Sunday, June 12, 2022

Prayer Request for Constance


Let's please continue to keep Constance in our prayers.  She has had a very bumpy week as she was admitted into the hospital in serious condition.  Today when I talked with her she sounded like she had gained some energy and a bit more like herself.   When she returns home I'll ask her to provide details of what she would like to share. 



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Anonymous said...

X resents Mrs. Tenpenny because she keeps reminding him his diploma cost him ten cents at Staples!

Anonymous said...


That you don't even question what the government, and it's many extended agencies, involved in healthcare (other aspects also) is alarming (for you). Corruption in government, in an especially corrupt age in the history of the world, should be something we at least have some trepidation and questions about with some natural discernment, but you sail along on "goodship" government with absolutely no thought about questioning it, just undying allegiance, and it's why you are the one easily, readily, deceived.

The conclusion must be that you are a shill for the government (and the many tentacles that reach inside and outside of it) because you aren't dumb. You're stupid, but you're not dumb. This butters your bread or you would at least, as a thinking person, would question at least some of it's far reaching, impactful, policies and practices upon the populace, but you obviously, and as expected by you here at this blog, only get louder to support it.
Something is wrong with your obsessive overt cheerleading, your 100% support 100% of the time, of all things government.

RayB said...

How are those 'sanctions' against Russia working out for the EU? The result? The EU is getting hammered with exploding energy prices, brown/black outs, hyper inflation, food shortages, supply chain breakdowns, etc., etc.

Energy Crisis: French Government to Restart Coal Plant After Power Company Tsars’ Warning

NOTE: In spite of the main stream media's propaganda, the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war was never in doubt. Ukraine's rag tag amateur fighting force would NEVER be able to defeat the highly trained, well equipped, modernized, professional Red Army. Everyone 'in the know' knew this, yet, America poured tens of BILLIONS of dollars into this lost cause. Why? You'd need the space of a book in order to list all of the beneficiaries of this war, starting with the military industrial complex, corrupt politicians, kick backs to our own politicians, etc., etc. While we in America are already suffering (with much more to come) as a result of Biden's 'sanctions' against Russia, the EU is really getting hammered with hyper inflation, a full blown energy crisis, food shortages, etc.

Russia is holding ALL of the cards. America fears a conventional war with Russia. We simply are not up to it, and, all of the advantages, including geographical, points to Russia. Think about this; America fought a war in Afghanistan for 18 YEARS, spent TRILLIONS of dollars, and was defeated. How on earth would we win a war against Russia (or China for that matter), while fighting on their strategically advantaged turf? Furthermore, while America's military became 'woke,' China and Russia made huge strides towards expanding and modernizing their already high tech weaponry. China knows this as well. They perceive America as old and weak. Why else would they be so bellicose regarding Taiwan?

IMO, this next year or two is going to be pivotal. Stay tuned. It's going to get very, very interesting.

Anonymous said...

As suspected --- Tenpenny new age NAR heretic. Strange fire indeed.

The gospel of Sherri Tenpenny: COVID-19 misinformation meets Christian nationalism: Her claims are discredited by scientists and politicians trying to stem the spread of COVID-19. But her appeal to faith has a constituency all its own.

RayB said...

Let's all collectively, as in RIGHT NOW, sincerely pray that Dr. Tenpenny becomes truly converted and becomes just like 'X,' because 'X' obviously is the type of Christian we all aspire to be.

ROFL !!!

Funny thing is, I am always impressed with Dr. Tenpenny's sincerity, humility, truthfulness, and of course with her vast medical knowledge, all attributes of which 'X' possesses ZERO.

Why is it I ALWAYS have the polar opposite reaction when reading ANYTHING that 'X' posts?

Let me put it this way; if given a choice to have a sit down conversation with either Dr. Tenpenny or 'X,' I would very much look forward to talking with Dr. Tenpenny, while the mere thought of conversing with 'X' one on one would be pure torture. I wouldn't even want to be in the same room with him out of fear of catching whatever it is that he has.

RayB said...

As is typical, X slanders and lies when he claims that Dr. Tenpenny is "As suspected --- Tenpenny new age NAR heretic."

From the LIBERAL, pro-Black Lives Matter, AP sponsored religious United Methodist rag, they write:

"Her spiritual outlook took a sharp turn in January of 2020, however, when she decided to leave her past as a “lukewarm Christian” behind.

“I finally said, ‘OK, God, I’m in — 100% in,’” she said."

IMAGINE THAT! HORRORS!! She admitted that she was a "lukewarm Christian" and repented !

Isn't it amazing how reckless X is in meting out his all-condemning, harsh, hate fueled judgment upon any and all that merely disagree with him?

Yep, sure thing. We all need to be a "Christian" along the lines of X !

Anonymous said...


Mighty haughty of you.

You really should repent and find yourself a church. That might help with your discernment issues.

I will continue to pray for your salvation. Time is of the essence.


Anonymous said...

As far as tenpenny's "truthfulness"...

I just tried to hold multiple keys against my body to see if they would stick because I'm supposedly magnetic according to Tenpenny. They didn't stick. I'm vaccinated but just not magnetic.

Dr. Tenpenny does not have any training, education or background in infectious diseases, immunology or microbiology which would lead one to think she has a clue about all of this. She’s board certified in osteopathic neuromuscular medicine and the woo-based integrative and holistic medicine. There is absolutely no indication that she actually has any kind of research, training or educational background in anything to do with vaccines, infectious diseases or epidemiology. She fails basic science here and her lies for profit are a good indication her supposed "fire for God" conversion is quite likely false.


Anonymous said...

X, we already knew that you are not 'magnetic'... but, it doesn't have anything to do with vaccines. (LOL)

RayB said...

X states to RayB:

"You really should repent and find yourself a church."

Perhaps you could recommend a 'church' like yours?

You know, like the one that you faithfully attend and described here on this blog.

The kind that has lots and lots of liberal folks like you that like to play golf, and supported Death Cult Biden the Baby Killer in 2020.

Yours is the type of 'church' that I find nauseating. But thanks for thinking of me.

RayB said...

I'm sure Dr. X is for the MonkeyPox 'vaccine' for children because Dr. Tenpenny is against it:

MonkeyPox Vaccine Has HIGHER Rates of Heart Disease Side Effects than COVID Vaccines and the CDC Wants to Inject them Into Your Children

Anonymous said...

4:21 pm - What is your beef with General Baptists?

Our General Baptist church leans a little reformed so even more conservative than others.

Verse by verse, word by word...every dot and every tittle expository teaching

You probably would find it nauseating.


Anonymous said...

4:15 pm -- way to walk past and try to steal my punchline. You must be the humorless qanonymous poster.


Anonymous said...

Do General Baptists believe that all are saved?

Anonymous said...


What Dr. Sherri Tenpenny says about the monkeypox vaccine would have no bearing on my thoughts and feelings on the subject. I dismissed Dr. Tenpenny 10 years ago when reading and researching a bunch of new age nonsense on

Dr. Tenpenny is not, in any way, an expert in the field of vaccines. She a crackpot. A quack. A charlatan who prays on the weak-minded for profit.

Surely you know someone in your real life that is vaccinated...carry a spoon or fork around with you and see for yourself whether it sticks to them magnetically or not. Run your own field observtions verifying Tenpenny's bogus claims. If even one of her claims is a straight up lie...can the same tree of disinformation bear any true fruits? Has she even recanted or repented of such debunked claims? I haven't done an exhaustive search so I can only speculate the woman hasn't recanted or changed her story once.

Another example of her murderous ways. In September 2021 she travelled extensively while suffering from covid like symptoms. Apparently living in denial and refusing to get tested she just pretended her covid was the flu and exposed other persons on planes and in airports to her deadly illness. I wonder how many people died as a result of her narcissism?

What kind of Christian does this? Did you do this RayB or did you at least have the decency to quarantine yourself when you had covid?

Sherri Tenpenny, leading 'disinformation dozen' anti-vaxxer, described having COVID-19 symptoms and getting on planes

Excerpt: ... Between August 26 and 29, after she first said she started feeling ill, she told listeners she had been at Bards Fest — a festival in Missouri billed as "an assembly of Patriots coming together to pray with truth." There, "just about everybody" got sick, she told her listeners on September 16. "They got what we would call conventional COVID," she said.

She said one attendee was hospitalized and died, which Insider was unable to verify. Tenpenny also described walking through an airport with shortness of breath, as well as other COVID symptoms, around the end of August. "I was really sick for about three weeks with diarrhea and profound fatigue and even though I powered through it I still wasn't feeling very well," she said on November 2.

"And what was the most difficult part for me was the shortness of breath, that I just felt like I couldn't take in a full deep breath. "And when I was going through the airport I would have to stop multiple times and kind of catch my breath and just felt this tightness in my chest."

She described the same symptoms, also experienced in an airport, on October 7. In the September 16 broadcast she described having taken several flights during a time period soon after the festival during which she was still unwell.

She said she treated herself with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, and colloidal silver — all unproven COVID-19 therapeutics that are popular with anti-vaxxers. The only thing that cured her, she said, was prayer — a prayer specially formulated to rid the body of the vaccine.

Anonymous said...

4:58 pm --- Of course not --- That's universalism, not any Baptist Church that I'm aware of.

I think you are asking if all can be saved = unlimited atonement

We're new to this church so not sure yet where they or I stand entirely on unlimited versus limited atonement.

Not a first tier issue - Arminianism vs Calvinism

General Baptists Churches are made of several denominations which can lean either way. Generally, they lean towards Arminian and unlimited atonement (4 point Calvinism).

Arminianism is a branch of Protestantism based on the theological ideas of the Dutch Reformed theologian Jacobus Arminius (1560–1609) and his historic supporters known as Remonstrants. Dutch Arminianism was originally articulated in the Remonstrance (1610), a theological statement submitted to the States General of the Netherlands. This expressed an attempt to moderate the doctrines of Calvinism related to its interpretation of predestination. The Synod of Dort (1618–19) was called by the States General to consider the Five Articles of Remonstrance.

I haven't decided. Our old church back in Tennessee and some of my favorite on-line pastors are more reformed (Calvinist - but not hyper-Calvinism). Either view should humble us all and serve to make us all the more urgent to undertake the Great Commission (our highest calling).


Anonymous said...


X is humorless as a bad case of hemorrhoids.

And double-minded and double-tongued as he can be.
If you want to be convincing about how wrong Dr Tenpenny is then show us your actual credentials, your doctorate, come out of the shadows and present yourself, if you are going to be so bold against professional others.
Be a professional yourself...then maybe we can talk.
Until then you remain what you present here--a bitter malcontent, unprofessional, progressive marXist, QuaXanon.
And add to that...chapter by chapter/verse by verse is no help when
your testimony here is so rotten because you do not obey it to begin with, X.
Preach to yourself.

Anonymous said...


I never said believe me because I’m a doctor. Read it for yourself. Test her vaccine magnetism yourself.

Further, I dismiss, debunk and criticize the same 20 supposed “professional” worldwide that agree with your position whereas you dismiss the recommendations and advice of maybe a million doctors worldwide who are full vaccinated and recommend their patients get fully vaccinated.

If anyone is lacking necessary credentials it’s the one making the most outlandish, off the wall and completely unsupported claims.

There was a time where the evidence had not yet been accumulated and documented that grifters like Tenpenny could capitalize on fear and doubt. She/they could exploit the gray unknown areas and speculate for profit. That ship has sailed. The vaccinated were already all supposed to be dead by now. Yet here we are..alive and healthy.


Anonymous said...

X @ 4:49 PM

Uh... exactly HOW does 'stealing your punchline' transfer to me being 'qanonymous'???

But, keep on posting. Your LACK of logic becomes increasigly evident every single day!!!

Anonymous said...

X, does your General Baptist Church know you "lean" far left Luciferian?

Anonymous said...

7:03 pm -- I have not told them about you. We all put on the Armor of God and face our own demons (or you're just deceived if I give you the benefit of the doubt).

Anonymous said...

6:10 PM
Nobody cares. Capiche?

Especially if you post it, because you have zero cred. You have no proof for your supposed facts. There's not a fact in sight in your post. We're supposed to trust it because you post it? What arrogance...

So, you are here because???

Rich said you're not here for the sake of the truth.
He's correct.

RayB said...

X stated @ 5:16 PM: (as usual, X is wrong again)

"Either view should humble us all and serve to make us all the more urgent to undertake the Great Commission (our highest calling)."

Yep, X sure is 'undertaking' the Great Commission, while he lies and recklessly slanders everyone and anyone that has the audacity to disagree with him.

I've known plenty of X religious types in my lifetime who tend to be very vocal about their 'beliefs.' Unfortunately, they do far more harm than good because their actions LOUDLY contradict the message that they THINK they are conveying. The one thing the world is very skilled at and that is this; they can spot a hypocrite a mile away.

In ALL of X's posts, I have never read even a hint of grace or love for the Lord, or, for people in general. All he ever does is gleefully attack others through his multitude of lies and false accusations. He is in violation not only of Christ's FIRST commandment, but the second as well:

"Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
- Matthew 22:36-39

Anonymous said...

Secret Service lead & presidential DRIVER are prepared to testify UNDER OATH that Trump did NOT grab steering wheel or lunge at agents to drive himself to Capitol on January 6th

BOBBY ENGEL, the lead agent on Trump's detail, and the presidential driver at the time are prepared to testify under oath to the committee that Hutchinson's testimony is INCORRECT, according to MULTIPLE news outlets

RayB said...

But, but, BUT ... X (the 'christian') enthusiastically supported Biden. Didn't X know that Biden was the Leader of a Death Cult? How could he not??

Death Cult Dear Leader Joe Biden Unveils 5-Step Abortion Action Plan to Kill Babies to “The Fullest Extent Possible”

Read the Death Cult Leader's plan here:

Anonymous said...

11:00 PM RayB

Interesting how this woman gets the "scoop" from someone else - she was not privy to this "information" first hand. So why isn't the guy she got the "information" from telling the "story" himself to the J6 committee? Who put her up to this, I wonder...

The Secret Service - actually present during this supposed incident with Pres Trump are willing to testify under oath that the "story" the J6 bunch wants to smear Trump with is false..TV cameras rolling, they continue to spin it ad hominem. The DC J6 bunch is shameless in it's bias.

May God soon bring the truth out into the open for all to see and know.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1:03 AM

It has since been pointed out that there is NO WAY that President Trump would have been able to 'grab the steering wheel'... as he does 'not ride shot gun'.

In other words, this is a LIE!!!

Anonymous said...

Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, Michael Stenger Dead After Testifying that the Jan 6th Capitol Riot Had PAID AGITATORS!!!


Senate Sargeant At Arms dies SUDDENLY DIES ONE DAY BEFORE Monday's surprise hearing!!!

Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger, who was in charge of securing the Capitol on January 6th, dies suddenly... just one day before the Capitol riot committee is set to call surprise hearing to present 'newly uncovered evidence'

Anonymous said...

It was pointed out that there was NO WAY that President Trump could have 'grabbed the steering wheel'... nor would it have been possible for him to have 'lunged' toward his driver, Bobby Engel on January 6th... as "the President does not ride shotgun" in that presidential limo.

Therefore, Cassidy Hutchinson LIED under oath yesterday... not to mention the fact that her testimony was based on heresay!!!

Red flag: If this story was true, why wouldn't Mark Meadows testify himself... instead of having his 'top aide' do it for him???


Secret Service lead and presidential driver are prepared to testify under oath that Trump did NOT grab steering wheel or lunge at agents to drive himself to Capitol on January 6th

Bobby Engel, the lead agent on Trump's detail, and the presidential driver at the time are prepared to testify under oath to the committee that Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony is incorrect, according to multiple news outlets

'I'm the effing president, take me to the Capitol now,' Cassidy Hutchinson, Mark Meadows' top aide, said Trump ordered

'Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We're going back to the West Wing, we're not going to the Capitol,' Hutchinson was told Secret Service agent Robert Engel said

'Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel,' Hutchinson recalled.

Hutchinson was revealed to be the surprise witness for Tuesday's last-minute January 6 hearing.

Hutchinson also testified that Trump was 'furious' that his armed supporters were not allowed into the official grounds for his Stop The Steal rally on Jan. 6th.

'Who cares if they have weapons, they're not here to hurt me,' the former president allegedly said.

RayB said...

I've been saying for a couple of years now that supporters of the Democratic Party Death Cult are actually, whether they know it or not, agents of Satan. Here's more evidence to support that claim:

Roe decision brings us incredible CLARITY on the LUCIFERIANS running the abortion child sacrifice cult

From the article:

"It’s all the same pool now: the left-wing vaccine pushers, abortion instigators, LGBT indoctrinators, child groomers, transgender genital mutilators, pedophiles and luciferians… they have become a homogenized group of death cult practitioners who feed on children while working to destroy every Christian person or pro-life on planet Earth."

"And now in the aftermath of the US Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, their inner demons have come out for all the world to see."

Read the article in its entirety here:

RayB said...

Death Cult Satanist Nancy Pelosi Receives Holy Communion at Papal Mass in Vatican

Why hasn't this Death Cult Heretic been officially excommunicated? Instead, she receives 'communion' in the presence of the Pope!

NOTE: The Official Catholic position on abortion is that it is an act of murder.
Those that support abortion, in any manner, are therefore complicit in MULTIPLE acts of murder. Why doesn't the 'pope' excommunicate ALL Catholic advocates of murder???

Anonymous said...

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says he will defend state's law making sodomy illegal if Supreme Court revisits case it ruled against in in 2003

Paxton said he had a Constitutional duty to defend Texas state law if need be

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, Justice Clarence Thomas suggested the body could re-litigate other landmark cases

During a television interview, Paxton was asked about 2003's Lawrence v. Texas ruling, which held that the state's ban on same-sex intimacy is unlawful

Despite that decision Texas has never officially wiped the law off its books

Texas is one of more than a dozen states with bans on abortion now

A judge temporarily blocked Texas' pre-Roe law that banned abortion Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Secret Service Denies Trump Attacked Them, Grabbed Steering Wheel

NBC News chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted on Tuesday night that two Secret Service staffers are set to testify that Trump neither lunged at the wheel of the presidential vehicle, nicknamed "The Beast," nor in any way assaulted them in a bid to get them to take him to the Capitol.

Donald Trump also took the opportunity on Truth Social to lash out once more at the House Jan. 6 probe as a farce: "Her fake story that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House limousine in order to steer it to the Capitol Building is 'sick' and fraudulent, very much like the Unselect Committee itself — wouldn't even have been possible to do such a ridiculous thing."

Anonymous said...

Pollak: L.A. Times’ 8 ‘Bombshells’ from Hutchinson Testimony Are All DUDS!!!

RayB said...

Don't miss this video! Greg Hunter interviews Dr. David Martin:

700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin

PS: Between 75 to 100 MILLION Americans will die from the dangerous side effects of this 'vaccine,' with even more suffering from increased serious illnesses.

Anonymous said...

Presented without comment....

Anonymous said...

RayB said...

What's With the Democrats' Abortion Obsession?

(It's not only that they are a Death Cult ... there's more)

Read it here:

RayB said...

Norway Is Tracking What Everyone Buys, And Biden Wants To Follow Suit In The United States

From the article:

"In an executive order issued in March 2022, the White House directed several federal agencies to study the creation of a programmable central bank digital currency. Within 180 days of the order, which falls in mid-September, a report will be issued indicating whether a central bank digital currency should be created in the United States. Although this might sound as though the Biden administration is unsure of what it will do regarding a central bank digital currency, all signs point toward Biden moving to create a new digital dollar."

RayB said...

Levin: ‘Stalinist’ J6 Committee Is ‘Second Biggest Farce’ After Russia Hoax

‘This committee has violated due process. This committee is withholding evidence. This committee is withholding exculpatory witnesses,’ Levin said.

“They bring this woman up to testify. She’s about 25 years old. Among other things, what did she say?” Levin asked. “That the president knew that there were going to be threats. The president knew that people might be *armed. The president knew there might be violence. Yeah! Which is exactly why the president offered the National Guard on Jan. 4, according to five eyewitnesses, of which she wasn’t one.”

* In spite of all the lies and disinformation (Pelosi called it an "Armed Insurrection"), the FBI testified that they found no evidence to suggest that there were 'guns' present on Jan. 6th. The one and only incident in which a gun was used, was when UNARMED Ashli Babbitt was shot and murdered by the uncharged Capitol policeman, who clearly used excessive force. Instead, the officer has been applauded for his 'heroism.' Why hasn't this issue been extensively investigated by this Committee?

RayB said...

Biden Says Turkey Will Get New F-16 Jets, Claims "No Quid Pro Quo" With Erdogan

This is a very good illustration as to how geopolitics actually works in the real world. When I first saw that Turkish President Erdogan was withholding his support for Finland and Sweden to join NATO (a highly provocative move against Russia), my first thought was 'what's the price for his support?' (Although Biden is denying that the F-16 Jets had 'nothing to do with' Erdogan's sudden flip, he's obviously lying. Furthermore, it probably cost a lot more than just the F-16s, as in boatloads of money for the corrupt Erdogan regime).

This is precisely how we conduct our foreign affairs. Virtually EVERY nation plays 'rich' America in the same manner. Our foreign alliances are bought and paid for, and it is often done in order to protect the interests of our multi-national corporations, and, mega banks. What's interesting is that Israel has recently been making overtures towards China. Always pragmatic, it is possible that Israel will ally itself with China, driven by the belief that China will soon be the main future superpower, replacing the decaying, bankrupt USA.

PS: The world knows that America is sliding into the abyss. IMO, we'll see more and more movements on the chess board as nations seek better alliances with nations such as China ... and RUSSIA. A huge shift is coming folks, and America is going to find itself on the short end.

Anonymous said...

Massive meat rendering facility with robotics, AI systems and railroad offloading integration raises eyebrows

A massive meat rendering facility is due to begin construction in Rapid City, South Dakota next year, with plans for its completion by 2026. The $1.1 billion facility is known as the, “Western Legacy Development Corporation,” and it promises to bring large-scale production to the beef industry, rendering an estimated 8,000 cattle per day.

Must read, as there is so much more to consider...

Anonymous said...

Biden says he would BACK killing the filibuster to codify abortion and insists 'I'm the president... that makes me the best messenger' on Roe v. Wade: Accuses Supreme Court of 'outrageous behavior' and 'destabilizing' the U.S.

President Joe Biden gave a half-hour press conference in Madrid on Thursday at the end of NATO summit

He said he would support a filibuster carve-out to pass legislation protecting abortion rights

'One thing that has been destabilizing is the outrageous behavior of the Supreme Court,' he said

Rights previously protected in Roe v. Wade, he said, should be codified into law

Biden also said he would be meeting with US governors to discuss the the issue on Friday

However, Sens. Manchin and Sinema both remain opposed to any sort of carve-out, dooming the move

He flew out of Madrid on Thursday afternoon at the end of a six-day trip to Europe that included a G7 summit

RayB said...

Very sad news ...

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Has Died

Read his obituary here:

IMO, Dr. Zelenko was a very great man that, in spite of intense opposition from powerful entities, steadfastly stood for the truth. When my wife & I became infected with COVID, we immediately began treatment, using the "Zelenko Protocol." His only goal was to help people, illustrated by the fact that he made the Protocol's ingredients available to the public for free on his website. We were able to obtain all of the ingredients for the "Protocol" from our vitamin supplier. Both of us fully recovered. It is beyond measure how many people Dr. Zelenko helped through his "Protocol," and, his knowledge that he was so willing to share.

Anonymous said...

America’s Frontline Doctors posted Dr. Zelenko’s obituary today...

Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, the man who discovered and implemented the treatment for Covid-19 that over the past two years has been responsible for saving millions of lives worldwide, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was 48.

RayB said...

Excellent analysis by JD Rucker:

Joe Biden Shoved America Even Closer to Nuclear War With Russia Today

NOTE: Instead of attempting to negotiate a peaceful settlement for this Ukrainian LOST CAUSE, Biden continues to ramp up not only the rhetoric, but also continues to increase the shipment of military hardware. What's more, by moving to include Sweden and Finland into NATO, the Russians continue to sense (rightfully so) that the West plans an encirclement policy of Russia. Virtually everything the U. S. is doing is counter productive to peace.

Russia has a long and proud history and they are convinced that they are in a battle for their survival. While cutting off all paths of diplomacy, the U. S. continues to maneuver this major, modernized military power (that happens to also possess the world's largest arsenal of modern nuclear weapons) into an untenable position. This is a sure recipe for disaster.

Perhaps this is exactly what the globalist elites want? Recall the wild eyed criticism that then candidate Trump received for merely suggesting the 'need to get along with Russia?' The false narrative that encompassed 'Russia-Gate' soon followed, along with the fraudulent dossier, etc. It was all fake, and the efforts to drive a wedge between the two countries never stopped.

After Trump was removed from power, the Warrior Biden immediately turned up the heat on Russia. Recall Biden referring to Putin, Russia's HEAD OF STATE, as a "killer/murderer"? This was a clear message to Putin and the Russian Government that Biden and the U. S. now considered Russia to be an ENEMY of the U. S. With the ongoing expansion of NATO, Putin was left with no choice but to invade the area of Ukraine that was on Russia's border. It also protected Russia's safe access to the highly strategic and all important Black Sea.

This entire scenario is extremely reminiscent of the beginnings of WW II in Europe, which easily could have been prevented. IMO, with each passing day, we are slipping closer and closer to an all-out conflict with Russia. If that happens, which side do you think China would be on?

Anonymous said...

Biden is pure evil!

The pope seems to like him.

Anonymous said...

The pure evil pope likes nervous Nancy as well.

Anonymous said...

Would not surprise me in the least with her "star power".
I've always thought the Obama's were a huge ruse, a sham.
Here's hoping her checkered past with many radicals catches up with her and her hubby soon, and that people are as alarmed as they should be, for what they have, and are, capable of.
We shall see.......

Anonymous said...

Will Barack be the First Gentleman to 'Michael'???

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Courage of Jan. 6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinson

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A hilarious meme of Cassidy Hutchinson has been going VIRAL since yesterday...

It shows Donald Trump squirting a one word message "DEBUNKED" across Cassidy's forehead from a squeeze bottle of Heinz catsup. (LOL)

Mic Drop!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, 2:29 AM

How much 'courage' does it take to LIE UNDER OATH???

Evidently, a LOT... because Cassidy Hutchinson could (and should!!!) be prosecuted for lying under oath (but probably won't because of the EVIL people protecting her).

RayB said...

At least we got rid of "Orange Man Bad"

Buttigieg Launches $1 Billion ‘Anti-Racist Roads’ Project

With the Federal Debt @ 'officially' $30+ Trillion (add another 200 or so Trillion for 'off budget liabilities'), what's another Billion? Wouldn't Mayor Pete make just a Dandy President? He's sooooo smart (AND ... bonus ... he's 'gay')!

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

11:11 AM

Clean up the language then try again.

Anonymous said...


As I explained to you last year, Dr David E Martin, Ph.D. Is not a medical doctor. He is a new age, UN affiliated globalist and futurist. I understand you don’t like Christians like me but surely you can see thru this man’s transparent fearful globalist agenda.

His Bio from Crunchbase:

“David Martin is the Founder of M·CAM®, an international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. Actively engaged in global ethical economic development, his work includes financial engineering and investment, and financial advisory services to countries around the world. He is the architect and founder of the GlobalInnovation Commons. His work on ethical engagement and stewardship of community is at the forefront of global financial innovation. Dr. Martin is a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business. He was Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN–affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and IFC. He was the founding CEO of Mosaic Technologies, and founder of Japan’s Institute for Interface Science and Technology (IIST). He has served as board member for global agencies dedicated to ethical human development. As international policy contributor, economist and futurist, Dr. Martin's work at The Arlington Institute included working with the launch of Singapore’s Risk Assessment Horizon Scanning initiative. He has received several honors for his contribution to domestic and international entrepreneurial activities. He maintains active research in the fields of linguistic genomics, fractal financial-risk modeling, and cellular membrane ionic signaling. He received his BA from Goshen College, MS from Ball State University and PhD from the University of Virginia.”

This video of Dr Martin, Ph.D. reminds me of what RayB probably looked like 20 years ago with all the hippy necklaces and new age double-speak.

A Blueprint for Change: David Martin goes all fools gold future dreaming.


Anonymous said...


1) Where are the 8 criminal referrals for PERJURY in response to the 8 LIES that Cassidy Hutchinson told UNDER OATH???

2) When will Cassidy Hutchinson's lawyer be DISBARRED???

3) Has Liz Cheney wiped all of that EGG off her face yet???

(Crickets . . .)

Anonymous said...

Defending the Lord from Maga Qanon anti-Christian Putin loving Luciferians like RayB and JD Rucker isn’t always easy polite work you can always do with kind words. I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall to watch Mrs Cumbey handle Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan or other heretics like Rick Joyner. Im sure she did/does a better job than I at confronting with love. I don’t suffer fools, grifters and liars at that well.


Anonymous said...

I think it is kind of funny Trump failed to lean into Hutchinson testimony. During his speech he promised to be there with them at the Capitol building riot leading the charge and failed to show up. Hutchinson gave him the perfect opportunity for excusing his cowardice and draft dodging “bunker Trump” mentality and blaming the secret service for sheltering him.

All he has done now is confirm his cowardice and lack of power.

It should be noted too that Hutchinsons testimony has yet to be contradicted on the record. Talk is cheap. Testimony is what matters. Who can or will negate her testimony under oath???


Anonymous said...

11:47. Ex-con Steve Bannon and the Maga homosexual gateway pundit giving anyone a lecture on perjury and honesty is kind of ironic, don’t have think?

Anonymous said...

12:00 PM X, slanderous lies!

Why don't you delete X's slanderous posts Richie?

You can turn on the television to almost any channel and hear worse than the one true, but to you offensive word from my post, that you deleted!

Anonymous said...

X is "defending the Lord from Luciferian RayB". But that's ok with Rich cuz he's a leftist Luciferian nut job like his micro mini celeb idol, Mrs New Age Luciferian Constance Cumbey!

Anonymous said...

"I don’t suffer fools, grifters and liars at that well"

Well, this entire blog suffers you.

Hutchinson's "testimony" is "to the effect of" hearsay (3rd hand no less) other words- gossip. Right down the J6 alley. And those actually in the presence of the President are ready to say she's full of it. If they even get the chance to say what they know 1st hand which contradicts her story, that is.

X, you have that Jerry Springer flair about you as you post, supposedly "presiding" over the truth, the way you play fast and loose with the facts---which equates to gossip and slander like the rejected staffer Cassidy Hutchinson (she wanted to go to Florida to continue working for Trump after she supposedly knew "bombshell" details--bitter people struggle with the truth because extreme bias skews their view too badly. She 's the one who bombed--in epic fashion. But, of course, you love it because of your TDS.

Take the Amazon forest out of your eyes and we'll talk...

Anonymous said...

12:42 PM

You are making a fool of yourself.

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM @ Ridiculous X

In other words, you don't believe her testimony either.

But haters gonna hate...

Anonymous said...

Has anyone thought about how religionist Cumbey was born into a cult family? Then after that idealist liberal churches? Perhaps that is why she picks and chooses the New Agers she is ok with?

The New Age is a Juggernaut that interfaces with virtually everything at some level. Mrs Cumbey rolls with the worst of it! And Richie is her little pet doggy.

Anonymous said...

No, actually not 12:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Now the liberal Idolaters will slither out!

Anonymous said...

I haven’t seen her testimony yet as I’m traveling on business and pleasure in Mexico at the moment but intend to when I get stateside. She’s probably being honest but may be controlled opposition, she worked for new age republicans after all so it’s not like she has a perfect history. So far the whispers and contradicting statements of trump and others not under oath or on the record don’t sway me but we shall see.

Other things I look forward to reading up on is Clarence Thomas’s tax evasion and also the what I hear was an disastrous EPA case seeking to destroy our country even further.


PS - I haven’t lied here ever.

Anonymous said...

Your life is a lie, x.

You claim to be a believer, yet you stand with the enemies of the Lord and you're an accuser the brethren, non-stop, just like the devil you follow.

Anonymous said...

Interesting opinion….As you accuse the brethren.

I see you standing with evil and it grieves me that you can’t see such.


Anonymous said...

8:06 PM

I thought you were busy with a business and pleasure trip?

You are obsessed with this blog.
And grieve your own hard heart, Xtra obsessed x.

You accuse brothers and sisters in Christ shamefully here, proving you don't know how to be one yourself. If you are a brother in Christ you would have at least some remorse, at least sometimes, over that..but you don't.
You're no brother at all--just a hater--standing with the Lord's enemies.
Go drink your margaritas and play your golf and give this blog a small reprieve for once.

Anonymous said...

Free Masonry Unveiled

Nine part video series

Anonymous said...

Weirdo X, is back for more unrequited love (lol).
You know what they say...even a bad love is better than no love at all.
Poor guy is pretty lonesome...
God only knows why he's really here--Rich of Medford called it...he isn't in search of truth.

The research of this blog is meaningless to him. He's only here because he wants to vent his anger at Conservatives and those who voted for former President Trump. And shill for socialist global players (Leftist and RINO etc) and their heavy-handed, control freak, freedom killing causes, and the stuff Constance Cumbey (and others researching) spent years working to uncover and track about the globalist end game, but he promotes those very things---or he would have found some common ground by now.
He is as divisive as they come, discord is his calling card.

Anonymous said...

The ever humble: "X

PS - I haven’t lied here ever.

1:26 PM"

Blog Admin:
"X’s 10:12 AM post clearly exhibits a lying individual with credibility issues which leads me to question, what is your purpose here. It’s obviously not truth.

I may reconsider the once per week post limit as complaints mount.

10:41 AM"


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
RayB said...


PS - I haven’t lied here ever.

1:26 PM

Really? You claimed that I read and endorsed, on this blog, the Buffalo mass shooter's 'manifesto.'

I never read it, and of course never endorsed it.

YOU LIED. Just one among many ...

Anonymous said...


I never claimed you read it. The manifesto was endorsed by you because he hit upon all your speculative white nationalist talking points with regards to the waukesha parade tragedy.

An 18 year old kid goes to the internet and gets indoctrinated with lies, fear and hate by conspiratualists like you. That is not a lie.


Anonymous said...

9:12pm. And then I explained to Rich how he misunderstood the claim I was making.

Further… Rich is blog admin, not the arbitrator of lies. My opinion that Biden’s election caused the Dobbs decision that otherwise wouldn’t have happened has been my opinion here for several years and has been well described by me despite the manipulations of luciferians like RayB trying to insist I’m saying more than that.

If Trump had not lost in a landslide, republicans would have left Roe alone because it was still working for them to pretend to care otherwise.


Anonymous said...

10:39 pm

I’m sorry you appear to hate God, America and the US Constitution.

Lock him up.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I'm going to give one more notice regarding my moderation of comments here. Clean up the language or I will continue to remove posts without further explanation. Topics can be hotly debated without directing profanity towards one another.

Anonymous said...

That's special isn't it?

Even on his vacation x is here to fight with people?

Looks like his hatefulness just can't take a vacation.

And he is still trying to explain away his caustic, bombastic, ill-contrived response to give his idol Biden credit for overturning RvW. Sorry, that stank is stuck on you pal.

Get some help you loon!

Anonymous said...

x's 12:05 AM post is nothing short of vindictive and malicious...
Assumes a whole lot about people that doesn't apply, going way out of context to blame and accuse and castigate people without one shred of cause.
And displaying the M.O. of a stalker.
Uncivil, unkind, unchristian...this blog's common, everyday, parasite TROLL.

Anonymous said...

Bible in a toilet.

Progressive liberal socialists hate everyone not them.
And they want to take this ungodly behavior global too.

Evil continually...we are there.

Anonymous said...

10:51 am

Is that really your kind civil Christian assessment?

Vindictive and malicious? RayB made an erroneous claim and called me a liar when I haven’t lied here once (unlike him and his plethora of lies). Were his lies civil, kind and Christian? Seems inconsistent to try to correct me while letting all the others get a pass. Maybe it’s the qanon bias?

Internet lying matters. Improperly assigning and assuming racist motives to the Waukesha parade massacre perpetrator online by RayB and other white nationalists like him directly resulted in and motivated the Buffalo massacre perpetrator.

The buffalo kid even carved or wrote the names of Waukesha victims on his gun and included pretty much Rays exact words in his manifesto prior to hunting down & shooting black grandparents in a black area grocery store miles from his dumpy hometown.

For a supposed pro-life person he sure loves spreading fear and death via political propaganda (including covid)


Anonymous said...

Until blog moderator Rich limits X to one post per week, he is left wing nut job, and Luciferian, Constance Cumbeys chief lapdog.

X is the blog's biggest parasite troll ever. Multiple times more so than Christine ever was.

Stop being Big Chief Hypocrite Rich.

Either let Christine post as often as she would like, or limit both the same to once per week.

Anonymous said...

@12:45. Karen alert

Anonymous said...

X is the blog's Karen.
Might be writing from a prison cell for all we know.

The other one is mad at the world and needs to get over that.
But X is hate on steroids and he/she is unrepentant.

Anonymous said...

“call you out on your 'unnecessary roughness' play to call him a liar when we all know it's you”

Yet still unable to document a single lie.

Your Maga spidey senses deceive you. What infuriates y’all the most about me (and Mrs Cumbey) is you know we are really conservatives who just refuse to join your unGodly anti-Semitic Maga tribe.

We are who you pretend to be within your little radical Trump cult. It’s harsh on your cognitive dissonance. I understand and even sympathize with the struggle of those who have abandoned the narrow path. Repent and return to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the great commission.


Anonymous said...

1:22 PM Your life is a lie, pal, because you can't manage any civility, none, right in the face of what even you know, isn't true. Because none of us are 100% wrong, 100% of the time, as you accuse and berate others--you don't even remotely know. You lie when you treat us as though that is true. See? Liar, loon, loser, and most likely, and thus far, evidence from you says you're lost, too.

Well documented post to post...shame is, you might be the last to see it..if you ever do.
God help you.

Your empty words equal your empty scathing and bitter heart against people with whom you disagree. Very small of you monster ego, X. That's why we know you are here only to fight.
It was said of Christine she would stand and argue with wallpaper. She has come off of it.

But are shadowing boxing, fighting the very air.
You'll keep hating and posting it.
Will take you down someday.

Anonymous said...

Giving you a warning ahead of time, whoa.....but this fed up guy is flat telling it like it is to his own tribe (x's tribe).

RayB said...

ROFL !!! This is a LIE in and of itself!

X states re: RayB ...

"unlike him and his *plethora of lies"

*super abundance, over abundance, etc.


Be a man (or whatever you are) and copy and paste that proves that I have actually lied.

Also, you've called me a "Luciferian," a "Murderer," a "White Supremicist," a "White Nationalist," a "Racist," an "Anti-semite," a "Q-Anon" follower, a "Trump Worshipper," ... the list goes on and on.

Copy and paste specifics that prove your allegations. (there are none)

Otherwise, it is YOU that is the LIAR, in service of your Master Liar. ROFL !!!

Anonymous said...


Since this is Constance's blog, and Rich is filling in for her, everyone who posts here owes them both civility and respect.

Anonymous said...

5:32 PM

Yes they do.

Since x believes himself to be everyone's judge, jury, and executioner, he will continue to receive none.

Anonymous said...

Texas clinics halt abortions after state high court ruling

Austin, Texas (AP) — Clinics were shutting down abortion services in the nation’s second-largest state Saturday after the Texas Supreme Court blocked an order briefly allowing the procedure to resume in some cases, the latest in legal scrambles taking place across the U.S. following the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

The Friday night ruling stopped a three-day-old order by a Houston judge who said clinics could resume abortions up to six weeks into pregnancy. The following day, the American Civil Liberties Union said it doubted that any abortions were now being provided in a state of nearly 30 million people.

Anonymous said...

I have posted lists of lies, qanon posts and white nationalist posts made by RayB. I have refuted maybe a hundred lies RayB has shared from gateway pundit, natural news, jd Rucker,, citizen free press, etc, etc demonstrating RayB complete disregard of truthfulness.

Proof of RayBs loyalty to the trump cult is found in his dismissal of life saving vaccine, refusal to acknowledge he was duped by the big lie, his support of convicted felons associated with trump including the big lies within the 2000 mules made up controversy as well as refuting the plethora of testimony from republicans at the Jan 6th insurrection hearings.

I could go on and on listing your lies and I have some on my computer back home I will share once I’m done here handing out awards. Like your white nationalism was apparent when you were constantly sharing black crime stories as a dog whistle to other whites that they better stick to the white nationalist tribe or the black criminals were gonna invade their towns too. Or when you pretended to know the Waukesha perpetrator set out to deliberately kill white people that day.

I’ve known too many faux religious politicians in my time not to recognize another one by his written words. You have left the path of Jesus Christ (if you ever were on it) and appear to have succumbed to the new age Maga dark spirit. It’s the only way I can explain how lies can roll out your fingers without any remorse.


Anonymous said...

It seems the Mexico vacation is a bust since x is camped out here (LOLOL).

And he's bored out of his he puts the blog in a coma.

Happy 4th of July everyone!
To everyone except the weirdo dressed up in his Superman cape typing out his lonely drivel.

RayB said...

ROFL !!!

The Blog's Official Liar in Chief has NEVER copied and pasted one single "lie" that he has recklessly accused me of ... not once. Instead, what he posts are ARTICLES that I have referred to that HE disagrees with!

What this False Accuser considers to be a "lie" is any position that disagrees with him. For example; if you refuse to get jabbed with the demonstrably dangerous EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' and their endless subsequent booster shots, according to X, YOU ARE A MURDERER. That's exactly what this complete nut case has stated, in no uncertain terms, on numerous occasions.

X the Nut actually congratulated JOE BIDEN for the USSC reversal of Roe v Wade! Even Rich stepped in and pointed out his outrageous lie.

X defended the BLM/ANTIFA ambush MURDER of the Trump supporter in Portland and even had the audacity to falsely BLAIM the VICTIM for provoking the murderer. Then, X claimed that Trump "ordered" the Federal Marshalls to "murder" the BLM/ANTIFA murderer Michael Reinoehl in order to 'avoid a trial.' X never mentioned that Reinoehl began shooting at the Marshalls, who dutifully responded by shooting back!

Throughout the 'summer of love,' whereby BLM & ANTIFA terrorists, burned, looted, raped, murdered, & terrorized, X staunchly defended them, while blaming the Police instead for the mayhem.

I could go on, but why should I? Everyone already knows what he is.

RayB said...

Applying a very mild 'guilt by association leap of logic' that X typically employees...

X is in Mexico on a 'business trip,' during a time when THOUSANDS of flights have been delayed and or canceled. Yet X is able to 'travel' to Mexico.

Mexico is the operational base for cartels that deal in illegal drugs and human trafficking.

Hmmmmmm. Now I'm not implying anything here, but, what kind of 'business' is X involved with in Mexico? Unlike legitimate business owners, it does seem that X has an awful lot of spare time on his hands, as evidenced by the amount of time he spends in here ... very, very interesting.

Even though appearances appear to be leading us to conclude otherwise, we all must apply this edict: Innocent until proven Guilty. If we were to act in any manner less than that, we would be almost as guilty as X when he plays Cop, Prosecutor, Jury & Judge.

RayB said...

Good work Dear Death Cult Leader!

Massive Implications, Saudi Arabia in Discussion to Join BRICS Coalition – The Outcome Would be Global Energy and Economic Cleaving

"Predictions of $10 or more for gas just went to $20."

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares 7:46 PM.

Anonymous said...

Well I can add those RayB lies to the list as RayB lies as he takes knowing fictitious liberties with my previous opinions here.

You’re not a “murderer” for simply choosing quietly not to take the vaccine yourself while masking and socially distancing as best you can to protect others in 2021. When you lie, spread disinformation and make claims wildly overstating the very moderate risks associated with the covid vaccine (that have evidently paled in comparisons to the benefits it delivered) then you catch covid and pass it on nearly killing your wife and untold numbers of friends, family and neighbors all on behalf of bullheaded politics…it crosses the line into intentional negligent homicide’ish behavior to me.

Also Mike Reinhold or however you spell his name never fired a shot. Trumps marshal led lied. The official report said something like one casing was found in the back seat of the car but the gun that was in Mikes pocket had a full clip in it and no indication he had or could have switched out clips. I summarized and linked the reports long ago but it’s more important for you to keep your old lies going than read them. Further the Patriot pride Thug had pulled out bear spray and was attacking Mike first. Had Mike not defended himself he may have been disarmed and shot with his own gun. He had every bit the right to try to defend himself in court claiming self defense as Killer Kyle did in Wisconsin. We will never know if he may have turned out to be as innocent as killer Kyle since trumps men assassinated him. Nowhere do I claim Mike is a good guy but he was one of the good guys with a gun that night defending his city from outside racist agitators and heretics who were roaming portlands streets attacking people.

The victim merely reaped what he sowed.


Anonymous said...

I hope and pray Constance is back home and continuing to feel some better while she waits to get more treatment.
And thanks Rich for taking time out of your limited time to oversee things here in her absence.

Anonymous said...

No one seems to be asking the big question: WHY IS THERE A PILOT SHORTAGE???


Computer glitch sees TWELVE THOUSAND scheduled American Airlines flights left without pilots between Sunday and the end of July, as summer travel hell continues.

Chaos continues to swamp U.S. airports amid the busiest travel weekend since the pandemic with more than 600 flights canceled and nearly 2,900 delayed as of Saturday morning.

Leading cancellations was American Airlines, with 80 flights canceled so far, with Delta, United and Southwest all following behind as more than 3.55 million are expected to fly over the Fourth of July weekend.

On Thursday alone, the Transportation Security Administration screened more than 2.4 million travelers at airports on Thursday, up 17 percent from the Fourth of July Friday in 2019.

Since the hectic Juneteenth travel weekend, the U.S. has seen more than 12,000 flights canceled.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told Americans to seek compensation for their canceled flights like he did rather than discuss strategies to fix the chaos.

Anonymous said...

Pilots blame 'staff shortage' on covid vaccine mandate!!!

June 29, 2022...

Anonymous said...

More from pilots...

Pilots have slammed airlines for creating a chaotic travel season due to covid vaccine mandates.

One Southwest pilot said during a protest (which saw 1,300 Southwest employees picketing outside of Dallas Love Field Airport earlier this month) that he thought the mandate was the main cause. 'I believe it's because of the COVID vaccines - they're still requiring the vaccination for all new applicants and if the new applicants say they're not going to get vaccinated, their application is passed over,' Pilot Tom Bogart told News Nation. He said many 'highly qualified applicants' are being passed over due to not being vaccinated.

Craig said...

Interesting (undated) speech by Chomsky:

“…There are teachers who do stimulate thought, and sometimes they get away with it. And all the way through, if you just have people who are learning things, you can’t control—you can’t make them just regurgitate what they heard…”

Education Is a System of Indoctrination of the Young - Noam Chomsky

June 1, 2012
The Film Archives

RayB said...

Notice in 10:40 PM post, X describes the Trump supporter murder VICTIM as a "Patriot pride Thug," while addressing the cold-blooded MURDERER Michael Reinoehl on a first name, friendly basis, i.e., "Mike." (As usual, X also mislabels the VICTIM; he was a member of "Patriot Prayer," not "Patriot Pride.")

What actually happened, as revealed clearly in the enhanced video of the execution, along with witnesses and evidence that was gathered by the Police:

Aaron Danielson and a friend had just left a gathering of Trump supporters. It was early evening and they were walking peacefully down a Portland street when a companion of Reinoehl yelled "we have a couple of Trump supporters here." Reinoehl is seen immediately confronting the two Trump supporters and within a couple of seconds, Reinoehl fired two shots, killing Danielson. Reinoehl then fled the scene. Danielson's death was officially ruled an unprovoked HOMICIDE.

Michael Reinoehl described himself as "100% ANTIFA." He participated in numerous BLM & ANTIFA 'protests,' often being armed (illegally) and carrying a baseball bat. He openly advocated for a "civil war." He was a violent, Marxist, anarchist that was admittedly alined with both terrorist groups, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.

Again, look at the contrasts between the VICTIM and the MURDERER. Yet, X refers to the VICTIM (wrongly) as a "Patriot pride THUG," while referring to the MURDERER in a friendly, familiar manner; "Mike."

Personally I'm glad X is here. He reveals for all to see how the lunatic left mindset really works. He doesn't realize it, but he is doing far more damage to his radical 'cause' than any of us could possibly do!

Thanks for being here X !

Anonymous said...


Do you have a source for anyone labeling Jays death an “unprovoked” homicide or is that another one of your famous “apology Al” fabrications? Kenosha Killer Kyle was prosecuted for HOMOCIDE too. Provocation seems to me to be a question for the jury.

There was nothing “peaceful” about the fascist “protest” by (faux) Patriot whatever that day and the police report indicated jay was walking down the streets with a can of bear spray in one hand and a collapsible police baton in the other hand with a concealed Glock holstered somewhere too (I think illegal too).

Do you take peaceful strolls brandishing weapons?

Innocent Mike never got his day in court where he may actually been convicted as a murderer or walked free under the claim of self defense. Since he was what appears to me to have been an execution we will never really know. I do not support our government executing innocent suspects.

But thank you Ray for clearing up your support for white nationalist fascist organizations and blind allegiance to government operatives acting outside the law.


Anonymous said...

Careful RayB..calling Mike a murderer might get you sued by his family. He was never convicted and found to be a murderer.


RayB said...

X @ 12:39 PM:

Thanks for your concern X about the possibility of me being sued for referring to your friend "Mike" as a murderer. (Your friend "Mike" admitted in a video interview that he did in fact shoot Aaron "Jay" Danielson, which was later officially ruled a HOMICIDE, so, my referring to your friend "Mike" as a murderer is not slanderous in the slightest ... but nice try).

However, your post is not in vain. It actually has given me an idea that may lead to me being able to increase my financial status. Here's how that may come about:

You've repeatedly called me a "MURDERER" numerous times for not getting jabbed with the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' You've claimed that I have "killed" countless people by being a "super spreader." You (falsely) claimed that my wife & I didn't "quarantine" ourselves. You even accused me of "attempted murder" of my wife, because (YOU assumed, with no proof) that I was the one that passed COVID onto her.
Of course, just for fun, you also accused me of being a "Q-Anon CULT member," a "White Nationalist," a "White Supremacist," a "Trump Worshipper," etc., etc. ... all of which constitutes your purposeful defamation of my character.

Hmmmmmm. Perhaps Attorney Cumbey would like to represent me in a libelous, defamation law suit against X. I'm absolutely certain Constance will be able to track down X's actual identity, and, we have dozens of his inflammatory posts to serve as damming evidence. How about it Constance? I'll even forego the typical 1/3 and give you a full 50% of whatever we make off this leftist, radical clown.

RayB said...

Sodom & Gomorrah update ...

Seattle Police Justify The "Defund the Police" Movement by Arresting a Preacher for Reading His Bible Too Close to a Gay Pride Event

NOTE: During a recent Seattle "pride" parade, completely naked pervert 'men' rode their bicycles while young children watched. YET, in the same city, a man reading out loud from the Gospel of Matthew is ARRESTED. Seattle sent 10 POLICE OFFICERS to the scene in order to arrest this individual!

JUDGMENT IS COMING FOLKS ... God is "not mocked."

Anonymous said...

So you agree being labeled a trump supporter is defamatory and shameful.



P.S. - Mike is not my friend. Just a stupid violent young man much like Killer Kyle who was just as entitled to his day in court as Killer Kyle. I’ve always felt Kyles claim of self defense with regards to Rosenbaum was probably valid it’s the other 2 he shot I felt were murder. Jury felt differently and judge came off very biased steering the jury towards acquittal. Mike might have received same benefit of the doubt. Doesn’t make him my friend or me a part of mikes tribes. Violence sucks and both Rosenbaum and Jay both kinda got what they sowed.

RayB said...


You're already in a deep hole, and you just continue to dig deeper.

I think I'll contact Kyle to see if he wants to be part of this defamation suit against you. Kyle was legally acquitted, yet you continue to refer to him as "Killer Kyle," and, you've done so in numerous, well documented posts.

You've also slandered and defamed the Judge by claiming that he was "biased" and steered the "jury towards acquittal," one of the most serious charges one can make against a Judge. Maybe he'd like to join in? We'll have to see ...

In any case, I think it's time for you to "lawyer up" X.

RayB said...

Pfizer’s Puppet President Biden Gives $9 Billion Taxpayer Funds for Millions More COVID Vaccines that Nobody Wants

"Is there any more doubt that the COVID-19 plandemic, which was used to transfer America’s wealth to Big Pharma with literally TRILLIONS of taxpayer funds transferred into their accounts, has now allowed Pfizer to have complete control of the country by buying the White House and President of the United States?"

And Trump is by no means innocent in all of this ...

"It began with fellow billionaire Donald Trump, of course, in 2020 who strong-armed the FDA into giving fast-track emergency use authorization to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine."

Anonymous said...

Bring it on RayB. I would welcome the opportunity to expose you in real life.

You wanna drive east over to Buffalo and discuss this all in person? We dont even need courts, name the gym and we can box it out like men.

Of course once we get back from our vacation and work trips.

You can fight anonymously under the name Hitler or Fascist Lover and I’ll be the American Patriot.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Ryan Cole is a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho. Dr. Cole's lab processes and reports out approximately 40,000 blood and biopsy patient samples annually. In the last year, the lab had handled over 100,000 COVID testing samples.

Watch: How the COVID shot affects your body...

Anonymous said...

X says...

"You wanna drive EAST over to Buffalo and discuss this all in person? We dont even need courts, name the gym and we can box it out like men."


So, if I remember my geography correctly...

WEST of Buffalo would be Lake Erie. Do you live in Lake Erie??? LOL

(I always knew you were all 'wet')

Anonymous said...

Ok- east on I-90

Which technically runs east northeast along the lake.

Ray knows how to navigate his way over to Buffalo.


Anonymous said...

How can we be sure that the people posting on behalf of Constance is on the level? The Jan 6 committee is an unconstitutional fraud set up by a very demon possessed Nancy Pelosi and 2000 Mules looks genuine to me. I'm surprised that Constance Cumbey would not know that because she is an attorney. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are lying. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump but it is evident that Cheney and Kinzinger are working on the sole purpose of stopping the people from deciding who they want for president. Cheney has failed to mention the crimes committed by the Clinton Crime Family and the Bidens or that Obama is still behind the scenes making decisions on behalf of Soros and terrorism.

Anonymous said...

Alternative "natural" therapies like homeopathy and osteopathy are usually New Age. Acupuncture is a type of ancient sorcery.

Anonymous said...

Here is how I see it...

The Globalists run the world, control the news media, make or break presidents, etc.

They often CONTROL their 'puppets' through threats of blackmail, fear and intimidation.

JFK and Donald Trump have never been 'one of them'... and refused to play their game.

JFK ended up with a bullet in his head on November 22, 1963.

The Globalists have been trying to destroy TRUMP since the day he announced he would be running for President in 2016.

(2 + 2 = 4)

Craig said...

Found this in a YouTube comment:

Baby Formula was just a test run... Do you know what DEF fluid is? It's Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Every Diesel truck that has been made since 2010 is required to use it. It's a product made of 67% Urea fertilizer and 33% distilled water. Every diesel truck you see driving down the road today has to have this product to drive. The engines won't start without it. There are regulators inside the engine that mix DEF with the Diesel to reduce Diesel emissions. That's the purpose of DEF.

Right now, Russia is the largest exporter of Urea by a wide margin. Qatar is second. Egypt and China are Tied for 3rd. Both Russia and China have decided to no longer export Urea. On top of that, India is the largest manufacturer of Urea in the world even though they consume most of what they make. What little they would export they no longer do. They are now stopping the exportation of any and all Urea minus a deal they just cut with Sri Lanka.

What does this mean for you and me? Well, first, the United States imports most of it's Urea fertilizer. We are the third largest importer in the entire world. We depend on other countries to eat, drive and ship our products.

Secondly... Flying J is the largest Service provider for Truckers around the Unites States. I'm sure you've seen their massive gas stations when traveling around the country. Flying J gets 70% of their DEF fluid from shipments via Union Pacific railroad. UP has single user access to the Fertilizer plants that Urea/DEF fluid comes from. No other rail provider has access to these distribution points. This means Flying J can't just go around Union Pacific. Union Pacific is in charge....for a reason I'm gonna mention in a few paragraphs.

Flying J provides 30% of all DEF consumed in the United States. UP has told Flying J to reduce their shipments by a whopping 50%. And if they do not comply then they will be completely embargoed. That would in effect bankrupt FJ. This means that 15% of all DEF consumed by truckers in the US is no longer available at the largest travel service center for the entire trucking industry.

Rome rotted from the inside out. It was easily invaded because it was occupied with internal problems. It appears we have discovered the Trigger. DEF fluid. If this holds up, DEF shortages will be the catalyst that causes food shortages in the coming months. Not only is there a shortage of fertilizer to grow crops in drought-stricken states (See Kansas' drop in wheat production for 2022) it looks like, unless the Federal Government intervenes via the Defense Production Act, ...which I am no longer confident they will....there is gonna be an absolute massive shortage of trucking in the coming months.

There simply isn't going to be DEF fluid sufficient to keep the engines running and moving. Home Depot is now limiting the amount of DEF you can buy in their stores.
I would think long and hard about the decisions you are making right now. Where you live. What you spend money on. How you prepare. This is so real that the CEO of Flying J, Shameek Konar was summoned to a Surface Transportation Board hearing to give them all this info.


Craig said...


From what I'm reading....Blackrock is the majority shareholder of Union Pacific railroad. How is that important? Americas biggest fertilizer producer is CF Industries. Their largest shareholder is Blackrock. Blackrock controls the fertilizer industry in the U.S.. Union Pacific has exclusive rights to distribution points of fertilizer. Urea is fertilizer. Flying J needs Urea/DEF. Blackrock is controlling everything.

The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute is Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former National Security Advisor. Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden. Tom Donilon’s wife, Catherine Russell, is the White House Personnel Director. Tom Donilon’s daughter, Sarah Donilon, who graduated college in 2019, now works on the White House National Security Council.

It appears Blackrock is spearheading the dismantling of the US system on behalf of the Globalists. And the first domino they are pushing over is the energy sector. They are using DEF to get the party started. This is one sector of the biggest downfalls in political repercussions this country has ever faced…

Anonymous said...


We discussed the def thing and flying j “last month. It never happened.

Prices are up but up worked out it’s issues with fling j on April, I think, flying j is not the only supplier of def.

It’s alt right media creati
G panic buying that’s probay a bigger issue.

Typing at pool so sorry about typos.


Anonymous said...

Dedicated to QuaXanon

Anonymous said...

Now the blog needs a play by play of the life of times of an obsessive troll.


Anonymous said...

4:30 PM at Craig.

And Blackrock and Klaus Schwab are tight.

Craig said...

X @ 4:42 PM,

You may want to more carefully the selection I sourced.

Time will tell on this one.


Anon 4:58 PM,

And Blackrock is buying up a LOT of real estate.

RayB said...

4:55 PM ...

He's either "sitting by the pool" in sunny Mexico on an important "business trip," or, he's sitting inside his 1958 single wide trailer with a leaky roof attempting to kill cockroaches with a fly swatter.

Personally, I don't picture him in Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm reading about that too, Craig. the guy is listed here:
No stone left unturned they won't control at this rate. x always finds a way to excuse and downplay the globalists mega moves for control of the masses. What this blog has been dedicated to expose.
Doesn't work to keep people from realizing what they are openly, proudly, doing against free and sovereign peoples and they have made huge strides with O'Biden in office (and in other countries) and through the WHO and CDC and factions of our government trying to make sure we never elect someone against them again with the help of big media, etc, but x's consistency about that proves he is shilling for, likely part of doing business with them.

Rich was right to ask why is he even here.....

Anonymous said...

RayB, It's just another taunt.

What we do know--he is a shrill shill for globalist NWO anything. The trolling is increased, his taunts are louder. Who trolls on vacation?
Why does he bother with this blog, this little corner of blogworld, if he is the hotshot he wants people to believe he is?

Anonymous said...

Tom Donilon and Anne Marie Slaughter 2022 speakers

Constance has written a lot about Anne Marie Slaughter.

Anonymous said...


I don’t have time for thorough analysis especially on my phone but I posted a link weeks ago that indicated the March 2022 DEF shipping by rail issue has been sorted out and this was a non issue being made into something bigger.

I did find this:

'There is not a shortage of DEF,' say nation's truck stops

June 20, 2022


PS - black rock does appear to be pretty shady. Doesn’t it tie in to the Prince-Devos family of leeches?

If we want our democracy/republic back we have to have 3rd party of real Protestants lead the way and ditch all these pseudo NAR Trump Christians pulling our country into fascism.

Anonymous said...

I was right..the Devos -prince family of Grifters

From pyramid scammers to king makers.


Anonymous said...

"If we want our democracy/republic back we have to have 3rd party of real Protestants lead the way and ditch all these pseudo NAR Trump Christians pulling our country into fascism."

So now it's time to begin the re-definition of the term Protestant. Protestants are so named because they protested against the Nicolaitan Vatican.
The Vatican has murdered, over the centuries, MILLIONS of real Christians, many of them for the crime of owning a Bible and reading it and teaching it.
X, get off my side. You wouldn't know a real Protestant if one came up and bit you on the nose. You are a completely phoney
christian-so-called. The Bible says over and over that the saved ones, the redeemed ones, are the ones who fear God, who obey God and keep his commandments.
Actually, you're not a christian-so-called, because no one calls you a christian, except you yourself.
The push and pull into Fascism is exactly what the DNC is doing, not what the "God, Family and Country" actual Christians are doing.
I know it and you know it, but, hey This is your hour, and the power of darkness. Enjoy it while it lasts.
You've successfully hijacked this blog, congratulations. Where would you take us? Back to Rome?
You should join the Roman Catholic empire. I think you'd like it there. You could maybe rise to Cardinal or some such level. It's extremely liberal and doesn't require any morals at all anymore. It's totally modern and progressive now. It's Woke.

Anonymous said...

I hate corruption. Especially when it hurts the poor, and children. However the U.S. deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth. We rape and pillage globally We are a nation gone insane. I seriously doubt there is much more time for the U.S. God has been merciful to us for a long time now. I think serious pain, death and fear is going to grip this nation very soon.

Anonymous said...

Lol, so now I’m too supportive of Rome somehow and not a Protestant bc I’m not willing to sell out or commit to a Maga social false gospel? Since when are such works required of those saved by Jesus? Such “works” make you sound Roman Catholic, not me.

I saw the Maga country, God and Pope party on the lawn, steps and corridors of our nations Capitol on Jan 6 trying to appoint their own heretical millionaire grifting dictator.

The DNC is certainly part of the problem with our country but it was the Republican USSC that gave control of both political parties to corporations.


Ps -all that Rome bashing and you’d probably support killer Deathsantis for President.

Anonymous said...

"Ps -all that Rome bashing and you’d probably support killer Deathsantis for President."

You are the Catholic basher here apostate x, and why you hate DeSantis..because he is a Catholic.
Your hate knows no bounds...your lying is epic because you think everything you think and say and do is gold. You get tons of things wrong--playing stupid guessing games about people you don't know only through some rag gossip you read or make up--so that lying spirit is just in your attitude for starters, then-----you open your huge ugly hating mouth. You aren't God, you don't speak for the Holy Spirit---in fact the opposite comes pouring out of you..out of the abundance of the heart the mouth types----you are the very kind that Jesus severely rebuked when He saw the horrible self-righteousness of the "religious" better than thou types---exactly what you portray.
If you are a Christian I am ashamed of you, if you aren't, it's only what this blog has come to expect out of you.

The Lord rebuke you, in Jesus' Name.

Anonymous said...

Hey X

Eric Prince and Blackwater

Tom Donilon and Blackrock--listed as a partner with the WEF.

Do your homework stupid.
So quick to find fault....but it finds you.

Anonymous said...


Yes. Black water differs from black rock. My bad. Sorry.

It was over 90 today & humid & I’m on my phone so please pardon my inaccuracy.


Anonymous said...

What is behind your inaccuracy (one of many) is an agenda---because you broad smear, and do your hit and run posting to castigate people of a different political persuasion than yourself. How are you always, in your mind, so completely right and others instantly grievously wrong? That's not even possible. Your knee jerks here are posted by a jerk when operating in that vein, as one who can't seem to find the grace to do anything other than cause division and incivility.
Sorry, but the weather isn't your excuse...your cement-closed mindset and ill spirit toward others is the issue. The lack of humility is capital as to why you are not considered a brother in Christ here. You have stacked that deck against yourself. a brother like you say you are and find it in your heart and mind to take things in a different and better stride and see your railroading topics here with such extensive bias, lends itself to more confusion and hate--and--goes further from the truth--not toward it. Your often rebukes of others need to take a rest at your doorstop--see what needs rebuke in yourself first-then we can have something to talk about, but not before then.

Have a blessed day simply because God's grace is great, and it includes you too.

May we all find today, the great grace of God is more than enough reason to pause and lift our eyes to the Lord of heaven and earth....and be smitten in our hearts that we allow ourselves to be so hard--against Him, against His will and His ways, and others He made, like ourselves, in His image. Our words few, our repentance great.

Ecc 5:2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Fret not thyself, it tendeth only to evil doing. — Psalm 37:8
Fretting means getting out at elbows mentally or spiritually. It is one thing to say “Fret not,” but a very different thing to have such a disposition that you find yourself able not to fret. It sounds so easy to talk about resting in the Lord and waiting patiently for Him, until the nest is upset — until we live, as so many are doing, in tumult and anguish, is it possible then to rest in the Lord? If this “don’t” does not work there, it will work nowhere. This “don’t” must work in days of perplexity as well as in days of peace, or it never will work. And if it will not work in your particular case, it will not work in anyone else’s case. Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances at all, but on your relationship to God Himself.

Fussing always ends in sin. We imagine that a little anxiety and worry are an indication of how really wise we are; it is much more an indication of how really wicked we are. Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way. Our Lord never worried and He was never anxious, because He was not “out” to realize His own ideas; He was “out” to realize God’s ideas. Fretting is wicked if you are a child of God.

Have you been bolstering up that stupid soul of yours with the idea that your circumstances are too much for God? Put all “supposing” on one side and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about that thing. All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.

share this devotional with a friend


The fiery furnaces are there by God’s direct permission. It is misleading to imagine that we are developed in spite of our circumstances; we are developed because of them. It is mastery in circumstances that is needed, not mastery over them. The Love of God—The Message of Invincible Consolation, 674 R

Anonymous said...

Undercover coverage from DC abortion facility

The manipulation is sick.
Sick and wrong.

Anonymous said...

additional source for post at 11:18 AM

Anonymous said...

US energy producers roast Joe Biden over gas prices tweet... they suggest is written by a 'White House intern' who should 'register for Econ 101 for the fall semester'

President Joe Biden tweeted that 'companies running gas stations' should simply lower their prices

But the U.S. Oil & Gas Association roasted Biden for the tweet on Sunday, telling the president to 'please make sure the White House intern who posted this tweet registers for Econ 101 for the fall semester'

Jeff Bezos took issue with the same tweet, with billionaire accusing Biden of putting US on wrong track

Craig said...

Well, there ya have it!

Lindsey Graham - Joe Biden Is As Good A Man As God Ever Created

Mark Nowak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Lindsey Graham is guilty of blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

Another Maga idiot goes on a shooting rampage in Highland Park, IL

Bobby Crimo iii is the suspect. Killed 6 24 plus wounded at a 4th of July parade.

Why do Magas hate america so much?


Anonymous said...

Here’s images of highland park shooting suspect Bobby Crimo getting radicalized at a trump rally and dancing with a white nationalist trump flag.

RayB said...

Typical X. X is so full of hate and lies that he can't even see straight.

Here is what the killer looks like ... all dressed up in ANTIFA battle gear. Of course, X the ANTIFA supporter won't point that one out now will he?

He also photographed himself with a Bible in his hands ... guess that automatically makes him a "Christian," right X?

Highland Park Suspected Shooter Identified as 22-Year-Old, Robert E Crimo III, Suspect Vehicle 2010 Silver Honda Fit

Anonymous said...

RayB, This guy's "fan club" page shows a lot of hate for Conservative Republicans.

Anonymous said...


You must be so disappointed Trumps not President anymore so he could give his favorite NAGA supporter, Bobby Crimo, a pardon.

One of the dead is supposedly a Mexican National so I wonder if immigrants were his main targets.

He’s even anti-vax too. Thus Maybe he’s just suffering from MAGA long covid?

(Unvaccinated do appear to suffer long covid at moderate to significantly higher rates)

He also has 47 tattooed on his face I’m hopes Trump runs and wins in 2024 becoming the 47th President.

Beside almost all these gunman are right wing fanatics so unless there’s more than a picture of him playing paramilitary dress up with guns (which is more right wing that antifa) than he’s a lost kid after Raybs own Maga heart.


Craig said...

I post this without comment--except: watch this before it's taken down (and read comments):

zerotwo Robert E Crimo weird vid highland shooter

Anonymous said...

Gossip peddler @ 8:58 PM

Your commentary has zero provable documentation for all your claims.
Back it up or shut up.

Craig said...

For anyone interested, I've a new post related to today:

Art Intimates Scripture: In the Winter of ‘The American Four Seasons’

Anonymous said...

"Let’s endeavor to keep each other alert."

Amen, Craig.

Thanks for sharing that....

Craig said...

Anon 10:38 PM,

Thanks. And you're welcome. We must remember to keep the main thing the main thing.

Anonymous said...

And the video is gone!

Anonymous said...

So, this Highland Park shooter is a 'loner' (how original)... and, of course, he's a big Trump fan?

Yet, NO ONE happened to notice (or take cell phone pictures of) a person climbing up (or escaping back down) that ladder (propped up by the side of the building) to the rooftop in broad daylight?

Does anyone else think that this 'script' smells?

How do you spell 'another false flag'???

Anonymous said...

Maybe all we need is Trump asking all his
sycophants to stand down again.

Would that stop you?

RayB said...

Exposing just another one of X's lies ...

No, Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III Is NOT a MAGA Guy

Anonymous said...


Your staking your reputation on “the liberty caller” and “andyngo” while calling your supposed brother in Christ (assuming you are actually a Christian) a liar?

I think Crimo started his Twitter in 2011 or 2012 when he was 11 or 12 years old so “following” Obama, Pelosi, etc on Twitter doesn’t in any way indicate his political intent yesterday.

I’ll await your apology as more info comes out and his Trump allegiance becomes more evident. You probably aren’t familiar with discord but Crimos was named “SS”.

The second victim made public was a Jewish woman. Go figure.

You guys didn’t think qanon shaman guy on Jan 6th was a trumper either. I know the cognitive dissonance is thick but maga is a violent radical freak movement.

It certainly won’t be long before some antifa types start making reprisals in response which is the goal of this violence in the first place.


Anonymous said...

MY BODY MY CHOICE? Insane Leftists and celebrities scream for abortion rights while insisting we all be FORCE VACCINATED for COVID-19

On the one hand, it makes sense. If you despise human life and enjoy killing babies in the womb, then you would also want people dying from clot shots, also known as COVID-19 “vaccines.” On the other hand, if you are screaming because the Supreme Court is ruling against your “rights” to control everything about your body, then why wouldn’t you be screaming out AGAINST vaccine mandates, where the government tells you that you can’t work at your job, shop for groceries, enroll your children in daycare or school, or even have your child at the hospital, if you’re not all “fully vaccinated” for the Fauci Flu? What happens to “my body, my choice” when it comes to vaccines?

Ultimate hypocrite Whoopi Goldberg says “My doctor, and myself, and my child – that’s who makes the decision” about abortion... so what about vaccines?

Hollywood celebrities can’t figure out which way is up, as they scream for abortion rights while also going “all in” for forced vaccination.

(My body; my choice???)

Anonymous said...

12:14 PM

It didn't stop a globalist 'tool' from following orders to shoot all of those people at the parade.

After all, the ultimate goal is the gun control agenda.

Anonymous said...

Highland Park gunman dressed as GIRL to hide in plain sight after killing six before evading cops for eight hours in his mom's car with TWO legally purchased rifles: Cops probe link between July 4 shooting and his obsession with numbers 4 and 7

Robert 'Bobby' Crimo, 21, was dressed in women's clothing to hide his tattoos and his appearance

After firing 70 rounds from his legally purchased assault rifle, he fled in the crowd and went to his mom's house

He then took his mother's vehicle and managed to evade police for eight hours

The numerical date of July 4th is 7/4 and the next President of the United States will be the 47th

Crimo is obsessed with the numbers - he has a cheek tattoo of 47, and it's emblazoned on his vehicle

FBI agents continue to quiz 21-year-old but they have not been able to nail down his motive

His parents, including his local politician father, have not commented on his role in the massacre

Charges are pending and are expected to be filed later today

His uncle Paul says he was behaving normally at home on Sunday night, looking at his computer

Anonymous said...

Three very 'interesting' facts...

1) Robert 'Bobby' Crimo, 21, was dressed in women's clothing to hide his tattoos and his appearance.

2) Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering on Tuesday confirmed that the gunman legally obtained his weapon. She called for a nationwide ban on 'weapons of war'.

3) Robert ('Bobby') Crimo's parents have not yet addressed the attack. His FATHER Bob Sr. ran unsuccessfully for mayor (of Highland Park) against Nancy Rotering!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like major family dysfunction at the root of Highland Park shooter's problems.

RayB said...

Excellent article ...

An Idolatrous Nation Celebrates “Freedom” Even Though They are Slaves to the Pharmaceutical Cult

PS: Put your life and your trust in the hands of Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and a Federal Government that has protected the 'right' of a mother to kill her baby in the womb ... and did so for almost 50 YEARS!

Anonymous said...

RayB refers to William Henry Gates III as “Bill” Gates. “Bill” like they are buddy buddies. It also means Ray must be fully supportive of everything Mr Gates says and does, right?


P s - I refer to Ray by first name too, doesn’t mean he’s my friend or that I support the lies and whacked out things he says or shares here. I would never befriend a selfish white nationalist liar that probably killed someone somewhere by unnecessarily acquiring and likely passing along his first unvaccinated covid infection. Someone like him probably killed my cousin too all for what, a vaccinated Donald Trump???

Anonymous said...

"TruckPOCALYPSE" Begins In California This Week As 70,000 Truckers Forced Off The Roads!

From WAM: Josh Sigurdson reports on the controlled collapse of the supply chain as 70,000 trucks are said to possibly be off the road in days in California due to a bill that is absolutely decimating the industry.

California is not surprisingly one of the most regulated and taxed states out there and right in the middle of a supply chain crisis created by the state on purpose to push us into a Great Reset “convenience” agenda with social credit, they decide to go after truckers more.

This is quite obviously a controlled collapse.

Anonymous said...

RayB said: “ Put your life and your trust in the hands of Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and a Federal Government that has protected the 'right' of a mother to kill her baby in the womb ... and did so for almost 50 YEARS! “

Replace “Federal Gov” with the GOP controlled USSC.

Really Bill Gates and Big Pharma had nothing to do with abortion so it’s all just a messed up statement.

I actually wonder if Big Pharma is likely the reason roe v Wade was finally reversed…as it provides them the opportunity to sell more patented contraception medicines and therapies. Big Pharma gave their GOP sycophants permission to do such. Wouldn’t that be ironic.

The GOP is solely responsible for 50 years of abortion AND millions of unnecessary covid deaths (with Florida number 1)…not exactly a group to “put your life and trust” upon.


Anonymous said...

6:35 pm

Notice that it’s a ruling made by Opus Dei controlled USSC that is facilitating this trucker problem.

It’s not a great reset, just more underlying of Protestant America. They want you all as hopeless feeling as Craig believing America is over and it’s time for authoritarians to take over.

Our best shot at saving our country is to smash the GOP and/or start a new Protestant third party (like Adam Kinzingers new party)


Anonymous said...

Maybe the guilt you feel deep in your conscience will get you to accept personal responsibility for the lies and propaganda being spread resulting in Parents Irina and Kevin McCarthy being killed by a Maga loser in Highland Park IL in front of their surviving 2 year old.

False flag…how do you fake this?

Hers is Aidens Go Fund Me page:

Is this the civil war you wanted?


RayB said...

This guy/girl X is really a trip. Obviously, X has a very hard time with reading comprehension.

My statement: "Put your life and your trust in the hands of Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and a Federal Government that has protected the 'right' of a mother to kill her baby in the womb ... and did so for almost 50 YEARS!"

X's take on this:

"Really Bill Gates and Big Pharma had nothing to do with abortion so it’s all just a messed up statement."

NOTE: Clearly, to anyone with an education above the 4th. grade level, the point I was making was a matter of "TRUST," and had nothing to do with connecting Bill Gates and Big Pharma to "abortion." Bill Gates and Big Pharma have a lengthy and nefarious history when it comes to 'vaccines.' Separately, the Federal Government has protected the 'right' to kill babies. The point being, these three entities are not to be trusted WITH YOUR LIFE when it comes to the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' and boosters that they are pushing on you.

Yep, I'm convinced. X really does hold a Doctorate (the field in which he has never even given us a hint). Yet he can't understand the simplest of statements. ROFL !

RayB said...

Funny, isn't it, that the "Opus Dei controlled USSC" ruled against Roe v. Wade?

Funny too that without Trump's THREE USSC nominees, none of this would have happened.

What isn't funny is that X's Death Cult Dear Leader Biden and his fellow Death Cult Gangsters are doing everything in their power to continue the slaughter of innocent life.

I wonder why X never has anything to say about that?

By the way, X infamously congratulated JOE BIDEN for the USSC Dobbs and Roe decisions, to which Rich rightly called X out for his blatant LIE ... which it was.
But how can that be? X "never, ever has ever told a lie on this blog" (according to X).

RayB said...

Oh NO! X said the shooter was a "MAGA Trump supporter." X has been caught posting another whopper. Didn't he claim that he has "NEVER LIED" on this blog?

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, ANTIFA and the Occult

Very informative article that is backed up with evidence gathered from his own social media ...

Anonymous said...

"or start a new Protestant third party (like Adam Kinzingers new party)


Ok then, that would be the crybaby poopoo pants party, the CPPP.
Right down your alley, ya screech.

Anonymous said...

X is an Adam Schiff/Beth Moore combo, believing he can set the standard of 'righteousness' to gage society by, is getting more ridiculously woke every day.

Anonymous said...

Again RayB stakes his reputation on the homosexual propagandists over at gateway pundit who fell for fake social media analysis and posts created after Bobby Crimos name went public.

One of his songs is named something like “I am the Storm”.

His mom is Mormon and into new age alternative health crap.

I know you don’t want him on your team as he doesn’t resemble anyone u know in real life that truly religious conservative but MAGA qanon isn’t truly religious conservative anymore it’s just white nationalism Conspirituality.

Your team is made up of he/she’s playing dress up and shooting blacks, Jews, Mexicans and toddlers parents all the while some another Maga faction will just pretend it’s a false flag like these people aren’t really dead it’s all pretend so “they” ( whoever “they” is can do x, y and x)

Again, RayB won’t retract as evidence comes out he really was a disturbed Maga tribesman. Got any more fake alt right media to pretend otherwise? Don’t leave that misinformation bubble and you’ll never have to accept responsibility for any of this.


Anonymous said...

Mental health issues are responsible for what Crimo III did, first, and most.
His family is a very dysfunctional.
He shot a gun to kill and kill he did.
But you, you shoot your mouth off and kill reason and truth and slander people you don't even know..when you post x at 12:08 AM.
You should get a wellness check for your own mental health for that hate problem you have, too.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden has allowed FIVE MILLION barrels of oil from US national supply to be shipped abroad after claiming they'd be released to help lower soaring gas prices

Anonymous said...

At whatever o'clock, doctor X, a follower of the Luciferian Ultra Leftist Cumbey Cult said...

"MAGA blah blah blah, RayB is a lier blah blah blah, Trump blah blah blah, White Nationalists blah blah blah blah blah, Qanon blah blah blah blah blah, Opus Dei blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."

Tune in daily folks, 24/7/365, for the same spin, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. The same old leftist Luciferian spew and spin

Anonymous said...

"X" 12:08 AM

That undocumented pile you posted is your typical, as expected--no facts-all smear-$#!+....
Without fail you spread your malevolence to take your sick and wrong advantage of tragic news to target people who's only "crime" is disagreeing with you...having done no harm to you or anyone else.
Using tragedy in such a hateful way is hate, in and all, of it's own. The merciful will obtain mercy. You have none and you will answer for it.

Anonymous said...

Attn: RayB -- you will find this enlightening if you are not aware of this already but this is very well presented.

TGC is where the inflamed religiosity of "bro" X is coming from.
The mush mouth garble of sloppy agape is not compassionate in the Bible's way of compassion, it is man-centered, not Gospel-centered.
X is unwilling to take the courageous stand of righteousness, of real truth and love from the Biblical stance to speak to persons and to the deadly culture, that we see so graphically in front of us every day, and unwilling to face the persecution that goes with it, but that is the narrow way of the cross we are to walk in fear and trembling before the Lord. He literally hates those who do speak their Gospel faith unashamed or he would not be the accuser of the brethren that he shamefully is. Some ways to share the Gospel are a softer shine than others, some more ablaze, but the man-centered approach doesn't really allow for either. So the 'social gospel' of "reformed" and "post-moderns" is their aim. Pope Francis is the same flavor as they are.... and bad news for the true Gospel, as they bow to the lords of this world, instead of the Lord Jesus Christ to enter into the fellowship of His sufferings to tell the truth, live the truth, and yes, at a deep cost.
TGC's backdoor approach, without reliance upon the Spirit's discretion, wisdom, and real compassion, does not really make room for, won't really allow for, the conviction of the Holy Spirit to those desperately lost all around us, people just as we once were. Thankfully, we were allowed to feel the conviction of sin by the Spirit of God as someone or someones' shared the Gospel truth, that we could see the necessity of Jesus' holy sacrifice in our stead to cleanse and free us, as we should being desiring and praying for others in the clutches of sin and death. If ever there was a time for more holy boldness and the blessed truth shared in love, it is now.
Appeasing the culture, to supposedly win the lost is not how Jesus walked in obedience to His Father..all the way to the Cross.....

Anonymous said...

Was this boy, Robert 'Bobby" Crimo, POSSIBLY set up as a 'patsy' for a crime someone ELSE committed?

Because of the DemoRATS determination to shove their GUN CONTROL agenda down our throats... I am always highly suspicious of exactly WHO is behind these mass shootings... the rush to judgement... guilty until proven innocent... blah, blah, blah.

What a coincidence that...
This boy's FATHER (Robert Crimo, Sr.) ran for Mayor of Highland Park AGAINST the current Mayor of Highland Park Nancy Rottering... who announced the very next day: a nationwide ban on 'weapons of war'.

Why did NO ONE notice (or take a cell phone picture of) this BOY climbing up (or escaping back down) that ladder (propped up by the side of the building) to the rooftop in broad daylight?

In other words, we have all learned ~ from Sandy Hook to Uvalde ~ that NOTHING IS EVER EXACTLY AS IT SEEMS!!!

Just because the media is declaring that they 'found' this or that 'evidence'... doesn't mean that they didn't PLANT 'evidence' on the suspect du jour!!!

In the past, they have been known to plant all kinds of ammunition in a suspect's house... to an entire 'profile' on the Internet... with persons who 'knew' him declaring him to be a 'loner' with no friends, etc.

No matter what... he is still INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY... at least in the America I USED to know.

Anonymous said...

12:04 PM

I don't think so. People are freely going off the rails that's for sure, it is a sign of the times--evil continually is coming right down the pike.
Why the ball gets dropped to prevent these horrific things from happening before these tragic occurrences is something to give us pause though. Fear, and evil that feeds off of fear, are having a heyday right now.
The wheels are coming off and governments and globalists want us to turn on each other. That is on purpose..and they use every tool and convenience for this to happen.

RayB said...

Why is it that the Biden Administration is loaded up with so many perverts and weirdos, as in, too many to count?

Top New Biden Staffer Defended Underage, Gay Prostitution Website Raided By Feds in Jaw-Dropping 2015 Article.


RayB said...

Anon @ 11:12 AM ...

I agree with your post. You make a lot of very good points. FYI, I used the youtube link but it didn't work.

Anonymous said...

Breaking: Georgia Guidestones Explosion Attack! Significant Damage! Police on the Scene!

The Georgia Guidestones is one of America’s most mysterious monuments. The man who commissioned them to be built, remains anonymous, over 40 years later.

Police in Georgia reportedly are investigating an explosion Wednesday targeting the Georgia Guidestones monument, which the state says is known as “America’s Stonehenge.”

Images circulating on social media purportedly show significant damage to the granite tourist attraction in northeastern Elbert County.

The Elbert County Sheriff’s Office is among the law enforcement agencies investigating and a bomb squad has been called to the scene, according to Fox5 Atlanta.

July 6, 2022

RayB said...

Death Cult Dear Leader and his fellow Death Cult Democrats favor OPEN BORDERS and allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in Federal Elections.

Does this make you think why the Democrats are in favor of open borders?

Biden DOJ Sues To Block Arizona's Proof Of Citizenship Voting Law

The Biden administration sued Arizona on Tuesday to block a new law requiring proof of citizenship in order to vote in federal elections.

NOTE: A very brief, basic history lesson: As ancient Rome became increasingly corrupt, its male citizens found a variety of creative ways in which to avoid Rome's mandatory edict for serving in the military. This created morale problems with those that were serving in a military that was already stretched to the limits due to the numerous occupying territories that Rome had conquered. In order to replenish their military with soldiers, Rome came up with a solution; make deals with the barbarians, to whom they promised Roman held 'land' as compensation for serving as mercenaries of Rome. This brought the warrior barbarians, with whom they had previously fought in numerous wars and battles, within the confines of protected Roman territory.

Important point to consider; the barbarians wanted 'land' inside Roman territory not only for the land itself, but to enjoy 'Pax Romana,' the perception that still lingered that provided then with the 'Peace of Rome.' In other words, the barbarians sought a 'better life,' apart from the insecurity, relentless attacks by other barbarians, etc. that they had suffered under for centuries.

RayB said...


In a pivotal move, Rome worked such a deal with Alaric, who was a powerful warrior king of the Visigoths (Goths). During his service, Alaric rose to the highly respected rank of 'master of soldiers' in the Roman Army. After numerous broken Roman promises, Alaric, along with his army of barbarians, attacked Rome, sacking it in 410 A.D. Is there a lesson here?

America's 'immigration' policies remind me of the above. We have MILLIONS of people that are literally invading our nation, most of which we know nothing about. Many are coming here with the PERCEPTION that once they arrive, EVERYTHING will be provided for them, because, after all, 'America is the richest nation on earth.' Once REALITY sets in, and they realize, en masse, that they are NOT going to be taken care of, what do you think their reaction will be?

America is not the 'richest nation,' it is the nation with the largest debt. America is technically bankrupt, and the rest of the world is finally catching on to that fact. How will a bankrupt nation be able to provide for the MILLIONS of unskilled people that have needs beyond our ability to provide? The ONLY method will be through higher taxes and higher inflation due to dramatically increasing the money supply. Think about this; 80% of all U. S. Dollars that are currently in circulation (includes digital currency of course) has been 'created' in the last 2 years. Biden blaming Putin for inflation is one gigantic lie!

Anonymous said...

RayB, Try this one. I went right to it.

The Gospel Coalition Author Responds to Roe V Wade

Anonymous said...

"Death Cult Dear Leader and his fellow Death Cult Democrats favor OPEN BORDERS and allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in Federal Elections."
Exactly what Soros dollars paid for to do the globalist bidding for world change. His Open Society Foundation has been at work for a long long time now and the goal is being met.
Trump had to go to finish us off..

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