UPDATE: While we are busy with our elections and financial crises, Javier
Solana is busy training (and controlling?) Iraqi judges, law enforcement personnel, and their adminstrators. Here is a look see at the page which you may access by clicking here.
Speaking of what Javier Solana mournfully called "The You Tube Effect," here is a vital one.
W A T C H I T! I had a difficult day -- pray for me!
Speaking of Fundmentalism, a Catholic Bishop was asked to appear in U.K's parliment on charges of fundamentalism .i.e. asking Catholic schools to teach authentic Catholic teaching.
In March this year, after the publication of his previous paper, "Fit for Mission? Schools", in which the bishop called for the restoration of a genuine Catholic character to the Catholic schools, Bishop O'Donohue was called before a Parliamentary education committee to answer the government's charges of "fundamentalism"
Bishop O'Donoghue replied in the Daily Mail, "They (the MPs) see me as a fundamentalist and that is a pejorative word these days with connotations of terrorism, violence and irrationality. I will say I reject these connotations."
Thanks, Savvy! Disturbing, but I'm afraid it's here. We are now facing persecution which I'm afraid will be growing from here on now. One is allowed to have a "religion" in the New World Order. One, however, is not allowed to believe it true. One is not allowed to tell others it's true, either, UNLESS, that is, one is into something very New Agey, Wiccan, Pro-Gay, Rev. Moon, "Maitreya," etc. That is called DIALOGUE. To share your faith as a Christian -- Catholic or Protestant -- that these days is called PROSELYTIZING. And to "earnestly contend for the faith delivered to the saints," well as you have so eloquently put it, that is a new perjorative word that used to be a good word, called "fundamentalist."
As New Ager Gina Cerminara wrote in her late 1970s books, this is a war of "general semantics."
This is worth reading...
Written by Jeffrey Bell
Why They Hate Her....
Sarah Palin is a smart missile aimed at the heart of the left.
Just a note to let you know that I'm praying for you Constance.
In the name of "tolerance" and "balance", I offer a different view here since I can't comment on YouTube:
The language of Daniel says the AC will **confirm** a 7-year contract. This current one is new. Scripture also says that "many" will say "peace and safety" and live in "unwalled villages". Neither of these are anywhere near true for Israel at this time. You all might be interested in some material at http://gracethrufaith.com/ for many excellent articles on Bible prophecy which supply many more details.
Regarding 2 Thes. 2:
Now we are asking you, brothers and sisters, concerning the coming of our Master Jesus the Anointed One and our assembling together in him: do not be easily disturbed or alarmed in your minds or spirits, because no word or letter has come from us saying the Day of the Master is already here. Don't let anyone fool you by any means, because that won't happen until after the Departure, and then the Lawless One, the Destroyer, will be revealed.
The Greek word apostasia simply means to stand apart, to depart from something or someone. Only context tells us what is being departed from, and this context is not about false teachings at all. It is about the last days. And being in noun form ("the departure"), it signifies a particular event. And it is only **after** this event that "the lawless one is revealed". If, as I believe, the Rapture is "the Departure", then it must precede the AC and the renewed 7-year contract.
And you know what is now holding him back, so that he is only revealed in his time. For although the secret of lawlessness is already in operation, it is only when the Detainer comes and separates him from among them that the Lawless One will be revealed.
I understand the passage to say that "the Detainer" will "separate" or reveal the AC; the AC cannot reveal himself at his discretion. This is not the standard view, which I believe is based on a misunderstanding of the Greek grammar.
Yet Paul is giving an order of events here. The letter is written to give assurance that what he had told the people earlier had not yet happened; apparently someone had tried to fake a letter from Paul that filled the people with that "we missed the Rapture" idea. So he wants them to know what has to happen first, and that's The Departure.
I know you all don't see it that way, but if you want us pre-tribbers to consider that we might be wrong, then all we ask is that you make this same admission. You could be wrong too.
I look for the Christ, not the Antichrist; I look for the Departure, not the Confirmation. Certainly we are on the cusp of that Departure since we see the impending doom of the world before us. But people have been fooled by current events before, and scripture never changes. If it does indeed say the Departure must happen first, then that's what will signal the End.
Also, as I mentioned in another thread, there is a very interesting theory about a 3.5 year gap between that Departure and the confirmed agreement. That would accommodate the wars of Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83, which would correspond nicely to the Seal judgments.
A way you would be able to confirm a mid-trib rapture would be if you see the events of the 6th seal: earthquake, black sun, red moon, stars fall, sky recedes, no wind, and 144,000 Jews sealed. As bad as things are now, they don't compare to what's described in the Seals. Of course that can change overnight, but so far, we're not to that degree.
And that's just my perspective. ;-)
Greetings everyone. I have been watching this blog since early August and have been voraciously digesting all the info. Constance, I am in prayer for you. Thank you for your ministry to the body of Christ.
This morning I got online to read my emails, headlines (I don't have TV reception so only watch it for few hours every 2 weeks when I visit with my parents.) When I opened MSNBC, I noted a spot with Deepak Chopra. (If this is old news forgive me--I'm out of the TV loop.) Since it is new (I think) on Gates' Microsoft NBC site, I'm assuming it is a new PR launch. It says "I'm a PC--and I am not a stereotype."
You can check it out here:
Apparently, this is a play on words for PC "politically correct" vs. "personal computer". When you look at the ads, several of them feature computers and Bill Gates is in the ads.
The idea is to record yourself stating that you are PC and then submit your video clip. You and your video clip will be be posted on the big screen at Times Square.
The real theme of program is "We are a unified consciousness." "We are all inseparably one." Chopra says that computers/Internet make us a collective intelligence.
The diabolical scheme gets everybody, especially young postmoderns excited to see their face on Time Square (you can watch a live video feed of your clip as it's broadcast). They are buying into the line without ever knowing what they are really saying. WOW!!
I wonder if these video clips are pre-screened? ---I wonder if true Christians proclaimed Jesus Christ instead...
Grace and peace be multiplied to all of you.
On the surface at least, the new PC ads are just a counterattack on the "I'm a Mac" ads that have been so popular. Who knows what other messages they may be sending, but that's the official reason for them. IOW, PC only refers to Personal Computer, specifically non-Macs.
Thanks for the clarification. As I said, I don't watch TV so am unaware of the MAC vs. PC ads. But that is what makes life so interesting for me. Being out of the TV loop gives me some unique perspectives. When I do watch TV, I see things many others are desensitized to.
When you click on Chopra's message, he is very clear about all being one, interconnected-- all the New Age-speak.
Thank you for your thoughts regarding prophecy. I am certainly reconsidering Scripture and seeking the Lord by the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth as I read. It is also interesting in your post that you said, "Scripture also says that "many" will say "peace and safety" and live in "unwalled villages"."
Did you notice the URL of the PC campaign website?
unwalled villages vs. life without walls
...hmmm...something to think about.
BTW, what is the Scripture reference and what version are you quoting from? I'd like to study that some more.
At Farmer's blog there is a link to
"Ted explains 7 years of ENP".
Ted explains that this ENP is a confirmation of an older plan.
Hi YesNaSpanishTown,
Very interesting observation on "life without walls". Certainly does at least serve as what I'd call a "marker"! I don't watch much TV either, mostly broadcast channels on weekends. We have a digital antenna that cost about the same as about 6 mos. worth of cable, and the channels are crystal clear. Of course, a lot of TV is available online now too.
Not sure which references you wanted, but the one in Daniel is chapter 9, vs. 27. I think the only other scripture passages I referred to besides 2 Thes. 2 were 1 Thes. 5:3 ("peace and safety") and Ezekiel 38:11 ("unwalled villages").
The version I quoted was my own understanding of the Greek via the excellent online interlinear http://tinyurl.com/3hytmy . Each number there is a link to download a free PDF of the chapter. I also consulted various translations and translators' notes to make sure I wasn't out in left field. I also tried to use the most recent dictionary entries, as many word meanings were changed after discoveries in the 1970s concerning the common Greek of the NT era.
I have downloads available of my "translations" of the NT from Romans to Jude at http://tinyurl.com/54oqyd and a commentary at http://tinyurl.com/3fgrko . Older versions of those can be read online at http://www.fether.net/NTletters/index.php and http://www.fether.net/cmntry/index.php . Someday I'll get around to updating the online ones.
If you have Amazon's Kindle reader, you can download these at http://tinyurl.com/48q6o5 and http://tinyurl.com/4e6uc7 (let me know if the tinyurl's didn't work).
Frances, what is the link to farmer's blog? Thanks
Never mind, found it, will comment later.
Ted concedes at http://tinyurl.com/3uu2y7 that "I believe it is quite possible that, technically speaking, the ENP may have begun in October, 2006". It's very possible, but certainly not concrete. I would think that such a pivotal Biblical prophecy would be much more obvious. Peace treaties happen all the time and most of the world pays little attention. But certainly we could expect that the one signed by the AC would be more than what we've seen so far. So neither of us can say with certainty whether this is truly a new or confirmed treaty that qualifies as the one predicted by Daniel.
Regarding prophecy in general, I believe every detail has to be there. For example, many think the US is "Babylon" and cite the many similarities to the Rev. prophecy. Yet some critical details are missing, and for that reason I reject the US as being the fulfillment of that. So also for this treaty; while the prophecy doesn't give great detail such that we could identify it precisely, I believe it lacks the prominence I'd expect and, so far, has had no practical effect upon Israel's sense of security.
Somewhere else here I posted a brief scenario of how I think Islam plays into all this, and that the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 best explains the demise of radical Islam and finally gives Israel a reason to say "peace and safety" and knock down their "walls".
Of course I could be wrong. But so could Ted. ;-)
And then there's the issue of whether the church can possibly be here during the 70th week at all. It was prophesied specifically for Israel (no, I'm not getting back into that ugly debate about Hebrew roots), and Dan. 9:24 states "your people and your holy city", referring to the Jews and Jerusalem. It is a time of God's wrath against both unbelieving Jews and her enemies.
We should also remember that the church is the "Bride" of Christ and there are many parallels to the Jewish wedding traditions we should consider. For example, the groom would go to his father's house to prepare a place for he and his bride. No one would know "the day or the hour" except the father, who would pronounce the prepared place finished and ready for occupancy. Then the groom would go for his bride, and they would feast for 7 days. I see many parallels between that and Jesus coming for us, whereupon we will feast with Him for 7 years.
There are many plausible scenarios, but only time will tell who has it right. It's certainly not something we need to divide over. I understand the need to always be prepared, but that's something Christians of every age should do. We should always be wearing the "armor", and there have always been times of great suffering that believers have had to endure. And if the Trib. turns out to be as bad as the picture pained in Revelation, there is really no way to fully prepare.
So for those reasons I do not think it necessary to believe we will go through that time of God's wrath. If we do, we do, and if we don't, so much the better.
I believe the defining factor regarding the "confirmed" peace treaty is that the rebuilding of the Temple is given the okay as a result. That will be a VERY dramatic event because it should signal to every believer that the AC is not only here but is waiting in the wings to proclaim himself as God.
“But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. “And then athe sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see bthe SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. Matthew 24:29-30
Anon -SV,
Yes, I agree about the Temple.
Dear DespizdandRejected,
I do appreciate your perspective. For now, we all see through glass darkly, so to speak.
Time and events will tell! Personally, I hope I'm wrong -- having the real AC with a personal grudge against you is a scary prospect.
Strongs Concordance defines "confirm" as such:
#1396- Hebrew: gabar (gaw-bar'); a prim. root; to be strong; by impl. to prevail, to act insolently: exceed, confirm, be great, be mighty, prevail, put more strength, strengthen, be stonger, be valiant.
Therefore, Daniel 9:27 actually interprets as such: "he shall confirm (strengthen, make great, mighty, prevailing,etc...) the covenant with many..." It doesn't interpret that he directly created the covenant.
I can speak definitively on the ENP which did go, as a RECONFIRMATION of the existing Barcelona Process into effect on JANUARY 1, 2007.
I will also tell you that 2010 is the TARGET YEAR for the MEDITERRANEAN FREE TRADE ZONE and that Israel is considered the "fly in the ointment" vis a vis European plans to profit greatly from same. 2010 is the year that the European HEADLINE GOALS (militarization) is to be complete.
Constance, I'm having trouble finding the scripture you cite as being in Isaiah, reference please? I'm pretty sure that's only in Daniel, but I could have missed something. Been studying prophecy for a long time, so it would be very surprising to have missed those.
YesNaSpanishTown and All,
Greetings to you,YesNaSpanishTown as well.
Forgive me guys. LOL I just couldn't resist posting this one.
For what it's worth, whatever so-called "interconectedness" and "Political Correctness" means for New Agers, there seems to be a major politically incorrect "disconnect" between Joe Biden's brain and U.S. history......the history having to do with his own party!
September 23, 2008
Categories: Joe Biden
Joe Biden's denunciation of his own campaign's ad to Katie Couric got so much attention last night that another odd note in the interview slipped by.
He was speaking about the role of the White House in a financial crisis.
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"
As Reason's Jesse Walker footnotes it: "And if you owned an experimental TV set in 1929, you would have seen him. And you would have said to yourself, 'Who is that guy? What happened to President Hoover?'"
The way I learned it, President Roosevelt's first "Fireside Chat" after the Stock Market Crash was broadcast over the radio in 1933 after he became president.
President Roosevelt served as POTUS from 1933 to 1945 and is the only U.S. President to have served more than two terms.
In his first fireside chat, Roosevelt explained his recent decision to close all banks for an extended “holiday.” The stock market crash of 1929 left the American public and banks nervous and susceptible to rumors of impending financial disaster. In February and early March 1933, investors worried about bank failures created panics by rushing to cash out their deposits for currency or gold. FDR stepped in and forced the closure of all banks beginning March 6 until the rumors were dispelled and the situation could be stabilized. During the March 12 broadcast, FDR thanked the public for the “fortitude and good temper with which everybody [accepted] the hardships of the banking holiday.”
Not everyone cheered FDR’s bank closure. Some saw the action as an indicator of FDR’s eagerness to invoke executive privilege. However, the bank closure did avert yet another financial panic and FDR’s management of the crisis and his reassuring fireside chat boosted the public’s confidence in his leadership.
Gee. I wonder if Joe Biden was planning on schmoozing with Sir Winston Churchill if he is elected Vice President. :-)
did you notice his errors when he said, "When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed.."
1) in 1929 no person was on television.
FDR was the first president on tv...in 1939 at the NY World fair.
2)During the 1929 crash, FDR was not president, it was Hoover.
Ban Ki Moon "spoke of a "challenge of global leadership" to tackle the world's worsening financial, energy and food crises."
The Real ID act implementation is now moving fast and furious. We will be discussing this again on my program in about 45 minutes from time I post this. There is GLOBAL COORDINATION and it is moving on many fronts. Here is one of many examples of new technology that will aid this along!
To Despizd&Rejected
I don't believe we go through GOD'S WRATH, but that we will go through Satan's wrath is plainly prophesied in Daniel, 2nd Thessalonians, and Revelation. The Redeemed are not shown standing in heaven until between the 6th and 7th Seal. The Angel says to John, "who are these." John replies, "sir, thou knowest.' The angel tells him that these are those who came out of great tribulation. "They have washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and made them white . . .'
The dragon went to make war on "the remnant of her children" -- those who keep the faith of Jesus and Commandments of God . .."
Daniel tells us that the beast prevailed against God's people for a time, times and half a time.
2nd Thesslonians plainly attached the word DECEPTION to a teaching that the "gathering together" would occur before the apostasy (just what do you think we have been in?) and the revealing of the "man of perdition."
Jesus warned that many would fall away and betray another and we would be hated of all men for his sake. Just who is going to do the "falling away"? Perhaps those who thought they would as the cherished bride never see a tough day? Those who then decide the entire thing baloney?
The moral of this is not to debate the timing. The moral of this is TRUST GOD. No matter how it comes down, TRUST GOD. He's got the big picture, we've got the little picture and none of us are smart enough to second guess him! if we get out earlier than unpleasant times, ALLELUIA! It will not destroy anybody's faith. If, however, people get unexpected persecution, it may.
My mistake -- Must have had a senior moment -- I knew it was Daniel -- for some reason, I mentally had a picture of a more raggedy prophet than Daniel who served in the King's court -- must have been left over the scene in LEFT BEHIND with the old prophet saying that line.
It's okay about the senior moment. I sure am glad those never happen to me. 8-)
Of course I strongly disagree with deception being tied to the belief in a pre-apostasia gathering. In fact, I see Paul teaching the exact opposite. Someone faked a letter from him saying they had missed that gathering, and he is giving them assurance that no such thing had happened. Instead, they are given a clear sign to look for: the gathering, and the Greek calls this event "first" or "foremost" or "above all" and it precedes the revealing of the Lawless One. And since apostasia is that gathering, how can it precede itself?
Who is it that falls prey to "the lie"? The context clearly identifies them as those who rejected the gospel. Pre-tribbers do not reject the gospel.
Jesus did make warnings against apostasia from the truth; the context there tells us that truth is what would be "stood apart" from. To emphasize: apostasia only means "to stand apart", and we must check context to find out what it is that is being stood apart from.
Phrases like "Perhaps those who thought they would as the cherished bride never see a tough day? Those who then decide the entire thing baloney?" imply that which I've already refuted: that pre-trib is escapist. It also suggest an already made-up mind, the disclaimer "trust God" notwithstanding. But that trust is in fact what I was saying as well. If anyone falls due to "unexpected persecution", they would fall no matter which generation they were in. The pre-trib view is not to blame.
I just offered my view, that's all. I highly recommend the articles at the link I gave, which explain much better than I can what pre-trib really teaches, as opposed to all the straw men flying around these days. That's all I'll say about it. I very much look forward to your next installment on the hijacking of evangelicalism, and don't want to cause too much distraction.
Constance I read your post and it was very intresting. Thanks ffor the information. Also tomarrow is the UN thing in N.Y. I wonder if Javier is going to be there.
Eagle eyes
Agenda 21 and current economic crisis:
Today Rush Limbaugh (my apologies to those who dislike him) played a quote by Senator Schumer which blamed the crisis on the "lowly mortgage".
The first step towards making something illegal is making it questionable, than undesirable, then demonizing it. (Think about the campaign against cirgarettes.)
Limbaugh hypothesized that Senator Schumer is blaming an inanimate object (a mortgage which is just a loan vehicle towards ownership of a piece of property) with the end game being an eventual end of individual property rights. His show was a bit more involved than I am writing and more convincing.
I thought immediately about Agenda 21 and Maurices Strong's admonition that middle class home ownership and lifestyles are not sustainable. You can watch this video on Agenda 21
or check out Green-Agenda.com
He also demonstrated that Democrat talking points regarding the bailout come directly from the Communist Party USA (i.e Main Street before Wall Street). What this means is the government should buy up mortgages. This would also include mortgages not yet in foreclosure.
I can't help thinking of Joseph working for Pharoah. When the situation got dire, the people all sold their land to Pharoah - and then eventually themselves. Pharoah owned it ALL after 7 years of famine.
For those interested:
It's the New SUV! Chuck Schumer Demonizes the "Lowly Mortgage"
I would agree with you that the democrats lean toward communism or heavy socialism, but republicans are leaning toward fascism, look at "police state" like situations that are under this administration. I listen to Rush, Hannity, Savage (more accurate than the 2 former). IMHO Rush/Hannity are propaganda for republicans along with O'Reilly. They are are the polar opposites of TV and the other liberals out there. Take a listen to Michael Savage- He shoots straight even though he goes crazy on the air.
Just my observation.
JB in CO
It's quite possible that the AC is already acting behind the scenes and we could be in the 7-yr treaty.
We know that he won't make himself known until the 3/12 period begins.
LOL It is precisely because I DID notice the Biden errors (a.k.a. "historical revisions") that I posted the article.
Just had to "share the moment."
Glad to see that you "got it."
Hi yesinspanishtown-
You are “on the money” with your observation about the “I’m a PC” campaign.
Thank you for posting the information. It is most definitely part of an on-going process to encourage the formation of "Global Commons” community websites on the Internet. It is a way of tapping the “collective consciousness” of society. "All are One" thinking.
Here are some links to a few of the hundreds/thousands (?) of the “portals” being formed.
The first one is particularly interesting, it was formally Tomales Bay Institute. The founders and developers of these on-line communities include people like Lawrence Lessig, Jimmy Wales, Joi Ito ad nauseam. -Rudi
For what its worth, my understanding is that the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation prophesied is the time of Satan's wrath against those of the church to be martyred; whereas the Day of the Lord is the time of God's wrath against those that are rebellious and refuse to repent. The Day of the Lord comes after the Great Tribulation, right before the return of the Messiah, Jesus, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and the righteous rule of the Kingdom of God on this earth. The Day of the Lord commences with the bowls or vials of God's wrath (Rev. 16) and is not directed against the Saints or the church.
Hi DespizdNRejectd
In your earlier comment you said:
“On the surface at least, the new PC ads are just a counterattack on the "I'm a Mac" ads that have been so popular. Who knows what other messages they may be sending, but that's the official reason for them. IOW, PC only refers to Personal Computer, specifically non-Macs.”
I suppose that could be true if one is accustomed to looking only on the surface of
things to determine their validity or trustworthiness. Is “I’m a PC a clever marketing campaign? Sure, unless you’re a Mac or Apple person. Are Microsoft tools helpful for navigating the Internet? Of course. However, when I see Deepak Chopra featured (he replaces Seinfeld in Phase 2) and listen to what he says as a spokes-person - I interpret this fact alone as a warning from the Lord to look closer before I dismiss it as “just an ad for a new pc” When I read the rest of the information on the ad site that incorporates the actual terminology of the Oneness community to further influence a susceptible public, I clearly interpret a dual purpose of the ad. For instance, if you look only on the surface of the Alliance of Civilizations you will accept the premise that they are only working to promote dialogue between cultures. Or,
“Collective consciousness” is “just what everybody thinks”
“Oneness” is “just about getting along with your neighbor”
Barbara Marx Hubbard is “just a wealthy woman who thinks about the future and how we can make it better.”
Al Gore is “just concerned about the environment”
The Millennium Development Goals are nothing more than "eight goals to be achieved by 2015 that respond to the world's main development challenges".
You might even evaluate what the Bible says about end times based on what or who you trust as an expert on the subject. Question for you: (I’ve looked at your blog when it was available and respect you as a person who has done diligent study to come to your conclusions) Where do you find “apostasia only means "to stand apart" or “the departure” rather than, “a falling away, defection from truth, apostasy” as in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance? Not to mention “Master Jesus the Anointed One” as a translation of, or, interpretation for, "our Lord Jesus Christ"?
I’m asking these questions because of my personal experience. When I became a Believer in Jesus as Messiah back in the late seventies, for the first year or so, I read the Bible only. I read and studied everything in the Bible that I could find about the Second Coming of the Lord. Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, the Gospels etc.. I’m not saying this to brag or imply that I consider myself to be an astute Bible scholar. I'm not. I’m saying it because I found the Word of God to be clear and understandable. I didn’t become confused until I started picking up “Bible prophecy helps” by a variety of popular Christian authors. Then I became confused. The books explaining end times were the first I heard about the variety of views concerning the “rapture” pre, post, or mid . Needless to say, I set the books aside and have done so to this day. I also respect your right to interpret the Bible and come to your own conclusions about end times. Your faith is personal and I mean you no offense, I was just puzzled by some of what you wrote. -Rudi
Agreed about Rush and Hannity. This is why I preface the comments with a note regarding Rush. But this bailout seems to be a massive government grab for our money and extension of their control in citizens' lives.
Ha! I totally did a double take when I first heard it. I hate to admit it, but I did have to look up who was actually president at that time. I was pretty sure the TV thing was wrong. So I looked that up.
I heard Rush say this as well and I think that you accurately summarized what he said.
There were a few technical/factual errors in the video which for the most part is true and strong.
The most isgnficant is this: SECTION 666 which created Solana's EU Council of Ministers Secretary-General and CFSP job was created in December 1998 at a European summit.
RECOMMENDATION 666 was introduced by Javier Solana into the WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION ASSEMBLY (then and now controlled exclusively by him) on June 5, 2000. It did not become law for the rest of Europe until the NICE SUMMIT held in December 2000.
As this is from Wikipedia, double check all carefully -- Squeakbox's successful historical revision of Solana and Nieves Mathews article prove that, but to give you some understanding read thsi excerpt from the HELSINKI HEADLINE GOAL article. The 1998 declaration referred to was in actually Section 666 of the December 1998 meeting:
"The Headline Goal was built upon an earlier bilateral Franco-British Joint Declaration adopted at St. Malo in December 1998.[3] The St. Malo Declaration said that the European Union ought to have the capability for “autonomous action backed up by credible military forces” as part of a common defence policy. The St. Malo Declaration laid the political foundation between France and the Great Britain, which in turn facilitated the launch of the European Security and Defence Policy and the formulation of the Headline Goal."
You said "I suppose that could be true if one is accustomed to looking only on the surface of things to determine their validity or trustworthiness."
You miss my point. I was simply relaying what the official statement is and not making any sort of value judgment; I was reporting a fact to someone who said they didn't watch much tv. Is this trying to imply I only look on the surface? I could take it that way but for now will give you the benefit of a doubt, even though the list of examples you gave after that tell me I probably shouldn't. I deny none of those things, so they were completely unnecessary to say.
You said "I’m saying it because I found the Word of God to be clear and understandable."
Is this the "plain reading" argument? Many think that solves everything, but I could give many examples where such an approach to Bible study falls flat and results in contradictions. It is clear in many respects, but unless one includes the many layers of context one will come to erroneous conclusions on some very important issues. That's something I have come to conclude after a lifetime of study. Some teachers confuse, no doubt about that. But that does not excuse a surface-skimming approach. It means we need to be more careful about the teachers we choose. I've written quite a lot about how poorly the churches have done at the task of discipleship and Christian education.
You ask, "Where do you find “apostasia only means "to stand apart" or “the departure” rather than, “a falling away, defection from truth, apostasy” as in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance? Not to mention “Master Jesus the Anointed One” as a translation of, or, interpretation for, "our Lord Jesus Christ"?
I find it in the Greek and check the meanings against more than one (circular) dictionary. Strong's lists what the KJV usages are; it is not a neutral, "semantic range" dictionary. A list of some of them can be found at http://tinyurl.com/5yduae . The Liddell/Scott Lexicon def. for apostasia is found at http://tinyurl.com/4b6wnt . The word Lord is the latin translation of the Greek kurios and its meaning can be seen at http://tinyurl.com/3qf4ts . So Master is a good English translation. And surely you've heard that the Greek word Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew word Messiah, which means The Anointed One.
There are ***many*** words in Koine Greek whose meaning was clarified by discoveries in the 1970s, but which have yet to be incorporated in many dictionaries. In some cases I suspect deliberately so, because the accurate meanings would upset some people's "ministries". There is much more I've seen of deliberate tampering with scripture even by the United Bible Societies.
One example is the 50-year "gender bender" they did on Junia (see http://tinyurl.com/5434h8 and scroll down to Junia, the Apostle: part 17). The only difference between her name being feminine or masculine is a certain accent over the last vowel. The UBS had rules that stipulated required attestation for any change they made to the text, but they added that accent to Junia without any support whatsoever. Fifty years later they removed it, again without so much as a footnote. This is unconscionable, and is undoubtedly related to the current series on the hijacking of evangelicalism. Egos are at stake, and people will stoop to any level to "keep their places", just like the Pharisees.
But again, not trying to hijack a thread, just reporting on an ad on tv. Only this and nothing more. :-)
Falling Away, apostasia
rebellion, abandonment in the religious sense, apostasy . . . Of the rebellion caused by the Antichrist in the last days 2 Thess. 2:3.29
to rise up in open defiance of authority, with the presumed intention to overthrow it or to act in complete opposition to its demands.30
late form of apostasis, defection.31
"a defection, revolt, apostasy," is used in the NT of religious apostasy . . . In 2 Thess. 2:3 "the falling away" signifies apostasy from the faith. In papyri documents it is used politically of rebels.32
a falling away, defection, apostasy; in the Bible namely from the true religion: Acts 21:21; 2 Thess. 2:3.33
Whether this refers to a rebellion, a religious apostasy, or a combination of the two in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is not relevant to the discussion. The point here is that some pre-tribulationists have tried to say that apostasia refers to a physical "departure." Since Paul said that the day of the Lord will not come until the apostasia comes first, they see this as a reference to the rapture. Their basis for this meaning is that the cognate verb, aphistemi, can mean "to depart." In addition, every English translation before the King James version translated this word as "departure."
Now, taking the last point first, I would think that, since most modern translations are done by pre-tribulationists, if they could legitimately translate this as "departure," then they would. However, not one of them does. Second, it is fallacious to define a noun by its cognate verb, especially when we have many occurrences of the noun itself in extra-biblical literature to examine for its meaning. This is called the "root fallacy." However, even the primary meaning of the verb is "to revolt."34 Wayne House argues for the meaning of "departure" at length but can not provide one example of this meaning in the Koine period.35 It is interesting that Paul does not use the word apostasia for his own departure (2 Tim. 4:6), and neither does Peter (2 Peter 1:15). Third, in addition to the fact that knowledge of Koine Greek has come a long way since before the KJV, simply because they translated this word as departure does not mean that they had a physical departure in view but probably meant a departure from the faith. This is strengthened by the fact that no one was a pre-tribulationist at this time, which we will discuss in chapter 7.
The Greek noun apostasia is only used twice in the New Testament. In addition to 2 Thessalonians 2:3, it occurs in Acts 21:21 where, speaking of Paul, it is said, “that you are teaching all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake (apostasia) Moses.” The word is a Greek compound of apo “from” and istemi “stand.” Thus, it has the core meaning of “away from” or “departure.” The Liddell and Scott Greek Lexicon defines apostasia first as “defection, revolt;” then secondly as “departure, disappearance.” [2]
Just a couple brief points, again not trying to prolong this:
"Now, taking the last point first, I would think that, since most modern translations are done by pre-tribulationists, if they could legitimately translate this as "departure," then they would..."
Illogical conclusion. For example, the TNIV is supposed to be "gender neutral" and have some kind of agenda. Yet they clearly translate several key passages in the male supremacist tradition whenever possible. So presuming motive is not a logical argument. Neither did you substantiate your claim that "most modern translations are done by pre-tribulationists".
"This is called the "root fallacy.""
No, I'm appealing to context. In fact, it is circular to presume the meaning of "departure from true teachings" and then use that presumed meaning to interpret the context. Since Paul is not talking about false teachings in the church but the last days and how the Thessalonians should not worry about missing the Day of the Lord, the meaning of the word is derived from that context.
I'm well aware of the root fallacy, for example with the word ekklesia. Yet the root meanings themselves are not **wrong** per se, since a gathering of people for some purpose does not violate the meaning of being "called out". Once again context is vital. And just as ekklesia in the NT contexts in which it is found refers to believers in Jesus, one does not err in calling them "called out".
Anyway, it should go without saying that pre-trib does not hang on the meaning of apostasia alone; it would be unwise to build a theology out of one verse or passage. Many pre-tribbers do presume a great falling away from truth in the last days, and there are explicit scriptures to that effect. Yet here, in this context, false teachings are not in view.
The full case for pre-trib is not something that can be presented in this format. That's why I provided the link to the Jack Kelly site, and there are many more if anyone truly wants to learn what pre-trib actually teaches and why. There are good and bad teachers about that, just as there are for many other views. And there are minor differences of opinion among pre-tribbers, just as there are among those who despise pre-trib views.
1Cor. 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in the last trumpet, for it shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we — we shall be changed:
1Th. 4:16 because the Lord himself, in a shout, in the voice of a chief-messenger, and in the trump of God, shall come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first,
Lev. 23:24 Speak to the Israelite people thus: In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts.
Rev. 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s-day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying,
Rev. 4:1 ¶ After these things I saw, and lo, a door opened in the heaven, and the first voice that I heard [is] as of a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up hither, and I will shew thee what it behoveth to come to pass after these things;’
Rev. 8:13 And I saw, and I heard one messenger, flying in the mid-heaven, saying with a great voice, ‘Woe, woe, woe, to those dwelling upon the land from the rest of the voices of the trumpet of the three messengers who are about to sound.’
Rev. 9:14 saying to the sixth messenger who had the trumpet, ‘Loose the four messengers who are bound at the great river Euphrates;’
the last trumpet
the dead shall be raised incorruptible
To all,
I found this via youtube. Its a 17 part series on the New Age movement entitled Megiddo 2-New Age. It traces the history of the occult-new age movement to colonial america. It also covers many of the things we all are far to familiar with. I am currently about half way through the series and truth be told there are numerous things in it I was unfamiliar with.
I believe this could be an invaluable tool in your work and highly recommend checking it out. If you have already seen it then I would appreciate your feedback on it. The video contains the source that quotes used came from so it might be of use there as well.
This one is truly a must see!!!
here's a link to some good info on Solena
Dr. Solana gets his emergency machinery in order (in absentia no less) with the "Third EU Emergency and Crisis Coordination Arrangements Exercise (CCAEX08)." [Note the numerous references to the EU Council and Council Secretariat (Dr. Solana is the Sec.-Gen. of the EU Council).]
Another good explanation about the timing of the rapture can be read at the online book called The Rapture Solution.
DespizdNRejectd - I like your logic.
Tanx mac! And a quick glance at your blog shows we share many similar views. Whoda thunk it? ;-)
US Troops to start patrolling in US on October 1, 2008
Critical thanks are due to:
Anonymous 4:29 p.m.
and the rest of you. I have a very funny feeling that Shirley Maclaine's "Karmageddon" is intensifying. So we had better intensify our own attention and work!
P.S. PLEASE REFRESH YOUR PAGE -- I have made some additions.
Wow Javier seems to be a busy man this week. He has managed to get a ton of things done at home despite having been in the US all week. Funny when you consider Mccain and Obama can't seem to manage their congressional duties and campaigns at the same time! lol
Great additions as always!
I should have posted this here as it's where everyone is.
I'm back after several days away due to a medical problem. Watching the television I saw an ad for this.
Should we be concerned?
Re: the "Fundamentalism" of the first post, here (Saavy 10:31)--
Today's Washington Post has an article about 6 volunteer chaplains who resigned because they were told not to mention Jesus's name in prayers. They were told to deliver non-denominational prayers.
To read the entirety of a story, the Post will generally require that you put in an email address.
I generally don't.
Middle East Peace Quartet
"The government says the new credit-card sized document will bear the holder's name, picture, date of birth, nationality and immigration status."
Enhanced Drivers License
Trusted Traveler Programs
These cards are the size of ordinary driver licenses and are meant to be carried in a wallet. I can see how they could turn into ID cards, same as the identification cards non-drivers can get at Motor Vehicles.
All of this upheaval in our financial markets has me thinking. How this could fit in the bigger picture. I thought of the SPP and how this could come into play in this mess. I looked at both our candidates and am seeing both Obama covertly and McCain overtly are on board with this deal, do you think the NWO has hedged their bets?
watching in OK
and most will not recognize him for what he is when he comes again with his "mark", nor will they recognize "the mark" for what it is, a symbol of the fallen Sun-God of Light, Lucifer.
The Number 666: Sorath (SVRTh: Spirit of the Sun) ARTH 666=111x6 THERion (the Beast) ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T) ShMSh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton) number of the Guardian Angel, Hatkariel; (600+60+6) symbolized by the Hebrew letter Shin; Path 31 on the Sephiroth; 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed Glory: 666 / 600 (Mem) Evil personified; 60 (Samekh) the Soul; 6 (Vau) is the number of Man; It seems the mystery behind the wisdom of Revelation 13:18 with its enigmatic mark and number has been solved. It is the symbol of the Sun, whose number is exactly Six-Hundred and Sixty Six. The Sun and its number has been symbolized by the ancient Celts as a Spiral. The Celtic Knot, Triskel, and Triquetra are all forms of this same symbol to represent the Occult numerical value of the Sun, 666. Other variations of this same Symbol have already been globally introduced for the masses to subliminally desensitize the world with Luciferian Sun Cult symbology as the Spiral is one of the most ancient symbols of the Sun, and the Sun to the Occult mindset represents the beautiful Lucifer, Lord of life, wonderful Solar deity and life-giving Force whose arcane number is 666. From my ongoing research in the Occult, I've discovered that no one name appears more in reference to the evil number 666 than the name 'Sorath,' which is the Hebrew word for Beast. Taking the coded name Sorath into anagram form results in the name Arthos, the ancient root word 'Arth,' which translates into Welsh as Bear, from which is derived the Celtic name: Arth-ur. Scripture tells us that 666 will be worn or embedded on or in the forehead as already depicted in New Age literature showing it placed directly over the Third-eye chakra (Soul; Pineal Gland) and will take the shape of the Solar Merkaba, a Celtic/Judaic Sun-symbol 666. The Crystal Skulls of Atlantis have much to do with this coming deception. According to Satanists, the future Mark of the Beast will be created from ancient and powerful Atlantean Crystal which they deem is connected to their very ancient Atlantean Sun God, Lucifer. Those leaders of nations deemed connected with Atlantis, such as the Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt, had a tradition of wearing an Edenic Serpent called the Golden Uraeus over the Third-eye as a sign they were the embodiment of the Sun-God who they called Ra.
Here is Wisdom, let him that hath [occult] understanding calculate the Number of the Beast, for it is the number of a Man and his number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six (666).
God said to me, dig under the Temple wall and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there. So I went in and saw gold serpents and every sort of idol there, and standing before them were the seventy Elder Priests of Israel worshipping the Sun! And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light.
Revelation 13:18; Ezekiel 8:8-16; 2Corinthians 11:14
Consequently, one version of the future Mark of the Beast is already here today, and marks HRH Prince William underneath the skin of his right hand, with a satellite-linked computer chip. Since all modern computer chips are actually made from silicon quartz crystal, scientfic advances are being increasingly made into making, not the chip, yet the individual quartz crystal itself store, compute, and remotely send financial data and other personal information to special scanning computers which can then read the crystal's signal output, immediately translate it, and display that information in any number of ways, even from the other side of the world, a frightening concept being perfected as you read this. According to several New Age authors who seem to be already preparing their readers for such an intrusive device worn on the body of every man, woman, and child, they are deeming this mandated technology to be vital in a post-2012 New World Order. In their words: "...the future World-State symbol of the Sun God is to bestow unifying power upon those marked by it, reflecting each citizen's complete submission into a Universal Community of Mankind," as well as signifying their social ranking within the Community itself, depending on whether they have their mark on their forehead (the elite) or their right hand (goyim). At that time, the Citizen of the coming Utopia world wear the Symbol of Life as a representation of the Solar Man within him, to connect him to his ancestors; the ancient gods, and to each other, yet moreover, to the Antichrist himself whose own runic symbol will be that of the Black Sun (666). Those who refuse the mark are banished from the Community World Order, yet a far greater punishment awaits those who receive it. It seems that despite the well-known ancient warnings of this most infamous number connected to evil and the Antichrist, most will never know it is Occult represented by the symbol of the Sun. In that time coming, the thought will prevail that the New World Eden owes its very existence to the Sun, which brought them out of a long and sustained, literal, Dark Age, back into the light. Indeed, when presented to them on an international scale by the Satanic False Prophet, many will take the Luciferian Mark of the Beast upon them believing it is a symbol of light and life never realizing Revelation's prophecy fulfillment about the mystery of the number 666, even as they wear it.
and most will not recognize him for what he is when he comes again with his "mark", nor will they recognize "the mark" for what it is, a symbol of the fallen Sun-God of Light, Lucifer.
The Number 666: Sorath (SVRTh: Spirit of the Sun) ARTH 666=111x6 THERion (the Beast) ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T) ShMSh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton) number of the Guardian Angel, Hatkariel; (600+60+6) symbolized by the Hebrew letter Shin; Path 31 on the Sephiroth; 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed Glory: 666 / 600 (Mem) Evil personified; 60 (Samekh) the Soul; 6 (Vau) is the number of Man; It seems the mystery behind the wisdom of Revelation 13:18 with its enigmatic mark and number has been solved. It is the symbol of the Sun, whose number is exactly Six-Hundred and Sixty Six. The Sun and its number has been symbolized by the ancient Celts as a Spiral. The Celtic Knot, Triskel, and Triquetra are all forms of this same symbol to represent the Occult numerical value of the Sun, 666. Other variations of this same Symbol have already been globally introduced for the masses to subliminally desensitize the world with Luciferian Sun Cult symbology as the Spiral is one of the most ancient symbols of the Sun, and the Sun to the Occult mindset represents the beautiful Lucifer, Lord of life, wonderful Solar deity and life-giving Force whose arcane number is 666. From my ongoing research in the Occult, I've discovered that no one name appears more in reference to the evil number 666 than the name 'Sorath,' which is the Hebrew word for Beast. Taking the coded name Sorath into anagram form results in the name Arthos, the ancient root word 'Arth,' which translates into Welsh as Bear, from which is derived the Celtic name: Arth-ur. Scripture tells us that 666 will be worn or embedded on or in the forehead as already depicted in New Age literature showing it placed directly over the Third-eye chakra (Soul; Pineal Gland) and will take the shape of the Solar Merkaba, a Celtic/Judaic Sun-symbol 666. The Crystal Skulls of Atlantis have much to do with this coming deception. According to Satanists, the future Mark of the Beast will be created from ancient and powerful Atlantean Crystal which they deem is connected to their very ancient Atlantean Sun God, Lucifer. Those leaders of nations deemed connected with Atlantis, such as the Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt, had a tradition of wearing an Edenic Serpent called the Golden Uraeus over the Third-eye as a sign they were the embodiment of the Sun-God who they called Ra.
Here is Wisdom, let him that hath [occult] understanding calculate the Number of the Beast, for it is the number of a Man and his number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six (666).
God said to me, dig under the Temple wall and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there. So I went in and saw gold serpents and every sort of idol there, and standing before them were the seventy Elder Priests of Israel worshipping the Sun! And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light.
Revelation 13:18; Ezekiel 8:8-16; 2Corinthians 11:14
Consequently, one version of the future Mark of the Beast is already here today, and marks HRH Prince William underneath the skin of his right hand, with a satellite-linked computer chip. Since all modern computer chips are actually made from silicon quartz crystal, scientfic advances are being increasingly made into making, not the chip, yet the individual quartz crystal itself store, compute, and remotely send financial data and other personal information to special scanning computers which can then read the crystal's signal output, immediately translate it, and display that information in any number of ways, even from the other side of the world, a frightening concept being perfected as you read this. According to several New Age authors who seem to be already preparing their readers for such an intrusive device worn on the body of every man, woman, and child, they are deeming this mandated technology to be vital in a post-2012 New World Order. In their words: "...the future World-State symbol of the Sun God is to bestow unifying power upon those marked by it, reflecting each citizen's complete submission into a Universal Community of Mankind," as well as signifying their social ranking within the Community itself, depending on whether they have their mark on their forehead (the elite) or their right hand (goyim). At that time, the Citizen of the coming Utopia world wear the Symbol of Life as a representation of the Solar Man within him, to connect him to his ancestors; the ancient gods, and to each other, yet moreover, to the Antichrist himself whose own runic symbol will be that of the Black Sun (666). Those who refuse the mark are banished from the Community World Order, yet a far greater punishment awaits those who receive it. It seems that despite the well-known ancient warnings of this most infamous number connected to evil and the Antichrist, most will never know it is Occult represented by the symbol of the Sun. In that time coming, the thought will prevail that the New World Eden owes its very existence to the Sun, which brought them out of a long and sustained, literal, Dark Age, back into the light. Indeed, when presented to them on an international scale by the Satanic False Prophet, many will take the Luciferian Mark of the Beast upon them believing it is a symbol of light and life never realizing Revelation's prophecy fulfillment about the mystery of the number 666, even as they wear it.
and most will not recognize him for what he is when he comes again with his "mark", nor will they recognize "the mark" for what it is, a symbol of the fallen Sun-God of Light, Lucifer.
The Number 666: Sorath (SVRTh: Spirit of the Sun) ARTH 666=111x6 THERion (the Beast) ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T) ShMSh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton) number of the Guardian Angel, Hatkariel; (600+60+6) symbolized by the Hebrew letter Shin; Path 31 on the Sephiroth; 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed Glory: 666 / 600 (Mem) Evil personified; 60 (Samekh) the Soul; 6 (Vau) is the number of Man; It seems the mystery behind the wisdom of Revelation 13:18 with its enigmatic mark and number has been solved. It is the symbol of the Sun, whose number is exactly Six-Hundred and Sixty Six. The Sun and its number has been symbolized by the ancient Celts as a Spiral. The Celtic Knot, Triskel, and Triquetra are all forms of this same symbol to represent the Occult numerical value of the Sun, 666. Other variations of this same Symbol have already been globally introduced for the masses to subliminally desensitize the world with Luciferian Sun Cult symbology as the Spiral is one of the most ancient symbols of the Sun, and the Sun to the Occult mindset represents the beautiful Lucifer, Lord of life, wonderful Solar deity and life-giving Force whose arcane number is 666. From my ongoing research in the Occult, I've discovered that no one name appears more in reference to the evil number 666 than the name 'Sorath,' which is the Hebrew word for Beast. Taking the coded name Sorath into anagram form results in the name Arthos, the ancient root word 'Arth,' which translates into Welsh as Bear, from which is derived the Celtic name: Arth-ur. Scripture tells us that 666 will be worn or embedded on or in the forehead as already depicted in New Age literature showing it placed directly over the Third-eye chakra (Soul; Pineal Gland) and will take the shape of the Solar Merkaba, a Celtic/Judaic Sun-symbol 666. The Crystal Skulls of Atlantis have much to do with this coming deception. According to Satanists, the future Mark of the Beast will be created from ancient and powerful Atlantean Crystal which they deem is connected to their very ancient Atlantean Sun God, Lucifer. Those leaders of nations deemed connected with Atlantis, such as the Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt, had a tradition of wearing an Edenic Serpent called the Golden Uraeus over the Third-eye as a sign they were the embodiment of the Sun-God who they called Ra.
Here is Wisdom, let him that hath [occult] understanding calculate the Number of the Beast, for it is the number of a Man and his number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six (666).
God said to me, dig under the Temple wall and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there. So I went in and saw gold serpents and every sort of idol there, and standing before them were the seventy Elder Priests of Israel worshipping the Sun! And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light.
Revelation 13:18; Ezekiel 8:8-16; 2Corinthians 11:14
Consequently, one version of the future Mark of the Beast is already here today, and marks HRH Prince William underneath the skin of his right hand, with a satellite-linked computer chip. Since all modern computer chips are actually made from silicon quartz crystal, scientfic advances are being increasingly made into making, not the chip, yet the individual quartz crystal itself store, compute, and remotely send financial data and other personal information to special scanning computers which can then read the crystal's signal output, immediately translate it, and display that information in any number of ways, even from the other side of the world, a frightening concept being perfected as you read this. According to several New Age authors who seem to be already preparing their readers for such an intrusive device worn on the body of every man, woman, and child, they are deeming this mandated technology to be vital in a post-2012 New World Order. In their words: "...the future World-State symbol of the Sun God is to bestow unifying power upon those marked by it, reflecting each citizen's complete submission into a Universal Community of Mankind," as well as signifying their social ranking within the Community itself, depending on whether they have their mark on their forehead (the elite) or their right hand (goyim). At that time, the Citizen of the coming Utopia world wear the Symbol of Life as a representation of the Solar Man within him, to connect him to his ancestors; the ancient gods, and to each other, yet moreover, to the Antichrist himself whose own runic symbol will be that of the Black Sun (666). Those who refuse the mark are banished from the Community World Order, yet a far greater punishment awaits those who receive it. It seems that despite the well-known ancient warnings of this most infamous number connected to evil and the Antichrist, most will never know it is Occult represented by the symbol of the Sun. In that time coming, the thought will prevail that the New World Eden owes its very existence to the Sun, which brought them out of a long and sustained, literal, Dark Age, back into the light. Indeed, when presented to them on an international scale by the Satanic False Prophet, many will take the Luciferian Mark of the Beast upon them believing it is a symbol of light and life never realizing Revelation's prophecy fulfillment about the mystery of the number 666, even as they wear it.
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