Wednesday, April 27, 2022

 Requesting Prayer

First and foremost, I am asking for prayers for Constance.  She continues to run a low grade fever which is well into its second week.  She believes this to be a reaction after receiving a Covid booster.  I know right now she is feeling pretty lousy.  Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.


The Shaping of a New Economic Order

I had planned to write more in-depth about the following articles.  Unfortunately time does not permit so I’ll let the articles speak for themselves.

Recently I noticed an article about microchip implants for use for contactless payments. Considering the  geopolitical realignment currently underway as well as the competition for who will redefine the existing economic rules-based order, Windows Central’s statement comes more into focus:  “who will govern this evolving global community and economy becomes relevant. Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods or services. 

A digital Bretton Woods or something different?  Whichever way it goes I expect this contactless payment system will integrate with a Social Value Rewards System.


Former EU diplomat Alastair Crooke writes that the West’s expulsion of Russia from the SWIFT payment system was “an act of self-mutilation.” 


"The current military operation in Ukraine will, in due course, be relegated to the status of little more than a footnote in global history, although the all-out financial war that has erupted in Russia will be instrumental in shaping the coming new world order."


"US hegemony over the so-called “rules-based order” has been much more financial (rather than military). That is, an order imposed by the US threat to 'sanction' any and all offenders with a 'neutron bomb' of US Treasury bills...And on February 26, this system began to die..."

"...They act only on impulse. We know this because both the Fed and the ECB reported that they were not consulted about the confiscation of gold or the expulsion of seven Russian banks from the SWIFT financial clearing system. And they clarified that, if consulted, they would have opposed both movements."


The International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies writes the Ukraine war is a prelude to the emergence of a new international order.

“It is important to emphasize that this is not a traditional war, nor a conflict between two states over disputed territory, nor a pre-election propaganda, but a war of an entirely different kind. This war is a first step on the path to establishment of a new order in international relations, that is a new division of spheres of influence at the global level.”


“The developments in Ukraine represent the beginning of the end of the existing world order…Put succinctly, the current developments are a prelude to the emergence of a new international order.”


The EU is flexing its muscle to dissuade China from siding with Russia. Meanwhile Russia and China profess to speak with “one voice.”

All of this is consistent with new age expectations that the forces of the old age would clash and from it would rise the new. But we know that’s not how things pan out.


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Craig said...

X @ 12: 21 PM,

Where’s the ad hominem? You might want to look up its definition again. You’re prolly mistaking it for the genetic fallacy. But even that’s faulty logic, for I merely pointed out the study’s possible bias on account of its financiers. And this is after my 10:31, 34 PM posts (the latter correcting/completing the former), in which I noted other possible causes of excess deaths—ones not postulated by those conducting the study. And let’s not forget the prevalence for false positives on the PCR test. “If the patient tests positive, then we’ll have to implement proper protocols—and then we’ll get subsidized, er, uh, reimbursed by CARES (read: taxpayers). How many cycles are we supposed to do again?”

Anonymous said...

"X" and his constant pissing matches.
He's only arguing with himself, like a shadow boxer (never lands a glove on an opponent), no one listens to him anyway
so he can piss himself all he wants to.

Nobody cares.

Anonymous said...

X has seen the foulest of Ghetto Hell,
Witchcraft far beyond Pelosi's spell;

In the crypt he'll bash them endlessly....
Lick the blood and curse them aimlessly!

Anonymous said...

Ad hominem in that you were attacking the character of the authors by suggesting they are biased based where they got their research grant.

I don’t care that you did it, I just know how much you dislike it when I highlight the new age affiliations and/or history of lying the sources many share too often here (i.e. - gateway pundit, natural news, citizens whatever, etc)

It’s not like that foundation has a history itself of dishonesty, right? Just some democratic affiliations. Covid deaths were reported the same under Trump and Biden so why would that matter?

There are false positives and false negatives and people who died completely untested where covid may have played a role.

This is an interesting read including comments by a medical examiner and concerns regarding the undercounting of covid deaths. The story suggests a positive test alone wouldn’t be enough.

I will share my cousin looked horrible in his casket. Not that people ever look great but he was only in his early 60’s and in one month he went from looking normal to looking 85 years old. There’s no one in his immediate family who lived in that home who have any doubt covid killed him.


Anonymous said...

Latin X?

Anonymous said...

Latinx is an American English neologism, sometimes used to refer to people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the United States. The gender-neutral ⟨-x⟩ suffix replaces the ⟨-o/-a⟩ ending of Latino and Latina that are typical of grammatical gender in Spanish. Its plural Latinxs … Related gender-neutral neologisms include Chicanx and Xicanx.

The term was first seen online around 2004. It has since been used in social media by activists, students, and academics who seek to advocate for non-binary and genderqueer individuals.

Xicanx (/ˈtʃiːkæŋks, ˈʃiː-/ CHEE-kanks, SHEE-,[1] /ʃɪˈkænʃ/ shih-KANSH[2]) is a gender-neutral neologism and identity referring to people of Mexican and Latin American descent in the United States. The ⟨-x⟩ suffix replaces the ⟨-o/-a⟩ ending of Chicano and Chicana that are typical of grammatical gender in Spanish. The term references a connection to Indigeneity, decolonial consciousness, inclusion of genders outside the Western gender binary imposed through colonialism, and transnationality.

Craig said...


You wrote: Ad hominem in that you were attacking the character of the authors by suggesting they are biased based where they got their research grant.

I did no such thing. I merely pointed out the bias inherent in RWJF, which may point to bias in the authors of the study. That's not "attacking" any person, especially since I'd already pointed out flaws in the argument itself, specifically, possible other reasons/causes for excess deaths and the prevalence of false positives.

Your calling D'Souza an adulterer is an example of argumentum ad hominem. And this is de rigueur for you. And this sort of thing is un-Christian.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk 'jokingly' vows to bequeath Twitter to 24-year-old YouTube prankster MrBeast if he dies under 'mysterious circumstances'

The 24-year-old YouTuber, real name Jimmy Donaldson, has 95M followers


More on Jimmy Donaldson (MrBeast of YouTube fame)...

Evolution of MrBeast from 2012-2022 (who has given away a lot of money to people in need)

Analyzing how this 'influencer' Jimmy Donaldson got where he is today...

(I'm sure the Globalists are scared to death of any person who they can not control. LOL)

J said...

Midterm Report: Women More Worried About Biden’s Sagging Economy than Abortion

J said...

The video somebody shared about Trump winning with the help of the Left was from Brother Paul, who operates the web site, claiming Trump is the Antichrist. A guy who goes by Brother James Key says the same thing. This type of material has been shared here before. I've critiqued it before - not so much to defend Trump, as to defend Biblical exegesis of prophetic writings in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

I haven't looked at this material in a while. As I looked around, one click led to another, and I became more suspicious. Now I wonder:

Is there a plan afoot to script Trump as the Antichrist (Reality TV Villain), by design, as form of religious theatre and political theatre? I recall a weird tweet from John Cusack saying Trump is a "test run" for the real Antichrist.

For the record, I DO NOT believe that Brother Paul and Brother James Key have done proper exegisis of the books of Daniel and Revelation.

What I DO suspect is that it is a part of The Plan to set up Donald Trump as the Antichrist and to set up Evangelical Christians as the followers of Antichrist. This would be followed by an attempt to respond to the backlash with a One World Religion, that is of course ecumenical and New Age.

Why are there so many references to "the second coming of Donald Trump?"

* The second coming of Donald Trump: Can he become president again? | 60 Minutes Australia

* The second coming of Donald Trump

* Donald J. Trump: The Second Coming of Christ

* Billboard Hailing Donald Trump As Second Coming of Jesus Appears in Georgia

* A Prophetic Word of Hope For The Future of America: Candice Owens, Joe Biden, Ron DeSantis And The Second Coming of Donald Trump

Anonymous said...

Q-cumbeycult MEGA A.H., dr X, @ 8:14 PM

He doesn't want anyone talking about Trump anymore!!!

Stresses him out.

Anonymous said...

There is so much hype it is beyond ridiculous.
Hell is working overtime now.
There is only one second coming--the Lord's, no matter what the scared to death, screeching, left says.
Former President Trump may get another crack at the Presidency, I don't know, I can't see into the future. I rather doubt it now, things have gone too far to advance globalism, but that's just my opinion--and a fair election process is still not in place so the hijinks and antics, political theatre, can continue while the information (such as the covid morass, 2000 mules, Jan 6th, Durham probe, and the complicity of our government in what's happening in Ukraine, etc etc etc!!) all that needs to be proven true or false about what went down in 2020/2021 (and before) that is still being withheld, cancelled, censored and that keeps this entire mess inflamed much to the devil's liking) If these, if none of what I just mentioned is false, what is the left afraid of???? Aren't they the virtuous ones with nothing to hide? If not true shouldn't airing all this out reveal to people who really want the truth, that they may be assured of what parts in the issues are indeed false? But if truth has been hidden by big players against the little man... well, we shall see......
If Trump does get another bid for the Presidency, it would be that God above allowed it, and he won't be saving anything--(even if some believe he can) because God uses bad and good decisions/opportunities/outcomes at His discretion, with no concern for the political theatre of men. God is right now letting Biden get away with the murder--and literally--murders of many kinds, foreign and domestic, from babies and families to small businesses, strangling the life out of this nation, because globalism, the finale in the last one world government, is to come, in fact it's here, like God said in His Word, so the jig for the wicked will be up someday.

Man makes his plans but God directs his steps the Proverbs tell us.

This is, no doubt about it, a time when the Truth is suppressed in unrighteousness.. Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness..
The censoring and cancelling left is very afraid because the truth is not in them, they have much bloodguilt they try to hide, but anyone who loves truth can see this..and those who help the wicked from any side--left, right, inbetween, they will be shown for what they are. No one hides from God.

This is all God's to work to sort out, in His time, His way. He is letting this come to crescendo in letting evil advance, but good is on it's heels regardless because God knows how to bring good -- show His glory for Good with an evil backdrop. One day the curtain will be pulled back so we can see what God accomplished in very spite of evil.
So while the crazies are coming out in force now, like never before, God is working His Plan. The left is completely insane, hateful and bitter like none other, and too many on the right have their version of crazy in misplaced hopes, too. Good thing God can rescue "baby" when people throw baby away.

Anonymous said...

The Biden Crime family needs to answer (Hunter's "business" with China and Ukraine).

Biden should have to answer for the tragedy of what he let happen in Afghanistan.

He needs to come clean about who is behind him,
putting up him up to demise of all of our freedoms and livelihoods.

And why he is undoing our way of life and killing our babies more than ever,
and starving the rest of them.

These are just the tip of the iceberg....

RayB said...

American Matrix: Biden's Disinformation Governance Board

From the article:

"Many have drawn parallels between Biden’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ and George Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth,’ arguing that it’s a threat to First Amendment free speech. But wait. Haven’t we already been living in the matrix of an Orwellian world, with freedom of speech in America hanging by a thread even before this crazy Disinformation Governance Board was hatched?"

"In Orwell’s own words the Ministry of Truth had two primary objectives: 1) the institutionalization of propaganda narratives, which were designed to warp and destroy people’s grasp on reality; and 2) the fostering of groupthink, conformity, and collectivism designed to eliminate critical and independent thinking."

"It has been widely assumed that because the press is not state-controlled in the U.S., there is a long way to go before the American government has the power of Orwell’s Big Brother. Nothing could be further from the truth."

"And the proof is that a large part of the America population has been cowed and brainwashed into accepting quite a number of global elitist-fostered narratives."

Read it in its entirety here:

Anonymous said...


Pointing out the actual author, creator, movie producer is an unrepentant adulterer and convicted election fraud felon is doing more than simply dismissing an article for bias.

It DOES demonstrate the ease and magnitude with which D'Souza will lie about things.

Doesn't mean his lies about everything so it is suggesting there is a bias in his product but come on, this mule movie is becoming more and more obvious to be a complete fabrication.

Why would any such ballot stuffing organization hire mules for $10 a ballot to supposedly drop off handfuls of ballots at ballot boxes under cameras when they could minimize costs and the risks of expanding such conspiracy by simply mailing the ballots for $.50 (or postage free in 18 US States including Wisconsin). In PA they only had to be postmarked by Nov 3rd so there wouldn't even be any reason to rush to last minute rush to the ballot drop box....just mail them. SEEM more throughtful and less qanon'ish than the others here. Do you believe D'Souza's mule movie is being honest?


RayB said...

J @ 9:21 AM ...

They will certainly pull out all the stops in order to prevent Trump from ever being POTUS again. Attempting to tag Trump as the AC is laughable, however, there are some incredibly pliable professing 'christians' out there that get blown around by every new 'prophecy' & 'doctrine' that comes along. "Brothers" Paul & Key are religious charlatans that prey upon this relatively small segment that seemingly enjoy being fooled, because the 'knowledge' that is derived from these frauds sets the followers apart, and imparts the feeling of being 'special.' It also happens to be the exact same technique that all of the cults use. In the long run, my guess is that there are very, very few that will buy this load of garbage.

My take, for what it's worth is this; obviously, Trump is a nationalist that truly believes (unlike typical 'politicians') in putting the interests of his nation first. Perhaps even more importantly, Trump's election served as a catalyst for other nationalist movements around the world, including Hong Kong, the Yellow Vest in France, election of Viktor Orban in Hungary, etc. and the grandaddy that REALLY shook the globalist world; BREXIT. Among the nationalists, Trump is viewed as THE inspirational leader for what they believe in ... individual sovereignty of nations and freedom of the individual. Therefore, he must be stopped ... at all costs.

I put nothing past these psychopaths that are determined to construct their Satanic One World Government ... along with their equally Satanic, Ecumenical One World Religion.

RayB said...

X is an expert on the documentary "2000 Mules," yet, he hasn't seen it.

Kind of leads me to think that he isn't all that trustworthy as far as providing his expert analysis on a film of which he hasn't even watched. 'Evidence' that is based entirely upon one's preconceived prejudices would never even be allowed to come to trial, let alone win in a court of law. Yet X plows full speed ahead with his revealing biases.

Dare I state the obvious by summing X's highly predictable behavior with one word ...?


Anonymous said...

Since dr X can't get a job with his toilet paper degree(if he really has one)? I think Barrack O'Biden's 'Ministry of Lies' would hire X In a New York minute, y'all.

Anonymous said...

J @ 9:21 am
IMO - Trump has been set up as the new age savior, to expose and drain "the swamp" by bringing darkness to light. In the past, a lot of effort was put into promoting Obama as the anti-christ and many Trump supporting, religious conservatives still believe that. They believe that Biden is a puppet with Obama calling the shots behind the scenes. The riddles and drops by QAnon for three years made many references to past and current events as Biblical symbolism. In reality, Trump/Obama-Biden are two sides of the same coin with both sides played against Christians. It's all part of The Plan with evangelicals and charismatics leading the way to a one world church and state religion.

Anonymous said...

Hi X,

It's not my intention to be rude, however, do you call yourself X because of Turner syndrome? Just asking.,forming%20without%20an%20X%20chromosome.

RayB said...

Latest "official" data from Europe. This should inspire you to run out and get the latest booster for the "deadly virus" that has a 99.8% survival rate!

44,348 Dead 4,279,200 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions as More Pfizer Fraud Uncovered

Anonymous said...

Starting on April 11, U.S. citizens will be able to select an X as their gender marker on their U.S. passport application, and the option will become available for other forms of documentation next year.

Anonymous said...

X-gender is a common transgender identity that isn't female or male.[2] The word X-gender is used in Japan in the same way that genderqueer and nonbinary are used in English. According to a 2019 online survey conducted by the Japan LGBT Research Institute, 8,700 out of of 348,000 respondents aged 20 to 69 identified themselves as X-gender.[3]

Anonymous said...


I don't have to see the Matrix to know it's make-believe.

In Georgia alone, MARTA offers a free mobility pass to disabled Atlantans who can't otherwise get on regular buses. There's also the New Georgia Project set up specifically to offer rides to the polls.

Georgia Voter's guide..

This guide links to a "leftest" non-profit where you can request a ride to the polls or volunteer to be a driver.

The Americans with Disabilities Act ensures those disabled have the ability to arrange rides to the ballot box through

Did You Know?
The rights of voters with disabilities to have equal accessibility in elections is protect by federal and Georgia state law.
"The voting system shall be accessible for individuals with disabilities, including nonvisual accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters."
- Help America Vote Act Section 301(a)(3)(a)

Surely some of these disabled voters were picked in handicapped accessible vans and with the help of volunteers taken to ballot drop boxes to deliver their ballots. These "volunteers" and/or the drivers would surely get out of the van and assist the voters to the drop boxes. They would repeat this for weeks and truethevote surely caught some of these persons doing completely legal activities in their geo-fence net.

Taking people to vote isn't illegal. Such persons may live in a group home or share a residence with family and be delivering multiple ballots as well as dropping off their own. Taking pictures of doing so isn't unusual.

Not one video clip in the movie shows a single person dropping off ballots at multiple locations.


Anonymous said...

How to Remove Graphene Oxide

Anonymous said...

A couple year ago I recall watching one of those true crime shows investigating a murder in Atlanta. As I remember it, the woman was snatched or voluntarily got into a car and investigators discovered her cell phone was pinged driving around the perimeter highway around Atlanta several times that night before the signal was lost. They found her body thereafter. So they looked for other cell phone signals that also seemed to be driving around the Atlanta perimeter several times in a row at or around the same time and found a half dozen or so matches. Surely someone else in that car with the victim had their cell phone on so obviously they found the killer.

Atlanta detectives then investigated those matches and they revealled suspects.

D'Souza would claim he found 6 murderers.

True the Vote, despite their claimed efforts to eliminate false positives KNOWS they have exaggerated their claims. A story about one guy claiming to have been paid $10 a ballot in one city in one state just doesn't make a conspiracy of enough magnitude to matter. So they conjure up a way to "find" a few thousand more that they can simply cast anonymous aspersions on and make them guilty by loosely tying it to one potential actual mule.

Then they try to use math to create the illusion one mule can or did change the election results.

The whole thing is just crazy and that anyone would PAY to watch this youtube type conspiracy fabrication is just a testament to how out of touch with reality the Maga Qanon population is.

x <--- Is a testament to Christ, my Lord and Savior. Christians for nearly 2000 years have used the letter X as a secret symbol to indicate their membership in the church. No surprise the luciferians here would seek to besmirch the letter.

Anonymous said...

Q cumbeycultist MEGA A. H. X say

"the luciferians here"

Spoken like a true Pharisee

RayB said...

In order to justify his unfounded, prejudicial judgment against the DOCUMENTARY "2000 Mules," X states the following:

"I don't have to see the Matrix to know it's make-believe."

Being that I have an incredibly difficult time communicating with X, perhaps someone else would be able to explain to him the difference between a FICTIONAL Hollywood movie, and a documentary that is based upon real life FACTS.

Anonymous said...


There's no difference. In this case they are both fictional.


Anonymous said...

Whether someone agrees with a point or not, if your motive is not to edify and convince 'the other' via a thorough investigation of a matter, then what exactly is your motive?

If you haven't even bothered to watch the video, how can you intelligibly critique it? When St. Paul preached unto the Greeks he reasoned by referring to their beliefs and then guiding them as a Berean through Holy Scripture. Your intentions are questionable indeed, smacking of arrogant hubris and utterly void of any academic merit whatsoever. There is nothing evidentially Christian about your attitude whatsoever in this regard at least.

Anonymous said...

X should want 2000 mules to be seen by everyone so they can be shown and know for certain it is false as he says it is.

But if it's really true..what then X?

Anonymous said...

As they say, 5:11 PM,

You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make it drink. X's hubris no doubt will cause him to purposefully mislabel his obstinacy as steadfastness. He's prepared to run right into that ditch of arrogance and he ain't gonna let any reason (operatively speaking) stand in his way - or will he?

Anonymous said...

X's silence certainly gives credence to those here who see him as nothing more than an agent provocateur. If his grounds for posting things contrary to the opinions of most here are to genuinely convince at least some of the majority of their folly for holding political outlooks different to his own, then his reticence and reluctance to properly examine that which he negatively critiques is folly in and of itself.

What are you afraid of, X? Why not view the material?

Anonymous said...

4:23 pm --- it's called discernment

There is nothing remotely Christian about this deliberately dishonest infotainment.

I tried explaining some of the complexities and technicalities that make such dishonest. If you have honest questions, I'd be happy to address them.

Even True the Vote goes to the trouble of clearly indicating that they are not accusing anyone of actually casting fake ballots. As such, there is nothing remotely within the 'documentary' truly indicating the election or vote count was invalid. They just take their audience on a trip through exaggerations, speculation, and innuendo towards inferring such.

Finally...if you are interested in a detailed analysis of D'Souza's opus dei roman catholic new world order this. I don't know who this author is but it's all quite revealling.

Dinesh D´Souza: Case Study in the Roman Domination of “Protestant” Christianity and “Christian” America


Craig said...


I’m pleased we’ve cleared up what argumentum ad hominem is, and that you concede that I did not commit this fallacy, while you in fact did (and do quite often ‘round these parts).

Since I don’t ‘pre-review’ movies (and other media)—that is, I don’t ‘review’ any media until I’ve actually viewed it, because that would be dishonest—I have no informed opinion on D’Souza’s movie. So I will withhold any comment pro or con unless or until I actually view the material. And I’m currently in no hurry to do so.

Anonymous said...

"I tried explaining some of the complexities and technicalities that make such dishonest.(re: 2000 Mules)"

"I don’t ‘review’ any media until I’ve actually viewed it, because that would be dishonest—I have no informed opinion on D’Souza’s movie. So I will withhold any comment pro or con unless or until I actually view the material."

Spoken from the south end of this northbound horse....
He's a horse's ass is the only conclusion one can draw from this disconnected mouthy moron.

Anonymous said...

X just cant watch 2000 Mules, because he is a stubborn Ass

Anonymous said...


"As such, there is nothing remotely within the 'documentary' truly indicating the election or vote count was invalid. They just take their audience on a trip through exaggerations, speculation, and innuendo towards inferring such."

This was the quote I intended for 6:57 PM instead. This one and the first one above are "X".. The one below from Craig was another post I was thinking of addressing because he is right to withhold judgment having not seen it.
"X" is not too smart with his non-view, non-review "review"

Anonymous said...

Woke Joke X identifies as an Ass. X is currently uncertain of X's pronoun?

Anonymous said...


Why would bias matter if you weren't implying their study was untrustworthy (due to left bias of their financial supporters)?

Did you even read the abstract (another double standard)?

It appears you didn't because you never addressed their conclusions, argument or position, instead you irrelevantly attacked an organization that provided them grant funding like it was an admission of nefariousness. There wasn't even an argument or evidence that this organization historically extends any inappropriate strings or control over such grants. That is an ad hominem as it gets. You ARE guilty of what you accuse me of so often (though mine are usually germaine to the actual piece, author(s) or publishers' history of dishonesty and bias).

Double standard much?

I also never claimed I don't use ad hominins --- when I say D'Souza is s opus dei, roman catholic, new age, unrepentant adulterer and convicted felon no Christian should trust it doesn't mean anything the guy says is actually a lie --- just a pretty good guess considering the source and his new world order history and associations.

I'm not the only one that's figured this out about the guy...

try reveiwing this and see what you think I don't know who the author is but it's revealling information about rome's conspiracies to undermine the US.

Dinesh D´Souza: Case Study in the Roman Domination of “Protestant” Christianity


Anonymous said...

I'll watch the whole mules propaganda (I've seen the trailer, excerpts and read over on true the vote) and see it when it's free but it's already clear there is a whole lot of nothing in it. Where are the convictions? Where are the arrests and investigations? Where are the actual fake votes? It's a bunch of fake experts speculating and making unsupported accusations. What more is there really to see?

Show me the data --- they claim they will be dropping the data soon (#ripchord)...let me know when that happens and I'll explain further what I already know to be true.


RayB said...

Sorry X. Thankfully, your party of CHOICE (aka, Death Cult) loses again:

Senate Fails to Pass Democrat Abortion Bill

"Senate Democrats on Wednesday failed to pass legislation that would prohibit local, state, and federal governments from preventing abortions."

Every GOP Senator voted AGAINST the bill ... while every Democrat voted FOR the bill except for Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

Anonymous said...


Your claim of discernment is redundant because any such discernment would mean you wouldn’t critique something you have no idea about. Your claim to discernment could only be logically held if you were to hold the position Craig has just expressed.

Proverbs 17:28

(Berean Study Bible)
Even a fool is considered wise if he keeps silent, and discerning when he holds his tongue.

Craig said...

X @ 7:10 PM,

Of course I read the abstract; see my 9:07 PM from yesterday, e.g.

Anonymous said...

Unless.... Ray...I DO have "an idea about it".

You can read about the movie and it's claims all over the place. There's debunking and attempting debunking of the debunking.

It's all quite comical.

I'll await the release of the data and/or investigations before diving into explaining to you exactly what I already know.

I'd be shocked if they actually uncovered even 10 illegal 'mules' (people who for whatever reason thought it was ok to drive around and pick up a few ballots (or persons with a few ballots) and drop them off at the ballot box illegally somewhere --- it happens) out of the claimed 2000 supposedly 'identified' mules.

One must always remember that Republicans have a long history of pointing their fingers at others to cover up the things that they are doing.

Like this case in Wisconsin where a supporter of former President Donald Trump who said authorities should root out voter fraud was among five people who were charged with election fraud by a Republican district attorney who's running for Wisconsin attorney general. One of the others charged indicated she had voted for Trump and told investigators to look into cheating because “they took it away from Trump,

Trump backer, 4 others charged with voter fraud in Wisconsin

Then there's the voter fraud story of Rus Thompson out of Grand Island, NY who also claimed the election was stolen and that Covid wasn't real (ironically he spent the month of February 2022 nearly dying in the hospital - I know because my wife is related to the idiot).

Rus Thompson sentenced to probation in voter fraud case

Thompson, a longtime Grand Island resident and businessman who was a strong advocate for the tea party locally, reached a deal with prosecutors in the case back in February. He pleaded guilty to a second-degree misdemeanor charge as part of the plea agreement. Thompson, a vocal critic of Grand Island town government and longtime advocate for removal of tolls from Grand Island and other parts of the state thruway system, originally faced five felonies after the Erie County District Attorney’s Office received a complaint that he voted in the 2015 primary in the town even though he was living in Niagara Falls at the time.

Anonymous said...

In response to my question about the article and excess deaths being missed....

Craig said: You STILL don't get it? I've never said excess deaths were not OF covid; I said there is the likelihood--given financial incentives--that some of these are WITH covid instead. A distinction with a BIG difference. We must also consider other possible reasons for excess deaths: missed treatments for existing ailments, plus other ailments/conditions brought about by the stress and fallout of covid restrictions, to include loss of livelihood. And yeah, some who’ve died as a result of—or at least coincidentallyat best, indirectly related.

And yeah, some who’ve died as a result of—or at least coincidentally shortly following—one of the vaxxes. And no, X, none of these would be 'covid deaths', for these are, at best, indirectly related.

So you think in 2021 red states and counties who were the least likely to impose, enforce and/or utilize covid restrictions somehow had more people dying due to stress than blue states and counties that were much more compliant and thereby "stressed" by such limitations and fallout of covid restrictions?

Wasn't life pretty much back to normal in Florda and Texas, 2 of the most deadly states, throughout all of are you saying they were just softer?

And if the vaxxes were causing such 'excess deaths' why haven't they been killing people in excess in Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and other countries with much higher vaccination rates?

Why were excess deaths seeming to correlate with outbreaks and waves of the Covid virus in largely unvaccinated states and counties versus waves of excess deaths correlating with the vaccinations in more heavily vaccinated states?

The Delta variant was much more contagious and more deadly --- why didn't it just run through the urban populations like it did in small town America?


Anonymous said...


Infrared thermometers, which are held near the forehead to scan body temperature without direct contact, point an infrared light directly at the brain’s pineal gland, exposing it to harmful radiation.

The pineal gland is a tiny gland that produces melatonin, among other hormones, and has colloquially been called the 'third' eye.


The function of the pineal gland

Craig said...


Correlation does not necessarily indicated causation.

Anonymous said...

He's caused it..
now he's losing it.

We didn't have this worry when #45 was our President.

Anonymous said...


But that's what makes your claim(s) preposterous.

You don't have any correlation(s), just an empty "what about" claim and an weak ad hominem attack claiming the study I offered "may be" tainted by the weak bias of a 3rd party grantor.


Anonymous said...


I am not Ray. Also, it is contextually obvious, to anyone (unlike you) who is not a facetious narcissist, that by having ‘an idea about it’ Indicates having sufficient knowledge of it, not some fantasy built on hubris and thin air.

I used to feel sorry for you, but I now see why everyone has lost patience with you and has no time for you or anything you write. I refer you back to my previous posts.

The Lord rebuke you!

Anonymous said...

11:43 pm

But you've never met is it you claim to know me so well and have "sufficient knowledge" about everything I think, feel, have read and have knowledge of in order to rebuke me for anything.

This movie and its contents are NOT some big secret. Go to Reddit and Twitter and it's been discussed thoroughly for weeks now.

Shame on you for siding with criminals and adulterers, like D'Souza and his gang of liars and exaggerators who most evidently hate God ... over and above a God-fearing Christian who loves the Lord.


Anonymous said...


It is contextually evident I am referring to having sufficient knowledge of a given subject before attempting to critique it.

I refer you back to my earlier posts as well as the last few of Craig’s posts.

Even so, I don’t have to have personally met you to surmise your character. I have stayed an observer here for many years and over that time I have seen many come and go. It is clear to all here that you, X, like to play the victim, yet attack where you perceive an opening to do so. You display all the symptoms of what is clinically termed a ‘vulnerable narcissist’.

By the way, X, there are many things I agree with the left on, though I am not an American and my cultural concepts thereof no doubt differ to yours. Even so, it is not so much the fact you are left of politics here, which people find so irritating, but rather your unwillingness to dialogue reasonably with people and your presumptuous inference of others affiliations. For example, your childish naming of RayB as RayQ[anon].

Had you wished to honestly explore different aspects of politics, etc., and how it links to a truly Christian view (or not) with others here, then I am sure others would have accommodated such. However, you have chosen to patronise and have taken a ‘my way or the highway’ attitude with people here: that is why sadly you have become so unliked.

Anonymous said...

differ from*

Anonymous said...

disliked (I am a speaker of other languages) *

Anonymous said...

"But you've never met is it you claim to know me so well"

No joke.
You don't know me, not any of us here, but doesn't stop your stupid assumptions/presumptions of any of us. Your penchant for twisting what we say, to strawman, and red herring your way post to post, topic by topic, to fill this space with negativity. It pours out of you..

So we can say that of you, the manipulator, terrible mind reader, over the top slanderer of people, gossip hound toward people you don't know in the least, constantly disagreeable, no grace, x.

You have the reputation of a snake because you've earned it.

Anonymous said...

""X" is not too smart with his non-view, non-review "review""..
..that he calls discernment. Must be because he's "ahead of the curve".


Know-it-all "X" and his great power of persuasion...NOT!

Anonymous said...

The crypto bubble bursts… but is it a sign of a stock market crash to come? Digital investors lose fortunes as Ethereum loses 20% of its value in 24 hours, Luna drops NINETY-EIGHT per cent and Coinbase warns customers may lose ALL their money

Bitcoin has also plunged 11.24 per cent as investors suffer heavy losses

Luna, another large cryptocurrency, lost almost all of its value overnight

Despite the downturn, traditional tech stocks are faring even worse

Amazon has lost 30 per cent of its value in just one month of trading

Anonymous said...

Oh, the absolute evil IRONY of it all...

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’

Satanists seething over the Supreme Court’s potential overturn of Roe v. Wade will refer to abortion as a “Satanic” ritual in an upcoming court filing.

In an insane message from The Satanic Temple (TST) last Thursday, Lucifer-worshipping leftists say they will use religious freedom arguments in efforts to preserve their members’ rights to murder babies.

Anonymous said...

Hi 8:48 AM,

X’s Demoncratic Party is smoothing things out for them.

RayB said...

X's Democratic Death Cult Party Member Gavin Newsom: California Taxpayers to Subsidize Abortion Tourism

That's right. The Calif. Death Cult Democrats love abortion so much that they are willing to pay for the murder of your child ... as a promotion for 'tourism.'

Recall how many times X claimed it was the GOP that promoted abortion?

Recall too that the Democrats in the Senate sought to codify Roe v. Wade into law the other day, whereby EVERY GOP Senator voted AGAINST THE BILL. Yet, X's 'pro-life' Democrats ALL VOTED FOR THE BILL ... except ONE ... Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

RayB said...

Mentally Ill, ANGRY Joe Biden Starts Yelling About Food Lines, ‘Great MAGA King’ During Union Convention Speech

(Biden walks away from the teleprompters and goes 'off script' and loses it. Continues to be fixated upon Trump. Obviously forgets the name of the head of the Electricians Union. Tells angry, weird story about a broken escalator at a NY City Airport, along with a collapsed bridge in Pittsburg, both of which occurred when Obama was President, etc. So far, there are no confirmed reports of anyone of his staff members suffering from a heart attack). Everything about this guy is just plain weird.

RayB said...

Abortion loving Death Cult Member States 'When I Was Hungry, You Fed Me': Pelosi Quotes Bible to Justify $40B Military Aid Package to Ukraine

(While young Mothers in America struggle to find baby formula).

PS: The left is not only evil, they are mentally ill. Liberalism really is a mental disease.

Anonymous said...


Remember how Constance would have no trouble calling you out on some topic of disagreement???

The horrific mess this blog has become is mostly Constance's fault for never, not even one teeny tiny bit, ever posted specific disagreement with ultra leftist X!!!

There's a reason for that!

J said...


Brother Paul and Brother James Key have become more sophisticated in their appeals to the Bible to claim that Trump fulfills prophecy (or, at least, the Dispensationalist eschatology interpretation of it).

The last time I looked at them, they were laughable to me. This time I see they are lining up their ducks to match up with Dispensationalist eschatology. They know Scripture to a more sophisticated extent than it had appeared to me the last time I looked at their material.

I'm going to lay out just a sampling. As I do, keep in mind that I am not a Dispensationalist. You know that already, and I want to make that clear to other commenters, too. My theology is Covenant Theology, in the Reformed tradition, in contrast to Dispensationalism. The differences is that, in Covenant Theology, the New Testament interprets the Old Testament. In Dispensationalism, the Old Testament interprets the New Testament. (I take the Bible seriously and literally, just as much as any Dispensationalist, but I believe in a hermeneutic in which symbols and allegories point at literal historical events and spiritual truths.)

Brother Paul and Brother James Key have a lot of details lined up. For example, a golden shekel contains the image of Trump on one side, with the image of the third temple on the other side. Coins used to be called marks, and an image of Caesar was literally a charagma (Greek for mark) on a coin.

The frogs coming out of the mouths are compared to memes of Pepe the frog appearing online from Trump supporters leading up to his election. There is one more frog meme with a different name. I don't recall the name. I think this is laughably weak.

Trump is the 45th president and likes the number 45. He has claimed that his crowd size reached his favorite number, 30,000. 30,000 divided by 45 = 666. I think this is weak. But supposedly the number of Trumps first, middle and last name is 666. (I don't know if that is actually according to Hebrew Gematria, though.)

The number 666 may point to King Solomon's 666 cubits of gold. Trump likes gold. He surrounded himself with gold in his Trump tower apartment. He appears golden, too, with his golden hair and skin. A golden statue of Trump has appeared at CPAC with people posing for pictures next to it. Gold is associated with the sun and with sun god worship. I think this is stronger but still smacks of confirmation bias.

There is much more. In particular, they gave a very sophisticated treatment to the beasts and heads, but I think it's very confused. It's the best I've ever seen a Dispensationalist do with the beasts and heads. I can easily make a case that it is NOT scriptural. But I've been very surprised how few people really know how to exegete the multi-head, multi-horn beast symbols.

If Trump becomes re-elected, he will be said to be the wounded head that grew back. If he gets the temple rebuilt in Jerusalem, and he manages to establish a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians, the likes of Brother James Key and Brother Paul will have every other duck lined up to be able to fool Christians who don't know how to exegete prophecy and who are Dispensationalists.

Those are very big ifs, of course.

I won't have more time today to write about this. I'll have to return to it. I tried to give it some due attention to point out some things I've noticed about it, in the limited time I have.

I don't want to link to the web sites or the Youtube channels of either Brother Paul or Brother James Key. They are very easy to look up.

J said...

Very quickly, I noticed one more claim. The claim was that the historical Cyrus started the 70 weeks of Daniel. Then the new Cyrus, Trump, will restart the 70 weeks (the final week).

Anonymous said...

Since RayB likes making fun of the handicapped perhaps he'll have find entertainment making fun of these or using them as props in his Maga Qanon comedy tour.

Barbie unveils its first-ever doll with hearing aids

Excerpt: "Barbie, the 63-year-old American doll manufacturer, is releasing a new set of dolls in June as part of its ongoing efforts towards diversity and inclusion.

From creating the brand’s first ever Barbie with hearing aids, to a Ken doll with the skin condition vitiligo, 2022’s Fashionista line up — which will be launched in Walmart, Target and Amazon — will help kids “see themselves reflected,” said Mattel’s Global Head of Barbie Dolls, Lisa McKnight, in a press statement. She added that children should also be encouraged to play with dolls that don’t resemble them to help them “understand and celebrate the importance of inclusion.”

For the Barbie with hearing aids, the company sought the expertise of Dr. Jen Richardson, a leading practitioner in educational audiology, to help accurately imitate behind-the-ear devices for the toy. Richardson said the ponytailed-Barbie complete with hot pink hearing aid could inspire those who have experienced hearing loss. “I’m beyond thrilled for my young patients to see and play with a doll who looks like them,” she said in a press release.

Changes have been made to the stereotypical Barbie body type, too. From smaller chests to fuller-figures and even slender, less-muscular male dolls, the new toys are intended to be more representative of varied body types.

Anonymous said...

12:46 am said: "how it links to a truly Christian view (or not) with others here"

That's kind of the fatal flaw of your critique...

How would those vested strongly in worshipping a false republican Maga Qanon gospel and it's idols know what a truly Christian view (or not) is?

YOU may know but I wasn't having a conversation with you that I know of. Is there a reason you can't just mark your entries.

IMO, many have taken another path. I am warning them, inviting them back to the path (often by using their own words and own logic against them to show them the folly of their lost ways) and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I don't claim to know it all or do it perfectly.


Anonymous said...

J, Also interesting is Brother James Key's expose of Trump's penthouse drips gold with a fresco of the apotheosis of Apollo, as well as other images of Apollo. I can't find it now, but you can find it yourself.

Donald Trumps 66th Floor Penthouse Exposes His Idol Sun God Apollo, Son of Zeus

Notably, the Capital building boasts its Apotheosis (deification) of George Washington:

Painted in 1865 by Constantino Brumidi, the Apotheosis of Washington in the eye of the U.S. Capitol Building's Rotunda depicts George Washington rising to the heavens in glory, flanked by female figures representing Liberty and Victory/Fame and surrounded by six groups of figures. The fresco is suspended 180 feet above the Rotunda floor and covers an area of 4,664 square feet.

SIDE NOTE: Also, the statue of George Washington enthroned in a Baphomet style posture was first situated in the U.S. Capitol Building:

George Washington, also known as Enthroned Washington, is a large marble sculpture by Horatio Greenough commissioned by the United States Congress on July 14, 1832 for the centennial of U.S. President George Washington's birth on February 22, 1732. Completed in 1840, the statue was soon exhibited in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol and then moved to the Capitol's east lawn in 1843.[2] Since 1964 it has been in the National Museum of American History.[2]

J said...

12:34 PM,

We need to start with what the Bible says and stick very closely to it. Otherwise confirmation bias is inevitable. We are all capable of it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, J.

12:34 PM

J said...

Please be sure what is in your Bible. The Bible never mentions the temple being rebuilt after it was destroyed in the first century AD.

I'll find this reference later, but there was already an attempt to rebuild it. Fire balls shot up out of the earth. The workers finally had to quit.

This was actually, truly recorded in history.

Isn't it amazing most Christians don't know about it? Why is that? Why isn't the Dallas Theological Seminary teaching it to pastors? Maybe because they are so invested in Dispensationalism?

Some day we may actually find out if fire balls will shoot up from the Dome of the Rock again if a temple is ever built on the spot where it used to exist.

But can you imagine the literal holy war that would break out? Do we really need it? Don't we already have enough to deal with, between Russia and Ukraine, with China waiting to retake Taiwan?

Anonymous said...

Interesting that neither Fox/Newsmax or CNN/MSNB will EVER get into this topic.
Satan eating his tail at work! See the Hegelian way.

“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races (CRT, mass migration), by the abolition of frontiers (mass migration, see Texas border problem), the annihilation of monarchy (Euro kings reduced to only archaic symbols) and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the “children of Israel” will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition (compromised pedophiles, dirty governors and mayors). The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state resources like the Army, Navy, Tax payer money). Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928

Warning - this does NOT in any way refer to true Torah Jews (or any ordinary Jew, like your dentist Dr. Leventhal, down the street, who are and will be victims of the coming horrors).

Anonymous said...

"the dissolution of other races" also add constant bombarding propaganda of racial miscegenation in all walks of society, and especially aimed at European women!

Anonymous said...

"Please be sure what is in your Bible. The Bible never mentions the temple being rebuilt after it was destroyed in the first century AD."


Christ says that when the nation SEES the abomination (in the new Temple), run to the hills. Don't even go back for your mobile phone. Someone once suggested that in order to actually SEE the renewed sacrifices, they will have had installed cameras to live stream it, as only a priest can go in there. Paul says the Man of Sin will go into that building and do something quite nasty.

Why don't you read?

J said...

This is from recorded history about the emperor Julian.

Attempt to rebuild the Jewish Temple

Subterranean fires defeat Julian's effort to rebuilt the temple.

In 363, not long before Julian left Antioch to launch his campaign against Persia, in keeping with his effort to oppose Christianity, he allowed Jews to rebuild their Temple.[125][126][127] The point was that the rebuilding of the Temple would invalidate Jesus’ prophecy about its destruction in 70, which Christians had cited as proof of Jesus' truth.[125] But fires broke out and stopped the project.[128] A personal friend of his, Ammianus Marcellinus, wrote this about the effort:

Julian thought to rebuild at an extravagant expense the proud Temple once at Jerusalem, and committed this task to Alypius of Antioch. Alypius set vigorously to work, and was seconded by the governor of the province; when fearful balls of fire, breaking out near the foundations, continued their attacks, till the workmen, after repeated scorchings, could approach no more: and he gave up the attempt.

The failure to rebuild the Temple has been ascribed to the Galilee earthquake of 363. Although there is contemporary testimony for the miracle, in the Orations of St. Gregory Nazianzen, this may be taken to be unreliable.[129] Other possibilities are accidental fire or deliberate sabotage. Divine intervention was for centuries a common view among Christian historians,[130] and it was seen as proof of Jesus’ divinity.[125]

J said...

1:16 PM,

You are reading a rebuilt third temple into a text that is about the second temple. You are not alone. You have been taught to do this by Dispensationalism, even if you don't think of yourself as a Dispensationalist.

J said...

Thank you, 1:19 PM. Have a blessed day. :)

Anonymous said...

Solomon's temple, then Herod's temple, and then the next one, of which measurements and details in the book of Ezekiel, is different that the 2 previous, will be built when the Lord reigns from Jerusalem in His 1000 year reign upon the earth. And the Word of God says the nations will stream to it (worship Him there)..
In Matt 25, Luke 21, and Mark 13 the text says someone, the man of sin (with his "shortened time" of 42 months-3 1/2 years), is the one standing in a holy place (speaking great swelling words against God in Daniel) so he is not standing in a rebuilt temple.
In those passages is he standing in a holy place, a holy spot, on the grounds of Temple Mount then perhaps? I think so. And international armies (EU and/or UN forces??) surrounding Jerusalem to keep the (false) peace there because of violence going on over this hotly contested piece of real estate.
And that will be the Abomination Of Desolation mentioned in those New Testament passages, yet future (soon), but also spoken of throughout the Bible as it's pictured in a few different, and always related instances from antiquity, but all concerning the land, the city, the Temple Mount, because that place is supposed to be reserved for God with no one (especially that particular wicked man against the God of the Bible) making plans or taking action up there apart from what God decrees. That is poking God in the eye, just like dividing up the land or abandoning the land (what happened at the Dispora brought on by Israel's rebellion) because it signifies abandoning the Promises God made about that place.
Jerusalem, that God said, is to be the place from which He rules, HIS NAME IS THERE. From 2 Chron 6:6 - All the way around shall be eighteen thousand cubits; and the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE.” as Jehovah Shammah (the literal meaning: THE LORD IS THERE) Ezekiel 48:35 NKJV where He made great promises and intends to keep them, where God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ died (at the foot of it on it's north face). Men in, and by their plans, counter what GOD SAID, abominably so. That will be judged very harshly by God in the not so far out future.

This is all in the works in the political machinations behind closed doors today as we see nations, think tanks, international courts (globalism) all making plans about what needs to be done with the issue between the Palestinians and the Jews (back in the land after a 2000 year absence). The Bible says it belongs to Israel, part of "a future and a hope" as their heritage..because God said so, so they (a remnant) will see a restoration of all that this entails. But meantime the world gets involved with this very hot potato as the Bible also describes (the burdensome stone for the nations Zechariah said) because the world believes it is a "peace and safety" issue for world peace and security (and when they say "peace and safety" destruction will come to them) that the issue must be dealt with once and for all. Part of what the man of sin will be assigned to when Satan enters and takes control of him. This is coming up--I believe this is going to be on the horizon soon because the Great Reset will make way for the Anti-christ to rise to his place in Scripture..

Anonymous said...

Along with this topic I suspect (speculation on my part as I read the Bible and the headlines) he (AC) might be talking about that prospect--a rebuilt Temple for the Jews--as an appeasement for political gain, for world power, in solving the biggest, longest-standing, issue in the entire world, 1000's of years old in what the Bible calls the ancient hatred between Arabs and Jews, all sons of Abraham. Sharing the Temple Mount (will amount to the AOD) with a 'future temple" building (not built by God), a politically brokered deal, for secular/religious Judaism, that he could accomplish because of his political prowess and clout, by sharing the top of the Mount with the Dome of the Rock also there (standing now in what was formerly the court of the Gentiles and not considered sacred ground to the Jewish people). Rev 11:1 talks about Temple Mount being carved up (measured out) and I think that fits what AC will be negotiating when he comes on the world stage, and in that particular scene.

All very very interesting, and timely......

RayB said...

X ...

You are such an incredible, EVIL LIAR. You state:

"Since RayB likes making fun of the handicapped perhaps he'll have find entertainment making fun of these or using them as props in his Maga Qanon comedy tour.

COPY & PASTE when I have EVER made fun of the "handicapped."

What makes you lie so much X? Do you EVER tell the truth about anything???

RayB said...

Well ... at least the Biden/Harris Death Cult is consistent. They HATE American babies! If they aren't trying to 'protect' the right to murder them in the womb, they'll starve them to death !

Read this from the American Thinker:

Pallets and pallets of baby formula for ILLEGALS, nothing on the shelves for Americans By Monica Showalter

"You've heard of pallets of cash for the mullahs? Now it's pallets of baby formula exclusively for illegals — while American babies go hungry."

"Such is the incredible story being reported by the Washington Examiner on the state of Joe Biden's "priorities."

PS: I wonder how Constance feels about the "insurrection" against the unborn?

RayB said...

Is this the plan that Death Cult Leader Joe Biden has for America?

China Lockdowns Leading to Total Control of Population as Health Authorities Decide Who Can Participate in Society While Others are Locked up in Quarantine Camps

"The lockdowns currently happening in China’s largest cities, which include Shanghai, parts of Beijing, and other major metropolitan areas, continue to be the biggest news story today, even though Chinese authorities are working hard to suppress any news about the killer lockdowns that are leading to suicides, starvation, and mass incarcerations at quarantine “camps”.

"Even the World Health Organization’s recent criticism of China’s COVID policies is being censored inside China."

"These massive lockdowns are destroying the economy of China, and everyone around the world will feel its effects in the weeks and months ahead."

"But besides the economic consequences which will spread beyond China’s borders, we can see in China just what the Globalists have in store for their version of a new society in a New World Order."

Read the entire article here:

Anonymous said...

Maga Ray Q,

So only you can exaggerate and lie here....this is your lying forum where you can lie, abuse and make fun of the handicapped all you want.

I never lie here.

You linked a video of a physically handicapped man on the last thread (or the one before that) and jokingly jeered as me as you often do saying that he reminded you of me.

Did you go back and edit it already?

It's not like you thought the guy was brilliant and you were really complimenting me?

You COULD just apologize but that would be expecting too much of you, brother?

And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work." - John 9:2-4 ESV


p.s. - You also KNOW republicans are responsible for nearly 50 years of abortion and now the republicans are responsible for handing our control of our protestant country to the rome via their agents (opus dei, knights of malta, jesuits, knights of the templar, knight of columbus, legatus, federalist soceity, heritage foundation, the Family, etc.)

Anonymous said...

7:47 PM,

Yet Democrats, Wild Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, etc., Jesuitically love giving speeches at Brown University of the Society of Jesus , stand up Democrat Rhode scholars… and of course, they’d never miss a red Mass in memory of Thomas Moore…

Anonymous said...

X's life is a lie. When you believe evil is good and good is evil, you are living, breathing, lies.
No wonder he believe that of himself and say he doesn't lie.
He can't see his own forest for his too many trees.

Anonymous said...

Dispensationalism is an evangelical theological system that addresses issues concerning the biblical covenants, Israel, the church, and end times. It also argues for a literal interpretation of Old Testament prophecies involving ethnic/national Israel, and the idea that the church is a New Testament entity that is distinct from Israel.

RayB said...


You continue to lie when you refer to me as a follower of Q-anon. As I've stated over and over again; I have NEVER been a follower of Q-anon and have never promoted him/her being that I don't even know what Q stands for. But that doesn't stop you from telling the same lie over and over again.

YOU are the one that stated the signer was DEAF and HANDICAPPED, not me. YOU made the very strange charge that that the SIGNER was DEAF. I stated no such thing. I was merely referring to the signer's ENTHUSIASM while signing Biden's speech, and nothing more. I linked him to YOU because you are an enthusiastic, unrelenting Biden supporter.

There's more; You continue to blame the GOP for advancing abortion. Yet, when the DEMOCRATS attempted to codify Roe V. Wade through legislation recently, you didn't say a word. Why? Because you are a DEMOCRATS DEATH CULT MEMBER yourself! YOU never stated the fact that ALL of the GOP Senators voted AGAINST the bill, while ALL of the DEMOCRAT Senators voted FOR the bill, except one. Why were the Democrats attempting to codify Roe V. Wade ??? How do you explain that one Dr. X ???

By the way, what exactly is it that you hold your Doctorate in ? I'm sure others would love to know as well.

Anonymous said...

9:15 pm -

I know...and Trump went to Fordham.

It doesn't matter if it's the liberals or the conservatives - both sides are just puppets trying to distract anyone left in the middle to pick a side.

Rome (with Jesuits openly to the left and the pseudo-anti-Jesuits openly to the right) is the puppet master on both sides rarely seen or talked about.

Speaking of Thomas More, the heathen who burned Protestants at the stake and whom rome made into a saint I can see why opus dei adopted him as a patron saint of politicians.

Here's what Thomas More thought about women (and opus dei still treats many women like this)...

Thomas More at age 27 selected the young, uneducated country girl named Jane Colt to be his bride in order to make of her what he wished. He instructed her in art and music and trained her to match his own tastes. When they attended church, he had her repeat the words of the sermon to be sure she understood them. At first, Jane Colt was often reduced to tears, then she rebelled. When her father advised More that a good beating would put her in line, More found the suggestion abhorrent. But Thomas More had a tendency to mock women, regarding them as stupid, foolish creatures. Though he felt girls should be educated as well as boys, he once told his daughters that even though they might not have anything to write about, they should write about nothing at length. Girls, being "loquacious by nature," should always have "a world to say about nothing at all." Erasmus, in his The Praise of Folly, was clearly referring to Thomas and Jane when he wrote: "I know a certain man named after me who gave his bride some imitation gems, assuring her (and he is a clever jokester) that they were not only real and genuine but also that they were of unparalleled and inestimable value. I ask you, what difference did it make to the girl since she feasted her eyes and mind no less pleasantly on glass and kept them hidden among her things as if they were an extraordinary treasure? Meanwhile, the husband avoided expense and profited by his wife's delusion, nor was she any less grateful to him than if he had given her some very costly gifts." Eventually, the couple made peace and had four children. Jane Colt, known by Thomas' friends as an "affable wife," died at age 23. Thomas More married Alice Middleton (Alice More), six years his senior and the widow of a London merchant, one month later.

Anonymous said...

(this is a repeat of post 245'ish answering Ray the first time on this thread he asked for proof he posts racist qanon stuff...Ray must have missed it)

RayB recently claimed: "X, I am not a 'white nationalist,' nor a 'white supremacist,' nor have I EVER followed Q-Anon."

1. You continually post white nationalist propaganda including specific out of context and random links to black crime as well as links to racist and antisemetic material from I have listed racists posts made by you before so at this point you are just pretending.

2. You claim you NEVER followed Qanon well the whole election fraud thing you keep posting about is qanon as well as much of the vaccine disinformation. Maga has melded into Qanon and the conspiracies are no longer separate.

But knowing you often ask for's some qanon Trump worshipping post you made in 2018 that never came true (more cRayQ lies).

RayB said @ 8:56 AM: "To Anon @ 10:13 AM: You are 1000% correct. Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history. Pedophilia is widespread among the world's elite, many of which reside within the Beltway."

RayB said @ 10:07 AM: "The following further emphasizes the truth of Anon's 10:13 PM post above: Dr. Dave Janda (Orthopedic Surgeon, Christian) is interviewed by Greg Hunter. Dr. Janda shares his knowledge regarding the massive crackdown on child trafficking and pedophilia, orchestrated by none other than President Trump. Very informative material, but, very disturbing. Be forewarned ..."

Ray @ 11;40am "...The Clintons, along with others, set up "charitable foundations" which gave them the ability to accept "donations" under the guise of "charity." The Clintons continue to run a criminal operation and have broken numerous laws, but for whatever reason, they have remained relative unscathed by it all. However, keep in mind, the Clintons are only the tip of the iceberg."

You don't get more Qanon than Dr. Dave Janda and claiming [false idol} Trump was on the verge of busting up huge pedophile rings and the Clinton Foundation as the center of some money laundering operation is also top shelf Qanon.


Craig said...


I had never heard of the attempt to build a third temple, which was then thwarted by fireballs shooting out of the earth. Interesting!


On the following, I wanted to provide additional info and a counter:

Coins used to be called marks, and an image of Caesar was literally a charagma (Greek for mark) on a coin.

Though I know it’s true that charagma had been used as a definition for coins (see LSJ definition 2), this is not how it is used in the NT. First of all, the term only occurs 8 times, and only one of these is outside Revelation (it’s noted in the LSJ reference definition A), and this one refers to a carved (pagan) image (Acts 17:29). The remaining 7 occurrences are in reference to the ‘mark of the beast’.

Secondly, Jesus refers to the image (eikōn) and inscription (epigraphē) of a coin, referring to the image and inscription of Caesar (Matt 22:20; Mark 12:16; Luke 20:24). Charagma could have been used instead, yet it wasn’t.

I think it’s important to let the NT interpret the NT in such instances. The use of extra-biblical works can certainly help us with difficult-to-define terms, but the NT must be primary.

But these two are not the most important counterarguments. Thirdly—and I know I’ve made this point before—according to Revelation, the mark is said to go either on the right hand OR on the forehead. Such verbiage points away from coins as viable exegesis here. It also points away from a figurative meaning (such as a figurative mark on arm or forehead).

David Aune has written the largest commentary I’m aware of on Revelation. It consists of three volumes, for a total of 1354 pages. I’d say it’s exhaustive. One review I’d read said reading it is like drinking water from a firehose! He is very thorough.

Given that, I’ll quote him on this issue (the third of four points he addresses/counters re: “mark of the beast”; Greek transliterated, bold my emphasis):

“The connection of buying and selling with the charagma of the beast has been understood as a reference to the use of Roman coins, which bore the portraits and names of Roman emperors (Kraybill, Imperial Cult, 138–39). The inability to buy or sell would then be the result of refusing to use Roman coins. This has a parallel in the Jewish prohibition of images, which for some, such as the Zealots, include the image of the emperor on Roman coins (Hengel, Zealots, 190–95). However, the mark is said to be on the right hand and forehead of people, which would exclude coins…” (p 767).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he won't say one word of condemnation of Democrats, RayB.
His bias is way over the top like all the progressives are. And beyond hateful, too.
He is a humanist. Nothing christian in the worldview of x (no Christian grace either).
He is as "christian" as Nancy Pelosi is, as Joe Biden is. What's that tell us? They are evil people and he backs what they say and what they do...all the way, or he wouldn't excuse or support it.
And like them, he has no credibility whatsoever.
He's comfortable with his pretentious lying humanism.
The Bible says come out from among them (the world, the wicked)..he is joined at the hip with them....

RayB said...

When all else fails, pull out the race card ...

More lies, more false innuendos, more deflection from the infamous Dr. X. Now he claims I'm a racist (even though he has NEVER been able to prove that vicious, lying claim:

X states "I have listed racists posts made by you before so at this point you are just pretending."

I've called on him to copy and paste ANY statement that indicates I'm a racist. He can't, and never has. Yet, he continues on with his slander unabated.

AGAIN, copy and paste any statement by me that specifically that proves I am a racist. By the way, even Rich from Medford stated that he had never seen anything posted by me that indicated I am a racist.

You are going to answer for all of this vicious slander. What a shock you are in for!

Your 'proof' that I am a follower of Q-anon by your posts above are so ridiculous, they don't even merit a response.

When addressing you, I feel like I'm speaking to a 3rd. grader ... When a person gives a reference to an article, video, etc. that does not mean that by doing so, that person is in 100% agreement with EVERYTHING that is said or written. How many times does that need to be pointed out to you X before that finally sinks in ???

RayB said...

Anon @ 10:38 PM ...

In spite of his 'christian' RHETORIC, in practice, he SUPPORTS ABORTION.

Precisely why he enthusiastically supported Biden/Harris ... the most radical PRO-ABORTION ticket in American history. Not only that, he CONTINUES TO SUPPORTS THEM, along with the Death Cult Democrats !

RayB said...

The Clinton Foundation corruption is multi-sourced. One only need to look at their scam that they pulled in Haiti, which is well documented. Once Hillary was no longer in a position as Sec. of State and was defeated for POTUS, the 'donations' from corporations and nations screeched to a halt, illustrating that the 'pay for play' scheme was over.

There is in fact a world wide pedophile ring in which children (as well as adults) are trafficked as sexual slaves. This is also well documented via multiple sources.
Anyone that denies this is just plain nuts. Sean Stone, son of Oliver Stone, has done extensive reporting on this, for just one example.

I've never read a single thing from "Q" about this ... NEVER. That fact that Dr. Janda on Greg Hunter talked about it only adds to the other multiple sources that did as well.

X is grasping at straws ... and is coming up empty (as usual). That's why NOBODY takes him seriously.

RayB said...

X also supports the Marxist terrorists Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. He made every attempt possible to excuse their ongoing mayhem, arson, looting, rioting, raping, murdering, etc. activities.

X even went so far as to excuse the cold blooded, point blank, ambush MURDER of a Trump supporter by a BLM/ANTIFA member. X immediately blamed the VICTIM for his own murder. When the BLM/ANTIFA murderer was gunned down by U. S. Marshalls, X made the ridiculous claim that "Trump ordered his execution."

Personally, I believe this man has been taken captive by the father of all lies. He certainly displays all the venom of that lying serpent of old.

RayB said...

The Chi-Coms $2 BILLION per year to the Vatican continues to pay dividends:

Pope Francis Remains Silent About Arrest of Cardinal Zen in Hong Kong – the First Act by CCP Puppet Tyrant in Office

Anonymous said...


It is inappropriate and not funny to make fun of an interpreter doing his job on behalf of the handicapped. It was NOT a performance and not up for critique. He was NOT being enthusiastic himself, instead, he was signing representing the speaker's enthusiasm. Sign language is contextual.

Mocking him is juvenile and wrong.

I clarified before you said anything that he is/was obviously not would hear to interpret if he was. Then you tried to deflect making a big deal like I somehow called him handicapped. Making fun of an interpreter's interpretation is, itself, making fun of the handicapped and jokes at the expense of the handicapped.

Again...just apologize. You weren't calling me "enthusiastic" and you know it.

I also understand not many people get this in the hearing community. You aren't the only insensitive one out there. Chelsea Handler and SNL made fun of Michael Bloomberg's ASL interpreter in 2012 and it wasn't funny then either. I guess that makes you the Chelsea Handler of this place.


Anonymous said...

Congress doesn't get the chance to even try to legislate Roe absent Biden getting the Supreme Court to overturn Roe.

When are y'all gonna give Biden credit for accomplishing such. Sure it was against his wishes but the bible is full of kings "accomplishing" things you wouldn't expect them to do on behalf of God.

He is sovereign.


Anonymous said...


I listed a few racist posts last year when you asked. I don't need to list them again.

Ray said: When a person gives a reference to an article, video, etc. that does not mean that by doing so, that person is in 100% agreement with EVERYTHING that is said or written. How many times does that need to be pointed out to you X before that finally sinks in

But you have no hesitation broad brushing me as a leftest democrat when I'm a middle conservative and registered Republican who supports normal non-maga republicans like Adam Kinzinger and that Meijer kid.

Something happened in Louisiana. I think the republicans failed to pass their law banning abortions there. Interesting. The backtracking appears to be starting in one of our nation's most roman catholic states. The pro-life Democrat roman catholic governor is against it too.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, politicians can't and really won't stop abortions --- only God can.


Anonymous said...

Here's the clip cRayQ posted with a young man providing ASL services.

Ray said: NOTE: IMO, X is doing the 'signing' for the hearing impaired in this video. Being that X is an enthusiastic supporter of BLM & ANTIFA, it only stands to reason that X would offer his services. At any rate, even if this isn't in fact X, this is how I picture him. Let me know what you think ...

BLM Leader Calls For Abolition Of United States

Notice Ray says that's how he PICTURES me. He never mentioned this guy's or my enthusiam other than my supposed enthusiam for antifa and blm. This wasn't even a blm rally and Ray was mocking me using a visual comparason to the seeming handicapped eccentric movements and gestures of an impassioned sign language interpretation not how he "pictured" me supporting antifa & blm. Plus we have no idea how the interpreter feels about anything being said. He's translating. RayB has obviously shows and has had no respect for anyone not maga qanon republican here for a long time so it surely wasn't a compliment.


Anonymous said...

I support a ministry that goes worldwide to bring aid into countries, they have smuggled thousands upon thousands of Bibles into closed countries, they run orphanages and rescue women and children from the streets and brothels, from sex traffickers. There are human traffickers all over the world and governments have turned a blind eye or even helped them because it's considered a boon to their economy. It's beyond appalling yet you can't speak to those things and call this wrong, you go after people here in a terrible fashion merely because they disagree. Your methods, antics, and tactics against people is straight out of Saul Alinsky's playbook. This isn't information from "Q" (like RayB I have nothing at all to do with that) I have heard first hand accounts of what goes on that is beyond awful (and God will judge all this someday soon I pray) so for you to demean a Christian man speaking out about horrors like this in the world and push lies about him and others who are horrified and deeply concerned about the evil going on the world over and right here even under our own noses, and in many places out in the open, yet you defend people and policies, actions (nonactions) of people who are supposed to be sworn public servants but serve themselves instead is beyond despicable. While you play politics other people actually care about what is happening and those who are creating and spreading these evils--things you actually defend.
Yes indeed, God is sovereign while you are a self-righteous buffoon, a fraud, and most definitely, a liar.

You're so wrong and so often I think you are a mental case. You certainly troll like one, camped out here to pounce on anything, everything, because there is no topic not molested by you, to pour your toxicity and hatefulness out on this blog.

No one believes you because you are extreme in your bad treatment of others, even worse, your very ill treatment of the truth.
It is YOU that needs to apologize.
I didn't, others didn't, think RayB did (or said) as you accuse him. It is the extremes of your prejudices and bias that you think gives you the right to slander and smear others with no evidence, just your manipulative twists and turns, the fomenting approach to what others say, or the words you try to put in their mouths, to foster your own blind-eyed--blind-hearted opinions (with no right to judge) makes you the one guilty of egregious behavior here.

Get some help.

Anonymous said...

And RayB was being kind, you moron, at 12:21 AM.

There's much worse to think of you.

Anonymous said...


At 10:41 -- you are a broken record asking for specifics of your racist and qanon posts and then acting like I've never provided them.

The post above tonight with several of your very specific qanon posts from 2018 I had posted earlier on this very thread. Around post 245th post or so. It's not like you briefly mentioned gave three posts on the qanon sex trafficking conspiracies that Trump was supposedly taking care of. Maybe you are claiming naivette and want to apologize for it today; but, you just can't claim you never posted qanon disinformation and call people liars for suggesting such when the evidence has been provided.

The post listing SOME of your specific racist posts I shared last year or maybe before the election. (boy time flies).

And nobody really has to prove it to you. It's not like YOU don't know what you're doing.

You are like the Minnesota Vikings and Buffalo Bills of this blog. Just can't win the big arguments and debates. You can't bully your way through me either (your tactics before I started sharing here). Mrs. Cumbey saw through you and so do I.


Anonymous said...

I am not going to be as kind as RayB.
I have dealt with your type.
You appear to be an emotional and mental abuser. You seem to have the earmarks of it.
Since you troll as a bully and abuser in cyberspace, what the hell must you be like in person?

Anonymous said...

"Then you tried to deflect making a big deal like I somehow called him handicapped. Making fun of an interpreter's interpretation is, itself, making fun of the handicapped and jokes at the expense of the handicapped."

Somebody's triggered!!!

Looking like a huge nasty boil!
You better get that thing lanced "X"!

Anonymous said...

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, politicians can't and really won't stop abortions"
But we answer for not trying to stop it.
You will answer for helping your favorite politicians keep the murders going.

Anonymous said...


If you have a problem with "pay to play" as it was loosely practiced by the PRIVATE Clinton Foundation as they tried to help Haiti in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake, then you'll really be angered by the most current "pay to play" accusations coming down the pipe against Trump and his former deputy interior secretary, David Bernhardt (maybe Trump didn't go after sex traffickers or drain the swamp because he spent to much time grifting donations).

Rep. Katie Porter Goes After Trump, Uncovering Potential Bribery Scheme

Here's what the AP had to say about it:

Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee asked the Justice Department on Wednesday to investigate whether a Trump administration interior secretary engaged in possible criminal conduct while helping an Arizona developer get a crucial permit for a housing project.

The criminal referral says David Bernhardt pushed for approval of the project by developer Michael Ingram, a Republican donor and supporter of former President Donald Trump, despite a federal wildlife official’s finding that it would threaten habitats for imperiled species. Bernhardt led Interior from 2019 to 2021. In 2017, he was the No. 2 official at the department when the Fish and Wildlife Service, an Interior Department agency, reversed its opposition to the Villages at Vigneto, the proposed 28,000-home development in southern Arizona, and allowed it to move forward
In their referral, Democrats say Ingram met with Bernhardt in August 2017, two weeks before a Fish and Wildlife official received the phone call directing him to reverse the decision blocking the project. The meeting was not disclosed in Bernhardt’s public calendar or travel documents.

Two months later, Ingram made a $10,000 donation to the Trump Victory Fund. The permit was approved later that month. At least nine other donors associated with Ingram also donated to the Trump Victory Fund in the days after Ingram’s donation, Democrats said. “Evidence strongly suggests the decision was the result of a quid pro quo between Vigneto’s developer, Michael Ingram, and senior level officials in the Trump administration,″ including Bernhardt, who was then the deputy Interior secretary, the Democrats wrote.

“Unfortunately, the American people have been numbed and accustomed to political attacks that have little to do with the truth, and there needs to be bipartisan outrage when this occurs,″

"We said all along that David Bernhardt was too compromised and too corrupt to be a cabinet secretary. This is damning evidence of a straight up pay-for-play favor″

Anonymous said...

1:07 am --- And by voting for Biden I was trying to stop it and Biden has succeeded in overturning Roe.

He didn't want it overturned; but, if Trump won, Texas doesn't pass that law, the Texas law doesn't get challenged and doesn't go up to the USSC and we wouldn't be looking at Roe seemingly being overturned next month.

A vote for Trump was a vote to maintain the status quo on abortion and a whole lot of other evils. You may have to answer for that.


Anonymous said...

12:46 pm

You don't know me. You've never met me. I'm loved and respected in my home, workplace and community. I'm a God-fearing, Jesus-loving and church-going man who has set out to defend the Gospel from these Maga Qanon conspiracists and the puppeteers behind them.

Have fun gazing into the abyss & trying to gaslight me while acting tough behind a keyboard. Didn't work on Mrs. Cumbey and it won't work on me either.


Anonymous said...

"And by voting for Biden I was trying to stop it and Biden has succeeded in overturning Roe."

1:19 AM, You are not well.
Biden is a butcher and you help him.

Anonymous said...

1:30 AM

Got it.
Jekyll at home.
Hyde here.

You're a double-minded socialist elitist globalist freak.

Anonymous said...

Vulnerable Narcissist X raged at 12:24 PM,

'YOU may know but I wasn't having a conversation with you'.

Poor neuro-deficient X Ji Ping,
THIS is a public forum. Whether or not I have conversed already with your pathetic antipathetic and thoroughly Anti-Christian self is irrelevant.

You are a thoroughly distasteful and dislikable reprobate, X, and your fruits are malice, a lying tongue, a murderous heart (as your attempts to narcissistically abuse of RayB and, to some extent, Craig here shows) and a deceiver. You are of your father the Devil because you hear his voice and do as he does - a liar and a murderer from the very beginning and as he is the father of lies, so are you the son of them.

You are convincing nobody with your attempts at gaslighting here and your posts, flowing from the content of your rotten, unclean heart, are as edifying as tapeworm-riddled dung.

RayB has always been pleasant towards me, and though sometimes we have had different views, he has never been personally rude to me just because of that. Sure, there have been times when Craig and RayB have quarrelled here, as normal people don't always get on with everyone all of the time - yet your strawman tactics, ad hominems and libelous defamation of character of RayB, points YOU out as something else, Vulnerable Narcissist X.

Anonymous said...

1:37 pm

Meaningly empty labels.

Sad for you.

good night


Anonymous said...

A lot of projection from Vulnerable Narcissist X at 1:30 AM there.

Vulnerable Narcissist X,

The only gaslighter is you, you cold-tongued viper.

We who have followed this blog long before you decided to troll here, and no doubt many who have joined since, have witnessed what you are and been grieved no end by your abuse of others here. We certainly know you by your fruits and havr found nothing edifying or even remotely Christian in your posts over the years. You are a vulnerable narcissist, who comes here to abuse because you wouldn't get away with it in person.

Anonymous said...

2:05 am

Cognitive dissonance can make one feel that way. I'm holding up a mirror to the unChristlike behaviors of the Maga Qanon gospel and its adherents (despite their denials).

Your anger and hostility is misplaced.


p.s. - I am as Thoreau when he refused to pay his poll tax and was arrested. His actions got the attention of the community, and he received some support for his protest. While incarcerated, Ralph Waldo Emerson visited Thoreau, asking, “Henry, what are you doing in here?” Thoreau quickly retorted, “What are you doing out there?” To follow an unjust law, according to Thoreau, was an immoral act. “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison,” he reasoned. “If the alternative is to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to choose.”

Acting with such integrity was not easy. In his essay about the experience, Civil Disobedience, Thoreau reflected, “I felt as if I alone of all my townsmen had paid my tax.” His fellow citizens, he lamented, lacked the integrity to live up to their ideals. They talked but they would not act. “They hesitate, and they regret, and sometimes they petition; but they do nothing in earnest and with effect. They will wait, well disposed, for others to remedy the evil,” Thoreau bemoaned. By standing up for his beliefs, Thoreau paid his version of a “tax”—a night in jail—and fulfilled what he thought were his responsibilities as a citizen.

The seemingly small act was not simply symbolic. Thoreau hoped that his example might inspire others to act with integrity and stay true to their beliefs. “If one honest man, in this State of Massachusetts, ceasing to hold slaves, were actually to withdraw from this copartnership, and be locked up in the county jail, it would be the abolition of slavery in America,” Thoreau asserted.

The next day, however, Thoreau was a free man. His aunt paid the tax for him and he was released. Thoreau was not pleased. Nevertheless, he continued to protest slavery.

Anonymous said...

Vulnerable Narcissist X @ 2:26 AM,

You're not as Thoreau at all ... you're a white, middle-class, self-exalting moron who hasn't got a clue about what it is to be working class and / or black, but nonetheless for nothing otjer than your own gain, you patronise and draw upon the awful history African Americans endured.

You remind me of the sort of WMC cretin my sister encountered - a nursery ( kindergarten) teacher.

My nephew, who is black, had received an injury to his face. My sister, upon collecting him from the nursery (in a very working class and predominantly African-Carribean area in a borough of London) and seeing the injury, asked the WMC teacher, 'why has my son got a black eye?'. The white, middle class, nursery teacher responded, 'it’s called a bruised eye, not a black eye'. My sister visibly angered by the WMC male's attitude because it was all about categorising and patronising her son through politically correct nonsense, rather thanseeing her son as an individual , as just a little boy whose mum rightly wanted to know how and why her son was injured: 'look at it, it's black, it f..king black eye', she replied, defending her son.

People like you do far more damage than you realise, however, with you, X, I am quite sure it's deliberate. You are a vile vulnerable narcissist and a slanderer of persons. You have provided no evidence to support you outrageous allegations of RayB being a racist, nor a QAnon follower.

You should be utterly ashamed of yourself, misusing, and thereby belittling, Thoreau's incredibly brave yet unimaginably painful experiences for your own selfish gain. You are just another white middle class narcissist trying to profit from the evils of slavery and racial subjugation. Shame on you, X!

J said...

Craig 10:37 PM,

My topic this time was not my own exegesis of what is meant by the mark of the beast in Revelation. This time I was taking an interest in the web sites and videos of Brother James Key and Brother Paul. I made it clear I don't agree with them.

They both came out of nowhere. They didn't have followings before. They didn't have Youtube channels before or blogs before. They were both immediately certain that Trump is the Antichrist. It's a pattern that gives me a bad gut feeling about them. Do I need to restate I'm not a Dispensationalist?

But if you are going to take an interest in what THEY say about the mark of the beast, if you look at their material, they feature way more things than I had time to mention, including the vaccine and Elon Musk. I haven't even finished looking at it all, and I don't think I will.

It amazes me we spend very little or no time here noticing that Freemasons in Israel, the United States and worldwide have had an obsessive quest to rebuild Solomon's temple in Jerusalem.

Since I know this as a backdrop, and I know Trump said in a video that he is a 33rd degree Freemason and I have seen him make the Masonic hand signs, I am simply being alert to the possibilities for scripting events in the Planned Deception.

Alice Bailey was a member of co-masonry, the women's auxilliary of Freemasonry. She is the one whose channeled entity made her automatically write about the The Plan (or the Planned Deception).

To never imagine the possibilities, even though they are remote, seems to lack vision.

J said...

It's hard to summarize it all at once, but my belief is that the Planned Deception does not fulfill the Bible's prophecy. I think it is a scripted version of a false prophecy, and it may or may not be fulfilled. I think Dispensationalism is a false belief system, and it works hand in hand with the obsessive quest of Freemasonry to rebuild Solomon's temple in Jerusalem.

In this context, I take an interest in the apparent attempt on the part of Brother James Key and Brother Paul to create a plausible scripted scenario in which large numbers of Dispensationalists might become convinced that Trump is the Antichrist.

At the very least, I think they may have an agenda to peel Evangelical voters away from Trump if he runs again.

Even if he were to become re-elected, the only way that everything could fall into place all in one term - to make a peace deal, to rebuild the temple, and all the rest - it would have to be a widespread elite Freemason political theatre and religious theatre.

It's very unlikely for many reasons that it could all happen so quickly.

Craig said...

J @ 8:32 AM,

I fully understood/understand you are not a Dispensationalist. I was pointing out the error in Brother James Key's and Brother Paul's exegesis. Yet, at the same time, if I recall correctly you stated relative to your own partial preterist position the bit about charagma and the mark, though you're inclined to think the mark is figurative instead, not literal. Correct me if I'm wrong.

In any case, my comment was mainly to point out how/why coins as NT charagma of the beast is not valid.

I will make another comment re: gematria later today.

J said...


I think the mark is way the Bible talks about spiritual ownership.

Meanings can become richer in cultural and historical contexts in original languages and ancient cultures. In context, an image of the beast on a coin, a marked coin, can add a layer of meaning. It isn't sufficient all by itself to be the mark of the beast. It's a layer of richness that is a part of the way that people naturally use language, and it is not technical and logical, so much as it is associational.

Yes, I fully agree, a coin is not enough to be the mark of the beast.

Yes, I think spiritual ownership is what it is, and it may have physical signs, or it may not. It doesn't need to have them.

If I die tomorrow, it's my end of days today, and if I die after having prayed to Satan, it doesn't matter if I have a devil tattoo or a 666 tattoo. I'll be eternally separated from God.

I don't think the Hebrew Gematria of Trump's name is 666, because I read something last night about some Rabbis saying the Gematria of his name is that he is the Moshiach ben David (Messiah from the house of David). That number is not 666. It is 964. I am not familiar with how it is calculated. If you write about it I will be curious what you say about it.

J said...

Let me expand on my comment a little bit more. In Daniel and Revelation, beasts are kingdoms or empires. I think we all know that. In Revelation, a beast is both a kingdom/empire and a man. For instance, Caesar is Rome, and Rome is Caesar. So Caesar on a coin is the image of the beast on a coin.

If Trump is America, and America is Trump, then Trump's face on a coin is the image of the beast on the coin - the gold shekel.

This would make America the beast.

So then America would have to also be the iron mixed with clay in Daniel. But that doesn't fit America. It fits Rome occupying Israel. God talked about His people of Israel as clay many times in the Bible. Israel had become a province of Rome by the time of Jesus Christ.

Revelation says that "that great city" was where Jesus was crucified. That can only be Jerusalem.

There was only ever one nation-people who were God's wife. That was Israel. He divorced Israel, the ten northern tribes, and remained married to Judah, the two southern tribes.

Now the church is the bride of Christ. The church is not identified with one nation.

God is not married to America.

It makes no sense.

The only way it can make sense within Dispensationalism is if you believe in British Israelism and include America in it.

Anonymous said...


You need to take your pontification elsewhere. I would rather read 100 of X's posts than your nonsense. You grossly misrepresent others' beliefs on this blog.

J said...

I don't think most Dispensationalists believe in British Israelism, if that's what you meant.

I'm saying that any exegesis that makes America the beast within a Dispensationalist scheme needs to include British Israelism, extended to America, in order to be consistent.

I'm saying Brother James Key and Brother Paul need to believe in it, or they are inconsistent, and their exegesis scheme falls apart.

J said...

That could be where Brother Paul and Brother James Key will be going. Or maybe they just haven't thought of it. I'm not quite sure.

I do know they think the False Prophet will be a Pope.

So if the ten lost tribes who came to America are the "clay" then the Roman part, the iron part, would be the Roman Catholic part.

I think both of these ideas are a big stretch.

I don't think they will be able to get people to believe in this unless Trump really gets re-elected, really pulls off a Middle East peace negotiation, and really plays a role in getting the third temple re-built.

At that point, everything else Brother Paul or Brother James Key has ever said may look plausible because of confirmation bias.

RayB said...

X LIES AGAIN (so what else is new?) @ 11:55 PM:


I listed a few racist posts last year when you asked. I don't need to list them again."

NOTE: X NEVER LISTED any "racist posts" because they simply do not exist. He couldn't list any before, and he can't list any now. (Go ahead X, LIST what you have, or shut up and apologize to this blog for being a reckless LIAR).

X is obviously a 'wolf in sheep's clothing.' He attacks the Elect of God relentlessly via his lies and false accusations, and it's all done under the cloak of 'christianity.' He continues to support the radical pro-abortionist Joe Biden and actually gives BIDEN credit for "ending" Roe v. Wade ... duh ... the USSC hasn't put an end to ANYTHING. Not ONE word from X regarding the DEMOCRATS attempt to codify Roe v. Wade by passing their radical pro-abortion legislation ... which if passed, no doubt Biden would have signed ! Somehow, he gives BIDEN the credit for Texas passing a law to limit abortions according to the time frame of the pregnancy ... a law that Biden himself has attacked.

Weird, evil, convoluted thinking to the extreme. That's X.

J said...

I found somebody who beat me to my ideas decades ago and more fully perceived and described what I've been stumbling around in the dark and shining a flashlight on. I'm going to read this books. It's called The Union Jack. As always, use discernment about the web site. I'm only interested in this one book that is hosted on this web site. I see some other iffy information hosted there.

This book, The Union Jack, can be downloaded as a pdf or read entirely from this link. You'll see links to all the chapters if you scroll down.

I've copied and pasted from the link:

British Israel Uses Christian Fundamentalist Evangelicals to Promote the "Kingdom of God on Earth' Scheme to Deliver Up A One World Society-Both Feudal and Fascist

"British Israel" is a term used by the anonymous author of a brilliantly written 1970 book titled The Union Jack, to describe the manipulative efforts of elite British oligarchs (on behalf of the Rothchilds) to create a one world feudal society-controlled by British oligarchs of course-by first creating the state of Israel (via the British inspired 1917 Balfour Declaration), and then using Christian fundamentalist propagandists to promote the idea that Christ will physically return to Earth and will rule a "Kingdom of God on Earth' for a thousand years (the 'Millennium') from His earthly throne guessed it... Jerusalem!

The only problem is, that after million upon millions of deceived Christian fundamentalists passively give up their constitutional liberties, their country's sovereignty, and their freedom in the mistaken belief that the Apocalypse, Armageddon and End Times scenario is an inevitable 'prophecy' from God that must take place before we can be delivered into the Happy world of the New Millennium, they will finally discover that they've been delivered into a satanic, feudal slave society that will no longer tolerate any talk of Christ or Christianity- assuming they are still alive to enjoy the 'Kingdom of God on Earth'.
The frontline promoters and propagandists of the 'Kingdom of God on Earth' scenario include all the well known TV evangelical personalities like British Israel promoter John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Paul & Jan Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Jerry Falwell,, Rod Parsley, Fred Price, Kim Clement,and Kenneth Hagin among others, but their ranks are also swollen with lesser known evangelical, pro-Israel (Ziionist) promoters who show up on UHF, cable TV, and radio stations every Sunday morning to pitch the soon-to-be-realized Great Tribulation and End Times "prophecies". A large percentage of these televangelist employ shouting, flamboyant movements, repeated phrases, and various histrionics to pump up the emotions of the audience in order to achieve a very specific technique of brainwashing called 'conversion'.

J said...

The Illuminated Ones play both sides of the Christianity card to manipulate the gullible into delusion. They either utilize pseudo-historians like Acharya S (The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold) to sell the idea that Christ never even existed, or they use their opposite, the fundamentalist 'Kingdom of God on Earth' promoters, to sell the Apocalypse/Armageddon/End Times package. Either way, the naive and gullible lose. They either lose their spiritual foundation altogether and acquiesce to the humanistic or Masonic Gnosticism ploys, or they go whole hog into cheering for Armageddon and the End Times scenario to unfold so they can "get it over with" and race into the arms of Jesus who will greet them from His golden throne in the newly rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. These End Time 'prophecies' have no relationship whatsoever to the words or earthly mission of Jesus Christ.

Sincere Christians need to recall an important statement that Christ made while on Earth. Christ said that " My Father's Kingdom is not of this world". Christ was specifically rejecting the "prophecies" being promoted by a dominant Jewish sect of the day known as Pharisees. The Pharisee priests had been predicting that a Messiah would come to earth and establish a "Kingdom of God' and rule from his throne in Jerusalem, after overthrowing the Roman oppressors who ruled Judea at the time. This is EXACTLY the same tale that the above named 'Christian' fundamentalist preachers are selling to multitudes of deceived people around the world. It's Pharisee-ism plain and simple! Once this realization sinks in-and you need to remember that it was the Pharisee priests who got Pontius Pilate to condemn Christ to death- you can then begin to remove the mist from your eyes and recognize these fundamentalist 'Christian' propagandists for what they are-- agents of the satanic British oligarchy.

Christ came to Earth to remind humanity that man is more than flesh; that man is spirit clothed within an outer vestment of flesh. Christ wanted to remind mankind that the virtues of love, honor, and forgiveness were the most important attributes to guide your daily life. Christ's example thoroughly rejected the materialism, corruption, and deception so plainly witnessed in the lives of the above named End Times propagandists. Honest Christians need to awaken and throw out the satanic infiltrators within their midst (and in their pulpits) and return to embracing the true message of Jesus Christ. This deception is nothing short of diabolical in the extreme. Here we have Masonic con artists posing as fundamentalists evangelical 'Christian pastors' who are duping naive and gullible people into swallowing the British Israel End Times scheme hook, line, and sinker. As subtitled in one of the chapters from The Union Jack below states-- they are "using Christians to destroy Christianity". Truer words were never spoken.

The Union Jack, is posted below in its entirety thanks to the assistance of a thoughtful reader who supplied the previously missing chapter and addendum notes. The Union Jack was initially published somewhere around 1970 and later updated by the anonymous author in 1985 and again in 1988. The additional articles posted below will also further illustrate the deception (and the promoters) of the End Times hoax described here.

If you are a sincere and honest Christian, especially if you are a fundamentalist, then you need to read every chapter of this book and wake up to the deception being perpetrated upon you from within.

Read The Gods of Eden by William Bramley if you want to understand more about the "End Times" ploy and how it has been used REPEATEDLY throughout recorded history to scare people into thinking there was going to be a thousand year period of bliss following the "End Times" tumult.

...Ken Adachi

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, RayB, and Lying X-Cess is exactly what it (he-she?) is. If X-Binary has any moral value about he-she-it at all, then that scant trace is very slippery indeed!

He won’t provide evidence to support his wolffish words and serpentine slander, because he can’t!

J said...

British Israel Propaganda And Deceit

[Editor's Note: Update, June 19, 2006. When I first posted these introductory remarks in July of 2005, I was under the impression that Helen Peters was the 'Anonymous' author behind The Union Jack. However, Dave Wilbur has assured me that Helen Peters was not the author, but rather a heralding Christian patriot who promoted the book through her Newsletter. Dave told me that he thinks he knows who the true author of The Union Jack is and that he is still alive, but he could not reveal his name. I understood this completely as anonymity is likely the only reason the author is still alive, considering the power of the book. I removed Helen's name from the notes below and substituted the words "the author" in its place .


This is the first chapter of a very important book which I only recently stumbled upon thanks to an article written by Barbara Aho. The role of British elites in the creation of the state of Israel and their manipulation of Christian fundamentalists to set the stage for an utterly bogus and fabricated Armageddon/End Times scenario in order to usher in the satanic one world government is a lesson in Machiavellian deception without parallel. The anonymous author lays out the plot and the plotters, step by step, with stunning clarity and insight; an amazing job of research and investigation. Even more synchronistic, this was written back in the late 1960s, soon after Israel's remarkable defeat of Egyptian forces in the 1967 six-day Arab-Israeli War.

At the time, communism (and communist Russia- the Soviet Union) was the prevailing Bogeyman. Communism was going to take over the world and "crush" us as Nikita Kruchev promised, pounding his shoe on the desk of the Russian delegation at United Nations. The whole story was a propaganda front of course. The Soviet Union needed to be dismantled in order for the Illuminated British Oligarchs to set in motion the next phase of their world depopulation and one world government enslavement agenda, so, on cue and as planned, the Berlin Wall 'falls' in 1989, thanks to the persistence and dogged 'freedom-loving' efforts of President Ronald Reagan (thank you Ronnie). Today, we have another fabricated Bogeyman called Al-Qaeda to serve as the seeding crystal for a series of phony 'terrorists' attacks in order to legislate the US Constitution out of existence ( the 'Patriot' Acts) and provide the excuse for imposing martial law (a militarily controlled police state-identical to Nazi Germany in every sense of the word).

Chapter two of The Union Jack book, Political Messianicism and the Right Wing, puts to rest any fanciful notion that the Armageddon 'prophesy', the End Times 'prophesy', The Great Tribulation, the Reign of the Anti-Christ, the Rapture, or the 'Kingdom of God on earth' are anything BUT messages and prophecies from God (unless you prefer to think of the British Round Table as "God")...Ken]

by Anonymous (mistakenly attributed to Helen Peters)
Written ca. 1970, Posted July 10, 2005

RayB said...

Are we inching towards an all out, nuclear war with Russia? It appears that virtually ALL diplomatic solutions have ceased to exist, while Biden & NATO continues to back Russia into an untenable position. I have a deep sense that the world is stumbling along incrementally, very similar to lead up to the disastrous debacle of WW II, which ended up taking the lives of 60 Million people, a war that could have easily been prevented.

Informative Trunews broadcast ... you won't get this info from the mainstream media:


"One of Russia’s highest-ranking government officials today issued a stark warning to the United States of America and its NATO allies. Dmitry Medvedev was president of Russia from 2008 to 2012. He also served as prime minister and is now deputy chairman of Russia’s national security council. He said military weapons and ammo flowing into Ukraine from the USA and European allies risks triggering a direct nuclear war between the Russian Federation and NATO allies."

"I’ve lost count of how many nuclear war warnings have been issued by Russian officials since early March, but few Americans appear to be taking them seriously."

Watch the entire video presentation here:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if America is Babylon in Revelation.
America falls like the World Trade Centers fell in NYC...
World scale commerce hits the dirt, so I wonder about that.
The beast is a whole system, with a little horn that rises from it to take the helm, and I think the papacy is what produces the false prophet.

J, I see no reason for the vitriol either. Christians are supposed to be on the same team.
Disagree already, folks...but fight the enemy, not each other.

(x really is an enemy in all he constantly stands by~~~to actually reward evil so good can come~~~say what??...that's twisted--Psalm 1 states this with no bones about it. You don't walk, stand, or sit with the scornful..and no one is more scorn-filled than x (and 'poet')

You can't lay down with socialist humanist dogs and not get their fleas.

Anonymous said...

Constance was very much on my mind last night. I pray she is seeing some relief from her troubles.
Rich of Medford would you update us about Constance? I'm kind of worried for her right now.

Anonymous said...

J @ 10:49 and 11:12 AM

This is 12:11 PM, again.
I believe like you do.

Oh what a tangled web we weave..

Anonymous said...

Astute and insightful points, 12:11 PM.

Anonymous said...

12:11 pm

You could say the same thing about laying down with Trump, Qanon, and now, even Putin and apparently Hitler (i.e. - ray's claim WWII could have been prevented if diplomats had just handled Hitler differently as in we need to back off Putin and let him massacre Ukrainians).


RayB said...

Sky turns blood red in China's Zhoushan: All about rare phenomenon that left netizens shocked

NOTE: I'm not one that looks for signs that, upon some 'interpretation,' point to imminent disaster, etc. However, I admit that I did find this phenomenon intriguing, due in part to something that I am aware of as WW II was 'officially' breaking out.

In September, 1939, Hitler was entertaining a number of people at his Berghof, located in the Obersalzberg. It had just been announced that both England & France had declared war on Germany as a result of Hitler's invasion of Poland. The party, including Hitler, had moved out to the veranda when a "strange, dramatic deep red sky suddenly appeared" out of seemingly nowhere. By all accounts, the guests were became frightened by this incredible sight. One of the guests, a woman, spontaneously declared "blood ... blood ... blood ... this is sign of things to come for Germany and the world!" Everyone else, including Hitler, was deeply affected by what they had seen. No one else uttered a single word. The woman was never invited again to attend any function in which Hitler was present. (This account was provided after the war by one of Hitler's aids, who had personally witnessed the entire event. I own a video in which the aid provides his first hand account of this strange event).

RayB said...

X @ 12:50 PM ...

I expect nothing else from you. Of course, you are an "expert" on the books that I am reading, just as you are an "expert" on the contents of D'Sousa's '2000 Mules' documentary, neither of which you have read or watched. Amazing.

What a pompous, prideful know it all you are !

There isn't one single admirable attribute that you possess. Please quit using Christ's name. By doing so, you are doing a great deal of damage to His Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

1:10 pm

You mean I'm damaging your maga qanon republican dominionist "kingdom". That is far removed from His Kingdom.

Repent Ray....go to church, speak to a pastor and try to get yourself back on the path.


Anonymous said...

12:50 PM
Do your homework and read some real history instead of your humanism manifesto's, x.

Neville Chamberlain, when Prime Minister of Britain, just played footsy, compromised so deeply and caved in to Hitler so quickly, just like O'Biden is doing today, instead of playing hardball diplomatically, so of course, war became the foregone conclusion. He enabled Hitler and wasted precious time to keep him from gaining such a foothold so the stage was set by him (and others) for catastrophe. O'Biden is leading us into the waiting jaws of those who really hate us...with your blessing.

You are the one on the wrong path.

Anonymous said...

The British Israel concept tries to bypass and has tried to usurp the God of Israel's Israel to fit their narrative.
Like many things today there is the true and the counterfeit running parallel..
The truth wins in the end.
We must read the Bible and take it to heart that what God said, He means, with no venture from what He said. People who interject their plans with His name on it are going to be shown for what they are. Liars.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 1:55 PM.

Perhaps X’s business is in selling industrial hoovers … he seems to be an expert on using vacuums with his vacuous comments, exhibiting that he really does no everything about nothing. Still, if selling hoovers is his business, I should imagine its a business which is going south quickly: he can give the sales pitch regarding his ability to suck up garbage of his own making and exhale hot air, but can’t quite get his head around the mechanics side of things, refusing to read the manufacturer’s manual - because, hey, he ‘knows it all already’. When the thing inevitably breaks down, he stands in denial as the rot and stench of his festering garbage is spat out for others to endure.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 1:55 PM.

Perhaps X’s business is in selling industrial hoovers … he seems to be an expert on using vacuums with his vacuous comments, exhibiting that he really does know everything about nothing. Still, if selling hoovers is his business, I should imagine its a business which is going south quickly: he can give the sales pitch regarding his ability to suck up garbage of his own making and exhale hot air, but can’t quite get his head around the mechanical side of things. He stubbornly refuses to read the manufacturer’s manual - because, hey, he ‘knows it all already’. When the thing inevitably breaks down, he stands in denial as the rot and stench of his festering garbage is spat out for others to endure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:55 pm

It was certainly a whole lot more complicated than that but getting tough with Hitler and, now with Putin is not what the dominionists and their Roman Catholic advocates, like Rick Joyner are Tru TV and Ray here are angling for.

Rome has made peace with Eastern Orthodox so now Putin is an ally of the forming one world religion. As such, reading materials such as AP Taylor’s book white washing Hitler by bending history enough to put the rise of Hitler on to England and France as though they CAUSED WWII by backing Hitler into a corner are being presented as an argument to stop confronting PutIn.

Rome wants us and others appeasing Putin. Such worked to create WWII so they are trying again to encourage Maga type appeasement of Putin.

Sad thing is —either way Rome controls and decides. They control russia and they’ve chased our ancestors who fled them across the Atlantic to take control over here as well.

That book J is reading The Union Jack. I wonder if a Roman Catholic wrote it?? Not sure what all it says but the descriptionJ gave suggests, perhaps, a follower of Feeney’ism. Leonard Feeney wrote of Roman Catholics holding their noses and partnering with unsuspecting naive Protestants in taking back governmental authority and control over Gods words ( the Bible). Been awhile I don’t recall fully the context.


Anonymous said...

4:32 PM,
Just like DNA is so blended now in the world's people's, the world's religions are in many instances, too. Spiritual corruption has spread far and wide and dividing between religion and politics, between the Word of God, not just topics with a social endgame from it, divides people as well, so in these a person must decide WHOM they will follow and obey, God the Lord, or the lords of this world, so all this entails is deep and not to be taken lightly so it can help us see where a person/people's power base really is. I get that. The Lord has a mere remnant among people who claim to be Christians in the world today. Honestly and rightfully, it is persecution that will be what sorts things out. Those who stand with Jesus outside the camp will be the ones who came out from among them, and take the hits that go with it, with Him. (the world hated Him and will hate His true followers too). When the Pope visited America in Sept 2015 I watched many evangelicals cozy up to him. It made me ill. The Pope is a globalist--one world religion is an end goal for him in my estimation.
Matthew 13:29-30
This parable is about a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. It wasn’t until the grain sprouted and produced a crop that the tares also appeared. The servants asked the owner if they should remove the tares from the harvest. “No,” the owner said, “lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let them both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in the bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn.”

Ours is to pray and take the unashamed stands that go along with conviction from the Holy Spirit, not convictions of our own "religious/spiritual" conscience, no matter how supposedly refined. There is a difference. Persecution, like it did in the the early church, shows what spiritual metal we are made of...Gospel gold or religious brass.

Anonymous said...

"and dividing and blending between religion and politics is part of it" is the complete thought but I didn't get that typed out.

RayB said...

X states @ 4:32 PM:

" ... reading materials such as AP Taylor’s book white washing Hitler by bending history enough to put the rise of Hitler on to England and France as though they CAUSED WWII by backing Hitler into a corner are being presented as an argument to stop confronting PutIn.

NOTE: What a comically stupid statement. Obviously, X wants to sound 'smart,' by referring to a book that I am reading and one in which he has not read. Uh, and by the way Dr. X, it's not "AP Taylor", it's A. J. P. Taylor.

Do something novel for a change X; try actually reading a book before offering up your pretended learned opinions. By the way genius, your summation is not the premise of the book at all, as in not even in the slightest! But don't let that stop you from offering up your opinions that are based entirely upon your own simplistic imagination. ROFL !!!

What an absolute clown.

Anonymous said...

5:14 pm

Nicely put.

That’s one raeason do like a Protestant third party started by Christian brothers like Adam Kinzinger who was will to stand by his convictions and not now to the heretical Maga right.

A third party might finally allow us Christians to vote without holding our noses voting for one of the two choices rome allows us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ray,

Yes, X is a clown alright… the problem is, he is trying this best to turn this place into a circus - he’s more New Age and irritating than Dullheimer and MCE combined - that’s X.

Anonymous said...

his*: the auto spell keeps changing my text.

Craig said...


While the Jews have a numbering system in Hebrew (or Aramaic) called gematria, the Greeks have their own system, isopsephy (from isos, “equal”; psephos, “pebbles”). In fact, in Revelation 13:18 the word for “calculate” is from its verb form psēphizō. See this alphanumeric system here: isopsephy. And see the English transliterations (exchanging Greek letters for English equivalents) in the rh column.

As you know, there are a number of scholars, etc. who’ve taken the Greek for “Nero Caesar” and transliterated into Hebrew (exchanging Greek letters into equivalent Hebrew letters) a particular way to arrive at 666 via gematria. My thinking is that this is questionable methodology. Allow me to explain why.

I’m sure you’re aware of the variant of 616—the middle digit the only difference. Now, while some manuscripts have the number written out in Greek (like our ‘six hundred sixty six’), there are a number that use the isopsephy system, thereby writing it simply as three letters (χξϛ) corresponding to 666. This most logically explains the 616 variant. Explained the other way, the Greek word for “sixty” is ΈΞΗΚΟΝΤΑ vs. ΔΕΚΑ for “ten”; so, it would be extremely unlikely that a scribe saw the former yet mistook it for the latter (ΔΕΚΑ) and placed that into his manuscript.

Thus, if we accept that the “χξϛ” is original (as opposed to writing it out longhand), then we have the Greek manuscripts themselves likely illustrating the very method we should use to determine the identity of “666”. That is, we should use Greek isopsephy and not Hebrew gematria to determine “666”. Further evidence supporting this may be found in the use of the verb form, as I noted above [though it must also be noted that this verb is found one other time, in Luke 14:28, in a context NOT reflecting isopsephy]. Even more evidence is found in those manuscripts using the three letters χξϛ, in that the very next verse, 14:1, renders the 144,000 as the letter equivalents for “144” (ΡΜΔ) followed by the word for “thousand” (ΧΙΛΙΑΔΕΣ). In other words, these manuscripts use isopsephy for both “six hundred sixty six” in 13:18 and “one hundred forty four” in 14:1.

You can see the evidence for yourself at the Center for the Study of New Testament manuscripts. Go to Under “DIGITAL COLLECTION”, select manuscripts, then type in “Rev 13.18”. This will yield a number of MSS. The best example is found in P47.

Go to the first complete line of text. Then count down to the 5th line and you’ll find ΧΞς with an overline (666). From there go down two more lines and you’ll see ΡΜΔ with an overline (144).

Bottom line: Given that the Greeks had their own alphanumeric system, and that this system was used in the very Greek text in reference to the ‘mark of the beast’ (and the 144,000), we might question why a further step of transliterating from Greek into Hebrew to find “666” via gematria is required. Why not just stick to isopsephy?

Unfortunately, I don’t know Hebrew in order to explain how to get “666” via gematria. For me, Hebrew characters are just too dissimilar from English and thus too hard to distinguish from one another. And it doesn’t help that the language is written right-to-left. (And it’s hard enough learning Koine Greek in my advancing age!) In any case, one would have to find a proper English to Hebrew transliteration source first and foremost.

[And a quick glance at the isopsephy table illustrates that “TRUMP” well exceeds 666.]

Craig said...

My reference for Rev 13:18 in MSS p47 did not come through, so here it is:

Craig said...

^^^ click to enlarge manuscript image.

Craig said...

Fun fact:

In John 21:11, the 153 catch of fish is also sometimes written alphanumerically. Evidence is found here:

At the end of the 6th line you’ll find ΡΝΓ with an overline, indicating this 153 number.

Anonymous said...

Why are so many at odds with X?

He must’ve really upset some folk.

Anonymous said...


You ask for specifics of your racist posts. Innocuously sharing AJP Taylor’s book as suggested reading is one such example.

A J P Taylor is a gateway historical account favored by antisemites seeking to promote a revisionist historical account of WW2, such as Ron Unz and even Pat Buchanan. It is often used with other more nefarious authors, like Irving, to whitewash and absolve Hitler and place the blame for WW2 outrageously on the Jews for supposedly secretly “controlling” Churchill and thereafter bringing the US into the war. They then defend the right of Hitler to eliminate the conniving Jews from Germany like they instigated the holocaust.

RayB - Ron Unz is a longtime racist and antisemite who has written extensively about and using AJP Taylor as a primary resource for his anti Jewry and antiIsrael musings. Try googling and AJP Taylor and you’ll see.

This is the same Ron Unz that hosts White nationalist and KKK sympathizer, Jared Taylor as a regular contributor.

Surely you didn’t just stumble upon this controversial book on your own and perhaps it was referred to you and you were completely unaware how it’s been used politically by right wing nationalists….But considering your political views here, I doubt you were unaware.

Before you defend yourself by defending AJP Taylor and that controversial book, that’s not my point. I read the book in undergrad too. As a critique and critical thinking book it was a wonderful example of a discussion and debate prompting book among intellectuals. The work survives and didn’t ruin Taylor because his conclusion at the end (why I told you to finish it) still places the blame squarely on Hitler. It’s the pages in between that get exploited by non-intellectual white nationalist Neanderthals that get used and bantered about inappropriately, such as suggesting we cornering Putin inappropriately.

Your mileage could vary.

Anonymous said...


Your last post was respectful and a worthwhile one.

I am sorry for my harshness earlier. I hope both you and RayB can build trust and dialogue now, exploring an issue in a Christian manner and without personal attacks from either one of you. To forgive and agree to disagree, starting a new chapter.

RayB said...

X states:

"A J P Taylor is a gateway historical account favored by antisemites seeking to promote a revisionist historical account of WW2, such as Ron Unz and even Pat Buchanan. It is often used with other more nefarious authors, like Irving, to whitewash and absolve Hitler and place the blame for WW2 outrageously on the Jews for supposedly secretly “controlling” Churchill and thereafter bringing the US into the war. They then defend the right of Hitler to eliminate the conniving Jews from Germany like they instigated the holocaust."

NOTE: There are so many lies in this post, I don't even know where to begin. Obviously, AGAIN, X has not read this book, nor has he read Buchanon's. NOWHERE have I ever read anything by Buchanon or Taylor to even remotely suggest such evil as 'defending the right of Hitler to eliminate ... the Jews." You have completely lost all touch with reality.

RayB said...


You are such a hopeless liar. NOW, after you cannot copy and paste ANYTHING that I have ever stated on this blog in order to validate YOUR claim that I am a racist, you viciously attempt to paint me as an anti-semite. This isn't the first time you have made this baseless charge. AGAIN, copy and paste specifically your proof of anything I have ever stated that indicates that I am an anti-semite. You weren't able to provide anything in the past on the race or anti-semite charge, so I expect the same.

You really have very low morality and very little conscience. Nothing you are saying here is going unnoticed by God, to whom you will answer for this.

Anonymous said...

RayB says: “on this blog”

Interesting choice of words…care to share your posting name on so we can read your comments on this Holocaust denying discussion all about AJP Taylor’s book from 1961 that you just happen to be reading.

Or does it not count because it wasn’t on this blog??!

I’m not providing any excerpts. This is singularly the most disgusting holocaust denying anti-Semetic article I have ever read. It even mentions & defends Putin (as RayB used it here to defend Putin). There are 1488 comments.

Comment 5 sums things up nicely: (Taylor’s) “The Origins of the Second World War” is the indispensable primer for the canon of revisionist literature,…”

So how is it RayB just happens to share here “the indispensable primer for the case of revisionist literature” on this blog???

Further…Ray has shared many links to “on this blog” too.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the 10:30 PM post is X

RayB said...

Has X actually read Taylor's book? NO. Instead, he relies (and trusts) upon a blogger in a "comment" section as his "source." You can't make these things up!

X states authoritatively, by using a commenter on a blog:

"Comment 5 sums things up nicely: (Taylor’s) “The Origins of the Second World War” is the indispensable primer for the canon of revisionist literature,…"

Quit being so lazy X. Do some actual research by reading some books. Then maybe people will show you a little respect. When and if YOU read Taylor's book, or, Pat Buchanan's for that matter, come back here and make your claims about their 'anti-semitic' positions, with of course, SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from their work. Until then, you just keep exposing yourself as an attacker of persons without any basis other than your lazy hearsay 'evidence' that you use to back up your fertile imagination.

By the way, have you watched D'Sousa's "2000 Mules" ? Or, do you continue to stand in judgment upon another work, based entirely by what OTHER people are saying?

Again X. Quit being so incredibly lazy.

RayB said...

A few X facts:

X claims to be a 'christian,' yet he enthusiastically supported the most PRO-ABORTION POTUS ticket in U. S. history. He continues to support these radicals.

While X attacks the GOP as the "pro-abortion" party, X is completely silent when it comes to Biden's and the Democrats' repeated efforts to EXPAND the evil practice of abortion.

When the Democrats in the U. S. Senate attempted to codify Roe v. Wade through legislation, X was again COMPLETELY SILENT. EVERY SINGLE Democrat Senator, except one, vote FOR the legislation, while EVERY SINGLE GOP Senator voted against it. X's response to all of this? NOTHING.

X repeatedly defended the Marxist, anarchists Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA as they attacked innocent civilians, attacked police, looted, burned, rioted, raped, murdered, etc.

When a Trump supporter was AMBUSHED - MURDERED by a BLM/ANTIFA member, in cold blood, without any provocation whatsoever, X immediately blamed the VICTIM and claimed the MURDERER acted in "self-defense." When it was proven there was no provocation, X never apologized. Instead, he doubled down by accusing Trump for "ordering the MURDER's execution" when U. S. Marshalls killed the BLM/ATIFA MURDERER during a gun battle.

X takes the opposite side of virtually every conservative post, and most Christian posts, and of course, while doing so, he ALWAYS attacks the messenger.

X (on this, he's not the only one) continues to make numerous baseless personal attacks, such as labeling bloggers as "racists," "anti-semites," "Opus Dei" members, "Q-anon" followers, "Trump" worshippers, "Trump is their Messiah," etc., etc. ... all without an ounce of evidence ... and all without so much as a peep out of Rich or Constance. I wonder why that is?

PS: This is the short list. This is what I was able to quickly come up with off the top of my head.

RayB said...

Funny isn't it, how this story just disappeared from the mainstream media?

Wisconsin GOP governor candidate says she'd fire DA in Waukesha 'parade massacre' on 'Day One'

NOTE: Recall that a black man drove through a parade of predominately white participants, killing 6 and wounding another 61.

What was X's IMMEDIATE response? He excused the killer by saying he must have been 'confused,' and that his pattern of driving obviously indicated that it wasn't done 'on purpose,' and that he was attempting 'not to hit anyone,' but rather, to 'avoid them."

That sums up X in a NUTshell !

RayB said...

Wisconsin Sen. Johnson asks AG Garland why Madison anti-abortion center attack not domestic terrorism

Johnson highlighted ongoing protests outside the homes of the court's Republican-appointed justices (I wonder why they aren't protesting at the Democrat-appointed justices' homes? Could it be that they know the Dems are PRO-ABORTIONISTS?)

Anonymous said...


Nice job changing the subject to me.

In WI you must be speaking of Rebecca Kleefisch, the Maga candidate for gov of WI who attends qanon events and gives standing ovations to Kyle Rittenhouse?

Of course she wants to fire the DA and politicize the deaths in Waukesha bc stoking conspiracy theories to instill fear helps her pretend she’s the right candidate to “getting tough” on black people.

I haven’t look at that case in awhile. Has anything whatsoever new been revealed in the investigation that any of that was actually planned? I’ve never “excused” the killings, they remain intentional homicides … it just didn’t appear to me to be racially motivated at all.

The fact RayB leads and emphasizes the perpetrator and victims races as though it matters, without any evidence it was actually a racial killing, is another example of RayB racist posts on this forum.

A few BLM posts on social media does not prove the guy set out that morning to kill white people that afternoon.

But maybe more facts came out????


Anonymous said...

X, The things you say about RayB are not true. He doesn't promote racism, "Q", is not MAGA Trump is our savior mentality), he is regular America with the right to say and to question the many people and policies of extremists that are harmful to this country, to us, to the world. he is standing on Christian (and conservative) principles. He has that right, so do I even as we disagree with you. There is room for some disagreement.
So you have not made your case. You haven't to date.

However, RayB, and others, show us, again, what we already do know of you, that you slam Conservatives, with bias and malice, routinely....with only your opinions, assumptions, disinformation and smear, excusing extremes in actions and people who are not only harmful in their rhetoric, but more than that, act out destructively, and you do not call them out for their egregious actions. You find ways to praise them instead, and attribute "right" motives to wrongful displays. Playing "devil's advocate", supposedly, but instead in reality and indisputably, look to be calling evil good, what is good you call evil. You have no right to claim you have a christian or even a conservative response to matters. You openly reward evil claiming good can and will come of it. That's Marxism in a nutshell.

There are many things that are not good, not just in America, no nation, or person has this down, but our system when operating as intended with built in ways to work toward that goal can do better across the board, and so be it--(you should know that this is a fallen world) much work still to do toward fairness and common decency to all people of this country, but we can decide for ourselves to chew the meat and spit out the bones in parsing what politicians (and religious leaderships) do, without censor and censuring from you. You're proven by your own material posted here, to be hateful and biased to extremes in support of liberal chaos and disorder. You're actively part of making sure our governing system is broken and stays that way.

Agree to disagree already. But stop the boldfaced lying and uncivil antics.
It's past time to grow up. Stop the troll behavior and put into practice the Golden Rule you supposedly believe in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Even though it was published in 1961, A J P Taylor, completed "Origins of the Second World War" having not yet read Mein Kampf. He underestimated its significance.

In his autobiography, Taylor wrote:

“I wanted to be writing something and decided that I could carry on my diplomatic history from the point where the Struggle for Mastery left off. I had, I thought, done most of the research work needed by reviewing the various books of memoirs and the volumes of German and British diplomatic documents as they came out. At that time no original sources were available: no cabinet minutes or papers, no Chiefs of Staff records, only more or less formal documents from the Foreign Office with very occasional minutes. This extraordinary paucity, as it seems now, makes my book a period piece of limited value.

“Since 1947, he had read fifteen volumes of British diplomatic documents, eight volumes of German diplomatic documents and one volume of Italian diplomatic documents, all of them covering the 1930s. However, according to Kathleen Burk’s biography of Taylor, he did not read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf until after writing the book.”

So even Taylor himself downplayed the accuracy of "Origins", which makes it even curious'er that you are reading it now...a book who's only use now is as the "indispensable primer to the canon of revisionist literature".


Anonymous said...

12:30 pm

I saw that NY Post piece from Nov 2021 and doesn't convince me YET (and we may never know) that on that day the murderer set out planning in any way to kill white people.

It MAY have been his immediate crazy narcissistic thoughts as he drove through the crowds - like "freaking white people - I'm just gonna take out as many as I can"; however, absent contemporaneous indications he somehow KNEW there was a parade, he was aware of the parades route and timing, and who the parade participants were (there were some black people participating and it was only happenstance that all the victims were white) and that he in any way hatched a plan to white people I'm not convinced.

He's still a cold-blooded murderer. This wasn't an accident and there is no "excuse" for it. I just find it unlikely he could KNOW he was only going to kill white people in a crowd while driving at them from behind. It very easily could have been a mostly black high school marching band that he ran over where the road pinched in and he found himself without a clear escape path. He may have zig-zagged trying to dodge people while looking for an escape versus trying to kill mor. This was not the was a suburb of Milwaukee and many diverse groups or bands could have been invited from the nearby City of Milwaukee.

There may yet be evidence of such and race probably played many small roles in some of the decisions that evil young man made. Had it been in the City of Milwaukee maybe he stops not only because he sees the parade is almost all black but also becaused he's not as afraid of being shot for being black in the inner city?

I know that last sentence is as liberal as all heck. He was a career criminal and I have no sympathy or empathy for such thoughts even if they occurred to him. I'm totally a law and order guy...but the police may be downplaying their chasing this guy a little and he had a history with the Waukesha police that may explain (but not excuse) his over aggressive desperate driving. I have no idea what that history was but I think it's clear he knew the police were after him. He had committed other crimes previous to the parade massacre, right? The police are SUPPOSED to chase criminals so I'm not blaming them either.

If he committed a crime bringing law enforcement attention upon himself PRIOR to the parade...that would also make him a very poor plotting terrorist.


Anonymous said...

Hate makes people crazy.
A signature of Satan.
Why do you need to explain this about the guy, X?
He sure didn't seem to have much in himself to put any type of stops on his hating prior to that event. His history was bad and got much worse. Bad seed thinking brought horrendous crop results.

He could have, certainly should have, stopped at the first hit, if it was some sort of awful mistake.
Hit and run is a terrible thing if it's just one person hit.

His went on for blocks, multiple persons killed outright. A hit hit run get the idea, is way beyond an accident....something malicious was driving him, driving that vehicle.
The best is not to try to "explain" some type of "out" for him, the amateur providence approach, in your case, attempting to lessen the severity of his actions. That caters to many more injustices, from already horrible, adding horrific to the scope. The courts will have to take all of it into consideration. And skin color has nothing to do with bringing harsh penalty to him for this extreme against fellow human beings.
That is a waste of words, proves no point, except making an excuser out of you for that try. Real discernment has real justice in mind, allowing the facts, not mere sentiment, to rule.
The man is guilty as hell for his hellacious crime. Period.

Anonymous said...


But was Darrell Brooks an adulterer? THAT's the important thing.

RayB said...


Have you read Mein Kampf? Please give me your summary of it. You can break down to the main points.

I'll give you just a few of mine; it is basically worthless. Written back in (I believe) 1923-24, Mein Kampf is a compilation of essays, which contain the philosophical, fanciful, off the top of the head meanderings of a very disgruntled, disillusioned politician that was serving his time in prison, as a result of his FAILED coup against the German Government. Hitler had a lot of time on his hands, which allowed for his imagination to run wild. Poorly written and incredibly dull, it is an extreme chore to read. VERY few have succeeded in making it through the entire book.

Just a few 'highlights:' Hitler was an evolutionist (liberals forget that one). Hitler believed in the "survival of the fittest." He applied this belief not only to individuals, but to races and nations. He believed that the 'weak' did not 'deserve to survive,' because nature itself declares that to be so. His belief in evolution was not unusual for his time. His belief in evolution was not at all unusual at that time.

Hitler clearly was an anti-semite. However, that too was not at all unusual in Europe, which had a long history of anti-semitism. In fact, Winston Churchill held to many racist views, among which included his belief in the conspiracy by Jews to conquer the world through Communism. He thoroughly believed that the Russian Revolution in 1917 was the result of a Jewish conspiracy!

Regarding what Churchill termed "Jewish Bolshevism," Churchill wrote:

"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews; it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders."

Hitler declared that the German nation needed 'living space' and was determined to obtain it in eastern Europe, or, Russia. While this was stated in Mein Kampf, Hitler referred to the need for 'living space' in NUMEROUS speeches prior to WW II.

Hitler declared that all scattered Germans should be reincorporated back into the Reich. For YEARS, Hitler put into practice that policy which became a key element in dealing with foreign leaders.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler stated that he would NEVER ally himself with the Soviet Union against the West. Yet, he did exactly that. Germany invaded Poland in September 1939 from the southwest, while the USSR invaded Poland from the northeast, splitting Poland in half. The Russians also took the Baltics. In time, Hitler then reversed course and invaded Russia, which shocked Stalin. What in Mein Kampf could have led one to predict Hitler's actions regarding the USSR?

RayB said...


There really is nothing shocking, new, or even all that informative about Mein Kampf. It provided nothing that would have altered Taylor's investigative research in the preparation of his book. Instead, Taylor went to the official, war department documents of the warring nations in an attempt to arrive at the TRUE history that lies well below the surface. He found evidence that did not coincide with the more common versions of events, which made his work controversial.

By the way, Churchill himself read Mein Kampf and provided a summary of it. Churchill finds NOTHING earth shattering, or, particularly revealing, as evidenced by the fact that he payed very scant attention to it in his "The Gathering Storm."
You can read it here:

PS: There has never been an historian that has read EVERY source available on any particular subject. The reason? It simply is not humanly possible.

I suggest you quit this obsession of yours to judge everyone, and, every subject, according to your 20/20 hindsight. You seem obsessed to find fault in everything ... not a very good way to go through life.

RayB said...

X @ 2:17 PM

It's utterly amazing that you are able to jump to all kinds of wild, absolute conclusions based upon the smallest, flimsiest of evidence, or, simply basing your final judgment on your fertile imagination. In such cases, you easily become the police, prosecutor, jury and judge. No problem for you X.

Yet, a black, long time criminal thug, with a history of violence, who had many posts declaring his hatred towards white people, in broad daylight, drives his SUV into a parade of white people (including children), killing 6 people while seriously injuring another 61, and somehow, you don't think race played a part in it? (X, seriously, I have some dry land I'd like to sell you located in the Florida Everglades).

Instead, you think the poor black man was racing along out of fear for his life that some cop was going to shoot him, obviously because Cops look to shoot a black man every day ... that's the way it is. So ... I guess, it was the P O L I C E that are responsible, and not the VIOLENT RACIST THUG, right X ??

And then there's this ...

Chutzpah of the Year Award goes to X for this whopper: "I'm totally a law and order guy..."

Recall all of X's excuses for Black Lives Matter & ANTIFA rioting, looting, burning, attacking police, attacking innocent people, raping, murdering, etc. ?? But, BUT, BUT ... X is a "totally law and order guy..." That's what Chutzpah is folks, real live Chutzpah!

RayB said...

Anon @ 3:20 PM ...

ROFL !!!

Anonymous said...


Taylor did not write himself that his 'Origins' book was now just a "period piece of limited value" because he solely missed reading Mein Kampf. That was his view of his book overall in his autobiography due to, as of yet at that time, still limited documentation and resources.

I did read Mein Kempf long ago in undergrad. Probably never finished it myself. Most historians believe Mein Kempf to be an important piece as it clearly states Hitler's goals, long before England, France, Poland, Czech "backed him into corners". He simply pursued his stupid childish psychotic notions and it wasn't "the jews" fault.

Have you read that disgusting article I linked over at unz? Do you disavow it? Ron Unz even has Jared Taylor and David Irving as contributing writers. Do you disavow them and their holocaust denialism or do you find revisionist history important work?

Instead of lecturing me...consider lecturing them and removing yourself from the company you keep over there.


Anonymous said...


I'm a law-abiding, law and order, independent mostly conservative Christian.

I am not in any way a Maga, Qanon, anti-Semitic, handicap ridiculing, holocaust denying, white nationalist who rewrites history and assumes broad racist notions and labels over everything, like you.

Perhaps some of the people killed and injured in Wisconsin had African American ancestry, or they were of Native American, Ethiopian and/or Italian descent - how did the maniacal murderer KNOW he was running over just "white" people? How can you claim to know what he was thinking that day but I can't even speculate about a felon's movie the bullcrap facts of which are debunked all over the internet?

Unless Brooks tells us or additional evidence is discovered indicating such "plan" (which COULD BE out there), you have nothing to make such murders tribal. That said...he still deserves the death penalty for intentionally killing PEOPLE.

Explaining ancillary matters and their relationship to events is not the same as excusing things. Actual examples of "excusing" criminal behavior would be claiming the Trump supporter shot in Portland was not carrying a gun and bear spray and didn't take the first actions to assault the eventual shooter who was defending his city from Maga "thugs" who had descended on his neighborhood and city terrorizing the locals with paint guns, fists and pepper spraay or when you persist in excusing Jan 6th insurrectionists as mere tourists. A true law and order guy doesn't celebrate nor condone Federal Marshalls seemingly executing a murder suspect while effectuating an arrest warrant.


RayB said...

Just when I thought that X & I might be able to find some common ground, he writes this about me. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a feather ...

"I am not in any way a Maga, Qanon, anti-Semitic, handicap ridiculing, holocaust denying, white nationalist who rewrites history and assumes broad racist notions and labels over everything, like you." (At least X didn't accuse me of adultery. Maybe he forgot)?

X is fair and balanced ... kind of like FAUX News. In all fairness, X did admit that he "can't read inside of people's minds," which causes X never to jump to any conclusions. NEVER. That's why X won't judge the Black racist, career violent criminal thug, who had expressed repeatedly in the past his desire to kill White people. Fair and balanced X knows that even though he said that he wanted to kill White people, we can't know for sure because "we can't read into" the thug's "mind." Makes perfect sense.

Also, the Black dude couldn't (according to X) tell the race of those White folks (whom he hates) because he was running them over from behind, and you can't tell the race of anyone when you're running them over from behind (according to X). More perfect sense.

Of course he's a murderer, says X, but he certainly did not intend to KILL WHITE PEOPLE, because there may have been Italians and Ethiopians in the parade. Even more perfect sense.

Then there's another theory from X: them White folks just got in the way as the poor Black dude was fleeing those racist Cops that were chasing him, and probably wanting to gun down the Black dude just for fun. Get it? The embodiment of perfect sense.

Anonymous said...

7:22 pm

If only.

But it is possible. She does not suffer anti-semites at all.


Anonymous said...

Constance will not be taking out the blogs trash.

She likes X, period!

Anonymous said...

It's laughable that some posters here believe Constance is some great moral compass that would "take out the blogs trash", dr X!

Ok, will humor you.

Constance, could you please take out poster X?

Let's see if she does?

Anonymous said...

X at 5:05 PM,

Italians are classed as, and class themselves as white. There are plenty of blonde Italians too, particularly in Northern and Central Italy. Not that race matters, however, your point regarding Italians is erroneous.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice and informative to visit here on x's blog.
I don't mind that x is a bot. It's always a treat and a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

My Perspective---What x thinks- Post a Comment

Anonymous said...

Is there an update on Constance' health? I pray that she is well on the road to recovery by now with no lasting side effects.

Anonymous said...

Constance is better I believe. However is in bondage to a worldly spirit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


J said...

The problem with the above headline is that DNA testing has proved many Palestinians have more Semitic blood than the current Israelis have.

Anyway, Jews are of the tribe of Judah. There were ten lost tribes. I don't believe in British Israelism. But elite British Masons do. They claim to believe that Anglo Saxon Britain is Ephraim while Anglo Saxon America is Manasseh.

Actually, there are subcultures of Afghanistan and Pakistan who have a lot of cultural signs of being lost tribes of Israel. I understand their DNA is being tested.

But the bottom line is that, for a Christian, the gospel truth is that ALL are saved by grace, not race. Any other gospel is another gospel than the faith once delivered to the saints. It is Christian in name only.

J said...

P.S. In the Old Testament God divorced Israel - the ten northern tribes, who had a civil war with the two southern tribes. The reason for the divorce was adultery - spiritual adultery.

British Israel Masons cherry pick the Old Testament.

RayB said...

Pelosi: Current Supreme Court ‘Dangerous’ to Families, to Freedom in Our Country

(Death Cult Democrat) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the current Supreme Court was “dangerous” for families and freedom in America.

"When asked about Roe v Wade potentially being overturned by the Supreme Court, Pelosi said, “Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States by waving a list of judges he would appoint, therefore, getting the support of the * far-right — and appointing those anti-freedom justices to the court. So, this is not about long game. We played a long game. We won Roe v. Wade a long time ago. We voted to protect it over time.”

NOTE: This is looking more and more like the 'leak' of the USSC abortion brief was designed as a means to rally the Democrats' radical base, which consists of pro-abortionists, LGBTQ+ agenda advocates, socialists, Marxists, etc. for the 2022 & 2024 elections.

IMO, it's an act of desperation by the Democrats, which will probably backfire because it is putting the radical antics of the Death Cult on full display.

However, don't think the Democrats don't have more in their bag of tricks. The media is beginning to float the idea of a 'big upturn' in COVID cases ... previous to the time of the pivotal fall elections. By all accounts, it's going to be a blood bath for the Democrats, which are slated to lose both the House & the Senate. Along with firing up their abortion loving base, 'COVID' may AGAIN be used to justify another fake election, i.e., mail in ballots et all.

If you haven't already, take the time to watch "2000 Mules." It's already proving to be one of the most popular Documentaries ever made.

* Protecting the lives of the innocent unborn categorizes you as a member of the 'far-right,' according to life hating members of the Democrat Death Cult like Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi also refers to pro-life justices as proponents of 'anti-freedom.'

This is the very same Nancy Pelosi that appointed RINOs Adam Kinzinger and Lynn Cheney to the Democrats' Kangaroo Court Jan. 6th. Committee Hearings.

Anonymous said...

‘The problem with the above headline is that DNA testing has proved many Palestinians have more Semitic blood than the current Israelis…’

Absolutely right, J., and a good ten percent of those were / are Christians - though America’s unfettered support of the Atheistic and Apartheid regime in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (sadly supported by professing Christians) has aggravated persecution upon them from both sides.

It is not antisemitic nor anti-Jewish to speak the truth. The Palestinians were not invading Arabs, but rather an indigenous people vanquished by Arabs and Arabised - now suffering the same fate at the hands of Atheist Zionism.

Many Jews are against the Israeli State’s oppressive treatment of the Palestinian people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

‘British Israel Masons cherry pick the Old Testament’
As do many American Evangelicals and Jews, unwittingly at the behest of American and Israeli Freemasons.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the Satanist Francis have the two old devils Pelosi and O'Biden over for lunch not long ago?

Anonymous said...

Decoding the cryptic “manifesto” of the alleged Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron, which also spells Pentagon Drony

Anonymous said...

Re: “Pentagon Drony”

Pentagon Domestic Relations Order, New York?

Anonymous said...

Maybe in time they'll go for locking down the public so they can't get to the polls to vote or maybe some other kind of major interruption, disruption?

This ain't good people......

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