"The treaty is also set to include most of the main points of the failed constitution, such as:
a full-time president of the European Council - the regular gatherings of prime ministers and presidents a new foreign affairs chief, with the profile and the budget to give the EU more clout on the world stage fewer national veto powers more powers for the European Parliament a slimmed-down European Commission (from 2014) Britain and the Netherlands also got what they wanted from the summit." For more detail, read details at link below.
My educated guess is that these new enhanced powers will quickly go to Javier Solana. I more than suspect it is a "done deal." Stay tuned!
If the measure of the four "red line" areas is the measure of MAN, tyranny is sure to follow. When we consider that, when we know, God is watching us we still do wickedly, King Saul is a good example, and King David, how much worse our behavior when we hate God, when we hate His GAZE, when we are slaves to sin.
"To the praise of the glory of His grace..."
Yours in Christ,
To Farmer:
Do you think Javier Solana will get this post, or should we look for another?
7:39 PM[/quote]
When John asked Jesus through some disciplines this question relating to the Messiah in Luke 07,20: "Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?"
The Word describes the results of His workings and Jesus advises them to go their way and to tell John what they have seen and heard, and not to be offended by Him.
Constance, you and Herb have seen, observed and told us so much about the workings of Dr.S. You were the onces who alerted us to watch his deeds. Already in 2004 (june 29) in the 2595th Council meeting EU heads of state or government also decided that Mr. Solana would be appointed as EU Minister for Foreign Affairs on the day of entry into force of the Constitution at November 01, 2009. On 20 of June 2007, the day before the summit, Merkel met with Barroso and Solana and I can imagine they talked in detail about the new treaty which will replace the constitution and will also go into effect in 2009 and that they will from now speak about this new office without a name connected until it's start. It's just another 2 years until then. I cannot see another person waiting in the wings...but see Dr.S. very kneen to get this post.
So I think it is a camouflage and sand in our eyes to make us believe another person will get his job or to keep it open unitl the last moment. It brings away the focus from his person, maybe that is what he asked Merkel for?
But who knows...
Anyway I know, we will continue watching. Besides, after we find this verse you asked me, in Luke 07,20 (like "2007") I had a look at Luke 09,20 (like "2009")and it is the same topic again! Just then it is about "presence" and not "waiting for" anymore, it is the beginning of the following sequence: "20He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God.
21And he straitly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing;
22Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.
23And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
24For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
25For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? "
where do I find the radio archive with your last shows, Constance?
It came to mind that there is a comparison between Solana and Robert Muller. Muller was with the UN from the beginning and was second in command Assistant Secretary General, under three Secretary Generals for a period of 30 years. While the three Secretary Generals made the news, how many people spoke of Muller's behind the scenes power? If I wasn't researching the New Age movement, I never would have heard of him.
Solana definitely has more power than Muller did, but as the presumed ongoing second in command at the EU he is not being scrutinized regarding his connections and background.
As most reading here already know, Muller's had connections with Lucis Trust. Solana is not scrutinized as Muller was not scrutinized by the world media.
Make that 25 years. He retired in 1986 not 1991. A person really has to search to get the specific dates. I thought I did until I came across another writee-up.
We should watch out about placing much importance to the chapter & verse numbers -- they were added to the texts way after the manuscripts were originally penned under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
kw, of course, I totally agree with you...
it was only as it happened today, when I looked the verses up, I also wanted to let you parcticipate in this...
and the more valid stays the Word!
The leader of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage is, as usual, onto Blair and his tricks and has posted on the UK Independence Party site an item entitiled 'Blair's Last Sell Out'.
Blair intended all along to hand the UK, gift wrapped, over to the EU and the unelected leadership there,(himself included now he has left off being a lousy Prime Minister in the UK and is to become one of the EU leading lights). As a favoured son of those UNELECTED DICTATORS in the EU he has a job for life guaranteed with no democratic election needed to secure it. No wonder he and his wife go around grinning so much!
The EU is a dictatorship by the back door, fronted by an elected EU Parliament whose members have no power whatsoever, and are so diverse, being from so many countries, as to be irrelevant.
Meanwhile the real power lies with the UNELECTED DICTATORSHIP comprising The Council of Ministers, The Commission and of course, The great high excellency himself, JAVIER SOLANA.
Have we so soon forgotten the diabolical dictatorship of Adolph Hitler and the lives lost in order to rid us of that dictator, merely to walk into this trap of installing yet another DICTATORSHIP in Europe?
And there is hardly a word of criticism in the UK press regarding this diabolical dictatic instituion, which goes against the grain of what all free men and women would want.
What a diabolical trap, and meanwhile Blair goes on grinning, and the latest is that he is considering becoming a Catholic, after being an Anglican for so long, yet I can't see how this will register with his beliefs seeing as how the Catholic Church are against Same sex marriage and abortion, which Blair definitely has no qualms about. But then, when you can speak with such a forked tongue, you can persuade people of just about anything.
Whoa! Get a load of this: "Europe sees creationism as threat to human rights"
My favorite quote: "A report for the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly said the campaign against evolution has its roots "in forms of religious extremism" and is a dangerous attack on scientific knowledge."
Is it now time to lump fundamental christians in with muslim extremists???
to anonymous 11:26 AM --
"Have we so soon forgotten the diabolical dictatorship of Adolph Hitler...?" We do so at our peril. That nut job was the forerunner of the Antichrist; the way he came to power is the same way the final evil one will come to power.
It's going to be tough to determine which is the bigger threat to religious rights, including our bedrock belief that God created the heavens, the earth, the seas, and the fountains of waters: the European Union, the EU, OR THE WASHINGTON TIMES, owned and controlled by Rev. Moon who has "modestly" proclaimed himself the "Lord of the Second Advent," works with Benjamin Creme on "the new Christ" (told to me personally during a most unpleasant encounter with Joseph Tully, the head of CAUSA, a leading Moonie front group."
Satan's favorite and most successful game was and continues to be CONFUSION! Thanks for the information, but as usual if it is from questionable sources, such as Rev. Moon or LaRouche controlled interests, be careful to verify from independent sources! Thanks and God bless!
P.S. That is not to discourage posting these links here -- in fact I encourage posting them -- but it is a general caution to all my readers and MY PERSPECTIVE radio show listeners to learn to use discernment and verify from independent sources. I do thank you so very much for the link!
Hi Constance... enjoy reading/hearing your take on things...
given the state of the modern media, can you recommend any truly "independent" sources?
I wonder if any of you in the US realise what kind of society the UK is turning into since the Blair government and the influence of the European Union, which Blair endorses so much whilst pretending that he is working in the best interests of the British people.
I can only be thankful that there is at least one party in the UK who is trying to tell people about what is going on, namely 'The UK Independence Party'. For the most part though, there is silence from the British media and the Government main opposition in Parliament.
The European Union is not only a DICTATORSHIP but it is also one which wishes to spread immorality, and as such has no time for Christian ethics for morals, hence Commissioners like Peter Mandelson, a homosexual, who has his own young male partner installed there with him, all courtesy of the tax payer who have had no say about any of this.
The following is an item from The UK Independence Party website.
MEP fights 'gay' books
MEP fights 'gay' books for schools
Books illustrating gay relationships are becoming part of the school curriculum under the new Sexual Orientation Regulations Act.
Titles such as 'The Sissy Duckling', 'Hello Sailor' and 'Daddy's Room mate' are recommended by Government departments for children aged 5 upwards.
One shows pictures of two males in bed together and cuddling on a sofa whilst 'Elmer' in 'The Sissy Duckling' is promoted as "a terrific role model for any child" on a Government website.
'Strange Boy' aimed at secondary stage pupils contains an explicit description of a homosexual act between two boys aged 10 and14 years old.
UKIP MEP Derek Clark described the books as "completely unsuitable" and said he was "appalled" at the decision by some local authorities to use the books.
"How is it in any way suitable for schools to promote under age homosexual acts?" asked Mr Clark, himself a teacher of 39 years.
"Schools should be concentrating on teaching children how to read and write. Is it any surprise that the UK has some of the worst rates of literacy in Europe when our teachers are having to spend their time promoting gay rights to youngsters?"
The new regulations could see schools compelled to promote gay rights in the curriculum rather than counter threats of legal action from gay activists.
Can I say that if any of you have been fooled by Prime Minister Blair and his so called Christian church going, please don't be fooled.
As the Bible says, 'by their fruits you will know them'.
Has anyone read this article on combining Javier Solona's seat with Benita Ferrero-Waldner?
I hope this link works, it quite long.
Here are some comments from the article.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders reached broad agreement on Friday on a single post to run EU foreign affairs, the first success at a summit on the bloc's future, but Poland held up progress towards a treaty to reform the Union.
The leaders of the 27 member states agreed on the job title, role and powers of a High Representative of the European Union for foreign policy, defense and security, diplomats said.
The post will combine the jobs of foreign policy chief Javier Solana, who does mostly crisis management, and External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, who controls the executive European Commission's aid budget.
The new foreign policy chief would chair meetings of EU foreign ministers and head a combined external action service drawing on both national and EU diplomats, after Britain dropped its reservations on those points, the diplomats said
Now my question is, is there actually going to be a new person in this position, or will it continue to be J.S.?
If it is J.S. then what happens to Benita Ferrero-Waldner where she has been such an influence to negotiating with Israel.
I havn't seen any other articles on this yet or any comments.
Excellent coverage on this topic over at eureferendum.blogspot.com Parts of the British press and some in other countries are calling for a referendum and realize they have been taken. As the blog comes out of England and they have been following the EU for quite some time as Eurosceptics, the treaty is important news. They do not cover Solana as he is covered here, and in fact minimize his immportant which I find disturbing. Solana's role in all of this is not being spelled out in the press as far as I can see.
So, I was watching the History Channel when I came across a program that suggested that December 21, 2012 could be the end of the world. I went on-line and there is an official web site with a count-douwn clock. I don't remember the exact link to this site. Apparently it is the end of the Mayan calendar.
I don't take much stock in the Mayan calendar and specific dates for "doomsday." However, it's interesting how it is a little more than three years from 2009. Isn't that the year the European Union hopes to get their Treaty ratified. The same treaty Constance put on this post.
A bbc source(take care with the rest of the article):
"The representative will also chair meetings of the foreign ministers and control a potentially powerful new EU diplomatic service. So he or she (it will probably be a he, in that the present representative Javier Solana is likely to get the enhanced job , when it is established in 2009) will have a bigger profile internationally."
Remember the beast has a lion's head and mouth . That kind of sounds like Tony Blairs uh area,plus What a chasmatic speaker he is with all the charm, intelligence,and cunning he needs.. The man diffently has the tools.
Havier Solana is slow , looks pretty sluggish lately. I don't know , but to me it's a toss up right now . On who will have permament power in the end. The bible says he (ANTICHRIST) will come from the EU and if you look lately they are trying to pull in his country right now,plus his visiting the pope in the manner he has lately arouses even more red flags!!
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