Randall Baer was a prominent New Age author who converted to Christianity and totally renounced his former New Age beliefs. His book, INSIDE THE NEW AGE NIGHTMARE (Huntington House, 1989) is important, but I believe this talk which I just discovered on line on You Tube is even better. You can watch it here:
Stay strong, and stay tuned!
This is an introduction to the ten part series found on youtube which I have not seen. This introduction is not better than his book which is excellent. This introduction is to the study of the New Age movement as the multiplication tables are to calculus. In this introduction he tells nothing about the New Age movement, only bonds with his audience.
Every group member loves to pat themselves on the back for believing what they do. Probably Baer patted himself on his back for believing in the New Age movement when he did so. Christians are no exception to this general rule.
Though there is validity in the belief in Christianity, it is no substitute for understanding the complexities, the history and the scope of the New Age movement which is dangerous and is devouring cultures internationally.
I am only speaking for myself, but I hope those reading here understand the difference between support of Christianity and the academic study of the dangerous New Age movement. I am saying this after following what is going on for the last 30 plus years.
It might be worth keeping in mind that the FBI has a Behavioral Analysis Unit to "academically" understand murderers and while they sure do know a lot about them behavior wise, they never understand evil and it's effects and affects on others in a spiritual sense. To not understand the true spiritual nature of the New Age Movement is to miss a vital, critical context, academics notwithstanding.
The true spiritual evaluation of the NAM can only be found in the Bible.
That understanding will be the only knowledge that has eternal value for an individual human soul.
My hope is that each living soul that reads this blog keeps that in mind.
"8 But God setteth out his love toward us, seeing that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10 For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life,
11 And not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." [Rom.5:8-11]
If you understood these four verses one wouldn't need to know 100 or 1 million pages of New Age information to make the NA of none effect to you for time and eternity.
Something to consider. May each human soul consider well.
* * *
Ethiopia to defy Egypt and build huge Nile dam
Published: 03.30.11, 19:11 / Israel News
Ethiopia on Wednesday said it planned to build a huge dam on the Nile despite a long-running row with Egypt over use of the river and concern the dispute may spark a war. The nine countries through which the river passes have for more than a decade been locked in often bitter talks to renegotiate colonial-era treaties that gave Egypt and Sudan the lion's share of the river's waters...[/quote]
* * *
Isaiah 19:5 and 6.
* * *
Strasbourg Plenary 4-7 April: nuclear, immigration, economic governance
Reviewing EU policy on its Southern neighbours
In the light of the "Arab revolutions" in Tunisia and Egypt, the conflict in Libya and protests in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy, launched in 2004, with the aim of strengthening prosperity, stability and security at EU borders, is taking on new significance. MEPs will review the policy Wednesday, looking at what the EU's role should be and how it can help the emerging democracies...Mr David is optimistic: "I am afraid that some states, on both shores of the Mediterranean, do not yet fully understand the advantages of this model. But they will, and soon".
* * *
Rabbi calls for sacrifice on Temple Mount
Kobi Nahshoni Published: 04.05.11, 15:01 / Israel Jewish Scene
The annual attempts to resume the Passover sacrifice received a first significant rabbinical backing recently. Safed's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, a prominent religious Zionism leader, has called on the public to perform the sacrifice mitzvah on the eve of the Jewish holiday, in about two weeks...
* * *
Dan. 9:27.
* * *
Israel considers annexing West Bank settlements
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: Israel is considering annexing major Israeli-occupied West Bank settlement blocks if the Palestinians unilaterally seek world recognition of a state, an Israeli official said Tuesday...
* * *
More than one concerned person has noted that the world may use R2P (Right to Protect) as a pretext to invade Israel.
Along the same lines, see what higher education is offering this month. Here's a link to info on the 'arts'.
Dear constance,
Please check your e-mail. I sent you a message labelled "Marianna Bartold."
For me, even multiplication tables are daunting. Calculus is beyond my comprehension. Remember, I went to Law School because it was the ONLY curriculum in the whole university requiring not math. That is literally true. I had near genius rankings on word related skills and near idiot ones on math!
Is this the first ever portrait of Jesus? The incredible story of 70 ancient books hidden in a cave for nearly 2,000 years
Constance, the full picture of the New Age movement isn't beyond your comprehension.
I'm not criticizing in any way those who are firm believers in Christianity.
New Age is a danger to believers in monotheism as well as to those who are not because there is a political side to the movement which means to enslave any and all including those who follow New Age ideas.
It's just that those who accept New Age ideas are more easily sold on acceptance of the political system.
There is no protection against the New Age movement's attempted takeover by just believing in Christianity or Judaism. BELIEVING CHRISTIANS AND JEWS WHO TAKE ACTION AGAINST NEW AGE "SPIRITUAL" IDEAS CAN HAVE AN IMPACT ON STOPPING THE POLITICAL SIDE. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT THE POLITICAL GOALS ARE. Excuse the shouting. I'm in that kind of mood today. I'm so tired of the "What me do something? crowd.
Maybe it's just that Beck is going to be leaving Fox, and he's the only commentator on the big stage who is talking in depth about what is going on politically.
If that's the case regarding education,
and in light of "Dot's Stuff", here, for
instance, then maybe you should
consider going back to school.
You could probably get your Masters
and a few other letters added to
your name in one quick semester
just by reading some adolescent
fiction about fairies and goblins,
since that's what passes for education
Apparently your intense critical
discernment stops at Glen Beck
whom you seem to think is
something other than the NAM
AGENT that he is.
Glen Beck is the thinking man's
lying false teacher, just like
Ron Paul. In fact there's almost
no difference between pagan
Mormonism and pagan
Jesus Christ is the only hope in
this world. You can't and won't
stop one bit of this idolatrous
Nice try, ( really, I'm not being
facetious here), it really
is a lot of work and a huge effort
on your part, but you're shooting
at a battleship with a BB gun.
Has anything changed ?
Hi Paul,
I have a doctorate (in law) -- I was accepted into a Master's program for Labor Law upon finishing law school, but once I had written my bar exam for which I was told I passed on the multistate with the 2nd highest score in the state that year, I said to myself after so many fatiguing years of school and then running a political campaign (successful), "girl, you've got to be out of your mind." I hung my shingle in Highland Park and started practicing. Bill Gates' spreadsheet Excel and the minimums I learned about how to use it probably saved my sanity.
From the last thread, Ruth of Exeter posted:
Further to 'A Planned Deception'... Reports in the British newspapers (Telegraph, Mail) about the discovery of lead codices supposedly dating to around33 AD and purporting to have been made by followers of Christ. They're in code - of course!
And the couple of 'experts' fronting this stuff - do research them. The husband, David Elkington, is a Theosopher who has written a new age book.
Sounds like the "image" of Jesus is an unreliable source.
Schools do not teach about fairies. Paul, you're living in a fantasy world. What you said is nonsense, but this is the place where nonsense comes to life. Most people who have read or seen Harry Potter understand it as a world of make-believe--there really is no magic. What you all believe here, especially if you listen to Glenn Beck, is mainly fantasy, yet you believe it to be true. I'm so appalled, I'm planning on warming up my earthquake machine and setting it to Paul's location. Oops! I accidently got Japan again. I still have to work out the bugs--it runs on Windows.
I guess there are activists and spectators. Nothing separates people sitting in the audience. They all look like little lumps to the activists. They don't fight evil and don't support the moral. They can be ignored or manipulated because they are so sure they are above it all.
Nothing personal Paul.
People who write about using earthquake machines shouldn't be giving advice about what is and what isn't fantasy. They might be accused of living in a fantasy world.
To Anonymous 11:32 - THANKS for the inside scoop on this one and the heads up on still another sneaky Theosophist maneuver.
I think to keep our collective sanities, we'd all better keep our sense of humor! It says that "God sits in the heaven and laughs" and thereafter, "he will have them all in derision."
He must howl at some of the stuff we've uncovered.
Elkington is not mentioned in the story.
With the many experts sure to get involved, the truth will come out sooner or later. From the story:
"None of the museums wanted to get involved, again because of concerns over provenance. Fielding was then asked to approach experts to find out what they were and if they were genuine. David Feather, who is a metallurgist as well as an expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, recommended submitting the samples for metal analysis at Oxford University.
The work was carried out by Dr Peter Northover, head of the Materials Science-based Archaeology Group and a world expert on the analysis of ancient metal materials.
The samples were then sent to the Swiss National Materials Laboratory at Dubendorf, Switzerland. The results show they were consistent with ancient (Roman) period lead production and that the metal was smelted from ore that originated in the Mediterranean. Dr Northover also said that corrosion on the books was unlikely to be modern."
I doubt the religious world would be willing to take the word of a single expert on the authenticity of these lead books. Additionally, the academic religious world is extremely competitive and everyone wants to be seen as the expert who made the call.
Elkington is not mentioned in the story.
With the many experts sure to get involved, the truth will come out sooner or later. From the story:
"None of the museums wanted to get involved, again because of concerns over provenance. Fielding was then asked to approach experts to find out what they were and if they were genuine. David Feather, who is a metallurgist as well as an expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, recommended submitting the samples for metal analysis at Oxford University.
The work was carried out by Dr Peter Northover, head of the Materials Science-based Archaeology Group and a world expert on the analysis of ancient metal materials.
The samples were then sent to the Swiss National Materials Laboratory at Dubendorf, Switzerland. The results show they were consistent with ancient (Roman) period lead production and that the metal was smelted from ore that originated in the Mediterranean. Dr Northover also said that corrosion on the books was unlikely to be modern."
I doubt the religious world would be willing to take the word of a single expert on the authenticity of these lead books. Additionally, the academic religious world is extremely competitive and everyone wants to be seen as the expert who made the call.
Here's a very long analysis of what is going on based on the writer's view that the lead books are a fraud. Many people are already involved in the analysis.
Jumping to conclusions one way or another from the perspective of a non-expert is not the best way to go.
This is one for the what will the government do next file. I couldn't resist passing it on.
And you thought air port searches were bad....
Get ready men!
well, dorothy, why not watch the rest
of it? frankly, the spiritual and
occultic manifestations are far more
dangerous than the political.
Indeed, there are many New Age elements
in the opposition to the NWO and globalism, etc. Obviously you don't escape evil by simply opposing NWO stuff.
President Obama's 51st birthday on Aug 4th falls at the very centre of the London Olympics in 2012 which run from 27th Jul to 12th Aug (17 days).
Therefore there are 8 days either side of his birthday. So, counting from both ends of the Olympic dates his birthday is #9 twice or 18 if you like. 18 = 6+6+6.
From the day he won the election on 4th Nov 2008 to 4th Aug 2012 is 1369 days. 1369 = 37 x 37. 1369 is also 777 + 592(Godhead).
1369 days is also 3 yrs and 3+3+3 months.
I sincerely hope you are paying due attention to these facts.
Outrage continues over major food companies and their relationship with a firm that uses aborted fetal cells to test food flavor enhancers.
Campbell Soup, Nestlé, Solae, Pepsico and Kraft have been listed as partners with the bio-tech firm Senomyx (see earlier story). Debi Vinnedge, executive director of Children of God for Life, tells OneNewsNow one company was quick to respond.
"Campbell Soup actually met earlier and made the decision to sever all relations with Senomyx," she reports. The firm has also been removed from the Senomyx website.
Solae has responded by saying it does not have an active relationship with Senomyx, but it is still listed as a partner on the latter's website. Nestlé points out the fetal cell line being used worldwide is from a baby aborted in the 1970s, and it would be difficult to stop using them. The response from Vinnedge?
"Well, that's ridiculous. Of course they can do it," says the spokeswoman. "There's no reason to use aborted fetal cell lines to test food additives."
She adds that Pepsi was "very, very evasive" in its response. "Pepsi simply talked about how great it was going to make their beverages taste," she states, "and that their goal was to reduce sugar and MSG in products."
Vinnedge says the boycott continues against the remaining firms.
You just can't help yourself when
you have a chance to insult me.
You call me a spectator (a lump)
and you say I don't fight evil or
support the moral. Nice.
Basically, you are everything that
you accuse me of:
You're under the delusion that there
is only YOUR way to "fight evil" and
there is only YOUR type of morality,
which apparently is based on your
highjacking of someone else's blog.
And if anyone ever came off as
"above it all" that would be you.
Your self-righteousness is your
most distinguishing characteristic.
Go pound sand.
I'm glad you have a sense of humor
and understood my note, which was
just to say that in a modern University
setting you could have more degrees
than a thermometer.
I just read that false prophet, New Age guru Jose Arguelles died a couple of weeks ago. I guess he's met his doom now.
Mary, I was calling attention to the fact that it was a ten part series. That information was not noted in Constance's post.
The political and occultic groups are both very dangerous. If being an authentic Christian or an authentic Jew was such a good protection against the political agenda, there would be no political infiltration into those communities, i.e. the sustainability movement or social justice. Where are the good Christians and Jews who have turned around the political agenda or have even made a major dent in the last 100 years? Tell me because I haven't seen it.
I don't head an organization or am not not pushing a cause. I'm saying each person should find out what they can actively do to stop the New Age movement rather than passively sitting by, hoping by thinking the right thoughts it will go away.
I just want to post this because I thought it might be relevant to this subject.
A group of Catholic seminarian's from Maynooth in Ireland wrote this letter to a Catholic newspaper about their experiences at the place. Maynooth is a hotbed of New Age activity.
"There appears to be a very unbalanced significance placed on human formation, to the detriment of spiritual formation. There was a major emphasis placed on feelings and emotions and very little on the intellect and will. Holiness was replaced by worldliness; there was very little sense of the importance of growing in holiness, and an over-emphasis on psychological development and an infatuation with sexual history, whereby everything was viewed as being due to sexual repression. The formation program was very horizontal, with little reference to the vertical (or transcendent aspect), or the supernatural element of our vocation."
"The building and grounds of Saint Patrick’s are open to the general public which meant we were subjected to all that that entails. Many groups booked into the Saint Patrick’s complex for hen parties in the town with the result that immorally dressed girls ended up wandering around the cloisters of Saint Patrick’s. Also, as supposedly part of a class on the elderly, the entire first year class had to watch a movie called “Iris” which contained explicit sexual material including a lesbian scene. Many felt this was highly inappropriate. However, our protestations were dismissed as being over-the-top."
Is the US government going to shut down? If so, I can't wonder if the chaos is not a vital part of George Soros and his ICG plan?
This is an update from a doctor who along with Carl Rogers conducted encounter groups with the Catholic IHM sisters.
"There's a tragic book called Lesbian Nuns, Breaking Silence, which documents part of our effect on the IHM's and other orders that engaged in similar experiments in 'sensitivity" or 'encounter.' In a chapter of Lesbian Nuns, one former Immaculate Heart nun describes the summer of 1966 when we did the pilot study in her order. Sister Mary Benjamin got involved with us and became the victim of a lesbian seduction. An older nun in the group, 'freeing herself to be more expressive of who she really was internally,' decided that she wanted to make love to Sister Mary Benjamin. Well, Sister Mary Benjamin engaged in this; and then she was stricken with guilt, and wondered, to quote from her book, 'Was I doing something wrong, was I doing something terrible? I talked to a priest--' Unfortunately, we had talked to him first. "I talked to a priest,' she says, 'who refused to pass judgment on my actions. He said it was up to me to decide if they were right or wrong. He opened a door, and I walked through the door, realizing I was on my own.' This is her liberation. Now, her parents had not delivered her to the IHM's in order for her to be on her own. She was precious to them. She described the day in 1962 when they drove her in the station wagon to Montecito, to the IHM's novitiate. How excited they were to be delivering someone into God's hands! Well, instead they delivered her into the hands of nondirective psychology."
"The proof of authenticity on the humanistic psychology model is to go against what you were trained to be, to call all of that phoniness, and to say what is deepest within you. What's deepest within you, however, are certain unrequited longings, including sexual longings. We provoked an epidemic of sexual misconduct among clergy and therapists."
A former communist Hamish Fraser turned Catholic spoke about the changes that took place after Vatican 2.
"Fraser soon realised that a revolution had been unleashed within the Catholic Church itself following the Second Vatican Council. Although Approaches still had the primary aim of promoting lay initiatives, it became clear, increasingly so as time went on, that not only was the authentic social doctrine of the Church under attack from within the Church itself, but also the very tenets of faith and morals."
"Indeed in the climate of Modernism within the Church his often direct and uncompromising stand brought him into conflict with ecclesiastical authorities.In the early years he ploughed a lone furrow and he became increasingly isolated as his traditionalist stance (in fact nothing less than the Faith he had been baptised into)was abandoned by his peers who progressively embraced the neo-Modernist changes forced upon the Church in accordance with the so-called "spirit of Vatican II". These included changes in the liturgy and catechism not to mention the policies of appeasement vis a vis Communism and liberalism arising from the Council's decree on Religious Liberty."
Anonymous 9:10 A.M.
Thanks for the info on Jose Arguelles. I did not realize that he had passed away.
José Argüelles was known for his role in organizing the Harmonic Convergence event of 1987.
He also wanted to recalculate time according to what he regarded as "natural time" as codified by the Mayan Calendar.
Arguelles identified himself as an incarnation of an ancient Mayan entity Valum Votan - a.k.a. Pacal the Great.
Here is a memory refresher for those who may not remember who Jose Arguelles was.
See also....
K'inich Janaab' Pakal
I just received this from Michael O'Brien's mailing list:
Last month I was a guest at the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) in Alabama, taping programs for a series on the paganization of culture. Thank you very much for your prayers for me. The shows will be broadcast on the Women of Grace program, hosted by Johnnette Bencovic, each day this coming week.
The general theme of the series is "Occult Fiction: Inroad to the Culture." Both Johnnette and myself, as well as researcher Sue Brinkmann and Fr. Edmund de Silva, comment on various aspects of the spiritual war that is taking place in books and films and games for the young (though not always just for children and teens). In our discussions we only skimmed the surface of a vast and complex phenomenon, but perhaps you will find that our thoughts offer some principles for discernment of the issues.
Monday the 11th, the topic is: Literature, Culture, and Social Agenda
Tuesday the 12th: The New Fantasy: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Wednesday the 13th: Harry Potter and Paganization
Thursday the 14th: Twilight: Vampirism Today (with Sue Brinkmann)
Friday the 15th: Preserve and Protect: the Christian Response
In North America the program is aired daily at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time. For schedules of broadcast and internet times, which may vary from continent to continent, please check the EWTN website at www.ewtn.com.
Speaking of the Blaze- What are those weird scars on Obama's head?
I'm sorry, I was aware of Jose Arguelles' death on March 23, 2011 in Australia. It was featured in this past Sunday New York Times (April 11th, page 24). He died of Septicemia in the Australian bush. He wanted to change times and abolish our present time system. For him, tragically, time is no more.
Well, regards the Obama head scars. Maybe it suggests brain surgery. Might also suggest a bad barber/hair cut. Who knows?!
Dorothy is right, it is a 10 series for Randall Baer. It appears to be one speech divided into 10 Youtube segments and it is EXCELLENT. Please take in all. I had discovered only the first not realizing there were more when I originally posted it.
The government goes on. Last minute settlement per Yahoo news account I just read.
When there is a series of dots inside a link a person is trying to share, it means the link was shortened somewhere. While it would go through there, it can't be used elsewhere. You have to go to the story it linked to and use the full link at the top of the page.
Your link doesn't work the way you posted it.
The end of the world comes next month!- on the 21st to be exact. This is according Mr. Harold Camping, who is apparently a Date-Setting Repeat Offender. For anyone interested in an excellent examination and scholarly refutation of Campings approach to Eschatology: kimriddlebarger.squarespace.com
There are a lot of brothers and sisters MIA from this blog lately. Craig, JD, OMOTS, Dawn, peacebringer, and YG, Lisa, Melinda, Pat in Manila, to name a few.
SV, Leana, and Doug in Mi have been gone longer than I can remember.
I hope they are all well.
Apologies for caring more about people than I do about ideas. Back to the regularly-scheduled programming.
JD is dealing with family matters. He'll be back. Leana is doing Facebook. Check her out there. Dawn is on to other things. People come here for information on the New Age movement. When there isn't enough to make them come back, well, they move on. If you want person to person contact, do Facebook. There is a lot of personal friendliness there.
"Personal friendliness" on Facebook? If you say it I guess that must make it true.
Horses for courses, I guess.
still around, not much to add lately and have been ill. I don't usually say anything unless feel something I need to react to.
JD is dealing with family matters. He'll be back. Leana is doing Facebook. Check her out there. Dawn is on to other things. People come here for information on the New Age movement. When there isn't enough to make them come back, well, they move on. If you want person to person contact, do Facebook. There is a lot of personal friendliness there.
I am the anon who posted the original question about the whereabouts of some people. The only thing I can think of to say to you, anon 7:35, is that not everyone who reads and contributes here considers study/scholarship/information sharing and fellowship with one's neighbor (regardless of their religion) to be mutually exclusive activities.
I will abide by such a rule if Ms. Cumbey explicitly states it. I take it that you, anon 7:35, are not Ms. Cumbey. You seem to claim some kind of special knowledge about why people leave this blog. I suspect what you are presenting as fact is only a theory. I have a different hypothesis about why many people give up and leave this blog: perhaps it is because of posts like yours, which contain equal amounts of snideness and authority.
I read this blog twice daily! I do not always comment. English my second language-and takes bit longer to get the grammer in order to express myself! Keep it up everyone!
It is a lonely task to be watcmen on the wall. We need Constance`s expertise and keen mind! Maranatha!
Anon 7:35:
Inquiring whether people are well (including those who have previously mentioned health or family hardship - SV, Doug, JD) is hardly akin to turning this blog into a form of social networking.
By all means, if you believe this blog should remain a means to relay information only, then I expect your posts will continue to reflect that ethos.
As for me, I will continue to inquire after people's well-being if I feel it is warranted. If I require your express permission to do so, please let me know what procedure I should follow to go about getting it.
Melinda and Tim - glad to hear you are still around.
Yes, personal friendliness. You learn what your friends are doing in their leisure time, what they are thinking, what members of their family are doing, what music or television they like, etc. Some people post a lot. Others post very little. There is a way to expand the list of people who know you or who you can know because they share common interests with you. I'm sure you can even find groups that will validate your religious ideas by typing in the right search words.
With most people it is not a place to discuss academic ideas. It should suit you just fine since you aren't keen on ideas.
Just trying to help you find the right place for you on the net anonymous.
Where you did you get the idea that I am "not keen on ideas?"
Is asking about someone who has a health problem and has not been heard from in a long time indicative of one who is "not keen on ideas?"
Are you saying that people who are interested in ideas by definition cannot be interested in people? Please clarify.
The express purpose of my post was to ask about people form this blog who have not been seen for a while. There is nothing in my post that implies that I am looking to "find the right place for me on the net" so please take your unsolicited advice elsewhere.
Does the fact that I like SV and am concerned about her mean that I am not an intellectual? Because that's what your post seems to imply.
What a curious thing to say--or even think--about anyone.
Reminder of what you wrote anonymous.
"Apologies for caring more about people than I do about ideas."
Yes we form net friendships with the people who post here, but people do have something in common when they come to this blog.
Those I've met outside this blog over the years but through this blog are quite intelligent, have inquiring minds, are knowledgeable in several areas, have a sense of humor, are tolerant of people who aren't just like them and yes, are interested in ideas. They are really an impressive group of people. It takes a lot to keep them involved.
Me? I'm so focused on exposing the New Age movement that I keep posting. I'm not up to the intellectual standards of some of those who have come here, but so far it's been OK with them. Well, except for Paul and a few others. LOL
I would love to know how to find Dawn's page on Facebook. Anybody have more specifics on how to get there?
I send Dawn and email.
I think both information on our subjects and our friendships gained here are important. I agree that they are not mutually exclusive.
Hi anon,
thanks for asking. I actually read weekly and try to keep up on this blog, but I haven't had anything real to contribute in a long time. I do try to email my friends information as I find it, but my research had to take a backseat to my newest pregnancy and homeschooling, which has taken much more of my time then it did a few years ago.
Best to you,
Information on Soros:
A Soros conference:
comment on why people might leave this blog. Perhaps some are involved in getting ready for the coming of Christ. Some are hoping for the rapture and are on sites discussing the scriptures related to that. Some are realizing how late the time is, and tending to their own families and their readiness to meet the Master. Some get tired of thinking about New Age, even though it's a very important subject and Constance has done a great job in publicizing it; some realize that with "time" nearly over, it's time to stop discussing this and get ready for the Lord.
Bless all here.
It becomes an introduction to a x function series found on facebook which I have non noticed. This particular first appearance just isn't a lot better than their script that's fantabulous. This kind of unveiling should be to the research into the fresh Age motion as the generation game tables ar for you to concretion. Therein entry he / she explains to almost nothing concerning the New Age movement, merely bonds in reference to his audience.
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Every set member loves to pat by themselves for the back again for believing what they do. most in all likelihood Baer patted himself on his back again for believing
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This is some VERY old baloney that should never have been pawned off on the church of Jesus Christ. As so much of this stuff, there was nothing meaningful to it. These were small, irrelevant activities - whereas as there are massive nation-wide and world-wide activities occurring which need our attention.
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Thanks for sharing it with us. Keep it up. D.
This will help me in my working D.
An extremely motivating story…D.
Great website and thanks for offering good quality info. D.
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This is a very good article. D.
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