UPDATE: As reader "Craig" pointed out in the comments section, our own JD, a participant here who also has his own blogspot, "The Devil is in the Details" did an excellent article on Transhumanism a few months ago. Under the title of this article above, I have included a link to that which will take you there as well as by clicking here. He included links to two significant videos there as well.
"Such as do wickedly against the Covenant, he shall corrupt by flatteries." That Daniel prophesied thousands of years ago. We were also told that travel and knowledge would increase as we neared the end of time. Such we have certainly witnessed as now we can send a message around the globe via internet faster than one can make copies on most older model copiers. One idea the New Agers and their confederates have recently been talking up is the concept of "transhumanism."
Wikipedia describes "transhumanism" this way:
To those reading and discerning the Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and Revelation prophecies, the ramications should be obvious. Sarah Leslie has informed me that one of the world's leading analysts and critics of the Transhuman Movement, Dr. Martin Erdmann is currently traveling and speaking the USA. I offered her my radio time tomorrow night on THEMICROEFFECT.COM to interview him. You may call in live to the program by dialing 888-747-1968.
Here is information about Dr. Erdmann. I hope you will tune in, listen, record, obtain the archives, and invite your friends listen to Sarah Leslie and Dr. Martin Erdmann talk about "Transhumanism" tomorrow night.
"Such as do wickedly against the Covenant, he shall corrupt by flatteries." That Daniel prophesied thousands of years ago. We were also told that travel and knowledge would increase as we neared the end of time. Such we have certainly witnessed as now we can send a message around the globe via internet faster than one can make copies on most older model copiers. One idea the New Agers and their confederates have recently been talking up is the concept of "transhumanism."
Wikipedia describes "transhumanism" this way:
Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers ofemerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.[1] They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".[1] Transhumanism is therefore viewed as a subset of philosophical "posthumanism".[2]The contemporary meaning of the term "transhumanism" — which is now symbolized by H+ (previously >H[3]) and often used as a synonym for "human enhancement" — was foreshadowed by one of the first professors of futurology, FM-2030, who taught "new concepts of the Human" at The New School of New York City in the 1960s, when he began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles and world views transitional to "posthumanity" as "transhuman".[4] This foresight would lay the intellectual groundwork for British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990,[5]and organizing in California an intelligentsia that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement.[4]The transhumanist vision of a transformed future humanity, which is influenced by the techno-utopias depicted in some great works of science fiction, has attracted many supporters and detractors from a wide range of perspectives.[4] Transhumanism has been condemned by one critic, Francis Fukuyama, as the world's most dangerous idea,[6] while one proponent, Ronald Bailey, counters that it is the "movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity".[7]
To those reading and discerning the Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and Revelation prophecies, the ramications should be obvious. Sarah Leslie has informed me that one of the world's leading analysts and critics of the Transhuman Movement, Dr. Martin Erdmann is currently traveling and speaking the USA. I offered her my radio time tomorrow night on THEMICROEFFECT.COM to interview him. You may call in live to the program by dialing 888-747-1968.
Here is information about Dr. Erdmann. I hope you will tune in, listen, record, obtain the archives, and invite your friends listen to Sarah Leslie and Dr. Martin Erdmann talk about "Transhumanism" tomorrow night.
Dr. Martin Erdmann studied theology in Columbia, SC (Master of Divinity), Basel, Switzerland and Aberdeen, Scotland (Master of Theology). In 1999, he was awarded a doctoral degree in modern Church History at Brunel University, Uxbridge, England. In 1996, he founded Online Communication Systems, inc. in Columbus, Ohio using it primarily for the purpose of theological distance education. As Vice-President of Mustardseed Media, San Jose, CA, he participated in a project called Biblelands, an Online-Multimedia Tour of Israel and the Near East.For four years he lectured in the NT department of the STH Basel (State-independent Theological Seminary). As a senior scientist he was involved in a research project (Clinical Nanomedicine) at the University Hospital in Basel for five years. From 2003 to 2010 he was Professor of Biblical Studies at Patrick Henry College, Virginia (distance education), and he was chairman of the NT Studies and modern Church History departments at the Academy for Reformation Theology for the past five years. In 2004 he became the founding director of the Verax Institute. Dr. Erdmann is married to Joy and has two children, Estelle Cherie and Johannes Luc.
Tune in and stay tuned!
Transhumanist concepts per Wikipedia:
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance
Differential technological development
Emerging technologies
Existential risks
Futures studies
Human condition
Human enhancement [10]
Human extinction
Mind children
Morphological freedom
Omega Point
Participant evolution
Post scarcity
Posthuman [11]
Posthuman God
Procreative beneficence
Procreative liberty
Proactionary Principle
Technological evolution
Technological singularity
Theory of everything
For those who've not seen this, JD did a post on transhumanism a while back:
Transhumanist FAQ doc:
Thanks, Craig, for reminding me of JD's very excellent article and Youtube exhibits on Transhumanism.
Tom Horn's "Forbidden Gates" gives a very well documented and footnoted presentation on transhumanism also.
I was passing a link to this website on opposition to transhumanism back in 2006.
CENSORED: In what appears to be a violation of First Amendment rights, a U.S. district court in Missouri issued a temporary restraining order which censored Dr. David Reardon's web site, http://www.elliotinstitute.org. The web site contains a petition regarding a proposed amendment to the Missouri state Constitution opposing human-animal crossbreeding, human cloning, transhumanism and human engineering.
( Reading : e-mail from Rebecca Messall to American Life League)
Rita passed on this link in 2008.
Scientists: Humans and machines will merge in future
She also found:
World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO
Brent Jessop
Knowledge Driven Revolution.com
Monday, May 19, 2008 which contained this line:
Julian Huxley, an evolutionary biologist, humanist, and ardent internationalist held many titles including: Secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-42), first president of the British Humanist Association (1963), Vice-President (1937-44) and President (1959-62) of the British Eugenics Society. He was also a founding member of the World Wild Life Fund, coined the term "transhumanism" (as a means of disguising eugenics) and gave two Galton memorial lectures (1936, 1962). Huxley also received many awards including the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society (1956), UNESCO's Kalinga Prize (1953) and the Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood - World Population (1959) to name but a few. He is also the Grandson of Thomas Huxley (Darwin's Bulldog) and brother of author Aldous Huxley."
Savvy shared
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance ...
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance is a 2002 report commissioned by the U.S. National Science Foundation and Department of Commerce.
a link to a site which made this suggestion:
"I came across this site on DNA activation. Apparently New Age Leaders are asking their followers to undergo DNA activation to raise their level of consciousness, between now and 2012.
We have a lot of very intelligent researchers posting on this blog. I knew nothing until I read what they posted.
Well, my post disappeared, but I gave links to information on Transhumanism that I posted in 2006 and that Rita and Savvy posted in 2007 and 2008. Maybe tomorrow I'll redo the information.
"6 year old girl groped then drug tested by TSA"
Things are finally getting to a level of controllable insanity around here. We are still dealing with a serious health issue for a family member, but the other issues are resolving themselves. My foot is still tender at times, but otherwise the bone is healing. Allie is getting around more than ever, and gets into everything. Which makes me happy that my foot is healing.
Thanks to all who expressed concern or sent a uplifting message my way. The ones I have read were very helpful in keeping my spirits up. I am WAY behind in my emails and personal messages, so if anything vital was sent my way it may take some time to get to. Phone is a better way to get in touch with me right now, though even that is complicated as one of the cell towers in the area is damaged and calls don't always ring through, but I do get my voicemail, so I can at least call you back! lol
Thanks to Craig and Constance for sharing the documentary I posted on transhumanism. I hope to get back into a normal rhythm over the next week or so, and hope to contribute much more.
Greetings JD -- You will be in my prayers. Your presence here always adds so much and has been sorely missed!
Thanks for this link on the previous thread. I've been reading some of the many stories there and have found them very informative.
Savia (Savvy) reported on this piece of information on transhumanism in 2007. I posted it to the blog.
This is a nearly 500 page report put out in the Netherlands in 2003. What is particularly interesting is that Newt Gingrich gave one of the opening statements.
http://cumbey.blogspot.com/2007/11/my-november-6-2007-radio-program-ben.html Here Constance posted some other things about transhumanism.
Another excellent website on the topic. His website was restrained in 2006.
CENSORED: In what appears to be a violation of First Amendment rights, a U.S. district court in Missouri issued a temporary restraining order which censored Dr. David Reardon's web site, http://www.elliotinstitute.org.
The web site contains a petition regarding a proposed amendment to the Missouri state Constitution opposing human-animal crossbreeding, human cloning, transhumanism and human engineering.
( Reading : e-mail from Rebecca Messall to American Life League)
Welcome back, JD!!!
The Great “Global Crisis of Maturity” and the New World Order
"s these crises develop amidst the rising technological revolution, we are entering an “Age of Transitions” in which the elite of society – who have foreseen, and in many cases manufactured these crises – hope to emerge on top.
The Great Transition
“It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress.” — William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity
There are several futurists, think tanks and high level government analysts that are both eagerly anticipating and warning that there will be great social conflict during this “great transition”. They are nearly uniform in calling for a casting aside of “outmoded forms of thought” to pave the way for a new era. By holding on to “ancient ideas” of government and religion, people are holding back the progress of the great technological revolution and a resulting “planetary civilization”. Some have compared the potential impact of this transition to the social and political impact of the Industrial Revolution. This new revolution, however, is on a much grander scale."
Second attempt:
CENSORED: In what appears to be a violation of First Amendment rights, a U.S. district court in Missouri issued a temporary restraining order which censored Dr. David Reardon's web site, http://www.elliotinstitute.org. The web site contains a petition regarding a proposed amendment to the Missouri state Constitution opposing human-animal crossbreeding, human cloning, transhumanism and human engineering.
( Reading : e-mail from Rebecca Messall to American Life League)
Rita sent out in 2008 information from Knowledge Driven Revolution by Brent Jessup which is no longer on the net. If you put those three words into a Google search you can find the information that was saved by others. It shows the connection with UNESCO. I saved her email if someone wants to see it.
For instance:
World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO
Here Jessup's information is quite scary as it ties in with population control.
Hopefully the third attempt to post this will stay up.
CENSORED: In what appears to be a violation of First Amendment rights, a U.S. district court in Missouri issued a temporary restraining order which censored Dr. David Reardon's web site, http://www.elliotinstitute.org. The web site contains a petition regarding a proposed amendment to the Missouri state Constitution opposing human-animal crossbreeding, human cloning, transhumanism and human engineering.
( Reading : e-mail from Rebecca Messall to American Life League)
Second attempt to post this. First effort disappeared.
Rita sent out in 2008 information from Knowledge Driven Revolution by Brent Jessup which is no longer on the net. If you put those three words into a Google search you can find the information that was saved by others. It shows the connection with UNESCO. I saved her email if someone wants to see it.
For instance:
World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO
Here Jessup's information is quite scary as it ties in with population control.
Fourth attempt to post this. First three disappeared.
CENSORED: In what appears to be a violation of First Amendment rights, a U.S. district court in Missouri issued a temporary restraining order which censored Dr. David Reardon's web site, http://www.elliotinstitute.org. The web site contains a petition regarding a proposed amendment to the Missouri state Constitution opposing human-animal crossbreeding, human cloning, transhumanism and human engineering.
( Reading : e-mail from Rebecca Messall to American Life League)
Third attempt to post the Jessup information.
Rita sent out in 2008 information from Knowledge Driven Revolution by Brent Jessup which is no longer on the net. If you put those three words into a Google search you can find the information that was saved by others. It shows the connection with UNESCO. I saved her email if someone wants to see it.
For instance:
World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO
Here Jessup's information is quite scary as it ties in with population control.
If these two posts don't stay up, I'll attempt to post them later. I guess "catch them before they disappear" pertains to this blog also. Just thought they'd be valuable information for those listening to the radio show today.
Two posts keep disappearing. There must be some secret word that if it appears a post is taken off.
Let's try it this way.
Without background, look up
Without background, put
Knowledge Driven Revolution Brent Jessup into a Google search.
You might find out why the posts have disappeared over and over again.
My mistake. It should have been Brent Jessop with an "o" rather than a "u".
UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans
This comes from Drudge. It would be weird and laughable, except for the fact that it's not April 1. I know CC and others have been catologuing the nature worshippers for some time.
UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans
UNITED NATIONS — Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving "Mother Earth" the same rights as humans — having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country.
That document speaks of the country's natural resources as "blessings," and grants the Earth a series of specific rights that include rights to life, water and clean air; the right to repair livelihoods affected by human activities; and the right to be free from pollution.
It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature's complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.
The application of the law appears destined to pose new challenges for companies operating in the country, which is rich in natural resources, including natural gas and lithium, but remains one of the poorest in Latin America.
But while Salon said his country just seeks to achieve "harmony" with nature, he signaled that mining and other companies may come under greater scrutiny.
"We're not saying, for example, you cannot eat meat because you know you are going to go against the rights of a cow," he said.
"But when human activity develops at a certain scale that you (cause to) disappear a species, then you are really altering the vital cycles of nature or of Mother Earth. Of course, you need a mine to extract iron or zinc, but there are limits."
Reflecting indigenous traditional beliefs, the proposed global treaty says humans have caused "severe destruction . . . that is offensive to the many faiths, wisdom traditions and indigenous cultures for whom Mother Earth is sacred."
It also says that "Mother Earth has the right to exist, to persist and to continue the vital cycles, structures, functions and processes that sustain all human beings."
The UN debate begins two days before the UN's recognition April 22 of the second International Mother Earth Day — another Morales-led initiative.
"It's going to have huge resonance around the world."
Ecuador is among countries that have already been supportive of the Bolivian initiative, along with Nicaragua, Venezuela, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda.
For more . . .
Anon 3:41/3:43:
Thanks for posting this. Incredible, I'd say. What criterion will be used to determine if a person/company/geographic region is in violation?
It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature's complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.
So how does one "hear" "Mother Earth?" A seashell? No, no, that would be listening to the ocean. By putting one's ear to a tree? No, then you'd only be hearing the tree. Hmmm... How DOES one do this exactly?
"It's going to have huge resonance around the world."
Presumably, the resonance will only be heard by those on the same vibrational frequency plane, I suppose. I don't think I'm tuned in to that one...
If you want to get tuned into that vibration, go to JoAnn McFatter's webpage. She has much on getting into the right frequency.
She can also connect you to a guy who has a vibrator that can get you "up to speed" so that you can vibrate at the right frequency so as to open portals in heaven.
I know, it sounds New Age, but it isn't really because JoAnn says so.
It would be funny if it weren't so serious. YIKES!!!
Anon 6:21:
Oh yes, I'm familiar with McFatter. It grieves me that other Christians or "Christians" follow her.
From Houston Chronicle (04/06/11):
Harris County Hospital District now has a sure-fire way to verify a patient's identity even if thousands have the same name.
On Tuesday (April 5th), the district unveiled new palm scanners, which identify patients using the unique constellation of veins inside their hands, at the Martin Luther King Jr. Health Center on Houston's south side.
The scanners convert a palm vein map into a unique number, which is then used to identify the person and links to that patient's medical records. The district switched to completely electronic health records last fall.
Patients 5 and older must use the palm scanners. Those who refuse will be denied medical care.
Children must be re-enrolled annually until age 15 to account for venous pattern changes in growing hands.
To Anonymous 3:43
This is VERY SERIOUS information. I have long believed that where all of this was headed was EARTH WORSHIP. I believe that it may well be that the prophesied image of the beast that all are compelled to worship is the Earth / Goddess Gaia itself (herself?).
The Bolivian attempt is a big step in that direction.
You'll appeciate this very sarcastic comment at the end of that article re: UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans . . .
anonymous 7:43 AM on April 13, 2011
"Ok, so if my home is overrun by cockroaches, in the need to respect their existence, I need to coexist with them, become disease ridden and pass on to become their food, or live out on the street and and become the sustenance of rats and other vermin, because to harm them would be inhumane.
In the same sense, I should be sued for owning a home because of the countless earthworms and other ground dwelling insects did not grant me permission to relocate, not to mention kill, maim, and otherwise torture several of their kin during the excavation process.
If I get ill, ingesting medicine to deny the bacteria their right to live would be akin to genocide. Who are we to say that their life should be worth less then our own?
Food in general is made up of living matter. Ingestion of plants, who are also living organisms, is akin to murder.
In our death, we allow bacteria to live and provide them a bountiful food source. Logically, that is the only humane thing we can do for our planet."
The hearts and minds of the people have been prepared for this "Earth worship" in large part because of the popularity and huge viewing audience of the film "Avatar". I don't think one can overstate the amount of damage that one film did.
I hope I always have the strength to laugh in the face of evil. Evil hates it when you do that though, so I must be prepared for the consequences... ;^)
Transhumanism is definitely on its ugly march. Here's a site with its new attempted face:
A cartoon to its side which you might only understand if you watch the videos on JD's site says "DON'T MISS THE SINGULARITY."
Dear Marko:
Thanks! And, never forget: OUR GOD CAN BEAT UP ON THEIR 'GOD'!
(Without the USA)
Emerging economies face watershed moment at summit
BRICS summit offers watershed moment for large emerging economies
April 13, 2011
SANYA, China (AP) -- The leaders of the world's largest emerging economies gather this week in southern China for what could be a watershed moment in their quest for a bigger say in the global financial architecture.
Thursday's summit comes at a crucial moment for the expanded five-member bloc known as the BRICS, which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China, and, for the first time, South Africa.
Chinese President Hu Jintao, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma will attend.
With the G-20 group of major economies seeking to remake parts of the global financial architecture, it's time for the BRICS to test whether they can overcome internal differences and act as a bloc pursuing common interests.
"The key priority is for the BRICS to put creative ideas on the table rather than just react defensively to proposals put forward by the advanced economies," said Cornell University economics professor Eswar Prasad, former head of the International Monetary Fund's China Division.
(Without the USA)
BRICS summit offers watershed moment for large emerging economies
April 13, 2011
SANYA, China (AP) -- The leaders of the world's largest emerging economies gather this week in southern China for what could be a watershed moment in their quest for a bigger say in the global financial architecture.
Thursday's summit comes at a crucial moment for the expanded five-member bloc known as the BRICS, which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China, and, for the first time, South Africa.
Chinese President Hu Jintao, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma will attend.
With the G-20 group of major economies seeking to remake parts of the global financial architecture, it's time for the BRICS to test whether they can overcome internal differences and act as a bloc pursuing common interests.
"The key priority is for the BRICS to put creative ideas on the table rather than just react defensively to proposals put forward by the advanced economies," said Cornell University economics professor Eswar Prasad, former head of the International Monetary Fund's China Division.
Anonymous 8:44
This what is known as "Deep Ecology" and is the premise for the need to depopulate.
Though those comments are sarcastic by the author, they express the very real sentiments of the diabolical New Agers "behind the curtain" (to borrow from the Theosophical Wizard of Oz.
It's the Anti-Christ who will force us to accept the image of the beast. I don't know what earth worship has to do with this.
Anonymous @ 2:40 PM
Re: "It's the Anti-Christ who will force us to accept the image of the beast. I don't know what earth worship has to do with this."
Many 'earth worshipers' will also worship the Goddess called Gaia. Therefore, they are a part of the Anti-Christ movement itself!!!
So, we Christians need to be educated and aware of such things.
"I think you cannot be more correct, implying that the developments in our southern neighbourhood are actually changing the way the European Union is dealing with its neighbourhood. It's changing our style. It's changing our procedure. It's changing our interaction within and among the institutions, with the member states.. That's the first important point..."
"SEPA stands for Single Euro Payments Area (banking)"
* * *
"The panellists agreed that the current system of voluntary switchovers from existing transfer systems to SEPA (see 'Background') would not be sufficient and that a binding deadline was needed..."
Here's the current Herescope by Dr. Orrel Steinkamp which is on Dominionism:
Constance posted this link to a group connected with transhumanism.
While searching around that site I found I found this association.
http://transfigurism.org/ which is the website for the Mormon Transhumanist Association.
It looked quite impressive, lots of articles, links and friends on Facebook. But when I looked further, it had only 120 members.
It's what the internet can do.
Make a big hullabaloo out out something small.
It's why everyone of us has to check out links. What may seem small can be very large and vice versa. No one but you can determine for you what is important.
IMF warning: Many European banks on shaky ground
Published: 04.13.11, 21:48 / Israel News
The IMF singled out European banks as it insisted Wednesday that more needs to be done to shore up the global financial system, saying Europe's weak banks are "caught in a maelstrom" and must beef up their financial buffers...
I believe the image of the beast is THE WHOLE EARTH. Barbara Marx Hubbard has crowed for years that "at last we have our image -- the Whole Earth", referencing the image of the earth taken from outer space. Earth Worship is the new ethos the New Agers / One Worlders believe will be a "central organizing principle" (see Al Gore, et al).
I believe the Antichrist may very well seek an enforced earth worship to the image of the Earth. Hence, the stern warnings of Revelation 14, FEAR GOD AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT IS COME -- WORSHIP GOD WHO CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, THE SEAS, AND THE FOUNTAINS OF WATERS.
Dire warnings follow for those worshipping the Beast and his image and for those taking the mark.
Any word on JD? I'm getting concerned!
Ah, my bad habit of reading from the bottom up, kept me from noticing the post of JD close to the top.
JD, please CALL HOME!
JD has checked in but where is Rich in Medford?
Was Mr. Biden asleep or in a trance? Remember those who were falling out during Obama's campaign. It looked like those around Biden were also resting? Hmmm just wondering.
It's always good to brainstorm in what ways we might see an image of the beast- but always must follow scripture before determining that something is or isn't what we're looking for. According to Revelation 13 we're looking for something that is made- because the second beast (the false prophet as he is commonly referred to) tells the people who dwell on the earth that they must MAKE an image to the beast- who had the wound of the sword and did live. The other thing is that he has the power to give life unto the image that it should both speak and cause those who don't worship it to be killed.
I've heard a great rabbi speak and say prophecy is for us not to fortell the future, but to help us identify it when it happens.
How this image takes it's final form one could only speculate- and earth worship might be a component of it, but it does seem from the description tht it must at least have a mouth with which to speak, and some manner of killing those who don't worship it.
"Connected, exhausted
Texting teenagers who stay ‘on call’ all night pay the price in lost sleep"
This statement hit me:
“I just don’t feel like myself if I don’t have my phone near me or I’m not on it,’’ she said.
And another teen:
“When I’m texting someone I don’t feel alone,’’ said A.J. Shaughnessy, a ninth-grader at Boston College High School. “When you don’t have your phone, you feel incomplete.’’
BRICS demand global monetary shake-up, greater influence
SANYA, China (Reuters) - The BRICS group of emerging-market powers kept up the pressure on Thursday for a revamped global monetary system that relies less on the dollar and for a louder voice in international financial institutions.
The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa also called for stronger regulation of commodity derivatives to dampen excessive volatility in food and energy prices, which they said posed new risks for the recovery of the world economy.
Meeting on the southern Chinese island of Hainan, they said the recent financial crisis had exposed the inadequacies of the current monetary order, which has the dollar as its linchpin.
What was needed, they said in a statement, was "a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty" -- thinly veiled criticism of what the BRICS see as Washington's neglect of its global monetary responsibilities.
The BRICS are worried that America's large trade and budget deficits will eventually debase the dollar. They also begrudge the financial and political privileges that come with being the leading reserve currency.
"The world economy is undergoing profound and complex changes," Chinese President Hu Jintao said. "The era demands that the BRICS countries strengthen dialogue and cooperation."
To read much more . . .
I'm still around and still watching.
Is Transhumanism connected to 3-strand DNA? As it is we have only 2-strand DNA.
I only found one reference to DNA on this thread.
DNA was featured in the long dress of Leona Lewis worn at the Beijing Olympics Closing Ceremony as she was lifted up on a hydraulic platform.
Constance,...I have just been viewing a new YouTube video series called THEFUELPROJECT, a series exploring the new world order from a Christian perspective. It is by far and away the best done and best documented presentation I have seen, and I have researched a lot. The intro is not much, but starting at the second video he lays precept upon precept and masterfully lays out what is happening. I am blown away with the quality. Nkosazana
Thanks to Farmer for the link.
* * *
(Translation by Google.)
* * *
"Javier Solana, former secretary general of NATO and former Spanish Minister
"Europe lacks greater governance in economics"
The exalted representative of the Council for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, Javier Solana, participated in yesterday's Business Day Elkargi, where he referred to the deficiencies in Europe to regain a leadership position in a globalized world
Carlos Etxeberri - Thursday, April 14, 2011 - Updated at 05:39 h
"Europe has proven to be very difficult to start out of the crisis?
I must say that this crisis is global and not only European. Europe is making the effort to do so. What is true is that over time, emerging countries are emerging from the crisis better than developed countries. A significant proportion of global growth at this time, not part of the developed countries, but emerging and which are developing. That will remain so important and means a change of power in the world. There are a transfer of power in the world ranging from the Atlantic to the Pacific and will not change. Going in that direction and we also have to get used to new settings and work from more interdependent relationships. It is a highly interdependent world where problems have a global component and, therefore, the solution must be global.
"The crisis has highlighted a lack of leadership in Europe?
In difficult situations manifest the capabilities and weaknesses of each. Do not want to talk about any particular leader, but it's true, not only in Europe but in general in the world, has been missing in my opinion a little more leadership.
"The markets have been able to control the situation by the lack of government leadership?
What has done well has been the use of G-20 held two very important meetings such as those held in London and Pittsburgh. These meetings were critical because they cut sharply with the financial crisis continue. What happens is that a thing is cut, and another is turning. Those two first meetings of the G-20 were instrumental in coordinating the world's most important countries in their efforts to curb the situation.
There emerged the rescue mechanisms for countries in a bad situation ...Should they survive these measures?
You should go slowly moving toward organizations like the G-20. There are already institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, World Trade Organization. All these institutions must play an increasingly important role because the problems are global, then the solutions must take the field. Requires institutions of global governance. The G-20 has been very useful for stability. We must give more value, more media and more operational capacity of these institutions.
"Cree also required a restructuring of the European financial system?
Surely we must do it. It affects not only Europe but the United States.
How does the future of Europe?
I think Europe will end up being a key player in the world order. It is the first example of what it is to build a world where nation-states give freely to a higher court. It is a wonderful example of what can be done. Europe has a need for greater governance in the field of economics, which was not prepared until now. There has never been a crisis of this nature."
Peru has a temple to Pachamama. I just watched footage of it on a Reader's Digest Mystic Places video. SO, it's not JUST BOLIVIA as the Heritage Foundation astoundingly tried to say in minimizing what Bolivia was proposing to the UN.
To Anonymous 12:07
I went to the Fuel Project and viewed the first 3 in his series. How do I find 5 and some of the others in between the higher numbered ones?
I'm having some real problems in accepting the Fuel Project at face value. Particularly since I found this on Facebook.
Mark Fairley
THE FUEL PROJECT - a growing worldwide movement designed to inform and inspire Christians to change their world. We're looking to co-ordinate the building of Christian schools, stage city debates, establish evangelism ministries, Christian clothing companies, work with media, music, art, design and anything else to pro...mote Jesus in... our world. Bring your ideas and talent and get involved! Latest News... read "Know Your Enemy" to find out the link between Babylon, the UN, EU, Israel and the road ahead.
He is also linked to
Way of the Master Season 3 which can be found on Facebook and at
(I know nothing about this.)
The anti-Catholic theme is overwhelming. Even though he claims to be pro-Israel, he uses the Rothchild theme in several tapes.
Be careful. Just because he says Christian, Christian, Christian doesn't mean give him your full trust.
Thanks for the heads up about the Fuel Project. I have watched their video "Know Your Enemy: Catholic Symbols." The analysis is pretty thin. More than half of it is about an obelisk on the grounds of St. Peter's square and the colors purple and red. Somehow this is supposed to mean that Catholics are pagan Baal-worshipers. The only reference to Catholic doctrine is a subjective misinterpretation of the Catholic view of Mary. The narrator claims Catholics view Mary as a "goddess" and "divine" (patently false claims) because she was born without original sin.
If they wanted to argue with Catholic doctrine they would first need to present it accurately before attempting to refute it. Such is not the case in this video which is filled with distortions.
These weak arguments contrast with the slick production values. Someone is spending a lot of money to rile up the viewers against the Catholic Church by presenting its teachings in a false light and playing into pre-conceived prejudices.
I can imagine many Protestant viewers who don't know anything about Catholicism being manipulated easily by this video to view the Catholic Church as evil and believing it should be suppressed and outlawed based on these flase claims. This, in the context of what you state about the rest of the series, suggests a Domininist agenda at work.
This is all just my opinion.
For the Protestant readers, here is some information the Fuel Project doesn't want you to know about why the obelisk is there in St. Peter's.
At the right side, if you go to the bottom of the series numbers it says down LOAD MORE and when you hit that, they all appear. Nkosazana
PS I am still trying to find out how to donate to you?
Before being critical of the series,please start at the beginning. He lays precept on precept and you won't get what he is doing unless you follow that agenda.
He documents well.
Anonymous 1:31,
The organization Mark Fairley is connected with appears to have an agenda. Yes, he would prefer we were led one step at a time into his line of thinking. That's generally how a cult operates. It's down to a science. Better to look at what the end game is before being seduced.
I have listened to the whole series. He spoke out against Dominists. Before you sum up and villify, you need to listen starting at number one. I have a Master's in Biblical Studies, I didn't just start this kind of study yesterday. I fully expected you in particular to not agree. BUT, listen before you jump in by starting at number one. Then I will dialogue with you if you so choose. Nkosazana.
Thank you for not expecting me to agree. That's a compliment.
I didn't mention Dominionists.
Since you seem to be promoting the tapes, please share what you know about Fuel as described by Fairley at Facebook. And if you don't know what Fuel is, why are you promoting the tapes.
Interesting post on Politics and Prophecy conference recently held in Indiana:
I am not promoting the tapes. They are informative. PLease feel free to not watch them. Though I would enjoy your critiquing them from an "informed" positioned. I don't know that I agree with everything, but there is much to be gained. As far as the Rothchilds, he suggests that it is a fifth column attempt to discredit the people of God...he implies the Rothchilds are NOT Jewish, but being used to give them a bad name. Nkosazana.
Perhaps you can get some other person to listen to 70 tapes of approximately 10 minutes each, 11 hours of tapes, repeating what has been said on countless other websites so they can debate an anonymous person claiming credentials that are not posted. Good luck. It should be amusing.
While there are some new visuals, the research has no depth. Boring! That's my analysis.
The Lord bless you and keep you Dorothy. Nkhosazana
He does not document well at least with regard to Catholicism. This undermines the credibility of anything else he might say. He is so careless with the truth about Catholic beliefs, and so eager to distort them, that it throws into question both his methodology and his motives.
If you ignore this fact and pretend that it can be severed from the rest of the series, that speaks to wilfull blindness on your part, master's degree or not. Keep in mind Solana has a PhD; many of the leaders in the "emergent Church" who are peddling apostasy have advanced degrees in "Biblical studies" or somesuch. The only intelligence that is really relevant here is common sense.
I have learned over the years from reading this site, that disinformation is usually 95% truth/5% falsehood.
I write this mainly to warn the Protestants here who might be taken in by these videos that their willingness to play fast and loose with the facts of one particular Christian denomination, Catholicism, does not bode well. Are you really confident in your ability to discern the other falsehoods in the videos that might be far more subtle than the blatant falsehoods about Catholicism?
Consider yourself warned and may God bless you.
God's blessings on you also. May He see fit to bring the truth to you someday.
Obama administration unveils online ID system (but insists it's not a Big Brother plan to snoop on Internet users)
(more at link)Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1377479/Obama-administration-unveils-national-online-ID-system.html#ixzz1JovsDg4H
Now why did we have to read this in a British paper?
Chapter 25 of the Fuel Project is redolent of the infamous piece of anti-Catholic crank scholarship entitled THE TWO BABYLONS written by Alexander Hislop.
This book has been refuted by evangelical Protestant minister Ralph Woodrow.
...The evangelical minister Ralph Woodrow, drawing heavily on Hislop's book, made the case, which he no longer holds, in his book Babylon Mystery Religion that Catholicism was a syncretic religion that had evolved from pagan Babylon. Mr. Woodrow, after realizing how flawed Hislop's book was, recanted the error of his own book (Babylon Mystery Religion) and decried its and Hislop's errors and false connections.
Hislop's work has been described by Bill Ellis as "sketchy knowledge of Middle Eastern antiquity with a vivid imagination."
A history teacher challenged Woodrow, and called the integrity of Hislop's research into question. Mr. Woodrow began to diligently research the subject, and as he explored the theories of Hislop, began to discover that those ideas were either fraudulent, mis-interpretations, or had created false relationships where none actually existed. Eventually, Ralph Woodrow felt compelled to remove his own book from print, and in 1997 published a second book "The Babylon Connection?" to further explain and refute Hislop's (and his own) mistaken ideas. Woodrow had now become a critic of Hislop's 'pagan' theories... read more...
By Ralph Woodrow
While Hislop is still a favorite among certain anti-Catholics, most are too embarrassed to cite his book in their own books and articles.
A candidate for the 'image of the beast'? How about the 500' Maitreya statue in Kushinagar? I find that particularly chilling.
According to Wikipedia, some early, Hellenistic-inspired representations of the Buddha were based on statues of Apollo Belvedere.
New Age story... link is below.
In a recent interview with Andy Olson at Echo Zoe Radio, Christine Pack of Sola Sisters gave her testimony about her decade-long involvement in the New Age movement, and how God mercifully and graciously saved her out of it. She also sounds a warning that many of the things she believed in as a New Ager, and many of the practices she engaged in, are now coming into the evangelical church today.
I didn't see this one posted yet:
Sins against the earth
From CNN (April 19, 2011):
What is it about mid-April and violence in America?
A political shakeup in Cuba?
I had an inquiry about how to donate. I guess I would have to check out Paypal which I have not used for years because of password issues. In the old days, checks worked. I'll be happy to give my mailing address to anybody who really wants to contribute. For the record, I have tried meticulously over the years to refrain from passing the hat.
anon 7:52
aside from the counter cultural pot holiday 4/20 there were actually lots of massacres associated with this time of year.
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Your articles are great. How can we help you promote the cause.
Menaka Indrani
This is a very important topic and one I have been looking at for awhile. I am most troubled by the way these teachings are creeping into our schools. Many of my sociology courses taught transhumanist philosophy and I was even able to detect it in the elementary school that I interned at. My fifth grade students could not tell time or spell three letter words, but they could recycle, plant trees, save electricity, and tell me all about how all the people of earth need to come together as one. It's very disturbing, our kids are being trained to essentially be the green shirts for the fourth reich.
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The Fuel Project videos continue to shed light on current world events from a Biblical perspective. I was raised Catholic. I agree with Mark Fairley's teaching on this subject. I think most Catholics are deliberately kept ignorant of the truth about the Catholic Church. I was one of them. Now I know the truth.
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