To my Blogspot readers: This is a story I have written for NewswithViews.com. I am giving my own readers a sneak preview!
By Constance E. Cumbey
Live Radio: www.TheMicroEffect.com
(Saturdays, 11 a.m., Pacific Time, 2 p.m. USA Eastern Standard Time)
Newswithviews regular readers may remember my February 21st article. In it, I covered Javier Solana's Valentine's Day speech (February 14, 2007) in New York City. He was addressing the Arthur F. Burns Foundation. He was introduced by Robert F. Zoellick. Today that same Robert F. Zoellick, “a friend for many, many years” of Javier Solana1 was nominated by President George W. Bush to be head of the World Bank.2 Perhaps raising their own expected opposition so that they may just as rapidly unilaterally squelch it, the Bookings Institution, another confederate, together with Zoellick for Javier Solana's Global Governance initative, most disingenuously issued a statement that foreign countries may be unhappy at the nomination. I suspect that at least “The Face and Voice of Europe” in the form of Javier Solana is not. I also suspect that the Brookings Institution itself is not unhappy!
At the February 14th New York City event, “dear Javier” was introduced by German Ambassador to the USA, Klaus Scharioth as “The Face and Voice of Europe.”3 Five weeks later, Javier Solana would with the assistance of New York University, Stanford University and the Brookings Institution all apparently acting with the blessings of the United States State Department would launch a new global security initiative.4
Javier Solana has evidently had a cozy relationship with both Zoellick and the Brookings Institution. On January 5th, while in the USA, his busy itinerary included a meeting with
Brookings Institution representatives.5
Gingerly, like testing the water, “global constitutionalism” a/k/a “global governance” is being advanced. This is not entirely unlike George H. W. Bush (Bush the elder) mentioning the New World Order and his intentions to advance same in a speech he auspiciously delivered on September 11, 1991. Similar speeches were given other times.6 That Robert Zoellick is part of that scene is clear.
In addition to being a friend of Javier Solana for many years, Robert Zoellick has with equal vigor been a friend and proponent of a “New World Order,” more recently and politely known as “global governance.” As early as March, 1992, Robert Zoellick was speaking of his World Economic Forum inspired epiphanies of a New World Order.7
They are calling all of this by various names these days. Condoleezza Rice calls it “Transformational Diplomacy.” Fletcher Law School Associate Professor Daniel W. Drezner calls it “the New New World Order.”8
It appears that although Javier Solana may have his European migraines as reluctance to hand him everything appears among the masses, he has offsetting advantages of global elitist support.
Robert Zoellick was included in this year's “Brussels Forum.” The “partners” obviously furnishing financial support for the obviously quasi-EU governmental event included Daimler-Chrysler, Bertelsman Stiftung, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, and “The Federal Authorities of Belgium, Egmont Institute.”9
Another disturbingly interesting USA personality taking part in the Brussels Forum was the United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.10
It appears that “global governance” is to put it in “New Age” parlance, “emerging.” It appears its proponents are becoming progressively emboldened. It further appears that those opposed to it had better develop thick skins and prepare to be marginalized. The planners who have long and sometimes successfully marginalized those speaking about the “one world under whomever” agenda. At the same time they have continued their inexorable push, successfully incorporating both liberal and conservative elements into their plans.
One such successful effort has been working under an “environmentalist,” “sustainable development” rubric. Its organizers on line describe the “harmonic convergences” of this particular globalist thrust:
Back on European shores, one of Solana's less subtle but also less noticed global governance machines continues apace. That is the Centre for Global Governance at the London School of Economics. They have made it clear in so many of their meetings that they are indeed working for Javier Solana. They describe their mission in online literature as:“The 2007 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change is the latest in the emerging series of European conferences on human dimensions research. This series began in 2001 with the first Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. The 2007 Amsterdam Conference will bring about the Europeanisation of this successful conference cycle. The European conferences are mid-size annual events (much smaller than Open Meetings of IHDP or IGBP) of about 150 international participants, selected through rigorous international peer review. Each conference has a clear thematic focus that allows for intense exchange and discussion. Conference themes are selected with a view to bringing new and emerging topics to the European and global debate, thus ensuring the continuous innovative thrust of the conference series. Special conference features, including panels on teaching and targeted programmes for doctoral students, add to its innovative character.
The European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change are endorsed by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) and the World Academy of Art and Science. The International Steering Committee ensures close integration with the overarching Earth System Science Programme and other networks, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."In addition, the European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change aim to further the integration of the European research projects in order to assist in shaping a European research area in the field of the human dimensions of global environmental change. Plenary and semi-plenary presentations of major European research programmes, as well as poster sessions, form an essential part of the conference series.
"Major European programmes and projects are being invited to financially and logistically support the European conferences. The 2007 Amsterdam Conference draws on support from the European programmes ADAM-‘Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy’; Glogov.org – ‘The Global Governance Project’; NeWater – ‘New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty’; RefGov – ‘Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest’, the Harmoni-CA project and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Global Change Committee), as well as support from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research11
“The Centre for the Study of Global Governance is a leading international institution dedicated to research, analysis and dissemination about global governance. Based at the London School of Economics, the Centre aims to increase understanding and knowledge of global issues, to encourage interaction between academics, policy makers, journalists and activists, and to propose solutions. The Centre for the Study of Global Governance (CsGG) was founded by Meghnad Desai in 1992. Since then, the Centre has grown considerably and the pioneering work of Meghnad Desai has been augmented by the work of Anthony Giddens, David Held and Mary Kaldor as well as a group of talented younger scholars. “Today it is led by co-directors Graham Wallas Professor of PoliticalAlso from their site:
Science David Held and Professor of Global Governance Mary Kaldor.12
'Mary Kaldor was also convenor of the study group on European Security Capabilities established at the request of Javier Solana, which produced the Barcelona report, 'A Human Security Doctrine for Europe.' 13At least one highly esoteric group that I have monitored since the early 1980s was very excited about Javier Solana and his relationship with the London School of Economics. That was SHARE INTERNATIONAL, an operating name for various Theosophical interests headed by Benjamin crème and more recently former Fulbright scholarship director, Wayne S. Peterson.14 A Spanish website (interestingly enough not appearing in the English) replete with Spanish language references to Maitreya the World Teacher made enthusiastic reference to Solana and his work.15
Well, I suppose that was still another interesting “coincidence.” It is truly unfortunate that such a capable man as Javier Solana is saddled with so many “The Omen” type coincidences: His present and main job being created with Section 666 of the Europa Codified documents;16 his powers being boosted with his Western European Union (a 10 nation federation at that!) “Recommendation 666”17
So many coincidences, so much “global governance,” so much “emergence” and now his “very good friend,” “Bob Zoellick,” the man who introduced him at the Arthur F. Burns Valentine's Day Soiree being named to head the World Bank. Paul Wolfowitz, the former head of the World Bank was ousted for greasing the skids for a good paying job for a girlfriend. I suspect that was not the first time such a thing had happened in history and I further suspect it will not be the last. Even though I was no fan of Mr. Wolfowitz whom I believed was globalist enough, I suspect there was a great deal of hypocrisy in his removal. Now that Dr. Solana's “very good friend for many, many years” has been appointed to fill the vacancy, somehow I feel more threatened by that relation and the hegemony that will give Dr. Solana and his EU hegemonic aspirations than I did with Dr. Wolfowitz's girlfriend. From a New Zealand article earlier in May, it looks like the EU (translate, Solana) may have played a crucial role in making the obvious deal for Zoellick's appointment.18
I hope I am wrong. I suspect I am not. I suspect we are only seeing the beginning of a runaway globalist government (oops, 'global governance') that we cannot control. Global government may have unlimited power for good, but given human nature, it has the even more likely potential for unlimited corruption and evil.
We shall see!
3http://www.europa-eu-un.org/articles/lt/article_6780_lt.htm Also see my Newswithviews.com article http://www.newswithviews.com/Cumbey/constance3.htm
4http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/EN/declarations/93278.pdf AND US STATE DEPARTMENT RELEASE http://usinfo.state.gov/xarchives/display.html?p=washfile-english&y=2007&m=March&x=200703221119071EJrehsiF0.2538416
6e.g. http://www.al-bab.com/arab/docs/pal/pal10.htm (March 6, 1991). You may watch excerpts of the September 11, 1991 New World Order speech of Bush the Elder for yourself on Youtube by clicking the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a9Syi12RJo
14Peterson, Wayne S., Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings: “Experiences of an American Diplomat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom” Charlottesville, Virginia, Hampton Roads Press. 2003.
18http://www.ft.com/cms/s/744dba96-0d66-11dc-937a-000b5df10621.html (deal set) AND more importantly http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0705/S00187.htm
Dear Friends:
You may have to go to the footnotes to get the links for this story. Hyperlinks went askew and I didn't have energy after an 18 hour day to reformat! Will try, maybe, later.
Wow Constance! I will be anxious to see other's reactions. For me, I felt like I was reading the first "Left Behind" book. For those who don't remember, Nicolae Carpathia (the books future Anti-Christ) made his very good friend the head of the world finance committee. Of course, then he had that person murdered.
Didn't read that book, but it does feel somewhat like one of those novels, doesn't it?
Congratulations Constance!
...and thanks for this good and profound work!
Check this from the cited Amsterdam Conference!
´Earth system governance´ as a crosscutting theme of global change research
In 2001, the four global change research programmes ´urgently´ called for ´an ethical framework for global stewardship and strategies for Earth System management´. Yet this notion of ´earth system management´ remains vaguely defined: It is too elusive for natural scientists, and too ambitious or too normative for social scientists. In this article, I develop an alternative concept that is better grounded in social science theory: ´earth system governance´. I introduce, first, the concept of earth system governance as a new social phenomenon, a political programme and a crosscutting theme of research in the field of global environmental change. I then sketch the five key problem structures that complicate earth system governance, and derive from these four overarching principles for earth system governance as political practice, namely credibility, stability, adaptiveness, and inclusiveness. In the last part of the article, I identify five research and governance challenges that lie at the core of earth system governance as a crosscutting theme in global change research. These are the problems of the overall architecture of earth system governance, of agency beyond the state, of the adaptiveness of governance mechanisms and of their accountability and legitimacy, and of the modes of allocation in earth system governance�in short, the five A´s of earth system governance research.
© 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Global change; Climate policy; Global governance; Adaptation; Sustainability science; Earth system analysis; Research programmes; Earth system science partnership; International human dimensions programme on global environmental change; Equity; Accountability; Governance architectures; Institutions
The full text of this article in press, is available for ScienceDirect subscribers, here.
Institute for Environmental Studies
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
ADAM Project
AIRD - Environment Canada
Global Governance Project
Netherlands Environmental
Assessment Agency
NeWater Project
REFGOV Project
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts
and Sciences, Global Change
SENSE Research School
Tyndall Centre
International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP)
World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)
Conference manager, 2007 Amsterdam Conference: Ac2007@ivm.vu.nl
An extremely well-researched paper. Just a reminder that anyone reading here can carry the link to this summary or to News and Views, telling what is happening regarding the World Bank over to other websites. Send it on to your friends. Send it to senators and representatives as a printout or a link. Based on web searches, Constance's articles have been picked up at many websites, but we can always do more to get the information out.
and today a voice from CFR:
(of course):
"Europeans are very pleased with the announcement that Robert Zoellick will take over the presidency of the World Bank."
(William Drozdiak)
>>and today a voice from CFR:
(of course):
"Europeans are very pleased with the announcement that Robert Zoellick will take over the presidency of the World Bank."
(William Drozdiak)
The global advance could not have made such headway without the effort of a carnal education system; one which ceased to find God in science, but rather used such aspects of science, evolution, psychology, economics, and humanism to buttress a godless agenda. The grass roots of globalism can be reduced to a local violent crime rate in my State of N.H.: why so many rapes, murders, and robberies? We have a proliferation of "Watch groups" with no relief in sight; we have pundits, more police, but yet a tide of crime; the prisons are over flowing. Zechariah 14:13 says: "they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor." Jesus referred to the violence of the days of Lot.
Some of you may have listened to RUSH; I remember several years ago a woman on his programed engaged him in a rather lenghtly debate. I belive her name was Linda. She told the radio audience that conservatives had lost because the universities were filled with professors having flawed premises. Rush, ever the material optimist, told her we had victory in sight and sent her a "sleep comfort" bed so as to get a good nights sleep. This is exactly what unsaved "consevatives" have been doing to our nation for years.
Because God works all "things after the counsel of His own will" I can only undersand all this to point to Paul,s admoniton: "when I am weak He is strong." Do as Dorothy, Constance and others here are doing: watch and warn, watch and pray for the "Red sea" is before us; be strong, be bold. and be convinced that historical Christianity is real, "that by revelation" we know Christ come in the flesh and shown the glory of the Father, sanctified and washed us; remember Martin Luther's song to "let all goods and kindred go."
I hope this rather personal contribution was not too parochial for this site.
Yours in Christ:
Excellent! I pass many of your articles on to friends and family. SO many are asleep still.
On another subject; anyword on Herb? Keeping him in prayer.
I spoke with Herb on Friday. He is still awaiting his surgery. He deeply appreciates your prayer. He is anxious to get back to his computer, but right now the pain is just too intense.
Dear Setterman,
Thanks ever so much for your intensely kind and thoughtful words. I'm sure I speak for Dorothy and Herb when I say they are thankful too. You, Rich of Medford and other participants here are equally important in this effort!
Thanks for the update on Herb!
Have a nice day.
A fellow watcher
Bob Zoellick
is on the list of
the Bilderberg meeting
in Istanbul,
may 31-june 3
...more at fp
At this website they posted Constance's talk at a Monteith seminar in 2006. The focus of the talk was on how she first discovered the movement and what her first steps were.
Over at eureferendum.blogspot.com there is an interesting commentary on how the internet has changed our ability to see the truth behind the MSM spin. It won't do any good however unless we, as individuals, use the freedom we have been given.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The return of self reliance
There is an especially silly piece in The Sunday Times News Review section by John-Paul Flintoff, who interviews net entrepreneur Andrew Keen about the internet. "The web was going to be the great educator, but the cult of the amateur is now devaluing knowledge," runs the strap, with Keen arguing that the web "is killing our culture, assaulting our economy and destroying time-honoured codes of conduct....
"What the internet does is return control to the reader – to the seeker after truth. Thus, to suggest that the net is full of false information is to miss the point. So is the media and established organs. The difference now is that, with the multiplicity of sources available, those that want to can do their own fact-checking. What this wonder of modern science does is give us back the ability to be self-reliant."
Use this ability to find and share information about the New Age culture. If we don't use the gift we have been given, we have no excuse when the totalitarians take control.
Brilliant post as usual, Dorothy.
Thanks for the link and your on the scene EU perspective!
Robert Zoellick at charlierose
in May 2007:
I posted a long comment on the Anglican Church, antisemitism and the New Age movement over at
It's too long to copy over here. Some might also find Dr. Brearley's paper of interest, linked to over there, inasmuch as she states:
"Some demographers and Muslim leaders believe that by 2013, British Muslims -- over half of whom are under 25, will number at least 5-6 million, by then approximately equalling the likely total number of active Christians in Great Britain."
I read on Alibris book's site that Javier Solana's mother, Nieves Mathews, had written an earlier title, a crime novel, SHE DIED WITHOUT LIGHT. That is an intriguing title and I would dearly love to read it; however, Alibris' book's price of $134 was more than a little rich for my blood and I have no wealthy benefactors! If somebody decides to buy it, let me know if I can stand in line to borrow it!
To Dorothy:
Just read the link http://www.israelforum.com/board/showthread.php?p=247992#post247992
You told "Djinn" and gave him -- and us -- a lot to think about!
Thanks anonymous. I'm glad you found the exchange informative. I believe my analysis is original as I've not seen anyone make these connections. As I read the information from Dr. Brearley and the analysis of the Anglican Church changes, I was able to make some things clearer for myself also.
Djinn is typical of those who believe they are very current with information about their world. Exchanging views about the NA culture with the Djinns around is is a frustrating experience. If we want to keep learning and sharing our knowledge, it has to be done as I tried to do it on all of the pages in the thread which I hope you find the time to read.
Thanks again for letting me know that my information helped another.
Excellent post Constance! It's interesting how Solana's very good friends are making it to the forefront. Solana said that the new HR for the AoC is also a "very good friend".
Maybe "the mark" might be "FOJ" short for "Friend of Javier!"
Thank you for a great posting. You put forth the evidence to support the suspicion! Keep it coming. We need all the ammunition we can get to fight the web of lies that has been woven to deceive the hearts of men, and even the elect. The deception is so diabolical that it is like a cancer that penetrates ever area of life. The Masons and their Satanist masters certainly have played a cunning game for many centuries. How awesome and wondrous it will be for the reprobates to come to their fulfillment, only to be encountered by the Christ they so hate, and the Body of Christ, the Church, whom they thought they vanquished!
Any ideas who among the Superforce has become acquainted with dear Javier? The "this-worldly minded" among the Curria will, no doubt, seek to get their bread buttered from all the "right" people, so they can build their "kingdom of god" here below.
Solana is becoming representative of the corruption of the whole of human society and institutions. It is going to be a martyrdom just to live a day outside of sin pretty soon!
You know, there is a Catholic prophecy that states the Anti-Christ would wear a turban. Give the presence of the moors in Spain, we just might see that come to pass.
Fred Scharf
Washington, DC
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