personalities, good, bad, or otherwise.
Lots of people like to play favorites or flip side, when they even simply disagree, love to pin things on others because they can target them by name.
Attacking a person, or preferring a personality, not the ideas, right or wrong, not the posting, is a real distraction here, so anonymous could be an advantage.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but was that ANTI-Anonymous post BY Anonymous?

(Must've misread it!)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6.39

No it was not a miss read it was an antianonymous post to other anonymous anonymous's by a very anonymous anonymous anonymous to avoid the anonymous antianonymous anonymous postal tyraid.
And yes I do wish to remain anonymous of my anonymous incase someone figures out which anonymous anonymous I am of the anonymouses.

Gosh what if people start using aliases!!!
Then we will need and anonymous aliase to hide our true aliase identity.
This is not taken from Dr Seuss but does sound seussical.

Anonymous said...

Probably to late the other anonymous anonymous anonymous's will have your anonymous anonymous anonymous worked out so you will need a new anonymous anonymous anonymous of your anonymous to hide from the anonymous anti antianonymous anonymous's.

Show yourselves anonymous anonymous's the anonymous antianonymous's will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Join the anonymous antianonymous movement

Anonymous said...

Make this blog great again and be proud to be non anonymous.

Who will go first and break the shackles of anonymity defy the odds and say I am free, I have a gender amongst the anon agenders and proud of it.

Anonymous said...


How do we know some aren't using an alias already? ;)

The posts of Constance and then this goofy, and at times, down right bizarre comment section, are why we are here aren't we? The posts, hopefully on topic to fit this blog are what should get notice anyway, not the people who are commenting (but now have some who are attention hounds making sure you know who they are and thankfully put on restriction). If that poster goes anonymous, could go back to serial posting again and become a draw back, but otherwise would be nice if just posts (not people) are noted (good or bad) for their content...

But then what do I know about this, and who cares anyway? LOL
There really are bigger fish to fry.

Anonymous said...

For all Paul's sycophants,
I put it to you all that if you want to find a loveless bigot who thrives in attacking others then you need look no further than Paul himself! Oh, and perhaps if you were to take a closer look in the mirror you may find his narcissistic shadow staring back at you and realize it's time to reflect on your own behavior.

For many years now, Paul has addressed almost anything and everything he has felt opposed to with venom, vitriol and a downright loveless spirit. The comes a time to call a spade a spade! Hopefully, such will cause Paul to reflect and revise his manner, repent wholeheartedly with remorse (if possible), offer apologies to all he has unnecessarily embarrassed, insulted, degraded, hurt, saddened, wrongfully angered, wrongfully accused (expressedly or implicitly) here over the years. He has driven away many a reasonable poster from here with his relentless bile and cruelty. Perhaps he should pay closer attention to his namesake and hopefully have some sort of Road to Damascus realization. He is the type of person most vehemently railed against by Jesus Christ himself. It is not the likes of Thomas Dahlheimer or Christine Erikson that Jesus Christ spoke most harshly towards, it was to the Pharisaical loveless hypocrites who had the spirit of Saul and those like him until Saul's revelation. How many Christians have you persecuted here over the years Paul? I put it to you, many! You are not worthy of your name!

I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus Christ and those like you with such a loveless and unmerciful Pharisaical spirit as yourself! I suggest you meditate on the words spoken in Matthew 23, most notably many of the verses between verse 13 and 39.

Paul, you have persecuted Christians and non-Christians here in a loveless and callous way long enough!

Paul, if you hope to find continued narcissistic nutriment from those of a similar unloving spirit such as yourself, then I caution you to pay heed to Luke 6:26:

26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

By the way, despite what appears to be an attempt at deceptive obfuscation by you, no one claimed you lived at the addresses mentioned above but a quick search of those addresses reveals at least one of them is where your arboreal business is registered. Therefore, it stands to reason you can be reached there if legal proceedings are taken against you. I sincerely suggest you pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to soften your heart and cause you to repent!

Anonymous said...

O-kay so it rather looks like from that post that 'intersex' and Paul's secret admirer may well be one in the same person...

paul said...

To Anonymous,
I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry if I've offended you.
I wish I could give you a personal apology and retract anything that I wrote in the past that offended you, but I don't know who you are, so until you reveal yourself I can't do that in any personal way.
Name calling is childish and I've been childish many many times.
I wanted to tell you that i grew up in the country and cut my teeth as a lumberjack, which is practically a recipe for crudity.
I wanted to point out that a comment section of a blog is just that, and not a political arena or a classroom or a playground.
I am indeed a rather rough hewn person who can be insensitive. But nothing justifies unkindness or hurtfulness.
Please forgive me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Paul,

I sincerely thank you for your kind and humble response. In all honesty, without wanting to sound impolite, it was not expected. That is to say, I was wrong for thinking you a narcissist and for being so hard on you. Yes, in the past you did grieve me, to which back then I chose to turn the other cheek. Sadly, I have still visited this site from time to time and seen a repetition of those things in some of your comments in the way in which you responded to people. I too am now very sorry for the harsh words and tough attitude I have taken with you in my above post. Please keep in mind words hurt. Again, I repeat, I am sorry for any hurt I have made you feel. I sincerely forgive you in Jesus Christ's Holy Name and am truly sorry for my angry and hurtful words towards you.

May the Lord bless and keep you. I now see you are a Christian and respect you for being man enough to be humble in your reply. I am very sorry for my unkind and judgemental words towards you.

Anonymous said...

Majority of Americans Say Abortion Should Be Restricted, New Poll Finds!
A Google employee noticed that the company had recently changed search results for “abortion” on its YouTube video platform, a change which caused PRO-LIFE videos to largely DISAPPEAR from the top ten results!

Anonymous said...

AMAZON ALEXA 'goes rogue': Ignores commands, WON'T TURN OFF!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:56 AM,

I make no judgement about Paul or you, but just ask you not to use the Bible for purposes of "scriptural kung fu".

Paul is certainly not perfect; nobody is. There is a saying: Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.

It's pretty strong wording to compare Paul to a Pharisee and to speak for Jesus, saying Jesus would rebuke Paul more strongly than He would rebuke a New Ager.

I think Paul's response was very Christian, and I respect him for it. I also respect you for your response to him.

But I'm asking that in the future you refrain from weaponizing the Bible for purposes of waging a scriptural kung fu attack on an individual.

It is a request from one Christian to another.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, 5:17 PM.

Anonymous said...

Viva La Yellow Vests!!!! Anti-Globalist Movement Receives Overwhelming Support By Populists On The Right AND The Left!!!

Anonymous said...


No scriptural Kung Fu intended. I referred to those Holy Scriptures because I thought them to be necessary. However, I do understand your concerns yet, I reiterate, I thought them necessary. I understand my post was sharp yet my intention was for edification through rebuke and correction. it was not intended to cause destruction. Indeed, such (without wanting to offend Paul here) did cause Paul to reflect and, in turn, his post softened me and caused me to reflect also.

Still, thank you for the gentle nature of your post.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mother of All Breaches Exposes 773 Million Emails, 21 Million Passwords

paul said...

" I understand my post was sharp yet my intention was for edification through rebuke and correction. it was not intended to cause destruction. Indeed, such (without wanting to offend Paul here) did cause Paul to reflect and, in turn, his post softened me and caused me to reflect also."
So everything is good now, and all the SLANDER above wherein I was accused of: sexual predation, assault, violence, narcissism, sodomy, and a number other choice sins, all of which were totally false and completely destructive, is forgiven, because Anonymous said she's sorry. It's great. No problem.
I just glad you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Paul's attacker qualifies for a similar gentle response that Anonymous 11:18 AM wrote to someone else:

I am concerned. Are you under the supervision of a psychiatrist and / or are you taking any medication to alleviate any possible chemical imbalances? If not, I sincerely urge you to see a doctor and explain any such difficulties as appear evident in a number of your posts.

Take good care.

Anonymous said...

Sadly your post at 9:50 PM shows your apology to have been nothing more than a ruse. I therefore retract my apology, as I now see I was not mistaken in posting as I did at 12:56 AM.

I do not regret, however, having ignored my reservations and given him the benefit of the doubt ... yet, he is no Saint Paul, that's for sure! Therefore, Paul, your apology was given in ill-faith and your humility was nothing more than a pretence to hide your pride in order to puff it up again due to what can only be interpreted as a lashing out by you for having suffered a narcissistic injury.

I therefore refer you back to my 12:56 AM post and reiterate it's intensity. You see Paul, you are not as wily as you think, though you be of the Serpent, and there is no gentleness, no olive branch of the promised land in anything you say. It is merely deception, lies and the poison of a Pharisaical and hypocritical spirit that sweats through your fingertips here.

I meant it when I alluded to my sharp words having been meant in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 13:10, yet sadly you have ignored such.

Luke 6:45-A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart[a] brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Paul, it is clear, for those not blinded by the darkness of a hardened heart, to see your fruits are not wholesome nor for edification. Though my post was to rebuke you in Jesus' Name , I had hoped to also correct you, both being for your edification. However, you have chosen destruction instead because no falsehood is found in those Holy Scriptural passages I aptly mentioned in my post at 12:56 AM but the power of the two edged sword of Truth itself is found within them!

You would do well to remember the wisdom of Matthew 7 and repent accordingly (as would your misguided and serpentine sycophants ((who should also remember when blindly following you that the danger a ditch lurks ahead)) ). And, although I don't regret having given you the benefit of the doubt in my later post, I myself should now realise and pay heed to the advice of Matthew 7 verse 3, and give nothing which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you, which is what you have attempted to do in your last post (along with your sycophantic anonymous followers).

So, I shall, with regards to this chapter, wipe the dust off my feet and be done with you. However, for the sake of others who do not deserve to be harmed any further by you, I shall give serious consideration to exposing who you are further (in case any of them require such information for any legal remedy they may wish to pursue). After all, are you not the one who, in his pretences, would attack anonymous posters for hiding in the weeds? You would do well to remember that when you hypocritically point a finger then there are always three fingers pointing back at you from your very own lumberjack hand!

I therefore refer you back my 12:56 AM post.

Anonymous said...


Sadly your post at 9:50 PM shows your apology to have been nothing more than a ruse. I therefore retract my apology, as I now see I was not mistaken in posting as I did at 12:56 AM.

I do not regret, however, having ignored my reservations and given you the benefit of the doubt ... yet, you are no Saint Paul, that's for sure! Therefore, Paul, your apology was given in ill-faith and your humility was nothing more than a pretence to hide your pride in order to puff it up again due to what can only be interpreted as a lashing out by you for having suffered a narcissistic injury.

I therefore refer you back to my 12:56 AM post and reiterate it's intensity. You see Paul, you are not as wily as you think, though you be of the Serpent, and there is no gentleness, no olive branch of the promised land in anything you say. It is merely deception, lies and the poison of a Pharisaical and hypocritical spirit that sweats through your fingertips here.

I meant it when I alluded to my sharp words having been meant in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 13:10, yet sadly you have ignored such.

Luke 6:45-A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart[a] brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Paul, it is clear, for those not blinded by the darkness of a hardened heart, to see your fruits are not wholesome nor for edification. Though my post was to rebuke you in Jesus' Name , I had hoped to also correct you, both being for your edification. However, you have chosen destruction instead because no falsehood is found in those Holy Scriptural passages I aptly mentioned in my post at 12:56 AM but the power of the two edged sword of Truth itself is found within them!

You would do well to remember the wisdom of Matthew 7 and repent accordingly (as would your misguided and serpentine sycophants ((who should also remember when blindly following you that the danger a ditch lurks ahead)) ). And, although I don't regret having given you the benefit of the doubt in my later post, I myself should now realise and pay heed to the advice of Matthew 7 verse 3, and give nothing which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you, which is what you have attempted to do in your last post (along with your sycophantic anonymous followers).

So, I shall, with regards to this chapter, wipe the dust off my feet and be done with you. However, for the sake of others who do not deserve to be harmed any further by you, I shall give serious consideration to exposing who you are further (in case any of them require such information for any legal remedy they may wish to pursue). After all, are you not the one who, in his pretences, would attack anonymous posters for hiding in the weeds? You would do well to remember that when you hypocritically point a finger then there are always three fingers pointing back at you from your very own lumberjack hand!

I therefore refer you back my 12:56 AM post

Anonymous said...

What a way you start a day, 10:45 AM..
You (repeatedly) go over the top in what you have said.
You are just plain and simple wrong in your whole approach with Paul and this blog.

You remind me of someone who has behaved this way in the past here at this blog.
His name is Frank. (I hope this isn't you, Frank).. I like to think people can get over themselves and just lay the hatchet down.
I am noticing the same over the top beatdowns when people disagree as what he became known for...all while quoting Scripture.
Please whoever you are, learn some respect and respectfully disagree.
By the way, the one you really harm is yourself. The rest of us just decide to let this crap roll off our backs.
Why not have a better day than the way you started this one?

Anonymous said...

Touche, 11:37 AM.

Who I am is of no concern to you. What I have written is written in the spirit of truth. Paul is a mean-spirited narcissist and I will make sure in future that the weak and vulnerable here are defended from his vile and heartless attacks. If you choose to blindly follow him into the ditch of deception he has dug for himself then that is your own folly!

RayB said...

Dear Constance,

I am more than slightly perplexed as to why all of these false, malicious, personal "information" posts regarding Paul wasn't removed ASAP.

These types of personal attacks do not warrant the light of day. Furthermore, the person posting such felonious information should be banned for life from your blog.

It also further illustrates why I think it is necessary to have a specific screen name policy whereby such abusive persons could be easily identified.


(Ret.Rev.) Will. Harrison Jr. said...

Ms. Cumbey, Back in the 80's I began reading about your work and the Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, and I seem to remember something about an "initiative" pertaining to the methodical elimination of sick, elderly, needy peoples as a part of the New Age movement's "humanitarian" designs. Am I correct in this and/or do you have something on this I can get ahold of without having to flounder through a plethora of other things to find out more specifically about it. Thanks for your time and all your work against these "tides of the times".
(Ret.Rev.)Will. Harrison Jr.

Douglas Charles Freeman said...

So glad i discovered Constance Cumbey, via the Tru news program! such a smart woman, and has enlightened me Geatly!

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