Sunday, June 12, 2022

Prayer Request for Constance


Let's please continue to keep Constance in our prayers.  She has had a very bumpy week as she was admitted into the hospital in serious condition.  Today when I talked with her she sounded like she had gained some energy and a bit more like herself.   When she returns home I'll ask her to provide details of what she would like to share. 



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Anonymous said...

MEGA New Age-VAX Cumbey Cult member X, would argue with Jesus about whether or not something was right, or wrong.

Anonymous said...

4:12 PM
Spot on.

We have a very dear friend (from former Air Force days) in Dallas who is a retired Southwest Airlines pilot as of 3 years ago.
He has lost 2 personal friends (pilots) who have died after the vaxx, and he knows of 3 others who are still out, unable to work since getting the jab.
That crap is planned poison. He refuses to vaxx. Us, too.
More power to those resisting TPTB and what they are doing to literally ruin and maim, and even kill off, people and economies, everywhere.

You can have your poison marXist X, and be "happy"...and STHU trying to get the rest of us to bow to your idols..idols in whom you trust.

Anonymous said...

I love all the personal stories of supposed covid vax injury being presented as relevant evidence these days.

They are always about a friend who knows a couple people and his/her sister's uncle who supposedly has some illness now that must be tied to the vaccine.

Where is the evidence these issues even exist or are tied to the vaccine versus the much more prevalent lingering effects of a covid-19 infection or even a break thru infection itself or that these people were actually vaccinated at all.

On one side you have a million largely unvaccinated dead people and the documentation of such deaths via death certificates issued by health departments across the country red and blue states alike and studies galore showing the effects of covid-19 and the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. Even the simple fact most of the covid deaths after about April 1, 2021 were unvaccinated persons in red states. On the other hand you have... "we have a very dear friend in Dallas who is a retired Southwest Airlines pilot as of 3 years ago (who claims) He has lost 2 personal friends (pilots) who have died after the vaxx, and he knows of 3 others who are still out, unable to work since getting the jab.

And I'm not the one with an idol problem. You're the one that just keeps perpetuating unBiblical Trump-based political Maga Qanon lies and disinformation.

You'll answer for all that.


Anonymous said...

Airlines TRIPLE number of daily cancellations: 900 flights across the US are axed today as summer travel chaos intensifies and Pilots Association president calls on FAA to investigate airlines over pilot shortage

Airlines reported over 900 cancellations across the United States by Wednesday afternoon with over 2,000 flights coming into, leaving or traveling within the US delayed

That is more than triple the number of cancellations reported the same time the day before

Over the holiday weekend, a whopping 14,000 flights were canceled across the United States, leaving passengers stranded at airports overnight

Air carriers blame the backlog in flights on rising demand following a lull during the corona virus pandemic as staffing remains strained due to mass COVID-19 fueled layoffs

Pilots, though, are claiming that airlines are over scheduling them to meet the increasing demand for travel

Capt. Dennis Tajer, a spokesman for the Allied Pilots Association, is now calling for the Federal Aviation Administration to investigate the airlines' operations

Anonymous said...

If you'll notice...

X is the ONLY one on this blog who repeatedly uses words like 'Maga' and 'Qanon'.

Conclusion: HE belongs to a CULT.

Anonymous said...

How does Biden and the lamestream news media pull their heads out of their a---- long enough to 'spin' this Airline PILOT SHORTAGE crisis to the still-sound 'asleep' masses?

When the TRUTH and the REALITY is that this crisis is due to these FACTS:

1) The VACCINE MANDATES have decimated their ranks.

2) Through FORCED RESIGNATIONS for those who REFUSED to get jabbed.

3) As well as ADVERSE REACTIONS for those who DID get jabbed.

Anonymous said...

"I love all the personal stories"

Our friend's true life story only backs up what is in the news--that is real news (and you avoid) 5:50 PM moron.

Your personal stories are about you snooping in on and throwing your hefty weight around in troubled marriages and not news worthy. The way you gossip here about people, it is believable that you gossip about the poor people that have had to deal with you. You are a gossip hound in dire need of exorbitant amounts of attention. So between that and trolling you're deep character flaws are a real piece of work.
Preach to yourself.

Anonymous said...

you're ... your

Anonymous said...

Hm. On to something?

x's preachy, pissy, negativity is a reflection that it is him in a troubled marriage. Or very poorly raised, either one, maybe both. And explains why he is entrenched here, camped out here morning noon, and night (while supposedly running a business)....
An easy going guy is one of the last things he'll ever be accused of being haha! There's not enough evidence to call him a believable follower of Jesus.

He needs to be off somewhere on a private island, not for himself...for the sake of his family..and all others, including cats, dogs, and parakeets..

Anonymous said...

6:25 pm - As y'all so often do to me. I suppose your criticism of the way I treat adulterers in my own workplace (employment at will) means you support adultery in general. You are defending adulterers and calling those that resist and call out adulterers bad people and gossips.

Why are you a proponent for and defender of adulterers?

Seems an odd position for a supposed Christian.'s not your friend's personal story -- it's your friend's story about the story of supposed other people remotely connected to your friend by his previous job (he's retired now) who you've never met or spoken to in your life. Maga Qanon liars are everywhere and this guy told you he is not vaccinated making him pretty much an idiot willing to say anything which assuages his cognitive dissonance to maintain such an ignorant position regarding the highly effective covid vaccines that saved millions of lives around the world. He probably also thought a year ago that all the vaccinated people should be dead by now. That's all assuming this so-called friend even exists and he told you anything - you have even less credibility here than RayB (at least he identifies himself when he lies).


p.s. - "alt-right" made-up media is not "real news" as I have shown time and time again how they makeup and/or (deliberately) misinterpret data/facts. But obviously, logic, reason and evidence mean nothing to you.

The [Maga Qanon GOP] Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell, 1984

Anonymous said...

"Dear QuaXanon X anonymous as much as me haha--Your personal stories are about you snooping in on and throwing your hefty weight around in troubled marriages and not news worthy. The way you gossip here about people, it is believable that you gossip about the poor people that have had to deal with you. You are a gossip hound in dire need of exorbitant amounts of attention. So between that and trolling you're deep character flaws are a real piece of work.
Preach to yourself."

You can't substantiate a thing I posted. But I use your own words against you here for all of the world to see what you can't back up but say anyway. It's your take on the "news" also.
You prove my point once again. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Here's a survey that asked about people's own personal history recovering from Covid-19

Nearly 1 in 5 adults who had COVID have lingering symptoms - U.S. study

Excerpt: Nearly 1 in 5 American adults who reported having COVID-19 in the past are still having symptoms of long COVID, according to survey data collected in the first two weeks of June, U.S. health officials said on Wednesday.

Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the United States have long COVID symptoms lasting for three months or more after first contracting the disease, and which they did not have before the infection, the data showed.

The data was collected from June 1-13 by the U.S. Census Bureau and analyzed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Long COVID symptoms range from fatigue, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, cognitive difficulties, chronic pain, sensory abnormalities and muscle weakness. They can be debilitating and last for weeks or months after recovery from the initial infection. The CDC analysis also found that younger adults were more likely to have persistent symptoms than older adults. Women were also more likely to have long COVID than men, according to the study, with 9.4% of U.S. adult women reporting long COVID symptoms compared to 5.5% of men.

The survey found nearly 9% of Hispanic adults have long COVID, higher than non-Hispanic white and Black adults, and more than twice the percentage of non-Hispanic Asian adults. There were also differences based on U.S states, with Kentucky and Alabama reporting the highest percentage of adults with long COVID symptoms, while Hawaii, Maryland and Virginia reported the lowest, according to the survey.

Anonymous said...

7:35 pm - Dear adultery defender.

What does that post even mean? Again you've posted something so nonsensical and stupid that your case, assuming you ever had one, is completely lost.

Marriages are always deeply troubled when a third person comes sniffing around and will remain so until that 3rd person is gone. When the lights come on and they are exposed for all to see, adulterers and their defenders (like you) tend to scatter like cockroaches. They can be real brave anonymously online, but in real life, they back down real quick and disappear....leaving the "troubled marriage" with a shot at working things out. People make affairs or even joining Maga/Qanon cults. It's what they do after that CAN make all the difference. Don't double down on stupid.


Anonymous said...
X's take on the "news" is the same as this infamous "journalist", a guy after his own heart.
Your only as good as your sources.....

Anonymous said...

Touched a nerve eh x?

No one defended adultery--that your bias talking--you ASSumed that tripe.
I can't and won't defend your snooping into people's personal matters.
That's twisted.
You can't defend your penchant for gossip and meddling, nor your self-righteous piety that is smarmy at best, and who knows at it's worst..
Since that's exactly what you do here, it's no stretch to believe that about you, especially since you admitted to it as some kind of spiritual guru for these poor hapless people under your thumb at your "business".
You reek.

Anonymous said...

"On one side you have a million largely unvaccinated dead people and the documentation of such deaths via death certificates issued by health departments across the country" __ "x"
Yes x, exactly, and your health departments are all, just like your college faculty and academic money/power grubbing shills, to a man, following the lead of their marxist overlords. The reporting of the deaths is largely fraud and the reporting of the positive results of experimental "vaccines" is fraud. And the results of the last presidential election was FRAUD.
And you, x, are a fraud.
You have not any, and no one has any, any statistical proof that these experimental "vaccines" are AT ALL helpful in preventing or stopping the spread of the covid viruses. How could you possibly? That would be unscientific and un-mathematical.
How can anyone say that the vaccines have prevented even one case of Covid 19? How?
You can't make that claim.
BUT the claim can indeed be made that the vaccines DON'T WORK. God knows that a lot of people who got the jab DIED afterwards. But NO ONE knows who MIGHT HAVE gotten the virus but was spared because of the vaccine. No one. Not one.
Anthony Fauci has the virus now. He was vaccinated four times. The new data from Pfizer, which they were forced to release,
tells the Whole story. Natural immunity is every bit as strong as the fake vaccine, but oh-oh, it lasts a LOT LONGER.

I wasn't vaccinated, and I am 65 years old and I have a minor case of asthma. I did get a case of Covid 19 but I got over it and have NATURAL IMMUNITY, which is GOD GIVEN, and I am still healthy and in fact vigorous if I must say so myself.
I praise God. Not Fauci or Pfizer, or Johnson and Johnson, or Merck, or Astra Zenica, or your god, science-so-called.
I praise God the creator of the universe.
His name is Lord Of Hosts, and The mighty One of Jacob, and YHWH, and God of lights, and The Eternal One of Jacob, and many many more names has He...
Oh yes I will die someday, and maybe soon, but it will be when He chooses, not when Anthony Fauci, or Bill Gates, or George Soros or your hero Yuval Noah Harari chooses._Or any other person named x, who is too cowardly to identify himself as he trolls and rips into good people with whom he has ideological differences. Your side is the side of violence and fraud and stealing and slander. You don't really even exist, for all intents and purposes.
You are a coward and a limp wristed little self described intellectual.
God and his son Jesus are not impressed, but they are amused at your hubris. God knows your end.
The Lord himself shall laugh at them. He will hold them in derision.
You will fall over backwards like the ones who came before dawn to arrest Jesus. He will ask you; who are you looking for? and you will say Jesus of Nazareth!, and you will fall over backwards at the words out of his mouth, when he says "I AM HE.

Anonymous said...

9:13 PM

Great scorch!

Anonymous said...

"An easy going guy is one of the last things he'll ever be accused of being haha! There's not enough evidence to call him a believable follower of Jesus."

"You can't substantiate a thing I posted."

You give this blog no proof you are a decent person, you leave no testimony as a believer in anything but your dead orthodoxy and your idol worship of government grifters and deluded billionaires.

Anonymous said...

Hey, X

No one has to 'distract anyone' from watching the Jan. 6th hearings. They are UNWATCHABLE!!!

Watching the spin cycle on our washer/dryer is much more interesting.

And, at least we know that our washer/dryer is not LYING to us. LOL

Anonymous said...

Trust 'linked to Bill Gates' is asked by North Dakota Attorney General to explain how it got 2,100 acres of land worth $13.5 Million near the Canadian border when state law puts limits on who can own ranches

Bill Gates has reportedly obtained 2,100 acres of farmland in North Dakota

The land was purchased by a trust allegedly linked to the Microsoft billionaire

Red River Trust purchased the land from Campbell Farms for $13.5M last year

State officials are concerned the purchase may violate corporate farming laws

ND AG Drew Wrigley has asked trust officials to confirm plans for use of the land and whether the company meets any of the exceptions to the state's laws

The state agriculture commissioner says residents are 'livid' about the sale

Anonymous said...

Reminder to LOOK UP!!!

Five planets align perfectly, visible until the end of June...

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible every morning until the end of June in an alignment not seen since 1864.


“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”

~ Luke 21:25

Anonymous said...

"When Jupiter aligns with Mars"

(from the song: "The Age of Aquarius)

Anonymous said...

The Fifth Dimension recorded this NEW AGE theme song "Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In" in 1969.

Anonymous said...


The CDC refuses to investigate

Anonymous said...

What do you hear from Constance? Is she improving? Will she be able to go home soon?
I pray she is recovering well.
This sure has been very concerning.

Anonymous said...

Just what the Big Apple needs! Supreme Court strikes down New York gun law restricting concealed carry in major Second Amendment case

Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Thursday striking down century-old New York law

The law demanded proof of 'proper cause' for licenses to carry a concealed gun

Similar laws are on the books in other states including California and New Jersey

About a quarter of the US population lives in states with similar restrictions

Court decision comes as the Senate was poised for Thursday vote on gun safety

Anonymous said...

The worst danger for Constance, is that she is under the 'care' of western allopathic medicine. Otherwise known as quackery, by the wise.

Her doctor is possibly looking for a phony 'root cause' of her suffering! There are some Doctors out there who know the truth about the New Age vaxx. We know that. Unless you are under the care of one of those Doctors, may God have mercy on you.

Anonymous said...

12:35 pm Hopefully she's not wearing any woven fabric produced using Eli Whitney's evil cotton gin either.

Anonymous said...

Is this the Mark of the Beast? ("No man will buy or sell...")


The infamous food and rationing ID’s have now arrived, with Iran becoming the first nation in the world to launch biometric passports, that permit citizens to buy food and other goods.

Flying under the radar, one week ago Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi announced the nation will prune bread subsidies as commodity prices continue to soar.

The Financial Times wrote, ‘The government will offer citizens digital coupons that will allow them to access a limited amount of bread at subsidized prices, while the rest will be available at market rates. The bread scheme will come into force in about two months. The scheme will later include other goods such as chicken, cheese and vegetable oil, officials have said.’

In other words, you can buy as much bread and goods as you want (while it’s still available, if it’s available), but if Iranians want the bankrolled and reduced prizes on these limited goods, then civilians will have to get the new ID and accept these “coupons.”

May 17, 2022...

Anonymous said...

Jan 6th Committee testimony today from several longtime conservative republican lawyers with the Dept. of Justice appointed/hired by Trump providing further indictment of Trump and his "big lie".

Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney nailed it.

I know you'd really like to stick your fingers in your ears and avoid watching this stuff but no one needs to hear it more than you guys.

Jan. 6 hearing details Trump's efforts "to corrupt" Justice Department | June 23

Anonymous said...

7:56 PM


Anonymous said...

One side of J6 is not the truth. It is only half of the truth.
Half of the truth is still a lie.
Two sides presented are how we can actually hear and know the WHOLE truth.

Two sides are NOT being presented so it is effectively a lie, redundant and overplayed to force a certain agenda.
Dictators are ruling DC, meaning America is over. They killed her. (Right on schedule for the Great Reset)

RayB said...

Death Cult Dear Leader Biden is so far gone he actually needs notes from his staff directing him on how to perform the most elementary of tasks. Seriously ... you cannot make this stuff up!

These are the directions Biden's staff gave him (this guy is the 'leader of the free world' ... in his words ... "not a joke")!

1. You enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants

2. YOU take YOUR seat [It’s good they put ‘you’ and ‘your’ in caps. Otherwise, how would he know who they mean?]

3. Press enters

4. YOU give brief comments [‘You’ as opposed to some other president]
Press departs (?)

5. YOU ask Liz Schuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question (note: Liz is joining virtually)

6. YOU thank participants

7. YOU depart

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk says Tesla's new factories are 'gigantic money furnaces' that lose 'billions' due to supply chain chaos

Tesla's Austin and Berlin factories are losing 'insane' amount of money

The huge factories produce a 'tiny' number of cars due to supply chain chaos

Musk expects Tesla to start production of its Cybertruck electric pickup trucks in mid-2023

COVID-19-related shutdowns in Shanghai 'were very, very difficult,' Musk said

Anonymous said...

RayB, such notecard was obviously a joke. I know u lack a sense of humor but come on, Biden is not an idiot like Trump.

Bonus round: Elon Musk’s son is transgender


Anonymous said...

Look closely. Fullscreen shot shows the notecard so well you can read right off of it..just like RayB posted.

X if you are so moral you should not applaud anyone's child becoming Transgender. But then again, we do know your moral compass is broken.

Anonymous said...

I’m not denying there was a notecard. Merely indicating it was clearly meant to be a joke between Biden and his staff.

I’m not celebrating Musk’s transgender son. I don’t idolize the narcissist adulterer as you all seem to. It’s further evidence of the man’s character.


RayB said...

We Almost Can’t Believe These Biden Notes For A White House Event Are Real, But They Are

Of course the notes are real ... they're in his hand!

Added bonus; watch the tape of X's blundering Death Cult Dear Leader make a feeble attempt at trying to explain the USSC ruling on concealed carry laws.

RayB said...

It's not the first time Death Cult Dear Leader uses staff prepared cheat sheets in order to tell Dear Leader what to say ... and who to pick for soft ball questions at his first 'news conference':

Biden used scripted notecards during first press conference, photos show

PS: He probably fell of his bike because he didn't read his staff prepared notes:

When YOU stop, take your foot off the peddle and put it on the ground.

Anonymous said...

11:02 PM

No. You're caught looking quite vindictive again, X.
You can't hide the nasty. It comes out of your pores and on to the blogpage...without fail.

And there have been notecards for O'Biden that back up how his handlers operate.
He screws up..teleprompter, notecards, whatever...any and every time he opens his mouth.

Anonymous said...

RayB has obviously never ridden a bike with clip-in shoes. You have to rotate your foot to detach from the pedal and it’s easy to just not get it right especially in that instance where you are stopping to speak to someone unplanned. Done a few mini-triathlons in my time and I’ve missed twisting off properly a time or two.

At least Biden can ride a bike. Trumps such an elitist snob and lard butt he’d never be caught dead on a bicycle.


Anonymous said...

11:11 PM


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden accidentally reveals cheat sheet reminding him to 'take YOUR seat', 'YOU give brief comments (2 minutes)' and 'YOU depart' at meeting with wind-industry executives

President Biden revealed an extraordinarily detailed cheat sheet for his meeting

Eight bullet points reminded him when to sit down and whom to ask questions of

It even detailed his departure and advised him to limit questions to two minutes

Biden is known for his use of cheat sheets in order to stay 'on message'

He would regularly using them on the campaign trail and has used them from the very start of his presidency in 2021

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Here is the latest update on Constance's health. She is still in the hospital. She has some internal issues which the doctors suspected to be cancer. The good news is she doesn't have cancer. Constance does need to have some internal growths removed possibly within the next 30 days so there is a path to recovery.

Constance thanks everyone for their prayers.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Regarding the tracking of clothing by the World Economic Forum, Craig has correctly reported their intent is to track clothing from production to end of life. Similarly, IBM in collaboration with Global Citizen has said they intend to track through the Internet of Things bottles of water right to their location. It is not a stretch to say this is to include humans. Klaus Schwab openly states they plan for there to be a fusion of humans with technology. This is far from "conspiracy theory."

Craig said...

^From Internet of Things to Internet of Bodies.

Craig said...


Thanks for the update on Constance. From my own experience, gut health (GI) has an enormous effect on the rest of the body, including 'brain fog', sluggishness, etc. I hope the doctors have ruled out electrolyte imbalance/deficiences, as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Rich for sharing the latest update and good news on Constance.

Our positive thoughts and prayers for her healing continue.

RayB said...

Thanks Rich for the update on Constance.

All of us are hopeful for a full recovery.

RayB said...

Liz Cheney begs Dem voters to keep her in Congress!

Asks them to change parties to vote for her in primary

In the meantime ...

Fast and Curious: Adam Kinzinger Holds Up Eric Holder As Paragon of Integrity and Independence in an Attorney General

Anonymous said...

Dobbs decision was released.

Roe v Wade overturned...finally.

Congratulations Joe Biden.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
11:49 “Clothes that (non consensually) track you” “Controlling minds using sound waves”? Etc. It’s post like that which demonstrate why Craig has very little remaining credibility around here. He’s gone off the paranoid delusional conspiracy deep end, much like others here.

It’s unbiblical.

"It's all just a mish-mash of alt-right new age conspirituality.

Before you and others here confuse me as defending the WEF, I'm not. I just see y'all's conspirituality as the actual conspiracy as more dangerous and UnGodly than anything the WEF is doing (or talking about). The conspiracy IS the conspiracy.


Says QuaXanon the be all end all know it all of the blog! HA!

See Rich's post @ 7:08 AM "Dr X"

Anonymous said...

The glory does not go to Biden x..

Like we already give glory to your government gods.
Just more proof (again) you're apostate.

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 9:53 AM

Kinzinger has shown what he's really made of. DC corruption is part and parcel of what this duplicitous crybaby has become. Lizzy C begging Democrats to help keep her in "power" is part and parcel telling Wyoming what she thinks of her constituents. Her personal self-interests instead of our State's interests are why she is despised here, and was happening before Trump got into office, but she has fully and convincingly shown her true colors now. She's hoping for Democrats to cross over to vote for her because her party wants her gone. I didn't vote for her. I have been ashamed of her....more so now..

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

When people post articles here from questionable sites having questionable content, I give them the benefit of the doubt that the intent was not malicious. I don’t categorize those individuals as “liars” for posting articles where they perhaps may have been deceived.

X’s 10:12 AM post clearly exhibits a lying individual with credibility issues which leads me to question, what is your purpose here. It’s obviously not truth.

I may reconsider the once per week post limit as complaints mount.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jesus - 1

Satan - 0

RayB said...

Only a lunatic would give Death Cult Leader Biden credit for overturning Roe v. Wade.

As predicted, the liberals (all Democrats) voted against life.

ALL GOP nominees voted for life, including the THREE picks by Donald J. Tump.

Justices appointed by Republican presidents voted to overturn the landmark abortion-rights ruling. These are:

Samuel Alito
John Roberts
Clarence Thomas
Neil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett
Who voted to uphold Roe v. Wade

Justices appointed by Democrat presidents voted to keep the ruling these include:

Elena Kagan
Sonia Sotomayor
Stephen Breyer

So, DUH, X credits Biden !!! At least X is consistently stupid and evil ... highly predictable.

RayB said...


Thanks for considering this. I'm sure you will make the right decision.

Personally, I do not mind dissent. But when it reaches the point where he attacks the person's character and credibility, often labeling us as liars, it needs to stop.

My own experience; I have NEVER been a racist (even before I became a Christian), I've never been anti-semitic, never purposely posted false information, never followed 'Q-Anon,' never been a blind follower of Trump, etc., etc. Yet, he continues to falsely accuse me of being guilty of all of these, and more.

He is totally reckless and irresponsible. It seems to me that his only goal here is to disrupt, disinform, and divide.

I've said this before; limiting Christine to 'one per week' while allowing this false accusing disrupter to operate unabated is completely inconsistent to fairness.

Anonymous said...


Are you calling me a liar for pointing out Roe v Wade was overturned and that Biden is the President at the time such opinion was released?

Also...many times I have debunked articles specifically showing how the source (it's often a source of a source since most of the "questionable content" as you called it isn't originally source or reported by such "questionable" content illusionists) is deliberately misstating the facts. Then they post the content again despite having being shown it's a lie. That's deliberately lying. Plus, not once has any of the liars ever recanted or admitted their content is "questionable content" at all. In fact...your reference to it is only the second time it's been mentioned (Mrs. Cumbey specifically called out gatewaypundit, shared often by Rayb, as "questionable content").

I hereby formally complain about Rayb constant lying and unapologetic use of "questionable content". Whether he's lying or "just deceived" its disruptive.


p.s.- I'm wearing an I-Watch right now. It's essentially "tracking me" and connecting me to the internet (i.e.-a part of the internet of things). So that's not the part of the "conspiracy theory" I'm doubting. Any and all technology can be a tool for good or evil. It's the "they" part as though it's ALL part of their plan and its all evil. Further, talking about such technology doesn't confer "control" of such and in a capitalist libertarian society you get to vote with your dollars which products you buy. They can't make you buy tracked clothing unless they sell you on the benefits.

I'd be much more interested in knowing whether Klaus Schwab was roman catholic.

Anonymous said...


Rayb is lying again as I've posted lists of his lies and a few of his qanon posts. Even his claims of being apolotical and not a Trump cultist are ridiculous.

Now maybe you want to give Rayb the benefit of the doubt that he's just deceived but it's obviously more than that and even Mrs. Cumbey has recognized Rayb's caustic presence over the years here as well.

Nobody has opposed Mrs. Cumbey's posts and opinions more than RayB here.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Your lie is that you attributed the overturning of Roe to Biden, not that he is in office at the time of the court's decision. Don't try to play clever word games over your morning post. I've read previous posts where you've said the same thing.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

RayB has stringently opposed my posts the same as you have.

You need to lighten up X and try a little kindness.

Anonymous said...

RayB at 10:45am

So you want it both ways.

Gas prices skyrocket and inflation takes hold based upon failures of Trump administration but since Biden is President's his fault.

Here's the courts dobb's decision.

If you want to solely give the court the glory for overturning Roe than when you read any point disparaging of the previous Roe court's decision add the word "GOP Roe court" as 5 of the 7 republican-appointed supreme court justices voted for Jane Roe having the right to abortion.

50 years of legalized abortion on the republican courts hands.

I see this as the GOP death bed confession of responsibility. Where is the true repentance?

Also -- if Biden had nothing to do with it then voting for him also had nothing to do with abortion either. As I've said before, it has nothing to do with the executive branch. It's always been with the USSC in my (voting age) lifetime....until now.


Anonymous said...


I never claimed Biden was a voting member on the USSC.

My claim was that his election set into action a political desire on the GOP and it's roman catholic USSC Justices to go about finally overturning Roe v Wade out of politically necessity.

Had Trump won -- such political necessity wouldn't have been necessary at all. Texas and Mississippi don't pass those laws and the GOP everywhere would have been content pretending to continue to fight against Roe v Wade as long as such was politically working for them.

When it stopped working - time for more chaos and fear.

(I even notice they drop this opinion on a friday --- hoping to incite weekend rioting, no doubt).

None of this is about actually saving babies. It's simply politics.


p.s. - Note - Mrs. Cumbey AGREED with my analysis. She didn't think I was "lying".

Anonymous said...


I will concede that "Congratulations Biden" ---> was sarcasm. There's really nothing to celebrate here. 50 years of federally sanctioned baby killing is something to lament.

But I do pray for our president (as I prayed for Trump, to seemingly no avail) that maybe somewhere deep down he's happy about Roe being overturned. I pray he is just playing lip service to his constituency (like republicans did for 50 years) and the old pro-life side of him from his youth is overjoyed this happened on his watch.

Regardless, God is sovereign. He's in control and He's got this.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rich Peterson - Medford said...

X, there is a lot of conjecture in your last post. You don't know how the court would have ruled had the GOP retained the presidency.

Again, your first statement illustrates you're attempting to play clever games with what you said.

Also, Constance and I have discussed some of your posts. In particular where you have attributed the overturning of Roe to Biden. She completely disagreed with those statements. She also dislikes the disdain you exhibit towards Catholics.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


I don't intend to argue with you all day.

What I did with your last past should suffice as a warning to clean up your continual combative tone. If you disagree with posts that's fine, people have different views. When I see the posts become overly nasty or sarcastic I will utilize the delete button.

Anonymous said...

11:26 am

If I thought it would help, I would. Just seems odd that I'm the only one called out for seemingly being "unkind".

I don't cuss or use vulgarities here as others have. "Liar" is nothing to the things I've been called. I'm not complaining about what they say or that you should "police" them at all -- just consistency. I just called me a liar about starting with that plank?


Anonymous said...

I don't think whatever you deleted was mine. I didn't say anything combative and all my posts appear intact.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Unfortunately the nature of my job doesn't allow for me to moderate the comments section as I would like. I work in software development. My present project requires nearly 14 hours of my time each day. I will try to spend more time watching the comments here.

I don't intend to censor comments based on ideological differences. That being said, keep the comments civil. I will delete posts I find over the top misleading or disrespectful.

Agreeing to disagree used to be the mantra. Hopefully this blog can return to that.

Anonymous said...


I plan to move on with my day too.

Rich said: Also, Constance and I have discussed some of your posts. In particular where you have attributed the overturning of Roe to Biden. She completely disagreed with those statements. She also dislikes the disdain you exhibit towards Catholics.

First, both Texas and Mississippi passed those laws that made it to the USSC after Biden was elected and in direct response to Biden's election. It's been a concerted GOP effort in recognition that PRETENDING to be against abortion was no longer working for them. That was what I base my opinion upon. Biden's election was the catalyst for those states to take up those laws that eventually got challenged up to this USSC.

Second, prior to Biden's election several fully republican states have TRIED to enact strict abortion laws and failed. I recall Oklahoma where republican leaders got together with Operation Rescue and tried to "compromise" on abortion and then, as I recalled, tabled the bill. There was very little political motivation to alter Roe v Wade prior to Biden beating Trump.

Third, Mrs. Cumbey posted agreement with some of my analyses. Given Biden direct credit as always sarcasm. Like Cyrus, he was an unwilling accomplice versus a directly intended actor.

Last, I believe I have always directed my criticism at the roman catholic church. I have many Catholic friends and even catholics in my extended family whom I love dearly. Some of them may even be saved. Rome and direct secret soceity agents of Rome has always been my problem. I would LOVE to civily discuss Mrs. Cumbey's relationship with Michael Voris. It's such an odd friendship I just can't reconcile in my mind. I know she's not best friends with the guy but she figured out Pat Robertson and his bunch but not Michael Voris?


p.s. - It sounds like a benign tumor that takes years to develop and clearly is not vaccine-related. In your conversations with the dear woman, has she clarified that her and her doctor's opinions about her illness obviously have nothing to do with the covid vaccine/boosters? For others here that may be comforting to understand. We are all praying for her.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rich, for stepping in when time is very limited for you, to put X on notice for the many antics and nasty displays to mischaracterize others opinions and information, that he may pretty much bully the blog, and not really, in honestly, discuss anything. I don't think he has had much regard for Constance's research of the decades or he wouldn't be defending a good number of things he defends here. Thanks for addressing that directly too, in coming alongside Craig's excellent and timely material that mirrors what she would be posting if she was able at this time.

And thanks also for the update on Constance. I will continue to pray for her needed answers, treatment, and recovery. Please relay: Godspeed Constance!

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Homeland security analyst warns shadowy pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge - which vowed a 'Night of Rage' upon reversal of Roe v Wade - will be difficult to track as it is likely a 'loose-knit' assembly of 'anarchists' taking action like Antifa

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Rich!!!

(X seems to enjoy 'stepping on his own air hose' LOL)

Anonymous said...

Putin Announces New BRICS Global Reserve Currency Project to REPLACE The Petrodollar!

RayB said...

X congratulates BIDEN for Roe being overturned, yet ...

Biden DOJ Vows to Fight for Abortion: We Will ‘Use Every Tool at our Disposal’

NOTE: Without Trump's THREE USSC nominees, this would have never happened!

RayB said...

How do you break a radical Death Cult liberal's heart?

Michelle Obama: ‘I am Heartbroken’ over the ‘Horrifying’ SCOTUS Decision on Roe v. Wade

Anonymous said...

Just surprised that 'MICHAEL' Obama would object.

Anonymous said...

Former President Donald Trump told Fox News the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was long overdue but the right move.

Trump said the 6-3 decision “is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago.”

“This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged,” Trump told Fox News. (RELATED: Pelosi Lambasts SCOTUS As ‘Radical’ And ‘Extremist’ While Holding Back Tears)

“In the end, this is something that will work out for everybody,” Trump said.

The former president, who appointed three of the justices who made up the majority in the case, didn’t take credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying, “God made the decision,” according to Fox News.

Anonymous said...

The former president, who appointed three of the justices who made up the majority in the case, didn’t take credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying, “God made the decision,” according to Fox News.

That's right. God can work through evil men and such rights should have never been taken away from the states by the GOP USSC.

This isn't a celebration.

It's the guilty party cleaning up its own mess.

Unfortunately, it's completely for political purposes and we are likely to end up with states and federal legislatures stuffed with uneducated and historically/politically illiterate GOP congresspersons who will take this opportunity to push this too far and hard by banning most forms of birth control along with a host of other "dominionist" social gospel ideas.

I hope not. Matters other than abortion, like birth control are best left as a private matter between husband and wife. As a libertarian, the taking on of Papal orders on birth control would be a mistake. The very first separation of church and state organizations were run by anabaptists and other proestants who rightly feared our governement setting up a state religion (as almost all countries prior to that have and still have to some degree).

From Wikipedia:

In English, the exact term is an offshoot of the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state", as written in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. In that letter, referencing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Jefferson writes:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.[26]

Jefferson was describing to the Baptists that the United States Bill of Rights prevents the establishment of a national church, and in so doing they did not have to fear government interference in their right to expressions of religious conscience. The Bill of Rights, adopted in 1791 as ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States, was one of the earliest political expressions of religious freedom[citation needed]. Others were the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, also authored by Jefferson and adopted by Virginia in 1786; and the French Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1789.

The metaphor "a wall of separation between Church and State" used by Jefferson in the above quoted letter became a part of the First Amendment jurisprudence of the U.S. Supreme Court. It was first used by Chief Justice Morrison Waite in Reynolds v. United States (1878). American historian George Bancroft was consulted by Waite in the Reynolds case regarding the views on establishment by the framers of the U.S. constitution. Bancroft advised Waite to consult Jefferson. Waite then discovered the above quoted letter in a library after skimming through the index to Jefferson's collected works according to historian Don Drakeman

In other words, separation of church and state is a way of protecting religion from the state. The second religion tries to force society to accept all or certain religious matters of conscience over them, the backlash will be great by Godly people who don't want to walk with Rome or any other Maga-type social gospel.


Anonymous said...

Michael Obama
I wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

The States are sovereign, as per the Constitution

Thank you God.

Anonymous said...

5:46 pm

US States are not independently sovereign. For example, Texas does not have the right to just secede if it wants to (just like the confederacy couldn't just up and leave).

This is unfortunate because my idea would be to let Texas leave...then immediately invade them and make them an official territory of the United Somoa or maybe Puerto Rico. Immediately enact a 10% tarriff on any oil imports from the Territory of Texas and eliminate their legistlature, executive branch and courts replacing them with decently run Federal courts and federal marshalls. This would effectively eliminate all their congressional seats and electoral college votes which have crippled our nation for years as GOP politicians have been beholdend to the Texas oil industry and the Houston oligarchy.

I'd also be in favor of a wall keeping them from polluting other parts of the country and make South Padre Island entirely a federal prison.

A man can dream.


Anonymous said...

What a drastic difference between Former Pres Trump's public response to the ruling, and your man, Biden's public response.
But pertaining to the ruling itself, yes, God made this happen today so
I'll let God do the sorting in how this plays out.

Perhaps you should too,X...but whatever.
You can have your sour stomach over abortion taking a real blow today. Me? I'm thankful, (this is only a step but now it goes to the States, and rightfully back onto their plates) but you are not seeing the big picture (on purpose) because it is a mess the entire country made that needed cleaned up, not exclusively one party. It's a spiritual problem in the heart of this country that runs very deep and supersedes party.
Your extreme partisanship is part of the nation's problem because it is bitter, and why you have posted so bitterly, and also why you aren't happy for at least one step in the right direction.
But whatever.
Your bellyaches are your business. You've made this blog suffer your continual sourness. Maybe Rich's warning will help you at least disagree in a civil way.
A blog can dream.

RayB said...

Fine example of X's twisted logic ...

"God can use evil people" so ergo, let's support evil people.

That's the logic he applied when he supported Death Cult Leader Biden for POTUS.

RayB said...

Yep, the pro-death Cult Democrats sure do keep company with some fine people!

Pro-Abortion Satanic Temple Calls Itself ‘Leading Beacon of Light’ as Roe v. Wade Overturned

Sign reads: "It's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven." No doubt, they'll all be 'reigning' as the sign says. They won't be laughing then.

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day for June 24th...

The right to bear arms is in the constitution... but, the right to decide NOT to bear your baby is not in the constitution.

Anonymous said...

The states are as sovereign as they can reasonably be.
Governments ruin everything they put their hands on; whether it's business, finance, education, agriculture, infrastructure or law.
Bigger and bigger government is exactly what the founders wanted to avoid. They saw to it that the federal government would be as small as possible, and the states would have as much autonomy as possible.
But right now our government is filled to the brim with unproductive bureaucrats with their entitled grubby little hands out, looking for more and more of that sweet government money, and their tendency to invite more and more of their cronies to also, like cockroaches, "work" there and multiply.
Kamala Harris is a parasite. Pelosi is a parasite. Schiff is a parasite. Nadler is a parasite. Schumer, Waters, AOC, Cheney, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, E. Warren and so many others are parasites who do nothing constructive but everything destructive, and they get paid very very well.

Anonymous said...

The 18 states which IMMEDIATELY outlawed abortion (including Democrat-led Michigan and Wisconsin) as soon as Roe v. Wade was overturned thanks to 'trigger laws' set up in anticipation

They are: Arkansas; Idaho; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; Missouri; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah and Wyoming.

Anonymous said...


Abortion was automatically outlawed in 18 US states as soon as Roe v. Wade was overturned, thanks to specially-devised 'trigger laws' and historic bans that were automatically reenacted after Friday's ruling.

Thirteen states prepared trigger laws which would automatically outlaw terminations in the event of a ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, which was widely-anticipated.

They are: Arkansas; Idaho; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; Missouri; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah and Wyoming.

RayB said...

One of the greatest accomplishments of Donald Trump, among many others, was defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Had Hillary won, she would have had THREE nominees to the USSC, all of which would have been radical, pro-death liberals.

Trump kept his campaign promise to only nominate pro-life nominees to the USSC.

All THREE of Trump's nominees voted against Roe. ALL Democrat nominees voted against it.

So who did X credit for all of this? Here it is in his own words:

"Roe v Wade overturned...finally.

Congratulations Joe Biden."


10:12 AM

PS: I've been saying all along that Biden is the Dear Leader of a Death Cult, and that those that are supporters of Biden and the pro-abortion Democrats are members of said Death Cult. Just look at who the people are that are most upset about the USSC ruling ... wild eyed abortionists, LGBTQ+++ agenda maniacs, Satanists, Communists, ANTIFA, BLM, etc., etc.

Yet Trump supporters are being charged as being members of a cult? Seriously???

Anonymous said...


If Biden didn't beat Trump in 2020, we wouldn't be celebrating the end of GOP abortion genocide.

We will also find out in the coming years what the cost of turning over our USSC to rome in order to reverse roe v wade, which was provided to us in 1973 by the GOP (and Rome - via William Brennan).

To me this is kind of like celebrating someone saying they've stopped beating their kids. You are not supposed to beat your kids in the first place. All you've accomplished is reversing your own mistake.


p.s. - I have no idea what Rayb is talking about. Either the President has nothing to do with it and anyone voting for Biden isn't/wasn't related to abortion and/or this Dobb's decision OR Biden gets credit for having it happen under his watch (even if it wasn't want he would have chosen). I've said this before, both parties are evil right now, Biden was just the clearly LESS evil candidate to me. The GOP and democrats are both taking us down the same path...the GOP just want to take us there a whole lot faster destroying all American Protestant institutions as fast at they can. I favor the creation of a third party maybe led by Adam Kinzinger, a real republican (not one of those MIQ's - Maga's In Qanon)

Anonymous said...

How IRONIC that Norma McCorvey, who was the 'Jane Roe' of the infamous Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court case legalizing abortion in 1973, never had an abortion and eventually became pro-life and dedicated her life to overturning the Supreme Court decision that bared her pseudonym before she passed away in 2017.

The right to 'bear arms' is in the U.S. Constitution... but, a decision NOT to 'bear a baby' has NEVER been in the U.S. Constitution!!!

Why that unborn fetus has a right to life...
When I am pregnant, I can't say 'it's my body to do with whatever I want'... when that fetus is a 'separate entity' from my body, who is only temporarily 'housed' inside of my body for 9 months (with a SEPARATE heart, brain and soul from mine).

Anonymous said...

"Polio Outbreak" - The WHO, Bill Gates, emergency vaccines & more of the same

Anonymous said...

Now, you can order pizza 'with your mind' via Dominos new AR APP

Anonymous said...

Merrick Garland launches legal insurrection against the United States

Anonymous said...

The Federal Bureau Of Tweets - Twitter Is Hiring An Alarming Number Of FBI Agents

Anonymous said... wall to wall posts, and videos on pro-abortion protests

RayB said...

Is it just me?

I've noticed a consistent deterioration in X's already nonsensical posts. After I pointed out that ALL THREE of Trump's nominees to the USSC voted to end Roe, which tipped the balance of the decision, X responded:

"I have no idea what Rayb is talking about. Either the President has nothing to do with it and anyone voting for Biden isn't/wasn't related to abortion and/or this Dobb's decision OR Biden gets credit for having it happen under his watch (even if it wasn't want he would have chosen)."

NOTE: he's still giving credit to Biden! Twisted, convoluted, insane position. WEIRD !

I've said this all along; Biden is the head of the Death Cult Democratic Party.
X enthusiastically supported the Death Cult Leader over the Pro-Life candidate Trump. Back in 2016, had Hillary Clinton won instead of Trump, ALL THREE of her nominees would surely have voted with the LIBERAL pro-abortionists. Even a 5 year old would be able to understand that. Apparently, X doesn't rise above the mentality of a typical 5 year old.

Anonymous said...

The Satanic, New Age 'vaccine', shrinks the brain. X is proof of that.

Anonymous said...


The MAGA GOP is the death cult.

Hundreds of thousands of protestant Americans dead due to impotent administration of Covid restrictions (like masking and travel bans to and from Covid infected states) as well as ineffective communication regarding Covid Vaccines.

Millions of abortions since 1973 were authorized and legalized by the GOP-controlled Supreme Court (who have controlled the USSC since the 1950's). Trumps 3 appointments didn't matter --- they already controlled the court and simply refused to overturn it because it was working for them politically. Political power was always more important than babies to the GOP.

Endless wars, loss of life and suffering in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Americans dying at rates unbecoming of western society simply for the lack of adequate and affordable health insurance.

Rayb -- your Trump Maga Qanon death-cult will always be more evil than the democrats. That may change because each party is simply a collection of persons with differing viewpoints. For example, the southern democrats used to be the racist coalition, but those persons and their supporters are all GOP now. Both parties will soon be making evil compromises regarding abortion. It may take a year or two but just as I predicted the election of Biden would lead to the overturning of Roe -- so to will both parties be negotiating ongoing abortion rights for women. The GOP really doesn't want urban black, hispanic and asian women having too many babies. They'll need to allow for that somehow, even if its just turning a blind eye to Plan B pills county by county.

Anonymous said...

WHO Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339% higher than risk of being hospitalized with COVID

Anonymous said...

Illinois School Will Require Teachers to Grade Based on Race

Anonymous said...

"The GOP really doesn't want urban black, hispanic and asian women having too many babies."

That was Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton's hero, Planned Parenthood's founder--the mega billions of dollars abortion industry is their legacy and evil and compromised individuals of both parties, voters of both parties have been responsible for the carnage. Obama exported abortion to the world on his first day in office. Look it up.
You really need to do your homework before you go off on a rant, deliberately obtuse, x.

BTW, you were registered and voting Republican (your wife too you said) for a long time before you went progressive, so were you wanting people of color to have fewer babies too according to your reasoning?..because you must include yourself if you are going to judge that of others.

Do you believe in generational curses? Because the Lord said He judges the sins of the fathers on the fathers not their children...each person answers for their own sin. I am not responsible for what others have done. Only my own choices to do right or wrong. Why do you have so much trouble sorting apples from bananas?? Unless it is for the sake of an agenda that happens to be the New Age and New World Order game plan. Why are you signed on then if you think abortion is so wrong?

What you seriously need to do is go back to the drawing board of your own accord, your private personal heart and mind to reckon with this there, not here and leave others to answer to God like you will have to do yourself. You know your own mind, it's not like you are asking've already made up your mind and in that also judge others--but you refuse to judge yourself. That's a no-no. So really you can stop the veiled taunts directed at others because these are questions for you, not us.
Thank God you aren't my conscience, and though you try to self-righteously, even proudly, act like it, you sure aren't the Holy Spirit!!! Get over yourself!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, that didn't take long.......

Anonymous said...

A comment I saw regarding Antifa coming to the Supreme Court building about RvW decision:

"Earning a few Soros bucks for the weekend…beats working U guess…until you get your head cracked by what will most likely be a BLACK police officer…

Saw this in ATL during the Floyd protests – APD black cops cracking skulls.."

Oh the irony..

Anonymous said...

11:13 - Nice civility. Cognitive dissonance is tough to handle sometimes. Feels nice to lash out, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

It's been said that "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder.

That's true of other things, too.

"Knowledge" is in the mind of the thinker.
The Bible says to beware...knowledge puffs up.
The know-it-all of the blog, puffy X, isn't very deep.

Anonymous said...

Declaring the promise of a 'NIGHT OF RAGE' on June 24th (regarding the liberals' reaction to Roe v Wade being overturned) can HARDLY be called 'cognitive dissonance' now can it?

Anonymous said...

PRIDE goeth before the fall, etc.

Anonymous said...

Oh so much nicer than you, 11:47 AM, won't address the questions posed to you, though you are here for supposedly for discussion by what you told Admin Rich of Medford.
You aren't up for discussion???
Hm. Shoe on the other foot, you seem to change your mind when challenged regarding your blatantly judgmental statements against others.

Anonymous said...

Since X is a TROLL... he lacks the debate skill tools which include the ability to form thoughts based on reason and logic.

RayB said...

Death Cult Insurrectionists! We need June 24th. Congressional Hearings! ROFL

Last Night in America: Democrat Brownshirts

"Riots and disruptive protests took place in major cities throughout the nation last night after numerous Democrats urged radical abortionists to take to the streets.

Rioters attempted to breach the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the Arizona Senate was in session."

Read the entire article here:

PS: "Brownshirts" were the SA (Sturmabteilung) which served as a violent paramilitary force for the Nazis. Hmmmmm. I wonder if X wears a brownshirt?

Anonymous said...

Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE against We the People

RayB said...

Satanic Democrat Death Cult Insurrectionists attempt violence against Legislators ...

Insurrection: Anti-Life Domestic Terrorists Surround Arizona Capital With State Legislators Trapped Inside

"A large group of pro-abortion domestic terrorists surrounded the Arizona state capital, trapping legislators and staff. Reports indicate the crowd was beating on windows and doors attempting to breach the building."

More shocking details from J. D. Rucker ...

Anonymous said...

There are bible believing Christians in the world, who also believe in pro-choice.

Since one of the Ten Commandments states "Thou shalt not kill"... how do they reason that this commandment would not also include a baby in the womb?

How is it that they are unable to see a major 'conflict of interest' in their beliefs?

Anonymous said...

This morning, a friend asked me what I thought about abortions in cases of rape or incest.

I told my friend...
It is my belief that, since one of God's Ten Commandments is "Thou Shalt Not Kill" (which would include the killing of a baby in the womb)... the ABORTING (KILLING) of a baby (no matter how that baby is conceived) would still be WRONG.

A rape victim or an incest victim can always give that baby up for adoption*... she does not have to continue to live with the reminder of that traumatic rape or incest.

*The FACT is that currently... there are more couples who want to adopt, than there are babies available to adopt.

RayB said...

12:50 PM ...

How could a person, who has been born of the Spirit of God, be in favor of murdering innocent life inside of the mother's womb? They can't. These types are nothing other than empty clouds that only appear to contain rain water. They profess Christ with their mouths but they deny Him in their inner being.

"This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." - Matthew 15:8

"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." - II Timothy 3:7

"... for many be called, but FEW chosen." - Matthew 20:16

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT." - Matthew 7:13,14

"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." - Matthew 7:22,23

RayB said...

During times such as these, when our nation suffers from so much division ... perhaps ... perhaps a leader will rise among us and speak the calming words of wisdom.

Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad on Abortion After SCOTUS Ruling

Anonymous said...

Uh oh.

He can't handle a measured and truthful response to his deeply biased accusations.

Same crap, different day, from the double-minded, forked-tongued, serial poster at 11:47 AM.

Anonymous said...

How LOW will they go???

Senator Elizabeth Warren is now urging Biden to declare 'a public HEALTH emergency' following abortion ruling!!!

Anonymous said...

How is it possible that anyone can fail to see 'the unborn as people' (since each fetus has a beating heart, a soul, a brain, etc.)...

Many abortions have become nothing more than ritual satanic sacrifices...

Anonymous said...

'She has got exponentially worse this season!' The View fans demand 'out of touch' Whoopi Goldberg to be FIRED for swearing and interrupting... and going nuts live on air

Anonymous said...

Exodus 21:22-25

Anonymous said...

Quarters Minted in 2022 for Lucifer-Five Planets Align-Holy Scriptures

Anonymous said...

Tim Scott is speaking the truth.

Craig said...

For anyone interested, here's a new blog post centering on Olivier Messiaen's chamber music piece Quartet for the End of Time (Quatuor pour las Fin du Temps). He uses an intriguing interpretation of Revelation 10:6 as a basis for his musical conception, which itself is set in both eschatological and Christological contexts:

One Composer’s Conception of Time

Anonymous said...

For Conservative Christians, the End of Roe Was a Spiritual Victory

(Not just a political victory... but a spiritual one!!!)

RayB said...

Biden's TWO AMERIKAS ....

Unlike the 800+ Americans that continue to rot away in jail for 'being there' at the Capitol, these Amerikan TERRORISTS were arrested and quickly released. WHY??

Anti-Life Antifa Domestic Terrorists in Oregon Showed Immense Scope and Coordination on “Night of Rage”

"Anyone who had an emergency that was not immediately life-threatening in or near Eugene, Oregon on Friday night were out of luck because law enforcement was forced to stop answering their calls. Around 75 Antifa Black Blok members were organized and ready to burn it all to the ground, so multiple agencies were forced to respond."

"The level of coordination seemed similar to many of the riots and protests of 2020, but on a greater scope. The domestic terrorists were dressed as comrades ready for war, all clad in black, and with various types of weapons in what appeared to be a precursor to attacking a local pregnancy center."

Read the entire news story here:

RayB said...

Why are they protesting? Don't they know that in their People's Republic of Oregon the Death Cult will still be allowed to murder their babies?

Second Night of Vandalism and Protests Take Place in Portland in Response to Roe v. Wade Decision

Anonymous said...


There are consequences to the GOP making abortion a constitutional right back in 1973.

You can't give people a right...wrap it up and call it a God-given Constitutional right and then snatch it away without upsetting the heathens.

Part of repentance is acceptance of the consequences of sin. You've got to accept there will be some political unrest created and intentionally instituted by the GOP (never about babies... unfortunately).

I do not agree with why they are protesting (again Roe should have never happened in the first place); but, at least it's bssed on something that DID happen (much like Black Lives Matter protesting police brutality and murdering of minorities). It's not a psuedo-christian alt-right prosperity social gospel heretical rioting, beating of police officers and attempted coup d'etat of our nation based on a completely fabricated Maga-lie.

Sharing stories as though they (Jan 6th and whatever protest unrest happened this month) are equivalent is demonstrative of unrepentance for both Maga heresy and GOP's Roe (and Citizens United and Obergell) decision.


Anonymous said...


The right to 'bear arms' is in the U.S. Constitution... but, a decision NOT to 'bear a baby' has NEVER been in the U.S. Constitution!!!

Craig said...

X @ 11:42 AM,

You like to collectivize when convenient in furthering your ideological motives. In this case, you wish to take the poor decision of GOP-selected USSC members (I’m assuming you’re correct on this, I’ve not researched it) from 50 years ago and collectivize it to the entire GOP after this decision was made. Would you import this same ‘generational’ sin unto your beloved Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger? Yeah, I thought not.

If you wish to appeal to your quite speculative ‘Opus Dei’ notion, then I must ask you why you think there wouldn’t be any ‘Opus Dei’ on the donkey side. I mean, wouldn’t it be better to further such aspirations by infiltrating both parties? We all know Pelosi’s and Biden’s claims of Roman Catholicism, e.g.

RayB said...

X stated:

"You can't give people a right...wrap it up and call it a God-given Constitutional right and then snatch it away without upsetting the heathens."

Thank you for your clarification. Now I understand why you are so upset by all of this.

By the way, isn't it interesting that since Biden took office, magically, the media no longer reports (as they did on a daily basis under Trump) white police officers 'murdering' blacks? Also by the way, George Floyd died of an overdose of fentanyl. Contrary to what the corporate, lying media stated, in contrast, the official autopsy report stated that Floyd DID NOT die of Asphyxiation.

RayB said...

How will Dear Leader respond? Will he mandate gay bars, bath houses, etc. to be shut down? Will he force them to 'self-quarantine?' How will Fear Fuherer Fauci react? Because, after all, the Administration is all about saving lives (except of course the innocent unborn).

Here's the story:

CDC Investigates Rare Disease in Florida Dubbed as ‘One of the Worst Outbreaks Among Gay and Bisexual Men in U.S. History’

According to the agency, this is one of the worst outbreaks of meningococcal disease among gay and bisexual men in U.S. history.

So far, at least 24 cases and 7 deaths among homosexuals have recently been reported in the ‘Sunshine State.’

(I can't even begin to imagine that this disease is related to their perversions ... no way. After all, they are PROUD of what they do, so how could it be bad? Love is love.)

Anonymous said...

1:57 pm -- "upset" not really. I predicted it out loud here to ridicule maybe 2 years ago. This collision of politics and the rule of law is fascinating and super risky. The American oligarchy and it's heretical dominionist legitimizers has firm control of our Judiciary. I don't foresee court packing any time soon so this activist court will likely weild it's (political) power of the US in it's attempt to further undermine and destroy American Democratic (Protestant) instuitution in favor of rome AND it's corporate benefactors (also controlled largely by Rome).

Your attempt to gaslight George Floyd's death aside, I watched the video evidence with my own eyes as Chauvin choked the life out of George Floyd over 9 minutes. If it was 1 minute or 3 minutes even while George Floyd still posed a risk (especially considering his size), I'd understand but you can't pretend George Floyd was otherwise going to drop dead and die that afternoon but for Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes. Besides, you are summarizing a preliminry report from the charging orders against Derek Chauvin, whereas the final autopies all stated conclusively, "that the cause of Floyd’s death was homicide: death at the hands of another."

If you want further information about the misrepresentation and gaslighting done by conservatives with regards to George Floyds autopsy it I give you this analysis.

George Floyd’s Autopsy and the Structural Gaslighting of America: The weaponization of medical language emboldened white supremacy with the authority of the white coat. How will we stop it from happening again?

Also, to counterdict your feeling that police brutality towards blacks is no longer being reported as vigorously I want to remind you that the unrest in and around St. Louis that launched the Black Lives Matter libertarian movement happened during Obama's Presidency. George Floyd's murder was not unique but it was filmed and obvious. The regular white supremacist tactics just couldn't work anymore and timed perfectly with Covid (couped up people mad and fearful), Charlottesville and a President that stoked white psuedo-christian nationalism kind of made for an unfortunate collision of circumstances.

The anger didn't disappear but the left did a great job shutting it down before the election. It's a war of optics.

respectfully --- x

Anonymous said...

Here we go again @ 11:42 -- The hyper self-righteous virtue signaling of one who wants to try his hand at engineering society by way of his "social gospel" fervor which always includes blame that doesn't match up to context, casts too wide a net to catch the unsuspecting or those not responsible because these vindictive sorts as this poster obviously is, is not truly interested in justice, only punishment.

The smears, further and wider, to drone and drill on, because the hate coming from 11:42 AM is like an oozing festering, quite inflamed, boil.
Why does this blog deserve to be subjected to the bitter fits of a malignant malcontent?
The very frequent posts all basically read the same, like they come from some type of cultist.

Anonymous said...


It warms my heart when I finally see lightbulbs turning on.

Collectivizing isn't entirely proper and in 10-30 years most Christians could be voting largely for the Democrats or some third Christian political party abandoning the fascism & theonomy of Maga republicanism as political parties are just a collection of people with varying interests and objectives.

As far as Opus Dei. They appear to me to be collaborating exclusively and ecumenically with the alt-right. I think they actually created much of the alt-right and were the funding behind the "moral majority" and its largely heretical leadership. Roman Catholic democrats don't appear to me to be Roman Catholic Reformationists. But there are many secret soceities which, no doubt, some have legs with the Democrats as well. I've never claimed democrats = good. It used to be most republicans were very protestant and the roman catholic representatives were democrats. That seems to be changing on the right. Once the hostile takeover is complete and more than 50% are roman catholic --- will they merge together or colloborate on behalf of the Pope? We shall see.



Anonymous said...

3:30 pm - Posting fool's gold, I see. Bunch of unsubstantiated rhetoric.

We really all are basically on the same side of things EXCEPT many of you felt Maga Trump was a cure versus a continuation (and worsening) of the disease which is U.S. Corporate Oligarchy.

You think the "elite" and "corporate oligarchs" are all democrats. They aren't. Government inaction and the status quo is their friend. Keep us hating and afraid of each other deflects from the real problems in this country.

But oh well.


Craig said...

X @ 3:43 PM,

What in the world are you talking about with this?: It warms my heart when I finally see lightbulbs turning on. I called you out on your ridiculous notion about collectivizing only when it suits your particular ideological purpose in a specific case.

You wrote: Collectivizing isn't entirely proper... (then blah, blah, blah, unrelated, unverified, speculative nonsense)


Regarding you last paragraph, it's ALL speculative with absolutely NO basis in fact.

You've quite the fertile imagination.

Anonymous said...

Dear QuaXanon,

It' Not Working. Your veiled, but hostile, takeover of the subject is pure spin.
It's "christians" of the falling away, as you are show yourself to be, that are leaving morality behind to take up the progressive agendas and narrative and put a religious spin on it. How trendy you are..

You're on notice about your posts, rightfully so, so I detect some eggshell walkbacks in your replies but still smell the rat poison inserted into your unbalanced, unfair, review of people you have ideological disagreements with.
But do feel free to keep beating your dead horses as you beat around those bushes...and give this blog plenty of eyerolls and snickers. ;)

Anonymous said...

"You think the "elite" and "corporate oligarchs" are all democrats."
Are you entirely daft or just wanting to snark remark and pick fights you don't win?

Anonymous said...

"Keep us hating and afraid of each other deflects from the real problems in this country."

X, That's your M.O.
And nobody does it better.

Anonymous said...

"X"'s gaslights have blown their bulbs.

The dummy refuses to understand that this blog caught on to his antics long time ago.
OR, that dummy knows, but is so bent on his ungodly penchant for spreading hate and discontent he doesn't care.

RayB said...

Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S. and Europe

"The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 45,752 deaths and 4,522,307 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines, while the United States’ vaccine adverse events recording system (VAERS) is now reporting 29,031 deaths and 1,307,928 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines."

In light of that, Death Cult Dear Leader ...

While at G7, Biden Announces Plan for Massive Vaccine Plant: ‘Hundreds of Millions of Doses Annually’ for Covid-19

Anonymous said...

Craig said: What in the world are you talking about with this?: It warms my heart when I finally see lightbulbs turning on. I called you out on your ridiculous notion about collectivizing only when it suits your particular ideological purpose in a specific case.

You've summarized Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and the Maga Republican right so well I just had to congratulate you.

I've mentioned before, some of my positions and the way I've framed them are simply mocking the right.

Why do I do it --> because straight-forward calling it idiotic hasn't/doesn't work.

I've been referred to as a Marxist, Socialist, heretic, death cult, racist, non-Christian, homosexual lover, etc simply for not being a Maga Republican. Even J and Mrs. Cumbey got it when they distanced themselves from Trump, Maga and Qanon. Maga Christian White Tribe membership appears to collectivize around adhering to, believing and repeating every Fox News Tucker Carlson talking point no matter how ridiculous and fabricated.

Dems do it too...but not anything like maga republicans.

I was just glad to see someone catching on.


Anonymous said...

4:06 -- I just handed you all your dead cat back.

You're welcome and I appreciate your civility.


Anonymous said...

4:36 pm - "unGodly"??? What did I say that was unGodly? Chapter and verse please.

When you pretend that republicans, let alone maga republicans are good/Godly and democrats are bad/unGodly/UnChristian --- COLLECTIVELY, as Craig pointed out... you lose.

The authentic Gospel doesn't require works such as supporting Trump or republicans.


Anonymous said...

Rayb @4:44 pm

You keep referring to it as though VEARS is an official record of vaccine injury when it's really just a collection of events that may or may not be related to the vaccine at all which, evidently, has not revealed any signals showing significant injuries at all beyond what is to be expected within a massive population of vaccinated individuals.

To put it in your vernacular -- it's a nothing-burger.

12 BILLION shots have been administered -- 5,000,000 adverse reations, many on the same persons, listing minor irritations and annoyances largely, like sore arms or diarrhea just don't compare to saving millions of lives.


The numbers you quote aren't truly scary and are an indication of the success of the covid vaccine, not its failure as you imply.

Anonymous said...

"ungodly penchant for spreading hate and discontent"
You're going out of context again.
It's not your's your bad, uncivil, behavior. Naturally you made it about that when I didn't...You lose.
Ahem, Chapters and verses for that incivility in your posts are all over the Bible.
Try living what you preach for once.

Anonymous said...

These U.S. companies will cover travel costs for employees who need an abortion...

Craig said...

X @ 5:12 PM,

If you keep spinning as much as you are, you're going to get perpetual vertigo.

Now you’re gaslighting me, as you claim that the claim you made really isn’t yours, but a reframing to mock others here. Yeah, right.

You've made the claim on more than one occasion that it was the GOP USSC appointees that passed Roe, and you've then claimed that it was GOP Opus Dei appointees—to support your pet conspiracy theory—that overturned Roe in order to further whatever it is you think this Opus Dei is putting forth. Adding the collectivization is the icing on your conspiratorial cake.

It’s YOUR conspiracy theory. Eat it.

And all at the same time, you credit Biden with overturning Roe.

Pretzel logic. (Where DID you get those shoes?)

Anonymous said...

X @ 5:12 PM said

"Even J and Mrs. Cumbey got it when they distanced themselves from Trump, Maga and Qanon"

You are basically insane X, and to put it euphemistically, J and Constance are not exactly mentally stable.

So no credibility from you three.

Anonymous said...

Ghislaine Maxwell on Suicide Watch

Has the government decided to kill at this time, with all the civil unrest going on now?

Anonymous said...

Biblical swarms of insects in Oregon...

In 2021 alone, Oregon agricultural officials estimate 10 million acres of rangeland in 18 counties were damaged by grasshoppers and Mormon crickets (which are cannibalistic and will feast on each other, dead or alive, if not satiated with protein).

Anonymous said...

Since X is 'hair-on-fire' OBSESSED over QAnon, no doubt he has been anxiously awaiting today's update with bated breath. LOL

This latest information must not be that 'confidential' since the Daily Mail is read every single day by millions all over the world.

(Oh, and by the way... I don't know anyone on this blog who believes that JFK, Jr. is still alive.)

Anonymous said...

7:42 PM Sorry, but that is totally untrue.
You should apologize.

RayB said...

How far are we from Sodom & Gomorrah??? How far from God's wrath???

Nightmare Bombshell: Children Paraded With Naked Men Through Streets of Seattle — The Pedophiles Are Out of the Closet!

God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. - Psalm 7:11

Pray for the destruction of God's evil enemies!

Anonymous said...

9:42 PM

It is true

Anonymous said...

Just so ya know 6:26 PM.....
Your loud and long support of MarXist BLM/Antifa and the violence they perpetrate on people is posted all over this blog.
Your love of extended heavy-handed governmental overreachs, from masks to vaccines and beyond are the work of Socialist Communistic Globalists, all with your complete approval to punish regular people who do not agree and do not comply.
Your hatred and accusations of the brethren in the Lord's Church (which does include many Catholic folks-not their hierarchy) is breathtakingly bad. Your orthodoxy is dead because your malice killed it.

Craig said...

Very eye-opening on a number of levels!

Lab mice with long telomeres skew drug safety testing (from Livestream #131)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

One must read between the lines a bit.

Anonymous said...

Liberals' heads are exploding all over the place...

AOC suggests conservative SCOTUS justices should be IMPEACHED because 'they lied' about Roe v. Wade in confirmation hearings.


And they blame Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who decided to not retire during the Obama administration when she could have been replaced with a liberal justice... only to die at the age of 87 in September 2020 during the TRUMP administration.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I talked with Constance Sunday morning as she was preparing to be released from the hospital. There are issues which continue to need attention over the next few weeks, however, there is a plan for recovery. She sounded positive and more like her usual self.

RayB said...

Great news Rich ... thanks for keeping us informed.

Anonymous said...

Photo of U.S. President Joe Biden huddled in close conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron at the G7 in Munich


G7 leaders touch down in Munich on the eve of key summit... are greeted by 4,000 eco protesters

Photo of French President Emmanuel Macron & his wife Brigitte


Antichrist in waiting? 22 reasons why Emmanuel Macron COULD in fact be the Antichrist

RayB said...

MonkeyPox Vaccine Has HIGHER Rates of Heart Disease Side Effects than COVID Vaccines and the CDC Wants to Inject them Into Your Children

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this good news about Constance, Rich... an answer to all of our prayers.

Anonymous said...

The plan is to vaccinate us to death!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

WARNING: Biden Administration Corrupting U.S. Military To Use Against Americans

Anonymous said...

President Biden And Abortion Enthusiasts Have Been Lying To You Since Friday's Roe Ruling

Anonymous said...

More Warnings that Biden Hiding His Plans to Steal the 2022 Midterm Election

Anonymous said...

More new age homosexual agenda Gateway Pundit lies.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're just deceived.


Anonymous said...

Oh, but of course... X is never deceived is he?

Anonymous said...

Happy for Constance and continue to pray for her journey back to health..
Thanks for letting us know.

Anonymous said...

Time for the Dems to provide a distraction in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

January 6 committee schedules surprise hearing TOMORROW to unveil 'recently obtained evidence'???

Anonymous said...

Multiple people feared dead in Amtrak train derailment near Kansas City, Missouri

(Second accident within the past two days.)

Anonymous said...

Memo to all of those angry liberals running around with their hair on fire, threatening to leave this country, and renounce their citizenship...

Video: Abortion Laws Worldwide Are More Restrictive Than In The U.S.

Anonymous said...

New Age Death Shot Cult member X. Here is something that is relevant to your insanity.

Are Your COVID injected Friends and Family Members Brain Damaged?

Anonymous said...

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Anonymous said...

6:56 pm

Dr. Dumbpenny is probably the brain-damaged she reveals her deceived state right in her opening paragraph when she claims....

The list of complications, conditions, and diseases resulting from the COVID shots is nearly endless and can affect any organ system in the body. Pfizer knew. Here’s their document. Look at the last 8 pages at the list of more than 1100 serious side effects and life-threatening illnesses Pfizer knew would happen to those who took even ONE shot. And the FDA gave them a pass, approving the shot with an Emergency Use Authorization, so they could not be sued.

The 9-page, not 8-page "list" she refers to is not a list of "complications, conditions and diseases" associated with the covid vaccine; but, rather, a lengthy list of potential issues, complications, conditions and diseases which will comprise, at length, the Pfizer study will be monitoring for.

If Dr. Dumbpenny wasn't brain damaged she might have read Page 16 of the very Pfizer document she linked where it clearly indicated this list was a list of potential "adverse events of special interest" and not anything they "knew would happen".

3.1.3. Review of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs)

Please refer to Appendix 1 for the list of the company’s AESIs for BNT162b2.

The company’s AESI list takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from the following expert groups and regulatory authorities: Brighton Collaboration (SPEAC), ACCESS protocol, US CDC (preliminary list of AESI for VAERS surveillance), MHRA (unpublished guideline).

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

The AESI list is comprised of MedDRA PTs, HLTs, HLGTs or MedDRA SMQs and can be changed as appropriate based on the evolving safety profile of the vaccine.

(Emphasis mine)

In fact, Table 7 of the report actually provides the results of the study as a summary review of cumulative cases within AESI categories in the Pfizer safety database. Although this is distinct from safety signal evaluations which were conducted and included, as appropriate, in the Summary Monthly Safety Reports submitted regularly to the FDA and other Health Authorities.

If you need help with understanding this at all yourself due to any nagging long covid mental issues you may be struggling with due to lack of being properly vaccinated just let me know and I'll try to explain any such issues in greater detail.


Anonymous said...

X is an example of what is meant by the saying...

'None are so BLIND as those who cannot SEE'

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Warren and AOC call for Biden to set up 'emergency' abortion clinics on federal lands - including national parks - but Kamala says administration is 'not discussing' the idea right now and would rather wait until midterms are over

Anonymous said...

Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger who was in charge of securing the Capitol on January 6 dies suddenly - just one day before the Capitol riot committee is set to call surprise hearing to present 'newly uncovered evidence'

Anonymous said...

The Democrats have had 50 years to pass legislation over abortion. They have known since the day Rowe v Wade was originally determined that that it was at risk of being overturned by a more realistic and legally based interpretation of the constitution. Now that has occurred and the right to make decisions on abortion laws have been returned to the elected representatives of the people in each state rather than having activist judges make up rights that do not exist in the words of the constitution. This is actually called democracy which is why the Democrats hate it.

Anonymous said...

It's weird how make believe 'doctor', X, is so much smarter than those with real Doctorates.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Labels the Supreme Court an "Extremist" Body That "Punishes" the American People

Anonymous said...

Since WHEN is French President Emmanuel Macron in charge??? Hmmm . . .

Macron is overheard warning Biden that UAE and Saudi Arabia cannot pump more oil as EU scrambles to replace millions of barrels from Russia that it vowed to ban by 2023.

Macron pulled Biden aside for a chat during G7 leaders' summit in Germany.

He was caught warning the UAE and Saudis cannot replace shortfall in oil that will be caused when EU ban on Russian barrels comes into effect in 2023.

Biden's security adviser then interrupted to warn the two men to move inside.

Macron's words will spark fears of further energy and fuel price rises in winter.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Pelosi's friend, Vicar of Satan, pope francis, is upset with the "Extremist" U.S. Supreme Court?

Never a good day at the Vatican when the blood flow slows!

Anonymous said...

"If you need help with understanding this"

What x knows best is how to love and force the jab--but also the multiple types of jabs that the mega parasite government and the billionaire elites love to dominate people with...stick it to 'em is x's globalist motto.

And he's so convincing to make people want to join in ;)
As charming as a bad case of hemorrhoids...

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM
The Dems hate anyone's sovereignty, except their own.
Rules for thee but not for me is their only form of governing.

RayB said...

Everyone should take the time to read Dr. Tenpenny's article entitled:

"Are Your COVID-injected Friends and Family Members Brain Damaged?"

(posted by Anonymous @ 6:56 PM) Again, here is the link:

NOTE: Dr. Tenpenny has been on top of this from the very beginning. She is a genuine hero, as well as other medical professionals like her that risked their careers in a sincere effort to save lives. (Dr. Tenpenny also happens to be a Christian).

Anonymous said...

Roe v Wade decision brings us CLARITY on the LUCIFERIANS running the abortion child sacrifice cult

It’s all the same pool now: the left-wing vaccine pushers, abortion instigators, LGBT indoctrinators, child groomers, transgender genital mutilators, pedophiles and luciferians… they have become a homogenized group of death cult practitioners who feed on children while working to destroy every Christian person or pro-life on planet Earth.

Anonymous said...


This is why I struggle giving you the benefit of the doubt when you re-post articles like quack Dr. Tenpenny, that I've already debunked and demonstrated are based upon clear lies.

Again...her opening paragraph links to a Pfizer document that she says indicates Pfizer knew something when the source document itself clearly doesn't say that at all. She's either lying or deceived. Based on her grifting history I predict she's lying.

Further, her continuing premise is largely that as we learn Covid 19 itself causes a, b and c, then the covid vaccine can do the same thing.

In other words, there's no evidence that the vaccine has caused this damage other than the fact some persons who had covid itself (like Rayb and others here) are suffering from it.

With the vaccine it's hypothetical

With Covid infection itself it's real

More reason to have received the Covid vaccine in 2021 and not risked killing your friends, family and loved ones or just becoming brain damaged.


Anonymous said...

10:21 am -- You're probably smarter than new age Quake "Dr." Tenpenny too. It's not like it's hard.

Anonymous said...


I haven't researched it but I guarantee you quack Doctor and misinformation murderer Dr. Tenpenny is not a Christian.

You just can't lie to that extreme solely for profit and fame while such lies killed 1000's of Americans and others around the world and be a genuine Christian.

There's no fruit there.

There's hope...maybe she'll repent and recant her lies and expose her murderous industry of misinformation. But the consequences of her sins are inescapable.


Anonymous said...

So says New Age Death Shot Cultist X, in his 11:53 AM post.

You're such a faithful marXist X

Anonymous said...

New Age Luciferian X says Dr. Tenpenny is not a Christian. So she must really be a Christian then!

Thanks for clearing that up X.

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