Dear Friends:
This Covid19 (novel coronavirus) crisis has brought much of our world to a crashing halt. I have been under treatment for wet type macular eye degeneration since late 2017. My retinal specialist told me today that my eye scans are showing progress and for that I rejoice.
However, I am fearing new health issues that may be of more severity. I had blood tests taken in February. I was not told of any results. My husband asked me to stop by our doctor's office and pick something up -- I thought he meant his own recent test results for which I asked and was given. I then asked if I could please have my own report of the February tests. Most results were normal and unremarkable. However, I noticed one highlighted item that was a greatly elevated eosinophil count.
I placed an inquiring account to my doctor after I googled and learned for the first time a new term, "eosinophil." That call has not been returned. I understand. Our doctor like about everybody else has been more than overworked through this pandemic season.
However, recently, I have noticed my facial skin getting dryer and dryer. Today, I noticed that in parts it was nearly bright red including portions of my upper front neck. I did some googling to seek what that might be a possible symptom of. To my horror, I came up with many references to it being an indication of eosinophilic disorders--some possibly serious, even fatal.
I have been more fatigued than usual lately. I am still doing limited amounts of court work for my past clients who still seek me out for their personal emergencies.
I do not know what lies ahead, but I will confess that I am more than a little apprehensive. My husband Barry is severely disabled and I have had some mobility issues lately. I have outlived 3 of my younger siblings already who died of natural causes.
I do not know exactly medically is in store for me, but I will confess apprehension and possibly fright tonight. Hopefully, it is nothing significant, as I feel still have much to do in my work in informing and warning of significant developments on the now re-burgeoning New Age/Mindfulness/Occupy Movements scene.
Please, please keep me and my family personally in your prayers. I am praying the Lord will show me His will and give me the grace to accept what may come.