Tuesday, September 06, 2016

EU Brexit Crisis = EU Army Opportunity? "EU Parks Its Tanks on NATO LAWNS"

Once again, just when we thought it was safe to go into the European Union waters, we now have breaking news that plans for an EU military structure able to act autonomously from NATO is in the immediate works:

Here's betting these plans are not from Federica Mogherini, but from some I have been tracking for many years acting as her military "adviser."  I won't name names, but the initials are, inter alia, "Javier Solana" and "Mary Kaldor"

Definitely stay tuned!



Rich Peterson - Medford said...


I was about to email you this but accidentally navigated to your blog space instead of my email. How timely!

Below is an excerpt from this article: Is Germany aiming at a European rival to NATO? http://tinyurl.com/jgvuma3

Reviving the Western European Union

Roderich Kiesewetter, foreign affairs representative of Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, has made the surprising claim that Washington might have fine-tuned its approach to Europe, saying it would be foolish to deny that realities on the ground are changing.

In his words, quote, “in contrast to the early 2000s, Washington is now actively encouraging this process. In addition, greater military capabilities would make the EU more attractive as a U.S. partner.”

And yet, suspicions that some parts of the German political elites have found the moment opportune to bring back to life the Western European Union out of self-interest are abundant.

The Western European Union (WEU) was a defensive alliance composed of 10 EU member states: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The primary purpose of the grouping, which bore a striking similarity to NATO, was to offer mutual military assistance in case of external aggression. It was set up in 1948 and became defunct in 2011.

Actually, the WEU was a vague structure with little leverage, and as such was not regarded by the U.S.-led NATO as either an asset or a liability. Its departure into oblivion went almost unnoticed. However, it serves as a formal precedent of a Europe-centered defense entity with no “extra-regional” outside management.

Anonymous said...

Oh, pul-LEEZE!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:46

Such an informative well thought out post!

Anonymous said...

"EU External ActionVerified account ‏@eu_eeas Sep 5
#EUGlobalStrategy "My intent is to present by end of this year ambitious plan on security & defence" @FedericaMog speaks to EU ambassadors"

I believe Solana is behind this, Constance.
He has never retired from this idea and still making things happen behind the scenes.

Constance Cumbey said...

I agree with 10:41 am based on my present knowledge and understanding, combined with 21 years of solid research on Dr. Solana.


Constance Cumbey said...

Constance Cumbey said to Oh Pul-LEEZ and other such 'brilliant' analysts:

Mary Kaldor has worked with Solana for years to develop his cabinets and security studies. Here is a recent article by the two of them:


From Hybrid Peace to Human Security"

At the June Summit, which will take place after the UK Referendum, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, will present the results of her global review of external strategy. As part of the review process, the Human Security Study Group, which we convene, has presented a report entitled From Hybrid Peace to Human Security: Rethinking the EU Strategy Towards Conflict together with twelve background research papers .

Conflicts are at the sharp end of contemporary crises. Refugees, extremist ideologies, criminality and predation are all produced in conflict. Contemporary conflicts are sometimes known as ‘hybrid wars’ or ‘new wars’ in which classic distinctions between public and private, government/regular and rebel/irregular, and internal and external break down. They are best understood not as legitimate contests of wills (the twentieth century idea of war) but as a degenerate social condition in which armed groups mobilise sectarian and fundamentalist sentiments and construct a predatory economy through which they enrich. Identifying ways to address violent conflict could open up strategies for dealing with broader issues.

In this special openDemocracy series, we outline the main conclusions of our report in our introductory essay together with six essays based on some of the background papers. These essays include: an analysis of the conceptual premises of the Global Review (Sabine Selchow); three essays on specific conflict zones – Syria (Rim Turkmani), Ukraine (Tymofiy Mylovanov), the Horn of Africa (Alex de Waal); the importance of the EU’s justice instrument (Iavor Rangelov); and how EU cyber security policy is human rights focused rather than state focussed (Genevieve Schmeder and Emmanuel Darmois).


Constance Cumbey said...

Phyllis Schlafly died yesterday and I'm just now hearing the news. We all owe her a great debt of gratitude for her tireless work to educate many on critical issues over the years. She was 92 years old at the time of her death.


Constance Cumbey said...

to all: Please forgive my sarcasm on the second to last post -- I was very irritated to the Puh-leez on the information I gave on the European army.


Anonymous said...


He still figures prominently from the sidelines.
Global strategy (2016) with church leadership involvement. They are still progressing to provide peace and security...

Anonymous said...



Dan Bryan said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonyous, Constance, Thanks for the new discussion.
I always believed there would be a resurgence of Europe, not that I wanted it.
Additionally in doing so there needed to be a diminished USA, a plan that has been in the works for the last 50+ years with the decimation of our manufacturing base.

Watching the video on the next page I noted a label in the video of an educational program geared around what industry wants in their worker.

As it turns out EU Erasus+ has a strong Jesuit partner in University Ignatianum in Krakow.

Anonymous said...


"It adds the newspaper quoted the diplomat Solana profile and extensive experience at international level would make both the US and the EU welcomed his appointment they saw . A key support for Spain would not lose visibility into the overall picture on account of its internal political wrangling .

However , for now it is a possibility, although it seems the name better placed , the Solana is added to another list of names of politicians who could build consensus already nominated or already talked to accept this difficult mission could be entrusted to them ."

Article is from earlier this year.
I think he is still very much sought after.
Will he somehow make a comeback in the right "crisis" ?
I think you are correct to watch him for so long, Constance, because there may still be much to see....

Anonymous said...

My 9:56 AM post "Such an informative well thought out post!" was also intended to be sarcastic but I have no conviction to apologize.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 6:44 PM

As we always said, CONSIDER THE SOURCE!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


On all fronts, they are hoping to get their act together.

Constance Cumbey said...

I'm reading the referenced European Union reports. The writing style of the new European strategy report appears somewhat more concise and less stilted than Javier Solana's. The globalistic aspirations are clearly there -- I'm disturbed by the control it would give to the United Nations -- I'm wondering how much in charge Federica Mogherini is. She was raised and was active politically in a very leftist milieu -- but still, her very decent instincts kicked in along with Prime Minister Renzi of Italy in securing the release of Mariam Ibrahim from the Sudanese imprisonment, torture and threatened death she was facing. My current impressions of Ms. Mogherini are that given our times and seasons, she may be about as good as it currently gets -- but then again, if some of you from Britain or the EU have better information, I'm all ears.


Constance Cumbey said...

I'm drafting a new post on Common Core and its occult roots that is part of my research on a new book I'm working up -- it's time for any decent person my age to go to bed, so it is saved as a draft for tonight.


Constance Cumbey said...

Re Federica Mogherini -- I have to confess that if we had an election and the choice were between Hillary Clinton and Federica Mogherini, I would vote for Mogherini. I wonder if the two women have yet met? Probably. Both Hillary and I are old enough to be her mother -- I have a son a few years older.


Constance Cumbey said...

On the other hand, vis a vis Federica Mogherini, she seems to be echoing Javier Solana's old positions on the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East:


Is she speaking her own convictions? The LeMesurier book THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT keeps ringing in my head as well as bible prophetic warnings.


Constance Cumbey said...

This may answer part of the above question:



Constance Cumbey said...


Europe as a Peace project? Rethinking EU Strategy towards conflict in the neighbourhood and beyond

Date: 24 May 2016
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: OLD 4.10, Old Building, LSE
Chair: Robert Cooper
Speakers: Dr Javier Solana, Professor Mary Kaldor
Europe is surrounded by war. But current approaches to conflict no longer work. Can the EU offer a 21st century alternative? This event is the UK launch of the ‘Berlin Report’ – result of a joint project of the LSE Human Security Study Group and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, London Office to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini : From Hybrid peace to Human Security. The Report is a formal part of the roadmap of consultations for the Strategic Review of EU External Policy. It draws on research undertaken at the LSE ‘s research programmes Security in Transition and Justice and Security.

Javier Solana is president of ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (Barcelona-Madrid), and distinguished fellow in Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution. He is also a visiting professor at the London School of Economics. From 1999 to 2009, Dr. Solana was Secretary General of the Council of the European Union (EU) and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU; and from 1995 to 1999, Secretary General of NATO.

Mary Kaldor is Professor of Global Governance, Director of the Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit and CEO of the DFID-funded Justice and Security Research Programme at the London School of Economics. Her books include Human Security: Reflections on Globalization and Intervention (2007), Global Civil Society: An Answer to War (2003) and New and Old Wars: Organised Violence in a Global Era (1999). She was co-chair of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly, a member of the International Independent Commission on Kosovo, and convenor of the Human Security Study Group, which reported to Javier Solana, and now to Federica Mogherini.


RayB said...

Does the tool of the Globalist Elite, Hillary Clinton, have Parkinson's Disease? She just had another strange incident, in which she seemingly has the inability to walk forward into an awaiting vehicle, as she leaves the 9/11 ceremony early ... due to what her campaign states as she being "over heated."

Here is a very interesting video in which an MD helps us to understand what may be her true medical condition:


Craig said...

Well, I don't know for sure about the Parkinson's diagnosis (without actually seeing the patient), but it's clear to me that pro-Hillary fans are giving Dr. Ted Noel negative reviews based on the content of the video rather than his bedside manner:


RayB said...

The Democratic vice-presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, is predicting the Roman Catholic church may eventually change its opposition to same-sex marriage.

Kaine, a Roman Catholic senator from Virginia, told Human Rights Campaign’s national dinner on Saturday that he had changed his mind on the issue and his church may follow suit one day.

“I think it’s going to change because my church also teaches me about a creator who, in the first chapter of Genesis, surveyed the entire world, including mankind, and said, ‘It is very good,’” Kaine told the gathering in Washington. He then recalled Pope Francis’s remark that “who am I to judge?” in reference to gay priests.

“I want to add: ‘who am I to challenge God for the beautiful diversity of the human family?’ I think we’re supposed to celebrate it, not challenge it,” Kaine said.

Uh, DUH, Tim Kaine, God said "it is GOOD" BEFORE the fall. Once sin and rebellion entered the world, it eventually led to God DESTROYING the earth via the flood ... all because of the wickedness. They all thought they were beautifully "diverse" too. Typically, those that are on the side of Satan use the Scriptures in a manner that is deceptive. In this case, Kaine is counting on his hearers ignorance to accept what he is saying as true, when in fact it is a lie.

Let's not forget this: Time Kaine is, just like his "pope," a Jesuit. They have an amazing history of spreading turmoil and rebellion against the God of the Bible. Are they doing now what their predecessors have done throughout history? "Can a leopard change its spots?"

Susanna said...


At one time, Federica Mogherini (the Italian foreign minister) received a lot of heat on Twitter from those who did not wish to see her become EU Policy Chief for being too pro-Russia and Southstream pipeline.

Recall that Javier Solana is now closely affiliated with Strobe Talbott at the Brookings Institute and that Talbott was once dubbed "Russia's Man in Washington" by Ken Timmerman. Solana was involved in Ukraine politics.

The main objections to Mogherini can be summed up by this article in the Wall Street Journal

Italy's Federica Mogherini is soft on Russia when Europe needs firmness.

A couple of choice excerpts (emphasis mine):

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite was more elliptical in her remarks, telling reporters that Ms. Ashton's successor mustn't "provide a narrow or very controversial position, especially on Ukraine." That's another way of hinting that Rome's accommodationist posture toward Moscow, which has continued under Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, isn't acceptable to people who freed themselves from the yoke of Russian misrule a generation ago.

It would be easy to dismiss these concerns as so much Baltic paranoia were it not for the fact that Ms. Mogherini traveled to Russia soon after Italy assumed the rotating EU presidency earlier this month. Nor did it help her cause that the visit elicited an upbeat write-up from Russia's state-run Itar-Tass news agency.

...Then there is the South Stream project, a still-pending Russian pipeline that pointedly circumvents Ukraine, depriving Kiev of transit revenues. The project, Ms. Mogherini said in Moscow, is "very important for the energy security of our country, as well as that of the entire European area." The Ukrainians see its embrace by the Italians as a betrayal of Europe's offer of greater economic integration. They, and the Balts, view Rome as using the EU presidency to advance its own interests rather than the imperative of collective security.


Since I do not have direct access to the mind of Federica Mogherini, I would not presume to say what her motives were with regard to the rescue of Mariam Ibrahim.

But to quote T.S. Eliot's famous line in his play entitled MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL:

The last temptation is the greatest treason

To do the right thing for the wrong reason

Susanna said...

P.S. Catherine Ray, the lead spokeswoman for our Ms. Mogherini, EU’s Foreign Policy Chief, is married to a partner in a Brussels’s public relations firm that lobbies for the RU state-owned natural gas monopoly GAZPROM...


Susanna said...

P.P.S. Looks like Mogherini is following in the footsteps of Renzi who was the only EU head of government who made a mockery out of Italy's signature on the Budapest Memorandum when he argued against further sanctions on Russia for its actions in Ukraine at the EU summit in Brussels in October, 2014.

Renzi has also lobbied in support of the Gazprom-backed South Stream gas-pipeline project that would bypass Ukraine and supply Russian gas to Italy and other EU countries via Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Romania.

Incidentally, the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances was a political agreement which included a guarantee of Ukraine's security in exchange for their willingness to give up their cache of nukes. Before that, Ukraine had the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile, of which Ukraine had physical if not operational control.

I'll bet Ukraine is really glad she trusted Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and Boris Yeltsin. (sarcasm off)


Constance Cumbey said...

It's hard for me to say that Ms. Mogherini did the right thing vis a vis Mariam Ibrahim for the wrong reasons. I tend to believe that the more decent motives of Renzi and Mogherini kicked in on that one. If she was faking it, she was faking it wonderfully well -- the picture of her carrying that child off the plane was deeply touching. It was said at the time that Renzi did it because of his Catholic convictions.


Anonymous said...

A significant step was recently taken towards reinstating the Temple service when the nascent Sanhedrin selected Rabbi Baruch Kahane as the next Kohen Gadol (high priest). The selection was made as a precaution for Yom Kippur. If the political conditions should change, allowing the Jews access to the Temple Mount, they will be required by Torah law to bring the sacrifices. Rabbi Kahane is confident that if that should happen, Temple service could begin in less than one week.
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/74772/sanhedrin-appoints-high-priest-preparation-third-temple/#x6CyDbSqVcFGufYG.99

Anonymous said...

In her 1948 book The Reappearance of the Christ, New Age matriarch Alice Bailey and her spirit guide Djwhal Khul describe how the path to their New Age God will be based on an “immanent” God that is “within every form of life”:

. . . a fresh orientation to divinity and to the acceptance of the fact of God Transcendent and of God Immanent within every form of life. These are the foundational truths upon which the world religion of the future will rest.3 (emphasis added)

Likewise, in his 1980 book, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, New Age channeler Benjamin Creme, states that the New World Religion will be based on the proposition that “Christ” is “immanent”—“in man and all creation”:

But eventually a new world religion will be inaugurated which will be a fusion and synthesis of the approach of the East and the approach of the West. The Christ will bring together, not simply Christianity and Buddhism, but the concept of God transcendent—outside of His creation—and also the concept of God immanent in all creation—in man and all creation.4 (emphasis added)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 6:37 AM.

I've been watching all of this for quite a while now.
Rather quietly, but still on target, piece by piece the whole puzzle is taking shape.
As it happens, I am reading Revelation in my Bible daily schedule, right now. It reads fresh and energized, even though I don't totally understand all I'm reading just yet.

But I do know that much is ready, with not much more to go, mostly some fine tuning.

There is a showdown in the making.

RayB said...

Jesuit Dem. VP Nominee Tim Kaine and his extreme leftist radical roots. He has a well documented history of being a liberation theology Marxist (not at all uncommon for a Jesuit) ... and if Hillary is elected, and dies in office, he will be our next President.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous 7:35:

Your quotes and observations are correct.


CURIOUS said...


What makes you think a Jesuit is worse than a New Ager, a Buddhist, an atheist? Aren't they supposed to be about the Society of Jesus??? What about the Jesuits who never went New Age? Aren't there serious divisions within the Jesuit orders?

Just curious and anonymous!

Anonymous said...

"They said the leap forward would amount to the creation of a real common security policy, “an instrument created by the Lisbon Treaty that has not been used until today”."

(getting ready for something out of Daniel 11:40-45??)
Perhaps lots of plans are in place just waiting for their cue...

Richard said...

"The Christ will bring together, not simply Christianity and Buddhism, but the concept of God transcendent—outside of His creation—and also the concept of God immanent in all creation—in man and all creation.4 (emphasis added)"

I think he will go further and veer off slightly. When Daniel and John speak of him blaspheming against God Himself, is it merely cursing and spitting? Or could it be that outright denial that there is a God and that he, the anti-christ, with his connection to the rebel host feigning an ET arrival, will claim that he (or they) are the progenitors of man? The ultimate blasphemy of all. If they claim that they evolved into god-status, then why not mankind?

Incredibly, the Talmud and Kabbalah also accommodate perfectly an 'extra-terrestrial' flavor in this whole end-time business of the coming anti-messiah. I suggest all of you read about this Armilus character written about in certain Jewish extra-biblical texts. He is near identical to the antichrist in description. Is this who the rabbis wait for?

See Ram's Head Press

RayB said...

In case you missed it ... here is Hillary calling "half of Trump's supporters in the basket of deplorables." Are YOU in that basket?

Are you against the abomination of homosexual marriage? Are you against Open Borders? Are you for honest free-trade? Do you favor an America First foreign affairs policy? Are you against Globalism? Are you against Islamo-fascist terrorism? Are you against the murder of babies in the womb?

According to Hillary, if you answer "yes" to those questions, YOU are "deplorable."

And this woman wants to "unite" us ... because we are "stronger together?" She trashed literally millions of Americans, how is that uniting us?


Susanna said...

Radio talk show host Howie Carr already has a tee shirt.


His and others mentioned at the following site.


Also there is a political ad showing the massive crowds that show up for Trump that reads:


If it weren't to violate a copyright, I would have one made with a picture of the minions on it that reads"


RayB said...

I feel really DEPLORABLE in sending this link. A little background on David Seaman; he is a self-confessed liberal journalist that wrote for the Huffington Post. Prior to the 9/11 Hillary fainting spell, David wrote articles that merely questioned the state of Hillary's health. Apparently that was too much for the Huff Post so they fired him. He then started a Youtube channel and has a very big following ... unfortunately, Youtube doesn't like what he is doing either, so they are cancelling his channel.

Take the time to watch this short video, along with David Seaman's comments. Keep in mind, had this video not surfaced, the "overheated" spin would have succeeded. The Clinton Spin Machine went into high gear once they found out the video was posted by FOX ... and concocted the phony pneumonia story.

This woman has advanced Parkinson's Disease, and is showing all the classic symptoms, which not only includes loss of motor skills, fainting, tripping, sporadic coughing fits (due to choking on saliva), strange reactions to sudden movements, along with experiencing a "medical event" due to a reaction to a variety of lighting conditions. Sun glasses with blue lenses (same type she wore on 9/11) are commonly prescribed to Parkinson's Disease patients. Had she been taken to an ER, which is Secret Service protocol, they would have quickly diagnosed what her REAL condition is ... and ... that info would have eventually leaked. Precisely why they took her to her daughter's apartment instead.

Watch the video ... the woman can't even stand up, let alone move towards the vehicle without falling.


Marko said...

Susanna... I'll bet someone gets the rights to use that slogan, and they'll make a ton of money almost overnight!

Someone should take that famous line from the Bugs Bunny - Daffy Duck cartoon where Daffy says "You're.... you're ... you're despicable!" only dub in "deplorable". :^)

Marko said...


You said "If she was faking it, she was faking it wonderfully well."

Let me put in another word for keeping Russia in the equation (which Susanna has done already). We all should realize by now that *everything* Russia does (and those working for her best interests), are very good at "faking it", no matter what the "it" is.

I think a very big "it" is the ongoing attempt to unify Europe and Asia into one giant Eurasian Union. Russian agents have infiltrated and influenced the UN and the EU for so long now, it's no wonder that people have called it the "EUSSR".

They play chess, we play checkers. Or we're not even at the table and off playing Chutes and Ladders....

Susanna said...


Don't forget about the secret deal Obama has just made with Russia regarding Syria.


Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton KUNDALINI Spirit Manifestation? A Closer Look!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and this...

RayB said...

Best quote I've seen in quite awhile:

"Half of Trump's supporters are deplorable. Half of Clinton's supporters are deportable."

It's a fact; the Democrats are working overtime to "register" millions of undocumented, illegal immigrants so that they can "vote" for the pro-amnesty Hillary.

Trump has his faults, but Hillary would be an absolute disaster as President. Radical "judges" would be appointed onto the Federal bench, the Justice Department would be a hand-cuffed servant of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and the final, radical, anti-American pick(s) will be made (to replace the pro-Constituion Justice Scalia) on the USSC.

As Nigel Farage (BREXIT advocate in Great Britain) has stated, this election is America's "BREXIT moment." We have a real chance to stop the Globalists in their tracks and upset their plans for the establishment of a One World Government dictatorship. If Hillary wins, the NWO will have won a huge victory. Our individual freedoms are at stake ... if you don't believe that, you are in deep denial.

omots said...

Where will they put the new EU military HQ?


Anonymous said...


"At an informal summit in Bratislava, Slovakia, on September 16... France and Germany will for the first time activate Article 44 of the Lisbon Treaty (also known as the European Constitution). This clause allows certain EU member states "which are willing and have the necessary capability" to proceed with the "task" of defense integration, even if other EU member states disapprove."

The full report can be read at Gatestone Institute, includes a helpful Appendix with key dates in developments thus far - http://tinyurl.com/h7pxr7o

~ K ~

Craig said...

Anon 3:46AM,

That does seem to resemble a 'Toronto Blessing' style reaction to an "anointing". It almost seemed like the phone that the other lady was holding was some sort of conduit. The initial reaction of that lady to Clinton's reaction appeared to be surprise, then nervous laughter.

I've witnessed this sort of thing first hand.

Anonymous said...

You saw the very same thing I did @ 10:53 AM, OMOTS.
Yes, indeed....
...where, oh where, will they put the new HQ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From 11:07 PM link.

"Yes, we need a vision for the long term. And the Commission will set out such a vision for the future in a White Paper in March 2017, in time for the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome."

paul said...

Nice that Hitlary went to visit her grandchildren whilst battling Pneumonia, huh?
Did they sit on her lap and play patticake patticake ...cough-cough ?

Anonymous said...

Here are some very interesting blog posts related to possession. The author holds a variety of New Age beliefs (divinity within man), but also has a good grasp on relationship between chemical dependency and demonic possession.


RayB said...

Paul ...

I saw an interview with Clinton's campaign manager where he said that Hillary was "chasing her two little grand kids all over Chelsea's apartment" ... this was right after her neurological collapse. Had the SS agents not caught her, she would have landed face first down onto the curb, then tumbled right into the gutter.

RayB said...

Hillary Clinton believes that it is the GOVERNMENT that needs to "shape" kids' thinking, etc. as stated directly here from her Facebook page:

Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton 22h22 hours ago
As @FLOTUS said, the choice in this election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four years of their lives.

Also pledging to make children part and parcel of the brainwashed One World System is none other than Black Lives Matter:

"More recently, the George Soros funded Black Lives Matter vowed to destroy the nuclear family and replace it with communitarian-style collective parenting."

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable,” states BlackLivesMatter.com on its “guiding principles” page.

Anonymous said...


Those pesky globalists are gonna have to pull a mighty big rabbit outta their hat.
If it is time for them to do so, they will....

Anonymous said...


Maybe a rabbit is waiting in this one.

Constance Cumbey said...

I'm currently helping a friend with a legal emergency. Time to go to bed -- I'll be doing the radio program, 10 am Eastern Time (7 am Pacific time) later this morning. You can call in live for questions - inputs by calling 208-935-0094.


Constance Cumbey said...

One last word before retiring -- Hillary once wrote a book, IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD. In response, I had Tee Shirts imprinted with this


Scary woman!


RayB said...

IRS records show that, in 2014, of the $91+ Million the Clinton Foundation in contributions, only 5.7% was actually distributed to charities! That means, for every dollar donated, the Clinton Foundation KEPT 94 cents! Is it any wonder Chelsea can "afford" a $10 MILLION Manhattan apartment? It sure didn't come from her husband, he ran a hedge fund right into the ground.

Hillary used her position as Sec. of State as a "pay for play" money gathering scheme. Her real reason for orchestrating the revolt in Libya was (revealed in her emails) to benefit her friends that had enormous business interests there. "We came, we saw, he died ... heeee, heeee, heeee."

And some people actually wonder why they are referred to as the "Clinton Crime Syndicate?"


Dan Bryan said...

The Chemtrail Conspiracy BOMBSHELL! Secret Agenda Explained!

Geoengineering is a multi-billion dollar initiative.
Whether they are trying to cool the earth, or enhance weather as a force multiplier weapon, or they are testing a genocide weapon they are polluting the air and water supplies. Maybe they are trying to create the global warming needed to convince you there is a climate change problem.

paul said...

Dan Bryan,
Thanks for the link, though the truth is a bitter pill.
Truth tastes good in the mouth and then the belly gets bitter.
Whatever they're trying to do, it amounts to playing god.
They'll just say they were trying to keep things from getting
over heated. But black soot ain't working for my lungs.
Of course asthma/seasonal allergies/emphasema/COPD/ etc., are all
very good for the pharma giants.
My Advair prescription costs nearly $400.00/month.
I doubt it's worth much more than a dollar, probably less.
My hunch is that they're just driven by good ol' greed / avarice.

Even so come quickly Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

James Corbett's take on the EU army and other things:


Anonymous said...

From the headquarters of the EU.


Very sick.

Constance Cumbey said...

Vis a Vis James Corbett: Interesting! I found Elaine DeWar's book CLOAK OF GREEN -- that I thought was long lost, but like the proverbial needle in a haystack of my library, I found it and am re-reading. I decided to google "Elaine DeWar" and "Cloak of Green" and found a James Corbett youtube video of an interview with her recorded February 1, 2016 in the wake of Maurice Strong's death and Canadian memorials. I'll read what he has to say about the EU Army with interest!



RayB said...

First hand account of the corruption of the Clintons, and their connection to fraud and the drug trade. Fast forward to 5:20 on this video to see the account of a former Haitian Senate President, and how and why Bill Clinton sent a man to bribe him, on Clinton's behalf, back when Clinton was President.

I have first had accounts from missionaries regarding the corruption associated with "aid" to these countries. One missionary told me that virtually NOTHING that is donated to these nations reaches the people in need. If the grant is money, the politicians keep it. If the donation is in hard goods, they SELL it to the people that are in need for a profit ... and the Clinton Foundation is right in the middle of all this corruption.

Here's the video ... fast forward to 5:20 ...


RayB said...

Just a quick note:

ISIS has taken credit for the recent bombings and stabbings at the Minnesota mall.

Expect more of this ... as in A LOT MORE.

This is precisely what you get when literally tens of thousands are allowed to infiltrate into this country via a virtual "open borders" policy.

Reports from Border Patrol agents state that many coming across the border with Mexico are from Middle Eastern nations.

Has the US Government gone completely insane, OR, is this part of a much bigger plan designed to create chaos, then offer a solution by taking complete control via some type of dictatorship?

When it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck ...

Anonymous said...


Would you explain why Bill Hybels, one of the most important and influential Protestant Evangelical pastors in the United States, is speaking with Melinda Gates at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit? Is Melinda Gates and the Gates Foundation representative of the moral beliefs of Protestant Evangelical Christianity today? If not, why have you remained silent about this?

Thank you!

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...

I am a New Age monitor of this blog. Indian Country Today Media Network, the world's largest Indian/Indigenous news source, occasionally posts a selective comment or two, rarely three, on its articles. It regularly posts my comments on a world-renowned indigenous peoples rights activist's articles. The url to my New Age website is included in some of my comments. One of my most recent comments reminds me of your [or Constance Cumbey's] book "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow". My comment reads. Good article Mr. ... I believe that the solution is the assimilation of the entire human race into the New Age retribalization of the world movement. On my website, located at http://www.towahkon.org/Tomssite.html, I first present a short summary of my indigenous peoples' rights advocacy work and related hippie countercultural New Age mission." At the end of the summary I have news statements related to the summary. One of the news statements reads: On Aug. 12, 2016, I sent a family letter to my uncles and aunt of the Mr. & Mrs. I.C. Rainbow family. Along with the letter I enclosed a print out of the above [summary] material. In the letter I wrote: "From since the early 1970's to this current time, I have been prophesying consistently that our family name, the Rainbow family, was providentially given to us as a divine sign related to a very important global mission of ours." A sentence in my (linked to) above introductory article reads: "During the 1983 Rainbow family reunion my uncle Don Rainbow, after talking with me about my mission to retribalize the world, which included (and still includes) my goal to tribalize the I. C. Rainbow family, he addressed the seventeen families gathered together at the reunion and said, "a rainbow is a sign of God's salvation plan and I believe that we may be used to glorify God more than any other family in the world." Wahkon, MN. is where I live and I have been prophesying for many years that it is where the I. C. Rainbow family will come together in kinship tribalism. An hour or so after I sent (from Wahkon) the Aug. 12, 2016 letter to my Rainbow family uncles and aunt a rainbow appeared in the sky above the City of Wahkon. I took a few videos and several pictures of the rainbow. I believe it was a divine sign confirming my mission. A youtube.com video of this rainbow is located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HWtfguvuhc

Anonymous said...

Bill Hybels is just one of those who well-represents apostasy from the non-catholic side of religion. Things will be reaching the apostasy saturation point before too much longer.
It's another one of those great big kumbaya moments, (these self-important people push and shove for), that seeks the Lord's blessing on what is a big blanket of religion, with all the bells, whistles, and trinkets that are mere blow and show, and not about the true Gospel of Christ. Inclusive where God is not. That is to their shame.
The church is married to the world, but Jesus died outside of the camp. So many calling themselves christians, are clueless about what that really means.

Anonymous said...

This year's Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit is hardly confined just to one Protestant church. On the contrary, it is telecast live from Willow Creek's campus every August to more than 500 locations in North America. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place in an additional 600+ cities, 128 countries—translated into 59 languages.

How many Protestant churches are participating in this event? RayB's silence in the face of such a massive Protestant event is quite deafening.

Dan Bryan said...


Do you have any thoughts on the speakers of this leadership event at Willow Creek?
I recall the infiltration of NewAge concepts and ideas into business. Now it sees to be attaching itself to the Protestant church though these summits.

It would be interesting to see or know if Melinda Gates will hear the plan of salvation while rubbing elbows with this group?

Donald Trump did not fair vary well with the evangelicals he rubbed elbows with.


RayB said...

To Anonymous @ 2:30 AM & 3:41 PM (assuming you are the same "Anonymous") ...

I think Anonymous @ 10:39 AM summed up quite well the situation. I would add the following:

First, I am not an "evangelical" and really don't pay much attention to them at all. Furthermore, your mentioning of "Willow Creek" is the first I've heard about it. As to the globalists Bill & Melinda Gates' involvement in Willow Creek, that in itself speaks volumes about its false goals.

Second, your use of the word "Protestant" is rather interesting. That term was originally applied to those Christians that stood against not only the false authority of Rome, but also, the false state religion of the Church of England. Both were oppressive systems that sought to rule over the souls of individuals. Those that "protested" against these systems were more often than not, severely punished, imprisoned and even suffered loss of life. I think you would agree that the use of the term "Protestant" has no meaning if those that are tagged with that label no longer "protests" against much of anything. A new term needs to be applied to them in order to describe their "truth if possible, but peace at all cost" principles; perhaps Compromisants?

By the way, the framers of our Bill of Rights knew first hand what abuses that would occur had they allowed the establishment of a "state" religion. They wisely protected our INDIVIDUAL freedom of religion, because they knew first hand the abuses that both the state religion of Roman Catholicism and the Church of England had inflicted upon their ancestors. It is an uncontested fact that the bulk of those that fled to the "New World" were doing so in order to flee the shackles of "state" religions.

I write this with the full expectation that you probably won't agree with a word I say. So be it. You aren't the One I seek to please.

Anonymous said...


Your double standards are showing! Let's drop the term Protestant and refer to Bible-Only believers, which both you and Bill Hybels are.

Every time the Pope or Joe Biden sneezes you complain if Susanna doesn't comment about it and impute their opinions and actions to all Catholics, yet when one of the largest Bible-Only believer churches in America, led by one of the leading Bible-Only believing pastors in the world, sponsors Melinda Gates and broadcasts it to over 500 locations in North America you claim these actions have nothing whatsoever to do with you. Hypocrite!

Anonymous said...


...enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon.......

RayB said...

Just another example of idolatry in the RCC ... literally hundreds of people lining up to "pay homage" to a dead person's dead "heart."


Anonymous said...

Why idolize this "middle" man's heart? He cannot bring anyone closer to God. That's just the muddle religion makes of the things of God.

There is only One Middle Man to bridge that gap.

The One Who was crucified, right square in the middle of two thieves at Golgotha. He is the One who can bring those who trust Him, justified by His blood, into the presence of God.
No, thank you. Dead religion can keep it's "middle" man.
My hope is that people will trust the LIVING GOD instead.

Three men on the mountain, up on Calvary.
And the Man in the middle was Jesus.
He died for you and me.

Constance Cumbey said...

Looking at what is happening in North Carolina tonight, it is difficult to come up with any word but "apocalyptic" for the scenes.

May the Lord help us all!


Constance Cumbey said...

To 7:21 pm

Beautiful remarks -- I'm not so quick to condemn religion, but you are right that Jesus Christ is our answer.


Constance Cumbey said...

Thanks to 3:05 pm for directing me to Solana's very telling Syndicate article. This part particularly caught my eyes -- the PERMANENT STRUCTURED COOPERATION that Herb Peters and I used to discuss in the past while Herb was still with us. Herb died in 2007.

But such cooperation requires a strategic headquarters for all EU security-related operations, rather than maintaining the current model whereby operational centers are established on an ad hoc basis. Moreover, in order for the EU to achieve strategic autonomy, it needs a competitive European defense industry, with investment in research and development of defense technologies rising substantially as part of a common effort.
The European Defense Agency’s Capabilities Development Plan was designed precisely with these requirements in mind. Advancing this plan will enable optimized use of existing member-state resources – thereby securing advantageous economic synergies – as well as precise identification of the additional resources required to achieve our goals.
The legal basis for a mechanism for permanent, structured cooperation on security already exists, enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon. Treaty provisions enable willing EU states to reinforce their military cooperation and deploy quickly for shared missions abroad. Activating this mechanism has been part of recent discussions within the European Council and seems to be the most viable way to deepen defense integration. And an EU with security and defense as one of its pillars would boost Europe’s global weight.


Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,
This is 7:21 PM.
Thank you.

And I do understand what you are saying about religion. I take your point, and know that it is nothing in and of itself in it's sum total, because true religion always gives the limelight to the Lord, always points exclusively to Jesus Christ, our answer, to the exclusion of all others.
It is because it is the apostate age I wrote this, and rather pointedly, yes, because the "knock-off" brand of religion is alive and well out there today, stealing the limelight from the what-actually Who-is the real thing.

And discerning minds want to know the difference.
I pray for discernment often. I find I need it, and I am certainly not alone in that. The devil is deceitful and an angel of "light". The Bible is so clear on this, that we must guard our hearts and minds. More and more, the enemy of the Best (Jesus), is guess what? That which is only good...
Is getting down to the wire in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

One more thought to my 11:00 AM, response, Constance.
What I am referring to is not found in one or two denominations, but what is dead within denominationalism itself. That is across the board. The unnatural growth of the mustard seed into a big tree Jesus showed us in Luke 13:18-21.

Luk 13:18 Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it?
Luk 13:19 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.
Luk 13:20 And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God?
Luk 13:21 It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

RayB said...

To Anonymous ....

Very insightful posts. Only those that have been "born of the Spirit" know the real difference between the "Kingdom of God within" vs the false membership in the "kingdom" by merely being a member of a denomination, be it RCC, or so-called "protestantism."

It is so clear in Scripture, that the main "religious" sect of His time on earth opposed Jesus more than anyone else combined. There were those too in His time that were extremely "religious" and those that even "believed" in Him, and yet, were not members of His Kingdom, as illustrated in John 8:30-59.

Satan truly has his representatives that hide behind the cloak of "religion" that even come in Christ's name, proclaiming that He is in fact the Messiah! They appear as "angels of light" deceiving many. How are we to discern this? ONLY by trusting in the authority of God's Word.

All false religions ultimately oppose God's authoritative Word because it is His Word that exposes their lies and deception. All false "christian" denominations, without exception, incorporate the Bible along with the authority established by the "teachings of men." This has always been Satan's favorite scheme and means in which to deceive "if possible, even the elect."

Anonymous said...

EU Army

With Brussels being mentioned a few times as the proposed base for the EU HQ, and talk of wanting the US air base in Ramstein to be shuttered, from a layman's perspective, it's looking a lot like the EU really want to undermine NATO.


1 - GERMANY has upped its anti American rhetoric amid turbulent political times in the country. Mrs Merkel's party is threatening to close the US Air Force base Ramstein. Now under fire Angela Merkel's former defence minister is suggesting expelling the USA from Ramstein Air Base. Former State Secretary Willy Wimmer of the politically tanking CDU German Christian Democratic Party says he wants to shutter the NATO base in Rhineland-Palatinate, a state in south-western Germany.

tiny link to full report - http://tinyurl.com/z6cw2qb


2 - UK will DEFEND its own military interests and NATO against any EU army.
BRITAIN will resist new European Union defence proposals if it feels they undermine NATO, British officials have said in a warning to France and Germany. [snip]

... But Britain's attitude is a sign that despite momentum, the EU's biggest push on defence since the 1990s could still fail.

Britain maintains full EU voting rights until it leaves the bloc and is expected at diplomatic meetings as the proposals are discussed and slowly implemented.

Brexit negotiations are expected to take two years, starting from early 2017.

Rainer Arnold, parliamentary defence spokesman for Germany's Social Democrats, the junior partner in government, said: "We expect Britain to abstain when it comes to a vote on the issue of increased European defence cooperation.

"They can't prevent anything from happening in the long run, so it would make sense if they stayed out of it."

tiny link to full report - http://tinyurl.com/gq99er6

~ K ~

paul said...

RayB@ 1:12
One of the O.T. prophesies regarding the Messiah says that when he comes, He will not judge according to sight or according to sound; (which is my paraphrase), but then when Jesus finally appeared he said "by their fruits you will know them".
Talk is cheap. Look at all the things that Obama has done, in contrast to what he says.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marko said...

From the excellent "Window on Eurasia" blog, some interesting observations about the direction Russia is heading -- toward becoming the new "Christian Nation" (replacing the decadent USA), or a nation descending into Barbarism:



Short answer: Barbarism.

Dan Bryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

Georgia ACLU Leader Quits Over Young Daughters’ Encounter With Men in Women’s Restroom

The head of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has resigned from her position over her disagreement on transgender restroom use following an experience where her own young daughters became frightened in encountering three large men in the women’s restroom.

Maya Dillard Smith says that she realized that her values were different from those of the ACLU, which has backed the Obama administration’s controversial transgender restroom mandate for schools and has expressed opposition against North Carolina’s restroom law...

RayB said...

UN Demands US Pay Blacks Reparations ... for "racial terrorism" and "slavery."


Anonymous said...

Maybe some are still holding out hope, but in my thinking it's a global world now. We have passed the point of no return, I don't care who is "elected" president of the U.S.
It was turned over a while back and the American people (well some of them), are just now noticing that, for all practical purposes, national sovereignty (and states rights) have been thrown away. Obama is just finishing what was started, and with gusto. He seems, to me, to have a deadline for the "American Experiment" to end.
In my opinion at least, G.H.W. Bush's more pragmatic, businesslike, rather than constitutionally principled view of America among the nations, set a course that has only gained momentum. Good for "global business" for a select few perhaps, while true liberties became compromised for a so-called "greater good" so leadership before that time was, by comparison, haphazard and still somewhat unfocused, there was still opportunity to turn back... But where was the outcry about what was taking place? Anyone can see how each president thereafter has followed suit to abandon the ideals of free people that America was founded on. Bush Jr, was slightly halt to follow suit in some arenas, but nonetheless, kept the sail set.

With sadness in my heart I acknowledge that my once great God blessed nation, has lost her way. Will there be another civil war then, and international law be fully brought in? I wonder...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:59 pm It may just be me, but I think your commentary is the best I've seen in a long time here. It deals with why information on the New Age network was shared in 1982 and what has happened since. For years this blog has been filled with distractions of many different kinds. Of course pieces of information have added to the larger picture, details showing what is going on.

Recently I came across information about Vladimir Bukovsky, a dissident in the Soviet Union during the '60s and '70s. He left in 1977 in an exchange. His autobiography is a bit pricey but worth every dollar. He also wrote To Choose Freedom. There are several copies available for a penny plus $3.99 shipping. His analysis of the West, the FSU, and the relations between both sides are extremely on target. Sometimes when he writes about how the FSU is a dictatorship and how people are treated, one would think he was writing about the West. There is no mention of New Age in his writings The Fabian movement, an early aspect of the New Age movement led to development of the communist society. The goal of New Age is a One World Government dictatorship. I think you would find many things in the book well worth underlining.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:59 pm It may just be me, but I think your commentary is the best I've seen in a long time here. It deals with why information on the New Age network was shared in 1982 and what has happened since. For years this blog has been filled with distractions of many different kinds. Of course pieces of information have added to the larger picture, details showing what is going on.

Anonymous 11:59 pm Recently I came across information about Vladimir Bukovsky, a dissident in the Soviet Union during the '60s and '70s. He left in 1977 in an exchange. His autobiography is a bit pricey but worth every dollar. He also wrote To Choose Freedom. There are several copies available for a penny plus $3.99 shipping. His analysis of the West, the FSU, and the relations between both sides are extremely on target. Sometimes when he writes about how the FSU is a dictatorship and how people are treated, one would think he was writing about the West. There is no mention of New Age in his writings The Fabian movement, an early aspect of the New Age movement led to development of the communist society. The goal of New Age is a One World Government dictatorship. I think you would find many things in the book well worth underlining. (Second attempt to post this.)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:59 Twice I tried to respond to your comment and both times it disappeared. We have passed the point of no return, and this blog is proof of it. Censorship of expression is a great big sign that we have moved into a controlled dictatorship. Time to acknowledge we need an underground samizdat just to share memories of past freedoms.

Anonymous said...

So what is next?..

All I know is, one must be careful what they ask for....they just might get it.

When you kick God to the curb, and proceed in your own willfulness, He obliges.

America by way of example, has forgotten Who founded this nation. And chose leaders to govern her with scant memory, and primarily no desire to look higher. The basest of people, from a now largely unprincipled base and willfully ignorant people, have enslaved her.

Bad belief and bad culture walk hand in hand.

RayB said...

To Anonymous @10:15 & 10:45 AM ..

I have been a Christian for about 40 years now. Early on, I noticed that the professing Christian Church was asleep, dosing away on the false "pre-trib rapture" theory, along with a very heavy dose as well of "decisional" regeneration coupled with the heresy of Antinomianism, i.e., Christians have no obligation to follow God's Law/Word because they are "saved" and that after all, is all that matters. Also, ecumenicalism gained a large foothold (promoted heavily by the ever popular Billy Graham) which further eroded the sole authority of God's Word.

About 30 years ago, a conservative Christian teacher/author (held 2 Doctorates) came to our town and my wife and I were asked if we would like to take this man out to dinner for one night during his stay. Naturally, I jumped at the chance. Interestingly, this man had numerous contacts within the CIA, FBI, U. S. Senate, the State Department, the Pentagon, etc. He told me that there were many true "patriots" within the Government, but they were "afraid" to speak out publicly about what was REALLY going on beyond the public view. Virtually all of these contacts informed him that the ultimate "plan" was for the destruction of U. S. sovereignty and the establishment of a dictatorial global government (this was 30+ years ago). Not for one moment did I question this man's knowledge or sincerity. What he told me also was in complete compliance with my own experience and research, both prior and subsequent. During our time together, this man also told me that the state of the Christian church across America was abysmal, and was "far worse than one could ever imagine." This assessment was based on his own personal experience gained via his extensive travels both here and abroad.

I had a thought the other day regarding a verse (I believe it is in Psalms) ... "My enemies use my name in vain." My thought was; what about people that profess His Name, and don't live accordingly? Isn't that "using" His Name in vain as well? If that's the case, God has many "enemies" within His own house. Perhaps that is the meaning of the verse: "Judgment begins at the house of the Lord." Christians are supposed to be the "salt" that preserves society ... if the salt loses its savor, what happens to the nation?

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psalm 9:17

Anonymous said...

So many churches kicked God to the curb and embraced Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" nonsense and many of those churches are now in complete apostasy. Now we learn from Warren that he learned his church growth strategies from a communist book. Using communist ideas to grow the church, no wonder the church is in chaos!

See video of Warren here:

RayB said...

That explains why Warren and his ilk have been the darlings of the Christ-hating world's media, etc. Warren holds to a very ecumenical view ... which the ungodly world absolutely loves. The world hates Christ because they refuse to be ruled by Him as Lord and King. They much prefer the slavery to sin, rather than be set free.

The same can be said in large part for the very popular Billy Graham, who was promoted by none other than (33rd. Degree Freemason) William Randolph Hurst .. in fact ... it was Hurst that literally made Graham's career when he famously gave the order out to his vast newspaper empire to "puff Graham." Graham has also been listed in Freemason journals as "one of theirs." Whether or not he actually is, I'm not sure of. One thing for sure about Graham, he has held to a Freemason, "all paths lead to the same god" Masonic point of view his entire life.

Anonymous said...

I think not all have "bent the knee to Baal", though. Among us, and even in some political offices across the land, though few, there are still those whose view is to look up and call on the Lord in these desperate times.

While the black is getting blacker, and the gray is disappearing, look for the white to appear whiter.
That is the work of God.

"And though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet."

Marko said...

Anon. 1:44 and others:

In the video you linked to above, Brannon mentions his book "Religious Trojan Horse". Has anyone here read it, and if so, what did you think of it?

Constance Cumbey said...

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE THRESHOLD FOUNDATION???!!!! It is VERY IMPORTANT to New Age financing and global political maneuvering. Join me at themicroeffect.com (TMERadio.com) at 10 am Eastern Time, 7 am Pacific time to learn MUCH MORE about it -- I've done my homework and have critical information for you.


RayB said...

To Anon @ 5:18 PM ...

God always has a remnant that remain, by His grace, faithful to Him.

When the prophet Elijah, while facing the evil of his day, stated unto God "I am left alone, and they seek my life," God answered him "I have reserved to my self seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." Romans 11:4-6

What was true in Elijah's time, in Paul's time, and in our time remains the same; God is the One that preserves His people for His purposes, which cannot never be defeated. Jesus warned us that there would be MANY that would profess His name, and yet, would be His enemies. This has always been the case. It was true in the Old Testament times as well, as illustrated in Isaiah 1:9 "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah." Within the nation of Israel, there were always those that sought to kill the prophets, oppose God's truth, etc. and yet there were always a "remnant" of believers. The same is true for the "professing," visible, church of our day.

paul said...

Can't imagine why my last comment would have been deleted.
Oh well.

Constance Cumbey said...

Paul, I've deleted nothing -- I'm going to go check the spam section.


Constance Cumbey said...

I don't know how many of you had the opportunity to listen Saturday morning, but I presented critical information on the THRESHOLD FOUNDAITON -- and it certainly was "foundational" to much of what was transpiring in the New Age Movement now and then, including their plans for population reduction, forced new world religion, infiltration of churches, Thomas Berry, Thomas Merton, Krishnamurti, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Ira Einhorn, etc., etc.


Susanna said...

Jodi Evans has served as President of the Threshold Foundation. Jodi Evans is a co-founder of Code Pink along with Medea Benjamin and Starhawk. Starhawk has ties with now excommunicated Dominican priest Matthew Fox, Van Jones and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

There is material on Code Pink and the Threshold Foundation at the following link.


See also......


RayB said...

Interesting interview explaining why globalism is nothing other than "communism with a dress on."


PS: Communism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people. If you think the New Age Movement is the primary "enemy" out there ... you are in a dream world.

The end goals of Globalism/Communism makes the NAM look like a children's picnic.

Anonymous said...

But Globalism/Communism needs the New Age to help it round out the flip side (Atheism) of the "spiritual" aspect of human existence to let people think they are getting what they want ;) ... It has a role to play to keep the global dream alive, as in the more falsehoods of every brand available, to keep the natives quiet.

Will never be a long lasting solution, of course, but people who want to be godless apart from the God of the Bible, need something to "hang their hat" on.

Dan Bryan said...

Anonymous RayB said...

Interesting interview explaining why globalism is nothing other than "communism with a dress on. The end goals of Globalism/Communism makes the NAM look like a children's picnic.

Ray, I tend to agree with you on this until the NAM gets some major political or religious clout it is mute.

However, if what is being said about their religious ambitions, it will be conceivable that a new inquisition will soon be on the horizon for those that do not conform.

They have made great strides in the evangelical church with their experiential feel-good religion and manifestations galore.

Anonymous said...

Ray B, Dan Bryan and Annonymous 2:45, How is it that you have been reading this blog for a long time and still have no clue what the New Age movement is? Maybe you've just been listening to yourselves talk for too long.

Anonymous said...

The whole pot of goo fits the picture considering globalist ambitions 6:31 PM. It's everybody in the pool wearing whatever stripes they want. Anything and everything to get people signed on to the program for the big makeover that is coming (in steady progression) making the whole thing seem palatable meanwhile.
So many have left their convictions (religious and otherwise) selling out for "that greater good", and some will have to be persuaded (forced)--will have to choose to sign on or not. It will be one size fits all for those who go along...then.
Where have you been all this time???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:21,Where have I been? Accumulating factual information, names, dates, places on the New Age movement. Anyone can do what I've done. Sharing the information in many places. Many do what I've done. Take something factual CC has shared and go off on your own filling in the details. Generalizations. Forget it. Generalizations lead to whatever someone wants others to believe.

Anonymous said...

Lots of sharing that I do, too. And details, just so ya know...
I've sent many links here and other places, with good breakdown for the understanding and to see how all this is progressing, and it truly is. So have others. The details have gotten lots of space here. Constance sees to that. Some may lose the big picture getting swamped by the details, though.

It's good to remember to look at the forest sometimes, so we aren't getting lost in the trees..

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it all. I was just concerned that too many of the main players here somehow lost connection to what the NAM was about. Good to see you are sharing what you've learned.

Constance Cumbey said...

If you want serious history on the modern New Age Movement, Club of Rome, Club of Budapest, and related movements coming together in 1977 to launch what was their big drive for the 1980s, continuing through Rio de Janeiro 1992, planning Agenda 21, the New World Religion, Findhorn, the "harmonic convergence" of apostates (Merton, Thomas Berry, Episcopal priest James Morton - New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine) with Gurdjieffian/Krishnamurti followers, two very important books to read are by James George and their titles and dates of publication are:

1. Asking for the Earth (Copyright 1995, 2003)
2. The Little Green Book of Awakening

The London Threshold Foundation was born at the D'Arros
Conference in February 1978. For two weeks, we had Buckminster
Fuller; Dean James Morton of New York's Cathedral of St. John the
Divine; Father Thomas Berry from Fordham University (New York);
Costa de Beauregard and George Sudarshan, the eminent French
and Indian physicists; Michel de Salzmann, the French psychiatrist;
Swami Saraswati from India; Kyotoro Deguchi, the head of the
Omoto (Shinto) movement in Japan; Lyall Watson, the South
African biologist and writer; Trevor Ravenscroft, the British author,
and Harold Wicks from London; and Jay Gluck, the American
publisher, and David Kidd, the American arts and crafts expert, both
from Japan. Bucky, being too deaf to listen, never stopped talking.
Chahram's adorable wife, Princess Niloufar, smoothed every rough
corner with her charm; and out ofit all there emerged the Threshold
Foundation, which Tom Berry articulated on the spot in a poem
entitled Threshold (Appendix C). It was designed to show us our
place at the threshold of the Ecological Age.
From the time of our first discussions about what sort of foundation
we wished to create, Prince Chahram and I had seen it as
working for a change of consciousness in our culture, in the hope
that there would then be more chance of surviving the multiple
crises that we both saw threatening humankind, and indeed the
whole planet.

This excerpted from page 163 of ASKING FOR THE EARTH, in a chapter entitled "The Threshold Experiment".


Constance Cumbey said...

Now, notice the reference to Chahram. That was Prince Chahram, the nephew of the then Shah of Iran. This is the same person and very close to the same time frame that Ira Einhorn was involved. From Steven Levy's book, THE UNICORN'S SECRET: MURDER IN THE AGE OF AQUARIUS, we read:

Less than three weeks before he would be sitting in a
courtroom seeking bail as a defendant on a murder charge,
the man who called himself the Unicom flew home to
Philadelphia. It was March 15, 1979, the cusp of a new
era, and the Unicorn was ready for it. He had spent years
embracing the future. A survivor from the sixties, he was
a man who had stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the top
Yippies when the antiwar protesters levitated the Pentagon
in 1967, but only two days earlier be had been
rubbing elbows with Prince Chahram Pahlavi-Nia, nephew
of the Shah of Iran. They had driven back to London
together after the Unicorn addressed an intimate gathering
sponsored by the prince. The conference, attended by
an elite corps of heavy thinkers, was touted "a focal
point where environmental, ecological, and spiritual concerns
meet internationally." The Unicorn's turf.
(page 13, mass paperback edition, copyright 1988 by Steven Levy, published in arrangement with Prentice Hall Press)


Constance Cumbey said...

Now, from an observer who saw this mainly as a financial conspiracy, but clearly saw the linkages, Elaine DeWar, author of CLOAK OF GREEN

By the time Strong got to the part in his story about how he used
SNC as a private front for federal government skullduggery in Africa
and Quebec it was Saturday afternoon. He had invited me over to his
rented house in Aniers, a village outside Geneva. His house was a
plain modem box with French doors opening onto a nice rolling
lawn. We sat in his living room. He appeared relaxed. His second
wife, Hanne Marstrand, drifted around. She showed little interest in
this conversation about SNC and CIDA, as if she'd heard it all
before, but it was news to me. I found myself sitting bolt upright.
His meaning was quite clear. He had helped create a federally funded
but semi-private intelligence/influence network that could have impacts
both in Canada and abroad. He later confirmed this interpretation,
although he said he had never described it that way before. I
was shocked It had never been acknowledged that Canada had a
foreign intelligence or influence capacity outside its embassies. Yet
Strong was telling me that he had created one out of virtually nothing.
There was no reason to suppose that this network wasn't still running
through CIDA and its cousin IDRC: I had reason to believe it was
It seemed to me that Strong and the federal cabinet got away with
this semi-private intelligence/influence system because he'd hidden
what he was doing in plain sight.
(pages 274, 275 CLOAK OF GREEN)


Constance Cumbey said...

They were laying the groundwork for first Planetary Initiative (Donald Keys/Norman Cousins operation) and then after the disappointment of their outing, next for Rio de Janeiro and the EARTH SUMMIT in 1992 that hatched what we are now dealing with heavily in the form of "Agenda 21.

From page 37 of ASKING FOR THE EARTH, we read:

To oversee the actions that were intended to follow the Rio
Conference, the United Nations set up a Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD). To ensure that governments would not be the
only adjudicators of their own performance, the 1420
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which had, for the first
time at Rio, played such an important role, were supposed to be given
equal prominence in the work of the CSD, but the NGOs are still
fighting that battle with the United Nations Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC). Unless governments feel the heat of criticism
from the NGOs of the international environmental movement, they
will have little incentive to take the difficult and expensive decisions
that are required to turn Rio's Agenda 21 into meaningful actions
to create a sustainable world order. To this end, it is also essential
that all national NGOs (from both North and South) learn to work
together more harmoniously towards international objectives.
To monitor, complement and support the work of the CSD, Rio
had set up a privately funded Earth Council of twenty-one members

appointed to be representative of the principal regions of the world
and the various sectors of civil society, under the chairmanship of the
UNCED Secretary General, Maurice Strong. Conceived as a powerful
independent voice to represent the interests of those who had no
voice, the Earth Council has aspired to bridge the gap between
governments and NGOs, and to serve as a global ombudsman for
environment and development issues, investigating and reporting on
critical issues that affect people or violate their rights as outlined in
the Rio agreements.

By the way, Maurice Strong wrote the introduction for James George's first book, ASKING FOR THE EARTH, and enthuasiastically reviewed THE LITTLE GREEN BOOK OF AWAKENING.

My next post here will contain proof that this was the network involved in setting up PLANETARY CITIZENS and PLANETARY INITIATIVE and that it was planned as a massive effort until their "backlash" developed.



Constance Cumbey said...

Among the many powerful groups lending their official support to Planetary Initiative, we find this same THRESHOLD FOUNDATION. Institute for Noetic Sciences was another. There are also references in the Buckminister Fuller Anthology for the New Millennium. I found the references doing a search of Google Books. I've ordered a used copy for my library as it has more details on the important Prince Chahram connections and the 1978-1979 timing. Even after the fall of the Shah of Iran, Prince Chahram, per the Fuller anthology held a 1980 conference. This was well before I discovered the existence of the New Age Movement which was in 1982.


Constance Cumbey said...

The Tides Foundation and the Threshold Foundation are inextricably linked. Elaine DeWar has abundant proofs for that in her book CLOAK OF GREEN.


The Threshold Foundation was founded in 1982 to "fund innovative
and creative projects and to educate and empower its own membership."
It started with 20 donors. By 1988 it had 300 donors. Funded by'member fees, it had a pool of $900,000 from which to make grants in
1988. The professional staff of an affiliated San Francisco charity called
the Tides Foundation helped distribute these funds. The manager of the
Threshold Foundation, Drummond Pike, also worked for the Tides
Foundation. But in a very odd twist on already odd charitable interconnections,
Tides also made considerable contributions to the Threshold
Foundation. The Tides Foundation gave the Threshold Foundation
$138,000 in 1988, a significant proportion of the total funds Threshold
granted to others. In 1989 Tides passed Threshold $162,000. It is hard
to understand why Threshold would want to accept money from Tides
since its members had joined Threshold to give charity, not receive it
. (pages 427-428)

NOTICE these activites in 1982 -- that's when they thought they were about to take over -- before their "backlash".


Anonymous said...


Threshold Foundation and many many more operatives outed on this site.

RayB said...


Thank you for all of the above information.

You mentioned several times "Agenda 21." Here is a link to an informative video on Agenda 21:


By the way, did you know that a very influential religious/political world leader has openly supported both Agenda 21 & Agenda 30? Here's a hint as to who this person is: he leads a group of people that currently numbers 1.2 Billion.

Interestingly (and tellingly) the world's Christ-hating media gives this man "front page" priority whenever he utters a word in public. Along with the adoring global media, Muslims, Jews, "christians," atheists, homosexuals, communists, etc., etc. all have glowing words for this man.

May I suggest you do a little research into the modern era and tell us what you think about this most influential man, that in 2016, enthusiastically supports Agenda 21 & Agenda 30.



RayB said...

Very interesting .. and revealing.

I just posted a comment re: a "religious/political" global leader that boasts 1.2 Billion members that enthusiastically supports Agenda 21 (mentioned above by Constance) along with Agenda 30, and my post magically disappears.

I just can't figure out why that might be. LOL

PS: that "global leader" is none other than Pope Francis ... just in case you are wondering!

RayB said...

Blogger Constance Cumbey said @ 11:23 PM ...

"If you want serious history on the modern New Age Movement, Club of Rome, Club of Budapest, and related movements coming together in 1977 to launch what was their big drive for the 1980s, continuing through Rio de Janeiro 1992, planning AGENDA 21, the New World Religion, Findhorn, the "harmonic convergence" of apostates (Merton, Thomas Berry, Episcopal priest James Morton - New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine) with Gurdjieffian/Krishnamurti followers, two very important books to read are by James George and their titles and dates of publication are ..."

Dear Constance,

Please refrain from mentioning Agenda 21 in any derogatory manner due entirely to the fact that Pope Francis is an enthusiastic supporter of Agenda 21. How could it possibly be an evil "agenda' if Pope Francis has given it his blessings? (wink, wink)

Dan Bryan said...

You Will be Assimilated ~ One way or the other!


Anonymous said...

A documentary on Saul Alinsky (Wolf in Sheep's Clothing) will air today on EWTN (3 p.m. Central time).

Constance Cumbey said...

Ray, Susanna, etc. et al -- I've deleted nothing -- let me wander over to the SPAM section on comments to see if maybe Google's bots removed it. If so, I'll put it back up.


Constance Cumbey said...

Anybody live near Bloomington, Indiana, home of Indiana University? If so, a valuable resource -- wish I were closer!!! The World Federalist papers of Donald Keys.



Constance Cumbey said...

Back to the Threshold Foundation:

1. It was FINANCED by an IRANIAN PRINCE. (Prince Chahram?). See Mircea Eliade's JOURNAL IV, 1979-1985, page 14 (University of Chicago Press Edition, page 14.
2. They gave Mircea Eliade $25,000 in 1979.
3. Mircea Eliade had lunch with that same prince prior to accepting the $25,000 award from Threshold.
4. Also interacting with Eliade on this was RUTH NANDA ANSHEN (1900 - 2003). He also, per other sources chronicling the Bollingen series, served on the Board of her Religious Perspectives series.
5. The THRESHOLD FOUNDATION is helping to financially sponsor the OCCUPY MOVEMENT. The 2016 report has a financial grant to OCCUPY OAKLAND.

The THRESHOLD FOUNDATION has been a long player -- that and the TIDES FOUNDATION underwrite much of the mischief I have researched over the past 35 years.


Constance Cumbey said...

Don't underestimate the THRESHOLD FOUNDATION's past and continuing roles, including its infliction of mass damage on MONOTHEISTIC religion. From RELIGION AFTER RELIGION, a book about Eranos and the Bollingen Foundation:

This celebrity was accomplished partly by means of a common base of
publication. Thus, for example, they each published in the Bollingen Series
of Princeton University Press; the Eranos-Jahrbuch; UNESCO's Diogenes-,
Bibliotheque de l'Hermetisme series of the Paris publishing house Albin
Michel; and R evue de FHistoire des Religions. They even shared translators:
Ralph Manheim translated Corbin and Scholem, while Willard Trask translated
Eliade and Corbin. They served on editorial boards together: Eliade
and Scholem served on the board of Ruth Nanda Anshen's "Religious
Perspectives"; Eliade and Corbin served on the board of Hermes; and both
Scholem and Eliade were published by Robert Hutchins's Center for the
Study of Democratic Institutions.
Each of them cited the work of the
others. And each contributed to the Festschriften for the others. Eliade
published Corbin in his journal Antaios, and Corbin, reflecting a more
profound level of esoteric intimacy, chose Eliade to "actively participate in
the colloquia" of his Universite Saint Jean de Jerusalem.4
Together, through such means, these three scholars transformed prevailing conceptions of monotheism.

RayB said...


I would be very interested to read your take on the fact that Pope Francis enthusiastically supports Agenda 21 & Agenda 30.

Needless to say, the Papacy has an enormous amount of influence on the world's stage, and by supporting these agendas, their globalist implementation seems to be much more assured.

I'm sure others would like to read what you have to say on this subject as well.


Susanna said...

Constance, 3:01 AM

Re: Each of them cited the work of the others. And each contributed to the Festschriften for the others. Eliade
published Corbin in his journal Antaios, and Corbin, reflecting a more
profound level of esoteric intimacy, chose Eliade to "actively participate in
the colloquia" of his Universite Saint Jean de Jerusalem.4
Together, through such means, these three scholars transformed prevailing conceptions of monotheism.

As has been discussed on previous threads, Mercea Eliade was a "traditionalist" who embraced the perennial philosophy. The Islamic philosophy Traditionalists promulgated in general was Sufism, the gnosticised form of Islam, which, up until recently seems to have been more or less the favored "religious" face of the Traditionalist School.

Henry Corbin (14 April 1903 – 7 October 1978) was a philosopher, theologian and professor of Islamic Studies at the École pratique des hautes études in Paris, France.

Corbin was born in Paris in April 1903. Although he was Protestant by birth, he was educated in the Catholic tradition and at the age of 19 received a certificate in Scholastic philosophy from the Catholic Institute of Paris. Three years later he took his "licence de philosophie" under the Thomist Étienne Gilson. In 1928 he encountered Louis Massignon, director of Islamic studies at the Sorbonne, and it was he who introduced Corbin to the writings of Suhrawardi, the 12th century Persian mystic and philosopher whose work was to profoundly affect the course of Corbin's life. Years later Corbin said "through my meeting with Suhrawardi, my spiritual destiny for the passage through this world was sealed. Platonism, expressed in terms of the Zoroastrian angelology of ancient Persia, illuminated the path that I was seeking."

Corbin is responsible for redirecting the study of Islamic philosophy as a whole. In his Histoire de la philosophie islamique (1964), he disproved in his research the common view that philosophy among the Muslims came to an end after Ibn Rushd.

The philosophical life and career of Corbin can be divided into three phases. The first is the 1920s and 1930s, when he was involved in learning and teaching western philosophy. The second is the years between 1939 and 1946, in which he studied Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi and School of Illumination in Istanbul. The last begins at 1946 and lasts until his death, in which he studied and reintroduced eastern and Islamic philosophy..........

.....He considered himself a Protestant Christian but he abandoned a Christocentric view of history.......



Susanna said...


The last statement in that exerpt says it all in terms of the perennialist "one-religion-is-as-good-as-another" philosophy ( a.k.a. all religious roads lead to THE ONE ). Corbin seems to have begun well, but started veering over to the dark side when he became associated with Louis Massignon who introduced him to the writings of Suhrawardi.

While the leading traditionalist scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr may claim that Corbin was no Traditionalist, there are others who claim that he comes closer to Traditionalism than other scholars in his field who, like Corbin, do not identify themselves as Traditionalists. For that matter, Carl Gustav Jung, with whom Corbin was associated did not identify himself as a Traditionalist either while he still had to make a living as a credible psychiatrist - lest other professionals advise him "physician, heal thyself!"

Check out the following and the theosophical influence:




........His ( Corbin's ) mysticism is no world-denying asceticism but regards all of Creation as a theophany of the divine. This vision has much in common with what has become known as Creation Spirituality, and the figure of the Angel Holy Spirit is similar to what is sometimes called the Cosmic Christ...........

.....The American literary critic Harold Bloom claims Corbin as a significant influence on his own conception of Gnosticism.........




Susanna said...


.......Louis Massignon was born in Nogent-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, near Paris, France. His father, Fernand Massignon (1855–1922), a painter and a sculptor under the pseudonym Pierre Roche, was an intimate friend of novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans. Huysmans' own conversion to Roman Catholicism was one of the first major inspirations of the young Louis in a friendly tutorial relationship that lasted from 1901 till Huysmans' death in 1907........

.....Although always remaining faithful to Catholicism and avoiding any suspicion of syncretism, Massignon's views were seen critically by many Catholics who considered him a syncretist, a "Catholic Muslim"............


Huysmanns was a close associate of the infamous satanist Abbe Boullan who was a disciple of Eugene Vintras. Husmanns was a participant in the infamous occult duel between Abbe Boullan in Lyon and the disciples of Eliphas Levi in Paris - which included Josephin Peladan, Oswald Wirth, Stanislas de Guaita, etc. Huysmann's novel LA BAS reflects his experiences with Boullan.

Constance Cumbey said...


I'm reading through your welcomed contributions here. I'm, of course, wondering if Prince Chahram was a Sufi? Sufism is very important to the New Age networks.


Constance Cumbey said...

Carl Jung, Olga Froebe, and Alice Bailey were all closely connected. This is the Eranos / Bollingen group I have researched for years. Mircea Eliade was very much a part of that same group.


Constance Cumbey said...

I noticed that what was written about this group applies equally well to too much of the "Christian" publishing industry, including the incestuous relationship between Paulist Press and InterVarsity, J. Gordon Melton, et al. They quote each other, give each other honors, write the introductions for each others' books, etc., ad nauseum.


Susanna said...

QUEST FOR PRIMAL KNOWLEDGE: Mircea Eleade, Traditionalism, and "Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy"

The paper is an attempt to answer a question about what might have prompted Mircea Eleade, who never considered himself an expert on shamanism and tribal peoples to write his classic Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. It is suggested that for Eleade with his mindset, which was heavily affected by the philosophy of Traditionalism, it was a logical step to enter the field of shamanism studies. An intellectual and cultural movement in Europe in the 1920's and 1930's with numerous links to esotericism, traditionalism fostered quests for "archaic" roots and an authentic primal tradition. The paper also discusses how humanities and social science scholars responded to his book and how Eleade's vision of shamanism as a cross-cultural primal religion inspired numerous spiritual seekers in the West in the 1960's and 1970's. ...read more....


Anonymous said...

Bethel Church: Pimping Heresy

Susanna said...


Prince Chahram Pahlavi is an art collector, curator and a designer of many museums around the world, and activist for the environment.

He is the son of the late Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, twin Sister of Iran’s Last Shah.

I don not know whether or not he is a follower of Sufism, but he was/is on the Council of Trustees for the Temple of Understanding.


If this is the same Prince Chahram, he was apparently involved in a legal dispute during the 1980's with one Petros Palandjian.

Chahram Pahlavi, Plaintiff, Appellee, v. Petros A. Palandjian, Defendant, Appellant, 744 F.2d 902 (1st Cir. 1984)

Annotate this Case

U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit - 744 F.2d 902 (1st Cir. 1984)

Argued Sept. 6, 1984. Decided Oct. 3, 1984

Defendant Petros A. Palandjian appeals both the district court's granting of summary judgment in favor of plaintiff Chahram Pahlavi and its certification under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (Fed. R. Civ. P.) 54(b) that the judgment was final and appealable despite Palandjian's pending counterclaims.1 This appeal has required us to review and announce for perhaps the first time the extent of a judge's obligation under Rule 54(b). Our analysis forces us to conclude that the court's conclusory certification under the circumstances of this case was an abuse of discretion. We dismiss the appeal.

It is undisputed that in March 1979 defendant Palandjian endorsed a check for $127,400 payable to plaintiff Pahlavi and deposited it in his own account. Two months later, in May 1979, Pahlavi demanded the money and Palandjian wrote a personal check to Pahlavi for $127,400. The check bounced when Palandjian directed his bank not to make payment on it. Pahlavi filed suit based, inter alia, on the bounced check, and Palandjian filed counterclaims alleging that Pahlavi, a nephew of the late Shah of Iran, owed him $125,000 for construction work on Pahlavi's personal palace near Teheran, Iran, for the use of airplanes and pilots furnished by Palandjian at Pahlavi's request, and for a pair of cuff links which Pahlavi allegedly borrowed but never returned. Palandjian's defenses to the original complaint also involved these old debts; he allegedly stopped payment on the check when Pahlavi failed to carry out his part of an agreement to clear up the money issues between the two men.

Despite the factual overlap between the claim and counterclaims, the district court granted Pahlavi's motion for summary judgment, and left pending Palandjian's counterclaims. The court certified the summary judgment ruling as final under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b), Pahlavi v. Palandjian, No. 83-0437-Z (D. Mass. Feb. 6, 1984) (order granting summary judgment), thereby allowing an appeal to proceed on plaintiff's claim. If the district court improperly applied Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b), we would have no jurisdiction to rule substantively on the appeal,2 and so our consideration of this case must first focus on that rule.....read more...


Constance Cumbey said...

Just now about ready to start my regular Saturday morning 2 hour radio program at TheMicroEffect.com. Join me there and/or call in live to 208-935-0094! We will be discussing these concerns and Michigan reporter Ron Seigel will join us for 15 minutes at 11:30 am (Eastern time) for his regular Michigan / Detroit area update.


Constance Cumbey said...


Your concerns on Pope Francis are very valid and I have those same concerns. I know several devout Catholics in this area who openly voice concerns that Pope Francis could well be "The False Prophet." His endorsement of Thomas Merton as an example for Catholics to follow tell me that he is not the foe of the New Age Movement that his two predecessors were.

I can't help but suspect that there was coup d'etat at the Vatican and Ratzinger was the victim!


Anonymous said...

A video tour of St. Peter's Square by Lighthouse Trails' Roger Oakland gives the history and symbolism behind the architecture and images seen at the Square. Interesting info.


Anonymous said...

Unholy Alliances to the Apostate Bridge

I believe there is an important spiritual awakening beginning in the hearts of those truly committed to Christ in the Protestant and Catholic communities. Is it possible that Pope Francis may prove to be an answer not only to the prayers of Catholics, but also those known as Protestants?
~ Ecumenical Televangelist, James Robison


Dan Bryan said...

Linda Williamson said... 9:35

Pope Francis: Traitor To Western Civilization?
Jorge Bergoglio is the “purported pope” of the Catholic Church because, as certain theologians have argued, he was neither validly ordained as a priest or consecrated as a bishop in the traditional Catholic rites of Holy Orders. Since a pope must first be a bishop, in particular the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio cannot, therefore, be pope.


Is the statement above true? Can you give me your take on it.
I do not intend to pretend to know the requirements of the chief bishop.
What does it mean if Peter's seat is vacant?
What would be the effect on Catholicism not having a Chief Bishop, in light that 'the church' is an integral part of ones faith and belief in Catholicism?

Susanna said...

Dan Bryan, 5:39 P.M.

The quote from Zero hedge is not true.

Bergoglio was validly ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1969 after attending the archdiocesan seminary, Inmaculada Concepción Seminary, in Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, AND is a member of the Society of Jesus.


It sounds like the person who wrote the article is a "Sedevacantist."

"Sedevacantism" morphed out of the so-called "Traditionalist" movement led by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre after the Second Vatican Council. They reject the teachings of Vatican II and claim that there has been no valid Pope since Pope Pius XII.

I hope you find the following article helpful.


Susanna said...

P.S. Dan Bryan 5:39 PM

Several antipopes have emerged from the Sedevacantists. Here is an article that goes into detail about these antipopes.

The Current Status of Catholic Sedevacantism and Antipopes

It is always possible that a Sedevacantist antipope could be the "false prophet."

Among the more bizarre antipopes was the late Clemente Domínguez y Gómez (1946-2005). He also claimed to be "Le Grand Monarch."

Another Pope Dies: Clemente Dominguez of Palmar de Troya, 1946-2005

Marko said...


"The quote from Zero hedge is not true."

Zerohedge, among others, is one of a number of sites that I don't trust, for complete and accurate information.

I'm going to copy here a post I recently made on another forum regarding internet sources of information and news. In it, I mentioned trying to put together a list of reliable websites. If I get something put together, I'll post it here. Anyway, here's what I posted elsewhere, after someone asked for a list of reliable websites for gathering news:


It's not as simple as saying "This site good, this site bad". I wish it were.

When I get more time, I'll try to find a good guide on how to vet internet information.

It's a very serious, and very widespread problem.

For a start, remember these things:

1. The best disinformation is a mixture of 95% or more truth and a little bit of a lie (but a lie that is seen as important strategically for your enemy to believe as true). Because it is almost all true, whatever falsehood is embedded within is believed as truth as well. It's the best way to get people to believe something false - wrap it a story that is mostly true.

2. The best disinformation is presented in a way that "confirms" what people already think to be true, or what people want to believe to be true. For example, let's assume there is a group of people who really despise the Clintons. If they see a news article showing the Clintons in a bad light, they will tend to let their "discernment guard" down, and swallow everything in the story as truth, when in fact there might have been a few bits and pieces thrown in there that weren't true (or maybe more than just a few bits and pieces - maybe the entire piece was a fabrication).

3. Our own pride gets in the way of being discerning. We have our own view of "How The World Is", and when something comes along that challenges that view, well, we ignore it, or find fault with it, instead of looking deeper and perhaps letting it "adjust" our world view. And when we read something that falls in line with our world view, we believe it 100% and since it confirms what we already know to be true, there's no need to vet the information. Kind of a circular logic going there, yes?

4. The internet has made us lazy in our research, and makes it very easy to come to incorrect conclusions. You might read something, and then, to check it out, google it. Well well, here are 23 other sites all saying the same thing, so it must be true! No, it's just that there are a lot of sites who all refer to each other as sources, or who are all run by or owned by the same groups or people, so those 23 other sites that you think are 23 separate, independent sources are really just a few, or maybe even just one. The way the internet is set up makes this scenario very likely.

Those are some quick thoughts to think about when reading or listening to or watching something on the internet.

Some might remember me being all negative on Alex Jones, and Russia Today (RT). If you're starting a list of "bad" sites for getting news, I would start with those two.

Here are a handful just off the top of my head that I don't trust:


Please don't misunderstand... I'm not saying nothing on these sites is true or to be trusted, just that they carry a mixture of good and bad, and don't seem to vet their stories or may have hidden agendas. Some, like RT and sputniknews, are proven KGB/FSB disinformation outlets, and publish anything that makes America look bad, or Russia look good. It's part of a propaganda war being waged by Russia worldwide. But it's not just Russia who is behind the disinformation out there - all kinds of bad actors are using it to help push whatever agendas they have into the hearts and minds of the people out here reading their crap.

Marko said...

Constance, please remove my latest post from the spam folder. Thanks!

Constance Cumbey said...

To Susanna,

My concerns on Pope Francis are growing with the announcement of his newest appointments to Cardinal. One name includes Archbishop Tobin who supported the women nuns who supported Barbara Marx Hubbard.


Anonymous said...

I saw that last night about the Pope's appointments and know Catholics who are disheartened by the direction they have felt he is going. This news won't reassure them about his papacy.

Anonymous said...

This New Age article was sent to the email account of John Podesta, who is chairman of Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign and founder of the Center for American Progress, and was released today in another email dump by Wikileaks. It is titled "Cosomological Wisdom and Planetary Madness" and can be read at Wikileaks at link below:

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1681 or at www.tikkun.org/nextgen/cosomoligical-wisdom-and-planetary-madness

A couple of books mentioned are:

N. Klein - "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate" 2014
D. Korten - "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community" 2006

Susanna said...

Dear Constance,7:05 AM

Apparently, you are not the only one who is concerned. The following is from Lifesite News.


The following is from NewsMax


Anonymous said...


Why don't you add CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, IHT etc to the list? Don't you think mainstream news is "disinfo". Those sites are somewhat of a mixed bag like Before its News. Zero Hedge is actually pretty decent depending on the contributor. They are not all the same.

Right now the mainstream press is mobilizing for war with Russia, making Trump into a villain, Hillary a saint and so on. It is so biased it's not even subtle about it.

Russia is not angelic, but we are pushing towards WWIII with them in Syria. I don't think that's a good idea, blaming everything on them from hacking the campaign to killing innocent civilians. What the heck did we do in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on?

The US always needs a boogeyman and right now it's Russia. This is how media mobilizes for war. It's an old strategy used to dehumanize the enemy and prepare the population for military action. Our wars are now endless. We have gone from the Taliban, to Al Qaeda boggeyman, to ISIS to Russia. We have demonized Saddam,Mubarak, Qaddafi, now Assad and Putin. Don't misunderstand me, none of these are angels, but what business is it of ours if a sovereign country likes their dictator? We have a dictator at the moment too, who passes everything by executive order.

As Stanley Monteith used to say, we fund the best enemies money can buy. Then we fight two sides of the war. It's a very old tactic. Nothing new under the sun.


Anonymous said...

I should also add, that all of these wars that we mobilize for are more about our own interests than the US fighting for justice. We use justice of some poor victims as a pretext, but it is just that. We have not helped one of these nations that we have been at war in. Listen to this Corbett report if you need convincing:


Anonymous said...

One more:


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I am no fan of Donald Trump and even less of Hillary Clinton. I think they are different faces of the same coin. I believe one, somewhat idiotic, will lead America over a cliff and the other will deliberately and systematically do the same. Now I’m beginning to wonder if Hillary Clinton is as irrational as Trump. During Sunday’s debate Clinton said of the Syrian conflict that she supported arming the Kurds. I could hardly believe the former Secretary of State would publicly suggest establishing this type of proxy war with Syria especially given the already fragile US-Turkey relationship after the failed coup attempt. Turkey believes that territory rightfully belongs to them and such action would be setting the Kurds up for slaughter.

Today CBS news reported Turkey’s response to Clinton’s remarks. http://tinyurl.com/j3zurxq

The United States is walking a tight rope when it comes to Turkey. On one hand the US condemned Turkish dissent for its attempted overthrow of a “democratically elected government”. (Remember Adolf Hitler was democratically elected.) On the other, the US knows full well the coup was an attempt to stop Erdogan’s from conducting a second political purge which would eradicate any and all opposition to his leadership. The first purge was against secularists in which he had the assistance of the cleric Gulen’s followers. The second purge was against Gulen’s followers themselves, hence, the coup attempt.

Erdogan has purged and now has complete control of the military, the judiciary, the educational system, and the press. Erdogan intends to reinstate the death penalty. Erdogan has threatened the United States with war should we refuse to return Gulen to Turkey. http://tinyurl.com/hqs2zn9

Turkey, as a member of NATO, permitted the United States to store nuclear weapons there. It has been reported that the US has moved these weapons to Romania. http://tinyurl.com/js5d96r

Erdogan has said Turkey intends to restore the Ottoman Empire and establish a caliphate.

Now for the interesting part. Erdogan now serves in the rotational presidency of the Organization of Islamic Co-operation. Turkey is attempting to persuade the 57 nations to bind together under the banner of Islam and establish a caliphate.
Turkey is one of the nations who introduced the Alliance of Civilizations to the United Nations and associates its origins with mysticism. Sufi mysticism allows one to “lose himself” to the point he can become god. The OIC Alliance of Civilizations working papers has said a “strong spiritual leader” would be required for its success.

President Obama and Hillary Clinton joined the United States to the Alliance of Civilizations in 2009. The AoC is the core component of the global counter-terrorism strategy and has been embedded in the US strategy. Hillary Clinton co-launched a related initiative, the Istanbul Process (UN resolution 16/18), which criminalizes free speech critical of Islam. (We are perhaps one Supreme Court justice away from allowing this to happen.)

Erdogan has bitterly complained of Turkey’s borders. After the First World War, its borders were set by the Lausanne Treaty which Erdogan disputes. That treaty expires in 2023. Erdogan has said at that time he intends to restore Turkey’s boundaries to those of the Ottoman Empires. Should the OIC nations get on board with Erdogan, this is quite possible. Should the Alliance of Civilizations have rooted within the west (and I believe it has), a global caliphate may be closer than we’d like to think.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Anon 3:00

I attempted to launch the posted link and it was unsuccessful. Can you check it and post again?

That one is of interest to me. David Korten was the keynote speaker at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and heavily involved in the Occupy Movement. One of the Occupy Movement's demands was that the earth shift to a new economic system as envisioned by David Korten. Korten believes if you eat meat, drink bottled water, drive a car, heat or air condition your home that you are an over-consumer. Yet he has no misgivings of writing of his world travels and nice homes. As George Orwell correctly assessed: the pigs are more equal.

Constance Cumbey said...

More on Threshold Foundation -- How 300 Wealthy Progressives gather






Constance Cumbey said...

To 3:00 pm

Did you by any chance archive the Podesta email content? Both Klein and Korten are very disturbing sources. I went to your link and it was GONE -- but I would love to read it.


Constance Cumbey said...

Astounding material, Rich, Susanna.


Anonymous said...

Rich - Thanks for your posts. I'm nowhere near as well versed on political matters as you are and appreciate your comments. After reading an article yesterday in the Express, I wonder if it may be of interest to you.


EXPOSED: US plot to add Turkey to hated EU trade deal AFTER it is signed off by Brussels

EXCLUSIVE: TURKEY is set to be bolted on to a controversial EU-US trade deal after it has been signed off by European countries if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, Express.co.uk can reveal today.

Tiny - http://tinyurl.com/zr8vtkm


~ K ~

Anonymous said...

Rich & Constance,

Might this be the link from Anon 3:00 it opens ok on the wikileaks link but not on tikkun?


~ K ~

Anonymous said...

From Anon 3:00 pm
The article I referenced above can be found at this magazine's website


I can't get the Wikileaks site to work right now either, but I did save the article and due to restrictions on length of posts on this website have only posted the beginning of the email and article through introduction. It is available in its entirety at the link I posted which is a magazine site run by Rabbi Michael Lerner titled Tikkun.

Cosmological Wisdom & Planetary Madness

From:magazine@tikkun.org To: Podesta@Law.Georgetown.Edu Date: 2015-11-11 22:46 Subject: Cosmological Wisdom & Planetary Madness

You can read this online at: www.tikkun.org/nextgen/cosmological-wisdom-planetary-madness [ http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/cosmological-wisdom-planetary-madness ] *Editor's Note:** *Sean Kelly presents a brief overview of the evolution of the consciousness of the universe and its current crisis as humanity continues to destroy the life-support system of Earth. It is a deep and profound article worthy of reading carefully to the end. –Rabbi Michael Lerner * * ** *Cosmological Wisdom and Planetary Madness* ** by Sean Kelly Introduction: It is a bitter irony of our times that, just as the collaborative effort of natural scientists and other researchers have revealed the outlines, at least, of a comprehensive cosmology, [ #_edn1 ][i] [ #_edn1 ] [ #_edn1 ] we should find ourselves plunged into a maelstrom of unparalleled planetary madness. The madness: runaway catastrophic climate change, an accelerating mass extinction of species and generalized ecological deterioration, and a brutal, empire-driven regime of planetary apartheid. The wisdom: among the proposals for "Big History" type grand narratives [ #_edn2 ][ii] [ #_edn2 ] [ #_edn2 ], Swimme and Berry's "The Universe Story" (1992) that I will draw from in these pages. It is a story that encompasses the mysterious origin in a "primal flaring forth" (popularly referred to as the Big Bang), a growing, if perhaps never complete, understanding of the main stages of cosmic evolution, the complexities of embodied intelligence, the main thresholds of human history and the varieties of cultural expression, a sense of the lure or telos of the evolutionary adventure, and a prescient sense of growing planetary crisis. The details of such a narrative have and continue to be provided by the assiduous efforts of countless individuals working in their respective fields of specialization. The real keepers of such narratives, however, are those (scientists or not) who dare to transgress the otherwise sensible mutual isolation of individual disciplines (and even inter- and multi-disciplines), and who are called instead, however provisionally, to articulate the nature of the Whole. In this case, the Whole includes not only the strictly physical or material-energetic dimension-whether on the large, small, or medium scale-but also the depth dimension of consciousness, interiority, meaning, and purpose. It is only when the Whole, or cosmos if one prefers, is considered in both these dimensions that the narrative becomes truly grand and a candidate, at least, for an expression of cosmological wisdom.

Anonymous said...

From Anon 3:00 pm

Here is some info on the author of the article I posted at 3:00 pm. - Cosomological Wisdom and Planetary Madness

Sean Kelly, Ph.D., is professor of Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). He is author of Coming Home: The Birth and Transformation of the Planetary Era and of Individuation and the Absolute: Hegel, Jung, and the Path toward Wholeness. Sean's work is guided by the conviction that we are being called to participate actively in the awakening of Gaia, our planet-home, guided by the twin virtues of wisdom and compassion in service of the entire Earth community.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:00 pm

My post linking to the Tikkun website and my posting of the actual email to Podesta through the introduction disappeared. Magic...it's gone.

Yes -K- that is Wikileaks link and below is the Tikkun link


Anonymous said...

These two were listed as references in the article "Cosomological Wisdom and Planetary Madness"

Segall, M., and R. Tarnas, "Disenchantment, disenchantment, and reenchantment

Video of their presentation available at this link:


Constance Cumbey said...

JOSHUA MAILMAN aka JOSH MAILMan -- Learn and archive EVERYTHING about him that you can! Very, very important to how the New Age Movement, Threshold Foundation, and much else has been financed. He is also a big player in Democratic party circles. He used to hold his meetings in the early 1980s in Little Rock, Arkansas.



Constance Cumbey said...

To 1:40 - after reading your comment, I went to the comments section and sure enough the Google bots had obviously removed it there. I "unspammed" it and it should now be back here.


Anonymous said...

Affiliated with Joshua Mailman:

Marko said...

I'm not so sure after listening to the following that Trump and Hillary are different sides of the same coin. This is a good analysis by someone who has been in the loop for a long time:

#45 – Update Brazil: The War We Are In


Not saying that I'm supporting Trump, but it solidifies the proposal that I continue to hear: Trump really has the power players in Washington running scared.

Constance Cumbey said...

From Columbia University re Josh Mailman

Josh Mailman
Josh Mailman, veteran angel investor and philanthropist, has made more than 80 early-stage investments for both himself and on behalf of friends whom he advises. In 1999, the Mailman family endowed $33 million to fund the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health.
In 1987, Mr. Mailman and fellow philanthropist Wayne Silby founded Social Venture Network. SVN is dedicated to inspiring a community of business and social leaders to build a just economy and sustainable planet. SVN has spawned other similar and successful ventures specializing in investments for social good, including Investors' Circle, Net Impact, and the Threshold Foundation. In addition to ongoing board activities (Blacksmith Institute, Human Rights Watch, the Fund for Global Human Rights, Sierra Madre Alliance, Witness) and sitting on the Sigrid Rausing Trust, UK and the Joshua Mailman Foundation, Mr. Mailman is creating a program to support Muslim Social Entrepreneurs in the Middle East and managing Serious Change LP, a global for-profit social venture fund that houses Jalia Ventures.
Mr. Mailman tends to look at existing prejudices in society and in the marketplace not as barriers to change, but as opportunities. "So many people spend time trying to make a lot of money, but once they have it they don't know what to do with it. I hope that, when I get to the end of my life, I can honestly say I did my part."

Anonymous said...

Info on Threshold Foundation is available at this website:


I copied the following from it:

The Doughnuts: In 1981, Joshua Mailman convened a secret meeting in Estes Park Colorado, bringing together a semi-mystical New Age group of 22 wealthy young heirs who called themselves "The Doughnuts." They named themselves after a circular cloud that appeared over the meditation circle they had formed in their outdoor council, where they contemplated "the sacredness of the earth as a living organism" and their duty to save it and its indigenous peoples through joint use of their inherited wealth. The mystical circle became the permanent symbol of their spiritual origins and, in artsy stylization, remains the logo of the present, more secular, Threshold Foundation
In early 1982 Mailman co-opted the Threshold Foundation name and funding away from the London institution for the use of his informal organization of wealthy "Doughnuts." Each "Doughnut" was sworn to absolute secrecy about their commitment to lofty quasi-religious goals, the projects they funded, and their personal identities. Their internal newsletters used only first names and initials for last names.

The projects they funded, like their gatherings, were typically the self-indulgent, romanticized, and quixotic acts of youth and unearned wealth.

Gatherings: They held retreats and journeys in the Arkansas Ozarks; at Paradise Island (Nassau, Bahamas); Mount Sinai, Egypt, to watch the sunrise; "Green Gulch Community" for its "serenity of cosmic consciousness" in Marin County, California; Esalen on the Big Sur cliffside for personal transformation; the Yoga Center Fire Walking Ceremony at Area - a hot New York club.

Early Projects: Several Doughnuts bought an "eco-lodge" in the Amazon jungle of eastern Ecuador; the entire group attempted to buy a gypsum mine in Arkansas to provide crystals to encircle the U.S. White House and Moscow's Kremlin in a magical crystal peace spell; one Doughnut (Harriet Crosby, General Mills money) founded the Institute for Soviet-American Relations in 1983 to prevent World War III; Richard Perl (his father was a wealthy New Jersey entrepreneur), who was still in Columbia Law School (with a business card saying "Peace Entrepreneur"), would become CEO of Deepak Chopra's holistic health corporation, Infinite Possibilities International and follow Mailman into founding the Social Venture Network.

By 1984, Doughnut Anne Bartley (step-daughter of Winthrop Rockefeller) and other Doughnuts including Jeffrey Mark Bronfman (Seagrams whiskey fortune), were realizing "We take chances with friends we wouldn't necessarily do otherwise and sometimes this leads to problems/misunderstanding."
London founder James George complained that the group was drifting away from his original vision:

Before Threshold migrated from England to America, we had been more effective in fostering a dialogue between "alternative" therapies and the medical profession. The present Research Council for Complimentary Medicine and the British Foundation for Natural Therapies in London are spin-offs of the ground-breaking Threshold Study of the Status of Complimentary Medicine in the U.K. by Fulder and Monro, 1981.
In America, although individual Doughnuts have been deeply involved, only one of the forty Threshold projects (Gesundheit) has addressed this concern.

So, in 1984 Tides Foundation and Drummond Pike took over the management problems of Threshold Foundation and incorporated it in 1986, setting it on a more businesslike path, but retaining its ultra-liberal view that saw American society as rife with injustice and in need of radical transformation.

Anonymous said...

I posted some info on Threshold Foundation a bit ago, but now it has disappeared. Trying again!

Link: http://www.undueinfluence.com/threshold_foundation.htm

Some info I copied from above link.

The Doughnuts: In 1981, Joshua Mailman convened a secret meeting in Estes Park Colorado, bringing together a semi-mystical New Age group of 22 wealthy young heirs who called themselves "The Doughnuts." They named themselves after a circular cloud that appeared over the meditation circle they had formed in their outdoor council, where they contemplated "the sacredness of the earth as a living organism" and their duty to save it and its indigenous peoples through joint use of their inherited wealth. The mystical circle became the permanent symbol of their spiritual origins and, in artsy stylization, remains the logo of the present, more secular, Threshold Foundation.

In early 1982 Mailman co-opted the Threshold Foundation name and funding away from the London institution for the use of his informal organization of wealthy "Doughnuts." Each "Doughnut" was sworn to absolute secrecy about their commitment to lofty quasi-religious goals, the projects they funded, and their personal identities. Their internal newsletters used only first names and initials for last names.

The projects they funded, like their gatherings, were typically the self-indulgent, romanticized, and quixotic acts of youth and unearned wealth.

Gatherings: They held retreats and journeys in the Arkansas Ozarks; at Paradise Island (Nassau, Bahamas); Mount Sinai, Egypt, to watch the sunrise; "Green Gulch Community" for its "serenity of cosmic consciousness" in Marin County, California; Esalen on the Big Sur cliffside for personal transformation; the Yoga Center Fire Walking Ceremony at Area - a hot New York club.

Early Projects: Several Doughnuts bought an "eco-lodge" in the Amazon jungle of eastern Ecuador; the entire group attempted to buy a gypsum mine in Arkansas to provide crystals to encircle the U.S. White House and Moscow's Kremlin in a magical crystal peace spell; one Doughnut (Harriet Crosby, General Mills money) founded the Institute for Soviet-American Relations in 1983 to prevent World War III; Richard Perl (his father was a wealthy New Jersey entrepreneur), who was still in Columbia Law School (with a business card saying "Peace Entrepreneur"), would become CEO of Deepak Chopra's holistic health corporation, Infinite Possibilities International and follow Mailman into founding the Social Venture Network.

By 1984, Doughnut Anne Bartley (step-daughter of Winthrop Rockefeller) and other Doughnuts including Jeffrey Mark Bronfman (Seagrams whiskey fortune), were realizing "We take chances with friends we wouldn't necessarily do otherwise and sometimes this leads to problems/misunderstanding."
London founder James George complained that the group was drifting away from his original vision:

Before Threshold migrated from England to America, we had been more effective in fostering a dialogue between "alternative" therapies and the medical profession. The present Research Council for Complimentary Medicine and the British Foundation for Natural Therapies in London are spin-offs of the ground-breaking Threshold Study of the Status of Complimentary Medicine in the U.K. by Fulder and Monro, 1981.
In America, although individual Doughnuts have been deeply involved, only one of the forty Threshold projects (Gesundheit) has addressed this concern.

So, in 1984 Tides Foundation and Drummond Pike took over the management problems of Threshold Foundation and incorporated it in 1986, setting it on a more businesslike path, but retaining its ultra-liberal view that saw American society as rife with injustice and in need of radical transformation.

Anonymous said...

My second post with info on Threshold Foundation disappeared.

Link to info: http://www.undueinfluence.com/threshold_foundation.htm

Anonymous said...


October 13, 2016 7:22 PM ETCapital Markets
Company Overview of Impact America Fund

Page shows Joshua Mailman and fellow Board Members

http://www.impactamericafund.com/advisors/ Executive Kesha Cash and Joshua Mailman

Anonymous said...

Info on Josh Mailman: http://www.undueinfluence.com/joshua_mailman.htm

The Progressive Movement's Wildcard Moneyman, son of a wealthy New York businessman, has personally founded or funded more "social-responsibility" business initiatives and leftist grantmaking foundations than anyone, paralleling the money-funneling accomplishment of his colleague Drummond Pike of the Tides Family of Organizations.

Info on Drummond Pike, who was involved with Threshold Foundation: http://www.undueinfluence.com/drummond_pike.htm

Former master of a vast and intricate Empire of the Left: the mature Tides Network, product of a talented, intelligent, and cunning fundraising wizard. Pike has mentored, guided, or directed grants to more tax exempt organizations than anyone else in the world. His career parallels that of Joshua Mailman, wealthy heir who has personally founded or funded more social-responsibility business initiatives and left-wing grantmaking foundations than anyone else in the world.

Anonymous said...

Drummond Pike may still be involved with the Threshold Foundation. The following comes from the link I provided in my 8:32 pm post, however, I'm not sure when this was written.

Although Drummond Pike came from a well-off family, he was not the heir of a great fortune, as were so many other leftist philanthropists of his generation, such as Joshua Mailman and his secretive "Doughnuts" group of wealthy heirs, which included Jeffrey Bronfman of the Seagram's whiskey fortune, and Harriett McKnight Crosby from two fortunes, the McKnight timber, real estate and skyscraper money and the Crosby General Mills money. The Doughnuts took over the U.K.-based Threshold Foundation in 1981 and in 1984 made it a project of Tides Foundation to pool their inherited wealth and fund leftist groups that could do a lot with a little. Pike remained a Director of Threshold Foundation when it incorporated independently in 1986, and remains today. He is now a millionaire himself.

Anonymous said...

The Doughnuts: In 1981, Joshua Mailman convened a secret meeting in Estes Park Colorado, bringing together a semi-mystical New Age group of 22 wealthy young heirs who called themselves "The Doughnuts." They named themselves after a circular cloud that appeared over the meditation circle they had formed in their outdoor council, where they contemplated "the sacredness of the earth as a living organism" and their duty to save it and its indigenous peoples through joint use of their inherited wealth. The mystical circle became the permanent symbol of their spiritual origins and, in artsy stylization, remains the logo of the present, more secular, Threshold Foundation.

Gatherings: They held retreats and journeys in the Arkansas Ozarks; at Paradise Island (Nassau, Bahamas); Mount Sinai, Egypt, to watch the sunrise; "Green Gulch Community" for its "serenity of cosmic consciousness" in Marin County, California; Esalen on the Big Sur cliffside for personal transformation; the Yoga Center Fire Walking Ceremony at Area - a hot New York club.

Early Projects: Several Doughnuts bought an "eco-lodge" in the Amazon jungle of eastern Ecuador; the entire group attempted to buy a gypsum mine in Arkansas to provide crystals to encircle the U.S. White House and Moscow's Kremlin in a magical crystal peace spell; one Doughnut (Harriet Crosby, General Mills money) founded the Institute for Soviet-American Relations in 1983 to prevent World War III; Richard Perl (his father was a wealthy New Jersey entrepreneur), who was still in Columbia Law School (with a business card saying "Peace Entrepreneur"), would become CEO of Deepak Chopra's holistic health corporation, Infinite Possibilities International and follow Mailman into founding the Social Venture Network.


Anonymous said...

Rich, you wrote that

Erdogan has bitterly complained of Turkey’s borders. After the First World War, its borders were set by the Lausanne Treaty which Erdogan disputes. That treaty expires in 2023. Erdogan has said at that time he intends to restore Turkey’s boundaries to those of the Ottoman Empires.

Erdogan might indeed have said that by the 100th anniversary of Lausanne he wants to regain the Ottoman borders, but the treaty has no expiry date. Check it here:


Constance Cumbey said...

This should be of interest to all, especially to Rich of Medford -- watch it before it disappears -- this is from a recent UN sponsored Congress -- and the new emphasis on the SPIRITUAL!



Constance Cumbey said...

Watch this one, too. Lots of "closed door meetings." So much for er, ah, "transparency"!!



Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constance Cumbey said...

The Threshold Foundation and the Tides Foundation (Drummond Pike) are completely intertwined!
The Tides Foundation administers the Threshold Foundation moneys.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 11:32 am - THANKS for the very helpful information -- perhaps strike "dough" from their logo and we might even have a better sense of who they are -- SORRY, couldn't resist it! Keep up your own good work informing us!!!!


Anonymous said...

What do self-described “communist” Van Jones, his good friend Arianna Huffington, radical philanthropist George Soros, the Threshold Foundation, and the Tides Foundation all have in common?


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I responded to a video my cousin posted and decided to share some thoughts on Benghazi.


I absolutely believe this man.

Had we not been in an election year the lie that this attack was the result of an anti-Muslim video may have gone undetected. Hillary Clinton’s own emails show that President Obama, ambassador Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton all knew this was false. They’ve never adequately explained the motivation of this lie.

I strongly suspect the lie was intended to advance a political process – the Istanbul Process – Clinton had just launched with the Organization of Islamic Co-operation. It is an interlocking initiative with the Alliance of Civilizations which, in 2009, President Obama joined the United States. The Process is the face to UN Resolution 16/18 which would criminalize free speech critical of religion should it “incite” violence. Clinton told Benghazi victim’s mother Pat Smith her son was dead because of this video and they intended to punish the person who uploaded it. As the lie crumbled Clinton decided to call Pat Smith a liar.

What I find especially interesting is that lies appear to follow the Alliance of Civilizations. In 2005 severe riots engulfed the Islamic world due to unflattering caricatures of the prophet Mohammed. The caricatures were published by a Danish newspaper nearly 6 months before they were re-published throughout the Mideast. (The two most inflammatory caricatures which sparked the riots were not part of the Danish newspapers collection.) The AoC promptly stepped onto the world stage to “calm” tensions between the Islamic world and the West. They claimed to be taken by surprise yet found the events timely because they had recently formed to straighten out the clash of civilizations. They immediately called for restrictions to be placed upon free speech worldwide and continually introduced Defamation of Religion resolutions. (The Istanbul Process is a re-written defamation of religion resolution but on steroids.) I have archived documents which show the Alliance of Civilizations knew of the caricatures months before the riots.

Then again, another controversy erupted in 2010: the Terry Jones Burn a Koran Day. President Obama, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, General Petraeus, et. al. accused Jones of hijacking the media and inciting violence. Had none of these individuals televised condemnations of the event it wouldn’t have received the level of global media attention that it had. Petraeus called for Eric Holder to find a way to criminally charge Jones. (While I find Jones actions disgusting, it is also the same as burning a U.S. flag which the US Supreme Court ruled an expression of free speech guaranteed under the Constitution.) Again, I have Alliance of Civilizations materials which show they knew months in advance of the Terry Jones event and expressed it had the potential to cause a clash of civilizations.

I also find it interesting that before the Benghazi terrorist attacks there were protests in London against the anti-Muslim video. I couldn’t help but notice that the protest was promoted as a call for an Alliance of Civilizations.
These people are devious. Perhaps it is not so hard to recognize as I had a bit of that in me as a youngster. The difference is these people seek to achieve a dangerous political objective which, if successful, will carry with it serious consequences.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Anon 6:55 AM

Thank you, I stand corrected about the expiration date. You are correct that Erdogan does want to restore the Ottoman empire. I'll post a cleric's sermon where he says Erdogan is going to reclaim the Ottoman borders. Erdogan is seated up front. It is a very disturbing video. In the meantime, this next link shows that some in Turkey are saying the treaty expires in 2023.

Erdoğan’s Big Picture: A Sufi imam throws light on Tayyip’s grand ambitions


paul said...

Thanks for the Update Brazil "The War We Are In" link.
Very credible and informative. Very sad but true.

Marko said...

Thank you Paul.

There's a #46 out now, and it's even better (and more chilling). It's in a question / answer format, and touches on MANY things.


War before the election? Possibly. War to provide cover for the wikileaks relevations. It sounds unlikely, but this corrupt machine is capable of anything.

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