Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Hidden Dangers of the Cashless Embedded Society

Taking “the Chip” causes cancer – Old news to believers!

Update: Already what I have predicted is sadly coming to pass. There are sophisticated attempts to minimize the importance of Katherine Albrecht's research and the Associated Press story. Here is a tinyurl so you may digest the historical revisionism now in progress:

Constance E. Cumbey, September 11, 2007

A article

In my June 27, 2007 article "The Cashless Embedded Society Advances," I wrote of the American Medical Society's qualified endorsement of human microchip and/or RFID implants. If you click on that article and pull up the links, you may read the AMA report for yourself. Clearly, there is big money pushing the implants. Also disturbing was that Pat Robertson presented one of his Regent University theologians, Professor Joseph Kickasola to reassure worried Christians that there were no theological risks in taking a computer chip implant “unless it was compulsory.”

Well, as the good book says, "Let God be true and every man a liar." There were clear scriptural warnings against taking "the mark of the beast," which obviously was a global control system for buying and selling. Black letter biblical language is:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Rev. 13:16-18.

If you lack your own bible, here is an online place to look up this ancient prophecy.

Not surprisingly, the European Union is getting in on the medical microchip act. They are presently taking bids for a study of same. You may read about that by clicking here.

On October 13, 2004, the USA's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Verichip embedded microchip for human implantation. Maybe they should have investigated more thoroughly before rushing to judgment.

The Biblical warnings are clear that whoever partakes of a warned of system of receiving the mark in their forehead or hand enabling them to do business in this "New Age" is eternally doomed. There is another Revelation warning that we should take equally seriously. It is found in Revelation 16:1-2:

And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and [upon] them which worshipped his image.

Although I love using computers as much as anybody alive, maybe more than I should, I draw my line at this development. My opposition to the would be Verichipped society, complete for your convenience with delivery by the neighborhood "Chip Mobile," is both bellicose and belligerent.

Pasted from <>

Well, the prevailing propaganda line of the "New World Order," oops, "global governance" folk is that we opposing such progressivism are dangerous reactionary "God's Warriors." I seem to recall reading lots of New Age books in my research of that movement over the past 25 years. They did not hesitate to call themselves "World Warriors." One prominent such example was Donald Keys/Norman Cousins 1982 book, EARTH AT OMEGA: PASSAGE TO PLANETIZATION. You may view at least excerpts from that book by clicking here. The "world warriors" part starts on page 92.

Well, it now turns out, surprise, surprise, that there is no advantage in taking such an implanted mark in the here as well as in the hereafter. The implanted microchip it turns out, is distinctly carcinogenic. Furthermore those working in the medical field, per today’s stories, have known of this for some time. Why did the Food and Drug Administration rush to endorse it? What pressures had been placed on their bureaucrats to okay it? This was done under the watch of the supposedly conservative Christian George W. Bush’s administration! Breaking news on the subject today carried, inter alia, an Associated Press article by Todd Lewan with much of this data.

In fact, there have been numerous warnings about that for some time. Todd Lewan's article said the information had been known in veterinary circles since the mid 1990's.

Spain during the time that Javier Solana held substantial governmental powers there was the first country to make pet microchipping mandatory. That happened in 1993. As I vividly recall the press coverage from then, a Dr. Andrew McDonald, a Scottish veterinarian was in charge of the computer chip implanting program. He explained to the media that it was part of a process that was first national, referring to Spain; then regional (referring to the European Union); and then global.

I decided to see what Dr. Andrew McDonald might be up to today. I googled him together with the term "Spain" and indeed did find a Dr. Andrew McDonald involved with an interestingly, even creepily named project: "Bioinformatics." Smelling a rat, I took a BIG internet surf and decided to see if there was a relationship between "bioinformatics" and "Verichip." I googled both terms together and here are the first few of 31,500 hits on “Bioinformatics” and “Verichip.”


Preparing Students for Their Future

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In the sphere of bioinformatics, the VeriChip is one of the fastest growing technologies available. The chip is a secure radio frequency identification ... - Similar pages

VeriChip Sells First Baby Protection System, in Talks with Military

But VeriChip also has a separate patient identification system, VeriMed, which is used .... Special Reports; Bioinformatics · Future of Health Care IT ...,1759,2008340,00.asp - 111k - Cached - Similar pages

Medical Bar Code Implant May Not Be Worth the Trouble Special Report: Bioinformatics. A record in the VeriChip database might not reflect that a patient filled a new prescription unless the patient ...,1759,1676725,00.asp - 109k - Cached - Similar pages

[ More results from ]

eHealth News EU - Bioinformatics Grid Application for life science

The European Commission promotes the Bioinformatics Grid Application for life ... Ekahau and VeriChip collaborate on RFID security · Scotland completes ... - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

eHealth News EU - Call for Papers - BIOTECHNO 2008

Software environments for biocomputation, bioinformatics, and biomedical applications .... Ekahau and VeriChip collaborate on RFID security ... - 47k - Cached - Similar pages

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Microsoft PowerPoint - Body Sensor Networks AD3.ppt

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Bioinformatics. Biocomputation. Biosensors. Biomaterials. Biomimetic ... The VeriChip for example is a miniaturized RFID chip about the size of a ... - Similar pages

Monthly Issue for 200509

... material sciences, engineering, bioinformatics and nanotechnology to find ... Overall, since the FDA clearance of VeriChip for medical applications, ... - 88k - Cached - Similar pages

Biotech Business Week (2007-01-29) NewsRx

Bioinformatics - Studies from Linkoping University in the area of bioinformatics .... Business Update - VeriChip reports hospital and physician 6-month ... - 391k - Cached - Similar pages

GDT::Blog::Biotech Trekker

Similar warnings have been around the internet for some time. Even earlier, in 1988, I spoke briefly at a brown bag lunch session at Dallas Seminary. Leaving, I was startled to pick up a Christian flyer for students and faculty alike. It suggested that all responsible pet owners should microchip their animals. I told my “now, now” hosts that this could well be a prelude to encouraged human acceptance of a future “mark of the beast.” I thought I was right then and I am even more convinced now.

If my attitude on the progressivism and progress of implanted microchips remain both belligerent and bellicose, so be it. I will conscientiously objector out on any forced biometrics and/or microchip implantation as long as possible. Then, if I need to leave the system to escape it, as I have often said, “I will boogey out.”

Take the chip? Not my cat, not my dog, not my children, nor my grandchildren, and most definitely NOT ME! Hopefully, not you either. As today’s news shows there is no advantage either in the here or the hereafter to crossing this Biblically forbidden line. If I am marginalized and ridiculed for this stand, so be it. Better to be marginalized than to develop painful sores that make me want to die but death will not come in the here and cause ineligibility for the promised afterlife thereafter.

If Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris disapprove, so be it. If they were all that smart, they wouldn’t be ridiculing God either! Are you scared? Maybe its time we all should be. For certain, the carcinogenic dangers of this will be downplayed. For certain, it will be a mark of “dangerous fundamentalism” that we refuse to accept such a convenience. It might even be a sorting out device for who is worthy and who is not to continue into this emerging “New Age.”

May the Lord help us all!


Anonymous said...

The apostle Peter knew ’we’ had to be reminded; thanks and well done. How sad that we have ‘Christian’ leaders who lead those with implicit faith in personalities rather than the REVELATION of God. One good thing about the nasty comments you often get is they show you’re ego is not the issue here. The new tower of Babel is nearly constructed right under our noses. The feeble minded mankind, who in the past deferred to Revelation, now will happily join THE GROUP MIND, the ant hill, maybe with JS as queen.

Yours in Christ:

Anonymous said...

God bless you Constance, good to see a sister in Christ who has not compromised the gospel and truth of the bible, you are truly a watchman in our times, I can see that the apostacy is well here, was surprised about the Pat Robertson thing, so many who are asleep to there own demise concerning bible prophecy.

Constance Cumbey said...

Setterman and "Sirlancelot":



Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In case this interests anyone, a most ex-powerful USA leader has said that the greatest danger America faces is our attitude toward immigration; not the ever more belligerent Russia, not China’s ever increasing military and economic might, not Iran and it’s threats to the US and Israel, not the loss of sovereignty, not the moral decay of an ever more Christless society, and please add your own concerns.
With secretaries of state like this and M. Albright it is a wonder at the resilience of our nation.

Yours in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Keep at it, Constance. You're doing a great job of "Watchwoman". My prayers are always with you.

I learned a new word recently - Dystopia. Years ago, as a teenager, I read C S Lewis' Cosmic Fantasy Trilogy: "Out of the Silent Planet", "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength". I enjoyed the first two books but couldn't quite get into the third instalment at first. I'm now re-reading and appreciating it in light of what's happening in our dying planet. Lewis’ book was prophetic in many ways - elements he wrote about are reality now. At one point he uses the term “progressive” to describe the sociological influence of the National Institute for Coordinated Experiments NICE (a nasty bunch intent on taking over the world for its own good). It’s interesting to see how Lewis has the NICE exert subtle and benevolent influence at first (Utopian) but once they have power, everything changes (Dystopian). I even find it amusing that, now, Hillary Clinton is trying to self-describe herself using the term “Progressive” rather than “Liberal”.

From Wiki: A dystopia (from the Greek δυσ- and τόπος, alternatively, cacotopia, kakotopia or anti-utopia) is a fictional society that is the antithesis of utopia. It is usually characterized by an oppressive social control, such as an authoritarian or totalitarian government. In other words, a Dystopia has the exact opposite of what one would expect in a Utopian society.


Rudi said...

Your current blog is absolutely fascinating. Yesterday, as I read the article about the microchips causing tumors and the absence of any public warning, I found myself wondering what the next move could be to reassure the public. My thoughts on this have been that the 'mark', when it is implemented will not be a chip IMPLANTED, but rather an INVISIBLE tattoo incorporating the technology we first read about in this January 2007 article

This morning I started doing Google searches and found additional information I think readers will find of interest. I've included several links here but anyone who wants more information can do a search on
'microchip invisible ink technology' There is so much going on in this area it's hard to believe.

*Invisible Ink: The Removal Of Unwanted Tattoos

*Cold War Invisible Ink Secrets Unlocked

*Invisible Barcode Technology

*System and method of using DNA for linking to network resources

Additional information with many current news articles (Nov 2006 Privacy News Highlights)

FIDIS (Future of Identity in the Information Society) is a NoE (Network of Excellence) supported by the European Union under the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development within the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority in the Action Line: "Towards a global dependability and security framework". read more…

*From 'The Sunday Times' Nov 26,2006
"Word on the street ... they’re listening"

*"Biometrics conference focuses on privacy issues, limits press coverage"

*Here are some current articles relating to the Real ID/Hybrid ID approach.

*Department of Homeland Security anual report covering July 2004-July 2006. Page 6 Section C The Real ID Act

A new site I just found today that has links to what appear to be credible news articles not being reported by ‘mainstream news sources’ can be found

My apologies for taking up so much space. It's hard to stop when the information just seems to be falling from the sky.

"For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."
Mark 4: 22-23

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Most EXCELLENT and disturbing post! I'm with you on this one--NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!!


Constance Cumbey said...

NEWS FLASH: VERICHIP also goes by the trademark name of


Constance Cumbey said...

Here is some more interesting information from another astute tracker of the implanted computer scene:


Anonymous said...

And another from that same internet area, this article by Shirley Gooding. Encouraged that so many are watching with concern!


Anonymous said...

Interesting find on Verichip's attempt to impose this on soldiers!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love your "bellicosity and belligerance," Constance.

Have a nice evening.

A fellow watchwoman

Anonymous said...

P.S. Would be great to see animal rights activists take issue with the "chip."

Constance Cumbey said...

Even now, the New York Times has jumped on the bandwagon to try to discredit the scientific research and downplay the cancer dangers of the search.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a PETA class action suit against it would keep the bad guys busy fighting each other! But since I'm an animal lover, I'd root for PETA on that round!

Anonymous said...

Trouble for Israel militarily along two dangerous fronts. Read about it here:

Anonymous said...

Trouble for Israel militarily along two dangerous fronts. Read about it here:

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