Cliff Kincaid, one of my favorite political commentators just sent me his latest newsletter. He expresses deep concerns about Donald Trump, those supporting him, and a type of mob mentality -- not dissimilar from some we also witness from those in the Occupy Movement and on the far left of the political spectrum.
Cliff has agreed to join me to vocalize his written concerns about that as well as some new concerns about New World Religion developments.
We will be live in the morning on TMERadio.com at 7 a.m. Pacific time, 10 a.m. Atlantic time.
Join us then and there!
Just FYI- "The lights that illuminate the blue mustang at Denver International Airport will go dark for one hour on Saturday to celebrate Earth Hour." I wonder if there's any chance Trump tower will also wink out in honor of the earth? Nah.
Hi Constance,
I have concerns too, but the alternative is Hillary Clinton. We keep being given the choice to pick our poison. The system is completely broken and we are offered only candidates who can't be elected or ones who are corrupt.
Trump does not seem to be part of the establishment, but we don't know if he is just playing this role or he is really truly going to be independent from the corporate interests who run the US.
If he decides to abolish the Fed and reinstitute Glass-Steagal I will be impressed with him. If this does not happen our country cannot be fixed because it's not being run by politicians, but the politicians are being run by the Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the like. As long as we have a fractional reserve banking system that prints money instead of giving the power back to the government to issue money, the country will be sold out.
As Rothschild said loosely quoting, "Give me control of the money and I care not who governs."
No one is perfect, but Hillary is pure evil.
You mean Hitlary Rotten Clinton the Muslim Brotherhood shill?
Cliff has agreed to join me to vocalize his written concerns about that as well as some new concerns about New World Religion developments.
Constance, I believe if we are only looking at or for this man of sin to 'show up' we are missing the forest looking for the tree?
If we are looking for some established NWR, we may also be missing it.
In their 'speak' the teacher does not show up until the pupil is ready?
So in their own words, the NWR church is and needs to be prepared, conditioned and positioned to accept this NWR leader.
The New Age that took root has blossomed into every element of society
I see it has permeated it into business philosophy.
Reiki is running rampant in the medical community.
Churches have mainstreamed The gods of destiny, mammon, and mysticism.
Schools are teaching Mohammedanism and Yoga with no regard for the supposed separation of church and state.
The NWR is forming right under our eyes within EVERY church/religious tradition, be it Christian, pagan or otherwise.
The church is embracing contemplative worship, the music of the beast singing of the god of angel armies, 'christian yoga' ecumenism/syncretism/compromise, with extra biblical manifestations be it Marian apparitions or glory clouds and gold pixie dust.
Then again, maybe you are right! Maybe the 'church' is ready for the man of sin!
Jesuit theater from the last post mentions: Jimmy Swaggart (LOL)
all those "mirror image of the beast" Charismatics and not protestants they are ALL Jesuits and Masons or occultists, and yes ACTORS, as in Jesuits Theater, they only play protestants on TV, anyone with half a brain knows this but the job of the SJ is to try and make their stink stick to others. Trump is an ACTOR, yer fired! Have you all forgotten? All candidates and actors.
A perfect example recent of JST (Jesuits Theater)
and Trump, 33 years old and a master Mason of the art of the 'deal', LOL!!
Anonymous paul said...
You mean Hitlary Rotten Clinton the Muslim Brotherhood shill?
Jesuits control all of the brotherhoods, Paul- her husband's favorite professor was Quigly, Jesuit trained historian.
As Rothschild said loosely quoting, "Give me control of the money and I care not who governs."
12:41 AM
The Black Pope & Meyer Amschel Rothschild
even the Jewish books call the roth's Vatican bankers
Loyola was Jewish.
Welcome to a collection of news reports of ministers sexually abusing children:
We would be naïve and dishonest were we to say this is a Roman Catholic problem and has nothing to do with us because we have married and female priests in our church. Sin and abusive behavior know no ecclesial or other boundaries." Rt. Rev. William Persell, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, Good Friday Sermon, 2002.
ALL Protestant denominations - 838 Ministers
147 Baptist Ministers
251 "Bible" Church Ministers (fundamentalist/evangelical)
140 Anglican/Episcopalian Ministers
38 Lutheran Ministers
46 Methodist Ministers
19 Presbyterian Ministers
197 various Church Ministers
Anonymous 12:54PM
Back in 1998, President Bill Clinton, a Baptist, and his wife, Hillary, a Methodist, decided to receive Communion at the Regina Mundi Catholic Church in Johannesburg, South Africa. A spokesman for Clinton said the president had no regrets about receiving Communion. He understood that any baptized Christian could receive Communion. The late Cardinal John O'Connor, archbishop of New York at the time, kindly informed the president that his understanding was erroneous.
I am most definitely NOT pro-Clinton or pro-Hillary, but just to be fair, according to the New York Times, Father Makabone acted on his own, and if the following article is to be believed, Bill and Hillary Clinton do not seem to have been totally at fault.
President Took Communion -- And Criticism
Published: April 7, 1998
WASHINGTON, April 6— President Clinton took Holy Communion during a South African Mass late last month at the invitation of the local priest, White House officials said today in response to criticism that giving Communion to Mr. Clinton, a Baptist, violated Roman Catholic doctrine.
Mr. Clinton never receives Communion in Catholic churches in the United States. But Barry Toiv, a White House spokesman, said the priest, Father Mohlomi Makobane, told White House staff members before Mr. Clinton's visit to his Soweto church that 'this was the policy of the South African Conference of Bishops, that Communion was open to non-Catholics.'
No such lenient policy exists, the Southern African bishops declared late last week. In January, however, the bishops did issue rules that allow non-Catholics to receive Communion in certain special circumstances, and the Vatican has requested clarification of that policy.
Father Makobane told The Associated Press that Mr. Clinton's aides had asked before the Mass on March 29 if the President could receive Communion. Mr. Toiv said members of the White House staff had told Father Makobane that the President would probably not receive Communion, because he does not do so at Masses in the United States.
Father Makobane expressed surprise that Mr. Clinton did so, saying, ''If the President stands up to come receive Holy Communion, how much embarrassment would it have caused him by my saying, 'Please sit down?' ''
Mr. Clinton is not the first non-Catholic President to receive Communion. President Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan did so here in June 1983 at the memorial Mass of a longtime aide, Joseph R. Holmes.
At the Soweto service, a program drawn up by White House staff and presented to Mr. Clinton and his entourage invited all baptized Christians to take part in the Communion wafer and wine, which Catholics consider to be the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a Methodist, also received Communion that day.
The service, before a packed congregation of about 1,000 people, was at the Regina Mundi Church, a refuge and focal point for resistance during the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa.
The President's decision to receive Communion prompted church officials from South Africa to the Vatican to the United States to declare in recent days that Father Makobane had misinterpreted church doctrine.
''The action taken by the priest in South Africa, however well-intentioned, was legally and doctrinally wrong in the eyes of the church law and church doctrine,'' John Cardinal O'Connor, the Archbishop of New York, said in a Palm Sunday sermon......
I don't know whether or not Quigley was "trained" by Jesuits ( please cite your source ), but after attending Harvard and Princeton, he taught at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at the Jesuit - run Georgetown University which calls itself a "Catholic" university while appearing to promote points of view and activities that can hardly be called Catholic - or even Christian - all in the name of "academic freedom."
Jesuit priest Edmund A. Walsh founded the School of Foreign Service in 1919, recognizing the need for a school that would prepare Americans for roles as diplomats and business professionals in the wake of expanding involvement by the U.S. in world affairs after World War I. The school predates the U.S. Foreign Service by six years.
One of Georgetown's alumni, THE EXORCIST author, William Peter Blatty has been making things nice and loud and stinky for Georgetown fairly recently vis a vis a canonical petition to the Vatican requesting that the Church “require that Georgetown implement Ex Corde Ecclesiae, a papal constitution governing Catholic colleges.”
If that effort proved fruitless, his petition called for “the removal or suspension of top-ranked Georgetown’s right to call itself Catholic and Jesuit in any of its representations.”
See also:
Ex Corde Ecclesiae
He is not the only one, Susanna! The fact is, Adultery Bill is Georgwtown Jesuit trained. GWB also took RC communion!
Your supposed damage limitation is not fooling me!
But only good Catholics are Catholic!
Bad Catholics are just bad, not Catholic, just bad bad bad bad bad!!!
Anonymous 3:55 P.M.
Re: Your supposed damage limitation is not fooling me!
No damage limitation was intended. Adultery Bill is not Catholic. Ergo, I have no right to assume that he was totally familiar with Catholic policy outside of the United States.
Adultery Bill was also a Rhodes Scholar. Checked under the beds. No Jesuits there.
Didn't you read what I posted about Georgetown? I wasn't exactly singing its praises.
Dear Susanna
How do you as a Catholic separate yourself from contradictions of faith that you see within your faith tradition. (Only as an example - Pope Francis saying that evolution had a role and part in God's economy of creation?)
Thanks, Dan
"The problem is by no means confined to the Catholic Church. But with its financial liability for sexual abuse--with estimates at $1 billion in damages by 1995--and the massive stonewalling and cover-ups as documented here, the problem is seen in the Catholic Church at its worst. In some dioceses, pedophilia truly appears to be viewed by some Catholic officials as a way of life. Decisions by the Catholic Church to flagrantly ignore abuse or even reward pedophiles with greater responsibility over children, prompt the question of whether the church has tacitly condoned pedophilia. Why? To risk alienating its dwindling supply of priests? As a bizarre twist on a sexist attitude that priests must "sow their wild oats"--like that typical rationalization of a parent protecting a rapist son? Is child molestation a pillar of the priesthood? Without it, would its male hierarchy and doctrine of celibacy crumble? These are not unfair questions, given the Catholic officials' awe-inspiring track record of inaction, indifference and collusion."
This is the issue. Now here is the definition of systemic:
"› formal A systemic problem or change is a basic one, experienced by the whole of an organization or a country and not just particular parts of it:"
Abuse goes on anywhere adults have authority and access to children, even in homes. This is documented fact. When it happens in the name of God, by a member of clergy it has the tragic affect of causing the child to lose faith in the God who they have been raised to believe in. When the organization itself protects and promotes and moves from parish to parish, the perpetrator, and this happens repeatedly within the same organization, this is systemic.
Perhaps this is more common in Catholicism because it is hierarchical, where as other churches, synagogues are not, but perhaps this also happens because of the practice of celibacy. The author who does not go light on other religious organizations who have a record of abuse, asks this question and I believe the question is a fair one to ask.
We should not be afraid to question man-made doctrine. Nowhere does the Bible state that men should not marry, clergy or otherwise. The bible does speak extensively about sexual sin. Professional ministers in any church or synagogue are imperfect human beings, but when they sin against the innocent, they should not be protected and allowed to continue this vile, evil practice. The correlation between homosexual child abuse in the Catholic church could very likely be a result of the doctrine of celibacy which might sound good in theory ( to Catholics) but in practice might not be very good for the mental healthy of priests and could lead them into greater temptation. The flip-side of this is that men with homosexual, and pedophile tendencies might be attracted to the priesthood because it provides them access to little boys.
I have seen churches which specifically keep clergy and lay people a like, who serve from being isolated with children to avoid any appearance of evil and any accusations. This is a sad state of affairs, but a very good policy given the sick society that we live in. Sexual abuse against children is satanic and is found in many places in society but when it happens in the name of God, it can have the sad effect of turning children against the very God who wants to heal them.
This is even more interesting. The Catholic Church relying on Kinsey for help..He had dealings with Aleister Crowley:
She is an amazing researcher and did a great job exposing Kinsey.
Cliff Kincaid on Trump - I missed the program so I sought out some Kincaid articles about him. This one cites Phyllis Schlafly, complaining of a supposed Putin land grab of Wrangel Island which Obama remained silent on, "Schlafly was adamant that Wrangel Island belonged to the United States because brave American explorers had reached the territory on August 12, 1881, and had planted an American flag there."
the island was first spotted by a Cossack, and named after a Baron Wrangel who heard reports and went looking for it but didn't find it. A claim for the US by an
explorer was made in 1881 but no effort to keep it. " In 1911, the Russian Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition on icebreakers Vaygach and Taymyr under Boris Vilkitsky, landed on the island.[22] In 1916 the Tsarist government declared that the island belonged to the Russian empire." USSR affirmed the tsarist claim, a handful of Americans got there to head off a Japanese claim and were removed later.
"According to some American activists,[37] eight Arctic islands currently controlled by Russia, including Wrangel Island, are claimed by the United States. However, according to the United States Department of State[38] no such claim exists."
There was no land grab, the island has been administered by a department of the Russian government since 1976 as a sort of nature reserve the only thing unusual was the plan to build a naval base there. the island itself is north of an outjut of Siberia.
This is the sort of thing that makes Kincaid have absolutely zero credibility with me. however, Trump has issues. But Hillary is worse. I am not planning to vote for anyone for president.
Webster Griffin Tarpley is worried that Trump represents a fascist takeover type of thing, more overt than what we already have with big business running government. Tarpley has his limits, but he makes a good case. Trump's background is dubious, and its impossible to tell if he is more of the same, or a person who because of his background, and rejection of it, is in fact an outside who would fight the entrenched money power establishment.
Russia's relationship with Iran and Syria has to do with an oil pipeline, which would go through Syria and which the CIA Arab Spring in Syria was to prevent. I don't think Putin thinks Iran would nuke Israel, because Israel also has nukes, an open secret for decades. And probably has some targeted at Mecca which would make all muslims with nukes cautious. Putin has gone out of his way to work with Israel
regarding their security concerns while war goes on near their border with Syria.
Trump apparently has been immoral. So have a lot of presidents, presidential hopefuls (including Hillary) and State Department and Congress people. According to one report, China's attitude to Trump is less positive than Putin's and Trump's praise of China's Tiannamen Square handling of protesters gives me pause. At this point my only concern is, will the prez keep us out of WW 3? and I can't answer
that on Trump because he could say one thing and do another, and is aggressive enough to get sucked into a fight, while Hillary is a slam dunk to make WW 3.
So I'm not voting for either of them (Trump will probably get the nomination.) That way whatever happens I don't have to feel guilty. Larry Nichols' revelations about the Clintons is worth listening to on youtube.
Good program Constance.... I actually had time to listen for once. (Saturday is my "do all the running around that I couldn't do during the week" day.)
Cliff Kincaid is a good investigative reporter. He doesn't pretend to know it all, and is just trying to find out the truth. He is always asking what other people think about what he writes or thinks. That is not very common these days.
He correctly focuses a lot of his suspicion and ire lately on Putin. He also has been writing a lot of investigative pieces on Trump. How are the two related?
On Ben Carson's FB page, On March 16, he posted a comment that said this:
"We must unify as a party to defeat the Democrats and their destructive polices. We have an uphill battle before us, but the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake."
Well, as you can imagine, a LOT of people commented underneath their displeasure with Dr. Carson for supporting Trump.
I left my own comment expressing the same sentiment, and I hope it helps explain why many of us have some reservations about Trump. At the bottom is a link to a video that Cliff did with Robert Zubrin, who is a humanist and in some of his articles sounds very New Age, but in his analysis of Trump I think he is spot on. The video is excellent. Next post is the comment I left for Carson:
Jane Butler - As I read through the comments here, you seem to parrot the same objection to those who have reservations about Trump - that we are all brainwashed by the MSM and if we just looked at The Don's positions, we'd all happily climb aboard the Trump Express.
That is nonsense. I distrust the MSM as much as most people here, and you are insulting, to say the least, to suggest otherwise. So please.... stop it.
As I investigate his positions more and more, he is starting to look like a nationalist / populist with very anti-freedom tendencies, which makes him start to look like a Fascist. I guess that's why he tweeted a favorite quote from Mussolini.
I don't blame people for supporting him.... they have watched for decades as their beloved country has been dismantled piece by piece. But upon closer examination, we could be exchanging one bad president for another if we elect Trump.
Trump is pro-Putin, and pro- anyone who displays POWER to get things done. Putin is an authoritarian, power-hungry criminal who pines for the good old days of the Soviet Union. And Trump thinks he's a good guy. And Putin likes Donald Trump. Why would that be? Why should that concern anyone? [And I'll add here something I didn't originally leave at Carson's site - Dugin is also pro-Trump. And again, why is that, and why should it concern anyone? The video explains it. - marko]
If you have some spare moments, instead of just commenting and leaving another link to Trump's positions, please check out this video. It highlights many of my concerns about Mr. Trump:
So Marko, who is the better choice, Hillary, or Donald?
There are no saints in the presidential election, so we always, if we vote, choose the lesser of two evils.
Do you think Hillary to be less evil than Donald? And frankly, who cares? Should we not have the president we deserve?
Seems we here in the USA deserve less and less with each new leader. Do you not see us slipping ever deeper into darkness at a rapid pace?
Even a half way decent POTUS would not stop our slide. Without true repentance, (not the token 9/11 kind, yellow ribbons, bumper stickers), we will come under severe judgement, and will cease to exist.
I agree completely, 10:39.
To be completely honest, I think we have been under judgment since Obama, and it will continue, because the majority of Americans have thumbed their collective noses at God and all He stands for, especially over the past 3 or 4 years.
It certainly is a case of "choose your poison". But I'm to the point, I think, where I refuse to drink ANY poison, and will vote my conscience, which would be a write-in, or no vote at all. Right now, I would not vote for Trump.
I know many good, Christian folks who disagree with that, saying "But then you are essentially voting for CLINTON!! (or Sanders)" No, I'm not. I'm not voting for Trump, AND I'm not voting for Clinton. Numerically speaking, not voting for the Republican candidate IS giving an extra vote to the Democrat. But morally, it is not the same. Just because I don't support in a moral sense Donald Trump, does not mean that I *do* support in a moral sense the opposite candidate.
It's pretty grim, looking ahead. But my hope is not in who the president is, or in myself, or in anyone here on this planet. My hope is in Jesus Christ and His choice to ransom me from the enemy by dying on a cross and rising from the dead in victory over that enemy. That hope never changes, no matter what the circumstances.
Let the Name of the Lord be praised! In the darkness ahead, may His light shine all the brighter through His saints.
Before Obama’s historic Cuba visit, the Communist Castro government warns dissidents to stay home:
Before the “pope’s” visit to Cuba, the Communist Castro government “detains” dissidents:
Could there possibly be a pattern here? Let's not forget the major part Francis played in "normalizing" between the USA and the totalitarian Communist Castro regime. Both Obama and Francis are proponents of a New World Order. I'm beginning to think in the New World Order, there won't be any room for anyone that holds to a differing opinion from that of Big Brother.
Anonymous RayB said...
Before Obama’s historic Cuba visit,
I concur with your thoughts.
Trump is a wild card the establishment is afraid of as they want to be able to control. His rhetoric on a strong military plays into the military/industrial complex however.
Trump meeting with the Clinton's prior to the election still weighs heavy. Could be be willing and ready to throw the election to Hillary when it comes down to the wire, by doing something stupid?
Re: How do you as a Catholic separate yourself from contradictions of faith that you see within your faith tradition. (Only as an example - Pope Francis saying that evolution had a role and part in God's economy of creation?)
Haven't you paid attention when I have explained on several occasions when Catholics are obligated to obey the Pope? Or on those several occasions when I have explained that the Pope's opinions are not infallible?
The "contradiction" is only from your perspective, not from mine. And then only because you haven't bothered to pay attention when I have explained what Catholics believe.
Nevertheless, I will explain it one more time.
First of all the Theory of Evolution is simply that... a theory. Pope Francis is entitled to his opinion like everybody else. Papal opinions are not infallible.
As a Catholic, I am free to believe or not believe in the theory of evolution as long as I acknowledge that it is a THEORY and as long as I acknowledge that even if the theory of evolution were scientifically proven to be a fact, that it only applies to the material physical human body and not the human soul, which in each and every case is a direct creation from the hand of God and as such cannot "evolve" from anything.
I, for one, DO NOT believe in the theory of evolution. I believe that after all the lower life forms were created by God, one man - "Adam," according to the Bible -was created separately and individually - apart from the other lower life forms -and was made "in the image and likeness of God."
By way of analogy, when God commanded Solomon to build His temple, he didn't instruct him to attach an addition to other things he had built. The Temple was to be a separate structure built of special materials of the finest quality because it was there that God was to make His dwelling place among men in the "Holy of Holies" of the Temple.
As for my faith, the Bible simply tells us THAT God created all the things that are made "ex nihilo" because in the beginning there was nothing but the Word. The Bible does not tell us HOW God created. This is a mystery.
Here is the official Church position.
What is the Catholic position concerning belief or unbelief in evolution? The question may never be finally settled, but there are definite parameters to what is acceptable Catholic belief.
Concerning cosmological evolution, the Church has infallibly defined that the universe was specially created out of nothing. Vatican I solemnly defined that everyone must "confess the world and all things which are contained in it, both spiritual and material, as regards their whole substance, have been produced by God from nothing" (Canons on God the Creator of All Things, canon 5).
The Church does not have an official position on whether the stars, nebulae, and planets we see today were created at that time or whether they developed over time (for example, in the aftermath of the Big Bang that modern cosmologists discuss). However, the Church would maintain that, if the stars and planets did develop over time, this still ultimately must be attributed to God and his plan, for Scripture records: "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all their host [stars, nebulae, planets] by the breath of his mouth" (Ps. 33:6).
Concerning biological evolution, the Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time. However, it says that, if they did develop, then they did so under the impetus and guidance of God, and their ultimate creation must be ascribed to him.
Concerning human evolution, the Church has a more definite teaching. It allows for the possibility that man’s body developed from previous biological forms, under God’s guidance, but it insists on the special creation of his soul. Pope Pius XII declared that "the teaching authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions . . . take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter—[but] the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God" (Pius XII, Humani Generis 36). So whether the human body was specially created or developed, we are required to hold as a matter of Catholic faith that the human soul is specially created; it did not evolve, and it is not inherited from our parents, as our bodies are.
.....read entire article.....
A side question:
Dan, and anyone else who uses the term "military/industrial complex"....
Just how else is a nation supposed to defend itself, if not by having a military/industrial complex? Maybe our admirals and generals get together with those of our enemies and play a round of board games, and whoever wins the most wins the war?
I understand the point you were making, but I still get annoyed when I see that phrase being tossed about so freely, like it's ALWAYS a bad, evil thing. It's not.
It's only worrisome if it is in the pocket of a bad ruler (as what could happen with Trump as president), to be used against the people. I would guess the American military is in less danger of that happening than with most other militaries of the world. If our president went over the line in some way, and tried to claim too much power, and tried to use the military to enforce his power grab, most of the armed forces would refuse to obey. We might even have a military coup, in favor of the people. Of course, that presents other problems - a mob backed by military power.
But my original question remains - how else does a nation rightfully defend itself without a military, and the industries needed to supply that military?
12:45 AM
First of all, it has been explained again and again that celibacy within the Catholic clergy is a discipline and not a "doctrine."
And while some pedophiles may be attracted to the celibacy of the priesthood studies have shown that pedophilia occurs more often among married persons than it does among celibate persons. Moreover, since the scandals have come to light, Catholic seminaries have become much more diligent in "weeding out" homosexuals or anyone whose sexual proclivities are anything but normal.
The profiles of child molesters never include normal adults who become erotically attracted to children as a result of abstinence (Fred Berlin, "Compulsive Sexual Behaviors" in Addiction and Compulsive Behaviors [Boston: NCBC, 1998]; Patrick J. Carnes, "Sexual Compulsion: Challenge for Church Leaders" in Addiction and Compulsion; Dale O'Leary, "Homosexuality and Abuse").
If a pedophile is more likely to hide behind a wedding ring than a Roman collar, it is because in the case of married persons people are more likely to assume that since the married person is being "sexually satisfied," he/she will not be tempted to prey upon children.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Since neither being Catholic nor being celibate predisposes a person to develop pedophilia, a married clergy wouldn't solve the problem ("Doctors call for pedophilia research," The Hartford Currant, March 23). One has only to look at similar crises in other denominations and professions to see this.
The plain fact is, healthy heterosexual men have never been known to develop erotic attractions to children as a result of abstinence.
Anonymous, 12:45 AM
Re: "Perhaps this is more common in Catholicism because it is hierarchical, where as other churches, synagogues are not, but perhaps this also happens because of the practice of celibacy."
Perhaps this is more common within Protestantism because it isn't MORE hierarchical and therefore "the buck stops nowhere."
Re:" When the organization itself protects and promotes and moves from parish to parish, the perpetrator, and this happens repeatedly within the same organization, this is systemic."
According to Protestant historian Philip Jenkins, Protestants, aided and abetted by the news media among other entities, have done this on more occasions than Catholics. They may not be "hierarchical" by your definition, but the Protestant pedophilia with its own accompanying "cover up" problem is certainly systemic.
"Do Protestant churches really have a bigger problem with pedophilia?"
What does the research show?
Sue Widemark
A Penn State historian Philip Jenkins, has done in-‐depth research of pedophilia
and sexual abuse among the clergy and has come up with some rather eye opening
facts(Pedophiles and Priests, Anatomy of a Crisis, Oxford University Press, 1996,Paperback edition, 2001). It seems that while .2 to 1.7 percent of Catholic
clergy have been guilty of pedophilia (or sexual abuse particularly of boys, p. 80-‐82), a whopping 10 percent of Protestant ministers have been found guilty of
sexual misconduct with a 2 or 3 percent pedophilia rate (p.50-‐52).
This is all the more interesting, notes Jenkins, since there has been NO media
term "Pastor Pedophilia" coined at all!
Jenkins theorizes that the media, proving the 'point' of the 'necessity' of sexual
promiscuity, overemphasizes any instance of pedophilia found among theCatholic clergy since it can use this to criticize the entire idea of celibacy.
But it is interesting that the NON Celibate Protestant ministers have a MUCH GREATER
problem with it than the celibate Catholic priests!
Protestant pastor pedophilia is not within the frame of our 'social constructionists' as Jenkins calls the media:
"One of the more egregious molestation cases of the 1980’s concerned a Pentecostal
minister named Tony Leyva, who had abused perhaps a hundred boys in various southern
states over a period of several years… The Leyva case if not mentioned in any of the
books or analytical articles on clergy abuse, which is noteworthy because in so many
ways Leyva’s career resembled that of the internationally notorious former parish
priest James Porter… in a sense the Leyva story may have been ‘worse’ than Porter’s in that there were accomplises in his sexual activities…
It has since been forgotten because it does not fit within the cultural frame that
dominates public discourse, and that emphasizes the Catholic role to the virtual
exclusion of others” (p.10-‐11).
Very few people have ever heard of Tony Leyva! The same is true of three brothers,
all Baptist ministers, who were charged with child molestation in the 1990's; the
public learned little about this highly unusual series of cases because it was not
deemed worthy of dissemination by those fixated on Catholic scandals.
And the case of a Baptist pastor and a bus driver,in Washtenaw County, Michigan, who
raped multiple small boys who were attending Sunday School (p.12).
Once the media elites focused their attention on framing the issue in terms of the
'celibacy' problem, it became difficult for them to assert that the problem was
larger among the non-‐celibate Protestant clergy.
Jenkins' research was based on several highly respected studies and statistics. He points out that whereas sexual misconduct has always been a problem, among Catholic
and non-‐Catholic clergy as well as among the general populace, what is new now is that the 'problem' of priest sexual abuse, constructed by the media as a result of
a 'moral panic' occurring in the mid-‐1980's...."
Vatican goes dark in honor of "Earth Hour", Trump tower stays lit.
Question: Who's the pagan?
Anonymous said (in part) @ 4:28 PM:
by Sue Widemark
"A Penn State historian Philip Jenkins, has done in-‐depth research of pedophilia
and sexual abuse among the clergy and has come up with some rather eye opening
facts(Pedophiles and Priests, Anatomy of a Crisis, Oxford University Press, 1996,Paperback edition, 2001). It seems that while .2 to 1.7 percent of Catholic ..."
In the spirit of disclosure, I'd like to point out that "Sue Widemark" is nothing other than a Catholic blogger on the Internet. Philip Jenkins is a liberal that writes for "The Christian Century" ... a notorious liberal "social gospel" magazine. I hardly think this type of information is credible in the slightest.
I find it amazing how Catholics continue to ignore and deny the huge problem that their church has with pedophilia by deflecting towards other guilty parties. It's as if a murderer on death row proclaims "I'm not as bad as that other guy ... I only killed 5 people!" Also, what Catholics seem to ignore is HOW their church leadership handled this scandal: Lie, deny, cover-up, obfuscate, and move offending priests into other dioceses that enabled these perverts to continue to abuse unsuspecting innocent children. How anyone can defend these crimes is way beyond my understanding.
omots ...
The Papacy is all in for "climate change" because it is one of the major tools being used by the One World Government despots to gain ultimate control over sovereign nations. The USA is the primary target and is one of the last hopes for sovereign statehood left on the planet. Once America is crushed by the Globalist elitists, nothing will be left to stand in their way.
There can be no doubt that the Vatican sees itself playing a very major roll in the coming New World Order.
The Vatican Goes Dark for Earth Hour
"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19
Perhaps this is more common within Protestantism because it isn't MORE hierarchical and therefore "the buck stops nowhere."
That is disingenuous, 4.28pm. In any church system the line of oversight must at some point leap from earth to heaven. In some congregations there is an internal council of elders who answer directly to Jesus. In others there is a single leader of the congregation, called an ordained priest, who answers to a bishop. That bishop might answer to the Pope (in Catholicism) or not (in episcopalianism). In the latter case the bishop answers to Christ. In the former case the Pope does. In presbyterianism there is a hierarchy of councils. The only difference between all of these systems is how many steps there are between the believer and Jesus Christ. You are quite wrong to say the buck stops nowhere. And who, candidly, wants the buck stopping with men like the corrupt Rodrigo Borgia (Alexander VI), or Julius III who made his rent boy a cardinal, or Clement VIII who called the Edict of Nantes (granting toleration to French protestants) “the most cursed edict that could be imagined… whereby liberty of conscience is granted to everyone, which is the worst thing in the world”, or Clement XI, who in his bull Unigenitus of 1713 strenuously condemned Bible-reading by the laity, or Pius IX who kidnapped a Jew boy and mocked his parents in an audience with them, or Pius XI who cut a deal with the fascist dictator Mussolini - money and freedom of operation for the Catholic church in return for electoral support - or Benedict XVI who said that the "good of the universal church" (aka avoidance of embarrassment) must be taken into account when deciding whether to defrock a pedophile priest?
So a Baptist Pastor is talking to a Priest and he asks, who do you confess sin to, and the Priest answers, "the Bishop". The Pastor continues to ask, so who does the Bishop confess sin to. The priest answers"the Cardinal". Then Priest asks, who does the Cardinal confess sin to. The Priest responds, "the Pope". So who does the Pope confess sin to, to which the Priest answers, "God" to which the Baptist Pastor replies, "Hallelujah, the Pope is a Baptist?".
"Just how else is a nation supposed to defend itself, if not by having a military/industrial complex?"
industries used to retool to make weapons by the end of WW 2 this had changed. the military industrial complex, which Eisenhower warned of, is permanently dedicated to war, and supports itself by fomenting wars and whatnot through congress and media. A country could train military people to do the production work, maybe pay a few scientists and patent holders. Martin Marietta wouldn't even exist.
someone being a catholic blogger has no bearing on credibility. she didn't compile the stats, OTHER people did. check her sources.
the RC who was shocked to hear a voodooer say he was praying to the powers behind his idols that could help him (with a curse attaching however, as these are unclean spirits) because this is what RC says about statues and icons, should have read Paul
I Cor. 10:19, 20 "19What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons"
The issue is, WHICH POWERS ARE BEING PRAYED TO? that the honor given to an image of something goes to the original the image represents. either a demon or a saint, or Christ Himself. demons lurk behind the idols of pagans, but not the images of the holy. (There might be a few problematic images of saints due to someone intentionally tweaking them a bit. but that would be a satanic infiltration thing.)
"works" - external observances of the Mosaic Covenant. circumcision, food laws, sabbaths, etc. read Galatians without presuppositions
2 Cor. 5:10 Christians will be judged for good or evil done.
"faith without works is dead" James and read entire chapter 25 of Matthew. that is
directed to the believer. And notice the parable of the sower TWO CATEGORIES BELIEVED BUT ONE FELL AWAY AND ONE BORE NO FRUIT. you are not saved to just believe but to do good works, worship God and avoid evil. To live for Jesus. salvation is a starting point, and isn't complete till Jesus comes back, when we receive salvation of our bodies as well as our souls. Rom. 8:22-24 if you can't perceive the wafer as the Body and Blood of Christ then don't partake, but don't call it righteous common sense. John chapter 6. I Cor. 11:27-32
(one thing worries me, the need for the INTENT OF THE PRIEST. One reason I chose EO, the epiklesis, invocation of The Holy Spirit to make the transformation, AFTER the words of institution.)
"former roman catholic" - define your terms. culturally identified as RC with maybe minimal church life, say a precanned prayer and light a candle at Mary's statue maybe confirmed or only a memorization catechizing? a priest addressing al anon, said that growing up understood in theory that grace was available when it came to him, he felt, it ran out. Even as a priest, he never thought of praying to God about personal issues. until he got to AA and took Jesus as his higher power.
(yes AA has new age related problems and origins. its gotten worse over the decades, begining in the 1980s when an old timer speaker said this emphasis on "spirituality" was lacking in her time, more about vitamins and exercise and common sense.)
"As a Catholic, I am free to believe or not believe in the theory of evolution as long as I acknowledge that ... it only applies to the material physical human body and not the human soul, which in each and every case is a direct creation from the hand of God and as such cannot "evolve" from anything."
Adam was a special separate creation by God, this is emphasized. maybe other creatures evolved, not Adam. So it doesn't matter whether the soul is separately each one created for a human, or traducianism (taken for granted in Hebrews 7:1-17 especially vss. 7-10).
Show us scripture to back up your "The issue is, WHICH POWERS ARE BEING PRAYED TO?
What scripture backs this up concerning prayer to idols, and images, Christine?????
Just like when the wall came down because Europe was equally socialist with East Germany the 'wall' has come down between the USA and Cuba and Mexico, welcome to the global banana republic of rome. Estás todos los latinos a nivel mundial ahora mis amigos.
Jesus is coming! :)
CHICAGO — One priest, the Rev. William J. Cloutier, was accused of raping a boy in his summer cottage, locking the door when the 13-year-old started screaming, and then brandishing a handgun while threatening to kill him if he told anyone. Another, the Rev. Robert C. Becker, would take boys to a trailer where, they said, he slept beside them and molested them. And the Rev. Joseph R. Bennett was accused of raping a girl with the handle of a paten, a plate used to hold eucharistic bread.
Thousands of documents gleaned from the personnel files of the Archdiocese of Chicago were released to the public on Tuesday, unspooling a lurid history of abuse by priests and halting responses from bishops in the country’s third-largest archdiocese.
Oh Susanna you have the tongue of a serpent, as do all the double speak experts in the SJ.
He did it, NO she did it, NO it's there policy, NO it's their policy.
This sort of thing does not work on me any more.
I have a wonderful 1800's dictionary that simple says: Jesuitism is deception. Just like the drivel that flows from your mouth (from both sides of your mouth).
America's Greatest Child Sex Scandal: {ROMAN CATHOLIC} Boys Town in Lincoln, Nebraska
"GREATEST", trumping all the SJ posts about Protestants here.
Sexual abuse scandal in the Society of Jesus
Jesuits to pay $166M to settle sex abuse claims
and looking in Susanna's neighborhood....
Ok other than Jesuits, more Catholic orders and how about 2016
Grand jury: Altoona diocese concealed sex abuse of hundreds of children by priests
that one was horrible and the diocese covered it up, ok those are the NORMAL Catholics so what gives??????????
Mark 9:42"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.
...yup...but what CHRISTIAN says OH but for NOW UH let's COVER IT UP?
No, it's a cover up. Otherwise known and a DECEPTION.
and Europe ...OH boy it is the land of abused and destroyed children????
Michigan Catholic dioceses modify employee benefits to include same-sex partners
All this talk of little boys being molested! I can't believe it! Sure! they wanted to just sip on the Eucharistic wine alone in the Sacristy? Surely those having the frocked in the cassock were ever present, yes?
What does it say of that faithful catholic parent? Can one sacrifice one's child in hopes of another 'get out of jail' free card? Will there be special perpetual indulgence from the hand of the priest that stands in the place of God? Go do what ever he tells you to do?
I believe this whole ritual may have codified from/in ancient Rome. Could this be the tradition of the Roman bath house Christianized and became a tradition in that church? Was Peter a pedophile? It is a new take on the scripture 'SUFFER those little children to come unto me and forbid them not?
Terrorist Islam Not A Threat?
Fresh,,,,,from Servando Gonzalez!!!
Dan, the reincarnation proclaimer and denier of Jesus Christ's eternal Divinity... your words are disgusting
are you not ashamed of yourself?
Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!
Bye Bye United States it was so much fun being a Protestant nation. Next stop: New Jerusalem.
Operation Gladio...
God help me I am thinking like a Jesuit now ARRRGHH... (vision or dream transition)....
Somewhere in the near future..... First Lady Cruz (Goldman Sachs) comes on TV and says, well, I trust my husband and he says we need a national Sunday law and now that the pope is the spiritual leader of our planet, I encourage all seventh day Adventists to abandon their sola scriptura ways and just worship on Sunday. Come on guys it's all ok, I am a pretty blond and I am asking so sweet, just give up Jesus for peace and safety y'all"
Please let me be wrong!
Lest anyone think that pedophilia is rampant only under the guise of "religious" institutions ... watch this VERY informative youtube video documenting the depth and scope of pedophilia within the high ranks of the US Government:
Ray B, seeing as the US Government has been infested with Jesuits and SMOMs for some time now, it's hardly surprising!
Ray- some of the guests that guy has on are questionable -to say it nicely, just like Alex Jokes. Despite my jousting with Susanna (who sounds like a SJ to me) I personally know a man whose father was a priest and put in a camp by Hitler's crew and I personally know a member of the local diocese who is trying to fight back at the SJ who will probably have her removed shortly, not to mention (as most Americans), many Catholics don't get what's going on. Very recently a Catholic friend defended Luther and was shocked to see Luther hate on his round of favorite catholic blogs.
Kay is the best one to explain the German Disease in the US army and Nato, Ray.
To 6:04 PM ....
I personally know quite a few Catholics that would be very much opposed to anything that even hints at pedophilia, or adultery, etc. However, many do not realize (whether it is willful denial on their part, I can't say) that the Vatican and their underlings conspire to cover-up and underplay the severity of priest related pedophilia. Within Catholicism, I have observed almost a blind trust among the laity for anything connected with their church. This may have to do with the inherent superstition ingrained in Catholics from the time they were infants.
Re: Luther, I know a highly educated, very intelligent Catholic that made the statement to me that "Luther was insane." I passed on the opportunity to say anything at that time because I felt his emotions would not allow for any reasonable discussion on the subject. Several weeks ago, the subject came up again and I was able to explain to him the journey that finally ended with Luther burning the Papal Bull. He was very much surprised because, as he stated, he had never actually heard anything specific regarding Luther's reasons that led to his split with Rome. He was always taught that Luther and the rest of the Reformers were just a bunch of heretical trouble makers.
To Anonymous @ 6:06 PM ...
I copied the link and saved it ... looks very interesting and am looking forward to spending the time to watch it. Thanks for giving me the link.
Satanic Black Mass in the Catacombs of the Vatican?
Full Text of "Is Alberto For Real?"
This book shows how the crafty Jesuit order has tried to blacken the character of Alberto Rivera, a former SJ who left the order became a born-again Christian and went on to expose the Jesuits And the Vatican!
RayB 7:04 PM
RE:"I find it amazing how Catholics continue to ignore and deny the huge problem that their church has with pedophilia by deflecting towards other guilty parties."
It is you and your fellow "Pharisees" who continue to ignore and deny the huge problem that your communions have with pedophilia by deflecting towards other guilty parties. You have been doing it right along on this blog but you are not getting away with it like you used to. I would find your hypocritical stone-throwing even more amazing if I weren't also aware that this is part of a "negative recruitment" strategy which certain Protestants use in an attempt to recruit people because they have nothing better to offer.
Oh, and incidentally, most of the articles posted here were by PROTESTANTS, not Catholics. But that is just one more instance of Protestants "glossing over" whatever they don't want to see or hear.
But never mind. Everybody else does see!
In support of Alberto Rivera :
Robert V. Julien
(Ex-Maryknoll missionary)
"As a former priest, I consider Dr. Rivera a
precious brother in Christ. His testimony is
true and he genuinely loves the Catholic
people. He tells them the truth, risking their
anger and his life that they might know
salvation. "
Donna Eubanks
(Ex-Sister Superior)
"/ am now a true Christian, by the grace of
God, after 23 years as a nun of the Sisters of
St. Joseph. I can state, from personal
knowledge, that Dr. Rivera is telling the truth
about the Roman Catholic system. "
Clark Butterfield
"After reading ALBERTO I realized I was not
alone in my desire as a former priest to bring
salvation to the millions of captives of the
Roman Catholic system. I am honored to
associate myself with the ministry of Dr.
Rivera. "
"And if there ever is one great world Church, it will
be because the Church of Rome has absorbed all the rest
and swallowed them in ignorance!' "
Anon 8:29 PM, I see you are disingenuously attacking a brother in the Lord . . . Ray B's comment is the result of sound judgement and astuteness, unsullied by the devious Jesuitical deceptions which you yourself employ.
You are drunk on wine of her (Harlot Rome's) fornication, lost by blind faith in your Cult Maximus!
Sober up and come out of her so you no longer suffer her pestilences!
Repent and believe on the One and Only Living God. The Real Holy Father, Who reigns from Heaven not Rome!
Turn to the Biblical and True Jesus Christ and be saved! For why will you perish in your sins and own self-righteousness?
Dan Bryan, "Was Peter a pedophile? It is a new take on the scripture 'SUFFER those little children to come unto me and forbid them not? "
Somehow I am not too surprised that you can move from denying Christ's eternal preexistence on the basis of lack of explicit statement "Christ always existed alongside the Father" (implicit in saying He was before all things, was already there in the beginning before which there was no time or any created thing), to now suggesting that since Scripture doesn't say "note to all, Peter was not a pedophile" that maybe he was one.
Good God, man. get your act together.
Roman bath houses were not the private kind the gays took over more like swimming pools.
in case Dan's lying in private, read the comments where you can see his name, but his remarks removed by him, but YOU CAN SEE FROM MY REMARKS, THAT I AM ANSWERING SOMEONE WHO SUPPORTS REINCARNATION AND DENIES JESUS' ETERNAL PRE EXISTENCE.
ANON 9:34
"Show us scripture to back up your "The issue is, WHICH POWERS ARE BEING PRAYED TO?
What scripture backs this up concerning prayer to idols, and images, Christine?????"
I just gave you the Scripture which makes the issue, what does the image represent,
what hides behind it? what is called on by venerating it? apparently some argued an idol's nothingness makes it okay to venerate in social settings but Paul said its WHAT THE IMAGE REPRESENTS and therefore what is attached to it. the principle applies to a Christian icon, a representation of Christ or of one of His more dedicated servants. and God's influence with that image. EVER SALUTE THE FLAG? YOU VENERATED IT AND WHAT IT STOOD FOR. same deal.
RC corruption is held up implying it is an outworking of its theology and ecclesiology. it isn't. what can be relevant is Scripture presented by and to "bible believers" that are out of context and taken as absolutes and interpreted in their most extreme possible way about authority, submission, obedience "in all things," not gossiping (and not distinguished from exposing evil like Ephesians 5:11 says to do) which is interpreted and applied to mean don't tell what evil happened don't expose the evil doer don't "snitch" or "tattle", forgiving the unrepentant (if repentant they would accept consequences and measures to prevent recurrence), don't seek revenge (so don't prosecute), "love" misdefined and misapplied until it has become the very "inordinate affection" or warped in nature or object, inappropriate affection that Paul condemns as of the flesh instead of charitas, and probably other things.
ANON 2:52,
ellen g. white TAUGHT THE DOCTRINE OF DEMONS THAT LEVITICAL FOOD LAWS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED 1 Tim. 4:1,3. try sola scriptura not SDA traditions read Acts 20:7 and I Cor. 16:2 (presupposes Sunday worship gatherings were normative, and SUNDAY THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK IS WHEN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD,) and Col. 2:16, 17 (Sabbath is part of shadow but now Christ has come) and Heb. 7:12 change of priesthood change of law.
As for the Jesuits, they exalted the false god of brains and intellect above the true faith long ago at least in their hearts, and now it is getting obvious.
"If you could rightly discern Galatians 2, you would realize you have been decieved by your vain religion."
If YOU could rightly discern Galatians ALL chapters, you would realize that it is not about liturgical works or good vs. bad works, but about circumcision and food laws, the LAW is the TORAH OF MOSES external observations.
Many Catholics ARE disgusted by priestly pedophilia but stick with it because they believe that theirs is the only valid church, so that they supposedly have no choice. That is an extrabiblical claim, of course, and they may wish to consider how they might know whether it is true or false. Meanwhile, if I were in an organisation which I genuinely couldn't leave and which was riddled with filth, I would be ceaselessly agitating for a people's revolution to turf out the corrupt hierarchs. Just what are those Catholics who are disgusted by pedophilia DOING to improve their church? They could get petitions up, they could let the priesthood know that there will be zero tolerance in that what they hear of pedophilia goes straight to the police rather than the bishop, they can coordinate via blogs and social media with other disgusted Catholics in other dioceses, and so on. do they?
""If you could rightly discern Galatians 2, you would realize you have been decieved by your vain religion."
If YOU could rightly discern Galatians ALL chapters, you would realize that it is not about liturgical works or good vs. bad works, but about circumcision and food laws, the LAW is the TORAH OF MOSES external observations.
3:27 AM"
How can she get past her deception in her vain religion?
She would have to be possessed by the Holy Spirit for that. She is possessed otherwise.
We can only be possessed by 1 of the 2 options and her choice is not the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Canon of God's Word. She remains in confusion...(and as wrong and boring as ever)
To 10:33 AM ...
This blog is SUPPOSED to be about exposing falsehood. Yet, "you know who" continues to spew forth almost nothing but deceptive falsehood (with a little truth occasionally sprinkled here and there). I can't imagine what must go through the minds of some of these people that stumble in here, naively searching for truth (perhaps) and reading her convoluted, twisted posts. Then mix in all the Catholic disinformation along with their false "gospel" and what you have is one confusing mess.
By the way, who it that the Bible identifies as the "author of confusion" ... none other than Satan himself, the Master Deceiver.
Well said , Ray B! Btw, is that cannon ready yet so we can send her packing to 'evangelize her nonsense to the rocks on Mars? :D
Re:"Anon 8:29 PM, I see you are disingenuously attacking a brother in the Lord . . . Ray B's comment is the result of sound judgement and astuteness, unsullied by the devious Jesuitical deceptions which you yourself employ.
You are drunk on wine of her (Harlot Rome's) fornication, lost by blind faith in your Cult Maximus!"
You are drunk on your own unbiblical snake oil!
RayB's "sound judgement" is based on creatures like Alexander Hislop, Jack Chick, Loraine Boettner, Charles Chiniquy et al, and is "sound" only to people like you who cannot make your case for your own unbiblical "rules" and therefore have to resort to throwing stones not only at the Catholic Church, but also at other Protestant communions who don't agree with your fascist ideology disguised as Christianity.
You can call all the names you want. You can throw all the stones you want. But these red herrings do not change the fact that the Bible does NOT teach the "Bible only" rule or the "private interpretation" rule.....or that the Bible interprets itself. The Bible DOES indicate that Scripture and Sacred Tradition are THE sources of revealed Christian truth.
RayB is zealous about posting his little laundry lists of things that he demands that we Catholics show are in the Bible......but he can't show the one or two things that we demand that he show are in the Bible....namely, where the Bible explicitly and unequivocally teaches "the Bible only" and "private interpretation."
So save your ad hominem rhetoric for those poor slobs who don't know any better and might confuse name-calling with sound logical arguments.
Anonymous said...
""If YOU could rightly discern Galatians ALL chapters, you would realize that it is not about liturgical works or good vs. bad works, but about circumcision and food laws, the LAW is the TORAH OF MOSES external observations."
How can she get past her deception in her vain religion?"
What law does Paul speak of? "the law, WHICH WAS FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS AFTER" Gal 3:17 AFTER WHAT? read the previous verse, Gal. 3:16 which speaks of ABRAHAM.
Gal. 2:11,12 "But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed"
"And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him:...." they listened to those saying Jewish Christians should keep the Torah (Hebrew for law).
Gal. 3:19 "Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made;...."
Gal. 3:23 "But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed."
see? "the law" was BEFORE THE TIME OF CHRIST.
Gal. 3:24 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,...."
Gal. 5:2-4 "...IF YE BE CIRCUMCISED, Christ shall profit you nothing.
"...every man that is CIRCUMCISED, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
"CHRIST IS BECOME OF NO EFFECT UNTO YOU, WHOSOEVER OF YOU ARE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW;" there's that word "law" in Hebrew? TORAH. "ye are fallen from grace."
Gal. 6:12 -15 "As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you TO BE CIRCUMCISED;....
"for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; BUT DESIRE TO HAVE YOU CIRCUMCISED, that they may glory in your flesh.....
"For in Chrit Jesus neither CIRCUMCISION availaeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature."
Co.. 2:16".."meat,...drink....holyday,...the new moon,...the sabbath days:" the word
days is in italics meaning added to clarify, sounds like the translators weren't happy with just "sabbath" which would mean there IS NO SABBATH DAY KEEPING ANY MORE.
I Tim. 4:1,3 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, taking heed to seducing spirits, AND DOCTRINES OF DEVILS."
WHAT ARE THE DOCTRINES OF DEVILS HE SPEAKS OF? "FORBIDDING [actually "hindering" making difficult] to marry, and commanding TO ABSTAIN FROM MEATS,"
ELLEN G. WHITE TAUGHT TO ABSTAIN FROM MEATS, i.e., keep the Mosaic food laws. This isn't fasting but permanent abstention from meats vs. 4 "which God created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth,"
that should bring you up short re Seventh Day Adventism. It teaches the DOCTRINE OF DEMONS that you should abstain from pork and other "unclean" (not kosher) foods. and falsely claims Sunday is a wrong sabbath, but it was NEVER a sabbath (except for some ignorant far west local synod) but THE LORD'S DAY when Christ rose from the dead. THE FIRST HALF OF SUNDAY was made work free so Christians could more easily attend church services. food law was NOT about health but holiness, these animals were fit for sacrifice. Hebrews 7:12 "For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity A CHANGE ALSO OF THE LAW." Levi's priesthood was changed for that of Melchizedec, with Jesus Christ as the High Priest. read ALL of Hebrews chapter 7. references Ps. 110:14 "thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedec." THIS ALSO DISCREDITS YOU HEBREW ROOTS PEOPLE.
"...the Bible does NOT teach the "Bible only" rule or the "private interpretation" rule.....or that the Bible interprets itself. The Bible DOES indicate that Scripture and Sacred Tradition are THE sources of revealed Christian truth."
Where Paul speaks of traditions, he obviously means the tales about Christ that had not yet been collected into the gospels. The tradition in which to read the New Testament is the Old Testament, of course. Jesus was a Jew who lived in a monotheistic culture forged by and recorded in the Old Testament. No church tradition is needed to make sense of the Old Testament, as it is not about the church. The Old Testament builds upon itself from the Creation onward, an event for which there is obviously no context. So neither Old nor New Testament requires an extra-biblical tradition to interpret it. The comment that sola scriptura is not found in the Bible is like saying that the word 'Trinity' isn’t. Scripture is God’s word for his people at each time, and his word is as unique as he is. As for private interpretation, everybody gets their own ideas when reading scripture and the idea is then to discuss them with other Christians so that your mistakes get ironed out. Just answer me this: Do you or do you not wish to ban private Bible study without a congregation leader present?
And you should talk, Justina. You, too, 'teach' doctrines of demons. You have no credibility whatsoever.
Why don't you shut up and really go learn something?
When you really do learn something, you will be left speechless at how crass (be sure to look up the definition), proud, and basically wrong you have been all this time.
The Hebrew roots of the Christian faith comprise about 2/3 of the Bible, actually.
" So neither Old nor New Testament requires an extra-biblical tradition to interpret it. The comment that sola scriptura is not found in the Bible is like saying that the word 'Trinity' isn’t. "
Thank you. The Holy Spirit knows how to interpret the Holy Word to any humble heart willing to know who the Lord is and what he has said. That is the problem some have with this issue. They are not humble in the first place, to allow God first place in their understanding.
Re:"Just answer me this: Do you or do you not wish to ban private Bible study without a congregation leader present?"
I do not wish to ban anything. It is THE BIBLE itself that bans private interpretation. And even with a congregation leader present, his private interpretion of Scripture is not going to be any more valid than your private interpretation or anyone else's.
Re:"No church tradition is needed to make sense of the Old Testament, as it is not about the church."
It most certainly is in part about the Church founded by Christ. Otherwise Steven would not have referred to Israel after the exodus as "the Church in the wilderness" in his .defense before the Sanhedrin.
In Acts 7:37, the reason Stephen referred to Israel as "the Church" was because of his familiarity with the LXX. He was referring to passages like the following.
Keep in mind that the Septuagint (LXX) was the Old Testament canon most often quoted by Christ and the Apostles.
Other examples are:
Deuteronomy 9:10
10 And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the Church.
Deuteronomy 18:16
16 According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the Church, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.
There are many more cases in the LXX where the whole assembly of Israel, when they were gathered to worship, is called "the Church" in the LXX. In fact, the Greek word "ekklesia" (Church) is found 73 times in the LXX Old Testament, almost as many times as in the Greek New Testament. So, the early Christians who spoke Greek had this background as their understanding of the word.
Re: " So neither Old nor New Testament requires an extra-biblical tradition to interpret it. The comment that sola scriptura is not found in the Bible is like saying that the word 'Trinity' isn’t. "
...with the difference being that Sola Scriptura is the Protestant Rule of faith, not the Catholic Rule of Faith.
So when certain Protestants demand that Catholics defend their beliefs according to the Protestant rule,("Bible only") Catholics are not going to feel themselves in the least bit obliged to do so until Protestants can first prove that their "Bible only" rule is taught in the Bible to begin with.
Catholics admit from the get-go that the Catholic Rule of Faith is not "Bible only." It is Scripture and Sacred Tradition (oral and written tradition}.
Therefore, whether Protestants agree or disagree with Catholic beliefs, Catholics are at least not contradicting themselves when they profess beliefs that are not explicitly found in the Bible such as the word "Trinity" which is simply an abbreviation for "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
When all is said and done, the Catholic Rule of faith is similar to the Jewish Mishneh-Torah rule which consists of the oral and written Tradition....with the oral tradition preceding the written tradition.
Re: "Thank you. The Holy Spirit knows how to interpret the Holy Word to any humble heart willing to know who the Lord is and what he has said."
What happens when your interpretation contradicts the interpretations of others who just as sincerely profess to be Christians? Whose interpretation prevails? And please understand that it is not my intention to be snarky here. I am just pointing out what appears to me to be a major exegetical difficulty.
That's because RCISM is a cult, Anon 6:31 PM!
Dear 5.56pm: Those are absurd translations into English of the Septuagint. EKKLESIA is a word that appears in classical Greek too, meaning "gathering" or "assembly". Do you suppose that an EKKLESIA of a bunch of Greek pagans circa 300BC should be (mis)translated as "church" too?
"What happens when your interpretation contradicts the interpretations of others who just as sincerely profess to be Christians? Whose interpretation prevails?"
Perhaps we agree to disagree in Christ. One of my Elders believes the pre-tribulation Rapture. I don't. It's not a problem for either of us.
Dear 6:31 PM.
It is called grace. Make room for it in your heart and life, and you'll make room for it for others, while God alone gets this done perfectly down here, and we all get (should get) more humbled along the way. Babes in Christ learning to walk the narrow way, all growing at different rates. God bringing good out of bad. God making sense out of what we never can or will. God loving the unlovable and forgiving the repentant sinner just for the asking like the loving heavenly father he is. The 'rags of my righteousness' exchanged for his. Imagine that..
This isn't up to me, it's up to him, to get me though this life since I have placed myself in his hands and for his keeping. This is called trust. This is what surrender is. He is the Lord, after all.
And I'm not being snarky, either. This whole understanding is very humbling for me, and you too, I would assume...
Dear 7:57 P.M.
I would say that it is up to HIM also.... and since ( I would assume ) each of us has been BORN into our respective communions, I would say that the best thing for each of us to do is to charitably agree to disagree where we do in fact disagree, work together for the sake of those Christian beliefs that we DO agree on and humbly "bloom where we have been planted" by God until He does come and makes sense out of everything for all of us.
Anonymous 7:02 P.M.
In the Septuagint, the Greek "Ekklesia" was the equivalent of the HEBREW "Qahal."
The Septuagint was translated from Hebrew into Greek around 200 B.C. BY JEWS, not Greek pagans.
Dear 10.14pm: I am aware of the history of the Septuagint. The point I am making is that the word EKKLESIA had a non-religious meaning in ancient Greek long before the Septuagint, and that to render this word in English Old Testaments as "church" rather than "gathering" is absurd.
A question for the one who is against "private interpretation" but is (thankfully) happy for people to read their Bibles at home: You are maintaining some ambiguity here. My preferred model is that people should discuss the scriptures freely amongst themselves and with their congregation leaders, to have erroneous views ironed out. Your view seems to be that a book containing your denomination's preferred interpretation of scripture must be accorded the same status as scripture. Is that correct, and if so, why?
Dear 7:20 AM
So what if "EKKLESIA" had a non-religious meaning before the Septuagint? It simply means "an assembly."
ekklésia: an assembly, a (religious) congregation
Original Word: ἐκκλησία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ekklésia
Phonetic Spelling: (ek-klay-see'-ah)
Short Definition: an assembly, congregation, church
Definition: an assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers.
1577 ekklēsía(from 1537 /ek, "out from and to" and 2564 /kaléō, "to call") – properly, people called out from the world and to God, the outcome being the Church (the mystical body of Christ) – i.e. the universal (total) body of believers whom God calls out from the world and into His eternal kingdom.
[The English word "church" comes from the Greek word kyriakos, "belonging to the Lord" (kyrios). 1577 /ekklēsía ("church") is the root of the terms "ecclesiology" and "ecclesiastical."]
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 1577: ἐκκλησία
ἐκκλησία, ἐκκλεσιας, ἡ (from ἔκκλητος called out or forth, and this from ἐκκαλέω); properly, a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place; an assembly; so used
1. among the Greeks from Thucydides (cf. Herodotus 3, 142) down, an assembly of the people convened at the public place of council for the purpose of deliberating: Acts 19:39.
2. in the Sept. often equivalent to קָהָל, the assembly of the Israelites, Judges 21:8; 1 Chronicles 29:1, etc., especially when gathered for sacred purposes, Deuteronomy 31:30 (Deuteronomy 32:1); Joshua 8:35 (Joshua 9:8), etc.; in the N. T. thus in Acts 7:38; Hebrews 2:12. ............................
The Greek language also existed long before the Septuagint but the Jews were nevertheless willing to translate the Bible from Hebrew into Greek and apparently decided that that the Greek word EKKLESIA was the proper Greek Equivalent of the Hebrew word "Qahal" which means "assembly, convocation, congregation."
Re: "Your view seems to be that a book containing your denomination's preferred interpretation of scripture must be accorded the same status as scripture. Is that correct, and if so, why?"
The Catholic interpretation of Scripture, which goes back to the early days of the church and the Church Fathers is part of Sacred Tradition. Scripture and Sacred Tradition are inseparable.......since the written Tradition ( Sacred Scriptures ) is derived from the oral Tradition ( the data of faith revealed by Christ directly to the Apostles) which has been preserved intact and handed on by them to their successors.
It was Martin Luther who divorce Sacred Scripture from Sacred Tradition and even he lamented the result which is nothing less than spiritual anarchy.
Catholics are perfectly free to read their Bibles at home and discuss it among themselves as long as they use a Catholic Bible and as long as they are careful to read the bible in and with the Church according to traditional Catholic interpretation and teaching. Many Catholic bibles come with footnotes ( mine does) and there are excellent Catholic Bible commentaries available - especially THE CATHOLIC COMMENTARY ON THE SACRED SCRIPTURES.
Protestants claim to believe in "the Bible only" and "private interpretation, but are Protestants free to interpret the Bible as not teaching "the Bible only" or "private interpretation?"
Protestants claim to believe in "the Bible only" and "private interpretation, but are Protestants free to interpret the Bible as not teaching "the Bible only" or "private interpretation?"
The Bible is God's word for all mankind that chooses to heed it. The idea that anything else can match that for authority is absurd. Why should the Creator God bother to tell his faithful that his word is uniquely authoritative? To anybody of faith it should be obvious. You might as well grumble that the Bible doesn't include an argument for God's existence.
In regard to "private interpretation" of scripture, you coin the phrase freely to criticise but you seem reluctant to define it, perhaps because going down that road means acknowledging that a book containing your preferred denomination's interpretation of scripture is supposedly of equal authority to it.
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