Sunday, April 10, 2022

Deception is at an all time high - Ukraine, Qanon, Trump cult

 Donald Trump spoke in Michigan a week ago.  I viewed the livestream presentation last Sunday afternoon.  It was hard to stomach.  He spoke again last night in Selma, North Carolina and his groupies such as Mike Lindell, the woman running for governor of Arizona on a Trump ticket were present.  At the Michigan event in Washington, Michigan on March 2nd, he announced his "RINO" (translated:  anybody who raises an eyebrow at Donald Trump) hitlist.  Two Michigan Congressmen Peter Meijer and Fred Upton were included.  The next day Upon announced his retirement and Trump has been  boasting about his success in chasing them from the political scene.  Brave Liz Cheney is on his list.  He already chased Adam Kinzinger away, but don't count Kinzinger out.  He has formed a brave Country First PAC (Political Action Committee.

I've written before about the LOVE JOY TRUMP book that clearly includes unashamedly blatant New Age themes and proclamations such as Trump is ushering in the Age of Aquarius, the Millennial Reign of Christ, and Gaia worship.  This should be shocking to anybody knowing specifics about the New Age Movement and their Bible.  I'm bothered by how little it is disturbing Evangelicals and some Catholics who once professed to know better.

I believe Trump is consciously operating out of the old Nazi/Hitler   playbook.  He has declared that if he is re=elected President in 2024 he will pardon those charged and convicted with the Capitol invasion on January 6, 2021.  He is running efforts to take control of the election machinery from the bottom up - precinct workers, clerks, public officials, judges and putting those in power who will reaffirm his big lie that he was elected by a landslide in 2020 but the "Bit Steal" intervened.  He is holding frequent large scale rallies that in some ways remind me of Munich spectacles.  

Brannon Howse has made probably an excellent living parroting the information I pioneered on the New Age Movement and its ramifications for Christians.  For that, I have no complaint, although I think it strange that he never attempted to make contact with me.  As those of you who hav e, you know that I  pick up my phone and am willing to generously share information and sources.

Now,  Brannon Howse and Mike Lindell have worked together in recent history.  Brannon Howse certainly knows enough about the New Age Movement to have set Mike Lindell straight.  Even a cursory glance at LOVE JOY TRUMP that Lindell forwarded and probably paid for the publication would have clearly shown Mr. Howse that Mike Lindell and the cohorts writing that book were either New Age activists and/or had followed into its trap. Why did he obviously not set Lindell straight?  I bluntly have to assume that Mike Lindell's money was more important to Brannon Howse than Mike Lindell's soul!

What about Qanon?

Qanon is obviously alive and well on Planet Earth.  A Trump enrosed Secretary of State candidate for michigan Kristine Karamo spoke to a recent Michigan Republic Club  meeting on the second Wednesday of March, 2022.  I was present, seated near the font and given the mike to question her.  I expressed my fears and concerns to her about Qanon and itss possible spread to the Michigan Trump circles.  She told the entire room she knew little or nothing about Qanon.  I wa shocked even before I learned the full truth because she claims to have a master's degree in Apologetics.  It is impossible in my opinion to be in that field and not be aware of Qanon.

Yesterday, another candidate for the same office, a Michigan State Representative from the Upper Peninsula introduced himself to me at a small political meeting.  I was there to help notarize precinct delegate applications.  I decided to tell h im my concerns about Ms. Karamo's statements to me and the large audience of which I was a part this past week  -- our local GoGop meeting.  He was shocked at her reported lack of knowledge.  "Kristine Karamo spoke at a national Qanon Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 23, 2021 and he promptly handed me the evidence.   You can find it yourself easily on a Google / Duck Dck Go /  Bing or other internet engine search.

Bluntly, she lied.  

It is also looking to me sadly as though Archbishop Vigano is also falling into the Qanon and beyond traps including the theory that Putin is a hero trying to block the World Economic Forum and New World Order.

So much confusion -- hard to know where to start to fight it.  I am also fearful that some of you might be taken in by the Qanon cult.  We must be praying daily, "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."



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J said...

Yes, Constance, I hope you'll feel better soon, too. I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick. I hope it's not anything serious.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance:

We will all be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Please get well soon.

Have a Happy and Blessed Easter... and I hope you have close relatives and friends around you at this time.

J said...


You may mean well, but please don't be a blog marriage counselor. It's a blog. You seem like you try to be nice to me sometimes, but why? It's okay, be nice to me, be nice to everybody else too, but please, it's a blog.

RayB said...

X stated (in part) @ 12:23 PM:

"Just read the front page -- JD Rucker is completely gone qanon as has RayB himself."

NOTE: Here we go again. X just cavalierly spouts out baseless lies and does so with gusto (but he really, really is a christian).

I have read, and posted, several articles by JD Rucker and have never seen anything that indicated that he is a follower of Q-Anon. As I have stated repeatedly on this blog ... I HAVE NEVER BEEN A FOLLOWER of Q-ANON ... as in NEVER. Yet, that doesn't stop our resident false accuser X from making that lying claim.

X has been in rare form lately. Today, he again tags me with being a Q-Anon follower. Yesterday, he accused J of being a "whore." Oh well, at least I'm in good company!

By the way X, what field is it that you hold your Doctorate in ? Please tell us. I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone to think of you as being a fake and a delusional fraud.

Anonymous said...

J, True that child trafficking, sexualization of children, and pedophilia is one theme of QAnon. They also believe that Trump and the military are working together to save the children from a powerful sex trafficking ring. There is no evidence of that. Anyone who would look into Donald Trump's background - the close association with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the modeling agencies, modeling school and beauty pagents, Ivanna Trump, Marla Maples and Melania Trump - would get a completely different picture. QAnon isn't exposing, it is controlling the narrative.

Craig said...

Anon (X?) 2:10 PM,

A bunch of vague accusations devoid of actual substance.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, Constance.
May God give you a quick recovery so you can be back at it soon.

Craig said...


Please rest.

I pray you get well quickly.

Craig said...


In Hebrews 13:17 peithō is an imperative (command) in the middle voice. The middle voice is difficult to translate to English, since we only have active and passive voices. The middle is subject-focused in some way. And middle voice translation depends on a word’s root meaning. With all that in mind, the word in this context connotes the idea of reciprocity. To “be persuaded” implies listening to another and responding positively (as opposed to negatively: “be unpersuaded”). So, “obey” is fine, but “be persuaded” works, as well. Young’s Literal Translation uses “be obedient”. The other verb in near-parallel is in the active voice: “submit”.

Given the not-quite-parallelism of the two verbs (different voices, but similar lexical root meaning)—with the dative direct object “to your leaders” in between—I’d render the clause differently, even though I don’t see this in any other translation. Specifically, the kai connective (usually a conjunction such as “and”) just before “submit” I would translate ascensively as “even”. Thus:

Be persuaded by your leaders, even submit [to them], for they…

Comparatively, Romans 13:1 uses the middle voice for the imperative “submit”. Once again, this implies reciprocity in listening to and responding positively:

Every person must be subject to governing authorities…

I’d think all that should be balanced by the examples in Acts 4–5, especially the words in 4:29.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't Trump impeached for that illegal and dangerous executive order whereby he announced anyone who criticized Israel or Jewish power is a felon? Neither was De Santis impeached or prosecuted for doing the same thing on college campuses in Florida (and knowingly violating our 1st amendment). And he is a lawyer?!

Who really thinks we will have an election in 2024? We have that second eclipse coming that year in April, 7 years after the first one. Is any other 'rogue' nation willing to wait for January 2025 before striking Israel/Taiwan/etc.? No. Israel finishes the Med pipeline of gas in late 2024/early 25. Russia and that prophesied alliance will not wait longer.

"..putting those in power who will reaffirm his big lie that he was elected by a landslide in 2020 but the "Bit Steal" intervened."

Big lie? What evidence do you have for this? Data scientists I even know say that it was clear mass fraud and cheating occurred. Trump was the winner. Now America has Obama/Clinton at the helm, pulling strings on this elderly, wicked imbecile in the WH.

"He is holding frequent large scale rallies that in some ways remind me of Munich spectacles."

In one way, you are correct. The masses are so tired and exhausted with this Protocol plan of war, chaos, destruction, corruption. They wait for a savior. Very few see that Trump is no good morally, although he did some good things for us.

Anonymous said...

"Thanks for that. Very revealing piece. Based upon similar information, this has all been planned well in advance, and it was done on a GLOBAL basis."
You are welcome RyB.
I find it interesting in the timing that in 2014 Obama basically predicted some type of viral event in his State of the Union address I believe it was. He was saying...not word for word here but you get the idea--who knows but in 5 to 10 years there could be some sickness going around that we must be preparing for now. Well, that is also when Russia first made a move on Ukraine (and his administration did zero about that). When America was working Bio-weapons labs there in several sites, supposedly destroying pathogens that Russia had left behind and we find out a couple of months ago from Toria Nuland that those labs are there-when they denied that they were, and funded and operating by the US authority and her concern was those dangerous pathogens falling into the hands of the Russians (who no doubt already have their own supply of those bio-weapons that the US was supposed to have destroyed years back-as far back as 2005 when Obama and Luger visited Ukraine).
Somewhere along the line in Obama's presidency he told Medevev (overheard on a hot mic) that he would have more flexibility after he was re-elected and makes you wonder what he knew, when he knew it, and what moves all the players were going to be making on the world scene, and Ukraine seems in the middle of all of it. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton secretly sold (with Obama permission as a way was made for the transaction) a mine for mining yellow cake to a Canadian business man who in turn sold the mine and that yellow cake was mined for Russia (my bet is Iran gets some of that for producing their own Uranium). The NYT reported it, I live about an hour away from that very mine.

You can't believe anything about Ukraine in the news feeds.
None of this passes the smell test. None of it. And those like Hunter Biden and John Kerry's stepson Heinz and Romney's son also (I think Pelosi's son too) involved in Ukranian affairs tells me somebody is making major $$ and doing something nefarious in this whole affair.

Anonymous said...

"Canadian business man who in turn sold the mine"
That is incorrect. He did not sell the mine but the yellow cake was mined for Russia.

NYT article was dated 2015

Anonymous said...

Craig 2:10 PM "A bunch of vague accusations devoid of actual substance."

No accusations were made. If you look into Trump's background, you will have a far different picture than what QAnon presents - that's a fact. You're not a follower of QAnon, yet you're a believer. You voted for Trump twice, yet you never looked into his background. You've followed Mrs. Cumbey for how many years? and yet you didn't do the homework on who is connected to who, what they've done in the past, or the goal they're working toward. When Mrs. Cumbey saw her error and admitted it, you chose not to believe her. Rather than do some research, you choose to be willfully ignorant and continue to believe vague accusations of a stolen election that have no actual proof or substance.

P.S. No, I'm not X. I am a Christian conservative and did not vote for Trump or Biden.

Craig said...

Anon 4:50 PM,

A bunch of accusations devoid of actual substance.

You pretend to know what I did and didn't look at re: Trump? Are you omniscient? Perhaps I don't share your premises in this regard, which is why I might think a bit differently from you.

And you're earlier 2:10 PM comment?: A bunch of vague accusations devoid of actual substance. That is, they sound like accusations of some sort of conspiracy, but you're dancing around them. If you have something to say, SAY IT. State your case. Otherwise, expect criticism for making vague accusations.

RayB said...

On the flip side of the war coin ... you won't hear any of this from America's corporate/government news media:

RT's CrossTalk: Heading toward war?

NOTE: With diplomacy purposely grinding to a halt, WW III and all out nuclear war is certainly a realistic possibility.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:31 PM, X, or X 2.0 said,

"Very few see that Trump is no good morally"

And Biden is a saint?

Anyone that gets to spend time with the Pope has to be New Age, and sleazy to the core.

Obama and Biden. The two most EVIL men to serve as President.

Why cant the Anti Trump Cult here see that?

Richard said...

Boys washed away with crimson tide,
by Joe's hand he keeps testing time;

X's membrum tight with mesh,
spewing his lust all over their flesh.....

Anonymous said...

5:06 I did not make any accusations. I stand by what I said. QAnon does not present a true picture of who Trump is. I'm not the one here presenting conspiracy theories. There's not one shred of evidence to show that Trump has done anything to save the world from pedophilia or child trafficking. There's no concern over victims, it's all about saving Trump's image as one who is draining the swamp, beating his political opponents. This is all a great deception. I admire Constance Cumbey for hanging in there and continuing to expose truth to an audience that refuses to have the blinders removed from their eyes.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:04 PM

Why do Americans think there is a good guy and a bad guy in every scenario? If Obama and Biden are bad guys, then Trump is the good guy, or vice versa. They're all bad guys!

Craig said...

6:44 PM,

Yes, you DID make accusations against me: You voted for Trump twice, yet you never looked into his background. You've followed Mrs. Cumbey for how many years? and yet you didn't do the homework on who is connected to who, what they've done in the past, or the goal they're working toward.

If that's not accusations, what would you call it? And, let me inform you, your mind-reading skills are deficient.

I've not made any of those claims about pedophilia or child trafficking you are ascribing to me, and I've no idea who is. I've not stated one word about those subjects. And I've no idea where your getting such a notion.

It seems to me like you know a lot more about Q than I do. I've never been interested in the subject. And then you import what you know--or think you know--about Q onto the readers here, as if they, and I, are somehow supporters in some fashion.

Even the "proof" X came up with was material from a year ago THAT NO ONE HERE HAS REFERENCED, TO MY KNOWLEDGE.

I'm sure there are some still taken in by Q. I don't see any evidence here in the comments. The only ones speaking about Q are the ones accusing others of supposedly supporting Q. If you see some real evidence that someone in these comments is really, ACTUALLY supporting Q, then please point out SPECIFICS. Generalities ain't gonna cut it.

And yes you DID make vague accusations about Trump, Epstein, Maxwell, etc. I've no idea what you were trying to say, but you were implying SOMETHING.


J said...

I'm the one who brought the topic up without mentioning Trump. I started at 9:07 AM this morning on this topic.

I'm not sure why you are being accused over this, Craig.

I researched child sex blackmail rings before QAnon was a thing. I started here:

To all commenters: Don't read about it if you are depressed or fragile in any way. Pray before and after reading if your stomach is strong enough for it.

I researched Trump's background. He's been associated with shady characters like Roy Cohn and many more. The word is "associated." Everything I researched was the same. The proven dirt was always associational. He has never done drugs or consumed alcohol. That could make a difference in how compromised somebody becomes when they are rubbing elbows with high rollers at that level.

RayB said...

Who in their right mind would possibly expose their child to these EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines'?? CHILDREN at this age are NOT in danger of the effects of COVID, so why on earth are they being injected with these dangerous jabs?

If you don't think there is an evil agenda behind all of this, you are living in a dream world!

Here's the latest:

1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds

Craig said...

“Pfizer spent nearly $11 million lobbying the federal government, including Congress, in 2020.”
-Business Insider: As the pandemic raged, at least 75 lawmakers bought and sold stock in companies that make COVID-19 vaccines, treatments, and tests

You Were Right: They Lied.

Russell Brand

The FDA is now reportedly ignoring some of its own experts when it comes to authorising vaccine boosters – is this going to help regain public trust in its relationship with Big Pharma?

Anonymous said...


Are any of these rabid Anti Trump Cultists here, at least vax hesitant?

There's a lot of evil escalating in this world, let's blame Trump! LOL

Anonymous said...

Are you still supporting and praying for the success of the Biden Administration after this, Mr. Marriage & Family man, x?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

J said "If the mark is physical, IT CAN BE FORCED UPON US, damning us for eternity." context is themarkspiritual orphysical? It is forced on people not bygrabing and stamping but by offerig them a choice, worship the antichrist or die. Yes we should fight. or die. J asks if the physical mark is consistent with every other thing in the Bible yes it is. People are referred to who "loved ot their lives unto the death" and died rather than submit to paganism or some other evil doings.

Craig said to J "there are some who DO NOT take the mark implies not ALL are forced. How do they abstain? I don't know. I suppose we might find out." How? real simple you nitwits. They refuse and get decapitated (not a bad way to die) or manage to run and hide, or fight back. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU CRAIG? THIS IS BASIC CHRISTIANITY 101 ! REMEMBER THE MARTYRS!

There's this unbiblical idea of your cross as suffering i this life. Nope. Take up your cross or rather crossbeam is what the condemned to die did taking it to the place of execution by crucifixion. you are to reckon yourself as good as dead, if need be ready to die for Christ, dead person walking.

"and honor their privacy something you don't do so you disrespectfully snoop, and gossip, because you can't get enough of what should remain other people's private business."

sure many Bible refs of whores are spiritual BUT MANY ARE NOT. God warns men they will get no help from Him against their cheating wives since they go whores themselves. for instance.


Craig said "One cannot legislate morality. That comes from God. "
Thatis blatant falsehood, the impulse cmoes from God, but legislating morality is what legislation is mostly all about. What about laws against theft and murder? oh those things might affect you so its okay to punish people for doing them. But other morality?

People tend to follow what is normative. Force one generation to behave right, the next generation tends to go along and the third or fourth THINKS it is ingrained humannature whatever the forced morality is.

WhenGod gav lawsHE legislated morality now didn't He? the ritual lawis defunct themorallaw wich Paul reiterated is not defunct and adultery is attacked by many non Christian cultures.
"Our Lord never explained anything— He left the
misunderstandings or misconceptions of others to correct themselves. " another biblical illiterate heard from. Totall false.

Adultery is a matter of holiness vs. unholiness, so this IS appropriate for Holy Week!

"busybodies" was addressed to individuals not governments.

RayB the Scriptures DO NOT SAY THURSDAY. I've seen the arguments, but the day began on sundown, Jesus' suffering began before that with the arrest, and there were two parties in charge that ight have differed on the day of Passover. FOR A BETTER INSIGHT INTO NAZISM THAN MERELY ANTISEMITISM.

Anonymous said...

rabid Anti Trump Cultists

For posting recent news. It’s called NEWS WORTHY you idiot.

Jonah said...

Could the sham democracy and phony religious posturing merely be psyops to distract from the economic crimes being perpetrated against Americans? Detroit seems to be THE petri dish for a truly evil agenda:

J said...


Don't be afraid to spit it out and say what you really think. LOL.

Happy Easter, Christine.

P.S. I'm glad we're living in times when you are not being tried by the villagers for witchcraft and thrown in the pond without swimming lessons in a multi-layered heavy dress complete with heavy hoops.

J said...

In a more serious vein, taking up the topic of the mark of the beast again, what you said proved the point I was getting at, Christine.

A physical mark - without the worship - doesn't meet the Scriptural criteria, does it?

What about the worship without a physical mark? That does. It's fully consistent with all of Scripture.

If it's a physical mark, some mental gymnastics and speculation are required to make it fully Biblically consistent. You may need to imagine some way that the physical device might cause somebody to lose control over their own will or to have their brain waves entrained. You may need to imagine that Providence would restrain this physical device from being implanted in those who had been sealed by the Holy Spirit.

But if Providence restrained this physical device from being forcibly implanted, then how and why would the saints be killed? Sure they may be required to choose to submit and then killed if they don't. But they could also be held down or sedated. Small drones could fly up and shoot a little dart into their skin before they knew what hit them.

There's just no way to get around the necessity of choice to be involved meaningfully refusing worship and meaningfully being martyred for that refusal. We're right back to emphasizing the spiritual over the physical. It's come full circle.

J said...

To say a quick word about America's Protestant founding ancestors, they believed they were living in the Millennium, because they believed the papacy was the seat of Antichrist. They thought their ancestors had recently lived through the times when the harlot (Catholic church) riding the beast (Holy Roman Empire) was hated by the beast who turned on her and burned her (took her property away and stopped being manipulated by her out of fear of the curses of the Popes).

RayB and I have touched lightly on this subject before. Since America's Protestant founding ancestors believed that they were living in the Millennium, they believed they were living in the age when Jesus Christ ruling from heaven would put all his enemies under his feet on earth. They saw him as the only true king.

The American Revolutionaries said in battle, "No King but King Jesus."

Later these ways of thinking became discredited by WW I and WW II.

This raises questions about whether all of their practices, including publicly flogging adulterers (if they really did this), are consistent with a form of Christianity that has different beliefs regarding where we are, in history, in relation to the Millennium.

Anonymous said...

You’re treading in dangerous territory J. You presume a physical mark minus the worship will carry no consequences? What makes you think we’re exempt from the same tyranny faced by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Was that not forced physical worship?

J said...

There are good reasons to oppose tyranny from antichrists, the Antichrist, tyrants, and others. Does it have to always be The Antichrist and The Mark of the Beast of Revelation?

I have never said anything in favor of vaccine passports.

Isn't there any evil in the world besides The Mark of the Beast? Is that the whole gospel?

J said...

I'm more likely, not less likely, to stand against vaccine passports. I don't have a fatalistic belief that it's inevitably going to happen to fulfill prophesy.

I'm less likely to be fooled by a planned deception, because I'm not expecting Jesus to return to rule in physical Jerusalem after defeating the Antichrist.

Some Christians could be fooled by a fake Jesus ruling the world from Jerusalem. Maybe it would happen after defeating Putin or Trump or who knows who. I'm not saying that goes for any commenters here.

J said...

Upon reviewing this, my takeaway is completely opposite of yours, 9:56 AM. It was not forced physical worship. It was unsuccessful attempt to intimidate - intimidate, not physically force - worship. Even King Nebuchadnezzur understood worship of him would be meaningless if somebody forced the young men to bow down at his feet by pushing them down. He wanted to intimidate them into making the choice to worship him out of loving their lives more than loving their faith, but they were not intimidated. How are we mis-communicating regarding this type of thing over and over again (if you're the same person who keeps chastising me because you can't make me FEAR a forced physical mark).

Daniel 3:16-30
New King James Version

16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. 17 If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. 18 But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”
Saved in Fiery Trial

19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was full of fury, and the expression on his face changed toward Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. He spoke and commanded that they heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated. 20 And he commanded certain mighty men of valor who were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, and cast them into the burning fiery furnace. 21 Then these men were bound in their coats, their trousers, their turbans, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. 22 Therefore, because the king’s command was [a]urgent, and the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. 23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his [b]counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?”

They answered and said to the king, “True, O king.”

25 “Look!” he answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the[c] Son of God.”

Anonymous said...


You have a serious issue with waffling.

Faith is built up from a foundation of belief.

Your building your house on top of a sand dune.

Try to come to some conclusions on some things.

The Lord is faithful to fine tune us over time.

Anonymous said...

It was forced physical worship. Bow down or die - it doesn't get any more coercive than that. J, you appear to be a vessel filled with mass confusion.

J said...

10:59 AM,

Oh, you're right, I take a long time to reach decisions and conclusions if nothing makes me feel pressured. But that's not what's going on this particular time.

Yes, the Lord has fine tuned me over time, and I have a lot of tuning left. Basic faith is not a problem for me, thank you though.

Today is a day to remember what gives up hope, not what causes us fear. As we enjoy our Easter dinner, we can think about Jesus Christ's resurrection as the first fruit and of our resurrections to come.

One day we will put on a new spiritual body that is given to us, and it will be in the kingdom of heaven, as that is abundantly clear from numerous statements in the New Testament.

While we are here in this world and this flesh, as the Holy Spirit fine tunes us, part of that fine tuning can be that the Holy Spirit gives us a new heart that becomes motivated more by love and less by fear, intimidation, anxiety, lust, or other various motives characteristic of human nature. God does not make us fear anything but Him. If we are fearing something or somebody else we need to pray to Him.

If we let him, He is able to give us the peace that surpasses understanding.

And if we want to, we can thank Him while we pray that we don't have to live with vaccine mandates yet in our country.

J said...

11:04 AM,

Nope, I'm crystal clear this time. Thank you, though.

Anonymous said...

The reason for the season

Jesus is the Passover Lamb. His blood cleanses us of all sin.
Jesus is the unleavened Bread of Life. He was hidden in the folds of their cloaks as they hurried out of Egypt
Jesus is the Firstfruits of a new creature. One day we will be like him.
He was on earth for fifty days after he arose from the dead. He is our Pentecost.

Jesus is a voice, like a trumpet saying "come up here", just as he said to Enoch and Elijah, and John.
Jesus is our tabernacle in the wilderness. He is our meeting place with God and a shelter from all the storms of life.
And Jesus is our Atonement before God. Through him we are At One with God the Father.

Anonymous said...

craig said: “Pfizer spent nearly $11 million lobbying the federal government, including Congress, in 2020.”
-Business Insider: As the pandemic raged, at least 75 lawmakers bought and sold stock in companies that make COVID-19 vaccines, treatments, and tests"

A bunch of vague accusations devoid of actual substance.

Mulit-national companies lobby and weathly lawmakers dabble in the stock market and disclose such regular. Many/some of them do so blindly (meaning investment advisors handle their portfolios without any input from them). Doesn't necessarily mean anything.


Anonymous said...

Sigh... there is no escaping toxic X (even on this Easter Sunday afternoon).

Anonymous said...

No kidding 4:32PM.

Sad ain't it?

Anonymous said...


Honoring people's marital privacy is respectful and godly.

My marriage is no one else's business.
No employer needs to know one thing about my home life, my off hours away from the job are my business. How I do or don't do on the job, how I behave there on my employer's dime and time, is his business.

J said...

2:14 PM,


J said...

4:54 PM,


J said...

X 2:16 PM,

It's conflict of interest. Now go spend time with your wife this Easter.

Anonymous said...

2:14 PM

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

"WhenGod gav lawsHE legislated morality now didn't He? "

God has indeed legislated morality in His 10 commandments.
Jesus Himself struck the right balance between truth and grace.

However, people stink at it.
MCE, Those times you refer to were back when people were strict to adhere to Bible based law and over time went too far like the witch hunts long time ago did. There should be a balance there, but people being people, they swing like pendulums to become too strict or too lenient.
The more a society walks away from God the more skewed the ideas of morality, and can trend one direction or another.

Hunter Biden's laptop was a privacy issue until he carelessly abandoned it where someone couldn't unsee what he had there that pointed directly to crimes he committed (and now involves his personal father but also the public's president).

What does the unbalance look like?
Truth without Grace is brutal.
Grace without Truth is hypocrisy.
So here we are today....

Anonymous said...


A 'POTENTIAL' conflict of interest. You don't know what those investments were or if any or all actual knew anything about such nor whether any lobbying by pfizer or such investment activity makes anything about the vaccines bad or unhealthy.

That said...I was more mocking Craig's response to X 2.0 (one of my favorites bloggers here)

X 2.0 said... "J, True that child trafficking, sexualization of children, and pedophilia is one theme of QAnon. They also believe that Trump and the military are working together to save the children from a powerful sex trafficking ring. There is no evidence of that. Anyone who would look into Donald Trump's background - the close association with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the modeling agencies, modeling school and beauty pagents, Ivanna Trump, Marla Maples and Melania Trump - would get a completely different picture. QAnon isn't exposing, it is controlling the narrative."

Craig responded saying "Anon (X?) 2:10 PM... A bunch of vague accusations devoid of actual substance. Next...

These weren't just "vague accusations devoid of actual substance". Trump DID hang out with Jeffry Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. There is a video of a 46 year old Trump and Jeffrey hitting on and groping twenty something year old Buffalo Bill's Cheerleaders in 1992. There are all sorts of statements and claims surrounding his behavior around the Miss Teen and Miss USA pagents he owned and also his multiple adulteries, divorces and remarriages are not meer accusations...they HAPPENED.

And as x 2.0 points, when a conglomerated with perhaps another 100 weird claims, accusations and statements Trump made (like the lustful comments about his own daughter), HIGHLY suggests creepy pedophile'ish type behavior by the disgraced former president.

Perhaps Qanon WAS much more about anticipating, contextualizing and controlling the narrative sure to follow the election of the creepiest unrepentant sexual deviant and lifelong adulterer ever to represent this nation.

For Craig to dismiss such with a "next" and then post ACTUAL innuendo and weak Russell Brand "conflict of interest" misinformation, like it's more than meer accusations and important, is just flabbergasting.



p.s. - I have enjoyed my Easter weekend with my wife. We went to church Friday and today. Dancing together last night. Lunch today after church.

A note in my Bible from a Bible Study long ago reminding me today of this verse where the newly risen Jesus communicates to a Mary (a believer) for the first time that God is not only his father but our Father too. No longer just a God disconnected from His creation.

John 20:17 (ESV) Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

Anonymous said...

4:54 pm said "My marriage is no one else's business. No employer needs to know one thing about my home life, my off hours away from the job are my business. How I do or don't do on the job, how I behave there on my employer's dime and time, is his business."

Things that cheaters say.

Cheaters like secrets.


p.s. - Let me ask you this...most job applications ask about criminal history...felonies, in particular. If you were a boss, would you hire someone with a felony record? What if I told you felons can be some of the most hard working and loyal employees you'll ever have? You get them a good job at a good wage and they'll never leave. But how can you know if they are repentant about their former crimes without asking them about it? The gift of repentance is always evident. They are open and honest. Background checks reveal crimes and divorces as a matter of public record. It's my/our job to give and I don't want to hire unrepentant criminals nor adulteries and that's our perogative. It IS our business.

J said...

X, Oh my goodness, did you just call this commenter a cheater? This person was responding to Christine in a very calm and reasonable manner. He/she was sticking to a statement of common sense professional ethics and separation of work from personal life. There was no call whatsoever for responding to this person the way you did.

Anonymous said...

So my marriage is a potential crime in your estimation?

You can hire or not hire at will, yes, by all means. I don't care what you do.
I wouldn't want a job with you regardless, because you are extremely caustic here where you can't actually damage anyone (nobody gives a flip what you think), so why would you be any better at your place of employment, potentially cause real damage to the people you come in contact with?
Do you have some type of repentance monitor? No, you don't.
That's the Holy Spirit's job.

Of course background checks are needful. Duh.
But apples and banana's remember?

Where you have a penchant to pry, to venture into privacy matters, personal lives, is CREEPY.

Anonymous said...

Merely suggesting her comment resembles comments I've heard cheaters make.

I have no idea who "she" is and whether she is actually a cheater.


Anonymous said...

It's no secret that X is a creep.

Anonymous said...

Oh so judge me first, then, comment.

Anonymous said...

J said: "He/she was sticking to a statement of common sense professional ethics and separation of work from personal life."

Common sense???

That sounds very progressive to me.

Where did all that republican concern about all the children go?

Character makes a huge difference in matters of making all employment decisions.


Anonymous said...

Anon says "Oh so judge me first, then, comment. Gotcha."

I have no idea what this means.


p.s. - It's not creepy to point out or hold others accountable for actual CREEPY sinful behavior. That's very hippy-dippy anything goes kind of thinking.

Anonymous said...

X better hand on to that wife of his. How can she handle the sulfur smell?

Anonymous said...

He better hang on to her!

Anonymous said...

"I have no idea what this means."

Well I do.
It means your mouth runs way out ahead of you where there is no reason or decorum, or simple fairness.

It's par for your course, x.
You prove it every time you post that you are thoughtless and undiscerning, and actually uncaring. Quote the Bible to yourself.
Evidently you have a cruel streak to smear, then generally take it next level to accusation..and you can't hide it, it is with malice too, or you would use at least some caution and at least some grace, before you strike with your blowtorch tongue.

Judge people you don't know in the slightest. Assign your assumption and jab 'em recklessly.
Lousy testimony you've got there, x. You torched yourself in a very public way.

Just the way you do every day here on this blog, no matter the topic, no matter what was said or left unsaid, you'll rush in where you don't belong...with a very wrong heart and mind.
No one can take you seriously.
And they don't.

Anonymous said...

That must be you qanonymous...

You constantly point your finger at me while you've got 3 other fingers pointing back at yourself.

Your thinking is unbiblical and very worldly. It exposes your hypocracy.

My faith does not end at my job and my thinking does not stop at the voting booth.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" Ephesians 5:11 ESV

That biblical direction does not end at the facade of anyone's workplace. You also don't have to be a boss to expose and hold someone cheating on their spouse and family accountable. It is an offense to God and a crime to entire families and communities beyond just a matter of two (or 3 people) involved. You MAY lose a friend, but if they repent, they will thank you, if they don''ve lost nothing of value.


Anonymous said...


Such a nonstop hypocrite are you.

"my thinking does not stop at the voting booth."

Then X posts: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

So X takes his convoluted "thinking" to the voting booth, and votes for unfruitful worker of darkness, Joe Biden!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden isn't "darkness" like Trump.

He's a politician. Politicians are always a bit slimey (like our own Maga-cRayQ). But Biden's not that bad.

You sound like a rabid Anti Biden Cultist.


Anonymous said...

He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own Is like one who takes a dog by the ears.
Proverbs 26:17

X, the meddler in people's private lives has a drive by...hit and run tongue.
Don't let him near your dog!

Anonymous said...

Former White House insider says US democracy is under threat | 60 Minutes Australia

Transcript of Miles Taylor, lifelong Republican and former Trump advisor says:

"....five years ago it would be very hyperbolic for anyone
to come out publicly and say that democracy was under threat in the united states. Today I don't think that statement is sufficient I think that's the level of danger we're seeing to democracy right now that a few decades away this may not be a recognizable country if some serious changes are not undertaken
in our electorate and if serious reforms are not undertaken in our politics. It's amazing there's a real violence a very aggressive edge to everything that comes back for expressing another opinion, a different opinion, where does it end. Well, in the past few months we've seen a number of polls surveys and studies come out that show that 1 in 5 Americans are now believers of the Qanon conspiracy theory. Another study recently showed that 1 in 10 Americans believe that violence is justified to restore donald trump to the white house. 10% of Americans believe it's worth taking up arms to go forcibly put donald trump back into the white house. Now, a back of the envelope estimation shows this is roughly a tenfold increase in attitudes towards political violence in the U.S.. This comes back to the reason I come back to the election lie or the so-called lie. Perpetuating the stolen election lie is one of the things that keeps driving the violence and the aggressive behavior that is confronting hundreds of election officials and their families and people like you. I mean one thing that we've learned about politics, in general, is that it's highly tribal and in tribalism it's very tough to pull people away from the cult that they are in. Once folks are hooked on a notion, it's really tough to get them to peel off. Very fundamentally, political violence in any system whether it's the U.S. or otherwise typically crops up when people feel like the political system is unresponsive to them. They seek out violence. They seek out a way to force their viewpoint on a government and a society. This is what's happening in the U.S.. You have prominent figures, not just donald trump; but, senior members of the republican party who are perpetuating a myth that the election was stolen. They're telling millions of americans their vote didn't matter and it wasn't counted it was ignored that something was stolen from them what that then leads to is popular approval of alternative methods...meaning let's go outside of the political process and use violence to get what we want. That's why we've seen this surge in positive attitudes towards political violence in the united states and so many people flocking to conspiracy theories that they are now mainstream is because they've been convinced that their vote doesn't matter that the system is rigged that it's broken and that in and of itself is a falsehood but it doesn't matter if prominent people they see and know and trust perpetuate it. They'll do the same and it is being encouraged.

There are a lot of people in this country who worry about our democracy who feel like the real fight was in 2020 that donald trump himself was the danger and that now he's out of office
we're out of the woods. I will tell you this we are not out of the woods. We're deeper in it than we've ever been because what happened is after trump left office. Trump-ism if you will broke into a thousand little pieces across the country and a thousand candidates running for different offices... public offices to pick up the mantle and carry on the mission. Its a lot harder to go after a thousand uh you know dangerous individuals than one and that's what we're seeing in america's political process right now."

Anonymous said...

X @ 7:06 PM

Re: 1) "Let me ask you this...most job applications ask about criminal history...felonies, in particular. If you were a boss, would you hire someone with a felony record?"

2) "It's my/our job to give and I don't want to hire unrepentant criminals nor adulteries and that's our perogative. It IS our business."


Uh, the last time I checked... ADULTRY was not a 'felony' LOL.

(I'm just surprised that you're not up your 'wazoo' in lawsuits from former employees.)

Anonymous said...

X, I'm just curious. Exactly what type of business / or company are you 'boss' of?

"Cults Are Us"?

Anonymous said...

9:55 pm

Exactly, let no man (or woman) "meddle", as you say, in what God has joined together. A marriage is between a husband and wife and no place for a selfish interloping 3rd party trying to steal themselves a lover. See Mark 10:9

Then there's... "Let marriage be held in honor among all , and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4 ESV (emphasis mine)


Anonymous said...

Department of Justice Special Counsel, John Durham states that the alleged relationship between Trump and Russia (that came from Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann, claiming Trump had Russian connections) is 'not technically plausible' and was 'user-created'

Michael Sussmann is going on trial next month for allegedly lying to the FBI and CIA about Trump's relationship with Russia. He is accused of 'purporting data' to 'demonstrate a covert communication channel' between Alfa Bank and the former president.

Anonymous said...

10:10 PM
Never Trumper Republican who supported Barak Obama.
What else ya got?

Your fear is palpable.

Anonymous said...

10:12 pm

You'd be mistaken....

Adultery laws, which make sexual acts illegal if at least one of the parties is married to someone else can be found in the following states:

Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin

Further, it doesn't happen that often but

1. It's not illegal to fire's "at-will" employment;

2. Other that Trump, who has become a necessary expert at manipulating the court system, cheaters never go to court and subject themselves and their unGodly behavior to public scrutiny. Homewreckers don't make the most sympathetic witnesses to juries. I guess as more people become liberal, like you, that may someday change; but, I'll take my chances. I have no idea what they would base their claim on. I'm a private employer. Within the law, I can hire/fire who I want.

You seem to think you've got me or something. You don't. Your attitude and opinions sound very wayward'ish. You are sympathizing with adulterers, really?


Anonymous said...

QuaXanon @ 10:25 PM

"for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4 ESV (emphasis mine)"

Sorry, but to uphold the truth I have to break it to you, you aren't God.

Anonymous said...

Also ...with regards to...

"He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own Is like one who takes a dog by the ears. Proverbs 26:17 (NKJV)

If you knew one of your neighbors was embezzling money from your bank, would you be silent?

Adulterers are thieves and divorce is much more than a "quarrel".


Anonymous said...

"Sorry, but to uphold the truth I have to break it to you, you aren't God."

Where, specifically, did I claim to be? I'm just a part of the "all" "honoring" what God has brought together.

Seriously, are you in an adulterous relationship or marriage born of adultery? I'm not accusing you but your vigorous defense of such seems to indicate you've been triggered or something. It's almost like you've been given the opportunity to anonymously lash out at all those people that have been critical of your behavior.

I have no idea but it's just rare to see non-adulterers defending adulterers with such zeal.


Anonymous said...

"I'm not accusing you."

You started assuming a whole lot, shame on you for equating my comment to cheaters, and you got ridiculous by peppering me with leading questions.
That is blatant manipulation and I was not even addressing you, I responded to someone else.
You do not know my life. How dare you speak such with nothing to base on except your ugly downgrading style while you are doing your "truth-telling". You get a failing grade in Christian response.
You have all the finesse of a chain saw cutting a piece of steak on a plate.

You targeted me simply because I disagreed and think you are out of bounds.
Do you ask leading questions, trap questions, to your employees? This is behavior here that makes me really do think you overstep in matters of privacy beyond this blog. It makes me think you have an over-interest in this matter because you are so tenacious. That's creepy.

Why not simply agree to disagree rather than start the immediate smear?
Oh but you had to go there didn't you.

It's pretty small of you talking your "chriXtian-eze".
Way to waste such a special day, x.....

Anonymous said...

"X" was triggered because someone disagreed with him. That's all it takes then Day 842 of his blog takeover begins all over again.

Anonymous said...

P.S. to 11:24 PM

x just so you know, your leading and manipulative line of questions do not deserve answers.
Nobody here is your employee, nobody here answers to you.

Your intimidation antics, your badgering tactics might work for you as an employer, but not here.

Anonymous said...

The creep deserves to go bankrupt 10:12 PM !!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't believe that X is the 'boss' of (or in charge of) anything.

No one would put up with all of his BS for 5 minutes.

I am calling his bluff.

Anonymous said...

Y’all are so revealing yourselves.

If you have difficulty following simply fraternization rules and staying faithful to your spouse you likely shouldn’t work in any job that includes interacting with the opposite sex.


J said...

X 7:44 PM,

J said: "He/she was sticking to a statement of common sense professional ethics and separation of work from personal life."

Common sense???

That sounds very progressive to me.

Where did all that republican concern about all the children go?

Character makes a huge difference in matters of making all employment decisions.


7:44 PM


Your bad faith and gas lighting are on full display.

Don't bother playing like Dr. Lecter with Clarice anymore.

Craig said...


FYI, I commented re peithō in Hebrews 13:17 @ 2:27 PM above--a day or two ago.

J said...

For the record, this is how I believe, and I surmise other Christians here believe an approximation of the same, but they can speak for themselves. It shouldn't have to be said, but the gas lighting has become extreme.

The message of Christianity is, indeed, that adultery is sin.

This message can't be changed for the sake of telling anybody what he or she wants to hear. Absolutely not. It can't accommodate the world. No.

But the Bible simply does not teach that the gospel message ought to be crammed down peoples' throats. How did Jesus behave? If a house did not receive them, He told the disciples to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next house.

If we were so tightly controlled it was impossible to sin, we would have no way to become sanctified through freedom within love and grace.

You can't give charitably when you're robbed. You can't demonstrate loyalty when you're tightly controlled. Choices of conscience are meaningless without freedom, Christian freedom within love and grace. If it's a choice from fear it doesn't count. If it's a choice from shame it doesn't count. If it's a choice from conscience it counts. (This is my opinion and belief.)

J said...

Craig 8:12 AM,

Thank you. I'll go back and take a look and comment on it later.

J said...


I need to take some time with it, probably more than one day. Organized religion is hard for me. I used to say that I believe in Christianity, not Churchianity. Then I realized that Alice Bailey herself used the word "Churchianity" in her writings. I had to rethink it.

My own parents used to be in an authoritarian sect, but eventually they only wanted to participate in house churches. Then I watched them become a cult of two over time, but maybe I can't even fully trust my own critical perceptions of them. I was such a snot throughout my teens and twenties, and then after my mid-twenties I was so independent of them, that I probably became out of touch with them, to some extent.

The part you highlighted in Acts about obeying God rather than man, seems easier than the part about obeying the elders. If I examine myself I know that I have a tendency not to trust or listen to anybody, not because I necessarily always think their motives are bad, but because I doubt that they are so wise or so smart.

I think God has been chastising me for this with a series of experiences that have opened my eyes to the fact that I'm shooting myself in the foot if I don't take good advice, and then I regret the consequences later.

Given all this, I would like to take some time to engage with the topic in an intellectually honest way rather than wrangling it into being what is easiest for me to deal with. It's a trust issue, more than anything else.

Anonymous said...

J @ 8:36 AM

It's never impossible for people to sin. The law was severe in Israel, yet people committed adultery, and more!

"You can't demonstrate loyalty when your tightly controlled."

Tell that to the Christian people of North Korea!

Anonymous said...

8:36 AM @ J.
"But the Bible simply does not teach that the gospel message ought to be crammed down peoples' throats. How did Jesus behave? If a house did not receive them, He told the disciples to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next house."
Very well said.
Yes, agree to (he resented that of Craig, I noticed)
x's gaslighting is rampant here. Just another of his purposeful beat downs. Living in his own hide has to be miserable.

The venomous atmosphere that surrounds x is why the commonality that could be (would be) found, because so many here (I certainly do) hold on to a Biblical worldview and it's deep convictions of what sin is, and generally, hopefully, without partiality, is why this blog takes a beating. He beats down the topics and the persons both, for simply disagreeing with him. That's chaotic, irreverent, fully disrespectful, in Bible matters especially, but in all matters, no matter how you slice it.

He acts out, (what on earth is that about? he needs prayer) like it's a badge of honor to badger people in the name of God... (if like this here being unseen, what is he like in person??)
His Bible-thumping is devoid of the Holy Spirit's gentlemanly way--full of truth but full of love also, none of us has that down, but his bullying displays a sanctimonious pride is so forward, so pronounced, and hurts the Lord.
He didn't land a glove on me, none of what he said applied to me, but standing up for the integrity of persons in their right to their private lives where God is the One to handle issues that come about instead of the parade route he takes, I uphold the Spirit's way to minister by calling his bullying what it is, and sadly, all too often in his discourse, necessary.

Anonymous said...

First of all, no one here is denying that adultry is a sin (regardless of how X 'spins' it).

Our issue here is that X has no right to 'play God' and be the judge and jury of the private lives of his EMPLOYEES!!!

But, what else is new? X sits back as the judge and jury of everyone here on this blog... this is what X does for attention. He is a narcissist.

Anonymous said...

His dumpster fire way to minister to people is a shame while he's busy thinking he does God a favor. A flaming liberal with a Pharisee bent. Double dirty!
Because he gives Antifa/BLM terrorists a pass, makes much room and excuse for O'Biden's grievous entirely godless way to govern, getting more severe against decency and honorable things, stands by people who let pedophiles walk with extremely light, if you can even call it that, punishment.
Activists and extremists have his blessing, but God forbid that someone is a regular American conservative in conscience, and biblical in convictions!

John 16: 2 - They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.
He will stand with globalists to wrongfully accuse, persecute and eventually (it's coming) do away with people like us, if he doesn't have a heart change.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 12:26 PM

X is very 'selective' in his judgements (a 'rules for thee but not for me' and my liberal friends approach).

J said...

11:42 AM,

You've been steadfast in seeing right through X. So have most others.

I've been the outsider and oddball sometimes, so I may have a soft spot for people sometimes if they are not popular; but after, sometimes there's a reason for that.

RayB said...

J said (in part) @ 9:41 AM ...

"I used to say that I believe in Christianity, not Churchianity. Then I realized that Alice Bailey herself used the word "Churchianity" in her writings. I had to rethink it."


I have used that term for years, as it accurately describes the state of "Christianity" here in America. Personally, I will continue use this term.

Here's why: I've known countless people that blindly 'follow their church,' based entirely upon their TRUST in their church, and or, pastor, priest, elders, etc. Many of these people were simply brought up in the church of their ancestors, and blindly, unquestionably, follow in their footsteps. Such people mistakenly believe that their being a church member equates with being a true Christian, hence the term 'Churchianity.'

I've also known quite a few avid, faithful church goers that believe that their mere attendance, or, membership, or baptism, earns them a place in the Kingdom. Many of these proudly proclaim that they are 'Bible believers,' yet, they typically are unable to actually discuss what the Bible actually teaches. Quite often, they find Bible truth to be offensive. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say "I never saw that in MY Bible, etc." On my wife's side of the family, all are church goers, yet, with the vast majority of them, it is impossible to have any conversation regarding God's Word. And guess what? Their lives declare their real state, which is that by their lifestyles, they are not believers and followers of Christ.

IMO, just because Alice Bailey misused the term 'churchianity,' does not make it an inaccurate one that shouldn't be used.

RayB said...

When God's Spirit really convicts one of sin ... this is what happens:

He Didn't Care About God...but was in Tears After Hearing This

NOTE: The LAW is the schoolmaster that leads to Christ. One of the things I really like about Ray Comfort's approach is that he does not press the 'awakened' sinner for a 'decision,' but rather, knowing that 'faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,' Comfort encourages the person to read God's word, which allows the Holy Spirit to not only convict that person, but, lead them to true, life-changing repentance.

Incidentally, Charles Spurgeon used this very same method when preaching the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

qanonymous says: "Activists and extremists have his blessing, but God forbid that someone is a regular American conservative in conscience, and biblical in convictions!"

Eyeroll...literally (and liberally) said while trying to hammer me for having conservative biblical convictions regarding adultery in the workplace.

And I'm NOT being "selective" in my judgments. What I do with my family's property versus the republican dominionist heresy y'all support "jamming down" the public's throats in public institutions are two distinct things. This country was founded upon a separation of church and state, not separation of church and private enterprise. A true libertarian would applaud such versus chastizing what I do with my private property while hypocritically supporting similiar "controlling sin" and Protestant public institution destroying government policies.

Adultery is actually a much bigger problem than pedophilia or the supposed LGBTQ "grooming" of k-3rd graders.

Y'all wrong on this one.


J said...

RayB 12:55 and 1:06,

Thank you.

"The LAW is the schoolmaster that leads to Christ. One of the things I really like about Ray Comfort's approach is that he does not press the 'awakened' sinner for a 'decision,' but rather, knowing that 'faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,' Comfort encourages the person to read God's word, which allows the Holy Spirit to not only convict that person, but, lead them to true, life-changing repentance."

I love that.

Anonymous said...

1:06 PM @ RayB.
Thank you.

Oh yes. Have seen this several times and never tire of seeing the actual work of the Holy Spirit work. I posted one of these videos here recently of a young woman. Beautiful to watch God reach inside a heart and mind with His powerful and convicting Word.

No beatdown. No parading, no gaslighting..(that is x's way to talk down to us on this blog)Just loving a soul to Jesus with the truth calling sin, sin. The outcome is with the Lord of course, not us.

x is no Ray Comfort though he says he follows that ministry.
If he was really of that frame of heart and mind he would find kinship with others of us who recognize the working of God in a life but he will not give others of us credit for knowing how the Spirit works..he thinks himself superior. The Spirit wants to have a talk with him if he'll listen.

Anonymous said...

J said: "If we were so tightly controlled it was impossible to sin, we would have no way to become sanctified through freedom within love and grace. You can't give charitably when you're robbed. You can't demonstrate loyalty when you're tightly controlled. Choices of conscience are meaningless without freedom, Christian freedom within love and grace. If it's a choice from fear it doesn't count. If it's a choice from shame it doesn't count. If it's a choice from conscience it counts. (This is my opinion and belief."

While this sounds very Brene Brown'ish...

Are you trying to shame me for obstructing sin in MY workplace and for seemingly robbing my employees of all the benefits of sin?

Humans can find a way to sin and; hopefully repent thereafter.

Please stop shamming me for my choices.


p.s. - Adultery is not a victimless crime/sin. It has, often, dramatic life-long consequences on families, communities and even workplaces. You can make apologies and full restitution for a lot of sins, adultery, not always. Despite the efforts of repulicans since the 1970's to liberalize our divorce laws, the sanctity of marriage remains a basic institution of civilized society (believer or not).

Anonymous said...

chastizing what I do with my private property while hypocritically supporting similiar "controlling sin"

How I answered you but you bulldozed that comment at 7:24 PM that responded on that point with actual agreement:

"You can hire or not hire at will, yes, by all means. I don't care what you do."
What you say you want to accomplish I am not against because it's your business to do within your business as you deem right.
Eyeroll, indeed.
My whole problem with you is your presumptive, assumptive attitude to go about it, nasty way to go "bro"..because of the you treat people here is why I question your method to find it disagreeable, more than your goal.
Can't you connect a single dot?
Stop the your ram and cram bulldoze of topics and people and be civil even in disagreement..for once. Try it. May work better than you think.

Anonymous said...

qanonymous says: "If he was really of that frame of heart and mind he would find kinship with others of us who recognize the working of God in a life but he will not give others of us credit for knowing how the Spirit works..he thinks himself superior. The Spirit wants to have a talk with him if he'll listen."

You've got a strange notion of kinship. It appears to me your "kinship" is fully dependent on me buying into all your maga/qanon republican psuedo-conservatism conspiracies and hypocritical notions as if they were God-ordained facts.

The Holy Spirit is not made of or leading you to lies.


p.s. - Ray Comfort -- he probably fires unrepentant adulterers too. Most churches fire adulterers too, especially when they don't turn from their sin. I'm actually surprised y'all like Ray Comfort and don't call him out for running around publicly 'playing God' and judging people's private lives. Where have I indicated I/we have done it any differently than say Ray would have handled it were human resources at our company his ministry/job? The church is always pushing Christian to look at their jobs as a continuing ministry of Jesus Christ. Am I supposed to leave Jesus at home? Absurd.

J said...


At least you're no longer faking paternalistic concern to try to get into my head and probe me for responses to your guesses about my potential marriage problems.

I'm trying hard to hold onto my tongue, even while I can't help but imagine you sniffing your employees' underwear and peeping in their windows.

Never heard of Brene Brown. If you want to see the difference between a guilt culture and a shame culture, compare Christian culture to Muslim culture. Guilt is individual conviction of wrong or sin. Shame is public and social.

Anonymous said...

Anon says: "Stop the your ram and cram bulldoze of topics and people and be civil even in disagreement..for once. Try it. May work better than you think."

This point could ring true if any others were equally chastised for being uncivil, even in disagreement.

Demanding respect while being disrespectful and/or lying (not you necessarily because you are anonymous and this could be your 1st or 2nd post for all I know but others have shared many irrefutable maga/qanon lies I have demonstrated to be untrue) doesn't really fly.

It is also 'uncivil', unbiblical and an affront to Jesus Christ to equate, in any way, republican (more specifically Maga Republicanism) with being a Christian. As one of many defenders of the faith (I'm not David), I don't have to "respect" such a heretical works-based requirement.


Anonymous said...

J 12:45 PM
Between the left's bully pulpit and the gaslighting of x it is hard sometimes to want to stand up against their tactics.
The conservative voice is being badly misrepresented (all conservatives are not exactly the same) in the twisting he does with our words. the bulldozing won't allow for anyone's comments at face value.
Thanks for simply stating what you saw in the exchange.
I know I'm tired of the blame-casting he does nonstop.
If he hadn't replied directly to me, I could let that go, but he addressed me in a very wrong manner. Judged me quite incorrectly, then mansplains to me what's supposedly wrong with me. Completely unnecessary.
That's uncivil..and exactly the way the left loves to do it. I don't trust his conniving underhanded way of mischaracterization of people and what they state they believe, the very treatment he has given you, RayB, Craig, myself, even Rich of Medford, others.
It's just a blog as has been noted before---but does his incivility need to be allowed to go to the place he's determined to take it? I say, no.

Anonymous said...

"It is also 'uncivil', unbiblical and an affront to Jesus Christ to equate, in any way, republican (more specifically Maga Republicanism) with being a Christian."

And here it is.

And what I (and I know of others here too) have never, ever, done.

That's bold faced hypocrisy and a total lie, on your part, x.

J said...

2:23 PM,

He's doubling down on his tactics, but the more he does, the more obvious he becomes. I don't know who X thinks he's fooling anymore.

Anonymous said...

J says: "At least you're no longer faking paternalistic concern to try to get into my head and probe me for responses to your guesses about my potential marriage problems."

That was not my intent and I apologize for giving you that impression. I was trying to relate how someone in your position, on average (not YOU specifically), may find our workplace comforting to send their spouse to work at. The written word fails us sometimes. I pray your marriage is wonderful. I would have no reason or need to "guess" otherwise.

As I said before, in real life it's not that big a problem at our workplace because we have strict fraternization rules and a long history of well-established unwritten rules that keeps our workplace productive and safe for everyone, single, married, divorced, male and female alike.


Anonymous said...

J ain't your fiddle to play X!!!

Try somewhere else. You need a new audience blog hound!!!

Anonymous said...

You mean blog whore at 2:36 PM LOL

Anonymous said...

Go brother!

Anonymous said...

"X" has laid down with the progressives and has a bad case of their fleas.
That phony hound needs some serious prayer.

Anonymous said...

On the subject of adultery, we could all learn from the powerful, but GENTLE ways of Jesus here in John 8:1-11...

1 AND Jesus went unto mount Olivet. 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him, and sitting down he taught them. 3 And the scribes and the Pharisees bring unto him a woman taken in adultery: and they set her in the midst, 4 And said to him: Master, this woman was even now taken in adultery. 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us to stone such a one. But what sayest thou? 6 And this they said tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Jesus bowing himself down, wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 When therefore they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8 And again stooping down, he wrote on the ground. 9 But they hearing this, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest. And Jesus alone remained, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 Then Jesus lifting up himself, said to her: Woman, where are they that accused thee? Hath no man condemned thee? 11 Who said: No man, Lord. And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more.

Anonymous said...

5:18 pm

That's exactly the way I/we handle things. I mentioned this verse awhile back. So did J.

We don't condemn, but we expect them to "sin no more" or just not work here.

We hire adults. They know the rules. Even non-believers don't take issue with it because they KNOW, as beings made in God's image, that adultery is wrong. What they often don't know is there is a way out of sin, forgiveness and reconciliation with their spouse (hopefully) and with God (always). For non-believers it's a way to share the Gospel and, if we are lucky, restoring their marriage. For the believers, it's a way to hold our brothers and sisters accountable. Either way...marriages and families might get restored and EVERYONE wins.

We ain't stoning anyone nor judging them hypocritically.


Anonymous said...

EMERGENCY ALERT: On the heels of rail carriers canceling grain shipments, CF Industries warns that FERTILIZER rail shipments are now being halted during spring planting

According to an April 14th announcement from CF Industries, Union Pacific is halting the delivery of fertilizer shipments right in the middle of peak planting season for farmers. CF Industries warns that, “railroad-mandated shipping reductions [will] result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it [will] be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future.”

Even more alarmingly, CF Industries warns that, “it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.”

Anonymous said...

"We ain't stoning anyone nor judging them hypocritically.


To echo J, who told you what is copied and pasted for you below, you should be willing to follow Jesus here too then.
Be a man about it, the adult around here as you called yourself, and spiritually advanced -ahead of the curve - to be so wonderful at your workplace, then let's see that emulated here.
Yeah, how about it?
Drop those rocks, x.

"Anonymous J said...
X 8:31 PM....

...If you really believe truth should be told in love and grace, and you do it at work, then do it here.

9:46 PM"

Anonymous said...

X claims to care so much for his employees yet hates us here who are Conservative and love the Lord. He can't quit slamming people here while he justifies himself.
That's not how this works.....

1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
I have no hate for the man.
I have much pity for his duplicity and scornfulness.
His behavior yesterday especially was awful. Today, not quite that bad, but bad enough.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious.

You have no shame.

Nice try though.


Anonymous said...

I don't "hate" anyone. I rebuke liars and those that besmirch the name of Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

8:58 PM
Quit lying and boring the hell out of the blog.

Anonymous said...

Biden's approval rating now up to 45% as he rallies the world against Putin and works tirelessly to get the Trump-induced inflation issues and gas-prices under control.

RayB said...

I'm posting this particular Ray Comfort video for "X," being that Ray addresses a number of issues that are pertinent to X's political positions, particularly regarding the issue of voting FOR pro-abortion candidates.

Here it is ... make sure to watch it towards the end. VERY, VERY interesting video:

RayB said...

I wonder how this happened?

BLM PAC burned through almost all its cash reserves in the first quarter

"Black Lives Matter PAC siphoned away almost all of its cash reserves during the first three months of 2022, with the largest chunk of funds going to a firm owned by a BLM board member."

Anonymous said...

The Plan To Destroy America Was Built Around Electing a Brain-Dead Sock Puppet Hiding In Basement With Mask & Diapers — And Now Everyone Knows It

I pulled no punches. I described Joe Biden as a “old, weak, feeble, brain-dead sock puppet with dementia, hiding in the basement with a mask and diapers.” As a bonus, he’s also the most corrupt politician in history, and owned lock, stock and barrel by China and the Chinese Communist Party.
I described the Democrat Party as, “A party of evil, radical, communist, fascist, racist, Godless, America-haters who can’t figure out which bathroom to use…and who believe people are like frogs…and they can change their sex on an hourly basis.”
I told the crowd, “We are in a war between good and evil. This is a battle of normal All-American patriots vs. confused, bizarre, mentally-ill weirdos who are drunk with power…and want to enslave us, ban us, censor us, brainwash us, ruin our careers and destroy our country.
I also identified who is really running the country- this is the third term of Barack Obama. Obama is the ventriloquist with his hand up puppet Biden’s back, making Biden’s mouth move. Obama is carrying out the plan to destroy America with record speed.
But Obama is just an order-taker. The order-givers are evil billionaire communists and globalists George Soros and Klaus Schwab, combined with the Chinese Communist Party. That’s who really runs America at this moment. And every day, with every new action, they make our country weaker and China stronger.
I identified the actual plan they are carrying out to destroy America- it’s called “Cloward-Piven.” I learned it as a student at Columbia University, Class of 1983. Cloward and Piven were a husband-wife professor team at Columbia.
ssmates back then all bragged about being Marxists, communists, socialists and globalists. They all had an intense hatred for America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, white people, and most of all- conservatives.
They bragged about their goal to destroy America with Cloward-Piven, by overwhelming the system with welfare and debt, thereby causing a collapse of the US economy.

Much more a link...

Anonymous said...

That's infowars. They are a major maga Qanon disinfotainment website.



P.S. - I've seen many Ray Comfort videos. In this one he appears to rebuke both republican and democrat politicians alike for the abortion holocaust as both parties have supported and upheld abortion since the republicans made it legal in 1973.

Anonymous said...

Hey....a point of agreement between us all.

If Ray Comfort could run for President...we'd all vote for him.

I think at this point, like many Pastors now, he'd probably be a Democrat.


Anonymous said...

Dazed & confused Joe 'rescued' by the Easter Bunny...

This way Joe! Easter bunny runs over to wave and interrupt Biden as he takes selfies with kids and starts discussing Afghanistan with crowd at the annual White House Easter egg roll

A Biden press aide posted a picture of the Easter Bunny sitting at her desk on Monday morning, fueling speculation that she was wearing the suit

In a video the president can be heard mentioning Pakistan & Afghanistan when the Easter
Bunny hopped (literally) into the middle of his conversation

GOP operatives mocked the moment on Twitter after the video was posted

The Bidens held the first White House Easter egg roll in two years, with the traditional Springtime event previously called off due to COVID

Anonymous said...

CNN ('Chicken Noodle News'); MSNBC (M-MESS NBC); the New York Times (just not the current 'times'); and the Washington Post ('post'what we don't know) are the TOP disinformation websites!!!

(Crawl back in your delusionaal bubble, X and go back to 'sleep')

Anonymous said...

Keeping gaffe-prone O'Biden on a very short leash at the Easter egg roll!!!

That's too funny. (LOL)

Anonymous said...

I have unlimited time to attack and defend and comment and refute and put forth my radical views and tear down traditional Christian values and go on and on and on with more comments than anyone else here, and still run a business and do whatever it is that I do; (you'll never know), _ and continue to claim that I'm a Christian.

P.S. I know more about Christianity than all you fools put together.


Anonymous said...

Well x @ 7:48 AM

After reading some of J's theology about the mark of the beast I suspect you're right.

J said...

"I know more about Christianity than all you fools put together." - said X at 7:48 AM.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, again, 7:48 am is not me.

While it's validating to my work here to see demons mocking me and anonymously posting using my seal when they feel undermined, defeated and without any alternative than resorting to childish games, I also know it's unsettling and/or unnerving for others who don't have the benefit of KNOWING it's not me to read these evil games.

Here's a good clue though...only a moron puts the postscript BEFORE their signature. A postscript is an addition to the completed message. I don't like correcting for such things because this isn't grade school; however, it is not something I have ever done.


Anonymous said...

Some friends were leaving for Florida the other day and I told them to have a wonderful vaccination. I have some eye problems due to a swollen cornea. My mind wants to say "swollen corona." Either way, something on my head is swollen. My pride is still intact, not so sure about the mind since I'm strangely addicted to reading comments on this blog. I think I may be experiencing symptoms of the new Cumbey variant! Thanks to commenters who give me a good laugh and thanks to the others who ... well, enough said on that.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine.

RayB said...

More evidence that indicates that we do in fact have Two Americas ...

Mass Shooting Suspect Granted $25K Bond While Jan. 6 Protesters Rot in Jail

"While countless individuals involved in the largely peaceful Jan. 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol have been denied bail and continue to languish in jail, a suspect has been granted bond by a judge in South Carolina following a violent mass shooting at a mall in Columbia. Multiple victims were wounded by gunshots or suffered injuries in the chaotic melee following the shootings, but no fatalities have been reported thus far."

"Jewayne Price, a 22-year-old black man, was charged with nine counts of assault, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, one count of murder/attempted murder and one count of unlawful carrying of a pistol, according to local reports."

"At a hearing on Sunday, April 17, a judge set Price’s bond at $25,000 and ordered he be placed on house arrest. The judge also ordered an ankle monitor be placed on Price, which would allow him to travel to and from work at certain times during the day."

Read more here:

NOTE: Over 800 Americans, most of whom were simply 'there' while peacefully protesting at the Capitol on January 6th., continue to rot away under horrible conditions inside their government run jail ... still awaiting 'trial,' while offered no bond!

ALL of this is in direct violation of the 6th. Amendment to the U. S. Constitution which guarantees the right to a SPEEDY TRIAL.

Anonymous said...

lololol @ 10:42 AM

It's fun watching one in particular repeatedly tripping over his superman cape too, ain't it?

RayB said...

x states (in part) @ 11:45 PM ...

"P.S. - I've seen many Ray Comfort videos. In this one he appears to rebuke both republican and democrat politicians alike for the abortion holocaust as both parties have supported and upheld abortion since the republicans made it legal in 1973."

NOTE: To those that have not watched the Ray Comfort video that I posted the link to @ 10:54 PM ... ... Comfort makes it PERFECTLY CLEAR that Christians CANNOT VOTE FOR candidates that are PRO-ABORTION.

Once again, X plays his deceptive game by LYING about the actual contents of the video. Watch it for yourself, and you will come to that exact same conclusion.
Make no mistake about it; X is a VERY EVIL person that spreads his wicked lies under the cloak of Christianity. (Why am I even bothering to state the obvious? We all already know that).

Anonymous said...

X voting for known pervert and radical baby murderer O'Biden is proof his heart belongs to Satan.

X, you are guilty of genocide against the Lords dearly loved! You are no Christian at all. Your corrupt to the core!

Anonymous said...

No Mage-cRayQ,

You are the evil liar pretending republicans aren't PRO-ABORTION too.

Trump was President with a republican congress and accomplished nothing other than a couple meaningless executive orders to appease his Christian lackeys while otherwise the number of actual abortions in the US increased under his watch for the first time in years.

He made young woman afraid to bring babies into his narcissitic dominionist world.

The argument then becomes is Ray Comfort suggesting not voting at all? Perhaps and that's likely what I'd do in the next election as long as the republican abandons it's Maga-Qano tilt and doesn't nominate Trump or some other opus dei roman catholic dominionist partner like Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz or Ron Deathsantis who are hell bent on continuing to destroy this country and its Protestant "western" institutions.


Anonymous said...

X @ 7:48 AM
Re: "I have unlimited time to attack and defend and comment... and still run a business and do whatever it is that I do; (you'll never know) and continue to claim that I'm a Christian."


Even if the post above is someone else being sarcastic (posing as you)... why ARE you so SECRETIVE about the business you are in???

Anonymous said...

qanonymous @ 11:17 am today said: "X voting for known pervert and radical baby murderer O'Biden is proof his heart belongs to Satan. X, you are guilty of genocide against the Lords dearly loved! You are no Christian at all. Your corrupt to the core!"

Just yesterday I said: "It is also 'uncivil', unbiblical and an affront to Jesus Christ to equate, in any way, republican (more specifically Maga Republicanism) with being a Christian."

To which qanonymous @2:28 pm said: "And here it is. And what I (and I know of others here too) have never, ever, done. That's bold faced hypocrisy and a total lie, on your part, x."

Sooooo...not really "hypocrisy and a total lie". Qanonymous and cRayQ constantly post this heretical unbiblical works based requirement on the Christian faith (i.e. - vote Maga Qanon Republican or you're not a Christian). Maybe if they went to church they'd know otherwise (not that Church attendance is a required work either but it is strongly encouraged and the way cRayQ hates on Christians like me that don't adere to his POLITICAL ideology and talks about hating the church seems quite telling about his character).


Anonymous said...

"Even if the post above is someone else being sarcastic (posing as you)... why ARE you so SECRETIVE about the business you are in???"

Might have something to do with witnessing the Luciferian trolls here relentlessly attack Paul??? for no reason in real life.

I see you scheming and taking notes...popping up with obscure things I've said 2 years ago just to try to "innocently" intimidate me.

Tell you what -- you go first. You share your name, address and phone number here and I'll come by for a little chat presuming you are even IN the US. You're the coward that won't even put any identfying seal on your entries here.


Anonymous said...

@ 11;17 AM 'Maga Q-cumbey' X said, speaking of Trump...of course!

"He made young women afraid to bring babies into his narcissistic dominionist world"

I have a good long term memory X, and I remember your telling how your daughters friends were afraid to have babies during Trumps Presidency. How ludicrous! But ludicrous nonsense is your style! Its all you have really.

J said...

I was mistaken in attributing that quote to X, but I wonder why it was so hard for me to tell the difference between the real X and a satire of X. Maybe it's just my perception. Or maybe there is very little daylight in between the real X and the satire of X.

Anonymous said...

X @ 11:48 AM

Re: "I see you scheming and taking notes...popping up with obscure things I've said 2 years ago just to try to "innocently" intimidate me."


'Scheming, taking notes, poppng up'??? (LOL)

I have trouble keeping up with your 'word salad' from 2 hours ago (let alone '2 years ago'), so please don't flatter yourself. You are just not a priority in my life.
But, thanks for proving that you truly ARE a narcissist who also has delusions of grandeur.

There is professonal help available out there, X. It's never too late to ask for and receive it. I wish you well.

P.S. The main reason why some of us wonder about what type of business you are in... is because we have genuine concern for any employees who work for you (e.g. Do they feel that their rights are being violated, etc.?)

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you being working right now X?

Here you are arguing again.
Don't you have some marriages to meddle in right now?

Anonymous said...

qanonymous said: "The main reason why some of us wonder about what type of business you are in... is because we have genuine concern for any employees who work for you (e.g. Do they feel that their rights are being violated, etc.?)"

Careful your liberal social justice warrior is showing.

It figures a Luciferian spirit would show concern and want to warn/protect the "rights" of adult adulterers.

Further amazing considering the end-game of Maga Dominionism would result in adulterers being jailed along with those who use or sell any kind of birth control and anyone who has 0ral sex (sod0my laws -- which, more likely than not would only be prosecuted against hom0sexuals as though extramarital heter0sexual sxual relations isn't the same sin)


Anonymous said...

qanonymous at 12:15 pm says: "Don't you have some marriages to meddle in right now?"

I don't "meddle" in marriages...just unrepentant adulterers bent on destroying and homewrecking marriages.

That said, we WILL support the victims of adultery and marital reconciliation.

"What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:9 ESV


RayB said...

This is disturbing to watch. The (Death Cult) Leader of the Free World is seen taking orders from a lowly staff member that is masquerading in a pagan "Easter" Bunny costume:

Easter Bunny Interrupts Joe Biden While Talking About Afghanistan

RayB said...

I wonder how exactly "X" finds out about these supposed 'adulterous affairs?'

Does he conduct investigations? Does he hire private detective agencies? Does he encourage other employees to spy on fellow employees, and then report back to him? Does he administer lie detector tests on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis? (if he took one, he'd break the machine)

Also, X compares his (supposed ... wink, wink) private 'business' with the ministry of Ray Comfort, by stating that Comfort also would never allow adultery in his ministry. WOW! What an astute observation. Name ONE SINGLE credible ministry that would!

PS: I've known several psychopathic liars in my lifetime. What's amazing about them is that they are so used to lying that they actually begin to believe their own lies. They live in a fantasy world of their own lying imagination. I think this accurately describes "X". Once you understand that he is a psychopathic liar, you accept the fact that he can't help himself. He is a prisoner of his own lying imagination, living in a world that does not exist. I sincerely pity such a person.
It's really sad to watch him as he continues to provide documentation, on this blog, that proves that he is in fact a psychopathic liar. We should all pity him, and his family.

Anonymous said...

Maga cRayQ,

Adulterers, like drug addicts, they tend to reveal themselves or their spouses do.

No investigations other than summarily confirming credible accusations, if necessary.

From a human resource perspective, there is little difference working for me/us than working for a church. Perhaps a church can discriminate more like a Methodist Church wouldn't have to hire a Buddist minister --- but probably can't discriminate based upon religion when it hires a janitor).

As followers of Christ, we believe that God created His people for work — throughout Scripture, God calls people to become united with Himself in every aspect of life, both personally and professionally. It stands to reason, then, that we are called to view our jobs as ministry assignments from God.

Simply put, we are all ministers, whatever our vocation.

No matter where you work or what you do, God calls us to fulfill the mandate found in Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” This, Scripture tell us, is pleasing to God.

If only the Maga Qanon republicans could do the same and stop lying and pretending it's Christian to do so.


Anonymous said...

Seems crazy, but it is X, so, it's possible. It does seem that X's deranged state is getting worse!

I feel sorry for X's family, and employees. I think it is certainly possible that he is dangerous to humans!

X's employees should find a safer employer. RUN!!!!

Anonymous said...

The light that X shines is Dark Light. Kinda like Dark Matter.

RayB said...

Anon said @ 2:16 PM ...

"I feel sorry for X's family, and employees. I think it is certainly possible that he is dangerous to humans!

X's employees should find a safer employer. RUN!!!!"


Don't feel sorry for X's 'employees.'

Remember; X is a psychopathic liar, meaning that there is no need to 'feel sorry' for 'employees' that are merely a figment of his fertile lying imagination. He also imagines that he has a PhD. All part of the typical make-up of a psychopathic liar. The whole thing is really quite pitiful, as it's obvious that self-delusion runs rampant through his entire being.

As far as being possibly dangerous, that probably is the case, because violence is certainly a characteristic trait of psychopaths, as evidenced by his ongoing expression of unusual hatred towards those on this blog. His violent undertones is why I believe it to be more accurate to describe him as a psychopath, rather than just a pathological liar ... even though he is that as well.

Anonymous said...

qanonymous @ 2:18 pm says: "The light that X shines is Dark Light. Kinda like Dark Matter."

Why do you capitalize such new age terms? Very theosophical of you.

The fact I bring Jesus Christ into my workplace offends you and you find such "dangerous to humans" isn't really shocking to me at this point.

Seems the Luciferians thought they had Mrs. Cumbey under wraps and onboard with their new age Maga-Qanon deception and conspiracies. Now they just want to troll and disrupt her forum by attacking and sidetracking anyone that agrees with Mrs. Cumbey.

Good luck with that. Mrs. Cumbey is a surprisingly tough discerning woman.

My inclination is that prayer is probably the only way to get these demons out. Reason, logic, knowledge, truth and the Bible don't seem to work.


Anonymous said...

X @ 3:14 PM can't even 'get demons out' of his OWN comments that he posts here on this blog!!!

("By their fruits, ye shall know them" etc.)

Anonymous said...

"Shouldn't you being working right now X?"

Maybe he needs to have Trump come by and tell him he's fired from his own business lol
Can't get much work done at his business when always over here setting fires at this blog!

Anonymous said...

If you watch one thing today make it this.

Don't know where this is but a powerful message about grooming children and hate.

J said...

Derrick Broze Interview – Impending Future Of Social Credit, Social Impact Investing & Digital IDs

"Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his very important recent article highlighting the future of digital IDs, your (already developed) social credit scores, and from there, the new stock market of the ultra-rich: social impact investing. Yet this has nothing to do with traditional stocks. In the new normal, the new world order, or your 'reimagined' future (whatever the new terminology is at the moment), YOU are the new stock, or rather whether or not they can correctly bet on your outcome; the choices you make, the actions you take, and of course, the media you share, among many other things. And if you think for one second that these high level players, governments included, would refrain from attempting to influence said outcome (your life, choices, political beliefs, etc.), and that they would never dare to bet on (and influence) negative outcomes, well, then I have a bridge to sell you.."

Anonymous said...

The Conscious Resistance Trilogy

by John Vibes and Derrick Broze

While The Conscious Resistance Trilogy was written for the reader interested in meditation, consciousness, indigenous teachings, and spirituality, its deeper message lies in the Philosophy of Freedom, Self-Governance, and Anarchism - from the Greek "anarchos," "having no ruler." The Conscious Resistance Trilogy is an exploration into the practical as well as the spiritual realms of the true meaning of Freedom. In Part I, Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, authors Derrick Broze and John Vibes lay out the case for a synthesis of spiritual teachings and Anarchist Philosophy as an empowered path towards a freer, and more conscious world. This part features discussions on the intersection of Anarchy and Shamanism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism.

In Part II, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, we focus on the heart and soul of activists, truth seekers, and freethinkers. A series of essays explores the human struggle in the search for freedom, discussing overcoming depression, confusion and fear that can come along with understanding the circumstances of our present situation.

In Part III, Manifesto of the Free Humans, we explore deeper concepts outlined in Parts I and II, including Anarchism, Agorism, community building, spiritual healing, property, decentralization, permaculture, and methods for resisting the State. The authors also explore the history of America's individual Anarchist movement and the concept of Sovereignty of the Individual.

The final section outlines a vision for an intentional community based on these concepts and outlines how this community will attempt to live the message of The Conscious Resistance or Holistic Anarchism.

Anonymous said...

What is an Agorist, Holistic Activist & Anarchist?

Derrick Broze - Activist, Journalist & Author - My Journey

J said...

Agorism - I just looked it up for the first time on Wikipedia:

"Agorism is a social philosophy that advocates creating a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, engaging with aspects of nonviolent revolution. It was first proposed by American libertarian philosopher Samuel Edward Konkin III (1947–2004) at two conferences, CounterCon I in October 1974 and CounterCon II in May 1975."

Voluntary exchanges. How terrible. Nonviolent. How awful. Revolution. Okay, that word doesn't pass my smell test. Still, agorism sounds like it could be worse.

For a humanist type of guy coming up with this stuff all on his own, he could be a lot worse. I was way stupider before my conversion.

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 3:04 PM

I think you are right about X when you state the following:

"Remember; X is a psychopathic liar, meaning that there is no need to 'feel sorry' for 'employees' that are merely a figment of his fertile lying imagination. He also imagines that he has a PhD. All part of the typical make-up of a psychopathic liar. The whole thing is really quite pitiful, as it's obvious that self-delusion runs rampant through his entire being."

Plus this...

"As far as being possibly dangerous, that probably is the case, because violence is certainly a characteristic trait of psychopaths, as evidenced by his ongoing expression of unusual hatred towards those on this blog. His violent undertones is why I believe it to be more accurate to describe him as a psychopath, rather than just a pathological liar ... even though he is that as well."

Anonymous said...

This may or may not have value but an discussion and explanation of the intersection of agorism, anti-establishment sentiments and populism.

Agorism is left-wing libertarianism and anarchism. Think whacky survivalist hippies moving into communes and trading... unplugging from democracy and capitalist markets. But then recall right winger, like Brandon Smith, who you may recall lives in Idaho with Oath Keepers pushing for similar trading communities as a way to undermine the US economy and a rise of white nationalist soceity. The commonality only exists in destroying the US. After that...they will surely divide again. Neither are Christian but the end result of endless fear based conspiracies undermining common sense, morality and truth.

Sociocracy: How Far Would the Survivalist Movements go to Evade the Establishment?

J said...

7:42 PM,

Are you recommending that we don't listen to the interview that critically discusses developments in social credit, lest we be swept away into a survivalist movement?

Or do you suppose reasonable adults might be able to safely learn more about topics like social credit without immediately going nuts?

Do you suppose we can only be safe citizens if we are treated like mushrooms -- kept in the dark and fed shite?

What would you recommend as a safe source for learning about social credit? Or would you see no such thing as a good source for learning about this topic?

Anonymous said...

Are you recommending that we don't listen to the interview that critically discusses developments in social credit, lest we be swept away into a survivalist movement?

I didn't say that. You are inferring. I think saying this guys are "critically" discussing anything is a reach, but that's me.

Or do you suppose reasonable adults might be able to safely learn more about topics like social credit without immediately going nuts?

Are you actually learning or being indoctrinated? Is this man a qualified teacher?

Do you suppose we can only be safe citizens if we are treated like mushrooms -- kept in the dark and fed shite?

Derrick Broze, nor the bozo host aren't likely to 'illuminate' anything other than new age fear and propaganda.

What would you recommend as a safe source for learning about social credit? Or would you see no such thing as a good source for learning about this topic?

Autocracies utilize social credit scoring more than anyone in order to punish political opposition and control the to start with you could abandon supporting autocratic strongmen and their fellow oligarchs, like Trump and his maga republican friends because they are much bigger threat to mandate and utilize any such thing.

Maybe some Christian have commented on it or someone with real technical knowledge and knowhow versus an ex con former drug addict anarchist who has found a niche misinforming Maga Qanon pseudo-libertarians.

Not saying you will be injured reading it but it's not noteworthy or credible in the least.


J said...

So it was you again. I thought it might be the new Anonymous.

What you're telling me is, that it's all conspiracy theory - until it's about Trump.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what that means as there are lots of completely untrue conspiracy theories regarding Trump. I couldn't begin to even list them so I guess my answer would be not at all.

It's so sad watching y'all tie yourself in knots over this Maga qanon conspiracy stuff. 10 years ago you wouldn't have given a liberal anarchist like Derrick Broze two minutes of serious consideration and now he's some kind of an expert with valuable opinions on "social credit" and the new world order??? We already have "social credit" scores to some extent. Your credit score and your insurance score dictate a lot about our lives already. Drumming it up to some big mind control type thing is science fiction at this point...until the dominionists/roman catholic coalition one world religiou takeover.

And they must take save and protect the children.


J said...

X 1:15 AM,

Then why is it that you seem to hold in disrespect most of the topics that Constance has ever written about, with the exception of Trump? You were even calling him "antichrist Trump" for a while there.

You are aware, right, that Constance has written about social credit and digital ID and related topics? If not, why not?

Next time you flatter her, be sure to tell her what you really think of the majority of her work over the years.

J said...

This is so dry and long with tiny print. Most people will never read it. That's why we need those podcast interviews with the people who actually study things like this. If credentialed professional journalists don't investigate it, it is left up to amateurs to investigate and report on it.

How many people here would ever read through the likes of a report like this? This is where the evidence lies; but it's frequently dry, boring or turgid evidence.

The Promise of TradeTech: Policy Approaches to Harness Trade Digitalization

J said...

Okay, now I'll try to be the amateur journalist.

The Circulars Accelerator

What is the Circulars Accelerator? And why is it teaming up with the World Economic Forum? Why the word, "cicular?" What does that mean? In a nutshell, it means that, whatever you used to own, you will rent. Whatever you used to buy as a product, you will buy as a service.

Have you ever wondered how the WEF would implement the dream of Klaus Schwab by 2030: "You will own nothing, and you will be happy."

In 2016 at the WEF, Frans Van Houten said, “Maybe I can stay the owner of the product and just sell you the benefit as a service.”

That's like making everything a rental rather than something to buy and own.

It's called the circular economy. It's a key process of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Circular is contrasted to linear. Linear is taken to mean: "take, make, waste." Circular is taken to mean: "take, make, take, make."

In 2016, at the WEF, Frans Van Houten said, “In circular economy business models, I would like products to come back to me as the original designer and manufacturer, and once you get your head around that notion, why would I actually sell you the product if you are primarily interested in the benefit of the product?”

What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

How would anyone know there's a new Anonymous? LOLOLOL

J said...

Very true, 8:19 AM. LOL

Craig said...

If "you" will be renting, who will be collecting those rental fees?

J said...

This article is written by a black man named Isaiah McCall who frequently writes about investment for Yard Couch.

In this piece for Medium, McCall describes how China's social credit system works, and he warns that Big Brother is coming for America next.

How Does China’s Social Credit System Work?

I like the way he writes, like this, for example: "The Chinese Communist Party even banned Winnie the Pooh because their president was being compared to him too much. I know. A bitch move."

In his article, he features a quote from the Chinese Communist Party. Who does this remind you of? Anybody here?

“The creditworthy will be granted conveniences in education, employment and opening start-ups, while severe wrongdoing will be made public.”

"...severe wrongdoing will be made public."

This is a very readable article, featuring a list of things that can get you plus credits and minus credits. Here's a small sample:

* For criticizing the CCP on social media, you get -50.

* For having more than two children or for refusing to be sterilized, you get -40

* For ratting out criminals, you get +20. (I'm sure that under a Communist regime, the category of "criminals" would never include fugitives from political imprisonment.)

J said...

Good question, Craig.

Anonymous said...

Hand-implanted microchip could be used for contactless payments

London-based Walletmor said the chip will work with the Purewrist app, a digital wallet. After downloading the app, users will go to a specialist to have a chip installed in their hands that would act in conjunction with the app and businesses that use the app.

Apple said it is expanding the iPhone’s capabilities to accept contactless payments, making it easier for merchants to conduct tap-to-pay transactions without having to buy additional hardware.

Google and Samsung have unveiled Android devices that would allow merchants to use those devices as contactless payment terminals as well, but those announcements have been largely aimed at outside the U.S., where contactless payment habits are already well established.

paul said...

Coils of X's mother start to unwind,
Buried deep beneath you shall find;

Deep down in the well-shafts of the dead,
Barry dressed in black is 'til the end!

lyrics by RayB, Richard

paul said...


Has X ever danced with the Devil,
and his temptations ever summon you?

Has X ever signed his name in blood,
his possession slowly strangles you?

Under full moonlight,
the stink of Joe ever hungers you?

Ever wondered why
X's member is a joke to you?!

Anonymous said...

Reach out to Joe's hand,
On knees you do stand;

A Pedo wasteland,
Ain't X's love grand?!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Lyrics. How TRUE!

Anonymous said...

Social Credit X

Always working tirelessly for Satan.

Anonymous said...

7:34 AM at J

Exactly the point I made about him a while back.
I kept saying he needed to do his homework and look through the blog archives because he has been counter to the things she warned about for a long time. Being anti-Trump is his only real connecting point with her.
I think he is really a progressive, and quite a flaming one at that, for all his talk of the "middle". He stood, and still stands, with the NWO and New Age direction for this country to follow and why he excuses, makes huge allowance for their open godlessness--like it will head us the direction back toward God??-ha!-so he applauds the left, prays for the success of the Biden regime, and throws the book at the right (and too much of the right has helped his side of the aisle, that's a given) as Constance has always shown up the left and right both in their globalistic aims and compromises, naming names, calling out their policies that trend toward New Age goals. That's why in everything--absolutely everything--he posts, it's Conservatives, that counter the Left and the Right establishment--quid pro quo---are the ones that get their faces rubbed in his downright lies about us, because he makes sure to attempt to refute what we have seen coming for a long time. Trump, for all the press and furor about running again-the big splash about all that will only be that-a big splash, is all really a sideline in the bigger picture now-I think that notion is DOA at this point, because Globalism has won the day...the floodgate has been opened for it. The devil has seen to that and X cheers it on or he would see something to come along side us who are of a Bible worldview (and yes we know that is a mixed bag too, that has elements to it that I can't agree with at times because no one's politics will save us now--but that puts Trump squarely as part of the past, a distraction now in my estimation) it is too late and a dollar short at this stage. BUT~~~woe to those through whom offences come~~~X is complicit there. Shameful in one who supposedly espouses a Biblical faith, so I find him to be fake as fake gets. His trolling to always divide and distract away from the goals of extremists is paramount in his posts.
X is disingenuous like I have not seen here before--a confusing, chaotic mixed bag at that..and definitely in his mix is NWO and it's New Age dreams of society that needs, even demands, global overlordship or he would not advocate the massive one size fits all ploys that we watched botch the Covid response, and Climate response too (in his twisted way to interpret the Bible on that subject too) and his often rebukes for "social justice" aims straight out of the Alinsky playbook that have been put up by the billionaire clubs/socialists of the global order, the very ones Constance has been faithful to warn about.

Anonymous said...

Revelation 13:16-17

16 And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads.

17 And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Anonymous said...

Crybaby Adam Kinzinger Says he Would "Love" To Run Against President Trump in 2024 Primary

Anonymous said...


I don’t agree with everything Mrs. Cumbey’s ever written here, in particular, because it’s a blog that includes her off the cuff thoughts and not necessary always fully researched. But she is/was generally a thorough researcher and fair reporter of many of her claims. I find/found her bias tapered but she wasn’t right about everything which, I believe, she herself would acknowledge (i.e.- Trump was a mistake, Newt isn’t the anti-christ and it seems Solana the has slim chances of being one).

Unlike most in the conspiracy world, she went and talked to the people and interviewed them and tracked down actual evidence of their conspiracies. She's credentialed and smart and has obvioiusly read extensively. She's not an excon, former drug addict, former rapper or fame grifter. She's a devout Christian. She didn’t report on conspircies by just plugging in facts, the facts seem to reveal the conspiracy. She also didn't report her speculations as facts and didn't/doesn't overly use the "they". She named names and their associates names.

As far as Agorism and "Social Credit",

Jan 23, 2014 Constance wrote: “There are 3 major aspects of the New Age Movement:  New World Order; New World Religion; and a messianic figure to head both.  Its toolbox is mysticism, ie, "alterered states of consciousness."  You may hear it described as "meditation." Its economic system as described in the seminal writings of its mothership organization is a type of moneyless barter and exchange system.”

This is why I singled out Mr. Broze’s “Agorism” background and book about “consciousness”. Mrs. Cumbey wouldn’t likely read Mr. Broze with the intent to learn about his opinions on “social credit” but, rather, why this new ager is trying to now indoctrinate conservative audiences with new age propaganda.

Mrs. Cumbey continued in 2014: “A "conservative" variation on a theme is called "Social Credit."  Many people who believe they are justifiably fighting the Federal Reserve Board are being ushered into advocacy of that system.  It too entails a cashless society with total tracking required.

In another thread Mrs. Cumbey wrote: “A. R. Orage's THE NEW AGE is well known. This is a South African publication. A. R. Orage was a dedicated Theosophist close to Madame Blavatsky. I believe he gave an oration at her funeral. He was also an activist in the Social Credit Movement which is basically about a cashless economy but too many naive Canadian Christians confuse as "a Christian movement."


Anonymous said...

Hand-Implanted Microchip "Walletmor" Will Work with Digital Wallet For Contactless Payments

RayB said...

For the MYSTERY OF INIQUITY DOTH ALREADY WORK: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; BECAUSE THEY RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED.




WHEREUNTO HE CALLED YOU BY OUR GOSPEL, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." - 2 Thessalonians 2:7-14

NOTE: Please read the above passage CAREFULLY, as it is a passage that is referring to the anti-Christ.

Those that have not 'received the love of the truth' are dammed, (whether they receive the 'mark of the beast' or not). Those that have 'received the love of the truth' are SAVED, sanctified, and protected through Christ. God protects the SOULS of His people. Might they receive physical death via persecution? Yes. But Satan cannot destroy those souls that have been purchased through Christ's blood on the cross, and, His resurrection.

We are living in particularly deceptive times. Pray that God, through His mercy, gives you the 'love for the truth.'

Anonymous said...

qanonymous at 11:56 said: "Crybaby Adam Kinzinger Says he Would "Love" To Run Against President Trump in 2024 Primary"

Another Maga Qanon homosexual owned gateway pundit link.

I very much doubt Trump will run again as he's just banking money endorsing the highest bidding candidates across the country and if he were to run he'd have to start calling that campaign money and reporting it versus banking it in his own name. He'll pretend to be thinking about it up to the last minute but it's prayfully never gonna happen.

Mr. Kinzinger would make an excellent candidate for President.

His "crying" over the pain and suffering endured by the Capitol Police who worked alongsid him for several years in the very building he works in on January 6th is a reflection of his character, empathy and compassion.

If you want cringeworth crying. Here's cRayQ's tearful goodbye cruel world post from a couple weeks ago:

RayB said: "It is becoming increasingly obvious that this blog serves no purpose. Virtually any and all truth that is posted by serious bloggers is immediately countered by the disinformation agent X. Constance & Rich just sit back and allow X to spew his lies and venom ad nauseam. The strongest admonition so far from Rich was when he described X's contributions as "antics." That was it. Constance chimed in ONCE by saying that she "doesn't ALWAYS agree with X." So really, what is the point to this blog? For me, it has become tiresome ... and quite frankly ... BORING. Childish antics from professed adults bore me. Day after day, it's the same old tiresome, childish tactic with a heavy emphasis on lies. Whether or not I ever post on this blog again is up in the air right now. Perhaps its time to move on to more meaningful pastures? At any rate, if anyone knows of any blogs in which I might fit in, please let me know."


Anonymous said...

X seems to not only not 'love truth', he seems to HATE it!

Enjoy hell X

Anonymous said...

Here is another 'cultural study' for you dr. X

Shock Video: Shooting at Upscale Houston Mall

J said...

10:31 AM,

You have always been right about X.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Tells Obama He's Running Again in 2024: Here Are Five Reasons on Why This is Crazy

J said...

RayB 12:03 PM,

You said: Those that have not 'received the love of the truth' are dammed, (whether they receive the 'mark of the beast' or not). Those that have 'received the love of the truth' are SAVED, sanctified, and protected through Christ. God protects the SOULS of His people. Might they receive physical death via persecution? Yes. But Satan cannot destroy those souls that have been purchased through Christ's blood on the cross, and, His resurrection.



And you and I both know we would never willingly get micro-chipped, regardless of whether we think we would lose our souls over it, or not.

For that matter, I personally would never even so much as get a tattoo of a flower on my right hand. That's because I know tattoos are painful to get, and they are almost impossible to 100% remove later, even with a laser pen.

Anonymous said...

The Pope Goes Woke on Good Friday: 'We Are Racists, and That is Bad'

Anonymous said...

@ 12:40 PM

Agreeing with you both.

Anonymous said...

The Germans Got a Jew

RayB said...

I wonder if this has anything to do with the Biden Crime Family, and their China connections?

Flow of Fentanyl into American Communities QUADRUPLES Under Biden

"RIVERSIDE COUNTY, California — Four times as much fentanyl is flowing across the United States-Mexico border under President Joe Biden compared to two years prior when former President Trump was in office."

PS: Fentanyl is very evil. Think about this; if it weren't for fentanyl, Saint George Floyd would still be alive.

RayB said...

This Atlanta man was murdered in broad daylight and passersby just ignored his body in a haunting modern version of Jesus' parable

NOTE: And Biden wants to take guns away from law abiding citizens ...

Anonymous said...

"Saint George in Hell"

Track available on Rich's website

Anonymous said...

How spot on is this post!

Thank you, 12:57 PM.

Anonymous said...

J said: "You have always been right about X."

Don't feed the trolls just because you are upset with me and unable to make any of your claims or notions about me stick. Qanonymous just regurgitates a bunch of baseless claims and labels at me without evidence hoping to provoke me. I haven't been "counter to the things Mrs. Cumbey writes about" because she hasn't been here enough to fully write about and investigate how the Maga Qanon republicans have adopted so much of what she has warned about over the years, in particular, justifying the abandoning of our Constitution and the rule of law.

I have been respectful towards you because I know you are not a troll here trying to disrupt and distract Mrs. Cumbey's blog nor do I perceive you as someone that entirely goes along with Maga Qanon propaganda. I also didn't see you as someone who thought you have to be republican to be a Christian.

I saw you as an intelligent, observant, deliberate, thoughtful, and capable of discernment believer who, yet, remains uncomfortably stuck in some Maga Qanon silo of misinformation. Your hesitancy to adopt or buy all the Maga Qanon lies has even got you attacked here, probably by the same qanonymous you give credit to now.

I pray we meet someday in Heaven and have a laugh about this and how naive we BOTH were. God is Sovereign and in control...not "they" and certainly not me.


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