
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Worst book of the year, so far -- by Helgard Muller

Dear Readers:

It's been a bad year for me health wise and I'm delighted Richard Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") is assisting me.  There are so many developments on so many ugly fronts, it is difficult to keep up.  I am increasingly concerned about Evangelical and conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump, the raft of books proclaiming that Trump is God's chosen instrument.Donald John Trump is THE CHRIST.  Here's opening paragraphs from the worst I've read, PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP, THE SON OF MAN, THE CHRIST.  No, that was not referring to Jesus.  It was referring to Donald Trump.

Here is the opening paragraphs from that horribly blasphemous book by Trump groupie Helgard Muller:

"PRESIDENT DONALD J. Trump is the King of Kings, And Lord of Lords! The Son of Man who will be seen seated in the place of power at God's right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven! You have read that correctly! President Donald Trump is the Christ for this age! The Son of King David! Prophecies of Jesus and all the prophets point to President Donald J. Trump as the Son of Man, the Christ. People, Christians, and Jews are not aware of how many prophecies President Donald Trump of the United States has fulfilled in his presidency as the Son of Man." 

And, here's the cover of the so-far worst book of the year:



  1. "the Christ for this age" obviously the writer is a New Ager of the Blavatsky and Alice bailey stripe not the blithering incoherent meditative vegan yoga and promiscuity and realign your chakras so kundalini can move more freely sort you usually run into. Or the usual new age compromised type of evangelical charismatic who draws circles or does other occultic stuff they are so ignorant of witchcraft they don't recognize it.

    Blasphemous is barely descriptive enough about this book! I'm not bothering to read it of course, the excerpt is clear enough.

    "Helgard Muller grew up amid the majestic scenery surrounding a small town called Louis Trichardt, at the foothills of the Soutpansberg mountains in the Transvaal province of South Africa. As a young boy, he dreamed and had visions about the five Gods. His dreams and visions inspired him to write this book." this from his book descripton on The Five Gods of The Bible, incoherent chaos that manages to top that of the JPED higher criticism nonsense.

  2. This book was discussed in the comments portion of the previous thread. The author claims there are TWO "Christs", bifurcating "the Son of God" and "the Son of Man". Jesus is the Son of God, Trump is the Son of Man.

    Müller's first self-published book The Five Gods of the Bible has the germinations of the second. From the intro: "...Jesus gave several distinctions to differentiate the Son of God from the Son of Man, and that these two Sons have their own monarchy..."

    I don't think either book will gain much traction.

  3. I had read a bit at Amazon via its "LOOK INSIDE" feature. The author, in essence, claims the book was practically dictated to him. Of course, this is indicative of occultic automatic writing—just like A. A. Bailey, e.g.

    And, as with occult works 'based on' Christian Scriptures, it cleverly twists truths. For example, his claim that “Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person” is correct. However, e.g., in John 12, Jesus identifies Himself as the Son of Man to anyone with 'an ear to hear' (KJV):

    23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified...

    By "glorified", John's Gospel means the events surrounding Jesus' crucifixion.


    26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

    27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.

    28 Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again...

    30 Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

    31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

    32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth [i.e. crucified and Ascended to be with the Father (John 17:5)], will draw all men unto me.

    33 This he said, signifying what death he should die.

    34 The people answered him, We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever: and how sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up? who is this Son of man?

    Oh, the obtuseness of His contemporaries!

    35 Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light [Himself] with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    David Petraeus: US May Lead Multinational Force Against Russia in Ukraine

  5. Anonymous10:53 AM


    I agree the book is New Age garbage, but there are much bigger dragons to slay!

    The last days for this nation are here, and the bigger, and biggest issue Christians need to be concerned about now, is the Democrats obsession to start World War 3, and the demonic perversions being done to children.

    Don't you think Y'shua is more concerned with the demonic treatment of born, and unborn children? Or is Y'shua worried about the 'Orange Man'???

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "Nobody said you wouldn't get COVID if your vaccinated?" Oh,really?

  7. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Pharmaceuticals - The Sorceries of Babylon

  8. Hope you are feeling better. Just read what's happened. you need to most to Wordpress. Because this blogger site is overrun with trolls.

    My Best,

    Eye on the Republic

  9. a south African who wrote a book about the five gods of the Bible.
    So not exactly a Christian beliver.

  10. Anonymous9:34 AM

    President Satan Says It's Wrong for States to Ban Puberty Blockers and Sex Reassignment Surgery For Children (VIDEO)

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Profile in Courage:

    Newly Sworn Alberta Premier Plans to Make it Illegal to Discriminate Based on COVID-19 Vaccination Status

  12. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Where's the cure, doc? Corruption of Big Pharma and the Medical System

  13. Anonymous10:51 AM

    That book is crap.

    Just toilet paper.

    It's a distraction.
    And nobody will read it except exceptionally weird people who are trying to find their next level fantasy.

    It doesn't deserve a mention it's so dumb.

  14. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Biden on His Unconstitutional Student Loan Bailout: "It Passed. I got it Passed by a vote or Two"

    But Congress never voted on Biden's loan bailout plan.

    This is a brazen lie.

  15. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Stellar. She displays such leadership. She cut right to the chase, right past the nonsensical fluff right to the stuff.

    New Alberta Premier Danielle Smith On Sovereignty Act, Feds And Working With AHS
    Oct 11, 2022


  16. I am utterly amazed that Constance would devote ANY time and effort on such an obvious, complete compilation of trash.

    Constance writes: "I am increasingly concerned about Evangelical and conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump..."

    Why is it that I NEVER run into any of these types that Constance is "concerned" about?


    If you really believe that there is a diabolical danger regarding 'christians' believing that Trump is the 'christ,' in your words ... have I got a bridge to sell you!

    Seriously, there are A LOT more important things to be warning people about. One, for example, is Rome's renewal of their demonic agreement with Communist China.
    Or, perhaps, that isn't a concern for you?

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM


    I'm glad that you're feeling better and are well enough to return to blogging. I hope we'll be seeing more of you here.

    Trump is a willing participant in all of this:

    10/21/22 The pro-QAnon/MAGA Trump rally at Spooky Nook Sports (for real, LOL) in Pennsylvania to Reawaken America with Eric Trump, Roger Stone, Mike Lindell, Mike Flynn, and Donald Trump by cell phone, along with many others including a few "prophets." Joe Shapiro (democrat) and Doug Mastriano (republican), candidates running for PA Governor, were no-shows. (For the record, Mastriano has embraced Christian nationalism and NAR doctrine such as the 7-Mountain heresy).

    One speaker says the ‘Angel of Death’ is coming for various government officials, and God is reinstating Trump to the presidency by the end of the year. Mastriano's 'campaign prophet' Julie Green, "prophesied" for God that Trump will be restored to the presidency, calling Trump the son of God.



  18. Constance,

    Virtually NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells is going to read that trashy New Age book. Even fewer will believe its contents.

    Here's a topic that you may want to explore that is REALLY having a negative, evil impact on CHILDREN'S LIVES:

    Joe Biden: Republicans ‘Immoral’ for Blocking Transgender Procedures for Children

    From the article:

    President Joe Biden on Sunday denounced Republican efforts to block transgender procedures for children in their states.

    “I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that, as a moral question or a legal question I just think it’s wrong, ” Biden said.

    NOTE: I'm becoming increasingly concerned about professing Christians that continue to turn a blind eye on the CURRENT President, while focussing almost ALL of their efforts upon the FORMER President.

    It almost appears to be some type of idol worship of Biden, who happens to be the Leader of a Death Cult.

  19. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Cult worship comes in many forms, with many players.
    Take your pick these days.
    Celebrity this and that, within politics and outside of it, and Trump has celebrity status with some, no question about that.

    But I can't figure out why Trump is considered the only one at a research blog when so much is happening in real time where the real battle lines are being drawn right under people's noses.

    Particularly when this tripe about him is so obvious and screeching for attention while lots of clandestine globalist policies and propaganda are nearing their destination to bring the New World Order right to our doorsteps and very soon too.

    How crafty of the devil to play this shell game. Giving Trump this much attention is the real distraction.

    I guess too many people want to pay attention to the boogeyman they know, not the one they don't, but by now, they should, especially in this venue.

  20. Anonymous1:00 PM

    It just irks RayB’s a$$ to see any criticism of orange man. Maybe it’s time to set aside his idol.

  21. Anonymous1:06 PM

    1:00 really misses the point, and probably routinely.

  22. Mail-in Ballots declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

    NY Judge Delivers Blow to Democrats’ Plans to Use Covid ‘Emergency’ as Indefinite Excuse for Mail-In Ballots

    From the article:

    A New York judge has delivered a massive blow to states that intend to use the Covid “emergency” as a justification for no-excuse absentee ballots. Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone dismantled the Democratic Party’s attempt to make the practice permanent.


  23. If it looks like a cult, talks like a cult, and acts like a cult, it probably is a cult.

    What does the Dear Leader of this Death Cult stand for?

    Codifying abortion into Federal Law.

    Promoting abortion on demand, right up until the moment of birth.

    Promoting the anti-Christ LGBTQ+ agenda.

    Supporting a CHILDREN's 'decision' to transgender and mutilate their bodies, as young as 8 years old.

    Sure sounds like a Death Cult to me. But, BUT, BUT ... let's get our feathers ruffled over an obscure, idiotic, new age 'book' that declares that Donald Trump is the 'christ.' ROFL !

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "I don't think either book will gain much traction.

    8:42 AM"

    I bet you are right. A few might buy into it.

    So let's go with the flavor of the week, shall we?
    Because of deep ignorance of the Word of God many will fall for the many other choices out there and follow idols of their own imaginations because idols come in many "appealing" flavors.


  25. In case you missed it (check it out), on the previous thread, X posted a transcript by Robert Kennedy Jr. in which RFK supposedly trashed PRESIDENT Trump over his environmental policies, which he claimed cost the lives of 18,000 Americans annually.

    The only problem is that RFK's speech was made in 2005 during Bush's term. X, however, the liar that he is, inserted "Trump" in the transcript, making it appear that Kennedy was referring to Trump, instead of BUSH.

    So get this; Trump is now being blamed for environmental policies that were implemented in 2005 by George W. Bush ! ROFL !

    Wacko liberals will go to any and every extreme. They are driven by their obcessive hatred of Donald Trump. This really is a derangement syndrome.

  26. Anonymous1:22 PM

    That book is being passed out at trump rallies. Orange man recently posted a picture of himself on truth social wearing a Q pen along with the Q mantra Where we go one we go all. Only an idiot would be rolling on the floor laughing at that.

  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    So show us what you saw then, 1:22 PM.

  28. Anonymous2:37 PM

    1:21 PM RayB,

    dr X would never lie, he is a middle of the road 'christian' guy!

  29. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It is incredible how Linda's posts are written exactly like dr X posts?

    X posts slow, or stop, when Linda posts more often.

    Just a coincidence probably.

  30. Anonymous3:04 PM


    Joe dances with the Dead in his dreams,
    he snickers at their muffled screams.....

    X has been burning the Coal......
    At last 'tis time to pay the great Toll!

  31. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Blood-suckin' Black Boys of the night....
    Nocturnal orcs hiding from cops' lights....
    Screams blasting from the graveyard fights....
    Eagerly awaiting bites.....

  32. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Phantom thugs from the Ghetto Hell,
    A life of hatred is one in which they dwell;

    Insane with lust, to your bedroom X does creep....
    Addicted to the Dawn the Negro Sleeps

  33. Anonymous3:23 PM

    On Sale now for Halloween pre-orders.....

    Rich's full track list with lyrics =

    1. Saint George Floyd in Hell
    2. Tyrone the Crypt-Keeper
    3. Throne of Fire
    4. Ghetto Nightmares
    5. At Dawn the Negro Sleeps
    6. The Mad Dr. Golliwog
    7. Urban Warfare
    8. Haunting the White House

    .....and many more classics!

  34. Anonymous3:58 PM

    LOST AND CONFUSED BIDEN Lashes Out at "MEGA" Republicans in Latest Speech

  35. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:40 PM, here's one for ya.

  36. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Even if Trump fully accepted support from Qanon, knowing full well as he does, that it is phoney. He would still be a very small fraction as wicked, soulless, corrupt, and just pure evil, as the brain dead dirtbag that was installed, and that is destroying this country right now, and he most joyfully serves the prince of this world!

    Why those here, who strain so hard at the Trump gnat, is an indication of how amoral, dumb, distracted, foolish, and blind, 'so called' christians here, truly are!

  37. Anonymous5:48 PM

    5:36 PM’s god being Trump shows what a filthy fascist cesspool this blog comments section has become.

  38. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Watch: Biden's Brain Reboots Mid-Interview

    One of the comments from this post really sums things up so well:

    "Biden is the perfect tool for the actual (((string pullers))). He is a pervert, he is compromised, he is corrupt, and he is completely compliant with whatever they type into his teleprompter. It's these moments when he DOESN'T have that teleprompter that the real dead puppet appears."

    "The fact that there is so little outrage and concern over this Manchurian Reprobate is what is most disconcerting. The dumbed-down and amoral populace of this country surely deserves all of the pain and suffering which is nigh."

  39. Anonymous5:55 PM

    5:48 PM

    My God is NOT Trump. It is the God of the Holy Scriptures. You make yourself a fool. You fit right in with the others here who show their foolishness.


  40. X has fessed up on the previous thread. He LIED and got caught. He admitted to his purposeful deception. That's a nice gesture on X's part. Too bad he won't admit to the boat load of lies he's told in the past ... but, you never know. He fessed up to this whopper, maybe he will on at least some of the others?

    In case you missed it, this is what happened:

    X had posted the transcript of RFK Jr's environmental speech back in 2005 and attempted to fool you into thinking it was a speech RFK gave about PRESIDENT Trump back in 2020. RFK was referring to Bush back in 2005, who was POTUS back in 2005. But that didn't stop X, who took the liberty of inserting the name 'TRUMP' whenever RFK used the term 'president' or 'administration.' Unfortunately for X, X got caught in his lies. X expected the readers of his post to not go to the video link that he posted, but rather, just read the brief transcript which X distorted to make it look like RFK was talking about Trump, and not Bush. Clever attempt at promoting liberal, anti-Trump propaganda, but he got caught.

    Like all wolves in sheep's clothing, X attempted to pull the wool over your eyes. I pulled the sheep's clothing off and exposed him for what he really is; a lying, deceiving, false accuser that happily works for his master.

  41. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I'm happy you are vindicated RayB.

    You deserve it after all the venom that Cobra has been spitting in your face for so long!

    God is good!


  42. Attention Constance, Linda, et all. What do you have to say about Death Cult Dear Leader advocating the permanent, irreversible, mutilation of young children? Any thoughts???

    Biden Says It's 'Morally Wrong' For States to Ban Child Sex Changes

    From the article:

    It is "morally wrong" for conservative states to ban child sex changes and puberty blockers, Joe Biden told a "transgender" TikToker who was dressed as a woman at the White House on Friday.

    Transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney asked Biden at the Now This News presidential forum, "Do you think states should have a right to ban gender-affirming health care?"

    "I don't think any state or anybody should have the right to do that," Biden responded. "As a moral question and as a legal question, I just think it's wrong."

    Mulvaney opened the interview by telling Biden, "Mr. president, this is my 221st day of publicly transitioning."

    Biden responded, "God love you."

  43. Linda @ 12:35 PM,

    I’m well aware of hyper-charismaticism and their pseudo-prophets, pseudo-apostles, the 7 Mountains Mandate, etc. It’s New Age horribly dressed in ‘Christian’ garb.

    How entangled is Trump in what you provided? I dunno. Generally, I’ve not seen much evidence. I’ve stated before that Trump is a pragmatist. He’s not likely to counter a block of his voter base. He’ll just go along. It feeds his large ego.

    As for what some delusional hyper-charismatic, pseudo-prophet ‘prophesies’, I pay little mind. More important, unless Trump overtly supports it, then it is not fair to say he endorses it. Does Trump really think that he will be President by the end of the year? If so, I’d like to hear him affirm it. Until then, these sorts of rantings by others mean nothing to me.

    As to your claim “Trump by phone”, do you have some substantiation for that? The article you reference does not make that claim—unless I missed it.

    Do you have a clip for Julie Green’s,”prophecy” for God that Trump will be restored to the presidency, calling Trump the son of God? If so, do you have some sort of proof that Trump affirms such a claim?

    While I think it wrong to unduly elevate Trump, I think it equally wrong to unduly/unfairly criticize Trump. And one can substitute ANY name for “Trump”—e.g. “Biden”—in that last sentence.

  44. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Thank you, Craig.

    Over the top positive or the reverse is just ranting as you said.
    I dismiss all that and look instead for real and timely documentation and over time
    pronouncements regarding actions and inactions of what a person really
    presents of themselves...not their constituents which can be all over the map.

    Sound bites and editing of media in print, photos, etc don't really rightly represent the true picture and remain suspect to me.

  45. Anon 4:25 PM,

    According to the not-at-all-biased (sarcasm) Vice, here are tenets of “Q”:

    In QAnon world, the “storm” is the moment when Trump will reveal his secret plan to dismantle the deep state and the group of elites QAnon followers believe are operating a global child sex trafficking ring. The “storm” will also, they think, trigger Trump’s return to power and the public executions of those who’ve acted against him, from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to current President Joe Biden.

    I’ve seen this sort of thing parroted here on this blog. But I’ve not seen substantiation. Only empty allegations.

    So, let’s see some evidence, as opposed to hearsay, please.


    Anon 1:22 PM,

    You wrote: That book is being passed out at trump rallies.

    The book is self-published. Unless the author is independently wealthy, I doubt he’d be giving away copies.

    I’ve seen the claim that he’s selling them at some rallies. I’d like to see how many individuals are actually buying the book. And, of those, I’d like to see how many are actually ‘buying’ the contents of the book. How many will actually buy-in to this author’s claims that Trump is Christ as ‘the Son of Man’, as opposed Jesus as Christ as the Son of God?

    I could be surprised. But it would require proof.

  46. Anonymous7:28 PM

    So Craig, are you saying that Vice and other news sources photoshopped that image? You discredit yourself.

  47. Anon 7:28 PM,

    All that image shows is the Trump has a "Q" lapel. What does that mean exactly? I dunno. And I submit you don't either.

  48. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Anonymous @10:41 AM

    The Open Scroll blog promotes the false doctrine that Cain is the offspring of Eve and Satan.
    It's definitely not a good source for truth.


  49. Anon 7:28 PM,

    Let me answer you more forthrightly. You asked me, "are you saying that Vice and other news sources photoshopped that image?" No that's not what I said or implied. I've no idea how you arrived at such a distortion of my comment.

    You may want to read my comment again, without adding or subtracting anything. Take my words at face value.

  50. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I submit Trump is much more sophisticated than that and knows exactly what Q is about. It is well documented. Your credibility is down the toilet.

  51. Anon 7:41 PM,

    So, what is Q about then, according your interpretation? Does it include the portion I quoted from Vice above (in italics)? If so, can you independently verify this?

  52. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2

  53. Anonymous7:56 PM

    There have been several books published representing Q. Have you read ANY of them? Have you listened to ANY of Charlie Ward’s podcasts where he says he is receiving his information from General Flynn and Trump’s inner circle? When you do then come back and defend Trump. I’m not going to spoon feed you.

  54. Anonymous8:05 PM

    What amazing lengths the commie Left will go to, to desperately try to undermine Donald Trump!
    A person would have to be brain damaged to even pick up this book, much less read any of it. It's such an obvious product of the DNC.

    Donald Trump's fans usually end up chanting "U S A!" and he usually talks about all the people who love America.
    Donald Trump never talks about himself and never exalts himself. The irony is that the Left does all that for him!
    And it's the U S A that his fans really love; not him, per se.

    And it's the U S A that I love, of all the countries on earth.

    So X, call me a maga this or a q anon that, but I just love my home country, with all it's imperfections and all its' flaws,
    The USA, which has lowered it's pollution more than any other country on earth. It's the USA, the country where everyone has a chance to shine. It's the USA which Commies everywhere Hate, that I love.
    Why do we never see anyone trying to sneak int China, or sneak into Iran, or sneak into North Korea?
    But we see millions trying to sneak int the USA.
    Why is that, X?

    Don't bother answering. I don't care what you say. You are a fool.


  55. With Craig's post above in mind, which I agree with ...

    Notice that Biden and the Democrats did not condemn, in no uncertain terms, the wanton violence of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA during the 'summer of love?' Why didn't they? Because they didn't want to offend and alienate a large bloc of Democrat supporters. Politicians do NOT go out of their way to alienate their supporters ... even if they strongly disagree with them. To do so is political suicide.

    When many were calling for 'defunding the police,' what was Biden's reaction? HE SUPPORTED it. But when the mood of the country shifted away from that, so did Biden. Now he's proclaiming that he favors FUNDING the police. Literally, a 180 degree shift from what he was calling for in the past when it was seemingly 'popular.' Biden is a political whore of the worst type. He's a liar that has virtually no convictions whatsoever. He is an advocate only of what advances his life-long political career, and nothing more.

    Today, I heard a segment on national ABC radio news in which Biden repeated the old, worn out Democrat lie that "the Republicans want to end Social Security and Medicaid." What a lie. Sounds like desperation to me. Do they know that they are facing a tidal wave in November?

  56. Anonymous8:26 PM

    7:40 PM at Craig

    It is obvious you have well stated your position.
    It is also obvious that proof to fit the accusation is either scant, dubious, or non existent..
    ...or it would be blasted all over this blog.

    As much as Trump is scrutinized surely something concrete, something you can put your finger on could and should be produced by now.
    The only damning evidence I have seen thus far is there are nutjobs, a dime a dozen, surf riding the media waves.

    So, I'm with you, surprise us, already.

  57. Clarification ... the post by Craig that I was referring to in my 8:19 post was his @ 7:09 PM.

  58. Anonymous8:33 PM

    A picture is worth 1000 words. No amount of evidence would convince you to abandon your savior DJT.


  59. Just a quick personal note regarding my experience of attending a Trump rally:

    My wife talked me into attending a rally back in 2016. I had heard many accounts of 'violence,' evidence of 'racism,' 'red necks,' etc., etc. I paid particular attention to the crowd, and purposely moved around in order to get a first hand take on the make up of the crowd. What I found was completely different from the portrayal of the mainstream media. Just average Americans that were obviously tired of being taken advantage of by BOTH political parties.

    I witnessed no violence, nor did I see any evidence of racism. In fact, although the crowd was made up largely of white people, there certainly were a number of black people among the large crowd. At the close of the event, I spoke to one black gentleman who was holding a Trump sign. I asked him why he was supporting Trump, and his immediate response was 'economic opportunity.'

    One more thing. Virtually everyone that I encountered was polite and courteous. For example, while leaving the event, the jammed packed parking lot all emptied out at the same time. I can honestly say that I never experienced as much courtesy by the drivers ... my wife noticed this as well.

    What I personally witnessed was a far, far cry from the 'Trump cult' members that Constance seems so obsessed with. In contrast to Constance's take, I saw ordinary Americans that wanted what was best for their country, their family, and themselves.


  60. In her thread, Constance states:

    "I am increasingly concerned about Evangelical and conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump, the raft of books proclaiming that Trump is God's chosen instrument.Donald John Trump is THE CHRIST."

    Really? There are a LARGE NUMBER of books that are 'proclaiming that Trump is God's chosen instrument. Donald John Trump is THE CHRIST."

    How about backing up that ridiculous, unfounded claim Constance? I'm sure you can produce a list (I can't) of these LARGE NUMBER of books, that you assert exists, all making the claim that Trump is "THE CHRIST."

  61. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Re: "conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump"???

    Constance, I am a conservative AND a Catholic... but, my friends and I have never heard of any 'conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump' within our Catholic circles.

    Just because someone named Helgard Muller wrote a book does not mean:
    1) That anyone actually wants to read it.
    2) That Catholics are going to be stupid enough to fall for it... or, go off the deep end and join some hair-brained 'movement'.

    Most rational people, using their God-given logic and common sense, tend to keep their religious FAITH and their POLITICS completely separate.

    P.S. However, If I happen to see a copy in a trash can, I might consider using it next time there is a toilet paper shortage.

  62. Anonymous9:04 PM

    96 doctors in Quebec call for an immediate end to vaccinating children for COVID

    First, do no harm!!!

  63. Anon 7:56 PM,

    Let me try a different tact.

    What is a Christian? What beliefs are entailed with being a Christian?

    I listen to a fair amount of local Christian radio. It’s largely pretty good. But most all who preach on eschatology promote the pre-trib ‘Rapture’.

    So, if someone—a non-Christian—were to listen to local Christian radio, their take-away upon careful listening would be that Christians are premillennial and believe in a pre-trib ‘Rapture’ (PTR). This would be the default.

    Such an individual may be surprised that there are those who are premillennial but do not adhere to the PTR. They may be unaware that there are others who are amillennial or postmillennial. They may even think that such beliefs would not be ‘Christian’. This is because, to such an individual, everything must be compared to the premillennial PTR default.

    So, what is Q belief? Is it fixed? Is there a default? Must any and everyone who promotes Q to any extent necessarily believe it consists of the totality of what this (supposed) fixed belief is? Can it not be that someone may be unaware of certain (supposed) attendant beliefs—beliefs of which this certain someone does not adhere because they have no basis to believe (or disbelieve) such? Can it not be that someone may reject certain tenets while accepting some others?

    Beliefs are messy. And they can change. They only way to know what someone believes is to actually witness this same person express their beliefs (whether verbally, in print, etc.). Not by importing someone else’s beliefs upon what they supposedly believe.

    Hearsay is not evidence.

  64. Anonymous9:19 PM

    All this fuss about a book some crazy writes trying to capitalize on a popular former President is not making any sense. And who really knows who will be running in 2024 anyway the way the Chinese have their fingers all over everything we touch...including our elections.

    Meanwhile back at the farm, globalists are taking over the food industry (they now own "science" and every other industry too) and the family farm won't be run by Grams and Gramps anymore.


  65. Delusional with visions of grandeur, totally obcessed with her self-importance, severe sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Liz Cheney envisions herself as the Savior of America ...

    Cheney Says She'll Do "Whatever It Takes", Including Presidential Run, To Stop Trump In 2024

    PS: I read an account by someone that actually had personal political dealings with Liz Cheney. That person said that Cheney is "power mad" and is totally obsessed with being the "first woman President." THAT's why she won't go away. She just doesn't get it that NO ONE wants her. She is totally unlikeable. Someone close to her needs to tell her that she's got about as much chance of being President as she would winning the Boston Marathon.

  66. Anonymous11:23 PM


    I fessed up to my error. I didn't lie as I explained on the previous thread. I mistakenly believed a video dated April 15, 2020 was a recent video of RFK, Jr, I went to the transcript and copy and pasted an excerpt and painstakenly edited it for readability and spacing not realizing it was a 2005 video talking about George Bush Jr and NOT Trump. I've seen RFK, Jr make similiar claims about Trump in the past so it was an easy mistake. I've also provided links and an excerpt on the last thread to RFK, Jr. saying very nearly the same things about the Trump administrations environmental disasters.

    I apologized and Rayb still tries to hammer me about it above.

    Oh well, says more about him than me.

    As far as "boat full of lies" I think he's got way too many actual lies under his belt to be casting any such aspersions at me. I've yet to lie here. I have mocked. I've been wrong and I've probably been mistaken. I've also made errors and apologized. Lying isn't my style. I'm not Maga.


    p.s. - The POINT of the posting RFK, Jr environmental videos wasn't really to share a story about him knocking Trump; but, rather, to demonstrate the hypocrisy or dilemma faced by political Maga Cult anti-vaxxers who so want to promote and celebrate JUST REF, Jr.s position on Fauci and the vaccines while deliberately ignoring his very extreme environmentalist positions on climate change. What I thought was his apparent criticism of Trump in that video was just a bonus. So RFK, Jr. full of crap and a whackjob about the environment or a very reliable and dependable source for such information. (to be clear - I see him as an opus dei destructionist and brain damaged, former drug addict, wife abuser, adulterating grifter who I see as full of crap on both topics)

  67. Anonymous11:36 PM


    In 2018 when you said and I quote:

    RayB said @ 8:56 AM: "To Anon @ 10:13 AM: You are 1000% correct. Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history. Pedophilia is widespread among the world's elite, many of which reside within the Beltway."

    What evidence do you have of such?



  68. You're LYING X. You didn't apologize for anything. Instead, you accused me of 'voting for Bush twice,' as if that excused you for posting your purposeful deception.

    YOU purposely inserted the name TRUMP, where it DID NOT EXIST. Wherever RFK used the words "administration" or "President," you inserted "TRUMP" even though it was clear that Kennedy was referring to George Bush. YOU LIED, and it was done on purpose.

    YOU took it upon yourself to deceive people into believing that Kennedy was talking about Trump, when he clearly wasn't ... AND YOU WERE CAUGHT.


  69. I've been saying it all along. Now 30 Democrats agree. Biden's policies in Ukraine are leading us dangerously close to a Nuclear War with Russia:

    30 House Dems Urge Dramatic Shift In Biden's Ukraine Policy: 'Get Serious About Diplomacy Or Risk Nuclear Miscalculation'

    From the article:

    In a wholly unexpected development, given that until just yesterday any prominent person wishing to talk Ukraine peace plan possibilities or who expressed hope for a negotiated end to the war was denounced and shouted down as a 'KREMLIN AGENT', a group of 30 House Democrats is now urging the Biden administration to pursue a diplomatic track with Moscow.

    The Washington Post, which detailed the contents of a letter sent to President Biden by the Congressional Dems, underscored they are calling for the US to "DRAMATICALLY SHIFT" its strategy on the Ukraine war for the first time, with the grinding conflict now reaching the eight-month mark.

    "The longer the war in Ukraine goes on, the greater the risk of escalation — to widespread, devastating effect," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.)

  70. Anonymous12:07 AM

    This, and previous findings of bombshell material against the Biden crime family in bed with globalists to hasten the implementation of their plan/plot gets a pass while that piece of trash New Age book gets it's own thread here?

  71. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Rayb @ 11:53 pm

    Your Christian graciousness overwhelms me.

    I did apologize for messing it up.

    When I added the word "Trump" to the transcript I believe I indicated it as "(TRUMP)" every time, in parenthesis, as an added word that RFK, Jr. didn't actually say. I just thought/presumed that's who he was referring to having not actually watched the video (why would I, RFK, Jr. is an idiot). Editing and posting transcripts is a pain in the butt.

    I also showed you on the other thread it's NOT like I had even had to lie. There are other articles and videos of RFK knocking Trump so it's not like this came out of left field. RFK has been critical of multiple administrations, including, probably Obama. He's an attention horror (sic).


    p.s. - I just checked--- RFK, Jr said the word "Bush" 4 times. The first time was at the 10 minute part of the video. I copied and edited for posting a few of the lines from the first few minutes of the speech. I never edited out the word "Bush". Transcripts aren't perfect and I wondered if I missed that word. RFK has a speech impediment so the transcript wasn't perfect and tough to figure out where sentences started and ended.

  72. Anonymous1:03 AM

    12:07 am

    That article is qanon clickbait written by "Marco Polo" the conspiracist pseudonym for former, now 26 years old, Trump staffer, Garrett Ziegler. He absolutely hates America.

    Here's some thorough research on the little unpatriotic turd.

    Garrett Ziegler, The Trump Staffer Who Let The Kraken Loose In The White House


    p.s. - He just graduated college in 2018 and I don't think the kid is an attorney so claiming Biden broke laws from 2011 to 2016 as an accomplice to others supposedly breaking some minor laws (laws Trump broke with abandon probably right in front of this kid like personal email rules) seems to be a bit over this kids FORMER pay grade.

    p.p.s. - Garrett is full blown Qanon. He's definetly an incel.

  73. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Lame attempt Craig. Read the Q books. They all present a consistent message. Then maybe you will be able to advocate for Trump.

  74. Anon 5:36 AM,

    Does part of this "consistent message" include the verbiage that Vice claims it does:

    In QAnon world, the “storm” is the moment when Trump will reveal his secret plan to dismantle the deep state and the group of elites QAnon followers believe are operating a global child sex trafficking ring. The “storm” will also, they think, trigger Trump’s return to power and the public executions of those who’ve acted against him, from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to current President Joe Biden.

    If so, can you point me to Trump expressing this same message?

  75. X @ 1:03 PM,

    What is an "incel"?

  76. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Yes it is. Read the books Craig. Listen to Charlie Ward’s podcasts.

    Trump posted the picture on Truth social with:

    1) He wore the Q pendant.
    2) Used the mantra “where we go one we go all”.
    3) Used the mantra “the storm is coming”.

    Being the former president, I’m quite certain his intelligence staff informed him exactly what the Q movement had to say and that he is not as ignorant as you advocate for him.

  77. Anon 6:58 AM,

    Now we're getting somewhere.

    Given that, according to you, this Vice quote is part of the "consistent message" of Q, surely you can point me directly to this Charlie Ward guy showing proof that this really is part of this "consistent message" (e.g., a screen shot of a 'Q drop' promoting this message in whole or in parts summing up to this whole). Then you can point me directly to a Trump speech or some such in which the former President conveys this same message contained in the Vice quote.

    Once you've shown that, then we will all be able to see how items 1), 2) and 3) really do indicate that Trump is fully on board with this same "consistent message".

  78. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I’m not going to spoon feed you Craig. What a lame researcher you are Craig. It is ironic that you argue for Trump’s ignorance.

  79. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Here’s the scenario Craig would have us believe. Trump woke up one morning saying to himself, “I think I would like the support of QAnon”. I’ll need to wear the their pin and I’ll need a few buzz words to display across my picture. Craigs argument is that Trump is so ignorant he has no idea what he’s doing. Great argument Craig. They belong in the toilet.

  80. Anon 7:21 AM,

    I'm not arguing for "Trump's ignorance", as you say. I'm challenging you to provide evidence pertaining your charges against him. Your refusal speaks volumes about you and your stance.


    All this reminds me of a Bob Dylan lyric:

    Someone's got it in for me
    They're planting stories in the press
    Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out quick
    When they will I can only guess

    They say I shot a man named Gray
    and took his wife to Italy
    She inherited a million bucks
    and when she died it came to me
    I can't help it if I'm lucky...

  81. Straw men are so easy to tear down.

  82. Anonymous7:37 AM

    A picture is worth 1000 words. The evidence exists and several of the books substantiating the claims have been posted on this blog and elsewhere. I’m not going to re-listen to all of Charlie Ward’s podcasts to direct you to a specific one and time frame. The evidence exists and you have been directed to read and listen to it.

    Your laziness and advocacy for ignorance speaks volumes of you.

  83. Anonymous7:38 AM

    You haven’t torn down anyone but yourself Craig.

  84. Anon 7:37 AM,

    That's not how it works. You've expressed a specific position. The onus is on you to provide support for you assertions.

  85. Anon 7:38 AM,

    I think you need to learn what a 'straw man' is.

  86. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Had you been keeping up with the posted material on this blog you would have been up to speed on this. Your argument that Trump is ignorant of what he posted on Truth Social puts that burden of proof on you.

  87. Anonymous9:53 AM

    OMG We have a Comedy Troll here!

    Donald Trump never talks about himself and never exalts himself, said 8:05 PM Anonymous.

    Is that you Rayb?


  88. Attention Biden Death Cult Members ....

    EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden was 'complicit in SIX alleged white collar crimes' including tax evasion, using nonpublic info for financial gain and illegally utilizing his alias email' - 634-page watchdog report on contents of Hunter's laptop claims

    Notice for Biden Death Cult Members; Biden is the current POTUS, not Trump.

  89. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Notice to RayB and other fascist supporters: Criticism of Trump does not default one to be a Biden supporter. It means we clean house in the Republican Party of which Trump remains a force.

  90. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Why is it that Biden can just make up shit out of his hollow head, that is totally false, and, well, that's ok?

    We are living in make believe Biden land now kids! Wake up and turn your calendar to October/2022. They are driving this country into the dirt. But let's just focus on Trump! Maybe stop worshiping deluded demonic Cumbey, and her psychotic TDS rants as an issue of primary importance! She is obviously completely NUTS. Stop idolizing a corrupt minded weirdo! Focus on the very serious reality of a world spiraling toward great tribulation.

    Maybe this is that "strong delusion", happening now? So called 'christians' all turning into gnat strainers, and in so doing, the enemies of Christ! Believing things that are diametrically opposite of reality, and thus being only of value to the enemies of Christ!

  91. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Joe Biden, shallow, hollow, gone to seed....bad seed--bad fruit.
    His family, his finances, his "career" as a politician, fully corrupt.
    The very picture of the Ugly American.
    He wanted the presidency and got it because he is a useful idiot.
    Sold his soul long time ago.

  92. Anon @ 10:49 AM ...

    You're so right. The Republicans need to 'clean house' and get rid of all those evil Trump voters. Then the Republicans can have some real leaders to pick up the pieces, like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, et all. That plan should work out real well for the Goofy Old Party.

  93. Anonymous11:13 AM


    Incel = involuntarily celebate

    They are a group of young boys who can find women who will date them.

    They've found a community among each other online at places like 4chann and whatnot where they discuss red pill theories and strategies to mislead women into sleeping with them. They also get caught up in qanon conspiracies and creating fake rumors like kitty litter in bathrooms of public schools for furries just to fool old people and amuze themselves.

    This particular incel, 26 year old Garrett Zieglar, with no legal or investigative expertise, created a 634 page treatise accusing Biden of crimes or being an accomplice to crimes without compensation. This is what he's doing with his spare time at age 26 after leaving his job as a fresh out of college aide for Peter Navarro in the Trump white house (where he personally helped coordinate the Jan 6th insurrection)

    It's sad, really. That grown men, such as Rayb, fall for this crap


  94. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Swatted for 6th Time Last Night

  95. Anonymous11:18 AM

    12:20 AM

    Your blanket excuse is coming up short.
    Because your big neon arse is showing.

    We have always known you to be extremely manipulative. Like none other I have ever seen at this blog before.
    The truth doesn't need manipulated to make it's point, truth has nothing to lose, but your losing arguments need to twist words to speak your half truths or plain full lies to further your socialist marXist globalist humanism.

    Who pays you to troll here?

  96. Anonymous11:19 AM

    No RayB,

    The republicans need to divorce Trump and move on. If that means voters such as yourself are so attached you can’t move on then leave the party so be it.

  97. Anonymous11:20 AM

    X @ 11:13 AM

    How can you twist that X? Twist is what you're all about. You have no shame.

    RayB didn't fall for your crap now did he? And in not falling for your crap X, it exposed you for the liar, and slanderer you are.


  98. Isn't X a riot? LOL

    Read this lame attempt to excuse away the fact that he PURPOSELY LIED by adding Trump's name into a transcript to make it look like RFK Jr. was referring to 'President Trump' back in 2005!

    Then, he

    X to RayB @ 11:53 pm

    "Your Christian graciousness overwhelms me.

    I did apologize for messing it up. (NO HE DIDN'T ... and he isn't apologizing here either)

    When I added the word "Trump" to the transcript I believe I indicated it as "(TRUMP)" every time, in parenthesis, as an added word that RFK, Jr. didn't actually say. I just thought/presumed that's who he was referring to having not actually watched the video (why would I, RFK, Jr. is an idiot). Editing and posting transcripts is a pain in the butt."

    NOTE that X uses his FALSIFIED transcript of the video in order to attack Trump, then attacks RFK, Jr. as 'an idiot,' who's video isn't worth watching. X says he 'messed up,' thereby implying a 'mistake,' when in fact he PURPOSELY LIED.

    What kind of a nut are we dealing with here??? The same kind of nut that supports and excuses the evil, murdering, raping, rioting, burning actions of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.

  99. Anonymous11:28 AM


    Jordan Peterson has a lot to say about "incels".


    Vicious people practice murder by mouth.


  100. Regarding Trump supposedly being photographed 'wearing a Q' pin ...

    Ever hear of photoshop?

  101. Anon @ 11:19 AM ...

    You don't know much about the modern history of the Republican Party.

    Remove the Trump supporters, and all you'll have left will be the liberal/center Rockefeller East Coast Establishment.

    Is that what you want?

  102. Anonymous said @ 10:49 AM ..

    "Notice to RayB and other fascist supporters: Criticism of Trump does not default one to be a Biden supporter. It means we clean house in the Republican Party of which Trump remains a force."


    What precisely is YOUR definition of fascism?

  103. Anonymous11:39 AM

    11:32 AM RayB

    You said it.
    What I have said all along.

  104. Anonymous11:39 AM

    One of the alleged 6 white collar crimes Garrett Zieglar accuses Biden of is that apparently, one of then Vice President, Joe Biden's senior advisors sent out a schedule which included an item indicating Biden would be talking to then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko - and copied Hunter in the message. Mr. Zieglar thinks that Biden copying his son in on his VP's schedule constitutes a use of nonpublic information from a government job for financial gain. A simple itinerary indicating what his dad is doing and where he is going is profiteering? There wasn't even detail about what the conversation was going to be about. Hunter was/is an attorney but given his struggles around that time, surely Joe wasn't leaning on his son for advice. Hunter may have been meeting up with his dad in Delaware that evening for all we know.

    And this from some kid who worked inside the Trump administration witnessing Trump and his children regularly accepting payments from foreign sources to their various companies while in office. Trump's children actually attended the meetings and listened to the phone calls.

    It's just shockingly naive. I think the kid even claims the name of Jesus while doing all this lying. He'll have to answer for this.



  105. Well that didn't take long, now did it? The 30 House Dems aren't for peace negotiations after all.

    House Dems Walk Back Letter To Biden Urging Ukraine Negotiations After White House Reaction

    PS: Maybe we should all have a 'plan' in case of Nuclear War? At the very least, take the time to watch the Government's very informative, and, important, 'Duck and Cover' instructional video ...

    Who was it that ever said the Government didn't have your best interests in mind?
    Aren't you glad that we have a sane leader like Joe Biden in the White House?

  106. Anonymous11:52 AM

    11:29 AM

    Right Ray. HOWEVER...

    #Trump then ‘retruthed’ this qanon storm threat linked below on his truth social website including the (photoshopped) pic of him wearing the #QAnon logo.

    ‘The Storm is Coming’ is a QAnon conspiracy that Trump will overthrow democracy, appoint himself leader, have a military tribunal & execute his political enemies.


  107. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Photoshop? Now that is a ROLF moment. Did you ever hear of the may Trump lawsuits? Wouldn’t you expect one over that?

  108. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Rayb asked: "Aren't you glad that we have a sane leader like Joe Biden in the White House?"

    Considering the alternative -- yes, HECK YES, a thousand Yes's!

    An vastly more experienced statesman and politician at the helm is much more steadying than the chaos of a naive, stupid, narcissistic, delusional, undisciplined, inexperienced orangutan.


  109. Anonymous12:05 PM

    11:53 pm

    I think it's true. Trump didn't actually wear the pin, he just reposted a qanon image of him wearing such pin as a very overt nod to the qanon movement.

    In years past he acted naive while giving subtle nods to his Q fans but this was much more overt and intentionally.

    He should be, like all the qanon posters here do all the time, like Rayb, trying to distance himself from the crazies fascists of Qanon; so it's stranger to see him openly embrace it.

    He clearly thinks he is the Son of Man and impenetrable. As long ss the attention is on him, it doesn't matter what he does because he's above the law and he's above common decency.


  110. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Ok X, since you're an easy going guy, and middle of the road, name some unchristian like things Joe Biden has done. Just for balance here.

  111. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Again Ray...

    Back in 2018 when you said: "...Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history. Pedophilia is widespread among the world's elite, many of which reside within the Beltway."

    When was this supposed to happen? Sounds really big and it's 5 years later now...when did this occur? Did I miss it?

    Or...was this part of your qanon delusion?




  112. Recall X's insane excuses and defense of Darrell Brooks, the evil murderer that purposely drove his SUV, at a high rate of speed, into the parade marchers in Waukesha?

    Watch this evil nutcase, as he 'represents' himself in court ...

    Darrell Brooks goes on 50-minute rant during Day 9 of trial

  113. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I think the Republican party is being cleaned up by vote. Evil Globalist scumbag Liz Cheney got the boot. As the rest of Constance's hero's fall, the party will have lose that cesspool odor.

  114. Anonymous12:30 PM

    12:10 pm

    1. Biden attended a non-Christian roman catholic church

    2. I'm not a fan of his LGBTQ policies and actions. I do prefer kindness to the GOP scapegoating and attacking these minorities, but tolerance is different than appeasement and state-sponosored condoning of sin. The GOP USSC overturning DOMA and affirming gay marriage was and remains unforgivable.

    3. I'm sure he's compromised his positions on many subjects and relationships for the love of money. Successful politicisans have to be money making machines to compete. That money could have been used much more effectively for other matters which is a good reason we should have campaign finance reform and a reversal of Citizen's United (which isn't likely to happen since opus dei owns our supreme court)

    4. I'm sure there are other things but I see Democrats behaving much more Christlike as more and more Christians migrate away from Maga and into the bigger more patriotic working man Democrat tent.


  115. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The Democrat Tent, in X's world, is more "Christlike" "patriotic" pro working man!

    I think it is safe to say, that X, is living on the seventh planet from the sun.

  116. Anonymous12:38 PM


    Why even call it the republican party anymore -- it's just Trump's butt-kissing, white nationalist, dominionist, insurrectionist Maga party.

    Instead of an elephant logo--- they could use a snake.


  117. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "A Globalist If I Ever Saw One - I Believe Conservatives Are Doomed"

  118. Anonymous12:46 PM

    X, your twist never ends. You know that the snake logo is yours.

  119. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I suppose GOP candidate Ted Budd is your idea of a politician for the working man...

    BOMBSHELL: Top Republican candidate EXPOSED with midterms only days away

  120. Anonymous1:03 PM

    America Was A Better Place When the FBI Didn't Rig Elections't-rig-elections-n1624217

  121. Anonymous3:09 PM


    Trump is a Fool, but even he wouldn't photoshop himself with a Q lapel pin and share it on his own Truth Social account. Only a fool would think so! ROFL

  122. 3:09 PM ...

    You can't blame me for being skeptical regarding items that are posted on this blog.

    After all, X posted a lengthy RFK Jr. 'transcript' in which he inserted Trump's name, over and over again, when it was never there in the first place.

    Experiences such as that has a tendency to make one a skeptic, especially when one sees the length that some of these totally obsessed haters of Trump will go.

    I don't think X is any worse than most Trump haters. He just got caught holding the bag.

  123. Anonymous3:39 PM

    It is becoming increasingly obvious that this blog serves no purpose. Virtually any and all truth that is posted by serious bloggers is immediately countered by the disinformation agent X. Constance & Rich just sit back and allow X to spew his lies and venom ad nauseam. The strongest admonition so far from Rich was when he described X's contributions as "antics." That was it. Constance chimed in ONCE by saying that she "doesn't ALWAYS agree with X."

    So really, what is the point to this blog? For me, it has become tiresome ... and quite frankly ... BORING. Childish antics from professed adults bore me. Day after day, it's the same old tiresome, childish tactic with a heavy emphasis on lies.

    Whether or not I ever post on this blog again is up in the air right now. Perhaps its time to move on to more meaningful pastures?

    At any rate, if anyone knows of any blogs in which I might fit in, please let me know.


  124. Anonymous4:18 PM


    you are the one playing childish games here Ray, not me.

    Grow up. Like I said before, go or don't go.


  125. Anonymous5:07 PM

    11:39 AM

    Typical stunts aka "antics"

    Can't abide the message so attack the messenger.

    You didn't even look at the verifications in the research did you X?
    They are quite extensive too.
    Didn't take into consideration that this is in the interest of fair play, actual presentable material with facts in place to carry the claim did you?

    Nope. Just childish antics and boneheaded stunts to deflect from the material you don't like, can't stand, because it refutes your socialist humanist narrative...again.

    This is the reason you are deeply disrespected here. Why you are considered a liar and one who can't face facts no matter how reasonably and correctly presented to you.
    So keep up that kindergarten attitude and troll as much an idiot as you like, and we will continue to post anything, everything, that will fly in that smug face of yours. Your behavior is uncivil, anti-social, generally unchristian.....for all your bragging about how 'ahead of the curve' you are.

    And RayB did catch your dirty hand in the cookie jar.
    Your slanders and manipulations are so predictable when you have nothing to refute with (which is minimum 80% of the time).

  126. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Verifications of what research? On Fauci?

    As I recall his book is stuffed with debunked and misreported/contorted footnotes and references.

    RFK, Jr., a lawyer, NOT a doctor has a long history of attacking the CDC and Dr. Fauci as well as trying to kill as many black people as possible. This was criticism of a video he put out early covid trying to get black people to fear the vaccines.

    RFK Jr. Video Pushes Known Vaccine Misrepresentations

    Here's Dr. Fauci's statement about RFK, Jr. book....

    Speaking to Yahoo News, the director of the NIAID said, “it really is a shame that he is attacking me in my career,” when asked about RFK’s book not being “a flattering portrait of” his career.

    “I think if you look at my career there are not a lot of people that would be attacking my career, but he seems to do that,” Fauci continued in the comments published earlier this week. “It’s very unfortunate because I don’t think he is inherently malicious. I just think he’s a very disturbed individual. And I … I don’t like to have to say that, but it’s very, very clear. And it’s a shame because he comes from such an extraordinarily distinguished family, many members of whom I know personally, and I was very close to Senator Ted Kennedy, who was such an extraordinary person and a real warrior for public health. And to have RFK Jr. just spouting things that make absolutely no sense.”

    Fauci said that RFK’s comments, which have included unfounded and unsupported claims like Fauci is an investor in Moderna, something RFK claimed to Newsweek earlier this year, and which Fauci called “unequivocally and completely incorrect,” have a wider impact than on just the doctor.

    “And the thing that makes it even more painful about it is that ultimately that is hurting people, that will cause disease and lose lives for the things he’s saying,” Fauci added. “So, I’m so sorry that he’s doing that not just because he’s attacking me – that seems to be the rage among some people – but because ultimately it is going to hurt people. So it’s really unfortunate that he’s doing that.”

    Fauci’s comments came after he addressed a previous comment from RFK, Jr. that he met and spoke with Fauci at the Donald Trump White House in 2017. “Well, I did not speak with RFK Jr. at the Trump White House. We invited him to the NIH, and he spoke to me and he spoke to Dr. Collins, the NIH director and several of us and gave a presentation that really was … just full of inaccuracies and distortions,” Fauci said.


  127. Anonymous6:42 PM

    5:07 pm said: "Can't abide the message so attack the messenger."

    That's a possible complaint when attacking a journalist for reporitng facts but this kid is a 26 year former Trump aide. He's not a lawyer or the police or the department of justice. It's HIS made up message.

    It certainly has less credibility than me typing up a report saying Trump was an accomplice to over a 1000 instances of white collar crimes and felonies and just writing out all the loose connections he had to all the felons in his administration and that he personally motivated to commit treasonous acts upon our Capitol building and the personnel therein. Far worse than claims of white-collar crimes where Biden's secretary COPIED emails to his son about his daily activities.

    Rayb revealed my mistake. Perhaps I should have thanked him more because I've never minded the truth being revealed. There's no shame in making a mistake.


  128. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The Qanon Maga bully backup plan seems to be falling apart...

    Ron DeSantis Total Collapse, Brain Malfunctions at Debate

  129. Anonymous8:04 PM

    3:39 PM

    RayB We'll be happy to support you in getting out of the Trump cult. The first step is to admit you need help. With your charm, you should be able to fit in somewhere.

  130. Anonymous8:48 PM

    That book, as crazy as it sounds is a symptom of Maga, like a canary in the coalmine to the coming trouble if Christian don't wake up and start discerning...and find their way back on the path.

    Trump’s Embrace of QAnon Realizes the Dream of the Religious Right: For evangelicals and conservative Christians, the former president’s cult-like rallies have placed their ritualized militancy at the center of American politics.

    Excerpt: ...Trump delivered a litany of telltale signs of runaway American decline under the Democratic rule of Washington, from inflation to foreign-policy cock-ups to the tragedy of green energy funding, all to the swelling, kitschy accompaniment of a bona fide QAnon theme song, “WWG1WGA,” titled with the acronym for the movement’s slogan, “Where We Go One, We Go All.” (Trump campaign officials insisted that the lachrymose mood music was actually a different composition called “Mirrors,” but if it is, it somehow has the same melody.)

    The crowd recognized the import of the moment, and began raising fingers in the air in what is apparently a QAnon salute, likewise symbolizing movement unity. The Youngstown spectacle left many political commentators baffled, since the logic of mass persuasion here didn’t really track with how campaigns traditionally play out. But this denialist outlook is of a piece with the uncomprehending posture of self-insulation that drove our pundit caste to dismiss Trump and his movement when they first burst on the scene in the 2016 election cycle. That moment marked a little-noted watershed for the evangelical right, says Kristin Du Mez, historian at Calvin University and author of Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation. “Back in 2016, you saw these radical evangelicals for Trump move into mainstream—but even then, this was a long-term process.… The leaders of this movement have for generations been telling evangelicals and conservative Christians that they’re under threat.

    This broad dynamic has been accelerating in Trump’s scandal-ridden, paranoid, and conspiracy-addled post-presidency. “This was a very different sort of meeting,” says University of Pennsylvania religion professor Anthea Butler, president of the American Society of Church History and author of White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America. “It was Trump intoning things, this weird song in the background, but it tracks with other things. It tracks with the Reawaken America tour, Charlie Kirk’s gatherings in Arizona, these are all things that are becoming evangelical political church services. One interesting thing about the Reawaken America tour is that they were doing baptisms…. Saturday’s rally sounded a lot like an altar call at the end of a worship service. The only difference is that everyone was pointing up instead of waving their hands in the air....”


  131. X (the one who claims his moniker denotes self-identification as a Christian) @ 11:13 AM,

    So, you do understand that “incel” means involuntary celibate.

    Allow me to provide further context.

    When used as a self-identifier the individual is expressing his dismay at apparently being unable to attract a girl or woman. The one self-applying this label is obviously in some level of emotional pain. Maybe even extreme emotional pain.

    When someone else, such as you, applies the term to another in order to disparage them, it illustrates an attitude quite unbecoming a Christian.

    First of all, in your case, it is obvious you applied this label in order to discredit his witness—a witness apparently in opposition to your political ideology. It was your way of summarily dismissing the contents of his statements without doing the hard work of seeing if they may have any merit. In other words, you’ve purposely exemplified the genetic fallacy, which illustrates your dishonesty.

    Second, in applying this label to him you disparagingly cast aside an entire community of disaffected men.

    Like Anon 11:28 AM well-stated, Vicious people practice murder by mouth (Matt 5:22). “Raca!” you say. “Idiot!” “Fool!”

    And for you to import things (as part of your straw man) not necessarily common to “incels” generally (“they get caught up in qanon conspiracies” and ‘create fake rumors’) is to say more about you than any “incel”—either one who self-identifies or one having the label applied to him by another such as you.

  132. Anon 11:28 AM,

    I'd seen that Jordan Peterson video. He's been advocating for discontented young men for a while now.

  133. Anonymous10:26 PM


    Interesting take. I wonder if you are just mocking me.

    I don't feel sorry for a non-married man that can't get extramarital sex. Pain??? --- They're not entitled to such anyway. I especially don't sympathize with those like Mr. Ziegler that, instead, channel that self-inflicted pretend pain into hating women and getting wrapped up in 4chan and other conspiracy theories.

    I've seen the ugliest, dumbest and/or very handicapped men get wives. Incel is a conglomeration of jerks. It's a lifestyle. A choice. They can't find wives because they have no respect for women.

    Being an incel does not give Garret Ziegler a license to be ignorant, lie and misinform.

    Misplaced compassion lends power to evil.

    I don't know if you have women in your life or if you are a part of this incel community yourself so I appreciate your extra-compassionate seeming take but either way, surely you don't condone this...

    Trump Aide: Jan. 6th Witnesses Are "Hoes & Thots"


    P.S. - I'm sure there are some incels I would have compassion for. Sincere honest men that just can't find wives. This incel is not among that group.

    p.p.s. - I'm pretty sure you could go through any politicians' emails over 5 years and find a way to accuse them of a number of white-collar crimes. The clerical and administrative laws around the President's duties and actions are volumous and probably impossible to adhere to absolutely even with an attorney helping navigate that minefield watching every move. Such accusations are just rich coming from a kid that actually worked inside the most documented corrupt administration ever. I wonder how many government documents he personally threw in the fires.

  134. X,

    Instead of understanding this as a call for self-reflection, you go further down a rabbit trail. Well, you can go it alone.

    More pointedly, do you have evidence of your charge that this Garret Ziegler self-identifies as an "incel"?

  135. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Jordan Peterson rule #8 - "Tell the Truth, or at least don't lie"


  136. Anonymous11:00 PM


    Yeah, I'm out of sympathy or self-reflection over unpatriotic men pretending to be Christian that tried to destroy our country.

    I don't care how Mr. Ziegler identifies himself.

    Did you see the video I linked or read the article?

    The video demonstrates his hatred for and disrespect of women.

    The article discusses his association/affiliation with Ron Watkins, long-suspected to actually BE Q.

    His behavior is representative of the incel movement. Nobody else speaks about women they personally worked with in such a manner.


  137. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Craig 9:44 PM,

    Thanks for siting the problem with X's flippant and dismissive, often cruel attitude in yet another instance that he himself provided of himself.
    For a guy who promotes himself a Christian, his proud self-righteous displays only reveal the cringing evidence he is severely lacking in compassion and given to speculations and accusations with no shred of proof...the Bible's picture of a hypocrite.


  138. A total disaster for the Death Cult Dems in PA. Fetterman's debate performance was far worse than expected, whereas Dr. Oz appeared to be coherent, informed and in complete control.

    As a result of the Fetterman disaster, professional oddsmakers now make Oz an overwhelming favorite to win. I'm not surprised. I watched the entire debate on a live feed; Fetterman's was absolutely the worst performance in a debate that I have ever seen, and I have seen a ton of them. He should have hidden in the basement like brain dead Biden. Had he done that, he probably would have won the election.

    Fetterman started out in his OPENING comments by saying "Hi, good night everybody ..." As bad as that was, it was all downhill after that.

  139. Anonymous1:18 AM


    More on these incels you seem to have such (misplaced) compassion for...

    The Rage of the Incels: Incels aren’t really looking for sex. They’re looking for absolute male supremacy.

    Excerpt: ..In the past few years, a subset of straight men calling themselves “incels” have constructed a violent political ideology around the injustice of young, beautiful women refusing to have sex with them. These men often subscribe to notions of white supremacy. They are, by their own judgment, mostly unattractive and socially inept. (They frequently call themselves “subhuman.”) They’re also diabolically misogynistic. “Society has become a place for worship of females and it’s so fucking wrong, they’re not Gods they are just a fucking cum-dumpster,” a typical rant on an incel message board reads. The idea that this misogyny is the real root of their failures with women does not appear to have occurred to them.

    The incel ideology has already inspired the murders of at least sixteen people. Elliot Rodger, in 2014, in Isla Vista, California, killed six and injured fourteen in an attempt to instigate a “War on Women” for “depriving me of sex.” (He then killed himself.) Alek Minassian killed ten people and injured sixteen, in Toronto, last month; prior to doing so, he wrote, on Facebook, “The Incel Rebellion has already begun!” You might also include Christopher Harper-Mercer, who killed nine people, in 2015, and left behind a manifesto that praised Rodger and lamented his own virginity.

    The label that Minassian and others have adopted has entered the mainstream, and it is now being widely misinterpreted. Incel stands for “involuntarily celibate,” but there are many people who would like to have sex and do not. (The term was coined by a queer Canadian woman, in the nineties.) Incels aren’t really looking for sex; they’re looking for absolute male supremacy. Sex, defined to them as dominion over female bodies, is just their preferred sort of proof.

    If what incels wanted was sex, they might, for instance, value sex workers and wish to legalize sex work. But incels, being violent misogynists, often express extreme disgust at the idea of “whores.” Incels tend to direct hatred at things they think they desire; they are obsessed with female beauty but despise makeup as a form of fraud. Incel culture advises men to “looksmaxx” or “statusmaxx”—to improve their appearance, to make more money—in a way that presumes that women are not potential partners or worthy objects of possible affection but inconveniently sentient bodies that must be claimed through cold strategy. (They assume that men who treat women more respectfully are “white-knighting,” putting on a mockable façade of chivalry.) When these tactics fail, as they are bound to do, the rage intensifies. Incels dream of beheading the sluts who wear short shorts but don’t want to be groped by strangers; they draw up elaborate scenarios in which women are auctioned off at age eighteen to the highest bidder; they call Elliot Rodger their Lord and Savior and feminists the female K.K.K. “Women are the ultimate cause of our suffering,” one poster on wrote recently. “They are the ones who have UNJUSTLY made our lives a living hell… We need to focus more on our hatred of women. Hatred is power.”...

  140. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Dear Craig,

    Butting heads with The Goat is futile.

  141. Anonymous9:59 AM

    What you have posted X, are the end results of many years of constant erosion of women's traditional biblical roles in western nations. The erosion of bible based social norms in general. Even in more fundamental circles the process of liberalization is seen.

    Isn't the hatred, violence, chaos, perversion, and resulting pain, an unavoidable outcome?

    I'm not condoning it. Just saying, if you liberalize/satanize a society, it will collapse in ruin.

    And who knows more about that than you X?

  142. Anonymous10:07 AM

    So meanwhile back at the blog....X is busy hating on yet another group of people...(he just can't hate people enough)

    And a book that is a steaming pile has been highlighted here though it is DOA for readership deserving to be ushered into some deep dark rotting corner where trash books go to die,
    we have this that is real news, real threat, in real time:

  143. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Globalists making a final push for depopulated one-world order: How do we resist?

  144. Anonymous10:45 AM

    10:07 AM

    The dollar took a big hit yesterday. The BIG CRASH will happen exactly as the FED has planned for a long time now. This will usher in much pain, suffering, and death. The COVID death shot will not go away. The death shot, and digital dollar, are the transition into the Mark of the Beast System. Noncompliance will be a crime. Those that imprison, and kill us, will think they are doing their 'god' a favor. The goat 'christians' will be our enemies, and persecutors as well.

    There are at least two 'goat christians' here! X, has stated noncompliance with the vaxx should be punished! Anti New Age Cumbey, who embraces war mongers, and Globalists, has stated the vaxx has nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast! Another 'goat christian' for sure. These two, are antichrists, and could lead people astray. Their gibberish should be ignored. Their 'jesus' is a woke socialist version, that they find 'palatable'. I wonder if the real Jesus will find them 'palatable'?

  145. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Rish Bish Mittens and his multi millions.

    Busy working for the little man.

    Got it.

  146. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Bitty beta malcontent x and his big pompous post at 1:18 AM trafficking hate.

    By the way, Zeigler is wearing a wedding ring..

  147. Anonymous11:39 AM

    America Is Struggling Because Of Biden - Not The Other Way Around

  148. Anonymous11:55 AM


    I was waiting for someone to notice his twitter feed said he is a husband and a father.

    God bless and protect her and their child, whoever they are.

    You can be married and still into incel ideology. Just makes hating women a little harder. He's pulling it off.

    BTW. Speaking of felonies. Garrett should be in jail himself for exposing the names of the FBI agents that served the warrents on Mar Largo last summer including the names and addresses of their children in violation of 18 US Code 119 w/ext 1114. It's up to 5 yrs in prison.


  149. Anonymous11:59 AM


  150. Anonymous12:01 PM

    9:59 am said: "I'm not condoning it. Just saying, if you liberalize/satanize a society, it will collapse in ruin. And who knows more about that than you X?"

    Well the republican controlled USSC would know more about that.

    As another conservative, I'm shocked you haven't been able to place the blame where it belongs. The republican court has been dividing and "liberalizing" this nation for decades.

    Giving corporations the right to free speech was their most liberal decision followed closely by Roe v Wade and Hodges v Obergfell.


  151. Anonymous12:14 PM

    It is all the dialectic process X. The Democrats have the best 'ball carriers'. And most certainly, the best Cheerleaders!

  152. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Sometimes the Dems run the pigskin up the gut, and other times they run an end around.

    They do whatever coach Satan calls for.


  153. Remember our Dr. X IMMEDIATELY making every excuse he could think of for this mass murderer? (He did the same for Michael Reinoehl, the BLM/Antifa MURDERER of a Trump supporter in Portland) In contrast to X's wild imagination and bountiful fantasies, the reality is that the murderer that X made excuses for has been FOUND GUILTY on ALL 76 COUNTS!

    Darrell Brooks Found Guilty of First-Degree Murder for All 6 Victims Killed in Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre

    From the article:

    Darrell Brooks — the man accused of driving his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, last year — has been convicted on all six counts of first-degree intentional homicide, after a tumultuous trial where the aspiring rap artist represented himself and made a mockery of the proceedings.

    A jury found Brooks guilty Wednesday morning of all 76 charges against him, with each count of homicide carrying a mandatory life sentence in prison. Just days before the parade massacre, Brooks had been released from prison on a mere $1,000 bail thanks to lenient Milwaukee County DA policies.

  154. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Survey question:
    Which one is easiest to understand when they try to speak?

    1) Joe Biden
    2) Kamala Harris
    3) John Feddermann
    4) Maxine Watters

  155. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Ray B @ 12:37
    Yes, that may all be true,
    HOWEVER, Mr Brooks is a lifetime victim of the systemic racism of the police, the courts, and all the laws.
    AND, Many of those who were killed were known to be Christians. The were largely cis gender, right leaning, privileged and white!
    In fact many of them had grown up in Republican households!

    So, once again X is right.

  156. 12:43 PM ...

    What's my choice if I can't understand any of them?

  157. Those with more than two brain cells were saying this all along ....

    Judge Orders Unvaccinated New York City Employees Reinstated, Rules COVID-19 Firings Unconstitutional

    NOTE: X was all for the FORCED mandates for the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' He enthusiastically supported the firings of employees (and the Armed Service members) for those that refused the jab.

    More and more people are waking up to the dangers of these EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines,' yet, Death Cult Dear Leader wants us to get jabbed with an EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' ONE PER YEAR!

  158. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Speaking of the USSC, Satan, X, and the Democrats.

    NAZI Ruth Bader Ginsburg to get her repugnant mug on a USPS stamp.


  159. Public Health Scotland Investigates Rise in Neonatal Infant Deaths BUT REFUSES TO CHECK VACCINATION STATUS OF MOTHERS

    From the article:

    Public Health Scotland: "We do not have any plans to examine maternal vaccination status ... SUCH ANALYSIS HAD THE POTENTIAL TO BE USED TO HARM VACCINATION CONFIDENCE."

    NOTE: So they are AFRAID of what they might FIND? I can't imagine why!

  160. Anonymous1:50 PM

    The 12:50 PM post was generated by the brain power of an amoeba.


  161. Recall X claiming that the Waukesha Parade driver/murderer was not motivated by racism? Recall the Corporate (fascist) mainstream media claiming the same?

    Did you know that the convicted murderer Darrel Brooks had a long, well-documented history of Black Supremacism??

    Did you know that he was a Black Hebrew Israelite (i.e., Blacks are the true Jews) and a devoted supporter of Black Lives Matter?

    Did you know that he was an admirer of Adolf Hitler?

    Did you know that Brooks was a fanatical hater of Donald Trump?

    I wonder why the mainstream media kept all of this information from us?

    Here's a story from ZeroHedge:

    Black Supremacist Guilty In Deadly Christmas Parade Attack

    From the article:

    As we noted last year, Brooks, an aspiring rapper, left quite the social media footprint in which he posted black nationalist rhetoric, support for Black Lives Matter, and shared memes targeting Kanye West.

    PS: But, the Black Supremacist Brooks, driving his SUV at a high rate of speed into DOZENS of white people, killing 6 and seriously injuring dozens of others, was not motivated by race! Sure thing. As Constance is found of saying: "I've got a bridge to sell you."

  162. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Looks oppressed. NOT.

    O'Biden built that.

  163. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Rayb said: "Remember our Dr. X IMMEDIATELY making every excuse he could think of for this mass murderer? (He did the same for Michael Reinoehl, the BLM/Antifa MURDERER of a Trump supporter in Portland) In contrast to X's wild imagination and bountiful fantasies, the reality is that the murderer that X made excuses for has been FOUND GUILTY on ALL 76 COUNTS!"

    First...I applaud this conviction. May Mr. Brooks rot in jail.

    Second...Ray b is lying again. I didn't make "excuses" for Mr. Brooks and he knows it. I laid out the facts indicating that Mr. Brooks wasn't behaving like a terrorist intentionally targeting white people as Ray and his white supremicist friends, like Andy Ngo, were so eager to portray this intentional mass killing as.

    I explained myself several times so this isn't some misunderstanding. Ray is deliberately misreprenting my prior statements.

    I just looked. Not one of the 76 charges/convictions was for a hate crime. So it appears I was actually right. I wasn't at this trial nor was I tuned in so please provide any information that was presented at trial that may have or did suggest Mr. Brooks planned this attack and specifically targeted white people. Otherwise, my prior opinion is vindicated.


    p.s. - Michael Reinhol was never convicted of murder so he's not a "murderer". He was deprived of his right to a fair trial where he, like Kyle Rittenhouse, may have been able to claim self-defense, after apparently confronting peacefully, then shooting an armed criminal trump hooligan who initiated an attack by pulling out a can of bear spray. We will never know if Mr. Reinhol was indeed a murderer as under suspect circumstances it appears clearly to me Trump had Federal Marshal's assinate him pre-arrest, gunning him down in his car while pretending to serve an arrest warrant. Trump, obviously monitoring the situation in real-time, tweeted within minutes, celebrating the execution.

  164. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Brooks has a history of criminal behavior — and convictions — stretching back to 1999, involving domestic violence, child sex crimes, drugs and more on a 50-page rap sheet.

    Brooks is a registered sex offender in Nevada. He was convicted of obstructing an officer in 2005 and 2003. In 2002, he had another felony marijuana charge. In 2010, Brooks pleaded no contest to felony strangulation charges after allegedly attacking a woman during an argument about phone calls. In 2012, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor bail jumping and marijuana charges. A year earlier, Brooks pleaded guilty to felony marijuana charges and resisting arrest.

    Defending the indefensible is X's specialty.
    Just what you'd expect of a marXist globalist set on bringing in the New Age/NWO.

  165. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Here's the very picture of success of blog squatter social "justice" warrior X.

  166. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Here ya go Rayb... a pretty well-balanced look at neonatal death spikes in Scotland. At least it provides analysis versus just jumping to conclusions and innuendo.

    Summary: It's not enough deaths to really draw much conclusion as to cause, they didn't want to traumatize the mourning mothers (who would understandably be traumatized giving either response and made to feel like their choices killed their babies), most of the hospitalized pregnant women weren't vaccinated, pregnant women vaccine uptake doesn't really seem to correlate with spikes, hospital understaffing may have played a part, further investigation is needed but it's confidentally NOT vaccines related...etc.

    Covid Scotland: Vaccines ruled out in neonatal deaths spike
    9th October


  167. Anonymous2:33 PM


    More lies...I never "defended" Brooks. He's a murderer. He intentionally ran over people and killed them.

    My ONLY claim was that, in my opinion, he didn't plan and intentionally run over white people specifically. It appeared to me a vicious & calous random act of murder That only or mostly white Christian men and women were hit and killed was purely happenstance.

    Again..I didn't follow this trial so correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there was any manifesto or indication this was a deliberate planned assault on the white man/woman.

    Mr Brooks was not charged nor convicted of a hate crime...yet.
    Maybe that's the next step. Not sure.


  168. Anonymous2:52 PM

    You can't pretend that away, X.
    You did defend him, very pointedly, repeatedly, even when his racist facebook rants, when his facebook screenshots of many manifestos of hating white people very specifically were posted here for you to plainly see what they guy's undeniable motive really is, and was at the time of his crime against innocent people. And his rap sheet was long and that information was posted here as well still you considered him a victim.
    Your hypocrisy is off the rails.

    You are constantly on the wrong side of the Bible.
    Your lack of compassion for actual victims and truly disenfranchised people is blatant and more evidence of the humanism that show your adherence to the religion of politics to grant license to criminals yet throw the book at people with whom you disagree (and hate) to bring about social change. It's textbook marXism you are all about and you, we all, know it.

  169. The hypocrisy of X never ends.

    X states: "Michael Reinhol was never convicted of murder so he's not a "murderer".

    Recall X applying the tag "MURDERER" to myself and others who (rightly) refused to take the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine.' And, he did so countless times.

    We were never charged with a crime, never convicted of anything, yet X attacked us as "MURDERERS" while he says he's been "vindicated" because he never referred to Michael Reinhol as a "murderer."

    If X didn't exist, you wouldn't be able to make him up. What a weirdo.


  170. The convicted MURDERER (on ALL 76 counts) Darrel Brooks had a long history of violence. On his social media, Brooks repeatedly expressed his hatred for white people. Brooks was also a 'rapper,' and much of his material expressed his desire to kill white people.

    Brooks was a member of the racist Black Hebrew Israel cult. He was an ardent supporter of the Marxist/Racist Black Lives Matter terrorist group.

    Brooks was an admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Black Supremacist Malcom X.

    Brooks purposely (which X denied) drove his SUV into a parade of white people, killing 6 and seriously injuring dozens of others.

    Yet, X sees no motive of racism on the part of this evil Black Supremacist. In contrast, X has repeatedly labeled myself and others on this blog for being 'racists,' without one ounce of proof to back up his assertions.

    Again, if there is a bigger hypocrite in the world than X, where is he/she?

  171. Anonymous3:52 PM

    So u admit u were wrong calling Reinhold a murderer, since that we all came to learn is a legal definition.

    That’s all you had to say.

    Apology accepted


  172. Anonymous4:05 PM

    3:51 pm

    Again with the lies. I never rationalized or justified his murder of innocent PEOPLE.

    It’s also another “ounce of proof” of your white nationalism by how badly you want to talk about mr brooks and followed his trial so intently when you and others in alt right white nationalist world want to spread fear of black people by promoting brute imagery and exaggerations of crimes. You so badly want this to be a hate crime even absent proof.

    I’m still waiting. Was there any evidence Mr Brooks planned to kill white people specifically that day. It may exist from the trial. Any luck. I never said it couldn’t be racist.

    Simply being a black man who happened to intentionally run over and injure/kill a large number of people that got in his way while he was evading the police & trying to avoid another arrest isn’t enough.

    What he said and did on social media and musically years prior is not really relevant absence direct evidence that was his intention that day.

    How would have even KNOWN they were white???


  173. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Darrel Brooks supposedly shared a few memes and posts here and there on social media representing black hebrews and Black Lives Matter in 2015 and 2020, respectively. Other than that, there currently appears to be little evidence that Brooks actively subscribes to an overarching extremist ideology or is a member of any organized group.


    Ps- in other words, it appears I was right and you all were wrong.

  174. Anonymous4:26 PM

    X is a freak.

    An anti-Bible freak because he can't call evil, evil--because he is a Xhristian, not a Gospel believing Christian.

    Evil is good to him, good is evil.
    Just like Isaiah the prophet said -- and fits him to a "T".

    BTW, did you purposely plan to be this stupid on Oct 26, 2022, or are you just running on yesterdays supply to post so ignorantly on this particular day, X? You seem to have quite a momentum and compulsion to go that direction regardless.

    I think you have a decades old reserve of ill-thought stupid and heartless humanism to draw from to meter out in heaping helpings every damn day, morning, noon, and night.
    Your future looks dark with a result at the end you ain't gonna like at all.
    Doubling down on your empty rhetoric shows you to be an unreasoning and unreasonable person.
    Too bad.

  175. Anonymous5:32 PM


    It appears very much that wisdom has been chasing you but you have always been faster.

    You shall remain in my prayers.


  176. It appears we were right ... Darrell Brooks is a Black Supremacist and a racist that hates White People.

    From the New York Post (America's oldest newspaper):

    Darrell Brooks shared pro-Hitler memes, called for violence against white people

    From the news article:

    The ex-con charged over the deaths of six people at a Wisconsin Christmas parade shared social media posts calling for violence against white people — and suggesting “Hitler was right” for killing Jews.

    Darrell Brooks Jr. — who has a decades-long rap sheet — shared a series of disturbing memes and messages on social media, most of which have been deleted since his arrest for Sunday’s deadly carnage.

    They included numerous posts attacking cops, comparing them to Ku Klux Klan members and calling them “violent street gangs” — as well as calling for violence toward white people, according to screenshots.

    “So when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it…the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD,” he wrote under his rap name, MathBoi Fly, along with a middle-finger emoji.

    In 2015, he also shared a disturbing anti-Semitic meme that appeared to align with the beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelites, according to another screenshot shared by the Daily Mail.


  177. Darrell Brooks' Facebook posts called for violence against White people, support for Hitler

    'The old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT,' one Facebook message from Darrell Brooks read

    PS: Ignore all of this. X, whom we can trust, said that Brooks is not a racist and his motives for running down 62 people, killing 6 (all white) had nothing to do with racism. NONE AT ALL !

  178. X states regarding mass murderer Darrell Brooks:

    Brooks "... being a black man who happened to intentionally run over and injure/kill a large number of people that got in his way while he was evading the police & trying to avoid another arrest isn’t enough.

    Let that sink in. A "black man who HAPPENED to INTENTIONALLY RUN OVER ... a LARGE number of people THAT GOT IN HIS WAY" !!!

    Have you ever, in your entire life, read such a twisted, convoluted piece of mental garbage?

    X is a perfect example of a double minded man. He serves as a warning. Stand firm upon the Rock of God's truth, His Word.

    X's problem (among many others) is this: "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." - James 1:8

  179. (more)

    Note that X is claiming that the people that Brooks ran over "got in his way," so obviously, they are partially to blame! And, X inserts the utterly bogus claim (he did from the start) that the 'black man' was racing to get away from the POLICE, so, ergo, the POLICE are also to blame!!!

    What a complete nutcase.

  180. Anonymous6:19 PM


    Thanks for lying again and putting words in my mouth.

    You may have inferred but that sentence does not imply anything beyond the randomness of his intentional acts.

    Based on the evidence to date, there is nothing indicating he targeted anyone specifically. The people run over were simply those that, unfortunately, "got in his way".

    I didn't blame the cops. As I recall they weren't even in hot pursuit.

    I have my opinion. It's not fact -- I wasn't in Mr. Brook's murderous head and we may never know if he took some actions to actually plan this tragic killing in advance.

    To further my accusation that your hurry to advance & legitimize this racial false narrative demonstrates YOUR white nationalist sympathies...

    White Supremacists Push False Narrative on Waukesha Parade Tragedy: False claims that killings were racially motivated echoed by Republican official

    September, 2022

    Excerpt: In the 10 months since six people were killed and more than 60 injured when an SUV slammed into the Waukesha Christmas Parade, white supremacist and neo-fascist groups have cultivated a belief that the incident was a racially motivated attack on white people. That belief, which was indulged by one high-ranking Republican Party official in the area, is considered a “false narrative” by law enforcement in the community, emails obtained by the Wisconsin Examiner show.

    Experts say that when people who hold real political power nod at the beliefs of extremists they legitimize them, and that mainstream political support further entrenches these groups. Waukesha, and other communities in southeastern Wisconsin, have seen a rise in white supremacist activity over the last year....

  181. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Darrell Brooks is an evil murderer. If I was on a jury I'd vote for the death penalty (if my state had that). He may also be a bit of a racist from time to time; but, there is nothing indicating, as of yet, that he actually targeted white people specifically.

    It's pretty simple --


  182. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "Pious" X the freaking fraud.
    Called us racists for pointing out the known (and known at the time) facts of the one (Brooks) he now calls an evil murderer--the same name (and other choice names) he called us for disagreeing with him about vaxx, etc.
    That's rich coming from you..
    Truth in love is not remotely your style. Is not your goal. It is malice up to your eyebrows that comes from you.

    You are despicable because you attempt to play both sides but we know which side you really fall on--the self-aggrandizing, self-righteous Pharisee side of humanist aims with globalist ends.

    You play stupid games.
    Save your plastic prayers for yourself.
    Bow your head before the real Jesus---because you think yourself somehow His equal by your pompous religiosity.
    You abuse the truth. You abuse people. You're gaslighting while using His Name when you don't live what you incessantly talk and mistreat people--people who simply disagree with you that you do not know in the least.

    ex: If someone says, "You know I only do it because I love you," or, "Believe me, this is for the best," when doing something you perceive as abusive, controlling, or wrong, they are probably gaslighting you.
    That example is your style pious manipulative control freak, X.

    p.s. I don't mind telling your royal a$$ off one bit, "bro".

  183. Anonymous7:06 PM

    6:26 PM X WOW!

    What can be said about your spin X? The world loves you X. It's a match made in Hell.

    Goat Pharisee extraordinaire! Always willing to go to the ends of the earth to make a convert.

  184. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I think that Mr Brooks should sue all those white people that he ran over for all the damages to his vehicle. His precious car is going to need special cleaning and probably a considerable amount of body work.


    P.S. Not to mention his personal trauma at being arrested and handcuffed and accused of various crimes, even though he is an upstanding Black Lives Matter proponent as well as an authentic Black Hebrew.

  185. For the record:

    From the comments here are X's initial statements re: Darrell Brooks:

    My initial thoughts on Waukesha. ("INITIAL" - subject to change as more facts come out). Last night I thought it was odd that if whoever the perpetrator was had the intention to inflict maximum casualties, he wouldn't have avoided hitting so many others. If it was planned, why use your own mid-sized SUV? I don't think it had anything to do with terrorism or BLM. It appears he may have been attempting to evade arrest, again, in a town he probably wasn't that familiar with, probably under the influence of something. He may or may not have heard the gunshot which further created panic. The people he did appears he was trying to find a way to drive around. He hit band members and grannies ---- from behind, so couldn't have been sure of their race/ethnic origin (a good guess for Waukesha, WS but still completely unknown when striking a band/group from behind.

    He was reportedly involved in a crime that morning or afternoon...

    1. Were police in immediate pursuit prior to him going through the barricades?
    2. Was that crime in Waukesha or Milwaukee? Waukesha is a direct suburb of Milwaukee so it's not some rural location the suspect drove an hour to get to looking for white people to kill.
    3. How familiar was this guy with Waukesha?
    4. Is there evidence he even knew there was a parade at all?
    5. A few posts on social media does not, necessarily, make him a BLM terrorist, what else is there indicting such conspiracy? Practically every minority citizen as well as a large percentage of white Americans posted in support of BLM at some point last summer, not every crime they commit thereafter is likely politically motivated.
    6. Was proximity to Kenosha happenstance?
    7. He ran over and, I think, killed a Priest

  186. Anonymous9:24 PM

    And then afterwards X's posts accused others of racism (but not Brooks) because they posted links to Darrell Brooks racist rants against white people.

    He made every excuse for Brooks when it was obvious from many sources showing what his Facebook pages, other media were revealing as his motive for running those people down with his SUV.

    Eyewitnesses interviewed thought it looked deliberate to run right through the crowd.
    X flipped the narrative to defending Brooks and condemning others every time.

  187. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Obviously 7:57 pm is not me.

    Thank you Craig for sharing my initial post. It appears I absolutely nailed it from the get-go.

    Sure you can't estimate crazy psychotic but it STILL makes no sense to me (my opinion) that a person hell-bent, supposedly, on killing as many white persons as he could that day that there was no outside evidence of any planning for such.

    In addition to the list above...

    1. How do you intend to kill white people driving at and through parade participants from behind. Sure we can look NOW and see most of the participants in the parade that particular day were white --- but did HE KNOW that? There would have been a searches on his phone or computer, or maybe he staked out the parade that morning....something showing he KNEW there was a parade and it was largely white. Again...did he even KNOW there was a parade that day at all.

    2. I don't deny he deliberately ran his car right through the crowd. But then he drove into a neighborhood, parked the car and went to a white man's home for a sandwich and help calling him an uber. For a guy on a racial rampage he was sure kind and non-threatening to that white guy-- why not continue the killing spree?

    3. Did he have weapons of terror on him to kill more white people had he got stopped or stuck in the crowds...or even a plan to defend himself from the mob that surely would have descended upon him?'s simple. It was intentional, criminal, murderous, evil but it wasn't a planned massacre of "whitey" in any way.

    ....unless you have real contemporaneous evidence otherwise (I didn't watch the trial -- maybe there was more to the narrative than some social media crap from 2015).


  188. Anonymous9:56 PM

    X at 2:05 PM today:
    "I laid out the facts indicating that Mr. Brooks wasn't behaving like a terrorist intentionally targeting white people as Ray and his white supremicist friends, like Andy Ngo, were so eager to portray this intentional mass killing as."

    Look at X's accusation of RayB and others.

    X again later today:
    "It’s also another “ounce of proof” of your white nationalism by how badly you want to talk about mr brooks and followed his trial so intently when you and others in alt right white nationalist world want to spread fear of black people by promoting brute imagery and exaggerations of crimes. You so badly want this to be a hate crime even absent proof."

    Here are several links on the same thread from Craig's post above that have documentation of Brooks motive to drive his SUV right through the crowd....but X still condemned RayB and others but continued to excuse the man murdering people with his vehicle. exclusive-darrell-brooks-belongs-to-black-supremacist-sect-of-islam-called-the-five-percent-nations-he-committed-vehicular-jihad/

    12:18 PM

  189. For the record, here's the racial makeup of Waukesha, Wisconsin:

  190. Anonymous10:16 PM

    A jury found Brooks guilty based on overwhelming evidence that has been widely published by news outlets since last year.
    "Nonetheless, a Milwaukee judge freed him on $1,000 just days before the attack after he allegedly used the same SUV to run over his child’s mother in a domestic dispute. At the same time Brooks was dealing with those charges, he was out on bail for firing an illegal handgun during an argument with his nephew."

    Just days before he ran those people down he tried to run down his child's mother.
    Killing with a vehicle was what he had already wanted to do--running over a lot of other people then fulfilled what he wanted. And he was happy to do that to people he hated already--innocent white people, so what better place to do that than a Christmas parade?
    It was a racist act but X won't call it that because people posting here fit his idea of racists, not Brooks.

  191. Anonymous10:48 PM


    That's an honest analysis. Waukesha does have a low number of blacks and other minorities but it's still about 16% total black and Hispanic and this parade occurred downtown Waukesha where minorities tend to live in older more urban housing. There's no guarantee arriving at the parade at any random point in time would result in JUST white deaths. If that was his intent...he'd have to plan it.

    It's also just 10 miles from the border of the City of Milwaukee and many suburb cities might invite a marching band or organization from other nearby cities to participate in their parades.

    In my opinion, IF a black man such a Mr. Brooks was determined to run over and kill white people he would have, at some point, researched the line up of the parade. You'd THINK he'd target white MEN versus grandma's, children and a Priest. You'd think he wouldn't zigzag...he'd know his target and barrell straight through instead of, in my estimation, take a path that appears to me to be TRYING to squeeze by the marchers through a gap on the left side that didn't really exist (between the outside marchers and the crowds on the curb).

    Finally, I looked through the daily trial summaries a bit and didn't see any evidence of this being represented as a hate crime at all.

    To the other poster -- FORCING a conclusive narrative it was absolutely a racist attack based upon flimsy, dated evidence and contrary to the local police and prosecutors' conclusions sure sounds itself to be racially my opinion.


  192. Anonymous10:52 PM

    10:16 pm said: "Killing with a vehicle was what he had already wanted to do--running over a lot of other people then fulfilled what he wanted."'s impossible to really know the mind of a psychotic killer and he may have liked the idea of running people over ...but where does that point to him wanting to run over white people.

    He may have just been made at the Waukesha police and wanted to run over Waukesian's, black and white.

    We can speculate but surely absent more contemporaneous evidence or an admission from Brooks (which really wouldn't be reliable anyway) it's impossible to know.


  193. Anonymous11:31 PM

    It is not impossible to know because Brooks own rants on Facebook, other media, said a whole lot about what he had on his mind and over an extended period of time against the white race, and this information was widely distributed in media as was mentioned today and back at the time of the thread referred to earlier in Craig's post that included multiple links that could not be easily missed except purposefully (by you) so you could target us instead of the facts presented that showed what we based our posts about Brooks and his motivation on to carry out such a killing spree. With evidence we saw your excuses as way off base and dared to say so.

    But you have some superior exemption?

    What makes you think you are justified with no evidence whatsoever of our motives (while we have posted actual reporting) we, being people here whom you do not know in the slightest (except that we have stated that we vote Republican/Conservative and you've mischaracterized disparaged that so widely, wildly, negative to extremes) thus having nothing to base your predilections and prejudices about us, to consider us to be racist instead just for pointing out the obvious by Brooks own many words, many public outbursts against white people that are well known?
    So you have freedom to call us racists, white supremisists with no facts?
    And somehow he is not racist though we posted evidence that he, in fact, is, yet we are the conclusively the racists to be condemned in your estimation??????

    You are a flaming hypocrite for your obvious unfounded bias (and you use this tactic topic to topic). You are deeply unfair, uncivil, incorrigible for your games-playing antics of this caliber.

    Why on earth do you do this?

  194. Anonymous11:49 PM

    x needs a life, and his own blog.
    He could call it Haters R Us.

    He's just here for attention since it is sport to him to provoke in any way possible, here with no serious pursuit to search out truth.

    Imagine a grown man so discontent and discordant that he makes himself a plague on a blog?
    A pitiful sad sack like I haven't seen in a long time...

  195. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Meta fined $24.7M for campaign finance disclosure violations

    (and people didn't see that before now?)

  196. Absolutely nothing to be concerned about. We know that Democrats in Pennsylvania run open and honest elections!

    After Sending Out 240,000 UNVERIFIED BALLOTS, Pennsylvania Now Warns Of 'Delays' Counting Midterm Votes

    (Delays = 'how many votes do we need to manufacture?')

    From the article:

    According to Acting Sec. of State Chapman, over 1.2 million mail-in ballots have been requested across the state, and 43% - or 556,000, have been returned.

    So does that mean that nearly 25% of mail-in ballots sent out were unverified?


  197. Lunacy of the Left update:

    Joy Behar: Dr. Oz Violating Hippocratic Oath by Going After Fetterman – ‘Aren’t You Supposed to Do No Harm?’

    Behar said, “The Republican Party is running a bunch of ads about showing Fetterman stumbling on things because of the stroke. What kind of a doctor is behind that, aren’t they supposed to do no harm? It’s so unempathetic to the guy, you know? And I just want to say that Oz is very slick. He’s a TV guy. Remember that. There’s another woman in Arizona, Kari Lake, also a TV woman. So they’re very slick, you know, and Fetterman kind of like, you know, with the stroke and without the stroke is not as slick. But he has ideas, and he has governed.”

    NOTE: Duhhh, attention Joy Behar. Fetterman is not a PATIENT of Dr. Oz.

    Who watches this incredibly stupid show? I was in a Dr.'s office and they had the 'View' on in the waiting room area. After watching it for only 5 minutes, I almost went out of my mind watching these idiots.

  198. Anonymous2:18 AM

    12:26 AM It's very unethical for a doctor to run that type of ad whether Fetterman is a patient of Dr. Oz or not. And "duhhh" is childish of you.

  199. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Thought Russia Was Bad?

  200. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Biden Admin Warns Arizona to Keep Border Open for Illegals
