Don't stop commenting on the earlier post today, but here are two more significant pages from that same bound volume of collected issues of THE STAR, the journal of THE ORDER OF THE STAR IN THE EAST, the Theosophical order dedicated to Krishnamurti as the new "Christ" and/or "Maitreya. I thought it would crowd the other page a little too much to be meaningful here, so decided to give these two startling pages their own space. There will be more.
Krishnamurti adored as "Maitreya" |
The ugly swastika as part of the Theosophical /Maitreya scene 1928 |
Yes, an ugly history is repeating itself -- this time with Twitter, the internet, flash mobs, cell phones, fax machines, and all the other rapid instruments of modern communication. The old themes, however, remain just about the same!
This theologian calls for an end to theist Christianity.
"Although “there are declines across the board in America’s three largest sort of Christian bodies; Roman Catholic, Mainline Protestant, and Evangelical Protestant,”
Bass does not see a decline in faith but merely a “new reformation.” What Bass describes is not exactly a “reformation,” though, but a complete elimination of tradition, structure, and authority. She discussed how this “reformation,” or “spiritual awakening” is about “people of faith ... [recognizing] the patterns of human beauty and human flourishing that are present in non-theistic and post-theistic communities.”
“Just because it’s the end of conventional church there is no reason to think this is the end of each one of these religions,” Bass explained, referencing Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and other major religions.
She told how her “heart and soul and longing and passion is that we have a better more open, more inclusive, more peaceful, and more planet oriented form of Christianity across the world than the rather divisive, hierarchical, authoritarian one that we have in many places at the moment.”
Krishnamurti was not Maitreya, but is that reason to throw out all consideration of Maitreya as a possible figure? It is not a New-Age concept either, Maitreya originally referred to the expected Buddha to come, and may even have roots in Mithraism, which greatly influenced Christianity in the Roman Empire. Christ said He would return with a new name; why could it not be Maitreya?
I submit that the prophecies of the end times in all religions and cultures (including Buddhism) are being fulfilled around us, and therefore we should be expecting the imminent coming of Maitreya, or the Prophet expected by all religions and cultures to come at the end times/ending of an age/etc.
In fact I submit to you that Maitreya is already here. He has fulfilled Prophecies from all world religions and cultures, and brought a teaching that unifies all the religions of the world and for the first time shows clearly how all are from the same, One God, each sent as part of an overall Plan which is now coming to fruition. Maitreya's teaching also unifies the West and the East, science and spirit, and shows how the two are not contradictory but complementary.
Do not take my word for it - I challenge you to study Maitreya's literature, prophecies fulfilled, etc. and prove it to yourself that he is indeed the True Maitreya, the Prophet of God:
"Mithraism, which greatly influenced Christianity in the Roman Empire"
Nonsense!!! Mithraism developed AFTER all 27 books of the NT were written, and stole from Christianity. Did paganism influence RC? You betcha! But real Christianity! Not a chance!
Now away with your blasphemous NAM trash. Repent.
I am happy to see you are reading this spot. Obviously, you are a true "Maitreya" believer. Krishnamurti most likely WAS Maitreya. The PROCESS of "Maitreya" is what Ruth Montgomery called "Walk Ins." Krishnamurti was to surrender his physical body as "the vehicle." The Theosophists were ready for this to happen. Obviously God was not and it could not happen without God ultimately permitting it, something He was not inclined to do until all had FAIR WARNING.
Our scriptures proclaim: "Who is a liar but he that denieth JESUS is the Christ. He is ANTICHRIST that denieth the Father AND THE SON (Jesus)." We were further warned in our Scriptures (which gave us fair warning about the last day moves to install an ANTICHRIST as a world leader) that those who worship idols (Buddha, Krishna included) worship DEVILS.
We were warned that we could not have communion from both tables.
Try what the newspaper reporter formerly in the New Age did when posed with this conflict in her mind. She was going to pray to Buddha but at the last moment (on March 10, 1982) prayed to Jesus to send her revelation.
God answered her prayer. If you give that earnest request to JESUS he will answer you too.
Well, well, well -- Bass sounds to me more like a THEOSOPHIST than a valid THEOLOGIAN! Or as John Wesley once sharply wrote to William Law: "You call it THEOSOPHY. It should more accurately be called DEMONOSOPHY."
Re:Or as John Wesley once sharply wrote to William Law: "You call it THEOSOPHY. It should more accurately be called DEMONOSOPHY."
In the days before neo-gnostics and modernists took over clergymen could still credibly discuss theosophists and their "demonological differences". :-)
Re:"Did paganism influence RC? You betcha! But real Christianity! Not a chance!"
What's your source for that brilliant piece of scholarly erudition....Alexander Hislop?
Someone has raised the possibility that Greece and Italy (2 of the 10 Western European Union members), who have basically lost their sovereignty to the EU beast, with EU appointed heads, may possibly be 2 of the 3 horns uprooted, per Daniel 7:24.
This is the conclusion by the Council of the European Union today of the Euro-Mediterranean Convention.
oops. I didn't complete that. It was the Euro-Mediterranean convention on the preferrential rules of origen.
I would rather be a atheist than a spiritualist, because I think they are super-crazy.
In Canada, parents are trying to fight a bill call C-13 that teaches kids there are different genders.
For example, two-spritied includes, two sprits in one body, just as transgendered people do not identify with their biological gender.
Why is spiritualism being imposed on us?
This is not even science.
Yes, Savvy, I must agree!
I'm getting ready to do a new article. The New Agers are heading up a mountain in France to save themselves from their expected 12-21-2012 apocalypse a la the Mayan prophecies;
"One must fight TERRORISM and THE CAUSES OF TERRORISM with equal vigor" . . . statement attributed to both Javier Solana and George W. Bush quoted in an article by Dominque Moisi in article, "I kill, therefore I am" referring to the recent slayings in France.
Evidently the war is on against "root causes" which you may be assured is most likely RELIGION!
What you said about New Agers climbing up a mountain STRONGLY reminded me of what will happen on the Day of the Lord - aka the rapture -
Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?” - Rev. 6:15-17
People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of His majesty, when He rises to shake the earth. - Isaiah 2:19
JESUS IS COMING TO GATHER HIS ELECT VERY VERY SOON!!! Warn all you can of the Truth- that if they refuse to accept Jesus, they will suffer eternal separation.
Amen, Jenna
EU Heading Towards Its Goal: become full-fledged political union.
The goal is clear. Government by the unelected European Commission with national governments subservient and sovereignty lost. Van Rompuy was given another two years in power on March 2 without any election taking place, so we could say that Russia is more democratic than the European Commission.
...The European Union is a NEW kind of federation; it is a federation of national peoples or, better, a supranational federation.
More reports of 'strange sounds' and even 'trumpets' in various parts of the world....
"...if Spain fails to rein in its deficit, contagion is likely to spread further in the eurozone, and would overstretch the bailout capacity of the currency area's rescue fund."
Rev 11
And I saw another mighty angel
coming down from heaven, clothed
with a cloud, and a rainbow upon
his head and his face was as it
were the sun and his feet as
pillars of fire; and he had in his
hand a little book open; and he
set his right foot on the sea,
and his left foot on the earth, and
cried with a loud voice as when a
lion roars, and when he had cried
seven thunders sounded their
voices. And when the seven
thunders had spoken I was about
to write; but I heard a voice from
heaven saying, seal up those things
that the seven thunders uttered
and do not write them. And the
angel which I saw standing upon
the sea and upon the land raised
his hand to heaven and swore
by him who lives forever and ever
who created heaven and the things
which therein are and the earth
and the things which therein are
and the sea and the things which
are therein, that there should
be no more time.
But in the days of the voice of the
seventh angel, when he shall
begin to sound, the mystery of
God will be fulfilled, as he has
proclaimed to his servants the
Hey, Y'all!
I missed it, did you?
It was Conception Day, March 22, 2012! Oh what will we do now?!!?
Well really, it's one day, I'm happy to have missed.
March 22 marked exactly 9 months before December 22, 2012--the day of the so-called planetary birthday.
March 22 marks the beginning of a nine-month period of preparation that culminates on December 22 – our first Planetary Birth Day, and a day that leaders around the world are declaring Day One of a new era for human evolution.
Barbara Marx Hubbard writes about it on her blog, but as soon as I click on it, I'm diverted to some advertisement site.
...hmm... That's strange.
Unbelievable the hubris of a
Barbara Marx Hubbard. So very
self-important and grandiose.
Same thing this "theologian"
The Bible was good enough for
Kepler, Copernicus and Isaac
Newton,and even to some
extent Einstein, who respected
his Jewish roots, but these
hacks are smarter than that,
and want to throw away God's
"Why do the heathen rage,
and the people imagine a vain
Thanks to Farmer for the lead.
* * *
(Google translation.)
Madrid 27 MAR 2012 - 22:10 CET4
Solana: "The EU is not the problem. Is the solution "
The economic crisis is inflicting serious damage to Europe. First, of course, include the suffering of the millions of people living in precarious and are slipping into poverty. But among the consequences of depression, also included a weakening of the image of the European Union at the continental and global public opinion, of his capacity for external action, and ultimately Europe's political weight in the world.
Against this bleak horizon, Javier Solana, former secretary general of NATO and former High Representative for Foreign and Defense Policy of the EU, has ruled on Tuesday in Madrid has sounded a speech, at once, as a passionate cry alarm and rebellion. "Charge against the EU has become a ritornello [chorus]. I understand that society is tired of a crisis not seen the end. But that attitude is a grave error. The European Union is not the cause of the crisis is the solution. Without the EU, we have no solution to our problems, "said Solana in a ceremony to present in Spain, European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2012, a detailed analysis of European foreign policy think tank published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR , its acronym in English).
Before Solana delivered his pro-European argument, Lluís Bassets, deputy director of El País, had brought a side effect of the crisis that threatens to open large cracks in the European construction. "I think we are entering a phase of zero-sum policy, the traditional policies in which the loss of the neighbor is considered as an advantage. Mario Monti's statements [Prime Minister of the Italian government, which publicly stressed that the problems of concern to Europe Spain] are a clear example. "
Not a single case. And in this climate, mutual distrust, or even the rancor caused by the excesses of some (earlier) and the demands of others (after) can undermine the unity of Europe in a time when cohesion is the only possibility of salvation and ability to retain outside influence.
(continued below)
In this area, specifically, the study by the ECFR highlights as the crisis hits hard in Europe for five years and has increased the erosion of the ability to influence the continent on the international stage. Last year, for the first time since World War II, Europe was again a problem that most important part of solving the problems of the world. Their fragility has seriously weakened in international relations, has reduced the attractiveness of its model and prevented full energies to deal with such important issues as the Arab Spring is transforming its southern neighbors, as indicated by the findings of the analysis, which summarized Hans Kundnani, editorial director of ECFR.
Jordi Vaquer, director of the Center for International Affairs Barcelona, would nonetheless maintain an upbeat tone. "We must not fall into fatalism that the crisis will be a devastating blow to European foreign policy. It may be an opportunity. I think, for example, how the defense cuts can foster new partnerships in this area. "
And indeed, despite the crisis occupies the major powers of Europe, the twenty-seven in 2011 have also achieved significant successes in the international arena. The European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2012 highlights several: the intervention in Libya, the Durban agreement on climate change, or progress in the Balkans. But these achievements have not cleared the dense clouds, the mediocrity of the results in dozens of areas, and intensified the process of re-nationalization of foreign policy.
While the Community dimension absorbs more and more responsibilities in national economic policy, foreign policy in the capitals of their battles seem less and less coordinated way. Germany supported the intervention in Libya, France sink the EU dialogue with Turkey national initiatives, Italy difficult European energy projects to boost their bilateral relationship with Russia. It extends the selective diplomacy, with meetings in participating countries Small group, with variable geometry, depending on the subjects and hopes of the promoters.
Against that background, Solana invites analysts and national governments to make a real effort to strengthen teaching in public opinion convinced that Europe is the way out of the tunnel.
* * *
(Note: The first half, of the above post, is as follows.)
Thanks to Farmer for the lead.
* * *
(Google translation.)
Madrid 27 MAR 2012 - 22:10 CET4
Solana: "The EU is not the problem. Is the solution "
The economic crisis is inflicting serious damage to Europe. First, of course, include the suffering of the millions of people living in precarious and are slipping into poverty. But among the consequences of depression, also included a weakening of the image of the European Union at the continental and global public opinion, of his capacity for external action, and ultimately Europe's political weight in the world.
Against this bleak horizon, Javier Solana, former secretary general of NATO and former High Representative for Foreign and Defense Policy of the EU, has ruled on Tuesday in Madrid has sounded a speech, at once, as a passionate cry alarm and rebellion. "Charge against the EU has become a ritornello [chorus]. I understand that society is tired of a crisis not seen the end. But that attitude is a grave error. The European Union is not the cause of the crisis is the solution. Without the EU, we have no solution to our problems, "said Solana in a ceremony to present in Spain, European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2012, a detailed analysis of European foreign policy think tank published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR , its acronym in English).
Before Solana delivered his pro-European argument, Lluís Bassets, deputy director of El País, had brought a side effect of the crisis that threatens to open large cracks in the European construction. "I think we are entering a phase of zero-sum policy, the traditional policies in which the loss of the neighbor is considered as an advantage. Mario Monti's statements [Prime Minister of the Italian government, which publicly stressed that the problems of concern to Europe Spain] are a clear example. "
Not a single case. And in this climate, mutual distrust, or even the rancor caused by the excesses of some (earlier) and the demands of others (after) can undermine the unity of Europe in a time when cohesion is the only possibility of salvation and ability to retain outside influence.
(Continued in post above.)
Anon 9:25pm, etc....
If you click on the link to BMH's blog, and then click the red X to stop the loading of the page as soon as it displays and before it redirects to the ad site, you'll have it.
It is odd that it redirects like that. That usually only happens when the page is not a valid one at all. Clearly it's a valid page.
California Slammed With Fukushima Radiation
Thanks to Pastor Roberts for the link.
I am reading Matthew Fox's books with the very deepest of concern. He has declared total vicious war on his own former church, on monotheism, on God the Father (he refers to Him as "the Punitive God" and wants Him replaced with 'Mother/Father God'), and a "new economic system" fashioned. He uses Pat Robertson, Gary North as excuses for his obviously anti-Christ campaign. (With whom I rather suspect he may be in league as co-players in their 'Armageddon Script.) He wants a total new world religion based on his system of "chakras." Seminaries are to be replaced with "Wisdom Schools." He divides Christ claiming a la the Maitreya class that Jesus had the "Christ spirit" and seeks a new "emerging theology" where we are all recognized as gods.
He is one very sick cookie! He also appears to be a dangerous and angry wounded bear. His 95 Theses on the Wittenberg door book I obtained on a Kindle edition and am almost finished reading. His book on Pope Benedict XVI/Ratzinger) who he fervently hates and calls for virtual war upon arrived by UPS yesterday.
I thank Suzanne for calling his latest to my attention. Indeed he is back and fervently, viciously so.
Randy England and I spoke a couple of years ago. We discussed our mutual concerns about Fr. Pacwa and his possible relationship with Matthew Fox then. Randy England said that Pacwa had literally "reamed" him about his criticism of Matthew Fox. Ditto for yours truly. I am concerned that a real game may have been played with the valuable faculties of EWTN to subtly protect Fox's flank. I hope not, but I cannot but suspect so.
NY Times article about a planned attack on the internet that was discovered in mid-February.
There has been ongoing support to boost the capacity of the world's 13 root servers. Interestingly - 2of the 13 root servers are run by Verisign. I have found several sites that maintain a connection between Verisign and Verichip Corporations. And other sites that claim no connection.
Anyone have any info on this?
Article and link below.
Warned of an Attack on the Internet, and Getting Ready
"The risk is that he [Monti, Italy] ends up not only an unelected but also a deeply unpopular Prime Minister that is forced out before the reforms – which must be pushed through with patience and persistence over a number of years – have been completed.
The best scenario would perhaps be for Monti himself to run in the elections in 2013 (or even earlier), to get that clear mandate and get on with business.
Because who would take over from Monti?"
* * *
The Euro has been an unmitigated disaster. The Germans have been screwed and the southern countries are unable to devalue and consequently face indefinite high unemployment. Even imposing pan-European government, which is what THEY have long desired, will not solve the problem because people who are willing to move within their own native language zone to look for work are (reasonably) unwilling to move beyond it. Thank God my own country (UK) is not in the Euro, even though we face heavy exposure if it goes down. The one good thing about that scenario would be that the Welfare States of European countries, which have grown inexorably as elections in EU countries turn into socialist auctions, might end up being dismantled so that people have to depend on each other again and have an incentive to gain skills, and 3rd world immigrants stop taking Europeans for a ride.
Federalism and eurodemocracia
De Madariaga, Rougemont and Ortega, European visionaries of our time
Articles | 31/03/2012
Jaime Arias
With its annual award, the Association of European Journalists, headed Miguel Angel Aguilar, perseverance pays homage to Salvador de Madariaga, intellectual, statesman and one of the Democrats who gave Galicia and the Hispanic world in the twentieth century, separately twice Vanguardia Dossier. Engineer trained at the Polytechnic School of Paris, and whose wisdom and gift of tongues led him to the top of the League of Nations. Then embassies of the Republic, to the chair of Oxford in exile and Cultural Foundation European, near the Swiss Denis de Rougemont, both leaders of modern federalism.
It was in the Tibidabo in Barcelona in the early twenties, when the young engineer took the initial steps internationalists. At the time, acted as interpreter of the first Congress of Transport of the newly founded League of Nations (SDN). Surprised by polyglot arts de Madariaga, Drummond, Secretary General of the League of Nations, offered to join his cabinet. He was appointed Assistant to the Deputy Secretary, ruled by Jean Monnet, the future father of the European Union project.
Since his retirement on the shores of Lake Leman, Madariaga, Javier Solana's great-uncle, continued the remarkable peaceful transition under the constitutional monarchy. Substantial change to which he contributed during the dictatorship, the so-called conspiracy of Munich. Prompted one of his last visits to Spain, which gave his Oxford colleague Professor Trueta, Santa Cristina d'Aro. Two eminences hugs and memories of long conversations in which the surgeon will lit on the definition of "l'Esperit de Catalunya". Exposing the statesman turn the road to a European democracy, united by a federalism based on the model Federer, the result of "twenty-seven centuries of history," according to the work of Rougemont.
Very commendable and was once a masterpiece of Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses. In 1930, argued that "imposing a general European state ... The chance that suddenly take to complete the process can be either: for example, a Chinese queue peek at the Ural Mountains or a shake of the great Islamic magma" . And on the intractability of the masses, he wrote: "Every day is most noticeable in Europe, and reflection throughout the world, that the masses are incapable of being run in any order. In difficult times that may come who, anxious, have the willingness to accept certain matters premiosas the direction of superior minorities. "
Rather than radicalism, it is almost time for consensus between the most competent. With recovery, for example, of Solana, among other moderates and democrats must build category universal union of free peoples.
My Comment:
Is this not interesting in that the article ends by asking if ("with the recovery Solana..must build..universal union of free peoples.)
Also earlier in the article it speaks of the need of
(The chance that suddenly take to complete the process can be either: for example, a Chinese queue peek at the Ural Mountains or a shake of the great Islamic magma" )
With the Arab Spring before us and the recovery of Solana who now sits at the conference on May 9-10 in Italy where Ashton should be sitting does it not suggest Solana may be near his reemergence as a leader in Europe?
Will he who apparently commands the respect of the media control the masses? Fwiw.
Matthew Fox, a Dominican priest, was silenced by the Vatican in 1989, and dismissed from the Dominican order in 1993. Thereupon he left the Catholic Church and became an Episcopal (Anglican) minister.
The Vatican objected to Fox’s refusal to deny belief in panentheism (God is all and all is God), his endorsement of homosexual unions in the Church, identifying humans as “mothers of God,” and calling God “our Mother.”
Anon 10:14,
Cross search verichip and verisign with Blue Moon Energy. Keep in mind that in several places you are going to find references to Applied Digital Solutions in lieu of Verichip.
Matthew Fox is very New Age. We cannot change the ontological basis for the incarnation of the son of God.
Gender-reversal is a denial that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and that the physical world is God's creation.
God wants distinctions or we miss Jesus.
To Anonymous 5:56
WOW! That's a lot to digest. The "Great Uncle" I'm pretty sure was the GRANDFATHER but they have been trying to conceal the real relationship. He (Madariaga) was "uncle" because their grandfathers were "cousins" was the explanation they advanced after we discovered and outed the Theosophical connections of the family. Well, "uncle," "cousin," "grandfather," whatever, it is clear that Salvador de Madariaga was clearly MENTOR to Javier Solana.
Well, I was worried about the "second coming of Matthew Fox." It looks like you have made a good case that I'd better watch the "second coming of Javier Solana" as well.
Thank you for this piece of intelligence.
The Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) was the one that originally posted their knowledgeable pieces on Solana being the grandson (Nieto) of Madariaga and the after we discovered and published the Theosophical connections of the family, suddenly he became SOBRE-NIETO (great nephew)!
Just when I thought it was getting safe to go back to the water . . .
Seeing New Age ideas put into action one at a time without the label is easy. A college textbook put out in 1999 and still used contains a large number of New Age ideas. It is an excellent propaganda piece as it well written in a positive manner, leading the reader to accept what is presented. "Social Problems: Globalization in the 21st Century" promotes a huge number of New Age ideas though you won't see that term in the index.
The chapter on Religions does not mention morality. Rather it presents religious groups, particularly fundamentalist ones, as social bonding units which no longer have a place in modern society. Universal Morals are discussed in the chapter on Human Rights. Included in this chapter are ideas about Spiritual ecology, Deep ecology and Social ecology.
Many New Age names and groups appear here. On page 417, under Evidences of Change in Western Value Systems there are three long paragraphs focusing on positive views of Willis Harmon and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
There are chapters on Race, Global Economic Systems, Medicine and Education in a Global Society (promotes alternative health), Minority Group Tensions, Global Political Systems. Twelve chapters leading to Reimaging the Future. A 466 page large size paper textbook which probably covers every trend we are seeing now.
If you are counting pennies, know that the cheapest used copies sell through $1.00 for the book plus $2.95 shipping. There may be other such textbooks, but I've not come across them.
Warning, you will have to use your own critical thinking to challenge as you read or you can be swept up in the propaganda.
Seeing New Age ideas put into action one at a time without the label is easy. A college textbook put out in 1999 and still used contains a large number of New Age ideas. It is an excellent propaganda piece as it well written in a positive manner, leading the reader to accept what is presented. "Social Problems: Globalization in the 21st Century" promotes a huge number of New Age ideas though you won't see that term in the index.
The chapter on Religions does not mention morality. Rather it presents religious groups, particularly fundamentalist ones, as social bonding units which no longer have a place in modern society. Universal Morals are discussed in the chapter on Human Rights. Included in this chapter are ideas about Spiritual ecology, Deep ecology and Social ecology.
Many New Age names and groups appear here. On page 417, under Evidences of Change in Western Value Systems there are three long paragraphs focusing on positive views of Willis Harmon and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
There are chapters on Race, Global Economic Systems, Medicine and Education in a Global Society (promotes alternative health), Minority Group Tensions, Global Political Systems. Twelve chapters leading to Reimaging the Future. A 466 page large size paper textbook which probably covers every trend we are seeing now.
If you are counting pennies, know that the cheapest used copies sell through $1.00 for the book plus $2.95 shipping. There may be other such textbooks, but I've not come across them.
Warning, you will have to use your own critical thinking to challenge as you read or you can be swept up in the propaganda.
Sorry this went through twice, but it took a lot of tries to get it to post and I lost track of what I tried to send.
Constance, Anonymous and Savvy,
Matthew Fox was ordained a priest in the Episcopal church by Bishop Swing.
Bishop Swing is the founder of United Religions Initiative.
I would have paid to see Fox's meltdown after Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI!!!
The EU Commission President has reportedly stated that EU leaders are "killing Europe."
* * *
Influence on children: I was reading the part about Krishnamurti being waited for to know in his inner self who he was. I thought of my grandson, who told me 3 years ago that he knew about God and Heaven, even though his parents did not tell him, and I wasn't allowed to (he may have gotten it at pre-school, but he said he "just knew"). Three years later, my grandson now believes, suddenly, as his father does, that nothing created the world, that Darwinian evolution is correct. He is now seven. This is so sad, after all the other sad things. I barely can continue to hope. Although I am trying to be patient. I had p32 radiation a month ago and it is knocking down my excess platelets--if it will "stop" when it's supposed to, who knows. I am depressed as this struggle is way too long.
I had some conversation with Fr. Pacwa years ago when I asked him to help me get my book "Recovering from Excesses of the New Age" published. He said he couldn't help because he had to get his own things published so he would have an income. He was quite honest about this. I am not surprised if he likes Matthew Fox. I liked Fox at one point too, when I was just "coming out" of the New Age. He was a transition figure from New Age back to Christianity for me. But he was published in those days by a very sinister publisher, Bear and Co., which said they would publish my book if I included an Appendix by Barbara Clow on astrology. I wouldn't. In those days , these disappoinments I took in stride as part of being a Christian. Now, the disappointments are soul deep.
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