News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
_ Palestinian Authority, President Mahmoud Abbas
_ United States, President George W. Bush
_ European Union Commission, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, external affairs commissioner
_ European Union High Representative, Javier Solana, high representative for common foreign and security policy, secretary general of the council of the European Union
_ European Union Presidency, Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado
_ Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
_ United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
_ Quartet Representative, Tony Blair, Middle East envoy
_ Algeria, Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci
_ Bahrain, Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa
_ Egypt, Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit
_ Jordan, Foreign Minister Salaheddine al-Bashir
_ Lebanon, Foreign Minister Tarek Mitri
_ Morocco, Foreign Minister Taieb Fassi Fihri
_ Qatar, Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Abdulla Al-Mahmoud
_ Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal
_ Sudan, Ambassador John Ukec
_ Syria, Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mekdad
_ Tunisia, Foreign Minister Abdelwahab Abdallah
_ Yemen, Foreign Minister Abubakr al-Qirbi
_ Arab League, Secretary General Amr Moussa
_ Canada, Foreign Minister Maxime Bernier
_ China, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi
_ France, Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner
_ Germany, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
_ Italy, Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema
_ Japan, Tatsuo Arima, special envoy for the Middle East
_ United Kingdom, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs David Miliband
_ Brazil, Foreign Minister Celso Amorim
_ Denmark, Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller
_ Greece, Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis
_ India, Kapil Sibal, minister of science and technology and earth sciences
_ Indonesia, Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda
_ Malaysia, Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar
_ Mauritania, Foreign Minister Mohamed Ahmed Ould Mohamed Lemine
_ Mexico, Foreign Relations Undersecretary Lourdes Aranda
_ Netherlands, Frans Timmermans, minister for European affairs
_ Norway, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store
_ Organization of the Islamic Conference, Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
_ Oman, Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdulla
_ Pakistan, Foreign Secretary Riaz Mohammad Khan
_ Poland, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski
_ Senegal, Foreign Minister Cheikh Tidiane Gadio
_ Slovenia, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel
_ South Africa, Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma
_ Spain, Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Moratinos
_ Sweden, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt
_ Turkey, Ali Babacan, foreign minister and chief EU negotiator
_ United Arab Emirates, Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan
_ Vatican, Pietro Parolin, undersecretary of foreign affairs
_ International Monetary Fund, Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn
_ World Bank, President Robert Zoellick
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Copyright © 1994, 1995 b y Constance E. Cumbey
All Rights Reserved.
1. New Agers believe recognition of cults and their dangers, spiritual hunger, and conflict in the human family. See Alice Ann Bailey, THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST, Chapter 6, pages 147-155.
2. They will then explore religious facts we can AGREE upon.
3. The fact of GOD will be universally agreed upon.
4. “Karma” and semantic various upon it will be increasingly expressed. In western religion it will be based upon “Whatsoever a man soweth, that will he also reap. (Galatians 1:7). This may be alternatively expressed as “the law of cause and effect”; “The Law of Reciprocity” (Pat Robertson); “The Law of Rebirth,” depending on beginning religious orientation and the presentation and/or presenter, i.e. the target audience.
5. CONTINUITY OF REVELATION will be stressed. This should be carefully considered in view of Catholic debates over SOLA SCRIPTURA and Protestant presentations of “BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT” and/or “WORDS OF KNOWLEDGE.” Traditional careful tests of what is and what is not of God will be largely abandoned in hunger for “NEW REVELATION,” “SIGNS AND WONDERS, etc., abandoning past caution and careful caution of all such claims.
6. Doctrine of AVATARS or continuing “saviors” will be tied in with stress upon spiritual hunger of man and man’s reaching out to God. Supposedly, God will respond with new messengers.
7. Man will be given an expectancy that another great REVELATION is on its way from an all caring God.
8. This new REVELATION will prove the “truth” of the IMMANENCY OF GOD (“God within”).
9. We will also be told that God is TRANSCENDENT. This is so we will look outside for NEW REVELATION. People who restrict themselves to Biblical verification and/or consistency (God can speak anytime, anywhere, but internal consistency is a test of authenticity -- the Holy Spirit never contradicts himself) will be increasingly marginalized – inside and outside the Church.
10. A SCIENCE of prayer and worship will be stressed. Cf. CONCERTS OF PRAYER for Evangelicals; “Centering Prayer” and “Renewal” for Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalians; TRIANGLES, “Meditation Groups”, etc., for New Agers groups and activities such as “Triangles,” Praying will rough this is a belief in the establishment of THE KINGDOME OF GOD ON EARTH as be done according to a FORMULA and/or “altered state” process.
11. Hovering all through this is a belief in the establishment of THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH as “GOD REALIZED” peoples manifest “Christ,” “God,” “The Holy Spirit,” or their various New Age “walk-ins” inside themselves as they increasingly absorb all of the above.
12. Astrology will be HARMONIZED with the Bible and “Bible Study.” Historical investigation will “reveal” that actually it is a “Godly ting.” Cf. Prophecies in stone, some Protestant teachings that actually astrology stood for the twelve apostles,” “12 tribes of Israel, etc.”
13. Throughout all of this the watchwords will be DIALOGUE and UNDERSTANDING. There will be presentations through CROSS CULTURAL MINISTRIES, and the Missionary Process itself will be largely subverted in the interests of liberty to teach to indigenous peoples by stressing commonality with the native religions rather than a simple presentation of the Gospel.
14. CONNECTEDNESS and GROUP EXERCISES to make people feel CONNECTED will be increasingly stressed. Sometimes this will be done to “promote righteousness. In the New Age, the only “sin” is to be “the sin of separation.” Cf. Promisekeepers, eastern religions rites, “Native American Spiritualities,” and small group processes.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Warren Smith joins us one half hour from posting this. Dennis Cuddy joins us Tuesday.
Please join us and stay tuned!
Reprinted with permission from:
09, 2007"
Oprah and Friends" To Teach Course on New Age Christ
By Warren Smith
Oprah Winfrey will be letting out all the stops on her XM Satellite Radio program this coming year. Beginning January 1, 2008, “Oprah & Friends” will offer a year-long course on the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles.1 A lesson a day throughout the year will completely cover the 365 lessons from the Course in Miracles “Workbook.” For example, Lesson #29 asks you to go through your day affirming that “God is in everything I see.”2 Lesson #61 tells each person to repeat the affirmation “I am the light of the world.”3 Lesson #70 teaches the student to say and believe “My salvation comes from me.”4
By the end of the year, “Oprah & Friends” listeners will have completed all of the lessons laid out in the Course in Miracles Workbook. Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset—a New Age worldview that includes the belief that there is no sin, no evil, no devil, and that God is “in” everyone and everything. A Course in Miracles teaches its students to rethink everything they believe about God and life. The Course Workbook bluntly states: “This is a course in mind training”5 and is dedicated to “thought reversal.”6
Teaching A Course in Miracles will be Oprah’s longtime friend and special XM Satellite Radio reporter Marianne Williamson—who also happens to be one of today’s premier New Age leaders. She and Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch co-founded the American Renaissance Alliance in 1997, that later became the Global Renaissance Alliance of New Age leaders, that changed its name again in 2005 to the Peace Alliance. This Peace Alliance seeks to usher in an era of global peace founded on the principles of a New Age/New Spirituality that they are now referring to as a “civil rights movement for the soul.”7 They all agree that the principles of this New Age/New Spirituality are clearly articulated in A Course in Miracles—which is fast becoming the New Age Bible. So what is A Course in Miracles and what does it teach?
A Course in Miracles is allegedly “new revelation” from “Jesus” to help humanity work through these troubled times. This “Jesus”—who bears no doctrinal resemblance to the Bible’s Jesus Christ—began delivering his channeled teachings in 1965 to a Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology by the name of Helen Schucman. One day Schucman heard an “inner voice” stating, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.”8 For seven years she diligently took spiritual dictation from this inner voice that described himself as “Jesus.” A Course in Miracles was quietly published in 1975 by the Foundation for Inner Peace. For many years “the Course” was an underground cult classic for New Age seekers who studied “the Course” individually, with friends, or in small study groups.
As a former New Age follower and devoted student of A Course in Miracles, I eventually discovered that the Course in Miracles was—in reality—the truth of the Bible turned upside down. Not having a true understanding of the Bible at the time of my involvement, I was led to believe that A Course in Miracles was “a gift from God” to help everyone understand the “real” meaning of the Bible and to help bring peace to the world. Little did I know that the New Age “Christ” and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles were everything the real Jesus Christ warned us to watch out for. In Matthew 24 Jesus warned about false teachers, false teachings and the false “Christs” who would pretend to be Him.
When I left the New Age “Christ” to follow the Bible’s Jesus Christ, I had come to understand that the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles was a false “Christ,” and that his Course in Miracles was dangerously deceptive. Here are some quotes from the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles:
“There is no sin. . . “9A “slain Christ has no meaning.”10“The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey.’”11“Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged cross.’”12“The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. . . . It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”13“God is in everything I see.”14“The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.”15“The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”16“The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.”17
Most Christians recognize that these teachings are the opposite of what the Bible teaches. In the Bible, Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross of Calvary was hardly a “useless journey.” His triumph on the cross provides salvation to all those who confess their sin, accept Him and follow Him as their Lord and Saviour. His victory on the cross rings throughout the New Testament. It has been gloriously sung about in beloved hymns through the ages and is at the heart of our Christian testimony. I found the Jesus of the Bible to be wholly believable as He taught God’s truth and warned about the spiritual deception that would come in His name. The “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles reveals himself to be an imposter when he blasphemes the true Jesus Christ by saying that a “slain Christ has no meaning” and that we are all “God” and that we are all “Christ.” It was by reading the Bible’s true teachings of Jesus Christ that I came to understand how deceived I had been by A Course in Miracles and my other New Age teachings.
I was introduced to A Course in Miracles by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky’s book Love is Letting Go of Fear. Jampolsky declared in his easy-to-read book how the teachings of A Course in Miracles had changed his life. As an ambassador for A Course in Miracles over the years, Jampolsky has been featured not only in New Age circles but at least twice on Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power. While Schuller introduced Jampolsky and his “fabulous”18 Course in Miracles-based books to his worldwide television audience, it was Marianne Williamson’s appearance on a 1992 Oprah Winfrey Show that really shook the rafters.
On that program, Oprah enthusiastically endorsed Williamson’s book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. Oprah told her television audience that Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles was one of her favorite books, and that she had already bought a thousand copies and would be handing them out to everyone in her studio audience. Oprah’s endorsement skyrocketed Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Ironically, all of this was happening after I had left the Course and the New Age. In fact, I was doing the final editing on my book The Light That Was Dark that warned about the dangers of the New Age—and in particular A Course in Miracles.
After being introduced to the world on Oprah, Marianne Williamson has continued to grow in popularity and, as previously mentioned, has become one of today’s foremost New Age leaders. Williamson credits Winfrey for bringing her book about A Course in Miracles before the world: “For that, my deepest thanks to Oprah Winfrey. Her enthusiasm and generosity have given the book, and me, an audience we would never otherwise have had.”19 In her 2004 book, The Gift of Change, Williamson wrote: “Twenty years ago, I saw the guidance of the Course as key to changing one’s personal life; today, I see its guidance as key to changing the world. More than anything else, I see how deeply the two are connected.”20
Thus the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles are about to be taught by Marianne Williamson to millions of listeners on Oprah’s XM Satellite Radio program. Listeners are encouraged to buy A Course in Miracles for the year-long course. An audio version of A Course in Miracles recited by Richard (John Boy Walton) Thomas is also available on compact disc. Popular author Wayne Dyer told his PBS television audience that the “brilliant writing” of A Course in Miracles would produce more peace in the world.21 Williamson’s New Age colleague, Neale Donald Walsch, said his “God” stated that “the era of the Single Saviour is over”22 and that he (“God”) was responsible for authoring the teachings of A Course in Miracles.23 Meanwhile, Gerald Jampolsky’s Course in Miracles-based book, Forgiveness, continues to be sold in Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral bookstore as Schuller prepares to host a January 17-19, 2008, “Rethink Conference” at his Crystal Cathedral.24
At this critical time in the history of the world, the New Gospel/New Spirituality is coming right at the world and the church with its New Age teachings and its New Age Peace Plan. But this New Age Peace Plan has at its deceptive core the bottom-line teaching from A Course in Miracles that “we are all one” because God is “in” everyone and everything. But the Bible is clear that we are not God (Ezekiel 28:2; Hosea 11:9). And per Galatians 3:26-28, our only oneness is in Jesus Christ—not in ourselves as “God” and “Christ.” What Oprah and Marianne Williamson and the world will learn one day is that humanity’s only real and lasting peace is with the true Jesus Christ who is described and quoted in the Holy Bible (Romans 5:1).
Oprah Winfrey’s misplaced faith in Marianne Williamson and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles is a sure sign of the times. But an even surer sign of the times is that most Christians are not taking heed to what is happening in the world and in the church. We are not contending for the faith as the Bible admonishes us to do (Jude 3). It is time for all of our Purpose-Driven and Emerging church pastors to address the real issue of the day. Our true Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is being reinvented, redefined, and blasphemed right in front of our eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice or care. If we want the world to know who Jesus Christ is, we need to also warn them about who He is not. There is a false New Age “Christ” making huge inroads into the world and into the church. The Apostle Paul said that “it is a shame” we have to even talk about these things, but talk about them we must (Ephesians 5:12-16).
If people want to follow Oprah Winfrey and the New Age “Christ” of A Course in Miracles they certainly have that right. But let them be warned that the New Age “Christ” they are following is not the same Jesus Christ who is so clearly and authoritatively presented in the pages of the Bible.
Warren Smith is a former New Age follower who at one time was deeply involved in the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles. He is the author of The Light That Was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace and Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church. His book Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel is available free online at
Endnotes:1. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (Glen Ellen, California: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975), (Workbook), p. 45.3. Ibid., p. 102.4. Ibid., p. 119.5. Ibid., (Text), p. 16.6. Ibid., (Preface), p. ix.7. Neale Donald Walsch, Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (New York: Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, 2004), pp. 262-263.8. Robert Skutch, Journey Without Distance: The Story behind “A Course in Miracles” (Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1984), p. 54.9. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume, (Workbook), p. 183.10. Ibid., (Text), p. 425.11. Ibid., p. 52.12. Ibid.13. Ibid., (Teachers Manual), p. 58.14. Ibid., (Workbook), p. 45.15. Ibid., (Text), p. 147.16. Ibid., p. 125.17. Ibid., p. 237.18. Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles A Course in Miracles (New York: Harper Perennial, 1996), p. ix.20. Marianne Williamson, The Gift Of Change: Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2004), p. 5.21. Wayne Dyer, “There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem,” Public Broadcasting System broadcast in 2001.22. Neale Donald Walsch, The New Revelations: A Conversation with God (New York: Atria Books, 2002), p. 157.23. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: an uncommon dialogue, Book 1 (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1996), p. 90.24. (See also 10/30/07 “What is Robert Schuller ‘rethinking’?” by Joseph Farah and “Rethinking Robert Schuller” by Warren Smith. See also Herescope: "Rethinking Culture" and "Rethinking and Reinventing" (10/30/07)
posted by Discernment Research Group @ 11/09/2007 12:35:00 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Warren Smith’s Article which we will be discussing on tomorrow!
This article originally appeared on World Net Daily. Warren Smith will be joining us tomorrow at 2 p.m. Pacific time, 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Tuesday, November 27, 2007, we will be honored to have Dennis Cuddy as our guest. Our topic? Javier Solana!
Rethinking Robert Schuller
Posted: October 30, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Warren Smith
As a former New Age follower I could hardly believe it. On October 17, 2004, more than twenty years after his first appearance on the Hour of Power, New Age leader Gerald Jampolsky was once again Robert Schuller's featured guest. I was not surprised on one level because I had always been aware of Schuller's affection for New Age teachings. What did surprise me was Schuller's willingness to still be so openly aligned with a veteran New Age leader like Jampolsky.
I was very familiar with Gerald Jampolsky. When I was exploring New Age teachings he was the first one to introduce me to the New Age Christ and to the New Age/New Gospel teachings of A Course in Miracles. Widely reputed in New Age circles to be the closest thing to a New Age bible, A Course in Miracles taught me that "there is no sin,"1 "a slain Christ has no meaning,"2 and "the recognition of God is the recognition of yourself."3
On this Hour of Power program Schuller praised Jampolsky and recommended all of his "fabulous"4 books—in spite of the fact that every one of them was based on the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles. He also stated that Jampolsky's latest book, Forgiveness, was available in the Crystal Cathedral bookstore. Amazingly, Robert Schuller had begun the year as a featured speaker at the annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. He was now closing the year by featuring a prominent New Age leader as his special guest. As usual, no one in Christian leadership was holding him accountable, or even seemed to care. Over the years Robert Schuller had obviously done a good job of softening up the church.
Schuller's latest move is to hold a "Rethink Conference" at his Crystal Cathedral. With an unusual mix of Christian and non-Christian speakers, the conference will take place January 17-19, 2008. He is co-hosting the conference with Emerging Church movement leader Erwin McManus. Schuller's "rethink" website states the purpose of the conference: "Our aim is to bring together a cross-section of the key leaders in today's culture so we can grapple with what's truly happening in our world."5
Among the thirty speakers lending their names and varying degrees of credibility to Robert Schuller's conference are Lee Strobel, Dan Kimball, Charles Colson, George Barna, Rupert Murdoch, George Herbert Walker Bush Sr., Larry King, and Rick Warren's wife Kay Warren. While Rick Warren has tried desperately to deny his spiritual ties to Schuller, his wife's presence at the conference speaks volumes.
Conference speaker Lee Strobel's recent book, The Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ, purports to expose today's deceptive false Christs, yet an in-depth discussion of the false New Age Christ is completely missing from his book. Meanwhile, apologist Strobel, a former Saddleback pastor, makes no apologies for aligning himself with New Age sympathizer Robert Schuller.
The Emerging Church also refuses to take the New Age seriously. Not surprisingly, two of its top leaders—Erwin McManus and Dan Kimball—agreed to participate in this Schuller "Rethink Conference." The word "rethink" can be found throughout Kimball's book The Emerging Church that was forewarded by Rick Warren and Brian McLaren. The word "rethink" can also be found throughout the books of other Emergent leaders, including Brian McLaren. So what is this "Rethink Conference" really about? What do Robert Schuller and "the forces that be" hope to accomplish?
In defining the word "rethink" Webster's states: "to think over again, with a view to changing." From my perspective as a former New Age follower, I believe that Robert Schuller's mission has always been to "rethink" and "change" biblical Christianity into something "new"—as in New Age/New Spirituality. There is a reason that New Age leader Neale Donald Walsch and his New Age "God" refer to Robert Schuller as an "extraordinary minister."6 There is a reason that Gerald Jampolsky and so many other New Age leaders go out of their way to praise Schuller. They know that Robert Schuller has always been open to spiritual compromise.
In fact, in his latest book, Don't Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God's Dream for Your Life, Schuller eagerly writes about the virtue of compromise. In this book, that bears New Age leader Gerald Jampolsky's endorsement on the back cover, Schuller states, "We need to learn the healing quality of wise compromise."7 He further states, "Perhaps the only way to deal with contradictions is to combine them creatively and produce something new. That's ingenious compromise."8 Whether Schuller knows it or not, he just presented the recipe for a New World Religion.
In Don't Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God's Dream for Your Life, Schuller uses the term "God's Dream" in the subtitle and within the book. He used the term "God's Dream" heavily in his 1982 book Self-Esteem: The New Reformation. Saddleback pastor Rick Warren used the Schuller term "God's Dream" to introduce his widely publicized global "P.E.A.C.E. Plan." He described his peace plan as "God's Dream for you—and the world."9 Brian McLaren, Bruce Wilkinson, Joel Osteen, Erwin McManus and a host of other Christian leaders also use the Schuller term "God's Dream." Why?
Although "God's Dream" is a Schulleresque term with no biblical foundation, it has become part of the vocabulary of the church's new emerging purpose-driven mindset. It is interesting that Rick Warren uses the Schuller term "God's Dream" to describe his peace plan. Is "God's Dream" suddenly becoming the metaphor for world peace? Will we be asked to "rethink" and "compromise" our faith for the good of the world? Will we be asked to "rethink" and "compromise" our faith to attain the world peace that is "God's Dream?" Is this Schuller-inspired conference designed to initiate this kind of "rethink" and "compromise" process? So what are we expected to "rethink"? What must we ultimately "compromise"? The answer lies within the New Age itself.
The New Age also has a "peace plan" and they are also calling for conferences like these. They insist that world peace will only occur when Christians abandon their "exclusive" and "divisive" relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.10 Neale Donald Walsch, speaking for his New Age "God," unequivocally states that "the era of the Single Savior is over."11 Yet at the same time, Walsch's "God" suggests that Robert Schuller could be instrumental in providing a bridge from the church to the peace and oneness of a New Spirituality.12 Is this New Spirituality where Robert Schuller and these kinds of conferences are ultimately headed? Time will tell. It is important to note that Neale Donald Walsch is not some obscure New Age leader. He is a bestselling author and highly regarded by his New Age peers. Just ask Gerald Jampolsky. It was Walsch who wrote the introduction to Forgiveness—the book that was so highly recommended by Robert Schuller on that 2004 Hour of Power program with Jampolsky.
In Revelation 2:2, Jesus Christ commends the church of Ephesus for exposing false teachers and driving them out of the church. Men like Robert Schuller wouldn't have lasted five minutes in Ephesus. And neither would those who continue to stand alongside Schuller giving him undeserved influence and credibility. The church does not need to "rethink" and "compromise" its God-given biblical doctrines to accommodate the world. It needs to rethink its willingness to follow worldly leaders like Robert Schuller.
A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (Glen Ellen, California: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975), (Workbook), p. 183.
Ibid., (Text), p. 425.
Ibid., (Text), p. 147.
Neale Donald Walsch, The New Revelations: A Conversation with God (New York: Atria Books, 2002), p. 282.
Robert H. Schuller, Don't Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God's Dream for Your Life (HarperSanFrancisco: San Francisco, California), p. 153.
Ibid., p. 157.
Rick Warren, Saddleback Church e-mail, October 27, 2003, "GOD'S DREAM FOR YOU—AND THE WORLD!"
Warren Smith, Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church (Mountain Stream Press: Magalia, California, 2004), Chapter 6: "The New Age PEACE Plan."
Walsch, The New Revelations, p. 157.
Ibid., p. 282.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hallelujah! is back up and running
So, I invited Paul Walter on to talk about it. When I went to school in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in all my history classes, I was taught that one of the greatest struggles in the early days of the USA was over the pro's and con's of a national bank. I was also taught that William Jennings Bryan had said, "thou shalt not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold," and that had referred to his belief that a silver standard could also be used.
This book talks about the national bank struggles and the de-monetization of silver -- all struggles prior to 1899. I'm anxious to hear what Paul has to say about it and whether it is also relevant for our time and what lessons we can learn from it.
We are on the air at 5 p.m. Eastern time, 2 p.m. Pacific time. Stay tuned!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Maurice & Hanne Strong's Colorado New Age Commune

"There are those who feel we are into the 'Shift of the Ages' . . . The shift is supposed to occur somewhere between the 1980s and through 2012 . . . I feel all of this is happening now . . . Our solar system passes through this Photon Light particles every twenty-six thousand years. Apparently we entered this belt in the early 1980s and will be going through it for a thousand years . . . The photon energy frequencies accelerate everything. They accelerate understanding, awareness, self-knowledge . . . they also accelerate confusion, chaos, anger, and negativity. I believe that is what is accelerating. We are having a healing crisis. When that crisis subsides, I believe we will begin emotionally to feel that we are all one and that we are divine as well. Because of this crisis . . . karmic issues will be resolved. We will go through a healing process which will also be extremely painful because we will be detoxing . . .
". . . in effect, every twenty-six thousand years the build up of emotional and karmic toxins is cleared. . . I call it Karma-geddon. Instead of Armageddon, a Karma-geddon will be occurring which will be the resolution of all our karmic issues down through the ages. Therefore . . . the world will shed the old ways of living . . ."
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting [PLEASE NOTE IT IS NOT THE EVER CHANGING GOSPEL!] gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Dear Friends and listeners:
Joe McNeil called today to say that a specialist from Seattle was going to onsite to the Idaho facilities of the MicroEffect radio facilities. A transmission tower blew down in storms last Friday and they are still trying to get back up. They MIGHT be on line today, but it may not be ready today. Poor Joe!
As was the case Tuesday, the chatroom is still fortunately open 24/7. After initial problems connecting myself, I got on line Tuesday. I was online with chatroom participants until 7:00 p.m. Eastern time, nearly two hours. The participation and questions were excellent!
I talked at length with Warren Smith. He is on standby in case we go today. Otherwise, we have rescheduled him for next Friday when Joe assures me all should, God willing, be fixed and ready.
So we can all stay in practice I would love to join all those with questions, comments, again in the chatroom. I will go on line at approximately 4:55 p.m. Eastern Time (1:55 Eastern Time) to may sure all is working and for those signing on for the first time, here's how:
1. Go to internet address:
2. Select the chatroom option from the menu.
3. Give yourself a name.
4. Don’t worry about the password part. Right now, it’s not necessary.
5. Pose your questions live and I’ll answer them as fast as I can type in real time.
In hopes of "staying tuned" to put it in Herb Peters' beloved terminology, see you there!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Israel's Foreign Minister Reportedly has "harsh words" for Solana
Last week, Solana called for the development of an "international enrichment centre." My research later showed me that Russia had already signed an agreement to create an international enrichment center. Quoting from World Nuclear News:
Russia and Kazakhstan have signed an intergovernmental agreement to set up a joint uranium enrichment centre, a first step towards an internationalized nuclear fuel cycle and possible international nuclear fuel 'bank'. The bilateral agreement was signed by Sergei Kiriyenko, head of Russia's Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom), and Baktykozha Ezmukhambetov, Kazakhstan's mineral resources minister, in the presence of Russian and Kazakh presidents Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kiriyenko noted that any country could join the project by signing a similar intergovernmental agreement, thereby securing access to uranium enrichment services and nuclear fuel. Several countries, including Armenia, have expressed interest in joining the project, and a preliminary protocol has already been signed with Ukraine. The plan to establish international enrichment centres would ensure security of supply of nuclear fuel for power plants without countries needing to establish their own fuel production facilities and the associated risks of enrichment technology being used for weapons programmes. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Russia agreed earlier this year to set up a working group on the proposal, and the security of supply issue is scheduled for discussion when the IAEA's Board of Governors meet in June.
I, for one, would like to know where Russia's plans fit with Solana's recent announcement. Javier Solana holds a doctorate in physics. It is difficult for me to believe he did not have prior knowledge of the Russian program!
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Dear Friends and listeners:
My secretary just told me that Joe McNeil, the sainted and beleaguered broadcaster and producer of just called to apologize for recent technical problems. He told us shis technical people are still working on the technical problems that stilled the audio stream portion of the program last Friday. As my regulars know, Warren Smith was to be interviewed last Friday. We have rescheduled Warren Smith to this Friday at 5:00 pm. Eastern Time (2 p.m. Pacific time). Joe tells us that they have estimated it will take three more days to fix the audio portion of the program.
So we don’t get out of the habit, let’s plan to join in the chatroom anyway at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and let’s have an online discussion. If anybody is interested in joining me there at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), here’s how you can go about it:
1. Go to internet address:
2. Select the chatroom option from the menu.
3. Give yourself a name.
4. Don’t worry about the password part. Right now, it’s not necessary.
5. Pose your questions live and I’ll answer them as fast as I can type in real time.
See you there, I hope!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Solana's "International Enrichment Centre"?
He has proposed an "International Enrichment Centre" under "multilateral control" to take charge of nuclear enrichment so that all countries might take advantage of its cheaper energy while simultaneously reducing nuclear threats from "rogue nations."
Stay tuned!"The only way of finding a lasting solution to these problems is. . .
by creating an international enrichment centre under multilateral
supervision. All states would have access to this enriched fuel on equal
terms and at competitive prices . . ."
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I have had a busy and frustrating (unfortunately, not money producing either) week as an attorney. Not as much time as I would like to post here, but THINGS ARE HAPPENING. I will be interviewing Author Warren Smith tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Please plan to join us, including in the chatroom!
Javier Solana and the Barcelona Process is still happening. So is the European Neighbourhood policy. Searching the news today, I found this very current story about its progress and I think it would be excellent if you read it, digested it, AND ARCHIVED IT.
I'm just sorry Herb Peters is not around for the discussion, but thankful that Rich of Medford, Dorothy, "Farmer", "Butterfield", "Rudi," "Setterman," Dave, Dawn, et al are around and because my senior moment kicked in after this very long day and I didn't list all, doesn't mean I'm not grateful to all. Stay tuned!
Oh, and this is the "tinyurl" to the story for those who forgot they could access it by clicking the headline link:
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
At Dr. Monteith's recommendation, I had invited Hope Marston to do last Friday's radio program on the use of the 911 crisis to abrogate American constitutional First Amendment Rights. Because of the Robert Kennedy speech that evening, I made a decision to reschedule and invited her to join me for tonight's (5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time) program. She is traveling and unavailable. She suggested that Ben Grosscup, their regional director do the program instead. I said that would be fine and we are presumably on for tonight.
Googling my guest in preparation for tonight, I have every reason to suspect that tonight's show might be exciting beyond our wildest expectations. He is, it appears, either into or deeply studying the transhuman movement. See my column of July 16, 2007.
Since writing the initial part of this, I have had the opportunity to chat with Mr. Grosscup. We confined our discussion to the Patriot Act and its abuses which in fairness I had promised would be the major focus of the program tonight when I first set it up with Ms. Marston. He does have much to say of real importance about the serious diminishment of our civil liberties and the threat to us all from domestic spying. I will make that the primary focus of our program tonight and see if we can't get him back another time about the "transhuman movement."
It should, needless to say, be a most interesting hour. Stay tuned!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Still another worthwhile blogspot -- David Butterfield
Author Warren Smith will be my internet radio guest on MY PERSPECTIVE a week from Friday at 2 p.m. Pacific time and 5 p.m. Eastern time. I am very much looking forward to this interview. We will be discussing the New Age Movement and its most recent incursions into the church, including but not limited to Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral and other mega churches.
I am heartened to find still another first rate blogspot covering the issues of the Alliance of Civilizations and other current issues. It belongs to David Butterfield and I have placed a link to it above. When I am a little more coherent (it has been a long an difficult day), I will place a permanent link.
Stay tuned!