Bernard Kouchner, Condoleezza Rice, and Javier Solana: together!
Today the news is that the European foreign ministers (translate ‘Javier Solana’) have approved the deployment of a three thousand man army (3,000) to supplement a 26,000 “joint African Union – UN peacekeeping force” in Darfur.
Interestingly, the spokesman for this as reported at least in Yahoo’s news service was French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Bernard Kouchner and Javier Solana have been fast friends for many years. Interestingly, Kouchner was the founder of Physicians without Borders.
The African peacekeeping operations were previously covered by AMIS (African Union Mission in Sudan). Strong statements were issued by Javier Solana about an attack on that mission on September 30th. On that date he said:
I strongly condemn the attack on the AMIS peacekeeping forces in Haskanita in Darfur and fully support the statement made earlier today by the Chairman of the Ceasefire Commission, General Martin Luther Agwai, in this regard. The attack is unjustifiable and constitutes a grave violation of the ceasefire agreement. It comes at a particularly sensitive moment shortly before the launch of renewed peace talks on Darfur and the transition from AMIS to the AU/UN hybrid operation, UNAMID. I urge all parties to act responsibly, to desist from acts of violence and to respect the ceasefire and focus on the upcoming peace talks".
Now what is interesting to me is why Solana’s name is not appearing, as usually is the case, on the reports of this operation? Is he laying low? Has there been a coupe and Bernard Kouchner is the new czar of European foreign policy? If Solana is keeping a lowered media profile, why?
Javier Solana was very publicly involved with the Darfur crisis in August of this year (2007). Read about that here. It was Darfur that Angelina Jolie and Javier Solana were discussing in their combo meeting/photo op on September 27th.
And in a recent United States Department sponsored session, Bernard Kouchner went out his way to say that it was Javier Solana in charge of "these processes":
Dr. Bernard Kouchner is an interesting individual in and of himself. He was described by former UN head Boutrous-Boutrous Ghali as being “an unguided missile.” He is known for very much being his own man. He surprised many recently by telling France that they should prepare for the possibility of war against Iran. Like Javier Solana and Germany’s Joschka Fischer, he is a tough and able member of the “Class of ’68.” CNN reported that he had a reputation for challenging convention and authority.
It appears that Bernard Kouchner is taking an increasingly assertive role in European foreign policy. Whether he is doing so with or without Javier Solana’s blessings is the question. Kouchner is distinctly more photogenic than Solana. If he has gone out on his own, he may be perceived to Solana to be as much as a threat as his old friend Tony Blair turned out to seemingly be. If this is the case, Kouchner could be a threat to Solana’s hegemony indeed. The CNN story concluded:
Javier Solana was very publicly involved with the Darfur crisis in August of this year (2007). Read about that here. It was Darfur that Angelina Jolie and Javier Solana were discussing in their combo meeting/photo op on September 27th.
And in a recent United States Department sponsored session, Bernard Kouchner went out his way to say that it was Javier Solana in charge of "these processes":
FOREIGN MINISTER KOUCHNER: Yes. So there are three paths. There is the traditional, diplomatic path which we are following with contacts that are maintained and discussions that are underway. As far as the EU, of course, it's Javier Solana who is charge of this process. But there are many foreign affairs ministers who are talking with the Iranians, (inaudible), in particular. We are continuing to follow this path. And as Condi said, there is the path that goes through the Security Council of the United Nations. And we may hope that there will be a third resolution to reinforce the sanctions which, up until now, have not been very effective . . ."
Dr. Bernard Kouchner is an interesting individual in and of himself. He was described by former UN head Boutrous-Boutrous Ghali as being “an unguided missile.” He is known for very much being his own man. He surprised many recently by telling France that they should prepare for the possibility of war against Iran. Like Javier Solana and Germany’s Joschka Fischer, he is a tough and able member of the “Class of ’68.” CNN reported that he had a reputation for challenging convention and authority.
It appears that Bernard Kouchner is taking an increasingly assertive role in European foreign policy. Whether he is doing so with or without Javier Solana’s blessings is the question. Kouchner is distinctly more photogenic than Solana. If he has gone out on his own, he may be perceived to Solana to be as much as a threat as his old friend Tony Blair turned out to seemingly be. If this is the case, Kouchner could be a threat to Solana’s hegemony indeed. The CNN story concluded:
Perhaps the strongest lesson though from Mr Kouchner's intervention is his underlining that the new administration in France is not a knee-jerk anti-American one -- and that France is in the business of reclaiming a role at the top diplomatic tables.
Dr. Bernard Kouchner is an interesting individual in and of himself. He was described by former UN head Boutrous-Boutrous Ghali as being “an unguided missile.” He is known for very much being his own man. He surprised many recently by telling France that they should prepare for the possibility of war against Iran. Like Javier Solana and Germany’s Joschka Fischer, he is a tough and able member of the “Class of ’68.” CNN reported that he had a reputation for challenging convention and authority.
If that account is accurate, it is conceivable that Javier Solana may perceive of his old friend Bernard Kouchner as a threat. On the other hand, he could also be a useful tool for letting the USA think they had more European support than is actually the case.
Also, France’s role in this entire picture is intriguing. Benjamin Crème long boasted, since the late 1970’s, that his “Maitreya the Christ” would partially take a prominent role on the world stage with a fusion energy project. The EU in general and Javier Solana in particular has long taken a center spot in just such a global project with the ITER (rhymes with “bitter”) project with main equipment being located at Cadarache, France. That is also the site of France’s nuclear weapons production. Interestingly, one of their more euphoric predictions as well as those of the project's more pessimistic followers is that they will bring fire from heaven down upon earth!
It is increasingly apparent to me that European nations have been handing as much power as they have to Dr. Solana to equalize themselves with the USA. If Kouchner is indeed going against the grain of this with the support of his Prime Minister Sarkozy, things evidently are not quite as cozy for Dr. Solana as he once assumed. Or maybe they are. Or maybe Sarkozy and Kouchner are now getting in the way. Or maybe they are all players in "The Armageddon Script." Time and events will tell.
At any rate, the party is getting disturbing not to mention interesting.
For my internet program listeners, and all are invited, John Loeffler, long time host of Steel on Steel, will be my guest tomorrow, October 16, 2007, on MY PERSPECTIVE, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, 2 p.m. Pacific time on http://www.themicroeffect.com/. Tune in and stay tuned!
Tweedledee or Tweedledum?
"If Kouchner is indeed going against the grain of this with the support of his Prime Minister Sarkozy, things evidently are not quite as cozy for Dr. Solana as he once assumed. Or maybe they are. Or maybe Sarkozy and Kouchner are now getting in the way. Or maybe they are all players in "The Armageddon Script." Time and events will tell"
I see Solana as being patient & relentless while Sarkozy is in hypermode. But the thing that is different today, that was not so some time ago, is that you now have some strong leaders that are fast tracking Europe. If you get these three working in unison...who knows what will happen? Very interesting times.
Interesting link posted over on Fulfilledprophecy.com regarding Tony Blair's new interfaith initiative. Here's a tiny url to read it for yourself.
It looks like things are now coming to us from all directions!
What about his job in the Mid east?
Is this a part of that?
Or did Solana create this new thing for Blair? So that Blair won't muck up what Solana wants in the middle east and Israel.
Just thinking out loud.
Not a military person, but apparently "snowing" a radar field with small bits of metal makes it more difficult to track the object of interest.
Have a pleasant evening.
A fellow watchwoman
Here is another interesting post on the Fulfilled Prophecy AoC discussion board. Federico Mayor interviewed by SHARE International.
This must be the month for the AoC HLG to alert B. Creme that their new age christ is now here.
I am convinced it is all part of the script as you would say. Connie have you been paying any special notice to the Turkish situation? Also, I know Hassan is involved, I understand his family are direct decendants of Mohammad, but are also the guardians of the temple mount. Funny how Israel is willing to hand it to Jordanians I read a report on. If the United States pulls out of Iraq,could Hassan step in after the ashes, I know he has a close friend in the Spanish club of Rome,in which he is the president off, with lots of power. FP,MAhdi, interfaith?
connie a bit old but,important. Listen how he talks about the enp.
According to the following speech by Dr. Solana, published on 10/12/07, Frence is contributing up to half of the EU military force in Chad and in Central African Republic (RCA), raising the question "Won't this force appear (more) French than European?"
Tiny url: http://tinyurl.com/276wyy
Have a nice evening.
A fellow watchwoman
P.S. That should be "interview" and not "speech."
Dear Constance, we have been on the same track the last days!
...on Sunday I've found that one:
picture is from the days when S. was Nato boss and interesting enough
Mr. Bernard Kouchner was Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for KOSOVO.
that made me make go "hmm..."
Dear Farmer,
Would just like to clarify that a previous comment by yours truly re. "short on content and long of wind" was directed at the EU public relations campaign and not you.
Thanks for your great input.
A fellow watchwoman
US Builds Bunker of an Embassy in Iraq:
Click Here
Dear FW,
never felt offend,
thanks for caring about me,
I enjoy your presence here a lot!
I hadn't been focusing much on the
ENP activities since Herb Peters passed away. I took a look at it last night and found some updates some of you may find interesting. The first section, I think, is some of the information Herb had already alerted us to. The other part is more current.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, 27 February 2007
Benita Ferrero-Waldner
(European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy)
***"Bilateral relations between Israel and the European Union"
"Israel's participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy has also helped give new energy and focus to our relations. The European Commission made it a priority to include Israel in the first wave of ENP Action Plans, so it was especially meaningful when Israel became the first partner to agree an Action Plan with us."
"As a result of the Action Plan we have stepped up our discussions on the most contentious issue of EU-Israel relations over the years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
"There is also, for the first time, a financial assistance element to our cooperation - Israel is now eligible for €14 million in European Community financial cooperation over the NEXT SEVEN YEARS."...
..."So as you can see, there is enormous potential for the EU and Israel to come closer together. Of the 16 countries participating in the ENP, Israel is among the best placed to reap significant benefits from closer integration with the EU.
But that will require a different approach than at present.
...This brings me back to my starting point – that EU-Israel relations cannot yet fulfil their potential because the path ahead is not clear. We strongly sense that Israel has not yet make up its mind how to work with us – not surprising given the EU’s complexity and its multifaceted identity."
Brussels, 30 August 2007
"Two and a half years after the launch of the European Neighbourhood Policy, we already see it is helping the EU to do more, more rapidly, for our closest partners."
European Neighbourhood Policy
Documents: Speeches & Articles
(most recent 9/17/07)
Evidently I was a little slow on the uptake on this. In July, THE ECONOMIST reported that Javier Solana was "deeply unhappy" over these developments. Here's a tinyurl link to read about it there:
While we need to watch world events, it is also important to keep watch on political New Age ideas in the US, a harder job than supposed because the tendency of news shows is to concentrate on the tiny details of what is happening on any given day.
The internet is filled with "I think...," "We should...," "I believe...," both from columnists and readers as if words were magic that could make things happen.
It's hard to believe, but there are citizens here in the US who move away from the computer to make their views known in other ways. We hardly hear about these pioneering efforts, but they do exist.
The internet is filled with "I think...," "We should...," "I believe...," both from columnists and readers.
It pleased me tremendously to see others taking a stand in the non-computer world as reported in a column on the North American Union carried at Newswithviews.com.
Check it out.
By Tom DeWeese
These are just a few of the heroes who are beginning to emerge in the fight to stop the North American Union. No longer is this simply a skirmish with a few, unheralded individuals and groups over the Internet. War has broken out and it's being fought in the courts, in the state legislatures and across the nation in the grassroots. ..."
If you ever have a chance to get in on the action on an issue in your community, try it. Make your voice heard on days other than election day.
Anonymous, please note my response to your comment regarding the Nobel Prize in the previous thread.
The ENPI (weekly) e-bulletin
Working Together
News On The Eu And Its Neighbors
see everyone this afternnon on the chatroom :)
Constance, you may not be keen on the Phelps man but how about this which I hope you will read. There are plenty of others saying the same.
Barry Chamish is not being influenced by Phelps, I think you are wrong on that.
I know you are going to find out that this will turn out to be true, and that the negotiations for Jerusalem by the Vatican on behalf of the ecumenical movement and the New Age religion led by them is already underway, and unless the Jews can get back their country from those who are running it at present it cannot be stopped.
Hi all, Constance,
I know I am a little behind on the curve as far as keeping up on my reading. My "to read" list keeps getting longer and longer. Anyone want to tell me if "Waging Modern War" by Wesley Clark is worth the 400+ pages? A browse through the index lists lots on Solana...and Strobe Talbott...
Where is a Global Governance annotated bibliography when you need one. lol
Constance, I have had to go and find out about the Jon Phelps man for myself and am now realizing that I have happened in the middle of some kind of dispute between you both and not really understanding why.
After reading what he has said about you being some kind of coadjutor for Rome I do not believe that to be true, but after reading what Jon Phelps is saying neither can I see that he is connected to the New Age Movement in any way except to warn against it.
It is an utter waste of Christian cooperation of clever talented people who could actually be working together on what is happening, because you are both pointing to the same thing though you may not absolutely agree on everything.
The real enemy is the coming New World Order of the Anti Christ and to warn people of this, and before you make reference to air sprays may I say that I am not trying to be antagonistic in any way because I believe both of you are right but coming from different directions to point to the same thing and it is sad that you cannot have friendship in Christ as you are both Christians and adults.
As a lady much older than both of you I see this as very sad.
Thought this info from Jenny blogging on Ben Stein’s site would interest you on Constance’s. I see you all are pressing a “macro” change in EU politics; thanks all for the info, but in the mean time a “micro” change is continuing to prepare the young for what we know is coming.
Yours in Christ:
Jenny Says:
October 16th, 2007 at 2:20 pm
What Darwinist Fundamentalists are doing will result in a loss of freedom for all of us. This movement is frightening. Note the following report:
Creationism to be banished from Swedish schools
15th October 2007 http://www.thelocal.se/8790/
The Swedish government is to crack down on religion in independent religious schools. The new rules will include a ban on biology teachers teaching creationism or ‘intelligent design’ alongside evolution.”Pupils must be protected from all forms of fundamentalism,” said Education Minister Jan Björklund to Dagens Nyheter. Some Christian schools teach biology students that the world and the organisms on it were created by a supreme being. This is often presented as another valid scientific theory alongside evolution - something most scientists reject.
Religious Education will remain on the curriculum and it will still be allowed to start the school day with prayers. But in classes teachers will be expected to stick to the curriculum. Also all elements of religious worship would have to be completely separate from class teaching.
Björklund also said the Swedish National Agency for Education would double the number of inspections of both council-run and independent schools. He also announced a ban on anonymous financial donations to schools and said he would make it easier to close schools that were breaking the rules.
Johnny- The ENPI (weekly) e-bulletin link you posted is excellent! Thanks very much-Rudi
Hi Setterman- The exerpts you've posted from the blogger 'Jenny' immediately reminded me of Rich's
September 30, 2007 article:
"Reining in Religious Education: the Roles of the Alliance of Civilizations, Javier Solana, and the Center for Inquiry".
Gracias amigo!
Colossians 1:16-17
16"For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17And he is before all things, and
by him all things consist."
Psalm 95:3-6
3 "For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.
5 The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.
6 O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker."
And back at the ranch or
home, home on the range [USA news]...
WorldNet Daily has two articles on BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS each contain similar content but vary in details it's worth the read.
Calf. is having to submit a referendum & get 434,000 signatures within 90 days.
This is the first one that shows up at WND: http://tinyurl.com/2rkx2u
Posted: October 16, 2007
"The so-called 'public schools' are no longer a safe emotional environment for children. Under the NEW LAW, schoolchildren as young as kindergarten will be sexually indoctrinated and introduced to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality, over the protests of parents, teachers and even school districts," he said.
The LAW at issue went through the California legislature as SB 777, and now bans in school texts and activities any discriminatory bias against those who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles, Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute, said.
"SB 777 will result in reverse discrimination against students with religious and traditional family values. These students have lost their voice as the direct result of Gov. Schwarzenegger's unbelievable decision. The terms 'mom and dad' or 'husband and wife' could promote discrimination against homosexuals if a same-sex couple is not also featured.
This is the second one:
Posted: October 13, 2007
'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California Schwarzenegger signs law outlawing terms perceived as negative to 'gays'
“Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" effectively have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose.
Isa 59:19,20 comes to mind, but vs 21 shouted at me. -Shalom
If you need a break from heavy duty politics and need a laugh, go here and see New Age as most people still see it.
http://www.bilderberg.org/yoghurt.htm or http://tinyurl.com/3cy5ws
"I was having an out-of-body experience and almost astral-traveled away yesterday, so I grounded myself and got centered with the help of my spirit guides and then the phone rang. Sensing the negative vibrations, I threw the I-Ching and checked my numerology chart, nearly having a primal, but my energy was too blocked." (More at link)
And yes, there are really people who try these things and know what they are. I haven't checked out anything else at this website, but this did get me laughing.
I can laugh now, but having dabbled with the "astral" & psychic stuff, I can confirm that there is a very real & dark side to it. I remember waking up three nights in a row feeling a presence in the room and sensing who it was. I rang the individual and pretty much said, "OK you got my attention - what do you want?" He laughed & told me he was conducting an experiment & that it obviously worked. Just one of many experiences that stopped when I left the "New Age". Praise God!
Rudi, Good morning. One of the first things in my morning was reading the scriptures you posted; gave me goose bumps!
Mac, good testimony; HE is are deliverance. From darkness to light, if we recognize are "hopeless estate."
Aother sign of the times is the commercialization of halloween. At least in N.H. it is very big; in fact we may have a hate crime concerning a "witch" in a noose.
"The reason that the world does not know us is that it does not know Him. . . we know that when He comes we shall resemble and be like Him. . . for the Lord is good. . ."
Yours in Christ:
Regarding the Creation vs. Evolution debate,
check out the book "The Science of God"
by one Gerald Schroeder.
He isn't a Christian. He's Jewish and he quotes
the Talmud, unfortunately, but if you can
wade through those obstacles, it's a very
interesting read which really brings Genesis
into focus. In fact it shows the perfection of
Gods Word which is infallable despite the many
misinterpretations that it has suffered.
I think that people who believe the Bible need
to be informed of what it says and what it
doesn't say about the creation.
Bottom line: science doesn't disprove the Bible
at all. Quite the contrary.
The heavens declare the glory of God.
Ask Copernicus, Kepler, or Newton.
Hallelujah !
Mac, yes there is a dark side to some New Age practices, those calling for supernatural assistance. Those would be things like channeling, Satanism, witchcraft, ouji board, hypnotism, etc. It's always dangerous to let anyone mess with your mind, human or otherwise. And yes, I know what kind of experience you are referring to and I agree it does happen.
Most of the New Age practices however, would fall into the self-help placebo effect, kind of if you think it, it will happen. When I look through New Age publications such as Conscious Choice, the Aspectarian, and others, I wonder what kind of sucker is willing to pay hundreds of dollars to these obvious frauds who are the equivalent of the old time medicine men and their wagons.
I thought the write up was a great spoof on how New Age followers run from one practice to another, always seeking the elusive utopian state of mind, never knowing what they might encounter if they step through a bad door.
The rest of the site is like New Age practices, the good, the bad and the ugly.
IFC Commissions 2008 Political Survey :
Nobel Peace Prize/Al Gore
and It's Influence on Independent Voters and the American Electorate
(World Bank Group...IFC...International Finance Corporation)
I just found the above website today as a resource for news. It describes itself as follows:
"PR Newswire is the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional communicators."
Two other un-related but interesting pieces of information I saw this morning:
** "Is Nicolas Sarkozy's honeymoon over?"
**"Google unveils system that could help prevent online video pirating"
..."Clips that content owners want blocked may be posted on YouTube for a few minutes before they are taken down, but over time, the company hopes to speed up the identification mechanism so that unauthorized uploads can be prevented altogether."
Valuable and disturbing information. The 5th Seal of Revelation maybe in active progress? Looks like out and out war on believers, VERY SIMILAR TO WHAT HAPPENED in Mexico between 1926 and 1935 (1938 in some provinces). Hold on to your seatbelts!
So sorry, In my earlier post I made an error as to which IFC group did the political survey. According to this current msn article the Independent Film Channel not International Finance Corporation did the survey.
hey there. i just read your book(hidden dangers) about a month ago although i knew of the new age movement for about 2-3 years.
i got the name of your book from my church(shepherds chapel) and pastor murray talked about humanism and suggested your book to get a good idea of the larger picture. this was a pre-recorded cd study(humanism) which was taped in the late 80's.
anyhow, im glad you are blogging and its amazing that you can actaully talk to people across the world through internet. especially an author. im an artist myself and work in animation/cartoons.
i have a lot of questions and would like your opinion, but maybe i can email you about it if it doesnt deal with your blog topics.
God bless and keep fighting the good fight. we are few but with God, we are the majority!
Constance, you said:
"The 5th Seal of Revelation maybe in active progress?"
The classical position for pretrib/premill scholars is that the seals won't be opened until Daniel's 70th week. I've just read Peter Goodgame's Red Moon Rising on his website, and I must say he presents a good case for the seals being acted out now! Very interesting!
Red Moon Rising
Constance or anyone who has a link to the video of Solana at the Brookings Institute earlier this year please post.
I'll burn it to DVD or CD and send it to you if it has now vanished on line. I do have it and multiply backed up . . . many, many places, anticipating their lovely little game of "now you see us, now you don't"
To Anonymous 6:18
You would have to read Eric Jon Phelps book VATICAN ASSASSINS to plainly see concerned me enough to expose his PLAINLY NEW AGE sources (including the very publisher) -- Phelps admitted it was a New Age publisher but said as it was a matter of contract, they were "not unequally yoked together." A contract is a yoking by definition! Next, he relied heavily on Madame Blavatsky. If you have studied the New Age Movement in any depth, you must realize by now who she is and you can conclude from your own biblical studies that his reliance on a 100% channeled New Age book (she wrote to her sister, "I am writing Isis, rather Isis is writing me . . .) is like going to the deepest sewers for wisdom. HE CALLED FOR MURDERING ALL PRIESTS. Last I heard, the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" did not have an Eric Jon Phelps, White, 7th Day Baptist, etc., etc. exception. His theory on Kennedy was pure nonsense.
Eric Jon Phelps is not fighting the New Age. He is fighting for it on one of their most time honored strategies -- to pit all monotheistic target groups off against each other so they may be the Phoenix to arise from the ashes.
Where is our discernment? The problem with most fundamentalists is that they are just plain not fundamentalist enough. If we really took God's word literally, we wouldn't fall for such nonsense as Eric Jon Phelps spews that in addition to raising money for their cause, exposes us to not entirely unjustified ridicule as simpletons for falling for it. So in the process, the New Agers get two for the price of one in addition to making money selling us their garbage.
They sit around and howl about us buying it. I'll bet Phelps has more respect for me than for those uncritically buying into his very transparent schemes!
looks like Javier Solana may have won this round!
From Tamar Yonah's blog:
The New World Order: The Modern Tower of Babel
do you have copies of your "power point lecture" on the new age? i watched your speech at liberty radio(2006) and you mentioned a power point presentation but i cant find it on the net. is that available?
also, do you believe in the pre-trib rapture and how do you think it all ties into this?
i feel that "maitreya" is a false antichrist or a "john the baptist" setting up the real antichrist because it says in revelation that satan isnt kicked down to earth with his fallen angels until there is a deadly wound to the beast system or NWO for him to then come down and heal as "savior". and that hasnt happeded yet. so i dont think the maitreya is the antichrist because creme says he is already here on earth.
whats you thoughts?
I'm going to bed, BUT, as I recall my Scriptures, it quoted Jesus as plainly saying, IN THE PAST TENSE: "I beheld Satan falling as lightning from heaven. . ."
Thinking he is still up there is part of the deception . . .
Again, NOT FUNDAMENTALIST ENOUGH ... John was obviously shown a panorama of what had happening and was to come. Satan has long since been ejected from that heavenly domain . . .
well i agree that it is talking about satan being cast down from heaven in past tense, BUT thats because John was in the future looking back at all the events that happened before and during the "lords day" or 1000 years.
but it also says that satan has but a short time. if he's been here since 1970 or whenever, then that would mean it hasnt really been a short time.
not to mention the deadly wound hasnt happened yet.
but do you think the church will be raptured out of here before satan shows up?
A serious RED FLAG needs to be noted here in regards to the chatroom discussion on gold and silver coins.
It has now been CONFIRMED by GoldMoney founder James Turk that in a recent U.S. Treasury report that the treasury is swapping the U.S Gold Reserve to supress the REAL value of gold to make the masses believe that the dollar is still strong.
"The reason for rejoicing: The discovery by James Turk of the Freemarket Gold & Money Report that, as Turk puts it, "the U.S. Treasury quietly made a subtle change to its weekly reports of the U.S. International Reserve Position, which includes the U.S. Gold Reserve. This change was first made May 14. ... It says the U.S. Gold Reserve is 261.499 million ounces and importantly, that the gold is now reported 'including gold deposits and, if appropriate, gold swapped.' (emphasis added).
"This description provides clear evidence that the U.S. Gold Reserve is in play. Gold has been removed from U.S. Treasury vaults and placed on deposit, presumably in the couple of bullion banks the Treasury has selected to assist with its gold price-capping efforts. Gold placed on deposit gets loaned out by these bullion banks, and then sold into the spot market to try capping the gold price......Turk's conclusion: "This new evidence provided in the U.S. Treasury report as well as the rising gold price itself suggest to me that we are now witnessing the last scramble by the gold cartel to cap the gold price. It is a vain attempt by them, acting under the instructions of the U.S. Treasury, to make the world think that the dollar is worthy of being the world's reserve currency when in fact everyone knows that it is not. In short, the wheel has fallen off the truck. The dollar is heading for a train wreck. Use whatever metaphor you want, but the message is clear -- the dollar is in serious trouble. ...
"The flight out of dollar-denominated assets is gaining momentum, and gold is one of the safest places to be in a currency collapse."
Peter Brimelow: U.S. disclosure cited as proof of gold cartel's price-capping efforts
"New Treasury documents reveal loans, swaps of U.S. gold"
Even Australia has confirmed this
"Australasian Investment Review notes gold market manipulation"
You can bet this news will not make it to Joe American.
Maybe Javier Solana is going to
have to "pluck up" three of the
existing horns of power
before his plans can come to
fruition ? ( Dan. 7:8 )
antichrist will be the one who replaces 3 of the 10 horns.
Raiders News has linked your Karen Armstrong article.
Mac, thanks for the site, I’m sure Tamar’s info-speech will strike a cord with many of those here; “Righteousness and Justice” is her phrase, but it is also God’s. In the AMB he says: “He loves righteousness and justice, the earth is full of the loving-kindness of the LORD.” Psalms 33:5
I was especially interested in her report on Poland. I have her quote below, for it reminds me of Shalom’s post earlier (9:53). Also reminds me of what is going on in Portland Maine with schools giving estrogen to eleven year old girls without parental notification.
Yours in Christ:
From Tamar Yonah's blog:
The New World Order: The Modern Tower of Babel
Recently it was reported that Poland was reprimanded and will suffer consequences by the EU because they don't want their school-aged children to be exposed to homosexuality in their classrooms. See: European Parliament Passes Resolution Vowing to Take 'Homophobic' Countries to Court: Slams Poland as "Hateful" for Failing to Allow Promotion of Homosexuality in Schools.
OV!, good questions. Keep us thinking.
I wonder how Sarkozy's marital split will affect his leadership ability on top of the recent strikes. Things are not cozy for Sarko!
EU leaders agree new treaty deal
The treaty will be formally signed by European leaders in mid-December. EU leaders have reached a deal on a landmark treaty to reform the 27-member bloc, officials say.
The agreement in Lisbon was sealed shortly after midnight after objections from Italy and Poland were overcome.
The treaty is designed to replace the European Constitution that was rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005 and will be formally signed on 13 December.
It includes the creation of a new longer-term president of the European Council and an EU foreign policy chief.
If ratified by all member states, the treaty will come into force in 2009.
Rich, I apologize!
I posted my story before seeing you had put your comments here -- at least we are both watching very carefully.
Q: How likely will it be ratified? And who ratifies it, the people or a representative of the country?
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