Friday, February 13, 2015

THE HI-JACKING OF EVANGELICALISM - International Christian Leadership and "The Family"

The Hi-Jacking of Evangelicalism, Part VI
“Christian Fundamentalism” or “New World Religion”?

Last week the annual Prayer Breakfast was held.  The Dalai Lama was there as one of their honored guests.  Was it truly about Jesus or even "evangelizing"?  I submit it was much closer to the agenda of "New World Religion."  I further submit that this network was a substantial part of what New Ager Barbara Marx Hubbard said back in 1988 a few months after coming from the secretive Gold Lake Conference "Bridging Through Christ" was "Now all of the resonating core groups with OUTWARDLY DIFFERENT PURPOSES are merging and blending and coming together to do THE ONE WORK."   Her alliance with long time core group, inner circle Family activist Paul Temple is more than a small factor in my personal determination about these links.

 Writer Jeffrey Sharlet has said much about the alleged “secret fundamentalism” of the Washington headquartered International Christian Leadership operation called by him as “The Family.”  Writer Wayne Madsen has said even more.   Although I might have serious disagreements with the worldviews of both men, I believe Wayne Madsen hit more of the nails accurately on the head as to the true character of the group.  The Washington, D. C. allegedly Christian operation might be fundamentalist something or other, but fundamentalist Christianity as in rigorously adhering to the classic and fundamental tenets of the faith “once delivered to the fathers” it is not.   Perhaps it never was.  There were several in the circle that clearly represented "illuminated interests," including but not limited to Glenn Clark, Rufus Jones, E. Stanley Jones, Frank Laubach, and Roland Gammon.

To understand “the Family” it is necessary to understand its beginnings and collaborations.  As accurately reported by others, these are a few of the preliminary events.

  • ·         Abraham (Abram) Vereide comes to USA as a young man, marries, becomes a minister, and eventually goes to work managing Goodwill Industries in Seattle, Washington.  While in Seattle he organizes a religious network to seek peace between labor and management interests there.
  • ·         Vereide makes numerous cross country trips, including trips to Ottawa, Canada, and at least one return trip to Norway (sponsored by a sympathetic friend).
  • ·         Vereide makes the acquaintance of Frank Buchman and Sam Shoemaker.
  • ·         Vereide employs assistants over the years, including Harald Bredesen.
  • ·         Vereide is taken into the circle of “The Twelve” meeting annually on New Years Day retreats at the Embassy Row mansion home of Mrs. Aymar (Marian) Johnson (nee Marian K. Hoffman) , a wealthy Washington, D. C. benefactor who was initially mentored first by Sam Shoemaker and then by Glenn Clark.

Understanding Frank Buchman and Glenn Clark are essential to understanding more.  To understand Glenn Clark, one must also understand Dr. Alexis Carrel.  Another close friend of all was Norman Grubb.  Norman Grubb’s theology was plainly closer to Gnosticism than orthodox Christian creeds and “Statements of Faith.”.  Glenn Clark’s theology was definitely more akin to New Thought religion (i.e. Unity School of Christianity) than to traditional biblical and evangelical Christianity.  He proudly wrote about the “New Age” (Capital N, Capital A) and the intent that the world should accept it willingly starting in 1946, 35 years before I discovered this network in 1981!

Dr. Alexis Carrel

Dr. Alexis Carrel, was to put it mildly, a “complex individual.”   Intellectually speaking, he was clearly a genius.  He won the Nobel Prize in 1912 for pioneering complicated suture surgery.  Together with close friend aviator Charles Lindbergh, he invented the perfusion pump necessary for decades of heart surgeries.  He was also and unfortunately, a dedicated eugenicist. 

Marian Johnson and her  “checked guidance”

Marian Johnson was an extremely wealthy socialite who had lived well on both sides of the Atlantic.  She was associated with royal circles in England.  Her mother Mrs. Charles Frederick Hoffman was prominent in New York, Newport, and English society.  She married Aymar Johnson and they enjoyed a socialite life which included sailing in their yacht, “The Enchantress.”  Per Norman Grubb, “life had no real meaning for her until she met Sam Shoemaker.”  She probably had legitimate access to New York Episcopalian Circles.  Her father, Charles Frederick Hoffman, was active in New York City Episcopalian circles.  He may have even pastored himself.  He was the treasurer of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City.  Sam Shoemaker, an Episcopalian clergyman there who was a literal acolyte to Frank Buchman for many years, pastored  another Episcopal Church in New York.

Marian Johnson was told of  Abraham Vereide in New York by Sam Shoemaker.  In January 1944, approximately 1 ½ to 2 months before I entered the world on Leap Year Day, 1944, Abraham Vereide rang her doorbell saying that Sam Shoemaker asked him to call on her. [1](Grubb, 1961, p. 79; Grubb, 1961)

Mrs. Marian Johnson, the former Miss Marian Hoffman, became Abram’s chief financial backer.  Per Norman Grubb, “he took over from her the idea of a vital center in Washington for international fellowship and dispensing hospitality for God to government leaders.” (Grubb, 1961, p. 80)

This was the start of “International Christian Leadership.”   Was there more?  The presence on the board of ICL of men such as Roland Gammon clearly suggests there was.   It is not presumptuous to say that the New Year’s Day retreats were closer to intentional meetings of what could even be called “Illuminati.”  For more on this we shall carefully in the next article examine Dr. Glenn Clark’s book, THE MAN WHO TAPPED THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE as well as “The Twelve” who gathered at Marian Johnson’s home every New Year’s Day.

[1] There are many sources I have collected and researched on this.  A most important reference is MODERN VIKING:  THE STORY OF ABRAHAM VEREIDE, PIONEER IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP by Norman Grubb.  Extensive references to Mrs. Aymar Johnson are included  in his chapter, “God-Guided Contacts.”  I have accumulated a library on several of “The Twelve” and their obvious high-level mysticism, including but not limited to Rufus Jones, E. Stanley Jones, Frank Laubach, and Glenn Clark.  Roland Gammon was proudly affiliated in a leadership position with International Christian Leadership.  His book NIRVANA NOW is one of the most gossipy accounts of New Age activism, including Lucis Trust, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and the Temple of Understanding, I have found anywhere.  That book was one of my original acquisitions on the New Age Movement shortly after I learned of its existence in 1981.  If there was an innocent individual in this crowd, it may have been Sam Shoemaker.  My jury is still out on him.  I have read his wife's biography and from that reading, it appears that he had honest Christian motivation and had broken with Buchman and his Moral Rearmament Movement during the war years.  However, another organization that Sam Shoemaker was instrumental in finding, Faith at Work, has been clearly compromised over the years which will be the subject of another posting.


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Craig said...

Anon 8:17PM,

You had mentioned Corrie Ten Boom in your earlier post. I recall first hearing her story over the radio a number of years ago. Here it is on the net:

“It was in a church in Munich that I saw him—a balding, heavyset man in a gray overcoat, a brown felt hat clutched between his hands. People were filing out of the basement room where I had just spoken, moving along the rows of wooden chairs to the door at the rear. It was 1947 and I had come from Holland to defeated Germany with the message that God forgives.

“It was the truth they needed most to hear in that bitter, bombed-out land, and I gave them my favorite mental picture. Maybe because the sea is never far from a Hollander’s mind, I liked to think that that’s where forgiven sins were thrown. ‘When we confess our sins,’ I said, ‘God casts them into the deepest ocean, gone forever. …’

“The solemn faces stared back at me, not quite daring to believe. There were never questions after a talk in Germany in 1947. People stood up in silence, in silence collected their wraps, in silence left the room.

“And that’s when I saw him, working his way forward against the others. One moment I saw the overcoat and the brown hat; the next, a blue uniform and a visored cap with its skull and crossbones. It came back with a rush: the huge room with its harsh overhead lights; the pathetic pile of dresses and shoes in the center of the floor; the shame of walking naked past this man. I could see my sister’s frail form ahead of me, ribs sharp beneath the parchment skin. Betsie, how thin you were!

[Betsie and I had been arrested for concealing Jews in our home during the Nazi occupation of Holland; this man had been a guard at Ravensbruck concentration camp where we were sent.]

“Now he was in front of me, hand thrust out: ‘A fine message, Fräulein! How good it is to know that, as you say, all our sins are at the bottom of the sea!’

“And I, who had spoken so glibly of forgiveness, fumbled in my pocketbook rather than take that hand. He would not remember me, of course—how could he remember one prisoner among those thousands of women?

“But I remembered him and the leather crop swinging from his belt. I was face-to-face with one of my captors and my blood seemed to freeze.

“ ‘You mentioned Ravensbruck in your talk,’ he was saying, ‘I was a guard there.’ No, he did not remember me.

“ ‘But since that time,’ he went on, ‘I have become a Christian. I know that God has forgiven me for the cruel things I did there, but I would like to hear it from your lips as well. Fräulein,’ again the hand came out—’will you forgive me?’

“And I stood there—I whose sins had again and again to be forgiven—and could not forgive. Betsie had died in that place—could he erase her slow terrible death simply for the asking?

“It could not have been many seconds that he stood there—hand held out—but to me it seemed hours as I wrestled with the most difficult thing I had ever had to do.

“For I had to do it—I knew that. The message that God forgives has a prior condition: that we forgive those who have injured us. ‘If you do not forgive men their trespasses,’ Jesus says, ‘neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.’

“I knew it not only as a commandment of God, but as a daily experience. Since the end of the war I had had a home in Holland for victims of Nazi brutality. Those who were able to forgive their former enemies were able also to return to the outside world and rebuild their lives, no matter what the physical scars. Those who nursed their bitterness remained invalids. It was as simple and as horrible as that.


Craig said...


“And still I stood there with the coldness clutching my heart. But forgiveness is not an emotion—I knew that too. Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart. ‘… Help!’ I prayed silently. ‘I can lift my hand. I can do that much. You supply the feeling.’

“And so woodenly, mechanically, I thrust my hand into the one stretched out to me. And as I did, an incredible thing took place. The current started in my shoulder, raced down my arm, sprang into our joined hands. And then this healing warmth seemed to flood my whole being, bringing tears to my eyes.

“ ‘I forgive you, brother!’ I cried. ‘With all my heart!’

“For a long moment we grasped each other’s hands, the former guard and the former prisoner. I had never known God’s love so intensely, as I did then”

Anonymous said...

Pakistanis are now required to verify identity with a fingerprint in order to use cell phone.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"I am not living in sin there is no sex acts going on."

But Christine you said here that you stopped doing them because of his health, not because you considered they were wrong and wished to shift to being his live-in nurse. What if he recovered his health? Jesus said on the Mount that it is as bad to sin in the mind.

Anonymous said...

Chritine, "you're shacked up with hard faced Richard and Amy" and your "Resident Seer" Mike "(aren't you a 'tinge' ashamed?), and a 2 bed bungalow too! where do you all sleep?"

That's four of you ! No doubt you share a bed? You and your "Resident Seer" are not married so he's not your husband. You've told us before it was for tax evasion reasons and now it's because "he would lose all respect for" you "since the remaining devil worshippers who contact him now and then would argue he is now my boss..."

What a demonic mess!

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

you are boring.

ever hear of sleeping on floors and couches? out of date info anyway.

paul said...

I haven't been silent regarding Christine's comments. I've ripped into her many times.
But maybe you need to "see this from a different angle and leave your prejudice".
Your " _hearsay but a murder accusation is even worse than anything Frank has said." not true at all.
Christine is babbling at the keyboard in a forum where everyone knows about the things she says,
and everyone knows about her troubles, because she's told us all, more than once.
Whereas Frank and friends are judging peoples' eternal souls, and judging them guilty. And what judge is hidden ( anonymous ) during a trial ?
I'm sure I don't really know anything about Mary Christine Erickson. Maybe things are much worse than she even lets on.
But by far the worst source of trash in this comments section is coming from Christine's rabid haters.
Get a grip. Christine is going to be Christine. Mrs
Cumbey isn't letting it ruin her day and you shouldn't either.
Without someone to bite into like a rabid dog, what do these anonymice have to say ?
Nothing. Nothing except "Thank you Constance for all you do", and "salt stings but it also sanitises"
What a mealy mouthed, simpering stream of drivel.
And, I don't believe the attempt to cloak themselves in Christianity either. The references and Bible quotes are always very superficial and show no real understanding. At best he's impotent.

I do know one thing about Christine: she's very smart.
Frank ?, well...

Anonymous said...

"she's very smart."
Deceived & crafty smart.
Is a right observation that we become like what we are continually beholding. The bible says that out of the mouth the heart speaks, does it not? Where is her deeply troubled mind ?
Come on, murder? Is it drama she thrives on? Is this the place for that???? Negative press-her favorite-so she can come out swinging? Under the guise of 'educating' us and fighting the new age? (no shortage of hubris there). Notice it is all excusing and explaining and--no real apologizing or asking forgiveness to stop offensive behavior for being out of bounds---and repeatedly for years!!! So a big yawn and just collapse comments to ignore? She has a blog to use it to be as irrational as she wants!!!

But she rides on Constance's coattail.

Constance, you notice does actually fight the new age message without the hype and sensationalism of Christine's tactics to go wallow in the graphics of it as 'sport' to her. Style over substance? Not conversation/dialogue but actually sickness on display. Occasionally pertinent to the blog's mission so she can go back under to come up again to inflict more absurdity-to traffic in the extremely weird and ungodly and gladly slobber it all over this place. Yes, Frank's unneccessary harsh words make me cringe some. Accomplishes the work of conviction by the Holy Spirit? No. But Christine being 'Christine' is irresponsible at best and outright trashing all things christian at worst--how dishonorable to the LORD!!! Yet screams like a stuck pig-metaphor Paul-claiming her fine christianity excels ours as she is like an original christian and the rest of us are all the cheesy or worse knockoff brand. When challenged runs to her multitude of excuses and endless explaining irregardless of her negative impact. Does Constance deserve this treatment at her blog-repeat her blog??

I do not hate her, Paul. I pity the 'hell' out of her.
She is here to jam, as you have in the past called her out on, but not paid to do it. Is her sick need to dominate and just heard her 'explain' her need to dominate the 'seer' because apparently 'busy' doing God's work in her twisted (very clever) mind to keep him somewhat manageable (said once that she made him convert-pray to Jesus so she is trying to be the Holy Spirit now?) She made him she said. Wow. So she is into 'managing' and 'controlling' things. Plays this blog like a pro to manipulate everything/everybody if possible, and given the freedom to do it, but especially the with Truth. Diabolical if taken to extreme & have to admit her behavior borders on extreme.

So Physicist is right. The demonic is quite likely working in this mess with her and even in her (?). Not rational and denies wrongdoing of the things that have been posted (even before Frank's exhibits) of her own words caught in untrue statements but still denies them. We would hang our heads if "caught with pants down" like that right? Have called her out to at least look at the condition of her soul and go directly to the LORD about it and have not determined her beyond grace. I call her on behavior, not her actual person, not making her out to be irredeemable. Yes, some have done that. That is not right. God can show them that too.
Constance has no time to delve into all this. I do not condemn her. In fact she and her family were very much on my mind for prayer just last night.

I have thought you a reasonable christian man all along with yeah, some outbursts against Christine, like I and others have too, but we are only human! She is into exasperation and the wearing down techniques to force her way through topic after topic & why I wanted to ask you these things.

Whatever happens happens. It is only a blog I know that also. I have no stake in that but to speak my mind. And this is now enough of that too.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Ken Blanchard Hoffman Quadrinity Process track back to Blavatsky and the Purpose Driven Church

Anon 12 said...

Vatican mulling new department to tackle environmental issues

Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:59pm GMT
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican is considering setting up an environmental think tank, a spokesman said on Thursday, which could influence the opinion of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics on such thorny issues as climate change.
Father Federico Lombardi said the proposal was discussed at a closed-door meeting of cardinals from around the world who are at the Vatican to deliberate a reform of the Church's central administration, known as the Curia.

"We see a growth in the awareness (of environmental problems) and in the importance of reflection, commitment, and study of environmental issues and their relation to social and human questions," he told reporters at a briefing.

Pope Francis has said that man is destroying nature and betraying God's calling to be stewards of creation.

Last month, he said he believed man was primarily responsible for climate change and he hoped a U.N. summit in Paris in November, due to agree a global pact to limit greenhouse gases, would take a courageous stand.

The pope's keenly awaited encyclical, or message to the whole Church, on the environment is due in early summer. Lombardi said it would provide guidelines for the Church's "serious and considerable" commitment to environmental issues.

The spokesman said the environment office would likely come under a new Curia department grouping justice, peace and charity issues.

Anonymous said...

"Spirit of Vatican II" churches vs. Vatican II churches--how thought provoking!

To WATCH the video:


Click here to READ the script:


Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

This is not good. found it following links on Catherine's link. "Benedict's...reference to Teilhard, praising his vision of the entire cosmos as a "living host,"....
The potential implications for environmental theology, however, are likely to generate the greatest interest among Teilhard's fans and foes alike... Admirers trumpet Teilhard as...harmonizing Christianity with the theory of evolution; critics charge that Teilhard's optimistic view of nature flirts with pantheism.

"Benedict's comment came during a July 24 vespers service in the Cathedral of Aosta in northern Italy, ..."
"...took part in the discovery of Peking Man."

Also had to do with the fraud Piltdown Man and there are questions about his Peking Man, remains conveniently lost when Mao overran China.

"He conceived the idea of the Omega Point (a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which he believed the Universe was evolving) and developed Vladimir Vernadsky's concept of noosphere.

"In 1925, Teilhard was ordered by the Jesuit Superior General Wlodimir Ledóchowski to leave his teaching position in France and to sign a statement withdrawing his controversial statements regarding the doctrine of original sin.... signed the statement and left for China.

"This was the first of a series of condemnations...The climax of these condemnations was a 1962 monitum (reprimand) of the Holy Office cautioning on Teilhard's works. From the monitum:

"'The above-mentioned works abound in such ambiguities and indeed even serious errors, as to offend Catholic doctrine... For this reason, [various teachers and clerics must] protect the minds, particularly of the youth, against the dangers presented by the works of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and of his followers.'
However, it is noteworthy that the Holy Office did not place any of Teilhard's writings on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Forbidden Books), which existed during Teilhard's lifetime and at the time of the 1962 decree."


"[later] prominent clerics began a ...defense of Teilhard's works. Henri de Lubac (later a Cardinal) wrote three comprehensive books on the theology of Teilhard de Chardin in the 1960s...Later...Joseph Ratzinger...spoke glowingly of Teilhard's Christology..."

Chardin's position on original sin:
"'It simply symbolizes the inevitable chance of evil which accompanies the existence of all participated being. Wherever being in fieri is produced, suffering and wrong immediately appear as its shadow: not only as a result of the tendency towards inaction and selfishness found in creatures, but also (which is more disturbing) as an inevitable concomitant of their effort to progress. Original sin is the essential reaction of the finite to the creative act.'

"In other words, when God, who is existence itself, decides to create finite being, being that can only become perfect by means of change and growth, there will necessarily be statistical evil. All finite being necessarily involves suffering, insofar as it involves change and movement toward perfection. Teilhard sees the movement of Creation as one from the multiple to the unitary. This process requires suffering and death... they all share the same genus of metaphysical evil."

In other words he blames God for evil, defines recovering lost image of God as reversing Big Bang and equates minor change and growth pre Fall with all the horrific stuff since then.

Something wrong was brewing that the response was slack and that he is defended now.

Anonymous said...

Ann Barnhardt suggests in her latest post that should priests be mandated to give the Eucharist to practicing homosexuals by Pope Frances that this could be the "abomination of desolation".

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 10:54 re Ann Barnhardt she may be onto something.

Matt 24:15, either Jesus says after mentioning the abomination of desolation, addressing those who would read notes being taken of His sermon, or Matthew adds as an
aside, "whoso readeth, let him understand." Mark adds this also, Luke doesn't. it
doesn't sound like something as simple as the antichrist in the rebuilt Jewish Temple, if you have to figure it out.Strong's Concordance
noeó: to perceive, think
Original Word: νοέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: noeó
Phonetic Spelling: (noy-eh'-o)
Short Definition: I understand, consider
Definition: I understand, think, consider, conceive, apprehend; aor. possibly: realize.
HELPS Word-studies
3539 noiéō (from 3563 /noús, "mind") – properly, to apply mental effort needed to reach "bottom-line" conclusions. Perhaps that will be rebuilt, perhaps never.


supposing the antichrist allows other gods if he is worshipped alongside or above them? Not unlike the pagan Roman system.

Then you might see his image on Christian altars.

Whatever this abomination of desolation is, it will be something that will be visibly evident to anyone, and it will be especially meaningful to Christians.

And then again the Temple might get rebuilt, and regardless of whether God accepts its sacrifices or not, the antichrist will sit there and demand to be worshipped.

Anonymous said...

Let's Stick to the Script.
Matt 24 and Luke 21.
And the Old Testament prophecies weigh in here too.
Involves the land, the people, the the temple all being divided up. That was desolation then and will be the desolation now.
And is happening, well on it's way to happening, as we speak.
Jesus was standing in Jerusalem making these statements.
Let the text talk and let speculation take a seat at the back of the bus.

Constance Cumbey said...

I have just started my own Youtube channel. The first thing I've uploaded is a video I made regarding Javier Solana in 2006. You may view it in its entirety and download same from the Youtube site. Javier Solana is still a mystery to me -- he is still enormously influential and extremely active in global governance circles. You will see in my video excerpts about him from Benjamin Creme's "The World Teacher" site. I put it there for what it's worth -- it may not be worth anything, but then again, it may. My own jury is still out on the totality of the situation. I will be back on the radio in the morning. I was a convention alternate delegate who was elevated to delegate last weekend in Lansing, Michigan.

I'm going to be discussing, inter alia, a Benton Harbor, Michigan situation of deep concern to me concerning a Rev. Edward Pinkney.

Join us there at the and/or

I'll post the youtube link as soon as I can reduce it to tinyurl!

Constance Cumbey said...

This is the tinyurl link to the video I posted -- the first one I have ever posted to Youtube.


Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Interesting that it was Bible codes that got you started. several possibilities here.

as you said, he might have just had the misfortune to have that name. And the other correlations however....maybe he's not the antichrist, but this is some kind of warning what to look for.

Checking his name against the old way of numbering letters, a to j is 1 to 10, then count 20, 30 etc. then 100, 200, etc. his name is 838 so that doesn't work. Trying the same in the Greek alphabet I get 688 and that leaves out J because there isn't one but using Iota for J would give 697.

however, the name he starts with might be the same name, or an equivalent in another language, and the name he chooses to use as a ruler would add up to the evil number.

and it might be a descendant of his. Does he have any children legitimate or otherwise? can his pedigree be traced beyond his great grandparents? Some figure the antichrist will be at least partly Syrian and/or of the tribe of Dan (hard to identify) and/or the son of a supposedly chaste nun who is secretly unchaste.

or it might be the same guy, if the transhumanist agenda manages to prolong life a lot. If he were put into a medically induced coma until the brain could be repaired, after a serious head wound, that could last decades with some cyberneticizing to help maybe a few hundred years, and be thawed out so to speak later.

The people whose heads were frozen can not be revived because dead before cryogenically preserved. But if not actually dead but suspended animation, then that deadly head wound being healed could be explained. If this were done during a time when most people were no longer technically savvy, it could pass for a resurrection.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

paul said...

OR, the Ottoman Empire, which is also called the "wounded man of Europe", will be revived.
The "head" of the Ottoman Empire was Turkey whose Angry Young Turks murdered over a million Armenian Christians in 1914-15. This head was wounded to death at the end of the war;
As WIKI puts it:
" During the Italo-Turkish War (1911–12) in which the Ottoman Empire lost Libya, the Balkan League declared war against the Ottoman Empire. The Empire lost the Balkan Wars (1912–13). It lost its Balkan territories except East Thrace and the historic Ottoman capital city of Edirne during the war. Fearing religious persecution, around 400,000 Muslims fled to present-day Turkey. Due to a cholera epidemic, many did not survive the journey."

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

might be a prefiguring event, but all this sort of thing and talk of "beast system" ignores that the beast is an individual, prefigured by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, whose actions are detailed ahead of time in Daniel, but not all of that is about him.

Shoebat's onto something, but its not what he thinks it is. I said that once about one writer or group of theorists I forget, then another, now it is a "saying" of mine, "so and so or they are onto something but it isn't what he/she/they think it is."

Yes Erdogan wants to revive the Ottoman empire, and is slowly undoing the secular features of Turkey. But with Russia watching carefully how things are going and China siding with Russia, I think a serious move like this is going to get quashed fast. Russia has got a treaty with Cyprus to open a naval base there, and the partition of Cyprus, though apparently done in response to a reunion with Greece gain in govt., which was prohibited by a treaty, was also done in violation of the treaty, because Turkey, one of the guarantors of the treaty, remained.

Erdogan's move as Ottoman Caliph would include taking the rest of Cyprus and disputed islands that have been routinely buzzed by Turkish fighters for years. This will create a Russian backlash.

By that time, Erdogan will probaby have gotten Turkey kicked out of NATO and if not, all Putin has to do is pour arms into Cyprus for them to defend themselves and help volunteers get there to defend it, and remain officially out of the war.

Erdogan's covert support of ISIS is getting more and more obvious, and ISIS while it originated from USA controlled opposition al Qaeda is out of control, and will start attacking Europe and America soon. At that point, Erdogan's support will probably get him kicked out of NATO.

paul said...

Aren't you the one who keeps repeating that we
need to read the text and not deal in speculation?
But of course you've looked at it from all angles and you know what Putin is concerned with, and what Erdogen's motives are, etc.
Thanks professor.
I think you're on to something but it's not what you think it is.
By the way, Greece's new PM, Tsipras, is from Thrace. Maybe he can broker a deal. He certainly has George Soros's backing. He's young, he's charismatic, and he's vociferously atheistic.
A number of Bible scholars over the years have speculated that the Antichrist comes from Thrace.

Just saying'.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


straight reading of the text without presuppositions like a eurocentric view, or a Reformation vs. RC issue view, Daniel's 4 beasts cannot be the same empires as the ones in the statue dream of Nebuchadnezzar. Even Shoebat admits this.

Tsipras is very unlikely to be the antichrist since he is an atheist, and doesn't honor any god at all. Of course that might change, but speculations about the origins of the antichrist are nothing but speculations. The only clue is in Daniel "the people of the prince" which is usually thought to be Rome, but could be Syria since it was the Syrian Legion X that sacked Jerusalem and burned the Temple, but this last was done over Titus' protests and against his orders, so the blame could lie on the Legion and not Titus. That wouldn't rule out any theory about the antichrist's ethnic origin etc. because country of origin doesn't guarantee pedigree.

As for current events, I have been keeping a close eye on Putin and surrounding issues and background. It is not as simple as "he's KGB" and he is the New World Order's biggest enemy. Some here see him only as America's enemy. Guess what. America is the New World Order. or mostly. We see it as the victim, but it is the host gone whole hog cooperator to the parasite.

I have been following the action regarding ISIS closely also, since I found out that Kobani defenders incl. women's combat units. They have driven ISIS out of Kobani and out of most of Rojava canton. I have information regularly from two people who are personally close to the action.

Can you, without checking a map, tell me where Kobani and Rojava are and not just the country but which border next to which other country?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I have also been following the action in Crimea and Ukraine closely, as each situation began.

Anonymous said...

"Shoebat's onto something, but its not what he thinks it is. I said that once about one writer or group of theorists I forget, then another, now it is a "saying" of mine, "so and so or they are onto something but it isn't what he/she/they think it is."

"But of course you've looked at it from all angles and you know what Putin is concerned with, and what Erdogen's motives are, etc.
Thanks professor."

Yes all "angles"---(like nailing jello to the wall)------to take potshots from every possible angle--to keep up the arguments she has at the ready. One tiny reply sets off the torrent from her keyboard.
Christine has looked at 'clouds' from both sides's 'clouds' illusions she recalls, (singing) I really don't know 'clouds' all..........

Same ole crap-different day.

Anonymous said...

Christine knows more about the clouds on Mars than anything else.

Craig said...

There’s something amiss about the Speisa article about the ISIS/L fighter’s purported conversion to Christianity in the comment above 6:32AM. From my perspective, the entire store seems a bit incredible – using the term literally. More importantly, the photo used is from last year, and allegedly that of ISIS/L commander Abu Muhammad (see first commenter Kevin Coyle). You can see that same photo here (6th photo down).

I suppose it's possible that the identity of this new convert was intended to be concealed, but surely a different photo should have been used - or at least some sort of caption would have been appropriate.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


SAD, BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST LIKE US!" they probably just grabbed a useful photo online while running across
the original story. But far less spectacular context stories have been
surfacing of Jesus appearing to muslim individuals and converting them.

The muslim woman on a Christian TV show I think saw a fake Jesus, because when she asked the person who
he was and he just said he was Jesus,
and she asked "you mean Jesus like the Christians?" he didn't say he was
that Jesus just repeated that he was Jesus, and there was no conversion of her just a religious indifferentist
kind of ecumenism on her part resulted. A separate event was an appearance either of Jesus or of some
supernatural being preaching Him in some village and either everyone or many became Christian.

A visit or vision is not the Second Coming especially when it is in a dream as I think happened in one case.

Richard said...

"By the way, Greece's new PM, Tsipras, is from Thrace. Maybe he can broker a deal. He certainly has George Soros's backing. He's young, he's charismatic, and he's vociferously atheistic.
A number of Bible scholars over the years have speculated that the Antichrist comes from Thrace."

How can he by Islamic when those nations will be smashed by Israel in the coming wars? The sons of Allah will see their folly and become a shell of what they are now when that happens. And, no one can enter the New Age unless they give allegiance to Lucifer. Jews, Christians, Muslims, none of them will lower their heads to Lucifer.

His entrance is accompanied by lying signs and wonders. Why is it so hard to see who this personage will be related to?

The Wicked One is revealed AFTER the evacuation, and there is one last war in the heavens over Satan's attempt to stop the rapture event. So, Christians go up, whilst the rebels come down.
The are being held back for now, as if they wait for the appointed time.

Is it plausible that when the believers are gone, and the world is plunged in chaos and fear, they will finally appear over our skies in their massive craft, and their appointed one will give the explanation to the remaining inhabitants?

"Having great wrath...."

paul said...

You may be right Richard,
I don't know. You bring up some things I've never considered, though. Like Satan trying to stop the Rapture ?
I feel certain that the Wicked One is revealed just before, or at the same time as the Rapture. I feel certain that that moment is the halfway point of the Great Tribulation, 3.5 years into the seven years. I feel eerily sure that that time could very well begin at Passover 2018, which is 70 years from 1948, when Israel became a nation again, miraculously. I actually believe that 2025 is 6000 years from the creation of Adam and Eve.
But I will admit that I've been reading a lot of one
Douglas W. Krieger, lately; namely "Signs In The Heavens and On The Earth".
_But prophesy is given not so that we can speculate and guess the future but so that we give God his due praise and thanksgiving as we see these things happen, and realize that he told his servants the Prophets all these things. He is a God who sits high and looks low. He is Omniscient, and He is Omnipotent.
As far as giving allegiance to Lucifer, I think muslims are doing that right now. I don't see any
reasonable comparison between Christianity and Islam, but I do see how the American Left is supporting Islam, though, and that maybe that's not so strange at all, since they can use Islam as a prop to glorify themselves and gain votes in a devious way,
like Obama getting every single youth and non-white vote, to become president and then getting re elected by those same people, many of whom never voted before and may never again.
Islam is a cult. A cult of death and degradation.
Islam is a cult of slavery and theft and murder,
like its founder.
They go to Mecca every year to circle around a cube which has what looks like a vagina in the lower corner and they circle around and around this box until they get close to the chrome vagina, and they touch it and caress it, and inside the box they can see a meteorite which is what they actually worship, so...
Hillary is a politician. She'll take all the money that CAIR wants to give her, and her friend Huma.
Yes, Hillary the first woman president elected by the severely dumbed down populous of the bastion of freedom to the world, this Hillary will support Islam tooth and nail even though Islam has zero regard for the "desire of women", which is equality and freedom.
That makes sense, right ?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Paul.
How close is it to the midway point of the seven?
I think very close, but that said, we need to watch one thing most specifically, and that is Israel.
Because Jesus said when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies...and in the verses just prior to that He spoke of tribulation after that statement He mentions great tribulation.
It is like a pivot point when you read together Matthew 24 and Luke 21 to shed light on each other. Somebody has a 'short time' (shortened days) in that passage when you read that in context because a certain someone is standing in the 'holy place' (does not say temple but is talking about temple mount).
And it is not speculation it is what Jesus himself said.
I tire of people saying speculative things without backing it up with the verses to at least let the bible speak. Have seen much of that many places and here too.
Many things will be able to be understood to us if we keep watching the biggest sign of all and that is Israel.
Signs in the heavens, among a host of other events currently, all tell us big things are soon coming in to view.
Israel's jubliee year (50) is in 2017. 1967-2017.
So thanks for the good discussion and points being brought out and viewed carefully by Richard and Paul. I appreciate the views that don't treat the subject like it is all figured out already so it can be revealed the way God likes to do it.
This is much better posting than the usual fare served up here in 'talking head' know-it-all fashion.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 6:11

that is an interesting point I never thought of, and I suspect no one else did either!

"a certain someone is standing in the 'holy place' (does not say temple but is talking about temple mount). "

Generally you read "holy place" you think "holy of holies" which would relate to a temple or church context.
But it MIGHT refer to a more general thing like the Temple Mount which is still esteemed holy in general by the Jews.

paul said...

I just googled "Alexis Tsipras, Javier Solana"
and got quite a few hits.
They both are involved in something called the European New Deal and they seem to be quite well acquainted.

Anonymous said...

Check out Solana's article as of Feb 28,2015. Europe's Sovereignty Illusion is his commentary. Mentions Tsipras.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

what do you mean solana and tsipras quite well acquainted? I can't find this.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Solana and other don't like individual european nations having a sense of national sovereignty, and Tsipras and
his associates are for Greek sovereignty.

Marko said...

Russia is getting bolder and bolder by the day - bomber runs around the globe, nearer and nearer Western defenses - closer and more numerous than during the Cold War, testing our defenses. There is a moving closer together of Russia and China as well. The "one clenched fist" of Communist nations in the East is getting ready to strike.

Please check this out:


There are problems yet, or ducks that need to be put in a row yet, before the strike can be made. There is growing dissent in Russia itself, and it is being ruthlessly squashed:


They have to get their own people under control and unified as much as possible (which includes demonizing the US and the West as much as possible) before any kind of war against the West can be undertaken. Without popular support, such a war would be much more difficult.

That they are preparing for this kind of war is obvious to those who watch for such things. As it comes closer to the time for the striking out, there will be even more obvious signs. The West, of course, will ignore them, until it is too little, too late, because they have drunk the KoolAid that says the United States is the enemy, the provocator, the one to be feared and hated. This KoolAid was made and served by the propaganda cooks of the KGB/FSB/GRU - whatever letters they use now. RT (Russia Today) is a prime dispenser of it, but there are many dispensers here in our own country as well.

Time is short - prepare as the Lord leads you.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"The West, of course, will ignore them, until it is too little, too late, because they have drunk the KoolAid that says the United States is the enemy, the provocator, the one to be feared and hated. "

No the west will ignore them because they've bought your brand of koolaid that says (a) we incl. NATO and the military industrial complex and elites who want money making war can do no wrong and (b) we are invincible and therefore,

having put Russia in the same position that the USSR put USA in the 1960s creating the Cuban Missile Crisis, but now the shoe is on the other foot,

we will charge ahead and get our butts kicked.

Which may be God's judgement on us for many sins incl. the greed and vainglory and pride and secret partnering with nazism before during and after WW 2 up to this present time and the sins of Chase Manhattan Bank top tier drug money launderer and the whole drug running scene the intelligence crew runs and the closet satanism and perversion and pedophilia of American social and political elites, incl. the Republicans and some whose front is "Christian conservative." this will tell you effects of nukes of varying sizes, you can use a preset or put the city or military base of your choice in, and the kiloton yield of your choice and whether ground or airburst.


google active military bases to see if you are in range of any, and get ready to take an extended vacation elsewhere.

if occupied, don't get involved in resistance groups you will bring more trouble on your neighbors than it is worth.

figure out if thermobaric weapons are in use, they can be scaled down to a hand grenade and the explosion goes around corners, there is no shielding for it, try to stay out of combat zones.

keep your gas tank full at all times. check the oil.

Have a nice day.

Marko said...


I don't believe either (a) or (b) in your above comments. There may be those who do, and yes, unfortunately, they are mostly the decision-makers. When nuclear war comes to a town near you, whether it's by God's judgment, or just plain inability to see what's in front our noses, we all are going to wish that there were more hawks in charge than there are now.

To say that the situation today with Russia and the Ukraine is a reversal of the Cuban missile crisis is the most uninformed opinion I've seen recently, anywhere.

However, you give some good advice in case of nuclear war/occupation.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to peruse this site for some nuclear war survival items:

And also download the free, indispensable book called "Nuclear War Survival Skills" by Cresson Kearny. Google it, it's a free PDF download, or go here:

Nuclear war, as awful as it is, is survivable (if you aren't at ground zero).

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"we all are going to wish that there were more hawks in charge than there are now."

really? they'd just bring it on faster. uninformed? I've been paying attention for some time you haven't. yes, the shoe is on the other foot. NATO is at their doorstep, and a coup and Ukrainian unconstitutional exile of their president happened conveniently when Russia needed its Crimean base for operations to prevent US bombing of Assad,


All the Arab Spring stuff results in the radicals getting into power. This can't be an accident. Whether Obama is a secret muslim or not, this plan predates him according to Gen. Wesley Clark, and has to do with big oil agendas and plans like "Clash of Civilizations" to keep the money flowing to the defenders of one of them, the money to pay for weapons, and well, money flowing to the same arms makers for the weapons that will go to the other side as well.

That's right, America arms both sides directly or indirectly.

NATO has no business accepting eastern european countries, and we have no business "creating democracy" and "freedom [for big money and elite bloodlines]" in already democratic Ukraine.

Nuland admitted spending 5 billion on that, and was taped discussing what puppet govt. to put into Kiev.

If you saw anyone else doing this but USA you'd probably recognize it for what it is.

meanwhile I suppose people like Marko still think fluoride is a communist conspiracy to destroy American health. No, its a crony capitalist elite snob closet nazi conspiracy to unload industrial waste and non radioactive nuclear fuel production byproducts on the general public at our expense while a big name university finally came out with a paper validating the claims of harm the unpopular because more honest and not bought and paid for doctors and scientists, the few the brave, were saying.

we need to get rid of interest bearing loans and all derivatives all central banks, all big corporations, and limit capitalism to small business. Everything else is always an effort to turn things into a mercantilist kind of empire with "capitalists" owning the govt. and deflecting people's attention so they blame "socialism" when in fact it is the greed and ambition of elites and big capitalists that is producing these "socialist" effects to eliminate competition and excess population.

The right and left are both evil and their lower ranks blind. "communitarian" centrism isn't much better.

Anonymous said...

Russia, a major exporter of oil, is in serious economic trouble as a result of the oil price reduction.

Anonymous said...

"meanwhile I suppose people like Marko still think"

Don't start this garbage again, with any of us, Christine.
You don't know anything about what any of us think, so stop it with the condescension.

Marko said...

"Christine" is what happens when one gets their diploma from "Internet U."

I'm not going to deny everything you just said up there, but a lot of it is akin to a half-truth, instead of the complete truth.

"A half truth, like half a brick, is always more forcible as an argument than a whole one. It carries better."

--Stephen Leacock

To suggest that there is an elite group of people who are hoping to get rich from a world-wide nuclear war is preposterous. Nuclear war would destroy their wealth, not create!

Most of human history is war, or the result of war. Some wealth can be created and some technology advances made because of war - sadly, we are good at improving ways to kill each other. But overall, war is destructive. (That really is a DUH statement, but I made it anyway.) Especially nuclear war, which is what Russia AND China (among the superpowers) and Iran and a few others among the lesser powers have been planning to engage in for some time now.

We in the West find the idea of nuclear war so unpalatable that we refuse to believe anyone else would even consider it. Well, consider it they have, and the target of destruction is the West. Especially the Christian West, which for all its faults is much preferred over the barbarian, totalitarian warrior empires of the East.

It is only the prospect of MAD (mutually assured destruction) that has kept the barbarians at bay. And that prospect has been pretty shaky for quite some time now, and especially after Obama took office. He has gutted our military, and especially our nuclear forces. You can draw your own conclusions about just who Obama is from that fact alone.

Anonymous said...

Figures for 2014 are not yet published for all countries but in 2013 the USA was the top spender on defense, accounting for more than 1/3 of all defense spending worldwide and about the same amount as defense spending by the next NINE countries in the Top Ten, which include China (no.2, spending 30% of what the USA spends) and Russia (no.3, spending 15%.

Christine's idea that the USA is about to lose a major war, and your idea that the US military has been gutted, are both wide of the mark!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to post this - defense spending figures:

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"To suggest that there is an elite group of people who are hoping to get rich from a world-wide nuclear war is preposterous. Nuclear war would destroy their wealth, not create!"

consider such may make a miscalculation, but look at the wealth created for Halliburton by the rebuilding of Iraq, occasioned by two all out attacks when only one was needed, if any at all, Halliburton is Cheney's pup and Cheney and Bush with Carlyle Group also I think had a cozy relationship with the ibn Laden family. Now scale that up. These same people and others are buying getaway land in South America. Huge underground bunkers to house thousands of people for months have been built for years in USA, Russia and China who has added nuke storage into it, whatever happens they plan to come out armed.

9-11 truth? the movement was hijacked by focussing on how the towers went down, instead of why in the sense of who as in inside job.

military spending is not a guarantee of quality or effectiveness, consider the F35 which might be functional in a few years after the latest screw up.

stealth research is moving ahead in Russia and China. Russia taking a hit in terms of oil export is a motive to react violently, yet another motive. But it isn't being sanctioned as much as you think, Germany is getting tired of towing our line and said it won't participate automatically in the next demand on NATO, and is cozying up to the BRICS alignment.

China will back Russia and Pakistan and India will back Russia, the I in BRICS is India by the way. The situation would be the occasion for China to settle old scores with Japan and some of our forces would be tied up in the Pacific. Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico will be staging grounds for Russia and China, the B in BRICS is Brazil.

Back in the 1990s BRICS nations were conducting a joint military exercize, so much for it being a trading economic alliance only.

the nuclear exchange would probably be limited to military targets and then be followed by conventional invasion (China has tons of excess population it would be glad to get rid of) and small tactical and thermobarics on the battlefield.
one or two multimegaton high altitude bombs would take down our power grid with an EMP and mess up a lot of our military capability with it.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


Nuclear war, as awful as it is, is survivable (if you aren't at ground zero)."

YES THIS IS TRUE. and Potassium iodide and iodate are also good to use against cancer, but iodide I think is the less potentially problematic of the two.

This is only good against he radioactive iodine isotopes, which are gone after a while, the cesium and other stuff is not affected. you need to avoid breathing dust, nuclear or volcanic, N95 and N100 masks are intolerable after 15 minutes, but a lesser filter that is WET might work, because particles that can pass through a weave may get stuck to wet fibers.

There are some herbs and algae that may help the body recover from radioactive exposure google the subject.

If only airbursts are used, there is no radioactive fallout, which is dirt irradiated and kicked up from the ground, this is why it is important to determine which kind was used if it happens, and wind drift patterns.

field expedient radiation shelters would rely on maximizing layers of walls, furniture, dirt, minimizing what gets through. Total radiation decreases fast over a week.

military doctrine used to be groundburst on military targets, but it seems to have changed to using airburst. So the outcome may not be all that bad to those more distant.

Our satellites GPS and other stuff rely on would probably be taken out early on.

Marko said...

Christine @ 8:10,

Thanks! Lots of good things to think of there.

Re: my statement about gutting the military... I am mainly talking about our nuclear forces, since that is likely to be the next major war. It may not start that way, but it will at some point escalate to that level.

Re: the US outspending everyone else in military spending:

Christine just illustrated why that is somewhat irrelevant. Asymmetrical warfare is what it's all about. If our electronic infrastructure can be neutralized with EMP weapons, etc, that would put us on fast track for imploding as a nation. You think the military would just carry on as usual after an EMP attack puts a majority of the US into the dark ages? No, they would come back home and help take care of friends and family. Russia has always had plans for a decapitating strike - that is, taking out command and control via Spetsnaz and other special forces embedded here for ... who knows how long? What's left of the military after that would be semi-chaotic.

Doesn't matter who initiated the EMP - Russia and China could just wait it out, and then come in and take over pretty much whenever they wanted after a certain point. "That point" being: when most of the patriots and others who could defend this land from invasion will have used all their bullets and guns and other such things for basic survival - using it up on food or shooting at roving, starving mobs.

Not a pretty picture, is it? Neither are the gulags and prisons that Russia and China STILL maintain.

After the invasion, resisters could be shipped off to the Middle East, for ISIS and other Islamic groups to use as slaves, or to just cut off their heads. Those who are more "obedient" can be used as slave labor here on the continent.

Sorry to be so blunt, but these are not wacky, way-out-there scenarios. It could really happen. And sooner than you might want to think.

Why do I keep going on about it? So the reader will prepare - spiritually, first of all, and most importantly. We need to cling to God, and God alone, because at some point, that might be all that millions of Americans will have. I used to be a "prepper", and read all the conspiracy websites, and anti-government rants, and on and on it goes. And if God leads you to prepare physically, then do so. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. Just make sure you are listening to HIM, and His voice.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


"After the invasion, resisters could be shipped off to the Middle East, for ISIS and other Islamic groups to
use as slaves, or to just cut off their heads. Those who are more "obedient" can be used as slave labor
here on the continent."

ISIS isn't a partner with Russia or China, and China is getting angry enough about its own jihadi problem
it may eventually take the fight home and put boots on the ground against ISIS and the rest of the jihadi
groups in the Middle East, and in Africa against Boko Haram, backing up the national armies starting to fight
them. China has a lot of investment in Africa.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...,2817,2477688,00.asp

"Islamic State militants have threatened Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and the microblogging service with a "real war" over the blocking of ISIS-associated Twitter accounts, according to reports."

Anonymous said...

The Hats of Satanic Dominion

Attractive Deception-Part 7

Sunday. March 1. 2015

Marko said...

They may not be partners, but I find it interesting that modern Middle-Eastern terrorism was the brainchild of the KGB back in the mid-20th century.

Sometimes thugs leave each other alone for a while, as they focus on a common enemy.

It's the Red-Green-Brown alliance, which started before WW2, and is still around.

The Red of Communism/Marxism, the Green of Islam, and the Brown of Nazism/Fascism.

Each color hates Christianity in its own way, but that hatred comes from the pit of hell. Each color also has it's own vision of how to create heaven on earth, or Utopia. If by violent means, then so be it.

Marko said...

To lighten things up a bit, here is a wonderfully-written article that is one of my favorites. I don't even remember how it got in my bookmarks, but in internet age, it's an OLD page....

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


you can track the Middle Eastern mess back to British Intelligence in the late 1800s when they supported wahabbism which is a form of salafism which is the category all jihadism is in.

One source commented, that after breaking the Ottoman empire, the brits supported the corrupt but publicly wahabbist ibn saud family, over the probably better ibn rashid family. And the rest is history. Soviet Russia may have decided to mess around in jihadism inheriting this play from the Great Game of Britain against Tsarist Russia, but that was a minor element. Of course, any jihad inclined element that would work with the USSR would be welcome.

But they didn't start this, and were themselves the target of it in Afghanistan when they started educating girls.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


this is your idea of lightening things up? at least it has a happy ending. the guy and reader now know why it is better to drink water from cupped hands. Cute how the people on the other end of the phone thought him crazy.

Anonymous said...

"One source commented, that after breaking the Ottoman empire, the brits supported the corrupt but publicly wahabbist ibn saud family, over the probably better ibn rashid family. And the rest is history."

That source is talking nonsense.

Ibn Saud supported British forces during World War I, while the Rashidi clan supported the Ottomans. (The British link man with ibn Saud, an army officer named Shakespear, was killed in action with ibn Saud's forces against the Rashidi.) As a result it was never likely that the Brits would support the Rashidi - particularly since ibn Saud already had the upper hand over them since his coup in Riyadh in 1902.

In fact there was a non-wahhabite Arab clan whom the British supported: that of Husayn bin Ali, the sherif of Mecca. (The next British link man to ibn Saud, a man called Philby, once received a sharp reminder from London that Britain preferred Husayn.) During WWI Husayn's sons organised the Arab revolt against the Ottomans together with Lawrence of Arabia. One of his sons, Feisal, even forged an accord with Chaim Weizmann to welcome the Jews back to Palestine following the Balfour Declaration. But ibn Saud overthrew Husayn in the Hejaz (the part of the Arabian peninsula that includes Mecca and Medina), and the war-weary Brits were not willing to commit their own troops, which would have been necessary to sway an Arab tribal war. Faisal went on to be king of (Trans)Jordan, and his brother Abdullah king of Iraq, both under the British after WWI.

Marko said...

Thanks Anon. 4:19 am for taking the time to share the truth of the matter based in real history.

I get so tired of the "blame the West" first mantra. It's always Western intelligence, Western capitalism, Western "aggression", Western meddling into the affairs of others, that is the source of the world's problems, whether it's war, terrorism, injustice, whatever.

It's a sickness - a self-loathing - that has puzzled many thinkers and writers of the past.

I wish I had more time to dig into the past regarding terrorism being under control of the KGB, but others have already done a bang-up job of it, and as soon as I am able, I will try and post some links.

Meanwhile (and I've posted this before), here's a link to an excellent article that shows the links between the Red-Green-Brown alliance - the roots of what we see going on today:

Read it; study it. It was written in 2004, and translated from French into English, so it's sometimes not an easy read. But it has lots of names and connections.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Marko.

I get so tired of the same take on the world.
Sinning sinful people are why the world is the way it is (until the Lord comes and sets this mess right and that is not far out now).
Last time I looked people are all over the globe.
And not one thing new under the sun.
America is only the new kid on the block joining those ranks comparatively speaking.

The reason people like to peg others for blame is because they think themselves above what the rest of people are doing.
So conspiracy theories abound to sniff out the 'culprit' and a scapegoat comes in real handy. These elite thinking types that sit 'above it all' are denial and that is deluded.
I'll not name names though......that's their game.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"The reason people like to peg others for blame is because they think themselves above what the rest of people are doing.
So conspiracy theories abound to sniff out the 'culprit' and a scapegoat comes in real handy."

A great deal of truth here, but that doesn't mean the conspiracy theories are all wrong.

A big thing many of them miss is the individual human role in getting victimized, for instance, conspiracy
to destroy America with pornography and bad values in media, well, if Americans were so pure howcome this stuff sells at all?

Anonymous said...

I did not say there is no conspiracy afoot. I said they abound.
Let's use some reason............................and realize that---------the zeal in the attitude of a conspiracy around every corner is foolish, distracting, and counter-productive t o g e t t i n g t o t h e s o l u t i o n s o f t h e w h o l e w o r l d's problem.
The internet abounds with this foolishness and gets posted regularly by those 'who might be onto something but don't know what they think in their thinking they know' ;) as in the discussion in posts above this one.

Marko said...

Nobody ever said Americans were pure, or better than anyone else, in regards to sin. We're all sinners. Or, to co-opt the title of a Firesign Theater album, "We're All Bozos On This Bus".

But in regards to civilizations, Western Civilization, which has its roots in Judeo-Christian values, is what I would consider the best one history has ever produced, because it ameliorates the effects of sin in probably the best way possible this side of Heaven. It does this by recognizing the sin factor right from the start. When you realize you've been shown grace and mercy, you are more apt to show it to others. (What other nation in history helped rebuild the enemy they destroyed in a war?)

Western Civilization has become corrupted from its "heydey" at, say, the height of The Enlightenment, c. 16th-17th centuries. Many different species of seeds of humanism were planted then, as pride took over (like it always seems to do in any high spiritual endeavor, which is what Western Civilization was at the beginning), and while materially things have gone uphill most of the time, spiritually they have gone downhill. I speak in general terms, of course.

Satan saw the good that Western Civilization was capable of, so he planted seeds of darkness from all kinds of angles within it, to minimize its effectiveness.

We are living in the Twilight of the West. Perhaps, if Christ tarries, a spark of the "best of the West" will remain through the encroaching dark age, and spring up anew on the other side. I really think, though, that we are living in the last days, and that the only "light at the end of the tunnel" is Jesus Christ and His return, at the point where all hope will seem to be gone.

Anonymous said...

"But in regards to civilizations, Western Civilization, which has its roots in Judeo-Christian values, is what I would consider the best one history has ever produced, because it ameliorates the effects of sin in probably the best way possible this side of Heaven. It does this by recognizing the sin factor right from the start. "

Yes Marko.
The fact that the rise could be so high as compared to the other societies rests in the very grace that originated these.
Bad religion makes for bad culture.
And explains how the course of human nature within such society(s) and subsequent culture(s) who would then choose to cease in applying the cure of human ills in that very Judeo/Christian ethic will make for a long drop as it falls. Many cultures have never gotten very high morally and spiritually speaking to begin with so their fall is not as far a drop. So it is not because the people are better in J/C society but the belief system that created it in the first place took them to those higher heights.
Great envy has been displayed by those who will not honor what is indeed honorable among people. Nothing new there.
An example is Balak employing Balaam, who could not curse what God would not and ended up blessing instead, but did find a way to tempt the Jewish nation away from their Source of those very blessings from above.
Such is what happens when people do not acknowledge and uphold those oracles in surrender to the Giver of them in turning after their own ways and apart from His.
Every society throughout time has had at least a look and opportunity somewhere in it's history to see how God gets this done. The surrounding nations long ago saw or heard tell of the work of the God of the Hebrews on the earth.
God has always had a people.
But at least there has been a height to attain that people may exclaim "what hath God wrought?"
That story is still being written and as all human endeavors must end, all can see (with the choice to believe or disbelieve) that there was always and only one really true and living story that is actually redemptive to begin and end with:
That story belongs exclusively to God the Father and His Final Word on that subject:
The Lord Jesus Christ.

paul said...

"As for current events, I have been keeping a close eye on Putin and surrounding issues and background. It is not as simple as "he's KGB" and he is the New World Order's biggest enemy. Some here see him only as America's enemy. Guess what. America is the New World Order. or mostly. We see it as the victim, but it is the host gone whole hog cooperator to the parasite."

PLEASE move to Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Nigeria, North Korea, Libya, or Turkey so that
your conscience doesn't bother you any longer from having to live here in America with all it's hypocrisy and corruption.
Good luck getting food stamps and rent assistance,
and "disability" though, but at least your conscience will be clear.
Or maybe you could consider China or Russia, or Indonesia, or Sudan, or even Mexico.
I'm holding back what I really want to say here.

Anonymous said...

I want to run this by you, Christine, for your own private thoughts and application please...

While you are bent in so many arguments that I have read here, toward being critical of America, I think it right to pose this question you (not asking as to require an answer back here in this public forum), my either/or question is, do you consider yourself in your private and personal life an example of what is right with America or what is wrong with it?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

paul and anon.

please read details on what is really going on. start with Rockefeller and Prescott Bush and study the information Alex Constantine collected also David Emory.

Take a look at the subject of drug running by intelligence agencies, ours, and that Chase Manhattan Bank is the biggest drug money laundering operation in the USA and the original Taliban in Afghanistan had almost
eradicated the opium poppy, so of course this could not be tolerated, the real reason USA went into
Afghanistan now it is back in business brewing opium to convert to heroin.

The real reason Gadaffi was killed was his move away from the petro dollar.

And study up on the BRICS alignment, who is joining and what it does and who it does without (petrodollar and the USA in general).

Take a look at who attends Bohemian Grove.

And there is no way a nation, any more than an individual, can overcome its sins if it denies it has them.

Stop making a God out of the USA. Sure we got it good here, but don't kid yourself this is such a Christian nation with the abortion rate so high (which is not about unwed pregnancies but an awful lot are married women), the bisexual thing (under the radar that looks only at high profile exclusively homosexual "gays") pedophilia (I don't mean physically adult technically under aged girls on the make succeeding in seducing a guy who gets caught), and the cults and heresies all over the map.

And the greed and vainglory and sense of us as new jerusalem or some such notion.

empires come and empires go. We need to prepare to survive as individuals in a foreign land, i.e., conquered and part of an expanded border of some other country. Learn the language and politics of the most likely conqueror(s) how to fit in and learn to adapt.

Study Daniel and Jeremiah. If someone acted or talked like them now, they'd be called collaborators, traitors and so forth.

Maybe if we pray enough, and get rid of finance capitalism and other immorality, God will let us keep part of our land.

Anonymous said...

Again.....why only name America's sins Christine? (and haven't you personally as everyone else has, contributed in some way there too, by the way?)

Your answer has that one dimensional ring to it.

This is the end of days and going by the Book so as we have been told, as the whole world (America included), shows the full out of the evil of the prophesied end times (and this is not as bad as it will get yet!).

How is it that you are missing something so glaring?

Anonymous said...

"Stop making a God out of the USA"

Assumption on your part again. Not the case at all in what is referred to here. You skew the answer given to keep up your argument that America is the worst of all the nations.

God said the nations are as a drop of a bucket and counted as the small dust of the balance.... in Isaiah 40:15.
That means all nations. Surely you can understand this...unless you don't want to so you can continue blaming.
That is elitist thinking.
Global think tanks trash talk the same way.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
This article includes a photo of the priest Hermann Groschlin who heard the man's visions, though it still has the wrong photo of the man himself.

The additional photo makes this look more legitimate.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Again.....why only name America's sins Christine?"

Because no one else here does, it is all about everyone else.

"(and haven't you personally as everyone else has, contributed in some way there too, by the way?)"

yes, when I bought blindly hook line and sinker into the john birch and neo conservative and libertarian line and probably other ways since we are all part of a network of economic relationships we don't even know about and we all affect each other.

I own a computer and cell phone. This means I am using stuff that relies on conflict minerals in Africa,
the most I can do is just don't buy new computers and new cell phone every year. only when something breaks down and can't be fixed.

I don't vote party line anymore I vote by issues and personal record.

""Stop making a God out of the USA"

Assumption on your part again. Not the case at all in what is referred to here."

no its just the obvious assumption in the reactions like my country right or wrong.

" You skew the answer given to keep up your argument that America is the worst of all the nations."

never said that. but what you don't get is that the New World Order IS the American Empire. we are the host of the virus and have been for over 100 years, partly political partly big corporations and the New Age occultic stuff dates back to transcendentalism and all kinds of stuff.

Take a look at the arguments for America as Babylon the Great, they are seriously telling. Might be correct, or maybe there will be another Babylon after this one, but there is something wrong when a supposedly Christian nation pleases to build 20 cities that are each situated on seven hills. you would think with the biblical background America would be shy of such a thing. but of all the cities on seven hills in the world, we got TWENTY of them.
Why? Masonic supported secret paganism has run amok over generations and infiltrated churches (even some Orthodox ) and is probably why a deliberate effort was made long ago to build pagan and overtly satanic designs into street layout patterns in Washington DC and many other places.

Anonymous said...

"no its just the obvious assumption in the reactions like my country right or wrong. "

Nobody in this current conversation has said that so why do you assume that?

Trash talking America is not letting the big picture come in to view about the global order. The word global is a mighty fine hint. America is not the entire globe.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Nobody in this current conversation has said that so why do you assume that?"

Its the obvious hidden unexamined premise behind the intense reactions.

the global picture? Take a closer look. It isn't Russia that's driving it. And communism and fascism were both created by the same agencies but communism went out of control on its own and stopped being controlled opposition.

Its USA, Britain and Germany and France that are driving it. And behind them, generations of people who are often unelected with the ear of the elected. A good joke about this was a cartoon that ended with, "presidents come and presidents go, but the Kissinbundy goes on forever."
(it was a peculiar cartoon character that looked like a hybrid Kissinger and McGeorge Bundy.)

Take this hint: nobody is likely to get elected to power who doesn't have some dirt on him or her that makes them controllable by blackmail.

And no one has been elected president since the early 1970s who didn't get the nod from the Bilderbergers.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

there is a british conspiracy researcher who is a but much out there for me. But he drew on facts
and figures adding up to a deliberate symbolic timing for the BP Horizon blowout. Just before this happened, a
sensible boss was taken off the job, and someone put on who could be counted on to be a disaster (or make
one). This person was conveniently relocated where he could not be at the hearings regarding the incident.

Then I did a little digging on my own. What does Macondo mean? It means bananas in I forget if its spanish Argentina or portugese Brazil, but it has the same implications of being crazy as in English.

And there was a story written in one of those countries about a little town where everything was okay until some big company came in made them rich and messed up and then an explosion or pollution ruined the place....if I recall right, the same name.

The location for the drilling was very bad because the Gulf seabed is already cracked and leaky and there
is a certain amount of crude there anyway. That blowout was never fully capped. The bacteria let loose to eat
the oil is SYNTHETIC TO THE MAX, and a relative of very dangerous bacteria such as cholera and plague.

Mysterious illnesses have afflicted people for some time there, a lot of strange dieoff of fish and birds could be because of it, and it needs more copper and iron than
normally in the Gulf to grow, which are in the variety of corexit used, which is also the most toxic, and
less effective of possible crude dispersants.

That corexit was stored because it was no longer legal to use some places, and this was a perfect way to get rid of it.

Some of the big players in population reduction are also players in bioengineering.

Anonymous said...

"Its the obvious hidden unexamined premise behind the intense reactions."

Sorry but you cannot read my mind or my emotions.

So who are you to assume and presume this way? Are you a candidate to become this blog's resident 'seer'???

Oh wait, I forgot!

You are the life of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Some of Christine's criticisms of America are correct, regardless of whether she is selective in not criticising other places that are far far worse.

The trouble with these comments of hers is not selectivity but lack of love. Jesus criticised the Jews sharply, but always out of love for them and his nation. There is very little love of America in Christine's comments despite all that the USA has given her. What a shame.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"love for them and His nation" did I get that right you are talking "His nation" in terms of His tribal identity His country love it or leave it?

Israel is His PROPERTY not His lord and object of patriotic love and loyalty.

perhaps I misinterpret your phrasing. but it sounds like you got a wrong impression. Inanimate objects like nation states don't need love. humans and animals affected by their behavior do.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

okay, Marko, hope I didn't offend you by finding that leech in the nose story creepy. Perhaps you will find my idea of lightening things up creepy. I did get a laugh from it. This photo was I think taken from a situation where alligators are all over human habitat in Florida. Then someone captioned it.

Anonymous said...

"Some of Christine's criticisms of America are correct"

Yes and that is undisputed.
Made that very clear but still accused of making a 'god' out of America and reading into my comments that there is an 'intensity' in my words that she thinks makes me make it a 'my country right or wrong' premise.
That is not true.
She knows nothing of what and where my values are at.
That however does not stop her critical tone and comments you'll notice.

"There is very little love of America in Christine's comments despite all that the USA has given her."

I think it is actually a lack of love..but......much more a lack of respect and especially a lack of gratefulness or she would at least have something to praise about it because God did that part.

She has issues with everything (and everybody) or she would find the good in things in some degree somewhere.........

Anonymous said...

"Inanimate objects like nation states don't need love. humans and animals affected by their behavior do."

Christine, how about you preach it to yourself and then example that here.

Anonymous said...

"Some of the big players in population reduction are also players in bioengineering. "

Yes. And representing many other nations so not exclusively american.

Get a clue will ya?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

they don't REPRESENT those many countries they RUN those countries ours included. Get a clue. you talk about "globalism" but you don't understand what it is. the "socialism" you are looking at is the disguised effort of the big boys to eliminate competition from the rest, and by running govts. behind the scenes direct the flow of money to themselves.

Susanna said...

"God Bless America,

Land that I love,

Stand beside her and guide her

Through the night with a light

from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam

God Bless America

My Home sweet Home

God Bless America


This song, which was written by Irving Berlin and made famous by the late great Kate Smith is how I feel about America. No one could sing it like Kate Smith.

Is America perfect?


But I believe she IS good...far more good than evil...and not because of the smarmy little clique of corruptocrats currently in power, but in spite of them!

And that is because she is "one nation under God!"

Susanna said...


Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

currently in power? this goes back for generations.

Anonymous said...

The spirit of discord sown among brethren is the drive in Christine's endless mincing of words for arguing for the sake of argument alone.

Pointless and even destructive crap in other words.

Anonymous said...

"the "socialism" you are looking at is the disguised effort of the big boys to eliminate competition from the rest, and by running govts"


Constance has done a good job of teaching us this stuff with no thanks to you.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

then why do you react as you do? your hostile reaction is compatible only with ignorance of all this. or an emotional bias that kicks in when trigger words like USA or whatever are heard, and shut down your mind.

you talk out of both sides of your mouth as if to argue for its own sake, and as for "unity" vs. "disunity" YOU ARE OPERATING ON THE BASIS OF NEW AGE VALUES, NOT CHRISTIAN VALUES WHEN YOU THINK LIKE THAT.

Anonymous said...

Christine, no one here will ever post anything more creepy than you do.

So please, from now on, keep your creepy private life off of this blog and creep others out all you want on your own blog.

Anonymous said...

"then why do you react as you do? your hostile reaction is compatible only with ignorance of all this."

Here comes the torrent of needles and jibes and constant provocation from the blog sheriff!!

Brow beating and intense probing to secure a confession, hhmmm???

Anonymous said...

Well I gotten my first laugh out first thing today coming here!

Cursetine is at it again!

Marko said...

No, Christine, I wasn't offended by your comments about the nose leech. I liked it more, I think, for the writing style. I think I'd worry about anyone that didn't find that story at least a *little* unsettling... :^)

Christine said:

"Its the obvious hidden unexamined premise behind the intense reactions."

What an odd and contradictory statement. If it's obvious, then how can it also be hidden and unexamined?

Oh, I see. Obvious to *you*, because you know the REAL truth about whether my ideas about what is true are unexamined.

You mentioned a few posts back that my views were unexamined. You don't know how incorrect you are, and I don't say this to boast, just to tell you that you are wrong, as you usually are about what you assume about the others here and their level of knowledge about a certain topic.

The other things you went on about in the same post are the same kind of conspiratorial thinking that in my opinion is what really falls into the "unexamined" camp.

It goes back to the Black Swan argument.

This is the "conspiracy mindset" writ large, all across much, if not most of the internet:

If I believe something to be true, because I arrived at my belief from the evidence I've been able to gather (always from other sources, never first hand), then no amount of evidence to the contrary will persuade me to change my belief.

An excerpt from an article on conspiracy theories:

Most conspiracy theorists have yet to suggest what discovery might lead them to change their mind. It is my observation that whatever future event occurs, whatever fact is discovered, their notions can be flexibly fitted to the occasion. If a politician rises, it is proof there is a conspiracy. If that same politician falls, it is also proof. If a president is assassinated, we see the hand of the Satanic cabal. If he survives assassination, he has come over the cabal's side.

When a Nazi official in the 1930s brought proof to Adolf Hitler that "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was a forgery, Hitler's reply was: "It doesn't matter. The Protocols are still true in principle."

Conspiracy theory, for Hitler, was a statement of faith - the furtive fallacy of those who cynically believe that history is a chronicle of nefarious dealings, plots and subterfuge; that all events are explicable by a reference to a common plot. In Hitler's case, it was a "Jewish-Masonic" conspiracy. For Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, conspiracy theory is due to the mysterious Illuminati. There are many amendments to the basic conspiratorial line.

Except for the occasional third rate historian (like Carroll Quigley), or the fourth rate Nazi or Marxist thinker, no great and distinguished mind has yet embraced "conspiracy theory" if we look back at the great thinkers of the past two centuries. Works of acknowledged scholarship, erudition and literary skill do not reflect this theory. And this has to be accounted for, if indeed conspiracy theory is true.

Of course, the true adherent to conspiracy theory will just say something like "Well, those thinkers weren't privy to the facts that they needed to arrive at the REAL truth!"

Please understand, I am not being critical of all views of reality that include the Illuminati, or the Bilderbergs, or other popular items in conspiracy circles. I'm only wanting to point out what a slippery slope conspiracy theory can be into sloppy research, lazy thinking, and consequently incorrect or incomplete conclusions and a corresponding skewed vision of reality.

It also makes a person quite susceptible to accepting disinformation, planted in a way that is easy to believe, because that person *wants* to believe it from the outset of their investigations. I see so much "research" being done on the internet that is merely someone setting out to prove something they already "know" to be true.

Anonymous said...

"It also makes a person quite susceptible to accepting disinformation, planted in a way that is easy to believe, because that person *wants* to believe it from the outset of their investigations. I see so much "research" being done on the internet that is merely someone setting out to prove something they already "know" to be true."

And served up regularly at this blog by Miss Erikson who is into overkill tactics (making sure we know it is from her exhaustive investigative work) that we have all these gems in the extras most certainly unknown to us but certainly known to her.
How can we thank her enough??

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... read free online read free onine "The George W. Bush regime’s invasion of Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) occurred on October 7, 2001, less than a month after 9/11. Every military person knows that it is not possible to have mobilization for invading a country half way around the world ready in three weeks."

Marko said...

Thanks for helping prove my point, Christine.

For example, the link you posted to the Salem News article, where you quoted the following:

"Every military person knows that it is not possible to have mobilization for invading a country half way around the world ready in three weeks."

The author of the article, Paul Craig Roberts, is NOT a military person (whatever "military person" means), he is an economist. He never served in the military, never worked on any military staff or any other job related to military endeavors, acc. to the Wikipedia page on him.

So here we have an "obvious" truth being said by a respected writer that seems like it should be true. But... Until we do the hard work of verifying with someone who knows about staging a military operation on the other side of the world, we don't know for sure that his statement is correct or not.

It certainly helps advance his thesis, that Bush knew in advance of the 9/11 attack. But what if it's not true? That's the question, isn't it? It's so EASY to just accept what he says at face value.

This is what I mean by lazy thinking, poor research, and ending up drawing incorrect conclusions, like:

"Bush is obviously evil, because he's one of those rich oligarchs and belongs to some secret societies, and his daddy was involved in a lot of nefarious goings-on, so therefore he MUST have planned 9/11, so he and his buddies could get rich. It's all so OBVIOUS."

I really don't think that kind of argument would hold up in a trial. I wonder what Constance would have to say in that regard. I'm not a lawyer.

I'm not saying that none of the Bush stuff is true. I'm only saying that on the internet, Reagan's phrase "Trust, but verify" is a good one to use for research. In fact, for "truth" obtained on the internet, double- or triple-verification might be a good idea, from sources like published, peer-reviewed works, or first-hand accounts.

Anyone can be an expert on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Marko. A relative of mine who is former special forces would beg to differ with the economist. and with know-it-none Christine.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"The author of the article, Paul Craig Roberts, is NOT a military person (whatever "military person" means), he is an economist. He never served in the military, never worked on any military staff or any other job related to military endeavors,"

So what? you think this means he doesn't know people in these fields or read up on it? Roberts was a major designer of Reaganomics if not the father of it, and now considers it mostly a failure by the way.

How about Gen. Wesley Clark's report of being told of plans to invade the Middle East long before 9-11?

Its not a matter of being an expert on the internet its a matter of fast access to information and a means of sharing it without sending you off to a bookstore or library which takes time and money.

"As the combat forces moved off the beaches, the service forces were close behind. During the 7 weeks from assault to breakout, the logisticians faced and overcame innumerable obstacles and complications in moving the supplies ashore and setting up the support base. " read the entire article. scale it down some to a lesser matter.

Prescott Bush's policies didn't change. A scandal blew up in the early 1980s over the Republican Party Ethnic Heritage Committee or Council whatever, which was all nazi puppet state governments in exile. Read John Loftus The Belarus Secret and the updated version after the gag order on some things expired. That is the tip of this iceberg.

Disunity among brethren anon said? bah humbug. I've seen plenty of bashing here that had nothing to do with me, and what good is unity based on an illusion?

As I think FDR once said, "the American people are so damn dumb."

Take any author's statements to the source of his or her information, the footnotes, and study that. The same snipe you make against the Internet was used to be said against books, now I suppose you support books over the Internet?

What about YOUR internet source nyquist or whoever? all someone has to be is rabid anticommunist, and ready to believe anything some defector who wants to keep getting money and approval from his handlers, or readers, says, and he is immediately infallible. Even if that story is true, the planned "collapse" fakery in USSR obviously went out of control and is now real.

As for Putin and the KGB that is no different in terms of background than Bush and CIA. And the CIA NEVER was about American national interests but Wall Street interests, which is why it made so many "mistakes," and fired the guys who loudly kept insisting the Tet Offensive would happen - it was SUPPOSED to happen to keep money flowing to the arms manufacturers.

It may well be that God has used the USA's aggression for purposes like wrath on some people.

But notice the pattern in the Bible, it is mostly the evil who are used to discipline the evil. That should give you some pause.

"under God" was only added to the pledge of allegiance in the 1950s in reaction to communist atheism.

People here now and then suggest God's wrath will come on us because of abortion and gay rights. But if a likely scenario is pointed for exactly this, suddenly its a whole other story, and instead of cringing and praying you wrap yourself in the flag.

Only Russia is looked at, but its alliances are ignored, you think in terms of only fighting Russia but an alliance is forming all over the world that like the liliputans (and at least two of these are as big as we are) can overpower together what they could not overpower singly.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

person with special forces relative - being special forces means you can operate on your own or in a tiny group for extended times and kill with your bare hands.

It doesn't mean you know anything about the big picture, or what it takes to move armies.

Anonymous said...

"person with special forces relative - being special forces means you can operate on your own or in a tiny group for extended times and kill with your bare hands.

It doesn't mean you know anything about the big picture, or what it takes to move armies."

Moved to special forces after many years in the regular navy.

Your display here is not only pitiful but incredibly stupid.

You prove you know ZERO about this and know only your own navel.

Anonymous said...

"Disunity among brethren anon said?"

Struck a nerve?????

You are most likely 97% of the time the common denominator in anything negative here, Christine.

But you have my utmost pity.

paul said...

Now that I think of it, it makes sense that Mary Christine Justina Erikson would care nothing for her own MOTHERLAND.
Most people have a natural affection for their motherland, which has little to do with politics or
even patriotism. It's just a kind of natural love.

Marko said...

I'm done arguing with you, Christine. You are unteachable. Yet you presume to be teacher.

Jeff Nyquist knows more about geopolitics when he's asleep than you do in your most lucid moments.

Keep talking though - you keep exposing your ignorance. (Ref: your special forces comment that was rebutted by someone who actually knows the truth.)

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Most people have a natural affection for their motherland, which has little to do with politics or
even patriotism. It's just a kind of natural love."

depends on how big it is feeling decreases with geography and this is still something that is more of the flesh than of God. Some have a more diffuse sense of homeland affection.

no did not hit a nerve, except recognition of either hypocrisy or blindness (the latter is more charitable a view) given all that has gone on here. WITHOUT including anything to do with me.

you do not have denominational, theological, political or national unity here. you do not all have the same take on the New Age, some see it solely or mostly in terms of heresy and the occult, some in terms solely of world politics, some in terms solely of what might concern them personally and some see it only as a revived Nazism (which it is).

One person a long time ago was miffed that I mentioned God is not mentioned in the Constitution only the Declaration of Independence, and this person, victim of whatever lack of information, thought the D of I was the introduction to the Constitution when it was many years prior, and the Constitution itself replaced an earlier haphazard association of ex colonies. So you don't have historical sense unity.

So where is the unity that is being disrupted?

Anonymous said...

Teacher has lost control of the class at this blog. Great pity because some of us want to learn. Would be easily sorted by expelling the pupil who won't stop talking over everybody else.

Anonymous said...

Attractive Deception - Part 7

The Hats of Satanic Dominion

Sunday , March 1, 2015 post

Anonymous said...

"So where is the unity that is being disrupted?"

Right here where we are supposed to be learning together and joined with Constance to expose the new age.

But you are the discordant one here.

Your words and ways are counter-productive to the message.
Have you spent your whole life on the fight with people? Because you have seem to have no concept of unity and brotherhood or we would surely see something by now in your multitude of words, that would show us you can get along with people. Just one even! Some give and take here and there. Some good back and forth to and for the good of all. Something would turn up that shows a heart that cares to esteem others more highly than you do yourself. But you run rough shod over the top of topics and worse-people. Something..

But nothing. Na.Da.
Not a working part of a good cause in this good company with the accompanying good manners that reasoned and caring people can and do show.
There are no lone wolves in the body of Christ. Just sheep but you act like that lone wolf. And destructive. People can have their differences and at the end of the day still learn from and respect each other. But you? You can kill good conversation and agreeable discussion quicker than anyone I have ever seen. It is sport for you and evidently have the guts and the gall to continue this day after day and with no remorse.
This is what I find so pathetic. You are not the least bothered at your own behavior.

Anonymous said...

"except recognition of either hypocrisy or blindness"

So you are judge,jury,and executioner too?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 5:09

""So where is the unity that is being disrupted?"

Right here where we are supposed to be learning together and joined with Constance to expose the new age.

But you are the discordant one here.

Your words and ways are counter-productive to the message."

Not at all. everything I have posted you are complaining about is part of the New Age big picture.

Notice how evangelicalism got hijacked by meditation? But you didn't notice how it got hijacked
to serve satanic agendas by pretending to oppose abortion so we Christians would vote for them.

Not much accomplished, was it? and you all expect a conservative appointed to the Supreme Court to
vote conscience, eh? that's not how it works. When you are whole hog legal system you work with the
machine that has been compiled of judgements and so forth. The only solid attack on Roe v. Wade that can
be done was surmised by that other woman Justice I forget her name, not O'Connor that it was "bad law" meaning that the process that went
into it was flawed, i.e., the concept of privacy in Connecticut vs. Griswold was that of the couple in a
marriage, not of an individual. I studied law two 1/2 years and I know what I am talking about.

The issue is not defining human life, but at what point can a human life be taken, that is decided by law incl.
the core law the Constitution. The problem then is to alter the Constitution and saying life begins
at conception doesn't help, because without additional wording this leaves Roe v. Wade substantially intact. that decision was NOT about
what is human life but about privacy of the mother.

Anonymous said...

I am up on all of that. I can read Christine and Constance has done good work to get that info to us so I am current, obviously if I frequent here.
But you are not addressing what I brought up.
Why do you argue all the time and fight? Can't people agree where they agree and leave a topic like that instead of you making the big overture to think you are inside our heads and telling us what we are not getting? as though we don't or won't think for ourselves. You are not the blog interrogator (except in your mind).
You pick at this like you are picking scabs to get them bleeding and it is unwelcome behavior on a site where we should be not fighting at all. Where people must, they can agree to disagree, but that is not enough for you.
Please stop this constant fight and get on board with the spirit and mission of this website or quietly take your marbles and go home.

And put on your big girl pants ;)

Anonymous said...

And put on your big girl pants ;)

I take that back. I am sorry for writing that to you, Christine.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Tim Blake said...

Hey, checking in. I see things are much the same with distraction galore. I am not going to point to anyone in particular. It is good to see Constance moving on with the Hi-jacking article. Always good stuff.


Anonymous said...

Think of Christine as Golum from Lord of the Rings. She is obsessed with the Ring, ("my precious")and all that it stands for. Constance is behaving like Frodo (the ring bearer), seeing much knowledge in Christine, and wanting to grant mercy to her tormented bi-polar soul. They seem to be linked in some mysterious inseparable way, and despite all of Sam's warnings, Christine and Constance are destined to be together until the very end, at least until the spell is broken.

paul said...

So who is Sam? Dorothy ?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

The Paul Ryan/Ayn Rand/Satanism Connection Made Simple

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

well, isn't this interesting. this is in the comments on the article linked in my previous post.

I think I mentioned here last year or whenever an article showing Reagan's interest in the occult predated Nancy hiring an astrologer in the White House. Also that his whole style was one of projecting a dreamy state with heroic fantasy and sometimes confused movie scenes with reality in at least one speech.

This state of mind, and induction of it in others, is part of what is called "lesser black magic." It may be he was not just manipulative but addicted to it himself. Probably sped up the development of Alzheimer's.

Very New Agey state of mind. Unfortunately, one that is chronic for generations of movie goers and novel readers and considered okay. the encouragement of fantasy in children adds to the problem.

"I lived in the San Francisco Bay area where the Church of Satan was founded (in SF City). When it first started it was more of just a fun, rebellious group of hippies, neo-Pagans and other similar folks. I have a friend who used to work there as the hostess at the front door. She greeted people, so she knew who attended. After I'd known her for a very long time, she disclosed to me that Ronald Reagan and Nancy attended the CofS. She was never one to gossip or speak ill of anyone and I've always found her to be reliably truthful. I'd read that he'd gone one time, but she told me he and Nancy came there quite a lot. She finally left, when the it began to get really weird, with alot of neo-Nazis and the like. When she left, the Reagans were still attending. It sounds like Mr. Wilson is right on the money when he says Republicans like Ayn Rand's philosophies. "

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

the sort of people who pioneered privatization of social security.

Anonymous said...

I posted a link to a, so far, 7 part series on observations, rituals and symbolism in Judaism, and in part 7 Catholicism as well, that are not from scripture.

I know everyone is caught up in fighting Christineism right now, but I think this is a good teaching, so I'll repost.

Attractive Deception - Part 7

'The Hats of Satanic Dominion'

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

aon 3:56

it is amazing how you guys are fixated on sun worship.

here is the reality

"One must note that
the elaborate head coverings of the Middle Ages in no way resemble
the simple yarmulke of today.23 " note says
"For examples of those elaborate and cumbersome head coverings, see
Jewish Encyclopedia, Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York and London, 1912,
entry “head-dress” vol. VI, inset p. 292"

clearly the yarmulke, like the fish head mitre of RC, does not date to times of paganism but is much later.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

list or articles on types most non Jewish

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

the answer to your nonsense is in one of your articles. After noting that babylonian pagan influence got into
the Talmud, there is also this:

"According to Talmudic dogma, it is forbidden for anyone to construct a seven-flame candlestick of the same pattern delivered to Moses. Consequently, any menorah that a Jew possesses in their home, in a synagogue, or any other public or private place, must have fewer than, or more than, seven lights. The Hanukiah abides by this stricture, as it possesses nine lights."

So the seven branched candlestick is biblical, the lesser or greater number is an act of piety, and the astrological stuff in the Talmud is a later addition.

So the menorah is not unbiblical in itself.

Anonymous said...

The menorah issue aside, the series has some good teaching. Maybe NOT as good as your teaching us Christine. What could be better than us, the 'you people' sitting at the feet of a descended master like you?

Thank You so much!

Anonymous said...

Paul at 5:08
I daily follow what is going on at this blog. I don't belong here anymore, so I don't post here. Occasionally something of importance is posted, and I appreciate that. This is not a place to share what I am researching on the New Age movement, a topic I take seriously. Others, know that I tried to post seriously in the past but the blog has gone off in other directions and I no longer belong here. No problem. Speculate what you will about me knowing that.


Anonymous said...

That should have been at 2:08

Anonymous said...

This page alone is roughly half Christine posts and other half everybody else.

Whose blog is this again?

Anonymous said...

It would be an act of kindness if Constance would ban Christine from this blog. Could help her refocus her life from flattening out seat cushions, disrupting this blog with her knows everything attitude. Could help her get off the dole. Get some fresh air. Get the lymph fluid circulating etc etc.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

some here tune up even when I post blog relevant material. I expect another explosion of "get rid of her" or words to that effect for this:

" Beyond Singularity University, the transhumanist program has been advanced through the sponsorship of well-recognized institutions – like Oxford, Stanford and Caltech – and by large non-profit groups such as the Templeton Foundation."

Notice the TEMPLETON FOUNDATION. Also Stanford, both mentioned by Constance in her new age hijacking of evangelicalism article.

While you all are worried the mark of the beast is around the corner, and it may be, there are other issues
here even if that never occurs in our lifetimes. Transhumanism is at its core a satanic concept, that views man as god and wants to change our species.

Some of the immorality and perversion promotion going on in law and media, may not have its origin exactly in the
transhumanist movement, but it is definitely something they want and the "respectable" elements promoting the former are supporting the latter.

"Mark Pesce, a co-inventor of 3-D interfacing for the worldwide web, and a panelist and judge on ABC’s show The New Inventors, puts it this way,

“Once the genome was transcribed, once we knew what had made us human, we had – in that moment – passed into the Transhuman. Knowing our codes, we can re-create them in our so-called synthetic rows of 1s and 0s. Artificial Life.

And now we have discovered the multiverse, where nothing is true and everything is permissible. And now we will reach into the improbable, re-sequence ourselves into a new Being, de-bugging the natural state, translating ourselves into supernatural, incorruptible, eternal.
There is no God but Man.”"

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Transhumanism foresees doctors as mere order takers and an anything goes public morality that would be sanctioned by the state. Munkittrick writes:

Actions such as abortion, assisted suicide, voluntary amputation, gender reassignment, surrogate pregnancy, body modification, legal unions among adults of any number, and consenting sexual practices would be protected under law. One’s genetic make-up, neurological composition, prosthetic augmentation, and other cybernetic modifications will be limited only by technology and one’s own discretion. Transhumanism cannot happen without a legal structure that allows individuals to control their own bodies. When bodily freedom is as protected and sanctified as free speech, transhumanism will be free to develop.

Needless to say, creating such a society foresees the destruction of human exceptionalism, which transhumanists disdain as limiting their genetic recreationist (in Leon Kass’s words) ambitions and establishing behavioral norms. Thus, being human in a transhumanist world would be morally irrelevant. Rather, Munkittrick writes, “Rights discourse will shift to personhood instead of common humanity.”"

Notice that personhood, which is unfortunately defined by most human theorists in terms that arguably and
observedly ARE found in some animals, is also the issue with the pro abortion movement, defining personhood
in terms of brain function and
social integration, which of course when you put these together means that eventually a non transhuman a non modified human can be viewed as
less of a person and exterminated.

The Bible mentions animals as ensouled having the breath of life, which made Adam BECOME a living soul.
Also kindness to animals is shown as a feature of the godly human. But they are not the same kinds of souls as us.

On the pretext of getting protection for more sensitive animals, human exceptionalism is to be undermined.

In such a world, the value of human life would cease to be intrinsic, but would become relative. “Animals (including humans),” he writes—deploying yet another human-diminishing sentiment—”will be granted rights based on varying degrees of personhood . . . When African grey parrots, gorillas, and dolphins have the same rights as a human toddler, a transhuman friendly rights system will be in place.” Indeed.

Boycotting companies like Canon, Autodesk (AutoCAD) and Eplanet Ventures (Skype) which support transhumanism might be a good idea. Using Google doesn't get it money unless you deal with its ads or get a paid service. Youtube now google owned only charges for accounts that let you upload files beyond 15 or 30 minutes whatever it is.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... article title Who was Chairman Mao, Lionized by Obama’s White house?

"According to Jon Halliday in “Mao, The Unknown Story,” Mao proclaimed, “People like me only have a duty to ourselves; we have no duty to other people.” His supreme interest was satisfying his own desires. He did not believe in a life beyond this one. He rejected any concept of universal laws like the Ten Commandments, saying “I do not think these [commands like “Do not kill”] have to do with conscience. I think they are only out of self-interest for self-preservation.” Mao refused any external moral code, but chose to ruthlessly shatter his nation to force it into socialist shackles. As a result, Chairman Mao became the greatest killer of humans in history.

Chairman Mao’s early career
After winning the civil war in 1949, Mao became China’s supreme leader when the People’s Republic of China was established. Party opponents accused him of self-absorption and megalomania. "

Sounds like the transhumanist mentality, if the idea had been in China he would probably have tried it.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Gping through Constance's older posts on Facebook, I saw this

Nazis and the Occult: The Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third Reich

its only 3.99 on kindle, and unlike the usual books of the genre relies "on secret Nazi documents and the
private diaries of Hitler's 'satanic' mentors, as well as those of the members of his inner circle to reveal
whether Nazi ideology was indeed rooted in occultism." from the Introduction, I just bought it and am
reading it now.

The older books are quite credible, but this should really silence the critics of the occult Nazism theory.
The similarity between Nazi mysticism and the New Age is of course obvious to researchers willing to ignore the
chorus of deniers. That chorus partly exists, because this line of inquiry was quashed early on, because
British and American influential people were also occultists of one sort or another! This point was made
by one of the other authors, maybe it will be made in this book also.

Anonymous said...

Overkill isn't it 6:58 PM?
Not really bringing anything too new much of the time, just mostly rehash.
The glut of info just clogs and loses so much because it is way more than needed or wanted frankly.
This is why it becomes needful to just collapse her comments to at least clean up the place some.
I wonder if her house is as cluttered as her mind? UGH just pictured one of those terrible hoarders shows...
Anyway, if she were at least courteous, she would post just the links to save the deep wade through here and would help some, but of course she wants to bludgeon the subjects to death by writing endlessly about almost every one of them as if we are all too ignorant to understand on our own.

This is her life. All she has going on. (how sad is that?)

Must be a very loveless household for her to need this place so badly to fill in.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I posted the links, and excerpted what was likely to get someone curious enough to follow them. As I predicted, "get her out of here" or words to that effect would be the response no matter how relevant. As someone said, others like Susanna and I think Paul have posted longwinded posts requiring two or three segments and no complaint.

and no one is prevented from posting here because someone else posts here.
I think I have hit some nerves incl. but not limited to New Age moles.

as for new, that book I haven't seen before. as for rehash, transhumanism and Agenda 21 have not been heavily dealt with here, and you people are not the only readers. If you want those who stumble in here or check now and then to get an education, occasional rehashes are in order.

That book as I read farther, is not by a Christian or even by one who admits the objective existence of demons. Which means that while he is not himself coming from the best perspective, it IS a perspective that a New Ager would listen to.

Anonymous said...

Christine is going to EDUCATE "those who stumble in here".

Those souls "who stumble in here" need to be educated about Christine.

It would be nice if Constance, like a bartender who recognizes that a patron has had one too many, would see to it that you stumbled out of here!

Anonymous said...

"and excerpted what was likely to get someone curious enough to follow them."

Well you might think that is what you are doing....
More like killing topics and/or ensuing on the mark discussion and discourse before they can even start.

With you as the blog sheriff this is where good conversation comes to die.

Anonymous said...

paul said...

" Now that I think of it, it makes sense that Mary Christine Justina Erikson would care nothing for her own MOTHERLAND.
Most people have a natural affection for their motherland, which has little to do with politics or
even patriotism. It's just a kind of natural love."

Paul, you have got a point there that does seem to add up in some ways about Christine and things she has many times discussed at length about herself here.
I just read Romans 1:29-31 and that portion of the Bible mentions people without natural affection among some other things that correspond to an ungodly mind and actions.
She needs to check to see if that is where some guilt may lie. It might explain why she is so uncivil regarding that very natural bond and other relationships and openly touts it here.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Webb was vindicated by a 1998 CIA Inspector General report, which revealed that for more than a decade the agency had covered up a business relationship it had with Nicaraguan drug dealers like Blandón. The L.A. Times, New York Times and Washington Post buried the IG's report; under L.A. Times editor Michael Parks, the paper didn't acknowledge its release for months. The L.A. Times' smears against Webb continued after his death. After Webb committed suicide in a suburb of Sacramento in December 2004 - the same day he was to vacate his just-sold home and move in with his mother - a damning L.A. Times obituary described the coverage by the three papers as "discrediting" Webb. As Katz admitted to Mantle, "We really didn't do anything to advance his work or illuminate much to the story, and it was a really kind of tawdry exercise. ... And it ruined that reporter's career."
And a lot of the people who ran the Contra operations from Washington continued to have fine careers in and out of the private sector, despite their earlier careers as de facto drug kingpins and money launderers. Yes, friends, it surely was Morning In America.

This whole business stank from jump. For all the whining about the current adminstration's knuckling of the press, the Reagan people were the true masters at it. They were able to scare editors and publishers out of stories about what was really going on with the Moral Equivalents Of Our Founding Fathers down in Central America. They scared them into selling out their reporters; Ray Bonner and Alma Guillermoprieto over the El Mozote massacre, and Bob Parry over a lot of his Iran-Contra work, much of which itself had to do with Contra drug running. The Reagan people got the L.A. Times and a lot of the prestige press to do its dirty work on Gary Webb, who got destroyed in the process, but who now gets to be a hero in a movie, so there's that, I guess. And he gets an apology from one of the journalistic button men who did him in." Webb committed suicide

paul said...

Global Hoaxing:

Anonymous said...

"Moral Equivalents Of Our Founding Fathers down in Central America."

What garbage!

When Reagan took office, Marxists were taking over Latin America, and still are. To call them the "moral equivalents of our founding fathers" shows a complete lack of understanding of basic history and political philosophy.

Reagan wasn't perfect, but if Obama, Carter, and Reagan were behind curtains No. 1, 2 and 3, respectively, I'll take curtain #3, Monte, please and thank you!

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