Sunday, June 12, 2022

Prayer Request for Constance


Let's please continue to keep Constance in our prayers.  She has had a very bumpy week as she was admitted into the hospital in serious condition.  Today when I talked with her she sounded like she had gained some energy and a bit more like herself.   When she returns home I'll ask her to provide details of what she would like to share. 



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RayB said...

Anon @ 2:02 PM ...

Thank you. I don't know why it didn't work for me before.

Looks like a lot of very interesting material that I'll be checking out.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome RayB.
There are some right things said in TGC but some things as shard in the video have a definite twist that doesn't allow for a bold Gospel response. That is what is problematic, wishy washy, squishy. Discouraging open stands (such as Conservative Christians tend to do as opposed to Liberal ones) to soft pedal sinfulness issues in the interest of not offending and being non-judgmental is not what Jesus did.
Ray Comfort does that so well to be bold yet kind. But the "social justice" approach, not the unapologetic Gospel as the lead out, is wrong headed from the git-go because it throws the Gospel under the bus to favor not offending people. Offending God, but not people, is ok for some who call themselves Christians?

We need to be discerning in the Spirit as there are times when God would not have us "cast pearls before swine", told not to argue with the scornful, but leave them be, otherwise,
"preach the Word", Apostle Paul told Timothy--No sloppy agape from Apostle Paul, who did it very often in chains.....

RayB said...

Aren't you glad Trump is gone and Biden is President? So what if we're paying record gasoline prices along with ever increasing inflation on everything else, at least we don't have those mean and nasty tweets by Orange Man Bad.

Joe Biden Is Sending U.S. Reserve Oil Overseas As Americans Cope With Record Gas Prices

Anonymous said...

Funny, I’ve been doing Collin Miller type work here for well over two years calling out and rebuking self-professed Christians for their lies, hypocrisy and preaching a social Maga gospel.

I’m not a fan of Tim Keller and John Piper can be such a contradiction at time but the TGC has some decent stuff. They are right about the Dodds decision because it’s just doing what we shoulda been doing for the last 50 years. You can’t celebrate the GOPs 50 years of authorizing abortion. It’s lamentable.

Maga is much more like Beth Moore than I am.


Ps -Maga murderer Crimo confessed to the killings and drove to Madison,WS where he almost pulled a machine gun and killed even more “liberals” and foreigners.

Anonymous said...

RayB at 7:54pm

Your Opus Dei Roman Catholic friends over at the federalist are lying to you. I’m betting the journalist knows less than a 5th grader about the oil industry. I’m not gonna read it or research it but my best guess why this is happening (oil being shipped out) is because most US oil is a light crude whereas we need a lot more heavy Middle East crude.

Plus, we are a capitalist country. It’s just stupid to argue for and cast blame for the lack of socialist controls of oil markets then call people socialists and communists for wanting national healthcare. One of the biggest reasons we are here at this big oil price hike is because Trump messed with the supply side during covid and signed agreements to “save” the oil industry by curtailing supplies for 2 years (thru April 2022). Another reason is because republicans let the saudis partner on petroleum processing on American soil and processors have a lot more price control than suppliers alone.

That’s the way things have been explained to me. I’m not a petroleum expert but it makes sense that the oil industry misses Trump because they own the GOP. They are now filling their coffers to fund PACs to elect more Maga idiots this fall, and God forbid, beyond. The dumber the more naive.


Anonymous said...

"I’ve been doing Collin Miller type work here"

You lie. 1st you're way too unkind and toxic and always end up excusing and throwing your support to the progressive socialist humanists social change with your religious spin on it.
While you condemn good Christians who are not using topics for sheer political propaganda as you routinely do.
Quit playing games with the Lord's Gospel and His reputation to think you in any way mirror His. You truly don't.
You're a creep stalking a blog. Period.

Anonymous said...

Boris Johnson resigns as Prime Minister to stave of embarrassment of being forced out while clinging to power and losing a vote like Trump.

Anonymous said...

x does not contend for the Gospel. He would have to be civil to begin with to do that, and civil is not in his Saul Alinsky playbook.
He contends for political extremism in constant, direct or indirect, approval of it, while he claims he is much more conservative in views than others here. Phony BS...24/7. Anything (no matter how unreasonable) to thwart conservative causes because..well, you man bad. All glory goes to his cyrus king O'Biden (and socialist democrats). Baby out with the bathwater spitefulness and spew, helpful and encouraging to globalist aims, at a blog aimed at exposing the NWO he favors.
He contends because he is contentious, and takes it out on this blog.
Be honest, and just join Antifa already, troll.

Anonymous said...

Leader of the free world...

Anonymous said...

A DC's own Pierre Delecto delight

RayB said...

Serious words of wisdom to the residents of Highland Park from our seriously serious Madame Vice President:

"We'll deal with what we need to deal with in terms of also, as we move forward, all agreeing that we've got to be smarter as a country in terms of who has access to what and, in particular, assault weapons. And we got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are — because you have been forced to have to take it seriously."

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

RayB said...

75,322 Dead 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines – Babies and Toddlers Hallucinating and Having Seizures After Shots

NOTE: Keep this in mind; survival rate for COVID is 99.8%. Clearly, the 'vaccines' are far more injurious and dangerous than the virus itself! The vast majority of people that 'died' from COVID suffered life threatening co-morbidity issues. The very same thing happens year after year during flu season.

Anonymous said...

Or they died with covid not from it.

Our health crisis is the crisis of mental illness in sheeple that trust "experts" with god complexes in the upper eschelons of science (Fauchi,et all), government--that list is almost endless from morons to maniacal, and the mentally deranged monster egos of bastards with billions to work societal change.
And all coming together to help 'Santa Klaus' depopulate and enslave the masses at hell's behest.

RayB said...

Millions Of Barrels From US Emergency Oil Reserve Sent Abroad, Including To China

"Courtesy of Reuters we know: more than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of the historic U.S. SPR release were exported to Europe and Asia last month, including top US geopolitical nemesis in the global arena, China, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices hit record highs."

Read the entire article here:

PS: X said this didn't happen. X caught in another lie. What a shock.

Anonymous said...

EU parliament declares fossil fuel to be “green” energy as climate change narrative self-destructs

The EU parliament just announced a decision that’s causing the fraudulent climate change narrative to self-destruct. “EU parliament backs labeling gas and nuclear investments as green,” reads a Reuters headline from yesterday. “The European Parliament on Wednesday backed EU rules labeling investments in gas and nuclear power plants as climate-friendly,” Reuters continues, explaining that the EU has been plunged into an energy crisis that’s dividing EU nations and forcing a reevaluation on which energy sources are deemed “renewable.”

When this rule is fully adopted, it means Russia’s Putin will become one of the world’s largest exporters of green energy. That also means NATO and Ukraine are engaged in a war against a green energy leader, while western sanctions have blocked Russia’s exports of green energy.

“EU Parliament backs green label for nuclear and natural gas, defying climate Left,” reports the Washington Examiner. The decision will, “ease construction of infrastructure for those power sources over the objections of some environmentalists and members of the bloc.”

Western Europe is collapsing under the lunacy of globalist green energy policies.

Anonymous said...

So do you believe that anyone thinks Hillary Clinton won after Debbie Wasserman Schultz was caught rigging the election against Bernie Sanders so that Hillary would be president? No body wanted Hillary Clinton to be president. This was the actual leverage that gave Trump an advantage. Russia had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

COVID has nothing to do with any heart failure. The vaccines are the ones causing myocarditis and blood clots. I'm surprised Constance didn't already know that before she was vaccinated. COVID case fatality rates (untreated) have always been less than 1% since the 70s. The common flu is more lethal than COVID. If you catch COVID once you never get it again unless you have been vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

RayB lies again.

Ray said I said “it didn’t happen” regarding a small percentage of SPR oil being shipped around the world.

What I said is he and his fake news alt right journalists don’t have any understanding of how a global commodities market works and miss the fact that it doesn’t matter where “released” oil goes (other than in a fake news optics war). Simply put, When you add supply to the global oil market it has the same effect on the supply side no matter where it ends up.

The price of crude oil is down, so price relief is forthcoming as that relief makes its way through the supply chain.

Again, Trump destroyed the us oil industry largely prior to covid and created a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia that, after the addition of Covid stressors, induced, in part, Russia to invade Ukraine before the west could get Ukrainian oil reserves flowing westword further undermining Russian financial oil interests. Because the us isn’t oil nationalized (because we aren’t commie socialists), we can’t just turn oil pumps back on nor actual manage/control oil prices. There’s not a whole lot Biden can do. The markets are stabilizing and there is gouging occurring but it takes awhile to fix the Trump, Covid & Russia shocks to the system.

This guy (an actual expert) on tik tok does a great job of explaining this stuff (still pretending you care at all accuracy).


Ps- I accept your apology

Anonymous said...

3:01 pm

That’s just a complete fabrication. Why are you so invested in misinforming?

I know several people personally that have had multiple covid infections. The woman that cuts my hair caught it spring or summer of 2021 and again in 2022. She was scared to death the first time as she was really struggling to breath this second infection wasn’t as bad but she’s had much more lingering effects this time with coughing and weasing persisting for two months.

The worse you get covid and the more times you get covid are both risk factors for long covid as is vaccination status (which has been shown to reduce severity and susceptibility to some degree thereby suppressing overall likehood of long covid on top of minimizing your chances of death by covid.

I also read that those who caught initial rounds of omicron even back in December and January are not showing strong immunity, absent vaccination, to these newer omicron variants like BA5 (I think).

Source: “2 or 3 vaccine doses may cut risk of long covid”

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 12:20 PM

Surely, as a former politician, you know that politicians don't write their own speeches. Kamala Harris, as a former district attorney, attorney general, and senator, is quite capable of articulating her thoughts. It appears to me that the "word salad" is part of the puppet masters' plan, maybe some alcohol or drug use going on, too.

RayB said...

Anon @ 5:45 PM ...

Correction; I am not a 'former politician.' I grew up in a political family and worked for several politicians, but never personally ran for any political office.

Craig said...

This isn't even a case of 'dropping the ball'; this is a case of never even picking it up in the first place:

SHOCKING revelation from CDC FOIA request (from Livestream #132)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Mentioned in this clip:
Guetzkow, for Children’s Health Defense, 6/21/22: CDC Admits It Never Monitored VAERS for COVID Vaccine Safety Signals

In a stunning development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week admitted — despite assurances to the contrary — the agency never analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for safety signals for COVID-19 vaccines...

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Standard Operating Procedures for COVID-19, from the CDC, 2021

See page 16:

2.3.1 Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR)

CDC will perform PRR data mining on a weekly basis or as needed...

2.3.2 Data mining

FDA will perform data mining at least biweekly (with stratified data mining monthly) using empirical Bayesian data mining to identify AEs reported more frequently than expected following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines, using published criteria [12, 14]...

Standard Operating Procedures for COVID-19, from the CDC, Updated 2022

See page 16, same sections as above.

2.3.1 Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR)

When sufficient data have accrued, CDC will perform PRR data mining on a weekly
basis or as needed...

2.3.2 Data Mining

FDA will perform data mining at least biweekly (with stratified data mining monthly) using empirical Bayesian data mining to identify AEs reported more frequently than expected following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines, using published criteria [12, 14]...

But, they didn't.

RayB said...

Amazing stuff Craig. Good job posting this info!

RayB said...

Latest news regarding the Biden Crime Family operations ...

REVEALED: Biden sold 1 MILLION barrels of oil from US Strategic Reserves to Chinese company Hunter Biden invested in

In 2015, a private equity firm cofounded by Hunter Biden bought a stake in the Sinopec Marketing valued at $1.7 million.

Anonymous said...

Tik Toc for advice and info?
That's rich. Well that does help you maintain your low cred, no cred, status here, x.

And you have no apologies coming..from anybody.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that darkhorse attempts to say:

In a stunning development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week admitted — despite assurances to the contrary — the agency never analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for safety signals for COVID-19 vaccines...

When Children's Health defense article you linked only shows the CDC indicating they didn't do a specific type of analysis within a 43 page Internal planning document says. The CDC response itself says that "signal assessment" was performed and that the FDA may have done other assessments as "planned".

My point is it's a pretty hyperbolic conclusion, even by your standards to claim the CDC "never analyzed VAERS for safety signals" because they didn't follow a certain internal draft provision that itself indicates it's to be "as needed". The FOIA request response doesn't give any indication whether or not someone decided it simply "wasn't needed" (for example, I would guess that maybe it wasn't a reliable safety signal to compare the Covid vaccine being administered to everyone, including dying persons in hospice and terminal cancer, with other vaccines being administered to mostly infants and kids or relatively healthy older people or people travelling abroad). Or the Biden landslide and the heightened politics made "signal" detecting impossible when segments of the population were overreporting A.E. for political reasons. Further, some sideline physician has no way of knowing if there really is any such signal at all that he claims does/did exist in the article. Such analysis requires teams of persons reviewing the individual cases and investigating private medical information further versus gross numbers. These people don't have any understanding of the underlying statistics involved (they probably do but choose to cherry pick and simplify in a manner to promote their fake conspiratorial conclusions instead)

From the 43 page document...

This document is a draft planning document for internal use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with collaborating contractors. Numerous aspects (including but
not limited to specific adverse events to be monitored, timeframes for report processing, data elements to be reported, and data analysis) are dynamic and subject to change without notice.


2.3 Signal detection methods and data analyses
The analyses for COVID-19 vaccine safety signals will focus on identifying deviations from preliminary safety data, and possibly from other vaccines , using disproportionality
analyses and comparisons of reporting rates.


p.s.- Like you climate denier friend, they only have to raise questions and cast a little doubt to spread fear and doubt. They can't prove the Vaccine is unsafe (because it's not) therefore rely on attacking the messenger and trying to cloud up the facts with inquiries and hyperbole. Isn't children's health defense orthodox roman catholic Robert Kennedy, Jr's website? Figures --- motivated to kill as many Protestant's as he can all the while the Roman Catholics are one of the most vaccinated minorities in the world.

Craig said...


I suppose you really didn't listen to the complete clip nor digest the info at the Children's Health Defense link.

But that's kinda what I figured you'd do.

Craig said...


p.s.- What's a "climate denier"?

Anonymous said...

11:27 pm

Matthew Randolph, aka Mrglobaltoo on tik tok, is a top veteran in the industry and explains perfectly how and why gas prices are like this and is pretty unbiased.

He is a Republican who hates Biden but blames Trump and the Trump Adminstration and OPEC for the current pricing mess.

From his Amazon page...

Matthew Randolph was born in 1974 in Fort Smith, Arkansas. As a young child, he moved to Sayre, Oklahoma where he grew up and graduated high school where he was a student-athlete. After high school, Matt briefly attended college studying education while working in the oil and gas industry as a roughneck on a drilling rig. In 1994 he left school and had decided to make the oil and gas industry his career, he is still in the industry today after 30 years and is highly accomplished in his field, he works for a supermajor and holds many titles and roles including being a globally recognized subject matter expert, and a Diversity and Inclusion Focal role in addition to being an optimization team lead. At the age of 42, he did go back and finish college and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Management, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Matt and his wife Chelsea live in Elk City, Oklahoma where she is a successful realtor and they operate a real estate investment company as well. They have six children ages range from 23 to 4 years.

Here are all his videos on tik tok...I'm sure you'll find some you like and others you don't. I haven't watched them all. His expertise seems pretty accurate and better than any alt right politicized information you all seem to ingest daily.


Anonymous said...

climate change denier

sorry...I'm watching Peaky Blinders at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I "digested" enough to know it's bullcrap as are most of brents ramblings on dark horse. He's lost the plot completely.

I read the children's health's hyperbolic and a number of other fallacies. It's absent any explanation why such things weren't done and overstates such missing specific analysis as evidence the CDC seemingly just ignored VAERS altogether (when the report itself shows they gave 104 pages of FOIA info and said they did "signal analysis" as did many others since much of it was published public information showing how safe the vaccines have been).

You do understand logical fallacies, right? The question is why if RFK, jr. using them on MAGA people?


Craig said...

X @ 12:22 AM,

Merely stating it's hyperbolic and "a number of other fallacies" does not make it so. You've made assertions with no substance.

Quoting from the letter responding to the FOIA request: " PRRs were conducted by CDC". Yet the 2021 and 2022 documents quite specifically states: "CDC will perform PRR data mining on a weekly basis or as needed". So, given the admission that "no PRRs were conducted by CDC" alongside their promise to "perform PRR data mining on a weekly basis or as needed", the CDC obviously did not fulfill the obligations it itself explicitly said it would. Moreover, how can the CDC claim that “COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring is the most robust in U.S. history" when it wasn't being monitored, per their own response to the FOIA request?

Craig said...


Heller isn't a "climate change denier". He absolutely affirms that climate changes. Here's a recent example:

Erasing Steinbeck

Tony Heller

The 1930s were the hottest and driest on record in the US. This doesn't suit the need of politicians, so academics are attempting to erase the 1930s.

Anonymous said...


Because the foia request and response doesn’t address the question of why such specific envisioned draft techniques weren’t done or weren’t needed and then broadly editorializes the meaning of such.

FOIA doesn’t answer “why” or “how”… the department answering these FOIA requests just looks for the specific information and provides it if it exists. The persons filling these requests don’t really know, explain nor get into giving alternative answers.

The safety monitoring could yet be and have been more robust than ever using different better modeling and statistical analysis techniques than anticipated.


Anonymous said...

My apologies, RayB @7:59. I misunderstood from previous comments made, perhaps by others, that you previously held public office. Like you, I have worked for numerous politicians. I was actively involved in the Republican party for many years. I worked very hard for numerous local, state, and national political campaigns and was a part of the speech writing process for most of them (I repented for all of that about 15 yrs. ago). From experience I can say, without a doubt, that the Vice President of the United States doesn't appear anywhere without a previously written speech approved by party leaders and big donors. Whatever Kamala Harris does or says publicly is part of the plan.

Craig said...

X @ 8:31 AM,

I ain't buying what you're selling. The CDC's answer was quite succinct: no PRRs were conducted by CDC. It doesn't get plainer than that.

Anonymous said...

Twitter Suspends Zelenko’s Foundation Account One Day After Doctor’s Death

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a Nobel prize-nominated physician who famously discovered and distributed an early treatment protocol for COVID, dubbed the “Zelenko Protocol,” passed away from cancer on June 30, 2022.

“It is no secret that big tech abhors free speech and instead worships at the altar of Marxist collectivism and group-think. The Silicon Valley speech cartel has sunk to new lows when twitter suspended the Zelenko Freedom Foundation account less than 24 hours after the passing of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko,” co-chair of the Zelenko Freedom Foundation, Ann Vandersteel, told The Epoch Times.

“If they had bothered to do even the most basic of inquiries they would have learned that the account was run by the foundation, not by Dr. Zelenko. The account wasn’t established for some end around their ridiculous ban of Dr. Zelekno, the account was established to represent the interests of the Foundation, which is committed to investing in individuals and technologies that will save and extend the lives of people all across the globe,” she said.

Anonymous said...


I started linking a couple of videos by Mallen Baker, debunking some specific claims made by Tony Heller but then stumbled upon this gem which sums up my feelings about the manipulation techniques of not only Tony Heller specifically, but many of the things we discuss here daily.

Mallen Baker's show, Dangerously Reasonable has 141 episodes - I have no idea what these shows are all about or who this guy is but his analsis of Tony Heller as an idealogue using hypnotic manipulation techniques vs factual is spot on.

How Tony Heller fools his audience

Jan 13, 2021

After you watch that --- Here's the other videos you may be interested in as Mr. Baker takes on Tony Heller and his followers in a series of conversations and fiery comments. I intended to get Tony's response video but why bother. It's kind of funny after watching the above and the debate below from 2019 how similiar the video Mr. Baker debunks is with the new released manipulation video, "Erasing Steinbeck". Manipulation through repetition. You'll enjoy the comments sections for sure.

Debunking Tony Heller's 'Gift to Climate Alarmists'

Oct, 2019

My reply to Tony Heller

Oct, 2019


Anonymous said...

8:51 am

Just becuase the CDC didn't do or use "PRR's" which are specifically...

PRRs compare the proportion of a specific AE following a specific vaccine versus the proportion of the same AE following receipt of another vaccine (see equation below Table 4). A safety
signal is defined as a PRR of at least 2, chi-squared statistic of at least 4, and 3 or more cases of the AE following receipt of the specific vaccine of interest.

doesn't mean they and/or their contractors didn't do any modeling or statistically analysis whatsoever of VAERS data.

PRR's are a specific thing their own draft advisory document says MAY be done, as needed.

They may be on a fruitful trail and find out little was actually done; but, I'm guessing they already know the answers and are gonna be content with cherry-picking this little hole to imply bigger holes.

Time is telling a much different story indicating the success of the covid vaccines for those that took them against the virulent virus variants of those days and beyond as we assess the increased risks and costs of reoccurring covid infections on the unvaccinated.


Craig said...

X @ 10:35 AM,

You're parsing the CDC's statement all wrong. Just look at the main verb: "will perform", and then its qualifying "weekly basis" OR "as needed". Thus, the CDC will perform PRRs, it's just a question of whether a weekly basis is the correct interval OR maybe more, maybe less--NOT whether or not they will actually perform PRRs. Yet they DIDN'T do them. At all.


X @ 10:21 AM,

Instead of invoking someone else's campaign, why not just analyze the substance of the video I'd just posted? Heller compliles real newspaper clippings, plus multiple sources to substantiate his stance. He even quotes James Hansen who had first affirmed the historical record, only to alter the data 20 years later in order to support the "Climate Change" narrative.

In short, show me where Heller 'manipulated' his audience in the "Erasing Steinbeck" vlog. Sure, he uses occasional hyperbole (as you do, though more than occasionally), but newspaper clippings don't lie or exaggerate (as opposed to current ones).

Anonymous said...

Once again, and plain to see, that x speaks from the south end of a north bound horse.

Why does he need this so much? Still insisting that covid protocol and the vaccines are such a miracle of science, a 'savior' (government elitist induced and introduced) that supposedly saved lives from a virus over 95% survivable, even among the elderly most likely to die from it, in turn, basically needing no vaccine, and which unlike other vaccines of the past, doesn't very effectively prevent people from being sickened by covid, but sickened by the vaccine instead?
His hype is as empty as his heart...
His head is quite full however, of what comes out of the south end of that north bound horse.

Craig said...

And almost on cue, I receive this email from

Talk with your family about getting the little ones vaccinated. In case you missed it, CDC now recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older; and boosters for everyone 5 years and older. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing children from getting seriously sick.

RayB said...

This is the very same Death Cult Leader that X 'congratulated' for ending Roe v. Wade!

Death Cult leader Biden Signs Executive Order In Attempt To Safeguard Abortion Access After Flood Of Criticism

From the article:

Despite Biden calling the court's decision a "tragic error" - fellow Democrats have blasted the White House's flat-footed response as weak and too-little-too-late. The new executive order will establish an Interagency Task Force which will aim to coordinate federal “policymaking and program development” to combat the Supreme Court decision, an administration statement said. Attorney General Merrick Garland will be included in the task force to "provide technical assistance to state affording legal protection to out-of-state patients."

Read the full article here:

RayB said...

Implementing policies that are based upon the Climate Change/Global Warming hoax do have consequences:

Farmers Across Europe Protest in Solidarity with Dutch Farmers as Green Agenda Takes Away Their Farms with Food Shortages Looming

From the article:

If you haven’t figured out yet that government policies designed to transition to the New Green World Order are an assault on humanity with the goal of reducing the world’s population all in the name of “saving the planet,” then it is time to wake up, because this is WAR!

Farmer protests are sweeping across much of Europe this week, mainly to join in solidarity with Dutch farmers in the Netherlands, because new government policies to reduce “nitrogen” emissions threaten to shut down almost 50% of the nation’s farms.

Read it here:

RayB said...

Why does Joe Biden (along with his fellow Death Cult Democrats) hate America?

Two more reasons to be mad as hell at Joe Biden

From the article:

1. Biden is selling our petroleum reserves to China.

Biden is selling off 180 million barrels (one third of the total) from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The stated goal: softening the pain on American citizens from higher gas prices. Releasing the oil should have reduced the price at the pump. Why isn't that happening? Because the oil being released is going to Europe, India, and China.

2. Biden is forcing Critical Race Theory on state education systems.

Biden has sent a bill to Congress — the "Civics Secures Democracy Act" (CSDA) — that will allow the Biden administration to force Critical Race Theory (CRT) on every public school in the country. "Over a six-year period," said Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in National Review, "this $6 billion pot of competitive grant money will create a de facto national curriculum — just like Common Core. States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration's liking. And abundant evidence shows that Biden's Education Department is pushing CRT."

Federal law prohibits the imposition of a curriculum on the states.

Read it here:

RayB said...

Was Billy Graham Pro-Choice? (Do YOU really believe abortion is murder?)

Anonymous said...

12:29 PM @ RayB

Yes, this is the guy whose videos give some very good biblical perspective and he stays right with Scripture, not veering from it. I appreciate that he is unapologetic for contending for Gospel faith.
I saw this video too, and was not aware of this stance by Billy Graham. He put the issue on a slippery slope when the Bible says plainly abortion is murder, and there are alternatives (always have been) to killing a child of an unwanted pregnancy. Sad to say it was not highlighted as murder so no ground swell of support came for Protestants at that time. I believe the church began to go into an even deeper sleep in this time frame.
But this is what progressives do--ramp up the emotionalism (because it is a difficult question for a very few--but today it is too easy to abort because it is considered a "right" though wrong) so making it their way or the highway in giving all (supposed) possible excuses a chance against truth, is wrong in my book and I believe the Bible's stand too. Is this another compromise that somehow allows for a christian to vote for the Democrat platform??? Are the consciences of those believers really grappling with this because I think the Holy Spirit sure would is the question I think they should ask themselves.

Franklin Graham has used strong language against abortion but I wonder if he has strongly stated that it is always wrong with no exceptions. I can't find much thus far about that so I wonder if he has taken a better stand as his father, or the same one..

Anonymous said...

"a better stand as his father"

Should be-a better stand than his father.

Anonymous said...


1. Biden doesn't own or control oil reserves personally. Once they are released to the market he doesn't control where each drop of oil ends up nor categorize US oil versus someone elses oil. It just gets added to the WORLD market on the supply side thereby easing pricing pressure.

I just paid $4.55 a gallon for gas where i'm at.

2. As MAGA Trump supporters learned --- Executive Orders don't matter all that much as they are easily reduced, eliminated or changed by the next president. It will not result in as many abortiions as the GOP USSC Roe v Wade ruling did for 50 years AND it will also keep the USSC from interferring with marital couples birth control decisions. Last thing I want is the Pope deciding which types of birth control my daughters can use for family planning.

3. CRT isn't something taught in public elementary, jr high or high school. It's a theory taught in Law Schools and certain college courses. Civics, on the other hand, is important to help keep our country safe from white nationalist dominionist Nazis. While I'd rather error on the side of letting local school districts decide themselves, the GOP has proven themselves incapable of allowing such and cramming such false spiritual warfare agendas upon school districts within entire states they still control (prayfully --- I hope that changes too).

4. If Federal Law prohits such and such prohibition is a good idea, why won't republicans in red states allow local school districts to control their own cirriculums. They aren't opposed to such where they control while demanding such leeway in states they don't control. Probably doesn't matter because the activist roman catholic supreme court will just side with whatever side more swiftly destroys our country.


Anonymous said...


With your background looking into the NAR...while I also recognize the bias of the source...

I wonder what your thoughts are on this...

He's on a mission from God: Pennsylvania GOP candidate Doug Mastriano's war with the world: Pa. GOP candidate closely linked to Christian extremists who want "spiritual warfare" against America


Anonymous said...

You said you get your information from Tik Toc, but your post @ 4:30 PM is 'other worldly'...not real world, real time, real information..but what you make up on the spot because, methinks, your information comes from Uranus.
I guess that's convenient at least.

Craig said...


I will reserve comment, for I deem it only proper to see what Mastriano says, as opposed to what others--even those in the NAR--say about him.

When I wrote about Bill Johnson, I focused on his own words in books--plural, not singular--and online sources (such as his own websites, videos/vlogs, and tweets). If something was not entirely clear, then I would either not state it at all, or I would phrase it with the requisite caveats. If I was extrapolating from things he'd said, or if I was speculating, I would state so.

This is the only fair way to evaluate someone--lots of different sources.

Thus, since I don't know anything about this Mastriano guy (never heard of him before your comment), except for what is in the Salon piece, I won't even venture a guess as to where he lands with respect to the NAR and/or what is intended by "spiritual warfare". Is the latter akin to the C. Peter Wagner version or to the Biblical version? I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

I'm in no way supporting going back to Roe v Wade but simply adding some of my editorial context to the 1970's environment that lead to Roe v Wade not receiving as much backlash as it should have.

I THINK the evangelical world that included Billy Graham was much more wordly, on one hand, with rumors of something needig to be done about "population explosion" as we just came off the huge "Baby Boomer" generation and such generation potentially doubling or tripling itself and over-growth in the US (and world) combined with Protestant tradition of keeping a firm division between Church and State (for fear of renewed roman catholic reformation and domination) being the other hand.

There were numerous examples around the world that demonstrated the dangers of mixing religion and politics (especially fanaticism of nationalistic movements) that Protestants wanted nothing of it.

Not all abortion is murder. Termination of ectopic pregnancy is an example.


Anonymous said...

"Not all abortion is murder. Termination of ectopic pregnancy is an example.

That is a medical issue, yes.
Other reasons that are not, are murder, by killing innocent life that could otherwise find a resolution by allowing them to live.
So why did you support Biden because his administration is about abortion on demand..completely different "reasoning" and outcome. You give him the glory (even Rich noted the outlandish, very bold, response you gave and called you out on it) for the overturn of Roe v Wade at the Federal level. That rings very hollow coming from a "believer".
Hypocritical in the very least, worse, in trying to actually justify it as an idea you could get behind...and you did.
How does your conscience abide that if you believe abortion is murder yet you supported and rationalize in favor of abortion on demand that he and his administration call a fundamental "right".

And quite noticeable how your posts about this issue severely lack compassion and reasoning also. Your inflamed talk is all about blame (and extremely biased in that) but of of the egregiousness of the practice itself, you are passionless. That is not how to grapple with such a topic.
I think you are phony...a "make believer".
On this issue, and many more.
It's creepy and weird how unfeeling you are.

RayB said...

X's Death Cult Leader Joe Biden Pledges to Retain the Killing of Unborn Babies as National Priority, Signs Executive Order Saying Abortion “is essential to justice, equality, and our health, safety, and progress as a Nation”

All kinds of Biden gaffes ... the look on Kommiela's face reveals her inner thoughts: "That will be me at that podium, and it will happen very soon. This guy is nuts. Even I'm not this stupid."

Anonymous said...

X said:
"CRT isn't something taught in public elementary, jr high or high school. It's a theory taught in Law Schools and certain college courses. Civics, on the other hand, is important to help keep our country safe from white nationalist dominionist Nazis"

That's a bald faced lie x, like a lot of things you say.
They are teaching it in kIndergarden and all the way up through. It may have different names, depending on the school board in question, and their particular way of lying about it, but it's the same damn lie. And you know it, you liar.
There is probably a total of about a hundred " white nationalist dominionist Nazis" in this whole country, you lying idiot.
Have you ever met a " white nationalist dominionist Nazis"? I doubt it. I never have. There's a small town out in Idaho, but they've pretty much been run off.


Craig said...


Re-CRT in public schools, I recall teachers going to school board meetings to complain about CRT indoctrination, one of whom was a black man, who stated that his son was not a victim. And I recall this being placed in the comments here.

And then there's this article in The Oklahoman:

What I discovered about critical race theory in public schools and why it shouldn't be taught

Christopher F. Rufo - Jul 11, 2021

America is up in arms about critical race theory in public schools...

To the surprise of many Americans, this basic package of ideas has become part of the curriculum in some school districts across the country. The resulting lessons I’ve discovered through my reporting are deeply divisive and I believe border on political indoctrination:

►In Cupertino, California, an elementary school forced third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.”

►In Springfield, Missouri, a middle school forced teachers in a diversity training session to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix.” The trainers told straight, white, English-speaking, Christian males that they are members of the oppressor class and handouts warned of “covert white supremacy.”

►In New York City, a public school principal sent parents literature including "tools for action" and touting “white traitors” and advocating for full “white abolition.”

►And in Portland, Oregon, my investigation found that students are not only subjected to a critical race theory curriculum, but also trained to develop their so-called white identity and are taught about racial justice in the terms of "revolution and/or resistance."

In practice, critical race theory in schools is a form of state-sanctioned racism. The lessons traffic in three key concepts: race essentialism, collective guilt and racial superiority theory.

First, these lessons primarily reduce individual students to the racial categories of “white,” “Black” and “people of color,” which are then loaded with value connotations – “white” students are labeled “oppressors,” while “Black” students are labeled “oppressed.”

Anonymous said...

You never pass the smell test, x.
You know this, but is a lame excuse you use to give a backhanded toss to support your abortion stance in agreement with the Democrats/Biden Administration, x.
How disingenuous you are.
Ectopic pregnancies (tubal pregnancy) always lead to pregnancy loss since the fetus can't survive outside of the uterus, and may lead to the death of the mother. Medication or surgery may be required that generally happens in these instances (which are not all that common).

You toss that out there like it is a viable reason to make a case FOR abortion, though you are against it.
Sounds more like you are for instead.
Are you having another Biden moment to post something so inept--or are you trying once again to hide your real stance on the abortion issue? Your lying is diabolical as you lie to cover yourself to point away from your lying, which in reality only points right back at you.

Why are you here, x? You're caught with your pants down again because it sure is not for the sake of the truth.
You argue relentlessly, lie, blame, and pretend then rinse and repeat daily, and think we should think of you as a believer upholding the righteousness of the Bible with these antics and tactics instead of straightforward and honest discussion?
Libertarian you are aren't honest enough to have that much flexibility of thought. No. You are hard and closed, and a full blown extremist troll.

Anonymous said...

I lived in North Idaho, and there were no 'White Supremacists'. They were 'White Separatists'. I never officially met any of them, and they were a very small number, compared to the population of North Idaho. Last time I was in the panhandle, about 24 years ago, the local news paper had a front page heading that read, 79% of the population of Bonner and Boundary counties were born and raised in the San Francisco bay area. Now do you think, doctor X, that these bay area transplants we're 'White Supremacists'?

But according to Luciferian New Ager X, they are White Supremacists!

Craig said...

The Mass Casualty Crime No One Is Talking About

There have been more than 700 drive-by mass shootings since 2012, most of them involving an assault-style weapon.

So why isn't this issue being addressed?...

Anonymous said...

How to govern.

Let freedom ring.
Well done DeSantis!

Anonymous said...

He actually said this

Anonymous said...

Man likely spread monkeypox at Texas bathhouse /man-likely-spread-monkeypox-at-texas-bathhouse/

Craig said...

An excellent, thought provoking vlog!

Why You're Not “Middle Class”

Second Thought

It’s binary: You either work for someone else or have others work for you. You’re either a worker or an “owner”. It boils down to how you make your money, instead of how much money you make.

From Vox (as cited in vlog):
“Forty years ago, the term ‘middle class’ referred to Americans who had successfully obtained a version of the American dream: a steady income from one or two earners, a home, and security for the future. It meant the ability to save and acquire debt…”

I think that’s a more realistic measure of the economic (as opposed to “social”) middle class. And by that standard, the middle class IS falling to the lower class.

Comment by altrag:

I'd say you can conceptualize a "middle class" from the definitions provided [in the vlog] - namely, someone who belongs to the working class but enjoys a quality of life comparable to the owner class.

Under that conceptualization, we can indeed see a shrinking middle class - at least compared to the 1950s and 1960s. Back in those decades, the gap between the owner class and the top of the working class was fairly slim, thanks to generally higher wages combined with incredibly high top tax rates (over 90% for a short period, and over 70% for much of the "golden years").

That meant the working class could legitimately afford to own a home (outright - not mortgaged or very short-term mortgages) and a car or two and all the other things that have been incorporated into the "American Dream". While it wasn't quite the same quality of life as the owner class (no jet setting for example, as plane tickets were comparatively expensive in the early days of aviation, no gold-plated toilets, etc), the working class could at least be in the realm of comparable.

Nowadays, though, that's not the case. First, "owning" things - particularly a house - is getting further and further out of reach every year, and secondly even when you do "own" it it’s not really yours – it’s the banks’. It'll maybe be yours in 30 years if you're lucky. [I’ll add: rising tax rates are making it more difficult to KEEP homes once paid for.]

So to that end, here's a good definition of the middle class: A working-class person (by ST's definition) that owns the house (or equivalent) they live in outright, with no mortgage (or could do so if they chose - not everyone wants to own even if they can afford it of course), but do not own additional houses/rental properties/etc. (i.e., they're not part of the "owner" class).

I think a big part of the problem of the current nebulous definition of “middle class” is the confusion and conflation of “social” and “economic” class.

Craig said...

Anon 12:42 PM,

This one's better:



Putting aside the gaffe for the moment, my dumb question is: Why and by whom is a 10 year old pregnant (supposedly)?

RayB said...

What the Globalist/Communists are doing to implement UN Agenda 2030 ...

Dutch Farmers Are Protesting Against a Globalist, Communist Agenda: Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Watch this short, but very enlightening interview here:

Anonymous said...

These Doctors Risked It All To Save Lives During The COVID 'Plandemic'.

Anonymous said...

None Worse for the Wear

Anonymous said...

America Under Siege - A special report about the war to take down FOOD and ENERGY

Anonymous said...

Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Wants to Give Jan. 6 Testimony Live

Anonymous said...

“2000 Mules” documentary prompts Michigan Republicans to call for new probe into 2020 election

The True the Vote investigators utilized cell phone location data and surveillance video to reveal what they claim as a well-organized operation in battleground states conducted by left-wing groups, which gathered mail-in ballots and paid mules to put them in drop boxes – usually in the middle of the night.

The Republican members of the Michigan House of Representatives pressed Attorney General Dana Nessel in a letter “to investigate, and bring charges if credible evidence is found, the Secretary of State of Michigan, members of her office and any organizations or individuals for crimes related to fraud committed in the 2020 election and crimes brought to light in the documentary ‘2000 Mules.'”

The legislators called for an investigation of Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for using “4.5 million dollars of CARES funds to recklessly mail absentee ballot applications to all registered voters not on the permanent absentee voter list,” mandating “Michigan clerks in October 2020 to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures … in contrast to state law, and not responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by voters and groups like the Michigan Grassroots Alliance related to the voter rolls, Canton Township’s voters, and City of Detroit ballots.”

They also ordered an investigation on the influence of the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life in Michigan cities. The lawmakers noted that some $7.6 million was divided among 19 municipalities in 474 grants – the most for any state in the nation.

Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary provided insight into appalling evidence of a nationwide ballot trafficking plot that happened during the 2020 presidential election. Former President Donald Trump previously mentioned that many ballot trafficking mules have been discovered on government surveillance video.


More from November 12, 2020...

Mounds of evidence suggest widespread election fraud in Michigan, Pennsylvania

Craig said...

Stories like this are EXCELLENT crime deterrents:

Homeowner, 93, shoots, kills burglary suspect

Fox 11 Los Angeles

A 93-year-old homeowner in Moreno Valley shot and killed an alleged burglary suspect who broke into his home.

We must NEVER give up the 2A.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Phoenix AZ from the mid 70s to 2004, and from the time of the Clinton reign, illegal immigration exploded. Then home invasions skyrocketed! You read stories like this in most of the country now. And they want to disarm us! Not that it's all illegal aliens, but they are involved in most of them. It will get much much worse.

Anonymous said...

Is there an update on Constance? I've been away from the blog for a while and am hoping to hear that she is much improved.

RayB said...

While Biden continues to ignore the invasion taking place on our border, he pours $Billions into Ukraine in order to save this wonderful "democracy" ...

Zelenskyy Consolidates Ukrainian TV Outlets Into One State Channel After Abolishing Opposition Party and Seizing Its Assets

From the article:

In May Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law No. 7172-1 that will ban opposition parties and seize their property. The law targets opposition parties if they deny the armed aggression against Ukraine. The law includes actions that support the Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus, the two invading countries.
This news was reported the same day US GOP Senators paid him a visit in Kyiv to show their support.

The news was first published on the Ukrainian news website UKRinform.

Zelenskyy also closed all of the TV stations and consolidated them into one state-run channel.

The former channels wonder if they will ever be allowed back on the air.

This is the work of tyrants.

RayB said...

Woke Army Suspends Retired 3-Star General from Contract After Snarky Tweet to Jill Biden

From the article:

First Lady in Charge Jill Tweeted: "For nearly 50 years, women have had the right to make our own decisions about our bodies. Today, that right was stolen from us. And while we may be devastated by this injustice, we will not be silent. We will not sit back as the progress we have already won slips away."

The 3-Star General (Retired) Tweeted: “Glad to see you finally know what a woman is.”

The tweet sparked outrage from woke veterans and members of the military on Twitter.

Army Lt. Gen. Theodore Martin, who frequently interacts with such members on Twitter and is commander of the Combined Arms Center, suspended Volesky pending the outcome of the inquiry, according to the report.

Anonymous said...

The Lame Stream Media, Hollywood, and our Government (Dem and RINO) won't applaud (approve) this message..

Anonymous said...

An example of what to watch for??? A picture of what is to come in the near future involving Israel itself in a 7 year covenant plan with a name on it...(a specific name of the one who is coming who will broker the deal, namely (whomever this will be) the man of sin whose number is 666)???

1/ The Antichrist, the leader of the revived Roman Empire, must confirm a 7-year contract with Israel, and possibly many others. (Daniel 9:27) …

2/ The EU, which is the revived Roman Empire, organizes its foreign relations with its neighbors around a 7-year funding instrument, because that is the length of the EU's budget.

3/ Starting 2007-2013, the EU had a 7-year financial instrument with ISRAEL and many other countries, under the ENPI. This was renewed from 2014-2020 as well.

4/ Now, most EU foreign aid is based on a 7 year time-frame. Israel is still a participant country for the period 2021-2027, but receives limited financial assistance, since they are a richer country.

5/ Under the EU's "neighborhood policy" they establish mutual agreements with neighboring countries, called association agendas or Partnership Priorities. The most recent Partnership Priorities agreement with Egypt applies retroactively from 2021-2027.

6/ This involves a mutual signing between the partner country and the EU at a special Association Council meeting. Here the EU High Representative and the Egyptian Foreign Minister sign the partnership priorities. …

7/ Here is the legal documentation. It is signed by EU High Representative Josep Borrell himself. …

8/ This is special, in that it has the EU High Representative's NAME ON THE DOCUMENT. Unlike the ENPI (2007-2013), the High Representative's name was not on it. EUHR Solana had no official authority over the 7 year program back then, since the position had less power back then.

So what to make of it?
Inching closer and honing in on specific Daniel and Revelation prophecy in these developments?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rich,

I have been wondering about Constance and hope you will update us again soon about how she is doing.

Anonymous said...

'You don't see the child being dismembered in its mother's womb': Ex-Planned Parenthood clinic director says she's now pro-life after witnessing the 'barbarity' of abortions

Abby Johnson, was a former Planned Parenthood director who became an anti-abortion activist
Johnson believes many people would oppose abortion if they saw its 'barbarity'

She said victim of abortion is often not mentioned because they have never seen the procedure performed

Anonymous said...

Lone Star State does it alone: Border agents arrest nearly 26,000 migrants at five Texas sectors in less than a week as Gov. Abbott defies Biden and puts them on buses back to the border

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Constance is back home and sounding stronger and more like herself. She should know this week whether or not she needs surgery which right now looks likely. I will call her today then post if anything has changed.

Anonymous said...
Jesse Watters talks to Ohio AG

The completely bogus Dems lied about 10 yr old girl needing an abortion.
Anything to keep the murders continued.
And who is shocked they lied? Nobody.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear Rich. Thank you.
Will keep praying for her..

RayB said...

Pope Francis: Biden’s support for abortion is a matter for his ‘conscience’ and ‘pastor’

‘Let him talk to his pastor about this incoherence,’ said the Pontiff.

NOTE: The 'Pontiff' has stated in the past that the act of abortion is the equivalent to murder. So what is it exactly that the Catholic Biden will be discussing with his 'conscience' and 'pastor' about?

Interesting how much the RCC has changed. Martin Luther was Excommunicated by the then Pope for denying the practice of *Indulgences. Now, the RCC turns a blind eye to those that advocate the murder of innocent children in the womb!

* Indulgences were SOLD by the Church as a means to continue in sin without the penalty of paying for those sins. They were also sold as a means to reduce the time spent in Purgatory, the fictional place where Catholics go when they die in order to pay for venial sins that were not confessed, committed acts of penance and forgiven by a Priest via receiving the Eucharist that is sacrificed for sins via the Mass.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about Constance

Good on Gov. Greg Abbott too.

Anonymous said...

X is an AOC. As wrong, unreasonable, and mean...he is as smart as she is evidently.
He pulled this same stunt here, the same Democrat talking point about ectopic pregnancies and abortion a few days ago, remember? (but he is more conservative as a Christian than the rest of this blog put together remember?)
The same lie:

"Not all abortion is murder. Termination of ectopic pregnancy is an example.


5:23 PM"

from the article:
Forget her mean-girl approach to a Supreme Court Justice being harassed during a private meal. What AOC is doing is spreading health misinformation to her 13.2 million followers and beyond.

In no state is a surgical procedure for an ectopic pregnancy outlawed.

In no state is it illegal to remove an unborn child who has died.

X is caught with his pants down and his neon behind is flashing all the remarkable socialist stupidity he can muster. X belongs to the Death Cult good and matter how he squeals otherwise.

RayB said...

Disturbing new footage shows Salvador Ramos roam Uvalde school halls, cops running away from gunshots

In the video at about the 3:24 mark, notice a Sheriff's Deputy casually takes the time to use hand disinfectant, while kids are being shot! What took these cowards 59 minutes to finally react?

Just remember: 'When seconds count, your local Police are only minutes away.'

Realistically, the Police always show up to protect you after you're dead.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Polly's latest video discussion on frequencies

Scroll over to about the 10 minute mark...

Why are people being pressured to get the vaccine AND carry around a 5G cell phone?

Anonymous said...

Would you implant a tiny debit card chip in your hand?


Revelation 13:16-17...
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

RayB said...

Latest apostasy from the Church of England:

Church of England Says There Is ‘No Official Definition’ of a Woman

NOTE: The Queen is the official head of the Church of England. I wonder if she's confused as to what she is?

The lunatics have left the asylum and are now in charge.

RayB said...

World War III is not off the table ... (you won't get this from the mainstream media):

The World Braces For Europe's July 22 "Doomsday"

NOTE: When Biden and NATO sanctioned Russia over Putin's invasion of the fake 'democracy' Ukraine, little did they know (how could they not?) that Russia was holding all of the cards in this high stakes game? What's amazing about all of this is that Russia has actually grown stronger due to these sanctions.

Here's the dangerous part; if the EU's economy turns down even further due to Putin's reduction in the supply of energy, it may spark a military response. The entire European continent is a powder keg looking for a spark, and with virtually ALL of the diplomatic solutions (where everyone 'appears' to win) gone, what's left?

As Gerald Celente likes to say: "When all else fails, they take us to war."

RayB said...

More from the 'gospel' of Francis:

Pope Francis: ‘Consume Less Meat’ to Save the Planet

NOTE: Hey Francis, want to really 'save the planet?' Secure God's blessings by advancing Christ's Kingdom. Of course, as the leader of an apostate 'church,' that message would be impossible to deliver.

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." - Proverbs 14:34

Anonymous said...

Christian Nationalists Are Excited About What Comes Next

July 5, 2022

(gift link to NY Times editorial piece)

Excerpt: Americans who stand outside the movement have consistently underestimated its radicalism. But this movement has been explicitly antidemocratic and anti-American for a long time.

It is also a mistake to imagine that Christian nationalism is a social movement arising from the grass roots and aiming to satisfy the real needs of its base. It isn’t. This is a leader-driven movement. The leaders set the agenda, and their main goals are power and access to public money. They aren’t serving the interests of their base; they are exploiting their base as a means of exploiting the rest of us.

Christian nationalism isn’t a route to the future. Its purpose is to hollow out democracy until nothing is left but a thin cover for rule by a supposedly right-thinking elite, bubble-wrapped in sanctimony and insulated from any real democratic check on its power.

Anonymous said...

Christian Nationalism and Globalist NWO.

Of the two, the Globalist NWO is by far the scariest. And it is winning, anyway.
So what's your point, in the perhaps that is actually you who could be the one bubble wrapped in sanctimony, 12:07 PM?

Anonymous said...

Here is a reality check in the midst of these “bombshell” hearings.

Of all the Trump tweets and sound bites routinely rolled out by the committee, it’s revealing that this part of Trump’s address to the Ellipse crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, is never presented: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

On Tuesday, Trump’s replayed remarks were abruptly clipped just before he delivered that line once again.

Why? Because Trump’s call to march peacefully to the Capitol undermines the narrative.

Anonymous said...

Very conveniently left out, you are right 2:00 PM.
It is noteworthy too, how some of the ones who were there causing the ruckus and in the after responses of others, conveniently throw him under the bus to save their own hides with their own agendas using the circumstance while trying to ride Trump's coattails using him as the impetus.

The truth is what suffers the most in this instance that displays what has both real, and imagined, chaos...on both sides of the issues at hand. No kangaroo court will see to it that the truth will be coming forward--that's a given.

Anonymous said...

Is Babylon the Great the United States of America?

A study of Revelation 17:1–19:5 shows that Babylon the Great is the world’s great superpower in the end times. The following facts emerge from an analysis of this section of the book of Revelation: (1) Babylon the Great has the largest economy of any entity in the world. It is the center of wealth in the world, and it is responsible for an extended period of global wealth creation in the end times. (2) Babylon the Great has shaped global culture in the end times, in a directly antichristian manner. (3) Babylon the Great has the greatest political power of any entity in the end times. (4) Babylon the Great is considered to have the strongest military in the world of the end times. All of these characteristics uniquely and definitively match the United States of America.


Anonymous said...

Christian Nationalism..

That's sounds a lot like what x is advocating since he wants a Protestant Party to be a 3rd party option for voting.

Anonymous said...

What Graphene Oxide and Nanotechnology have to do with 5G

Must see video...

Anonymous said...

Everyone should watch this

Tucker Carlson: This is an obvious lie

Anonymous said...

Obama-affiliated NGOs poured billions into local insurgencies to steal 2020 election

Anonymous said...


ozark said...

Hope you are feeling better Constance, God Bless You *

RayB said...

News regarding the coming One World Government:

Politicians and Politics do Not Rule the World: Corporations, Financial Institutions and Bankers do and They are Implementing a New World Order

Segments from the article:

One of the most revealing quotes on the agenda comes from Clinton Administration Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, who stated in Time magazine that:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority… National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

"... while the WEF is regularly attended by top level globalists, they are more of a high level think-tank, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism appears to be about implementation rather than theory.

The founder of the group is Lynn Forester de Rothschild, member of the infamous Rothschild Dynasty that has long been monetarily involved in influencing governments for generations. POPE FRANCIS AND THE VATICAN PUBLICLY ALIGNED WITH THE COUNCIL IN 2020, and ONE OF THE PRIMARY NARRATIVES OF THE CID IS THAT ALL RELIGIONS MUST UNITE WITH THE LEADERS OF CAPITAL TO BUILD A SOCIETY AND AN ECONOMY that is “fair for all.”

If you have ever wondered why the Pope has been pushing woke ideology, climate alarmism and one world religion rhetoric in conflict with traditional Christian doctrine, this is why – He’s following the dictates of the CIC.

Read the entire article, and watch the official video put out by the Council For Inclusive Capitalism (CIC) here:

RayB said...

Death Cult Administration hard at work in the service of their Master Destroyer:

CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult

Anonymous said...

Strobe Talbott is a distinguished fellow in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution.

Previously, Talbott served as president of the Brookings Institution from July 2002 to October 2017, after a career in journalism, government, and academe.

Prior to joining Brookings, Talbott was founding director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. Before that, he served in the State Department from 1993 to 2001, first as ambassador-at-large and special adviser to the secretary of state for the new independent states of the former Soviet Union, then as deputy secretary of state for seven years.

Personal friend of Strobe Talbott, and fellow distinguished member of Brookings Institute, Javier Solana, is part of so many 'think tanks' (that list is very long) for implementing the NWO world change, one wonders how he has lived to 80 years as of today, his birthday, since he is busy enough to be 3 people. He's been burning the candle on both ends, morning, noon, and night, for all thing global for a long time.

Talbott, Solana, the Clintons, Soros, Obama, and many many more global heavy hitters are tight....all on the same page, to get this global show on the road--yesterday......

Craig said...

Very curious indeed...

Tucker: The curious case of Ray Epps and the January 6 Committee

Fox News

Tucker Carlson addresses a New York Times article about Ray Epps, one of the men accused of planning the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Why so mum, Liz? Cat got your tongue?

RayB said...

Why did the N.Y. Times defend Jan. 6 mystery man Ray Epps?

From the article:

Buried lede in 'puff piece' cites him admitting in text he 'orchestrated' events

Why did the New York Times run a story in defense of the one man who has been captured on video urging people to storm the Capitol on the day before the Jan. 6, 2021, riot and then directing the breach of the guarded perimeter while Donald Trump was still speaking one mile away?

Read the rest of it here:

Anonymous said...

When you Lie for a Living

Anonymous said...

Prepare For Impact

Anonymous said...

More Dominionist Luciferians....

Lunatic Pastor Hank Kunneman Has a Prophetic Vision While on Stage

At the NAR Flashpoint Conference in Atlanta, Pastor and Self Proclaimed Prophet Hank Kunneman is given a prophetic vision by God while on stage.

Anonymous said...

As part of his post-election attempts to retain the presidency, Donald Trump and his supporters filed 64 cases containing 187 counts in the six key battleground states, in addition to utilizing some of the recount and contest procedures available to them under state law. The former president maintains to this day that the 2020 election was stolen and the results fraudulent.

This Report takes a hard look at the very serious charges made by Trump and his supporters. The consequences of a president and a major party candidate making such charges are monumental. If true, our electoral system is in desperate need of repair. If not true, that must be said because such false charges corrode our democracy and leave a significant share of the population doubting the legitimacy of our system, seriously weakening the country. To have 30 percent of the country lack faith in election results based on unsubstantiated claims of a “stolen” election is not sustainable in a democracy, and it discredits the political party making those charges. We hope that setting out the full record in this Report will help restore faith in the reliability of our elections.

LOST, NOT STOLEN: The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election

The 72 page report sets out to analyze the many fraud claims that the Republican former president, Donald Trump, and his allies have offered to explain Trump’s loss by 7 million–plus votes (306-232 in the Electoral College) to Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Among the noted figures behind the report are retired federal appeals court judges Thomas B. Griffith, J. Michael Luttig and Michael W. McConnell; former Solicitor General Theodore Olson, who served under former President George W. Bush; former senators John Danforth and Gordon Smith; longtime Republican election lawyer Benjamin Ginsberg; and veteran Republican congressional chief of staff David Hoppe. Each one has been elected as a Republican, been appointed to their office by a Republican, or is otherwise associated with the GOP.

Direct source:

RayB said...

Abp. Naumann criticizes Pope Francis for supporting pro-abortion politicians Biden and Pelosi

From the article:

‘There is no excuse.' Biden ‘should not keep presenting himself as a devout Catholic,’ said Archbishop Naumann.

The staunchly pro-abortion Biden responded to the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade by signing an executive order promoting abortion on demand last Friday. Archbishop Naumann said in response that the president “has gone to extremes,” and that he himself is “concerned about how many people he is misleading with this.”

Read the entire article here:

RayB said...

This would be an enormous shift in the 'world order' by expanding the real possibility of a multi-polar world. No doubt, this would be a major blow to the one world globalists.

"Preparing To Apply For Membership" - Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt Plan To Join BRICS

"The future and what appears to be an imminent expansion of BRICS is more evidence the world is transitioning into a multi-polar world that will challenge the US' dollar-based system for global trade."

Craig said...

Sometimes the truth comes from the strangest places. After Alex Stein trolled A O-C on the Capitol steps, she complained that Capitol security did nothing to Stein, Inducing her to reflect:


“I REALLY just can’t help but think about ALL OF THAT footage and evidence that we saw the day of…all these Capital police officers helping and being sympathetic to ‘the insurrectionists’ on January 6th. And everyone just decided it was too politically difficult to deal with. So they all just brushed it under the rug, and TO THIS DAY, there has never been an investigation into that. Never. So as a result, we have no idea which officers are safe to be around. We have no idea if, if any of those officers and the ones holding massive weapons were, were with that crowd or if they weren’t. And—BUT, if you raise questions about that, of if you don’t feel safe, it’s construed as you attacking the entire institution of public safety.

“Riddle me that. Riddle me that.”


She’s so close. SO close.

RayB said...

I wonder if AOC could unravel the "Riddle me that" of one Ray Epps?

RayB said...

What a shock! Profile in Courage recipients LIZ CHENEY and ADAM KINSINGER didn't vote AGAINST the Death Cult Democrats attempt to codify killing babies ...

House Democrats vote to make abortion the law of the land but one Republican decided not to vote against any of it…

From the article:

Three Republicans joined Democrats to pass it: Brian Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania, ADAM KINZINGER from Illinois, and Fred Upton from Michigan.

But there were a couple of Republicans who CHOSE NOT TO VOTE on either of the abortion bills, whether to recommit or on final passage: LIZ CHENEY and ANTHONY GONZALEZ from Ohio.

PS: But, but, but ... at least these folks hate Orange Man Bad.

RayB said...

Seems too 'out there' to be true ...

Funeral Home Whistleblower: Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Vaccine Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves

"Funeral home director John O’Looney (UK) was interviewed by Maria Zeee (Australia) yesterday, where he discussed that hospitals were directly cremating babies who allegedly died after a COVID vaccine, most of them prenatal, rather than going to a funeral home."

"He states that he has never seen anything like this in his professional career as a funeral director, and that the only reason as to why hospitals were doing this was to prevent this information from reaching the public."

PS: The other day, a business acquaintance of mine, fully vaxxed and up to date on his boosters, suddenly, without warning, died from a brain aneurysm. He was 63 years old. He was in very good shape physically ... however ... he did have high blood pressure which he was taking medication for. Everyone that knew him were totally shocked.

Anonymous said...

9:45 PM @ RayB

The devil piped and they danced.

Cheney also changed her tune about same sex marriage saying she was wrong and now supports her lesbian sister's decision to marry her "partner".

Anonymous said...

Adam Kinzinger's statement on abortion legislation 9-24-2021:

Washington, DC – Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) released the following statement on the abortion legislation brought before the House this week:

“In recent years, we’ve seen firsthand the dangers of extremism. The American people, as a whole, do not want extremists dictating policies from either side of the aisle. Our Founding Fathers envisioned Congress as a place for thoughtful debate, civil discourse, and where a working body would find solutions together for the good of the American people.
“What Speaker Pelosi brought before the House this week is an extreme reaction to an extremist law passed in Texas. I am pro-life, but I support the rape and incest exceptions as well as the health and well-being of the mother exception to abortion.
“As I’ve said before, those exceptions should be included and taken into account with any abortion-related legislation, and the Texas law fails to do that. More than that, the Texas law gives overreaching authority for any private citizen to file lawsuits against others and essentially enforce this law however they want.
“I do not support the Texas law and I do not support the Pelosi countermove. They are extreme and politically-charged—they are not the result of an open and honest debate. With something as important and personal as abortion, leaders should not be playing political games. I encourage my colleagues to take off their partisan boxing gloves and remember the role of Congress—to engage in good-faith negotiations to enact legislation for the betterment of the people we serve. That’s what I’m focused on and will continue to do here in the People’s House.”

Anonymous said...

I love that guy.

Adam Kinzinger for President

RayB said...

But at least he doesn't post mean and nasty Tweets ...

Campaign Insider Claims Taco Jill Gave Dementia Joe Pills Before Public Appearances: He Was “Like a Child” Otherwise

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a bombshell about Joe Biden on last night’s show. During the campaign and almost certainly now as well, Jill Biden and staff members gave the aging man pills to boost his cognitive function before public events."

Anonymous said...

9:56 AM
If you are pro-choice then he is your guy.

RayB said...

How they voted:

Clerk of The United States House of Representatives Roll Call 362 | Bill Number: H. R. 8297

JUL 15, 2022, 01:38 PM | 117TH CONGRESS, 2ND SESSION
Vote Question: On Passage

Ensuring Access to Abortion Act

Vote Type: Yea-And-Nay

Status: Passed

Cheney Republican Wyoming NOT VOTING

Fitzpatrick Republican Pennsylvania YEA

Gonzalez (OH) Republican Ohio NOT VOTING

Kinzinger Republican Illinois YEA

Mace Republican South Carolina NOT VOTING

Upton Republican Michigan YEA

NOTE: EVERY single Death Cult Democrat voted 'YEA' for the passage of the Access to Abortion Act. The "NOT VOTING" cowards refused to take a stand, while the three Republicans (including Adam Kinsinger the 'Christian') voted in favor to kill babies.

RayB said...

Anonymous said @ 9:56 AM ...

"I love that guy.

Adam Kinzinger for President"

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20

Anonymous said...

Republicans spread the conspiracy theory that Trump supporter Ray Epps was an undercover FBI agent who incited the Capitol riot. Epps says it ruined his life.

Excerpt: "I am at the center of this thing, and it's the biggest farce that's ever been," he said. "It's just not right. The American people are being led down a path. I think it should be criminal."

The FBI has not publicly commented on allegations that Epps was working with them or why he was not charged.

Epps said he never entered the Capitol and told The Times he immediately contacted the FBI's National Threat Operations Center two days after the Capitol riot, when he found out they had flagged him in a be-on-the-lookout alert. The outlet confirmed his phone records showed he spoke to the FBI and obtained transcripts from additional interviews.

Epps was also questioned by the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot in November and told them he was not connected to the FBI, Politico reported.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:45 AM
Are you paying attention?
That was 2021. This is 2022.
That was then, this is now.
Kinzinger, like Cheney, is on a slippery slope---representing a godless trend taking us all into a downward spiral.
His current actions, make his words that you posted, meaningless.

Principles over politics is what creates freedom and fairness. They (like most of Washington D.C.) choose to play political games instead. The States should be hashing this out in what should be a concern for all of us, and where the heart of the matter can be effectively grappled with.
His actions, therefore, take that from us, in our respective states, and allow the business as usual political theater of D.C. itself, acting as an elite himself..

Anonymous said...

x is a ghost.

And still an extremist troll.

RayB said...

The one and only Ray Epps (the videos don't lie):

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

Anonymous said...

@12:42 PM
This is now, and I agree with Adam Kinzinger 100 percent.

Anonymous said...

Whatever floats your "titanic" 1:05 PM....

Anonymous said...

Hm. This is important news? Someone who is false calling out others who are false too..

What's your point @ 1:05 PM?

And Epps is just another piece of work false SOB tryna sound legit..but it ain't workin'.

RayB said...

Why 'Profiles in Courage' award winner and long time pro-lifer Liz Cheney registered "NOT VOTING" on the Death Cult Democrats' Ensuring Access to Abortion Act:

Cheney is facing sure defeat in the upcoming GOP primary. She knows that, so in an act of desperation in order to save her political career, she has been inviting Death Cult Democrats to 'cross over' and declare themselves 'Republican' in order to vote for her in the primary. While some may do that, she's a dreamer if she thinks it will be enough to swing the tide in her favor.

The long and the short of it is this; Cheney is a vicious political whore that is willing to contribute to the MURDER of innocent babies in order to save her career. By "NOT VOTING," she feels that she will not offend the Death Cult Democrats that she needs to 'cross over,' while simultaneously hoping that enough pro-life Republicans won't notice her selling out against innocent life.

The bottom line is this; Liz Cheney is a lying coward. There is nothing 'courageous' about her. Her willingness to put her worthless political career in place of standing for innocent life is nothing short of pure evil.

PS: IMO, Adam Kinsinger, who voted with the Democrats on their Pro-Death act, is probably going to attempt a political comeback in the future as a Democrat. Either that, or, he already has a position waiting for him (along with Cheney) in the Death Cult Biden Administration.

Anonymous said...

They stand with the Democrats because that's who currently butters their bread, RayB, at 4:35.

Political whores, attention hounds, power greedy elites, have overrun DC and they are among the worst, yet have the audacity to think themselves those who protect our country while they trash our freedoms to gain power not theirs, because they have trashed what our Constitution says and stands by. They want to keep power in the hands of the very select few, centrally located in Washington DC, not shared and spread out among our 50 states in a fair process for governing among peers.
Cheney has abandoned the Great State of Wyoming.
And not one bit surprising either. She's never had my vote.
And she is not welcome here.

Anonymous said...

Biden is a jellyfish

Craig said...

Working class anger at Green Agenda (UN Agenda 2030):

There is a 'deafening media silence' on global protests

Sky News Australia

There is a "deafening" media silence on protests around the world protesting against the elites, according to Webster University Assistant Professor Ralph Schoellhammer.

"They are significant protests – we're talking about 30,000 people in The Netherlands," Prof Schoellhammer said.

Prof Schoellhammer said the media and political campaign across the west against "disinformation" is part of a broader attempt to "undermine" organised protests against the agenda of the elites.

"That the best way to prevent the pushback from large numbers of people is if they don't know that anything is going on," he said.

"Think about the situation of the truckers in Canada when they pulled their bank accounts ... so this is undermining the possibility of those people to organise.

"It's what interest groups, what these players do – they see there is something coming that could be a threat to their power so they try to do something to undermine it."

Anonymous said...

Who is Dick Cheney?

Member of Cheyenne Lodge No 1, Cheyenne Wyoming

If daddy is a Luciferian, then it is safe to think perhaps Liz(lizard), is one too!

Yet Constance has the audacity too label conservative Christians here, as under Luciferian bondage!!!

Cumbey quote: "my mother didn't raise stupid children!".

Perhaps, but definitely blind, and foolish, and easily deceived!

RayB said...

Excellent review and analysis of Linda Goudsmit's book "The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage."

A few quotes from Goudsmit's book:

"Socialism is the deceitful stepping-stone to a New World Order. Socialism is the beginning of the war on America."

"Private property, the hallmark of freedom in a constitutional republic, is being threatened with extinction. Ownership and upward mobility will be replaced with totalitarian control of the population and all its resources by world government managers empowered to distribute all goods and services."

"Life is hurtling toward the Great Reset with the support of globalism's World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Vatican, the International Monetary Fund, the British royal family, and the governments of the United States, the European Union, China, and India."

Goudsmit, in describing the left, uses the term "infantilization of Americans," in which she accurately describes the leftist mentality, and, their actions, as that of an unruly child that throws idiotic, childish temper tantrums when they don't get their way.

Sounds like a brilliant book!

PS: In the Communist Manifesto, the need to destroy the traditional family, along with traditional morality, is stated as a goal. The reason for this is that both Marx and Engels understood that the family is the nucleus for an ordered, strong society. Consequently, their goal was its destruction. By destroying traditional morality, chaos ensues and the people are easily controlled (via THEIR solution) because the people have few, if any, convictions.

This is EXACTLY what is happening in America (and around the world) today.

RayB said...

I have only recently become aware of Linda Goudsmit. One of her articles on her website is this highly informative one entitled:

"Orwell's Doublespeak: The Language of the Left"

I highly recommend taking the time to read this (along with other articles by this author).

Craig said...

Even more biased than I'd expected:

A Man Sent 100 Job Applications As a Man and [100 As] a Woman, This is What He Found


A man working in computer science performed a social experiment by sending 100 job application as a man and [100 as] a woman. Today we discuss the SHOCKING results and what it means for men today who are trying to find a job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Craig and RayB for your posts.

Craig said...

"This needs to happen a LOT more! Since the justice system isn’t going to put these criminals away, law abiding gun owners will do it for them." --Comment by BXI

Armed robbery suspect shot, killed by bystander in St Charles

KMOV St. Louis

Police are investigating after a 26-year-old man went on a violent crime spree in St. Charles and was shot and killed by another citizen early Saturday morning


I wonder if the years has changed the stance of ol' Ian Hunter regarding gun control, his position evidenced in his (satirical) "Gun Control" (from 1981):

Ian Hunter - "Gun Control"

Craig said...

Remember Brandon Straka, the founder of Walk Away[—from the Democrat Party]?:

Brandon Straka: Jan. 6 Confession Was Made Under Pressure of Facing Charges With Long Prison Term

By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp

Brandon Straka, a conservative activist, was confronted with a choice between pleading guilty to a crime he did not commit and facing serious charges with a long prison term related to the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. He chose to accept the plea deal because he felt he would not get a fair trial.

On Jan. 6, 2021, after then-President Donald Trump addressed the rally at the Ellipse, a park near the White House, Straka walked to U.S. Capitol where he was supposed to give a speech at an event planned to take place on the east side of the building, Straka recollected of that day.

While walking, he received messages from people watching the news at their homes saying that some people went inside the Capitol building, Straka told EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

He thought that something unusual might be happening, so when he was about three blocks away from the Capitol, he started shooting a video to record everything that happened from that point on, Straka said.

The breach of the Capitol occurred on the west side of the building, but he was heading to the east side where his speaking engagement was going to take place, said Straka, founder of the WalkAway Campaign. “There were people on all four sides of the Capitol.”

“As I’m entering the grounds [on the east side of the Capitol], there are no police officers present that can be visible anywhere in the video. People on the grounds are very, very calm.

“There’s a man on the top of the steps on the east side, sort of motioning down and hollering out. ‘They’ve opened the doors, they’re letting us in.’”

Straka said he walked to the top of the stairs and began filming while holding his camera fully above his head, as there were hundreds of people standing outside. Most people did not enter the Capitol, but some did, he added.

“The doors were wide open. … I never went inside the building, I just stood outside of the building, filming.”

After about eight minutes, a man with a bullhorn came outside of the Capitol, Straka continued. “He said into the bullhorn: ‘They’ve cleared Congress. Everybody’s left the building. Clear out, clear out.’”

“At that moment, I immediately turned around, I left,“ Straka said.

Straka then came to his hotel room, uploaded the video he shot to Twitter, and posted it with a comment similar to “This is what I witnessed today at the Capitol,” he said.

However, after seeing on TV the footage of what had occurred on the west side of the Capitol, he took his video down. “It was really shocking to me because I didn’t see anything like that with my own eyes…. I took my video down when I saw that because I didn’t want anybody to think that I was there or a part of it or somehow condoning whatever that was.”

“But for that hour or two that my video had lived on Twitter, Twitter trolls had copied my video, and they began mass posting it for the next several weeks and tagging the FBI.

“On Monday, January 25, I woke up to an FBI squad on my door. They came in and raided my apartment and put me in handcuffs. [They] presented me with a search warrant and they took me to jail.”

The FBI took his computer, iPad, phone, hard drives, thumb drives, camera, and clothing, Straka said.


Craig said...


Facing Charges

Straka said that being in jail really terrified him because it was just five days after the President Joe Biden’s inauguration when the Democrats had taken full control of the federal government, and he thought he could “be spending decades in prison for spending eight minutes outside of the Capitol on January 6.”

After two and a half days, he was released from the prison on a judge’s order, Straka said. He was charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor. The first felony was for occupying restricted grounds.

On the east side of the Capitol, where Straka was, there were no police and no barricades, he said. “There’s a very large sidewalk [there], very, very wide, so you could drive a truck down the sidewalk, and on both sides of it, there was bike rack in the grass, … but the sidewalk was wide open.”

“I think any logical person would not think that they weren’t allowed to be on that sidewalk, not to mention the fact that there were thousands of people everywhere. So I don’t know how on earth anyone would get the indication that they should not be there.”

Straka said he believed that the charges against him were not fair: “A lot of people, even people who went inside the Capitol, even people who crawled through a broken window and went inside the Capitol, are getting misdemeanor charges of being on restricted grounds or parading inside the Capitol. I was charged with a felony for that.”

He was also charged with a felony for “impeding an officer in the line of duty.”

“I was standing there with my arms above my head, my camera pointed toward the open doors of the Capitol and filming. And there’s a moment in my video … where a police officer comes to the doorframe of the east side Capitol doors … somebody grabs his shield out of his hand and they begin passing it back through the crowd. And as that’s happening, a few people in the crowd are shouting, ‘take it, take it, and take the shield, take the shield.’”

This happened about 35 feet in front of him with hundreds of people in between him and the Capitol doors, Straka explained.

The FBI said they “knew conclusively” that it was his voice, Straka said. “First, they said it was me shouting ‘take the shield, take the shield.’ And then they changed it to me shouting ‘take it, take it,’” he said.

Straka said he “vehemently denied” the charges. The government later offered him a plea deal that dropped the two felony charges but charged him with “a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct,” Straka said. However, there was a condition attached to the plea deal: “They put in my plea deal that I witnessed this police officer having his shield taken away and that I shouted ‘take it, take it’ to encourage the crowd to take the shield away.”

He was told that if he objected to the deal, he could go to trial facing the two felonies and the misdemeanor that he had already been charged with, and possibly an additional felony charge of “obstruction of Congress,” which carries a sentence of 20 years,” Straka said.

Facing such pressure, Straka signed the plea deal, which means he confessed to a crime he didn’t commit only to avoid facing charges with long prison terms that he believed would not be heard before a fair trial, Straka explained.


Craig said...


Trials of Jan. 6 defendants are held in Washington, D.C., and these judges do not release jurisdiction to somewhere else, Straka said.

“Every jury trial that has taken place so far on January 6 cases has resulted in the juries deliberating for a matter of two hours or less and coming back with guilty on all counts verdicts.

“I don’t believe that my case would have been any different. My opinion is that it does not matter if you’re innocent, and it does not matter if the evidence shows that you’re innocent. If you are a vocal Trump supporter who questioned the 2020 election and you’re going before a D.C. judge and jury, you’re going to be punished for making the decision to support Donald Trump and question the election.

“A lot of the judges in Washington, D.C., are liberal-appointed activist judges who also hate Donald Trump,” Straka said.

“I struggle every day—probably until the day I die, I’ll struggle with [this]: Did I make the right decision? But ultimately I have to believe that I did.”

Anonymous said...

Attn X:
For your charitable giving to one of your favorite causes.

Craig said...

I just found this. I'd never seen this footage of Epps breaching the fence and heading toward the Capitol steps (@ 1:55 below). WHY HASN'T HE BEEN CHARGED, AND WHY IS NYT (and others) RUNNING COVER FOR HIM?

NYT Ray Epps Profile Raises MORE Questions About FBI Jan 6 Involvement | Breaking Points

Breaking Points

Krystal and Saagar take a detailed look at the NYT's profile of January 6th instigator Ray Epps that raises more questions about the FBI's involvement in the Capitol Riot.

Anonymous said...

Craig at 6:08 PM

Everything about this reads like political theater...with no real justice in sight.

Craig said...

How about some good news (in the midst of a tragedy [house fire]):

Pizza Delivery Man Saves Family from House Fire

Inside Edition

An Indiana Domino’s pizza delivery man is being regarded as a hero after saving a family's life. Nick Bostic was driving when he came across a burning home. He sprang into action and entered the building to rescue the family inside. Police bodycam video shows the moment the 25-year-old carried a 6-year-old child out of the burning home. After saving the family, Bostic was rushed to the hospital and was treated for smoke inhalation.

Anonymous said...

You sound a little like Habakkuk.

"O Lord, how long shall I cry and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
Why doest thou show me iniquity and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.
Therefore the law is slacked and judgement doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgement proceedeth."

Anonymous said...

Y’all might want to update your umbrella policies for speculating and defaming Ray Epps.

Jan. 6 provocateur Ray Epps intends to sue people who accused him of working for the authorities

Oh, and Craig …you should know better than taking the word of a convicted thug like Brandon Straka. Every felon has got a story of being railroaded by the man. He ended up getting only 3 years probation. A slap on the wrist for someone obviously not repentant for his illegal immoral behavior.


Craig said...


Back to (overtly) trollin' again, I see. So, just where did I "speculate" about or "defame" Epps, anyway? Asking why he was never charged--when there's video/audio clearly indicating he both called for going IN the Capitol AND breached the perimeter fence, is hardly any of those things.

Anonymous said...

Says the one who defames others as often as he breathes because he hates who those simply disagree with him.
Go fund your marxist causes already and leave good and honest folks here alone.

Craig said...


Oh, and calling Brandon Straka—a gay man by his own admission, and hardly violent—a "thug" is a bit over-the-top, no? Surely, a "pugilist" such as yourself—as you described yourself in an anonymously posted comment to me as if by a third party (I don't recall the phrasing, but it was about how “X” was metaphorically 'beating me up' likely due to his [your] supposed “training as a pugilist”, a comment obviously posted by you in one of your quasi-anonymous posts to me a long time ago)—would not actually think Straka a “thug”.

RayB said...

The entire world is laughing at Death Cult Leader's 'Amerika' ...

We were once known as a righteous nation ... one that spread the Gospel of Christ more than any other. This now what we are known for!

Motto for the Death Cult: "Perversity is our strength."

RayB said...

This is no surprise to me in the slightest ...

Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: The Mormon Church And Child Sexual Abuse

From the article:

In 1990, Glenn L. Pace, a general authority in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, wrote a memo to church leadership describing claims of widespread ritualistic abuse within the church. The memo, dated July 19, 1990, was based on the complaints of sixty members of the church who claimed they were forced to participate in various rituals, sometimes referred to as “satanic.”

“I have met with sixty victims. That number could be twice or three times as many if I did not discipline myself to only one meeting per week,” Pace wrote. “I have not wanted my involvement with this issue to become a handicap in fulfilling my assigned responsibilities. On the other hand, I felt someone needed to pay the price to obtain an intellectual and spiritual conviction as to the seriousness of this problem within the Church.”

NOTE: I have studied, at length, the sordid history and teachings of Mormonism. It is a Satanic deception (Mormonism teaches that Lucifer and Jesus are 'brothers'), a cult of the highest order. Its founder, Joseph Smith, was a life-long religious fraudster and a sexual pervert that had countless adulterous affairs with married Mormon women followers. He of course was a false prophet of the highest magnitude.
The 'prophet' that replaced Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, was a murderer that taught the Mormon doctrine of 'blood atonement. Young, as a 'prophet,' taught that if a Mormon 'left the faith,' the faithful Mormons were justified in 'saving' that person's soul by shedding the offender's blood, which 'atoned' for their sins! For many, many years, Young was known as "Bloody Brigham." Now he has a university named after him in his honor.

BTW, Mitt Romney, another 'Profiles in Courage' award winner, remains a devoted member of this Satanic cult. And yes. Mitt Romney believes Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.

Anonymous said...


I think that was sarcasm by another poster. Sure I post anonymously many times but never pretending to back myself up or fake support for myself. I’ve mentioned my amateur boxing career once here yet, like my education it gets thrown out against me constantly as though it’s a negative thing to be a athletic, strong and smart.

I’m never that needy or desperate nor do I need the (self) help. I’m perfectly fine being a lone wolf supporting and defending Mrs Cumbey and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


P.S. - u have an MBA, right? No wonder they give you crap too.

Craig said...


I ain't buyin' it. I stand by my 9:54 assumption. While I cannot say I've read EVERY comment here, I don't recall any comment from you expressing your supposed "amateur boxing career" prior to this purported third party's (read: your) comment using the word pugilist--a word I had to look up, as I wasn't familiar with it.

And no, X, I don't have an MBA. I have a Bachelors in Business. I cannot recall the exact context and why I mentioned it; but, I think it may have been to dis/qualify me with respect to my Greek studies, making it clear I'm a self-studying layman.

Anonymous said...

Brandon Straka a "thug"? Was X a powder puff boxer X?

Anonymous said...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said it’s “astonishing” that mainstream media is not holding Dr. Anthony Fauci accountable for his remarks on Wednesday that COVID-19 vaccines don’t protect “overly well” against the CCP virus.

Anonymous said...

X @ 2:53 AM

Re: "I’m perfectly fine being a lone wolf supporting and defending Mrs Cumbey and the Gospel of Jesus Christ."


Since the Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches "Love thy neighbor as thyself"... why is it that the rest of us never feel the 'love' coming from you, X???

Anonymous said...

9:10 am

I've been here several years working largely on deprograming and countering the Maga hate cult that frequents this website on a volunteer basis.

That's pretty loving.


Anonymous said...

Craig 7:10 AM

I did read the post where X spoke of being a former pugilist.

Too long ago to bother searching for, as far as I care.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you dear sweet X. Pray for me help!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Self-professed but no qualifying proof a Christian, x------

Here's what we see your deep neediness, extreme self-aggrandizing self righteousness, and anger, vindictiveness, and skewed views, stem from:
James 1:19-22

19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 21 Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

And add to that: verse 26
26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is useless.

You need somewhere to go to spread your hate and discontent. You choose this blog, but not because you stand with Constance, since you post in favor of to advocate for many things she has decried and exposed here for years, and not because you stand for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but the opposite.

We smell ya.
And you reek.

The Bible has pegged you in the verses above.
Own it, proud, loud, useless x.

Anonymous said...

I saw his "pugilist" post too.
Among 1000 other of his brags by now...

Entirely self-absorbed X cannot help but direct attention to himself, aligning himself to degrading selfish politics and causes.
That monster ego of his has no room for the humility and grace of the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if true or not about your amateur boxing career thing.. I have witnessed your 'shadowboxing' pretense to care about issues but actually what you care about is arguing and fighting, with even thin air, because you are a trolling, keyboard, social justice, hound.

And neither do we have proof, since you are for all practical purposes anonymous, that you are highly educated.

So, truth is.........educated you might be, but caring and smart, you are not.


Anonymous said...

X, you and Mrs. Cumbey are the ones in need of deprogramming! You need deliverance from TDS, your Luciferian bondages, and the fact you both rely on the Masonic, Luciferian, New Age controlled Main Stream Media for truth. Shame on you both! IF, you both were actually followers of Christ, you would know the Prince of this World stands behind the MSM propaganda machine. But NO, you both embrace it! That is why you both are 180 degrees opposite reality! Contrary to Christ and Righteousness. You are both on the Left Hand Path.

Anonymous said...

Joe's NOT happy!

Anonymous said...

Dear White Evangelicals

I need to tell you something: People have had it with you. They’re done. They want nothing to do with you any longer, and here’s why:

They see your hypocrisy, your inconsistency, your incredibly selective mercy, and your thinly veiled supremacy.

For eight years they watched you relentlessly demonize a black President; a man faithfully married for 26 years; a doting father and husband without a hint of moral scandal or the slightest whiff of infidelity. They watched you deny his personal faith convictions, argue his birthplace, and assail his character — all without cause or evidence. They saw you brandish Scriptures to malign him and use the laziest of racial stereotypes in criticizing him.

And through it all, Christians — you never once suggested that God placed him where he was, you never publicly offered prayers for him and his family, you never welcomed him to your Christian Universities, you never gave him the benefit of the doubt in any instance, you never spoke of offering him forgiveness or mercy, your evangelists never publicly thanked God for his leadership, your pastors never took to the pulpit to offer solidarity with him, you never made any effort to affirm his humanity or show the love of Jesus to him in any quantifiable measure.

You violently opposed him at every single turn — without offering a single ounce of the grace you claim the heart of your faith tradition. You jettisoned Jesus as you dispensed damnation on him. And yet today, you openly give a “mulligan” to a white Republican man so riddled with depravity, so littered with extramarital affairs, so unapologetically vile, with such a vast resume of moral filth — that the mind boggles.

Anonymous said...

And the change in you is unmistakable. It has been an astonishing conversion to behold. With him, you suddenly find religion. With him, you’re now willing to offer full absolution. With him, all is forgiven without repentance or admission. With him you’re suddenly able to see some invisible, deeply buried heart. With him, sin has become unimportant, compassion no longer a requirement. With him, you see only Providence.

And white Evangelical, all those people who have had it with you — see it all clearly. They recognize the toxic source of your duality. They see that pigmentation and party are your sole religion.

They see that you aren’t interested in perpetuating the love of God or emulating the heart of Jesus. They see that you aren’t burdened to love the least, or to be agents of compassion, or to care for your Muslim, gay, African, female, or poor neighbors as yourself. They see that all you’re really interested in doing, is making a God in your own ivory image and demanding that the world bow down to it. They recognize this all about white, Republican Jesus, not dark-skinned Jesus of Nazareth.

And I know you don’t realize it but your digging your own grave in these days; the grave of your very faith tradition. Your willingness to align yourself with cruelty is a costly marriage. Yes, you’ve gained a Supreme Court seat, a few months with the Presidency as a mouthpiece, and the cheap high of temporary power — but you’ve lost a whole lot more.

You’ve lost an audience with millions of wise, decent, good-hearted, faithful people with eyes to see this ugliness. You’ve lost any moral high ground or spiritual authority with a generation. You’ve lost any semblance of Christlikeness. You’ve lost the plot. And most of all you’ve lost your soul.

I know it’s likely you’ll dismiss these words. The fact that you’ve even made your bed with such malevolence, shows how far gone you are and how insulated you are from the reality in front of you.

But I had to at least try and reach you. It’s what Jesus would do. Maybe you need to read what he said again — if he still matters to you. - JOHN PAVLOVITZ Jan 27, 2018

Anonymous said...

Your Enemy is your mission Field by John MacArthur

"to convert one sinner from his eternal doom is an event of far greater significance than the deliverance of an entire nation from temporal evil we're not here to deliver a nation from temporal evil we're here to say with the apostle Paul, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to anyone who believes jew or gentile so "what's our job"... go into the mission field love them the way God loves them and preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and let the kingdom advance one soul at a time"

Anonymous said...

Hey bitter rant @ 1:41 PM...

In the article you posted, a manifesto of sorts, where you agree to employ a one size fits all, a too-wide swath, and single out so exclusively only certain people, it is you who is divisive and by that very attitude, not a healer and helper to those you want others to assume you care about.
You make yourself a bigger problem than those you can't stand in posting such..
..because it's all about you isn't it? That post is a mere prop, a backdrop, to what you are really angry about.
That is not the way the Holy Spirit would approach such a topic.

We can certainly tell you did not consult with Him to post such a diatribe.
Go get the help you are so sure others need, but are arrogantly sure you don't.

RayB said...


"They see your hypocrisy, your inconsistency, your incredibly selective mercy, and your thinly veiled supremacy.

For eight years they watched you relentlessly demonize a black President; a man faithfully married for 26 years; a doting father and husband without a hint of moral scandal or the slightest whiff of infidelity. They watched you deny his personal faith convictions..."

*John Pavlovitz (born June 1, 1969) is an American pastor and author, KNOWN FOR HIS PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL WRITINGS from a LIBERAL Christian perspective. (This should tell you all you need to know about John Pavlovitz's credibility)

NOTE: Personally, I am not an "Evangelical," but will nevertheless answer this.

Just a few points to consider:

Barack Obama was the most radical pro-abortion POTUS candidate in U. S. history. He was so radical that, as an Illinois legislator, he voted TWICE in favor of a law that forcefully DENIED medical assistance to any baby that had survived a botched abortion. He sure had "personal faith convictions" alright. None of which had anything to do with a Biblical basis.

Obama was, and is, a radical Marxist. He belonged to a 'church' whereby his 'pastor' the Rev. Wright was vocally anti-American, while proclaiming Marxist Afro-Centrist (racist) philosophies from not only the pulpit, but also by offering for sale Marxist Afro-Centrist propaganda material in the church's bookstore.

Obama also enthusiastically advanced the LGBTQ+ Agenda.

Obama supported the Climate Change hoax, along with the UN's 2020 and 2030 Agendas.

Obama supported the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade treaty which would have eliminated America's sovereignty in negotiating trade deals with other countries (Trump ended that in his first week).

Obama was elected to office by a majority of white voters. How did Obama respond?
Obama used his high office to constantly stir up racism, often by 'convicting' whites publicly without even taking the time to first learn the facts. Example; Trayvon Martin.

Of course, all of this, and more, is ignored. It's so much easier to just throw out the "thinly veiled supremacy" accusation, knowing full well that such a charge typically ends all arguments for Liberals. Saul Alinsky would be so proud of John Pavlovitz, along with the 'anonymous' poster of this garbage. Having a nice day X?

RayB said...

God is Pro-Choice


That's right. This 'pastor' believes that God is PRO-ABORTION !!!

RayB said...

Why Using the Bible Against LGBTQ People is Irresponsible


"The Bible is a product of its time and culture and contains the inherent limitations of its writers."

NOTE: Translation: Don't trust the Bible when it comes to defining SIN. The Bible wasn't written by the Holy Spirit, it was written by human writers that were limited in their understanding due to the ignorance of their time and culture. Had the Bible been written today, surely it would have pronounced its blessing upon the sins of "LGBTQ people."

Anonymous said...

This John Pavlovitz is a sleazebag of X-ian MEGAnanitude proportions.

Anonymous said...

Yet under Obama the number of republican USSC sanctioned abortions nationwide dropped 26%, in part by the increased access to birth control afforded by Obama's greatest legislative accomplishment, Obamacare.

The republican controlled USSC did more to advance and legitimize "gay rights" than Obama's entire presidency.

Don't forget your false idol Trump on top of increasing rates of abortion over his ill-fated presidency also appointed gays to key positions in his administration.

After Three-Decade Decline, Abortion on the Rise – And it’s Partly Due to Donald Trump: A new report shows a recent reversal of abortion’s 30-year decline – and suggests that it may be due in part to policies seeking to thwart it.

...The number of abortions increased across all regions of the U.S. from 2017 through 2020, according to a report released Wednesday by the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion rights research and policy organization. While providers performed 862,320 abortions in 2017, 2020 saw 8% more – and a 7% increase in the rate of abortions nationally.

The historic LGBT Trump appointment that got overshadowed

Anonymous said...

Interesting that NOW the person behind a statement or article matters. Shouldn't we just take the author at his word?John Pavlovitz is not my pastor. Way to social justice'y for me (Methodists - go figure) but his letter to white evangelicals back in 2018, long before Maga was totally exposed as its own social white nationalist gospel bent on destroying the country, was certainly spot on.

Convicting...isn't it?

Anonymous said...

5:11 PM
No. Your attempt at convicting anybody stinks because biased and off base, it has no convicting power. You are not the Holy Spirit and neither is the author you are agreeable to.

The Lord knows how to be just and convicting because He is completely truthful.
Half of the truth still does not come up to the level of the truth.
So what's wrong with you that you except something so off the mark yet want to misapply it to people?
You're bogus yourself, and don't listen to the Spirit is exactly what's wrong with you.
So you delivered again, another bad call, another bad play, in the usual bad faith.

What we all know to expect of "X"........

Anonymous said...

5:35 pm

I'm not biased or off-base --- I'm an independent -- who leans conservative and is yet a registered republican.

"biased and off-base" --- that's you.

Maybe try listening. I was gone for several weeks traveling and you had nothing to share. This place was dead. Your sole existance revolves around attacking me personally without any factual or logical basis.

I'm praying for you.


RayB said...

Science: Death Cult Dem Rep. Says It’s Not Only Women That Can Have Babies

It’s the "party of science!"

PS: How many MEN do you know that have given birth to a baby?

RayB said...

Anthropologists Call for an End to Classifying Human Remains by Gender and Ancestry

(How can we possibly know how they "identified" themselves as far as GENDER?)

Yes ... the world has officially gone nuts (except for an increasingly small minority).

Anonymous said...

In a world where men can give birth to babies, and abortion is a good thing, makes sense that getting punched really hard in the head is good for the brain, and punching someone else really hard in the head; (the harder the better), _is good for the soul.

Anonymous said...

Bad faith x @ 6:10 PM
Use your prayers for your own repentance.

I could not possibly care any less what you think.
You have no idea what I have posted (you are not a mind reader) which has been several topics and links--pertinent to current events.
It was nice having you gone for that little breather this blog got. You are the blog and conservation killer, bar none, here.

Your posts are a waste of time, like your social gospel/NWO is you on the relentless attack. Unkindness is your signature. But whine about it all you want. You mess with the bull and get the horn so take your lumps like a grown up.

You're a damn mess.
The Blamegame is your forte', a pathetic way to live. In a word...Useless.

Anonymous said...

I mean look at the shining points of light and health that Cassius Clay and Mike Tyson became.

Anonymous said...

7:17 PM

Welcome to x's world!

Anonymous said...

SICK: Biden's Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Levine Says We Need to "Empower" Children to go on Puberty Blockers (VIDEO)

RayB said...

Death Cult Leader's Two Amerikas:

Stephen Colbert's staff gets the white glove treatment from the DOJ

"... the Biden Justice Department's increasingly open embrace of a double standard: if you're for the Democrats, you've got a perpetual "get out of jail free" card. If you're a Trump-supporter, it's to the dungeons with you."

Anonymous said...

x's Amerika has become a shadow of it's former self.

The opposite of 'God's grace is shed on thee' to become 'God's grace in shreds by thee'.

The toxic atmosphere of Biden's Amerika is exactly what x voted for...
..and the same toxic way x conducts himself here.
Utter disdain for those who oppose Biden's Amerika is palpable, their way or the highway lack of mercy, the truth the real casualty, all rule the day now.

Because America does not fear God----forgot God---forgot what thankfulness looks like, forgot what righteousness does, forgot that justice and mercy are two sides of the same coin, and why those of that worldview are getting what they're demanding.
To our shame and dismay, we let it happen.

Anonymous said...

Poor victim Ray.

Look how "woke" Rayb is becoming advocating on behalf of criminals who FEEL unfairly treated, like it's the first time he's had to face the fact that prosecution and incarceration isn't fun when his gang of Maga cult friends are finally held accountable.

Ya know Trump could have pardoned them all. Instead, Maga tries to make insurrectionists into martyrs as if no one ever has ever gone to jail for being such idiotic dupes.


Anonymous said...

careful 12:17 - Rich said we should give each other the benefit of the doubt. He might restrict you to posting once a week if you keep trolling my posts with such toxic nonsense.

Further, there is no truth to be found anywhere in the Maga cult.

You have wandered from the narrow path...repent.


Anonymous said...

"Rich said we should give each other the benefit of the doubt"
So when is day 1 of you beginning to do that--because you have yet to start, toxic hypocrite x....
I know it's a new concept for you, but how about you be in charge of you, not me, or anyone else, and practice what you preach?????
Change can be good. You've grown lots of unhealthy mold in your ways of thinking, saying, and doing.
Seize the day x.

Anonymous said...

"Further, there is no truth to be found anywhere in the Maga cult."

Because you are so toxic in your massively deluded idea that this is - 24/7 - all about former President Trump and those who follow him, you are very far from truth.
Has made you obsessed (pitiful actually).
Preach to yourself.

Anonymous said...


I'm the loving one here trying to save you and lead you back to the narrow path.

I can't call out liars and rebuke you any nicer.


Anonymous said...

I understand Trump and Maga are a symptom....a symptom of a 40 year corporate and GOP effort to dismantle the United States.

The John Birch Society has taken over the Idaho GOP and that doesn't concern anyone here?

NAR Maga morons are running for statewide and municipal offices and school boards across the country and that doesn't concern anyone here?


Anonymous said...

Chris Hedges | American Republic IS DEAD

Anonymous said...

Time for Texas to really show its true Patriotism and turn blue, like Georgia. I don't love the democratic party but it's all we've got.

"Ganas" - 2022 Texas State Democratic Convention Speech

"The Democratic Party is the only thing standing between this country and fascism." - James Talarico

Anonymous said...

1:50 PM
Who says I disagree with you so much about politics on the right? (while you stay mum or definitely agree with extremes on the left so I find that hypocritical at the very least).
I see many of the same things--just not with the flat one size fits all approach you insist on with anyone who voted for President Trump.
Very few here among the posters are all in with all things of the right..said so often to state disagreement--yet you couldn't manage one shred of agreement anywhere at, you ramp up the toxicity even more..continuing malicious smears and nastiness that you, in your bias, won't aim correctly at both sides of the aisle. So you are not---repeat not----"(I'm) the loving one here". MALICE is your to post------ANTICS that have threatened you with expulsion here. Rich and Constance are very gracious..

You're a real piece of work here to even troll on vacation you're so bent on it...making you the hands down winner of trolldom being the boastful, proud Pharisee, VERY BIASED JERK, having no desire to relent.
Save yourself then--from your self.
God does a great job of taking care of the rest of us.

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