As Javier Solana has sown vis a vis Kosovo, so does he now seem to reap. As warned, numerous other apparently disaffected regions are now demanding independence. Javier Solana has made it plain that Kosovo was "unique." According to this Associated Press article:
"EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana reiterated that for the West, the Kosovo declaration was a unique situation, and was not precedent for South Ossetia or Abkhazia . . . 'The EU will not support such declarations and will continue to insist on finding a solution within the existing conflict resolution formats,' Solana was quoted as saying by the Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta on Thursday . . ."
Well, what was unique about Kosovo?
Kosovo was the religious center of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The precedent set here is that it is ok to take somebody's religious center from them.
Jerusalem, Vatican City, Mecca, Salt Lake City take heed! The precedent has been set. Your turn, unfortunately, may not be all that far behind. Anti-clerical persons, such as Javier Solana, generally do not maintain sentimentality for the objects of one's religious affections.
Truly perilous times are upon us!
"EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana reiterated that for the West, the Kosovo declaration was a unique situation, and was not precedent for South Ossetia or Abkhazia . . . 'The EU will not support such declarations and will continue to insist on finding a solution within the existing conflict resolution formats,' Solana was quoted as saying by the Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta on Thursday . . ."
Well, what was unique about Kosovo?
Kosovo was the religious center of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The precedent set here is that it is ok to take somebody's religious center from them.
Jerusalem, Vatican City, Mecca, Salt Lake City take heed! The precedent has been set. Your turn, unfortunately, may not be all that far behind. Anti-clerical persons, such as Javier Solana, generally do not maintain sentimentality for the objects of one's religious affections.
Truly perilous times are upon us!
It looks like the US government is now unconscionably outsourcing Boeing aircraft jobs to an EU subsidized company located in France. Along with it goes our technology. The better for EU to fulfill its Solana his 1999 estatement: The plan is to use NATO (and even sole USA) assets with EUROPEAN control of those assets. Heavy coverage of this tonight on Lou Dobbs, CNN.
Here's a source trying to do something about it:
Today I stood with the men and women of Boeing in Everett as the Air Force announced that it would be outsourcing a $40 billion contract to build aerial refueling tankers to the European company Airbus. Boeing workers were shocked, angry, and wanted answers – and so do I.
Awarding this critical military contract to Airbus, a company that is heavily subsidized by European governments, is a threat to our economic, military, and trade security. At a time when families are struggling and unemployment is rising at home, it is unacceptable that we are investing in European jobs instead of creating 44,000 new jobs here. At a time when we are engaged in two wars, we need to ask ourselves whether we should place war-fighting tools and technology in foreign hands. And as we continue to compete in a global market, we need to ask why we are giving $40 billion to a company that our government has brought a World Trade Organization (WTO) illegal subsidies case against.
In the days, weeks, and months ahead I will work relentlessly to get answers and will explore every option available to me to right this wrong.
Sign the Petition to Denounce the Air Force's Decision
Friday, February 29, 2008
Today I stood with the men and women of Boeing in Everett as the Air Force announced that it would be outsourcing a $40 billion contract to build aerial refueling tankers to the European company Airbus. Boeing workers were shocked, angry, and wanted answers – and so do I.
Awarding this critical military contract to Airbus, a company that is heavily subsidized by European governments, is a threat to our economic, military, and trade security. At a time when families are struggling and unemployment is rising at home, it is unacceptable that we are investing in European jobs instead of creating 44,000 new jobs here. At a time when we are engaged in two wars, we need to ask ourselves whether we should place war-fighting tools and technology in foreign hands. And as we continue to compete in a global market, we need to ask why we are giving $40 billion to a company that our government has brought a World Trade Organization (WTO) illegal subsidies case against.
In the days, weeks, and months ahead I will work relentlessly to get answers and will explore every option available to me to right this wrong.
Sign the Petition to Denounce the Air Force's Decision
Friday, February 29, 2008
Where is everybody?
Moscow's ambassador to NATO is calling efforts to make Georgia and Ukraine members of the military alliance "a provocation."
reaping hazards...
"SARAJEVO -- Javier Solana has warned the international community will not tolerate calls for secession in Bosnia-Hercegovina."
I don't want to be a bore but in kindness and love will remind those of you who believe we are in the last 7 years since jan 2007 you have until June 13 2010 for the Jewish Temple to be built and for antichrist (Solana, I guess, as he made the "covenant") to enter the Temple and desecrate it.
Scripture is clear he will do this exactly 1260 days after the "covenant" is made.
We must stick to scripture and not treat speculation as truth.
No sign of a temple yet and Solana is getting older by the day.
Oh, and remember by checking out the first 69 weeks of Daniel's "70 week" prophecy we can tell for certain they were weeks of years that ran for 360 days a year.
So you who think these are THE 7 years you have until June 13 1010.
Dangerous to place all your eggs in one basket simply because it seems okay.
I say this not to make fun or to be sarcastic but in the hope some of you will modify your statements. Like the girl who wrote mocking me because I do not believe these are THE 7 years.
If you continue to say these are THE years and you turn out to be wrong, many people will be hurt and many will turn away from the study of end time prophecy. And it will be your fault. Be careful for your brother's sake dear ones.
Love in Jesus
Amen, Bob
I believe that the prophesies are given
to us not so much so that we
can predict the future, but so
that when these things happen
we will know for sure that it's
all part of God's plan.
For instance who would have known
in 1948 that the Jews would regain
a homeland ? It would have seemed
too far-fetched. But when it did
happen, we gained a perspective.
But Bob, in both I Chronicles and
in Ezra 3 we see that Israel does
NOT need a temple to begin
sacrifices. They only need an
altar, and the AC walking into the
Holy place would at that point
be 3.5 years away, to make his
famous move.
When these things happen,
THEN we know.
_But when we see these things
begin to happen, then we are to
get ready, not predict, just get
ready. That is, to watch, to pray,
to read the Bible, and to encourage
the saints and pull as many out
of the fire as possible.
Two more cents,
Paul, don't you mean, "two more Euros"?
Good one.
As far as two cents goes, they
say it costs three cents to make
a penny now. That makes my
comment worth something less
than zero.
"Iran now ready to talk nuclear..." (with our friend)
Anon 2:40 PM
Is this what you're talking about?
Thanks. Rudi
'Iran open to nuclear talks with EU'
"Mottaki's remarks came after the veto-wielding UNSC powers demanded that EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana meet with Iran's top nuclear negotiator to defuse the four-year dispute."
'Stop threats then we'll talk, Iran tells West'
Rudi: Yep.
Bob @ 7:40
Some prophecy watchers have most everything in Revelation occurring in the mid to latter half of Daniel's last week. Yet I think you are entirely justified in voicing a warning here. Prophecy speculators have had egg on their faces many times in the past and these sorts of claims ruin credibilty when they fail.
I am unaware of anyone here being adamant about thier view of Revelation or Daniel - or any prophecy for that matter. While there have been som heatexd discussions, I thnk everyone ahs stated in their own writing "we will see what time bears out".
While we can see what is occuring on a daily basis around us - I do not remember any person who posts here on a rregular basis stating "this is it" or anything along those lines.
For myself, after watching actively for 24 years now - time and occurane have taught me that much.
Wars. And rumors...
You don't have to be a prophecy expert or Bible scholar to read the newspapers and discern the times.
Of course Iran is talking to the EU about nukes. The Iranian Fascists are trying to get world opinion on their side and generate either support or neutrality from as many players as possible. They may be crazy, but they are not fools.
Meanwhile, Israel is debating the pros and cons of launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran which would surely bring unprecedeted global "community" condemnation upon them. Every Israeli knows they cannot wait for the Iranians to produce even one atomic weapon. For Israel, it's a matter of which bad choice, out of a plate full of bad choices, will give them the greatest chance for survival.
If the spectre of spreading war, likely involving the use of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, is not the stuff of the "end times", I don't know what is.
Will it make any difference if Clinton, Obama, or McCain are sitting in the Oval Office?
See March 2, Washinton Post article, "It's the Middle East Stupid!"
I read with great interest the comments in this column and would like to add that having just read oldmanoftheski's recommended article from Washington Post "It's The Middle East Stupid!" I also am of the opinion that "our dear friend" Solana may very well be the one whom the Bible states will be the "man of pedition" and threatening world rule before our Lord returns. If one looks at it logically and accepting MOST people agree we ARE in "end times", then anyone hoping to achieve what antichrist must achieve before the 7 years of Daniel 9:27 commences ie being "Mr Big" - he will HAVE to have his takeover plan well established by now and be in a position to step in and take over world control at the right moment for him. I would like to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise to come up with a better scenario! It had better be good because as I see it time is running out!
Regarding the Rapture and the 7 year Tribulation period it is probably true to say that as time goes by we have a better chance of seeing things more clearly.
Being dogmatic though will not ensure infallibility in these matters.
Recently some elsewhere have predicted a late Spring 2008 Rapture based on the rule of 40. You can have 40 lashes but not 41. This also ties in with the 400 year old foundation of the USA in Jamestown in May, 1607.
Why late Spring? Because Israel had full control of all its land at the end of the Six Day War in June, 1967. 40 years from then was June, 2007. 41 years will be June, 2008. This is also referring to the sign of the Fig tree.
Also Bush wants to divide the land of Israel. God doesn't. Bush wants an agreement signed this year.
Will judgement come to the USA? It already appears to have come with 63,000 jobs lost last month and the Boeing jobs being outsourced as mentioned above.
Keep tuned.
There are also many Christian theologians out there who are still debating a post-tribulation rapture over a pre-tribulation rapture.
Your thoughts and comments on this topic would be greatly appreciated by this reader.
Thank you in advance.
If I ever write a book
I'm going to call it:
Dogma & Catastrophe
waddyathink, Doug?
Hi Paul - perfect title - sure to be a page turner :)
To anonymous @ 10:57 on the rapture -
I will bite -
If you are seeking a casual answer -"pray for pre, hope for mid, plan for post" - can't go wrong -
If you seek my own thought and study effort - pre wrath.
The "great tribulation" is approximatley 3 1/2 years.
Anon 10:57
Douginmi, great answer, I concur.
There's plenty of internet sites and books out there covering all sides of this important topic. My take is that we are called to be faithful, observant, and useful, no matter the circumstances, and no matter how long we are on this earth.
The little church I belong to is 98.7 % pre-trib. I used to attend Chuck Missler's weekly bible study in Post Falls Idaho. Missler definitely holds a strong pre-tribulation rapture view. He says, "For those of you who do not believe in a pre-trib rapture, we can explain it to you on the way up." That's a good way of saying that regardless of whether we understand or agree on the timing of God, it does not affect our eternal relationship to Him. It should also not adversely affect our relationship to other Christians. That said, we do need to guard against heresy and deception in the Church. The fact is, like others have said here, if we are paying attention we will understand the prophetic scriptures as we see them unfold.
My view is that when all hell is breaking loose on the earth, those of us who are post-trib or "pre-wrath" will be called to explain it to all those who are extremely disappointed they've been "left behind".
Jesus very clearly said: No man knows the day nor the hour.
We ignore time and events which will ultimately tell to our own peril. Further, there were events in the past, Hitler, et al , where people thought the time was near. The times were no less dangerous because Hitler was the antichrist wannabe he was rather than the main man.
Jesus warned us to stay alert and watch. I, for one, plan to do just that, ridicule or no ridicule.
But the greek verb used in that verse, know, is eido: and is used only in certain past tense. With the # of days in Daniel 12:11-12, the Lord wants us to know certain things, events that are a harbinger to warn others and to tell them the way of salvation.
I totally agree with you about American Christians. I think part of the pre-trib insistence is deep-seated denial that God would allow Americans to suffer. You only have to look at the church in China to see how wrong this thinking is. China's underground church has multiplied astronomically because of persecution. I personally think wealth and comfort are simply American idols, not evidence of God's blessing.
That is true of the American church - here we deal with disillutionment - variuos whims of doctrine, the list is long. Many other countries where persecution at a "real deal" level - which means it can cost your life is more cut and dry. Make no mistake about it - judgement begins at the house of the Lord and the nation will be dealt with by the Lord God Himself - which will catch amny - many "christians" by surprise - due to thier slumber or even worse - fals pretense of being a "christian.
That not withstanding, I still think that scripture bears out a pre wrath rapture.
I agree whole heartedly with Constance and oldmanoftheski [that is still such a long tag :)]- we need to watch and be ready - remember - there were 10 virgins, 5 kept their lamps full in anticipation of the bridegroom, 5 did not, 5 went in, 5 did not.
With this in mind - how should you (we) live?
Personally, as many here can probably also atest to for their own lives - I have been ridiculed and whatever else -the Lord said "count the cost" - and so we must.
My trust is is in Him who sits upon the Throne - Blessed be the Name above all names - Lord Jesus Christ.
oh - and PS - we have been in the "last days" so to speak since Peter spoke of it - Acts 2 Chapert 16 - 17
16 "But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17 ‘ And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams."
But - there is a distinct differnce between that and the "time of the end"
Boeing is a CHINA operation for all practical purposes.
Boeing could get sub-contracts. Google Airbus vs. Boeing.
I weep for the families, but Boeing et al sold us out and the Seattle employees to begin with. Lived in Seattle a.k.a. AmeriKa.
It's hard to see, when the US will probably collapse within two years that it matters. If the dollars gone...don't forget what HAARP can do. HAARP can put a shield over an area and nothing can get through as everything will burn up. Who needs planes? Rip off artist.
I'm pre-trib and still here so it hasn't happened yet, unless God forgot me and I doubt it. ;)
It seems resonable that God will wait until the last moment to take born agains out as who will be around to spread the good word during the hard times when it spreads the fastest? Pains me greatly to say this! When does the church grow?
Rose/ Humble
I'm probably not as knowledgeable regarding the scripture as most on this blog, however I have done my fair share of studying the pre-tribbers case.
If one will look at all the times God has brought his wrath against people you will see that he always removed the righteous from the wrath. Like with Moses and the Hebrew people, before the Pharaoh would allow them to leave God brought plagues against the Egyptians that did not affect the Hebrew people. Or with Noah, God removed him and he did not go through Gods wrath. And the same with Lot and his family.
Now I'm not saying we as Christians will not go through Trials and Tribulations, because Christ said that we will. However what Christ spoke of was not the Wrath of God. I guess if you will look at the Consistency of God throughout history you will see that there has never been a case when Gods wrath harmed a Righteous or Just person.
If we're still here during the first half of the 7 years then I don't see how any of the seals could be opened. Because those seals sound like Wrath to me.
Vatican lists "new sins," including pollution
By Philip Pullella
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) "Thou shall not pollute the Earth. Thou shall beware genetic manipulation. Modern times bring with them modern sins. So the Vatican has told the faithful that they should be aware of "new" sins such as causing environmental blight."
"...also listed drug trafficking and social and economic injustices as modern sins."
Since when do men decide "new sins"? Complete article is a must read, including Global warming remarks.
Fewer confessions and new sins
By David Willey
BBC News, Rome
The Vatican has brought up to date the traditional seven deadly sins by adding seven modern mortal sins it claims are becoming prevalent in what it calls an era of "unstoppable globalisation".
Those newly risking eternal punishment include drug pushers, the obscenely wealthy, and scientists who manipulate human genes. So "thou shalt not carry out morally dubious scientific experiments" or "thou shalt not pollute the earth" might one day be added to the Ten Commandments.
Rose I pray you are so right!
Now would be a good time, I'm more than ready.
I'd like to add that there were seven
feasts which God commanded Israel
to observe every year. It's taken
mostly from Ex.12, Lev. 23 & 25,
and Num.29.
It's according to some denominations
as well as a number of Bible scholars
who hold that each of the feasts is
a "shadow of things to come". That
is, these feasts have a fulfillment
in the New Testament.
To whit:
1) Passover; Jesus is the Passover Lamb
( The Crucifixion )
2) Unleavened Bread: He was hidden
in the earth for three days, just
as the Israelites hid the unleavened
bread in the folds of their coats as
they escaped. He is the Bread of Life.
( John 6 )
3) Firstfruits: ( The Resurrection )
Jesus is the first fruit of
the new man who is spiritual and
incorruptible. Rom.11:16
(I Cor..15:20-23) ( James1:18)
4) Pentecost: ( Feast of Weeks ) He
was with the disciples for fifty
days (seven weeks )before he
ascended into heaven.
_These four feasts took place in
the spring, and all of them have
seen their fulfillment in His
first appearance as Joseph's son,
the humble servant. Then came
three feasts in the Autumn:
5) Trumpets: (Rosh Hashanah)
"On the first day of the seventh
month" (a new moon) This is going
to be the Rapture of the Saints.
God's people "move out" "in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye
Note here than because of the
reckoning of the new moon,which
had to be made by two observers
at sundown, no man ever knew
the exact day or the hour...
6) Atonement: "They ( Israel )
shall look upon him whom they
pierced" ( Zech. 10 )
This is seven years of tribulation.
7) Tabernacles ( Ingathering, Booths )
The Lord will dwell with men.
The lion will lay down with the ox. Is. 11
This is the Millennial Kingdom
_ These last three are yet to be
fulfilled, but the Feast of Trumpets
is next, after the "summer" of the
"Age of Grace", or the "Times of the
PS The Feast of Trumpets is on Sept.
27th, 28th or 29th this year. No
one really knows for sure.
Yours truly,
Deuteronomy Chapter 11
Also Idolatry
The New Age culture brings down punishment on the heads of its supporters. The punishmenet may come because God has commanded it. It may also come because it is destructive to the larger community. It destroys ethical behavior, charitable behavior, communal bonds, glorifies emotional thinking and destroys rigorous thinking. The growth of paganism and occult beliefs are signals that a community is dying from within, rotting away.
Whether the Christian view of end times or a time of evil that must expend itself before it can end, remember God gave us free will and we can do something about it.
My 2 cents. The five virgins were waiting for the Bridegroom not the Beast. If the Beast comes first, the other five aren't likely to be asleep. Being told to take the Mark or else is a pretty good clue something's up.
Very interesting discussion on the pre-tribulational rapture theory. Do any of you then believe that those who might disagree (and believe in a post-tribulational rapture theory) are either "false Christians" or "heretics"?
After all, only TIME will tell which argument is correct, right?
Latest climate news from Fulfilled Prophecy:“EU must boost military capabilities in face of climate change”
“The EU and member states should further build up their capabilities with regards to civil protection, and civil and military crisis management and disaster response instruments to react to the security risks posed by climate change, reads a paper by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and external relations commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner."
Global Marshall Plan UPDATE:
“On March 5, 2008, the Coalition for the Global Commons launches an international consultation process that engages partners across the world in the development of a common global action plan. The Coalition for the Global Commons seeks to provide a multilateral platform in politics, economics, civil society, science, religious communities, academia, and the media that will enable leaders, experts and the public across the world to work together for a new system of global economic and political cooperation.”
Also see ‘WorldShift Network –The Club of Budapest (New site)
“The Club of Budapest is Founding Member of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative”
Ervin Laszlo is the founder and president of The Club of Budapest, co-founder of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative. Among others, partnered with the WorldShift Network
Are, The World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality and Goi Peace Foundation. The Goi Peace Foundation was granted Special Consulative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 2004 and was also admitted to official-relationship status with UNESCO in 2006. It is connected directly to the World Peace Prayer Society. “ May Peace Prevail on Earth”
Today I also came across another Club of Budapest/Laszlo sponsored
"thing" "The Institute at GlobalShift University" premiers 2009..."The first on line learning institution for the 21st century. “You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution.” When you go to the site the music you will hear as a video begins to play is the Barack Obama theme song "Yes We Can"
To verify the song you can listen to it here:
Your suggestion of a discussion on what might be done never materialized. Maybe you can throw out a couple of suggestions since you raise the issue again.
Thanks, Deannie
Interesting Hologram
Hi everyone.
I thought this was an interesting photo of what a Kosovo Serbian girl thinks of Solana...
(Does she have horns on Solana, Bush, and the others??)
Anonymous said...
My 2 cents. The five virgins were waiting for the Bridegroom not the Beast. If the Beast comes first, the other five aren't likely to be asleep. Being told to take the Mark or else is a pretty good clue something's up.
REALLY? Been in many churches lately? you could fire a cannon and few would stir -
A while ago someone had an interest in the color blue; if that is still interesting to you look at this: http://www.raidersnewsnetwork.com/full.php?news=13516
“These things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy. . .”
This is a fact. This is what Jesus said. The faith to believe this should be yours. I hope the feeling, the joy of it will lighten you load. “Increase knowledge, increase sorrow.”
To anonymous at 8:62 -
no, I do not think anything like that , heretics or false christians or the like.
Yes - time will bear out all things - we need to standfast in Him, and go as lead. Those lead by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
Let no one forget that Esau sold hid birthright for a bowl of stew ....
"A bowl of stew" sounds a lot
like " Let their table become a
snare before them; and that
which should have been for
their reward, let it become a
trap. "
This verse is in the middle of
one of the so called "Messianic
Psalms" which are well known to
depict Jesus in a very clear way.
In this case it's Jesus speaking to
the Father while he was actually
suffering on the cross. He puts
this curse on those who hate
him and who have done this to
him for no good reason.
God makes good out of this evil.
But woe to those who perpetrate
that is: Psalms 69 which is
mentioned again in Rom. 9.
HK-91 says....
I heard Alan Wolfe the writer of this article linked below on NPR's radio program "Radio Without Borders" today. I thought you all might find it interesting.
It seems Mr. Wolfe thinks secularization will ultimately save the world.
He has a rather "interesting" take on the relationship between the secular and religious, curiously spirituality is overlooked, be it True Spirituality, or false spirituality.
It certainly is a rather different perspective on things.
It seemed to me from the tone of the interview that the host of the program and Mr. Wolfe bubbled with glee that the secularist's will in fact save the world, and religionists, of any type, have been marginalized in their thinking, that we are at best a manipulatable statistic, and at worst an historical malignancy to be expunged.
Maybe we've done it to ourselves. I decided to look Wolfe and his religion Center up.
Transformation of American Religion by Alan Wolfe
"...God has met and struggled fiercely against American culture - and the culture has won.
"On the face of it, religion in America seems to be booming. Church attendance remains high, and God-talk is omnipresent. Yet after traveling across the country, visiting with clergy, joining in worship services, and digesting reports from every corner of the land, Wolfe discovered that the reality of religion as we actually practice it is utterly different from the stereotype. Gone is the language of sin and damnation. Forgotten are all the doctrinal differences that were once of burning importance. Worship and prayer serve the needs of the inner self. Witnessing is another lifestyle option.
"In short, American religion has been tamed, and God has become a friend rather than an authority figure. Even conservative religion has become part of the culture of narcissism. Evangelicals are more interested in planting and growing churches than they are in saving souls. People change denominations as frequently as they change jobs.
"Americans continue to take their religion seriously, but as a group we have thoroughly domesticated what was once a matter of spiritual life and death. We are witnessing the end of religion as our grandparents understood it - and the start of a new religion we are just beginning to know...."
The clergy have put the questions of morality behind them so as to grow and let parishioners be more comfortable in these community centers. Then the state determines what is moral, not in the name of religion, but on the basis of what they see is necessary for the good of the community. The only problem is that pride and lack of vision stand in the way of their determinations. Do we dare say something is immoral before the state approves our comments?
"REALLY? Been in many churches lately? you could fire a cannon and few would stir -"
Here's the thing, you're talking about what is "now". Now go back and think about what I actually said!
You have to let us know which anonymous you are before we can grasp what you said. Use a time reference if you can.
Constance, I remember saying that I didn't think much would come of Sarkozy's mediterrenian union... but I didn't think of what it could do to expand the reach of the EU(and by extension, Solana, or maybe the other way around), and just add to the influence gained with the ENP.
quoting JPost on it:
"French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday he won "unanimous" backing for his plan to forge closer political ties with Europe's North African and Mideast neighbors on the Mediterranean Sea.
The agreement came at the end of the first day of a two-day EU summit, but the specific details of the plan will still have to be worked out by June, other leaders said.
The project would involve 39 partners - the 27-nation EU plus a dozen on the Mediterranean's southern shores, from Mauritania to Algeria, Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Authority to Syria and Turkey."
Along with the climate change card, and the EU's new proposed security revisions(quotes following) this could turn out to be another step towards true global governance:
"A research paper commissioned by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has called for major changes to the way security is currently handled, advising tighter regulations for developers and ISPs and the foundation of an independent agency to monitor cybercrime."
"BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission unveiled on Wednesday a plan to fingerprint all foreigners visiting Europe's 24-nation border-free area, as part of a series of border-security proposals.
The electronic register, similar to a policy adopted by the United States after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, could go into effect by 2015 if governments and European lawmakers agree with the plan, the European Union executive said.
The European Commission says the scheme, part of a series of proposals to fight terrorism, organised crime and illegal migration, is needed to protect the bloc's borders now that travellers can cross national boundaries without checks between 24 member states in the enlarged border-free "Schengen" zone.
"This package puts forward new ideas on the table for the control of our borders ... using the most advanced technology to reach the highest level of security," EU Justice and Security Commissioner Franco Frattini said in a statement."
Seems like Vitus has some type of high-functioning autism. The EU is threating economic sanctions on the U.S. and China if they don't comply with climate control measures within a year. Here's an article on it:
Alliance of the Unwilling
A Times article I caught today.
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