
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Remember the Apocalyptic Prophecy about Antichrist and False Prophet -- He shall think to change times and laws

 Steve Shultz & Johnny Enlow Say Donald Trump ushered in the Kingdom Age in 2012

atthew 24 Jesus prophesied deception abounds!

Compare the 2012 aspect to Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jose Arguelles, "Mayan Prophesies" 2021 predictions.  Looks like this might have well fit in to that scenario.

Extracted Pages 1 through 4 of above pictured 2016 book by Lawrence Moelhauser

Attributes of the Antichrist


 1. Larger, stronger, more imposing and terrifying compared to other politicians " ... look was more stout than his fellows. "(KJV); " ... larger in appearance than its associates" (NASE); " ... looked more imposing than the others. "(NIV); " ... was more terrifying than any of the others." (TEV)-Daniel 7 :20

 2. Stern or fierce faced "A king shall arise, having fierce features" (NKJV); " ... a king of fierce countenance" (KJV, AMP); " ... sternfaced"(NIV); " ... bold countenance" (RSV, Darby) Daniel 8:23

3. Generally different or unique amongst politicians " ... and he will be different.from the previous ones. "-Daniel 7:24

4. A great unifier who effectively appeals to people across traditional lines of division; will be revered by all. " ... the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast. "-Revelation 13 :3

5. Allegorically represented as incomparable metallic beast, of which he is also the personification; term beast applied to both him and his kingdom. " ... afourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured  and crushed, and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns."- Daniel 7-8

6. Seeks total political control for his own glory; not democratic republic or anything really for the people " ... who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. "-2 Thessalonians 2:4 

7. Icon of earthly success " ... he will succeed in whatever he does. "-Daniel 8:24

8. Politically rises from sub-national leadership position, like a governor " ... another horn [a ruler], a little one, came up among them [ten other rulers}. .. And out of one of [the 10 horns] came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great. "-Daniel 7:8, 11

 9. Will be shrewd, cunning, deceitful, skilled in intrigue "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25 

10. Empowered through others "And his power will be mighty, but not by his own power ... "-Daniel 8:24

11. Stubborn, relentless, mega-ambitious visionary with far reaching goals.

 12. Vicious, violent, cruel, lacks regard for life "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25

13. Extraordinarily proud and boastful " ... this horn [ruler] possessed. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... ! kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking. .. that horn which had. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... he will magnify himself in his heart. "-Daniel 7:8, 11, 20; 8

14. Disdain for women."And he will show no regard for ... the desire of women .. for he will magnify himself above them all." Daniel 11 :37 2

15. Inwardly a godless megalomaniac " ... that horn [ruler} was waging war with the saints and overpowering them ... he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One." " ... it grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down. It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down ... the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; ... And he will magnify himself in his heart ... He will even oppose the Prince of princes."-Daniel 7:21, 25; 8:10-11, 25

 16. Mega-liar who actively opposes truth " .. .[he] will fling truth to the ground. ... A king will arise Insolent and skilled in intrigue. And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his injluence."-Daniel 8:11, 23, 25

 17. Morally bankrupt hedonist

 18. Allegorically represented as a conqueror on a white horse "And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer."-Revelation 6:2

19. Foreshadowed by historical types including King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Hitler 

20. Professing Christianity, empowered by False Prophets, Christian support "I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a 3 different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds."-2 Corinthians 11 :3-15

We now have only a little more than 4 months to prepare ourselves for chaos to come. (November 5 2024 - Election Day). Trump, MAGA, Qanon, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation are promising violence against all those not in complete loyalty to Donald Trump who calls himself "The Chosen One" whether Trump wins or loses. "I am your retribution" -- "We will completely obliterate" . . . "

The deception is here. For those of you who say, "Nonsense" -- I hope you are right and I am wrong, but the present evidence tells me otherwise. Pray fervently that you may be counted worthy to withstand the things about to come on Earth.




  1. I missed this posting from another astute and watching observer that was on the comments section of my last posting. It is valuable and fits exactly with what I have posted above, so here it is:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    12:19 PM New apostolic reformation false prophets Johnny Enlow, Harvest International Ministries to Rick Joyner, Morningstar Ministries in December 2019.

    Johnny Enlow: God Is Using Trump to Separate History into Before Trump and After Trump Eras

    Pastor Johnny Enlow, a leading proponent of Seven Mountains Dominionism, appeared on a MorningStar Ministries webinar last week, where he recounted a vision in which he claims that God told him that he was going to use President Donald Trump as “a hinge of the ages” to break human history into two eras: “Before Trump” and “After Trump.”

    Enlow said that prior to the 2016 election, he asked God who would win, at which point God showed him a vision of Trump wearing a red, white, and blue bandana while sitting on a Triumph motorcycle on the top of a mountain.

    “So, in an instant, it wasn’t hard for me to figure out what was being said,” Enlow said. “The first thing [God] said is, ‘He is going to save you from things you don’t know you need to be saved from yet.’ And then the Lord progressively began to speak regarding that and he said, ‘His time in the presidency is going to be a hinge of the ages and it’ll be known as Before Trump and After Trump because of the way I am going to use him. I’m using him as a trump card, but I’m the trump card player. Your nation will be known as Before Trump and After Trump.’ And he said, ‘The nations, the whole world will be known as Before Trump and After Trump.’ The Lord said, ‘I’m really not interested your all’s vote this time, I’m doing it. I usu
    ally give you all that option, this time I’m not. This is a rescue operation from Heaven.”

    3:48 PM


  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    How much more evidence does everybody need?

  3. This is a new story appearing in the most recent Atlantic Magazine. I don't yet have an internet link for it -- it appeared in my email:

    Even the Iranian Election Is About Trump
    The presidential candidates can’t seem to talk about foreign policy without talking about him.

    By Arash Azizi

    It brings to mind, the Bibical prophecy conerning the Antichrist: ALL THE WORLD WONDERED AFTER THE BEAST THAT WAS DEAD AND CAME BACK TO LIFE.


  4. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Where in the Bible does it indicate that the antichrist will be a politician???

    Maybe he is a religious leader... or a King from another country (not the United States).

  5. In the Bible, it gives all the specifications for the identity of the Antichrist that Mr. Moelhauser listed in his prescient 2016 book. Jon Dane author of RISE OF THE LITTLE HORN was also seeing it. I, unfortunately, did not begin to wake up until the events after the 2020 Election, including:

    1. Demand to born-again Republican Secretary of State Raffensperger: "Give me 11,785 votes" and threats to him if he did not. It was fortunate for us that this call had been recorded. Neither Trump nor Raffensperger suspected it was recorded, it was a wise staffer from Georgia who decided to record it. I am glad that she did!

    2. The summoning of the large mob to Washington, DC for January 6, 2021 to try and block the voter certification.

    3. The threats and pressures against Michasel Pence.

    4. Trump's failure to stop the Capitol rioting.

    5. Trump's incendiary comments about Pence after the gallows were hung. Trump also reportedly said to a key aide during that afternoon "maybe Pence should be hung".

    6. The deliberate lies told by Trump and allies that the Capitol rioters were: Antifa and Black Lives Matter dressed up in Maga Clothing; 2. It was the FBI trying to get Trump; 3. Nancy Pelosi helped set it up and failed to stop it.

    NOW, Trump proclaims that those attempting destruction of our Capitol Building on 1-6-2024 were "Patriots" who are hostages and he plans to pardon all and go after Trump's opponents.

    More, much more.


  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Brand new audio captures Roger Stone bragging about how team Trump will contest 2024 election result

  7. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Don't you wish Dr. Stan Monteith was still with us and you, Constance could be on his show talking about this!

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Francis. Right in your face.

    Tom Horn on Malachi Martin, Petrus Romanus, Windswept House 22 Feb 2012. - YouTube

    I like Tom Horn ok but he does get a little wild sometimes (who doesn't?)

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    If you listen to the above series you get the impression they're talking about . . .

    And in my opinion this who Trump is up against

  10. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Blockbuster News: Another Thread from Constance Cumbey: More signs and wonders that Trump is the AC!

    Constance has changed her mind from Javier Solana to Donald Trump. Who would have ever guessed? ROFL !!!

  11. I believe Trump would sell his soul to be Antichrist. He does try to present a Christian front, but it is totally fake. But, Trump is also totally unlike the true Messiah and fails to be convincing in that. I see Javier Solana as the near perfect model of the Antichrist. He was a perfect gentleman, did not assault women, he was a peace maker, he often took the role of a servant, and most important, the world leaders loved him. He was master of a seemingly Messianic quality found in Daniel.... he used flattery in a masterful way to charm people. Trump is nothing like this, and world leaders have NO respect for him, that is, leaders other than the likes of Putin, Orban, Kim, and other such tyrants. If Trump is to be the Antichrist, I predict he will go through a conversion experience (fake but convincing) and totally change to more resemble the true Messiah. He will also soon produce lying wonders.

  12. Steve van Nattan -- so good to hear from you. I somewhat discovered Solana and had him at the top of my list for years. Now, I'm not so sure. Some days, I'm also thinking he deserves an apology for any grief I may have put him and his family through. The Daniel characteristics of the Antichrist now appear to me to fit perfectly to Trump. If Trump isn't the one, he is an excellent surrogate for same. Trump as of late is now teamed up with Elon Musk. It was the FALSE PROPHET rather than the beast that performed the miracles and required the buying and selling mechanisms. Elon Musk specializes and promotes those very technologies and has satellite equipment that could monitor. At any rate, for those who say I'm wrong about my current beliefs about where Trump is taking us, I'm hoping they are right and I'm wrong.


  13. To Steve Van Nattan: I discovered Javier Solana on November 22, 1995 and immediately started to bring my deep conerns forward. He had apparently came out of nowhere, had Theosophical family connections through his grandfather/great uncle Salvador de Madariaga (an early advisor to Alice and Foster Bailey). After I reported on this, suddenly Salvador's relationschip to changed from Grandfather to "Great Uncle" because "their grandfathere had been cousins. That would make somebody an even more distant cousin -- not a "Great Uncle." I don't know what all the motives were. When Solana came to NATO power, he was proud to a "Nieto" to Salvador. Salvador de Madariaga was a one-world globalist, he and his wife Constance Archibald were Theosophists in the 1920s and 1930s. Salvador de Madariaga was an original assisstant and contributor to the Bailey's pre World War II Magazine, the World Observer. There were deep reasons to suspect Solana as an "educated guess"; however, the glove fit on prophecies about the Antichrist appears to fall on Trump.



  14. Constance, my sister: How did you get so far off-base since your fruitful ministry in "A Planned Deception"? I don't get how you can be so totally absorbed in the [political] things of the world which will only pass away. Well, I'll continue to keep you on my prayer list. May GOD bless you very much!

  15. Duncan, I did not get off-base. I did not spend the last 43 years of my life informing and advising of the eternal dangers of the New Age Movement to give blesings to the final deception -- the deceived masses who would follow the Antichrist, believing him to be something else. I bring to mind Jesus words to the Jews: ''I come in my Father's name and ye receive me not. Another will come in his own name and him ye will receive. Well, Trump did come in his own name to Israel and the rest of the world. Trump has proudly posted items saying that he is regarded as the "Second Coming of God" in Israel as well as posting items making claims for himself as "The Chosen One" and "I will never lead you nor forsake you. Trump happily accepted THE CROWN OF JERUSALEM (2022) and THE PRINCE OF PEACE AWARD (2023) -- from Israel. In Israel choirs sing SUPER TRUMP (I have the video proof of same) -- you qhould be able to find it on the intnet by googling "Super Trump" Trump is leading people to falsely thnok he is standing btween them and the NWO, WEF, etc. wnen he himself exemplies same. Trump has viciously turned against all who ever raised an eyebrow against him. He will do likewise down the road to the Christians, he has not so sedretly despised. "The beast shall hate the whore and burn her flesh." To many segments of the Church and Judaic world have obviously been whoring after Trump, even repeating blasphemies in shorus after him.


  16. Anonymous11:46 AM

    As for me, it's not the political things of the world, but the obvious convergence of politics and religion that has my attention. "A Planned Deception" awakened my interest years ago. My focus since has been finding the spiritual perspective in current and historical events. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

  17. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Funny thing about bloggers Steve Van Nattan and Duncan. They've never blogged before, and yet they BOTH serve up soft ball statements for Constance. I'm very, very sure they are real people. LOL

  18. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yes! We can all trust Constance because she is very shrewd and wise, as proven by her Javier Solana track record. LOL

  19. Anonymous2:52 PM

    12:03 pm

    Not sure about Duncan but it appears Steve Van Nattan has been around a long time preaching the word and exposing heretics.

    He also has some Michigan roots so it's likely Mrs. Cumbey and him are friends or met outside the internet since they both expose new age intentions, actors and philosophies.

    I think he's a former pastor and missionary. I'm guessing he is reformed, Baptist maybe. Definitely a King James only guy.

    Here's one blog he used to post on:

  20. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Brother Steve Van Nattan's resume...

  21. Trump and Crown of Jerusalem video links:

    Super Trump boys choir in Israel:


  22. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Constance what did you think of the debate

  23. Regarding the debate: IT WAS A DISASTER.

    -- Trump told non-stop lies
    -- Biden looked like he was ready for a bed at a nursing home.


  24. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Constance said Trump ticked all the boxes of scripture as the Antichrist.
    She was repeatedly asked to provide the scriptures by persons on the blog and she didn't.
    Seems like she plays by the same standards she accuses others of.
    Come on Constance your an Attorney provide the case notes.
    That's why in English law we can request an order of discovery in and you have to produce the documents not heresay.

  25. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Broadly speaking, the process of discovery in litigation is the process by which relevant documents are searched for, identified and provided to the other party.

    The first phase of discovery is when a pleading (statement of claim or statement of defence) has been filed. At that time, the party filing the pleading must serve on the other party or parties a list of documents upon which they rely. This initial disclosure will include all documents that are referred to in the pleading or any other significant documents relating to that party’s case.

    The second phase of discovery takes place at case management conferences. This second phase is designed to flesh out a broader range of documents that will be relevant to the case. Orders can be made for either standard discovery or tailored discovery at this time.

    Standard discovery includes disclosure of all documents which might support, prejudice or disadvantage that party’s case or which might support, prejudice or disadvantage the other party’s case. Tailored discovery is appropriate where more particular discovery is required, say in relation to invoices covering a particular period.

    Traditionally, the process of completing discovery obligations tended to be an adversarial one. This has been replaced by a more cooperative and consultative approach that must be taken between counsel. Parties are required to cooperate in order to ensure that there is agreement reached on topics such as what documents should be discovered.

    Discovery is an extremely important obligation that parties must comply with. As soon as it is reasonably contemplated that litigation might take place, any prospective parties must take all reasonable steps to preserve and protect any documents that might be likely to be discoverable. This obligation extends to all documents, whether in hard copy or stored electronically. The obligation to discover documentation continues throughout the preceding. Aligned with the discovery obligation is the importance of conducting a proper search for any documents that might be relevant.

  26. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    noun: kangaroo court; plural noun: kangaroo courts
    an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanour.
    "they conducted a kangaroo court there and then"

  27. Anonymous12:54 AM

    I don't normally watch politics on TV but last night I tuned in CNN on my phone until some bloke came on saying we need to think about if we want this candidate in our living room every night. What a strange thing to say, as if we're picking a favorite television show. I turned it off and decided I definitely did not want CNN ever in my living room.

    If you think about it 12:20 AM, CNN was threatening a nightly CNN kangaroo court if we elect Trump (so you all better elect Biden if you don't want us beating you over the head every night).

  28. To the wannabe lawyer above. I know what discovery is. I have no obligation to supply you with "case notes". If you are suggesting that Trump was the victim of a "Kangaroo Court," I respectfully disagree. It appears to me as though the courts have bent over backwards to give this perpetrator of the 1-6-2021 Insurrection full due process.

    As far as Trump's offer to send 10,000 troops to Washington to protect against the mob he personally summoned to come there, it is obvious to me that he wanted those troops as part of the plan he and some of his advisors were discussing to declare martial law.

    Again, we have now only four months and one week to prepare for the chaos that probably will ensue on November 5, 2024. Trump, Qanon, Maga hordes are promising violence if or if not Trump wins or loses. The NAR crowd believes that "Judgment begins at the House of the Lord.' It is the Christians not bowing down to Trump who they proclaim are to get their first actions against. For the reader who said I had deviated from my work in my second book, A PLANNED DECEPTION, please go back and review my subsection on the "Manifest Sons of God" included in the chapter "A Secret Kingdom?".

    For those of you who don't have that volume, you may download it for free at Archive.Org and that copy has a list of errata / corrections included.

    May the Lord help us all!

  29. Anonymous3:00 AM

    More deflection Constance yet again.
    Where's the scriptural proof Constance.
    Typical worn out tactic of avoidance.
    Have you considered whether you are succumbing to using the tactics of the cults and false teachers you once exposed.
    You have said and made some vile accusations on this blog against fellow Christians on the blog.

  30. Anonymous8:07 AM

    to 3:00 AM I don't recall any vile statements or accusations by Constance Cumbey on this blog. Please share your proof.

  31. Please refresh your browser. I have added a video that Google Internet flashed up to me when I turned on my Chromecast this morning. It is from the very important website,

    It was posted by Nathan Leal to the Watchman's Cry youtube channel, one year ago.

    It is all oral reading against the screen shown.

    Please consider it carefully and prayerfully.


  32. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Re the so called J6th Insurrection, (mostly peaceful protest?), the elephant in the room is demographics. Why aren't the courts reviewing the videos of the mostly peaceful protests of 2020? You know why. And in cruel twist of fate the Ashley Babbitt killing should have paid in full the Floyd George killing but as the CNN knowingly said: who do you want to see in your living rooms every night? Pretty sure they meant Mrs. Obama.

    PS: the way things look to us over here pretty soon we won't have a living room to worry about.

  33. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Poor Joe Biden now the cruel, cruel press will probably use him as a case for euthanasiing Boomers. I'll never forget the determined look on that Filipino nurse's face when she went in to my father-in-law's room to turn-up the morphine drip because he was taking to long to die.

  34. Anonymous4:46 PM

    It is likely that the whole debate disaster will be used to pull out something like a Big Mike Obama - Gavin Nuisance satanic tag team! Clearly Biden will be lucky to make it till November! He must be replaced.

    If so, and the communist Legacy Media Promotes Mike + Gavin to extremes, like it's the greatest thing to ever happen to the U.S. And Mike and Gavin, are 'selected'. Then what will happen to Constance's Trump is the Antichrist theory? I'm sure being such a humble person, she will admit being wrong!

  35. Anonymous5:02 PM

    8:45 AM stated:

    "PS: the way things look to us over here pretty soon we won't have a living room to worry about."

    Exactly! Why Constance's obsession over 'Trump the AC' these past several years? We know Antichrist will come. Wouldn't it be the Christian thing to do, to warn believers to prepare for great tribulation. Make a choice whether they will take the Mark, or be persecuted, maybe martyred? Preach the gospel to the lost?

    It seems Constance has a deep bitter personal hatred for Trump! When she warned about Solana, she didn't seem to have that zealous hatred!

  36. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Chevron & the Deep State

    Maybe you should contact Mrs. Tierney Constance? Might be a positive experience?

  37. Anonymous8:03 PM

    5:02 PM We now have only a little more than 4 months to prepare ourselves for chaos to come. (November 5 2024 - Election Day). Trump, MAGA, Qanon, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation are promising violence against all those not in complete loyalty to Donald Trump who calls himself "The Chosen One" whether Trump wins or loses. "I am your retribution" -- "We will completely obliterate" . . . "

    The deception is here. For those of you who say, "Nonsense" -- I hope you are right and I am wrong, but the present evidence tells me otherwise. Pray fervently that you may be counted worthy to withstand the things about to come on Earth.


    That sounds like a warning to me. You should read the whole page before commenting.

  38. Anonymous9:27 PM

    If I didn't know better, I would swear that Liz Cheney is now occupying the body, mind and soul of Constance Cumbey.

    (This is based on Liz Cheney's absolute OBSESSION with hatred for Donald Trump.)

  39. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Deep State Liz Cheney, and Deep State Constance Cumbey.

    Birds of a feather.

  40. Anonymous9:57 PM

    The Deep State globalists hate Trump, because he is a threat to slow down their plans for a full blown sodomite global Luciferian NWO. The Luciferian Deep State is relentless. They never stop the march to eliminate God's people from this earth.

    Why is it that Deep State Cumbey gravitates toward the most vile? She is on their side. Why is that? Is she possessed by a Luciferian spirit? One man, Trump, and a small remnant of patriotic Christians within our mostly vile and corrupt government, keep Cumbey awake at night!

    Constance you need to leave your worldly religious spirit, your twisted politics, and your fake woke jesus, and get saved! You will be set free!

    Then you can get rid of your fear, and your hatred! He, Jesus, came to set the captives free!

  41. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Concerning the 'Attributes of the Antichrist' listed in Constance's post: These 'Attributes' can be more accurately applied to Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton as well.

    Any so called 'evidence', you Constance, have posted is really weak, and sourced from fringey sources.

  42. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Illuminati: They're Hiding the Truth From The Public

  43. Anonymous10:24 PM

    8:03 PM

    You are taking this out of context, from your MSM sources. This is the least of things to worry about in the near future!

    Watch the long video I posted above @ 10:19 PM. You are more of an enabler to these people than an opponent!

  44. Anonymous11:59 AM

    10:24 PM Repeating the 8:03 PM Comment - the last two paragraphs written by Constance on this blog. You should read the whole page before commenting."

    "We now have only a little more than 4 months to prepare ourselves for chaos to come. (November 5 2024 - Election Day). Trump, MAGA, Qanon, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation are promising violence against all those not in complete loyalty to Donald Trump who calls himself "The Chosen One" whether Trump wins or loses. "I am your retribution" -- "We will completely obliterate" . . . "

    "The deception is here. For those of you who say, "Nonsense" -- I hope you are right and I am wrong, but the present evidence tells me otherwise. Pray fervently that you may be counted worthy to withstand the things about to come on Earth.


    "That sounds like a warning to me. You should read the whole page before commenting."

  45. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Worthy to be repeated:

    Anonymous said...

    More deflection Constance yet again.
    Where's the scriptural proof Constance.
    Typical worn out tactic of avoidance.
    Have you considered whether you are succumbing to using the tactics of the cults and false teachers you once exposed.
    You have said and made some vile accusations on this blog against fellow Christians on the blog.

    3:00 AM

  46. Anonymous2:47 PM

    After the disastrous debate performance of the lying, corrupt, senile cadaver aka Joe Biden, one must wonder how Constance was able to make it through the night without falling into a state of hysteria. After all, she had already stated that she would be voting for the radical pro-abortionist Biden. One thing is certain; our delusional deva will still be voting for the radical death cult leader of the Democrat party, no matter who that cult leader will be. Sad. Very, very sad to watch her deteriorate right before our eyes.

  47. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I think something sinister is afoot with Biden's sudden deterioration after he tried to cut Bebe off (and failed) and I'm sure all the other politicians will be towing to line now.

    PS: I expect a DC visit from Bebe anytime now.

  48. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Lighten up Jethro ( - ;

  49. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Add another one that 'checks all the boxes' to the ash heap of history. The Little Runt (horn LOL) from France bites the dust:

    Macron Wipeout in Snap Election he Called, Le Pen Surges and Could Take Outright Majority

    The Parliamentary faction of President Emmanuel Macron has been utterly destroyed in the unexpected snap election he called just three weeks ago, with Le Pen’s Party looking to nearly treble its seat holding.

    Polling has closed in France for the first round of this week-long Parliamentary election. While actual seat distribution won’t be fully known, the exit polls following this knock-out round have given a confident answer that Marine Le Pen’s nationalist-populist National Rally (RN) won the day. Per the exit polls, her faction gained 34 per cent of the vote, while the left-wing coalition founded for the purpose of this election picked up 29 per cent, and President Macron’s Ensemble looks at just 20 per cent.

  50. To 3:00 AM

    Necessary Scriptural references are contained in the extracted pages I showed you. You are either too busy to read and reference them for yourself, and/oR more likely, you are trying to confuse others..


  51. An interesting timely article from a Baptist publication, I just found on-line:


  52. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It would be great to read Constance Cumbey's personal interpretations and explanations on her theories that Trump is the AC. Give us the clear cut, not open to wild speculation, verses along with detailed explanations, or quit posting this fallacious garbage.

    Deflecting away from the question does not do anything to enhance her already tarnished reputation.

  53. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Constance, we are still waiting for your response to this previous post...

    Constance said Trump ticked all the boxes of scripture as the Antichrist.
    She was repeatedly asked to provide the scriptures by persons on the blog and she didn't.
    Seems like she plays by the same standards she accuses others of.
    Come on Constance you're an Attorney provide the case notes.
    That's why in English law we can request an order of discovery and you have to produce the documents, not heresay.
    12:12 AM

  54. Anonymous1:41 PM

    While Constance enthusiastically supplies all of her Scriptures, along with her detailed explanations, that specifically prove Trump is the AC, she should also do the same to show us how she was able to arrive at the conclusion that Javier Solana 'checked all the boxes' as well.

    Thank you in advance Constance. We all anxiously await your response.

  55. Anonymous5:05 PM

    does anyone know if any of these are NAR and/or are close to Trump might be Secretary of State prospects?

    "Don is survived by his wife, Elaine, son David Allen Horsley (Meng-Hsiung), daughter Christine Diane Horsley, son Matthew Walton Horsley (Adriana), granddaughter Juliette Meng-Lan Horsley, brothers David Horsley (Paula) and Dennis Allen Horsley (deceased) (Bonnie), and many nieces and nephews as well as great-nieces and nephews.'

  56. Anonymous5:20 PM

    5:05 PM Prospects for Secretary of State appointments must be members of the Council on
    Foreign Relations. Where did your list of names come from?

  57. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I didn't say they were prospects.

    I asked if anyone knew if they were NAR and/or prospects friends of Trump's.

    They are survivorsof Horsley's from his obitbtuary, he was a lder of the cult aand did huamn and animal sacrices. Also one of those specializing in manipulation by pretending to be oh so caring and concered.

  58. Anonymous7:35 PM

    5:56 PM I understood what you meant. I probably didn't word my question very well.

  59. Anonymous10:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. To 9:57 - You are Exhibit #1 of the existence and not so hidden dangers of the Qanon/Maga/Trump worshipping cult. Your language is vile -- so is Trump's!


  61. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Isn't this what Constance has been posting of what Jan Halper-Hays and ElijaStreams has been saying? The same thing commenters on this blog insist are made up and "guilt by association"? Looks like he's associated himself, again!

  62. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Constance keeps on avoiding showing scripture contextual proofs yet again.
    Throwing out bold statements of Trump ticking all the boxes but she will not provide them having been repeatedly asked for them over months.
    Where not interested Constance in opinions wheres the scriptures?

  63. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

  64. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Aberent behavior Exhibit A

    Cognitive Biases...
    Pattern Recognition: Humans are wired to recognize patterns, even where none exist. This can lead to seeing connections and intentions behind random or unrelated events.

    Confirmation Bias: People tend to seek out and favor information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, ignoring or discrediting evidence that contradicts them.

    Psychological Needs:
    Need for Control: During times of uncertainty or crisis, believing in conspiracy theories can provide a sense of control and understanding.
    Need for Uniqueness: Some individuals derive a sense of specialness from believing they possess secret knowledge that others don't

  65. Anonymous10:19 AM

    7:38 AM

    Cheney behaves like a jilted lover to which Trump responds with a backhanded slap. Very entertaining if you like that sort of stuff.

  66. Anonymous10:28 AM

    5:59 AM

    From looking around on the internet, I think, 9:57 spends to much time in the Zero Hedge comment section whereas Trump comes by it legitimately being a New Yorker.

    PS: both the North East and the South East somewhat pride themselves on their callous language (and lack of calloused hands)

  67. Anonymous10:30 AM

    8:27 AM


    ( - :

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. To 5:20 pm

    What is your believed legal basis for saying that prospects for Secretary of State must be members of the CFR?


  70. To 12:19 am

    Liz Cheney is a brave and courageous woman. She supported Trump up until his actions to pressure Mike Pence to break his Oath of Office by not certifying election resuts. I'm old enouogh to be her mother. If you think you are insulting me by vomparing me to her, you are wrong. You are showing your own disdain for the truth about January 6, Trump's summoning of the mob, his threats against Mike Pence and Raffensperger, etc., etc., ad nauseum. You are a possible profile of the warnings about who would be deceived by the Antichrist -- "they received not the love of the truth." You have blinded your eyes to what actually transired on January 6, 2021 which we all saw live on Fox news network. I pray for your soul.


    12:48 PM

  71. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Random thoughts. . .

    At the last supper Jesus broke the bread and they supped. Hard bread lasts but you have to dunk it. The dogs got the crumbs from the rich mans table. Cake? President Biden bragged that we have a thousand billionaires like that was a good thing. The difference between hard bread and soft is hard bread keeps.

    Pro tip: soak all bread before feeding it to the chickens. It keeps the crows from carrying it away.

  72. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Giuliani disbarred in NY as court finds he repeatedly lied ["alternative facts"]

    Sorry for the vulgar compassion Mrs. Crmbey

  73. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Constance @ 12:56 PM

    You merely take the dark side of this world's dichotomy, and like any true pharisee proclaim it truth, and light!

    You have taken the New Agers tricks, and applied them to your 'dark' brand of fake, political 'woke jesus' Christianity.

    You cannot sup from this world's approved media, and use that content as an argument for your nonsensical theories.

    There is little evidence that you have become a "new creature". Anyone who embraces RINOs and would vote for demonic pedophile Joe Biden is lost in her stubbornness rooted in her vain tradition.

    You need help that can only come from Christ.

    You're lost, and currently in the camp of the 5 foolish virgins.

  74. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Another Scamdemic? Count on it!

  75. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Constance your a Lawyer how then do you reconcile the decision of the Supreme Court or are you against them now.

  76. I agree with the opinions of the 3 dissenters.


  77. Constance Cumbey said...
    to 3;39 PM. You like too many others are a perfect example of the working of the deception Jesus said would be very close and enough to deceive the elect. If you can't see the evil of "give me 11,785 votes", summoning the mob to Washingtob, DC fof 1-6-2021, the gallows being hung for Mike Pence and Trump's failure to denounce same, Trump's boasts that he will, if re-elected "obliterate the opposition" and "be your retribution", etc, combined with Trump's well documented statements that he has never needed to go to God for repentance, then you are TRULY DECEIVED. One day Trump will come against Christians as he has all others, including fine Christians as Brad Raffensperger and Mike Pence. I pray you come to your senses before that day which is inevitable will come.

    9:38 PM

  78. Anonymous10:24 PM

    He did summons that mob. You need to understand Trump's words. He said meet me at the capital building or you won't have a country anymore. The mob goes to the capitol then you have the riots.
