Monday, April 19, 2021


Most of us here can hopefully fully understand the implications to us of the great COVID global reset that is obviously been in the works. I warned everybody here about it more than a year ago and said "Mark my words, a RESET is coming." Most of that was ignored as too many went off discussing everything else, relevant or irrelevant.

I'm far more concerned for those here on what's deceiving US! As bad as Pope Francis has been I've never heard him deny Jesus and promote GAIA worship, at least directly -- although the agenda he's promoting does go too largely that direction. But LOVE JOY TRUMP has in many critical spots promotion of other gods, including the Earth and the Universe as entities deserving worship.

NOW FOR THE COMMENTER WHO CRITICIZED ME FOR THE ARTICLES ON JOHN E. FETZER AND THE FETZER INSTITUTE, you were obviously not curious enough to check out is current status as one of the best-funded and most powerful NEW AGE organizations intentionally pushing the entire Benjamin Creme, New World Order, New World Religion, Cashless Society, promotion of the Great Invocation as the world prayer, cleansing action for dissidents, etc., ad nauseum, for yourself/yourselves (if you represent more than one).

The Fetzer Institute is powerful and heavily financially endowed and aggressively pushing everything I have fought since 1981 -- 40 years ago. I believe that John E. Fetzer may well have been the force that prevented early disclosure of Nazi occult activity. He was promoting the I AM Movement before World War II. That was the Theosophical branch of the New Age occult movement that spawned the Silver Shirts pro-Nazi organization that sent William Dudley Pelley to prison for treasonous activities. Roosevelt put Fetzer in charge of media censorship for World War II. Fetzer was one of the first persons to enter Joseph Goebbels office in Berlin after the allies advanced there.

There is documentation on the very large website that they now believe they are going to succeed entirely in their original agenda whereas in May 1982 they failed. This, they say, is because now a majority of people are SBNR -- Spiritual but not Religious.

Fetzer sold the Tigers and liquidated his TV/Radio empire because of his extreme disappointment and depression over the non-appearance of Maitreya on May 20, 1982. I suspect on many grounds that I may have been an intervening variable. Benjamin Creme's disappointing to Fetzer press conference on May 20, 2015 was precisely five days after Benjamin and I had our WRIF debate that listened to by thousands in the Detroit area. The Detroit Free Press ran a major article on the work I was doing to fight things 10 days before that interview which is why the rock & roll station sought me out for their one hour of public service time on Sunday evenings. The first weekend after that article, I was supposed to have debated Benjamin Creme, but the trans-Atlantic line went down and they were unable to connect with Creme. I had the entire hour to myself to explain exactly what was happening. The station had over 500 requests for tapes of that interview. The tapes were not given, but the next weekend, the debate did occur and Creme was admittedly devastated. He said on many interviews in many places, including the Allen Dale Show in San Antonio, Texas that I would "pay dearly" for my interference with the Christ's Reappearance." This was and is the same "Reappearance" of their New Age "Christ" which LOVE JOY TRUMP is not so subtly promoting in substantial portions of that book.

I am much more worried on this blogspot about what is infecting us. Most of you have no problems with the Pope Francis praising of Agenda 21, Agenda 30, etc. Most of us see through the LGBTQ agenda and the Biden/Kamala Harris roles in continuing to promote it. We see the evils of the very non-biblical transgenderism. But too many of you fail to see where the infiltration comes in what we supposed to be our camp -- the tares planted among the wheat.

You are yawning at LOVE JOY TRUMP (many of you), failing to recognize the Trump condoning of it etc. At any rate, as Moses complained to God about the Israelites angry at him, "you know, I have not taken so much as an ass from them."I think I can safely say the same. I have not gone out like so many like Texe Marrs, and others making making literally millions from you selling you tapes, videos, overly sensational books about Illuminati." At the same time, he was openly advocating blatant anti-Semitism. Tal Brooke has done some of the same.

So many have successfully played the "watch the fundamentalists run" game and too many of you have ran with them.

My thoughts this morning.



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RayB said...

Very informative Mike Adams' interview with Dr. Lee Merritt:


RayB said...

Patrick Thompson charged with attempted murder after knife attack on two elderly Asian women at San Francisco bus stop

Kind of funny, isn't it, that the mainstream media has not published any photos of Patrick Thomson? I just can't imagine why that it is.

J said...

RayB 5:28 PM,

You may find this interview interesting.

"Dr Joel Fuhrman on Covid19, our Immune System & Nutritional Excellence"

Thanks, we need more voices like his, and more people listening.

Anonymous said...


It's not the vaccines -- it's the recipients of the vaccines.

For example, Vitamin D, even in low doses, is 75% of the battle to reduce risk of Autism.

It's why countries like Denmark and many other countries with similar vaccination schedule end up "proving" that vaccines aren't related to autism. Denmark and many northern European countries supplement and eat diets rich in Vitamin D and maintain minimum levels of Vitamin D even throughout the winter whereas places like South Korea and the US don't. Nutrition and lifestyles of pregnant women as well as infants play a role as well.

"Autism: Will vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and early childhood reduce the recurrence rate of autism in newborn siblings?"

"Lifestyle and Dietary Factors Associated with Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels in Korean Young Adults"

Which is consistent with this paper's conclusion:

"Researchers have highlighted nutrition as a possible factor influencing the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, as recent news establishes a link between vitamin D levels and an adequate immune response."

"Nutrition a possible factor in Covid-19 vaccination efficacy, concludes review"


Anonymous said...

"The message that you should never be exposed to direct sunlight has caused the vitamin D deficiency pandemic. In the skin cancer capital of the world, Australia, the slip, slap, slop has caused widespread vitamin D deficiency. 87% of dermatologists in Australia were found to be vitamin D deficient at the end of the summer. People who always wear sunscreen before going outdoors place themselves at high risk for vitamin D deficiency since a sun protection factor of 30 used properly reduces vitamin D3 synthesis in the skin by more than 95%. People of color including both Hispanics and blacks are at much higher risk for vitamin D deficiency because not only do they avoid sun exposure so as not to enhance the color of their skin but often put a sunscreen on before going outdoors. Their skin pigment often gives them a sun protection factor of at least 8 thereby reducing their efficiency to make vitamin D3 in their skin by 50 to 90%. When African-American men and women were exposed to simulated sunlight they were unable to raise their blood levels of vitamin D3 whereas white adults who received the same amount of simulated sunlight raised their blood levels of vitamin D3 by almost 50 fold. African American adults required 5-10 times longer exposure and they only raised their blood levels by about 10-20 fold."
Obesity is associated with vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is fat soluble and is therefore efficiently sequestered in the body fat making it difficult to return into the circulation.(43) This is the reason why men and women with a BMI greater than 30 require at least 2-5 fold increase in their vitamin D requirement.
When an adult in a bathing suit (woman in a bikini type bathing suit) has their whole body exposed to a tanning bed that was equivalent to being exposed to sunlight that caused a light pinkness to their skin 24 hours later (defined as one minimal erythemal dose) raised their blood level of vitamin D similar to the adult taking approximately 15,000-20,000 IU of vitamin D as a single dose. Vitamin D made in the skin has at least 2-3 times longer in the circulaton when compared to ingesting vitamin D. Therefore the body has a large capacity to make vitamin D with minimum sun exposure. This is the reason for the recommendation that exposure to arms and legs (which is approximately 20-25% of the body surface when wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt or blouse) to about 5-15 minutes three times a week (of course depending on time of day, season of the year, latitude and degree of skin pigmentation) between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM for white adults during the spring, summer and fall can help provide them with their vitamin D requirement. As can be seen in figure 5, sensible exposure to ultraviolet radiation (similar to sunlight) is very effective in raising blood levels of 25(OH)D into a healthy range above 30 ng/ml and is more effective than ingesting 1000 IU of vitamin D a day. I recommend that since one cannot always depend on sun exposure because of work habits, concerns about the damaging effects from sunlight etc. that healthy adults should take a supplement containing 2000 IU of vitamin D a day along with ingesting a multivitamin containing 400 IU of vitamin D and three servings of dairy or other vitamin D fortified foods for a total of 3000 IU of vitamin D a day. Men and women who took an equivalent of 3000 IU of vitamin D a day for up to six years were able to maintain a blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D on average of between 40-60 ng/ml.

Dr. Michael Hollick


J said...

Dr. Elizabeth Mumper is the doctor who knows about preventing autism. She was able to prevent it among families in her practice, defying statistics. It's been a while since I read about her, so I don't recall everything, but she was cautious about vaccines, although I don't think she recommended against receiving all of them for life. I recall her preventive measures were multi-factorial. I once easily found an article all about it, but it won't come up for me in search results anymore. Instead, the debunker articles come up among top search results.

Anonymous said...

Dr. John Campbell discusses the surprising Vitamin D deficiency in India

*Dr. Campbell got his second Pfizer shot last Friday.

Here Dr. Campbell discusses Post-Vaccine myocarditis, which is unlikely related to the vaccine.

Interesting -- At around the 16:00 minute mark he discusses the US rate of covid infection rate breakthrough after vaccination of .008% (or 8 per 10,000), much better than the India AstraZettica vaccine break-thru rate in India of .02%-.04% (and light years better than the Chinese vaccine's near 50% break-thru rate being experienced in Chili)

*Dr. Campbell also believes India has surpassed the US in Covid deaths now due to large amount of underreporting. The India variant arrived in Australia and patient zero was an American arrival with no ties to India who is now hotel quarantined there.


J said...

I found it. It's archived on the web site of the North American Journal of Science and Medicine. It's from 2013.

Can Awareness of Medical Pathophysiology in Autism Lead to Primary Care Autism Prevention Strategies?

Here is a summary:

Emerging research suggests that the timing of environmental factors in the presence of genetic predispositions has influenced the increase in autism spectrum disorders over the past several decades. A review of the medical literature suggests that autism may be impacted by environmental toxicants, breastfeeding duration, gut flora composition, nutritional status, acetaminophen use, vaccine practices and use of antibiotics and/or frequency of infections. The author reports her retrospective clinical research in a general pediatric practice (Advocates for Children), which shows a modest trend toward lower prevalence of autism than her previous pediatric practice or recent CDC data. Out of 294 general pediatrics patients followed since 2005 there were zero new cases of autism (p value 0.014). Given the prevalence of autism for that cohort of 1 in 50 children in the United States, it is important to consider implementing strategies in primary care practice that could potentially modify environmental factors or affect the timing of environmental triggers contributing to autism.

Anonymous said...

Over 100 Republicans, including former officials, threaten to split from G.O.P.

The esteemed Representative from Illinois Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on Face The Nation perhaps said it best when he likens the GOP to “Titanic”: “We’re in the middle of this slow sink. We have a band playing on the deck, telling everybody it’s fine, and meanwhile Donald Trump’s running around, trying to find women’s clothing and get on the first lifeboat.”


Anonymous said...

What Happened To Adam Kinzinger?

By Joel B. Pollak
9 May 2021

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), former Tea Party favorite, has become one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices in the mainstream media.

He was a frequent critic of Trump even while the 45th president was still in office; he has become more vociferous since.

When CNN needs a Republican to attack conservatives, or Trump, Kinzinger appears keen to volunteer.

He has even launched a new political action committee designed to rid the GOP of Trump’s lingering influence. “[M]y goal in launching is just to say, look, let’s take a look at the last four years, how far we have come in a bad way, how backward-looking we are, how much we peddle darkness and division,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press in January.

He has occasionally defended Trump, usually on foreign policy issues. But now Kinginzer, who voted to impeach Trump (again) in January, sees him as a threat to the future of the GOP, which he describes as the “Titanic,” sinking slowly.

Kinzinger’s stance on Trump has exacerbated his frayed relationship with the Republican Party’s conservative grass roots — an odd fate for a politician who entered politics as a Tea Party hero.

In February, he was censured by the local La Salle County Republican Central Committee in Illinois:

The La Salle County Republicans have received hundreds upon hundreds of emails, text messages and phone calls from our county and beyond expressing their frustration and a lot more with Congressman Kinzinger’s actions and statements the past few months. … Congressman Kinzinger’s actions and statements against former President Trump have opened a Pandora’s box of criticism.

Back in 2010, when he was running against Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-IL), the left painted Kinzinger as Adolf Hitler — literally, with the mustache and everything. The Tea Party and conservatives rallied behind him and pushed him to victory. Now, he sees pro-Trump conservatives as the problem.

Kinzinger does not seem to figure in the fact that Republicans picked up a dozen House seats in November. He also seems undaunted by the fact that the bulk of his party does not support him: the anti-Trump candidate he campaigned for in Texas finished ninth in a special election last week.

He deserves credit for facing down some very ugly opposition, including from his own family; and he has always had a bit of an independent streak, especially on national security, where he is hawkish.

Right or wrong, he shares that approach with Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who is about to be ousted as House Republican Conference Chair — the third-highest rank in the caucus — over her repeated public attacks against Trump over the election.

Republicans did not oust Cheney when she was open about her opposition to Trump’s moves to withdraw U.S. troops out of the Middle East (including from Afghanistan, where her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, had sent them).

What is different now is that Joe Biden has been president for 100 days. And his left-wing policies, not Trump’s statements, are what Republicans are most concerned about.

As Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal put it recently, Democrats are “killing the American Dream.” Specifically, they are trying to replace the ideal of individual responsibility and individual achievement, and replace it with middle-class entitlements that will keep Americans comfortable, if idle (assuming we can afford them).

Anonymous said...

Biden’s radical policies have already had a dramatic effect at the border, which is overwhelmed with migrants. His economic policies are failing to create jobs, while spending the economy into possible inflation.

Meanwhile, Democrats are planning to pack the Supreme Court, and to control future elections. All of that is more urgent to Republicans than Trump and 2020.

Yet Kinzinger, Cheney, and the remnants of Never Trump continue to attack Trump. The question is why. Each likely has his or her own reasons, but with Kinzinger, there is a bit of a back story.

After the 2010 elections, when five Tea Party-backed Republicans won congressional seats in Illinois, the Democrats in the state legislature redrew the district boundaries and pitted Kinzinger against fellow incumbent Rep. Don Manzullo (R-IL), a staunch conservative long before the Tea Party.

Kinzinger painted himself as the young, fresh face against “a creaky lawmaker long past his prime,” in Politico‘s words. He had the backing of the Republican establishment; conservative groups belatedly backed Manzullo. Kinzinger won, having burned his bridges to the conservative movement.

His district is reliably Republican, so he wins easy re-elections. But his new constituency has become CNN.

Kinzinger’s shift is what happens when Democrats control the media, and the map.

That’s why we are debating Trump: it suits Democrats, and the media, who will do anything not to talk about Biden and his policies.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new e-book, We Told You So!: The First 100 Days of Joe Biden’s Radical Presidency. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak

Anonymous said...

BUH-BYE! Kinzinger Gets Bad News After Learning Who Just Stepped Up To END His Career For Good

Real News For Americans Who Love America!

Anonymous said...

Adam Kinzinger Is Taking Pages From Pelosi’s Playbook To Attack Republicans

May 11, 2021
By Jordan Davidson

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois is no ally of the Trump-era GOP. A proud Never Trumper dead set on insulting his congressional Republican colleagues and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Kinzinger uses tactics deployed by Democrats such as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to gnaw at his own party from the inside out.

Not only is Kinzinger willing to partner with the corporate media to deliver Democrat talking points about the Jan. 6 riot, election integrity, and regular Trump-bashing, but he also uses Pelosi’s rhetoric to accomplish his political goals.

As Axios notes, Pelosi often employs pettiness such as ripping up the State of the Union address and forgetting the names of Republican legislators. More recently, she launched an aggressive email campaign targeting McCarthy for gearing up to oust anti-Trump Republican Rep. Liz Cheney from leadership.

Kinzinger has a history of using some of the same language outlined in many of Pelosi’s opposition research emails to denounce the vote to remove Cheney. One of his more recent defenses of the Wyoming representative sounds eerily similar to Pelosi’s email, which was headlined “McCarthy’s Rules: Punishing Truth, Rewarding Lies, Embracing Extremism & Bigotry.”

“Seems like that should be told to the former president? Nah, cancel Liz since she tells the truth and makes us uncomfortable. After all the insurrection was a WHOLE four months ago!! /sarcasm,” Kinzinger wrote on Twitter on Monday.

Kinzinger is not just concerned with keeping Cheney around. He also takes pride in continuing to target the former president and cast doubts about the GOP’s future.

“We’re in the middle of this slow sink. We have a band playing on the deck, telling everybody it’s fine, and meanwhile, Donald Trump’s running around, trying to find women’s clothing and get on the first lifeboat,” Kinzinger said on “Face The Nation” this week.

Kinzinger regularly calls Republicans liars but hasn’t acknowledged his inability to walk back the Jan. 6 falsehoods and narratives created by Democrats and corporate media about Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s death that he amplified.

In addition to his long list of publicly-aired complaints against his own party and its leadership, Kinzinger’s tweet explaining why he “confidently” voted for the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump and how the “violent insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol influenced his decision is proudly pinned to the top of his Twitter profile.

Kinzinger may be trying to copy Pelosi’s strategy to undermine Republicans, but his tactics aren’t working. Just last week, his preferred Republican congressional candidate Michael Wood placed ninth in the special election for Texas’s 6th Congressional District. He also received heat when he used his ties to the corporate media to “sell out” his family and promote his new PAC.

Anonymous said...

Representative Adam Kinzinger is a fraud & the Digital Playpen can't get enough of him

February 27, 2021
By Rick Rynearson

A few years ago Air Force Major and KC-135 pilot turned Representative, Adam Kinzinger, posted in the BaseOps forum and he's been seeking the limelight ever since. As the Bill Maher HBO clip embedded above demonstrates, he's really been making hay with his vote to impeach Donald Trump for exercising the First Amendment right to protest along with other Americans on January 6th.

I've never voted for Trump and I am no fan of his, but those who call his words at the Capitol "inciting violence" are the same dishonest individuals who lied about Trump praising white supremacists in Charlottesville. Kinzinger takes this same tack in his video with Bill Maher, describing the protestors as "insurrectionists" and "pure evil" and claiming that somebody there said a police officer should be killed with his own gun. Let's not forget the lie about Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick being murdered with a fire extinguisher, that was blared through the media as reason the protestors were evil insurrectionists, which turned out to be a complete lie. As if media ever lies.

Kinzinger's desire to demonize conservative Americans while presenting himself as one isn't surprising, there is only one party playing two parts as if in a play to keep children distracted. So also Kinzinger's willingness to use the fear generated by those like him (while hypocritically claiming we shouldn't be ruled by the fear he churns out as he describes ordinary Americans as insurrectionists and pure evil) to propel himself into greater power isn't surprising. He has no principle and his only goal is power, so he will shift with the winds and the buzzwords toward that end. Kinzinger has incredibly low character and demonstrated it from the earliest days of his run for office when he falsely referred to himself as a special operations pilot until he corrected that claim after some actual special operators challenged him. Still, despite that correction, his Wikipedia page continues to make the false claim that he served in Air Force Special Operations Command.

Yet the easily dazzled participants of the BaseOps forum are impressed with Kinzinger and have a thread dedicated to him over there (which Kinzinger himself started). One moderator sings the praises of Kinzinger because familiarity and "who you know" has apparently helped people "behind the scenes." I guess behind the scenes "public service" is celebrated on the forum dedicated to military aviation that has a habit of censoring political views while actually providing a forum for some political hacks. Non-partisanship be damned. The children in the Digital Playpen are so awe struck that a mediocre pilot was able to become a less-than-mediocre congressman that they pay no attention to the fact that Kinzinger voted to cut military retirement to current military retirees, and they don't even notice that when Congress decided to reverse its cut to military retirements, Kinzinger was part of a minority that voted to keep the cut in place. Given his public activity, I'm sure his "behind the scenes" actions were really inspiring and ever so "beneficial" to the troops...

Anonymous said...

Funny, the fact that Kinzinger took the minority position attempting to cut military benefits didn't keep Kinzinger from explaining that "nobody" was trying to take their military benefits from them. Kinzinger's original post has since been deleted, but it was captured in the response from Pawnman above. Yeah, might not want that glaring lie out there so good idea to delete it.

Shockingly (this is my shocked face), Kinzinger doesn't have any concern for the Second Amendment and advocated Trump's idiotic crusade to ban "bump stocks." And Kinzinger thinks we need "better" background checks for exercising our "rights" (rights that government hacks like Kinzinger have to approve or deny on a case by case basis, of course, those kind of "rights") and he thinks that twenty year old Americans should not be allowed to own "assault rifles." Of course by "assault rifle" he means a semi-auto rifle like your grandpa had. For Adam Kinzinger you can be drafted into the military at 18 years of age, handed a rifle and forced to carry out Adam Kinzinger's wishes in a foreign land during an unconstitutional action such as those Kinzinger supports in places like Syria, but owning a rifle to defend yourself at home? Well hold on there, Sparky, that's crazy insurrectionist pure evil talk!

And of course Kinzinger wants limits on the size of magazines and the ammunition they can hold, and he also wants stronger "red flag" laws (like those Trump supported when he stupidly said, "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court"). Kinzinger published an article voicing his support for increased red flag laws, increase background checks, and banning "high capacity" magazines. Of course Kinzinger supports disarming Americans. He's the *new* version of conservative that is so popular over on Baseops, which is to say, a fascist without an ounce of actual conservatism.

It's no surprise that Kinzinger recently voted for a Democrat gun control bill with increased background checks; a bill that not all Democrats voted for, but the "conservative" Kinzinger sure did.

Kinzinger even explains that when it comes to a choice between Americans' right to privacy and our free market versus his military industrial complex donors, well, say goodbye to your Fourth Amendment right to privacy and your Fifth Amendment right to engage in a free market. Kinzinger gotta get paid, yo!

Kinzinger's anti-Trump gambit and his nutter family member rebuke aside, there is plenty of good reason for him being recently censured by his local Republican party:

The committee also cited concerns that Kinzinger hadn't met with county Republicans in over six years, and said that many constituents "have been very direct that their support for the Republican Party is over if Congressman Kinzinger's behavior isn't addressed."

Kinzinger, who sports his flight suit on his Facebook account and never passes up the chance to play the military card, also doesn't support troop withdrawal from Iraq or Afghanistan. He'd rather we stay there and waste more money to fund his military complex donors at the expense of our national security and the lives of our troops and their families. And, of course, Kinzinger supports the unconstitutional military action in Syria which has not been authorized by Congress and is not authorized by the AUMF. Likewise, just like Hillary Clinton, Kinzinger supported the unlawful actions in Libya by the Obama administration and wrote a letter to Obama urging him to take military action. Libya violated the Constitution (along with common sense) for those who might not remember. The Constitution is just a buzz word for Kinzinger as it is for his bros in the Digital Clownshow.

Anonymous said...

While Kinzinger was clowning around with the other clowns, he had no response for the most important input he got there. He had no comment when it came to the law "legalizing" using our military to arrest American citizens in America without charge or trial and imprison them in military prison camps like FDR did. I guess that wasn't as important to him as was eroding our Second Amendment and trying to cut military retirement.

Many of the BaseOps toddlers are even hoping Kinzinger becomes the "future" of the Republican party. They apparently champion a classless low life who lusts for power, lacks any principle, and will say anything. If conservative has anything to do with our rights and limited government and politicians being restrained by our laws, then Kinzinger is no conservative. But in our age of safe spaces at the Air Force Academy and of unlimited genders, it shouldn't be surprising that idiots would clamor for Kinzinger to exert power over them and consider him the new made-in-China version of a conservative. One thing is certain, he is definitely a good representative of the clowns on BaseOps who can't tell you *WHY* they support Kinzinger, because the only reason they support him is that he posts on BaseOps like they do. He's able to get so called "liberals" and so called "conservatives" all united in their support for him, which should be a clue to the infants there but, of course, isn't. Clowns enamored with the tiniest bit of access to power. Nothing is quite so principled as supporting a politician because you know him.

As I have noted for some time now, there is no difference between the fake conservative fascist and the black bloc Antifa fascist. One may have birds or stars on their shoulders and a military uniform, and the other may be in all black with blue hair and piercings, but while their shallow bumper stickers on their cars may differ, their principles are actually the same. There is a reason why some BaseOps clowns literally joined with Antifa nut jobs and funded them so that they could all lose to me in my latest defense of the Constitution in court. Fascists gonna fascist. It makes no difference if the domestic enemy of our Constitution is some Democrat freak show or a fake conservative "patriot" like Kinzinger or his supporters.

Anyway, these kinds of childishly idiotic values are expected on a forum where Digital Playpen nannies like Toro (who has a fetish for disciplining children) routinely put Air Force service members into "time out" (before banning views they don't agree with like some Twitter Antifa employees on an authoritarian power trip) before recess and before handing out fruit cups. Since American adults aren't allowed to post adult views, this watering hole continues to poison the minds of the children who don't have the benefit of intelligent debate. It's such environments that produce confused views like that men are women, racism is anti-racism, and that Kinzinger is a conservative. Kids will believe anything they're told.

USAFA may have a sign that says "bring me men" but over on BaseOps the sign reads "bring me children." And Representative Adam Kinzinger shares that impulse to treat others as infants. You could say he's "representative" of the folks on BaseOps.

Anonymous said...

Asshat Kinzinger in 2019

Anonymous said...

Obviously the above was written by new age conspiritualists.

Adam Kinzinger seems like a pretty solid young Christian politician to me. Military veteran who is married to his first and only wife. Kind of refreshing.

Here's an article more honestly discussing our Christian brother, Adam Kinzinger.

"Meet the Republican Congressman Who Says His Faith Led Him to Vote for Impeachment: Adam Kinzinger wants to see a commitment to truth reorient his party and recover the witness of the American church."

some excerpts:

“Although I’m not great at citing verse and chapter, I know the Bible speaks quite a bit about conspiracies and about allowing that darkness into your heart, about the importance of truth, the importance of being a light in dark places, of being truth,”

"“I’m not a Christian leader. I’m not a pastor. But I am a person who shares the faith and who looks at what that’s done to the political system in this country, and I decided to speak out.”

He believes the spread of lies among Christians is part of a much more serious battle than political races, citing Ephesians 6:12’s reminder that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world” (KJV). He said too many Christians have been co-opted into prizing political victories over spiritual ones. “If you think about the Devil’s ultimate trick for Christianity, really, he doesn’t care what the tax rates are. It doesn’t matter. What he cares about is embarrassing the church, and it feels like it’s been successful,” the congressman said. “But I also think this is an opportunity for the church to have a massive rediscovery of what our mission and our role in this world is.”


Anonymous said...

Previously thought that our man X wasn't quite right in the head?

Now there is no doubt:

"Obviously the above was written by new age conspiritualists."

J said...

Kinzinger is going into the midst of the wolves as if he is a sheep. Is he? And is he being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove?

Matthew 10:16
King James Version

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

What does it mean to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16)?

Craig said...

Pink Floyd - Careful With That Vaxx, Eugenicist

Anonymous said...

Biden Team Contemplating Outsourcing Mass Surveillance Of “Suspected Domestic Terrorists” To Private Firms

White House aims to subvert Constitution by having corporations violate the rights of American people

By Jamie White | | May 03, 2021

Joe Biden’s White House is considering tasking the private sector with surveilling the online chatter of American citizens to identify “domestic terrorists,” according to CNN.

Yes, really.

Since the Department of Homeland security can only browse through unprotected public information on social media sites, the DHS is discussing using outside companies to “legally access” private chat logs of right-wing groups like the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys to monitor their conversations.

This Constitutional work-around would grant the DHS access to information that not even the FBI, CIA, or NSA are allowed to collect.

By partnering with research firms who have more visibility in this space, the DHS could produce information that would likely be beneficial to both it and the FBI, which can’t monitor US citizens in this way without first getting a warrant or having the pretext of an ongoing investigation. The CIA and NSA are also limited on collecting intelligence domestically,” CNN reported on Monday.

A DHS official, calling Trump supporters “violent domestic extremists”, said that deeper surveillance of citizens by private companies is necessary to keep the peace.

“Domestic violent extremists are really adaptive and innovative. We see them not only moving to encrypted platforms, but obviously couching their language so they don’t trigger any kind of red flag on any platforms,” a DHS official told CNN.

Only your patronage to our store is what keeps this beacon of truth lit in the controlled-narrative darkness.
“What do you do about ideology that’s leading to violence? Do you have to wait until it leads to violence?”

“We are exploring with our lawyers, civil rights, civil liberties and privacy colleagues, how we can make use of outside expertise,” the DHS official added.

Fortunately, some members of Congress are wary of tasking companies to perform extra-Constitutional actions on the federal government’s behalf — in other words, corporate fascism.

“There’s a tension between wanting to empower [DHS’s intelligence office] to do this kind of work around domestic terrorism on the one hand and then on the other hand the misuse of its capabilities during the summer of 2020, gives a lot of people on the Hill pause [when it comes to] potentially giving them new authorities, capabilities or resources,” a Senate aide told CNN.

This comes after Biden during his address to Congress last week characterized “white supremacist terrorism” as America’s top threat.

Twitter/Gab/Minds/Parler: @WhiteIsTheFury

Anonymous said...

(1st quote mark was missing:)

"By partnering with research firms who have more visibility in this space, the DHS could produce information that would likely be beneficial to both it and the FBI, which can’t monitor US citizens in this way without first getting a warrant or having the pretext of an ongoing investigation. The CIA and NSA are also limited on collecting intelligence domestically,” CNN reported on Monday.


Only your (and John Oliver's) patronage to their store is what keeps this beacon of truth lit in the controlled-narrative darkness.

Anonymous said...

Biden White House Partners With McDonald’s To Promote COVID Vaccine As ‘Hesitancy Grows’

Comes as government struggles to convince huge swath of Americans to get the experimental COVID shot

Maricopa County Officials REFUSE to Turn Over Subpoenaed Devices Used in 2020 Election

Unconstitutional: Biden’s DOJ Tries To Interfere In Arizona’s Election Audit

Federal government appears to violate U.S. Constitution in desperate bid to stop Maricopa County vote audit.

Psaki Defends Biden Aborted Fetal Tissue Research: ‘It’s Important To Invest in Science’

This as the FDA was recently discovered to have paid thousands of dollars for chopped up baby parts during the Obama/Biden era.

Replacement Migration: Biden Admin To Increase Number Of Illegals Released Into U.S. By 800%

Biden is executing the United Nations plan for Replacement Migration, effectively breaking the U.S. border and bringing in a subpopulation that can be exploited by globalist politicos for generations.

Anonymous said...

Ha! To add to my mention of John Oliver's report there's this:

Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Must Stop Hawking Phony Coronavirus Treatments, NY Attorney General Demands

(NEW YORK) — New York’s attorney general is demanding that conspiracy monger Alex Jones stop hawking phony coronavirus treatments.

Attorney General Letita James’ office sent a cease-and-desist letter Thursday saying it’s “extremely concerned” by Jones’ claims that toothpaste, dietary supplements, creams, and other products sold on his website can prevent and cure the disease, known as COVID-19.

Anonymous said...

A Taiwan Militia Could Help Deter Mainland China

May 11, 2021
By Rex Crigger

The nation of Taiwan faces the increasing likelihood of invasion by Mainland China and may have to face it alone. Taiwan must therefore take steps on its own to deter an invasion and to demonstrate the intention to resist it as long as possible if it comes.

In 2019, demonstrators in Hong Kong carried American and British flags as well as at least one poster reading, "We need the Second Amendment." Beijing long ago foreclosed that option for Hong Kong, but Taiwan may still have time to adopt a firearms policy acceptable to its people and government, while contributing to its overall defense. It could develop a capability common to small nations facing larger enemies -- a government-supported citizens' militia. A numerous, well-equipped militia would demonstrate that any invasion will involve the whole population in the nation's defense, and that such an attack would be a costly endeavor.

President Biden still has not stated clearly that the United States will defend Taiwan if the island is attacked. The deterrent value of the policy of "strategic ambiguity" is of little value when Beijing's policy is increasingly unambiguous and there is the possibility that American forces might not be able to intervene effectively even if they tried to do so. War games conducted by the U.S. military have indicated that China might prevail in a regional contest against the United States if it happens in the next few years, and Admiral Phillip Davidson has warned that war could come as soon as six to ten years from now. Plans to revise U.S. military doctrine and tactics offer some hope, but the proposed changes are unlikely to be in place within the time-frame envisioned by Admiral Davidson.

Taiwan must be prepared to stand alone. Its regular military and reserve forces appear strong on paper, but many shortcomings in their equipment and training have been identified. As their principal arms supplier, the U.S. continues to sell advanced weapons to Taipei in furtherance of the "Fortress Taiwan" concept popular in the Pentagon. But expensive, advanced weapons may not be available in sufficient numbers to make a difference in the defense of the island. Recognizing this, former Taiwan Armed Forces Chief of Staff Admiral Lee Hsi-Ming developed an "Overall Defense Plan" (ODP) to maximize the nation's defensive capability. He advocated a defense based on "a large number of small things" -- relatively inexpensive arms, purchased in quantity, dispersed, and protected from rapid destruction in a sudden attack. The ODP should include plans for a militia beyond the currently available reserves, potentially a very large number of "small things" -- trained guerrilla fighters.

Anonymous said...

A conventional military attack on Taiwan could be costly for Beijing even if it succeeded, and extensive fighting on the island could destroy a large part of the island's coveted industrial infrastructure, especially its microchip production facilities. This possibility has some deterrent value in itself, but Taiwan also faces the threat of an unconventional "hybrid" or "grey area" military operation such as that conducted by Russia's "little green men" against the Ukraine in 2014. Retired Admiral James Stavridis and others caution that China could employ its numerous Naval Militia as "little blue men" at sea or against Taiwan itself. Seizure of many key military facilities and high-value civilian targets simultaneously via hybrid operations, using Naval Militia, infiltration by Special Operations troops, and fifth-column agents, might present Taipei with a fait accompli, discouraging further resistance. A cease-fire under these circumstances could make U.S. intervention unlikely. Such a hybrid operation could be made more difficult and might be deterred by use of a citizens' militia, deployed to reinforce existing security personnel around potential targets. In times of increased tension short of war, a portion of the militia could be mobilized and posted alongside full-time security forces both to strengthen defenses and to demonstrate national resolve. While the militia alone would not be intended to fight pitched battles against regular military forces, its presence in large numbers would complicate an invader's planning and make it hard to seize many objectives simultaneously.

As suggested by writers such as Michael Hunzeker and Brian Davis, part of Taiwan's organized reserves should be converted to "Territorial" forces, armed and equipped similar to regular troops but organized for local defense in their home areas. Poland provides a contemporary model. "Territorials" could be strengthened further by a well-organized civilian militia. If invasion occurs or appears imminent, the militia would be alerted and organized under the leadership of Territorial officers. Conventional military units which are defeated by invaders would disperse and join the militia to organize an extended guerrilla campaign.

Historically, some nations' militia members have furnished their own arms, and others have kept their government-provided weapons at home. With significant limits on private firearms ownership in place already, Taiwan's government and people may not accept the presence of military-grade weapons in private homes. However, weapons, ammunition, and other supplies could be stored in numerous, scattered locations all over the country, in relatively secure facilities such as local police stations. Using government-supplied weapons would ensure that militia fighters have the same arms and ammunition as the regular forces, avoiding the logistical problems often encountered by militias using their personal arms in historical examples, such as our own Revolution.

Anonymous said...

Non-lethal equipment could be kept at members' homes. Upon alert, militia members would report to a local arsenal to receive weapons and ammunition, then report for duty at pre-assigned posts. Once mobilized, all components of the defense forces would be supported by the widely dispersed infrastructure of arsenals, with stores of ammunition and other supplies. These scattered storage sites would also mean that even if a large part of Taiwan were occupied by invaders, there would be many facilities remaining to support an insurgency.

Taiwan's conventional forces have about 170,000 personnel, and the organized reserves are variously estimated at about 2.5 million members available for service. With a population of over 23 million, Taiwan might easily build a citizens' militia of a million or more -- about one-twentieth of its population -- relatively quickly and at low cost. An invading force would suffer significant losses at the hands of Taiwan's conventional forces even if Taipei's allies are held at bay, and then would face a nation organized for defense. The invaders would have to plan for a costly occupation. While the Chinese Communists are presumably capable of extreme ruthlessness in rooting out an insurgency, they would also realize that extended fighting would greatly reduce Taiwan's prize value.

To help deter China, Taiwan needs an effective militia in addition to improved regular forces. The United States should commit publicly to the defense of Taiwan against invasion and to the long-term support of its resistance to occupation. Military sales to Taiwan should include arms and other equipment appropriate to extended resistance. The prospect of a long, hard fight might make Beijing reconsider its options.

(Pray for the safety of the good people in Taiwan!)

Published by Nwo Report

Once dismissed by cynics as a “conspiracy theory the New World Order is rapidly becoming a reality. We look at its origins, how it operates and how it affects the lives of everyone.

View all posts by Nwo Report:

Anonymous said...

(Also please pray for the safety of the good people in Hong Kong)

Anonymous said...

“But I also think this is an opportunity for the church to have a massive rediscovery of what our mission and our role in this world is.”

Through your Democrat channels eh, x? Social change their way (not the Bible way) is your "christian" forte and why you have no credibility to attach Scripture to your posts. You do not rightly divide God's Word, you abuse it to your own end.
Either you have forgotten what the real Gospel is and it's mission in the world....or you never knew.

For being a conservative pro-life person, as you claim you are, your words and who you enable and promote of every thing ungodly, of every foul bird (Rev 18:2) proves you a liar about having a Bible way to look at the world. God is letting your dark side get the upper hand now..for His purpose, not yours, for such a time as this.

Anonymous said...

120 American generals: U.S. may not survive Biden's attack on Constitution

Anonymous said...

Why Is the Government Hiding January 6 Video Footage?

Anonymous said...

Romney needs to change his dirty (not so) magic underwear.

He's got them pretty wadded in a bunch too.

Anonymous said...

God directs our hearts to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

10 Things We Have Learned During the COVID Coupe

Anonymous said...

11:59 am

Though I agree with the sentiment, you are criticizing the words/quote of our Christian brother and conservative republican, Adam Kinzinger. That wasn't my quote.

I didn't vote Democrat to usher in a rediscovey of the Christian biblical mission. The Gospel doesn't need or require the state's support, partnership or spiritual "welfare".

I simply reject the unbiblical Rushdoony (Christiaan Reconstructionist) Theonomic underpinnings of the orthodox roman catholic in broadening ecumenical partnership with the "New Age" NAR and false prosperity gospel "moral majority" faux "religious right" as endorsed and adopted by the Republican party.

My position is in agreement with the Gospel Coalition.

This essay is too long and complex to offer excerpts to do it justice. I've read a lot of Bahnsen's books so I have a background understanding of Theonomy.


Anonymous said...

Globalist Pope Francis Defends Joe Biden Over Abortion Policies

Anonymous said...

Your painting with a broad brush. Most Republicans are not involved with NAR, or New Age.

You pretend to be so apolitical, while endorsing your own diseased minds, twisted political logic. Which of course is completely illogical.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Christ would agree with Satanist pope Francis, not wanting to be DIVISIVE???

You know, slaughter millions of children, but God forbid, causing division!

Sounds kinda 180° degrees opposite of what Christ taught!

That would place his unholiness square in the middle of Satan's will.

Anonymous said...

2:56 pm said --> "Your painting with a broad brush. Most Republicans are not involved with NAR, or New Age."

You'd be surprised my brother or sister.

Try finding a church NOT playing Bethel and/or Hillsong "Christian" music.

The NAR model (and its errant theology) has crept in the backdoor (women's and music ministries) throughout the US.

Does your church have a 24 hour prayer room, classes on contemplative prayer, a healing room, an "Apostle" leader who speaks audible with "Daddy" or even offers Christian Yoga?

Most Christians have no idea about the new age domionist theological underpinnings of the "religious right". They only hope they are Christians and go with the the sheep we all are. Churches have become entertainment venues where the word is rarely heard. The flock is primed for deception, like the Catholics of old who weren't even allowed to own a bible, let alone read it.

Nominating and supporting lifelong unrepentant adulterers for political office is not a biblical Gospel supporting duty. Who I vote for should NOT divide us and the fact that in your eyes, it a part of the problem. The separation of Church and state is our protection from these heretics and their roman partners.

The culture war is already lost yet the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues just as it always does.


Anonymous said...

@ 2:19 PM x, you gave your glowing assessment of the guy who is obviously not very versed in Scripture but thinks he is spiritual enough to virtue signal all the rest of us (like Romney the blatant self-righteous mormon and btw check into mormonism and see how new age and old pagan it is) I never voted for that swamp creature. So I think the whole lot of those doing the over the top virtue signaling for everyone else are the ones to be suspect of...not your regular American, who is not NAR, we just wanted to stem the tide of Socialism (you voted for by voting Biden) and Trump was the only help at that time in that direction. Not a savior in my book, not anything but a man for a time, in these incredible times in which we find ourselves.

Like all earthly things, here today, gone tomorrow. The trouble is few are objective in their views to be gracious enough to allow the truth to come to the forefront, the subjectivity of most politicians these days make me sick. So whatever. Goes with everything else these days..but we will answer to God for how we have conducted ourselves.

And you have virtue signaled plenty here long before this current thread. So you are suspect too, that you are merely a plant and troll here to further division which is what all the compromised RINO'S are doing, right along with the despicable left. Dividing, while playing the I'm a better Republican, or human than you game.

The unethical unamerican RINO players (goes way back) are how the cheating progressive (long before the election) left demagogues were getting power handed to them. Slice and dice them together they are all the same, rotten. The Dems socialism could not win on merits. And RINO's are so stupid to love the swamp more than their own country's freedoms and countrymen and instead vote their "conscience" (they make me gag) rather than actually represent the people who sent them to DC in their stead. Carnival barkers. Liz Cheney wanted to find the cameras right away today, like a moth to a flame. People are all over the map these days claiming they are this or that, but I find a whole lot of people (left and too many on the right) are very unprincipled, mere pragmatists, testing to see which way the wind blows, looking for their own itch to be scratched and not one bit about the common good, that this country's founding, with God's blessing, was about.
Trump, for all his many personality quirks and flaws, raw but honest, was who I found refreshing, because the self-righteous political types are just phonies and fakes, (it's for the children, it for our democracy, etc etc excuses) pretending they are better than Trump. News flash...they're not. Not better at all, and now in my eyes far worse because they can't wait to find a bus to throw us under.

Really we are all going to answer. I'm realizing more and more now that I'd rather be the one wronged than the one doing the wrong. I'm thankful and glad my hopes don't rest here in this world.

And America is under judgment from the Lord. So be it. God calls these shots and I'm okay with His Plan. I've read the end of The Book. God Wins.
(...and it was never about us, American, or anyone from anywhere...)

RayB said...

Anon @ 3:02 PM ...

Let's not be too harsh and judgmental on pope Francis. Francis doesn't want to cause "division" by criticizing Catholic politicians for being pro-abortion (or, to respectfully use the Vatican's new term; "pro-choice"). That is perfectly understandable. Francis rightly doesn't want to lose the praise of the men of the world. Isn't that a good thing? Why be harsh and divisive by criticizing the good folks that are fighting the good fight of the pro-abortionists ... I mean ... pro-choicers ... (that has a much more pleasant sound to it ... doesn't it?)

On the bright side, at least Francis didn't come out sounding like a New Ager ... now THAT would really be something worthy of condemnation. Oh wait ... uh .... what ... what ... oh, no ... what's this I see?

From an official pope Francis Tweet (verbatim):

"As many spiritual masters have taught us, heaven, earth, sea, and every creature have an iconic capacity or mystical capacity to bring us back to the Creator and to communion with creation." #SeasonOfCreation #GeneralAudience
6:33 AM · Sep 16, 2020

And oh, by the way. Didn't Jesus have something to say about following Him might cause division?

"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven."

"But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

"For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

"And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."

"He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

"And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me."
- Matthew 10: 32-38

It seems that Bergoglio somehow missed all this during his prep time for being "pope" as a young, liberation theology Jesuit Marxist.

Anonymous said...

The Truth On How Joe Biden Got Together With His Wife Jill

The former husband of Joe Biden’s wife Jill is speaking out on exactly how Joe and Jill got together.

It’s not the romantic blind date Biden tells but adultery on her part and Biden screwing a married woman.

A former neighbor of Joe Biden's accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual-assault account

Joe Biden's Repeated Plagiarizing

Anonymous said...

"Anti-Maskers So Scared Of Vaxxed People, They Just Might Have To Wear A Mask!"


"Vice has the deets on these anti-vaxxer/anti-mask people who might just have to wear a mask now, to protect them from all the bad things caused by the vaccines and the shedding.....

"Sherri Tenpenny, an anti-vaxxer who was found to be key in spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories, suggested on a recent anti-vax livestream that you may have to "stay away from somebody who's had these shots…forever."

"There is something being passed from people who are shot up with this poison to others who have not gotten the shot," said Larry Palevsky, a New York pediatrician and anti-vaxxer, on a separate livestream. They should also "have a badge on their arms that say 'I've been vaccinated even though it's not a vaccine' so that we know to avoid them on the street, to not go near them anywhere in society," he said."

"And then there is certifiably ******* Canadian sovereign citizen person Dr. Judy Mikovits, who featured heavily in the Plandemic conspiracy theory documentary that went around during the beginning of the pandemic. She's already WEARIN' MASKS, y'all. She's wearing COLLOIDAL SILVER masks. This dumb ******* is willing to wear it on her face to protect from THE SHEDDINGS!!!!1! But we guess she's not willing to wear a regular mask to protect her from THE PLANDEMIC."


Anonymous said...

Unhinged Leftist Bette Midler Threatens To KILL Unvaccinated Kids

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

“Entertainer” Bette Midler has called for KILLING children who have not had COVID shots.

(Article by Steve Watson republished from

In a completely mental tweet aimed at ‘anti-vaxxers’, the unhinged Midler advocated using peanut butter on kids with allergies if they haven’t been vaccinated against coronavirus.

Normally anything coming out of her mouth is easily ignored, but this mind to keyboard splurge is a particularly hot take…

Anonymous said...

COVID vaccines ‘must be halted immediately,’ renowned toxicologist tells CDC

'We must halt all COVID vaccine administration immediately, before we create a true pandemic that we cannot reign in,’
warned Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D.

May 12, 2021
By Raymond Wolfe

Renowned toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., has called on the U.S. government to halt COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

Late last month, Lindsay told a meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in Atlanta that the vaccines “must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts.” ACIP had convened to discuss blood disorders linked to the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Lindsay, who holds a doctorate from the University of Texas and has more than three decades of scientific experience, cited potential blood clot, fertility, and immune issues related to the jabs. Her full testimony can be found on YouTube:

...with a transcript here:

“This is NOT a coincidence”

“In the mid-1990s, I aided the development of a temporary human contraceptive vaccine which ended up causing unintended autoimmune ovarian destruction and sterility in animal test models, despite efforts against this and sequence analyses that did not predict this,” Lindsay told ACIP.

“I strongly feel that all the gene therapy [COVID-19] vaccines must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts,” she said. Dr. Lindsay warned that the vaccines could hinder production of syncytin, a crucial protein for fertility and pregnancy, and negatively impact pregnancy outcomes as a result.

“First, there is a credible reason to believe that the COVID vaccines will cross-react with the syncytin and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta, leading to impaired fertility and impaired reproductive and gestational outcomes,” she argued.

“Respected virologist Dr. Bill Gallaher, Ph.D., made excellent arguments as to why you would expect cross reaction due to beta sheet conformation similarities between spike proteins and syncytin-1 and syncytin-2,” Lindsay said.

“I have yet to see a single immunological study which disproves this. Despite the fact that it would literally take the manufacturers a single day to do these syncytin studies to ascertain this. It’s been over a year since the assertions were first made that this could occur.”

“We have seen 100 pregnancy losses reported in VAERS,” the vaccine injury tracking system of the U.S. government, as of April 9, Dr. Lindsay continued. “And there have been reports of impaired spermatogenesis and placental findings from both the natural infection, vaccinated, and syncytin knockout animal models that have similar placental pathology, implicating a syncytin-mediated role in these outcomes.”

Lindsay also pointed to reports of irregular menstrual cycles following COVID-19 shots. “We simply cannot put these [coronavirus vaccines] in our children who are at .002% risk for COVID mortality if infected, or any more of the child-bearing age population, without thoroughly investigating this matter,” she said.

Otherwise, “we could potentially sterilize an entire generation.” “Speculation that this will not occur and a few anecdotal reports of pregnancies within the trial are not sufficient proof that this is not impacting on a population-wide scale,” Lindsay said.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lindsay noted that “all of the [COVID vaccine] gene therapies are causing” blood clots, as well. “This is not isolated to one manufacturer, and this is not isolated to one age group.”

“We are seeing coagulopathy deaths in healthy young adults with no secondary comorbidities. There have been 795 reports related to blood clotting disorders as of April 9th in the VAERS reporting system, 338 of these being due to thrombocytopenia,” she added.

“There are forward and backward mechanistic principles for why this is happening. The natural infection is known to cause coagulopathy due to the spike protein. All gene therapy vaccines direct the body to make the spike protein,” she said. Lindsay cited a paper published in the Journal of Hematology & Oncology in 2020, which showed that infusing spike proteins led to blood disorders in mice.

“Spike protein incubated with human blood in vitro also caused blood clot development which was resistant to fibrinolysis” — a process that stops the growth of clots. “The spike protein is causing thrombocytic events, which cannot be resolved through natural means,” she said. “And all vaccines must be halted in the hope that they can be reformulated to guard against this adverse effect.”

Lindsay’s comments were cut off at the ACIP meeting before she could mention her third concern, though that final point has been published on the website of Dr. Jennifer Margulis.

“Third, there is strong evidence for immune escape, and that inoculation under pandemic pressure with these leaky vaccines is driving the creation of more lethal mutants that are both newly infecting a younger age demographic, and causing more COVID-related deaths across the population than would have occurred without intervention,” Lindsay said.

“We have enough evidence now to see a clear correlation with increased COVID deaths and the vaccine campaigns,” she continued. “This is not a coincidence. It is an unfortunate unintended effect of the vaccines.”

Her conclusion: “We must halt all COVID vaccine administration immediately, before we create a true pandemic that we cannot reign in.”

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a protein synthesis expert and research scientist at MIT, expressed that she “absolutely shares these concerns” in an email to Margulis.

“The potential for blood clotting disorders and the potential for sterilization are only part of the story,” Dr. Seneff said. “There are other potential long-term effects of these vaccines as well, such as autoimmune disease and immune escape, whereby the vaccines administered to immune-compromised people accelerate the mutation rate of the virus so as to render both naturally acquired and vaccine-induced antibodies no longer effective.”

The CDC nevertheless resumed injections of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine last month, though a Norwegian government commission has renewed calls for the jab to be shelved. VAERS has tracked more than 4,400 deaths following COVID-19 vaccine injections as of Monday. The survival rate of the virus has been estimated to be as high as 99.8%.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Vaccines May Lead To Prion-Linked Brain Degeneration Similar To Mad Cow Disease!

Researchers published a review that sounds the alarm about potential unintended COVID-19 vaccine side effects

May 12, 2021
By Tom Pappert

A new review of possible unintended consequences of COVID-19 vaccines suggests that the controversial mRNA vaccines – Moderna and Pfizer – may lead to unexpected neurological conditions similar to Mad Cow Disease.
The review by Stephanie Seneff, who works at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, and Dr. Nigh, who specializes in Naturopathic Oncologogy at Immerson Health in Portland, Oregon, was released this week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, and devotes a considerable space to discussing the research of Dr. J. Bart Classen, who first published a research paper on the possibility of prion-linked brain degeneration caused by the COVID-19 vaccine last month, and expands on his research.

The researchers explain that “researchers have identified a signature motif linked to susceptibility to misfolding into toxic oligomers, called the glycine zipper motif. It is characterized by a pattern of two glycine residues spaced by three intervening amino acids, represented as GxxxG. The bovine prion linked to MADCOW has a spectacular sequence of ten GxxxGs in a row,” and notes that “the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a transmembrane protein, and that it contains five GxxxG motifs in its sequence” and, thus, “it becomes extremely plausible that it could behave as a prion”.

“Recall that the mRNA vaccines are designed with an altered sequence that replaces two adjacent amino acids in the fusion domain with a pair of prolines,” the authors continue. “This is done intentionally in order to force the protein to remain in its open state and make it harder for it to fuse with the membrane. This seems to us like a dangerous step towards misfolding potentially leading to prion disease.”

Prions were first described as the method by which Mad Cow Disease causes brain degeneration due to misfolding proteins in the body. The CDC notes that “prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.” Mad Cow Disease “progressively attacks the brain but can remain dormant for decades,” per the BBC.

“Pfizer claims the RNA fragments ‘likely… will not result in expressed proteins’ due to their assumed rapid degradation in the cell,” the researchers note. They add, “While we are not asserting that non-spike proteins generated from fragmented RNA would be misfolded or otherwise pathological, we believe they would at least contribute to cellular stress that promotes prion-associated conformational changes in the spike protein that is present.”

When Classen previously published his research, fact checkers were quick to point to public statements from Pfizer that dismissed concerns of brain prions as a result of their vaccine. It may be worth noting that “the most expensive settlement that Pfizer has paid was over $2.3 billion paid as a fine to resolve civil and criminal penalties for illegal marketing of four medications including Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, and Lyrics.”

Anonymous said...

Moderna Chief Medical Officer Confirms mRNA Injection For COVID-19 Can Change Your Genetic Code

Media and medical establishment insists COVID shot doesn't alter DNA, but this insider tells a different story.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

From a TEDx Beacon Street talk occurred in 2017, Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, Inc., one pharmaceutical company manufacturer of the experimental mRNA technology injection, confirms mRNA injection for COVID-19 can change your genetic code or DNA:

Anonymous said...

Vaccine Specialist Speaks Out…

In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicine Agency about the danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason.

In this episode Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not limited to the products already suspended, and how we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with THIS picture? (Desperate times call for desperate measures?)

'Get the vaccine, win a million:' Ohio announces lottery to give five people $1 MILLION each to get the shot - and minors can win 4-year college tuition!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Rand Paul confronts Fauci to his face — ‘Did the NIH fund gain of function research at Wuhan bio-lab!’

‘200 scientists have signed a letter that says you’re lying’

Update — Rand Paul discusses testy exchange with Fauci

Dr. Fauci is lying…

Tucker Carlson calls for criminal investigation of Anthony Fauci

The Vaccinated are comparing all of their adverse reactions on Reddit…

EU regulators demand more data on Vaccines causing Myocarditis, Guillain–Barré Syndrome…

J said...

I don't know what this means. It just caught my eye. Somebody warned me to "stay in the Word" and put the Word above even trusted messengers whose articles and videos are frequently shared here. It seems like good advice.

GenSix Productions

Extinction Protocols

Globalists to Initiate Tribulations

A picture of a mushroom cloud, a guillotine and an "alien".

A conference June 11 and 12, 2021, along with a streaming broadcast

Who's involved, among others:

Mike Adams of Natural News

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

It seems like a lot of people have "alien" theme related events planned for June 2021.

J said...

(FYI, because of the involvement of Steve Quayle, I think it likely that the aliens are going to be deemed real extraterrestrials, not demons.)

Here is a lengthier description of this conference / streaming broadcast:

EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS – The destruction of the human race has kicked into high gear, with the Globalists plotting the deaths of 90% of the Earth’s population. We are currently facing an unimaginable list of haunting challenges: Forced Vaccinations, Alien Disclosure, Geological Upheaval, AI Terminator Robots, Solar Storms, Volcanoes & Earthquakes, Loss of Freedoms & 2nd Amendment Rights, the End of Paper Money, and the Explosion of Crypto Currencies and Precious Metals.

EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS will feature presentations from Steve Quayle, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gary Heavin, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Egon von Greyerz, Mike Adams, Lisa Haven, Paul Begley, Dave Hodges, Daniel Holdings, and more. This panel of expert speakers will encourage, equip and warn you for the days of darkness ahead. Tribulations are unfolding, minute by minute, and time is running out. We must all be prayerful and prepare to overcome the most perilous time in Earth’s history.

J said...

Here is the Armageddon Times in February, promoting together Tom Horn and Steve Quayle and their video about the imminent alien disclosure and deception. Tom Horn is hyper charismatic, and he is a false prophet as proved by many failed prophecies.

This whole thing seems multi-layered and convoluted.

I don't know what to say; just put your batteries in your B.S. detector! And pray for discernment.


Anonymous said...

A real look at the impact of those darned “plagues” and “pandemics” of the last 12 years

The only way to sell Americans on getting so many dirty vaccines, year in and year out, is through a massive fear mongering campaign, hosted by the CDC and mass media everywhere. The problem is that it works, mainly because the populace is so doped up on mercury poisoning from the multi-dose flu shots that they can’t even remember what happened from one fake pandemic to the next.

Over 150 million Americans are fully convinced that every virus the media promotes is like the black plague, and that the human immune system is so weak, from birth to death, that we must ALL get every vaccine for every fake pandemic, or we will all die young. So let’s take an inside look at the real impact of those darned plagues that have totally besieged America for the past dozen or more years, nearly wiping us all off the face of the Earth (not even close).

You see, the real Black Plague, also known as the Bubonic Plague or “Black Death,” killed off some 25 million people in the 1600s. It set the precedent for all the scare tactics and fear mongering used today for any virus the CDC chooses to propagate in the news. Yet, the Black Plague still rears its ugly head all around the world, including in the USA, so where’s all the hype for that? Well, antibiotics quell it, just like vitamin D and zinc beat back Covid, but nobody is allowed to speak of natural remedies in America, or you get “Trumped.”


J said...

Just remember that somebody can lead you toward falsehood after gaining your trust by telling you the truth. It's happened to me before. I was very impressed by Leonard Horowitz when I was a newly born again Christian and not yet familiar with the Bible. I watched a video of him confronting Robert Gallo about HIV.

Then I wanted to watch other videos of him. Pretty soon I was watching him say he descended from King Solomon, then I heard him say he had an angel on his shoulder as he wrote books about the Illuminati. I was nearly convinced for about three days when he said he learned the key to the Kabbalah to use against the Illuminati.

He was mesmerizing and magnetic, because my mind was so open and trusting, because he was such a brave truth teller regarding medical cover-ups.

I looked him up and did more research. I learned he has a veritable cult on an island in Hawaii.

Be discerning, even regarding people who may be telling you a lot of truth.

J said...

P.S. Horowitz has a radio station with some kind of special music that actually gave me a headache when I listened to it. Other people I know reported headaches, too. My son became irritable and agitated from playing this music.

It isn't original music, but somehow, he claims it is set to some kind of special resonance. It's called 528 radio, the frequency of love, the miracle frequency. It's just normal classic rock like Beattles. But its frequency is supposedly different. I'm not really sure about how the physics or acoustics really works.

Some people I know took it as a good sign when they got a headache. They thought maybe it was because it was opening up their pineal gland internal "third eye".

Anonymous said...

Proof that the vaccines ARE the pandemic...

Plagues and plandemics. They’re all just mind games to sell dirty vaccines, until the mercury and the prions take over. Tune your internet frequency to for updates on how vaccines ARE the pandemic.

RayB said...

CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections – Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 20 Years of Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines Since 2001

57-Year-Old Syracuse Man Mocks “Anti-vaxxers,” DEAD Seven Days After Johnson & Johnson Shot

48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking “Anti-vaxxers” and Writing His Own Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections

RayB said...

Remember this one?

Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughn Found Dead Inside He Home as Police Open Investigation

RayB said...


If the 2020 Presidential Election was not stolen, why is it that Democrats keep covering up, or, destroying evidence?

BREAKING: Maricopa County Deleted Entire Database 10 Days Prior To Turning Over Equipment To Audit

J said...

You've heard of political theatre. This seems likely to be prepping people for religious theatre.

INCREDIBLE! The Essenes Predicted Over 2000 Years Ago Mankind Will Enter Its FINAL JUBILEE IN 2025!

The Essenes—the ancient Jewish sect who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls—actually predicted mankind would enter the final period of our age in the year 2025 AD, and the feast of trumpets in the fall of 2025 is 3.5 years away from the spring of 2029 when Apophis is set to fulfill the Wormwood prophecy of the Book of Revelation. Why should we care what the Essenes predicted? From their writings that date back to at least a century before Christ and writings about them such as Josephus, they correctly predicted (among many others):

A video follows.

Anonymous said...

RayB 9:55 AM,
Amazing isn't it?
One would think the the validation that would prove it was not stolen would be welcomed.

But the very ones, those nefarious hacks who stole it want to make sure it remains nebulous because it is they who cannot stand up to scrutiny.
Cheaters gonna cheat...
And need the stupid or willfully unaware to keep up the slight of hand. Too bad, quite sad, there are so many of those.

Anonymous said...


This was just posted today: Thursday, May 13, 2021 @

Here Comes the Great Falling Away

RayB said...


Regarding your 8:50 AM post in which you stated (in part):

"Somebody warned me to "stay in the Word" and put the Word above even trusted messengers whose articles and videos are frequently shared here. It seems like good advice."

I couldn't agree more. I personally ignore these so called "prophets" (such as Mark Taylor, i.e. the "Fireman Prophet"), Jonathan Cahn (or is it Con?), etc. It is really amazing the deception that is out there ... and it's on a massive scale.

Remember Christ's words:

"Let no man deceive you ..."

RayB said...

Anon @ 11:24 AM ...

The other day Newt Gingrich stated (paraphrase): "In my mind, the election was stolen in the key battleground states."

It's important to consider who it is that made that statement. Gingrich has well placed sources within ALL branches of Government that KNOW facts that are not readily available to ordinary Americans. I guarantee, Gingrich has been fed this information and has arrived at this conclusion based on what he was "confidentially" told.

Also, virtually ALL the major nations in the world have conducted their own research into this election via their intelligence branches. This is SOP for every major nation. I firmly believe that they ALL know that the election was stolen and are conducting their policies accordingly. In short, they know that a Coup took place in 2020. How that will effect our relationships going forward only time will tell.

Anonymous said...


Wow. Here's what seems to be an attempt to convince people that (healing) miracles occur WITHOUT God (although while at the same time paying a strange homage to what is in the Bible)!



Whatever health benefits 528Hz may or may not provide, God seems to be being edged out of the picture by it, if this article is representative...

Miracles in Medicine Explained by Sound Science

LAS VEGAS, June 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The mystery of miraculous healings is explained by science advanced this month by the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas International, Inc. in the esteemed peer-reviewed International Journal of Classical Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic Links.

Beyond 'placebo effect' are special healing vibrations carried by sound and light from the heart of patients and caregivers transmitted through 'structured water' and DNA, concludes the author.

'Frequency Rehab' course trains caregivers to make 'medicinal music,' videos, health products and equipment featuring the 'great vibrations' in nature, proven by science.

Positive attitudes of patients and caregivers, heart-felt loving intentions too, radiate a special 'LOVE frequency' evidenced to be 528nm/Hz,' explains Harvard-trained science scholar, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. He credits this 'good vibration' for impacting patients most positively and powerfully as the source of their miraculous recoveries.

In the article, "Electro-dynamics and 528 Frequency Resonance in Water Science Helps Solve the Mystery in Homeopathy," Horowitz details the biophysics and mathematics of miraculous healings. He credits frequencies and 'bio-resonance energy' synchronized with the heart of sunshine, nature, caregivers and love receivers, as the curative force.

Genetic signals of sound and light compel physical restoration through a programmed biofield. Dr. Horowitz's research examines the generally-overlooked capacity of 'structured water' in DNA to store and transmit frequencies that direct genetic-expression and body repair. 'Musical mathematics' energizes negatively-charged electrons that prompt the miracles.

Anonymous said...

"This is why grass is green," Dr. Horowitz explains. The color and structure of chlorophyll best explains its function of generating oxygen–a natural healing and cleansing element central to water. "That oxygen broadcasts 'electrons of love' that energize and alkalize cells and tissues.

"Nature models what we caregivers and recipients should be doing. Giving and receiving 'Love 528—the 'Universal Healer'."

"This 'hydro-electric,' 'bio-sonic and bio-photonic' system also relays healing intentions broadcasting from the hearts of doctors and patients. These 'good vibrations' 'phase-lock' with the heart of sunshine, chlorophyll, and oxygen. These elements naturally sustain and rejuvenate life in 528nm/Hz."

A peer-reviewed double blind study published by nerve cell researchers found 528 waves in music boosts human immunity 100% by enhancing anti-oxidant activity. 528 waves also protected the central nervous system of alcoholics by 20%.

Incredibly, that precise frequency of 528Hz is encrypted in the Bible's Book of Numbers as the most valuable 'gold offering' to God used to sanctify the temple—in this case the 'body temple.' 528Hz was later adopted by the Catholic Church as the "MI[racle]" note in the Solfeggio musical scale. That music was used in the most spiritually-uplifting "Hymn to St. John the Baptist."

From this history and health science Dr. Horowitz claims 528Hz is the "key of the house of David" used to heal King Saul by David's harp music. The same love energy generated Jesus' healing miracles. "That's what baptisms are all about—spiritual renewal transmitting healing benefits."

Science skeptics and atheists denounce monotheism that they argue has caused divisions between people, and many wars. Bridging the gaps using solid science and musical-mathematics holds great promise for world peace, Horowitz-reviewers conceive.

Natural health products makers and celebrity recording artists worldwide are increasingly relying on Horowitz's advice. Greening healthcare and the music industry using 528 frequency 'medicinal music' is modeled by the natural antibiotic OxySilver. This resonating immune-booster provides a safe, effective, and reliable alternative to risky drugs and vaccines.

Bono and U2, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have each retuned instruments and voices to 528 to reduce aggression and promote, Everything is Love. The doctor's series of music-videos titled Solfeggio Eclectica treat people of all ages in many therapeutic settings.

Dr. Horowitz trains caregivers to integrate these strategies through his 'Frequency Rehab' course online. Lessons include how to make 'energy medicines,' 'structured water' equipment, and therapeutic music to reduce pain, costs, and drug side-effects.

528 music plays for free on...

RayB said...

7 Yankees Staffers Test Positive for Covid-19. ALL were Previously Vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

We Don't Have a President l2021/05/11/we-dont-have-a-president-n378394

Anonymous said...

J said...

12:49 PM,

Yep, there is no God in his picture, but there is a King David -- the King David of Natural Healing, as he has called himself. Leonard Horowitz was never a doctor. He was a dentist.

Finding mystical, hidden codes in the Bible is standard issue Kabbalistic practice. Mystical pseudoscience is standard issue New Age practice.

Debunkers use people like him to play right into their hands. But I don't think everything Horowitz has ever claimed has been false or that everybody he's ever been associated with has been wrong about everything.

People who are discerning enough can avoid playing into either side of the dialectic.

Facts are still facts, no matter who said them. But the same person talking facts out the left side of his mouth can still be talking B.S. out the right side.

J said...

RayB 12:37 PM,

I agree, the New Testament warned repeatedly not to be deceived.

Anonymous said...

This topic used to be very high priority here at this blog. I hope it still is.

When it looks like armies might soon surround Jerusalem (as in Luke 21) - a multi-nation army kicking into gear may prove very timely.
The international community will weigh in before long in the events on the ground in the Holy Land if I am reading things right. The players will be lining up and more and more the times of the Gentiles will take shape as the Bible has told us it will.
We shall see won't we?

J said...

Some background on NESARA, which was a precursor to QAnon and The Storm.

One predecessor to “The Storm” was a scam from the early days of widespread internet use, called NESARA—which has roots in an even earlier intel-driven scam called Omega.

NESARA was a set of monetary reforms proposed in a late 90’s book called “Draining the Swamp,” written by engineer Harvey Francis Barnard. He wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve, ban interest on loans, forgive all consumer debt, go back to the gold standard, and establish a national sales tax. It’s a libertarian fever dream.

After years of trying to get Congress to pass NESARA, Barnard published the text online in 2000, where it caught the eye of a Seattle-area New Age enthusiast named Shaini Goodwin.

Goodwin was an online shill for an “investment” called the Omega Trust, which purported to sell “Omega Units” of “prime European bank notes” for as little as $100, which would then “roll over” and return millions of dollars in profit. Scam founder Clyde Hood and a group of associates began selling the non-existent “Omega Units” to locals in their small town, Mattoon, Illinois, looking to make some quick bucks.

Omega took advantage of the naivete of early internet adopters, and in particular, the growing ubiquity of Yahoo groups. By the mid-1990’s, it was a world-wide scam, with millions of dollars flooding into small-town Mattoon.

Goodwin played a major role in spreading the fiction of Omega, and under the screen name “Dove of Oneness,” she used message board posts, emails, and recorded messages to spin an elaborate fiction as to why the Omega Unit rollover wasn’t happening. To Dove, there was nothing less than a war between dark powers in the government trying to stop the Omega roll over and heroic “White Knights” trying to move it forward.

The longer it went on, the weirder it got. There were alternate realities, UFOs, renegade banks, claims that the U.S. government didn’t actually exist, and interventions from angels.

All the while, Goodwin insisted the Omega Unit rollover, with its countless millions, was on the verge of happening, in a few days, or “early next week.”

J said...

But Omega was a Ponzi scheme, and in August 2000, Hood and a dozen others were taken into custody by the FBI, accused of bilking over 10,000 people out of $12.5 million.

By then, Goodwin had already thrown Hood under the bus, saying he’d gone “off track” and had to be abandoned by the “Wealthy Visionaries” really in charge of Omega. By coincidence, Omega was collapsing at the same time as NESARA was picking up steam. And into the money shaped hole flew the Dove of Oneness.

Dove posited that Omega was shut down because it was just one element of a bigger economic miracle that would abolish all debt and deliver trillions in “prosperity packets.” Naturally, the dark forces would stop at nothing to derail NESARA—even staging the 9/11 attacks to stop the prosperity packets from being delivered.

It was the burgeoning paranoia of post-9/11 internet conspiracies that fed NESARA mania. After all, if the government could supposedly pull of a “controlled demolition” of the Twin Towers, why couldn’t they stop the divine prosperity of NESARA, as well?

Like she did with Omega, Goodwin kept the NESARA “intel” flowing with endless message board posts, recorded messages, and emails, all of which doled out secret information that only she had access to.

A typical Dove NESARA update, this one from March 2002, references the International Court of Justice, legendary New Age guru St. Germain, the Vatican, the Rockefellers, and the gold standard. It might as well be the misplaced walking boots, fleeing supermodels, and secret ice prisons of “The Storm.”

Dove subsisted on donations, and while the media wrote her off as a “cybercult queen” who merely combined old scams with new technology, she gained tens of thousands of followers and internet fame.

As the excuses wore on, Dove’s updates eventually became less hyperbolic, and in 2007, she was investigated by the IRS for defrauding an elderly woman to buy pro-NESARA mobile billboards. Goodwin died in 2010, destitute and with tens of thousands in IRS liens. Clyde Hood died in prison two years later.

J said...

Why read about NESARA? So you can avoid, or help others avoid, being fooled by this type of thing:

NESARA versus The Great Reset

Notice the theme, repeated here and in Paul Vallely's blog, of quantum banking, closely associated with the theme of a great awakening.

Same themes here:

Also the additional theme of debt forgiveness -- perhaps an echo of the claim made on Skywatch News about the ancient Essenes predicting the last Jubilee by 2025.

Let no man deceive you.

J said...

This is a better article about NESARA from

NESARA and the Business of False Hope: Why Times of Austerity and Pandemic Create Fertile Ground for Die-Hard Scams

J said...

Paul Vallely in his article about the quantum financial system actually referenced GESARA four times. Here is the link again. It's been shared in this thread twice now. Could he just be trying to cash in for the purpose of funding psy ops off the books or something like that?

Anonymous said...

"Watch Liz Cheney’s Extended Exclusive Interview With Savannah Guthrie"

RayB -- So after years of being this blog's #1 anti-christ candidate, who is also a thrice-married lifelong unrepentant adulterer, who converted to roman catholicism to be with his Vatican Ambassador affair partner and who also a member of Trump's puppeteer organization, Opus Dei, has now become a trustworthy public source of Truth???

Trump is lying. Newt is lying; and, the republican party, sans a few brave individuals, are knowingly continuing to promote baseless lies about the election in order to seemingly preserve Trump's fragile "power of positive thinking" ego.

As Liz Cheney points out, lying will not serve the republic, the constitution or the republican party.

[from gotquestions] - "The Bible nowhere presents an instance where lying is considered to be the right thing to do. The ninth commandment prohibits bearing false witness (Exodus 20:16). Proverbs 6:16-19 lists “a lying tongue” and “a false witness who pours out lies” as two of the seven abominations to the Lord. Love “rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6). For other Scriptures that speak negatively of lying, see Psalm 119:29, 163; 120:2; Proverbs 12:22; 13:5; Ephesians 4:25; Colossians 3:9; and Revelation 21:8. There are many examples of liars in Scripture, from Jacob’s deceit in Genesis 27 to the pretense of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. Time after time, we see that falsehood leads to misery, loss, and judgment."


Craig said...

Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), discuss:

Spike protein causes cell damage (from Livestream #79)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Craig said...

No lying as "the right thing to do" in the Bible? What about Rahab the harlot?

4 But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them. So she said, “Yes, the men did come to me, but I didn’t know where they were from. 5 At nightfall, when the gate was about to close, the men went out, and I don’t know where they were going. Chase after them quickly, and you can catch up with them!” 6 But she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them among the stalks of flax that she had arranged on the roof. 7 The men pursued them along the road to the fords of the Jordan, and as soon as they left to pursue them, the gate was shut.

8 Before the men fell asleep, she went up on the roof 9 and said to them, “I know that the Lord has given you this land and that the terror of you has fallen on us, and everyone who lives in the land is panicking because of you. 10 For we have heard how the Lord dried up the waters of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings you completely destroyed across the Jordan. 11 When we heard this, we lost heart, and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below. 12 Now please swear to me by the Lord that you will also show kindness to my family, because I showed kindness to you. Give me a sure sign 13 that you will spare the lives of my father, mother, brothers, sisters, and all who belong to them, and save us from death”

Now, to be clear, I'm not making any sort of 'moral equivalence' with anything, merely pointing out there is at least one instance in Scripture where someone was rewarded for not telling the truth.

Ponder that...

RayB said...


And Rahab is listed among the "Hall of Faith" in Hebrews Chapter 11.

Anonymous said...


That was covered in the next couple of paragraphs on Gotquestions...


"In an instance such as this, where lying may be the only possible way to prevent a horrible evil, perhaps lying would be an acceptable thing to do. Such an instance would be somewhat similar to the lies of the Hebrew midwives and Rahab. In an evil world, and in a desperate situation, it may be the right thing to commit a lesser evil, lying, in order to prevent a much greater evil. However, it must be noted that such instances are extremely rare. It is highly likely that the vast majority of people in human history have never faced a situation in which lying was the right thing to do."


p.s.- the current situation, promoting and promulgating a lie to MAGA virtue signal and support Trump, is actually more akin to lying on behalf of the Nazis.

Craig said...

RayB @ 9:06 PM,

Absolutely! And part of the Messiah's genealogy.

Craig said...


I didn't read the "Got Questions" article, because I've found the site to be lacking too many times. But, their example of Rahab that you just now cited sure negates the unequivocal verbiage you initially cited, does it not?

Anonymous said...


You may find this video helpful as you discern the truth about vaccines.

Is Vaccine "Shedding" A Threat To Unvaccinated Women? | A Doctor Explains

He makes a good point in this video wherein he states if the Covid spike protein is awful and dangerous and causing sterilization and/or other issues...getting it "naturally" would be doing the same thing, right?


Craig said...


All I need to do is read your final paragraph to see that the source you cite is erroneous and misinformed at best or disingenuous at worst. Covid 'natural' spike proteins are not the same as any of the vaxxes with spike proteins. See the DarkHorse video I just posted.

RayB said...


Sure seems to be a lot of arm twisting in order to pressure people into getting jabbed with this experimental, non-vetted, dangerous "vaccine" ... which isn't a vaccine at all.

Anonymous said...

Craig...not really. Plucking the quote out of context made it seem they were saying there are no instances in the bible where lying might not have any purpose or value. In full context it includes the rarely applicable exceptions.

While trouncing about the country last week my wife and I listened to John MacArthur's 2013 book, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship. I am now in agreement with Pastor MacArthur. The "cautious continuation'ist" philosophy I supported before I believe was misguided. Persons praying in earnest who have their prayers answered by the grace of God are not examples of spiritual gifts and the limited room I previously felt after listening to the likes of John Piper I don't believe are currently correct (i.e.- in any manner similar to the truly remarkable instantaneous and unfailing gifts bestowed upon the true Apostles of Jesus' time). I agree with MacArthur, giving "continuation" any even limited validation leads to danger and facilitates shipwrecking faith and the falling away. I know you've written about this extensively so I may revisit your blog and read more with my current understanding.
and comment there if I feel the need to question my position further.

x (flip-flopping)

Anonymous said...

Prez Trump lives rent free in x's head.
And Cheney's too.
Ha! Love it!

Craig said...


Now I shall lightly touch on the substance of your 8:24 PM comment.

While you continue to exhibit troll-like behavior, you’ve now done one of two things:

1) You are claiming omniscience in that you are absolutely SURE, without an iota of doubt, that both Trump and Newt are lying, and in that you are CERTAIN about the election.

2) You yourself are lying because you cannot possibly know what’s in the minds of Trump and Newt or the extent to which this past election was fair and honest.

Which is it?

Craig said...

x @ 9:36 PM,

Re your first paragraph, I disagree. Had that statement been tempered with a preface something like, “With one exception, (see Rahab below)…”, then it would be OK. Again, this is why I have issues with the Got Questions site. I even wrote them regarding their ERRORS in their claim about the masculine grammatical gender for pronouns substituting for (the masculine grammatically gendered) “Paraclete” as, by itself, indicating the Holy Spirit is a ‘Person’; but, no one responded and the article still stands.

My position as regarding ‘continuationism’ relies on the grammar/syntax of the relevant passage, which MacArthur butchers in his own interpretation—an interpretation driven by his ideology rather than by the context. I’m not going to rehash my position.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who can add 2 + 2 = 4 KNOWS the November 2020 election as stolen!!!

Biden spent his campaign months in his basement. When he did come out for a 'rally'... no one showed up, whereas Trump's rallies were standing room only.

Nearly 80 MILLION people voted for Trump in a LANDSLIDE... and the evil-doers made sure that enough of those votes were stolen electronically between November 3rd and November 4th to hand Biden the election.

Everyone KNOWS the election was STOLEN (including those who did the stealing).

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, whatever will X do now, his choice for president is a BIG-TIME LIAR!

Anonymous said...

Must see video showing testimony from 3 healthcare workers who have been having full body convulsions from Covid vaccines and are no longer able to work.

Anonymous said...

Craig 9:45

False dichotomy....

Whereas there is substantial evidence over years and years of Trump and Newt being liars.

In an article Jan 24th, 2020 a fact-checker counted 30,573 Trump lies over the previous 4 years, 503 of which occurred on a single day, Nov 2, 2020.

If you aren't convinced -- their documented adulteries confirm it.

This blog discussed Newt's behavior for years but here's a reminder of what an awful person he is. It's not like Newt was offering new evidence...he was just backing his lyig buddy Trump while Liz Cheney was taking him to task and the justice department continues closing in on Trump.

"A Very Long List of Dumb and Awful Things Newt Gingrich Has Said and Done"

There is ZERO evidence, of any significance whatsoever, indicating the election was "stolen". It is quantifiable an absolute lie. "Stealing" refers to illegality. I don't need omniscience to state the constitutional processes were followed, no illegalities found, the rule of law was honored and the election has been certified and is over and done. Unlike in 2000 when, after the fact, it was determined Gore actually had more votes in Florida and still wasn't granted the Presidency or even a fair recount, this election wasn't even close and Trump had recounts, hand recounts, audits and investigations galore which resulted in finding (or conjuring up) ZIP --- even in states run by republicans, courtrooms presided over by Judges Trump appointed and his own Justice dept run by Barr.

Finally -- as Constance Cumbey pointed out...Trump is an anti-christ. He KNOWS he is lying. Newt may be under his spell and not KNOW he is lying, but that's highly doubtful. Neither are Christians --- whereas Ray is my brother in Christ and shouldn't be promulgating a lie.


p.s.- When do you intend to hold yourself and anyone/everyone else here up to this standard (for example -- how does anyone here KNOW Gates is trying to kill everyone, or Fauci is/was lying or any of these conspiracies attributing lying evil motives to anyone --- are they claiming omniscience and KNOWING the mind of those they criticize/characterize or are they liars too?

Anonymous said...

10:08pm -

You said- "Anyone who can add 2 + 2 = 4 KNOWS the November 2020 election as stolen!!!"

I'm sure Craig is about to call you out for making such a universal claim. I mean I can add 2 and 2 = 4 and I do not "know" such nor does everyone who even "speculates" upon such claim to "know it". Therefore, I'm sure Craig will then be calling you a troll and tell you you've done one of two things:

1. You are claiming omniscience in that you are absolutely SURE, without an iota of doubt, that every intelligent person that can actually add 2 and 2 actually KNOWS that, and that you yourself are CERTAIN about the election being stolen; or,

2. You yourself are lying because you cannot possibly KNOW what’s in the minds of every intelligent person or the extent to which this past election was fair and honest.

I'm asking for Craig -- which one is it?

Anonymous said...

X = IGNORE OR BELITTLE Facts/Articles/Authors Belying His Position(s) + Relentlessly Push His Agenda + When All Else Fails Pull On The Sheep Costume: "Fellow Christians, Don't Be That Way! We Should Vote Against Abortion By Voting AGAINST Trump And FOR Joe Biden. Trust Me, I'm A Christian Like You!"

Anonymous said...

11:41 I never said you had to vote for Biden. I'd have respect for any Christian choosing to abstain from voting or voting 3rd party versus voting for a heretical reprobate like Trump.

Anonymous said...

"I never said you had to vote for Biden." REALLY?

No, you just VERY, VERY, STRONGLY IMPLIED that by repeatedly detailing (in your fantasy how) a BIDEN Supreme Court would be the best chance against abortion. While (of course) IGNORING all the "pro-choice" agenda statements by Biden and the ANTI-ABORTION agenda actions by Trump!

And you DIDN'T say "DON'T vote for Biden instead of Trump", now did you?

Anonymous said...

The Truth About The 2020 Election Is Far More Sinister Than You Think

By John-Henry Westen

(LifeSiteNews) – The election in the United States was manipulated massively in order to favor Joe Biden. And not only that, the mainstream media’s narrative about the election is false but its power of influence is so immense, it’s creating dvision among the best defenders of the truth.

This past week has been unbelievable! We need to pray like never before. The truth has become obvious in some ways, yet the falsehoods are so effective that the vast majority of good people are being deceived.

What is currently happening in the U.S. seems capable enough of destroying the conservative movement. It also has the potential to be used by the Left all over the world as a cudgel to make defenders of faith, life, and family out to be crazed violent enemies of the people.

But anyone should be able to see, at the same time, the very tools used to steal the election of 2020, since they are now at play like never before. The mainstream media, and even more than that, the social media monopolies, have been the biggest manipulators of a fair election. They have lied outright and concealed the truth. They have censored even the President of the United States with impunity – and no one on either side even disputes this.

Moreover, earlier this year I interviewed on this show Robert Epstein, an atheist Jewish Democrat who, despite his political leanings, was appalled at the election manipulation being undertaken by Google and the other Big Tech social media giants such as Twitter and FaceBook. He scientifically demonstrated the massive vote manipulation that was possible and showed that it was in effect.

Beyond even this, we had the hearings into voter fraud which showed testimony of hundreds of sworn affidavits and the manipulations in courts which forbade the evidence from ever being presented. Furthermore, we had video of the fraud being carried out and a heroic sting operation which demonstrated the voter fraud live for all to see. Except hardly any did see it.


Because the mainstream media is under almost total control by the left.

At LifeSite we’ve known this for 25 years. It was the reason why we began this media mission. Yet, despite our best efforts most of the good, God-fearing people cannot see what is happening.

So, let me try to show you some of that – just enough so you can at least know that you’ve missed something, something big you need to look into, something that may help you understand why Americans are concerned enough to finally raise their voices to protest the stealing of their democracy.

People suggest constantly that there is no evidence of voter fraud. That argument hinges on the lower courts having rejected the attempts to demonstrate that. Well, there is testimony from a lawyer for the Trump team working in Nevada. He details all the ways his team verified the fraud, and then tells of how they were unable to use the evidence in court because their access to the information was delayed so long that the date set by the court to submit the evidence had passed.

And even beyond that, there is much evidence of the voter fraud and manipulation on video. We saw Republican poll watchers being denied access over and over again. And let me give a hat tip here to Project Veritas which conducted many sting operations demonstrating massive voter fraud in the act.

Anonymous said...

So, yes, America is being fraudulently handed over to the Global Reset crowd with Joe Biden being the lead puppet for the moment. And the biggest culprit is the mainstream media and the tech giants that have manipulated the election, controlled the flow of information, and used their near-total monopoly to bamboozle the public worldwide. They are pulling accounts on the political right and center.

This is a battle for truth. Not for Donald Trump. At LifeSite, we have openly criticized Trump for pushing the LGBT agenda and will always do that without apology. But blaming Trump for the current situation is ludicrous. The manipulation here is more plain and obvious than it has ever been before.

And in all this I must say we feel totally helpless, like little mice before a goliath. But that is exactly where I’m happy to be. Small and outnumbered is the perfect time for Our Lord to act. In the end, He is victorious. In the end Christ wins.

Where do we go from here?  The best course of action for freedom-loving pro-lifers, I believe, is simply this: 

Pray for America and strive for sanctity in our daily lives. 

Love your family, and love your neighbors. 

Speak truth to power, no matter the cost, gathering inspiration from people like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.  

Prepare for darkness and more persecution knowing, however, that in the end Christ will be victorious

Continue to condemn senselesss political violence (and acknowledge it is far from concentrated, normal, or prevalent on the American “right,” no matter what mainstream media tell us), voter fraud, and tyranny in  all of  its  many  forms.

Anonymous said...

Craig at 9:57 PM,
Yes, you don't need to rehash your position. It is a measured and good one.
By faith allowing room in your mind for God in "continuationism" (as He sovereignly pleases) but cautious to weigh what people say/do by Scripture's authority, not by experiences alone, is wise.
I agree what you said about MacArthur's take too. He makes hash out of that topic.

Anonymous said...

(I post this, not for 'x' [who we know by now loves to simply ignore, ad hominem attack or otherwise 'pooh-pooh' things not supportive of his agendas] but for everyone else:)

Memorandum: THE 2020 ELECTION

A political scientist examines the evidence and concludes that widespread fraud took place.

January 5, 2021 | By Claes G. Ryn

As a citizen who is also a political scientist, I have tried to do due diligence to assess what happened in the recent election. Who won what and at what level and what does it mean? And what about the charges of vote fraud? People keep asking me what I think, and I decided to write down the conclusions I have reached to date and on what grounds. Because charges of vote fraud have called the outcome of the presidential election into question, I have paid particular attention to them.

This memorandum is not written to persuade. It merely records my findings and reflections. Few people are really open to persuasion in any case—not just on political subjects but on any subject about which they care and on which they have adopted certain views. Diehard partisans for a certain outlook will refuse to have their beliefs questioned, and so will many others. They will be no less dismissive of a document challenging their opinions if it is full of footnotes and appendixes. Such a document will, indeed, make them resist it even more. As for the relatively few people who are truly open-minded, they will not find another person’s observations dispositive. They will, as they should, want to consider the evidence on a contested matter for themselves.

I hope that I am not deceiving myself when I say that I have not reached my conclusions regarding the 2020 election because of partisanship. I am a close student of politics, but have never belonged to a political party. If I have a bias, I suppose it is that of one who is largely alienated from both of the American parties and who believes that both of the presidential candidates in 2020 have major flaws.

It should be obvious that the issue of the legitimacy of the election is too touchy and inflamed for my view of what happened to settle it for anyone. There are numerous legal challenges to the vote in a number of states. Those charging fraud have had just a few weeks to prepare their cases, and much of the supporting material is hard to understand for those who are not political scientists, computer geeks, or statisticians. Whatever the veracity of the allegations, there is a large and growing amount of material to consider—this despite the media mantra that the charges are “baseless” or “unsupported.”

It is widely recognized that especially in their coverage of matters related to Donald Trump, the mainstream media long ago abandoned any pretense of impartiality. It is nevertheless remarkable that the media have not investigated even the more plausible-looking of the allegations of vote fraud. It did not take me long to realize that the charges were far more serious and credible than the American public had been told. In fact, this memorandum reviews the election with special reference to the allegations of fraud. I had barely begun looking into them when I noticed that, very shortly after the election, European experts on American elections, some of whom also had advanced expertise in statistics, had published articles or given interviews in which they claimed to have seen clear evidence that the election was “rigged”! In Sweden of all places, an expert on American elections published a series of articles showing that Biden’s win in the swing states simply could not be explained without assuming major fraud. Since Donald Trump is even more disdained by the media in Europe than he is here, I was surprised to hear a few European commentators refer to the presidential election as if its fraudulence should be obvious to all. I became even more curious about puzzling aspects of the election, but was still skeptical. You can find support for virtually any point of view on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

This summary of my views of the election will for the most part be confined to political-sciency observations. Although electronic ballot stuffing may be the most important of the fraud allegations, I will, because of a lack of proficiency in statistics and computer science, not go into depth on the vote anomalies that experts in these fields regard as by themselves sufficient proof of fraud.

General Trends in the Election

I will begin by offering some observations that may be elementary to a political scientist, but that, despite their large and obvious significance, have not received the kind of public attention that should have been automatic and plentiful.

First of all, the historical record indicates that when a sitting president increases his vote totals relative to his original election, he is reelected. President Trump did increase his vote, not by hundreds of thousands of votes, but by over 10 million (not counting votes of which his supporters claim that he was robbed). Trump’s support among Hispanics, a group often described as hostile to him, expanded to 32 percent, even more among Hispanic men. His support among blacks increased this year by 50 percent.

Another basic fact: certain American states almost always go with the winner. Florida and Ohio are at the top of that list, partly because they reflect the demographic composition of the U.S. as a whole. If you add Iowa, you can predict with high confidence that the winner of those three states will also be the winner of the presidential election. Trump not only carried these states, he won them very comfortably, Ohio and Iowa by about 8 percent, Florida by over 3 percent. In 1960, the outcome in these states was not the same as in the general election. What presidential election was that? Nixon-Kennedy. That is the election that was almost certainly stolen for JFK in Illinois (Cook County) and Texas. That is the election that produced the anomaly of someone winning the presidency without carrying Ohio. After 1960, winning the presidency only while carrying Ohio again became the norm. In 2020, however, Biden somehow managed without Ohio.

Let me next be a little more granular. There is another measure of who is the winner in a presidential election that is even more persuasive. This measure indicates that there was something very strange, even inexplicable, about the outcome of this year’s presidential election in the swing states. There are numerous bellwether counties across the United States that almost always vote for the winner in the national election. There are counties that voted for the winner in the presidential elections from 1980 to 2016. In 2020, with rare exceptions, these counties suddenly reversed course. They did not vote for the person regarded as the winner, but for Donald Trump. Nineteen counties have been identified whose vote is viewed as a particularly good predictor of the outcome in the presidential election. They are virtually certain to go with the winner. It has been assumed that if a candidate carries 15 to 16 of those 19 counties, he is also bound to be the winner of the presidency.

Anonymous said...

How, then, did the 2020 election turn out in those bellwether counties? Trump won no fewer than 18 of the 19! Even more telling, he improved his performance in these counties. A county having been on the list of voting for the winner of presidential elections for a very long time does not by itself make the outcome there more predictive, but a few examples of such counties are striking. Valencia County in New Mexico has mirrored the outcome of every presidential election since 1952. In that county, Trump won by 10 percent in 2020. Indiana’s Vigo County voted for every president except two since 1882. This year, Trump carried that county by 15 percent. Westmoreland County in Virginia has failed only twice since 1928 to vote for the winner of the presidential election. Trump carried that county by 16 percent. These are but specific illustrations of a trend in the competitive counties that favored Trump about as emphatically and overwhelmingly as was possible.

Given Trump’s nationwide surge, it is not surprising that, contrary to media predictions of “a blue wave,” the Republicans actually gained 13 seats in the House of Representatives. Not a single Republican incumbent House member lost—not a single one! Although far more Republicans than Democrats were up for reelection in the Senate, they were able to defend their hold on that body. (Run-offs for two Senate seats in Georgia are, as of this writing, have yet to be held.) Republicans generally did very well down-ballot. They captured both houses in the New Hampshire legislature.

Biden Had a Huge Money Advantage

It is relevant that the successes for Trump and his party took place despite unexampled, almost unbelievable levels of spending on the part of the pro-Biden, anti-Trump cause. The Democrats vastly outspent Republicans. Michael Bloomberg all by himself spent something like $5 per voter in Florida. Another example is the staggering amounts spent by billionaires, notably Big Tech executives. Much of it has been referred to as “dark money” because it largely bypassed campaign finance laws. One example is Mark Zuckerberg’s pouring some $500 million into the election to boost the Biden vote. He did so in part by donating about $350 million to the Center for Technology and Civic Life, which worked to induce voter participation in carefully selected parts of states and municipalities. This included offering election authorities money for putting voting drop-boxes in certain areas. It has been widely charged that these efforts were not just blatantly partisan but violated laws forbidding some ways of inducing people to go to the polls.

It can also be argued that by censuring information detrimental to Biden during the campaign, the social media giants offered him a huge in-kind contribution. It is hard to put a monetary value on the virtually unbounded support for Biden in the mainstream media, but it obviously gave him an enormous advantage.

Anonymous said...

Still an Uphill Struggle

Biden’s tremendous financial advantage is bound to have helped him, but we can tell now that he was nevertheless fighting an uphill battle. He had to overcome a Trump surge. Consider some important and very striking indications of how Biden did. An astonishing example of his meeting strong resistance is that he won fewer American counties than any previous modern American president-elect. Obama won 873 counties in 2008. Biden barely captured 500 in 2020! (Trump won about 2,550 counties.) The record of a winner? His percentage of the vote per state did not even match that of Hillary Clinton. Democrats are ordinarily dependent on the black vote being 85 to 90 percent in their favor to win a presidential election. Biden was not very close to that percentage. He received a much lower percentage of black votes than Obama and an even lower percentage than Hillary Clinton. Among black men he did not reach 80 percent, for Democrats a worrisomely low number. The Democrats’ share of the Hispanic vote was also down. Not only did Biden not have any coattails, he dragged his party down in congressional and state elections. Winners of the presidency routinely pick up seats for their party. Biden lost 13 seats.

The Magic Touch

You might have thought that for Biden to win the election, he would have had to equal or surpass Hillary Clinton’s vote percentages around the country. But in general, the opposite was the case. He underperformed in the bigger cities, Democratic strongholds that are crucial to Democratic victories in presidential and other elections.

When you consider all of these patterns, one feature of the presidential election stands out as remarkable—as very difficult to explain. That feature casts grave doubt on Biden’s supposed election victory. What raises disturbing questions is the paradoxical exception to Biden’s weak national performance. For some reason, in just a few states, the reported Biden vote ran counter to the national trends just described. And where was this wholly aberrant pattern? Why, in the battleground states, which Trump had won in 2016. They are the states that Biden now simply had to win to capture the presidency. In those states, Biden somehow dramatically reversed his substandard trend in the rest of the country! As mentioned before, Biden could win only one of the 19 battleground counties around the U.S., but he supposedly won all of the battleground states! How could he possibly accomplish this feat? By performing very much better in the bigger cities in the battleground states than in the bigger cities elsewhere.

Biden, the elderly, almost passive, candidate who generated no discernible popular enthusiasm—in this respect the very opposite of Trump—somehow got his numbers in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and other cities in the swing states up sufficiently to “win” the corresponding states, in Georgia by a very small margin. The turnout in these Democratic cities was by the standards of history and as compared to cities outside of the battleground states very high. There are charges that in many precincts in heavily Democratic counties in Michigan, the number of votes cast exceeded the number of registered voters. In Pennsylvania, at least one truck with already completed ballots is alleged to have been brought in from New York. In the same state, laws for how to vote and review ballots were simply set aside by local officials. In previous years, a substantial percentage of mail-in ballots had been invalidated for obvious errors. This year, when new and partly improvised voting procedures had brought in a vastly larger number of mail-in ballots, many of them deposited in drop boxes, almost none of them were invalidated in Democrat strongholds.

Anonymous said...

In the large states of Florida and Texas, with many large cities, the vote count was completed on Election Night. Not so in cities in the swing states. There, on the evening of Election Day, counting was suddenly stopped. Election observers and most others were sent home. CCTV captured what happened then at a voting place in a convention center in central Atlanta, Georgia. A few election workers stayed behind, pulled out suitcases with ballots from under a covered table and, without the legally required election observers, fed them into the voting machines into the early morning. A large number of sworn affidavits testify to local officials in the cities flagrantly violating election laws and indiscriminately accepting votes that had been challenged. There were charges of ballots being inserted into voting machines more than once. Among the many examples of “traditional” vote fraud and “irregularities” in city political machines was that dead people, non-citizens, and non-residents voted. Many votes were not cast by the people who had actually registered.

After official vote counting had been suspended, tabulations of votes took place that have astounded statisticians and computer experts. These experts have not been able to explain them except as a result of fraud. The issue here was electronic “ballot stuffing.” Votes recorded showed a uniform pattern in several states, such as giving a set percentage of votes to Biden and Trump. Some batches of electronically recorded votes were all or virtually all for Biden.

There were also various “glitches,” explained as “human errors,” some of which were electronically “corrected.” People familiar with election fraud in foreign countries have pointed to the sudden suspension of vote counting and “glitches” as characteristic of computer-generated fraud. The voting machines used in the battleground states have been shown to be rather easily manipulated, e.g., by inserting algorithms to continuously shift votes from one candidate to another. It is surely relevant that in this election, the aggregated election data were connected to the internet and even to servers abroad. That there are methods for manipulating elections through electronic voting is well known to experts, not least in the intelligence field.

The Question of Plausibility

Because I lack specialized knowhow, I will not try to assess what European and American experts on American elections and statistics have claimed are utterly implausible electronic vote tabulations in the battleground states. The signs of manipulation abound, and recorded vote anomalies are said to be so glaring as to be statistically inexplicable except as the result of fraud. In Pennsylvania, one big batch of some 550,000 votes is reported to have been 99.4 percent for Biden, a figure that is beyond preposterous even if you assume it to consist solely of votes from Democratic strongholds. There were similar reports elsewhere, as in Fulton County, Georgia.

This startlingly lopsided addition of votes occurred after the departure of poll watchers. Another example of statistically inexplicable tabulation is that a series of precisely equal amounts of votes went to the same candidate. Although Trump did very well in the rest of the country, improving on his 2016 performance, none of these anomalous batches of votes worked in his favor. Experts who have compared the Dominion voting machines in the battleground states to machines of a different kind in other states have asserted that, on average, the Dominion machines routinely shifted 2 to 3 percent of the votes from Trump to Biden. Data scientists and statisticians claim that in many places, Trump votes just disappeared, or batches were switched from the Trump column to the Biden column. In DeKalb County, Georgia, one batch of over 12,000 votes was switched to Biden.

Anonymous said...

People technically proficient in these matters have speculated that some of the most easily detectable anomalies are due to fraudsters having become desperate upon noticing an even stronger Trump vote than they had expected. To make up for this development, they had to improvise. They took risks, became careless, and could not easily hide the traces of their actions.

What emerges, then, is not merely a picture of local scofflaws stuffing ballots the old-fashioned way and ignoring legal requirements, but of organized manipulation on a large scale. The problems pertain to different aspects of the voting. One was how the voting system was built and could be used, one was how the receipt and counting of ballots was conducted, and yet another, probably the most important, was how votes were digitally recorded. It was that last aspect that revealed the just-mentioned anomalies. Yet the problematic features in each part of the overall process all worked to the same end—reversing the national electoral trends favoring Trump.

It should be noted that the possibility of fraudulent use of the Dominion voting system used in the swing states and many other states had been raised long before this election. In fact, this system has been criticized by DEMOCRATS as being highly manipulable, susceptible to engineering outcomes. Senators Ron Wyden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren are among the prominent Democrats on record as criticizing the fraud potential of this voting system.

Yet in this election, in which the hated Trump was on the ballot, we are supposed to believe with the mainstream media that this system operated with high integrity and that there is nothing to see here?

How could the notion of widespread vote fraud look farfetched to many? A partial explanation is that the vast majority of people are simply unaware of the many strange, suspicious aspects of the election that have been summarized here. The mainstream media have chosen to not report on them. Probably the most important explanation is that most people are more intensely partisan than they will admit even to themselves. Many are simply unwilling to face and accept that the Donald Trump they so despise might actually have done it again, received the support of the American people. No, no, that is just an unacceptable possibility! Electoral fraud must be a groundless “conspiracy theory.”

The defensive use of the term “conspiracy theory” is telling. Contrary to common belief, the fact that something is a conspiracy theory does not by definition refute it. The question for any open-minded person is: is the alleged conspiracy actual or imaginary? Most people have no problem accepting the idea of a “conspiracy” in the case of, say, organized crime. During the Cold War, there was no problem with believing in the “communist conspiracy.” The evidence for both conspiracies was overwhelming. Over the last few years, we have lived through deep, protracted, intense hostility to Donald Trump. Attempts to cripple or get rid of him have evinced considerable ruthlessness, and they have obviously involved much elaborate collusion. Considering these circumstances, why would a conspiracy to commit election fraud in 2020 appear implausible?

Anonymous said...

Political scientists and well-informed journalists know that, for generations, political “machines” in America’s bigger cities, virtually all of them one-party enclaves, have been more or less prone to voting “irregularities.” Many Democrats concede this fact, partly because it can affect Democratic primaries. Fraud could be used against some of them or against candidates they prefer. Now take into account the deep hostility to Trump. Is it far-fetched to think that many who consider Trump a great evil persuaded themselves that getting rid of him by almost any means was appropriate, even morally heroic? As for ways of ensuring the desired outcome today, add to the old practices of the city machines the opportunities for fraud introduced by computer software and hacking. Consider at the same time the state of our culture, including the complicity of city leaders in the street riots and crime waves of recent months. Given all of these circumstances, is it not more plausible to expect vote fraud in the 2020 election than not to do so?

People who are naïve about American politics and/or have not weighed these factors may find it hard to believe that hundreds of people might collude in major fraud. But to repeat, large-scale collusion in many aspects of life is nothing new or unusual. “Traditional” American vote fraud has been a political version of organized crime, the latter, too, involving hundreds of people operating in different states. Indeed, traditional vote fraud has sometimes involved cooperation with organizations like the Mafia. An example: as a former bootlegger, the father of JFK, Joseph Kennedy, had good contacts in the mob, and in 1960, he got Sam Giancana, the Chicago Mafia boss, to fix the Democratic primary in West Virginia for JFK, a Catholic who was running in a heavily Protestant state. The expected winner, Hubert Humphrey, was incredulous. Reliable operatives can organize efforts locally without even knowing who are pulling the strings. Today computers, software programs, and hacking are facilitating compartmentalization and greatly limiting the number of individuals required to achieve large objectives. There is of course a risk that whistleblowers will expose some part of the fraud, as is beginning to happen.

Because the vote in the battleground states is what decided the 2020 election, I will not try to assess charges of fraud in other states—which is not to imply that there was none.

The Courts

But have not the courts refused to give credence to charges of vote fraud? First of all, those making the charges have had to do so on the basis of just a few weeks of gathering data and affidavits and on the basis of electronic evidence and statistics hard to explain to laymen. They have also had to present their cases in largely unfriendly or hostile venues. The court system is no exception to the fading of America’s traditional culture and rule of law. For decades, American law schools have undermined that tradition by teaching law as a vehicle for implementing social justice and other “progressive” causes. Especially in the big cities, but also in the general court system and in the federal courts, highly partisan views are ubiquitous. Nobody familiar, for example, with Bruce Frohnen’s view of the current court system will expect much by way of devotion to law and impartiality in the older sense.

Anonymous said...

Some Republican-sponsored judges may blur this picture, but they, too, are operating in and are influenced by this judicial environment. They fear being attacked in the media and being shunned by their peers. Specifically, who wants to become known as taking seriously charges made by “Trump partisans”? Timid judges can avoid controversy and unwanted media attention by choosing not to “interfere” in the “political process.” Probably an even more important reason for the reluctance of courts to hear cases about electoral fraud in this presidential election is that the attitudes toward Trump of the vast majority of judges range from discomfort to sheer hostility. Most of them would like for this crude bully, this disrupter of the system to which they belong, to be simply gone. Would they like to hear charges of election fraud and thus seem to help Trump continue his sledgehammer attack on “the swamp” and “the deep state”? Not hardly, as John Wayne might say.

Resistance to Evidence

I have always been a close student of epistemology—of why people believe what they believe—and I argue that only rather unusual individuals, persons with a sensitive, active conscience and strong character, are likely to resist the ever-present inclination to look away from evidence that suggests they may be wrong. On the basis of all of what I have learnt in the last several weeks, I do not hesitate to say that those who are flatly dismissing the charges of voter fraud in this year’s election are not the open-minded observers that they might imagine themselves to be. Consciously or subconsciously, they are anti-Trump partisans or reflexively partisan Democrats, unless, like most people, they are merely timid souls fearing the consequences of offending others.

I hasten to add that being willing to look at the evidence of fraud does not, by itself, make a person a Trump sympathizer. Do many Trump supporters who charge fraud have an inclination to jump to preconceived conclusions? Of course they do—it goes without saying. But that has little to do with what actually happened in the election. The evidence and the indicia are what they are, whatever the motives of those who brought them to our attention.

Final Thoughts

Those who are partisans by temperament will assume that any charges of vote fraud in the 2020 election must spring from partisan motives. They will find it hard to believe that someone might simply want to find out what actually happened in the election, that a political scientist or responsible citizen will want to understand what the election tells us about the state of his country. What motivated me to study the election and write down my observations was not a preference for one of the two presidential candidates. It was these three things: (1) a desire to know what happened in the election; a political scientist has certain obligations; (2) a suspicion, derived in part from studies of trends in American politics, that in the 2020 election something went egregiously, disturbingly wrong; and (3) the media’s absurdly one-sided treatment of the candidates and their blacking out the charges of fraud.

Anonymous said...

There is still much to learn about this year’s election. Open-minded people have to examine the evidence of fraud for themselves, that is, do what, from the beginning, Trump haters in both parties refused to do. I am embarrassed that sophisticated Europeans should have offered real and incisive analyses of suspicious features of the election while the American mainstream media simply turned a blind eye. Their facile dismissal of vote fraud and their running interference for one of the candidates is a striking example of the kind of lack of civic responsibility that one associates not with a constitutional republic but with a banana republic. Coming on top of years of more and more blatant partisanship, the conduct of the media during the 2020 campaign and after the election illustrates that the old spirit of America constitutionalism, the rule of law, and dispassionate, respectful public debate are fading away. Instead of countering the ever-growing cynicism, demagoguery, and corruption of politicians, the media are aligning themselves with and facilitating the efforts of one side in the current battle.

What I have found to date regarding the election makes it impossible for me to accept the media version of the election outcome. It is the opposite of implausible to think that Joe Biden “won” this election because of fraud. He “won” in the battleground states by small margins. Just exactly what is the case will not be known until the charges have been thoroughly investigated. My review of the evidence is far from exhaustive, and I cannot categorically exclude the possibility that the fraud was insufficient to steal the election for Mr. Biden or the possibility that the charges will in the end turn out to have been exaggerated. Yet what I have found to date gives me no choice but to conclude that in the 2020 election, there was major and organized vote fraud and that it probably stole the election.

Those who simply assume the legitimacy of Biden’s victory are willfully ignoring too many paradoxes and strange but convenient coincidences, too many vote analyses, and too much sworn testimony. Some “mainstream” American commentators are grudgingly and belatedly conceding that, yes, well, there is always “some fraud.” But they add that there is nothing unusual about this election. My comment: if, indeed, there is nothing unusual about the election, then election observers from some international body ought to have been called in long ago. I’m afraid that what I have discovered confirms my general view that America keeps sliding into lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

The possibility that the election was fraudulent is by itself frightening—ominous. Whether or not major fraud actually took place, this year’s election will among millions and millions of Americans who already distrust the established order further undermine faith in its legitimacy. Also, the “winner” that this system produced this year will be perceived as corrupt, frail, and mentally challenged. Biden had to be literally dragged over the finish line. Because the American media have actively concealed who Biden is, it will be a while before the American people as a whole find out. When they do, it is likely to add to the anger over what is already viewed as a stolen election.

That Biden is the very embodiment of the old establishment helps explain why he is being treated with tolerance by establishment Republicans. Biden is for them in some ways much less of a threat than Trump. As for world leaders, many of them intensely dislike President Trump, but, whatever they say publicly, they are likely to regard the election of the physically and mentally challenged and otherwise greatly compromised Biden as a sign that the United States is losing its vitality and creativity. And, they will all wonder, who are the people behind the scenes who are making the real decisions?

I feel the need to add one thing. In our deteriorating society, ruthless operatives will take full advantage of all the “nice” Americans who think of themselves as civilized defenders of the best of America—the “nice” people who will (nobly they think) not lower themselves to that other level of demagoguery and shenanigans. They will tell themselves that America passes through ups and downs in cycles and that in time the country always returns to balance and normalcy. I find that view as superficial as it is common. In our current historical situation, in which the decline of traditional standards continues apace, the ruthless will rather easily outmaneuver the nice, which is why the young of today had better prepare for rough times.

Anonymous said...

Well, Claes Ryn's attempt at a neutral outsider's analysis while hiding his contempt for America certainly didn't age well.

It was published Jan 5th -- one day before Trump led the attempted insurrection.

Plus, since it was published no facts and no whistleblowers have come out to corroborate his complete speculation and obviously biased wishful thinking as creative as it was edited by Pat Buchanon's blog.

Ryn's conclusion where he stated "The possibility that the election was fraudulent is by itself frightening—ominous. Whether or not major fraud actually took place....." confirms he doesn't really believe, yet, that it was "stolen" so offering it as "proof" that it was is ridiculous.


p.s.- Claes Ryn is a Professor of Political Science at Catholic University in Washington D.C.. It's likely he's Opus Dei. His ties to the Philadelphia Society (a former President of the society) and the "conservative" movement suggest such. Opus Dei supporting the lie the election was stolen makes sense. Destabalizing America, which used to be a protestant country resistant to Rome, helps Rome.

Anonymous said...

Among other things 'x' can't comprehend what he reads:

I post this, not for 'x'...

So "x" responds.

Who we know by now loves hominem attack:

"Claes Ryn is a Professor of Political Science at Catholic University in Washington D.C.. It's likely he's Opus Dei. His ties to the Philadelphia Society (a former President of the society) and the "conservative" movement suggest such. Opus Dei supporting the lie the election was stolen makes sense. Destabalizing America, which used to be a protestant country resistant to Rome, helps Rome."

...or otherwise 'pooh-pooh' things not supportive of his agendas:

(Everything else he said.) LOL

Anonymous said...

Vaccine propagandists infiltrated vaccine skeptics group, found that the skeptics are MORE scientific and rigorous in their thinking compared to obedient, dumbed-down mask wearers

Anonymous said...

To 11:30 PM

Anonymous at 12:07 AM & 12:08 AM explains it better than any of us at the following link:

(All I did was state what anyone with a brain already KNOWS!!!)

J said...


Influence in China

In 2000 he gave the Distinguished Foreign Scholar Lectures at Beijing University, which also published this lecture series in Chinese translation as a book, Unity Through Diversity (2001). He has lectured and published widely in China. In 2007 he gave a keynote address at the Chinese Academy of Social Science in Beijing. The Chinese edition (2007) of his book America the Virtuous became one of the most hotly discussed in China. Dushu, “probably China’s leading intellectual journal of the past decade”,[8] described it as "the kind of classical work that will be read over the generations."[citation needed] Three of his books and many of his articles have appeared in Chinese translation in China.

In 2012 Beijing Normal University named Ryn Honorary Professor.[9]

J said...

Claes Ryn wrote this critical article about Trump. He is certainly not just reflexively pro-Trump. I think he is thoughtful and well-meaning. He's just an independent thinker, whether Catholic or not. Catholics can be very diverse.

The Clear Flaws in Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech

Donald Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech was another example of the inconsistency of his presidency.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Thoughtful and well meaning.

That truth underscores that our man X is a sad, paranoid, sick-in-the-head case, who, for example, almost literally sees Opus Dei under every rock and tree. Let alone evil surmises. In this latest case saying Ryn was "hiding his contempt for America". Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Liz Is The Start Of RINO Season!

May 12, 2021
By Don Surber

Ransomware shut down the main pipeline of gasoline from Texas to the Eastern Seaboard, which threatens the economy. Hamas attacked Israel, which threatens the Abraham Accords, which brought peace to the Middle East. Foreign adversaries have seized on Biden's weakness mentally, physically, and politically.

So what are House Republicans doing today? Taking out the trash. Instead of responding to Biden's ineptitude, they had to spend time removing Liz the Drama Queen from a leadership post that she only had because of who her daddy is.

Liz is a Republican In Name Only. She is a spoiled little brat. She wants to speak to the manager.

The media is making her a martyr and saying she was canceled. Whatever. Be glad she's gone, and she should be kicked out of the Republican caucus as well.

Daddy's Little Girl took to the House floor on Tuesday and said, ridiculously, that supporters of Donald Trump are a threat to democracy. Apparently she wants us to become the Democratic People's Republic of America. Biden might look good in a Kim Jong-un hairdo.

Senator John Kennedy said it best, when he said, "The congresswoman has every right to her opinion. She doesn’t have every right to be a leader and it’s clear to me that many House Republicans want to concentrate on the Biden agenda in 2022 and she doesn’t want to do that."

Republicans are not divided. The fake ones who have been in Washington too long are being outed. Liz the Whiny RINO wrote a column in the Washington Post that dumped on Republicans, but not Biden. She said the party is at a crossroads.

I agree.

It is time to rid the party of these RINOs because they serve Democrat propaganda purposes first, last, and always.

As Jim Jordan said, "The problem is you can't have a Republican conference chair who continually recites Democrat talking points. You can't have a Republican conference chair who takes positions that 90% of the party oppose."

Dick Cheney Neocons and Never Trump Dead Enders like her gift Democrats with a diversion from failures. Deliberately. Republicans should kick all of them out of the caucus.

Pro-impeachment Congressman Adam Kinzinger told reporters, Republican leaders "decided that winning the next election and winning the majority was more important than a clear-eyed recognition of what happened on January 6."

Kick Kinzinger to the curb because he wants to lose in 2022.

Purge the party of all virtue-signaling RINOs. I do not mean simply dumping them from leadership posts. I mean kick them out of the party. Kick Kinzinger, Li'l Liz, and the rest of the Impeachment 10 off all committees. Why should MTG be the only one sidelined?

Do so now because we must learn from the 2010 and 2016 elections, which we won only to be done in by the enemy within, who were led by John Boehner and Paul Ryan.

And Kevin McCarthy must be demoted as well because of the unethical deal he got to rent a penthouse apartment from Frank Luntz for $1,500 a month when the HOA fees alone are $5,000 a month.

I do not demand ideological purity, but I do expect them to stay clean ethically. I also expect some semblance of loyalty to the party and to the country for which we stand.

UPDATE: The President Emeritus weighed in!

Anonymous said...

Significant Discrepancies In Arizona Audit, Ballots Off Up to 17.5%

Anonymous said...

FBI Warns of Prison Time Off you Present a Fake Vaccination Card

Anonymous said...

If, Not Off

Anonymous said...

Nude swimmer Biden who regularly offended female secret service agents in a book published in 2014, is x's idea of a virtuous man to be in the white House? Ole sniffin' gropin' lying, plagerizing, racist Joke Biden is a buffoon and that imp of an Emperor and his crime family, among many other things he is caught on camera for decades saying and doing, definitely wears no clothes.
And he's stripping again. This time he is abusing the highest office of the land by stripping America of everything of our way of life. Our jobs and businesses (except mega-business), extremely bad foreign policy, mistreatment of allies.....on the wrong side of every issue, on the wrong side of history and it's ok for the likes of x, who wouldn't know a fact if it was a tank that ran over him, backed up, and ran over him again.

You're out of your hypocritical mind, dude.

RayB said...

Good News ... Bad News

First the Good News; Liz Cheney has been removed as the GOP Congressional Chairwoman.

Now for the Bad News; NY's Elise Stefanik has replaced her.

As Ann Coulter recently tweeted regarding Stefanik: "Only Republicans could replace Liz Cheney with someone worse on EVERY issue. They can't learn."

This is so typical of the GOP leadership. They "talk" a good game, but when it comes to actually delivering, they fall way short of what they claim their agenda to be.

Read this entire revealing article put out by the Independent Sentinel, entitled:

Elise Stefanik voted against entire America First agenda

Anonymous said...

If Biden won the November, 2020 election fair & square, what is Dominion AFRAID of???


Trump claims private audit of Arizona vote has revealed 'fraud' - but Dominion REFUSES to hand over security passwords

Anonymous said...

UK Introduces Bill to Censor LEGAL Speech, Block Websites for Non-Compliance/

Anonymous said...


He's not that independent.

Here he was on youtube on Nov 3rd last year on international television making the unsupported claim that Biden is mentally handicapped.

Here's a speech he gave long ago about his book America the Virtuous to his beloved Philadelphia Society where he rips on all Americans.

He's loved and welcomed in China. Think about that. There is no reason other than division, including, perhaps, division of the republican party that he hates more than America itself.

Beside that--- his article was devoid of the proof it claimed to offer. You could poor over statistics from any election and claim impossibility. The last two presidential elections have been anomalies. Many union men voted for Trump and many suburban educated conservatives flipped to Biden. Saying the black vote doubled without context nor mentioning a small percentage but much larger number of Christians throughout the country flipped to Biden was disengenous. Trump got more urban votes than he did in 2016, but due to turnout Biden got so many more votes than Hillary did in urban centers, particularly in swing states where the get out to vote message was much stronger.

Finally --- that was Jan 5th. In May 2021, saying the election WAS stolen is a lie.


Anonymous said...

'Stefanik is Roman Catholic'

I know I'm shocked!

Are you shocked?

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, our very FIRST (illegal) president with DEMENTIA... where he often doesn't know what day it is, or what city he's in, or which young girl's hair he's sniffing. LOL

Oh, how Babylon (uh, I mean America) the great has fallen, fallen, fallen!!!

Anonymous said...

WHY isn’t Fauci being CRIMINALLY investigated for developing biological weapons that have been deployed against humanity?

Anonymous said...

We all hope and pray for integrity, and justice from our government, and media etc, but, we are a nation ripe for judgement. We have been living for pleasure, and convenience for a long time. It takes much vigilance, and sacrifice to maintain, at least, a moral, and somewhat, just Republic. The Republic has died. Now we face the wrath of God. Things will become so bad, very shortly, that this day, May 14, 2021, will seem like the good old days. Shortly after the sixth seal is opened, this country will be completely destroyed. We have become slaves of the globalist. Divided, and conquered. Soon being 'marked' will be mandatory.

Anonymous said...

Pipeline panic is preview of CYBER TAKEDOWN of U.S. infrastructure

RayB said...

Fully-Vaccinated Bill Maher Tests Positive for Covid-19, Will Miss First Show Since 1993

RayB said...

WHY won't the Democrats cooperate? WHAT are they hiding?? WHAT are they afraid of???

“We Still Don’t Have Chain of Custody Documents” – AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett Speaks with TGP’s Jordan Conradson on Latest Developments in America’s Audit (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

If the Democrats TRULY believe that they legitimately WON the presidential election... WHY was there barbed wire around the White House for so long?

Did the Democrats FEAR that the American people would descend on the White House with pitchforks and lit torches... in outrage over what everyone already KNOWS... that the election was in fact STOLEN... and that 80 MILLION Trump votes - not to mention the WILL of the American people - were DISMISSED as if none of it mattered???

Anonymous said...

In case you all haven't been paying attention lately, Liberal Democrat Bill Maher has been speaking out lately... against his OWN party:

For example . . .

RayB said...

An illustration as to why I don't trust either party ...

New Republican Leader Stefanik Has Conservative Rating of Only 44%--Ousted Cheney Had Rating of 78%

Anonymous said...

BOMBSHELL INFORMATION: What is actually HAPPENING inside of the human body when people agree to take the vaccines.

We are currently in a battle against EVIL... the likes of which we can't even imagine in our worst nightmares!!!

In this video, Dr. Carrie Madej explains everything . . .

Dr. Carrie Madej: Covid Shots, DNA & Transhumanism

Anonymous said...

Fauci ADMITS — Roughly HALF of NIH employees have chosen NOT to get vaccine!

40-50% of CDC, FDA NOT getting the shot!

ONLY 45% of Republicans in Congress have been vaccinated!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Carrie Madej is a Qanon Quack

Even more crazy than Dr.??? Tenpenny

The QAnon Doctor Pushing Wild Conspiracies About the COVID Vaccine


Craig said...

Does it provide immunity?

Yes--for the manufacturer...

Anonymous said...


You really should go elsewhere. And although you're as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool here there are no doubt a number of online forums that do have participants with views similar to yours. A pro-Democrat pro-vaccination one would not be hard to find.


Anonymous said...

To X @ 9:47 PM:

A person with intelligence would operate on the principal of 'when in DOUBT, don't'!!!

Why would anyone in his or her right mind decide to TRY the Covid 'vaccine' when research reveals that this Covid 'vaccine' is dangerous to the mind, body and soul? At the very least, this is a medical experiment containing aluminum, mercury and aborted fetal tissue cells. A TRUE vaccine takes years of testing and is approved by the FDA. None of these Covid 'vaccines' have been sufficiently tested OR approved by the FDA. That last sentence alone speaks volumes!!!

So, many of us would say that YOU are the 'quack' here.

Also, once a person takes the vaccine, there is no turning back... no way to UNDO the damage to a person's body, mind and soul.

So X: you go ahead and PROVE us wrong here. Take the vaccine (the 1st shot, the second shot, and the booster shots) and come back on here and give us reports about how you're feeling, along with all of the changes your body is experiencing in the coming months. That is... IF you are still able to think clearly enough to post your thoughts and feelings.

FYI: Three (3) healthcare workers have recently reported experiencing uncontrollable full body convulsions... and are no longer able to work. (They want to warn others.)

Meanwhile, good luck... because, you are certainly going to need it. Also, even though you and I may disagree, I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Here is a REPEAT of an earlier post on this blog...


BOMBSHELL INFORMATION: What is actually HAPPENING inside of the human body when people agree to take the vaccines.

We are currently in a battle against EVIL... the likes of which we can't even imagine in our worst nightmares!!!

In this video, Dr. Carrie Madej explains everything . . .

Dr. Carrie Madej: Covid Shots, DNA & Transhumanism

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson broke this SHOCKING story on Fox News...

Bombshell Report: Undeniable PROOF that Dr. Fauci & Bill Gates Created the COVID 19 virus (which is a bioweapon!!!) through 'gain of function research'... plus the interview where they ADMIT their crimes against humanity... and where this is all going to take us!!!

Anonymous said...

Proof that the vaccines ARE the pandemic!!!

Plagues and planned-demics. They’re all just mind games to sell dirty vaccines, until the mercury and the prions take over. Tune your internet frequency to for updates on how vaccines ARE the pandemic.

Anonymous said...

Why isn’t Fauci being CRIMINALLY investigated for developing biological weapons that have been deployed against humanity???

Craig said...

NZ Dr. Sam Bailey, from her Odysee channel, since YouTube would censor the information in part 2:

The Immune System & Vaccines - Part 1

How does the TH1 and TH2 Immune system work? Do vaccines affect the immune system balance?

Odysee Exclusive - Immune System & Vaccines Part 2

Do vaccines affect the immune system balance?

Her information is measured, nuanced, and draws no firm conclusions, because the data is not definitive. But questions pertaining to this issue demand real answers, not obfuscations and threats.

Anonymous said...

Maricopa County election audit results released

Anonymous said...

Yes, Craig... by all means, let's find a 'doctor' who will tell us what we want to hear... instead of the TRUTH about what Dr. FAUX-Chi and Bill Gates have planned for us.

We on this blog can easily 'accept' believing all kinds of HORRORS about what New Agers have planned for us, but we are just not comfortable 'accepting' the possibility that our own doctors may have been threatened if they dare to speak out, or try to protect us.'

What happened to the doctor's OATH of 'First, do not harm'???

This Dr. Sam Bailey of New Zealand is obviously operating on the principle that the Covid 'virus' is an actual virus (which it is not!)... and that the vaccines are actual 'vaccines' (which they are not!). These vaccines are 'medical experiments' that have neither been tested nor approved by the FDA... and they contain aluminum, mercury and aborted fetal cells!!!

TIME FOR EVERYONE TO WAKE UP... AND PULL THEIR HEADS OUT FROM THEIR A---- (step out of the 'dark' into the 'light').

Craig said...

I’ve been very busy, but I wanted to belatedly respond to this Anon 12:08 AM comment:

Yes, you don't need to rehash your position. It is a measured and good one.
By faith allowing room in your mind for God in "continuationism" (as He sovereignly pleases) but cautious to weigh what people say/do by Scripture's authority, not by experiences alone, is wise.
I agree what you said about MacArthur's take too. He makes hash out of that topic.

Here is one big inconsistency with MacArthur’s position. While being a cessationist, he is also a premillennial (futuristic eschatology), pre-trib rapturist, which does not square with the two witnesses in Revelation 11, who will be displaying charismatic powers.

Moreover, in a sermon on Revelation he claims to know when the “rapture” will be, a view which I criticized in a blog post years ago:

I suppose in many ways [MacArthur is] much like some other denominational teachers who tow the party line, i.e., teaching doctrines in view of particular denominational slants to the exclusion of other possible, valid interpretations in non-essential matters, even perhaps stretching a bit to do so. The following should go toward illustrating my point. In MacArthur’s book Truth Endures (Panorama City: Grace To You, 2009), a collection of sermons he’s preached over the years, is one on Revelation titled “A Jet Tour through Revelation”. In it he states:

…People often ask, ‘Where does the Rapture come in?’ It’s in the white spaces between chapters 3 and 4. You have the church on earth in chapters 2 and 3; all of a sudden we appear in heaven in chapter 4. [p 132]

The “white spaces”? I understand that he’s not the only one who, in part, supports the pre-tribulation Rapture doctrine by this, but I can only imagine MacArthur’s critique of similar 'exegesis' to promote continuationism!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U.N. is ready to digitally transform how it deals with identity

Craig said...

In the LOL department: Don't Blame Trump!

Controversial billboard in Calvert County raising eyebrows | FOX 5 DC

Anonymous said...

The May 13, 2021 new age natural news article posted above, "Healthcare workers are suffering “full body convulsions” from covid vaccines"..

... is actually encouraging news for those truly looking to discern the safety of Covid vaccines. The anti-vaxxer's like Mike Adams are so desperate to report bad reactions they have to go back to already debunked supposed negative vaccine reactions from early January, without making specific mention that they occurred in January, were not reported to VEARS as related to the vaccines, nor following up with the fact that hundreds of millions of more doses have been given between January and May 13th without such specific problems. Even recommends persons with epilepsy can and have been vaccinated safely.

Also further indication naturalnews is lying to you for clicks. As long as you remain unvaccinated, you TRULY are part of the vaccine experiment as a part of the "control group" that is currently passing around the virus and dying in huge numbers and percentages far exceeding the "test group".


Here are 2 links debunking and dismissing the claims of those women unverifiably claiming convulsions linked to the vaccine.

January 20, 2021 - "The ‘shaking’ COVID-19 vaccine side-effect videos and what we know about them" :

January 23, 2021 - "They claimed the Covid-19 vaccine made them ill. Then they went viral:On Facebook, videos of people claiming disturbing side-effects of Covid-19 are being viewed by millions. The truth can’t keep up"

Craig said...

Covid 19: "Asymptomatic Transmission"

Asymptomatic Transmission? Sounds pretty dodgy. Time to blow the lid on this one...

Craig said...

Covid-19: Behind the PCR Curtain

Let's dig deeper into PCR tests once again and have a look behind the curtain of this Covid-19 pandemic.


Dr Sam Bailey - The Truth About Virus Isolation

The Truth about Virus Isolation. What does it really mean to isolate a virus?

Craig said...

HBO statement: “Bill [Maher] tested positive during weekly staff PCR testing for COVID. He is fully vaccinated and as a result is asymptomatic and feels fine.”

But, what if the PCR test is not a valid test for CV-19?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 6:11 PM

Then again, perhaps Mike Adams is just 'desperate' enough to want to WARN people and SAVE them from themselves.

The information that Mike Adams posts come from various legitimate sources. Those women healthcare workers, who continue to experience full body convulsions, can no longer work... while you mock them here and call them liars.

I have a question for you: How can you TRUST a 'vaccine' that is not an actual vaccine. It is a 'medical experiment' that has neither been tested nor approved by the FDA... AND they contain aluminum, mercury and aborted fetal cells!!!

Here is a suggestion for all those who continue to be so trusting...
Why don't YOU take the first Covid vaccine shot, then the second Covid vaccine shot, and then the boosters... and come back in a few months, report back on this blog, and tell us how YOU are feeling???

Anonymous said...

As Christians interested in discerning truth, particularly as you consume media and are ever on the guard for "fake news" and media manipulation, the Intercept published a very interesting article and video detailing the strategies and undertakings of "The Riot Squad", a small group of right-wing photojournalists including the broader implications for all photojournalists in this war of optics and partisan targeted media.

"MEET THE RIOT SQUAD: RIGHT-WING REPORTERS WHOSE VIRAL VIDEOS ARE USED TO SMEAR BLM:: In the year since George Floyd’s murder, conservative news outlets have endlessly hyped distorted stories about violence at Black Lives Matter protests. Key videos they used come from a tight-knit group of eight young journalists."

A day later, May 14, 2021, the Intercept had to defend such article from extemist and alt-right attacks including death threats.

THE INTERCEPT STANDS BY ITS REPORTING ON GAB AND THE RIOT SQUAD: "The specific accusations about our reporting crumble when subjected to scrutiny."


Anonymous said...

Isn't every Covid vaccine report that goes against Bill Gates and Dr. FAUX-chi being DEBUNKED?

What does that prove exactly?

That the cancel culture is alive and well?

Anonymous said...

And then there is X lecturing us on 'fake news' LOL (too funny)!!!

Anonymous said...

"Asymptomatic Transmission? Sounds pretty dodgy. Time to blow the lid on this one..."

How can I pass on something I don't have? The way it is transmitted I would have to be actively sick first.
Where in heck has common sense made off to?

Anonymous said...

The PLAN-demic IS the PCR test and the vaccine!!!

Jabbing a swab up your nose (all the way up to your brain and twisting it) is not normal.

Taking a 'vaccine' (that has not been tested or approved by the FDC) is not normal.

Forcing the entire world to wear a mask (in order to CONTROL the masses) is not normal.

When are people going to wake up? After the entire world has been de-populated?

Anonymous said...

7:07 pm -- I got the Pfizer vaccine - I liked it so much I did it twice last month.

My wife and I both had a mildly sore arm hours later that I could feel the next day and nothing more.

My dad remains in in-home hospice. I wasn't going to be the kid that brought covid into the home as my family and I help care for him. Covid is usually a lonely suffocating death, not the way we are sending out my 91-year-old father, prayerfully. My wife and I also had to travel to Florida to remove the contents of my parent's second home down there and in early April Florida remained a growing cess-pool of unmitigated Covid. You can do what you want, but vaccination at my age was the best choice for me. If it turns out to be part of a eugenics plan to cull the population, I'd probably prefer death over remaining here with new-age anti-vax conspiritualists anyway.

The Pfizer vaccine does not contain aluminum, mercury (thiomersal) nor aborted fetus tissue. It's actually "preservative-free".

I'll likewise continue to pray for the "test group" and "control group" that Covid fades away like the Spanish Flu did 100 years ago and everyone lives out their days happy and healthy. Godspeed.


Anonymous said...


Those women didn't even show up on VEARS. I'm not mocking them nor callng them liars. They may or may not be really sick; but, if they are, their doctors apparently do not believe such was linked to the vaccine and 5 months later their fears of widespread seizures in response to vaccination appear entirely unfounded.

People get sick all the time. Every day in fact. Some percentage of persons will have heart attacks, strokes, seizures, the days and weeks following their "pokes".

As of today -- 268 million doses of Covid vaccine have been administered in the US with 120 million persons fully vaccinated. This largely took place in Feb, March and April. If the adverse effects were that bad or that common, our hospitals would be covered up with people "reacting" adversely to the vaccine. That is not happening.

As far as masks --- the data has long shown the efficacy of mask-wearing cutting down the spread/transmission of covid. Some professionals have worked their entire careers masked up daily for decades without health consequences.


Anonymous said...

7:13pm : I wasn't "lecturing you on fake news".

I do find it extremely ironic that Trumpsters are the most hesitant to believe "mainstream media" which is generally fact-based reporting for the most part who certainly make mistakes, get things wrong and have a definite urban bias; but, then turn around and buy into all this anti-vaxx nonsense and new age conspiritual garbage promulgated by ACTUAL fake infotainment websites like beforeitsnews, lifesitenews, naturalnews and info-wars.

The Intercept is a left-leaning biased website. It is not "mainstream media". I'm not pretending it's unbiased. I just thought this one story would be interesting to those here who claim to exercise media discernment in the midst of an optics war.


Anonymous said...

You are not in any way a conservative, pro-life person X.
You have bought the entire liberal progressive mantra (of diseased thinking) and try very hard to transmit it here.
But it is not contagious...just stupid, and it is promoted by evil people.
I don't know if you are willfully this way or just very misguided but this makes you a leftist for sure. Definitely not a peacemaker either, not even remotely. You should know better.

So why all the pretending?
Just come out of the leftist closet. I'd respect you more for that honesty (though I disagree wholeheartedly with you) than the game you play here, every time you post.

J said...

I feel it would be remiss of me not to share what I learned about Mike Adams and Natural News. I have learned that Mike Adams is an ex-Scientologist.

Natural News is not a Scientology front organization. But it is a Unification Church front organization.

I have learned that Scientologists have been getting increasingly involved with anti-vaccination groups and campaigns.

Does this really matter? Make up your own mind. A fact is a fact no matter who says it.

BUT I feel some concern about credible and scientific information being mixed with fictional or misleading claims, lending credibility to the latter.

Another thing I learned is that Russian bot farms have been pushing anti-vaccination views online for a long time.

We the people are in a difficult spot because we can't trust our establishment, and various players are taking advantage of that predicament to do their part to destabilize our country. So be careful who you believe and what you believe.

Bill Gates is not so great, but neither is David Miscavige.

And did you know that the Scientologists have an even more secret teaching than their Xenu teaching? They teach that they will become Homo Novis and will be superior to Homo Sapiens, who will need to die off. Then Homo Novis will rule the whole world.

J said...

P.S. Craig, I appreciate your recent posts regarding the COVID vaccine.

J said...

Craig said...

Does it provide immunity?

Yes--for the manufacturer...

10:31 PM

Good one!

Anonymous said...


Five years ago, I had my husband on home hospice care. I thought, because it was here in my home, I would be able to supervise his care.

From the first day, they wouldn't stop talking about MORPHINE. Even though my husband told them very firmly: "I am not a Stage 4 cancer patient; I am a heart patient with congestive heart failure. I am not in any pain. I neither want nor need MORPHINE!"

The nurse took me aside and said: "I am putting morphine in your refrigerator... not for IF, but WHEN you need the morphine."

My husband overheard her, and when she left for the day, he said to me, 'Take that morphine and throw it in the trash can!"

We were both outraged that the hospice 'care' workers would disrespect the wishes of my husband (and me).

A few days later, I called 911, filled out the paperwork to take him OFF hospice, and put him back in the hospital... where he was given excellent care.

The hospital also treated him for sepsis and an infected bed sore... something hospice workers completely ignored.

I have since listened to what friends have shared with me about their own experience with hospice... that they often start by injecting a hospice patient with a very low dosage of morphine and, over time, keep increasing the dosage... until the morphine eventually 'shuts down' a patient's breathing and they pass away. Many people have noticed that the average time in hospice is about 2 weeks.

I was furious and I told everyone who would listen: "My husband is not a gallon of milk with a 2 week expiration date stamped on his forehead... he is a human being!"

I also said, "My husband is not on hospice's timetable; he is on GOD's timetable. He will die when his Lord and Savior is ready to take him and not one minute sooner."

Anonymous said...

A colossal coverup of countless COVID vaccine “coincidences'

There have been over 3,500 deaths reported to VAERS.

Anonymous said...

Government caught “scrubbing” Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths

The government’s strategy, McCullough says, which is coordinated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO), has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths that are being ignored or swept under the rug. This is unprecedented because the government has pulled past drugs and vaccines from the market for far less.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 9:47 pm for treating me like a person and sharing your story.

My father is suffering from some kind of non-specific Parkinsons. He has lost speech, trouble swallowing, incontinence and the ability to stand on his own. Other than that his vitals remain strong, he's in no pain and relatively peaceful. He is sleeping more and more and on baby food now. Don't know if he recognizes us totally but there's no paranoia or fear. My mother is/was a nurse and had little trouble taking care of him until he couldn't stand. Until he took some sleep meds to keep him down (constantly trying to get out of bed and stand up for hours on end) he'd hardly ever taken medication for anything in his life.

My sister is good friends with the hospice company owner so we are getting some of their best employees. Haven't seen any morphine but I'll mention it to them to keep an eye on it if it ever does come in the house.


p.s. - Not surprised about Mike Adams and Scientology. Interesting how they find in-roads among anti-vaxxers. Sort of like the Mormons controlling and owning archives upon archives of family trees and digital personal historical documents.

Anonymous said...

Warning about 5G / EMF / RF exposure
The telecommunications industry is engaged in a massive deployment of microwave and millimeter-wave “small cell” antennas across the county to facilitate the next generation of wireless communications known as 5G. This new technology uses existing wireless infrastructure and new types of millimeter radiofrequency (RF) radiation to transmit large amounts of data, but requires significantly closer proximity to users, resulting in the dense deployment of antennas near residences, schools, and hospitals. Because of their short-range transmissions, 5G units may be spaced as close as one every five homes on existing telephone poles. These units can be as large as small refrigerators. 5G will use sub 6Ghz band and mmWave bands so 5G signals will not be able to penetrate buildings and wooded areas. Therefore, many trees may have to be cut down for reliable service. This is not acceptable for our rural landscape. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has not conducted any long-term safety testing of new 5G wireless technologies, and has failed to update its human RF microwave radiation exposure guidelines since 1996, despite being advised to do so by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and hundreds of medical and scientific experts from around the world. The telecommunications industry leaders have publicly admitted that they have not conducted any safety tests to determine the possible adverse health and environmental effects from exposure to RF non-ionizing millimeter waves emitted by 5G-enabled small cell antennas.

Anonymous said...

X, although Mike Adams is new age, most of the Natural News articles are not written by him nor are the very great majority of articles that ARE written by him touching upon that area. I know you would dearly love (like a dog with a bone) to keep saying "the new age Natural News" but it's therefore not valid.

J, I don't disbelieve you but please document your claims that Mike Adams is "an ex-Scientologist" and also that Natural News is "a Unification Church front organization".

And regarding Mike Adams: It's important to remember the "EX-" in ex-Scientologist.

And in any event legitimate news & news articles ARE legitimate news & news articles, regardless of the source or its source's founder's religious beliefs. The Washington Times is a case in point.

All this was NOT, however to say to automatically TRUST a particular source either! ANY human source.

In GOD we trust. All others pay cash!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I should also mention The Epoch Times as another case in point.

Loads of good news reporting and articles.0 but nevertheless some years ago I saw a New Year's Day (or some such general message) from the head of the Falun Gong sect...

It was one of THE most moonbeam stardust statements I have EVER read. EVER.

Anonymous said...

P.P.S. But (the point is) that didn't (and doesn't) stop their news reports and news articles from generally being quite good!

J said...

Mike Adams - Scientology Service Completions

At the 26 seconds mark, you can see a young Mike Adams in this Scientology promotional video:

Information about Natural News being a front for the Unification Church:

J said...

The reason why I became interested in this is because when I was reading about the teachings of Scientology -- which include a belief in a "galactic confederation" -- it reminded me of General Paul Vallely's vague allusion to the "Alliance". Other people who were writing about a quantum banking reset, like Paul Vallely was, were referring explicitly to a "Galactic Alliance". Paul Vallely was Michael Aquino's sponsor. It seems vaguely connected, if you read on.

According to David McGowan in "There's Something About Henry", Anton Lavey, Michael Aquino and L. Ron Hubbard were peers in a naval intelligence program.

All three founded a cult:

1) Anton Lavey founded the Church of Satan

2) Michael Aquino founded the Temple of Set

3) L. Ron Hubbard founded the Church of Scientology

You can search and find a video and a few bloggers who've written about "There's Something About Henry". I don't know if this information is reliable or not.

It's a rabbit hole, and I may not go down it, but it certainly makes me wonder.

J said...

From reading Jason Colavito I learned that Theosophy had a profound influence on science fiction, speculative fiction, horror writing and pulp fiction in the early twentieth century. H.P. Lovecraft was very influenced by Theosophy, and H.P. Lovecraft in turn influenced L. Ron Hubbard. There are many parallels between Scientology and the more outlandish ideas found in Madame Blavatsky's writings.

You don't need to bother to watch a video like "There's Something About Henry" in order to figure out that the original source of all this crap is not human. It's the channeled "ascended masters" (demons). Humans may have embellished cultish ideas with their imaginations along the way and figured out how to get P.M.S. out of it (Power, Money, Sex).

But just as the Bible teaches, we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

J said...

Finally, circling back to Mike Adams and Scientology, I was thinking about the COVID vaccine scare mongering. Much of it contains science fiction ideas. It's possible some of the people spreading these ideas could be highly intelligent people who still don't always distinguish fantasy from reality.

Scientology attracts intelligent people who have money to spend and who feel insecure or unfulfilled. Many accomplished professionals are Scientologists. But as they progress through the levels, they learn to believe in fictional ideas and to become unable to distinguish fantasy from reality.

Scientologists want to destabilize our government. They took on the I.R.S. and that is how they became so rich, by not needing to pay taxes anymore. They hate the FDA.

So many of us could relate, right? We are unhappy with our governing institutions, too. And we have good reasons!

But if we know that Scientologists are infiltrating anti-vaxxer campaigns and movements, I think we could then be clued in, to skip over the wilder, more hypothetical claims, and spend more time on science (as opposed to science fiction or pseudoscience).

(If there isn't enough science, that's a good reason to wait for more science and not get jabbed.)

J said...

One last comment about this. Judy Mikovits is not a Scientologist. She is a Presbyterian. Her husband is an elder in their Presbyterian church. She can't help it if the Scientologits want to "help" her. One might say beggars can't be choosers. She has probably lost a lot of friends, and maybe she feels like she can't afford more enemies than she already has.

Judy Mikovits was supposedly "discredited" years ago over her XMRV research, but I think that what really happened is that she's the only one who knew the very complicated facts, and everybody else becomes confused about it and believes the simple narratives. She is in that very ironic circumstance of having a hard time defending herself, because hardly anybody can understand her work. It's easy for bad actors to take advantage of that situation. And it's easy for the people who don't really understand it all, to be misled by narratives. Pretty much, people can't follow the science, so they're following social psychology instead. That even goes for the scientists who don't specialize in her work. That is my reading.

I've read both of her books, and I've pre-ordered her latest book.

The fact that kooks sometimes glom onto Mikovits is not really her fault. It was inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Lockdown-sceptic rock star Eric Clapton blasts vaccine safety 'propaganda' and claims he had a 'disastrous reaction' to AstraZeneca Covid jab which made him fear he'd never play again


Yeah, but I'm 'sure' that Eric Clapton is probably 'lying' through his teeth... along with all the rest of those right wing Republican Trump supporters who share links about the dangers and side effects of vaccines.

News flash: Being CONCERNED about life and death issues, like the side effects of UNTESTED vaccines (which have NOT been approved by the FDA), has absolutely nothing to do with one's views on politics, religion, or New Age.

Time to get a reality check, folks!!! You don't selectively get to decide what is and isn't 'fake news' or 'misinformation'... based on your comfort level and wishful thinking about vaccines.

Anonymous said...

X does!


Anonymous said...

Could it be that all those who were foolish enough to get the Covid vaccines... or, they have a family member who received both the first and second injections, are the ones who are here on this blog to DISCREDIT all information / links speaking out on the dangers of vaccines.

I would love to be proven WRONG about the dangers of vaccines... but, so far, no one has been able to prove me 'wrong'... because, only TIME will be able to do that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you J.

And here is the acclaimed film exposé of Scientology, 'Going Clear':

Anonymous said...

Hey, J

We are all seeking the TRUTH here.

Maybe it's time to remove your rose-colored (medically APPEOVED) glasses!!!

Also, doctors need to remember their OATH... "First, do no harm." (God is watching!)

Anonymous said...

"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion." L. Ron Hubbard


Actual Scientology beliefs

Anonymous said...

Warning about 5G / EMF / RF exposure...

The telecommunications industry is engaged in a massive deployment of microwave and millimeter-wave “small cell” antennas across the county to facilitate the next generation of wireless communications known as 5G. This new technology uses existing wireless infrastructure and new types of millimeter radiofrequency (RF) radiation to transmit large amounts of data, but requires significantly closer proximity to users, resulting in the dense deployment of antennas near residences, schools, and hospitals. Because of their short-range transmissions, 5G units may be spaced as close as one every five homes on existing telephone poles. These units can be as large as small refrigerators. 5G will use sub 6Ghz band and mmWave bands so 5G signals will not be able to penetrate buildings and wooded areas. Therefore, many trees may have to be cut down for reliable service. This is not acceptable for our rural landscape. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has not conducted any long-term safety testing of new 5G wireless technologies, and has failed to update its human RF microwave radiation exposure guidelines since 1996, despite being advised to do so by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and hundreds of medical and scientific experts from around the world. The telecommunications industry leaders have publicly admitted that they have not conducted any safety tests to determine the possible adverse health and environmental effects from exposure to RF non-ionizing millimeter waves emitted by 5G-enabled small cell antennas.

J said...

9:06 AM,

Doctors are in a position where they need to weigh and balance the risk of getting COVID vs. the risk of suffering an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine.

Most doctors mean well, but they do not keep up with the medical literature. The main reason why they do not keep up with the medical literature is because they are so very, very busy.

It is up to the patient to print out medical literature and bring it to their doctor. If the doctor pooh poohs it, one can get a second opinion.

There are doctors who practice what is called integrative medicine.

What this means is that they practice evidence based medicine. They are not anti-drug. But they know about preventive medicine (through good diet and exercise and other factors). And they may prescribe herbs or vitamins or minerals and not always drugs.

I've been a to several different practitioners of this type. This kind of doctor isn't necessarily an anti-vaxxer but will usually not pressure a patient to be vaxxed or to vax their child.

Naturopaths are another option. Naturopaths vary a lot in the type and quality of care they provide, but I work with a great one who knows more than I do about diet and nutrition and herbs. Usually the doctors don't.

Craig said...

Millionaire [Samuel Eckert] offers $1.2 M reward to anyone providing an isolated sample of the COVID-19 virus

Many investigations and reports have been generated around the world concerning the disastrous COVID-19 or CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus; however, for some people and institutions, it has not been satisfactorily proven that it is the one that generates the deaths attributed to it.

After several initiatives that offered rewards to whoever managed to isolate the virus from someone supposedly contaminated with it, the group led by evangelist pastor and journalist Samuel Eckert breaks the record by offering the equivalent of $1.2 million on its website.

“1million € for scientific proof of the existence of a coronavirus, including documented control attempts of all steps taken in the proof,” the page announces.

It should be noted that it is not the existence of the virus in doubt, but instead that it is the cause of death of those infected with it.


Some info on Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR (Polymer Chain Reaction) test:

Kary Mullis, Cancel Culture and Covid 19

Dr. Sam Bailey

What was Dr. Karry Mullis' background and why did he come into conflict with much of the medical and scientific establishment?


Kary Mullis on Fauci

"Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn't know anything, really, about anything and I'd say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you could take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it's got a virus in there, you'll know it. He doesn't understand electron microscopy and he doesn't understand medicine, he should not be in a position like he's in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don't know anything about what's going on at the bottom. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They've got a personal kind of agenda, they make up their own rules as they go, they change them when they want to and they smugly, like Tony Fauci, does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera."

J said...

P.S. 9:06 AM,

Maybe I didn't spell it out clearly enough.

I trust Judy Mikovits and don't believe those who attempt to discredit her. Remember, she's the one interviewed in the Plandemic movie?

I am wary of the possible infiltration of anti-vaxxer campaigns by Scientologists.

I don't think the second discredits the first.

You aren't a Scientologist, right?

Scientologists teach that they can heal you or you can heal yourself through their techniques, and never to go to doctors.

John Travolta's autistic son died after his anti-epileptic drug was pulled. John Travolta quite possibly was influenced by his Scientology cult membership to quite possibly accidentally kill his own son.

J said...

Craig 9:35 AM,

That is extremely interesting. I'm going to spend some time on that.

Anonymous said...

J at 9:30 AM

The truth is that, although doctors may quietly listen to and support their patient's complaints, are 'now in a position' of knowing that they don't DARE speak out on the dangers and side effects of the Covid vaccine... or they risk being ostracized by their peers and even SHUT DOWN completely.

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