
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Prayer Request for Constance


Let's please continue to keep Constance in our prayers.  She has had a very bumpy week as she was admitted into the hospital in serious condition.  Today when I talked with her she sounded like she had gained some energy and a bit more like herself.   When she returns home I'll ask her to provide details of what she would like to share. 



  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    May God, Our Heavenly Father wrap you in His loving arms and heal and comfort you, Constance... and send His Heavenly Angels to protect you and watch over you.

    All of us here on your blog are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    In Jesus name AMEN.

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Thanks for the update Rich of Medford.
    Praying she can get this behind her very soon.

  3. Sorry to hear of the hospitalization, but glad to hear Constance is feeling a bit better.

    Constance, you are still in my thoughts and prayers--for recovery.

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Yes. Why isn't this addressed?

    We know why.........

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Rudy Giuliani: "Five Days After Riot I Submitted Evidence to FBI that Antifa Was Involved in the Death of Ashli Babbitt" (VIDEO)

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Nice attempt at blameshifting and rewriting history but such claims are false. There was no such "authorization" issued by Trump and Pelosi and her staff were not made aware of any of it. If there were FBI assets on the ground, they were doing there job monitoring and infiltrating fascist organizations like Proud Boys, Patriot Front (like the Nazi's that go arrested in a Uhaul this past weekend) and/or Oath Keepers.

    No proof Trump requested 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6 or that Pelosi denied it


    p.s. - Get well soon, Mrs. Cumbey.

  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Your sentiments ring hollow X.

    You support death.

    Lots of blood on your hands X.

  9. Anonymous12:12 PM

    They can't and won't keep the story straight because Pelosi, etc need to keep hiding from the American people what they actually incited.

    This J6 committee is bringing up many more questions of their actions than bringing answers.

    The D.C. Left/RINO rat smell is pungent.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    11:54 pm -- great....another homosexual qanon gateway pundit conspiracy about the Capitol police and Secret Service doing their job protecting our nation's capitol building and the leaders therein from Nazi insurrection terrorists like the adulteress, Ashli Babbit.

    This is a recycled conspiracy from January 2021 when Trump was still, unsuccesfully, trying to claim/blame antifa for the Jan 6th riot at the Capitol. It rests of John Sullivan's past history of words and actions when he tried infiltrating loosely based antifa groups and organizations as a photo-journalist.

    John Sullivan's brother is a proud boy leader. John Sullivan was never seriously a member of "antifa" but simply another anti-government anarchist journalist trying to make a name for himself while playing dressup and participating on both sides.

    Here's an interesting article about John Sullivan.

    John Sullivan was indicted Feb 3, 2021 for his actions on Jan 6th :

    U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot


  11. Anonymous12:29 PM

    COVID and the Heart: It Spares No One: Research now tells us that COVID doesn’t discriminate when it comes to heart problems.

    Excerpt: ....We've known for a while that during the acute phase—the first 30 days of COVID-19—people who have severe disease and need to be admitted to the hospital or ICU may develop heart complications. We didn't know what happened to people's hearts in the long term—six months to a year out—or what happened to people who had mild disease and did not need hospitalization or ICU care.

    We did this study to evaluate the one-year risk of heart problems in people who got COVID-19, compared to nearly 11 million controls of people who did not.

    WHAT DID YOU FIND? The major finding was that people with COVID-19 have a higher risk of all sorts of heart problems at one year. That included arrhythmias (irregular heart beats or the heart beating too fast or too slow) and atrial fibrillation (a fast heart rhythm in a particular pattern). We found evidence of an increased risk of stroke, of blood clots in the legs and the lungs, and of heart failure and heart attacks. The increased risk of a broad spectrum of heart problems was evident.

    I went into it thinking that [the risk] was going to be most pronounced and evident in people who smoked a lot or had diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or some [other] risk factors. What we found is that even in people who did not have any heart problems start with, were athletic, did not have a high BMI, were not obese, did not smoke, did not have kidney disease or diabetes—even in people who were previously healthy and had no risk factors or problems with the heart—COVID-19 affected them in such a way that manifested the higher risk of heart problems than people who did not get COVID-19.

    It was really eye-opening that the risk was also evident in people who did not have severe COVID-19 that necessitated hospitalization or ICU care. People who got COVID-19 and were asymptomatic, or got COVID-19 that was so mild that they were able to nurse it at home, without going to the doctor still developed an increased risk of heart problems a year out.

  12. Blessings Constance, We Love You and care about you deeply! Shalom in Christ Jesus \./

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    12:25 PM X rant

    Pathetic, lopsided, "middle of the road" X.

  14. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Unqualified for ANY JOB, except POTUS?

    Dementia Joe Doesn't Know If He Is Coming Or Going, Says He's Unsure On Saudi Arabia Trip Minutes Before Confirming He Is Going

  15. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Gas Prices Have Officially Doubled Since Biden Became President

    Can anyone here even begin to imagine if Trump screwed this country as hard as O'Biden has????

  16. Anonymous1:36 PM

  17. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The Democrats (and particular RINO's especially) are rarely ever close to right about Former President Trump, but Former President Trump (who is wrong at times) has never been wrong about them.

    Their true colors have been seen for a while now...the stench of what they have done to bring ruin to this nation is overwhelming, they have stayed on the wrong course perpetually and their sell out of the American people into globalist hands is more evident than ever.


  18. Welcome to Dear Leader Joe Biden's Amerika ...

    In the link below, in a number of incidents, Ray Epps is CLEARLY inciting a violent attack upon the U.S. Capitol. Ray Epps has NEVER BEEN ARRESTED. The FBI and the Justice Department refuses to even talk about Mr. Epps.

    Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

    NOTE: While ignoring Mr. Epps, the FBI actively sought the identification of ordinary, peaceful Americans, who merely appeared in photographs inside the U. S. Capitol. Once they were identified, they were arrested, where over 800 Americans languish away in despicable conditions waiting for their day in court that never comes.

    If you don't think we are morphing into a totalitarian state, you're in denial.

  19. Dear Constance,
    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and am especially praying for your complete recovery.


  20. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Speaking of a totalitarian state.

    I believe Servando Gonzalez knows who is propagating the New Age, and the NWO.
    And he knows who is bound by, or possessed by, the New Age, NWO, Luciferian spirit!

    The Science Cult

  21. Anonymous2:32 PM

    2:25 PM

    X is faithful to the Marxist religion, population reduction, New Age, and the False Science Cult.

    He has MEGA blood on his hands!

  22. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Shocking microscopy, photos of blood clots extracted from those who "suddenly died" - crystalline structures, nano wires, chalky particles and fibrous structures

  23. Anonymous3:58 PM

    George Soros Buys Up Spanish-Speaking Radio Stations Across America Ahead of Midterms

  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    More RayB lying.

    Despite right-wing former Oath Keepers member Ray Epps testimony denying such claims directly to the House Select committee himself there is a much easier explanation for why Mr. Epps, who was involved with Oath Keepers since 2011, was never arrested. Nearly all of the 700-plus defendants charged in connection with January 6 either stepped inside the Capitol building or are accused of assaulting police on Capitol grounds. To date, no evidence has emerged showing that Epps entered the Capitol on January 6 or that he tussled with police.


    There’s still no evidence that the FBI incited the Jan. 6 riot, despite stories claiming otherwise: A story by conservative blog Revolver News draws speculative conclusions about Ray Epps, a Trump supporter who attended the Jan. 6 riot. It does not confirm Epps to be an FBI informant.

    Excerpt: ... In 2011, Epps served as president of Arizona Oath Keepers, the largest chapter of the anti-government militia group. The chapter has since distanced itself from the national organization.

    Man accused by January 6 truthers of being FBI infiltrator denies claim in interview with House select committee

  25. Anonymous4:34 PM

    More of 'False Science Cult' member X, defecating at the keyboard.

    All YOUR lies X, have the same smell. Reminds me of when I lived in Wisconsin.

  26. Anonymous4:55 PM

    4:34 pm - Again, zero evidence I've lied about anything.

    Do you have vidoe of Epps in the Capitol building? Mr. Epps testified before Congress under oath and threat of prosecution for lying that he wasn't working or informing for the FBI.

    Why you would believe some white nationalist publishing a story in the some alt-right conspiracy website versus the words coming straight out of Mr. Epps', a longtime known anti-government Trump-loving & supporting reactionary is beyond me.

    I've mentioned this before but I know a guy that stupidly went to DC for the Jan. 6th rally. I texted with him before he went reminding him NOT to go with that crowd if and when it got out of hand. I reminded him of his wife and young children that would be long effected by any rash decisions he made that day under the influence of that crowd. I then proceeded to text him as the event were unfolding and fortunately, they left the speech a little early needing to find a bathroom and decided to head back to their hotel and beat the traffic out of town.

    It wasn't hard to predict what the idiots were likely to do and; perhaps, Mr. Epps had a similar warning from some truly Christian friends and family back home reminding him NOT to do anything illegal and/or just stupid going along with that new age crowd of unbeleivers.


  27. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I'm gonna start posting made up news stories just like y'all. Mind you, I don't believe this nonsense anymore than any of you believe the lies and propaganda you post. I just can't lie like you and pretend I do believe it.

    Here's a good one.

    Aliens made agreement with US President Donald Trump to hide on Earth - former Israeli space head

    Excerpt: Prof Haim Eshed, who holds a degree in electronics engineering, a master's in performance research, and a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, made the claims in an interview with Israeli paper Yedioth Aharonoth, the Jewish Press reported.

    "The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here, humanity is not ready yet," Eshed reportedly said.

    "Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: 'Wait, let people calm down first'. They don't want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding."

  28. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I think Professor Sanchez is really on to something here...

    Is Donald Trump an Alien? This must be the most important question of our time. Our entire independence and freedom as a species depends on it. If Donald Trump is an Alien, what does that mean for America and the World. Will it mean the end of life as we know it or will it be the dawn of an intergalactical trade relation that benefits the universe.

    Is Donald Trump an Alien: Kindle Edition


    p.s.- this reminds me. I have good reason to believe RayB is an alien too. Aliens are prolific liars and of weak Rayb. Proof, right?

  29. Anonymous6:25 PM

    You're obsessed, x.
    Weird on top of that.

    Of course, that's crap that you have just posted today.
    But then, for you it's par for the course, without fail you post crap every damn day...
    ..because you're obsessed...add to that, deluded too.

  30. Anonymous6:33 PM

    6:25 pm - as if you can discern crap from non-crap. I got if from the must be true, right?

  31. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr testified by vidoe today indicating that Trump had lost touch with reality after losing the election and even previous to that Barr said he was required to physically wrestle Trump if he wanted to communicate anything to him.

    I wonder if they had to put on those ridiculous wrestling leotards??? Can you imagine it?

    Here's the clip from today's hearing. I started it right at the relevant part.


  32. Anonymous10:47 PM

    X is a stalker. The last thread shows how strange this guy is becoming.

  33. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Doctors sue FDA for campaigning against use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19

    The legal action filed on June 2 by Drs. Robert L. Apter, Mary Talley Bowden and Paul E. Marik indicated that the FDA launched a “crusade” against Ivermectin as a treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), “unlawfully interfered” with the doctors’ ability to practice medicine – even though the drug is fully approved by the agency for human use.

    The suit filed in the District Court, Southern District of Texas, Galveston Division also included the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and FDA Commissioner Robert Califf.

    “The FDA generally cannot ban particular uses of human drugs once they are otherwise approved and admitted to the market, even if such use differs from the labeling – commonly referred to as ‘off-label’ use,” the complaint stated.

    The lawsuit also added that the FDA cannot advise whether a patient should take an approved drug for a particular purpose as decisions like these are within the scope of the doctor-patient relationship.

    “This lawsuit, brought by three eminently qualified physicians, is a welcome development,” said Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president and general counsel.

    The plaintiffs are well-respected in their field and hold records of high success rates in treating COVID-19 patients with ivermectin.

  34. Anonymous2:07 AM

    On the previous thread (discussion)...

    X said (in part) to Rich...
    "If you can get me RayB's address I'll gladly head over to his house to arrange a public meeting so we can straighten this all out."


    X: I'm afraid that it would be very difficult for you to 'head over to his house' since you and RayB do not even live on the same PLANET. LOL

  35. I sometimes use receipts as bookmarks in my reference books. I came across a gas receipt from May 2020, which showed a rate of $2.079 per gallon--for premium. It is now about $5.15.

    Stay In Your Lane

    Tony Heller

    “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts”
    - Richard Feynman

    Commenter Harold Gilbert quipped: "Tony Heller finally found the “hockey stick” [a ref to Michael Mann's bogus graph]. Way to go Tony."

  36. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Defense that the November, 2020 election was indeed STOLEN from the WILL of the American people...

    The running theme and 'message' from Liz Cheney's televised hearings is that what happened on January 6, 2001 was an 'insurrection'... and more SHAMEFUL than the actual STOLEN ELECTION of November 3, 2020... which was actually the real 'COUP' and the REAL 'threat to our democracy'!!!

    The argument for the defense, that the November, 2020 election was INDEED STOLEN from the WILL of the American people, comes down to basic math...

    2 + 2 = 4

    1) There were well DOCUMENTED (and televised) standing room only crowds who came out to see and hear Trump speak in big cities and small towns all over the United States throughout the entire year of 2020.
    2) By contrast... there were FEWER numbers of people who turned out to see & hear Joe Biden speak... to the point where Joe's handlers felt it necessary to instruct the TV cameramen NOT to 'pan the camera around' to reveal Joe's HUMILIATION (in other words, the truth) to the American people and to the world.

    Conclusion: Therefore, this hard cold REALITY absolutely COULD NOT / and DID NOT 'SUDDENLY' transfer into a 'landslide victory' for Joe Biden on November 3, 2020.

    IT JUST DOES NOT ADD UP!!! I rest my case.

  37. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Chair of January 6 committee sparks row with fellow members by RULING OUT referring Trump for criminal prosecution - but Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff say they could still recommend charges.

    Rep. Bennie Thompson, chairman of the January 6 select committee, said the panel will not make any criminal referrals when it comes to former President Donald Trump.

  38. I contributed money to True the Vote last year. This is the org behind the 2,000 Mules film.

    Now I regret having contributed money to True the Vote. At least I didn't give any money to Trump's slush fund.

    I now stand with Constance regarding my support for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger putting loyalty to the Constitution above loyalty to a party or a personality.

  39. Anonymous9:42 AM

    When the American people are being told that January 6, 2021 was more 'shameful' than the November 3, 2020 STOLEN ELECTION... our country is in 'deep doo doo'... because stealing the election was the actual COUP... and 'the real DANGER to our democracy.'

    Joe Biden is an 'empty suit' reading off of a teleprompter ~ controlled by OTHERS!!!

    Even Elon Musk has made the comment... that whoever is controlling the telepromter is running the country!!!

  40. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are old, and they will both be dead soon. Meanwhile we need to defend the Constitution, in every administration, no matter which party is in power. When people join the military, they pledge to defend the Constitution. When any politician of any party takes office, he or she swears loyalty to the Constitution. It has outlived George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan. Thankfully it will outlive Donald Trump and Joe Biden, too.

    Do NOT be tempted to support incipient fascism because of being persuaded into complete disillusionment in democracy.

  41. Anonymous10:00 AM

    That's why I called J "lukewarm"!

    She is now officially a member of the 'MEGA Luciferian Cumbey Cult of False Science'

  42. The LGBTQ lobby is coming for the kids, but the Christian Fascists are coming for your soul. What would Jesus say about each of them?

    I am against children being involved in drag queen shows in gay bars. I am anti-woke.

    But I am also against Christianity being unequally yoked to fascism.

    At first glance I was heartened by the recent news about the young men who confronted the gay bar, the LGBTQ supporters and the bad parents taking their kids to perform in a drag show at the Mr. Misster bar in Dallas, Texas.

    I felt less enthusiastic upon learning that the group of young men self-identify as Christian Fascists.

    I think Christians are ripe to be sucked into this because we are ripe to believe that those on our side can do no wrong and say no wrong compared to the Satanic world outside of our cult-like mentality that we have become persuaded to have through Trumpism and Culture War-ianity.

    We are liable to be uncritical and unskeptical of ANYBODY we perceive as being on our side and against the globalists, wokesters and libtards. Even Vladimir Putin.

    It is high time for as many Christian conservatives as possible to snap out of it.

    I was right on the brink of being sucked right into it, myself.

    The problem isn't ALL of the GOALS of the self-described Christian Fascists. The problem is the MEANS to the end.

    Rosaria Butterfield was not converted from lesbian to Christian by Christian Fascists. She was a member of a university that a local church prayed over. She ate dinner at a pastor's house at his invitation and had long and gracious and respectful conversations with him. THAT was how she became converted. VOLUNTARILY, FROM THE HEART. NOT BY INTIMIDATION.

    The fruit of the spirit is SELF-CONTROL. Not control by others.

  43. 10:00 AM,

    You are Exhibit A of a cult member. You responded to my critical thinking by calling me a name.

  44. Anonymous10:10 AM

    If Liz Cheney really has a legitimate case with these televised hearings... why not FAIRLY present both sides??? Because she doesn't... and she won't.

    The American people are seeing and hearing 'carefully edited SPIN' on what happened on January 6th.

    The American people are complaining... that they are not hearing the WHOLE story of what happened on January 6th... so they can make up their OWN minds... rather than have the Democrats make their minds up for them!!!

    How about presenting some FACTS for a change? We still have more questions than answers...

    If the bogus Jan 6 Committee is so sure of their case against Donald Trump...
    1) Why didn't they allow Kevin McCarthy to pick the Republican members of the committee, instead of inflicting LIBERAL Republicans Liz Cheney and Kinsinger on everybody.
    2) Nothing was mentioned about Ashley Babbitt.
    3) Donald Trump's speech was carefully edited... leaving out the part where he exhorted the people to "march peacefully."
    4) Nothing was mentioned about Nancy Pelosi REFUSING the National Guard troops that Donald Trump OFFERED prior to January 6th.
    5) The film clips, that were shown, were obviously sliced and diced. January 6th was a GRAY sky day... yet in a couple of those videos, I noticed that the sky had patches of blue & white. Were some of those videos sliced and diced from another day, other than January 6th?
    6) And last, but not least...
    Nothing was mentioned about the fact that the only member of the Capitol POLICE to DIE on January 6th was the one who died of a STROKE and was NOT murdered by the mob... as stated by Congress.

  45. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Liz Cheney Throws a Tantrum After January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral

  46. Anonymous10:40 AM

    J, dear...

    I answer to only ONE, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    All I care about is finding out the TRUTH.

    Meanwhile, I don't need any lectures from you... you seem to have an over-inflated opinion of yourself. So, please get off your high horse (the 'altitude' may be clouding your thinking).

  47. Anonymous11:11 AM

    10:10 am

    1. Republicans were given a chance to participate more fully and declined. Mrs. Cheney and Mr. Kinsinger are honest Christians who have served this nation honorably. There was no obligation for Nancy Pelosi to allow Kevin McCarthy to pick which republicants got on the committee.

    2. The hearings aren't over...her criminal activities and insurrectionist motivations may yet be discussed;

    3. The hearings aren't over...perhaps those two words among all the other lies will be mentioned. Personally, in the context of all the actions and plotting Nov through Jan 6th shouldn't be set aside because Trump uttered 2 peaceful words in the midst of all the other violent rhetoric and his hopes and intentions those days which have really come to light;

    4. Didn't happen. Pelosi didn't refuse national guard troops and and there is no evidence Trump ordered such Troops - he made that up after the fact to cover his butt;

    5. I did a quick look through the committed hearings to try to find what you were referring to about the supposed blue sky and this is what I found. I copied and pasted the exact time spot in the hearing you may be referring to. It appears to me to actually be gray clouds and not blue sky. I think it appears like it may show blue sky because it appears to have by captured by Capitol Police body camera while tucked in the shade under an alcove while protecting a door from a mob trying to enter the Capitol building Jan. 6th. Watch the clip and see if you agree for yourself OR provide what video you are referring to.

    *I did see some video of fencing and bard wire being installed but that was the days AFTER the insurrection as they were showing video of the cleanup process

    6. Around 140 police officers were severely injured and 4 committed suicide shortly thereafter. Officer Sicknick may not have died from blunt force trauma but absent the insurrectionist riot he probably doesn't have a stroke within 24 hours. Trauma can induce a stroke. Watch the video. Getting lucky that more didn't die that day was happenstance. They TRIED to kill more.



  48. J said (in part) @ 9:39 AM:

    "I contributed money to True the Vote last year. This is the org behind the 2,000 Mules film.

    Now I regret having contributed money to True the Vote."


    Specifically, what is it about the 2000 Mules film that has led you to turn against this organization?

    PS: Just by chance, have you been watching the 'hearings' that are being aired on the major networks?

  49. J,

    Do you believe that the killing of the unarmed Ashley Babbitt on Jan. 6th. was justified? If so, explain the imminent danger that was posed by her that justified shooting her (Ashley Babbitt was the only person killed on that day).

    Do you have any explanation as to why this killing has not been covered extensively in the TV 'hearings?'

  50. Anonymous11:37 AM

    X at 11:11 AM

    OK, you lost me at...
    "Mrs. Cheney and Mr. Kinsinger are honest Christians who have served this nation honorably."


    They are both EVIL Globalist 'tools' (PROOF that you, X have not done your 'homework' as usual).

  51. Anonymous11:37 AM


    She probably has. You should too. It's lots of republicans exposing many of the same lies you repeat.

    In case you missed it....Former Attorney General Barr scoffs at and talks specifically about the ridiculousness of 2000 Mules.

    Are you suggesting the major networks are altering the words of the repulicans who were under oath at the time such statements were made?

    It was also revealed that Trump grifted about $250 million from his MAGA cult between election day and January 6th by fraudulently indicating the election was stolen when he KNEW and was told by countless persons the whole theory of election fraud and theft was, as Barr put it "Bull$hit".

    A quarter billion dollar LIE. One of the biggest cons in history. You've been conned.


    p.s.- Was Ashli Babbit in the act of a felony? She was in the act of compromising a last line of defense. She could have cleared the barracades and opensd the doors to the treasonous mob attempting to get to Vice President Pence. It's unfortunate and her death was completely unnecessary considering her motivations were based entirely on Trump's con. If you want to blame someone consider the fact that Trump was the reason she was there and Trump's words and actions those two months are what actually got her killed. (plus - her lack of critical thinking skills)

  52. J said @ 9:39 AM:

    "I now stand with Constance regarding my support for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger putting loyalty to the Constitution above loyalty to a party or a personality."


    So I gather what you are saying is that anyone that does not agree with the politicians Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are ergo not 'loyal' to the Constitution?
    I added the term "politicians" in order to remind you that these good folks just might have an agenda of their own. (The Hon. Adam Kinzinger has flown the kite that he might run for POTUS)

    I'm afraid you are falling for the hysterics of Constance, who has stated in the past, in no uncertain terms, that those that merely question the 2020 election, or, the 'official' storyline of Jan. 6th., or the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines,' are all members of the "Q-anon Cult," are following a "false Jesus," are worshipping Donald Trump as their "messiah," etc., etc. blah, blah, blah.

    By the way, Liz Cheney's father was the main architect of the ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq, which was based upon false evidence. Trump was always against the Iraq (and Afghanistan) war, and boldly stated that we had zero justification. Do you think maybe, just maybe, Liz Cheney has a little skin this game that you aren't aware of?

  53. Anonymous11:44 AM

    """Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If Liz Cheney really has a legitimate case with these televised hearings... why not FAIRLY present both sides??? Because she doesn't... and she won't.

    The American people are seeing and hearing 'carefully edited SPIN' on what happened on January 6th.

    The American people are complaining... that they are not hearing the WHOLE story of what happened on January 6th... so they can make up their OWN minds... rather than have the Democrats make their minds up for them!!!

    How about presenting some FACTS for a change? We still have more questions than answers...""""

    Dear J,
    I'm sorry..but you took the bait, honey.
    That display, has been and is, exactly what has put our Republic in danger. Not a protest turned sour (small riot compared to summer 2020 BLM/Antifa style). Of note those "pollutocrats" on Capital Hill cared about their "safety" while they let cities burn without even a notice--they cared nothing of David Dorn's death or the pillaging of American lives and livelihoods you'll also notice) Not having the right to protest at the Capitol (though it should have been conducted decently and without provocation from inner governmemt FBI intrusion, though it should be that those who behaved badly let their consequences fall on them for their choice not others (they acted of their own accord, other than those many many people who were merely there at the mall that day, though those who acted unruly and disorderly should be held according to law and not as political prisoners as they have been--and Ashli Babbet should not have suffered deadly force--those people were unarmed and allowed in - actually allowed in) Sorry but Not sticking to the Constitution so the partisanship created a "theater" for politics to run the show is the danger to this country's founding principles and Cheney and others along with the extreme partisans against Trump (but really against us the American people) have ruined this whole episode by nothing short of mob rule from within our own government!!!!!!! BTW Cheney is supposed to be my state's representative. She has proven herself to be big government politician instead of caring for her folks back here-we are an energy state she has abandoned us-to pals around with those in power to increase her own and she already has a powerful last name in DC (she was doing this before Trump was put into office) I was ashamed of her then and much more so now. A little insight into my thinking-I had issue with Trump on several occasions almost did not vote for him in 2016 but after much prayer and got an answer while reading my Bible that spoke to the question I was posing before the Lord - so I did and then was glad I did. continued

  54. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Hey, X

    November 3, 2020 was actually the date of the INSURRECTION... and COUP (missions accomplished brilliantly!!! by the evil DemoRATS).

    Turncoat Liz Cheney's 'kangaroo court' televised hearings (not quite 'ready' for prime time) are being USED to cover their Asses... and to indoctrinate (brainwash) the American people...

    Or, at least the ones who are no longer able to use their God-given skills of thinking for themselves (a very SAD 'side effect' of the Covid vaccine perhaps?).

  55. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Stopping the shoe-in HRC was a distinct reason to in my small way to stop the known evil she conscience would not remotely go there to choose her. Trump at least cares for the American people and keeping us a sovereign nation, I am patriotic but not a Nationalist because frankly the nations are a drop in the bucket to God, so we have globalists throwing us to the Globalist Wolves now with the power they are currently abusing--off the rails abusing as we speak (and God has already allowed for this according to His Word in prophecy. I'd take his "mean tweets" over their cutthroat politics and wholesale delivery of this country to our enemies any day of the week, but God's Will have taken that grace period away as I believe that grace period is over and we are now sold to the globalists and I firmly believe there will be no elections ever again. That was then and this is now. What was severely broken has not been fixed! And this political kangaroo "court" system with Socialist Marxists in power is proof we are toast. NWO is Here! The Reset is rising--before year end we will reach the point of no return. Time to put all trust in the Lord and abandon any hopes in politicians (and I did that quite some time back in my life). Apolitical full throttle now.....I'm done with these affairs and looking exclusively for the Lord (and not pre-trib either) we all have much to endure now....
    Persecution here we come!


  56. Even Pro-Vaxxers Can’t Believe the FDA Is Making Covid Jab Decision Based on a Study of 10 BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA

    "Even vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit is dismayed at the number from which Pfizer is drawing conclusions. Just days before, New York announced the vaccine efficacy in children 5 to 11 years fell to 12% within two months after vaccination"

    "Despite 48,833 records in VAERS of adverse events in children under 18 from the vaccine, Pfizer says the shot for 6 months to under 5 years old has “a safety profile similar to placebo”


  57. NANCY PELOSI rejected two of McCarthy's minority *appointments to the Committee.

    Why did NANCY PELOSI handpick Liz Cheney & Adam Kinzinger?

    Was it because NANCY PELOSI 'loves' the U. S. Constitution, or, because Cheney & Kinzinger are both cut from the very same cloth of NANCY PELOSI ??

    * Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio

  58. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Persecution here we come!

    And you watch--at the hands of these very ones running this "show" right now......

    Looking unto the Author and Finisher of my faith....I was born in and for such as time as this.

    John 3:30

    He must increase, but I must decrease.

    And this in my devotion time this morning:

    Phil 4:11-1311 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
    May this be true of you, any of you, also

  59. Anonymous12:01 PM

    To X

    Anyone who 'scoffs' at the possibility of a STOLEN ELECTON on November 3, 2020 is a Globalist 'tool'... AND a TRAITOR to the United States of America.

    They are all part of a cover up... and if they are not forced to 'answer' for it in this life... will surely answer for it in the next.


  60. Capitol Police Chief Debunks J6 Committee Conspiracy Theory

    "As the Democrat-run January 6th Committee goes to great lengths to present their unifying theory of insurrection surrounding that fateful day in 2001, Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger has debunked a Democrat allegation that a GOP lawmaker, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), ran a reconnaissance mission inside the Capitol one day before the riot."

    Grasping at straws ... (i.e., if there isn't any evidence, make some up)

    "J6 Committee Democrat Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Liz Cheney (R-WY) made allegations against Loudermilk in a letter to the media last month, demanding to know why Loudermilk explain why he was giving a tour of the Capitol the day before the riots - implying that he may have been doing reconnaissance for the next day's riot."

    PS: This reminds me so much of the 'show trials' that were conducted against the 'enemies of the State' back in the days of Nazi Germany. The trials were filmed and shown at German movie theaters. All of the 'judges' in these trials were themselves Nazis, which of course never prejudiced their judgment at all. /S


  61. NANCY PELOSI, ever 'loyal' to HER Constitution, which she interprets (along with all of the other Democrats) to grant the 'right' for women to murder their children in the womb.

    If you want to pick a 'side' to be on, I don't think I'd want to side with the one that hysterically supports the right to murder babies. Sounds to me like those that do are 'falling' for the possibility of joining a Death Cult.

    But hey, just because the Democrats enthusiastically like to kill babies, doesn't mean their judgment on more important issues, such as Jan. 6th.'s "ARMED INSURRECTION," is wrong ... or just as evil ... does it?

    PS: Ashley Babbitt deserved what she got because she was an "adulterous slut," so said 'christian' X.

  62. Constance is already being persecuted...right here on her own blog.

  63. RayB,

    I left a comment for you at the end of the last thread, just in case you've stopped checking that thread.


  64. "persecuted?" Be specific. In what way has Constance been persecuted?

    IMO, disagreeing with someone is not persecution.

  65. Anonymous12:44 PM

    12:25 PM at J
    I agree. I am not being nasty to her, or you, to anyone. I am only disagreeing with certain things about our government and many of it's players at the moment.

    But the reference in my 2 posts above is to Christian persecution exclusively. Big difference..and we ain't seen nothin' yet. So it's coming--and will be hammer down time coming from our own government......

  66. Anonymous12:49 PM

    X preaches the goXpel according to his death cult government gods.

    Scoffer, harasser, stalker, humanist, globalist, discordant troll X, is who will, does already, will worsen as a persecutor of real Christians.

  67. Anonymous1:00 PM

    The slow drip, drip, drip, is dripping faster and faster now!

    How timely during a time when election madness is peaking in a political show in DC.

    Though it will change nothing..not a thing......

    12:59 PM

  68. RayB 12:29 PM,

    For going on at least two years now on this blog, X has been roundly hated on by multiple commenters, though I do consider him a troll.

    One commenter here, who seemed to be known to at least one other commenter, has intermittently written many deranged "poems" and falsely attributed them to you, X, Paul and "Richard." This deranged poet has frequently targeted X. Many of the "lyrics" have been explicitly racist and very dirty.

    This same deranged poet suddenly took to calling X "she" instead of "he" some time last fall, right before Thanksgiving. At this time, this deranged poet featured such violent "lyrics" as "rape with a blade."

    At the same time as this deranged poet took to calling X "she" instead of "he," several other commenters did the same.

    Just on the last thread, you got mad at X for stalking you, understandably. In fact, I called X out for stalking you. I have criticized X on several occasions for the way X has treated you.

    But then for some reason I can't fathom, in your anger, you turned on Constance, an elderly woman who is on her sick bed. You hinted that you thought you knew the identity of X and that X is really a woman. You implied that X is really Constance.

    When Rich said he knew X could not be Constance because he knows for a fact that she has been in the hospital since last Wednesday, you did not correct his misunderstanding - if he made a false assumption that you were implying that you think Constance is really X.

    Several times at least one troll, probably multiple trolls, have said that Constance is just like X.

    In your anger at X, you were willing for anonymous trolls that you don't know from Adam to potentially stalk, troll, harass and threaten Constance the way that they have intermittently done to X in a sustained pattern.

    I don't include the clearly Christian detractor of X. I don't include everybody who has disagreed with X - like me, for instance. I'm talking about a group that contributes nothing else but to put X in the hot seat obsessively.

  69. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Memo to J:

    You are obviously very confused, dear.

    While many on this blog have very strong opinions... and are searching for the TRUTH... no one is 'persecuting' anyone!!!

    (For instance, you would never be ABLE to 'persecute' ME... unless I was insecure enough to give you 'permission'... and, for most people here, that is never going to happen... mainly because, as 'a child of God'... each of us knows exactly who we are.)

    So please STOP trying to manipulate and CONTROL people on this blog.

    Everyone here has the RIGHT to freely express his or her own thoughts and opinions... without a lecture from J. People with strong opinions may feel 'challenged' (and will always rise to the occasion)... but, never feel 'persecuted'.

    Somehow, you are equating having a 'debate' with someone as trying to SHUT THEM DOWN... but, that is only in YOUR mind.

    Either way... you are out of line, dear.

  70. Anonymous1:06 PM

    RayB @11:41 AM To J I'm afraid you are falling for the hysterics of Constance ...

    Would you be kind enough to point out a couple of instances of "the hysterics of Constance"? Copy and paste would be great!

  71. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "group that contributes nothing else but to put X in the hot seat obsessively."

    Sad for this blog, I think X has put himself in that position, provoking constantly is his trolling game. Some are happy to oblige.
    I think the excessive posts of the poet and the extra nastiness is uncalled for.
    Disagree already, leave it at that.

  72. Anonymous1:30 PM

    P.S. to J at 12:44 PM

    I included a link to Jonathan Turley article (Constitutional lawyer) at the end of my somewhat long (and continued post) that speaks directly to the matter of what the DC J6 troop is accomplishing in this affair.
    I would like to hear back from you about that if you are so inclined. If not fine, too..

    And take heart, your musings don't need apology or explanation for that matter, their yours.
    There is much swirling around us all right now.
    Sorting it all needs prayer...and some "walk away from it" breaks too.

  73. Anonymous1:34 PM


    What does our 'Constitution' says about STOLEN ELECTIONS???

  74. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I am going to repost something that popped up on my computer screen two days ago...

    John 14:27 (KJV)

    "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

  75. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "their yours."

    Correction--they're yours (J)

  76. Anonymous1:46 PM

    O'Biden and the RINO's are certainly okay with it.

  77. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Watch out for this "cutting edge" global freak.

    Things are really ripe.....rotten...

  78. Anonymous2:07 PM

    1:34 PM

    The whole thing should have been paused (rightfully so) because of the multiple and deep problematics with the 2020 election and the interference by Zuck, Covid madness, Democrat power grabs, etc etc etc till cows came home and dropped dead. The Constitution allows for that process, but the forge ahead pretense that some particular politicians wanted (both sides of the aisle) was to say it was not to be questioned (including Mr Politically Expedient Pence--baby out, bathwater in) created a scenario for things to go (even) further off the rails. And now we have a circus calling itself the J6 committee that pretends they are standing up for the Constitution.
    Truth is stranger than fiction.

    Makes you wish it was a fiction novel instead of the reality...
    So here we are.
    But---------reality actually is:
    God knows all about it, these circumstances and this instance had crossed His desk and He signed off on it's allowance...for such a time as this.
    It's a global world, dear people.

  79. 1:30 PM,

    Jonathan Turley did not speak to the content of the hearings so much as to Nancy Pelosi's political moves.

    I agree with him that it would have been ideal for the J6 committee to be completely bi-partisan.

    I'm not sure about the comparisons to historical bi-partisan investigational committees.

    Have we ever historically investigated an attempt by a partisan mob to stop an election certification through violence and intimidation?

    Or of a president who approved of a mob wanting to hang his vice president?

    It is unprecedented.

    And yes, the majority of the people who attended the J6 rally wanted to protest, and they were within their rights.

    But in the crowd, there were Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who carried out plans in a paramilitary and organized fashion.

    Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers was in communication with Roger Stone.

    Trump said in one of his debates: "Proud Boys - stand back and stand by."

    Is there something that was held back by partisanship that would have justified such things? Was some other information suppressed that would have justified hanging Mike Pence?

  80. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Jonathan Turley did not speak to the content of the hearings so much as to Nancy Pelosi's political moves."

    That's my point.
    Why was she calling these shots, against the Constitutional process?
    It's our government, not hers.

    A lot of that is conjecture J until proven. Hearsay is not admissible and taken out of context you can make anybody say anything.
    We see those ploys used right here at a blog...

    For all that it was it was still not coming up to the level of damage, destruction, and danger as what had already occurred in Us cities? They did not come up to the level as Weather Underground did back in the 70's--none of them were armed, I'm pretty sure they did not find a noose on anybody (even like the one the race car driver said he had waiting for him ;) ha.. (certainly did not have locked doors to pound down for them)..We should be much more skeptical--the smell of DC "rats" is all over this episode--inside and out!
    The rush to judgment is appalling, here and many other places.
    But DC doesn't care..just like it doesn't care that Seth Rich died in very questionable circumstances to protect Hillary Clinton's Russia scam (and Wikileaks knew it).
    The truth has been severely oppressed, repressed, buried!
    Get this out in the fresh air and daylight, that's what I'm calling for.
    I will remain very-VERY skeptical.

    And only God will really get to the bottom of this deep pit of evil.

  81. Anonymous3:07 PM

    J @ 2:41 PM

    IF in fact, the Presidential election was STOLEN on November 3, 2020... and Trump's second in command, Vice President Mike Pence had no problem with the stealing of the election...
    and deliberately betrayed the President... then YES, by God and ALL THAT is HOLY, Mike Pence is a TRAITOR to this country and should be hanged!!!

    (Just another reason why the American people need to be given ALL of the TRUE facts.)

  82. 3:07 PM,

    Where does it say to do this in the New Testament? Is that in the book of Americans 7:11?

    America will not be recognizable as America anymore if nobody left in office retains any semblance of respecting the Constitution.

    Then what will there be left to fight for? At that point, it's nothing but the Crips versus the Bloods. If you're only fighting for power and turf, and you've abandoned anything higher, America is already gone.

  83. Anonymous3:12 PM

    For the past two years, the American people have been living in a combination of the Twilight Zone and LaLaLand... which has made it very EASY for for the Globalalists to CONTROL the masses.

    (All of those who are still 'asleep' are the ones I am truly worried about.)

  84. Anonymous said...
    RayB @11:41 AM To J I'm afraid you are falling for the hysterics of Constance ...

    Would you be kind enough to point out a couple of instances of "the hysterics of Constance"? Copy and paste would be great!

    Here are a few (there's more):

    In her thread ... Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer: Republican Profiles in Courage

    From her statements on this thread:

    "I am dismayed at the cult-like intensity of those claiming the January 6th riot was staged by BLM and Antifa!

    No one ever claimed in a "cult-like intensity" that this was 'staged' by BLM & Antifa.

    Did BLM & Antifa have a presence there? Yes ... but Constance diverted attention away from that by adding this false exaggeration which amounted to border line histrionics.

    @ 9:35 PM: "I did not enter this work so that I could enter a cult -- and that is what the Trump Movement has degenerated to."

    Implies (very heavily) that those that support Trump are members of a cult, with Trump as their "idol."

    From her thread ... "Deception is at an all time high - Ukraine, Qanon, Trump cult"

    "Too many of you need to replace Trump "your Savior" with Jesus Your Savior!"

    Note that she accuses Christian supporters of Trump of idol worship and thereby makes the charge that supporters of Trump do not believe in Jesus as Savior.

    In her thread ... "Disgusting anti-Semitism aka anti-Khazarian -- polluting this blog spot comment section"

    Constance states @ 10:41 PM ... Gateway Pundit also appears to be a central "information" (better known as dis--information for Qanon cult devotees).

    Gateway Pundit is a news source that any number of us have posted links to for various news accounts. She implies that in doing so, you must be a "Qanon cult devotee," and she does so without an ounce of proof other than her assertion that Gateway Pundit "appears to be."

  85. (more)


    Her comment @ 11:59 AM:

    "Do I believe Trump is THE ANTICHRIST? NO! He's obviously not smart enough for that job! Do I belieeve (sic) he is AN ANTICHRIST? YES! Nobody could allow and bless the things said about him in this book and not be an antichrist!"

    "Does the Trump Movement constitute a cult? YES."

    "I pray for you all (Trump supporters?) to be released from the Luciferic possession obviously either blinding you or gripping you."

    Note that Constance singles out Trump as an "ANTICHRIST" and the "Trump Movement" as a "cult" under a "Luciferic (sic) possession." Yet, I've never read such vitriol expressed by Constance against the Democratic Death Cult that enthusiastically supports the murder of babies. Wouldn't killing babies qualify Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clintons, etc. and their 'movement' to be considered a "cult?"

    Her comment @ 9:10 PM: "Trump, as I feared, has been taking us down in flames. He did NOTHING to discourage the QANON cult!"

    NOTE: Trump is responsible for the QANON "cult" because he did nothing to discourage people from being fooled by it. Is that really the responsibility of the POTUS?

    @ 2:52 AM she comments: "How so many Christians were taken in by QANON, I would like to know. I'm suspecting mass delusion or even worse -- mass possession."

    No histrionics there folks! Furthermore, I know of only TWO people that actually followed "QANON," neither one of them has ever professed to be a Christian.

    @ 3:97 AM she comments: "Trump allowing without denoucing (sic) those proclaiming him a universal global leader, one ushering in the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth, ushering in the Age of Aquarius as this book clearly does is allowing himself to be used in AN (not THE) Antichrist spirit."

    NOTE: What proof is there that Trump even knew about the claims of this "book?" Personally, I never even heard about Trump supposedly "ushering in the Millennial Reign of Christ," Age of Aquarius, etc. until Constance POSTED IT !

  86. Anonymous3:15 PM

    J, what does our Constitution say about STEALING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION???

    Your priorities are all screwed up!!!

  87. It's not possible to take back America for God by making a deal with the devil.

    The devil wins, heads or tails, if you play by his rules. He's bi-partisan and equal opportunity.

  88. Anonymous3:29 PM


    So, anyone who doesn't go along with the stealing of an election is 'Qanon'??? LOL

    Maybe you would be much happier living under a dictatorship in some third world country... where you are not expected to think for yourself (since you are so easily led by others without stopping to question any of it).

    At the rate this country is going... the day may come when we are not FREE to question anything. (Just hope I'm dead and buried by then.)

  89. Anonymous3:30 PM

    And by the way, the J6 committee admitted they had a head's up--so why no extra security at the Capitol Building then just in case?--no barriers---they let those people in. If so dangerous why did they do that?
    They. Let. Them. In. ...... WHY?

    The protesters who acted riotous, (and I believe some "plants" inside and among them also) were stupid to fall for that trap laid for them to even go in there.
    Everyone else of the many 1000's and 1000's there in protest were not "incited" by the President's speech. They had plenty of people there for a real insurrection if that was what was ordered by a crazed President and crazed people.

    DC POLITICS in an evil age--what a potent cocktail for disaster.
    DC is drunk on it's own power (and why they hate Trump, and me--regular America, too)
    The devil is on a rampage....the flood gates for Evil have opened (going worldwide).

    I repost this as the capstone to what I see and hear in this idiocy and worse - What Grace cannot humble.....Judgment must befall.
    We are there.


  90. From her thread: "Deception is at an all time high - Ukraine, Qanon, Trump cult"

    Constance stated: "I believe Trump is consciously operating out of the old Nazi/Hitler playbook."

    Nothing hysterical about that! By making such an outrageous statement, Constance is making the charge that Trump is a FOLLOWER OF ADOLF HITLER and the NAZIS! Weird.

    I was unable to find the thread, and or, comments made by Constance in which she tagged blog participants of "racism" for opposing the nominee to the Supreme Court of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. What we really opposed was her RECORD of radicalism, including her stand favoring abortion on demand. Constance countered that with former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's (who is pro-life) endorsement, because that was "good enough" for her. Kind of sounds like following a PERSON, rather than a PRINCIPLE. Isn't that what cult followers do?

  91. Anonymous3:31 PM

    So, J

    WHY are YOU 'making a deal with the devil'???

    (Since you obviously think that stealing an election is OK.)

  92. Anonymous3:40 PM

    3:20 PM at J

    With that I completely agree, have said so all along. Most others have too, a very small few are that biased to think otherwise.
    But didn't stop a certain some from calling folks by many ill-applied characterizations, and misrepresentations (even by Constance whom I still hold in highest regard).

    People are too worked up...and the devil wins when that happens. :(

  93. 3:40 PM,

    I agree with everything you said.

  94. Anonymous3:48 PM

    So, in J's world... Trump is a 'devil'and Biden is an 'angel'???

    Let me know when gas goes up to $10 a gallon... and you can't afford whatever FOOD is LEFT on the grocery store shelves... if you're still happy that Trump is out of the White House.

    But then ~ we probably won't be able to communicate here on this blog... because we MAY be off the GRID by then... no electricity for lights, phones, computers, TV, air conditioners, heat, unable to cook / refrigerate / freeze our food, take showers, flush our toilets, or wash our clothes and dishes.

    BUT... just as long as Trump is gone from the White House... that's all that matters.

  95. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Most of us hold Constance 'in the highest regard'...

    AND still disagree with her.

    The fact that one or two of you has to bring her name into these discussions PROVES one thing...


    I answer to only ONE... my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  96. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Yes people are 'too worked up'...

    It's not FUN watching our country go down the toilet with a BIG FLUSH!!!

  97. 3:48 PM,

    The trends don't just continue in a linear way. People react. The people of San Francisco had their soft-on-crime DA recalled. Give people freedom to figure it out and make choices rather than trying to intimidate them through violence or manipulate them through propaganda. Just report the truth to them, but even if you don't, if it gets that bad - they'll notice it, anyway.

    I used to be liberal. I didn't change because of being intimidated. I changed because of life experience, then I changed even more from conversion to Christianity. And by that, I DO NOT mean an authoritarian cult. I DID NOT check my brain at the door.

    What ever happened to freedom? I give my child the freedom to explore and make mistakes. If I did not, I would NEVER be raising an adult. I would be raising a permanent child.

  98. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I have got to hand it to the EVIL DemoRATS. They are truly BRILLIANT.

    They not only STOLE the presidential election on November 3, 2020... but, they have also managed to DIVERT and DISTRACT the American people by focusing on January 6, 2021 (and demonizing protesters who had the NERVE to OBJECT to the stealing of that election)...

    AND turn it all around by labeling their 'evil' actions on November 3rd as 'good'...

    AND any objections (the American people expressed on January 6th, to the stealing of that election) is now being called 'evil'. WOW!!!

    Thank you, Jesus... that I have remained UNvaccinated and am still able to use my God-given gifts of free will and the ability to THINK for myself.

    (Thank you, thank you, thank you.)

  99. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Me thinks the ones who were foolish enough to get VACCINATED are the ones who 'made a deal with the devil'!!!

  100. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The fixation on Former President Trump, instead of our broken election system and way this country is supposed to function, is why I am against them, not approving of one single thing by the J6 Committee or anything Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, AOC, etc and their RINO counterparts, of the House and Senate both, are involved in.

    Runaway problems of every kind crashing down the doors of our freedoms and our very family lives in tatters because the middle class and the poorest among us are beginning now to really suffer, and this is ALL they want to talk about, scream bloody murder about. I really feel for my kids and grandkids having normal lives taken from them--and my neighbors and their families. No way I want them in public schools, there is less and less safety on the streets. Our babies with no formula and my friends in the trucking industry are losing their businesses...on and on. BUT! TDS is alive and well. I had no idea Trump was as powerful as they seem to think he is. I just liked what he did for his sovereign country (anti-globalism) to help me and my neighbors, us all, out--but that's a literal crime now. Who died and made them God--nobody.

    SO--It's not about Justice. The vast majority of politicians these days (with very few exceptions) have been crueler to regular people protesting, that, or anything else, than to the power drunk among them, who are nowhere near done abusing their constituents..aka...slaves. This is all on purposes by the elites, in our government and outside of it.

    All in the name of their "higher"--than mine or yours--"conscience" (and/or Constitutional "responsibility") as they wreck us completely.
    They've "fixed" us till we're broken.

  101. Anonymous4:34 PM

    3:54 PM

    The wheels were coming off 12 years ago.
    Stop and think about it .. what was going down the tubes then?
    When our White House was lit up with the rainbow colors I knew. I knew then and there what I had only guessed at before.

    I cried like Jeremiah the Prophet cried at the death of his nation before the Babylonians came. That was the death rattle I heard, then got some life support---some grace given when President Trump came to the Oval Office but that was yesterday and yesterday is gone--yesterday's grace is for the history books--now the plug will be pulled---soon, not later.

    I cried so much...
    But I smile through tears when I think of Jesus' return.
    I pray people will come to repentance and faith to know Jesus.
    Know Jesus, know Peace.
    No peace.....none.

  102. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Some of you are absolutely DELUSIONAL!!!

    No one is 'fixated' on TRUMP.

    We are, however, VERY CONCERNED that a presidential election has been STOLEN... and many of you are either in DENIAL... or you just don't give a flying fig.

    Yeah, I could CRY too... only it's over the utter STUPIDITY that exists right here on this blog.

    Maybe the covid vaccines are slowly destroying people's remaining brain cells.

  103. Anonymous4:51 PM

    "America will not be recognizable as America anymore"

    That America is already gone.
    Wickedness killed her. In her families, in her pulpits who despised the Word of God, in her halls of Justice that preside over injustice today.

    And globalists are consuming the carcass..

  104. Anonymous4:52 PM

    4:47 PM
    That post was about the J6 bunch fixation on Trump.

  105. Anonymous5:09 PM

    The VAST MAJORITY of that 'J6 bunch' were FIXATED on exercising their right to demonstrate against a STOLEN election!!!

  106. Anonymous5:25 PM

    5:09 PM


    The post was about J6 politicians who are against the protesters are the ones fixated on the expense of our Constitution, at the expense of all the pressing problems those very politicians created for all of us that people are protesting about!

    You need to take some deep breaths and read more carefully.....

  107. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The fixation on Former President Trump, instead of our broken election system and way this country is supposed to function, is why I am against them, not approving of one single thing by the J6 Committee or anything Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, AOC, etc and their RINO counterparts, of the House and Senate both, are involved in."

    5:09 PM Read again...

    ..instead of our broken election system, etc etc.........

  108. 4:51 PM,

    Christians will be outnumbered in America. But outnumbered was exactly how Christians started out. God works with outnumbered people. He always has.

  109. Anonymous5:48 PM

    5:25 PM

    If I have misinterpreted reading (or understanding) your post, I apologize.

  110. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I agree with that statement too, J.
    Actually I think they already are.
    Many are Christians in name only.

    Some head faith, not heart faith--no heart change.

    Yes, a remnant. God has always had a remnant.
    I still pray for lots of people all around me to really believe God, instead of just believe in God...there is a difference.

  111. Anonymous6:16 PM

    5:48 PM

    No problem. :)

    Perhaps I don't always word things well enough..

  112. RayB,

    What Constance has always written about the New Age would have been equally hyperbolic to me when I had New Age beliefs.

    I never self-identified as a New Ager. I didn't like the word, but I did like the ideas, although I thought they were my own ideas.

    Everything I read about the Left is hyperbolic to me when I compare it to who and what I used to be.

    But I still recognize that from our perspective, we see the evil fruits of Leftism better.

    It seems to me that people like ideas without liking to identify with the words that stand for that ideas, but they're not even fully aware of the ideas they actually like. They may not be aware of where the ideas actually came from.

    People can be divided, as Constance has written, into the Hypnotizers and the Hypnotized. Or if you prefer the Deceivers and the Deceived. Or the Manipulators and the Manipulated.

    It is actually just normal for most people to be deceived and manipulated, about at least some things, and at least to some extent.

    We don't always know what our ideas are called or where they came from. Once somebody offended me by saying I had a Hegelian idea. I denied it indignantly. Then eventually I read about Hegel in college and realized I really did have a Hegelian idea. I never knew it.

  113. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Senator Ted Cruz Confronts FBI Official Point Blank About the Feds’ Role in January

    This FBI agent's silence spoke volumes!!!

  114. As a result of the AstraZeneca CV-19 vaxx, this man has Guillain-Barré syndrome:

    B.C. man awarded vaccine compensation

    June 1, 2022
    CTV Vancouver

    A man who became partially paralyzed after getting his first dose is one of the first in Canada to be compensated for vaccine injury.

  115. For the record, here's Constance's statement on Ketanji Brown Jackson (@ 11:03 AM):

    I think some of the criticisms here of her are unfair and probably even racist. I had my own apprehensions initially, however, having learned of her academic past and family history, I do not have them now. She is a relative by marriage to former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan who has only kind words to say about her. He is unquestionably pro-life and quite frankly, his endorsement of her is good enough for me. She clearly is not a white-hating black racist as she is long time and happily married to a white physician and they have children who would obviously be bi-racial. I have ran into reverse racism in my life and one form of it is no better than the other form of white racism. I'm convinced she would be a fair jurist.


    I will say that I remember being taken quite aback by this statement--the bold portion. Now, I cannot say for sure that I read every comment about here, yet none that I saw were remotely racist. They all focused on ideology, as best I recall.

  116. Anonymous7:43 PM

    RayB @ 3:15 PM

    I agree with your posting those statements made here by Constance.
    I have disagreed with some of the tone and extra pointedness directed at her though. Not helpful, not right.

    She was adamant about the broad brushing and labelling she did in those posts you reposted and I found some fault with that because it was harsher than need be.
    I still hold her in highest regard, though on this issue I do disagree quite a bit. None of us, her included, are mind readers, it was because it went too far that direction so it didn't speak to things I was bringing up that I thought needed a better, more well rounded look.. I tend to take things just as they are stated and most of the time tend to leave it at that. Being fair is something I'm still working at. I am sure that is most of us.
    So I think she has been disrespected here without real warrant (and it is her blog to say what she wants) but glad you did call this out because this is some of the mistaken idea that has ramped up things to a screech level...and unnecessary in my book. She could have warned (and she is good at it--for a long time---she has her finger on the pulse of many things--but not all things) to me, she should have instead posed questions rather than her flat statements that missed the mark about a large number of her posters here. She has posted material, herself, from sources that she was not in complete agreement with--that old adage is still true--chew the meat and spit out the bones. One's readership is left with that burden on them to decide, not have decided for them. And just because we may not like somebody's flat statements doesn't mean all they say in correct or meant to be taken to the farthest reaches--that is nothing but sheer bias and certain people (one person in particular) have expressed way too much bias--so one-sided it is shameful to be put into print and expect respect in return. I find that is not most people here. I have disagreed with you upon occasion, but I respect you much for the many things you have kept a good perspective about and that should be good enough for anybody who is here for a good purpose--to be informed or to share information that could hold some keys to help our understanding of what we are all seeing these days. We can fill in some here and there, and do. No one has a lockdown on all truth just like no one can be held responsible for what others do with what they say when they misunderstand or worse, twist it to misrepresent it.
    Former President Trump, as leader of the free world, took very unfair hits (a some fair ones too), so I have respect for all that is right in the man, and, in spite of what is wrong in the man, still give him some benefit of the doubt, simply because he has endured that like nobody else....I could not have done the job he did.
    All is going to come out in the wash someday.
    In the meantime, what times we are living, eh?

    And I'll keep working on being fair as I can..

  117. Anonymous7:45 PM

    7:16 PM
    Thanks Craig.

  118. I have been taken aback by some of Constance's remarks, too. That includes the comment that people who object to the confirmation of KBJ are probably racist.

    But look at it from Constance's perspective. Most commenters here are anonymous. She doesn't know most of them. She has probably seen and deleted some of the comments by the deranged, racist poet. She may have noticed that most of the time we ignored him. I'm not sure how she took it that people were not pushing back on him most of the time. Yes, it happened a few times. Personally I ignored him. I assumed most others did, too.

    This deranged poet posted under various pseudonyms, including RayB, Richard, and Paul.

    If you didn't spend a lot of time in your comments section, most commenters were anonymous, your eyesight was failing, and you were feeling very busy how might you react to this kind of thing if it was your blog? Might you think your blog has racist commenters? It's possible you might.


  119. Anon @ 4:34 PM:

    I agree with your post ... very well expressed, and I'm sure you are speaking for a lot of us. Many of us weep for what is happening to this country.

    I distinctly recall seeing for the first time the "gay rainbow colors" projected upon the White House and I felt deeply at that time that God's judgment is coming soon upon this nation.

    By the way, it was actually first done by George W. Bush. Also, it was his father and mother that were the very first to invite an openly declared homosexual to an official White House function, whereby, the newly created WH liaison to the 'Evangelicals' immediately resigned in protest.

    We've been in a classic, societal slide into decay for a very long time. In my opinion, it began in earnest at the turn of the 20th. Century, and its been on a continuous downward spiral ever since.

    Charles Spurgeon, in his day, described England's decay this way (paraphrase): "With each generation comes a new lower moral standard, whereby the next generation accepts the previous generation's lower moral standard as 'normal,' and they thereby 'progress' to an even lower moral standard. This 'downward spiral' of morality continues on until debauchery itself is considered to be society's normal." If that isn't describing the late stage of America's condition, I don't know what is. Think about this; this entire MONTH has been set aside to CELEBRATE an abominable sin that God hates. How long will it be before His righteous hand of judgment drops upon us? IMO, His judgment has already started and will continue until we either repent, or, He destroys us.


  120. Anon @ 7:43 PM ...

    I really appreciate your well thought out post.

    Written in the true spirit of Christ. We don't have to be in full agreement on everything, because none of us possess perfect knowledge, wisdom, or understanding.

    Reminds me of a personal story you might be interested in:

    Years ago, I worked for a national company that had sent me to Indianapolis for a training seminar. Similar employees were there from all over the country. While at the dinner table one night, three of us engaged in conversation which led to the discovery that we were Bible believing Christians. After the dinner (while others meandered over to the bar area), we decided to carry on our conversation in one of our hotel rooms. We ended up talking almost the entire night.

    We talked a lot about various spiritual things, and conversation eventually turned to 'end times prophecy.' It soon became apparent that this was a subject where there was some disagreement. 'Dan' was truly an expert on the Pre-Trib rapture doctrine, more so than anyone I had personally encountered before, or, since. Without any notes, Dan spoke for well over an hour, on his feet, making his case for his position. His was the most precise presentation I had ever heard on the Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine, but, to his dismay, I remained steadfast, having studied and rejected that doctrine years before. Although Dan was slightly upset with me, it didn't break the fellowship that we had experienced that night. The night ended with the three of us (one was a very kind Black brother from St. Louis), ended the night on our knees, praying for each other and for our families. I never forgot that. Three strangers, from different parts of the country, different upbringings, two different races, different experiences, and yet, united in the love of Christ!

  121. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Could YOUR Alexa become sentient too? MIT professor warns Amazon's virtual assistant will be 'dangerous' if it learns how to manipulate users - as he defends Google engineer who said its AI program has feelings

  122. 'Just following Dictator Trudeau's orders; but, sorry we didn't unfreeze your accounts until WELL after *the threat* was no longer present, but rest assured we'll do it again if *asked*'.

    Canadian bank apologises for freezing trucker bank accounts | Benjamin Dichter reacts


    ‘He’s [Trudeau] a silver spoon child, he’s never had to work a day in his life.’

    Benjamin Dichter slams Justin Trudeau after a Canadian bank apologised for freezing the bank accounts of truckers following their protests over vaccine mandates.

    Of course, YouTube places the CV19 'Lean More' banner on the above piece.


  123. Hiding Australia's Hot Past

    Tony Heller

    "If the present refuses to get warmer, then the past must become cooler"


  124. This is so confusing. She's obviously a Latina . . . so she CAN'T be Republican. And what did she just say about Trump?

    Texas special election nets Republicans House seat

    Associated Press

    Republican Mayra Flores won a special election for an open U.S. House seat in South Texas, a former Democratic stronghold. (June 15)

  125. Craig 7:54 AM,

    I'm glad Mayra Flores won, and I think it shows that democracy is not broken, since she flipped a previously Democratic district. It wouldn't possibly have happened had the voting been rigged.

  126. Anonymous8:37 AM

    "If you didn't spend a lot of time in your comments section, most commenters were anonymous, your eyesight was failing, and you were feeling very busy how might you react to this kind of thing if it was your blog? Might you think your blog has racist commenters? It's possible you might."

    Good perspective, J @ 7:53 PM. Nothing hegelian about that. I'm more than happy to give Constance the benefit of the doubt.


  127. There's a lesson here; but, it's probably too late, anyway. American greed--and the shortsightedness that many times goes with it--is the root.

    With no Walmart, Texas town has no grocery store

    Jan 29, 2016
    CBS Evening News

    Walmart has closed 154 stores in 27 states, resulting in over 10,000 employee layoffs. Many of the stores that closed were the only source of groceries in the areas they served. David Begnaud is in Whitewright, Texas, where residents now have to drive 22 miles for groceries.

  128. Anonymous9:10 AM

    BAD OMEN FOR RADICAL DEMS: Republican Mayra Flores Wins Big In Texas

  129. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Latest Polls Have DC Rat Liz Cheney Down 28 Points in Wyoming House Race - With Unfavorability Rating as High as 71%

  130. Anonymous9:37 AM

    John Kerry as Gas Prices Skyrocket: "We Absolutely Don't" Need to Drill For More Oil (VIDEO)

  131. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I don't know if this is true. Did anyone else see this?

    Lauren Boebert was an Illegal Paid E$cort for "$ugarDaddyMeet dot com"

    Boebert Had Two Abortions - One At Planned Parenthood

    Boebert Met Ted Cruz through a Koch Family Member "Client" in Aspen, Colorado back in 2019. Cruz encouraged her to run and seeded her campaign to the tune of at least $136,250 ($70,000+ which she failed to disclose). It appears personally Cruz assisted Boebert with raising additional funds on several trips she made to Texas.

    Might explain how a high school dropout who married a man that was convicted of sexually assaulting her and her girlfriend when she and her were 16 years old can afford to open a bar in downtown Rifle, Colorado.

  132. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Far-Left CNN's Fact Checkers Call Biden's Claims Of Personally Reducing The Deficit 'Almost A Bizarro World'

  133. This is anti-democratic intimidation, too. Political violence or intimidation from anybody for any reason is on the continuum to terrorism, communism or fascism.

    I do not call this fascism, because for 5,000 years of human history, fascism has never existed without a cult of personality involving loyalty to one strong man who is identified completely with the state.

    But political violence and intimidation should have no place in our country, and it should not be a partisan issue at all. It should be a moral and legal issue only.

    Biden should condemn this. Homeland Security and the FBI should investigate it. Any who are caught attacking crisis pregnancy centers should be held and prosecuted.

    EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Abortion Mob Plotting ‘NIGHT OF RAGE’ Once Roe V. Wade is Overturned

  134. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Far-Left CNN's Fact Checkers Call Biden's Claims Of Personally Reducing The Deficit 'Almost A Bizarro World'

    If 'Far-Left' CNN was fully honest, they would proclaim that everything about pedo Death Cult Biden is BIZARRO WORLD!

    But well, you know, TRUMP!

  135. Anonymous10:18 AM

    J said...

    "I now stand with Constance regarding my support for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger putting loyalty to the Constitution above loyalty to a party or a personality"

    You have zero relevance here J. ZERO!

    The same degree of relevance as Constance, and X.

    Enjoy your "loyalty" to the Cumbey Cult of Death, False Science and Nonsensical Gnat Straining.

  136. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Craig @ 7:39 am

    The more I read or watch Tony Heller's lies the easier they are to spot.

    Cherry-picking data and using isolated extremes is not evidence that global scientists are lying. Heller's articles and youtube videos are also not subject to peer review. They are nothing more than discardable political propaganda.

    In the article/video you provided he tries to speak for all of Australia (and the world, really) based on one temperature gauge at the Bourke post office from the 1800's. The 125 degree reading appears to be a mistake in itself. Global Climate change is concerned largely with mean temperatures not that there couldn't be heat waves reported at any point in time at specific stations. Plus, OVERALL, adjustments to the historical temperature data have resulted in slightly cooler means. You'd think if it was a conspiracy...the adjustments would make it hotter? ( source: )

    Historical temperature readings are subject to adjustments for a variety of reasons. For example, moving the temperature gauge, vegetation around the gauge and distance from bodies of water or distance from the ground and/or whether the guages were place on buildings that would absorb/deflect heat and whether the gauge had been moved and when it was moved all need to be accounted for. Newspaper articles reporting local temperature simply go off the local "official" reading whether it's a mistake or not. There's not a lot of difference between 115 and 125 degress for human to discern it to be anything but hot. Using gross non-standardized historical data against more modern standardized data can provide mischievous persons opportunities to lie. It's not honest science to present such differences as factual conclusions.

    This isn't the first time paid climate skeptics have tried to use Australia's unadjusted historical records to raise questions around climate science. Here's an article from 2014 debunking it.

    Climate sceptics see a conspiracy in Australia's record breaking heat: Bureau of Meteorology says claims from one climate sceptic that it has corrupted temperature data are false

  137. 10:18 AM,

    Are you the one who was in NAR? Did they communicate that way in NAR, the way you communicate with me?

  138. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "I now stand with Constance regarding my support for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger putting loyalty to the Constitution above loyalty to a party or a personality" - Me too!

  139. Anonymous11:39 AM


    For years Bill Johnson and Bethel Church has taken a lot of heat for being anti-gay and conversion therapy crusaders while in California (where doing that is not very welcome) but they do so while also trying to be very inclusive.

    The NAR and NAR type churches hide their psuedo-religiousity and false Gospel behind the marketing idea of being a conservative movement while actually being completely new age inclusive, as long as you don't talk about it, in practice.

    It's like pretending to take conservative positions gives them street credibility. It's the same reason they are ripe for ecumenicism. Bethel's number two man, Kris Vallotin goes and meets with the Pope and, in doing so, reports and believes it legitimizes him as a spiritual leader. Kris Vallotton and The Pope!

    In the end, NAR is a marketing and recruiting tactic for mega-churches and mega-pastors concerned with filling seats in their big beautiful mortgaged buildings more than the Gospel. It's "leadership" training versus the True Gospel. "Apolitical" people motivated by Maga Qanon politics are very motivated to leave their dusty, by the Bible, Bible-believing churches that largely avoid politics for a place they can find politically aligned pseudo-religion which lends comfort their cognitive dissonance.

    It's the only explanation that makes sense why any single Christian-affirming person would ever go to see unrepentant adulterers like Greg Locke.

    Extremist Pastor: Democrats Can't Be Christians

    Greg Locke, Sean Feucht, NAR and the Seven Mountain Mandate


    p.s.- I'm not a troll. Not a Democrat. I'm an anti-Maga, anti-Qanon conspiracies independent, like you, now. We won't agree on everything and you can keep ripping on me all you want but you're now stuck in uncomfortable position of being tribeless, like me. Like Milton talked about -- the tribeless true Christians can't be silent while the left and right each separately try to drag us into senseless evil violence. Our kids and grandchildren will be the canon fodder of such stupidity and the poor will just suffer more.

  140. Anonymous11:43 AM

    A refresher from someone who was there.
    NYT Rosenberg knows - saw - heard - the left's SPIN first hand.

    "He also described “a tug of war” at the Times “between the reasonable people and some of the craziest leftist s–t,” according to the video.

    Rosenberg added that he was “so over” Jan. 6 coverage."

    What J6 committee deliberately leaves out tells us all all we need to know.

    They are not serving up a juicy steak as promised....they are serving up haggis instead..

  141. Anonymous11:44 AM

    You are definitely NOT tribeless X. You are of the tribe of the Prince of this World.

    You will be out of a job soon.

  142. Anonymous11:56 AM

    No poor unstable soul J. Im not NAR.

    The reason why supposed 'Christians' at this time, do not "stand fast in the faith," is that they have been so successfully indoctrinated to slither back and forth within the dialectic. They are puffed up in their fleshly mind, "never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." All made possible by MASSIVE amounts of, especially, leftist media feed.

    As J would say, "debate anyone?"

  143. Anonymous12:00 PM

    'the tribeless true Christians can't be silent while the left and right each separately try to drag us into senseless evil violence.'

    So why did you help bring this purposeful evil on?
    Why do you continue to excuse it and enable the leftists..because that is exactly what you have done and still do, to foment the extreme left's intentions by policy and practice? All of the sudden you're tribeless while you threw unwavering support to those who take away every recourse for those who want to see a decent way to govern and be governed, instead of the lunatics running the DC asylum now???

    You named your poison. Drink it's dregs then..and stop your insipid crybaby antics of "no tribe". You are clowning yourself......still.
    Real Christians have a built in moral compass, and use it for stopping evil, not encouraging it, so that begs the question...
    where's your Compass???...because you consistently display the ass part.

  144. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Well stated 12:00 PM

  145. Anonymous12:27 PM


    Just now listening to the ultra leftist Boston news. Pfizer and Moderna announces today, that Covid shots for 6 month old to 5 year olds are ready. White House saying will be available by next Tuesday.

    I wonder how God feels about the horrific abuse of HIS children from every evil angle?

    I have a feeling He will express His anger soon!

    But hey, focus on Trump and Jan 6

  146. X 11:39 AM,

    Jesus was tribeless in a sense. He was rejected by more of His own people than He was accepted by.

    Unaccountable government health agencies make me feel angry at times. Medicine and autism was my "red pill" subject in a sense. I don't like to feel disempowered in relation to unaccountable government health agencies.

    I am independent, but I lean decidedly more conservative. It's just that I think skepticism and criticism and accountability are or everybody and for every information source. Critical and skeptical thinking are habits of mind that ought not be tightly partisan, in my opinion. Accountability ought not to be selective.

    I have realized that I have been fooled to some extent. Not completely, but to some extent.

    I was already fooled by the other side when I was younger. It's much worse now than it was then.

    I think being fooled is inevitable, and it will always happen again, as long as I'm in this flesh. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last.

  147. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Whitehead: U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation, Weaponizing Everything

  148. 11:56 AM,

    Are you the Catholic who stalked Paul and tried to dox him?

  149. Anonymous12:59 PM

    J said @ 12:45 PM

    "I think being fooled is inevitable, and it will always happen again, as long as I'm in this flesh. It's not the first time, and it won"t be the last."

    Sounds very religious. IF, someone knows Christ as their Lord and Savior, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us in ALL truth. Sure we all stumble to some degree at times, but the Spirit is given to us so we can remain in the faith, and have a clear mind. I think we receive way too much info from the mass media. We weigh that in our thinking, rather than walking by faith.

    We ponder the justifiability of worldly things, rather than letting the Holy Spirit speak truth to an open heart.

    When the Lord returns, will He find faith on earth?


  150. Radical leftist site that goes by the name "Fire Boebert." I'm sure they are completely honest and objective. S/

    Anonymous @ 9:46 AM stated (in part):

    "I don't know if this is true. Did anyone else see this?"

    "Lauren Boebert was an Illegal Paid E$cort for "$ugarDaddyMeet dot com"

    "Boebert Had Two Abortions - One At Planned Parenthood"

    Question to Anon: If you don't know if it "is true," why are you posting such slanderous, unsubstantiated garbage?

  151. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I saw that RayB, and thought it was X trolling.

  152. Anonymous1:43 PM

    If Globalist tool Liz Cheney was truly 'loyal' to the Constitution...

    She would be more OUTRAGED over a STOLEN presidential election on November 3, 2020...

    Than she is was over demonstrations AGAINST that stolen election on January 6, 2021.

  153. Anonymous2:07 PM

    It's not completely "unsubstantiated garbage". There is some evidence and this blog is largely discussing conspiracies which are speculative by nature. Is this another GOP conspiracy to discredit a sitting congresswoman or is it a fact about Lauren Boebert?

    "BOMBSHELL Lauren Boebert Report Exposes Serious Dirt Hidden In Her Past"

  154. Anonymous2:08 PM

    This is what it looks like when crime no longer has consequences

  155. 12:59 PM,

    The Bible is not about all truth about every subject. It's about all truth about redemption. Redemption. Redemption is the theme of the Bible. All scripture is profitable for training in righteousness, because righteousness has to do with redemption, although redemption is a cause and not an effect of righteousness.

    To believe that the Holy Spirit will guide a Christian into all truth about literally everything - not just redemption and righteousness - is too be easily over confident. This over confidence may be placed into a sect or a cult. Or it may be placed in one's own imagination and perception.

    We see the little picture. God sees the big picture. We see through a glass darkly. God sees the present and the future clearly.

    My humility is about myself, not about the Holy Spirit. I know I am a work in progress, and I know I am a social being who can be influenced by social and political influences.

    I know I exist in a geographic location, in a time in history, with limited direct experience and with a limited capacity to process the information explosion. I know I have a personality, a biological sex, an age and a personal background.

    God is not limited. God doesn't change. I am limited. If I don't change, I don't grow.

  156. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Nearly everyone in government has 'Hidden Dirt'. Sometimes deep, and smelly-nasty mud.(see below)

    Well, at least Joe and Hunter Biden are clean. Except the rampant immorality, and much, much criminal activity. Well that, and the fact Joe seems evil as FK.

    The Clintons are clean. Never killed nobody. But Hillary evil as FK.

    The Bush family is clean. Well, except for that Lucifer worship stuff. And blowing shit up!

    Obama is clean. Well except the assassinations(also,see Clintons), ineligible to serve as president, and the downlow stuff. Real messy nasty LOW! And evil as FK.

  157. Anonymous2:29 PM

    12:59 PM
    Perfect comeback.

    It is never right to stand with known evil, politics is aligned with that these days.
    The globalist socialist left and globalist RINO right are who are pretending the care for this republic while they throw it overboard. Bad actors while they're at it too.
    Cheney, Kinzinger, are not standing with us, they are protecting their own.
    And I have to stand apart from them, with fewer and fewer good choices where to stand every day.

    The consolation is this world is not my home. Where Jesus is is where I long to be.
    Deliverance is coming.

  158. Anonymous2:35 PM

    2:25 PM J

    How depressing!

    If the Holy Spirit is alive in you, you can extrapolate from scripture much wisdom. The Spirit shows me wonderful things often.

    Try just asking! God is good.

  159. Anonymous2:43 PM

    God gives grace to the humble, but resists the proud.

    I need that grace, and to humble myself.

    God loves you, and cares about you J.

  160. 2:43 PM,

    Thank you.

  161. 2:35 PM,

    Yes, God has answered many of my prayers, and God is good.

    Even when prayers seem unanswered, sometimes it's just because it takes a while for things to get worked out.

    I do pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me into insights, wisdom and problem solving - in my private life. If I were to share, I would share it as a story about my experience, not supposing that others should find me to be speaking as if I were a Holy Spirit inspired Apostle living after Pentecost in the first century. Nor do I expect all my political opinions to be regarded that way, by myself or by any others.

    We must always be skeptical towards what we think the Holy Spirit may be showing us and use Scripture as a check and balance on it.

    The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing. The main thing is redemption. Not national salvation. Individual redemption.

  162. Is it fair to say that most people who comment here do actually believe in American national salvation - or the lack thereof - as a part of end times prophecy?

    In other words, do you believe that in the past, America was blessed by God, while now America is punished by God.

    Is this because of a supposition of a special national status in God's eyes, something akin to ancient Israel?

    Or is that a misunderstanding? It's not a rhetorical question. I'm asking because I don't know.

  163. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sounds kind of like you are caught in the fray, and sounds a degree, but still sounds like leaning on your own understanding somewhat. Peter had the faith to get out of the boat and walk on the water to Jesus, until he noticed the raging waves. Good thing for faithful Jesus right there in time of need! he put his eyes back on Jesus to his safety, so we have to stay focused too.. So yes, that takes growth and glad you acknowledge you need that, J. Where real growth happens is in difficulty, and the difficult choices that come with, as I am having to learn myself..

    It's a given that political trend of today is to take the easy route, Pelosi and crew are the ones doing the "hard part" for us peons--while they protect us supposedly. And it's sweeping people away who don't know where they stand. TPTB have thought of everything head of time for us, isn't that nice of them? Yikes. They are about their own bottom line. Not ours. RINO's helping Pelosi are not our friends in the least. "Goodship DC", with cameras rolling, are headed away from safety, not to it. Justice is not found in that cesspool and those swimming in it, and not rocket science to understand, given the track record. I must keep questioning--asking hard questions, about, well...everything! Tomorrow's grace and answers will be there..tomorrow, so go with today's promises from the Lord until then, right?

    Jesus' words, not mine, He said all truth--that's every single day, 24/7 guidance...for the asking.
    John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come. Do we really believe these words Jesus spoke or not is the question. (we can be so fickle sometimes-repent and go back to being humble enough to ask I find I must do).

    It's humbling to ask--the confidence is in Him wisdom and strength, not ourselves, and you and I both know this.
    One thing is certain in this uncertainty, political theater is the farthest thing from the truth right now.
    Like this depicts for us:

  164. Anonymous @ 2:07:

    So you consider the YOUNG TURKS to be objective when it comes to judging anything or anyone that is considered to be conservative? ROFL !


  165. J,

    America, as a NATION, is in the Bible ... as are all other nations:

    "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." - Psalm 9:17

    "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." - Proverbs 14:34

    PS: Just a suggestion regarding your 2:25 PM post: Take the time to read the entire 119th. Psalm for a thorough description as to the benefits of believing, and, applying, God's Word in our lives. Also, Proverbs contains an awful lot of applicable truth and wisdom.

  166. Anonymous3:40 PM

    America is going the way of all men, all civilizations, before it.
    Men and nations die. No special status for us either.
    Salvation is only in the Lord. And He has a plan in place, in the here and now, and in forever.
    I think it is the end times according to Scripture. There are some parallels to ancient Israel, like a micro picture morphed by time into a macro sized one, so to speak, but I don't have all understanding of that. That is a guide to a degree but I still have to take every day steps, understanding or not.
    America is not mentioned in the Bible. I think it doesn't have to be named to understand where this nations stands in it's day and time. These times are telling us about ourselves, what God above sees as He looks upon the affairs of men, and people can agree with me or not, that I don't have to care about, but I do want to keep looking on the horizon.
    My faith needs nourished. Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of my faith, like my children used to looked up at me, I look to my Father in heaven...
    I just know I can't worry and trust at the same time.
    So trusting God instead of what I see, known to me, or not, is all I really know to do.
    J, you are a blessing, one reason why I like to come here, sharing is good..and I see your faith, like mine, still needs to grow. Your questions are good, and only need more time for answers...stay open to the Lord, rest and wait on Him, is all you really need. Don't let others discourage you, nor let anyone of us sway you-----the Lord, Who loves you, wants your time and attention, and has those answers you are looking for.

  167. Anonymous3:53 PM

    3:10 PM at J

    I was typing and just now read your response above. I hope I am not sounding redundant as you gave a good answer in your post but hopefully you see I am echoing the same as some others are answering you and you answered yourself.
    On the same page......that's a good thing.

  168. Anonymous4:21 PM

    To J @ 3:15 PM
    Re: "Is it fair to say that most people who comment here do actually believe in American national salvation - or the lack thereof - as a part of end times prophecy?"


    We are all individuals. Of course, I am only speaking fo myself... but, I don't believe that there is any 'group think' on this blog ~ regardless of those who want to believe that this blog is made up of 'qanon vs NON-qanon'. Personally, I have never met a 'qanon' person in real life... and wouldn't know one if I tripped over him / her in the grocery store, or at church.

    That being said, I personally do not 'believe in an 'American national salvation' either.

    Here is what I DO believe...

    The battle between good vs evil has been going on since Adam & Eve were tempted by Satan (disguised as a serpent) who tempted Eve, who then tempted Adam, to disobey God by eating the forbidden fruit... along with his 'promise' (the big LIE!!!) that "Ye shalt be as gods."

    My point is that we Christians KNOW that this battle between good vs evil will continue until the end of time.

    That being said... this doesn't mean that, while we're still living here on this Earth, we can't express our outrage over a stolen election... or outrage toward those who continue to cover up the crime... and demand justice (since I also believe that God helps those who help themselves).

    Meanwhile ~ yes, of course, we ALL need to continue to have faith, humble ourselves... and pray, pray, pray.


  169. Anonymous5:53 PM

    @ RayB 3:28

    Since when did objectiveness become relevant when analyzing sources? The Young Turks have been around since 2005. Longevity alone gives them more credibility than the qanon espousing articles from sources you often cite.

    Did you even watch the video? They stated clearly they didn't know if the articles over at fireboebert dot com were true so they were simply reporting on the rumor. Unlike citizenfreepress and, they don't jump to conclusions.

    You really should watch the video before offering up such blanket repudiation.

    But now it appears you fully support a congresswomen that apparently killed two of her babies and worked as paid e$corts as long as they are republican. I guess you are more woke than me. If you were really "apolitical" you share in my suspicion and want to get to the truth of the matter versus just dismissing outright based upon a source. It's not like you KNOW for sure it's not true.

  170. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Texas Republican beats Democrat to become the FIRST Mexican-born congresswoman to serve in the House: Migrant Mayra Flores (backed by Elon Musk) thanks Trump after her win and says under him 'we did not have a mess in this country'

    Republicans flipped a Democratic-friendly Texas Congressional seat with Mayra Flores beating Dan Sanchez

    Flores will be first Mexican-born member of House and first Republican Latina from the state of Texas

    Trump victorious after his preferred candidate ousted impeachment backing Rep. Tom Rice in South Carolina

    Rep. Rice had been one of 10 House Republicans to vote in favor of Trump's second impeachment

    While Rice was losing his South Carolina race, Republican Rep. Nancy Mace held onto her seat despite Trump backing challenger Katie Arrington

    Nevada voters picked the Trump-backed Adam Laxalt to appear on the ballot against endangered Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto

  171. Anonymous6:34 PM

    4:21 pm

    Did the Holy Spirit tell you the election was stolen? Everyone else in the world is catching on that THAT was also a "big lie" and just a con perpetrated by Trump to raise money and avoid the earned label of a one-term loser (which he, in fact, is).

    Trump knew. His campaign knew. His lawyers knew. They all knew he didn't win the election so perpetuating Trump's known lie is really lying.

    Are you a liar?


    p.s. - Have you not watched the Jan 6th hearings? Seems to me willfully avoiding the conclusions of an in-depth bi-partisan investigation just so you can continue willfully lying about the election despite all the evidence to the contrary would be just foolish. I know it's hard to realize you've been deceived and you participated in such an evil Trump cult of personality but truth is truth.

  172. Anonymous7:06 PM

    For all you qanon espousers like RayB and others that claim that aren't qanon and they don't know anyone that's qanon meet Congresswoman Mayra Flores...

    Another Republican Who Has Promoted QAnon Is Headed to Congress: Mayra Flores aligned herself with conspiracy theorists during her successful campaign to turn a historically Democratic Texas district red

    Excerpt: It’s also significant because Flores has promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that the United States is run by a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who would — or still will — be brought to justice by Donald Trump. Media Matters points out that Flores frequently adds “#Q” and “#QAnon” to her social media posts, as well as “#wwg1wga,” shorthand for “Where We Go One, We Go All,” a QAnon slogan.

    Flores has denied she believes in QAnon, telling the San Antonio Express-News that she’s “always been against any of that.”

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), the most prominent QAnon supporter currently in Congress, has made similar denials. Her win in 2020 was alarming given the litany of outlandish conspiracy theories she’d pushed in the past, from the idea that 9/11 was staged, to the idea that California wildfires were started deliberately by Jews, to several theories revolving around Democrats and pedophilia. These types of ludicrous, unfounded claims have since worked their way into mainstream conservatism, and it’s no longer shocking for Republican congressional candidates to have pushed any number of unfounded conspiracy theories — including, of course, that the 2020 election was fraudulent.

    There’s no evidence Flores has articulated any of these views, but it’s nonetheless concerning that she doesn’t seem to have any problem aligning herself with QAnon. Her decision to do so is another reminder that the conspiracy theory and all of its tendrils aren’t only flourishing on the fringes. QAnon followers are now a core demographic many Republicans feel they need to court as they vie to win a seat in Congress. Flores will still have to win the general election in November to retain the seat beyond the remainder of Vela’s term, but for now, at least, conspiracy theorists can rest easy knowing they have one more ally in Washington.


    p.s.- The moderate heavy Democrat district was "redistricted" by the GOP to make it much more red so this GOP victory wasn't unexpected. At least Flores has a college degree which she received in 2019. Further, Tom Rice was a decent and very experience 64 year old congressman who has been married to his first wife for 40 years. He loses to twice divorced Trump neophyte Nancy Mace, who left her husband in 2019 to date software entreprenuer Patrick Ryan. Patrick and Nancy are now engaged to be unbiblically married.

  173. Anon 5:53 PM wrote:

    The Young Turks have been around since 2005. Longevity alone gives them more credibility...

    CNN has been around even longer, e.g. Yet this infotainment medium continued perpetuating the falsehood surrounding the Steele dossier ('Russian Collusion'; "Putin's puppet" ad nauseum), and, as far as I know, to date they've yet to retract and/or correct their statements in this regard. So, longevity means diddly.

    But, to be fair, CNN occasionally actually reports news. TYT? Not so much.

  174. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Hey, X... just WHEN did the 'Holy Spirit' tell YOU that the election was NOT stolen? LOL

    You are so busy being an obnoxious, hateful TROLL with your 'scorched earth' toxic typing... tirelessly attempting to divide and conquer. (Actually, you give us the impression that you have more room in your 'heart' for the devil.)

    My research, logic and common sense all reveal to me that the election was indeed STOLEN... none of which needs to be explained or justified to YOU (although I have posted endlessly on the subject).

    Sorry you don't have the ability to think for yourself. It must be awful to be you.

    Go away, X. Please crawl back under your rock...

  175. Anonymous7:17 PM

    X wouldn't know 'truth' if he tripped over it. LOL


  176. GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Announces She is Introducing Bill to Make it Illegal for Children to be Exposed to Drag Queen Performances

    NOTE: Will the Death Cult Drag Queen Democrats even allow this bill to get past a committee? If it did make it to the floor for a vote, how do you think the Democrats will vote? Does the question even need to be asked?

  177. Anonymous7:22 PM

    It must really gets under X's skin that...

    Our NEW Texas REPUBLICAN Congresswoman, Mayra Flores is backed by ELON MUSK... and that she also thanked Trump after her win... stating that, under him, "we did not have a mess in this country."


  178. Trump is finished ... he's done ... stick a fork in him!

    Oh wait. Hold the phone. What were the results of yesterday's primaries?

    Trump-Endorsed Candidates 129-8 in Primaries After Big Wins in SC, NV, ND

    NOTE: How is it looking for the Death Cult Democrats for this November?

    In the words (and hands) of an old Italian friend of mine: "She no lookid so good."


  179. (Supposedly) fully 'vaccinated' along with two boosters ... loves wearing the mask ... yet ...

    Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Coronavirus

    PS: I'm highly skeptical that ANY of these elitists were actually jabbed with the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' Jabbed? Yes. But how do we know what they were being jabbed with at their high profile photo ops?

  180. X @ 10:41 AM,

    Who are the “peers” in the “peer review”? Is this kinda like some of the “peer reviewed” studies published in ‘esteemed’ medical journals (Lancet, e.g.), whose former editors have now characterized as tainted due to Big Pharma $$$$$$$$$$$$ influence? Could the same not be said of the whole arena of ‘Climate Science’, especially in light of Climategate from a few years ago (“We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.” – read the whole piece and/or do a word search for this quote)?

    And, no, Heller does not rely totally, or even largely, on Bourke in that vlog.

    More than once you’ve made the charge that Heller is a ‘paid climate skeptic’ or something to that effect. Can you provide any sort of proof that he’s been paid by someone?

  181. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dr. FAUX-chi (and other Globalists 'elites') received a saline injection... rather than a Covid injection.

    ('Vaccines for thee, but not for me'???)

  182. ^ link for above:

  183. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Does the Holy Spirit give you His permission to spread unsubstantiated tall tales (gossip), x, about people you're politically in disagreement with?
    Did the Holy Spirit show you that BLM/Antifa is doing God's work to bring about His justice so you can find reasons (excuses) for their crimes?
    Does the Holy Spirit want you to enable baby killers and those who are helping kids maim themselves for life by changing their gender as you hail Biden as your Cyrus King bringing these egregious behaviors into the mainstream but publicly dissed Rosario Butterfield on this blog for the stand she has taken against the lesbian lifestyle she was once in?

    Because that is who you get behind, the extreme Left, while you're very silent about their grievous sins, but get very loud, obnoxiously so, about your mere speculations, unproven fodder, about Conservatives you think are morally wrong.

    Is the Holy Spirit partial in His judgments as you obviously, loudly, are?

  184. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Quick-witted DeSantis says he 'welcomes support from African Americans' after Elon Musk said he would vote for the Florida Governor after voting Republican for first time ever in support of Mayra Flores

    The comment from DeSantis, a conservative known for his anti-woke political policies, came at a news conference delivered at Madeira Beach on Wednesday

    The well-timed remark drew laughs from the crowd, and added fuel to the fervor surrounding DeSantis' rumored presidential aspirations

    Hours before, Musk had announced he was leaning toward DeSantis as a potential president and there will be a 'massive red wave' in November elections

    Musk has described himself as a moderate in recent years but has showed a shift to conservatism in recent months

  185. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Rayb said: I'm highly skeptical that ANY of these elitists were actually jabbed with the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' Jabbed? Yes. But how do we know what they were being jabbed with at their high profile photo ops?

    Question to Rayb: If you don't know if it is true, why are you posting such slanderous, unsubstantiated garbage?


    p.s.- The Holy Spirit points me to scripture. Such as:

    Exodus 20:16, “You shall not bear false witness…”

    Proverbs 6:16-19, “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him…a lying tongue…a false witness who breathes out lies…”

    Colossians 3:9, “Do not lie to one another…”

    Ephesians 4:25, “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor…”

  186. Anonymous8:45 PM

    BOOM! (Mic drop?)...

    Following Historic Win Mayra Flores Calls Out Socialist AOC and Her America Last Policies

  187. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Now, X... just ask yourself this question: Why would the 'elites' (like FAUX-chi) want to take a vaccine that they KNOW is dangerous (long term) for their health?

  188. Anonymous8:49 PM

    After all, we (the masses) are the 'useless eaters' on the planet.

  189. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Oh, do be careful... we don't want X to 'wake up' and start connecting dots. (LOL)

  190. Anonymous8:51 PM

    He did not post it as fact x. He showed it was speculation. Just opinion does not make it a lie.
    You post as you are the truth teller of truth tellers and the rest of us are all wrong, at all times.
    Your opinions are facts, according to you. So you could be the one doing the actual lying.
    To me, you reek of self-righteous arrogance calling others liars when they aren't even doing that. And yes, that is my opinion.
    Opinions are like navels. We all have one.
    Just admit your posts are your opinions and we will be fine with it.

  191. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "The world according to X"...

    X views this blog as HIS 'world' (and we just happen to be living in it). LOL

  192. Anonymous9:03 PM

    8:27 PM
    X, Just so ya know.....your non-answer is an answer.

  193. Anonymous9:15 PM

    At noon'ish today Rayb said: As the Democrat-run January 6th Committee goes to great lengths to present their unifying theory of insurrection surrounding that fateful day in 2001, Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger has debunked a Democrat allegation that a GOP lawmaker, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), ran a reconnaissance mission inside the Capitol one day before the riot." Grasping at straws ... (i.e., if there isn't any evidence, make some up)

    It appears Manger was misinformed or his investigation was incomplete as there is the following video showing exactly what this officer claimed didn't happen. Loudermilk's story has changed multiple times too and he refuses to answer for his behavior. This video clearly shows a person casing the joint.

    Loudermilk Footage


    P.S. - One of the worst parts of the Trump era is the inescapable realization just how many truly awful and dumb people walk amongst us. The more criminal and underhanded Trump becomes...the more the nazi qanon death cult seem to love him. Notice "apolitical" Rayb who was recently trying to distance distancing himself from Qanon celebrating Trump's GOP primary victories as Trump further destroys the Republican party with absolutely crazy candidates across the board who Trump hopes will name him King. It's pure delusion but how do you fix stupid. Stupid does what stupid does.

  194. Anonymous9:23 PM


    There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder

    It’s official: The Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

    In an explosive development, the Biden administration confirmed that a Russian government agent with close connections to Donald Trump’s top 2016 campaign official “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and [Trump] campaign strategy.”

    This revelation demolishes, once and for all, Trump’s ceaseless claims that he was the victim of the “greatest witch hunt in the history of our country.” (Recall that a Trump appointee directed Robert Mueller to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.”)

    But just how valuable was the polling and campaign strategy data that Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, gave to a Russian agent?

    According to Brad Parscale, Trump’s election data guru, the information that Manafort handed directly to Russian intelligence was of critical importance, determining “98 percent” of the campaign’s resource allocations (such as spending on TV, radio and social media ads, rallies, field operations, and so on).

    Indeed, the data was so important that Parscale kept a visualization of the information on his iPad at all times, allowing him to tell then-candidate Trump where to conduct his next rally at a moment’s notice.

    According to the then-Republican-led Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the ultrasensitive campaign information that Manafort passed to a Russian spy “identified voter bases in blue-collar, democratic-leaning states which Trump could swing,” including in “Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota.”

    Moreover, the Russian intelligence officer who received the information “was capable of comprehending the complex polling data.”

    That leaves a lot of unanswered questions as to what Russia’s spies did with the information.

    Perhaps worse, Trump ultimately pardoned Manafort. Trump’s potential political rivals would be wise to remember that he handed the ultimate political favor to the man who colluded with Russia amid Moscow’s campaign to undermine American democracy....


  195. X,

    Was it the 'Holy Spirit' who led you to write these words in your P.S. @ 9:15 PM:

    the inescapable realization just how many truly awful and dumb people walk amongst us

    the nazi qanon death cult

    crazy candidates

    but how do you fix stupid

    Stupid does what stupid does

  196. Anonymous9:48 PM


    Please don't be naive. There's a whole lot more money in supporting the oil and gas industries (and carrying water for the politicians they support) than in being an actual climate scientist. Sure...overreaction to climate change can be profitable for some people but that's FUTURE money...right now, the oil and gas industries have the money and thanks to Trump's bungling policies and trade agreements (negotiating a two year production cut with OPEC to save US Oil companies) we are seeing some of the consequences of the Trump administration buying into climate science denial.

    Tony Heller was an attendee at a private meeting also attended by Trump’s EPA Transition team lead Myron Ebell on Capitol Hill. E&E News reported that the event was not open to the public or to the press and Ebell refused to give any details. The event was hosted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and held in the hearing room of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee. The EPW committee is chaired by Senator James Inhofe who, like Trump, has described human-caused climate change as a hoax.

    DeSmog reported that the event featured the “Who’s Who of Climate Science Deniers.” Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts, who spoke at the event, also wrote that the meeting was a gathering of the Cooler Heads Coalition and then listed some of the participants on Facebook:

    Names mentioned included:

    Tony Heller
    Tim Ball
    Fred Singer
    Ken Haapala
    Craig Rucker
    Randy Randall
    Steve Milloy
    Marc Morano
    James Delingpole
    Chris Horner
    Myron Ebell
    Tom de Weise
    James Taylor
    Pat Michaels
    Austin Smithson
    Brandon Middleton
    Marlo Lewis

    DeSmog also noted that three of the attendees—Myron Ebell, Randy Randol, and Steve Milloy—had all been part of the Global Climate Science Communications Team in the late 1990s, a group organized by the American Petroleum Institute. According to an early memo, the group said “victory will be achieved when […] Average citizens ‘understand’ (recognize) uncertainties in climate science; recognition of uncertainties becomes part of the ‘conventional wisdom’.”


  197. X,

    You wrote: Please don't be naive. There's a whole lot more money in supporting the oil and gas industries (and carrying water for the politicians they support) than in being an actual climate scientist...

    I see; so, you don't have any evidence. Then stop lying.

  198. Anonymous9:56 PM


    If it's not stupidity then you tell me why when Nixon left office in shame he became a pariah but Trump leaves in shame and people want to double-down on the worst President and administratioon in American history.

    He's a well-known and fully documented liar yet people believe his lies without him providing a shred of evidence and the more you show people the lies the more they like him.

    Trump handed the judiciary to the Pope and filled the White House to the brim with false teachers of every sort, yet self-proclaiming Protestants still adore the reprobate.

    This week Republicans are going nuts trying to distract anyone and everyone from watching the Jan 6th committee preliminary reports, why, it's not like truth makes any difference to them.

    Crazy stupid is the only thing left to call it.

    It is what it is.


  199. Most Learned Dr. X:

    I merely stated that I am personally "SKEPTICAL." Therefore, I did not make any statement claiming this info to be factual. (I'm kind of surprised that someone with your advanced educational training would not know the meaning of the word "SKEPTICAL." After all, you are a Dr., right? You told us you are so we have to believe it).

    Listen up good Dr. You are about to learn a new word. Here it is straight from the Cambridge Dictionary:


    adjective mainly US (UK usually sceptical)
    UK /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ US /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/

    doubting that something is true or useful:

    Many experts remain skeptical about/of his claims.

    More examples:

    I'm a bit skeptical about his chances of success.
    I take a more skeptical view.
    Dan thinks it will all work out but I remain skeptical.
    Ruth is convinced that it's a good idea but I'm deeply skeptical.
    I've always been skeptical about alternative therapies.
