Speaking engagement on topic of "Socialism and the New Age Movement
Free & Open to public January 23, 2013, Troy, Michigan |
Many of you have asked me if I am speaking anywhere in the near future. I am scheduled to speak at the above event in Troy, Michigan (an Oakland County, Michigan suburb of Detroit) on January 23rd. It would be fun to meet and greet those of you who find the event convenient. There are strong links between the Theosophical Society and the British Fabians. "Social Credit" was also an occult invention designed to lead to a 'cashless society.' Barbara Marx Hubbard proclaimed in her Seattle, Washington speech (April 1988) that the higher one went in the Soviet Union, the more likely they were to be involved in the New Age spiritualities. She claimed the converse was true in the USA -- which may or may not have been true." She also boasted that 'now all the resonating groups with outwardly different purposes are merging and blending and coming together to do 'the one work.' The New Age per author Mark Satin (NEW AGE POLITICS) claims to have something for everybody. I have much material . . . it should be an interesting evening.
The Cuddy chart may be more relevant than ever. To obtain it, email me at cumbey@gmail.com with the subject line "Cuddy Chart." I will return it in 11 x 17 " pdf form in both 300 dpi and 600 dpi resolution.
More very soon. January has been crazy so far!
Stay tuned!
I have wondered about the recent credit card breaches at Target and Neiman Marcus - (manufactured?) crisis = opportunity?
I've been deeply wondering about that myself -- especially with the calls about "we need a new system." Wonder what they have in mind????
Is there any chance that your speech will be taped and you can post it for us to hear?
Dear 11.15am,
There is every chance that it will be taped, although I'm not sure that Washington will give out copies on request...
When will your new book be published??
Read the comments at the last post. It may explain what has happened to the fight against the New Age movement which appears to be dead except in a few places now.
Susanna has sent me a link in the past that I think would be beneficial to read through before your appearance at the posted conference:
The Occult Roots of the Russian Revolution
So That’s Their Secret: Pete Carroll Makes All Seahawks Players Take Yoga And Meditate
Saddly, I found this while I was researching the "Search Inside Yourself" resources a work colleague's was recommending.
Dave in CA
Dave in CA,
Thank you for that link. That is some very good info to take note of. It seems Yoga is creeping into every phase of our lives.
Marko & Susanna,
Thanks so much for this link. I see that the author drew somewhat from James Webb who has been an important source for my work as well.
I will be sure to give my audience the link to this article as well as a credit to you and Susanna.
I plan to talk about the subject on my radio program later this morning.
re that article on gnostics, while it is excellent where it deals with specific history and persons, it has little understanding of the Russian "mystical" background, The Old Believers were not gnostic in any way, they were refuseniks so to speak against some reforms of Metropolitan Nikon, who wanted some minor deviations in practice from Greek originals corrected to match Greek practice. There were heretical mystical groups like the Khlysti and a dual faith involving Orthodox plus pop occultism holdover pagan baggage stuff among the people, but Orthodox "mysticism" is not the kind of stuff RC contemplative and far East source ideas is about. Orthodox mysticism is about removing everything not about Jesus from your waking and sleeping life, and the Mystical Life of the Church as the book says if one reads beyond the title, is about religious life not being in one pocket and regular life in another but moving the holy into the realm of regular life and cleansing it. Theophan the Recluse details in a series of letters to a disciple how to guard the heart and mind.
John Wesley brought the idea of holiness into Protestantism due to his immersion in early Church Fathers.
I can emphatically tell you that the fight against the New Age Movement is definitely NOT DEAD yet!
Your sentences need to be shortened and polished. It was hard for me to follow your thoughts on your recent post here about the source Susanna referenced.
I've talked about the UFO cult segment of the New Age Movement from the very beginning, 1981. George King and his Aetherius Society were prominently featured in both my books and lectures. Benjamin Creme himself was into a New Age cult which freely mingled with the London Theosophists: "The Space Brothers."
Look at this, but pressing the "Reset button" can be very dangerous as those elements are still alive and well!
Constance, sorry. I tend to be terse to save space. Let's try it again.
The article on occultism back of the Russian revolution is excellent where it deals with specific history and persons. But its overview of Russian mystical groups lumps gnostic and amoralist heretics with very Orthodox movements seeking a more total holiness of life.
In particular, The Old Believers were not gnostic in any way, they rejected reforms of Metropolitan Nikon, who wanted some minor deviations in practice from Greek originals corrected to match Greek practice. Under his guidance they were persecuted incl. one group burned alive in their church.
There were heretical mystical groups, such as the writer describes, but not all who lived communally fit this category. There were monastic resembling people called stranniks or pilgrims who were not under monastic vows, and Rasputin (married) was a good deceiver taking this cover but likely a Khlyst heretic or a loner with their belief system and practices.
There was also "dual faith" involving Orthodox externals plus pop occultism holdover pagan baggage stuff among the people, and this and a kind of dreaminess that had entered the Russian people was bemoaned by some priests.
Misapplication of concepts and reaction to govt. overreaction against some undoubtedly fuelled some of the revolutionary feeling.
Orthodox "mysticism" is not like RC contemplative and far East source ideas. Briefly you could say it is about removing everything not about Jesus from your waking and sleeping life, and the Mystical Life of the Church as the book says if one reads beyond the title, is about religious life not being in one pocket and regular life in another but moving the holy into the realm of regular life and cleansing the latter. Theophan the Recluse details in a series of letters to a disciple how to guard the heart and mind.
John Wesley brought the idea of holiness into Protestantism due to his immersion in early Church Fathers. The externals focussed anglican church of his time was not happy with this.
Is that better?
The never ending sex scandal of the Roman Catholic cult. All the devastated lives of innocent children! A very good friend of mine was molested by a priest when he was a young alter boy. It was all swept under a very large rug! What a vile institution. How anyone can think this filthy institution as 'Christian' is beyond reason!
Dear Mark and Constance,
Thank you both for the acknowledgements.
I did notice that James Webb is mentioned in the article. I own both of his books. They can be purchased at Amazon, but are a tad pricey.
However, both of his books can be read for free online.
James Webb also wrote a biography of George Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff was rumored by some to have been a friend of Josef Stalin.
Some of James Webb's detractors tried to attribute Webb's suicide to involvement in the occult. But there is no evidence that this was so. It is more likely that he suffered from a medical
condition understood as bi-polar disorder.
The late historian Nicholas Goodrick Clarke regarded Webb as a serious researcher of occultism: "By focusing on functional significance of occultism in political irrationalism, Webb rescued the study of Nazi occultism for the history of ideas."
With regard to the occult as it relates to the Russian Revolution,
many of the Russian revolutionaries were also Satanists and revered Satan/Lucifer as the archetypal revolutionary.
Mikhail Bakunin, for example, was not only a high-ranking Freemason, but was also a self-professed Satanist.
Contemporary liberals are the ideological heirs of a rebellion against the God of Revelation and Christian theism that began as far back as the Renaissance.
Like supernatural Christian faith, the rebellion is a movement of spirit, but its taproot and energy are in Satan, the father of lies, confusion, blasphemy and envy, the author of rebellion, and the revelator of secrets. In affirmation, the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, one of Karl Marx's partners in the First International said:
"The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority....Socialists recognize each other by the words, "In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done....Satan (is) the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds." (Mikhail Bakunin,"Marx & Satan," Richard Wurmbrand, p. 27)
Bakunin's disciple, a seminarian named Sergei Nechayev was the author of THE REVOLUTIONARY CATECHISM ( something of a precursor of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and republished by the Black Panthers ) and became the model for the revolutionary conspirator known as Peter Verkhovensky in Dostoyevsky's novel THE POSSESSED ( a.k.a. THE DEVILS )
"John Wesley brought the idea of holiness into Protestantism due to his immersion in early Church Fathers. The externals focussed anglican church of his time was not happy with this."
Dead right they weren't happy, and dead right that Wesley was concerned with holiness aka sanctification/theosis, but what is your evidence that he got it from the Fathers rather than from St Paul and other scriptures? Also, to say that protestantism had no concept of holiness before Wesley is nonsense. It was a central concern of the Puritans a century earlier in the same land, while Luther was deeply concerned to raise the standard of morality among the people in Germanic lands.
The Fathers got it from The Bible anyway. Holiness is not only about external behavior, it is an internal issue also.
"The group met daily from six until nine for prayer, psalms, and reading of the Greek New Testament. They prayed every waking hour for several minutes and each day for a special virtue. Whereas the church's prescribed attendance was only three times a year, they took communion every Sunday. They fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays until three o'clock as was commonly observed in the ancient church....When in 1746 Wesley read Lord King on the primitive church, he became convinced that the concept of apostolic succession in Anglicanism was a "fable".[21] He wrote that he was "a scriptural episkopos as much as many men in England."
Many years later Edward Stillingfleet's Irenicon led him to decide that ordination could be valid when performed by a presbyter rather than a bishop. Nevertheless, many believe that Wesley was consecrated a bishop in 1763 by Erasmus of Arcadia,[22][23] and that Wesley could not openly announce his episcopal consecration without incurring the penalty of the Præmunire Act.[24] " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wesley
"It is generally recognized that the first four centuries of Christian tradition played a
significant role in Wesley’s theology. What is not as often noted is that he tended to value the
Greek representatives over the Latin.3 It was a preference he inherited from his father. It
deepened during his Oxford years as he studied newly available editions of patristic writings
with his fellow “Methodist” John Clayton." http://divinity.duke.edu/sites/default/files/documents/faculty-maddox/05_John_Wesley_Eastern_Orthodoxy.pdf
from the pdf file, the third link in the previous post, a quote from Wesley
"By salvation, I mean, not barely (according to the vulgar notion)
deliverance from hell, or going to heaven, but a present deliverance from sin, a
restoration of the soul to its primitive health, its original purity; a recovery of the
divine nature; the renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness
and true holiness, in justice, mercy, and truth."
Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
My absence is because of this part of some anonymous person's post:
"That would hush your critics here and lighten the load on this blog ...
If you cannot do this for the sake of getting the truth out, then you have shown your hand and prove yourself someone who is here to create static and distort the truth. "
Now, I have noticed that the real serious static and distortions come whenever I post. I am the excuse for any blog jammer who pretends to defend the blog.
So I have decided to make either ONE POST A MONTH, or allow ONE DAY IN A MONTH in case the 4200+ character limit is exceeded or something is said that can't be ignored.
No credibility and no self-restraint either. Cannot even keep your own word and certainly cannot regard anyone else's....
The one thing that just kills you, Christine, is you cannot abide being ignored so you must have your way and throw your weight around. Must. Your pride makes you a sad sad example of a christian. And you prove you are not about the Truth, simply will not serve it, but yourself.
Here is a link to the official movie website "Devil's Due" - It asks people to convert their Facebook religion to satanism to receive an “offering”. Just another way of pushing satanism to the masses.
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