
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trump tells Turrning Point Audience that they won't need to vote again after 2024 AND He's not Christian!

 This was reported at many sites on Youtube -- It was a Turning Point speech.  Look it up for yourselves and it's on your consciences.  I have warned you!



  1. Anonymous1:46 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Will RFK Jr Be Trump's Vaccine Czar?


    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      RFK Jr already went through that broken promise once before.

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    To see how fascists do, go to the comments at the end of the prior post, and view the blatant censorship!

  4. Anonymous2:04 PM

    All Joe Biden, the worst president in U.S. history, had to do was to read from a teleprompter.

    And he couldn't do that!

    1. Your obvious only evifdence that Biden was the "worst" president in US History are Donald trump's statments. Far and away, Ytump was the worst tiven his demands that Pence violate the Consstitutuion, his summoning the mob to Washington, DC for `1-6-202, Trrump's demans that Raffensperger find him 11,7870 votes.

  5. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Poster @ 1:50 PM on the last thread. Post number 900.

    SPOT ON!


    This video from the Wall Street Journal site.


  7. To 2;04 pm -- aLTHOUGH Biden was not a "great president', he was probably far from the "Worst President", As Donald J. Trump is obviouosly your information source, I must discount your comment completely.


  8. Anonymous4:32 PM


    do you rememer saying that a quote without a context is a pretext/ All the prophecies you and others use to connect Trump or anyone to the antichrist are exactly that, that anything that doesn't fit the genda is to be interpreted spiritually, i.e., ignored, and only what does fit is to be taken literally.

    eisegesis. not exegesis.

    another problem you and others take the uSA and Europe too seriously.
    What his ethnic background, the antichrist the big one not the myriad little ones I John refers to, will arise in a Middle eastern oontext.

    Daniel's forth beast is like the rest an empire, not a single man, but is taken over at its end by the antichrist.


    Watch africa.

    This won't find completion in our lifetimes likely, but WATCH AFRICA.

    (for details go to

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      The fourth beast was the ancient Roman empire, which conquered the territories held by the first three beasts.

  9. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Why Africa

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Anonymous I had family in Europe during WW2 and Hitler is going to look like a choir boy. The antichrist is going to make Hitler look like a choir boy. Trump is saying great things just like the antichrist.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      The word "Antichrist" is only used in the Bible in the book of John. John wrote that the spirit of Antichrist was already in the world. The book of Revelation uses "beast" for empires and the heads of empires. Trump aspires to be the beast type, in that he is keen to identify his own will with the destiny of the whole nation.

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Obama "Yes We Can",,, "Yes We Can", and people in the audience fainted!

    Like 'we create our future', we don't need God

    Trump is saying great things, because after Obama's 3 terms, decent people are starved for hope! And compared with those two devils, Trump looks quite decent.

  12. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Those 2 devils, of course being Biden(puppet) and the Kenyan sodomite.

  13. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Obama Instigated Ant-Biden Coup With '25th Amendment Threat

  14. Anonymous6:32 PM


    why Africa? the four diretions of the Daniel's four bests. south of him would be Africa that is the fourth. Right now, a coalition of several countries is forming a sort of African EU. all are either primary English speaking or incl. English as a major language. one of the beasts in Revelation has the mouth not head but MOUTH of a lion. Several countries, incl. England, have lion symbolism.

    it also has the body of a leopard - infrastructure, China has poured infrastructue projects into Africa for decades. So it is the leopard. feet of a ber - someone wrote that a bear's feet are weapons, and Russian weapons of all kinds and lately troops have poured into Africa for decades. that's two reasons right there. start at first post explains why these are not ancient but current to future.


  15. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Constance in actual real recordings he says...
    "I love you Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote.

    Check it out instead of posting misleading hoax altered recordings.
    You site all sorts of misleading info because of your hate Trump mind set.
    Trolling the internet for anything to support it without actually checking it validity lacks credibility.
    Do your due diligence and meet evidential standards not hearsay.

    1. I quoted correctly. Trump very plainly said "I love you Christians. I am NOT Christian. Perhaps you read a story that misquoted Trump. Your evidence is above and available on other sites othter than Brother Paul's.

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    After censorship run amuck on the last thread, it's back to her total obsession with TRUMP, TRUMP and more TRUMP.

    Seriously, does this woman ever think of anything else? WEIRD !!!

  17. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Constance you really need to seek help because its getting really delusional.

  18. Anonymous6:39 PM


    "The insulting representation of Jesus Christ in Paris yesterday was completely offensive and crossed all lines. France a country with a major history of Christianity, must be ashamed of itself, and I implore our Christian people all over the world to speak out against this act. We resolutely condemn this."

  19. Anonymous6:40 PM

    What is psychosis? Psychosis refers to a collection of symptoms that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. During an episode of psychosis, a person's thoughts and perceptions are disrupted and they may have difficulty recognizing what is real and what is not.

  20. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Symptoms - Psychosis
    Someone who develops psychosis will have their own unique set of symptoms and experiences, according to their particular circumstances.

    But in general, 3 main symptoms are associated with a psychotic episode:

    confused and disturbed thoughts
    Hallucinations are where someone sees, hears, smells, tastes or feels things that do not exist outside their mind.

    sight – seeing colours, shapes or people
    sounds – hearing voices or other sounds
    touch – feeling touched when there is nobody there
    smell – an odour that other people cannot smell
    taste – a taste when there is nothing in the mouth
    A delusion is where a person has an unshakeable belief in something untrue.

    A person with persecutory delusions may believe an individual or organisation is making plans to hurt or kill them.

    A person with grandiose delusions may believe they have power or authority. For example, they may think they're the president of a country or they have the power to bring people back from the dead.

    People who have psychotic episodes are often unaware that their delusions or hallucinations are not real, which may lead them to feel frightened or distressed.

    Confused and disturbed thoughts
    People with psychosis sometimes have disturbed, confused, and disrupted patterns of thought. Signs of this include:

    rapid and constant speech
    disturbed speech – for example, they may switch from one topic to another mid-sentence
    a sudden loss in their train of thought, resulting in an abrupt pause in conversation or activity

  21. Anonymous6:44 PM

    As we all (all 34 of us) hold our collective breaths, we anxiously await the announced endorsement for President by our highly influential blog owner.

    Who could it possibly be? I can hardly stand the suspense and the waiting. Please Constance, give us your pick. We all 34 of us can't stand it much longer. Who will it be? Cackling Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Will Willie Brown be Queen Kamala's running mate? Speak Constance, speak. We can't take the suspense any longer. ROFL

  22. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Symptoms - Psychosis

    Someone who develops psychosis will have their own unique set of symptoms and experiences, according to their particular circumstances.

    But in general, 3 main symptoms are associated with a psychotic episode:

    hallucinationsdelusionsconfused and disturbed thoughtsHallucinations

    Hallucinations are where someone sees, hears, smells, tastes or feels things that do not exist outside their mind.

    sight – seeing colours, shapes or peoplesounds – hearing voices or other soundstouch – feeling touched when there is nobody theresmell – an odour that other people cannot smelltaste – a taste when there is nothing in the mouthDelusions

    A delusion is where a person has an unshakeable belief in something untrue.

    A person with persecutory delusions may believe an individual or organisation is making plans to hurt or kill them.

    A person with grandiose delusions may believe they have power or authority. For example, they may think they're the president of a country or they have the power to bring people back from the dead.

    People who have psychotic episodes are often unaware that their delusions or hallucinations are not real, which may lead them to feel frightened or distressed.

    Confused and disturbed thoughts

    People with psychosis sometimes have disturbed, confused, and disrupted patterns of thought. Signs of this include:

    rapid and constant speechdisturbed speech – for example, they may switch from one topic to another mid-sentencea sudden loss in their train of thought, resulting in an abrupt pause in conversation or activity

  23. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Was this said by Constance Cumbey?

    "The insulting representation of Jesus Christ in Paris yesterday was completely offensive and crossed all lines. France a country with a major history of Christianity, must be ashamed of itself, and I implore our Christian people all over the world to speak out against this act. We resolutely condemn this."

    NOPE. It was by an Iranian official !

  24. Anonymous6:57 PM

    When a person becomes so consumed by anti Trump that nothing else matters.
    24/7 Trump to the exclusion of all else its unfortunate but its got to the point that family or friends need to intervene.

  25. Anonymous7:04 PM

    6:46 Yes it was real Antichrist stuff and Constance just rabbits on about Trump yet again.
    She makes a excuse on not getting coverage but youtube us full of video on the Olympic opening.
    She's to busy trying to find fake news and miss information on Trump to see anything outside of her world

  26. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Wait for the deletetist.
    Ad Hom attacks on Trump are ok but don't disapprove or disprove Constance's retoric is wrong... after all it's her blog.
    Censorship abd disinformation is the Socialist Communist playbook number one.

  27. Anonymous7:15 PM


    Context my dear.
    Trump was talking about Christians who don't want to vote (for him).
    He is talking to them and hopes they will vote and not worry about there being fraud (he wants to clean up the voting system in America to return credibility to the process) or have qualms about him.
    He hopes they will give it this one shot this time around and be okay with it.

    He is talking to people like me who really have gotten discouraged with the whole mess and frankly don't want to vote in such a rigged mess, with absentee votes and how and when they are counted beyond deadline as was done last time around in spite of what you believe. Rules were changed, in strategic places, in time for the last election that were totally against fairness.
    That is what and who he was addressing.

    Your extreme prejudice against him is palpable. Your emotionalism and sensationalism about this is what the Trump hating is all about. It should be about policy not personality anyway.
    It has colored your reasoning for a while now and I think it is a real shame that you can't give proper context to what he says that is always understood better by what he actually does (or doesn't do though accused) that is correct and helpful to the nation, and not speculation about it from lame stream media sources built-in bias that you religiously adhere to. You accuse others of buying the hype from the other side but I see plenty of hype you are on board with. There is so much not to believe these days..

    I say that as one who is conflicted about him-but more than that, about the spiritual condition of the populace of America. And the divisions are very deep.
    But! I have no doubts, at all, about the utter evil from the other side of the aisle (that you have routinely given a pass) that has actively made unconstitutional and illegal rulings and acts against a Constitutional Republic. How is that right? You've been blinded to what they've done with compromised republicans help. I have read about your favorites and they are very much part of the whole problem.
    Trump is not a Christian. But he is used to the hilt by faux christianity. God will deal with all of that on His timetable.
    God saved Trump's life recently, but for exactly what, I'm not sure. I'm not God and neither are you.
    This is all up for grabs. And the devil is licking his chops, one way or the other, because that is the times we are in. The left wants (really really wants) violence. They have been, and will continue, if Trump is elected. And the left will up their violence if they get in office. The right has some issues too, just not as extreme-well, not yet. Not looking good when you look close. Not pretty. Not a bit.
    This country should be on it's knees.
    I hope you are on yours.

  28. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "with absentee votes and how and when they are counted beyond deadline as was done last time"

    Also meant to mention above about the whole mail-in ballot farce too.

  29. Anonymous7:45 PM

    It's no wonder I don't want to read this blog anymore. The truth is lacking

  30. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Constance's only context is "hate Trump".
    Symptomatic of harbouring resentment and unforgiveness which goe's against God's word and Jesus Christ's example.

  31. Here are some scriptures that warn against harbouring unforgiveness:

    Matthew 6:14-15
    "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you don’t forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

    Mark 11:25-26
    "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."

    Ephesians 4:31-32
    "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, outcry, and slander be put away from you, with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you."

    Colossians 3:12-13
    "Put on therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, humility, and perseverance; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, if any man has a complaint against any; even as Christ forgave you, so you also do."

    Matthew 18:21-22
    "Then Peter came and said to him, 'Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?' Jesus said to him, 'I don’t tell you until seven times, but, until seventy times seven.'"

    Luke 6:37
    "Don’t judge, and you won’t be judged. Don’t condemn, and you won’t be condemned. Set free, and you will be set free."

    James 2:13
    "For judgment is without mercy to him who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment."

    The scriptures are clear.

  32. Anonymous8:14 PM

    7:57 PM GrantNZ

    "The scriptures are clear."

    Indeed, they are.

    "I'm not God and neither are you." applies all across the board..
    Looks like people most definitely need to be on their knees

  33. Anonymous9:02 PM

    yes Jesus harps on forgiveness. But in Matthew chapter 18 I think it is, Jesus outlines procedures for cutting off a person from your life when all else fails also.


  34. Anonymous10:15 PM

    A lot of people have left this blog after being falsely accused.

    They are the smart ones.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      But '34' visit every day ... and that's a lot. LOL

  35. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Ezekiel 38 incoming, Turkey's Erdogan threatens to invade Israel

  36. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Senator Tom Cotton says Trump’s ‘you won’t have to vote anymore’ comment was him ‘obviously making a joke’

  37. Anonymous12:00 AM

    9:02 PM Christine.

    You sound very flippant about something that cost Jesus Christ so much to give us.
    Please rethink that.

  38. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Chuck Schumer calls on Trump to pick new running mate, claims Vance is 'best thing he's ever done for Democrats'. Why is Schumer concerned?

  39. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Senator Tom Cotton, I've watched the video several times. Trump was not "obviously making a joke."

  40. 'Strong and Radical': Biden announces Supreme Court reform proposals

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Said proposals are political theatre for the Dems. They don't stand a chance of passing without Dem supermajorities in both the House and Senate. Doesn't mean the Dems wouldn't do it if they could.

  41. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anonymous 4:32 PM,

    You Trumpsters are the ones employing eisegesis and in a deeply blasphemous way too. You equate that vile man of fierce countenance, who throws truth to the ground and magnifies himself at every opportunity, to Jesus Christ. What an utterly evil thing to do. You believe and partake in the aggrandisement and worship of that man of sin, that son of perdition, Donald J. Trump, your rapist, pedophile and liar in chief.

    Yes, that same Donald Trump who has both Assyrian and Roman heritage, who calls himself the chosen one, who claims he needs no forgiveness and has never asked God for it, who hosted a massive LGBTQ event at Mar Al Lago, who the Christ denying Sanhedrin have declared their messiah, awarded him with a crown, put his image on numerous, different temple coins for use in their awaited third temple, and the list goes on!

  42. Anonymous9:49 AM

    PANICKED Trump FREEZES in Interview

    A very revealing moment of Donald Trump’s recent interview about declassifying the Epstein files.

  43. Anonymous10:37 AM

    This is Getting Out of Control

    24 Jul 2024 #trump #apologetics #christianity
    The near Trump worship from some Conservative Christians since the failed assassination attempt, is getting out of control.

    Jesus Christ is depicted as having a bandage over His right ear - against the backdrop of the Stars and Stripes - what utter blasphemy! The video exposes much more too.

  44. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Why Does EVERYONE Seem to Be Missing This?

    Conservative Christians, we have a problem. But it’s not simply because Amber Rose spoke at the RNC this week. It goes far deeper than that.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Very good video. Thanks.

  45. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Trump's REAL Religious Beliefs Are NOT What You Think

  46. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Kamala Harris just joined TikTok. Here's how to watch her content.

    "What are we going to say to Donald Trump in November?'

    "Bye, bye, bye"

    "When we fight, we win"

  47. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Secular Elites Come Out And Admit How Little They Think Our Lives Are Worth

    Terrible to think about

  48. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Constance, very interested to know your thoughts in regards to the Paris opening ceremony. What side does this belong to? The ‘White’ hats or the ‘black’ hats?

  49. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Miracle of God? During the Massive Power Outage in Paris, Notice the Thing That’s Still Fully Lit

  50. Anonymous11:54 AM

    J. D. Vance is VERY WEIRD !!!

  51. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The excitement continues to build ... when will Constance Cumbey make her announcement as to her Official Endorsement for President? Harris or Trump?
    I can hardly wait!

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      How dare you imply that Constance Cumbey would even consider supporting the radical pro-abortion candidacy of Kamala Harris. Constance has been a staunch supporter of life for decades and she knows that Trump appointed 3 pro-life supreme court justices, who led the charge to repeal Roe v Wade. There is not doubt she will not be endorsing the abortion candidate Kamala Harris.

  52. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The Open Scroll

  53. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Election Interference? Google Omits Autocomplete Search Results For Failed Trump Assassination

  54. Rebel Archbishop Slams Olympics' "Vile Attacks on God" - Says Macron, Obama Married To Trans Men

  55. Seems the comment portion of Blogger here has changed. This is a test. Can I still use simple HTML codes?

    There's no preview anymore.

    It looks different, and acts different, in a semi-broken kind of way. Or at least in a step-backward kind of way. Not sure what changed - blogger, my browser (pretty sure it's not that), my OS (pretty sure it's not that either), or something else undefined and unknowable.

    Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. And it satisfies some primal instinct of mine to complain about it. :^)

    Carry on....

  56. For a particularly satisfying write-up about being a curmudgeon in a way that might be useful and actually effect real change, check out my favorite tech curmudgeon, Dedoimedo:

    1. Forgot to specify the particular article I was talking about. It's called "You must complain, as much as you can", and the link is:

      Interesting. Apparently we can now Reply to a particular comment. This is something this blog has needed for about, oh, 20 years now. So one person can comment, and then others can reply to that comment, and have an actual conversation about a particular topic all in one place. What a concept!

  57. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I'm absolutely certain that a comment from Constance Cumbey will be forthcoming. Just try to imagine our Deva's reaction if this was, in any way, linked to Trump supporters!

    Olympic Opening Ceremony Director Claims Drag Last Supper Not Inspired by Bible but a ‘Great Pagan Festival’

    The artistic director of the LBGT-themed Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony has claimed he did not intend to portray the Last Supper after an apparent parody of the Biblical event drew outrage from Christians across the world.

    Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Olympic Opening Ceremony, denied on Sunday that he was not “inspired” by the Last Supper, despite the striking similarities between the Leonardo da Vinci depiction of the Jesus Christ’s Last Supper with his 12 Apostles and the drag queen tableau shown at the opening of the Paris games.

    “You will never find in me any desire to mock, or to denigrate anything. I wanted to do a ceremony that repairs, that reconciles, that reaffirms the values of our Republic,” Jolly said in comments reported by Le Figaro.

  58. Anonymous4:06 PM

    No, No, NO !! This goes completely against the Official Cumbey Narrative!

    Pelosi's top security aides got warning about Capitol breach night before Jan. 6 riot, memos show

    Newly unearthed memos may explain why Nancy Pelosi privately expressed she felt responsible for Jan. 6 security failures.

  59. Anonymous4:14 PM

    What do we care what Iran thinks? One cannot be a Christian openly in that nation. Right?

  60. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I wonder why Constance balks at commenting on the pagan Olympic ceremony?

    Chief member of Pagan Olympic ceremony: DJ Barbara Butch: 'I'm a fat, Jewish, queer lesbian, and I'm really proud'

    And.... the director who put together the Christ mocking spectacle is Jewish.

    1 Thess 1:14-16

    For ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews,: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us, and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

  61. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Media Lies About Trump Christian Speech

  62. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Why wouldn't she vote for Harris. Constance doesn't like Trump who else does that leave. KENNEDY

  63. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Even on the news Trump admits he's not a Christian.

  64. Anonymous7:11 PM

    We don’t have to be a part of the circus of voting at all. As Christians, we should not lean on our own understanding. Where there is wickedness, don’t vote.

  65. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Mario at 5:11 PM,


  66. Anonymous8:21 PM


  67. Anonymous9:53 PM

    You can see the change in Constance since she adopted hatred for Trump.
    Some of her vile rhetoric towards Christians she assumes might vote for Trump is unbelievable.
    When you start saying things that can be seen as damming and curseing people... thats straight out witchcraft and condemned in the Bible.
    We are called to bless and not curse.
    God says we are to repent if our evil deeds.

  68. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Here are some scriptures that speak about repentance

    1. **Acts 3:19**:
    - "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, so that there may come times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord."

    2. **2 Chronicles 7:14**:
    - "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

    3. **Ezekiel 18:21**:
    - "But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he has committed and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live. He shall not die."

    4. **Matthew 4:17**:
    - "From that time, Jesus began to preach, and to say, 'Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.'"

    5. **Luke 5:32**:
    - "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

    6. **2 Peter 3:9**:
    - "The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, as some count slowness; but he is patient with us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

    7. **Revelation 2:5**:
    - "Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I am coming to you swiftly, and will move your lamp stand out of its place, unless you repent."

    These scriptures emphasize the importance of turning away from sin and seeking God's forgiveness.

  69. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Recall that Constance Cumbey stated that she would be voting for Joe Biden in 2024 ...

    Jill Biden praises anti-Christian Olympic ceremony that mocked the Last Supper: ‘Spectacular!’

    ‘So, last night, it was just spectacular,’ Jill Biden said about the blasphemous anti-Christian Olympics opening ceremony in Paris.

  70. Anonymous10:24 PM

    When will Constance Cumbey announce her official endorsement for President? Is she really going to endorse Kamala Harris?

  71. Anonymous10:42 PM

    100 Days to Chaos

    Brother Paul may have a point

  72. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Donald Trump: "What happened today in Venezuela was a disgrace. #donaldtrump #venezuela #america

  73. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Yeah and the foreigners of South America still come here take 2000 a month per person with six people in a apartment that $12,000 per month depending on how many is living there. They get food stamps and Medicaid. They can go to a place where you sign up to get job which needs to be going to U.S. citizens. We as Americans need to vote for Trump so these jerks can be deported.

  74. Anonymous11:39 PM

    It cost them $25,000 per person to get to the U.S. is what they pay the smugglers. Think about it people. Yes Constance they are human beings however we already have a housing shortage in this Country. People stop and think with that kind of money they could live like a king in there own country.

  75. Anonymous11:44 PM

    If they have that kind of money to come to the U.S. with the caravan they have a good life in there own country with that money. Our own people don't live like that. We have homeless veterans on the street and they don't get that kind of money. I have spoke to some Venezuela who came using the Internet as a translator. No English. They speak Espanol. We to bad I am not going to learn there language to satisfy there butts here.

  76. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Hey dummy's it doesn't matter who we vote for God is going to put who he wants in the office of president. It doesn't change God plan for mankind we are the ones who change.

  77. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Constance can always move to Canada when Trump wins.
    All the woke US socialists should do the same if they are bent on no democracy.

  78. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Trump warns of religious persecution .

  79. Anonymous7:21 AM

    It was Jan 6th on her telly, she saw someone bright,
    A figure adored, in the world's eager sight.
    But she was not fooled by yhe smile she stared with a glare,
    Declareing , "He's the Antichrist! You must beware!"

    On the blog she'd rant, with passion quite fierce,
    "He'll lead us to ruin, our souls he will pierce!"
    But some when they'd listened would only laugh,
    Yet undetered she kept on the warpath.

    "He’s charming and clever, a master of guile,
    But under that charm, lurks evil so vile!

    She cried Oh, why can't they see, they're all lost in a dream!"
    His followers are caught in his devious scheme,

    She'd scour the web, for proof of her claim,
    Finding odd blogs, all thinking the same.
    "Look here, my darlings, it's plain as can be,
    He’s got horns and a tail O can't you see!"

    Yet the world spun on, with love and delight,
    Ignoring her tales of apocalyptic fright.

  80. Anonymous8:48 AM

    When the antichrist rules it's going to be world wide. It won't matter where you live he will be there too.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Show me where it says so in the Bible.

  81. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anonymous 11:44 PM,

    I suggest you learn how to write English properly first, ‘hombre’!

  82. Anonymous9:42 AM

    North African Crime - Rate Explodes In Germany

    ...rape up 169% and murder up 110% in 4 years...

  83. Anonymous10:01 AM

    11 PM

    Last Christmas our neighbor said he had to go out at the crack of dawn because a Mexican couple were outside wandering around with flashlights. Turns out they were Amazon delivers delivering packages looking for a address and when our neighbor approached them they had an app on their phone to translate. I guess you would speak English into their phone and it would translate into Spanish text and vise versa. Just a couple people far from home trying to make some money, but of course my old redneck neighbor didn't want to hear it, and it understand why. The way I see it is people are people and politicians are devils. Say a prayer for Venezuela.

  84. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The False Church Of AntiChrist In The Era Of Darkness

  85. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "A Racial Plan for the Twentieth Century" Israel Cohen - 1912

    We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negros to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

  86. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Anonymous 10:01 AM,

    Well said! May God bless you greatly.

  87. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Anonymous 10:10 AM,

    You had better repent before it’s too late, Nazi!

  88. Anonymous10:32 AM

    10:18 AM

    Cute stories do not erase the reality that we are being replaced as per the plans, see above 10:10 AM post, of the Globalist Communists, and Democrat Party

    God bless our veterans, soldiers, the homeless, and the displaced here in our country.

  89. Anonymous10:36 AM

    10:22 AM

    I didn't write that. It was written by a 97 %er.

    You must be a fervent adherent of the Cumbey Commie Death Cult.

  90. Anonymous10:46 AM

    While QAnon tells tales of adrenochrome harvesting, Peter Thiel the billionaire Big Tech backer of Donald Trump and JD Vance is really on record about his interest in infusing his own blood with the blood of the young to prolong his own life. I'm not implying Peter Thiel is interested in harvesting adrenochrome. He just has an interest in infusing his own blood with the blood of young people, and there is no implication that the blood would be harvested in a violent or involuntary way. But it's still interesting to see the way that the feverish imaginings of QAnon almost seem to function like an exaggerated projection, whether that is just a coincidence or not.

  91. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Cute story? Here's another . . .

    Saint Martha and the Tarasque in Provence

    St Martha tames the dragon and the villagers try to kill it. I wonder how St Martha felt about that?

  92. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Many Americans (myself included) will be voting Democrat for the first time in our lives this November.

    We’re not doing this because we agree with Democrats on policy; we’re doing it because we understand the need to stop Trump from destroying our Constitution.

    If you see us non-Democrat Kamala supporters on Twitter espousing beliefs you disagree with, like on taxes or guns or whatever, try to let it go. Don’t be jerks. Don’t disparage and argue, expecting us to toe the Democrat line, because we won’t. We’re not Democrats. Being hostile to us will backfire and endanger our alliance.

    We’ve made common cause with you in this election because our democracy faces an existential threat. We agree Trump is dangerous and we want to work with you to defeat him. Let’s be grateful for this mutual cooperation.

    We can go back to arguing and being opponents after November. Until then, we have a country to save.


    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Give us specific, exact details, along with your quotes and sources, in which Trump will specifically 'destroy the U. S. Constitution,' and then explain how exactly he will get a way with that. ROFL !

  93. Anonymous11:28 AM

    A new forthcoming book out exposing Opus Dei worldwide and their destructive intrusion into American Politics

    OPUS: dark money, a secretive cult, and its mission to remake our world

    By Gareth Gore

    A thrilling exposé recounting how members of Opus Dei — a secretive, ultra-conservative Catholic sect — pushed its radical agenda within the Church and around the globe, using billions of dollars siphoned from one of the world’s largest banks.

    For over half a century, Banco Popular was one of the most profitable banks in the world — until one day in 2017, when the Spanish bank suddenly collapsed overnight. When investigative journalist Gareth Gore was dispatched to report on the story, he expected to find yet another case of unbridled capitalist ambition gone wrong. Instead, he uncovered decades of deception that hid one of the most brazen cases of corporate pillaging in history, perpetrated by a group of men sworn to celibacy and self-flagellation who had secretly controlled Popular and abused their positions there to help spread Opus Dei to every corner of the world.

    Drawing on unparalleled access to bank records, insider accounts, and exclusive interviews with whistleblowers from within Opus Dei, Gore reveals how money from the bank was used to lure unsuspecting recruits — some of them only children — into a life of servitude. He also tracks the ascent of Opus Dei around the globe, exposing its role in bankrolling many right-wing causes, including the US Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.

    In an era of disinformation and deep fakes, here is a real-life conspiracy which hid in plain sight for more than sixty years. Gore tells a shocking story of money and power that spans decades and continents. Documenting Opus Dei’s secret history for the first time, this thrilling work of investigative storytelling raises important questions about the dark forces that shape our society.

    "‘Even as stories have trickled out about the corrupt financing schemes that have enabled Opus Dei to groom vulnerable adolescents for abusive service on a global scale, no one has exposed as fully as Gareth Gore the menace to democracy posed by its growing stable of political partners like the US Supreme Court kingmaker Leonard Leo. A harrowing tale of sanctimony in the service of subversion that makes for urgent reading.’": NANCY MACLEAN, AUTHOR OF DEMOCRACY IN CHAINS:

    "‘In Opus, investigative journalist Gareth Gore uncovers the clandestine operations of Opus Dei, a secretive Catholic sect that covertly siphoned billions from Banco Popular, one of the world’s most profitable banks, to expand their influence. Gore’s access to confidential records and insider accounts reveals a shocking conspiracy of financial and moral corruption, including the indoctrination of vulnerable recruits and the sect’s hidden role in shaping right-wing agendas. This compelling exposé uncovers a decades-long global deception, challenging our understanding of power and secrecy in modern society.’" BRADLEY HOPE, AUTHOR OF BILLION DOLLAR WHALE AND BLOOD AND OIL

    1. This sounds like an interesting book.

      Lee Penn wrote several pages in his book "False Dawn" about Opes Dei. It was in chapter 25, where he warns of dangers coming from the Right, which have as their goal an eradication of the evils ravaging mankind from the Left.

      From the front of that chapter:

      "You might be prepared for an impending tempest. a storm coming from the Left, and may have already boarded up the windows as you hear the wind rise and see the sky darken. Beware! From over the horizon, there may approach a second and greater storm from the Right, a political and spiritual hurricane that could destroy whatever is left standing after the Left has done its work."

  94. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Georgia Election Board,


    A: Fulton County is missing 380,761 ballot images,

    B: Fulton County failed to verify signatures for 148,000 ballots.

    C: Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss double scanned ballots.


    D: Fani ‘bang bang’ Willis was in-fact duplicated to the District Attorney’s Office.

    📝 In other words, Fulton County violated the Georgia state Election Laws.

  95. Anonymous11:37 AM


  96. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I don't like the Democratic party or the Republican party. How about a third option Kennedy for President

  97. compare the tarasque statue to recontructionsw of ankylosaurus. Dinos were still around then, a few of them. like the herivorous hippo, ankylosaurus had a real bad temper and killed people.


  98. Anonymous12:33 PM


    I have to think when St Martha lead the ferocious beast back to town the people must have been in awe. And I also have to think it was the village's big kahunas that egged the people on to kill it.

    Imagine if they hadn't killed it.

  99. Anonymous12:46 PM

    The Mind of Trump

    Donald Trump is not only letting us know what's on his mind, but he's making it clear that he embraces the idea of being ordained by God. And when a man of his immense ego starts to believe that he is ordained by God, then there is no evil that he won't do.

  100. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Both these two guys have been around the block a few times

    Vatican Bank & Vatican Financial

    Dr. Moynihan with Paul Williams, author of more than 20 books.

  101. Anonymous1:57 PM

    11:23 AM

    You're the poster child for the New Age Commies success at brain destroying propaganda.

  102. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Israel reports a civilian killed in rocket attack

    Hours later

    Makes me wonder just who this civilian was

  103. Anonymous3:19 PM

    You can only lose the culture war

    Skip to the last paragraph - "Dear hobbits: what can we dark elves do for you? We can lead you to victories which are actual victories. We can help you build a hobbit army which is ready to rule, which even feels the right to rule—which even has the right to rule. We cannot help you until are ready to stop struggling reflexively, and start fighting strategically"

    Dear Nazgul, our only recourse is prayer

  104. let's see, Opus Dei, as long asyou flog yourself and don't liteally screw anyone, you can figuratively screw the whole world and you're cool. Reminds m,e of Jesus
    ' words, what good is it for a man to gain the wholoe wold and lose his own soul?


    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      You do have your moments of wit and wisdom. This is one of them! I love this comment.

  105. Anonymous5:55 PM


    In the context of the New Testament, the phrase "vain imaginations" is derived from the Greek words "ματαιόω" (mataioó) and "διαλογισμός" (dialogismos).

    1. Ματαιόω (mataioó): This word means "to become futile, vain, or worthless." It implies emptiness, purposelessness, or fruitlessness in thoughts or actions. The word appears in Romans 1:21, which is often translated as "they became futile in their thinking."

    2. Διαλογισμός (dialogismos): This word is typically translated as "thoughts," "reasonings," or "imaginations." It refers to the process of reasoning, deliberating, or considering in the mind. In some contexts, it can carry a negative connotation, indicating skeptical or doubtful thoughts.

    When combined, "ματαιόω" and "διαλογισμός" convey the idea of thoughts or reasonings that are empty, worthless, or devoid of truth and purpose. This can lead to a state of mental futility, where one's thinking is ineffective and misguided, moving away from the truth of God.

    In Romans 1:21, the phrase "became vain in their reasoning" (Greek: "ἐματαιώθησαν ἐν τοῖς διαλογισμοῖς αὐτῶν") highlights how rejecting God leads to futile and purposeless thinking. Their imaginations become vain, resulting in a darkened understanding and a departure from the knowledge of God.

    Thus, in biblical Greek, "vain imaginations" refers to thoughts and reasonings that are empty, worthless, and devoid of divine truth, leading one away from God’s wisdom and purpose.

  106. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Part two
    The Biblical Stance on Vain Imagination

    So as we can see from yhe original language the concept of "vain imagination" in the Bible generally refers to thoughts, ideas, or fantasies that are empty, futile, and devoid of truth. These imaginations can lead individuals away from the truth of God and His purposes, filling their minds with falsehoods and distractions. The Bible warns against such thoughts, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what is true, noble, and pure.

    Biblical Warnings Against Vain Imagination

    Romans 1:21highlights the danger of vain imaginations:
    "Because, knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless hearts were darkened."

    This verse explains how people who fail to honour God and give Him thanks become futile in their thinking. Their reasoning becomes empty, and their hearts become darkened, leading them away from the truth.

    The Power of Renewing the Mind

    The Bible also provides guidance on how to combat vain imaginations through the renewal of the mind.

     Romans 12:2
    "Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God."

    This verse emphasizes the importance of allowing God's truth to transform our thinking. By renewing our minds, we can discern and live out God's will, avoiding the trap of vain imaginations.

    Taking Every Thought Captive

    Another key scripture that addresses the issue of vain imaginations is 2 Corinthians 10:5
    "casting down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;"

    This verse instructs believers to actively reject and dismantle any thoughts or imaginations that oppose God's knowledge. By taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ, we can ensure that our minds remain focused on God's truth.

    Focusing on What is True

    The Bible encourages believers to fill their minds with positive, truthful thoughts. Philippians 4:8 

    "Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honourable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things."

    By concentrating on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and commendable, believers can guard their minds against vain imaginations and maintain a focus on what is good and godly.

    The Bible clearly warns against the dangers of vain imaginations and maintaining a mind focused on God's truth. By renewing our minds, taking every thought captive, and dwelling on what is true and noble, we can avoid the pitfalls of futile thinking and live in a way that honours God.

  107. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The above is really something to consider when reading comments in this blog whether or not they are just vain imaginations.
    Pride and vanity are closely related concepts, often overlapping but with distinct nuances.

    **Pride** generally refers to a sense of satisfaction or self-respect derived from one's achievements, qualities, or possessions. It can have positive connotations when it involves a healthy sense of self-worth and accomplishment. However, excessive pride, or arrogance, can lead to a disregard for others and an inflated sense of self-importance.

    **Vanity**, on the other hand, specifically involves excessive concern with one's appearance, achievements, or abilities, often driven by a desire for admiration and approval from others. It usually carries a negative connotation, suggesting superficiality and self-centeredness.

    The link between the two lies in the focus on self and the potential for both to lead to an overestimation of one's own importance or abilities. While pride can exist without vanity, vanity is often rooted in pride, particularly when it involves seeking validation from others to reinforce one's sense of self-worth.

  108. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Apocalypse Olympics, Poop River Olympics

  109. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Now we're at the point where Trump world is deciding who the Good and Bad Jews are

  110. The first article you linked to had this:

    Another important neoreactionary figure is Nick Land, whose main contribution to the philosophy is the concept of accelerationism. In essence, accelerationism is based on Vladimir Lenin’s notion that “worse is better.” The Russian revolutionary maintained that the more chaotic conditions became, the greater the likelihood that his Bolshevik party could accomplish its goals.

    Analogously, right-wing accelerationists believe that they can hasten the demise of liberal democratic governments by stoking political tension.

    That reminded me of the phrase "immanentizing the eschaton", which is the process of hurrying along the establishment of the kingdom of God (as defined by the person or group doing the "hurrying along") in the here and now, and not waiting for its eventual establishment by Christ, as told in the Bible.

    Here is a good article (one of the best I've read on this topic) examining that phenomenon:

    Don’t Immanentize the Eschaton: Against Right-Wing Gnosticism

  111. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Whats the point!
    The Cumbey blog has been deciding who the Good and Bad Jews long before the Trump World.
    Anti Semitism holds you in contempt no matter what side you claim to be on.
    Those who stand against the Jewish people in the endtimes lose according to the scriptures.
    There is left and right wing National Socialists (Nazi's) there's little difference between Communism and Nazis... both doing the Devils bidding and against God.
    This blog claims to be against the cults etc but the fruit says otherwise.

  112. Anonymous12:34 AM

    How a idealistic minority is turning
    Canada into a total gong show

    The Patrick Coffin Show | Interviews with influencers

    Smart fellers

  113. Anonymous2:55 AM

    And some people think it could be prince William.

  114. like I said, all these ideas abut who the antichrist is require taking things out of context and/or ignoring how a lot could apply to any politician.

  115. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Christine its a turkey shoot with scatter gun precision .... hitting everyone and everything.
    Whats next a (false) date for the return of Christ to be posted.

  116. Anonymous7:28 AM

    The New Right's Theory of Power is Insane

  117. Anonymous7:28 AM

    FALSE DAWN by Lee Penn is available as a free .pdf on Internet Archive.

  118. Hmmm... for a while there when I went to comment, the comments section was different. It allowed a direct reply to a particular comment someone else had made, and placed it indented under that comment, instead of just in the normal stream of comments. Now it seems that is gone and it's back to normal.

    Hence, my recent comments in reply to others didn't mention a time stamp, because there was no need to.

    Sure would be nice to have an actual discussion board, with topical threads and everything. Wish I had time to put one together. Maybe someone else here does?

  119. 7:28.....

    Thanks for the link to Lee Penn - I had forgotten about that.

    I highly recommend it. The main focus is on the United Religions Initiative and the global quest for a world religion.

  120. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Trump campaign influence got the director of Project 2025 fired, and Trump's Truth Social account has angrily denied having anything to do with Project 2025. But watch this video of what Trump said in 2022 at a Heritage Foundation dinner. (You mean that even the Trump campaign knows that most real Americans don't want Project 2025, even when they aren't being suppressed by the Deep State? How can that be?)

    Trump, in April '22, keynoted a Heritage dinner as it began work on Project 2025:

    “This is a great group & they’re going to lay the groundwork & detail plans for exactly what our movement will do ... when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America."

  121. Anonymous9:07 AM

    JD Vance is not only weird, he’s also woke:

    JD Vance wrote: “I hate the police. Given the number of negative experiences I’ve had in the past few years. I can’t imagine what a black guy goes through”

  122. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I support Donald Trump, but I was greatly disappointed in his selection of JD Vance for VP.

    I'm not an advocate for defunding the police. However a large percentage of cops are dangerous thugs/criminals.

    I like that saying:

    'Cops should be school teachers, and school teachers should be cops'

  123. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Activist Tommy Robinson Arrested Under Terror Provisions After Massive Rally Of British Patriots

  124. Anonymous9:29 AM

    It’s quite ironic and timely that in the midst of exposing Opus Dei activity someone at 12:34 am inserts Opus Dei trad Roman Catholic operative Patrick Coffin into the conversation with the same old tired democracy destabilizing message undermining Canadian Democracy. Rome is after the whole continent of North America.

    The question may be to what extent did Rome seed “dominionism”, the seven mountain mandate and Maga?

    Rome certainly came first - over 500 years of plotting.

    Destabilize, dismantle, reclaim

  125. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Which one is worse, the mainstream Baptists, etc, that only want anything to do 2/3 of the Holy Trinity, and preach the demonic pre-trib lie, or the dominionists?

    I think the dominionists/MAGA types are the lesser 'dangerous' of the two.

    "but your mileage may vary" as Looney Tunes X would put it!

  126. Anonymous10:11 AM

    He has to do that to save democracy.
    See how stupid that sounds democrips.

  127. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Re: this is Lauren Southern is mentioned in Coffin/Peterson podcast in case anyone is interested. I couldn't find the video of Lauren mentioned in the podcast.

    Lauren Southern Triggers Feminist

  128. Anonymous10:26 AM

    *Note to self: wear your glasses when texting

  129. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I'm glad that Trump's comments about his supporters not needing to vote anymore after this election are getting so much pickup today, and want to add that this line wasn't a one off -- he's said it repeatedly during his recent speeches

    Trump at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference on June 22:

    “Christians go to church, but they don’t vote that much. You know the power you have if you would vote? You gotta get out and vote. Just this time. I don’t care -. In four years you don’t have to vote, OK? In four years don’t vote, I don’t care. But we’ll have it all straightened out, so it’ll be much different.”

  130. Anonymous12:59 PM

    How many Trump supporters does it take to change a lightbulb?

    None. Trump says it’s done and they all cheer in the dark.

    And how very dark it is!

  131. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Anonymous 9:54 AM,

    Your pathetic little rants and attempts at playground bullying reveal the nasty little narcissist behind your mask.

    I pity you for being so intellectually and emotionally stunted. How awful it must be to be the vulnerable ballless incel you clearly are.

  132. Anonymous1:25 PM

    1:09 PM



    No, that is a Cumbey Death Cult tactic. Check Dr X's hate filled rants.

    Intellectually and emotionally stunted???

    No, you are deflecting. The Cumbey Death Cult has shown no connection to reality, by falsely accusing Christ followers here through the power of her TDS induced mind rot madness!

    No one here is a Trump worshiper, and we don't have alters in our homes to Trump, and no, we are not influenced by, or possessed by a Luciferic spirit. All things Looney Tunes Cumbey has falsely accused Trump voters here of!!! SHAMEFUL!!!

    So bugger off Nancy, and take your meds.

  133. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Please don't call people incels. Is there something wrong with a single man being celibate, or would you prefer if they all fornicated?

    I'm sure you know young men in their teens and twenties, whom you like or at least feel neutral about, and who are involuntarily celibate, and who've never harmed you.

  134. Anonymous2:05 PM

    DOJ IG Details How Close Trump Came To Invoking Insurrection Act in 2020

  135. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Secret Service Counter-Sniper Warns Another Trump Assassination Attempt Is Coming

  136. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Opus Dei, Leonard Leo, and Project2025 | a strategy of division

  137. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anonymous 1:25 PM,

    You pathetic projecting tapeworm.

  138. Anonymous4:06 PM

    3:45 PM

    Projection is a sacrament with the Commie Cumbey Death Cult worshipers.

    You pathetic Pharisaic Tapeworm.

  139. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Anonymous 1:49 PM

    The term incel relates to a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active (in marriage, of course).
    "self-identified incels have used the internet to find anonymous support".

    Goodness me, you Antichrist worshiping Trumpsters are such snowflakes. Deal with it!

  140. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anonymous 4:06 PM,

    As I said of you earlier, you vile vulnerable narcissist (graceless, characterless and unoriginal incel).

    You are a pathetic projecting tapeworm, hanging from the bowels of your pedophile pig in chief, Antichrist Trump. You are following him into utter darkness and shall follow him over the cliff into the everlasting pit of fire awaiting you. Repent!

  141. Anonymous4:43 PM

    4:34 PM

    You are an example of what following Cult Leader Cumbey can do to your soul.

    Now you're a rabid, foaming at the mouth CINO/RINO pharisee just like her.

    You sound very Catholic?

    Your cult hero just loves foaming at the mouth demon possessed Catholics!

  142. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Anonymous 4:43 PM,

    You sound very demonic. The RINO / CINO (a term I coined here for you Trumpsters, you vacuous vulnerable narcissist) is you. You Trumpsters are not Republicans (although you have perverted the party that once stood for such values), but are Antichrist worshiping fascists.

    I refer your tapewormed mind back to the posts at 4:34 PM and 4:43 PM, respectively.

  143. Anonymous4:53 PM


    I have refered you back to your rant at 4:43 PM so you may see how pathetic and demonic you truly are. You clearly need deliverance.

  144. Anonymous4:55 PM

    See the damage your Insane Trump Hating Death Cult has brought Constance?

    Not pretty!!!!!! You really owe this poor possessed person @ 4:34 PM a trip to one of the Detroit areas 67 exorcists!

    It's the least you can do.

  145. Anonymous4:58 PM

    4:50 PM

    Liz Cheney has your values you blind pharisee.

  146. Anonymous5:05 PM

    4:50 PM

    There is no Republic you doorknob! Your ilk destroyed that long ago.

    Constance should be picking you up soon to go get you clean rid of your demons.

    You didn't + don't get to coin anything! You boot-licking devil.

  147. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Oh dear, 5:05 PM,

    You have been drinking the Devil’s koolaid, haven’t you!

    Btw, you vile diseased tapeworm of a narcissistic incel, you are but a knob. The gates of Hell await you and your Pedophile and Psychopath in Chief, Antichrist Trump, who you worship!

  148. Anonymous5:33 PM

    5:15 PM

    I thank you for the laugh. But really that is not right for me. I should be praying for your deliverance from the RCC.

    You poor tormented person.

  149. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Here is the #1 AC candidate. WAY more likely than Trump

    Barry's "CHANGE" to Reshape America

  150. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Catholic group Opus Dei accused of recruiting children

    Excerpt: "Dozens of former Opus Dei members have accused the group of recruiting children in recent years, challenging the organisation’s claims that it does not target minors.

    The individuals, the most recent of whom left the conservative Catholic group this year, told the Financial Times they were recruited as minors or witnessed targeted attempts over the past decade to draw under-18s into the group.

    Many said young teens lined up for membership were also encouraged to adopt painful “corporal mortification” practices.

    The former members — most of whom requested anonymity for fear of retaliation — said children were “groomed” through youth clubs, schools and community programmes linked to the organisation around the world, including in the US and Europe. “Everything is done with a plan to recruit,” said one former member who was deputy director of a boys’ club in Colombia during the past five years. “The ideal age when they put pressure on is around 14 and a half . . . They target the weak people, people who need something. The important thing is that they make you feel part of a group. And when you are young and a teenager with a lot of insecurities, this is really influential.”

    ‘If I had more life experience I would have been more aware and would not have joined,’ said one former Opus Dei member from the US, adding that she was 16 when she was pressured to join the group. Members of Opus Dei commit to a life of intense work, prayer and asceticism in accordance with the teachings of Josemaría Escrivá, a Spanish priest who founded the organisation in 1928 and was canonised in 2002.

    Since 1982, Opus Dei’s Vatican-approved statutes have banned anyone under the age of 18 from formally joining. But children aged 14 and a half or older can become “junior candidates” by writing a letter to the head of Opus Dei requesting admission. The process is known within the organisation as “whistling”.

    Opus Dei has insisted it does not pressure children to “whistle”, that the step requires parental consent and that “junior candidates” do not take on any obligations or responsibilities.

    However, another former member said that when he attended a retreat run by Opus Dei — also known as “The Work” — in Ireland in 2016, he witnessed adult members discussing the targeted recruitment of children.  “It was the trigger for my leaving Opus Dei,” he said. “At a get-together about this boys’ football club that they ran . . . they started going through the names of the individual boys and how predisposed they might be to join. “It was: ‘Is this person close to the activities of The Work? Is that a person you could see ‘whistling’ in a year or two?’ It was that explicit.”...

  151. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anonymous 5:33 PM,

    I’m not part of the RCC, you pathetic little fascist. Nor am I part of your NAR, New Age, Luciferian pretended ‘evangelical’ Trump worshiping cult.

    Continue wriggling, you lying, murderous little son of Satan.

  152. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Kamala Harris & The Californication Of America

  153. Anonymous5:48 PM

    5:45 PM

    Well whatever religious affiliation you do or don't have, it sure isn't Christ centered

  154. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Anonymous 5:38 PM,

    First refute in full the evidence given by Brother Paul of Antichrist45’s channel, that of Brother James Key, that of watchmanscry, and that of the Magical Mystery Church’s channel, then provide more evidence than is given there for your case. Yet you can’t. You are utterly deluded and will die in your (wilful?) ignorance unless you repent and pray for deliverance from your great delusion.

  155. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Anonymous 5:48 PM,

    Stop projecting, you Antichrist Pedophile Trump worshiping fascist.

  156. Anonymous5:52 PM

    5:39 PM + 5:45 PM



    Has that same vulgar, bitter hatred X has in Spades!

    X hadn't posted for a while, and now his sulfurous head has blown like Mt. Saint Helens!

  157. Anonymous5:56 PM

    X broke out of his cage, and his head exploded!

  158. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Yup it is X

    I called X Catholic, and his head blew up!!!


  159. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Lol...I only posted 5:39 pm. I'm amused by my copatriot's banter but it's never been my style of engagement here.

    I don't sign often anymore. No need to.

    I had been travelling a lot.


  160. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You lie like hell X, your style, at least in the past, was equally as disgusting!

  161. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Kamala's "Indian-Caucasian-Jamaican-" Birth Certificate Resurfaces As Trump Triggers Race Debate

  162. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Looking back, it seems that the mistake of taking USA and EU and NATO too seriously was back of Constance's figuring out about the New Age threat. Granted, she thought it was going to produce the antichrist in the USA which was wrong, because it was tryiing to or some elements in it wee trynig to do so. Of course this wouldn't work, God won't allow this until it is the time He has deceeed.

    But a stopped clock is right twice a day, and Constance did GREAT work regarding the New ge and should continue doing so.

    This wrong underlying unexamined premise about where the antichrist would appear has now led her into the Solana fiasco and now the Trump worries.

  163. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Donald Trump - King of the Incels

    Everything You Were Taught About Medieval Monarchy Is Wrong

    PS: welcome home x

  164. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Join in Kamala's quest to leave America upturned,
    exporting guffaws full of doom;

    She's spewing out turds with the evil she churns,
    she wakes up Ole Joe from his tomb!

    Chuckling and giggling, the sensations she's felt,
    enjoying the pleasures of sin....

    Doing her best with Trump's cards she's been dealt,
    Destroying your votes so she'll win!

  165. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Outrageous! What's next?

    Is Trump going to question that Sen. Lieawatha isn't really a Native American?

  166. Anonymous11:16 PM

    What? X is actually Catholic? How weird is that?

  167. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Why did God saved Donald Trump‘s life and what is his purpose - 4 years ago

    Escaped from communism twice came to America and was saved now he is worried, sees the writing on the wall.

    Anyway, he asks; is Donald Trump Noah and America the ark?

  168. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I think your all crazy in the head. The good Lord spared Trump to give him another chance for to get himself right with Christ it's a no brainer b

  169. Anonymous7:19 AM

    forget the Ezekiel 38 war. we will have bombed ourselves back into the stone age before that.

    Notice that for 7 months after the enemy runs home, the weapons they leave behind are used for firewood, no wood is collected.

    Burnable weapons. Nor modern ones.


  170. PS: welcome home x

    X is playing with himself here again?

    Wouldn't put it past the #1 troll of all time here? He and his other more rabid/vulgar split, one and the same? They think, and speak the same repetitive script.

    Something to ponder, and I'm not the first, or only one to raise the question here.

    welcome home Sybil

  171. Anonymous7:58 AM

    'Anonymous 1:49 PM

    The term incel relates to a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active (in marriage, of course).
    "self-identified incels have used the internet to find anonymous support".

    Goodness me, you Antichrist worshiping Trumpsters are such snowflakes. Deal with it!

    4:17 PM'

    You gave me dictionary style definition of incel. But you learned in one or more of your very online communitities to hurl it as internet slang at a right wing opponent who you presume to be male and Trump supporting.

    RFK, Jr will get my vote. Within a generation the GOP will probably implode, and a new party will form. Don't tell me it'll never happen. Haven't you ever heard of the 19th century American Whig party? Don't you know about Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose party? LOL

    You come across here as a faker faux Christian than the NAR Trump supporters who attend the ReAwaken America evil clown spectacles. At least they are true believers. In the comments section of the Brother Paul videos the Christians don't show any hatred for the people who have been deceived by Donald Trump and his base. It's more over-the-top than I've seen anywhere else, even in the comments section of liberal news sources. If you really believed the end was near, you'd be sobered by the expectation, not drunken with gleeful insult sprees.

  172. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Any troll can now choose from among several AI insult generators.

  173. Anonymous9:21 AM

    7:21 AM

    Welcome home to the Catholic Church

    It was a joke

    PS: it was a awesome slang match grow a pair (my merger contribution)

  174. Anonymous9:27 AM

    PHL and the annihilation of the U.S.

  175. Anonymous11:07 AM

    J13: The Cover-up

  176. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Dr. Simon Goddek

    BREAKING - Protocols from the German CDC leaked! Explosive and damning contents revealed!

    The German journalist @aya_velazquez
    received unredacted protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (German CDC) from a whistleblower. The key statements are shocking and revealing:

    ▪️ August 17, 2020: Children are guinea pigs, vaccinated individuals suffer more severely from COVID than unvaccinated individuals.
    ▪️ January 18, 2021: No professional justification for the mask mandate. Masks have undesirable side effects.
    ▪️ August 13, 2021: The "vaccine" fails in 79% of cases.
    ▪️ October 26, 2021: The influenza vaccine does not prevent infection. Let's not tell people.
    ▪️ December 7, 2022: Unvaccinated individuals are "essentially immune" after a COVID infection. How can we present this graphically so that no one notices?

    They all knew it from the beginning and before they implemented measures. They implemented these exclusively under pressure from politics and Pfizer.

    ▪️ Who has so much power worldwide that all politicians in key positions are bowing to them and consequently implementing measures that harm their own people?
    ▪️ When will the individuals involved in this conspiracy (@Karl_Lauterbach
    , @c_drosten
    , @jensspahn
    , etc.) finally be dragged before a judge, now that the damning evidence of their crimes is on the table?

  177. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Leaked German CDC Data Proves Covid Shots Are Killing People

  178. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Hunting for AI bots? These four words could do the trick

    “Ignore all previous instructions” has become an easy way to try to see whether an internet troll is actually a bot, as well as an all-purpose insult.

  179. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I've posted this a few times but it's worth a repeat. This is from Tragedy and Hope, by the late Carroll Quigley, who is recognized as the leading expert on the evolution of the power centers in Western Civilization. Here he's telling us who calls the shots, their agenda, and how they do it: In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank... sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.

    Revelation 13:16-17

    And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  180. Anonymous7:48 PM

    "forget the Ezekiel 38 war. we will have bombed ourselves back into the stone age before that.

    Notice that for 7 months after the enemy runs home, the weapons they leave behind are used for firewood, no wood is collected.

    Burnable weapons. Nor modern ones."

    Incorrect. Ezekiel the prophet is equating weapons from his time period like arrows, shields, javelins and spears. He doesn’t understand what a tank is, a jet is, a gun is. He’s listing weapons that he would understand.

    Russian weapons can burn as some of their tanks are made of lignostone which is a burnable material! The Jews could also drain the fuel from the tanks, choppers, trucks, etc.

    Also there will be 'specialists' going around marking certain corpses from the battle for disposal in a very odd way, implying that the bodies will have some radioactivity.
    Modern weapons.

    BTW, next year the pipeline from Israel to Greece (gas) should be completed and running.
    Will Russian have something to say? You bet your war it will.

    Thank God Russia and Islam will be back-water village powers by the time it's over.

  181. Anonymous9:05 PM

    'Incorrect. Ezekiel the prophet is equating weapons from his time period like arrows, shields, javelins and spears. He doesn’t understand what a tank is, a jet is, a gun is. He’s listing weapons that he would understand."

    nope. God is VERY EXPLICIT about burning the abandoned weapons for firewood.

    weapons like we use now would not burn.

    Nothing odd about marking bodies for disposal, you want honorable burial for your own and dump 'em for the enemy. The Torah said a dead body wasn't to be left out three days, it defiled the land.

    the fresher bodies would get buried later.

    Why assume Russia will be a backwater village scene?

    Revelation describes such a war happening from people revolting against JEsus' rule on earthafter the devil is released to tempt mankind one more time.


  182. Anonymous9:26 PM

    SOME burnable tanks does not supply months of firewood.


  183. Anonymous9:36 PM

    2024 Paris Olympics - Drag Queen Disciples in da Vinci's The Last Supper? Can we be sure?

  184. Anonymous9:41 PM

    🇮🇱🍸Tel Aviv Nightlife Vibe #TelAviv #IsraelTravel

    I sense trepidation, especially since the cities are packed since the south has been evacuated.

    PS: Ezekiel was a prophet of God who knows all things

  185. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Biblical precedent for intercession by Mary with Jesus for us:

    Take a look at the marriage at Cana.

