Saturday, April 17, 2010


Probably sequeling THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT by Peter LeMesurier, REVELATION:  THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION BY Barbara Marx Hubbard; and REFLECTIONS ON THE CHRIST by David Spangler together with THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY by Alice Ann Bailey, this abomination by evil-eyed Michael Baigent is probably the most explicitly and sophisticated evil book I have yet to read.  It confirms, however, my suspicions about the Christian Reconstruction Movement and how it plays into the New Age / New World Order dialectics.

When I started my research which led to my personal discovery of the New Age Movement and its clear directions in 1981, I created a newspaper clipping file called "War on Fundamentalism."  Baigent has called for the bullets against us to begin.

Stay tuned!



JD said...

It seems from the propaganda flying of late that Baigent may get his wish. Of course it will be "of our own doing"

JD said...

Off Topic, but very important!

US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26

WASHINGTON, April 15 (Reuters) - A long-awaited compromise bill to reduce U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming will be unveiled by a group of senators on April 26, sources said on Thursday.

The legislative language to be sketched out in 11 days, according to government and environmental sources, is being drafted by Democratic Senator John Kerry, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and independent Senator Joseph Lieberman.

Backers of the environmental bill hope the unveiling will pave the way for the full Senate to debate and pass a measure in June or July if the compromise attracts enough support from a group of moderate Republicans and Democrats.

Republican Senator Judd Gregg told Reuters he was "committed to getting something that addresses our energy needs in a constructive and comprehensive way." He added he did not know yet whether he would support the bill being developed.

President Barack Obama has made climate change one of his top priorities and took steps recently to show Republicans he was serious, including expanding federal aid for building nuclear power facilities and allowing more domestic offshore oil drilling -- initiatives to be included in the Senate compromise.

more at link

JD said...

Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller

Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the spectre of domestic terrorism has returned to haunt the Obama Administration, with a warning from the FBI that “home-grown and lone-wolf extremists” now represent as serious a threat as al-Qaeda and its affiliates.

The warning, from the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, came as the former President Clinton drew parallels between the Oklahoma City tragedy and a recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric, while American television audiences heard Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, describe the “absolute rage” that drove him to plan an attack that killed 168 men, women and children.

An FBI spokesman told The Times yesterday that Mr Mueller was referring to right-wing extremist groups and anti-government militias, as well as American Islamists, in his testimony to the Senate committee that must approve the FBI’s $8.3 billion (£5.4 billion) budget.

Last month federal agents arrested nine members of a Christian militia based in Michigan, calling itself the Hutaree. They have been charged with plotting to murder local police with a stash of guns, knives and grenades.

more at link

Now this fits a little better with the topic, does it not?

Anonymous said...

Anyone here remembers how popular was The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail (Baigent et al. 1984). The authors blasphemously argued that Christ was married to Mary Magdalene and that Christ did not die on the cross. When I was part of a spiritual foundation (I no longer am) it was sometimes hinted that our guru’s wife had been Mary Magdalene in a previous life. what a joke!

Another popular author mining the Royal Blood theory is Laurence Gardner who claims to have proven, by exhaustive genealogical researches, the royal heritage of the Christ in the West. In his book Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Gardner asserts that the Davidic bloodline, the Blood Royal, is a reality and is issued from the sons of Jesus and his brother James.

This genre of Grail Saga is not only blasphemous because of its attack on the Divinity of Christ, it is also well organised. I now believe that powerful forces are using this genre to infix into popular culture the idea that Jesus of Nazareth was merely human.

This is part of the overall conspiracy against God. To destroy humanity's belief in God and to ensnare us in a web of spiritual and moral corruption.

I also will read this new book by Baigent, though judging by the content titles, I will read with some trepidation, particularly the last chapter.

Anonymous said...

Having 13 Chapters says it all!

Anonymous said...

A new film, "With God on Our Side," is being released this month to rebut pro-Israel Christians and persuade them to champion the Palestinian cause.

The film's purpose, as its producer explains, is to take American Christians off the metaphorical tourist trail of their pro-Israel stance and instead wade them into embittered Palestinian communities where their views will change.

The makers of "With God on Our Side" want increased U.S. pressure on Israel to accommodate Palestinian demands, facilitated by reduced U.S. evangelical support for Israel. The ultimate goal is unclear, whether a Palestinian state in the West Bank ruled by Islamists like Hamas, or dismantling Israel altogether in favor of a new nation dominated by returned Palestinian "refugees."

Film endorsers include liberal evangelist Tony Campolo and Emergent Church guru Brian McLaren.


Constance Cumbey said...

Something I just stumbled onto -- looks like a New Age initiative working toward a New World religion and global governance under a presumed Catholic/Ecumenical front called Sant'Egidio. I understand it has strong ties with Javier Solana and the Alliance of Civilizations. Research on it might be fruitful.


Constance Cumbey said...

I discovered it reading news articles from a Spanish news site. Googling it now, I see Farmer/Bjorn had an article up about it on March 23rd called "Solana the Bridge Man." Definitely more serious research on it is needed.


Constance Cumbey said...

According to the Wikipedia article on it, there is strong Catholic anger against the Sant Egidio community in Rome, suggesting it has taken over several Catholic Churches, given them very abridged use and shutting regular Catholic worship out.

Constance Cumbey said...

It is also apparent to me that Sant Egidio might have links to Prince Philip and Martin Palmer (the Prince's 'Religious advisor)and on a list of networked Sant Egidio summits is a list starting with Assisi in 1986 which was a project of Martin Palmer's on Prince Philip's behalf. Martin Palmer is an obvious New Ager who lyingly claims otherwise. He is the author of the screed CHRISTIANITY AND THE NEW AGE which gives Yours Truly (me) more ink than most books -- he hates me!


Pete Mc said...

Beigent is a Freemason and was Editor of Freemasonry Today, not sure if he still is. He is reportedly a member of the prestigious QC Lodge.

His work, although entirely discredited is still perceived as truth my many. Dangerous.

God bless

Jenny said...


I copied and pasted article on earthquake in Mt Barker last post as I don't know how to do a tinyurl sorry...

Yes PNG get quakes 6.8, that is always the case their....Aust nooooo

many blessings from Jesus to all...

Jenny said...

Constance sorry

PNG have earthquakes all the time but not as high as this last one is what I meant to say...

head spinning lol

Anonymous said...

sorry for the off topic but this looks inportant

must watch from lookuo fellowship


Anonymous said...

I pray you see through these apostates and free yourself from them.

Anonymous said...

I don't want the blessings of an apostate such as you, they are the blessings of a lawless child.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 10:17 AM
im still new at this, so i have missed something. what is it? if im posting bad info due to my lack of understanding then i would like constance to remove it. but please tell me what i have missed thanks

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Obamacare "religious exemption" will be a boon to Moslems. The religious exemption was supposedly inserted into the House and Senate bills specifically for the benefit of the Amish and Mennonite communities, however there's no doubt the exemption will push conversions to Islam, promote Jihad, and place those who don't convert under dhimmi status.

Here's the text of an email going viral.... I can't vouch for the author, or the email's authenticity, but the info looks legit. Researchers who have been examining the AOC, should take a very long hard close look at this:

"Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim
populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of
non-muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means
of converting conquered remnants to islam."

"The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling",
"risk-taking" and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically
granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, Ann Barnhardt, a
Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets,
including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face
hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax.
Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of
his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-muslims
will be paying a tax to subsidize muslims. Period. This is Dhimmitude."

"Dhimmitude serves two purposes: it enriches the muslim masters AND serves to drive conversions to islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y and Z types who have no moral anchor. If you
don't believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. "Sure, I'll be a muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, bro?"

Welcome to the AOC.


Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 10:19 AM,

You wrote,

I don't want the blessings of an apostate such as you, they are the blessings of a lawless child."

I am convicted that Jenny is a child of God, of the lawful adoption and covered by the blood of our Precious Saviour Jesus Christ. I therefore remind you:

Matthew 18:5-7 (King James Version)

5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

Rob in London

Susanna said...

Anonymous 6:21

The "grail tales" collectively embody the blasphemous notion of "salvation by race instead of grace."

British Israelism is but one example of this blasphemous notion as is the Aryanism of Nazi Germany which did not die with the Third Reich, but rather still survives in - among other things - the caste system and plantation politics espoused by the New Age Movement.

Other European countries have their own competing versions of the "ten lost tribes" twaddle as well.

Susanna said...

Dear Constance,

This is the first I have heard of the Catholic lay Community of Sant Egidio.

Ergo, you can understand why the jury is still out for me since I do not as yet have information that would enable me to decide whether or not it has religiously "wandered off the reservation" in terms of its professed Christianity.

But I did a little digging and found the following interview with the founder Andrea Riccardi - published in the liberal Catholic monthly National Catholic Reporter.

Here is Riccardi's biography from Wikipedia. As you can see, Sant Egidio was involved with the interreligious meeting at Assisi in 1986.



Anonymous said...

Preparation is key in these ages. For someone new to the knowledge of the advancement of the new age religion would this book give any insight to the coming plight of those of us that are or will be persecuted? If not, what would be suggested?

Jenny said...

To Rob,

Thank you for standing up for me to Anon.10:19 in your comments I appreciate it very much.

Here is a story about a donkey:

A owner of a donkey had no more use for his long time donkey, so the owner and his friends dug a hole deep for the donkey to put in. As the donkey was in the hole the owner and his friends shoveled dirt to fill the hole.
The donkey was smart though thinking ... he realized the only way out was to shake the dirt of his back and step up, in doing so the donkey climbed out... Wonder what the owner must of been thinking?

To Amon. 10:19

I will over come you as God would wont me to and say Praise Him in all things. As the donkey in above story. I would not want to stand before Jesus and give an account of how I deal with ppl such as you..

I love Jesus and Jesus love you.

anon said

I don't want the blessings of an apostate such as you, they are the blessings of a lawless child.

Why do you say this?

On what grounds?

Is it my signature? Which I no longer use as not to offend u or others here.

My koala is nothing what you so implied at all...end of story.

By the way u can't stop me from praying for you its a command from God to pray for one another...asking is it not?

Love in Jesus to all

Anonymous said...

Jenny, don't be hurt.

That very well may have been the intention of the anon poster at 10:19.

Do not let anyone here shake your belief in Jesus Christ and His Mercy. He we look towards, and no-one else, we need no tutor but the Holy Spirit, Whom The Loving Father sends us. Be confident, therefore, and stand firm in the Faith. There is a time to rebuke and a time to gently correct, and we must also pray for those who persecute and spitefully abuse us.

Keep your eyes focused on Jesus Christ, and remain confident in the Peace He gives us. For if Jesus Christ our Loving saviour is for us, who can stand against us and pravail? I tell you there is none that can! Remain sheltered in the Loving Fathers Arms, and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us home safely.

I tend not to post here anymore, but do still review occasionally. I couldn't sit back and watch such an injustice being done to you.

I pray that God continues to bless you mightily, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, God bless you Jenny.

Peace be with you.

Rob in London.

Unknown said...

Greek Problems Will Drive Integration

We are about to learn just how much additional sovereignty each euro-zone nation is willing to surrender as Europe takes another step—a giant step—down the road to more complete economic integration

Unknown said...

A Franco-Italian axis in Europe?

Common interests

The new Franco-Italian entente was underlined further a few days later with another significant common initiative. On 15 April, Sarkozy and Berlusconi sent a joint letter to European Commission President José Manuel Barroso urging him to support the imposition of carbon tariffs on countries that are not part of a global agreement to curb greenhouse gases (EurActiv 16/04/10).

Paris and Rome are worried that their industries, which pay for permits to emit carbon dioxide, will lose out to cheaper imports from countries that impose no such charges.

The initiative will play a significant role in international climate negotiations post-Copenhagen in view of the next global conference on climate change, set to take place at the end of the year in Cancún, Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am not here to shake her belief in Jesus, I am here to tell her to more fully follow Him and stop being a lousy apostate, I do this out of love.

I know I will be persecuted for telling the truth as others on here have been likewise chastised.

But your blood be not upon my hands when I face Jesus, I will be able to tell Him, I warned you too.

This blog is all about popularity, being in Constances clique, and everyone who is accepted and not spit out is a friend of the world and not a friend of Jesus.

Because the world first hated Jesus, I think it not a strange thing if the world hate me for following Him.

Remember there is the wide road that everyone travels to hell, and the narrow road that the saints travel. Have fun traveling the wide road, You should have your fun and popularity here now, because hell is forever.

Unknown said...

It seems the ASH cloud brings more ASHES for ASHTON. Her name is not even mentioned in this article. It's as if she's a nonentity. "NATO'S news comes after the aviation industry sharply criticized European governments for their handling of airport closures, saying there was "no coordination and no leadership" in the volcanic ash crisis that shut down European airports for a fifth straight day."

And "I would say that in a couple of weeks this will be a very embarrassing story for Europe," Bisignani told a news briefing in Paris on Monday."

Article at

Unknown said...


You said, "It confirms, however, my suspicions about the Christian Reconstruction Movement and how it plays into the New Age / New World Order dialectics.

I would love to read the quotes from the book or at least get the page numbers you refer to. (If I can get a copy from the library.)

Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,
Beware, this blog has a ton of posers on it. It looks like they are using the "good cop bad cop" routine on you, this is a common ploy, meant to reel you in and make you a permanent "inmate" through the use of negativism and alternately bolstering your ego. If you let it get to you, you will find yourself drawn into a fight, and much like the hotel California, you man never leave.

I hope I was able to explain Konstances Kooky Kronies
to you.

with much love
Strong Bad

Jenny said...

Anon 7:09

When you point the finger at me or others always remember there is 3 point back at you...

Grace is sufficient for thee.

How sad you are anon, to think my blood is on your hands..when it's was the blood of Jesus that has washed me clean.

Anon 7:09
I AM a new creation in Jesus and can stand before Him in truth and guess what hunnnn

What my walk is with God. It's non of your business what so ever, so stop making it, as if it is...end of story and grow up please!!

Dear brother Rob,

God bless you and again THANK YOU for your word of encouragement here. I was not sad. I only told the story of the donkey that no one can put me in a corner with out me allowing them to do so.

Count it all joy when ppl insult you or persecute you then I know I'm doing it something wright for God Amen!!

Oh Rob I saw your efforts and the input you gave a month or so ago. I was sad to see you leave but you know hun...I understand why you did.
There will always be Crows sitting on the fence waiting for for the next victim to come alone and be caught in their folly.

Big Aussie Blessing oi oi oi to you and all in the wonderful name of Jesus.


Jenny said...

Dear Strong Bad,

Blessings to you and thank you hun for your support on this Anon 7;09.

I know to well of what is going on here you don't need to be a Philadelphia lawyer to work it all out but never the less it's sad.

Hun never liked the song Hotel can't afford ya...oops Hotel California lol I'm not into game playing either.

They will just have to get on with it but I will not be drawn down to a level that is demoralizing and bulling and most certianly will not be become one.

I have had such support from so many here who have not been drawn it to such folly, I love and respect you all from my heart. Thank you so very much.. Christian hugs..

God bless you richly from our Father

Anonymous said...

Anonymous who has been attacking Jenny. I don't know what the basis of your judgements of her or her faith are. How do you think that you are qualified to judge her as the only Holy One is God Himself. If you think that you have good reason to instruct her I will again post 2 Timothy 2:22-26

22Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

Notice Kind to everyone, able to instruct,not resentful and gentle instruction!


Anonymous said...


Most people in the Muslim world that I talk to, esp. Liberals already have the perception that The Christian Right, the jewish Right and Islamists are the same. The Euro-Med partnership is going to create a civil war. We are already seeing Nationalist parties spring up in Europe because of the massive waves of immigration this is bringing in from North Africa and the Middle East with designs on creating a Greater Europe.


Jenny said...

Dear M

Thank you so much for your words of kindness.

Scripture is the only defense and I to, should use it.. God's word is truth.. let God be true and every man a lair

Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

1 Thessalonians 3:12
And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you:

Christians are not just to tolerate misfortune and trials...they're to learn to actually rejoice and give thanks for them, knowing that God uses suffering to produce patience in us.

Love cover a multitude of sin so no matter what "Anon" says when posting, its under the blood of Jesus. I CHOOSE TO FORGIVE AND LOVE HIM/HER..U can't argue with that Anon...

God's love and grace to all

and (((((hugs))))) to.

MJ said...

I too would appreciate more details on the Reconstruction movement. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:09, you have said nothing out of love, you have falsely named Jenny as an apostate and Satan is the accuser of the brethren! You were asked by Jenny on what grounds had you said this, and I know that you can find NOTHING to substantiate your false accusations. If I myself had sought popularity, I would not have written half the controversial things I have on this blogspot, many of which have caused me great pain to the point of tears when writing, as some have been on issues which have been offensive to people I hold very dear to my heart, yet I have had to write because of my convictions of a love of the truth.

Jenny, remember to put on the full armour of God. I have always found you to be humble and I trust you will keep your eyes focused on Jesus and remain so. Please take care of yourself, this is my last post in this matter here (I told you I tend not to post here anymore), as I do not want you to doubt my friendship and sincerity, were I to get caught up in a dialectic with Anon 10:19/7:09, and be viewed as contriving the 'good-cop' role.

Remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Matthew 10:16 (King James Version)

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Remember to be meek but bold, and that our foes are not carnal but are spiritual wickednesses in high places.

God bless you mightily Jenny,

I remember how you, Susanna, Peacebringer7, and others defended me when I too was under attack, and my innocence was far more questionable, due to my eventual outbursts back then for which I have repented, than yours has been.

The peace and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always,

God bless you all and bye,

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,

Listen to Rob in London and don't be hurt.

Regarding Anonymous 7:09"s comment:

"This blog is all about popularity, being in Constances clique, and everyone who is accepted and not spit out is a friend of the world and not a friend of Jesus."

A big clue like this should make it clear where Anonymous is coming from......

Anonymous should strive to behave like a Christian himself/herself instead of allowing envy to rot away his/her soul to a point where he/she is willing to march in lockstep with the "accuser of the brethren" - which the bible tells us is another name for the devil!!! Rev. 12:10

The reason why the devil "accuses the brethren" is because he desperately hopes to shift the focus of attention off of his own envy and malice and apostasy!

Jenny said...

To Rob and Anon 2:08

Thank you for your kind words I hear you both and strong bad.

News Flash
"This blog is all about popularity, being in Constances clique, Guys God is not in the movement of this kind nor will I be roped in.

Guys trust me when I say I'm not hurt. As far as A-NO-NY is concerned she stirs troubles up and divides the brethren...

I know not to say a word out in the Heavenly places that will offend Jesus or others.

Jesus went to the Cross and died there for all ppl I take the word of God and apply it no Questions.

As I have said before I'm not educated like some on here BUT not stupid either. I lived around the block or two and can see what is happening I don't like to jump in where angles fear to tread.

So Guys I thank you all again in Love. (((hugs)))

To A-no-ny 7:09

You like to go on and on... well you have to just get on with it or build a bridge cross over it and move on. As I have nothing more to say to you, up to now, you have been silent... pls remain in doing so were I'm concerned...

I say this in Love

Jenny said...

I have to say this... I get tired of soap opera's they become boring and repetitious. same ol same

God bless you (((hugs)))

Constance Cumbey said...

To Jenny:

One thing I have always despised is snobbishness and cliques. If anybody has given that impression here, I specifically disown it and I hope you will feel welcome remaining and participating here.


Susanna said...

To All:

Just when you think things can't get any worse........they do.

Here is the latest "looter" entitlement being sponsored by the European the taxpayers' expense.


By Katherine Laidlaw, National Post April 19, 2010

(The plan would see taxpayers footing some of the bill for families facing "difficult social, financial or personal" circumstances)

The European Union has declared travelling a human right, and is launching a scheme to subsidize vacations with taxpayers' dollars for those too poor to afford their own trips.

Antonio Tajani, the European Union commissioner for enterprise and industry, proposed a strategy that could cost European taxpayers hundreds of millions of euros a year, The Times of London reports.

"Travelling for tourism today is a right. The way we spend our holidays is a formidable indicator of our quality of life," Mr. Tajani told a group of ministers at The European Tourism Stakeholders Conference in Madrid on April 15. Mr. Tajani was appointed to his post by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The plan -- just who gets to enjoy the travel package has yet to be determined -- would see taxpayers footing some of the vacation bill for seniors, youths between the ages of 18 and 25, disabled people, and families facing "difficult social, financial or personal" circumstances. The disabled and elderly can also be accompanied by one other person. The EU and its taxpayers are slated to fund 30% of the cost of these tours, which could range from youth exploring abandoned factories and power plants in Manchester to retirees taking discount trips to Madrid, all in the name of cultural appreciation.

"The commission is literally considering paying people to go on holiday," Mats Persson, of pro-reform think-tank Open Europe, told Britain's News of the World. "In this economic climate, it's astonishing that the EU wants to bribe people with cheap holidays."

Mr. Tajani said the program will be piloted until 2013, and then fully launched.

Intended to instill a sense of cultural pride in Europeans, Mr. Tajani's human-rights travel will also help bridge the continent's north-south divide and pad resorts' business in their off-season, the Times reports.

Northern Europeans will be encouraged to visit southern Europe, and vice versa. Mr. Tajani wants to ensure people's "right to be tourists" remains intact.

Jenny said...

Dear Constance,

Thank you so much I respect your position and the blog as a hole..

So many names/ppl have stood up for me here, and defended as I'm sooooooo grateful for. ((hugs))

bad English BUT...
I have no intentions of leaving but I will not go another round, with Anony 7:09

End of Story!!!!

God bless you each and everyone of you.

Anonymous said...

Disturbing change in UK law.

"Terms ‘mother and father’ removed from birth certificate due to homosexual lobby pressure."

... The couple were able to take advantage of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 which came into effect at the beginning of this month. The Act entitles people in same-sex relationships to both be treated as equal parents of a child. Until the law changed, homosexual couples could not put both of their names on a child conceived by a donor.

Full story;


Craig said...

anon 7:09:

I am here to tell her to more fully follow Him and stop being a lousy apostate, I do this out of love.

I shudder to think of how you speak when not doing it "out of love."

Why not use words to build up rather than tear down?

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Jenny. Please don't allow anyone to run you off this blog.

You have a beautiful heart, and we can all learn from each other.

Anonymous said...

Rob dont curse yourself with the bible, it is bad form.

2 Kings 2:23-24
And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

And this gem

"He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes" (Proverbs 13:24) and "Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14)

So I love you Jenny, and Rob and the others actually hate you :(
; ; ... why do they want you to just walk off a cliff into hell like that?

Oh well they will have to answer to Jesus, and He will make them feel like they had a milstone around their neck and ....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if this Icelandic volcanic ash being projected into the atmosphere can be compared to carbon emissions in any way? You know, like is it equivalent to say 2 months or 10yrs of carbon emissions or maybe 300 yrs?

Jenny said...

Rob/Others pls pay no attention to Anony 7:09..

I know your heart/s, from other sites we both attend Rob. although at different times. Your love for me as your sister is so refreshing to me since we never meet but one day we will all of us will I hope!!
A no ny said7:09
So I love you Jenny, and Rob and the others actually hate you :(
; ; ... why do they want you to just walk off a cliff into hell like that?

Anony 7:09 Enough of your lies.

I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, for your actions of sowing seeds of destruction amongst the brethren. you have the nerve to use ascii when I was rebuked from you.. so let me say this, I will use my ascii koala when ever I choose to.

I take no pleasure in reading your posts when you pull down and attack the Christians here.

I pray that you seek His peace and acceptance not just in your life but in others who you attack.

"Breathe" A no ny 7:09

I shall not feed your emotions any longer...

God bless you all...

Anonymous said...

What the book blurb DOESN'T say about Baigent is that his book "The Holy blood and the Holy Grail" was based on a hoax, the "Priory of Sion" legand that was made up by Pierre Plantard in the 1960s; see

Jenny said...

More earthquakes in Australia this time in W.Aust plus we have the locust in Victoria eating every thing in its path.

God bless you and all...

Anonymous said...

Look, I asked you to respect elders, and stop LYING about the ascii.

I am done trying to shock you out of your new aged mindset.

You go ahead and live like Absalom.

Jenny said...

Anony said

Look, I asked you to respect elders, and stop LYING about the ascii.

I am done trying to shock you out of your new aged mindset.

You go ahead and live like Absalom.

Pray seek Godly wisdom then come back to me with the answer God give you ok...
Father.. I leave this to you to sort out.. thank you Daddy

God bless you hun!!

EJILES said...


Until it's done erupting, we won’t know for some time. But the Mt St Helen’s eruption put more particles that were "Pre-cursers to Ozone" into the (lower) atmosphere than ALL of mankind has throughout All of history. Al Gore can put that in his pipe and smoke it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

I posted a few weeks ago about my prior involvement with the Foundation of Spiritual Unfoldment, a spiritual organization that I believe is gaining quite a lot of interest worldwide. On their website is a pdf of their recent newsletter. I would like to quote the following excerpt concerning the guru’s visit in December 2009 to Melbourne to attend the World Parliament of Religions.

“The parliament is every 5years and 8000 people attend from all over the world in this celebration of spiritual and religious life. There are many non-denominational organisations like FISU attending, and we hope to raise the awareness of our work.”

“I found the party a stirring occasion culminating in those amazing drums, which gave an auspiciousness to the occasion. These Indian drums are called Dholl Drums – but this was certainly not an occasion to be in the doldrums – it was indeed blissful and joyful.”


I can vouch that the teachings are indeed blissful and joyful but it was never asked to whom or to what ‘god’ we were worshiping. God is described as a ‘neutral force’. I left this organization in 2006 after eight years.

Your research, books and recommendations have been valuable insights. Thank you Constance and God bless.


Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

I am deeply sorry to you for having caught myself up in this latest mess. I wanted to defend Jenny from unwarranted abuse.

Although I tend not to post here anymore, I want it to be known that I do NOT share Anon at 8:08 AM's views about you and the regular posters of this site. I find the implications and expressions of his assertions to be repulsive, false, sweeping and unChristian.

I have my differences, and admittedly have had my past suspicions, with a LITTLE on this site in the past. However, God alone is omniscient, not me! I am faily new, 3 years or so in to studying this, and you are a good 27 or more years ahead of me in this. I still hold some reservations, but I am convinced, for whatever my humble opinion is worth, that you are genuine. I also believe, after a very bumpy road at times, that the vast majority of regular posters are here to, even if it does get a bit heated now and then.

I have left because I think in the past I have probably stirred up too many storms, although my intention was never one of malice, although there were times I stupidly lost my cool and behaved in an unChristian manner too, for which I'm sorry. I believe there are also some unsolved issues for me here.

Dear Jenny,

Thank you for your kind words to me. Please beware of those who may appear as sheep outwardly but inside they are ravening wolves. I AM NOT REFERRING TO CONSTANCE AND THE REGULAR POSTERS HERE.

Thank you Constance for having defended me in the past. Sorry for not recognising this in my earlier thread.

Above all Constance, I repeat I am sorry here, because I have unwittingly helped to detract from the IMPORTANT SUBJECT OF THIS PAGE. Therefore, I would be very grateful if everyone could ignore the anon in question and other saboteurs (apart from praying for him), God willing, and return to adressing the implications and matter of Baigent, his book and its wider agenda. Thank you for your patience regarding my audacious request, given the circumstances.


God bless you all.

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

I am deeply sorry to you for having caught myself up in this latest mess. I wanted to defend Jenny from unwarranted abuse.

Although I tend not to post here anymore, I want it to be known that I do NOT share Anon at 8:08 AM's views about you and the regular posters of this site. I find the implications and expressions of his assertions to be repulsive, false, sweeping and unChristian.

I have my differences, and admittedly have had my past suspicions, with a LITTLE on this site in the past. However, God alone is omniscient, not me! I am faily new, 3 years or so in to studying this, and you are a good 27 or more years ahead of me in this. I still hold some reservations, but I am convinced, for whatever my humble opinion is worth, that you are genuine. I also believe, after a very bumpy road at times, that the vast majority of regular posters are here to, even if it does get a bit heated now and then.

I have left because I think in the past I have probably stirred up too many storms, although my intention was never one of malice, although there were times I stupidly lost my cool and behaved in an unChristian manner too, for which I'm sorry. I believe there are also some unsolved issues for me here.

Dear Jenny,

Thank you for your kind words to me. Please beware of those who may appear as sheep outwardly but inside they are ravening wolves. I AM NOT REFERRING TO CONSTANCE AND THE REGULAR POSTERS HERE.

Thank you Constance for having defended me in the past. Sorry for not recognising this in my earlier thread.

Above all Constance, I repeat I am sorry here, because I have unwittingly helped to detract from the IMPORTANT SUBJECT OF THIS PAGE. Therefore, I would be very grateful if everyone could ignore the anon in question and other saboteurs (apart from praying for him), God willing, and return to adressing the implications and matter of Baigent, his book and its wider agenda. Thank you for your patience regarding my audacious request, given the circumstances.


God bless you all.

Rob in London.

WillW said...

omots said: Looks like the Obamacare "religious exemption" will be a boon to Moslems.

omots, you have been a great contributor to this blog, but I'm afraid that just as HK-91 was ignored for the most part, the Dhimmitude underpinning of this site will ignore you or reach for any available "proof" that Islam is not really a threat, nor will it influence the NWO, but somehow the manner of death in the tribulation is beheading, which is just a coincidence.

Jenny said...

Dear Rob,

I agree couldn't with any more brother in your last post.
As for..

I have left because I think in the past I have probably stirred up too many storms, although my intention was never one of malice, although there were times I stupidly lost my cool and behaved in an unChristian manner too, for which I'm sorry. I believe there are also some unsolved issues for me here.

What I have known of you Rob, you have always been the gentleman and if I can say also you always asked for forgiveness from others on this board..

Either when a zealous heart or a passionate ideology comes across our way, is not warranted for forgiveness but wanting to express your ideas in hope to learn even more.

I love your heart Rob as a sister in the Lord and to ALL others hear also.

We need Jesus more now that we ever did. He's our anchor when the sailing gets rough. In spite of differences, lets put them aside and keep on track of what Constance blog is bring to the table.

Rob I hope you will stay here as an extension for your ministry, as you said... your not done yet...
I agree with you, can I be so bold and stand up and say most if not all would love to see you back here with all the other gems!!

I believe God's got a even bigger plan here and your apart of it, as us all.

Gosh! I wish blogs could have personal messaging sighs and smile at the same time.. drifting anyway!

Think of good thoughts and trust Jesus every time love you all

Jenny said...

Rob sorry

I couldn't agree more is what I meant.
Gosh my English... places palm on forehead...
It's my Yorkshire parents I blame lol
or my keyboard has dyslexia..


God is wonderful and gracious to all

Anonymous said...


The NWO seeks to reconstruct all three Abrahamic faiths. Islam right now is being used as a Political tool against Judeo-Christianity by the establishment. The New Age teaches that the New Age Messiah will be different things to different people. He will be Madhi to the Muslims , the Messiah to the Jews, Christ to the Christians etc. It remains to be seen how many Muslims, like Jews and Christians will accept him.

He won't be kind to those who don't.


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how many people have checked into this blog and have been turned away by the endless ramblings between Jenny and anonymous. Have either of them contributed to the discussion on the New Age movement rather than on their belly button thinking about their own feelings?

Jenny, contribute something about the New Age movement.

Anonymous said...

Constance and group - has anyone seen Holly Privecs blogsite with her new posting regarding May Day? I am not very scholarly with Apologetics and what that means, so why would Holly be concerned about a forming coalition of Apologetics and the religous right? Does anyone understand this?

In Him -

Mike from Colorado

JD said...

U.N.'s Ballooning $732 Million Haiti Peacekeeping Budget Goes Mostly to Its Own Personnel

The United Nations has quietly upped this year's peacekeeping budget for earthquake-shattered Haiti to $732.4 million, with two-thirds of that amount going for the salary, perks and upkeep of its own personnel, not residents of the devastated island.

The world organization plans to spend the money on an expanded force of some 12,675 soldiers and police, plus some 479 international staffers, 669 international contract personnel, and 1,300 local workers, just for the 12 months ending June 30, 2010.

Some $495.8 million goes for salaries, benefits, hazard pay, mandatory R&R allowances and upkeep for the peacekeepers and their international staff support. Only about $33.9 million, or 4.6 percent, of that salary total is going to what the U.N. calls "national staff" attached to the peacekeeping effort.

much more at link

This one is ultra sickening! The UN wants to expand their role and resources, not to mention go on fat vacations, all at the expense of taxpayers and a devastated nation.

JD said...


The groups Holly is warning about are the dominionist groups who believe we need to build governments and conquer the world for Jesus. Most of these groups are the same ones teaching apostate messages, many of which have very New Age leanings. Herescope recently had a article up disecting these groups which you may wish to read for a deeper understanding.

Anonymous said...

Thanks JD - mike in Colorado

Jenny said...

Anonymous 9:35 said...

I'm wondering how many people have checked into this blog and have been turned away by the endless ramblings between Jenny and anonymous. Have either of them contributed to the discussion on the New Age movement rather than on their belly button thinking about their own feelings?

Jenny, contribute something about the New Age movement.

You are right I have not given anything to the new age movement, it may seem to you as I am selfish and self serving. I'm sorry and ashamed to..

Constance and others I do apologize for taking your time away from the relevant topics of this blog.

So sorry!!

Anonymous said...

Jenny, research something and contribute. Your last note is just another belly button comment. Here are some topics:

May 1 prayer meeting with leads from herescope

Protestant or Catholic infiltrations by New Age

One world government movements

Control by US government leading to one world government
such as health records

JD's research

What is AOC doing

Occult groups and their activities

Glenn Beck's commentaries

Groups behind the scenes

Bailey plans relating to what is happening.

What is going on with World Goodwill

What is going on with the New Group of World Servers

What is the World Future Society doing

Anything new with the Institute of Noetic Sciences
or Princeton

Any politicians connection to the New Age movement

Promotion by the media leading to New Age acceptance

You can do it. All of us need all the help we can get to keep up with the planners.


Anonymous said...


You should learn how to treat people, here are some examples you are lacking in:










Jenny, we serve God not man, remember that and do not worry nor let Dorothy, (alias anon 10:19 etc?) chase you off this site. Paul was right about you Dorothy, and you need to turn to Jesus Christ and repent.

To the anon poster from earlier,in view of your comments, let me point out there is another child, one that is not of God, be careful you do not fall into that bracket:

Acts 13:9-11 (King James Version)

9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.

10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?

11 And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.

Dear Jenny, please ignore Dorothy, as we are biblically instructed, by implication, to ignore pagans and heathens that refuse to repent and turn to the Father THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Dorothy, you defended the Kabala here, which many Jewish people find an abominable practice! You defended Ancient Babylonian Witchcraft. That is what the Kabala is! So Take the 2 by 4 out of your own eye before you ever dare try to take the speck out of somebody elses. HYPOCRITE!

This is my last post. Turn to Jesus Christ Dorothy, for there is Salvation in none other. He came to the House of Israel, He did not say, there is no need to come to the House of Israel because they are already saved, but he said the contrary, and came to Israel first because of the promise made by God to Abraham, you must still be covered by the precious blood of Jesus, otherwise you are no more than a heathen, especially if you are dabbling in Kabalistic witchcraft from where much of NAM teaching comes and you know it! Do not try and play the anti-Semite card with me, Paul has already righty pulled you up on that one. You are a child of the Devil and you need to repent!

Acts 13:9-11 (King James Version)

9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.

10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?

11 And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.

God bless all here and bye,

Rob in London.

---> me @(*_*)@ said...

Dear Rob,

Jenny, we serve God not man, remember that and do not worry nor let Dorothy, (alias anon 10:19 etc?) chase you off this site. Paul was right about you Dorothy, and you need to turn to Jesus Christ and repent.

To the anon poster from earlier,in view of your comments, let me point out there is another child, one that is not of God, be careful you do not fall into that bracket:

Truth will win out in the end brother. I can see what is going on here and so does God. I have seen many good ppl come and go over the last few yrs it breaks my heart. God wants to exhorts, build up, encourage ppl not cripple them from with in.

Sometimes there is situations so deep you want the world to know but instead they keep it to themselves for what ever reasons
they may have. Life is short and I want the the rose colored glasses through the eyes of Jesus.

Rob do you ever go to FP Holly's Blog...?
I remember her posting to you saying they would love you to bring your views to the table or words to that affect. You're an inspiration to many here and most of all to our "Savior Jesus" His promises will always abound in you.

Dear Constance,

I think it's best I leave on the grounds of not bringing labels to the table and put some noses out of joint. Been caught up in this has taken its toll on me. God want us to fight the good fight, no each other.
I leave these scriptures to read Love and Peace to all.

2 Corinthians 12:8-10

8Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.

9But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

I have gained so much knowledge here from all of you I like to say thank you again. Shalom!! God bless you all.


Unknown said...

Rob and Jenny,

You do have support out here even though many did not stand up.

There are many here who offer valuable insight and knowledge but are still knee deep in the very things they are trying to expose.

Anonymous said...

Rob in London, you are joke. You are running a cult type church service in here, lying in the process. Anyone who knows what is going on knows that England (that's the home country of London) is several years ahead of the US in promoting the New Age push. If you had any ability other than killing time, you would be reporting on what is going on in London as well as fighting it there. Try doing that instead of patting yourself on the back by the hour, telling everyone how holy you are.


Anonymous said...

I'll be blunt Jenny. In post after post you come across, at least to me, as one of those preening little princess females, all helpless and gooey, that some men just feel they have to save because it makes them feel like big strong men. It's just manipulative behavior and most women can recognize it. You could probably lift an ox and take on Obama if you wanted to. A sweetie pie comment or two is no big deal, but you have gone on and on with the role. Peeking out from behind the scriptures doesn't make you a better person. Save it for your boyfriend.


Anonymous said...

Constance, JD, and group - I am not sure of the comment I am about to make so please set me straight if I am not hitting the target. The danger of the Apologetics forming a coalition with Evangelicals is that this would likely lead to the corruption of the Church in the end times - is that a fair statement? Of course, assuming that the Church isnt already. Its scary to me that a pseudo Church would differentiate between the reference of Jesus as opposed to Christ Jesus etc. Any comments?

Michael in Colorado

Anonymous said...

Dorothy, you are a slanderer, a false-accuser, a destroyer, a liar, and a bitter control freak filled with rage, with lustful perverted thoughts which in your envy and lack of love you project onto others,and you obey your father the Devil. I will pray for you.

The NAM has well and truly infested the US and Europe in different ways. Some are piloted as more advanced here, and other aspects of it are more advanced over there, if you were honest you would admit this. To claim otherwise is to deliberately or naiively underestimate the scale and pervasiveness of Satan's evil agenda. Stop misleading people and trying to divide people based purely and simply on where they are from, or what ever front for your vicious motives you choose.

Turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to wash you clean and open your eyes, and then you may finally realise that this is first and foremost a spiritual war, and that we fight unseen things. For if you are not for Jesus Christ you are against Him. And let God be true and every man a liar!

You knew also, from my comments to Constance that I did not want this dialectic, but you chose not to respect the blog for your own selfish reasons so that you could belittle a child of God. SHAME ON YOU!

I will pray for you Dorothy.

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous 11:44 AM. God bless you mightily and keep you in the Peace and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

God bless you Jenny. I know your heart too. I know also the slanders you have suffered. Peace be with you. I will go over from time to time to Holly's site.

May God continue to bless you mightily and uphold you in his strength.

May the Peace and Love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you always Jenny,

Rob, your Brother in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

JD said...


The majority of these groups are already DEEP in apostasy. It would be more fair to state that the Church (the majority of it at least) is not only corrupted, but in ruins. The apostate teachings have pervaded almost every denomination in one form or another, and have given rise to Emergent and Mystical churches across the world. Many of these groups with their dominionist theologies have aligned themselves with the far right militant groups, promoting going to war with the federal government in order to recapture the nation for Jesus and the principles of the founding fathers.

If one is to wonder how the war on the saints may begin in the US, they may need not look any further than these groups. It is pretty much a given with all of the rhetoric against people of faith coming out of Washington, that the government may be looking for a reason to crack down on fundamentalists. From what I can see the dominionists may be looking to give them a reason to do so. Keeping in mind that these groups are direct products of men like Doug Coe, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and others who have taken a New Age/New Kingdom approach to christianity.

Anonymous said...


OK, let's all take a deep breath, try to calm down, and allow cooler heads to prevail here.

As an objective 'bystander' (and frequent contributor), it's important to remember:

1) The primary purpose of this blog is to share information regarding the New Age Movement.

2) It has never been about evangelizing / converting a person over to YOUR viewpoint or religious denomination (whether that be Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish).

3) No one or two people should ever attempt to dominate the blog.

4) We're all flawed human beings, whose buttons get pushed on occasion (some more than others).

5) Please, let's all try to concentrate on the bigger picture here; show respect and civility, and learn to forgive each other's shortcomings (of which we ALL have many).

Thank you for allowing me to vent.

Anonymous said...

Some of you might have been puzzled when I suggested commenting on the May 1 Prayer meeting in DC.

Originally I saw a warning posted here and that took me over to herescope (link on front page)where there is extended information on the New Apostolic Reformation and the attempt to link it to and then take over the tea party movement.

Why worry about that movement you might say. After all, they say Jesus' name a lot. Read the following.
The Reconstructionist Roots of the War on Christians

How powerful is that movement?
Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation or

It is a movement that is totalitarian, controlling religion, business, politics, and an individual's public and private life.

I like some of the ideas being promoted by the coalition described above. I've been pro-life for 30 years now. What I don't like is being told I MUST fight against abortion, etc. I don't want any group telling me what I must think or else.

Here's another manipulative article by a leftist or liberal. It contains both valid and junk information. It presupposes those fighting the the goals of the New Apostolic Movement have to be socially on the left.

I don't want to be controlled by either NAM -- New Apostolic Movement or New Age Movement.
They are both leading the unwary to a hell on earth.

There is a pattern that appears wherever control type individuals believe they know how everything from individuals to the world should be. First there is the attempt to convince. When they can't bend the will of their target audience, they demonize the target and act accordingly. As Alice Bailey wrote, that which causes separation is evil. The NAMs both believe that.


Anonymous said...

Rob in London
Is your last name Rumplestilskin by any chance? You sure got all hot and melted when I got your identity correct.


Anonymous said...

Skip the prayers for me Rob. It is pretty clear that your god is not the God Christians pray to. If I was your mother I'd wash your mouth out with soap. It's really very dirty.


Anonymous said...

Our sad times...

'American Idol' gives pro-abortion groups!!!

Constance Cumbey said...

To YesNaSpanishTown:

I read the Amazon KINDLE version of the book which has section numbers rather than page numbers. I might put some of the choicer quotes up, but you need to read that abomination for yourself to truly appreciate its sinister calls for governmental actions against "fundamentalists" and its glorification of non-'Peoples of the book" beliefs.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 7:14 p.m. (Susanna)

A "sunny vacation" as a constitutional right? Now that's more temptation than even I can bear!
I think, personally, it was done to increase the tourist trade of Spain, Portugal, Greece, southern France!

One needs a strong sense of humor to get through this! Are they offering free samples?


Constance Cumbey said...

Let's all go a bit easier on Rob, Jenny, etc., and EACH OTHER!


Unknown said...

Thank you, Anonymous 3:35. Well said.

As JD and others point out, whenever the bloggers here become embroiled in battle, it's usually a smokescreen. Often there is something else going on that our attention is being diverted from.

Constance's original post is about Michael Baigent's Racing Toward Armageddon. I posted the following question (which was totally lost in the squabbles) regarding Constance's statement:

"It confirms, however, my suspicions about the Christian Reconstruction Movement and how it plays into the New Age / New World Order dialectics.

My question: I would love to read the quotes from the book or at least get the page numbers you refer to. (If I can get a copy from the library.)

This is an important question especially in light of the upcoming National Day of Prayer. Countless churches around the country will be praying using the "Seven Mountains" model. (My church will be one of them.) We need this information.

JD's answer to Mike is also following the theme of this post.

Can we stop the petty bickering and get back to what we are here for in the first place?

To resolve the squabbles I ask that the more mature of the two parties, take the high road and drop the subject.

To be honest, I have often wanted to refer people to this blogspot, but these incessant bickerings are embarrassing. I want people to take this information seriously. Instead they are turned off.

To be sure, yes, we can collapse comments, which I do. However, it is easy to miss important posts that way.

Constance Cumbey said...

I am now reading an astoundingly bad book by a Church of the Nazarene college professor, Karl W. Giberson, "SAVING DARWIN." To my sorrow, because my greatly beloved Grandmother on my father's side taught Sunday School in a Church of the Nazarene in Fort Wayne, Indiana for 50 years!


Unknown said...

Thanks, Constance!

I will definitely get to the library or the kindle version if I can't get the book.

Unknown said...

Over at Share International I found a question and answer section that was possibly some clues regarding Maitreya's identity. I don't know how believable it is.

"Q. How many interviews has Maitreya given so far?
A. Maitreya has given nine interviews so far [as we go to press].

Q. Is the “window of opportunity” you mentioned in the March 2010 issue of Share International, still open?
A. Yes.

Q. Have Maitreya’s interviews been taking place in America or elsewhere?
A. Maitreya’s interviews have been taking place for the moment in America. But He will go from America to many countries: to Japan, Europe, South America, Russia and China, and speak to the world. Don’t forget that as He speaks during an interview there is also an internet broadcast in most cases. These are high-powered television interviews from major TV programmes and via the internet He can be heard and seen by millions at the same time.

In America He is speaking English; if He were in Japan He would speak Japanese; in Russia in Russian, China in Chinese, in South America, Spanish or Portuguese. So millions will hear and have access to every interview He gives."

Unknown said...

More on the same Q & A session:

"Q. Have all Maitreya’s interviews been taking place on the same channel in the USA so far?
A. Yes. The same channel so far.

Q. How long do the television interviews last, on average?
A. They last on average about half an hour.

Q. (1) I think it’s been said once in Share International that during Maitreya’s first appearances on television, He would show Himself in a restrained way, as if He was trying not to let people know all His radiation, in a way to give us time to adapt ourselves to His presence. Has this happened? (2) Can we expect a clearer ‘energetic message’ or impact in the following months, when we see Him on television or the internet? (3) Have the appearances of Maitreya been as successful as planned?
A. (1) That is not exactly the case. He presented Himself in a restrained way, a quiet way. He was at pains not to frighten off those He is trying to help. That continues to be the case although He is more forthright than He was at first. It is nothing to do with His ‘radiation’. (2) He will certainly be more forthright but He is also careful to restrict or temper His ‘energetic presence’. (3) They have been reasonably successful so far."

Constance Cumbey said...

TO YesNaSpanishTown

Yes, I fully agree. The bickering is extremely distracting as well as bad form. Thank you for saying it!


Constance Cumbey said...

IMPORTANT Reuters article up today, "Turf Wars threaten plan for EU diplomatic service."


Unknown said...

So, nine interviews so far. On the same program. I think I have a better chance winning the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes than finding out who this guy is. If he is real and if anything Benny says is actually true.

Unknown said...

It seems like without Solana the EU is falling apart.

Anonymous said...

Constance, if anyone used the words to describe you that Rob of London has described me with more than once on this blog, I would hope that someone would come to your defense. Are you so desperate for posters that you will allow that kind of insult to take place over and over again with only the kind of warning you would give to kindergarteners who misbehaved at lunch time. I've been your friend for just about 30 years now. I've defended you many times when others have made nasty cracks about you. I think I deserve better from you.



Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a distraction taking people away from posting about the New Age movement. I refer you back to the Anonymous post at 3:35 with its good advice.


JD said...


Thanks, it seems these days this place goes from one squabble to the next without missing a beat. Mike seems eager to learn about what is transpiring as do a few others who I have spoken with through private email. One poster got blasted for posting something which they were unaware was bad, without a explanation as to why. We all must remember that much of this material is very deceptive and not all have the levels of knowledge that others do.

Thankfully the same person had sent me the material in a email, which gave me a opportunity to explain the origins of said material and why it needed to be discarded. I also went to great effort to put over others here as good teachers for someone begining to learn about the subjects discussed here. I am not singling this person out because I am not sure they would be comfortable with me doing so. We are once again begining to see fresh faces around here, in this day we need to try to keep them around by teaching them what we know properly and respectively.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 3:35, I hear what your saying. Yesnaspanishtown, I take note of what your saying also, and apologise for my part in this to all bystanders, and more over to Constance whose blog it is.

Constance, once more I express my deep sorrow in this matter. I think I have not dealt with this as well as I might have. I know I owe you a very profound and humble apology here. You are well within your rights to tell me to leave and not return, although I rarely post nowadays. I could not, however, sit back and watch as somebody was bullied. Sorry.

I will, if I may be so boldly presumptious, email you about this matter. If I could learn just a little of the patience you have perhaps I would not get so embroiled so easily.

I pray God continues to bless you mightily.

The Peace and Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always,

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Constance, once more I express my deep sorrow in this matter. I think I have not dealt with this as well as I might have. I know I owe you a very profound and humble apology here. You are well within your rights to tell me to leave and not return, although I rarely post nowadays. I could not, however, sit back and watch as somebody was bullied. Sorry.

I will, if I may be so boldly presumptious, email you about this matter. If I could learn just a little of the patience you have perhaps I would not get so embroiled so easily.

I pray God continues to bless you mightily.

The Peace and Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always,

Rob in London.

Susanna said...

Constance 4:17 P.M.

LOL I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw that one!

I would not have DARED to post it here without a link to the actual article.

I agree that it was partly done with a view to increasing the tourist trade of Spain, Portugal, Greece, and southern France!

Look where poeple are going to be encouraged to go on these " vacations!"

Anonymous said...

To All

When AI posted for the first time even on this blog I referred to Constance video I was not rude in my comments and I was concerned about other how they would see it. I didn't judge Constance only protecting this site.

I then used a koala as my signature as I'm a fun loving person and an Aussie I have used the koala for yrs never in my time have I ever came across as smutty or dirty minded my mother is 80 and she things Anomy should get her mind out of the gutter... as you attacked me over and over again. I complied did i not?

I then put up a comment about the earthquakes ... I was called an apostate only after posting what I had.

Dorothy I love God very much and how did you put it.. I come across of been need to be rescued. This is not the case but I think ppl are intelligent to see what was taking place here.

Culture differences is playing a part here ... how many Aussies do you know I would be interested to know..
Have you visited Aust?

As for Rob and other that came to my defense, they saw the unfairness so defended me. I had no correspondence out side of here and what.... I said thank you to them, I was humbled.
Rescue me they did as Christians.

Rob please don't reply just let it go, you have been a gentleman and a true believer allow them to get on with it in a nice way I mean. My family came from Hull, your mind set is the same as here in Aust.

No disrespect for the US ppl the language culture is different to us. I have a friend who came from Michigan lakes area been here for 3yrs now and she still has trouble understanding us, how can I expect you to...this is not a put down in any way shape or form.

Please.. I wish you peace and Gods love on you all.


JD said...


Kind of funny you posted this piece, while I posted a piece about the UN peacekeeping funds for Haiti, in which a large section goes to lavish vacations. Apparently the UN also believes this is a right, one that should be paid for by tax payers globally. I find it funny how many times you and I can be working in completely different directions, yet coincidently end up on the same page! lol

Susanna said...

JD 6:37

LOL We are on the same wavelength so often, it would be downright scary if it were not for the intent and purpose of the work we have been doing together.

As for the "vacation" caper, I wonder if microfinancing will be a factor?

If you think I am pulling your leg, read the following. :-)


Susanna said...



I posted the article about tourism and microfinance in its entirety over at your blog.

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to clarify something. The Christianity I hold dear is that which is defended by people who include Warren Smith, Ray Yungen and Roger Oakland. That is, I stand opposed to the emergent so-called church and its deceptions. I am sure you are already aware of this regarding me.

I am not against structure in the Church, and believe deference to Church elders is proper, yet our tutor is really the Holy Spirit, and so deference should never mean acquiesence of faculty and spiritual discernment, because whereas others can certainly teach us by the Holy Spirit guiding them to teach us, we must test the spirits to see whether or not they are from God, and whether or not they deviate from Holy Scripture in its entirety. Where an elder deviates, or a perceived elder leads astray, it is a Christian's duty no matter what station he or she is believed by others to have, to gently point out, correct, refute, or even in the severest of instances, rebuke, otherwise to walk away. For we should obey God rather than man.

This is what I believe.

Thank you for your generosity in patience and kindness in this matter.

God bless you.

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, closest I've come to Australia is reading a book by a hitchhiker who made a very long master trip through the outback. He lived in one of the bigger cities and just decided to do it. I got a picture of hearty, strong willed, tough, survivors. Independent, honest, blunt, make no excuses kind of people. Long stretches of road that didn't look like roads. Lots of beer drinking from coolers and in bars. I don't remember the name of the book and it's in one of the many, many boxes of books that I have. A long time ago I met some people who came to Chicago for a visit. They lived in one of the major cities. It didn't seem they were very different than city dwellers here in the US.

I know there is much New Age activity in Australia. For instance,

Far right groups have a strong foothold there, leading in recent years to a growth in antisemitism.

Jenny I read your posts and had nothing to say to you or about you for the longest time. My interest is in the New Age movement when it comes to this blog. Your name appears just under 50 times in the 106 posts on thread alone, never adding one new piece of information on the New Age movement. That's not very polite.

You asked. I answered.


Constance Cumbey said...

Links I have found with San'Egidio include:

Interreligious "dialogue"
Martin Palmer
World Bank
Javier Solana

It is looking increasingly to me as though San'Egidio might be the 'harmonic convergence' of many things.


Constance Cumbey said...


I am not retired and I confess to not having read everything, but it appears to me as though there's plenty of rancor on all sides to go around and I personally wish everybody would lower the temperature in the room. Above all, we all need to develop thicker skins and avoid pettiness.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous L:

Fascinating information! Thanks for that and the kind words.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous L:

Fascinating information! Thanks for that and the kind words.


Constance Cumbey said...

For the record,

I have no plans whatsoever to throw London; Australia; Chicago/Monee, Illinois; Nice, France; New Zealand, etc. off this blogspot forum. NEW AGE MOVEMENT information is an important component here, but it is NOT the sole topic.

Now, for the umpteenth time, why don't we all stop sniping, biting and devouring each other (to put it in Biblical parlance) and try to agreeably disagree.


Anonymous said...

I'll call the words to your attention since you use the excuse you don't read everything.

At 2:39 Rob in London wrote:

"Dorothy, you are a slanderer, a false-accuser, a destroyer, a liar, and a bitter control freak filled with rage, with lustful perverted thoughts which in your envy and lack of love you project onto others,and you obey your father the Devil. I will pray for you."

You wrote:
"Now, for the umpteenth time, why don't we all stop sniping, biting and devouring each other (to put it in Biblical parlance) and try to agreeably disagree."

Since everyone knows me by name, probably the only person posting here who is constantly referred to by my full name and today you added my home town to the information available about me. Everyone knows that I'm Jewish and the line "your father the Devil" is strait antisemitism. Let me suggest that since this is your blog, at this point you are being a party to libel.

libel legal definition of libel. libel synonyms by the Free Online ...
libel 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to ... - Cached

You still haven't defended me. Skip the excuses. No one has asked you to throw anyone off. You are not above criticism when it is warranted. I have no intention of leaving this blog. I've contributed probably less than you have to the battle against New Age, but I've also put in 30 years of hard work. Is that how you treat a co-worker in the battle? With weasel words after they have been libeled on your blog?

An apology and a defense would be appreciated. Your character is on the line.


Anonymous said...
1. Mass GOP convention nominates most pro-gay Governor, Lt. Governor candidates in history. Shuns challenger who promised "pro-family" judges. Conservatives sell out in droves.

The Massachusetts Republican Party has nominated the most extreme pro-homosexual, anti-family candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor ever to run as Republicans for a state's top offices. Predictably, the results were greeted by cheers in homosexual blogs and websites across the country. The delegates to the Massachusetts State Republican Convention last Saturday overwhelmingly nominated Charlie Baker for Governor and his hand-picked running mate Richard Tisei for Lt. Governor.

As some observers put it, the RINO takeover of the Massachusetts Republican party is now complete. Vast numbers of social conservatives essentially sold out their principles in favor of the party establishment's wishes.

Charlie Baker publicly supports homosexual "marriage" and abortion. While CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care the company had a policy of supporting "gender identity or expression." In 2008 Harvard Pilgrim scored a perfect 100% from the national homosexual group Human Rights Campaign for its employment policies. (This means it even paid for employees' "sex-change" procedures!)

Baker's fiscal history is also troubling. He was Gov. Bill Weld's budget chief during the expansion of the "Big Dig" -- the most expensive public works project in history -- in the 1990s. For the last ten years Baker has made millions as head of Harvard Pilgrim, as premiums went up by several times the rate of inflation. Baker also supports the Quinn Bill, seen as a fiscal boondoggle by many conservatives. (more at the link)

The battles against the New Age movement agenda needs to continue to be fought.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,

I don't know if you are new to this blog, I used to post regularly too but no longer, only occasionally checking things out. Just when I think the personal attacks and biases will be gone it comes out like someone did to you and I vacate.

Monte Judah is a highly respected and learned Torah teacher. And GLC is a MARVELOUS source for true Scriptural knowledge. That doesn't mean that we must agree 100% with any one teacher, none of us is Yahshuah and according to The Bible, He's our only spiritual authority under The Heavenly Father YHVH. Please continue to study these magnificent teachers. We love and learn and discern. Pray and check the Scriptures daily to see if these things be true like a good Berean. You'll find most of their teachings are awe-inspiring and fabulous.

That I recall, I never got a response to any postings such as yours on the Monte Judah teaching on GLC. Sad, because it's spot on with prophecy and current events.

If you watch a few hours of GLC you'll most likely know more about the Scriptures than most church goers learn in a lifetime of pew warming. And you'll be more informed on the things to come and when than most too.

I'm not sure what the reference was by anonymous about apostates and you being free. But if studying the whole Bible is considered apostate, then let me be the first in line. If living like Yahshuah is apostate, then I am happy to stand guilty as charged. If actually following the directions found in The Bible is apostate - let me be counted amongst the greatest apostates.

Peace and blessings

Anonymous said...


Sorry the last post was meant for Amanda and Jenny.

Anonymous said...

David in Battle Creek....

I'm sure it's just a "coincidence"...but Raj Patel has nine (9) videos posted on his blog page. These nine interviews, originally seen on different programs and networks, are all sourced from the same internet channel, (Youtube).

Stranger still, some would say hilarious, is this Swedish television ad...which would seem to be a parody of the whole Raj Patel /Maitreya thing:


But parody or not, keep in mind, we are talking about the "smiling Buddha".


Anonymous said...

Alzheimer's drugs cause brain damage and actually worsen memory loss...

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Leiter shared the following story and wrote:
This is eye-opening. The tool of choice for Population Controllers:
Contraceptives - the PC weapon of mass-destruction.

So this is what the Pop-controllers mean when they push 'family-planning' as a (final) solution to the population "problem."

Now, how do you say that in German? or

The world's deadliest killer, HIV/AIDS, and the Birth Control Pill have been carrying on a secret and deadly "love affair" for decades. While women swallowed their “freedom” with the morning orange juice, studies that should have made global headlines yellowed in medical journals, unknown to the general public. Only doctors learned about the pills deadly affair with HIV/AIDS, and they were too busy writing prescriptions for hormonal contraceptives to talk.

"More than 50 medical studies, to date, have investigated the association of hormonal contraceptive use and HIV/AIDS infection. The studies show that hormonal contraceptives—the oral pill and Depo-Provera—increase almost all known risk factors for HIV, from upping a woman's risk of infection, to increasing the replication of the HIV virus, to speeding the debilitating and deadly progression of the disease.1

"A medical trial published in the journal AIDS in 2009—monitoring HIV progression by the need for antiretroviral drugs (ART)—saw “the risk of becoming eligible for ART was almost 70% higher in women taking the pills and more than 50% higher in women using DMPA [Depo-Provera] than in women using IUDS.”....."
(more at link)

Anonymous said...

Nick Clegg in Nazi slur on Britain as he claims 'our delusions of grandeur' at winning war are more a cross to bear than German guilt...

Nick Clegg has claimed that the British people have ‘a more insidious cross to bear’ than Germany over the Second World War.

In an astonishing attack on our national pride, the Liberal Democrat leader said we suffered from ‘delusions of grandeur’ and a ‘misplaced sense of superiority’ over having defeated the horrors of Nazism.

He said we found it hard to accept that Germany had become a ‘vastly more prosperous nation’ and that ‘we need to be put back in our place.’

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:26am

Thank you. Also, recently I was presented with an article on the fact that the pill can be a form of abortion. When it fails to prevent an egg from being released and fertilized, it prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine wall. This has long been known of IUD's but most people believed that the pill was a pre-fertilization method of birth control.

Those who are wholly opposed to abortion should carefully and prayerfully consider their use of the pill.

In summary, according to multiple references throughout The Physician's Desk Reference, which articulate the research findings of all the birth control pill manufacturers, there are not one but three mechanisms of birth control pills:
1. inhibiting ovulation (the primary mechanism),
2. thickening the cervical mucus, thereby making it more difficult for sperm to travel to the egg, and
3. thinning and shriveling the lining of the uterus to the point that it is unable or less able to facilitate the implantation of the newly fertilized egg.

Anonymous said...

From World Net Daily...

Article on raising awareness of the reality that 176,000 Christians have been martyred (killed for their faith) in a one year period from mid-2008 to mid-2009. That's 482 deaths per day, and one every 3 minutes.


mac said...

Dorothy is correct; Australia is swimming in New Age and apostasy. This is all too common around here - a news clip from a local paper:

A NEW minister at Northcote Uniting Church will focus on helping children explore their spirituality. Alexandra Sangster recently took up a part-time position at the church alongside long-time minister Daryl Colless, who retires to Castlemaine in the next year or two.

‘‘There are a lot of young families in Northcote but there is not much happening in the area of kids’ spirituality,’’ Ms Sangster said. ‘‘Children are born with a sense of wonder (she is the mother of a seven-month-old baby and children 3 and 4).’’

On the second Sunday of each month, Ms Sangster plans to hold child-orientated sessions titled ‘‘Sacred Child Sacred Space’’ during which she will share ‘‘faith stories’’.

Her ministry would be progressive and inclusive and although based on the Christian tradition, she would also encourage exploration of Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, indigenous, Hindu and other pathways to God.

‘‘I will invite people from different faith traditions to talk to the kids about what it’s like to be a Buddhist, for example,’’ she said.

‘‘The essence of Christianity is about love, hospitality and grace. There’s nothing exclusive about that story.’’

Ms Sangster, an Abbotsford resident with a background in professional acting and drama teaching, said she was looking forward to getting involved in Darebin’s arts community.

‘‘The arts are a powerful way of connecting people into a sense of the sacred,’’ she said.

Jenny said...

Dear Constance I'm done here I have more important issues regarding my health and well been..
Anon you win like you always do that is why your nick is anony... will is satisfy you to say i'm a wicked women apostate having evil intentions.
Constance I sent you an email explaining my situation not looking for nothing only shedding light and understanding. Also a photo of me after recovering from sickness.

Please if you don't mind how many ppl come here and read and not post... I was one of them and when I did I got beaten up time and time again and held no malice..

I posted about the earth quake I thought I was safe in my post but no I was called apostate.
God cleans out the house of God first and if He used me to do so, so be it. I ask a Question
Who's blog is it?..I believe it's Gods first and for-most then us..

I believe God is in the mist of doing something great here...we need to learn from one another and have open hearts..

As I said I'm ashamed of not posting on new age.. I don't understand it all and it takes time to digest it. In saying that I inform others of what I do know, whether it be JS EU etc...

For the record I never in my wildest dreams could sabotage this blog and one day you will know when we stand before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord for it to be so.

The battle is won by lifting Jesus higher in the mist of thee. Joy, Joy, Joy is the victory.

Please excuse me God Bless you all in the wonderful name of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I forgive you Dorothy.

I am writing this not to return to dialectic with you, for I shall remain silent, God willing, afterward but to explain for your understanding, and so that no-one here is left with the impression that Constance has let me get away with an anti-Semitic slur, which she has NOT!

My points are not Anti-Semitic; Jesus Christ, Himself both God and man and as man, Jewish, said them to the Pharisees.

The chapter begins:

John 8 (King James Version)

1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Lster Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour rebukes the pharasees who have been afterward trying and testing Him:

John 8:43-45 (King James Version)

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

I will now continue to hold my silence.

God bless you Dorothy, if my words hurt you I am sorry but there was a reason for them, though with a little less anger from me and a little more patience I may have tempered them better. I hope and pray you find peace in this matter.

God bless all here,
I pray and hope as all do for this to stop.

Rob in London.

Jenny said...

Dear Rob

God's word/scriptures never come back to Him void. You are a true believer in Jesus and a defender of the faith Rob. Only prayer will change things and melt the pains and hurts which is out there. we stand not alone but have a redeemer watching over us. Amen!!

Anon 12:52
Thank you I have been coming here for 2yrs I said 3 earlier in a post but my mind plays tricks at times. Sorry not intentional.

I will look up Monte Judah as you requested. Thank you and Bless you.

Anonymous said...

So those things are not happening in the US then Mac? Tell me something on the scale and tragedy of Waco, Jim Jones, the
Oregon community of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the Mormons, the JWs, to name just a very few.

Take the log out of your own eye first matie!

God bless Australia!

I have had it here.

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Jenny be careful of Monte Judah, it sounds cultish to me. Please research about the Hebrew Roots movement and its false teachings. you can, I'm sure, by good books on it exposing it. Remember that the serpent was the subtlest beast of the field. Trust the Holy Bible that you have, in its entirety, do not add, nor take away. Trust in Jesus Christ and his peace. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide you. For there is no difference between Greek nor Jew for those in Jesus Christ. If you are unsure, pray and read your Bible completely and thoroughly. Do not let anyone lead you astray through vain philosophy, or because of a lack of knowledge of the Bible.

The Hebrew Roots Movement is a cult, as is the JWs, we serve Jesus Christ, and we do not have to say His Name in Hebrew or Aramaic. Remember to that our Sabbath in in Christ Jesus who has fulfilled the law, completed and perfected it, and all which came before was a mere shadow of that which was to come on Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Please, please read ALL of the Holy Bible. LET NO-ONE LEAD YOU ASTRAY, however well-intentioned they may be. Please forgive me for my patronising tone here, I do not want to see you go astray through a lack of knowledge, test the spirits to see if they are of God. Research them thoroughly, and test all with Holy Scripture. Pray on matters of uncertainty for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding.

God bless you Jenny,

my email is

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Just so that NO-ONE twists my words here, I wrote:

"The Hebrew Roots Movement is a cult, as is the JWs, we serve Jesus Christ..."

I shall clarify so as no cofusion arises.

1) I reject JWs it is a CULT!

2) Likewise, I reject Hebrew Roots Movement. It is also a CULT!

Both of these cults take away from the glory of God that belongs to Jesus Christ, by His Deity, and by His finished work at the cross.

God bless,

I am outta here.

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

be careful of Monte Judah, it sounds cultish to me.

Please research about the Hebrew Roots movement and its false teachings.

you can, I'm sure, buy good books on it exposing it. Remember that the serpent was the subtlest beast of the field. Trust the Holy Bible that you have, in its entirety, do not add, nor take away. Trust in Jesus Christ and his peace. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide you.

For there is no difference between Greek nor Jew for those in Jesus Christ.

If you are unsure, pray and read your Bible completely and thoroughly. Do not let anyone lead you astray through vain philosophy, or because of a lack of knowledge of the Bible.

The Hebrew Roots Movement, just like the JWs and Mormons, is a cult.

We serve Jesus Christ, and we do not have to say His Name in Hebrew or Aramaic. Remember too that our Sabbath is resting in Christ Jesus who has fulfilled the law, completed and perfected it, and all which came before was a mere shadow of that which was to come in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Please, please read ALL of the Holy Bible. LET NO-ONE LEAD YOU ASTRAY, however well-intentioned they may be. Please forgive me for my patronising tone here, I do not want to see you go astray through a lack of knowledge, test the spirits to see if they are of God. Research them thoroughly, and test all with Holy Scripture. Pray on matters of uncertainty for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding.

God bless you Jenny,

my email is

Rob in London.

Jenny said...

Dear Rob and Mac

Yes their is many who don't believe following a different drum In Australia but as Rob said its rife everywhere. Mac if you live in Aust as you know it's not a Godly Country any more. Where I live in SA it was called the City of churches now they are houses.. not all some of them. My family and I don't go to church as I see the world creeping in and taking over and leaving Jesus out on the steps out side. When you try to explain what is happening they look at you as if your barmy lost your marbles etc... this is happening in many place as Jesus said it would.

My Children long for fellowship but there is only a few ppl who are open to what is going on in the churches today. I don't want them exposed more then they should.

Jesus Said this would happen in the last days. We need to watch every step we take and not follow a drum that is not in time with God. Amen!

God bless you

Jenny said...

Dear Rob

WOW... God is so good I'm jumping for Joy brother and answer to prayer in deed WOWWWWWWWWW

oops.. sorry for been so excited just now

email coming...

God bless you brother

Jenny said...

Dear Rob
Sent email to you bounced back.

Blessing in Jesus

Unknown said...

Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device.

Registry, and which states its purpose as:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of post market safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you sure had be careful of Monte Judah. In the first place he used to have an affiliation, of sorts, with Brother Ralph Stair in Walterboro, South Carolina. And Brother Stair, as he calls himself, is a criminal. I seem to remember that Judah is a pseudo-Jew. I used to receive his newsletter, and Stair's too. A little research on those two would curl your hair.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jenny,

I had not it written down properly [having written, I should've written]

Please try again.


God bless you,


Jenny said...

Javier Solana Called To Create More Global Management Structures

This is from Born to watch

The former High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (EU), Javier Solana, today urged to build more structures to manage the total business, with the help of all world regions .

By participating in the seminar "From Rio de Janeiro to Madrid, a decade after, organized by the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB), Spanish politician said" has not yet been able to create mechanisms to govern the multipolarity. "

"We are very far from knowing how to do with this structure and reach the goal of making it effectively," he said.

He explained that the realization that the world has ceased to be unipolar, "is something positive and are happy with that," but warned of the urgency of knowing how to manage to "know how to drive this without creating more problems."

Abounded that this occurs in a scenario of global problems requiring global solutions, "but there is no drive for it because the national legitimacy."

Solana noted that despite United Nations efforts on many issues, and the G-20 in the topic of economic crisis, "still need to coordinate groups of countries based on their common elements, history, values and seek a common future. "

He also said that international relations are currently developing scenarios "within transfers of power between Member States and do not necessarily have things in common, and there was a different world view."

He acknowledged there are difficulties and differences on many issues, and they are an economic crisis, "but to pass these problems must be exploited and not lose the historic opportunity."

Javier is still in the driving seat.. in waiting

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jenny,

I had not written it down properly [having written, I should've written]

Please try again.

God bless you,


Constance Cumbey said...

Interestingly, among the many San'Egidio communities, there is one in Madrid:

Comunidad de San Egidio‎
c/Olivar 1, locales, 28012 Madrid, Spain
91 369 09 56‎ – 913 896 508‎ (Fax)


JD said...

On Monte Judah,

Monte is a Messianic, while there are others here that are far more knowledgable on this group, I recommend caution. Messianic Judaism IS a blended religion after all, and with New Age goals of blending religions, some of the ties between interfaith and messianics one needs to be carefull. Let us not forget there are Messianic Muslims as well that seem to have come up out of nowhere as well. Also I have seen both groups claim that christians are in err when it comes to the purpose of Jesus and His ministry. Not to mention that both groups use completely different names for Him.

Constance Cumbey said...


I agree that Rob's words to you (and I note he does not know you personally, as do I) are bad, intemperate, but obviously written in the heat of emotional anger. I noticed he used the phrase "slanderer." What was allegedly said to him that he responded with "slanderer," if anything?


Constance Cumbey said...

Somebody called me the other day who had gone to a Raj Patel book lecture/event and had him autograph his book while talking with him. He said he was charming and very nice to him, however, he was very coy about the "Maitreya" thing and he noticed he never denied it -- only laughed about it.]

I still don't know what to make about it. Wonder if Raj Patel has any dealings with the San'Egidio community?


Jenny said...

Anon @7:47

Thank you for your input. Don't know names and affiliates with who's is who I want to learn names.

God bless you hun

Anonymous said...


I understand the balanced and fair thread, you have posted at 8:41 AM.
I have no problem with it, and am secure you have posted it in love and peacemaking.

I would, however, like to answer your point.

'What was allegedly said to him that he responded with "slanderer," if anything?'

I was not defending myself here on this point, but was defending Jenny and her right not to have her reputation smeared. There was no evidence to reasonably substantiate the implications of such, therefore, I believe that what Jenny was subjected to was an act of slander [or libel as may technically be the case].

Thank you for your patience in letting me clear my reasons for using the term 'slanderer'.

Having said all that, in the heat of the moment, I should have stopped, prayed, waited, and been more temperate, not repaying like with like.

Thank you and I am sorry for this. I shall leave you in peace.

May the Love and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

God bless all here. Take care.

Rob in London.

Jenny said...

Dear Rob

I sent you an Email.

God bless you

Rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thank you Jenny.

I have replied to you.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

To all here,

I doubt I'll post for a while.

If or when ever I do; my name will be highlighted from now on to save probems.

God bless,

Rob. The Foreigner

Rob said...

To all here,

I doubt I'll post for a while.

If or when ever I do; my name will be highlighted from now on to save probems.

God bless,

Rob. The Foreigner

Anonymous said...

That Swedish TV ad is one of those trick photo shop programs where anybody’s face can appear out of the envelope. Anyone can appear in this video as “the hero”. That’s why the individual’s name is never mentioned.

That IS the point. Anybody can be “the one”, anybody can be “god”, even an “average bloke” such as Raj Patel.

Well, duh, that’s what the NAM has been telling us since it's inception.


Unknown said...


I suspected Raj Patel would somehow line up with Benny's description. I'm glad you're staying on top of it.

Baigent sounds like he's talking about the same "sword of cleavage" as Mr. Creme (or the crazy hallucinagenic voice in his head). We need to find some dramatic music to match to scenes that are going on all around the world in terms of the New age movement and prophecy.

Anonymous said...

My favorite,,,,


Susanna said...

Dear Constance,

FYI, the Sant'Egidio Community is seen as left-leaning in both Church and Italian political circles.

The following article is from an Italian Catholic publication called "CHIESA." The late Carrie Tomko provided a link to the CHIESA website at her blog.


Franco de Courten, Italy´s ambassador in Algiers from 1996 to 1998, published his memoirs in a highly critical account of the religious community´s work.

by Sandro Magister

ROMA - A new development arises in the St. Egidio community controversy. Two new books address the issue. One in favor. And one against.

The author of the book in favor the community is Thomas Cahill, a Catholic writer from New York. It was released in Italy before Christmas under the title "Desiderio delle colline eterne" ("Desire of Everlasting Hills"). The book sketches the figure of Jesus and the uniqueness of Christianity as creators of civilization and history. The text regarding the St. Egidio community is found in the book´s enthusiastic final pages. Cahill points out that the Rome-based religious community is the most authentic form of Christianity put into practice, the quintessence of the true Church.

The book against it concerns St. Egidio´s international political activity, which has earned the community more notoriety in the world and the nickname, "the U.N. of Trastevere" (Trastevere is a district in Rome and home to the community´s general headquarters). One of the stages for of its international efforts was Algeria in the 1990s (in the photo: bargaining table discussions in Rome). Yet it was not crowned a success. Due to the effects and manner in which it carried out its activities, the community was severely criticized by Algerian bishops and the Vatican secretary of state.


Susanna said...


But now criticism arrives from an exceptional source, Franco de Courten, Italy´s ambassador to Algeria from 1996 to 1998.

De Courten published his diaries of those years in a book (Rubbettino publ.) in which the St. Egidio community is mentioned more than a few times. The first time was recorded after a meeting between the ambassador himself and the archbishop of Algiers, Henri Teissier, who was absolutely opposed to the community´s efforts. De Courten wholly agreed with the archbishop´s criticisms and maintained them before the Italian government. Back then Romano Prodi headed the government, supported by a center-left coalition with the PDS (Italy´s Democratic Party of the Left, heir to the Italian Communist Party) as holding the majority in parliament. The then foreign minister was Lamberto Dini; and one of the noteworthy undersecretaries was Piero Fassino - now secretary to the Left Democrats, PDS´s revised name.

Ambassador de Courten´s memoirs tell us that the Italian foreign affairs ministry was very sensitive to St. Egidio´s lobbying action to garner support. The community also put pressure on Italian oil company directors. And both types of pressure resulted in the ambassador´s early summons to Rome, as he was the main person opposed to the community´s action.

The Ambassador´s exoneration came in the spring of 1998. Yet instead of a smooth road for the community, problems started for St. Egidio. That year foreign minister Dini visited Algeria and renounced - after having supported it for so long - the community´s "parallel diplomacy". Reprimands also poured forth from the Vatican - not only because of activities related to its international policies, but for those of a strictly religious nature in relation to life inside the community. What´s more, that very spring "L´espresso" magazine published the first major inquiry about the community, shaking it from within and without the organization. For St. Egidio 1998 is thus remembered as the "annus horribilis", to which the publication of ambassador de Courten´s memoirs is now added.

Below we report passages from his "Algeria Diaries: 1996-98" (Rubbettino publ.) describing St. Egidio´s involvement in the Algeria situation:


Susanna said...


From the memoirs of the Italian ambassador in Algiers

by Franco de Courten

December 14 1996

I went to visit the archbishop of Algiers, Msgr. [Henri] Teissier. [...] He had particularly harsh words to say about "some Algerian political exponents who, by taking advantage of terrorism and proposing negotiations with extremists, wanted to rise to positions of power." From his references to the so-called "St. Egidio Group" and particularly to Aït Ahmed´s FFS party, I understood clearly what he meant. [...] By "St. Egidio Group" he meant Algerian political parties (not all of them and especially not government representatives) which in Rome in 1994, via an initiative proposed by St. Egidio (an organization normally concerned with helping the poor) and with our government´s own quiet blessing, had signed their names to a political platform with some FIS [Islamic Salvation Front] exponents. The purpose of the platform was to reach a negotiated solution to the Algerian crisis. Immediately afterward, things had changed substantially; some of the signing parties became disassociated and the Islamist participants were ever the more marginalized, saying in public statements they refused to abandon armed conflict. Meanwhile terrorism raged all the more. Even if the initiative failed (and nobody doubts this), St. Egidio has continued in all ways and in every community to re-launch the idea and to seek dialog and negotiation. Perhaps at Trastevere [in Rome], among other things, the community fails to see the circumstances that Algerians find hard to accept when a Catholic organization interferes in the internal affairs of an Islamic country! [...] I don´t have clear ideas about such relations, if they exist at all, between the [Italian foreign affairs] ministry and the community. Certainly [undersecretary Rino] Serri seems against any St. Egidio interference, and this I find comforting.

January 28 1997

Algerians had huge problems with an interview about Algeria which in my view was a mistake. The interview was given by [Piero] Fassino, one of the foreign affairs undersecretaries and appeared in the [Italian leftist daily] "L´Unità". [...] I fear that both Aït Ahmed and St. Egidio´s positions are given too much attention and without deep consideration in Rome and within the PDS [of which Fassino is a member]. [...] I was urgently summoned to the Algerian ministry of foreign affairs, [...] where Ambassador [Amar] Bendjama told me if Rome "intends to reopen the St. Egidio Group, it is free to do so. But it must expect crisis to occur between the two countries."


Susanna said...


March 27 1997

The archbishop spoke poorly about St. Egidio. Among other things he asked me if the Italian government was behind the community´s foreign " policy." [...] Msgr. Teissier vehemently expressed his disappointment regarding the content of a book written on the Algeria situation. It was a book recently published in Italy by St. Egidio community exponents. [...] He told me that book contained affirmations (some of which were false) which might jeopardize the safety of his colleagues, not to mention the French, and to some degree, even the Italian community in Algeria. Teissier said he felt embittered, since some exponents of the St. Egidio community had once upon a time been taken in and received at the archbishop´s residence without expecting any precarious malevolence to result. According to him it was now clear that the community, which for years had maintained contacts in Algeria, has the FFS president, Aït Ahmed, as its exclusive point of reference; it therefore positions itself along a certain political stance, with the risk of politically labeling itself, directly or indirectly, as an instigator of violence [...] Everyone knows the bishop (and I see it has does) and St. Egidio are heading on a collision course, due to their completely different views on Algerian affairs. Who knows what the Holy See has to say: I can´t ask the nuncio about it. He escaped to Tunisia at the beginning of the crisis, arousing negative commentary from within the diplomatic body.

April 12 1997

I am writing to Rome [...] about my views on the Algerian problem and our relations with the country. Currently there is no civil war in Algeria, but rather a situation of terrorism. From this it follows that initiatives of the sort proposed by St. Egidio have no sense at the moment.

April 28 1997

I spend hours with my colleagues trying to understand what is going on inside the [Italian foreign affairs] ministry and to capture the real meaning behind its passivity. Surely Serri and [Boris] Biancheri share the government´s original political stance. Fassino, [Umberto] Vattani and [Amedeo] De Franchis seem strongly influenced by St. Egidio´s position, while PDS feelings are probably split on account of the recognition enjoyed by Aït Ahmed within the International Socialist body. Perhaps [foreign minister Lamberto] Dini still hasn´t decided yet and ENI [Italy´s National Hydrocarbon Holding] mistakenly believes that it can keep doing business with Algeria despite politics. [...] Meanwhile, massacres continue to occur - in an ever more brutal fashion. At the end of the day, they are involved (I never tire of repeating it). By they, I mean those who, in their fanaticism and arrogance, claim to dialog with protectors of terrorists, with those who are credited with an unshakeable faith, with pure and firm beliefs, according certain integralist Catholics and former Marxists.


Susanna said...


October 5 1997

Dini [...] released statements angering Algerians, since he crudely mentioned the "necessity for dialog among the three conflicting parties" according to St. Egidio´s rules. The general secretary to the foreign ministry summoned me to his office and said [...] that minister Dini´s words constituted a "victory for terrorists: the more terrorists kill, the more the international community puts undue pressure on Algeria."

October 7 1997

Now I have a strong feeling that Dini, in all his surprising and unexpected public statements, has definitely changed policies (and what about the government?), thereby accepting St. Egidio´s position as valid. The same thing must have also occurred within the PDS. There are too many signs that lead me to believe this.

December 28 1997

[Mr. Agostino] Capanna, a high ranking director at AGIP [Italy´s national oil company], [...] told me that some St. Egidio exponents had come to them seeking funding and "collaboration", which they had been denied.

January 5 1998

Terrible news has arrived of another slaughter of civilians in a small village. [...] The Italian press and television, which don´t have correspondents here, whirled off sensationalistic comments. They manipulated facts and hysterically asked for a not so well-defined intervention by Europeans. They demanded openness to dialog among the battling parties, that is, between the government and terrorist groups. Soon they´ll demand sending gunships. Once again, some accused the government of participating in the massacres, without providing the least bit of serious evidence. [...] One side of public opinion is highly influenced by the International Socialist body, where Aït Ahmed´s position and spite have the greatest acceptance as well as by Catholic organizations, like St. Egidio. [...] Lately I expressed my firm opinion in telegrams sent to Rome, comforted by the fact that my views were shared by my European colleagues. In them I expressed the type of firmness which should be ever more persuasive, if nothing else, to restore balance to our mass media´s imbalance. However, I shiver at the thought of how decisively the morning newspaper is read with coffee and croissant in hand by those who have power over me and whom I doubt even read my correspondence.


Susanna said...


February 7 1998

According to Italian newspapers, the St. Egidio community would have reissued a proposal for a meeting between Algerian political parties so as to discuss and resolve this country´s situation: that is, a second edition of the failed 1994 Rome Contract which weighed heavily on relations between the two governments. Here they get upset and I refer the issue to the ministry [...] I point out that St. Egidio´s initiatives continue to be decisively shunned and rejected not only by the Algerian government, but also by the three parties forming the government´s coalition and by Saïd Sadi´s RCD party. In favor, however, are FFS and Luisa Hanoune´s party, while Ennhada (the other more radical Islamic party) currently shows itself to be rather ambiguous, despite having signed Rome platform in its day.

April 16 1998

While I was in Italy I was alerted to the fact that council of ministers had decided to summon me to the ministry. This was done without any prior warning or explanation: an absolutely unusual procedure at the Farnesina [ministry of foreign affair headquarters]. I insistently asked to know the reason behind their action. The answer they gave me [...] was that the decision was personally taken by Dini. I found out from my successor that, afterward, both undersecretary Fassino and general secretary Vattani were implicated in the affair. I am right in maintaining that St. Egidio was behind the event along with whoever supported the community´s position, both inside and outside the ministry, to gain backing for its internal policies.

May 30 1998

I received confirmation from sources outside the ministry that behind the decision of Dini and others was the desire of certain St. Egidio directors to humiliate someone who proved inconvenient and hostile to their plans.

June 14 1998

The Austrian ambassador came to me this morning, visibly agitated and embarrassed. He told me that his colleague, an ambassador in Rome to the Holy See, a few weeks ago sent him St. Egidio´s request to receive his reports on Algeria. Not having any instructions from Vienna for such a request, he at first refused, but later after noticing his ministry´s extremely tough attitude toward Algeria and particular attention directed at the Trastevere community, he wanted to ask my opinion and advice. [...] I made it clear to him the meaning of the triangle involving Aït Ahmed, the International Socialist body and St. Egidio. I told him that according to some sources the latter´s activism was also due to the community´s desire to win the Nobel peace prize. I advised him to be very careful, if he didn´t want to end up like me. He left my office more bent out of shape and pale than before.


Susanna said...


June 24 1998

Dini´s will pay a visit [to Algeria]. [...] I wrote to the Farnesina that it was necessary to clearly disassociate our government from St. Egidio´s foreign policy initiatives meant for Algeria, which I believed were not only useless buy even harmful to relations between the two countries.

June 30 1998

P.S. Dini was in Algeria on an official visit, July 13. Here is what the "la Repubblica" wrote (the other Italian daily newspapers said the same things): "In an attempt to remove all reasons for ´misunderstanding´ from the field of play, which in the past few years have blocked relations between the two countries´ capitals, Dini offered up a sacrificial victim to please the Algerians: the St. Egidio community. The Italian foreign minister promised that the Trastevere community´s attempt is ´now abandoned and will not be followed by others´. He added that ´there will not be parallel diplomacy´ and that ´no initiative is foreseen from abroad´." Dini later affirmed in a press statement that he never knew anything about Algeria´s hostility toward the St. Egidio initiatives: "No one ever told me." [...] According to sources from the Algerian opposition and Italian oilmen, [foreign minister Ahmed] Attaf had made it quite clear to our minister during his visit that if Italy still wanted fuel itself with Algerian natural gas, it had to publicly deny support of the St. Egidio Algeria initiatives.


It would appear that the of the lay Community of Sant'Egidio involved a lot more than religious activities and "helping the poor."

Susanna said...


As for the question concerning any dealings Raj Patel may have with the Sant'Egidio Community, both Raj Patel and the Sant'Egidio Community leader Andrea Riccardi are named in the following World Bank Document.

PDF] World Bank Document

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

Andrea Riccardi, leader of the Community of Sant'Egidio, a Christian lay movement, ...... Narayan, Deepa, with Raj Patel, Kai Schafft, Anne Rademacher, and ...

The title of the document is:

For Development and Faith Institutions

Unknown said...

Raj Patel



You all are looking in the wrong places. Satan is much more clever than you think.

JD said...


Herescope has yet another good article up about the merging of Dominionists and Tea Parties, with the end goal to domination for Jesus.

Anonymous said...

JD, that's a good article. She does wonderful, solid research. As pointed out elsewhere, NAR uses social issues as bait, such as the fight against abortion and euthanasia, support for Israel, the need for dependable leadership. When they attract others to their organizations, they then operate like any other cult, making excuses for their growing control and power plays.


Anonymous said...

Well JD - I am just stunned by all of this, just stunned. I had no idea. Thanks for the redirect to the Herescope site.

Mike in Colorado

JD said...


You are very welcome. Glad I was able to help.

Rob said...

"Dear Anonymous [IN BLUE]

Anonymous said...
Raj Patel



You all are looking in the wrong places. Satan is much more clever than you think.

2:04 PM"

I completely agree with you.

Barack Obama The Scapegoat

Straight Talk About Maitreya (1 of 2)

Straight Talk About Maitreya (2 of 2)

Thank you also for your earlier Christian encouragement and kind support.

Please feel free to email me if you want to. You speak alot of sense.

I shall now keep to my word and not post for while at least.

Thank you Constance for your patient endurance, and fairness. May God bless you mightily, in Jesus Christ's Name. The Love and Peace of our Lord be with you always.

Dorothy, sorry I was so harsh with you and that my anger with you was not tempered by having first sought the Lord properly in prayer in this matter. I hope you can find peace. May God bless you mightily, and may you come to know Him through His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Peace be with you.

God bless you mightily Anon [IN BLUE] and keep you, and God bless all here and keep you all in in Love and His Peace, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Rob in London.

JD said...


It is indeed very deceptive tactics used. Sprinkle one part christian social issues, with two parts New Kingdom theology, with a half a cup of anti-government rhetoric, bring ingredient to boil.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous (2:04 PM)
Re: "You all are looking in the wrong places. Satan is much more clever than you think."


Really? Well, since you are convinced that you know so much, how about 'enlightening' us???

(To coin a phrase: 'put your money where your mouth is.')

Anonymous said...

I agree Dorothy, Sarah Leslie's work is absolutely first-rate. There are so many blogs out there it is impossible to even skim the surface, but Herescope is one worth spending a lot of time reading through the archives.

mac said...

"So those things are not happening in the US then Mac?...."


FYI, I was simply confirming Dorothy’s statement about Australia. I’m quite aware that the NA is global, having spent a fair amount of years in it (ARE, SRF etc). Most, though not all, of the info I came across back then was from the US. Perhaps you read too much into my comment?

As for Monte Judah; he preaches that the 613 commandments are still required to be observed and that the book of Hebrews isn’t divinely inspired. He’s also made a prior “prophetic” utterance that failed. Not all Messianic Jews should be lumped into the same category.

Constance Cumbey said...


I was not inviting you to leave -- I hope you don't. I am urging ALL to be more temperate and mutually respectful in our language without compromising our respective positions.

It is very difficult for me to do serious research and mediate petty quarrels on this site.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Dorothy:

I just read this from you which is also inflammatory -- if there is evidence that Rob is running a cult in London, I would like to see it properly presented:

"Rob in London, you are joke. You are running a cult type church service in here, lying in the process. Anyone who knows what is going on knows that England (that's the home country of London) is several years ahead of the US in promoting the New Age push. If you had any ability othe mutr than killing time, you would be reporting on what is going on in London as well as fighting it there. Try doing that instead of patting yourself on the back by the hour, telling everyone how holy you are."

Time we all repented and mutually apologized. I was bullied as a child and I have a life long abhorrence of it wherever it exists.


Anonymous said...

To all,

This is from an old newspaper clipping: "The great British astrophysicist Sir Frederick Hoyle (1915-2001) was an advocate of the steady state theory of cosmology and described processes of nucleosynthesis inside stars. Hoyle knew his subject well just as he well knew that the argument that chance was the architect of life was ridiculous. Hoyle said that the probability of the sequence of molecules in the simplest cell coming into existence by chance is equivalent to a tornado crashing through a junk yard of aeroplane parts and leaving an assembled and working 747 Jumbo Jet in its wake."


Constance Cumbey said...


I cannot begin to thank you enough for the VALUABLE information you have contributed on the Sant'Egidio Community!

God bless you!


Unknown said...

To Rob and Anon @4:53


Thank you. I respect your courage here, not only for standing up for what is right, but also for being humble enough to apologize when you felt you needed to, an example, many here should follow.


It was unintentional for my comment to offend you. I do not assert that I know so much. My point is: the masses who are oblivious in thier everyday lives, will be oblivious to most things, taking in what is fed to them without much question. So, who then is the real prize for Satan? Those who have a sincere desire to search for the truth and expose his lies, which I think you all do. He knows this, and is much more clever than you or I. The New Age Movement, Maitreya, Javier Solana and many others are nothing new, they are obvious to those of us searching for answers. They may indeed be part of it, but this may be where he wants you to focus, on the obvious. I don't say take your eye off of anything, I say keep your eyes on everything, and do not get so caught up in the obvious, for he is the master deceiver and that is right where he wants you. For all of our knowledge and research skills, I think we will all be surprised at what we thought we knew when things really unfold.

Marko said...


OK, this is going to sound selfish, but think if I were someone new coming here for the first time because I did a google search on "Sant'Egidio" and toward the top of the search results was a link to here. I might find what I'm looking for, but what else would I see?

It sure is hard to catch up on things when I've been away for a while and have a lot of chaff to sift through to find the wheat. (That's the selfish part.... sorry.)

I really think Herescope is on to something big. My brother and I were talking last night, and both had come to the same conclusions about the bad feeling we get when listening to Glenn Beck, and others on the Right, and this big push to "Take Back America". If you all knew me from years ago, you'd be shocked to hear me say that - I've always been big into the idea that we need to "take back" the institutions that have been taken by the Left here in America. But now.... no way. More and more my "gut" tells me that we are to "come out of her", and for me this means to abandon any attempt at restoring America to what she was, because I am more and more convinced that Obama's election was the beginning of God's judgment on this nation for our collective and piled-high-to-heaven sins. And I'm not talking about just the sinfulness outside of the Church.

The deception is being foisted on America and the Church, and I think it has something to do with this marriage between the Tea Party movements and the NAR/Dominionists. I can't put my finger on the exact mechanism yet by which the apostasy - the great "hoodwinking" - will manifest itself and take place, but this is getting close, I'm pretty certain.

Solana, Europe, AoC, all that - it is important, but not as immediately important, in my opinion, as what is happening right here in America. If you live in America, be ready to be shocked by events that unfold in the near future. This is what I sense.... nothing specific that I can point to, nothing concrete as far as time, but just... it's close. It's happening under our noses. And I'm not even sure we'll "get it" until events start to break at a dizzying pace. "Like a woman in labor...."

Marko said...

It is very obvious to me and to many others here that there are agents of the enemy here who post and subvert and get us to attack each other. The only option really is to "leave the wheat and the tares grow together until the time of the harvest" I guess, to put a Biblical spin on things.

In the times ahead, I think we will all see some who we trusted deeply become our enemies, and others who always treated us poorly become strong allies in the spiritual struggle we will find ourselves in. The main thing: Learn to hear the voice of the Father in Heaven, and learn to obey Him when He leads. Can you really go wrong in that??

"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen."

--1 Peter 5:8-11

Constance Cumbey said...

Australia has been a major focus for the New Agers long before the 60's -- going back to the Annie Besant days and possibly even earlier.


Rob said...

Thank you Constance,

I agree. I shall post things that I find of importance to your email for the next few weeks. After which, I may return here. I think it best if I let the air clear for all concerned, so as to avoid further resurgence.

Thank you once again, and God bless you.

Mac, thank you for clarifying your position. Sorry for being on war-footing. It was a heat of the moment thing too.

I have no problem whatsoever with Messianic Jews Mac. I think, however, there is a distinction to be made between a Messianic Jew and the cult of the Hebrew Roots movement. The latter dictates all sorts of non-Biblical nonsense and shows a lack of understanding of linguistic development, cultural history, and artifactual evidence for the New Testament, let alone taking away from the Glory of God expressedly found in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, Who is also referred to by Thomas as Jehovah, refers to Himself as the Alpha and the Omega, and is called Everlasting Father by Isaiah. The Hebrew Roots Movement denies the finished work on the cross of Jesus Christ also, by demanding that we should be bound by the law, e.g., Sabbath, not eating pork etc, THIS IS NOT SCRIPTURAL! Jesus Christ did not do away with one jot or tittle from the law because He was the only man who PERFECTLY fulfilled it. [being God Who took on flesh became man, being born of a virgin.] This fulfilling was not just a carrying it out, but it was a completion that paid for eternity, that is why He said, 'IT IS FINISHED'. As Christians, we are under grace, not the law, yet the law to obey God is written on our hearts. The Holy Bible contextually in its entirety and proper order shows us what this means, and as you know we are giuded by the Holy Spirit; yet the Hebrew Roots movement denies this by reinstituting those things which FORESHADOWED Jesus Christ until His Crucifiction and Resurrection.

Thank you for your patience with my lengthy sentence here. God bless you mightily Mac, in Jesus' Name, and may the Peace and Love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you always.

Thank you Constance,

For all you do and put up with here; and for knowing how to stand up aginst the NWO NAM without being mentally provincial.

I will post again in a few weeks, God Willing, until then if I uncover anything of importance I will let you know via email etc.

God bless you mightily, the Peace and Love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you always.

Your friend and brother in Christ,


Constance Cumbey said...

My sister, Janice, just called this horror to me -- I have written on Cap & Trade, but had failed to notice it was upon us here in USA by this bill -- now this is something worth a "tea party" over!


Rob said...

Dear Constance,

Please understand that I have only just seen your above comment to the last I posted here, and my comment WAS NOT in relation to your thread at 6:18 PM.

If I may state, I believe that the NAM is rampant throughout the Earth. Where-ever there are Freemasons; notably Rosicrucians, this demonic infestation has spread. I know it is not so simple nowadays to point immediately to the Freemasons, but I believe it leads back there to Nazi-Satanists and this is ultimately, despite the indian gurus etc, down to Freemasonry/Illuminism/Luciferianism/Theosophy. Besant and Blavatsky were Freemasons.

Did you know that Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the JWs was the nephew of William Huntington Russell, the founder of Skull & Bones? Strange pyramid memorial, with a faded all-seeing eye, Charles Taze Russell has next to his grave too. The Pyramid is opposite some major Freemasonry lodge of Pittsburgh. At the Rosemont United Cemetery.

Sorry to waffle. Anyway, speak soon. God bless you.


Rob said...

Thank you Anonymous [IN BLUE] at 5:57 PM,

I respect your great courage also, your honesty, and patient love for others.

God bless you.


JD said...


I recently sent out a email to some on my email list about a set of taxes and regulations that were being imposed on the auto industry via the EPA. This bill and the clean air act are referenced, I think you may wish to look through it. Quite long at 800 pages, but it lays out how the cap and tax scheme will be implemented.


Constance Cumbey said...

HK was in the chatroom tonight on my internet radio program, MY PERSPECTIVE at I was dismayed to hear from chatroom participants that they were staying away from here because of the incessant squabbling. Let's all see if we can't do better!


Anonymous said...


Knowing what I do about cult operations, I do not take back what I said about Rob. Do some research on how cult leaders operate, how they attempt to dominate the conversation, how they demonize those who don't acknowledge their knowledge and power. How they smile on those who please them. Please read what I wrote carefully. I wrote "You are running a cult type church service in here, lying in the process." My knowledge of Geography is quite good. London is not a thread on this blog. Rob isn't the first manipulator who cries out the name of Jesus on a regular basis. Jesus isn't around to tell him to lay off using his name. However, there is a commandment that says do not take the name of the Lord in vain.

If he doesn't like that analysis of him, tough. I can't help you if you can't see the manipulation you are supporting.

I don't apologize to antisemites who make such ugly comments about me. Both of his comments were ugly. You chose to ignore them. Perhaps you need to read them more carefully.

You can't fight the antisemitism and the anti-Catholicism in the New Age movement and also support antisemites and anti-Catholic individuals. Both battles have been fought over and over again on these threads with you supporting the uglies all on the basis of freedom of speech. You know those of us who fought them are not the kind of individuals who would respond to them in the kind of language they choose to use. If we did, you would really see some fireworks on these threads. We have chosen to be civil.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

There must be standards if there is to be civil dialogue. Alinsky type tactics should not be allowed. You have avoided setting any standards on these threads. Thank heavens the vast number of people posting on these threads have decent standards without being reminded that they need to use them.

I dislike being bullied also. Unfortunately giving in to bullies doesn't make them go away in Congress, in the streets, in classrooms, or on these threads.


mac said...

No problems, Rob.

Constance, I do know that I was aware of New Age materials as a boy long before I knew what it actually was. At one stage it hit hard here through the Business World, via motivational speakers and writers. When I first read Dyer, I had no idea he had a Guru. It was only after he gained prominence that the Guru was revealed.

WillW said...

Marko, remember that if you are a citizen of this country, part of your responsibility is the "duty" delineated in the Declaration of Independence, but like so many others, it's easier to let them secure liberty for you and your family; it's not inherently wrong to obey the Constitution when it is not in conflict with scripture.
"(M)ankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed . . .
it is their duty, to throw off such Government. . ."
Marko, you have provided many wonderful Christian thoughts to this blog, and I hope I'm not misunderstanding you. "Coming out from", probably doen't mean leaving the country.

Rob said...

Thank you for the depth of kindness and patient understanding you have shown me Mac.

May God continue to bless you mightily, in Jesus' Name.

The Peace and the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

God bless you brother,


Dorothy I forgive you. I pray the Lord pours His Peace upon your life and reveals His Wonderful Love to you.

God bless you,

Rob in London.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, I would first like to say thank you to JD for sending me an email and showing me why a link I had put up wasn’t good. JD did this in a few paragraphs. As I said I’m new at this I got out of the new age about 2 years ago

Although I was very involved in ways of mediums tarot out of body, ect. the believe that Jesus is the son of god never left me, yes I was a hypercritic and still am at times. However one night I prayed to the holy father and I sobbed my heart out asking for help to understand truth, nothing happened until 2-3 months after when I woke up one day and all my interest in the new age was gone and started to read the bible.

The only interest as far as new age is now, to do my bit to expose it. I was naive to think I knew so much only to find out I know nothing, I’m still learning which is why I come here. Every so often I will slip up, so I would be very grateful if anyone here not only tells me I’m wrong but show or explain why.

I don’t understand everything in the bible or agree with some of it but that’s what I was like as a kid with my parents I didn’t agree with their laws their advice and their discipline, until I got older then it all made sense and that’s where I am with the bible I know it’s true and the holy father wrote it for my own good I just don’t understand it fully yet.
JD said I should ask questions and said there are many here who would be willing to help
Sorry for the long post but I wanted you all to see where I was coming from thanks you every one and god bless Amanda

Q 1. .why was canes sacrifice rejected?

Q2. Was Judas possessed when he betrayed Jesus?

Len said...


Jenny 10:01 am wrote: "John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
I have gained so much knowledge here from all of you I like to say thank you again. Shalom!! God bless you all."

It is a lie born of ignorance that "grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

Judaism incorporates dependence on God’s grace as much as it relies on Law.

Grace has many meanings and the sense I’m giving to it here is undeserved consideration, favor and love. Ideally we should come to God with clean hands and a pure heart. But, as stated in I Kings 8:46, Ecclesiastes 7:20, and Psalms 14:3, there is no man who does not sin. When we appeal for God’s grace in pre-High-Holy-Day penitential services, we say, “We are not so brazen-faced and stiff-necked to say to You, ‘We are righteous and have not sinned.’ But indeed, we and our fathers have sinned. --- You have acted truthfully and we have acted wickedly. --- How can we complain? What can we say? How can we justify ourselves?”

Whereas people all sin, angels are sinless. A traditional parable tells how, when God decided to give man the Torah, the angels protested. “Humans will never be as perfectly pure as we are. Therefore let us have the Torah instead.” But God rejected their appeal. “The Torah says, ‘Be fruitful and multiply but you cannot do that. The Torah says you shall eat and be satisfied, but you cannot eat, the Torah commands repentance but you have nothing for which to repent. Therefore I will stick to my original plan”

We thank God for his grace often in our daily prayers. A sample: The priestly blessing, which requests grace, is recited daily: “May The Lord shine His countenance upon you and be gracious to you.” We also invoke the merit of our ancestors on our behalf. “We are the children of Your covenant, children of Abraham, your beloved, to whom you swore on Mt. Moriah; the seed of Isaac, his only son, who was bound atop the alter ---.” During our most important prayer, we say three times daily; “Pardon us, our Father, for we have sinned; forgive us, our King, for we have transgressed; because You are Forgiver and Pardoner. Blessed are You, The Lord, Gracious One, Who pardons abundantly.”


Len said...

We do NOT consider grace and law to be incompatible, period. They are independent entities and not in competition. We try to observe the Law as if there were no grace, while we pray for grace as if our ability to observe the Law was nil. We hold ourselves to The Lord’s revealed standard, knowing that we may fail again and again, but ever trying to improve. We don’t consider that we’re cursed if we fail. God has the attribute of mercy, based on grace, as well as justice, based on Law, and we pray His mercy will exceed His justice. As God created humans imperfect, it would be unjust for Him to punish us for that imperfection. As God is just, He more than balances His justice with mercy (see below, re Psalm 130).

“The Lord, The Lord is a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in kindness and truth. He keeps kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and acquitting the penitent (Ex. 34:6,7).”

“He, being merciful, forgives iniquity and does not destroy; He restrains His wrath time and again and does not give full vent to His fury. The Lord save us; may the King answer us when we call (Ps. 78:38, 20:10).

Psalm 130. This psalm opens every public service during the High Holy Day season. “A song of ascents. Out of the depths I call to You, The Lord. Lord, listen to my cry; let your ears be attentive to my plea for mercy. If You keep account of sins, God, Lord, who will survive? Yours is the power to forgive so that You may be held in awe. I look to The Lord; I look to Him; I await His word. I am more eager for my Master than watchmen for the morning; watchmen for the morning. Israel, wait for The Lord; for with The Lord is steadfast love and great power to redeem. It is He who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.”

**It is He who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities** Isn’t The Lord already doing what Christians rely on Jesus for?

Peace and blessing,

Len said...

We do NOT consider grace and law to be incompatible, period. They are independent entities and not in competition. We try to observe the Law as if there were no grace, while we pray for grace as if our ability to observe the Law was nil. We hold ourselves to The Lord’s revealed standard, knowing that we may fail again and again, but ever trying to improve. We don’t consider that we’re cursed if we fail. God has the attribute of mercy, based on grace, as well as justice, based on Law, and we pray His mercy will exceed His justice. As God created humans imperfect, it would be unjust for Him to punish us for that imperfection. As God is just, He more than balances His justice with mercy (see below, re Psalm 130).

“The Lord, The Lord is a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in kindness and truth. He keeps kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and acquitting the penitent (Ex. 34:6,7).”

“He, being merciful, forgives iniquity and does not destroy; He restrains His wrath time and again and does not give full vent to His fury. The Lord save us; may the King answer us when we call (Ps. 78:38, 20:10).

Psalm 130. This psalm opens every public service during the High Holy Day season. “A song of ascents. Out of the depths I call to You, The Lord. Lord, listen to my cry; let your ears be attentive to my plea for mercy. If You keep account of sins, God, Lord, who will survive? Yours is the power to forgive so that You may be held in awe. I look to The Lord; I look to Him; I await His word. I am more eager for my Master than watchmen for the morning; watchmen for the morning. Israel, wait for The Lord; for with The Lord is steadfast love and great power to redeem. It is He who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.”

**It is He who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities** Isn’t The Lord already doing what Christians rely on Jesus for?


Len said...

As for "truth," it is mentioned over 140 times in the Jewish Bible. I repeat from the last post:

“The Lord, The Lord is a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in kindness and truth. He keeps kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and acquitting the penitent (Ex. 34:6,7).”

So "kindness and truth" did not originate with Jesus.

Plus just a few more:

"And now, O Lord God, You [alone] are God, and Your words are truth, and You have spoken unto Your servant this good thing." (2 Sam 7:28)

"You are the Lord, my God: I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, for You have dealt wondrously; counsels from long ago in true faith." (Is. 21:1)

"For I am the Lord, Who loves justice, hates robbery in a burnt offering; and I gave their wage in truth, and an everlasting covenant I will make for them."(Is. 61:8)

Jer. 10:10 But the Lord God is true; He is a living God and the King of the world; from His anger the earth quakes, and the nations cannot contain His fury. 11 So shall you say to them, "The gods who did not make the heavens and the earth, shall perish from the earth and from beneath these heavens. 12 Who made the earth with His strength, He prepared the world by His wisdom, and with His understanding He stretched out the heavens.

Ps. 19:8 The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is faithful, making the simple one wise. 9 The orders of the Lord are upright, causing the heart to rejoice; the commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes. 10 The fear of the Lord is pure, existing forever; the judgments of the Lord are true, altogether just. 11 They are to be desired more than gold, yea more than much fine gold, and are sweeter than honey and drippings of honeycombs.

Len said...


Rob wrote: "For there is no difference between Greek nor Jew for those in Jesus Christ."

That is correct because they all become Christians.

>>The Hebrew Roots Movement, just like the JWs and Mormons, is a cult.

No more so than "Messianic Jews" or "Jews for Jesus!" These groups are actually populated mostly by gentiles with a smattering of intermarried Jews looking for "compromise." They are deceptive organizations seeking to baptize ignorant Jews by preaching the fiction that, because Jesus was
Jewish it is Jewish to worhip him.

>>Remember too that our Sabbath is resting in Christ Jesus who has fulfilled the law, completed and perfected it, and all which came before was a mere shadow of that which was to come in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

The Sabbath was made for Jews as stated in Exod. 31:

16 Thus shall the children of Israel observe the Sabbath, to make the Sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant. 17 Between Me and the children of Israel, it is forever a sign that [in] six days The Lord created the heaven and the earth, and on the seventh day He ceased and rested."

>>Please, please read ALL of the Holy Bible. LET NO-ONE LEAD YOU ASTRAY,

Physician heal thyself.

Len said...


Monte Judah GLC:

I checked out the "Hebrew Roots" web sites of Monte Judah and Bill Cloud's Shoreshim Ministries. As far as I can see, notwithstanding Judah's wearing of a prayer shawl, both those sites are for Christians and not primarily for missions to Jews.

It is a reprise of the ancient Christian conflicts between the followers of Paul and the Ebonites who were accused of "Judaizing."

Rob fits right in.

Entrants should be warned, however, that many Christians who get involved in "Hebraic Roots" become so enamored of them that they end up converting to Judaism; not that anything is wrong with that. I know several such.

Jews do not missionize but I can understand why Rob is concerned.


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