Friday, February 07, 2025

Fr. Tiso’s Tragic Theological Mistake - Helped lead to his death by hanging

Fr. Joszep Tiso (1887 - 1947) was born in Hungary to a large devout Catholic family. He was an astute scholar and excelled in both his scholastic and language abilities. His language skills included several languages including Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic. He went on to study for the priesthood. He specialized in social justice issues of combating poverty and alcoholism. His social justice track led him to a political career. During his long political career which culminated in him becoming the President of Slovakia, he maintained a simple lifestyle, continuing his work as a parish priest and often sleeping on floors in monasteries, shunning regal homes sometimes used by religious prelates.

Nevertheless, his life ended in brutality to Jews, collaboration with Hitler, and his Execution by hanging for war crimes.

Many of his fellow prelates and the Vatican had opposed Hitler’s moves toward them; however, although reportedly initially resistant, Fr. Tiso gave into them. Why?

Some have reported that Tiso’s antisemitism developed as a result of his work for the poor. He cited Jewish merchants as exploiters of the poor in his communities. He once opened a competing grocery store to sell at lower prices more affordable to the poor he sought to aid.

One of his major biographers, James Ward, has cited compromise and collaboration as major problems in the complicated life of this man Tiso who evidently started with pure intentions.

BUT, there was a major issue with Fr. Tiso’s theology, devout as he might have been. He overlooked major scriptural warnings against self-love. Quoting, we read:

The central, irradicable stain on Tiso’s story was his involvement in the Holocaust and other violations of human rights. In 1942, for example, in the western Slovak town of Holic, Tiso briefly commented on his state’s Jewish policy:

People ask if what we do is Christian. Is it human? Isn’t it robbery? But I ask: is it Christian if the Slovak nation wants to rid itself of its eternal enemy -- the Jew? Is it Christian? Love of self is a command from God, and this love of self commands me to remove . . . everything that damages me or threatens my life. [Emphasis added] I don’t think I need to convince anyone that the Jewish element threatened the lives of Slovaks, , , , We determined that the Jews that made up only 5 percent of the population, had 38% of the national income! , , , It would have looked even worse if we hadn’t pulled ourselves together in time, if we hadn’t purged them from us. And we did so according to divine command: Slovak, cast off your parasite.

Sadly, this sounds so very much like what we are hearing from President Trump’s lips about Mexicans and others he considers “unwanted foreigners” as well as what he calls “enemies from within: -- those who raise eyebrows against him.

Now, Fr. Tiso wore priestly vestments and worshiped regularly and presumably had read the holy books rather than merely holding a Bible in front of a Washington, DC church as did President Trump at his photo op opportunity on June 20, 2020. Trump, according to those who knew him the best, say that he assiduously avoided most churchgoing -- other than Norman Vincent Peale who did preach self-love. Trump has declared that he does not go to God to seek forgiveness. His former attorney Michael Cohen reported that Trump bowed his head with Evangelicals in meetings arranged by Cohen and when they left Trump mocked the beliefs of the participants.

Now for the huge flaws in Tiso’s biblical theology:

1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men . . . 2nd Timothy 3:1 - 5 (KJV) (Emphasis in bold added).

Besides the Lover of One’s Own self problem, the other major one with Tiso as well as those presently collaborating with Trump, Musk, and Bannon is COLLABORATION. So many politicians and true Biblical Christians know or should know that Trump’s statements about fellow human beings who like us were made in God’s image are false and untrue. Nevertheless, they follow out of fear of being cast from their church, their political party, their economic base

For the record, the Book of Revelation included cowardice as one of the fatal sins:

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful [cowards], and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:7-8 (KJV) [Boldface emphasis added]

Be forewarned and stay tuned! My next article will feature on Steve Bannon’s role -- I have placed a video relevant thereto to the top of my previous article. I look forward to your comments -- please keep them civil.  If you would like a copy of this article replete with footnotes and other images, please email me at with message line reading TISO.


Saturday, February 01, 2025

Hidden Dangers of Collaboration with Would-be Authoritarian leaders Pandering to Christian communities - Trump and Tiso - Part I


Donald John Trump was inaugurated for his second, non-sequential term  on January 20. 2025.  Although that has been less than two weeks ago, it seems to me like a very, slow, painful dragged out lifetime.  To those of my many friends who proclaimed their wish for Trump to return to power, my standard response became "I hope you are right and I am wrong."

It appears that the opposite is rapidly becoming the case.  Trump is rapidly making enemies of most USA allies and friends of authoritarian dictators of Russia, China, Hungary (Viktor Orban), and others.

He has already begun economic war against Canada and Mexico.  Twenty-five percent tariffs will cripple their economies and perhaps ours as well.  So much of our produce comes from Mexico, the potential impact on grocery produce prices should be obvious.  Combined with deportation and establishing of virtual concentration camps for immigrants, who will be picking crops here?  No importation and lack of willing labor to pick crops here, kiss your tomatoes goodbye!

Trump did not place his hand on the Bible for his oath of office.  In that oath of office, he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.  On DAY ONE, the only day he used to say he would act as a dictator, he did.  Blatantly disregarding the plain language of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, he signed an Executive Order ending Birthright Citizenship -- a person BORN in the United States and subject to the laws thereof (anybody here, except perhaps children of diplomats).  He either ignorantly (or more likely dishonestly) told all that we were the only country in the world allowing birthright citizenship.  NOT TRUE.  There are at least another 30 countries doing so, including Colombia.

Those of us with eyes to see clearly witnessed the shocking events post-election of 2020.  In early December of that year, we viewed the video and tape recording of Donald Trump demanding that born-again-Christian, conservative Republican Secretary of State Raffensperger "find me 11,780 votes."  Next was January 6, 2021 and Trump's obvious inflammatory speech to the huge mob he had endeavored to bring to Washington for his "Stop the Steal" rally and the obvious violence that followed in its wake.  Gallows were hung for Christian vice-president Mike Pence.  

If that didn't shock Christian consciences, maybe nothing would.  Trump did nothing to stop most of the violence while it was in progress.  

I never was a fan of Biden's non right to life policies nor of his same-sex marriage advocacy.  However, Biden clearly won that election.  Trump vigorously pursued his Hitlerian Big-Lie strategy, convincing Christians who were virtually cannonizing Trump as their modern-day Savior.

Trump reportedly had 81% of Evangelical and Catholic right-to-lifer votes in this past November election.  Why?  Too many leaders who should have been more concerned with souls than political power backed him and steered their flocks in his direction.  And now, it appears that the Beast that was dead has come back to life and the one person with present technology to implement the ominous prophecies of Revelation 13 regarding the mark of the Beast is by Trump's side and acting as his enforcer -- Elon Musk.

I do believe we may be in the beginning of the very tribulation itself and that it is only a matter of time until Trump believes he no longer needs us and needs Musk's money and support more.  I believe we are in for very rocky times ahead, considering some of the recent Trump actions:

    - Demand to take Greenland from Denmark, if necessary by military force;

    - Demand for return of Panama Canal - if necessary by military force;

   - Demand for Canada to become our 51st state, with economic 25% tariff rate to enforce it;

  - Plans to send in USA troops on a "soft invasion" of Mexico to "root out troops."

 - Demand that Gulf of Mexico now be known as "Gulf of America."

All that and so much more is happening.  My next post, I am going to tell you about the very sad end of a Catholic priest who obviously started with good intentions and sanctity, but by compromise with authoritarian types (Hitler) eventually became President of then Slovakia (Czechslovakia), helped deport those "poisoning their blood" (Jews), and was ultimately in 1947 executed as a war criminal.  His name is Joszep Tiso.  It is an important lesson for all Christians who would violate parts of the 10 Commandments (Thou shalt not kill) cum "Total obliteration" of those Trump deems enemies such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, FBI, and others.  Stay tuned.

I had very serious health issues the last 2 1/2 years and still do.  That has kept me from following and posting as much as I would like.  But, as long as the Lord gives me strength, I'm back, even though many of you might not like what I have to say.

Stay tuned!
