SOMETHING VERY STRANGE IS GOING ON WITH MY YAHOO MAIL! It was all back and next time I logged on, it was gone. Then when I later logged on it was gone -- a few minutes later, back. When I moved ONE piece of email to a different box, bar association mail, I then received a headline message that indicated the former total number of messages in my email box that I HAD NO MESSAGES IN MY INBOX.
I don't know what is going on, but for now, please use my cumbey@gmail.com. This proves, in my opinion, that my email is alive somewhere, deep in the bowels of Yahoo!
I had filed numerous trouble reports with Yahoo and still have no explanation, but my missing email WAS restored and WAS all back. . . .
If somebody from Yahoo! is reading this, please act on it. Do you really want to give your competitor, GOOGLE and GMAIL that much of an advantage?
Merry Christmas and stay tuned!
Frustratedly yours,
I don't know what is going on, but for now, please use my cumbey@gmail.com. This proves, in my opinion, that my email is alive somewhere, deep in the bowels of Yahoo!
I had filed numerous trouble reports with Yahoo and still have no explanation, but my missing email WAS restored and WAS all back. . . .
If somebody from Yahoo! is reading this, please act on it. Do you really want to give your competitor, GOOGLE and GMAIL that much of an advantage?
Merry Christmas and stay tuned!
Frustratedly yours,
They must be all done with it.
Yours truly,
Glad you got it back. Merry Christmas to you, too!
03311Well, maybe they didn't like the headline -- it's gone again!
Another counter-terrorism piece.
More info...
merry Christamas to you and your famaly Constance, and to all who post and read here.
May we all remember the day is supposed to be a remebereance of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ - yes I am all too aware of its history and beginings - and trappings.
let us overcome that together, in the Holy name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, soon returning King of Kings.
Merry Christmas everyone. Constance I hope that for Christmas you receive functional e-mail and Yahoo cooperation!
from how you describe your problem
could be that your e-mail memory limit is close to its maximum.
strange things happen when memory usage is closest to limit.
might be a "memory leakage" issue.
download all your yahoo email inbox to your Outlook Express inbox.
If issue is not resolved then download all your "Sent" or Outbox
to Outlook Express.
If issue is still not resolved then
ensure that all folders in Yahoo e-mail is empty. And try again.
Internet origin is DARPA!!!
Sarkozy, "France has a long-term political and military interest in Afghanistan" drugs $, why?
Blair converts to the woman on the beast, Catholic Church, another hopeful one world order leader? "Peace Envoy" to middle east.
Who is best contected to the bankers, all? Solana?
John's Loefler (sp) 12-22 Sharia Banks www.augustreview.com was a new twist! Great show. - Kay Fox
Are you aware that Sarkozy wants a Mediterian (sp) Union? On the map it's looks like the old Roman Empire.
Just a thought
Kay Fox
http://www.augustreview.com/issues/global_banking/global_banks_embrace_islam_2007121282/ or
That's the link to the eyeball popping story.
Posted over at Carrie Tomko's blogspot was this article which suggests the CIA may have played a role in developing A Course in Miracles. There are other links found when one does a Google search. It may be a stretch, but not surprising if one accepts the idea that Gloria Steinem of the feminist movement and Theosophist background worked for the CIA or information about the First Earth Battalion. If some in the UN can have ties to the occult world, would it be surprising that some in our government would have ties to New Age implementation?
Mind Control, MK ULTRA and A Course in Miracles
Ex UK PM Tony Blair and Quartet appointee as envoy for Middle East Peace officially became a Roman Catholic on Dec 21st.
Blair - Vatican - Jerusalem
Just pondering the possibilities.
Tomorrow (Monday) at 2pm EST Fox News Channel is carrying a Rick Warren holiday special (I don't know if it is called that or a Christmas special).
Hi Dorothy- It’s so good to have you back commenting again.
I just finished reading the articles at the links you posted and found both to be very interesting. The first from The August Review “Global Banks Embrace Islam”, and the inevitable consequences that would result, if Shari’a - Islamic banking should be implemented on a world-wide scale are horrifying to say the least. The other link you gave to the “Mind Control, MK ULTRA and A Course in Miracles” information offered yet another glimpse into the dangerous realm encountered when an available, in this case agnostic mind, is first RECEPTIVE to a dark, deceptive spirit, who called himself Jesus; and then possibly by an even more sinister individual, is then driven to further madness. OR, was her eventual falling into the “black hole of rage and depression” the last two year’s of her life; the unforeseen by herself, yet to me predictable result, of having given heed to a seducing spirit and it’s unholy course in miracles? -Rudi
Well, my email's back again, here's hoping . . .
I've found another wonderful blogspot, "51 Reasons to Say No to Global Governance. It belongs to Johnny who has been one of this blogspot participants. I'm adding a link to it . . .
Reference Dorothy at 5:05 p.m., the sobering article she recommended entitled "Global Banks Embrace Islam", it seems that between what is described in this article and what I have read about the Alliance of Civilizations, we have elements of the great tribulation taking shape or the time of Satan's wrath, (Matt. 24:21; Rev. 12:12), not even to mention the negative potential economically of the C&C scheme by the global warming crowd and the resurrection of the "unholy" Roman Empire in Europe.
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