Saturday, October 22, 2022

Worst book of the year, so far -- by Helgard Muller

Dear Readers:

It's been a bad year for me health wise and I'm delighted Richard Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") is assisting me.  There are so many developments on so many ugly fronts, it is difficult to keep up.  I am increasingly concerned about Evangelical and conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump, the raft of books proclaiming that Trump is God's chosen instrument.Donald John Trump is THE CHRIST.  Here's opening paragraphs from the worst I've read, PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP, THE SON OF MAN, THE CHRIST.  No, that was not referring to Jesus.  It was referring to Donald Trump.

Here is the opening paragraphs from that horribly blasphemous book by Trump groupie Helgard Muller:

"PRESIDENT DONALD J. Trump is the King of Kings, And Lord of Lords! The Son of Man who will be seen seated in the place of power at God's right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven! You have read that correctly! President Donald Trump is the Christ for this age! The Son of King David! Prophecies of Jesus and all the prophets point to President Donald J. Trump as the Son of Man, the Christ. People, Christians, and Jews are not aware of how many prophecies President Donald Trump of the United States has fulfilled in his presidency as the Son of Man." 

And, here's the cover of the so-far worst book of the year:



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RayB said...

Notice how X just bypassed his lie that his Death Cult Leader Biden never claimed that he said that getting the vaccine meant that you'll NEVER GET COVID?

He got caught in another lie ... again!

Anonymous said...

Notice Rayb clipped my quote eliminating the important word "forever" and Rayb is the liar taking Biden's political quotes out of context and out of time...

Perhaps the words of White House press secretary Jen Psaki best clarified Biden’s statement last summer that “you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations"...

“Well, what the science says is that 97% of hospitalizations are people who were unvaccinated,” Psaki said Thursday. “So yes, there are cases of individuals who are vaccinated, to be absolutely clear, who have gotten Covid – it is a very small percentage, and a small number of people, and those cases, the vast, vast, vast majority, are asymptomatic and they have, they have minor symptoms, which means that you are largely protected – that was the point he was trying to make last night.”

Rayb would rather lie about my statements and Bidens than seek truth.


Anonymous said...

Your whole Biden game would be akin to me quoting you above accusing me of being here 24/7.

"Being here 24/7 is not healthy"

Rayb is a liar...I obviously sleep and travel and I am not, literally, here 24/7.

Obviously, no one should take your statement literally. You just mean to ridicule me for being her a lot correcting you and your false claims. Just as no one took Biden literally to be factually claiming if you took the vaccines you'd NEVER EVER get covid.

You're just being intentionally daft.


Anonymous said...

@ 6:14 PM

Your stick is your wet noodle humanism schtick.
You correct no one.

And you live to argue so that is why you're camped out here.
Get a life.
And a clue while you're at it.

Craig said...

Taking the video from Anon 10:37 AM, I’ve timestamped it at a statement by Noah Yuval Harari. What he said is explicitly antichrist as per 1 John 2:22–23:

“I mean, all these stories about Jesus rising from the dead and being the Son of God, this is fake news.”

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’

That said, I'm not so sure I agree with all the conclusions the narrator makes.

Anonymous said...


Aren't there billions of people that don't believe Jesus is who He was? Still pretty sacrilegious to state that (revised - I think it's likely a deep fake video - the lips are distorted so I can't trust Noah Harari even said what the video shows him saying)

You probably discerned the narrator was off because this youtube about, TPV is an old new age channel from 2013 created by David Icke and other new agers.

Oddly, French new age author Lilou Mace has 26 videos on the TPV "playlist" from 2014.

Such an old weird channel that all of the sudden became active again the last year posting conspiracy material. Considering it has several recent videos supporting Putin in the war against the new world order I'd say it might have been hacked by Russians or donated by Icke to their new age fear campaign efforts? May be a great way to avoid scrutiny by utilizing old accounts and bypassing the algorithms scrutinizing new account content. Who knows.


Anonymous said...

Yuval Noah Harari (advisor to Klaus Schwab) - Transhumanism and Eliminating Free Will
4.5 minutes of antichrist talk
Definitely the spirit of antichrist (one of many antichrists until the actual one shows up)

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

2 Peter 2:18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.

19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

RayB said...

X ADDED the word 'forever,' which Biden never said.

Biden clearly on the video states that "if you get the vaccine, you CANNOT GET COVID." He never said anything about 'forever,' X added that.

In other words, X sought to deceive (he lied) and got caught ... AGAIN.

Just try to imagine the difficulty X is facing; he has to admit that his false idols ... Biden, Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma all lied to him, AND, HE BELIEVED THEM, and swallowed their lies HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. He'd have to go back to his family and admit that he's been deceived. That's hard to do. So, for X, who doesn't love the truth anyways, is bound and determined to hold on to the lies of his false idols. It's really quite sad when you think about it.

"It is far easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

RayB said...

Last July Joe Biden on CNN:

“You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations.”

Biden has now had FOUR covid shots and still got it.

Watch the video that Clay Travis posted on Twitter:

Anonymous said...

1:29 / 13:26
Yuval Noah Harari: The 2021 60 Minutes interview

Typical x (the globalist humanist) downplaying actual information that is out in the open for a while now.

Craig said...


Please stop using the genetic fallacy ad nauseum.

Deep fake? Watch his lips again and note that the audio was not quite in sync with the video. This guy has said quite a number of blasphemous things, so why doubt this?

And 1 John 2:22-23 applies to those who explicitly deny, as opposed to those who might disbelieve but not vocalize such (or who may not yet believe).

Anonymous said...

From 2017
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama all recommend this book

Anonymous said...


The guy is a new-age futurist grifter. I don't doubt it...I was just skeptical of that exact video. It looked like MORE than just the audio being off.

A simply search and I see he's said the exact same thing in other interviews.

You critiqued the narrator yourself. I merely looked more into your source wondering how you stumble upon such conspiracy theories tieing these weird people together. I didn't watch them but Hariri was interviewed many times by Russell Brand too so maybe Russell Brand is part of the NWO too?

Harari has made fantastic anti-vax claims too ---like the vaccines could be used to hack humans, implicating and thereby tainting everyone in the anti-vax community with his new-age futurist NWO filth and ties to Klaus and the WEF.

My FEELING is these people are the distraction. A few of the outlandish circuses they want to point at and make people fearful of as any real conspiracies continue in secret.


Anonymous said...

Rayb said: Biden clearly on the video states that "if you get the vaccine, you CANNOT GET COVID." He never said anything about 'forever,'

Exactly. What are you even arguing about? We agree. He never said "forever", Biden was merely encouraging people to get vaccinated at that point in time as 97% of the people hospitalized and dying from Covid up to and the previous couple months prior to that day in July 2021 were unvaccinated.

Biden didn't promise immortality if you got the shot - as Ray tried to claim.


Anonymous said...

Kanye West announces 2024 presidential bid amid far-right ties

Now I hesitate to laugh because I thought Trump was completely unqualified and unelectable. Turns out I was only half right.

Good luck with this one.


Anonymous said...

"A few of the outlandish circuses they want to point at and make people fearful of as any real conspiracies continue in secret"

There is nothing wrong with the critique of the video maker but to pretend that what is being said and done very openly and unabashedly by the global elites is all conspiracy is beyond stupid in it's obtuseness or else part of the encroaching evil itself.

This blog has been paving the way for people to spot this stuff for a long time, yet you always come off as one who knows better than everybody else. And use trickery, gaslighting, and gish gallops to pass on your disinformation (confusion that is authored by the pit of hell).

The clowns and the circus circle you, in a very tight circle at that. Wake up and smell the globalism. The NWO is coming because the Bible has told us it would if you are merely (glaringly) ignorant, supposedly a Bible believer. But your pride refuses to learn anything, from anyone. Why is that?

You're a distraction. And I say that is on purpose. Entrenched here, you carry water for every global argument and goal, each and every time.

Anonymous said...

Brazilian Military Stands with Bolsonaro - Is Prepared to Invoke Article 142 to Save the Nation (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Crown Prosecution Service Says it it "No Longer Appropriate" to Quote Some Passages From the Bible in Public

Anonymous said...

Life in China now

Anonymous said...

IMF Chief says Central Banks Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy

Anonymous said...

I Can't Believe the Big Banks are Doing This

Anonymous said...

AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE: TX Governor Abbott Declares Joe Biden "In Violation of Constitution" for Open Border with Mexico

RayB said...

Again and again this guy lies.

X states:

"Biden didn't promise immortality if you got the shot - as Ray tried to claim."

NOTE: I never made that claim, and the LIAR X knows that.

X is deflecting away from his own lie, which was this; 'Biden never said that if you're vaccinated, you can't get COVID.' X lied, and I proved he lied. Biden DID make that bogus claim, and I posted the VIDEO to prove that X is lying.

This is so typical of the liar X. He thinks he's getting away with it, but he's not. There's coming a day for him. Revelation speaks specifically regarding liars; "... all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone ..." - Revelation 21:8

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So says the guy at @10:08 who voted for Trump and his GOP circus of corporate elites, Opus Dei money and Maga cult & Dominionist new age authoritarians.

Trump and these people were actually here, in the US, destroying the lives and livelihoods of people I know like farmers and importers/exporters. My neighbors and friends.

Harari and Klaus were/are thousands of miles away just dreaming and talking bullcrap. Much the same new age bullcrap espoused by Maga favorite’s health ranger Mike adams.

Such authoritarians taking over is a bigger threat. Authoritarians use citizens as pawns in their wars as they seek legitimacy from religionist leaders (one world religionists in Rome & their Opus Dei prelate in the US).


Anonymous said...

Climate Activists Vow To Slaughter Millions of Dogs To 'Reduce Carbon Pawprint'

Anonymous said...

Where Did Biden's Billions Sent to Ukraine End Up?

Anonymous said...

HUGE: Chris Wray Lied - Eight FBI Confidential Human Sources Were with the Proud Boys Alone on Jan. 6 - Wray Knew for Over a Year that FBI Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, I wasn't listening to you and your pinhead Marxist comments yet again.

Anonymous said...

People are dropping like flies from side effects (blood clots) from the covid vaccines!!!

How much longer can our government and the media keep this a secret from the UNwoke???

Anonymous said...

At this point in history, having a Masters degree or a PhD is practically a guarantee that you are an atheist and a Marxist.
You couldn't have matriculated to that level if you hadn't been in lock step agreement with your atheist/marxist professors.
At this point only atheists and marxists are considered to be enlightened by the General, (ignorant) Public.

So, for everyone who likes to be associated with The smart folks, it's a no-brainer.


Craig said...

While the whole monologue is really good, the final couple minutes are great (timestamped below). Here he compares two different ‘insanities’—the Chinese model and the Western.

CDC, natural immunity not mentioned

Dr. John Campbell


Reminds me of this little ditty—from back when Roche was a big name and Valium was heavily prescribed:

The FALL - 'Rowche Rumble' - 1979 45rpm

Our government's built on expense accounts
Once in, never out
A step to Rowche
Force feeding
What are the people around you taking?
Rowche rumble
Rowche rumble

Anonymous said...

Well Craig, considering 4:15pm's post....much like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCollough, Dr. Mercola....Dr. Campbell likewise apparently has a masters or Ph.D. so I doubt he'll get much traction here.

Perhaps rapper and bounty hunter Stew Peters is the REAL authority since he didn't even bother with college.

Maybe middle school dropout Tim Poole too.


J said...

As an Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced to Have a Booster

There follows a letter from Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.

Dear Kamran Abbasi,

Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the U.K. is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling.

The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 QRBD article Sorensen et al. 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin.)

However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.

Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.

I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.

The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.

This must be aired and debated immediately.

Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci

Angus Dalgleish is a Professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London.

J said...

China already has a beast system. If it doesn't work there, it won't work here. We should be following this news closely.

Crowds Angered by Lockdowns Call for China’s Xi to Step Down

RayB said...

What does the future hold for those that refused the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine?'

The Vaccine Cult Wants to Rid the Earth of Anti-Vaxxers by Labeling Them Insane and Dangerous

NOTE: IMO, this article is too optimistic. These EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' and their boosters were designed to cull the earth's population of what the elite refer to as 'useless eaters.' In the world of the Occult, Satan's minions put forth their 'prophecies'and 'symbols' for everyone to see (mimicking/counterfeiting God's Old Testament prophets), and they do so in a variety of ways. One such example is the *Georgia Guide Stones, which stated that the earth's population should be 'maintained at 500 MILLION,' meaning that about 6.5 BILLION will have to be eliminated in order to achieve their stated goal.

*No longer exists, as the well-known site was blown up this past July.

RayB said...

J @ 9:45 AM

I wish I could share in your optimism. The elite have numerous trick up their sleeve, and, they have the power to implement their policies.

Increasingly, we're going to see more and more pressure being applied to those that have not been vaccinated. In what precise manner that is manifested, one can only guess. However, the national lock down, along with the mandates, should give us a clue.

Incidentally, the day before Thanksgiving, I received a call from a friend of mine in which he informed me that his son, a career Army Ranger (and now Ranger trainer) has 'cancer in his spine.' His son is 40 years old, and in 'tremendous condition,' so, naturally the father is bewildered. He told me that the Doctors claimed that this type of cancer is 'relatively rare.' Here's why I'm writing about this; the very next day, I saw a list of common dangerous side effects related to these 'vaccines,' and sure enough, among the numerous other side effects, 'cancerous tumors of the spine' was listed.

It may be just a coincidence ... there seems to be an awful lot of 'coincidences' lately that are related to young people dying 'suddenly,' etc.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As an Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced to Have a Booster
by Dr Angus Dalgleish
26 November 2022 4:31 PM

Courtesy of the depopulation elites

Anonymous said...


Repeatedly used here ad nauseum by the blog troll known as X.
According to Webster Dictionary the word of the year is.....

Anonymous said...

President Satan Delivers Us To A Chinese Social Credit System


Anonymous said...

"This is Ground Zero... If We Can't Win in Arizona What Expectation Do We Have that We're Going to Win Anywhere Else?"

Anonymous said...

One of Biden's freak brigade "serving" this country on his watch.
Crooks "beget" crooks......

RayB said...

I can't even imagine how much knowledge and wisdom we have all lost due to Constance's limitations regarding Christine's posts.

No one can state it better than the humble, meek, servant herself (I'm speaking of Christine):

"I KNOW MORE THAN YOU PEOPLE DO, AS SHOWN BY THE STUFF YOU POST AND HOW YOU REACT. If you've studied longer you just studied all the wrong stuff longer. I have rarely run into an argument here I haven't seen elsewhere, and knew the refutation before I got here. I want to educate you and prevent or undo damage you and others do."

Translation: "I know more stuff because I'm smarter 'bout stuff because I study the right stuff and that makes me smarter than you 'bout stuff." "You people are idiots because you don't even study the right stuff, and I know how to refute your stuff with my stuff before I even know what stuff I'm gonna refute."

Personally, I miss Christine's unrestricted posts.

Who else is there that can teach us the proper knowledge, wisdom and specialized techniques that no doubt is required to "evangelize Martians?"

Anonymous said...

12:54 PM Senseless comment!

Anonymous said...


Dr Angus Dalgleish was part of the great Harrington declaration that would have resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths had it been adopted worldwide.

That’s not to say they couldn’t have been right when they published it early fall 2020 but the winter of 2020 and all of 2021, considered in hindsight shows how tragic such recommendations would have been.

Perhaps it’s why some doctors become professors. They just aren’t good enough to really practice full time without supervision.

I see Dr Dalgleish has written numerous “letters” like this one that hardly provide more than some anecdotal evidence from a seemingly biased source.

I also see he has business interests in the development of hiv and cancer vaccines himself dating back to 2012. My guess is he might be seeing the development of mRNA vaccines for an array of illnesses as competitive to his life’s work. Creating MRNA doubts probably benefits his company. This is just a cursory guess. This company might not even be still in business?

There are lots of reasons this guy could be walking this line but certainly writing letters isn’t a great way to establish his claims that some acquaintances seemed to get sick after getting boosters. He’s a 72 year old professor so it’s not shocking he has friends dying of various things, including covid infections.

Yes I’m attacking the source because there is not data or actual evidence to question or dispute.

Speaking of which my wife just learned about a distant friend of hers had a 32 year old son passed away from
Covid. He got a bad infection last December 2021 (probably delta?) and never fully recovered (long covid???). He contracted another covid infection in June whereupon he ended up with liver, then kidney failure resulting in his death in july. He had been entirely unvaccinated.

Just a true story. Not claiming it proves anything.


Anonymous said...

1:17pm - I highly doubt that (@12:54pm) is the real RayB.


Anonymous said...

Fauci's 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So Far

J said...

X 2:26 PM,

I don't doubt the existence of long COVID or the existence of ill effects from repeated COVID infections. I'm sorry about what happened to your wife's friend's son.

I don't hope for my own family to get re-infected.

Yes, we all have our true stories. In my family one loved one died while waiting to go onto dialysis. He had gone all of 2020 without having seen his kidney doctor. By the time he got back to regular visits to a kidney doctor in 2021, the whole thing took too long. He was so close.

In China, they have their true stories, too; including a story about many people who burned in an apartment building fire because COVID policies and procedures delayed the firefighters from reaching the residents.

Anonymous said...

Here is the paper co-authored by Angus Dalgleish and accepted for Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery following peer review, which caused Richard Dearlove, a former head of MI6 in the UK, to declare SARS-CoV-2 a manmade product:

To gain publication,

the paper was watered down to remove explicit accusations against China... A further analysis produced by Prof Dalgleish and his colleagues, due for release in the coming days, claims the Covid-19 virus has “unique fingerprints” that cannot have evolved naturally and are instead “indicative of purposive manipulation”. Entitled “A Reconstructed Historical Aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike”, the new study... suggests the virus is “remarkably well-adapted virus for human co-existence” and is likely to be the result of a Wuhan lab experiment to produce “chimeric viruses of high potency”. Th[is] paper concludes: “Henceforth, those who would maintain that the Covid-19 pandemic arose from zoonotic transfer need to explain precisely why this more parsimonious account is wrong before asserting that their evidence is persuasive, most especially when, as we also show, there are puzzling errors in their use of evidence.”

The words in italics, and Dearlove’s accusations (and words about reparation), are from this article in the UK Daily Telegraph:

Here is the Dalgleish paper about the origin of SARS-CoV-2, uploaded in July 2020:

No man is above criticism but those who would criticise Dalgleish need to do some homework.

J said...

Pray for the white paper protesters of China.

RED TERROR Tanks roll onto China’s streets in chilling echo of Tiananmen massacre as Xi cracks down on ‘White Paper’ protests

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Globalist Luciferian Biden tells congressional leaders Ukraine, COVID-19 are priorities

Anonymous said...

Get Woke, Go Broke: Disney's LGBT Film 'Strange World' Projected To Lose $147 Million

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So no one gets their panties in a bunch, this guy does not claim to be a prophet!!!
He just watches and makes some very accurate forecasts.

From his latest post: Watches That Have Come To Fruition, I clicked on the first link titled: '322, Health Care, and The Dollar Code' Very interesting read.

Anonymous said...

7:23 am

Glad we agree. His evidence and claims weren’t peer reviewed. Just his opinion.

By this time over 2 years later you’d think such opinion/claim/evidence, were it accurate, would have maybe been substantiated further and supported by other scientists.??? Maybe even a slightly more independent one? Maybe some younger ones still of sound mind?

He may have been right but he was definetly wrong and acting out spite/self interest when he signed on to the Barrington Declarstion that we now know in hindsight would have been disastrous as it was in Sweden (compared to their Skandanavian neighbors) and the US where open policies in red states & counties in 2021 experienced the vast majority of the covid deaths and hospitalizations.


Anonymous said...

The birth of the biostate

Anonymous said...

"covid deaths and hospitalizations."

In your dreams you poor morbid person whose favorite topic is death.

The Great Barrington Declaration is proved to be correct in what the responses should have been.

Anonymous said...

Shielding' strategies instead of lockdowns would have led to tens of thousands more deaths, new modeling shows

Date: April 26, 2022
Source: University of Bath

Excerpt: Shielding strategies or "focused protection," as advocated for in the Great Barrington Declaration, would have been impossible to implement in practice and would have likely led to far worse outcomes. Even if implemented perfectly, the modeling reveals that allowing the infection to spread through less vulnerable groups prior to vaccination would have overwhelmed healthcare capacity in the UK and led to tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. In reality, practical considerations would have meant that large numbers of vulnerable people who were supposed to be protected would also have died.

The unprecedented scale of the public health crisis posed by the COVID-19 pandemic forced governments around the world to impose restrictions on social contact to suppress transmission of the coronavirus. However, the social and economic costs of these measures, especially lockdowns, have been high, drawing substantial opposition from some sections of the media, members of the public, and a small, but vocal group of scientists.

An alternative and widely discussed strategy would have been to temporarily focus protection on ("shield") those who were most vulnerable to COVID-19 (the elderly and those with certain pre-existing conditions), with the aim of achieving herd immunity by allowing a largely unmitigated epidemic in the rest of the population. However, this approach has received little scrutiny in the form of mathematical modeling.

The research concludes that while shielding may have protected the vulnerable in theory, it required extremely restrictive conditions that were impossible to achieve in practice. For example, because shielding in real populations would have been imperfect, infections in the lower-risk population would have leaked through to vulnerable people who were shielding. In addition, if lower-risk individuals reduced social contact to avoid infection it may have been impossible to achieve herd immunity, meaning a second wave of infections would have occurred after shielding had ended. Even if herd immunity was achieved, care homes would still have been at risk of local outbreaks because immunity would have been unevenly distributed in the population.

To be effective, shielding would have required those who were at higher risk to not only be rapidly and accurately identified, but also to shield themselves for an indefinite period, rendering the strategy impractical to implement. The modelling also suggests that in even the most optimistic shielding scenario, critical care capacity in hospitals would have been exceeded at least ten-fold at the peak of the outbreak. This is not to mention the huge healthcare burden associated with the large number of cases of long covid that would result from mass infection. Waning immunity, and new immunity-evading variants would only have served to make a shielding-only strategy even more untenable....

Dr Kit Yates, senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath and one of the study's authors, explains: "Our study shows how misguided the idea of shielding the vulnerable and letting the virus rip through the rest of the population would have been. Even if we could have managed perfect shielding, our healthcare system would still have been quickly overwhelmed. In reality, some inevitable leakiness in the shielding system would almost certainly have led to big outbreaks amongst the vulnerable and resulted in huge numbers of deaths as well."

J said...

(X?) 3:15 AM,

It's one study and one mathematical model. It needs peer review, too.

I've seen all kinds of mathematical models over the years fail at predicting what would really happen. "Population bomb" mathematical modeling is just one example.

Further, since COVID containmnent affects policies, it needs civic debate.

Like somebody recently said, we need to stop treating anybody as the science pope (as Fauci was treated).

I understand temporary emergency responses when a crisis has emerged and information is still limited. But the undemocratic processes continued far too long after it was no longer a sudden, unknown crisis.

Even if a more truly scientific and more truly democratic process had ended up re-affirming everything that had already been done in states such as California, that should still not have been assumed to be the inevitable given, with no need to go through the process to vet it and give all stakeholders their appropriate levels of input.

Anonymous said...

I see, 6:18 PM, that you have failed to engage with any of the arguments that Prof Dalgleish presents why SARS-CoV-2 is a human creation. Can you rebut the following? Feel free to give links to websites as backup, but please give your main arguments in your own words (as I do), otherwise you prove nothing about your competence to dispute the matter.

The probability of it evolving naturally is very low.

The join shows; it is characteristic of artificial gene splicing.

The noise levels due to mutation at the differing parts of it differ.

It is geared to infect humans more than other species.

It was the obvious next thing to try in the sequence of papers coming out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology showing how they were making progress in learning genetic manipulation techniques.

It started to infect humans in Wuhan.

Of course it's not peer reviewed. Although nobody has come up with a better system, peer review is not perfect. That's why mathematicians and physicists have their own online repository for papers, called the arXiv, regardless of peer review. No journal would want to publish this paper, as it would have grave consequences for who would submit papers to it subsequently. Dalgleish has a high reputation and would not risk it lightly. Also, Richard Dearlove would not sepeak out lightly and risk his reputation.

See also

2022 evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is artificial based on its sequence:

Other scientists DO say the same.

Anonymous said...

" Feel free to give links to websites as backup, but please give your main arguments in your own words (as I do), otherwise you prove nothing about your competence to dispute the matter."

You're not X @ 11:54 AM. So, who are you and what is your competence?

RayB said...

Another illustration that reveals that America's problems are rooted in the fact that we have turned our backs upon God. A God fearing people would never allow such an abomination to be passed into law.

Senate Rejects Lee Religious Liberty Amendment, Passes So-Called ‘Respect for Marriage Act’

NOTE: 12 RINO Senators voted for this bill, which provided the required 60 needed to pass. Every Democrat Senator voted for this.

Christian churches, businesses and individuals will all be confronted, in countless ways. Now, if you stand upon your convictions, (once this become Federal Law), you'll be going up against the U. S. Justice Department.

Decades ago, I began telling believers that homosexuality was going to be used as a back door attack upon Christianity. The ultimate goal of Christ's enemies is to remove every vestige of BIBLICAL Christianity from out society. They are VERY close to achieving that goal.

RayB said...

Did you know this? (From the Jerusalem Post, May 22, 2013)

'US VP Biden lauds Jewish drive for gay rights'

Excerpted from the article:

"Jewish heritage is American heritage,”

US Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday night lauded the influence of Judaism on the United States, specifically mentioning the efforts of Jews on gay rights issues ..."

“The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage,” Biden said during a speech at a Jewish American Heritage Month reception hosted by the Democratic National Committee at the American Institute of Architects building in Washington.

Biden pointed to American television sitcom Will and Grace - whose protagonists are a gay lawyer and his Jewish best friend - alongside social media, as examples of game-changing factors in the battle for gay marriage rights. "That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes," Politico quoted him as saying. "That’s why I was so certain that the vast majority of people would... rapidly embrace gay marriage."

Any thoughts on this?

Anonymous said...

To the troll disparaging Angus Dalgleish: All you need to know is that I am a research scientist and that I don't know Dalgleish personally. Now, stop diverting and address the points he makes as to why SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory creation. By 'address' I mean explain in your own words at lay level what you consider is wrong with his reasoning. Citing "Oh no it isn't" websites does not indicate that you have any competence in the matter.

Anonymous said...

Highest ranking Communist Chinese leader next to the President has died.

Anonymous said...

Here's how they did it.

RayB said...

Short and brilliant video on the (in)effectiveness of the jab goes viral for all the right reasons

RayB said...

Latest News on our Banana Republic ...

Shocking Local AZ Election Data: GOP Turnout Up, Dems Down, Yet Dems Won - Here Are the Alarming Numbers

Anonymous said...


Brownback isn't a Christian.

He's the intersection of ecumenical opus dei and "the Family" (Doug Coe's ecumenical theonomy "fellowship")

Banks have disclosure laws and these groups use various organizations and accounts to slosh money around without proper disclosure. They have a long history of money laundering and believing themselves to be above the law. Or the bank made a mistake and it had nothing to do with Brownback being a fake Christian.

Brownback's buddy, Leonard Leo just received billions from some guy in Chicago to slush around but I'm sure these guys don't want to be tracked like George Soros's money and donations from "open secrets" was tracked. Opus Dei is much more secretive of it's endeavors. Even the Pope, upon elevation, called for an accounting as this cult works to dominate culture by paying off victims of sexual abuse, protecting predator priests, controlling money and elite power through intimidation and fake piousness.


1. Opus Dei financial shenanigans and money laundering including a situation involving JP Morgan itself having to close catholic money laundering accounts:

The Vatican: Corrupt at its Core

2. Brownback's ties to Opus Dei and the Family:

Sam Brownback's Strange Bedfellows and Opus Dei Connections


J said...

P.S. RayB,

Although my above comment may seem contentious, I suspect we agree much more than we disagree.

As I see it, it's interesting that gay couples want a *Christian* church to marry them and they want the *Holy Bible* to say their relationship is not contrary to God's will and created order.

They believe in God but want to put words in God's mouth.
They could be married by a judge or they could just cohabit and still have legal protections under common law in some states, equivalent to the same legal protects a married couple have. They could be New Agers.

Instead many of them are desperate for Christian churches and for versions of the Holy Bible to say that everything they do sexually is not sinful in God's eyes.

When I was young I didn't understand how adults' consenting acts behind closed doors could be more harmful than wars. I genuinely didn't understand. I felt angry that the values voters re-elected George W. Bush, even after Abu Ghraib, even after the lies about weapons of mass destruction, even after the accidental or deliberate failures that led to 9/11. And it was all because they wanted to control other Americans' sexuality.

Now I see that the harm is not just an individual and personal and private harm. It's harmful to a generation of children and teens, and it's harmful to the institution of the family.

But I didn't see that until I was converted.

Sometimes I think Christians assume that non-Christians see the same things they see but just rebel against them. Instead I think non-Christians may be spiritually blind. I think it should influence how we communicate to non-Christians, who after all may not be forever locked in that state and may convert some day.

Right now the church isn't doing a good job converting people. Instead, it's doing a good job disgusting the young and driving them away. And I hope nobody will be too tempted to blame it all on the young being woke. That's too easy and too lazy.

Too much blame and too little self-reflection leads to no learning and no improvement. Of course it's something we're all capable of. It's just disappointing when loudly professing Christians don't lead the way in demonstrating soul-searching and personal growth (with the power of the Holy Spirit).

J said...


One more thought. I think you quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9 a few days or a week or two ago. But here is the whole section it appears in. Please notice the first sentence and the last. I felt like these nuances were sorely neglected by quoting just the one sentence and making it all about homosexuality being judged - when so many other non-homosexual sins are mentioned, anti-legalism is demonstrated, and saving grace is the ending note.

Do Not Sue the Brethren

6 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? 4 If then you have [a]judgments concerning things pertaining to this life, do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church to judge? 5 I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren? 6 But brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers!

7 Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? 8 No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor [c]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [d]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

J said...

My make my own stance clear, I quite simply think that 1) Christianity is voluntary and that's non-negotiable and 2) Adults and kids need different treatment under the law.

J said...

This is the kind of thing that is a large factor in the causes behind the creating of more homosexual men and more promiscuous women obtaining abortions. Many of those adults who are now so judged were once children who became broken because they were not protected, either by their own parents, or by the law. And churches don't even protect them, whether Protestant or Catholic.

Why not go after the predators more? Why spend so much time going after broken people? Why not go after the people who broke them? And not only when liberal policy resulted in it. Also when church hypocrisy did.

It's just not as emotionally satisfying, and it's harder work, isn't it?

California Releases Thousands of Convicted Pedophiles Within a Year of Conviction

Anonymous said...


A clip of this 2019 youtube video was used in the Stew Peters mockumentary "Lied Suddenly" to validate their claim the COVID vaccine is causing blood clots that were "never seen" before 2021.

Pulmonary Embolectomy DVT Saddle Pulmonary Embolism
April 1, 2019


Anonymous said...

Who knew?

The 2021 increase in fertility — which has continued through the summer of 2022, according to the California data — was “the first major reversal in declining U.S. fertility rates since 2007". I think they should have also given Biden's huge victory over Darth Vader in Nov 2020 as also significant in providing hope to young people.

A pandemic ‘baby bump’ is happening in the U.S.: study finds
Working from home may have boosted fertility among college-educated women


RayB said...

J @ 8:26 AM ...

I didn't sense that you were being 'contentious' at all. As I've stated before, this type of forum, by its very nature, puts limits on the amount that not only could be said, but should be said. Due to those limitations, misunderstandings can easily be formulated, due to the lack full explanation on any particular subject.
Just one illustration; the subject of the Sovereignty of God would require an awful lot of time, explanation, while using multiple scriptures. Entire volumes have been written on this subject. Yet, a couple of sentences may be written on a blog like this on regarding God's sovereignty. How would it then be possible to expound enough on a forum such as this? It isn't possible.

I know this from experience, practically everything I write here has been misunderstood by at least someone. Why? Because I didn't write enough to fully explain my position. Again, the reason being is that formats such as this puts limitations on the amount that can be written.

RayB said...


I don't have the time right now, but I'll address some of the points that you made later. Here's just one:

Re: "Since the Israel of God is now the Christian church - as the spiritual body of Christ - my perspective is different."

I'm not quite sure what you meant by this statement. My take is that there are two different, distinct 'Israels' that are mentioned in the Bible. One is physical Israel, to which God entered into covenants that were repeatedly broken. God promised Israel what He would do provided Israel did what He instructed them to do. Over and over and over again, the 'stiff-necked people' (physical Israel) did not comply. The second Israel is spiritual, made up of all TRUE believers from both the Old Testament times and the born again believers, in the NT times. (There is a fallacy that has been spread for the past 150 years by Dispensationalism that, in the OT dispensation, salvation was meritoriously EARNED by the keeping of the law. There never was a time when any person was 'saved' by the Law. Due to mankind's fallen nature (dead spiritually), grace was necessary in the OT as well as the NT). Just as in the OT times, among the physical 'Israel' there always existed, by God's sovereign grace, the remnant, i.e., spiritual Israel. The same can be applied today, whereby, coexisting along side 'spiritual Israel' (i.e., the 'wheat', true believers) are the 'chaff,' which now exist among the wheat but will one day be permanently separated from the wheat.

J, I'd be interested to hear your take on this. Perhaps this is what you were referring to in your statement?

Anonymous said...

...the film claims ppl have started dropping dead since the vaccines in 2021. I used data from the CARES* registry from 2017-2021 to graph the extrapolated incidence of sudden cardiac arrest in the US. The only big increase happened in 2020 from COVID-19, before the vaccines


J said...

RayB 11:23 AM,

Yes, I agree with what you wrote. I see I should have put my statement in context. Some of my comments of the past could provide context, but those were a long time ago, on a blog with thousands of comments.

In a nutshell, I feel frustrated with so much attention being given to judging the nation of America, while so little attention is given to judging the church.

Only one nation, physical Israel, was a theocracy. Now the Israel of God is the church, not a nation.

I think more attention needs to be paid to churches. Pastors who are standing up for biblical doctrines need more support from the laity. They are sadly often outnumbered by the pastors who either go along to get along, or who are drifting with the culture.

The Southern Baptist Convention is a prime example. They are allowing pastors and churches that preach that homosexuality is not really a sin, to remain a part of the Southern Baptist Convention.

For the record, I think gay people should be accepted into churches but should not be preached a compromised gospel. People need to come to church as they are, but only in order to willingly meet the gospel as it is.

Anonymous said...

Fired Keystone Pipeline worker rejects White Houses latest oil claims

Biden was installed to finish off the U.S. The AC Kenyan, and his cult, load the teleprompter. The plebeians upload the 'feed'.

Diesel is well over 6.00 a gallon in my little state.

Prepare accordingly

RayB said...


You put an awful lot on the plate here ... I don't know quite where to start.

I hope you understand that I appreciate what you are saying, although, again, due to the limitations of this format, on some of your statements, I'm not exactly sure what your position is, so some of this is my attempt to clarify your meaning. Also, I noticed that I needed to clarify some of my statements as well.

In your 8:26 AM post, you stated:

"You have brought up the example of God's destruction of ancient cities like Sodom, yet the Bible shows God would not destroy any place where a righteous remnant remained. After Lot left Sodom, there was not one righteous person remaining in Sodom.

You have neglected to tell of the other sins of Sodom, and they were not just homosexual sins. This was a generally sinful and depraved people."

A lot can be said about Sodom & Gomorrah. First, I think it serves as an example to us as to the importance of God's people being 'salt' in whatever sphere they are in, be it school, work, family, community and even church. However, keep in mind, the account regarding judgment given for Sodom & Gomorrah is specific to God's actions on these two cities. As the sovereign of the universe, God is not bound to treat all 'cities' or 'nations' in the exact same manner that He employed there. His criteria could be entirely different, and His grace can be applied in any situation, as was the case in Ninevah. As sovereign, He can apply grace, or, judgment in accordance to His own desire and purposes.

I didn't list any of Sodom's other sins because we are not given any specifics in scripture as to what they were. Homosexuality is the sin that Sodom & Gomorrah is known for. Were there other sins? Of course. But the reason given for their destruction was specifically due to rampant homosexuality.

By the way, consider this (just my opinion) regarding Lot offering his two VIRGIN daughters to the 'men at the door.' Both of Lot's daughters were married, and ignored Lot's warning that the city was about to be destroyed. They remained. My opinion is that these two son in laws remained because they were sodomites, and Lot's daughters remained virgins because their husbands were not 'interested' in them. Lot offered his daughters knowing full well that the men at the door DID NOT WANT THEM. So Lot's seemingly 'inexplicable' offering was merely words that were spoken, and recorded (for us), to show the utter depravity of these men of Sodom.

RayB said...

J said @ 9:02 AM:

"One more thought. I think you quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9 a few days or a week or two ago. But here is the whole section it appears in. Please notice the first sentence and the last. I felt like these nuances were sorely neglected by quoting just the one sentence and making it all about homosexuality being judged - when so many other non-homosexual sins are mentioned, anti-legalism is demonstrated, and saving grace is the ending note."

I mentioned homosexuality in my post, as it relates to the passage, merely because that was the subject that was being discussed. We were not talking about adulterers, fornicators, drunkards, etc., etc. The topic was, as I recall, was the LGBTQ+ agenda.

This is the passage that, as I recall, I posted:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. - 1 Corinthians 9,10

Quick story that is related to this subject. I mentioned before that I had a long time relationship with two Catholic Attorneys, in which we would have very lengthy discussions about politics, history and religion. In over 10 years of these periodic discussions, we NEVER once got into a single argument! One day, I stopped by their office and the subject came up regarding 'gays.' The one attorney said to me "I think the gays are going to be alright" (eternally speaking). The reason he said this was so was because Pope Francis had just uttered his infamous statement: "Gays that do good go to heaven ... atheists too."

I responded with this: "I don't care who it is that states this (meaning the Pope), he is wrong. The Bible not only condemns homosexuality, it even condemns those that are 'effeminate,' specifically stating that they will not 'inherit the kingdom of God.' My friend was literally stunned. He couldn't believe that that was actually in the bible!

Again, the subject was homosexuality. I think, at that time, to mention all the other 'sins' that are listed would have muddled the conversation that we were having. Besides, the listing of the 1 Corinthians verses also contained the other 'sins' for the readers to see for themselves.

RayB said...


Also, regarding your Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) statement. This comes as no surprise to me whatsoever. The SBC has displayed its tolerance for liberalism and apostasy for decades. Their tolerance regarding 'pro-gay' pastors is consistent with their slippery slide into eventual apostasy. Numerous 'Christian' sects are moving in this 'pro-gay' direction, with Roman Catholicism and the Vatican leading the way.

Keep this in mind; the TRUE gospel breaks the bondage of rebellious sin against God. A new heart is given, that, by grace, we are free from the bondage of the flesh. 'Behold, old things have passed away ...' That's why there is no such thing as a practicing, non-repenting 'Christian' adulterer, fornicator, drunkard, idolator, homosexual, etc., etc. In our age of increasing apostasy, 'grace' has been defined to mean that there is such a thing, and that due to grace, sin can abound because we are 'forgiven.' That is a lie from the pit of hell. Those that believe such a thing have accepted a false 'gospel.'

In my own life, I was reading the bible and God was using it to shed light upon a very dark soul. As I continued to receive comfort from it, I was suddenly confronted with my sins. I saw in my mind a picture of a fork in the road. One road led to disregarding all that I had learned and continue on in my rebellion. The other road led to a new life of hope, faith, and delivery from bondage. By God's grace, I took the path that led to freedom. That was over 40 years ago, and not once have I ever even questioned that decision that God led me to make. Unfortunately, far too many have taken the other road, while maintaining a profession of 'faith.' It is this wrong road the 'pro-gay ministers' of the SBC (and many others) are on. It's a road that leads to eternal punishment, and these ministers are serving Satan, while appearing to be ministers of righteousness.

Anonymous said...

Two Oath Keepers, including founder, found guilty of seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 case

Excerpt: A federal jury in Washington on Tuesday found Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs, another member of the far-right organization, guilty of seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, a victory for the government in a case that involved a rarely used Civil War era statute....

The seditious conspiracy charge carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. Rhodes' attorneys said they plan to appeal that conviction.

The seditious conspiracy case is the most serious to grow out of the Justice Department's sprawling investigation into the U.S. Capitol attack. The two seditious conspiracy verdicts were wins for the department, which has brought forward the relatively rare charges against a number of Oath Keepers, as well as members of the far-right Proud Boys.

Attorney General Merrick Garland lauded the work of prosecutors and federal agents, saying in a statement that the Justice Department "is committed to holding accountable those criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy on January 6, 2021."

Anonymous said...

QAnon Influencer Sues Newspaper, Gets Exposed as Alleged Child Predator: Phil Godlewski’s lawsuit against a Pennsylvania paper wound up revealing how he groomed a 15-year-old for sex, The Daily Beast reports

Excerpt: QANON LEADER PHIL Godlewski accidentally outed himself as an alleged child predator after filing a defamation lawsuit against a local paper that exposed old court records to public scrutiny, according to a report from The Daily Beast. Despite Godlewski and QAnon’s obsessive fixation with pedophile cabals running the government, it seems in this case the call is coming from inside the house.

In 2010, Godlewski was charged as a result of his relationship with a 15-year-old girl, identified in records as “B.D.” According to police records and testimony from the victim, Godlewski began a sexual relationship with the girl in 2008, when Godlewski was 25 and working as a high school basketball coach near Scranton, Pennsylvania. B.D. reportedly stopped cooperating with law enforcement after Godlewski threatened suicide, and Godlewski ultimately pleaded guilty to charges of “corruption of a minor,” and served three months of house arrest.

By 2021, Godlewski had established himself as a major figure within the QAnon world, and was raking in cash hawking multi-level marketing schemes to his hundreds of thousands of followers. Godlewski reportedly purchased a $1.7 mansion using the funds this year.

After the Scranton Times-Tribune published a profile of Godlewski in 2021, Godlewski sued the paper, accusing B.D’s mother of fabricating the allegations in a financial ploy and calling the victim a “conniving” fraud. The accusations prompted B.D., now an adult, and her family to further cooperate with the Times-Tribune’s response to the suit. This cooperation, as the Daily Beast reported, has exposed further details of Godlewski’s misconduct.

Police reports and letters submitted by the girl’s parents indicate that at the time of the relationship, Godlewski exchanged hundreds of text messages with B.D., and bought her lavish gifts. In one text exchange, he told her he had “realized that you’re only 15, but quickly stopped caring.”

Records show that Godlewski detailed his sexual desires and exploits with the teenager, telling her he would “ever be sexually satisfied if we did it like 4-5 times a day.” He allegedly used his work as a real estate agent to gain access to homes within which to have sex with the teen. “We’ve probably had sex in like 40% of the homes in northeastern Pennsylvania,” Godlewski messaged her in one instance....

Anonymous said...

This QAnon Influencer Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles. He Hides His Own Conviction With an Alias

Anonymous said...

EZEKIEL 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

RayB said...

12:03 AM ...

When you really think about it, pride is at the root of every sin, because pride, by putting yourself first, is the foundation of rebellion against God. Pride is the foundation of original sin. The serpent tempted Adam & Eve with the promise that they would be 'like' God. Pride is the foundation of our fallen, rebellious nature that we have inherited from Adam. Pride is one of the abominations that God specifically mentions that He hates.

I have always found it interesting, and very revealing, that there is such a thing as 'Gay Pride' events, parades, etc. It represents the opposite of a contrite, humble heart that seeks to know God. It literally flaunts sin in God's face, challenging Him to do something about it. These are signs of a 'seared conscience,' a 'reprobate heart,' the behavior of which should never be rationalized, nor accepted.

Having said that, I feel an intense sorrow for the people that are caught up in this. They are on the wide path that leads to destruction, many of which, due to disease, etc. live very short lives. A few years back, a study was released that determined that the average lifespan for homosexual males was only 43 years. And that doesn't even address what comes after physical death.

This is what our children are being purposely exposed to and indoctrinated in on a massive scale. It is a learned lifestyle, and, make no mistake about it, it is a culture that leads to death, both physically and spiritually.

Years ago, I came to the conclusion that when you see society condones the abuse of children (which this is), God will put a stop to it. The entire world seems to be slipping into the abyss, how long will this be allowed to continue?

J said...

RayB 5:30 PM,

Thanks for the good conversation. I know I put a lot on the plate. I do that sometimes. My thoughts just boil over once in a while. No pressure to respond to each point. Just respond to what you have time for or feel moved to respond to.

I know I went off on a lot of tangents, but the main thing that set me off in the first place, was the whole idea of Jesus judging a nation rather than judging the church.

You may be interested to know that gay marriages have been historically allowed and officiated within both the Catholic and Orthodox churches historically.

Eventually both churches did, indeed, lose their former power. The Orthodox church territories were overrun by the Ottoman Empire. The Catholic church countries of Europe were eventually roiled by revolutions.

Who knows where, when, how and why the hand of providence made any of these historical things happen. I hesitate to predict the hand of providence for America the nation or American churches.

I would like to think you are right that God will put a stop to the allowing of abuse of children. The thing is that children have always been abused, mostly in secret. But you're right that it's different when evil is called good and becomes a point of public pride.

Does Jesus need to judge it? Because it's quite self-destructive. It will implode inevitably. If there were really no god, no way would it continue in a linear trend indefinitely.

I don't know, RayB. I'm sure that at times, in places, in ways and by means, the hand of providence could remove protection or give people over to their lies that they insist upon or their points of pride they insist upon. Direct punishment seems relatively rare.

It seems to me that when Jerusalem fell, it wasn't so much that her husband-to-be punished her, as that he gave her over to her abusive boyfriend and stopped protecting her from him.

God directly punished Sodom, but it's not usually the way that God was depicted as operating.

We have sayings like, "He's digging his own grave," "She just keeps digging herself deeper," or "He's giving him enough rope to hang himself." It seems that's kind of the way it goes much more often than direct punishment.

It does seem like wide swaths of the population have been given over to their lies to the point of near insanity and inevitable self-destruction.

J said...

I'll try to find the book title about historical Catholic and Orthodox church gay marriages. I saw the book on my father's shelf. It's an academic work, in favor of gay marriage. Of course, my father read it against the text, but he was interested in the historical evidence that had been gathered by the author. The book title doesn't come up immediately in a search, so I'll have to take some time later. I'll know it when I see its cover. I'm not sure yet how spotty or thin the historical evidence is.

J said...

This is the book. It's called Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. It was written by Yale historian John Boswell (an openly gay professor of history). It was first printed in 1994.

Anonymous said...

J said: It's just that I recall you understanding very well that, even though adultery is a sin, X has no right to impose fidelity upon employees in his (hypothetical or real) workplace.

I have the right as the US is overwhelmingly "employment at will" country. I can fire anyone anytime and there is nothing discriminatory or illegal about terminating unrepentant adulterers.

I'm also not "imposing fidelity" in the workplace. There's no rule that if you cheat on your spouse you'll be fired. Instead we have policies supporting the marriages and families of our employees, which, in the end, create an unreconcilable awkwardness for anyone choosing to abandon their marriage and family.

Unrepentant adulterers make horribly disruptive employees.


Anonymous said...

Why do people on this blog spend so much time wondering who is going to Heaven and who is going to Hell? How about just letting God do His job... while each one of us does our job of trying to live up to our own potential... of what God expects from each one of us as we struggle through our own lives? Of course, that doesn't stop us from praying for (or trying to convert) those you believe are on their way to Hell. However, God may have a big surprise for all of us on Judgement Day... about just WHO ends up WHERE.

Anonymous said...

Unrepentant dogmatic globalist trolls make horrible posters at a blog for the anti-globalist free marketplace of ideas, 12:00 PM.

J said...

After reading a few critical reviews of the book about medieval same-sex unions, the evidence does not seem as strong as I thought it had.

It seems far more likely that certain kinds of church officiated unions could have provided a cover for homosexual relationships. These unions may not have necessarily involved weddings.

I'm not going to comment further without reading the book, but I may not read it.

J said...

Canadian officials granted bail to 22 out of 23 perps arrested in a child porn ring

J said...

Elon Musk had announced he would be live tweeting what really happened on Twitter to stories about Hunter Biden's laptop, starting at 5:00 pm eastern time today. When I last checked, at about 5:40 pm eastern time, his Twitter feed said, "We’re double-checking some facts, so probably start live tweeting in about 40 mins." Still hasn't happened. I'm going to check back later.

Anonymous said...


Elon Musk is probably putting out fires after having just today restored the Twitter account of Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who founded the infamous website Stormfront and said women should be “raped and locked in cages


Anonymous said...

I find it humourous that Elon Musk or anyone else cares about what Twitter did in 2020 regarding the citizen hunter biden's laptop. Twitter isn't the government. You/he/they aren't uncovering some giant bureaucratic conspiracy. Both sides play this game and decisions are made largely to protect advertising revenue and corporations versus politicians for either side.

Website owners have zero legal obligation to be fair to anyone concerning political speech.

Actually, website owners have the First Amendment right to be as unfair as they like.


J said...

X 7:04 PM,

Andrew Anglin is a professional troll and provocateur. He has some competition, so he has to get more evil, just as the comedians have to get more crass and dirtier to compete with each other.

Did Elon Musk personally welcome him back, or did Andrew Anglin merely slip through the system for now? We'll have to wait and see if our friend Mr. Anglin manages to get banned, as Kanye has already done. It hasn't been that long.

For now I feel safe assuming the odds are high that the Andrew Anglin headlines are just a media gotcha for Elon Musk.

J said...

MSN has an article about Twitter and Hunter Biden's laptop. I'm still processing it, and I'm going to read other articles from a variety of sources.

Kanye Who? Musk Shifts Twitter Focus to Hunter Biden Laptop

RayB said...


I had a writing error in my 4:44 PM I wanted to correct it.

I stated: 'By the way, consider this (just my opinion) regarding Lot offering his two VIRGIN daughters to the 'men at the door.' Both of Lot's daughters were married, and ignored Lot's warning that the city was about to be destroyed. They remained.'

I meant to say that it was Lot's son-in-laws who ignored Lot's warning and remained. Somehow, I neglected to state what I had in mind, instead, making it appear that it was Lot's daughters instead of the son-in-laws, both of whom remained.

I too appreciate the cordial discourse ...

GrantNZ said...

Short uplifting creative video from my friends Mark,Emma and baby in Ireland.
Very gifted.

RayB said...

With each passing day, the evidence, gathered from all over the world, continues to mount:

Billions of lives could be in danger due to COVID vaccines, Japanese professor says

(Contains short video where the professor explains his findings)

From the article:

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has published several articles on biomedical research and translational medicine, and, as well being Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, works in the Translational Research Informatics Centre Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation, Kobe, Japan. He has also written over 200 papers which have been cited over 7,000 times.

With comprehensive experience spanning over the past three decades as a medical oncologist at Aichi Cancer Centre and Kyoto University Hospital, Dr. Fukushima has engaged in the practice and dissemination of standard cancer treatment and reform of Japan’s medical care system and is active to date contributing to building up the infrastructure of clinical trial focusing on translational research.

Anonymous said...

More about that famously 'Impartial' Trump prosecutor, Jack Smith

Anonymous said...

5:47 AM
Beautifully done.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Postal Workers Stole $20,000 In Donation Checks From GOP Congresswoman

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk: It Is Likely Twitter Interfered In 2022 Brazilian Election

Anonymous said...

Rayb at 10:22 am

You realize "Professor Emeritus" means RETIRED professor.

He WAS published and had done studies over the years but now he just "works" at some new age "translational" medicine foundation which doesn't publish or do anything with vaccines or epidemiology.

No data. No evidence and not even his expertise.

Certainly consistent with all the other unsupported and outlandish anti-vaccine misinformation published by Jon Allen-Walker out of his basement somewhere in England.


p.s.- I've shown Mr. Allen-Walker to be a liar several times now on this forum so sharing his most recent misinformation is essentially KNOWINGLY LYING. Especially when you add the cavaet that the "evidence...continues to mount"....what "evidence". This old man's unsupported opinion isn't evidence of anything.

Anonymous said...

SECRET CDC REPORT: Since the launch of Operation Warp Speed, at least 1.1 million Americans have “died suddenly"

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly confirmed that at least 1.1 million Americans have “died suddenly” ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were introduced under Operation Warp Speed.

Anonymous said...

Trump Responds To Massive Twitter Files Drop - "Fraud" - "TOTALLY CORRUPT"

Anonymous said...

3:07 reported: "Since the launch of Operation Warp Speed, at least 1.1 million Americans have “died suddenly""

If only there was higher uptake of the life-saving covid vaccines those numbers could have been much lower.

3 million people die every year and most of the families and friends aren't ready for it and even in the most expected situations still say the deceased "died suddenly". 1.1 over 2.5 years since covid started is less than 500,000 a year. How is a normal number like that shocking or disturbing to anyone?

"Died Suddenly" is not a new phenomenon. It only APPEARS even remotely questionable when you shine a light on it and stalk obituaries and news stories for sudden deaths that occurred in roughly the same numbers prior to covid. Long before and even during covid I've had relatives "die suddenly". You're being played.

Such a desperate false claim.


Anonymous said...

You're morbid and wallow in it, weirdo.

It is a given with your fixation on death that you voted for the Democrat death cult.

Quit pretending you care about people dying.
Dying is big business. Probably what your "doctorate" and "business" are all about.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk is actively working against the United States. He has no loyalty to America. Who is pulling his strings?

J said...

Morris: The Questions Twitter Hasn’t Answered About Its Treatment of the ‘Laptop from Hell’ Story

"What was the reason the New York Post official Twitter account remained locked for 16 days?"

"Did intelligence agencies approach Twitter regarding censorship of “misinformation” regarding Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election?"

"Did former Twitter Deputy Counsel (and former senior member of the FBI) James Baker contact the FBI to verify the federal subpoena published by the New York Post?"

"What effort did then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey make to intervene during the time Twitter was censoring the “laptop from hell” series, and in the 16 days following when the New York Post was locked out of its Twitter account?"

"How many other times in 2020 did Twitter use its mechanism to disable links sent in direct messages, as it did with the “laptop from hell” reporting?"

J said...

Report on the Biden Laptop
There are, at the very least, 459 documented violations of state and federal laws regulations on the infamous device.
Marco Polo
Oct 19

Note: The right-wing group Marco Polo documented six alleged crimes that were committed by Joe Biden and 459 alleged crimes that were committed by Hunter Biden. (New York Post

Anonymous said...


Marco Polo was discussed before. He's a 20-something, non-lawyer, former Trump aid named Garrett Zieglar.

His basement unprofessional accusations of "alleged" illegality are entirely speculative hyperbole.

In the end and unlike Democrat investigations, there is a very high liklihood that there will be zero indictments, let alone convictions over this whole ordeal. Like Benghazi.


Anonymous said...

As an example of the seditionist, Jan 6th conspiring Garrett Zeigler's "patriotism", questionable ethics, character and personal "alleged" illegality...

Ex-Trump Aide Sics MAGA Lackeys on Alleged FBI Agents’ Families

Excerpt: Just hours after a list began circulating among right-wing media of FBI agents who signed off on the search warrant for Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property, a former Trump aide tried to sic MAGA fans on the family members of the purported agents.

Garrett Ziegler, who recently went on a sexist tear against former White House colleagues, took to Telegram to post the personal information of men he identified as agents.

“This is one of the two feds who signed the ‘Receipt for Property’ form, which detailed—at a very high level—the fishing expedition that the FBI performed at Mar-a-Lago,” Ziegler said on both Truth Social and Telegram.

The former Trump administration staffer that worked under White House trade adviser Peter Navarro further listed out the FBI agents’ date of birth, work emails and linked to alleged family members’ social media accounts.

“Hope he doesn’t get a good night’s sleep for the rest of 2022,” Ziegler wrote on Truth Social, responding to another Truth Social user’s photos of one of the alleged FBI officials who signed off on the inventory receipts on the warrant.

RayB said...

Zelensky is showing his true colors ...

Zelensky Seeks To Ban Russian Orthodox Church In Ukraine

From the article:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced he is seeking to ban all religions with ties to Russia. He claims the move is needed to "guarantee spiritual independence to Ukraine." This law will target millions of Ukrainians who identify as Russian Orthodox.

During his nightly address on Thursday, Zelensky announced he was introducing legislation that would eliminate religious organizations affiliated with Russia from operating in Ukraine. He said this will make "it impossible for religious organizations affiliated with centers of influence in the Russian Federation to operate in Ukraine."

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, responded by slamming Zelensky’s move as authoritarian. "The current Ukrainian authorities have openly become enemies of Christ and the Orthodox faith," he said.

Anonymous said...

Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid

The percentage of healthcare workers testing positive for COVID in each group was tracked to determine how effective or ineffective higher-quality masking was in preventing infection.

Unsurprisingly, the results confirmed that there is essentially zero difference between surgical or N95 respirators when it comes to tests results.

In the intention-to-treat analysis, RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 52 of 497 (10.46%) participants in the medical mask group versus 47 of 507 (9.27%) in the N95 respirator group (hazard ratio [HR], 1.14 [95% CI, 0.77 to 1.69]). An unplanned subgroup analysis by country found that in the medical mask group versus the N95 respirator group RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 8 of 131 (6.11%) versus 3 of 135 (2.22%) in Canada (HR, 2.83 [CI, 0.75 to 10.72]), 6 of 17 (35.29%) versus 4 of 17 (23.53%) in Israel (HR, 1.54 [CI, 0.43 to 5.49]), 3 of 92 (3.26%) versus 2 of 94 (2.13%) in Pakistan (HR, 1.50 [CI, 0.25 to 8.98]), and 35 of 257 (13.62%) versus 38 of 261 (14.56%) in Egypt (HR, 0.95 [CI, 0.60 to 1.50]). There were 47 (10.8%) adverse events related to the intervention reported in the medical mask group and 59 (13.6%) in the N95 respirator group.

52 of 497 participants who wore medical masks got COVID-19, and 47 of 507 in the N95 group got COVID-19. 

No matter how “high quality” your mask is, it’s entirely irrelevant.

The researchers also took pains to ensure that the control and treatment groups shared as many similarities as possible.

Just watch. Mask mandates will come back with a vengeance.
And other progressive hive mind vengeances on the way too.
This has only been the practice run.

Anonymous said...


Someday we or our Christian progeny, if any, will be defending themselves from the ecumenical Roman Catholic and orthodox alliance against all that is Godly. I know you were quoting but it’s odd to see you implying the Orthodox Church is, in any way, a defender of Christ.

Are you really Russian Orthodox or just a Putin loving fascist?


Anonymous said...


So masks work. N95’s just slightly better.


Anonymous said...

No they don't, can't you read 4:46 PM?
"52 of 497 participants who wore medical masks got COVID-19, and 47 of 507 in the N95 group got COVID-19." 

The mask, lock down, distancing, vaccine route made people sick, and killed some too.
Did your business profit from the government mandates?
My guess is it did and why you troll for more of same.

Anonymous said...

Censorship by surrogate: Why Musk’s document dump could be a game changer
by Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor

"The implications of these documents becomes more serious once the Biden campaign became the Biden administration. These documents show a back channel existed with President Biden’s campaign officials, but those same back channels appear to have continued to be used by Biden administration officials. If so, that would be when Twitter may have gone from a campaign ally to a surrogate for state censorship. As I have previously written, the administration cannot censor critics and cannot use agents for that purpose under the First Amendment.

That is precisely what Musk is now alleging. As the documents were being released, he tweeted, “Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is.”

Democrat Biden had to cheat to win.

Anonymous said...

"We are now hackable animals"
Film starts around 15 min mark

The history of being played, groomed, and hacked started a while ago and well advanced today.

Anonymous said...

5:55 pm

Despite how the extremist website tried to frame this, the actual study isn't saying masks don't work, but, rather, N95 masks don't seem to offer much extra protection from covid among healthcare workers versus regular surgical masks. There was no "control group" of unmasked healthcare workers to indicate what number of healtcare workers in such situations

The Canadian arm of the study was completed or done prior to the Omicron variant and suggested prior to Omicron, N95 masks DID offer 300% superior protection (to the more deadly alpha and delta variants). The Egypt arm was done after Omicron, and it significantly "averaged" out the benefits showing only a 8% benefit for N95 masks over surgical masks. Omicron has been shown and known to be much more transmissible. Just compare the arms here --- 11 of 266 (just 4%) "masked"(N95 or surgical masked) Canadian healthcare workers working directly with covid patients got sick pre-omicron whereas, in this study, 73 of 518 (14%) Egyptian healthcare workers in similar environments caught covid.

These healthcare workers weren't masked all day and night. They could have caught covid away from work. Maybe that's the only place they caught it. The numbers were NEVER expected to be ZERO. I noticed also...shockingly, they somehow excluded vaccinated healthcare workers which means they sought out crazy people who were working directly caring for covid patients absent the vaccine for some reason.

Here's the study...try reading it absent the right wing extremist bias...


Anonymous said...

6:11 pm

Jonathon Turley -- opus dei = roman catholic propagandist

Opus Dei's goal

Disrupt, disable and destroy our protestant institutions and protestant America.

"They" control Twitter too. "They" have back channels and front channels there as well.

Twitter operated previously to appease their advertisers and make money. Now they operate at the whims of a South African attention-seeking narcissist.

To think that the citizen Hunter Biden laptop story might have swayed anyone to vote for Trump over Biden two weeks before an election is kind of funny. Let alone enough to overcome Biden's landslide victory. It wasn't even really that close.


Anonymous said...

Another butt kissing Democommie post at 8:17 PM.

Anonymous said...

"It is striking how many of the figures and institutions involved in Russian collusion claims are within six degrees of James Baker. Not only did Baker work closely with fired FBI director James Comey and other key figures at the Justice Department, but he was an acquaintance of key Clinton figures like Sussmann who pushed the false collusion allegations. He was also hired by Brookings Institution, which also has a curious Bacon-like role in the origins and development of the false Russian collusion allegations."

Anonymous said...

Opus Dei's Jonathan Turley lies saying "FALSE Russian collusion allegations"...

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty.

If you also count investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list.

It’s a sprawling set of allegations, encompassing both election interference charges against overseas Russians, and various other crimes by American Trump advisers.


Anonymous said...

Yale study identifies partisan disparity in excess COVID-19 death rates

Excerpt: Looking at voters in Ohio and Florida, the researchers measured excess death rates between registered Republican and Democratic voters, or the percent increase in deaths above expected deaths given specific seasonality, geographic location, party affiliation and age. The study found that, between 2018 and 2021, the excess death rate for Republican voters was 5.4 percentage points, or 76 percent higher, than that of registered Democrats. The majority of the difference, though, was concentrated after the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines: after vaccines became available, the death rate gap between Republicans and Democrats widened from 1.6 percentage points to 10.4 percentage points.

“Our results build on an important, prior literature that documented that Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 mortality rates than Democratic-leaning counties,” Wallace wrote to the News. “However, to our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate that there exists a link between political party affiliation and excess death rates during the COVID-19 pandemic at the individual level.”
In contrast, the difference in excess death rates between voters of each party was “nearly zero” in counties with the highest vaccination rates, according to the study. This indicates smaller death disparities in “areas with larger take-up of vaccines.”

“[The] results suggest that the well-documented differences in vaccination attitudes and reported uptake between Republicans and Democrats have already had serious consequences for the severity and trajectory of the pandemic in the United States,” the paper continued. “If these differences in vaccination by political party affiliation persist, then the higher excess death rate among Republicans is likely to continue through the subsequent stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Anonymous said...

The Tragedy of Avoidable Covid Deaths

Dec 2, 2022

Excerpt: ....Comparing countries can be even more revealing. Another study, published this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed much more excess mortality in the US than was seen in a number of other wealthy countries during the delta and omicron waves.

That study tracked the period after June 2021, when vaccines were widely available in these countries. The US had the most excess deaths, at 145.5 excess deaths per 100,000 people. The next-worst country was Finland with 82.2. The best two were Sweden, with 32.4, and New Zealand, with only 5.1 excess deaths per 100,000. The 10 most-vaccinated US states appeared comparable to much of Europe at 65.1, while the least-vaccinated states had an excess death rate of 193.3. Numbers like these should help puncture the myth, persistent in some communities, that the vaccines themselves caused a significant number of deaths — that’s simply not true.

Anonymous said...

If You’ve Had Covid, Watch Out for Stroke Symptoms

Excerpt: Harlan Krumholz, a cardiologist at the Yale School of Medicine, says he worries about two kinds of long Covid. There’s the obvious version where people suffer prolonged virus symptoms like fatigue, and a stealthier version in which people recover yet carry an added risk of blood clots and strokes.

He doesn’t want to panic people — most of us will probably be fine. But new studies confirm that some will develop an elevated risk of blood clots, strokes or heart attacks. Given that most people have had Covid by now, everyone should be more vigilant about the early warning signs such as chest pain, unusual swelling, numbness or weakness, or sudden changes in balance, speech or vision.

Scary reports started to surface in the spring of 2020 of young people suffering deadly strokes during or right after a Covid infection. Doctors were starting to suspect Covid was not just a respiratory disease but a blood vessel disease. Larger studies now back up their suspicions and showed that Covid infections elevated everyone’s risk. That explained why younger people who should have had almost no risk were showing up with strokes, but they were just the tip of the iceberg. Patients who already smoked or had high blood pressure or diabetes went from high risk to even higher.

One recent study, published in the journal Heart — associated with the British Medical Journal — tracked 54,000 people in the UK for four and a half months, and concluded that those who’d been infected were 2.7 times more likely to develop venous thromboembolism — a dangerous type of blood clot — than those who had never been infected.

The study also showed that those who got infected but were not sick enough to be hospitalized were still 10 times more likely to die of any cause during the study period than their uninfected counterparts. People who’d been hospitalized for Covid-19 were about 100 times more likely to die during the study period....

A consensus is forming that the lasting damage is caused by inflammation — a necessary part of our immune defense system, but one that can cause harm if it remains in high gear.

Not everyone who gets Covid will suffer serious blood vessel inflammation, but the disease is still something of a roll of the dice — or, as physician Ziyad Al-Aly puts it, Russian Roulette. That doesn’t mean people should despair or panic. Early treatment can save lives, which is why doctors urge people who’ve been infected not to ignore any warning sign, even if they weren’t previously at any known risk.

J said...

X 12:12 PM,

Garrett Zieglar is not somebody I had been familiar with before. But here, the genetic fallacy applies. Garrett Zieglar probably wasn't the person who combed through the laptop finding instances of law breaking. He probably hired lawyers to do this work. Right now it has to been viewed as being like an audit performed by an auditor who hates a company and is out to get it. But that doesn't mean the company did nothing to break its policies and procedures.

When I was young and I got stopped pulled over for speeding, some police officers picked on me more than others. Once in a while it seemed like somebody was bullying me by finding additional little things like a supposed rolling stop or a tiny light bulb next to the license plate that was burned out.

But yet I had still been speeding, and the police officer who was picking on me had not been the one to create the speed limit on the fly just to pick on me. I had objectively broken the law.

Similarly, in the case of Hunter Biden's laptop and the email and other evidence contained on it, it's likely that the intent was to find as many infractions as humanly possible by any stretch. Yet it's also likely that even filtering for bias, some objective law breaking actually occurred.

Just as the police officers don't set the speed limits on the fly to pick on people, nor do they force people to speed, Garrett Zieglar did not single handedly make all the laws that may have allegedly been broken. Nor did he likely make up each instance of law breaking.

Sadly, this type of crime family corruption would be more compelling if not for the former president's own corrupt family behavior, including billions obtained by Kushner from Saudi Arabia.

And yet, even if the cop who pulled me over were to let his off duty buddy go with no ticket after seeing a badge flashed, the fact would still remain that I had been speeding, and the speed limits exist for a reason and must be enforced.

I've lived in a lawless place before, and people were seldom stopped for speeding there. Too many people were dying on the roads. It's best to enforce the law even if it's not done perfectly. I'd rather have corrupt cops ticketing speeders than to be endangered by other drivers each time I get on the highway, due to so many drivers going unchecked and being further emboldened for so long.

Accountability remains important even when cynicism tempts one to shrug.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Run Police State

Anonymous said...

Portrait in Courage

RayB said...

And why not? Isn't 'diversity' our goal? ('Diversity is our strength')

Virginia Elementary School Will Host After-School Satan Club

"The club was set up in response to the Evangelical Good News Club being hosted at the school. The group argued that if the school allows one religion to host events, they must allow all."

Anonymous said...

They Want Your Children.

Levine tells pediatricians that they need to become activists for transgender care for minors.

At this point they are openly advocating for your child to get groomed.

Anonymous said...

The truth is the truth is the truth no matter what, or who.

Romans 3:4
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Meaning this also applies to you lying x.

Anonymous said...

Brazil Military Kills "Red Command" Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over

Part Iron, Part Clay.

Seems like the U.S. is Clay.

RayB said...

60,000 Children Injured and Dead Along with 4,571 Fetal Deaths Following COVID Vaccines

From the article:

As of the latest update to the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), over 60,000 children have been reported as suffering injuries or death following COVID-19 vaccines. According to a study done in 2011 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, less than 1% of all vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS. That means we are probably looking at over 6 million cases of injuries and close to 20,000 deaths in children following COVID-19 vaccinations, when statistically children have very little, if any, chance of ever dying from COVID.

Anonymous said...

Portrait of Courage:

Senator Renick Goes NUCLEAR on WEF Globalist 'S-Hanson Young,' for Taunting Vaccine Injured People

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...


Busting through Joe's wall of lies!!!!

lyrics by paul

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking,
As Joe's blinking,
In the Sun,
Pelosi's stinking.....

lyrics by Richard

Anonymous said...

Will Ron De Santis DeIsraelis make boycotting or criticizing Israel a felony crime in all 50 states?


Anonymous said...

Will x ever become Christian?

Anonymous said...

@3:36 PM

X has seen the depths of Ghetto Hell,
Witchcraft FAR beyond his mother's spells;

Inside the crypt he types up aimlessly......
Then KILLS the babes and laughs out endlessly!

Anonymous said... may be interested in this analysis. I like the part where the author points out the obvious ---> In 2020, Joe Biden and his campaign officials didn’t hold government positions, so there’s no possible First Amendment violation. No one “ordered” Twitter to do anything. And even if Trump administration officials had been the ones to flag the photos, posting unauthorized pictures of someone else’s genitalia is clearly against Twitter policies. According to Taibbi, Twitter occasionally gets and acts on requests like this from both Democrats and Republicans.

Another Hyped “Hunter Biden Laptop” Reveal Flops
Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi said the "Twitter Files" would show a political scandal, but the information itself did the opposite

Another excerpt: Suspecting that the “Hunter Biden laptop” may have contained hacked material was reasonable in October 2020 when the story broke, and still is.

Earlier that year, cybersecurity researchers reported that Russian military intelligence had hacked Burisma, a Ukrainian company where Hunter Biden had worked. The laptop story came to the New York Post via Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal attorney, who had spent months trying to drum up dirt on the Bidens via Ukraine. That effort, which ultimately involved then-President Trump withholding legally-allocated military aid to extort Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky into manufacturing an investigation of the Bidens, prompted Trump’s first impeachment. Additionally, U.S. counterintelligence had warned the White House that Russian intelligence targeted Giuliani, trying to use him, with or without his knowledge, as a conduit for misinformation.

So a known target of a Russian influence operation is shopping around a story about a known target of Russian hacking, and his story of the laptop’s chain of custody has holes. This doesn’t prove the laptop held some information Russia hacked—it’s never been proven or disproven—but it does raise suspicion. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and other media outlets passed on the story, because they investigated and couldn’t verify it. That too doesn’t disprove it, but it shows that both mainstream and conservative media outlets were suspicious.

Multiple New York Post reporters turned it down too, for the same reason. The Post eventually ran it under the bylines of Gabrielle Fonrouge and Emma-Jo Morris. Fonrouge, a Post reporter since 2014, had little to do with the story and learned her name was on it only after it was published. Morris, who previously worked as an associate producer for Sean Hannity at Fox, was the Post’s deputy politics editor and it was her first byline. She wrote eleven New York Post stories, all but one of which are about Hunter Biden, and is now politics editor at Breitbart.

With all that, Twitter decided to treat the Post story as a potential violation of its hacked material policy, going so far as to prevent anyone from posting it. That’s fully within Twitter’s First Amendment rights, but I think it went too far. Big tech companies aren’t the government, but do exercise a degree of government-like control over swaths of public communication, and I don’t like the idea of Silicon Valley executives deciding which stories published by established media organizations users can share. Allowing people to post it but adding a warning label about the suspicion would’ve threaded the needle, with Twitter not complicit in laundering and disseminating potentially hacked material, and users not stopped from sharing a published piece.

Anonymous said...


There's not a "team of attorneys"...

His grifting donor box "budget" included just $6000 evidently for CYA attorney review.

Remember...this guy was sneaking seditionists into the oval office who were trying to convince Trump he won and could "legally" just take over our country as "President in residence"....forever.

He's the most woke kid I have ever listened to.

Can't find the audio again but he whines endlessly and to whoever will listen about being systematically persecuted supposedly as a white Christian.


Anonymous said...

Attorneys General release full transcript of Fauci's 7-Hour deposition

He has blood on his hands.

Anonymous said...

71% of Americans Say Our Elections Are Rigged

"It only took six years for the FBI and the CIA and the NSA and DHS to subvert our constitutional republic so publicly that the vast majority of Americans now believe that we live in a techno-fascist oligarchy with a permanent bureaucracy of left-wing activists in charge of the federal government.

That’s a titanic shift in public opinion without parallel in the history of our nation.

That’s what happens when you install FBI agents as election directors in Arizona, and then shut down voting machines only in the red precincts of Maricopa County on Election Day."

Anonymous said...

How is it Fauci's fault that millions of republicans decided to politicize safe and effective vaccines resulting in the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of extra americans in 2021 due to covid?

7 reasons we know that ANTI-VAXXER vaccine excess death claims are LIES

RayB said...

What do you make of this?

Ukraine is shutting down Russian Orthodox churches ... while,

Putin Signs Into Law Sweeping Ban On "LGBT Propaganda"

Anonymous said...

For those that tend to scoff at my Opus Dei conspiracy theories...

here's what might happen now that Rome runs our US Supreme Court...the ONLY reason to support this is if you want to destroy any notion voting matters at all. Will Rome show restraint? I doubt it.

Why SCOTUS Could Be About to Unleash Frankenstein’s Monster: As the Supreme Court prepares to start hearing arguments in Moore v Harper, many believe democracy is on the line.

Excerpt: In Moore v. Harper—scheduled for oral argument on Wednesday, Dec. 7—the Supreme Court will decide whether to resurrect the previously dead “Independent State Legislature Theory”–in a way that some commentators believe may pose “an existential threat to our democracy” and could enable “the Republican blueprint to steal the 2024 election.”

Proponents of the “ISLT”–Independent State Legislature Theory–believe that the U.S. Constitution bestows unreviewable power upon state legislatures to determine how congressional elections–and by extension Presidential elections–are conducted.

The case is so controversial that more than 70 amicus briefs–“friends of the court”–have been submitted, including everyone from former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to the ACLU, with 48 of them being opposed to the legitimacy of the ISLT.

Just what is the ISLT? Its proponents claim that the “Elections Clause” of the U.S. Constitution, which states that state legislatures shall prescribe the “Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,” means no court can review any actions taken by a state legislatures with regards to voting in the state.

Anonymous said...

9:33 PM,

Your preface is so circular I'm dizzy.

Anonymous said...

Hot winds burn him,
Burning as he falls;

Cast away,
Speechless in the holy way
I survive;

The scourge and banishing
To scorching lands below,
Joe is lord, he takes command!

Forgive me not,
This knowledge makes Joe strong,
To resurrect
The cities of the damned;

All the treasures of Sodom
Now belong to him, Celebrate!
Rebel angels take X's hands....

Anonymous said...

Nancy longs for his flesh,
And his desire
Lust controls him now,
Consume X's soul;

He writhes in the flesh and the sins of hell,
X loves Belial,
While Joe bends his knees not, but for his selfish desires!

lyrics by RayB, Richard

Anonymous said...

Pazuzu transform me,
Thy storm will cleanse me,
Restrained? X shall not be.....
By God's holy stones of laws!

X falls below the earth,
He smells Ole Joe's putrid breath,
His fiends encircle him,
They speak his name in tongues!

For he's no human now,
He burn the ways conform,
Dark gods are pleased with him,
They shout Joe's name in tongues!

lyrics by paul, Richard, RayB

Anonymous said...

Oh Azazel!
X begs for wings of three,
As he flies into the storm,
The Donald, son of fire, in fury become........
The lightning bolts that strike the earth!

X is the seer,
he loathes the texts divine;
Thunder words,
Demons run into his eyes!

Anonymous said...

Kirstie Alley died suddenly today.

She was unvaccinated

Anonymous said...

Rayb asked...What do you make of this?

It appears Zelinski is aware of and seeks to shut down the treasonous actions of a anti-Christian cult in the Ukraine who are cooperating with the enemy while Putin does what authoritarians and fascists do...he's scapegoating his and his nation's problems onto a defenseless minority and persecuting them.

The LGBTQ community is a mission field, not a subset of humanity to ridicule, arrest, torture and imprison.

It's not like Putin is emphasizing the sharing the Gospel.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18 KJV

Debate...not hate.

Bibles...not AK47's


p.s. - I'm not celebrating or defending the LGBTQ merely pitying them as they endure mistreatment under the false leadership of a tyrant hell-bent on scapegoating them (and endure blameshifting here in the US by effeminate maga men ironically parading around in military drag costumes who themselves obviously were not hugged enough as babies).

"And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:11 ESV

Anonymous said...

They have a chance to be saved, but it certainly won’t be through Putin for he brings nothing but death and destruction. Only through the gospel, the power of God into salvation.

You can call me a Marxist while praising a communist like Putin or claim I’m some horrible person for not supporting your new age Maga cult and it’s heretic leaders but no one can claim I’m ashamed of the Gospel.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 (NASB 1995)


RayB said...

Once again (SURPRISE!) X purposely confuses the issue being discussed:

The Russian law is against LGBTQ+ indoctrination, via PROPAGANDA in particular, when it comes to young people, a group that just so happens to be highly susceptible to being brainwashed.

There is NOTHING in the Russian law that calls for the authorities to "... ridicule, arrest, torture and imprison" homosexuals per se. AGAIN, it is a law that forbids the spread of their agenda via propaganda and no doubt, offenders will be prosecuted. Kind of similar to laws governing child pornography.

Get it?

RayB said...

As is typical, X broad brushes the entire Russian Orthodox community by referring to them as an "anti-Christian cult in the Ukraine."

On what specific basis is Russian Orthodoxy a "cult" X??? Care to explain?

RayB said...

Right out of the Hillary Clinton playbook:

Fauci transcript released, says ‘I don’t recall’ a whopping 174 times

(READ that AGAIN ... 'I don't recall' 174 TIMES)

From the article:

What is it with high-profile Democrats and sudden onsets of amnesia? Did the modern Mengele hire Hillary’s lawyers?

Yesterday afternoon Eric Schmitt, Senator-elect and current Attorney General from Missouri, dropped the full transcript from a recent deposition involving Anthony Fauci — after a tally, Fauci had used the politician’s cliché “I don’t recall” a total of 174 times.

Schmitt also detailed that in February of 2020, Fauci instructed a colleague to forgo the mask, but then just a few short months later, pushed for “universal mask mandates” — we don’t call him Flip-Flop Fauci for nothing.


Anonymous said...

Rutgers professor says that "white people are committed to being villains" and falsely claims that Africans arrived in North America before white Europeans.

"Whiteness is going to have an end date". "We gotta take these muthafuckers out".

RayB said...

X states:

"The LGBTQ community is a mission field, not a subset of humanity to ridicule, arrest, torture and imprison.

It's not like Putin is emphasizing the sharing the Gospel."

NOTE: Interpretation of this ridiculous statement:

X is stating that the LGBTQ 'community' should be ALLOWED to spread their propaganda in order to INDOCTRINATE children. Instead of passing a LAW to prohibit LGBTQ propaganda, Russia (and Putin) should just emphasize 'sharing the Gospel.'

Question for you X: is this what you believe should be done with producers, peddlers and purchasers of Child Pornography?

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 9:55 AM

Speaking of Hillary's Lawyers(shouldn't Hillary get a referral fee)?

Sam Brinkman-Frieds Former Girlfriend and Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison Spotted in NYC - Now Has Clinton Lawyer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Radical Soros Backed Group Boosts Warnock Campaign Funding Ahead of Runoff

J said...

Europe First: Brussels gets ready to dump its free trade ideals

J said...

Yes, I know that Utah Republicans don't represent Republicans across the whole country. But it's still a surprising result to see Liz Cheney polling ahead of Donald Trump in Utah.

Trump trails DeSantis and Cheney in Utah poll of possible 2024 GOP contenders

J said...

Fox Business host Stuart Varney three months ago:

Stuart Varney: Democrats, media will never get over Trump derangement syndrome

Anonymous said...


Why would it surprise you that Liz Cheney polls ahead of Donald Trump in Utah, or anywhere? She has the media's backing. At least more so than Trump

J said...

Fox Business host Stuart Varney today:

Fox Business host nails Trump for threat to Constitution

Anonymous said...

A Corrupt, Evil Regime Intent on Imprisoning Trump

Anonymous said...

J @ 12:37 PM

Even FOX is corrupted.

You have a young child at home, what kind of world do you want for him? A uniparty, oppressive totalitarian regime, intent on two classes of people? The secular godless wealthy overlords, and the slave subjects! Do you think Imprisoning Trump, a sinner, but innocent of what he is being accused of, would that be the dangerous world you want for him?

J said...

12:41 PM,

Did the American Thinker tell you anywhere in the article that Donald Trump just made an unforced error on his own Truth Social account on Saturday, December 3? And that Trump's own unforced error just made it easier than ever before to indict him?

Have you not been informed of what Trump really just wrote on Truth Social? Look it up.

Some 4D chess player. Trust the plan? He has no plan.

Michael Cohen said Trump tended to go with the advice of the last person who whispered in his ear. He must not have very good Trump Whisperers these days, but he was never good at picking personnel.

But keep on blaming everybody except Donald Trump.

J said...

12:48 PM,

A world in which nobody is above the law is the kind of world I want my son to live in when he grows up and I am dead.

Please read what Donald Trump wrote on his Truth Social account on December 3.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the insane depth of hatred here for Trump, there are a lot of U.S. Presidents that are much more worthy of contempt, than Trump, oh ye blind Pharisees.

Trump is an insider himself, far far from perfect, but his nationalist focus is massively less dangerous than Lucifers New Age, New World order, that seeks to overthrow the God of the bible, and wipe His people off the face of the earth!

Oh Ye blind Pharisees.

Anonymous said...

My Boston television network is still pumping the COVID vax 24/7. That will never stop, until everything stops.

Constance says it's not the Mark of the Beast. Maybe so, but it is a precursor, and it is unclean. It is also a massive part of the New Age Globalists agenda. Why would anyone against Satan's devices sup with said Devil?

Many have been forced to partake of the unclean thing to keep their job. Those same people will likely take the Mark to keep their job. Say NO now, rather than YES later, and lose your soul?

2 Corinthians 7:1

"Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."

How many people do you know, that didn't partake of the dirty jab, say: "I didn't get it out of reverence for God". ???? That should be the main reason.

Anonymous said...

President Satan + the other President Satan

Birds of a feather

Anonymous said...


"come on man!" Sound familiar? That, 'no one is above the law' mantra, has been worn thin by the deep state. They can get it to print anytime they can use it to their gain. It won't hold water because it's a sieve!

J, list the law/laws that Trump has broken, the merits of his imprisonment?

Anonymous said...

that merits

Anonymous said...

List em J.

J said...

1:18 PM,

But most people aren't even getting boosters anymore. I don't think anybody here besides Constance and X have stated that they have been vaccinated.

I've never disagreed with opposition to vaccine mandates. I won't forget that the Biden administration sought vaccine mandates. I don't comment about it because it's a past threat.

If the threat returns, rest assured I'll be right there with you opposing vaccine mandates.

Vaccine passports for travel, being global, will be far more difficult to oppose. The WEF and the WHO don't have to answer to American voters or to any voters anywhere.

Anonymous said...

"Rutgers professor says that "white people are committed to being villains" and falsely claims that Africans arrived in North America before white Europeans."

Well, if they did, they left nothing here to prove it, not even a bridge across a small creek.

Blacks are the most cognitively deficient race in world history.

They need the Whites, not the other way around!

J said...

1:49 PM,

That will be for the DOJ to determine. Trump should have his due process.

Trump's December 3 Truth Social post just made it much easier for a prosecutor to prove that he intended to be disloyal to his oath to the Constitution of the United States of America. Intent is very difficult to prove. A social media post is admissible evidence in a court of law.

Is it sufficient evidence to put Trump in prison - not by itself, but in addition to the testimony of a chain of people who each flipped on the ones above them? Heck if I know. I'm no legal expert.

Ask Jack Smith, but I don't think he'll answer you yet.

J said...

Beijing no longer requires negative COVID test to enter many public spaces

Anonymous said...

My question would be why would anyone want to re-elect a man who has demonstrated questionable loyalty and certainly the inability to handle classified material to the top post in the country with full access again to all classified material?

I know MAGA didn't care about his character but isn't there any bottom to the minimum qualifications for the job?

Absent continued and successful efforts to suppress the vote, how is Trump going to convince any of those 81 million persons that largely voted against him that somehow after all this AND Jan 6th (which happened AFTER the last vote) that they should switch over and now vote for him?

btw...I paid $3.07 for Gas today. Biden is cleaning up the economy despite Trump's attempt to destroy it.


J said...

Ousted Twitter counsel Jim Baker vetted 'Twitter Files' without Elon Musk's knowledge, Matt Taibbi reveals

J said...

Bill Gates will join Fauci this week to dictate U.S. government health 'priorities for the future'

Anonymous said...

Go FuK yourself X, you twisted serpent!

You leftists have your head jammed up your backside good n tight. It would take several powerlifters to pull your heads out.

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