Saturday, October 22, 2022

Worst book of the year, so far -- by Helgard Muller

Dear Readers:

It's been a bad year for me health wise and I'm delighted Richard Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") is assisting me.  There are so many developments on so many ugly fronts, it is difficult to keep up.  I am increasingly concerned about Evangelical and conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump, the raft of books proclaiming that Trump is God's chosen instrument.Donald John Trump is THE CHRIST.  Here's opening paragraphs from the worst I've read, PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP, THE SON OF MAN, THE CHRIST.  No, that was not referring to Jesus.  It was referring to Donald Trump.

Here is the opening paragraphs from that horribly blasphemous book by Trump groupie Helgard Muller:

"PRESIDENT DONALD J. Trump is the King of Kings, And Lord of Lords! The Son of Man who will be seen seated in the place of power at God's right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven! You have read that correctly! President Donald Trump is the Christ for this age! The Son of King David! Prophecies of Jesus and all the prophets point to President Donald J. Trump as the Son of Man, the Christ. People, Christians, and Jews are not aware of how many prophecies President Donald Trump of the United States has fulfilled in his presidency as the Son of Man." 

And, here's the cover of the so-far worst book of the year:



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Anonymous said...

I see RayB's throwing his coke dipped pacifier out of his QAnon stroller again. ROFL!

Remember that certain GOP Senator who said....." If we nominate Trump , we will be destroyed......& we WILL deserve it!” ? 😆......Ole Lindsey really should have taken his own advice! 😉


Anonymous said...

RayB 9:35 PM,

Once again rewriting history faster than 1984's Minitruth.

Twisting Holy Writ is quite a low drop even for you, RayB.

There is nothing you have to write to Craig about, who exposed your heresies fairly amd thoroughly, despite your back-peddling.

J said...

RayB 12:03 PM,

I prayed about it one night. When I woke up in the morning my heart's urge told me I should forgive and forget. I'm glad you readily agreed to start over.

I don't see much reason to obsess about Trump any longer. I have been angsty about Trump, myself, the more that I have processed what happened on January 6th. The fact that so many people who still strongly support Trump have been so nice to me among family and friends has eased quite a bit of my angst. Media MAGA and real MAGA are usually quite different.

I hope that Constance will refocus on the New Age Movement. I agree with you that it's not new. In fairness to Constance, in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow book, she did not regard it as new, either. She saw it as an attempt to resurrect the pre-flood religion.

"The spirit of antichrist" - allright. That makes sense. I didn't think you would be turning Dispensationalist, and I knew you had seemed to agree with the Reformers that the papacy is the seat of antichrist.

I wasn't trying to split hairs by putting the words under the microscope when I answered your question. I'm not an expert on the occult, but I see a basic and significant difference between a Satanist and a Luciferian. A Satanist is usually a rebel who may or may not believe the actual Satan of the Bible really exists and may only adopt him as a symbol. A Satanist may be an atheist humanist or may just want to "party hearty." Or a less shallow dabbler could be quite a sociopath or cult leader, and I would take that much more seriously. Many Satanists just want to troll Christians; but on the other hand, Satanists can always hide behind the "I was just kidding" schtick so it's always possible it can be a convenient and disingenous cover, like it seems to have been for Anton Levay. It can be a shell game. It's Satanism, so of course it's B.S.

A Luciferian believes that Lucifer is really good and Jehovah is really bad and Lucifer is not the same entity as Satan. Because they are New Agers, they can be very eclectic, so I'll use the painting analogy with them. Knowing what black, white and primary colors are - but recognizing that the painter mixed colors and used shades of gray in the painting - would apply to New Agers. Not all of them read Alice Bailey books. In fact, most of them probably don't. But they are probably influenced by things that have trickled down to them from her influence.

To the extent that a Luciferian has been influenced by Theosophy, he or she does not necessarily have the attitude of being a "bad boy" or a "bad girl." Instead this person may even be highly idealistic, with sprinkles of unicorn dust. Or the very elite level, it could be somebody who has a God complex and who thinks it's up to him to save the world from itself.

The "ancient alien theorists" are all Theosophists. One episode of the History Channel quite openly and brazenly revealed it. They all came out of the closet.

Some may not care at all about Theosophy but may be Transhumanists.

One thing all of these various things have in common is believing the lies, one way or another, that you shall be as gods and you shall not surely die. Whether it's people being a law unto themselves (dabblers in Satanism), trying to control human evolution (transhumanists), seeking to find the godhead within through Luciferian initiation (Luciferians), they all have that in common. They manifest it in different ways because of Satan's marketing campaigns differing according to his target audience.

J said...

X 9:50 PM,

I'm actually surprised you couldn't identify the anon commenter who apologized to you by her writing style. I can't identify every anon commenter every time as a distinct individual who can be followed over time. But with her, I usually could.

J said...

10:46 AM,

You wrote:

"Nevertheless 10:15 AM, you are mixing the not so profane, with the completely profane. A top to bottom ritual here at this blog."


What a very dramatic statement - and with no supporting examples. How can anybody take you seriously? "A top to bottom ritual here at this blog." Not just a ritual. A top to bottom ritual!

Had Christian never become involved with political parties, the majority of American votes since the founding of America would never have been involved in politics.

Isn't it more reasonable to say that Christians should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers?

Unequally yoked means yoking an ox to a mule. The mule drags the ox all over.

I'm an Independent, but you go farther than I ever would. But you only condemn X directly, even though you indirectly indict the entire blog.

This proves you use X as your toxic waste dump. It's called scapegoating and demonizing.

Guess what - it's the reason why I try to have conversations with X. I would actually feel MORE free to be more disagreeable with X if it wasn't like - the temptation of becoming unequally yoked.

People have proved that once X is demonized, the very next thing that happens is that anybody who either really agrees with X, or who can be accused of agreeing with X - or who can even be suspected of secretly being X - can be demonized, too.

If you're really a Christian, and you already know about the real adversary, why even feel the need to scapegoat another person - ANY other person - in this way?

It is PROFANE behavior.

Craig said...

I once belonged to an offline group discussing topics surrounding Bill Johnson. The subject of 2 Chronicles 7:14 came up—I don’t recall the full context—and my position was/is that this verse cannot pertain to America or any modern nation. It was for Theocratic Israel. America is not a Theocracy.

The lone seminary grad in the group disagreed in part, stating the verse could be applied generally. I disagreed then, and I disagree now. I agree with X’s position on this.

Now, there are plenty of pastors/preachers and teachers who appeal to this verse in a general sense—and you can find them online, including on YouTube.

And, for the record, here’s Spurgeon on 2 Chronicles 7:14:

Called by the name of the LORD, we are nevertheless erring men and women. What a mercy it is that our God is ready to forgive! Whenever we sin let us hasten to the mercy seat of our God, seeking pardon. We are to humble ourselves. Should we not be humbled by the fact that after receiving so much love we yet transgress? O LORD, we bow before Thee in the dust and own our grievous ingratitude. Oh, the infamy of sin! Oh, the sevenfold infamy of it in persons so favored as we have been! Next, we are to pray for mercy, for cleansing, for deliverance from the power of sin. O LORD, hear us even now, and shut not out our cry. In this prayer we are to seek the LORD's face. He has left us because of our faults, and we must entreat Him to return. O LORD, look on us in Thy Son Jesus, and smile upon Thy servants. With this must go our own turning from evil; God cannot turn to us unless we turn from sin. Then comes the triple promise of hearing, pardon, and healing. Our Father, grant us these at once, for our LORD Jesus Christ's sake.

There may be larger context for this, but as it stands Spurgeon appears to be speaking generally, that is, individually, as opposed to using this verse in a national/nationalistic sense. His Should we not be humbled by the fact that after receiving so much love we yet transgress? seems to pertain to the love shown by Jesus Christ in enduring the Cross for our sakes.

Craig said...

Continuing my thoughts from above:

One could use the example of Nineveh in the Book of Jonah. The entire city repented, at the request/command of its leader, and the LORD spared it—for a time, at least.

And one could appeal to the examples of Sodom and Gomorrah, in which the LORD would have spared the two cities had there been a sufficient number of penitent individuals—a remnant.

But I don’t think we can appeal to 2 Chronicles 7:14 toward this end. It’s a different context.

Anonymous said...

RayQAnon (Aka RayB) has gotten all quiet ...

Anonymous said...

You Can’t Have a Red Wave with a Blue Dam
By Matthew G. Andersson

Anonymous said...

RayB sneered at 2:48 PM,

“2:42 PM ...”

“I have a funny feeling that come Wednesday morning, there's going to be an awful lot of 'weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth' in here.”

“It should be fun to watch.”

“How’s that, “weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth” going for you, RayB?

I bet you’re frantically goose stepping round your yard now in your swastika socks now, lamenting the demise of the Orange Moron… ROFL.

Anonymous said...

RayB's Question: When God judges the world, and ultimately destroys it with fire, under which covenant will that be accomplished?

The covenant given to the seed of Abraham was abolished. The new covenant is given to all believers in Christ Jesus. The new covenant is a better and everlasting covenant. Jesus fulfilled the law and He will bring judgment upon all of those who are not of the Israel of God. Jesus, the lamb of God, was slain from the foundation of the world. It was always God's plan. Plan A. The old is passed away and the new is everlasting.

All of this started because you asked me if God is on America's side, and if so, why. I answered in the same way I would have responded to anyone. You didn't like my answer and turned it into being all about my misunderstanding of you. I would love to believe that you're just an innocent guy and the most misunderstood individual commenting here. Reading through the 816 comments on this thread alone, it's obvious that's not the case. Your accusations and disrespect of Constance Cumbey is a HUGE red flag. You often include me in your directed questions or inflammatory comments about Constance (which is a big compliment to me). But I'm a nobody, I just make a few comments from time to time and sign my name. I don't mind explaining myself better or having a healthy discussion. I do see the tactics you use and I'm not going to be manipulated in that way again. There isn't anyone here who owes RayB an explanation or is required to meet RayB's demands.

This blog's stated purpose is the News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!" That should be our common unity. Constance generously gives everyone the freedom to say what they think. Your disrespect of her, along with some others who do the same, is divisive and sows discord.


RayB said...

Linda states:

"This blog's stated purpose is the News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!" That should be our common unity."

Really? It appears to me and others that Constance has drastically departed from her stated purpose. She's turned it into a site that is obsessed with Donald Trump.

For the better part of the last two years, this blog has been used by Constance to literally attack ALL Trump voters on that post on this blog. She's accused us of being "Trump Worshippers," "Q-Anon Cult members," believing in a "false Jesus, instead of "her Jesus," believing in "Trump as our messiah," being "anti-Semites," accused us of being "racists' for opposing the USSC nomination of pro-abortion Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, etc., etc.

By the way, the promises of God to Abraham were made to those that are the seed of faith, both old testament and new. If you don't believe that, read Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, along with quite a bit of Romans. Jesus's discourse with the 'believing Jews' in John Chapter 8 also covers this extensively, whereby he identifies those whose father is Abraham.

If you're interested, I'll give you the verses for you to ponder.

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey singlehandedly stopped the Red Wave!

“How’s that, “weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth” going for you, RayB?


Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

I dare say I speak for many decent minded Christians here in expressing my utter horror at the way RayB has run amock trolling here and insulting you and others for some time now.

Could you please limit RayB's posts to once a month here (at most)?

His posts are becoming ever more frequently and intensely caustic, replete with the diatribes of a grandiose narcissist. No bullying should happen here and, with utmost respect, his trolling, false accusations, defamation and abuse of your character here should in no way be accepted either.

God bless you, Constance and thank you for your understanding.

Craig said...

X @ 9:50 PM,

Not sure what to make of your comment re Silvestrov's "Prayer for Ukraine". None other than Arvo Pärt praised Silvestrov as "without a doubt the most interesting composer today."

You'd scarcely call this one 'elevator music'--a piece written following the death of his wife:

Valentin Silvestrov - Requiem for Larissa - Памяти Киры Mуратовой ( Hobart Earle, OPO, Dumka )

Perhaps you'd prefer this composer's piece for Ukraine?

Erkki-Sven Tüür - For Ukraine ǀ Kaljuste ǀ Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir ǀ Tallinn Chamber Orc

Or maybe you'd just prefer some Wagner:

Elmer Fudd - Kill the Wabbit (Official Video) ft. Bugs Bunny

Craig said...

One World Religion around Climate Change™, aka Ecological Justice (they even have their own Eco Bible), as part of the larger 'Social Justice'?

From the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development:

In Sinai, a Prophetic Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance

Between November 6th and 18th, 2022, the UN climate conference COP 27 will take place on the Sinai Peninsula, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Religious communities and religious leaders have a key role to play in addressing climate change and climate justice, which requires deep transformation within society. The knowledge of what changes are critically needed to diminish long-term harm to the planet is readily available. However, bringing about change in action demands deeper changes in attitude, a change of heart. This has been the domain of religions for millennia. Religions are sources of inspiration for the transformation of heart and the ensuing changes of attitude.

To support, challenge and inspire discussions during COP 27 at Sharm El Sheikh, interfaith climate events will take place in Sharm El Sheik, London, Jerusalem, and elsewhere that will be heart-stirring, transformative and a moment of inspiration for religious communities and for humanity. Religious leaders will call for a reexamination of deep-seated attitudes and for identifying ways to transform these attitudes for the wellbeing of Earth, our common home.

Mount Sinai is a mountain whose memory and meaning loom large as a place of revelation in the collective consciousness of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and others. As an ancient sacred space, it was the site of prophetic experience, and receiving God’s message, for the prophets Moses and Elijah in all three Abrahamic traditions, and the prophet Muhammed in the Muslim tradition. COP 27 taking place in Sinai can remind humanity of our sacred responsibility to care for God’s creation.

We come to Sinai in a movement of repentance and quest. We seek a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence, and we seek to receive and amplify a message of life-sustaining living and habits that humanity needs to hear today. In this spirit, the project partners will bring together premier religious leaders from the world’s major religions to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action: “Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice.”

Interfaith Climate Events at COP 27

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), together with partners, is organizing four multifaith climate events at COP 27, from Monday, Nov. 14 through Wednesday, Nov. 16 . The events will incorporate concrete examples of how religious communities are actively meeting the climate challenge, and feature concrete initiatives that translate the broader spiritual practices into action.

On Monday, Nov. 14 at 9 am, ICSD is organizing an interfaith climate event with religious leaders speaking, in the Israeli exhibition within the Blue Zone. Speakers include H.E. Metropolitan Serafim Kykotis, Sr. Maureen Goodman, James Sternlicht, and Rabbi Yonatan Neril.

In addition, ICSD is organizing three press conference events in the press conference space for NGOs in the blue zone at COP 27, in the Luxor Taba Area B. If you have a badge to enter the blue zone, we invite you to attend any or all of them.

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) is organizing four multifaith climate events at COP 27, from Monday, Nov. 14 through Wednesday, Nov. 16…


Craig said...


As world leaders and climate activists meet in November for the U.N.’s COP27, preachers and congregations can add their voices to the calls for climate justice.

In an effort to encourage clergy to teach and preach on climate change during COP 27, we have made available the following free resources:

• Abraham and Torah teachings on Climate Change
• COP27 – Solidarity And Endurance For Climate Justice: Malachi 4 And Luke 21
• For materials on Islam and climate change, click here.
• For materials on Hinduism and climate change, click here.

Who: The London climate repentance ceremony will involve world religious leaders, primarily from the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders.

Follow Up and Outreach:

Following the Sinai event, we intend to launch a series of educational initiatives that will flow from it. The materials produced by religious leaders participating in the event will be converted into study materials, that will serve the religious communities and the community of climate activists, in special seminars and ongoing teaching situations.

Learn more about the Sinai Climate Partnership for Houses of Worship

Founding Partners: The event will be coordinated by a coalition of organizations:

The Elijah Interfaith Institute and its Board of World Religious Leaders brings together some of the world’s most prominent religious figures from Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and the Religions of India.
• The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development reveals the connection between religion and ecology and mobilizes people to act.
• The Peace Department is a US non-profit designed to solve global coordination failures by making philanthropy and impact investing effective and scalable.
• Climate activist Yosef Abramowitz serves as special advisor to the initiative.

Other Partners: The UN Environment Program’s Faith for Earth Initiative works to strategically engage with faith-based organizations and partner with them to collectively achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and fulfill the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

Jerusalem Interfaith Climate Declaration

Goals of the Interfaith Climate Events

• Inspire and unleash the power of religions, religious leaders and faith communities as change agents for climate action and as sources for inspiring and motivating discussions among politicians and civil bodies.
• Motivate action among religious communities and the wider public to curb climate change.
• Invite media to cover religious leaders’ advocacy in combating climate change.
• Promote a coalition of religious leaders to work together for climate action.
• Generate new faith-inspired climate education materials for broad use.

Craig said...


10 Spiritual Principles for Climate Repentance
The Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders


The leaders of the world are presently gathered in Egypt, during this time of great international tension and conflict, for the Cop-27 meeting. We support them with our deepest prayers and meditations. Theirs is the urgent work of addressing the practical challenges of climate change and for negotiating between nations, in an attempt to help humanity resolve the climate crisis. As religious leaders we offer our voice as a contribution to the gathered leaders and to humanity. Ours is a voice of hope and unity, grounded in a spiritual vision. From this vision, offered as common ground between diverse religions, an positive attitude to life is derived that can inform practical decisions and negotiations. It can also give hope and meaning to individuals struggling under the burden of climate anxiety, who seek to find their place and identify their responsibility at this time of crisis. We must also confront honestly the destructive habits which continue to limit the possibilities and the hopes of human beings, in a call for wake up and self-examination. With the following ten principles we seek to initiate a process of climate repentance, broader understanding, and effective action. Many practical consequences can be derived from the vision set forth here, as well as from the individual principles we offer. Our call is a call to action; and a call to return to a correct vision of the creation, the creator, and the harmonious relationship of humanity with creation.

God and the world – the Nature of Being

1. Creation is not our possession. The human person must recognize this and find his/her rightful place in relation to this fundamental fact. For some of us, this leads to a sense of gratitude for God’s gifts and for the gift of life itself, wherein humanity takes its rightful place as partner and co-creator, in advancing the life of all creation. For others,, creation itself is sacred.
Therefore: We recognize human responsibility to love and protect nature.
2. Creation is not simply external to God. It is, in significant ways, permeated by God’s presence and being, manifesting the divine agency and reality. Such understandings are found in all traditions, whether as the universal view or as one voice among others. Alternatively, nature is permeated by the spiritual, manifesting ultimate reality in every particle.
Therefore: We must treat all of life with reverence.
3. Within creation, and between humans and other parts of creation, as well as among religious communities, there is interdependence. All are part of a greater whole wherein each element both receives and gives influence, impact, love, and growth.
Therefore: We must care for each other and the planet


Craig said...


Humanity and Its Responsibilities

4. The distinctive task of humanity is to nurture and serve this interdependent life-giving, and so to resist the temptation to exploitation, waste, and harm. Acting in the interest of human well-being cannot be something pursued in separation from working for the well-being of the whole created order. This finds two prominent expressions:
a. Commitment to not harm creation, and the responsibility to protect it.
b. Commitment to serve, advance, and aid in the growth and evolution of all parts of creation.
Therefore: We recognize that we are responsible for the wellbeing of all life today, as well as for future generations.
5. The human person has capacities that are conducive to the realization of this vision, as well as forces that are destructive. Ego, self-centeredness, greed, arrogance, and more are negative traits stemming from a limited sense of the human person. These have the potential to destroy humanity and creation. The soul, or the higher aspects of the human person, have the capacity to realize the fuller vision of humanity’s role in the broader scheme of the meaning of life and creation.
Therefore: A disciplined spiritual life is helpful in overcoming the challenges of climate change.
There is an inherent relationship between the human person (within) and nature and objective reality (without). Thoughts, speech and action have the capacity to bring harm or to heal.
Therefore: Use thought, speech and action only for the good.

• Based on this understanding of the human person and his/her role in creation, the processes of growth, transformation, return and repentance are fundamental to human existence.
Therefore: The human person is benefitted by the ongoing effort to purify, raise, and transform himself, in view of a higher vision.

Living in Spirituality and Responsibility

8. There are reactions when we harm the earth and others. Actions have consequences and no action can be ignored. The weight of our actions and their short and long term consequences lead us to find ways of mitigating harmful actions and to work for the good.
Therefore: Act knowing that every action counts.
9. Empowered by mind, reason and spiritual understanding, we adopt a mindful and attentive view of the natural world.
Therefore: take seriously the lessons and observations that humanity has reached by application of its mind in scientific study and through common reason.
10. The life of attentive, intelligent love is embodied in compassion: in openness to the pain and vulnerability of the world. Care for the other is expressed in love and compassion as fundamental spiritual principles. These are to be applied to other humans, human communities, and other parts of creation. Compassion means suffering with others—to feel the pain of the earth, of the poor, and of those who suffer the consequences of climate change. Opening our hearts to their pain will lead us to change.
Therefore: Be sensitive to the intolerable insecurities and injustices in which so many of our fellow-humans live.

Anonymous said...

J said:

I've been thinking more about this as a hypothetical. In order for a far right New Age and a far left New Age to join together, the far right would need to be convinced to scapegoat Christians. The far left already does. Seemingly the far right is far off from scapegoating Christians in America. Yet I don't think this is true. Some anon trolls have displayed so much intense vitriol towards Rich and Constance, and even conservative Christian commenters have possibly enabled this at times, even if they have not directly displayed this. So this makes me think any Christian called a Liberal could be scapegoated by the far right. I could almost say that I don't see how, in the America I know, the far left could join the far right any time soon. Yet, we've had a taste of it, when we watched many Bernie Sanders supporters join MAGA. We've watched many apolitical New Age social media influencers become QAnon influencers. They may be apolitical, but I doubt very much that they mind LGBTQ or climate change initiatives or many other far left causes. These people are dubbed "Conspirituality" people by some. (You incorrectly apply that term to Christian conservative commenters here.) I see the seeds of this type of joining of a dialectic of far right and far left. I don't see it becoming mature enough in our generation. But I could possibly be surprised....

Many will be deceived in the last days and it wouldn't take much.

The code words are all firmly implanted.

My wife and daughter were talking about this the other day and how she's coming across the occasional new age Maga friend/acquintance now and then and it's always some hippy dippy friend who seemed to go from Yoga to astrology to vegan to "wholeness" to "wellness" to "mindfulness" to qanon to Maga....always looking, never finding what only God has provided through Jesus Christ. Fascist groups like Maga are always going to attract the seekers looking for ANY identity as a salve to their isolation, fear and pain. How one goes from #savethechildren to buying Trump ever intended to do such is all pretty amazing and unexplainable.

I also don't think you can look at the left or right as a monolith. The left includes labor who Trump found particularly easy to flip with a few lies at a Carrier plant. The owners of Carrier sure made out with the Trump Tax cuts for the rich....didn't work out for the union all that much...the plant still closed with production going to Mexico.

I used to explain to my kids about drug culture. Every high school has the drug crowd. The biggest lure of the drug crowd is the drug crowd will accept anyone. All you have to do is do drugs to fit in. There are no real relationships or friendships to such...just drugs and the second someone gets caught, cornered by authorities like cops, a teacher or admin all those "friends" will scramble, backstab and turn on each other. It's a path to further and deeper isolation (and a future of living in their parent's basement) and clearly off God's path.

The Maga crowd is that drug crowd. Fully accepting and loving of anyone willing to join them politically but absent of any real love, real ideology or real concern for society other than the well-being of its benefactors, corporate America and the orthodox roman catholics as they orchestrate such. It's a big tent precisely because it's not a real tent with any real purpose run by a charlatan capable of pretending to be all things for everyone at once while being for nothing but himself (no different than Kenneth Copeland).


Anonymous said...


I should have been more clear. I listen to "elevator music" more than all other music combined as I have it on in the background while I work to help me concentrate. Piano pieces work best for me. Big orchestral peices can be distracting, but, Larissa was phenominal.

I've got this on right now

Silvestrov: Melodies of Silence


RayB said...

What's causing the mass exodus of American Doctors and Nurses?

Here's one explanation:

"I’m a practicing ER nurse of 25 years. The amount of blood clots, strokes, cardiac events like myocarditis/pericarditis, Bell’s Palsy, shingles, etc. that I’ve seen since the vaccine rollout is more than I’ve ever seen in the previous 23.5 years combined.

I don’t know how anyone can’t be frightened by what we are seeing. When I try to discuss this with my coworkers, they turn their heads and look downcast, but will rarely speak.

I think it’s because like me, they feel betrayed for following the narrative, but unlike me they won’t open their eyes and speak out (they’re afraid for their careers and also are scared to death that their bodies are ticking time bombs). It’s easier to ignore than to acknowledge." – Susan Pace, Medscape

Anonymous said...

Poor Rayb (and Healthimpactnews)...reduced to copying and pasting random unverifiable comments from a discussion forum on Medscape as "evidence". In other words, "Medscape" is not a credential of Susan Pace, she just made her comment there. ( see: )

The vaccines were "rolled out" during a pandemic, now endemic novel virus that causes and/or exacerbates all sorts of long term health issues. How anyone makes the conclusion that these deaths are vaccine related is ridiculous.

I know you and/or your wife were sick recently ray, are you suffering the long term effects of a protracted unvaccinated covid infection?

I don't celebrate such I just wonder where the protracted cognitive dissonance originates. There is nothing to suggest the millions of lives saved by covid vaccines are outweighed by a few anecdotal situations. I believe recent excess deaths are actually demonstrating the importance of having been vaccinated and just how murderous much covid denial and anti-vax sentiments were.


J said...

Whitney Webb told Glenn Beck in this interview she thinks we're facing something bigger than Klaus Schwab. Glenn Beck said of this interview with Whitney Webb: "this is the most important hour I have ever been a part of in broadcast [and] I've done this for 45 years."

Whitney Webb EXPOSES the REAL power behind Jeffrey Epstein's sexual blackmail network
The Glenn Beck Podcast

Anonymous said...

Not really surprising for the "church" that gave us new age republicans such as wellness champion, Orin Hatch as well as Mitt Romney.

Mormon church voices support for same-sex marriage law

Anonymous said...

Many of us have tried to warn Trump remains a threat.

But nooooooo, he’s a has been and “Trump lives rent free in your head”. I will not vote for him ever again. My family members will not vote for him again. We’re all Republican voters. His political career needs to end in the primaries.

Anonymous said...

What makes anyone think we will even have an election in 2024?

Very soon, with the way everything is trending with the Gaffer-in-Chief in office, we won't wake up in a free country anyway.

J said...

The Democrats seem to see Trump as a threat allright - but mainly to the Republican party.

Democrats are openly rooting for another Trump presidential bid

J said...

Please stop the unnecessary cowering at the thought of another Trump presidency. ALL such cowering will be to accomplish, will be to make his presidential run seem more credible to the remainder of his base - who will give him more money. They are people like my father. They may be retired veterans. They may be small business people. They may be mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Most of them just want Constitutionalism.

Don't help him scam more money out of them. It's indecent. Don't help him get more money from his exhausted base. The more you cower, the more they'll give him money. Disgusting.

Please stop already.

Poll: GOP Support Shifts to Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump by 7 Points

J said...

Loving Our Neighbors, Telling the Truth about Identity and Gender

Anonymous said...

Stop the steal for sure, 11:03,

RayQAnon has no doubt sold off the family silver already to support the Bettayer in Chief, Don J Drumpf.

J said...

11:31 AM,

That comment was not helpful.

Anonymous said...

You've Gotta Be Kidding Me

Anonymous said...

I saw that interview.
Whitney Web is the real deal.

RayB said...

I read J's post @ 6:24 AM a couple of times, which helped to prompt me, after thoughtful consideration, to move into a different direction. One of the lines that she stated was this; "I don't see much reason to obsess about Trump any longer." I applied that in a general way regarding the subject of politics. As a result, I've made a personal commitment regarding Trump and politics; I'm no longer going to obsess over politics, PERIOD. I've come to realize that what we discuss here on this little blog isn't going to effect ANYTHING, particularly when the subject is political in nature. Will I slip up now and then and make some political observations? Probably. But I'm going to try my best to avoid these fruitless conversations and concentrate more on spiritual truths that are based upon God's word.

I stumbled across this today and found it very revealing. Watch this short video, especially towards the end. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen, extremely cult like and demonic. Watch how this false teacher is able to easily manipulate people's thinking ... and to get them to accept that a 'faith healer' took a baby and thew it against a wall, and then drop kicked it into the audience, before 'healing' it ... and the people just sit there and take it all in!


PS: I took some time to peruse this site today, and found a boatload of VERY good information. Comes from a Reformed orthodox perspective. You may want to consider checking it out.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Party is the anal sex feces Party

Donald Trump’s allegiance is only to Israel…

Ron deSantis’s allegiance is only to Israel…

Do not consent to be governed by the Kharzar Tape Worm Parasites

X said...

Trump started operation warp speed. Without him signing off on that about 400,000 Americans would still be alive and counting. Not to mention those with debilitating and life altering side effects. He still promotes the vax.

He allowed many of the January 6, demonstrators to be falsely imprisoned and tortured by the DOJ. He refused to pardon them while pardoning various scumbags, criminals and rappers.

He did not drain the swamp and instead allowed many in the swamp to stay around and cause him and the country problems.

Now DeSantis is no better just more subtle.


Anonymous said...

lol...(not funny but more oh,

obviously not me.

I don't like Desantis either but not for those reasons. Looks more like our LA cab driving troll possibly.


Anonymous said...


go away Nazi...

Some Jews deciding to boycott Nazi businesses in 1933 is not now nor was it ever a "declaration of war".

The claim that there was a Jewish war against Nazi Germany is an antisemitic conspiracy theory promoted in Nazi propaganda which asserts that Jews, acting as a single historical actor, started World War II and sought the destruction of Germany. Alleging that war was declared in 1939 by Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, Nazis used this false notion to justify the persecution of Jews under German control on the grounds that the Holocaust was justified self-defense. Since the end of World War II, the conspiracy theory has been popular among neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers....

Anonymous said...

I can't tell the difference between x and x's troll.
But then I don't really care at all about either of them.

J said...

I'd vote for DeSantis over Biden, Harris or Newsome. But 2024 is a long way off.

I'm all for focusing more on religion than on politics. A one world government would never be unified without a one world religion to accompany it. More than one elite New Ager has written that in so many words, in full awareness of it.

Yes, RayB, we are nobodies in this comment section. But God works with the small, humble and weak so that nobody may boast.

J said...

One trick seems to be the introduction of subtle and seemingly innocuous words like The Silence. The kicker is that the naive may think it's no big deal, while the initiated will know what the term means to a New Ager. It is a sneaky way to attempt gradual unification of believers with New Agers.

Letter to the Editor: Wycliffe [Bible Translators] Brings “Spiritual Formation” and Contemplative Practices to Its Members

J said...

One climate change activist notes that "grasstop" efforts in the early 2000s didn't work out so well, because the evangelical church world is not very hierarchical. But another one says that framing climate change as a moral issue has won the day with messaging like "creation care" being preached in local churches.

Sidebar: Involvement by religious groups in debates over climate change

Anonymous said...

There is such a good analysis of the inception and carrying out in the political realm of what we see today that was conveyed by Robert Bork in his book Slouching Toward Gomorrah.

But he, in his suggestions of how to turn it around, nor any others who want to tackle the issues, can't really approach the problem with politics. Politics would never be The Solution, just a way to put some good perimeters around and shore up what moral persons choose to live in a free society. When that is compromised, when biblically moral people are silenced and unable to express their God-given freewill, while those who take undue license to force their personal vices and agendas instead (and from every class and/or segment of society), then we can easily see what the Bible describes in Proverbs 14:34 that says: Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. The natural tension and strain between the two concepts and aims is tampered with to the great harm of all when righteousness is bested by sin, and there are a number of besetting sins to go around. The problem is in the very heart of this people.
God alone provides the moral fortitude and correct compass from His Holy Canon to bring things back from the brink of destruction we are standing at right now. So I wonder, is it now too late for this country?

The unifying of both completely compromised parties (which both by degrees held on to at times of the godly strictures set for a free society) has only made them strong from their citadel, Washington, D.C., not protecting actual unity and freedom for the Republic, but only for their own powers and gains. Powers that have been systematically taken from those they swore to defend and serve by means of a democratic form of governing that is no longer democratic since that notion has been cast aside to feed federal encroachments (and like Israel of old, the people would have it so.
Too much power, for much too long, has centered there and not kept freely dispersed among the population in their individual states. The normal and natural tensions produced among citizenry to work toward the good of all have been overthrown as archaic and enslaving, so the opposite is now in play. Given over to certain and particular powerful people disallowing the necessary jostle toward ironing out the solutions, the very opposite of:
“God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!”

“God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!”

“May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!”
Human nature is running it's course, as God has been kicked to the curb by America.


Anonymous said...
Short clips but some good points

RayB said...

Just another reason why the Corporate Main Stream Media cannot be trusted:

Prime example of how the media is used to hype and promote who, and what, they choose. In this case, it's the Corporate Media propagandists at CNBC as they shamelessly promote FTX founder and Con-Man Sam Bankman-Fried. Aired just 2 months ago, watch this puff-piece by CNBC:

FTX still has $1 billion to deploy, says CEO Sam Bankman-Fried

And again, CNBC's Jim Cramer calling Sam Bankman-Fried "this generation's J. P. Morgan."

What investigative journalism did CNBC do that provided the basis for their very pro-FTX/Bankman-Fried reports?

RayB said...

Anon @ 12:00 PM ...

Regarding Bork's "Slouching Towards Gomorrah," it was printed in 1996. Things have deteriorated very far from back then.

By the way, I used to give copies of this book away in an attempt to help wake people up.

Just yesterday, 12 Republican Senators voted with the Democrats to codify same sex marriage into Federal Law. Back in 1996, even Bork wouldn't have believed that that would have ever happened. It's another sign of our very deep, moral decay, and the slope continues to be greased.

paul said...

Ice cream platters filled to the brim,
Middle class survival, such a stupid whim!

World leaders skin America deep,
Joe's stomach turns, his skin creeps!

lyrics by paul

RayB said...

More Main Stream Media shenanigans:

The Washington Post Quietly Drops ‘Bombshell’ About FBI’s Trump Mar-A-Lago Raid Days After Midterm Election

Surprise, surprise ... Trump possessing nuclear 'secrets' turns out to be another media hoax.

The Washington Post reports ... interesting timing that this comes out a little over a week past the mid term election.

The FBI’s raid at the behest of the National Archives and Records Administration has not yielded the “nuclear secrets” that the Washington Post reported in August were in Trump’s possession.

Craig said...

X @ 10:23 AM,

Ok, I wasn’t sure (you are many times sarcastic, so I couldn’t determine your intent here).

I like the composer’s own renditions of some of his works, such as his Bagatelles, etc:

Valentyn Silvestrov - Bagatelles 11, Cycle of cycles, attacca (as a single piece), played by author

I’d guess you have some George Winston on that playlist?

Any Erik Satie? If not, this deficiency must be rectified:

Erik Satie - Gymnopédies (feat. Reinbert de Leeuw)

Eric Satie : Gnossiennes 1 - 3 / Reinbert de Leeuw ( piano)

Brian Eno’s ambient material? Like this one (for Harold Budd):

through hollow lands – eno

Harold Budd / Brian Eno – The Plateaux of Mirror


X @ 12:11 PM,

It’s certainly possible Susan Pace is a pseudonym and her accounts completely fictitious; however, this could be a real person (pseudonym or not) and the words completely true. A brief bio is included under this name, for what that’s worth.

If we include the VAERS data and somewhat recent findings in the medical literature showing a correlation between certain CV19 vaxxes and pericarditis/myocarditis in males between ~16–40, we find correspondence with this Susan Pace’s words.

Craig said...

J @ 11:22 AM,

From the article you reference is this gem:

Still, many religious leaders and groups sat out the environmental movement during most of the 1970s – a time when the movement’s main priorities tended to be pollution and population control, not climate change.5 In fact, some environmentalists in that period cast religion as responsible for a lack of human concern for the planet. On that first Earth Day in 1970, a handbook prepared for thousands of teach-ins contained an essay from Science magazine arguing that Christianity, especially in its Western forms, was the most human-centric religion in the world and played a major role in ecological problems. The author, UCLA historian Lynn White Jr., wrote that the biblical creation story, in establishing human dominance over other creatures, had conditioned people to undervalue non-humans. “[W]e shall continue to have a worsening ecological crisis until we reject the Christian axiom that nature has no reason for existence save to serve man,” White wrote.

Never mind that the Genesis account is also part of the Jewish religious tradition--it must be blamed on Christianity.

Also, during the '70s the fear-mongering centered on an impending ICE AGE instead of the current 'global warming'-now-Climate Change™.

Anonymous said...

”The FBI’s raid at the behest of the National Archives and Records Administration has not yielded the “nuclear secrets” that the Washington Post reported in August were in Trump’s possession."

Perhaps Trump has already passed them over to the Russians,... wasn't it they who were bailing him out via Deutshe Bank when no one else would!

Anonymous said...

"Ok, I wasn’t sure (you are many times sarcastic, so I couldn’t determine your intent here)."

Craig, you'd do well to take that rotten mote out of your own eye first, then you would be able to see clearly to help X with the speck in his.

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 9:15

I do include George Winston. I've seen him in concert.

This might be the same Susan Pace (age 66) from Connecticut who has several letters opposing vaccine mandate legislation in Connecticut around the time and even prior to Covid, like this one.,%20Susan,%20Registered%20Nurse-TMY.PDF

She's registered republican (same am I so it's not telling you much)

Her linkedIn indicates she's a registered nurse and aromatherapist (new age maybe???)

The hospital she works at, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital in Torrington, CT currently has a completely average and standard 30 day mortality rate...

Heart failure might be slightly elevated over 2014-2016 average numbers* but it's in line with the rest of the country. Locally her hospital is a little higher right now than others in her area. That might be an indication she's anecdotally seeing a slight increase that happened to fall on her shifts that week but there's no indication anywhere in the region is out of whack in anyway matching her hyperbole.

Here's some historical 30 day mortality data for comparison...

As far as VAERS's not indicating anything of the sort because the data isn't supposed to be used that way. Attempts by others to suggest the data indicates anything is to misconstrue the data outside it's purpose. And any indication young men are having or had difficulty in very small numbers with covid vaccines (especially by the Quack Florida Surgeon General), it is my understanding such distress was rather immediate and contemporaneous with the taking of the vaccines (within days thereof and decreasing as the days passed). I think Ms Pace was implying her hospital was overflowing with dying people who were long ago vaccinated as if the population that got vaccinated in 2021 are somehow dropping like flies now.

I also just looked and "excess deaths" in the US appear to be way down and decreasing from July peak around 10%. Varying countries and regions seem to be enduring some excess deaths at different times in waves that correlate to covid infections versus more standard vaccination dates.

I know a lot of people and have yet to know personally a single person who was seriously injured by the covid vaccine. Not one employee missed a day of work due to the vaccine. I contrast that to knowing very personally a few that died, like my counsin and a friend in my bible study and my wife's friend in her bible study. I also know 100+ more who covid died as acquaintances or family/friends of family/friends. cousin is dead because of Trump and him buying the anti-vaccine disinformation. He's got agency and it's his fault for being so dumb but I'll not get over his loss for a long time.


Anonymous said...


12:19 isn't/wasn't me.

I have been sarcastic at times and mocking other times and I wasn't clear. "Elevator music" is kind of derogatory term.

I had no problem with you questioning my motives.

We seem to have some similar, yet broad, musical tastes.

Switching genres...Are you a fan of Widespread Panic or the Dead, by chance?

My favorite roadtrip album...

Deadicated - A Tribute to the Grateful Dead Compilation (Full Album) 1991


p.s. - I don't smoke pot or tobacco, I just knew the Panic drummer and went to a few too many shows years ago.

Anonymous said...

“p.s. - I don't smoke pot or tobacco, I just knew the Panic drummer and went to a few too many shows years ago.”

I guess some of those joints can get real dusty and full of people heaving up hooch everywhere … I hope it didn’t get too up your nose, x., or were you drunk as skunk there too?

J said...

8:17 PM,

I just started reading Whitney Webb's book, One Nation Under Blackmail. I'd never before heard of Operation Underworld. Apparently the fear of a possible Nazi 5th column in the United States prompted the U.S. Intelligence community to team up with mobsters.

The original reason for intelligence seeking help from mob bosses, was that the mobsters controlled the docks and the dock worker unions. During WW II, a ship at a dock was destroyed, arousing suspicion. Hence, who would help investigate the destruction of the ship? A mob boss would.

The organized crime world and the intelligence community are now internationally joined at the hip. But they are not monolithic. They consist of factions that compete or collaborate depending on the situation. They are more similar to a social network than they are to one huge corporation.

This is the background that is being set up to put Epstein into perspective.

Apparently, it has long been quietly a part of the public record (in White House visitor logs) that Epstein visited the Clinton White House with a different attractive young woman 17 times.

This will be a very interesting book.

Anonymous said...

8:48 am

Somebody woke up angry.

McKenzie Arena and Soldiers and Sailors memorial auditorium in Chattanooga are hardly “dusty joints”.

It was a stoner vibe not a drunken one. My brother was buddies with the drummer. It was more his scene.


Anonymous said...

Nobody cares 10:43 AM.

You gonna bore the blog into coma state again?

J said...

Craig 9:35 PM,

Some idea of the common good, or the natural commons, is reasonable and has always existed in every nation or tribe of people.

But, of course, what you quoted is quite clearly manipulative for an agenda.

As we know, that's what the New Agers and their fellow travelers do. They start with their agenda, then they figure out their framing and messaging, to make themselves seem moral and their detractors seem immoral.

It's both remarkable and mundane at the same time, to find it a casual part of the public record for them to be laying out in their own words willingly, exactly how they have gone about being manipulative within the churches.

Anonymous said...


Do you know that DeSantis would put you in jail if you criticize the Israeli government? Free speech is not something on which we should compromise. I believe DeSantis has been being set-up for years to be installed in the White House in case libtardation no longer sells. Controlled opposition …an anti-Constitution whore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black Bullshit Matters

(clap clap)

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't know Constance, and the fact she has uncovered huge milestones and predicted the events that have been used to implement the current dilemmas and control mechanisms for the New World Order of the cabal of Satanists. So this blog, does follow on from her very ground shattering insights and exposure of satanic cabal and their agenda to destroy Jesus and all goodness in society.

Anonymous said...

Constance as much as I love you, you always take things to the 9th degree. Rightly so, in most cases. What I often see is peoples naivety of the Satanic Cabals agenda to destroy anything standing in thier way, Christianity, and Trump who is undeniably a good Christian man, he wants the best for the people, and he is unmovable in his being. The book is pure propoganda to divide the nation and kill Christianity. Trump would hate this book.

Anonymous said...

"It was a stoner vibe not a drunken one. My brother was buddies with the drummer. It was more his scene."

So, you just kept your powder dry and stuck to the coke then ... hoping for something with a faster tempo, something more upbeat?

Anonymous said...

5:59 PM,

Trump, who states he needs no forgiveness is far from Christian.

Anonymous said...

ROFL, 11:40 AM 😂😂

Anonymous said...

President Satan wants Elon Musk investigated.

Anonymous said...

We Know What Happened!

Craig said...

X @ 12:22 AM,

On your first link: All the data tells us is that local hospitals’ mortality rates are “no different than national rates”. Are the national rates up from previous years?

The second link does not provide any info on my target group—16 to 40 year olds, specifically males.

And, yes, I understand the VAERS data has not been properly analyzed; however, this hardly renders the data useless as it stands. We may not be able to draw firm conclusions, but it would be foolish to ignore it unless or until it is subject to proper scrutiny.


X @ 12:49 AM,

I’d never heard of that Dead tribute/cover album. Interesting array of artists (Burning Spear?!). I’ve long liked Cowboy Junkies and Elvis Costello (though mainly his output with The Attractions). However, I’m generally not a fan of these sorts of tribute/cover albums. I’d rather hear the original Dead versions, and of those, preferably the longer extended jams.

Also, I’d never heard of Widespread Panic, but from what I auditioned, they sound pretty good.

The thing is, I largely stopped listening to much new rock/pop music in the early ‘90s, as I was heavy into Jazz. In fact, I have far more Jazz in my personal collection than any other genre. Because of my long-held interest in Jazz, in first watching the Jerry Maguire movie, I immediately recognized a serious blunder when the jazz enthusiast gives a tape to Jerry (Tom Cruise), telling him about the last tour that John Coltrane played with Miles Davis in 1963. It was actually 1960—I had a vinyl document of this: Live in Stockholm 1960. And I was elated when Charles Mingus’ “Haitian Fight Song” was played, but deflated when Cruise’s character responded with, “What IS this….?”

I was reminded of this by extension when RayB recently brought up former Governor Faubus, “Democratic governor Orval Faubus who sent Arkansas National Guard to stop African Americans from attending Little Rock Central High School.” Charles Mingus allowed Faubus’ name to live on in infamy in one of my all-time favorite Jazz pieces, “Fables of Faubus” (from 1959). On this same album release, Mingus plays a beautiful eulogy for Lester Young in “Goodbye Pork Pie Hat”.

While YouTube can be a time-waster, sometimes perusing it yields great dividends. Of all the musical shows/concerts of various genres I’ve attended over the years the best show was a four piece jazz group led by jazz bassist William Parker. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this high quality audio/video of these same players, though augmented by a pianist and trombonist (both of whom I’d never heard of prior). Given the title of Parker’s piece, note that this was performed in 2013 (though I don’t know when this was initially penned):

William Parker’s IN ORDER TO SURVIVE // "Criminals In The White House"

FANTASTIC! At the show I attended, my eyes were mostly fixed on drummer Hamid Drake. So fluid and relaxed as he plays complex polyrhythms.

Anonymous said...
Clarence Williams III
Sly and the Family Stone
Jimmy Hendrix
I watched their shows, danced to their music, and respected their place in our culture.
How many more icons, popular influencers are there?
Too many to list here.
All wearing their natural hair.

Natural hair was in vogue in the 60's.
Afro's were everywhere.
Michelle Obama's husband was voted into the highest office of the land twice and she plays victim about her hair? She is a victim of her own very deep insecurities.
She needs to quit being ashamed of her hair and stop it with the race baiting while she is at it.

Anonymous said...

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.

Thomas Sowell

Anonymous said...

This is disturbingly creepy
What other gathering of world leaders has had weird uniforms for them all to wear?

What is really going on here...

Anonymous said...


RayB said...


I have a LOT of respect for Whitney Webb, and, James Corbett. Both are committed to digging for the truth and have shown a great deal of courage by making their findings known to the public. Webb is writing/talking about some VERY dangerous information. Exposing the nefarious activities of the CIA and Mossad is no small matter. I pray for her safety.

If you haven't seen this video interview ...

RayB said...

How Washington REALLY works ... money can buy you just about anything. It's not an exaggeration to say that we have 'the best government money can buy.'

Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX Donated over $300,000 to Lawmakers Investigating Him

"Bankman-Fried and his cofounders donated $300,351 to nine members of the House Financial Services Committee; the largest donations were to members of the Digital Assets Working Group, which is working on cryptocurrency regulation."

RayB said...

Old story that was squashed by the Corporate Mainstream Media back in October of 2020 will now see the light of day due to Rep. Jim Jordan being named the head of the Judiciary Committee. Get ready to hear a LOT of evidence that will be exposing the sleaze of the Biden Crime Family operations. I'm not so sure immoral America will care a whole lot about what is about to come out ...

EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

Anonymous said...

11:50 PM Look into Trump crime family. Search other than Google, 'Donald Trump and organized crime' and Whitney Web, has some info too

Craig said...

Historic compensation deal approved at COP27

Associated Press

(20 Nov 2022) Negotiators early Sunday approved a historic deal that would create a fund for compensating poor nations that are victims of extreme weather worsened by rich countries' carbon pollution, but an overall larger agreement still was up in the air because of a fight over emission reduction efforts. (Nov. 20)

I wish Constance were well enough to comment on this historic event.

Anonymous said...

Rand Paul Unleashes on Wray with shocking steal proof'

Anonymous said...


I thought this link that I already gave provide 30 day mortality stats for 2014-2016….

I’m on my phone and on the go so can’t check the link. There didn’t seem to be much variation but how much is enough?

But that nurse seemed to imply a very significant undeniably non-cyclic variation.


Anonymous said...

Craig 9:42 AM

It really does boil down to this:

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.

Thomas Sowell

And the elites keep beating this drum that TPTB "own the science", they own the future, so it is up to them to rightfully distribute money and resources, etc for the masses.
The peasants need to remember that!

Anonymous said...

The Worst Person In The American Supreme Court - Here Is Why
This 5 minutes spells out so much.

Craig said...

X @ 11:38 AM,

Yes; however, the two charts reflect, respectively, among Medicare patients age 65+ and ages 45 and older, 2018 or nearest year.


Anon 12:03 PM,

The Science™ is politicized, as we know. How one can confuse/conflate/combine "global warming" with Climate Change™ (to include weather events) is beyond me--beyond rationality.

Anonymous said...

FTX, Tether, the CIA, Drug Cartels and Ukraine,tether-cia-drug-cartels-ukraine/

Anonymous said...

Portrait in Courage

This woman has MASSIVELY more courage than anyone on goofball Cumbey's list of warmongering, globalist, degenerate devils!!!

Anonymous said...

Emmanuel Macron at APEC Summit: "We Need a Single World Order"

Anonymous said...

Craig @9:52 pm

The original chart and numbers on this dataset:

Were also sourced from: "Source: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services"

So maybe you could argue this is all happening to younger persons but wouldn't you agree the older cohort is the more vaccinated cohort and the group with more co-morbidities making it more susceptable to any harms supposedly being expediated or exaccerbated by the covid vaccine such that their numbers would be higher to much higher than any effect on younger persons?

Her statement didn't necessarily say "deaths" so I don't really see a measure for confirming mild to severe survived supposed adverse events (close to or over a year later for most persons since they've actually gotten vaccinated).

She also said "since the vaccine rollout" which is impossible to verify. However, looking at her hospital's numbers throughout covid nothing really stands out as showing a substantial spike of anything other than covid infections. This hospital in a highly vaccinated area hardly utilized it's ICU bed capacity at any time.


Anonymous said...

Maricopa County: Eyewitness Accounts Suggest Election May Be Uncertifiable

Their accounts collaborate

Anonymous said...

3:40 pm

Release the Kracken. lol

Just disenfranchise over 60% of the electorate or 1,543,066 ballots throughout the entire county because one precinct had serious struggles and long lines. Lake lost by over 17,000 votes.

The GOP has been playing that game INTENTIONALLY in urban centers for decades. Old voting machines that break down and cause long lines and/or reject/spoil a far greater number of ballots. Just research how old punch card voting mechanisms created hanging chads in Democrat strongholds throughout southern florida cost Gore the presidential election.

But I guess it's ok for the GOP to steal elections and disenfranchise voters because they're the real patriots fighting for the underdog everyday working man, right?


Anonymous said...

Delaying certification in 2 AZ counties.

Anonymous said...

He's right. They "love" the children a little too much.

Anonymous said...

Estimating the impact of implementation and timing of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Brazil: A counterfactual analysis

Excerpt: Findings: We estimated that more than 165,000 individuals above 60 years of age were not hospitalised due to COVID-19 in the first seven months of the vaccination campaign. An additional contingent of 104,000 hospitalisations could have been averted if vaccination had started earlier. We also estimated that more than 58 thousand lives were saved by vaccinations in the period analysed for the same age group and that an additional 47 thousand lives could have been saved had the Brazilian government started the vaccination programme earlier.

I wonder if Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil's heretical Trumpian soon to be ex-President) will be prosecuted for such disinformation deaths due to his delays?


Anonymous said...

x @ 5:43
Your name must be Karen, since you're so mistreated and misunderstood and so angry about it all.
I just love your; " But I guess it's ok for the GOP to steal elections and disenfranchise voters because they're the real patriots fighting for the underdog everyday working man, right? "

The GOP isn't the thief in this picture. Your democrat party is. So you're just 180 degrees off on that half of your silly sentence, which is sodden with salty tears.
BUT, you are correct in that the GOP is in fact the party which is trying to help and protect the working man, and, unlike yourself I am a working man, and I can see and hear and perceive that the democrat party is a party of virtue signaling without the actual virtue, and your democrat party is the party of hubris over it's daddy-bought Masters degrees and PhD's, and it's the party of hypocrisy on steroids.
It's also the party of false gods and idols, and taking the Lord's name in vain and having little to no respect for your parents, and
abandoning the Sabbath, and warmongering, and stealing, (via taxes for just one thing), and it's the party of adultery, and it's the party of endless false witness against your neighbors, and it's the party of covetousness; of power in particular.
In short, there isn't a single Command of God that the democrat party isn't brazenly proud to be breaking every day.

Nobody is perfect and everybody breaks some Laws some times, but you guys are so riot and get drunk. And you guys are kill innocent babies. And you guys are swift as the wind... to run to your own destruction.

That's why is soooo rich when I hear you whine: "But I guess it's ok for the GOP to steal elections and disenfranchise voters because they're the real patriots fighting for the underdog everyday working man, right?" _said the election thief.
Oh the richness of this manure from you. It's a perfect example of your everyday Projection of your sins on your much hated enemies. Your hatred of conservative christians is no secret, even though you try to pose as something otherwise. It's palpable.
I can smell your venom from here.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart 7:37

Nice try to flip it.

Cognitive dissonance much?

So sad you actually believe that. Stop only watching infotainment.


RayB said...

I was glad to see that the Biden Administration is not politicizing the Justice Department in order to go after their political enemies:

Jim Jordan: Special Counsel Jack Smith Tried to Find Ways to Target Conservatives During Obama-IRS Scandal

Wife of Special Counsel in Trump Probe Contributed to Campaigns of Joe Biden, Rashida Tlaib

RayB said...

I wonder (not really) if the Deep State rag the Washington Post had this story BEFORE the election, but waited for the release until AFTER the mid-term elections?

Investigators see ego, not money, as Trump’s motive on classified papers
A review by agents and prosecutors found no discernible business interest in the Mar-a-Lago documents, people familiar with the matter said

PS: By the way Constance, is the Washington Post one of those news sources that you trust and recommend?

Anonymous said...


You realize Jim Jordan IS a politician so his political opinion that the IRS "politicized" anything is, itself, politicizing.

Wouldn't you agree that people who cheat on their taxes or abuse their charitable status (like heretical NAR Maga churches), (faux) conservative or otherwise, should be pursued?

Or are white conservatives above the law?


p.s.- so much for you anti-political endeavor

RayB said...

Karine Jean-Pierre says there’s some interesting thinking about Joe Biden’s business dealings:

REPORTER: "Can you address whether the President was involved in any of his son Hunter or his brother's foreign business dealings?"

Karine Jean-Pierre: "So look, I, you know, um, there's some, a little bit of, uh, interesting, uh, you know, kind of, on brand, uh, thinking here." ROFL !!!

RayB said...

Duh X, there never has been any doubt that Obama's IRS did in fact go after their political enemies.

I don't view this as being in the sphere of 'politics,' ... it's much more of a moral issue.

I would be just as against a Republican President using the IRS as I would any Democrat President, such as Obama doing the same.

RayB said...

Another moral issue ...

Feds: Nearly 140 ILLEGAL ALIEN SEX OFFENDERS Arrested in Nationwide Sting

(And no, don't give Biden any credit for this. The only thing he can take credit for is his OPEN BORDERS policies that allowed so many of these sex offenders to cross the border illegally).

PS: Has our Border Czar Kommiela Harris visited the border yet? LOL !

RayB said...

I wonder what Attorney Cumbey's opinion is on the matter of American CITIZENS being held against their will and WITHOUT BOND, for going on TWO YEARS, for their ALLEGED involvement in the events of January 6, 2021?

I ask this in lieu of the accused's "right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury," as GUARANTEED in the Sixth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution?

Does Attorney Cumbey believe in "innocent until proven guilty," and is she willing to use her influential position in order to defend the Constitutional rights of these citizens? OR, does she believe that these prisoners are GUILTY without due process??

Any thoughts Constance???

RayB said...

It's immoral to steal elections ...

FOUR of the fifteen counties in Arizona are delaying certification ...

BREAKING UPDATE: — NOW FOUR ARIZONA COUNTIES Delay Certification of the Tainted 2022 Midterm Election – Gila, Conchise, Mohave, and Yavapai

NOTE: Maricopa County is under investigation by the State's Attorney General's office for the numerous, documented irregularities that took place on Election Day, which culminated in the disenfranchising of countless voters. They have been ordered 'not to certify' until they provide adequate answers to the formal questions as posed by the AG's office.

RayB said...

New York Times report:

Video: Ukrainians Shoot 11 Russian POWs in Cold Blood – US Merc Involved

From the article:

Videos circulating on social media seem to show Ukrainian forces executing 11 Russian POWs. The videos have been confirmed by the New York Times. The UN Human Rights Monitor in Ukraine spoke of “credible allegations of summary executions … by members of the Ukrainian armed forces.”

NOTE: This is not an isolated incident regarding Ukraine's inhumane treatment of Russian Prisoners of War. This is EXACTLY how the Nazis treated many of their captured POW's in World War II. The Communist Russians were even worse than the Nazis!

RayB said...

The utter insanity of the radical Left media on full display:

ABC’s Hostin: ‘Jesus Would Be the Grand Marshal at the Pride Parade’

Hostin said, “I don’t know that they hide behind religion. Because I said this on this show once before, Jesus would be the grand marshal at the pride parade. I really, really believe that.”

NOTE: She claims it is "wrong to judge," yet, SHE makes the "judgment" that Jesus is 'pro-LGBTQ+, and approves of their 'pride' of their sin! What lunacy! What BLASPHEMY!

Anonymous said...

Cheaters gonna cheat.
Dems gotta cheat to win anything.

Anonymous said...


Sadly your still repeating repub talking points when the investigations revealed the underfunded irs just used key words as a short cut to investigate or find which politically orgs were trying to illegally register as non profits and it turned out such key words were both conservative sounding (tea party) and liberal sounding (occupy, progressive, medical marijuana) and to the extent Jack smith was even involved boiled down to one meeting in 2010, I think, completely within the parameters of his job wherein they all decided to drop the investigations as all to hard and costly to prove. The GOP had cut their budget.

This whole debacle with the irs and PACS and non-profit status followed the citizen united case when corporations were looking to take over our gov tax free …which was accomplished thanks to GOP spin like this as they cashed in. The working man pays taxes right out of his paycheck while corporations just donate their tax dollars to republicans.


Anonymous said...


Judges aren’t obligated to free potential treasonous felons who pose at risk to society as well as flight risks.

Most of the “delays” were actually being caused by their own attorneys.

Is there any individual charged person you think deserved being released pending trial?

At least they were executed like innocent until proven guilty, Michael Reinoehl. He never got a trial much less a “speedy” one.

Can’t believe you defend those Jan 6 thugs.


Anonymous said...

Trump's company kicks off defense case in criminal tax fraud trial

Another moral issue - Claiming innocence and making the Chief Financial Officer the scapegoat in your criminal tax fraud trial

Anonymous said...

Yep, if this isn't the truth! It's not just Trump: Midterms show the religious right is an albatross around the GOP's neck.

RayB said...

X @ 12:46 AM proves he does not believe in the 6th. Amendment of the Constitution which guarantees the accused their "right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury."

Apparently, X also believes that ALL of those arrested in connection to January 6th. are "GUILTY until proven INNOCENT." The EXACT same mentality of ALL totalitarian governments.

Also, the January 6th. Congressional Committee is nothing other than a partisan, kangaroo court show trial, right in line with Hitler's People's Court, whereby the conclusion was drawn prior to the opening gavel. In an unprecedented move, Dictator Pelosi refused to sit two GOP members that were nominated by Kevin McCarthy. Pelosi 'replaced' them with HER OWN PICKS; Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, both RINO pro-establishment anti-Trumpers that held to an anti-Trump bias. No cross examination of witnesses was allowed. No calling of witnesses by Republicans. I wonder what Attorney Cumbey thinks of these procedures?

Anonymous said...

COVID 2022: Here Comes "The Big Kill"
Why is the hashtag #diedsuddenly always trending on social media?

Anonymous said...

7:37 PM

Nail on head.

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM RayB

Anonymous said...

Anonymous7:37 PM,

Off you go, back to the asylum you’ve perhaps escaped from… you malignantly narcissistic slime ball.

Anonymous said...

Ray @ 9:50

Have any of the actual attorney's representing the actual Jan 6th defendants claimed they've been denied a speedy trial or is this issue strictly a GOP talking point for the court of public opinion?

I know the attorney's for some of the biggest traitors and violent seditionists have complained about conditions in DC's jails but those conditions have existed for years and been endured by thousands of persons federally indicted. Are you wanting these people to receive preferential treatment because they are white?

The Jan 6th investigative committee isn't a court. Nobody is on trial and almost all the witnesses WERE/ARE republicans. Liz and Adam are both leaders of the emerging "Never Again" caucus of the REAL republican party.

Republicans were also given the opportunity to do a fully bipartisan legislative committee investigating Jan 6th and refused. Plus Pelosi just refused to allow McCarthy to put GOP members on the panel that were actually suspected of colloborating with the insurrectionists, such as congressman and pedophile protector Jim Jordan from the vote suppressing state of Ohio.


Anonymous said...

Here you go Ray...a case about an inappropriate and unusual delay by the government under "speedy trail" rules that the defendants attorney actually withdrew their motion and sought to use it (the Judge's sympathy?) to get their client a more favorable guilty plea of up to 20 years for assaulting a police officer.

Feds admit breaking law with delay in case against alleged Jan. 6 rioter: After highly unusual concession from prosecutors, defense tries quick guilty plea

Excerpt: Most of the nearly 800 defendants have been released within days of their arrests. However, several dozen have been ordered detained pending trial, often in cases where they are accused of violent assaults on police officers. A handful of people are being detained on accusations of conspiring to organize the storming of the Capitol in a bid to block or delay Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidential election.

While Faruqui said last week that Denney’s case was an aberration and prosecutors termed it “an isolated incident,” early last year, there were numerous unexplained delays in Jan. 6 defendants making their first court appearances. In one case, Faruqui himself complained forcefully about the three weeks it appeared to take for one detained defendant to be transferred from a Virginia jail to D.C. — a roughly two-hour drive.

“The buck has got to stop somewhere and it stops with the judges because that’s our job to keep the system moving….It’s just not acceptable,” the judge said last March at a hearing for Capitol riot defendant Jonathan Mellis. “Whatever little solace it is, we are going to figure out what happened and ensure it doesn’t happen to somebody else.”

The bottom line is justice takes time and mess around and find out just how much time. Generally, the ones held were ones who the evidence (largely video) demonstrates the accused of having assaulted police officers. As a conservative, I don't think people shown on video assaulting police officers are entitled to freedom pending trial on such 20 year plus felony. Ultimately it's a judge decision based upon the evidence presented at something like a bond hearing. Some may be released and others not released based upon the strength of the evidence, risk of flight, danger to the community, etc all in the eyes of a duly authorized judge.

Even if the defendants are white.


Anonymous said...

Say what?

Anonymous said...

x is very afraid of the truth coming out about the J6 committee's abuses of U.S. citizens.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! globalist x and his version of "science" think they can best natural immunity and cheap but effective real medicine (produced with a good motive unlike the mad vaxx for lab produced covid!).
Not true.
And some of us knew it from the get-go.
Though O'Biden is trying to ratchet up that topic again in the latest news cycle.

Anonymous said...
G20 and the next pandemic
Dr. John Campbell is a great human being.

They declared "success" he points out.
I love this guy and his dry humor.

Craig said...

X @ 1:01 PM,

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the data is not current?

Coincidentally, here's a new video by Dr. John Campbell:

Excess deaths, lack of data

Don't worry . . . It's Fine:

Skeleton Crew - It's Fine 1984

Anonymous said...


Despite all the attempts to imply otherwise, there is ZERO hard evidence suggesting any current round of continuing background excess deaths experienced by any country is associated with the covid vaccine.

On the contrary there is plenty of evidence it might have something to do with long covid and the lingering effects of a past covid infection as well as people putting off healthcare during covid.

This isn't new information and it's why alarm bells aren't ringing. It's covid. A day long sore shoulder from the vaccine and swollen lymph nodes is hardly as destructive on the body as the typical days long worst cold ever alpha, delta and even omicron covid infection. "Long Covid" isn't being listed on death certificates even though it's associated, they just didn't have a recent enough infection. For example, back in May 2022...

UF study: Post-COVID mortality risk may be caused by effects of high inflammation during illness

Excerpt: The UF team previously reported that patients who recovered from severe COVID-19 have more than twice the mortality risk within the year following their illness than people who have not contracted the virus. The new findings, published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, are the first to use biomarkers to help explain the increased risk.

“This study helps to clarify why people who are hospitalized with COVID-19 end up being at high risk for death after they recover. The findings also take us to a new level of understanding of not just the mechanism for illness, but also a potential treatment that may prevent deaths among these patients,” said Arch G. Mainous III, Ph.D.....

UF researchers analyzed electronic health records for more than 1,200 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 between Jan. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2021 at one health system, and tracked the patients for up to one year following discharge. After adjusting for factors including age, race, gender and select existing medical conditions, the scientists found that patients who had higher levels of inflammation during illness — as measured by a biomarker known as C-reactive protein — were 60% more likely to die within a year after infection than those who had lower levels of inflammation.

Previous studies have linked hyperinflammation and an overreaction of the immune system known as a cytokine storm to severe cases of COVID-19 and multi-organ damage. The UF study suggests the health effects from such a severe inflammatory response persist well after patients recover.

Taken together, the findings from the UF team on long-term mortality risks among patients who have had severe COVID-19 suggest a reconceptualization of the disease, Mainous said.

“This research allows us to see COVID-19 in a new way,” said Mainous, also vice chair for research in the UF College of Medicine’s department of community health and family medicine. “Many have viewed COVID-19 as being similar to other infectious diseases; if you get rid of the virus or bacteria, the person is cured. Because of the lingering health risks, we may need to shift our thinking to approach COVID-19 as both an acute and chronic condition.”


Craig said...


It’s hard to find hard evidence if one is not looking for it.

But at least you are now implicitly conceding that there are ‘excess deaths’ in other countries and that the US has no hard data to support or refute ‘excess deaths’.

In this new study you present, I may have missed it but I don’t see vaxx-status as part of the data set. How many are (a) completely unvaxxed, (b) ‘partially vaxxed’ [didn’t get all the doses and boosters at the prescribed intervals], or (c) fully vaxxed [i.e. “breakthrough” infections]?

Craig said...

Anon 6:23 PM,

I just saw the Dr. Campbell video you reference. I'm quite to see his evolution in this entire matter. He's one of the few who've displayed willingness to change his position, which shows his integrity.

Anonymous said...

'Died Suddenly' Rakes in Over 2 Million Views Within Hours of Premiere

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
Demand for Unvaccinated Blood Soaring

Anonymous said...

CERN, end times, etc.

Large Hadron Collider could be world's first time machine

RayB said...

In response to the tragic shooting at a LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs ...

Hutchinson: GOP Needs to ‘Tone Down’ Transphobic Grooming Rhetoric

Hutchinson was asked by CNN Brianna Keilar said, “I do want to ask you, in light of this shooting at the LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, do you think that members of your party needed to tone down some of their transphobic language? We’ve heard officials talking about pedophilia, grooming, demonizing trans people?”

Obviously, the question was posed in such a way as to heavily imply that someone on the RIGHT was responsible for the shooting, and, the act of violence was fueled by the 'hateful' rhetoric from the RIGHT.

RayB said...


Slight problem regarding the anti-right narrative that caused this act of violence ...

Report: Colorado Gay Nightclub Shooting Suspect Identifies as Non-Binary, Uses ‘They/Them’ Pronouns

From the article:

"... Aldrich’s public defender revealed that Aldrich is “nonbinary” and uses “they/them pronouns,” the New York Times reported. In addition to the pronouns, Aldrich is referred to as “Mx. Aldrich” in the court filings.

“Anderson Aldrich is nonbinary,” a footnote in the filing states. “They use they/them pronouns, and for the purposes of all formal filings, will be addressed as Mx. Aldrich.”

"The news about Aldrich’s gender identity came after Democrats and members of the corporate press politicized the shooting and blamed Republicans for the tragedy.

For example, NBC’s Ben Collins claimed that “Republican politicians” and the “internet’s far-right machine” targeted LGBTQ+ individuals in the months leading up to the nightclub shooting."

Read the article in its entirety here:

Anonymous said...

Health of Pure Bloods Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein
It's a thing.

Anonymous said...


The initial cohort wherein it was evidenced there was a 233% higher all-cause mortality rate for the more severely Ill covid recovered within a year of recovery from the initial infection….was from early 2020, prior to the covid vaccine.


Anonymous said...

But Ray..

If he is transgender than he’s mentally ill and susceptible to all sorts of rhetoric and hateful crazy conduct. His grandfather was even an extreme Maga politician in California.

Even more reason for strong gun laws, right?

Also he’s another example of crazy white guy with ak-47 or whatever he was carrying shooting black men. The black guy was even straight, at the drag show with his longtime girlfriend ( whose father took down the gunman along with one of the drag queens). Maybe we should put drag queens in schools to protect the children? In this instance they did a better job than dozens of cops in uvalde.


Anonymous said...

At 10:15…..So dumb, but hey, I guess your motto is if you can kill more people with disinformation might as well try…

“…In addition, outside of research studies, blood centers in the U.S. don’t retain data noting whether donors have been infected with or vaccinated against covid, and there’s no federal requirement that collected blood products be identified in that manner.

“The Food and Drug Administration has determined there’s no safety risk, so there’s no reason to label the units,” said Dr. Claudia Cohn, chief medical officer for AABB, a nonprofit focused on transfusion medicine and cellular therapies.

Indeed, the FDA does not recommend routine screening of blood donors for covid. Respiratory viruses, in general, aren’t known to spread by blood transfusion and, worldwide, there have been no reported cases of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease, being transmitted via blood. One study identified the risk as “negligible.”

All donors are supposed to be healthy when they give blood and answer basic questions about potential risks. Collected units of blood are tested for transmissible infectious diseases before they’re distributed to hospitals.”

Source: ‘Tainted’ Blood: Covid Skeptics Request Blood Transfusions From Unvaccinated Donors


Anonymous said...

Too bad shedding, to the extent it ever happened , didn’t save my cousins life. His wife and kids were vaccinated. The vaccine saved an estimated 20 million lives directly…if it shed and protected others that number of lives saved could be exponentially higher.


RayB said...

New Documentary that already has over 5 MILLION views ...

World Premiere: Died Suddenly

View for FREE here:

Craig said...

X @ 12:08 PM,

But what does that (supposed) data tell us now re excess deaths?

Anonymous said...

x uses his cousin as a prop so he can blast the blog with the same rhetoric and disinfo he has plastered this blog with since day one of Covid and it's dangerous vaccine and all that long before the cousin died.

How disrespectful.

There is even more proof now against nearly everything he posts because for him facts are not needed to troll and gaslight. It must be misery to be his relative.

Anonymous said...

X said:
"The vaccine saved an estimated 20 million lives directly…"

Once again you make a claim that NO ONE could possibly verify. How? There is no way to know that number or any other number,
including a negative number; such as the number of deaths caused by the pseudo vaccine/experiment.

You're full of bull patties, and no one here believes a word you say, but you just keep doubling down like Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer, because that's how you dishonest Karens operate.

Anonymous said...

Infotainment is what NBC, ABC, CBS and PBS call "The Nightly News.

RayB said...

I apologize for repeating this ... but this documentary is a must see! It's an absolute blockbuster.

New Documentary that already has over 5 MILLION views (in only 2 days) ...

World Premiere: Died Suddenly

View for FREE here:

Craig said...

Well, out of curiosity I started watching Died Suddenly and was initially delighted that the film begins with Pink Floyd's "Sheep" (from Animals) playing. I wonder, though, did the filmmakers get permission for its usage? I'm pretty sure Pink Floyd would require permission to use their work (see here). I'm not too confident that the usage in this movie would qualify as "fair use".

Craig said...

From WAPO:

Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Here’s why.

Information taken from CDC.

Since WAPO is behind a paywall, and I ain't payin' for it, here's a vlog about it:

BREAKING: New Vaccine data changes everything | Redacted with Clayton Morris


The Washington Post reports data from the CDC showing who is dying from Covid and who is not. It is shocking data that shows that politicians can no longer say that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Official figures published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that the United States of America suffered nearly 350,000 excess deaths as of September 25th 2022.

In January 2022, the partly vaccinated were 198% more likely to die than the unvaccinated, whilst the double vaccinated were a shocking 267% more likely to die than the unvaccinated.

The worst figures however come in May, which saw triple vaccinated 70-79-year-olds a disturbing 332% more likely to die than unvaccinated 70-79-year-olds, with a mortality rate of 9417.2 per 100k among the triple vaccinated and just 2181 per 100k among the unvaccinated.

And it’s a similar story for every other age group, including children.

Anonymous said...

Craig asked…”But what does that (supposed) data tell us now re excess deaths?”

It’s evidence that covid infections, particularly more serious ones, are demonstrably causing numerous premature deaths months and months later seemingly unrelated in time with the actual covid infection. Many of these particular deaths weren’t even heart or lung events thus not seen as or likely associated with the covid infections even though it seems to be.

Also I wasn’t denying excess deaths exist just doubting the hyperbolic words of a supposed nurse claiming all her nurse friends quietly know some secret vaccine injury thing but not talking about it. Her unverified statements are not evidence nor would a 10% excess death rate be truly observable at the individual hospital emergency room level absent some substantial anomaly that’s not showing up in their 30 day mortality stats. Death and illness simply fluctuate at the emergency room level.

Such long covid conditions also are much better explanations for the situations where some embalmers are supposedly seeing serious internal injuries and/or fibrous materials. There is zero evidence such is or even might be covid vaccine related.


Craig said...


So what does premise mean, "In a time when nearly all COVID-19 hospitalizations are preventable..." Preventable how? And how would they KNOW these are supposedly "preventable"?

Craig said...


Someone who is already in poor health is more likely to have a bad Covid outcome as compared to another who is in good health. Thus, it stands to reason that those who had severe Covid were most likely already in poor health, and, further, it follows that near-future morbidity would be increased in this same group.

The study makes this claim:

Vaccination is a measure that can both prevent and substantially decrease the risk of a severe COVID-19 infection, as it has been shown that breakthrough infections are mild-moderate in severity (19). There were no significant differences in mortality risk between patients with mild/moderate infection and the COVID-19 negatives, suggesting the value of vaccinations at preventing death from the downstream complications of COVID-19.

This is presented as a given as opposed to substantiated. And nothing in this cohort indicates vaxx status of ANY of the patients. We don't know, so no conclusion in this regard can be made.

Disappointingly, you merely post articles that confirm your own bias/narrative, as opposed to fairly engaging with the oppositions already stated (such as my earlier 8:25 AM) or the material presented.

Anonymous said...

To anyone watching idiotic rapper stew peters grifting misinformation for attention infotainment you may be happy to learn many of the claims have long been debunked, like math errors made looking at military health data, understated Australian birth rate analysis where they used provisional numbers lacking a significant number of december 2021 births and VAERS miscarriage adverse event reports as if Pfizer or the cdc was tracking some small group of pregnant vaccinated women and a large percentage of whom reported miscarriages. You may also be surprised to learn some of the reports you were provided were of people who were injured or collapsed before covid vaccines were even a thing and are actually alive and healthy today.

Here’s one critique.

“They died suddenly - then the anti-vax trolling started“

Excerpt:”The film flashes through dozens of upsetting news reports and images of people collapsing.
One headline reads: "My kind, compassionate son died unexpectedly." Another clip shows a young athlete dramatically keeling over.

Together, this can easily be used to paint an alarming picture of something suspicious going on.
Yet just a couple more clicks would reveal the son in question died in a car crash. And the athlete, college basketball player Keyontae Johnson, collapsed in December 2020 before he could even have had a Covid vaccine. He didn't die suddenly as the title suggests - he returned to the court last week.

Other people featured are also still alive. And several of the genuine deaths are explained by an alternative cause within the very news reports used as evidence by the film makers…..”


Anonymous said...

Craig stated: “This is presented as a given as opposed to substantiated. And nothing in this cohort indicates vaxx status of ANY of the patients. We don't know, so no conclusion in this regard can be made.”

Again that cohort was from 2020 prior to vaccines so it was entirely unvaccinated but it was published in 2021 while vaccines were actively and demonstrably minimizing hospitalizations and deaths (i.e. - severe covid). Thus they made the observation since vaccines eliminated or reduced severity of covid infections, according to this study it would also reduce long covid deaths as well.

I’m traveling for the holiday so on my phone checking in now and then. I haven’t engaged your new content regarding cdc numbers and Dr Campbell isn’t really making sense lately. I think he’s following his only remaining audience full of those still suffering cognitive dissonance. If the Clayton video is the cell phone app data it’s kind of silly to infer much from it. I don’t know anyone that missed a day of work after getting covid vaccinated but I guess I wouldn’t necessary know why any particular employee may have called in sick on any given day. It’s not like they call me directly regarding such. But seeing a doctor doesn’t really mean that much absent context.

Also your point about those who had more severe infections were less healthy were more likely to die anyway didn’t really apply much when delta came around. If you were unvaccinated it ended up pretty severe no matter how healthy you were. My cousin was very healthy. However, such argument does apply aptly when discussing current statistics comparing a more unhealthy older vaccinated population versus unvaccinated (surviving) populations. People are dying with covid not of covid now (except for those missed who are obviously dying from long covid). Also, natural immunity is more robust and long acting (exposure to full wild virus) if one is lucky enough to survive it and avoid expensive taxpayer burdensome hospitalization and the risks, including death, of long covid that may ensue thereafter.

I do wonder what Rays and/or Rays wife’s long covid experiences are after suffering pretty severe delta? variant infections last December. What a foolhardy and irresponsible decision.


Ps.— an example of manipulating data to say what you want is surely to be found in the expose link previously provided. That guy really takes liberty with data.

Anonymous said...

Craig asked how they knew in 2021 that vaccination was reducing hospitalizations and severe covid infections…

They footnoted this study:

“Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing Hospitalization Among Adults Aged ≥65 Years - COVID-NET, 13 States, February-April 2021”

Abstract:”Clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized for emergency use in the United States (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen [Johnson & Johnson]) indicate that these vaccines have high efficacy against symptomatic disease, including moderate to severe illness (1-3). In addition to clinical trials, real-world assessments of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness are critical in guiding vaccine policy and building vaccine confidence, particularly among populations at higher risk for more severe illness from COVID-19, including older adults. To determine the real-world effectiveness of the three currently authorized COVID-19 vaccines among persons aged ≥65 years during February 1-April 30, 2021, data on 7,280 patients from the COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET) were analyzed with vaccination coverage data from state immunization information systems (IISs) for the COVID-NET catchment area (approximately 4.8 million persons). Among adults aged 65-74 years, effectiveness of full vaccination in preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization was 96% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 94%-98%) for Pfizer-BioNTech, 96% (95% CI = 95%-98%) for Moderna, and 84% (95% CI = 64%-93%) for Janssen vaccine products. Effectiveness of full vaccination in preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization among adults aged ≥75 years was 91% (95% CI = 87%-94%) for Pfizer-BioNTech, 96% (95% CI = 93%-98%) for Moderna, and 85% (95% CI = 72%-92%) for Janssen vaccine products. COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized in the United States are highly effective in preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in older adults. In light of real-world data demonstrating high effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines among older adults, efforts to increase vaccination coverage in this age group are critical to reducing the risk for COVID-19-related hospitalization.”


Anonymous said...

To further explain the problem with the DMED data (the military’s medical database) that stew peters and others like Thomas Renz made when trying claim it as documentation of widespread covid vaccine injury in the military was that the original whistleblowers had made a simple mistake in comparing 2021 with previous years: what they essentially did is they counted every office visit instead of every diagnosis. So if you were newly diagnosed with, say, myocarditis, every visit you had with the military health system (more or less) was added up and compared to how many individuals had been diagnosed with myocarditis in previous years. The details are a bit more nuanced, but that captures the basic gist of the error. This means that, although there may have been increases in many different health diagnoses, it was not nearly as large as those whistleblowers thought and that Thomas Renz hysterical brought to people’s attention with his inaccurate testimony at the ‘Second Opinion’ hearing by Sen. Ron Johnson. These parties KNOW about this error yet this testimony still appeared in the stew peters movie.


Craig said...


OK, I see now that this newer study you presented (@ 12:08 PM) uses the same exact cohort as your earlier one (@ 12:12 AM)—man, I wish the blogger site would include dates with timestamps for much easier reference!

As for the footnote (@ 12:59 AM) re vaccine efficacy during trials, there’s that Pfizer whistleblower… That is, I am not one to a priori just BELIEVE such data ('we tested ourselves and found ourselves to be quite efficacious'). It seems to me the writers of the study (12:08 PM) should have used language such as “it seems”, as opposed to “we know” regarding efficacy.

In any case, without knowing the relative health of the severe covid patients pre-infection, I don’t think this tells us much.

Taking your comment about healthy individuals getting severe covid, then it would follow that health-status pre-covid has absolutely no bearing on covid outcomes. Yet, this does not necessarily follow. The fact that some healthy individuals ended up getting severe covid can be explained by a variety of factors such as when care was received (how sick was the individual before treatment?), the level of care received at the hospital (were they put on a ventilator thereby exacerbating the cytokine storm?), etc.

We know for sure there were a LOT of folks working on the ‘front lines’ during 2020 that did not get infected. But we don’t know why.

RayB said...

Rather lengthy article by Mark Crispin Miller, well worth the time to read!

"Died Suddenly" is all about those "vaccines" killing people; and so the BBC is trying to kill "Died Suddenly"

Some day it will be clear that such hit-pieces on that must-see documentary (the BBC's is not the only one) are nothing more than Holocaust denial.

From the article:

"I’m certain that this film will open many people’s eyes, which is (of course) why I am recommending it. The BBC has joined me in that expectation—which has impelled them not to recommend the film, but, on the contrary, to try to kill it, with this attempted takedown by one Rachael Schraer, who works for BBC as an “disinformation reporter” (as indeed she is)."

RayB said...

Pro-COVID Vaccine Authorities Continue to Die or Become Disabled After Mocking the Unvaccinated

(A lot of factual information contained in this article, along with the accompanying videos)

PS: The documentary 'Died Suddenly' now has over 6.5 MILLION views since its release on November 21.

Anonymous said...

'Magnificent': Meloni blasts France's 'exploitation' of African countries

Anonymous said...


Is that the same 9/11 & election denying professional bandwagon conspiracy theorist writer Mark c Miller who suggested that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax?

in an interview, he even denied that any children died in the shooting and voiced "suspicion" that "it was staged" or was "some kind of an exercise”.

If the bbc article is false as you claim, please provide evidence of such.

Also “views” are not validation, just proof that fear, lies and innuendo can travel faster than truth and/or medical science.

Humans have been “dying suddenly” since the fall of man.


P.s.- the sole purpose of this movie seems to actually be to make the whole idea of any legitimate questions about covid vaccines and the handling of covid by world governments so absurd as they present lie after debunked information in rapid succession such that, eventually, no one will listen to any of it. I personally just think it’s clickbait grift by the almost famous narcissistic rapper. But it could be part of a conspiracy to make covid conspiracies look ridiculous. He’s doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

"Brave Congresswoman' leaves Mayorkas SPEECHLESS

Anonymous said...


RayB said...

X states:

"I do wonder what Rays and/or Rays wife’s long covid experiences are after suffering pretty severe delta? variant infections last December. What a foolhardy and irresponsible decision."

NOTE: It's rather flattering to know that I live inside X's head, even though at the same time I find it rather creepy.

Uh, X, we have NO, as in ZERO 'long term COVID experiences.' As I've stated before, we both fully recovered in less than the 7 days of treatment that were required by the Zelenko Protocol for 'low risk patients.'

As far as it being 'foolhardy and irresponsible,' WE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE. We now both have NATURAL IMMUNITY and have not compromised our God-given, 'wonderfully made' natural immune system with the BIG PHARMA/BILL GATES/FAUCI 'experiment.' You obviously trust these people. We don't. And why would we trust people that are on record for 'depopulating the earth?' Talk about a foolish, irresponsible, 'trust in man' decision.

"It is far easier to fool someone that it is to convince a person that they have been fooled." - attributed to Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

John Whitehead: The Future Is Everything the Science Fiction Writers Have Prophesied

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Vigano Shares His Message with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International

Anonymous said...

Wow. How unthankful and miserable resident globalist government worshiper x is.

You'd think on this day he could come up with something decent, edifying, and Christian.

He's the type that will stand at a wall and argue with the wallpaper.

Maybe he is homeless and has nowhere to go so he has to camp out here?

His pitiful miserable trolling never takes a holiday.

Pray for x.

Anonymous said...

Very very interesting stuff X, I'm sure, in your mind. But just so you know I personally didn't read a word of any of your above lengthy comments, because I already know the gist of what you have to moan about, and have to come against, and what you you feel so strongly that you need to plaster all over these pages, even though, as I say, nobody but nobody is reading your drivel.
With a name like x, and an attitude like you obviously have it's just the same old crap.
It might as well be graffiti; It's forgettable, it's regrettable, it's redundant, and it's pointless and you just keep vomiting it out.
You go, girl.

Anonymous said...

X-axerabating, X-aggerating, X-cruciating, X-communicable, x-hausting, x-pectedly X.

Anonymous said...

Vaccine Fraud Alert

Anonymous said...

Biden's National Science Foundation Has Pumped Nearly $20 Million Into Social Media Censorship Grants and Contracts

RayB said...

12:15 AM

Very funny! The best humor always has an element of truth in it.

RayB said...

Al Roker misses first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 27 years due to blood clots

NOTE: Roker was a HUGE proponent of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' We can only hope that these blood clots have nothing to do with Roker's getting jabbed.

RayB said...

After 263 MILLION have essentially served as Guinea Pigs ...

Pfizer and Moderna to launch study to determine long-term effects of covid-19 vaccines

From the article:

"The Daily Mail has reported that Pfizer and Moderna have launched trials to determine whether there are long-term negative health impacts associated with the use of their Covid vaccines. The studies will involve monitoring Americans who have already suffered significant side effects after receiving the shots over the past two years. The Food and Drug Administration requires both companies to carry out this research as a condition of its earlier approval of the vaccines."

WARNING: X has stated in the past that the American Thinker is run by Nazis ! LOL !!

Anonymous said...

The best humor always has an element of truth in it.

RayBaby, RayBabbles, RayBfuddled, RayBully, RayBelittle, RayBoring

Anonymous said...

RayB 10:33 AM Roker was a HUGE proponent of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' We can only hope that these blood clots have nothing to do with Roker's getting jabbed.

What difference does it make? He's already got the clots! Let's hope he has a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates Reportedly in Hiding

Craig said...

When "conspiracy theories" become conspiracy facts.

Feds ADMIT To Having Agents Among January 6 Rioters

The Jimmy Dore Show

Now that many of the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers involved in the January 6th riots are going on trial, new information is emerging about the FBI’s infiltration of these groups, and possible foreknowledge of – to say nothing of participation in – the events of that day at the US Capitol. The FBI is now admitting that the agency had multiple informants in both groups, but that these undercover operatives had no idea what was likely to happen prior to that January day in 2021.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the FBI’s long history of infiltrating left and right-wing groups, and the evidence suggesting that federal agents had awareness and involvement in January 6th.

Reminds me of the title to a track by one of the most individual jazz pianists:

Andrew Hill - Subterfuge

Anonymous said...

Must see this Stew Peters film: "Died Suddenly"

Anonymous said...

Covid deaths and systemic adverse effects

Campbell is all over it......

RayB said...

Vatican’s response to court convicting cardinal in Hong Kong is nothing short of ‘absolutely shameful’

(The ChiComs' paying the Vatican $2 BILLION annually is the reason as to why the Vatican NEVER criticizes Communist China)

NOTE: This is nothing new. The Vatican has a LONG history of making deals with the Devil, in this case, Communist China, which runs a 24/7 campaign to persecute religious people. The reason? The 'religion' in China is Communism, and any deviation from that earns you a trip to a re-education camp. If the ChiComs are unsuccessful in reprograming you, you'll be rewarded with a shot to the back of the head as you stare into the space that will soon be your grave.

These are the types of monsters that the Vatican is 'doing business' with!

RayB said...

From the Youtube channel from Anon's post @ 5:31 PM:

58% of coronavirus deaths in August (US data) were people who were VACCINATED or BOOSTED

Therefore 42% coronavirus deaths in August were people who were unvaccinated

We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated

Dr. John Campbell has taken a 180 degree turn from what his position was in the beginning. Truth seekers adjust their positions as time reveals more and more factual information. This is exactly what has happened in Dr. Campbell's case.

Do you remember Death Cult Leader Biden declaring that "if you get vaccinated, you CANNOT get COVID-19?" He was wrong ... DEAD WRONG ... and his misinformation has led to the deaths of countless victims, who were exposed to a dangerous EXPERIMENT, while not even offering protection against the virus!

Craig said...

A nuanced conversation to put things in proper perspective.

“There’s no emergency” – dissident climatologist Dr Judith Curry on climate change


There are particular fields in which those that stray from the official narrative are instantly shunned as dissidents. Climate change is one of these. Dr Judith Curry, Professor Emeritus and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has become known as one of the outspoken scientists who doubt the “scientific consensus” on climate change. As a result, she was “academically, pretty much finished off” and “essentially unhirable”. However, this didn’t slow down the bold climatologist. BizNews spoke to Curry about her views on climate change and the impact that human beings have had on the planet. A delightfully fascinating discussion ensued in which Curry explained her objection to the “manufactured consensus of scientists at the request of policy makers” and how far reality really is from the grim picture painted by environmental activists. Curry made sense of recent extreme weather events and indicated that “Earth has survived far bigger insults than what human beings are doing”. An eye-opening interview.

Tom Bradshaw:
“Having spent 44 years of my life involved in weather/climate, I enjoyed listening to Dr. Curry. I can't dispute anything she said, except to say that I would have preferred her to be a little more critical of the CO2 narrative. CO2 isn't a problem; in fact, the world should know that water vapour is the major greenhouse gas, not CO2. Beyond that, about 97% of atmospheric CO2 comes about trhough ocean realease and respiration, not through human activity. Striving for net zero anthropogenic CO2 is, as Dr Curry ;pointed out, essentially meaningless; it would have no discernable effect on any of the world's climates.”

J said...

Elon Musk Teases Release of Internal Twitter Discussions on Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell

Anonymous said...

Klaus Schwab: 'God is Dead' and the WEF is 'Acquiring Divine Powers'

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of black supremacists march through Brooklyn chanting 'we are the real Jews' in support of disgraced anti-Semitic Nets star Kyrie Irving

Anonymous said...


Notice how your jimmy dore quote says “informants” while the headline says “agents”.

There’s a big difference between the two.

I also think it’s a huge stretch to claim this validated a conspiracy theory when it’s actually a good thing that our government agencies infiltrate, monitor and expose these violent criminal subversive organizations. The actual unvalidated conspiracy theory is that they somehow or, in any way, orchestrated the events of Jan 6th to an extent that somehow exonerates the other apparently naive participants of their individual culpability and agency.


Anonymous said...

RayB at 7:42pm

42% unvaccinated deaths is still a really high statistic for the unvaccinated, when most, probably north of 95% of persons in high risks groups are fully vaccinated.

I’ve explained this before and You make these “mistakes” so often it must be intentional, and, therefore deliberately a lie & murderous. It’s beyond cognitive dissonance.


Craig said...


I don't disagree that the difference between "agents" and "informants" is substantial. But note that Wray never would answer the question, so it could be that some infiltrators were in fact agents.

You wrote: The actual unvalidated conspiracy theory is that they somehow or, in any way, orchestrated the events of Jan 6th to an extent that somehow exonerates the other apparently naive participants of their individual culpability and agency.

In what actual role IS (WAS) Ray Epps and in what particular role did he play in J6? He clearly incited entrance into the Capitol. His absence as witness is quite telling.

And if there is exculpatory evidence that the entrance into the Capitol itself was not pre-planned, this makes a huge difference in the forthcoming trials (and possibly Epps' culpability). In all fairness, such evidence MUST come forward.

RayB said...

"It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit."
- attributed to Noel Coward

Anonymous said...

“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”

Well, technically, covid is now in the endemic stage so saying it was, in 2021, the pandemic of the unvaccinated remains entirely accurate.


Anonymous said...

Noel Coward?

A homosexual socialist English play-write???

Another interesting & revealing choice by RayB as he attempts to defend his persistent use of deliberate deceit.


RayB said...

Top Australian Cardiologist Calls for Ban on mRNA Shots After Rise in Jab-Related Heart Conditions

RayB said...


I find it interesting & revealing that a homosexual socialist English play-write accurately describes people like you:

"It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit."

Just keep pushing your EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' on those that are willing to serve (such as yourself) as human lab rats for the Satanic New World Order. You being deceived, along with your spreading deceit, X, no longer shocks me in the slightest.
In fact, I expect exactly that, as so many others on this blog do as well.

RayB said...

Math according to Dr. X, he states "42% unvaccinated deaths is still a really high statistic for the unvaccinated..."

X somehow fails to mention that 58% of the remaining deaths were VACCINATED with the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine.'

Remember X's idol Dear Leader Biden claiming 'if you get vaccinated, you CANNOT get COVID?'

So how is it that of those that died, 58% of the victims were vaccinated??

Anonymous said...

Interesting Ray in that I've been shocked by and debunked your deceit here for years while you've yet to document a single intentional deception I've shared.

But do keep sharing links and disinformation from all your homosexual & rapper friends like Jim Hoft, Peter Theil, Stew Peters and now, the deceased Noel Coward.


Anonymous said...

Rayb at 4:13pm

When Biden said that, was it June 2021, that was largely correct as the hospitals and morgues were filling up with the unvaccinated.

Biden is a politician so I doubt anyone was taking his statements as entirely medically accuarate. Fauci and the CDC were much more temperered with their words and did not promise lifelong immunity from covid to anyone that took the vaccine.

To understand this further...58% or about 1,044 of the approximate 1800 persons who died "with covid" in the entire month of August, 2022 were fully vaccinated, however, in the summer of 2021 over 1000 unvaccinated persons (and VERY few vaccinated persons) were dying every week "OF covid". These people largely wouldn't have died slow miserable gasping deaths alone in hospital isolation rooms had they been fully vaccinated.

Now that the virus is endemic -- these current "vaccinated" deaths aren't dying "OF COVID" in that they aren't still a little protected from the covid virus and newly acquiring the novel virus. They are just the ones getting tested in hospitals that showed up in the hospital due to other serious ailments.

Further, no one is indicating the vaccines are actually causing these persons to die. People die. Covid is still a cause of death as is the flu and other viruses.

Oddly perhaps, and certainly anecdotally, I seem to know a lot more people who have had multiple covid infections as unvaccinated persons (despite knowing a lot less unvaccinated persons) than vaccinated persons who have had more than 1 infection. A close friend of mine who is divorced and in constant custody battles with his crazy maga ex-wife has had 3 opportunities now to get extra overnights with his kids while his wife battles reoccurring covid infections. He's fully vaccinated and happy for the extra weeks with his kids and hasn't, to his knowledge, been infected or tested positive once.

It's still just utter nonsense to continue this line of bullcrap. We're coming up on 2 years - the vaccines saved millions of lives. The bi-variant boosters, like the flu vaccine for people that want it or need it (at risk population) will continue to be an important public healthcare tool.

Time to move on to another lie.


Anonymous said...

Rayb at 4:13

Another thing... you asked:

Remember X's idol Dear Leader Biden claiming 'if you get vaccinated, you CANNOT get COVID?' So how is it that of those that died, 58% of the victims were vaccinated?

Not even Biden was claiming the covid vaccine would protect you from covid OR from dying FOREVER.

People die all the time. Around 3,000,000 Americans were anticipated to die in 2022, statistically, absent the pandemic. Some number, probably over 90% of such persons will be vaccinated persons dying from whatver ails them this year... some will even test positive for mild omicron variant covid colds while or within x days of dying as well.

It's not a pandemic anymore. Just like it's not a pandemic of chicken pox, measles, and all sorts of other ailments we still vaccinate against.


RayB said...

X claimed (he lied): "Not even Biden was claiming the covid vaccine would protect you from covid..."

From the Daily Mail:

Biden loses his thoughts on vaccines, flubs answer on his foreign policy work and falsely tells town hall you WON'T get COVID if you have the shot

President Joe Biden stumbled through Wednesday night's CNN town hall when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements

'You're OK. You're not going to – you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,' Biden falsely assured
He also said no vaccinated individuals will be hospitalized, sent to the ICU or die

Anonymous said...

More my conservative speed and in contrast to Rayb's homosexual quotes...

“The best way to show that a stick is crooked is not to argue about it or to spend time denouncing it, but to lay a straight stick alongside it”

D.L. Moody


Anonymous said...

Rayb at 5:50...

I don't see the word "forever" in there.

and if you watch the entire town hall discussion it includes Biden saying "even if vaccinated people do “catch the virus,” they are “not likely to get sick” which was entirely accurate when these statements were made in July 22, 2022.

Fauci and the CDC also clarified such statement, medically, the following day so people didn't misunderstand Biden's words, much like Fauci clarified Trumps words like about using bleach and/or that the virus was going to magically disappear by Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, etc.

If Biden was overselling vaccines in an attempt to save lives...that's not a bad thing.


Anonymous said...

Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets Anti-Vaxxers

RayB said...


If a 'sinner,' say a 'homosexual,' tells you that the bridge over the river is out, would you discount what that 'sinner' says and just drive on, knowing that the 'sinner' can't be right because he is a 'sinner?'

Albert Einstein was not a believer, yet, he is recognized as a scientific genius. Should we ignore everything he had to say because he was not a Christian?

You must live in a VERY small, little world.

You really need to get away from this Cumbey blog and spend sometime with real people. Being here 24/7 is not healthy.

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